Hampshire Antiquary Naturalist
51 VOL LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE . " - ; THE HAMPSHIRE ANTIQUARY AND NATURALIST: BEING THE LOCAL NOTES AND QUERIES, REPORTS OF MEETINGS OF THE HAMPSHIRE FIELD CLUB, & OTHER ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY MATTERS REPRINTED FROM "THE HAMPSHIRE INDEPENDENT." VOLUME I, SOUTHAMPTON : F. A. EDWARDS, Hampshire Independent OFFICE. LONDON : ELLIOT STOCK, 62, PATERNOSTER Row, E.G. 1891. PRINTED BY F. A. EDWARDS, Hampshire Independent OFFICE, SOUTHAMPTON. PREFACE. In response to a frequently expressed desire that the Local Notes and Queries and other articles on Hampshire antiquities appearing in The Hampshire Independent should be reprinted in a more convenient form for permanent reference than is afforded by the columns of a weekly newspaper, which too few think worthy of preservation, this little book has been prepared as an instalment, to be followed by others if warranted by sufficient support being enlisted. It has often too been suggested that there should be some permanent record of the meetings of the Hampshire Field Club. This Club is doing much by its periodical visits to various parts of the county to make known many interesting features in out of the way corners, and to elicit an interest in local antiquities, which has already borne fruit in increased study and better preservation. The only full and regularly published reports of these meetings are those of The Hampshire Independent, and the republication of these will doubtless be welcomed by many besides members of the Club. Some perhaps may also value the republication of the weekly weather tables of the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton, and the monthly weather reports contributed by Mr.
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