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FRIDAY, FEBRUARY T, »M PAGE EIGHTEEN lianrlifater lEvftttos H^ralb Arerage Daily Net Preas Rm The We For the WMk Ended - r eeeeMt eg P. G We February 1,196« ^ The Connecticut Opticiane H m VFW Post wUl aponsor a M eeting Slated Fertljr mmmy aiaifereenr tUe aii- A bout Town AaaodaUon wUl present a sporte Valentine dance Saturday from Doctors to Hear Police Arrests 1 3 ,8 9 9 to jo B ^ nlg^ program at the Tenkee 9 p.m. to ' l a.m. Charlie Var-< By AL Women SUversmith, Wallingford, on rick and hia orchestra will pro­ Tufts Professor Member of the Audit A.8.C. Peter Freitnan of the Feb. 26. Dinnw wiU be at 7 vide the music. Lieonird C. BjoiT^man, 18, of Bureau of Circulation t M t Meer devetopfng by* evMleg. United States Air Force, son of p.m. Rick Forzano, bead foot* Dr. Ooimt Oibsen Jr., profes­ 87 Honhtor 8L, last night was "Mrs. Edward Walters, presi­ M m eh a a ter-^A C ity o f VUiagm Charm Capt. James A- Peterson of c h a it ^ with larceny. Police the Rev. and Mrs. Karlla Frei- iMll coach at the University of sor of preventive medlelns at dent of the American Lep®" ntaids, 21 Garden St., recently Connecticut, will be guest the United States Air Force, said hubcaps, matching the de­ Auxiliary, and Mrs. J. F. Wai- graduated from a technical speaker. Biulco F. Reale, pro­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Tufts University, chief Of staff scription td those taken earlier lett, acting secretaiTr, will VOL. LXXXm, NO. 110 (TEN PAGES—TV SECTION—SUBURBU TODAY) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1964 (CaoeeHM AdvertMog aa Page t) PRICE SEVEN CENTS training course at Greenville gram chairman, ia in charge of Petoiwm, Rt. 87, Columbia, has and chief of home medical serv­ in the. evening, from a purbed tend the annual national securi­ Air Force Base, Mies., and has arrangements. been reassigned to Hickam Air ice at the Boetpn Dispensary, ear at Center Motor Salee, 684 ty conference and dinner of the been reassigned to Halm Air Force Base, Hawaii, for a tour Boston, Mass., will speak at Center St, were found in Department of Connecticut Force Base, Gennany. Miss Sheila Graham, daughter of duty with a Military A 1 r Manchester Memorial Hoepital Bjorkman’s car, and that his Saturday at 7 p.m. at the Motel of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer W. Gra­ Transport Service unit. He had Tuesday at noon. I car matched the deecriptlon of Stratfleld, Bridgeport. U.S. Skiers Events ham, 44 Bunce Dr., and a senior been statlonad at Scott Air Dr. Gibson’s talk, entitled a car reported seen about 9 p.m. Other members of the De­ psychology major at the Univer­ Force Base, III. “The Challenge of Home Care at the car lo t Bjorkman. posted partment’ attending from Man­ sity of Hartford, has been re­ to the Community Hospital,” a 1100 bond, and will appear chester are Mrs. Wilber Little, in Circuit Court 12, Manchester, Homemade In State U.S. Asks Allies Aid elected president of Phi Sigma First Friday Adoration ser­ will be given in the hospital Department chaplain; Mrs. Will Firsts N a w Oii, a social sorority at the vices will be conducted tonight board room to the medical staff Feb. 24. Henry Pesslni, Department mu­ University. She is also chair­ at 7:30 in St. James’ Church. as part of Manchester Memor­ Leroy R. Brown, 21, of Cov­ sic chairman, and Miss Barbara man of the Publications Com­ ial’s educational program under entry, last night was charged Wallett, First District secre­ with diareganUng a state traf­ RAVIOLI In Slalom 2 Deaths Added FUEL OIL mission. Lt. Thomas S. Juros of the which lectures and conferences tary. United States Air Force, son of are held daily. fic control (nq. passing) sign. FRESH OR FROZEN Thomas J. McNally Jr., a Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Juros, 68 Besides the staff physicians, The onsight violation occurred INNSBRUCK Austria In Inquiry on ® ^ 1 4 V 2 C ® ^ hospital corpsman second class representatives of the. Manches­ on E. Middle TpkS. Brown was In Squeeze on Cubans Branford St., has entered pilot (AP)—A pair of 20-year- and son of Mr. and' Mrs. Thom­ training at Williams Air Force ter Homemakers’ Service and ordered to appear in Circuit flea our complete eeloctlon of doz. 3 0 c Rogers’ Babies as J. McNally, 72 Greenwood Base, Ariz. After the year-long Goes to Italy the Manchester Public Health Court 12, Manchester, Feb. 24. old daredevils of the ski Dr., and Gerard L. LeBlanc, an fresh, d^dom course, he will be awarded the Miss Jo-Linda C. Leib, daugh­ Nursing Association have been slopes, Billy Kidd, Stowe, RfXJKVILLB (AP) — Maine electronics technician seaman silver wings of a pilot. invited to'attend. TRANSPORT BILL LAUDED H.PASQUALIHI .. Vt., and Jim Heuga, Tahoe GASH SAVINGS and son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerard ter of Mr. and Mrs. Heibert S. WASHINGTON (AP) — A State Police say they are in­ Jolmson Says Leib of 74 Green Manor Rd., Under Dr. Gibson’s guidance, City, Calif., won two more vestigating two additional child I T TO N. LeBlanc, 286 Bidweil St., the Home Medical Service has transportation bill ai>proved by TEL 644^604 both of the United States Navy, Ruth Circle of Emanuel Lu­ will sail from New York on medals for the United deaths in the case of Mrs. Nora theran Church Women will meet developed into one of the lead­ the House Commerce Commit­ 246 Avery S t, Wepping are participating in Operation Monday bound for Italy. ing units of its kind in the tee is "the most far-reaching States today with a 2-3 fin­ Rogers, 29, o f Hazardvllle. We Won’t Use Springboard while serving Monday in the reception room She is one of 65 student<> CANDIES She is-being held in the death of the church. The Rev. C. country. It provided medfeal step in 30 years to help the ish in the men’s $lalom race aboard the anti-submarine war­ from 15 American colleges who care fpr patients requiring transportation industry,” Rep. of four of her children and has fare carrier, USS Lake Cham­ Henry Anderson, pastor, will will spend a semester In Italy, of the ninth winter Olym­ been specifically charged with lead a discussion on faunily re­ house calls and those unable Abner W. Sibal, R-C6nn., said Cuban Water plain, in the Caribbean. studying at Italian universities to attend clinics. yesterday the bill would end pic games. / manslaughter in .the death of lations and Christian home life. under a Syracuse University They were the first/m edala her seven-month-old daughter, PER ’The Manchester Homemaker federal regulation of railroad WASHINGTON (AP) — The GALLON Loyal Circle of Kings Daugh­ Mrs. Norman Gerhart will lead sponsored plan. ever v/on by American Alpi;'.e Barbara Ann, in 1960. the devotions. Mrs. Keith Car- Service formed last fall after freight rates on agricultural United States is appealing to ters will meet Monday at 7:46 Miss Leib, an education-ma­ a survey by the Manchester and certain bulk commodities men skiers, although U-.S. wom­ Connecticut and Maine police p.m. in the Fellowship Room riere and Mrs. Roderick Mac- Quinn’s Pharmaey en have captured nine since the are now probing the deaths of Allied governments to join in Lean are In charge of refresh­ jor jimlor at Syracuse, will live Public Health Nursing Associa­ and would subject railroads to Ughtening an economic noose of Center Congregational tion showed a need for an 878 MAIN ST. big-ice and snow carnival be­ six of the 10 known Rogers FUEL OIL ments. with an Italian family and will the antitrust laws. around Cuba following Presi­ Church. Mrs. Samuel Wilson agency to place trained women gan in 1924. children. study at the University of State Police Maj. Samuel dent Johnson’s decision to sep and Mrs. Frank Anderson will Florence. workers in homes where a fam­ Josef .(Pepl) SUegler main­ be co-hostesses. Officers of the Italian Amer­ Rome said yesterday the Maine a rate the Guantanamo naval She is a 1961 graduate of ily’s routine is intemhtted by tained Austria’s 12-year domi­ COOPERATIVE ican Club will meet tonight at nation of the slalom specialty deaths were those of a prema­ base completely from the Cuban Manchester High school, ana illness or disability. economy and water supply. Oil. ( OMP.\NY Manchester Philatelic Society 7:30 at the clubhouse. I by rocketing dow;: the two ture oaby bom to Mrs. Rogers will meet Tuesday at 7 :30 p.m. has bMn on the dean’s Ust at , courses on Birgitzkoepfl - in 2 before her marriage and Cecil Johnson In effect told Cuba to SINTT, 1M5 keen its water. BKOAD STREET at North Methodist Church, 300 The Rev. John D. Hughes of Syracuse each semester. : minutes, 11.13 seconds. Melvin Rogers, who .was bom TEL. fil.l-l.I.SS Parker St. George Corcoran will St. Mary’s Episcopal Church The group wlU hold orienta­ May 16, 1953 and died Sept. 11, The pre.sidential decision was tion classes in the Italian I Kidd, who has spent his lei­ announced by the State Depart­ discuss ASDA highlights of 1963. will be in charge of radio broad­ THROW IEM| sure time skiing all over the 1953 in Milo, Maine. language, while aboard ship, ment Friday night after a day­ casts sponsored by the Man­ DONT A iyA Y ! world, rallied from sixth place chester Ministerial Association and will study six Libeiral Arts long series of conferences on Still plenty of wear Ie_. 85 East Center St. after the first run to grab the Tax Checks Mailed how the United States should rC' on Station WINF Sunday at courses wMle in Italy, three in COIN OPERATEC Prince Carlos de Borbon y Parma In yoiu* ehoee when yov At Summit St. silver second - place medal in HARTFORD (AP) — Checks act to Prime Minister Fidel 7:35 p.m. and dally next week Italian, three in EngliMi. WASH-’N-DBY CLEAN 2:11.27. have them rebuilt iq , 11 MAPLE ST. , totaling $8,402,001 in federal in­ Castro’s action Thursday in cut­ at 7:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. WEEKEND CASH AND CARRY SPECIAL Heuga, 146-pound student at professional shoe repi I Across From First NotloMl| come tax refunds have been ting the fresh water supply to shop. ALL WOBl the University of Colorado, un­ the naval base. Members of the Verplanck Store Parking Lot mailed to 56,632 ConnecUcut GUARANTEED! seeded and skiingonmig jromfrom an uner Terry McDermott, weeks, John H. King, cMef ernment remains a constant MAPLE C R IC K H CHAIRS, Miller, 56 S. St., has engaged “ and the date of our olic newspaper»w

-4^. j : ■ . >" ■( •Vl toa US8 Saratoga at Magrport. S h e in w o ld Andover Fla. Rockville*Vemon Sales Tax List on Bridge V.S. Asks Allies Aid He ia also sui^vad by four AidesWork on Vcdacki Tips Quarter Honors Won brothers, Leo A. Begin of Pitta- Now Available iqBNAUTDpUBU BMtWtst _ field, Mass., Sylvlo Begin, Ally WARNS DBCLABEB N o iira In Squeeze on Cubans Mrs. Nygren J. Begin and Paul J. Begin, all But Results Remain Secret The 196S Connecticut Real* By AUTBED SHEINWOUI A A 0 7 of Schenectady, N. Y.; four aia- dents' Average State General By 332 MHS Students The trouble wlto sharpening W“ 10 > S 4 (Coattanag from Page One) ^ tefs, Mrs. Melina Gagnon of St. ttHB T s f Om ) from around the country con­ Sales Tax Payments Table is your axe to tost you cw ’t al- 0 7 6 3 Leads 3-Town Samuel, Mrs. Roee Burnell of tinue to call occasionaUy on now available at the Internal way be euro of irafje to tod ♦ » 7 i __ government and whoae wages Hospital ^iotes Barro, Mlsa Renta Begin of C oroner’s c t the Samte hMr> Valachl in his isolated cell in the Revenue Service, District Direc­ Manchester High School’s aee-^Bettenco^ Karan Blake, toe turkey: be may be sitting KA8T contribute to its foreign ax- Ralph Scudieri i)ies, Schenectady, and Mto. Rose District of Columbia Jail. tor’s Office, 450 Main S t, Hart^ ond quarter honor roll has been ancy Button, Sandra Chapin, in your own chair. H you A K 7 10 S ohange." ADMITTED YBSTBRd AY: Funds Drive Ann Schubert of Bolston Spot, Mostly, Ws visitors are from Davi(lavid Chatel. X , (Ml that unlMi the In­ ford. announced. A total of 332 stu­ naate toie warning on the edge Aned if toe Cuban water Mrs. Catherine Bonllo, 25)k Bl- N. Y.; 14 grandchildren, and Tolland County Coroner Ber<66haimtan and wma Ha H m quiry reeulta in congressional New York City. That’s the Cosa Suzanne Chilaon, Bar­ of your bridge table you may S? h i would be used if CSastro turned dridga S t; Adolph Oruat 80 The Columbia Chapter, Amer­ savertd niecea and nephews. idaat for IS ysars. 'The table, unchanged from dents in all ctaeeea have made bara Oocconi, Carol Comber, nard J. Ackorman announeed Approval of l^islation to aid Nostra domain that Valachl 1962, shows average state sales be able to keep out of toe soup it back Ml, a Defense Depart­ Griffin Rd.; Charles Gardella, 8 ican Red Cross, held an organi­ Architect Long 111 The funeral will be held A former pnaideiit a t iOe their e ^ r ts at law enforcement, knew best, and that's where law tax payments by income bracket the hat with 97 attaining high Patricia Davlea, Lin4a Dyer, ketUe. ment spokesman said, "No. The Crastwood Dr.; Clinton Church, Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. from the yssterday hs will rssigii on Tolland County Bar Aaaoeiattoa, the bearlnga miqht as wen never ■enforcement officials are Jioplng honors end 235 making regular Sharon Qingraa, Robert Godin, South dealer new instruction means that we RFD 2, Rockville; Mrs. Mary zational meeting Wednesday Potter Funeral Home, 458 Jack- April 1 from the post fas has Ackerman has bean a proaeent- Valachl's cooperation will be the to $20,000 b a ^ on the 1063 Barry Gooding, Lorraine Ralph Scudieri, 30, of 886 have been held. sales tax rate of 8% per cent. honors. The two honors Itota to­ Baat-Weri vulnerabla $ AKQIf do not anticipate having to use DeHan, 26 Westminster Rd.; night at tha home of Miss Dor­ son St., Willlmanttc, with a held for 22 years. ing attorney and cornoratlon FBI aqants aitd investigators most effective. Cooley, Diannb Grenier, Paul­ Opening lead—King of Clubs. 0 A J 1094 water again from that source.’’ Hubert Dwalley, East Hartford; othea Raymond, secretary, to Center St., prominent Manches­ solemn high Mass of requiem Taxpayers who itemize their gether represent some 15 per ette Hanson, Thomas Harvey, A Q 4 ter architect With toe firm of The Rockvllls attorney, ex­ counsel for Rockvilia Be head­ deductions instead of taking the cent of all MHS students. w W ’s double of one- heart Admtntstratlon officials said Mrs. Irene Fabljanczuk, 7 Pllls- make plans for the fund drive at St. Mary’s Church, Wllllman- plaining his decision, said hs ed the Tolland County War standard deduction on Form Mark HeCer, Barbara BOgble, was for takeout, hut hla double Wiri Niifl toe President and his advisers bury HUI, Rockville; Russell which begins March 1. Scudieri and Mankey and form­ tlc, at 9. Burial will be in St. Fund campaign in 1945-M ’ and Seniors named to High Hon­ Joyce Holland, Robert Hu^ea, of four hearts was clearly meant DiBabla 2 9 er member of the town planning wanted to slow down. He has 1040 may find the table helpful ors include toe following: Rich­ 1 <9 believs toe decisian on the Ferguson, 96 Valley St.; Kash­ Attending the meeting were James’ Cemetery, Manchester. practiced law in Hartford and has sarved as chairman of the In Hullabaloo Over Beatles, Fnutces GaUa a rebuke. South had gone out 4 9 DouUs AD American response is appropri­ commission, died yesterday af­ in estimating toe amount to ard Berkman, Mary Lou Blake, Also, Micbael 8. Johnson, mir G ut 19 Clinton S t; Greg­ Walter E. Schroeder of Colum­ ternoon at Manchester Memo­ Friends may call at the fu­ Rockville for 42 years. Acker­ county Selecttva Servlee Board. claim for state sales tax on ICathleen Burke, Nancy Outtel, of hto mind, Weet’a tone of ’voice ate to toe challenge p o ^ by ory Jamuzewskl, Colchester; bia, chapter chairman, Mra. neral home tomorrow from 2 to Ackerman ta a vetsran at Jesrioa Kkmoo, Joeeph Loney, suggested, and he would have Castro In closing toe pipeline to rial Hospital after a long ill­ man denied that any friction their 1063 tax returns. Jeffrey Ctarke, JacqueUite Cor­ Berry Magnuson, F^uil Mez^ turn. If West returoed a dia­ Mrs. Alta Laws, 27 Grant Rd.; Stanley K. Nygren of Hebron, ness. 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and Monday in the Rogers’ baby death inves­ World War I, enlisttog in the A Threat to Clip Their Locks District Director Joseph J. b ett Carroll Cowing, Elixaheth to j^ for it toe base. Howard Lunt Blast Hartford; appointed by Schroeder to serve from 7 to 9 pm. Navy in 1917 aa a ssaman. He ooux, Joan Maztow," Mazjozle West___ cashed I toe top clube and mond, flouto would gat n.fraa fl- Despite Initial anger at Cas­ Scudieri and Mankey design­ tigation between himself and Conley Jr., advises that toe law Davddns, William Dixon, ness; and U West ratumad any­ Edith McKoeman, Simsbury; as chapter fund driv4 chairman, police officials sparked the res­ wan discharged two yeohi later requires taxpayers to substan­ MicCallum, David Melendy, MAHRC Speaker continued with the Jack of olubA tro's move the President’s ad­ Mrs. Mildred Morrissette, 4 and Mrs. Kenneth A. Porter of ed Trinity Covenant Church, M ra Alice Bartlett as an ensign. Adceimaa ta a (Oontfamed from Page One) out the Beatles” movement un­ Marion Edwards, WllUam Gregozy Moiierg, Mark Oak- forcing South to ni&. Naturally, thing else, dummy would dis­ the K of C Home and together ignation. der way In Detroit, the quartet tiate any deductions claimed on Frank, UizabeCh Gaudreau, Franola P. Kelley will speak card toe losing diamond while visers now consider it a harass­ Bellevlew Ave., Rockville; Mrs. Hebron who Mrs. Nygren has Mrs. Alice BarUett, 84, of 63 former dq>artment oommondM' their returns and if requested man, Mayheth OdeH, Kathy declarer ruffed wlto an honor, ment rather than a serious with A™o!6 Lawrence, West- A new coroner will be chosen of the State American Lagion. Replied Lennon, “We need sang out: “We’re going to start Graglenn Gibbs, Donald Gobiel- PansuUo, Linda Pavel. Stephen Thursday a t 8 pm . a t a meeting saving an entry to dummy. South ruffed. Carol Ponte, Hebron; J. Murray chosen to be chairman for the hill Gardens, the housing project Oiurch St., died this morning by the Superior Court judges on a campaign to stomp out De­ they must be prepared to do so. le, & vid Hincbey, Holly Hook- threat and therefore not requir­ Powell, 791 Center St.; Mrs. drive in that town. at Manchester Memorial Hospi­ He has also been a sshior Ytea aianey drat” Ordlnartly. he says, they will Peni^, John PUUipe. of the Manchester Association m e bidding warned South that It's hard to Uama West lor ing more forceful countermeas­ for the elderly on W. Center St. recommendation of State’s Atty. Ih s Beatles began their debut troit" ar, Ronald Jodoin. bis double: Most plqyara don't Alice Smith, 79 Church St.; Two other appointments by Their latest Manchester ap­ tal after a short Ulneas. commander and Grand Chef de not be asked to produce records Also, Sfairtoy Johnson, Paul Atoo, Cberyi Pierson, Ann for the HSlp of Retarded Chil­ both diamond honon wore be­ ures. Robert Nelson, 65 Russell St.; Mrs. Nygren are Mrs. Allen Joel H. Reed H. Ackerman de­ Gare of the 40 and 8. hi a Ltverpool Jan cellar 16 Pratson, Katl^ Pritchazd, Bar­ hind him. Desperate meaaurea double often snou|to. Still, it pointment was for a proposed Mrs. Bartlett was bom in clined to speculate on his pos­ to support the sales tax deduc­ Kiracunas, Arthur Le Oaire, dren at Bunee Center. He to The actions ordered by John­ Lowell Parrish, Coventry; Yale to head the drive in AndO' Canada, July 24, 1879, a daugh­ The RoritviUe attocney at­ ago for about $20 a tion claimed unless it exceeds bara Raak, BwiMra R lvm , Su­ were therefore necessary to p r^ was the doUbla that led daelarer son will cost Castro mors than $500,000 addition to Robertson sible successor. tended CorneB UnivenltY and Ijoah Lenhxttia, Carol Ostrinaky, superintendent of Mansfield vent the loee of two diamond to his successful twt daqpaimte Robin Addison, RTO 2, Bolton; ver and Mrs. Clarence R. Jef School. ter of Henry and Mary Jane They now command $10,- Six Area Men the amount shown on the table. Terry Phitortck, Gerald Plante, san Royce, Cberyi Russell, $6 million a year when they are Rudolph LOtz, 45 Victoria Rd.; fries to do the same job In C!o- A Hartford native, Ackerman New York Univerrity of Law. The Director further says Anita Shoff, Cynthia Smith, Training School. tricks. line of play. ^ fully carried out. The firm has designed 13 Brooks Smith, and lived in was named coroner in 1942, af­ He and hta wife have been MO'a performance and are re- Georgette Ponton, John Preston, Unneoesaary Play Daily QuesAoB Michael Patulak, 23 Academy lumbta. The three local chair country clubs In Connecticut, Manchester 28 years. jutted to have earned $17 .Enlist in Army that the tohulatod average state Patricia Reckowski. Abigail PoUyann Siwanaoa, Guy TVmga- A native of Lynn, Mass., Kel­ The Guantanamo base em­ St.; Harold Litvinas, South men will appoint captains in the ter serving for three years married for 42 yean. ‘Rieir general sales tax payments take rone, Gordon Warren, Beverly After ruffing toe third dub kler, you boldt H^ades, ploys about 8,000 Chibans, of Massachusetts and Maine, mak­ She was a member of the county public defender. During daughter, Mrs. Heroid Cohn, Richmond, Lawrence Rogers, ley came to Mansfield in May South led hto singleton nad e K-J-104; Hearts, l-8t DNHaoiiis, Windsor; Reino Jylkka, Glas­ various neighborhoods in their ing it Che leading country club Golden Age Club, the Senior Ihere were a couple of minor into account taxes pisid cn large Cynthia Schuetz, Elatoe Shel- Weratler, Raymond Woolett. 