

Prof. John Karkazis


December 2009 ,


1. M. Tiryakioglu and N.D. Alexopoulos (2008) The effect of artificial aging on tensile work hardening characteristics of a cast Al-7\% Si-0.55\% Mg (A357) alloy, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 39A: 2772-2780, 2008.

2. N.D. Alexopoulos and P. Papanikos (2008) Experimental and theoretical studies of corrosion-induced mechanical properties degradation of aircraft 2024 aluminium alloy, Materials Science & Engineering A, 498(1-2): 248-257, 2008.

3. Μ. Tiryakioglu, J. Campbell and N.D. Alexopoulos On the ductility potential of cast Al-Cu-Mg (206) alloys, Materials Science & Engineering A, 2008, έχει εγκριθεί για δηµοσίευση.

4. N.D. Alexopoulos and Μ. Tiryakioglu The relationship between fracture toughness and tensile properties of A357 cast aluminum alloy, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2008, έχει υποβληθεί για δηµοσίευση.

5. Κάλυµνος, Ν.∆. Αλεξόπουλος, Γ. Αγγελόπουλος, Α. ∆ιαµαντούδης, Θ. Κερµανίδης και Β. Στιβανάκης (2007) Εκτίµηση της αντοχής σε κάµψη βιοµηχανικών κεραµιδιών: ανάπτυξη µεθοδολογίας για τον υπολογισµό της αντοχής σε κάµψη από εργαστηριακά δοκίµια, Πρακτικά από το 3ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Μεταλλικών Υλικών, Ελληνική Μεταλλουργική Εταιρεία, Πάτρα, 06-07 ∆εκεµβρίου 2007, σελ. 89-96.

6. Ν.∆. Αλεξόπουλος (2007) Χαρακτηρισµός της 'ποιότητας' των µεταλλικών υλικών: τα χυτά κράµατα αλουµινίου και οι δείκτες ποιότητας, Πρακτικά από το 3ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Μεταλλικών Υλικών, Ελληνική Μεταλλουργική Εταιρεία, Πάτρα, 06-07 ∆εκεµβρίου 2007, σελ. 97-104.

7. S. Lalas, N. Ampazis, A. Tsakonas, G. Dounias and K. Vemmos (2008) Modeling Stroke Diagnosis with the Use of Intelligent Techniques, Artificial Intelligence: Theories, Models and Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Springer-Verlag), vol. 5138/2008, pp 352-358, 2008.

8. N. Ampazis (2008) Collaborative Filtering via Concept Decomposition on the Netflix Dataset, Proceedings of Workshop on Recommender Systems, 18th IEEE European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Patras, Greece, July 2008.

9. I. Minis, N. Ampazis, K. Mamasis (2007) “Efficient real-time management of goods distribution to clustered clients”, International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, vol 3, number 3, pp. 211-227, 2007.

10. N. Ampazis, H. Iakovaki, and G. Dounias (2007) Author Identification of E-mail Messages with OLMAM Trained Feedforward Neural Networks, Proceedings of 19th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence ICTAI, Patras, Greece, November 2007.

11. Andrikopoulos, A. (2008) Intellectual Capital and Real options: agency theory and the dynamics of R&D investments, International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, Vol. 5 No 1, σσ. 20-32.

12. Andrikopoulos, A. και Koronis, E. (2007) Reputation performance: a portfolio selection approach, International Journal of Business Performance Management, Vol. 9 No 4, σσ. 406-418.

13. Andrikopoulos, A. (2007) On the quadratic approximation to the value of american put options: a note, Applied Financial Economics Letters, Vol.3 No 5, σσ. 313-317.

14. Andrikopoulos, A. και Angelidis, T. (2008) Idiosyncratic risk, returns and liquidity in the London Stock Exchange: a spillover approach, παρουσιάστηκε στο 2008 EFMA Meeting, Ιούνιος 2008, Αθήνα.

15. Andrikopoulos, A. (2008) 3

Investment timing, managerial discretion and the capital structure choice, δηµοσιευµένο στα πρακτικά του 5ου Φοιτητικού Συνεδρίου ∆ιοικητικής Επιστήµης και Τεχνολογίας, Μάιος 2008, Αθήνα.

16. Andrikopoulos, A. (2008) Irreversible investment, managerial discretion and optimal capital structure, δεκτό προς δηµοσίευση στο Journal of Banking and Finance.

17. Andrikopoulos, A. (2005) The real options approach to intellectual capital analysis: a critique, Knowledge and Process Management, Vol 12 Νο 3, pp. 217-224. Το άρθρο αυτό συµπεριλήφθηκε στη διεθνή επισκόπηση του έτους 2005 Emerald Management Reviews: Profiting from Intellectual Capital.

18. Andrikopoulos, A. (2005) Using intellectual capital statements to determine value drivers and priorities for organizational change: a portfolio selection approach, Knowledge Management Research and Practice, Vol 3 No 3, σσ. 166-172.

19. Andrikopoulos, A. (2007) On the quadratic approximation to the value of american options: an alternative, δεκτό προς δηµοσίευση στο Finance Letters.

20. Andrikopoulos, A. και Koronis, E. (2007) Reputation performance: a portfolio selection approach, International Journal of Business Performance Management, Vol. 9 No 4, σσ. 406-418.

21. Andrikopoulos, A. και Kaimenakis, N. (2007) Introducing FOrNeX: a composite index for the intangible resources of the football club, δεκτό προς δηµοσίευση στο International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing.

22. Andrikopoulos, A. (2004) Intellectual capital portfolio selection: value drivers and priorities for organizational change. To άρθρο κατατέθηκε και παρουσιάστηκε στο EUROXX: 20ο Ευρωπαϊκό Συνέδριο στην Επιχειρησιακή Έρευνα, Ρόδος 4-7 Ιουλίου 2004.

23. Andrikopoulos, A. και Koronis, E. (2005) Towards a corporate reputation portfolio: using the portfolio theory principles in the strategic management of reputation capital, δηµοσιευµένο στα πρακτικά του 9th Reputation Institute Conference, Μάιος 2005, Μαδρίτη.

24. Andrikopoulos, A. (2006) Analytical approximations to the valuation of american options: a boundary-optimality approach, παρουσιάστηκε στο 2006 HFAA Conference στη Θεσσαλονίκη (∆εκέµβριος 2006).

25. Andrikopoulos A. (2007) On the quadratic valuation of american options: a functional guess, παρουσιάστηκε και δηµοσιεύτηκε στα πρακτικά του International Workshop of Economics and Finance (IWEF) στην Τρίπολη, 15 Ιουνίου 2007.

26.Alexandropoulou, D, Angelis, V. and Mavri, M. (2009) Knowledge Management and Higher Education: Present State and Future Trends, International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, Vol. 5 Issue 2 (to appear).

27. Mavri M., Angelis V., Ioannou G., Gaki E., Koufodontis I., (2008) A Two Stage Dynamic Credit Scoring Model Based on Customer’s Profile and Time Horizon. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 13 (2), pp. 15-30.

28. Salamoura M., Angelis V., Kehagias J., Lymperopoulos C., (2008) Investigating the “New Product Acceptance Function”: the Quality – Accessibility Relationship. Managing Service Quality, Vol.18: No.5, pp.425-441.

29.Gaki, E., Angelis, V., (2008) Overcoming Spatial Discontinuity by Enchancing Communication Continuity, Studies in Regional & Urban Planning , issue 11, 2008 (to appear).


30. Vafopoulos, M. and Angelis, V. A business model for the Grid e-workspace, International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies (to appear).

31. Vidalis J. M., Koukoumialos I. S., Angelis A. V. Determination of Inventory Performance Measures in a two level Supply Chain with uncertain Demand and Replenishment, Omega / Elsevier (submitted).

32. Vidalis J. M., Koukoumialos I. S., Angelis A. V., (2008) Inventory Performance Measures in a Three Stage Supply Chain with Stochastic Demand and Replenishment times: The Exponential case, International Journal of Production Economics / Elsevier (submitted).

33. Vidalis J. M. & Angelis A. V. ∆ιαχείριση Εφοδιαστικού ∆ικτύου υπό καθεστώς αβεβαιότητας, Αστρολάβος / Ελληνική Μαθηµατική Εταιρεία (submitted).

34. Antivachis, N.A. and Angelis, V.A. (2007) Network Organization: A System Exegesis, International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2007, pp 32- 48.

35. Antivachis, N. A., Konstantas, G. and Angelis, V. A. (2007) Workflows Coordination in Novel Organizational Forms, International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2007, pp.208-229.

36. Antivachis, N. A., Angelis, V. A and Konstantas G. BPR as a Mediating Mechanism for the Enhancement of the Customer-Organization Bond, International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies (to appear).

37. Antivachis, N.A. and Angelis, V.A. Network Organization: The Case of Increased Risks and the Government Metamorphosis, International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies (to appear).

38. Angelis, V.A, Dimaki, C., Psarakis, S. and Virras, I. Measuring the Effect of Financial Incentives of a Region's Development. A Statistical Process Control Approach International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies (to appear).

39. Μαύρη, Μ., Αγγελής, Β., Ιωάννου, Γ., (2007) «Εκτίµηση της πιστοληπτικής ικανότητας ενός πελάτη και του χρόνου οµαλής συνεργασίας του µε την τράπεζα», Αστρολάβος, 7, pp. 106-120.

40. Αραβοσιτάς, Γ. & Αγγελής, Β. (2006) Βελτιστοποίηση φόρτισης µηχανών: Θεωρητικό πλαίσιο και εφαρµογή, Αστρολάβος, τεύχος 5, 2006, σελ.43-60.

41.Angelis, V.A., Kondakis, M., Dimaki, C. and Angelis-Dimakis, A. (2005) The Role of Environment in a Region’s Sustainable Development, The Journal of Management Sciences and Regional Development, Issue 5, 2005, pp.219-243.

42. Angelis, V.A., Lymperopoulos, C. and Dimaki K, (2005) Customers’ Perceived Value for Private and State Controlled Hellenic , Journal of Financial Services Marketing, , Volume 9, No 4, 2005, pp 360-374.

43. Angelis, V.A, Dimaki and C., Virras, I. (2005) The Use of Survival Analysis Techniques in Studying Regional Development Issues, The Journal of Management Sciences and Regional Development, Issue 5, 2005, pp.187-218.

44.Vafopoulos, Μ., Angelis, V.A., Platis, A., (2005) Hyper Clustering: from Digital Divide to GRID e-workspace, In Zanasi, A., Brebbia, C.A. and Ebecken, N. (eds), DataMining VI: DataMining, Text Mining and Their Business Applications, WIT Transactions on Information & Communication Technologies, 2005, Vol. 34, pp. 311-321.

45. Angelis, V.A., Kehagias, J. and Rigopoulou, Ir. (2004) 5

The Influence of the Brand Name to Brand's Success, European Research Studies Journal, Vol VI, Issue 3-4, pp 257-280.

46. Tsakonas, A., Angelis, V. A., Karkazis, I. and Dounias, G. (2004) An Evolutionary System for Neural Logic Networks Using Genetic Programming and Indirect Encoding, Int. Journal of Applied Logic, Special Issue on Neural-Symbolic Systems, Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2004, Pages 349-379.

47. Michaelides, P., Economakis, G., Milios, J., Maroudas, L. and Angelis, V. (2004) Growth and Technological Change in the Russian Economy: A Contribution to the Investigation of Russia’s Economic Crisis, East – West Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. VII, No 2, pp. 39-62.

48. Salamoura, M. & Angelis, V. (2008) The Image of the Tourism Product: theoretical approach and applications, Proceedings, 26th EuroCHRIE Congress “Building a Legacy, Living the Dream: 2020 Vision for Hospitality and Tourism”, Dubai, October 11-14 (Proceedings on CD- ROM).

49. Gaki, E. Angelis, V.A. Information and communication technologies and their role in regional development, Proceedings, 4th Meeting on the Academic Cooperation in the Middle East, 6-20 May 2008, Chios, Greece (to appear).

50. Gaki, E., Angelis, V., Mavri. M., Koufodontis, I., (2008) Island Regions: Measuring the prospects of their development, Proceedings, AICIS 2nd Annual Conference ”Islands of Competence: Branding Identities in a Globalized World” Mariehamn, Aland Islands., Finland. (Proceedings on the Conference Site).

51. Mavri. M., Angelis, V., Koufodontis, I., Gaki, E., (2008) Greek Islands: Classification based on their development prospects. Proceedings, AICIS 2nd Annual Conference”Islands of Competence: Branding Identities in a Globalized World” Mariehamn, Aland Islands., Finland. (Proceedings on the Conference Site).

52. Koufodontis, I., Angelis, V., Gaki, E. Mavri. M., (2008) Enhancing the tourism Image and creating identity and branding for Island regions through virtual organizations. Proceedings, AICIS 2nd Annual Conference”Islands of Competence: Branding Identities in a Globalized World” Mariehamn, Aland Islands., Finland. (Proceedings on the Conference Site).

53. Monioukas F., Stavrinoudis T., Angelis V., (2007) Students’ Satisfaction from the Postgraduate Courses Offered at the University of Aegean Business School: Ways of Measurement and Suggestion for its Improvement. Proceedings, 1st Biannual International Conference in “Strategic Developments in Services Marketing”, Chios Island, September 27-29 (Proceedings on CD-ROM).

54. Angelis, V.,Mavri, M., G., Gaki, E., Koufodontis, I., (2007) The role of Universities on Regional development, Regional Studies Association International Conference “Regions In Focus?”, Lisbon, Portugal (Proceedings on the Regional Studies Association’s Site).

55. Gaki, E., Angelis, V., Koufodontis, I.,Mavri, M., (2007) The role of ICT on Regional development, Regional Studies Association International Conference “Regions In Focus?”, Lisbon, Portugal (Proceedings on the Regional Studies Association’s Site).

56. Koufodontis, I., Angelis, V., Mavri, M., Gaki, E., (2007) Tourism and Regional development, Regional Studies Association International Conference “Regions In Focus?” (Proceedings on the Regional Studies Association’s Site).

57. Koufodontis, I., Angelis, V., Gaki, E., Mavri, M., (2007) Network Organizations and Potential Effects in Development of Island and Isolated Regions, Proceedings, 47th Congress of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA), “Local Governance and Sustainable Development”, Paris, 2007 (Proceedings on the Conference Site).

58. Angelis, V. A., Gaki, E. and Antivachis, N., (2006) Regions, Regional Problems and Regional Policy in the Enlarged EU, Proceedings, International Conference "Shaping EU Regional Policy: Economic, Social and Political Pressures", Leuven, Belgium, 8-9 June 2006 (Proceedings on the Regional Studies Association’s Site). 6

59. Angelis, V. A. and Gaki, E. (2006) The Effect of a Region’s Location on its Development, Proceedings, 46th Congress of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA), “Enlargement, Southern Europe & the Mediterranean”, Volos, 2006 (Proceedings on CD-ROM).

60. Angelis, V., Kehagias, J. and Salamoura, M. (2006) Investigating New Product Acceptance: evidence from Greece, Proceedings, Academy of Marketing Conference, Middlesex University Business School, London, July 4-6 (Proceedings on CD-ROM).

61. Sakellarides, O., Angelis, V.A., Dounias, G., and Koufodontis I., (2006) Low-Cost Broadband Connections: A Key Factor for SME Virtual Organizations, Proceedings, 46th Congress of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA), “Enlargement, Southern Europe & the Mediterranean”, Volos, 2006 (Proceedings on CD-ROM).

62. Apostolou E. and Angelis, V. (2005) Teams at Work: The Role of Job Design as a Synergy Mediating Mechanism, Proceedings, International Conference: Managing Global Trends and Challenges in a Turbulent Economy, Chios, 13-15 October 2005 (to appear).

63. Angelis V., and Antivachis N. The Network Imperative: The Case of Small Firms in Greece, Proceedings, International Conference: Managing Global Trends and Challenges in a Turbulent Economy, Chios, 13-15 October 2005 (to appear).

64. Michaelides, P., Economakis, G., Milios, J., Maroudas, L. and Angelis, V. (2005) The Growth, Technological Change and Output Gap in Russia,, European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy. Proceedings, 17th Annual International Conference, Premen, November 10-12 (Proceedings on CD-ROM).

65. Lymperopoulos, C., Angelis, V. A. and Dimaki, K. (2004) The Different Levels of Customer Satisfaction Between Private and State Controlled Hellenic Banks, Proceedings, European Sociological Association, 6th Congress “Ageing Societies, New Sociology”, Murcia, Spain, September 2003, (Proceedings on CD-ROM).

66. Μαύρη, Μ., Αγγελής, B. Εναλλακτικά ∆ίκτυα ∆ιανοµής και Ικανοποίηση του Πελάτη, Τόµος Πρακτικών, 4ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Συστηµικών Μελετών, "Νέα Αγορά" και Νέα Τεχνολογία, σελ 45. Ιωάννινα 29-31 Μαϊου, 2008 (υπό δηµοσίευση).

67. Κωνσταντάς Γ., Αντιβάχης Ν, και Αγγελής Β. Ανασχεδιασµός ∆ηµόσιων Οργανισµών ή Αλλαγή Κουλτούρας: Όψεις του Ίδιου Νοµίσµατος, Τόµος Πρακτικών, 4ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Συστηµικών Μελετών (ΕΕΣΜ), Μάιος 2008, Ιωάννινα (υπό δηµοσίευση).

68. Κωνσταντάς Γ., Αντιβάχης Ν, και Αγγελής Β. Γνώση και Τεχνολογία, Αλληλεπίδραση και Ανάπτυξη Οργανισµών, Τόµος Πρακτικών, 3ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Συστηµικών Μελετών (ΕΕΣΜ), Μάιος 2007, Πειραιάς (υπό δηµοσίευση).

69. Μαύρη Μ., Αγγελής Β., Γάκη Ε., Κουφοδόντης Ι. Ηλεκτρονική ∆ιακυβέρνηση & Πελατοκεντρική Θεωρία. Μύθος η Πραγµατικότητα; Τόµος Πρακτικών, 3ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο Ελληνικής Εταιρίας, Συστηµικών Μελετών, Πειραιάς (υπό δηµοσίευση).

70. Vafopoulos M., Angelis V. G-work: The Next Step in Greek Digital Strategy. Τόµος Πρακτικών, 3ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο Ελληνικής Εταιρίας, Συστηµικών Μελετών, Πειραιάς (υπό δηµοσίευση).

71. Antivachis N., Angelis V., (2007) Knowledge Management: Beyond the Information Processing Paradigm. Τόµος Πρακτικών, 3ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο Ελληνικής Εταιρίας, Συστηµικών Μελετών, Πειραιάς (υπό δηµοσίευση).

72. Κωνσταντάς Γ., Αγγελής Β., Αντιβάχης Ν. Γνώση και Τεχνολογία, Αλληλεπίδραση και Ανάπτυξη Οργανισµών. Τόµος Πρακτικών, 3ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο Ελληνικής Εταιρίας, Συστηµικών Μελετών, Πειραιάς (υπό δηµοσίευση).

73. Antivachis N., Angelis V. 7

Human Resources Management: The Knowledge Management Challenge. Τόµος Πρακτικών, 3ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο Ελληνικής Εταιρίας, Συστηµικών Μελετών, Πειραιάς (υπό δηµοσίευση).

74. Βιδάλης Μ. , Αγγελής Β. Προσδιορισµός Επίπεδου Εξυπηρέτησης σε Εφοδιαστική Αλυσίδα µε 2 ή 3 Επίπεδα µε Αβέβαιη Ζήτηση & Αναπλήρωση. Τόµος Πρακτικών, 3ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο Ελληνικής Εταιρίας, Συστηµικών Μελετών, Πειραιάς (υπό δηµοσίευση).

75. Μαύρη Μ., Αγγελής Β., Γάκη Ε., Κουφοδόντης Ι., Σαλαµούρα Μ. Η χρήση των Σ∆ΙΤ στη δηµόσια διοίκηση και στην ηλεκτρονική διακυβέρνηση. ∆ιεθνής και ελληνική εµπειρία. Τόµος πρακτικών, 2ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο ∆ιοικητικών Επιστηµών «Νέα ∆ηµόσια ∆ιοίκηση, Εταιρική Κοινωνική Ευθύνη και Κοινωνία των Πολιτών», Χίος, (υπό δηµοσίευση).

76. Κωνσταντάς Γ., Αντιβάχης Ν, και Αγγελής Β., (2006) Η Εµπιστοσύνη Παράγοντας ∆ηµιουργίας ∆υναµικών και Αποτελεσµατικών Σχέσεων στους Οργανισµούς ∆ίκτυα, Τόµος Πρακτικών, 2ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Συστηµικών Μελετών, Μάιος 2006, Χίος,(Πρακτικά σε CD ROM).

77. Αγγελής, Β., Γάκη, Ε. και Κουφοδόντης, Ν.Ι., (2006) Η Συµβολή της Επιχείρησης – ∆ίκτυο στην Ανάπτυξη Νησιωτικών και Αποµονωµένων Περιοχών, Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου, 2ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Συστηµικών Μελετών, Χίος, 25-27 Μαΐου 2006, (Πρακτικά σε CD ROM).

78. Αγγελής Β., Σαλαµούρα Μ., (2006) Η Αποδοχή ενός Νέου Προϊόντος ως Συστηµικό Εργαλείο Μελέτης της Καταναλωτικής Συµπεριφοράς στις Σύγχρονες Επιχειρήσεις, Τόµος Πρακτικών, 2ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο Ελληνικής Εταιρίας, Συστηµικών Μελετών, Χίος (Πρακτικά σε CD ROM).

79. Αλεξόπουλος Α., Αγγελής Β., (2006) Ο ∆υνητικός Ρόλος των Οργανισµών ∆ικτύων στην Ενδυνάµωση των Γεωγραφικά Αποµονωµένων Περιοχών και στην Άµβλυνση των Περιφερειακών Ανισοτήτων, Τόµος Πρακτικών, 2ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο Ελληνικής Εταιρίας, Συστηµικών Μελετών, Χίος (Πρακτικά σε CD ROM).

80. Βαφόπουλος Μ., Σιγάλα Μ., Αγγελής Β., (2006) Πραγµατική Επανίδρυση του Κράτους – Η Περίπτωση της Ελλάδος, Τόµος Πρακτικών, 2ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο Ελληνικής Εταιρίας, Συστηµικών Μελετών, Χίος (Πρακτικά σε CD ROM).

81. Λυµπερόπουλος Κ., Αγγελής Β., Χανιωτάκης Ι., (2006) Η Μείωση του Επιχειρηµατικού Κινδύνου των Τραπεζών Μέσω Ερευνών για τις Εκτιµήσεις των Πελατών τους της Εκλαµβανόµενης από τις Υπηρεσίες τους Αξίας, Τόµος Πρακτικών, 2ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο Ελληνικής Εταιρίας, Συστηµικών Μελετών, Χίος (Πρακτικά σε CD ROM).

82. Antivachis N., Angelis V., (2006) Technology as an Outcome and a Process of Human Ingenuity, Τόµος Πρακτικών, 2ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο Ελληνικής Εταιρίας, Συστηµικών Μελετών, Χίος (Πρακτικά σε CD ROM).

83. Apostolou D., Angelis V., (2006) Teams at Work: The Cross-Functional Team as a Type of Knowledge Integrator Node (KIN) within the Organization and beyond its Boundaries into Business Networks, Τόµος Πρακτικών, 2ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο Ελληνικής Εταιρίας, Συστηµικών Μελετών, Χίος (Πρακτικά σε CD ROM).

84. Antivachis, N. A. and Angelis, V. A. (2006) Stakeholders’ Salience: Determination and Prioritization, Οικονοµικά Συστήµατα, Αναπτυξιακές Πολιτικές και Στρατηγικές των Επιχειρήσεων στην εποχή της Παγκοσµιοποίησης. Μελέτες προς τιµήν του Καθηγητή Στέργιου Μπαµπανάση, Πανεπιστήµιο Αιγαίου-Εκδόσεις Παπαζήση, Αθήνα 2006, σελ. 537-560.

85. N. A. Antivachis & V. A. Angelis, (2005) Knowledge Management in a Polarized Environment, Τόµος Πρακτικών, 1ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Συστηµικών Μελετών, 12-14 Μαΐου 2005, Τρίπολη, (Πρακτικά σε CD-ROM).

86. Vafopoulos, M. & Angelis, V. A., (2005) A business model for the GRID e-workspace, Τόµος Πρακτικών, 1ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Συστηµικών Μελετών, 12-14 Μαΐου 2005, Τρίπολη, (Πρακτικά σε CD-ROM). 8

87. Κωνσταντάς, Γ., Αντιβάχης, Ν., Αγγελής, Β.Α., (2005) Η Επίδραση της Κουλτούρας ενός Οργανισµού στη ∆ιαχείριση της Γνώσης, Τόµος Πρακτικών, 1ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Συστηµικών Μελετών, 12-14 Μαΐου 2005, Τρίπολη, (Πρακτικά σε CD-ROM).

88. Antivachis, N. A. and Angelis, V. A. (2004) Project Management: HR Recruiting and Selection Practices Τόµος Πρακτικών Β’, 16ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο ΕΕΕΕ, «∆ιοίκηση και ∆ιαχείριση Έργων», Ελληνική Εταιρία Επιχειρησιακών Ερευνών και ΤΕΙ Λάρισας, Λάρισα, Σεπτέµβριος 2003, pp 25-31.

89. Αγγελής, Β. Α., Λυµπερόπουλος, Κ. και ∆ηµάκη Α., (2004) Η Αξιολόγηση των Ελληνικών Τραπεζών από τους Πελάτες της Λιανικής Τραπεζικής, Μελέτες προς Τιµήν του Καθηγητή Στυλιανού Σαραντίδη, Πανεπιστήµιο Πειραιώς, Πειραιάς 2005, σελ. 3-23.

90. Kutsikos, K. and M. Bekiaris, 2007 IT Governance Auditing in Virtual Organizations, MIBES Transactions International Journal, vol. 1, issue 1 pp. 35-45

91. Bekiaris, M. and K. Kutsikos, 2007 The Evolution of IT Governance Auditing within Emerging Technology-Driven Corporate Structures, I-manager's Journal on Management, No 2, Vol 2, pp. 6-14

92. Bekiaris, M., 2008 Business Codes: A financial reporting quality factor or another compliance obligation?, I-manager's Journal on Management, Forthcoming (LoA)*1

93. Lagos, D., M. Bekiaris, and P. Arsenos, 2007 Competitiveness of the tourism Product of : Financial Analysis of the local 5-star Hotel Industry, TOURISMOS, vol. 4, issue 1. Forthcoming (LοΑ)

94. Rogdaki, E. and M. Bekiaris, 2007 Accounting of Government Grants: IAS 20 Analysis and Critical Thesis, The South European Review of Business Finance and Accounting. Forthcoming (LoA)

95. Christou, E. (2007) A qualitative analysis of consumer attitudes on adoption of online travel services, Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol.57, No.2.

96. Christou, E. & Kassianidis, P. (2005) The impact of guest satisfaction and service quality on future behavioural intentions: Evidence from the hospitality sector, Journal of Tourism & Hospitality Management, Vol.11, No.2.

97. Christou, E. (2004) The impact of trust on brand loyalty: evidence from the hospitality industry, Tourist Scientific Review, Vol.1, No.1

98. Christou,, E. (2007) Tourist destinations as brands: The impact of destination image and reputation on visitor loyalty. In the book (edited) Keller, P. & Bieger, T. (2007) Productivity in Tourism: Fundamentals and Concepts for Achieving Growth and competitiveness. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag.

99. Polydoropoulou, A., N. Litinas, A. Tsirimpa (2007) Ports in Small Regional Areas and Islands: User Evaluations for Ports as Efficient Intermodal Gateways, Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Conference: “Competitiveness and Complementarity of Transport Modes, Perspectives for the Development of Intermodal Transport”, Chios, May 2007.

100. Kitrinou, E. and A. Polydoropoulou (2007) Competitiveness of Travel Modes in Island Areas due to Relocation and Teleworking, Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Conference: “Competitiveness And Complementarity Of Transport Modes, Perspectives For The Development Of Intermodal Transport”, Chios, May 2007.

1 Letter of Acceptance 9

101. Tsirimpa, A., A. Polydoropoulou, C. Antoniou (2008) Development of a Latent Variable Model to Capture the Impact of Risk Aversion on Travelers’ Switching Behavior, Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Transport Research, Berkeley, CA, June 2007.

102. Kitrinou, E. and A. Polydoropoulou (2007) Analyzing the Decisions of Relocation and Teleworking in Island Areas, Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Transportation Research, Berkeley, CA, June 2007.

103. Christou, E. (2005) Service quality and visitor satisfaction in heritage sites. In the book (edited) Sigala, M. & Leslie, D. (2005) Global Cultural Tourism: Issues and Cases. London: Butterworth-Heinemann.

104. Christou, E., Stavrinoudis, T., Tsartas, P. & Vasileiou, M. (2007) Wellness : Trust on spa brands and spa brand loyalty. Biannual International Conference: Strategic Developments in Services Marketing. Chios, Greece: University of Glagow, University of the Aegean & Greek Marketing Academy.

105. Christou, E., Lymperopoulos, C. & Sigala, M. (2007) Travellers’ perceptions on adoption of internet shopping for airline tickets. Biannual International Conference: Strategic Developments in Services Marketing. Chios, Greece: University of Glagow, University of the Aegean & Greek Marketing Academy.

106. Christou, E. (2007) Tourism destination brand personality: Influencing perceptions. 61st Annual I-CHRIE (International Council on Hotel, Restaurant & Institutional Education) Convention & Exhibition. Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.: I-CHRIE.

107.Sigala, M. & Christou, E. (2007) Exploiting Web 2.0 in open and distance education: Developing personalised and collaborative learning environments. 4th International Conference on Open & Distance Education. , Greece: Greek Open University.

108. Christou, E., Lymperopoulos, C. & Kassianidis, P. (2006) Tour operator image and brand loyalty: Examination of the package holidays sector. 24th EuroCHRIE Congress: In Search of Excellence in Tourism, Travel & Hospitality. , Greece: University of the Aegean.

