T he Courier-Gazette. ROCKI.ANG GAZETTE ESTA III.IStl EH IB-10.1 Cbe Press is the Artbiinfbuin £eber that Hlobes the ifllorlb at etno Dollars a Drar T W O n o i l IIJM \ Y E A R IN . I I I V . W K . ROCKI.AM) CDI'ItlER EBTA III.ISH El> IB74.I 'M M lI.i; < ori|> PICK I. FIVE PENIS.

V o l. 4.— N ew S e m e s . ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, MAY 2G. 1885. Xl'MBF.tl 19.

THE COURIER-GAZETTE “ nnd if you will get W illie ready, I will pretty q ick nr that little shell of yours heart’ , there seeme I little h ipn id' tlie morrow, nnd not by deatli! Editli eu’o’ sal w o rk is accomplished w ith out a take him witli me." There was a small will lie eipsized. Thera is a tegular severed lines becoming one a g iin . slipp m) from lier i lni- and stalled out corresponding exp nditurr. The bent E d ite d by W. O. Ki lle r , J r . lake a short distnnee from their home, sqanll coming." Mark's sunny cirls began to show in the thick November darknP” . Wliat that litis lip tie water of I lie ocean to over which was tlie nearest route to the Mmk looked nervously nt tile fast threads of silver and there cim enilna- were tliey aliout to do ? Break one of llie mountain heights is ’ pent on tlie LOVE AND DUTY. village where they obtained tlieir family spreading eload. gard look to tlie young wife's face that Go I s holiest laws? Wolk that it does. It censes to exist ns , supplies. Mark often rowed over witli "Perhaps I liad better row back,” lie years ought not to have brought there. W lia t else did lie say? "W lia t heat and llie water power of Hie world A dimpled cheek nnd low, broad brow Are part «>f beauty’ll Run re; their little son, anil in olden times witli said. It. could not last forever, and at last God hath joined together, let no m in exists in its stead. I he energy of the The low voice nnd the cheery I nigh W ill drive away dull care. Edith herself, film looked up now fiom Tlie man shook ids head. "The wind Mark's courage gave away. put asunder," and tliey were to he put I sun’s heat has been converted into tho T he lig h t, quick step and hed to rouse her. He sprung to liis feet, as loving young husband, who liad brought warm room to the cold room. Now. I one comparatively trilling exception, A tenderness round all they said.” for, but slie did not, and Willie went tliey approached, and others took liis lier hero over four years ago! Slie went wliat ilio tiro does for tlie air of your I low it was neither Mark nor Editli liave come to us from the sun, yet all away for tlie lirst time without mamma's place at Edith’s side. slowly and thoughtfully up to lier room room the sun does f,,r the atmosphere could li.ivo told, yet on tlie lirst anniver­ llie energy that comes to tlie earth is loving good liyo. All tlie forenoon they dragged tlie lake mid curled herself down in mi easy within tlie tropics, aud ju-t as the litli, sary of tlieir married life tliey did not only a very small fraction of that wliieli (Hi, how inuub we can do in one w ithout success, t ill at last someone chair by llie window, ami thought of her currents ot jour experiment an- due lo look back w illi any glad recollections of tlie sun sends forth, I l is easy to enumer­ short moment to mar tlie peace of a life­ proposed drawing oil' llie water. With tomorrow’s j mrney. the heat ot your liie , tin* energy ol tlie that memorable day, so little past. Not time! and there came to Edith Dunnell wliat strange undelined dread tlieso ate llie several forms ol energy placed 1 trade winds is due to the heal ol tlie sun. •Wliat will mother say?" slio'thouglit, that tliey regretted it, vet both felt in a a time wlien she would liave given all waiting hearts watched tlie shining, at llie disposal of man, to do tile work But then* are other winds besides and father and George and W illie, then vague undefined way tluit life was not slie possessed, even to her life, could slie sunlit water, as it slow ly ebbed a w a y! of tlie world: viz, water power, wind those: 'or example, the 1 out hr< ez.e and willi a sharp pang, slie thought of tile quite wliat tliey hail expected. liave recalled llie moment ill which slie How mockingly it glistened and power, steam power, muscular power, the sea breeze, w liieli are found generally last time slio was tliere witli Mark and Before the second anniversary, how­ refused her baby liis good bye kiss. sparkled! One could scarcely believe tluit electrical power, tidal power. Now it lo prevail on the sea eoast. Iu the Willie, lier W illie. How tliey liad petted ever, tliero was anollier link added to Mark carried W illie down to llie boat only a few short hours ago it liad swal­ is one of lliu most interesting, mid at morning, after sunrise, the land is more mid praised him , lim it b rig h t little son, llie bond tliey were so fast forgetting, without feeling tlie least triumph at hav­ lowed upa blight little life. tile same time, one of the most certain quickly hi ated than llie sea; Ihe air ii and how kind and lo ving M ark liad been and Mark and Editli fell tlieir heart ing carried liis point. There was not But wait! Why need it go further? conclusions of modern science, that all contact with the heated surface ex just as lie was in tlieir lionoymooti. g ro w w arm again as together tliey gazed even tlie eager ilolight lie liad aliticipa- The priceless treasure for which tliey these various kinds of energy, witli tlie pam!s aud rises up. while the cooler Then Edith’s thoughts went farther on tlie face of tlieir lirst horn, tlieir lit­ pated on tlie face o f liis little son to re­ are seeking is found. M ark, who lias single exception of tidal power, are de­ a ir from the sea llows jn lo lake its hack to tlie time wlien slut liad been tlie tle sun. Now indeed it seemed they ward liim, for Willie’s pleasure was been foremost in llie crow d, knelL in (lie rived from tiio energy of tiio sun's rays; place. In the evening, on the oilier darling of tlie brick homestead, where must find tlie right coiner in eaeliother’s dampened for a lime, at least. wet sand nnd gathered liis boy in liis that they are, in fact, only different hand, the laud is m ole q u ickly chilled father, mother and all petted and spoiled heart, and commence life anew. Hcscttlcd tlie little lad comfortably and arms. Tlie men uncovered tlieir heads forms in wliieli llie energy of the sun is by nidi ition, when the sun’s heal Is - her, and of .Mark’s coming witli liis So they did fur a time, but before took up liis oars, when a sudden gust of ill reverent respect for tlie father's speech­ stmed up and made available lor our gins to fail, and the conditions being re bright boyish face mid loving ways, win­ long the old unpleasant ways came hack wind whirled oil' liis hat, and sent it less anguish. Use. versed, a current nl cold air Hows baki ning tier from them. and Mark’s cigar grew daily more ob­ (lancing gaily over tlie blue water. There seemed fill 1 ten years added to Water power is tlie power ol falling from the laud lo the se u Thus these., W liat a beautiful day it was on w liie li noxious, and Editli did nol always liave W illie's gleeful laugh rang out, lint .Mark Donnell's face wlien lie rose and water, of streams, rivers and cataracts, breeze o f tlie iiio riiiu g and the land lie led lier lo llie little church where dinner on time. Tims little things grew Mark looked up ill surprise, for lie liad made liis way through llie crowd, to­ liut llie water could not fall unless it breeze of llie evening, i l e i i v c llie ii she liad insisted upon living m arried. to mountains, and oven baby Willie not been aware, until now, there was any ward tho shore where Edith awaited in was lirst lilted up. The streams and existence and their power Ihuii tie Tho sun came softly in lliruugli the could not keep hack tlie sharp words and wind stirring, mid wliat was liis surprito her blind suspense. Then follow ed tlie rivers could not (low hack to llie ocean aelioii ol Ila* soli's heal Thus. » lie,eve, stained windows, ami one bright ray angry ictorts. If E litli had been a lit­ to see a black cloud d ire c tly over Ids darkest, saddest days tlie little cottage unless tlie w ater ot tlie ocean was lirst a breath of wind is moving r. The vapor expands ol pressure is product d by llie , ,pendi- tier family, and too just to tier husband Hu rowed Ids boat hastily out where lie was hurled, hoping to assuage her “ Wilt tlioll Mirk, take Editli for tliey and rises up into (lie high, r regions of tun* ol ill, sun’s heat and llie I,, I ■ u .n - lossy aught against him to another; so ids liut was dancing in tlie fast fading daughter's grief, hut slie liad a large lawful wedded wife, lor rii li or for pour, llie alluospliere. il is tliere condensed gy o f li e sun's hi at le-appea, as tlie Mother .Merry, lifty miles away, had lit- sunlight. Hu liad recovered it ami family of her own and soon went home for better or for worse, until deatli do into clouds,aud tlie clouds, borne about energy of the moving air. I lamifoi v llo chance to see whether tho course of planted it (irmly on Ids head just as again, and once more tlie young couple thee part.'" and just as tliey liad echoed by llie winds, pour down rail, to feed all tin wind pow, r of the world, no less true love ran smooth in her daughter's at,other I Mint s lid alongside of Ids were left alone. ami re-echoed on (lint m emorable day, the livers mid waierfalls. Thus all llie than llie water power of the world, household o r Hot. ow n. I t seemed now that tlie only lin k that so those words echoed in E litli's heart water power of the world may he traced owis its exist,in , to tlie eiurgy ( liu t is "I am going to town in tin* boat this “ Ilulioo, Donnell," called out the liad hound tlieir lives was snapped asun­ tonight. “ Until deatli do thee part," hack to the action ol the sun's heat. hone to us by the rays of die sun. morning. Editli,” Mark Dunnell said, occupant, "you had belter get across , der, and w illi the hitter feelings iu their and -lie aud Mark were to pari on the , Bit you must not oppose that this 17b jii'in ii-il.) 2 THE ROCKLAND COURIER - GAZETTE: TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1885

T H E T R A M P anec to the state law re* ently passed. On concerned In the k illin g o f the child, was tlis- the committee on city property to put the Opening the book the first thing I saw was a 1 charged. P aring his incarceration Anspland town clock In running order ami secure a suit­ E ve ry p ( < ut a i-ompanied by a ties ription showing how ' refused to make any statement whatever. able custodian for the same xvas passed in con­ ask. barrel, nail keg, any child can make a distillery by using an The story ot the ease as told by the Aus- currence. . .. h i- .» hfctil A ordinary tea-pot. Why,every ambition* vo tin g j plaivls is n« follow* The child was horn on the The board then adjourned to the n ext re g u la r or barrel i* like a pupil in the schools would go home, plagiarize lav mentioned. May 12th. M r*. Auspland act- night o f meeting, the -ecoml Monday in in this res, e t, that th -fa m ily t- i-pot, and go into the d is tillin g 1 ing as m idwife. They say that the child when June. iJhont a head it i* not of ah ohol on a small st ale. j horn was a puny, weak thing and that Mrs. «♦* A u'plam i 11bored sometime to keep tiie child have the MEN AND WOMEN. ' alixe. bringing it parti illy to, and then laid pie CLOTHING I the infant on tin foot o f the bed while she a t­ the tended to her d iiigbtci*. A h a lf hour nftcr- Personal Paragraphs of More or Less xx , It a Ik ;, het « li p < ff •vards the child was found to be dead. Th? Interest to Our Readers Fashionable & Stylish the corners u ntil a circular j n a-ssai v pre< lir tu ii- to save the child’s life I.. A. Norton is very ill at his home. head was made. Srtme Mis. ,\. P. Eroho k is quite ill at her home. I li"d been t.ik'-n. and babv clothes had been oxer thirty year* ago STORE! provide.! by Mrs. Simmon-, one o f M r-. Aus- Ki-iineth Ilavden of- B »sb»n n siting m (forge V. Barstow of I plnnd’s daughters. In regard to the box the Have just returned from the Camden saw this s a m e : younger Auspland testified before the ju ry that Spring Cloths Mr«. A. I. Mather suffering from a sprained d title, tedioil* method o f , it was on Tuesday that his brother made it a nkle. Boston Markets with a .. is a machine that w ill turn out »»»«» h ' ids an hour, such < (fusions ami apparent effects of concus­ in the ( itx . ROBINSON’S, a W arn u man having one that makes this Mi - W. IE Priest of Ins been visit-visit­ sion are ii a-ionallv caused before birth. The argument of the prosecution xvas that i.rd. ing in town. LARGE;-; ASSORTMENT ( M Barstow, the soil o f George I the the body was apparently that o f a healthy, Mrs. Abbie Hall of Richmond visiting at present lin k e r , the manufactory being situated (’apt. Gid Rhoades’. robust child, that the effusion o f blood xvas on Megunti'ook stream, Camden. I he ma­ Miss Fannie Lazel returned from Con­ caused bv concussion, xvhieh must have result­ Merchant Tailors chine, as now matinfa< tined, is an outgrowth necticut, Thursday. ed from a blow inflicted after the child xvas o f a .bo n of others. It has a national reputa­ J. I). Stanford of Lewiston was in the city born, that the box was prepared before the 264 Main St., under Thorndike House tion, and finds put < h.i*ci * in more Ilian half the o i business last week. birth ot the child, and that the baby clothes states in the union. Last fall Mr. Barstow may have been provided after the suspected Louis Devine o f the Atfleri m Douse, Bid- A large line of shipped one to a linn in . He sells fast. is visiting in this city. dec I xvas committed. quite a number also in the Provinces. A week 'The evidence and testimony xvas sent by the HOME SPUN Lewis Barker o f Peabody, Mass , lias been ago lie-hipp.- l two to Elizabethville, Pa. The visiting old friends in tills city county attorney to Attorney General Baker at firm stills readily all they can make. The ca.