1963. He did undergraduate whom 500 live on the base. The tonbury; Mrs. Sarah Valenti, towns. These captains, in turn, his years as coroner, he has Uvea in Vernon. Six area men enlisted in the and todi an "unnecessary'^’ fi- K-w heart to dummy’s Donahue, 96 W. Middle Tpke.; Church. ') Mr. Scudieri was bom in in competition sponsored by the they're staying. There was ' a Vernon, will work with con­ tures. nine. This drew trumps and a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. W. Center St., with a solemn screaming crowd waiting there, struction equipment, its opera­ Also, Kathleen Coleman, Ber­ ing. visor of recreation at South- The driving rain outside did Manchester Nov. 12, 1924, the Beaux Arts Institute of Derign, high Mass of requiem at St. May Cut Spy Source Taxpayers with adjusted nadette Connors, N o u n ^ Cote, bury Training SchooL simultaneouBly put declarer In Robert BarreU, 124 Spruce St.; nothing to dampen the enthusi­ son of Mrs. Elisa Piccalantonio New York City. mna foot patrolmen and mount­ tion and maintenance. David gross incomes in excess of $20,- Robert J. Comeliuson, 18, of dummy for a diamond play. a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. James’ Church at 10. Burial will ed troops had to take over. Dieterle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Susan Crane, Daniel Creamer, 49 Wells S t, shortly after 10 Kelley served as a special ad­ Khanh Forms asm which the young lady had Soudleri and the late Francisco Mr. Scudieri also was a mem­ be in St. Bernard’s Ometery, Robert F. Dieterle, 86 Bretton 000 determine their sales tax Linda Daddarto, Donna Dela­ When South next took a fi­ Robert Callahan, Hlllcrest Dr., for her own part in this people- Scudieri, and has been a life­ ber of the T-Square Club of (See Page Three) The Beatles ^>pear Sunday payments from their personal last night was charged with visor to the President’s Panel on nesse with toe nine of diamonds. Vernon; a daughter to Mr. and Hazard vi'Ue. Rd., will be reassigiied to the ney, Robert Dorchester, N. failure to grant the right of Mental Retardation in recrea­ to-people program nor how im­ long rerident of this town. He Philadelphia, Pa.; an honorary Friends may oaH at the fu­ ■ight an televlslaa. On Tuesday office machine repair school. records, or they may um the Jeanne Dumas, Stefan Duschek, way and was ordered to appear West could win with the queen Mrs. Lewis Patten, 82 Village portant she believes it to be as is a 1943 graduate of Manches­ architectural society; the Re­ the base, and never cross back disy go to Washington for a con­ $102 maximum sales tax pay­ tion and residential care. He also but could not find a safo re- New Regime St., Rockville; a son to Mr. and neral home tomorrow from 7 to Events Demda Dailey, son of Mr. and Sharon Bklwards, Dana Frazier, In Manchester’s Circuit Onirt served as a consultant at the a positive force for world under­ ter High School. publican Town Committee, and 9 p.m., and Monday from 2 to Into their native land, are anti- sort. On Wednesday diey will ment shown on the table. Diane Gee, Mark Glalber, Chris Mrs. Carl Moores, 146 Maple standing and peace. A veteran <»f World War II, Campbell Ck>uncll, K of C. Castro refugees. g ^ two shows at New York’s Mrs. Joseph J. Dailey, 40 Whit­ Following is a copy of the 12, Feb. 2A Joseph P. Kennedy Foimdation. 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. ney Rd., will be reusigned to Glenney, Doreen Golas, Lynette The charge ■tenuned’-fTOm a The meeting is open to the For Viet Nam St.; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Her talk, with a fine collec­ he was a pilot In the UH. Air Survivors, besides his mother, There is as yet no indication Oemagle HaD—already sellouts. table. The income (Igtonea on Walter McKeen. Newington. tion of picture slides in color how the fired workers will be Another Stop during their tour, toe office machine repair Goodatlne, Gloria Gozds. two-car crash at Center and public. STANLEY WARNER Force for 2 \ years, and was Include his wife, Mrs. EMna In State toe left refer to income aa Boad Sta. BIRTHS TODAY: A son to which were taken by her, cov' honcna.bly discharged with the Sharkey Scudieri; a son, Mi­ replaced. They perform a wide which ends Feb. 17, is Miami school. Francis J. Chaves, son abown on line 9, page 1, of fonn Also P stric is G ut Paul (Continned from Page One) Mr. and Mrs. William Lauten' range of jobs essential to effi­ of Mr. and Mrs. Oregory O. Oworek, Cathy Hubbao^ Ml Herbert Chapman, 20, of ered a wide range of activities rank of lieutenant. After leav­ chael Scudieri, and a daughter, Funerals (Ooatome* trooi Page Om ) Pwirti 1040. The figure on the light to , 286 Charter Oak St.; a in the lives of the Ceylonese cient operation of the huge naval IMd that iMTs was a "Itamp Chaves, 91 Bissell St., enlisted clMtel B u rt Brie M. Jotanaon, Sycamore Trail, Coventry, a namese, including a bar girl. ing the service, he was employ­ Lisa Scudieri, both at home; base: maintenance, industrial, for basic radar repair sctoooC. the ealM tax payment wMofa to passenger In the Comeliuson A Thoaght for Today TATE MARDI GRAS daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Rich' people. They are mainly Slnlia- ed as a draftsman at Pratt and and a sister, Mrs. Dante Bal- Oonetructioa, $106.17; mamifae. deducUMe. Robert JohMon, Arteen Khby, 2 Complete Shows 6 4 8:25 Six U.S. servicemen were ard Paul, 104 School St. lese, originally from India and WUUam D. Smith clerical and service jobs. Nell A. Stickney, a fom er resi­ Dennto Kuzmiokaa, Tara Lata- vdilcle, was taken to Manches­ Sponsored by the Mancbee- AT wounded, none seriously. Whitney, division of United bonie of Manchester. This is one of the problems buring, $117; trade, $96.64; dent of Manchester, enlisted in Under $1,000 ...... 10 ter Memorial Hospital where Uroy play a gaaie of DISCHARGED YESTERDAY; their religion mostly Hinayana Aircraft Corp., Etast Hartford, • Funeral services will be held Funeral services for William $1,000 tmder $1,500 ...... 19 wlc, Rktoard Lawrence, Marilyn ter Oonndl of Okarehea danger and delight... The explosion at toe Playboy Mrs. Yblanda Evangelista, 30 Buddhism and about 20 per cent D. Smith of Thompsonville, presumably to be tackled by a nance, imuraiuw and raol satata, the warrant officer flight pro­ Ledgazd, Ctoire Levesque, AU' he received 18 atitches to cloae Bar was the worst terrorist act HartI Dr., Vernon; Mrs. Carol for two years. He then enter­ Monday at 8:30 a.m. from the Navy group ordered to Guantan­ o v a 2 MILUON • gram. $1,500 under $2,000 ...... 24 a acalp laceration. Tamils who are Hindus, v/ith ed the University of Pennsyl­ John F. Tierney Funeral Home, father of Allan W. Smith of 21 $117.27. ^,000 under $2,600 ...... SI den Lundwail, BartMura Lupae- 1 was glad when toey eaid un­ ST. MARY'S in the capital In more than a Mlffitt, 88 Lawrence St., Rock­ only 10 per cent practicing Goslee Dr., were held this morn­ amo from Washington to study PRESCRIPTIONS Chino, Susan Mahoney, Lany Police said toe accident occur­ year. The night spot is often ville; Alfred Caron, 65 Talcott vania, graduating in 1951 with 219 W. Center St., with a sol­ the situation. It will make rec­ Women made much leas tboa TV FULFILS LAW red when James H. Slavln, 20, to me, let us go into the bouse CaiV’t^ Audrey Christianity or other religions. a bachelor of architecture de­ emn high Mass of requiem at ing at the Taylor and Modeen men, according to toe atoittatiee. ■silly Ooavouaded $2,500 under $3,000 ...... 87 Idaney, Rlobard Marsh, Leonard of the tiostl. Psalms 123:1. frequented by Americans. It is Ave., Rockville; Albert Lea, 109 The people exist almost ci>m Flmeral Home, 233 Washing­ ommendations to Secretary of NBW ALBANY. Ind. (AP) — Mathtason. of 86 Amott Rd., eastbound on Grant Hepburn Mosity— Tsetilay near a big hotel for U.S. enlist­ Grandview St.; Joseph Bour- gree. the Church of the Assumption toe Na'vy Paul H. Nitze and Sec­ In manufacturing, for in­ A cocktail lounge in New Al­ ^,000 under $8,500 ...... 48 Center S t, signaled to make a pletely on a diet of rice and He completed a five-year at 9. Burial will be in St. ton St., Hartford. The Rev. Wil­ stance, toeir medtan wage wae ARTHUR DRUB $3,000 under $4,000 ...... 49 Also, Diane Maynard, Beverty The paalmist gladly J75 DESCENDANTS Maries, Timotoy McCann. HERE ARE ALL THE THRILLS of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley F. In the state cennpetition. | Ella Brooker of 85 Cooper St., Fla., and Gerald J. Maney of Aldins is the son of Mr. and The dinner ta sp<»i0ored by into (Connecticut in '64! Register Wednesday • Also Karen Mega, Louise EVES. ONLY THRU TUES. Un was making a left turn Into Hartford; and two staters, Mrs. Mrs. 'Valdta Aldins of 15 Iron- the town (xunmittee and toe SAUSBURY, Pa. (API—Eliz­ It’s where the swlngeza aza! the parking area at Bill and Lewis of Grant Hill Rd. Gifts, donated by a Hartford died this morning at hta horn*. abeth Yoder, 92, died Friday, Morin, Loretta Murphy, Ken­ . . . FIANO’S—always the finest in dinings Sunday will mark the begin­ Jeweler, will be given to all Other survivors Include four Leo LaFIamme and Mrs. George wood Dr. Women’s RepubHoan CMb. neth NechitUo, Christine NeiU, Troy Donahue Roea'a Store. young ladles attending. Chap- daughters, one s - 8:45 bron Rd., and the other by Doro­ In obtaining tickets may con­ Hartford. Burial will be in odist Church officiating. Burial Ir coopMatien with ley. thy KabMk, 29, of Webster Lane. The Rev. Mr. Ameling, In making toe annoimcement of tact Walter Irwin, msutter coun­ Hillside Cemetery. will be In Etaat Cemetery. Also, William Rylander, Jon­ HERE ARE ALL THE THRILLS No Injturles were, r ^ r te d . cilor, 99 Summit St., or "Dad” Friends may call at the fu­ Friends may call at the fu­ m THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT athan Schneider, Jerim Sebaa- Damage to the ca n was minor. the ceremony, said the five boys OPEN ALL DAY have worked a full year study­ Laurence Lane, 70 Oxford St. neral home tomorrow and Mon- neral home from 2 to 4 and 7 to tlao, Btaine Slbrinx, Lynn AND EXCITEMENT OF TOM MdAUghUn 'received a wazn- (lay from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. 9 p.m. Sunday. Aiiiowict th« Simes, Alan Snyder, Claire tog for failure to signal on ing the Christian faith and en- SUNDAY Southerlia, Qyitthta Steele^ left turn. gag;lng in several church serv­ Miss Emma W. BorowsU Leo J. Begin ,AWYER AND HUCKLEBERRY ice projects. SHADY GLEN Marsh StaphiBS, John SuIUvaii, Loersdh will appear In (31rcult Flurries Reach Miss Emma W. Borowskl, 71, Leo Joseph Begin, 58, of Rt FINE PHARMACY Judith Taylor, TtnsnM TowIa Court 12, Manriieater, on Fen. During the special ceremony, FINN ROLLED INTO ONE! the scouts of Troop 57 will of 194 Fern St., died last night 89, Lebanon, formerly of Man­ SPRING 684 Octiter S t—649-9614 (3arol ’Turklngton, Barttaza Val- 24. Trooper James Hall of the 2-Inch Snowfall chester,. died last night at Wind­ otuUs, Cralts Voiatne, Valerie Ooldiester Troi ment was not fooled by the of the late Ludwig and Caroline Mr. Begin was bom July 11, Robert WUUa, Karan Youell. Get your deUcioua plaza and weather forecast. of ‘<‘poaaible Rebelskl Borowski. She was a 1900, at St. Samuel, Canada, a Real Estate ConstnictifHi Cost and Estimating Sotatomoras, High Hononi: DINNERS of INTERNAIiONAL FAME! ninders at the Three J’s Res­ to wear on their own persons, Frepand by CHEF ANDBB as the scouts receive their med­ anow flurries” for this mortting member of Concordia Lutheran s(m of Henry and Roseanna m o t o T KatlaeenMake, T h e o d o ra taurant, Bouts 6 and 44A, Bol­ and had alerted Its crew on a Church. A graduate of New Rousaea Begin. He lived in SWEETHEART SUNDAE Instructor—^Mr. Scott Biakealee, Richard Bambargar, ton, TsL 649-4684. als. Roolt DneUfam Beiiad S h i M The Rev. Mr. Ameling eaid stand-by bssta. Britain Normal School, she Manchester more than 10 years _Thunday Evenings frtmi 7:00-9:15 P.M. Sharon BoreOOk Bavariy BuntA At 6 ajn., six crews were out ti ^ h t in Manchester tor many before leaving for Lebanon Delicious Shady Glen Dubonet Black Cherry F U E L C O . Biiwa Burka, Chriattna Oieasa a la MMdsoB Lobsitr of the achievement attained, Beginning February 18, 1964—^Fee $85.00 “Tills is one of the highest sanding town streets, and by years at the open air school, alxHit five months ago. He was Ice Cream, spread lavishly with crushed cher-. 347 MAIN ST. Charlaa Ctuiia, Caadaoa Davld- A BoneiaBa Long Islaad Tbla deUoa^ Is bsld ta Town Notified employed as a heat treater at Register For This Class Feb. 13—6:80 P.M.-7 PJfl. DnekUng en caaaerole a universal ssteenL Our re­ awards In scouting, requiring 9:80, (xmditions wpre well under Washington School, and evening ries and topped with a pretty heart-shaped EAST HARTFOBD aon, Joan Fadoca, fltavan Good- the biltlatlye of scouts, concen­ control. classes In English for Immi­ the Cariyle-Johnson Co., Man­ atina, Daborah Kaip, Jack Kata; la maienti, prepared to gal lobsters are eM»eoially chester, imtil refiring about one REAL ESTATE SALES TECHNIQUES , order. Our chef has taken selected from the obUled Of Injury Qaim trated work over a long period At that hour, the “little or grants. She retired over 80 years eandy. It’s love at first taste! Helene Kiecolt, Arlene Liqienta. of time, and. a deep and realtatlc no enow accdmulatfam" amount­ ago. year ago because of illness. Also, Alan MacDonald, Dale great care to have your waters of th4 North At­ Survivors include hta wife, Instructor—Mr. Werbner F U E L O I L leader duckling served lantic. Meaty and toader« Mrs. Carolina Thompson, 175 acquaintance with the (toriotlan ed to two inches, but only flur­ She leaves one niece. Miss Mecleen, Judith N a a e h k Sb Vsmon S t, has notified the Church and Christian way of ries were evident, the ten^>era- Marjorie V. Leiifaioldt of Man­ Mrs. Helen Tatriautt Begin; Wedneaday Evenings from 7:00-9:15 P.M. Jamas Newton, Dahotah With baked eantonese they are served with a five daughters, Mrs. H a ^ d itoe and puagaat aauoe gWMTona atuflllng t i lob-, town that she ta seeking dam- life. It ta a noble award, baaed ture began to rise, and the eun chester; qne nephew, Louis F. Beginning February 12, 1964—Fee $85.00 Chriatiaa Biggatt, Waltar qMg tor a toll she alleges she on belief that religious charac­ was fighting to ahlne. Leidholdt of Drexel HUI, Fa., Ashtoh urt Barre, Vt., Mrs. maiB. RoWn Stazhai ~ wblrti la staamared slowly star and ocabmsat Maadf Brendon Carls(m of West Ha­ HAVmO A Regiater For This Claw Feb., 12—6:80 PJd.-7 PJd. for Bra bounl It eoatains with live barbs by m Buffsrsd vtoen shs tripped on a ter and devotion are mainatays Highway, BuperintondOnt and one grandniece. ,Taylor, Xiada Ttomhir, water department eurb box last of a great nationi” Ernest Tursck said, at 10 am., Private funeral services wiU ven, Mrs. Alton Forett of VALENTINE PABTYf Tweroey, BUaahaOi bead mnlaasea aad soy ebtf, «■*«> aa oM psob Plattsburgh, N.Y., Miss Cecllo Both Clasaea Wffl M ^t at MANCHESTER HIGH aaaoe, aoeeated with found in a bottle wartM^ month. Adverttaement— that he didn't expert to experi­ be held Monday morning at Serve Shady Glen Dubonet Bavariy Vaaoo, Jana re­ Get your driiokma ittaaa and ence any difficulties due to any Concordia Lutheran Churefa Begin of West Haven, and Miss Black Cherry or Cherry Enuat Woolett braadied peachea aad op- up oa N o w Bodtofrd According to a noUce Celeste Begin of Lebanon; sev­ SCHOOL—Room 127 Heats. Beach. eelved by General Manapr grinders at the Three J’a Rea- unexpeftted additional anowl with tfae Rev. Paul C. Kaiser, Vanilla Ice Cream with Sophomoiae, Bonwa: taurant. Route 6 and 44A, Bol­ By nightfaU, roost of the p a s ^ , officiating. Burial will en sons, Joseph Begin of Man- oookiee or cake. Delight­ For 12 Sessions i luebard Martin yaatarday. Mra Chester, Lionel Begin and Rog' Y m Can 3^11^ QMKty Ambrose. Daryl Baglay, Tj^mpaon'a fooa^^ Y y ^ tojw w ton. Tbl. 649*4684. whits snow wJU be gray al'ish. te in Bart Cemetery. ful retreehment! Baker, Cynthia Barons, This mo«ning*p mow brings There wUl be no calling boura. er Begin at home, Alelde Be- Mail Advance Registration To A.LJ. U-56 Bamza, Jean m tiiiriit lianrtieatei*! total sMwfiall Friends may make memorial gih of Durtiam, Brnert Begfai of eanfftat bar aboe in the curb box, Knob Norter, Mo., Leon Begin UniVerai^ Of Comiecticat, Stom , Conn. Bayer, Mazoia taaat la the pavement in front OeYeatry eemspenSeat, K. ■inoe Dec. 1 to 86 faKhea The contribuUona to toe Church'a BdUvaan, PhUp PaaUiM liHlA talsgiM s TO- total anfSiniiilaHiai taitt year to meiiiorial fund, toe Manchester of Baire, and Paul Begin, aC ■tear Jew^na at 917 Main ing in toe U.S. Navy ■' m t lyn Batanr. DatvM tha dfeotaf eC Jan. M. •lU . M teohM w m 85 Aaecoiotloot or the ICu- c I V ' ■ . li ■ ■■■ k k i - : P A ( ^ m m «Airc»ttTim KVBNmo h e r a l d , Ma n c h e s t e r , c o n n

Tko Gwrtfsaent’s T t^ cM Hskit S t Manitoe CRnrefe. RaltoA I ■ ' • P in t OsngrspillsnBl CRureb ef Rev. Bbrnard L. MeOnrk, The New Totk Times takes up, edi­ T enon £ttfnltt9 l^pralii Church es .Pddtor torially, the interesting relationship be­ Bov. doha A. *“*^‘*1, •litt OWreh of Christ, Clmreb e f Iba Aaaanaptien daroee E. Humphrey Director « W aLffiED BT THE . tween the government's left hand, which L«ailto St. aad TbiniBMn Rd. Maases at WBA 1 4 , »KINTINO CO.. JNC. Srientist BeSgtone Edncattoa now offidaily warns us of the hedith Masqdle Tetnirio (Mlsoeari Synod) friuMte A M&alek 11:10 Aiii. Pnstor dangers in cigaret smoking, and its light O n ^ r and U gh StA 3:X and 10:86 a.m., Oiurch 11 Am., Sunday Service, Sun­ Rev. Paid O. Prokopy, Pastor Rev. Emcet J. Oeppa rrancia ef AMsI O f eb hand, which is full of price support school. __ , . __ _ ■enlk Windsor Publlalier* • day school and nursery. Msn's 8:30 and 11 Am., Oiurch s l ­ ______>w»iid>d O ctobtr I, - 1 1 money for 4h* people who grow tobac­ discovery Of the realities of 8 e.m., Sunday school for all Maseee at 7, 8, 8. 10:15 and ices. Sermon: "Psrtpectlve For Rev. OerdoB B. WediNuns ^ ^ t - win be' the theme this ages. 11:80 am . V silw co. Living.” Rev. Edward.d. Radleh Sunday et Christian Science • :M a.m.. Adult Bible time. 6 p.m.. Junior Pilgrim Fei­ OoMLi M 8«con4 ClaM Mall It is. come to think of it An interest­ St. Bridget’a CRnrcb Aaaiaiairt Pddler m m r n aar. churches. 10 a.m.. Divine Worship. lowship. _ „ ing relationship. . Golden Text: Pa 143:10. Re­ Theme: “ Behold, Ws Go up To Rev. dehn F. Dclaaey, Paster 7 p.m.. Senior Pilgrim Fellow- Rev. Stanley E. Aiatllto Masses at 7, 8, 8. 18 :10 dad ■UB8C3UPTION BATES The Same government which has lated readings will include (Sci­ Jerusalem.” Nursery in the par­ ship. Payabla la Adraaca ^ __ warned us not to smoke continues to ence and Haalth with Key to ish house. Rev. Dennis R. Rnseey 'Tuesday, • p.m.. Board or 11:30 a.m. MAWHESTER OUNLIFFE HiQM eiuiit Oaa Taar ...... **?'22 the Scriptures by Mery Baker 11 a.m., Gottesdlenst mit ttz Haetha ...... be. in the language o f the TimSa “ the deacons and deaconesses. MANCHESTER TBraa Moatlia •*•0 Eddy) p. 23:17. Abendmahi. Masaee at 7, 8, 8, 10 and 11 Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.. Lenten Snersf Haart Oiarsh Os# KOStll a««a« aa«»«* *a a*a a a l-oO tobacco Industry’s biggest booeter,” In Rt. 18, VMBsn MOTOR SELES ’Wednesday meeting. 2:30 p.m., Annual voters a.ni. services. a u t o p a r t PRINTING which capacity it lost $16 million in Reeding Room hours et 748 meeting. Rev. Ralph Rally, t w m t --..k EXPERT AUTO BODY aad MEMBER o r ~ ’ 3:30 p.m., Boerd of Christien SEAFOOD t ■ i T : TV V ; FENDER REPAIRS Job Bnd Ctmimirdal THE ABBOC3ATBD WUMB ■ ., ^ supporting the price of tobacco last Main St, excepting legal hoU- 4 p.m., Zion invited to the in­ st. BarttMleinew*a Cbureh education. ' S: -•’I t ;■ i n a AaaocUtad Praaa U axelutiraly anUtl^ stallation of the Rev. David P. Rev. PhlSp Bneaey, Paster Msmes^at 7:80, 8:80, 10 and Printing to tha oaa rapablicatloe of all nawi dta- days, Monday through Satur­ Saturday, 9 a.m.. Training CHOICE VARIITY ENAMEL and LACQUER ot year. Scaer as pastor of Trinity Lu­ Rev. Richard C. Rellea 11:16 Am. ______P B S a S lO N aatehaa eradttad to It or aot otbarvlia cradtt- day, 11 Am. to 4 p.m.; Thurs­ classes for youth membership. ■ .) REFINISHINOS Prompt aad EffletoBt Sl la thia papar aad alao tlia local aawa oub* This year it stands to lose even more day. 11 Am. to 8 pm. theran Church. Rockville. Aariataat Paater MAOHlNINa REASONABLE PRICES llslisd liRrs. because, perhaps in courteous anticipa­ 7 p.m., Toung People’s So­ TslcottviUe Congregational St. Bemaril’S Olnueli e Cyllader Heads Qualify Prlnttag Of AH Ktadi AU riihta at lapubllcatlon ot apaelal 41a- ciety. FREE ESTIMATES yatehaa Bcraia ara aUo reacrrad. tion of the injury it might do the tobac-' Center Oengregetlenel Church Masses et 7, 5, 8, 10:15 arid Church St. BenMurd*# T«r» Reekyllto e Bnglae Blocks and Wednesday, 6:30 p.m,. Adult 11:15 Am. Rsv. Patrick P. MOhanagr Other Snrfacee On RT. 83—VERNON, CONN. CO Industry with its health alarms, the United Oharrb ef Obrtot Rev. Robert K. Shimoda, Seafood ConmiHRitif Pren ItiU sanrtea cUaat ot N. £. A. Bj^lear •“«- Information hour (Pastor'a Minister Paatkr Foreign and American Jnat Above the Traffic mbUahara Rapreaeatatlr** — 11 Center S t CaA«l. I Mafhaara Saariaf Asaacy — Naw Tork Chi- government raised the amount of the R»v. CHtfetd O. Shnpeaa St. dames’ Cbureh Oars and Trucks 43 OAK ST. Circle 9 East Middle Tpke. subsidy tobacco growers can get this 7 :S0 p.m.. Lenten Service Rev. Msgr. Edward d. Reardon, Masses at 7, 8, 8, lO and 11 TEL. 643-0016 *1&MER*ADIin^raEAD OF CIHCOUU MteMer 11 a.m.. Morning worship Open Saturdays Until 6 F.M TEL. 649-B857 Telephone 648-5727 with Holy Communion. Theme; Pnator service and Sunday school. Ser­ a.m. ______' TION8. year. Rev. Jeeaph H. OteUey "Jesus and Judas.” Rev. Eugene F. Terpey More than that the more successful Aeeeriate Mlnlater mon: “The Conquerors.” Tha Harald Prlattas Comply. Inc.. Friday. 7:30 p.m., Zion mem­ Rev. doeepb M. .McCann Noon, Last instructions to First Lutesnal arareh I I aaaaaa ao tleanclal raapoaalblllty for typo- the government’s left hand is in per­ Rev. Francis CXBawes bers invited to Day of Prayer Rev. dahn D. Regan RoekvUto Portoblo TV Rentals sraMrical anora appaartag In odTMtla»in«ta mnlMer af ChrMien Edncntien census takers. >>' Manchottar aadotoar raadlag mattar In Tha Mancheatar suading people not to smoke, the more at Oirist Lutheran Church, 7 p.m., Youth meeting. RSV. WUliam R. BaUma. Paater Eyaalag Harald.______Broad A Madiaon, Hartford. Masses at 6, 7, 8, 8, 10:15 and Mrs. HaroM Bdtoibs, m LEASINO Ru# CiMnin# Motoroto and Zenith Sales GLASS generous the government’s right hand . , 8:18 end 11 Am., Boy Scout Tuesday, 10 a.m.. Ladles Mis­ 8 11:30 a.m. Organist nnf Dtrsetsr and Service s For Auto WliidthtoNto Dlaplay adrartlalag cloatni boon: will have to be, passing out the Sub­ Sunday. Morning Worship. Ser­ sionary Society. Compony Monday — 1 p.m. fjjdaj. North Methodist Churrh Ralph DosU, We Service All Makes of TV, • For Store Fronta and an mon: “Eat Drink end TolL” andRENTALS 15 Hannaway St. Far Taaaday — I pja. M ^ ay. sidies for the tobacco people fall to 800 Parker St. Ohureh of the Naaarane First Congregational Church Sunday SehesI Soparintondsat Radios and Phonographs sizes of wtadows For Wadaaaday — 1 p.m_Tuaa^y. 8:15 end 11 Am., Church Earle R. Custer Paster Fbr Tharaday -• 1 p.ia. Ha^aday. consume. school, crib room (8:15 only) 288 Main Rt. United Chnrch of Christ First In Manchester. New Del KnowIcA Prop. e For Table Topa For FWdif — 1 p-aa. Tburaday. The Times, with unusual clarity of through Junior High. Robert J. Rhoff, Pastor Rt. 6, Andoi’er 8 a.m„ Sunday ateoel elaaass oarA full malntenanee, fully For Satniday — 1 p.a». Friday. 