109. Christou, E. & Lymperopoulos, C. (2006) Investigating visitor satisfaction and service quality in a heritage-tourism context. 35th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC): Sustainable Marketing Leadership – A Synthesis of Polymorphous Axioms, Strategies and Tactics. Athens, Greece: Athens University of Economics & Business.

110. Christou, E. (2006) The relationship between service loyalty and traveller satisfaction in the airline sector. 18th Biennial international Congress: New Trends in Tourism & Hospitality Management. Opatija, Croatia: University of Rijeka.

111. Christou, E. & Maroudas, L. (2005) Linking travellers’ trust on airlines’ brands with airline brand loyalty. 23rd EuroCHRIE (European Council for Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education) Conference: Managing Change in Tourism and Hospitality. Paris, : Institute Paul Bocuse.

112. Christou, E., Giouzepas, D., Tsinikas, N. & Valahis, I. (2005) Gaining competitive advantage in Small and medium hospitality enterprises by applying “interactive landscapes”. Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific Conference: Contemporary Trends in Tourism Industry. Ohrid, FYROM: University of Bitola “St. Kliment Ohridski”.

113. Christou, E. (2005) Promotional pricing in the electronic commerce for holiday packages: A model of purchase behavior. ENTER 2005 Conference: Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism. Innsbruck, Austria: International Federation of Information Technology in Travel & Tourism (IFITT).

114. Christou, E. & Kassianidis, P. (2005) 10

Persuation effectiveness of alternative types of Internet advertising for hotels: A cross-cultural study. ENTER 2005 Conference: Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism. Innsbruck, Austria: International Federation of Information Technology in Travel & Tourism (IFITT).

115. Christou, E. (2004) Marketing practices in contract catering: business-to-business retention and purchasing behavior. Annual EuroCHRIE (European Council for Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education) Conference: Global Issues & Trends in the Hospitality and Tourism Industries. Ankara, Turkey: Bilkent University.

116. Karamanidis, I., Christou, E. & Lymperopoulos C. (2004) Customer loyalty in the hospitality industry: the impact of emotional satisfaction. Annual EuroCHRIE (European Council for Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education) Conference: Global Issues & Trends in the Hospitality and Tourism Industries. Ankara, Turkey: Bilkent University.

117. Christou, E. (2004) Exploring brand confusion in advertising campaigns of hotels and airlines. 59th Annual I-CHRIE (International Council on Hotel, Restaurant & Institutional Education) Convention & Exhibition. Philadelphia, U.S.A.: I-CHRIE.

118. Christou, E., Avdimiotis, S., Kassianidis, P. & Sigala, M. (2004) Examining the factors influencing the adoption of Web-based ticketing: etix and its adopters. ENTER 2004 Conference: Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism. Cairo, Egypt: International Federation of Information Technology in Travel & Tourism (IFITT).

119. Tsirimpa, A., A. Polydoropoulou, C. Antoniou (2008) Modelling Advanced Traveller Information Systems (ATIS) Acquisition And Effect On Travellers Choices: An Extended Literature Review, AATT Conference, Athens, June 2008.

120. Polydoropoulou, A., I. Lagoudis, A. Tsirimpa (2008) The Impact Of Information And Communication Technologies On Female Activities: The Case Of Greece, Women's Worlds 2008 Conference, Spain, July 2008

121. Duarte, A., C. Garcia, G. Giannarakis, S. Limao, N. Litinas, and A. Polydoropoulou (2008) New Approaches in Transport Planning: Happiness and Transport Economics, Conference Proceedings of Netnomics: Economic Research and Electronic Networking. Stuttgart, September 2008.

122. Duarte, A., C. Garcia, S. Limao, and A. Polydoropoulou (2008) Happiness in Transport Decision Making Process. The Swiss Sample, Paper Presented at the Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC), Switzerland, October 2008.

123. Duarte, A., C. Garcia, S. Limao, and A. Polydoropoulou (2008) Experienced and Expected Happiness in Transport Mode Decision Making Process, Accepted for Presentation at the 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, January 2009.

124. Kitrinou, E., and A. Polydoropoulou (2008) Modeling Employment Mobility in Island Areas, Paper Accepted for Presentation at the International Conference “Prospects for Research in Transport and Logistics on a Regional – Global Perspective”, Dogus University, Istanbul, February 2009.

125. Tsirimpa, A., and A. Polydoropoulou (2008) Travelers Response to VMS in the Athens Area, Paper Accepted for Presentation at the International Conference “Prospects for Research in Transport and Logistics on a Regional – Global Perspective”, Dogus University, Istanbul, February 2009.

126. Lagos, D., Kalatzi, V. and M. Bekiaris (2007) Measuring the Competitive Capacity of the Luxury Hospitality Sector in Athens: A Financial Reporting Approach, International Conference on Applied Business and Economics, Piraeus.

127. N. Konstantopoulos, M. Bekiaris, and S. Zounta (2007) 11

A Dynamic Simulation Model of the Management Accounting Information Systems (MAIS), International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, Corfu 26 Sep. 2007, Proceedings (AIP) 978-073-54047-8-6, pp. 1090- 1093

128. Bekiaris, M., S. Zounta and T. Stavrinoudis (2007) Approaches To Cost Accounting in Tourism Management, International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, Corfu 26 Sep. 2007, Proceedings (AIP) 978-073-54047-8-6 pp. 1078-1081

129. Kutsikos, K. and M. Bekiaris (2007) Perspectives and Challenges for IT Governance, Management of International Business & Economic Systems Conference 2007 Proceedings, , ISBN# 978-960-87764-7-0, pp. 180-192

130. Bekiaris. M., E. Rogdaki and S. Zounta (2007) Value Added Tax on Auxiliary Transportation Services: the case of Greece, 1st International Scientific Conference on Transportation, Chios.

131. Κούτσικος, Κ., Σ. Ζούντα, Ν. Κωνσταντόπουλος και Μ. Μπεκιάρης (2008) ∆ιακυβέρνηση Πληροφορικής και Απαιτήσεις Ελέγχου των Πιστωτικών Ιδρυµάτων στην Ελλάδα, 4ο Συνέδριο Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Συστηµικών Μελετών 2008, Ιωάννινα, 29 Μαΐου 2008.

132. Μπεκιάρης, Μ. και Γ. Χατζηαναστασίου (2007) Η ∆εοντολογία Υπό Το Πρίσµα Των Νέων Ρυθµίσεων Στην Εταιρική ∆ιακυβέρνηση: Η ευθύνη του ελεγκτή, Συνέδριο ∆ιοικητικών Επιστηµόνων, Χίος, 12 Οκτ. 2007.

133. Σακελλαρίδης Ο. και Μ. Μπεκιάρης (2007) Ηλεκτρονική ∆ιακυβέρνηση και Συστήµατα Φορολογικού Ελέγχου: Η Περίπτωση του Σχεδίου i-tax, 3ο Συνέδριο Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Συστηµικών Μελετών 2007, Πειραιάς, 27 Μαΐου 2007.

134. Αγγελής Β. και ∆ηµάκη Κ. (2008) Στατιστική για τη ∆ιοίκηση των Επιχειρήσεων, Εκδόσεις ΕΑΠ (υπό έκδοση).

135. Αγγελής Β. (2008) Γραµµικός Προγραµµατισµός, Εκδόσεις ΕΑΠ (υπό έκδοση).

136. Αγγελής, Β. και Μαρούδας, Λ. (επιµέλεια έκδοσης) (2006) Οικονοµικά Συστήµατα, Αναπτυξιακές Πολιτικές και Στρατηγικές των Επιχειρήσεων στην εποχή της Παγκοσµιοποίησης. Μελέτες προς τιµήν του Καθηγητή Στέργιου Μπαµπανάση, Πανεπιστήµιο Αιγαίου-Εκδόσεις Παπαζήση, Αθήνα 2006.

137. Alexandropoulou, D. Angelis, V. and Mavri, M. (2008) A Critical Review of the impact of Knowledge Management on Higher Education, in Lytras, M, Carroll, J. , Damiani, E. Tennyson , R. , Avison, D. Vossen, G, and Ordonez de Pablos (eds), "The Open Knowledge Society, A computer Sxience and Information Systems Manifesto",Springer, pp 416-421.

138. Angelis, V., Gaki, E., (2008) A Region’s Location as one of the Key Factors that Affect its Development, in Regional Analysis and Policy: the Greek Experience, Coccossis H. & Psycharis Y. (eds), Springer , Contributions to Economics Series pp 179-190.

139. ∆ούνιας Γ. και Μουστάκης Β. (2008) (2η Έκδοση Βελτιωµένη) Mεθοδολογίες Λήψης Οικονοµοτεχνικών Αποφάσεων, Εκδόσεις ΠΥΞΙ∆Α, ISBN: 978-960-86696-2-8.

140. Ζαλιµίδης Π. και ∆ούνιας Γ. (2006) ∆ιοίκηση Συστηµάτων Ποιότητας: Από το Στατιστικό Έλεγχο στη Μηχανική της Ποιότητας, Εκδόσεις ΠΥΞΙ∆Α, ISBN:960-88640-4-X.

141. N. S. Thomaidis, T. Angelidis, V. Vassiliadis. G. Dounias (2008) Active portfolio management with cardinality constraints: an application of particle swarm optimization, to appear in the Journal of New Mathematics and Natural Computation (World Scientific Publishers), Special Issue: New Computational Methods for Financial Engineering (accepted in 2007, to appear in 2008).


142. Athanasios Tsakonas, Georgios Dounias, (2007) Evolving neural-symbolic systems guided by adaptive training schemes: applications in finance, in Applied Artificial Intelligence: An International Journal, Volume 21 Issue 7, pp.681-706

143. Dounias G. (2007) Fuzzy Systems in Biomedicine, Invited Paper, to appear in Maglogiannis, I. Wallace M., Karpouzis K., and Soldatos J. (Eds.), "Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications" IOS Press.

144. Nikos S. Thomaidis, Yannis Marinakis, Magdalene Marinaki, and Georgios D. Dounias (2007) Training neural network-based models using trading-related objective functions, NISIS-2007 Conference, Malta, Dec. 2007

145. Nikos S. Thomaidis, Yannis Marinakis, Magdalene Marinaki, and Georgios D. Dounias (2007) Optimisation of complex financial models using nature-inspired techniques, NISIS-2007 Conference, Malta, Dec. 2007

146. Yannis Marinakis, Magdalene Marinaki, Georgios Dounias (2007) Honey Bees Mating Optimization Algorithm for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, NISIS-2007 Conference, Malta, Dec. 2007

147. Vassiliadis V., Thomaidis N., Marinakis Y., Michalopoulos M., Dounias G. (2007) Investigating Interrelations of Major International Stock Markets with the Use of Econometric and Intelligent Approaches, SIGEF 2007, XIV Congress of International Association for Fuzzy-Set Management and Economy, 1-3 November 2007, Poiana, Brasov, Romania.

148. Vassiliadis V., Dounias G. (2007) Applications of Nature-Inspired Intelligence in Finance, accepted to be included in Proc. 4th IFIP Conf. Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations AIAI-07, Athens, Greece, September 20-21, 2007.

149. Y. Marinakis, M. Marinaki, G. Dounias and C. Zopounidis (2007) Metaheuristic Algorithms in Medicine. The Pap-Smear Cell Classification Problem, Book of Abstracts of the ECO-Q Management and Quality in Health Care, 30-31 March 2007, , Greece.

150. Y. Marinakis and G. Dounias, (2007) Nature Inspired Intelligence in Medicine: Ant Colony Optimization for Pap-Smear Diagnosis, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT), World Scientific (accepted).

151. Y. Marinakis, M. Marinaki and G. Dounias, (2008) Particle Swarm Optimization in Pap-Smear Cell Classification, Expert Systems with Applications, accepted in 2007, Vol. 38, Issue 1

152. Y. Marinakis, G. Dounias and J. Jantzen (2008) Pap Smear Diagnosis Using a Hybrid Intelligent Scheme Focusing on Genetic Algorithm Based Feature Selection and Nearest Neighbor Classification, Computers in Biology and Medicine - Elsevier (accepted in 2007, to appear in 2008)

153. Y. Marinakis, M. Marinaki and G. Dounias, (2007-8) Honey Bees Optimization Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem, presented to NICSO-2007 Conference (Italy), also selected to appear in LNCS, Springer-Verlag.

154. Thomaidis N.S. , Tzastoudis V. and Dounias G. (2006) A comparison of neural network model selection strategies for the pricing of S&P 500 stock index options, accepted to appear in International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tools (World Scientific).

155. Thomaidis N.S. and Dounias G. (2006) Cointegration and error-correction models: towards a reconcilation between behavioural finance econometrics, The ICFAI Journal of Behavioral Finance III(3)

156. Thomaidis N.S., Kondakis N. and Dounias G. (2006) An Ιntelligent Statistical Arbitrage Trading System, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 3955, Springer-Verlag

157. Thomaidis N.S., Nikitakos N., Dounias G. (2006) 13

The Evaluation of Information Technology Projects: a Fuzzy Multicriteria Decision-Making Approach, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 5(1), World Scientific

158.Papadopoulos E., Dounias G. (2006) Real Options Methodology for the Evaluation of IT Projects, accepted in The Journal of International Business and Economics (Int. Academy of Business & Economics and California State University).

159. Tsakonas A. , G. Dounias, M. Doumpos, C. Zopounidis (2006) Bankruptcy prediction with neural logic networks by means of grammar-guided genetic programming, Expert Systems with Applications Vol. 30, pp.449–461

160. Tzastoudis V., Thomaidis N.S. and Dounias G. (2006) Improving Neural Network Based Option Price Forecasting, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 3955, Springer- Verlag.

161. Magoulas G., Dounias G. Linkens D. (2006) Intelligent Tools for Problem Solving in Bioinformatics and Medicine, Guest Editors’ Introduction. To appear (spring/summer ’06 issue) in International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tools, World Scientific.

162. Magoulas G., Dounias G. (2006) Introduction to the Special Issue on Intelligent Technologies in Bioinformatics and Medicine. To appear (summer 2006 issue) in Computers in Biology and Medicine, Elsevier S.P.

163. Tsakonas A, Tsiligianni T., Dounias G. (2006) Evolutionary Neural Logic Networks in Splice-Junction Gene Sequences Classification., in Int. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tools, 15 (2)

164.Dounias G., Zalimidis P., Aloimonou V., Litos C., Kallergis E., (2006) Quality and Environmental Management Systems in Greece: Comparison to Findings from Similar International Surveys. To appear: Journal of Quality, Institute of Quality Assurance, UK, http://www.iqa.org/journalofquality/recent.asp

165. Dounias G., Bjerregaard B., Jantzen J., Tsakonas A., Ampazis N., Panagi G., Panourgias E. (2006) Automated Identification of Cancerous Smears Using Various Competitive Intelligent Techniques, Spring 2006, Oncology Reports Journal

166. Panourgias E., Tsakonas A., Dounias G., Panagi G. (2006) Computational Intelligence for the detection and Classification of Malignant Lesions in Screening Mammography, Spring 2006, Oncology Reports Journal

167.Tsakonas Α., Dounias G., Panagi G., Panourgias E. (2006) Breast Tumor Malignancy Modelling Using Evolutionary Neural Logic Networks, Spring 2006, Oncology Reports Journal

168. Jantzen J. and Dounias G. (2006) Analysis of pap-smear image data, in “The Pap Smear Benchmark: Intelligent and Nature-Inspired Approaches in Pap Smear Diagnosis, J. Jantzen and G. Dounias (Eds.), pp. 5-14, A Joint Publication of the University of the Aegean with NISIS Network, ISBN 960-7475-39-9

169. Y. Marinakis and G. Dounias (2006) Nearest Neighbor Based Pap Smear Cell Classification Using Tabu Search for Feature Selection, The Pap Smear Benchmark, Intelligent and Nature Inspired Approaches in Pap Smear Diagnosis, Special Session Proceedings of the NISIS - 2006 Symposium, 25-34, November 29 - December 1 2006, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain.

170. Y. Marinakis and G. Dounias (2006) Pap Smear Diagnosis Using a Hybrid Intelligent Scheme Focusing on Genetic Algorithm Based Feature Selection and Nearest Neighbor Classification, The Pap Smear Benchmark, Intelligent and Nature Inspired Approaches in Pap Smear Diagnosis, Special Session Proceedings of the NISIS - 2006 Symposium, 15-24, November 29 - December 1 2006, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain.

171. Y. Marinakis and G. Dounias (2006) 14

Nature Inspired Intelligent Techniques for Pap Smear Diagnosis: Ant Colony Optimization for Cell Classification, The Pap Smear Benchmark, Intelligent and Nature Inspired Approaches in Pap Smear Diagnosis, Special Session Proceedings of the NISIS - 2006 Symposium, 35 - 45, November 29 - December 1, 2006, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain.

172. Tsakonas A., Ampazis N., Dounias G. (2006) Towards a Comprehensible and Accurate Credit Management Model: Application of Four Computational Intelligence Methodologies, IEEE supported Int. Conference on Evolving Fuzzy-Systems EFS-06, Lake District, UK, September-06.

173. Papadopoulos E., Dounias G. (2006) Real Options Methodology for IT Project Evaluation, Proc. 3rd International Conference on Applied Financial Economics AFE-06, , Greece, June-2006.

174. Tsakonas A., Dounias G., Nikitakos N. (2006) Active Sonar Target Identification Using Evolutionary Neural Logic Networks, in NeSy-06: 2nd Int. Workshop on Neural- Symbolic Learning and Reasoning, organised at ECAI-06: European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Riva del Garda Italy, Aug. 29

175. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N. Lambrou, M (2007) Hazards Identification and Prioritization in Formal Safety Assessment Using Fuzzy Logic Theory, SSE (International Symposium on Maritime Safety, Security and Environmental Protection), Athens, Greece.

176. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N. Lambrou, M (2007) A Methodology for Rating and Ranking Hazards at Formal Safety Assessment Using Fuzzy Logic, SSARS (Summer Safety and Reliability Seminars) 2007, Sopot, Poland.

177. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N. Lambrou, M, Doumi, M. (2006), A Methodology for Rating and Ranking Internet Business Electronic Service, 2nd International Conference on EU-East and South Asia Trade, Investment, Logistics and E-Business, Chios, Greece.

178. Ντούρµας, Γ. Νικητάκος, Ν. και Ντουµή, Μ. (2006) Επιλογή Ναυτιλιακών Ηλεκτρονικών Υπηρεσιών στο ∆ιαδίκτυο µε Χρήση Ασαφούς Λογικής, 2ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Συστηµικών Μελετών µε θέµα: «Συστηµικές Προσεγγίσεις σε ∆ίκτυο Επιχειρήσεων-Οργανισµών: Οικονοµικές και Κοινωνικές ∆ιαστάσεις», Χίος.

179. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N. (2005) Digital Business Ecosystems and Network-Centric Warfare, Network-Centric Defense Conference 2005: A Challenge for the in the 21st Century, Athens, Greece.

180. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N., M (2005) Maritime Network-Centric Organizations, Conference for 20 years of University of the Aegean, Managing Global Trends and Challenges in a Turbulent Economy”, Chios, Greece.

181. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N. Lambrou, M (2005) ICT Adoption and the Concept of Digital Business Ecosystems Applied to the Shipping Industry. The Case, IAME (International Association of Maritime Economists) Conference 2005, Limassol, Cyprus.

182. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N. (2004) Network-Centric Warfare. The New Strategic Concept, 2nd International Conference on Defense, Security and Economic Development, Larisa, Greece. 183. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N. Lambrou, M (2007) Hazards Identification and Prioritization in Formal Safety Assessment Using Fuzzy Logic Theory, SSE (International Symposium on Maritime Safety, Security and Environmental Protection) 2007.

184. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N. Lambrou, M. and Doumi, M. (2006) A Methodology for Rating and Ranking Internet Business Electronic Services, 2nd International Conference on EU-East and South Asia Trade, Investment, Logistics and E-Business.

185. Ντούρµας, Γ. Νικητάκος, Ν. και Ντουµή, Μ. (2006) Επιλογή Ναυτιλιακών Ηλεκτρονικών Υπηρεσιών στο ∆ιαδίκτυο µε Χρήση Ασαφούς Λογικής, 2ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Συστηµικών Μελετών. 15

186. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N. and Lambrou, M. (2005) ICT Adoption and the Concept of Digital Business Ecosystems Applied to the Shipping Industry. The Greek Shipping Case, IAME Conference 2005.

187. Dourmas, G. and Nikitakos, N. (2004) Network-Centric Warfare.The New Strategic Concept, 2nd International Conference on Defense, Security and Economic Development.

188. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N. Lambrou, M (2008) Evaluation of Electronic Maritime Services Using Fuzzy Logic Theory, Int. J. Business Information Systems, Vol. 3, Issue 6, 2008.

189. Dourmas, G. Nikitakos, N. Lambrou, M (2007) A Methodology for Rating and Ranking Hazards at Formal Safety Assessment Using Fuzzy Logic, The Archives of Transport, Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee of Transport, Vol. 19, Issue 3, Warsaw 2007

190. D. Drivaliaris, N. Yannakakis (2008) Subspaces with a common complement in a separable Hilbert space, Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 62 (2008), 159-167

191. D. Drivaliaris, S. Karanasios, D. Pappas (2007) Factorizations of EP operators, Linear Algebra and Applications, 429 (2008), 1555-1567

192. D. Drivaliaris, N. Yannakakis (2007) Characterizations of subspaces with a common complement in a Banach space, Studia Mathematica, 182 (2007), 141-164

193. D. Drivaliaris, N. Yannakakis (2005) Generalizations of the Lax-Milgram theorem, Boundary Value Problems, 2007, Art. ID 87104, 9 pp

194. D. Drivaliaris, N. Yannakakis (2007) Surjectivity of linear operators from a Banach space into itself, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 76 (2007), 143-154

195. D. Drivaliaris, N. Yannakakis (2005) Hilbert space structure and positive operators, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 305 (2005), 560-565

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225. Θεοδοσίου Κ, Βιτέλλας Ι, Γκιάλας Ι, Αγορής ∆. (2005) Επίδραση διαφράγµατος στην ανάπτυξη ηλεκτρικών δενδριτών σε στερεές συνθετικές µονώσεις κατά την ηλεκτρική τους καταπόνηση, Πρακτικά Κοινού Συνέδριου Ενώσεων Ελλήνων και Κυπρίων Φυσικών 04-06 Φεβρουαρίου 2005, Λευκωσία.

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229. K. Theodosiou, I. Gialas I., Vitellas and D.P. Agoris (2005) Experimental Study and Theoretical Evaluation of High Voltage Breakdown in Polymer Films, Proceedings of the XIVth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2005, ΙΕΕΕ), Beijing, China, August 25-29, 2005, H-10 p 1-6

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231. K. Theodosiou, I. Gialas I., Vitellas and D. Agoris (2006) The influence of pet interfaces on dielectric strength of multilayered solid insulation, Proceedings of Sixth Gen. Conf. of the Balkan Physical Union (bpu6), August 22-26 2006, Istanbul Turkey.

232. Theodosiou K, Gialas I, Vitellas I and Agoris D (2007) Τhe impact of pet interfaces in the dielectric strength of multilayered electrical insulation under high intensity fields, J. Electr. Eng. Vol.58 03 (2007), p 128 18

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237. Kitrinou, E., A. Polydoropoulou, and D. Bolduc (2008) Development of Integrated Choice and Latent Variable (ICLV) Models for the Residential Relocation Decision in Island Areas, Accepted for Presentation to the International Choice Modelling Conference, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, April 2009.

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240. Smeti, E.M., Koronakis, D.E. and Golfinopoulos, S.K. (2007) Control charts for the toxicity of finished water – Modeling the structure of toxicity, Water Research, Vol. 41, Νο 12, pp. 2679-2689.

241. Nieuwenhuijsen, M.J., Smith, R., Golfinopoulos, S., Best, N., Bennett, J., Aggazzotti, G., Righi, E., Fantuzzi, G., Bucchini, L., Cordier, S., Villanueva, C.M., Moreno, V., LaVecchia, C., Bosetti, C., Vartiainen, T., Rautiu, R., Toledano, M., Iszatt, N., Grazuleviciene R. and Kogevinas, M. Health impacts of long-term exposure to disinfection by-products in drinking water in Europe; HIWATE. Journal of Water and Health, In press.

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245. Roumboutsos, Α., S. Kapros A game theory approach to urban public transport integration policy, Journal of Transport Policy, επανυποβλήθηκε το τελικό κείµενο, µε ενσωµάτωση των υποδείξεων των κριτών από την πρώτη υποβολή.

246. S. Kapros end C. Panou (2007) Coastal Shipping and Intermodality in Greece: the weak link, στο συλλογικό τόµο Maritime transport: the Greek paradigm, Eds A. Pallis, Research in Transportation Economics, Volume 21, Elsevier, 2007.

247. G. Proios, S. Kapros and C. Panou (2006) A customised model for the optimisation of multi-vehicle freight distribution chains, Aegean Working Papers, Issue 3, 2006, σελ.87-107.


248. Kapros Seraphim, Panou Konstantinos, Tsamboulas Dimitrios (2005) Evaluation of Intermodal Freight Villages using a multicriteria approach, Transportation Research Record, No 1906, 2005.

249. Καρύδα Μ., Ρουµπούτσου Α., Κάπρος Σ. (2008) Χαρακτηριστικά µετεπιβιβάσεων και συµπεριφορές επιβατών στις αστικές δηµόσιες συγκοινωνίες: η περίπτωση του ΤΡΑΜ Αθηνών, εγκρίθηκε στα Πρακτικά του 4ου ∆ιεθνούς Συνεδρίου για την Ερευνα στις µεταφορές στην Ελλάδα, Αθήνα, Μάιος 2008.

250. C. Panou, S. Kapros, M. Lekakou, T. Syriopoulos (2007) Universal service obligations in insular areas, 11th World Conference of Transport Research (WCTR), Berkeley, California, 2007.

251. Roumboutsos, Α., S. Kapros (2007) The game of urban transport integration, 1st International Conference “Competitiveness and complementarity of transport modes, perspectives for the development of intermodal transport”, Chios, 2007

252. Σ. Κάπρος, Α. Πολυδωροπούλου, Μ. Αντωνοπούλου (2006) Οι επιπτώσεις των νέων τεχνολογιών στις εµπορευµατικές µεταφορές, Πρακτικά του 3ου ∆ιεθνούς Συνεδρίου για την Ερευνα στις µεταφορές στην Ελλάδα, Θεσσαλονίκη, Μάιος 2006.

253. Σ. Κάπρος, Α. Τσιρίµπα (2006) ∆ιερεύνηση Σκοπιµότητας Εµπορευµατικών Κέντρων Tοπικής Σηµασίας, Πρακτικά του 3ου ∆ιεθνούς Συνεδρίου για την Ερευνα στις µεταφορές στην Ελλάδα, Θεσσαλονίκη, Μάιος 2006.

254. Σ. Κάπρος, Ε. Πολλάτου (2004) Ανάπτυξη εξειδικευµένου προτύπου επιλογής µέσου µεταφοράς για µετακινήσεις µε προέλευση ή προορισµό ένα αεροδρόµιο. Εφαρµογή µεθόδου στην περίπτωση του νέου διεθνούς αεροδροµίου «Ελευθέριος Βενιζέλος», εγκρίθηκε για τα Πρακτικά του 2ου ∆ιεθνούς Συνεδρίου για την έρευνα στις µεταφορές στην Ελλάδα, Φεβρουάριος 2004.

255. Polydoropoulou Α., S. Kapros, E. Pollatou (2004) A National Passenger Mode Choice Model for the Greek Observatory, 10th World Conference of Transport Research (WCTR), Istanbul, 2004.

256. S. Kapros (2004) Le rôle et l'importance du transport maritime en Grèce, Dossiers de l’Observatoire des Politiques et Strategies de Transport en Europe, Conseil National des Transports, Paris, France, 2004.

257. S. Kapros (2004) Transport intermodal, Dossiers de l’Observatoire des Politiques et Strategies de Transport en Europe, Conseil National des Transports, Paris, France, 2004.

258. S. Kapros (2005) Stratégies aéroportuaires, Dossiers de l’Observatoire des Politiques et Strategies de Transport en Europe, Conseil National des Transports, Paris, France, 2005.

259. S. Kapros (2005) Dialogue social dans les transports, Dossiers de l’Observatoire des Politiques et Strategies de Transport en Europe, Conseil National des Transports, Paris, France, 2005.

260. S. Kapros (2006) Opérateurs de transports publics de personnes, Dossiers de l’Observatoire des Politiques et Strategies de Transport en Europe, Conseil National des Transports, Paris, France, 2006.

261. S. Kapros (2005) Le transport maritime grec, Colloque du réseau francophone de socio économie des transports, DRAST, Ministère des Transports – Ministère de l'Ecologie et du Développement Durable de France, Αθήνα, Μάιος 2005.

262. Mavri, M., and Ioannou, G. (2008) Customer switching behaviour in greek banking services using survival analysis, Managerial Finance 34 (3), pp. 186-197 20

263. Ioannou, G. and Mavri, M. (2007) PERFORMANCE-ΝΕΤ: A decision support system for branch network redesign, Omega 35(2), pp. 190-201.

264. Papachroni, M. and Mavri, M. (2006) Identification of Regional Clusters in Greek Economy, Spoudes, (forthcoming- accepted April 2006).

265. Kitrinou, E., A. Polydoropoulou, and D. Bolduc (2008) Development of Integrated Choice and Latent Variable (ICLV) Models for the Residential Relocation Decision in Island Areas, Accepted for Presentation to the International Choice Modelling Conference, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, April 2009.

266. Tsirimpa, A., A. Polydoropoulou, and C. Antoniou (2007) Development of a Mixed MNL Model to Capture Commuters’ Response to Travel Information, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems.

267. Mavri, M and Ioannou, G (2006) Consumers perspectives on online banking services, International Journal of Consumer Studies 30(2), pp. 552-560.

268. Mavri, M and Ioannou, G. (2004) An empirical study for credit card approvals in the Greek banking sector, Operational Research; An International Journal 4(1), 14-25.