*t- Mis. Arthur Horton of Montclair. N. J., is Augusta, who after exam ining it advised the WOOLENS, ings are manufactured hv S. W . Jones at South i visiting her old home in tliis city. discharge o f Auspland as the evidence was in- In a ll t h e I uioii, who does some exceptionally tine work, j Mrs. W. A. Brooks o f Portland has been suflh lent to hold him . l lie ma liiiius sell for prices ranging from S95 visiting her old home in this city. ------SUITINGS, to $175. l.dbert Kelley ami wife of 1-airfield are in MEMORIAL DAY. Fashionable Styles town having driven through by team. “ There is little you can say about us that A - often as the day sacred to the memory of M r-. Mary K iller has returned from Boston -O N H A N D .— is new,’ said Superintendent A lbert Johnson, the dead soldiers ami sailors o f the war rolls All Colors and Prices. of the Knox Woolen Mills, Camden. “ We where she lias been spending the w inter. around, our citizens are found anxious to pay h.iv? just about so much work right along, Geo. E. Reed, who has been visiting in tliis to their memories the homage which usage has and so pursue the even tenor o f our way.” city, ret timed to Lowell, Mass., Thursday. made most fitting for that purpose. As usual This company is an old established one E. L. Drake returned last week from a flip the services o f the day w ill be under the d i­ xvhose eassimeres, fitunels, blankets and felt­ to sea in the Jennie Green hank. Capt. A l. rection o f the survivors o f the war who are in g have an enviable reputation. No sliod.lv P illsbury. banded together a- Edwin Libby Post, Grand E. I , BERRY i ED. and no cotton are to be found in this mill. It Mrs. Otis Ingraham went to Boston T h un A rm y o f the Republic. Places o f business day returning Saturday accompanied by Mr is a recommendation to th? firm that its goods w ill be closed at noon. The ladies o f the city Sidney Morse, who is very ill. are in demand in the home town and neighbor­ have generously contributed flowers ami their ing villages. C. C. Bedlow, assistant superintendent o f sirvices in making wreaths and bouquets. Have a fu ll line o f the The wool is furnished from the surrounding the Western Union 'Telegraph Co. o f tin* state, Fuller particulars o f the day w ill lie found in was in the city on ofllcial business last territo ry. The company has been established the follow ing general order issued by Com­ twenty years, employs noxv about seventy-five Ventriee Jordan of Boston, formerly of this Ideal” Stiff Hats. We would respectfully in­ A Great Variety of mander Thomas: city, was in the city last week. M r. Jordan bauds, runs some txventy-two looms and man­ Head Quarters Edwin Libby 1’ost, ) ufactures 125,000 pounds of wool into fabric lias been away from Rockland fourteen vite your attention to the No. BI, D ip t, o f Maine, G. A. It. j E. W . BERRY & CO. uuuualiy. M. M. Hodgkins, our North Waldoboro Gr.x. OltliRlt No. 1. correspondent, made us a pleasant call vester OPENING SALES of onr E. E. Oillclirest of Thomaston, who In accordance xvilli Rules and Regulations, Have Hie Large*! U n a and Beat Block o f MviiL lias a large collection o f old papers, showed day. M r. Hodgkins an I wife are visiting and General Orders, May 30th w ill he ob­ Boy’s and C hildren’* TURCOMAN served as Memorial Day. us recently a copy o f the 'Thomaston Itfffi.s/er, friends at O w l’s Head. Largo and Carefully Selected Services w ill be held nt C ity Cemetery, STIFF and SOFT HATS printed September 2fith, 1820. As is the ease Edwin Smith Hovey, who died at Somer Jameson’- Point, on the afternoon o f that dav. w ith those old papers xve find in it very villc near Boston on lhe 20tli inst. at the age of Comrades w ill assembleat these Headquarters T o be found In the city. Stock of Elegant New nearly 82, w ill be remembered by the older at 12 30 p. m. in uniferm. 'The line w ill form little local news. In the list o f deaths wc find at 1 .’10 p. m. under the direction o f the Com­ Buy the $2.99 CALF SHOE, CURTAINS citizens o f Rockland as identified many years that ol Joseph Sprague of 'Thomaston and mander of this Post, in the following order; Equal t<» any $5 Shoe* Epeneer Wolcott ol Union. In the advertise­ with this eitv. ami by the circumstance that he Platoon o f Police. ments is one of a lottery for the benefit o f a was the first lawyer who opened an ofliee R o c k I a n d B a n d . Edwin Libby Post, G. A. It. A t Greatlv Reduced Prices. bridge at Sullivan Eeiry, another of the for practice in this city. Mr. Hovey was born Spring Styles! Sons o f Veterans. E. W . BERRY & CO.'S in the town o f Berwick in York county in this “ Young Lady’s Aeadatny,’’ Miss D orr teacher, Carriages Containing Disabled Comrades. a flour advertisement by S. Warren on “ Fort state, his father being Ivory Hovey and his Clergy. Orators, Citv Government ami Invited Wharf,” and a dunning notice by S. Hildreth. mother a sister o f tin* late Governor Sm ith, ami Guests. Citizens o f Rockland. Eusebius Eales advertises the loss o f a valu­ his grand-father, an eminent physician o f tin t town, lie was educated at Berwick Academy The procession w ill then proceed to City FINE KID BOOTS. able cow. Geo. W . Ealcs respectfully informs Cemetery where the following order of exer­ li is friends and customers that lie has removed in the present town o f South Berwick, the old­ cises xvill be held : "BestJ.inc in the city. est and most celebrated o f the prepaartory MEN’S and BOYS’ to the new store recently erectpil nearly oppo­ Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Scott. site his former stand at Mill River. B. classical seminaries o f this state, its title to Music by the Band. Calling of tiie Roll of Honor. •Stiinpsou sells stoves, John Dresser informs celebrity being proved by the names o f some E. W . BERRY & CO. Music bv Band, ami Decoration o f Graves. of tiie si hool mates o f Mr. Hovey, such as his patrons that lie lias opened a new rope- Address by 'I*. I’ . Pierce, Esq. w alk, I ’ li incus T yle r speakes o f his large as­ Rev. Daniel Goodwin, D. IL, president o f two Singing of America, accompanied by the Band. C l o t h in G sortment o f crockery, cheap for cash, and o f our colleges, Rev. Frederick Goodwin, D 'The procession w ill then re-form and return A New Lot of Ronald M< Donald announces tin* opening o f I)., of Middletown, Conn., Rev. John Lord, to Grand Army Hall where it will be dis­ GENT’S HAND SEWED SHOES -and- missed. li is new tailor shop over the store o f Cnpt. D. D., the eminent historian, Hon. John L, Graves at Aehorn Cemetery and other places W e have the agency fo r one o f the best known William Cole at M ill River, where the under* Hayes L. L. 1L, o f Cambridge, president of w ill be decorated by comrades detailed for that Tacti Portland. signed McDonald guarantees patrons the the Lovell Commission, Hon. Bion Bradbury, purpo.-e, in the forenoon. perhaps the most eminent ot the democratic Comrades w ill reassemble at these Head­ GENT’S most satisfactory fits. quarters, in uniform , at 7.3(1 p. m. for the pur­ leaders o f this state, and Rev.'Thomas Lambert, B r o c a d e ------‘A man ami woman have been taken pose o f attending the Memorial Address by E. W . BERRY & CO. o ut o f there,” said a South 'Thomaston gentle­ D. I)., of Charlestown. Mr. Hovey practiced Rev. 'Theodore Gcrrisli, at Farwell Hall. law in Rockland for several years with success, 'I lie Woman’s Relief Corps, Sons o f Veterans man, pointing to the quarry o f M . T. Jameson and citizens generally are cordially invited to W ill open thia week a New Line o f FURNISHING A Co., South 'Thomaston. The remark made ami at one time was postmaster o f this eitv. be present at the evening services. referred to the statues o f the late Edward His residence here was interrupted for four A ll -oldiers. sailors ami marines o f the late GENT'S FINE NECK WEAR. V e l v e t s years by his employment for tiiat time as regis­ war. and citizen- o f Rockland tire earnestly in ­ O ’Brien o f 'Thomaston which was cut by this Tliene gooda are direct from the Ncxv Y o rk Ini ter of dee is at Wiscissct. On the deatli of vited to jo in the Post in the services o f the GOODS. lin n and the statue o f tiie late Mrs. Joseph i lav. port era. Farw ell, which has just been completed and his first wife he married Miss 'Thrasher o f The ladies o f Rockland, to whom we arc so much indebted for favors in the past, are now stands in their shed. Portland, whose preference for her native city In Black and Colors, led him to remove to Portland. An evidence earnestly requested to furnish such (lowers as E. W. BERRY 4 CO. This statue stands live feet, nine inches in they, in their generosity, may feel disposed to height, ami the representation is that o f Hope, o f the estimation in which lie was held us a contribute. the left hand resting on an anchor, the right lawyer is the circumstance that lie was associa­ “ A practice, we have noticed, has grown up, Have ju a t received a Big Line o f ted in the practice of law in that eitv with Hon. of making tiie 30th of May a time for merry­ OUZR, holding a hunch o f flowers. 'The figure is cut making. and for engaging in amitsenicuts o f LADIES' KID SLIPPERS. in a classic robe, the folds o f the drapery being George Evan-, one o f the most distinguished vat ions kinds. Wc can but hope, that while With Fringe to Match especially well represented. The face is a re- 1 o f Maine’s long line o f b rillian t senators. Mr. there are individuals who care not for the 0a-All Qualities, Styles and Prices. solemnities o f any occasion, well disposed markable likeness ot Mrs. Farwell. It is so Hovey’s property, including his law library, citizens, who for a moment consider what very life-like that the looker-on hesitates at first having been destroyed by the great Portland HAT and CAP called Memorial Day into existence, will find E. W . BERRY & CO. to comment upon it for fear o f offending the sub­ lire o f 1865, in that year lie removed to Boston, something more noble, than games ami frolics, For Summer Wraps. ject. It is to he mounted on a pedestal twelve to swell the number o f Maine men who con­ to occupy their minds, while the graves o f six tribute so mucli to Boston’s importance. Re­ hundred thousand patriots are being visited, in feet high. The mould from which the statue tenderness, love and gratitude." DEPARTMENT xvas cut was made Ly Morse o f Boston. newing m that eitv tiie practice o f the law, tiie “ Let no idle m erry-m aking m arr its con­ Candee Double Ball Rubber Boot a bility displayed by’ him in one o f his first secrated hours.” Augustus Ferraro and I. Bartolueci did the at $ 2 .2 5 . Is full of all the The New cutting. The latter was one o f the sculptor* cases, one o f high importance, in which he se­ By order of J ohn II. T hom as, Commander. of the O’Brien statue. cured warm commendation from the judges, C. C. Cross, Adjutant. 0>-N<» prices named to hum bug tin* I*ul»- Spring Styles and In tliis connection a few words about the would doubtless have secured for him a lucra­ llc, but xve guarantee our Price* on all firm and quarry may not he out o f place. The tive practice, but his strong power o f im agina­ goods as LOW AS TIIE LOWEST. CITY COUNCIL. N ovelties. firm consists of M. T . Jameson ami Mark tion and hopeful and broad views as to public Seeing is believing—Investigate nml be Ames. 'The quarry is situated a few rods improvements le

Hay sella for $17 a ton. A Park street indy has some educated chick­ MAINE MATTERS. FOLKS AND THINGS. The soda fountain is now on deck. ens. PIANOS Small pox has been discovered in Lewhton. T. W. 1II.\, |K„ The dog-cart is a fam iliar object on onr crowd­ Straw hats now appear with charming fre­ Rowland needs ft bylck Mutton bouse. quency. Anson's town collector is mi-sing, leaving a ed thoroughfare. shortage of $7900 in bis accounts. Tuned and Repaired ! The town clock is to lx* put in running order. Green cucumber?* have come and the colic is Main street should not he converted into a Ephraim Stevens, a wcll-to do farmer living .1. W W ALK I It. of Ronton, will *. - • R.. k “ Wc arc having good liny weather” said the expected shortly. trotting park. about one h a lf miles east o f Solon village, land, the **•<*,>nd • k in .turn- A ll n r*h r -h*.nhl Jeweller and Optician, committed suicide, Tuesday forenoon. he a.:dr, «s. d rar* * f H II. C ntt x • «» . 2 5 Main cow. The Grammar school girls arc organizing a A. II. Fogg lias commenced operations on Camp Meeting John Alien lias been quite Street, R<>.-klnnd, Me. ItnR Recur* d the r, rviceR o f a The people arc crying for a musical conven­ his strawberry lieds. e base-ball club. sick tin* pa«t week. His two daughtois from tion. Chase A Ccdllns handled 10,000 lbs. o f fresh Massachusetts are with him now. ami lie was NOTICE. F i r s t - ( ’l a s s M a tc h m a k e r James Sullivan o f Sullivan Bros, lias bought im proving at last accounts. T h e side walk on Water street is in danger fish last week, ami 75 bids, o f lobsters. I t ; rj. rat. rs of the R O C K LA N D S W IN G S the Norton bouse on Broadway. Tl.e Governor Saturday nominated lim it,* B A N K an* lo t. by notified that their Annual M et­ and Repairer. ous condition. Farmers say that fru it trees arc filled with P. Dutton o f Ellsworth to. hr judge of the ho.’ w ill be h.-ld at tlie ir Banking Rot tn«, «.n A large cargo o f tics for the K. A L. is be­ W e tltte a tla v . M m !7 tb . I HMft. lit 111 n 'c lm k Capt. B. F. Cushman has bought the Jackson luids and that fru it w ill be abundant tills year. municipal court, vice Judge Rrq’man. whose ----- AND ------ing discharged at the Railroad wharf. term expired the 15th in-t. ,1. Ill . f.*r the . lti.ii • • i f ofib i-r- f..| the <-h»tlii>v bouse on Maverick street. Some one suggests that the city lay out a year, and transact>«»n o f any other l»nsin, *s ,1 at Great preparations are being made for the Mrs. M m v Greenlaw o f Spragueville. may c >me t>, lure them The assessors find that Rockland has 1205 Fourth of July trot nt Knox Driving Park. few dollars on the water tank on Sea street and Presque Isle, has lately received an ears ot W || TITCOMB, Secretary. Is Ready for Business ! men liable for m ilitia duty. make it a little less unsightly. pension to the amount ot $3,091. She hail Rockland, May is, 18S5. 