labnol's Favorite Tweet Book

Compiled By Amit Agarwal. labnol

Amit Agarwal

Personal technology columnist and founder of @labnol_blog, a popular how-to site. Reach me at [email protected]


All content © Amit Agarwal. All rights reserved. 2008


Monday, 14th of April. 19:48:52 bought Amit a car! By:steverubel

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Wednesday, 7th of May. 14:53:03 Can please come up with a better video for their India launch? By:garimadhiman

Thursday, 8th of May. 22:45:28 My new email signature : "Please do not respond to this email because it will be potentially used against you in a court of law." By:ai

Wednesday, 14th of May. 09:46:05 Just remembered this - One of the grannies during our wedding when told Ash is Oriya looked puzzled and asked, she's from Korea? ROTFL. By:patrix 14:49:52 Listening to a talk about social networks in German. I can't understand a word except Facebook and iGoogle. :-) By:steverubel

Thursday, 22nd of May. 19:37:22 At the airport's cellphone lot, 30 people sitting in cars and one guy stretched out on the grassy mound soaking in the sun. Me. By:judell

Thursday, 29th of May. 11:30:17 [blog post] Bloggers get “paid” with comments: The debate over fragmentation of blog comments .. By:mathewi

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Sunday, 1st of June. 10:37:00 @Brajeshwar Guess Twitter must first learn to handle the load on Earth :) By:patrix

Monday, 2nd of June. 21:04:40 The end is nigh: just got friended by my Mom on Facebook. By:rklau

Tuesday, 3rd of June. 11:28:01 @twilightfairy I guess Google favicon small g is for insignificant searchers, capital G means you are a 'special user' ;-) ! By:GautamGhosh 12:50:49 will happily pay for a limit-free premium Twitter API By:codelust 13:48:32 Invited someone to view/download a google doc, but they need a ..if i publish to a public url they can only view, not download By:johnt

Thursday, 12th of June. 14:55:58 FF2 has passed its age and FF3 is not ready yet .. lets see what happens once the final version is released on 17th By:mrinal

Monday, 16th of June. 07:41:53 I now get more traffic to my blog from Friendfeed than I do from Twitter by factor of 2x. By: steverubel

Tuesday, 17th of June. 10:33:24 recording of waitress spilling coffee over me and my (now dead) laptop: guy i'm interviewing says 'shit'. i say 'interesting.' huh? By:loosewire 21:11:36 @dannysullivan You need to blog about payday loans or mesothelioma ;) By:jenstar

Wednesday, 18th of June. 22:16:32 thank you, 3, for a wonderful legal wedding gift--the best traffic day in Lifehacker's history yesterday By:ginatrapani 22:20:36 omg, THANK YOU to each and every one of you for your kind words and support--my Twitter replies tab is my virtual legal wedding guest book! By:ginatrapani

Tuesday, 24th of June.

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13:42:59 hilarious mixup at RWW, as three of us start writing the Nokia-Symbian story. Two got posted. The resulting post is 50% mine and Frederic :) By:RWW

Thursday, 26th of June. 00:09:44 Also: life hack? Using Ustream as a baby monitor. By:mollywood

Saturday, 28th of June. 09:10:56 At the Pownce anniversary party. Am I allowed to Twitter that? By:ryan

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Sunday, 6th of July. 05:26:57 Today I threw two pennies at a bird outside my window. Naptime is naptime, bird. By: mollywood

Tuesday, 22nd of July. 20:30:18 this stinks, Wordpress uploads their app yesterday, gets it approved and for sale today. I've had mine uploaded for A WEEK and no progress By:mdjensen

Friday, 25th of July. 12:54:32 playing with an iPhone. In 5 hours I've had 4 hard spontaneous reboots and 2 lockups. Contacts are unusable with only 2800 contacts. Rough. By:shanselman

Sunday, 27th of July. 04:44:46 Studying for the bar exam is like eating Phantom Tollbooth subtraction soup. The more I study one topic, the more I forget of the last. By:meredithlea

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Monday, 4th of August. 09:43:46 hubby just smashed a spider with his iPhone to save me. By:nancyduarte

Monday, 11th of August. 21:40:23 : Sorry! We are experiencing technical difficulties and cannot show all of your documents. By:scottkarp

Wednesday, 13th of August. 00:30:33 it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. By:pluggdin

Thursday, 14th of August. 06:17:47 Just got an IM from my 8 year-old. That rocks. By:rklau

Friday, 22nd of August. 12:06:21 Retweet @ev: I like this new Twitter UI so much better, I now hate looking at the old (current) one. (Coming soon.) By:crazybob

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Friday, 19th of September. 05:28:18 Wow, the Zune 3.0 software is *WAY* faster to navigate than iTunes 8. By:shanselman

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Saturday, 4th of October. 17:36:06 Journalist Rafe Needleman has been pitched by PR people in the restroom By:steverubel

Monday, 13th of October. 10:36:15 @TechCrunch just told me to go to hell. Among some circles in the Valley that's a compliment! :-) By:Scobleizer

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Friday, 7th of November. 23:33:29 Here's an idea for a Widget: One that auto puts the recipient's full name as SUBJECT when left blank. By:brucewagner

Sunday, 9th of November. 01:02:07 so, I've switched back from Leopard to Windows XP for work reasons, and I'm way happier with it than I expected. By:ginatrapani

Tuesday, 11th of November. 03:02:04 @JohnMu - I only worry now about keeping my BP under control :-) But management like the figures of GOOG green bar :-) By:Harith 11:17:02 @TechCrunch Did you ever wonder whether your own policy on requiring exclusives has led others to bust embargoes? By:timoreilly

Wednesday, 19th of November. 18:48:33 John Faughnan: "I think of Google as a device sent back in time to create archives for the Skynet's reading pleasure." By:judell

Monday, 24th of November. 19:22:25 Since is apparently searching for new names for Live search, I'd like to suggest one or two: NotGoogle and BetterthanYahoo By:LanceUlanoff

Tuesday, 25th of November. 17:14:59 I actually had a dream about Twitter last night. Very weird, but real enough I woke up and it took a bit to realize it wasn't true. By:judis217

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Monday, 15th of December. 09:25:24 @loiclemeur I thought LeWeb rocked. The most vocal critics have their own agendas, just like with Sarkozy 2 years ago. By:gapingvoid

Tuesday, 30th of December. 08:43:34 Yes Virginia, Techmeme's most bitter and persistent critics are merely upset that Techmeme doesn't love their posts. Always been that way. By:gaberivera

Wednesday, 31st of December. 12:21:16 Yes, Google updated our toolbar PageRank values today. Consider this the confirmation. By: mattcutts

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Saturday, 3rd of January. 09:35:10 It's been 2 weeks with the Mac, inlcuding 10 days w/ no PC. So far, I'm nowhere near as fast as I was on Windows. How long do I give it? By:Rafe

Tuesday, 6th of January. 06:33:09 Holy cow. I'm following Guy Kawasaki on Twitter...he's tweeting EVERY 3 MINUTES!! Don't people have lives!?!? By:Pogue

Tuesday, 13th of January. 10:51:20 Tip to Techmeme bloggers: You'll get more hits summarizing your original idea as the title, rather than just duplicating the first headline. By:jdowdell 13:04:04 I don't appreciate bloggers that don't give credit. (even if they hear about a piece of news on Twitter) By:Orli

Wednesday, 14th of January. 10:59:54 Just received a gorgeous wedding invitation in the mail. Shame I can't recall ever having met the bride or groom (and yes, I Googled 'em). By:thatadamguy

Friday, 16th of January. 18:42:45 -5℉. Plenty of ☀ but not much ♨. Only a ☃ can ❤ this. By: judell

Monday, 19th of January. 09:17:58 SnailMailTweet lets you mail in tweets for posting in 6-8 business days - thanks By:sarahintampa

Tuesday, 20th of January. 12:17:36 mrs_crazybob: "Is it a coincidence that both Google and the Whitehouse have the address # 1600 Amphitheatre and Pensylvania respectively?" By:crazybob

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Friday, 23rd of January. 11:26:43 Discovering that in Gmail, each email has a unique URL. pretty useful. i can my emails By:OurielOhayon

Saturday, 31st of January. 11:24:36 Arrrgh! Just spent hours reading Amit Agarwal's blog - fascinating stuff on blogs, googledocs, email, tweets - & accomplished zilch myself!! By:kateduttro

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Monday, 2nd of February. 15:10:24 @OurielOhayon now that you won't be linking to Techmeme anymore from, I just want to state that I've always disliked you. By:gaberivera

Wednesday, 4th of February. 08:33:55 hoping india pulls off the $20 laptop By:emilychang

Friday, 6th of February. 08:24:03 I just landed in houston in my private jet. Due to cutbacks and scrutiny from obama administration i decided to give a few 100 a ride an ... By:jowyang 22:20:28 Removing "friends" from Facebook that constantly sending me spam (comments, ) By:Orli

Tuesday, 10th of February. 10:35:15 Twhirl 0.9 uses as much memory as Windows Media Center playing a recorded HD TV show. Wow. Not cool. By:brandonleblanc

Thursday, 12th of February. 05:31:33 PageRank is now ~5 instead of ~9. I expect that to remain for a while. By: mattcutts

Tuesday, 17th of February. 19:10:08 Aha! I have just got an idea for a blogpost. It is the greatest feeling in the world that. By:sidin

Saturday, 21st of February. 11:53:33 'nothing we've done with wordpress is original' - matt #wci By:garimadhiman

Tuesday, 24th of February. 17:44:13 FreiedFeed ought to give @scobleizer stock, his Twitter feed is 97.4% into FF-space. By: davewiner

Thursday, 26th of February.

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05:34:18 I'm 01100110 01100101 01100101 01101100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101100 01110101 01100011 01101011 01111001 00001010 By:google

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Tuesday, 3rd of March. 00:09:54 OH: Social media is like teen sex. Everyone wants to do it. No one actually knows how. When finally done, there is surprise its not better. By:avinash

Thursday, 5th of March. 00:20:30 Disabled offline on all my Gmail accounts and it's suddenly usable again. Guess that was the problem. When am I seriously offline anyway? By:judis217 05:04:48 After about 5,000 followers do you ever get the feeling you need to start saying something of value on Twitter? So much pressure! By:avinash

Friday, 6th of March. 23:57:54 Great write-up by Amit Agarwal about last week's Search Masters conference in India: By:mattcutts

Saturday, 7th of March. 16:33:30 had a memorable lunch today with someone whose work has greatly influenced my digital world By:emilychang

Tuesday, 10th of March. 03:03:26 @gaberivera - awesome job today getting the story about the office up on tm! By: centernetworks 07:30:40 Wondering why Discovery/TLC channels have lost all quality programming over the past five years. Is it all Real estate+reality show now? By:peeyush

Tuesday, 17th of March. 11:03:03 dell tries and give two different embargo times to different outlets. i am sick of this shitty behavior. okay serenity now! By:om 22:14:11 Ben Huh: "Everyone starts out on the internet as a douchebag. Then you do something that moves you above or below that line." #sxsw By:ginatrapani

Wednesday, 18th of March. 21:39:50 My father is teaching me Twitter. Isn't that a little backwards? By:TheJub

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Friday, 20th of March. 02:26:43 Does anyone else think Twitter should ban RSS-aggregating alert-spam? Get that garbage out of here, how much bandwidth are you wasting? By:leemathews 09:45:22 We want kid coming out of college to be an engineer, doctor, scientist, but not an investment banker. - Barack Obama on Jay Leno Show By:alexiskold

Saturday, 21st of March. 10:45:27 after meeting with Wordpress founder @photomatt i think stocktwits should have StockCamps in different cities By:howardlindzon

Monday, 23rd of March. 05:16:52 i swear window movie maker is so much more intuitive than imovie 08 By:dannysullivan

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Friday, 3rd of April. 00:58:04 Annoying: The iPhone's touch screen does not work if there's a band-aid on your finger. By: dewalt 08:07:01 another poor habit i've seen is echochambers crediting other echochambers, and not the original source. engadget does this a lot By:longzheng 11:13:20 @gaberivera - you may know this @google is now following @techmeme. Now would be a good time start @google acquiring @techmeme rumor :-) By:atul

Thursday, 9th of April. 09:35:59 @anand_raj Re: Jet Lag, two tricks that work for me - Drink liters of water & hit the gym soon after you land. Get into the zone by 10p. By:amitsomani

Sunday, 12th of April. 12:27:45 Also shouldn't SP change its name to Samajwadi Dal since "party" is a filthy English word? By: abhi2point0

Tuesday, 14th of April. 21:09:14 ok people plz tell me if u r going to tweet score and cricket discussions during IPL. I will have to unfollow u till IPL ends. By:Rima_B

Thursday, 16th of April. 03:44:09 CNN Acquires @CNNbrk Twitter Account With Nearly 1 Million Followers. By: davewiner

Wednesday, 22nd of April. 14:33:39 Note to self: speak slower when attempting to make jokes to non-native speakers of your language. By:randfish

Thursday, 23rd of April. 01:41:00 i'm bored with twitter. goodbye, followers. By:thewishnow

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Thursday, 7th of May. 00:14:29 New Pew Report says 93% of interest in the Kindle is driven by a $40 affiliate kickback; 7% is based on "something something books." By:hotdogsladies