8 and 10:30 a.m., Wtnehlp R. Alfred Swain MODERN OPEN 8 AAL to 8 PJL CUaaiaad da^laa: 10:30 Am. aach day at logic, thinks that "in view of Washing­ 6 pm.. Adult School o f Chris- Rev. Raymond H. Bradley Jr., for all ages. Adult BlMs Mass. Call 343-0012' Service. Sermon: "Achieving Assistant Pastor Instired to reduce your prob- SATURDAY S AJL-NOOK pobUeatlaa axeapt Satnrday — 3 a.ra.______tien Education. (Jourse 1. “The Justice.” Pastor Teacher training class. ton’s own concern over the harm cauSed 10:16 a.m„ Worship service. leme aad worries. For full in­ Sermon on the M ount” the Rev. 9 a.m.. Church school, Grsdee 3.DAY X y ' Z i f ‘ > 'I T V S E R V IC E by cigarettes it should hardly be pro­ 8:30 a.m.. Church school 8:45 a.m.. Church school. Sermon: “Hers Ws iland." formation call SatunUy. Fabntary 8 Harvey K. MecArthur. 4 through 12, nursery. 99 SUMMER ST. J. A. WHITE moting both the production and con­ 8 p.m.. Course 11. “Hie Ser­ classes for all ages. 11 a.m„ Worship senice. Ser­ Nurssry. SERVICE! 10:30 e.m.. Church school. 10:45 Am., Worship Service. sumption of tobacco throu^ artificial mon On the Mount in Today's Grades 1 through 3, kindergar­ mon: “The Will of God." 12:80 p.m., Csnvaassra tosve < Potri Dodoc Pontiac — also — X Blocks From McKee St, GLASS CO. Socisty,” the Rev. Dr. William Meamge by the pastor. Tuesday, 8 p.m.. Church coun­ Church for area rsUgloua sur­ 1 INC. subsidies.” ten and nursery. FURNITURE CLEANING ' A '- ' ' Tel. 643-2205 31 BtoseU SL—TeL SdteTm f Footootas To An Incident Bradley. 6 p.m.. Youth Service. cil. vey. 373 MAIN STREET It wonders, too, whether we should 6 p.m.. Junior and Senior 7 p.m.. The Rev. Stanley Wll- V A 8 p.m., Coffee hour. Methodist Youth Fellowship. Wednesday, 8 p.m., Board of 7 p.m., Luther League maeU. Phone M9-2831 continue distributing our surplus of this Bon, missionary to the Philip­ trustees. Monday, 7:80 p.«.. Sunday Ono o f tha footnotaa to tha Incidant 8 p.m.. Meeting of the Cbris- pines, will be the guest speaker. We Urge Ton To Support Quality Work at White Glass tihxiarze injurious thing abroad, as part of our Cengregatia si Cbureh tian Social Action Committees Wednesday: Aah Wednesday. school teachers mesting. In which the RuppUna Phot down our Wednesday, 7:80 p.m.. Prayer Church open for meditation. Tuesday, 7:30 pjn., CSiuroh The Lota Junior Museum Why do you automatically^ Food for Peace program. 3U W. MallMain S t of the local churches. and praise service with mission­ N3N0HESTER obacryation, plane over Kaat Germany, Rev. Felix H. Davis, Minister Monday, 7 p.m.. Methodist Council meeting. V iutulR irit-Q U jk think of the J. A. White Glass do is to take the measurements PONTIAC And one more thing complicates the ary emphasla. United Methodist Church « BMffMT MipRIi* to the White Glass Co. w d AND alt action iW lO n r In the death of three Mrs. Richard H. Plnney, Men's Sweetheart Night. Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Aah T* Co. when you need glass re­ problem. While the recognition of dan­ Route 44A. Bolton W ednssd^ mldwOsk Itontsn they will cut them for you. If MEMORIAL GO. o f our airmen, haa not been widely pub- Asaociato Mlnlsler Tuesday, S p.m.. Membership Presbyterian Church ger and the amount of subsidy both go commission. Rev. Abram W. Sangrey, service. Holy Communion. placed? The answer lies in the you prefer, let them come to Uahed or noted. ' 48 Spruce St. MOUNT VERNON 358 BUMNSIDE AVB. Oppoatto East Oenetery up, so does the' production of tobacco. 10 a.m.. Morning Worship and Wednesday, 8 p.m.. A s h Minister EAST HARTFORD fact that the White Glass Co,, the house, take measurements, findelVs Has Narrttw Slat Blind TEMPEST Rev. James L. Ransom 31 Blssell St., turn out quality and install them for you, then That la underatandable. Thlnga that “Tobacco growers,” says the Times, Church School. Nursery. Ser­ Wednesday service. Unitarian DnlverenBit Window coverings — .what’s^ 8:15 a.m., Sunday school WHISKEY work each and every time. This you can have plenty of frMh Qiionty Momorlolo make eriaia are newa .^Things that dl- mon by the Rev. Mr. Davis. Thursday, 8 p.m.. Commission 8:80 s.m.. Church school with Fellowship 2 8 T .S 3 3 3 shade which reduces fading. SALES ORd SERVICE “like other farmers, have managed to classes. is further attested by the fact air with no danger of ruining new ? Findell's showroom at 485 miniah crlaia are not ao newsworthy, li:lB a.m. to 12:18 p.m.. on education. riasses for ail agea 2688 Main St. 86 P r r o f Power and Hand Tools Laminated shades offer the Over SO Yeara Sxparleaea increase yields far faster than the de­ Church School for Grades 7 Friday, Noon, World Day of 8:16 and 10:45 a.m.. Morning Olastonbnry that they display the AID Serv­ the wallpaper. B. Middle Tpke. is completely same smart decorating features evMi though, In the acale of human liv- 10:45 s.m.. Morning Worahlp. Painting and Decorating ice emblem of the Pittsburgh partment has reduced acreage; the aver­ through 12. Prayer, service at Salvation Sermon: “How to Conquer De­ worship. Race Relations Sunday Full Quart Tools Glass tub enclosures and renovated to better show the as the "Decor Shade.” PAUL DODEE Plate Glass Co., identifying this CoR 449-5807 try, they may actually be Juat aa im­ age yield per acre haa jumped from $ to 8 p.m.. Pilgrim Youth Army Citadel. pression.” Nursery. Children’s speaker, Guy Outlaw. 10:30 Am., Barries. Bteiday Garden and Land Tools glaM shower stalls are such vast selection of today’s mod­ To make a regular shade Group will meet at the church 8 p.m., Christiui Social Oon- 6:30 p.m.. Youth Fellowahip firm as their Autoglass Installa­ a comfort in the bathroom fpt em and exciting new prodpets portant 1,466 pounds to 1.8SS pounds last year, churches for youngsters in school clssssa for Mnaergerton Etoby, Household. Party smart looking, pick a hem treat­ PONTIAC, INC. A. AIMETTL Prop. with Mr. and Mrs. Marshall cerna Commission. address by Mr. Outlaw, “The through school. Nuns^. tion Dealer in this area. Only they keep It tidy and your chil­ for windows. ment. Hem treatments are All moat of ua know la that the Rua- and productivity is continuing to im­ Oradss 1 through 8. and Banquet Supplies lAyton. Saturday, 9:30 a.m., Metho­ 7 p.m., Evsnlng Service with Andover Lake Issue.” 8:15 p.m., Msetlng- Tha Rsv. Invalid Needs those dealers who give their dren can splash without hav­ Venetian blinds still the most available in a wide range of de­ S7S Blata SL—Tel. M8-2881 Barrlsoii St. HaaelMator yi«w ahot down our plane, that three customers the finest service, prove.” 7 p.m., Ths Mu Sigma Oil dist Youth Fellowship Convoca­ Bible massage: "Prayer in the Wednesday, 8 p.m.. Midweek NathanlM Lauriat o f Hartford ing the floor practiccdly afloat. functional in window coverings signs which can make your o f our men died, that tough diplomaUc Amid all this tangled trouble, we keep Group will meet with Mr. and tion in Providence, R. I. Lenten service. Unitarian Bodsty, fu ari apsak- VICHI'S plus quality workmanship, are If you are handy, these can be and decoration, have taken on a shades look uniquely yours. Mrs. Stanlsy Mstteson st ths Spirit.” selected by the Pittsburgh Plate new dimension with ths newly proteata were exchanged, and that then thinking how nice it would be, for Monday, 8 p.m.. Women's Fel- •r. Topic: "Hie Veftottoa of PACKAGE STORE instaUsd by yourself, or the Findell’s customers have been church. Jehovah’s Wltnenses losi'ship meeting in Fellowship Rockville Baptist Church Unltarianiam." Glass Co. to display this em­ White Glass C o. will install introduced narrow slat blind. very pleased with the wonderful the lasue went off the front pagea, aa if smokers, for tobacco growers, for the so BISSELL ST. Custom Made blem. Any one taking his car Kingdom Hail Hall. Mrs. Charles Tabor, mis­ 88 Union St. them. Estimates will be given *1116 reaction to the new slim effects that they have created TOORJUNE It had loot importance subsidy program, for taxes, even for the Emaanel Lutheran Cbureh 791 Main St. sionary from Africa, is the Wtaithrop W. Farnsworth, St. George’s Episcepal O n roh Window Coverinit here for work can do so with without obligation. blind has been excellent, which, with woven woods. ’The large STEVENSOirS But the reason Waahington let it go Food for Peace program, if somebody Rev. C. Henry Anderson, Pastor guest speaker. Business meet­ Pastor Rt. 44A, BcKen the utmost confidence. Every­ Hie White Glass Co. will re­ although new in this counti^, selection of materials and col­ 3 p.m.. Public Bible discourse; one knows how rigid the stand­ has been popular for a decade should discover where and when the Rev. Melvin T. Petersen ing. Refreshments. Rev. Edward W. JeluweA Vtoar CUSTOM MADE place broken window panes in ors make it possible to pick Just PAINTS off the front pagea had aome impor­ "Are All Faiths Good in God's e Window Shades ards set by insurance com­ in Europe where it was origi­ ESSO Assistnnt Pastor 9:30 e.m.. Church school storm sash, and they will also the right pattern to effectively health menace came into the cigarette, CANVAS AWNINGS panies are, and they check to nated in Scandinavia. The slats tance. Sight?” The Sali-aHon Army cleeeee for ell egee, nursery 3 a.m.. Holy Communion. o Vertical and Venetian replace screen wire in. the accent a room. They are avail­ FOR 8EST RESULTS 405 MAIN ST. Blinds, Drapes and see that these standards are are'about half the width of the And that reaaon was, aa Robert R. and how. therefore, it could be elimi­ 9 a.m.. Dlvlns Worship and 4:15 p.m., Watchtower maga- 861 Main St. through edults. 10:15 a.m.. Morning prayer screens. It Jnight be a good able in spring roller shades, roll TEL. 649-8290 nated. If any cigarette manufacturer Church School. Nursery Class xine Bible study article: "They Brig. Richard E. Holz 11 Am., Morning worship. Hardware maintained at all times. There- idea to check the screens now conventional blinds. The tapes Brunn narrated in the Chrlatlan Science and church school. foie,' when you know that insur­ are slim cords. The new design blinds and draperies. wants to aubaldize a hunch, let him look for three-year olds. Listened to an Angel,” and Sermon: “Ihe Great Commls- 6:30 pro.. Young Faepto'i and have the old screening re­ Are you having trouble find­ * T m o - u p t Monitor the other day, the fact that 10:90 a.m.. Divine Worship “Love and Boldness L^d to ance companies authorize work factors gives a unique “see PAULS 8 a.m.. Teen - age prayer alon.'' placed BO that when warm ing the right drapery rod you into that tobaoeo farmer’s yield per aCre ’ Feilowehip. FINDELL'S to be done at the White Glass through” quality, the plus fea­ Washington, although It could never and Church School. Pro Deo et Life." breakfast. 6:30 p.m., Young peoples weather comes you will not need? Call Findell’s. You can PAINT SUPPLY * Engino doonlng angle, find out what kind and quantity Tuesday, 8 pro.. Women of 485 MIDDLE TPKE.. EAST Co., you knOw that th e. work ture in these blinds. Foif.ijew bring Itself to condone the brutality with PAtria awards wiK be present­ Wednesday, 8 p.m.. Group 9:30 a.m., Sunday school for p i^ e r meeting. ))ave to .wait.fOR thifli service. ^ rest;.Assured tekK they hive "the St. George must meet these standards*at home owners, the New ” of fertlllxer and chemical haa brought ed. to Richard Benson and Bruce Bible studes n thie' Bible aid; all ages. 7^p.m.. Evening gospel hours. Phone e48-48M ' Glass wonderful.'rin the' ri^ht rod to create the effect 645"l«ain Street •M lndrRopdlrt^^' e ^ ch Russia finally ahot the plane down, HlleUng.' At both servlcea. ser­ Wednesday, 10 eJd., Roly all times. Archie Larochelle and a^eves new opportunities for it about and see whether the health ‘‘Let Y-our Name be SnnctlOed" 10:45 Am., Holiness aervice. Meilsege: “The Call to Holi­ home and Its uses are so many you desire. ’The wood pole and Tel. 649-0300 found ItMlf compelled, hy lU own knowl- mon by Pastor Peterson, "Duty Communion. R. A. PEARL, Prop. Joseph White, owners of the exciting aesthetic window treat­ * S t o m p i at the folloM'Ing locations; 87 Sermon by Brig. Holz, "Con­ ness.” ^and so varied that It Is impos­ the large diameter brass cafe e^;e and logic, to give Russia the bene- harm chart hasn't risen along with the to God and Country.” Nursery. 8 ]i.m.. Evening prayer and business, are proud of the high ments. A wide range of colors to Birch St., 18 Chambers, 287 formation Versus Transforma­ Monday, 8:30 p.m.. Pioneer penitential office. sible to list the many ways it rodi ate the newest addi'tiohs fR of all the other doubts in the inci­ number of pounds per acre. 6:30 p.m., Pre-Oonfirmation Oakland St. in Manchester; al­ rating their company merits. avkilable. tion.’’ Girls. can be used. Smaller rooms can Window shades can be made tq the drapery rod selections. League meeting. so 144 Griffin Rd. in: South 2 p.m., HoopiUl visiUUon by •How about the windshield in # J Upholstery dent Wedneeday, a.m. and 7:80 5 p.m.. Pilgrims meeting. St. Fetor’S Eptooepai Cbureh !*• hm w la your car; is it in perfect condi­ be made to look larger through inexpensively from drapery mac No matter what your window 11 Windsor and French Rd. in Bol­ Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson and Mrs. 7 :30 p.m.. Board o f Trustees. As Oorrespondent Brunn now recre­ p.m.. Service of Holy Com­ Wartdng e Aluminum RollUp tion ? If it isn’t, this is poor the use of strategically placed terial. A new vinyl solution now decorating needs are, call Fin- P and l¥ l Shop VIC’S PIZZA SHOP ton. Thomse McCann. Tuesday, 7 p.m.. Boys’ Brl- Rev. Jenwe A. Birdeell, Vloar < AwBiags'"''' ' ■ mirrors. They give the effect of dell’s. You will find that they ates the plane IncideBt our ground sta- They Get The Venag munion. Friday, 7:25 p.m.. Theocratic 6:30 p.m.. Prayer service. economy for cracked or crazed available adds "body” to fabrics, RE-UPHOLSTEBINO u s W. Middle Tonpllw gade. e Venetum Blinds v windshields are a potential space and airiness to a room, giving them shade strengfth. offer a wide selection, have well Phone eaSrSTOO tkms in West Germany knew there was Ministry school. 7 p.m.. Evangelistic serv­ Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.. Prayer e Storm poors trained salespeople, and prompt Ceaimunlty Baptist Church 10 a.m.. Morning prayer and source of danger and alao this is and the cost is a very modefate This offers the home owner a * Modorn Furnituro trouble coming almost as soon as our President de Gaulle doesn’t need to 8:30 p.m.. Service meeting. ice. Sermon by Brig. Holz, end fellowship meeting. e Combination Windows one. Glass protects lovely furni­ service. Or if you want to come 588 E. Center St. Theme: "Help Others Out of sermon. sui item checked by the police smart new way to coordinate and Antlquos PIZZA “A.W.O.L,. Prophet.” Hnirsday, 7:30 p.m.. Meeting Manchester Awning COk ture against spills, soretches, shade.*) with draperies, bed­ in to the new showroom, where piano got into the air that day; make any more speeches telling the Rev. Alex H. Elsesser, Minister Darkness Into Light, Offer the Wedneoday, Aah Wedneadsy. OAI.L when they run a spot check. Let of rinirch school officers and 185 WEST CENTER ST. a a p a rf stains, yet allows the beautiful spreads or wallpaper when you are always welcome, you e Store Stools and Bootes -SPAGHEHI American people how much he loves and Watchtower.” South Metliodtot Churrh 6 a.m. and 10 Am.. Holy Com­ the J. A. White Glass Co. in­ “Radar tracking o f the plane with teachers. Telephone 640-8081 grain of the wood to show matching drapery materials are will find them open Monday to e Custom Furniture RAVIOLI admires or doubts and questions us. 8:30 a.m., (Jhurch school for Rev. J. Manley Shaw, D.D. munion at the Broad Bluok t Mevmc stall a new one for you—the three aboard,” writes Brunn, “quickly 8:30 p.m., Meeting of expan­ Congr^atlonal Ohureh. Established 1848 through. Of course, it is a must available. Be sure to ask lor it; Friday, 9 to 5, and Saturdays Slipcovers and Draperies all ages. Classes through Grade Trinity Covenant Church Rev. Ray C. HoUto Jr. price is moderiite. Hade to Order showed Allied ground stations that the We have, in the news, a fairly acciirats sion committee. 8 p.m.. Holy Communion at e FAteRiNC Do you I find tjt difficult to in the bathroom, and for use on it is called “ Decor Shade.” till noon. The phone number is OPEN DAILY 4 will have an expanded session Hackmatack St. Rev. Jamee M. Gage 643-4865 and the address is 485 Complete Selection of plane was heading for East Germany. indicator. lasting through the morning Saturday, 10 a.m.. Stockade the Wapping School auditorium. ventilate the bedrooms ade- a vanity it cannot bs equaled. Findell’s is also equipped to 7:30 A.M.toll:00PJd. Near Keeney St. Rev. Gordon Otoon meeting. E. Middle ’Tpke., "at the Green.” Materials ■When we wanted to borrow a great worihip aervice. Re\-. K. Ejnar Bask, Pastor The Vicar will Speak on "My quateljr di(rlng winter atorma? Should you like counselliig in offer the laminated shade which Radio maaaages with predae tnatruc- has been featured in today’s Join the family of happy cus­ FREE ESTIMATES SUNDAYS and famous work of art from his eoun- 10:30 sjn .. Morning worship. 9 and 10:45 am.. Morning Bounden Duty.” Glass ventilators are the an­ the use of glass in the home, Lower Level of the Parkade 4 P.M. to 10:30 P,M. tiona were directed at the plane but Wapping Coouminity Church Friday, 8 p.m., W apping swer to Uie problem, for they stop in at the J. A. White Glass leading home decorating maxa- tomers who, when asked, try, he sent ua the Mona Lisa, an artlatle Sermon; “Baptist Action for 9:30 a.m., Sunday school with Worship. Boy Scout Sunday. “Where did you get that beau­ S49-6824 there was no reply. Congregational School, Meeting ef theexeeutivs let in light and air yet keep out Co.; they will be happy to as­ zlnes. With this process the CLOSED MONDAYS Racial Brotherhood.” A nursery classes for all age groups, kin­ Race Relations Dey. tiful ?vlndow .treatment?” can creation notable chiefly for its knowing Rev. Roy R. Hutcheon, Minister committee. snow and rein. All you have to sist you. drapery fabric is a^ered to s “ tJnited States interceptors scrambled la provided during the a-orship dergarten through adults. 9 and 10:45 Am., Church answer “Findell’s.” but mysterious smile. The main message aervicA 10:45 a.-m.. Morning Worship. Rev. Theodore Bacbeler AUWBODV Manehtster Moving shade giving a long lasting and tried to turn the plane back but it School for nursery through Minister of Mona Lisa la just like that of 8 and 7:30 pjn.. School of Sermon: “Objectives of Lent.” 8t. Joha’e Episcopal O huch had a head start The chasers turned Grade 7. Grades 5 end 9 classes and Trucking Co. dc Gaulle to those whom he doesn’t Uks M irons. “Challenges Facing a 5 p.m.. Senior Hi-League with attending church. Rt 88, Veraou are constantly escaping from ent, it may be possible to con­ back at the Communist border. 9:30 and 11:00 a.m., Mmuing Wonders of the Universe' centrate the atmosphere and Central City Church." Speaker: program on Alaskan missions. 10:45 a.m.. Second Mile Club Rev. James L. Oraat, Rhetor the body. There is one other DON WILLIS Osfrimky particularly well: Mona lisa suid Worship and church school. liquify it for use as a nuclear "What was happening in the Ameri­ Rev. Robert C. Casstevens. Cen- 7 p.m.. Evening Service. for Grades 8 and 9. Senior High factor which, while of minor imj de Gaulle both say “ I am ao much wiser tiAl Baptist Church, Hartford. Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Aah Youth Sunday Theme: “The 7:46 a.m.. Holy Communion. portance, can help maintain this propellant. Since the other elC' DEALZR IN W A Sn FOnim. Peculiar Ones.” can plane? than you are it isn’t even funny." Supper served by the Koinonla Wednesday Service. Observance 9 a.m.. Holy Communion, ser­ Landing on atmosphere, the solar protons ments essential to life would un< GARA8E MATIRIALS “ Officials can only apeculate that their 6 pjn.. Junior High Fellow- mon, classes. WRECKER doubtedly be present in the That was de Gaulle to us Americans. ClfiSt. A nursery is provided. of Holy Communion. riiip will riMt the North Meth­ may collide with the hydrogen 18 Main St„ Tel. 649-4531 radio or navigation instruments were Voruoa Methodist Chnrch 10:48 a.m., Morning Frayer, pariicles of the Mercurian at­ space vehicle, the presence of Now there is in the news an indica­ odist Church. Mcthoihst Youth Rt. SO sermon, classes. SERVICE hydrogen in the Mercurian at su t mosphere tending to drive then) RAOS, IRON tion of how dc Gaulle treats his friends. Feilowehip. Rev. Robert FIrby 7 p.m.. Evening Prayer and I Now Seems Feasible into the rather than let mosphere practically assures Spoelolliing In “Another cause could be pilot error. His friends, obviousiy enough, are the 7 p.m.. Senior High Fellow- Young People's Fellowship them escape. This represents plentiful supply of the essential Connecticut Yankee atiip. Weeley Hell. 8 end 10 a.m.. Morning w

/ ■V '


/ i H v ia a w o h e r a l d . i i a n c h b s Tk b > c o n n , Sa t u r d a y , F e b r u a r y s. i 9S4


