Sixth Regiment New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry.


By LYMAN JACKMAN, late Captain Sixth Regiment New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, and Historian of Regiment.

Sixth Regiment was THE organized at Keene, in November, 1861, the men coming from all parts of the State. The regiment camped on the Cheshire Fair Ground, about a mile and a half out from the city, the camp being called " Camp ." Company B was the first on the ground, reporting November 9. The men were mustered in November 27 to 30, the regimental organization being com- pleted on the 30th. On the 25th of December the regiment left Keene, and proceeded via Worcester, Norwich, and New York, to Washington, where it arrived at 4 p. m., on the 28th, and was assigned to Casey's Provisional Brigade, in which it remained until January 6, 1862, being camped at Bladensburg, Md. On the 6th of January the regiment started for Annapolis, Md., to join Burnside's expedition to North Carolina. Arriving at Annapolis on the evening of the 7th, the regiment the next day went on board the steamer " Louisiana" and the ship " Martha Greenwood," and arrived at Fort Monroe on the evening of the loth. Here the whole regiment was crowded onto the "Louisiana," and on the nth started for Hatteras Inlet, arriving there about 5 p. m., the next day, after encountering a terrible storm on the way. The Sixth landed on the 17th and camped at " Camp Wool" on Hatteras Island. The camp being very

unhealthy, the regiment, on the 24th, moved about two miles to "Camp ," where it

remained until the 24th of February. On the 25th it embarked on the steamer "Northerner," and landed on Roanoke Island 2, being assigned, on the 6th, to the Fourth Brigade, Department of North Carolina.

On the 8th of March six companies under Lieutenant Colonel Griffin, joined an expedition to Colum- bia, N. C, in search of a rebel regiment, said to be recruiting at that place; but the expedition returned without finding the enemy. On the night of April 7 Lieutenant Colonel Griffin, with four companies of the Sixth and two of the Ninth New York, went to Elizabeth City, N. C, and broke up a rebel camp. On the 19th of April, General Reno, with four regiments and a battery, moved on Camden, N. C, and met the enem^^ about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and a sharp fight ensued. The Sixth, b}' its handsome behavior here, won complimentary notice in orders. On the i8th of June the regiment left Roanoke Island, and reached New Berne, N. C, the next day. During this month the Sixth was assigned to the First Brigade, First Division, Department of North Carolina.

On the 1st of July the Sixth embarked to join McClellan in Virginia : but it having been reported that Richmond had been captured, the regiment returned and landed at New Berne, Jul}- 5, but re-embarked the next day, and on the loth landed at Newport News. The regiment was assigned on the 22d to the First Brigade, Second Division, Ninth Army Corps. On the 2d of August the regiment went on board transports, reached Aquia creek on the 4th, landed and proceeded b}' rail to Falmouth, Va., where it arrived late that night, and camped opposite Fredericksburg. August 12 the regiment left camp and marched to join Pope's army, which was found near Culpeper, Va. At Bull Run on the afternoon of the 29th the First Brigade was ordered to attack the enemy, who posted in the woods. were The Sixth with the Second Maryland on its right, made a gallant attack ; but the Forty-Eighth Pennsylvania, on its left, fell behind, and the Sixth being exposed to a murderous fire on its left flank, was compelled to fall back. This batde was the most disastrous to the regiment of any in 284 SIXTH REGIMENT NEW HAMPSHIRE VOLUNTEER INFANTRY.

which it participated, two hundred and ten being killed, wounded, or missing out of four hundred and iift)' officers and men who went into the fight. On the next day the Sixth with its brigade acted as a sup- port to the Second Brigade of the Second Division of the corps. The night of the 30th the Ninth Corps covered the retreat of Pope's army. About 6 p. m., September i, the enemy attacked the corps near Chantilly, Va., and the Sixth being brought into the fight, was engaged until dark, when the enemy withdrew.

The army then fell back to the defences of Washington ; and here the Sixth remained until the 7th of

September, when, with its corps, it moved; and passing through Frederick, Md., was at South Moun- tain on the 14th, being used with its division as a support. At Antietam on the 17th, the Sixth was again

engaged, taking part in a charge made to take the "stone bridge" (afterwards known as *' Burnside's bridge"), on Antietam creek. A few days later the regiment marched to Pleasant Valley, Md., remained until October 27, when the army left Pleasant Valley, crossed the Potomac by pontoon bridges at Berlin, and took up a line of march along the valley east of the Blue Ridge, with Richmond for its objective point. The regiment was now,

with its division, in the advance of the army ; and on the 14th of November, being a part of the advance picket line, skirmished at Amissville. At Warrenton (or White Sulphur) Springs, November 15th, the regiment was lightly engaged.

On the 19th of November the regiment arrived at Falmouth in front of Fredericksburg, and camped

north of the Phillips house until December 12, when it marched into Fredericksburg. At about i p. m., the next day, the Sixth, with its brigade, advanced to assault the enemy's works on Marye's Heights, and

was engaged until dark. On the 15th it returned to its former camp-ground at Falmouth, and remained

until the loth of February, 1863, when it was sent to Newport News. Orders were received on the 20th of March to break camp and take transports to Baltimore, and from thence to pi'oceed by rail to Cincinnati. The Ninth Army Corps was ordered to report to General Burn- side, who had been transferred to the Department of the Ohio. As the centra! and southern portions of Kentucky were being plundered by the rebels. General Burnside decided early in April to send the Ninth Corps into that State. Accordingly the Sixth proceeded to Lexington, Ky., and from thence to Winches- ter, on the 8th of April; and leaving Winchester on the i6th, arrived at Richmond (K}'.), on the i8th. The regiment then proceeded to Paint Lick creek on the 3d of May, and to Lancaster on the loth,

remaining there until the 23d, when it advanced to Crab Orchard, with a view to joining in the move- ment upon East Tennessee, then contemplated by General Burnside. Orders for the movement were countermanded, however, and on the 4th of June the regiment left Crab Orchard: and at evening on the 6th, reached Cincinnati, where the night was spent. The next morning the regiment left Cincinnati, and reached Cairo on the 8th, went on board the steamer " General Anderson " the next day, and passed down the Mississippi river to join General Grant in his operations against Vicksburg. On the 13th of June the fleet reached Milliken's Bend, and on the 14th the Sixtli disembarked near the canal dug by General Williams to turn the river so that the Union boats might pass Vicksburg unmo- lested. On the 15th the regiment marched southwest to a point on the river about ten miles below of the i6th, Vicksburg, returning the same day ; and on the morning went up the Yazoo river to Haynes' Bluff, and camped at Milldale, about a mile distant. Here the regiment remained until the 22d, when it marched eastward, and on the 25th came upon some of the enemy's outposts near the Big Black river. After waiting here a few days the movement was continued July ist to Oak Ridge. Vicksburg surren- dered on the 4th, and the Sixth immediately started with the army in pursuit of the enemy under General Johnston. The rebels made a stand at Jackson, Miss., and here the Sixth was engaged from the 10th to

the 17th, when it was discovered that Johnston had evacuated the city. On the 20th the army began its return march, and three days afterward the Sixth reached its old camp at Milldale. Here the regiment remained until August 8, when it embarked and made its way up the river to Cairo, and thence by rail

to Cincinnati, which was reached on the 20th. On the 23d the Sixth proceeded by rail to Nicholas- ville, and camped a few miles from the village near Camp Nelson, Ky. On the 9th of September the Sixth was sent to Frankfort to do provost duty. Leaving Frankfort the 24th, the regiment reached Russellville the next day, where it remained until the 26th of October; then it

left for Camp Nelson to perform provost duty, and arrived there the next day. While here many of the men re-c;nlisted, and 011 January 16, 1864, the re-enlisted men left for New Hampshire to spend the fur- SIXTH REGIMENT NEW HAMPSHIRE VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. 285 lough of thirty days granted by terms of re-enlistment. They were afterwards re-furloughed, and did not leave the State until the i8th of March, when they proceeded to Annapolis, Md., to join the Ninth Corps, then re-assembling at that place. The remainder of the regiment joined, and the Sixth was assigned to the Second Brigade, Second Division, Ninth Army Corps, April 20. On the 23d of April the regiment marched with its corps to join the Army of the Potomac, reaching it in time to take part in the on the 6th of May, where, with the Second Brigade, it made an heroic charge, capturing a large number of prisoners. From the 8th to the 20th, the Sixth was at Spottsylvania, being severel}' engaged on the 12th and iSth. Starting on the 21st, the regiment pushed on to the North Anna river, where it was in the reserve from the 23d to the 25th, and was in the front line on the 26th, when Lieuten- ant-Colonel Pearson was killed. The army moved on the night of the 26th, towards Totopotomoy creek, where the Sixth was engaged on the 30th and 31st. June 2 and 3 the regiment was engaged near Bethesda Church, and from the 4th to the 12th, was under fire at Cold Harbor. On the night of the 12th the army withdrew, and at noon of the i6th the Ninth Corps arrived in front of Petersburg. Here the regiment was constantly under fire until the 20th of August, taking part in the assault following the explosion of the " Mine" on the 30th of July. August 20 the corps withdrew and moved to the Weldon Railroad. Here on the •20th and 21st, the Sixth tissisted in repelling two desperate attacks made by the rebels. A new line of intrenchments was thrown up, connecting with those formerly held, and the regiment remained here under fire until September 30. On the 30th of September and the day following, the Sixth was engaged near Poplar Springs Church, about one hundred and twenty-five oflScers and men being killed, wounded, or captured. Works were thrown up, and the regiment remained here until early in December, participating without loss in the engagement at Hatcher's Run, on the 27th of October.

Early in December the corps returned to its original position in front of Petersburg, the Sixth lying in rear of Fort Alexander Hays until April i, 1865. While here the regiment took part in a reconnois- sance to Nottoway Court House, December 10, 11, and 12, 1864. On the night of April i, 1865, the Sixth, with its brigade, made a successful attack on the enemy's works to the left of Fort Davis, and on the morning of the 2d participated in a second successful attack near Fort Sedgwick. From Petersburg the regiment marched in pursuit of Lee's army, arriving at Burkeville on the 9th of April. On the 20th the regiment marched for City Point, and leaving there on the 26th, embarked on the steamer " D. R. Martin." Alexandria was reached the next day, where the regiment remained in camp until mustered out on the 17th of July. On the 18th of July the regiment left Alexandria, and pro- ceeded by rail to New York, thence by boat to Norwich, and arrived at Concord, July 23.

The regiment during its term of service served in seventeen different states ; meeting all the requisi- tions of duty, however onerous or perilous, with cheerful and read}' efficienc)'. While it is not asserted that the Sixth was the best regiment sent out from New Hampshire, the claim may be made, and can be maintained, that it was equal to the best. Its record has added a brilliant chapter to the 's always glorious achievements in war.

The Sixth New Hampshire Volunteers was attached to General Casey's Provisional Brigade, near

Washington, D. C, December 28, 1861 ; General Burnside's Expedition to North Carolina, January 6,

1862 ; Fourth Brigade, Department of North Carolina, March 6, 1862 ; First Brigade, First Division,

Department of North Carolina, June, 1862 ; First Brigade, Second Division, Ninth Army Corps, July 22,

1862 ; District of Kentucky, Department of Ohio, September 9, 1863 ; on Veteran Furlough, January 16, 1864; in Ninth Army Corps, unassigned, March, 1864; Second Brigade, Second Division, Ninth Armv Corps, April 20, 1864. 286 SIXTH REGIMENT NEW HAMPSHIRE A'^OLUNTEER INFANTRY.


Camden, N. C. . ;


Sixth Regiment New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry.


Mustered into the service of the , November 27 to 30, 1861, at Keene, by Seth , Lt. Col. I Inf., U. S. A. Organization completed November 30, 1861. The original members who had not re-enlisted were mustered out November 27 and 28, 1864 (Cos. H and I being mustered out November 27, 1864), near Petersburg, Va., by Edward Rose, i Lt. 56 Inf., Mass. Vols. The re-enlisted men and recruits were mustered out July 17, 1865, near Alexandria, Va., by Edward Rose, i Lt. 56 Inf., Mass. Vols. Each man was a volunteer appointed or enlisted for three years unless otherwise stated.

Abbott, Charles B. Co. D; b. Ossipee; age 18; res. Ossipee, cred. Ossipee ; enl. Dec. 16, '6-3; must, in Dec. 16, '6-3, as Priv. Died, dis. Mar. 21, '64, Camp Nelsou, Ky. ei)l. '61 '61, Abbott, Qilman P. Co. G; b. Sutton; age 37; res. Suuapee ; Sept. 2, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv.; disch. disab. Oct. 29, '62, Concord. '61 '61, Abbott, Greenleaf M. Co. D ; b. Ossipee ; age 18 ; res. Ossipee ; enl. Oct. 19, ; must, in Xov. 27, as Priv. ; des. Nov. '62, '6i5, 19, near Falmouth, Va. ; reported May 9, under President's Proclamation ; discli. May 11, '60, Concord. Abbott, Leonard I. Co. G. See 11 N. H. V. '61 Abbott, Philbrick R. Co. H ; b. Tuftonborough ; age 45 ; res. Dover ; enl. Nov. 5, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Apr. 21, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C. res. '01 Abbott, Sylvester C. Co. E; b. Nelson ; age 27; Dublin; enl. Nov. 10, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Feb. 3, '62, Hatteras Inlet, N. C.

; ; cred. enl. '64 Adam, Julius. Uuas'd substitute ; b. Germany ; age 28 Kaymond ; May 18, ; must, in May 18, '64, as Priv. des. June 7, '64, New London, Conn.

; cred. '64 '64, Adams, Charles. Co. H ; b. St. Stephens, N. B. age 23 ; Marlow ; enl. Jan. 4, ; must, in .Jan. 4, as Priv. ; disch. May 12, '65, Concord. res. enl. '61 '61. Adams, Edgar A. Co. A ; b. Plymouth ; age 22 ; Plymouth ; Oct. 21, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; tr. to 31 Co., '63 '64, 2 Batt'l, I. C, Sept. .30, ; disch. Nov. 28, Ft. Monroe, Va., tm. ex. Adams, Edw^ard F. Co. E; b. Jaffvey; age 36; res. Marlborough; enh Oct. 29, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; app.

'61 ; '62 1 '03 1 '68 Corp. Nov. 28, Sergt. Dec. 1, ; Sergt. Jan. 1, ; Lt. Oct. 31, ; Capt. Apr. 20, '64 ; disch. .Tan. 6, '65. P. O. ad., Troy.

; cred. Lebanon enl. '63 Adams, John. Co. G ; b. Boston, Mass. age 22 ; ; Nov. 21, ; must, in Nov. 21, '63, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 1, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

; enl. Dec. 31, 31, Adams, John. Unas'd ; b. St. John, N. B. age 21; cred. Gilmanton ; '63; must, in Dec. '63, as Priv.; des. Jan. 7, '64, Albany, N. Y. '61 b. Vt. ; ; res. enl. Nov. : '61, Adams, John L. Co. F ; Rockingham, age 21 Langdon ; 7, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Jan. 31, '68, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Charlestown. See 14 N. H. V. enl. '61, Adams, John S. Co. F; b. Alstead; age 22; res. Alstead ; Sept. 25, as Priv.; app. 2 Lt. Nov. 30, '61; must, in to

date Nov. 28, '61, as 2 Lt. ; app. 1 Lt. Apr. 29, '62 ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. wds. Mar. 14, '63. "61 ; ; res. enl. '61, Adams, John T. Co. G b. Dover age 21 ; Farmington ; Sept. 23, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. D,

Dec. 1, '61 ; disch. disab. Nov. 14, '62, Ft. Schuyler, N. Y. Supposed identical with John T. Adams, V. R. C. res. enl. '61 '61, Adams, Lysander A. Co. E ; b. Jaffrey ; age 32 ; Jaffrey ; Nov. 5, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. K,

5 V. R. C. ; disch. Nov. 28, '64, Indianapolis, Ind., tm. ex.

substitute; b. Ireland; age res. Portsmouth, cred. Henniker ; enl. '64; Adams, Patrick. Co. H ; 27; June 8, must, in June 8, '65. '64, as Priv. ; wd. July 5, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; disch. wds. June 12, Died Oct. 15, '92, Portsmouth.

; cred. enl. Adams, Peter. Unas'd; substitute; b. Montreal, Can. age 22; Mont Vernon ; May 31, '64; must, in May 31, '64,

as Priv. ; des. June 7, '64, New London, Conn.

; ; res. Haverhill ; app. Capt. '61 ; Adams, Samuel P. Co. B ; b. Haverhill age 51 Nov. 30, must, in to date Nov. 27, '61 ; re- signed July 80, '62. Died July 20, '67, Haverhill. enl. '61 '61, Addison, James L. Co. C; b. England; age 29; res. Newton; Oct. 8, ; nmst. in Nov. 27, as Priv.; mis. Aug. 29,

'62, 19, '62 ; wd. June 20, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; disch. '64, Bull Run, Va. ; gd. from mis. Dec. Dec. 24, Concord, tm. ex. Died Jan. 31, '93, West Newbury, Mass. Ahern, Martin. Co. H. See 9 N. H. V.

; ; ; cred. New Durham ; enl. Jan. 4, '64 ; must, in Jan. '64, Aiken, Henry. Co. A b. Boston, Mass. age 26 4, as Priv. ; des. Mar. 20, '64, Pittsburg, Pa.

; ; cred. Meredith ; enl. Dec. 31, '63 ; must, in Dec. 31, '68, as Priv. ; Alberte, Charles. Co. H ; b. Italy age 28 des. July 12, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '63 ; ; cred. Moultonborough ; enl. Dec. 30, ; must, in Dec. '63, Aldrich, Marcus. Co. I ; b. Upton, Mass. age 84 30, as Priv. '65 wd. sev. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; tr. to 168 Co., 2 Batt'l, V. R. C, Apr. 17, ; disch. June 7, '65, Concord.

; ; res. ; enl. Oct. '61 ; must, in '61, Alexander, William. Co. A ; b. Piermont age 28 Plymouth 10, Nov. 27, as Priv. ; wd. Dec. '64. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; must, out Nov. 28, See 2 N. H. V. ; ;


'64 '64, Priv. Allan, Alva. Co. A ; substitute ; b. New Brunswick ; age 22 ; cred. Acworth ; enl. June 8, ; must, in June 8, as Died, dis. Aug. 12, '64, near Petersburg, Va. AUard, Almon. Co." D; b. Eaton; age 18; res. Eaton, cred. Eaton; enl. Dec. 31, '63; miist. in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv.; app.

Corp. ; must, out July 17, '65. P. O. ad., Salem, Mass.

; '61, ; '62, on march AUard, William B. Co. B ; age 30 ; res. Canaan ; enl. Nov. 27, '61 must, in Dec. 10, as Priv. des. Aug. 13, from Fredericksburg to Culpeper, Va. AUen, Frank. Co. E. See 9 N. H. V. Allen, George W. Co. I. See 9 N. H. V. Allen, John. Co. D. See 9 N. H. V.

Allen, Co. F ; substitute ; b. Illinois ; cred. ; enl. Sept. '63 ; must, in Sept. 2, '63, as Priv. ; reported John. age 21 ; Pelham 2,

on ra. o. roll dated July 17, '65, as absent without leave since June 14, '6.5. iST. f. r. A. G. (). Allen, Co. H; b. res. enl. '61 28, '61, as Priv.; des. Dec. 8, Joseph O. Lyman; age 39; New York; Nov. 20, ; must, in Nov. '61; appreh. June 12, '63; sentenced by G. C. M. to make good time lost by desertion; returned to duty July 28, '64; must, out July 17, '65. Allen, Warren P. Co. F; b. liindge; age 23; res. Jaffrey; enl. Oct. 2, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; tr. to Co. H, 19

V. R. C, Mar. 23, '64 ; disch. Nov. 28, '64, Elmira, N. Y., tm. ex. Allen. See Allan.

'61 ; '61, Priv. Ames, Marshall K. Co. E ; b. Peterborough ; age 20 ; res. Peterborough ; enl. Nov. 26, must, in Nov. 28, as

Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; tr. to 2 2 Batt'l, T. '63 '64, Washington, 1). C, tm. ex. wd. Co., C, July 1, ; disch. Nov. 28, P. 0. ad., Russell, Kan. Ames, Timothy K. Non-Com. Staff; b. Peterborough; age 24; res. Peterborough; enl. Nov. 28, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as '62 '62 '62, Sergt. Maj. ; app. 2 Lt. Co. K, Apr. 28, ; 1 Lt. Co. G, Aug. 5, ; killed Aug. 29, Bull Run, Va.

; ; '61 '61, Priv. ; wd. 13, Amidon, Henry J. Co. F b. Fitzwilliatn ; age 18 ; res. Troy enl. Oct. 7, ; must, in Nov. 28, as May

'64, Spottsylvania, Va. ; must, out Nov. 28, '64. Died July 27, '67, Troy. Amidon, John. Co. F; b. Troy; age 44; res. Troy; enl. Oct. 5, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Jan. 1.5, '62, on board steamer " Louisiana," Hatteras Inlet, N. C. Anderson, Augustus. Co. B. See 11 N. H. V. '63 '63, des. Anderson, Charles. Co. K ; b. St. John, N. B. ; age 23 ; cred. Oriord ; enl. Dec. 16, ; must, in Dec. 16, as Priv. ; Feb. 24, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. '63, Anderson, George. Unas'd; b. New York; age 25; cred. So mersworth ; enl. Dec. 31, '63; must, in Dec. 31, as Priv.; des. Jan. 7, '64, Albany, N. Y. '64 '84, Anderson, Henry. Co. H ; substitute ; b. Connecticut ; age 2() ; cred. Wilmot ; enl. June 3, ; nnist. in June 3, as

Priv. ; des. July 11, '64, from Camp Distribution, Va. Anderson, John. Co. G; substitute; b. Canada; age 28; cred. Landaff; enl. June 11, '64; nnist. in June 11, '64, as Priv.; des. July 1, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

b. ; '64; '64, ; '64, Anderson, John. Co. H ; England age 22 ; cred. Carroll; enl. Jan. 5, must, in Jan. 5, as Priv. des. Jan. 23, Camp Nelson, Ky.

Anderson, John. Unas'd ; b. New York ; age 21 ; cred. Hebron ; enl. Dec. 30, '63 ; must, in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv. ; sent Dee. 30, '63, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Anderson, Moses. Co. I; b. Cincinnati, Ohio; age 19; cred. Epping; enl. Dec. 31, '63; must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv.; des. Mar. 24, '64, Annapolis, Md. I '64 Anderson, Peter. Co. ; b. Holland ; age 22 ; cred. Jackson ; enl. Jan. 4, ; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv. ; des. Sept. 10, '64, from De Camp Gen. Hosp., 's Isl., N. Y. H.

Co. ; b. ; '61 Angell, William D. G Sunapee ; age 26 ; res. Croydon enl. Nov. 19, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. and in Dec. '63 Corp. '65; '65. must, 27, ; app ; Sergt. June 18, must, out July 17, Died July 20, '65, en route to Croydon. Co. A; b. Dixfield, '61 Annis, Oliver P. Me.; age 26 ; res. Runmey : enl. Nov. 13, ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; app. Corp.

Nov. 30, '61 ; killed Aug, 29, '62, BuU Run, Va. Antlitz, John. Co. G. See 9 N. H. V. Co. b. res. 24, Applin, Henry S. E ; Swanzey ; age 37; Swanzey; enl. Oct. '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 4, '64. Died, dis. July 31, '64. Co. F b. Swanzey age res. Swanzey enl. Oct. '61 Applin, Philo. ; ; 42 ; ; 14, ; mu.st. in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Apr. 30, '63, Richmond, Ky.

b. • Armstrong, Co. H ; New Hampshire age ; cred. '64 George W. ; 27 Richmond ; enl. Jan. 4, '64, ; must, in Jan. 4, as Priv. ' des. Feb. 5, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. England ; age 27 cred. Whiteiield enl. '04 Arnold, Thomas. ; ; June 9, ; must, in June 9, '04, as Priv. sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. '61 Co. I ; b. Northfield ; age 20 ; res. Northfteld ; enl. Dec. ; in Ash, Edward B. 9, must, Dec. 11, '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. and must. in Dec. 19, '63; cred. Franklin; app. Corp.; Sergt. July 1, '65; must, out July 17, '65. P. O. ad., Milwaukee, Wis. Asher, Henry. Co. K; substitute; b. Canada; age 19; cred. Lyme; enl. Dec. 5, '63; must, in Dec. 5, '63, as Priv.; wd. Jnlv 8, '64, Petersburg, A'a. ; disch. disab. July 7, '05.

Co. E b. Ashbnrnham, Mass. ; age res. Jaffrey; • Atherton, Henry A. ; 20; enl. Oct. 1, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. '62, wd. Dec. 13, Fredericksburg, Va. ; re-enl. and must, in Dec. .30, '63; cred. Marlborough ; app. Corp.; disch. disab. Juiie 19, '65, near Alexandria, Va. Died Apr. 2, '69, Marlborough.

res. '61 • Atwood, Prank. Co. D ; b. Windham, Me. ; age 22 ; Sandwich ; enl. Oct. 30, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27 as Priv • wd Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. Died, wds. Oct. 1, '02. . Augustin, Augustus. Co. G. See 9 N. H. V. Austin, George W. Co. B; b. Alexandria; age 18; res. Enfield; enl. Nov. 9, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.- mis. Au"-. '62, 29, Bull Run, Va. gd. from mis. ; app. Corp. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 3, '64; cred. ; Springfield ; app. Ser'>t. Julv t " ' '65; must, out .July 17, '05. Died Jan. 10, 74, Springfield. ' tlnas'd; cred. Autum, William H. substitute; b. Canada; age 19; Jefferson; enl. June 10, '64; must, in June 10 '64 as Priv. des. '64 steamer " City of ; June 14, (jumped overboard from Norwich," during night of June 14, '64, between Allen's Point, Conn., and Jersey City, N. J.). Averill, John, alias John Cleaves. Co. C; b. Kennebunk, Me.; age 18; res. Newmarket; enl. Oct. 29, '61; must, in Nov. '61, Priv. in Jan. '64; app. Sergt. '65; 27, as ; re-enl. and must, 3, June 10, must, ont July 17, '65. P. O. ad., Cambridge- port, Mass. Co. B; b. age res. Rumney; enl. Nov. 0, '61 must, in Avery, Dana. Runmey; 42; ; Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Dec 3, '62, Washington, D. C. P. 0. ad., Weii-s. '61 Co. I ; b. Canterbury ; age 21 ; res. Canterbury ; enl. Dec. 9, ; must, in '61, Avery, Eben. Dec. 10, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. F, 17 I. C, Jan. 15, '64 ; disch. disab. Oct. 24, '64, Indianapolis, Ind. b. res. Rumney; enl. Oct. '61; Co. A ; Ellsworth ; age 18; 26, must, in '01, Avery, Stephen. Nov. 27, as Priv. ; disch. Jan 15 '63. P. O. ad., Weirs. ;; ;


Avery, William D. Co. G. See 11 N. li. V.

eiil. '04 ; Jan. '64, Ayrald, Joseph. Co. H ; b. France ; age 33 ; cred. Campton ; Jan. 4, ; must, in Jan. 4, 'G4, as Priv. des. 19, Camp Nelson, Ky.

Babb, nZias b. Barrington 23 ; enl. 31, '63 ; must, in Dec. John P., George Jackson. Co. F | ; age ; cred. Wolfeborough Dec.

81, '63, as Priv. ; killed May 12, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. Supposed identical \vith John P. Babb, U. S. Navy. '61 '61, Babb, Leonard. Co. D ; b. Strafford ; age 38 ; res. Farniington ; enl. Sept. 23, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. '62, 29, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. disab. Feb. 9, '63, near Alexandria, Va. See 5 N. II. V.

Bachelder, Charles E. Co. C ; b. East Kingston ; age 26 ; res. Kensington ; enl. Nov. 23, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Corp.

app. Sergt. ; disch. disab. Feb. 13, '63, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Haverhill, Mass. See 1 Co., N. H. H. Art., and Miscel. Organizations. Bachelder. See Batchelder.

Backer, Co. B ; b. Germany ; age 28 ; cred. enl. '64 '64, Priv. ; des. Apr. 24, Otto. ^Volfeborough ; Jan. 4, ; must, in Jan. 4, as '64, on march from Annapolis, Md., to Alexandria, A''a.

Badger, Con. C. Co. I; b. Westchester county, N.Y.; age 25; res. Gilmanton ; enl. Dec. 16, '61 ; must, in Jan. 14, '62, as

Priv. ; disch. Aug. 11, '62, Fredericksburg, Va., by reason of being employed as contract surgeon.

Badger, Co. E; b. res. '61 ; in '61, as Priv.; Henry B. Peterborough; age 18; Peterborough ; enl. Oct. 1, must, Nov. 28, wd '62, Sept. 17, Antietani, Md. ; app. Corp.; re-enl. and must, in Dec. 30, '63; wd. June 3, '04, Bethesda Church, Va. ; app,

Sergt. ; wd. sev. July '64, ; '0.5 ; '65. _ 30, Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Va. app. 2 Lt. Co. C, June 1, must, out July H, '64 Baenziger, John. Co. K ; b. Switzerland ; age 20 ; res. Canton Appenzell, Switzerland, cred. Wolfeborough ; enl. Jan. 4,

must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv. ; mis. June '64, Petersburg,' ; supposed killed. f. r. A. _ 15, Va. N. G. O.

Baenziger, . Co. b. res. 4, Robert. K; Switzerland ; age 23 ; Canton Appenzell, Switzerland, cred. Wolfeborough ; enl. Jan. '64

must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv. ; wd. ]May 12, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. ; tr. to Co. D, 11 V. K. C. ; disch. Aug. 2, '65, Provi- dence, K. I. P. O. ad., Waterbury, Conn. '61, Bagley, Co. A ; b. Thornton age 18 ; res. Thornton ; enl. Oct. '61 ; nmst. in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Charles. ; 24, July 2.5, '62, Concord. Died June 7, '84, Centre Sandwich. Supposed identical with Charles Bagley, Co. A, 15 N. H. V., and Charles M. Bagley, Co. F, 18 N. II. V.

Bailey, Calvin. Co. F; b. Bradford; age "44"; res. Jaffrev ; enl. Oct. 14, '(SI ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; wd. Aug. 29,

'62, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. wds. Nov. 16, '62, Washington, D. C. See V. R. C. 3, 11, Bailey, Samuel O. Co. G; b. Sunapee ; age 33; res. Sunapee; enl. Dec. '61 ; must, in Dec. '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. and '64 '65. must, in Feb. 1, ; app. Wagoner; must, out July 17, P. O. ad., Fitzwilliam Depot.

cred. ; enl. "64 ; in '64, Bailey, Stephen W. Co. C ; substitute ; b. Massachusetts ; age 23 ; Newmarket May 25, must, May 25, '65. as Priv. ; wd. Sept. 30, '04, Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; must, out July 17, Baites, John. Co. K. See 11 N. H. V. '63 '63, Baker, August. Co. B ; b. Sweden ; age 28 ; cred. Marlborough ; enl. Dec. 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, as Priv. ; des. .Ian. 20, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. Baker, Charles. Co. K. See 11 N. H. V.

; ; enl. '64 in Jan. '64, as Priv. ; wd. July '64, Baker, John. Co. K ; b. New York : age 21 cred. Swanzey Jan. 1, ; must, 1, 10, '65. Petersburg, Va. ; must, out July 17, drafted Deo. '63 must, in Dec. '03, as Priv. Baker, William, Jr. Co. A ; drafted ; b. Dalton ; age 21 ; res. Dalton ; 10, ; 10, '65. wd. Apr. 2, '65, Petersburg, Va. ; must, out July 17, P. O. ad., Dalton.

'64 in '64, as Priv. ; des. Jan. '64, Ball, Charles. Co. PI ; b. Gei many ; age 22 ; cred. Richmond ; enl. Jan. 4, ; must, Jan. 4, 28, Camp Nelson, Kv. '61 '61, ; 19 res. Claremont; enl. Oct. 24, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. Died, Ballard, Julius H. Co. G ; b. Dudley, Mass. age ; dis. Mar. 15, '62, Annapolis, Md.

; ; enl. '04 must, in Jan. '04, as Priv. ; wd. sev. May cred. Warren ; Jan. 5, ; 5, Ballman, Andrew. Co. D ; b. Finland age 25

12, '64, Spottsvlvania, Va. ; des. July 19, '65, Philadelphia, Pa. Ballou, Charles E." Co. G. See 9 N. H. V. '64, '64, ; Gilmanton ; enl. Jan. 4, '64 ; must, in Jan. 4, as Priv. ; des. Feb. 7, Baloon, Antoine. Co. H ; b. Italy age 29 ; cred. Camp Nelson, Ky. '01 '61, Mass. : age ; res. Nashua ; enl. Nov. 13, ; must, in Dec. 0, as Priv. ; app. Bancroft Samuel P. Co. G ; b. Pepperell, 21 '63 '64, '62 '02, Bull Run, Va. ; tr. to Co. A, 8 I. C, Nov. 15, ; disch. Dec. 5, as Sergt., Chi- Corp. Mar. 10, ; wd. Aug. 29, cago, 111., tin. ex.

'61 in Nov. 28, '01, as Priv. ; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Freder- res. ; enl. Nov. 14, ; must, Bangs, Lewis H. Co. I ; age 18 ; Hopkinton icksburg, Va. Died, wds. Jan. 9, '03, Washington, D. C. '04 must, June '64, Priv. ; ; ; enl. June 10, ; m 10, as ; b. age 21 cred. Concord Bany, Thomas B. Unas'd substitute ; Canada

' enl. '04 must, in May 28, '04, as Priv. des. May 28, ; ; ; b. ; age 23 ; cred. Gilsum ; Baptise, John. Co. C ; substitute Canada en route to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Baptiste, John O. Co. F. See 11 N. H. V. enl. must, as Priv. 18 res. Keene, cred. Iveene ; Aug. 11, 02 ; m Aug. 18, 62, Barber, William H. Co. F ; b. Richmond ; age ; '65, near Alexandria, Va. 'wd. May 12, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. ; disch. June 4, Co. K" See 11 N. H. V. Barker, Alexander. „ .,-, ^ , ^ ^ '01; must, Nov.w oq .pi as Pnv.v, app. Corp.n b. Hancock; age 20; res. Hancock; enl. Oct. 3, m 28, 61, ; Barker Charles B Co. E ; '62 drowned Aug. 13, '62, by foundering of steamer " West Point " m Potomac Nov. 28, '61 : reduced to ranks Feb. 20, ; rivsr '01 in Nov. '61, as Priv. disch. disab. Hancock ; enl. Oct. 17, ; must, 28, ; b. ; age 20 ; res. Barker Henry A. Co. E ; Hancock Jan. 19, '03, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Milford. '64 must, in June as Pnv. captd. ; cred. Unity enl. June 8, ; 8, 04, ; ; b. England ; age 21 ; Barnes, George. Co. D ; substitute Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

;" '01 in '01, as Priv. Died, dis. res. Walpole ; enl. Nov. 0, ; must, Nov. 28, Barnett, J.^Wesley. °Co.' E ;^b. Walpole age 20 ;

'02, Annapolis, Md. . . Jan. 14, , , , ,^ , o . n- ,«. i -kt r>o „^^ -n enl. '61 must, Nov. '61, Randolph, Vt. ; Sept. 2o, ; m 28, as Pnv. Randolph, Vt. ; age 23 ; res. , . Co. F ; b. disch. disab. Mar. 1, '62, Atuiapolis, Md. enl. May 31, '64; must, in May '64, as Priv. Baron, August. Co. H; substitute; b. Canada; age 28; cred. Hopkinton ; 31, '65 disch. June 9, '05, Concord. captd. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Spi'ings Church, Va. ; released Apr. 28, ; '01 Vt. ; enl. Oct. 19, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as ; age 24 ; res. Hartland, Priv. Barren, Edgar A. Co. G ; b. Haitland, Vt.

; disch. Jan. 5, '63, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Newport. app. Corp. Nov. 30, '01 ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. cred. 6, Hartford, Conn. ; age 25 ; res. Manchester, Manchester ; drafted Oct. '63 Barrett, Edward R. Co. B ; drafted; b. ; must, in Oct. 6, '63, as Priv. Died, dis. Mar. 24, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

37 ;


13, 27, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Barrett, John. Co. C; b. Ireland ; age 27 ; res. Newmarket ; enl. Nov. '61 ; must, in Nov. '61, June 24, '62, New Berne, N. C. '63 '63, as Priv. des. Jan. 26, Barrett, William. Co. F ; b. Ireland ; age 27 ; ered. Kayinond ; enl. Dec. 80, ; must, in Dec. 30, ; '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. '63 Barrigan, William. Co. I ; b. Ireland ; age 28 ; cred. Wakefield ; enl. Dec. 30, ; must, in Dee. 30, '63, as Priv. ; captd. May 28, '64, Totopotomoy, par. '64. '04, Va. ; Nov. 20, Died, dis. Nov. 26, on hospital transport "Baltic." Bartlett, James H. Co. B. See 9 N. H. V. Basons, Joseph. Co. E. See 9 N. H. V.

Bassett, David. Co. C.; b. EfRngham ; age res. Newmarket ; enl. Oct. 29, '61 in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; di.sch. 23; ; must, disab. Mar. 16, '63, Baltimore, Md. P. O. ad., York Beach, Iile.

Baston, Robert. Co. C; b. England; age 23; cred. Orford ; enh Dee. 16, '63; must, in Deo. 16, '63, as Priv.; killed May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va. Albert Co. b. 19 res. '62 in Sept. Batchelder, A. C ; Newton ; age ; Kensington, cred. Kensington enl. 2.5, ; mi\st. ; Aug. 3, '62, as Priv. ; app. 1 Sergt. ; disch. June 4, '65, near Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Stratham. Batchelder. See Bachelder.

Co. C b. Ireland ; ; '61 ; '61, ; Bates, Isaac. ; age 25 ; res. Newmarket enl. Nov. 9, must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. disch. disab. Dec. 3, '62, Alexandria, Va. Bates. See Baites.

Co. A b. '64 '64, ; '64, John. ; Canada ; age 25 ; cred. Dalton enl. Jan. in Priv. des. Jan. 18, Camp Battis, ; 1, ; must, Jan. 1, as Nelson, Ky.

Co. C substitute ; '64 ; Bawn, John. ; ; b. Canada age 19 ; cred. Lebanon ; enl. June 11, ; must, in June 11, '64, as Priv. entered

Gen. Hosp. Oct. 7, '64, Beverly, N. J. ; tr. Apr. 6, '65, to White Hall, Pa. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Baxton, George W^. Unas'd ; b. Canada ; age 19 ; cred. Ossipee ; enl. Jan. 1, '64 ; must, in Jan. 1, '64, as Piiv. ; des. Jan. 7, '64, Albany, N. Y.

Co. E b. Dublin ; '61 ; '01, ; '62, Beal, William. ; age 19 ; res. Dublin ; enl. Nov. 28, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. killed Aug. 29, RuU linn, Va.

Co. D b. Eaton 19 res. '03 '03, ; Bean, HoUis. ; ; age ; Eaton, cred. Eaton ; enl. Dec. 31, ; must, in Dec. 31, as Priv. wd. May

12, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. ; disch. Feb. 6, '67, to date July 17, '65, Boston, j\fass. P. O. ad., Conway. b. '61 Bean, Wallace. Co. B ; Bethlehem ; age 27 ; res. Littleton ; enl. Oct. 14, ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Corp. ; disch. disab. Feb. 14, '63, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Concord. See Leonard W. Bean, 1 N. 11. Cav.

Co. B b. ; cred. '63 ; '63, ; Beck, Adolph. ; Germany age 28 ; Newington ; enl. Dec. 31, must, in Dec. 31, as Priv. des. Jan. 29, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. Becker, Jacob. Co. I. See 9 N. H. V.

Beck'with, A. Co. A ; b. Lempster ; age 30 ; res. Hillsborough ; enl. Oct. 12, '61 ; must, in Dec. 6, '61, as Priv. ; wd. '62, Aug. 29, Bull Kun, Va. ; app. Sergt. ; wd. and captd. Sept. 30, '04, Poplar Springs Church, Va. Died Feb. 26, '65, Salisbury, N. C. Bedell, Abram H. Co. H. See 9 N. H. V. Bedell, Austin. Co. H. See 9 N. H. V.

Bedell, James. Co. H ; b. South Berwick, Me. ; age 23; res. South Berwick, Me.; enl. Oct. 23, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61,

as Priv. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; must, out July 17, 'C5.

; 31, Beede, Victor. Co. H ; substitute; b. Canada; age 29; cred. Stoddard enh May '64; must, in May 31, '64, as Priv.; des. July 28, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

18, 18, ; Beers, John. Co. A; substitute; b. England ; age 24; cred. Gilford ; enl. May '64 ; must, in May '64, as Priv. des. July 31, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

Co. b. ; '64 '64, Behny, Melchoir. E ; Myerstown, Pa. age 23 ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Jan. 2, ; must, in Jan. 2, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 24, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

Co. ; '62 '62, Bell, Thomas. B ; age 21 cred. South Hampton ; enl. Aug. 23, ; nmst. in Sept. 3, as Priv. ; return dated Jan., '63, reports deserted, date unknown. N. f. r. A. G. O.

b. ; '63 '03, Beloni, John. Co. H ; Italy ; age 24 cred. Meredith ; enl. Dec. 31, ; must, in Dec. 31, as Priv. ; captd. June 27, '04,

'65 ; '65, Petersburg, Va. ; par. Apr. 28, disch. June 19, Concord. P. O. ad., Sandy Hill, N. Y.

b. res. Littleton enL Nov. '61 ; '01, ; Bemis, Moses P. Co. B ; Lisbon ; age 20 ; ; 9, must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. captd. Aug. 29,

'62, Bull Run, Va. ; released Dec, '62; app. Corp. Feb. 1, '63; Sergt. Nov. 1, '63; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 2, '64; wd.

July 30, '64, Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Va. ; app. 2 Lt. Co. G, June 1, '65; must, out July 17, '65. P. O. ad.. North Haverhill. Benedict, Mitchel. Co. K. See 9 N. H. V. res. '61 Bennett, Edward. Co. C ; b. New Hampshire ; age 21 ; Exeter ; enl. Oct. 12, ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. June 6, '62, Georgetown, D. C. Bennett, James A. Co. D. See 9 N. H. V. '61 ; res. Bradford enl. Nov. Benton, George. Co. I ; b. Bradford ; age 21 ; 19, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Aug. 29, '63, Nicholasville, Ky. b. age cred. enl. 1, 1, Bergerson, Joseph. Oo. H ; substitute; Canada; 31; Walpole ; June '64; must, in June '64, as Priv.

des. Aug. '64, Petersburg, Va. gd. from des. Sept. 25, '64 ; des. Nov. 16, ^64, Wn' liington, 9, ; D. C. Co. b. Germany; age 22; cred. Newington enl. Dec. ii.i Bergmann, William. B; ; 30, ; must, in Deo. 30, '63, as Priv.; des. Apr. 24, '64, on march from Annapolis, Md., to Alexandria, Va. '62 Co. A ; b. Campton ; age 28 ; res. Campton, cred. Campton ; enl. Aug. '62, , Benjamin P. 25, ; nuist. in Aug. 25, as Priv. Died, dis. Sept. 29, '62, Antietam, Md. " " b. res. Dover ; enl. '61 ; Berry, Charles A. Co. A ; Dover ; age IS ; Dec. 2, must, in Dec. 6, '61, as Priv. ; disch. Jan. 10, '63, Concord. See V. R. C.

b. ; res. Campton enl. '61 ; Co. ; Campton ; age 18 ; Nov. 8, must, '61, Berry, Charles E. A in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; wd. Auo-. 29 '02, Bull Run, Va. Died, wds. Sept. 1, '62, Centreville, Va.

; b. Campton ; age ; res. Campton enl. Oct. '61 ; Co. 25 ; 15, must, in '61, Berry, Hiram O. A Nov. 27, as Priv. ; wd. Dec. 13,

'62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; must, out Nov. 28, '64. P. O. ad., Westborough, ]\Iass.

Co. ; b. Portsmouth ; age ; res. Portsmouth ; enl. Nov. 21, '61 ; must, in '61, Berry, James. H 40 Nov. 28, as Priv. ; re-enl. and '63 '64, '65, must, in Dec. 31, ; captd. Oct. 1, Poplar Springs Church, Va. Died Feb. 12, Salisbury, N. C. '63 1) b. Ireland age ; cred. Lisbon enh Dec. must, in Deo. '03, Berry, -John. Co. ; ; 21 ; 4, ; 4, as Priv. ; wd. July 22, '04, Peters- '64. burg, Va. ; disch. to date Nov. 30, P. 0. ad., Cohasset, Mass. Berry. William H. Co. K. See 9 N. H. V. Bervin, Fredrick. Co. C. See 9 N. II. V.

Co. H ; substitute ; b. Switzerland ; age 23 ; cred. Hopkin ton ; enl. May 01, '64 Berwig, Edward. ; must, in May 31, '64, as

Priv. ; disch. disab. Oct. 13, '64, near Pegram House, Va.

Co. H; b. Rochester; age 25; res. Rochester enl. Oct. 26, ; Biokford, J. Frank. ; '61 must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; disch disab. Mar. 22, '62, Roanoke IsL, N. C. ;


Biokford, Co. b. Winfleld S. H; Saubornton ; age 20; res. Rochester: enl. Oct. 28, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Mar. 12, '62, Hatteras Julet, N. C. Binder, Louie. Co. B b. Switzerland ; ; age 27 ; cred. Eifingham enl. '64 ; Jan. 5, ; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv. ; des. Feb. 13, 64, Camp Nelson, Ky. Biroh, George. Co. H. See 9 N. IT. V. Birch, Martin. Co. G substitute b. Island, ; ; Long N. Y. ; ; _ age 23 cred. Tuftonborough ; enl. June 2, '64 ; must, in June 2, '64, as Priv. ; des. July 1, '64, near Petersburg, Va. Bird, Martin. Unas'd substitute; b. ; Ireland; age 22; cred. Pittsburg; enl. June 13, '64; must, in June 13, '64, as Priv.

Bishop, Co. Robert. D; substitute; b. Canada; age 27; cred. Mollis; enl. June 10, '64; must, in June 10, '64, as Priv.; des. July 3, '64, near Petersburg, Va. Bixby, David. Unas'd; b. Albany, N. Y. ; age 22; cred. Stratham; enl. Feb. 29, '64; must, in Mar. 12, '64, as Priv. N. f. r. A. (j. O. Bixby, Phin P. F. S. b. and ; Piermont ; age 32 res. ; Concord ; app. Adjt. Nov. 30, '61 ; must, in Nov. 30, '61 ; captd. Aug. 29, Bull 62, Bun, Va. ; exch. Oct. 3, '62 app. '62 ; Maj. Oct. 15, ; wd. June 16, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; sev. July 15, '64, Peters- burg, a. app. Lt. '64 ; Col, July 28, Col. Feb. '65 '65. ^ ; 21, ; must, out July 17, Bvt. Col. U. S. V., to date from Apr. 2, '65, tor gallant and meritorious conduct in the assault before Petersburg, Va. Died Jan. 16, '77, Concord. Black, Charles. Unas'd substitute b. ; ; Maine ; age 26 ; cred. Derry ; enl. May 17, '64 ; must, in May 17, '64, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 7, '64. Black, Henry. Co. A h. ; Germany ; age ; 28 cred. Stark ; enl. Jan. 2, '64 ; must, in Jan. 2, '64, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 19, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. Black, J. Ransom. Co. E b. Putnej', ; ; Vt. age 22 ; res. Keene ; enl. Oct. 18, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Mar. 30, '63, Philadelphia, Pa. Black, Thomas. Co. B; b. England ; cred. ; 4, age 21; Richmond enl. Jan. '64 ; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv.; wd. May 12, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. ; des. July 21, '04, while on furlough. Blaisdell, Franklin A. Co. A; b. Thornton; age res. '61 '61, 24; Thornton; enl. Oct. 24, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv.; disch. Juno 24, '62, New Berne, N. C. Supposed identical with Franklin A. Blaisdell, Co. E, 18 N. H. V. and State Service.

Blaisdell, Hosea Co. b. Madison ; '61 ; '81, D ; res. enl. ; Q. ; age 17 Madison ; Oct. 9, must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, '63 Va. ; re-enl. and must, in '64, ; ; Dec. 25, ; wd. Wav 10, Spottsylvania, Va. app. Corp. disch. disab. May 22, '65. P. O. ad., San Francisco, Cal. Blaisdell, John A. Co. I. See 11 N, II. V. Blaisdell,_ Pembroke M. Co. D ; b. Eaton ; age 18 ; res. Madison ; enl. Oct. 7, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; app. Coi-p. mis. Aug. '62, '62 '64 29, Bull Run, Va. gd. from mis. Deo. 19, ; app. Sergt. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 4, ; captd. May ; 6, '64, '85 '65. Wilderness, Va. ; escaped Feb. 22, ; must, out July 17, Died Aug. 17, '77, Madison. Blake, Aaron H. Co. I. See 9 N. PL V.

Blake, Henry. Co. A ; b. Vermont ; age ; cred. enl. '83 ; must, '68, Priv. ; disch. disab. 41 Winchester ; Dec. 30, in Dec. 30, as July 7, '65, near Alexandria, Va. '61 '81, Blake, James K. Co. K; b. Dalton; age 40 ; res. Peterborough; enl. Nov. 2, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv.; wd. Dec. '62, 13, Fredericksburg, Va. ; must, out Nov. 28, '84. Died Feb. 16, '86, Brattleboro, Vt.

; ; '61 '81, ; Blake, James M. Co. A b. Peterborough ; age 20 ; res. Sandwich enl. Oct. 27, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. re-enl.

and must, '83 ; '84, in Dec. 25, ; cred. Thornton ; app. Corp. killed July 27, Petersburg, Va.

'61 ; '61, ; Blake, John. Co. A ; b. Andover ; age 42 ; res. Plymouth ; enl. Dec. 10, must, in Dec. 15, as Priv. app. Corp. Feb. 1, '82; disch. disab. Feb. 11, '83. '64 Co. I ; b. Poland ; ; cred. enl. Jan. ; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv. ; wd. May 12, '64, and Blake, Lewis. age 34 Campton ; 4, captd. May 18, '04, Spottsylvania, Va. escaped; must, out July 17, '65. ; '61 '81, Blake, Walter H. Co. A ; b. Dublin ; age 18 ; res. Thornton ; enl. Oct. 24, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Mar. 15, '82, Roanoke Isl., N. C. Blanoh-ard, Horace L. Co. B; age 26; res. Haverhill; enl. Sept. 14, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Sergt.; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. Died, accidental injuries. May 30, '63, near Lexington, Ky.

'61 ; '61, Priv. ; captd. '62, Blanohard, Thomas. Co. B ; age 18 ; res. Canada Ea.st ; enl. Sept. 19, must, in Dec. 4, as Aug. 29,

Bull ; released '62, Md. Run, Va. ; des. Oct. 20, Annapolis, Blazo, John T. Co. H; age IS; res. Rye; enl. Oct. 19, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '81, as Priv.; entered Seminary Gen. Hosp., '81 Georgetown, D. C, Dec. 30, ; sent Jan. 2, '62, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

; '64 ; must, in Jan. '64, as Priv. ; des. Bliss, George L. Co. E ; b. Wilbraham, Mass. ; age 21 cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Jan. 1, 1, Feb. 2, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. '61; '61, Blodgett, Elliott J. Co. E; b. Weston, Vt. ; age 20; res. Hancock; enl. Oct. 21, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv.; wd. May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va. Died, wds. May 30, '84, Washington, D. C. '61 '61, Blodgett, Henry L. Co. E; b. Weston, Vt.; age 19 ; res. Harrisville; enl. Nov. 9, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; must. out Nov. 28, '64.

; enl. '64 ; must, in '64, Blodgett, Richard. Co. A ; substitute ; b. Massachusetts age 26 ; cred. Dublin ; May 31, May 31, as

Priv. ; wd. Apr. 2, '65, Petersburg, Va. ; di.sch. disab. June 17, '65, Philadelphia, Pa.

; enl. '83 must, in Dec. '63, as Priv. ; des. Jan. '84, Blondin, Charles. Co. B ; b. Vermont ; age 21 cred. Lisbon ; Dec. 4, ; 4, 20, Camp Nelson, Ky.

; res. Hampton, cred. South Hampton ; enl. Sept. '82 ; must, in Blumley, Charles. Co. K ; b. Rochdale, Eng. age 40 ; South 15, '63. Sept. 17, '62, as Priv. ; wd. Dec. 13, '82, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. disab. May 31, Blye, James K. Co. A. See 11 N. H. V. '83 in '83, as Priv. '64, Book, Augusta. Co. H ; b. Prussia ; age 22 ; cred. Acworth ; enl. Dec. 5, ; must, Dec. 5, Died May 15, Gen. Field Hosp., 9 A. C. Bockel, Otto. Co. B; b. Germany; age 20; cred. Dalton; enl. Jan. 1, '64; mu,st. in Jan, 1, '84, as Priv.; wd. July IS, '64, Petersburg, Va. Died, wds. Aug. 28, '64, Philadelphia, Pa. Bodwell, Charles. Co. G; b. Andover, Mass.; age 20; res. Salem; enl. Nov. 13, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '81, as Priv.; disch. Dec. 24, '64, to date Nov. 27, '84, Concord, tm. ex. P. O. ad., Newton. Bcdwell, John A. Co. H; b. Shapleigh, Me. ;*age 38; res. Dover; enl. Dec. 8, '81; must, in Dec. 6, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Aug. 2(1, '62, Newport News, Va. Bolionan, Charles. Co. A. See 9 N. H. V. res. enl. Oct. '61; must, in '61, Bolkum, Edward W. Co. A; b. Holderness; age 44; Rumney; 18, Nov. 27, as Priv. ; disch. disab. May 6, '63, Concord. P. O. ad., Haverhill.

; ; enl. '81 ; must, in Nov. '81, as Priv. ; '62, Bolo, John W. Co. H ; b. Middleton ; age 27 res. Dover Nov. 5, 28, wd. Aug. 29, '62 '62. r. Bull'Run, Va. ; entered Bellevue (civil) Hosp., New York city, Sept. 5, ; furloughed Dec. 31, N. f. A. G. O. Bonirart, Frederick. Co. A. See 9 N. H. V.

; enl. Jan. '64 ; must, in Jan. '64, as Priv. ; des. '64, Boppe, An tone. Co. C ; b. Germany ; age 40 ; cred. Conway 7, 7, Mar. 18, Camp Nelson, Ky, ;;

292 SIXTH regimp:nt new Hampshire volunteer infantry.

Boucher, Edward. Co. F. See 11 N. H. V. Priv. ; '64; must, in June 1, '64, as Bourier, Napoleon. Co. K ; substitute; b. Canada; age 25 ; cred. Warner en!. June 1, des. to the enemy Aug. 28, '64, neai- ^Veldon Railroad, Va. '61 '61, Priv.; wd. ; ; enl. mu-st. in Dec. 4, as Bowers, Menville. Co. li ; b. Pelevboiough agr 3'4; res. Peterbovough Dec. 4, ;

Sept. 17. '62, Antietam, Md. ; disch. wds. Jan. 30, '63, Alexandria, Va.

'62 inii.st. Sept. '62, as Priv. ; app. Bowlen, "William. Co. C ; b. Jfova Scotia ; age 23 ; cred. Newington ; enl. Aug. 30, ; in 3,

Corp. ; killed July 28, '64, Petersburg, Va.

'63 in -30, '63, as Priv. ; des. Apr. Bowler, Henry. Co. E ; b. Ireland ; age 23 ; cred. iMoultonborough ; enl. Dec. 30, ; must, Dec. 21, '64, Annapolis, Md. '61 '61, '62, Bowley, Albert. Co. C; b. Exeter; age 18; res. Exeter; enl. Oct. 9, ; nuist. in Nov. 27, as Priv.; wd. Aug. 29, '65. ; '63, '64 ; '64 ; out July 17, Bull Hun, Va. disch. disah. Apr. 28, Concord ; ve-eul. Feb. 29, must, in Mar. 12, must,

'61 ; '01, Priv. ; disch. disab. Bowley, Benjamin P. Co. C ; b. Exeter ; age 21 ; res. Exeter ; enl. Nov. 9, must, in Nov. 27, as Oct. 17, '62, New York city. P. O. ad., Exeter. See 5 N. 11. V.

I b. ; ; '64 ; irmst. in Jan. '64, as Priv. ; des. Bowman, Edward R. Co. ; Eastport, Me. age 35 ; cred. Tamworth enl. Jan. 1, 1, Feb. 3, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. Bowman, Thomas. Co. B. See 9 N. II. V. Boxall, Thomas. Co. H. See 11 N. II. V. Boyd, John. Co. G; b. England; age 24; cred. Lebanon; enl. Nov. 21, '63; uiust. in Nov. 21, '63, as Priv.; des. Jan. 1, '64, Camp Nelson, Kv-

Boyden, George W. " Co. F. See 9 N. H. V. '64, Boylan, William. Co. G; substitute; b. England; age 32; cred. Walpole ; enl. May 31, '64; must, in May 31, as Priv.; des. July 26, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '64; in Jan. Boyle, Francis B. J., a/ta.* James Madigan. Co. A ; b. Canada; age 20; cred. Stratford; enl. Jan. 6, must, 6,

'64, as Priv. ; des. May 5, '64. near Bealton Station, Va. Boyle, William. Co. H. See 9 N. H. Y. '61 '61, Priv.; Sept. Brackett, Jackson. Co. E; b. Sharon; age 23; res. Sharon; enl. Oct. 15, ; must, in Nov. 28, as wd. 17,

'62, Antietam, Bid. ; disch. disab. Nov. 0, '62, Wa.shington, D. C. '63; '63, Priv.; des. Feb. Bradley, John. Co. I; b. Pennsylvania; age 18; cred. Acworth ; enl. Dec. 5, must, in Dec. 5, as 23, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

b. ; ; ; '64 '04, as Priv. Bradley, John. Unas'd ; substitute ; Scotland age 24 cred. Henniker enl. June 8, ; must, in June 8, N. f. r. A. G. O.

; '64 ; in o, '64, Priv. ; June Bradley, Thomas. Co. B ; b. New York age 37 ; cred. Warren ; enl. Jan. 5, must, Jan. as wd. 3, '64, Bethesda Clnxi'ch, Va. Died, wds. June 25, '04, Alexand)ia, Va. Brady, Edward. Co. B. See 9 N. H. V. Brady, William. Co. F. See 9 N. H. V. Bragg, Edwin. Co. D. .See 9 N. H. V. I Vt. 45 res. Northfleld enl. '61 in '61, as Priv. Died, Braley, George W^. Co. ; b. Middlesex, ; age ; ; Nov. 1, ; must, Nov. 30, dis. Nov. 17, '62, Washington, D. C. Bransman, Anly. Co. A. See 9 N. H. V.

; res. enl. Oct. '01; nuist. in '61, as mis. Breed, John A. Co. F; b. Brattleboro, Vt. age 88; Swanzey ; 1, Nov. 28, Corp.;

'62, ; re-enl. in '64 ; nnist. '05. (). Aug. 29, Bull Bun, Va. ; gd. from mis. app. Wagoner ; and must, Jan. 4, out July 17, P.

ad , Chesterfield. Bresland, Joseph. Co. G. See 9 N. H. V. b. res. Ossipee enl. Oct. '01 in '61, as Corp. Died, Brewster, Leonard W. Co. D; Ossipee; age 18; ; 28, ; must, Nov. 27, dis. .Ipr. 7, '02, Roanoke Isl., N. C. Bridges, John. Co. C. See 9 N. H. V. res. enl. Nov. '01; must, '61, BriggS, Ira. Co. 1; b. Stoughton, Mass.; age 30; Dunbarton ; 11, in Nov. 28, as Priv.; disch. disab. Sept. 26, '62, Washington, D. C. P. 0. ad., Ea.st Concord. Bright, John. Co. G. See 9 N. 11. V. '61 Chesterfield age 45 ; res. Chesterfield ; enl. Nov. ; must, in '61, ; Britton. Bradford. Co. E ; b. ; 19, Nov. 28, as Muse. disch. disab. June 16, '62, New Berne, N. C.

b. ; cred. Warren ; enl. Jan. 5, '64; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv.; des. Feb. '64, Britzman, Co. B ; Piussia; age 21 13, Can)p Nelson, Ky. res. enl. Oct. '01 must, in '61, Priv. Brook, Benjamin. Co. I; b. Alexandria; age 39; Concord; 21, ; Nov. 28, as ; di.sch. disab. ' Jan. 30, '63, Washington, I). C. Brockett, David. Co. A; b. Harwinton, Conn.; age 22; cred. Rye; enl. .lan. 2, 'lil; must, in Jan. 2, '64, as Priv.; des. Jan. 19. '04, Camp Nelson, Ky.

; ; res. Newmarket ; app. 2 Lt. Nov. '(il in '61 b. age 30, ; must, to date Nov. Co. ; Newmarket 24 27, Brooks, James P. C ; '62. i^liscel. app. 1 Lt. Apr. 29, '62; wd. ; disch. di.sab. Oct. 31, See Organizations. Brooks, John. Co. A. See 11 N. II. V. Brooks, John C. Co. H. See 9 N. II. V. '01 Johnsbui'v, Vt. ; age 25; res. Littleton; enl. Oct. 21, nmst. in '61, Priv.; Brooks, Stephen. Co. B;.b. St. ; Nov. 27, as drowned Aug. 13, '62, by foundering of steamer " West Point " in Potomac river. '04 substitute b. Canada ; age 20 ; cred. Alstead ; enl. June 7, ; must, in ,hine 7, '04, as Priv. ; disch. Brown, Alonzo. Unas'd ; ; 'to date Apr. 24, '65. b. 2'; cred. Stratham enl. '04; '04, Brown Anton. Unas'd; substitute; Germauv; age ; May 18, must, in IMay 18, as Priv. 'n. f. r. A. G. O. age cred. EOingham enl. 19, 19, b. Sweden 29; ; May '64 must, in Priv. Brown, August. Unas'd; substitute; ; ; May '64, as 'sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

b. York; age 21 cred. Tuftonborougli ; eid. '64; Brown, Benjamin P. Co. F; substitute; New ; ^May 18, mfist. in May 18, ''64, A'a. as Priv. ; des. Nov. 3, '64, Petersburg, Brown Charles. Co. II; substitute; b. Denmark; age 21; cred. Nashua; enl. Oct. 0, '03; must, in Oct. 6, '63, as Priv.; des. Jan. 10, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. '64 b. Ireland ; age 29 ; cred. Fi'anoestown ; enl. Jan. 5, ; mu.st. in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv. ; killed May Brown Charles. Co. K ; 'l8, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. cred. Fitzwilliam enl. Dee. '63; in '63, as Priv.; des. Brown Charles. Unas'd; b. Canada; age 25; ; 31, must, Dec. 31, Jan. 7, ''64, Albany, N. Y. Ilopkinton enl. Jan. '64 Jan. '64, as Priv. N. f. r. A. (i. cred. ; must, in 4, ; 4, Brown, Charles. Unas'd ; b. Prussia age 24; ; O. cred. '64; in '64, Brown' Charles. Unas'd; sub.stituto ; b. Denmark; age 22; Marlow ; enl. June 7, must, June 7, as Priv. 'n. f. r. A. G. O. '64; in '64, Ur.as'd substitute; b. Canada; age 19; cred. Errol ; enl. June 10, must, June 10, as Priv. Brown Cha-les. ; 'g. 'n. f. r. A, O. ;


'61 Brown, 1 b. ; age ; res. Epsom; eiil. Sept. 21, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as 1 Sergt. ; app. 2 Lt. July Charles J. Co. ; Epsom 31 '62 '64. 1, ; 1 Lt. Sept. 1, '62 ; discli. disab. Nov. 4, P. O. ad., Epsom.

Brown, Charles L. Co. A; drafted; b. Seabrook; age 34; res. Seabrook, cred. Seabrook ; drafted Aug. 10, J63 ; must, iu Aug. 10, '03, as Priv. ; must, out July 17, '65. 11, Brown, Daniel. Co.E; substitute; b. England; age 22; cred. Allenstown ; eid. June 11, '64; must, in June '64, asPriv. des. to the enemy Oct. 19, '64, near Pegram Hou.se, Va. '63 Brown, Co. A ; b. Seabrook ; age ; cred. ; enl. in '63, as Priv. ; app. Dudley P. 18 Dec. 29, ; must, Dec. 29, Corp. Sergt. July 1, '65; umst. out July 17, '65. P. O. ad., Kensington.

Brow^n, Edmund K. Co. D; b. Ossipee ; age 35; res. Ossipee, cred. Ossipee ; enl. Dee. 16, '63; must, in Dec. 16, '63, as Priv. Died, dis. July 10, '65, near Alexandria, Va. Brown, George. Co. D. See 11 N. II. V. Brown, G-eorge. Co E. See 11 N. H. V.

Brown, Co. ; b. Italy ; cred. ; '64 ; in '64, as Priv. ; des. '64, George. H age 25 ; Gilmantou enl. Jan. 4, must, Jan. 4, Apr. 24, while en mule from Annapolis, Md., to Washington, D. C.

Brown, George. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. ; age 24 cred. '04 ; must, in '64, Canada ; Landaff ; enl. June 9, June 9, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Brown, Co. B b. '61 ; '61, ; George P. ; Woodstock ; age 40 ; res. Littleton enl. Nov. nmst. in Nov. 27, as Priv. captd. ; 7, Aug. '62, 29, Bull Kun, Va. ; released Dec, '62 ; disch. disab. Feb. 6, '63, Concord. P. 0. ad., Colebrook.

Brown, Jacob B. Co. C ; b. Seabrook ; age 21 ; res. Seabrook ; enl. Nov. 14, '01 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; must, out Nov. 28, '64. P. O. ad.. South Seabrook. Brown, Unas'd; b. 11, 11, James. substitute; Canada; age 20; cred. Hudson ; enl. June '64; must, in June '64, as Priv, ; des. July 2, '64.

Brown, Co. b. Ossipee res. ; 16, ; 16, John. D; ; age 41; (Jssipee, cred. Ossipee enl. Dec. '63 nmst. in Dec. '63, as Priv.; app.

Corp. ; wd. June 17, '64, Petersburg, Va. Died, wds. June 25, '64, Washington, D. C. See 7 N. H. V. Brown, John. Co. E; b. Scotland; ago 21 cred. enl. '63; '63, ; Centre Harbor; Dec. 31, nm,st. in Deo. 31, as Priv.; des. Feb. 10, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

Brown, Co. F; substitute; b. cred. 8, ; '64, John Ireland; age 21 ; Gilsum ; enl. June '64 must, in June 8, as Priv.; disch. June 24, '65, Fairfax Seminary Gen. IIosp., Va. •

Brown, Co. ; b. Ireland ; cred. '64 '64, ; John. G age 22 ; enl. Jan. itmat. in Jan. '64, Whiteheld ; 2, ; 2, as Priv. killed Sept. 30, Poplar Springs Church, Va. Unas'd; Brown, John. b. Plymouth, Mass. ; age 22 ; cred. Temple ; enl. Dee. 31, '63; must, in Dec. 31, '63, as' Priv. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Brown, Unas'd; substitute; b. Pennsylvania; cred. ; enl. 17, ; John A. age 30 ; South Newmarket May '64 must, in May 17, '64, as Priv. ; des. June 7, '04, New London, Conn. Brown, John F. Co. I. See 11 N. H. V. Brown, John G. Co. D; b. tlollis. Me.; age 27; res. Eaton; enl. Oct. 7, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Corp.; mis. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, gd. mis. '62 1 '64 ; Va. ; from Dec. 19, ; app. Sergt. ; re-enl. and nmst. in Jan. 18, cred. Conway ; killed July 30, '64, Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Va. b. '01 Bro'wn, John R. Co. E; Stow, Mass.; age 31; res. Keeue ; enl. Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Aug. 2, '63, Milldale, Mis.s. Died, dis. Aug. 9, '63, en route from Vicksburg, Mi,ss., to Memphis, Tenn. Co. b. '61 Brown, Leonard. H; Barrington; age 37; res. Bai-ringtou ; enl, Oct. 29, ; nmst. in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; wd. Dec.

13, '02, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. wds. Apr. 10, '63, Wasliington, D. C. Brown, Marshall L. Co. E; b. New Ipswich; age 24; res. Keene; enl. Xnv. 12, '61; nmst. in Nov. 28, '01, as Priv.; app.

Hosp. Steward Jan. '63 ; re-enl. '03 '65 ; 2, and nmst. in Dec. 29, ; app. Asst. Surg. June 1, must, out July 17, '05. P. O. ad., Allstou, Mass.

Co. ; ; res. ; '61 '61, Brown, Nathan T. G b. Newport age 28 ; Newport enl. Oct. 20, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; app. Corp. '61 Nov. 30, ; Sergt. Mar. 10, '02; disch. Nov. 25, '03, to accept promotion. P. O. ad., Marlow. See U. S. Navy. Bro'wn, Nicholas. Co. E. See William Ligins. Brown, Orrin E. Co. C. See 9 N. II. V.

Co. b. Ireland ; ; cred. ; enl. '03 Brown, Philip. K ; age 22 Plymouth Dec. 30, ; umst. in Dec. 30, 'O.J, as Priv. ; des. May 18, '64, Spottsylvania, Va.