Thursday, 14th of May. 21:26:56 Is Google also crawling semantic location data too? I missed that. [pic] By: steverubel 21:32:43 Google stumbles and the internet breaks a leg: #googlefail By:dewalt

Thursday, 21st of May. 23:06:05 Reader gripes that our site doesn't look right w/ AdBlock. One, it does in a copy of Firefox I just tested; two... why is that our problem? By:robpegoraro

Saturday, 23rd of May. 13:29:16 I know I shouldn't be working while on vacation, but fixing a bug... perl is like a vacation unto itself... By:btabke

Friday, 29th of May. 16:14:09 The focus on how Wave will make money is misguided. It's part of the platform that Google's building. By:nbradbury

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Wednesday, 3rd of June. 02:15:51 Any browser not giving each tab its own thread is not fit for the modern web. i.e., all Mac browsers are broken. By:gaberivera

Thursday, 4th of June. 00:49:57 This iGoogle showcase of Celebrity home pages shows how celebrities are like regular people, but with stuff to sell By:MParekh

Wednesday, 17th of June. 20:25:32 Lack of computer injurious to your wealth but luxurious for your brain. I found out the hard way when my macbook died. By:om

Tuesday, 23rd of June. 18:16:04 iPhone 3G S is "The Best Handheld PC Ever" Me: Yeah, it's that good. Now if they could just work on the phone. By:LanceUlanoff

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Wednesday, 15th of July. 20:18:06 Side-by-side, FF3.5 renders pages faster for me than Chrome. By:GetAdam

Friday, 17th of July. 17:29:49 Reading the twttr doc @TechCrunch feels like snooping someone's medicine cab: it might be interesting, but it doesn't feel good By:GetAdam

Friday, 31st of July. 23:47:51 Prediction: 7 people buy the Crunchpad tablet thing and they're all employed by the same person. Ultralight notebooks win out. By:MITorres

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Tuesday, 4th of August. 23:33:29 IE's Web Slices won't catch on because anyone geeky enough to figure out how to use them doesn't use IE. By:dmozealous

Thursday, 13th of August. 18:26:56 RT @DanBlank Guy next to me on the train read 4 newspapers in 45 minutes. He says they all say the same thing, he just reads the headlines. By:scottkarp 20:20:12 I wonder if the AP purchased Twitter if we would be required to pay to ReTweet? By:nickbilton

Monday, 17th of August. 10:22:00 Indian media celebrating 10 years of blogging 12years after the first blog came. Is it just Blogger's anniversary or am I missing something? By:PragatiVerma

Tuesday, 18th of August. 22:50:42 Sitting in a windowless Windows conference room right now. Bldg 37...A lull between meetings By:maryjofoley

Wednesday, 19th of August. 20:05:53 RT @NiemanLab: BMW calls its takeover of NYT homepage "edgy." Times calls it "unique." User calls its "super-annoying" By:mathewi

Monday, 24th of August. 22:33:23 I'll give $1 for each retweet up to $1k. @lammerding son suffers rare genetic disorder he's a doll. Pls help. By:nancyduarte

Sunday, 30th of August. 16:20:50 Flight ☑ Hotel ☑ TC50 Ticket ☑ - San Francisco here I come! By: Orli

Monday, 31st of August. 11:56:41 Irony: the fastest way to get UNfollowed is to DM me with a spammy msg telling me you have a program to get more followers By:problogger

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Wednesday, 9th of September. 16:00:32 Why do couples hold hands during their wedding? It's a formality just like two boxers shaking hands before the fight begins! By:arabicaah

Friday, 11th of September. 00:19:28 "Ask and you Shall Receive." This is why I love Twitter, where else can you get so many genuine responses in minutes? By:rjacquez 00:41:23 Wow - just saw a very cool demo of the next version of Bing. Extremely cool. Lots of innovative Silverlight features. By:mdowney

Tuesday, 22nd of September. 18:50:01 Responding to his critics, NYT's David Pogue says: "Since when have I ever billed myself as a journalist?" By:NYTPicker 19:21:01 'RT' for a retweet, 'via' when you get the link via someone. RT @iyermatter: RT or via ? #youPrefer By:amitvarma

Thursday, 24th of September. 08:04:53 RT @ginatrapani: Prediction: Google Sidewiki will go the way of Google (ie, you'll never hear about it again) By:jeffjarvis 10:15:27 This site is best viewed in Frame for IE Tab for Firefox for Windows in Parallels on a Mac. Upgrade Now! By:anildash

Friday, 25th of September. 10:27:37 #WordPress developers: When the plug-in directory asks for a "description," please DESCRIBE your plug-in. By:jdlasica 11:50:25 Welcome back, Gmail. We need to talk though. By:robinwauters 21:37:03 Amit Agarwal's Digital Inspiration blog ( is outstanding, replete with practical computing tips. Highly recommended! By:rsivaram

Tuesday, 29th of September. 00:56:00 I am deeply amused by @nprnews using links when their own site's Terms of Use says "NPR does not allow framing of the Site." AWESOME. By:meyerweb 12:58:14 why is banking software so lame? feels like it was written by dorks in the mid 1990s By: loosewire 17:34:38 I'm considering changing my job title from "editor" to "full time comment spam remover" By:

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bradlinder 23:25:48 I've said it before, and I'll definitely say it again: Thank God, Krishna & Allah for the GMail Undo button. By:nickbilton

Wednesday, 30th of September. 09:17:49 I hate to beg, but if anyone has a invite I would be most grateful :-) By:mathewi

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Friday, 2nd of October. 23:13:11 I've made 37 calls from my iPhone 3Gs in the last week and literally 100% of them have dropped. I'm disgusted by this poor service. By:mdowney

Saturday, 3rd of October. 13:38:47 RT: @peterrojas: My mom just called: "I read on Facebook that you weren't feeling well. Everything ok?" - interesting By:Nandini_M

Tuesday, 6th of October. 06:22:46 lol @Office_Live tweet -- Display your pictures like a pro using Microsoft Popfly - Um, Newsflash: MS closed Popfly By:inafried 17:36:27 RT @shelleypowers Isn't it interesting how HTML5 has now become Google's primary competitive tool against Microsoft. By:Carnage4Life

Wednesday, 7th of October. 22:45:22 I remember when I used to write blog posts for a living. SHeesh this event organizing stuff can sure take up a lot of time! By:marshallk

Friday, 9th of October. 00:53:17 Twitter Tip: If a tweet has vague text and a link, don't click it... compromised Twitter passwords could be inviting you to an exploit page. By:jdowdell

Saturday, 10th of October. 10:17:56 apparently hiring a pr firm means that a startup is "showing maturity" By:centernetworks

Monday, 12th of October. 19:42:35 Dear Mr. Cheap Data Recovery, I like your site too. By:JohnMu

Wednesday, 14th of October. 14:02:45 As a user, the best way to learn about any software is to sit with a power user for 15 mins. It works, every single time! By:amitsomani

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Thursday, 15th of October. 02:13:41 If you apologize a lot during your presentation/keynote, you are doing something wrong. By: avinash 10:57:41 How many bloggers does it take to blog about Blog World Expo? None. They're all tweeting about it, instead. By:ChrisPirillo 14:09:47 RT @nirav: Oh, just noticed that Diwali is a trending topic. @twitter India is your big market! By: blogadda 18:10:06 TechCrunch keeps link-whoring titles about Chrome OS, and TechMeme keeps posting the headlines. Weak. By:leemathews 23:18:24 One should always invest in a good chair, monitor, bed and keyboard. Don't buy cheap if you're using something thousands of hours a year. By:shanselman

Friday, 16th of October. 23:15:30 i'm begging. please don't use URL shorterners that do the annoying frame thing. just say no. By:dannysullivan

Sunday, 18th of October. 10:19:19 RT @waynesutton Only in Vegas where water is $4.00 and beer is free! #waynedoesnotdrink! #bwe09 By:hc

Wednesday, 21st of October. 18:07:07 Some1 jst asked me why I wasn't flying a Pvt craft. Bcause we did hv 2 planes&a chopper&when we sold them our stock price went up!! By:anandmahindra

Friday, 23rd of October. 00:02:23 In life one is always short of something- money,time,love,'re lucky if you're only short of height. By:suhasinih 20:46:44 Why do d 'wonders of d world' hv to b of brick&mortar?The colour of the leaves in new england in Fall is a spectacle that is a true wonder. By:anandmahindra 22:16:24 welcoming @timberners_lee to twitter By:GoogleAtWork

Saturday, 24th of October. 12:42:30 Always disappointed when I meet someone from Twitter and they don't look like their avatar. Was hoping for a Panda, not a dude in a onesie. By:shanselman 18:16:58 Kingfisher Airlines knows how to delight. if you are traveling with a young child, they serve your meal early AND one parent at a time. By:amitsomani

Monday, 26th of October. 16:53:53 Just helped a friend think through their 3-min talk at TED India. Boy, short presentations are

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really, really hard. By:amitsomani 17:33:41 Please use to share items from blogs OTHER THAN YOUR OWN. Thank you, that is all. /unfollow By:leemathews

Tuesday, 27th of October. 13:19:10 Now introducing the Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS). IBM, Oracle, Hello??? By:amitsomani

Thursday, 29th of October. 19:18:49 But do you wish to be fraands with the geek from Gopalpur? RT @labnol: They have redesigned .. By:kushanmitra

Friday, 30th of October. 10:42:57 Building Twitter lists. Surprisingly useful. By:rklau

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Sunday, 1st of November. 11:05:52 Marathon update: Finished 21km in 3hours 10 minutes #delhi #marathon By:indianterrain 21:47:10 Wishing upcoming Kindle Reader for PC/MAC were AIR-based, it would also include Linux in one shot, a la TweetDeck and TimeReader #justsaying By:rjacquez

Tuesday, 3rd of November. 20:45:47 Apparently the population of New York decided two years ago to only have boys. Every pre-school has limited/no openings for 2-yr boys. @%#^! By:Shripriya

Thursday, 5th of November. 00:07:09 Delighted to meet @labnol Amit Agarwal of #TEDIndia great guy, brilliant blogger who I have follwed 2-3yrs #fb By:DrAwab

Monday, 9th of November. 00:56:50 I explain my vegetarianism by saying i don't want to bite into anything that in its natural living state would have bitten me back. By:ShashiTharoor 01:58:39 We discovered 62 wireless signals on our block. We've used the advice at to ensure security for each user. By:Rey_Carr

Friday, 13th of November. 22:07:48 Attn PC makers: If your desktop's design includes a wireless keyboard and mouse, build the transceiver into box. Dongles are a pain. By:dsilverman

Saturday, 14th of November. 21:24:09 NRI Tip of the day. 'Instead of hiring a Pundit for a Puja, just play one of the devotional Anuradha Paudwal CDs.' By:tanushreebaruah

Monday, 16th of November. 06:06:27 @grandmarquee AdBlock wouldn't block video ads. Besides, as someone whose livelihood depends on web ads, I don't believe in blocking ads. By:ryan

Tuesday, 17th of November. 13:35:07 I wonder about people who spam the Google blogs ... are they doing it on purpose? Putting time into their sites would help more. By:JohnMu

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Thursday, 19th of November. 22:30:09 Observation upon meeting the very-tall @jeffjarvis: "Everyone is the same height on Skype." Love that guy. By:ginatrapani

Friday, 20th of November. 01:59:13 I have no opinion about Chrome OS. All I know is that cheap hardware feels cheap. It's less "cloud computing" than "disposable computing". By:al3x 09:16:14 Is it just me or is Google's OS really just a ? I mean really. By:davewiner

Saturday, 21st of November. 11:08:43 Wife: "I found a gray hair!" Me: "Don't worry, everyone has them." Wife: "You don't!" Me: "I know, I was trying to make you feel better." By:flyosity

Monday, 23rd of November. 20:45:03 I made "friends" with many of the top Bajrang Dal leaders; they promised my crew a ringside seat when "the great event" took place. By:vikramchandra

Tuesday, 24th of November. 07:25:45 Is it me and my computer, or is Twitter still experiencing growing pains? Now, I see Twitter, now I don't & no sign of fail whale either! By:kamla

Wednesday, 25th of November. 16:15:22 My first debate in the Lok Sabha today.Spoke on Afghanistan & answered 6 supplementary qsns.Full house,pindrop silence.Terrific experience. By:ShashiTharoor

Friday, 27th of November. 13:40:27 Ironically, the only person really safe, 1 yr after 26/11 is Kasab ! By:drbindu

Monday, 30th of November. 18:30:50 You can't make a Gmail label called "Voicemail" b/c it's "a reserved system label." Sign of impending /Gmail integration? By:ginatrapani

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Thursday, 3rd of December. 15:28:45 In Javascript, if you don't declare a variable with "var" it's global. I keep forgetting this! By: rajeshja 19:03:13 Twitter is like a field full of kindergartners. One catchy chant, and they all join in. By:aditya

Friday, 4th of December. 08:08:36 we're aware and looking into it...stay tuned ^az By:bing