t MIMSO THE 3MEUN OCMtamoN, Tool Tolk ' MM>.iV30PL»,aUTlSANBL>CK, (TV CVB4 MmSB*B(AN I KARIDl IT k u for V OFFICIAL TIME OUT t WAS POWHTDNN ONLY AN HCXJtT. SHEIVA ^UStBIFOtTeHS * iiWUlIM Tie' Meriden CMeCHCD OUT FOB BUT THE House LOOKS UKE A XCupatM 's 4 KskibHi S He LSFT Hl« BOHRDMONi For WONIE LOT AliTER AH INDIAN Uatw ■ BulrtopW**” I ^ rCAlOf AND NATURALLV AIAOS . For First; HAS SONetHATAYIAVA^rHMm.' . a s S R ’ S Teams ■StiShsL — HOW OO YOU READ THB TKAIL, furtooli yl^M^ridacioM t v lu s e s ? XmiBodwIBl ■ OtmHlalMS Evans Star BUGGS BUNNY flPNn From Manhattan ta Maim , ths baakstlMdl eenrta at t i s K Aumi s££5sSI»^“ » Br BOWIE HOLCOMB SEE VA COALIN' INTA WELL, rM NOT 'I'LL RNISH BY MAbsM Nortliaaat wUl ba pooadad ^ MONEY, AN'. PAYING FOR, REAPIN' TH'LUAAPG SiSSfg. “E ss M M uriU . Changing ths quality of ptaysM from tbs Nutinsg Mata .7HIN6SL00K OOPS' />AR T/AL INOGGIN'il ^tatU iO SSSSTceom S llA S M sata axuSSem U H ^t as U Oonnactlcut taanis M O saInt their play with chamdson- iSOOP FERYAIN WEAPINGi BEEANOCEAKb u Bm * aiONfSp Mllbn p w —count ’am, U —go to wesfc., TH* CRYSTAL B A a, ^TRIP... ^ H5?*! aimiMrfM HOoTCfsd like huicknsss, Manchester WMUn tbs stato itoelf, tbeiw ttOaoMralnf emuat High turned in its best ef< wM ba AtonehiU at QulaBipiae, ELMeR.„ . _ MNitnnl fK MlaUlass X mwa SlO owpoilHl S fort of the seasim last night Bowdoto at Trinity, Bridgswator SLSiMith aeeooai a t Nerw H aven, N o rtb A d n w Rt moM7 (pL) to soundly trounce Bristol WUUmantlc, and Hunter r Cantral, S^47, and tia Ma­ S illtlh r r r r r F a lrfisld . SSQonlnriwite loney for first place in the i s s s l i i r In aUen tonitory tha adwd- STlhieooInd IT" IT OCIL etandlnce. Lest niglit'a SOiMkIo puts JJL ula abows Tale at Cohmibla, all-around fine Job came hard Bridgeport at Teabiva, OonnsoU SSUnniiQad i r IT NT S4A KDbfc X were; Platt 68, Wethersfield 61 Of hIs team’s 20 points, EHlng- the men’s slnlom eld race of ler shot down the first run Juniors were Carol Crandal and Sharon Lov«tt. Inter- The EUa were led by Riok KO' BTBilani B" In overtime; Bristol Esstem 87, ton tntted the Rams by 22-20 the Winter Olympic Onmes. In 1 minute, 9:08 aeconds. mediates were Clairs Pavelack mijisky, with 21 points, and i HaU 69 and Conard 68, Wind­ Sehranx was next In 1:10.04, Dave S^umacher, vrith 19. powi to at ttw break. But than their Baker Stars Although starting In 24th and Gale Correnri. These girls ■ 1 followed by Heuga In other games last night. ICtauUp i • CL ham 82. shooting hands went cold and place, an unfavomble posl- wUl return Friday night In the SSsBfs Big Bob Bvana was ths star RookvUle Boomed to a 35-22 tton, the University of Colo- ISarlier, a trenwndous Tankers Win finals. This match will be the Bates left an early 18-poliU; lead of Manchester's triumph bafors adge at the end of the third In Bobcats^ mdo student rocketed down epurt by Assar Roennlund best of three games. go to pot but beat Coast Guard gave Sweden a gold medal tha largest home Central crowd period. the dnngerous run in the Girls eliminated in last night’s (now 5-8’ with four free throws OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS of the season. He poured In 23 RockvUle’e second unit play­ third best time to challenge In the rigorous 40-kllometer With Record action were Leslie Slbrinsz, Kyle In the dosing seconds, 82-76, points (top individual effort by League Win an Austrian sweep. men’s relay 'ski race, Fin­ Annum, Ramune Saldus, Jo­ and Stonehill edged Southern ed much of the game, trying to land was second and Rus­ any Indian this season) and prees BlUngton Into ball-han- The championship is de­ anne Irish, Carol Urbanetti and Oonnscticut (8-14) 69-64. sia th ird. hauled in 16 rebotmde to pace dUng erroca. Kenny Kellner, still undefeated (6-0) in league cided «Hi runs down two For Medley Sand! Morton. Joanne Irish, who JU STW ON CP -HELP A«.RIOHT our h is club b o th on offen se anittd di oourees—one of them 618 The bronxe medal boost­ AND IMANTBP Y3U TD COME OF A ravin' t /t c ' At I i n ' who connected cf eevan of play. South Windsor High finishediirnsnea fifthluui in the uio Juniorouiuur • O 1 tense. clinched at leaat a ria for the yards and the other 608, on ed tae Soviet medal total quBllifylng round, rolled In place S h ^ W b llflg S t r e a K OVER AMP S A S Y -e m v iTH H ^ .COMPLAIMM* B W J eight free throws in the final to 24, a record haul and ILed b y th e record -settin g AMP SINCE TOLfREALMWiS JIffriDSEr'HEH Good rebounding and another championship of the North Cen­ Mt. Birgitakoepfl. of an ailingailin g Sue Correnri who O BY AL VERMEER pmiod, waa high for the Rama more rium twice as many as performance of the medley re­ PRISCILLA'S POP COMPLAIMMO TD HER ABOUT HOW good defensive Job on Central's with 11. Cariaon flnlshed with tral Connecticut Conference 'Two other American eld­ had quidifled. I HARP TH EY a r e T S HAMPLE. iUented George paid off ers—Billy Kidd of Stowe, any other country. lay team, Mancheeter High Ends at Hamden 20 to pace both oluba. laat night with an 84-68 over­ Joan Urbanetti bowled 318 to ' ITFORMOU/ for the Indians. Ones again the Vt, nnd Bud Werner of Hie winning time for the TH1M&; Tha Rams are now 18-8 for time victory over Stafford on scored a 64-61 victory over lead the Midgets. She had 1 1 * Big Red used a four-man sone Stenmbont Springe, Colo.— approxinnately 26 miles was games of 107, 91 and a remark­ With Stan Chalickl firing a the seaeon, BSlington la 9-8 and the latter’a court 2 hours, 18 minutes, 84.6 Windham in a swimming meet defense with the fifth defender The Bobcats broke loose for were In the top 10 nfter the able 120 third tilt Sandy Mac- superb 192, Hamden High de­ sUU needs a win to gain the seconds. held lost night at the MHS (either Bob Escavich or Duke 18 points In the three-minute ex­ flret run, 1^ by Joeef kay’s third game of 110 along feated the Manchester High Hutchinson) trailing Benoit pUaa C Tournament. Stiegler of Austria, with This type of back-break­ Pool. It vras the second consecu­ Rockville (ie> tra session after being held to with a 95 and 106 game her a rifle team, 911-910, yesterday- Central’s Mr. Everything col­ Karl Frans, another Aus­ ing cross-country skiing Is tive MHS victory by that score first loss of the season for tha B ] Pt . a 66-66 tie in regulation rime. as the Tribe ’walloped Hall by total of 311 for second place. lected 18 points but six were Nelderwerler ...... 4 trian, second. not .America’s cup of tea Carol Crandall's games of 84, Indians after 13 victories and a L Puts ...... 4 ! I Jim Baker paced the winners and the U.S. team finished the same margin Monday. from the free throw line snd 3' with 26 points while Msu*k De- The heavUy favored 113 and 109 led the Juniors tia. Bucher! ...... 0 ISth In the 18-team field, Tlie medley quartet of Walt five were scoted In the final Hartsllo ...... 3 4 Tora registered the same num- PYanools Bonlieu of France, with 306. Sharon Lovstt posted It was, in fact, tha first vic­ bearing put only Britain Hudsmi, John Preston, Ned Zag- quarter when the issue was de­ Nswmarker ...... 3 • ber for the losere. gold mednUst In the giant a lOA 100 and 94 for a 298 three tory over a Manchester High VanOvdenhove ...... 4 and Canada. lio and Paul Saari completed team since March 1962. cided. Wrisht ...... a . 1 3 The 'Cats pushed their overall alalom, tumbled on the Ice- strin g. The game, however, wasnt their race in 1:5S to estaMMi Hia victory waa swaat re­ Kc'lner 2 •1 record to 11-1, a new school mark. Clair Pavelack and Gale Cor- as one-sided as a glance at the XjCC ...... 0 venge for the improved down- 0| aontk Wiaissr (M)______The Indians went on to win renti put on quits a battle in final score might Indicate. Cen­ Lssbury ...... 0 staters, who were soundly Clark ...... 0 B F Pt eight of the remaining 10 the Intermediate group with tral battled the Tribe on nearly Ferguson . . . . ; ...... 0 , Murphy Russians Only S t e p Away Miss Pavelack taking first trounc^, 924 to 852, on tha even terms dining the first pe­ I Walflcus events. In addition to their eight local rahge in January. It also wins, the Tribe also picked up place with 316. She rolled single riod. The score was knotted on Totals ....;...... Elllsctea < I 4 ) ____ four seconds to oomplstely dom' games of 99, 119 and 98. Miss [marks a triumph for B. M j^ two occasions before Paul Russo B F i From Adding Hockey Medal Inate the meet. Correntl -ptaited her match with I Stephens, dean ot Coroect^t A ft. Quasnltachka’s hoop put Man­ Carlson ...... 8 4 Goodin a high single for the night of 1 rifle coMhes, du® to ret^ w s Werkhoven ...... 0 0 Rohlln 4 0 8| By winning, the Trfije boosted chester ahead 9-7. They sUyed Kobus 0 0 ,6-1 and would gat the nod by its seasonal mark to 6-2 and its 121 followed by 101 and 91! year after 28 years of rills BY JOE CAMPBELL In front from then on although Zabllansky ...... 0 4 Totals loTiM INNSBRUCK. Austria (AP)—^ games. She waa 3 pins short of coMhlng. BONNIE Stefford 0( FROM THE ORES m C«trRie«nMS ' Give tSZQOOQ With Evans popping in five Curnan ... would end in a three-waift tle^ three game® will be awarded' _ Quiglsyl Shs's an hour iats nowP* . , hornis and Central’s shooting Muilo ...... 8 8 16 young team WM determined to trophies at the annual Fire C raw ford ...... 98 OeeZER. CAHVOU C A R R y iN Q -/ Former Ditcher Vic Sorrell 9 8 38 make a laat stand against the and the Russians would g « the 306' frsSstyle won by Johnson M, BlfA ing off, the Tribe pushed M. Detora R. Goss W, Toedt W. Time 3:06.4. Police Girls Bowling League C all ...... 96 *E#V POR ooachee North Carolina State’s powerful Soviets, dsspite the gold award on a near-certain lU margin to 81-27 at the half. 36 18 68 60 (reestyl, won by D rlm M. L ukacs...... 96 #AE? baseball team. Totals .... fact that ■victory could still edge in goals, with the Czechs Wassmer M, Ashton W. Time 34.3. banquet sponsored by the Rec­ Monoheater (910) SO Evans and Quasnltschka led a IndiVidilal medley won by Sham- reation Department bring a third-place finish for second and Canadians third. MoctIsoix ••••••*• 99 88 Y o u , riod attack that k^ i If both Canada' and Czbchoslo- bctok W, Levesque W, Preston M. the underdog Canadians. Time 3:38.9. R otbw ell ...... 98 87 A R E i. B E N C A S E Y building up 'tile Tribe vakia lost, they’d finish in a lly Jilst before the Rham Defeated in Thriller "We’re still playing -to win Robin- TS • . S . __ BaxterB axter ...... wo98 oa 82 the gold medal,” the Rev. Da­ three-way standoff, with Swe­ quarter ended, Hutchinson, den, for runner-up honors. On •^uJfemT'Tn* \ z/*iio M.'Bn8tol Matmen i^vitt...... 99 si vid Bauer, Canada’s coach, said Levesque W.— -Tuttlel • back W. Time Rueconi ...... 96 82 178 Quasnltschka and Evans con­ the goals ratio tosls, Canada rwASN'r KNOdONO n nected for successive hoops and Friday after Csechoslovakia 1:08.8. Other Manchester SCMVS were yOUR TOWN,MISTER. BUT Upset Loss Drops Giventry had floored the Canucks, S-1, likely would be placed fourth— 100 freestyle won by Stuck M. Score Close Win Oenta, 176; Hanley, 172; John­ I WASNTOOUH-rlNG ON the Indians owned a 48-87 edge. qnd wind up with no medal. Robinson M. Shamback W. Time Bristol’s troubles Increased and created a log-jam behind 66.1. son, 170; and Penny, 167. STAVINS OVER, you the unbeaten Russians. Father The Czechs had outscored op­ Backstroke won by Hudson M, An­ Leading until the final match, SURE you CANT.. shortly after the final period Out o f C harter Oak Lead ponents, 36-11, after Friday’s derson .M, G. Levesque W. Time Manchester High dropped a began vrith Jeff Beaucar com­ Bauer didn’t add that Ms skat­ 1:06.8. ers would need outside help to­ games. Sweden’s mark was 400 freestyle won by Johnson M; close 23-19 decision to Bristol Lema Holds Lead mitted his fifth personal and 39-18 and Canada’ s 30-14. Rus- Toedt W, M. Oakn/an M. Time Central in a wrestling match was sidelined. 'The Indian^. STANDINGS day—from the same Czechs. slas’ out-of-reach scoring mar­ 4 46.1 held yesterday at the MHS (Evans, In fact) made good o) W, Under a new International Breaststroke won by Wilk M. By Single Stroke gin w as 61-8. Arena. the ensuing free throw, then A von ...... 19 Hockey Federation ruling which Haddad W, McIntosh M. Time BY FRANK O’NEAL The Russians, however, were 1:41.1. A long-time antagonist, foot­ S H O R T R I B S fired In four straight hoops and C oventry ...... 9 determines Olympic placings in Freestyle relay won by Manches­ PHOEBNlX, Ariz, (AP) — C r o m w e ll...... 8 case of ties, only the Russians heavy favorites tp keep the ter ( ^ r l . Stuek, Wassman, baller Dan Harrigan, pinned Caiampagne Tony Lenta, cam- suddenly they were out In front, mathematicians out of action Ronnie Lewis in the final match HowAiAi ea N et) eerr-TO rvE fiowh 60-39, and the game was In the R ock y m u ...... 7 were assured a medal. The So­ Driggs). Time 1.37.6. paigning to become tiie flret RHAM ...... 4 viet Unlo.i, of course, could by whipping Canada for an out- to win the- meet for Central. double winner of the winter golf K«S SNIPS) M/BRDOMlj 'WECASILElN'TlMEftDRAAV A CHOPPER BEFORE. bag. The loss dropped Manchester Bhrans, of course, led all scor­ Portland ...... 4 clinch the crown by either de­ trail,. carried a one-«troke lead TOe Canadians lost goalie to a 2-5 record for the season. ^PflOsriMEhtt'WllH'mE WHS? ers (and rebounders, too). <3uas- East Hampton .. 2 feating or tying Canada in to­ New Grid Pact into today’s third round of toe Seth Martin as well as the de- , Sum m ary: nltschka had 16 and ouUlde of Bacon Academy .. 2 day’s match. $60,000 Phoenix Open Golf cision in Friday’s batUe with A ll 103 lbs. Nyreck B, dec. Hi- Benoit, was the only other play­ The Canada-Russia scrap pre­ Tournament. the rugged Czechs. A Czech for- ^ I X U W guera M, 7-3; 110 lbs. Casey B, er to reach double figures. But Third-place Cromwell hande< ceded the hockey wind-up be­ One stroke briilnd Lema’s six- Coventry Its second Chsrtei tween Czechoslovakia and Swe­ ward slammed into Martin dur- v dec. Margarito M, 10-9; 115 lbs. the other Indians gave Evans ihg the middle period and the L /O Ilg n O ril VuOaCIl under-par 136 were a half dozen and Quash great supporting Oak Conference defeat of thf den. both also In. medal conten­ Rohrbaoh M, pinned Ryan B, players — U.S. Open chamiKon goalie limped off the lc6 with| ------2:26; 121 lbs. Mancini B, dec. help with what Coach Phil Hyde season last night, 66-61, In over­ tion. Julius Boros, British Open king pulled ligaments in his right AUSTIN, Tex. (AP)—Darrell Berkman M, 4-1; 127 lbs. Rodg­ MORTY MEEKLE BY DICK CAVA1J.1 called "the best team effort of time and knocked the Patriot The IHF ruling covers the B/COME,OaME,MY ;ame against Cromwell, finally goals scored-goals allowed ra­ ing day loss to Russia. for life on Royal and raised his Kafie M, 7-0; unlimited, Harri­ Eagle Frofih Win .. SEEHB?^1 PBARSAWrre/ first start of the season, a right .ylng the score at 47-all on e The Soviets got by Sweden, 4-2, salary $4,000 a year to $24,000. he earned with a fine Job In the tio. gan B, pinned Ron Lewis M, DOaOR / A MERE TRICK. hoop by George Bberle. But Bol Thus, the Canadians could for their sixth straight success. This was the first time such 3:42. Paced by Pete Dlminioo (11) i t \ SEED-y A MAGNIFICENT loss to Conard. Again last night Frazer and Ray Libera sparkei* win the gold medal by upend- The United States dropped its action has been, taken at the and Gary Minor (10). toe Eato hs out-batUed taller opponenU * a laUSION. SURELY a Cromwell rally in the extrr. ing the Russians if Sweden beat [ fourth straight, 3-2, to Finland, university. CtathoUc Freshmen defoxtod for several rebounds and con­ YOU OONT THINK session and the Pats fell—right the Czechs. Canada would then Germany finally won TM M STAnON-r ing to Dick/French (17) and Chicago, who broke his marks, and a one-time Merine himself from consideration for OUT TO I WSMrf TmcSCAPlAM------I 0 Q uesnltichke ...... « ^ the Oklahoma coaching Job BTOPPBPMRaABjHEVl VSHADA 0 Smith ...... 0 M Jeff Burrows (131. Gary Rob­ OMOi record 'winning have given a new booet to bloe- Approach Veeck PICKUP L EASY neOMTNBIQli yVDOWKK OR BOUSTHINS.'y/CAlOCO OASOLMS 3 Simmons ...... J fS erts and Armand Boucher to­ when Bud Wilkinson quit to en­ Breaks Up and Heads Home N^CAPSP HIMiTCOi OBushnelJ ...... g the Wanamaker Mile soming American Olym pic ter politics. coNVicr CRSOITOARW HS> 3 Brannlck ...... g taled 25 for the Sachems. 0 Bosworth ...... Oremwed (88) _ in the Millrose Games hopes. To Take Position 10NHMOC. B F Pt Army enlisted men Roy Hicks V- INNSBRUCK, Austria (AP)—1>from McDermott. But too w orld MJURBP 18 Totals ...... 37 14-31 S3 NeBl ■...... 1 0 8 at New York’s Madison With Baltimore The U.S. ..peed skating squad championships is a test over MACMt Ceetrsl <47) T.lbera ...... 6 3 11 Square Garden, is the tfoA Mel Pender, escaping at lour distancee from 600 to 3,000 ACCM trr Benoit ...... « H® IS Daly ...... 0 0 fl l^ t briefly from the shadow® broke up today after providing I Beaucar Heloweikl ...... 4 1 8 brightest hope of the Sports Viewing meters and sprint capability is 0 Doyle . nam»r j; ...... 4 4 11 of Hayes Jones and Bob Hayee, BALTIMORE (AP) — Bill | America's only gold medal of ot the main factor in selection. grsser ...... 6 6 IB United States for a flashed to meat record-equaling Veeck, former owner of three the Winter Olympics — but not Miss Lawler has now rscov- 1 OtSuly ’.‘.V.iV.V. 1 0 rtvltello ...... 1 0 1 1,500-m eter gold medal vlotories in the PfaUadelphia In­ major leag;ue baseball clubs, SATURDAY 2 p.m.—College Basketball m uch else. ered from the muscular aches 0 aSgiS Mr.*,*.".’ ” . ” .*.!'.'. ® U I 31 13 66 in the Olympic Games quirer Games Friday and Ln- says he has been approached by TotaU Channel 22 As the athletes started' to in her legs which troubled her , 1 Honico ...... J *T I Oavaatary (ID gaUe's John Uelses ^soared! a Baltimore Oriole stockholder during competition lost week. 3 Raley ...... 1 90 in T o k y o . 8:30—Winter Olympics leave town, (Doach Leo Freising- again into the 16-foot status. { about running the club. U.S. officials wars hopeful she ■nvah .... Veeck hinted he was "oasuW- C hannel 8 er admitted: "I am a little dis­ U Totals ...... • • 17 13-81 47 'Terbell .. ■0®!®®®, who became the first appointed. I thought they would would gi've a better account of ly Interested” In the Orioles, 4 p.m.—Golf Claselo Rbeile noon ever to pole vault 16 feet her talents. TtoCke ... *9 Ring Contender but then added, "at one time. Channel 3 do better.” E m I Side Jimion Hudllk when he was omnpeting for the Terry McDermott, the barber Of the Squad’s g t n s r a l fltoiTs ... I very -much wanted to move 4:30—Sports Special perfOrmoncs, Frelsingar shld: QuanUoo Marines, sat a meet (Motorcycle Races) from Essexville, Mich., who One gome lost night matched Mririson 6 After Title Bout here, but the bloom now U off “ Apart from the sprinters, they record of 16-1 in something of Channele 22, 30 struck gold for America in the thb Knlclu against Songalio the pum pkin.” , , didn’t come up to expectations. TbUls .. 30 n 61 A personal oomeba and Bob LoPolt of the . winners Oorell . Baltimore Sports Reporters at a 2:80—-Sports Spectacular ’. 1 1 ~ I New Yorker. "Mims is reel cute probably represent the United — unless better tootUties were poured in six boskots without a Donsan 6.2 by Ponder in the 60-yord meeting which was taped for C hannel 8 miss to' sat up a commanding Roberta ••eesaaseeaeaseea* and I learned plenty from him. AiM, and the 6 flat 60-ymid States. Any third ]riace would provided in toe UnltM Itates. Rnucher Uter showing on television. 8 pan.—Winter Olymploe "W e want ratrigaratad tsichfi lead. Tlia Knlcks with Pets Her- ■*^e'ni Maiybe if Gianrdello was looking high burdlee by Hlclui. lie between Janice Smith of In he’ll give me thea title tight. O He said the Oriole manage­ Cluuinel 8 Rochester, N.Y., and Jsuine spread around the oouittry mt dio and Chuck Corson carry­ TSerk .. Pender, a 2-year-ok! sUtt Roller . VYeah, Joey gave him the ment had forgotten that poeple 4 pan. — World of Golf Ashworto of Lake Placid, N.T. our poopla eon got tnlfllaC- to ing the load tried herd. For the mrtasnt ftom Aolanta, equaled in Baltimore enjoy having a Channel 80 the right conditions oU winnm LoPolt (20). Tom Fita- is 14 441 Invitation oil right,” sold Jimmy M iss A shw orth and M iss Totals ...... ** o a X a tighter who toe marie set by such on Ed g ood tim e. 8 pan.—Phoenix Open jmifh finlshsd equal fourths to round?’ hs qold. gerold (12) and Rioy Johnson In recen t OenweU, ArL B n«g and Andy "Attending *wnM Ohsiuifll .S •ths Olytopic 800 meters — the (10) vritro high oeororo. Hordte Fourteen statea where pari- »«««• • Btanftrid. And Btoko, a EO-yeor- years, bos beea gri m , rather 14 pan.—Winter Olyniplea mutual homeas racing la c o n - h t o the tovite by eticklng hia i highest ii^ea by any|'iF0ttk|15r^ tojito I Itad (IT) and Schordt (8) whan O e r p .u a toon like delightful tin i« it should Channel 8 . * . * W IM M t and JohR iteod ployod a duqted ware enriched a total of [chin out to seme of theoo ^ AifiMlean i#hAi g l^O li to X96*. ‘ i w i i ptinohM.'* 'C liiW * wfca BtoA M b . y 7 ' •U',i ■. . ■ ' . ' , ^ I ' ■ J ^ - i,- !■ - ' I f ( I j I i..". V 1 ' .1 ' '■ I j > \.