269. Ioannou, G., Karakerezis, A. and Mavri, M. (2002) Branch network and modular service optimization for community banking, International Transactions in Operational Research, 9(5), 531-547.

270. Mavri, M. (2006) Mathematical Models in Banking Sector in the Context of the new Economy, Μελέτες προς τιµήν του Καθηγητή Adorno, Εκδόσεις Οικονοµικό Πανεπιστήµιο Αθηνών

271. Mavri, M. and Ioannou, G. (2005) Product- Net: A Decision Support System for Determining offered Banking Products in branch level, EUROMA, International Conference in Operations and Global Competitiveness, pp. 619-628, (Βουδαπέστη-Ουγγαρία).

272. Μαύρη, Μ. & Ιωάννου, Γ. (2004) Έρευνα σχετικά µε την διάδοση και χρήση των πιστωτικών καρτών µε την βοήθεια πολυδιάστατων κατανοµών, 1ο Φοιτητικό Συνέδριο ∆ιοικητικής Επιστήµης & Τεχνολογίας, Οικονοµικό Πανεπιστήµιο Αθηνών, σελ. 119-128, (Αθήνα, Ελλάδα).

273. Mavri, M. and Ioannou, G. (2004) Modeling products and consumes’ profile in the context of customer relationship management, Proceedings of the EURO-INFORMS: EURO XX 20th “Managing Electronic Services” (Ρόδος, Ελλάδα).

274. Kitrinou, E., A. Polydoropoulou, and D. Bolduc (2008) Development of Integrated Choice and Latent Variable (ICLV) Models for the Residential Relocation Decision in Island Areas, Accepted for Presentation to the International Choice Modelling Conference, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, April 2009.

275. Dimitriou, S., Mavri, M., Ioannou, G., and Prastakos, G. (2005) The role of shared resources in lead time performance of a banking network, 3rd meeting of Multicriteria Decision Analysis, Chania, Greece, September 28-29, (Book of Abstracts).

276. Mavri, M., Ioannou, G. (2004) Database Segmentation according to Cluster and Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis, 2nd meeting of Multicriteria Decision Analysis, Chania, Greece, October 21-22, (Book of Abstracts).

277. Mavri, M., Ioannou, G. (2003) An empirical study for online banking services from the users’ perspective, 1st meeting of Multicriteria Decision Analysis, Chania, Greece, October 30-31, (Book of Abstracts). 21

278. Katarelos, E. D. (2006) Social cost: Fair distribution to maritime stakeholders, International Conference ‘Shipping in the era of social responsibility’, Greece

279. Καταρέλος, Ε. (2007) Συστηµική προσέγγιση: Αναζήτηση της οικονοµικής αποτελεσµατικότητας κόστους και ποιότητας στις αεροµεταφορές, Πρακτικά 3ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Συστηµικών Μελετών (ΕΕΣΜ), 26-28 Μάιου 2007, Πανεπιστήµιο Πειραιώς, Πειραιάς.

280.Katarelos, E, Alexopoulos, A.B, (2007) The master’s critical decisions in relation to the safety of the port particularly under the concepts of the ISM and the ISPS codes, International Symposium on Maritime Safety, Security and Environmental Protection. National Technical University of Athens 20-21 September 2007. ∆ηµοσιεύθηκε σε CD

281. Καταρέλος, Ε. (2007) Κόστος και αποτελεσµατικότητα Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης. Η περίπτωση της Χίου, Πρακτικά 2ο Συνέδριο ∆ιοικητικών Επιστηµόνων ‘Σύγχρονες τάσεις στη ∆ιοικητική Επιστήµη: Νέα ∆ηµόσια ∆ιοίκηση, Εταιρική Κοινωνική Ευθύνη και Κοινωνία των Πολιτών’, 11-13 Οκτωβρίου 2007. Πανεπιστήµιο Αιγαίου, Χίος

282. Katarelos, E. (2008) The safety cost and its fair distribution to air transport industry’s stakeholders, Proceedings ATRS 2008, Athens

283. Diamantas, V., Kirytopoulos, K. and Leopoulos, V. (2007) Project’s duration prediction: traditional tools or simulation?, World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sust. Development, Inderscience Publishers, vol. 3, no. 3/4, pp. 317-333.

284. Rentizelas, A., Tziralis G. and Kirytopoulos, K. (2007) Incorporating uncertainty in optimal investment decisions, World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sust. Development, Inderscience Publishers, vol. 3, no. 3/4, pp. 273-283.

285. Kirytopoulos, K., Leopoulos, V. and Diamantas, V. (2008) PERT vs. Monte Carlo Simulation along with the suitable distribution effect, International Journal οf Project Organisation and Management, Inderscience Publishers, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 24-46.

286. Kirytopoulos, K., Leopoulos, V. and Voulgaridou, D. (2008) Supplier selection in pharmaceutical industry: An analytic network process approach’, Benchmarking: An International Journal (BIJ), Emerald, vol. 15 no. 4, pp. 494-516.

287. Κηρυττόπουλος, Κ. (2007) Ορολογία διαχείρισης κινδύνων έργων, Πρακτικά 6ου συνεδρίου Ελληνικής Γλώσσας και Ορολογίας, Ελληνική Εταιρεία Ορολογίας (ΕΛΕΤΟ), Αθήνα 1-3 Νοεµβρίου, σελ. 301-309.

288. Leopoulos, V., Kirytopoulos, K. and Voulgaridou, D. (2007) Appraising Suppliers through a Multicriteria Decision Making Model, Πρακτικά του 19ου Εθνικού Συνεδρίου Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Επιχειρησιακών Ερευνών (ΕΕΕΕ), Άρτα 21-23 Ιουνίου, in print.

289. Kirytopoulos, K., Leopoulos, V. and Voulgaridou, D. (2008) Integrating Multicriteria Decision Making and Multiobjective Optimization Methods for Supplier Selection, Proceedings of the 15th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck 3-7 March, vol. 3, pp. 211-222.

290. Kirytopoulos, K., Diamantas, V. and Leopoulos, V. (2008) Defining project risk management efficiency through simulation, Proceedings of the Future Business Technology Conference (FUBUTEC 2008), The European Simulation Society, Porto 9-11 April, in print.

291. Kirytopoulos, K. and Voulgaridou, D. (2008) Sub-Contractor Selection Decisions via a Multicriteria Model, Proceedings of the PM-04 > 4th Scientific Conference on Project Management & 1st IPMA / MedNet Conference, CCI – NTUA, Chios 29-31 May, pp. 204-209.

292. Kostidis, A. and Kirytopoulos, K. (2008) 22

Matching The Greek Legislation for Public Interest Construction Projects to Project Management Standards, Proceedings of the PM-04 > 4th Scientific Conference on Project Management & 1st IPMA / MedNet Conference, CCI – NTUA, Chios 29-31 May, pp. 210-215.

293. Fitsilis,P., Kirytopoulos, K. Leopoulos, V., Pantouvakis, J.P. & Saridakis, I. (2008) Requirements for assessing the managerial capability of organizations implementing projects of public interest – the Greek Standard ELOT-1429, Proceedings of the PM-04 > 4th Scientific Conference on Project Management & 1st IPMA / MedNet Conference, CCI – NTUA, Chios 29-31 May, pp. 530-536.

294. Voulgaridou, D., Kirytopoulos, K. and Leopoulos, V. (2008) Multicriteria Decision Analysis for Project Termination, Πρακτικά του 20ου Εθνικού Συνεδρίου Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Επιχειρησιακών Ερευνών, ΕΕΕΕ, Σπέτσες 19-21 Ιουνίου, pp. 691-701.

295. Maglogiannis, E. Zafiropoulos, A. Platis, G. Gravvanis (2004) Computing the success factors in consistent acquisition and recognition of objects in color digital images by explicit preconditioning, Journal of Super Computing, 30(2), pp. 179-198 (2004).

296. N. Nikitakos, E. Mennis, A. Platis (2006) Hybridic Model for small cruise ships’ safety risk management, Tourism in Marine Environments, 3(1), pp. 59-66 (2006).

297. I. Maglogiannis, E. Zafiropoulos, A. Platis, C. Lambrinoudakis (2006) Risk Analysis of a Patient Monitoring System Using Bayesian Network, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 39 pp. 637- 647 (2006).

298. A. Platis, A (2006) Generalization of the Performability indicator, Special Issue on The Second Euro-Japanese Workshop on Stochastic Risk Modelling for Finance, Insurance, Production and Reliability, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, An International Journal, 51, pp.239-246 (2006).

299. N. Limnios, B. Ouhbi, A. Platis, G. Sapountzoglou (2006) Non-parametric Estimation of Performance and Performability for Semi-Markov Processes, International Journal of Performability Engineering, vol.2, Number 1, January 2006.

300. E. Mennis, A. Platis, G. Lagoudis, N. Nikitakos Applying reliability models to improve port container terminal efficiency, Maritime Economics and Logistics, accepted.

301. V. Koutras, A. Platis, G. Gravvanis (2007) On the optimization of free-ressources using non-homogeneous Markov chains software rejuvenation model, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, vol. 92, Issue 12, Pages 1724-1732, December 2007.

302. V. Koutras, A. Platis, G. Gravvanis (2007) Software rejuvenation for resource optimization based on explicit approximate inverse preconditioning, Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 189, Issue 1, Pages 163-177, 1 June 2007.

303. J.B. Violentis, A.N. Platis, G.A. Gravvanis and E.A. Lipitakis (2008) Performance analysis of an electrical substation via a semi-Markov process computed by generalized approximate inverse preconditioning, HERMIS: The International Journal of Computer Mathematics and its Applications, vol.10, 2008.

304. V. Koutras, A. Platis, G. Gravvanis Optimal Server Resource Reservation Policies for Priority Classes of Users under Cyclic Non-Homogeneous Markov Modeling, European Journal of Operational Research, accepted.

305. M. Vafopoulos, V. Aggelis, A. Platis (2005) HyperClustering: From digital divide to GRID e-workspace, in: A. Zanasi, C.A. Brebbia and N. Ebecken, eds., Data Mining VI: Data Mining, Text Mining and their Business Applications. WIT Transactions on Information & Communication Technologies, 34, ISSN 1743-3517 2005, pp. 311-321.

306. M. Vafopoulos, G. Gravvanis and A. Platis (2005) The personal grid eworkspace, in: M.P. Bekakos, G.A. Gravvanis and H.R. Arabnia, eds., Grid Technologies: Emerging from Distributed Architectures to Virtual Organizations, WIT Press, 2005. 23

307. P. Tsopelas, A. Platis (2004) Customer Oriented Dependability Analysis for Relational Database Management Systems, International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, ESREL’04 – PSAM 7, pp. 1597-1603, Springer-Verlag (2004).

308. J. Violentis, E. Banos, N. Kaklanis, G. Vouros, A. Platis (2004) Designing more Reliable Web Sites with Performability Modeling, International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, ESREL’04 – PSAM 7, pp. 1603-1609, Springer-Verlag (2004).

309. M. Konstantinidou, E. Mennis, N. Nikitakos, A. Platis (2004) Comparison of Modelling Methodologies for the Formal Safety Assessment in Shipping Transportation, International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, ESREL’04 – PSAM 7, pp. 3263-3269, Springer-Verlag (2004).

310. A. Platis, C. Lambrinoudakis, A. (2004) A probabilistic model for evaluating the operational cost of PKI-based transactions, Proceedings of the 1st European PKI Workshop (EuroPKI’2004), S. Katsikas, S. Gritzalis, J. Lopez (Eds), pp. 149-160, Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 3093, Samos, Greece, June 2004.

311. V. Koutras, A. Platis (2005) Optimizing the amount of free memory on a computer system using software rejuvenation, Advances in Safety and Reliability Kołowrocki (ed.)© 2005 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 0 415 38340 4, pp 1187-1192, (2005).

312. C. Lambrinoudakis, A. Platis, A. Leros (2005) A PKI security reliability assessment methodology, Advances in Safety and Reliability Kołowrocki (ed.)© 2005 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 0 415 38340 4, pp 1229-1234, (2005).

313. V. Koutras, E. Mennis, N. Nikitakos, A. Platis (2005) Software rejuvenation in maritime applications, Advances in Safety and Reliability Kołowrocki (ed.)© 2005 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 0 415 38340 4, pp 1193-1197, (2005).

314. E. Mennis, G. Lagoudis, N. Nikitakos, A. Platis (2005) Improving Formal Safety Assessment in Shipping Transportation, International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean, IMAM 2005. Balkema, pp. 1565-1571 (2005).

315. M. Vafopoulos, G. Gravvanis and A. Platis (2005) Intra- and Trans - disciplinary semantic technologies, HERCMA conference proceedings (2005)

316. E. Mennis, G. Lagoudis, N. Nikitakos, A. Platis (2006) Applying reliability models to ship safety assessment, International Conference on Safety and Reliability ESREL 2006, 18- 22 September 2006-Estoril, Portugal, Taylor & Francis, pp. 2805-2809 (2006).

317. Vasilis P. Koutras, Agapios N. Platis (2006) Optimal Rejuvenation Policy for Increasing VoIP Service Reliability, International Conference on Safety and Reliability ESREL 2006, 18-22 September 2006-Estoril, Portugal, Taylor & Francis, pp. 2285-2290 (2006).

318. Vasilis P. Koutras, Agapios. N Platis (2006) Applying software rejuvenation in a two node cluster system for high availability, International Conference on Dependability of computer systems, DepCos-RELCOMEX 2006, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 175-182 (2006).

319. Vasilis P. Koutras, Agapios N. Platis (2006) Resource Availability Optimization for Priority Classes in a Website, The 12th IEEE International Symposium Pacific Rim Dependable Computing PRDC’06, 18-20 December 2006- Riverside, California, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp 305-312 (2006).

320. E. Mennis, G. Lagoudis, N. Nikitakos, A. Platis (2007) Applying reliability models to improve port container terminal efficiency, International Conference on Safety and Reliability ESREL 2007, 25-27 June 2007 - Stavanger, Norway, Balkema (Taylor & Francis), pp 1353-1358 (2007).

321. Vasilis P. Koutras, Agapios N. Platis, George A Gravvanis (2007) 24

Software Rejuvenation for Higher Levels of Grid Availability, International Conference on Safety and Reliability ESREL 2007, 25-27 June 2007 - Stavanger, Norway, Balkema (Taylor & Francis), pp 1723-1730 (2007).

322. Vasilis P. Koutras, Agapios. N Platis (2007) VoIP Availability and Service Reliability through Software Rejuvenation Policies, International Conference on Dependability of computer systems, DepCos-RELCOMEX 2007, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 262-269 (2007).

323. V. P. Koutras, A. N. Platis, G. A. Gravvanis (2007) Software Rejuvenation on a Grid Computing Environment for Higher Availability Based on Approximate Inverse Preconditioning, Proceedings of the 8th Hellenic European Research on Computer Mathematics & its Applications Conference (HERCMA 2007).

324. J. B. Violentis, V. P. Koutras, A. N. Platis, G. A. Gravvanis (2007) Asymptotic Availability of an Electrical Substation via a Semi-Markov Process Computed by Generalized Approximate Inverse Preconditioning, Proceedings of the 8th Hellenic European Research on Computer Mathematics & its Applications Conference (HERCMA 2007).

325. M. Vafopoulos, G. A. Gravvanis and A. N. Platis (2007) New directions in Computing on Demand (CoD), Proceedings of the 8th Hellenic European Research on Computer Mathematics & its Applications Conference (HERCMA 2007).

326. Vasilis P. Koutras, Agapios. N. Platis (2008) Semi-Markov Availability Modeling of a Redundant System with Partial and Full Rejuvenation Actions, International Conference on Dependability of computer systems, DepCos-RELCOMEX 2008, IEEE Computer Society Press, accepted.

327. Vasilis P. Koutras, Agapios. N. Platis (2008) Modeling perfect and minimal rejuvenation for client server systems with heterogeneous load, The 14th IEEE International Symposium Pacific Rim Dependable Computing PRDC’08, 15-17 December 2008 - Taipei, Taiwan, IEEE Computer Society Press, accepted (2008).

328. Vasilis P. Koutras, Agapios. N. Platis (2008) Guaranteed Resource Availability in a Website, International Conference on Safety and Reliability ESREL 2008, accepted, 22-25 September 2008 - Valencia, Spain.

329. Vasilis P. Koutras, Agapios. N. Platis, Nikolaos Limnios (2008) Availability and Reliability Estimation for a System Undergoing Minimal, Perfect and Failed Rejuvenation, First International Workshop on Software Aging and Rejuvenation WOSAR 2008 in conjunction with 19th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering ISSRE 2008, accepted, 10-14 November, 2008, Seattle/Redmond, WA, USA.

330. Ευθυµια Κινινη (2004) Η άρνηση παραχώρησης άδειας εκµετάλλευσης άυλων αγαθών στο δίκαιο του ελεύθερου ανταγωνισµού (διδ.διατριβή), Μελέτες Εµπορικού και Ναυτικού ∆ικαίου, αριθ. 31 ∆ιεύθυνση: Καθηγητής Νικόλαος Κ. Ρόκας, Εκδόσεις Αντ. Σάκκουλα, Αθήνα 2004, σελ. ΧΧV + 458.

331. Ευθυµια Κινινη (2007) Ζητήµατα διεθνούς δικαιοδοσίας στο ευρωπαϊκό δίκαιο αφερεγγυότητας, Μελέτες Εµπορικού και Ναυτικού ∆ικαίου, αριθ. 36, ∆ιεύθυνση: Καθηγητής Νικόλαος Κ. Ρόκας, Εκδόσεις Αντ. Σάκκουλα, Αθήνα 2007, σελ. ΧΙΧ + 255.

332. Ευθυµια Κινινη (2004) Η ενίσχυση των ερευνητικών εξουσιών της Επιτροπής µε τον Κανονισµό (ΕΚ) αριθ. 1/2003 και τα δικαιώµατα υπεράσπισης των επιχειρήσεων, ∆ΕΕ 2004, σελ. 734-747.

333. Ευθυµια Κινινη (2005) Η απαγόρευση χρήσης διακριτικών γνωρισµάτων µε ασφαλιστικά µέτρα, Εισήγηση στο 14ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Εµπορικού δικαίου, Σύνδεσµος Ελλήνων Εµπορικολόγων, Αθήνα 2005, σελ. 195-205.

334. Ευθυµια Κιννη (2005) Ζητήµατα από την αλλαγή συστήµατος στο κοινοτικό δίκαιο ανταγωνισµού για τα εθνικά δικαστήρια, ΕΕµπ∆ 2005, σελ. 219-253.


335. Ευθυµια Κιννη (2005) Ελευθερία εγκατάστασης κοινοτικών εταιριών και προστασία των εταιρικών δανειστών, ∆ΕΕ 2005, σελ. 905-917.

336. Ευθυµια Κιννη (2005) Σηµείωση στην απόφαση της ΕπΑνταγΟλ 288/IV/2005 (Ένταξη µονοµερών µέτρων του προµηθευτή σε κάθετη συµφωνία. Εκτίµηση συµφωνιών για πραγµατοποίηση ελάχιστων πωλήσεων και συστηµάτων πριµοδότησης. Έννοµες συνέπειες της µη τήρησης των όρων των Κανονισµών Οµαδικής Απαλλαγής), ∆ΕΕ 2005, σελ. 1059-1064.

337. Ευθυµια Κιννη (2006) Συγκρούσεις διεθνών δικαιοδοσιών στο ευρωπαϊκό δίκαιο αφερεγγυότητας, ΕΕµπ∆ 2006, σελ. 270-290.

338. Ευθυµια Κιννη (2007) Σηµείωση στην απόφ. του ΠΕυρΚ της 15ης Σεπτεµβρίου 2005, υπόθ. Τ-325/2004, DaimlerChrysler AG κατά Επιτροπής των Ευρωπαϊκών Κοινοτήτων (Προϋποθέσεις και έκταση εφαρµογής του άρθρου 81ΣυνθΕΚ στη σύµβαση εµπορικής αντιπροσωπείας), ∆ΕΕ 2007, 181-183.

339. Ευθυµια Κιννη (2007) Παρατηρήσεις στην απόφ. του ∆ΕυρΚ της 29.6.2006, υπόθ. C-308/04P, SGL Carbon AG κατά Επιστροπής των Ευρωπαϊκών Κοινοτήτων, Αρχή ne bis in idem, ΕΕµπ∆ 2007, σελ. 197-201.

340. Ευθυµια Κιννη (2007) Οι αποφάσεις δέσµευσης στο δίκαιο του ανταγωνισµού (Προδηµοσίευση της συµβολής από τον τιµητικό τόµο του Καθηγητή Θανάση Λιακόπουλου), ΧρΙ∆ 2007, σελ. 561-571.

341. Ευθυµια Κιννη (2007) Σηµείωση στην απόφ. του Πολυµελούς Πρωτοδικείου Ρόδου 83/2007 (Αποτελέσµατα της έναρξης αλλοδαπής διαδικασίας αφερεγγυότητας στην εκκρεµή ηµεδαπή δίκη κατά τον Καν 1346/2000), ∆ΕΕ 2007, σελ. 1198-1200.

342. Ευθυµια Κιννη (2007) Παρατηρήσεις στην απόφ. του ∆ΕυρΚ της 15.3.2007, υπόθ. C-95/04 P, British Airways plc κατά Επιτροπής ΕΚ (Η νοµολογιακή εφαρµογή του άρθρ. 82 ΣυνθΕΚ σε συστήµατα εκπτώσεων και η νέα µεθοδολογία που προωθεί η Ε.Επιτροπή στο Discussion Paper της 19.12.2005), ∆ΕΕ 2007, σελ. 1068-1070.

343. Ευθυµια Κιννη (2008) Παρατηρήσεις στην απόφ. του ∆ΕυρΚ της 9.11.2006, υπόθ. C-281/05 Montex Holdings Ltd κατά Diesel SpA (Η διαµετακόµιση των εµπορευµάτων ως χρήση του σήµατος κατά το άρθρ. 18 παρ. 1 ν.2239/1994), ΕΕµπ∆ 2008, σελ. 169- 174.

344. Ευθυµια Κιννη (2008) Παρατηρήσεις στην απόφ. του ∆ΕυρΚ της 26.4.2007, υπόθ. C-348/04 Boehringer Ingelheim KG, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG κ.λπ. κατά Swingward Ltd κ.λπ. (Η σύγκρουση µεταξύ της αρχής της ελεύθερης κυκλοφορίας των εµπορευµάτων και του δικαιώµατος στο σήµα στο παράδειγµα της ανασυσκευασίας των προϊόντων), ΕΕµπ∆ 2008, σελ. 175-179.

345. Ευθυµια Κιννη (2008) Οι πρακτικές tying και bundling: αντικείµενο ex post και ex ante ελέγχου του δικαίου του ελεύθερου ανταγωνισµού, Παρέµβαση στο ∆ιεθνές Συνέδριο µε θέµα «Η Μεταρρύθµιση του Ευρωπαϊκού και Ελληνικού ∆ικαίου του Ελεύθερου Ανταγωνισµού, Αθήνα 1-2 Ιουνίου 2007, υπό δηµοσίευση στο ∆ΕΕ του 2008 και τον τόµο των Πρακτικών του Συνεδρίου (υπό έκδοση).

346. Ευθυµια Κιννη (2008) Περιορισµοί στην έξοδο των κοινοτικών εταιριών. Τελευταίες εξελίξεις ενόψει και της Απόφασης Cartesio, Παρέµβαση στο 18ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Εµπορικού ∆ικαίου «Τάσεις και Προοπτικές του ∆ικαίου της Ανώνυµης Εταιρίας», Καστοριά 31 Οκτωβρίου – 2 Νοεµβρίου 2008 υπό δηµοσίευση στην ΕΕµπ∆ 2008 (4ο τεύχος).

347. Ευθυµια Κινινη (2004) Η απαγόρευση χρήσης διακριτικών γνωρισµάτων µε ασφαλιστικά µέτρα. Εισήγηση στο 14ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Εµπορικού ∆ικαίου, Καλαµπάκα, 12-14 Νοεµβρίου 2004 (Τα ασφαλιστικά µέτρα στο εµπορικό δίκαιο)

348. Ευθυµια Κινινη 26

Παρέµβαση στο ∆ιεθνές Συνέδριο µε θέµα «Η Μεταρρύθµιση του Ευρωπαϊκού και Ελληνικού ∆ικαίου του Ελεύθερου Ανταγωνισµού», Αθήνα, 1-2 Ιουνίου 2007 (Αµφιθέατρο Μεγάρου Καρατζά) µε θέµα παρέµβασης «Οι Πρακτικές tying και bundling ως καταχρηστική εκµετάλλευση δεσπόζουσας θέσης».

349. Ευθυµια Κινινη (2008) Περιορισµοί στην έξοδο των κοινοτικών εταιριών. Τελευταίες εξελίξεις ενόψει και της Απόφασης Cartesio, Παρέµβαση στο 18ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Εµπορικού ∆ικαίου «Τάσεις και Προοπτικές του ∆ικαίου της Ανώνυµης Εταιρίας», Καστοριά 31 Οκτωβρίου – 2 Νοεµβρίου 2008

350. I. Anagnostopoulos, C. Anagnostopoulos, G. Kouzas and D. Vergados (2004) A Generalised Regression algorithm for web page categorisation, Neural Computing & Applications journal, Springer- Verlag, Vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 229 – 236, 2004.

351. N. V. Karadimas, G. Kouzas, I. Anagnostopoulos, V. Loumos (2005) Urban solid waste collection and routing: the ant colony strategic approach, International Journal of Simulation Systems, Science & Technology, Special Issue on: Modelling & Simulation in Industry, Enterprises & Organisations, Vol. 6, No. 12-13, pp. 45-53, November 2005.

352. I. Anagnostopoulos, C. Anagnostopoulos, G. Kouzas and D. Vergados (2004) Precise photo retrieval on the web with a fuzzy logic\neural network-based meta-search engine, Lecture Notes in Computer Science – LNCS/LNAI, Vol. 3025, pp. 43-53, May 2004.

353. I. Anagnostopoulos, G. Kouzas, C. Anagnostopoulos, E. Kayafas and V. Loumos (2005) An intelligent system for detecting web commerce transactions, P.S. Szczepaniak et al. (Eds.): AWIC 2005, LNAI 3528, pp. 38 – 43, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005.

354. G. Kouzas, E. Kayafas and V. Loumos (2006) Ant Seeker: An algorithm for enhanced web search, in IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, Volume 204, Artificial Inteligence Applications and Innovation, eds. pp 649-656.

355. G. Kouzas, I. Anagnostopoulos, I. Maglogiannis, and C. Anagnostopoulos (2006) Bridging the Syntactic and the Semantic Web Search, in S. Kollias et al. (Eds.): ICANN 2006, Part II, LNCS 4132, pp. 104–112, 2006.

356. Nikolaos V. Karadimas, Georgios Kouzas, I. Anagnostopoulos, Vassili Loumos and Elefterios Kayafas (2005) Ant Colony Route Optimization for Municipal Services, paper submitted to the 19th European Simulation Multiconference (SCS-ESM 2005), pp. 381-386, June 1-4, Riga, Latvia.

357. C. Anagnostopoulos , I. Anagnostopoulos, G. Tsekouras, G. Kouzas, V. Loumos, E. Kayafas (2005) Using Sliding Concentric Windows for License Plate Segmentation and Processing, IEEE 2005 Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SIPS'05), pp. 337-342, Athens, Greece, November 2-4, 2005.

358. .Kouzas, I. Anagnostopoulos, A. Rouskas, N.V. Karadimas and V.G. Loumos (2005) Ant Colony Self-Healing Schemes for Survivable Optical Networks, GIEEE EUROCON 2005 – The International Conference on ‘Computer as a Tool’, pp. 1345-1348, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, November 21-24, 2005.

359. I. Anagnostopoulos, P. Stavropoulos, G. Kouzas, C. Anagnostopoulos, D.D.Vergados (2006) Estimating the evolution of categorized web page populations, proceeding of the 1st International Workshop on Adaptation and Evolution in Web Systems Engineering (AEWSE 06), 6th International Conference of Web Engineering (ICWE 06), Palo Alto, CA, July 10-14, 2006, ISBN: 1-59593-435-9.

360. G. Kouzas, E. Kayafas, V. Loumos (2006) WEB Similarity Measurements using Ant-Based Search Algorithm, XVIII IMEKO World Congress, Metrology for a Sustainable Development , September, 17-22, 2006, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2006.

361. I. Anagnostopoulos, G. Kouzas, C. Anagnostopoulos and E. Kayafas (2007) A rich internet-based programming method for measuring web freshness rates under the Pollock’s sampling scheme, paper accepted for publication in the 15th IMEKO TC4 Symposium on Novelties in Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation, to be held in Iasi, Romania, September 19-21, 2007.


362. Ιωάννης Τσαµουργκέλης (2008) Ενα Υπόδειγµα ∆υναµικής Ισορροπίας στη ∆ιεθνή Ναυτιλία, εκδόσεις Αιολίδα, Μυτιλήνη 2008

363. Valiris G. and Glykas M. (2004) Business Analysis Metrics for Business Process Redesign, Business Process Management Journal, MCB University Press, Vol 10, Number 4, 2004.

364. Valiris, G., Chytas, P. and Glykas, M. (2005) Making Decisions Using the Balanced Scorecard and the Simple Multi-Attribute Rating Technique, Performance Measurement and Metrics, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, Volume 6, Issue 3, 2005, pp.159-171 .

365. Chytas P, Glykas M., Staikouras C., Valiris G. (2006) Performance Measurement in a Greek Financial Institute Using the Balanced Scorecard, Measuring Business Excellence, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, Vol 10 No 2, 2006.

366. Xirogiannis, G., Chytas, P., Glykas, M., Valiris, G. (2008) Intelligent Impact Assessment of HRM to the Shareholder Value, Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier, Vol 35, 2017–2031, 2008.

367. Chytas P., Valiris, Glykas Μ. (2008) A Proactive Fuzzy-cognitive Balanced Scorecard, Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2008), Hong Kong.

