^ V »- '* V - S (< ,*.■ '- FRIDAY, FEBRUARY T, »M PAGE EIGHTEEN lianrlifater lEvftttos H^ralb Arerage Daily Net Preas Rm The We For the WMk Ended - r eeeeMt eg P. G We February 1,196« ^ The Connecticut Opticiane H m VFW Post wUl aponsor a M eeting Slated Fertljr mmmy aiaifereenr tUe aii- A bout Town AaaodaUon wUl present a sporte Valentine dance Saturday from Doctors to Hear Police Arrests 1 3 ,8 9 9 to jo B ^ nlg^ program at the Tenkee 9 p.m. to ' l a.m. Charlie Var-< By AL Women SUversmith, Wallingford, on rick and hia orchestra will pro­ Tufts Professor Member of the Audit A.8.C. Peter Freitnan of the Feb. 26. Dinnw wiU be at 7 vide the music. Lieonird C. BjoiT^man, 18, of Bureau of Circulation t M t Meer devetopfng by* evMleg. United States Air Force, son of p.m. Rick Forzano, bead foot* Dr. Ooimt Oibsen Jr., profes­ 87 Honhtor 8L, last night was "Mrs. Edward Walters, presi­ M m eh a a ter-^A C ity o f VUiagm Charm Capt. James A- Peterson of c h a it ^ with larceny. Police the Rev. and Mrs. Karlla Frei- iMll coach at the University of sor of preventive medlelns at dent of the American Lep®" ntaids, 21 Garden St., recently Connecticut, will be guest the United States Air Force, said hubcaps, matching the de­ Auxiliary, and Mrs. J. F. Wai- graduated from a technical speaker. Biulco F. Reale, pro­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Tufts University, chief Of staff scription td those taken earlier lett, acting secretaiTr, will VOL. LXXXm, NO. 110 (TEN PAGES—TV SECTION—SUBURBU TODAY) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1964 (CaoeeHM AdvertMog aa Page t) PRICE SEVEN CENTS training course at Greenville gram chairman, ia in charge of Petoiwm, Rt. 87, Columbia, has and chief of home medical serv­ in the. evening, from a purbed tend the annual national securi­ Air Force Base, Mies., and has arrangements. been reassigned to Hickam Air ice at the Boetpn Dispensary, ear at Center Motor Salee, 684 ty conference and dinner of the been reassigned to Halm Air Force Base, Hawaii, for a tour Boston, Mass., will speak at Center St, were found in Department of Connecticut Force Base, Gennany. Miss Sheila Graham, daughter of duty with a Military A 1 r Manchester Memorial Hoepital Bjorkman’s car, and that his Saturday at 7 p.m. at the Motel of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer W. Gra­ Transport Service unit. He had Tuesday at noon. I car matched the deecriptlon of Stratfleld, Bridgeport. U.S. Skiers Events ham, 44 Bunce Dr., and a senior been statlonad at Scott Air Dr. Gibson’s talk, entitled a car reported seen about 9 p.m. Other members of the De­ psychology major at the Univer­ Force Base, III. “The Challenge of Home Care at the car lo t Bjorkman. posted partment’ attending from Man­ sity of Hartford, has been re­ to the Community Hospital,” a 1100 bond, and will appear chester are Mrs. Wilber Little, in Circuit Court 12, Manchester, Homemade U.S. Asks Allies Aid elected president of Phi Sigma First Friday Adoration ser­ will be given in the hospital Department chaplain; Mrs. Will Firsts In State N a w Oii, a social sorority at the vices will be conducted tonight board room to the medical staff Feb. 24. Henry Pesslni, Department mu­ University. She is also chair­ at 7:30 in St. James’ Church. as part of Manchester Memor­ Leroy R. Brown, 21, of Cov­ sic chairman, and Miss Barbara man of the Publications Com­ ial’s educational program under entry, last night was charged Wallett, First District secre­ with diareganUng a state traf­ RAVIOLI In Slalom 2 Deaths Added FUEL OIL mission. Lt. Thomas S. Juros of the which lectures and conferences tary. United States Air Force, son of are held daily. fic control (nq. passing) sign. FRESH OR FROZEN Thomas J. McNally Jr., a Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Juros, 68 Besides the staff physicians, The onsight violation occurred INNSBRUCK Austria In Inquiry on ® ^ 1 4 V 2 C ® ^ hospital corpsman second class representatives of the. Manches­ on E. Middle TpkS. Brown was In Squeeze on Cubans Branford St., has entered pilot (AP)—A pair of 20-year- and son of Mr. and' Mrs. Thom­ training at Williams Air Force ter Homemakers’ Service and ordered to appear in Circuit flea our complete eeloctlon of doz. 3 0 c Rogers’ Babies as J. McNally, 72 Greenwood Base, Ariz. After the year-long Goes to Italy the Manchester Public Health Court 12, Manchester, Feb. 24. old daredevils of the ski Dr., and Gerard L. LeBlanc, an fresh, d^dom course, he will be awarded the Miss Jo-Linda C. Leib, daugh­ Nursing Association have been slopes, Billy Kidd, Stowe, RfXJKVILLB (AP) — Maine electronics technician seaman silver wings of a pilot. invited