Brown, Ralph. Co. G; b. Berlin, Vt. ; age 42; res. Plainfleld; enl. Oct. 25, '61; nmst. in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. Died dis June 27, '63, Milldale, Miss. Co. b. Ireland; cred. Cliarlestown enl. Jan. '64; in '64, Brown, Thomas. H; age 25; ; 4, must, Jan. 4, as Priv.; des. Jan. 23. '04, Camp Nelson, Ky. Brown, Thomas, 1st. Co. B. See 9 N. 11. V. '64 Co. ; b. Massachusetts ; age 26 ; cred. Richmond ; enl. Jan. 4, must, in '64, Brown, William. D ; Jan. 4, as Priv. ; des. Mar.

26, '04, Annapolis, Md. ; appreh. ; des. on or about July 9, '64, Camp Distribution, Va. Brown, William. Co. F. See 9 N. H. V.

Unas'd; b. Penn.sylvania ; ; cred. .Vcworth enl. '63; '03, Brown, William. age 23 ; Dec. 5, must, iu Dec. 5, as Priv.; des. Dec. 10, '63, Chatham, Conn. Brown, William. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 22; cred. HoUis; enl. June 8, '64; must, in June 8, '64, as Priv.; des. June 14, '64 (jumped overboard from steamer " City of Norwich," during night of June 14, '64, between AUyn's Point Conn., and Jei'sey City, N. J.). b. res. enl. Oct. '01; Browne, Robert T. Co. 1); Sandwich; age 21; Tamworth ; 2, must, in Nov. 27, '01, as Sergt; mis. '62 Aug. '62, Bull Run, Va. gd. from mis. Dec. 19, ; app, 2 Lt. to date Dec. '62 ; '63. 29, ; ], dismissed Nov. 18, I; Ireland; age res. Newark, N. J.; enl. '01 '01, Bryan, Thomas. Co. b. 37; Nov. 16, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv.; wd Sept

1, '62, Chantilly, Va. ; disch. wds, "Feb. 10, '03, Washington, D. C. b. 21 res. Newmarket; enl. Dec. 10, '61 Bryant, Henry W. Co. I; New Hampshire; age ; ; must, in Dec. 11, '61, as Priv. drowned .Aug. 13, '62, by foundering of steamer " \\'est Point," in Poton)ac river. h. cred. Durham enl. Jan. '64; must, '64, Co. ; age 21 ; Xew ; in Buck, Albert. H England; 4, Jan. 4, as Priv. ; must, out Julv' 17, '65. '61 Co. G ; b. Claremont ; aga 36 ; res. Plainfleld ; enl. Oct. 4, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, Buck, Hiram H. as Priv. ; disch. Nov. 25 '63, Portsmouth Grove IIosp.. R. I. '63; Buckley, Louis. Unas'd; b. Germany; age 20; cred. Rochester; enl. Dec. 28, must, in Dec. 28, '03, a« Priv. N. f, i. A, G. O, '01 Enfleld ; enl. Nov. nmst. in Nov. '61, Buckman, Hilliard D, Co. H; b. Unity; age 35; res. 7, ; 27, as Priv.; re-enl. and '63 '65. must, in Dec. 20, ; cred. Plainfleld ; disch. to date July 17, '61 ; Oct. must, in '61, ; res. enl. ; Nov. ; Richmond 21, Bulfum, Beek N. Co. F ; b. Richmond age 23 28, as Priv. ; nds. Aug. 29, '(i2, Bull Run, Va. from mis. Died Oct. 8, '62, Annapolis, Md. ; gd.

Cn. b. res. Northfleld ; enl. '61; must, '01, Bugbee, Alfred F. 1; Tnnlividgo, Vt. ; age 20; Nov. 18, in Nov. 30, as Priv.; wd.

accidentally ; disch. wds. Dec. 12, '62, Washington, D. C. 294 SIXTH REGIMENT NEW HAMPSHIRE VOLUNTEER INFANTRY.

'61, Priv. re-enl. ; ; enl. '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, as ; Bullock, Nathaniel. Co. B ; b. Bethlehem age 22 ; res. Littleton Oct. 26, '64 and must, in Jan. 3, ; cred. Bethlehem. Died, dis. Feb. 15, '6o, Bethlehem. Co. I. See 9 N. H. V. Bundy, Alvin A. . ^^ ^^^ Burcham, William J. Co. E; b. South Wilbvaham, Mass.; age 22; res. Westmoreland; eul. Oct. 25, '61; must, m Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Jan. 28, '62, Hatteras Inlet, N. c. enl. Jan. 6, '64 must, in Jan. 6, '64, as Pnv. N. t. r. Burdett, Alfred. Unas'd ; b. Philadelphia, Pa. ; age 25 ; cred. Conway ; ; A. G. 0. T, .. r> '63, as Pnv. des. Dec. ; ; enl. '63 ; must, Dec. 4, ; Burewell, James. Unas'd b. Pennsylvania ; age 29 ; cred. Lyme Dec. 4, m 7 >f>o eul. '64; must, in May 17, '64, as Bulk, Peter. Unas'd; substitute; b. Manchester, Eng. ; age 20; cred. Newmarket; May 17, Priv. N. f. r. A. G. O. . x, '64 must, May 18, '64, as Pnv. ; ; enl. 18, ; m ; cred. Tuftonborough ; May , James. Unas'd substitute ; b. Canada age 26 N. Ir. A. G. O. , ^ ,, ,^, '63, Pnv. wd. June 17, b4, ; '63 ; must, in Dec. 26, as ; Burke, John. Co. D ; b. Ireland ; age 18 ; cred. Rochester enl. Dec. 26, '65. Rochester. ; July P. 0. ad., Petersburg, Va. ; captd. Oct. 1, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. released ; must, out 17,

Co. H. See t) N. 11. V. - Burke, Thomas. „ „, r, j '61 Nov. as Iriv. des. ; res. ; eul. Oct. 21, ; must, m 27, 61, ; Burleig-h, Napoleon B. Co. D ; b. Northfleld ; age 21 Thornton Nov., '62, Annapolis, !Md. P. O. ad., Concord. disch. disab. Apr. ; enl. '61 ; must, in Nov. 30, '61, as Priv. ; Burley, Oliver P. Co. 1 ; b. Dover ; age 18 ; res. Dover Nov. 11, 16, '64, Concord. Died May 1, '64, Dover. '61, Priv. tr. to Co. H, ; ; ; enl. '61 ; must, in Dec. 10, as ; Burnham, Joseph. Co. B ; b. lianover age 35 res. Hanover Dec. 9, '78, Wa.shington, D. C. 7 L C, Mar. 2, '64 ; disch. Dec. 10, '64, Washington, D. C.,tm. ex. Died May 26, '61 '61, as Pnv. re-enl. in Dec. 10, ; Burnham, William H. Co. B ; b. Hanover ; age 20 ; res. Hanover ; enl. Nov. 9, ; must,

1, ; ; disch. to date July 17, and must, in Jan. 2, '64; app. Corp. ; captd. Oct. '64, Poplar Springs Church, Ya. relensed '65. P. O. ad., Enfteld. '61 N"ov. '61, as Pnv. Died, Burnham, William W. Co. B; b. Bethlehem; age 23; res. Littleton; enl. Nov. 7, ; must, in 27, dis. Apr. 6, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C. See State Service. , Benjamin A. Co. B. See 9 N. H. V. '64 '64, Pnv. des. ; enl. Jan. must, in Jan. 5, as ; 28 cred. ; 5, ; Burns, Charles. Co. C ; b. Waterford, N. Y. age ; Sanbornton Mar. 22, '64, Baltimore, Wd. Burns James. Unas'd; b. Ireland; age 32; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Jan. 2, '64; ninst. in Jan. 2, '64, as Priv.; des. Jan. 7, '64, Albany, N. Y. '64, ; ; ; '63 in Dec. '63, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 12, Bums, John. Co. G b. Ireland age 18 cred. Winchester ; enl. Dec. 31, ; must, 31, Annapolis, Md. 25, Burns, John. Unas'd; substitute; 1>. New Jersey; age 28; cred. South Xewniarket; enl. May 25, '64; must, in May '64, ' as Priv. N. f. .. A. G. O. '62, ; ; '61 ; in '61, as Priv. ; killed Aug. 29, Burns, Tbomas. Co. F ; b. Ireland age 32 res. Swanzey ; enl. Oct. 5, must, Nov. 28, Bull Run, Va. '64 '64, Burns, Thomas. Unas'd ; b. New York ; age 27 ; cred. Dalton ; enl. Jan. 2, ; must, in Jan. 2, as Priv. ; killed Jan. 12, '64, Covington, Ky. '64; '64, Burns, W^illiam. Co. 11; b. Massachusetts; age 22; cred. Charlestown ; enl. Jan. 4, must, in Jan. 4, as Priv.; wd.

June 3, '64, Bethesda Church, Va. ; must, out July 17, '05.

b. ; 18, ; 18, Burns, W^illiam. Unas'd; substitute; Boston, Mass. age 23 ; cred. Tuftonborough ; enl. May '64 must, in May '64, " as Priv. ; appears on descriptive list of deserters dated June 23, '64, as Xot been witli regt. ; brought on transport from below Aquia creek, where he was picked up." N. f. r. A. G. O.

Burritt, Henry B. Co. K; b. Canada; age 25; res. Rindge; enl. Nov. 7, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; des. from hosp. N. f. r. A. G. O. See 1 N. H. V. 23, Burrows, Daniel. Co. G; b. Middleton; age 27; res. Middleton; enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; tr. to Co. '01 '64; '65. I), Dec. 1, ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 24, must, out July 17, P. O. ad., Farniington. See State Service. res. enl. '61 '61, Buss, Edmund P. Co. K; b. Temple; age 19; Temple; Nov. 20, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv.; disch. disab. Xov. 14, '62. P. 0. ad., AA'est Lynn, Mass. '61 Buswell. William L. Co. I ; b. Canterbury; age 18 ; res. Gilmanton ; enl. Nov. 13. ; must, in Nov. 30, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. June 24, '62, New Berne, N. C. P. O. ad., llopkinton. See Miscel. Organizations. enl. '61 '61, Butler, Ambrose. Co. K ; b. Troy ; age 25 ; res. Hindge ; Dec. 9, ; mu.st. in Dec. 9, as Priv. ; app. Sergt. ; wd. June

17, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; d'.sch. disab. Dec. 17, '04, Annapolis, Md. Died Mar. 16, '71, Rindge.

Butler, Andrew. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 27; cred. Sunapee ; enl. June lo, '64; must, in June 10, '64, as Priv. N. i. r. A. G. 0.

b. ; ; res. Plymouth ; enl. Oct. '61 ; Butler, Arthur W. Co. A; Plymouth age 26 28, must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. '61 Nov. 30, ; must, out Nov. 28, '64, as Priv. 30, Butler, John, 1st. Co. F; b. Ireland; age 21; cred. M oulton borough ; enl. Dec. '83; must, in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv.; wd. '05. July 30, '64, Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Va. ; must, out July 17, Died June 21, '91, Nat. Soldiers' Home, Va. Butler, John, 2d. Co. F. See 11 N. H. V. b. Berwick, i\Ie. age res. Butler, Joseph Q. Co. H ; South ; 28 ; South Berwick, Me. ; enl. Nov. 16, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '01, as Piiv.; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. Butler, Roswell. Co. E; b. Chesterfield; age 39; res. Chesterfield; enl. Oct. 21, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. June 16, '62, New Berne, N. C. cred. Butler, Thomas. Unas'd ; b. Rockaway, N. J. ; age 24 ; Portsmouth ; enl. Jan. 4, '64 ; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

b. ; 19 cred. Ossipee ; enl. Jan. '04 ; '64, Buttrey, William. Unas'd ; Canada age ; 1, must, in Jan. 1, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. O. res. Holderness enl. Oct. '01; Buzzell, Aaron. Co. A; b. Epsom; age 40; ; 31, must, in Nov. 27, '01, as Priv.; re-enl. and

must, in Dec. 25, '63 ; wd. May 15, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. ; disch. wds. June 20, "05, Concord. res. Haverhill; enl. Sept. O, Buzzell. Carlos L. Co. B; b. Orford; age 21 ; '01 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; wd. Sept. 1,

'62, Chantilly, Va. : disch. wds. Feb. 2, '03, Washington, D. C.

b. Boston, Mass. ; age 21 ; res. Haverhill, Mass. ; enl. '61 Cadmus, Willard B. Co. C ; Oct. 7, ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Dec. 10, '62, Boston, Mass,

substitute ; b. Canada ; age 20 cred. Goshen enl. June '64 ; Co. B ; ; ; in Cadot, Azarie. 7, must, June 7, '64, as Priv. ; killed Apr. 2, '05, Petersburg, Va.

substitute ; b. England ; age 19 cred. Walpole enl. '64 ; Cain, Martin. Unas'd ; ; ; June 2, must, in June 2, '64, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. 0. Cammel, John. Unas'd; b. Ireland; age 25; cred. Wakefield; enl. Jan. 1, '64; must, in Jan. 1, '64, as Priv.; des. Jan. 19, '64, Albany, N. Y. ;


'61 ; in '61, as Priv. ; des. Aug. 2, Cammell, John. Co. F ; b. Montreal, Can. ; age 32 ; res. Orford ; enl. Nov. 2, must, Nov. 28, '82, Newport News, Va.

; ; '61 ; in '61, as Priv. ; disch. Campbell, Chai-les. Co. F ; b. WiDiainstown, Vt. age 44 ; res. Keene eul. Oct. 7, must, Nov. 28, disab. Feb. 2, '63, Newark, N. J. Died Dec. 8, '80, Putney, Vt. '64, Priv. Campbell, Francis. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 25 ; cred. Warner; enl. June 3, '64; must, in June 3, as N. f. r. A. G. O. Campbell, Henry. Co. E. See 9 N. H. V. Campbell, John. Co. A. See 11 N. H. V.

; '64 '64, ; Campbell, John. Co. I b. Westford, Mass. ; age 43 ; cred. Someisworth ; enl. Jan. 2, ; must, in Jan. 2, as Priv. disch. Aug. 21, '65, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Nashua.

; b. '63 ; '63, ; supposed Campbell, William. Unas'd Ireland ; age 30; cred. Roxbury ; enl. Dec. 30, must, in Dec. 30, as Priv. to have deserted en route to regt. N. f. r. A. (j. O. Canavan, Prank. Co. A; b. Delaware; age 19; cred. Swanzey; enl. Jan. 1, '64; must, in Jan. 1, '64, as Priv.; des. Jan. 24, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. Canfleld, Stone. Co. A. See 9 N. H. X.

Canney, Edward M. Co. H ; b. Tuftonborough ; age 43 ; res. Rochester ; enl. Oct. 26, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va.

; ; ; '61 ; '62, Canney, John. Co. D b. Ossipee age 18 res. Ossipee ; enl. Nov. 5, ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. wd. Aug. 29,

Bull Run, Va. ; disch. wds. Nov. 17, '62, Washington, D. C. Died Jan. 19, '63, Ossipee.

Carey, James. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 23 ; cred. Pittsfield ; enl. June 3, '64 ; must, in June 3, '64, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. 0. Cargill, Frank A. Co. G; substitute; b. Connecticut; age 18; cred. Swanzey; eul. June 8, '64; must, in June 8, '64, as Priv.;

wd. and mis. July 30, '64, Mine gd. mis. ; '65. Explosion, Petersburg, Va. ; from must, out July 17,

Carlton, Richard. Co. C ; substitute; b. Ireland; age 27 ; cred. Loudon ; enl. June 10, '04; must, in June 10, '04, as Priv.;

des. ; appreh. June 25, '64 ; des. Nov. 3, '64, Washington, D. C. '61 '61, Carlton, Thomas J. Co. B; b. Canaan; age 24; res. Enfield; eul. Oct. 7, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Corp.; app. Sergt. '62 '63 '63 '64 Mar. 31, ; 1 Sergt. Feb. 7, ; re-enl. and must, in Dec. 28, ; cred. Canaan ; app. 2 Lt. Co. H, Jan. 9, ; wd. June

3, '64, Betbesda Church, Va. ; Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Via. ; app. 1 Lt. Co. B, to date Aug. 1, '64 ; tr. to Co. '65. F ; not must, as 1 Lt. ; app. Capt. Jan. 10, '65 ; resigned June 17, P. O. ad., Enfield. '64, '64, Carney, Denis. Co. C ; b. Ireland ; age 22 ; cred. Conway ; enl. Jan. 7, '64 ; must, in Jan. 7, as Priv. ; des. Feb. 28, Camp Nelson, Ky. Carney, Dennis. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 22; cred. Epsom; enl. June 9, '64; must, in June 11, '64, as Priv.

N. f . r. A. G. O. Carney. See Kearney. Carr, George. Co. H. See 9 N. H. V.

; ; ; '64 '64, f. Carr, John. Unas'd substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 20 cred. Greenland enl. i\Iay 17, ; must, in May 17, as Priv. N. r. A. G. 0. '63 Carroll, James. Unas'd ; b. Pennsylvania ; age 21 ; cred. Goshen ; enl. Dec. 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv. ; supposed to have deserted en route to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Carroll, Thomas. Co. F; b. Queen's County, Ir. ; age "48"; res. Keene; enl. Oct. 14, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; '62, '63, 11. mis. Aug. 29, Bull Run, V^a. ; gd. from mis. ; disch. disab. Jan. 17, Alexandria, Va. See V. C. Carter, John. Co. E. See 11 N. H. V. Carter, John. Co. H. See 9 N. H.' V.

Carter, John. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 34 ; cred. Wilmot ; enl. May 25, '64 ; must, in May 25, '64, a.s Priv. ; des. June 9, '64, Worcester, Mass. '62 '62, Carter, William. Co. C ; b. Exeter ; age 40 ; cred. East Kingston ; enl. Aug. 20, ; must, in Sept. 3, as Priv. ; tr. to '63 I. C. July 1, ; di.-ich. as of Co. A, 12 V. R. C, June 27, '65, Washington, I). C. P. O. ad.. East liingston. Casey, Matthew. Co. D. See 11 N. H. V. '63 '63, Casey, Thomas. Unas'd ; b. New York city ; age 21 ; cred. Northwood ; enl. Dec. 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. O.

; enl. '64 must, in Jan. '64, as Priv. ; '64, Cashman, William. Co. H ; h. Ireland ; age 23 ; cred. Marlovv Jan. 4, ; 4, wd. May 6,

Wilderness, Va. ; June 19, '64, and July 21, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; app. Sergt.; captd. Oct. 1, '64, Poplar Springs Church, '65 Va. ; released Feb. 28, ; disch. .lune 17, '65, Annapolis, Md. '61 '61, Cass, Chandler G. Co. B; b. Haverhill ; age 17; res. Haverhill; enl. Nov. 9, ; nmst. in Nov. 27, as Priv.; re-eul. and

nmst. in Jan. 2, '64 ; killed June 3, '64, Bethesda Church, Va. '61 '61, Cass, Jeremiah. Co. I; b. Candia; age "44"; res. Concord; euL Oct. 21, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv.; disch. disab. June 24, '62, New Kerne, N. C. See V. R. C. '61, '61, Priv. f. r. A. Cass, Lewis. Co. I ; age 44 ; enl. Oct. 21, at Keene ; must, in Nov. 28, as N. G. O.

; ; enl. Oct. '61 ; must, in Nov. '61, as Priv. ; Cass, Luther. Co. A ; b. Andover ; age 34 res. Centre Harbor 14, 27, drowned Aug. 13, '62, by foundering of steamer " West Point" in Potomac river.

; ; ; enl. '61 ; must, in Nov. '61, as Priv. ; Castone, Kalis H. Co. E ; b. Patagonia age 21 res. Marlborough Nov. 18, 28, musl. out Nov. 28, '64. P. O. ad., Osage City, Kan. Caswell, John C. Co. C; b. Strafford; age 19; res. Newmarket; euL Oct. 10, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Apr. 4, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C. See State Service.

; enl. '61 ; Nov. '61, ; 35 ; res. Newmarket Oct. 10, must, in 27, as Priv. wd. and Caswell, Timothy. Co. C ; b. Northwood ; age

'62, from mis. ; disch. disab. Dec. 30, '63, Portsmouth Grove, R. I. See V. R. C. iiiis. Aug. 29, Bull Bun, Va. ; gd. '61 '61, b. ; age 32 ; res. Newmarket ; enl. Oct. 19, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; wd. Caswell, Willard W. Co. C ; Northwood

'64, Explosion, Petersburg, ; must, out Nov. '64. P. O. ad., Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; July 30, Mine Va. 28, Northwood.

28; res. Holderness ; enl. Oct. 2.5, '61; must, in Dec. 11, '61, as Priv.; disch. Dec. Cate Aaron B. Co. I; b. Holderness ; age ' 10, '64, Washington, D. C, tni. ex. Died Sept. 30, '78, AVashington, D. C. See 1 N. H. V. '61 '61, Priv. Holderness ; age 18 ; res. Holderness ; eul. Oct. 16, ; must, in Nov. 27, as ; app. Sergt. Cate, Omar W. Co. A ; b. '64 '65 '65. '63 M. Sergt. Jan. 4, '64 ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 4, ; app. 1 Lt. Co. A, June 1, ; must, out July 17, Mar. 1, ; Q. P. O. ad., Chicago, 111. See 1 N. H. V. ,

; b. England ; age 22 ; cred. Salisbury ; enl. June 4, '64 ; must, m June 4, '64, as Priv. Caunt Thomas. Unas'd ; substitute

N. f . r. A. G. O. Cawley, Peter. Co. A. See 9 N. H. V. '64; Chaoulaga James. Unas'd; substitute; b. France; age 19; cred. Stewartstown ; enh June 9, must, in June 9, '64, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. O.

; res. Rindge: enl. Oct. 28, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; app. Corp. ChafFa, Joseph. Co. K ; b. Canada; age 21 Nov. 30, '64, '61 ; re-enl. and nmst. in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv. ; cred. Rutland, Vt. ; killed July 21, Petersburg, Va.

; res. Charlestown, cred. Charlestown enl. 12, ; Chamberlain, Osborn. Co. G; b. Charlestown age 23 ; ; Aug. '62 must, in Aug. 15, '62, as Priv. Died, dis. Nov. 20, '62, Falmouth, Va. ;


; ; '61 ; must, in '61, as Priv. ; disch. Chamberlin, Augustus A. Co. K ; b. Jaffrey age 45 res. Rindge ; enl. Nov. 9, Nov. 28, disab. June 24, '(i2, New Berne, N. C.

; '61 '61, as Priv. ; wd. Chandler, "William. Co. K ; b. Royalston, Mass. ; age 2(j ; res. Alstead enl. Dec. 7, ; must, in Dec. 10,

Dec. 13, '02, Fredei-icksburg, Ya. ; des. Mar. 29, '63, near Perrysville, Pa.

Co. b. Plainfield ; in '61, as Priv.; app. Cliapman, Alonzo J. G; age 27; res. I'lainfield -, enl. Oct. 1, 'HI; must, Nov. 28, re-eiil. '63 '65 Corp. ; and must, in Dec. 22, ; wd. June 25, '64, and Apr. 2, '65, Petersburg, Va. ; app. Sergt. July 1, ; must. out July 17, '65. P. O. ad., Meriden. See 1 N. H. Y.

Chapman, Amos. Co. B ; b. Haverhill ; age 18; res. Enfield; enl. Dec. 9, '61; must, in Dec. 10, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Dec. 11, '62, Portsmouth Grove, R. I. P. O. ad., Salisbury. Chapman, Henry B. Co. A; b. Warren; age 20; res. Rumney; enl. Oct. 19, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; wd. Aug.

29, '62, Bull Run, Ya. ; disch. Mar. 7, '63.

Chapman, Co. ; b. Concord ; cred. ; '63 '63, Priv. ; disch. Joshua. D age 43 ; Soniersworth eul. 30, Deo. ; must, in Dec. 30, as June 3, '65, Annapolis, Md. Supposed identical with Joshua Chapman, Co. L, 1 X. E. Cav. and State Service. '61 Charles, Payette. Co. D; b. Conway; age 23; res. Conway; enl. Nov. 7, ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; mis. Aug. 29,

'62, Bull Run, Ya. gd. from ; des. '62, ; mis. Nov., Annapolis, Md.

Chase, Heber Co. A; b. Campton ; age res. enl. Oct. '61 in '61, as Priv.; wd. Dec. 13, L. 18; Campton ; 28, ; must, Nov. 27, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. disab. Mar. 12, '63, Concord. P. O. nd., Plymouth. 2(),''61 Co. G; b. Springfield ; res. '(il, Priv.; Chase, James A. age 20; Springfield; enl. Oct. ; must, in Dec. 11, as wd. Aug. '62, 29, Bull Run, Ya. ; disch. Apr. 20, '63, Providence, R. I. See Y. R. C. Cheney, Clinton C. Co. B; b. Winchester; age 18; res. Keene; enl. Oct. 14, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; app. Corp. Nov. 28, -ei. Died, dis. Feb. 26, '62, Ilattenis Inlet, N. C. '61 Cheney, Thomas P. Co. A; b. Holdemess; age 29; res. Holderness ; app. 2 Lt. Nov. 30, '61; must, in to date Nov. 27, ; '62 app. 1 Lt. Apr. 15, ; disch. disab. Nov. 25, '62. P. O. ad., Ashland.

Chesley, Charles C. Co. I; b. Concord; age 18; res. Concord; enl. Oct. 21, 'HI ; must, in Dec. 4, '61, as Priv.; wd. sev. Dec. '62, 13, Fredericksburg, Ya. ; app. Corp. June 1, '03; re-enl. and must, in Dec. 19, 'H3 ; wd. Sept. 30, 'H4, I'oplar Springs

Church, ; '65 ; '65 '65. Ya. app. 1 Sergt. May 1, 2 Lt. Co. F, June 1, ; must, out July 17, P. O. ad., Concord.

b. ; ; 'HI '61, ; disab. Aug. Chipman, Edward H. Co. H ; Barre, Mass. age 37 enl. Dec. 13, ; must, in Dec. 13, as Priv. disch. 9, '62, Ft. Monroe, Ya. Chipman, Samuel. Co. A; b. Boston, Mass.; age 18; cred. Milton; enl. Dec. 29, '63; must, in Dec. 29, '63, as Priv.; captd. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. Died, dis. and starvation Jan. 25, '65, Salisbury, N. C. Christenson, Jacob. Co. F. See 9 N. 11. Y.

Christie, Thomas. Co. E; b. Canada; age 18; res. Swanzey ; enl. Oct. 31, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '01, as Priv.; wd. July 30, '64, Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Ya.'; disch. Dec. 14, '64, Concord, tm. ex. '63 Christopher, John. Co. H ; substitute ; b. (Jerjnany ; age 25 ; res. New Yoik city, cred. I'iermont ; enl. Nov. 23, ; must, in '63, Nov. 23, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 10, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. '64 '64, Church, Edward. Co. I ; b. Canada ; age 19 ; cred. ^loultonborough ; enl. Jan. 2, ; must, in Jan. 2, as Priv. ; captd. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Xa. N. f. r. A. G. O. '63 Co. E; b. Jonesport, ; 18 cred. Francestowu; enl. ; must, in '63, as Priv. Church, John C. P. Me. age ; Dec. 30, Dec. 30, killed Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Ya. '61 '61, Church, John L. Co. F; b. Richmond; age 42; res. Keene; enl. Oct. 3, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. Died, dis. Aug. 31, '63, Nicholasville, Ky. '61 Cilley, Grustavus R. Co. A; b. Hebron; age 20; res. Plymouth; enl. Oct. 12, ; must, in Nov. 27, 'HI, as Priv.; wd. Dec.

13, '62, Fredericksburg, Ya. ; app. Corp. ; nmst. out Nov. 28, '64. P. O. ad., Lawrence, Mass. '61, Clapp, Cyrus J. Co. K; b. Leicester, Mass.; age 22; res. Rindge; enl. Nov. 7, 'HI ; must, iu Nov. 28, as Priv.; app. Corp.

Nov. 30, 'HI ; Sergt. ; killed Aug. 29, 'H2, Bull Run, A''a. See ^Iiscel. Organizations. Clarey, Michael. Co. F. See 9 N. H. V.

Clark, Charles. Co. I; b. Scotland; age 32; cred. Danbury ; enl. Jan. 2, 'B4 ; must, in Jan. 2, '64, as Priv.; des. Jan. 21, 'fi4. Camp Nelson, Ky.

'61 ; Clark, Charles L. Co. F ; b. Marlborough ; age 22 ; res. Keene ; enl. Nov. 15, must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Sergt. ; re-enl. and

must, in Jan. 4, '64; cred. Marlborough; app. 1 Sergt. Mar. 1, '64; 1 Lt. Mar. 2, 'fi5 ; must, out July 17, '65. P. O. ad., Marlborough. Clark, Bdg-ar. Co. E. See 9 N. H. Y. Clark, George. Co. D; b. New Jer.sey; age 20; cred. Kppiug; enl. Jan. 5, '64; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv.; des. Feb. 28, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. Clark, Georg-e S. Co. K; b. Clareniont; age 26; res. Peterborough; enl. Dec. 11, '61; must, in Dec. 11, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Mar. 23, '62, Roanoke Isl., N, C. P. O. ad., Nashua. '61 Co. A ; b. ; age 35 ; res. Plymouth ; app. Capt. Nov. 30, in '61 Clark, Joseph. Campton ; must, to date Nov. 27, ; resigned Apr. 14, '62. P. O. ad., San Francisco, Cal. Clark, Portus B. Co. H. See 9 N. H. Y. Clark, Theron G. Co. E. See 9 N. H. Y. Clark, "William. Co. C; substitute; b. Massachusetts; age 20; cred. Northumberland; enl. June 9, '64; must, in June 9, '64,

as Priv. ; des. Nov. 5, i;64, near Petersburg, Ya.

Co. H ; b. England; age 26; cred. Warren ; enl. Jan. '61; must, '64, Clark, William. 5, in Jan. 5, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 23, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. Clark, "William. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 22; cred. Amherst; enl. June 3, '64; must, in June 3. '64 as Priv N. f. r. A. G. O.

Co. F b. Jersey ; age cred. ; enl. '63 ; New 24 Goshen Dec. ; Charles. ; 30, in Clarke, must, Dec. 30, '63, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 20 '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. Co. H; h. Madbury age res. Rochester; eul. Oct. '01 Clay, Hosea C. ; 30; 22, ; nmst. in '61, Nov. 28, as Sergt.; ami 1 Seret • & 1 1 b Apr. 11, '62 ; 2 I.t. July 4, '62. Died, dis. Nov. 3, '62, South Boston, Mass. Cleaves, John. Co. C. See John Averill. P. Co. E; b. Knox, Me.; age 42; res. Keene; eul. Nov. '61 Clement, Benjamin 9, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.- disch. disab. Feb. 6, '63, Alexandria, Va. See V. R. C. Clement, Charles E. Co. F. See 9 N. H. Y.

Charles H. Co. G ; b. Newport ; age 20 ; les. Sunapee ; enl. Sept. 3, '61 Clement, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv disch disab. May 2, '62, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. ad., George's Mills. See 14 N. H. Y.

Co. b. Rollinsford ; age ; cred. Wolfehorongh Clements, James O. D ; 20 ; enl. Jan. 4, '64 ; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv. ' wd. June 28, '04, Petersburg, Ya. Died, wds. June 29, '04.

Co. K ; substitute ; b. England age 18 cred. Landaff ; enl. '64 Clife, Daniel. ; ; June 8, ; must, in June 8, '64, as Priv. ; des. Oct. 28, '04, near Pegrani House, Va. Clifford, Charles. Co. B; b. Ireland; age 21; cred. Hopkinton; enl. Jan. 4, '64; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv.; captd. Oct. '64, 1, Poplar Spiings Church, Va. ; enl. in Confederate Army. N. f. r. A. G. O. ;;:;


'61 '61, tr. Clough, Bliphalet. Co. G; b. Effingham ; age 42 ; res. Effingham ; enl. Dec. 7, ; must, in Dec. 10, as Priv. ; to Co.

D, Feb. 1, '02 ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. disab. Dec. 15, '62, Pt. Lookout, Md. P. O. ad., Ossipee. Clough, Ezekiel. Co. C; b. Epping; age 4.5; res. Exeter; enl. Oct. 2'-i, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Dec. 31, '62. Died Feb. 8, '80. Brentwood. '61 '61, Clough, Horace. Co. D ; b. Parsonsfield, Me. ; age 4iJ ; res. Effingham ; enl. Oct. 15, ; must, in Xov. 27, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Nov. 13, '62, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Effingham. '61 Clough, James C. Co. D ; b. Parsonsfield, Me. ; age 44; res. Effingham ; enl. Oct. 2, ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. Clough, Thomas H. Co. C; b. Epping; age 19; res. Exeter; enl. Nov. 11, '61; must, in Xov. 27, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. '62, June 21, New Berne, X. C. ; re-enl. and must, in Feb. 11, '64 ; a,ssigned to Co. 1 ; wd. May 12, 'ii4, Sjiottsylvania, Va. '64, July 3, near Petersburg, Va. ; tr. to Co. D, 11 V. R. C. ; disch. Aug. 2, '6.j, Providence, 1!. I. P. O. ad., Lowell, Mass. Cobbett, James. Co. K. See 11 N. H. V.

Cobum, Prescott D. Co. F; b. Chesterfield; age 4.5; res. ; enl. '61 must, in Xov. 28, '61, as Muse; apji. Swauzey Oct. 10, ;

Priu. Muse. Mar. 4, '62; retui-ned to Co. F, as Muse. ; disch. disab. .\ug. 11, '62, New Berne, X. C. P. O. ad., Winchester.

Cochran, Charles. Co. I ; b. Washington, Vt. ; age 20 ; res. I'iermont ; enl. Nov. 18, '61 ; must, in Xov. 30, '61, as Priv. ; wd.

Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. wds. Dec. 3, '02, New York city. P. O. ad., Orfordville.

Cochran, Bd-ward. Co. G; b. Ireland; age ".34"; res. Newport; enl" Nov. 21, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. See 1 N. H. V.

Cochrane, David. Unas'd; substitute; b. Nova Scotia; age 23; cred. Madison; enl. May 19, '64 ; must, in May 19, '64, as '64 " Priv. ; des. June 14, (jumped overboard from steamer City of Norwich," during night of June 14. '64, between Allyn'.s Point, Conn., and Jersey Citj', N. J.). '64, Code, Robert. Co. E ; b. Ireland ; age 18 ; cred. Alton ; enl. Jan. 6, '64 ; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv. ; captd. .Sept. 30, Poplar Springs '65, Church, \'a. ; par. Died, dis. Mar. 26, North Adams, Mass. CoflBln, Henry G. Co. A; b. Lyman, Me.; age 38; res. Plymouth; enl. Xov. 13, '61; nmst. in X^ov. 27, '61, as Priv.; wd. Aug.

29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. Sept. 14, '63, New York city. P. O. ad., Plymouth. See V. R. C. '64, Cogswell, Francis. Co. I; substitute; b. X^ew Hampshire; age 21 ; cred. Newn)arket; eid. May 17, '64; must, in May 17,

as Priv. ; disch. to date July 17, '65. '94 Cohn, Abraham. Co. E ; b. Prussia ; age 31 ; cred. Campton ; enl. Jan. 5, ; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv. ; app. Sergt. Maj. '64 Mar. 28, ; wd. July 3(1, '64, Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Xa. ; app. 1 Lt. Co. C, Mar. 1, '65 ; Adjt. Mar. 15, '65 ; not must.

wd. Apr. 2, '65, Petersburg, Va. ; must, out July 17, '65, as 1 Lt. Awarded medal of honor under resolution of congress. No. 43, approved July 12, '62, and section 6 of act of congress approved j\lar. 3, '63, for gallantry in action May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va. Coil, William. Co. E. See William Koyel. Colbum, Bleazer. Co. I. See 9 N. H. V.

Colby, James T. Co. G ; b. Wendell (now Sunapee) ; age 24 ; les. Springfield ; enl. Sept. 16, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '01, as

Priv. ; app. Corp. ; disch. Aug. 12, '62, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Springfield. See V. R. C.

Colby, John M. Co. G; b. Warner; age 39; res. Sunapee; enl. Nov. 9, '61 ; must, in Xov. 28, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Sept. 29, '62, Annapolis, Aid. Colby, Madison. Co. D. See 11 N. H. V.

; ; '61 : '61, Priv. Colcord, Edward. Co. C ; b. New Hampsliire ; age 44 res. East Kingston enl. Dec. 10, nmst. in Dec. 10, as disch. disab. June 24, '62, Xew Berne, N. C. See V. R. C. '61 '61, Colcord, John G. Co. C; b. East Kingston; age 18; res. East Kingston; eul. Xov. 21, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv.;

re-enl. and must, into Co. I, Dec. 20, '03 ; app. Corp. ; wd. May 12, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. ; disch. disab. May 27, '65, Wash- ington, D. C. '03; '63, Cole, Lucius. Co. E; substitute; b. JIaine ; age -37; cred. Exeter; enl. Aug. 11, must, in Aug. 11, as Priv.; disch. May 12, '65, Concord.

; enl. '63 ; must, in Dec. '03, Priv. ; wd. Collins, George. Co. F ; b. England; age 23 ; cred. Danbury Dec. 31, 31, as June 3, '65; '65, '64, Bethesda Church, Va. ; June 17, '64, Petersburg, Xa,. ; tr. to 96 Co., 2 Batt'l, V. R. C, Apr. 19, disch. Nov. 20, Baltimore, Md. 10, ; cred. Henniker ; eid. June 10, '64 ; must, in June '64, as Priv. Collins, George C. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland ; age 24

N. f . r. A. G. O. enl. Jan. o, '64; nmst. in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv.; des. Feb. 2, '64, Collins, James. Co. H; b. England; age 21 ; cred. Unity; Camp Nelson, Ky. '63 '63, cred. France.stown ; enl. Dec. 31, ; must, in Dec. 31, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 21, Collins, James. Co. I ; b. Germany; age 25 ; '64, Camp Nelson, Kv. '61 ; : res. Seabrook ; enl. Nov. 21, ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Collins, Levi, Jr. Co. C ; b. Seabrook age 38 Mar. 5, '62, Hatteras Isl., N. C.

; ; res. enl. X"ov. '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. and Collins, Robert F. Co. C ; b. Seabrook age 21 Seabrook ; 14,

'63 '64, Church, Va. par. ; disch. May 23, '6.5, Concord. must, into Co. I, Dec. 23, ; captd. Sept. 30, Poplar Springs ; P. O. ad., Seabrook. '63 ; ; cred. Marlborough enl. Dec. 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv. ; captd. Collins, "William. Co. F ; b. Ireland age 23 ; Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Chvu-ch, Va. Died Dec. 12, '64, Salisbury, N. C. '61 '61, ; ; 43 res. Farmington; enl. Sept. 23, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. Colomy, Andrew D. Co. G b. New Durham age ; '64. wd. July 16, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; must, out Xov. 28, Colston, William. Co. D; b. Norway; age 22; cred. Bristol; enl. Dec. 31, '63; must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv.; wd. July 30, '63. '64, Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Va. ; must, out July 17, '64 '64, ; ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Jan. 1, ; must, in Jan. 1, as Priv. ; app. Corp. July Comarford, John. Co. G ; b. Ireland age 22 '6.5 '6.5. 1, ; must, out July 17, '61 ; res. Swanzey ; 1 Lt. Nov. 30, '61 ; must, in to date Nov. 28, ; app. ; b. Winchester ; age 40 app. Combs Amos D. Co. F ' '62. V. 'Capt. Apr. 29, '62 ; resigned Aug. 1, See 14 N. H. '61 in '61 app. Capt. b. Beriin, Vt. ; age 35 ; res. Croydon ; app. 1 Lt. Nov. 30, ; must, Nov. 28, ; Comino-S, B. Darwin. Co. G ; '62. P. O. ad., Croydon. °Co. H, Aug. 2, '62 ; disch. disab. Oct. 31, '61 X"^ov. '61, Priv. ; ; age 21 res. Newport ; enl. Oct. 30, ; must, in 28, as Died, Comstock, Charles H. Co. I b. X^ewport ; dis.'Peb. 18, '62, Hatteras Inlet, N. C.

; b. England ; age ; cred. Grafton ; enl. June 10, '64 ; must, in June 10, '64, as Priv. Conley Martin Unas'd ; substitute 23

'64 '64. f . r. A. G. O. des. July 2, ; appreh. July 3, N. Connell, Patrick. Co. D. See UN. II. V. Connell Thomas. Co. F; b. New York; age 28; cred. New Durham; eul. Dec. 31, '63; must, in Dec. 31, '6.3, as Priv.; tr. from Carver Gen. Hosp., Washington, D. C, to New York city, June 2, '64. N. f. r. A. G. O. Connelly, John. Unas'd. See John Donnelly.

38 ;;;.


Conner, John. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 21; cred. Raymond; enl. May 17, '64; must, in May 17, '64, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. O. Connihan, Connor, '63 Nelson, Ky. ; appi-eh. Dec. 21, ; sentenced by G. C. M. to five years imprisonment, with loss of all pay. Jf. f. r. A. G. O. '64, Connor, Co. £ ; b. Ireland ; age ; cred. Hanover ; enl. Dec. '63 in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv. ; wd. May 6, James. 21 30, ; must, '65. Wilderness, Va. ; must, out July 17, P. 0. ad., Lawrence, Mass.

Connor, James. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; ; enl. '64 ; in '64, as Priv. N. f . i age 20 cred. Weare ; June 3, must, June 3, A. G. O.

Connor, Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Ireland 20 cred. ; enl. '64 ; must, in 10, '04, as Priv. Jeremiah. ; age ; Warner June 10, June N. f. r. A. G. O.

Connor, John. Co. G ; b. Massachusetts ; age 22 ; cred. Fitzwilliam ; enl. Dec. 31, '63 ; must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv. ; des. Feb. 3, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. '61 Co. K ; b. Rindge 49 res. Capt. '61 in to date Nov. 28, ; re- Converse, Ebenezer H. ; age ; Rindge ; app. Nov. 30, ; must, signed May 15, '62. Died Apr. 7, '03, Chicago, 111.

; ; '61, ; Sergt. Converse, Morton B. Co. K ; b. Rindge age 24 res. Rindge ; enl. Oct. 28, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. app. must, out Nov. 27, '04. P. O. ad., Winchendon, Mass.

; '61 ; '61 Converse, Nelson. F. and S. b. Marlborough ; age 44 ; res. Marlborough ; app. Lt. Col. Oct. 15, must, in Nov. 30, ;

app. Col. Oct. 26, '61 ; resigned Mar. 8, '62. P. O. ad., Marlborough. '61, Cook, Alden B. Co. H ; b. New Gloucester, Me. ; age 29 ; res. Barrington ; enl. Oct. 15, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, as Corp.

app. Sergt. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va.; disch. disab. Feb. 20, '63, David's Isl., N. Y. H. 29, Jan. Cook, David P. Unas'd; b. Milton; age 21; cred. Farmington ; enl. Dec. 29, '63 ; must, in Dec. '63, as Priv.; des. 24, '64, Concord. Cook, Jeremiah B. Co. G; b. Milton; age 28; res. Milton, cred. Milton; enl. Aug. 15, '62; must, in Aug. 19, '62, as Priv.

app. Corp.; wd. May 12, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. ; Apr. 2, '6.5, Petersburg, Va. ; disch. May 29, '85, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Wolfeborough. b. Cook, John. Co. K ; England; age 22 ; cred. Marlborough; enl. Dec. 30, '63 ; must, in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv.; des. June 14, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

; '61 ; '61, ; Cook, Moses. Co. H ; b. Milton ; age 25 res. Centre Harbor ; enl. Dec. 7, must, in Dec. 7, as Priv. wd. Aug. 29,

'62, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. disab. May 15, '63, Concord.

; b. ; ; '63 ; '63, ; July '64, Cook, Moses W. Co. D Milton age 27 ; cred. Dover enl. Dec. 10, must, in Dec. 10, as Priv. wd. 4,

Petersburg, Va. ; must, out July 17, '65. Cook, Thomas. Co. G. See 9 N. H. V. Cooksin, Calvin. Unas'd; b. Cleveland, Ohio; age 33; cred. Salem; enl. Jan. 2, '64; must, in Jan. 2, '64, as Priv.; supposed to have deserted en route to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. '63, Cooper, Edw^ard M. Unas'd; b. Ireland; age 29; cred. Salem ; enl. Dec. 31, '63; must, in Dec. 31, as Priv.; des. Jan. 7, '64, Albany, N. Y. '61 '61 Cooper, Sherman. F. and S. ; b. Cornish ; age 29 ; res. Claremont ; app. Asst. Surg. Oct. 17, ; must, in Nov. 28, ; app. '63 Surg. Mar. 20, ; must, out Nov. 27, '64. P. O. ad., Westfield, N. J. '64, Copperfeald, Thomas. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Pennsylvania ; age 24 ; cred. Warner ; enl. June 10, '64 ; must, in June 10, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. O. '61 Corcoran, Prank. Co. C; b. Portsmouth ; age 18; res. Exeter; enl. Nov. 7, ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; mis. Aug. 29,

'62, Bull Run, Va. gd. from mis. Dec. 19, '62 ; re-enl. and must, into Co. I, Dec. 23, '63 3l), '64, ; ; app. Corp. ; captd. Sept.

Poplar Springs Church, Va. par. ; disch. May 23, '65, Annapolis, Md. ; Corey, Abram. Co. F; b. Canada; age 22; cred. Fitzwilliam; enl. Dec. 30, '63; anust. in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv.; furloughed

June 5, '64, from Lovell Gen. Hosp., Portsmouth Grove, R. I. ; failed to return. N. f. r. A. G. O. Cork, John. Co. E; b. Bohemia; age 21; cred. Hanover; enl. Dec. 30, '63; must, in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv.; wd. May 6, '64,

Wilderness, Va. ; sent to regt. from Finlay Gen. Hosp., Washington, D. C, July 2, '64. N. f. r. A. G. O. Corlis, Orlando W. Co. G; b. Bridgewater; age 21; res. Grantham; enl. Sept. 30, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; app. '64 '65. Corp. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 2, ; disch. disab. July 7, P. O. ad., Grantham.

b. ; res. ; enl. '62 ; '62, ; Corliss, Francis R. Co. A ; Grafton ; age 21 Plymouth Aug. 25, must, in Aug. 25, as Priv. disch. disab. Apr. 25, '64, to date Dec. 11, '63, St. Louis, Mo. P. O. ad., Clinton, Iowa. Cormany, Jeremiah. Co. E; b. Lebanon County, Pa.; age 25; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Jan. 2, '64; must, in Jan. 2, '64, as

Priv. ; des. Jan. 24, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. Corson, G-sorge A. Co. D; b. Milton; age 41; res. Farmington; enl. Sept. 30, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; wd. Dec. '63. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. wds. Apr. 20, P. O. ad., Wolfeborough. Cosgrave, Patrick. Co. F; b. England; age 22; cred. Litchfield; enl. Dec. 31, '63; must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv.; des. Apr. 23, '64:, Annapolis, Md.

; age 42 res. Troy enl. Oct. '61 ; Cosgrove, Robert. Co. F ; b. Manchester, Eug. ; ; 14, must, in Dec. 3, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Aug.

30, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. disab. Jan. 5, '63, Alexandria, Va. See Miscel. Organizations. Cotter, William. Co. E. -See 9 N. H. V.

substitute ; b. Bath age 18 res. Lyman, cred. ; '64 Cowan, Charles W. Co. K ; ; ; Swanzey enl. May 30, ; must, in May 30, '64,

as Priv. ; must, out July 17, '65. P. O. ad., Littleton.

Stanstead, ; age ; res. Holderness enl. '61 ; Cox, Freeman. Co. A; b. Can. 21 ; Nov. 13, must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. '63 '05 '65. and must, in Dec. 29, ; app. Corp. July 1, ; must, out July 17, P. O. ad.. Centre Harbor. cred. Cox, Thomas B. Co. F; substitute; b. New York; age 39; Wentworth ; enl. Sept. 10, '64; must, in Sei^t. 10, '64, as '65, Priv. ; reported on m. o. roll dated July 17, as absent on detached service at Concord. N. f. r. A. G. O. Coyne, Joseph. Co. B. See 9 N. H. V.

; substitute ; b. Germany ; age ; cred. Stewartstown enl. '64 Co. D 25 ; June 9, must, Craft, Frank. ; in June 9, '64, as Priv. killed July 30, '64, Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Va. Craig, Clark E. Co. K. See 9 N. H. V. Craig, George W. Co. A; b. Plymouth; age 20; res. Holderness; enl. Oct. 11, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; app. '61 Sergt. Nov. 30, ; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va.

Co. A b. Rumney ; age 44 res. Holderness app. 1 Lt. '61 ; ; ; Nov. ; Craig, Oliver H. P. 30, must, in to date Nov. 27, '61 ; app. Capt. Apr. 15, '62; resigned Oct. 21, '62. P. O. ad., Holderness.

Co. H ; b. l^ouisville, Ky. ; age 28 ; res. Louisville, Ky. ; enl. Oct. '61 Craig, Richard. 28, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; app.

'62 re-enl. must, in Feb. '64, Priv. ; Corp. Feb. 11, ; and 1, as cred. Cornish ; disch. July 22, '65, Concord. Cram, Albert. Co. I. See 9 N. 11. V.

Co. b. West Wilton ; age ; res. Peterborough enl. '61 Cram, David A. E ; 18 ; Oct. 7, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ;; ;; ;


Cram, George b. M. Co. K ; Lyndeboiough ; age 29 ; res. Rindge ; enl. Oct. 27, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. '62, 29, Bull Kuii, Va. ; disch. wds. Dec. 1, '62, Washiiigtoii, D. C. P. O. ad., South Lyndeborongh. Crawford, Henry A. Co. D; b. Thornton; age 18; res. Thornton; enl. Oct. 21, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Aug. 25, '62, Fairfax Seminary Gen. Hosp., Va. P. O. ad., Holderness. Crawford, Co. I; b. Scotland; '61 Robert. age 22; res. Epsom; enl. Oct. 17, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Dec. 14, '62, Falmouth, Va. Crawford, Robert H. Co. F; b. England; age res. '61 25; Swanzey; enl. Nov. 28, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Feb. 7, '63, Alexandria, Va. P. 0. ad., Ei-viug, Mass. Crawford, Samuel. Co. E b. Patterson, ; N. J. ; age 22 ; cred. Bainstead ; enl. Jan. 5, '64 ; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 31, '64, Camp Nelson, Ivy. Creamer, Alonzo D. Co. G. See 11 N. H. V. Crockett, Charles C. Co. C. See 11 N. H. V.

Crockett, Sanborn M. Co. A; b. ; Campton ; age 18 cred. New Hampton ; enl. July 21, '62 ; must, in July 28, '62, as Priv. wd. '64, Aug. 18, Petersburg, Va. ; disch. disab. Mar. 16, '65, Concord. Crosby, George Co. age res. H. C ; 22 ; Kingston ; enl. Dec. 4, '61 ; must, in Dec. 10, '61, as Priv. ; des. Aug. 28, '62, Manassas Junction, Va. Cross, James.^ Unas'd substitute ; b. St. ; John, N. B. ; age 22 ; cred. Brookfield ; enl. May 18, '64 ; must, in May 18, '64, as

Cross, Joseph. Co. b. F ; Swanzey ; age 37 ; res. Swanzey ; enl. Oct. 1, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; mis. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. gd. '62 ; from mis. Dec. 19, ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 4, 'Gl ; captd. May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va. ; last seen Jan. '65, 1.5, Florence, S. C. ; supposed dead. N. f. r. A. G. O. Cross, Co. I Joseph G. ; b. Canterbury ; age 27 ; res. Wentworth ; enl. Nov. 23, '61 ; must, in Nov. 30, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. June 24, '62, Annapolis, Md.

Cross, Philemon W. Co. K ; b. Swanzey ; age 37 ; res. Peterborough ; enl. Nov. 2, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. drowned Aug. 13, '62, by foundering of steamer " West Point " in Potomac river. Crossen, Frank. Co. D. See 9 N. H. V.

Crossfield, "William Co. E ; b. Peterborough ; res. enl. '61 ; '61, ; K. ; age 28 Keene ; Oct. 31, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. app. 1 Sergt. Nov. '61 '62 28, ; 2 Lt. Apr. 23, ; Capt. Co. C, Oct. 16, '62 ; kiUe* July 30, '64, Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Ya,.

Grossman, Co. b. '61 ; John C. G ; Unity ; age 27 ; res. Plainfield ; enl. Sept. 28, must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. reduced to ranks on account of disab. Mar. 10, '62 ; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; must, out Nov. 28, '64. Died Feb. 1, '88, Unitv. Crouch, Charles B. 'Co. 1. See 9 N. H. V. Crowther, William. Co. G. See 9 N. H. V.

Crummett, Joseph. Co. I ; b. ; age 43 res. ; enl. '61 ; '61, dis. Greenland ; Concord Oct. 4, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. Died, June 2, '62, Concord. '63 Culverson, William. Co. I ; b. Marshall County, Tenn. ; age 22 ; cred. Peterborough ; enl. Dec. 31, ; must, in Dec. 31, '63,

as Priv. ; must, out July 17, '65.

CummingS, Amos E. Co. F; b. Swanzey; age 23; res. Svfanzey ; enl. Oct. 16, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; app. '64 Sergt. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 4, ; wd. July 22, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; app. 1 Sergt. ; must, out July 17, '65. P. O. ad., Richmond. Cummings, George. Co. H. See 9 X. H. V.

Cummings, John A. Co. E; b. Hancock ; age 24; res. Peterborough; enl. Sept. 23, '61, as Priv.; app. 1 Lt. Nov. 30, '61;

must, in to date Nov. 28, '61, as 1 Lt. ; app. Capt. Apr. 23, '62 ; disch. Apr. 5, '64, to accept promotion. See 1 N. H. Cav.

2i) ; '61 '61, ; Cummings, William H. Co. A ; b. Plymouth; age res. Rumney ; enl. Oct. 21, ; .must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. disch. disab. Mar. 3, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C. P. O. ad.. West Plymouth. Cummings. See Comings.

Cunningham, Hugh. Co. A ; b. New Jersey ; age 21 ; cred. Rindge ; enl. Jan. 1, '64 ; must, in Jan. 1, '64, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 24, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. , James. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 23; cred. Dublin; enl. May 31, '64; must, in May 31, '64, as

Priv. ; des. June 9, '64, New London, Conn. '61 '61, Cunningham, John. Co. B ; b. Stanst«ad, Can. ; age 19 ; res. Enfield ; enl. Nov. 9, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; re-enl. '65. and must, in Jan. 3, '64 ; app. Corp. July 1, '65; must, out July 17, Curley, James. Co. I. See James Ryan. Currier, George W. Co. B; b. Enfield; age 18; res. Enfield; enl. Nov. 9, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; wd. Aug. 29,

'62, Bull Run, Va. ; app. Corp. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 3, '64 ; captd. Oct. 1, '64, Poplai' Springs Church, Va. ; released ; disch. disab. July 7, '65. P. O. ad.. West Lebanon.

; '61 ; '61, ; Currier, John. Co. F b. Langdon ; age 45 ; res. Langdon ; enl. Oct. 14, must, in Nov. 28, as Jluso. app. Prin. Muse.

Nov. 30, '61 ; disch. Nov. 24, '62. Died Aug. 27, '83, Langdon. '61 Currier, Otip S. Co. C ; b. Amesbuiy, Mass. ; age 26 ; res. South Hampton ; enl. Nov. 18, ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. '63 '65. app. Wagoner ; re-enl. and must, in Dec. 30, ; disch. to date July 17, P. O. ad., Merrimac, Mass. '61 Currier, Samuel. Co. G ; b. Canterbury ; age 39 ; res. Grantham ; enl. Sept. 16, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. '63 '65. Nov. 30, '61 ; Sergt. ; re-enl. and must, in Dec. 27, ; must, out July 17, P. O. ad., Grantham. '61 '61, Curtin, John. Co. B ; b. Syracuse, N. Y. ; age 21 ; res. Westmoreland ; enl. Nov. 25, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; app. '63 '64 Sergt. ; re-enl. and must, in Dec. 28, : app. 2 Lt. Co. E, Jan. 8, ; 1 Lt. Apr. 20, '64 ; wd. May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va. disch. wds. Aug. 19, '64. P. O. ad., Prescott, Ariz. '64 '64, Curtin, John. Co. A ; b. Ireland ; age 22 ; cred. Londonderry ; enl. Jan. 2, ; must, in Jan. 2, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, '64, '64, Bethesda Church, Va. ; Sept. 30, Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; app. Corp. ; wd. Apr. 2, '65, Petersburg, Va. ; reduced

to ranks ; des. May 23, '65, Washington, D. C.

; res. enl. '61 '61, Curtin, Patrick H. Co. E ; b. Troy, N. Y. age 18 ; Westmoreland ; Oct. 22, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; wd. '63; Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; tr. to 22 Co., 2 Batt'l, I. C, May 2, to Co. C, 6 V. R. C. ; app. Prin. Muse. ; disch. Nov. 18, '6.1, Camp Chase, Ohio. P. O. ad., St. Louis, Mo.

; ; ; res. ; enl. Sept. '61 ; '61, Curtis, Joseph A. C. Co. G b. New Castle age 19 Farmington 28, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; tr. '62. to Co. D, Dec. 1, '61 ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. wds. Dec. 10, '64 Curtis, Morris. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Liverpool, Eng. ; age 20 ; cred. Warner ; enl. June 3, ; must, in June 3, '64, as Priv. des. June 7, '64. '64; Gushing, James. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 22 ; cred. Concord; enl. May 31, must, in May 31, '64, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. O.

; Mass. ; age ; res. Nashua ; enl. '61 ; must, '61, Cutler, George W. Co. G b. Boston, 22 Nov. 26, in Dec. 6, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Mar. 4, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C. See 9 N. H. V. and V. R. C.

; ; res. Stoddard enl. Nov. '61 ; must, in Dec. '61, Cutter, Albert O. Co. K b. Stoddard age 20 ; ; 26, 3, as Priv. ; mis. Aug. 29, '69, Bull Rnn, 18. '62; re-enl. and must, in '64; Va. ; gd. from mis. Dec. Jan. 4, wd. and captd. May 6, '64, Wilderness'

Va. ; ielea.sed Mar. 1, '65; disch. June 14, '65, Concord. P. O. ad., Antrim. 300 SIXTH REGIMENT NEW HAMPSHIRE VOLUNTEER INFANTRY.

; '61 ; '01, Died, dis. Daily, John. Co. A ; b. Ireland ; age 35 ; res. Rumuey eul. Oct. 18, must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; app. Sergt. Jan. 22, '62, Hatteras Inlet, N. C. '82, ; enl. Oct. '62 must, in Oct. 2, Daley, James, tlnas'd ; b. St. .John, N. B. ; age 27 ; res. Portsmouth, cred. Portsmouth 1, ;

as Piiv. ; des. Oct., '62. '64 '61-, Daley, Morris. Co. H ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 18 ; cred. Stark ; enl. June 7, ; nnist. in June 7, as Priv. ; des. June 29, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '63 '63, Daley, Thoraas. Uuas'd ; b. Syracuse, N. Y. ; age 22; cred. Hampton ; enl. Dec. 26, ; must, in Dec. 26, as Priv. ; sup- posed to have deserted en route to regt. N. f. i. A. G. O.

'61 '61 Priv. ; Dame, Daniel. Co. G; b. Farming-ton; age 43 ; res. Farmington ; enl. Oct. If), ; must, in Nov. 28, as des. Dec. 31, '61, Keene. '61 '61, tr. Dame, James C. Co. I; b. Dover; age 23; res. Concord; enl. Oct. 4, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Sergt.; to Co. I, 17 I. C, Jan. 15, '64; disch. Feb. 1, '65, Ft. Delaware, Del., tm. ex. P. O. ad., haoonia. See 1 X. II. Y.

b. AA'^akefield enl. '61 ; Nov. '61, Priv. ; killed Dec. 13, Dame, John A. Co. D ; ; age 18 ; res. Ossipee ; Sept. 26, must, in 27, as '62, Fredericksburg, Va. Dame, William. H. Co. D; b. Ossipee; age 23; res. Ossipee, cred. Ossipee; enl. Dec. 16, '63; must, in Dec. Ki, '63, as Priv.;

wd. May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va. ; disch. May 18, '65, Concord. P. O. ad., Ossipee.

substitute b. ; enl. U, '64 nmst. in June '64, as Priv. ; captd. Dandrea, Co. B ; ; Corsica 20 cred. Sunapee ; ; 9, Peter. age ; June Oct. 1, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. N. f. r. A. G. O. Daniels, Charles J. Co. E. See 9 N. 11. V.

Darling-, Co. P) ; b. ; 26 res. ; enl. Sept. 'fil ; in Nov. '61, as Wagoner Charles R. Woodstock age ; Woodstock 23, nmst. 27, ;

wd. Nov. 15, '62, AVhite Sulphur Springs, Va. ; disch. wds. Feb. 17, '63. P. O. ad., Charlestown, Mass.

Darling, b. ; ; '61 '61, Sergt. ; Lowell W. Co. F ; Swanzey age 81 res. Swanzey ; enl. Nov. 4, ; must, in Nov. 28, as wd. Aug. 29, '62, Hull Run, Va. Died, wds. Sept. IS, '62, Washington, D. C.

b. ; res. Manchester ; drafted Oct. 6, '(i3 Davenport, Charles L. Co. B ; drafted ; Troy, N. Y. age 23 ; Manchester, cred. ;

must, in Oct. 6, '63, as Priv. ; disch. to date May 22, '65. P. O. ad., Meredith. See 7 N. II. V. '61, Davis, Albert H. Co. K ; b. Ashby, Mass. ; age 24; res. New Ipswich ; enl. Oct. 22, '61 ; must, in Xov. 28, as Priv. ; killed Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. '61 '61, Davis, Alfred B. Co. H ; b. Durham ; age 18 ; res. Durham ; enl. Nov. 20, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; re-enl. and must. '68 in Dec. 24, ; des. Aug. 19, '64, near Weldon liaih-oad, Va. ; appreh. Dec. 8, '64 ; sentenced by G. C. M. to be hanged ; " sentence disaj)proved ; ordered to be released and returned to duty; sent to Soldiers' Rest" July 1, '65, to await promul- gation of .sentence. N. f. r. A. G. O. Died July 22, '92, Port.sjuouth. '61, Davis, Andrew J. Co. C ; b. North Otisfield, Me. ; age 25 ; res. Exeter ; enl. Sept. 28, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; mis. '62, Bull '62 '64, Aug. 29, Run, Va. ; gd. from mis. Dec. 19, ; wd. July 30, Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Va. ; disch. Dec. 2, '64, Concord, tra. ex. Davis, Bailey. Co. C. See 9 N. II. V.

; '64 '64, ; Davis, Charles. Co. C ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 21 cred. Stratford ; enl. June 10, ; must, in June 10, as Priv. des. en route to regt.

Davis, Brastus C. Co. C ; b. New Hampshire ; age 21; res. Lee; enl. Nov. 18, '01; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Corp.; disch. disab. June 24, '62, New Berne, N. C. P. O. ad., Lee. '61 '61, Davis, Frank B. Co. D ; b. Wakefield; age 18 ; res. Wakefield ; enl. Nov. 5, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; mis. Aug.

29, '62, Bull Run, Va. gd. from mis. ; des. Nov., '62, Annapolis, Md. ; '63 '63, Davis, George. Co. F ; b. Pemisylvania ; age 24 ; cred. Swanzey ; enl Dec. 31, ; must, in Deo. 31, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 16, '64, while on furlough. '63 '63, Davis, Henry. Co. A ; b. England ; age 21 ; cred. Gilmanton ; enl. Deo. 31, ; must, in Deo. 31, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; 1

Sergt. July 1, '65 ; must, out July 17, '65. '61 '61, Davis, Henry H. Co. II ; b. Kingston ; age 18 ; res. Farmington ; eid. Nov. 29, ; must, in Nov. 20, as Priv. Died, dis. Jan. 15, '62, Annapolis, Md. '61 '61, Davis, Henry H. Co. K; b. Fitzwilliam ; age 19; res. Rindge; enl. Dec. 5, ; must, in Dec. 5, as Priv.; disch. disab. Mar. 24, '63, Baltimore, Md. '61; '61, Davis, James Leonard. Co. G; b. Gilsum ; age 27; res. Gilsum; enl. Oct. 28, must, in Dec. 7, as Priv.; disch. Sept. 10, '62, Concord. See 9 N. II. V. '63 ; ; enl. Dec. 29, ; nmst. in Dec. '63, ; '01, Davis, John. Unas'd; b. Ireland age 24 ; cred. Portsmouth 29, as Priv. des. Jan. 8, Concord. Davis John Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 22; cred. Stratford; enl. June 10, '64; must, in June 10, '64, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. 0. cred. Hill; enl. Dec. 30, '03; must, in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv.; des. .Ian. '64, Davis, Joseph. Co. B ; b. England; age 28; 24, Camp Nelson, Ky. Springfield; enl. Oct. '61 in '61, Davis, Martin v. B. Co. G; b. Sutton; age 28; res. 21, ; must, Nov. 28, as Priv.; mis. Apr. '62, '62, gd. from mis. ; disch. Sept. 18, Concord. P. O. ad., Croydon. 19, Camden, N. C. ;

; res. enl. Oct. '61 ; nmst. in Nov. '61, as Priv. ; re-enll in Davis, Washingt;on. Co. II ; b. Lee; age 21 Lee ; 28, 28, and nmst.

'63 '64, Spottsylvania, Va. ; killed June 25, '64, Petersburg, Va. Dec. 31, ; wd. May 12,

; cred. Winchester enl. Jan. 2, '64 ; must, iu Jan. 2, '64, as Priv. ; des. Davis William. Unas'd^ b. Ireland ; age 28 ; Jan. 7, ' '64, Albany, N. Y. Davors, Henry H. Co. II. See Henry II. Davis. '64 ; cred. Tuftonborough enl. June 8, must, in June '64, as Priv. ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 30 ; ; 8, des. Day, John. Co. D ; Aug. 20, '64, near Petersburg, Va. Dearborn David A. Co. B; b. Woodstock; age 28; res. Woodstock; enl. Sept. 21, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '01, as Sergt.; disch. disab. Oct. 31, '62, New York city. P. 0. ad.. North Woodstock. enl. Sept. '61; must, in '61, Dearborn Thomas H Co. C; b. Hampton; age 19; res. Seabrook ; 10, Nov. 27, as Sergt.; wd. '63 '63 '64. Sept. '62 ; 1 Lt. Co. A, July 1, ; Capt. Dec. 24, ; must, out Nov. 28, Sept. 1, '02, Chantilly, Va, ; app. 2 Lt. 13, P. 0. ad.. Red Oak, Iowa. Deaubeaux, Francis. C'o. K. See Francis Neabrasca. Deerin Peter Co. H. See 9 N. H. V. '63 '03, enl. Dec. 31, ; must, in Dec. 31, as Priv. ; killed Sept. b. Ireland ; age 19 ; cred. Stralford ; Degnan, Hubiirt. Co. B ; Va. .30, '04, Poplar Springs Church, • , ,, , , t i,, ,,- . t , ,„. cred. Marlow enl. June 10, 64; must, in June '64, as Priv. Degraph James Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 20; ; 10, N. f. r. A. G. O. Gouzon. naoTrvn Ainhoiin Co. II. See Alphonzo , , ^ Tuftonborough; enl. May '64; nmst. in May '64, as oScey David Co. K; substitute; b. New York; age 23; cred. 18, 18, must, out July 17, '05. Apr. 2, '65, Petersburg, Va.; • Priv.; wd. ^ t i -n^ r. Columbia; enl. June 4, must, m June 4, 04, as Priv. Delaney James. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 22; cred. 64; N. f. r. A. G. O. ;;


2(i ; ; '61 ; '01, ; Delano, William. Co. G ; b. Boston, Mass. ; age res. Newpoi-t eiil. Oct. 17, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. wd. Aug.

29, '62, Bull Run, ; ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. i, '64 ; wd. July 30, '64, Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Va. Va. app. Seigt. ; '65. app. Com. Sergt. July 1, '65 ; must, out July 17, 1'. O. ad., Ticonderoga, N. Y. 'til '61, Dela"ware, Joseph F. Co. C ; b. Haverhill, Alass. ; age 21 ; res. South Hampton ; enl. Oct. IS, ; rnu.st. in Nov. 27, as " Priv. ; app. Sergt. ; re-enl. and must, in Dec. 28, '63. Died, dis. Sept. 8, '64, on board transport Metropolis," en route to New York city.

Dellle, Co. B ; substitute b. Scotia ; IS cred. enl. '64 in June 8, '64, as Priv. Benjamin. ; Nova age ; Campton ; June 8, ; must, disch. to date July 17, '65.

'01 ; '61, ; Demary, Christopher C. Co. K ; b. Riudge ; age 2-i ; res. Kindge ; enl. Oct. 23, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. wd. Dec.

13, '02, Fredericksbuig, Va. ; disch. wds. Mar. 17, '03, Providence, K. T. P. O. ad., St. Libory, Neb. 28, Demary, James L., Jr. Co. II ; b. Troy; age 31; res. Fitzwilliam ; enl. Oct. 1, '61 ; must, in Nov. '01, as Priv.; tr. to '61 Co. F, Dec. 1, ; discli. disab. Jan. 22, '63, Baltimore, Md.

'61 ; '61, ; Demore, Anthony. Co. H ; b. Keene ; age 18 ; res. Iveene ; enl. Sept. 30, must, in Nov. 2b, as Priv. Ir. to Co. F, Dec.

