Best in the West Nugget Rib Cook-Off to Take Over Victorian Square This

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Best in the West Nugget Rib Cook-Off to Take Over Victorian Square This business SPARKS Expanding ITS Logistics moves into new digs YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1910 Page 3 TribuneSERVING SPARKS SINCE 1910 Volume 108, Number 35 Tuesday, August 30, 2016 95 cents sPORTs Ready, Set, Ribs! South Tahoe passing attack too much for Sparks Page 8 Railroaders win Howell Memorial Tournament Page 9 John Byrne/Tribune file photo World champion eaters Joey Chestnut (left) and Matt Stonie (second from left) battle it out in the 10th annual Nugget World Rib-Eating Championship last year in Victorian Square. Both will return for the contest this year which will be insiDe held tomorrow night during the weeklong Best in the West Nugget Rib Cook-Off. Weather..............................2 State Briefs........................ 2 Food Nevada.....................6 Opinion............................14 Best in the West Nugget Rib Cook-Off Health...............................17 Puzzles..............................18 Advice...............................19 to take over Victorian Square this week Classified Ads..................20 for a $14,500 cash pot as well. Winners 1988. The traditional fruit-based sauce Legals................................21 By Kayla Anderson Sparks Tribune announced Monday, Sept. 5 at 2 p.m. that his father created has won 375 Experienced BBQ chefs from across best BBQ sauce awards in the US and The annual Best in the West Nugget the country will be bringing in the best Canada. Aussom Aussie are crowd fa- Follow us on Rib Cook-Off gets going on Wednesday beef paired with special sauces to prove vorites, holding seven People’s Choice Twitter: with all-you-can-eat ribs, side dishes, their worthiness of the cash prize. awards and five Best Ribs awards from @SparksTribune drinks and more lining Victorian Here’s a snapshot of a few of the cook- the 2015 Best in the West competition. Square. ers: Hole in the Wall BBQ- Relocating to Regarded as the biggest rib cook-off Aussom Aussie- Originally from Eugene, Oregon from Arizona, these in the nation, the rib cookers aren’t just Sydney, Australia, Paul “Aussom cookers found that this mountainous impressing the tasters, they are aiming Aussie” McKay has been competing to please the judges palates to compete in the international BBQ circuit since > See COOK_OFF, Page 7 Visit our website at 2 Aug. 30, 2016 yOuR seVen-Day fORecasT today WeDNESDAY THuRsDAY fRiDAY SATuRDAY sunDAY MOnDAY 91/56 89/53 86/52 81/48 79/47 75/48 84/50 Mostly sunny Mostly sunny Plenty of sun Pleasant with Sunny and Partly sunny Times of clouds plenty of sun pleasant and sun battle bORn sTaTe neWs Associated Press citations. had to get booster shots. One bit a support abortion rights say they’ll be Police say reckless driving such as veterinarian’s assistant who had to be spending half a million dollars on ads racing endangers both the driver and treated for exposure to the infectious against Republican Senate candidate Coroner: Vegas woman, 63, the public and is forbidden. disease. Rep. Joe Heck. dead after snorkeling at Health official say rabid bats are Planned Parenthood Votes and lake mead washoe County offiCials often unable to fly and can be found EMILY’s List’s Women Vote pro- BOULDER CITY — Authorities in Confirm Zika in pregnant by pets in yards and along trails. gram announced the joint campaign woman Las Vegas have identified a 63-year- Coyotes, foxes, raccoons, skunks and on Friday. old Las Vegas woman who died while RENO — Northern Nevada health other wild carnivores also can carry Heck opposes abortion except for swimming during the weekend at officials say they’ve confirmed Zika the disease. in cases of rape, incest or when the Lake Mead. in a pregnant woman who traveled Anyone who notices unusual an- mother’s life is in danger, and has The Clark County coroner said abroad. imal behavior should contact the voted to take federal funds away from Monday that it’ll take several weeks The Washoe County Health Dis- Washoe County Health District (775- Planned Parenthood and move them to determine a cause of death for Bon- trict announced the case Friday, al- 785-4599) or Washoe County Animal to Federally Qualified Health Cen- nie Wong. though they didn’t say where the Services (775-322-3647). ters. The National Park Service says she woman traveled. It’s the fourth con- Officials with Planned Parenthood became unconscious while snorkel- firmed case of travel-associated Zika las Vegas’ 1st publiC said Heck is bad for Nevada women ing with friends in the Overton Arm virus infection in Washoe County. sChool gets $12.5 million and doesn’t believe they should restoration of the reservoir, and that rangers and The Centers for Disease Control make their own health care deci- paramedics couldn’t resuscitate her. and Prevention has documented LAS VEGAS — Las