EANCHESTE* BVBNINO h e r a l d , MANCHESTER, CONN. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, >964 ■AHCnSSTES EVENING HERALD, HANGHESTSOI, CONM^ SATURDAY, FEBRUARY «,‘l904 1 F o r : 9 5 By FA6ALY and SHORTEN Hsttsiu Fur 8sk 72 Wanted— Raul Eutate 77 lUkrfIng and CUiRn«ini I6-A H o t is e s F i n S i t e 7 2 H o u m b F i n S u k 7 2 Houses For Suk 72 Howis FDr Suk 72 r o CKVILUD a r e a — Single bomee available — Ranch, 6 MODERN, ImmaciilaU 8-be» RUtiB BPCmjm RAMCBL OWNERS MOVnfQ out of State ROCKVILLB-$8500. Large tm- tl8,20tf — OomfortAUa 8 room Prince Carlm ROOFmO — BpedaUstnc ra- a v a i l a b l e Inunedlately—6 W ANTED — tat. o a o lootne, centraUy located; Cape room Raabto pnotteally la family atoa kileiMB, wahmt are saUhN tbto i rbom maotilete oldar a rooms, ga­ home aaar aobooto, bus, shop- pnlitaf roofo o t an kftada, npw room ^Murtment, sutomatte pliw. 90x160 lot. Immedtoto oo- —1 rooms; Cape with 8 acres ,haok yard of Bowera School, eahlnato, thrae twin ttna bed­ tevel ranch located In Man- rage. Rockville Realty, shi- rooli, gutter work, ebtaniioya beat and hot water, oonvenl^ cupanM. VIn Boggtol, Bal Air CLASSIFIED CBMiiuhii CURB of land;; ranch—I bedrooms; quiet, refined nei^lbachoad. rooms, recreatloa room, Maa- efaeattr. Features include 11^ cleanie«r repaired. Aluminum location. Working couple. Cell Real Ettato, 64S5882. aldlnf. M years* experience. •orR fW iioRin attached garage, 1®*: B el A ir R ea l B ttata, 948-9333. efaeater, only $18,180. Oaitton tag room with fIrepUoe, kttota He*s to Marry Irene 646-4319. fitxn m o monthly. Roekvnle an with hnut-tas, dtotog room, South W tndoor Free estimates. OaD HOwley, KANC8B8TBR - 6 room Msm W. Hutohtoa, $14,000 — Outstanding value to MSAMl. 64A07M. 4^4TR00MB, new t^ R ealty, 875-8887. ^_____ family room, den and $ bed­ Manchester Green area. 6 *M€QlRUiMJLiQUSdr Level, deep hmdacapad h< gw- rooms, garege, oil hot water OLD COLONUL iP U goO u a) ADVERTISING second floor, EDUlard Street, COVENTRY — Rent or lease. rooms, garage, wall-to-srall LWV Sets Talk N M iP d e B B ft Mparata oil bumari $1V. beat, 3H h a ^ Maximum Uv- carpeting, excelent condition, Gan Smnesliiiff Heating and Plumbing 17 Large 8^ room ranoh. hot wpUwa. CaA¥ M;M AJI.—SATUBDAI • * M. NEW LUXURIOUS 4 room roof, sldtog, steJ Only $10,- SO. WINDSOR: Fine country Mtoi Sandra L m W orthtoF* Radio-TV Repair apertment, carpeted, heat hot woridng adulte, oil steam heat, Oreea Road. Two bomaa, ana . and Schools, water oU heat, 2-car garage, present the program at the year ago hut kept It secret unfit ton, 18, of 6 Buckland AUsy, ■tove, refrigera tor. 648-6880. a three doani and three up two 900. Uvtog to 6 room SpUt on one Senrices 18 water, refrigerator, stove, ping. Two now' Ufad baths. tom tomlly iroom , e lw mU* i fiOaiTia m esttoz aCondAV At S recently. yesterday In Hartford’s Ctoeuit PLEASE READ YOUR AD family, the other a four and All new phimbtag. New tttoi, lu gelot_ . Immediate oc- SSr »«-* pSiTVt the Irotoe of Mrsf PhUlp Some circles looked on the washing machine, garage. t h r e e b e d r o o m boma with Court 12 waa given a suspended four fiuw ). The' smaller one to eupancy. BuUt by AnsaldL 200. Madeline Smith, R#*ttov.' Bravnder. 83 BUiaheth St —- _ «w*at Adi" an talcMi v r e r Um phone im n CONNIE’S TV and Radio Sore- Adult couple only. |U® month­ garage, 105 O xford St. OaU J. oountera. Recent fqmaee. $49-1642 o r 6485189. ou editorial as a dictate to the jaU sentence and placed oti pro­ ice, ayallable all hours. Satis- SoMDlMHEPQOM 19 Belling for $17,900, the new one Ihto bouse can be uaad as Charles L ssperanos, 649-7820. WARREN E. HOWLAND Thia wUl be the committee’s blonde princess, 24, whose re­ bation for two years after she ■inTf iriT- Ike ndverUier •koald rend hU JFIMT ly . 742-8090. f>. Realty, 648-5139. for P4,00Q. Can maka an at> fvTvrr^pnBABS and REPORT ERRORS In time ter Ihp faction gueranteed. CaU 649- UNDER a 6 roon$. boms with a S REALTOR second program on problems ported Spanish romance has had pleaded guUty to cliargea atemi* i S «• ««Pon.iMe for oalp OOT Ineor- U16. FOUR ROOM tenement j^e toactiva deal> U soU togathar. room apartmsat AO for M ANGHBSTBR-TaloottvUle Una Vernon confzoattog me United States to- the Dutch people buzzing. ming from an attempt to smug­ COMPLETE'WIW P M E - NBAT, attractive 9 room Oape Bxcellant financing, too. Ihars block from M ain Street. OaU Kgtiland Park area, Mehed only $l4l00. —oheaser than rent to toiy this 850 M ato St., M anchester di^; our contribution to the Irene’s father. Prince Bern- gle a gun into an Inmate iat the iM t er omitted laaertloa for any advortloement PIGCEBMD ^ to'an assumaUa miOO mort­ qxukmig 6 room ranch with VERY ATTRACTIVE ^ of a “amlie aood" Inoertton. Erroro which do not 742-6160 o r 742-6180. basement, 4 acre# land with 948-U06 growth of Latin American econo­ hard, may clear up the mystery State Jafl at Hartfod investment Wolver- hill with a mlUlon dollar view, land Park5t. James area. ’Two The Suburbanites Young with the Nazta did Uttie to imum personal Initiative with till 7 p.m. MANCHESTER GREEN —An­ sq. ft., concrete block con­ throughout. P riced a t $20,000. Child-aafe atreet for little garages, two baths, two fire- _ _ _ thorittee. Autoraobiles For Sale 4 849-1003. struction. Excellent financing ton Afttiey, Realtor, 649-2$!$. adventurers. Very high as­ Uvtog room 14x24, large field- Adult Group will meet at 7:30 change this. Lost and Found tiques. Open every(day except ROCKVILLE — 8 room, first C harles L esperanoe, 040-7620. places, bulh-ins, wall-to-wall’ p'j^, at the^Broadriew Commu- avaUable. Frederick M. Oaal, sumable mortgage. Price stone fireplace, center en­ This background has elevated PAINTING by Dick Fontaine, M onday. 481 E . M iddle Turn' floor, unfurnished, heated MANCHESTER - Attraottve carpeting, wooded setting, $28,- nlty Church, Hartford, to hear a tomlly problem to high level f rner—Lndy Elgin watch at' 196# FORD HARDTOP, Mack qualify send resume to Box K, drive, seCf propelled, recoil B n ^ e r , 643-3682, 648-0281. $17,900. Joe Gordon 649- trance foyer, heated sunporch, pStadT tetween Grants and and red. Excellent condition. interior and exterior, quality starter, excellent ccmdition, pike. 648-7222. apartment, ueed stove and re­ room brick Oape, fireplace, garage. Built 1966. $28,600. G er­ 400. Ray 8. Holcombe, Realtor, a talk on the history of the poutlca. The Dutch, who love H erald.______frigerator optional, newly dec­ 6806, 875-6611. 644-1286. Be modern with Uggetts,* —Tuesday - eyening. 949*T92S* workmanship. For free esti­ *100. Call 649-4695, trees, overstoe garage, near ard A gency, R ealtors, 648-0866, M orm ons. their monarchy, wmry about a m ates ca ll evenings 527-9671. orated, $65 monthly. Ken Os Land For Sale 71 bus. school, g 644-8825. Wednesday, the junior and in­ tomUy that seems to produce F lea sc caH 648-831S. PLUMBERS, heating men, U- Wanted—>To Bay 58 trinsky, 643-6169. cxDPsr B A R R O W S A W A L L A C E censed, and experienced help­ $14,900. O M toa termediate choirs will rehearse only glrla . tOBT — Insulated hoots imd Boats and Accessories 46 ACREAGE AVAILABLE in Bol­ 6495182. TOLLAND—Five acres, 8 room together from 7:80 to 8 p.m.; Crown Prlnceaa B eatrix at 26 MOEN Trucks— ^Tractors Electrical Services 22 ers wanted for new work. For WE BUY, SBIX. or trade an­ AVAILABLE March 1—Nice 6 Manchester Parkade, TWO FAMILIES Maek loafers, ylcinlty Silk City appointm ent c a ll 539-8287. tique and used furniture, chlim, ton Center. Frederick M. Oaal, This beautiful boma to lo­ Mencheeter—278-1800 Cape, 4-car garage, $12,990. tbe senior choir at 8 p.m. is unmarried and is not en­ HARTFORD BOAT SHOW— room duplex with I'A baths, B roker, 648-2683, 648-0381. BOLTON — Mbdam, heat, S- RockvU le R ealty, 876-2627. Cleaners. Reward. Call after # HALF TON pickup truck, ,8 foot FREE ESTIMATES. Prompt glass, sUver, picture frames oil heat, $125. 6485337. cated at 017 Vernon Street There wiU be a Lenten pot- gaged. What happens to Irene p .m ., #48-6061. ______body, radio, heater, 3-speed West Hartford Armory. Feb­ and old coins, old dolls and Manchester. Situated on a bedroom Ranch, 380x180 lot, $15,900 and up—Over ten luck Wednesday at 8 pjn. at ia of the same importance to the service on sll types cf elec­ garaga, patio, aaaumabla mort- MANCHESTER Victaity-Spot MANCHESTER — Brand new listings avaUable. Flats, floor shift. Good conditimi. trics] wiring. Licensed and in­ ruary 19-23. Adults II., ch il­ guns, hobby collections, attic ANDOVER—4 room apartment weU manicured lot which the Ctommunity House. ’The Dutch as was the orlaia over L o s t —L arge gray cat wltt Houses For Sue 72 umthly paym ents $116. teas $ rocm Ranch, 12x19 bay Just completed 6 room raised duplexes, 2 or 8 bedroom 649-8638 after 6 p.m . sured. RTlaon Electrics! Co., dren half-price. contents or whole estates. Fur­ with stove and refrigerator, has 228 feet frontage, 188 Rev. J. Roland Palongio wUl Princess Margaret to Britain bell and name on collar, yi- RECEIVING Real Batata, 64S5$$3. wlndowad living room, heated ranch unsurpassed for quaUty arrangements. Financing apeak on missionary work to w h m she chose to remain In Manchester, 646-4817. Olsston- PETiSOLDS — W here the 1964 niture Repair Service ’Talcott- first floor. C all 742-7641. $8,5(W — W ELL K E PT 6H toom feet deep. Foundation to etaUty B igelow Street. In for­ pliqr room, garage, many ex­ and price. ’This beautiful horns not a pr(Alem. Further this country. ’There will be baby line of succession by renouncing bury. 643-1388. models are. Now showing ’Tro­ viUe, Conn. T el. 64S-7449. ranch, S bedrooms, attractive 20x44 which makes for MANCHESTER - 6 room Oape has large rooms, paneled en­ m ation appreciated. Call 649- SIX ROOMS, newly renovated, eneroua room ttzes. It has tras, half acre let, under $17,- particulars available. aittlng service available for pre- her affections tor Oapt Peter Auto Driving School 7-A jan Cruisers, MFG and Duo dining area, suburban. Owner In quiet but convenient loca­ 000. Gerard Agency, Realtors, trance and firoplace waU, for­ S»S. MAN garage, good location. (Call 648- anxious. Csifiton W. Rutehhu, f honest to goodness rooms school children. TOwnaend some years ago. Floor Finighiuf: 24 Flberglas boats, and Cruisers JUNIOR GIRL Scout uniform, 4407 after 5 p.m ., and Satur­ tion, level lot with trees, oU hot 64S-OSaO, 644-8825. mal dining room, charming KOmCB Is hereby glyen that lADlRN TO DRIVE - Special Inc.," wood lapstrake boats, Realtor, 6495181 vfiiich includes a kitchen water beat, aluminum ttorms WESLEY R. SMITH On Friday, the church ooun- In Spain, tbe Spanlm news Full-time, year ’round posi­ size 7 or 8. 646-1047. day after 9 a.m . kitchen with dining area and Faso Book No. 9>4«7 issued by attentiaa to nervous and elder- Evinrude motors, and Ship­ with buUt-to oven. rang#. and screens, rec room, $ bed­ CHESTNUT STREET . . . An buUt-ins, 1% colored ceramic cU will meet at 8 pm. to fel- agency distributed an interview FLOOR 8ANDINO and i tion, experience in receiv­ lowahlp ball with Irene’s secretary . which The Sayings Bank of Manches­ ,ly. Classroom for teen-agers. mate trailers. Open 7 days a THREE ROOMS, heat, stove dUhwaaher and disposal, a rooms. Immaculate through­ axceUent investment Two tiled baths, 8 twin bed ttzed A G E N C Y finishing (specialising in old­ ing methods preferred, aU large sunny living room Hiffii School MemM said the isdncesa became a ter has been loot and applica­ Pickup service. Day or eve­ er floors). Waxing floora. week. Petzolds, Route 6-A, Rooms W ithout Board 59 and refrigerator, electricity, out, $15,800. Wolverton Agency, famUy flat, good heating aya- bedrooms, oversized 2-car ga­ tion has been made to said ning lesBona. Reasonable rates. company beneRts. Apply in MANCHESTER with fireplace, dtotog room, R ealtor, 849-2818. tems, small lot, selUng for only 6 4 9 -1 8 9 4 Monday—hot dog on roll, CnthoUc a year ago In Holland, Painting. CeiUnga. Paperhang­ person or call Mr. Glad­ Portland, Conn. DI 2-1196. close to bus line. 643-8418. rage with ameaite drive. Love­ baiA for payment ef the Manchester Driving Academy, (COMFORTABLE R(X)M tor S airy bedrooms with eloaet $16,900. Apartm ents are easy ly lot. There is much more and baked beans, fruit; Tuesday— » recei^y ing. N o Job too smaiu. John stone at 643-9900. NOR’IB COVENTRY - Near amount of depict. 742-7249. V erfaille. 649-8750. genUeman, separate entrance 4^ R(X>M duplex luxurious AND VICINITY space galore, 1% baths, to rent. T. J. Oockett, Realtor, It’s priced below $20,7??. For fried chicken, rice, peas, cran- #“ "# Tm^toed to a Diamonds— Watches— parking. C all 646-2665. apartment, 1^ baths, all mod­ jfovr—stepping down to the Parieway. like new 8% room 648-1077. further information and ap­ MANCHESTER SUBURBS—$7,- berry sauce, ice cream; Wednee- nobleman to Spain and ^ t the Colonial-Ranch, 6 acres, 2-car BINIST ZAHNBt FLOORS SANDED and finished, em conveniences, appliancea. lower level there Is a fam­ pointm ent ca ll builder, 649-6624. 000. Five room Cape, treee, prl' day—tomato soup and saltines, two events had no relat^. J e w e lr y 4 8 FRONT ROOM, half block from Three fam ily 8-8-8. 8-ear ga­ garage, early Amarlean. Hayes PLU M BING Announeenienls E-ZLERN winter rates, free estimates. Rent very reasonable. Call Mr. ily room, another fiqi|bed vacy, immediate occupancy. tuna fish salad on roll, chocolate Main Street, parking. 89 Birch rage, excellent investment A gen cy, 848-4608. BETTER THAN NEW—6 room IM Dntoa St. 649-3240. WA’TCH AND JE W E LRY re- B aker, 843-6277. room for den, office or OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 PJtf. Lawrence F. Flano, R ^tor, pudding; ’Thursday— ^boef stew , J™* “ *H iL f**M **^' 87S-M49 ■UBCntOLUX sales and serv­ Drivinir School GRAND-WAY Street. 649-7129. property, $24,500. whatever. Btffl there to a Ranoh, garage, 2 baths, dish­ pairing. Prmnpt service. Up to SEVEN ROOM older home, 4 643-2766. C hories N ichobna, peanut butter squares; Friday ^^212^521 ice, bcmded representative, Al­ ROCKVILLE—Sunny 6 room up­ apace for washer, dryer, washer, many extras, conven­ 27 PITKIN ST. — clam chow der, g rilled cheese SpanlTO Manchester Parkade $30 on your old watch in trade. LIGHT housekeeping room for bedrooms, 2 b a ^ , lot 72x181. 7425864. fred AmeU, 306 Henry St., Man- Oaoneeticut’as largest, auto- Bonds—Stocks— per duplex, $115. H eat and Ctolonial, center entrance, furnace end whatall. Oh ient location . Only $19,900. sandwich, strawberry short- 1 ti»ono, were denied, matie and standard ridft, Closed Mondays. F. E. Bray, lady, block from State ’The­ Marlon B. Robertson, Realtor, C all R om ar R ealty, In c., 648- Gracious 11-room Colonial eheetec, 648-0480.______Mortgages 31 787 Main Street, State ’Theater water. Available March 1. Ref­ 2-car garage, 1% baths, yee, e garage, to. ’Two tone cake. MUk 1s served with all tree pick-up service, teen­ ater, private entrance, reason­ erences. Call 876-6462. 6485968. 2844, 628-2007. in fine residential neighbog- toWXSMETAXRetuiMprepjaied B u lld ly . able. 849-7959 after 6. fireplace, wall-to-wall car­ heat 100 Amp- circuit I hood, 6_, hedrooHto 4% V. meals.^'" • P u ite E C T SfKUDTION age classroom, older and SECOND MORTOAOBt - O b * MECHANIC WANTED tor new peting. Many more extras, breakers, aluminum atorma SO. WINDSOR — tmmaeutote by auditor. Business and in­ nervous students ctu qte- NEW LUXURIOUS 4 room ' baths, large famUy room, MANCHESTER Lothenn Women Meet , 8C (APi — limited funds available for aec- and used car department. Must $20,900. and aereens. <)ulte a lot of 8% room ranoh, breeseway, dividual. Raym ond Olrard. CaU clalty. 115 Center St., Man­ R ge apartment, carpeted, heat, hot BOWERS SCHOOL — 7 room beautifuUy landscaped lot Srarf^rolved ond mortgages, payments to be experienced. Company Fuel and Feed 49-A block from Main Street, kitch­ homo, we think. Owners are garaga, half acre lot, city '1 con eet, 875-7862. ______chester. CaU for free book­ suit your buftoet. Expedient benefits plus paid hospitaliza- water refrigerator, stove, Cape, tuU ahed dormer, fire- with cabana and patio. Im­ en privU^es, parking. 6435127, anxloua to move and will water, priced for quick sale. plMe, garage, near aU schools, 6 complete room Oape, alumin­ S ; Sf& ating at the let. 643-86118. sendee. J. D. Realty. 6435129. Uon. Apply Arnold Harris, DRY OAK WOOD, cut fireplace washing m achine, garage. Two Family—needs work. e aerioua eomalderatlon mediate occupancy. For um siding,^ fireplace, gaa hot INCOME TAXES pr^>ared In 643-9828. Adult couple only. $115 m onth­ Small down payment, $10,- Hayea Agenoy, 64S-4M8. $16,600. Owner 649-1795. S ervice M anager, B oum e- and stove length, $10 per load o ffe rs. particulars phone Mrs. Suz­ water heat, 2-car garage, park- your home or by appointment, A BETTER ARRANOHUdBNT ly. 742-8090. 900. anne Shorts, 548-8886 or of Our Savior Lutheran Church ^ .n in m. B uick, In c., 285 Main Street, delivered. T el. 742-7886. 'THOMPSON HOUSE — (Cottage MANCIHESTBR — Spadous 6 EIGHT LARGE rooms for only like grounds. Stop by and take escperim ced tax work, 24 hour MORTLOCK'B D r iv li« BeboiU of your finances will' make r Mrs. Doris McLallen, 629- Mmday at 8 p.^ at the chu^ J® ^ Manchester, Street, centrally located, large room Ranch, 1-ear garage, aervlce, CaU 643-4723. Inc., offices, classroom located more of your incdme avaUable $17,900. D esirable B uckley a lock at 20 McKee Street Va­ Hosteasea for the evening will ^ pleasantly fumshed rooms, Ranch—custom built, 28 loot many extras. Call Carl jUnaaer, 6770. c a n t Manchester Parkade, lower tor personal use. Lump debt WANTED — Experienced ma­ FOUR ROOMS, second floor, WOLVERTON AGENCY School Area. Older home, re­ be Mrs. Barbara Kuehn, chair-1 _____ 1 FEDERAL INCOME tax re­ Garden—-Farm— Dairy parking. C all 640-2388 fo r ov er­ living room, fireplace, 2- 648-0038, o r H oward R ealty C o., cently redone . . . modem level. Begiimers, older, nerv Into one muithly payment of chinists, mold makers, and tool night and permanent guest redecorated, garage. 6495861. J. Watson Beqch A C o . man; Mra. Carol Rogler and turns prepared with your sav- ous students, our spisclalty Products •‘>0 car heated garage, rec R B A L ’TOR 2825270. kitchen, excellent heating sys­ higs in mind. ReasM — able for amaU famUy, excel­ 65-2, centraUy located, sep­ looking a beautiful lake. Green Road, Manchester. In- large doeet, next to both, at­ nish own heat, adult couple Citizena’ clubrooms are: North- Ineome to prep^^ ^tes, 643-49^ 8680. prices. LeBlanc Furniture, 196 VERNON — LOVELY older 7 lent condition. E. J. CaiT>enter, BUT OP A LIFETIME—Must arate heating and utiUtiea, Large screened porch, for­ reasonable. S. J. Turklngton______I quire 7 a.m .5 p.m . tractive home near every­ only, no pets. Rent $36. Inquire room Dutch Colmial, 2-car ga­ BOLTON OENTER^Ftoe ranch | Bnricer, 649-6061. mal dining room, efficient South, Jim Baker and Boh Mac­ MANAGERIAL Assistant.'Small 1 RockvU le, 875- Mrs. J. Wohrlln, 309% Spruce seU. 6 ttx>m R anch, attached $19,400. Owner, 6495888. S t., 643-7731. SHARPBNINQ S ervice - Saws. thing. M. (Chutch Street. rage, 2 baths, near acre lot. Home of seven rooms, vacant. kitchen, 2% batiu, laundry Donald, firat; Mr. and Mra. Rob­ Help Wanted— Female 35 company with offices in major I z i74. upen »-».______Street. MANCHESTER — Expandable garage, screened porch, fuU ert Taylor, second, and Mr. and knives, axes, shears, skates, 649-4906. Etoe neighborhood. Hayes Lot is 100x400 with large trees, basement, rec room, nice 6% room Green Manor Ranch. room, 2-oar heated garage, rotary blades. (}ulck service. cities nationally. Starting sal- s e v e N PIECE dining room Agency, 6435803. some Urch. Two car attached C a.pt, 2-zone beat, air cendi- Ideal location, extras. Must beautifully landacapTO acre Mrs. Charles Gelhaus, third. service. 949- TUPPERWARE has openings ary $100. p er week. Send set, love seat, oval shaped j LARGE, pleasant _furTiished tloner, many extras. Rec room. wooded lot, one block from MUNiCIPU. BUILDINB OLOSED m OOM B TAX Capitol Equipment Co., S3 garage plus one detached. B uckley School, $16,700. Own­ seU, $14,800. N o b ro k e n . 649- lot ’This la' a dream home Also, East-West Mr. and 3339. now tor two part-time and two resume to Box A, Herald. marble top table, comer what- room ■■■■■tor 'two gentlemen, park­ Furnished Apartm ents 63-A 82 FOOT RANCH, P orter Street Basement, oU heat, nice sec­ BaaUy financed. $14,900. E lls­ 1866. for the buyer that wants the Mrs. Burton Smythe, first; Mr. M to St., Manchester. Hours full-time dealers. No cash out­ ing, private home, conven­ area, beamed celling, 2 fire­ worth Mitten Agency, Realtors, er 649-8076 o r 0485733. dally 75. ’Thursday 75. Satur­ not piece. All In good condition. tion. Asking $25,000. T . J. b e s t P rice d fa r be&ow own­ and Mrs. Joseph Marcello, sec­ XN(X)ME TAXES prepared by] lay. E arn as you leam . (Car CaU 643-9920 a fter 8 p.m . iences. 643-2641. places, 1% baths, bullt-lns, 6 648-6980. TWO FAM ILY , asking $21,000, er’s investment. Phone Mra. ond, and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. retired Internal Revenue of-1 day 7 5 . 643-7608. necessary. (Commission. Phone, Salesmen Wanted 36-A THREE HEATED rooms tUT' C rm kett, R ealtor, 648-1077. BOLTON . . . terrific value. WEBNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, ISM large rooms, double garage, $16,000 fo r this expandable 45, plus rented brick buUdtog, n iorta , 648-8886. Crockett third. fleer. Marvin Baker, 6435277. 247-7941. 1961 WES’TINGHOUSE electric nlshed, private entrance, desir­ 128* frontage. Carlton W. LAWN MOWERS, sharpened PAINT SALES TRAINEE want ranch of 6 room plus breeze- 2-car garage, monthly groaa stove, very good condition. ROOMS for rent, buaineas peo- able, $66; 4Ui large heated Hutchins, Realtor, 6405182: $207. E. J. Cazi>enter, Broker. J. WATSON BEACH A C O . VoUR TARN SHOP now local- and repaired, sales and serv ed by quality paint manufac­ itxMn, furnished, with garage, way and garage. Two fire­ There are 300 miles of trails CaU 233-81^. pie. 17 Spruce Street. 649-2494. Sign Of Spring! 6495061. Realtors-622-2U4 •d at 39 (Cottage Street, hours RN or LPN, ftiU or part-time. turer for local estabUahed ter- $80. CSilldren w elcom e. OA 9- Compiste It Ea$ily places, fuU dry cellar, lot Is in the Rocky Mountains Naticn- UNCOUrS BIRTHBAY 805, Monday through Friday, V t e ’ J S e a t« Vemon Haven. 676-20n. ritory. Sales experience re- p l Or e NCE gas and gas stove, 9028. 100x250. Pull VA or FHA avail­ SPLIT LEVEL — S bedrooms, a l P ark . closed Saturdays. qulred. $300. per mwith, bonus, white, about four years old, NICE room next to able. T. J, Crockett, Realtor, 1% baths, finished rec room, exchange. E nterprise 1940. car allowance, liberal benefits bath, parking. 648-5422. NOTICE 648-1577.______$75. M9-4702. ' — ’ ' “ (JHOICE, EXECUTIVE type, large lot, many trees. 10 min­ MANCHESTER including Blue Cross and In­ heated, fumidied 2-bedroom At a meeting held January utes to PWA. Immediate oc­ EMCROENCY TELEPHONE HOMERS A .tM «J.lh. F .r 8.1. 4 ] y K w S surance. Excellent advance­ DINETTE table with blue for­ PLEASANT ROOM for genUe­ apartment, first floor, center 27, 1964, the Town Planning 146 CHBS’TNUT STREET—’Tre­ SEWING MACHINE m an, parking. 21 Edm und St. mendous value. Immaculate 6 cupancy. $10,000. Ow ner 048- writer Service. 6495986. ment opportunity. Send resume mica top, 4 chairs, $30; 4- RockviU e, adults, $86 weekly. Commission of the Town of 0827, 7 5 p.m . 169 Croft Dr.—Seldcun avail­ ARE YOU IN Highway...... 449-5070 MEED CART Your credit torn- giving age, education and ex­ piece mahogany bedroom set, 643-8203. 876-912i'.. Manchester, Connecticut, ap­ room , 2 bath sem i-ranch, 12 able at the low price of ad down? Short on down pay­ perience to Box G, Herald. $76. CaU a fter 6 p .m ., 649-0714. proved, the following titled sub­ years dd, flreplatced Uving $17,900. A tw o y e a r old 6 ment? Bankrupt? RepoMcs- OPERATORS VERNON—6 room ranch, base­ or ouf of ’TWO ROOM heated apartment. division; room, beautiful heated rec room Ranch, situated on Gorbog* ...... 449-7937 Mon? Don’t despair! See Ron- SNOW PLOWING C all 649- DID YOU KNOW? Pay only. CLEAN, comfortable room for room with speaker system, ment garage, corner lot, city 7868, 878-8401. Kitchen set, gas range, bed­ "Map of Highwood—Wyl- w ater, $16,600. Joseph B aith, over an acre cf landscaped eat Douglas. Inc^n. about low- Help Wanted— $36.88 tor a genuine H oover | genUeman. Call 649-0641.______room set, refrigerator. Free $19,600. C all 649-6661. HOT W A TER? Semitory Sawor and W oftr .... 449-9497 dov^ smallest payments Experienced operators and lys Street — Manchester, B n k e r , 649-0320. grounds with extras too Male or Female 37 FURNISHED ROOMS "for gen- gas, electricity, Low rent. Ap­ Conn.—Scale l ’’-50’ — June numeroua to mention. trainees needed. . Excellent er with attachments. Regular C O L O R anywhere. No emdl a TTICS and cellars cleaned tlemen, free parking; also. ply 10 D epot Square, Apt. 4. 