33rdAnnuol Strowberry Moy 10, 1980 Festivql Stilwell,Oklohomo

QueenVicki Guthrie l I Page2 Big event is 33

The Strawberry Festival dates back to were sponsoredby their employers. "The 1948 when the Stilwell Kiwanis Club contest, on the same day as the decidedto do somethingabout stimulating Festival,was held on the steps of the cour- "There interest in one of Adair County's major thouse," Pat recalled. were about economic resources. 10 contestants. We didn't have to per- The strawberry crop that year was form-we just sat there and were judged valuedat about $750.000and was describ- on the basisof applausefrom the crowd." "the "l ed as biggest berry harvest the area receiveda $50 U.S. SavingsBond and had ever experienced." a wristwatch-plus some new clothes With the assistance of the entire com- given to me by my sponsor, Bethel munity, the first annual Festivalwas held Eubanks." "l May 22,1948. still have my crown, which was made The program included games and con- of cardboard." tests,several numbers by the Stilwell Fligh Jack Chaffin was president of the School Band, selectionof the Strawberry Stilwell Kiwanis Club that year. Among FestivalOueen, music by a high schoolhill- Stilwell men taking an active part in the billy orchestra,talks by Lt. Gov. James E. celebrationwere Norvell Henley, Joe H. Berryand others,and a dancethat night at Carson, Ted Sebastian, Doc Beene, the American Legion Hall. There was no George Waters, and Paul Chambers,Stil- parade. well mayor at that time. Hundreds of free portions of strawber- After the Festival,the Stilwell Democrat- ries and ice cream were served. Journal commented: "From The first queen, Pat conservative businessmen and Reed (now Mrs. Pat Lea- citizens, we hear that the largest crowd therwood of Stilwell) was ever to assemblein Stilwell (exceptcircus nine years old. Besides day) registered for the First Annual Straw- being cute and attractive, berry Festival." contestants in the first The second Festival was more am- years of the Festivalwere bitious. That was the year that the Ok- required to be actual lahoma House of Representativesdesi- strawberry pickers and gnated Stilwell as the Strawberry Capital of the World.

Officialphotograph of MissVicki Guthriewho will be About crownedqueen of the 33rdannual Strawberry Festival on May 10. the cover Thecover was madepossible through the contribution of StilwellFoods, Inc.

Thispage made possible through the conldbutionsof thefollowing: Varnell'sOuik Pick Open SevenDoys o Week ZeroMountain, Inc. FoyetfeviIle, Arkonsos J.R.Penick, Jr. Grower, Pocker& ShipperSweet Pototoes Page3

Welcometo the Festival! TheStilwell Kiwanis Club and lwould Welcome liketo welcomeyou to our 33rdannual StilwellStrawberry Festival. Thereare many events which will be to the highlightingthe day. They inctudethe. parade, music by Billy Parker,the Strawberryauction, Festivalluncheon, servingof strawberriesand ice cream, Festivof and the rodeo. I hope you enjoyyour day and your visitto Oklahoma'sGreen Country. John Freeman President, StilwellKiwanis Club

KiwanisGlub 0tficers John Freeman President Tom Todd Mark Hodson Vice President Secretary-Treasurer

LarryEubanks Joe H. Carson PastPresident PastLieutenant-Governor KiwanisClub Members Bob Alderson JamesW. Frazier LarryD. Lane Jack Smay RobertL. Baker John Freeman Tommy Lamb L.T.Spray DonaldL. Booth H.D.Gound James Lee ClaudeTodd DavidBrane J.L. Hallford Sam Love Tom Todd Joe H. Carson W.O. Hatley Jerry Means LarryWheeler . Joe L. Carson LeonHill Neb Miller MarvinWright Jr. CharlesW. Crozier Mark Hodson Mark Norman Cary C. Wyatt HershalDotson DeanJackson Tob.eO'Neal JamesYoung LarryEubanks Jim Jones W.B. Pemberton HubertZimmerman BerryA. Ferguson Jack E. Kay Bob Ray Wade Zumwalt ClintonC. Fixin E.R.Kirkbride LarryRoberts

Thispage made possible through the contributionsof the lollowing:

Beasor'sDiscount "We Foods Sell for Less"