1,-p? The ladles o f the First Baptist Society hold three sons in the army mid hist one. The Senior class o f our High School w ill at­ Charles A. Davis has moved to the Roldnson A I.A Itcil: STOCK OF a sociable Thursday afternoon and evening. A Lewiston man lias a claim on the govern­ TAXES 1883. tend the Thomaston graduation tomorrow house on Mechanic street. Mr. Davis is build­ A hnsc-hall club from this city beat a 'I hotn- ment of over twenty years' standing. It is for A ll person* win. have not paid their tare* for the evening. ing a cottage at Cooper’s Reach. a valuable horse, saddle an,I harness lost by vejir issa. are r< .,ue-ted to eat| at the ( nl!eet,.r - STONE GOODS anil DIAMONDS aston club Saturday by a score ot' 30 to 11. iiis father, who was colonel in a Maine regi­ Oflie , rear r.«om «.v. r Itorltand National Bank, The lim e business seems to be picking up Rev. L. L. Hanscom, pastor of Pratt Memo­ and *« ttle the -ame on or before June 1, 1SH5, «|j R A V R B U N I’l T I N ! W m . George lias recovered from bis recent ment in the war. in our city. New kilns and cooper-shops arc rial church of this city, will deliver flic Memo­ -m b luxe* remaining unpaid aft. r June 1, niuM be attack o f insanity and has returned from Tin* wife o f Simon Covie o f Oakfield wa« adv. Mined hr provided by Revised StatuieR, Chap­ Sex. rat Fine SHOW CASKS no «.(T» rvc store. Everything is to be sold out. A lady was w a ik iig along Main street very CLOAKS is manifested in the neighborhood and the issued from this office, and w ill be an ex­ W ill receive Immediate Attention. school w ill no doubt be a success. rapidly. A gentleman was walking ju st behind ceptionally interesting one. It is a good F. II. Moses, the reliable florist, o f Bucks­ Bd“ l ,lc‘Hue call and examine our Photographs -AT— tiie lady at an equally rapid pace. The ladv A crowd of people blockaded the sidewalk advertising medium. port, lias made arrangements w hercbv orders o f Floral Designs. sees a pin on tiie sidewalk, ami stoops suddenly for Ids goods can be left at Lottie J. W iggin’s. last night in front o f Spear A May’s e x ­ A letter received from Philadelphia Inst Sec advertisement. to pick it up. The gentleman fails to put down Moses’ Tested Flower Seeds amining and admiring a painting by Thomas Thursday contained the cheering information brakes m il lakes a header over tiie lady. on sale. McLoon. .It is a large picture entitled “ A C hilly tiiat a vessel was loading 350 tons o f pipe for Tiie success of the new weekly 3 page story Si m onton’s Day.” A young girl, warmly mtitllcd, is fac­ Neither party secured the pin. paper, tiie Ma athanr, Y aiim ndliporr, Mass . the Camden A Rockland Water Co. Is wonderful. It goes to every village in FREDERICK H. MOSES, ing tiie c h illin g blast, the exercise infusing into A ting o f the ladi s interested in tiie forma­ A prominent law lin n o f tiiis citv left on the Maine. Only 80 cents a year, or 25 cents lo r 3 Decorative FlnriHt, Bucksport, Me. the face a warm, healthy glow that is very tion o f an 01,1 Ladies’ Home is to lie held in months. door o f their office last week the iollowing realistic. Tiie figure and face Is a very cor­ Camden, June 4th. T liis w ill be a test meet­ notice: “ Gone to police court.” When they CARD. rect likeness o f M r. McLoon’s daughter. There ing ami efforts w ill be made to get enough to Our Spring garments are returned they found tin t some wag had added : is an ineffable something about tlie picture tiiat attend so tiiat something can lie done. It is I understand tiiat tiie public have been FOR THE “ Back in th irty days.” informed that on account o f ail infirmity o f now -being received by every attracts the attention of nil. “ I am no judge especially desirable tiiat there should lie a J. B. Loring sent away five boats last week. my eves, I am not doing house and ship B e st B a rg a in s express from New York, and of pictures,” 6aid a looker-on, “ but if that i large delegation from Rockland. painting as usual. This i- to notify all my Yacht Starlight, Frank Wilson master and isn’t beautiful why then I never saw’ a beauti­ A large number o f Rockland’s young ladies former patrons and tin* public generally tiiat I ladies are cordially invited to Charles Roberts and Charles Snow as crew, mav be found at my old stand No. 222 Main ful painting.” Mr. McLoon is too much o f an ami gentlemen assembled at tiie Arm ory F ri­ towed four o f them to Rockport Friday, and street prepared to do any and all kinds of examine tlie same. artist to waste ids time in Rockland. day night and enjoyed a social hop, as a fare­ house and ship painting,in a workmanlike ami then set sail for Bar Harbor. On Friday a party of gentlemen from this well gathering to Charles Foster, who left last satisfactory manner. 1 have some o f the best Brocade Velvet XVrnps. J. S. W. Burpee and R. II. Burnham of tliis journeymen painters in my gang that can be city, on invitation of Dr. A. C. Hcffenffer, night for the west where in the future lie w ill city attended the session o f the Grand Lodge, found in tiie city ami therefore can guarantee Tricot Wraps. visited W jdow ’s Island, the proposed qiinmn- make his home. Tiie guthcring was a very ail my work to give entire kutisfaetiou. I trust tinc station, being transported thither by the Knights of Pythias, held in Portland Wednes­ pleasant one, and must have been gratifying to that iny former patrons and the general 0. E. Blackington’s, Ottoman Wraps. U. S. boat Rocket, Lieut. II. R. Tyler in com­ day, as representatives from Gen. Berry M r. Foster, as a testimonial o f the many friends public w ill call nnd give me a tria l before con­ Lodge, The session was largely attended, tracting for any work in my line tiiat they Cloth Jackets. mand. Tiie building lias been erected and is and well wishers lie leaves in tliis city. have to do. Prices moderate* AT THE BROOK. there being 117 voting representatives- present. now being shingled. M. J. Aehorn with his G. A. Pcrrigo, o f tliis city, is general agent <'. E. B i b i-ee. Jersey Nexvniarkets. Lewis A. Barker o f Bangor was re elected An Immense Stock of crew has sunk the artesian well 17 feet and for this county for the sale o f a hook just pub­ Grand Chancellor, and Gen. Berry Lodge for The Brockton Lnterprise says tiiat a vener­ Cloth Nexvniarkets, etc. w ill work a week or so longe’*. Several super­ lished, the life o f Aimer Coburn, one of Maine’s tiie first time in its history was honored by one able ami prominent lawver o f tiie Old Colony, ficial veins have been struck. They have been most noted men, by Charles E. W illiam s. The who died recently, noted for iiis dry and jo kin g o f its members being elected a permanent mem­ Summer Clothing I at work about two weeks. The island is lack­ hook is neatly printed on good paper ami remarks, called iiis son to him as lie lay ill in ber of tiie Grand Lodge, J. S. W . Burpee being bed, ami, putting on a solemn expression, said : ing in trees so the officers o f the Rocket took handsomely hound. It is illustrated by a fine And Prices Lower than Ever elected Prelate, one o f tiie three offices which “ John, I ’ve ju st one hist request to make of p ity on its destitution and set out a square o f portrait o f Mr. Coliurn and well executed cuts you. When I am buried see to it tiiat one o f b e fo re ! makes tiie holder a permanent member of tiie trees named respectively for Lieut. Tyler, Dr. o f the public institutions which have been tiie those Harden hand fire grenades is pot in tiie JERSEYS. Ileffcngcr and Mates Poole and G riffin. The Grand Lodge. Tiie order in tliis state is coffin.” A. It. B ills is selling tho articles LOOK AT OUR recipients o f iiis benefactions. The book is hereabouts and can accommodate any tiiat may trip was a very pleasant one, Lieutenants flourishing and is making a rapid advance. Good quality all sizes. now ready for delivery, ami is said to have had express a sim ilar desire. T yle r and Cobb furnishing some excellent H ouse N otes.—Frank Burns drives a new a large sale already. A few agents for tliis S,).oo BLUE S U IT ! .-»« cts., cts.. *l.an. music. Lieut. T yle r plays quite nicely upon and powerful draft horse, bought in U n io n .... county me wanted by Mr. Pcrrigo, and appli­ Y i i r t b s . All Wool, Indigo Color and will not his square grand piano. Samuel Gray lias a number o f new and hand­ cations for territory should he sent to him at some carriages made for him by James Barker , Yesterday afternoon a horse belonging to once. fade- Nothing Neater, Cool­ of Searsniont. Mr. Gray is also tiie fortunate Kocklum l, May 17, to M r. and .Mrs. (Jarem c JERSEYS. St. George parties started with a wagon in tow- j TIioiiiuh, a daughter. er or More Durable. owner of a handsome little colt, which weighed I Steamboat Spa bks.—James Littlefield was on a little runaway tour from in front of (). B. Swan’s Island, May 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Sainm 1 Children's Jerseys in every 135 pounds when only two weeks o ld ....A . B. I in tiie citv last week on business connected with Stanley, a non. MEN’S and BOY’S Fales A Co’s down Main street. The animal tiie Boston A Bangor S. S. C o ....T h ere is Swan s Biand, May 19, to .Mr. and Mrs. Elmer ' Crockett lias at ids ttable the celebrated stal- ' Holbrook, a daughter. size and color. displayed a decided penchant for stores and talk o f the formation o f a new company to lion Orlando. Orlando is a dark brown, foaled Seal H arbor, South Thom a-ton, May is , to M r. STRAW IIATS shops and grazing the stand o f C. W . Livin g ­ built] a steamer to run between Machias mid and Mrs. Freeman E lw ell, a daughter. I n all tli1* new wt.vlen, and at Enxvei* Pricca in July, 1880, stands 15-2, is perfectly sound Deer Island, Mays, to Mr. and Mrs. Benj. stone he made a dash for the window o f Boston, touching at tiie usual landings except th a n arc* fo il m l at lla t S torcH . and was sired by Onward, he by Otis M o rrill, Barhour, a son. Bryant A Cobb. Mr. B ryant and one o f bis Rockland....The Mt. Desert is at Atlantic Hope, May 2, to M r. and Mrs. Henry II. Payson, JERSEYS, by Winthrop Morrill. The dam of Onward a daughter. (CompleteI.Ineol SI MMKII I XI>KK- workmen, F. A. Walsh, were conversing on the wharf, where a crew o f men are at work paint­ was by Gideon, and is tiie dam o f Susie Owen WKAIt anil liK.XT’S ITI!\IS IIIX (.S . sidewalk. On the approach ol the runaway ing, upholstering, ami otherwise im proving her Ladies street Jerseys, both and Nelson, 2 year old record 2.50. Orlando’s they removed themselves with commendable interior. Slie goes onto tiie route June 2 n d .... C a rria g es. dam was a very speedy mare by Grey Lion. embroidered ami braided, one agility, leaving the tield to the horse, who bent Tiie Cambridge on Monday night o f last week O. E. Blackington. Orlando trotted a mile in 3.01 as a two-year Rockland, April 22<1, by Rev. W. S. Roberts, of the jauntiest garments for a couple of the windows, and knocked the when off Owl’s Head collided witli a small old and received the 1st premium at tiie Maine Mr. J. I.* slh* Andrews «>f Canid- n and .Mi.-s Abbie paint oil* the sash. Continuing his w ild career schooner, name unknown, and hud bulwarks >t. Williams - I Rockland. Spring weai'. State fair in 1883 for the best three-year o ld .... Rockland, Mav 21. by Rev <;. H. H ill, C har’- s 1*. he took an iron o ff the wheel o f a truck wagon slightly damaged. T iie damage to the schooner Wood and .Miss Margie E. B ritt. D. C. Smith lias purehasee a carriage horse o f in front o f W hite A Case’s and turning when is supposed to have been very slight. The un­ Round Pond, Bristol, May If,. C h n le t li. Kell, x O. P. Jameson o f North W aldoboro... .C la r­ nnd Mrs. Bessie A. Day. b,»th -d* B ristol. in front of J. II. Flint’s made directly for the known vessel showed no light until just before ence Blake sold Ills colt last week to Steplie’1 \ iuallniv- n, May 3rd, by Ib v. E. , . , ••ok, store door which he entered, leaving the wagon the c o llisio n ... .The Pioneer lias had tier hot Nathan Young and N- ttU '<'al-lei w,-.«l, L.-th • I Simonton's. Chase for $175. J \ inalhuveii. with two broken thills on the outside. The tom renovated at Bath... .On ami after Mon­ Animal was extrlted from the store with Mary F. Rawley was brought before Judge thly, June 1st, tiie steamer Pioneer, Capt. W. D e a t h s . sonic trouble. It is said that one o f our prom i­ Hicks Saturday on complaint of one Daniel It. Creed, w ill leave Vinalhaven for this city t h e : P. S. • ILS. nent citizens o f the democratic persuasion did Cavanagli that she had embezzled $000 daily, Sundays excepted, at seven a. m. mid N orth Appleton, May 21, Alonzo Menei vey, aged some very difficult lofty tum bling. belonging to him. It seems tiiat Miss Rawley one p. m. Returning leave Rockland for Go yearn. V IC T O R Y ! and Mr. Cavanagli had been living together, Union, May 23, Mrs. Martl a Jone„, aged 3f. yearn. T m : C iiriu ur.s.—The Memorial services at Vinalhaven at 9. 30 a. in. ami tour p. h i., FuK N IT V R E and tiiat Mr. Cavanagli turned over his earn­ Somerville. Mam., May 2", Edwin Smith Ilov.y, the First Baptist church Suu lay morning touching at Hurricane the morning trip off form eily o f this city, ag d about S'2 yearn. T he Cracker W ar ings into (lie hands o f Miss Rawley. Miss were largely attended. The pulpit and plat­ ami afternoon trip on. Canuh-u, May 14, Mary A ., widow o f E. C. Dat Rawley now intends to m arry one Edward W . i&*l ■*. form were beautifully decorated w ith Hewers, A i. ms iio i'se.—“ Spring H ili” is proving a Cam.:,* t, May 14. Ethelbert, non o f B. I . Moody, IS E N D E D ! Lancaster, ami their names have been entered aged 11 mouths. 7 dayn. THOMPSON'S some o f tiie most noticeable features being a hard h ill for the members o f the city farm to And on-- nun- mc ar. selling the B E S T on the books of tiie city clerk as aspirants for Waldoboro, May 14, Olive, xvite o f Aaron Shu- COMMON < ICACKFRS k r 5 !