3, 1963—Hayden L. Gris­ FOUR ROOM complete home lust 9^25* a day for fuel ^ c e e m p M y plan. Douglas #49-2498. opportunity tor qualified PART-’TIME driver for Bunce $46.95 now at M arlow ’s, 867 STAMPONS trainees to leam sewing. cabins with efficiencies. CaU wold, C.B.” for sale, two acres, $8,000 full 667 rauiard 8t-Cttstom 8- can get you out of M otors. 333 Main. Onter, hours 9-10 a.m. and 25' Main St. bedrocm Ranch, 1% hatha, Apply Scranton Motel and Cabins, Dated at Manchester, Conn, p rice . 242-7044. t r o u b le ! t9BT BUKK Super Hardtop, p.m . CaU 649-6394. 6495826, between 5-7. this 5th day of February 1964. READ THIS.... 2 fireplaces, family room, Business Locutions UNUSUAL WOODED lot in de­ overataed 2-car garage, blue, power steering and pow­ Houeehold Senicas NORGE electric dryer, excel­ Town Planning Commission WOULD LIKE woman to share F o r R e n t « 4 sirable area. Owner otters hand split shakes, woodTO If you Uva to a ty p ica l er brakes, excellent condition. Situations Wanted— lent condition, $76. 648-1349. Martin E. Alvord, Offered 13-A MANCHESTER MODES, my home, kitchen privileges, We have nearing comple­ well kept home of 6 large lo t $24,900. houae, you could easily run T el. 643-9067. F o n a l e 3 8 Chairm an rooms, garage. Extras, ex­ RBWBAVINa ef bume, moth INC. ______i TRY MARLOW’S first for best TV, etc. R easonable. 648-7448. BUILDINO 80x10 aultsble tor Dorothy C. Jacobson, tion an oversized Cape on out of hot water several 1967 FORD Fairlane (Convert- storage, B-1 aone, Buokland a quiet, residential street. cellent condition, minimum up­ times a week. holea Zippeia repaired Win­ M anchester W ILL CARE ta r chUdren in my values on bedroom, living S ecretary J. D. REALTY MUe, front end damaged, re­ Pine Street section. 649-8408. This fine residence features keep, vacant. Priced right Now you can have all the Don’t Breathe dow Shades made to measure; home while mother works, Ver- room, ^ettes, chairs and Apartments—Flats— 6495184. mainder excellent condition. all sizes Venetian blinds. Keys non-RoCkvllle area. CaU 876- tables. Big seleoUon at low, three big bedrooms plus a 618 Center St., Manchester hot vrater you need at one P rice $326. 649-2210 after 6. \ low February Furniture Sale Tenements 63 ■mall den and loads of time for only 9%o* a day. made wbUe you wait. ’Tape Re­ STORE, 460 M ato S tre e t 649- COVENTRY corders tor rant. M ariow ’i 867 ___■______— I prices. E-Z terms. Furniture eloaet space . . . and we 64151265495686 a ftorl Think of it—only 9%c* a • DUST 1966 FORD, 8 cylinder, stand FOUR R(X>M FLAT, first flooi;, 0229, 9 5 . INVITA'nON d a y ! Main, 649588L RN . part tim e. CaU 649-2368. I D ept., 867 M ain St. mean loiuls of closet space! Lakefront Home—6 room ard transmiasion, Fenton floor central locaUon, heat and hot The kitchen is a housewife’s Yes, thanks to Hohilbeat shift with 3 twos with progres­ INFANT or child care in my ^; water, one year lease. Call INDUS’TRIAL 8PA(3E — 1,360 TO BID ranch, fireplace, 2-car ga­ hom e by day o r week. 643-9137. ' LARGE upright fre e ze r; a ^ o - bjrfWKon a5 -ao n m dream. G.E. Hotpoint buUt- rage, Gerald^ Park, $16,400. —and an oU-flred hot water • SMOKE sive linkage, $160. or best of­ 4 0 ______— maUc wsisher, like n ew ; _two, 649-5048. betw een 6 5 .8 0 p.m square feet, includes office, Sealed bids wiU be received at heater of correct capacity— fe r. Cktil 643-8906 after 5:30 Broad Street locatim. (lall toa are featured along with Building— Contracting 14 ALTERATIONS and Ironing bedroom seU and mlsceUan-j '• the office of the Housing Au­ an attractive and imaglnsF Five room ranch with alu­ your fatnUy can take care p.m . 640-3288, 649-1807. Lots For Sale 73 of aU their washing needs QUAUTY CARPENTRY — SfJescent^U pTtol. 1h 95619. ■ UOc * furniture. 116 Benton. rooms, heat, stove^Mid*refrig-Id refrig ­ thority of the Town of Man­ ,tlve Kitchen-dining arrange- minum aiding. Minutes to • POLLEN 643-9981 Street. chester, 24 Bluefield Drive, 'ment. The new baseboard beach. Waterfront Park, at one time. EXIRA CLEAN 1969 Ford Rooms, basements refinlahed, erator, close to school, churra TWO BUILDINa lota, Galaxle 2-door Hardtop, one Call between 75 Manchester, Connecticut, until h o t v r a itr heat la econom­ $10,000. Mom can do the family built-ins, form ica tUe,’ a^d" PRACTICAL NURSING in pri- COLDSPOT refrigerator guar-' and cation, dty utilities. wa6h, 81s can do tba dishes owner, excellent mechanical repair. No job ton amalnaU. iU 643-6310. able March 1. Rental $110 Board of Appeals wlU hold a fice of the Authority. lems with the kiddies In the 643-2682, 6485281. to switch to a Mobutaeat- B ox “ W ” . H erald. fired water beat. ______weeks old. Ready for Valen- month. CaU Mr. OoodchUd, public hearing on Mohday eve­ Housing Authority of the m orning — o r any other 643-2682—648-0281 3967 FORD, V 5 , standard shift; I CARPENTRY and floor sanding ORDBR DESK—Wh(Ueaale floor Day. 649-8M6.^ _____ AUTOMA’nC 30” gas range 643-0000. ning February 17, 1964 at 8:00 Town of Manchester fima- Put aU this plus pleas­ LARGE PARCEL Of B-sone lot, •Average family of four. 3967 Plymouth Sedan, good our specialty. Old floors made S E T A N with grill, clock, and timer. P.M. to the Hearing Room of Leon W. Enderiin, WtMU blueUrda ap|Mar it’s ing architectural style (nice $14,900—Air conditioning, dish' West Side town, 26 apartmeids eoodUion; 1963 and 1954 Plym- new. 849-8458,------644-0616.------covering distributor, typing. ^ ADORABLE white Toy Poodle, FOUR ROOM iq>arti»6®l, in­ a Moving—must sell. 68 Spruce the Municipal BuUding on the S ecretary 8277 tig n that Sipetag to not for be- front overiiang) on a nicely wariier, fireplace, large kltch' can be buUt On bus line. Wa­ •th cheap, lie Benton Street. benefits. Located now to Hart-^ 5 months old, AKC registered, Street o r 649-8662. cluding heat, hot water and ford planning to move to new' following appUcatlons: STA’TE F ebruary T, 1964 I8H56H bfad — so, perit-up your itoena treed tot and you’ve got a en, roomy 6 bedroom ranch, ter, sewers, gaa. For infonna- 649-0906. gas for cotricing. Stove and tlcn c a ll 648-4862 evenings. ELECTRONIC MR CLERNER building on School St., East electric refrigerator furnished. HEARING ALSO. - Mid CfaiidNn’e wearaUsB witth . truly fine home. BuUder 106x260 lot. Don’t wait. Cariton MORIMTY LOOK WHERE you wUI. You 3. Bamtoi; east of No. 449 W. Hutchlna, Realtor, 6485162. 3666 PONTIAC in fa ir eondl- Special SerrlceB 15 Hartford sometime to May w won’t beat Marlow’s deluxe 2- P lease caU 849-7884, 6-7 p.m . An attmottva daytime dreaa fiMaa onto too**#* — Juat pr ' wtahea to start other buUd- Needed eqweiany If anyone to y o m h a m AitlelcB For Sale 45 ’Tolland ’Tpke.; Bus. Zone n. ' venture. Priced for fast MANCHESTER — Rural zone ttoD- OaU 649-1423. June. For appotatment caU Mr. I piece colmial custom made .. for the shorter, foUar figure CO, no erataoktory needed. lot, 180 feet frontage, $2,700. hay fever or an allergy. The Electronic Air Clw er BARR08 BROTHERS—We spe- Spedsd exception la requested at $17,600. SOUTH WINDSOR — A house BROTHERS B row ne, 246-6421. THE ONLY KNOWN worm Mvtog style ^ a and chair. Both WE that la as easy aa pie to sew. Pattern No. 2702-H baa odor that separates the men from Wolverton Agency, Realtor, removes more than 99% o t alrtwrne poUm; alw 3964 CHEVROLET 2-door, j cUIze In con crete floors and ^ tog for the rental of your apart­ to have used csr dealer’s Ucense Septic Taekt breeder and dealer to Connecti­ fo r $188. (Thoice colors. E -Z Note the duurmtog detail, the tranefor for 14 motlflB c f various the boys. The man that ex­ 649-2818. unpleasant cooking grease and tobacco smoke with aame Mandatd ahlft. Mechanically .steps. CaU Joseph B arroe, 742- HAIRDRESSER Bx- ment or home. J. D. Realty, and certificats of approval for a n d cut offers worms at these term s. M ariow ’ s Furniture, 887 flattering lines. pects a large family and is not 643-5135 efficiency that it removes diut. good. New snow Urea extra. 6435129. aame at above locatim. CALL BUILDER AT O U 648-6750. prices: Wholesale minimum M ato St. No. 82n with Patt-O-Rama to To Older, oend 86o to octoa to: afraid of a little work riiould BUILDma lot, oaoond lake to aoon in Manchester. CeuI 629- Peter VanStraten; 29 McNaU to atoaa 18%, 14%, IM. Bolton. 100x170, eaU attar A 301-315 CMtar St. o rd er 600—$8.60; $12 p er 1,000; FOUR ROOM tenement, BisseU Pligted Sawari Aime aatot, Manrlwatir Bve- 649-6644 oaU us today. Wa otter a 7 INVESTIGATE .... TOD AY I 7679. night crawlera 40c dozen for I TWO PIBCB Uvtog room set; St; Bus. Zoiie n. Special ex­ 80%, » % , 9*%. 8 “!* “ JO ifo« Handd. UM AVE. OF 6465461. CHEVROLET 3960, B el A ir se- Roofing—Siding 16 Street, $70. Needs redecorat­ room hmne easily expanded to dan, radio, heater; power- WANTED—Women lor light as- ice fiiditog. Try ’em, 3991 two amidl maple Uhles; two ception is requested to have 47. Stoa 34%. 16 bust. 8% yerda simRiftoHt mow t q b k s t . WEGIVE atAT ing. 6495229, 95. limited repairer license at abova HaeklMa Oleaaed a fourth bedroom and aeoond glid e, 6 cylinder, 7 Ures' and •Mubly work, 40-hour week, Adama Street, Manchester. lamps; maple kitchen set, c f SBtooh. N . Y . bath. P rtee $17,200. V A aa- A. A. DION, INC R oqBiR, table, 4 chalfa. Excellent con- location and certificate of iq^ geptto ’Tanks, Dry Wells, GREEN STAMPS w heels, private party, $1,060. riding, painting. Carpairiry. AI- c a ll 649-2480, 6 5 p.m . NEW BUILDINa, 58$ Hartford To order, send 60o to oolnetot For lut etoni mailtog add lOo ■umable mortgage. Top loca­ W a n t e d — R m I E u t a t e 7 7 e l e v e n RUSCX) wood and dlUon. 649-7258. proval for same. Sewer Uaee InshAed—Cel­ Bue Bimiett, The Manohetoer COLONIAL — 'Praatige environ­ WILLiMIIIS OIL SERVICE firm. Jdust see to appreciate. teraUons and addittena, Oall- Road.' Great, luxurloua duplex for each plattem. Print Nome, ment auiTOunda this 6 room tion. Glenn Roborts Agenoy, CAPABLE woman to care for metal trim combination win­ AU persona Interested m ay a t- lar WaterprooSag Dea» Bvaning Herald, 3189 AVB. OF PLUMBINO • HBAHNO • AIR _ OONOTnOWlNG 641-401?, 4-7 p.m. or mornings togs. Woifcmanahlp guaran- USED 18” Bmeraon T-V, FHP aparhnents, 4’S rooms, i% fldireai witli ZooA andPttttern tame with attached 2-car ga­ MLS Realtora.g. 6 ^ 1521. WE HAVE weU qualified l a r - BSKt w e A . chUdren in my botoe, London dows—Five $0x01; two 28x01; tmd this hearing.. AME bJ g AS, NEW YORK 88, ars anxloua to buy bomaa to teed. 399 Autumn S t 64S5890. one $4x19; one $0x35; tWo otdy, A-1 condltlaB, beat oftar. baths, modem facUltlea, new Numlber. rage. Beautifully treed half Mobilheof R f.98 Bladeratatag BMhraeiwi Oar BpeetaMy Park, Hebron. Call 9485498 or O.B. anriiancea, and many ax- Zoning Board of Appaala IfeYe MANCHE8TBR-6!t—6 oedroom a, 2 Manchester. If you want your 28x47. ChU 84$59n . (3aU alta r 5 p jn ., 648-8961. MtKINNEY BROS. Juat OOo for tbs Naedto Al- •ore lot, 1% cazmmlo hatha, FU BBOAD BnUODY ilU M il 3940 FORD Coupes; c m BIDWELL HOME Improvement fo**T8B6. traa. dally and Sundaya. J(dm F. CUftoxd, For ist-claaa metlliw add lOo fuU baths, heated patio, reo- home sold quickly and of- 396$ PlymouOi Coupe; front bum! M4iqr tovsljr deelenel DI- paneled family room with fire- Oompany — Roottog. Efdtog, al- RDOS, NEVER uaad. OKU.BOt- Coma In-and aae. Very reaaoB- Stw infu lH spo«l Qs. for each pattam. Fitot Nama, .reatten room, aers oraN nnnuitani m i. • PJIL iBMia, raar enda, floor train- WANTED — NOroea’a aid, 6^ RIK9BS8BD bathtub, and tlx- John A . Addram icaa a ^ no. and raflOloaa fo r Bill aukt toaca. Be ours and oaU tor fur- taratians, addHtoEta and ra- htraa, axoMlant condttlQB. OaD nulg, $30; 9x18 mtar orieiital. sble n nt Bvaoinca aall ICr. 1B9-UB Fiewl ftiar tatorreation. Wariogr R. lot. Vto Bo|^|toi. FK Air JMwlj ssodBltog ef an typaa. Haeal- 6^ OaU 66M819. Laurri 66S50S?. <' 910; 9001 bruM ad. $49 9965. <3U1, ^ VA-- ■r'-1 T' V

lATUBDAY, FEBRUAHY 8, 1861 ■7 PAGE TEOf iianrl|i?B ter lEtftttitto H erald

-Tuscany” will be the subject of the iMts^avitan travel lec­ About Town ture tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. » t Bailey Auditorium, ttancbes- Business Bodies Hu Holy Name Society of ter High School. Stan Walsh Bt James’ Church will receive will narrate films he took while corporate Communion at the 8 traveling In Italy. 'Hckets may o’clock Maaa tomorrow morning. be purchased at the door. WIN PO AWARDS 6>U> Horner at a luncheon meet-^ All members are requested to CertiOcates of awards and ing to be held April 15 at the •saemble in the rear of the The Polish American' Club checks have been given to three Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New lower church prior to the Mass. will meet tomorrow at 1 p.m. at postal clerks at the Manchester York 106 Clinton S t Post Office for their suggestions The executive hoard of the to improve handling ot the u s t Ed b y e x c h a n g e American L«glon Auxiliary wUl The board of directors o f , malls, it was announced this ’The conunon stock of Gulf A meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the Manchester WATES will meetj week, by Postmaster Alden E. Western Industries, Inc. of IjCgion Home. Monday at 8 p.m. at the home Bailey. Houston, Tex., on Jan. 30 was of Mrs. John Pavelack, 33 Rad- Richard Moiiconi of 552 E. approved for Hating by the ding S t Middle ’Tpke. received a check board of govemora of the New and two certilicates for , two York Stock Exchange, it waa The Rotary Club will meet suggestions, while Michael Gl- announced by Charles G. Bluh- Notice Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. at the nolfi Jr. of Vernon and Nlchol.'j dom, chairman, and John H. Manchester Country Club. Er­ Pagan! of 24 Newman St., each Duncan, president of Gulf A WE HAVE DAILY nest J. Smith of Manchester received checks and certlfl- Western. Trading Is scheduled will speak on "Parachutes and cp.tes. to begin Friday, Feb. 28. DELIVERY TO THE True Adventures." Their suggestions included Gulf A Western, one of the Fabian Bachrach photo safeguarding the employes by country’s largest distributors of Daughters of Liberty, No. placing a rack to hold cutting automotive oarts and acces­ 125, will meet and Initiate can­ Panelist knives, consolidating lists of sories. with more than 22 ware­ didates Tuesday at 8 p.m. at houses and 287 owned and asso­ BOLTON The Rev. Joseph C. Gengras, boxholders names to cut down Orange Hall. Officers are re­ time consuming checking to see ciated lobbers located nation­ minded to wear white. Mrs. archdiocesan director of voca­ w'here a particular box is locat­ wide, in August 1930 bought AREA Frank Dimcan and Miss Louise tions and chaplain of the Holy ed, and relocating collection the Mai Tool and Engineering i r- Copping will serve refresh­ Innocents Guild, will be on a boxes to eliminate a hazard of Co. on Adams S t for more than <■ t • ments; panel that will discuss religious safety. $1 million, and just a few years vocations, at a meeting Monday later, purchased the Klock LENOX Members of Campbell Coun­ at 8:15 p.m. of the Ladles of St. VICE PRESIDENT Com. at 1272 Tolland Tpke. for 9 cil, K of C, will meet tomor­ James. Sister Mary Veronica, Frank R. Reed of 6P Prospect just a little less than $1 million. NEV PHARMACY row at 7:30 p.m. at the K of C RGS, supervisor of social serv­ St. has been elected vice presi­ The purchase of Mai Tool put hav* t Home, and go to the John P. ice at Marism Hall, Hartford, dent of the American Coal Co., Gulf A Western Into the field of Jo 8ii» 299 E. CENTER ST. Tierney Funeral Home, 219 W. and Mrs. Carl Miller of Bloom­ it was announced this week. missile and jet-age manufac-' Center St, to pay respects to field, a mother of two nuns and Reed, who has a lengthy back­ turing, while the acquisition of to d ^ , TEL. 649-0896 the late Ralph Scudleri, a mem­ director of Thereslans in the ground in the petroleum indus­ Klock Corp. brought to the in­ RtallM ber. Archdiocese, will be the other try which dates back to 1925 dustries a thermal processors of metals used In aircraft and two panelists. when he was associated with Sun Oil Co., joined American missile parts. Father Gengras, a native of Coal Co., Inc., in 1938 as bulk The company reported record iReader & Advisorl Hartford, attended St. Thomas’ oil terminal manager and man­ high sales of $92.5 million in Seminary, Bloomfield, and St. ager of service station opera­ the fiscal year ended July 31, Private readings by Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, tions. 1963, and net income of $2.6 mil­ MRS. MARIE Md., and was ordained to the In 1946, while serving as a lion, or $1.73 a common share, For information call 587-5966 priesthood at the Cathedral of Pacific Fleet fuel officer in the also record highs. tuBltjr •• 918 VIZ AlbanyAioany avotuo Avenue . St. Joseph, Hartford, on May Navy, Reed was cited by Adm. For the three months ended 26, 1949. He has served as as­ -A I Hartford, Conn. I H. P. (Spike) Blandy for his October 31, 1963, first quarter i ^ V sistant at St. Maurice’s Church work as fuel ships’ liaison of­ of the company’s current fiscal | In New Britain, Blessed Sacra­ ficer and assistant supply of­ year, Gulf A Western reported I ment Church in Hamden, and ficer in “Operations Cross­ sales of $24.3 million and net St. John’s Church in New roads” at Bikini. He holds the income of $820,000, or 50 cents \ . i ix)\i Britain. In 1960, he was ap­ rank of commander,- USNR. a share, compared with sales of ).\i I ( )m ' pointed to his present position. Reed will continue as super­ $22.3 million and net income of WESTOWN After the discussion, the pan­ intendent of operations for $745,000, or 46 cents a share, in y MEANS elists will answer questions. American Coal Co. and as as­ the O ct 31, 1962, period. PHARMACY Mrs. Edward J. Morlarty is sistant to the firm’s president. 459 Hartford Bd.—649-9946 chairman of the arrangements Rachael R. Moses and Sarah for the panel discussion, and TO GET AWARD Moses, of 45 Farm Dr., . long- A lMHRIOAN OSoAX* To 1-*-*" oor oonttnnlty Mrs. Robert J. Digan is hospi­ H. M. , chairman ot thne operators of ’Tweed’s at aC medleal servloe we are tality chairman. Refreshments United Aircraft Corporation, n s Main S t, this week an­ for fuol oils, tondeo^ will be served at the close of has been named recipient of the nounced that they will retire the meeting. General WiBiam (Billy) Mltcih- Dt>m the women’s clothing firm ihotor-inn opened for husintiss early this heating equipment Opan All Day eU Award for "outstanding con­ and will go out of business af­ The fashionable brick building, located tributions to the axtvanoement ter 26 years on Main St. rooms, each with priV4te television, phone 522-8151 of air progrees.” air-conditioning, bath and individual tharlilostat control. It is only two minutes from m n o nSAKL SXBBBT SUNDAY ’The selecUon ot Homer waa • Dale C. Martin of Old Stone major highway. (Herald photos by Oflara.) HARTFORD. CONN. announced in New York by the Rd., Vernon, this week attended American Legion’s Aviators' a winter orientation and sales ing next week, for the Univer­ school of the Provident Mutual Nurserymen’s Association dur­ Products Inc., New York, N. Y. Post 743, sponsor of the award . . . Also, women who want to sity of Connecticut exten8l

Michael Stanko of Kensing­ ton, owner-operator of the Oak Grin at 30 Oak St., was re­ cently elected president of the LINCOLN'S EFFORTS Hartford County Restaurant and Liquor Association. Other to (Htoblish aquality of m«n and to ALBERT and LARRY'S officers include George Haddad of the Terry Square Diner, ptMorva Hm Union ora worHiy o f Hartford, vice president; Louis Mgkasl proiM. Dot oven today koto M. Verrillo of the Emberis Res­ BEAUTY STUDIO taurant, Hartford, treasurer; and sin ran rompemt foaking lo tear and Albert Carey o f th eT ow n Hall Inn, East Hartford, sec­ down and dmtroy. TRl CITY SHOPPING PLAZA retary. "Thom ihtngt I haro $pokon onto yov, that kt me ye might VERNON Elmer R. Swanson o f 26 Huntington St., a supervisor in have peace. In the world ye shall have Iribulation; but be of Mitchell 4-0020 TRemont 5-1607 the group additions-evidence departonent of Aetna U fe In­ good eheeti I have overcome the world." John 16:33 surance Co. at Hartford, re­ tired Jan. 31, under the linn’s THE GHURGH of the MAZARENE retirement plan, after 46 years ~ 886 MLUN 8 T „ 5IANOHESTIDB, CONNECnCUT ALL PERMANENTS ON SALE of service. Swanson joined the comnany’s group division In ! -A CHURCH WITH A MISSION” 1917. ROBERT J. SHOFF. Pastor S P.ECI AL A new retail bakery Is ex­ SUNDAY SERVICES FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY pected to open soon at the site Sunday S c h o o l...... DAO of the former Paris Curtain Worahlp Hour . . ^^10:46 The management and staff join Shop at 829 Main St. OUR LUXURIOUS Youth Fellowship 6:00 in a welcome to A new, fully-skirted appear­ Bvaagellsm ...... 7:00 PERMANENT WAVE MISS "JACKIE" ance and several operational WEDNESDAY Improvements highlight the Includes: Shaping,- styling Hld-weeh Servloe ...... 7:80 1 Receptionist — Eleanor newly redesigned M ^ e l C620 and cream rinse. It’8 a real dry blast unit, manufactured Mr. Albert Mr. Larry by Pressure Blast Manufactur­ , saving for Feb’ruary! Miss Naomi Mr. Robert ing Co. at 27 Pleasant SL .Z- '■ V" - Miss Carolyn Miss Gloria Miss Cindy NEW PRODUCTS: Any kid < "WALK-INS" WELCOME can pitch to “Yogi Berra” — the great catcher and New YorJ* Yankee manager—this spring Ir the form of an inflatable, three- feet-high vinyl player. Its pur­ ' % ■ pose is to help yxnu^;sters learn to pitch to toe strike zone. The child tries to throw the Hght- W eig^ ball, which comes With the kit into the pocket of'toe catcher’s gksve. Offered: by Hoob 1936 MAIN STREET i' .' ‘ REV, J. MANLBSY SHAW, D.D., Senior Minister RKV. RAT-C.VHOLXJS Jr., Associate Minister Peter F. Flynn o f 17 Rosemary PL, compositor and page, makeup man for ’The Herald, this week nutrked his 36th REV. JiUilES M. GAGE, Counselor year with n»e Herald. Flyxm, with his familiar line gauge, P IZ Z iR A Y S ^ REV. GORDON' OLSON, Youth Director i recalls that when he started here there were just six lino­ type machines compared to today’s eleven. During his 35 130 SntUCE ST. m ss MARJOltiB WHJJAM8, ^hector ot Education years of making up page one, the biggest story was the JACR( B. GROVE, Director o f Music shocking assassination of PresHent John F. Kennedy In. T«l. 443-0031 Dallas last Nov. 22, Flynn said today. (Herald photo by Pinto.) PIZZAS GRINDERS Inyiies You toWorship SPAGHETTI 9:00 A J f.