JimHopkins Ford, Inc. Stilwell,Oklohomo l Page4

Thispage made possibte through the contributionsofthe following: Means'Furniture Inc., Jerry & Ann Meons FarmersCooperative Feed ond Fertilizer AsgrowSeed Co. Atlonto, Go. - SonAntonio, Tex. Page5 1980Festivol Queen Oueenof the 1980Strawberry Festival is Keeter, daughter of Mr and Mrs Gus MissVicki Guthrie, 17, a juniorat Westville Keeter, Route 4 Stilwell; Lisa Lawrence, HighSchool. daughtelof Mr and Mrs RickCoons, West- She will be crowned at the band stand ville; DebbieMantin, daughter of Mr and following the StrawberryFestival parade Mrs Ron Martin, Route 1 Watts; Vicky on Saturday,May 10. Perry,daughter of Mr and Mrs Jack Perry, Miss Guthrie,daughter of Mr and Mrs Stilwell;Danja Lynn Price,daughter of Mr Doyle Guthrie, Route 1 Westville, was and Mrs LeonPrice, Route 2 Stilwell;and chosenqueen in competitionwith 11other RhondaRichards, daughter of Mr and Mrs Adair Countygirls in March.The judging RickyKindle, Proctor. was based on talent, beauty, poise, and A capacitycrowd attendedthe contest personality. held at the StilwellCommunity Facilities She will succeedMiss Donna Terrell, Building.Larry Eubankswas master of daughterof Mr and Mrs Sam Terrell, ceremonies. Stilwell. The queen will receive merchandise Her attendantsare: Miss Cathy Brunk, gifts fron'l Stilwell area merchants and 17, a graduatingsenior at Stilwell High otherawards. School,daughter of Mr and Mrs BillBrunk of Stilwell;and Miss DoreenMarie Curry, 18, a freshmanat NortheasternState Uni- SECONDSATURDAY versity,Tahlequah, daughter of Mrs Marie Stilwell'sStrawberry Festival is held on G. Curry,Route 2 Stilwell. the second Saturdayof May each year- Other contestantswere: just the day beforeMother's Day. MissesJudy Crittenden,16, daughter of Mr and Mrs Jay Crittenden, Route 1 OUICKIESTRAWBEBBY DESSEBTS Westville;Teresa Hannaford, 16, daughter Versatilestrawberries can star in a varie- of Mr and Mrs Jim Hannaford,Route 2 ty of simple,yet elegantdesserts. Westville;Susan J. Hardin,daughter of Mr o Blend strawberrieswith vanilla ice and Mrs Jim Hardin, Stilwell; Ronetta cream in the blender for a quick frosty frappe. o Strawberries are simply elegant In picturcon oppositepage, when dipped in whipped cream flavored the 1980 StrawberyFestival with Grand Marnier or creme de cocoa. 0ueen,Miss Viclri Guthde, o Top strawberries with billows of poseswith her attendants, Miss whippedcream flavored with instantcocoa KathyBrunk, left, and Misses and a sprinklingof almonds. DoreenGury.

Thispage made possible through the contributionsof the tollowing: IGAWABEHOUSE MABKET JIMDANDY DBIVE.I}I Dole & Mory Rowon BeffyCorfer & Alto Clinfon JOLLYCHEF BESTAURANT & BAKEBY A.M.O.ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. Next to Jock's Food Ci|y Rogers,Arkonsos 72756 STITWELLAUTO SUPPTY DEJARNATTBROTHERS LuloMoe Hurlbut Ben & Jim - Dirt Controclors L.R.WEBB, 77 4.2854, 77 4-7 327 Order Buyer,Slocker & FeederCoflle Page 6

KiwanisClub Plesident John Fleeman, second flom ilght, with, lrom lett: Mark Hodson, sectetary. treasurel;Tom Todd, vice president; R.B. Bell, Kiwanis lieutenant-governor of Poteau; and Larry Eubanks,immediate past president. Servingcommunity

The StilwellKiwanis Club has had an un- During 1979 the club donateda b o u t broken tradition of community service $5,000to variouscommunity programs, as sinceit was charteredin 1946. well as hundredsof man hours. The Club,which meetsfor luncheach Clubmembers part[pipate in fund raising Tuesday,is one "Pancake of 7,273clubs which make activitiessuch as Day,,which is up Kiwanis Clubs International.The or- traditionallyheld the morningof the first ganizationhas a membershipof 291,221 day of deer season. andincludes clubsin 61 nationsand gee The Club also sponsorsa concess i o n graphical-ar-eas. standduring "We the summer,at the city,sball Under the motto of Serve,,,the park. StilwellKiwanis Clubsponsors such diver- After 34 yearsthe StilwellKiwanis Club sified activities as the local Boy Scout continuesto live up to its motto, ,,We Troopand the annualStrawberry Festival. Serve". Thispage made possible thlough the contdbutionsof the following:

STARR'S DRIVE.II{ suil GASC0. HOTIDAVMOTET Addie ond Som D. Storr Highwoy59 Norrh. Srilwell 771-7777srilwell BIACKARDREAI ESTATE CAVINESSSTATIOil STIIWEILFFA CHAPTER Ph.774-2990- sf ilwell "Your BusinessApprecioted" Welcomesyou to the Fesiivol STILWELTFLOWER SHOP BENFRAI{KTIII LEE'SCITGO Flowersfor oll Occosions Stilwell,Oklohomo 59-51Highwoy Norrh WII{GFIELD'SGIFT SHOP tEE'SAPCO ISAACS'GROCEBY & FEED Stilwell,Oklohomo Welcometo Our City S.L.ond Wilmo lsoocs Page7 Progra,m May10, 1980 BobBay, Master of Ceremonies

Music-OklahomaArm y NationalGuard Band 9:00a.m.

Parade 10:00a.m. l' Tom Todd, ParadeMarshal NationalAnthem 11:00a.m. [, Terri Padgett

lnvocation 11:05a.m. Mr. Larry Lane, First ChristianChurch, Stilwell

Saluteto Flag 11:00a.m. Boy Scouts

Crowningof StrawberryFestival Oueen for 1980 . . 11 :1 5 a.m. MissVicki Guthrie

Introductionof SpecialGuests- Remarks . . 11:25 a.m'

Entertainment..... 11:35a.m.

BillyParker Show . 12:00noon

Awardsto ChampionStrawberry Growers . . 1:45 p.m.

StrawberryAuction . . 2:00P.m.