-«<• per Ik. floral pillow , lettered w itli G. A. tt., a cross clim b. Week before last we noted the fact that man, aged 67 yearn tiie sweets o f wedlock. One witness testified i»eer Inh*, Muy 10, Isaac B. Eellern, ag. d 49 yearn, Must Be Sold before June I, and We have aN" Hist r, * > iv< d a very nice Heavy Bod­ and very handsome cactus. The arrangement seven o f them had passed away since New ied, Light Colored tiiat the would-be bride groom was married to 1 iluy. was exquisite. Edwin Libliy Post about 85 Years. Sunday another, Mrs. Susan Perry, North Haven, May 1G (Hive E., daugliter of her in Waterville, and tiiat after she had lived Great Bargains can be had. strong marched into the church in soldierly died very suddenly from paralysis, at the age Harrinun and Eldora M. Beverage, aged 11 ) ears, m o l a s s e: s with him some time site found that he had 6 moullin, Bi days. I ( h na Tea Sets—One at ♦4.75, one at 6.60, one al manner, and occupied the seats reserved for of seventy-six. This mortality, though gieat. another wife living in China in this state. ’ South Thomantuii, May 23, Annie, wife of Mar­ That we m ill Fell at 27 . tils per gal. 1 lu re is bu t them. Tiie sermon was a very able and inter­ does not seem strange wlien the eireuinstuiiees tin Crane, aged 29 (earn. Car|,et Sweepers ♦l.fiU. a small lot o f it. -<> bring in your iugs and kegs A fter healing the interesting and spicy details Rockland, May 24th, Saiomu l ’e rry, aged 7G and have them tilled bet, re it is gone. esting effort ami was delivered by ltcv. W . S. are known. A majority ot those deceased were Show Case eoet ♦»),', w ill sell for 29; one cotd ♦ •», the judge placed Miss Rawley under $300 w ilt nell tor 15. Roberts, pastor of the church. His text was far beyond the three score years and tea a llo t­ bonds. Robinson and Rowell appeared for ( Jne Safe ♦20. T O B A. C C O . from the 147 Psalm, fart of tiie twentieth ted for man to live. Uncle “ Coscy” Collins, CIRL WANTED. tiie state, and John E. Ila n ly for tiie defen­ One large Ofliee Denk, cost w ill hi II for $1 * In this .hpiirtn.. nt mc are ahead . w, h.n« pkntx verse: He hath not dealt so w itli any nation. who is now just alive, is an example, lie is A competent girl ,o do general hountxvoik. of llm I'ubaci'o; also just in Mayo's Best G oon R u i.K i’S, lh Ri.qi i,ti.i». A p p ly at 14 Dm- v- ry handHoun* Sl-leb-.ard, cannot be bought dant. ninety-one years o f age. For the last two in Boston short o f ♦IUU, w ill sell for ♦•'.2. M n o k e a n d Chexv that sells at $7. w heli sale. Excellent music was furnished by the church PJeaMant Street. Me will sell you a single pound lot 35. . also the choir composed o f Mi s. Ada F. M ills, soprano; F ix in g U p.—Charles Clark is having an ad­ mouths lie has been confined to his bed, becom­ 1 have onlv tw o Painted ( hamher Sets b it, one lain.".- R ed ( rush thal nth- is aie *e 'ing lei dition made to ids house ami store.. . . Mrs. ing more and more helpless each day, t ill now cost iU.o, n il, -ell for ♦23, one cost $31, w ll, sell for per lb. and th in k it cheap, we xvill »• , »» n r 4... Miss N. T. Sleeper, contralto; F. E. Leach, CIRL WANTED. $26. tenor; E. F. Berry, basso; Prof. A. T. ltanlett is having repairs inode to her house, he can’t help him self in tiie least. For days ’I’o do hounework. A pply at 17 Pl.Kin Bao’n Sroiti , North End. Only one Black W alnut Set left, w ill sell for ♦40. (AX (JBKENS. Crockett, organist. The opening selection corner of Suffolk and Cresemt streets.... Elijah mid days he has not eaten ns iiu n li as a single One W alnut A il' ( losel, cost M ill Hell for was the “ G loria” from Concone’s m a s s .... lia il is having his house e lle d .... Lewis Brewer 1 cracker and life is supported by the use of ♦ lu. fisoun thing n. w. 3 lb. * ans \ ! ••!.« i g«*ed « PASTURAGE. in propoition. Rev. Father Harrington delivered a temper­ lias built apiece onto his h o u s e ....George ! stimulants. Nearly aii o f the remainder have Those -I- siring P.u>tnrage tor a ilm ite-l number of Counter Seak-H, com! ♦11.60, w ill sell fo r ♦,'». T mu Parlor Sofas, cost $13, w ill sell foi ♦10. ance lecture in Thomustoii Sunday afternoon Caliles’ house lias receive*I re p a irs .... A house : died from eonsumplion, dropsy or some other Vc..ng ( 'uttlc can he accommodated by applying lo Un Don’t be d « *u u d t x • - ■,(»* •• *i may B. A. Ext bin . Lounge, cyst $7 45, w ill sell tin he oil. red, hut . all .I.,1 get s.mi, . - I . l* re b illin g . ....Rev. W. S. Roberts, pastor of the First lias been moved from Chestnut street to the lot ineurahle disease ami in several instances wen- 19 Tim ber l liil, So. 'l'homanlon. Cornb es, cost ♦1.10, w ill sell for fit any W* ' hi and w ill - ' Baptist church, leaves tliis week for Saratoga east o f the Gay school-house... .The cellar o f J sent lo the poor farm in the last stages, tiiat w indow ). to attend the annual anniversaries of the de- J Cupt. Scott's contemplated house on Sleeper’s their closing days might lie wudc more com­ NOTICE. One Large Stove, , o»t ♦35, M ill Hell for .yi3. nomination, and will be ubsent over Sunday. H ill lias been d u g ....T h e house o f Samuel fortable than circumstances would otherwise I n Bo a i: i > o r A i.m n.xn , lb Fancy and Plain Bureaus, w ill sell from ♦3.5o I. DOXAHUE & CO.. May 25, H.- o up. The pulpit w ill lie su pp lie d ... - Rev. Geo. H. Derby on Pleasant street is receiving an e ll. . . . permit....Asa Partridge, whose condition iu» (in the petition ot A. E Ui< > k< tt, fo r permit* One Gio- cry Wagon for ♦ ’.s.i-o. Red Bnibi ng 4 Door- South St. Nicholas H otel, Scott preached at Washington H a ll, Sunday John McNeal is having an ell added to his cause*! considerable int rest, has so far recov­ tdon to erect and one an engine at •! boil* r at • act, D ining , hails ♦2.73 per . do/. ICDCK I. %ND. MAINE W bouse and a barn b u ilt. . . .Fred Ulm er is to ered that he walks w itli the aid ol crutches. ot the following quarrn s M Lain \ Br. xvn, afte rn oo n ....T he social meeting at the Metho­ Crockett X Ingraham, and Fatr.iud A. Spear. Bed Springs ♦1.15 each, have extensive repairs made to ids h ou se.... His foot has entirely healed ami his leg nearly lie was instrneted lo gix- the ie tice te-jnire-i by dist church was largely attended Sunday even­ SenJ Money by American E x p re s s Co. Tiie piazza of tiie St. Nicholas is coining in for law, that the Boar-1 ol A ld u m - n w ill b, in - ing. Rev. Mr. Hanscom is a very pleasing so. -inn, al their r-.oins in Ben y Bio* k on Monday, Money Orders singer-----Rev. G. W. F. Hill, pastor of the its share o f the general fixin g u p ....C . W. .June ti ll, lbbo, at 7 p. u., xxb- r- a 1 partier* i> W. F. Norcross A Co. are to have a large t,-rested may app-ur, and the Board v,i.l take THOMPSON’S WAREROOMS. R, ;ts g .\c u . Mion". refunded it (u,lets First Baptist church at St. George, w ill preach (bile is having his house repaired, tiie premises supply of flowers for Memorial Day. lie action on »aid pelitiou. are lost. at »U oUi,’- K o f the Co. I a>*bie in the First Baptist church in this city Sunday improved and other changes made..*.C apt. flowers w ill he here Friday noon. Order- A llo t at • 0 pl.t.-is. E x it IO $5 .'a $i('-H c morning at 11-30 o’clock. Fales’ house on Camden street has been painted. should he sent in in advauee. 11 M. L<)RD, D«p ;ty , -y , 'trk . #4 HI D FRONT III IL P IN G . f f 5rJ0-U’ 'riOi? ^10-15c. >50 20e. 4 TTIR ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TTTESDAY, MAY 26, 188',

A MEMORY. PROMINENT PEOPLE. THE DUDES OF LONG AGO. C i t \ s . 1 S p e a r , Beware o f Scrofula PURE BLOOD Air^nfic yinnthlff. Thirteen letters of Dean Swift were Klhnion (fin i ftnftte. Scrofula is prnbnb’ y morn poncral than any D ri» gh t. w ith the golden gieim , recently sold in for i?S,Mi. An olii gentleman, who was a hoy oilier disease. I, is iw idions in ebaraeter, H a lltll nrd liupplliei*^ ; bad blond ItlPfl What memories are ( b id . red here’ Professor H u xley is in feeble health, lifty years ago, says that in his young and manifests itself in running sores, pustular COTIOX SEED MEAL rot , I. < at.ka f, Blnt. li , S Kl.eijtn, T he stnnhnvs o f a pa«“,ng dream, T in d ie iit falling o f a tear. and has been oldiged to (case w o rk. days it was very uncommon to see a eruptions, boils, swellings, enlarged Joints, I u.ia t . Pimp!. -, p.-dl s Vie. r*. Tu­ 0 p of the Bnst F' eds for Cows. Ex Senator Illm chc K . Ilrilee. register young man with store clothes on. and abscesses, sore eyes. vte. Hood’s Sarsaparilla m or-, Bln. k Ilend^Miid v irion- A hr. ath of Summeis long ag< . expels all trace of scrofula from tlie blood, T I 1 V T T . D riftin g aeioss Hie monn-i p- -pa. of ih" treasury, lias tendered hi- resigna­ that a young man considered himsi lf A long forgotlen -un-. i glow handsomely ilry-sed with a pair ot eh ae leaving it pure, enriched, and healthy. way- Hie onlcrnw t’i tion. I'potl a long lelliemh-T' d fa> copperas pantaloons anil a blue liooie “ I was severely afflicted w itii scrofula, and Sir Arthur Sullivan, the eompo-er, spun sack coat. 'File lirst p iiro f hoots over a year bad two running sores on my neck, w ill start in .lim e on a tour through the i Took five bottles Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and am lie ever bad was when lie w as » e vi l i b n I II T Y Y E A R S AGO. I nite.l States to ( California. cured.*’ < . E. Lo v e jo y , Lowidl. Mass, R» V. i It! n. GF.ititt-H 1 Pa-lor of fie -P m e S years old. and it took a pair o l N o. 12 M. , . « bnr-b.nnd .an,,.or o f “ T lv Bine m id , If is si iliu l Ilia ’ John W . M a .’key has j A. Arnold, Arnold. Me., had scrofulous lirogans to lit him. II" bought tlu ui on I son* < for seven years, spring and fall. Hood’s lii.iv \ in. -tb. r . I t.l- futniiy b id a h -.. r •... i given - 11,o.i,i hi to Bishop Manogue for !{. I"". . .1 • . I hurt R (dd . .1 M Saturday, and th next day went to | Sarsiiparilla «aired liim. 1(1 S-.I Mr..G. I.f • k. r in Monfb and Klonvich, tried in \.a- I'illV veils :l/n III.’ (llllv fuel ill W;l‘ll- the purpose of erecting a eh ireli in Sie- church, and thought himself handsome. IN IRA M E M MN • I REE I w . t ‘ t. I- f. • t l.d b,B row n’ Si: . injrlnn v.-.u 'vi.n.l i i i :i | iI.', ink, w.ilmil, ratnento. ly dress,el with his new hints, copper is S a l t R h e u m ,,r pinr. I i i i .iil’I i I in l>v 111,' nBiuliliui'injj Pi inecss Louise form in g a com m ittee pantaloons, blue sack eoat and wool In i I - one of tlie most disagreeable diseases caused HOUSE FOR SALE. liii'in . i . .M ikin g n lir,' w ill nn i.l't :is it lice sir. .*1 ( un.l. n Me to send an :i in I in L i ,i<-1- corps to assist llie In those days it was fashionable fo r a by impure blood. It is readily cured by Hood's wniilil n.'vi'i' .I.. In 1,1 llw liin ppl l.pliitiil I wo -|..,:e« « attic will -t..,x L. « • Catin.linn troops figliling the Indians in gentleman to wear straps tinder their Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier. .1 m il -tal.b- nil... !e -I. ...: I iii‘ l.. d lie hi Mu. i. A. P ua n ru . . f ’ abw.-rta. i ' .a;” id f-, liip ii.ipklnp. nfi.l jftmil hn'.e.-wivpn priil- th e northw est. lim its to keep llieir pantaloons down, W illiam Spb s, E.Iyrla. (L, suffered greatly „ v Mm ii.-m Expre. ( ’.,., nml nwi.a n drop p,or. , , ,1 , ln'„i«. lv. ■. ,.n llipir cli ill. lipni'ltlR. 'Ilie Afghan Ameer is sodiguilie.l that lie cut him some strips ol leather a lim it from erysipelas and salt rheum, eausiMl by finished, g....| pantry, throughout; • I- 'i’bere wax in t in ’ town an ncqnaintam«: o f l.i All (lx- en,iking wns .lonn l.pfoio Imgp I. til cellar wifi. ,-hl, Hi, H ir w r III ttlii- I. i- »ul'a lie never shows surpri...... astonishment an ineli wide, end strapped his panta­ handling tobacco. At times his bands would I,I,- I..r, .1,1.1 in H--I I. I .liitil.ii.u amt < uniting pur w,ne. \o .a tio n w t h d . >f a pailor. From « a,in/ u iii.il firo« w ith nmssps <>l live pi.'iIr, Io at anything and takes everything as a loons (which were very light J down crack open and bleed, lie tried various prep­ poses II H .tri.11. -I I1 I ...... I l» v I..11"I '• • put, food be bid rn n trm te d rt bad ea-e o f hutme. l.p lipipp.l on ll.p povpp o f the U n ii li arations witlumt aid; finally took Hood’s Sar­ I’lir lot h .ll.olll of I. • , ' ol.’.lllH .|lli|.- a In r i aim o'lt, fat e tind body covered w ild matter of course. under his hoots, ami when he made his num bci .,(' It nil Ir. .- I gar.b t- one o f the nv, i i , or glow l. iipiih tlip griiliroii. saparilla, and now says: “ I am entirely well.” |,’ot« lie.-. !,.• look olie hottlo Miss Linma Nevada sailed for Europe appear:,net, at church next day thought earliest and best i l .wn W ell o f w n t-r . lo - I'Iip ii p iiiiip i Iip fiul-siivine, pus,-iron that lie was very much admired, lie “ My son had salt rheum on Ids hands and I., bon- F»r furllur puf. til.r- inquire of. or stoves, I-'rnnkiin having invent,it one oh tlie steamer Servia from New York on llie calves of Ids legs. He food Hood’s on Saturday. Tlie evening before her thinks if a young man were to make •• W A - L R A WH<»N, Camden. Mr. Brown’s Sarsaparilla which hoi',, his name, for p irlo r me. his appearance in pub lic now, dressed Sarsaparilla and is entirely cured.” J. B. departure she sang at a eoneert in KLUIlotl, Mt. Vernon, Ollie. I Iip first kitchen stoves were known ns I similar to what lie was then, tint lie and It Ik I,., d him more than nny thing lie ever lu.d. aid nf ,hv llai'llioldi pedestal fund. the ten-phite stoves. Another variety would altraetthc universal attention and Fur Sale at a B argain When 1. x Id t . b. I a few dav* ago h • bought n hint a small li.cbox near the hearth, James Iiu-si || Lowell will remain Hood’s Sarsaparilla la. .. e piipplv ami paid lie phoilld c o;nu home a ue? ridii'iile of the public. lie says lie S'»',tl by nil druggist*, fd ; fdxforpa. Made on’.;,' AI IR S A l.l O'* I STO h i : I Him - III Pl.lt I , in London until the end of July, lie is from which rose tw o sections o f stove­ would willingly give live dollars for a I y I !!(•»»!» A