1, '61; wd. Aug. 29, '02, Bull Uun, Va. ; killed Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. '64, Deneke, Hugo. Co. B ; b. Germany; age 20; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Jan. 2, '04; must, in Jan. 2, as Priv.; des. Jan. 16, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. Derby, George "W. Co. F; b. Troy; age 22; res. Troy; enl. Oct. 14, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; app. Corp. Feb. 21, '62 " ; Sergt. ; drowned Aug. 13, '02, by foundering of steamer West Point," in Potomac river.

; '01 ; '61, ; Derby, Nathan M. Co. E b. Dublin ; age 19 ; res. Dublin ; enl. Dec. 3, must, in Dec. 7, as Priv, disch. disab. Oct. 20, '62. '61 Derby, Roger S. Co. ; b. Dublin ; age 18; res. Keene ; enl. Dec. 3, ; must, in Dec. 7, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull

Run, Va. ; disch. Feb. 26, '03, Washington, D. C. '04 '64, Derr, Charles. Co. D ; substitute ; b. Germany ; age 33 ; cred. Wilmot ; enl. June 8, ; nmst. in June 8, as Priv. ; captd. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. Died Deo. 16, '64, Salisbury, N. C. Devine, John. Co. E; substitute; b. East Indies; age 20; cred. Franconia; enl. .June 8, '()4; must, iji June 8, '64, as Priv.; must, out July 17, '65.

Devoe, "William. Co. K ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 26 ; cred. Colebrook ; enl. June 7, '64 ; must, in June 7, '64, as Priv. killed July 30, '64, Mine Explosion, Petei'sburg, Va. '64 '04, Dick, Thomas. Co. B ; b. Scotland ; age 23 ; cred. Campton ; enl. Jan. 4, ; must, in Jan. 4, as Priv. ; wd. May 12, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. Died, wds. June 12, '04, Alexandria, Va. Dickerman, Samuel R. Co. G; b. Mason; age 33; res. Nashua; eul. Nov. 6, '01; must, in Dec. 6, '01, as Priv.; mis. Aug. '62, 29, Bull Run, Va. gd. from mis. Nov. 28, '02 ; app. Com. .Sergt. Jan. 1, '64 ; re-enl. and nmst. in Jan. 1, '64 ; ; became '64 '64. insane ; reduced to ranks July 1, ; assigned to Co. 1 ; captd. ; last seen at Andersonville, Ga., Sept., N. f. r. A. G. O. '61, Dickinson, Aaron. Co. F; b. Swanzey; age 40; res. Swanzey ; enl. Oct. 30, '61; must, in Nov. 28, as Corp.; reduced to

ranks Feb. 21, '62; wd. Deo. 13, '02, Fredericksburg, Va. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 4, '64; killed June 9, '64, Cold Harbor, A'^a.

Diesenbacher, George. Co. B; b. Germany; age 30; cred. Wolfeborough ; enl. Dec. 31, '63; must, in Deo. 31, '63, as Priv.: des. Jan. 29, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. '61 '61, Dimick, Edwin M. Co. I ; b. Orford ; age 19 ; res. Concord ; eul. Oct. 14, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 10, '62, Annapolis, Md.

Dinsmore, Charles M. Co. I; b. Northfield ; age 18; res. Northfield; eul. Dec. 7, '61; must, in Dec. 11, '01, as Priv. Died, dis. Oct. 7, '63, Russellville, Ky. Dinsmore, Joseph C. Co. I; b. Northfield; age 43; res. Northfield; enl. Dec. 7, '01; must, in Deo. 11, '01, as Priv.; disch. disab. Oct. 18, '62, Washington, D. C.

Dinwiddie, James. Co. 1 ; b. Harrison County, Ohio ; age 33 ; cred. Peterborough ; enl. Deo. 31, '63 ; must, in Dec. 31, '63,

as Priv. ; des. Apr. 3, '64, Annapolis, ]\Id. Dobler, August. Co. G. See 11 N. H. V. '01 Dodd, John M. Co. K ; b. Princeton, Mass. ; age 24 ; res. Peterborough ; eul. Nov. 23, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; app. Sergt. Maj. Feb. 1, '63; re-eul. and must, in Jan. 1, '64; cred. Cambridge, Mass.; app. 2 Lt. Co. B, Jan. 1, '04. Died, dis. May 14, '64, Alexandria, Va. Dodd, Martin. Co. A. See 9 N. H. V. '61 '61, Dodge, Hamilton. Co. B; b. Newport; age 41 ; res. Piermont ; enl. Oct. 3, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv.; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. Died, wds. Sept. 11, '62, Washington, D. C. '01 Dodge, Levi P. Co. G ; b. Sunapee ; age 22 ; res. New London ; enl. Nov. 19, ; nuist. in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; app. Hosp. Steward July 1, '02; disch. disab. Deo. 31, '62, near Falmouth, Va. P. O. ad., Farmington, Minn. '61; Dodge, Lyman "W. Co. B; b. Dalton ; age 23; res. Littleton; enl. Oct. 22, must, m Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Jan. 28, '62, on board hospital boat, Ilatteras Inlet, N. C. Dodge, Rodney. Co. D. See 9 N. PI. V.

b. ; res. Jaffrey '61 '01, Dodwell, James. Co. E ; Granby, Conn. age 19 ; ; enl. Nov. 11, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; captd. Sept.

30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. par. Mar. 9, '65 ; disch. May 19, '65, Concord, tni. ex. ; Dodwell, John. Co. G; b. Scotland; age 44; res. Keene; enl. Dec. 7, '01; must, iu Dec. 7, '61, as Priv.; des. Mar. 19, '64, Covington, Ky.

; res. enl. '61 '61, Doe, George B. Co. A; b. Rumney age 24; Rumney; Oct. 19, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv.; app. Corp. Nov.

30, '61 ; disch. Jan. 6, '03. Died Oct. 15, '67, Augusta, Me. Dolan, James. Co. A. See 9 N. H. V.

substitute ; Ireland ; cred. .left'erson enl. .June '64 ; '64, Dolan, Peter. Uuas'd ; b. age 21 ; ; 10, nmst. iu June 10, as Priv. ; des. June 14, '64 (jumped overboard from steamer " City of Norwich," during night of June 14, '64, between Allyn's Point, Coim., and Jersey City, N. J.). N. f. r. A. G. O. Donal, John O. Co. B; b. Ireland; age 25; cred. Londonderry; enl. Deo. 31, '63; must, in Deo. 31, '63, as Priv.; des. Jan. 10, '64; Camp Nelson, Ky. Donley, James. Co. F; b. Ireland; age 22; cred. Salem; eul. Dec. 31, '63; must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv.; des. Mar. 21, '64, Harrisburg, Pa.

Donley, James. Unas'd; b. New Brunswicli; age 21 ; cred. Danburv ; enl. Deo. 31, '63; must, in Deo. 31, '03, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. O. Donnelly, John. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 23; cred. Madison; enl. May 19, '04; must, in May 19, '64, as Priv.; des. June 14, '64 (jumped overboard from steamer " City of Norwich," dui-ing night of June 14, '64, between Allyn's Point, Conn., and Jersey Cit)', N. -T.).

; cred. eul. June '(i4 must, in June '64, Donnelly, John. Unas'd "substitute ; b. Ireland; age 20; Hopkinton; 11, ; 11, as Priv.; reported on roll dated June 14, '04, as sent to I'egt. N. f. r. A. U. O.

'63; Deo. .3, '03, Donnelly, Thomas. Co. G; b. Ireland; age 23; cred. Acvvortli ; enl. Dec. 5, must, in as Priv.; des. Jan. 30, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. ;


Donovan, Co. C ; substitute ; b. Canada ; ; cred. enl. '64 ; '64, Priv. Hugh. age 23 Grafton ; June 10, must, in June 10, as des. en route to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. '62, Doody, John. Co. C ; b. Ireland; age 22; res. Exeter; enl. Oct. 14, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as I'riv. ; mis. Aug. 29, Bull '63, Run, Va. ; gd. from mis.; disch. disab. Mar. 16, Philadelphia, Pa.

'61 '61, Priv. ; Aug. '62, Doody, William. Co. C; b. Ireland; age 21 ; res. Exeter; enl. Nov. 4, ; must, in Nov. 27, as mis. 29,

Bull liun, Va. gd. from mis. ; des. '62, Md. ; Nov. 25, Annapolis, Dooley, Thomas. Co. F. See 9 N. H. V. '63; '63, as Priv.; supposed Doolittle, John. Unas'd ; b. Pittsfield ; age 21; cred. Brookfield ; enl. Dec. 31, must, in Dec. 31, to have deserted en route to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. '62, ; enl. '62 must, in Sept. S, as Dore, John S. Co. G ; b. Athens, Me. age 22 ; res. Bangor, Me., cred. Portsmouth ; Aug. 26, ;

; '63 '60. '78, Vassalborough, Me. Priv. app. Chaplain Nov. 1, ; must, out July 17, Died May 21, North Dorety, John C. Co. F; b. Ireland; age 24; cred. Durham; enl. Dec. 29, '63; must, in Dec. 29, '63, as Priv.; des. Feb. 19, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

'64; in '64, Priv. ; des. Jan. Dorr, Oliver H. Unas'd; b. Somersworth ; age 23 ; cred. Sanbornton; enl. Jan. .5, must, Jan. 5, as 25, '64, Concord.

; '61 '61 ; app. Apr. Dort, Obed G. Co. E b. Surry ; age 33 ; res. Keene ; app. Capt. Nov. 30, ; must, in to date Nov. 28, Maj. '62 '62. 22, ; resigned Sept. 24, P. O. ad., Keene. Dor-way, John. Co. A. See 9 N. H. V.

'64 '64, Priv. ; Dougherty, Dominick. Unas'd ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; cred. Barnstead ; eul. Jan. 5, ; must, in Jan. 5, as supposed to have deserted en route to regt. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

'61 ; '61, Douglass, Samuel E. Co. F ; b. Putney, Vt. ; age 18 ; res. Keene ; enl. Oct. 14, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. Died, wds. Sept. 19, '62, Georgetown, D. C. '84 '64, Dovr, Charles. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 28 ; cred. Litchfield ; enl. Jfay 31, ; must, in May 31, as Priv. ; des. June 7, '64. '61 Co. G ; b. Milton, Vt. ; 44 ; res. Plainfield ; enl. Sept. in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; disch. June 18, Do^w, Hiram. age 30, ; must, '62, New Berne, N. C. Died Oct. 24, '73, Plainfield.

Co. C ; b. Seabrook res. enl. Oct. '61 ; '61, Priv. ; Jan. Do"W, John M. ; age 34; Seabrook ; 19, must, in Nov. 27, as disch. disab. 9, '63, Providence, R. I. P. O. ad., Seabrook.

Dow, Melvin. Co. C ; b. Pittsfield ; age 18 ; res. Seabrook ; enl. Nov. 1, '61 ; nmst. in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Ya.

; ; '61 ; Downer, Harry W. Co. F b. Newbury, Vt. age 41 ; res. Alstead ; enl. Oct. 16, must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. June 24, '62, Nevif Berne, N. C.

Co. G ; b. Holderneiis ; 21 res. Farmingtou ; enl. '61 '61, ; Downing, Alonzo. age ; Oct. in 3, ; must, Nov. 28, as Priv. tr. to Co. '61 D, Dec. ; wd. Aug. '62, ; '64 1, 29, Bull Run, Va. re-enl. and must, in .Tan. 2, ; des. Feb. 29, '64; reported May 9, '65,

under President's Proclamatiou ; disch. May 9, 'B.'5, Concord. b. Downing, Benjamin P. Co. A ; Ellsworth ; age ; res. Ellsworth ; enl. Oct. '61 ; in '61, 26 3, must, Nov. 27, as Priv. ; vpd. Aug. '62, '02, 29, Bull Run, Va. ; Dec. 13, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. disab. Apr. 15, '63, Concord. P. O. ad., Ellsworth. Downing, Havilah P. Co. H; b. Farmingtou; age 38; res. Portsmouth; enl. Nov. 10, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 4, '64; nmst. out July 17, '65. Died June 12, '74. See State Service.

disch. May 9, '65, Concord. Downs,iJohn W. Co. C. See 11 N. H. V.

Stephen. Co. H ; b. Milton ; age ; res. Milton enl. '61 Downs, 44 ; Nov. 5, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. Died dis Mav- 20, '62, New York city. Doyle, James. Co. A. See 11 N. 11. \.

Co. H ; b. Ireland ; age 29 cred. Grafton ; enl. '63 Doyle, John. ; Dec. 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 23 '64 ' Camp Nelson, Ky. ' Doyle, John. Co. K; b. Canada; age 36; cred. Orford; enl. Dec. 16, '63; nmst. in Dec. 16, '63, as Priv.; drowned Jan. 12 '64 ' in Kentucky river. ' Doyle, Patrick W. Co. I; b. Ireland; age 26; res. Concord; enl. Oct. 4, '61; umst. in NTov. 28, '61, as Priv.; mis. Aug 29 '62, Bull Run, Va. gd. from mis. '62 tr. ; Dec. 19, ; to 126 Co., 2 Batt'l, I. Dec. '63 C, 28, ; disch. Nov. 28, '64, Cincinnati! ' Ohio, tm. ex. Died Oct. 17, '89, Nat. Home, Togus, Me. Drake, Samuel. Co. C. See 9 N. H. V. Draper, William. Co. D. See 11 N. II. V. Dreux, Jacques. Co. G. See UN. H. \. '61 Drew, Andrew T. Co. H ; b. Dover ; age 25 ; les. Dover ; enl. Oct. 30, ; must, in Xov. '61, 28, as Priv. ; re-enl. and must, in '64 Jan. 4, ; killed May 18, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. Co. I; b. Wolfeborough "35"; res. Drew, Charles. ; age Gilmanton ; enl. Nov. 1,'61; must, in 28, Nov. '61 as Priv.' Died ' ' dis. Feb. 22, '63, Washington, D. C. See State Service. ' Daniel. Co. C; b. Boston, Mass.; age cred. Deny; enl. Dec. '63; Drew, 22; 26, must, in Dec. 26, '63, a.s Priv.; des. Jan. 29 ' ' ' " '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. ' '

Co. I; b. Middletown, Pa.; age cred. Salem; enl. Jan. '64; • Drew, Edward. 22; 2, must, in Jan. 2, '04 fi . as Priv • misis. i»iayMnv d, '64, Wilderness, Va. N. f. r. A. G. O. , Drew, Jacob J. Co. It; b. Dover; age 21; ored. Dover; enl. Feb. 11, '64; nmst. in Feb. 11, '64, as Priv.; wd. July 30 '04 '65 ' Explosion, Petersburg, Va. ; app. Corp. ,Iuly 1, must, out '65. ' Mine ; July 17, P. O. ad., Kittery Point, Me. '63 Co. D b. Eaton ; age 18 ; res. Eaton, cred. Eaton; enl. Dec. • ; 31, Drew, Loren. ; must, in Deo. 31, '63, as Priv tru. tolo v.o.Go Du. , ^ , , 11 V. R. C, June 7, '65 ; disch. Aug. 2, '65, Providence, R. I. res. Dover enl. '61 Co. II b. Wakefield ; age 2« ; ; Nov. 5, ; must, Drew, Martin V. ; in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. aisuii.disch oisdo.disab Tnn . ..an. 31, '63, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Dover. See 2 N. II. V. and V. R. C. > , '01 Co. B; b. Sutton, Vt.; age 23; res. Piermont ; enl. Nov. 9, • Drown, Hiram. ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.- app. Serfft re-enl. and must, in Jan. 3, '64; cred. Haverhill; wd. July 30, '64, Mine Explosion, '64 Petersburg, Va. ; Sent o30 o-i, Ponli'rlopiai b, V" ,, Springs Church, A'a. Died, wds. Oct. 12, '64, Washington, D. C. , b. Sutton, Vt. age res. Piermont; enl. '01 Drown, Stephen. Co. B ; ; 20 ; Oct. 3, ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, ; as Priv. disch. disab ' Feb. 4, '63, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. ad., Haverhill. b. Canada age cred. Co. D ; substitute ; ; 37 ; (xiisum ; enl. Drummond, Napoleon. May 28, '64 ; must, in May 28, '64 ' as Priv. ; des. June 7, '64, New London, Conn., en route to regt.

(.'o. age res. Laudalf enl. Oct. 1, '61; jnust. Drury, Charles J. B; 20; ; in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; des. June 13, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C. ;:


Duohand, John B. Co. C. See 9 N. H. V. '04 '64, Duck, William. Co. A ; b. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; age 19 ; cied. Sandwich ; enl. Jan. i, ; must, in Jan. 4, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 2(), '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

Co. b. Somersworth ; res. enl. Sept. 2:3, '61; in '61, as Priv.; tr. Dudley, Charles C G; age 31; Farmington ; must, Nov. 28,

to Co. D, Dec. 1, '61; app. Corp.; re-enl. and must, in Dec. 22, '63; app. Sergt. ; wd. Way 6, '64, Wilderness, Va. ; app. '65 '65. 1 Sergt. July 1, ; must, out July 17, '61 Dudley, Hubbard T. Co. I ; b. Derry ; age 25 ; res. Concord ; enl. Nov. 20, '61, as Priv. ; app. 2 Lt Nov. .30, ; must, in Nov. '61, '02. 30, as 2 Lt. ; resigned June 30, Died Mar. 24, '63, Concord.

Duesbury, Co. I ; b. enl. '64; in '64, as Priv.; \vd. William N. AUenstown; age 19; cred. Sanbornton ; Jan. 4, must, Jan. 4,

July '64, ; '65 '65. 17, Petersburg, Va. app. Corp. July 1, ; must, out July 17, See 15 N. H. V.

Duff, Thomas. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; cred. ; enl. '64 ; in IS, '64, as Priv. N. f. r. ; age 25 Gilford May 18, must, May A. G. O.

Co. A b. Ireland ; cred. '64 ; '64, Priv. ; '64, Dugan, Michael. ; age 20 ; enl. as des. Feb. 2, Jackson ; Jan. 4, must, in Jan. 4, Camp Nelson, Ky.

Duggan, Patrick. Unas'd; substitute; b. England; age 24; cred. Betiilehem ; enl. June 10, '64; must, in June 10, '64, as Priv. N. f. 1-. A. G. O. Dumont, Joseph. Co. A. See 11 N. H. V. Dunklee, J. Co. E; b. Amherst; res. enl. '61 '61, Priv. Died, dis. age 18; Hancock; Oct. 7, ; must, in Dec. 10, as Jan. 20, '62, Annapolis, Md. See State Service.

Dunlavey, John. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age ; cred. Gilford enl. '64 ; must, in '64, as Priv. 22 ; June 3, June 3, N. f. r. A. G. 0.

Dunn, Co. ; substitute ; b. ; 22 ; cred. Plaistow ; enl. '64 in '64, as Priv. ; des. Bd"ward. G Canada age May 17, ; must, May 17, July 4, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '64 Dunn, James. Unas'd ; b. Buffalo, N. Y. ; age 22 ; cred. Sanbornton ; enl. Jan. 4, ; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 8, '64, Concord.

Dunn, John. Unas'd; b. Ireland; age 21; cred. Acworth ; enl. Dec. 5, '63; nmst. in Dec. 5, '63, as Priv.; supposed to have deserted en route to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Dunn, John. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 24; cred. Landaff; enl. ffune 9, '64 ; must, in June 9, '64, as Priv. X. f. r. A. G. O. Dunn, Peter. Co. H. See Peter Deeriu. '64 Co. A ; b. France ; age 27 cred. Effingham enl. Jan. in Jan. '64, as Priv. ; des. Jan. '64, Durand, Joseph. ; ; 5, ; must, 5, 29, Camp Nelson, Ivy.

Durant, John A. Co. K; b. Chelmsford, Mass.; age "45"; res. Riudge ; enl. Oct. 22, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Apr. 1, '63, Baltimore, Md. See V. R. C. Durgan, G-eorge W. Co. K; substitute; b. Pennsylvania; age "24; cred. Thornton; enl. Nov. 24, '63; must, in Nov. 24, '63, '64 as Priv. ; assigned to duty in Dept. of the Northwest Oct. 8, ; disch. disab. July 1, '65, Milwaukee, Wis.

; ; '61 ; '61, Durgm, Charles El. Co. G ; b. Farmington age 18 ; res. Farmington enl. Oct. 5, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; tr. to

Co. D, Dec. 1, '61 ; disch. disab. Jan. 14, '63, Knoxville, Md. '64 '64, '64, Durgin, John. Co. B ; b. Ireland ; age 18 ; cred. Campton ; enl. Jan. 4, ; must, in Jan. 4, as Priv. ; wd. Sept. 30,

Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; des. Dec. 30, '64, Washington, D. C. '64 '64, Durgin, Percy G. Co. H ; b. Manchester ; age 18 ; cred. Tamworth ; enl. Jan. 4, ; must, in Jan. 4, as Priv. ; wd. July 30, '64, Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Va. Died, wds. Sept. 19, '64, Ft. Schuyler, N. Y. '61 '61, Dustin, Isaiah A. Co. G ; b. Ilartland, Vt. ; age 33 ; res. Derry ; enl. Oct. 2, ; nmst. in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; app. 1 Sergt. '63 '64. Nov. 30, '61 ; 2 Lt. Co. F, Apr. 29, '62 ; 1 Lt. Co. G, Feb. 1, ; Capt. Nov. 1, '63 ; disch. disab. May 17, P. O. ad., Derry. '61 '61, Dustin, Samuel. Co. A ; b. Thornton ; age 27 ; res. Thornton ; enl. Oct. 31, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; mis. Aug. 29. '63 '62, Bull Run, Va. gd. from mis. Dec. 19, '62 ; re-enl. and must, in Dec. 21, ; cred. Wilmington, Mass. ; wd. June ; 26,

'64, Petersburg, Va. ; disch. disab. May 31, '65. Manchester. Duval, Richard. Co. G. See 9 N. H. V. Dwyer, Bryan. Co. F. See 9 N. H. V. Bagan, William G. Co. K. See 9 N. H. V. Eastland, Charles B. Co. E; b. New York city; age 18; res. Dublin; enl. Oct. 14, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; wd. '63 Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksbui-g, Va. ; re-enl. and must, in Dec. 24, ; cred. New York city ; wd. May 12, '64, Spottsylvania, '65. Va. ; must, out July 17, Eastm.an, Bd^win D. Co. B; b. Grantham; age 30; res. Enfield; enl. Oct. 4, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Jan. 25, '62, Annapolis, Md.

; ; ; cred. Gilfoi'd enl. June '64 in '64, Bastman, Frank. Co. D substitute ; b. Ticonderoga, N. Y. age 18 ; 3, ; must, June 3, as

Priv. ; app. Corp. ; wd. Apr. 2, '65, Petersburg, Va. ; disch. as Priv. July 31, '65, to date July 17, '05, Concord. P. O. ad., Lisbon.

; ; res. ; enl. Dec. '61 ; must, in Dec. '61, as Priv. Eastman, Timothy C. Co. G b. Cornish ; age 33 Sunapee 5, 11, Died, dis. Mar. 24, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C. '63 Illinois ; ; cred. Orford ; enl. Deo. 16, ; must, in Dec. 16, '63, as Priv. ; des. Dec. '63, Baston, Thom.as. Co. C ; b. age 20 30, Camp Nelson, Ky. '61 '61, ; ; res. Seabrook ; enl. Nov. 15, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; re-enl. and must. Baton, Abel. Co. C ; b. Seabrook age 24 '64 '65 '65. in Jan. 24, ; app. Corp. June 1.5, ; must, out Jidy 17, '62 ; age 26 ; cred. South Hampton enl. Aug. 25, ; must, in Sept. 3, '62, as Priv. Baton, George L. Co. C ; b. Boston, Mass. ; disch. disab. Jan. 14, '63, Baltimore, Md. P. O. ad., Melrose, Iowa. Baton, John W. Co. B. See 9 N. H. V. Baton, Samuel, 3d. Co. C; b. Seabrook; age 45; res. Seabrook; enl. Nov. 15, '01; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; disch. ' disab. Feb. 7, '63, Ft. Monroe, Va. P. 0. ad., Seabrook. See V. R. C.

enl. Oct. '61 ; must, in Nov. '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. b. ; age 19 ; res. Seabrook ; 31, 27, and Baton, William A. Co. C ; Seabrook ' must, into Co. I, Dec. 21, '63; wd. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. Died, wds. Dec. 14, '64, Baltimore, Md. Eckel. Leonhard. Co. C. See 11 N. H. V. • Bdgerly, Charles H. Co. B. See 11 N. 11. V.

32 les. Concord enl. Oct. 4, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; discli. disab. Edmunds, Andrew J. Co. I ; b. Concord ; age ; ; June 24, '62, Few Berne, N. C.

; age ; res. Eifingham ; enl. Oct. 25, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. Edwards, Augustus M. Co. D ; b. Parsonsfield, Me. 30 des. Sept., '62, Culpeper Court House, Va. N. f. r. A. G. O. P. O. ad., Effingham.

; ; res. ; enl. Oct. '61 ; must, in Nov. '61, Edwards, Charles. Co. D ; b. Parsonsfield, Me. age 34 Effingham 30, 27, as Priv.

'62, '62 ; disch. to date Nov. '64, tm. ex. P. O. ad., Ossipee. captd. Aug. 29, Bull Run, Va. ; par. Sept. 3, 27, Edwards, John. Co. E. See 11 N. H. V. ' ;;


Edwards John W. Co. D; b. Temple; age 19; cred. Temple; eiil. Dec. 31, '6-3; must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv. Died, dis. Mar. 12, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. See 13 N. H. V. Edwards, Joseph G. Co. D; b. Parsonsfield, Me.; age 33; res. Effingham; enl. Oct. 25, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; '65, app. Corp. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 1, '64 ; wd. May 18, '64, Spottsylvariia, Va. ; killed Apr. 2, Petersburg, Va. '64 '64, Edwards, Richard. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 31 ; cred. Orange ; enl. June 8, ; must, in June 8, as Priv. des. July 5, '64, Washington, D. C.

Ehrhorn, August. Co. K ; b. Germany ; age 25 ; cred. Rochester ; enl. Jan. 5, '64 ; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 24, '64, near Washington, D. C.

Eichholz, Gotlob. Co. K ; b. Germany; age 23 cred. enl. Jan. '64 in Jan. '64, as Priv. ; must, out Julv ; Conway 7, ; must, 7, ; 17, '65. Bla, Robert L. Co. I; b. Concord; age 23; res. Concord; enl. Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; app. Capt. Nov. 30, '61; must, in Nov. '61, 30, as Capt. ; wd. sev. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va ; July 30, '64, Mine Explosion. Petersburg, Va. ; re-must. Nov. 30, '64, as Capt., for 8 yrs. ; app. Maj. June 1, '65 ; must, out July 17, '65. P. O. ad., Newman, Cal.

Co. C ; b. Vermont ; ; cred. ; '(i4 '64, Priv. ; July Bldred, Louis. age 27 Winchester enl. Jan. 1, ; must, in Jan. 1, as must, out 17, '65. P. 0. ad., Cornish Flat.

Blkins, James. Co. C ; b. New Hampshire ; age 40 ; res. Brentwood ; enl. Nov. 19, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Muse. ; disch. disab. June 24, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C. P. O. ad., Exeter. '64, Elliott, Thomas. Co. C ; b. Canada ; age 20 ; cred. Cainpton ; enl. Jan. 5, '64 ; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv. ; des. Feb. 2, Camp Nelson, Ky. Ellis, John E. Co. I. See 9 N. H. V.

Ellis, WUliam H. Co. A ; b. Loudon ; age 20 ; res. Rumney ; enl. Oct. 21, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Apr. 9, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C. '61 '61, Ellison, George W. Co. H ; b. Durham ; age 19 ; res. Newmarket ; enl. Dec. 7, ; must, in Dec. 7, as Priv. ; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. Elwell, Charles. Co. I); b. Rhode Island; age 35; cred. Pierraont; enl. Dec. 5, '63; must, in Dec. 5, '63, as Priv.; disch., in- sanity, June 5, '6.5, Washington, D. C. '63 '63, Elwell, Francis N. Co. E ; b. Maine ; age 21 ; cred. Moultonborough ; enl. Dec. 30, ; must, in Dee. 30, as Priv. ; wd.

May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va. ; disch. disab. June 12, '65, Manchester.

Blwin, James. Co. E ; substitute; b. England; age 26; cred. Brookline; enl. June 9, '64; must, in June 9, '64, as Priv.; '65. captd. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; released; app. Corp. July 1, '65 ; must, out July 17,

Emanuel, Victor. Co. A ; substitute ; b. England ; age 23 ; cred. Gilford ; enl. June 3, '64 ; must, in June 3, '64, as Pi-iv. killed July 6, '64, Petersburg, Va. '62 '62 Emerson, Edw^ard M. Co. G ; b. Nashua; age 18 ; res. Nashua; app. 2 Lt. May 16, ; must, in May 16, ; wd. and captd.

Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; released ; disch. disab. Dec. 3, '62. See Miscel. Organizations. '63 '63, Emerson, George H. Co. D ; b. Ossipee ; age 18 ; res. Ossipee, cred. Ossipee ; enl. Dec. 16, ; must, in Dec. 16, as Priv. '64, '65 '65. wd. June 3, Bethesda Church, Va. ; app. Corp. July 1, ; must, out July 17, Emery, George W. Co. H. See UN. H. V.

; '61 ; '61, ; Emery, Horace W. Co. G b. Milton ; age 39 ; res. Farmington ; enl. Sept. 28, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. disch. Dec. 1, '64, Concord, tm. ex. Emery, Sumner, Jr. Co. G. See 11 N. H. X.

Emery, Timothy. Co. G; b. Milton; age 35; res. Milton, cred. Milton ; enl. .June 18, '62; must, in Aug. 19, '62, as Priv. Died, dis. July 20, '63, Milldale, Miss.

Emory, John N. Co. I; b. Sandwich; age 18; res. Sandwich; enl. Oct. 9, '61 ; mu-st. in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Oct. 22, '62, Pt. Lookout, Md. English, James. Co. II. See 9 N. H. V.

Bnvas, Charles. Co. E; substitute; b. England; age 21 ; cred. Springfield; enl. June 8, '64; must, in June 8, '64, as Priv.; must, out July 17, '65. b. '64 Brust, John. Unas'd ; substitute ; Germany ; age 31 ; cred. Stratham ; eul. May 17, ; must, in May 17, '64, as Priv. ; captd. '64, June 27, Petersburg, Va. ; confined at Andersonville, Ga. ; enl. in 10 Tenn. Inf., Confederate service, while a prisoner

of ; re-captd. '64, ; '65 war Dec. 28, Egypt Station, Miss. confined at Alton, 111., Jan. 25, ; enl. in 5 Inf., U. S. V., Mar. 17, '65, '65 while a prisoner of war ; must, in Mar. 22, ; des. Mar. 25, '65, Alton, 111. Bstey, Lyman B. Co. L See 9 N. H. V. '63 Evans, James. Co. C ; b. Moultonborough ; age 19 ; cred. Moultonborough ; enl. Dec. 30, '63, ; must, in Dec. 30, as Priv. '64, wd. June 3, Bethesda Church, Va. ; tr. to Co. A, 18 V. R. C, Jan. 15, '65 ; disch. July 18, '65, Washington, D. C. Evans, Walter H. Co, E. See 9 N. H. V. Pagan, Michael. Co. R. See 9 N. H. V.

Co. I ; b. Ireland ; age 30 ; res. Concord ; enl. Oct. 24, '61 ; in '61, Pagan, William. must, Nov. 28, as Priv. ; accidentally wd Sept. 1, '62, Chantilly, Va. ; disch. wds. Feb. 11, '63, Concord. Died Feb. 13, '81, Concord.

Co. A; b. Hyde Park, Vt. ; age res. enl. '61 ; Fairbanks, William R. 24; Hebron ; Oct. 25, must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Apr. 3, '63.

J. Co. B age 18 ; res. Franconia ; enl. Dec. '61 ; must, '61, Pales, Charles ; 2, in Dec. 3, as Priv. ; captd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run,

Va. ; released; des. No*^. 23, '62, Annapolis, Md.

Unas'd substitute b. Ireland age cred. • Paley, Michael. ; ; ; 20 ; Warner ; enl. June 3, '64 ; must, in June 3, '64, as Priv." des. June 7, '64, New London, Conn. Pall, John P. Co. I); b. Moultonborough; age 24; res. Ossipee; enl. Sept. 26, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. Died ' dis Feb. 22, '62, Annapolis, Md. Palon, Henry. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 20; cred. Wihnot; enl. May 23, '64; must, in May 23, '64, as Priv.' sent • > June 6, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. ' res. Parmer, Luther. Co. A; b. Alexandria ; age 18; Canipton, cred. C'ampton ; enl. 25, '62; '>5 '6i »=> Auk.b must, in Aue- ,ib, . , g - , -, Priv. Died, dis. Oct. 3, '62, Antietam, Md.

Co. b. Campton age res. '61 • William A ; ; 18 ; Campton enl. Parmer, ; Oct. W. 26, ; must, in Nov. 27, '61. as Priv wdw«. ^u^.Auo- ' 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. Died, wds. Sept. 1, '62, Centreville, Va. . .

Co. b. Peterborough ; age 21 res. Peterborough '61 • E ; ; Parnum, Cyrus H. ; enl. Sept. 28, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv."' ' app^Sergt. Nov. 2^8, '61. Died, dis. Aug. 17, '83, Covington, Ky. ' Pamum See State Service. S Parnum

May I

Co. F ; b. Dublin age ; res. Keene ; enl. '61 Parnum, Henry A. ; 18 Sept. 25, ; '61, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull captd. '64, Wilderness, Run, Va.; May 6, Va. ; released Mar. 1, '65; disch. May 20, '65, Concord, tm. ex. P. o! ad., Norwood Park, 111. ;;;;;


; enl. '&3; '08, as Piiv. ; discli. Parnum, John M. Co. F; b. Dublin ; age 31 wed. Chesterfield; Dee. 29, must, iu Dec. 29, disab. Jan. 1'2, '(io, Coucovd. P. O. ad., Wichita, Kan.

; -37 ; '01 ; '01, Priv. ; disch. disab. Parnum, John M. Co. H ; b. Chester age ; res. Exeter enl. Nov. 15, must, in Nov. 28, as Sept. 30, '62, and died, dis. Dec. 9, '62, New York city. Parnum, Oscar W. Co. F; b. Chelsea, Vt.; age 25; res. Marlborough; enl. Nov. 18, '61; must, iu Nov. 28, '01, as Priv.;

wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; tr. to I. C. July 1, '63 ; assigned to Co. A, 3 I. C. ; disch. Nov. 30, '64, to date Nov. 27, '64, Hartford, Conn., tm. ex. Died Apr. 22, '08, Marlborough.

Parr, Co. C ; b. Danville, Me. ; age ; res. South enl. Nov. 11, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Corp. ; discli. Ammi. 27 Hampton ; Jan. 10, '63, to accept promotion. See 17 N. H. V.

Merrill. Co. E ; b. Marlborough ; res. ; enl. '61 ; in '61, as Priv. Parrar, P. age 19 ; Marlborough Oct. 9, must, Nov. 28, disch. disab. Oct. 20, '62, Washington, D. C. Died Deo. 31, 71, Keene. '61, Parrar, Horace P. Co. I; b. Gilmanton ; age 19; res. Gilmanton ; enl. Nov. 2, '61 ; must, in Nov. 30, as Priv. Died, dis. Mar. 12, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C.

Parrell, James. Co. F ; b. Boston, Mass. ; age 22 ; cred. Chester ; enl. Nov. 19, '63 ; must, in Nov. 21, '68, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 23, '63, Camp Nelson, Ky. Parrell, Michael. Co. F; b. Ireland; age 22; cred. Swanzey; enl. Jan. 1, '64; must, in Jan. 1, '64, as Priv.; wd. July 2, '04,

Petersburg, Va. ; disch. disab. Oct. 17, '65, New York city. Parwell, Lucius H. Co. E; b. Hancock; age 24; res. Peterborough; enl. Sept. 30, '01; must, iu Nov. 28, '01, as Priv. Died, dis. Jan. 29, '62, on board hospital boat, Ilattei-as Inlet, N. C.

Co. K; b. Dalton ; res. '61 '61, dis. Pay, Charles H. age 20; Peterborough; enl. Nov. 7, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. Died, Jan. 10, '62, Alexandria, Va.

Fay, Warren. D. Co. E; b. Walpole; age 20; res. Walpole; enl. Nov. 9, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Jan. 16, '62, on board steamer " Louisiana," Hattei-as Inlet, N. C.

Pelch, Elias, Jr. Co. C; b. Seabrook ; age 33; res. Seabrook ; enl. Sept. 16, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; tr. to Co. K,

22 V. R. C, 1, '04 to ; '04, May ; 131 Co., 2Batt'l, V. R. C. disch. Dec. 14, Concord, tm. ex. Ferguson, John. Co. G. See 9 N. H. X.

Perren, Lorin. Co. D; b. Effingham ; age 18; res. Eaton ; enl. Oct. 7, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Jan.

6, '61, Louisville, Ky. •

Field, Charles. Co. F ; b. Leverett, JNlass. ; age 23 ; res. Marlborough ; enl. Sept. 19, '61 ; umst. in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Mar. 26, '63, Portsmouth, R. 1. P. 0. ad., Fitzwilliam.

Fisher, Julius. Unas'd; b. Russia; age 21; cred. Lyme; enl. Dec. 4, '63; nmst. in Dec. 4, '63, as Priv.; des. , Dec. 20, '63, Paris, Ky. '61 '61, Fisk, Asa B. Co. F; b. Wallingford, Vt. ; age 23; res. Troy; enl. Oct. 10, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv.; wd. Aug. 29,

'62, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. wds. Nov. 5, '62, Alexandria, Va.

Pisk, Daniel M. Co. F; b. Wallingford, Vt. ; age 18; res. Troy; enl. Oct. 16, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; killed Sept. 17, '02, Antietam, Md. Piske, Harry P. Co. E; b. Chesterfield; age 21; res. Chesterfield; enl. Oct. 18, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Aug. 25, '62, Newport News, Va. P. O. ad., Springfield, 111. Fitz, James. Co. K; b. Ashburnham, Mass.; age 21; res. Rindge; enl. Nov. 14, '61; must, iu Nov. 28, '01, as Priv.; app. '65. Wagoner; re-enl. and must, in Dec. 80, '63; cred. Ashburnham, Mass. ; must, out July 17, '03 '03, Pitz, John. Co. D ; substitute ; b. Cornwall, N. Y. ; age 24 ; cred. Manchester ; enl. Oct. 6, ; nmst. in Oct. 0, as Priv. des. Jan. 6, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. (It is believed that he served in Co. K, 8 N. H. V., under this enlistment, and that he is borne on roll of Co. D, 6 N. H. V., by eri-or.) '64; '64, Pitz Gibbons, Patrick. Co. G; b. Cork, Ir. ; age 40; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Jan. 1, must, in Jan. 1, as Priv. ; des. Mar. 31, '64, Annapolis, Md. Pitzner, Charles. Unas'd; substitute; b. Prussia; age 24; cred. Candia; enl. May 18, '04; must, in \May 18, '64, as Priv.; reported on roll dated June 14, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

cred. Claremont ; enl. June '64 must, in June '64, as Priv. Pitzpatriok, John. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 28 ; 2, ; 2, sent June 6, "64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Plagg, Henry C. Co. G; b. Westborough, Mass.; age 19; res. Keene; enl. Dec. 3, '61; must, in Dec. 7, '61, as Priv.; wd.

Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. Dec. 23, '62, Washington, D. C. '61, res. Boscawen (Fisherville, now Penacook) ; enl. Oct. 9, '61; must, in Nov. 28, Planders, Curtis. Co. I ; b. Warner ; age 26 ;

as Priv. ; killed Apr. 19, '62, Camden, N. C. See 1 N. H. V. '61 '61, ; res. Hampton ; enl. Oct. 14, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. Planders, Prank N. Co. A ; b. New Hampton ; age 21 New

'61 ; '62, gd. from mis. Dec. 19, '62 ; app. Sergt. ; re-enl. and must, in Dec. app. Corp. Nov. 30, mis. Aug. 29, Bull Run, Va. ;

'63 '64, Church, Va. ; disch. disab. June 0, '65, White Hall, Pa. P. O. ad., 21, ; app. 1 Sergt; wd. Sept. 30, Poplar Springs Ashland. '63 '63, city age 24 ; cred. Deny ; enl. Dec. 26, ; must, in Dec. 26, as Priv. ; des. Jan. Planders, James. Co. C ; b. New York ; 29, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. 4, 4, cred. Kingston; enl. Jan. '64 ; must, in Jan. '04, as Priv.; disch. disab. Planders, Jesse. Co. F; b. Plaistow ; age 44; June 22, '0.5, Washington, D. C. Died Aug. 18, '89. Can.; enl. Sept. 18, '61 must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; captd. Flavin, John. Co. B; b. Granby, Can.; age 18; res. Grauby, ; in Dec. '63 cred. Haverhill; captd. Oct. 1, '64, Poplar Springs Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; released ; re-enl. and must, 20, ; '65, Church, Va. ; released. Died, dis. Feb. 16, Manchester. enl. July 1, '64; must, in July 1, '64, as Priv.; killed Sept. Flinn, George C. Co. C; b. Maine ; age 44; cred. Walpole; 30, '04, Poplar Springs Church, Va. '61 in '61, as Priv. re-enl. b. Conn. ; age 33 ; res. Walpole ; enl. Nov. 6, ; must, Nov. 28, ; and Flinn, William. Co. E ; Hartford, '65. must, in Jan. 3, '64 ; must, out July 17, Flinn. See Flynn. '61 must, in Nov. '61, as Priv.; wd. and mis. Flint, Henry. Co. E; b. Keene; age 25; res. Keene; enl. Oct. 30, ; 28, Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. gd. from mis. Died, dis. Oct. 15, '62, Georgetown, D. C. ; Flint, William. Co. B. See Mark Hammond. eul. '64 must, in '04, ; Brunswick ; age 28 ; cred. Columbia ; June 7, ; June 7, as Priv. Flood, John. Co. E substitute ; b. New des. June 23, '64. '63 in '63, ; 22 cred. Lyme ; eul. Dec. 4, ; must, Dec. 4, as Priv. ; must, out July Flynn Cornelius. Co. I ; b. Ireland age ; ' 17, '65. '61 cred. Henniker ; enl. May 81, ; must, May '64, Priv. b. ; age 20 ; m 31, as Plynn, John. Co. I ; substitute ; New Hampshire must, out July 17, '65. Plynn. See Flinn. Foell, Albert. Co. C. See 9 N. H. V. ,;;


'61 '61, Fogg, James M. Co. B; b. Bristol; age 30; res. Woodstock; eul. Oct. 6, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; wd. Dec. 13, '62, '63 '64, Fredericksburg, Va. ; re-enl. and must, in Dec. 22, ; cred. Bristol ; app. Sergt. ; wd. May 18, Spottsylvania, Va.

captd. Oct. 1, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; released; must, out July 17, '65. P. O. ad., Ijakeport.

; ; enl. 1, '61 must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; killed PoUansbee, Lindley W. Co. B; b. Weare age 25; res. Landaff Oct. ; Aug. 29, '02, Bull Run, Va.

Folsom, John. Co. D ; b. Ossipee ; age 18 ; res. Ossipee, cred. Ossipee ; enl. June 16, '62 ; must, in Aug. 4, '62, as Pi-iv. ; wd.

June 23, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; disch. June 14, '65, VVashington, D. C. P. 0. ad., Wakefield. Poran, Peter. Co. F. See 11 N. H. V. Forbes, John. Co. A. See 11 N. H. V.

Ford, Peter. Co. F ; b. England ; age 27 ; cred. Haverhill ; enl. Dec. 16, '63 ; must, in Dec. 16, '63, as Priv. ; tr. to 112 Co., 2

Batt'l, V. R. C, Nov. 3, '64 ; des. Nov. 14, '64, Alexandria, Va.

Forrest, John. Co. H ; b. England ; age 20 ; cred. Warren ; enl. Jan. 5, '64 ; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 23, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. Fortner, Eugene. Co. H. See 11 N. H. V. Foss, Benjamin. Co. G; b. Strafford; age 44; cred. Milton; enl. Aug. 16, '62; must, in Aug. 19, '62, as Priv.; disch. disab. Aug. 3, '63, Camp Dennison, Ohio.

Fobs, Bplu-aim A. Co. A ; b. Salem, Mass. ; age 25 ; res. Uumney ; enl. Oct. 22, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; mis. Aug. '62, 29, Bull Run, Va. ; gd. from mis. Died, dis. Oct. 2, '62, AVashington, D. C. Poss, George D. Co. C. See 11 N. H. V.

Poster, Amos P. Co. A; b. Wentworth ; age 20; res. Plymouth; enl. Oct. 28, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Oct. 25, '62, Washington, D. C. '61 Poster, Benjamin D. Co. G ; b. Salem ; age 18 ; res. Salem ; enl. Oct. 17, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. Poster, Issachar O. Co. G; b. Salem; age 35; res. Salem; enl. Nov. 1, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; wd. June 24, '64,

Petersburg, Va. ; must, out Nov. 28, '64. P. O. ad., Salem.

Foster, Joseph B. Co. K ; b. Stoddard ; age 18 ; res. Stoddard ; enl. Oct. 29, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Nov. 21, '62, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad.. South Lyndeborough. Poster, Thomas. Co. A. See 9 N. H. V.

Pouney, Levi. Co. A ; b. New York ; age 18 ; cred. Wentworth ; enl. Jan. 5, '64 ; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv. ; wd. May 12, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. ; captd. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; released ; disch. Sept. 2, '65, Albany, N. Y. P. O. ad., gpanish River, Algonia District, Ont.

Fountain, Poster. Co. A ; b. Canada ; age 25 ; cred. Washington ; enl. Jan. 6, '64 ; must, in Jan. 6, '64, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 2, '64, Annapolis, Md.

; ; '61 '61, Fountain, Joseph. Co. H ; b. St. Neots, Huntingdon County, Eng. age 44 res. Dover ; enl. Dec. 7, ; must, in Dec. 7,

as Priv. ; disch. disab. Nov. 9, '63, Camp Nelson, Ky. P. O. ad.. Great Falls.

Fowkes, George. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 22; cred. Colebrook ; enl. June 1, '64; must, in June 7, '64, as Priv.;

sent June 14, '64, to regt. N. f . r. A. G. O.

; b. ; ; '64 ; '64, Fowler, James. Unas'd Manchester ; age 15 cred. Grantham eul. Feb. 9, must, in Feb. 9, as Muse. ; des. — Concord. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

Fowler, James R. Co. C ; b. Seabrook ; age 35 ; res. Seabrook ; enl. Nov. 15, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Feb. 27, '62, Hatteras Isl., N. C. '61 '81, Fowler, Sewell B. Co. C ; b. Seabrook ; age 24 ; res. Seabrook ; enl. Oct. 31, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; disch. Dec. 12, '64, Concord, tm. ex. Supposed identical with Sewell B. Fowler, State Service.

; Ir. ; ; '64 '64, '64, Pox, John. Co. I b. Limerick, age 35 cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Jan. 1, ; must, in Jan. 1, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 20, Annapolis, Md.

; ; b. ; cred. ; enl. '64 ; '04, Pox, John. Unas'd substitute Maine age 22 ; Amherst May 31, must, in May 31, as Priv. N. f. r. A.G.O. '63 '63, '64. Prank, Julius. Co. B ; b. Prussia ; age 32 ; cred. Sanbornton ; enl. Dec. 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 6, '61 Franklin, Stephen.- Co. K; b. Winchester; age 30 ; res. Winchester ; enl. Nov. 15, ; must, in Dec. 10, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. June 18, '62, New Berne, N. C. Prate, Carlo. Co. H. See 9 N. H. V.

; ; cred. enl. Jan. '64 ; in '64, ; '64, Freeman, George. Co. B ; h. Ireland age 21 Gilford; 4, must, Jan. 4, as Priv. des. Feb. 7, Camp Nelson, Ky.

age 27 cred. Stewartstown enl. Jan. '64; must, in '64, ; Freeman, Henry. Co. E ; b. Denmark ; ; ; 5, Jan. 5, as Priv. must, out July 17, '65. '63 ; ; ; cred. Hanover ; enl. Dec. 30, must, in Dec. '63, Priv. Frees Henry. Co. F b. New Jersey age 23 ; 80, as Died, dis. Aug. 12, '64, Washington, D. C. Fremont, Oliver. Co. H. See Oliver Leathers. '64 ; cred. Rochester ; enl. Jan. 5, ; must, in Jan. '64, ; tr. French, Charles H. Co. B ; b. Milton ; age 15 5, as Muse. to Co. E, '65. July 6, '6i ; must, out July 17, P. O. ad., Milton.

; ; res. Farmingtoii; enl. Dec. 2, ; in 2, French, Charles H. Co. H; b. Farmington age 21 '61 must, Dec. '61, as Priv. ; taken on writ of habeas corpus, and disch. Dec. 24, '61, by order of supreme court, Concord.

b. York; age ; cred. Grafton enl. June 10, 10, French, Henry. Unas'd; substitute; New 25 ; '64; must, in June '64, as Priv.; sent June 14, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

res. Farmington enl. Oct. '61 ; must, '61, ; age 25; ; 19, in Nov. ; French, Hiram. Co. D ; b. Farmington 27, as Priv. mis. Aug. '62 '63, '62, Run, Va. gd. from mis. Dec. 19, ; disch. disab. Apr. 13, Pittsburg, Pa. 29, Bull ; French, John. Co. D; b. Charlestown; age 33; cred. Washington; enl. Jan. 5, '64; must, in ,Tan. 5, '64, as Priv.; must, out July 17, '6.1. '61 b. Lebanon age ; res. Enfield ; enl. Oct. 26, ; must, in Dec. 2, '61, Priv, ; French, William "W. Co. B ; ; 20 as wd. Dec. 13,

'62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. wds. Sept. 2, '63, Concord. P. O. ad., Enfield. Friday, Mitchell. Co. E. See 9 N. H. V.

Vt. ; age 36 res. New Ipswich ; enl. Nov. '61 ; b. Thetford, ; 14, must, in '61, Prissel, William B. Co. K ; Nov. 28, as Priv. '62, app. Sergt. '62, app. Corp. Nov. 30, '61 ; wd. Aug. 29, Bull Run, Va. ; ; wd. Dec. 13, Fredericksbui'g, Va. ; tr. to 48 Co., 2 Batt'), I. C, Nov. 15, '63; disch. Nov. 28, '64, as 1 Sergt., Washington, D. C, tm. ex. P. 0. ad., Leominster, Mass. Frost, Caleb S. Co. H; b. Eliot, Me.; age 44; res. Eliot, Me.; enl. Nov. 9, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; re-enl. '64, and must, in Jan. 1, '64; cred. Kittery, Me.; wd. May 12, Spottsylvania, Va. ; killed July 30, '64, Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Va.

age 30 res. Peterborough ; app. 2 Lt. Nov. '61 ; Charles L. Co. K ; b. Manchester ; ; 30, must, in to date Nov. 28, '61 '62 '62, Run, Va. Died, wds. Sept. '62. app. 1 Lt. Apr. 28, ; wd. Aug. 29, Bull 14, Washington, D. C. Fuller, John G. C. Co. C. See 9 N. H. V. PuUford, Milo. Co. B. See 9 N. H. V. ; ;


Puray, Michael. Co. I ; b. Ireland ; age 41 ; ored. Conway ; eiil. Jan. 6, '64 ; nuist. in Jan. 6, '04, as Priv. ; wd. and captd-

Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; regimental return Dec, '64, reports him taken up from mis. Dec. 30, '64, Han- cock Station, Va. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Gaburre, Joseph. Co. A; b. Canada; age 38; cred. Washington; eul. Jan. 6, '64 ; must, in Jan. 6, '64, as Priv.; admitted to Div. No. 1, Gen. Hosp., Annapolis, Md., Apr. 22, '64; furloughed July 10, '64, to July 29, '64; reported des. from fur- lough Aug. 12, '64. N. f. 1. A. G. O. P. O. ad., Milford, Mass.

Gage, William. Co. F; b. Montreal, Can. ; age 38 ; res. Keene ; enl. Nov. 30, '61 ; nmst. in Deo. 3, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. re-enl. and must, in Jan. 4, '64; cred. Surry; must, out July 17, '65. Gage, William H. Co. I; b. Concord; age 18; cred. Mason; enl. Mar. 31, '04; must, in Mar. 31, '64, as Priv.; disch. May 6, '65, Concord.

Gaines, William. Unas'd ; b. New cred. ; '63 ; '63, ; York ; age 27; Hopkinton enl. Dec. 8, must, in Dec. 8, as Priv. des. Dec. 17, '03, Syracuse, N. I''. Gale, Lewis J. Co. I; b. Gilmanton; res. '61; '61, as Priv. dis. age 24; Gilmanton ; enl. Nov. 14, must, in Nov. 30, Died, Aug. 16, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C. Gallagher, James. Co. G; b. England; age 20; cred. Lyman; enl. Dec. 16, '63; must, in Dec. 16, '63, as Priv.; des. Feb. 5, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

Martin. Unas'd ; b. Philadelphia, ; ; '63 '63, Piiv. ; des. Galton, Pa. age 24 ; cred. Barnstead enl. Dec. 31, ; must, in Dec. 31, as Jan. 3, '64, Concord. "64 '64, Gamsby, George W. Co. B ; b. Canaan, Vt. ; age 25 ; cred. Columbia ; enl. Feb. 12, ; must, in Feb. 12, a.s Muse. ; disch. disab. May 24, '65, Concord. P. O. ad., Nat. Home, Togu.s, Me. See State Service. Gardiner, James. Co. K. See 9 N. H. V. 6, Gardner, Charles I. Co. B; drafted; b. Bedford; age 32; res. Manchester, cred. Manchester; drafted Oct. '63 ; must, in

Oct. 0, '63, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; wd. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; disch. June 16, '65, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. ad., Lynn, Mass.

Gardner, Cornelius Y. Co. G; b. Sunapee; age 42; res. Sunapee; enl. Sept. 2, '61, as Priv.; app. 2 Lt. Nov. 30, '61 ; must, in

to date Nov. 28, '61, as 2 Lt. ; resigned May 10, '62. P. 0. ad., Viueland, N. J. '61 Garland, James. Co. K ; b. Ellsworth, Me. ; age 31 ; res. New Ipswich; enl. Oct. 19, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Jan. 23, '63. •

b. '63 in '63, as Priv. ; wd. Garner, William. Co. F ; Fredericksburg, Va. ; age 37 ; cred. Ossipee ; enl. Dec. 31, ; must, Dec. 31,

Apr. 2, '65, Petersburg, Va. ; app. Corp. July 1, '65 ; must, out July 17, '65.

'61 '61, Priv. ; re-enl. in Garroty, John. Co. H ; b. Ireland ; age 28 ; res. Keene ; enl. Dec. 11, ; must, in Dec. 11, as and must, '04 '65. Jan. 16, ; cred. Hinsdale ; must, out July 17, Gartside, William. Co. D. See 11 N. li. V.

; '61 ; '61, as Priv. Gates, Benson £1. Co. K ; b. Hubbardston, Mass. ; age 21 ; res. Barre, Mass. enl. Oct. 17, must, in Nov. 28, Died, dis. Jan. 13, '62, Annapolis, Md.

Co. F ; b. res. Marlborough ; enl. Oct. 7, '01 ; must, in Nov. 28, '01, as Priv. ; mis. Gates, Everett P. Marlborough ; age 18; Aug. 29, '02, Bull Run, Va. gd. from mis. Dec. 19, '62. Died, dis. Aug. 30, '63, Nicholasville, Ky. ; Geany, John. Co. A. See 9 X. H. V.

; ; '64 ; Jan. '64, Priv. ; Oct. '64, Geary, Thomas. Co. G b. Ireland ; age 28 ; cred. Tamworth enl. Jan. 2, must, in 2, as wd. 1,

Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; disch. disab. Dec. 20, '04, near Hancock Station, Va.

; '64 ; '64, ; disch. Geibel, Ludwig. Co. K b. Germany ; age 44 ; cred. Campton ; enl. Jan. 5, must, in Jan. 5. as Priv. disab. Oct. 18, '04, Concord. GeofEray, Henry. Co. A; b. France; age 30; cred. Winchester; eul. Jan. 2, '64; must, in Jan. 2, '04, as Priv.; wd. May 12, '65. '64, Spottsylvania, Va. ; must, out July 17, George, Pranois. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 34; cred. Landaff; enl. May 31, '64; must, in May 31, '64, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. O. George, John A. Co. G; b. Sunapee; age 27; res. Newport; enl. Oct. 9, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; app. Sergt. Nov.

30, '01 ; 1 Sergt. ; 2 Lt. Dec. 4, '62 ; wd. Dec. 13, '02, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. Oct. 3, '03. P. O. ad., Henniker.

Gerald, Edward. Unas'd ; b. Canada ; age 25 ; cred. Grafton ; enl. Dec. 30, '63 ; must, in I)ec. 30, '63, as Priv. ; supposed to have deserted en route to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. 4, 4, Gerberg, Charles. Co. K; b. Germany; age 28; cred. Stark; enl. Jan. '04 ; must, in Jan. '64, as Priv. ; app. Hosp. Steward '05 '05. June 20, ; must, out July 17, P. O. ad.. Long Island City, N. Y. '04 '04, Gerloff, Prederick. Co. E ; b. Berks County, Pa. ; age 30 ; cred. Strafford ; enl. Jan. 2, ; must, in Jan. 2, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 24, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. Gero, Henry. Co. F. See 9 N. H. V. Gerron, John. Co. G. See John Johnson. '04 '64, Gesner, Carl. LTnas'd ; b. Germany ; age 20 ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Jan. 5, ; must, in Jan. 5, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 10, '64, Concord.

; ; ; '61 '61, Getchell, Andrew J. Co. B b; Weare age 22 res. Enfield ; enl. Oct. 7, ; must, in Nov. 27, as INIusc. ; tr. to Co. F,

Feb. 1, '62 ; disch. disab. Aug. 7, '02, New Berne, N. C. P. 0. ad., Marshfield, Vt. See Miscel. Organizations.

Getchell, Set)astian S. Co. I; b. Winslow, Me.; age 28; res. Wentworth ; enl. Nov. 18, '61; must, in Nov. 30, '61, as Priv.;

wd. Dec. 13, '02, Fredericksburg, Va. ; app. Sergt. ; re-enl. and must, in Dec. 19, '03 ; cred. Rumuev ; app. 2 Lt. Co. G, Jan. '04 7, '64 ; 1 Lt. July 2, ; not must. ; disch. disab. Aug. 26, '64, as 2 Lt. P. O. ad., Waterville, Me' '64 '64, Gibson, Charles. Co. B ; b. England ; age 25 ; cred. Ossipee ; enl. Jan. 4, ; must, in Jan. 4, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 25, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. res. '61 '61, Gibson, Charles P. Co. K ; b. Nelson ; age 23 ; Riudge; enl. Oct. 19, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; wd. Dec. 13,

'02, Fredericksburg, Va. ; tr. to 149 Co., 2 Batt'l. T. C, Jan. 26, '64; disch. Jan. 16, '65, Nashville, Tenn., tm. ex. P. O. ad., Peterborough. '61 Gibson, Israel G. Co. H ; b. Fitclibnrg, Mass. : age 23 ; res. Langdon ; enl. Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; tr. to

Co. F, Dec. 1, '61 ; wd. Sept. 1, '02, Chantilly, Va. ; disch. wds. Nov. 30, '62, Annapolis, Md. P. O. ad., Charlestown.

b. ; ; cred. '64 Gibson, William. Co. F ; substitute ; Canada age 20 Colebrook ; enl. June 4, ; must, in June 4, '64, as Priv. des. July 8, '64, Petersburg, Va. i-es. '01 '01, Gile, P. Nelson. Co. C ; b. Methuen, Mass. ; age 20; Newton ; enl. Aug. 2, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Corp.; tr. to Co. '04, H, 5 Cav., U. S. A., Nov. 28, '02 ; disch. Nov. 30, near Winchester, Va., tm. ex. P. O. ad., Haverhill. Mass. '01 '61, Shapleigh, Me. ; age 42 ; res. Farraiugton ; enl. Sept. 21, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; disch. Giles, Orren P. Co. G ; b. disab. Mar. 4, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C. Gillen, Barney. Co. G; b. Ireland; age 26; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Jan. 2, '64; must, in Jan. 2, '64, as Priv.; des. Apr. 15, '04, Annapolis, Md. cred. Carroll enl. Jan. '64; must, in Jan. '64, Gillingham, Edward. Co. H; b. New Jersey; age 23; ; 2, 2, as Priv.; des. Feb. 20, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. '64 age 22 cred. Sandwich ; enl. Jan. ; must, in Jan. '64, Priv. ; Gilman, Charles A. Unas'd; b. Sandwich ; ; 5, 5, as supposed to have deserted en route to regt. X. f. r. A. G. 0. ;;.;;

308 SIXTH regimp:nt new Hampshire volunteer infantry.

" " '01 must, in Nov. 28, '(il, as Priv. ; must. ; ves. Taniworth eiil. Nov. 25, ; Gilman, Charles H. Co. H ; b. Sandwich age 18 ; ; '61. in by fraud, not being 15 yrs. of age ; discli. Dec. 24, '01 in '64, as Pviv. tr. to Co. ; Exeter ; enl. Feb. 20, ; must, Mar. 12, ; Gilman, Daniel F. Co. I ; b. Wolfeborough age 28 ; ored.

F, 18 V. R. C, Mar. 8, '05 ; disch. July 29, 'Go, Concord. in June 3, '64, as 1 riv. cred. Duubartou ; enl. June :l, '01 ; must, G-ilmartin, John. Una,s'd ; substitute; b. Ireland ; age 21; des. June 7, '64, New London, Conn. 5, 10, Camp enl. 5, ; must, in Dec. '03, as Priv. ; des. Jan. '04, Ginter, John. Co. H ; b. Germany; age 20; cred. Lyme; Dec. '63 Nelson, Ky. '01; Nov. '61, as Priv.; mis. Aug. ; enl. Nov. must, in 28, Gleason, Francis. Co. F; b. Glover, Vt. age 25; res. Alstead ; 0,

'6t ; cred. Langdon ; app. Sergt. '62, 19, '62 ; Corp. ; re-enl. and unist. in Jan. 4, 29, Bull Run, Va. ; gd. from mis. Dec. app. '65. wd. June 18, '61, Petersburg, Va. ; Apr. 2, '65, Petersburg, Va. ; must, out July 17, disab. Gleason, Lorenzo. Co. F; b. Alstead; age 21; res. Alstead; enl. Nov. 8, '01; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; disch. Jan. 31, '63, Portsmouth, U. 1. '01, us Priv. le-enl. and ; ; enl. Oct. 25, '01 ; nmst. in Nov. 30, ; Gleason, William T. Co. I ; b. Concord age 29 ; res. Concord must, in Dec. 19, '63; cred. Jaffrey; disch. to date July 17, '(35. P. 0. ad., Canterbury. Glidden, John C. Co. B; b. Grafton; age 16; cred. Rochester; enl. Jan. 5, '61; must, in .Ian. 5, '04, as Muse; tr. to Co. K, Apr. 3, '64. Died, dis. May 24, '04, Camp Nelson, Ky. nuist. enl. '61 in Nov. 27. '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. and Glynn, David. Co. A ; b. Plymouth ; age 19 ; res. Plymouth ; Oct. 12, ; nmst.

in Jan. 4, '04 ; app. Sergt. ; disch. disab. Apr. 10, '05, Concord. P. O. ad., Plymouth. '61, '64 ; '04, as Priv. ; wd. May 6, ; in Jan. 4, Golden, James. Co. H ; b. New York ; age 30 ; cred. Ossipee enl. Jan. 4, must, '65. Wilderness, Va. ; June 3, '64, Bethesda Church, Va. ; must, out July 17, 5, 27, Died, dis. Goldsmith, Jeremiah. Co. D; b. Ossipee; age 44; res. Ossipee; enl. "Nov. '61 ; must, in Nov. '01, as Priv. Nov. 26, '62, Chester, Pa. '61 in '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Goldsmith, Orin M. Co. G; h. Ossipee; age 18; res. Ossipee; enl. Nov. 21, ; must, Nov. 28, Jan. 22, '02, Annapolis, Md. Gonsalavre, Francis. Co. K. See 9 N. 11. V. 10, '01, as Priv. Gooden, Patrick. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 22; cred. Dunbarton ; enl. June '61; must, in .Inno 10, N. f. r. A. G. O.

'62 ; in Sept. 3, '62, as Priv. Goodrich, Evander A. Co. C ; b. Poultney, Vt. ; age 41 ; res. East Kingston ; enl. Aug. 27, must, tr. to 44 Co., 2 Batt'l, Y. R. C, Jan. 20, '65; to 22 Co.; disch. Sept. 2, 'Ii5, Washington, D. C, tm. ex. P. O. ad., KasI King.ston. Goodrich, Thomas. Co. C; b. Newton; age 18; cred. Last Kingston; enl. .A.ug. 21, '62; must, in Sept. 3, '02, as Priv.; app.

Sergt. ; disch. June 4, '05, near Alexaiidria, A'^a. P. O. ad., Brooklyn, N. Y. '01 must, in Nov. '61, as Goodwin, Edwin A. Co. H; b. South Bei-wick, Me.; age 21 ; res. Berwick, Me.; enl. Oct. 28, ; 28, Priv. Died, dis. Aug. 20, '63, on hospital boat in Ohio river. '61 ; enl. nmst. in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; wd. GoodTvin, George W. Co. F; b. Charlestown age 31 ; res. Langdon; Oct. 21, ;

Dec. 13, '02, Fredericksburg, Va. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 4, '04; wd. May 12, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. ; app. Corp. July 1, '05 '05. ; nmst. out July 17, P. O. ad., Walpole. Goodwin, -James. Co. H; b. 'Wells, Me.; age 31; res. Rochester; enl. Sejit. 27, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '01, as Priv.; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bnll Run, Va.

; '01 to '01 Goodwin, Samuel G. Co. B ; b. Littleton ; age 27 res. Littleton ; app. 2 Lt. Nov. 30, ; must, in dale Nov. 27, ; app. 1 Lt. '02 '62 '64, River, Xa. June '04, Bethesda Church, Va. May 10, 26, ; 3, ; Capt. July 31, ; wd. May North Anna must, out July 17, '05. Bvt. Maj., U. S. V., to date from Apr. 2, '65, for gallant and meritorious services before Peters- burg, \a.. Died Apr. 24, '75, Manchester.- '61 '61, Goodwin, William. Co. D ; b. Shapleigh, Me. ; age 27 ; res. Chatham ; enl. Oct. 11, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; re-enl. '63 '65. and nmst. in Dec. 24, ; must, out July 17, Supposed identical with William Goodwin, State Service. 31, 31, Gooley, Prank. Co. H ; substitute; b. Canada ; age 21; cred. Stoddard ; enl. JNIay '64 ; must, in May '64, as Priv. ; wd.

July 24, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; des. Aug. 27, '64, near Petersburg, Va. Gordon, Francis. Co. G. See 9 N. H. V. '63 '63, '64, Gordon, Joseph. Co. F ; b. Canada ; age S3 ; ored. Lyme ; enl. Dec. 5, ; must, in Dec. 5, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 24, Camp Nelson, Ky.

; ; '61 in '61, as Priv. ; Gordon, Liucian N. Co. B ; b. Canaan ; age 20 res. Canaan enl. Nov. 9, ; must, Nov. 27, wd. Dec. 13,

'62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; app. Sergt. ; re-enl. and must, in Dec. 23, '63 ; cred. Eniield ; wd. June 3, '64, Bethesda Church,

Va. ; captd. Oct. 1, '61, Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; exch. ; app. 1 .Sergt.; 2 Lt. Co. II, June 1, '65; not must.; must, out .July 17, '65, as 1 Sergt. P. O. ad., Franklin Falls. enl. Oct. '61 in Nov. '61, as Priv.; disch. Gough, John. Co. I; b. England; age 40; res. Concord; 5, ; must, 28, disab. Nov. 6, '62, to date Oct. 10, '62, Washington, 1). C. onl. Oct. '01 in '01, Priv.; Gould, Solon. Co. I; b. Ilopldnton ; age 35; res. Concord; 4, ; must, Nov. 28, as disch. disab. June 24, '62, New Berne, N. C. Gouzon, Alphonzo, alias Alphoun Degroo. Co. H. See UN. 11. V. "21"; '01 '61, I; res. ; enl. Dec. nmst. in Dec. Gove, Alvin A. Co. b. Seabrook ; age Seabrook 6, ; 10, as Priv.; disch. disab. Oct. 15, '62, Washington, 1). C. P. O. ad., Seabrook. .See A'. R. C.