368. Chytas, P. Valiris, G. and Glykas, M. (2009) Using SMART and FCMs to support the Balanced Scorecard Development, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Experiments/Process/System Modeling/Simulation/Optimization, Athens, Greece, 8-11 July, 2009.

369. Βαλίρης Γ. Σύγχρονα Πληροφοριακά Συστήµατα ∆ιοίκησης, βιβλίο υπο έκδοση, Εκδόσεις ΚΛΕΙ∆ΑΡΙΘΜΟΣ.

370. Meliou E. (2007) L’interaction dans les situations d’intimité sexuelle et l’émergence du rejet de l’acte de prévention, Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie, Vol XIII, No 29, 2007, p 109-122

371. Μέλιου Ε. (2008) Οπτική Τέχνη και Επικοινωνία: Η λειτουργία της διαφηµιστικής εικόνας, Τεκµήριον No 7, Επιστηµονική Επετηρίδα Ιονίου Πανεπιστηµίου, 2008, σελ 163-170

372. Meliou E. (2007) Crossing cultural boundaries: the power of aesthetics in the advertisements, in the Proceedings of XVII International Congress of Aesthetics « Aesthetics Bridging Cultures», 2007, www.sanart.org.tr/congresses/ICA/proceedings.htm

373. Θεοτοκάς Γιάννης – Χαρλαύτη Τζελίνα (2007) Έλληνες Εφοπλιστές και Ναυτιλιακές Επιχειρήσεις. Οργάνωση, ∆ιοίκηση και Στρατηγική, Εκδόσεις Αλεξάνδρεια, Αθήνα, 495 σελ.

374. Θεοτοκάς Γιάννης, Λεκάκου Μαρία, Πάλλης Θάνος, Συριόπουλος Θεόδωρος, Τσαµουργκέλης Γιάννης (2008) Ελληνική Ναυτιλία, Απασχόληση και Ανταγωνιστιότητα. Στρατηγικές Απασχόλησης Ανθρώπινου ∆υναµικού, Εκδόσεις Gutenberg, Αθήνα, 270 σελ.

375. Theotokas I. (2007) On top of world shipping: Greek shipping companies organization and management, in Pallis, A., Maritime Transport: The Greek Paradigm, Elsevier, Research in Transportation Economics, vol. 21, 63-93.

376. Lagoudis I.N, - Theotokas, I. (2007) Competitive advantage in the Greek shipping industry: A supply chain management approach, in Pallis, A., Maritime Transport: The Greek Paradigm, Elsevier, Research in Transportation Economics, vol. 21, 95-120.

377. Thanopoulou E. – Theotokas I. (2007) 28

Small firms in a global industry: the case of Greek shipping (1974-2004), in Economic Policy Studies – The variety of economic institution under the many forms of capitalism, EMOP, vol. 10, 107-128.

378. Θεοτοκάς Γ., - Φαφαλιού Ε. (2007) Επιχειρηµατική αριστεία στη ναυτιλία: Από την ηγεσία κόστους στην καινοτοµία µε έµφαση στην ποιότητα, Επιστηµονική Επετηρίδα προς τιµήν του Οµότιµου Καθηγητή Κ.Ν. ∆ερβιτσιώτη, Πανεπιστήµιο Πειραιώς (υπό έκδοση).

379. Theotokas I. - Progoulaki M. (2007) Cultural diversity, manning strategies and management practices in Greek shipping, Maritime Policy and Management, vol.34, no. 4, 383-403.

380. Syriopoulos Th. - Theotokas I. (2007) Value creation through corporate destruction? Corporate governance in shipping takeovers, Maritime Policy and Management, vol. 34, no. 3, 225-242.

381. Progoulaki M. – Theotokas I. (2008) Human resource management and competitiveness in the shipping industry: a resource based view, International Association of Maritime Economist (IAME) Annual Conference, Dalian, China.

382. Progoulaki M., Pyne, R., Bao J. and Theotokas I. (2008) Cooperation and competition in the global market: Manning issues of Chinese and Greek fleets, International Association of Maritime Economist (IAME) Annual Conference, Dalian, China.

383. Theotokas I. – Progoulaki M. (2007) Seafarers as a strategic resource of shipping companies: the Greek context, International Association of Maritime Economist (IAME) Annual Conference, Athens, Greece.

384. Theotokas I. – Kaza V. (2007) Environmental management in Greek shipping companies, International Symposium on Maritime Safety, Security and Environmental Protection, National Technical University of Athens, Greece.

385. Χλωµούδης, Κ., Λεκάκου, Μ., Πάνου, Κ., Παπαδηµητρίου, Ε., Τζαννάτος, Ε, .(2007) Μεταφορές. Αρτηρίες ζωής για τα νησιά, Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Παπαζήση

386. Lekakou M.B. (2007) The eternal Conundrum of Greek Coastal Shipping, in Pallis, A.A., (ed.) (2007) Maritime Transport: The Greek Paradigm Research in Transport Economics Series Νο 21, London: Elsevier

387. Λεκάκου, Μ. (2007) Η Απελευθέρωση της Αγοράς των Θαλάσσίων Ενδοµεταφορών. Η Ελληνική Εµπειρία, στο Θεοδωρόπουλος Σ., (επιµέλεια), Ειδικά Θέµατα Ρυθµιστικής Πολιτικής. Gutenberg, Αθήνα

388. Lagoudis, I. N., Lekakou, M. B., Thanopoulou, H. A., Xiradakis, G., (2008) Evaluating a ferry network on the basis of a key performance indicators system: the case of the services, Proceedings of the International Association of Maritime Economists Conference, (CD-Rom format ) Dalian, China.

389. Lekakou, M. B., & Vitsounis, T. K. (2008) Measuring market concentration in Greek coastal lines, Proceedings of the International Association of Maritime Economists Conference, (proceedings: CD-Rom format), Dalian, China.

390. Lekakou, M. B., Stefanidaki, E., Syriopoulos, T. (2007) Spending pattern of cruise shipping flows, Proceedings of the International Association of Maritime Economists Conference, (proceedings: CD-Rom format), Athens, Greece.

391. Lekakou, M., Panou, C., Syriopoulos T. (2007) Liberalisation of maritime cabotage.Lessons from the Greek experience, 11th World Conference on Transport Research (proceedings: CD-Rom format), Berkley CA, US, June 2007.

392. Lekakou, M., Xydeas, E., Vitsounis, T.K. (2007) 29

An Investigation of the Greek Coastal Shipping Market in the Aegean Archipelago, 1st International Scientific Conference of the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, University of the Aegean, Greece, Chios, 10-12 May 2007.

393. Diakomihalis, M., Lekakou, M. B., Stefanidaki, E., Syriopoulos, T. (2007) The economic impact of Cruise industry on local economies in Greece, 1st International Scientific Conference of the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, University of the Aegean, Greece, Chios, 10-12 May 2007.

394. K. Panou, H. Selmi, Z. Sultan, R. Witter (2008) Factors influencing car user propensity to shift to other modes and their impacts on demand for airport parking facilities, NETNOMICS: Design and Evaluation of Transportation Networks, Springer US (accepted for publication), (2008).

395. G. Proios, S. Kapros, K. Panou (2008) Routing and Fleet Optimization on Freight Distribution Networks: A Branch-and-Bound Algorithmic Approach, International Journal of Logistics Management (under review), (2008)

396. T. Syriopoulos, K. Panou, M. Lekakou (2007) Alternative Financial Instruments and Risk Management in Public-Private Partnerships, in Proceedings (CD-ROM) of the 11th World Conference of Transport Research (WCTR), Berkeley, USA (2007).

397. K. Panou (2007) Factors Hindering the Potential of Maritime Intermodal , in Proceedings (CD-ROM) of the 1st International Conference on Competitiveness and Complementarity of Transport Modes, Chios, Greece (2007).

398. K. Πάνου (2007) Η ∆υναµική των Θαλασσίων Ενδοµεταφορών στην Οργάνωση Συνδυασµένων Μεταφορικών Αλυσίδων: Μια Περιβαλλοντική Θεώρηση, Πρακτικά του ∆ιεθνούς Συνεδρίου ‘Περιβάλλον και Θαλάσσιες Μεταφορές: σε Αναζήτηση µιας Βιώσιµης Προσέγγισης – Σχεδιασµός και Υλοποίηση Παρεµβάσεων για τις Θαλάσσιες Μεταφορές και την Προστασία του περιβάλλοντος στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, τη Μεσόγειο και τη Ν.Α. Ευρώπη’, Χίος, 19-22 Απριλίου (2007).

399. Λιάγκουρας Γ. (2007) Το Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο και η Αγορά Εργασίας. Έρευνα για την ένταξη στην αγορά εργασίας και την επαγγελµατική εξέλιξη των νέων αποφοίτων (1996-2001) του ΕΜΠ, Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο, Αθήνα: Έκδοση ΕΜΠ.

400. Liagouras G. (2008) Almost everything you would like to know about technology and growth and you will never be told by neo- Schumpeterians, in W. Elsner and H. Hanappi: Varieties of Capitalism and New Institutional Deals, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publ.

401. Liagouras G. (2007) Economics and sociology in the transition from industrial to post-industrial capitalism, in S. Ioannides & K. Nielsen (eds), Economics and the Social Sciences: Boundaries, Interaction and Integration, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publ., pp. 63-90.

402. Λιάγκουρας Γ. (2008) Το επαγγελµατικό προφίλ του µηχανικού στην ελληνική οικονοµία: Παρούσα κατάσταση, διαχρονική εξέλιξη και προοπτικές, Πρακτικά του 3ου Συνεδρίου Βιοµηχανίας του ΤΕΕ : Ελληνική Βιοµηχανία: Προς την Οικονοµία της Γνώσης, Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις ΤΕΕ, τόµος Β, σελ. 503-517.

403. Λιάγκουρας Γ. (2008) Απασχόληση και εκπαίδευση των µηχανικών σε αντικείµενα οικονοµίας και διοίκησης: ∆ιεθνείς τάσεις και ελληνική πραγµατικότητα, Πρακτικά του 3ου Συνεδρίου Βιοµηχανίας του ΤΕΕ : Ελληνική Βιοµηχανία: Προς την Οικονοµία της Γνώσης, Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις ΤΕΕ, τόµος Β, σελ. 518-536.

404. Liagouras G. (2008) American Institutionalism: Reformism with a philosophical cause but without a theory of capitalism, Electronic Proceedings (CD ROM) of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE) Conference: Labour, Institutions and Growth in a Global Economy, 6-8 November 2008, University Roma Tre.


405. Syriopoulos, T. and Roumpis, E. (2008) Dynamic Correlations and Volatility Effects in the Balkan Equity Markets, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, forthcoming.

406. Syriopoulos, T. and Parikakis (2008) Contrarian strategy and overreaction in foreign exchange markets, Research in International Business and Finance, forthcoming.

407. Syriopoulos, T., Merikas, A. and Merika, A. (2008) Is there an interdependency between the real and financial sectors of the economy?, European Journal of Scientific Research, forthcoming.

408. Syriopoulos, T, Merika, A. & Negakis, C. (2007) Highly leveraged firms and corporate performance in distressed industries, European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, 8, 93-101.

409. Syriopoulos, T., Merika, A. and Vozikis, G. (2007) Corporate social responsibility and shareholder value implications, Journal of Corporate Ownership and & Control, 5(2), 96-108.

410. Syriopoulos, T. and Pallis, T. (2007) Port governance models: financial evaluation of Greek port restructuring, Transport Policy, 14(3), 232-246.

411. Syriopoulos, T. (2007) Corporate social responsibility and shareholder effects: The Greek paradigm, Journal of International Business and Economics, 8(1), 161-174.

412. Syriopoulos, T. (2007) Dynamic Linkages Between Emerging European and Developed Stock Markets: Has the EMU any Impact? International Review of Financial Analysis, 16(1), 46-60.

413. Syriopoulos, T. and Roumpis, E. (2006) Price and volume dynamics in second-hand dry bulk and tanker shipping markets, Maritime Policy and Management, 33(5), 497-518.

414. Syriopoulos, T. (2006) Risk and Return Implications from Investing in Emerging European Stock Markets, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 16(3), 283-299.

415. Syriopoulos, T., Athanassiou, E. and Kollias, C. (2006) Dynamic Volatility and External Security Related Shocks: The Case of the Athens Stock Exchange, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 16(5), 411-424.

416. Syriopoulos, T. (2004) International Portfolio Diversification to Central European Stock Markets, Applied Financial Economics, 14(17), 1253-1268.

417. Syriopoulos, T. (2004) Modelling Long Run Dynamics in Transitional European Equity Markets, European Review of Economics and Finance, 3(4), 37-56.

418. Syriopoulos, T. (2002) Risk Aversion and Portfolio Allocation to Mutual Fund Classes, International Review of Economics and Finance, 11(4), 427-447.

419. Syriopoulos, T. (2002) Market Μispricings and Portfolio Allocation to Mutual Fund Classes, Journal of Economics and Finance, 26(3), 249- 266. 31

420. Syriopoulos, T. and Parikakis, G. (2008) Forecasting volatility movements using Markov switching regimes, EFMA 2008 Annual Meeting, Athens.

421. Syriopoulos, T., Tsatsaronis, M., Roumpis, E. and Parikakis, G. (2008) Corporate governance, ownership and financial decisions on firm performance, EEFS 2008 Conference, Prague.

422. Syriopoulos, T and Roumpis, E. (2008) Asset Allocation and Value at Risk in Shipping Stock Portfolios, 2008 IAME Annual Conference, China.

423. Syriopoulos, T., Parikakis, G. and Merikas, A. (2007) The perception of entrepreneurial risk: Key determinants in the decision making process of Greek investors, Proceedings of the Regional Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship, Brisbane, Australia.

424. Syriopoulos, T., Tsatsaronis, M. and Roumpis, E. (2007) Financial decisions, ownership and governance on corporate value, 2007 European Finance Association Conference, Ljubljana.

425. Syriopoulos, T. and Parikakis, G. (2007) Evaluating volatility dynamics and the forecasting ability of Markov switching models, 14th Multinational Finance Society Meeting, Thessaloniki.

426. Syriopoulos, T. and Nikitakos, N. (2007) Financial evaluation and policy implications for the Greek shipyard sector, International Conference on Applied Business and Economics, University of Piraeus.

427. Syriopoulos, T. (2007) Capital structure and ownership in growth companies: Implications for corporate value, International Workshop in Economics and Finance, University of .

428. Syriopoulos, T. (2007) Recent developments in modern financial instruments for shipping companies, International Shipping Management Forum, Piraeus.

429. Syriopoulos, T., Merika, A. and Apostolidis, A. (2007) Efficient energy transportation: tanker vs. LNG shipping economics, 2007 IAME Conference, Athens.

430. Syriopoulos, T, Merika, A. and Ntzannatou M. (2006) Highly leveraged firms and corporate performance in distressed industries, 2006 European Financial Management Association Meeting, Madrid.

431. Syriopoulos, T. Merikas, A. and Parikakis, G. (2006) The perception of entrepreneurial risk: Key determinants in the decision making process of Greek investors, 2006 European Financial Management Association Meeting, Madrid.

432. Syriopoulos, T., Merikas, A. and Roumpis, E. (2006) Market interactions and volatility spillover effects between shipping, oil and stock markets, 2006 IAME Conference, Melbourne.

433. Syriopoulos, T. and Pallis, A. (2006) An empirical evaluation of Greek Ports Financial Performance, 2006 European Economics and Finance Society Conference, .

434. Syriopoulos, T., Merikas, A. and Roumpis, E. (2006) Dynamic management of shipping stock portfolios, Metaxas International Conference, Cephalonia, Greece. 32

435. Syriopoulos T. (2006) Corporate social responsibility and shareholder effects: the Greek paradigm, MIBES International Conference, Larissa, Greece. 436. Syriopoulos, T. and Theotokas, I. (2005) Corporate governance and takeovers in the shipping industry, 12th Multinational Finance Society Meeting, Athens.

437. Syriopoulos, T. and Merikas, A. (2005) Corporate Social Responsibility: Risk and Return in Portfolio Management, 2005 European Financial Management Association Meeting, Milan.

438. Syriopoulos, T. and Theotokas, I. (2005) Corporate Governance and Shareholder Value: The Case of Shipping Industry, 2005 IAME Conference, Cyprus.

439. Syriopoulos, T., Merikas, A. and Merikas, A. (2004) Interdependencies between the real and financial sectors of the economy: The cases of Germany, Greece and Spain, 11th Multinational Finance Society Meeting, Istanbul.

440. Syriopoulos, T. and Merikas, A. (2004) Modelling the impact of time varying-volatility on shareholder value: The case of the Greek Corporate Social Responsibility Network, 1st International Conference of Applied Financial Economics, Samos.

441. Syriopoulos, T., Merikas, A. and Kambis, D. (2004) Is securitization an alternative vehicle for financing?, 1st International Conference of Applied Financial Economics, Samos.

442. Syriopoulos, T., Athanassiou, E. and Kollias, C. (2004) The effect of external security related shocks on financial markets, European Association of Evolutionary Political Economy International Conference, Crete.

443. Syriopoulos, T., Athanassiou, E. and Kollias, C. (2004) National security related tension and its impact on the Athens Stock Exchange, 2nd International Conference on Defence, Security and Economic Development, Larissa.

444. Κιτρίνου, E., και Α. Πολυδωροπούλου (2008) Επίδραση της Xρήσης των Nέων Tεχνολογιών στη Nησιωτική Aνάπτυξη. Ανάπτυξη Θεωρητικού Πλαισίου και Μελέτη Μερίπτωσης, Γεωγραφίες, 14ο τεύχος, σελ. 60-78.

445. Tsirimpa, A., A. Polydoropoulou, and C. Antoniou (2007) Development of a Mixed MNL Model to Capture Commuters’ Response to Travel Information, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems.

446. Συριόπουλος, Θ. (µε Λεκάκου, Μ., Πάνου, K. Χλωµούδη, Κ., Παπαδηµητρίου, Ε., Τζαννάτο, Ε.) (2007) Μεταφορές: Αρτηρίες Ζωής για τα Νησιά, Εκδόσεις Παπαζήση.

447. Συριόπουλος Θ. (2007) ∆ιεθνής ∆ιαφοροποίηση στη ∆ιαχείριση Χαρτοφυλακίου, σε: Γ. Μπλάνας (επιµ.), Καινοτόµα Χρηµατοοικονοµικά Εργαλεία, ∆υναµική ∆ιαχείριση Χαρτοφυλακίου και Προοπτικές Ανάπτυξης Ελληνικής Κεφαλαιαγοράς, Συλλογικός Τόµος – Πρόγραµµα Αρχιµήδης, Τµήµα ∆ιοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων, TEI Λάρισας.

448. Συριόπουλος Θ. (2007) Κάλυψη Κινδύνου µε Καινοτόµα Χρηµατοοικονοµικά Εργαλεία, σε: Γ. Μπλάνας (επιµ.), Καινοτόµα Χρηµατοοικονοµικά Εργαλεία, ∆υναµική ∆ιαχείριση Χαρτοφυλακίου και Προοπτικές Ανάπτυξης Ελληνικής Κεφαλαιαγοράς, Συλλογικός Τόµος – Πρόγραµµα Αρχιµήδης, Τµήµα ∆ιοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων, TEI Λάρισας.

449. Syriopoulos, T. (2007) Financing Greek Shipping: Modern Instruments, Methods and Markets, in: Pallis, A. (ed.) Maritime Transport: The Greek Paradigm Research in Transportation Economics Series, Elsevier Publisher, UK. 33

450. Συριόπουλος, Θ. (2007) Μεταφορές: Αρτηρίες Ζωής για τα Νησιά (µε Λεκάκου, Μ., Πάνου, K. Χλωµούδη, Κ., Παπαδηµητρίου, Ε., Τζαννάτο, Ε.), Εκδόσεις Παπαζήση.

451. Συριόπουλος, Θ. (2005) Η Ελληνική Κεφαλαιαγοράς: Τάσεις Ανάπτυξης και Προοπτικές, στο: Κόλλιας, Χ., Χλέτσος, Μ. και Ναξάκης, Η. (επιµ.), Σύγχρονες Προσεγγίσεις της Ελληνικής Οικονοµίας, Εκδόσεις Παπαζήση.

452. N.Nikitakos , E.Mennis, A.Platis (2006) Hybridic Model for small cruise ships’ safety risk management, Journal of Tourism in Marine Environments, vol. 3, no1, pp. 59-67,2006

453. C. Kollias, N.Nikitakos, A.Rafailidis (2009) Military Procurement and Offsets: A case study of Greek Naval procurement Offsets, to appear in the journal of Defense Economics, Jan 2009

454. Maria A. Lambrou, Athanassios A. Pallis, Nikitas V. Nikitakos (2008) Exploring the applicability of electronic markets to port governance, International Journal of Ocean Systems Management,Vol.1 no1, pp. 14-30, 2008.

455. Maria A. Lambrou, Kay E. Fjørtoft, Efstathios D. Sykas, Nikitas Nikitakos (2007) Ambient intelligence technologies in support of shipping markets’ operations, Telematics and Informatics, Vol. 24, No 4, 2007.

456. Th. Lilas, Nikitas Nikitakos (2007) Floating Autonomous Environmental Friendly and Efficient Desalination Unit, Middle East FORUM, Issue 6, pp. 73- 87, 2007

457. Evangelos Mennis, Agapios Platis, Ioannis Lagoudis, Nikitas Nikitakos (2008) Improving container terminal efficiency by means of Markov Theory, in Maritime Economics and Logistics, 10, 2008, (243-257)

458. Evangelos Mennis, Agapios Platis, Nikitas Nikitakos, Jean Guy Fontaine Enhancing safety in ship’s critical systems using Markov Modeling, accepted for publication in International Journal of Reliability Quality and Safety Engineering

459. Evangelos Mennis, Agapios Platis, Nikitas Nikitakos (2008) Applying performability modeling in maritime risk assessment, in International Journal of Materials and Structural Reliability, p. 97-107, Vol. 6, No.1, March 2008

460. Evangelos Mennis, Agapios Platis, Nikitas Nikitakos Applying Stochastic Models in Maritime Safety, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology accepted for publication

461. Dimitrios Dalaklis, Petros Siousouras, Nikitas Nikitakos Enforcing Safety and Security in the Eastern Mediterranean: The Greek Effort to Implement Vessel Trafic Services, accepted for publication in International Hydrographic Review.

462. Eleni Kitrinou, Amalia Polydoropoulou, Nikitas Nikitakos. Nikolaos Litinas A forecasting Analysis for Τeleworking Decision in Ιsland Αreas, under review in Technological Forecasting and Social Change Journal

463. N. Nikitakos, I. Sirris Game Based Learning for seafarers. A framework for instructional game design for Safety in Marine Navigation, under review in World maritime University Journal.


464. N. Nikitakos, G. Fykaris Autopilot adjustment using CBR’ under review, in International Journal of Ocean Systems Management

465. E.Stratakos, C. Nassis, N. Nikitakos, M. Lambrou Present state and prospects of information technology governance in the shipping industries, under review in Maritime Policy and Management Journal

466. Nikitakos, Pyrkatis IT Outsourcing in shipping, under review in Maritime Policy and Management Journal

467. V.Mennis, I. Lagoudis, N.Nikitakos, A.Platis (2006) Applying reliability models to ship safety assessment, proceeding of ERSREL 2006, vol. 3, pp. 2805- 2811 , Portugal.

468. Nikolaos Marianos, Maria A. Lambrou, Nikitas Nikitakos (2007) Emergent Port Services in the Context of Information and Communication Technologies, in Proceedings of the International Association of Maritime Economist (IAME) Conference 2007, (CD-Rom) Athens, Greece, 4-6 July 2007.

469. E. G. Stratakos, Ch. Nassis, N. Nikitakos, M. A. Lambrou (2007) IT Governance in Shipping Companies, in Proceedings of the Conference of International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) 2007, (CD-Rom) Athens, Greece, 4-6 July 2007.

470. E. Stratakos, N. Nikitakos, M.A. Lambrou (2006) Present State and Prospects of Electronic Services and Applications in Greek Oceangoing Shipping Industry, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on EU-EAST and South Asia Trade, Investment, Logistics and E-Business, pp 50-62, Chios, 9-11 Oct. 2006.

471. K. Malagas, N. Nikitakos (2008) The impact of e-services in a state-owned airline, Proceedings of IFSPA 2008, 25-28 Μay 2008, Hong Kong

472. V. Pyrkatis, N.Nikitakos (2008) Factors driving shipping companies to IT outsourcing, Proceedings of IFSPA 2008, 25-28 May 2008, Hong Kong

473. N. Nikitakos, G. Fykaris (2007) POLARIS, a decision support system for maritime policy and management, Vol 1, pp. 541 -549 in Maritime Industry, Ocena Engineering and Coastal Resources, IMAM 2007

474. Τ.Lilas, Α. Glykas, Ι. Tsarouxas, N. Nikitakos (2008) Stress and fatigue analysis of a floating desalination platform, Proceedings of SNAME 2008

475. T.Lilas, N. Nikitakos et. All (2007) Floating Autonomous and Environmental Friendly desalination Unit, proceedings of 10th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology , island, 5-7 September 2007, Greece

476. G. Georgoulis, N. Nikitakos (2008) Bridge ergonomics and usability of navigational system as a safety and quality feature, pp. 241- 263 Proceedings of IMLA 16th conference on MET, Izmir, Turkey, 14-17 October 2008

477. N. Nikitakos, I. Sirris (2008) An educational Approach of Game based Informal Learning in maritime, pp. 79- 91 Proceedings of IMLA 16th conference on MET, Izmir, Turkey, 14-17 October 2008

478. Sirris, N. Nikitakos (2007) Game based learning for Seafarers: A frame work for Instructional game design for Safety in maritime navigation, pp. 421 – 429 proceeding of Transnav 2007, Gdynia, Poland

479. N. Nikitakos , G. Fykaris (2007) Polaris, αυτόµατη Πλοήγηση Πλοίου µε χρήση εµεπιρου συστήµατος, σελ..146 – 160 Βίβλος Nαυτικής Τεχνολογίας 2007, ELINT

480. Γ. Γεωργούλης, Ν. Νικητάκος (2008) 35

Η εργονοµία της γέφυρας του πλοίου και η ευχρηστία των ναυτιλιακών συστηµάτων γέφυρας ως χαρακτηριστικό ασφάλειας, Ετήσια Συνάντηση Ναυτικής Τεχνολογίας 2008, 27-28 Νοεµβρίου, ΕΛΙΝΤ,

481. Τ. Lilas, Ν. Nikitakos (2008) Fighting water scarcity in small Aegean islands using renewable energies, proceedings of Black Aea Policy Conference Energy Investments and Trade, Athens, September 2008

482. K.Malagas, N. Nikitakos (2008) Introduction of electronic services in an airline: Change management issues, proceeding of 2008 Air Transportation Research Society Conference, 6-9 July, Athens, Greece.

483. Α. Τsakonas, G. Dounias and N Nikitakos (2006) Active Sonar Target Identification Using Evolutionary Neural Logic Networks, proceeding of NeSy'06 Second International Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning ,Workshop at ECAI2006, Riva del Garda, Italy, 29th of August 2006

484. G. Dourmas, N. Nikitakos & G. Marinakis (2008) Maritime Add-On Solutions as Training Tool’ proceedings of Microsoft Dynamics, Convergence 2008, November 19- 20 Copenhagen, Denmark

485. N. Marianos, M. Lambrou and N.Nikitakos (2008) Emergent port services in the context of information and communication technologies, Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Research and Development in Mechanical Industry, pp. 970 - 982, 14-17 September 2008, Uzice, Serbia.

486. Nikitas Nikitakos, Maria A. Lambrou (2007) Digital Shipping: The Greek Experience, in Maritime Transport: The Greek Paradigm, Research in Transportation Economics, Volume 21, pp, 387-421, Elsevier.

487. Maria A. Lambrou, Kay E. Fjørtoft, Efstathios D. Sykas, Nikitas Nikitakos (2008), Ambient intelligence technologies in support of shipping markets’ operations, Telematics and Informatics, Vol. 25, No 3, pp. 72-83.

488. Dionysis Kefallinos, Maria A. Lambrou, Efstathios D. Sykas, (2008) An Extended Risk Assessment Model for Secure E-Government Projects, in International Journal of Electronic Government Research, forthcoming

489. Miltiades E. Anagnostou, Maria A. Lambrou (2008) Privacy now and in the age of ambient intelligence, submitted in International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics

490. Constantina I. Costopoulou, Maria A. Lambrou, Sotirios T. Karetsos (2007) A Multi-Agent system for Internet Middlemen in B2B Environment: a Case Study in Agribusiness, International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies, Vol.1, No 4, pp. 398-415.

491. Athanasios A. Pallis, Maria A. Lambrou (2007) Electronic Markets Business Models to Integrate Ports in Supply Chains, Journal of Maritime Research, Vol 4, No 3.

492. Maria A. Lambrou, Nikolaos Marianos (2008) E-Learning in the Public Sector: Training and Empowering Users of E-Government, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on e-Learning, (CD-Rom), Columbia University, New York, USA, 11-13 June 2008.

493. Ioannis Theotokas, Nikolaos Marianos, Maria A. Lambrou (2008) An Adapted Evaluation Method for SMEs Oriented e-Learning Services/Projects, in Proceedings of the The Open Knowlege Society, A Computer Science and Information Systems Manifesto, First World Summit on the Knowledge Society, pp. 669-677, Athens, Greece, September 24-26, 2008

494. Manolis S. Sardis, Maria A. Lambrou (2007) A Multi-Agent System for e-Chartering, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE), pp. 257-267, Hong Kong, China, 24-26 October, 2007. 36

495. Maria A. Lambrou (2007) From an e-learning platform to m-learning environments: design issues and guidelines”, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on e-Learning, (CD-Rom), pp. 277-286, Columbia University, New York, USA, 28-29 June 2007.