/arm. (barbrn anb /lototr-Iub. Young oleanders do remarkably well TWO BURIED CITIES. I n i D aks irom L t r n t A iiorss RAILROADS AND STEAMBOATS. bedded out u n til fa ll. Grow . WRITTEN I m t T ill. COURIER-GAZETTE BY Garden labels are made from heavy Great and ffnn.1 results often spring from A r iE V T Ii AE FARMER ASH FEOItlST. fabric of some kinds of palm leaves. Fifteen miles from Naples is partially small deeds a n d -o fatal diseases pome .d a KNOX ANO I INCOIN RAILROAO. When the foliage of oxalis begins lo uncovered Pompeii, nearer Hercula­ seemimrlv trillin g neglect. Colds m gt- . led F arm and Live Stock. often lead to serious catarrhal trouble*. I f Fall and Winter Time Table. decay, turn the pots on their sides, Io neum. They lie in ah out the same lati­ this i- v.mr ease lose no time in becoming a. ■ C lia n "" Itti’ fppil. ripen the roots. When dry. shake out th e tude ns New Y o lk. (Ine is, ns f;,,- ■ piaint. d with Dr. Sages's Catarrh Item. dv. Commencing Monday, Oct. 20,1884, (’urn likes lirli land. bulbs, and luy carefully away until Sep­ mieovered. open to 'he light ol day. Its healing virtues will surprise von. It i- tember. Herculaneum is for the m si part ex-j simple, i till-.icioiis. sp,cdv. sure. D u ll, iieavv / A M..t • T, ,i.,s will Apply tur Where rats "naw. headache, olistiin lion o f tlie nasal passage., ’ K R v w w Don't Hurry out Tender Things. No C avilled We go under the i.vei Iviti" ' Train the enlls lo make fast walkers. tliseliarges from tlie no-■ Into the tl ..... it are gain ever comes from committing such soil and rock; beneath the populous vii- j symptoms of this horrible complaint. In building study comfort more than lovers of heat as coleus, lionv:irdin«, lage wliieli is Imill over the eity that j is a purely American ex- looks. tuberoses, and the like, to the open was h ili ied more than 1R00 yens ago J pre—i. hi, . , too ot recent origin. It lias Trnb in.la Move the coops of yotitlg chirks occa­ ground too early. Over the larger part The explanation of the difTcrenee he ”the ...... merit of attraeting attention,and also seems ‘ FrMnlit Tr sionally. of the country, to wait until the last tween the two e ilii s -eelus to lie that the to le .tr ronvietion ot* tiiitlifn ln ess on its ta ■ I Hl ! I» • I’ M. We make room in our issue o f today, lo r a th ird of the m onth, is to hit it about lirst shower from Vesuvius was of the ■I'h’ • X M . ,’. ! ! ! •. p. M " ain- c ..n n -! fnr A mixture of sulphur ami tohaccodust faet (il this ehararter. A enrrespondenl, 0' pmutM .m M r . • ■ ' '. |. BnMnrt will kill insects on plants or animals. right. Then the growth will lie free small, light pumice stone, eomplelely It. nrv W hiting, esq., o f Ito-ton M as., say- x Maim h .iih i l • Jb. in |i ,,, «t'» a-nl <» ;;i) covering Pompeii, and leaving everv " I lr . It. \ . Ti r. ■■'« 'Golden M li tl lit-. ,,ve', v' The Egyptians lialehe.l eggs arlili from the start and much superior lo that thing unbroken and almost uninjured, lets ■ n t at mv .-..it o f a fever -ore o f two veat - l’'i'( itfhl, !• iivlnjz Iv.cklati.l in tlie in .rnimr, i# dun daily, as a common thing, 3000 y e n s of plants wlin h, lining set early, have in I ’...-Km Un ii< xt nK.ri.ii.i', 1 l i. Ld.i leaving an*>-01 ■ >>mUni lava I,owed down over Herculaneum. | Boriton, on train- leaving Rockland nt S.1.1 a. ni , flm il tin- ordi iary kinds, ami e.o not 1 sold i ’i the crops it acts like poison. for tying the branches to as they develop. sands of people, for more than a and Bouton at •• a m. The , ar w ill run on the 'This last hardens as il cools into a solid j ^quarter of a century, with success® enmpetlti »n with if e multitude nf low short Il calves after weaning get the scours, It" September you will have a handsome we-tern divhlon B. X M. If K. \ ia ! awr< ih e. etc ) eight, alum or phosphate powd* rs. Sold onHlu I, n rock, becoming harder by age. IT nee and w ill arrive al and depart Irmu 'he llavm ’ark t hr. at its start, scalding tlie milk before and dean plant, which should then lie ©unsurpassed by any medicine in® Square Mallon, Bm*ton. New, Ih -t cln— ----- — P.OVM. BSUING Pownicn Cl, 100 W all a mass of hardest stone, several feet in | Street, x . Y. feeding, it nnv Utility he checked Idled and potted up eatefidy. Such a the m a rke t, for LIVER COM-© h e p ill upon Ihe Tollte i-notl a- thickness, coversovers tillsthis ancientanetenl town.town, O Tim limited fare between Bockla T ills is a better course than lo give the plant will excel ill beauty one that has rendering the uncovering of it .a matter I PLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, IMPURE-. drugs usually prescribed, as injury lo the been hrought along in n pot, unless the °I3LOOD, LOSS OK APPETITE, of almost impossible labor and . xpens". 1 digestion often ionics from their use. hitter gets precious good care. °SICK HEADACHE, BILIOUS-* TO SHIPPERS OF FREIGHT. THE BAY STATE An important freight artanu-uncut l« now I K. cp the old hen cooped, lint let the «?NESS, COLDS AND FEVERS,* crleet h> which Kimi I, < , , |.,,| a„d all bill c o p lie so located that the chicks can 'flic Siilvntinn Army tin.Is a f.ip m Augusta freight .an la dd iv. ,, d ai Ho. klatid and all Matfon lime a long run on grass or in i garden. SCIENTIFIC AND USEFUL in tin* shape el a tiig skilling rink. Iliu m ^CONSTIPATION,

SOUTH THOMASTON. VINALHAVEN WALDOBORO. APPLETON. INGRAHAM’S HILL. George Green i« closing out his granite bnsi- E. F. Cfthlerwood i* liquor agent. Cha*. I.. Brown who wan arrested ln.*t week A. IL N cw lirrt is adding ten feet to Hie School commenced last week w ith Miss M in ­ CORRESPONDENCE. for the asaault on Welt was sent to ja il in dc h ngtli o f IHs store. new. Sell. Sarah K lltabetfi i« being repaired. nie Babb a t teacher.... John Burgess has re­ fault o f bail. Archie R. Brown lias *ccircd turned from Florida where he has l»een the •It i* most time to go to Pleasant Beach” is James Lane ha* bought Hie (). C. Richard­ THOMASTON. 3 lie Japanese we«lding with its attendant bond?. son place and ha* moved onto it. pa*t winter....Mrs. J. E. Kalloeh is visiting a ll wc hear now. feature* was an oriental sncces*. W m . II. Coiner.v nn-I Emery M. K d la r are C yril* W rit and Son are building a Wheel­ her daughter,Mrs. J. D. Thurston, in Union. Geo. Green is a candidate for the position of Stephen Simmons has a pig o f the Chester in Port,anil. James Smith fell Into the hold of E. R. wright’? shop, near Win. Waltz’s idaeksmitli W hite persuasion that weighs 15 lbs nt two Government Inspector of building.*. R oliert-’ schooner last week ami wa* somewhat shop, to accommodate their largely increasing NORTH WASHINGTON. The new base-ball ground* on I Inker street week* ot age. ( apt. Henry Spalding’- ground* are looking bruised. btisine**. A. A. Skinner is in very poor health. He is are nearly finished. Rev. Mr. l ’nrrington wa- invited to preach a- tre-li and pleasant as ever. H i- fru it tree- M i** Della Pendleton lost her wallet contain­ Memorial dav w ill be appropriately observed attended by A. A. Jaekaon, M. I)., o f Jefferson. Mrs. Warren F. M ills nnd (hildren leave arc literally loaded down with bin,*. a memorial sermon on the Sunday preceding ing quite a sum of money. It wa- found bv here. Soldier-’ grave-in the cemeteries in nnd Memorial Day. Alonzo Grotton ha* so far recovered ns to be this week for San Francisco. The Wa: hbutn* of Thomaston were in town Mi-- Mary Mitcln II and returned to the owner. near the village w ill lie decorated by ( has. aide to ride out and look after bis business it - Jason Peabody lias received additional back John M . Creighton and wife are on a v is it to Saturday negotiating with parth* here fo ra ' Michael A n n do and tiie rest o f the paint Keizer Post, (». A. R , in the forenoon. Borne- terests. New York and Ma*snchu«ett*. monument for tin* late George Washburn o f man Post w ill perform the service at N ortli pension to the amount o f $5(53 with $ t a spn aders w ill have to look out for their laurels. month added to his pension, giving him $00 a F. S. Collins, wife nnd daughter of Waldo­ Mrs. B. .1. Henry and son Warren are v is it­ I hotnaston. Waldolioro. In tin- afternoon an oration w ill Our amateur artist* arc making splendid prog­ year. boro visited nt A. A. Skinner’s nnd nt Collins ing friends in New Y ork < itv. A rthu r Graves o f O w l’s Head ha* been visit­ be delivered by Rev. Jas. Graham o f tiie Bap Bros. last week. ress. S. J. Gnshce lias removed Frank Jones from Miss Kate Brown is on a vi«dt to her sister, ing i.ewi- Grave*.... Herbert Burbank, J. I’. 3’hcre i* a probability of the Rockland ama­ list church. The Post w ill be accompanied in Dr. A. K. Jameson visited relatives here inst Green, Henry B:i«sick, Geo. I ales and James their march by Reed’s Cadet Band. Ladies the insane asylum. M r Gnshce contracted Mrs. John G. Barstow. New Ca*tle. teur- piaving tin* bcautifui drama of “ Our " till Hie town to support the poor for five vears week. 3 he doctor retains his faculties to n H. Sweet,and went to Massachusetts Thursday Polk*” on the Island. They pretent it in are requested to furnish wreaths for the occa­ wonderful extent, although his hnir shows the George M. Patterson, who has been at Lum ­ sion. for $(5.1 (H>. ber C ity, Georgia, the past winter, i* at home. night seeking employment....(’. W. Babb of splendid shape. effects o f tiie working of an active brain. Camden visited bis home here last week. The Waldoboro Rink wa* closed for the sea­ I In* David F-ensa Post, G. A. IL , have ex­ Mrs. Julia Robinson ami daughter < .mi- There is a couple on the island who have C'harles Follett o f South M ontviile was here M r-. Martin Graves died Saturday night at son, Friday evening, In a very elowing man­ tended an invitation to the (Jood Tempiars, the have returned from a protracted visit to Bruns- been married sometime, ami it lias been discov­ Odd Feihovs. the Grange and the selectmen o f recently. Follett drives one o f tiie fines horses ,0 o'clock, after an illness of many month* ered recently that according to the statutes of ner. A two-tnile race lictween Clia*. Gentbner we have seen for many years. It is a six year w ic k . from consumption. She passed awav quietly of Waldoboro nnd K. A. Coll unore of Rock Appleton in particular and to the citizens in Sll«s W . Masters ha* l»ecn up country purch­ Maine they could not legally m arry. general, to participate with them in the observ­ old, dapple grey colt of his own raising nnd and peacefully. A noble woman, a true* friend land was won by Collamore, very easily. quite fast. asing livery stork and returned with two horses Mrs. I. T. Lovejoy ami Miss Lulu Lane went One ot the lamps in the chandelier was dis­ ance of Memorial Day. ami hiving wife and mother, her loss is dc around the shed* last week nnd collected over Schoo, in districts 9 nnd 10, which is being Monday. plored by the community who sympathize covered to lie on fire inside the burner, J. Mrs. A. S. Gti*,iee o f Boston is visiting taught by Miss Emma J. Braun of Somerville^ ( ’apt. E . E . Post lias arrived home from $40 for the benefit o f a poor fam ily. This Vannah, the janitor of the rink, took it out friends in Appleton. . . . Miss Malic, (»iics o f most sincere,.' with the Iiereaved liusbaml and world isn’t so bad after n il, and there is no is -aid to be a decided success and wc congratu­ Columbia, S. ( ’., where he passed the w inter. daughter. an I ran to the door, but in the excitement mid Richmond has been vis,ling friends in town The captain goe* to the Page Utilise, (Hi, Orch­ Gass o f men in the world so generous ns contusion tiie lamp was dashed to the floor, . . . . A . W . Royal o f Richmond has been in late Agent Howard on his success in securing A letter from Albuquerque, New , stone-cutters. and tiie f, lines sprtnd rapidly over the floor of n first-class teneher. ard Beech, for the summer. conveys the cheering information that Arch Appleton on bus,no.**, and in (himden to visit On Saturday the Rockland High school nine Quite a uum licr of our local nssemiilv of the entrance to the ball. A small panic ensued, Ins sister, Mrs. ( ’yrtis Duciiclder. E. A. Cunning,mm while sawing bending in Sweet land nnd fam ily are well and happy. women rushed w ild ly about the ball, one or company with J. W. Turner at the slave mill played a matched game o f base-ball against Mr. Sweetland conducts a restaurant, and Mrs. K night* of I.nbor attended the lecture o f Grand Titus mid Smith Bros, find a ready sale for the Thom'iMon High school nine, i he Rock- Master Workman T. V. Powderly, delivered two fainted, and several attempted to jum p all the lii kin * they cm make. They had an at this place Friday accidentally let liis hand Sweetland has a lodging house, nnd they arc from the windows but were prevented. The laud lieat by a score o f 3<5 to 11. doing a flourishing business. Mrs. Mchitable nt Rockland 3'ursdny night. Master W orkman order from Portland for 100 doz. 3’lttis is in come in contact with the saw, nnd the result T. J. Lyons was otic o f the noted features of flames were fortunately extinguished without was the loss o f part o f two fingers. The annual election o f olllcers for T ill-o n Whiteher, who has been passing the winter (’lierryfield Io contract for lumber to be used in tiie lecture platform . Mr. Powderly is n pleas­ any particular damage. About tbi* time their business. 33,ev w ill make mackerel kits Mrs. Jane Clark, who died nt this place on Relief Corps took place last evening with the with them, is on the way east ami after mak­ another lamp was discovered to be on lire, imt ing a brief visit in Kansas w ill come on to her ing, easy speaker, talked good common sense in addition to their present business. the lfith , was said to have been tiie oldest per­ fel lowing result Mrs. A. ( . Strout, president; ami favorably impressed aii our men who it was promptly seized by Fred S. Redman, Mrs.’ E. W. Daniels, vice president; Mrs. old home here. .Mrs. Davis, widow o f the lute Jonas Davis, son in town, her age being nt the time o f her heard him. who threw it into Hie street lielow, preventing death 05 years, 3 months and 10 days. Her S. L. llanseom, chaplain. Miss Gcorgie Cush­ E ix tM i U p.— Asa Coombs, Jr., and I*'. J. further damage. fell and hurt her hip recently. She was going ing. secretary; Mrs. G. W. Eales, treasurer; Dow are painting their residence... .George A ll the arrangements have been perfected for from tlie house to the barn and it is supposed husband who died 30 years ago, was a soldier Decoration Day. The procession w ill form in Charles Kclftcr Post No. 135, G. A. R., held of the war of 1812, Miss Mary Atkins, conductor; Miss Olive Burding is painting his house....S. S. Thayer she fell in going down u short flight of stairs, frant of headquarters at 2 p. m. Marshal, their tir.