Vegas’ first sions. The incident was the second death birth defects in infants whose moth- public school has re-emerged after a The groups are running digital in two days at the Colorado River res- ers have been infected. Those include $12.5 million facelift. advertisements and planning a field ervoir behind Hoover Dam. brain damage, hearing loss and an The Historic Westside School was program that will involve knocking An off-duty Florida police officer abnormally small head. dedicated Saturday morning in a cer- on 140,000 doors in Nevada urging died Saturday after becoming un- Washoe County District Health emony that drew Democratic Sen. voters to support Heck’s opponent, conscious while scuba diving at the Officer Kevin Dick expressed sym- Harry Reid as well as Vegas officials. Democrat Catherine Cortez Masto. wreck of a military B-29 aircraft that pathy for the woman and her family, The school first opened in 1923 as crashed in the lake in 1948. and said they were provided with the a branch of the Las Vegas Grammar reno poliCe Cite 16 people The coroner says a cause of death most current information about the School. for illegal street raCing eVent for 48-year-old Fred Thomas Arnold consequences of contracting Zika It was also the first in the city to in- III is pending. during pregnancy. tegrate black students in the 1940s. RENO — Reno police have issued Dick said the case underscored the Construction crews have spent the 16 citations in connection to an illegal reno poliCe Cite 16 people risks of traveling to countries where past 18 months restoring the four- street racing gathering. for illegal street raCing the virus is especially active. classroom school and annex building. Police received a report of mo- eVent Officials say improvements include torcyclists racing in south Reno on RENO — Reno police have issued 5 rabid bats in washoe insular windows, covered parking Sunday. When officers arrived at 16 citations in connection to an illegal County; Cat euthaniZed, dogs and electric car charging stations. the scene they tried to stop two mo- treated street racing gathering. The classrooms will serve as meet- torcyclists leaving the area, but they Police received a report of mo- RENO — State and county health ing and exhibit space and offices. fled. torcyclists racing in south Reno on officials say five bats with rabies have The property, which closed in the Officers did contact a group of mo- Sunday. When officers arrived at the been found in Washoe County over 1960s, is on the state and National torcyclists and other individuals who scene they tried to stop two motorcy- the past two months. Register of Historic Places. had set up chairs, music and cones in clists leaving the area, but they fled. The Nevada State Animal Diseases Funding came from the city and the roadway. They had been watch- Officers did contact a group of mo- Laboratory confirmed Thursday that other agencies. ing the motorcyclists who were rac- torcyclists and other individuals who four pets came into contact with the ing. The 16 spectators were issued had set up chairs, music and cones in rabid bats, including a cat that had to planned parenthood joins citations. the roadway. They had been watch- be euthanized. $500k effort to help CorteZ Police say reckless driving such as masto ing the motorcyclists who were rac- Three dogs that were not current racing endangers both the driver and ing. The 16 spectators were issued with their rabies vaccinations and LAS VEGAS — Two groups that the public and is forbidden. CONTACT US: SPARKS Publisher: Sherman Frederick - (702) 525-2440 Managing Editor: Eric Dahlberg - (775) 316-2265 Sports Editor: Nathan Shoup - Advertising Account Executive: Manuel Berroa - Legals: Tammy Creedon - Circulation: Kristy Stralla - TribuneSERVING SPARKS SINCE 1910 Sparks Tribune (ISSN 0899-9583) USPS (000461) is published Tuesdays by Battle Born Media, Contact Us By Phone: 775-358-8062 LLC, 155 Glendale Ave. - Suite 10, Sparks, NV 89431. Periodicals postage paid in Reno, NV News - ext. 4 Advertising - ext. 1 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Sparks Tribune, 155 Glendale Ave. - Suite 10, Sparks, NV 89431. Home delivery by carrier is available in Classified - ext. 2 Subscriptions - ext. 7 Sparks. Sparks Tribune is a newspaper of general circulation and a member of Legals, Public Notices - ext. 3 the Nevada Press Association. Single copy price is 95 cents. For subscription prices, please call 358-8062, ext. 7. Aug. 30, 2016 3 Expanding ITS Logistics moves into new digs By Kayla Anderson showers, TV’s, and vending ma- Sparks Tribune chines. McFarland says that truck driver turnover is notoriously high At 630,000 square feet, the ITS (somehow over 100 percent) so ITS Logistics transportation, warehouse does its best to keep drivers happy and distribution company is now lo- and at home with their families as cated in the single biggest building much as possible.
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