to'attend. TRANSPORT BILL LAUDED H.PASQUALIHI .. Vt., and Jim Heuga, Tahoe GASH SAVINGS and son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerard ter of Mr. and Mrs. Heibert S. WASHINGTON (AP) — A State Police say they are in­ Jolmson Says Leib of 74 Green Manor Rd., Under Dr. Gibson’s guidance, City, Calif., won two more vestigating two additional child I T TO N. LeBlanc, 286 Bidweil St., the Home Medical Service has transportation bill ai>proved by TEL 644^604 both of the United States Navy, Ruth Circle of Emanuel Lu­ will sail from New York on medals for the United deaths in the case of Mrs. Nora theran Church Women will meet developed into one of the lead­ the House Commerce Commit­ 246 Avery S t, Wepping are participating in Operation Monday bound for Italy. ing units of its kind in the tee is "the most far-reaching States today with a 2-3 fin­ Rogers, 29, o f Hazardvllle. We Won’t Use Springboard while serving Monday in the reception room She is one of 65 student<> CANDIES She is-being held in the death of the church. The Rev. C. country. It provided medfeal step in 30 years to help the ish in the men’s $lalom race aboard the anti-submarine war­ from 15 American colleges who care fpr patients requiring transportation industry,” Rep. of four of her children and has fare carrier, USS Lake Cham­ Henry Anderson, pastor, will will spend a semester In Italy, of the ninth winter Olym­ been specifically charged with lead a discussion on faunily re­ house calls and those unable Abner W. Sibal, R-C6nn., said Cuban Water plain, in the Caribbean. studying at Italian universities to attend clinics. yesterday the bill would end pic games. / manslaughter in .the death of lations and Christian home life. under a Syracuse University They were the first/m edala her seven-month-old daughter, PER ’The Manchester Homemaker federal regulation of railroad WASHINGTON (AP) — The GALLON Loyal Circle of Kings Daugh­ Mrs. Norman Gerhart will lead sponsored plan. ever v/on by American Alpi;'.e Barbara Ann, in 1960. the devotions. Mrs. Keith Car- Service formed last fall after freight rates on agricultural United States is appealing to ters will meet Monday at 7:46 Miss Leib, an education-ma­ a survey by the Manchester and certain bulk commodities men skiers, although U-.S. wom­ Connecticut and Maine police p.m. in the Fellowship Room riere and Mrs. Roderick Mac- Quinn’s Pharmaey en have captured nine since the are now probing the deaths of Allied governments to join in Lean are In charge of refresh­ jor jimlor at Syracuse, will live Public Health Nursing Associa­ and would subject railroads to Ughtening an economic noose of Center Congregational tion showed a need for an 878 MAIN ST. big-ice and snow carnival be­ six of the 10 known Rogers FUEL OIL ments. with an Italian family and will the antitrust laws. around Cuba following Presi­ Church. Mrs. Samuel Wilson agency to place trained women gan in 1924. children. study at the University of State Police Maj. Samuel dent Johnson’s decision to sep and Mrs. Frank Anderson will Florence. workers in homes where a fam­ Josef .(Pepl) SUegler main­ be co-hostesses. Officers of the Italian Amer­ Rome said yesterday the Maine a rate the Guantanamo naval She is a 1961 graduate of ily’s routine is intemhtted by tained Austria’s 12-year domi­ COOPERATIVE ican Club will meet tonight at nation of the slalom specialty deaths were those of a prema­ base completely from the Cuban Manchester High school, ana illness or disability. economy and water supply. Oil. ( OMP.\NY Manchester Philatelic Society 7:30 at the clubhouse. I by rocketing dow;: the two ture oaby bom to Mrs. Rogers will meet Tuesday at 7 :30 p.m. has bMn on the dean’s Ust at , courses on Birgitzkoepfl - in 2 before her marriage and Cecil Johnson In effect told Cuba to SINTT, 1M5 keen its water. BKOAD STREET at North Methodist Church, 300 The Rev. John D. Hughes of Syracuse each semester. : minutes, 11.13 seconds. Melvin Rogers, who .was bom TEL. fil.l-l.I.SS Parker St. George Corcoran will St. Mary’s Episcopal Church The group wlU hold orienta­ May 16, 1953 and died Sept. 11, The pre.sidential decision was tion classes in the Italian I Kidd, who has spent his lei­ announced by the State Depart­ discuss ASDA highlights of 1963. will be in charge of radio broad­ THROW IEM| sure time skiing all over the 1953 in Milo, Maine. language, while aboard ship, ment Friday night after a day­ casts sponsored by the Man­ DONT A iyA Y ! world, rallied from sixth place chester Ministerial Association and will study six Libeiral Arts long series of conferences on Still plenty of wear Ie_.
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