; ; ; cred. Seabrook ; enl. Feb. 6, '65, for 1 yr. nmst. in 0, '65, Gove, Edward A. Co. li b. Lynn, Mass. age 20 ; Feb. as Priv. disch. May 0, '05, Galloup's IsL, B. IL, Mass. P. O. ad., Seabrook. cred. enl. '61; in '04, Grace John. Unas'd; substitute; b. Switzerland; age 19; Plaistow ; May 17, must, Jlay 17, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

; cred. Epping enl. Jan. '64 in Jan. '04, as Priv. ; b. age 24 ; ; ; must, Graham, Isaac. Unas'd ; Philadelphia, Pa. 5, 5, supposed to have deserted en route to regt. N. f. r. A. G. 0. Granby, Robert. Co. K. See 11 N. II. V. '64; '04, Grant, Charles. Co. G; substitute; b. Denmark; age 26; cred. Landaff ; enl. June 11, nmst. in June 11, as Priv.; tr. May 12, '65, from Gen. llosp., Beverlv, N. J., to White Hall, Pa. N. f. r. A. G. O. Grant, Daniel. Co. B. See 9 N. 11. V. '61 '61, b. Tuftonborough ; age ; res. Moultonborough ; enl. Oct. 18, ; mu.st. in Nov. 27, as Priv. Grant Daniel P. Co. D ; 44 ' '62, wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, A^a. ; disch. wds. Oct. 14, Ft. Schuyler, N. Y. II. P. O. ad., Gilford. res. Hanover; enh Nov. 14, '61 must, in Dec. 9, '61, as Priv.; captd. Grant, Harrison. Co. B; b. Hanover; age 44; ; July 21,

'62 '62, A'^a. ; des. '63, '62, New Bevne, N. C. ; returned to Co. Oct. 24, ; wd. Dec. 13, Fredericksburg, Apr. 17, on march i'roni Winchester, Ky., to Richmond, Ky. P. 0. ad., Vershire, A^t. Grant, WiUiam. Co. A. See 11 N. H. A^ . ,. , , '61 '01, 29 i-es. Epsom ; enl. Oct. ; nmst. in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Jan. I b. Ep.som ; age ; 21, Grant, A^Villiam T. Co. ; 23, '03, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Ep.som. See 1 N. 11. Cav. Granville, Francis. Co. H. See 9 N. H. V. ;;;;


; ; '61 ; '61, as Priv. ; killed Sept. Graves, Ezra C. Co. H ; b. Groton, Mass. ; age 37 res. Jaffiey eul. Dec. 13, must, in Dec. 13, 17, '02, Antietani, Md.

; ; '61 ; '61, Priv. ; Sei-gt. Gray, Prank L. Co. E ; b. Hancock ; age 24 i-es. Hancock eul. Oct. 8, must, in Nov. 2b, as app. 1 '64, re-enl. and must, in Feb. 11, 'Ui ; cred. Bennington ; app. 2 Lt. Apr. 20, 'CA ; not must. ; wd. May 12, Spottsylvaiiia,

Va. ; discli. disab. Dec. 25, '64, as 1 Sergt., near Hancock Station, Va. P. O. ad., Manchester. See State Service.

; '61 ; '61, as Coi'p. Gray, James R. Co. C ; b. East Livermore, Me. age 28 ; res. East Kingston ; eul. Oct. 16, must, in Nov. 27, discli. Jan. 27, '64, Cincinnati, Ohio. P. O. ad., Haverhill, Mass. See 1 X. H. II. Art. Gray, William. Co. G. See 11 N. H. V.

; '61 ; '61, ; Green, Charles B. Co. A b. Pittsfield ; age 22 ; res. Plymouth ; enl. Oct. 21, nmst. in Nov. 27, as Priv. app. Sergt.

Nov. 3(1, '61 ; des. Dec. 11, '02, Falmouth, Vu.

Co. B ; b. Franconia ; age 20 ; res. Enfield enl. '61 ; in Nov. 27, '01, as Priv. ; re-enl. and must. Green, Edwin. ; Nov. 9, must,

in Dec. 30, '63 ; wd. June 17, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; captd. .Sept. '64, Poplar Springs Church, "S'a. par. ; disch. May 29, 30, ; '65, Concord. Died July 8, '86, Lebanon.

Green, Jo]j.n. Co. H ; b. England ; age 21 ; cred. New- Durham ; enl. Jan. 4, '64 ; nmst. in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv. ; de.s. Jan. 19, '64, Covington, ICy.

Green, Jolin. Co. K ; b. England; age 37; cred. Moultonborough ; enl. Dec. 30, '63; must, in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv.; wd. Apr. '0.5. 2, 'O.J, Petersburg, Va. ; app. Corp. July 1, '65; must, out July 17, P. O. ad.. New ]>ondon. Conn. Green, William. Co. C. See 11 N. H. V.

Green, Co. 11 ; b. England ; 24 cred. enl. '04 ; '04, ; William. age ; Stewartstown ; Jan. 5, must, in Jan. 5, as Priv. des. Feb. 20, '04, Canvp Nelson, Ky. Greene, Alfred. Co. I); b. Canada; age 18; cred. Lyme; enl. Deo. 5, '03; must, in Dec. 5, '63, as Priv.; wd. June 3, '64,

Bethesda Church, Va. ; des. Aug. 4, '64, from DeCanip (ien. IIosp., David's Isl., N. Y. H. '63 Greene, Unas'd; b. Scotland ; 22 ; ci-ed. Bethlehem enl. in '63, ; James. age ; Dec. 10, ; must, Dec. 16, as Priv. supposed to have deserted en route to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. '01 Greenleaf, Albert F. Co. II ; b. XewburypnT-t, Wa.ss. ; age 31 ; les. Hoohester ; enl. Oct. 31, ; nmst. in Nov. 28, '01, as Priv. discli. disab. Jan. 14, '63, Philadelphia, Pa. Supposed identical with Albert F. Greenleaf, Co. K, 5 N. H. V. '61 Greenleaf, Matthew N. Co. C ; b. Haverhill, :\lass. ; age 27 ; res. Exeter; enl. Oct. 10, ; nmst. in Nov. 27, '61, as 1 Seigt. '02 '63 app. 2 Lt. Apr. 29, ; 1 Lt. Co. E, Sept. 12, '02 ; Capt. Co. H, July 1, ; wd. sev. July 30, '64, Mine Explosion, Peters- '04 '05 '65. burg, Va. ; disch. disab. Nov. 28, ; restored to rank Mar. 1, ; must, out July 17, Supposed identical with Mat- thew N. Greenleaf, Co. D, 5 Inf., Mass. Vol. Mil. See Misoel. Organizations. Greenleaf, Paul. Co. K; b. Pittsfield; age 24; res. New Ipswich; enl. Oct. 17, '61; must, in N'ov. 28, '01, as Priv.; wd. acci-

dentally ; disch. disab. Oct. 4, '02, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Peterborough. Gregory, John. Co. B. See N. H. V. 18, Greir, Joseph. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 37; cred. Tuftonborougji ; eid. .May '64 ; must, in Jlav IS, '04, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. O. '01 '01, GriflBn, Henry J. Co. I ; b. Lebanon ; age 22 ; res. Concord ; enl. Oct. 4, ; nuist. in Nov. 28, as Sergt. ; captd. Aug. 29, '62, pai-. '02 '02 Bull Run, Va. ; Sept., ; exch. Dec, '(i2 ; app. 1 Sergt. Dec. 17, ; 2 Lt. Co. C, Feb. 1, '64; 1 Lt. Co. G, Sept. 1, '64; Capt. Jan. 11, '65; must, out July 17, '05. P. O. ad., Lynn, Mass. See 1 N. H. V. '04 '64, Grifl3.n, James. Co. B ; b. Harrisburg, Pa. ; age 22 ; cred. Gilford ; enl. Jan. 4, ; nmst. in Jan. 4, as Priv. ; tr. to Camji

Chase, Ohio, Oct. 24, '04, for tr. to Dejit. of the Isorthwest ; not assigne

Priv. ; des. ; appreh. ; escaped Sejit. 1, '04, from jail, Alexandria, Va. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Groht, Charles. Unas'd; substitute; b. England; age 29 ; cred. Amherst; enl. May 30, '64; must, in JMay 30, '64, as Priv.; des. June 7, '04, New London, Conn. Grover, Charles. Co. E. See 9 N. H. V.

; res. enl. '61 ; '01, ; Grover, John H. L. Co. II b. Durham ; age 18 ; Dover ; Oct. 25, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. disch. disab. Dec. 23, '61, Providence, R. 1. '04 '04, Gruenthal, Charles. Co. D ; b. Germany ; age 23 ; cred. Effingham ; enl. Jan. 5, ; nmst. in Jan. 5, as Priv. ; des. Feb. 29, '64, Camp Xelson, Ky. 28, Guathree, Joseph. Co. C; substitute; b. Canada; age 24; cred. Stoddard ; enl. May '04 ; must, in May 28, '64, as Priv.; '04, wd. .sev. July 11, '04, Petersburg, Va. ; des. Dec. 31, while on furlough from Fairfax Seminary Gen. Hosp., Va. '64; '64, Guillett, Frank. Unas'd; b. Canada; age 22 ; cred. Shelburne ; enl. Jan. 5, nmst. in Jan. 5, as Priv.; supposed to have deserted en route to I'egt. N. f. r. A. G. O. enl. '01 junst. '01, Hackett, Nathan T. Co. A; b. New Hampton; age 40 ; res. llolderness; Nov. 25, ; in Nov. 27, as Priv.; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. Died, wds. Sept. 12, '02, on board steamer " Knickerbocker." '01 Hadley, Charles L. Co. G; b. Weatliensfield, Vt. ; age 17; res. Clareniont; enl. Sept. 16, ; must, in Nov. 28, '01, as Muse. disch. disab. Feb. 3, '64, Clamp Nelson, Ky. See 1 N. H. H. Art.

; ; ; '61 ; nmst. in Dec. '61, ; Hadley, Emory. Co. F b. Bolton, Mass. age 18 res. Keene ; enl. Sept. 20, 5, as Priv. des. Dec. 11, '62, Falmouth, Va. res. enl. '61; '61, Hadley, George W. Co. E; b. Hancock; age 20 ; Peterborough; Oct. 7, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv.; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. Died, dis. Mar. 31, '03, Newport News, Va. Hadley, Osgood T. Co. E; b. Nashua; age 24; res. Peterborough; enl. Oct. 9, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; wd. Dec. '63 '65. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; app. Corp. ; re-enl. and nmst. in Dec. 30, ; app. Sergt. ; must, out July 17, '02; '62, Hadley, W^illiam H. Co. G; b. Ludlow, Vt. ; age 44; res. Clareniont; enl. Aug. 12, must, in Aug. 26, as Priv.; wd.

Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. disab. July 3, '63, near Vioksburg, Miss. Died F>,b. 24, '89, Lebanon. '64; 1, Hagerman, Theodore. Co. K ; b. Mississippi; age 23 ; cred. Lancaster ; enl. Jan. 1, must, in Jan. '64, as Priv.; des. Jan. '22, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

; '63 must, in Dec. '63, as Priv. ; des. Dec. '63, Hagerty, James. Co. K ; b. Ireland ; age 23 ; cred. Lisbon enl. Dec. 5, ; 5, 29, Camp Nelson, Ky.

; ; enl. Jan. '64 ; must, in Jan. 2, '64, as Priv. ; des. Mar. '64, Hakey, Joseph. Co. I b. Canada ; age 21 cred. Hancock ; 2, 8, Camp Nelson, Ky. '01, ; res. enl. Nov. 30, '61 ; must, in Dec. 9, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. Hale,"Dwight~B. Co. G ; b. Boston, Mass. age 38; Derry ; 29, '65, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; captd. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. Died, dis. Feb. 9, Salisbury, N. C. '64; in '04, Priv. Hale Henry. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 24 ; cred. Unity; enl. June 8, must, June 8, as N. f. r. A. G. O. ;', ;;


; b. ; ; '64 Haley, Bernard. Unas'd Ireland age 20 cred. Alton ; enl. Jan. 5, ; must, in Jan. 5, 'M, as Priv. ; supposed to have deserted en route to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Hall, Allin. Unas'd; b. New York; age 24; cred. Northwood ; enl. Dec. 30, '63; must, in Dec. 30, 'G3, as Priv.; des. Jan. 7, '64, Albany, N. Y.

Co. G ; b. Lowell, Mass. ; age ; res. enl. Dec. '61 ; must, in Dec. '61, ; Hall, Charles H. 25 Goshen ; 2, 11, as Priv. disch. Dec. 11, '64, tm. ex.

Co. K; b. res. ; '61 '61, Hall, Brastus D. Rindge; age 26; Rindge enl. Oct. 16, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv.; disch. disab. Jan. 13, '63, New Berne, N. C. Hall, George. Co. T. See 9 N. H. V.

Hall, Henry. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada ; age 34; cred. Pierniont ; enl. May 31, '64; must, in May 31, '64, as Priv.; des. Sept. 23, '64.

Hall, Joseph. Unas'd ; b. Quebec, Can. ; age 24 ; cred. Rye ; enl. Jan. 4, '64 ; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv. ; supposed to have deserted en route to regt. N. f. r. A. (i. (). b. '61 '61, Hall, Prescott. Co. I ; Dover ; age 26 ; res. Upper (Jilmanton ; enl. Oct. 26, ; must, in Nov. 30, as Priv. ; app. Sergt. '63 '64 '64. re-enl. and must, in Dec. 19, ; cred. Canterbury ; app. 2 Lt. .luly 1, ; disch. Dec. 5, P. O. ad., Belmont.

Co. A ; b. ; 18 res. enl. 15, '61 ; in '61, Ham, Beniamin A. Pelham age ; 'I'hornton ; Oct. must, Nov. 27, as Priv. Died Sept. 21, '63, Newport News, Va. '61 '61, Ham, John S. Co. I ; b. Epsom ; age 26 ; res. Epsom ; enl. Oct. 31, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Wagoner ; tr. as Priv. to 87 Co., 2 Batt'l, 1. C, Jan. 15, '64; disch. Nov. 28, '64, Cincinnati, Ohio, tm. ex.

; '61 '61, Ham, William. H. Co. D ; b. Ossipee age 21 ; res. Albany ; enl. Oct. 15, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, '62 '63. Bull Run, Va. ; tr. to Co. M, 1 Cav., U. S. A., Deo. 8, ; disch. to date July 21, P. O. ad., Conway. '63 '63, Hambert, William D. Co. B ; b. Berks County, Pa. ; age 35 ; cred. Freedom ; enl. Dec. 31, ; must, in Dec. 31, as Priv.

api'. Corp. July 1, '65 ; must, out July 17, '65. '61 '61, Hamilton, John. Co. D ; b. Conway ; age 19 ; res. Conway ; enl. Oct. 10, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62,

Bull Run, Va. ; app. Corp. ; re-enl. and must, in '63 '64, par. Dec. 25, ; captd. Oct. 1, Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; Died, dis. Mar. 18, '65, AnnapoHs, Md. '62 '62 Hamilton, John A. F. and S. ; b. Chester, Mass. ; age 31 ; res. Keene ; app. Chaplain July 16, ; must, in July 16, ; re- signed Jnly 1, '63. P. O. ad., Newton, Mass. Hamilton, William J. Co. C; b. Nova Scotia; age 22; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Dec. 28, '61; must, in Dec. 28, '64, as Priv.; des. Feb. 10, '64, Carap Nelson, Ky.

alias William Flint. Co. B ; b. ; ; cred. enl. '64 '64, Hammond, Mark, England age 21 Gilmanton ; Jan. 4, ; must, in Jan. 4, as '65 Priv. ; app. Corp. July 1, ; must, out July 17, '65. P. 0. ad., Cleveland, Ohio.

Hammond, Pierpont. Co. 11; b. South Berwick, Me. ; age 37; res. Portsmouth; enl. Oct. 27, '61; nmst. in Nov. 28, '61, as

Priv. ; disch. disab., resulting from injuries. Mar. 21, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C. See 10 N. H. V. Co. 1); b. Ossipee; res. '61 Hammond, Upton. age 44; Ossipee; enl. Oct. 1, ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; wd. sev. Dec. '62, 13, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. wds. Dec. 22, '64, near Hancock's Station, Va. P. O. ad., Ossipee.

John. Co. G ; b. Ireland ; age ; res. Ossipee ; enl. '61 '61, Hamon, 36 Oct. 7, ; miist. in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; wd. May 12, '64,

Spott.sylvania, Va. ; must, out Nov. 28, '64. P. 0. ad.. Underbill, Vt.

Hance, Benjamin. Unas'd; b. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; age 24; cred. Barnstead; enl. Dec. 31, '63; mu.st. in Dee. 31, '63, as Priv.; des. N. f. r. A. G. O. Unas'd; substitute; b. Hand, John A. New Brunswick; age 24; cred. Landaff ; enl. June 1, '64; must, in June 1, '64, as

Priv. ; des. Jlme 7, '04, New London, Conn.

Hanen, James. Unas'd ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; cred. Winchester ; enl. '63 Deo. 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. O. Charles Co. K b. Canada; age cred. '64 Hanes, A. ; 39 ; Hanover; enl. Jan. 1, ; must, in Jan. 1, '64, as Priv. ; captd. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. Died of starvation Dec. 2, '64, Salisbury, N. C. Hanlan, James. Co. H. See 11 N. II. V. Hanley, Thomas. Co. D substitute b. New York ; ; age 29 cred. ; ; Epsom ; enl. June 10, '64 ; must, in June 10, '64, as Priv. ' des. July 3, '64, near Petersburg, Va. John. Co. I b. Ireland age cred. '63 Hannon, ; ; 18 ; Raymond ; enl. Dec. 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv. ; des. Feb. 8 '64 Camp Nelson, Ky. ' '

Co. A b. Ireland age cred. • Hannon, Patrick. ; '63 ; 30 ; Windham ; enl. Dec. 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv. des. Apr 22 ' f • '64, Annapolis, Md. >

John Co. G b. Newmarket; age res. • Hanscom, W. ; 30 ; Middleton enl. '61; ; Sewt. 23, must, in Nov. 28 '61 as Priv tr to Co. D, Dec. '61 app. Corp. Apr. '62 " 1, ; 24, ; Sergt. Oct. 1, '63 ; re-enl. • and mast, in Dec. 22, '63 ; app. 2 Lt Jan 5 '64 wd. July '64, Mine Explosion, 30, Petersburg, Ya.. ; app. Capt. Jan. 9, '(io ; must, out July 17, '65. Died Apr 4 'Sq' i • Middleton. > > Theodore. Co. E b. Charlestown, Mass. Hanscom, ; ; age 30 ; res. Jaffrey ; enl. Oct. '61 ''8 12, ; must, in Nov '61 as Priv app. Corp Nov 28, '61 ;Sei|t July 1-62; 2 Lt Co. H, Nov. '62;- 4, 1 Lt. July 2, '63; Capt. Co. K, No"v.' 2, 'tiS; disci.: disab. to date Nov. 1, '64. P. O. ad., Medford, Mass.

Hanson, Daniel, Jr. Co. D ; b. Ossipee age 4(1 ; res. Ossipee, ; cred. Ossipee ; enl. Dec. 16, '63 '63 ; must, in Dec 10 as Priv ' wd. May 0, '61, Wilderness, Va. Apr. 2, '65, Petersburg, ; Va. ; disch. June 3, '65, Washington, 1). C. P. O ad OssiiDee Geotge Co. b. Dover age res. Hanson « ; ; 18 ; Durham enl. '61 • ; Oct. 16, W ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as IMusc. must out Nov. 27, '64. ' Hanson, John C. Co. D; b. Ossipee; age 19; res. Ossipee, cred. Ossipee; enl. June 2'!, '62; must, 4 • in Auga 'H'>-i as Priv disch. disab. Feb. 9, '63, Alexandria, Va. > - Lewis. Unas'd b. Demnark age cred. Hanson, ; ; 21 ; Fitzwilliajn ; enh Dec. '63 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv suDDOsedif^^^^^ to have deserted en TOu/e to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Co. H b. Norway age Hanson, Olaf. ; ; 21 ; cred. Acworth ; enl. Dec. 5, '63 innst. • '^8 ; in Dec. 5, '63, as Priv des Jan '04 ' - Camp Nelson, Ky. ' • > '. Hanson, Peter. Unas'd; b. Sweden; age 26; cred. Whitefield ; enl. Dec. 30, '63; must, in Dec. 3(1, '63, as Priv.- sunno-sed to > i 1 have deserted en route to i-egt. N. f. r. A. G. O. > 1 Co. H b. Dover; age res. Hanson, William E. ; 25; Dover; enl. Nov. 21, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; wd Dec 13 '62, Fredericksburg, A a. i-e-enh and must, in Dec. '03; ; 28, wd. June 19, '64, Petersburg, Va. Died, wds. 26, ''64,' o , June Washington, I). C. See 1 N. II. V. , , William Co. D; b. Ossipee age 20 res. Hanson, ; ; Ossipee enl. H ; Oct. 21, '(il ; nm,st. in Nov. 27, '61, as Corp.i ; app. Sergt. > 1 b killed Aug. 29, 62, Bull Run, Va. 1 > Co. H b. Rochester, N. Y. John. ; ; age cred. • Harbeck, 26 ; Sanboi'nton ; enl. Jan. 4, '64; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv. des Jan. 19, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. ' Harbison, Samuel B. Unas'd; b. Ireland; age 43; cred. Wentworth '63; '63, ; enl. Dec. 30, must, in Dec. 30, as Priv.- sup-f posed to have deserted en route to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. ' Philip. Co. G b. Croydon age res. Hardiner, ; ; 38 ; Croydon ; enl. '61 ; '61, Nov. 12, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; killed Aug. 29 '62, Bull Run, Va. ' ;;


Hardy, Frederick P. Co. A ; b. Wentworth ; age 20 ; res. Hebron ; eiil. Oct. 29, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. '61 '02; '03; '64; Nov. 30, ; Sergt. Feb. 11, 1 Sergt. .Jan. 28, re-enl. and must, in Jan. 4, app. 2 Lt. to date Jan. 2, '64 '65. ; Capt. Co. K, Jan. 8, '65 ; must, out July 17,

Hardy, John H. Co. C; b. Concord; age 18; res. Seabrook; eul. Sept. 24, '01 ; must, in Nov. 27, '01, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Oct. '63 '65. 1, ; re-enl. and must, in Dec. 23, '03 ; cred. .South Hampton ; app. Sergt. June 10, '05 ; must, out July 17, Supposed identical with John H. Hardy, State Service. '01 Hardy, Co. F ; b. Acworth ; age ; res. ; enl. Nov. '61, ; re-enl. Lyman B. 20 Acworth 11, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. and

must, in Feb. 11, '64; app. Corp.; wd. May 18, '04, Spottsylvania, Va. ; Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; disch. to date July 17, '05. P. O. ad.. May, Mich.

Hardy, Peter. Co. C ; b. Danville, Vt. ; age ; res. Kingston enl. '01 '61, ; disab. 45 ; Sept. 7, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. disch. Apr. 30, '63, Providence, R. I. P. O. ad., Haveihill, Mass.

Hardy, Sumner. Co. B ; b. Haverhill; age 32; res. Haverhill; eul. Sept. 14, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; mis. Aug. '02, 29, Bull Run, Ya. ; gd. from mis. Dec. 19, '62 ; disch. disab. May 14, '63, Philadelphia, Pa.

Co. K ; b. Ireland ; age ; cred. enl. '64 '64, ; '64, Hardy, William. 24 Lee ; Jan. 5, ; must, in Jan. 5, as Priv. des. Jan. 31, Camp Nelson, Ky.

Hardy, William H. Co. K ; b. New Ipswich ; age 26 ; res. Sharon ; enl. Oct. 15, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. '64 and must, into Co. B, Jan. 2, ; disch. disab. June 2, '05, Manchester. P. 0. ad., Sharon.

Harmon, Addison G. Co. D ; b. Madison ; age 18 ; res. IMadison ; enl. Oct, 14, '01 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp.

June 19, '03; Sergt. Jan. 19, '04; re-enl. and must, in Feb. 11, '04; captd. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; exch. '65 '65. Mar. 9, ; app. 2 Lt. Co. K, June 1, '65 ; must, out July 17, P. O. ad.. Maiden, Mass.

Harrigan, Jeremiah, Jr. Unas'd ; b. Canada; age 26; cred. Hanover; enl. Jan. 5, '04; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv.; des. Jan. 13, '04, Concord.

Harriman, Azroe. Co. D; b. Eaton; age, 19; res. Eaton; enl. Oct. 7, '01; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; app. Coip. ; disch. disab. Mar. 13, '63, Concord. Harriman, James M. Co. D; b. Chatham; age 22; res. Chatham; enl. Nov. 7, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Jan. 20, '62, Alexandria, Va.

Harriman, William W. Co. A; b. Runiney; age 37; res. Holderness ; eul. Oct. 11, '01; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; wd. and captd. Aug. '62, par. Sept. '02 t<» '62. ad., 29, Bull Run, Va. ; 6, ; disch. date Oct. 0, P. O. Ashland.

Harris, Bllery G. Co. B ; age 18 ; res. Lisbon ; enl. Dec. 2, '01 ; must, in Dec. 3, '61, as Priv. ; claimed by his father, by reason of being a minor, and disch. Dec. 9, '01, Keene. '04; '04, 7, Harris, James. Unas'd; b. Ireland ; age 21; cred. Sandwich; enl. Jan. 4, must, iu Jan. 4, as Priv.; des. Jan. '64, Albany, N. Y. '64 Harris, John. Co. H ; b. Ireland ; age 23 ; cred. Holderness ; enl. Jan. .5, ; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv. Died, dis. July 4, '64, VVillet's Point, N. Y.

Harris, John T. Unas'd ; b. St. Louis, Mo. ; age 21 ; cred. Brookfield; enl. Dec. 31, '63 ; must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 7, '04, Albany, N. Y. Harris, Joseph. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 23; cred. Concord; enl. June 3, '64; must, in June 3, '64, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. O. Harris, Obed. Co. I. See 11 N. H. V. Harris, William F. Co. A; b. Holderness; age 25; res. Holderness; enl. Nov. 12, '61; must, iu Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; tr. to '03 '03 '64 '65 1 Co., 2 Batt'l, 1. C, June 24, ; to Co. B, 10 J. C, Oct. 12, ; des. June 24, ; returned Nov. 16, ; disch. Nov. 18, '05, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Ashland. '03 3ll, '63, Harrison, James. Co. F ; b. Xew York ; age 28 ; cred. Meredith ; enl. Dec. 30, ; must, in Dec. as Priv. ; wd. May 12, '04, Spottsylvania, Va. Died, wds. May 31, '04, Alexandria, Va.

enl. '63; umst. in Dec. '03, as Priv. ; wd. Harrison, William. Co. G-; b. New York ; age 24 ; cred. Landafl; Dec. 5, 5, May 6,

'04, AVilderness, Va. ; dishon. disch. Apr. 13, '0.5, by sentence G. C. M.

; Hanovei- ; enl. Jan. '64 Jimst. in Jan. '04, as Priv. Hart, George, alias James Murray. Co. G ; b. Scotland age 20 ; cred. 1, ; 1, '65 '65. app. Corp. June 18, '65 ; Sergt. July 10, ; must, out July 17, P. O. ad., Tweedside, Ont., Can. eul. Jan. '64; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv.; des. Mar. 21, '64, Hartford, Hose. Co. D; b. Freedom ; age 35; cred, Conway; 4, Cincinnati, Ohio. 4, Jan. 4, Priv.; Hartman, Christian, Co. K; b. Germany; age 24 ; cred. Wolfeborough ; enl. Jan. '04 ; must, in '04, as des. Jan. 23, '04, Camp Nelson, Ky. '01, "03, res. Exeter ; enl. Oct. 8, '01 ; must, in Nov. 27, as Piiv. ; des. Apr. 7, Hartnett, Thomas. Co. C ; b. Ireland ; age 28 ; Lexington, Ky.

; ; cred. ; enl. Jan. '64 ; must, in Jan. '04, as Priv. ; app. Hartshorn, Samuel P. Co. E ; b. Manchester age 19 Kingston 5, 5, '6.5. Muse. ; must, out July 17, P. O. ad., Jones, Mich. enl. '64; must, in June '64, Harvey Michael. Unas'd; substitute; b. New Brunswick; age 21 ; cred. Hinsdale; June 3, 3, as Priv. N.f. r. A. G. 0. Harwood, Elijah O. Co. I; b. Vermont; age 44; cred. Wentworth; enl. Jan. 4, '64; must, in Jan. 4, '04, as Priv.; tr. to 112 Co., 2 Batt'l, V. R. C, Mar. 13. '65; disch. disab. June 0, '05, Alexandria, Va. Hasbrook, John. Unas'd; b. New York city; age 19; cred. Rye; enl. Jan. 4, '64; must, in Jan. 4, '04, as Priv.; supposed to have deserted en route to regt. N. f. r. A. G. 0. Oct. '61 in '01, Mass. ; age 18 ; res. Springfield ; enl. 8, ; must, Nov. 28, as Haseltine, George W. Co, G ; b. Cambridgeport, injuries received Jan,, '62), May 31, '63, Beaufort, ; disab, (resulting from Priv, ; tr, to Co. B, 11 Me. Inf. ; to Co, G disch, S, C, Died Dee, 20, '68, Springfield,

'61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Corp. ; tr. to Co. G, 7 I. C, Dec. 40 ; res. Troy ; enl. Oct. 1, Haskell, Bzekiel. Co. F ; b. Troy ; age tm. ex. See 3 N. H. V. 19, '63 ; disch. Nov. 28, '64, Washington, D. C, '61, ; res. Fitzwilliam enl. Oct. 11, '61; must, in Dec. 3, as Priv.; Haskell Theodore Co. F; b. Dickinson, N. Y. age 31; ; '65, to date Dec. 2, '04, Concord, tm. ex. P. O. ad,, Lock's Village, wd. May 12, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. ; disch, Feb, 18, TV'f gug enl. Oct. 28, '01; must, in Nov. 30, '61, as Corp.; wd. Hastings, Bliiah D, Co, I; b, Grantham; age 30; res. Sanbornton ; '62, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Cherryvale, Kan. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. disab. Nov. 27, '01, Priv.; ; res. Rindge; enl. Nov. 21, '61; must, m Nov. 28, as killed Aug. Hastings, John W. Co. K; b.Rindge; age :i9 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. '61 '61, 19 res. Albany ; enl. Oct. 2, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Pnv. ; disch. Nov. 27, Hatch, Josiah D. Co. D ; b. .Madison ; age ; '63, Camp Dennison, Ohio. Hawkins, Joseph D. Co. D; b. Tamwoith; age 42; res. Eaton; enl. Oct. 17, '01; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Oct. 20, '62, New York harbor. P. O. ad., Conway. See 1 N. H. Cav.

; ; enl. Oct. '81 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; killed Hawkins, Orin J. Co. D ; b. Albany ; age 18 res. Eaton 16, Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. '64 ; ; cred. Loudon ; enl. June 4, ; must, in June '64, , John. Co. C ; substitute ; b. Ireland age 28 4, as Priv. '64. wd. sev. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va, ; des, Oct, 17, Washington, D, C, ;;


; ; res. 2 Lt. '61 ; must, in to date '61 app. Hayes, Albert W. Co. D ; b. Rochester age 25 Farniington ; app. Nov. 30, Nov. 27, ; '62 '63. 1 Lt. Aug. 4, '62 ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; app. Capt. Co. G, Oct. 24, ; resigned Oct. 14, P. O. ad., Roch- ester. See V. R. C. Hayes, Augustus. Co. H. See 9 N. H. V.

Co. li res. '61 ; '61, as Priv. ; discli. Hayes, Charles W. H. ; b. Durham ; age 26 ; Durham ; enl. Nov. 14, must, in Nov. 28, disab. Mar. ii, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C. '61 '62, Hayes, John. Co. F; b. Ireland ; age 23; res. AVinchester; enl. Nov. 14, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29,

Bull Run, Va. ; disch. wds. Oct. If), '62, Washington, D. C. Died Nov. 21, '71, Winchester.

Hayes, John. Unas'd ; substitute; b. Canada; age 19; cred. Warner; enl. May 30, '64; must, in May 30, '64, as Priv.; des. June 7, '64, New London, Conn.

Hayes, Hiram. Co. G ; b. Berwick, Me. ; age 28 ; ored. Portsmouth ; enl. Aug. 26, '62 ; must, in Sept. 3, '62, as Priv. ; ap]).

Corp. ; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. disab. Apr. 29, '63, Washington, D. C. '64, Co. B ; b. Dover ; age ; cred. enl. '63 ; '63, Muse. ; des. June 15, Hayes, William. 15 Rumney ; Dec. 31, must, in Dec. 31, as on march from James river, Va., to Petersburg, Va. 9, Haynes, Ambrose D. Co. I; b. Meredith ; age 37; res. Epsom; enl. Dec. '61 ; must, in Jan. 14, '62, as Priv. Died, dis. Jan. 26, '62, Hatteras Inlet, N. C.

I ; b. ; ; '61 ; '61, dis. Dec. Haynes, Hiram B. Co. Meredith ; age 33 res. Epsom enl. Oct. 7, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. Died, 11, '62, Washington, D. C. Fel). Haynes, Joseph C Co. I; b. Chichester ; age 20; res. Epsom; enl. Nov. 14, '61 ; nmst. in Nov. 28, '61, as Corp.; disch. 10, '63, Philadelphia, Pa. Haynes. See Ilanes. Hayward, George H. Unas'd; substitute; b. England; age 24; cred. Landatt'; enl. June 8, '64; must, in June 8, '64, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Co. E ; b. Temple ; age ; res. Temple, cred. Temple enl. '62 ; must, in Sept. 26, '62, as Priv. Heald, Alfred. 21 ; Aug. 23, disch. June 4, '65, near Alexandi'ia, Va. Heald, Alvah. Co. E; b. Temple; age 19; res. Temple; enl. Oct. 28, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; app. Corp. Jan. 1, '64 '65 ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 4, '64 ; app. Sergt. Mar. 14, '65 ; 1 Sergt. JMay 1, '65 ; 2 Lt. Co. A, ,June 1, ; must, out July 17, '65. P. 0. ad., Leominster, Mass. Heald, Oliver. Co. K; b. Temple; age 23; res. Temple; enl. Nov. 20, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; wd. Dec. 13, '62,

Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. disab. Mar. 5, '63. Heald, William H. Co. K; b. Temple; age 23; cred. Gilmantou; enl. Dec. 31, '63; must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv.; disch. disab. May 12, '65, Camp Dennison, Ohio. P. 0. ad., West Wilton.

; ; '64 ; in Feb. Healy, Daniel P. Unas'd b. Cedarsburg, Wis. age 15 ; res. ^lanchester, cred. Grautliam ; enl. Feb. 9, must,

9, '64, as JSIuso. ; disch. Mar. 12, '64, by reason of having been illegally enlisted. P. O. ad., Manchester.

Heard, Samuel. Co. H; b. Dublin; age 36; res. Swanzey; enl. Deo. 17, '61 ; must, in Dec. 17, '61, as Priv. ; disch. Nov. 24, '62, New York city. Died Aug. 8, '64, Swanzey. See 1 N. II. Y.

; b. '64 '64, Pi'iv. ; captd. Died, Heard, W^illiam W. Co. I Lebanon ; age 18 ; cred. Rochester ; enl. Jan. 1, ; must, in Jan. 1, as dis. Aug. 26, '64, Andersonville, Ga. Heath, Alamando. Co. F. See 11 N. H. V. '61 '61, Heath, Benjamin. Co. D ; b. Conway; age 28; res. Conway; enl. Oct. 10, ; mxTst. in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; discli. Jan. 13, *63, Providence, R. I. '01 '61, Heath, Marquis L. Co. D; b. Conway; age 24; res. Conway; enl. Oct. 10, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Piiv. ; des. Apr. 29,

'62, Concord gd. from des. ; disch disab. Apr. 15, '63, Concord. ; Heath, Nelson. Co. A. See 9 N. IL V.

b. ; res. enl. '61 ; '61, ; Heath, Oliver^M. Co. G ; Danville, Vt. age 21 ; Springfield ; Nov. 6, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. wd. and Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. gd. from mis. Died, dis. Sept. 16, '62, Washington, D. C. mis. ;

; ; enl. '61 ; '61, ; Heath, W^arren C. Co. A b. Plymouth ; age 20 ; res. Plymouth Oct. 22, must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. must, out Nov. 28, '64. P. O. ad., Ashland. res. enl. '61 in '61, Heath, William. Co. B; b. Enfield; age IS; Enfield; Nov. 4, ; must, Nov. 27, as Priv. Died, dis. June 20, ' '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C.

; b. ; cred. enl. '64 'lU, Hebert, Joseph. Co. K ; substitute Canada age 28 ; Hillsborough ; May 24, ; must, in May 24, as Priv. captd. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Spriiigs Church, A' a. N. f. r. A. G. O.

b. Ger. ; res. Rindge ; enl. Oct. '61; in '61, Priv.; tr. Heoker, John. Co. K ; Baden, age 35; 15, must, Nov. 28, as 1o Co. G, 7

V. U. C. ; disch. Nov. 28, '64, Washington, D. C, tm. ex. P. O. ad.. East Jaffrey. Helyorsen, Peter. Co. K; b. Norway; age 28; cred. Conway; enl. Jan. 8, '64; must, in Jan. 8, '64. ns Priv.; killed acci- dentally July 8, 'ti4, near Petersburg, Va.

b. Y. ; 19 res. enl. '61 ; '61, ; Henderson, Eugene. Co. E ; Albany, N. age ; Walpole ; Nov. 2, mxist. in Nov. 28, as Priv. re-enl. '84, '65 '65. and must, in Jan. 3, '64 ; wd. July 20, Petersburg, Va. ; app. Sergt. .luly 1, ; nmst. out July 17,

; b. Cincinnati, age cred. enl. '64 '(i4, Henderson, John. Unas'd Ohio ; 20 ; Sandwich ; Jan. 4, ; must, in ,Ian. 4, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 7, '64, Albany, N. Y. Henly, Ludwig. Co. F; b. Switzerland; age 21; cred. Wakefield; enl. Dec. 30, '83; must, in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv.; des. Jan. 28, '64, Camp Nelson, 1%. I; sub.stitute; b. Ireland; age 2] cred. Sutton enl. Sept. '64; '64, Hennesey, John. Co. ; ; 3, must, in Sept. 3, as Priv.; must. out July 17, '85. Henninger, Zephaniah. Co. F. See 9 N. II. V.

; b. ; age 21 ; cred. Dalton ; enl. Jan. 1, '64 ; must, in '64, Henry, John. Co. A Maine Jan. 1, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 24, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky, '63 Co. I ; b. Ireland ; age 20 cred. Temple ; enl. Dec. 31, in '83, '64, Henry, William. ; ; must, Dec. 31, as Priv. ; wd. July 6,

Petersburg, Va. ; killed July 30, '64, Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Va.

Co. 1 b. Granville, N. Y. ; age 34 ; res. London ; enl. Oct. '61 Henshaw, Francis. ; 26, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Sept. 11, '62, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Nat. Home, Togus, Me. See Y. R. C. Heran, Abram. Co. G. See 9 N. II. V.

Co. I-I ; b. Spain ; age ; cred. Sanbornton enl. '84 ; Hernandes, Antoine. 25 ; Jan. 4, must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 19, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

Co. F ; b. Ireland ; age 24 ; cred. Moultonborough ; enl. Dec. 30, '63 in '63, Heme. Michael. ; must, Dec. 30, as Priv. ; captd.

Oct. 1, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; released ; disch. May 31, '65, Philadelphia, Pa. Herner, August. Co. H. See 11 N. H. V.

Co. ; b. Lebanon, Me. ; age 30 res. Dover enl. Oct. '61 ; '61, Hersom, Oliver, Jr. H ; ; 19, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; des. June 9, '63, Philadelphia, Pa. Hicks, Calvin. Co. K. See 9 N. H. V. Hicks, Stephen L. Co. B; b. Compton, Can.; age 10; res. Littleton; enl. Nov. 6, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab, Sept. 13, '62, Concord. Sep 5 N. H, Y. and State Service, ;


Higgins, '61 Sydney B. Co. E ; b. Chesterfield ; age 20 ; res. Chesterfield ; enl. Oct. 1«, ; must, in Nov. 28, '(31, as Priv. ; app. Corp. '61 '63 Nov. 28, ; Sergt. ; re-eiil. and must, in Dec. 24, ; wd. sev. Oct. 1, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; app. 1 Sergt. '65 '65. Jan. 1 , ; 1 Lt. Mar. 6, '65 ; must, out July 17, Hilborn, b. Lewis Q. Co. G ; West Miiiot, Me. ; age 36 ; res. Springfield ; enl. Oct. 2, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Nov. 1.0, '64, City Point, Va. Hildreth, Georg-e Co. E; b. Chesterfield 22 res. '61 L. ; age ; Chesterfield ; enl. Nov. 18. ; must, in Dec. 7, '61, as Priv. ; discli. disab. July 14, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C. P. O. ad., Chesterfield. Hildreth, John Co. E b. Chesterfield res. W. ; ; age 25 ; Chesterfield : enl. '81 ; '61, Oct. 18, nmst. in Nov. 28, as Priv. : disch. disab. Sept. 29, '62, Antietam, Md. Hildreth, Co. I; b. William L. Berkshire, Vt. ; age 43; res. Concord; enl. Nov. 18, '61; must in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. July 29, '62, Concord. See 1 N. H. Cav. and State Service. Hill, Edwin. Co. I age res. '61 ; 19 ; Concord ; enl. Dec. 7, ; must, in Dec. 11, '61, as Priv. ; disch. Dec. 9, '64, to date Dec. 6, '64, near Petersburg, Va., tm. ex. Hill, Guy Co. B b. , Vt. W. ; ; age ; res. Littleton enl. '61 ; 38 ; Oct. 23, must, in Nov. 27, "61, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. Died, wds. Sept. 16, '62, AVashington, D. C. Hill, Henry. Co. D. See 9 N. H. V. Hill, Howard T. Co. I ; age ; res. enl. '61 ; 21 Concord ; Nov. 14, must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Mar. 10, '62. Died, dis. Dec. 8, '62, Falmouth, Va.

Hill, Newell P. Co. C ; b. South Hampton age res. '61 ; 19 ; South Hampton ; enl. Aug. 3, ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; re-enl.

and must, in Jan. 2, '61 ; cred. Stratford ; wd. July 27, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; must, out July 17, '65. P. O. ad., Kingston. Hill, Silas Co. F b. AVhately, ; Mass. ; res. W. age 86 ; Keene ; enl. Nov. 18, '61 ; must, in Dec. 3, '61, as Corp. ; tr. to Co. C, I. 21 C, Sept. 17, '63 ; disch. Nov. 28, '64, New York city.

Hill, William. Co. I ; b. England ; cred. ; '63 age 33 ; enl. Winchester Dec. 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv. ; des. Feb. 3, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

Hillis, James. Co. A ; b. Canada ; age ; cred. ; '64 24 Sandwich enl. Jan. 4, ; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 25, '64, Camp Nelson, Kv. Hiltpald, Rudolph. Co. B. See 9 N. H. V.

Hinds, Benjamin. Co. I; substitute; b. ;• Canada; age 19 ; cred. Amherst enl. June 1, '64; must, in June 1, '64, as Priv.; disch. June 5, '65, Washington, D. C. Died Jan. 24, '71, Norwich, Vt.

Hinds, Co. b. ; '61 Charles J. F ; Winchendon, Mass. ; res. enl. '61, age 21 Walpole ; Nov. 27, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; tr

to Co. B, Feb. 1, '62 ; disch. disab. Dec. 11, '62, Providence, R. L See 10 N. H. V.

Hiscook, Co. ; b. ; '63 Jesse. F Cambridgeport, Mass. age 40 ; cred. Troy ; enl. Dec. 25, ; must, in Dec. 25, '63, as Priv. ; must. out July 17, '65. P. O. ad., Troy.

Hobart, Horace A. Co. A ; b. Hebron ; age 22; res. Hebron ; enl. Oct. 29, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Feb. IS, '62, Hatteras Inlet, N. C. '61 Hoben, William. Co. G ; b. Ireland ; age 44 ; res. Newport ; enl. Oct. 18, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; disch. June 18, '62, New Berne, N. C. '64, Hobey, Williams. Co. C ; age 20 ; enl. May 22, at West Lebanon ; must, in May 22, '64, as Priv. ; des. Nov. 20, '64, Alex- andria, Va. Hobson, Edgar James. Co. B. See 9 N. H. V. '61 Hodgdon, Samuel S., Jr. Co. C ; b. Exeter ; age 22 ; res. Exeter ; enl. Oct. 22, ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Aug.

29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. disab. Jan. 28, '68, Philadelphia, Pa. '61 Hodge, Jairus W. Co. K ; b. Waterford, Vt. ; age 25 ; res. Rindge ; enl. Oct. 21, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Jan. 29, '6-3, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Lyndon, Vt. '61 '61, Hodgman, Franklin B. Co. A ; b. Lowell, Mass. ; age 20 ; res. Campton ; enl. Oct. 23, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. wd. Aug. 29. '62, Bull Run, Va. Died, wds. Oct. 10, '62, Washington, D. C

Hodson, John. Co. A; b. IManchester, Eng. ; age 19; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Jan. 1, '64; nuist. in Jan. 1, '64, as Priv.; des. Feb. 20, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. '63 '63, Hoffman, James. Co. I ; b. Geru)any ; age 22 ; cred. Epping ; enl. Dec. 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, as Priv. ; wd. May 6,

'64, Wilderness, Va. ; des. June 22, '64, while on furlough from Emorv Gen. IIosp., Washington, D. C. Hogan, Charles. Co. F. See 9 N. H. V. Hogan, George. Co. D; substitute; b. Ireland; age 18; cred. Marlow; enl. June 9, '64; must, in June 9, '64, as Priv.; wd.

July 30, '64, Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Va. ; sent to regt. Sept. 2, '64, from ilt. Pleasant Gen. Hosp., Washington, D. C. N. f. r. A. G. O. '64 '64, Hogan, George. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. New York ; age 20 ; cred. Hollis ; enl. June 3, ; must, in June 3, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Hogan, John. Co. A; b. Scotland; age 35; cred. Tuftonborough ; enl. Dec. 31, '63; must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv.; des. Jan. 29, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. '64 Hogan, John. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 30 ; cred. Jefferson ; enl. June 10, ; must, in June 10, '64, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. O. 11, '64, Hogan, Michael. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 21; cred. Salisbury ; enl. June '64 ; mu.st. in June 11, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. O. Hogan, Morris. Co. G; b. Pennsylvania; age 29; cred. Marlborough; enl. Dec. 30, '63; must, in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv.; des. Jan. 13, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. '62; '62, f. r. Hoismer, Charles M. Co. G; age 21 ; cred. Warren ; enl. May 19, must, in Aug. 20, as Priv. N. A. G. O.

Holbrook, George. Co. I; b. Wentworth ; age 18; res. Wentworth ; enl. Nov. 23, '61; must, in Nov. 30, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Feb. 18, '62, Hatteras Inlet, N. C. '64 '64, Holbrook, James T. Co. I ; b. Windsor, N. S. ; age 33 ; cred. Alton ; enl. Jan. 1, ; must, in Jan. 1, as Priv. ; des. Feb.

3, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. ; appreh. Feb. 6, '64 ; wd. and captd. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. N. f. r. A. G. O. Holcomb, Edgar. Co. A. See 9 N. H. V.

Holland, Henry. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 21 ; cred. Claremont ; enl. June 4, '64 ; must, in June 4, '64, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. O. '63 '63, HoUingshod, Michael. Co. I ; b. Canada ; age> 19 ; cred. Freedom ; enl. Dec. 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, as Priv. ; wd. May

12, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. ; wd. June 19, '64, and killed June 2^, '64, Petersburg, Va. Holmes, Edwin C Co. B; b. Haverhill; age 20; res. Haverhill; enl. Sept. 16, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. July 19, '62, New Berne, N. C. P. 0. ad., Ryegate, Vt. '63 Holmes, Blon G. Unas'd ; b. Madison County, N. Y. ; age 22 ; cred. Londonderry ; enl. Dec. 31, ; must, in Dec. 31, '63, as

Priv. ; des. Jan. 7, '64, Albany, N. Y.

Holmes, Horace J. Co. B ; b. Hanover ; age 21 ; res. Haverhill ; enl. Sept. 10, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Corp. ; disch. disab. Dec. 3, '62, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad.. North Haverhill. See 1 N. H. V. ;


'64 Holmes, John. Co. £ ; b. Whitehall, N. Y. ; age 18 ; ered. Portsmouth ; enl. Jan. 2, ; must, in Jan. 2, '64, as Priv. ; wd. June

16, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; disch. May 12, '65, Concord. '63, ; cred. ; enl. '63 must, in Dec. '63, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 20, Holstead, Henry. Unas'd ; b. England ; age 21 Lyme Dec. 4, ; 4, Paris, Ky. '64 '64, Hood, Henry. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. New York ; age 22 ; cred. LandafE ; enl. June 8, ; must, in June 8, as Priv.

N. f . r. A. G. O. '61 '61, Hook, James M. Co. I ; b. Concord ; age 23 ; res. Concord ; enl. Nov. 2, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Sept. 23, '62, Newport News, Va. P. O. ad., Hopkinton. '64 '64, Hooker, Joseph. Co. C ; b. St. John, N. B. ; age 33 ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Jan. 2, ; must, in Jan. 2, as Priv. ; des. Aug. 28, '64, near Weldon Railroad, Va.

Hooper, John B. Co. E ; b. Alstead ; age IS ; res. Walpole ; enl. Oct. 26, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. and must.

in Jan. 3, '64 ; wd. May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va. ; disch. disab. June 21, '65, Baltimore, Md. P. 0. ad.. Unity.

Hooper, Lewis. Co. E ; b. Walpole ; age 45 ; res. Walpole ; enl. Oct. 24, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. and must. '64 in Jan. 3, ; app. Corp. ; killed May 12, '64, Spottsylvania, Va.

Hopkins, Charles D. Co. G; b. Sunapee; age 32; res. Sunapee ; enl. Oct. 12, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; des. Aug. 11, '62, Falmouth, Va. Horner, William H. Co. I; b. Concord; age 22; res. Concord; enl. Dec. 6, '61; must, in Dec. 11, '61, as Priv.; re-enl. and '63 must, in Dec. 19, ; wd. sev. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; disch. disab. May 12, '65, Manchester. P. O. ad.. Concord.

Homey, Henry. Co. H; b. Farmington ; age 28; res. Rochester; enl. Sept. 27, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 4, '64. Died, dis. Jan. 28, '64, Schenectady, N. Y.

Horton, "William A. Co. I ; age 21 ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Aug. 29, '62 ; must, in Sept. 3, '62, as Priv. ; reported died en

route to regt. ; also reported deserted en route to regt. A. G. ()., U. S. A., unable to determine correct record. '61 Houghton, John L. Co. E; b. Walpole; age 21 ; res. Walpole; enl. Oct. 22, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. '61 Nov. 23, ; disch. disab. Aug. 9, '62, Concord. P. O. ad., Walpole. '02, Houligban, James. Co. F ; age 28 ; res. AVinchester ; enl. Oct. 30, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Oct. 17, Newark, N. J.

Houston, Gilmore McL. Co. A; b. Plymouth ; age 23; res. Plymouth; enl. Oct. 10, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.;

app. M. Sergt. Oct. 3, '62 M. Aug. '63 ; must, '05. Q. ; Q. 1, out July 17,

Houston, Isaac B. Co. K ; b. Temple ; age 18 ; res. Temple ; enl. Nov. 23, '61 ; nmst. in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; mis. Aug. 29,

'62, Bull Run, Va. gd. from mis. ; must, out Nov. 27, '64. P. O. ad., New Ipswich. ;

Houston, William L. Co. A ; b. Plymouth ; age 18 ; res. Plymouth ; enl. Oct. 12, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Muse. ; disch. disab. Oct. 29, '63, Camp Nelson, Kj'. '64 '64, Howard, Edward. Co. A ; b. England ; age 24 ; cred. Winchester ; enl. Jan. 2, ; must, in Jan. 2, as Priv. ; app. Corp.

Sergt. ; des. Mar. 26, '65, Boston, Mass.

Howard, John. Co. A ; b. Derby Line, Vt. ; age 17 ; cred. Epping ; enl. Jan. 5, '64 ; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Muse. ; must, out July 17, '65. '64 Howard, Morris. Unas'd; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 20 ; cred. Fitzwilliam ; enl. June 2, ; must, in June 2, '64, as Priv. des. June 7, '64, New London, Conn.

Howard, Percy. Unas'd; substitute; b. Halifax, N. S. ; age 20; cred. Weare ; enl. June 1, '64; must, in June 1, '64, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. 0. '61 Howard, Sherman H. Co. K ; b. Gilsum ; age 23 ; res. Gilsum ; enl. Dec. 9, ; must, in Dec. 11, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. Died, wds. Sept. 3, '62. See 1 N. H. V. '63 Howard, Thomas. Co. G; b. Portland, Me. ; age 20 ; cred. Plainfleld ; enl. Nov. 21, ; must, in Nov. 21, '63, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Oct. 18, '64, Covington, Ky.

Howard, William. Co. I; b. Baltimore, Md. ; age 19 ; cred. Tuftonborough ; enl. Dec. 31, '63 ; must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv. killed May 12, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. '63 Howard, William J. Co. A ; substitute ; b. England ; age 30 ; cred. Nashua ; enl. Oct. 6, ; must, in Oct. 6, '63, as Priv.

mis. May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va. gd. from mis. ; app. Corp. July 1, '65 ; must, out .July 17, '65. ;

Howe, Allison Gr. Co. E; b. Peterborough ; age 22; res. Peterborough ; enl. Sept. 23, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Aug. 24, '62, Newport News, Va. '64 '64, Howe, Rufus. Co. H ; b. Vermont ; age 18 ; cred. Wentworth ; enl. Jan. 4, ; must, in Jan. 4, as Priv. ; disch. June 27, '65, Philadelphia, Pa. Howland, Richardson. Co. B. See 9 X. 11. V. Hoyt, Peter. Co. E; b. New York; age 39; cred. Concord; enl. Nov. 17, '63; must, in Nov. 17, '63, as Priv.; tr. to Co. A, 18 '65 '65, V. R. C, May 15, ; disch. July 18, Washington, D. C. '61 Huckins, James B. Co. A ; b. New Hampton ; age 27 ; res. Holderness ; enl. Oct. 21, ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Jan. 1 9, '62, Annapolis, Md. '61 Huckins, William H. Co. C ; b. Newmarket ; age 18 ; res. Newmarket ; enl. Nov. 4, ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; re-

enl. and must, in Feb. 1, '64 ; wd. July 5, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; tr. to 108 Co., 2 Batt'l, V. R. C. ; disch. June 9, '65, Concord. Hull, Charles H. Co. K; b. Lowell, Mass.; age 27; res. New Ipswich; enl. Oct. 15, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; app. '61 '62 '62, Sergt. Nov. 30, ; 4 Sergt. Julv 1, ; wd. Aug. 29, Bull Run, Va. ; app. 2 Lt. Sept. 20, '62 ; disch. disab. Jan. 13, '63. P. O. ad., Bath, N. Y. '61 '61, Hunt, HoUis. Co. B; b. Lyman; age 28; res. Woodstock; enl. Sept. 23, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. Died, dis. Mar. 27, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C.

; ; res. ; enl. '61 ; '01, ; Hunt, James S. Co. D b. Chatham ; age 21 Chatham Oct. 22, must, in Nov. 27, as Muse. tr. to I. C.

'63 ; '64 ; '65, July 1, ; assigned to Co. E, 10 I. C. re-enl. Apr. 19, disch. Nov. 16, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Conway. Hunt, John. Co. H; substitute; b. Canada; age 30; cred. Sunapee; enl. June 8, '64; must, in June 8, '64, as Priv.; wd. June '64 '64, on from hosp. 26, ; des. Sept. 30, while furlough

b. Chelmsford, Mass. ; age 36 res. enl. '61 ; '61, ; Hunt, Joshua T. Co. K ; ; Rindge ; Oct. 22, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. disch. disab. Oct. 25, '62, Washington, D. C. Died Jan. 29, '00, Kindge.

; b. Bethlehem ; age ; res. enl. Oct. '61 ; '61, ; Huntoon, Caleb, Jr. Co. B 18 Bethlehem ; 26, must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. disch. disab. Nov. 12, '62, Concord. P. 0. ad., Bethlehem.

b. ; age "24"; res. enl. Oct. '61; must, '61, Huntoon, John. Co. B; Bethlehem Bethlehem ; 8, in Nov. 27, as Priv.; disch. disab. Mar. 17, '63, Providence, R. I. P. O. ad., Bethlehem. See State Service.

Washington, D. C. Huse, WUliam. Co. D. See 11 N. H. V. ;; ;


Hutchins, ; ; ; '64 '64, Priv. Henry Co. F ; substitute b. Nova Scotia cred. eiil. 7, ; must, in June 7, as H. age 21 Unity ; June wd. July 5, '64, Petersburg, Va. Died, dis. Feb. 16, '65, Alexandria, Va.

Hutchins, John P. Co. D; b. Madison; age 25 ; res. Madison; enl. Oct. 2, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; captd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. par. Sept. 3, '62. Died, dis. Dec. '62, Madison. ; 22,

Hutchins, Co. ; b. ; res. '61 ; '61, Priv. ; mis. Aug. Thomas O. D Madison age 22 ; Madison ; enl. Oct. 2, must, in Nov. 27, as '62, Bull Run, '62, 29, Va. ; gd. from mis.; des. Nov., Annapolis, Md. '61 '61, Hutchinson, Charles F. Co. I; b. Gilnianton; age 24; res. Gilmanton; enl. Nov. 14, ; must, in Nov. 30, as Priv.; discli. disab. Jan. 9, '63, Washington, D. C. Hutohiuson, William. Co. C. See U N. H. V.

J. Co. ; substitute ; b. 21 cred. : enl. '64 ; must, in May 18, '64, as Inman, Andrew G Rhode Island ; age ; Meredith May 18,

Priv. ; must, out July 17, '65.

Co. F ; b. ; ; '61 ; '61, ; disch. Feb. 25, Irish, Henry G. Milton, Vt. age 34 ; res. Keene enl. Nov. 11, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. '64, Camp Uennison, Ohio.

Co. B ; b. Woodstock ; res. ; enl. '61 in Nov. 27, '61, a.s 1 Sergt. ; app. Jackman, Lyman. age 23 ; Woodstock Nov. 9, ; must, '62; '64, 2 r,t. May 10, wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; app. 1 Lt. Jan. 1, '63; Capt. Co. C, Aug. 1, '64; captd. Sept. 30, '65 '65. Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; exch. Feb. 1, ; must, out July 17, P. O. ad.. Concord. Jackson, George. Co. F. See John P. Babb. Jackson, George. Co. G. See 11 N. II. V. '64 Unas'd ; b. Canada ; 22 cred. enl. in '64, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 13, Jackson, George. age ; Portsmouth ; Jan. 4, ; must, Jan. 4, '64, en route to regt.. Concord,

; '63 '63, ; des. Jackson, Henry. Unas'd ; b. New York city age 21 ; cred. Poi-tsmouth ; enl. Dec. 20, ; nmst. in Dec. 29, as Priv. Jan. 7, '64, Albany, N. Y. Jackson, James. Co. F. See William Weir.

Co, substitute ; '64 ; '64, ; disch. disab. C ; b, 24 ; cred. enl. in 8, as Priv. James, John. France ; age Stark ; June 8, must, June Oct. 13, '64, Washington, D. C. James, John. Co. K. See 9 N. H. V,

Co, ; b, Canada ; age 23 cred, Grafton enl, '63 ; must, in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 18, Jamieson, Robert, 1 ; ; Dec, 30, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky, • 11, Jamison, AUeck, Unas'd; substitute; b, Noi'way ; age 21; cred, Piermont ; enl, June '64 ; must, in June 11, '64, as Priv.; sent to regt, N. f, r. A, G, O. Jaques, Charles. Co. 1; b. Sanbornton; age 4."); res, Sanborntou; enl, Nov, 6, '61; must, in Nov, 30, '61, as Priv,; disch. disab. June 24, '62, New Berne, N, C,

; ; '64 ; '64, Jaquith, Henry W. Co, A ; b, Ashburnhaui, Mass, age 21 cred, Langdon ; enl. Mar, 23, must, in Mar, 23, as Priv, wd, June 21, '04, Petersburg, Va. Died, vvds. Aug. 13, '04, Washington, D, C,

Jefferson, Taylor, Co. I; b, Lisbon; age 30; res, Lisbon; enl, Nov. 18, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Piiv. ; disch. disab. June 24, '02, New Berne, N. C. P, O, ad., Rumney,

Jennison, John, Unas'd; b, Montreal, Can. ; age 24; cred, Tuftonborougli ; enl. Dec, 31, '63 ; must, in Dec, 31, '63, as Priv,; des. Jan. 7, '64, Albany, N, Y,

Jerome, Ambrose, Co, G; b, Vergennes, Vt. ; age "18"; res. Croydon; enl. Oct, 18, '61; must, in Nov, 28, '61, as Priv,; disch. Jan, 5, '63, David's Isl,, N, Y, H, P, O. ad., Vergennes, Vt. See V. R, C,

; ; ; '64 ; '64, ; John, Lewis, Unas'd ; b, France age 27 cred. Unity enl. Jan. 5, must, in Jan. 5, as Priv. reported on roll dated Jan. 15, '04, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A, G. O. Johnson, Arthur M. Co. K, See 9 N, H. V. Johnson, George. Co. I. See 9 N, H, V, '64 '64, '64, Johnson, Henry. Co. E ; h. Germany ; age 25 ; cred. Rye ; enl. Jan, 4, ; must, in Jan. 4, as Priv. ; captd. Sept. 30,

Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; enl. in rebel army. N. f. r. A, G. O.

; cred. enl. '63 ; in '63, ; Johnson, James W. Co. F ; b. New Jersey age 23 ; Goshen ; Dec. 30, must, Dec. 30, as Priv. des. Jan. 20, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. 31, Johnson, John, alias John Gerron, Co, G ; b, Massachusetts ; age 20; cred, Fitzwilham ; enl. Dec. '03 ; must, in Dec. 31,

'63, as Priv. ; app, Corp. July 1, '65 ; must, out July 17, '65.

; ; ; enl. '63 must, in '63, ; Johnson, John, 1st. Co. F b. Sweden ; age 20 cred. Bristol Dec. 31, ; Dec. 31, as Priv. disch. May 29, '65, Washington, D, C,

; ; Jan. '64 ; '64, ; Johnson, John, 2d., Co. F ; b. Harrisburg, Pa. age 20 cred. Northfield ; enl. 4, must, in Jan. 4, as Priv. tr.

to Camp Chase, Ohio, Oct. 24, '64, for transfer to Dept. of the Northwest ; not assigned to regt. in that dept. ; disch. Aug. 30, '65, as of Co. F, N. H. V,, Concord,

; Stark enl. Jan. '04 in Jan. '64, Priv. ; '64, Johnson, William, Co. D b. New York ; age 23 ; cred. ; 4, ; must, 4, as des. Feb. 1, Camp Nelson, Ky.

; ; cied. enl, Jan, '64 must, '64, ; Johnson, William. Co. E ; b. New Bedford, Mass. age 21 Lee ; 5, ; in Jan, 5, as Priv, captd. Sept, 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va, N, f, r. A, G, O, Johnson, William. Co. K. See 11 N. H. V. '63 ; cred. ; enl. Dec. 31, must, in Dec. '63, ; Johnson, William H. Co. D ; b. Dover age 19 ; Wolfeborough ; 31, as Priv, disch, disab, June 10, '64, Washington, D, C, P, 0, ad., Dover, '63 res, Eaton, cred. ; enl, Dec, 31, ; must, in Dec, '63, ; Jones, Andrew, Co, D ; b, Eaton ; age 18 ; Eaton 31, as Priv, wd, June 22, '64, Petersburg, Va. Died, wds. July 3, '64, Washington, D. C.

; res. enl. Sept. '61 ; in '61, Jones, Charles B. Co. D ; b. Boston, Mass. age 20 ; Farmington ; 28, must, Nov. 27, as Priv. ; des. Aug. 10, '02, near Falmouth, Va.

; les. Lee ; enl. Nov. 18, '01 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as ; Jones, Daniel A. Co. C ; b. New Hampshiie ; age 34 Priv. disch. disab, Oct, 25, '62, Jones, David, Unas'd; substitute; b, Delaware; age 20; cred. Landaff; enl. June 8, '64; must, in June 8, '64, as Priv.; reported on roll dated June 14, '04, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. (i. O.

; ; res. Farmington enl. Sept. 28, '61 ; must, in '61, Jones, Edward P. Co. G; b. Boston, Mass. age 21 ; Nov, 28, as Priv, ; tr, '01 in Dec, 23, '03; captd. Sept, '64, Poplar to Co. D, Dec, 1, ; app, Sergt; re-enl. and must, 30, Springs Church, Va,

released; app, 1 Sergt. ; disch. May 24, '06, Annapolis, Md, '62 '62, ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Sept. 6, ; must, in Sept. 9, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Jones, Franklin. Co, I ; b, Salem ; age 44 Dec. 26, '64, near Hancock Station, Va. Jones, Henry A. Co. E; b. Roxbury, Mass.; age 18; res. Mason; enl. Oct. 2, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv,; wd, Aug,

'63 cred, Roxbury, Mass. ; wd. Apr. 2, '65, Petersburg, Va. ; 29, '62, Bull Run, Va, ; re-enl, and must, in Dec. 25, ; nmst. out July 17, '05. Jones, Herman L. Co. C. See 11 N. H. V. '61 in '61, ; res. Wakefield ; enl. Oct. 18, ; must, Nov. 27, as Corp. ; disch. disab. Jones, Hiram. Co. D ; b. Wakefield age 29 ; Dec, 22, '62, Philadelphia, Pa, P. O. ad., Wolfeborough Junction. 316 SIXTH REGIMENT NEW HAMPSHIRE VOLUNTEER INFANTRY.

b. age cred. Claremont ; enl. June 10, '64; must, in June 10, '64, as Priv. Jones James. Unas'd ; substitute; Canada; 21; N. f. 1-. A. G. O. enl. Dec. 30, '63; must, in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv.; wd. May 12, '64, Jones, John. Co. E; b. England; age 10; cred. Groton ; N. Y. Spottsylvania, Va. ; des. July 11, '64, from McDoiigall Gen. Hosp., Ft. Schuyler, ' '64 in June '64, as Priv. reported enl. June 8, ; must, 8, ; 28 ; cred. Marlow ; Jones, John. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. England ; age on roll dated June 14, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. i. A. G. 0. Nov. 64. '61 must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Pnv. ; nmst. out 28, Jones, John F. Co. C; b. Lee; age 33; res. Lee; enl. Nov. 21, ;

P. 0. ad., Lee. ^ ^^ „„ ,„, , . '61, app. Lt. Tsov. 61 must, in age ; res. Wakefield ; enl. Oct. 18, as Pnv. ; 1 30, ; Jones Josiah N. Co. D ; b. Wakefield ; 26 '64. See '62 ; must, out Nov. 28, P. O. ad., Waterborough, Me. to date Nov. 27, '61, as 1 Lt. ; app. Capt. Co. F, Aug. 4, Miscel. Oi'ganizations. , i i '61, Sergt. re-enl. ; '61 must, in Nov. 28, as Corp. ; app. ; ; 26 ; res. Durham enl. Oct. 19, ; Jones, Samuel J. Co. H b. Lee ; age '64 '63; must, out July 17, '6.'5. P. O. ad., Durham. and must, in Jan. 2, ; app. 1 Sergt. Apr. 1, '64; must, in May '64, as Pnv.; Jones, Thomas. Co. A; substitute; b. Canada; age 34; cred. Hillsborough; enh May 24, 24, must, out July 17, '6.5. P. 0. ad., St. Johnsbury, Vt. -,.-,„, '64 '(i4, Pnv. captd. May 61 : in Jan. o, as ; 22, Ireland ; cred. Warren ; enl. Jan. 5, ; must, Jones, Thomas. Co. D ; b. ; age 18

exch. Dec, '64 ; disch. Aug. 7, 'Co, Washington, D. C. „ i o res. Plainfield; enl. Oct. 2, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Pnv.; des. Apr. 8, Jordan, Horace. Co. G; b. Columbia; age 31 ; '63, Lexington, Ky. P. 0. ad., Plainfield. '64 in Jan. '64, as riv. disch. ; ; ci-ed. Tauiworth ; enl. Jan. 2, ; must, 2, 1 ; Jordan, Richard O. Co. E ; b. Freeport, Me. age 18 July 20, '64, near Petersburg, Va. P. 0. ad., Haverhill, Mass. -> '61, Pnv.; Jordan, William R., 2d. Co. G; b. Plainfield; age 33; res. Plainfield; enl. Oct. 1, '61; must, in Nov. 28, as disch. Oct. 2, '62, Antietam, Md. Died July 3, '81, Plainfield. '63 '63, as Pnv. captd. May ; ; ; enl. Dec. o, ; must, in Dec. 5, ; Josephson, Lehman. Co. I b. Germany age 26 ; cred. Lisbon '64 '64 '6.5. '64, Va. exch. Dec, ; must, out July 17, 9, Spottsylvania, ; par. Dec. 13, ; " '61 '61, as Priv. tr. to Co. ; 21 res. Landaff ; enl. Nov. 2, ; must, in Nov. 27, ; Judd, Henry W. Co. B ; b. New Hampshire age ; '62 '65, ex. Died Oct. 12, '84, Easton. C. 5 Cav., U. S. A., Nov. 4, ; disch. Nov. 4, Washington, D. C, tm. '64, des.. ; ; enl. Feb. 9, '64 ; must, in Feb. 9, as Muse. ; Junkins, Henry J. Unas'd b. Biadford, Vt. ; age 15 cred. Grantham ; Concord. N. f. r. A. G. O. 1, '61, disch. disab. enl. Nov. '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv.; Kane, Dennis. Co. H; b. Ireland ; age 38; res. Portsmouth; Jan. 29, '63, Philadelphia, Pa. Died Feb. 19, '70. enl. Jan. '64; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv.; wd. June 27, Karlson, John. Co. G; b. Sweden ; age 20; cred. Stewartstown ; 5, '65 '65. '64, Petersburg, Va. ; app. Corp. July 1, ; must, out July 17, Karlson, Zon. Co. G. See John Karlson. '64; '64, Priv.; .\pr. Kearney, Thomas. Co. H; b. Ireland; age 25; cred. Swanzey ; enl. Jan. 4, must, in Jan. A, as des. 22, '64, Annapolis, Md. Kearney. See Carney. '64 '64, Keating, "William. Co. E ; b. New York ; age 28 ; cred. Barrington ; enl. Jan. 5, ; must, in Jan. 5, as Priv. ; des. Mar. 22, '64, while en route from Camp Nelson, Ky., to Annapolis, Md.