496. Nikolaos Marianos, George Perris, Maria A. Lambrou, Ioannis Theotokas (2007) E-Government Services for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Rural Areas: the Rural eGov Approach, in Proceedings of Rural Learn International Conference (CD-ROM), Chios, 24-27 June 2007.

497. Constantelou A.(2006) The design of policies for the telecommunications sector in Southern and Eastern Europe: A political economy of policy evolution, Παρουσίαση στο Ετήσιο Συνέδριο European Association of Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE), Κωνσταντινούπολη, 2-4 Νοεµβρίου 2006.

498. Constantelou A.(2006) Addressing the complexity challenge: some reflections on the non-linear route of putting policy into practice, Παρουσίαση στο Συνέδριο της European Communication Policy Research Conference (EuroCPR), Σεβίλλη, 26-27-28 Μαρτίου 2006.

499. Constantelou A.(2005) Emerging Trends in the CRM Frontier: Evidence from Innovating Firms in the European Travel and Tourism Industry, Παρουσίαση στο Συνέδριο για τα 20 χρόνια του Τµήµατος ∆ιοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων του Πανεπιστηµίου Αιγαίου µε θέµα "Managing Global Trends and Challenges in a Turbulent Economy”, Χίος 13-15 Οκτωβρίου 2005.

500. Constantelou A.(2004) Emerging trends in Electronic Customer Relations Management (e-CRM) in travel and tourism, παρουσίαση στο European XX Conference on Operational Research and the Management of Electronic Services, Ρόδος, 4-7 Ιουλίου 2004.

501. Constantelou A. (joint with G. Liagouras & S. Zambarloukos) (2005) The long road from technology to development. Impasses and challenges of technology policy in intermediate economies, DRUID Summer Conference on Industrial Dynamics, Innovation and Development, Elsinore, Denmark, June, 1-16 June 2004, URL: http://www.druid.dk/ocs/viewabstract.php?id=95&cf=1.

502. Caloghirou, Y., Constantelou, Α. and N. Vonortas (eds) (2006) Knowledge Flows in European Industry, London: Routledge.

503. Thanopoulou, H., Theotokas, I., and A. Constantelou Leading by following: Innovation and post war strategies of Greek shipowners, International Journal of Maritime History (IJMH) (υπό κρίση).

504. Caloghirou, Y., Constantelou, A. and A. Tsakanikas (2004) Inter-country technological linkages in European Framework Programmes: A Spur to European Integration?, International Journal of Technology Management, 27(8), 773-790.

505. Constantelou, A. and V. Karounou (2004) Skills and Competencies for the Future of Ehealth, The IPTS Journal, Vol. 81, Φεβρουάριος.

506. Caloghirou, Y., Constantelou, A. and Nicholas S. Vonortas (2006) Knowledge flows: The drivers for the creation of a knowledge-based economy, in Caloghirou, Y., Constantelou, A. and Nicholas S. Vonortas (eds) Knowledge Flows in European Industry, Routledge, UK.

507. Caloghirou, Y., Constantelou, A. and Nicholas S. Vonortas (2006) Theoretical Foundations and Key Concepts, in Caloghirou, Y., Constantelou, A. and Nicholas S. Vonortas (eds) Knowledge Flows in European Industry, Routledge, UK.

508. Caloghirou, Y., Constantelou, A. and Nicholas S. Vonortas (2006) 37

An Operational Framework for the Study of Knowledge Flows, in Caloghirou, Y., Constantelou, A. and Nicholas S. Vonortas (eds) Knowledge Flows in European Industry, Routledge, UK.

509. Caloghirou, Y., Constantelou, A. and Nicholas S. Vonortas (2006) Knowledge Flows In European Industry: An Overview of Evidence from Surveys and Case Studies, in Caloghirou, Y., Constantelou, A. and Nicholas S. Vonortas (eds) Knowledge Flows in European Industry, Routledge, UK.

510. Caloghirou, Y., Constantelou, A. and Nicholas S. Vonortas (2006) Towards a New Agenda for Enhancing Knowledge Flows in Europe, in Caloghirou, Y., Constantelou, A. and Nicholas S. Vonortas (eds) Knowledge Flows in European Industry, Routledge, UK.

511. Κωνσταντέλου, Α. Τεχνολογική Αλλαγή, Καινοτοµία, και Επιχειρηµατικότητα, Πειραµατική Ανάπτυξη Εκπαιδευτικού Προγράµµατος «Τεχνολογία και Επιχειρηµατικότητα», Τόµος Ι, ΕΜΠ (υπό δηµοσίευση στην ιστοσελίδα του Προγράµµατος).

512. Lagos, D., Kutsikos, K. Implementing Cluster Models through Technology-based Innovation – The Case for Business Incubation, European Research Studies Journal, δεκτό προς δηµοσίευση (index: EconLit)

513. Kutsikos, K. Collaborative E-government Services, International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies, δεκτό προς δηµοσίευση

514. Kutsikos, K., Kontos, G. A Systemic Model for Categorizing E-government Services, International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies, δεκτό προς δηµοσίευση

515. Kutsikos, K. Technology-based Innovation and Regional Development, Studies in Regional & Urban Planning, δεκτό προς δηµοσίευση

516. Kutsikos, K., Kontos, G. (2008) User Realities and the Future of E-government Services, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the Association for Information Systems, European School of Management (ESCP-EAP), Paris (France), Dec. 2008

517. Lagos, D., Kutsikos, K. (2008) Technology-based Innovation in Tourism Clusters, Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Applied Business & Economics, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki (Greece), Oct. 2008

518. Κοντός, Γ. Κούτσικος, Κ. (2008) Ανάπτυξη Συνεργατικών Υπηρεσιών Ηλεκτρονικής ∆ιακυβέρνησης στην Βάση ενός Συστηµικού Μοντέλου, Πρακτικά 4ου Συνεδρίου Συστηµικών Μελετών, Πανεπιστήµιο Ιωαννίνων, Ιωάννινα, Μάιος 2008

519. Κούτσικος, Κ. (2007) Ο Ρόλος της Πληροφορικής στη ∆ιοίκηση Ανθρωπίνων Πόρων: Ηλεκτρονικές Υπηρεσίες και Οργανωσιακές Αλλαγές, Πρακτικά 2ου Συνεδρίου ∆ιοικητικών Επιστηµόνων, Πανεπιστήµιο Αιγαίου, Χίος, Οκτώβριος 2007

520. Θεσσαλονικεύς, Ε., Κούτσικος, Κ. (2007) Ηλεκτρονικές Υπηρεσίες ∆ιοίκησης Ανθρώπινων Πόρων: Aπό τη Γραφειοκρατία στην Αυτοµατοποίηση, Πρακτικά 3ου Συνεδρίου Συστηµικών Μελετών, Πανεπιστήµιο Πειραιά, Πειραιάς, Μάιος 2007

521. P. Courtis, D. Lagos (2008) Critical Evaluation of the Methodological Framework for Strategic Tourism Planning on a Region Level. Studies in Regional & Urban Planning. Vol. 10, 2008, pp. 5-17.

522. P. Tsartas, D. Lagos (2007) Regional structuring of tourism employment in Greece, Asian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management Research, 2007

523. E. Rogdaki, D. Lagos, P. Arsenos (2007) 38

Financial Analysis in tourism: The case of IONIA Hotel Enterpries in Greece, Statistical Review, Vol. 2, No 1, 2007, pp.44-59.

524. D. Lagos, P. Courtis Clusters and competitiveness in the Greek tourism sector, European Research Studies, (Forthcoming). Επιστολή αποδοχής 06.08.

525. D. Lagos (2007) Methodological Approach to the Analysis of the Tourism System, International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies (IJASS). (2007) (Forthcoming). Επιστολή αποδοχής από 7.12.2006

526. M. Diakomihalis, D. Lagos Economic impacts’ estimation of yachting in Greece via the Tourism Satellite Account, Tourism Economics (Forthcoming). Επιστολή αποδοχής από 13.09.2007.

527. Lagos, D., M. Bekiaris and P. Arsenos The Competitiveness of the Tourism Product: The Case of the 5-star Hotels in Corfu, TOURISMOS. (Forthcoming Vol. 3, Issue 2.). Επιστολή αποδοχής από 22.01.2008.

528. ∆. Λαγός, Π. Κούρτης Η συµβολή και οι περιορισµοί της SWOT ανάλυσης στην εκ των προτέρων αξιολόγηση των Περιφερειακών Επιχειρησιακών Προγραµµάτων (ΠΕΠ), Τιµητικός Τόµος Καθηγητή Π. ΛΟΥΚΑΚΗ. Πάντειο Πανεπιστήµιο. (υπό έκδοση). Επιστολή αποδοχής 9.5.08.

529. D. Ierapetritis, Ch. Mpalomenou, D. Lagos (2008) Barriers to the start-up and development of female entrepreneurship in Greece: The case of the peloponnese region, 11th Uddevalla Symposium, 2008, May 15-17, Kyoto, Japan, (Proceedings on CD-ROM).

530. M. Diakomihalis, D. Lagos, (2007) Coastal tourist shipping” impacts on the Greek economy via the tourism satellite account, 1st International Scientific Conference: Competitiveness and Complementarily of Transport Modes-Perspectives for the Development of Intermodal Transport, Chios 10/05/07, (Proceedings on CD-ROM).

531. Ch. Mpalomenou, D. Lagos (2007) The innovation in special interest tourism and its impact on regional development, 10th Uddevalla Symposium 14-16 June 2007 on Institutions for Knowledge generation and knowledge flows –Building Innovative Capabilities for Region, University West, Sweden, (Book of Abstracts), pp.205-213.

532. D. Lagos, Sg. Melisidou, N. Theocharis (2007) Tourism Product and Service Development: Entrepreneurship and Service Quality, Presentation in 4 International Conference on Applied Financial Economics,. Organizer: Research and Training Institute of the East Aegean (INEAG), Greece - University of Athens – University of Piraeus, Jule 12-14, 2007, Samos, Greece, (Conference Proceedings), pp. 458- 466.

533. D. Lagos, St. Zounta, P. Kourtis (2007) Telematics Applications in the Greek Tourism Industry. 1st Biannual International Conference Strategic Developments in Services Marketing, 27-29 September 2007, Chios Island, Greece, (Proceeding on CD-ROM).

534. D. Lagos, Ch. Mpalomenou, P. Arsenos (2007) Critical assessment of agritourism development in greece: comparative analysis with the european experience, Congreess ERSA, Paris 29/8 – 2/9/07), (Proceedings on CD-ROM).

535. D. Lagos, Dor. Papathanasiou-Zuhrt Wine tourism networks and business clusters in the Greek tourism industry, EuroCRIE international tourism congress. Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 11-14, Oct. 2008. Επιστολή αποδοχής από 16.06.2008.

536. D. Ierapetritis, Ch. Mpalomenou, D. Lagos Developing youth entrepreneurship in Greece: The case of the Peloponnese region, Congreess ERSA, Liverpool, UK 27/8 – 31/8/08). Επιστολή αποδοχής από 17.06.2008.


537. S. Melisidou, P. Courtis, D. Lagos Business Clusters in the Greek Tourism Industry and Competitiveness, International Conference on Applied Business & Economics (ICABE - 2007), 4-6 October 2007 (University of Piraeus, Loyola University Chicago). (Forthcoming). Επιστολή αποδοχής από 02.07.08.

538. ∆. Λαγός Τουριστική ανάπτυξη και θεωρία επιχειρηµατικών συστάδων, Εισήγηση στο 4ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο της Εταιρείας Συστηµικών Μελετών (ΕΕΣΜ) µε θέµα «Συστήµατα ∆ιαχείρισης Πληροφοριών και Καινοτοµιών», Ιωάννινα 29-31.05.08. Επιστολή αποδοχής από 31.03.2008.

539. ∆. Λαγός, ∆. Παπαθανασίου, Β. Αναστασόπουλος Τουριστικές χρήσεις πολιτιστικού αποθέµατος: Η περίπτωση του ∆ήµου Ηραίας Αρκαδίας, Εισήγηση σε συνέδριο ∆ήµου Γόρτυνος Αρκαδίας, 23-25.05.08. Επιστολή αποδοχής από 20.06.2008.

540. ∆. Λαγός, Θ. Σταυρινούδης, Χαρ. Καµπάνη Ο τουρισµός πόλεων ως µια δυναµικά αναπτυσσόµενη αγορά στην Ευρώπη: Η περίπτωση της Αθήνας, Εισήγηση στο 2ο Ελληνικό Συνέδριο Τουρισµού που οργάνωσε η Ακαδηµία Τουριστικών Ερευνών και Μελετών (ΑΤΕΜ) σε συνεργασία µε το Αθηναϊκό Ινστιτούτο Ερευνας και Εκπαίδευσης (ΑΘΙΝΕΕ) στο ξενοδοχείο St. George Lycabettus την 21-22.03.08, Αθήνα. Επιστολή αποδοχής από 22.05.2008.

541. ∆. Λαγός Ανάπτυξη και εφαρµογή της ανάλυσης των τουριστικών πολλαπλασιαστών σε περιφερειακό επίπεδο, 8ο Πανελλήνιο Γεωγραφικό Συνέδριο. Αθήνα 4-7 /10/2007. (Οργανωτές: Ελληνική Γεωγραφική Εταιρεία & Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήµιο Αθηνών). Επιστολή αποδοχής από 12.05.2008.

542. ∆. Λαγός, Θ. Σταυρινούδης Προβλήµατα των πωλήσεων της χρονοµεριστικής µίσθωσης (timesharing) στην Ελλάδa, 3ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο της Εταιρείας Συστηµικών Μελετών (ΕΕΣΜ). Πειραιάς 26-28/05/07. Επιστολή αποδοχής από 10.01.2008.

543. ∆. Λαγός (2007) Θεωρίες Περιφερειακής Οικονοµικής Ανάπτυξης, Εκδόσεις ΚΡΙΤΙΚΗ Αθήνα, σελ. 256.

544. Κ. Λυµπερόπουλος (2004) Η Αγοραστική Προσήλωση του Τραπεζικού Πελάτη – Προϋποθέσεις, Παράγοντες, Στρατηγικές, Εκδόσεις Interbooks, Αθήνα 2004 (σελ. 176).

545. Κ. Λυµπερόπουλος (2006) Μάρκετινγκ Χρηµατοπιστωτικών Υπηρεσιών, Εκδόσεις Interbooks, Αθήνα 2006 (σελίδες 501).

546. Lymperopoulos, C., Chaniotakis, J. (2004) Branch Employees’ Perceptions Τowards Ιmplications of Ε-Βanking in Greece, στο: International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol. 32, No. 6-7, 2004, σελ. 302-311.

547. Lymperopoulos, C., Chaniotakis, J., Soureli, M. (2004) Opportunities for Banks to Cross-Sell Insurance Products in Greece, στο: Journal of Financial Services Marketing, Vol. 9,1 σελ.34-48, September 2004.

548. Lymperopoulos, C., Chaniotakis, J. (2005) Factors Affecting Acceptance of Internet as a Marketing - Intelligence Tool among Employees of Greek Branches, στο: International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 23 No 6, σελ. 484-505, 2005.

549. Lymperopoulos, C., Chaniotakis, J., Soureli, M. (2006) The Importance of Service Quality in Bank Selection for Mortgage Loans, στο: Managing Service Quality. An Internantional Journal, Vol. 16, No 4, σελ. 365-379, July 2006.

550. Chaniotakis, J., Lymperopoulos, C. (2006) The importance of Perceived Benefits in Intentions to Use Internet Banking among Greek PC Users, στο: Journal of Customer Behaviour, Volume 5, No3, σελ. 267-283, Winter 2006.

551. Lymperopoulos, C., Chaniotakis, J. (2008) 40

The Relationship between Personnel Efficiency and Price Satisfaction with Word of Mouth and Intention to Change Bank, στο: Journal of Financial Services Marketing, Vol. 13,1, May 2008, σελ. 63-71.

552. Rigopoulou, E., Siomkos, G., Lymperopoulos, C., Chaniotakis, I. (2008) After Sales Service Quality as an Antecedent of Customer Satisfaction: The Case of Electronic Appliances, στο: Managing Service Quality. An International Journal, Special Issue, Vol. 18, No 5, 2008, σελ. 512-527.

553. Chaniotakis, I., Lymperopoulos, C., Soureli, M. A Research Model for Consumer’s Intention of Buying Private Label Frozen Vegetables, στο: Journal of Food Products Marketing, Vol. 15-2 (επιστολή αποδοχής 14/02/08).

554. Pantouvakis, A., Lymperopoulos, C (2009) Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in the Eyes of New and Repeated Customers. Evidence from the Transport Sector, στο: Managing Service Quality. An International Journal, επιστολή αποδοχής: 22/09/08, Vol. 19, No 2, 2009.

555. Chaniotakis, J., Lymperopoulos, C. (2009) Service Quality Effect on Satisfaction and Word of Mouth for Maternity Hospitals, στο: Managing Service Quality. An International Journal, επιστολή αποδοχής: 22/09/08, Vol. 19, No 3, 2009.

556. Chaniotakis, I., Lymperopoulos, C., Soureli, M. Modelling Consumer’s Intention of Buying Own-Label Products: The Case of Olive Oil, στο: International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management (υπό κρίση).

557. C.aramanidis, I., Christou, E., Kilipiris, E., Lymperopoulos, C. (2004) Customer Loyalty in the Hospitality Industry: the Impact of Emotional Satisfaction, στο Annual EuroCHRIE (European Council for Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education) Conference: «Global Issues & Trends in the Hospitality and Tourism Industries», Άγκυρα, Τουρκία: Bilkent University, 3-7 Νοεµβρίου 2004.

558. Lymperopoulos, C., Chaniotakis, J., Soureli, M. (2005) Factors that Contribute to the Formation of Bank Ιmage: The Role of Bank Ownership Status, στο διεθνές επιστηµονικό συνέδριο: Congres International de l’Association Francaise du Marketing, Nancy 18-20 Μαϊου 2005.

559. Lymperopoulos, C., Chaniotakis, J., Soureli, M. (2005) Identifying Greek Customer’s Choice Criteria in Bank Selection for Mortgages: The Importance of Service Quality, στο διεθνές επιστηµονικό συνέδριο: Managing Global Trends and Challenges in a Turbulant Economy, University of the Aegean, 13-15 Οκτωβρίου 2005.

560. Christou, E., Lymperopoulos, C. (2006) Investigating Visitor Satisfaction and Service Quality in a Heritage – Tourism Context, στο 35ο ∆ιεθνές Συνέδριο της EMAC – European Marketing Academy, Αθήνα 23-26 Μαϊου 2006.

561. Chaniotakis, J., Lymperopoulos, C. (2006) Factors affecting Personal Computer Users’ Intention to use Internet banking in Greece, στο 35ο ∆ιεθνές Συνέδριο της EMAC – European Marketing Academy, Αθήνα 23-26 Μαϊου 2006.

562. Λυµπερόπουλος, Κ., Χανιωτάκης, Ι. (2006) Η χρήση των Ηλεκτρονικών ∆ικτύων από τα Τραπεζικά Στελέχη ως Παράγοντας Αποτελεσµατικότητας του Εσωτερικού Μάρκετινγκ, στο 2ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Εταιρίας Συστηµικών Μελετών µε θέµα: «Συστηµικές Προσεγγίσεις σε ∆ίκτυο Επιχειρήσεων – Οργανισµών», Πανεπιστήµιο Αιγαίου, Χίος 25-27/05/06.

563. Λυµπερόπουλος, Κ., Αγγελής, Β., Χανιωτάκης, Ι. (2006) Η Μείωση του Επιχειρηµατικού Κινδύνου των Τραπεζών µέσω Ερευνών για τις εκτιµήσεις των Πελατών τους της Εκλαµβανόµενης από τις Υπηρεσίες τους Αξίας, στο 2ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Εταιρίας Συστηµικών Μελετών µε θέµα: «Συστηµικές Προσεγγίσεις σε ∆ίκτυο Επιχειρήσεων – Οργανισµών», Πανεπιστήµιο Αιγαίου, Χίος 25-27/05/06.

564. Christou, E., Lymperopoulos, C., Kassianidis, P.: (2006) Tour Operator Image and Brand Loyalty: The Case of Package Holidays Sector, στο 24th EuroCHRIE Congress, Thessaloniki 25-28 October 2006.

565. Lymperopoulos, C., Chaniotakis, J. (2007) 41

Can a Local Bank’s Olympic Sponsorship Affect Consumers’ Buying Behaviour?, στο 36th European Marketing Academy Conference – Rejkavik – Iceland, 22-25 May 2007, Reykjavik – Island.

566. Lymperopoulos, C., Mavragani, E. (2007) Could the Implementation of Marketing Concept in Museums and Archaeological Sites Contribute to the Achievement of their Mission?, στο 1st Biannual International Conference in Services Marketing: “Strategic Developments in Services Marketing”, 27-29 Σεπτεµβρίου 2007, Χίος.

567. Christou, E., Lymperopoulos, C., Sigala, M.(2007) Τravellers’ Perceptions on Adoption of Internet Shopping for Airline Tickets, στο 1st Biannual International Conference in Services Marketing: “Strategic Developments in Services Marketing”, 27-29 Σεπτεµβρίου 2007, Χίος. 568. Rigopoulou, E, Chaniotakis, I., Siomkos, G., Lymperopoulos, C. (2008) The Effects of After Sales Services on the Referral and the Repurchase Intentions, στο 37th EMAC:, Brighton 2008.

569.Λυµπερόπουλος, Κ. (2006) Τραπεζικό Μάνατζµεντ, Έκδοση της Ελληνικής Ένωσης Τραπεζών - Ελληνικό Τραπεζικό Ινστιτούτο – Ευρωπαϊκό ∆ίπλωµα Βασικών Τραπεζικών Σπουδών, επιστηµονική επιµέλεια: Αν. Καθ. Π. Αλεξάκης – επίκ. Καθ. Χ.Γκόρτσος, σελ. 45-129, Αθήνα 2006.

570. Λυµπερόπουλος, Κ. (2006) Τραπεζικό Μάρκετινγκ, Έκδοση της Ελληνικής Ένωσης Τραπεζών – Ελληνικό Τραπεζικό Ινστιτούτο – Ευρωπαϊκό ∆ίπλωµα Βασικών Τραπεζικών Σπουδών, επιστηµονική επιµέλεια: Αν. Καθ. Π. Αλεξάκης – επίκ. Καθ. Χ.Γκόρτσος, σελ. 133-213, Αθήνα 2006.

571. Βιδάλης, Μ., Λυµπερόπουλος, Κ. Η Συντονισµένη έναντι της Ανεξάρτητης Τιµολόγησης σε ∆ίκτυα ∆ιανοµής µε δύο Μέλη, Τιµητικός Τόµος Καθ. Βαρθολοµαίου, Πανεπιστήµιο Πειραιώς (υπό έκδοση – επιστολή αποδοχής: 15/4/08).

572. Λυµπερόπουλος, Κ., Χανιωτάκης, Ι. Παράγοντες Επηρεασµού της Πρόθεσης Αγοράς Απορρυπαντικών Ιδιωτικής Ετικέτας, Τιµητικός Τόµος Καθ. Λίβα, Πανεπιστήµιο Πειραιώς (υπό έκδοση, επιστολή αποδοχής 26/09/08).

573. Χανιωτάκης, Ι., Λυµπερόπουλος, Κ. (2006): Μοντέλο ∆ιαµόρφωσης Αγοραστικής Συµπεριφοράς για τα Κατεψυγµένα Λαχανικά Ιδιωτικής Ετικέτας, στο 9ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Αγροτικής Οικονοµίας της Εταιρίας Αγροτικής Οικονοµίας, µε τίτλο: “Η Οικονοµία και η Κοινωνία µπροστά στις νέες Προκλήσεις του Παγκόσµιου Αγροτροφικού Συστήµατος», Αθήνα 2-4 Νοεµβρίου 2006.

574. Vidalis, M., Lymperopoulos, C. (2008) Integration of a Distribution System via Pricing Incentives, στο 4ο Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Εταιρίας Συστηµικών Μελετών, 2008.

575.Χανιωτάκης, Ι, Λυµπερόπουλος, Κ., Σουρέλη, Μ. (2008) Παράγοντες Επιρροής της Πρόθεσης Αγοράς Τροφίµων Υψηλής Προστιθέµενης Αξίας. Η Περίπτωση του Ελαιολάδου, 10ο Συνέδριο Εταιρίας Αγροτικής Οικονοµίας, Πανεπιστήµιο Μακεδονίας, 27-29 Νοεµβρίου 2008.

576.Λυµπερόπουλος, Κ., Μαυραγάνη, Ε. (2007) Η Στρατηγική Μάρκετινγκ Μουσείων και Αρχαιολογικών Χώρων ως Στοιχείο της Βιώσιµης Τουριστικής Ανάπτυξης των Ελληνικών Τουριστικών Προορισµών, στο: Επιστηµονικό Μάρκετινγκ, τ. 40, Ιούλιος-Αύγουστος 2007, σελ. 110-111.

577. Mavragani, E., Lymperopoulos, C. (2007) Τhe Contribution of Marketing Strategies of Museums and Archaeological Sites to the Sustainable Development of Greek Tourist Destinations, στο 1st Biannual International Conference in Services Marketing: “Strategic Developments in Services Marketing”, 27-29 Σεπτεµβρίου 2007, Χίος.

578. Marantou, A., Angelis, V., Lymperopoulos, C (2007) Tourism Advertising Effectiveness in Greece, στο 1st Biannual International Conference in Services Marketing: “Strategic Developments in Services Marketing”, 27-29 Σεπτεµβρίου 2007, Χίος.


579. Zeimpekis, V., Tarantilis, C.D., Giaglis, G.M., Minis, I. (2007) Dynamic Fleet Management: Concepts, Systems, Algorithms & Case Studies, Springer-Verlag, New York, 241 pages, 2007.

580. Zeimpekis, V., Minis, I., Mamassis, K. and Giaglis, G.M. (2007) Dynamic Management of a Delayed Delivery Vehicle in a City Logistics Environment, στο βιβλίο Dynamic Fleet Management: Concepts, Systems, Algorithms & Case Studies, Springer- Verlag, Κεφάλαιο 9, 2007, 197 – 217.

581. Minis1, I., Ampazis, N. and Mamassis, K. (2007) Efficient Real Time Management of Goods Distribution to Clustered Clients, International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, vol. 3, n 3, 2007, 211-227.

582. Zeimpelis, V., Tatarakis, A., Giaglis, G.M. and Minis, I. (2007) Towards a Dynamic Real-time Vehicle Management System for Urban Distribution, International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, vol. 3, n. 3, 2007, 228-243.

583. Minis1, I., Keys, E. and Athanasopoulos, T. Contribution to the Design of the Athletes Bus Network During the Athens 2004 Olympic Games, Transportation Research Part A, v. 40, n. 9, 2007, 776-791.

584. Tsirimpas, P., Tatarakis, A., Minis, I. And Kyriakidis, E.G. (2007) Single Vehicle Routing with a Predefined Customer Sequence and Multiple Depot Returns, European Journal of Operations Research, vol. 187, n.2, 2007, 483 - 495.

585. Gliatis, V. and Minis, I. (2007) Service Attribute-Process Matrix: a tool for designing and managing services, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, vol. 16, n. 3, 2007, 257-276.

586. Minis1, I. and Tsamboulas, D. (2008) Contingency Planning and War Gaming for the Athens 2004 Olympic Transport Operations, Transport Reviews, 2008, vol. 28, n. 2, 259 - 280.

587. Tatarakis, A. and Minis, I. (2008) Stochastic Single Vehicle Routing with a Predefined Customer Sequence and Multiple Depot Returns, accepted in the European Journal of Operations Research (2008)

588. Zeimpekis, V., Giaglis, G.M. and Minis, I. (2008) Development and evaluation of an intelligent fleet management system for city logistics, Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), January 7-10, 2008.

589. Tsamboulas, D.A., Minis, I., Karanasiou, M. (2007) Transport: Competitiveness and Complemetarity of Transport Mode- Perspectives for Combined Transport, 1st International Conference on Combined Transport, University of the Aegean, (in CD ROM), Chios, 2007.

590. Pallis A.A. (2007) Maritime Transport: The Greek Paradigm, Research in Transport Economics Series Νο 21, London: Elsevier. ISBN-978-0-7623-1449-2, Series Editor: M. Dresner. 26/07/2007, Επιµέλεια.

591. Pallis A.A., Notteboom T. & de Langen P.W. (2008) Concession agreements and market entry in Container Terminals. Maritime Economics and Logistics, 10(3), 209- 228.

592. Brooks M.R. and Pallis A.A. (2008) Assessing port governance models: Process and performance components. Maritime Policy and Management, 35(4), 411-432.

593.Pallis Α.Α. (2008) Lobbying EU Institutions: Strategies and Governance of Contending Maritime Interests, Current Politics and Economics of Europe, 19(3), 23-37


594. Corres A.J.E. and Pallis A. A. (2008) Flag-State Performance: An Empirical Evaluation, WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 7(1), 241-261.

595. Pallis A.A. and Tsiotsis S.G.P. (2008) Maritime Interests and the EU Port Services Directive, European Transport, 38, 17-31.

596. De Langen P.W. and Pallis Α.Α. (2007) Entry Barriers in Seaports, Maritime Policy and Management, 34(5), 427-440.

597. Pallis A.A. (2007) Maritime Interests in the EU Policy-making: Structures, Practices and Governability of Collective Action, WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 6(1), 3-20

598. Pallis A.A. and Vaggelas, G.K. (2008) Port and Shipping Security in the EU, In: Talley Wayne K. (ed). Maritime Safety, Security and Piracy, London: Informa, 327-357

599. Pallis A.A. (2007) Greek Maritime Transport: A View from Within, In: idem (ed.) Maritime Transport: The Greek Paradigm, Transport Economics Series Νο 21, 1-22, London: Elsevier

600. Pallis A.A. (2007) Whither Port Strategy? Theory and Practice in Conflict, In: idem (ed.) Maritime Transport: The Greek Paradigm, Transport Economics Series Νο 21, 345 -386, London: Elsevier

601. Pallis A.A. (2007) EU Port Policy Developments: Implications for Port Governance, In: Brooks M.R. and Cullinane K. (eds.), Devolution, Port Governance and Performance, Research in Transport Economics Series Νο 17, London: Elsevier, 161-176

602. Pallis A.A. (2007) Port Governance in Greece, In: Brooks M.R. & Cullinane K. (eds), Devolution, Port Governance and Performance, Research in Transport Economics Series Νο 17, London: Elsevier, 491-508.