f I , . f-t .V 'll 5;''* ■ i-» '< I I. t ll|r» IPCi* C n U kN M B tS ^ S

JjiJijim Return m V iV ofebt^ ^RONTISKS OF 9^ bicK lujsnw the Laxid of Chs n e w YORK a«BA)-^We have the calendar to ttiarik for “ReCism to Oa" is, a fug-hour apoewny from her f r ic i^ — 8 o ^ " t f l had' to htart my carMr color. 1 - ep^aX:— ±<-i that —A- took many rates the Strawman, Dandy the today." saW the great Miss months to complete, and no re- Uon nod Rusty the Tinmar — : ' stainttL “Z probably wouldn't hearsate were needed for .its-' imploring her to visit them. Start ^ ,, stairt and oast. .v'. D e lin g her magic siipjpece,'She . She thinks that now ia.* jov- ' The novel program is a mu* Is whisked to Munchkinvllle. ten time feflr a young linger. steal animat^-bartooh fantasy where GHinda the Good Witch There ia.no dbance-for asbegta- to be presented tomorrow • on reveals the letter was aotusity written by • Dorothy’s nemesis, > Itsr to begin.unleaa shale at^ t* NBC-TV from 6-6 pm . a teen-agfs, type. Ebr a the Wickdi Wltoh 6f the West. 1 1 1 0 completely, hew aidmeted Docothy sets out tck the sm er- likes ttf sing vmlfe, ae dV producthm is bated on, the fa? * 3 m , there Is very IltU e . oppor­ ald a t y to appeal to the Wlaard moue 'Oz.characters created ^ f«>r help, with Xlahdy. g r a t e s tunity tp show what you", can. L; F ri^ Baum in "The Won­ iido. . . and Rusty Joining her aloiig the derful Wbfard of Oa/.’ JNlne Way. But the Wicked Wltoh, new songs — with original Ij^ usirig her evil arts, plaoas pU- los and music, composed by falls in their path.. James Polsck, ICdward. Thomas and Gene Eprtell — wMl be ■ Tbs mne.aeW songs tbs* 1^ tm ‘ twliuse the fantasy are: txired on tlie show. Wanna Go Back," “Moonbeam;" - Obvlousilr, no relieersalij were ‘.‘BSveryWbere ■ In ' O*,” “We’re needed for the animated char­ Munchkine, Naturally,’’ “tte^ a acters. Hpwever, the production Dan, Dim,. Dandy U « , " "Tm of "Retuen to car’ emidoyedtbe fteartlees Through and efforts of many porsons) for Through," "You Can’t Bw a more tha'h a year before the fin­ Brain,” ’Tm k Wise Old Whin a l proOact was ready for film­ of Wizard" and "The Wtekedisid, ing. The animation aequencea Wicked Old Wtt«m.’’ required more than liW.OOO S3c. jn-yearH>Id Suimn , Odin- eafly this drawings, which ware created' way, who supplies the voice og Ing, located by 66 artists, who worked on televlalon, the project for 12 months, long <8ee Page Throe) . :es from a before that-time the special pro­ gram was planned and the ahow’B acript, song lyrlca and muaic were'written. Then audi­ Chronicled — * p the Unlver- tions wore ;held for the . aotora iut extension whose voices would.be uted and The Girls Rebel ■ fh the sound. t^Msk Was rertwxiod In afi, there, were'more than ^ How American women fought n of 60 Taa- uu tyrAP'FORu 126 people involved in the prep­ 9entatlve for their way out of the kitchen and aration and production of “Re­ hito the forefront of .virtually stories, Bos- X n d what would she do, tf turn to Oz.” in addition to the Feb. 17, wUl every phase of American poUti- aha were aUrting today? animators, ■ .they .include . the Ual, economic and cultural activ­ ew England “I probably would have sUy- east (■whotef voices make' the fear for his ity la Chronicled bn “ The Amer^ ed with my classlcat studies," animated characters speak and lean Woman In the 20th Cen­ :ial awards she ahys. ^Td been stud3dng sing). ' thd" production, staff, p saleim an So M yt Df. Hagen Stoock, minister, scientist and; tolovision tury,” a one-hour, documentary eoloratuih for dve years. Then cameramen, technicians and on Channel 22 Wednesday at companies), I graduated from high school pamonolity; Denying that the Old Testemdnfrls old hot, he othera. The musical aocompanl- 10 p jn . " and Market- and decided f -wanted., to m ake seye IM e stories ere just os lively today os tlidy over wore, meot was performed by a 60- Oreater Boa- money so I switched to the pop piece eyniphony orchest^ under Using newsreel and moUMi •mereet, Bos- Bold.. '' .. .«■. in « MW 12-w#ok FranHors of Foith, Snndoy progroni over the directipn of noted conduc­ ■picture clips, plus photographs, the program follows women’s tcelve one of Over the years, she has found N D C ^ , Im tells the stories of groig Blblicof figures, sock tor Edward Thomas. d Salesman her elanpioid training valuable. Tlib story ;■ concerns the ad­ emancipation efforts from tho be presented "vyom the atamteoint of my fia Moi os,-Pnvid, Solwnon ond Jofidh. ~ i ventures of Dorothy .who re turn of the century to the-prte< y o tM ," she saldi *T figure my rotes training added years to m y .dareer. And m y ptano tralaiag helped when. I sang with bands. O f' course, I b *d la beearefUl i*t to overdo H P hrt Two —w X knew a 'elarinet player 'Bride of rraaka pisjdag: a O -eharpv^ <88> Areaad ite T«wa •tie (»•> W^iaetea Bepart Boris Karloff. ;alwuld have played a O- ef «lw The Missiles « r - s t o laL I eould have made ena- o M . Beraard Bllbr. fCi; had Mabbed te the (88) Sat. Mieht Bspesi. ______r about It," A cruolal 16-day period in re- Oateleata OMrltaK (M> Ohaaclae Tlmaa. ItiM 1111 wr neVm sww wW hsewt. U:8* (St) The Late S lie w „ . , . 1 «da latest egort Is a series oant United Statea history la ChChlldrea'a------Inforn^oari------M "Great Day in the Moraine, o(t oma hoar television specials, ohrotecled in "Cuba: The lOs- Heriea. Bob Maxwell, host. (W> Stw aatleaal Stewtims Robert-Stack.. _ (t1 WaUwiakle Stew (MhOraad Sury U :tt (IS) CaitoiB Tima wiiteh are currently in u.8 . atle OriaU," the aeoond of two Color) rcartoon series TM8 ( 8) Tho Luoy ttew 11:88 (M> Steek Theater < 8) True Advoatmre ajfndleation. Utese were made »M)J&iBcricaa Batestate U:N (jj> MevU - In Jhigland. "NBC White Paper" TV jte*- _ick Cwfic. .'emCee. Music an (88)' Film , "The Narrow M and^- me y e might cials on Culiia, tomorrow from bbitervites. (M) Waated Dead er A U « ' ’ Charles McGrsn, Moris Wtatdr 'VTfa so much cheaper m Bis S »tea^ ^ „ ( 8-M-88) BsateaaBBy ion, and includes an analysis of “ Kaiders of the Deaort, Jack Llnkletter. boat. Guests; lis t inSmSmi Bste' piOk Van Oyke., and. an . old the Soviet reasons for placing Klchard Arien, A. Devln^ The Tarrlers. Jo“ „ “ «y8ra. l ; t f (8 ) Nowssoepe, Momenta ef' Jackie Vernon. Josh White Jr, Cemfoit lend, PhiUp Erickson, toured the missiles in Cuba. ■•Tarxet Hone Kons, ' Klchard From Unlv. of Florida. ICES country for six .years (1947- _ Demme. N.'Oates. Dr.-Herbert Dlnnersteln, So­ < S> Wrestllae. •tW ( ») The D etaden > • e • f • e 9*80 k) as "The Merry Mutes," viet apeolailst of the . Rand'Cor­ (M) Bowline _ . . j B. G. Marshall Gebrse Vo^ ht «dub dtio. CoUege BaskelbaU of eapionage when he re­ •-eeeeo 8 s00 i way in Cuba to restore the < 8) Deputy fuse* to dnrulge the seerM - credibility of the Soviet missile (18) Suhscriptlea TV of a super-weapon he has in­ .‘'....'e 7:00 (88) Watch Mr. V ^ t d . . . vented. . — threat, since the United States Dbn .Herbert conducts solentlnc (88-88) Joey .BUtep (O) had built up a mlssUe gap ^ experiments. . „ .. ( 8-8848) Lawrence Welk MHN L iENHEY had the oapacRy to make, thw f:88 ( 8-to^> ChaUeaca OeU • e e e » e 7#80 !■ .AraoldT Palmer airi Gary Murical hour: Sonsw^danclne. gap greater. • . Player Ivs. Bob RMbeM aM instrumental »dist him." rilmbrntjo. era ooiitact to hla own use. ., Presidcsit ProaidenIMl a d V 1 s o r sf Mb- toumamaa't '*^. YIte.Oto iriae ^a-88-48> The Mellyweed IhsManeaof AHKlnds money. ■ . . Cteirga Bundy and Theodora Gie"^oune, - host. Ouesta:, Service (88) PibB • . Dorothy ^Collins, M ow Sorenseu also wiU be toteit. ■ sterdam, Koae Marie. MUla Center a*rr4 *S-4i l 7 vtewed 4» the program. ,, ,.Bud Paimer,Aost.J8^.Point Brothers, GeM Shetdon^ stb- Motorcybla C b M p to te l^ 8t •» r z Quasmtea „ ' ■ Jornea Araeds. MUbuin StoM. A iwwdy-loltn of huhtbra t e QmlifiiMl ATUUmC RimUCE OH. h r 'w o M Bedte^ ■:88 ( S» M ad M v ia Btew Minister U > HOUR • CUSTOBtBR' SBRVICB — 849-37D1 Ttdniciait [inister tetesi fisaria u m (. . » . -Mowa. — Sparia - We •r 5 1 BISSBLL ST. TV-UmSm, • P h o M 0 4 3 -1 1 2 9 6M ( y ^ T r le Jtor Otis ( » Mrora M ils ( 8) Mavis Education Ic up L0:45 A .M 10:45 A .M



S U N D A Y ' Television PROGRAM Sad Comic Woody AUen T U E S D A Y Television PROGRAM H ai6 ChsBBel “So* of Belle Starr.” Keith 7:88 Lossle < •) Smcstd M—H IdBTSttlL •MUM Provost. June Lockhart iUss^uSss r js r •:M ( $} bnaxM of AoMTleo ills (8 ) Tear Ooagreasaua from Fart lL_Las8ie.and Stus^ are Serious Student of Humor < 9) nsUaMMaov I f) Xeniag Boaiaar _ Coaaeetleat menaced Iw a fire Boclden____ lental- (1949) Oowetal (M> lataotijr o> Puade 1:88 ( 8) Face du> Matisa ' started b y a htmter. 9t99 ( 9) Its T M Xhu Iota 0* S:U (M) Americus at W«rk ( 8) Issaes sad Answers 8) Beeiaasa By OPNTHIA T) tsm Don’t . 3 L F m «:M ( * ) Tfea OhitolOBliM Senator Barry Golditater ia- ’88) Tke BIU Dutaa Show ^ _____ emoae. ( S) Davejr aai oiSath terviewed. 'a ry Cronby. 'Bddfe loseo hie ’ A P THIavlalwi Badiu Wittar Destrylusta 7t88 6i99 I3a8 Dm au FaoHval AarieaMan oa Parado a p The Ohrl^]^L__hers ,ib when he takes the bUme NBW YOfiK (AP) — Woody 949 (M> M U e U ofltB ta. (fi) WlaaUw P ^ 'or something he thought JCae Beq^hM * I «:tt ( S) Dayojr aai OoMatt 8i88 ( F> TearOemmaaltr did. Allan looka Ilka tba original ST* Cautious Soul U%s^jssr ) TtBllSi88t88 a. C liariw aad < I) U«kt Tfata (8-18) DireeUoas W . , . (38) Chomploashlp Bridge pound weakling and acta Uka a tl99 j^i Haws tnr to dlMMOdo n bcommoE a:M ; S> Talc# Of Om Wvoxfeaah F ive unpubllahed masses in (83) Ataasal Fan sf X*. OeeAsr Slat ( 94i) Movto n o ia buyiiM tha Oam M SaBT* ( 8) n is ia tta iS o Bnglish performed by the ■ad, youthful Mr. lOlqaatoaat aa OautkMa aouto, who' outnum­ (M ) M nks - (1948) Hldfard Baa*a ■haw James W deh (Thorale. 7:88 (8 lb Favorite Ibrtaia (t o DIbk Doax Sahaal Ray Walston. A ' blow mq robs inaffaotlva and timid ttiat ha Is ber bom liMroaa several thoua- if ■i89 ( •> “ “ Laura Davoa. Chur StockmH. (88> The OhSloiriMia (U> H s rM t » Uncle Martin of his menoory aad to onai, have taoalvad ooaip )> lam arM .tto J s s ifo Awaittng her suitor, a aaar- (M) tfacrcd Heart (H> Kipltagor that he forgets he's a Martta*. dafaaUad by Ubrarians, vending rtad woman recalvas a aww- 9:15 (M> S acrei Heart (48) Bowllag (2»88> WeaderM Warid of ■Iderabfar toaa than .equal tima tarioua visitor instaoid. Tke Gkristaphera 8:18 ( 8) TIm Oat lor Sports maoblnas and parvene riaotric (9948) OrsMsst Show SB (12) pom Color (Celer) in loading rolaa in wlavtokm. liM < t> Saarlee Bemeiter Part I of the tale of a l , ____ tooth bruahaa. John diavin, hamhwma V4f' sis (94) Tha FMsnilr Otaae ( 8) The Aaawev 8:88 i,8 > Sports Speetaealar vicar who leads smuggler to t4 9 ( J ) WssSrIf Ttoabeafewr §nui^ iSmSwa. Jack Jtalsaas, (88> This ia the Ufa World's Stock Outboard Hotor- help the ty-oppress^^|pw. n iis unprapoaseasliig axtarior ■tor of ABC-TV’s "Daatry" ------e ra M s m •lata hires a former mirepea* (48) Oral Beberta boot ChampionShios from At­ (riraos director. lanta. Ga., Turf Champtoos of oonbinad iriUi a seU^ ■erlea dabutiiig PVlday, TiM - 19:88 < 8) launp Bata M j Hae* . atyla of deUvary haa ______8:80 pjtt., la modaoOy datar- 9:98 ( 9) Jaeh B en i* F ia s n u * RellBloua serlea with Or. 1968 and the ’ C S ^en ge of 1864. Kurth' RusseO. D c andmd JiJam- U:88 < •) Ms _ im smtSTst ossuss Jesse White. Jack reereatae a Oeorge Crothera. ( 8) Optaisaaled Maa la's efforts to h a o o S ^ Um 37-yaar-old comedy writar minad to help correct this Im- 13948) • 4 9 ( 9) M3wn a a i w S i5 m tale of how he dlsoovered < 8> aawlA Nawa nawa (18) Basketball lands them Uk sti to a top ooinady performer in balance. Dennis Day M years mao. (18) Film M48 (9 ) Oany Hssrs Bhiw (to Ohallee of Salratlea (38) 'Everyman’s FamBy 8:88 ( 3) Ed S a lU w Show tha pact year ao ao. Today ha la For egcan^ple, whan a glory-; (88) Saeriftoa at the Xaaa Guests: The Beatles. 19t98 FatUured: Durward Klrinr. (48) Tbla la tha U fa (11> BasketbaU 9BUIU1 in demand for guaat abota hunting gutfman aaka un- Wssi Iw Ward Guests: Nancy Walker, CWiik 8:88 (88) Saaday 8:88'(»-88) Grind) heroic hare if he’a tba aon of Rivero. Alan K l^ . Marie WB- 18:88 ( S> I.aok Bp A a i U ve n ^ k Blair, host. Magaalne- Imogene Coca, James MiU- oa variew abows and with a Religious Series. format news program with hoUln, Grindl tunw a murder ■tonding uvltation to famed lawman Tom Daatry. Ha “Some TboufAla of Dietridi plot Into a comedy of errora. admits tha relationship but (t6to) Teleahsae Bear Bonhoefter” Lutheran pastor Ray Scherer, nancy Dicker- Johnny Oaraon’s • 4 9 (Color) Robert Hymn, hoot son. Robert Abernathy. Joe 18-3848) Arro(rt and Trial adds, "X taka after my mother." ^esfs; Joan Sutherland, the Imprisoned by Nasis. (Fart GarRglctfA. Ben Gasxara, Chuck Connors. fibow’* as often aa ha n .r Uka it. Aa Deafty aaea It, a hero to a 1S49 U fa o f M Brotheia Four. AI HlrtQui*. i S-SMf) n Wtetor Sgt. Kirby Is held hostage by ~i) WmaUsr tet. Mew York City BMlst ( 8> Hear o f St. Fraaeis Grbice two unbalanced bandits. maa . who thinks slosrer tium (48) Faith for T o ia r Briitnd tba Inoffanaiva, inada- dnnears Suzanne ForreU, Oen- Two-hour si>eclal from Austria. 8:88 ( 8) Jady Gartoad Shew miata taiMda ia a brilliant stu­ a coward. fVhat’a Hew rad Ludlow Patriein 11:88 ( 8) Camera Three Tentatlya events: Men's Musical variety. For John Gavin, the role of 9:89 (to ) Ncrars Neoiy. HxperlmentsU series covering Slalom;oadMvai^ IceA\#Q Hockey; Men's (82-88) —o (O elsr) dent and analyst of ooinedy. i m ( t) *s Tan ths Troth \is S - -Sm lm m TheThe: Faslllva drama. literature. dance, Cross-Country Reliiay. -Lome Greene, Kathle Brosme. Deatry to a weleoma obaaga of David Janssen. Barry Morse. music and art James Hacan- When Woody cohfesaes sadly to ) ( 3) One Of A K1adl _ Adam tries to warn young a sympathetic and laughter- r )a from bis statring vrolaa KlmMe’e life la endassered drew. boat Robert Trout host. Explora- widow Dayton about two (wnft a doaan motion pibturaa. Bk- . when he learns a secret ahoat ( 8) Co mm eats A People tlon of appreciating art by ex­ dence men. choked audience that " I aold die a champion dog. (tt) Mahalia Jaeksba amining 'Veronese's “Mars mamotra of my tov* life to oopt tor hto portrayal 6t JuUui A t ■ « 7*19 (33) (84) la-Sehael nevlow (38) Gathollo Hoar and Venus United by Love.!' fFi88 ( 3) Oaadid Camera (48) Western Jamboree . Durward Kirby, host, with Pariier Brothora—they're Caesar in "Spartaous,” he has 7 :U (tt;(m Wsstsrm^'sRsi Btoh. U48 ( M4448) Newe, Woothea (38) Wonderful WorM o f OoH Allen Funt. usually been east aa tba atral^t l\ n S r ^ w i 11:15 ( t o Americaas at Work (Color) to make it into a game," ba ia 8) Osin Mens » ^ % r % . w s 11:88 < 3) From College fJampas (21-88) White , P m r . . . romantic lesMl In suoh films as ( i t ) 8 9 s>ta Oaanro Gene Sarazen. host Gene “ (Tuba, the Mlsalle Crisis” daUbarately using an old and W> At IbsM V (49) M ain (M) Newe and Weather . ( 8) Vidicon Littler vs Erid Drown at Special cohering developments "Back Straat,’’ "Imitotton of ) Lwtvs It T * Thu T4S ( 9) m a t In Tha Wm M U :U ( 3) TTaeaday StartlrM (11) Men iato Spaee Kings Course, Gleneagles, ■uooaaafUl gambit: turning tha 8> News (3349) Mr. Nsrah ‘The Iron Curtain.” Dana An­ (38) Jewish Life ScoUand. from early 1963 to Krushchev jidia on himself. Life,’’ "Psycho,” and "A Tima to pull out the missies there. to liova and a Time to Die.” ItM (88) B a tto ia B nm ta* James Franclscus, Dean drews Gene Tierney. 11:48 (18) The U viag Word 4:38 (18) SabscriptloB TV ( 8-48) n mnier Olymple Alien’s oarasr startsd when t it s (33) Speetal Baamt Jaoer. A Menleaa-Amsrtcan ( 8 ) lie s Shew U:88 ( 3) Usights (11) Film Games "Deatry to « fascinating (18) K w af D m Ms v studwit accuses Mr. Novak of , „ (3S) TealghI ( 8) college Basiaess 8:88 ( 3) Young People’ s Concert From Innsbruck, Austria. stUl in high school. He was hired character baoauaa ha’s full of 948 ( 9) PsMWsnl prejudice. U:M (2643) TealghI Bhsw (4Mari Cymposium ; (21-38) Beinra to Os. . . Color Special Ski Jump. by s press agsnt to turn out one- contradlctlona,” toya Gavin. (3949) LM’i ( 94949) ^— *—* 11:46 ( j j ^ l g lU v ie (18) Challenge GoH (Color) Special. Animated musical (18) N.Y. Confidential line jokes, llisse credited to the < 9) te o e a Far A Vks Morrow, Rick Joaon. Sierra.” Hnmphser Arnold Palmer and Gary fantasy. 18:38 3) What’ s My Line “He’s handy with data or guns, (M ) FUat Sounders and another ssr- w n r r ; Ida Lupino. Player vs Bob Rosburg and ( 8) Professional Bowling '' ' John Daly, moderator. Panel­ press agent’s cUents, were sent but will do anything to avoid n # Bestsl Ots*dw ■eant tansle ovsr the best 1*:46 (4S1 The Letd’ e Prayer Doug ' Sanders. (From B1 (18) Trailmaster ists Dorothy Kllnllen, Ben­ out to gossip columnists. Ha trouMa—Inoniding a diva over 9:19 ( ^ H ILo______s m F a itr way to set away from aur- 1:88 ( 3) News aad Weather rod Dorado Club, Palm D esert John Mclntlre, Robert Horton. nett C ert Artens -Fraiuds. moved onto writing material for (J-9949)h r ^Dar is OssM roundlnr GermanOermoas. IbBMBt af MeditaUro Calif.) (R) Unpredictable badman hold life 11:88 ( 34-12-3848) Hews aad the baude fence. He haa aa eye («M9) nsDselsH ----- af j^^^Nweeepe. Meazeate af (to Telesporto or death power over Flint. (R) Weather COlURN R MiDDLOROOK, bw. comedlana ■■ far apiwt in style tor a pretty girl, but panioa if 9 i« (»49> Nsws 9:99 /^MTafeMro*' (38) Coacera (48) WoBderfal World sf Golf 11:18 (U ) Movie as bucolic Herb Btarber and city ■ha gats serious. He biw a da- (48) CoaversatlOB With 8:88 ( 3) Twentieth Century ‘ Cleopatra." Claudette Colbert INVESTMENTS . boy Bid Caesar. U;M ( 8) We Believe Profile of Harold Arlen. MB. OllOBOB F. J0HN80K JB.. Mtuugar ■Ire for a fast and easy buek, ( 8) Social Scanty la AeUea Guests; Lena Horne, Tony U:18 I 3) Movie Masterpieces About 18 months ago bt 'da- but a trouhlaaome atroak of (11) Coacera Bennett. Ted Koehler. Ira “Dear Ruth." Joan Caulfield, FBIBNOLY Aim HBlilVCIi imANSACrntOm HAMMUnD ON elded jo perform bis own mater­ honsaty keeps him Inoka. Oo- WEDNESDAYreferisfon PROGRAM (38) HiBgAroaad Saaday Gershwin, Andre Previn, John­ WUliam Holden. AIX EXCHANGES LISTED AND DNL»TKD--4«7TtJAL FUNDfi (48) Air Faroe Story ny Mercer. ( 8) durnglng Times ial in a New York night club. teaalbly, hto purpose to to clear M:4B ( 8) Changlag Times (22-88) Meet the Press (48) Featare .48 BfAlN 8IB1EBT M8-UM His star allot up fast hto name by oMching up wl Oha m m toretta Taemt talk about 12:88 ( 8) lo a r Coagressmaa from (Color) Public Affairs inteo U:18 (38) Late Shew tha maa who framed him au 8:98 Q ) TrobuMler s s n i e s s ; CoaaeelloBt view. "The Phenix City Story.” Job* AUan’s comedy haroaa are (9949)---- 9) The Faraasr’s Doaghter 1:88 ( 3) PeroeptloB (18) Charlie Chaa McIntyre. OiarUa OiapUn and Mort Sabi. ■ant him to prison...aotiially 649 .4 8 fam r Stevens, Pster Gravsa. ( 8) Dackpla Bowllag ( 8> Phoenix Open tavUatifB 11:88 ( 8) M ovie ha to trying to find hinisdf." s49 fsm D r o t mm A Mchelor congressman ptase Curt Jar- *T don’t think a portormm: |4S I to w T S ir o elaborota court to Knty. (18) Oft to Aiveatare CMf. “Orient Express." Oint Gavin is not the first actor J (18-48) Discovery *84 (21) Income Tax Betnra gens, Eva Bariok. really conaldara his style,” ba Frank Buxton, host An ex­ (48) Science All Star 1:88 ( 8) Hewseepe, Man te B IT DOES Make A Differwiee Whinfa Tm SaF»l said. *T iliink you do what you to ba attracted 1^ tba charaotar 749 **** S tW llaleh CtoM amination of our powers to 6;M ( Sinister Ed 1:83 ( 3) Hews. Weathes aad think to funny. But I can never of Deatry. Tom Mix, James .9) idasisal Ssdt roow r oocKwoous varoar predict or minlmine forces (18) Star Showcase meats Medttatien Stawwt, and Audia Murrihy with n money-grabbing soheaM - ' o f nature such as tornadoes. (22) Have Ona WIU Travel 1:18 ( 8) The Ohiistephers, have tbs eaustie mordant vrtt of appears m i s t ^ a plottod (11) Bohlae 18 Pin Bowllag (98) A ir Power 1:33 ( 3) Memento of Cemfeii a*d i k a A W. C. Fields. 1 avoid poUtlcs have partormad the itda before (M l romance for BUy May. (38) Saadisy Bfatlaee (48) Trailssaster (yran whUe Sabi attoks to them. the motion plotura eafneraa. 748 ( 9) BED Ha. 9 Andy Griffith atarred in the < 9) Friends af Mr. Gaal 849 Mtpesh. Charles Chaplia, ba aaM, te a enoes of undercover eganta, S \\ I MG S 4% "mibrvalous. olovni and oomadi. mualeal version on Broadway. an and a fkbuloua kitaUaot." ii ill vtaoeht Edwards, Sam JoM . M O N D A Y Television PROGRAM I.O.AM "Audiences know when some­ TTwo m ole poUsiita agree tfta •■"(fiA S TFato- 8>IS (34) Tha FHea8ly survtvora sbidl retielro toe one to fimny," AUan sald. "They Animated Return 8i39 ( 3) ttaahy aM 1 other’s Ufo - insurance. Tim e CkaBael ■:M ( 9) TThe BinemoB (33-33) Stag A leag srlth HMeh don’t raany know that they: (39> M evls 8:88 ( 3) Soarise Baaseetar (99) Mail Order Market (Celer) , /v ...... know, because whan they are (M ) What’s Hew (98) Agrlealtore ea Pai«de (99) Three Steeges Guest: George Butna. Leslie The BrOBldBr Petal >* ‘ < 9) Beal at Qtauehe _ ih e rilf ef when n visit te the take is Mva tbs right one. But they stUl 9 i« (88) Hag aad Odia Shw S Bawe a ~ 8:46 ( 3) Town (M er (34) The Frieadly OiaBt Paul Richards, Edward Froar. fW MAIN BF„ MAMCMOprjIMB e SuM m f 1, tey B M V B Y f a -the — ptolmed led-Rob to think m ( 3) Uvtag Wetd ( 8) .Yogi Bear A iMktIent'r revelationa about HDiow and X alTvaya presuma EloMttiy, to 898 acoompMshf 9) Hswa needs' peychiatrie help. 7:38 ( 3) Uaderstasi^g Oar WetM (M> What’ s New organizational activities lep- that tba audlenoa to, at a rninl- dramatic aotmaa A nstim of — - Ta|k . <9<^(BrigaBri (31-38) Today Show (33) Maverick orolse his girt friend. mum, aa bright aa X am ." Toronto, Oanada, tba young per­ 1949 i t t Drony lA ire Shew ( 8) Sonthera OeBa. State Cel- (49) Sapermaa (64) la ’Beieri Freyiew former has playad maagr im- S iw M evit Masic for Te Comedy-variety. Guests. di89 ( 8) News and Weather U;88 ( 34-*848> Newt. WeaOMr aai 1949 BVwb <64949) Cftarotog Weather (18) la the FabHe lateaeet B3mts ' TV* rolea on Ckuiaditm Henry Jones, Ceo OorteB. 