Keay, William H. Co. II ; b. Canada; age 21; res. Dover; enl. Oct. 21, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Sergt.; app. 1 .Sergt.

Sept. 1, '62; wd. sev. Dec 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; re-enl. and must, in Dec. 24, '63; app. 1 Lt. Dec. 2.3, '63; wd. sev. '65 July 20, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; app. Capt. Co. E, Jan. 7, ; must, out July 17, '65. P. O. ad., Lynn, Mass. See 1 N. H. V.

Keefe, Thomas. Co. F; b. Albany, N. Y. ; age 20; cred. Centre Harbor; enl. Dec. 31, '63; must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv.; wd. '64, '65 '65. July 30, Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Va. ; app. Coi-p. July 1, ; must, out July 17,

Keefe, W^llliam. Co. C ; b. Ireland; age 32; res. Exeter; enl. Nov. 22, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; des. .^ng. 2, '62, Newport News, Va.

Keith, Phineas. Co. D ; b. Eaton ; age 21 ; res. Eaton ; enl. Nov. 5, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; des. Sept. 4, '62, Fred- ericksburg, Va.

; ; ; ; '64 Keller, Frederick. Unas'd substitute b. Germany ; age 29 cred. Chesterfield enl. June 2, ; must, in June 2, '64, as

Priv. ; des. June 7, '64, New London, Conn. '64 Kelley, John. Co. D ; b. Ireland ; age 23 ; cred. New Durham ; enl. Jan. 4, ; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 2, '65, near Petersburg, Va. b. '63 '63, Kelley, John. Co. H ; England ; age 24 ; cred. Raymond ; enl. Dec. 31, ; must, in Dec 31, as Priv. ; des. Feb. 4, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. Kelley, Owen. Co. K; substitute; b. Ireland; age 19; cred. Manchester; enl. Oct. 6, '63; must, in Jan. 6, '64, as Priv.; wd. '64, June 3, Bethesda Church, Va. ; captd. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, '^'a. Died Nov. 15, '64, Salisbury, N. C. b. '63 '63, Kelley, Patrick. Co. I ; Ireland ; age 24 ; cred. Lyme ; enl. Dec. 4, ; must, in Dec. 4, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 27, '63, Camp Nelson, Ky.

; '63 '03, Kelley, Robert. Co. D b. England ; age 27 ; cred. Orford ; enl. Dec. 16, ; must, in Dec. 16, as Priv. ; des. Mar. 26, '64, Annapoli.s, Md. '64 Kelley, William. Co. C ; b. Germany ; age 31 ; cred. Stewartstown ; enl. Jan. 6, ; must, in Jan. 6, '64, as Priv.; must, out July 17, '65. • Co. b. Ells-worth; '61 '61, Kelly, Henry. A; Ellsworth; age 18; res. enl. Oct. 22, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv.; disch. Mar. 17, '63. P. O. ad., Campton. '61 Kelly, Isaiah M. Co. G ; b. Salem ; age 37 ; res. Salem ; enl. Nov. 6, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; killed .Vug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va.

Kemp, William. Co. I; b. Baltimore, Md. ; age 42; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Sept. 8, '62; mu.st. in Sept. 9, '62, as Priv.; disch. disab. Feb. 15, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. b. '63 Kemp, William P. Unas'd ; England ; age 23 ; cred. Meredith ; enl. Dec. 31, ; must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 7, '64, Albany, N. Y. Kendalle, Duffle. Co. II; substitute; b. Canada; age 27; cred. Claremont; enl. June 2, '64; must, in June 2, '64, as Priv.;

wd. July 14, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; des. Dec. 31, '64, Fairfax Seminary Gen. Hosp., A'a.

b. Ireland ; '63 '03, Kenney, James. Unas'd ; age 21 ; cred. I^yme ; enl. Dec. 5, ; must, in Dec. 5, as Priv. ; supposed to have deserted en route to regt. N. f. r. A. G. (). Kenney, Thomas. Co. G; b. New York; age 16; cred. Gilford; enl. Feb. 10, '04; must, in Feb. 10, '64, as Muse; must, out July 17, '65. '61 Kennison, James G. Co. II; b. Brownville, Me.; age 28; res. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; enl. Oct. 26, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as 13, Priv.; wd. Dec. '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; app. Sergt.; wd. July 30, '64, Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Va. ; Oct. 1, '61,

Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; must, out Nov. 27, '04. Kent, Calvin. Co. E. See 11 N. H. V. 4, 4, Kerr, William. Co. I; b. Ireland; age 43: cred. Wentworth ; enl. Jan. '61; must, in Jan. '04, as Priv.; captd. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. Died, disease and starvation Dec. 31, '64, Salisbury, N. C. ;; ;


Keyes, b. ; res. ; eiil. "61 ; '61, Priv. ; wd. Aug. David R. Co. E ; Putney, Vt. age 26 ; Putney, Vt. Sept. 30, must, in Nov. 28, as

29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; disoh. disab. Feb. 17, '63, Baltimore, Md.

Kidder, Amos. Co. B; b. Rochester, Vt. ; age 20; res. Enfield; enl. Oct. 11, '01 ; ninst. in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; discli. disab. Feb. 11, '63, Providence, R. 1. P. O. ad., Canterbury, Conn.

Kidder, b. ; ; res. ; '61 '61, John Co. E ; Winchester age Jatlrey enl. in as Pilv. Died, dis. Nov. P. 21 Oct. 9, ; must, Nov. 28, 6, '62, Alexandria, Va.

Kimball, Alvah M. Co. H ; b. Bradford, Mass.; age 32; res. Rochester; enl. Nov. 1.5, '61; mu.st. in Nov. 28, '01, as Priv.; '61 app. Q. M. Sergt. Nov. 30, ; disch. Oct. 3, '62, to accept promotion. See 1.5 N. II. V.

Kimball, Charles Co. b. '61 ; '61, H. D ; Wolfeborough ; age 33 ; res. enl. iu 27, as Priv. Wolfeborough ; Nov. 14, must, Nov. disch. disab. June 24, '62, New Berne, N. C.

Kimball, George Co. K b. Rindge ; '61 ; '61, dis. Jan. S. ; ; age 21 res. Rindge ; enl. Oct. 28, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. Died, 17, '02, Annapolis, Md.

Kimball, Israel. Co. ; '61, H ; b. Keunebunk, Me. age 44; res. Kennebunk, j\Io. ; enl. Nov. 16, '61 ; nmst. in Nov. 28, as Priv. disch. disab. Dec. 17, '62, Washington, D. C. Died Mar. 1.5, '70, Kennebunk, Me.

Kimball, James. Co. B b. Canaan ; res. '01 '61, ; '62, ; ; age 24 Canaan ; enl. Nov. 6, ; must, in Dec. 10, as Priv. des. Aug. 16, on march from Falmouth, Va., to Culpepei-, Va. P. O. ad., Lyme Centre.

Kimball, li b. ; Jeremiah Co. ; '61 ; '61, B. Middletou ; age 41 res. Rochester ; enl. Oct. 22, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. Died, dis. Oct. 24, '62, Portsmouth Giove, R. I.

Kimball, Jonas. Co. b. Wells, ; ; D ; age res. '61 '61, ; Me. 44 Ossipee ; enl. Sept. 30, ; must, iu Nov. 27, as Priv. disch. disab. Jan. n, '63, Washington, D. C. P. 0. ad., Ossipee.

Kimball, William. Co. D; b. Lebanon, iSIe. ; age 18; res. Ossipee; enl. Oct. 8, '01; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; drowned Aug. 13, '62, by foundering of steamer " West Point," in Potomac river.

Kimmell, Charles. Co. D b. Canada; 27 cred. '63 '63, ; ; age ; Pieruiont; enl. Dec. 5, ; must, in Dec. 5, as Priv. des. Mar. 27, '64, Annapolis, Md.

King-, Charles. Co. D b. Russia ; '04 ; age 22 ; cred. Unity ; enl. Jan. 5, ; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv. ; des. Feb. 8, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

King, Co. A b. Ireland '04 '64, ; '64, Edward. ; ; age 19 cred. J, Priv. des. ; Wakefield ; enl. Jan. ; must, in Jan. 1, as Jan. 19, Camp Nelson, Ky.

King, Co. E b. '64 ; '64, ; George. ; New York cred. Sept. ; age 29 ; Stewartstown ; enl. Jan. 5, must, in Jan. 5, as Priv. wd. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; must, out July 17, '65.

King, John. Co. F ; b. England ; age 24 ; cred. Bristol ; enl. Dec. 16, '63 ; must, in Dec. 16, '63, as Priv. ; wd. May 12, '64,

Spottsylvania, Va. ; must, out July 17, '65. King, Lewis. Co. K; b. Canada; enl. '64; '64, '64, age 40; cred. Shelburne ; Jan. 5, must, in Jan. 5, as Priv.; wd. Sept. 30,

Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; ti-. from Gen. Ilosp., Beverly, N. J., to White Hall, Pa., May 12, '65. N. f. r. A. G. O.

King, Robert. Unas'd ; substitute; b. Canada; age 21; cred. Wilmot; enl. May 25, '64 ; must, in May 25, '64, as Priv.; sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

King, Thomas. Co. A ; b. Cincinnati, Ohio age cred. Northfield enl. Jan. '64 in Jan. '64, as Priv. ; des. Mar. ; 25 ; ; 2, ; must, 2, 20, '64, , Pa.

King, William H. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 22 ; cred. Acworth ; eid. June 8, '64 ; must, in June 8, '64, as Priv. sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Kingsbury, Edward A. Co. E ; b. Suiry ; age 22 ; res. Surry ; enl. Nov. 5, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Jan. 29, '63, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Acworth. See 1 N. H. H. Art. '61, Kingsbury, Elisha A. Co. E ; b. Alstead ; age 23 ; res. Jaffrey ; enl. Oct. 0, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; wd. July 18,

'64, Petersburg, Va. ; must, out Nov. 28, '64. Kirbey, James. Co. I; b. Concord; age 18; res. Concord; enl. Nov. 15, '61; must, in Dec. 3, '01, as Priv.; wd. Dec. 13, '62, '65. Fredericksburg, Va. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 3, '64 ; wd. May 12, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. ; must, out July 17, P. O. ad., Cincinnati, Ohio. Kirwan, Peter. Co. E. See 9 N. li. V. '64, Klein, John. Co. B ; b. Phalsbourg, France ; age 28 ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Jan. 1, '64 ; must, in Jan. 1, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 31, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

'64 '64, ; Kleingan, Charles. Co. E ; b. Germany ; age 40 ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Jan. 5, ; must, in Jan. 5, as Priv. wd. July

19, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; tuust. out July 17, '65. Knapp, Charles. Co. G. See 11 N. H. V. Knapp, Edwin J. Co. F; b. Hinsdale; age 17; res. Ashuelot; enl. Nov. 8, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; re-enl. and '64 '65, Died '82, Hinsdale. must, in Jan. 3, ; ci-ed. Hinsdale ; disch. disab. July 3, Washington, D. C. Dec. 10, Knapp, George O. Co. F; b. Hardwick, Mass.; age 29; res. Swanzey; enl. Sept. 25, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Jan. 22, '63, Baltimore, Md.

; ; ; enl. '64 ; in '64, as Priv. Knigge, William. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Germany age 22 cred. Warreu June 8, must, June 8, N. f. r. A. G. O.

; ; res. ; enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Corp. ; disch. Knight, George R. Co. B ; b. Franconia age 30 Franconia 23, disab. Jan. 13, '63, Washington, D. C. '62 '62, res. Nelson, cred. Nelson ; enl. Aug. ; must, iu Sept. IS, as Priv. Knight, Harlan P. Co. E ; b. Hancock ; age 24 ; 18, wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. Died, wds. Deo. 26, '62, Falmouth, Va. '62 '62, res. Nelson, cred. Nelson ; enl. Aug. 18, ; must, iu Sept. 18, as Priv. Knight, Samuel G. Co. E ; b. Hancock ; age 37 ; '78, Harrisville. wd. May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va. ; disch. June 4, '65, near Alexandria, Va. Died July 9, '61 '61. '62, ; enl. Dec. 10, ; must, in Dec. 10, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, Bull Knott, Thomas. Co. H ; b. Dover ; age 23 ; res. Dover '63 '65. P. ad.. Soldiers' Home, Tilton. Run, Va. ; app. Corp. ; re-enl. and must, in Dec. 31, ; must, out July 17, 0.

'61 ; must, iu Nov. '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. and ; res. Seabrook ; enl. Nov. 5, 27, Knowles, Moses B. Co. C ; b. Seabrook ; age 31 '65. P. O. ad., Seabrook. must, into Co. T, Dec. 26, '63 ; app. Sergt. ; must, out July 17, '61 iu Nov. '01, as Priv. disch. res. Gilmanton ; enl. Oct. 26, ; must, 30, ; Knowles, Samuel P. Co. I ; b. Gilmanton ; age 23 ; disab. Sept. 23, '62, Ft. Monroe, Va. '01 '61, Priv. ; res. Newmarket ; enl. Oct. 18, ; must, m Nov. 27, as Knowlton, Andrew J. Co. C ; b. Deerfield ; age 22 des. Aug. 12, '62. '61, ; enl. Oct. 2, '61 ; must, iu Nov. 27, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Knox, Elijah. Co. C ; b. Gorham, Me. ; age 44 ; res. Seabrook May 31, '63, Crab Orcliard, Kv. See V. R. C. '04 '64, Priv. wd. Sept. enl. Jan. 5, ; must, lu Jan. 5, as ; Koberg, Wilhelm. Co. G ; b. Germany ; age 22 ; cred. Charlestown ; 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. Died, dis. Jan. 31, '65, Alexandria, Va. enl. "64 must, in May '64, as Priv. ; May 17, ; 17, Unas'd substitute ; b. Germany ; age 28 ; cred. Fremont Koening, Julius. ; sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. '64 in Jan. '64, as Priv. des. to the enemy ; enl. Jan. 4, ; must, 4, ; Kogel, William. Co. E ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; cred. Richmond Oct. 19, '64, near Pegram House, Va. ' ;;


'63 KoUer, George W., alias James Williamson. Co. I ; substitute ; b. Cleveland, Ohio ; age 20 ; cred. Strafford ; enl. Aug. 14, ; '64 '64 '65. must, in Aug. '03, as Priv. ; captd. M&j 29, par. Nov. 19, ; discli. to date July 17, P. ad., Lakewood, N. J. 14, ; O.

; '04 '64, Feb. 28, Konady, Bliss. Co. A ; b. Canada age 18 ; cred. Marlborough ; enl. Jan. 2, ; must, in Jan. 2, as Priv. Died '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. Kuhlmann, WUliam. Co. K. See 9 N. II. V.

; '64 ; '64, ; Kulp, Henry. Co. A ; b. Pennsylvania ; age 28 ; cred. Lancaster enl. Jan. 1, must, in Jan. 1, as Priv. des. Jan. 23, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. Lachanse, Joseph. Co. B. See 9 N. H. V. 1, Ladd, David N. Co. B; b. Bristol; age 27; res. Enfield ; enl. Oct. 7, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Corp.; wd. Sept. '62,

Chautilly, Va. ; disch. wds. Dec. 30, '02, Newark, N. J. P. O. ad., Enfield. Lafan, Joseph. Co. K. See 9 N. H. V. '64 '64, La Prance, Alexander. Co. K ; b. Canada; age 35 ; cred. Danbury ; enl. Jan. 1, ; must, in Jan. 1, as Priv. ; disch. to date June 10, '65. '64, Lagerques, John O. Co. G ; b. Sweden ; age 24 ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Jan. 5, '64 ; must, in Jan. 5, as Priv. ; wd. and '65 '65. captd. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Ya,. ; released ; app. Corp. July 1, ; must, out July 17, '64 '64, Lague, Louis. Co. IB ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 19 ; cred. Danbury ; enl. May 27, ; must, in May 27, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Feb. 15, '65, Hancock Station, Va.

Lakeman, Henry C. Co. E; b. Peterborough; age 18; res. Peterborough; enl. Oct. 4, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.;

tr. to 75 Co., 2 Batt'l, I. C, May 13, '63 ; disch. Nov. 28, '64, Washington, D. C, tra. ex.

Lakey, Patrick. Co. E; b. Ireland; age 18; cred. Columbia; eul. Feb. 12, '64; must, in Feb. 12, '64, as ISIusc. ; des. Mar. 16, '64. La March, Lewis. Co. F. See 11 N. H. V. '01 '61, re-enl. Lambert, Csrrel. Co. A ; b. Holderness ; age 18 ; res. Holderness ; enl. Oct. 14, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; and must, in Dec. 2.5, '63. Died, dis. Apr. 17, '65, Holderness.

; ; ; '61 '61, Priv. ; disch. Lambert, Joseph. Co. A b. Canada age 43 res. Holderness ; enl. Nov. 30, ; must, in Dec. 15, as Dec. 15, '64, tm. ex. P. O. ad., Ashland.

; '63 '68, ; Lamoitt, Joseph. Unas'd b. Albany, N. Y. ; age 21 ; cred. Barnstead ; enl. Dec. 31, ; must, in Dec. 31, as Priv. des. Jan. 8, '64, Concord.

; '64 '64, Priv. ; wd. Lamorie, Joseph. Co. B ; substitute b. France ; age 42 ; cred. Langdon ; enl. June 2, ; must, in June 2, as '64, '64 '64. Aug. 10, Petersburg, Va. ; entered Depot Field Hosp., 9 A. C, Aug. 14, ; tr. Aug. 23, N. f. r. A. G. O.

Lamphrey, Stephen. Co. I; b. Concord; age 20; res. Concord; enl. Dec. 7, '61 ; must, in Dec. 11, '61, as Priv.; re-enl. and

must, in Dec. 19, '63 ; must, out July 17, '65. '64, Lane, Charles. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 21 ; cred. Hopkinton ; enl. May 31, '64; must, in May 31, as Priv.; reported on roll dated June 6, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. 6. O.

Langfree, Joseph. Co. B ; substitute ; b. France ; 32 ; enl. '04 ; '64, as Priv. age cred. Camptou ; June 2, must, in June 2, captd. Oct. 1, '04, Poplar Springs Church, Va. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Langley, John P. Co. H; b. Durham; age 13; res. Durham; enl. Oct. 17, '01 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Corp. Died, dis. Mar. 8, '62, Hatteras Inlet, N. C.

Lanigan, John. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. ; ; ; enl. '04 '64, ; England age 21 cred. Errol June 11, ; must, in June 11, as Priv. des. June 14, '04 (jumped overboard from steamer " City of Norwich," during night of June 14, '04, between Allyn's Point, Conn., and Jersey City, N. J.). Co. b. Lape, John. C ; Troy, N. Y. ; age 33 ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Dec. 28, '63 ; must, in Deo. 28, '63, as Priv. ; des. Feb. 10, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. Lapine, Joseph. Co. B. See 11 N. H. V. Larel, Timothy. Unas'd; substitute; b. New Brunswick; age 25; cred. AVhitefield; enl. June 1, '04; must, in June 1, '64, as Priv. ; des. June 7, '64, New London, Conn. Larey, John. Co. K. See 9 N. H. V.

Lamey, George. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Ireland cred. ; '64 ; age 23 ; Hill enl. June 9, ; must, in June 9, '64, as Priv. ; reported on roll dated June 14, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Latelle, Gabriel. Co. A ; b. France age 19 cred. enl. '64 ; ; Campton ; Jan. 5, ; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv. ; des. June 12, '04, near Cold Harbor, Va.

Latimer, Robert. Co. B ; b. Manchester ; age ; cred. ; enl. 16 Pembroke Feb. 10, '04 ; must, in Feb. 10, '04, as Muse. ; must. out July 17, '65. Laughlin, Lawrence. Co. A. See Lawrence Leonard.

Lavalle, George H. Co. I; b. Hudson, N. Y. ; age cred. 27; Somersworth ; enl. Dee. 31, '63; must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv.; des. Mar. 8, '04, Camp Nelson, Ky. Lavell, James. Co. I b. England ; ; age 35 ; cred. Francestown ; enl. Dec. '03 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, '03, as P)iv. ; des. Jan. 18, 64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

_ 'egt. _ _ _ Lawley, John. Co. G b ; Sweden age cred. ; 21 ; Holderness ; enl. Jan. 5, '64 ; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv. ; reported ^ „. roll dated July 17, 'Oo, as absent sick at Beverly, N. J. N. f. r. A. G. 0. Lawrence, Andrew Unas'd substitute J ; ; b. Canada ; age 21 ; cred. Lee enl. '04 ; May 18, ; must, in May 18, '64, as Priv. des. June 14 64 (.lumped overboard from steamer "City of Norwich," during night of June 14, '64, between Allyn's Point = o j > t/onn., and Jersey City, N. J.). Lawrence Prederick Co. F b C. ; Fitzwilliam res. ; age 21 ; Keene ; enl. Oct. '61 ; 17, nmst. in Nov. 28, '01, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Jan. 2, 63, Baltimore, Md, Died, dis. Jan. 2.5, '63, Troy. Laxx, Nicholas. Co. D b. Germany age ; ; 21 ; cred. Alstead ; enl. Dec. 4, '63 ; must, in Dec. 4, '68, as Priv. ; wd. June 19, '64, leteisburg, \a. ; disch. to date Nov. 1.5, '64. Leach, William H. Co H b. ; Moultonborough ; age 22; res. Centre enl. '61 Harbor; Nov. 11, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as *^'*'"- '^'"''^'- °^°' '°"' Washington, ' "' D. C. P. O. ad., Milwaukee, Wis. LeathersT an+h««, Oliver,ni,- almsr OliverAr S;' V'' n* St° ?°-J^ Fremont. Co. II ; b. Barrington ; age 22 ; res. Barrington enl. '01 ; Nov. 16, ; must, in Nov. 28, "^"S- '^°' '^-' ^"" ^""' '^'''- ^'^^' ™<*^- 0<='- '02, Georgetown, D. C. T +T, 'I! T" 9. Leathers, Stephen Co. C b. Madbury " " ; ; age 38 ; res. Newmarket ; enl. Oct. '61 ; '61, 28, must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; dischs > disab. . , . Sept. 20, '62, AVashington, D. C. See V. B, C. Leavitt Ernest Co. A I b. Boston, Mass. ; ; age 19 ; cred. Columbia ; eul. Feb. 12, '64 '64, ; must, in Feb. 12, as Priv. ; app Corp. July 1, ' ^^ '65 ; must, out July 17, '05. Leavitt, Rufus L. Co. A b. Washington, ; Vt. ; age 22 ; res. Hebron ; enl. Oct. 29, '61 ; must, in '61, Nov. 27, as Priv. ; re-enl ^"' '"'' ^^^^' ^°'''^' °^^^^^' '^'^' "^ ^^^' ^' ^°P'^'' ®P""g^ Church, Va. released. Died, dis. Apr. 6, '65^ Hebr"" ' ' ; ;


Lee, George. b. Co. I; Norfolk, Can.; age 38; creel. Portsmouth; eiil. Jan. 1, '64; must, in Jan. 1, '64, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 20, '64, Annapolis, Md. Lee, James Co. B; b. England; age res. Enfield; eul. '61 C. 45; Oct. 18, ; myst. in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; wd. Aug. 29, '62,

Bull Run, Va. ; disch. wds. Dec. 23, '62. Died Sept. lo, '86, Orford.

Lee, Luke. Co. A b. Ireland ; age 23 cred. ; eril. '64 ; ; Portsmouth Jan. 4, ; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv. ; wd. Apr. 2, '65, Peters- burg, Va. ; disch. disab. July 14, '65, Philadelphia, Pa. Died Nov. 24, '70, Philadelphia, Pa. Lee, William. Unas'd; b. Ireland; age 22; cred. Hanover; enl. Dec. 30, '64; must, in Dec. 30, '64, as Priv.; supposed to have deserted en route to regt. N. f. r. A. (i. O. Leeds, "William C. Co. K. See 9 N. H. V. Legro, Blihu H. Co. D; b. Rochester; age 33; les. Rochester; enl. Oct. 14, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Jan. 2, '6i, Washington, D. C. Leighton, Barzillai Co. D; b. Ossipee; W. age 28; res. Ossipee ; ejil. Oct. 23, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. Died Jan. 7, '63, Philadelphia, Pa. Leighton, Co. I res. Charles. ; age ; Concord enl. '61 ; 23 ; Oct. 4, nnist. in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; escaped Nov. 26, '64, from guard while undergoing sentence of G. C. M. N. f. r. A. G. O. Leighton, Co. b. '61 Joel A. C; Exeter; age ; res. 41 Exeter; enl. Oct. 1, ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Sergt.; disch. disab. Oct. - s 10, '62, Washington, D. C. . . LeLonde, Joseph. Co. A. See 11 N. H. V. Lemay, Louis. Co. H; substitute; b. Canada; age 22; cred. Bethlehem; enl. May 30, '64; mn.st. in May 30, '64, as Priv.; disch. wds. Dec. 4, '64, Washington, D. C. Len, Charles. Unas'd; b. Germany; age 29; cred. Lisbon; enl. Dec. 4, '63; nmst. in Dec. 4, '63, as Priv.; des. Deo. 20, '63, Paris, Ky.

Leonard, John. Co. G; b. Ireland; age 25; cred. Lebanon; enl. Nov. 21, '63; must, in Nov. 21, '6-3, as Priv.; des. Apr. 15, '64, Annapolis, Md. Leonard, John. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 22; cred. Dorchester; enl. June 2, '64; must, in June 2, '64, as Priv.; des. June 7, '64, New London, Conu.

Co. A ; b. Ireland; age Leonard, Lkwrence. 27; cred. Sanboniton ; enl. Jan. 2, '64; must, in Jan. 2, '64, as Priv.; tr. to Dept. '64 of the Northwest Oct. 10, ; dishon. disch. Sept. 4, '05, Jefferssn City, Mo.

Leonard, Martin. Co. E ; substitute ; b. JMontieal, Can. ; age ; '64 '64, 21 cred. Sandwich ; enl. May 19, ; must, in May 19, as '64, Priv. ; wd. Oct. 1, Poplar Springs Church, \'a. ; des. to the enemy Oct. 15, '64, near Pegram House, Va. Leonard, Thomas. Co. I. See 9 N. H. V. Leonardi, Antonio. Co. C. See UN. H. V.

Leono, Roselono. Co. H ; substitute ; b. Italy ; age 24 ; cred. Enfield ; enl. May 24, '64 ; must, in May 24, '64, as Priv. ; des. returned Mar. 27, '65, under President's Proclamation; must, out tfuly 17, '65. "34"; LeRoy, David. Co. K ; b. New York city ; age res. New Ipswich ; enl. Oct. 31, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Muse; disch. disab. Jan. 23, '63, Alexandria, Va. See V. R. C. Levielle, Victor. Co. E. See 9 N. H. Y. '64 Levill, John. Co. F ; b. Ireland ; age 20 ; cred. Alton ; enl. Jan. 5, ; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv. ; wd. and died, wds. May 12, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. Levire, Joseph. Co. H. See 11 N. H. Y. '64; '64, Lewis, Almond D. Co. I; b. Vermont; age 19 ; cred. Wentworth; enl. Jan. 4, must, in Jan. 4, as Priv. Died, dis. Apr. 1, '64, Covington, Ky.

; ; ; les. ; '61 ; '61, Priv. ; Lewis, Calvin A. Co. A b. Littleton age 35 Plvmouth" enl. Oct. 28, must, in Nov. 27, as disch. May 26, '63. P. O. ad., Plymouth. See V. R. C. Lewis, Charles H. Co. F; b. AUenstown; age 15; cred. Grantham; enl. Feb. 9, '64; must, in Feb. 9, '64, as Muse; must. out July 17, '65. P. O. ad., Springfield, Mass.

; ; '63 '63, Priv. ; Lewis, George. Co. H ; b. Vermont age 27 ; cred. Whitefiield enl. Dec. 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, as des. Apr. 24, '64, en route from Annapolis, Md., to Washington, D. C.

; ; enl. '61 ; in '61, as ; '62, Lewis, Samuel F. Co. D ; b. Ossipee age 23 res. Ossipee ; Oct. 1, must, Nov. 27, Corp. wd. Dec. 13,

Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. Nov. 30, '64, as Priv., Concord, tm. ex.

'63 ; Dec. '63, as Priv. N. f . r. A. O. Light, John. Unas'd ; b. Canada ; age 23 ; cred. Grafton ; enh Dec. 30, must, in 30, G.

; ; enl. '63 ; in Dec. '63, as Priv. ; des. Jan. '64, Light, Peter. Co. G ; b. Canada age 21 cred. Whitefield ; Dec. 31, must, 31, 30, Camp Nelson, Ky. Ligins, William, alias Nicholas Brown. Co. E; b. Canada; age 18; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Jan. 2, '64; must, in Jan. 2, '64, '65. as Priv. ; must, out July 17, P. 0. ad., Westerlo, N. Y. Limo, Joaquim. Co. E. See 9 N. H. V.

; ; res. enl. Oct. '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; app. Lincoln, Hermon L. Co. F ; b. Peru, Vt. age 23 Richmond ; 14,

; '64, ; '65. P. ad., Corp. Feb. 21, '62 ; re-enl. and nmst. in Jan. 4, '64 wd. May 12, Spottsylvania, Va. must, out July 17, O. Keene. Lincoln, Horace G. Co. F. See 11 N. H. V. Lindsey, Albert. Co. H. See 9 N. H. V. Linn, Charles. Co. F; b. Sweden; age 25; cred. Stark; enl. Dec. 31, '63; must, in Deo. 31, '63, as Priv.; wd. May 12, '64, Lincoln Gen. Hosp., Washington, D. C. Spottsylvania, Va. ; des. July 31, '64, while on furlough from enl. '64; must, in Linton, William. Unas'd; substitute; b. New Brunswick; age 24; cred. Tuftonborough ; May 18, May 18, '64, regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. ''64, as Priv. ; reported on roll dated June 14, as sent to Jan. '64; must, in Jan. '64, Linwood, Charles B. Co. C; b. Montreal, Can.; age 21; cred. Portsmouth; enl. 8, 8, as Priv.;

'65 ; app. Corp. June '65 Sergt. June 10, '65 ; 1 Sergt. captd. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Ya. ; escaped Feb. 18, 1, ; '65. July 1, '65 ; must, out July 17, . , „ . '64, ; enl. Jan. '64 ; must, in Jan. 1, as Priv. ; captd. May ; cred. Portsmouth 1, 6, Little, Michael. Co. A ; b. Canada ; age 32 date July '65. '64, Wilderness, Va. ; exch. Dec, '64 ; disch. to 17, Oct. '61; nmst. in Nov. '61, as Priv.; disch. Mar. Littlefleld, Horatio. Co. D; b. Albany; age 22 ; res. Albany; enl. 9, 27, 13, '63, Concord. P. O. ad., Albany. '63; must, Dec. '63, Livingstone, Edward. Co. G; b. New York.city; age 23; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Dec. 29, m 29, as

Priv. ; des. Feb. 5, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. Locke, Andrew W. Co. B. See 11 N. H. V. '61 '61, ; res. Brentwood ; eul. Nov. 6, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; re-enl. and Locke, William M. Co. C ; b. Chester ; age 19 dis. '64, Washington, D. C. must, in Dec. 27, '63 ; cred. Chester ; app. Corp. Died, Aug. 28,

; Landaff ; enl. June '64 ; must, in June '64, as Priv. ; Loft, John. Co. C ; substitute ; b. England age 22 ; cred. 8, 8, wd. July

3, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; des. Aug. 3, '64, David's Isl., N. Y. H. '64; in '64, Lord, Joseph. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 21 ; cred. Stewartstown ; enl. June 10, must, June 10, as Priv.; reported on roll dated June 14, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. ;;


Loren, Peter. Co. G. See 9 N. H. V. b. Ireland; age cred. Rye; enl. Jan. '64; must, in '64, '64, Lougee, George. Co. C; 35; 4, Jan. 4, as Priv. ; wd. June 17,

Petersburg, Va. ; Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; des. Feb. 15, '65, while on furlough. Louis.LPeter. Co. G. See 9 N. H. V.

b. ; res. ; enl. Oct. '61 ; ; disch. Lovejoy, George "W. Co. A ; Plymouth age 44 ; Holderness 31, must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. Alar. 9, '63, Alexandria, Va. Supposed identical with George W. Lovejoy, Co. A, 1 N. H. Cav.

; res. ; enl. Sept. '61 ; '61, ; tr. to Lovering, Edmund B. Co. C ; b. Portsmouth ; age 36 Exeter 27, must, in Nov. 27, as Priv.

Co. K, 22 V. K. C, May 1, '64 ; disch. Dec. 1, '64, Indianapolis, Ind., tm. ex. P. O. ad., Nat. Home, Togus, Me.

; enl. .A.ug. '62; '62, Lovitt, Oliver W. Co. A; b. Campton age 19; res. Carapton, cred. Campton ; 25, must, in Aug. 25, as Priv. Died, dis. Oct. 1, '62, Sharpsburg, Md. Low, George. Co. I. See 9 N. H. V. Lowe, Henry. Co. L See 9 N. H. V.

'64 must, in Jan. '64, as Priv. ; mis. Apr. '65, Lower, William. Co. C ; b. Canada; age 30; cred. Gorham ; enl. Jan. 12, ; 12, 2,

Petersburg, Va. gd. from mis. ; must, out July 17, '65. P. 0. ad., Burlington, Vt. ; Lucas, Harvey H. Co. H. See 9 N. H. V.

'63 in Dec. '63, as Priv. ; des. Apr. '64, ; ; enl. must, 27, Lucas, Joseph. Co. B ; b. New York age 21 cred. Lisbon ; Dec. 5, ; 5, on march from ^Vashington, D. C., to Alexandria, Vs.. enl. '64; must, in 31, '64, as Priv.; Luteman, Adams. Unas'd ; substitute; b. France; age 19; cred. Hebron; May 31, May des. June 8, '64, New Yorlc city. '62, ; ; enl. '62 must, in Aug. 27, Luther, Charles H. Co. D b. Boston, Mass. age 18 ; res. Plymouth, cred. Thornton ; Aug. 11, ;

as Piiv. ; disch. June 21, '65, Philadelphia, Pa.

-23 ; enl. '64 ; must, in '64, as Priv. Lutz, Charles. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Germany ; age cred. Franklin ; May 26, May 26, reported on roll dated June 6, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. 0. '63 '63, Priv. Lyman, George W. Co. D ; b. Canada ; age 30 ; cred. Acworth ; enl. Dec. 5, ; must, in Dec. 5, as ; wd. May 6,

'64, Wilderness, Va. ; must, out July 17, '65.

'64; must, in Feb. '64, as Muse. ; supposed Lynch, Michael. Unas'd; b. Pembroke; age 18; cred. Charlestown ; enl. Feb. 9, 9,

to have deserted en route to regt. N. f . i . A. G. O.

; ; '64 in Jan. '64, as Priv. ; des. Jan. Ljnich, Patrick. Co. A ; b. .Massachusetts ; age 24 cred. Winchester enl. Jan. 1, ; must, 1, 19, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. 6, ; 5, ; in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv.; wd. '64, Mack, Francis. Co. K ; b. Canada; age 20; cred. Sh el burn e eul. Jan. '64 must, May

Wilderness, Va. ; July 7, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; disch. wds. Sept. 20, '64, Philadelphia, Pa. Mack, William. Co. B; b. Ireland; age 39; cred. Goshen; enl. Jan. 4, '64; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Oct. 15, '64, near Pegram House, Va. '61; '61, as Priv. Macomber, Ansel. Co. F ; b. Royalston, Mass.; age IS; res. Richmond; enl. Oct. 21, must, in Nov. 28, Died, dis. July 1, '62, Newport News, Va. Madigan, James. Co. A. See Francis E. J. Boyle. '62. ; ; '61 ; '61, Priv. ; Maguire, James. Co. C b. Ireland ; age 24 res. Hampton ; enl. Nov. 15, must, in Nov. 27, as des. Aug. 12,

; enl. '64 ; '64, as Priv. ; des. Mahoney, Jeremiah. Co. C ; b. Lawrence, Mass. age 22 ; cred. Alton ; Jan. 5, must, in Jan. 5, Apr. 22, '64, Annapolis, Md. Mahoney, John. Co. D. See 9 N. II. V. Maihoefer, Jacob. Co. H. See 11 N. H. V.

; ; '04 ; '64, ; des. '64, Malara, Louis. Co. A b. Italy ; age 34 cred. Efflngham ; enl. Jan. 5, must, in Jan. 5, as Priv. Jan. 22, Camp Nelson, Ky. '63 '63, Malone, James. Co. F ; b. New Brunswick ; age 36 ; cred. Westmoreland ; enl. Dec. 16, ; must, in Dec. 16, as Priv. ; wd.

ilay 18, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. ; tr. to Camp Chase, Ohio, Oct. 24, '64, for transfer to Dept. of the Xoi'thwest ; not assigned

to regt. in that dept. ; disch. as of Co. F, 6 N. H. V., Aug. 30, '6.5, Concord.

; ; b. ; '64 ; -Tune '64, Priv. Maloney, John. Co. C substitute N'ova Scotia; age 21 ; cred. Walpole enl. June 4, must, in 4, as des. Dec. 31, '64, Fairfax Seminai-y Gen. Hosp., Va. Maloney, Michael. Co. K. See 11 N.'H. V. Maloney. See Moloney. Manchester, Rufus R. Co. C; b. Vermont; age 20; cred. Unity; enl. Jan. o, '61; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv.; wd. May '65, '65. 11, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. ; July 2, '64, and Apr. 2, Petersburg, Va. ; app. Corp. June 15, '65; must, out July 17, P. O. ad., Bellair, Kan. Manly, James. Co. I; b. Gibson, Ind.; age 23; cred. Hill; enl. Dec. 30, '03; must, in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv.; des. Jan. 18, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. '64 '64, Manning, John. Co. D ; b. Ireland ; age 18 ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Jan. 5, ; must, in Jan. 5, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 22, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

b. Ireland 26 ; enl. '63 must, '63, ; reported Manning, John. Unas'd ; ; age ; cred. Portsmouth Deo. 28, ; in Dec. 28, as Priv. on roll dated Dec. 29, '03, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

b. ; res. enl. '61 ; '61, as Mansfield, Jonathan N. Co. K ; Fitchburg, Mass. age 43 ; New Ipswich ; Oct. 27, must, in Nov. 28,

Priv. ; killed July 7, '64, Petersburg, Va. '61, , William B. Co, K ; b. Temple; age 45; res. New Ipswich ; enl. Oct 15, '61; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv.; wd. Aug. 29, '02, Bull Run, Va. Died, wds. Sept. 25, '62, Fairfax Seminary Gen. Hosp., Va. Marble, 'WiUiam H. Co. A. See 9 N. H. V. b. res. '61 '61, Marden, Ebenezer K. Co. C; Epsom; age 88; East Kingston; enl. Oct. 28, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv.; disch. disab. June 24, '62, New Berne, N. C. P. 0. ad.. East Kingston. '61 '61, Marden, George W. Co. I ; agr 40 ; res. Concord ; enl. Sept. 26, ; must, in Dec. 1, '61, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 3, Concord.

I ; b. ; res. enl. '61 ; '61, ; tr. Marden, James W. Co. Epsom age 21 ; Epsom ; Oct. 17, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. to Co. F, 13

V. R. C. ; disch. Nov. 28, '64, Concord, tm. ex. P. O. ad., Epsom.

Marden, John. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 20; cred. Salisbury ; enl. June 11, '64; must, in June 11, '64, as Priv.; des. June 14, '64 (jumped overboard from steamer " City of Norwich," during night of June 14, '64, between Allyn's Point, Conn., and Jersey City, N. J.).

Marich, Giovanni. Co. H ; h. Austria ; age 35 ; cred. Campton ; enl. Jan. 5, '64 ; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 20, '64, Annapolis, Md. '63, Markston, John. Co. D; b. Sweden; age 22; cred. Whitefield ; enl. Dec. 31, '63; must, in Dec. 31, as Priv.; must, out July 17, '65. y

; '64 in June '64, as Priv. ; reported Marlet, -Joseph. Unas'd ; substitute b. Italy ; age 21 ; cred. Sunapee ; enl. June 7, ; must, 7,

on roll dated June 14, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. i-. A. G. O. Marsau, Joseph. Co. F. See 1 1 N. H. V. '63, ; ; '63 ; must, in Dec. 30, as Priv. ; des. Marsell, Nicholas. Co. A b. France ; age 29 ; cred. Moultonborough enl. Dec. 30, Mar. 20, '64, Pittsburg, Pa. ;;;;;


Marsh, b. 17 res. Exeter ; eul. '61 ; in '61, Priv. Died, dis. Jan. Albert P. Co. C ; Brentwood ; age ; Oct. 29, must, Nov. 27, as 31, '62, Hatteras Isl., N. C.

Marsh, Charles P. Co. P; b. Candia; age 21 ; cred. Northfield; enl. Jan. 5, '64; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv.; discli. disab. Aug. 26, '64, PJiiladelphia, Pa.

Marsh, Blvin. Co. C; b. New Hampshire; age 16; res. East Kingston; enl. Oct. 16, '61 ; must, iji Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va.

Marsh, Co. C ; b. North Hampton 18 res. ; enl. '61 ; '61, a.s Priv. George H. ; age ; East Kingston Oct. 16, must, in Nov. 27, mis. '62, "Va. Aug. 29, Bull Run, ; gd. from mis. ; app. Corp. ; re-enl. and must, in Dec. 26, '63 ; app. Sergt. ; wd. June 3,

'64, Bethesda Church, ; '65 Va. tr. to Co. H, 13 V. R. C, Mar. 8, ; disch. Aug. 3, '65, Concord. b. " " Marsh, George W. Co. E ; Kcene ; age 25 ; res. Keene ; enl. Nov. 16, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; drowned Aug. 13, '62, by foundering of steamer " West Point," in Potomac river. See 1 N. H. V. Marsh, Henry T. Co. A; b. Candia; age 19; cred. Salem; enl. Jan. 1. '64; must, in Jan. 1, '64, as Priv.; tr. to Co. C, 21

V. R. C. ; disch. July 28, '65, Trenton, N. J. P. O. ad., Salisbury.'

Marsh, James. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. ; ; enl. '64 '64, Priv. ; sup- Canada age 22 cred. Marlow ; June 10, ; must, in June 10, as posed to have deserted en route to regt, N. f. r. A. G. O.

Marston, Benjamin P. Co. A; b. Holderne.'is ; age 36; res. Holderness ; enl. Oct. 21, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.;

•wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. July 1, '63. P. 0. ad., Alton. Martin, Charles. Unas'd; b. Quebec, Can.; age 36; cted. Ossipee; enl. Jan. 4, '64; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv. Supposed to have deserted en route to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Martin, Edward. Unas'd; b. St. John, N. H.; age 23; res. Portsmouth, cred. Portsmouth; enl. Oct. 1, '62; must, in Oct. 2,

'62, as Priv. ; des. Oct. 1, '62. N. f. r. A. G. 0. '61, '62, Martin, Franklin P. Co. B ; age 21 ; res. Enfield ; eul. Oct. 5, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; des. Aug. 13, on march from Falmouth, Va., to Culpeper, Va. '63, Martin, James. Co. A; b. England; age 21 ; cred. Northfield; eul. Dec. 31, '63; must, in Dec. 31, as Priv.; des. Feb. 2, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

Martin, John J. Co. A; b. Ireland; age 20; cred. Barrington ; enl. Jan. 5, '64; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv.; tr. to Co. E,

21 V. R. C. ; disch. Oct. 21, '65, New York city. Martin, Leonard. Co. E. See Martin Leonard. • Martm, Paul. Co. G; h. Richmond; age 43; res. Keene; enl. Nov. 15, '61; must, in Dec. 9, '61, as Priv.; disch. Oct. 18, '62, Alexandria, Va. See 5 N. H. V. Martin, Thomas. Co. I; substitute; b. Ireland; age 33; cred. Warner; enl. June 3, '64; must, in June 3, '64, as Priv.; wd.

July 30, '64, Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Va. ; tr. from 9 A. C, Depot Field Hosp., City Point, Va., to steamer "Atlantic," '64 " " '64. Aug. 5, ; tr. from Atlantic Aug. 7, N. f . r. A. G. O. '64; '64, as Priv. Supposed to Martin, Thomas. Unas'd; b. Ireland; age 22; cred. Barnstead ; enl. Jan. 5, must, in Jan. 5,

have deserted en route to regt. N. f . r. A. G. O. Martm, William. Co. I; b. Pennsylvania; age 24; cred. Winchester; eul. Jan. 2, '64; must, in Jan. 2, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Mar. 14, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. , Andrew. Co. A. See 9 N. H. V. Marvin, Byron O. Co. P; b. New Hampshire; age 18; res. Keene; enl. Oct. 21, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. May 1, '64, Indianapolis, Ind.

; ; enl. Nov. '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. Marvin, James H. Co. K ; b. Williston, Vt. ; age 28 res. New Ipswich 21, des. from hosp. N. f. r. A. G. O. Mason, Elisha L. Co. D. See 9 N. H. V.

res. ; enl. Oct. 2, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Muse. ; re-enl. and Mason, John G. Co. D ; b. Tamworth ; age 22 ; Tamworth

, '65 '6.5. ad., Tamworth. must, in Dec. 22, '63 ; app. Prin. Muse. July 1 ; must, out July 17, P. O.

18 res. Keene ; enl. Nov. 15, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; re-enl. Mason, Orin P. Co. F ; b. Sullivan ; age ; '65 '65. '64 June 17, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; app. Sergt. July 1, ; must, out July 17, and must, in Jan. 1, ; cred. Sullivan ; wd.

; ; cred. Sandown ; enl. May 17, '64 ; must, in May 17, '64, as Priv. Mason, "William. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Maine age 23 sent .Tune, '64, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

; ; enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; disch. Apr. May, HoUis K. Co. A ; b. Derby, Vt. age 18 res. Wentworth ; 26, 7, '63. P. O. ad., Beatrice, Neb.

; cred. Jackson; enl. Jan. 4, '64 ; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 7, '64, MoArdle George. Unas'd ; b. England ; age 24 Albany, N. Y.

; ; enl. '61 ; must, in Nov. '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. MoOafirey, Patrick. Co. F ; b. Ireland ; age 28 res. Keene Oct. 16, 28, and '64, Spottsylvania, Va. Died, wds. May 20, '64, Fredericksburg, Va. must, in Jan. 4, '64 ; cred. Stratford ; wd. May 18, McCaffrey, Samuel. Co. A. See 9 N. H. V. '63 '63, cred. enl. Dec. 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, as Priv. ; des. Jan. McCann, Barnard. Unas'd ; b. Ireland ; age 27 ; Windham ; 7, '64, Albany, N. Y. McCann, James. Co. A; b. Ireland; age 25; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Jan. 4, '64; must, m Jan. 4, '64, as Priv.; des. Feb. 2, '64 des. to the enemy Mar. '65, near Hancock Station, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. ; appreh. Oct., ; assigned to Co. E ; 3, Va. '62 ; age ; cred. Campton ; enl. June 28, ; must, in July 7, '62, as Priv. ; disch. McCarter, Isaac P. Co. H ; b. London, Eng. 24 Mar. 2, '63, Concord. '64 ; Ireland ; age 27 ; cred. Washington ; enl. June 7, ; must, in June 7, '64, as Priv. McCarthy, John. Co. K ; substitute b. des. July 2, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '61 res. Portsmouth ; enl. Nov. 2, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; reported on m. o. roll McCarty, Andrew. Co. H ; age 35 ; dated Nov. 27, '64, as absent sick since Sept. 17, '62. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

age cred. Washington ; enl. June '64 ; ; b. Massachusetts ; 18 ; 4, must, in June McCauley, James "W. Co. A ; substitute 4, wds. July '64, Washington, D. C. '64, as Priv. ; wd. July 2, '64, Petersburg, Va. Died, 10, McClure, Cycus G. Co. F; b. Portsmouth; age 25; res. Stoddard; enl. Nov. 15, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; app.

'64 ; Lt. '64 ; wd. '64, Spottsylvania, ; disch. 1 Sergt. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 2, app. 2 Jan. 4, May 18, Va. disab. Nov. 28, '64. P. O. ad., Stoddard. '64 ; age ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Jan. 5, ; must, in Jan. '64, McCluskey, Charles. Co. C ; b. Ireland 21 5, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 22, '64, Annapolis, Md. See 11 N. H. V. MoCluskey, Patrick. Co. G. . , ^ ^ '63 ; 23 cred. Moultonborough ; enl. Dec. 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv. McCorchan, James. Co. F ; b. England age ;

cred. Sanbornton enl. Dec. 31, must, in Deo. '63, b. White County, 111.; age 24; ; '63; 31, as McCormick James Co. B ; ;' '64, Explosion, Petersburg, Va. ; mis. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Priv. wd. May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va. ; July 30, Mine Springs '65. mis. ; must, out July 17, Church, Va. ; gd. from McCormick James. Unas'd; b. Ireland; age 20; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Jan. 5, '64; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G.'O. ;;;


; ; Ireland ; ; ci-ed. Henniker ; enl. '64 MoCormick, James. Unas'd substitute b. age 24 June 7, ; must, in June 7, '64, as Priv.

sent June 14, '64, to regt. N. f . r. A. G. 0.

; ; cred. Barnstead enl. '64 '64, Priv. McCoy, James. Unas'd ; substitute b. Germany age 22 ; ; May 18, ; must, in May 18, as reported on roll dated June 14, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. McOrow, Joseph. Co. C. See 11 N. H. V. '64 '64, Priv. b. Ireland ; age 23 ; cred. Washington ; enl. June 2, ; must, in June 2, as McCue, Thomas. Unas'd ; substitute ; des. June 7, '64, New London, Conn.

; enl. June '64 ; must, in June '64, as Priv. 23 ; cred. Thornton ; 9, 9, MoCuen, David O. Co. A ; substitute ; b. Canada age '64, must, '65. wd. July 30, '64, Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Va. ; Sept. 30, Toplar Springs Church, Va. ; out July 17, McCurden, Martin A. Unas'd; b. Boston, Mass.; age 32; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Jan. 1, '64; must, in Jan. 1, '64, as Priv.; des. Jan. 7, '64, Albany, N. Y. McDaniels, Sewell. Co. D; b. Hollis, Me.; age 44; res. Sandwich; enl. Oct. 7, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; wd. '62 '03, and mis. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. gd. from mis. Oct. 17, ; disch. wds. Peb. 0, Washington, D. C. Aug. ;

; ; enl. '64 ; must, in Jan. '64, as Priv. ; des. Feb. MoDermott, Lawrence. Co. A ; b. Maryland age 21 ; cred. Hill Jan. 5, 5, 6, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. '64, McDonald, Charles. Co. H; b. Scotland; age 35; cred. llichmond ; enl. Jan. 4, '64; must, in Jan. 4, as Priv.; des. Jan. 28, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

; ; enl. '63 must, in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv. ; des. Feb. McDonald, George. Co. 11 ; b. Scotland age 23 ; cred. Plymouth Dec. 30, ; 21, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

; '61 ; '61, Priv. ; killed McDonald, Henry. Co. E ; b. Palermo, Me. ; age 36 res. Sullivan ; enl. Nov. 9, must, in Nov. 28, as Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. McDonnell, John. Co. E. See 11 N. H. V.

McDougall, John. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 20; cred. Hopkinton ; enl. June 11, '64; must, in June 11, '64, as

Priv. ; reported on roll dated June 14, '04, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

McElroy, Harry. Unas'd; b. Prince Edward's Island ; age 24 ; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Jan. 11, '64; must, in Jan. 11, '64, as

Priv. ; reported on roll dated Jan. 15, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. 0. '64, McGarvey, Edward. Co. H ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 29 ; cred. Gilford ; enl. May 18, '64 ; must, in May 18, as Priv.

wd. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; tr. from Gen. Hosp., Beverly, N. J., to White Hall, Pa., May 12, '65. N.f.r. A. G. O. '63 McGill, Samuel. Co. F ; b. Ireland; age 22 ; cred. Littleton ; enl. Dec. 16, ; must, in Dec. 16, '63, as Priv. ; mis. May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

McGIone, Peter. Co. G ; b. Ireland ; age 22 ; res. Newport ; enl. Oct. 10, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; des. July 31, '62, Newport News, Va.

McGrough, Unas'd ; b. New Jersey ; age ; cred. Sanbornton enl. '63 '63, ; James. 21 ; Dee. 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, as Priv. des. Jan. 7, '64, Albany, N. Y.

McGuire, Unas'd; b. Ireland ; cred. enl. '63 '63, James. ; age 22 Littleton ; Dec. 16, ; must, in Dec. 16, as Priv. Supposed to have deserted en route to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. McGuire, John. Co. I; b. Ireland; age 23; cred. Piermont; enl. Deo. 4, '63; must, in Dec. 4, '63, as Priv.; reported on m. o. roU dated July 17, '65, as absent in arrest for desertion since Jan. 5, '61, Camp Nelson, Ky. N. f. r. A. G. O. b. Molntire, Horace P. Co. D; Fryeburg, Me. ; age 18 ; res. Conwav ; enl. Oct. 17, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; tr. to

Co. B, 21 L C, Sept. 17, '63 ; disch. Nov. 28, '64, Albany, N. Y., tm. ex. Mclntire, James. Co. F; b. Ireland; age 35; cred. Rumney; enl. Jan. 4, '64; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv.; wd. Apr. 2, '65,

Petersburg, Va. ; disch. disab. July 20, '65, '^Vashiugton, D. C.

Co. C ; b. Maine ; age ; res. ; enl. '61 ; Molntire, James W. 21 Brentwood Oct. 16, must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Mar. 4, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C.

Mclntyre, Neil. Unas'd; substitute; b. Scotland ; age 35; cred. Warner; enl. June 7, '64 ; must, in June 7, '64, as Priv.; re-

ported on roll dated June 14, '64, as sent to regt. N. f . i-. A. G. 0. Mclntyre, WUliam C. Co. D. See 9 N. II. V.

Unas'd ; b. York ; ; cred. ; '63 McKay, John. New age 21 Hanover enl. Dec. 31, ; must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 7, '64, Albany, N. Y. McKay, Thomas. Co. I; b. England; age 26; cred. Unity; enl. Jan. 5, '64; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Oct. 17, '64, near Pegram House, Va.

McKenna, Co. ; b. Ireland ; age 24 ; res. Dover ; enl. Dec. '61 ; must, in Dec. '61, James. H 10, 10, as Priv. ; killed Aue.^ 29, '62, Bull Run, Va.

McKenzie, Angus. Co. I; b. Nova Scotia; age 35; cred. MouHonborough ; enl. Jan. 2, '64; must, in Jan. 2, '64, as Priv.;

wd. June 23, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; must, out July 17, '65. P. O. ad., Heuniker.

James. Co. H ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; res. Dover ; enl. Dec. '61 ; in '61, '62, McKone, 10, must, Dec. 10, as Priv. ; killed Auff. 29. . o Bull Run, Va. . >

Co. b. SaHsbury, ; McLane, Alexander. E ; Md. ; age 22 cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Jan. 2, '64 ; must, in Jan. 2, '64, as Priv. disch. May 20, '65, Lexington, Ky. McLittlefleld, 'Timothy. Co. K; b. Nova Scotia; age 44; res. Kingston; enl. Dec. 4, '61; must, in Dec. 10, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Oct. 30, ;62.

McMahan, Daniel. Co. F ; b. L-eland ; age 26 ; cred. ; enl. '03 New ; Durham Dec. 31, must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv. ; app. '65 '65. Corp. July 1, ; must, out July 17,

McMaster, P. Co. E; b. Strafford, Vt. ; age res. Keene; enl. 19, 28, Isaac 32; Oct. '61 ; must, in Nov. '61, as Priv.; app.

Sergt. Nov. 28, '61 ; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. McMurphy, James. Co. K. See 9 N. II. V.

McNulty, Co. E ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age ; cred. '64 ; '64, John. 20 Newton ; enl. June 2, must, in June 2, as Priv. ; des.

Oct. 15, '64, near Pegram House, Va. gd. from des. ; '65, ; reported on m. o. roll dated July 17, as absent without leave

since July 4, '65. N. f . r. A. G. O.

McRea, John. Unas'd ; b. Patterson, N. J. ; age 37 ; cred. Gilford ; enl. Jan. 4, '64 ; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 7, '64, Albany, N. Y. McSorley, Patrick. Co. H; b. Ireland; age 26; res. Dover; enl. Dec. 11, '61; must, in Dec. 11, '61, as Priv.; mis. Aug. 29,

'62, Bull gd. '62 ; ; to Run, Va. ; from mis. Dec. 18, des. Mar. 27, '63 ; voluntarily returned restored duty to make good

time lost by desertion. '64 '64, ; released ; must, out '65. Mar. 10, ; captd. Oct. 1, Poplar Springs Church, Va. July 17, P. O. ad., Dover. McWoughton, Duncan. Co. K. See 9 N. H. V. '61, as Corp. disch. disab. Mead, Joseph. Co. D ; b. Bartlett ; age 22 ; res. Bartlett ; enl. Oct. 9, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, ; May 5, '63, Portsmouth Grove, R. I. P. 0. ad.. Centre Bartlett.

'61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; mis. Aug. Mead, Willis W. Co. D ; b. Jefferson ; age 19 ; res. Bartlett ; enl. Oct. 9, 29, ad., Bartlett. '62, ; '63, Annapolis, Md. P. O. BullJRun, Va. ; gd. from mis. disch. disab. Jan. 6, ;;


; '64 '04, as Priv. ; des. Medford, John W. Co. D ; b. Newark, N. J. age 20 ; cred. Sanbornton ; enl. Jan. 5, ; must, in Jan. 5, Mar. 21, '64, Baltimore, Md. '63 '63, Meier, August. Co. B ; b. Germany ; age 23 ; cred. Newington ; enl. Dec. 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 31, '65, from Ilarewood Gen. Hosp., Washington, D. C.

Meier, Unas'd b. Germany; cred. '63 '63, Priv. ; des. Dec. 17, '63, Charles. ; age 25 ; Alstead ; enl. Dec. 5, ; must, in Dec. 5, as Erie, Pa. '

Meier, Prank. Co. B ; b. Germany ; age 22 ; cred. Wolfeborough ; enl. Jan. 4, '64 ; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv. ; wd. May '64, 18, Spottsylvauia, Va. ; des. June, '64, Philadelphia, Pa.

Melvin, Co. I ; substitute ; b. ; ; '64 in '64, as Priv. ; des. George. Canada age 29 ; cred. Claremont enl. June 3, ; must, June 3, Feb. 27, '65, Conway. Mendon, George B. Co. K. See 9 N. H. V.

Merrill, Co. E ; b. Westfleld, Mass. ; cred. '64 ; in '64, as Priv. ; disch. Amos B. age 18 ; Portsmouth ; enl. Jan. 1, must, Jan. 1, Sept. 9, '67, to date July 17, '65, Boston, Mass.

Merrill, Uriah T. Co. A ; b. Boston, Mass. ; age 26 res. enl. '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. ; Hebron ; Nov. 14, Apr. 6, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C.

Merrill, Walter A. Co. A; b. Worcester, Mass.; age 18; res. Plymouth; enl. Nov. 2, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Jan. 18, '62, Washington, D. C. Merrill, Walter R. Co. A; b. Campton; age 31; res. Plymouth, cred. Plymouth; enl. Aug. 11, '62; must, in Aug. 27, '62, as

Priv. ; wd. Dec. 13, '62, and died, wds. Dec. 21, '62, Fredericksburg, Va.

Merro-w, Hiram. Co. G; age 27; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Aug. 26, '62; must, in Sejpt. 3, '62, as Priv.; app. 1 Sergt. ; wd. June

7, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; captd. '64, '65, Lawrence, Mass. Oct. 1, Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; par. Died, dis. Apr. 1,

Messer, George B. Co. B ; b. Newbury, ; ; res. '61 ; '61, as Priv. ; killed Vt. age 21 Littleton ; enl. Oct. 25, must, in Nov. 27, Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va.

Metcalf, Salmon G. Co. F ; b. Washington ; age 25 ; res. Keene ; enl. Oct. 12, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Coip. ; disch. disab. Oct. 27, '62, Providence, R. L Meyer, Ferdinandt. Co. F. See 9 N. H. V.

Miles, Co. C b. ; '61, ; Robert. ; South Newmarket age 19 ; res. Newmarket ; enl. Oct. 3, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. disch. disab. Mar. 4, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C. Supposed identical -with Robert Miles, Co. G, 10 N. H. V.

Millar, Antoine. Co. A ; substitute ; b. Germany ; age 21 ; cred. Claremont ; enl. June 10, '64 ; must, in June 10, '64, as Priv. des. June, '64, en route to I'egt.

Miller, Alexander. Co. E ; b. ; age ; cred. ; enl. '64 '64, as Priv. ; dLsch. Canada 21 Wentworth Jan. 5, ; must, in Jan. 5, June 24, '65, Washington, D. C.

Miller, Charles. Co. K ; b. England ; age 20 ; cred. Lyme ; enl. Dec. 4, '63 ; must, in Dec. 4, '63, as Priv. ; mis. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs '65, Church, Va. ; gd. from mis. ; disch. May 18, Readville, Mass. '63 Miller, Charles. Unas'd ; b. Haverhill, Mass. ; age 41 ; cred. Derry ; enl. Dec. 26, ; must, in Dec. 26, '63, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 12, '64, Concord. Miller, Cliarles. Unas'd; substitute; b. Germany; age 21; cred. Barnstead; enl. May 18, '64; must, in May 18, '64, as Priv. ^' J- J- 8 . . . . . N.f.r. A. G. O.

Miller, Charles Co. F ; b. Prussia ; age 24 ; cred. Gilford enl. '64 ; Jan. 1, '64, Priv. ; des. Jan. '64, P. ; Jan. 1, must, in as 28, Camp Nelson, Ky. Miller, Charles H. Co. C. See 11 N. H. V. MUler, Isaac B. Co. D; substitute; b. Alton; age 23; cred. Nottingham; enl. Aug. 12, '63; must, in Aug. 12, '63, as Priv.; des. June 12, '64, near James river, Va. Miller, John. Co. C. See 9 N. H. V. Miller, John. Co. I. See 9 N. H. V.

Miller, Joseph. Co. 11 ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 28 ; cred. Chichester ; enl. June 9, '64 ; must, in June 9, '64, as Priv. des. July 10, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

; ; '64 Milley, James. Co. C ; b. Ireland age 38 cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Jan. 5, ; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv. ; wd. May 12, '64,

Spottsylvauia, Va. ; des. Aug. 11, '64, Petersburg, Va. '61, Milliken, W^illiam. Co. F; b. Sharon ; age 32 ; res. Charlestown ; enl. Oct. 17, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Nov. 3, '62, Providence, R. I. Mills, George. Co. E. See 9 N. H. V. MiUs, Oscar A. Co. K. See 9 N. H. V. '61 Mills, William. Co. A ; b. Groton ; age 18 ; res. Rumney ; enl. Nov. 13, ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Feb. 24, '62, Hatteras Inlet, N. C. '61 '61, Mitchell, Bbenezer. Co. G; b. Corinth, Vt. ; age 43; res. Cornish; enl. Oct. 7, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv.; disch. disab. Aug. 11, '62, New Berne, N. C. '61 Mitchell, George K. Co. A ; b. Plymouth ; age 23 ; res. Plymouth ; enl. Oct. 19, ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Apr. 16, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C. '64 Mitchell, James. Co. G ; b. New York ; age 28 ; cred. Londonderry ; enl. Jan. 2, ; must, in Jan. 2, '64, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 26, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. Mitchell, John. Co. F; b. England; age 23; cred. Plymouth; enl. Dec. 31, '63; must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv.; des. Jan. 31, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

; ; res. ; enl. '61 ; '61, Mitchell, John B. Co. G b. Walpole age ?3 ; Walpole Nov. 6, must, in Dec. 7, as Priv. ; disch. Jan. 19, '63, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. ad., Swanzey. See 14 N. H. V.

b. ; ; cred. Grafton ; enl. Jan. '64 ; in Jan. '64, Mitchell, William. Co. A ; England age 23 2, must, 2, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 18, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

b. Catharine, Y. ; age ; res. enl. '61 ; '61, Mix, Joseph H. Co. H ; N. 41 Barrington ; Nov. 16, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va.

; cred. enl. Dec. '63 ; '68, Moloney, Michael. Co. I; b. Ireland ; age 37 New Durham ; 31, must, in Dec. 31, as Priv. ; wd. ,Iuly

'64, Petersburg, Va. ; Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; '65, 30, Mine Explosion, Apr. 2, Petersburg, Va. ; app. '65. Corp. July 1, '65 ; must, out July 17,

cred. Landaff ; enl. Dec. '63; '63, Moltron, Samuel. Co. H; b. Denmark; age- 31 ; 4, must, in Dec. 4, as Priv.; des. Jan. 28, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

; age ; res. Dublin enl. Nov. 12, '61 ; must, in Nov. '61, as Monks, John H. Co. E ; b. Northampton, Mass. 20 ; 28, Priv. killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. '61 ; age ; res. Hanover ; enl. Dec. 9, ; must, in Dec. 9, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. '62, , Henry. Co. B ; b. Enfield 18 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. disab. Nov. 5, Alexandria, Va.

; ; res. Hanover ; enl. Oct. 9, '61 ; must, in Dec. 9, '61, as Priv. ; disch. Moody, John C. Co. B ; b. Enfield age 28 disab. Oct. 22, '62, Washington, D. C. See 1 N. H. Cav. cred. Alton enl. Jan. 1, '64; must, in Jan. 1, '64, as Priv.; app. Mooney, William H. Co. I; b. Keene; age 28; ; Corp. July '65. 1, '65 ; must, out July 17, ;;;


'64 Moore, Ed'ward. Co. A ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 21 ; ored. Bi-idgewater ; enl. June 11, ; must, in June 11, '64, as Priv.

wd. accidentally by bursting of rifle, Feb. 15, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; disoh. wds. July 24, '65, Philadelphia, Pa. '64 '64, Moore, George B. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. New York ; age 21 ; cred. Concord ; eul. May 24, ; must, in May 24, as Priv. reported on roll dated June 6, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. 0. '61 '61, '64, Moore, Isaac. Co. G ; b. Canterbury ; age 31 ; res. Nashua ; enl. Nov. 14, ; must, in Dec. 6, as Priv. ; disch. Dec. 5, tin. ex.

; '63 ; '63, ; tr. Moore, Joseph. Co. B ; b. Newfoundland ; age 23 ; cred. Ossipee enl. Feb. 3, must, in Feb. 4, as Priv. to Co.

C, May 17, '63 ; captd. Sept. '64, Springs Church, Va. par. ; disch. May 19, '65, Concord. P. O. ad., Lee. 30, Poplar ;

; ; ; '61 in '61, as Priv. Moore, Stephen W. Co. B b. Cambridgeport, Mass. ; age 23 res. Enfield enl. Nov. 4, ; must, Nov. 27, wd. Sept. 15, '62. Died, wds. Sept. 23, '62, Frederick, Md. '61 '61 Moore, Thomas T. Co. I ; b. Canterbury ; age 42 ; res. Concord ; app. 1 Lt. Nov. SO, ; must, in Nov. 30, ; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. '64 '64, Co. C ; substitute ; b. ; age 19 cred. ; enl. 25, ; must, in May 25, as Priv. ; captd. Moran, John. Canada ; Danbury May

Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; released ; must, out July 17, '65. '64, Moran, Thomas. Co. E ; b. Ireland ; age 20 ; cred. Stewartstown ; enl. Jan. 5,'64 ; must, in Jan. 5, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 24, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

John. Co. H ; b. St. Mary's, Pa. ; age 24 cred. Gilford enl. Jan. 4, '64 ; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv. ; des. Feb. 28, Morgan, ; ; '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

Morgan, Richard. Unas'd; substitute; b. Illinois ; age 27; 'cred. Hudson; enl. May 31, '64; must, in May 31, '64, as Priv.; des. June 7, '64, New London, Conn.

'61 ; '61, ; Morgan, Robert T. Co. C ; b. Seabrook ; age 31 ; res. Hampton Falls ; enl. Sept. 16, must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. wd. and mis. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, 'd2, Va. ; gd. from mis. Died, wds. Sept. 19, Georgetown, D. C.

Morgan, William A. Co. G; b. Weathersfield, Vt. ; age 25; res. Plainfleld; enl. Oct. 21, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Aug. 11, '63, near Louisville, Ky. Morrill, Estwick B. Co. A; b. Salisbury, Mass.; age 28; cred. South Hampton; enl. Sept. 15, '62; must, in Sept. 15, '62, as

Priv. ; discli. disab. Dec. 21, '63, Louisville, Ky.