603. Pallis A.A. and Vaggelas G.K. (2007) Enhancing Port Security via the Enactment of EU Policies, In: Bell M., Bichou K., and Evans A. (eds). Risk Management in Port Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Security, London: Lloyd’s of London Press & Informa, 303-334

604. K. Papageorgiou on behalf of the ZEUS and H1 Collaborations (2008) Cross sections measurements at HERA, 16 Sep 2008, to be published at the Proceedings of the XXXVII International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, DESY, Hamburg, Germany

605. K. Papageorgiou, I. Gialas (2007) Z-vertex measurement in Low and Middle Energy Run data of the ZEUS detector, ZEUS Note 07-007, 10/12/07

606. K.Papageorgiou et al (2008) Measurement of beauty production from dimuon events at HERA , DESY-08-129, Sep 2008

607. K.Papageorgiou et al., (2008) Multijet cross sections in charged current e+/e- p scattering at HERA, Phys.Rev.D78:032004, 2008

608. K.Papageorgiou et al (2008) Inclusive K0(S)K0(S) resonance production in ep collisions at HERA, Phys.Rev.Lett.101:112003,2008

609. K.Papageorgiou et al. (2008) Beauty photoproduction using decays into electrons at HERA, Phys.Rev.D78:072001, 2008

610. K.Papageorgiou et al (2008) 44

Energy dependence of the charged multiplicity in deep inelastic scattering at HERA, JHEP 0806:061,2008, DESY-08-036

611. K.Papageorgiou et al. (2008) Multi-jet cross-sections in charged current e+- p scattering at HERA, Phys.Rev.D78:032004, 2008

612. K.Papageorgiou et al (2008) Diffractive photoproduction of dijets in ep collisions at HERA, Eur.Phys.J.C55:177-191, 2008

613. K.Papageorgiou et al (2007) Exclusive ρ0 production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA, DESY-07-118, PMC Phys.A1:6 ,2007

614. K.Papageorgiou et al (2007) Dijet production in diffractive deep inelastic scattering at HERA, DESY-07-126, Eur.Phys.J.C52:813-832, 2007

615. K.Papageorgiou et al (2008) Three- and four-jet final states in photoproduction at HERA, DESY-07-102, Jul 2007. 50pp., Nucl.Phys.B792:1-47, 2008

616. K.Papageorgiou et al (2007) Forward-jet production in deep inelastic ep scattering at HERA, DESY-07-100, Eur.Phys.J.C52:515-530, 2007

617. K.Papageorgiou et al (2007) High-ET dijet photoproduction at HERA, DESY-07-092, Phys.Rev.D76:072011, 2007

618. K.Papageorgiou et al (2007) Bose-Einstein Correlations of Charged and Neutral Kaons in Deep Inelastic scattering at HERA , DESY-07-069, Jun 2007, Phys.Lett.B652:1-12, 2007

619. K.Papageorgiou et al. (2007) Measurement of (anti)deuteron and (anti)proton production in DIS at HERA, DESY-07-070, May 2007. 27pp., Submitted to Nucl.Phys.B, e-Print: arXiv:0705.3770 [hep-ex]

620. K.Papageorgiou et al (2007) Multijet production at low x(Bj) in deep inelastic scattering at HERA, DESY-07-062, Nucl.Phys.B786:152-180, 2007

621. K.Papageorgiou et al (2007) Measurement of D mesons production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA , DESY-07-052, Apr 2007. 46pp., Published in JHEP 0707:074,2007, e-Print: arXiv:0704.3562 [hep-ex]

622. K.Papageorgiou et al (2007) Diffractive photoproduction of D*+-(2010) at HERA, DESY-07-039, Mar 2007. 30pp., Eur.Phys.J.C51:301-315, 2007, e-Print: hep-ex/0703046

623. Papatheodorou, A. and Arvanitis, P. (2008) Spatial Evolution of Airport Traffic and Air Transport Liberalization: The Case of Greece, Journal of Transport Geography (υπό έκδοση: doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2008.08.004)

624.Papatheodorou, A. (2008) Τουριστική Εκπαίδευση στην Ελλάδα σε Μεταπτυχιακό Επίπεδο, 2ο ∆ιεθνές Συνέδριο Forum Τουριστικής Εκπαίδευσης και Κατάρτισης οργανωµένο από το Υπουργείο Τουριστικής Ανάπτυξης. Ο Ανδρέας Παπαθεοδώρου συµµετείχε στο συνέδριο ως επίσηµος οµιλητής.

625.Arvanitis, P. and Papatheodorou, A. (2008) Air Transport Spatio-Temporal Analysis: The Case of Crete, Greece, Proceedings, 12th Annual Conference of the Air Transport Research Society, Αθήνα.

626. Zenelis, P. and Papatheodorou, A. (2008) 45

Low Cost Carriers’ Penetration: A Comparative Case Study of Greece & Spain, Proceedings, 12th Annual Conference of the Air Transport Research Society, Αθήνα.

627. Kostis, C., Papatheodorou, A. and Parthenis, S. (2008) Are Community Airports mature enough for the Introduction of Market Mechanisms concerning the Airport Slot Allocation? A Survey in the Greek Industry, Proceedings, 12th Annual Conference of the Air Transport Research Society, Αθήνα.

628. Marinakos, K. and Papatheodorou, A. (2008) Tourism Development and Spatial Considerations of Stakeholders: The Prefecture of , Greece as a Case Study, European Economics and Finance Society 2008 Conference, Πράγα, Τσεχία

629. Sinclair, T. M., Stabler, M. J. and Papatheodorou, A. (2009) The Economics of Tourism, 2nd Edition, London: Routledge. Πρόκειται για τη δεύτερη έκδοση του βιβλίου The Economics of Tourism που εκδόθηκε για πρώτη φορά το 1997 από τους Sinclair και Stabler. Ο Ανδρέας Παπαθεοδώρου αποδέχθηκε την πρόσκληση συµµετοχής του στη συγγραφή της δεύτερης έκδοσης του βιβλίου που του έγινε από τον Michael Stabler και τον εκδοτικό οίκο Routledge ύστερα από τον θάνατο της Thea Sinclair. Το βιβλίο αναµένεται να εκδοθεί εντός του 2009.

630. Graham, A., Papatheodorou, A. and Forsyth, P. (ed) (2008) Aviation and Tourism: Implications for Leisure Travel, Aldershot: Ashgate. Πρόκειται για συλλογικό τόµο που επιµελούνται επιστηµονικά οι ανωτέρω τρεις ερευνητές.

631.Papatheodorou, A. (2008) The Impact of Civil Aviation Regimes on Leisure Market, In Graham, A., Papatheodorou, A. and Forsyth, P. (ed) Aviation and Tourism: Implications for Leisure Travel, Aldershot: Ashgate, 49-57.

632. Papatheodorou, A. Airlines and Tourism: Interrelations and Trends, In o’Connell, J. F. and Williams, G. (eds) Competition in Aviation, Aldershot: Ashgate (υπό έκδοση)

633.Papatheodorou, A. Regional Airports in Greece: A Hidden Treasure? In GARS book series, Aldershot: Ashgate (υπό έκδοση).

634.Forsyth, P., Papatheodorou, A. and Graham, A. (2008) Conclusions: Themes and Future Issues, In Graham, A., Papatheodorou, A. and Forsyth, P. (ed) Aviation and Tourism: Implications for Leisure Travel, Aldershot: Ashgate, 335-343.

635.Graham, A., Papatheodorou, A. and Forsyth, P. (2008) Introduction, In Graham, A., Papatheodorou, A. and Forsyth, P. (ed) Aviation and Tourism: Implications for Leisure Travel, Aldershot: Ashgate, 1-4.

636. Lei Z., Papatheodorou, A. and Szivas, E. The Impact of Low-cost Carriers on Regional Airports Financial Performance: Evidence from the UK, In GARS book series, Aldershot: Ashgate (υπό έκδοση).

637. Roumboutsos A. and Anagnostopoulos, K. (2008) Public Private Partnership projects in Greece: Risk ranking and preferred risk allocationm, Construction Management and Economics, Vol 26 (7), pp751 — 763

638. Roumboutsos, Α., Nikitakos, Ν. and Gritzalis, St. (2005) An Information Technology Network Security Risk Assessment and Management Framework for Shipping Companies, Maritime Policy and Management Journal, vol. 32(4), pp 421-432

639. Roumboutsos, Α., Litinas, N. and Tobaloglou, E. (2005) Management by projects in maritime organisations, Operational Research International Journal, vol. 4(3)

640. Roumboutsos, A. and Litinas, N. (2003) Project Stakeholders’ Power Distribution - An alternative Approach to Uncertainty Management, Aegean Working Papers, Issue 1, pp 111-128 46

641. Roumboutsos, A. (2009) Transport infrastructure procurement strategies, Transportation Research Board 88th Annual Meeting, January 11- 15, 2009, in Washington, D.C

642. Roumboutsos A. (2008) Game Theory Applied to PPP Incomplete Contracts. PM-04 - 4th SCPM & 1st IPMA/MedNet Conference “Project Management Advances, Training & Certification in the Mediterranean” 29-31 May 2008, Chios Island, Greece.

643. Roumboutsos A. (2008) Sustainability and its impact on the selection of the project procurement method, 65th International Atlantic Economic Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 9-13 April 2008

644. Roumboutsos, A. (2007) Stakeholder value drivers of public private partnerships in Greece, CME25, Construction Management and Economics, past, present and future, Reading, 16-18 July 2007

645. Anagnostopoulos, K. and Roumboutsos, A. (2007) Cost-Benefit Analysis, Social Discount Rate & Privately Financed Transportation Projects, 1st International Scientific Conference: Competitiveness and Complementarity of Transport Modes - Perspectives for the Development of Intermodal Transport, University of the Aegean, 10-12 May, 2007 - Chios, Greece

646. Roumboutsos, A. , Gabrieli, B., and Konstas, E. (2007) Life Cycle Assessment in Evaluating Competitiveness of Urban Transport Systems, 1st International Scientific Conference: Competitiveness and Complementarity of Transport Modes - Perspectives for the Development of Intermodal Transport, University of the Aegean, 10-12 May, 2007 - Chios, Greece

647. Anagnostopoulos, K., Roumboutsos, A., and Kalpakis, F. (2006) Critical review and comparative study of three major Greek PPP contracts, 7th International Conference on Organisation, Technology and Management in Construction, in Zadar, 20-22 September 2006

648. Roumboutsos, A. and Anagnostopoulos, K. (2006) The value of partnering revised by the Greek construction sector, 7th International Conference on Organisation, Technology and Management in Construction, in Zadar, 20-22 September 2006

649. Roumboutsos, A., Anagnostopoulos, K. and Milonas, A.A. (2005) Construction Sector Risk Considerations on PPP Projects in Greece, Third International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century (CITC-III), “Advancing Engineering, Management and Technology”, 15-17, September 2005, Athens

650. Roumboutsos, A. and Striagka, F. (2004) Value for Money Drivers in Public Private Partnerships in Greece, Proceedings of the 3rd Scientific Conference on Project Management, “Clustering in Construction Project Management”, 24-25 September, 2004, Thessaloniki, Greece

651. Anagnostopoulos, K., Roumboutsos, A. and Kouretas, J. (2004) Alternative Dispute Resolution: A Survey, Proceedings of the 3rd Scientific Conference on Project Management, “Clustering in Construction Project Management”, 24-25 September, 2004, Thessaloniki, Greece

652. Roumboutsos, A., Anagnostopoulos, K., and Sparacello, H.M. (2004) Global Consultants: When in Rome, Proceedings of the 18th World Congress on Project Management, , June 2004

653. Striagka, F. and Roumboutsos, A. (2004) PPP, the new challenge in multicultural development, Proceedings of the 18th World Congress on Project Management, Budapest, June 2004

654. H-M Sparacello, K. Anagnostopoulos, A. Roumboutsos, (2004) Olympic Games: A blessing or a curse, Proceedings of the 18th World Congress on Project Management, Budapest, June 2004 47

655. Ρουµπούτσου Α., (2005) Οι Άνθρωποι στην ∆ιοίκηση Έργου στην Ελλάδα, Συλλογικός Τόµος, Μεθοδολογίες Project Management, Πραγµατικά Προβλήµατα από την Ελληνική Εµπειρία, ΕΕ. Υψηλάντης, Π.Γ. και Συρακούσης, Κ.Ι., εκδόσεις Προποµπός (ISBN 960-780-49-7)

656. Roumboutsos, A. (2009) Managing stakeholders by strategically influencing the distribution of power within the stakeholder network, In Chinyio, E. and Olomolaiye, P. (eds) Construction stakeholder management. London: Blackwell-Wiley, pp?? (σε διαδικασία έκδοσης)

657. Sigala, M. & Chalkiti, K. (2007) New Service Development: preliminary findings on process development and assessment from the Greek hotels, Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, Vol. 3, pp. 131 – 153, ISNN: 1745-3542

658. Sigala, M. (2008) A supply chain management approach for investigating the role of tour operators on sustainable tourism: the case of TUI, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 16., No. 15, pp. 1589-1599

659. Sigala M. & Chalkiti, K. (2007) Improving performance through tacit knowledge externalization and utilization: preliminary findings from Greek hotels, International Journal of Productivity & Performance Management,Vol. 56, No 5-6, pp. 456 – 483

660. Chalkiti, K. & Sigala, M. (2008) Information sharing and idea generation in peer to peer online communities: The case of ‘DIALOGOI, Journal of Vacation Marketing, Volume 14, Number 2, pp. 121 – 132

661. Sigala, M. (2007) Integrating Web 2.0 in e-learning environments: a socio-technical approach, International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, Vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 628 - 648

662. Chalkiti, K. & SIGALA, M. (2008) Knowledge Management and Social Networking in Peer to Peer communities: the case of DIALOGOI, 26th EUROCHRIE Congress “Building a Legacy, Living the Dream: 2020 Vision for Hospitality and Tourism”, organized by the Emirates Academy EuroCHRIE in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 11th - 14th October, 2008

663. Chalkiti, K. & SIGALA, M. (2008) My loss, your loss, whose loss?: exploring the consequences of staff turnover in the Greek Tourism Industry, 26th EUROCHRIE Congress “Building a Legacy, Living the Dream: 2020 Vision for Hospitality and Tourism”, organized by the Emirates Academy EuroCHRIE in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 11th - 14th October, 2008.

664. Sigala, M. (2008) Web 2.0 tools empowering consumer participation in New Product Development: findings and implications in the tourism industry, Annual International International Council for Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education, (I- CHRIE) Convention “Welcoming a new era to hospitality education”. Atlanta, Georgia, USA: 30 July – 2 August, 2008

665. SIGALA, M. & Christou, E. (2008) Expanding the e-service quality concept to include customer participation and intercustomer support in e- service provision, 3rd International Conference on Services Management, Organised by Penn State University, School of Hospitality Management, U.S.A., Institute for International Management and Technology, and the Business School of Oxford Brookes University, UK. Philadelphia, U.S.A., 9 – 10 May, 2008.

666. Sigala, M. (2008) Developing and implementing an eCRM 2.0 strategy: usage and readiness of Greek tourism firms, 15th ENTER Annual conference, organized by the International Federation of IT, Tourism and Travel (IFITT), 23 – 25 January, 2008, Innsbruck, Austria ISBN-10: 3211772790

667. Choi, G. Parsa, H.G. & Sigala, M. (2007) Consumers’ Environmental Concern in the Lodging Industry: A Comparative Study between Greece and the United States, Annual International International Council for Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education, (I- 48

CHRIE) Convention “Hospitality and Tourism Education as Big as Texas”. Dallas, Texas, USA: I – CHRIE, 25 - 29 July, 2007

668. Sigala, M. (2007) New Product Development processes in tourism clusters: a knowledge management approach., Annual International International Council for Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education, (I-CHRIE) Convention “Hospitality and Tourism Education as Big as Texas”. Dallas, Texas, USA: I – CHRIE, 25 - 29 July, 2007.

669. Sigala, M., Mich, L. & Murphy, J. (2007) Information & Communication Technologies in Tourism 2007, Springer Computer Science, Wien, ISBN: 978-3- 211-69564-7

670. Sigala, M. (2008) Applications and implications of Information & Communication Technology for airports and leisure travellers, In Anne Graham, Peter Forsyth and Andreas Papatheodorou (Eds.) "Aviation and Tourism: Implications for Leisure Travel" published by Ashgate. (pp. 209 - 223)

671. Sigala, M. (2008) WEB 2.0, social marketing strategies and distribution channels for city destinations: enhancing the participatory role of travellers and exploiting their collective intelligence, In Mila Gascó-Hernández and Teresa Torres-Coronas (Eds.) “Information Communication Technologies and City Marketing: Digital Opportunities for Cities around the World”. IDEA Publishing (pp. 220 - 244)

672. Duarte, A., C. Garcia, G. Giannarakis, S. Limao, N. Litinas, and A. Polydoropoulou (2008) New Αpproaches in Transport Planning: Happiness and Transport Economics, Forthcoming at Netnomics: Economic Research and Electronic Networking, Springer (in 2009).

673. Kitrinou E., A. Polydoropoulou, N. Nikitakos and N Litinas (2008). Forecasting teleworking in island areas, via discrete choice modeling, Submitted for Publication to the Journal of Technological Forecasting and Social Change”, Elsevier. Status under review.

674. Polydoropoulou, A., and A. Roumboutsos (2008) Evaluating The Impact Of Decision Making During Construction On Transport Project Outcome Evaluation And Program Planning, Submitted for Publication at the Journal “Evaluation and Program Planning.” Elsevier. Status under review.

675. Tsirimpa, A., A. Polydoropoulou, and C. Antoniou (2008) Modeling the Effect of Risk Aversion on Travellers’ Switching Behavior, Submitted for Publication at the Journal of Choice Modeling. Status under review.

676. Polydoropoulou, A., A. Tsirimpa, I. Lagoudis (2008) The Use Of Information And Communication Technologies By Women And Their Policy Implications: What Are The Challenges For Greece?, Submitted for Publication at the Journal of Studies in Regional & Urban Planning. Status under review.

677. Polydoropoulou, A., A. Tsirimpa, I. Lagoudis (2008) New technologies and women: Can Greek women adjust to the new environment?, Submitted for Publication to the Management Sciences & Regional Development Journal. Status under review.

678. Polydoropoulou A. and Litinas N. (2007) Advanced Demand Models For Greek Passenger Shipping, Chapter 9. Research in Transport Economics. Maritime Transport: The Greek Paradigm. Editor: Thanos Pallis. Publisher: Elsevier Science.

679. Η.Ε. Psillakis Sampled-data adaptive NN tracking control of uncertain nonlinear systems, IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks (accepted as a Regular paper).

680. H.E. Psillakis and A.T. Alexandridis (2007) NN-based adaptive tracking control of uncertain nonlinear systems disturbed by unknown covariance noise, IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 1830-1835, Nov. 2007. 49

681. H.E. Psillakis and A.T. Alexandridis (2007) A simple nonlinear adaptive-fuzzy passivity-based control of power systems, Nonlinear Dynamics & Systems Theory: an Int. J. of Res. & Surveys, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 51-67, 2007.

682. A.T. Alexandridis and H.E. Psillakis (2007) The inverse optimal LQR problem and its relation to passivity and eigenvalue assignment, Int. J. of Tom. & Stat., Vol. 5, w05, pp. 133-139, 2007.

683. H.E. Psillakis and A.T. Alexandridis (2006) Adaptive neural motion control of n-link robotic manipulators subject to unknown disturbances and stochastic perturbation, IEE Proc.-Control Theory & Appl., Vol. 153, No. 2, pp. 127-138, 2006.

684. H.E. Psillakis and A.T. Alexandridis (2006) Adaptive tracking control for stochastic uncertain nonlinear systems satisfying short- and long-term cost criteria, Int. J. Control, Vol. 79, No. 2, pp. 107-118, 2006.

685. H.E. Psillakis and A.T. Alexandridis (2005) A new excitation control of multimachine power systems, I: Decentralized nonlinear adaptive control design and stability analysis, Int. J. of Control, Automation & Systems, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 278-287, 2005.

686. H.E. Psillakis and A.T. Alexandridis (2005) A new excitation control of multimachine power systems, II: Robustness and disturbance attenuation analysis, Int. J. of Control, Automation & Systems, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 288-295, 2005.

687. E.A. Androulidakis, A.T. Alexandridis, H.E. Psillakis and D.P. Agoris (2005) Effects of power system deregulation on control design and on high-voltage grid structure and performance, WSEAS Trans. Circ. & Syst., Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 133-139, 2005.

688. A.T. Alexandridis and H.E. Psillakis (2007) Guaranteeing passivity by output feedback gain-matrix construction, ECC'07 Conference (Kos, Greece), pp. 518- 523, 2007.

689. H.E. Psillakis and A.T. Alexandridis (2006) Inverted pendulum angle tracking control subject to uncertainties and stochastic perturbations, 8th IFAC Symp. Robot Contr., SYROCO'06 (Bologna, Italy), 2006.

690. H.E. Psillakis and A.T. Alexandridis (2005) Adaptive neural tracking for a class of uncertain and stochastic nonlinear systems, ECC-CDC'05 Conference (Seville, Spain), pp. 7822-7827, 2005.

691. H.E. Psillakis and A.T. Alexandridis (2005) Adaptive gain sliding mode control for multimachine power systems, IFAC'05 Conference (Prague), 2005.

692. H.E. Psillakis and A.T. Alexandridis (2005) Chaos synchronization with uncertainties by NN-control design, Int. Symp. Intelligent Control ISIC'05 (Limassol, Cyprus), pp. 462-466, 2005.

693. H.E. Psillakis and A.T. Alexandridis (2005) Boundary layer sliding mode control for multimachine power systems improved by antiwindup integral action, Int. Conf. on Control & Automation, ICCA'05 Conference (Budapest, ), pp. 497-502, 2005.

694. H.E. Psillakis and A.T. Alexandridis (2005) Passivity margin and related bounds for linear systems, IEEE 13th Mediterranean Conf. on Control & Automation, MED'05 Conference (Limassol, Cyprus), pp. 785-790, 2005.

695. E.A. Androulidakis, A.T. Alexandridis, H.E. Psillakis and D.P. Agoris (2005) Challenges and trends in restructuring power systems due to deregulation, WSEAS Int. Conf. Power Systems & Electromagnetic Compatibility-PSE'05 Conference (Corfu, Greece), pp. 49-54, 2005.


696. H.E. Psillakis and A.T. Alexandridis (2004) Sensitivity integral relations for passive systems by output feedback, UKACC-IEE Int. Conf. on Control, CONTROL'04 Conference (University of Bath, UK), 2004.

697. H.E. Psillakis and A.T. Alexandridis (2004) Energy-based gains and integral bounds for passive systems: analysis and explicit calculations, IEEE 12th Mediterranean Conf. on Control & Automation, MED'04 Conference (Izmir, Turkey), 2004.

698. H.E. Psillakis and A.T. Alexandridis (2004) Transient stability of multimachine power systems with decentralized finite-time excitation control, Series on Energy and Power Systems (presented in 4th IASTED Int. Conference on Power & Energy Systems, PES'04 Conference (, Greece), 2004.

699. Α. Αλεξανδρίδης και Χ. Ψυλλάκης (2004) Πρόγραµµα βασική έρευνας Κ. ΚΑΡΑΘΕΟ∆ΩΡΗ: Ανάλυση και έλεγχος δυναµικών συστηµάτων µε κριτήρια ενεργειακής ισορροπίας (Εκθέσεις Προόδου), Παν/µιο Πατρών, (υπεύθυνος Α. Αλεξανδρίδης), 2002-2004.

700. H.E. Psillakis and A.T. Alexandridis Shaping the transient performance of power systems via decentralized coordinated AVR/nonovershooting PSS backstepping designs, (submitted).

701. H.E. Psillakis Projection-based adaptive neurocontrol with switching logic deadzone tuning (submitted).

702. M. Roumeliotis (2005) The Disappearance of Reason from Public Affairs and the consequent change in the concepts of law, the judge and the legal dispute, Rechtstheorie, Beiheft 21 (2005).

703. Μ. Ρουµελιώτης (2005) Η υποχρεωτικότητα τών εγκυκλίων για τά στελέχη τής διοίκησης. Περιπτώσεις από τή φορολογική διοίκηση, Φορολογική Επιθεώρηση, Ιούνιος 2005.

704. Μ. Ρουµελιώτης (2007) Σχόλια στήν ιδέα τών δικαιωµάτων τού ανθρώπου, Ανεξάρτητη Αρχή τ.3, 2007.

Εκκρεµούν προς δηµοσίευση:

705. Μ. Ρουµελιώτης Τό χοφελδιανό σύστηµα τών βασικών νοµικών εννοιών, ∆ίκη 2009 (εκκρεµεί προς δηµοσίευση)

706. Μ. Ρουµελιώτης Η επιχείρηση ως αυτοτελές ηθικό υποκείµενο και το είναι ή φαίνεσθαι ηθικόν. ∆υο θεµελιώδη ζητήµατα για την κοινωνική ευθύνη των επιχειρήσεων, Πρακτικά τού 2ου Συνεδρίου ∆ιοικητικών Επιστηµόνων, που διεξήχθη στή Χίο τόν Οκτώβριο 2007.

707. Vidalis M. & Sgoutas G. Analytical Evaluation of Congestion and Throughput Levels in a Cross-Docking System, 20ο Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Επιχειρησιακών Ερευνών (presented)

708. Vidalis M. & Apostolou M. Simulation Modeling of a Complex Production System, 20ο Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Επιχειρησιακών Ερευνών (presented)

709. Vidalis M. Pricing Incentives to enhance coordination between the entities in a Distribution Channel, 4ο Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Συστηµικών Σπουδών (presented)

710.Vidalis M. (2008) Εφοδιαστική-Logistics: Μια Ποσοτική Προσέγγιση, Κλειδάριθµος (εκδίδεται τέλος Νοεµβρίου 2008)


711. Papadopoulos C., O’Kelly, E. Vidalis, M. and Spinellis D. (2009) Analysis and Design of Production Lines, Springer, (εκδίδεται αρχές 2009)

712. Vidalis M. Analysis of Merge Supply Chain Networks, 19ο Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Επιχειρησιακών Ερευνών (presented)

713. Vidalis J. Michael & Liberopoulos K. Coordinated Optimal pricing to maximize total profit for innovate products in a Supply Chain with two or more stages, 1st Biannual Conference in Strategic Developments in Services Marketing. (Πανεπιστήµιο Αιγαίου & Πανεπιστήµιο Γλασκώβης) (presented)

714. Vidalis M. (2007) Προγραµµατισµός απαιτούµενων υλικών Τι θα παραγγελθεί και Πότε, Ένθετο ΜΒΑ, Eφηµερίδα ΤΑ ΝΕΑ (Ιούλιος 2007) (εκδόθηκε)

715. Vidalis Μ. (2007) Ολοκληρωµένα Συστήµατα Logistics κι Εφοδιαστική Αλυσίδα, Περιοδικό ΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΗ Εµπορικού Επιµελητηρίου Αθηνών (Οκτώβριος 2007) (εκδόθηκε)

716. Vidalis M. (2007) MRP-Προγραµµατισµός Απαιτούµενων Υλικών, Περιοδικό ΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΗ Εµπορικού Επιµελητηρίου Αθηνών (Νοέµβριος 2007) (εκδόθηκε)

717. Vidalis, M. I., Papadopoulos, H. T. and, Heavey C. (2005) On the Workload and Phaseload Allocation problems of Short Production Lines with Finite Buffers, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 48(4), 827-835, 2005

718. M. I. Vidalis , C. T. Papadopoulos O’ E. M. J. Kelly Simultaneous Cost and Production Analysis of Serial Production Lines, 36th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Taiwan (presented)

719. M. Vidalis Μαρκοβιανή Ανάλυση εφοδιαστικής αλυσίδας ως σειριακό δίκτυο ουρών: εκτίµηση και βελτίωση απόδοσης, 18ο Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Επιχειρησιακών Ερευνών (presented)

720. M. Vidalis Ο συντονισµός ως εργαλείο για την µεγιστοποίηση από αλυσίδας αξίας σε ένα εφοδιαστικό δίκτυο, 2ο Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Συστηµικών Σπουδών (presented)

721. M. Vidalis Μέτρηση Απόδοσης σε Eφοδιαστικά ∆ίκτυα µε Στοχατικές Ροές, 2ο Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Συστηµικών Σπουδών (presented)

722. Diamantidis A., Papadopoulos, H. T. and Vidalis, M. I. (2004) Exact Analysis of a Discrete Material Three-Station, Οne-Βuffer, Merge System with Unreliable Machines,International, Journal of Production Research,vol 42(4), pp. 651-675, 2004

723. Vidalis M. I. & Sgoutas G. Ανάλυση Συστήµατος Παραγωγής µε 2 σταθµούς εργασίας µε παράλληλους εξυπηρετητές, εκθετικούς χρόνους εξυπηρέτησης και ενδιάµεσο αποθηκευτικό χώρο, 17ο Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Επιχειρησιακών Ερευνών (presented)

724. Vidalis M. I, and Heavey C. On the Workload Allocation problem of Short Unreliable Production Lines with Finite Buffers, 4th Aegean International Conference on “Analysis of Manufacturing Systems” (presented)

725. Β. Τουντόπουλος (2007) Η σύµβαση χρηµατιστηριακής παραγγελίας, Αθήνα 2005, σελ. XXIII + 493.


726. Β. Τουντόπουλος (2007) Αµοιβές αλλοδαπών ναυτικών σε ελληνικά πλοία, Αθήνα 2007, σελ. XIII + 55.