OklahomaArmy NationalGuard Western Band . . . . 2:30p'm'

FreeServing of Strawberriesand lce Cream 2:30p'm.

Rodeo,Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 8, 9, 10 8:00p.m.

Thispage made possible through the contilbutionsol the following:


EASTPARK DINER INTERI{ATIONALPAPER CO., J.T.ond JeonLowe ContoinerDivision, Russellville, Ark.

STILWELLSCHOOL & OFFICE SUPPLY CARNATIONCO., CAN DIVISION, School, Office, Art Supplies, Olfice Furnilure Foyetteville, Arkonsqs Page8

GovGeorge Nigh, accompanied by his wife, stands up andwaves lrom the back seat ol a 1g30 modelBentley ddven by its owner,Jimmy Leake, Tulsa television owner who later at theauction paid $2,250for the championship cnte ol strawberriesat the 1g7gstrawberry Festival. Big ottroction

A festive crowd gathered in Stilwell last strawberry auction; and serving of free year for the 32nd annual StrawberryFesti- strawberriesand ice cream. val. The weather was clear all day. The line of march of the paradeincluded The crowd was estimated at between 13 bands, more than 500 horses, mules 21,000 and 24,000. and ponies. The day included an 8S-minuteparade, Television cameramen were here from crowning of the Strawberry Festival two stationsin Tulsa and two in Oklahoma Oueen, lots of music, Indian dancing, City.

Thispage made possible through the contributionsof the following:

FARMERSPRODUCE AilD MIIL tsAAcs'c0N0c0sTATl0il Feed-Seed-Fertilizer Normon ond Dovid lsoocs

COUilTRYOAKS FLOWEBS & ANTIOUES c0Lt_tilsFtREsT0ilE LouiseEllis ond JohnThomos Tires- Botteries- Applionces

DOY'SSTATION BIL'S PAI{ETIT{G& CARPET Stilwell,Oklohomo 504 S. 2nd Sr.

ROEERTSFUNERAT HOME ServingAdoir CountySince l913 Page9

Festival Nationplaced first with this entry in thecivic division ol the1979 Strawbery Gherokee of gklahomain redand parade.The red, yetlow anJ blue float featurid a latgeoutline ol theState yellow.

paradefrom truck Theline of marchincluded d ovet 500 horses. Twoyoung visitors watch loadedwith stmwberies.

Thispage made possible through the contfibutionsof the lollowing: TomJ. Garson InsuronceAgency AfcoMetals, Inc. 3l l5 S. Zero Sf., Ft. Smith,Ark. ChemcoPtoducts, lnc. Tulso,Oklqhomo Page10

ffi'u No.1 floatin the commercialdivision 0f the Festivalparade was this beautyentered by Stilwell Foods,lnc.

";rWl "

ffi.. RockSpdngs Baptist Church's entry ptaced Stilwell'sCub Scouts rode lheir decorated firstin the religiouscategory. bikesin the1979 parade.

Thispage made possible through the contributionsof the following: CHATKBLUFF GROCERY FLETCHER'SHARDWARE Michoelond JudyGronl Phone774-75OO SEARS CHRISTIANFAMILY BOOK STORE Alex ondJ.C. Jqmes I l9 W. PlumStreet CBEPACO,INC. STATEFABM INSURAI{CE C(l. FgodEquip. & Refrig.- Tulso,Oklo. Mork Hodson,Agenf WELCOMEVISITORS SPEEDYMART Lorry O'Neol, MFA Insuronce-l l15 N.2nd_774-32OO 212N. 2nd,Srilwell Page1 1

,:tW; i::r::t: i:irni.l

Secondplace in the commercialdivision of the paradewas won by the Bankof Commercefloat whichfeatured in laryemulti-colored rainbow.

StilwellFFA Ghapter sweethean and atten- Thiscolorfully dressed rider was amongse- dantsrode on the secondplace winner in the vetal from the MuskogeeShilners' Indian civiccategory. mountedpatrol in lhe parade.

Thispage made possible through the contdbutionsol the following: BallentineProduce, lnc. Almo, Arkonsos RicelandFoods Stuttgorf,Arkonsos AmeilcanCan Go. Dollos,Texos Page12

Floatentered by the AdairCounty Extension EetsyCox, 1978 Festival 0ueen, rode on the Homemakers. KiwanisGlub floal.

StilwellHigh School gids' state championship GherokeeNalion, Inc.'s third place float. basketballteam.

CherokeqNation Youth Services' decoraled StilwellHigh School Band. Gar. Thispage made possible through the conlilbutionsof the lollowing: GontainerGorp. of Amedca CorrugotedContqiners - Muskogee G.J.Garson InsuronceAgency OkmulgeePacking Go. Pol'sPride - Okmulgee,Oklo. Page13


1g7gFestivalqueen, Donna Tenell, second lrom left, poses with her attendants and Kiwanis otlicials followingher coronation. From lell, are: Larty Eubanks, president, Stilwell Kiwanis Club; Vickie Netf, atten- Belhany,g0ve1n01 dant;Doteen Gurry, attendanu Betsy cox, 1978 Festival oueen; and Ftank vascellero, ol theTexas-Oklahoma Oistdct, Kiwanis International'

Festival0ueen Donna Terell getsa kissfrom Kiwanis District GovFrank Vascelleto lollowing hercotonation in 1979.