Saturday, 5th of December. 00:49:50 @ClaytonMorris You said it. It was a bad idea. Any netbook could do what CrunchPad could do and more for less cost. 'Tweener devices FAIL By:Gartenberg 08:54:13 Dear NYU, We pay you shit loads of tuition fees. The least you can do is keep the NYU Home site up (a night before our mid-terms) Thank you. By:shahpriya

Tuesday, 8th of December. 09:53:41 everyone has the right 2block/unblock any1 they feel like :including @Chetan_Bhagat.Yes I know celebrity bashing is easy & #fun but move on! By:gulpanag

Thursday, 10th of December. 21:42:58 You can earn more and more money.. But time is finite. Paradox of modern life.. ! By: rashmibansal 22:22:11 Stats at #leweb - Total devices 2937, Apple devices 1827, iPhone devices 1008. By: betsyweber

Saturday, 12th of December. 11:56:20 maybe Accenture should rename themselves as Axenture, after Tiger's Axe effect. ;) By: manuscrypts

Sunday, 13th of December. 01:32:03 If HTC is the Google Phone manufacturer it puts Microsoft in an interesting place since they make/sell the majority of WinMo phones By:Carnage4Life 11:18:27 DUmped Google Chrome as the default Browser... felt like I was cheating on firefox By: acmhatre

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Monday, 14th of December. 12:18:36 Um @arrington joined @foursquare and added me as a friend. I feel stalked. :-) By:Scobleizer

Tuesday, 15th of December. 07:19:30 sh.ort u.rl is By:loic 09:50:45 Zack and I got married this weekend! December 12, 2009 By:marissamayer

Wednesday, 16th of December. 10:33:44 Ordering a IBM/Lenovo Thinkpad z61m replacement battery in Bangalore. Been on 5 calls, 2 emails and still struggling. So much for service! By:amitsomani 23:11:42 Tomo is my ex gf's bday.. Im in a dilemma.. To wish or not to wish?? What say twitterworld? By: rajivdingra

Friday, 18th of December. 19:28:56 a.m. RT: Yelp + GoogleMaps + StreetView + PlacePages + GOOG411 + + Android + AdSense = Google synchronicity By:jeffjarvis

Saturday, 19th of December. 01:22:26 Digital Inspiration: A Technology Blog on Software and Web Applications Blogging.alltop By:Alltop_blogging 14:51:44 Damn. No Tag Heuer for me this X'mas. They dumped Tiger. By:gkjohn

Sunday, 20th of December. 10:01:30 saying download "Kindle edition (of ebook)" is contorted...Paperback, Hardback....Kindleback? #kindle #fb #in By:1ndus 12:11:53 Watched Avatar last nite, was completely blown away, Hollywood is now light yrs ahead of bollywood, makes our films luk like school projects By:ankitv

Monday, 21st of December. 14:30:14 Can't fathom the popularity of some folks on FB, every 'arbit' status updates of theirs gets a 100 likes. Hello? By:AshuMittal 17:54:36 the day Wordpress drops RSS is when RSS is dead. Until then all you pundits STFU! Seriously, STFU! By:manan 18:03:23 Sometimes I wish I could focus on one thing at a time. Multitasking = Low span of attention By: meerasapra 19:19:53 Whoever says smoking is bad should come sit with me in this auto. The air is thick with pollution. By:SashG

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Tuesday, 22nd of December. 09:21:08 "Oh! Do you Twitter?" "You mean like do you blogger?" By:b50 09:25:55 If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it. ~ Mary Engelbreit By:PriyaFlorence 17:58:30 Someone in train recognized me from the Indicast 100 vidcast with @gulpanag. Says we shld do more videos and is willing to pay for it! By:acmhatre 22:17:59 by the way,don't blame pravesh for throwin the food.Its all well planned out by the prod~n guys.Its a trp strategy :) #bb3 By:aDeSe

Wednesday, 23rd of December. 14:11:41 just called a "pro" blogger, and warned him to not copy posts from my blog. got his number from records. By:arpitnext

Thursday, 24th of December. 11:41:52 Don't you hate it when people ask you questions that they should be asking Google instead? By:sumants

Monday, 28th of December. 00:04:57 Wishing Twitter's search/mentions and inbox/direct messages had a read status in the database, so my 5 twitter clients wouldn't repeat stuff By:mathowie 10:07:38 #NoteToSelf: don't tweet that you are going to see a movie before you see it or the collective response may be a spoiler :-) By:problogger 10:09:50 LOL! RT @problogger: Don't tweet that you are going to see a movie before you see it or the collective response may be a spoiler :-) By:tsuvik 11:12:35 Ankit Vengurlekar is in LOVE with the Zune desktop player...i never feel like minimizing this window, bring it on full screen! By:ankitv 17:13:53 is the best tech blog i hv ever seen..if u hv any technical query jst go there and ask der do register first By:rushikesh88 18:08:57 when the whole world is looking to make their govt more transparent, our leaders r ignorant to prevent @ShashiTharoor from being open. By:movingahead 19:51:12 Constantly using the F*** word in many tweets without reason is not 'cool'. It warrants an immediate unfollow from me. By:nikhilpai

Tuesday, 29th of December. 23:55:59 My submission for Apple's tablet name: iGaveUpTryingToNameThisCleverlyBecauseYou'llBuyItAnyway By:leemathews

Wednesday, 30th of December.

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09:44:36 SUL essay - example of mensch blogger @anildash trying 2 move the Internet ahead rather than just benefiting himself By:DanB 10:10:52 Attn online retailers: "View Larger Image" links that open a new window with the same size image don't encourage spending. By:therealfitz

Thursday, 31st of December. 16:01:38 (sigh) Email "greetings" pouring in. All clearly "send to all" types. Not a single personal word. I hate these automatic "gestures". By:AtulChitnis 16:26:21 Yes, I know you went through a lot of effort embedding a pointless 3 meg picture in your New Years email. Don't mind if I delete it. By:kushanmitra

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Monday, 4th of January. 22:51:11 I really like the "Digital Inspiration" blog. Sometimes a bit TOO techie, but a never ending stream of great stuff: By:dportney

Tuesday, 5th of January. 22:59:07 has to be the sloppiest announcement. There is no excitement at all. Everything has been leaked. By:manan

Wednesday, 6th of January. 13:35:08 With so much fireworks on the World's tallest bldg, I'm surprised the Burj Khalifa didn't burn itself down. By:kiruba

Friday, 8th of January. 01:02:27 this email is: [ ] bloggable [x] ask first [ ] private <= interesting signature on email I just got. Does tweeting count? By:Carnage4Life 11:21:12 You can probably remove the text "In this post,..." from every blog post and not lose anything. By:dmozealous 23:39:35 Everybody has something new to announce at #CES yet its the worst place to launch anything, noone listens to that much noise By:loic 23:51:14 True sign that I'm a dad: Can't go into public men's room without looking at the low urinal and thinking of my son. (Awwww.) By:jsnell

Wednesday, 13th of January. 01:35:46 Just in case you didn't know: #Nexus One's awesome voice to text is processed on Google's servers. No connection means no voice to text. By:KevinCTofel 02:03:35 Just found Amit Agarwal's site & Twitter Guide: How to Do Interesting Things with Twitter. Great site/tips/tricks. By:SheriDresser

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Tuesday, 19th of January. 19:50:13 Why do companies present ToS and EULA docs in frames that only show five-six lines of text at a time? That's just a jerk move all around. By:robpegoraro

Friday, 22nd of January. 00:52:21 You know those escalators where the handrail moves just a *little* slower than the steps? That's what it's like when a UI is off by 1 . By:mrgan

Monday, 25th of January. 19:43:00 Fact: the less I tweet, the harder I'm working. By:sohear

Tuesday, 26th of January. 03:52:17 my son just told me if u tweet so much u will become a bird. so before i become a bird...lemme go to sleep. love u all...bye bye By:iamsrk 12:45:17 Google is Reducing Revenue Share of AdSense Publishers on @labnol <-- amit makes awesome posts. By:centernetworks

Wednesday, 27th of January. 00:47:46 If all the people at the airport collectively foo foo the fog away, we can make this shit fly. #idea By:LimeIce 14:04:10 if players from Pakistan were delibrately snubbed, I'm ashamed to be an Indian. By:manan 19:58:32 Rajiv Gandhi was a True Indian.Because he's the only leader who followed "All Indians are my brothers & sisters" and married a foreigner By:anaggh

Saturday, 30th of January. 04:55:03 To the Engadget commenters mad about Apple coverage: you are not the voice of reason or the center, you are the irrational fringe. By:joshuatopolsky

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Monday, 1st of February. 17:44:53 Nokia = Planet ke rakhwale, Aircel= Save the Tigers, Idea = Use mobile,save paper.Interesting - the newly found conscience in telecom space. By:amritochates

Friday, 5th of February. 13:53:30 Happy B'day to the man who inspired me to start blogging - @labnol. Amazing blogger and an amazing human being. Keep going Amit! By:abhijeetmk

Saturday, 6th of February. 11:43:24 @labnol your blog post just saved my 7km run today. iPOD crashed and google told me your blog had the solution. Thank you thank you. By:cvs

Thursday, 11th of February. 05:42:18 sleep depravation is impacting @jason's brain big time. his email about buzz is as ludicrous as his claims about ipad. #fail By:om 07:03:00 totally dumb blog trend: paste news releases in blog posts to try and get on top of techmeme. @techmeme should stop this gaming behavior By:om 17:11:03 I dont know the background of @labnol not getting a Spanish visa. Hes like an Indian @edans. Tech blogger, anti Net Censorship campaigner. By:joehas 19:11:21 Watching morning news and they air a story about a dog in Brooklyn getting mugged. Cute and all, but that's cue enough for me to jump online By:shahpriya

Friday, 12th of February. 08:36:19 Google just gave away NexusOne phones to everyone at #TED . Whoot!!! By:nancyduarte 11:30:21 I dont understand, why these bollywood celebrities keep spreading love & peace through tweets! Cmon, its not hindi cinema! By:paavani 19:07:00 They should just rename Buzz to Twitter. All it has is Twitter updates anyway. By:patrix

Monday, 15th of February. 14:09:56 according to my wii-fit, I'm at the age of 29, and I lost weight - two great things every woman needs to hear :) By:Orli 14:59:00 "The First Video That Was Uploaded to YouTube!" - By:Jesse

Thursday, 18th of February.

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15:24:03 Floppies are dead, but their image lives on in the save button of every menu & toolbar. #fb By: ab_aditya

Friday, 19th of February. 12:08:05 @labnol Came across your site accidentally and am really thrilled. You already solved 2 problems I was having! Thank you! Nancy By:nancyburkebarr 19:03:09 An Apple iPad a day, keeps Flash away. By:kushagra

Saturday, 20th of February. 01:00:11 YouTube is most impressive to me when seen as a platform for civil disobediance of IP laws. It's been a long, slow Million Mixers March. By:anildash

Monday, 22nd of February. 14:37:48 Don't forget the one who brought revolution to India in the blogging world, Amit Agarwal (@labnol) #AwesomeIndianThings By:tospost

Saturday, 27th of February. 21:39:48 @labnol You're welcome! I've been reading you FOREVER and I know my students would get a lot out of Digital Inspiration. :) By:librarianmer 21:49:39 @labnol I agree I'm a fan of digital inspiration too. By:aarontay

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Monday, 8th of March. 08:14:34 Seriously: the DigitalInspriation blog rocks: By:dportney

Wednesday, 10th of March. 23:03:20 @utku @whatleydude @lloyddavis @andegregson @sharland @giloi @labnol & a few more you might see your tweetnames on @bbcclick :-) this week By:LJRICH

Thursday, 11th of March. 09:19:42 yday,frend askd how i developd techskills during last yr.ans: i got two tech gods-one is google's pdts,other is tech blog) By:sathishn1

Friday, 12th of March. 12:14:34 Taxi driver in India uses YouTube to find customers online: via @labnol By: YouTube

Wednesday, 17th of March. 06:33:17 What I love bout blogs was the unique angle on news & info. Now when I look at my feeds, they all seem to have the same news. By:tomkuhlmann 20:38:06 Facebook logged more visitors than google in the US, according to a new report. For the full report, just google! By:jaithemon

Saturday, 20th of March. 02:55:16 RT @indrajeetak: Find sleep schedule of anyone on Twitter, (I LOVE THIS!--dp) By:Pogue 03:53:35 @leolaporte I wish all these people going on and on and on about unplugging would just shut the fuck up and fucking unplug already. By:xenijardin 10:48:50 @labnol Just tried Simply cool. Past mu bedtime tho'. Night! By: allantear 22:25:36 Huh. So very cool. Every person that had a tweet published in @pogue's book got a signed copy. Took him 4 days to write to all. By:MadLid 23:32:48 Oh @labnol's new shows I don't get enough sleep. Well, I blame R.S.S. (our baby boy). Cool app, though. By:Scobleizer

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Sunday, 21st of March. 02:38:25 @labnol Activity is better than sleeping time. I would like to know when the people I follow and my followers are most active. Possible? By:hitezh

Monday, 22nd of March. 05:01:40 Nifty little service from @labnol predicts when you sleep (based on Twitter usage). Got me right, 2 am to 8 am (6 hrs). By:msaleem