-t campfire in Clark's H all Tuesday Rack litre, guard. is painting tiie hntiso occupied by Lewis Graves evening. Po*t Commander S. L. M ille r made as she was found insensible near the stairs. BLUEHILL. and others at Pleasant Beach...... I. Henry 3’hos. G. L ib b y ; Aids, ( ’. B. V inai, Frank Slie lui* to lie lifted in and out o f bed. Her Memorial services were held at the Baptist ii few preliminary remarks, and introduced Allen is building a cook-house in connection Carver. Mb-s Addle Creed w ill lend the Memo­ age is HD and it is d ou litful if she ever fu lly Ransom Sperry is suffering from a rose chureli Sunday evening. P. Henry Tillson comrade J. H. Beal o f A dm iral Foote, Post cancer on his throat and chin. with his cottage, ( ’apt. Henry Spalding has ria l choral. Revs. E. ( ’. Cook and W . II. L it­ recovers from her fall. Post attended in large numbers. The sermon tlefield w ill speak at the motiument. 3’lie ser- No. 17. Department of Connect,cut, who al­ was by Rev. W. A. Newcomb pastor o f the also built ii cook-house and extended his piazza. 3’lie Douglass mine is being examined by Jra M. Scow is im proving his, as is E. J. vicos will be field in the Town Hall* Commit­ though he had nothing made up, certainly did W ILEY S CORNER. an expert to sec if it w iii pay to work. d iurcb, and was an able and interesting dis­ tees, David M ullen, procuring evergreens for not get left, and amused mid interested the an­ course, presenting many new feature- in rela­ I)ow ami Lewis Graves. Steamer I-is of Thomaston towed schooner Judge Cunningham and Deputy Sheriff wreaths; Frank Carver, decorating monu­ il,encc by relating a few incidents o f army life. Gen. H all down the river Sunday. tion to the day and its observance. The sing­ IL II. ('lav is so far recovered from his se­ ment and cemetery; W. S. Vinai, Town hall H i- remark- was followed by the singing o f the Patterson o f Bucksport were in town Saturday. ing bv the choir was excellent and the selec­ vere attack o f sickness as to be out ami about ami (i. A. II. In ill; T. G. Libbv, for genera, American Hym n by Messrs. Potter, Castner (’apt. I W. (filcbrest has demolished the The Baptist society lias extended a cal, to tions appropriate to the occasion. ....L e w is Graves and Charles Pales w ill attend arrangements. Com. o f S. o f V’., J. E. N or­ and Waltz, A recitation, by Miss Lena K im ­ old cliinm ey o f hin house mid w ill build new Mr. Green, who hns preached for them tiie We would acknowledge tiie receipt from the National Encampment of the G. A. II. in ton, J. II. Swears, Cliarles Haskell, Charles ball was very creditably rendered. Another ones. past two weeks. Henry ’I’row bridge o f this place o f invitations P ortland. . . . E. M. Chandler has been at work Butler ami Adelbert Creed. Com. from Ladies male quartet, “ Tramp, Tramp. Tramp” mid The band have now resumed their regular Mrs. Fred Stevens iias improved Hie looks to attend tiie class day and commencement ex­ for George G reen... . Mi-s Ella Graves is quite A nx. Corps, Misses Addie ami Hattie Creed then II. F. Hunt, wlm is something of n veteran weekly meeting for practice for the coming of her grounds very much by a judicious use ercises of his class which graduates from the ill at her mother’s, from tin* effects o f a f i l l re­ and Jennv Hopkins. Wreaths ami decoration, in the theatrical line, and possesses considerable season. of tlie axe nnd rake. ceived last w in ter.. . . W in. Damerell formerly Albafiv, N. Y., Law School, May 28th. Mr. Mr*. Wui. Wallace, Mrs. T. Dyer, Mrs. Win. talent in that direction, gave Hit recitation “ I (’apt. Seymour Watts and family arrived Trowbridge is a graduate o f Colby University, o f this place is foreman on the jo b nt Milford, fig,its m il Sigei, nnd upon receiving a vigorous We received a call from Frederick Fox West, Miss Kostina Shirley ami Mrs. T. G. home from New York Saturday. He arrived Thursday. He was in town on business con­ das* o f S3, ami was one o f tiie tbicst scholars Mass.... Roliert Harrington, Charles Bradbury Libby. Supper, Mrs. N. S. Hopkins ami encore returned to tiie stage mid rendered mi ami Fred Clark are working nt W nldoboro.. . . tin re a few weeks ago having been awav from nected w ith the H luchill mine. in his class. IB* studied iaw w itii lio n . A. I ’. Mrs/C. II. Vltinl, Mrs. E. S. Walls, Mrs. II. imitation of a boy making liis first dec I imation, home two years in ship L. IL Gilclirest. Gould nnd is ju st finishing a year’s course in Hiram Sewell, who has been in Brockton for C. Day, Mrs. E. L. Roberts. Mrs. Rufus Arey, which brought down the house. Gardner George E. Snow iias the contract for carrying Albany. He is a liard-working, capable stu­ two years, 1ms returned home....Sadie N. 2d, and Mrs. O’Leary. Invitation is extended Reed, lender o f Reed’s Cadet Band; executed a A handsome family monument has been the m ail from here to N o rtli Penobscot and dent, ami w ill make bis mark in Ids chosen Ames is teaching at Goose River. Minnie to all to assist in honoring the fallen comrades. cornet solo in Ids usual excellent manner. erected in our cemetery by Caleb N. H all and from here to East B iuehiil, from July 1st. profession. Babb is teaching on Ingraham's H ill. Flowers w ill be th a n kfu lly received nt the I’m t second opened with a camp scene, w itii his son. It Is composed o f five piece*, sur­ James Bynrd has moved liis pant shop from i ’ost room, Saturday, May 30lh, a( !’ a. in. the veterans sitting carelessly around on the mounted bv a cap, three o f the parts being the Pendleton house to the store recently occu­ Mrs. Marcia i’aiiiina Cony, wile of Hon. CAMDEN. polished. It is erected to the memory of Mr. Geo. W. Lntid o f Bangor, died recently in that 3'hc band w ill supply music during the day. stage, mid quartet singing “ Tenting on the Old pied by McDonald. He keeps a team on Hie There arc no services at the Baptist] church Campground.” A company o f six comrades Hall’s three children, two girls, Isndorc and road all the time collecting and delivering pants, city after a brief illness. Mrs. I.add was born A S H P O IN T . Eliza, and son, Derwood. The monument is in Thomaston, August 27, 1KB’, and wastin’ at present. commanded by Geo. W. Young performed the and in tiie store has an assortment o f canned Rolit. Davis is doing an extensive job putting manual o f arms, ju st to show Hie audience how tbits far the largest and most ornmnental goods, groceries nnd dry goods. daughter o f tiie late Rev. J. II. Ingraham, nt Rev. S. M Dunton preached here at 10 a. in. piece in the cemetery. that time pastor of the ( 'ongregiitionttBst in wharves at Rockport. Sunday. iniicli they bad forgotten.” “ Col ’ Hunt ap­ Paris Snow and John McDonald have gone peared mid requested the privilege o f present­ church in this town. The Bangor B7/n/ ron/ James Perry is putting the grounds in order Ed S inilh Inis decorated his boat in fine | ROCKPORT. to Bar H a rb o r... .A lbina II. Carter lias gono C onner says •‘simp her residence with us she around his line residence on E lm street. ing his company who executed the “ Irish D rill” to Charlestown, Moss., to work for the Bod- shape mid christened her Ava. in a very comical manner. One o f his com­ 3’lie new engine was taken out Wednesday has been widely known and deeply beloved The Piper Packing Co. are daily s,lipping evening for trial. well Granite Co...... Rev. L. S. 3’ripp preached for her rare worth, her sweetness o f manner, Maynard Hall has adorned the O w l’s Head pany Warren (tenthner did some very fine large quantities o f eases o f lobsters by boat. accommodation with a b rillian t coat o f pain’ . in Penobscot, May 17th.. . .Steve Wescott her warm sympathies, and her unostentatious rifle shooting, such as snuffing a candle, shoot­ Quite a number o f equestrians are seen in and M o rrill Howard have gone to Machias to our village almost every evening. kindness to the sick and bereaved.” Dr. Ladd “ S toiiylm rst” has received a eoat o f paint. David Geer inis removed the hoard fence ing a pipe from ii man’s mouth, mid other diffi­ see about cutting a soldiers’ monument there. and wife were in this town at the centennial Mr. Judson is expected soon with a party of from the rond in front o f bis orchard and put cult shots. M r. H u nt then snug “ Fat M ic k y ” lio n . Fred E. Richard’s bouse looks very (elebration, ami took a lively interest in what friends. up a stone wall. very well indeed. 3'lie fire was extinguished fine since it lias been painted in colors. S W A N ’S IS L A N D . pertained to the history of Mrs. Ladd’s native Ed J. ILtll of Portland, the champion cloth­ The fishermen are doing better. They by a temperance farce, entitled “ The man B. P. Paul Inis built a fine cottage on the Capt. W ill Herrick’s new store is nearly witii a Demijolin.” which iiad no particular town. ing drummer o f Maine, is registered at the report better luck this week than Inst. Ed. new .-bore road on the western side o f the har­ completed. point. 3’lie characters were, however, very The graduating exercises o f the class o f ‘85, Bay View. Wit,in in mid Charles Crowley yarned 710 bor t<» rent summers to visitors. Our school teacher arrived Friday and began pounds one day mid 500 pounds the next. weii sustained by Messrs. Perkins, W elt, Ben­ Thomaston High School, w ill take place at the Geo. llodgm an is receiving orders ami ship­ ner mid Bray. A nice baked bean supper was Venzie’s Cornet Band has a supply of new her school yesterday. Baptist church tomrrow (V’edncsdav) evening. ping Ids Spanish cedar row boats to Boston al­ Am i now as the season advances both maid served in the dining hall. The entertainment music, mid is ready to play at picnics, parties Sell. John Somes, Hoiluook, was in the The class numbers twelve, the largest that has most every boat. and matron arc daily seen armed with n was generally success in ,, and a very enjoyable mid at demonstrations of all kinds. hnrbor Monday, from Portland. ever graduated from this school, ami is com­ Hale llodgm an, one o f tiie enterprising case knife mid tin pail meandering through the occasion. Chas. Carey 2nd lias sold his handsome S. Morse was at Rockland last week laying posed o f the follow ing members. W illia m s . fields ami along the roadside in pursuit o f the young me;: ol Camden, leaves this week for SOUTH WALDOBORO. Jersey ca lf mid gone to raising frogs for the in a stock o f goods for the summer trade. Bickford. Albert II. Jacobs,Walter (’. Smalley, western Massachusetts. gay and festive dandelion. Boston market. He lias a large number at Misses (’. Maud Linnekin,Carrie T. Robinson, Efforts are being made to iiave a tri-weekly Bun, A Hosmer have just put in tlie latest Wc have a flottrisliing Sunday School, k W ill Geo. A. Wallace mid John M. Lash spent a present. Katie B. Robinson, Lucy A. Rokes, Olivia G. few days at Augusta, last week. m ail established between this island and Bass novelties in boots and shoes. Good goods at Tliotnpsoti is superintendent ami teacher, Miss Three masted sells. D. W . Hunt nnd Levi Hnrbor. and n long petit’on has been forwarded Sherman, Etta E. Strong, Lizzie O. Wilson Adcila Geer and Mrs. Edwin Smith also teach­ Miss Margie Spear has commenced the sum ­ I.elia A. Barter, Katie II. Vesper. Music low prices, is their motto. Hart arc here loading ice for tiie Rockport lee Hie department praying for the same. Rev. A. il. T ylcr, Coug’l pa-tor, is away on ers, with mi attendance o f 40 scholars mid a mer term o f school in district No. 20. Co. 33ie D. W . lim it is bound to Morgan w ill be furnished by the Orpheus ( lull o f Rock- library of about HO volumes. Rev. C. II. Fuller lias been sent by the laud,and at the close of the graduation exercises a two weeks vacation.. . . Hon. Edward Cush­ Mrs. Catharine Wallace has sold her place (’ itv . the Levi Hart to Pensacola, F in ....S e ll. to M is. .Martin Coliamorc, who moved in E. M . Conference to labor w itii us the coming presentations o f diplomas to tiie class w ill lie ing arrived home Thursday. Mrs. Hinckley of Clark’s Island visited friends M ary Hawes, Capt. Cooper, has arrived here year. He preached his first sermon last Sab­ made by E ii M. O’Brien, supervisor o f the St. Thomas Episcopal church is receiving a here last week. . . . Robert Hurd ami daughter Wednesday. from B osto n... .Sell. Joe Carleton, Capt. bath in Hie Baptist church at A tlantic. M r. schools. coat o f paint this week. It w ill be an orna­ Hattie came home from Green Isle Thursday 3’lie summer term of school in district No. Heal is now waiting lo r a load here. Fuller is a young man who gives promise of la.-t to stop a few d a y s ... .E d W hitcomb and ~Thc usual ceremonies w ill take place in ment to the village when completed. IS commenced Monday, with Miss Lizzie How­ Misses Alice Gardiner and Ada Harrington great ability in die near future. Ilis evident O liver Racklifle, w lio je ft here a short time since ard teacher. have arrived home from Massachusetts for tiie desire to please and greater than a ll perhaps Memorial Day tinder the direction of 1’. ( ’apt. Isaac Coombs, who soon expects to be for tiie west, are reported there mid Mr. Roliert F. Sweet,and, (’apt. O. F. Pitcher summer.... Henry Merchant lias returned ids great earnestness in the cause o f religion Henry Tillson Post, G. A. R. The Indies are called to attend to custom bouse duties, is Raekliflc bus a job on a sheep ranch in Meager requested to meet at Grand A rm y H all on making improvements at bis elegant home. and others are im proving the appearance of home from New Y o r k ....M r. Stevens, win, lias iiave appealed to the hearts o f the people and County, Montana. He gets $40 a month. been employed by ilic Piper Packing Co , re­ a favorable impression has been made. Friday and Saturday to arrange the I,oral A. II. K night has one o f the finest stocks of their lots in the Sweet,mid cemetery. decorations. Those who have plants or flowers WASHINGTON. Dogs killed several valuable lambs for Boyd turns borne to Portland this w e e k... .M rs. F. woolens to be found in Maine, just received P. Libby has returned from Boston, where she ISLE AU HAUT. w ill please send them into the hall on those from Boston, ami he ranks A No. 1 as a cutter. L. Winchetibacli recently. Mr. Winchenbach The Rev. Joseph Beal w ill supply Hie pulpit lias been visiting her sister... .M rs. James Our fishermen find the cod-fish quite plenty. days. The procession w ill form at (Band of the Methodist church for the ensuing year has shot three o f the worthless curs mid is Army Hall at 2 o’clock Saturday end march The Mountain View House is having an an­ A ldrich has been very sick for tiie past lew nex added to give inori* room for guests. F. (). at this place. waiting for more to put in mi appearance. Nelson Coombs is building a boat for Capt. to the cemetery, where tlie graves ot' the de­ weeks. John Simpson. Martin, tiie popular landlorJ, is giving it ids John T. Stttdley has purchased of Lincoln WARREN. parted comrades w ill be decorated. 