Morrill, James. Co. H ; b. New York ; age 19 ; cred. Wentworth ; enl. Jan. 4, '64 ; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv. Died, dis. May 27, '64, AVashington, D. C.

Morrill, B. Co. C ; b. New Hampshire ; res. ; '61 ; '61, Priv. Lewis ; age 28 East Kingston enl. Oct. 16, must, in Nov. 27, as '62, wd. Aug. 29, Bull Run, Va. ; drowned July 22, '63, in Big Black river, Miss.

Co. D ; b. Concord age 18 ; cred. enl. '64 ; '64, ; ; tr. Morrill, Warren. ; Sandwich ; Jan. 5, must, in Jan. 5, as Priv. app. Muse.

to Co. F, Apr. 1, '64 ; must, out July 17, '65. Co. b. Morrill, William F. C ; Northwood ; age 29 ; res. Newmarket ; enl. Oct. 3, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Apr. 28, "62, Portsmouth Grove, R. I. P. 0. ad.. Odd Fellows' Home, Concord.

Charles. Co. B ; substitute ; b. ; ; Morris, Canada age 20 cred. Washington ; enl. June 7, '64 ; must, in June 7, '64, as Priv. captd. Oct. '64, 1, Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; released ; disch. Aug. 7, '65, New York city. Co. F substitute b. Morris, Edward. ; California ; ; ; age 20 cred. Chichester ; enl. June 4, '64; nmst. in June 4, '64, as Pri^?. des. July 1, '64, near Petersburg, Va. I Morris, Taylor. Co. ; substitute ; b. Brunswick ; ; New age 20 cred. Bethlehem ; enl. May 21, '64 ; must, in May 21, '64, as Priv. ; des. July 2, '64, near Petersburg, Va. Morrisey, Charles. Co. I b. New York ; ; age 21 ; cred. Lisbon enl. Dec. '63 ; ; 4, nmst. in Dec. 4, '63, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 29, '63, Camp Nelson, Ky. Unas'd; Morrison, Charles. substitute; b. Canada; age 19; cred. Claremont; enl. June 11, '64; must, in June 11, '64, as '64, Pnv. ; sent June 11, to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Unas'd b. Morrison, John. ; New York ; age 31 ; cred. Carroll ; enl. '64 Jan. 4, ; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 14, 64, Concord. ' Morse, Elihu L Co. F; b. Brookfield, Vt. age res. ; 43; Fitzwilliam; enl. Oct. 28, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Sept. 7, 63, Camp Nelson, Ky. Morse, Henry H. Co. F; b. Dublin; age 20; res. Dublin; enl. '61 Nov. 29, ; must, in Dec. 3, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Mar. 19, 63, Concoid.

^°^®®' ^"'- "''*• 1-' ™"st- i" ^'°^- ' '«! 27, -ei, as Corp. disch. disab. lt^.^2 ^9 tP°' *^i' ^V ?'^'*r°^'- T- -V r!;„^':^"*^°°'^ ; ^ ; Mar. 4, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C. Died Sept. 9, '70, Epping. Morse, Lewis P. Co. B age 22 res. Lisbon enl. '61 ; ; ; Nov. 7, ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Muse. ; des. Aug.o 14, '62, on march irom l > ^°^^«'Ku,?::?^jd^f^rrj.r^sS.'dS:.^St^,^^^^ ^^^-' -^^•^>^^- 2^' «^. '="'• '''''-' ^l' J-2,'64; must, in 2," "'^^na^eTsf^ediTj.'it'or^gf^N^'Ll-k^iVX' Jan. '64, as Priv.; supposed to Moulton, Albert S. Co. A; b. Sandwich; age 24; res. Bridgewater; enl. Oct. 28, '61 ; must, in Nov.i^^ov. 27. '61 ' _^ oi, as Privl uv. dischdisch. disab. Sept. '62, , 27, Newport News, Va. R O. ad.. Centre Harbor. See V. R. C Moulton, Colby T Co. I; b Farniington age res. ; 40; Northfield; enl. Nov. 18, '61; must, in Nov. 30 '61 as Priv • mis ^KeK^:^^S^tgS7 '''' ''"' ''''''' ^'''-^' '^-'^ ''' Co.,2 Batt'l,V.RC:,MVl.^4TdiTc^t Moulton Darius Co. A; h Ellsworth; age 21 ; cred. Thornton; enl. Aug. 29, '62; must, in Sept. 6, '62, as Priv.; wd. May "'^ '' ^^^ ^°' ^^' ^"P^"'" '^P""^' ^^''"'^'' ^^- ^'"'^'- May ' P^''" ' 27,''65,'Concord P. 0. ad^ West cfSon!"'"'"' ' Moulton Hiram D. Co. A b. ; Thornton age ; 29 ; res. Thornton enl. '61 ; Oct. 24, ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; mis. Auo-. 6^> Bull Run, Va. gd. trona , 29. ; mis ; must, out Nov. '84. ,- , 28, P. O. ad., Thornton. Moulton Truewprthy L. Co B; b. Wakefield; age 42; cred. Wakefield; enl. • , Dec. 31, '63; must in Dec 31 '63 as Priv

'^ ""'"' ''' '° '''^- ^°"''°" ^"'^ '^"^"^ ''' ' ''' "-'• >" •'*' P-- ' ''' Ju°y 2S,®'b4, ^ ^^^ -« ' ^°^^*Ts: ™inSfd'c' ' Muchmore, Alonzo^ D.^^.C. f b.^Orford ; ; age^21 ^res. Orford ; enl. Nov. 30, '61 ; must, in Nov. 30, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab.

; Muchmore, George Co E; b. Lyme; H age 31; res. Keene; enl. Oct. 17, '61, as Priv.; Lt. 30, app. 2 Nov. '61 ; must, in to date Nov. 28 61 as Lt. app. Lt. 2 ; 1 Apr. 23, 62 wd. '62, ; Aug. 29, Bull Run, Va. Died, wds. Sept. 11, '62, Wa^shington,u.ii^wn, D. C. Supposed identical f with George H. Muchmore, State Service. , , Muldaur^ Bmile^^Ca A,^b. France; age cred. 30; Wolfeborough ; enl. Jan. 4, '64; must, in Jan. 4, '64, ^ Priv. ; des. Feb. 2,

MuUer.^William.^^UnasJd ;^suMtute b. ; Germany; age 27; cred. Wolfeborough; enl. May 19, '64; must, in May 19, '64, as ; ;


'61, Mulligan, James. Co. F ; b. Ireland ; age 27 ; res. Winchester ; enl. Nov. 15, '01 ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; app. Corp. '60. re-enl. and must, in elan. 2, '6i ; wd. Sept. 30, '61, Po[ilar Springs Church, Va. ; disch. disab; July 5, '61 '61, Mumerry, James A. Co. O ; b. Goshen ; age 22; res. Sunapee; enl. Ueo. 3, ; must, in Dec. 11, as Priv. Died, dis. Aug. 29, '62, Aquia Creelt, Va.

; Munsey, Bben. Co. 11 ; b. Pittsfield age 21 ; res. Madbury ; enl. Oct. in, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. B, 20

V. H. C. ; di.soh. Nov. 28, '64, Pt. Loolfout, Md., tni. ex. Died June 4, '92, South Newmarket.

Murdock, Co. I ; b. Ireland ; cred. ; '64; '64, Priv. ; captd. Sept. Samuel. age 27 ; Conway enl. Jan. 6, must, in Jan. 6, as 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. par. ; disch. May 17, '60, Concord. P. ad., N. Y. ; O. Newburgh, Murphy, Albert L. Co. E; b. Greenfield; age 19; res. Hancock; enl. Oct. 9, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; re-enl. and must, '63 in Dec. 27, ; cred. (Greenfield ; app. Corp. ; wd. June 3, '64, Bethesda Church, Va. ; disch. disab. Sept. 29, '64, AVashington, D. C. See 1 N. II. V. Murphy, Daniel. Co. E; substitute; b. Ireland; age 39; cred. Chesterfield; enl. June 2, '64; must, in June 2, '64, as Priv.;

wd. Apr. 2, 'Oo, Petersburg, \'a. ; nuist. out July 17, '65.

Murphy, Jarnes. Co. 1; substitute; b. England ; age 22; cred. Loudon; enl. May 31, '64 ; must, in May 31, '64, as Priv.; Sept. 3o, '64, captd. Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; escaped Feb. 22, '65; furloughed Mar. 28, '60, from Annapolis, Md. ; des. Apr. 28, '65. Murphy, Unas'd b. '63 '63, John. ; Ireland ; age 21 ; cred. Winchester; enl. Dec. 30, ; must, in Dec. .30, as Priv. Died, dis. Jan. 28, '64, Concord.

Murphy, Unas'd ; substitute ; b. ; ; '64 ; '64, as Priv. John. Scotland ; age 24 cred. Salisbury enl. June 4, must, in June 4,

N. f . r. A. G. O.

Murphy, Lawrence. Unas'd ; b. Massachusetts ; age 19 cred. Grafton enl. Jan. '64 ; in Jan. '64, as Priv. ; des. ; ; 1, must, 1, Jan. 6, '64, Urookfield, Mass. Murphy, Michael. Unas'd; b. New York; age 20; cred. Kingston; enl. Jan. 4, '64; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv.; des. Jan. 7, '64, Albany, N. Y. '63 Murphy, Patrick. Co. K ; b. Ireland ; age 26 ; cred. Londonderry ; enl. Dec. 10, ; must, in Dec. 10, '63, as Priv. ; reported on m. o. roll dated July 17, '()5, as absent sick since Apr. 22, '64. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

Murphy, Robert Unas'd; substitute; b. Nova Scotia; age 24; cred. Landaff ; enl. .lune 8, '64; must, in June 8, '64, as Priv.; des. July 10, '64, Alexandria, Va. • Murray, James. Co. G. See George Hart. '64 '04, '64, Murray, Thomas. Co. C ; b. Ireland ; age 22 ; cred. Conway ; eul. Jan. 7, ; must, in Jan. 7, as Priy. ; des. Feb. 28, Camp Nelson, Ky.

; '64 ; '64, ; Murray, Thomas. Co. E b. Ireland ; age 24 ; cred. Barnstead ; enl. Jan. 5, must, in Jan. 5, as Priv. des. Jan. 23, '64, Camp Nelson, Ivy.

Co. ; substitute ; b. Ireland 22 cred. HoUis ; enl. June '64 ; must, in June 8, '64, as Priv. ; wd. Murry, Thomas. K ; age ; 8,

July 11, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; des. Oct. 29, '64.

Murther, John. Co. F; b. Ireland; age 21; cred. Tuftonborough ; enl. Dec. 31, '63; must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv.; wd. July

30, '64, Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Va. ; des. Aug. 6, '64, Washington, D. C. '63 '63, Muzzey, William H. Co. I ; b. Niagara, N. Y. ; age 22 ; cred. Epping ; enl. Deo. 31, ; must, in Dec. 31, as Priv. ; wd. '64, '65, '05, June 3, Bethesda Church, Va.. ; sev., accidentally, Apr. 30, near Alexandria, Va. ; disch. disab. July 8, Fairfax Seminary, Va.

; ; ; '64 ; '64, as Priv. ; killed Myer, Anton. Co. K ; b. Saxony, Ger. age 25 cred. Conway enl. Jan. 7, must, in Jan. 7, June 3, " '04, Bethesda Church, Va.

; ; '04 ; '64, Priv. ; des. Mar. Myers, Andrew. Co. H ; b. New York age 26 ; cred. Roxbury enl. Jan. 2, must, in Jan. 2, as 22, '64, Baltimore, Md. '64, '64, Myers, John. Co. A; b. York, Pa.; age 22 ; cred. Ossipee; enl. Jan. 2, '64; must, in Jan. 2, as Priv.; des. Jan. 18, Camp Nelson, Ky. '64. ; ; '64 ; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv. ; des. Feb. 1, Myers, Thomas. Co. E ; b. Ireland age 21 crod. Rye ; enl. Jan. 4, Nash, James D. Co. C; b. New York; age 18; cred'. Hanover; enl. Jan. 5, '64; must, in Jan. 5, '04, as Priv.; wd. May 0, '65; '65; '05. '64, Wilderness, Va. ; Apr. 2, '6.5, Petersburg, Va. ; app. Corp. June 1, Sergt. June 10, must, out July 17, Nash Oliver L. Co. F; b. Chesterfield; age 31; res. Swanzey; enl. Oct. 1, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; wd. Aug. 29,

'62, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. wds. Dec. 22, '62, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Westport.

res. ; enl. Oct. '61 must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Nash, Stillman D. Co. F; b. Gilsum; age 19; Gilsum 25, ; Aug. 26, '63, New York harbor. P. 0. ad., Richmond.

'64, Jan. '64, as Priv. ; des., Camp Nelson, Ky. 29 enl. Jan. 4, at West Lebanon ; must, in 4, Nash William Co. B ; age ; ' N. f. r. A. G. O. '04 b. ; age ; cred. Holderness ; enl. July 5, ; must, in July Neabrasca, Francis, alias Francis Deaubeaux. Co. K ; France 22 '65, C. 5, '64, as P]-iv. ; disch., insanity, June 26, Washington, D. Neagle, Carl. Co. O. See 11 N. H. V.

; eul. Sept. '61 ; must, in Nov. '61, as Pnv. ; killed Dec. 13, Hebron ; age 27 ; res. Fremont 16, 27, Neal, William L. Co. C ; b. '62, Fredericksburg, Va. See 1 N. H. V. '61 must, Nov. '61, as Pnv. tr. to K, 2 b. Ireland ; age ; res. Rochester ; enl. Oct. 22, ; m 28, ; Co. Nealand James. Co. 14 ; 25 I.'C, Jan. 15, '04; disch. Nov. 28, '64, Lexington, Ky., tm. ex. P. O. ad., Nat. Home, Togus, Me. '64; in June '64, as Priv.; killed Neddo, James. Co. H; substitute; b. Canada; age 21; cred. Concord; eul. June 3, must, 3, July 6, '64, Petersburg, Va.

enl. Feb. '64 ; must, in Feb. 12, '64, as Muse. ; des.. b. Lowell, Mass. ; age 18 ; cred. Columbia ; 12, Neligan, Michael. Unas'd ; Concord. N. f. r. A. G. Q. cred. Colebrook enl. June '64 must, in June 11, '64, as Pnv. substitute ; b. Norway ; age 22 ; ; 11, ; Nelson, Andre-<\7-. Unas'd ; '04, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. 'reported on roll dated June 14, . . -^ „ „. „ , , '63 in Pnv. des. Farmington ; enl. Dec. 30, ; nmst. Dec. 30, 63, as ; Apr. 23, b. ; age 21 ; cred. Nelson, Peter. Co. D ; Norway ''64, on march from Annapolis, Md., to Washington, D. C. '64 must, Jan. as Pnv. wd. June '64, 'Warren ; enl. Jan. 5, ; m 0, 64, ; 22, Yoi-k age 44 ; cred. Nero, Edward. Co. G ; b. New ; 7, '65. Petersburg, Va. ; disch. disab. July • , . t - „.i -n ^ ^ t ^ -,., ,n- a, ; enl. Jan. 5, '04 ; must, in Jan. 64, as Pnv. ; must, out July 17, 60. York ; age 19 ; ored. Hanovei' Nero, Louis. Co. G ; b. New Nettles, William Co. F. See 11 N. H. V. '01 '61, Indies ; age 21 ; res. Concord ; enl. Oct. 9, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Corp. ; wd. Dec. Newton, Thomas. Co. I ; b. West 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. Died, wds. Dec. 18, '62, Falmouth, Va. See 1 N. H. V. iMass. enl. Dec. '61; must, in Dec. '61, Nichols, Enoch. Co. K; b. Sutton; age 21; res. Winchendon, ; 9, 9, as Priv.; disch. disab. Mar. 20, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C. '61 '61, age res. Peterborough ; enl. Nov. 1, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Nims, Charles. Co. K ; b. Sullivan ; 32; Aug. 12, '63. P. O. ad., Marlow. '64 ; 19 cred. Chichester ; enl. June 3, ; must, in June '64, as Noble, James. Unas'd ; substitute b. Ireland ; age ; 3, Priv. ; re- ported on roll dated June 14, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. ;


; ; enl. '64 ; must, in Aug. 31, '64, as Priv. ; app. Nolan, Thomas. Co. K ; b. London, Eng. ; age 29 cred. Littleton Aug. 31,

Muse. ; must, out July 17, '65.

; '64 ; must, in May 18, '64, as Priv. ; enl. Norton, Henry. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 28 cred. Northwood May 18, ;

sent to regt. N. f . r. A. G. 0. -n • j Norton, James. Co. U; b. Bangor, Me.; age 19; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Dec. 31, '68; must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv.; wd. Feb. 6, '65. Died, wds. Feb. 8, '65, near Hancock Station, Va.

Oct. '62 ; must, in Oct. Norton, Richard. Unas'd ; b. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; age 28 ; res. Portsmouth, cred. Portsmouth ; enl. 21, 22, •62, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

; '64 must, in May 17, '64, as Priv. Unas'd substitute ; b. Ireland ; ; cred. Greenland enl. May 17, ; Norton, Richard. ; age 21 reported on roll dated June 6, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. '61, disch. disab. Noyee, Enoch P. Co. B; b. Haverhill; age 25; res. Enfield; enl. Oct. 14, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv.; Sept. 29, '62, Newark, N. J. See 1 N. H. Cav. '61, and ; '61 ; in Nov. as Priv. ; wd. Noyes, George W. Co. B b. Haverhill ; age 18 ; res. Enfield ; enl. Oct. 14, must, 27, '64, Bethesda captd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; released ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 3, '64 ; cred. Wilmot ; wd. June 3,

Church, Va. ; disch. disab. June 16, '65, Concord. P. 0. ad., Merrimack, Wis. '61, as Hosp. Noyes, James H. Non-Com. Staff and F. and S.; age 25; res. Nashua; enl. Nov. 29, '61 ; must, in Nov. 29, '62 Asst. Surg. Mar. Steward ; app. 2 Asst. Surg. May 13, '62 ; captd. Sept. 1, '62, Chantilly, Va. ; released Sept. 9, ; app. '63 20, ; Surg. Jan. 2, '65 ; must, out July 17, '65. Supposed identical with James H. Noyes, Co. B, 4 N. H. V. '61, Dec. Nudd, J. Horace. Co. I; b. Canterbury; age 18; res. Northfield ; enl. Nov. 5, '61; must, hi Nov. 30, as Priv.; wd. '03 '64, D. C, 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; tr. to I. C. July 1, ; assigned to Co. C, 10 I. C. ; disch. Nov. 30, Washington, tm. ex. P. O. ad., Warner. '61 Mar. ; ; ; '61 ; in Nov. 28, ; resigned Nute, Alonzo. F. and S. b. Newton age 35 res. Farmington ; app. Q. M. Oct. 18, must, 19, '63. Died Dec. 24, '92, Farmington.

; '61, as Priv. ; killed Aug. Nute, John A. Co. D ; b. Madbury ; age 42 ; res. Sandwich ; enl. Oct. 28, '61 must, in Nov. 27, 29, '62, Bull Run, Va.

; ; '61 ; in '61, as Priv. ; des. Aug. Nute, Thomas J. Co. D b. Lancaster; age 44 res. Wolfeborough ; enl. Oct. 3, must, Nov. 27, 28, '62, near AVarrenton Junction, Va. '61, Priv.; disch. Nutter, Lewis. Co. I; b. Rochester; age 38; res. Somersworth ; enl. Sept. 23, '61; must, in Nov. 28, as disab. June 24, '62, New Berne, N. C. '61, as Priv.; Nutting, Abraham. Co. G; b. Weathersfield, Vt. ; age 43 ; res. Croydon ; enl. Oct. 12, '61; must, in Nov. 28,

wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. Sept. 25, '62, Newport News, Va. Died Feb. 27, '63, Newport. '61 '61, as Priv. Nutting, Almond P; Co. E ; b. Winchendon, Mass. ; age 19 ; res. Rindge ; enl. Oct. 12, ; must, in Nov. 28,

wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. disab. Jan. 21, '63, Alexandria, Va. '61 '61, as Priv. Nutting, Charles S. Co. K ; b. New Ipswich ; age 23 ; res. New Ipswich ; enl. Oct. 29, ; must, in Nov. 28, Died, dis. Mar. 29, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C. '61 '61, as Priv. Nutting, James P. Co. K; b. New Ipswich; age 18; res. New Ipswich; enl. Oct. 15, ; must, in Nov. 28, Died, dis. Jan. 15, '62, Annapolis, Md. '61 ; ; '61 in to date Nov. Nutting, Jonas. Co. K ; b. Westford, Mass. age 56 ; res. New Ipswich app. 1 Lt.Nov. 30, ; must, 28, ; disch. May 15, '62. Died June 20, '73, New Ipswich. '61 '61, Corp. Nutting, Romanzo L. Co. E ; b. Mason ; age 23 ; res. Mason ; enl. Oct. 2, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; app.

Nov. 28, '61 ; disch. disab. Dec. 30, '62, Washington, D. C.

'61 ; in '61, as Priv.; app. Nutting, Theodore V. Co. A ; b. Plymouth; age 25; res. Plymouth; enl. Oct. 14, must, Nov. 27,

Corp. ; captd. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. Died, dis. Dec. 31, '64, Salisbury, N. C. See State Service. Nutting, Willis A. Co. E; b. Alason; age 23; res. Hancock; enl. Sept. 24, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; must, out Nov. 28, '64. Oakes, James H. Co. B; b. Benton; age 26; res. Landaff; enl. Sept. 13, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Feb. 7, '62_, Hatteras Inlet, N. C. '64; in '64, as Priv.; Obey, William. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 20; cred. Jefferson ; enl. May 22, must, May 25, reported on roll dated June 6, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. '63 '63, '64, O'Brien, John. Co. A ; b. England ; age 21 ; cred. Sullivan ; enl. Dec. 16, ; must, in Dec. 16, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 16, Annapolis, Md.

; ; res. '62 ; '62, O'Brien, John. Unas'd ; b. Boston, Mass. age 22 Portsmouth, cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Oct. 11, must, in Oct. 15,

as Priv. ; reported on roll dated Nov. 4, '62, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

; cred. enl. '64 ; '64, ; O'Connor, James. Co. H ; b. Ireland age 40 ; Jackson ; Jan. 4, must, in Jan. 4, as Priv. disch. disab. Oct. 13, '64, near Pegram House, Va.

b. ; '63 '63, ; O'Connor, Patrick. Co. D ; Ireland ; age 22 cred. Cornish ; enl. Dec. 4, ; must, in Dec. 4, as Priv. must, out July 17, '05. O'Donnell, James. Co. A; b. Ireland; age 39; cred. Winchester; enl. Dec. 30, '63; must, in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv.; des. Jan. 29, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. O'Donnell, Michael. Co. A. See 9 N. H. V.

b. ; '64 Oliver, John. Co. I ; New York age 22 ; cred. Stark ; enl. Jan. 4, ; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv. ; des. Mar. 8, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. * Olson, Kund. Unas'd; substitute; b. Norway; age 20; cred. Piermont; enl. June 11, '64; must, in June 11, '64, as Priv.; '64, captd. June 27, Petersburg, Va. ; enl. in 10 Tenn. Inf., Confederate service, while a prisoner of war at Andersonville, re-captd. '64, Ga. ; Dec. 28, Egypt Station, Miss. ; confined at Alton, 111. ; released June 26, '65, on taking oath of alle-

giance. N. f . r. A. G. O. Co. B; b. cred. enl. '64; Olson, Peter. Sweden ; age 23; Winchester; Jan. 5, must, in Jan. 5, '64. as Priv. Died, dis. Apr. 7, '64, Annapolis, Md. Olson, Peter. Co. K. See 9 N. H. V.

Peter. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Sweden ; age 29 ; cred. New Boston enl. '64 Olson, ; June 1, ; must, in June 1, '64, as Priv. ; re- ported on roll dated June 6, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

James. Unas'd; b. Ireland; age 32; cred. Epping ; enl. Dec. 31, '63; nrast. '63, O'Neil, in Dec. 31, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 7, '64, Albany, N. Y. Unas'd; b. Canada; age cred. O'Neil, Thomas. 22; Londonderry; enl. Jan. 1, '64; must, in Jan. 1, '64, as Priv.; des. Jan. 7, '64, Albany, N. Y.

William. Co. G ; b. Ireland ; age 19 cred. Whitefield ; enl, '63 O'Neil, ; Dec. 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv. ; wd. May 11,

'64, Spottsylvania, Va. ; killed Apr. 2, '05, Petersburg, Va. Ordway, Nathaniel P. Co. E. See 9 N. H. V.

H. Co. G ; b. Croydon ; age 21 ; res. Sunapee ; enl. '61 Osbom, William Sept. 16, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; des. Aug. 11, '62, Falmouth, Va. Co. E b. Westmoreland age res. Osborne, Leslie K. ; ; 23 ; Westmoreland ; '61 ; '61, enl. Sept. 25, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; must, out Nov. 28, '64. P. 0. ad., Alstead. ;;;


'62, Osgood, Amos. Co. C ; b. Watei-town, Mass. ; age 21 ; cred. South Hampton ; eul. Aug. 19, '62 ; must, in Sept. 2, as Priv. disch. June 4, '65, near Alexandria, Va. P. 0. ad., Haverliill, Mass. b. '61, Osgood, Bruce D. Co. C ; Raymond; age 24 ; res. Fremont; enl. Sept. 30, '01 ; must, in Nov. 27, as Sergt. ; des. July '62, '65, 12, Newport News, Va. ; reported Apr. 25, under President's Proclamation ; disch. May 5, '65, as Priv., Concord. P. O. ad., Fremont. See 1 N. H. V.

Co. C b. Chelmsford, Mass. ; 23 cred. '62 '62, Osgood, ; age ; enl. must, in Sept. as Edwin S. South Hampton ; Aug. 19, ; 3,

Priv. ; app. Corp. ; disch. June 4, '65, near Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Haverhill, Mass. b. Osgood, George W. Co. K ; Nelson ; age 28 ; res. Nelson ; enl. Dec. 11, '61 ; must, in Dec. 11, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Kun, Va. ; app. 1 Sergt. ; re-eiil. and must, in Jan. 4, '64 ; app. 2 Lt. Jan. 3, '64 ; 1 Lt. July 3, '64 ; not must. disch. disab. Nov. 7, '64, as 2 ]^t. P. 0. ad.. Nelson. b. Osgood, Hial A. Co. E; New Hampshire; age 44; cred. Wentworth ; enl. Jan. 5, '64; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv.; des. Dec. 2, '64, while on furlough.

Osgood, John. Co. K ; b. Nelson ; age 23 ; res. Nelson, cred. enl. '62 in Aug. '62, Priv. ; Nelson ; Aug. 15, ; must, 15, as app.

Corp. ; disch. June 4, '65, near Alexandria, Va.

Otis, Co. D ; b. Portsmouth ; age 23 ; res. Rochester enl. Sept. '61 ; nmst. in '61, as Sergt. ; Dec. Orange B. ; 21, Nov. 27, wd. '62, '63 13, Fredericksburg, Va. ; app. 1 Lt. Nov. 4, ; wd. June 3, '64, Bethesda Church, Va. ; disch. wds. to date Dec. 6, '64. P. 0. ad., Haverhill, Mass.

b. ; ; '62 ; Otterson, George W. Co. G ; Hooksett age 18 res. Nashua, cred. Nashua ; enl. Aug. 13, must, in Aug. 14, '62, as

Priv. ; app. Corp. ; wd. July 30, '64, Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Va. ; Apr. 2, '65, Petersburg, Va. ; disch. June 4, '65, near Alexandria, Va. P. 0. ad., Pomona, Fla.

Owens, George. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 21 ; cred. Pittsburg ; enl. June 13, '64 ; must, in June 13, '64, as Priv.; reported on roll dated June 14, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Owens, Patrick. Co. G ; b. Ireland ; age 27 ; res. Newport ; enl. Oct. 17, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; disch. June 9, '63, Philadelphia, Pa. Supposed identical with Patrick Owens, Co. E, 18 N. H. V. '61, Page, David D. Co. E ; b. Hooksett ; age 20 ; res. Peterborough ; enl. Oct. 5, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Feb. 4, '63, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. ad.. Great Bend, Kan. See 1 N. H. Cav. Page, Francis. Co. A. See 11 N. H. V.

'61 ; '61, ; Page, John "W. Co. I ; b. Hampton Falls ; age 29 ; res. Pittsfield ; enl. Oct. 21, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. re-enl. and '65. must, in Dec. 19, '63 ; wd. Apr. 2, '65, Petersburg, Va. ; app. Corp. July 1, '65 ; must, out Jujy 17, P. O. ad., Pittsfield. Page, Nathaniel S. Co. B. See 9 N. H. V. Paige, Alphonzo H. Co. I; b. Bow; age 18; cred. Rochester; enl. Jan. 1, '64; must, in Jan. 1, '64, as Priv.; disch. disab. Jan. 19, '65, near Hancock Station, Va. P. O. ad., Hopkinton. Paige, Frank W. Co. A. See 11 N. H. V.

; ; ; cred. ; enl. '63 ; must, iu '63, Pall, Andrew. Co. D ; substitute b. New Brunswick age 20 Thornton Nov. 20, Nov. 20, as '65. Priv. ; wd. May 12, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. ; must, out July 17,

; res. ; enl. Dec. '61 ; in '61, as Priv. ; app. ; ro-enl. Palmer, Asa D. Co. H ; b. Durham ; age 18 Durham 7, must, Dec. 7, Corp.

and must, in Dec. 28, '63 ; wd. May 26, '64, North Anna river, Va. ; captd. Sept. 30, '84, Poplar Springs Church, Va. Died, disease and starvation, Dec. 27, '64, Salisbury, N. C.

; res. Barrington enl. Oct. 17, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, 'Gl, as Priv. ; re-enl. and Palmer, Benjamin B. Co. H ; b. Warner age 40 ; ;

'63 ; '64, Church, Va. Died, dis. Nov. 2, '64, Salisbury, N. C. must, in Dec. 31, ; app. Corp. captd. Oct. 1, Poplar Springs

res. ; enl. Dec. 31, '63 must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv. ; disch. Palmer, George. Co. D; b. Eaton ; age 23; Eaton, cred. Eaton ; May 23, '65, CoiQcord. P. O. ad., Eaton.

18 res. ; enl. Oct. 21, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Palmer, Herlaert B. Co. F ; b. Alstead ; age ; Alstead

'64 '64, Explosion, Petersburg, Va. ; app. Sergt. Bull Run, Va. ; app. Corp. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 3, ; wd. July 30, Mine '65. July 1, '65 ; must, out July 17, 9, 27, Priv.; Palmer, Wilber F. Co. B; b. Littleton; age 18; res. Littleton ; enl. Nov. '61 ; must, in Nov. '61, as app. Corp.; '65. P. ad., Atlanta, re-enl. and must, in Jan. 3, '64; app. Sergt. ; must, out July 17, O. Ga. '62, ; ; res. Eaton ; enl. Oct. 7, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; mis. Aug. 29, Palmer William H. Co. D b. Eaton ; age 21 from mis. Dec. 19, '62 ; disch. Mar. 10, '63, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Eaton. See 1 N. H. H. Art. Bull Run, Va. ; gd. Palmer. See Parmer.

; ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Jan. 2, '64 ; must, in Jan. 2, '64, as Priv. ; des. Feb. Papendorf, Julius. Co. B ; b. Germany age 21 17, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. Co. E. See 9 N. H. V. Papineau, Francis. , „ „„ ^ . ^ '63 .,.„„„ b. ; age ; cred. Ihornton ; enl. Dec. 3, ; must, m Dec. 3, '63, as Priv. substitute ; York 21 Park, Alexander. Co. F ; New des. Feb. 24^ '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. Parker, Charles. Co. F; b. Canada; age 31; cred. Lancaster; enl. Dec. 31, '63; must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv.; des. Mar. 21, '64, near Harrisburg, Pa. '61 '61, Vt. ; age 22 ; res. Woodstock ; enl. Sept. 21, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Corp. ; disch. Parker, Curtis L. Co. B ; b. Concord, disab. Nov. 26, '62, New York city. P. O. ad., North Woodstock. '64 '64, ; age ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Jan. 5, ; must, in Jan. 5, as Priv. ; must, out July Parker, James. Co. C ; b. Ireland 26 'l7, '65. enl. '64 must, '64, substitute ; b. England ; age 19 ; cred. Concord ; May 23, ; m May 23, as Priv. ; des. Parker, John. Unas'd ; June 7, '64, New London, Conn. Parker, Thomas. Co. B; b. Ireland; age 27; cred. Wakefield; enl. Jan. 4, '64; must, m Jan. 4, '64, as Priv.; des. Feb. 1, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. Parman, Joseph. Co. I. See 11 N. H. V. enl. '61; must, '61, Parmenter, David B. Co. A; b. Rumney; age 21; res. Rumney ; Nov. 2, m Nov. 27, as Priv.; disch. disab. Sept. 30, '62, Newport News, Va. enl. June '64 nmst. in June '64, ; ; age 34 ; cred. Clareniont ; 4, ; 4, as Priv. Parmer, John. Unas'd ; substitute b. England '64. N. f r. A. G. 0. name appears on muster and descriptive roll dated June 14, . Parsons, Flores B. Co. K. See 9 N. H. V. '61 '62, ; age ; res. Canterbury ; enl. Dec. 7, ; must, m Mar. 6, as Priv. ; wd. Dec. Patch "William H. Co. I ; b. Salem, Mass. 20 ' '64, ex. P. ad.. East Andover. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. Dec. 19, Concord, tm. 0. '61 res. ; enl. Oct. 23, ; must, m Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; Campton Pattee Richard. Co. A; b. Londonderry age 44 ;

'62, ; disch. disab. Feb. 14, '63, Concord. Nov. 30, '61 ; wd. Aug. 29, Bull Run, Va. enl. Sept. '61 must, in Nov. '61, as Bucksport, Me. ; age 29 ; res. Haverhill ; 16, ; 27, Priv. Patten, Charles P. Co. B ; b.

'64 ; app. Corp. July '6o ; must, captd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; released ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 3, 1, out July 17, '65. Died Aug. 10, '82, Nat. Home, Togus, Me. Patterson, Charles. Co. H; substitute; b. Canada; age 20; cred. Rochester; enl. May 18, '64; must, in May 18, '64, as

; appreh. assigned to Co. des. '64, Priv. ; des. June 27, '64, en route to regt., near Washington, D. C. ; C ; Sept. 26, near Petersburg, Va. ;;


'64, Jan. 22, '64, Camp Paul, Charles. Co. I; b. Russia; age 30; cred. Stark; enl. Jan. 4, '64; must, in Jan. 4, as Priv. ; des. Nelson, Ky. disab. Mar. '63, Paul, Orrin. Co. D; b. Eaton; age 22; ves. Eaton; enl. Oct. 7, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Sergt. ; disch. 7, Ft. Monroe, Va. P. O. ad., South Boston, Mass. Payson, Charles H. Co. E; b. Boston, Mass!; age 37; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Dec. 31, '63; must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv.; tr. to Co. C, 11 V. K. C, Jan. 20, '05 ; disch. Aug. 1, '(Jo, Providence, R. I. P. O. ad., Northfield. Peakes, Albert P. Co. A. See 11 N. II. V. '61 '61 wd. Pearson, Henry H. Co. C ; b. Newport, III. ; age 22 res. ; Capt. Nov. 30, ; must, in to date Nov. 27, ; ; Exeter app.

Aug. '62, Mull ; '62 Miscel. Organizations. 29, Run, Va. app. Lt. Col. Oct. 15, ; killed May 26, '04, North Anna river, Va. See Pearson, West. Co. B; b. Bethlehem; age 21; res. Haverhill; eiil. Sept. 14, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Corp.; disch. disab. Sept. 29, '62, Philadelphia, Pa.

Peaslee, Aquilla B. Co. A ; b. Holderness ; age 28 res. Holderness enl. Oct. 16, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; disch. ; ; Feb. 5, '63, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Ashland. See State Service. '61 '61, Priv.; wd. Peaslee, Thomas C. Co. A ; b. Holderness; age 28; res. IIolderue.ss ; enl. Oct. 15, ; must, in Nov. 27, as '62, Aug. 29, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. disab. Oct. 25, '62, Philadelphia, Pa. Died Dec. 25, '90. See State Service. '64, Co. C b. Strafford ; enl. '64 ; 11, '64, as Priv. ; wd. July 27, Peavey, Hollis S. ; age 32 ; cred. Lee Jan. must, in Jan. ; 11, Petersburg, Va. Died, dis. Sept. 7, '64, David's Isl., N. Y. H. '62, Bull Run, Peavey, John H. Co. D ; age 24 ; cred. Ossipee ; enl. June 24, '02 ; must, in Aug. 4, '63, as Priv. ; mis. Aug. 29,

Va. ; gd. from mis. ; des. Nov. 19, '62, near Falmouth, Va.

'61 '61, ; disab. Peirce, Daniel P. Co. C ; b. Canaan ; age 43 ; res. East Kingston ; enl. Oct. 12, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. disch. Aug. 29, '62, Newport News, Va. P. O. ad.. East Kiuggton. See 1 Co., N. 11. H. Art. Peirce. See Pierce.

Pell, Franklin. Co. B; b. Canada; age 22 ; cred. Hancock; enl. Jan. 2, '64; must, in Jan. 2, '64, as Priv. ; reported on m. o. roll dated July 17, '65, as absent sick since Apr. 30, '64. N. f. r. A. G. O. Perkins, Albert. Co. C. See 9 N. H. V. '63, Co. F ; b. Elmore, Vt. ; age enl. '63 ; nmst. in Dec. 30, as Priv. ; tr. to Perkins, Charles B. 18; cred. Fitzwilliam ; Dec. 30, '64 '6.5, 168 Co., 2 Batt'l, I. C, Jan. 19, ; disch. June 7, Concord. P. O. ad., Brattleboro, Vt. '61; in '01, Perkins, Duane F. Co. II; b. West Springfield, Mass.; age 25; res. Barrington ; enl. Oct. 26, must, Nov. 28, as

Sergt. ; disch. disab. Nov. 17, '02, Ft. McHeury, Md. P. O. ad., Springfield, Mass.

; ; ; '64 Jan. '64, as Priv. ; des. Perkins, George. Co. A ; b. District of Columbia age 28 cred. Swanzev enl. Jan. 2, ; nmst. in 2, Mar. 20, '64, Pittsburg, Pa. '61 '61, dis. Perkins, William B. Co. 1 ; b. Epsom ; age 27 ; res. Epsom ; enl. Oct. 7, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. Died, Dec. 25, '62, Falmouth, Va. Perris, Andrew. Co. E. SeellN. H. V.

'01 ; '61, Priv. ; re-enl. Perrott, Robert. Co. H; b. Ireland; age 20; res. North Hampton ; enl. Oct. 25, must, in Nov. 28, as '63 '65. and must, in Dec. 31, ; cred. Portsmouth ; app. Corp. ; disch. to date July 17, P. O. ad., Nat. Military Home, Kan.

'61 ; '61, ; '62, Perry, Alfred. Co. E ; b. Dublin ; age 18 ; res. Peterborough ; enl. Oct. 28, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. wd. Dec. 13, Fredericksburg, Va. Died, wds. Jan. 27, '03, Washington, D. C. Perry, Allen T. Co. E; b. Dublin; age 20; res. Peterborough; enl. Sept. 24, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Jan. 5, '63, Washington, D. C.

; b. ; eid. '64 '64, Perry, Frederick. Co. B ; substitute Canada age 10 ; cred. Washington ; June 7, ; must, in June 7, as Priv. des. near Petersburg, Va., date unknown. Perry, John. Co. A; b. England; age 19; cred. Centre Harbor; enl. Jan. 4, '64; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv.; des. Apr. 23, '64, Annapolis, Md. Perry, Richard. Co. C. See 11 N. H. V.

; ; res. enl. '61 ; '61, ; '02, Perry, W^illiam H. Co. F age 18 Keene ; Sept. 28, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. wd. Dec. 13, Fredericks- '63 burg, Va. ; entered Gen, Ilosp., Central Park, New York city, for guard duty, June 5, ; sent to Park Barracks July 29, '63. N. f. r. A. G. O. Peters, John. Co. H; substitute; b. Canada; age 30; cred. AValpole; enl. June 1, '64; must, in June 1, '64, as Priv.; must. 'out July 17, '65. '63 '03, Peterson, Joseph. Co. F ; b. New York city ; age 21 ; cred. Lebanon ; enl. Nov. 21, ; must, in Nov. 21, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 23, '63, Camp Nelson, Ky. res. Manchester, cred. Manchester; enl. '62; '62, Pettingill, Lafayette. Co. I; b. Epsom; age 37 ; Aug. 30, must, in Sept. 3,

as Priv. ; disch. June 4, '65, near Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Loudon.

b. ; age 29 ; res. Jaffrey, cred. Jaffrey ; enl. Dec. 16, '63 ; must, in Dec. '63; Priv. Petts, James E. Co. D ; Stoddard 16, as muist. out July 17, '65. Died Sept. 5, '71, Winchendon, Mass. See 14 N. H. V.

b. age 17 res. ^^'entworth ; enl.Nov. 28, ; must. in 30, ; Philbrick, Cyrus J. Co. I; Wentworth ; ; '01 Nov. '61, as Priv. des. Dec. 1, '61, Keene. See 12 N. H. V.

I b. Epsom ; age 43 ; res. Epsom ; enl. Oct. '61 ; must, in Nov. '61, Priv. ; Philbrick, John H. F. Co. ; 23, 28, as disch. disab. Oct. 7, '62, Ft. Monroe, Va. 10, Phillips, Lewis. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland ; age 21; cred. Lebanon; enl. June '64; must, in June 10, '04, as Priv.; name appears on roll dated June 14, '04, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. '64 substitute ; b. Canada ; age 22 ; cred. Newton ; enl. ]\Iay 17, nmst. in '64, ; Picotte, Azarie. Co. G ; ; May 17, as Priv. must. out July 17, '65. res. '61 Pierce, Benjamin F. Co. A; b. Canipton; age 23; Carapton; enl. Oct. 21, ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; wd. Aug. '03. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. Dec. 4,

b. ; age 19 ; res. Thornton, cred. Thornton ; enl. Aug. '62 ; '62, Pierce Charles P. Co. D ; Hudson 11, must, in Aug. 27, as '05, Priv. ; tr. to L C. Sept. 1, '63 ; to Co. C, 18 V. R. C. ; disch. June 28, Washington, D. C. cred. enl. Sept. '62 Daniel. Co. F ; b. Unity ; age 43 ; Hillsborough ; 8, ; must, in Sept. 25, '62, as Priv. Died, dis. Pierce, ^ Aug. 30, '03, Nicholasville, Ky. Supposed identical with Daniel Pierce, Co. G, 5 N. H. V. '63 b. Vermont ; age 44 ; cred. ^V^hitefield ; enl. Dec. 25, ; must, in Dec. '63, as Priv. Pierce, Eli P. Co. B ; 25, Died, dis. Dec. ' 3, '04, City Point, Va. Supposed identical with Eli P. Pierce, Co. B, 5 N. 11. V. res. Pierce, Blihu P. F. and S. ; b. Winchester ; age 28; Manchester; app. 2 Asst. Surg. Mar. 11, '64; mxist. in Mar. 12, '64; ' must, out July 17, '65. P. 0. ad., Springfield, Mass. res. Troy enl. '61 '61, b. Leicester, Mass. ; age 18 ; ; Nov. 15, ; must, in Nov. as ; Pierce, Frank. Co. F ; 28, Priv. wd. Aug. 29,

'62 Sergt. ; re-enl. in '63 '65 '62, Bull Run, Va. ; app. Corp. Sept. 1, ; and must, Dec. 22, ; app. 1 Lt. Co. B, June 1, ; must. out July 17, '65. '64 Co. b. Lehigh County, Pa. ; age 23 ; cred. Epping ; eul. Jan. 5, must, in Jan. '64, Pierce, George. C ; ; 5, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 29, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

b. Mass. ; age 32 cred. Moultonborongh enl. Dec. '63 '63, Pierce, George. Co. I; Upton, ; ; 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, as Priv. ; wd. ' '04, July 12, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; Sept. 30, Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; des. Jan. 6, '05, while on furlough. ;


'61 '61, Pierce, Samuel G. Co. F ; b. Alstead ; age 36 ; res. Alstead ; enl. Oct. 14, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Corp. Died, dis. Jan. 12, '62, on board steamer " Louisiana," en route from Hampton Roads to Hatt«ras Inlet, N. C. Pierce. See Peirce.

Pierre, Reuben. Co. A; b. Poitiers, France; age 27; cred. Effingham; enl. Jan. 5, 'Gi; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv. ; wd.

May 12, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. ; des. Oct. 31, '64, Baltimore, Md. Co. K; substitute; b. cred. enl. '64; must, in 18, '64, Piesback, Nicholas. Germany; age 21; Tuftonborough ; May 18, May

as Priv. ; disch. June 2, '65, AVashiugton, D. C.

Pike, Co. E ; b. VVinchendon, ; age ; res. '61 ; in '61, as Priv. Charles W. Mass. 21 Marlborough ; enl. Oct. 7, must, Nov. 28,

app. Muse. Nov. 28, '61 ; ranked as Priv. Jan. 1, '62 ; killed Aug. 29, 'U2, IJuU Run, Va.

Pike, John. Co. K ; b. Haverhill ; age 45 ; res. New Ipswich ; enl. Oct. 28, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Muse. Died, dis. Apr. 12, '63, Winchester, Ky. '64, Pike, Rudolph. Co. G ; b. France ; age 26 ; ci-ed. Lisbon ; enl. Dec. 4, '63 ; must, in Dec. 4, '63, as Priv. ; des. Mar. 30, Annapolis, Md.

Pinkham, Alphonso. Co. H ; b. Durham ; age 23 ; res. Durham ; enl. Oct. 17, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Corp. ; app. Sergt. Sept. 1, '62. Died, dis. Aug. 28, '63, Durham.

Ira F. Co. G ; b. New Durham ; les. ; enl. Oct. '61 ; in 28, '61, as Priv. ; des. Aug. Pinkham, ; age 30 Farmington 3, must, Nov. '62 '63 '64 2, ; appreh. June 3, ; returned to company Sept. 1, ; disch. June 4, '65, nearj Alexandi-ia, Va. P. O. ad., Farm-

ington. '

Pinkham, John H. Co. H ; b. Dover ; age 18 ; res. Dover ; enl. Oct. 21, '61 ; must, in Nov! 28, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Sept. '62 '63 '63 1, ; Sergt. Mar. 1, ; re-enl. and must, in Dec. 24, ; app. 1 Sergt. Mar. 1, '64 ; 1 Lt. Mar. 5, '65 ; Capt. Co. F, June

1, '65 ; must, out July 17, '65. Died Mar. 31, '88, Haverhill, Mass. >

Co. A ; b. Holderness res. enl. '61 ; in 6, '61, as Priv. ; re-eul. and Piper, Robert B. ; age 10 ; Holderness ; Dec. 2, must, Deo.

must, in Jan. 3, '64 ; app. Corp. ; captd. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. par. Feb. 27, '65 ; disch. May 30, '65, ; Concord. P. O. ad., Holdei-ness. '62 '62, Plaisted, Ai T. Co. A ; b. Holderness ; age 18 ; res. Holderness, cred. Holderness ; enl. July 21, ; must, in July 28, as

Priv. ; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. Died, dis. Apr. 1, '63, Covington, Ky.

'61 '61, ; Plaisted, Cyrus. Co. A ; b. New Hampton ; age 44 ; res. Holderness ; enl. Oct. 30, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. disch. * disab. Oct. 10, '62, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Ashland.

Plaisted, Joseph C, Co. A ; b. Holderness ; age 20 ; res. Holderness ; enl. Oct. 30, '61 ; must, in Dec. 6, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Mar. 3, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C. Died Apr. 8, '62, Holderness. '62, Plaisted, Samuel S. Co. A ; b. Holderness ; age 23 ; res. Holderness, cred. Holderness ; enl. July 22, '62; must, in July 28,

as Priv. ; drowned Aug. 13, '62, by foundering of steamer " West Point," in Potomac river.

Elijah Co. K ; b. Fitzwilliam; age 19 res. Fitzwilliam ; enl. (Jet. 29, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. and Platts, T. ; '64 '65. must, in Jan. 4, ; app. Sergt. M. Sergt. July 1, '65 ; must, out July 17, P. 0. ad., Fitzwilliam. ; Q. '61 '61, Platts, John A. Co. K ; b. Fitzwilliam ; age 23 ; res. Fitzwilliam ; enl. Oct. 29, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; wd. Sept. '62, '64 '64 17, Antietam, Md. ; app. Corp. Jan. 4, ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 4, ; app. Com. Sergt. July 1, '64; 1 Lt. Co. K, June 1, '65; must, out July 17, '65. Died Feb. 15, '93, Fitzwilliam. '61 Plumer, John H. Co. I ; b. Meredith ; age 38 ; res. Farmington ; enl. Sept. 23, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Sept. 29, '62, Washington, D. C.

Poirier, Co. B ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 21 ; cred. Gilsum ; enl. May 28, '64 ; must, in May 28, '64, as Priv. Napoleon. ; des. Oct. 11, '64, near Pegram House, Va. Politz, Reinhold. Co. D. See 9 N. H. V.

Pomroy, Benjamin. Co. F ; b. Swanzey ; age 45 ; res. Swanzey ; enl. Sept. 21, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. June 18, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C.

Ponte, Francisco. Co. F ; b. .Spain ; age 21 ; cred. Wakefield ; enl. Dec. 30, '63 ; must, in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv. ; wd. May 12,

'64, Spottsylvania, Va. ; disch. Aug. 8, '65, Washington, D. C.

Poole, Hiram H. Co. B; b. Haverhill; age 35; res. Haverhill; enl. Nov. 9, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; re-enl. and '64 '65 '65. must, in Jan. 2, ; app. Corp. July 1, ; must, out July 17, Died Mar. 21, '66, Lynn, Mass. Poor, Charles. Co. B. See 11 N. H. V. '61 Pope, Joseph P. B. Co. I; b. Marblehead, ]\lass. ; age 18 ; res. Concord ; enl. Dec. 2, ; must, in Dec. 3, '61, as Priv. ; wd. '63 Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; re-eul. and must, in Dec. 19, ; wd. May 12, '64, Spottsyl- '65 '65. vania, Va. ; app. Corp. July 1, ; must, out July 17, '63 Potawski, Charles. Co. K ; substitute : b. St. Petersburg, Russia ; age 24 ; cred. Upper Gilmanton ; enl. Sept. 29, ; must, in

Sept. 29, '63, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 11, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. '61 '61, Potter, Robert H. Co. I; b. Concord ; age 18 ; res. Concord ; enl. Nov. 5, ; must, in Nov. 30, as Priv. ; re-enl. and must.

in Dec. 19, '63; app. Sergt. Jan. 1, '64; wd. sev. Oct. 1, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; app. 1 Lt. Mar. 3, '65; Capt. June 1, '65; must, out July 17, '65. P. O. ad., Concord. Pottle, Samuel A. Co. F; b. Portsmouth; age 18; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Dec. 31, '63; must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv.; wd.

July 30, '64, Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Va. ; disch. July 10, '65, Washington, D. C.

Powers, James Gr. Co. B; b. .St. Johnsbury, Vt. ; age 25; res. Plaiufield; enl. Oct. 10, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.;

captd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; released Dec, '62 ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 3, '64 ; wd. May 18, '64, Spottsylvania,

Va. ; app. Corp. July 1, '65; must, out July 17, '65. Pratt, Alfred C. Co. H. See 9 N. H. V. '64; Pratt, John. Co. B ; substitute: b. Liverpool, Eng. ; age 21 ; cred. Stratham ; enl. May 17, must, in May 17, '64, as Priv. des. Oct. 30, '64, near Pegram House, Va.

res. enl. Oct. '61 ; '61, Prescott, Hiram S. Co. D ; b. Sandwich ; age 23 ; Sandwich ; 7, must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; disch. June 20, '62, AVashington, D. C.

; ; enl. '61 '61, Prescott, Josiah. Co. D ; b. Sandwich ; age 24 res. Sandwich Oct. 5, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; app. 1 Sergt. '62 '62, Nov. 30, '61 ; 2 Lt. Aug. 4, ; killed Aug. 29, Bull Run, Va. enl. '64 '64, Preston, Daniel. Co. K; b. Vermont; age 42; cred. Hanover; Jan. 1, ; must, in Jan. 1, as Priv.; must, out July 17, '65. enl. Oct. '61 Preston, George P. Co. K ; b. New Ipswich ; age 38 ; res. Jaffrey ; 22, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; disch. Jan. 26, '63, on account of injuries received June 15, '62, Washington, D. C. See V. R. C. Preston, James R. Co. A. See 9 N. H. V. Preston, Martin "W. Co. B; b. Orange; age 19; res. Enfield; enl. Oct. 26, '61; must, in Dec. 2, '61, as Priv.; app. Corp.; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. '62 ; cred. Lebanon enl. Aug. 6, must, in Aug. 30, '62, as Priv. ; Preston, Nelson S. Co. B ; b. Tun bridge, Vt. age 26 ; ; ; app.

Corp. ; disch. June 4, '65, near Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Bristol. Prial, Ed-ward. Co. A. See 9 N. H. V.

; ; ; enl. Sept. 19, '61 ; must, in Nov. '61, Priest, John H. Co. F ; b. Lexington, Mass. age 39 res. Marlborough 28, as Sergt. '64. reduced to ranks at his own request, Jan. 14, '64 ; must, out Nov. 28, P. O. ad., Waterville, Mass. ;;;


Pringle, Charles. Co. D. See 9 N. H. V. . x> '64 must, in June 7, 'b4, as Friv. Co. B ; substitute ; b. Italy ; cred. Washington ; enl. June 7, ; Provono, Antonio. ; age 25 des. near Petersburg, Va., date unknown. '62; must, in Aug. 26, Putnam, Charles. Co. G; b. Charlestown; age 81; res. Charlestown, cred. Charlestown ; enl. Aug. 12,

'62, as Priv. ; disch. June 4, '65, near Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Lempster. n ,ei i Nov. 61 resigned '61 ; in to date 28, ; ; b. ; Capt. Nov. 30, must, Putnam, John W. Co. G Croydon ; age 35 res. Croydon ; app. 27, '62. ad., Oct. P. O. Amenia, N. Y. . ^^ _ ,„, '61 must, m Nov. ^^, bi, as ; enl. Sept. 13, ; Putnam, Stephen, Jr. Co. B ; b. Burlington, Vt. ; age 20 ; res. Bradford, Vt.

Priv. ; disch. disab. Mar. 22, '63, Portsmouth Grove, R. I. P. O. ad., Bordonville, Vt. _ '61 must, m Isov. 28, bl, as Vt. ; enl. Oct. 11, ; Putnam, William H. H. Co. E ; b. Grafton, Vt. ; age 21 ; res. Saxton's River,

Priv. ; disch. disab. Dec. 27, '62, near Falmouth, Va. Nov. wd. sev. '61 ; must, in to date 27, 61 ; Quarles, Samuel D. Co. D ; b. Ossipee; age 28; res. Ossipee ; app. Capt. Nov. 30, July 17, '65. Bvt. Lt. Col., U. h. May 18, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. ; app. Maj. July 28, '64; Lt. Col. June 1, '65; must, out '80, Ossipee. v., to date from Apr. 2, '65, for gallant and meritorious conduct before Petersburg, Va. Died Nov. 22, in Nov. 28, '61, as Pnv. disch. Quimby, Abraham. Co. G; b. Springfield; age 34; res. Springfield; enl. Nov. 4, '61; must, ; '62, disab. June 18, New Berne, N. C. P. 0. ad., Springfield. . '61 n)ust. in Nov. 27, '61, as Inv. Quimby, Jacob H. Co. C; b. South York, Me.; age 24; res. Newmarket; enl. Oct. 8, ; '62, Bull killed Aug. 29, Run, Va. , , '61, as Pnv. des. June ; ; ; enl. '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, ; Quimby, Winslow. Co. B b. Franconia age 23 ; res. Francoiiia Oct. 10, '63, regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. See State 15, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C. ; appreh. May 14, '63, Stewartstown ; sent May 28, to Service. lu .oi Priv. des. Jan. 18, 64, ; '64 ; in '64, as ; Quin, James. Unas'd ; b. Ireland ; age 24 ; cred. Seabrook enl. Jan. 5, must, Jan. 5, Concord. des. Jan. '63 nmst. in Dec. 30, '63, as Pnv. ; Quin, William J. Unas'd ; b. Canada ; age 24 ; cred. Gilmanton ; enl. Dec. 30, ; 10, '64, Concord. Quinn, Daniel. Co. I. See Daniel Couuihan. Dec. '63, as Priv. supposed Quinn, Harry. Unas'd; b. Nova Scotia; age 20; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Dec. 24, '63; must, in 24, ; to have deserted en route to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Eacona, Pelisoo. Co. B; substitute; b. Italy; age 25; cred. Enfield; enl. May 24, '64; must, in JMay 24, '64, as Priv.; des. July 15, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '61 '61, as Priv. disch. Apr. 28, Rahn, William. Co. G; b. New York; age "44"; res. Keene; enl. Dec. 5, ; must, in Dec. 5, ; '63, New Berne, N. C. See V. R. C. 19, '64 must, in May 19, '64, as Railshaw, Theodore. Unas'd; substitute; b. Germany; age 20; cred. Wakefield; enl. May ; Priv. Name appears on muster and descriptive roll dated Jiuie 14, '64. N. f. r. A. G. 0. 8, 8, Priv.; des. Oct. Eaimbart, John. Co. B; substitute; b. France; age 25; cred. Hill; enl. June '64 ; must, in June '64, as 14, '64, near Pegram House, Va.

; ; '64 ; must, in June 11, '64, as Priv. Ramanson, Carl. Unas'd ; substitute b. Denmark ; age 20 ; cred. Piermont enl. June 11, '64. name borne on muster and descriptive roll dated June 14, N. f . r. A. G. O.

'61 ; '61, as Priv. Died, Rand, Bickford L. Co. H; b. Salem, Mass.; age 27; res. Portsmouth ; enl. Oct. 17, must, in Nov. 28, dis. Aug. 26, '62, Alexandria, Va. See 2 N. H. V. '61 '61, Rand, Howard. Co. K; b. Jackson, Mich. ; age 21 ; res. Rindge ; enl. Oct. 14, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; app. Sergt.

Nov. 30, '61 ; killed Sept. 17, '62, Anfcietam, Md. Rand, Irving W. Co. H; b. Portsmouth; age 22; res. Rye; enl. Oct. 21, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; app. Corp.; '63 '64, re-enl. and must, in Dec. 31, ; cred. Portsmouth ; app. Sergt. ; wd. July 81), Mine lilxplosion, Petersburg, Va. Died, wds. Aug. 2, '64, near Petersburg, Va. Supposed identical with Irving W. Rand, State Service. '61 '61, Rand, James C. Co. I ; b. Concord ; age 18 ; res. Concord ; enl. Nov. 25, ; must, in Dec. 3, as Priv. ; disch. disab. June 24, '62, New Berne, N. C. Supposed identical with James C. Rand, Co. C, 17 N. H. V. Rand, Moses W., Jr. Co. D; substitute; b. New Hampshire; age 30; cred. Rindge; enl. Dec. 3, '63; must, in Dec. 3, '68, as Priv. Died, dis. Aug. 29, '64, David's Isl., N. Y. H. '61 '61, Randall, Andrew J. Co. B ; b. Maine ; age 31 ; res. Haverhill ; enl. Sept. 9, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Corp. ; app. Sergt. disch. disab. Aug. 3, '03, Concord. '61 '01, Randall, Charles B. Co. E ; b. Berwick, Me. ; age 19 ; res. Nelson ; eifl. Oct. 29, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. '62 '62. K, Mar. 1, ; disch. disab. Nov. 11, '68 '68, Randall, John H. Co. F ; b. New York city ; age 19 ; cred. \Volfeborough ; enl. Dec. 30, ; jnust. in Dec. 30, as Priv.

des. May, '64, Washington, D. C. ; reported May 8, '65, under President's Proclamation ; disch. May 9, '65, Concord. P. O. ad., Georgetown, Mass. Randall, Martin V. B. Co. B; b. Piermont; age 20; res. Haverhill; enl. Sept. 20, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; wd.

Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; Ahch. wds. Nov. 26, '62, Washington, I). C. P. O. ad., Haverhill. Rankin, William. Co. G. See 11 N. H. V. '61 '61, Rawson, Alvah S. Co. G ; b. Cornish ; age 18 ; res. Cornish ; enl. Nov. 20, ; must, in Dec. 3, as Priv. ; app. Sergt.

re-enl. and must, in Jan, 2, '64 ; killed July 3, '64, Petersburg, Va. Raymond, William. Co. A.- See 9 N. H. V. Raymond, William. Co. C. See 9 N. H. V. '61; '61, Read, Daniel H. Co. F; b. Fitzwilliam ; age 22; res. Fitzwilliam ; enl. Oct. 11, must, in Dec. 3, as Wagoner; disch. Oct. 11, '64, Pleasant Valley, Md., tm. ex. P. 0. ad., Fitzwilliam. '61 '61, Read, Henry P. Co. E ; b. Swanzey ; age 39 ; res. Swanzey j enl. Oct. 11, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; tr. to 126 Co., 2

Batt'l, I. C., Mar. 15, '64 ; disch. disab. Apr. 26, '64, Camp Dennison, Ohio. P. O. ad., Westport. Read. See Reed. Reardon, Jeremiah. Co. C; b. Ireland; age 16; cred. Campton; enl. Jan. 5, '64; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Muse; must, out July 17, '05. '61 Reddin, Morris. Co. C ; b. Ireland ; age 28 ; res. Exeter ; enl. Nov. 4, ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62,

Bull Run, Va. ; disch. disab. Jan. 11, '63, Washington, D. C.

; res. enl. '61 Reddin, William H. Co. H ; b. JIaine ; age 45 Portsmouth ; Nov. 15, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Aug.

29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. disab. June 27, '63, Washington, D. C.

res. ; enl. '61 ; '61, Reddy, Patrick. Co. K ; b. Ireland ; age 36 ; New Ipswich Nov. 12, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; app. Corp. '01 Nov. 30, ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. Died, dis. July 30, '63, Milldale, Miss.

; ; ; res. ; enl. '61 ; Reed, Austin. Co. G b. New.port age 21 Newport Oct. 24, must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; app. Sergt. Died, dis. Feb. 7, '62, Annapolis, Md. Reed, Edgar L. Co. G; b. Clareinont; age 18; res. Claremont; enl. Mar. 12, '64; must, in Mar. 16, '64, as Priv.; wd. June 7,

'64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; tr. to Co. C, 16 V. R. C. ; killed Dec. 18, '64, while with his company attempting to capture a party of deserters, Knox, Pa. ;;;;


'61 '61, Priv. disch. disab. June Reed, Wilder. Co. K ; b. Stoddard ; age 39 ; res. Sharon ; enl. Oct. 15, ; must, in Nov. 28, as ; 24, '62, New Berne, N. C. See V. R. C. Reed. See Read. Regan, Michael. Co. A; b. Ireland; age 20; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Dec. 31, '63; must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv.; des. Jan. 10, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

Reiff, Charles. Co. B; b. Germany; age 21; cred. Wolfeborough ; enl. Jan. 4, '64; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv.; captd. Oct. '65. 1, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; released ; must, out July 17, Reinhardt, David. Co. B; b. England; age 36; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Dec. 31, '63; must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv.; des. Dec. 28, '64, Concord. P. O. ad., Newark, N. J. '64 '84. Reister, Ottis. Co. D ; b. Prussia ; age ; cred. Barrington enl. Jan. ; must, in Jan. as Priv. ; must, out July 17, 23 ; 4, 4, '65. P. O. ad.. Concord. Rever, Joseph. Co. A. See 9 N. H. V.

; ; '64 '64, Priv. ; June Revoir, Peter. Unas'd substitute ; b. Canada age 19 ; cred. Sutton ; enl. June 1, ; must, in June 1, as des. 7, '64, New London, Conn. '64 '64, Reynolds, Co. ; substitute ; b. ; 23 enl. must, in as Priv. Charles. G England age ; cred. Plaistow ; May 17, ; May 17, des. July 4, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '63 '63, Rejmolds, George R. Unas'd ; b. Pennsylvania ; age 26 ; cred. Hanover ; enl. Deo. 30, ; must, in Deo. 30, as Priv. • supposed to have deserted en route to regt. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

Reynolds, John I. Co. K; b. Jaftrey ; age 32; res. Rindge ; enl. Oct. 28, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; wd. and mis. Aug. '62, 29, Bull Run, Va. ; gd. from mis. Died, wds. Oct. 16, '62, Georgetown, D. C. '61 '61, Rhodes, William. Co. II ; b. New York ; age 18 ; res. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; enl. Oct. 21, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Corp.

reduced to- ranks Feb. 11, '62 ; des. Oct. 8, '62, Newport News, Va.

b. ; ; '61 '61, ; Rice, Levi W. Co. F ; Fitzwilliam age 18 res. Fitzwilliam ; enl. Oct. 14, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. disch. disab. Aug. 23, '62, Newport News, Va.

Richards, George. Unas'd; substitute; b. Cuba; age 32; cred. Hopldnton ; enl. June 4, '64; must, in June 4, '64, as Priv. Name appears on muster and descriptive roll dated June 14, '64. N. f. r. A. G. O. Richardson, Asa. Co. G; b. Pembroke; age 43; res. Newport; enl. Oct. 10, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Wagoner; disch. disab. Dec. 2, '62, Washington, D. C.

Richardson, Prank. Co. K; b. Stoddard; age 20; res. Stoddard; enl. Oct. 26, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; re-enl. and

must, in Jan. 4, '64 ; must, out July 17, '65.

Richardson, George. Co. G; b. Newport; age 18; res. Newport; enl. Oct. 10, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Sept. 1, '63, Camp Nelson, Ky. '61, Richardson, George B. Co. F ; b. Keene ; age 45 ; res. Swanzey ; enl. Oct. 1, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; disch. disab. June 24, '62, New Berne, N. C.

'61 ; '61, ; Richardson, James B. Co. K ; b. Groton, Mass. ; age 21 ; res. Rindge ; enl. Oct. 24, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. app. '61 '64 Corp. Nov. 30, ; Sergt. ; re-eul. and must, in Jan. 4, ; app. 1 Sergt. ; wd. May 12, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. ; tr. to Co.

C, 9 V. R. C, Jan. 20, '65 ; disch. July 15, '65, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., West Acton, Mass. See Miscel. Organizations.

Richardson, Justus S. Co. K ; b. Groton, Mass. ; age 18 ; res. Rindge ; enl. Oct. 28, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.

re-enl. and must, in Jan. 4, '64; captd. Oct. 1, '64, Poplar Springs Church, A'a. ; released; apjj. Corp. June 1, '65; Sergt. '65 July 1, ; must, out July 17, '65. P. O. ad., Keene. Richardson, Lsonan B. Co. K; b. Stoddard; age 27; res. Stoddard; enl. Aug. 25, '62; must, in Aug. 25, '62, as Priv.; wd.

Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; disch. wds. Dec. 18, '62. See State Service.

; ; '61 '61, ; Ricker, George K. Co. D ; b. Somersworth ; age 25 res. Farmington enl. Sept. 23, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. des. Aug. 18, '62, Newport News, Va.

; ; res. enl. '61 ; '61, ; Ricker, Hiram W. Co. H ; b. Wilton age 42 Milton ; Oct. 31, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. disch. disab. Feb. 6, '63, Concord. 23, '61, Ricker, Jerry T. Co. D; b. Somersworth ; age 22 ; res. Farmington ; enl. Sept. '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv.; app.

Corp. ; re-enl. and must, in Dec. 22, '63 ; wd. July 30, '64, Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Va. ; app. Sergt. ; wd. Apr. 2, '65, Petersburg, Va. Died, wds. Apr. 15, '65, Alexandria, Va. Ricker, Reuben H. Co. G; b. Berwick, Me.; age 23; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Aug. 26, '62; must, in Sept. 3, '62, as Priv.; wd.

Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. disab. Apr. 2, '63, Washington, D. C.

; ; res. Berwick, ; enl. Oct. '61 ; must, in '61, Ricker, William H. Co. H ; b. South Berwick, Me. age 21 South Me. 18, Nov. 28,

as Priv. ; des. Aug. 10, '62, Falmouth, Va. Rider, Henry. Co. C. See 9 N. H. V.

res. ; enl. '61 ; must, in '61, Priv. ; Riley, Daniel. Co. C ; b. New Hampshire ; age 20 ; Hooksett Nov. 4, Nov. 27, as killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va.

; Jan. '64 ; must, in '64, Priv. ; '64, Riley, James. Unas'd ; b. Ireland ; age 21 cred. Sandwich ; enl. 4, Jan. 4, as des. Jan. 7, Albany, N. Y. Riley, Michael. Co. C. See 9 N. H. V. Riley, Thomas. Co. D. See 9 N. H. V.

; ; ; cred. enl. '64 in '64, ; Riley, William. Unas'd ; substitute b. Ireland age 21 Warner ; May 31, ; must, May 31, as Priv. sent

to regt. N. f . r. A. G. O.