Thispage made possible through the contributionsol the following: SCRUGGS HOPKINSSELF.SERVICE GAS Rodioond Television US59 S ond SH lO0W PEGGY'SFLOWERS FEEDER'SSUPPLY "Flowersfor oll Occosions" Morionond LoreenBlockburn STILWELLTRUCK SERVICE JAY'SLUNCH BOX Truckrepoiring ond porls Joyond LucilleWilson DOSSSTILWELL S.&V.FABBICS Grocery& Morket Open Thursdoyond Fridoy BRUNER'SAUTO _ TSACTORSUPPLY BYNUM'SUSED CARS Also UsedCors 9025. SecondSr.


JimmyLeake, Tulsa television station owner at right,displays the championship ctate ol sltawberies hepaid $2,280 for at the1979 strawbery auction. With him is RobertBennett, Route 1 Vian,who ex- hibitedthe championshipberies-

Thispage made Possible thrcugh the contilbutionsol the following: Stilwell Democrot-Journol LeonC. Osbom Go., Inc. Springdole,Arkonsos StilwellLumber Co. Ph.774-7058- BuildingSuPPlies Page16

;11"*",i :ittj: ii ,:' s : J:: .!: iis

:::1::ttttt! *s*,,

il F*. S:,+ sl r

:fi iw ii:illiii:l

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JohnnyLee Wills and his band played to anenthusiastic audience during the 197g Strawberry Festival.

TRAVELCOUNTBY COUNTYGR()WING This is first-ratetravel country, mainly Adair County's populationhas increased becauseyou'll find Adair County residents by an estimated 1,300 persons since the friendly and helpful and proud of their pic- 1970 census.Present estimated population turebook'sceneryand historicalspots. is 16.500.

Thispage made possibte through the contributionsol the following:

ThompsonReal Estate 1000South Second St., Stilwell GreenCountry Mobile Home Sales 0klahomaAllied Telephone Co. ServingStilwell ond Adoir County t


*l {

Thousandsiammed Stilwell's Division Stteet for the Feslivalin 1979.

SKEIIIEREDSTRAWBEBBIES Thread strawberrieson small skewers

(l and placeon the hors d'oeuvretray for a brighttouch that's perfectlydelicious with _l cheese. I s Thispage made possable through lhe contributionsol the lollowing:

COASTALPLAII{S, II{G. CLABKTIFTOF TULSA Fort Smith,Arkonsos 918-622-7200- 8ll8 E. 44rhSi.

STILWELLIj|ERCAI{TILE EAGTETHEATBE Burnelllsoocs, Monoger BorgoinEnlertoinmenf

PARBOTT'SJEWETRY STOBE B&E'SPECIATTIES Stilwell.Oklohomo Springdole,Arkonsos T '18 Page Heodliner

Billy Parker,country music singer and disc jockey, will headline the Strawberry Festivalprogram. Parker,named one of the top ten new male singers in America, will present his one-hourand 45-minute show starting at 12 o'clockon May 10 from the bandstand on the court house lawn. On weekends, he travels all over the country playing dances and concerts, but during the week he is disc jockey for the All American Countrv Road Show on KVOO radio in Tulsa. Born in Okemah in 1937. he has lived most of his life in Tulsa.His musicalcareer started at the age of 11 when he started picking the guitar and singing. BillyParker Bob Ray will serve as master of cere- GuardBand. moniesof the StrawberryFestival program The parade,with Tom Todd as parade which begins at 9 a.m. on May 10 with marshal,will beginat 10 a.m.,followed by music by the Oklahoma Army National the program at the band stand.

Luncheonis Plonned BERRIESON SALE The publicwill pay a minimumof $17 On FestivolDoy per crateof strawberrieson FestivalDay in Stilwell.Growers will be sellingtheir ber- riesin the parkinglot just west of the Adair The Stilwell KiwanisClub will sponsora CountyCourt House and alsoin the street Festivalluncheon at the StilwellCommuni- in front of the Court House,as in the past, ty FacilitiesBuilding at 12 o'clock noon but buy your berriesearly! They go fast. Saturday,May 10. U.S. Rep Mike Synar will be guest RESTROOMS speaker. Portablerestrooms for menand women Tickets for the luncheon are being sold will be set up in downtown Stilwellon for $5 and $10. StrawberryFestival Day by the City of Stil- Shuttle buses will transport the lun- well. lf you can'tfind one,ask for informa- cheon guests from the downtown area to tionfrom a Kiwanianora Nation a I Guard- the communitybuilding. sman,

Thispage made possible through the conlilbutionsof the following:


OTASC(I- Slilwell Complimentsof FriendlyFolks io ServeYou COLONIALBREAD CO.

STILWELLCAFE THEOLD TRADING POST Donond Ado Lillibridge Anfiquesond Junque Page19


Aeilalview ol Stilwell,a progressive,gtowing community. Foctsobout Stilwell POPUTATION the area.Stilwell also has a city airportwith feet. A new (1970 census)- City,2,134; Adair Coun- runwaysof 1,600and 2,000 planningstage. w,15,141.Estimated county population to- airportis in the day is 16,700. GOVERI{MENT LABORFORCE Mayor-CityCouncil. Active volunteer fire female,792' Mafe,2,185; departmentwith 20 members.Eight city TRANSPORTATION policeofficers and six countyofficers. Two 59 and 62; and State FederalHighways OklahomaHighway Patrolmen are station- 100' Interstate40 is 30 Highways51 and ed here.Stilwell is also home for a unit of Kansas City Southern fr miles south. The the OklahomaNational Guard' ,! Railroad,six truck lines and a busline serve

Thispage made Possible thruugh the contilbutionsofthe following:

STILWELLAPPLIANGE KE.IIIAYAUTO PARTS RCA,Kelvinoior Deoler WoyneGreen - 319 S. 2nd St.