Thursday, 25th of March. 11:39:56 @joshuatopolsky I am not sure tech reviews are scoops since they require a lot of time to, well, review. But you specifically said that... By:karaswisher

Tuesday, 30th of March. 16:31:33 First time in the history!!!!!!!!!!!! World record!!!!!!!! By:CERN

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Thursday, 1st of April. 08:59:12 @waltmossberg Why weren't you involved in development of the Wall Street Journal's iPad app? Seems like a lost opportunity. By:paulboutin 15:38:58 Totally in support of Facebook replacing 'Become a Fan' with 'Like'. Lowering the threshold will increase better participation. By:kiruba 20:00:28 Side benefit of April Fools Day: forces people to think "Is this story true?" Which they should do 365 days a year. By:edbott 21:45:53 Greatest "being on twitter" advice: Aim to be humble, factual, useful. By:avinash

Friday, 2nd of April. 08:45:34 Lord. If you just filter iPad out of the newstream, the world gets REALLY QUIET By: johnbattelle

Sunday, 4th of April. 20:17:27 After having slept with her (Ms. iPad), I am having morning-after regrets. Sweet and cute but shallow and vapid. /via @jeffjarvis By:mathewi 23:42:33 Also pretty clear that Microsoft's decision to kill the File menu 4 years ago was more radical & influential than they got credit for. By:anildash

Monday, 5th of April. 00:41:29 i can imagine that anyone using an ipad for games to will soon have carpal tunnel to the worst degree. and who will really take it outdoors? By:tamar 05:08:15 @gabosama An iPad is like a big iPod touch…just like a swimming pool is like a big bathtub. By:WithDrake 11:22:53 Not a fan of the phrase "wikipedia defines X as..." That site is not a source. It's a lazy excuse for real research. By:randfish 15:51:46 So many earthquakes lately. Disturbing. By:Orli 16:27:48 Sad to see Sania Mirza facing the press defensively for no fault of hers. By:sruthijith 18:05:32 My hands hurt from holding my #iPad over coffee this morning. Seriously. Hard edges combined with 1.5 lb weight not great for me. By:KevinCTofel 18:43:51 Apple takes rare step of issuing press release to confirm that widely quoted analyst is full of crap: By:edbott 22:47:20 iPad becomes iPuree...Will it blend? By:ankitv

Tuesday, 6th of April.

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00:52:05 Kevin Rose Becomes CEO in Shake-up at Digg. Current CEO Jay Adelson is out. Bet there is more than meets the eye By:om 01:10:55 In a world where people are starving and struggling to survive, the idea of putting a $500 product in a blender is disgusting By:edbott

Thursday, 8th of April. 09:48:17 Dear Google: If I type in a search that includes "iPad," you may now assume I didn't mean to type "iPod." By:robpegoraro 19:16:04 A lot of random Bengali guys have started adding me on facebook since I have changed my surname. By:venimb 19:24:44 i don't quite see the big fuss about google voice softphone. they bought gizmo which made softphones. BFD. By:om 19:52:00 i am going on a twitter diet today -- need to focus on writing my blog posts today By:om 20:48:11 My child was less than thrilled when Toy Story e-book on iPad crashed and would not re-launch during bedtime reading. Back to real books. By:Rafe 23:21:55 Jobs's whole iAd pitch is a giant fuck-you to Google. Search isn't where it's at, web ads convey no emotion, etc. By:gruber

Friday, 9th of April. 20:41:25 RT @Carnage4Life: Apple has taken competing with Google so seriously their motto is now the opposite of "Don't be evil" By:edbott 21:50:47 If the direction of blogs is to avoid crediting original reporting then it's going to be a sad echoy future I want no part in By:longzheng

Saturday, 10th of April. 08:26:52 If I'm a Twitter client developer, I'm not sleeping well tonight. By:GetAdam 12:34:20 Prediction: Apple will acquire Twitter. By:mdowney

Monday, 12th of April. 07:03:04 Forgot a friends home address, pulled up their street, then house on Google Streetview and read the # off their door. BIG BROTHER IS HELPING By:mathowie 18:06:17 says between the beginning of time and 2003, about 5 exabytes of info created (1,000 petabytes) - now we do that every two days By:mathewi 22:39:17 Another day, another new service that spams Twitter on signups. Why can't I have that filter for @echofon yet? #tweetup By:pkedrosky

Tuesday, 13th of April. 01:14:49 With @zune 's zune pass, for $15/mon->6mo I've downloaded, apparently, 1500 songs. That's 250/mo = $0.06/song. Take that, iTunes. By:tigerhawkvok 23:51:19 Have a review gadget to play with tonight.Not at all interested.Kudos to all the reviewers &

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journos for the patience in trying new devices By:LizaSaha

Wednesday, 14th of April. 00:00:38 My dear 8 yr old just went in for the 5th surgery. She's tough, but pls say a little prayer for her. By:avinash 00:06:33 for iPhone has 4 stars on the app store. This means they have a lot of fan boys. It might be the worst app I've ever used By:a4agarwal 22:03:08 Library acquires ENTIRE Twitter archive. ALL tweets. More info here By: librarycongress 22:10:44 I am pretty sure I have a lot of tweets that I don't ever want to see in the Library of Congress. By:NishaChittal

Thursday, 15th of April. 09:49:03 I was writing a post "congrats Twitter for reassuring us" - but at the same time they're kicking my ass on blackberry, iphone and soon andro By:loic 20:24:00 Adobe can't get Flash running on 2010 Android and webOS devices, yet people were livid at Apple for not having it on 2007 iPhones? By:reneritchie 22:01:52 How cool is this?! @whitehouse is publishing the Obama's tax returns on their website, and announcing availability via Twitter. #Chirp By:amyrc

Friday, 16th of April. 23:30:40 Responding to reader input, we are changing Web site to website. This appears on Stylebook Online today and in the 2010 book next month. By:APStylebook

Saturday, 17th of April. 22:17:27 RT @jeffjarvis: I HATE the "/via" form of retweets. In blogs via means "where I found this," not "she said this." Then provenance gets lost. By:edbott

Sunday, 18th of April. 23:27:29 Congress -= Tharoor; Twitter += Tharoor. StartTrending(); // bored By:deepakshenoy

Monday, 19th of April. 11:11:54 Here's an interesting fact: in California, the finder of a lost item is required to tell the police and turn it over to rightful owner. By:reckless

Tuesday, 20th of April. 07:30:00 I really do hope @LalitKModi disappears into thin air. That man has done no good to India. No Good. Prick! By:shahpriya

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07:33:04 A simple case of human error shouldn't be a big story. A company that treats such things as a firing offense is what's worthy of criticism. By:anildash 08:21:08 Every CEO of a social network should be required to use the default privacy settings for all of their accounts on the service. By:anildash

Wednesday, 21st of April. 11:00:39 @labnol I really really love all your down to earth practical tech articles for mortals like me. Thanx a stack! By:maggiev 20:36:16 When Techmeme links to so many blogposts which just rehash other blogposts without original content, it's essentially just a tax on readers. By:jdowdell

Thursday, 22nd of April. 09:16:08 in 1997 Michael Dell responded 'if I was CEO of AAPL, I would shut it down & return money to share holders'. AAPL can now buy Dell in cash! By:snehal 22:43:22 (n): An organism that can turn caffeine into code. (via FB) By:Sengupta

Friday, 23rd of April. 00:04:35 Wondering how much money Ambanis paid to keep off the Nita-Harbhajan pic from being printed in the papers. None of them carried it right? By:AshuMittal

Tuesday, 27th of April. 20:12:13 It's against the law to slam your car door in Switzerland. #omgfacts By:AshuMittal

Wednesday, 28th of April. 18:09:21 Gurgaon got a burst of rain, just enough to dirty the cars :-( By:kbhargava 23:13:52 Always feel bad when prs "introduce me" to company or exec i already know. for the prs, wasted effort. for their clients, wasted $. By:pkafka

Thursday, 29th of April. 00:59:20 Before anyone gets too excited about the new Windows Live Messenger... The code won't be publicly available for a few weeks. By:edbott 01:16:17 Proving search is the new www. RT @Techmeme: Facebook is top search term across three major search engines (Hitwise) By:hc 01:26:31 Cant sleep at night .cant get up in the morning.story of my life By:ratichaudhary 09:39:55 Heh! RT @TheVijayMallya: Someone asked me why I owned a booze Company and an Airline..I said "both make u fly"!Cheers! By:binoyxj 09:57:45 If a company told you that Google is okay with paid links that pass PageRank because the links are "relevant"--that company is lying to you. By:mattcutts 23:38:07 If you really think you can't make money building open source software, you're not being

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creative enough. By:ginatrapani

Friday, 30th of April. 19:54:40 Hey Apple: I keep buying Kindle books for my iPad because iBooks' selection and prices SUCK. By:flargh

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Saturday, 1st of May. 04:34:24 I hate cute Twitter bios. Who are you & what do you do? These are the things I want to know. Not that you like kitties. By:sarahintampa

Sunday, 2nd of May. 21:30:57 In 2010 neither Google, Bing or Wolfram|Alpha can answer this query decently: "largest recipient of US foreign aid" Sad. By:avinash

Monday, 3rd of May. 06:54:06 I would recommend the iPad 2 people who want 2 consume media & ent but would warn that it's limiting 2 those who want 2 create it. By:aplusk 23:13:23 Apple took 2 years to sell 1M iPods, 74 days for 1M iPhones and only 28 days to sell 1M iPads. Amazing! By:mukulneetika

Tuesday, 4th of May. 19:24:18 Sad to see #linkedin go the #orkut way! NO I don't want your fraaandship! By:suddentwilight 20:32:20 Adobe Media Encoder isn't available standalone. Had to download and install 857MB of Flash Professional CS5 just to try it out. By:soumyadip 21:54:53 Twitter is like Santoor soap. Logo ki baaton se unki umar ka pata hi nahi chalta. By:sunainak 22:38:57 I do love you, @consumerreports. But "First tests of the Apple iPad" doesn't seem like a valid cover line for June 2010. By:kevinpurdy

Friday, 7th of May. 05:38:08 How cute. Facebook is suggesting I be friends with Bill Gates because "You and Bill once worked at Microsoft!" By:Stepto 08:10:23 So here's what I think. Railways should allot seats based on similar interests and age group and it could be a matchmaking service! By:LimeIce 23:26:08 Sent email, left voice messages and now waiting to hear back from my sources. Hate the waiting-- its the toughest part of doing a story. By:pgcat

Saturday, 8th of May. 12:47:06 Wonder how long it will be when the I'm feeling lucky button on Google will take us to Facebook when searching for 'privacy' By:justkalpana 13:00:28 Amazing how many *parents* create profiles of their under-age children on social networking sites. Life is not just about showing off pics. By:justkalpana

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14:12:20 Apple is the kind of company where I suspect you'd have to sign an NDA before seeing the NDA. By:codinghorror 14:46:02 @labnol Love your blog : By:castellani 21:37:57 Here's an idea for a feature in a Twitter app -- be able to "mute" someone without unfollowing them. Anyone doing this? By:joshuatopolsky

Sunday, 9th of May. 07:52:24 "A man decided not to report his wife's stolen credit card because the thief was spending less on the card than his wife" By:mrinaldesai

Tuesday, 11th of May. 12:04:44 ok @MicrosoftIndia is spamming my timeline with annoying number of updates about the new MS office 2010...#FAIL By:ankitv

Wednesday, 12th of May. 05:03:13 I will pay $10 to the first person who develops an Outlook plugin that sets all my email on fire. By:deliciousbees

Thursday, 13th of May. 05:10:09 Like to organize? Aging Tabs Firefox Add-on can light up your life /via @rockyourfirefox By:firefox 20:41:30 VCs pay lower tax rate (capital gains) than most people. Hopefully Obama will change this. Matter of basic fairness. By:cdixon

Saturday, 15th of May. 01:34:07 Impossible Is Nothing - Adidas. Just Do It - Nike. "Impossible is nothing and I just did it" - Mike Hussey. By:suhel

Sunday, 16th of May. 02:02:01 Google says "We failed badly" // That happens when you don't design for privacy from the start. By:edbott 02:58:27 "Freedom from porn"? Mind your own business, Steve. Who made you nanny? By:jeffjarvis 05:51:30 Making a U.S. penny now costs 2¢. Making a nickel costs 9¢. Wow! #WhatsDumbAboutGovernment By:MichaelHyatt

Tuesday, 18th of May. 11:40:18 All the noise aside, I'm glad @jason is getting back into content. It's a stamp of approval on what @pirillo @laporte me and others 4 up 2. By:Scobleizer

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Wednesday, 19th of May. 02:48:36 RT @dannysullivan: irony. content farms like associated media depend much on search traffic. now yahoo's even more at google & bing's mercy By:mrinaldesai 09:14:24 What is with the punctuation attack (and the "yeah baby talk") by @srbachchan? He writes so well on his blog. Method tweeting? By:kawaljit 23:40:46 I love it when bloggers/reporters write, "we've learned," about a story as if news scoop when they simply got a press release. By:karaswisher

Thursday, 20th of May. 11:45:19 T3 - Every now and then, nature keeps reminding us who the Boss is .. ! By:SrBachchan 22:42:02 (Google: this is the THIRD time you've asked 5000 people to turn off their phones. It makes you sound very, very silly.) By:Ihnatko