; res. ; enl. Oct. '61 ; must, in '61, as Priv. ; app. Sergt. ; Ritchie, Henry. Co. E ; b. Jaflrey ; age 24 Jaffrey 9, Nov. 28, re-enl. '64, and must, in Feb. 11, '64 ; killed Sept. 30, Poplar Springs Church, Va. Ritter, Frank S. Co. G. See 9 N. H. V. enl. Dec. '63; must, in Dec. '63, Priv.; Rivers Charles Unas'd; b. Maryland; age 21; cred. Bethlehem ; 16, 16, as sent to

regt. N. f . r. A. G. O. '64 '64, ; cred. Sanbornton ; enl. Jan. 4, ; must, in Jan. 4, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 7, '64, Rivers Joseph Unas'd ; b. Canada age 19 ; Albany, N. Y. '64 ; ; ; cred. Warner ; enl. 24, ; must, in May 24, '64, as Priv. Rivers, William. Co. G ; substitute b. Canada age 33 May must, out July 17, '65. '64 ; cred. Hopkinton enl. June 4, must, in June 4, '64, as Priv. ; des. Roach, Stephen. Co. F ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 21 ; ; Nov. 3, '64, near Pegram House, Va. Robbare, Louis. Co. F. See 11 N. H. V. '61 in Nov. '61, as Priv. luis. Robbe, Alvarado. Co. K; b. JafErey; age 30; res. Peterborough; enl. Nov. 6, ; must, 28, ; Aug. 29, ad., '62, ; disch. disab. Nov. 27, '64, Pegram House, Va. P. O. Peterborough. Bull Run, Va. ; gd. from mis. Robbins, Augustus. Co. A; b. Mason; age 34; res. Hillsborough; enl. Oct. 16, '61; must, in Dec. 6, '61, as Priv.; wd. Aug. roll '65, 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; des. Apr. 7, '63, Lexington, Ky. ; appreh. ; reported on m. o. dated July 17, as absent in arrest. N. f. r. A. G. O. Robbins, Daniel B. Co. F; b. Mason; age 30; res. Chesterfield; enl. Sept. 29, '61; must, in Dec. 3, '61, as Priv.; re-enl. and

'64 ; '65. ad., must, in Jan. 4, ; wd. June 3, '64, Bethesda Church, Va. must, out July 17, P. 0. East Smethport, Pa. ;


July ; '64 ; in Jan. '64, as Priv. ; must, out Robbins, Jeremiah G. Co. I ; b. Nashua ; age 26 ; cred. Alton enl. Jan. 1, must, 1, 17, '65. '64; '64, as Priv.; captd. Oct. Robbins, Josiah T. Co. I; b. Nashua; age 21; cred. Northfield ; enl. Jan. 1, must, in Jan. 1,

1, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; released; must, out July 17, '65. '61 resigned Roberts, Andrew J. Co. B ; b. Wilmot ; age 42 ; res. Enfield ; app. 1 Lt. Nov. 30, '61 ; must, in to date Nov. 28, ; May 10, '62. See 15 N. H. V. Roberts, Auguste. Co. K. See 9 N. H. V. '61, disch. disab. Roberts, Edward. Co. D ; b. Laconia ; age 20 ; res. Tamworth ; enl. Nov. 16, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; Dec. 10, '62, Washington, D. C. '64, captd. Roberts, Leon. Co. B ; substitute ; b. France ; ; enl. '64 must, in June 4, as Priv. ; age 23 ; cred. Columbia June 4, ;

Oct. 1, '64, Poplar Springs Church, ; '63, Va. ; par. disch. June 21, Concord. '64, Priv. des. Roberts, Michael. Unas'd ; b. Buffalo, N. Y. ; age 22 ; cred. Sandwich ; enl. Jan. 4, '64 ; must, in Jan. 4, as ; Jan. 7, '64, Albany, N. Y. '62, Robertson, Mark. Co. D ; b. Eaton ; age ; res. Eaton enl. Oct. '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Corp. ; killed Aug. 29, 20 ; 7, Bull Run, Va. Robertson, William. Co. I; substitute; b. Scotland; age 20; cred. Chichester; enl. May 31, '64; must, in May 31, '64, as

Priv. ; des. Aug., '64, New York city. RDbie, Josaph M. Co. (i; b. Crrantham; age 39; res. Springfield; enl. Nov. 18, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Jan. 24, '64, Camp Dennison, Ohio. P. O. ad., Springfield. '61, Priv. wd. Robinson, Benjamin S. Co. I ; b. Lowell, Mass. ; age 20 ; res. Epsom ; enl. Oct. 23, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, as ;

Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. Jan. 16, '05, Concord, tm. ex. Died July 1, '76, Cohassett, Mass.

b. ; '61 ; '61, as Priv. ; disch. Robinson, George W. Co. F ; Vershire, Vt age 33 ; res. Swanzey ; enl. Oct. 1, must, in Nov. 28, disab. May 18, '63, Washington, D. C. Robinson, John. Co. B. See 9 N. H. V. '61, Died, dis. June Robinson, Josiah B. Co. C ; b. Exeter ; age 43 ; res. Exeter ; enl. Oct. 21, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. 20, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C. Robinson, Paschal L. Co. A. See 11 N. H. V.

; '64; Jan. '64, as Priv. Robinson, William. Co. D b. Philadelphia, Pa. ; age 31 ; cred. Newington ; enl. Jan. 4, must, in 4,

, des. Feb. 28, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

'61 ; '61, as Priv. ; app. Roby, Joseph A. Co. F ; b. East Cambridge, Mass. ; age 18 ; res. Troy ; enl. Oct. 14, must, iu Nov. 28, '63 Corp. Mar. 1, ; Sergt. May 1, '63 ; must, out Nov. 28, '64. Rochow, Alfred O. Co. I. See 11 N. H. V.

Rock, Joseph. Co. C ; b. Canada ; age 33 ; res. Exeter ; eul. Oct. 8, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. June 24, '62, New Berne, N. C. P. O. ad., Brentwood. Rook, Lewis. Co. A. See 11 N. H. V. Rockwood, Samuel. Co. E; b. Fitzwilliam; age 45; res. Swanzey; enl. Oct. 12, '61%; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Nov. 28, '62, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Swanzey. See V. R. C. Rogers, Charles B. Co. H. See 9 N. H. V.

; '64 ; '64, Priv. ; killed Rogers, Charles P. Co. I b. Biddeford, Me. ; age 22 ; cred. Sanbornton ; enl. Jan. 4, must, in Jan. 4, as June 3, '64, Bethesda Church, Va. '64, Rogers, Charles R. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. New York ; age 22 ; cred. Amherst ; enl. May 31, '64 ; must, in May 31, as

Priv. ; name appears on muster and descriptive roll dated June 6, '64. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Rogers, Edmund. Co. G ; b. Wolfeborough ; age 18 ; res. Farmington ; enl. Oct. 17, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. D, Deo. 1, '61. Died, dis. Apr. 26, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C.

Rogers, George L. Co. A ; b. Concord ; age 24 ; res. Campton ; enl. Oct. 21, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Deo. 13,

'62. Fredericksburg, Va. ; must, out Nov. 28, '64. P. O. ad., Middletown, Conn. Rogers, John. Co. E. See 11 N. H. V. '64, Rogers, John. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Liverpool, Eng. ; age 39 ; cred. Loudon ; enl. June 1, '64 ; must, in June 1, as Priv. name appears on muster and descriptive roll dated June 1, '64. N. f. r. A. (i. O.

Rolenson, George. Co. A; substitute; b. England ; age 29 ; cred. Pittsfield ; enl. May 31, '64 ; must, in May 31, '64, as Priv. Died, dis. Aug. 7, '64, Brattleboro, Vt. Rollins, George H. Co. C; b. Lee; age 43; res. Newmarket; enl. Oct. 22, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; entered Cas- '62. paris Gen. Hosp., D. C, Aug. 15, '62 ; des. Oct. 1, '61 Rollins, Lyman. Co. I ; b. Bristol ; age 29 ; res. Concord ; enl. Oct. 31, ; must, in Dec. 4, '61, as Priv. ; disch. Jan. 3, '65, to date Nov. 27, '64, Concord, tm. ex.

Unas'd ; substitute b. France ; age ; cred. Grafton ; enl. '64 Romeo, John. ; 23 June 9, ; must, in June 9, '64, as Priv. ; name

appears on roll dated June 14, '64, as sent to regt. N. f . r. A. G. O. Rorke, Daniel. Co. K. See 9 N. H. V.

Co. b. Denmark ; age ; cred. ; '63 Rosenbagen, Edward. B ; 18 Grotori enl. Dec. 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv. ; app.

Coi-p. July 1, '6S ; must, out July 17, '65.

Co. ; b. Albany ; age 18 res. Albany ; enl. Oct. '61 ; Ross, Samuel. D ; 7, must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Oct. 24, '62, New York harbor.* Rourke, Patrick. Co. C. See 9 N. H. V.

Co. B b. Wheelock, Vt. ; age ; res. ; '61 Ephraim, Jr. ; 40 Littleton enl. Rowe, Oct. 5, ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; wd '62, Bull '62, Aug. 29, Run, Va. ; disch. disab. Nov. 26, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Newbury, Vt. Co. C b. Seabrook 28 res. Francis. ; ; age ; Seabrook ; enl. Sept. '61 ; Rowe, 16, must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Jan. 26, '63, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Newburyport, Mass. substitute b. Rowe, Henry. Co. H ; ; England ; age 19 ; cred. Landaff ; enl. June '64 8, ; must, in June 8, '64, as Priv. ; des. July 15, '64, near Petersburg, Va. Co. H b. Gray, Me. age 22 res. Rochester C. ; ; ; enl. '61 Samuel ; Nov. ; Rowe, 11, must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Sent

17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; des. Nov. 15, '62, New York city. P. 0. ad., Dover.

Co. C b. Amesbury, Mass. ; age ; cred. George H. P. ; 20 South ; '62 Rowell, Hamptoni enl. Aug. 21, ; must, in Sept. 3, '62 6 f ^, as Priv. Died, dis. Sept. 21, '63, Frankfort, Ky. ' . , ,

Peter. Unas'd : b. Spain ; age 22 ; cred. New Durham enl. Jan. '64 Rowley, ; 4, ; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv. ; des. Jan. > 7,, '64, Albany, N. Y. . .

Co. F b. Massachusetts ; age 32 ; cred. Fitzwilliam '63 Elisha. ; ; enl. Dec. Rugg, 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv. ; wd. June

17, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; must, out July 17, '65.

Co. b. Rindge ; age ; res. enl. Rugg, William H. H. K ; 19 Rindge ; Oct. 23, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Jan. 21, '62, Annapolis, Md. ;;;;


'63. Rummer, Heinrich. Uiias'd ; b. Russia ; age 24; cred. Alslead ; enl. Dec. 5, '63 ; must, in Dec. 5, '63, as Priv. ; des. Dec. 6,

Rushford, Co. K ; b. Clintou, N. Y. ; age 18 ; cved. Gilmantou ; eul. Deo. 'G3 '63, as Priv. ; must. Mark. 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, out July 17, '65. Russell, George. Co. K. See 9 N. H. V.

Russell, Co. B b. Hebron ; age ; les. '03 '63, George ; 29 Littleton, cred. Littleton enl. Priv. W. ; Dec. 5, ; must, in Dec. 5, as

wd. May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va. ; must, out July 17, '65. P. O. ad., Boscawen.

Russell, James W. Co. E; b. llindge; age 21; res. Rindge ; enl. Oct. 14, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, aa Priv.; re-enl. and

must, in Feb. 11, '64 ; must, out July 17, '65. P. 0. ad., Keene.

Russell, William A. Co. D ; b. Thornton ; age ; res. enl. '61 ; '61, ; 21 Thornton ; Oct. 21, must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. disch. Sept. 15, '62, Providence, R. I. P. O. ad., David City, Neb. Russell, William A. Co. F; b. Marlborough; age 36; res. Marlborough; enl. Nov. 4, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Sergt. disch. disab. Nov. 5, '62, as Priv., Washington, D. C. Died Sept. 6, '78, Keene. Ryan, Co. b. A ; Ireland ; ; ; '64, James. age 21 cred. Danbury enl. Jan. 2, '64 ; must, in Jan. 2, '64, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 18, Camp Nelson, Ky. Ryan, alias '63 James, James Curley. I ; ; Co. b. Massachusetts ; age 21 cred. Hebron ; enl. Dec. 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv. '64. ; captd. May 28, Died, dis. Sept., '64, Andersonville, Ga. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

Ryan, Co. b. ; ; James S. A ; Plymouth age 18 res. Plymouth ; eul. Oct. 14, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '01, as Priv. ; app. Corp. des. Dec. 11, '62, Falmouth, Va. Ryan, William. Co. C; b. Ireland; age 26; res. Exeter; enl. Nov. 15, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; mis. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; gd. from mis. ; des. Jan. 9, '63, while on furlough. P. O. ad.. East Boston, Mass. Ryder, Abram. Co. G. See 9 N. H. V. Ryne, John. Co. G; b. Pennsylvania; age 21; cred. Francouia; enl. Dec. 16, '63; must, in Dec. 16, '63, as Priv.; des. Feb. 7, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

Sabine, George M. Co. D ; b. Canada ; age 18 ; cred. Grafton ; enl. Dec. 25, '63 ; must, in Dec. 25, '63, as Priv. Died, dis. Feb. 11, '84, Camp Nelson, Ky. Sadler, Edward. Co. G. See 11 N. H. V. Safiford, Norman D. Co. E; b. Chesterfield; age 21; res. Chesterfield; enl. Oct. 18, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Oct. 6, '62, Georgetown, D. C. P. O. ad., Winchester. See 18 N. H. V. Sailes, Reuben. Co. E. See 9 N. H. V. Saladal, Leon. Co. E. See 9 N. H. V.

Sanborn, Benjamin F. Co. C ; b. New Salisbui-y ; age 35 ; res. Newmarket ; enl. Oct. 21, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. tr. to Co. H, 17 f. C, Jan. 14, '64; disch. Nov. 26, '64, Indianapolis, Ind., tm. ex. P. O. ad., Barrington. '62 '62, Sanborn, Charles H. Co. A ; b. Ryegate, Vt. ; age 22 ; res. Campton, cred. Campion ; enl. Aug. 25, ; must, in Aug. 25,

as Priv. ; disch. May 31, '65, Concord. P. O. ad., Ashland.

; '62 ; '62, Sanborn, Daniel M. Co. A b. Holderness ; age 33 ; res. Campton, cred. Campton ; enl. Aug. 25, must, in Aug. 25,

as Priv. ; disch. June 4, '65, near Alexandria, Va. P. 0. ad.. West Campton. Sanborn, Edgar. Co. D; b. Ossipee; age 18; res. Ossipee, cred. Ossipee; enl. Dec. 16, '63; must, in Dec. 16, '63, as Priv.; wd. May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va. Died, dis. July 30, '64, Fairfax Seminary Gen. Hosp., Va. Sanborn, James D. Co. A; b. Campton; age 28; res. Holderness; enl. Oct. 23, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; app.

1 Sergt. Nov. 30, '61 ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. disab. Jan. 27, '63, near Falmouth, Va. P. O. ad., Lakeport. See Miscel. Oiganizations. '61; '61, Priv.; app. Sanborn, James B. Co. I; b. Sanbornton ; age 18; res. Sanbornton ; enl. Nov. 15, must, in Nov. 30, as

; '63 ; '04, Corp. re-enl. and must, in Dec. 19, ; app. Sergt.; wd. May 12, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. June 5, Cold Harbor, Va. '65 '65. app. 1 Sergt. July 1, ; must, out July 17, P. O. ad., Tilton.

; ; res. '61 ; must, in to date Nov. '61 ; resigned Sanders, John B. Co. H b. Effingham ; age 44 Durham ; app. Capt. Nov. 30, 28, Aug. 2, '62. P. O. ad., Dover. '64 '64, Priv. des. Sanders, Robert. Co. B ; b. New York ; age 18 ; cred. Sanbornton ; enl. Jan. 4, ; must, in Jan. 4, as ; Jan. 16, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. Sanders. See Saunders. Sandiel, Alfred. Co. C. See Ralph Sulivell. Sandiel, Joseph. Co. C. See Joseph Senneville.

; ; ; '61 ; must, iu '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. Sandow, Jametj. Co. H ; b. London, Eng. age 21 res. Rochester enl. Oct. 22, Nov. 28, '65. and must, in Jan. 4, '64 ; app. Corp. July 1, '65 ; must, out July 17, P. O. ad., Hyde Park, Mass. Sanford, Benjamin. Co. D. See 11 N. H. V. Sanford, William. Co. C. See 11 N. H. V. '63 '63, age ; cred. Thornton ; enl. Nov. 20, ; must, in Nov. 20, Sargent, Charles H. Co. A ; substitute ; b. Massachusetts ; 40

as Priv. ; must, out July 17, '65.

; : '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fred- Sargent, Charles H. Co. 1 ; age 24 res. Loudon enl. Nov. 22, ericksburg, Va. Died, wds. Jan. 8, '63, Washington, D. C. Sargent, Prank B. Co. K. See 9 N. H. V.

; ; ; enl. Nov. 21, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; disch. Dec. Sargent James M. Co. I ; b. Orford age 29 res. Loudon 22, '64, to date Nov. 27, '64, Concord. P. O. ad., Fairlee, Vt. enl. Oct. '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; app. Corp. Sargent, Josiah. Co. G; b. Hopkinton ; age 44; res. Sunapee; 18, Nov. 30, '61. Died, dis. Feb. 5, '63, Falmouth, Va. enl. '61; must, lu Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; re-enl. and Sargent, Seneca. Co. A; b. Thornton; age 20 ; res. Thornton; Oct. 15, '65, D. C. P. O. ad., Ashland. must, in Dec. 21, '63, as Corp. ; disch. July 13, as Sergt., Washington, '61 must, in Nov. '61, as Corp. disch. ; ; res. Rochester ; enl. Oct. 22, ; 28, ; Sargent, Zebediah. Co. H ; b. Plaistow age 41 disab. May 16, '63, Washington, D. C. P. 0. ad., Rochester. Saunders, John. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 21; cred. WaiTen; enl. June 8, '64; must, m June 8, '64, as Pnv. reported on roll dated June 14, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Saunders. See Sanders. enl. '61 must, in Nov. 28, as Pnv. Died, age 39 ; res. Peterborough ; Nov. 21, ; 61, Sawtell, Solomon N. Co. E; b. Rindge ; dis. Oct. 2, '63, Louisville, Ky. Sawyer, George. Co. G. See 11 N. H. V.

; ; enl. Oct. '61 ; must, iu '61, Sawyer, Isaac B. Co. D ; b. Porter, Me. ; age 32 res. WoHeborough 26, Nov. 27, as Priv. ; des. '63, Aug. 28, '62, near Warrenton, Va. gd. from des. ; disch. disab. Feb. 16, Concord. ; cred. Candia enl. '64 Scannell, James, alias James Sullivan. Co. I ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 25 ; ; May 18, ; must, in May

; disch. '65, Manchester. 18, '64, as Priv. ; wd. sev. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. wds. June 5, P. O. ad., Haver- hill, Mass.

; Sept. '61 ; must, in Nov. '61, as Priv. ; mis. Sceggel, Horace. Co. D ; b. Ossipee ; age 42 ; res. Ossipee enl. 26, 27, Aug. 29, '62, ^63, Md. P. O. ad., Meredith. ; Annapolis, Bull Run, Va. ; gd. from mis. disch. Mar. 21, ;;;;


Sohealala, John. Co. H. See 9 N. H. V.

; ; '64 ; must, in May 24, '64, as Pnv. ; captd. Schizo, Niccolo. Co. H ; substitute ; b. Italy age 20 ; cred. Alstead enl. May 24,

released ; disch. June 19, '6.5, Concord. Jan. ; ; enl. '63 ; must, in Dec. 16, '63, as Priv. ; des. Sohmit, Georg. Co. F ; b. Germany ; age 25 cred. Haverhill Dec. 16, 20, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. '64, Co. D ; b. New York ; age ; cred. ; enl. Jan. '64 in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv. ; wd. June 3, Schmit, John. 26 Warren 5, ; must,

Bethesda Church, Va. ; disch. wds. Aug. 2, '65, Washington, D. C. '64, out Sohon, Jens M. Co. K ; b. Denmark ; age 32 ; res. Effingham ; enl. Jan. 5, '64 ; must, in Jan. 5, as Priv. ; must, July 17, '65. Sohuneman, Gustavus. Co. I; substitute; b. Germany; age 20; ci-ed. Bethlehem; enl. May 31, '64: must, in May 31, '64,

as Priv. ; wd. Apr. 2, '65, Petersburg, Va. Died, wds. Apr. 11, '65.

Co. ; b. '64, ; the enemy Schurz, John. G Germany ; age 25 ; cred. Richmond ; enl. Jan. 5, '64 ; must, in Jan. 5, as Priv. des. to Oct. 11, '64, near Pegram House, Va. '63, Co. B ; b. ; cred. enl. '63 ; must, in Deo. 31, as Priv. Schuttemeyer, Louis. Germany age 29 ; Londonderry ; Dec. 31,

captd. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar ; '65. Mon. Springs Church, Va. released ; must, out July 17, P. 0. ad.. Deer Lodge, 28, Soott, Charles. F. andS. ; b. Peterborough ; age 82; res. Peterborough; app. Maj. Oct. 26, '61 ; must, in Nov. '61 ; app.

Lt. Col. Apr. 22, '62 ; disch. disab. Oct. 14, '62. P. O. ad., Peterborougli. '64, Scott, Daniel. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Holland ; age 21 ; cred. Litchfield ; enl. June 10, '64 ; must, in June 10, as Priv. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Soott, George. Co. G ; b. Scotland ; age 24 ; cred. Moultonborough ; enl. Dec. 30, '63 ; must, in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv. ; wd. '65. May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va. ; captd. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; released ; must, out July 17, Soott, Henry. Unas'd; substitute; b. Blackstone, Mass.; age 19; cred. Chester; enl. May 25, '64; must, in May 25, '64, as

Priv. ; des. June 7, '64, New London, Conn.

Soott, John. Co. K ; b. Stoddard ; age 31 ; res. Stoddard ; enl. Oct. 26, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; must, out Nov. 27, '64. P. 0. ad., Stoddard. Scott, Robert. Co. D. See 11 N. H. V. '61 '61, tr. Scott, Wallace. Co. K ; b. Peterborough ; age 21 ; res. Peterborough ; enl. Dec. 14, ; must, in Dec. 14, as Priv. ;

to Co. E, Mar. 1, '62 ; app. Muse. ; Prin. Muse. Jan. 1, '64 ; disch. Dec. 13, '64, near Petersburg, Va., tm. ex. '61 '61, Died, dis. Seabring, Luther. Co. B ; b. Thetford, Vt. ; age 22 ; res. Enfield ; enl. Nov. 4, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. Jan. 17, '02, Annapolis, Md. 31, des. Sears, John. Co. B ; substitute; b. Canada; age 35; cred. Piermont ; enl. May 31, '64 ; must, in May '64, as Priv.;

Oct. 11, '64, near Pegram House, Va. ; appreh. Oct. 14, '64 ; must, out July 17, '65.

; ; '61 ; '61, Priv. ; app. Seavey, Carlos B. Co. A ; b. Tunbridge, Vt. age 27 ; res. Plymouth enl. Oct. 14, must, iu Nov. 27, as

Corp. Mar. 26, '62 ; disch. disab. Dec. 17, '62, Philadelphia, Pa. P. 0. ad., Manchester. Seavey, Charles H. Co. A; b. Rochester; age 22; res. Alexandria; enl. Dec. 7, '61; must, in Dec. -15, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Oct. 25, '62, Philadelphia, Pa.

; ; '61 ; '61, Piiv. ; disch. Seavey, "Williara A. Co. A b. Lebanon ; age 30 res. Lebanon ; enl. Oct. 14, must, in Nov. 27, as Mar. 7, '63, Newport News, Va.

; ; ; '63 '63, Priv. Sebalts, August. Co. IC substitute b. France ; age 33 cred. Hillsborough ; enl. Sept. 1, ; must, in Sept. 1, as wd. May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va. N. f. r. A. G. O.

'61 '61, Priv. ; disch. Sebastian, Bd"ward P. Co. E; b. Marlborough; age 20; res. Swanzey; enl. Oct. 1, ; must. in Nov. 28, as disab. Nov. 12, '62, Washington, D. C. See 18 N. H. V. '63 '63, Seiger, Charles. Co. B ; b. Germany ; age 18 ; cred. Barustead ; enl. Dec. 31, ; must, in Dec. 31, as Priv. ; wd. ISIay

12, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. ; killed Sept. 30, '04, Poplar Springs Church, Va.

; ; res. ; enl. Oct. '61 in '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. and Seley, Joseph. Co. I b. Brunswick, Me. age 26 ; Epsom 21, ; must, Nov. 28, '64 '84, must, iu Jan. 13, ; killed May 6, Wilderness, Va.

; '64 in '64, Priv. ; Selkinghaus, Charles. Co. K; b. Prussia; age 41 cred. Seabrook; enl. Jan. 5, ; must, Jan. 5, as des. Nov. 9, '64, Newark, N. J.

; cred. ; 18, in 18, Priv. Senneville, Joseph. Co. C ; substitute b. Canada; age 20; Claremont enl. May '64; must, May '64, as killed Aug. 22, '64, Weldon Railroad, Va. Shattuok, Bdvrin B. Co. B; b. Whitefield; age 29; res. Canaan; enl. Nov. 27, '61; must, in Dec. 10, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Dec. 1, '62, Fairfax Seminary Gen. Hosp., Va. P. O. ad., Lebanon. '61 '61, Shattuck, George W. Co. K; b, AVest Berne, N. Y. ; age 18 ; res. New Ipswich; enl. Oct. 21, ; must, in Nov. 28, as '63 '64 Priv. ; app. Corp. ; re-enl. and must, in Dec. 20, ; cred. Townsend, Mass. ; wd. Aug. 8, ; tr. to 168 Co., 2 Batt'l,

V. R. C, Apr. 17, '65 ; to 159 Co., 2 Batt'l, V. R. C. ; disch. Dec. 11, '65, David's Isl., N. Y. H. P. O. ad., Marlborough. '63 22 ; cred. Littleton ; enl. Dec. 5, ; must, in Dec. 5, '63, as Priv. ; des. Apr. Shay, "William. Co. G ; b. Massachusetts ; age 19, '64, Annapolis, Md. '64 '64, ; cred. Gilford ; enl. Feb. 9, ; must, in Feb. 9, as Muse. ; supposed to have Shea, Dennis. Unas'd ; b. Concord ; age 18 deserted en route to regt. N. f. r. A. G. 0. res. '61; '61, Shedd, Abraham B. Co. K; b. MilEord; age 19; Milford ; enl. Dec. 9, must, in Dec. 10, as Priv.; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va.

; ; res. ; enl. Oct. '61 ; in '61, Priv. ; Shedd, Joseph. Co. K ; b. Andover, Mass. age 30 Temple 16, must, Nov. 28, as wd. Aug. ' 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. Died, wds. Sept. 7, '62. res. Hancock; enl. Oct. '61 iu '61, as Priv.; Sheldon, Charles M. Co. E; b. Hancock; age 10; 3, ; must, Nov. 28, must, out Nov. 28, '64. P. 0. ad., Hancock. See State Service.

res. enl. '61 '61, ; Shepard, Joseph M. Co. I; b. Gilmanton; age 28; Gilmanton; Nov. 14, ; must, in Nov. 30, as Priv. app. '63 '04 '64, Sergt. ; re-enl. and must, in Dec. 19, ; app. 2 Lt. Jan. 6, ; killed June 9, Cold Harbor, Va.

b. Gardiner, ; age ; res. Barrington ; enl. Dec. '61 ; must, in Dec. '61, Priv. Died, dis. Shepard, Nelson. Co. H ; Me. 20 8, 8, as Apr. 10, '62, Philadelphia, Pa.

I b. age ; res. Epsom enl. Oct. '61 ; in '61, ; Sherburne, Edwin M. Co. ; Epsom ; 21 ; 17, must, Nov. 28, as Priv. disch. disab. Nov. 18, '62, Washington, D. C. Sherburne, George M. Co. I; b. Gilmanton; age 18; res. Gilmanton; enl. Oct. 21, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; '62 '62, app. Corp. ; wd. Sept. 17, Antietam, Md. ; disch. wds. Nov. 2, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Pittsfield. 9, 27, Sherman, Phineas E. Co. B; b. Lyman; age 27; res. Bethlehem; enl. Oct. '61 ; must, in Nov. '61, as Priv.; disch. dLsab. Oct. 15. '62, Concord. P. 0. ad., Lisbon. See 8 N. H. V. Sherry, Joseph. Co. E. See 11 N. H. V. Sherwell, Charles W. Co. B; b. Warren; age 18; res. Haverhill ; enl. Oct. 30, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; killed Dec. 13, '82, Fredericksburg, Va. '61 b. ; age ; res. Rindge; enl. Oct. in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Sherwin, Henry H. Co. K; Rindge 21 28, ; must, Apr. 10, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C. Sherwood, William. Co. H. See 9 N. H. V. ; ;;


Shiel, Thomas. Uuas'd ; b. Ireland ; age 35 ; ored. Somerswoi-th ; eiil. Jan. 1, '64 ; must, in Jan. 1, '64, as Priv. ; supposed to

have deserted en route to regt. N. f . r. A. G. 0.

Shipard, John. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 25; ored. Concord; enl. June 9, '64 ; must, in June 9, '64, as Priv.; re- ported on roll dated June 14, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Shover, John. Co. F. See Peter Shover. Shover, Peter, alias John Shover. Co. F. See 9 N. H. V.

Shultz, Otto. Co. B ; b. Germany ; 28 '64 '64, ; '64, age ; ored. Newington ; enl. Jan. 2, ; must, in Jan. 2, as Priv. des. Apr. 24, on march from Annapolis, Md., to Alexandria, Va.

Sias, John D. Co. D; b. Ossipee ; age 18; re.s. Ossipee ; enl. Oct. 19, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Corp.; wd. Aug. 29, '62,

Bull Hun, Va. ; disch. wds. Nov. 5, '62, Philadelphia, Pa.

Sides, Andrew J. Co. II ; b. Ivittery, Me. ; age 2.3 ; res. Portsmouth ; app. 1 Lt. Nov. 30, '61 ; must, in to date Nov. 28, '61 resigned July 3, '62. P. O. ad., Portsmouth. See 2 N. H. V. b. '61, Sides, Samuel S. Co. H ; Portsmouth ; age 25 ; res. Portsmouth ; enl. Oct. 27, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; app. Corp. '62 Apr. 11, ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 21, '64, as Priv. ; cred. Stratford ; must, out July 17, '65.

Silver, Charles Co. ; b. Vt. ; res. ; '61 ; '61, Priv. C. K Norwich, age 22 ; Peterborough enl. Nov. 2, must, in Nov. 28, as disch. disab. Dec. 21, '62, Baltimore, Mrt. Silver. Thomas. Co. G; snb.stitute; b. England; age 2(1; cred. Sunapee; enl. June 13, '64; must, in June 13, '64, as Priv. Died, dis. Sept. 25, '64, Washington, D. C.

Sim.onds, I b. ; ; '61 ; '61, ; Andrew. Co. ; Ireland age 19 ; res. Concord enl. Dec. 6, must, in Dec. 11, as Priv. wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. wds. Dec. 9, '62, Alexandria, Va. Simonds, John S. Co. G; b. Concord; age 22; res. Concord; enl. Nov. 5, '61; must, in Dec. 12, '61, as Priv.; drowned Aug. 13, '62, by foundering of steamer " West Point," in Potomac river.

; '61 ; '61, ; disab. Simonds, Joseph V. Co. H ; b. Warner ; age 28 ; res. Springfield enl. Dec. 12, must, in Dec. 12, as Priv. disch. Jan. 19, '63, "Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Saxtou's River, Vt. See 18 N. H. V. '61, Simonds, Co. ; b. Groton, jNIass. ; res. Ipswich enl. Oct. 15, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; des. Willard. K age 25 ; New ; July 21, '62, Newport News, Va. 24, Simons, Andrew L. Co. I; b. Warner; age 31; res. Concord (Fisherville, now Penacook) ; enl. Oct. '61 ; must, in Nov.

30, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. wds. Sept. 2fi, '62, Washington, D. C. See V. R. C.

; '63 ; '63, '64, Simpson, Edward. Co. I ; b. Ireland ; age 20 ; cred. Acworth enl. Dec. 5, must, in Dec. 5, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 1, Camp Nelson, Ky. '61, Simpson, James. Co. K; b. New Yoik city ; age 30; res. New Ipswich; enl. Nov. 12, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv.; disch. disab. Jan. 31, '63, Alexandria, Va. '62 '62, Simpson, Joseph. Co. A ; b. England ; age 43 ; cred. Newington ; enl. Sept. 3, ; must, in Sept. 11, as Priv. Died, dis. Sept. 7, '63, Blemphis, Tenn.

'64 ; '64, Sinclair, John. Co. A ; substitute ; b. England ; age 39 ; cred. Bridgewater ; enl. June 9, must, in June 9, as Priv. disch. disab. Oct. 13, '64, City Point, Va. 5, 27, Sleeper, Samuel. Co. C; b. New Hampshire; age 44; res. Exeter; enl. Nov. '61 ; must, in Nov. '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Apr. 25, '62, Concord.

Small, Hiram. Co. A ; b. Campton ; age 21 ; res. Holderness ; enl. Oct. 12, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; disch. Dec. 23, '62. Supposed identical with Hiram Small, Co. C, 1 N. H. Cav. See 1 N. H. V.

14, ; 27, tr. Small, James R. Co. A; b. Campton ; age 20; res. Holderness; enl. Oct. '61 must, in Nov. '61, as Priv.; to 31 '63 Co., 2 Batt'l, I. C, Sept. 30, ; disch. Nov. 30, '65, Ft. Monroe, Va. See 1 N. H. V. '61, Smart, Charles H. Co. I; b. Concord; age 23; res. Hopkinton ; enl. Oct. 30, '61; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv.; re-enl. '63 '64, '65 and must, in Dec. 19, ; cred. Concord ; wd. May 12, Spottsylvania, Va. ; app. Corp. ; Sergt. July 1, ; must, out July 17, '65. P. O. ad., Webster. '64 '64, Smeath, Charles. Co. D ; b. Germany ; age 39 ; cred. Gilford ; enl. Jan. 4, ; must, in Jan. 4, as Priv. ; des. Feb. 18, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. '63 '63, Smiley, William. Co. F ; b. Berlin Falls ; age 18 ; cred. Plaistow ; enl. Dec. 31, ; must, in Dec. 31, as Priv. ; tr. to ll'S

Co., 2 Batt'l, V. R. C, Mar. 15, '65 ; disch. Nov. 20, '65, Baltimore, Md.

Smith, Albert. Co. I; b. Wentwortli ; age 20; res. Wentworth ; enl. Nov. 18, '61; must, in Nov. 30, '61, as Corp.; wd. sev.

Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; re-enl. and must, in Dec. 24, '63, as Priv. ; cred. Rumney ; app. Corp. July 1, '65 ; must, out July 17, '65. P. 0. ad., Plymouth. See Miscel. Oi-ganizations. '64 Smith, Alfred C. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Ohio ; age 31 ; cred. Hudson ; enl. May 31, ; must, in May 31, '64, as Priv. ; des. June 8, '64, Rahway, N. J. '61 Smith, Alfred L. Co. A; b. Nantucket, Mass. ; age 32; res. Plymouth ; enl. Nov. 8, ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; app.

Sergt. Nov. 30, '61 ; 2 Lt. Nov. 1, '62 ; disch. disab. Dec. 21, '63. Died Nov. 2, '85, Newfield, Me. Smith, Andrew C. Co. F. See 9 N. 11. V. Smith, August. Co. G. See UN. H. V. Smith, Bernard. Unas'd; b. Canada; age 21; cred. Rindge; enl. Jan. 1, '64; must, in Jan. 1, '64, as Priv.; des. Jan. 7, '64, Albany, N. Y. Smith, Calvin alias George C. Williams. Co. C; b. East Kingston; age 25; cred. Newington; enl. Sept. 1, '62 W., ; must, in

Sept. 11, '62, as Priv. ; disch. June 4, '65, near Alexandria, Va. Died Sept. 10, '87, Fremont.

Smith, Charles H. Co. H; substitute; b. Canada; age 18; cred. Northumbei-land ; enl. June 10, '64; must, in June 10, '64,

as Priv. ; des. July 15, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '61 '61, Smith, Charles W. Co. I ; b. Sanbornton ; age 35 ; res. Loudon ; enl. Oct. 14, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; disch. disab. June 24, '62, New Berne, N. C. P. O. ad., Meredith. See 1 N. H. H. Art. Smith, Dexter D. Co. G. See 9 N. H. V.

; res. enl. '61 ; '61, Smith, Blias W. Co. D ; b. Freedom ; age 18 Freedom ; Nov. 2, must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. Died Mar. 30, '63, Baltimore, Md. res. Haverhill '61 '61, Smith, Elijah L. Co. B ; b. Brookfield ; age 32 ; ; enl. Sept. 14. ; must, in Nov. 28, as Sergt. ; reduced to

ranks Sept. 1, '62 ; disch. disab. Dec. 1, '62, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Plymouth.

I b. ; cred. Moultonborough enl. Dec. '63 '63, Smith, George. Co. ; England ; age 21 ; 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, as Priv. ; wd. May '65. 12, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. ; nmst. out July 17,

; res. ; enl. Oct. '61 ; Smith, George. Co. K ; b. Sterling, Mass. age 19 ; New Ipswich 28, must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; app. '64. Corp. Nov. 30, '61 ; must, out Nov. 27,

; enl. '61 '61, Smith, Georg-e C. Co. A ; b. Holderness ; age 19 ; res. Centre Harbor Dec. 9, ; must, in Dec. 15, as Priv. Died, dis. Apr. 20, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C.

; ; ; enl. '61 ; must, in '61, Smith, George H. Co. B ; b. Haverhill age 18 res. Haverhill Nov. 9, Nov. 27, as Priv. ; re-enl. and '65 '65. must, in Jan. 4, '64 ; wd. May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va. ; app. Sergt. July 1, ; must, out July 17, '61 '61, Smith, George H. Co. C ; b. Exeter ; age 19 ; res. Exeter ; enl. Nov. 19, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; re- '64, eid. and must, in Jan. 4, '64; app. Sergt. ; captd. Sept. 30, Poplar Springs Church, Va. par. ; disch. May 26, '65, ; An- napolis, Md. Died June 11, '92, Manchester. ;;;


; '61 ; '61, Priv. ; wd. Aug. Smith, George H. Co. E ; b. Alstead age 26 ; res. Marlborough ; enl. Nov. 5, must, in Nov. 28, as

29, '62,. Bull Run, Va. ; tr. to Co. I, 1 I. C. (subsequently 39 Co., 2 Batt'I, I. C), Sept. 30, '63 ; to 227 Co., 1 Batt'I, V. 11. C. disch. Nov. 28, '64, Washington, D. C, tm. ex. P. O. ad., Harrisville. '64, as Priv. des. Smith, Henry, 1st. Co. B ; b. Philadelphia, Pa. ; age 27 ; ci-ed. Wakefield ; enl. Jan. 4, '64 ; must, in Jan. 4, ; Feb. 7, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. '64, as Priv.; des. Smith, Henry, 2d. Co. D; b. Germany; age 26; cred. New Durham ; enl. Jan. 4, '64; must, in Jan. 4, Jan. 27, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. '61; '61, as Priv.; app. Smith, Henry H. Co. A; b. Holdemess; age 21; res. Holderness ; enl. Aug. 31, must, in Dec. 6, Corp. Died, dis. Mar. 28, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C. dis. Jan. Smith, Henry J. Co. D; b. Ossipee ; age 22; res. Ossipee ; enl. Oct. 5, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Sergt. Died, 21, '62, on board hospital boat, Hatteras Inlet, N. C. '64, ; b. ; ; '64 ; '64, as Priv. ; des. May 24, Smith, James. Co. A England age 22 ; cred. Ossipee enl. Jan. 1, must, in Jan. 1, near Spottsylvania, Va. '64 '64, as Priv. Smith, James. Unas'd ; b. West Philadelphia, Pa. ; age 27 ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Jan. 2, ; must, in Jan. 2, des. Jan. 7, '64, Albany, N. Y. '61, as Priv.; app. Sergt. Smith, James B. Co. G; b. Windsor; age 39; cred. Plaiufield ; enl. Oct. 18, '61; must, in Dec. 28,

Nov. 30, '61 ; disch. Apr. 9, '63, Fairfax Seminary, Va. P. 0. ad., Sunapee. '61, Smith, James H. Co. E ; b. Orange, Mass.; age 20 ; res. I'jene ; enl. Nov. 9, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29,

'62, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. disab. Dec. 28, '63. P. O. ad., Keeue. See V. R. C. Smith, James O. Co. A; b. Fryeburg, Me.; age 33; res. Holderness; enl. Oct. 8, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; app. '62 '62 '64, Corp. Feb. 1, ; Sergt. Nov. 1, ; re-enl. and must, in Dec. 21, '63 ; wd. May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va. ; sev. May 12,

Spottsylvania, Va. ; app. 2 Lt. Co. E, June 1, '65 ; must, out July 17, '65. Died Jan. 15, '89, Fryeburg, Me. '64, '64, disch. Smith, Jared P. Co. C ; b. Kingston ; age 29 ; cred. Exeter ; enl. Aug. 3, for 1 yr. ; must, in Aug. 3, as Priv. ; June 4, '65, near Alexandria, Va.

Co. B ; b. ; age ; res. Littleton enl. Oct. '61 ; in '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Oct. 15, Smith, Jason. Lyman 32 ; 5, must, Nov. 27, '62, Alexandria, Va. See 9 N. H. V. Smith, John. Co. D. See 11 N. H. V.

Co. P ; b. Ireland ; ; cred. enl. '63 in '63, as Priv. ; des. Feb. 10, '64, Camp Smith, John. age 20 Cornish ; Dec. 4, ; must, Dec. 4, Nelson, Ky. Smith, John. Co. G; b. Pennsylvania; age 21; cred. Littleton; enl. Dec. 16, '63; must, in Dec. 16, '63, as Priv.; des. Feb. 5, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

Smith, John. Co. I; b. Massachusetts ; age 21; cred. Charlestowii ; enl. Dec. 4, '63; must, in Dec. 4, '63, as Priv.; des. Dec. 27, '63, Camp Nelson, Ky. '63 Smith, John. Unas'd ; b. England ; age 24 ; cred. Francestown ; enl. Dec. 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv. ; sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. '64 Smith, John. Unas'd ; b. Pottstown, Pa. ; age 22 ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Jan. 2, ; must, in Jan. 2, '64, as Priv. ; reported on roll dated Jan. 6, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. ().

Smith, John. Unas'd; substitute; b. Lancashire, Eng. ; age 29; cred. .South Newmarket; enl. May 25, '64 ; must, in May 25,

'64, as Priv. ; reported on muster and descriptive roll dated June 6, '64. N. f. r. A. G. 0. Smith, John, 1st. Co. A; b. New York; age 26; cred. New Durham; enl. Deo. 31, '63; must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv.; des. Jan. 19, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. Smith, John, 2d. Co. A; b. Germany; age 44; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Jan. 5, '64; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv.; des. Feb. 11, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

; '64 '64, ; '64, Smith, John M. Co. D b. Norway; age 24 ; cred. Gilmanton ; enl. Jan. 4, ; must, in Jan. 4, as Priv. wd. June 25,

Petersburg, Va. ; Apr. 2, '65, Petersburg, Va. ; must, out July 17, '65. '61; '61, Smith, John S. Co. E; b. Peterborough ; age 23; res. Peterborough ; enl. Oct. 14, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv.; app. '62, '62 1 Sergt. July 1, '62 ; wd. Aug. 29, Bull Run, Va. ; app. 2 Lt. Nov. 1, ; Adjt. Mar. 20, '63 ; wd. July 30, '64, Mine

Explosion, Petersburg, Va. ; disch. Mar. 2, '6o. P. 0. ad., Chicago, 111. '61 '61, Smith, Jonathan. Co. E ; b. Peterborough ; age 19 ; res. Peterborough ; enl. Nov. 1, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Dec. 20, '62, Baltimore, Md. P. O. ad., Clinton, Mass. See 1 N. H. Cav. '61 '61, Smith, Joseph B. Co. A; b. New Hampton; age 22 ; res. New Hampton; enl. Nov. 11, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. '62, '62. '03, mis. Aug. 29, Bull Run, Va. ; gd. from mis. Dec. 19, Died, dis. Aug. 30, near Nicholasville, Ky.

; b. enl. '63 '63, ; '64, Smith, Joseph T. Unas'd Exeter ; age 33 ; cred. Milton ; Dec. 29, ; must, in Dec. 29, as Priv. des. Jan. 8, Concord. Smith, McNorman C. Co. D. See 9 N. U. V.

; ; ; ; enl. '61 in '61, ; Smith, Merrick M. Co. C b. Raymond age 18 res. Exeter Nov. 21, ; must, Nov. 27, as Priv. re-enl. and '63 '64, '65 must, into Co. I, Dec. 27, ; wd. July 30, Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Va. ; app. Sergt. July 1, ; must, out Julv 17, '65. P. 0. ad., Haverhill, Mass.

; ; enl. Dec. '63 '63, ; Smith, Meyer. Co. B ; b. Germany age 27 cred. Newington ; 31, ; must, in Dec. 31, as Priv. des. Apr. 24, '64, on march from Annapolis, Md., to Alexandria, Va. Smith, Monroe A. Co. E; b. Dublin; age 21; res. Peterborough; enl. Oct. 3, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; app. Coi-p. '61 '04. Nov. 28, ; Sergt. ; must, out Nov. 28,

36 ; res. Rindge enl. Oct. '61 ; must, in '61, ; Smith, Nathan. Co. K ; b. Marlborough ; age ; 28, Nov. 28, as Priv. mis. Aug. 29, '64 '64, '62, Bull Run Va. gd. from mis. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 4, ; captd. Sept. 30, Poplar Springs Church, Va. Died, ; disease and starvation, Jan. 7, '65, Salisbury, N. C.

; res. Orange, Vt. '61 '61, Smith, Newel R. Co. G; b. Orange, Vt. ; age 22 ; enl. Oct. 27, ; must, in Dec. 5, as Priv. Died, dis. Apr. 4, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C. Smith, Otto. Unas'd; substitute; b. Germany; age 23; cred. Chesterfield; enl. June 2, '64; must, in June 2, '64, as Priv.; re- ' ported on muster and descriptive roll dated June 6, '64. N. f. r. A. G. O. Smith, Peter. Co. H. See 11 N. H. V. cred. Acworth enl. Dec. '63; '63, '64, Smith, Philip. Co. G; b. Ireland; age 26; ; 5, must, in Dec. 5, as Priv.; des. Jan. 10, Camp Nelson, Ky.

app. VVagone 15, '65, Durham. '64, substitute b. England ; age 19 ; cred. Hill ; enl. June 11, '84 ; must, in June 11, as Priv. ; wd. Smith Stephen T. Co. C ; ; ' ; Corp. July '65 '65. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. app. 1, ; must, out July 17, '63, ; 23 cred. Marlborough ; enl. Dec. '63 ; must, in Dec. 30, as Priv. ; des. Jan. Smith Thomas. Co. G b. Ireland ; age ; 30, ' 24, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. ; ;;


des. Jan. 21, ; ered. ; enl. Jan. 'Oi ; uuist. in Jan. 1, '64, as Priv. ; Smith, Thomas. Co. I ; b. Pennsylvania age 21 ; Grafton 1, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. '64; in .Ian. '64, as Priv.; des. Jan. 7, '64, Smith, Thomas. Unas'd; b. Ireland; age 25; cred. .Swanzey ; enl. Jan. 1, must, 1, Albany, N. Y. Smith, "Walter W. Co. K; b. Worcester, Mass.; age IS; res. Worcester, Mass.; en). Oct. 23, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as '6.5, Wilmington, N. C. Priv. ; oaptd. May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va. ; released. Died subsequent to Apr. 25, on way home from N. f. r. A. G. O. Smith, "Warren "W. Co. I. See 11 N. H. V.

'64 ; '64, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Smith, "William. Co. C ; b. Ireland ; age 36 ; cred. Ilolderness ; enl. Jan. 5, must, in Jan. 5, Sept. 21, '64, Washington, D. C.

'64 '64, as P)iv. ; des. Feb. 3, Smith, "William. Co. G ; b. Ireland ; age 25 ; cred. New Durham ; enl. Jan. 4, ; must, in Jan. 4, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. 2?,. '64 ; '64, Priv. ; des. Jan. Smith, "William. Co. II ; b. Ireland ; age 22 ; cred. Charlestowu ; enl. Jan. 4, must, in Jan. 4, as '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. '64 '64, Priv. Co. I b. ; ; cred. enl. 18, ; must, in May 18, as Smith, "William. ; substitute ; Albany, N. Y. age 22 Chester ; May

\vd. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; des. Mar. 28, '65, from 2 Div. Gen. Hosp., Alexandria, Va. '64, Priv.; sent Smith, "William. I'nas'd; b. Massachusetts; age 34; cred. Walpole ; enl. June 23, '64; nuist. in June 23, as July 6, '64, from Concord to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. '64; must, in Jan. '64, as Priv.; Sm.ith, "William, 1st. Co. A; b. Pennsylvania; age 35; cred. \\'inohester ; enl. Jan. 1, 1, des. Jan. 18, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

; '63 '63, Priv. ; des. Smith, William, 2d. Co. A b. New York ; age 22 ; cred. "\\'akefield ; enl. Dec. 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, as Jan. 25, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. Smith, "William H. Co. I; b. Scotland; age 30; cred. Centre Harbor; enl. Dec. 31, '63; must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv.; des. Jan. 28, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. Snow, John. Co. C; substitute; b. Canada; age 23; cred. Northumberland; enl. June 10, '64; must, in June 10, '04, as Priv.; des. to the enemy Oct. 24, '64, near Pegram House, Va. Snyder, Charles. Co. D; b. Galesville, N. Y.; age 24; cred. Effingham; enl. Jan. 5, '64; mu.st. in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv.; des. * Feb. 8, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. '63 '63, '64, Snye, Paul. Co. A ; b. Canada ; age IS ; cred. 'Winchester ; enl. Dec. 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 28, Camp Nelson, Ky. Solioz, Jerome. Co. G; b. Switzerland; age 25; cred. Richmond; enl. Jan. 5, '64; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv.; des. Oct. 11,

'64, near Pegram House, Va. ; appreh. Nov., '04 ; dishon. disch. Jan. 14, '65, by sentence G. C. M. P. O. ad., Scranton, Pa. '63 Sone, Edward. Co. F ; b. France ; age 40 ; cred. Gilmanton ; enl. Dec. 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv. ; captd. Sept. 30, '65. '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; released ; must, out July 17, 31, '61, Spead, Oliver B. Co. I; b. South Newmarket; age 18; res. Newmarket; enl. Oct. '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv.; app. Corp. Died, dis. Feb. 20, '62, Ilatteras Inlet, N. C. See State Service. Spencer, John. Co. E; b. Scotland; age 28; cred. Ilolderness; enl. Jan. 5, '64; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv.; tr. to Co. B, 18 V. R. C, June 28, '65; disch. July 19, '65, Washington, D. C. Sping, John. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 22; cred. Hebron; enl. June 10, '64; must, in June 10, '64, as Priv.; des. July 10, '64, Alexandria, Va.

; '64 '64, ; '64, Sposer, John. Co. H ; b. Italy age 25 ; cred. Campton ; enl. Jan. 5, ; must, in Jan. 5, as Priv. wd. June 8, Cold Harbor, Va. Died, wds. June 22, '64, Washington, D. C. Sprague, Frederick D. Co. G. See 11 N. II. V. Sprague, "William S. Co. C. See 9 N. H. V. '61 '61, Squires, Joseph M. Co. B ; b. Lyman ; age 33 ; res. Bath ; enl. Oct. 25, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, '63 '61, Bull Run, Va. ; tr. to Co. I, 13 I. C, Oct. 7, ; disch. disab. Feb. 2, Portsmouth Grove, R. I. '61 '61, Stacy, Nathan. Co. D ; b. Madison ; age 28 ; res. Madison ; enl. Oct. 4, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; disch. Feb. 26, '63, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Madison. See 18 N. II. V. Stacy, Stephen F. Co. D; b. Madison; age 18; res. Madison; enl. Oct. 4, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Dec. 11, '62, Ft. Schuyler, N. Y. H. Stanley, Cyrus "W. Co. F; b. Swanzey; age 33; res. Swanzey; enl. Nov. 10, '01; must, in Nov. 28, '01, as Corp.; wd. sev.

July 25, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; disch. Deo. 1, '64, to date Nov. 27, '64, Concord, tm. ex. P. O. ad.. West Swanzey. '64 Stapleton, James. Co. D ; b. Ireland ; age 30 ; cred. New Durham ; enl. Jan. 4, ; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv. ; des. Apr. 9, '64, Annapolis, Md. Starbird, James "W. Co. H; b. Durham; age 31; res. Durham; enl. Oct. 30, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Nov. 27, '62, Washington, D. C. '61; Starkey, John, Jr. Co. F ; b. Richmond; age 36; res. Richmond; enl. Oct. 26, must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; app.

1 Sergt. ; wd. Aug. 29, '02, Bull Run, Va. Died, wds. Sept. 24, '62, Washington, D. C. res. '61 in '01, Starkey, Joseph S. Co. F; b. Troy; age 44 ; Keene; enl. Nov. 28, ; nmst. Nov. 28, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Feb. 10, '63, David's Isl., N. Y. H. See V. R. C.

b. ; res. enl. '61; Starkey, Luther. Co. K ; Boylston, Mass. age 24 ; Peterborough; Dec. 11, must, in Dec. 11, '61, as Priv.; disch. Dec. 10, '64, near Hancock Station, Va., tm. ex. P. 0. ad., Keene. b. res. '61 Starkweather, George C. Co. F ; Alstead ; age 22 ; Keene ; app. Capt. Nov. 30, ; must, in to date Nov. 28, '61 ; resigned Jan. 29, '62. '63 Co. K ; b. Ireland ; age 22 ; cred. Plymouth ; enl. Dec. 30, ; must, in Dec. '63, State, William. 30, as Priv. ; wd. May 6, '64, '65, '64. \\'ilderness, Va. ; reported on m. o. roll dated July 17, as absent sick since May 6, N. f. r. A. G. O. '61 Co. b. Springfield, Vt. ; age 32 res. enl. Stearns, Charles F. F ; ; Keene ; Nov. 6, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. Died dis. Dec. 2, '62, Washington, D. C.

; 35 cred. .Jaffrey ; enl. '63 Co. ; b. Salem, N. J. age ; Dec. must, in '63, Steele, Q-eorge. F 31, ; Dec. 31, as Priv. ; des. Feb. 19, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. '64 Co. ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 31 ; cred. Candia ; enl. IS, in '64, Stern, John. F May ; must, May 18, as Priv. ; tr. from King St. Branch 3 Div. Gen. Hosp., Alexandria, Va., July 30, '64. N. f. r. A. G. 0.

; ; ; res. ; enl. Oct. '61 '61, Stetson, Edwin. Co. A b. Minot, Me. age*43 Nashua 26, ; must, in Dec. 11, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Sept. 29, '63, Camp Dennison, Ohio. Died Dec. 30, '92, Nashua.

; res. Lyme, cred. ; drafted Dec. '63 must, in '63, Enfield age Lyme 4, ; Dec. 4, Statson, Isaac. Co. D ; drafted ; b. ; 35 as Priv. '65 '65, wd. May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va. ; tr. to Co. D, 11 V. R. C, June 7, ; disch. Aug. 21, Providence, R. I.

; res. Durham ; enl. Oct. 21, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; Stevens, Andrew J. Co. I ; b. Durham ; age 21 app. Corp. '65, re-enl. and must, in Deo. 19, '63 ; app. Sergt. Died, dis. Feb. 4, Annapolis, Md. Stevens, Daniel W. Co. F; b. Stoddard; age 18; res. Jaffrey; enl. Nov. 15, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; re-enl. and '64, tr. must, in Jan. 4, '64; cred. Stoddard; wd. June 19, Petersburg, Va. ; to Co. K, 11 V. B. C, Apr. 17, '65; disch. Julv 31, '65, Albany, N. Y. Died Oct. 3, '87. ' ,;;;


Stevens, George W. Co. C; b. New Hampshire; age 38; res. Exeter; enl. Nov. 19, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ^ Died Sept. 4, '63, Nicholasville, Ky.

; ; '61 ; '61, Priv. ; wd. Aug. Stevens, George W. Co. K b. Stoddard age 19 ; res. Stoddard ; enl. Oct. 30, must, in Nov. 28, as

29, 'G:i, Bull Run, Va. ; must, out Nov. 27, '64. P. O. ad., Stoddard. See State Service.

; ; ; '64 ; '64, Priv. Stevens, James. Unas'd substitute b. Nova Scotia ; age 24 ; cred. Hancock enl. June 3, must, in June 3, as reported on roll dated June 14, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. 0. '61, lulled Stevens, John. Co. E ; b. Townsend, Mass. ; age 10 ; res. Nelson ; enl. Oct. 28, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. See 1 N. H. V. '61, Stevens, John. Co. K ; b. Stoddard ; age 19 ; res. Stoddard ; enl. Nov. 26, '61 ; must, in Dee. 3, as Priv. ; app. Corp. ; disch. disab. Mar. 22, '63, Providence, R. I. P. 0. ad., Nelson. See 1 N. H. Cav. Sbevent, Reuben F. Co. F. See 11 N. H. V. '61 Stevens, Samuel. Co. H ; b. Durham ; age 23; res. Durham ; enl. Oct. 16, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Wagoner ; must, out Nov. 27, '64. Died Feb. 1, '66, Durham.

Stevens, William. Unas'd ; b. Ohio ; age 21 ; cred. Winchester; enl. Dec. 31, '63 ; must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 7, '64, Albany, N. Y. '64, Stevens, "William. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. England ; age 26 ; cred. Epsom ; enl. June 3, '64 ; must, in June 3, as Priv. des. June 7, '64, New London, Conn. '61, Priv. disch. Stevenson, Alfred. Co. H ; b. Barrington ; age 23 ; res. Harrington ; enl. Oct. 21, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, as ; disab. Mar. 3, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C. Stewart, Frederick. Co. F; substitute; b. Maine; age 23; cred. Hancock; enl. June 3, '64; must, in June 3, '64, as Priv.; des. July 1, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '64 '64, Stewart, William. Co. E ; b. New York city ; age 21 ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Jan. 4, ; must, in Jan. 4, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 31, '64. Stewart. See Stuart. '64 Stickelman, John. Unas'd ; b. New York ; age 21 ; crejJ. Jackson ; enl. Jan. 4, ; must, in Jan. 4, 'G4, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 7, '64, Albany, N. Y. '61 '64, Stickney, Nelson H. Co. B ; b. Bath ; age 22 ; res. Lyman ; enl. Oct. 30, ; must, in Dec. 2, '61, as Priv. ; wd. July 6,

Petersburg, Va. ; disch. Dec. 19, '64, Concord, tm. ex. P. O. ad., Hanover. '61 '61 Stinson, Robert. F. and S. ; b. New Hampshire ; age 44 ; res. Croydon ; app. Chaplain Oct. 17, ; must, in Dec. 2, ; re- signed July 15, '62. Died Mar. 11, '63, Croydon.

Stockman, Freeman. Co. C ; b. Northwood ; age 42 ; res. Brentwood; enl. Nov. 4, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. May 18, '63, Portsmouth Grove, R. 1.

Stoddard, William. Co. C; substitute; b. Connecticut; age 21 ; cred. Dublin; enl. May 31, '64; must, in May 31, '64, as

Piiv. ; disch. disab. July 10, '65. Stohlman, Philip. Co. D; b. Sweden; age 22; cred. Jafirey; enl. Dec. 31, '63; must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv.; disch. disab. Mar. 19, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

Co. F ; b. '61 Stone, Calvin. Marlborough res. ; '61, ; age 44 ; Marlborough ; enl. Dec. 5, must, in Dec. 5, as Priv. ; disch. disab. May 11, '63, Washington, D. C. Died Jan. 20, '64, Marlborough.

Stone, Unas'd ; b. New ; cred. Carroll ; enl. '64 '64, Henry. York age 26 ; Jan. 4, ; must, in Jan. 4, as Priv. ; supposed to have deserted en route to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Stone, John. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Ireland 21 cred. ; '64 ; age ; Greenland enl. May 17, ; must, in May 17, '04, as Priv. ; re- ported on i-oU dated June 6, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Co. ; b. Candia ; ; res. '61 ; Stone, Lewis. F age 27 Keene ; enl. Nov. 15, must, in Dec. 3, '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 4, '64 ; des. July 25, '64, Concord.

Co. B b. Claremont ; ; ; "61 Story, Edward B. ; age res. enl. ; 22 Claremont Nov. 5, must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; tr. to Co. G, Dec. '61 '61. 1, ; app. Corp. Dec. 1, Died, dis. Mar. 14, '62, Hatteras Inlet, N. C. See State Service.

Archibald Co. b. Rockland, ; Stover, F ; Me. res. ; H. age 29 ; Haverhill enl. Sept. 14, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as 1 Serst. reduced to Sergt. ; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. David. Co. K b. Lunenburg, Vt. Stowe, ; ; age res. '61 45 ; Rindge ; enl. Nov. ; 27, must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Sept. 20, '62, Autietam, Md. Co. B b. Stowell, Ira. ; Hyde Park, Vt. ; age 18; res. Haverhill; enl. Sept. '61 19, ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. Died, dis Apr. 16, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C. See State Service.

St. Peters, Francis. Co. H substitute b. Canada ; age 19 cred. ; • ; ; ; Columbia enl. June 7, '64 ; must, in June 7, '64 as Priv ' must, out July 17, '65.

St. Pier, George. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. England ; age ; cred. ; 32 Stoddard enl. June 7, '64 ; must, in June 7 '64 as Priv • . sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. . Joseph. Co. I b. Harrisburg, Strane, ; Pa. ; age 37 ; cred. Gilford ; enl. Jan. 4, '64 ; must, '64, in Jan. 4, as Priv. ; des. Jan 18 '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. '

Stratton, Edward P. Co. K ; b. Athol, Mass. ; age 22 ; res. Rindge enl. '61 ; Oct. 21, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv Died dis. Jan. 13, '62, Annapolis, Md. '

Stratton, Orson. Co. G substitute b. Canada ; age 42 cred. ; ; ; Landaff ; enl. June 2, '64 ; must, in June 2 '64 as Priv Died > , dis. Aug. 24, '64, Washington, D. C. >

Stratton, Samuel Co. F ; b. Jafti-ey ; age ; res. JafCrev enl. • A. 32 Sept. '61 ; ; 25, must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv wd Dec 13 '62, '63 Fredericksburg, Va. ; tr. to L C. Sept. to Co. B, 21 1, ; V. R. C. ; disch. Nov. 28, '64, Albany, N Y tni ex i Died Mar. 22, '92, Rindge. • • Stratton, Co. A; b. Ireland; age cred. Sandwich; Wniiam. 20; enl. Jan. 4, '64; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv wd Julv 30 '64, ' ' Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Va. ; disch. disab. May 27, '65, Manchester. Co. A b. Plymouth age res. Daniel 24 '01 • D. ; Plymouth enl. Straw, ; ; ; Nov. 13, ; must, in Nov. 27, '61 ' as Priv ' disch Nov. 25, '62, Concord. Co. A b. Ellsworth age 21 res. Ellsworth ; ; enl. Straw, Lorenzo D. ; ; Oct. 29, '01 ; must, in '01, Nov. 27, as Priv.' Died dis Aug. 17, '63, on board steamer " David Tatten." >

Co. F ; b. Fitzwilliam age ; i-es. Fitzwilliam • Streeter, H. ; 24 enl. John ; Nov. 20, '61 ; must, in Jan. 14, '62 ' as Priv aijn • Corp. '64, '65, 1 ; wd. May 6, Wilderness, Va. ; disch. Jan. 13, tm. ex. P. O. ad.. East Swanzey. ' 1 Unas'd; b. Pennsylvania; age cred. Swanzey; Stuart, John. 21; enl. Jan. 1, '64; must, in Jan. 1, '64, as Priv.; des. Jan 18 '64, Concord. ' Stuart. See Stewart. b. Stube, WUhelm. Co. C ; Germany ; age 20 ; cred. Barrington ; enl. Jan 5, '64 '64, ; must, in Jan. 5, as Priv. ; wd. Julv 30

'64, Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Va. ; des. Sept. '64, near 26, Petersburg, Va. ; appreh. ; disch. Jan. 17, '66. Sulivell, Ralph. Co. C; substitute; b. Canada; age 20; cred. Stark; enl. May 25, '64; must, in May 25, '64, as Priv.; must. out July 17, '65.

Co. b. Nova Scotia ; age 27 cred. Whitefield '63 Prank. A ; ; ; enl. '63, Sullivan, Dec. 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 18, '64. Lexington, Ky. . ; ;


Sullivan, Frank. Uiias'd ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 25 ; cred. Suiiapee ; enl. June 8, '64 ; must, in June 8, '64, as Priv. reported ou roll dated June 14, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. (i. O.

; '64 '64, Sullivan, George. Unas'd substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 32 ; cred. Tuftouborough ; enl. May 18, ; must, in May 18, as

Priv. ; reported on roU dated June 14, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Sullivan, James. Co. I; b. Ireland; age 22 ; cred. Lisbon enl. '63; '63, des. ; appreh. ; re- ; Dec. 4, must, in Dec. 4, as Priv.; ported on m. o. roll dated July 17, '65, as absent in arrest since Jan. 5, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. N. f. r. A. G. O. Sullivan, James. Co. I. See James Scannell. Sullivan, John. Co. E. See 11 N. H. V. Sullivan, John. Co. K. See 9 N. H. V. Sullivan, John, Co. b. '64 1st. A ; Ireland ; ; ; age 25 ; cred. Moultonborougli enl. Jan. 2, ; must, in Jan. 2, '64, as Priv. killed Sept. 30, '04, Poplar Springs Church, Va.

Sullivan, Patrick Co. C b. Ireland ; '61, W. ; age 19 ; res. Exeter ; enl. Oct. 11, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Jan. 26, '63, Washington, D. C. , Sullivan, Thomas. Co. b. Canada '63 ; ¥ ; age 28 cred. '63, ; ; Sanbointon ; enl. Dec. 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, as Priv. des. Apr. 8, '04, Annapolis, Md. Sullivan, Thomas C. Co. H. See 9 N. H. V. Summers, Sinus. Co. b. '63 B ; ; New York cred. ; '63, ; ; age 23 Whitefield enl. Dec. 30, ; must, in Dec. 30, as Priv. des. Jan. 20, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. Swain, Co. b. George '61 ; '61, M. C ; New Hampshire ; ; age 22; res. Exeter; enl. Nov. 11, must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. disch. disab. June 24, '62, New Berne, N. C.

Swallow, Andrew S. Co. K; b. Dunstable, Mass. ; age 37; res. New Ipswich ; enl. Oct. 16, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. July 4. '62, New Berne, N. C.

Swasey, ; ; '61, "William J. R. Co. A b. Marblehead, Mass. age 22 ; res. Salem, Mass. ; enl. Oct. 29, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27,

as Priv. ; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. Sweat, Charles, Jr. Co. I. See 9 N. H. V. Unas'd; Sweat, John. substitute; b. Canada; age 23; cred. Hinsdale ; enl. May 31, '64 ; must, in May 31, '64, as Priv.; des. June 7, '64, New London, Conn.

Sweatt, "Washington. Co. b. '61 ; K; Boscawen (now Webster) ; age 24; res. Peterborough ; enl. Nov. 15, must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; wd. and mis. '62, '62 '03. Aug. 29, Bull Run, Va. gd. from mis. Oct. 17, ; disch. wds. Mar. 19, P. ad., ; O. East Concord. See V. R. C.

Sweet, Charles. Unas'd ; b. Toledo, ; cred. eul. '64 ; '64, ; Ohio age 22 ; Portsmouth ; Jan. 2, must, in Jan. 2, as Priv. des. Jan. 7, '64, Albany, N. Y.

Swift, John P. Co. B; b. Haverhill; age 21; res. Haverhill; enl. Oct. 1, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Sept. 11, '62, Concord. P. O. ad., Marysville, Cal.

Swoards, Charles. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. age ; cred. enl. '64 in '64, Priv. Canada ; 21 Swanzey ; May 27, ; must, May 27, as des. June 7, '64, New London, Conn.

Syerlinsky, Edward. Unas'd ; b. Germany ; age 28 ; cred. "Warren ; enl. Jan. '64 ; must, in Jan. '64, as Priv. .supposed 5, 5, ;

to have deserted en route to regt. N. f . r. A. G. O. Taber, George. Co. D; b. Russia; age 23; cred. Carroll; enl. Jan. 4, '64; must, in Jan. 4,- '64, as Priv.; des. Jan. 22, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. Co. K; b. res. Peterborough; enl. Oct. 28, '61 must, in '61, Priv.; killed" Taggart, Henry C. Sharon; age 35; ; Nov. 28, as Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va.

Talbott, William H. Co. B ; b. Plainfield ; age 29 ; res. Enfield; enl. Oct. 25, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp.