Page 20

ORGANIZATIONS The StiMell KiwanisClub and the City of Chamberof Commerce,Stilwell Kiwanis Stilwell sponsor baseball and swimming Club,the Ad-Co KiwanisClub. Adair Coun- programsfor youngstersin this area. ty Historical Society, Garden Stilwell is the home of the Oklahoma Club, Roundup Club, Study Club, Sorop- championship girls basketballteam (2-A) tomist Club, Strawberry Capital Square for two straight years-1978 and 1979. DanceClub, American Legion,Veterans of COMMUNICATIONS Foreign Wars, Masonic Lodge, Order of lndependently owned telephone com- EasternStar, Oddfellows' Lodge, Rebekah pany offers direct distance dialing, touch Lodge, Adair County Ouarter Horse As- tone and mobile dial telephones. Allied sociation, Adair County Cattlemen's Telephone Co. has constructed a new Association,and seven Adair County Ex- building in Stilwellto handleits continuing tension Homemakersgroups. growth. INDUSTRIALFOUNDATION TELEVISIONBECEPTION Stilwell Industrial Foundation. a non- Three commercial stations and one educationalstation in Tulsa,Okla., and one commercialstation in Fort Smith, Ark. SPECIALEVENTS Strawberry Festival, Dogwood and fall foliage tours, rodeos and Adair County Fair. HEALTH The new Memorial Hospital of Stilwell with 50 beds opened recently.The Adair County Health Department Building is lo- cated in Stilwell. The city has five M.D.'s, one dentist, an osteopath, one optometrist AdairGounty Gourt House. and a chiropractor.Two ambulance ser- vices operate in Stilwell. profit organization, stands ready to assist The Stilwell Nursing Home is a modern prospectivenew industries. facility with 87 beds. An addition was RECBEATION recently constructed. Water sports, fishing and picnicking at nearby Lake Tenkiller; small garne and CTIMATE deer hunting;Adair RecreationArea, north Average winter temperature is 37.4 edge of Stilwell, includes small lake for degrees.Average summer temperatureis fishing and swimming, plus picnic and 82.1. Rainfall averages 42.46 inches per camping- facilities, and children's year. Stilwell's elevation above sea level is playground; city swimming pool; tennis 1,11 2 feet. courts; two gymnasiums; and movie EDUCATION theatre., Four golf courses are located One elementaryschool, one junior high within a 3O-mileradius. and one high school.Adair County Branch,

Thispage made possible through the contilbutionsof the following: ChatfinRexall Pharmacy Drugs, Cosmetics& SnockBor D-JJob Printing Phone774-2228 - Stilwell, Oklohomo MemoilalHospital Visiting Hours: 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. 1400 W. Locust - Stilwell, Okla. Page21

I 4 I


Low-renthousing proiect under way in Stilwell.

Thispage made possible through the contilbutionsof the following: Jean'sFashions Merle Normon Cosmefics Hagy'sHushpuppies 901-632-0953- Shiloh, Tenn. DiamondInternational Corp. Heekin Con Div., Springdole,Ark. Page22 Indian Capital Area Vocational-Technical ldealFruit Farm. School,is locatedat northedge of Stilwell. MOTELSAND BESTAUBAI{TS FlamingRainbow University offers several Two motels with 56 units. Numerous classesat its Stilwellcampus. The Chero- good eatingplaces. kee Nationoperates a schoolfor licensed WATERAND SEWER SYSTEM practicalnurses in Stilwell.John Brown Stilwellhas an abundanceof clean,pure University,Siloam Springs,Ark., is 30 water-4,000,000gallons per day-f r o m milesaway; Universityof Arkansas,Fayet- 140-acrecity lake.The lake is largeenough teville,50 miles; and NortheasternState to serveStilwell for three yearswithout a University,Tahlequah, 25 miles. drop of rainfalling. Present sewer system INDUSTBIALSITES AVAILABLE is largeenough to accommodatea city of Acreage is available for industries 10,000.A $500,000industrial sewer sys- throughthe StilwellIndustrial Foundation. tem, which can handle2,000,000 gallons Many choice locationsfor industriesare of industrialwastes daily, was completed availablein the area. recently.Enlargement of the city's water The CherokeeNation is developingan and sewer systemsis plannedfor addi- industrialpark just southof Stilwellon US tionalindustries. 59with the aidof a governmentgrant. One ELECTRICALPOWER largebuilding, for Facetlndustries, a filter TheCity owns its own electricaldistribu- manufacturer,has beenerected at the in- tion system,and gets its own power from dustrialpark. the GrandRiver Dam Authority. Special in- PREVAILINGWAGE SCALE dustrialrates are offered.Present capacity U.S. minimum wage and hour law of 5,000KW could easilybe enlarg e d . prevails. Ozarks Electric Cooperativeserves the MAJORINDUSTRIES ruralareas. StilwellFoods, Inc., Cherokee Nation In- BANKING dustries,Inc., Facet Industries,Hudson The Bankof Commercehas total capital Foods,Inc,, Adair County Orchard Co., and and reservesof $2,170,845.46w it h