Saturday, 22nd of May. 00:41:44 PR Emails: "FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE" Let me fix that for you: "FOR YOUR SPAM FILTER" By:leemathews 01:10:41 oreillymedia is running an #ebook deal today for $9.99. choose any book from 2000+ titles w/code FAVFA. my book too! By:tamar 23:54:41 Lots of Googlers (inc. me) did an email interview on SEO topics: Thanks to @labnol for great questions! By:mattcutts

Thursday, 27th of May. 12:29:45 I hope Mumbai's Sensex rises a little and Delhi's temperature falls a little, and the two patch up like the Ambani brothers By:madversity 12:53:06 +1 RT @nimishdubey Forget cloud services, get us some is forty degrees in the shade out here. By:LizaSaha 12:58:38 Interesting how celebs on Twitter only follow other celebs. By:rajikatalwar

Saturday, 29th of May. 02:48:34 Like @thedealmap ? Want to help us build super cool stuff? We are growing and need #help #jobs By:ChanduThota 22:55:37 T12 -वह किसे दोषी ठहराए और किसको दुःख सुनाये , जब की मिटटी साथ मिटटी के करे अन्याय ..from my Father's word's.. so true and valid .. By:SrBachchan 22:58:36 T12 -राह पकड़ तू एक चला चल , पा जायेगा मधुशाला .. catch but one path and travel and you shall find your Madhushala, your destination .. By:SrBachchan 23:21:06 T12 -वृक्ष हों भले खड़े , हों बड़े हों घने , एक पत्र छांह भी मांग मत अग्निपथ अग्निपथ अग्निपथ ! as desired from a follower .. love By:SrBachchan

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Sunday, 30th of May. 07:18:50 "If you rent the movie on either iPad or Apple TV, it is not transferable to any other device, you must watch it on your iPad or Apple TV." By:pkafka

Monday, 31st of May. 14:18:55 +20 #passive RT @qtfan: All ye smokers, listen up. Go screw your lungs. Not mine. #notobaccoday By:sehgalkaran 14:43:23 God bless the souls who go on trips abroad & get chocolates for me. Done with my quota for the week By:LizaSaha 19:49:44 What really matters cannot be expressed on Twitter/FB. By:AshuMittal

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Tuesday, 1st of June. 19:52:03 I have to remind myself that the whole "Google abandons Windows" story comes from a couple of very fuzzy anonymous sources. By:edbott

Wednesday, 2nd of June. 19:03:10 How The Mainstream Media Stole Our News Story Without Credit @dannysullivan fight the power! By:om

Thursday, 3rd of June. 01:01:03 Curate: To select, package and present content to the public online in a personal, hand-picked way. #apstyle By:APStylebook 17:59:19 Love this article for SEO - pinning google down and making them give answers! By:JenniferFarnell

Friday, 4th of June. 03:23:27 I agree with @billgates - input is hugely important to a device. Handwriting technology is very important. By:brandonleblanc 14:33:28 Dear @MicrosoftIndia, thank you for the TT, Scrabble, Darts, and Chess arrangements. All I need now is more vellah employees to play with. By:baxiabhishek 18:20:21 I find it ironic that folks who have not run any company, forget one as large as Facebook want mark zuckerberg's head. Try before you cry! By:om

Saturday, 5th of June. 01:18:12 I'll be at the WWDC keynote on Monday morning NOT live blogging like crazy. What's the point, looks like everyone else will be ;-) By:donmcallister 12:42:08 We were shooting and this cop walks up and asks 'yahan shootout kyu kar rahe ho?' Shootout?? Oh damn By:ratichaudhary 20:19:46 I wish the gmail anti-spam team worked in the weblog comments world. Shit would be fixed right quick. By:mathowie

Monday, 7th of June. 09:05:23 It's irritating how many programs store settings and data in the Documents folder ... makes syncing it between computers difficult... By:maguay

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Tuesday, 8th of June. 22:56:17 Bollywood celebrities have the most mundane and boring tweets ever. Useless love and gyaan. Yawn. By:venimb

Monday, 14th of June. 12:33:04 T28 -I am Amitabh, son of Dr Harivansh Rai Bachchan.. I live and have lived in his shadow, in his genius, in his greatness.. I am blessed.. By:SrBachchan 17:32:58 I love my job By:shrutir

Wednesday, 16th of June. 14:10:57 Dear @twitter. Could I have my 10K twits back? Thank you! :-) By:tsevis 14:49:09 Kinect It's maybe the first time that video games are going to help people to exercise rather than being lazy By:tsevis 23:44:43 Brilliant! RT @rameshsrivats: I think some HR intervention is needed this world cup. Complete lack of goals. By:kbhargava

Friday, 18th of June. 15:07:03 T32 -'Stones that come in my way become milestones when i pass them'-beautiful,tempted to add a few bits to it of my own reckoning..naah ! By:SrBachchan

Saturday, 19th of June. 20:33:15 Gearing up for my son's wedding to a wonderful woman tomorrow. Makes new gadgets pale by comparison. By:waltmossberg

Sunday, 20th of June. 03:47:29 T33 -Walking streets of London with entire family - wife, son, daughter, son- in- law, daughter-in-law, grand children - the greatest joy ! By:SrBachchan

Tuesday, 22nd of June. 15:31:17 How come we are so forgiving when it comes to Apple? By:Orli 19:54:35 Had an interesting observation about a push cart vendor today but I wont tweet about it. I wont kill my blog! I'll remember & write a post By:justkalpana 22:19:18 Want to know if your blog has evergreen content? Start tracking how many RTs you get for content more than a week old. By:rohitbhargava 23:26:03 Three million iPads sold doesn’t mean there's a tablet market, it means there's an iPad market. Other products have a long way to go. By:reckless

Wednesday, 23rd of June.

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14:00:21 T37 -Relations and medicine play same role in our life. Both care for us in pain. Only difference - relationship does not have expiry date ! By:SrBachchan

Thursday, 24th of June. 05:30:18 Steve Jobs sells 1 iPad every 3 seconds. Steve Ballmer sells 1 Windows 7 CD every 1 second (who wins?) By:snehal

Friday, 25th of June. 02:09:31 Spent too much time chasing a story that didn't work out. Now have to get to real work. The frustrations of being a reporter! By:pgcat 04:53:40 The only person who truly has equal respect for all religions is an atheist. By:neo_indian 07:18:15 Apple is going beyond designing gadgets. It's now designing human behavioral patterns too. By:ScepticGeek

Saturday, 26th of June. 11:58:29 Taking Mom, Sis & @venimb shopping this afternoon. I'll watch Toy Story 3 3D while they shop. The joys of a multiplex in a shopping mall:) By:suhel 16:29:34 T40 -One of the advantages of reaching the age of 102 - there is no peer pressure !!! By: SrBachchan

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Friday, 2nd of July. 05:39:01 Is Apple All The Tech Press is Talking About? (Stats) by @marshallk via @techmeme .. foursquare maybe? :) By:mrinaldesai 12:39:52 @Gauravonomics Wait till they start tagging traffic offenders... By:gkjohn

Saturday, 3rd of July. 00:39:55 @susanweiner Sweet, delicious Google Juice. BTW, most of @labnol's digital inspiration ( is a work of art! #FF By:rondoylewrites 02:40:28 Google doesn't want to be in the business of creating software outside of the browser. Now you know why is stalled. By:ooomz 19:18:12 First the iPhone was left in a bar and now the bars have left the iPhone. I hate irony. By: falseSteveJobs

Tuesday, 6th of July. 11:19:19 Dear World. Wearing headphones in front of everyone indicates that the person wearing them does not want to be disturbed. kthxbye. By:Sengupta 22:50:14 @om congrats on the 4 yr anniversary of GigaOm Network --integrity plays well in the long term #successstory By:furrier

Thursday, 8th of July. 08:59:40 Without Facebook, how else would all the people who didn't talk to me in High School ask me for computer help today? By:shanselman 17:11:33 Handy BlackBerry email scrolling shortcuts, T - top, B - bottom, G - back to previous location By:TPapi

Monday, 12th of July. 09:26:58 Hate it when ppl pick out the juiciest of the papaya pieces and leave the raw ones for ppl behind them. By:justkalpana 11:38:41 Shobhaa De thinks her bitchiness is "expressing an honest opinion" and Sonam Kapoor's bitchiness is lack of "good breeding". Go figure. By:priyaramani 15:32:12 If Harry Potter's so magical, why cant he cure his own eyesight ?! #justathought via @kartikawasthi By:ratichaudhary

Tuesday, 13th of July. 07:56:55 Consumer reports confirms iphone 4 has an antenna problem and doesn't recommend it. Is it a

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case for recall? By:PragatiVerma 10:01:06 Coming from Amit, this IS huge! RT @labnol You can now follow @linkedinindia on twitter - really like their logo. By:LinkedInIndia 17:06:13 Walk on any Egyptian street and touts ask just two questions: "India?" "Country of Amitabh Bachchan?". Hadn't realized Big B was so big. By:bhogle 23:28:05 Put quotation marks around names of book titles: "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" #apstyle By:APStylebook 23:31:55 Capitalize key movie title words, including prepositions of four or more letters: "The Girl Who Played With Fire" #apstyle By:APStylebook

Wednesday, 14th of July. 12:22:13 LOL RT @JerryThomas Today I extended an olive branch to my enemy. As hard as I could and right in the eye. By:AshuMittal 13:21:27 RT @TEDNews Ethan Zuckerman:Even in new media,like Wikipedia, theres a heavy bias in coverage to North America & Western Europe. #TED Global By:Netra 16:05:26 Dear PR person, Flooding my inbox with 15MB of pictures and PDFs for your event in an attempt to interest me in it is counterproductive. By:zigzackly

Thursday, 15th of July. 22:55:09 TechCrunch, all-time king of link-baiting, accuses Consumer Reports of publishing "link bait." My sides hurt from laughing. By:edbott

Friday, 16th of July. 07:39:42 You can't spell TWITTER without WIT. A coincidence? I think not. By:GetAdam 23:41:34 Takes balls for Jobs to complain about people criticizing Apple when attack mode was the core of their mktg/ad strategy v MSFT By:edbott

Saturday, 17th of July. 10:48:32 "Quite frankly" is the most annoying phrase in the English language. Even more annoying than "Wow. Just, wow." By:fmanjoo

Tuesday, 20th of July. 10:49:54 How to Block all Facebook Applications Forever! By:rajesh266

Thursday, 22nd of July. 18:43:48 Give your Eyes a Break with the 20-20-20 Rule By:steverubel

Friday, 23rd of July.

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22:04:08 Its amusing when someone RTs an article that should take a good 10 mins to read within a min of sharing it. What's the point? By:justkalpana

Saturday, 24th of July. 06:32:19 T66/67 -Believe in principle of KARMA not RASHI. Ram & Ravan, Krishna & Kans, Gandhi & Godse - same Rashi, different Karma.. !! By:SrBachchan 07:26:07 Now on Amazon, a deal to buy Time for 28.8 cents an issue. And they're charging $4.99 for the iPad? Cagey. By:jeffjarvis 13:01:50 FourSquare adoption in Pune, India is amazing! Wherever I go, all venues already present. By: ScepticGeek 13:19:00 Baarish ke naam pe dhokha happening in Noida. By:AshuMittal 15:21:53 Surprisingly a lot of ppl who claim to be fluent in English write & pronounce career as carrier, résumé as resume, etc etc! Duh! By:amitgupta

Sunday, 25th of July. 00:59:43 OK Apple. I can't (and neither can anyone else) duplicate the signal loss on the Droid X. You're looking awfully silly at this point. By:jkendrick 01:51:32 Apple has initiated a new meme very much like the "Will it blend" Known as "will it attenuate" By:manan 10:46:03 Any reason why TOI uses the new rupee symbol only in headline while body copy has tons of 'Rs.'? By:beastoftraal

Monday, 26th of July. 16:01:17 wifey pointed out this. in 3 idiots, our heroes, travel from delhi to shimla and then to ladakh, all within one longggggg afternoons time... By:surinderxx

Tuesday, 27th of July. 23:01:08 eventually android phones will grow so large that the ipad will seem small next to them. By: dannysullivan 23:46:40 Read: Fascinating via @EvidenceSoup Neurological evidence supporting idea of being on "same wavelength" with someone. By:shefaly

Wednesday, 28th of July. 11:02:32 Create an Image Sitemap For Your WordPress Blog By:RobinGood 22:04:29 With how poorly Apple does cloud stuff already (MobileMe, flickr integration in iPhoto) I'm not sure about that whole iTunes cloud thing. By:cote

Thursday, 29th of July. 03:15:30 I get so much from my e-sub to @labnol's swell Digital Inspiration Technology Blog, --

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thanks Amit~! By:TheGirlPie 05:47:07 good evening all (this includes bots) By:centernetworks 23:59:47 Maybe we are being too paranoid or it’s just becoming cool to hate Facebook By:lowrobb

Friday, 30th of July. 06:24:43 i want @mashable to use its logo on Twitter, not @petecashmore's face. pete's handsome, but mashable's more than him By:dannysullivan 15:41:51 Dislike the word "subordinates" Try "colleagues" instead. By:priyaramani