727. Β. Τουντόπουλος (2006) Η νοµική προστασία των ιστοσελίδων στο διαδίκτυο, Επισκόπηση Εµπορικού ∆ικαίου (ΕπισκΕ∆) 2006, σελ. 358 – 374.

728. Β. Τουντόπουλος (2006) Ζητήµατα από τη σύµβαση ανάληψης µετοχών κατά την αύξηση µετοχικού κεφαλαίου ανώνυµης εταιρείας, Επισκόπηση Εµπορικού ∆ικαίου (ΕπισκΕ∆) 2006, σελ. 959 – 977.

729. Β. Τουντόπουλος (2007) Παροχή υπηρεσιών ρυµούλκησης υπό το πρίσµα του Κοινοτικού ∆ικαίου. Σκέψεις σχετικά µε την απόφαση ∆ΕυρΚ 11.1.2007, C - 251/04, Επιτροπή κατά Ελληνικής ∆ηµοκρατίας, δηµοσιευµένη εις Αρµενόπουλο (Αρµ.) 2007, σελ. 1445 - 1450.

730. Β. Τουντόπουλος (2007) Συλλογικά µέτρα εργαζοµένων και ελευθερία εγκατάστασης ναυτιλιακών επιχειρήσεων. Σκέψεις σχετικά µε την απόφαση ∆ΕΚ, 11.12.2007, C – 438/05, International Transport Workers’ Federation ν. Viking Line ABP, δηµοσιευµένη εις Επιθεώρηση Ναυτιλιακού ∆ικαίου (ΕΝ∆) 2007, σελ. 369 - 383.

731. Β. Τουντόπουλος (2006) Η ευθύνη του φορέα καθολικής ταχυδροµικής υπηρεσίας, Εισήγηση εις «Οι ταχυδροµικές υπηρεσίες – απελευθέρωση – ανταγωνισµός», Αθήνα 12-13 Μαΐου 2005, 2006 σελ. 147 – 166 = ΕπισκΕ∆ 2005, σελ. 865 – 881.

732. Β. Τουντόπουλος (2006) Το ασφαλιστικό συµφέρον στη θαλάσσια ασφάλιση. Ειδικότερα το ασφαλιστικό συµφέρον στην ασφάλιση σώµατος πλοίου, Εισήγηση εις «Ναυτιλία και Θαλάσσια Ασφάλιση», Χίος 12-13 Μαΐου 2006, 2007 σελ. 57 – 78 = ΕΝ∆ 2006, σελ. 337 – 350.

733. Β. Τουντόπουλος (2007) Ναυτική δηµοσιότητα και νέες τεχνολογίες. Ιδίως η ηλεκτρονική τήρηση των νηολογίων, Εισήγηση εις «Ναυτιλία και Νέες Τεχνολογίες», Χίος 11 – 12 Μαΐου 2007, Πρακτικά υπό έκδοση = ΕΝ∆ 2007, σελ. 161 – 172.

734. Β. Τουντόπουλος (2004) Παρατηρήσεις εις 3282/2003 ΠολΠρωτΑθ, Επισκόπηση Εµπορικού ∆ικαίου (ΕπισκΕ∆) 2004, σελ. 520 – 522.

735. Β. Τουντόπουλος (2004) Παρατηρήσεις εις 160/2000 ΜονΠρωτΧίου, Επισκόπηση Εµπορικού ∆ικαίου (ΕπισκΕ∆) 2004, σελ. 1089 – 1095.

736. Β. Τουντόπουλος (2005) Παρατηρήσεις εις 1050/2005 ΕφΘεσ, Επισκόπηση Εµπορικού ∆ικαίου (ΕπισκΕ∆) 2005, σελ. 790 – 794.

737. Β. Τουντόπουλος (2006) Παρατηρήσεις εις ΜονΠρωτΠειρ 5794/2005, Επιθεώρηση Ναυτιλιακού ∆ικαίου (ΕΝ∆) 2006, σελ. 46 - 48.

738. Β. Τουντόπουλος (2007) Παρατηρήσεις εις ΕφΑθ 330/2006, ∆ίκαιο Εταιρειών και Επιχειρήσεων (∆ΕΕ) 2007, σελ. 214 – 215.

739. Β. Τουντόπουλος (2007) Παρατηρήσεις εις ολΑΠ 28/2007, Επιθεώρηση Εµπορικού ∆ικαίου (ΕΕµπ∆) 2007, σελ. 653 – 657.

740.P. Tsartas, D. Lagos Critical Evaluation of the Greek Tourism Policy, Tourism Economics (Υπό κρίση).

741. Π. Τσάρτας , Θ. Σταυρινούδης Ευρωπαϊκή διεύρυνση, ευκαιρίες και απειλές για τους ελληνικούς τουριστικούς προορισµούς και τις ελληνικές τουριστικές επιχειρήσεις, Γεωγραφίες (υπό κρίση).

742. Tsartas P., Moutafi V., (2007) 53

The Sociology of Tourism: European Aspects, The Greek Case, for the Sociology and Anthropology of Tourism in Continental Europe, editors: Graham Dann and Giuli Liebman Parrinello, published by Elsevier Limited. (υπό έκδοση)

743. Tsartas P., Stavrinoudis Th., Arvanitis P., Gkoumas A., Vasileiou M. (2008) Lessons for Sustainability from the Cooperation of the Tourism industry with the Local Government and Tourism Experts, 11-14 October 2008, 26th EuroChrie Conference in Dubai, United Arab Emirates “Building a Legacy, Living the Dream: 2020 Vision for Hospitality and Tourism”, The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management.

744. P. Kavassalis, S. Lelis, J. Sairamesh, and S. Haridi (2004) What Makes a Web Site Popular?, Communications of ACM, 2: 51-55

745. P. Kavassalis (2005) Report on Key Technologies in Communications (in the context of the initiative "Key Technologies for Europe" Expert Group), European Commision (RTD)

746. P. Kavassalis (2006) Processing Social Networks, paper presented to the Workshop "Services Ecosystems and Convergence of Business and Social Networks: Implications for Research, PhD Education and Design of Future Enterprises" (organized by EIASM, IBM, and ECSS / Complexity Group, Brussels, May

747. P. Kavassalis and K. Popov (2006) Towards a computational theory of emarkets, paper presented to the Simulating and designing organizations and infrastructures with ICT 'Science of services' and 'Science of Hybrid Systems' (SOS & SHS) – Workshop organized by EC IST/FET – ONCE CS FP7, Brussels, January

748. V. N. Karavas, N. S. Thomaidis and G. D. Dounias (2008) Emerging Markets Exposure: Equities or Hedge Funds?, in G.N. Gregoriou(ed), Financial Innovations in Emerging Markets, Taylor and Francis Group, LLC, forthcoming

749. N. S. Thomaidis and G. Dounias (2008) A hybrid intelligent system for financial time-series forecasting, Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems (forthcoming).

750. N. S. Thomaidis, V. Vassiliadis and N. Kondakis (2008) Intra-day Returns Transmissions between US and European Equity Markets, Journal of Financial Decision Making (forthcoming)

751. N.S. Thomaidis (2007) Training Neural Network-based Models using Trading-related Objective Functions, 2nd European Symposium on Nature-Inspired Smart Information Systems (NISIS 2007), St, Malta.

752. N.S. Thomaidis (2007) Optimisation of Complex Financial Models Using Nature-Inspired Techniques, 2nd European Symposium on Nature-Inspired Smart Information Systems (NISIS 2007), St, Malta.

753. N.S. Thomaidis (2006) Neural Network GARCH models: A hybrid approach, Invited talk, Athens University of Economics & Statistics

754. N.S. Thomaidis (2005) The cross-dynamics of international financial markets: a suitable domain for applying nature inspired intelligent techniques”, 1st European Symposium on Nature-Inspired Smart Information Systems (NISIS), Albufeira, Portugal.

755. N.S. Thomaidis (2005) Financial statistical modelling with a new nature-inspired technique, 1st European Symposium on Nature-Inspired Smart Information Systems (NISIS), Albufeira, Portugal.

756. N.S. Thomaidis (2004) Behavioural finance: a new challenge to Computational Intelligence, 4th European Symposium on Intelligent Technologies and their implementation on Smart Adaptive Systems (EUNITE-04), Aachen, Germany 54

757. N.S. Thomaidis (2004) Recent Developments on Intelligent Techniques in Finance and Economics, 4th European Symposium on Intelligent Technologies and their implementation on Smart Adaptive Systems (EUNITE-04), Aachen, Germany

758. N.S. Thomaidis (2004) National and International Political and Economic Factors that Determine the Course of Athens Stock Exchange, 1st International Conference on Applied Financial Economics (AFE 2004), Samos, Greece

759. N.S. Thomaidis (2004) Intelligent Tools and Techniques for Supporting Tourism Services and Applications, 1st International Conference on Sustainable Touristic Development and Environment, Chios, Greece

760. Σιούσιουρας Π. (2008) Η Ελλάδα στο ∆ιεθνές Περιβάλλον Ασφάλειας: Από το Ανατολικό ζήτηµα έως στην Κοινωνία των Εθνών, Πρόλογος: Θεόδωρος Χριστοδουλίδης, Αθήνα, υπό έκδοση.

761. Σιούσιουρας Π. (2008) ∆ιεθνές ∆ίκαιο και Συλλογική Ασφάλεια υπό το πλαίσιο των Ηνωµένων Εθνών. ∆ιεθνείς Θεσµοί – ∆ιεθνής Ασφάλεια – Εξαναγκαστικά Μέτρα, Πρόλογος: Κ. Οικονοµίδης, Αθήνα, υπό έκδοση.

762. Σιούσιουρας Π. (2008) (επιµ.) Tα Νέα Βαλκάνια. Η Γεωπολιτική της ∆ιεθνούς Ασφάλειας και η Ευρωπαϊκή Ολοκλήρωση, Εκδόσεις Ηρόδοτος, Αθήνα.

763. Σιούσιουρας Π. & ∆αλακλής ∆. (2008) Το Παγκόσµιο Ταµείο για το Περιβάλλον (Global Environmental Facility - GEF), στο συλλογικό έργο «Περιβάλλον και Θεσµοί Παγκόσµιας ∆ιακυβέρνησης», (επιµ.) Γρ. Τσάλτας, Ευρωπαϊκό Κέντρο Περιβαλλοντικής Έρευνας και Κατάρτισης, Εκδόσεις Σιδέρης, Αθήνα.

764. Σιούσιουρας Π. & Χαζάκης Κ. (2007) Tην εισαγωγή στο συλλογικό έργο «Παγκοσµιοποίηση, Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση και Ελλάδα», (επιµ.) Σιούσιουρας Π., Χαζάκης Κ., Εκδόσεις Ποιότητα, Αθήνα.

765. Σιούσιουρας Π. (2007) Μεγάλη Ιδέα και Εθνική Ολοκλήρωση: Οι Σχέσεις Αλβανίας και Γιουγκοσλαβίας και η Περίπτωση της ΠΓ∆Μ, στο συλλογικό έργο «Tα Νέα Βαλκάνια. Η Γεωπολιτική της ∆ιεθνούς Ασφάλειας και η Ευρωπαϊκή Ολοκλήρωση», Εκδόσεις Ηρόδοτος, Αθήνα.

766. Σιούσιουρας Π. & Ι. Καρκαζής (2006) Η Αειφορία ως παράδειγµα Προστασίας και ∆ιαχείρισης του Φυσικού και Πολιτιστικού Περιβάλλοντος, στο συλλογικό έργο «Περιβάλλον, Πολιτισµός και Ορθοδοξία», Γρ. Τσάλτα (επιµ.), Eκδόσεις Ι. Σιδέρη.

767. Σιούσιουρας Π. (2005) Η ∆υτικοευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, στο συλλογικό έργο «Οι ∆ιεθνείς Οργανισµοί του Ευρωπαϊκού Χώρου», (επιµ.) Κ. Μαγκλιβέρα, Eκδόσεις Ατραπός, σελ. 119-147.

768. J. Karkazis, P. Siousiouras & D. Dalaklis (2008) Security Complex Areas in the Mediterranean : The Greek – Turkish Case, Middle East Forum, Issue 7, January 2008.

769. Siousiouras P. & Hazakis K. (2008) Understanding the Dynamics of Market Globalization: Some Critical Reflexions, Τwenty First Century Society Journal, Vol. 3 (3), Institute of Education, London.

770. D. Dalaklis & Siousiouras P. (2007) International Security and Stability: The Western and the European Integration, Middle East Forum, Issue 6, December 2007.

771. Siousiouras P. (2007), 55

Conflits Ethniques et Géopolitiques: Cas de L’ ex – République Yougoslave de Macédoine, Mésogeios est une Revue d’ etudes Méditerranéennes, Vol. (32-33), (Eds) M. E. Koppa in «Les Balkans en Mutation», Paris, pp. 219-231.

772. Koutsoukis Kl. & Siousiouras P. (2007) Corruption and Preservation of the Political Structures in the Developing Countries, Τετράδια Πολιτικής Επιστήµης, τ.5.

773. Siousiouras P. (2007) The Economic Dimension of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, Mésogeios est une Revue d’ etudes Méditerranéennes, Vol. (31), Paris, pp. 107-117.

774. Siousiouras P., P. Sklias, K. Hazakis (2007) Environment and Sustainable Development in the Framework of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Agreement: The Case of the , Studies in Regional & Urban Planning, Issue 10, pp. 75-84.

775. Siousiouras P., Tsouros I. (2007) Regional Security Issues: The Greek – Turkish Rapprochement of the 1930s, Middle East Forum, Issue 6, December 2007.

776. Siousiouras P., Nikitakos N. (2006) European Integration: The Contribution of the West European Union, European Research Studies Journal, Vol. (IX), Issue (1-2), pp. 113-124.

777. Siousiouras P. (2006) The Geopolitics of the Marine Archaeological Heritage within the Context of the United Nations Convention for the Law of the Sea: The Hellenic Civilization and the Aegean Sea, in «Political Stability and Economic Development the Mediterranean», Hellenic Studies, Vol. 14 (1), Spring, Québec, Canada.

778. Siousiouras P. (2006) The Contiguous Zone as a Mechanism for Protection the Underwater Cultural Heritage, in “Unresolved Issues and New Challenges of the Law the Sea”, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden, The .

779. Siousiouras P. (2005) Geopolitical and Geoeconomic Value of Access to Sea Resources: The Case of the Land-locked States in Africa, International Hydrographic Review, Vol. 6, No 2 (New Series), August 2005, The Netherlands, pp. 57-67.

780. Siousiouras P., Arvanitopoulos C. (2005) Geopolitical Designs and Realities in Yugosalavia’ s Foreign Policy: The Issue of Access to the Sea, Journal of Political and Military Sociology, Vol. 33 (2), Northern Illinois University, USA (DeKalb).

781. Siousiouras P., Seimenis I., Tsaltas Gr. (2005) Free Zones and the Acquis Communautaire: The Case of the Port of Thessaloniki, Αegean Working Papers, Issue (2), pp. 61-73.

782. Siousiouras P., Seimenis I., Dalaklis D. (2005) The Trans-European Networks, the European Union αnd Transit Trade, Middle East Forum, Issue (5), December 2005.

783. Σιούσιουρας Π. (2007) Γεωπολιτική και Σύµβαση του ∆ικαίου της Θάλασσας: η Περίπτωση του Αιγαίου Πελάγους, Φιλελεύθερη Έµφαση, Τριµηνιαία Επιθεώρηση του Ινστιτούτου ∆ηµοκρατίας Κωνσταντίνος Καραµανλής, τ. 30, Ιανουάριος – Φεβρουάριος - Μάρτιος 2007, σσ. 125-135.

784. Σιούσιουρας Π. (2007) Γεωπολιτικές Επιδιώξεις και Πολιτικός Ρεαλισµός στην Εξωτερική Πολιτική Ελλάδας - ΠΓ∆Μ, Φιλελεύθερη Έµφαση, Τριµηνιαία Επιθεώρηση του Ινστιτούτου ∆ηµοκρατίας Κωνσταντίνος Καραµανλής, τ. 27, Απρίλιος – Μάιος - Ιούνιος 2006, σσ. 87-98.

785. Σιούσιουρας Π. (2005) 56

Το Μακεδονικό ζήτηµα “δεύτερης γενιάς”. Από τη δηµιουργία της οµόσπονδης Μακεδονίας, στο ελληνικό εµπάργκο και την Ενδιάµεση Συµφωνία, Εξωτερικά Θέµατα: Τριµηνιαία Επιθεώρηση Εξωτερικής Πολιτικής, τ. 16, Ιανουάριος 2005, σσ. 96-108.

786. Σιούσιουρας Π. (2007) Ναυτικός Αποκλεισµός υπό το πρίσµα του ∆ιεθνούς ∆ικαίου, στο Συνέδριο «Από το ∆ίκαιο του Πολέµου στο Ανθρωπιστικό ∆ίκαιο. 100 xρόνια από τις Συµβάσεις της Χάγης του 1907 & 30 χρόνια από τα Πρωτόκολλα της Γενεύης του 1977. Κεκτηµένο, Προκλήσεις και Εφαρµογές» υπό τον συντονισµό του Καθηγητή Στ. Περράκη, ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΟ ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΕΡΕΥΝΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΚΑΤΑΡΤΙΣΗΣ ∆ΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ ΤΟΥ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΣΤΙΚΗΣ ∆ΡΑΣΗΣ, Αθήνα, Υπουργείο Εξωτερικών, Αµφιθέατρο «Γ. Κρανιδιώτης», 4-6 Οκτωβρίου.

787. Σιούσιουρας Π. (2007) Αποκλειστική Οικονοµική Ζώνη: οριοθετήσεις στη Μαύρη Θάλασσα και στην Κύπρο, Ελληνική Εταιρεία ∆ιεθνούς ∆ικαίου & ∆ιεθνών Σχέσεων υπό τον συντονισµό των Καθηγητών Κ. Χατζηκωνσταντίνου και Στ. Περράκη, Αθήνα, Υπουργείο Εξωτερικών, Αµφιθέατρο «Γ. Κρανιδιώτης», 12 Νοεµβρίου.

788. D. Dalaklis & Siousiouras P. (2007) International Security and Stability: The Western European Union and the European Integration, 2nd Greek- Turkish international meeting on mediation and cooperation in the Middle East region, 16-18 March.

789. Siousiouras P. (2007) Balanced scorecard performance measurement and the free zone of the port of Thessaloniki, in the Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Competitiveness and Complementarity of Transport Modes Perspectives for the Development of Intermodal Transport, University of the Aegean, Chios, Greece.

790. Siousiouras P. (2006) Challenges and Strategies for Centre – Right Policy – Making in Europe, KAS Seminar with the European Ideas Network & Think Tanks and Political Foundations, Konrad – Adenauer – Stiftung, 21-23 July.

791. Siousiouras P. (2007) Turkey's Accesion to the European Union: The Turkish Perception, Closed Workshop, Constantine Karamanlis Institute for Democracy, Athens, February 16th 2007.

792. Siousiouras P. (2006) High Politics and Low Politics in EU-China Relations: Do they Meat?, in the Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference “On EU – East and South Asia Trade, Investment, Logistics and E-Business”, University of the Aegean, Chios, 9- 11 October.

793. Siousiouras P. (2006) Europe and the Near / Middle East, Task Force Meeting, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Fondation pour l' Innovation Politique στο πλαίσιο του European Ideas Network, Berlin, 13 July.

794. Siousiouras P. (2006) European Governance and Democracy, Task Force Meeting, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, European Ideas Network, Berlin, 14 July.

795. Σιούσιουρας Π. (2005) Προστασία από τη Ρύπανση στις Θαλάσσιες και Υποθαλάσσιες Ζώνες του Νησιωτικού Συµπλέγµατος του Αιγαίου, στο Συνέδριο «Περιβάλλον και Θαλάσσιος Χώρος. Εξελίξεις και Προοπτικές Προστασίας και ∆ιαχείρισης του Θαλάσσιου Περιβάλλοντος. ∆ιεθνής και Ευρωπαϊκή ∆ιάσταση», Πάντειο Πανεπιστήµιο, Κως, 5-7 Μαΐου.

796. Ε. Θανοπούλου (µε Ι.Θεοτοκά και Τζ.Χαρλαύτη) (2009) Το Παρόν και το Μέλλον της Ελληνικής Ναυτιλίας, Γραφείο Οικονοµικών Μελετών, Μελέτες: Αριθµός 10. Αθήνα. Ακαδηµία Αθηνών (προς έκδοση 2009)

797. Thanopoulou H. (2007) A fleet for the 21st century: shipping, Κεφάλαιο 2, στο Pallis, T. ed. 2007. Maritime Transport: The Greek Paradigm. Oxford: Elsevier, pp.23-61.


798. Ε. Θανοπούλου (2008) “Sic transit…”? Σκέψεις για την ανταγωνιστικότητα της ελληνικής ναυτιλίας, Στo Αγγελίδης, Μ. et al. 2008. Κοινωνική θεωρία και πολιτική ευθύνη. Αθήνα: Tυπωθήτω-Γιώργος ∆αρδανός.

799. Lirn, T.C, Thanopoulou, H.A, Beynon, M.J and Beresford, A.K.C. (2004) An Application of AHP on Transhipment Port Selection: A Global Perspective, Maritime Economics & Logistics 6, σ.70-91.

800. Thanopoulou H. (with I.N. Lagoudis, M.B. Lekakou and A.A. Pallis) (2008) Coastal Shipping Services in the Aegean Sea: Can passengers get satisfaction?, Στο Nikitakos N. (ed.). 2008 Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on EU- East and South Asia Trade, Investment Logistics and E- Business. Athens: I.Sideris (Υπό έκδοση).

801. Thanopoulou H. (2008) Essay, In: Roundtable, (Donovan, A. / Goss, R.. / Johnman, L. / Murphy, H. / Ketels, C. / Pedraja, R. A De La. / Thanopoulou, H. / Valdaliso, J. M. / Voogd, C. de), “Reviews of Stig Tenold, Tankers in Trouble: Norwegian Shipping and the Crisis of the 1970s and 1980s. ” International Journal of Maritime History. 2008, pp.389-426.

802. Thanopoulou H. (with A.Constantelou και J.Theotokas) (2008) Followers or Innovators? Delving into the Post-war Strategies of Greek shipowners, στο 5th International Congress of Maritime History, Greenwich, UK, 23 June 2008 - 27 June, 2008.

803. Thanopoulou H. (with I.Theotokas) (2006) Small firms in a Global Industry: the case of Greek Shipping (1974-2004), IMOP-EAEPE Joint Colloquium: The variety of Economic Institutions under the many forms of capitalism, Athens, 12-13 May 2006.

804. Ε. Θανοπούλου (2007) Καλές ναυλαγορές: Για πάντα ή µε ηµεροµηνία λήξεως;, ∆εύτερη ηµερίδα της EONE. Marine Club, Πειραιάς, Φεβρουάριος 2007. (Συντονίστρια).

805. Thanopoulou H. (leading author, joint with two more authors) Leading by following: innovation and post war strategies of Greek shipowners (Υποβλήθηκε Σεπτέµβριο 2008,).

806. Thanopoulou H. (joint with three more authors) Using the AHP to derive Key Performance Indicators for evaluating Greek Ferry Services: A focus on Central Aegean.(Υποβλήθηκε Ιούλιο 2008,).

807. Thanopoulou H. (joint with three more authors) Α sea-journey from user satisfaction to social satisfaction from coastal passenger services: a Social Sea- Transport Satisfaction Index, Ετήσιο διεθνές συνέδριο ΙΑΜΕ (International association of Maritime Economists 2009). .(Υποβλήθηκε Ιούλιο 2008,).

808. Thanopoulou H. Bulk Reefer market economics in a product life cycle perspective, (υποβλήθηκε το ∆εκέµβριο του 2008, µόνη συγγραφέας). Ετήσιο διεθνές συνέδριο ΙΑΜΕ (International association of Maritime Economists 2009)

809. Thanopoulou H. (joint with one more author) GAM evaluation of 21st century quality rewards: the case of the dry bulk time-charter market 2003-2007 (υποβλήθηκε το ∆εκέµβριο του 2008). Ετήσιο διεθνές συνέδριο ΙΑΜΕ (International association of Maritime Economists 2009).

810. “An evolutionary system for neural logic networks using genetic programming and indirect encoding”, A.Tsakonas, V. Angelis, J. Karkazis & G. Dounias, Journal of Applied Logic, Vol. 2, 2004, pp. 349-379

811. “Regional socio-economic trends in Turkey”, J. Karkazis, Management Sciences & Regional Development, Issue 5, 2005, pp.151-170

812. “Evaluation of routes in an unfriendly environment”, J. Karkazis, Management Sciences & Regional Development, Issue 5, 2005, pp.171-190


813. “Turkey’s manufacturing industry. International comparisons and regional dynamics”, J. Karkazis, Middle East Forum, Issue 5, 2005, pp.19-50

814. “A simulation-based analysis of Iranian ballistic missiles and Israeli interceptors”, J. Karkazis, Middle East Forum, Issue 5, 2005, pp.51-60

815. “The geo-economic gravity systems of Turkey”, J. Karkazis, Aegean Working Papers, Issue 3, 2005, pp. 1-22

816. “The network-based geo-economic gravity centers of Greece”, J. Karkazis & M. Doumi, Middle East Forum, Issue 6, 2007, pp. 37-58

817. “The impact of transport cost on the European geo-economic dynamics”, J. Karkazis, Journal of Transport and Shipping, Issue 4, 2007, pp. 53-70

8.18. “Defense analysis aspects regarding the possibility of deployment of Shahab-3 and Shahab-4 class of ballistic missiles against Israel, Turkey and Eastern Europe”, J. Karkazis & G. Isen, Middle East Forum, Issue 6, 2007, pp. 59-72

819. “The impact of Southeastern Anatolia Project on the geo-economic gravity systems of Turkey”, J. Karkazis & G. Isen, Studies in Regional & Urban Planning, Issue 10, 2007, pp. 41-56

820. “The missile and nuclear factors in the Middle East security balance equation”, J. Karkazis & G. Isen, Middle East Forum, Issue 7, 2008, pp. 39-52

821. “Security complex areas in the Mediterranean: the Greek-Turkish case”, Middle East Forum, Issue 7, 2008, pp. 53-64

822. “Global discretization in environmental impact assessment studies”, J.Karkazis, The Journal of Management Sciences & Regional Development, Issue 6, 2008

823. “Optimal location of supply centers on Turkey’s road network”, J. Karkazis, Studies in Regional & Urban Planning, Issue 8b, 2008

824. “Scrutinizing the European security and integration efforts: the question of the Western Balkans”, D. Dalaklis, P. Siousiouras & J. Karkazis, Middle East Forum, Issue 8, 2008

825. “Transferring energy resources to Europe: the Burgas-Alexandroupoli oil pipeline”, D. Dalaklis, P. Siousiouras & J. Karkazis, Middle East Forum, Issue 8, 2008

826. “A comparative analysis of the regional socio-economic profiles of France in the context of E.U.”, J. Karkazis, Studies in Regional & Urban Planning, Issue 12, 2009

8.27. «On the Byzantine Navy. A synopsis”, J. Karkazis, Proceedings, Workshop on “The Geostrategic Role of Greece in the World War I”, Department of Shipping, Transport & Trade, 10 December 2008 (to appear, in Greek)

828. “The ideological legacy of Hellenism as the principal shaping power of the New Order in the Eastern Mediterranean”, J. Karkazis, 2007 Research report for the research project “The historical pattern of the ideological dynamics in the Eastern Mediterranean and the prospect of a New Order in it”, Center for Strategic Studies, Constantine Porphyrogenetus International Association, 2006-2008

829. “Ptolemeos I: Navigation Support System – W. Turkey & S. Balkans”, J. Karkazis, 2005 Final report in the form of manual and ‘software package’ for the research project “Development of a digital navigation support system for the South Balkans and Western Turkey”, Center for Strategic Studies, Constantine Porphyrogenetus International Association, 2003-2004

830. “Ptolemeos II: Regional Analysis – European Union and the Balkans”, J. Karkazis, 2004 Final report in the form of manual and ‘software package’ for research project “Development of a geographic information system for a region-based strategic geo-economic analysis of European Union and the Balkans”, Center for Strategic Studies, Constantine Porphyrogenetus International Association, 1998-1999 (revised: 2003) 59

831. “Ptolemeos III: Regional Analysis - Turkey”, J. Karkazis, 2005 Final report in the form of manual and ‘software package’ for research project “Development of a geographic information system for a province-based strategic geo-economic analysis of Turkey”, Center for Strategic Studies, Constantine Porphyrogenetus International Association, 2002-2004

832. “Ptolemeos IV: Transport Analysis - Turkey”, J. Karkazis, 2005 Final report in the form of manual and ‘software package’ for research project “Development of a geographic information system for the strategic analysis of Turkey’s road network”, Center for Strategic Studies, Constantine Porphyrogenetus International Association, Scientific Coordinator, 2002-2004

833. “Ptolemeos V: Geo-economic Analysis - Europe”, J. Karkazis, 2006 Final report in the form of manual and ‘software package’ for research project “Development of a geographic information system for a strategic geo-economic analysis of Europe”, Center for Strategic Studies, Constantine Porphyrogenetus International Association, Scientific Coordinator, 2004-2005

834. “Ptolemeos VI: Ballistic (simulation-based strategic analysis of nuclear ballistic missiles attack scenario in the Middle East)”, J. Karkazis, 2006 Final report in the form of manual and ‘software package’ for research project “Development of a digital system simulating nuclear ballistic missiles attack scenaria in the Middle East”, Center for Strategic Studies, Constantine Porphyrogenetus International Association, 2005-2006

835. “Ptolemeos – INFORET: A digital system for data input and retrieval for the Business School, University of the Aegean”, 2006

836. “Ptolemeos VII: Mathematics and O.R.”, J. Karkazis, 2007 Final report in the form of manual and ‘software package’ for research project “Development of a digital support system for Mathematics and Linear Programming”, Center for Strategic Studies, Constantine Porphyrogenetus International Association, 2000-2002