Thispage made possible lhrough the contdbulionsol the following:

MUSKOGEESEED COMPANY ARKANSASTRUCK LEASE CO., INC. "Serving EosternOklohomo Since 1909" Springdole,Arkonsos

AAAABSTBACT CO., II{C. ALLIEDARKANSAS BEABING NoncyGorrelt, monoger, Stilwell . FortSmith, Arkonsqs

SHABPE'SDEPARTMENT STORE MODEBNI,|AID FOOD PRODUCTS, II{C. Sfilwell,Oklohomo 6O00 E. Evons, Bldg. 3, Suite 333, Denver, Colo. Page23

Gonceflband at StilwellHigh School, which won a supedotrating this spring, entered the state concert competitionat 0klahoma State University, Stillwatet.

$21,447,509.31in depositsand total assets With the ArkansasRiver only about 30 ot $24,275.456.88. milesaway, Adair Countycan expectcon- INDIAI{INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT tinuedgrowth now that the Arkansasand ASSISTANCE VerdigrisRivers are opened to navigation' The Bureauof IndianAffairs, in coopera- INDUSTRIESINTERESTED IN THIS tion with Oklahomaemployment services AREA ARE INVITEDTO WRITE RAY- agencies,will assistindustry in recruitment MONDTHOMPSON, PRESIDENT OF THE of qualifiedapplicants to meet personnel STILWELLAREA CHAMBEROF COM- staffingrequirements. MERCE.

Ghurchof Christ'snew sanctuary on SH 100 West.

Thispage made possible through the contfibutionsof the following:

MR.B'S PIZZA BILL'SDISCOUNT AUTO PARTS Chorlesond DebbieBennelt Mr. B'sShopping Center

PEToSEEDC0., ll{C. CIRCLEINN MOTEL & BESTAURANT Quolity Seed- Soticoy,Colif . Tom,Sue ond DovidBurklin

G.& P.STOP & SHOP COilSOLIDATEDINDUSTRIAL EOUIP. CO., INC. Highwoy100 Wesf - Ph. 774-3692 Wots No. 800-641-4114- Joplin, Mo. 64801 Page 24

o'r. ,t .t


i#i'$"1-ii+iiii*ii#I'i-l,tii HudsonFoods'new hatchery at northedge ol Stilwell.

Stilwell'sNational Guard unit stands ready.

Thispage made possible through the contributionsol the lollowing:


WESTINGHOUSEELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. ACEHAEDWARE Tulso,Oklo. - Phone919/838-3344 Jockond Joy Smoy



Thispage made possible through the contdbutionof: CherokeeNation Industries, Inc. Highwoy5l Wesf Stilwell, Oklqhomo Page26

OldBaptist Mission Church just north of Westviile. Endof the Troil Just three miles north of Westville on where lie the brave leadersof this band of US 59 stands a little white church which Cherokeesled by the Rev. Jesse Bu s h y- marks the end of a long, sad journey for a head. nation exiled from its home east of the Few motorists traveling by on US 59 Mississippi River. ever stop to read the historical marker Across the road east of the Old Baptist which Gov. E.W. Marland caused to be Mission Church is a quiet little cemetery erected in memory of these displaced

Thispage made possible through the contributionsof the following:

OzarksElectric "Consumer-OwnedGooperative UtiI ity" Page 27

Cherokees. A treaty had been signed at New Echo- The marker summarizesthe lristory of ta, Ga., which gave the valuablelands of the Old Baptist Mission in these words: the lndiantribes to the white man. Men led "Baptist Mission about 4 miles North bv Chief John Ross fought removal for and West. Established by Rev. Jesse three Vears,but at last they gave up and Bushyheadin 1839 and known as Bread were brought west by soldiers of the Town by the .Rev. Evan Jones Federalgovernment. was the missionaryin charge.The Chero- Much blood and many tears were shed "The kee Messengerprinted there, beginning in along ." These hard- August, 1844, was first periodicalin Okla- ships did not stop these men with the spirit homa. Mission moved to Tahlequah in of pioneers.They were determined to es- 1867.Bacone College at Muskogee,still in tablish a school, village and homes pro- operation,is the outgrowth of the schoolat tected by law as they knew it. Baptistand Tahlequah." Their leader, Rev. Jesse BushYhead, Thesewords may summarizethe history was the first supreme court judge in the of the churchat Baptist,but the sign above CherokeeNation before his death in 1844' "Moved the door. over the Trail of Tears in Other leaders carried out the plans of "The 1835" and End of the Trail of Tears" Mr. Bushyhead to found a church and give these cold facts some human interest. school at this new location. A nation forced at bayonet Point to But, just three years after the log struc- move to new lands could not forget its ture was constructed, the building was own civilizationbut brought with it all that destroyed by fire. A few of the logs were 'i ,l 't &n l,l:i* :::', w;, Wr iiwu e :r.' ;!{t w, -A: r;;fi ffi

Trailof tearsmural by DonaldVann, formerly ol Stilwell. was movable,including one of its chur- saved and were used when the new frame ches. buildingwas constructed.This buildingis Accordingto the Grant Foremanpapers, built accordingto the same design as the some four or five heavy log beams were first one, and is kept in repair by the com- transportedto this spot and combined with munity. native logs to build a replica of a church The end of the Trail of Tears, perhaps, these Cherokeeshad been forced to leave but the beginningof a new and better era. in Georgia. - By Mrs. Lucy Jane Makoske