Saturday, 31st of July. 10:03:45 Create an Image Sitemap for your WordPress Blog and why is important: cc @empirebuilding By:KiLotr 21:17:44 My fellow Delhiites, ask not what CWG can do for you — ask what you can do for the CWG. By: kawaljit

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Sunday, 1st of August. 11:09:11 #TEDxDelhi till now has looked like a stage for PSAs. No, those aren't ideas worth sharing. They're things we know AND do nothing about. By:aditya

Monday, 2nd of August. 13:08:23 @nShont Verify that you have the correct codecs installed on your laptop to be able to edit your videos properly. Install K LITE CODEC. By:WLMovieMaker

Tuesday, 3rd of August. 15:49:12 T77 -हर सुबह की शाम होती है , हर शाम की सुबह . कोई तो बताए ज़िन्दगी आराम कब करती है ! By:SrBachchan 21:02:49 'What's your English, India?' month has opened me up to a world of fantastic blogs. Here's a list: By:MacDictionary

Wednesday, 4th of August. 13:42:10 At the Amsterdam airport they announce the name of passengers who delay flights. Social peer pressure--one of the strongest forces on earth. By:mattcutts 17:11:48 Right on! - "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life". Confucius By:rufusd 19:59:20 I hate how youtube has to associate a gmail account with a youtube acct - i have a few gmail accts and few youtube accts - foobar By:furrier

Thursday, 5th of August. 00:32:15 Cool analytics tip: Identify pages with highest exits in Analytics and monetize those aggressively through AdSense! By:AdSense 01:24:41 Optimization tip: 300x250 (med rectangle), 160x600 (wide sky scrapper) and 728x90 (leader board) ad units tend to be best performing sizes! By:AdSense 08:56:47 So is Google going to bring back or is it totally Dodgeballed? By: Carnage4Life 08:58:10 Pretty amazing to see what former PayPal employees have made: YouTube, Slide, Yelp, Tesla, LinkedIn. By:nickbilton 11:20:06 Blackberry's reponse to the potential ban: 'Why are you doing this to me? Is it because I'm 'Black'?? ;) By:ratichaudhary 20:13:10 I just got a spam SMS from Bulk-SMS about how I can purchase 1 lac SMS and 1 lac numbers in just 5000 bucks. Recursive #fail. By:AshuMittal 21:31:21 80,000 videos from 197 countries submitted to #lifeinaday! Stay tuned for launch of the video gallery in early Sept: By:YouTube

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Friday, 6th of August. 10:08:52 Folks, Twitter's who to follow suggestions are for you to act on or ignore, not to tweet to the rest of us! By:ScepticGeek

Saturday, 7th of August. 00:08:55 Just checked, and says it has sixteen million pages which include the phrase "google wave invites". ah, those were the days.... ;-) By:jdowdell 00:50:30 If you have an iPhone, have you changed/deleted the e-mail sig, 'Sent from my iPhone'? Mine sez: 'Please forgive typos, sent from an iPhone' By:dsilverman 11:29:11 Dear every application on the web, desktop, or mobile device: Just remove the underline formatting button from your toolbar. Please. By:anildash 14:03:34 Ppl r wondering why the PM is not spking on d issue of CWG, Kashmir. Don't dey know 15aug is wen he speaks? #cynicism By:1ndus

Monday, 9th of August. 02:42:00 funny how it's always sunny on . By:Suw

Tuesday, 10th of August. 01:46:19 At exacty 6 minutes and 7 seconds after 5pm today, it will be 05:06:07 08/09/10. [offbeat] 74 points By:reddit 03:27:21 I officially declare google's new motto: do only evil. They just hosed everyone with their policy plan for net neutrality. By:om

Wednesday, 11th of August. 02:06:55 The nutritional facts on a box should just tell you the amount of exercise needed to burn off what you're about to eat. By:5tevenw 11:09:37 Twitter has a Blogger ( and Blogger has a Twitter (@blogger). Interesting. By: ev 19:24:54 QOTD RT @ChrisMdotcom: There’s no such thing as information overload, there’s only filter failure By:MSTalkStudio

Thursday, 12th of August. 00:21:57 Integrate Analytics to smartly set up channels for pages w/ highest earnings/CTR, monetize exit pages & optimize by referrer By:AdSense

Friday, 13th of August. 00:17:05 I don't know how labnol finds so many useful things! via @labnol_BLOG By: JSLittlefield

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03:53:02 is considering going ahead with purchase of ipad anyway, but was worried about lack of browser tabs. Not now. #socadl By:leehopkins 17:32:12 My #FF is @labnol, who posts credible and original tech tips. By:DonnaPapacosta

Sunday, 15th of August. 00:40:38 Peepli Live leaves you feeling stupid as a TV journalist By:ratichaudhary

Monday, 16th of August. 22:25:50 Tweet kiye jaa, retweet ki ichha na kar. #GeetaSaar2.0 By:AshuMittal

Tuesday, 17th of August. 00:36:48 font-face is one feature of #HTML5 that reliably works on all browsers already, even the old IEs By:mrinal 21:03:28 By the end of the day, the Web will be alive with posts assuring us it's not dead. By:fmanjoo

Wednesday, 18th of August. 01:16:33 The best thing about a reporter: You have a social right to call people up and ask them about it. It's a fantastic power. By:fmanjoo 07:45:47 I took 2 weeks off from my blog for vacation. A reader complains that she's paid to get it on her Kindle, feels gypped. Never thoughta that! By:Pogue 12:52:27 I know magazines gotta sell, but these headlines? Fortune: Is Google over? ... Wired: The Web is dead. ... Provocative, and silly. By:jdlasica 13:40:12 Totally lame when people tweet about numbers no one cares about. Oh look 3500 followers! By:AshuMittal 23:55:11 By increasing the speed, ISPs only let their customers use bandwidth faster & charge for extra usage. Clever way to pump your profits! Hmm By:iVinay

Thursday, 19th of August. 19:05:06 RT @marksbirch: Intel does software about as well as Google does social media and Microsoft does mobile. By:mathewi

Friday, 20th of August. 04:56:13 I wonder if ebook sites with highlighted testimonials, fake 3D boxes, and 10 different fonts actually produce sales. They all look the same. By:mathowie

Monday, 23rd of August. 23:37:46 If u have an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, u MUST read this keyboard shortcut guide. This should be in the manual! By:hankchang

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Tuesday, 24th of August. 00:08:33 Why didn't anyone tell me about this sooner! How to Install WordPress on your own Computer In 5 Minutes via @labnol_BLOG By:AChrisTurner

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Thursday, 2nd of September. 00:10:46 Who Broke the News (or the Embargo) First? (@labnol / Digital Inspiration Technology Blog) By:mediagazer 00:49:41 The $100 price is attractive but I am not tempted by Apple TV. My Boxee and Xbox 360 have me covered. By:pgcat

Thursday, 9th of September. 01:01:32 What I said in a tweet 1h ago ( is now a whole post on a tech "news" site. #justsayin #brevity By:shefaly 19:47:25 @labnol Awesome. In the world of re-linking, you still produce genuinely useful content. By: patrix

Saturday, 11th of September. 16:28:27 Birds are so lucky. They don't require visas. Or airline tickets for that matter. By:rehabc

Saturday, 18th of September. 22:04:55 A year ago tomorrow Ryan Soroush Scoble was born. today we celebrate at Kelly Park in San Jose. Yes, we named our kid RSS! Total joy! By:Scobleizer

Wednesday, 22nd of September. 21:16:09 @labnol thanks for the great idea! By:GoogleDisplay

Thursday, 23rd of September. 08:31:51 The best products have every user dreaming of ways to improve it. By:jack

Friday, 24th of September. 11:20:32 He said, she said, you said, me said. Who cares. Let's build things people want. By:hnshah

Saturday, 25th of September. 03:14:00 Shopping for a laptop this weekend? There are 7 things you need to know first... ^JS By:Windows 08:30:53 Great post from @loic How to be successful on YouTube [what I learned after 2 million views] Good advice! By:Scobleizer

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Monday, 27th of September. 23:28:20 Use Windows Desktop Search like a Pro (Digital Inspiration) - - I found this very helpful. By:danbarbata

Wednesday, 29th of September. 02:47:41 I don't even like reading my email on the web anymore. I always want to use my iPad. By: sarahintampa 12:26:56 @labnol Britain has just dumped its UID scheme. Wise. We dont want to be part of an Orwellian world. By:PritishNandy 17:48:49 @labnol thanks amit :-) By:om

Thursday, 30th of September. 00:32:10 @om only an hour? you are doing well, pitches to me start with "as you might have read on gigaom, bla bla just launched bla bla" By:centernetworks 11:59:15 If you spend all your time looking at your competition, your product will look like your competition's ass. By:bmf

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Sunday, 3rd of October. 17:36:07 .@labnol 's printing via Dropbox works very nicely! Really cool, esp. since wireless printing doesn't work from my mac. By:ahujaankit

Wednesday, 13th of October. 10:59:39 @labnol it's all about search optimization for videos :) By:YouTubeIndia

Tuesday, 19th of October. 19:26:59 @labnol Thank you for keeping me up to speed! Your tutorials are the truth! By:AndiaWinslow 20:52:40 Discovered Digital Inspiration site today. Worth a look. By:TejP

Tuesday, 26th of October. 11:08:07 @labnol niiiice. congrats! I love your posts :) By:Orli

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Tuesday, 9th of November. 01:48:37 En @labnol siempre esta lo mejor, en @mashable lo nuevo y en @arturogogacom lo mas interesante - #tech By:CarlosHS_ 14:03:35 I'm so freaking impressed by @labnol's #sleep There's a paper in this... By:skullstuffing 21:03:06 Good resource: Digital Inspiration: A Technology Blog on Software and Web Applications By:DarrenWasHere 21:34:06 @AnandRanga just a suggestion. use 'tall tweets' instead of tweet longer. i feel that's better :) By:vovinith 23:20:05 Guys like @labnol help spread the joy and make the internet work right. Thanks Amit! By: JoeDuck

Monday, 15th of November. 16:35:20 Great post about an Indian couple, employees for #google and #msft, making a career move back to India By:andrewjsather

Tuesday, 16th of November. 00:04:18 Great article for sooper cheap people (like me): How to Return Apps Purchased from iTunes Store and Get Full Refunds By:SooperSmart

Wednesday, 17th of November. 06:32:10 Great post. gotta love this tech blog. Check out this post on how to find the sender of an email via @labnol_BLOG By:juanitamcdowell

Thursday, 18th of November. 04:00:28 Awesome How to use as a Unified Address Book - By: ljohndotnet 07:27:59 Enhance your Google Docs Spreadsheets with Images via @labnol_BLOG - I wish I had read this one week ago By:jeeremie 20:00:49 Your Guide to Wikipedia Tools via @labnol_BLOG By:djokotn

Friday, 19th of November. 03:01:11 Which Online Backup Service Should You Use? - By:renegatdula 17:37:12 HOW TO: Convert a Video into an Animated GIF Image By:hrouda 22:11:25 I like this stuff:Create a Career Tree from your LinkedIn Profile By:SLShum

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22:55:18 If you search for a censored keyword (say “Human Rights”) in a Chinese search engine, you’ll see few or no results. By:CibolWeb 23:10:11 Wondering if your ISP limits your speed? Digital Inspiration has a nice write up of Glastnost test tool: By:prodport

Saturday, 20th of November. 19:28:12 Ok, giving it a shot. Sharing Links Between your Desktop and Mobile via @labnol_BLOG By:justjots

Sunday, 21st of November. 04:51:16 @labnol Hi my friend! I'd like to thank you for ur wonderfull script that gave me the ability to print from my nexus one through dropbox! By:FlLIPPO 08:06:53 Just ran across this. Backup your WordPress Blog to Dropbox: via @addthis By:TonyLazz 11:44:50 @labnol I am a recent subscriber to your RSS for Digital Inspiration Finding lots of good stuff. Thanks! By:TonyLazz

Monday, 22nd of November. 04:39:05 Wow... a free proxy server to get a US IP address... just takes a bit of work... By:xinit0 21:35:05 How to Verify an Email Address? . This is some geeky stuff... but I love... <3 By:nicolenilar 21:35:28 Why is Facebook so Blue in Color? By:gogorichie 23:09:21 How to Setup Google DFP on your Site – A Tutorial via @labnol_BLOG By:Eric_Schaefer

Tuesday, 23rd of November. 14:37:44 Just used Tall Tweets to write long tweets on Twitter. Pretty damn cool. Awesome work @labnol By:gkjohn

Wednesday, 24th of November. 16:05:01 Create a career tree from your LinkedIn profile! From @labnol By: LinkedInIndia 16:35:50 If anyone's having a problem with #updating to #iOS4.2 on an #ipad because of an insanely long #backup, try this By:LondonRook

Thursday, 25th of November. 07:01:10 Adobe PDF Guide: How to Do Everything with PDF : By:sdevincenzo

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08:08:01 How to Verify if an Email Address Is Real or Fake - By:aecbiz 15:03:46 How to Put your DVDs on YouTube? By:GautamGhosh 16:38:08 RT @itdonut: Work on a computer all day? Give your eyes a rest with the 20-20-20 rule >> By:MariamCook

