Columbiana Public Library

Overdrive eBooks with the Nook - article from

Using Nook to read books from your local library is easy. All you have to do is check out an eBook and deliver it to the Nook device or Nook reading app of your choice. All library cardholders are able to download 10 eBooks at one time. Note: Some Nooks may require you to manually transfer the title to your PC via USB.

What you need  Your library’s website -  Nook or a Nook reading app  An Adobe Digital Editions Account  Your library card number & PIN  The USB cable for your Nook (on some models)

How it Works

Most library eBooks can be read on a Nook and Nook reading apps. Nooks with a Wi-Fi internet connection can download most books directly.

1. Install Software Install Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) on your computer if you need to transfer eBooks to your Nook. You will also need to authorize your computer and Nook with your Adobe ID. If you aren't prompted to authorize ADE the first time you open it, you can go to Help > Authorize Computer to start the process manually. If you do not have an Adobe ID, click Create an Adobe ID to make one on Adobe's website.

2. Website To get started, go to the library’s website and under the tab Services, click on Digital Materials and then the eBook link. Once on the eBook page you can continue on to the Ohio eBook Project. You can use a computer, or you can download titles directly with devices such as a Nook Color, Tablet, HD or HD+.

3. Browse Once you're there, find an eBook you want to read and check out. You can select any title that displays the words '’EPUB Book' or ‘PDF Book’ and says ‘Borrow’.

4. Borrowing Click on a title to open its details page, then click Borrow to check it out and go to your bookshelf. Make sure that it is available in EPUB or PDF Book format. If prompted, sign in with your Library Card Columbiana Public Library Number and PIN.

5. Downloading From your bookshelf, select EPUB OR PDF Book from the Download drop-down menu, then Confirm & Download.

Note: If you are using , you may need to install the Chrome Frame plug-in.

6. Adobe Digital Editions After the book downloads, if you are already signed into Adobe Digital Editions it will open your book shelf. If you are not signed it, you will need to do so.

7. Transferring eBooks to Your Reader If you do not have a Nook Color, Tablet, HD or HD+ you will have to transfer the ebook from your computer with your USB cable to your Nook. In Adobe Digital Editions click on the ‘Library View’ and it will show all the books you have downloaded. In the left hand column it will show your Nook. Click down on the eBook you want to move to your Nook and drag it to your Nook. Once the transfer is complete you can disconnect your device.

8. Enjoy Once a title is on your device or reading app, open it from your Nook home screen to begin reading. If you want to read the eBook on a different device, you can download it again during the lending period.

Note: The NOOK HD and HD+ do not support transfers from ADE. If you have one of these devices, install OMC (Overdrive Media Console) and borrow titles directly from your NOOK.

Want to know more? More help with Overdrive can be found under the Help tab on the overdrive website. It includes articles, videos and FAQ.