Thispage made possible through the contributionsol the following: Wal-MartDiscount Gity, Stilwell Highwoy 100West, Stilwell,Oklo.774-3141 We Core I

Page28 Stilwell Churches

Most religiousfaiths are representedin the Stilwellarea. Otherdenominations have churchesin communitiessurrounding Stilwell. The churchesinclude:


Thispage made possibte through the contributionsol the following: BeaconDrive.ln Fost Food Service- Coll in Eorly 774-3538 Bruce.RogersCompany Fort Smifh - Rogers,Ark. ilorthsideMarket Highwoy 59 Norfh Page29

Pickingsrawberries near Stilwell. Diversifiedforming

In the past 50 years, sale of livestock and lnc.,which has nationwidedistribution; the livestock products has been,the principal Adair County Orchard Co., which is the source of agriculture income in Adair largest in this four-state region; and the County. ldeal Fruit Farm. Adair County products-inc I u d i n g Corn, small grain, grain sorghums and strawberries, green beans, apples and improved grassesand legumesfor hay are peaches-are sold all over the nation. grown mostly as feed for livestock.Timber Some are processed locally, while others is regardedas an important cash income. are shipped fresh. Several poultry processing plants also Stilwell is the home of Stilwell Foods, flourish in this area.

Thispage made possible lhrough the contributionsof the following:

I{ATIONALSTEET SERVICE CEI{TER THOMASOUATITY CLEANERS Tulso,Okls. 918/582-5291 Ph.774-7111- ll2 S.2nd- Stilwell

BICHARDJOHNSOI{ PLUMBING THEJACK RIDERS Phone774-3302 - Stilwell Welcome,Visifors

RocK'stR0lt & METATc0. PBESTONREFBIGERATION CO. "Slim," Jqmes qnd Jone Foil Smith,Arkansas Page30

SharmaWorley DanaPdtchetl 1979Rodeo Oueen 1979Rodeo Sweethean Rodeoottrocts crowds

Large crowds are expected to attend all Seven events are scheduled for each three performancesof the Stilwell Roun- performance. dup Club's 33rd annual Festival Rodeo, Baily is the stock Producer. opening Thursday, May 8 and continuing Reigning over the rodeo as queen is through Saturdaynight, May 10. Miss Sharma Lee Worley, daughter of Mr The rodeo arena is located about 1/z and Mrs Oda Worley, Stilwell; and the miles north of Stilwell on US 59. Starting princess is Miss Dana Pritchett,daughter time is 8:30 o'clock each night. of Mr and Mrs Hasting Pritchett,Route 1 More than 300 cowboys and cowgirls Bunch.The new royaltywill be announced will be hereto compete in the International at the Saturdaynight performance. RodeoAssociation championship rodeo.

Thispage made possible through the contributionol thefollowing: ThermalGold Storage Tulso, Oklohomo VIPSales Company 4673S. 83rd EostAve., Tulso,Ok|o.74145 JonesTluck Lines, lnc. Springdole,Arkonsos Page31 Eorly-doyrecreotion

Recreationand socialactivities in Stil- was a great diversionfor the young as well well's early days took the form of ice as their parents. creamsocials at the churchesand lodges. In the late 1940s, television was in- Groupsof friendswould have pot luck troduced into American homes. . . "Old dinnersin the variouspublic halls until after J.L. Cox built the Opera House" on one Saturdaynight dinner four young men the site of the presentpost office building. were deadafter drinking deadly wood al- This becamethe placefor not only movies coholin lemonextract. but school plays,closing exercises, and the "Play "Re- parties"in the homeswere quite school graduation exercises.-From popularwith the young people in early collectionsand Reflections,"by Lucy Jane days. Makoske. Swimmingin the old pump pond was goodrecreation until two youngmen were drowned.The boys found swimrning holes in old New Hopebranch and otherplaces DELICIOUSLYilUTBITIOUS deep enoughto swim. But afterthe days Strawberriesare an excellentsource of of cars,Baron Fork at the bridgewas a very VitaminC with one cup supplyingabout popularplace for swimmingparties. 150 per cent of the U.S. Recommended Just to go ridingaround in a car with a DailyAllowance for the averageadult. group of friends was counted a very co- Strawberriesalso add iron to the diet. veted recreation. Many Americans,particularly women and Sunday afternoons in the early days children, have diets deficient in this meant buggy and horsebackriding. Joe mineral,so it's goodto knowthat one cup Carson,grandfather of Col Carson,had a of freshwhole strawberriesprovides about livery stable in the block where Reed's 8 per cent of the U.S.RDA for iron. Hardwareis now.Young people hired a rig Oneof the nicestthings about strawber- togo out ridingon Sundayafternoons. riesis that a wholecup hasonly about60 juicy Gameswere always interesting to young calories.Sweet, plump and strawber- and old alike. Indian ball games and riesmake dieting easy and delicious. baseballgames interested people of all ages. Silentmovies brought to Stilwellby J.L. OtDMILL Cox proved very entertainingfor a long A water wheel, known as Golda'sOld time. These movies were followed by Mill, locatedat BittingSprings off SH 51 "talkies" as earlyas 1928and stage plays. west of Stilwell, is more than 100 years The radiocame into popularitya b o u t old. The wheel still providespower for 1919-20.A largeradio was placedin the grindingcorn, just as it did for the lndians basementof the new court house. This and settlers.