Friday, 26th of November. 04:09:28 Digital Inspirtations, a cool how-to tech blog By:SimranJindal 23:17:13 I loved the new design of @labnol on Youtube. By:TechDart

Saturday, 27th of November. 00:30:07 How to Create a Google XML Sitemap (Video) for your WordPress Site: By: javier_lasa 07:22:17 How to Convert Excel data to HTML Table: By:junysb3

Sunday, 28th of November. 11:25:34 Good thing, I can download the iPad OS update without iTunes! By:nalds 12:03:10 Sharing Links Between your Desktop and Mobile By:razarahil 22:49:54 When I actually feel like reading good stuff on personal tech or web, I head to @Pogue, @labnol or @steverubel. Just awesome :) By:Praval

Monday, 29th of November. 14:14:06 How to Find Almost Anything on your Computer with Windows Search @labnol - thanks nice tips! By:Srini74 16:51:12 Warning sticker set to highlight those bothersome sins of poor journalism By:MaxKaizen

Tuesday, 30th of November. 16:05:34 Find the RSS Subscriber Count with Google Reader By:hasamba 16:24:46 Cute: How Web Savvy Parents Can Help Kids Learn The English Alphabet via @labnol_BLOG By:terrylevin

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Wednesday, 1st of December. 02:18:57 Send Files from the Desktop to your Android Phone via QR Codes By: DebeloidAndroid 11:38:54 Clever: Use Dropbox CDN for Hosting your WordPress Files /improves site speed, from @labnol By:ScepticGeek 17:23:33 How to Temporarily Block Time-Wasting Websites on your Computer: By: Memo787 21:15:41 How to Use One Email Address with Multiple Twitter Accounts (via @travis_schlafke) --> Very cool, thanks! By:revolutionwifi

Thursday, 2nd of December. 13:44:41 Start a YouTube Video at any Specific Time By:fsakbas 20:08:18 Haha, brilliant! If Web Browsers were Celebrities #humor By:jamietelin 23:25:25 ‘Speak’ Foreign Languages with Digital Inspiration always has interesting posts #usguys By:SoFloWalter

Friday, 3rd of December. 01:19:01 Simple Cell Phones for Elderly People | Targetting new customer base is the key. The new companies understand it By:dibyabttb 03:40:13 Really Cool Trick: How to Use Multiple Twitter Accounts Using the Same Email Address By:EmilyKostic 05:20:58 #DelicioBot : Publish the Same Blog Post to Multiple Blogging Sites at Once By:deliciobot

Saturday, 4th of December. 01:28:57 @thefatrat Have you tried this? I just printed a pic from my Droid. That is ridiculously cool. By:joshrut

Sunday, 5th of December. 23:26:09 Download iOS 4.2 for iPad without iTunes via @labnol_BLOG By:GilroyTX

Monday, 6th of December. 11:14:24 View All Your Notes While Making a Presentation via @labnol_BLOG By: karranfinlay 13:01:11 Publish Your Blog on Amazon Kindle via @labnol_BLOG By:owrange

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Tuesday, 7th of December. 05:25:32 Love those Undocumented Query Operators - AROUND By:RealitySEO 06:30:57 "Print Files from any Mobile Phone using Dropbox" Just tried this out with my Wife's Ipad and it worked well By:gbertoia 10:56:56 Bandwidth Limits in Dropbox -- By:Bourakis

Wednesday, 8th of December. 11:26:20 Find Any Email in GMail With Simple Search Commands By:delicious50 16:29:38 Very helpful info from @labnol: How Should You Change Your Twitter Handle - By:fw66 19:35:06 Tutorial To Help You Stay Ahead of the Curve By: qChrisWood

Thursday, 9th of December. 00:57:18 Geez... where have I been. Download ‘Clip to OneNote’ for Firefox 3 and Microsoft OneNote 2007 By:stanbush 20:50:15 FeedDemon 4.0 Goes Freemium By:chathurank 21:25:42 Found it! will prove invaluable to anyone wanting to batch convert docs to pdf! By:scottmerrick

Saturday, 11th of December. 00:12:55 How to Embed SlideShare Presentations without Flash By:iteachag 01:18:30 Awesome tutorial on Gmail Mail merge from contacts to spreadsheet and then email message is generated. By:noelerskine 03:12:58 A New Dropbox Edition for your Business By:willbank 06:54:40 How to Make Money on the Internet - Flowchart By:delicious50 08:01:02 A New Dropbox Edition for your Business via @labnol_BLOG By: superjunaid 16:29:50 Submit a Complete Sitemap of your Blogger Blog to Google for Better Indexing - via @labnol By:m_omar3

Sunday, 12th of December. 07:49:02 @labnol Great tip for the multiple twitter accounts. Thank you! By:Belgolicious

Monday, 13th of December. 14:30:54 The Best Online Backup Services Compared, I personally like Dropbox. By:

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Saloan7091 14:32:06 How to use Dropbox as a Free Desktop Monitoring Software By: Saloan7091 17:46:09 Turn your LinkedIn Profile into a Printable Resume via @labnol By: GautamGhosh 19:55:48 used this process from @labnol to see if my email was compromised by Gawker hack and it was -- changed all my passwords: By:mathewi 23:31:15 ‘Speak’ Foreign Languages with Google Translate By:leapfrogcl

Tuesday, 14th of December. 01:07:46 IT WORKS!!! Who knew a baggie of rice could save my iPod?? By: ashpearl1

Wednesday, 15th of December. 11:41:44 What an idea sirji!! - How to Customize your Facebook Profile Page /via @labnol By:beastoftraal

Thursday, 16th of December. 19:16:36 Add More Features to your Gmail with Web Apps on @labnol By: arpitnext 20:02:34 If you use gmail heavily these web apps are for you - (via @labnol) By: dashingfactor

Friday, 17th of December. 07:22:13 Very cool. Your Facebook Newspaper By:steverubel 11:52:45 an interesting way to customize your Facebook profile photos: By:sharisax 13:32:09 Mark Zuckerberg Drawn Using Facebook Icons via @labnol_BLOG By: AnaLuisaO

Saturday, 18th of December. 05:33:32 Print Files on an Remote Mac via Dropbox By:MrAbuDhabi 05:46:47 Ever wonder what it would be like to work for Google? Here is a Video Tour of the Google Office in New York: By:NevenSoric 07:00:37 Likes this guide better on how to move from Blogger to WordPress the Easy way By:ifyouhadfaith 07:12:25 Download All Your Documents from Google Docs as a Zip By:yxwlmxy 11:25:52 Want to Know the Sleeping Time of your Friends or Celebrities via @labnol_BLOG By:prerakengg

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12:32:08 Have you seen PostPost, a web app that re-formats your Facebook as a newspaper? By:latinointx 21:14:01 This is a useful tool, I found all those who don't follow me back and unfollowed them in one fell swoop! By:BuzzwordPR

Monday, 20th of December. 03:47:08 Why Forms in Google Docs are Perfect for Creating Online Surveys via @labnol_BLOG By:ringingmybell 15:28:56 Animation using google docs - via @labnol #googledocs By:pdonaghy

Tuesday, 21st of December. 12:30:34 this is cool & handy for any presentations - it turns any webpage into a whiteboard. check it out! By:dizonbydesign 12:50:24 This could be fun to try out: Customize your Facebook Profile Page By: frk_bibo

Wednesday, 22nd of December. 08:17:54 Yeh I prob should have known this sooner - Hide Your Online Status on Facebook Chat from Select Contacts By:_feebags_ 11:00:41 Turn your LinkedIn Profile into a Printable Resume By:MSCommSeattle

Thursday, 23rd of December. 01:37:35 The 101 Most Useful Websites - By:WinObs 02:36:57 101 most useful websites of the year 2010 from @labnol By:JonGluck 21:05:00 Best of the Web... By:pfrigerio 21:31:34 The 101 Most Useful Websites: A really good list. By:MarkMitchell 23:43:22 101 seriously useful web sites. Time savers, free goodies, and more. By: getaspark

Friday, 24th of December. 08:52:02 I've subscribed to labnol's channel on YouTube. By:Andy_CummingsUK

Sunday, 26th of December. 13:05:03 Pretty useful. Copy command line output to Clipboard directly #Windows #TechTip By:meetshriram

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Thursday, 30th of December. 07:05:53 Add the Tweet Button to your Blog without JavaScript By: Tariqalfayad 12:26:10 See how your blog is doing on Twitter and Facebook? via @labnol By: ideafission 14:40:19 How to Backup your Gmail Account Online By:brookehembree

Friday, 31st of December. 01:13:25 All Gmail Users Are Given Two Separate Email Addresses By: Work2do 10:09:13 Submit a Complete Sitemap of your Blogger Blog to Google for Better Indexing - via @labnol By:pradeeshenator 11:45:26 The Biggest Nuisance on Facebook – Photo Tags via @labnol_BLOG By: jeyaganesh 23:55:03 How to password protect your files - By:MamoSingh

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Saturday, 1st of January. 14:02:57 The Best Free Software for Windows By:delicious50 21:18:49 This is a great little tool to keep any particular window on top of all other windows you may have open - By:KarenTabner

Monday, 3rd of January. 19:08:09 Prevent Unnecessary Printing of .pdf files with the new .wwf format #fb By: pkrishnan

Tuesday, 4th of January. 04:46:30 Attempting my first Mail Merge in Gmail, courtesy of @labnol: By: technotheory 05:00:10 101 Useful Websites Worth a Bookmark By:Shocklee 10:53:12 "Gmail and Google Apps Account Hacked But Restored Soon After" ( ) By: sirxl 14:41:09 Setup your own Proxy Server in 5 Minutes for Free via @labnol_BLOG By:pomaskin 23:57:20 A Sticker Set for Highlighting Poor Journalism via @labnol_BLOG By: carolinamoonie

Wednesday, 5th of January. 00:02:53 just set up a wireless network without a router, awesome! By: paolopk2 09:30:16 Is using this to work , much time has been wasted since morning when I shld have been working By:monikamanchanda 10:37:40 I use multiple google accounts for personal, work, marketing. This has been the best way to manage it in Chrome so far By:brentwalker500 23:50:26 Send Files to Dropbox with a Right Click By:ryanringold

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Thursday, 6th of January. 00:29:52 Get Google Voice from Outside the U.S. By:icue 01:05:55 Get Google Voice from Outside the U.S. By:corcoweb 01:36:29 How to Get a US Phone Number By:FamilyGeekRadio 11:38:27 @labnol has a great guide on how to get google voice to work outside the U.S. By:marcedig

Friday, 7th of January. 09:38:10 10 tips for iPad/iPhone keyboard shortcuts By:ktraphagen 10:28:02 How Dell Provides Tech Support Though Twitter By:alexchiuisobar 18:58:21 YouTube Video Not Available in Your Country? How to Watch Blocked Videos on YouTube By:jinttoabraham 21:05:50 An excellent comparison guide for off-site, back-up storage. By:drivn2xl

Monday, 10th of January. 13:29:20 Getting Rid of Duplicate Images on your Computer By:digitalbastler 14:11:30 Adobe PDF Guide: How to Do Everything with PDF Files via @labnol_BLOG By:kagaim 15:16:24 How to Create Custom Facebook Pages vía @labnol_BLOG By: Soledadparral 18:35:29 Build your own Teleprompter with PowerPoint By:pgsimoes

Tuesday, 11th of January. 17:21:08 Get Visitors Stay a Little Longer on your Website By:ajaleelkk 17:37:54 Want to Advertise your Website on TV Channels? ... By: etsjoby 21:29:57 Cool - how to Use Microsoft PowerPoint as a Teleprompter Software: By: onlinepro

Wednesday, 12th of January. 18:47:28 Looking for a way to track your tweet history? Create PDF of all your tweets with Tweetbook (Digital Inspiration): By:annacaprarelli

Thursday, 13th of January. 00:10:14 Boosting time spent on your site by using the RIGHT Facebook & Twitter widgets #internetmarketing By:bobnunn 06:06:23 Give your YouTube Channel a Makeover with Custom Themes via

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@labnol_BLOG By:luckystrings 08:28:02 How to Create Custom Facebook Pages [Tutorial] By:jawwwad 16:23:59 Some very cool suff here! - The 101 Most Useful Websites via @labnol_BLOG By:nickvarney

Friday, 14th of January. 16:15:25 why don't Apple tell you this in a simple instruction booklet? Keyboard Shortcuts on iPad via @labnol_BLOG By:MemberD

Sunday, 16th of January. 02:46:56 Awesome and Creative Google Docs Animation! By:esdoss 03:45:31 How To See Google Results of Another Country or City from Your Location By:spg4 15:13:07 Fascinated by Charles Darwin? Morph Yourself into an Ape via @labnol_BLOG By:hannespieterse

Monday, 17th of January. 08:17:46 How to Turn a Photo Into a Pencil Sketch – Colored or Black via @labnol_BLOG By:lissette_sasami 08:56:11 How Dell Provides Tech Support Though Twitter By:help_gurus 13:37:30 Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking -- Lessons from The King’s Speech on @labnol By:efdeztorviso 21:39:19 How to Export Facebook Phone Numbers and Email Addresses By: MercedesFC