7:18 ( 3) Perfeetlea (34) Diaeevevy (SD Big News Oompaagr telervi- f r a a r i e Howe aad on older professor ( 3) Friende of Mr. Geeber (49) News (88) News 1^ Weather Our SPEEDY 8t38 ( tt • fa r le , Bawe a *8 W e clash over gnidoace for * 7:36 ( 8) Let’s Talk Abeot ( S> Year Seaater from Oeaa. U:i6 ( 3) Meaday Hterilght iona. la st year oo-ed. 8:36 ( 3) Captsla Kaagaroe (48) Laramie "Plidtiip.'’ Haas; TRULY DEUCIOUS riM krota a oWldkan’a TV Shavr, 448 & Oebheiiae M. S;36 (46) Operation Alphabet ( 3) Close Up On Sports, News ( 64848) Winter OlyaOlymple wMoh w U be preaanitod on GBC *>3g (M ) Waeelal Eefsat 9:66 ( 3) Hap Blohards aad Weather Ckunea 8 4 e (8 )B e ^ ( 8) Jack La Laae Show 9 :U (83) anb Heoee (88) CHICKEN •oraettma this seanotL . 8-694M Sevea Kara ( 8) 87 Freeiaet Staike .SMilM~~8W^^^' (38^) BomMr Beem 9:18 ( » ) News U546 . 8) M ^ (3949) Tsar FfiatlaMwaMla* la Um moaner of n yoiaig (46) Bose the Olowa 3:81 ( 3) News "First Yank- la IMqro,” Teas R to w b 1b 6 M f iiu t M <&nia:^r% e4 Jlearch fo r TaaMzrow / (34) Tnutfs Haw 9:16 ( 3) Depaty Dawg ( 4) Follow the Sob Neal, Barbara Hale. ( 84949) Father Kaews Bast ^M buerleoa Wtroan to the 9:39 ( 9) Leave It Te Beaver (IS) Life of BUey U:36 (48) Steve Allen U m worira "ftoeat eatta’ 8:48 (38) Bawa ." 681k Oeatwy ( 8) Beat ef Orenche (1648) Hantley Brtahley 1:88 ( 8) Newseep^ Memeats ef 763 M AIN STREET— TEL. 643-lm eUeken" wHh tnoomparnUe WhMi Danny Kay* rotumad H e irs '' 746 < 3) LMHeat Beba _ _ (38) fa Seheel F r^ w 9 :U (49) B lag aad Odie ttaew Bepert Cemfert aad Byma (13) ■abseripUen IT M48 ( 34J848) Haws. Waafaw 19:39 ( 3) News (14) What’ s New toa te. to the New York stage last I ( 9) JBesI I (83-39) Say When i (28) News spring after 10 yean for a lim it­ ilgssrSsTw e* DID YOU KNOW OAU; IN OBDIS (34) neHm saaitles < 8) OlriTalk I ( 3) After Olaaer Movie Beatles Ready ed four-weric engagement, every iSl ’ M l XMto (33).HjMr (43) Horalag Mevla “Young Mr. Llmxiln.’’ Henry P h * Up I f BOaHtoa Litosr (48) I ^ B (3848) Hews sad Weather U:89 ( 8) Movie Tlior SaiMB Btfaeok A m W f h m i pwtonnanoe was a aellout, __ „_ ra a M 8 h s w Vil8 (93) l^estero Mane. Highllghia Fonda. Alice Brady. ' b IWF dPwVwW VIWwRHV Wwlwlw^ bbRE ______WmM Thm s V43 ( 3) Ohtsalele (21-39) Word for Word (18) SabseripUan 'TV With the BeaUee scheduled to Jonathan Mlllen Fstar_ Cook, Scott, iioaise ( 8) Oeaeral BesMtal Gale iesras Shew (38) MaU Order Market make their first Uve televlgioh VOTTQM r fOSCnpilOM f WE SeXJU and INSTALL A3 ttams with KM r Bennett, DudleyD odler :Moore, U :6 t (18-39) CoaceBtratleB ' (86) Weather. Local News DEOrS DRIVE-M L ^ .tt Ts Thr%la ’Used comedy of eoriy ^ ) Tonight ( 9-8849) The Prlee b B IA t (34) 'n e Hamaailies appearance in this oouiBcy on science fiction 'Trip to the „ Sh ) Stove AOro U:86 (11-38) Missiag Uaka (Celer) A proper segment is one that has neutralized algebraically, th * 4 M f f m m c a it \ (3848) News aad Weather tomorrow’s “The Bki Sidttvan RE»DENtlAl. l i K Basham Bssaasd Moon.” 11:38 (38> Spelts Hsandup ( 8-1848) Object It ; (16) Westera Mass. Highlights Show,” the host of the 'varieigr distant portion w itii the reading portion to m inim ize object d isp la y <3948) The V ln fa in n J tM e r). U:38 ( 8) Brorts v S S T ^ U:88 ( 3) Love ot Life Lee J. Cobb. (SeSWHeoat. A U:98 (S3) Tonight SHw (SS-M> Vonr First Imtresslea (38) Sports show reports: "The tkdeet re­ (48) News ipent, image jump and subject disappearance. ., ,1 •ARAOE DOOR dietrueting drifter irito aids n ( 8) M ^ e ( 6-1848) Sevea Keys quest is approaching Q0,000 for 949 ( 8) rasswsxd chUd isi accused o f kUhig her "T h e Spanish Mato.” 12:38 ( 3) Search for Tomerrew I (1648) Meaday Night At The When an improper segment is used it would cause injuries in - m m Lets Make a Deal Movies (Celer) thp Beatles.” He adds that thee* OPERATORS grandfather. (38-38) Truth or Oeasegaeaeea clim bing stairs, curbs and alighting fim n automobiles. 1948-48) Tha Advrotaree at s e t m s. ( 8-18-48) Father Kaews Best “ Treasure of the Golden Con­ may be 30 polioenten outside the Ozzle rod Harriet mento sf MedItatiM U:86 (22) News dor." Cornel WU4e, Constance studio who may have to Mock (H ) The Beet eiOreaaha Rick’s fraternity dones turns ( 3) Newseqro Memeats at 1:88 ( 8) Best Seller Smith. A disinherited noble­ 3:98 ( 9 ) Haase F orty Comfort aad Rynro man sesuches for lost treas­ off traffic on Broadway. < 9494e) Dqy to Oeeet into a small not wlm Oesie ( 3-28-48) Tenneesee Erale ‘Tve never seen anything la. the middle. (38) Late Hews Ford ure to establish his claim to mN ) da'Heoriag~ ~ ' (13-88) At Berne With EMty title and wealth. like it in the 16 and a half ■ 4 8 ( M « , JaJMMforofl _ ... ______NAMza> nHDSxDMmr 1:86 (48) Barbara Beraaid Shaw ( 64848) Ooter Limlta years o w show has been On tba 149 < 9) ^ Mge St Bight ^ (9948) Fatty Oahe 1:88 ( 3) As The Werid Taras Sally Kellermon, Nell Hamil­ Fatty and Richard datjide to O B S N «m u Gomspoa^oMt ton. An ambitious woman kills air, and that inoludea B M s . D ou gtaa B d w u rd * IM S tw en ( 8) Gale Storm Shew a .tpace creature after learn­ ^HiUbillies^ Pure Escape Says Creator go steady to the dhnnay of (18) At Home wtth EMty Presley's three appeersnoes in their jMrotts. clsotod pewaMent o f the A m oetm - (98) Leave It To Thele OMs ing its power-giving se Password Duke is charged with negU- American hit, on the SuUlran (11-38) LePo Make a Deal ence as leader of on expedl- Beveriy Hillbillies,** hi Us sec­ tuokY, Iowa, XUinoia, Vlrglni*— And that CtHnedy, lesa broad bnt ( 8) Qaeea For A Day Son from which only he re- show. ond season' as the most popular all those places between the two atlU oountry-style, iHimadlatalr TURNPIKE AHT6 (38) This Is The Aaower tnmeiL tdeiVlSlon program on u m net­ coasts 'wliers psoji^s don't tUak baoatnaaldt WILSON (48) The Best ef Oieaehe (24) Oreat Detdeleas TEEN-ABk SiatlliS 2:88 ( 3) House Party 9:39 I 3) Doaay Theasaa Shew works, is '*pure escape, just for they are sophistioateiL" SEAT DOVERS ELECTRICAL CO. MANeHESTEE ( 3-1848) Day ' > Court Marlorie Lord. Trying to get NBC is considering a aerias laughs," In the w(Mrds of Paul . Tba rsault haa bean * pbaeo- <%arauB MoosT” IMW-MUdlaTpha. BeaMasttlal-OomBL-M. (13-68) The L -.-ors even with * shaipeter. The for next fall on a "typical mod­ Henning who dreamed up the menal succeas. BEST 18648) News WilliairB decide to sell attic em teen-ager” that will be Bdwle Bbow. M M SIT < -M d-1888 OLDSMORHI ^■AUM ( 3) The Edge of Night Junk as antiques. "Xt ia juat fbr am u aam ^." ha A msr produotton In color' (32-30) Lorelis Yeang (U ) Dtalegoe ea Itad Ohlaa tlUed "Karon." Playing the tttle *Td finished up five years of reite ra te "no inssaagaa, no V "Yeur Ohtamotdfe Deslar" ( 8) Trailmaster 9:88 ( 8) A a to G riffith Shaw role will be 14-year-(>ld DebUe wriUng ‘The Bob Oumminga flC Jbaaea OoatigMila " ^ r i l CAR, (28-48) Oeaeral Hospital Ronny Howard, Susan Oliver. illneaBBB, no violanea, no labsl- Wen be 1^ to show yds h ( 8) Te TeU The Truth Jail security is . threatened by Watson, roporte^y (dibeen from ,8how,’ " Henning reenUed, "and lions kids—just stmple goed bn- winniflf r"Uttla Moon eg (8648) Yea Don’t Siur Andy and Barney are smitten a field of 60 hopefuls. M Iu W at­ spent tha next two monUis driv- matahtoaa geleettoB ef Mohawk i l l W n T CENTER STe mor. And Trs’Fs bad UtofSttr bnn,” atoning JuMa W sfrlg wM Dm WILUS or Bigelow carpet right ia your (li-*8) <)aeea for aDay b^g^-i^)bejuAifid luisoner. son, NBO maintains, will por­ 14,ow mUes aroudd ttie tbousiuidB of lettera Oat sag'ni Hettyweed the tray "a typical modem teano ba pri ientsd bg lP BI€MAMai!»,iy _ OWE home. Moke year home sra oountry.' TIuU wag to IMS, and offset, ‘tbank yon for g baU vm iaBii AuconoBinr a M» ( 9) Admiral Jaek Joseph Gotten, host F ilm ex- ager who tries to act grown-i^> X wag finding tSleviaion -dm- hour in which I oould forget m e "BaUmarfc B a> of ] empet'ooaMsrteUel (39^> Trailmaster ceii>ts ot the giwat lover from promatunly. Karen is never H brdkv'nw dnuna, * d:W ( ^ News the days of ValenfJiio aad ma, depreaaing — everytUag troubloa. . . .• “ A X rV D l dt98 _____ Movie Itotaily vtctoriouB, but neithar la aeemed to start with maytiaiE Tba sooeesa of . Am asrMs MCHIBhBDtBI* C ttFpB t NEW or USED Barrymore to now. ■ iW M W V-iie KAXk-MAe'v 419) Jbke Beem for Daidr M:88 ( 3) The Oeteetivaa she really defbated.” aad than gat woraa. atada ■ — dag VTS hm h et jfta '•ItMaAaM.:— J PAGE FOUR HANOHBSTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. OONN„ SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8. 1964 " > * V ' • " " ' A Sense of Involyetnenl THURSDAY Teievigion PRDCaiAM n s M OhsaaM 0) Oeaeral __ overt SMI SA; Improves a Doe^^ S:M ( Sr gaariM^ gtuaaaUr S>. Te TeB the Tr c o lo ^ .' , . ^ Oa*at Artist Osaewrta S:lt I •> Maasato at ( b a f s > ^ _ O e a im 'i^ S .Shew (:M I ■> Mewsene Who Miys a good documen-AmetB aooi A aoene aa'tiie viowwr _..... le ilousthold is die. >:M < i> Tswa (M ar (SS-S0)Mateh O w e when a neishboi! brIniM tery has to bo duU? aska Helen wYMiid have, had be been there. 1:es < I) Tka Wcatera War t M Adasiral Aaek ehow Trisha. Joan Rogers, director amd co- She ooMMnea it to achieve (lAM l.Tsdar SIww (SaOO) Tmnaiaaler producers o f an. A B C -T V series ( 0>' Ba rraaee 8;S0 BOdataaJ255'**'‘*r aenae o< UveMneM and action, _ _ <*l> Weather .•isi^iassie i Richaid______^ .liamberlain,!Cnukinberlaln, Oeaa Of documentaries, “The Sag^a of with eilhouette and ahadowe, ot, :f:M ( S> faaaces sf Amerfcm Riywlmids. Researching her' Western' M ^ ” say, aol^iera in battle. The re­ ( S) FrteaSs e( Mr. Gsshsr ' oiooj'tjjsfiffir.r.a'*'"*^ next book at the hosriU'hiMmtal. _ 7:SB ( S> Cera Talk Aksat iS l £ !• "* M Ovist* woman Writer incurs. Kildara’a .. Curfenay working on “1898,” sult is a. feeUncr ot pei'sonal in> *it» I S>. Oastaia Baanree (SO) Tkree Steeses resoitmeiit.' a documentary about U.S. emer­ volvement qn the part oC the •:M <«> OaeratiaB Atahaket jgjWJTke ASmIral and Bwakky ( 8.IM8) l b Tkree SSas gence as a major world power, ' Site < Sf ■ » Bieharas >H a^orray. Problems view er. < ■> tmA La Laaae Skew S:U (S4> The PrleaOIy Olaat arise about. aellliuc the noum iUse Rogers is (tetermiqed .that “That,” says MUw Rogers, “Is < » « > • BeiaiMr Beeas OtSO IS ) HaeU eberry HeaaA when Sieve is olrered a Jon "1898”—like ite predeceesors In- what a good documentary <4S> Baas the Olawa , - (SO) Mevto .. In BawaU. - . , ■ . Um “ Saga” aeries, “ 1492” and •iU < t> Desatr Daws ' (54) Wkat's Maw V (fl) ilMalesne aa Red (Rlaa^;; ahouM do. BaMltenient, not doU- SiM ( t> Leave It' Ta Baavaa (SO) .Uaverirk flOO SI Perry Maeea . •■1776”'—w ill :be a vivid moving neas, is the way to aooomptWi . < ■> Beat a( Oraaeka ____(40) Rkeritr e( (MAIae : Raymond Burr, Paul WinohelL re-creatiiUt of a slgniflcant pe­ It.” ' i S : « i4S> U a r aaS (MIe BksW 6:00 ( 0) Newa aad Westker elderly woman’s son s< is riod in the development of our MtSS < S> Hews (U ) ta tke PaMIe labrest accniaed (* ^ , _HriiWiertng'______a ilSAS) Bar W1 (55) Wd News nOr in the .tirm hie mother etviUsation. ( S> OirTcalk (84) Dlaeavery iidie'riteiL (Miss R^ers received Radio <«•> Waralaa Kevie (40) News (8-1840) The llnuar »*aa Televisioh Daily's award as Di- W :M ( *> M M s OAO (40) (Asefcmate m -M r Wm s Ter Ward 0:10 • l: Npe*^ >**'*• • " * tTsa Muaidia-varlety. - teetor of the Tear for her work Coming Shmvs ( S) Oeaeral HsspMal er ■ ■ 0:80 (SS-80) BaiiiSI lOeter) in "1492” and "1776” based on U:0S (t l^ > Oseeeatniusa 0:W (SS) Cbkkeaee a a i 8ses (S4) j^rtm aad Leyeads a poU of 443 members of the „ < aM-4S> Tke Pries b BisM ~’«aert U :M (taaSK MUries Llaks. 0:80 ( 8) Nears sad Westker ***** ( W W ^P erry Oerae’ r Mnele mess. Her hiisband, John H. Cong ressional ethics^ the im- < a « M * } Tke Okjeet. b ' HsMs Baas ■an. '.I ■ . Beoondari, executive' 'producer pHcatioins o f thd Baker invCsti-^, UrOO < S) L e b e( LUe (iS LUe aT iu lw GuesU:;, Dean Martin, lana (tSSO) 'T ew rirst Iwwseebe (S I) Baatley-Briafcleyatley-Br 'B » Horne (IVora Burbank. Oali- of "The Saga of Wee'tiim Man” gation and the legislative as­ ( a w ^ ) Sevea Keys fornial' , ' . ■ aeriee, was voted the W riter of pects of conflict of interest will U :M .< S> SkaVek far Teaienrew What's New ( S-SO-W) aid C aeu r Shbw 'i'O the Tear for the 8ame pro­ be explored in “A t Issuei The ( S-*a4« Patker BaeWe f 0:4S (SO) News Featurlns' Gtsele MacKensta '- Tratk er CeaSeeaeaees 0:80 (40) Saerte Parade aad Joey Foreman In aatlHiail . gra m s.) Bobby Paker Case” on WEDH, U iU (tt> HOwe ■ . . 1:00 I S> Biu sketches. Channel 34, W ednesday a t , 9 1:0S ( »■ Beet Sellae (U ) SabeeriaUi TV ta Sehael Preview sag': ^ "K ven SS you inform in a doc Art s( Beelag p.m. The program will bO' re­ < aSO-enI (. Teaaeeeee Bride (SO) OsaaeaM umentary,” Miss Rogers said, (St) Mews aad Weather 18:88 ( 8) Lee Marvia “you've got to keep it entertain- peated Thursday at 7 p.m. ' Barbara Berai^ Skew , ^ - (80-40) News sad V 1,-depth look at thelie week's top ' tiM ( t) As tke WsrM Taras t it s (SS) Westera Mass no one watchee long enough to OoV. George Romney, of < ■) Okie Stemi 8kWr 1 (SO) Bairts Camera M4taaad. le a n .” bfichigan, often mentioned as a At Heme Wltk BMtr ' (40) _____ Nswe U:SS < -S8M) News. Weaihss Miss Rogers is dsUghted that possible Republican presidential (SO) Leave It Te Tke OIrta tiSO 1 8) Pauwerd <40) Mews ' Gamee show. Allea Luddea, (IS) h r Mswf the series thus far has been nominee, wUl be interviewed on 1:M (40) Barbara Beraaid host Qneste. (SS) News aad B reath er able to capture for the viewer NBC-TVs “Meet the Breas” to­ t:l> (S » S M m l Besert (tS-30) Temple Hesatea tilts I S) n n n d a y BMrilsht the “uncanny” feeling of being morrow from 8-6:30 p;m. (SO) Mm el Dvctliir Jen Hrniter, Vito ^ t l . “ Forbidden." Mel Ferrer, Lea tdO < S) Paaawerd peimlleas mooiher schemes Massari. then—in the time and place (taSO) Let’e Make a Deal help 1)Houston keep the (SS) Tealskl ~ back in. hlstpry, and Involved ( 0) daeea Per a Day ____ from (aillnr. (48) Steve AUea Shew Jonathan Miller, Peter Cook, This le Tke LUe < 8-S040) Tke PHatstesee ll:tS •;«) HyertS View IB the Bplsode on camera. Alan Bennett and Dudley (40) Tke Beat el Ore ache BTilma and Betty dUculse lt:SS (SS) TOaUkl Shew- (Crier) “People who aaw T492,' ” she Moore, the highly-lauded quar­ t:S0 ( a s a « ) Day la Oeart themselves as memhera to ret ( S) M ^ ( S) Bease Partv Inside their husband's lodge. "Captain China." John Payne, said, “told me they felt as If tet of young ESngllshmen who TM Deebrs (84) Hirhiljthb ^ BceaeinTee t:44 IM> Lord’! Prayer they were on Um ship with Co- comprised the original cast of S :U (taSO) News 8M8 I S) Itawkide 1:SS ( S> News, Weather sad Mo-' himbus, and wonder^ whether the Broadway hit revue "Beyond StOO ( t> Tke B4se el NISkt Brie Fleming, Jemes Whit­ BMala ri Medltatiea (St^> Lerena Yeaag more. Teiuion develope be­ ( S) Newseepe aad Memento or not he’d make it to the New the Fringe” wlU star in "A “W p < 8) Trsilauuter tween a Comanche who Joins a( Oemleri aad Byma. . World. People who saw T776’ to the M ^ ,” hour-long adapta­ aaid they. Imagined themselves tion of a prophetic novcd by with Washington in the coI(L Jules Veriie, the 19th century ‘"TUm b the khvd of identifl- French author. The program FRIDAY Teievis ton PROGRAM eatkm .-we’re etrtvin g to g iv e will be broadcast on C ^-T V ’s ------{ iM ‘ 1886’,” R ogers oon- “Chronicle” Wednesday from TIrm ObSIUMi ( 8» Mow ( 8) The Aasaricaa Wemaa IA 7:30-8:30 p.m. . *-M (SS) AsrieaHara aa T am (8S-M) BaaMey-Briaklep Ike Seth Crete ry tlnueiL. "W e wient the viewer to (.8) Snarise Beauetor (84) TThat’s Mew (8848) Fight at - the Week feel he wee with Teddy Pooise- 8:SS I 8) Memeato of Ooarisrt, (48) Saperaua l SuIs Mritaa va Frank Nari Belt at San Jtian HUl, and with CommuniM' China's | Prender fi4S ( S> MoWsoeao 8:48 (88) Nma vaes. 10-round . lightweight 8:U ( S) TOwa Crier i m i 8) D e i^ Valley Days cM est, Madison Ekiaare Garr Mm hnm igm nto a t HSlia leland.” Chou Bn-Lai wUl be 'interview^ . diia. New York. on a special one-hour report, 7.-SS (SS-SS) Tsdar show (M ) Mall Order Harfcei Where poeeiMe, the Special ( S) Man lha Makeito (ft ) Weather. Loeal Newa 18i4i ( 8-88-48) Make That 8 Be re ‘^ alogue on Red China” Mon­ ( S) Tho 43hriatophers (84) Marie tor Team Feaple Top bowiera compete for PToJecta Diviaion ahota the ac- d ay oa W B U H , Channel 24, a t (St) Wosther (8848) News aad Weather ctosk prises at Paramue N.J. tsml looationa where the events 7:SS ( S> Frieads a( Mr. 7:14 (88) Waatera Maeeaekasetle 9 p.m. The program .wUl be re­ ( 8) F r o ne Ike CMtoBo nihBghta U A 8 ( M 4 8 4 8 ) News took place. la “1896,” for in- peated Tlm rsday a t 8':30 p.m. ( W T C ^ Camera atanoe, viewere wUl see the t m J ( , lT C S_____ ’s .-TaUi. Abeni-. ^ (48) Hem * 6 «M)s , Fla., ataging area for ■ isi .( S) Captota Bauai i m ( 8) -Great Advratarp ' ; 'I Judy CMrland, whose CB8-TV S:SS (4§) OymaU— AQiliShabel Russell Johaaoa. iwrrato^. U1I8 veateri (ha Rough Riders’ onelaught on show wUl be canceled this sea- SriS ( S) B u Mdmwto -Drama ef a cavalry ottloar ONSa; Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, n, present a solo concertc-a ( S> La LaaM Bkaw Wha nawt esoort deagereag ' ‘Poanv,______Serenade. ’' Cary Oianl MtMn the fleet invasion took (BMS) BmaseTMitm lenecade Indians. Irene Dwme.Dinine. - format for which she has be­ (40) BemThTOtowa ( SA84S) Deatry (Prsaslere) ( 48) Btoia Allen Shew fla o e a gsla st Spain in 1896, and come fanious—during her one- S:U ( S) Itapeigr Dawg - John- Gavla, Tammy Grimes. batUesWp Olympia, with hour program tomorrow from S;M ( S> Lmiv* It Tk Bmurw A Selooa aiacer aad miaiag ifl8l*KJsa'55Sr'V wWoh Admiral Dewey scored ( S> Bm I • ( OiMMlto axecuUvea try te block the U':S8 (U4»y Tekight Skew (Oetoe* 9-10 p.BL S:4S (48) Btas mri Odta Bkmr search , for stotea goM. n MhThig vtotory at liCanlla lS:Se ( S> M ews'I ) : - (tS) Aa Heheele Metek Wito .^/tU SSS ta in niioola.” RaF> H ath or, "Ihoidont of Iron Bull,” the (BMS) Sap'BIhsB (84) BetoaeS. Bepertor monid Massey, Ruth Gordon. ^Ih an Mias Rogers uesa an of- ( s) gtiTTaac . (Ml Hava Oaa WM Travel lS:48.f4S) Leri’s fravgr ‘Rkwhido” episode thkt won tke (48) Mentaw; Mevto 8ri8 (SS) Btography ItoS'l 8) Mawaeope. Msmsets at maUrna toctm iiius'cM ied auhjec- WeiMeni Herltsge Award as the MiSS ( S) Mevto (SS) Ait aad Maa C me tort aadnAysea outstanding television western’ (SS-SS) W eK fer Weed (SS) Naked OMr fW ) Howe _ o f 1968, w ill be repeated Thure-' ( S) Oeaeral Heeritol 8rt8 ( 7) Beats 08 -IMS ( 81 News and Weather UriS (SSW) Oieeelrallee . Mania MUaer, Oiaaa Omkett. day from 8-9 p.m. on CBS-TV. ( S-SS4S) The. Price Is BiskI ' Tod aad Line get Involved U:SS (SS-SS) Mleetas Ueke with an eccentric millionaire Harold Arlett, a Uttle-known ____ ( S-SSi4#) The Okjeel ta with a'penchant for glrlA U:SS ( S) Levs Ot LUe (M ^B eh Bepe Oemedy man who ia the composer of (SS-SS) Teer First Itopreestae .SHOP Mid such sonn aa "That Old Black _ .( S-SS-4S) Sevea Beys Oueats; Janet Leigh, Ams Magic,” “Come Rain or CJome UiSS ( J ) Seereh tar Tetoi____ Bancroft, Julie Lendea; Sergio (tt-SS) Tieth er Ceeseeeeaees Franchl. SAVE Shine,” and *T’ve Go' the World ( S-M-tS> Barke’fe Law WHERE on a String” will be the sub­ U:8S (SS) New* . r 'Rvgk Toomey, Jim Backus. ject of a full-hour report to­ 1:88 ( 3) Beet Seller , CoRee house imtrana are 'gua- YOU SEE ( 848-48) Teaaeeeee Brale ' pecto when a eongstreea. to m morrow on CBS-TV’s “The Ferd murdered. THIS ELECTRONICS Twentieth Century” from 6-7 (18-88) At Heme WHh BMy S:M (S4) Aa Age at Kiaga p.m. 1:88 (48) Barbara Beraard Shew SdS S> TwiUgkl Bees SIGN 1:88 ( 8) As tS WeiM Tarae Wally Cox. A lovelorn acieBtiat LABORATORIES ( 8) Gale Stofia Show becomes romantically involv­ The many ways of under­ (S8> At Hetna with Bitty . ed with a computer. standing, appreciating sind look­ (St) Leave.B X » The Oiile (St-SSLThat Wae The Weejk 277 BROAD (48) News That Was ing at a sln^e work of art—in 1:88 (4S) Barbara Beraaid Satiriesd topical comment. this case the Renaissance “MarS 1:88 (SS) Special Bepert Elliott Reid, host. Cast: Henry and Venus United by Love”— (SS) Ilea af Derilay Mon^aa, Namsy Ames, David S:SS ( 3) Password will be reportied . in “Venus in (SS-SS) Let’s Make a Deal 8-2S-4S) The Pries le Venice” on CBS-TV’s ’’One of ( S) Qaeea Fer A Day aht FtJRNITURB a Kind” tomorrow from 4-5 (SS) Faith for Today A ^idience l particIpaUon. BUI 1 1 1 5 MAIN BTRFKT p.m. (48) The Best' ef Greaohe Cullen, emcee. S:SS ( S-M-40) Oi^ I7 Cpart t8:M ' 3* M fi^ Hitchreck Hear (SS-SS) *'The Fat BuUrtm, Collin Wilcox. A . OLIVA’S ESSO mysterious Jar con ts^bg MX HARTFORD RD. S:SS (SS-SS) News something unidentifiable awes S:SS ( S) The Edxe ef Might a town but angers its crwnbr.'s PETS (fS-M) Lerete Veaag wife. ' SURWBLL’S TEXACO ( S) Tralhnastor (SS-M) Jack P a ar Fregram _ (SS4S) Oeaeral Hespitol Htotor) 1475 S ilv e r Lana, H. H artford S:I8 ( S) Te TeU TThe Tralh Ouesto: Bob Newhart, MaC- PET FOODS (SS-SS) Tea Dea’t B a r ierUe. Piassa, Cbriswell'. BUDT’S SERV. STA'HON (M-iS) qaeea w»r a Day Sarmonica Rascals, Brace TV-Badle, Sales aad Servlee 4:88 V s ) B a m r Aady 8 W 134 B. O B N TB R ST, (8»48) MskA Game i PET ATTIRE ( 8) Adasiral Jack WYMAN OIL. 00„ Ine. h i ^ > TiaHmaetor 8rtS (8S-M) News 34 MAIN ST. CjoiniplelM GardM SuppKM 4:88 (j2 ) Marie • m— ------(88) Hake -Biera tor Daddy WM. raO K LUMBER, lUe. i M cw ity r a r m n 8A8 (-8) MagiUa Oerilla PAINTING 2 M A IN ST, StrvicM ^ ---- ■- ---- M-- (M> Order Kaskal Jatorinr, ■xtorlor (88) Three Bteegee - PLEN’S TEXACO We attend to Mto^Tke AdiAral Bwakky Wnlipnpw Hooka every d etail L o w m MMattnaacM V^sperttoBgfaig 381 M AIN ST. Ldnsns liJrtiiM BB 8 :U (M ) The FHsadta Olaat th at keeps S'JB ( 8) Becky aadrattoada Fleers and CeillBgg NASBOrr ARMS you locNcing . (88) SnuiPs New r u l B t o A mmt ReOaiahei M l MAIN ST. you r beet. RM psiradt SicMrpMHMl (88) Maverick (48). Sapenaaa W orfcmaagWp au nrau iaei. drtS ( 8) Maws aad 7rs8to4» FRHy buMi«« DICK'S OpLF SBRV. Cameo Beaufy LITTLE & (U ) 8abaerip4toa TV 476 H A R T F (H U > RD . ^ aj{ 5 5 'w .'^ ’«**• GARNER RUO CLEAN 8A8 (48) leraasla LBI NIIETIER Studio McKin n e y ORI W(Mj> ST. S:M (-8) Sperto. News aad Weoth ' < 64»t6S96 - 8 8 669-376S 3» IIOdOUUDali 8T . . er t m Blata SA. • : U (18) 8 T A T R SBRV. STATION Bepert I M A IN ST. 6 4 8 < aTH ot