Apr. 1, '62 ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. Died, wds. Sept. 11, '62, Georgetown, D. C. '64, Tanner, John. Unas'd ; b. Spain ; age 22 ; cred. Gilfoid ; enl. Jan. 4, '64 ; must, in Jan. 4, as Priv. ; supposed to have desei'ted en route to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Tapner, "William. Co. C. See 11 N. H. V. Tappan, Charles C. Co. L See 11 N. H. V. / '64 '64, '64, Tarbell, Joseph. Co. K ; b. Canada; age 36 ; cred. Warren ; enl. Jan. 5, ; must, in Jan. 5, as Priv. ; wd. June 28,

Petersburg, Va. ; disch. disab. Jan. 5, '65, near Hancock Station, Va.

; ; '64 '64, ; Tarble, Charles. Unas'd ; b. Cleveland, Ohio ; age 21 cred. Gilford enl. Jan. 4, ; must, in Jan. 4, as Priv. des. Jan. 7, '64. Albany, N. Y.

; '61 '61, Priv.; Tasker, Charles H. Co. D; b. Ossipee; age "18"; res. Ossipee enl. Sept. 28, ; must, in Nov. 27, as mis. Aug.

'62, Bull Run, Va. from mis. ; des. Nov., '62, near Annapohs, Md. See State Service. 29, ; gd.

; ; '61 ; '61, Sergt. ; to Tasker, Henry G. Co. B ; age 21 res. Haverhill enl. Sept. 12, must, in Nov. 27, as reduced ranks Mar. '62 '62, 31, ; captd. July 21, '62, New Berne, N. C. Died, dis. Nov. 15, Richmond, Va.

; ; eul. '61 ; in '61, as Priv. ; des. Tasker, Oliver. Co. G b. Somersworth ; age 19 ; res. Ossipee Dec. 5, must, Dec. 12, Dec. 20, '61, Keene. Taylor, Alfred. Co. H. See 9 N. H. V.

enl. 31, ; must, in 31, as Priv.; app. Taylor, Charles. Co. I; b. Ireland ; age 18; cred. Littleton; Aug. '64 Aug. '64, Muse; must, out July 17, '65. Taylor, John. Co. D. See 11 N. H. V.

'64 '64, Priv. ; supposed Taylor, John. Unas'd ; b. Ireland ; age 25 ; cred. Rumney ; enl. Jan. 4, ; must, in Jan. 4, as to have deserted en route to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. 28, in 28, Taylor, Joseph C. Co. E; substitute; b. Connecticut; age 20; cred. Littleton; enl. Oct. '63 ; must, Oct. '63, as '65. Priv. ; must, out July 17,

; ; ; enl. '64 ; must, in Mar. 12, '64, as Priv. ; wd. Taylor, "William E. Co. E ; b. Pepperell, IMass. age 21 cred. Hill Mar. 12, '65. July 26, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; app. Sergt. ; must, out July 17, '61 '61, ; ; res. enl. Oct. 17, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; must, out Nov. Temple George H. Co. E ; b. Gilsuui age 25 Gilsum ; 28, '64. '62 '62, ; Hampton enl. Aug. 25, ; must, in Sept. 3, as b. Mass. age 26 ; cred. South ; Tenney, Cyrus W. Co. C ; Newburyport,

; '84, train, Salem, Mass. Priv. ; app. Corp. ; disch. June 4, '65, near Alexandria, Va. killed Sept. 14, by railroad '61, ; ; 18 res. Hillsborough ; eul. Nov. 13, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. Died, Tenney, Henry A. Co. E b. Lempster age ; dis. Sept. 8, '62, Newport News, Va.

; ; ; '64 ; '64, as Priv. ; disch. '65, Thomas, James. Co. D b. England ; age 28 cred. Stark enl. Jan. 1, must, in Jan. 1, Aug. 7, Washington, D. C.

; ; enl. '64; in Jan. '64, Priv. ; Thomas, John. Unas'd b. Boston, Mass.; age 20 cred. Salem ; Jan. 2, must, 2, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Thomas. See To mas. '61, Thompson, Amos. Co. G; b. Sutton; age 17; res. Goshen; enl. Dec. 4, '61 ; must, in Dec. 11, as Priv.; wd. June 3, '61,

Bethesda Church, Va. ; disch. Dec. 17, '64, to date Nov. 27, '64, Concord, tm. ex. P. 0. ad., Washington. ;;


Thompson, Charles. Co. B. See 11 N. H. V. Thompson, Charles. Co. G. See 9 N. H. V. '63, '62 '62, a,s Priv. ; des. Jan. 2, Thompson, Charles H. Co. F ; age 25 ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Aug. 28, ; must, in Sept. 0, Concord. '61 '61, Thompson, C3rrus S. Co. G; b. Su napes ; age 30; res. Goshen; enl. Sept. 26, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv.; tr. to 10

Co., 2 Batt'l, I. C. ; disch. Nov. 28, '64, Providence, R. I., tni. ex. P. O. ad., Newport. Thompson, Francis. Co. F. See 9 N. II. V. '64 Thompson, George. Co. D ; b. Frederick, Md. ; age 10 ; cred. Harrington; enl. Jan. 5, ; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv. ; des. Mar. 21, '64, Cincinnati, Ohio. '64, Thompson, Harvey. Unas'd; b. Vermont; age 23; cred. Swanzey ; enl. Jan. 1, '64; must, in Jan. 1, as Priv.; des. Jan. 7, '64, Albany, N. Y. '64 Co. A b. York ; age 26 cred. Winchester ; enl. Jan. iu Jan. 2, '64, as Priv. ; des. Feb. Thompson, Henry. ; New ; 2, ; must,

1, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. 4 '64, Thompson, Co. ; b. Green Point, N. Y. ; 20 cred. ; enl. 4, '64 ; must, in Jan. 4, as Priv. James. D age ; New Durham Jan. Died, dis. Mar. 9, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. '63 '63, Thompson, Co. ; b. New Haven, Conn. ; age ; cred. Bennington enl. Nov. 30, ; mu.st. in Nov. 30, as Priv. John. K 22 ; ; '64, '65. wd. May 31, Totopotomoy, Va. ; disch. to date July 17, Thompson, John P. H. Co. B. See 11 N. H. V. Thompson, Patrick. Co. F. See 9 N. H. V. b. '61 '61, Thompson, Samuel M. Co. F; Lyman; age 25; res. Richmond; enl. Oct. 12, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Corp.; app. '62 '62 '63 '63. Sergt. July 1, ; 1 Sergt. Sept. 1, ; 2 Lt. Feb. 3, ; disch. to date Apr. 29, P. O. ad., Dexterville, Wis. See 3 N. H. V. '64; '4, I\Iay Thompson, William. Co. G ; b. Russia; age 26; cred. Goshen ; enl. Jan. 4, must, in Jan. '64, as Priv.; wd. 12 and '64, '64, 18, Spottsylvania, Ya. ; des. July 19, Philadelphia, Pa.

; '64 ; '64, ; Thompson, William. Unas'd ; b. Ireland age 25 ; cred. Charlestown ; enl. Jan. 4, must, in Jan. 4, as Priv. reported on roll dated Jan. 15, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. '61 '61, Thomson, Samuel B. Co. G ; b. Sunapee; age 34 ; res. Sunapee ; eul. .Sept. 16, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; disch. .\ug. 29, '62, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Sunapee. Thomson, William W. Co. G; b. Sunapee; age 27; res. Sunapee; enl. Sept. 12, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; wd. '62, '64. Dec. 13, Fredericksburg, Va. ; must, out Nov. 28, P. O. ad., Newport.

; '61 '61, Thornton, George H. Co. G ; b. Grantham ; age 18 res. Grantham ; enl. Nov. 20, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. Died, dis. Mar. 2, '62, Platteras Inlet, N. C. '61, Thurston, Albion P. Co. D ; b. Freedom ; age 18 ; res. Ossipee ; enl. Oct. 7, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. Thurston, Charles W. Co. K; b. Stoddard; age 22; res. Stoddard; enl. Oct. 28, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; app. '63 '63 Corp. Nov. 30, '61 ; wd. Dee. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; reduced to ranks June 1, ; app. Sergt. Dec. 1, ; re-enl. and

must, in Jan. 2, '64 ;' wd. July 30, '64, Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Va. ; captd. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. escaped Deo. 19, '64; app. 1 Sergt. Feb. 1, '65; 1 Lt. Co. D, June 1, '65; must, out July 17, '65. Died, Aug. 3, '71, Bran- don, Ala. Thurston, Frank. Co. E. See 9 N. H. V. Tibbetts, Enoch. Co. C. See 9 N. H. V. '61 '61, Tilden, George. Co. E; b. Fitchburg, Mass.; age 22; res. IMarlborougli ; enl. Sent. 19, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv.; disch. disab. Feb. 28, '62, Roauoke Isl., N. C. P. O. ad., Marlborough. Tilson, William. Co. H; substitute; b. Massachusetts; age 36; cred. Bennington; enl. June 4, '64; must, in June 4, '64, as

Priv. ; des. July 3, '64, near Petersburg, Ya,.

b. res. ; enl. Oct. '61 ; in Dec. '61, as Sergt. ; Lt. Tilton, Adams K. Co. I ; Canterbury ; age 28 ; Canterbury 25, must, 1, app. 2 Sept. 1, '62; 1 Lt. Co. (t, Nov. 1, '63; Capt. July 2, '64; killed Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. '61 ; enl. Sept. in '61, as Tilton, David S. Co. C ; b. New jSIilford, Conn. age 44; res. Seabrook ; 16, ; must, Nov. 27, Corp. disch. Nov. 28, '63, Camp Dennison, Ohio. Tilton, Edward D. Co. C. See 11 N. H. V.

; res. enl. Sept. 16. '61 ; must, in Nov. '61, Priv. ; Tilton, George B. Co. I b. Great Falls ; age 32 ; Deerfield ; 28, as app. Corp. disch. disab. Feb. 26, '63, Newport News, Va.

; cred. enl. Dec. '63 must, in Dec. '63, Tirrell, Mark. Co. H ; b. Somerset County, Md. ; age 20 Francestown ; 30, ; 30, as Priv. des. Mar. 23, '64, Baltimore, Md.

; ; les. ; enl. '61 ; in '61, as Priv. ; mis. Tirrell, Moses D. Co. A b. Bristol age 34 ; Holderness Dec. 2, mnst. Dec. 15, Aug. 29, '62, Run, Va. gd. from mis. Died, dis. Aug. 9, '63, on board hospital boat " Tycoon," Cannelton, lud. Bull ; Titcomb, David A. Co. C; b. Alexandria; age 34; res. Seabrook; enl. Sept. 16, '61, as Priv.; app. 1 Lt. Nov. 30, '61; must.

in to date Nov. 27, '61, as 1 Lt.; app. Capt. Co. K, Apr. 28, '62; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; Dec. 13, '62, Fredericks-

burg, Va. ; resigned Dec. 22, '62.

; b. ; ; res. Rridgewater ; enl. Sept. '61 ; in '61, Tobine, Norman B. Co. G Bridgewater age 21 30, must, Nov. 28, as Priv. ; wd. '64. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; re-enl. and must, into Co. A, Jan. 3, Died, dis. Sept. 2, '64, Philadelphia, Pa.

b. 26 res. Bridgewater enl. '61 ; '61, Tobine, Thaddeus A. Co. A ; Bridgewater ; age ; ; Nov. 4, must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; mis. '62, '62 '63 Aug. 20, Bull Run, Va. gd. from mis. Dec. 19, ; re-enl. and must, in Dec. 21, ; captd. May 6, '64, Wildei'uess, ; Va. Died, dis. July 17, '64, Andersonville, Ga.

; enl. Dec. 4, 4, 3, Todd, Edward. Co. D; b. Canada; age 20; cred. Danbury '63 ; must, in Dec. '63, as Priv.; wd. June '64, '64. Bethesda Church, A'a. ; dislion. disch. to date Sept. 15,

b. res. enl. '61 ; '61, Todd, Thomas R. Co. K ; Rindge ; age 30 ; Rindge ; Nov. 21, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; wd. Dec. 13, '62, '64 Fredericksburg, Va. ; app. Corp. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 4, ; w-d. June 3, '64, Bethesda Church, Va, Died, wds. Junt' 10, '64, Alexandria, Va. Tolman, Lorenzo P. Co. F; b. Fitchburg, Mass.; age 18; res. Troy; eul. Dec. 2, '61; must, in Dec. 3, '61, as Priv.; re-enl. '64; Stratford; '64, and must, in Jan. 20, cred. app. Corp.; wd. June 20, Petersburg, Va. ; app. Sergt. July 1, '05; must. out July 17, '65. Tomas, Antonio. Co. C. See 11 N. II. V.

Toolberg, Peter. Co. H; b. Sweden; age 23; cred. Acworth ; enl. Dec. 5, '68; must, in Dec. 5, '63, as Priv.; des. Jan. 28, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

Ireland age ; cred. Cornish enl. '63 Co. K ; b. ; 20 ; Dec. 4, must, in Dec. 'Ii3, '64. Toole, Thomas. ; 4, as Priv. ; captd. Oct. 1, '65 Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; released ; app. Corp. July 1, ; must, out July 17, '65. Topp, Albert. Co. F. See 9 N. II. V.

b. ; res. eul. '61 ; '61, ; Towle, John W. Co. B ; Canaan ; age 18 Canaan ; Dec. 9, must, in Dec. 10, as Priv. wd. Aug. 29, '62,

Bull Run, Va. ; disch. wds. Dec. 1, '62, Concord. P. 0. ad.. South Westminster, Mass. Towle, Stephen M. Co. C; b. Salisbury, Mass.; age 27; res. South Hampton; enl. Nov. 18, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. Died Nov. 22, '63, Covington, Ky. ;;:; ;


Towne, Edgar. Co. G; b. Saxonville, Mass. ; age 18 ; res. Keene ; eiil. Dec. 6, '61 ; must, in Dec. 6, '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. wd. Dec. l:i, '(!:?, and died, wds. Dec. 14, '62, Fredericksburg, Va.

To'WTie, Hosea. Co. E; b. .Stoddard; age 33; res. Keeue ; enl. Oct. 19, '01 ; must, in Xov. 28, '61, as Priv.; app. Sergt. Xov. '01 '63 '61. 28, ; reduced to ranks, ; must, out Nov. 28, P. O. ad., Marlow.

Towns, Allison. Co. 1? ; drafted ; h. Mason ; age 29 ; res. Manchester, cred. Manclie.ster ; drafted Oct. 6, '63 ; must, in Oct. 6,

'0.3, as Priv. ; must, out July 17, '65.

Tracy, 'Williain A. F. and S. ; b. Tunbridge, V't. ; age 3.5 : res. Xa.shua ; app. Surg. r)ct. 25, '61 ; must, in Xov. 28, '61 ; resigned Mar. 15, '03. See Miscel. Organizations.

Travers, Robert. Co. A; b. Woburn, Mass.; age 19; cred. Tuftonborougli ; eu). Dec. 31, '63; must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv.; des. Feb. 3, '64, Camp Nelson, Kv. Triggs, Benjamin. Co. E. See 9 N. H. V. Tripp, William F. Co. H; b. Portsmouth; age 18; res. Portsmouth; euL Xov. 11. '01; must, in Xov. 28, '61, as Priv.; wd. Dec. 13, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. Died, wds. Jan. 1, '63, Washington, D. C.

Trow, Charles P. Co. G ; b. Springfield ; age ; res. ; enl. '61 '61, Priv. ; 18 Sunapee Sept. 2, ; must, in Xov. 28, as app. Corp. Xov. 3(1, '61. Died, dis. Nov. 19, '62, Knoxville, Md. See 1 X. H. \.

Trow, Josiah. Co. G; b.Scjuapee; age 44; res. Sunapee; enl. Sept. 2, '61 ; must, in Xov. 28, '61, as Priv.; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. Died, di.s. Oct. 25, '62, Weverton, Md. See 1 N. H. V. Troy, Co. 1.. '64 '64, Richard. A ; Pennsylvania ; ; age 23 ; cred. Whitefield ; enl. Jan. 2, ; must, in Jan. 2, as Priv. des. Jan. 19, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

;' \>. '61 True, Brastus B. Co. G Goshen ; age 43 ; res. Goshen ; enl. (^ct. 7, ; must, in Xov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; mis. Aug. 29, '62,

Bull Run, Va. par. ; '87, ; des., Annapolis, Md. Died May 20, Sutton.

Tucker, Charles E. C. Co. I ; b. Concord ; age 29 ; res. Loudon ; enl. Oct. 18, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Apr. 4, '62, Roanoke Isl., X. C. '61 Tucker, James A. Co. 1) ; b. Lynn, Mass. ; age 2.j ; res. Wakefield ; enl. Oct. 1, ; must, in Xov. 27, '61, as Priv. : tr. to 71 '63 Co., 2 Batt'l, L C, Dec. 15, ; disch. to date Nov. 27, '64, Baltimore, .Md., tm. ex.

Tucker, James F. Co. H ; b. Boston, Mass. ; age 20 ; res. Kocli.est«r ; enl. Oct. 22, '61 ; must, in Xov. 28, '61, as Corp. ; re-enl. and must, into Co. D, Dec. 2.'), '63, as Priv.; wd. May 18, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. Died, wds. May 22, '61. See 1 X. H. V.

Tucker, "William E. Co. D; b. Lynn, IMass. ; age 23; res. Wakefield ;^nl. Oct. 1, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Pi-iv. ; wd. '62, Aug. 29, Bull Run, ^'a. ; ajip. Coqj. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 2, '64 ; captd. May 6, '64, Wilderness, Va. ; released app. Sergt. July 1, '65; must, out July 17, '65. '64, '64. TuUey, John. Co. A ; b. Ireland ; age 19; cred. Gilnianton ; enl. Jan. 1, '64; must, in Jan. 1, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 18, Camp Nelson, Ky. '61 '61, Tupper, William H. Co. A ; b. East Haddam, Conn. ; age 23 ; res. Holderness ; enl. Dec. 9, ; must, in Dec. 15, as Priv.

wd. Aug. 29, '02, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. disab. Dec. 31, '62, Newark, N. J. P. O. ad., Plymouth. '64 '64, '64, Turner, James. Co. D ; b. Maine ; age 23 ; cred. Riudge ; enl. Jan. 4, ; must, in Jan. 4, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 22, Cam]) Nelson, Ky.

'61 '61, a-s ; Tuxbury, Hiram I. Co. C ; b. Newton ; age 28 ; res. Newton ; enl. Oct. 21, ; must, in Nov. 27, Muse. disch. disab. Sept. 23, '62, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Newton. See Miscel. Organizations. Twombly, Alonzo H. Co. 1); b. Rochester; age 18; res. Rochester, cred. Rochester; enl. Dec. 31, '63; must, in Dec. 31, '63,

as Priv. ; must, out July 17, '05. P. O. ad., Alexandria.

Tw^ombly, Eleazer. Co. I; substitute; b. Canada; age 21; cred. Chestei-field ; eid. June 3, '64; must, iu June 3, '64, as

Priv. ; wd. July 8, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; des. Jan. 6, '65, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. ad., Tilton.

; ; ; enl. '62 ; iu '62, as Priv. ; disch. Tyler, George B. Co. K ; b. Pepperell, 3Ia.ss. age 28 res. Stoddard Aug. 6, must, Aug. 25, disab. Dec. 27, '02.

; ; enl. Oct. '61 in Xov. '61, as Priv. ; app. Corp. Xov. Tyler, John D. Co. K b. Stoddard ; age 21 res. Stoddard ; 25, ; must, 28, '01 30, ; killed Aug. 29, '02, Bull Run, Va. Supposed identical with John D. Tyler, Co. D, 3 Batt'l, Mass. Riflemen. See Miscel. Organizations.

enl. '61 ; '61, as Priv. ; wd. Dec. Tyler, Russell. Co. G ; b. Grantham ; age 18; res. Claremont; Nov. 22, must, iu Dec. 3, 13, '62 '63 '62, Fredericksburg, Va. ; app. Corp. Dec. 24, ; re-enl. and must, in Dec. 21, ; cred. Cornish ; app. Sergt. ; wd. May '65 12, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. ; June 22, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; app. 1 Lt. Mar. 4, ; wd. Apr. 2, '65, Petersburg, "\"a. ; must. out July 17, '05. P. O. ad., AVestfield, ^Mass.

; ; ; cred. ; enl. May '64 ; must, in 21, '64, as Priv. Tyrrell, Freeman. Co. B ; substitute b. Canada age 20 Gorham 21, May must, out July 17, '65. P. O. ad., Gorham.

; cred. ; enl. Oct. '63 ; must, in Oct. 0, '03, as Priv. Tyson, Tye. Co. K ; substitute b. Norway ; age 22 ; Manchester 6, Died, dis. Dec. 7, '64, Fairfax Seminary Gen. Ho.sp., Va.

; ; cred. ; enl. Jan. '64 ; must, in Jan. 'fil, as Priv. ; Ulmer, James B. Co. D ; b. Waldoborough, Me. age 21 Laconia 5, 5, nmst. out July 17, '65.

; enl. '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, '61, Priv. ; 29. Underhill, Frank T. Co. B ; b. Orange age 18; res. Orange; Sept. 30, as wd. Aug.

'62, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. disab. Nov. 5, '62, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Lockehaven.

; res. Derrv ; enl. Oct. '61 ; mast, in Nov. '61, Priv. ; Upton, George E. Co. G ; b. Lvnnfield, JIass. age 29 ; 9, 28, as app. Corp. '04, Mar. 10, '62 ; Sergt. ; 1 Lt. Co. F, Oct. 30, '63 ; wd. July 30, Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Va. Died, wds. July 31, '64. '61 res. enl. Oct. ; must, in Xov. '61, as Priv.; ajip. Upton, John A. Co. K ; b. Stoddard; age 22; Stoddard; 20, 28, Corp.; '65. re-enl. and must, in Jan. 4, '64; app. Sergt. ; disch. disab. Jnlv 7, Ure, Daniel. Co. H. See 9 X. II. V. Valentine, James. Co. D. See 9 N. II. V. '61 '61, Valley, Franklin. Co. II ; b. Dover; age 19 ; res. Newmarket; enl. Dec. 7, ; nmst. in Dec. 7, as Priv. ; wd. .Aug. 29,

'62, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. disab. Nov. 11, '63, Louisville, Ky.

b. res. Dover; enl. Dec. '61 ; in '61, di.scli. Vamey, George W. Co. II ; Dover; age 28; 7, must, Dec. 12, as Priv.; disab. Dec. 12, '62, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. ad.. Great Falls. 9, b. ; res. Hochester; enl. Xov. '01 must, in Nov. 28, tr. Vamey, James K. Co. II ; Newington age 22; ; '61, as Corp.; to '64, L C. July 1, '63 ; to Co. C, 10 V. R. C. ; di.sch. disab. Apr. ID, New York city. See 1 N. II. V.

; ; res. ; enl. '61 ; in '61, Priv. ; Vamey, John H. Co. H b. Jlilton ; age 29 Milton Nov. 4, must, Xov. 28, as app. Com. Sergt. '61 '63 Lt. Co. C, Feb. 1, '64 discli. Jan. '65. P. O. ad., Haverhill, Xov. 30. ; 2 Lt. Co. K, Feb. 1, ; J ; 5, Mass. Varney, Orin. Co. K. See 9 X. II. V. '61 '61, Verder, Albert S. Co. E; b. Peterborough; age 30; res. Jaffrey; enl. Oct. 9, ; must- in Xov. 28, as Priv.; app. Corp.

wd. sev. Sept. 17, '02, Antietam, Md. ; disch. disab. Mar. 16, '63, Concord. P. 0. ad., Vineland, X. J. See V. R. C.

Vettsr, Charles. Co. I); b. Germany; age 24; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Jan. 4, '64; must, in Jan. 4, '04, as Priv.; des. Feb. 1, '61, Camp Xelson, Ivy. Vezina, Octave. Co. B. See Joseph Lachanse. '64; VietZ3, August. Co. B; b. Germany; age 28 ; cred. Newington; eid. Jan. 2, must, in Jan. 2, '01, as Priv.; des. Feb. 1, '04, Camp Nelson, Ky. ;


Viger, Aroules. Co. F; b. Canada; age 35; res. Keene ; enl. Oct. 13, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; re-enl. and must. in '63 '65. Dec. 22, ; cred. Marlborough ; must, out July 17, 19, Vincent, Adolph. Co. B ; substitute; b. France; age 22 ; cred. Brookfield ; enl. May 19, '64; must, in May '64, as Priv.; des. Aug. 27, '64, near AVeldon Eailroad, Va. Vincent, George L. Co. K. See 9 N. H. V.

Vittum, Cyrus B. Co. D ; b. Sandwich ; ; '61 ; '61, ; age 28 ; res. Sandwich enl. Oct. 31, must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. mis. Aug. '62, 29, Bull Run, Va. gd. from mis. ; ; '64 '64, ; ; app. Corp. re-enl. and must, in Jan. 2, ; wd. May 6, Wilderness, Va. disch. June 30, '65, Annapolis, Md. P. O. ad., Sandwich.

Voight, Julius. Co. K b. Germany 32 cred. '64 ; '64, ; Corp. ; ; age ; Canipton ; enl. Jan. 5, must, in Jan. 5, as Priv. app.

Sergt. ; wd. Apr. '65, '65 '65. 2, Petersburg, Va. ; app. 1 Sergt. July 1, ; must, out July 17,

Ackern, Theodore. Co. ; b. Holland ; ; '64 ; '64, ; Von G age 37 ; cred. Conway enl. Jan. 7, must, in Jan. 7, as Priv. wd. July '64, Petersburg, 27, Va. ; des. Oct. 11, '64, near Pegram House, Va. ; appreh. Nov., '64; dishon. disch. Jan. 4, '65, by sen- tence G. C. M. Von Letzvow, Otto. Unas'd; substitute; b. Germany; age 30; cred. Hancock; enl. June 4, '64; must, in June 4, '64, as

Priv. ; sent to regt. N. f . r. A. G. O.

J. Co. K ; b. Antrim res. '61 ; '61, ; Vose, Thomas ; age 27 ; enl. Sergt. Peterborough ; Nov. 18, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. app. Nov. 30, '61. Died, dis. May 10, '62, New York city.

Wagner, Henry. Co. K ; b. Germany ; age ; cred. Effingham enl. '64 ; '64, ; Feb. 29 ; Jan. 5, must, in Jan. 5, as Priv. app. Corp. 1, '65; Sergt. June 19, '65: must, out July 17, '65. Waldron, George. Co. B. See 9 N. H. V. Waldron, John B. Co. II; b. Rochester; res. '61 '61, to age 33; Dover; enl. Oct. 16, ; must, in Nov. 28, as 1 Sergt.; reduced ranks Apr. '62 11, ; disch. disab. Nov. 13, '63, Cincinnati, Ohio. P. O. ad.. Centre Tuftonborough. See 1 N. II. V. II '64 '64, Wales, William. Co. ; b. Sweden ; age 28 ; cred. Richmond ; enl. Jan. 4, ; nmst. in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 28, Camp Nelson, Ky.

Walker, Franklin. Co. A; b. England; age 23; cred. Lancaster; enl. Jan. 2, '64; must, in Jan. 2, '64, as Priv.; des. Jan. 19, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

Walker, P. Co. II ; b. Barrington ; age ; res. enl. '61 ; '61, as Priv. ; Corp. James 20 Durham ; Oct. 18, must, in Nov. 28, app.

Mar. 17, '62 ; mis. Aug. '02, '62 ; '63 29, Bull Run, Va. gd. from mis. Dec. 18, app. Sergt. ; re-enl. and must, in Deo. 28, ; ;

wd. June '64, Bethesda ; '65 3, Church, Va. app. 2 Lt. Co. H, June 1, ; not must. ; tr. to 4 Co., 2 Batt'l, V. R. C. ; disch. Sept. 16, '65, as Sergt., New York city. See State Service. '63 W^alker, James P. F. and S. ; b. Manchester ; age 36 ; res. Manchester ; app. 2 Asst. Surg. Dec. 16, ; not must. ; resigned commission Feb. 8, '64. P. 0. ad., Manchester. See 4 N. II. V.

Walker, Roswell R. Co. G; b. Bridgewater; age 28; res. Grantham; enl. Sept. 23, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; app. '61 Seigt. Nov. 30, ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. Jan. 11, '63, Pt. Lookout, Md. P. O. ad., Morenci, Mich. V^alker, William A. Co. E. See 9 N. H. V.

Wallace, Charles. Co. I; b. Wentworth ; age 19; res. Wentworth ; enl. Nov. 18, '61 ; nmst. in Nov. 30, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Feb. 15, '62, Ilatteras Inlet, N. C.

Wallace, Ezra B. Co. B; age 28; res. Orange, Vt. ; enl. Oct. 13, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Aug. 15, '63, Memphis, Teun.

W^allace, Thomas. Unas'd; b. Ireland; age 29; cred. Tufton borougli; enl. Dec. 31, '63 ; must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv.; des. Jan. 7, '64, Albany, N. 1'.

Wallace, William. Unas'd; b. Ireland; age 33; cred. Farmington ; enl. Dec. 30, '63; must, in Dec. 30, '63, as Priv.; des. Jan. 7, '04, Albanv, N. Y". Wallace, William, 2d. Co. B. See 9 N. H. V. '61 '61, Wallace, William H. Co. D ; b. Sandwich ; age 21 ; res. Sandwich ; enl. Nov. 10, ; must, iu Nov. 27, as Priv. ; disch. Dec. 29, '63, Portsmouth Grove, R. I. P. O. ad., Sandwich. Wallace, William H. Co. E; b. Peterborough; age 20; res. Peterborough; enl. Oct. 11, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Sept. 15, '63, Memphis, Tenn. • Walsh, Patrick. Co. E. See 9 N. II. V.

Waltch, John. Unas'd; substitute; b. New Brunswick; age 19; cred. Wolfeborough ; enl. May 19, '64; must, in May 19, '64,

as Priv. ; reported on roll dated June 14, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Walters, Henry. Co. G. See 11 N. H. V.

enl. '61 '61, ; "Walton, Charles. Co. K ; b. Rindge ; age 45; res. New Ipswich ; Oct. 14, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. app. Sergt.

Nov. 30, '61 ; disch. Mar. 4, '63, as Priv. P. O. ad., Temple. Wanack, Hugh M. Co. A; substitute; b. Scotland; age 35; cred. Marlborough; enl. May 18, '64; must, in May 18, '64, as

Pilv. ; must, out July 17, '65. Ward, Lewis K. Co. B. See 9 N. H. V. res. Peterborough enl. 11, in 28, W'arren, George W. Co. E ; b. Peterborough ; age 18; ; Nov. '61; must, Nov. '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Jan. 2, '63, Philadelphia, Pa. Warwick, Hugh M. Co. A. See Hugh JI. Wanack.

; res. Fitzwilliani ; eul. Nov. '61 must, in Jan. '62, Priv. ; , Sylvanus C. Co. F ; b. Jaffrey ; age 21 25, ; 14, as killed Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md.

; cred. Plainfield ; enl. Aug. 8, '62 ; must, in '62, Watson, Alonzo O. Co. B ; b. Winchendon, Mass. age 33 ; Aug. 30, as Priv. Died, dis. Dec. 18, '62, Falmouth, Va.

; b. Liverpool, Eng. ; age 21 ; cred. South Newmarket ; enl. '64 Watson, Thomas. Co. K ; sub.stitute May 17, ; must, in May '65. 17, '61, as Priv. ; wd. July 19, '64, Petersburg, Va. ; disch. disab. July 7, Weaver, John. Unas'd; substitute; b. England; age 28; cred. Madison; enl. Alay 19, '04; must, iu May 19, '64, as Priv.; reported on roll dated June 14, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. '64 ; Gilford ; age 23 cred. Wolfeborough ; enl. Jan. 2, ; must, in Jan. '64, Webb, Charles. Unas'd b. ; 2, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 25, '64, en route to regt. Webb, William. Co. E. See 9 N. H. V. res. '61 Co. E ; b. Peterborough ; age 18 ; Peterborough ; enl. Sept. 25, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. Webber, John P. ;

app. Wagoner; re-enl. and nmst. in Feb. 15, '64; wd. May 12, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. ; tr. to 33 Co., 2 Batt'l, V. R. C, May '

1, '65 ; disch. Sept. 4, '65, AVashiugton, D. C. P. O. ad., Norwalk, Conn.

age res. Rumney; enl. Oct. 21, '61 must, in 27, '01, as Priv. ; disch. Webber, Simon M. Co. A; b. Plymouth; 34; ; Nov. June 24, '02, New Berne, N. C. Died Mar. 15, '78, Rumney.

res. enl. '61 ; '61, Webster, Jason. Co. A; b. Campton; age 28; Campton ; Oct. 14, nmst. in Nov. 27, as Priv.; app. Corp.

Nov. 311, '01 ; Sergt. Died, dis. Aug. 10, '63, Covington, Ky. '61, Kingston ; age ; res. East Kingston ; enl. Nov. 19, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; re-enl. Webster, John A. Co. C ; b. 34 '63 '64. '64, Andersonville, Ga. and must, into Co. I, Deo. 23, ; cred. Kingston ; captd. May 28, Died Aug. 10,

; res. ; '61 ; in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. ; wd. May b. Topsham, Vt. age 27 ; Haverhill enl. Sept. 16, must, Weed, Joseph. Co. B ; '64, '80, 6, '64, Wilderness, Va. ; disch. Dec. 10, Concord, tm. ex. Died Apr. 5, Haverhill. ;;


; '61 ; '61, Weeks, John M. Co. I ; b. Epsom ; age 29 ; res. Kpsoin enl. Sept. 16, must, in Nov. 28, as Sevgt. ; disch. disab. Nov. 27, '62, Washington, D. C. Died ISIar. 1, '61, Pembroke.

'61 '61, ; Weeks, Joshua. Co. C ; b. New Hampshire ; age 20 ; res. Exeter ; enl. Oct. 31, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. des. July 12, '62, Newport News, Va. Weir, alias James Jackson. Co. F; b. New York; age cred. Gilmanton enl. 30, '63; must, in Dec. 30, '63, William, 19; ; Deo.

as Priv. ; captd. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Chiirch, Va. Died Feb. 1, '6.i, Salisbury, N. C.

Welch, Co. ; b. Enfield; res. enl. 7, ; 10, as Priv.; killed 29, Anthony. B age 40; Canaan ; Deo. '61 nuist. in Dec. '01, Aug. '62, Bull Run, Va.

Welch, Edward. Co. A; substitute; b. Nova Scotia; age 22; cred. Landaff ; enl. June 10, '64; must, in June 10, '64, as

Priv. ; nuist. out July 17, '65. Welch, Ed-ward. Co. C. See 11 N. H. V.

Welch, Prank. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Ireland 2.t cred. enl. '64 ; in '04, as Priv. ; des. ; age ; Hudson ; May 30, must, May 30, June 7, '64, New London, Conn.

Welch, James M. Co. B ; b. Grafton ; age 41 ; res. Enfield ; enl. Nov. 28, '61 ; must, in Dec. 10, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Sept. 24, '62, Alexandria, Va. Welch, John. Unas'd; substitute; b. Ireland; age 24; cred. Madison; enl. May 19, '04; must, in May 19, '64, as Priv.; re- ported on roll dated June 4, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Welch, Co. b. ; ; '63 '63, Priv. ; des. Joseph. B ; enl. in July New Hampshire ; age cred. must, Dec. as 3, 31 Lyme Dec. 4, ; 4, '64, from hosp.

Welch, Unas'd; b. Roxbury, Mass. ; cred. enl. 9. '64 in 9, as Muse. ; reported Morris. age 18; Grantham ; Feb. ; must, Feb. '64, on roll dated Mar. 11, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Welch, Co. ; substitute b. Scotia ; cred. ; enl. '64 iu '64, as Priv. Nelson H ; Nova age 20 ; Landaff June 10, ; must, June 10, des. July 1.5, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

Wellington, Leonard P. Co. K ; b. Rindge ; age 45 ; res. Rindge ; enl. Nov. 1, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Aug.

29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. disab. Feb. 23, '03. P. O. ad., Sharon.

Want-worth, Co. b. Wakefield; age 33 ; res. enl. IS; '61 '61, Priv. ; mis. David L. D ; Brookfield ; Nov. ; nmst. in Nov. 27, as '02, '62 Aug. 29, Bull Run, Va. gd. from mis. Dec. 19, ; app. Corp. ; re-enl. and must, iu Deo. 24, '63 ; app. Sergt. July ; 1, '65 * ; must, out July 17, '65. P. 0. ad., Wakefield.

Went-worth, Eli. Co. H; b. Milton ; age 40 les. IMilton 2 '61 ; '61 ; 1 July ; ; app. Lt. Oct. 18, must, in Nov. 28, app. Lt. 4, '62 '63. ; Q. II. Mar. 19, Died, dis. July IS, '63, Snyder's Bluff, Miss. '61 Wentworth, Gates. Co. G ; b. Farmington ; age 19 ; res. Farmington ; enl. Oct. 4, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; tr. to '61 Co. D, Deo. 1, ; to V. R. C. Mar. 18, '64 ; unas'd ; disch. disab. Apr. 29, '64, Cliffburne Barracks, D. C.

Went-worth, Co. ; b. RoUinsford ; age ; res. ; enl. '61 '61, ; re- Jacob. C 22 Newmarket Sept. 27, ; must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. enl. '63 and must, in Dec. 20, ; des. Dec. 13, '64, while on furlough. Supposed identical with Jacob Wentworth, Co. E, 2 N. H. V.

Went-worth, Co. G; b. Lebanon, j\le. ; age cred. Milton; enl. 17, '62 in 19, John C. 40; Aug. ; must, Aug. '62, as Priv.; disch. disab. Jan. 2-3, '63, Falmouth, Va.

Werner, George. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. Germany ; age 33 ; ored. ISlont Vernon ; enl. May 26, '64 ; must, iu May 26, '64, as

Priv. ; reported on roll dated June 6, '64, as sent to regt. N. f . r. A. G. O.

Werner, Unas'd b. Prussia; cred. enl. '64 '64, ; William. ; age 32 ; Sanboi-nton ; Jan. 5, ; must, in Jan. 5. as Priv. des. Jan. 8, '64, Concord.

Co. A b. Liverpool, ; ored. '63 '63, West, ; Eng. age 20 enl. ; Francis. ; Strafford ; Dec. 31, ; must, in Dec. 31, as Priv. des. Jan. 19, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. b. West, Henry. Co. F; England; age 30; cred. Francestown ; enl. Dec. 31, '63; must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv.; wd. Apr. 2,

'65, Petersbvirg, Va. ; must, out July 17, '6!S. West, John H. Co. C. See 11 N. H. V. West, Royal P. Co. K. See 9 N. H. V.

Weymouth, George. Co. E ; b. Walpole ; age 32 ; res. Walpole ; enl. Nov. 2, '61 ; nnxst. in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Feb. 5, '63, Philadelphia, Pa. Whalen, Co. G; b. Philadelphia, Pa.; age 21 cred. Portsmouth; enl. '64; '64, John. ; Jan. 2, must, in Jan. 2, as Priv.; des. Mar. 22, '64, Baltimore, Md.

Whaler, James W. Co. G; b. Cumberland, Eng. ; age 34 ; res. Springfield ; enl. Nov. 5, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. disch. Sept. 23, '62, Newport News, Va.

Wheaton, Co. F; b. Rotterdam, N. Y.; age res. Langdon ; enl. Oct. '61 in 3, '61, Robert A. 40; 21, ; must, Dec. as Priv. Died, dis. May 28, '63, Lancaster, Ky. Wheeler, Albion. Co. I. See 9 N. H. V. Wheeler, Christopher M. Co. E; b. Peterborough; age 22; res. Peterborough; enl. Oct. 19, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Pj-iv. Died, dis. Feb. 20, '62, Hatteras Inlet, N. C. See State Service.

b. Westmoreland : res. ; '61 Wheeler, Gardner. Co. F ; ; age 44 Swanzey enl. Nov. 19, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; must out Nov. 28, '64.

Wheeler, Nathan W. Co. B; age 20; res. Haverhill; enl. Sept. 21, '61; must, in Nov. 27, '61, as Priv. Died, dis. Mar. 1.5, '62, Hatteras Inlet, N. C.

Co. ; b. Royalston, Mass. ; ; res. ; '61 : Wheeler, Robert A. F age 38 Troy enl. Nov. 19, must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; must. out Nov. 28, '64.

Whitakor, P. Co. G; b. Cornish; age 18; res. Goshen ; enl. Oct. '61 ; '61, Henry 10, must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; wd. sev. Aug.

29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; app. Corp. ; re-enl. and must, in '63; '64, Dec. 27, wd. May 6, Wilderness, Va. ; app. Sergt. Aug. 1, '64 '65 '65. ; 2 Lt. Co. I, June 1, ; must, out July 17, P. O. ad., Hillsborough Bridge.

Whitcomb, Lucius. Co. H ; b. Swanzey ; age 37 ; res. Fitzwilliam ; enl. Nov. '61 '61, 23, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; tr. to

Co. F, Dec. 1, '61 ; killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. Co. substitute; b. Brunswick White, Charles. A; New ; age 18; cred. Manchester; enl. Nov. 27, '63; must, in Nov. 27, '63,

as Priv. ; captd. on or about May '64, river, '64 24, North Anna Va. par. Dec. 13, : '64, ; reported Deo. 20, at Annapolis. Md' . F N. f. r. A. G. O. ' ,

White, Franklin. Co. C ; b. Salem, Mass. ; age 27 ; res. Newton ; enl. Nov. '61 ; '61, 9, must, in Nov. 27, as Priv. ; mis. Sept. 1, '62, '62 Chantilly, Va. gd. from mis. Deo. 19, ; re-enl. and must, in Dec. 21, '63 ; wd. June '64, Petersburg, Va,. ; 20, ; disch! disab. June 27, '65, Manchester. P. O. ad., Haverhill, Mass. White, Henry. Co. D. See 9 N. H. V. White, James. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 25; cred. Hollis; enl. June 3, '64; must, in June 3, '64, as Priv.; des. June 7, '64, New London, Conn. White, John. Co. D. See 11 N. H. V.

; ; res. ; '61 ; White, Martin. Co. E b. Peterborough ; age 21 Peterborough enl. Oct. 15, must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; app. '63 Sergt. ; 1 Jit. Co. C, Nov. ; not must. ; commission returned ; re-enl. and must, in Dec. 24, '63, as Sergt. 2, Co. E ; wd.

May 16, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. ; disch. July 22, '65, Concord. ;


eiil. jSTov. 28, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Prin. White, Shubael. Nou-Com. Staff ; b. Westmoreland ; age 51; res. Keeiie; '61 V. R. C. Muse. ; disch. disab. Mar. 3, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C. P. O. ad., Westmoreland. See 2 N. H. V. and must, in ; ; '61 ; in Nov. 27, '61 , as Priv. ; re-enl. and "White, Stephen. Co. C ; b. Canada age 25 ; res. Exeter enl. Nov. 9, must,

Dec. 26, '63 ; app. Corp. ; des. Feb. 10, '65, while on f urlongli. '61 in Nov. '61, as Priv. app. b. ; res. Marlborough ; enl. Nov. 4, ; must, 28, ; White Thomas L. Co. E ; Marlborough ; age 25 ' Fnd., tni. ex. Died June 18, 'lit, Corp. P'eb. 20, '62 ; tr. to Co. K, 22 V. R. C, Apr. 28, '61 ; diseh. Dec. 1, '6t, Indianapolis, Marlborough. See 1 N. H. V.

'62, as Priv. ; disch. disab. Dec. 3, '62, Baltimore, Md. '61, Priv. tr. to Co. ; res. enl. Oct. 31, '61 ; must, in Nov. 27, as ; Whitney, Bben M. Co. A ; b. Camptou ; age 18 Thornton ; '62 '63, en, route from Baltimore, Md., to New York city. L, 5 Art., U. S. A., Dec. 2, ; des. Mar. 29, '61, as Priv. wd. Aug. b. ; ; res. Rindge ; enl. Oct. 28, '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, ; Whitney, George A. Co. K ; Riudge age 24

29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. wds. Oct. 6, '62, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Wadena, Minn. '61, as Priv. wd. May 6, ; '61 ; Nov. ; b. Peru, ; 18 ; res. Kindge enl. Oct. 23, must, in 28, Whitney, Thomas S. Co. K ; Vt. age

'64, Wilderness, Va. ; must, out Nov. 27, '64. P. 0. ad., West Rindge. Whitney, William L. Co. K; b. Rindge; age 39; res. Rindge; enl. Oct. 13, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Jan. 2, '63, Alexandria, Va. P. O. ad., Rindge. '61 in '61, as Priv. tr. to Whittemore, Jotham. Co. H; b. Keene; age 44; res. Winchester; enl. Nov. 4, ; must, Nov. 28, ; '63. Co. F, Dec. 1, '61 ; disch. disab. Mar. 2, '63, Washington, D. C. Died Apr. 13, enl. '61 must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Sergt.; disch. Whittier, Osgood T. Co. H; b. Readfield, Me.; age 32; res. Dover; Oct. 16, ; disab. Sept. 26, '62, New Berne, N. C. P. O. ad., Dover. See Y. R. C. Whittle, James C. Co. I. See 9 N. H. V. Wichsel, John. Co. C. See 9 N. H. V.

; ; cred. enl. Dec. 31, '63; must, in Dec. Wiggin, Cyrus H., aZias John Williams. Co. K b. Philadelphia, Pa. age 27; Salem ; '65. '86. 31, '63, as Priv. ; app. Corp. July 1, '65 ; must, out July 17, Died Nov. 29, '62 b. res. Meredith, cred. Meredith ; enl. Aug. 25, ; must, in Aug. 25, Wiggin, George W. Co. A ; New Hampton ; age 23 ;

'62, as Priv. ; disch. June 4, '65, near Alexandria, Va. See 4 N. H. V.

; ; ; ; '64 in Jan. '64, as Priv. Died, dis. Wight, Aaron. Co. I b. Newry, Me. age 43 cred. Lancaster enl. Jan. 4, ; must, 4, June 17, '64, Chester, Pa. '01 "61, as Priv.; re-enl. and must. Wilder, Thomas. Co. I; b. Concord; age 18; res. Concord; enl. Nov. 4, ; must, in Nov. 28, '63 in Dec. 19, ; must, out July 17, '65. Died July 22, '92, Concord. '61; '01, app. Wiley, Charles H. Co. C; b. Barringtoii ; age 33; res. Newmarket; enl. Oct. 21, must, in Nov. 27, as Corp.; '64 Sergt. ; re-enl. and must, in Jan. 3, ; captd. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va.. Died, disease and starvation, Dec. 23, '64, Salisbury, N. C.

; ; '04 '64, Priv. Died, dis. Oct. 20, Wiley, Edward. Co. I; b. Canada; age 38 cred. Rindge enl. Jan. 4, ; must, in Jan. 4, as '64, Alexandria, Va. W^iley Michael. Unas'd; b. Ireland; age 24; cred. Winchester; enl. Jan. 1, '64; must, in Jan. 1, '64. as Priv.; des. Jan. 7, '64, Albany, N. Y. Wiley. See Willey.

; '64 ; '04, "Wilkins, Willard S. Co. B ; substitute ; b. England age 19 ; cred. AValpole ; enl. June 2, must, in June 2, as Priv.

captd. Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. ; released. Died, dis. Feb. 19, '65, Annapolis, Md. Wilkins, William H. Co. H. See 9 N. H. V.

b. ; res. enl. '61 '61, Wilkinson, John. Co. D; Ossipee age 18; Bow; Nov. 12, ; unist. in Nov. 27, as Priv.; disch. Sept. 22, '63, Newport News, Va. P. O. ad., Alton. cred. '63; '63, Willan, Isaac. Co. G; b. England; age 23 ; Freedom; enl. Dec. 30, must, in Dec. 30, as Priv.; wd. June 21,

'64, Petersburg, Va. ; app. Corp. Oct. 18, '64 ; des. Nov. 29, '64, while on furlough. '61 '61, '62, Willard, Levi. Co. H ; b. Dublin ; age 19 ; res. Dublin ; enl. Dec. 3, ; must, in Dec. 14, as Priv. ; killed Aug. 29, Bull ]lun, Va.

substitute b. ; cred. '64 ; '04, Willet, Louis A. Co. C ; ; New York age 18 ; Dunbarton ; enl. May 31, must, in May 31, as Priv.

'64, Poplar Springs Church, ; released must, '65. captd. Oct. 1, Va. ; out July 17, P. O. ad.. South Troy, N. Y. b. Albany; res. Albany; enl. Oct. '61 in '61, Willey, Daniel H. Co. D; age 34; 9, ; must, Dec. 27, as Priv.; disch. Jan. 29, '63, near Alexandria, Va. Died Feb. 24, '76, Sandwich. b. Bartlett; res. enl. Oct. '61 in '61, Priv.; Willey, George H. Co. D; age 21; Conway; 16, ; must, Nov. 27, as killed Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va.

II ; b. res. enl. Oct. '61 in '01, Priv. ; Willey, Jonas M. Co. Durham ; age 28; Durham; 19, ; must, Nov. 28, as disch. disab. Oct. 13, '62, New York haibor. Died Oct. 19, '62, Groton, Conn. res. '61; '61, Willey, Silas H. Co. 1; b. Gilmanton; age 20; Gilmanton ; enl. Oct. 25, must, in Dec. 11, as Priv. Died, dis. Mar. 6, '62, Hatteras Inlet, N. C. Willey. See Wiley. Williams, Charles. Co. D; *>. Medway, Mass.; age 27; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Jan. 4, '64; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv.; des. Feb. 28, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. '01 I ; b. Hartford, Conn. ; age 21 ; res. Philadelphia, Pa. ; enl. must, in '61, Williams, Charles. Co. Nov. 10, ; Nov. 28, as '64. Priv. ; must, out Nov. 27, substitute; b. Ireland; age 19; cred. Tuftonborough enl. '04; in '64, Williams, Daniel. Co. I); ; May 19, must, June 9, as

Priv. ; des. Aug. 20, '64, near Weldon Railroad, Va. '64 b. England ; age 22 ; cred. Wakefield ; enl. Jan. 4, ; nnist. in Jan. '64, as Priv. ; Oct. Williams, Francis. Co. B ; 4, des. 30, '64, near Petersbui-g, Va. Williams, Francis. Co. D. See 11 N. U. V. Williams, Frank. Unas'd; b. Milwaukee, Wis.; age 37; cred. Alton; enl. Jan. 5, '64; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv.; name appears on muster and descriptive roll dated Jan. 15, '64. N. f. r. A. G. O. Williams, George. Co. H. See 11 N. H. V. cred. '63, Williams, George. Unas'd; b. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; age 19; Barnstead ; enl. Dec. 31, '63; must, in Dec. 31, as Priv.; des. Jan. 7, '64, Albany, N. Y. Williams, George. Unas'd; b. Ireland; age 29; cred. Rye; enl. Jan, 4, '64; must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv.; reported on roll dated Jan. 28, '64, as sent to regt: N. f. r. A. G. O. Williams, George C. Co. C. See Calvin W. Smith. '64; in Jan. '64, Williams George W. Co. E; b. Long Island, N. Y. ; age 24; cred. Portsmouth; enl. Jan. 4, must, 4, as '64. Priv. ; des. Jan. 31, Williams, James. Co. H. See 11 N. H. V. ;;


Williams, John. Co. A. See 9 N. H. V. "Williams, John. Co. C. See 9 N. H. V. Williams, John. Co. K. See Cyrus H. Wiggin.

Williams, John, 1st. Co. B; b. Corinth, v t. ; age 40; cred. Rochester; eiil. Dec. 31, '63; must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 16, 'G4, Camp Nelson, Ky. Williams, John, 2d. Co. B; b. Denmark; age 20; ered. New Durham; enl. .Ian. 4, '64; must, iu Jan. 4, '64, as Priv.; des. Jan. 16, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky. Williams, John, 2d. Co. B. See 9 N. H. V. 9, Williams, John, 3d. Co. B; substitute; b. Portugal ; age 21; cred. Enfield ; enl. June 9, '64^ must, in June '64, as Priv.; des. July 15, '64, near Petersburg, Va. '64, Williams, John A. Co. E ; b. Portland, Me. ; age 24 ; cred. Effingham ; enl. Jan. 1, '64 ; must, in Jan. 1, as Priv. ; must. out July 17, '65. P. O. ad., Portland, Me.

I b. ; '64 '64, ; Williams, John W. Co. ; Baltimore, Md. age 18 ; cred. Sanbornton ; enl. Jan. 4, ; must, in Jan. 4, as Priv. wd.

May 12, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. ; entered Patterson Park Hosp., Baltimore, Md. ; ordered to ioin regt. July 15, '64; failed to do so. N. i. r. A. G. O. Williams, Jonas. Co. A. See 9 N. H. V.

Williams, Robert. Unas'd ; substitute; b. Canada; age 18; cred. Warner; enl. May 30, '64; must, in May 30, '64, a.s Priv.; des. June 7, '64, New London, Conn.

Williams, Thomas. Co. G; b. England; age 28; cred. Richmond; enl. Jan. 5, '64; must, in .Jan. 5, '84, as Priv.; wd. June

3, '64, Bethesda Church, Va. ; des. Aug. 5, '04, while on furlough. Williamson, Henry J. Unas'd; substitute; b. Illinois; age 22; cred. Greenland; enl. May 17, '01; must, iu May 17, '04,

as Priv. ; reported on roll dated June 6, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Williamson, James. Co. I. See George W. Roller.

Williamson, Thomas. Co. C; b. England; age 22; cred. Sfcewartstown ; enl. Jan. 0, '64; must, in Jan. 6, '64, as Priv.; wd.

May 12, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. ; diseh. disab. July 10, 'O-'i.

Willis, Henry. Co. B; b. England; age 21; cred. Unity ; enl. Jan. 5, '64; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv.; des. Mar. 19, '64, Philadelphia, Pa. '61 Willson, William. Co. 11; b. England; age 31; res. Portsmouth; enl. Nov. 22, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; discli. disab. Aug. 21, '63, Hampton, Va. Wilson, Benjamin. Co. G. See 9 N. II. V. ^

Wilson, Charles W. Co. H; b. Fitzvvilliam ; age 18; res. Fitzwilliam; enl. Dec. 10, '61; nuist. in Dec. 10, '61, as Priv.; des. Jan. 21, '63, Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. ad., Keene.

Wilson, David. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. New Brunswick ; age 20 ; cred. Plaistow ; enl. June 2, '64 ; must, in June 2, '64, as

Priv. ; reported on roll dated June 14, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Wilson, George. Co. H; b. England; age 38; res. Swanzey; enl. Sept. 25, '61 ; mu.st. in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; tr. to Co. F,

Dec. 1, '61 ; disch. disab. Aug. 7, '62, New Berne, N. C. '64 Wilson, George. Co. K ; substitute ; b. Ireland ; age 27 ; cred. Thornton ; enl. ,Iune 9, ; must, in June 9, '64, as Priv. ; des. July 12, '64, near Petersburg, Va. Wilson, George. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 22; cred. Bethlehem; enl. June 1, '64; must, in June 1, '64, as Priv.; des. June 7, '64, New London, Conn.

'64 ; '64, Wilson, George. Unas'd ; substitute ; b. England ; age 32 ; cred. Franconia ; enl. June 9, must, in June 9, as Priv. reported on roll dated June 14, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. 0. '61 '61, Wilson, George H. Co. H ; b. Fitzwilliam ; age 21 ; res. Fitzwilliam ; enl. Dec. 10, ; must, iu Dec. 10, as Priv. ; re-eul.

and must, in Dec. 25, '63 ; killed May 18, '64, Spottsylvania, Va.

b. res. ; '62 Wilson, George W. Co. K ; New Ipswich ; age 18 ; New Ipswich, cred. New Ipswich enl. Sept. 3, ; must, in Sept.

3, '62, as Priv. ; wd. May 12, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. ; disch. May 12, '65, Concord. P. O. ad., Greenfield. '61 '61, Wilson, Gordon B. Co. G; b. Canaan ; age 37 ; res. Sunapee; enl. Oct. 2, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv.; mis. Aug. 29,

'62, Bull Run, Va. gd. from mis. ; disch. Mar. 28, '63, Concord. P. ad., ; O. Deering.

Wilson, Harry. Co. F; b. England; age 27; cred. Ossipee ; eiil. Jan. 5, '64; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv.; des. Aug. 1.5, '64, near Petersburg, Va.

b. res. S, '61 '61, ; Wilson, Henry. Co. M ; Nottingham ; age 42 ; Nottingham ; enl. Xov. ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. disch. disab. June 24, '62, Roanoke Isl., N. C.

; b. Breton, S. ; '64 '64, ; Wilson, Henry. Unas'd Cape N. age 22 ; cred. Rye ; enl. Jan. 8, ; must, in Jan. 8, as Priv. reported on roll dated Jan. 28, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. Wilson, James H. Co. K. See 9 N. II. V. Wilson, John. Co. B. See 11 N. II. V. '64 '64, Wilson, John. Co. C ; b. Scotland ; age 21 ; cred. Portsmouth ; eul. Jan. 5, ; must, in Jan. 5, as Priv. Died Oct. 22, '64, Government Asylum for Insane, Washington, D. C.

; ; cred. ; '64 ; '64, Wilson, John. Co. II b. New York age 22 ; Londonderry enl. Jan. 4, must, in Jan. 4, as Priv. ; tr. to Co.

B, Jan. 27, '64 ; des. Feb. 3, '65, while on furlough. Wilson, John. Co. II. See 11 N. H. V. Wilson, John. Unas'd; b. Washington County, N. Y. ; age 20; cred. Alton; enl. Jan. 5, '64; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv.; reported on roll dated Jan. 15, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

Ireland age 19 cred. ; enl. Jan. '64 '64, Wilson, John. Unas'd ; b. ; ; Portsmouth 5, ; must, in Jan. 5, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 18, '64, Concord.

b. ; age cred. : '63; Wilson, Joseph. Co.B ; Orange County, N. Y. 20; Moultonborongh enl. Dec. 30, must, in Dec. 30, '63, as '65. Priv. ; must, out July 17,

; b. Scotia ; age ; cred. Orford ; enl. Dec. '63 in '63, Wilson, Joseph. Co. C Nova 25 16, ; must, Dec. 16, as Priv. Died, dis. May 14, '64, Annapolis, Md. '64 ; b. England ; age 28 ; cred. Portsmouth ; enl. Jan. must, in Jan. '64, as Piiv. ; killed Wilson, Robert. Co. B 2, ; 2, May 12, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. W^ilson, Samuel. Co. I; b. Massachusetts; age 24; cred. Warren; enl. Jan. 5, '64; must, in Jan. 5, '64, as Priv.; wd. May 12, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. Died, wds. Jane 21, '64, Washington, D. C.

; ; b. ; cred. ; enl. '64 ; '64, Wilson, "Thomas. Co. D substitute England age 19 ; Franconia June 2, must, in June 2, as Priv. wd. July 30, '64, Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Va. ; des. Aug. 20, '64, near Weldon Railroad, Va.

b. Easton, Pa. ; age 23 cred. Chester enl. '63 ; must, in Nov. '63, as Priv. ; Wilson, Thomas J. Co. F ; ; ; Nov. 19, 21, des. Dec. 23, '63, Camp Nelson, Ky.

b. England ; age 19 ; cred. Jackson ; enl. Jan. 4, '64; must, in Jan. '64, as Priv. ; des. '64, W^ilson William. Co. B ; 4, Jan. 25, Camp Nelson, Ky. Wilson, William, 2d. Co. F. See 9 N. TI. V. ;;


Winch, Charles F. Co. K; b. Hancock; age 29; res. Peterborough; enl. Oct. 28, '61; must, iu Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; app- '62, 1 Sergt. Nov. 30, '61 ; Sergt. Maj. July 1, '62 ; 2 Lt. Co. K, Aug. 5, '62 ; 1 Lt. Sept. 20, '62 ; wd. Dec. 13, Fredericks-

burg, Va. ; resigned June 27, '64. P. O. ad., Worcester, Mass. See State Service. '64, aa Priv. Winter, James. Unas'd; substitute; b. Canada; age 23; cred. Marlow ; enl. June 10, '64; must, in June 10, reported on roll dated June 14, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. 0. Witham, Charles B. Co. B. See 11 N. H. V. Witham, Joseph. Co. A. See 11 N. H. V. Wolstanholme, Halstead. Co. D. See 11 N. H. V.

Wood, Carlos P. Co. K ; b. Stoddard ; age IS ; res. Stoddard ; enl. Dec. 9, '61 ; must, in Dec. 10, '61, aa Priv.; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. Di«l, wds. Sept. 10, '62, Washington, D. C. '64, Wood, Charles. Co. H ; b. Canada ; age 19 ; cred. Rindge ; enl. Jan. 4, '64 ; must, in Jan. 4, as Priv. ; must, out July 17, '65.

Wood, John. Co. D; b. Ossipee ; age 20; res. Ossipee, cred. Ossipee; enl. Dec. 16, '63; must, in Dec. 16, '63, aa Priv.; wd. May 18, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. Died, wds. May 31, '64, Washington, D. C. '64 '64, Wood, Joseph. Co. G ; substitute ; b. Canada ; age 30 ; cred. Swanzey ; enl. May 27, ; must, in May 27, as Priv. ; disch. July 17, '6.0, Alexandria, Va. Wood, Robert. Co. B; age 25; res. Concord; enl. Mar. 31, '63; must, in Mar. 31, '63, as Priv.; dea. May 18, '63, en route to regt. "63 Wood, Wright. Co. E ; drafted ; b. Richmond ; age 28 ; res. Richmond, cred. Richmond ; drafted Sept. 28, ; must, in Sept. "63, 28, as Priv. ; disch. May 5, '65, Concord. Wood. See Woods.

Co. G ; b. Salem ; age ; res. Salem enl. Oct. 11, '61 ; must, in Dec. 9, '61, as Priv. ; mis. Sept. Woodbury, Sylvester O. 28 ;

'62, '62 ; '64, ; Oct. '64, 17, Antietam, Md. ; gd. from mis. Oct. 12, ; app. Corp. wd. July 26, Petersburg, Va. disch. disab. 26, Washington, D. C. P. O. ad., Salem. '61; '61, Priv. Woodman, Larkin B. Co. D; b. Tamworth ; age 21; res. Tamworth; enl. Oct. 21, must, in Nov. 27, as Died, dis. Oct. 1, '63, Louisville, Ky. '63 '63, Priv. des. Woodman, William. Co. K ; b. Nova Scotia ; age 20 ; cred. Orford ; enl. Dec. 16, ; must, in Dec. 16, as ; Jan. 6, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

; ; '61 ; '61, as Priv. Woods, George W. Co. K ; b. Peterborough ; age 25 res. Peterborough enl. Oct. 26, must, in Nov. 28, disch. disab. Oct. 14, '62, Baltimore, Md. Died Nov. 28, '62, Peterborough. W^oods. See Wood. '61 Woodward, Don H. F. and S. ; b. Springfield, Vt. ; age 26 ; res. Keene ; app. Adjt. Nov. 19, ; not must. ; resigned com- mission Nov. 28, '61. P. O. ad., Keene. '62, ; ; '61 ; '61, Priv. ; Woodward, Ira B. Co. B ; b. Bath ; age 31 res. Bath enl. Oct. 15, must, in Nov. 27, as wd. Aug. 29,

Bull Run, Va. ; disch. wda. Jan. 31, '63, Falmouth, Va. Died Aug. 1, '88, Lancaster. Woolsey, James. Co. A. See 9 N. H. V.

Worrell, Joseph. Co. F; b. Clare County, Ir. ; age 20; rea. Wincheater; enl. Nov. 9, '61 ; must, in Dec. 3, '61, as Priv.; dea. Dec. 12, '62, Falmouth, Va. Worster, Albanois. Co. C. See 9 N. H. V. 12, Wright, Albert P. Co. K; b. Mason ; age 19; res. New Ipswich; enl. Nov. '61 ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; disch. disab. Oct. 16, '62,J'rovidence, R. 1. P. O. ad.. New Ipswich. See Miscel. Organizations. '61 '61, Wright, Charles A. Co. K ; b. Mason ; age 19 ; rea. New Ipswich ; enl. Nov. 12, ; must, in Nov. 28, as Priv. ; re-enl.

and must, in Jan. 4, '64 ; captd. May 6, '64, Wildernesa, Va. ; released ; app. Corp. June 1, '65 ; Sergt. July 8, '65 ; must. out July 17, '65. '61 '61, Wright, Elliot. Co. F ; b. Swanzey ; age 45 ; res. Swanzey ; enl. Oct. 15, ; must, in Dec. 3, as Priv. Died, dis. Oct. 12, '62, Alexandria, Va. Wright, Ira B. Co. A. See 11 N. H. V.

; ; ; ; '64 ; W right, James. Unas'd b. New London, Conn. age 18 cred. Rye enl. Jan. 4, must, in Jan. 4, '64, as Priv. ; never joined regt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

; ; enl. '63 W^right, Joseph. Unas'd ; b. Canada age 22 cred. Tuftonborough ; Dec. 31, ; must, in Dec. 81, '63, as Priv. ; des. Jan. 7, '64, Albany, N. Y. Wyman, Charles C. Co. H. See 9 N. H. V.

; ; '61 Wythe, George W. P. Co. K b. Townseud, Mass. ; age 18 ; res. Ashby, Mass. enl. Nov. 20, ; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv. ; wd. Aug. 29, '62, Bull Run, Va. ; disch. wds. Mar. 26, '63, New York city. P. O. ad., Cumberland Mills, Me. '64 Yampta, Joseph. Co. H ; substitute ; b. Italy ; age 26 ; cred. Enfield ; eul. May 24, ; must, in May 24, '64, as Priv. ; killed Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs Church, Va. York, Thomas. Co. G; b. Dover; age 21; res. Farmington; enl. Sept. 25, '61; must, in Nov. 28, '61, as Priv.; re-enl. and '65. nmst. into Co. D, Deo. 25, '63 ; cred. Dover ; must, out July 17, Young, John. Co. G-i b. Ireland; age 20; cred. Haverhill; eul. Dec. 16, '63; must, in Dec. 16, '63, as Priv.; des. Feb. 6, '64, Camp Nelson, Ky.

; res. enl. Dec. '61 ; in '61, Young, John. Co. H ; age 21 Keene ; 10, must, Dec. 10, as Priv. ; des. Aug. 10, '62, Falmouth, Va.

reported May 9, '65, under President's Proclamation ; disch. May 9, '65, Concord. enl. '64, at '64, Young, Lewis. Co. C ; age 29 ; Jan. 1, West Lebanon ; nmst. in Jan. 1, as Priv. ; wd. May 12, '64, Spottsylvania,

Va. ; des. Aug. 29, '64, Washington, D. C.

by foundering >

Unas'd; b. Scotland; age ; cred. Hanover; enl. Dec. '63; Young, Robert. 21 31, must, in Dec. 31, '63, as Priv. ; des. Jan 7 "64 Albany, N. Y.

Co. b. Pennsylvania ; age 42 ; cred. Piermont ; enl. Dec. '63 Young, Thomas. B ; 5, ; must, in Dec. 5, '63, as Priv. ; des. July 31, '64, Annapolis, Md. b. age res. Sunapee; enl. '61 Young, Wnbur A. Co. G; Sunapee; 17; Dec. 2, ; must, in Dec. 11, '61, as Priv.; disch. Feb. 1], '63, Providence, R. I. P. 0. ad., Sunapee.

substitute; b. Canada; age cred. Wilmot ; enl. 25, Young, William. Unas'd; 19; May '64 ; must, in May 25, '64, as Priv.; reported on roll dated June 6, '64, as sent to legt. N. f. r. A. G. O.

; substitute b. Massachusetts age 29 cred. ; Young, William. Unas'd ; ; ; Tuftonborough enl. June 2, '64 ; must, in June 2, '64

as Priv. ; reported on roll dated June 14, '64, as sent to regt. N. f. r. A. G. O. SIXTH REGIMENT NEW HAMPSHIRE VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. 347



Original membera . officers, 37 ; enlist«d men, 848 ; total, 885 • Recruits ... . . 4 " 1,232 - 1,236 gained by transfer .S27 ' 327

Total strength ... . 2,448

Killed or died of wounds, original members . officers, 8 ; enlLsted men, 91 ; total, 09

•• recruits 1 ' .58 •' 59

Total killed or died of wounds . 158

Died of disease, original members officers, 3 ; enlisted men, 128 ; total, 131 ' recruits . ... 66 Accidentally killed, original members

•' " recruits . Drowned, original members

ti (( " recruits . . . . Died of stai-vation, while prisoners of war, recruits " caiTip unknown, origmal members ' " " recruits (t ((

Total deaths . ...

Mustered out. or disch. to date Nov. 27, '04, recruits . " 28, '64, original members

July 17, '65,

'• '• ' recruits . Discharged on other dates, original members " " • recruits

Dishonorably discharged, original membera . " •• recruits Lost by transfer, original members ' recruits Deserted, original members " recruits

Captured and not finally accounted for, original members . " II ' " " recruits . " " Others " " original members . " a " " " recruits . 348 SIXTH REGIMENT NEW HAMPSHIRE VOLUNTEER INFANTRY.


Camden, N. C, Apr. '62, original • 19, members, officers, — ; enlisted men, 1 ; recruits, officers, Bull Run, Va., Aug. 29, " Place unknown, " Sept. 15, 1 Antietani, Md., " 17, " 3 Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62, 10 Covington, Ky., Jan. 12, '64,

Wilderness, Va., May 6, '64, Spottsylvania, Va., " 12, " " " 18, " North Anna rivei', Va., May 26, '64,

Bethesda Church, Va., June 3, '64,

Cold Harbor, Va., June 8, '64,

Petersburg, Va., June 17, '64, '• 19, "



United States : Original inein., 815 ; recr