Tuesday, 18th of January. 00:26:29 Inspiring #PR #presentation tips: Overcome Your Fear of Public #Speaking – Lessons from The King’s Speech By:ThePRCoach 06:40:02 How to Export your friends Facebook Phone Numbers and Email Addresses to a CSV file: (via @labnol) By:AlexInsideMedia 19:40:12 Performance monitor tip: Beat up on programs that are accessing internet on your computer By:kcesarz 22:50:57 You know it's been 25 years since Excel hit the shelves. Here's a cool historical timeline for Excel over the... By:msexcel

Wednesday, 19th of January. 02:49:32 Just in case you didn't figure this one out yet ;-) : Hide Your Online Status on Facebook Chat from Select Contacts By:MichelleBarsi 13:51:43 Movie Scenes turned into Animated GIFs By:theahaguy

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Thursday, 20th of January. 15:40:52 Always on Top - Keep Any Window Visible Always By:delicious50 16:16:39 Keyboard Shortcuts to Speed Up Typing on an iPhone or the iPad via @labnol_BLOG By:vikeryip 18:08:23 Interesting reading : the Legal Issues Around Cloud Computing via @labnol_BLOG By:naullyn 22:21:50 How to change your Twitter handle. By:messagemasseuse 22:25:11 How to use OneNote as a Task Manager for the iPhone By:derekoharrow

Saturday, 22nd of January. 01:00:27 Very useful How To Guides for software and web apps. By: KTComputing 02:28:06 Find Out How Much Traffic a Website is Getting very helpful, will never use again try google adplanner By:DanielaBolzmann

Sunday, 23rd of January. 12:29:16 Bookmarklet Turns Any Webpage Into a Whiteboard // I love this. By: smithlorenzo

Monday, 24th of January. 09:39:26 Useful #tip! Finding Recent Images with Google By:rendykstan 14:06:32 Heads up from my favourite blogger @labnol "using MS OneNote app on iphone" By:serendipitynz

Wednesday, 26th of January. 05:41:51 Use Dropbox with your own Web Domain - By:Oxide 07:57:41 How to validate a Credit Card Number via @labnol_BLOG By: SahanaKamath 10:24:51 If you think you can't embed Facebook videos, you can. Here's the how-to: By:KA23A 11:00:53 An explanation of the logic behind your credit card number: No, no. It's not just a random bunch of numbers. By:ronanmccoy 12:06:42 Digital Inspiration: Get Ready to Buy Apple iPad in India $AAPL By:atul 12:38:40 Where are People Checking-In Around the World via @labnol_BLOG By: o79 15:04:24 panning to move from blogger to self hosted wordpress?? Read this before you do so - By:apnerve 16:25:46 Enhance your #YouTube Channel with Custom Backgrounds and Themes By:Whitou

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22:32:44 For anybody that uses Dropbox, here's a helpful article! Upload Files to your Dropbox Folder by Email By:Matt_larson 22:56:36 Great read: How to Use from the Desktop By:PhilGerb

Thursday, 27th of January. 18:18:54 This can be quite useful personalizing a group email and file share Thx @kv and #nwp daily By:poulingail 21:30:19 Can't print from Mac to old printer hooked up to your PC. Want to print wirelessly from your mobile? Check this out! By:MatShepSEO

Friday, 28th of January. 10:25:17 What kind of a Geek are you? #infographic via @labnol_BLOG By: angusmclean 19:11:15 Check if Someone Else is Using Your Facebook Account? @labnol #bettersafethansorry #mediagofer #fb By:mabelskiful 19:44:40 Why India Isn’t Excited About the iPad: Apple today launched the iPad in India but if you were expecting lon... By:IndiaRealTime

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Thursday, 3rd of February. 00:32:44 This is awesome, now you can use Google Cloud Print with or without a Phone to print your documents virtually By:HYVAssistant 10:06:46 Good to know: if you use Gmail, you can now add an image (a logo, maybe?) to the bottom of your email signature... By:sarallenconsult 13:32:22 The World’s Most Blocked Websites via @labnol_BLOG By:hdossari 21:28:26 Do you know how to check if someone else is using your Facebook account? By:FSecure

Friday, 4th of February. 18:00:27 Awesome Now Use Google Cloud Print without a Phone - #tech By: leejohnsonseo

Saturday, 5th of February. 17:25:52 The First Video That Was Uploaded to YouTube! By:ozge 18:41:18 What surprises you about this list? RT @2cre8: The World’s Most Blocked Websites, by @labnol: By:sree

Monday, 7th of February. 01:18:53 How to Get a US Local Phone Number By:deliciouspb 03:00:19 @labnol Your google docs mailmerge hack just saved me hours of my life. Thank you!!! By: simpsonsparadox 19:11:55 Too Busy for Chat? Set Your Online Status in Google Talk As Idle via @labnol_BLOG By:sajeerko

Tuesday, 8th of February. 11:51:23 Cool science video: Microbiologists grow Google with coloured bacteria By:marynabadenhors 16:01:30 Get Statistics for your Tumblr Blog – What Do You Publish via @labnol_BLOG By:FritziMcFly 17:23:43 How to Sign Documents Electronically – No Ink or Paper Required via @labnol_BLOG By:michaeldire

Wednesday, 9th of February. 18:56:20 The Growth of Social Sites in India By:SatrajitSen

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19:20:48 The Growth of Social Sites in India via @labnol_BLOG By:JanFirsching

Thursday, 10th of February. 02:23:50 Some tips for using caching to (further) reduce your amazon AWS bill #amazon By:engwise 20:47:58 Move your Files to Relevant Folders with Ease By:patrichards

Friday, 11th of February. 17:34:15 When Should you Tweet? via @labnol_BLOG [Good tip regarding tweet scheduling service #Timely] By:bjh_ip 23:14:52 This is pretty awesome! A map of where people are checking-in around the world By:ProxChic

Sunday, 13th of February. 19:43:57 Have you found your Googleganger? By:fervedes 21:11:35 Facebook is gonna kill Orkut in India - The growth chart of last year!!! By: kaleshgopi

Tuesday, 15th of February. 05:16:17 A trillion dollars would require a football field filled with fully stacked pallets of dollar bills: - a LOT of bills. By:amca01 07:19:17 Always on Top: Keep Any Window Visible Always (so simple, yet so useful) via @labnol_BLOG By:chachafance 18:25:13 How to Find Old Newspaper Articles and Magazines By:maggiev

Wednesday, 16th of February. 22:20:50 How to Find Old Newspaper Articles Online By:MediaMovements

Thursday, 17th of February. 00:28:59 How-to guides for all things digital By:vwolson 01:06:01 Got Resume? These are 3 beautiful Visual Resumes that inspire: By: TheGirlPie 10:16:16 Twitter Tip: Add a ‘Tweet This’ Link to your Blog on WordPress or Blogger By:delicious50 15:11:38 What’s the optimum length of an online vid? Get what you need in the first 1-2 min., preferably the first 30 sec. By:Glynnn

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Friday, 18th of February. 20:16:57 Revisa: Your Next Résumé Should Look Like This! vía @labnol_BLOG By:PersonasTrabajo 22:17:55 The Growth of Social Sites in India on @labnol By:kumarvinaykvs

Saturday, 19th of February. 19:07:18 Google Docs turns into a Universal File Viewer By:maggiev

Sunday, 20th of February. 10:15:56 Going Back to the Classic Photo Viewer of Facebook on @labnol By:javajane 12:30:01 This one is simply hilarious! ツ As a Geek, What gives you the Greatest Satisfaction? By:Zyron 12:52:06 great article that solved my long trouble of syncing all contacts By:1stoptr

Monday, 21st of February. 14:20:38 How to host your website on Amazon S3 #Tutorial By:ErolKazan 15:20:02 How to Download Facebook Photo Albums to the Desktop By: LAHornbogen

Tuesday, 22nd of February. 21:32:56 Outlook is not that bad!! - Never Forget an Email Attachment in Outlook Again via @labnol_BLOG By:swapnaeliza

Wednesday, 23rd of February. 07:28:43 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, for Geeks: via @labnol_BLOG By: christinainge

Sunday, 27th of February. 19:41:57 Oh good grief. #Google is now treating the much-loved Labnol blog as a content farm #fail By:malabhargava 19:59:00 Google giveth, and Google taketh: @labnol describes how traffic has dropped because it thinks he's a content farm: By:mathewi 20:50:48 GOOG using Adsense reliance to define content farm? @labnol sees traffic drop post 'farmer' algo via @mathewi By:hc

Monday, 28th of February. 20:11:38 Just backed up my gmail...Maybe you should too. By:freshcuts

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20:59:16 New Google rules on "Content Farms" affecting quality sites By: EvokeArtDesign 21:39:06 How to Backup your Gmail Account Online By:delicious50 23:21:57 Educators, what do you think of using this form of resume for teaching positions? By:Cybrarijen 23:27:47 Good teaser trailer. I might have to rent this one, "Google Me" By:eileentv 23:43:35 Locate all the Big Emails in your Gmail Account via @labnol_BLOG By: SwapnilKocheta

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Tuesday, 1st of March. 01:04:13 How to Export Email Addresses of all your Facebook Friends > By: Francmyster 09:34:39 How to Hide or Remove Blogger Navbar By:delicious50 16:00:06 A very useful article on : How to Embed Almost Anything in your Website By: MattHope_ 20:23:25 Make an RSS feed of any website without software or having to write a single line of XML code By:DesignCredo 20:38:44 See your Facebook Friends on a Google Map - By:jdthomas7 23:33:25 What time should you Tweet? via @labnol_BLOG #thisIsPrettyNeat #coolio By:sharpshooda

Wednesday, 2nd of March. 01:02:09 Digital Inspiration (@labnol_blog ) is like a more in depth Lifehacker. Really enjoying reading it lately. By:jenniewhite 20:39:46 How to Sync your PowerPoint Slides with Video By:alexruthmann 20:48:55 How to Sync your PowerPoint Slides with Video via @labnol_BLOG By: nancyrubin 21:09:02 Google's new 404 page...Design can a great thing, but not at the price of functionality. I have to agree with this post By:ang_rivera 21:40:33 Great site/blog for tips and tricks on google docs - By: tech_dawn 22:14:07 Wolfram Alpha helps you compare Airline punctuality By:metric_dos

Thursday, 3rd of March. 00:48:55 Turn Google Docs Into an RSS Reader and Feed Aggregator By:Shtaba 08:39:27 Use to Know if your Email has been Read via @labnol_BLOG By: sucodestrela 19:05:36 How to Setup Google DFP (DoubleClick for Publishers) for Selling Ads on your Site - A Tutorial: By:JCDichant 23:30:50 Exercises for Social Media Addicts, hilarious! By:annagenis

Friday, 4th of March. 00:49:45 The Best Software Tools for the Paperless Office - #OCR #paperlessoffice By:neilgmcpherson 05:30:20 #App store users downloaded an average of 4.8 apps each #stats #iTunes

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By:datashelves 19:21:05 Free webhosting with #Google. #inventivepeople By:Geert_Ziff 20:25:00 Really useful! How to Host your Website on for Free By: oliconner

Saturday, 5th of March. 09:43:16 Some incredible stats about IE6 the browser that just won't die - By:jrdorkin

Sunday, 6th of March. 05:33:05 Want to know how to do stuff online? Follow @labnol By:mqtodd 09:07:13 Did you know that you could return an app? #spedchat #iear #assistivetech By:carriefdelacruz 11:35:37 For those selling their iPads... How to Reset iPad to Factory Settings via @labnol_BLOG By:pobutler

Monday, 7th of March. 02:43:00 quite a PR coup for Google: royal wedding website hosted on App Engine thanks @labnol_BLOG By:mjl40 03:06:43 How to Export Facebook Phone Numbers and Email Addresses #facebook #tips #contacts By:mocialsedia 10:45:00 How to Find Old Newspaper Articles and Magazines #tech By:fuadhasaan 13:13:39 MS Paint Features You May Not Know via @labnol_BLOG By: lokeshsinghal09 20:27:46 Amit Agarwal - Life in a Day (Healthy Blogging Life Documentary of an Indian Problogger) - @labnol By:warijit 22:39:37 Using Microsoft Office and Google Docs together. Interesting options: By: blinkdaddy

Tuesday, 8th of March. 21:13:45 How to Embed Facebook Videos in your Web Pages via @labnol_BLOG By:batthish

Wednesday, 9th of March. 02:51:07 Internet, Who's talking about you on the Internet: By:kennyplace

Thursday, 10th of March. 13:15:01 Great guide! Screencasting Toolkit - The Best Tools for Creating Screencast Videos By:miriamschwab

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Saturday, 12th of March. 23:49:39 Facebook Like Button Available as a Rubber Stamp on @labnol By: outilammi

Sunday, 13th of March. 04:58:18 The World’s Most Blocked Websites via @labnol_BLOG By:schedal 08:31:56 Moving your Blog from to Made Easy By: ToddWilsonBiz 13:50:15 Workaround: Creating multiple Twitter accounts with the same email. By:katetowsey 14:37:21 Keeping your GMail Inbox size under control By:maverick18 15:10:15 Was your website affected by the Google Farmer Update? did your rankings change? By:aidah

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