837. “Ptolemeos VIII: Logistics”, J. Karkazis, 2007 Final report in the form of manual and ‘software package’ for research project “Development of a simulation-based digital support system for Logistics”, Center for Strategic Studies, Constantine Porphyrogenetus International Association, 2001-2003 (revised: 2006)

838. “Ptolemeos IX: NAVSIM – W. Turkey & S. Balkans (automatic digitization and 3d navigation support and simulation system)”, J. Karkazis, 2008 Final report in the form of manual and ‘software package’ for research project “Development of a digital support system for automatic map digitization and 3d navigation support and simulation system”, Center for Strategic Studies, Constantine Porphyrogenetus International Association, 2006-2008

839. “A comparative analysis of the geo-economic gravity systems of Europe and Turkey”, J. Karkazis, Publisher: Constantine Porphyrogenetus International Association, December 2005 (76 pages)

840. “The regional dynamics of the manufacturing industry of Turkey”, J. Karkazis, Publisher: Constantine Porphyrogenetus International Association, December 2005 (84 pages)

841. “Geographic Information Systems ‘Ptolemeos-Turkey’. Applications in regional and transport analysis’”, J. Karkazis, Publisher: Constantine Porphyrogenetus International Association, December 2005 (55 pages)

842. “The geo-economic dynamics of France: 1980-2004”, J. Karkazis, Publisher: Constantine Porphyrogenetus International Association, December 2008 (100 pages)

843. “Byzantine Memories”, Editor: J. Karkazis, Publisher: Joint University of the Aegean and Local Authorities Committee,(«Βυζαντινές Μνήµες», Επιµέλεια: Ι. Καρκαζής), 2007 (in Greek) Εκδότης: Επιτροπή ∆ιασύνδεσης του Πανεπιστηµίου Αιγαίου µε την Χιακή Κοινωνία, Νοέµβριος 2007

844. “Strategic security issues in the Middle East and the Balkans”, Editors: J. Karkazis & G. Isen, Publisher: Eastern Mediterranean Institute for Research, Innovation, Cooperation & Mediation (EMPIRICUM), December 2008


845. «Τα ιδεολογικά χαρακτηριστικά των αγώνων και διεκδικήσεων της ακαδηµαικής κοινότητας. Μια ιστορική αναδροµή στην Ελλάδα και την Ευρώπη», Επιµέλεια: Ι. Καρκαζής Πρακτικά της οµώνυµης ηµερίδας που διοργανώθηκε στη Σχολή Επιστηµών της ∆ιοίκησης, 13 Μαίου 2008 (υπό έκδοση)

846. “The geostrategic role of Greece in War World I”, Proceedings of Workshop having the same title, Editor: J. Karkazis, University of the Aegean, Chios («Ο Γεωστρατηγικός ρόλος της Ελλάδας στον Α’ Παγκόσµιο Πόλεµο», Επιµέλεια: Ι. Καρκαζής, Πρακτικά της οµώνυµης ηµερίδας που διοργανώθηκε στο Τµήµα Ναυτιλίας και Επιχειρηµατικών Υπηρεσιών, 10 ∆εκεµβρίου), 2008 (in Greek)

847. “University of the Aegean, Business School. Annual Report 2007”, Editor: J. Karkazis, October 2007 (pages 607, in Greek)

848. “University of the Aegean, Business School. Annual Report 2008”, Editor: J. Karkazis, December 2008 (pages 300, in Greek)

849. “Financing regional development projects. Geo-economic assessment methods”, J. Karkazis, Publisher: Eastern Mediterranean Institute for Research, Innovation, Cooperation & Mediation (EMPIRICUM), November 2007

850. “Quantitative Methods I. Mathematics. Theory and Applications”, J. Karkazis, Publisher: Pyxida, Chios, 2008 (in Greek)

851. “Quantitative Methods II. Special Issues in Operations Research. Linear Programming, Simulation, Inventory Control and MultiCriteria Analysis”, J. Karkazis, Publisher: Pyxida, Chios, 2008 (in Greek)

852. “Quantitative Methods III. Transportation, Location and Trade Competition”, J. Karkazis, Publisher: Pyxida, Chios, 2008 (in Greek)

853. Καταρέλος, Ε. (2008) The air transportation case. A systemic approach. Συµµετοχή στη συγγραφή Συλλογικού Τόµου µε τίτλο ‘Συστηµική Θεωρία και Πρακτική. Από τη συστηµική θεώρηση του κόσµου στη συστηµικο-δυναµική του αναπαράσταση’. Επιµέλεια έκδοσης Αριστοτέλης Β. Αλεξόπουλος και Εµµανουήλ ∆. Αδαµίδης. Εκδόσεις Κλειδάριθµος, Αθήνα 2008. {CR}

854. Katarelos, E. (2008) Air transportation deregulation in Europe and its impact on EU-USA air transport relations. 4th Meeting on the academic cooperation in the Middle East. Chios, Greece {Pre}

855.Καταρέλος, Ε. (2006) Chios Airport. Development and prospects. Εσπερίδα Hellenic Aviation Society µε θέµα “Ανάπτυξη Περιφερειακών Αεροδροµίων στην Ελλάδα”. 5/5/2006. (In Greek) {LI}

856.Καταρέλος, Ε. (2006) Improvement of safety and capacity in the Air Traffic. A Necessary and feasible case. Ηµερίδα στο πλαίσιο του εορτασµού της 7ης ∆εκεµβρίου ∆ιεθνούς Ηµέρας Πολιτικής Αεροπορίας µε θέµα ‘Ασφαλείς πτήσεις και ασφαλή αεροδρόµια – πάντοτε κορυφαία και διαρκής προτεραιότητα (Safety and security – first and always the top priority). 7/12/2006. (In Greek) {LI}

857.Καταρέλος, Ε. (2007) Air transportations and environment: Planning for sustainable development. Ηµερίδα Hellenic Aviation Society µε θέµα «Αεροµεταφορές και περιβάλλον: Οι συνέργιες και οι αντιπαλότητες». 10/10/2007. (In Greek) {LI}

858.Καταρέλος, Ε. (2008) ∆ιοίκηση Αεροµεταφορών. Σηµειώσεις µαθήµατος ∆ιοίκηση Αεροµεταφορών, Τµήµα Ναυτιλίας και Επιχειρηµατικών Υπηρεσιών, Πανεπιστήµιο Αιγαίου, {BT}

859.Καταρέλος, Ε. (2006) Planning and design of a new MIS for the Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority. Ανάθεση από την Ελληνική Υπηρεσία Πολιτικής Αεροπορίας {R}


860.Βαγγέλας, Γ. & Καταρέλος, Ε. (2004) Chios and sustainable development. (In Greek) {B}

861.Καταρέλος, Ε. (2008) Air cargo and its role in the air transport, Aviation News, Αθήνα, Σεπτέµβριος 2008, http://www.aviationnews.gr/analysis.pl?id=14, (In Greek). {G}

862.Καταρέλος, Ε. (2008) Chios Airport: A statistical analysis 1990-2007, Aviation News, Αθήνα, Νοέµβριος 2008, Aviation News 7/11/09 : http://www.aviationnews.gr/analysis.pl?id=24, (In Greek). {G}

863.Καταρέλος, Ε. (2009) A comparative analysis of the ten most developed Greek airports. Aviation News, Αθήνα. (In Greek). {G}

864.Katarelos, E. (2009) A statistical analysis of Greek airports. Air Transport Research Society 2009, Abu Dhabi, 27-30 June 2009. Submitted

865.Katarelos, E. (2009) Air transportation’s contribution to Greek islands tourism. Air Transport Research Society 2009, Abu Dhabi, 27-30 June 2009. Submitted

866.Katarelos, E. (2009) A statistical analysis of Chios airport. International Conference on Tourism Development and Management, Kos Island, 11-14 September 2009. Submitted

867.Katarelos, E. (2009) A comparative analysis of the ten most developed Greek airports. International Conference on Tourism Development and Management, Kos Island, 11-14 September 2009. Submitted

868. Minis, I. and Ampazis, N. (2006) Applications of Neural Networks in Supply Chain Management, Nature Inspired Computing, Idea Group, Volume II, 589 – 607, 2006. {CR}

869. Ampazis, N. and Minis, I. (2004) Design of Cellular Manufacturing Systems using Latent Semantic Indexing and Self Organizing Maps, Computational Management Science, vol. 1, n. 3-4, 2004, 275-292. {GR}

870. Giaglis, G.M., Minis, I., Tatarakis, A. and Zeimpekis, V. (2004) Minimizing Logistics Risk through Real-time Vehicle Routing and Mobile Technologies: Research to-date and Future Trends, Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, vol. 34, n. 9, 2004, 749-764. {GR}

871. Minis1, I.,Paraschi, M. and Tzinourtas, A. (2006) The Design of Logistics Operations for the Olympic Games, Journal of Supply Chain and Physical Distribution Management, vol. 36, n. 8, 2006, 621-642. {GR}

872. Tsamboulas, D. and Minis, I. (2004) Checking the Consistency of the Rail Resources with the Railway Demand: The Athens 2004 Olympic Games, the 10th WCRT Conference, 2004. {CR}

873. Gliatis, V., Minis, I. (2006) Service Attribute-Process Matrix: A Tool for Designing and Managing Services, IEEE/SSSM'06. {CR}

874. Minis1, I., Kourounis, T. (2006) Estimation of Target Selling Price in New Product Development, Proc. of the 2006 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers in Engineering Conference, September 10-13, 2006.{CR}

875. Minis, I. and Athanasopoulos, T. (2004) Contribution to the Design of the Athletes’ Bus Network during the Athens 2004 Olympic Games, Euro XX 20th European Conference on Operational Research, paper-ID:586, page 198, July 2004. {CR}


876. Minis, I., Mamasis, C. and Ampazis, A. (2005) Real-time Distribution Management Models, Euro XX 20th European Conference on Operational Research, paper- ID:584, page 171, July 2005 {CR} . 877. Zeimpekis, V., Giaglis, G., Minis, I. (2005) A Dynamic Real-Time Fleet Management System for Incident Handling in City Logistics, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Stockholm, 30 May-1 June 2005. {CR}

878. Zeimpekis, V., Mamassis, K., Giaglis G.M., Minis, I. Mavros, A. (2005) Real-time fleet management for urban freight distributions, Proceedings of the 9th National Congress on Logistics, Logistics 2005, Thessaloniki, Greece, 25-26 November, 2005. {CR}

879. Zeimpekis, V., Giaglis, G., Minis, I. (2006) Dynamic Incident Handling in Urban Freight Distributions, Proc. of the 3rd International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics ( 2006), Altea, Spain, May 23-26, 2006 {CR} . 880. Zeimpekis, V., Giaglis, G., Minis, I. (2006) Dynamic Vehicle Dispatching Travel Times In Urban Settings, Proceedings of the 21th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXI), 2-5 July, 2006, Reykjavik, Iceland. {CR}

881. Vlachos, V. Zeimpekis, I. Minis, S. Mouzakitis (2006) RF- ID Enabled Management of Fruit Logistics, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering, 2006. {CR}

882. Pallis A.A., Vitsounis T.K. and De Langen P.W. (2009). Research in Port Economics, Policy and Management: A Review. Transport Reviews, forthcoming. {CR}

883. Pallis A.A. and Verhoeven P. (2009). Does the EU Port Policy strategy encompass ‘proximity’? In: Notteboom T.E., De Langen, P.W. & Ducruet C.B. (eds.) Ports in proximity: Essays on competition and coordination among adjacent seaports. Aldershot: Ashgate. {CR}

884. Pallis A.A. and Vaggelas, G.K. (2008). Port and Shipping Security in the EU. In: Talley W.K. (ed). Maritime Safety, Security and Piracy, London: Informa, 327-357. {CR}

885. Chlomoudis C.I. and Pallis A.A. (2006). EU Port Policy: A process of inexorable policy integration. In: Hatzioannou M.C. and Harlaftis G. (Eds.) Following the Nereids: Sea routes and maritime business, 16th-20th centuries, Athens: Kerkyra Publications, pp. 155-163. {CR}

886. Πάλλης Α.Α. (2007). Ρύθµιση των Θαλάσσιων Μεταφορών στον Ευρωπαϊκό χώρο. Στο: Θεοδωρόπουλος Σ. Ειδικά Θέµατα Ρυθµιστικής Πολιτικής. Αθήνα: Gutenberg, σελ. 33-54. {C}

887. Πάλλης Α.Α. και Χλωµούδης Κ.Ι. (2007). Ρύθµιση Λιµένων: Ο ρόλος της «Έξυπνης» Λιµενικής Αρχής. Στο: Θεοδωρόπουλος Σ. Ειδικά Θέµατα Ρυθµιστικής Πολιτικής. Αθήνα: Gutenberg, σελ. 55-81. {C}

888. Pallis A.A., Vitsounis T.K. & de Langen P.W. (2008). Port Economics, Policy and Management: Bibliometric and content analysis of published research. International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) 2008 Conference, (proceedings: CD-Rom format), Dalian, China, April 2008. 63


889. Pallis A.A., Notteboom T. & de Langen P.W. (2008). Concession agreements, capabilities and market entry. IAME 2008 Conference (proceedings: CD-Rom format), Dalian, China, April 2008. {PR}

890Pallis A.A. & Vaggelas G.K. (2008). Port and maritime security: Is there a European approach? International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports (IFSPA) 2008 (proceedings: CD-Rom format), Hong Kong May 2008. {PR}

891. Pallis A.A., Vitsounis T.K. (2008). An alternative measurement of port performance: Externally generated information and users’ satisfaction. International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports (IFSPA) 2008 (proceedings: CD-Rom format), Hong Kong, May 2008. {PR}

892. Pallis A.A., De Langen P.W. & Vitsounis T.K. (2007). Port Research: Research Networks, Themes and Methods in Port Economics, Management and Policies. 11th World Conference on Transport Research (proceedings: CD-Rom format), Berkley CA, June 2007. {PR}

893. Ng Koi Yu A. & Pallis A.A. (2007). Reforming Port Governance: The Role of Political Culture. IAME 2007 Conference (proceedings: CD-Rom format), Athens, Greece, July 2007. {PR}

894. Brooks M.R., & Pallis A.A. (2007). Linking Port Performance and Post-Devolution Port Governance Models. IAME 2007 Conference (proceedings: CD-Rom format), Athens, Greece, July 2007. {PR}

895. Pallis A.A. & Vaggelas G.K. (2007). Port and Maritime Security: A Critical Analysis of Contemporary EU Policies. International Symposium of Maritime Safety, Security and Environmental Protection (proceedings: CD-Rom format), Technical National University, Athens, September, 2007. {PR}

896. Pallis A.A., Vaggelas G.K. & Vitsounis T.K. (2007). Improving Port Services Competitiveness: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities. XVII Conference of European Research Network on Services and Space, Finland, September 2007. {PR}

897. Corres A.J.E. & Pallis A. A. (2007). Flag-State Performance: An Empirical Evaluation. International Symposium of Maritime Safety, Security and Environmental Protection, Technical National University, Athens, September 2007. {PR}

898. De Langen P.W. & Pallis Α.Α. (2006). Entry Barriers in Seaports. IAME Conference 2006 (proceedings in CD-Rom format), Melbourne, Australia, July, 2006. {PR} 64

899. Lambrou M.A., & Pallis A.A. (2006). Enhancing Port Competitiveness via the Enactment of Innovative information technologies. 21st European Conference on Operational Research Reykjavik, Iceland, July 2006. {P}

900. Pallis A.A. & Tsiotsis S.G.P. (2006). European Parliament, Co-decision and Policy output failures: The Port Services Directive. 3d ECPR Pan- European Conference on EU Politics. Istanbul, Turkey, September 2006. {PR}

901. Pallis A.A. and Vaggelas G.K. (2006). Benefits from Port Services Provision in Passenger Ports: A Constructive Categorisation. 3d International Conference on Maritime Transport, (proceedings: pp. 439-449), Barcelona: University of Catalonia, Spain, May, 2006. {PR}

902. Pallis A.A. (2005). Adjusting Port Services Provision to Compete: Organisation and Governance Strategies. International Conference “Managing Global Trends and Challenges in a Turbulent Economy” (proceedings: CD-Rom format), Chios, Greece, October 2005. {P}

903. Pallis A.A. (2005). Interests Representation in the EU: Lessons from the maritime case. 35th Annual Conference of the University Association of Contemporary European Studies, Zagreb, Croatia, September 2005. {PR}

904. Pallis A.A. & Vaggelas G.K. (2005). Methods for measuring public and private benefits from port services provision: a comparative study. IAME 2005 Conference, (proceedings: CD-Rom format), Limassol, Cyprus, June 2005. {PR}

905. De Langen P.W. & Pallis A.A. (2005). Analysis of the benefits of intra-port competition. Proceedings of the IAME 2005 Conference (proceedings: CD-Rom format), Limassol, Cyprus, June 2005. {PR}

906. Lambrou M.A., Nikitakos N. & Pallis A.A. (2005). Pervasive Shipping and Port Services. Proceedings of The Korea Internet e-Commerce Association International Conference 2005 on ‘Trade Investment, Logistics and E-Biz (proceedings: pp. 347-356), Gunsan, Korea, November 2005. {P}

907. Lekakou M.B., Özer D. & Pallis A.A. (2005). Coastal Shipping between Greece and Turkey: Towards Sustainable Tourism?. International Congress on Maritime Tourism, (proceedings: pp. 176-186), Cezme, Turkey, November 2005. {PR}

908. Ng Koi Yu A. and Pallis A.A. (2007). Differentiation of Port Strategies in addressing Proximity: The Impact of Port Culture. Ports in Proximity Congress, (proceedings: CD-Rom format) Antwerp/Wilemstaad/Rotterdam, December 2007. {P}


909. Pallis A.A. and Tsiotsis S.G.P. (2006). Themes of the European Port Policy: Ongoing and Forthcoming Initiatives. 2nd International Conference on EU-East and South Asia Trade, Investment, Logistics and E-Business, Chios, October 2006. {P}

910. Lagoudis I.N., Lekakou M.B., Pallis A.A., Thanopoulou H.A. (2006). Coastal Shipping Services in the Aegean Sea: Can Passengers get Satisfaction?. 2nd International Conference on EU- East and South Asia Trade, Investment, Logistics and E-Business (proceedings: CD-Rom format), Chios, October 2006. {P}

911.Pallis A.A. and Tsiotsis S.G.P. (2006). Maritime Interest Groups and the Failure of the EU Port Services Directive. International Shipping Conference ‘Shipping in the era of Social Responsibility’ (proceedings: CD-Rom format) Cephalonia, September 2006. {P}

912. Corres A.J.Ε. and Pallis A.A. (2006). Ethical vs. Customary Codes in Shipping. International Shipping Conference ‘Shipping in the era of Social Responsibility’ (proceedings: CD-Rom format) Cephalonia, September 2006. {P}

913. Pallis A.A. (2008). Will Environmental Requirements Change the Transportation Landscape? A Summer Institute on the Atlantic Gateway, Halifax NS, 2008. {pre}

914. Pallis A.A. (2008). Linking port governance and port performance. European Seaport Organisation (ESPO) 2008 Conference, Hamburg, 2008. {pre}

915. Brooks M.R. and Pallis A.A. (2007). Expanded range of port governance typologies and port performance. 6th Workshop of the Port Performance Research Network, Athens, 2007. {pre}

916. Pallis A.A. (2007). Port Governance Developments: Greece. 6th Workshop of the Port Performance Research Network, Athens, 2007. {pre}

917. Pallis A.A. (2006). Vertical and horizontal integration in the port industry: towards terminal networks? The Institute of Transport and Maritime Affairs (ITMMA), Maritime and Port Symposium 2006. University of Antwerp, October 2006. {pre}

918. Lambrou M.A. and Pallis A.A. (2006). ICT risk assessment models and their application to port security. International Workshop on Risk Management in Port Operations and Logistics, Imperial College, London UK, September 2007. {pre}

919. Pallis A.A. (2005). Levels of Port Governance: Tensions between supranational, national, local and corporate policies in Europe. 5th Workshop of the Port Performance Research Network, Limassol, 2005. {pre}

920. Pallis Α.Α. (2007). 66

European Ports' Policies and their Efforts to Achieve Greener Ports. Green Port Seminar, Canada: Port of Halifax, NS, June 2007. {pre}

921. Lekakou M.B., Pallis A.A., and Tsiotsis S.G.P. (2007). The Governance of the EU Maritime Policy: A Critical approach of the Green Paper Proposals. International Shipping Management Forum 2007, Piraeus, May. {pre}

922. Pallis Α.Α. and Syriopoulos T. (2007). Has the outcome of the Greek port reform been Positive? A Financial Evaluation. International Shipping Management Forum 2007, Piraeus, May. {pre}

923. Pallis A.A. (2006). European maritime security Policies. Maritime Security Forum 2006, Piraeus, Greece, October. {pre}

924. Theodoropoulos S., Lekakou M.B. and Pallis A.A. (2006). European Policies for Shipping, (in Greek), Athens: Tipothito. {B}

925. Theotokas G. Lekakou M.B., Pallis, A.A., Syriopoulos T. and Tsamourgelis G. (2008). Greek Shipping, Employment, Competitiveness, (in Greek).Athens: Gutenberg. {B}

926. Pallis A.A. and Vaggelas G.K. (2006). Optimal Public/Private Interface in Port Services Provision (in Greek).. Proceedings of the 3d International Conference “Transport Research in Greece, Conference, Thessaloniki, 2006. {P}

927. Pallis A.A. and Vaggelas G.K. (2006). Passenger Ports: Analysis of a Multidimensional Service System (in Greek). Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference of the Hellenic Association of Systemic Studies, Chios, May, 2006. {P}

928. Salamoura Maria, Angelis Vasilis, Kehagias John and Lymperopoulos Constantine (2007), “Investigating the “New Product Acceptance Function”: The Quality – Accessibility Relationship”, 1st Biannual International Conference in Services Marketing “Strategic Developments in Services Marketing”, Chios, Greece, 27-29 September 2007 [Conference Proceedings]. {PR}

929. Syriopoulos, T. and Roumpis, E. (2009) ‘Asset allocation and value at risk in shipping equity portfolios’, Maritime Policy and Management, forthcoming. {GR}

930. Syriopoulos, T. and Roumpis, E. (2008) ‘Hedge fund dynamic dependences with benchmark capital markets’, 7th HFAA Annual Conference, Chania. {PR}

931. Syriopoulos, T. and Roumpis, E. (2007) ‘Dynamic correlations and international portfolio diversification in the Balkan stock markets’, 6th HFAA Annual Conference, Patras. {PR}

932. Syriopoulos, T. and Theotokas, I. (2007) ‘Shipping mergers and acquisitions: Corporate governance implications’, International Conference on Applied Business and Economics, University of Piraeus. {PR}


933. TSAMOURGELIS, Ioannis (2007). “Employment Practices and Greek Shipping Competitiveness” in A.A. Pallis AA (ed) “Maritime Transport: The Greek Paradigm”, Research in Transport Economics No 21, pp 121-170, London: Elsevier, 2007. {CR}

934. TSAMOURGELIS, Ioannis (2006). The role of corporate public announcements in the formation of Security returns. Evidence drawn from the Athens’ Stock Exchange. The Southeuropean Review of Business Finance and Accounting, 2006 {GR}

935. TSAMOURGELIS, Ioannis and TSAGARI Efstathia (2007). “EMPLOYMENT AND CREW COMPOSITION IN GREEK OCEAN GOING SHIPPING” Paper presented at the International Association of Maritime Economists 2007 Conference (proceedings: CD-Rom format), Athens, Greece, July 2007. {PR}

936. THEOTOKAS ,Ioannis TSAMOURGELIS, Ioannis PROGOULAKI Maria and TSAGARI Efstathia (2007). SOUTH-ASIAN SEAFARERS ON BOARD GREEK-OWNED SHIPS: ORGANISATIONAL, MANAGERIAL AND CULTURAL ISSUES”. 2nd International Conference on EU-East and South Asia Trade, Investment, Logistics and E-Business, (proceedings: CD-Rom format), Chios, October 2006. {PR}

937. TSAMOURGELIS, Ioannis (2005). The role of corporate public announcements in the formation of Security returns. Evidence drawn from the Athens’ Stock Exchange. Paper presented at the 4th Annual Conference of the Hellenic Finance and Accounting Association, Piraeus, Greece. {PR}


939. Vassiliou E. E. (2007) Examples on lag distributed models subject to nonnegative divided differences of orders 2, 3, and 4. Proceedings: 15th European Young Statisticians Meeting – EYSM.

940. Demetriou I. C. & Vassiliou E. E. (2008) A Distributed Lag Estimator with Piecewise Monotonic Coefficients. Proceedings: World Congress on Engineering 2008. (Best Paper Award)

941. Vassiliou E. E. & Demetriou I. C. A linearly distributed lag estimator with r-convex coefficients. Έχει υποβληθεί για δηµοσίευση στο Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 5th special issue on Computational Econometrics.

942. Mavri, M., Angelis, V., Ioannou, G., Gaki, E, Koufodontis, I., (2007), “A two stage credit scoring model based on multivariate adaptive regression splines and survival analysis” Proceedings of the EURO-INFORMS: 22nd EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON OPERATIONAL RESEARCH "OR creates bridges”, pp.135, Prague, Czech Republic, (Book of Abstracts). {pre}

943. Νikolaou, A.D., Golfinopoulos, S.K., Lekkas, T.D., and Kostopoulou, M.N. (2004) BP levels in chlorinated drinking water: effect of humic substances, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Vol. 93, Nο 1-3, pp. 301-319. {GR}

944. Νikolaou, A.D., Golfinopoulos, S.K., Arhonditsis, G.B., Kolovoyiannis, V., and Lekkas, T.D. (2004) Modeling the formation of chlorination by-products in river waters with different quality, Chemosphere, Vol. 55, Nο 3, pp. 409-420. {GR}

945. Νikolaou, A.D., Lekkas, T.D. and Golfinopoulos, S.K. (2004) Kinetics of the formation and decomposition of chlorination by-products in surface waters, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 100, Nο 1-3, pp. 139-148. {GR}

946. Lekkas, T., Kolokythas, G., Nikolaou, A., Kostopoulou, M., Kotrikla, A., Gatidou, G., Thomaidis, N.S., Golfinopoulos, S., Makri, C., Babos, D., Vagi, M., Stasinakis, A., Petsas, A. and Lekkas, D.F. (2004) Evaluation of the pollution of the surface waters of Greece from the priority compounds of List II, 76/464/EEC Directive, and other toxic compounds, Environmental International, Vol. 30, Nο 8, pp. 995-1007. {GR} 68

947. Νikolaou, A.D., Golfinopoulos, S.K., Lekkas, T.D. and Arhonditsis, G.B. (2004) Factors affecting the formation of organic by-products during water chlorination: A bench-scale study, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, Vol. 159, pp. 357-371. {GR}

948. Golfinopoulos, S.K. and Νikolaou, A.D. (2005) Survey of disinfection by products in drinking water in Athens, Greece, Desalination, Vol. 176, Nο 1-3, pp. 13-24. {GR}

949. Νikolaou, A.D., Golfinopoulos, S.K., Rizzo, L., Lofrano, G., Lekkas, T. and Belgiorno, V. (2005) Optimization of analytical methods for the determination of DBPs: application to drinking waters from Greece and Italy, Desalination, Vol. 176, Nο 1-3, pp. 25-35. {GR}

950. Nikolaou, A. and Golfinopoulos, S. (2007) Potassium permanganate use in drinking water disinfection, Chapter 1.6 in the book Advances in Control of Disinfection By-Products in Drinking Water Systems, edited by A. Nikolaou, L. Rizzo, H. Selcuc, NOVA Publishers, NY, pp. 119-128. {B}

951. Golfinopoulos, S., Nikolaou A., Uyak, V., Toroz, I., Rodriguez, M.J. and Serodes, J. (2007) Occurrence, fate and transport, modeling of DBPs formation in drinking water, Chapter 1.7 in the book Advances in Control of Disinfection By-Products in Drinking Water Systems, edited by A. Nikolaou, L. Rizzo, H. Selcuc, NOVA Publishers, NY, pp. 129-162. {B}

952. Andrzejewski, P., Dabrowska, A. and Golfinopoulos, S. (2007) Analytical techniques for DBPs measurements, Chapter 2 in the book Advances in Control of Disinfection By- Products in Drinking Water Systems, edited by A. Nikolaou, L. Rizzo, H. Selcuc, NOVA Publishers, NY, pp. 163-209. {B}

953. Golfinopoulos, S. and Nikolaou A. (2007) AOPs – H2O2, Chapter 7.3 in the book Advances in Control of Disinfection By-Products in Drinking Water Systems, edited by A. Nikolaou, L. Rizzo, H. Selcuc, NOVA Publishers, NY, pp. 401-417. {B}

954. Golfinopoulos, S., Nikolaou A. and Lekkas, T. (2007) Water treatment and DBPs: A case study in Athens, Greece, Chapter 8.1.2 in the book Advances in Control of Disinfection By-Products in Drinking Water Systems, edited by A. Nikolaou, L. Rizzo, H. Selcuc, NOVA Publishers, NY, pp. 513-522. {B}

955. Liagouras G. (2009) Socio-economic evolution and Darwinism in Thorstein Veblen: A critical appraisal, Cambridge Journal of Economics, doi:10.1093/cje/ben061. {GR}

956. Liagouras G. (2005) The political economy of post-industrial capitalism, Thesis Eleven, Νο 81, pp. 20-35. {GR}

957. Liagouras G. (2004) Flexibilité du travail parasubordonné et rigidité des statistiques officielles. Le cas de la Grèce, Economies et Sociétés, Série Socio-Economie du Travail, No 23/1, pp. 113-145. {GR}

958. Liagouras G., Zambarloukos S., & Constantelou Α. (2004), The long road from technology to development. Impasses and challenges of technology policy in intermediate economies, DRUID Summer Conference on Industrial Dynamics, Innovation and Development, Elsinore, Denmark, June, 14-16 June 2004, URL: http://www.druid.dk/ocs/viewabstract.php?id=95&cf=1. {PR}