Thispage made possible through the contdbutionsof the following:

"TheFriendly" Bankof Gommerce

StilwellChamber of Commerce "Alwoys Plonningfor Stilwell'sFuture" I


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Moke Stilwell your Hqs. Stilwellis within easy dilvingdistance of makeStilwell your headquanelswhen you manypoints ol interestin easternOklahoma, so cometo visit.

Thispage made possible thruugh the conlributionsol the following:

E.G.and Ella Mae Ganoll lltlo andFrances Aldelson Jackand ilurel Kay H.D.and Eonnie Gound Davidand Betty imne Kenncthand Johnnie Rains Wadeand Mabel Zumwalt Boband Mae Baker Wayneand Kalen Hopkins Glenand Boxie Robbins L.T.and EVana Spray Tommyllale andDorclhy Worsham Hershaland Ponny Dotson Jamesand Belty Young Jim andBetty McGee Tomand Vahla Todd LucilleHurd Rebeccaand James Ferguson Larryand Gloria Eubanks lhan andRobeila Jackson Ilon andShad Boolh Page33 Mouth-woteringrecipes

EASVSTRAWBERRY CHIFFOil CAKE STBAWBERBYBBEAKFAST 2 pints strawberries Start the day on a rosy note with a 14 cup sugar strawberry breakfast nog. Whirl fresh 2 teaspoonsgrated orange peel strawberries,yogurt, honey,a little lemon % cup orangejuice or limejuice and an egg in the blenderfor a 1 package(3% ounces)instant vanilla refreshingand nutritiousbreakfast that's puddingand pie fillingmix fastand filling. 1 cup milk 1 cup l% pintl heavy cream 1 (9 or 10-inch)prepared chiffon or HOWTO PIGK'EM angel food cake Adair County's vine-ripened Reserve10 whole strawberriesfor gar- strawberriesare handpicked,then nish.Slice remaining berries; sprinkle with shipped to markets either the sugarand orangepeel, then stir. Let stand same day or the very next morn- about30 minutes.Drain juice from berries; ing. set berriesaside. Combine berry juice and O Strawberriesdo not ripenafter orange juice; set aside. ln smaller mixer being picked, so consum e r s bowl, with electric mixer at low speed, should be selectiveand choose combinepudding mix and1 cup milk.Pour only fully red+ipeberries that are in cream;increase speed to medium and plump and well-roundedwith a beat 2 minutes, occasionally scraping natural shine and fresh-looking bowl. Reserve1 cup pudding mixture to greencaps. frost sidesof cake.Fold sliced berries into o To hold berriesat their best, remainingmixture. remove them from their con- TO ASSEMBLE CAKE: With serrated tainers and arrange them in a krfife, cut cake horizontallyinto 3 equal single layer on a cookie sheet or layers.Drizzle reserved juice mixture even- other shallow container and re- ly over top of cake layers.Place one layer frigerate. on cake plate;spread with t heapingcup o Strawberrieskept refrigerat- pudding-berrymixture. Repeat layering, ed will stay :f1st6and bright for using all pudding-berrymixture and cake severaldays. layers.Spread the 1 cup reservedpudding O Don't wash strawberriesor mixtureon sidesof cake.Cover cake and removecaps until just before us- refrigerateuntil serving time. At serving ing. Washingremoves the natural time, cut reservedwhole strawberriesin protectiveouter layer and the caps half; garnishtop and base of cake with protect the strawberries'texture, strawberryhalves. flavorand nutrients. MSkes1 cake-l4 to 16 servings. Thispage made possible thrcugh the contributionsol the following: IntemationalMulti-Foods 8th ond Morquefte, Minneopolis,Minn. GarettGhevrolet andOlds. Go., Inc. PembertonReal Estate Forms-Ronches-Homes Page 34

Incomparablescenery greets the travelerthroughout Adair Countywhere dogwood and red- budabound.

Thispage made possible through the contributionsol the following:


BERT'S66 SERVICESTATION CATR(lN'SST(lRE Stilwell,Oklohomo Welcometo the Festivol

FELTSFAMILY SHOE STORE ANDERSONWHOLESALE CO. FootWeor for the Fomily Non-FoodDist. - Muskogee,Oklo. Page35

c=i J Fod ruoa o U)-cr-.= !, 9,^aE rlr !-1 o_ 6 z- o*E r-cq)F.o-.a a c.lEEE s 6."i3l-t-Gl c =E h a (o Eo-:q) E o- f,=ob E o o.6-c-rE3 (J

'dt C s {=O 'F6f=;.8 E fT \ RA AE E :E I zo*.; E\Z a :Eg8 9o(u a.= h Ll-'i o6q o) fi+-,+ gtr I o .s= (r-) iotrY FJ-O S'tg' I o z : ,r\ o f IT I LakeTenkiller, one of 0klahoma'smost beautilul, is just a few minutesaway from Stilwell. G.& R.Supply CompanY 918-682-7430 - Muskogee

S.& H.Parts & Equipment Wots No. 800-632-0050- Springdole,Ark' TulsaPaper - A MeadCo. SW'sLorgest Printing Poper & IndustriolPkg. Distrib.