3 lie pro­ UNION. Capt. James Robinson is having some cession w ill be beaded by tin Warren Cornet personal supervision. Wincbenbacb his new house mid lot near the Fish are quite plenty. Waldo,Hiro line, mid w ill move upon it. . What sort of stnfl is that tonic that is plastering done in his house. Band. Tiie fire companies and citizens gener­ Knowlton Brothers have ju st received an or­ Eggs are sold for one cent each. a lly are invited to join the procession. A fter der from R. T. Bush, Brooklyn, New York f r Rev. M r. Stevenson, tiie Adventist, is en­ sold so freely ? Clarence I). Turner lias repaired Capt. J. B- the ceremonies at the graves the procession a suite ot blocks lo r a 300-toii yacht. The gaged for the season to preach in Hie Free The run o f fish is good. Seventy thousand Botli churches with their congregations and Turner’s sloop, the Wanderer. will return to I’nion Hull, where the Memorial blocks are to be brass tiim incd. House nt flic village. The church has been were taken Friday. Sabbatl, schools are invited to assist in the Capt. Frank Welch o f this place lias taken exercises w ill take pla e, under the direction Extensive repairs are being made at tin* B. diuua m handling tbou-aiid.-of lobsters it is almost an Knox Lodge, Tuesday evening. lor iiusiucss in bis office over S. J. Haskell’s huudnd pounds wa-thrown into the air ami block. . . . Fred Be k left (own Monday last for Mrs. K. L. Andrews, Wilmington, 111., arri­ impossibility to kei p out every .-mall one. As At a regular meeting of Mishawam Lodge VOCAL INSTRUCTION. .ifiiedowuou the workshop, luukiug a wreck it i.» a eou.-idi i abb* number o f people h .i'c been i S. 11. (’rcighloii and Adelbert Bucklin weic Baltimore, where lie arrived Wednesday, mi l ve i home .Saturday, where .-lie w ill spend the of’ mu ( ml of it. Foituuutelv there was no turned out of emplovmcnt wln< Ii cannot but chosen delegate.- to attend Hie D istrict Lodge w ill at once jo in steam yucht G le a m .... W. I . slimmer mouths....(/. A. Miller h it for Bos­ H. M. Lord w ill receive a lim ited number ol one in the shop at the time, ami n > one was result in juite a lo.-s to them without much ) session to In* holdcu with R ural l. 27th. in town Wednesday. is making a visit here. Ga z l it e office. THE ROCKLAND COURTER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1885. 7

ittarinf Ibparinunt. T. V. POWDERLY. American* can’t compete with them. They KNOX < "OFNTT. In Court of Pmbnte, held nt live on little or nothing, one common hut or Km-kland, on tiirth ir-1 Til* *dnv of May, I * - ’- ■ room suffices for the den o f a dozen o f them, I A ( «Tiain Instrum ent, purporting t • !»• the l.i-t n |s e h . V ictory Is to Ixs repaired, He Delivers a Fine Lecture To a rotten straw forms tiie bed, and filth and w ill and teQnno nt «.f l-.L/a K I ’• rt y. lat. o f R, . k ORAM) Large Audience. ignorance are their characteristics. We can't land, in "aid < minty, d<*e«-n«*d, having brvn pre p Sch. I). IL Ingraham is to receive a new compete with them. Ilie y spend nothing, and Rented f»r probate Bowsprit. Nearly 1200 people assembled nt the skating (•n ni i:i i«. That notice be given to all p«-r«.>n» In- after saving tip a sum o f money go back to iere v innv Ar. nt A l.’lii.l* ‘oil ill . b.trk Evie Keed, the Knights o f Labor. The band was in at­ ' o f sin ii labor nnd ir passed. appear at a Pro’ a t- Court to he held It k.mk!an i. OPENING Whittier, Boston. Again, we think we are a free people in M id ( ’ountv, on the th ird ’I’m -dav o f .P:ne tendance and discoursed fine music during the and own this land we live in. But we do m x i, and -Imw < auee, i f any thev h.,v7. whv the Sch 8. Mabel Hall, Cunlc II i \ and Ella LATBST said inMrutnent -h--uld not he jr..v . d, appi«.v -l evening. The speaker was loudlv applauded not own il. In the city o f Boston whole blocks Pres«ey called last w u k . and allow . d a- the la-t w ill ami P -taim nt of tiie when lie entered the h all, as he arose to speak are owned by men who never saw America nnd deeni»I.Ht:n, That notice thereof he given, three bat bor Saturday, lime huh n from Rockport tdr there should be <«|ttal work and equal pay for We. k“ - ill. . ->dv. Iv. Ill / h> (••■,» < i ff,‘, printed rcharlefttoti. cellent shape. M r Powderly spoke as fo l­ both sexes. Wc Iiave Assemblies for women in Rockland, in -aid C oiintv, that all pernoiiM inter- Batk John R. Stanhope, DeW intcr, is < bar lows : and find them the best of our workers, and not • Hted mav attend at a Prolmt. « . ni l to b.- I., Id al ' tend to load coal at South Amboy for Fred R. one woman has been expelled from our order. lloeklam l, on tiie th ird ’I’m-fday o f June next, T ills is tiie first lime, I believe, tiiat this SIMONTON'S and «dmw cause, if any they have, whv tiie anid We ask also that the telegraphs and ra il­ flppnr. building has been used tor an exercise o f the account should not be allowed. 1 Sell. Olive Averv o f tills port, before re­ head instead o f exercise o f the feet, and 1 am roads should be managed bv the government. The government manages the post-office busi­ lfR e. m. Wood, Judge. ported ashore in Bagaduvc River, has been thankful to know that wc arc not rolling A true ropy—Attest A. A. Ill \n>\, R. gfct< r. i around on skates while others are rolling on to ness and does it well. W hy should it not floated. manage the railroads and telegraphs. I f it j Spoken. May 21st, rdf (’ape o f Delaware, , misery ami ruin. 1 am pleased to see such a KN O X ( ’< H NTY In Court of Probnte, held at large concourse o f people here, ami 1 have would wc would get our coal cheaper atid semi Roekl.im, mi the third Tueadiiy of .Mav 1*^5. sell. Laura E. Messer, from W indsor for our messages for less money. found in all eases that New England people Robert Long, Exeeutor o f tin lm*| w ill and te«‘ a- Alexandria. These arc a few o f the things that the Knights ment o f Jatncft Barter, lute of St. (ieorge, in *uid i turn out the best. They are interested in the County, deceased, having prcHcnted hi* Recnml ami Sdi. Liiella Snow, Snow, arrived Wednes­ I cause o f labor. Some think tiie subject of o f Labor arc endeavoring to accomplish. We ! Brussels Tapestry Carpetings want all to come in with us and share in the final account o f adminiatration o f Hie « -tale of «ald day from Machias nnd sailed Thursday for labor i« devoid o f interest when in fact it Is deceased for allowance Grenada with lumber. full of interest to everyone. If with tiie good work. A ll producers are eligible except 50c. <»iti»1.1<»:i», tiiat notice thereof lie given three Sell. Nina Tillson of this port bad bottom I prophet’s eye these people could sec beneath one, the producers o f drunkenness. No lu n i- week* slice.-fivcly, ill The ( onriet t,'asrtt>\ printed pnintid ami <<.tiler-board repaired at Jersey the surface they would find discontent and scller can lie a K night o f Labor. in Rockland, iu *aid County, that all prr*on.« inter- J C ity. N. J., May 11di. trouble everywhere, but they shut their eyes -- —«>*.------« *t< d may attend at a Probate Court to he held at B A R G A I N S ! lloeklam l, on Hie th ird 'I’lu^day o f June next, Sell. Seventy-six finished her repair* at the I and won’t see. WORLD HAPPENINGS. and allow eau«e, if any Iliey have, why Hie etdd South Marine railway last week nod sailed for I conic here tonight to tell in my humble account should not lie allowed. Dyer’s Island to load paving for Philadelphia. , way what one org irization i< doing for the E. M. W O O D , Judge. cause o f labor. There are other associations Small-pox Is spreading rapidly in Montreal. Brussels Tapestry Carpetings A true copy—Atteft:—A. A. B e a t o n , llcgD ter. Cobb, Wight tS Co., have Ii listed a neat FOR THE PEOPLE botne llag on their Had la n ritig tie legend, I having this same end. but they work in difler- Wheat crop reports from several Western 58c. C . W . A Co., In red letters on a white ground. l ent ways. Some o f these societies teach the States arc not favorable. 7’o the Jmhjc of Probate fnr the County nso or violence fof the redress ol wrongs* i o f K nox. ship L. IL Gilchrist. 1.100 tons, built at ' do not believe in this. I say it is better to put Poundmakcr, chief of the insurgent Indians Thom.ustiai, in 1868, overhauled in 1882, now in nt the Northwest, has surrendered. The iinder*igned represent*, that Eunice P. Low, Just received New Brocade knowledge into a man’s head than a weapon o f lloeklam l, iu *anl County, died on the 15th. day at New Y ork, was sold lor local aceourt, on l in his hand. After a revolution there areal- The Confederate Soldiers’ Home at Rich­ o f December, 1SS4, intefltnte, leaving personal <*- \ civets in Black and Colored, private terms. j ways wrongs to lie righted. It was so w itii mond, Va., was opened Wednesday. tale lo Hie amount o f tw enty dollar*, to tie admin- s e ll. Ringleader, from Thomnston for New | the French revolution. The promoters of that A serious lire occurred Wednesday at i*t»T« d : Idr Spring Wraps, with Fringe Y ork, put into Vineynid Ila v tn 17ih iib t., Wherefore, your petitioner*, children of *nld de. uprising perished and the guillotine cut off Chicago, threatening the business center o f the Real Brussels Carpetings 1.00, craned, pray dial h‘Her* of ndtninblration on *nid to m atch. leaking 200 strokes per hour, and with deck the head o f its inventor, ami Fiance is worse ‘dty. e*tnte may he granted to Aaron llm v r* o f Rock­ load o f lime wet. today than she was before ti c revolution. Tiie Charlestown Marines who went to Pan­ worth 1.25. land. Sell. Yankee Maid, Perry, arrived Friday, The proper remedy for wrongs is systematic ama returned Tuesday in good health and ( ’ L A R A E. H A M IL T O N , and sailed the same day w itii Chas. Pinklintn organization against them. The French people spirits. A U G U STES I.OVVE. I,ook at our Black Silk for in eoiiiiiiaiid. (’apt. Pen v takes command of were not organized. The revolution was sim­ V ictor I logo died in Paris at 1.30 P. M. F r i­ KNOX ( OI'N'I’Y. In Probate Court, held at $1.25, received tins morning, sell. .Itliny (Jitciibiink. ply the result of the blind fury of tlie unedu­ day. He bcqiicnthed his manuscripts to Itocklnnd, on the third Tne*day of May, 1885. Shin Alfred Watts, which arrived nt Liver­ cated and unorganized messes. People fre­ . On the foregoing petition, Ordered, That notice it is worth $1.62 l-2c. quently question the advisability of labor or­ be given by publl*liing a copy thereof ami of HiIm pool Hit ii iust. from San Frmieiseo, I ad port A trial trip o f the Dolphin on Monday is quarter damaged after arrival by being fouled ganizations. 'Flic large factories are the result Real Brussels Carpetings 1.25, order, three weekn Hiieeemdvely, p rio r to tin* third of organization. The men of wealth organ­ said not to have been a failure. A hot journal Tm *day o f June next, in the (' urier Gazette, a by Spanish bark Jiinna. 'file ship lias been interfered w ith the test. m-wnpaper printed in Rockland, tiiat all pernon* doektd. ized, erected factories and mills and called in w orth 1.50 Tiie Illinois Legislature has passed a b ill intcrc*tcd may attend at a C ourt o f Probate then to the workmen from the surrounding country. he In Id at Rockland, and hIirw cuiihc, i f any, why Sell. Win. Rice. Gregory, arrived here Friday These men worked side by side, saw the re- prohibit ing telephone companies from charging the | raycr ot’ said pet it ion should not he granted. from Boston when* shedLcharged onions from •sults o f organization ami wondered why they more than #3 per month for the use o f a tele­ 1921 E. M. W O O D, Judge. DRESS GOODS. Bermuda. The Rie<* made the trip from this did not do the same. Here wc sec tiie incep­ phone. A true copy of petition aud order thereon city to Bermuda, loaded, to Boston, discharged tion o f labor organization. Fifteen years ago A passenger on the Lake Shore Railway Attest:—A. A. B e a t o n , Regi*ter. and back to Rockland in 32 days. Quick laboring tnen began to organize, but in sepa­ was ejected from a train sonic time ago and 1 Case handsome style, all enough. rate trades. The machinists formed one union, permanently injured. Yesterday a verdict was Extra Super Carpeting 50c. At Richmond, 19th inst. by T. J. South­ and the shoe-makers another. Thus a wall of rendered in his favor for #18,700. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE, colors Dress Goods in Brocade ard »Si Son, a sell o f 781 tons, rating A l, named caste was erected between different classes o f The report that Americans have been k id ­ WiiEHEAM, J u lia H. Woodman, o f Rockland, In “ Conecuh.” She was rigged on the stocks, laborers at tiie outset. The machinists hnd no tin1 County of Knox, ami State of Maine, by her style, only 12 l-2e per yard. napped at New Orleans ami carried to Central deed o f mortgage conveyed lo iih certain real e* rind w ill load leu for New Orleans, under thought for their co-laboicr in tiie work shop, America to work on a mi I way is corroborated command of Capt. W. it. Conmtcher. because he did not happen to he a machinist. tate, on the tenth day of November, 1X83, Raid real by a boy who escaped front slavery. cRtatc being dcRcrihed uh folloWR: A certain lot Ar. Boston 22nd, Sells. M. K. Raw ley, Sav­ In all o f these unions there was a selfish o f laud, ami the h.iildingn thereon, situated in We open a large stock of trait. For example the miners of Pennsylva­ The Canadian Court o f Appeals has decided annah; Charlotte Kish, Gardner, Hoboken; tiiat a marriage between a white man ami an Rockland aforesaid, on the corner o f I ’ nion and Mary Augusta, Holt. Port Johnson; Sctcgawa, nia for the redressing of wrongs would strike. Extra Super Carpetings, all Lindney Rtreein. Being the Rann* premises eon new Dress Goods in Home The result would be that the price o f coal Indian maiden according to tiie custom o f the veyed to Raid Julia H. Woodman by Small Bartlett, Rogers, Eddyville; Onward, Poole, Damaris­ tribe is legal. Three m illion o f dollars were wool, G5e. cotta: Diadem, Sellers, Castine. would go u ), and their fellow laborers in other o f Camden, bv deed dated October 16th, 1x82, and Spun, Combination Suitings, states would suffer The manufacturers them­ involved in the decision. recorded in Knox County Regintry of Deed*, Book Sell. G. M. Brainard, Tolinun, from Ron- selves conduct the strikes nowadays. They 63, Page 171. See al*o ileed o f mortgage to Cashmere Long. Serges, Cash­ Gasoline was used in a Buffiilo residence to Nathaniel Jom*.*, et al. from Raid Julia H. Wood­ dout for Boston, with coal, ran ashore on the shutdown the miners for a time, and sd raise kill moths. That night an explosion occurred, man, dated Nov. in, 1*83, recorded in Knox Regia- meres, &c., in all the new Hedge Fence Shoal, Vineyard Sound, Friday tiie price o f coal. Tiie shoe-maker never gave k illin g a prominent citizen ami severely in ju r­ try, Book 60, Page 376. night, but was floated the next morning by a thought to the laborer who should wear the ing his wife. The house was wrecked and two The eonditiniiH of thin mortgage deed having shades. steaming C. M. Winch, without apparent shoe that he made. I f the miners go on a others adjoining were damaged. Cotton Chain Carpets 15c. been broken, ibis notice in given lor (lie piirpoflu damage and anchored in the harbor. strike they iiave no money to liny shoes, and Secretary Manning thinks the law in regard o f forecloRing the ruiiic. the trade’ slacks up, anil the shoe-maker Rockland, May 23d, 18x,'». The South Marine railway has been pretty to tiie weekly purchase of silver to be coined NATHANIEL JONES. New lot of Black Silks and who didn’t give a thought to the laborer who into silver dollars is mandatory. Treasurer busy the past week. Sehs. Flavilla o f Cam­ wore the shoe that lie made is discharged be­ CHARLES E. BICKNELL. den and Jennie Grecnbnnk o f tiiis city Iiave Jordan takes a different view and thinks those By T rue P. Pierce, their Attorney. Black and Colored Rhadamas, cause o f the thoughtlessness o f the miner, purchases should be stopped at once. 1921 been on for new pai:.t and slight repairs. The who gave no thought to the man who made Pole and Ring Cornices 38c. some extra bargains in these Milford, Richmond and sloop Yankee Girl die shoe that he wore. Seeing this lack of It is understood tiiat the Second Assistant have likewise been painted, and the ( ’. M. appreciation o f the self-interest which exists Postmaster General w ill abolish many o f the goods. W altou o f Sedgwick have received slight between a ll laborers a new organization was postal routes in tiie far west on the ground that repairs there. The N. Ilarvev of Sullivan formed which should embrace all, only asking only a few persons are benefited. Those in­ also received repairs nnd the Ella Pressey was as you enter that von Iiave a desire to benefit terested have entered a vigorous protest. W e have just opened a large adorned with new paint. Several Boston clergymen and others were LIQUID GLUE hum anity. Best Spring Fixtures 25c. l « g o ED? ^ ^ , H A ,;?ARpE??.^A ET?JET[l.fl? . In 1855 a society was organized in P hila­ Wednesday summoned by tiie police to ap­ lot of Embroidered Robes from Launched at Kennebunkport, 18th inst., by lAwnnlcd GOLD MEDAL. LONDON. |hK3. U«ed Master George Christenson, n finely modelled delphia for the benefit o f laborers. It ran till pear in the M unicipal Court this morning and 4 by .Mn«m * Hamlin Organ amt Piano Co.. Pullman sell, o f 107 net tons, mimed “ Margaret S. 1869 when the members became dissatisfied and answer to a charge o f violating a city ordinance I Palace Car Co . Ac. Sit'd only by the RUSSIA $2.75 to y$(i.()() each. iCEMENT CO. GLOUCESTER. MASS. SOLD Smilb,” owned by Aliial M. Smith, of Port­ disbanded. At tiie last meeting o f the society by holding a religious service on the Common. ' EVERYWHERE. CirSumplc Tin Can by Mail, 25c- land, to he employed in the fishing htuinebs an old white-haired man invited such of tiie Winch Brothers, wholesale boot ami shoe under command o f Capt. John Seavcv, now o f members as were disposed to meet at his house dealers on Federal street, have been robbed o f White Quilts, largest size, 50c. Wc open 1 Case of Lawns sch. Mattie T . Dyer. The new vessel is b uilt and organize a society which should have a ubout #70,006 worth o f goods during the past in the most thorough manner, entirely while wider field. S ix accepted the invitation, and two years. One o f their salesmen and two (50 pieces) which we shall oak, and is a valuable addition to the Portland on Thanksgiving evening 1869 the first Assem­ retail dealers on Hanover street are under a r­ sell for 3 l-2c. fishing flier. Her dimensions are. Length 95 bly of Knights of Labor was organized with rest. feet, breadth 21 feet, with 9 feet hold. nine charter members. 'Flic picture o f that old GIVEN AWflYl man is on die wall here and his name was A West Gardiner school girl, 11 years of White Quilts 1.25. worth 2.00. Bark Au Salde, Andrews, from Philadelphia Uriah S. Stephens, the first Master Workman age, ran away from home, Friday morning, 1 Case Prints, good style, for Cardenas, before reported run into night of tiie Knights of Labor. Started in Phila­ carrying a large bundle o f clothing and ABSOLUTELY FREE!! ot' 10th inst., near the entrance to Cardenas, delphia it Ii is extended to New Jersey, New trinkets, ami wearing four dresses. Proceed­ only 4c. by Spanish steamer Ramon de Herrnra, inis York, Pennsylvania, beyond the Mississippi, ing to tiie school house she hung round fo ra W e w ill hpikI to any nililreKH, on receipt of been condemned and is being stripped. The to Canada, and in every state you w ill fititl local while and finally trudged o ff on the road to it t wo cent stump to |ntv pontage, an Ele- Au Sable is a line vessel o f 520 tons, built at and district assemblies o f our order. Even Gardiner, where she arrived in tiie afternoon, Dress La .. ns 4c. gaut Souvenir, WITHOUT CIIAICGK. 1 Case best quality Prints Deering in 1881, and owned by J. S. Winslow England, and claim our walking tiie entire distance o f nine miles. ( t Ih o ik * o f t h e linnilH oineH t L YELLOW DOCK Cotton Cloth 4c. responsible for the collision, and attempts w ill SYIII P CO.. Providence, It I. «e»-.'Icnt imi there are three persons for every position. this p iper. 1720 undoubtedly be made in the Spanish courts to Instead o f coming and learning the deception GO T O ------recover damages. too late they can apply to tiie Knights o f Labor 36 inch Sheeting 5c. and find the truth oi’ the matter before it is N0RTWESTERN MUTUAL Capt. A. P. Ginn of sell. Gcorgie Berry, writes us from Richmond under date o f May 21, too late. Men may differ in religion and P orter’s Laundry Striped Cashmere Shawls 1.25, as follows : 1 was at Norfolk tiie 19th at tiie sale other things but on tiie labor question they can strike hands. We also oppose the employment former price 4.00. LIFE INSURANCE CO 40 inch Sheeting 7c. o f seh. A. F. Crockett. She was hid in by Warner WITH YOUR LINENS. Moore for the same owners, at #5025. She of children in factories ami mills when they OF .MILWAI KFK. w ill Iiave her bottom repaired and w ill then ought to be at school. I saw in tiie coal AU Work Neatly and Promptly Executed. tow to Rockland to finish, (’apt. Thorndike breakers not Jong ago a little boy not over ‘Work called for and delivered Free of Charge. 50 Dozen Ladies’ Hose, seven years o f age begrimed w itii coal dust Condensed S tatem ent, Jan. 1st, 1885- s till holding com m and... .Sell. Nile loaded finished seams, 25c a pair. yesterday with corn from Norfolk to New working day in and day out picking slate from NO. ? LIMEROCK. CORNER MAIN ST., ROCKLAND the mass o f fuel. Thursday evening at Lewis­ 1517* Agents for l)n. W.utxiat’s Cor­ Y ork at 3 1-2 cents per bushel... .S e ll. B illow RECEIPTS. - - - #| 655,SHI 65 ton I saw a stream o f little boys and girls who left Hampton Roads 20th for New Y o r k .... sets, all sizes from 18 to 36 l’AYM KNTrf. Capt. E. A. Butler, A. F. and (’. A. Crockett ought to be at school coming from tiie factory, Ladies' & Gent's Sewed Boots &. Jersey Waists in black or left here this morning for Engle Rock, where and wearied ami sickly looking, they dragged inches. To P olicyholder*...... $2,485,968 74 themselves homeward in the rain. I f ever tiie Shoes made at L. S. Robinson’s. K.xpciiRcs and T hxcn...... 753,741 55 colored, all styles. the Messrs. Crockett are manufacturing Knights o f Labor did a good thing it was in lim e ....I have chartered to load coal from offering a protest against tills terrible evil. T otal Paym ent*...... $3,239,710 29 here to St. Johns, N. B., at S I.50 per ton and L IV E M E N back from W indsor at #1.60 per ton on plaster. I saw recently another child w itii peaked Wanted, to take oidera for Trees, Vine-, Shrub*, ASSETS. We have a few more of the shoes, tight pants, crooked legs, ample coat, ami a genernl line o f Xuracry Stork. O nly thorn* Loans on Bond aud Mortgage.. $17.:’.76.086 .54 N ew Y o k k .—Charters are reported under white neck-tie, eye-glass and cane, and so forth, who arc over 25 yearn o f age ami can furnish the Ladies’ Calico W rappers 65c. Premium Notes...... 1,266,6*7 91 best quality Dress Cambrics at date o f Mn> 23rd: Ship L. B. G ilchrist, a veritable dude. He belonged to a rich man, very bent reference!* need apply. T o the rig h t men Ileal Ealute...... 1,059,664 ul 7.000 bids petroleum to , 2 3; Bark who had educated him. How different from we can give employment the year round. Experi­ U. S. and Other Bond*...... 862,109 9X 6 l-2 c. C. P. Dixon, New York to Sydney, N. S. W., the poor little fellow in the

**ltongh nil Itnta ” M issouri lias an infidel tow n named MOTHERS DOUGHNUTS. T h e Co urier-Gazette SMITHS 1 Clear*out rat*, mice, roaches, files, anta, hed-hnga HAHN, ROBBINS & CO, Liberal. It is without priest, preacher, Ki. Bon Also, lR.11. ry PORTER k PULLER. church or saloon, hut is a colony of lib­ Heart Pains. ttfirpr r'i yfnyatint. Painters, Grainers, Glaziers, eral thinkers It was started ns an in fi­ M u s i c a n d V a r i e t y Palpitation, Propwirnl Swellings, Dizziness, Tndl I ’ve j«-*t Bin down ter Thompson's, boys, 1 gestion, Ib-mlnehe,Sleeplessness cured by "W e lls ’ ...... A N D ...... A MODERN PAPER. del town, w.-i« advertised and is known as ' X ’ fin Un’ kin-l o’ blue, I Health Renewer.” 1 thought I’d look in a*. "Thn Ranch,” • R o u g h o n <’n r n s .” PAPER HANGERS. an infidel town, yet with all the a,Ivan T« r find out wlnit wuz in w ; STORE! F nrlh ih ...... f - lu . .. K - • kl.in I <;.ir. it - Ask f,>r W ells’ "R ough on <’orna. lftr. Quick, W in n I seen till* sign a bangin' W linlesalc and Retail Deniers in • iw iftli ...... I Ili<- ...K o c k ln n il i ..nrl BANK PIANO FORTES for i cures Dy ■‘pepsin, Impotence, Sexu d Debility. $1. w ill In- offended. I f lie is pardon, d die I seen III! old white farm -house. "Rough on Pain.” W it i it * doors all painted rid . 30, 50, 75, 00, 125 mid $170. Husain has been granted I’. ndjeh and Orange men will In* enraged. II lie is A whiff mine through the open door— I Cores cholera, eoiie, cramps, diarrhn-a, aches, Wuz. I aleepin’ <>r awake? 1 pains, sprains, headache, neuralgia, rheumatism. Honse, SWd ani S ip Painter now w a n t s iwo more ini|ioitant points. imprison, d both parties w ill he down on The smell wuz that of doughnut* ORGANS— In Excellent Variety. I ’JOe. Rough on I’tiin Plasters, 13c. Like my m other used tor make. M o th e r s . It isn’t ltnssia’s (a tilt that there is to be d ie government. Another and greater A General naaortment of lira—. Rend mid Siring Insfruinenls, I f you are failing, broken, worn nut and nervous, Grainer, Paper Hanger, evil, brought about by die capture, is die The beea wuz humuiin’ round the por. aerial ear upon cities and towns, which in to use. M ention is made o f a chim e •I Sciiool Kt., opposite Post Gliice. O3XT II-A-KTZD. servitude for life is one that people gen­ would lie nt the mercy of the operators of six hells given liy the Abbot Tnrket- erally. the world over, will regard ns of tlie terrible device. The advance lilus to tlie Aldiy of (,'royland in 870 A. I f you Avunt to get a good Hliofo or I ’ig for fattening “ Great American BEN J. WILLIAMS, M? D. D., and tho old writer who speaks of purpoacH thia ia Ihe place to come. just. They attempted to wreck property made in tlie construction of those im- | Physician and burgeon. them, says, “Tliero wasn't such a peal and destroy life, and no pity or sympathy S H O T E S . Onico, and Residence Klin Street. proved engines of war will ultimately - of hells in England.” But tlirso bells Afd'Calls iiiiHwereil night or day i« due thorn. S o w s ftT.OO, 8 .0 0 a n d O.OO. SPECIFIC” do away with national eontliets, ns nil- 1 could hardly lie classed w ith chimes as I'.iirrowK WH.OO m id 0.00. we know them today. They were T O R . dons w ill prefer arbitration to total auni- 1 Imprint'd Cheater r *5.00 each. F.NDORRED BY THE PEOPLE AND COLE?- nothing more than six ordinary hells PI * UECOM.MEMIED ftV A 1.1. IIEAI.EIM England is having an immense dry hihition. Iterkidiire Pigs *5.00 each. familiar w itli the article. Prominent Portland, Me., Residence, corner of Union and Summer dock, capable of bolding the largest which could lie wrung together wlien hni^’gi.Mfl (where it was first put upon 1J’,! J’jnrkeD say S t r e e t s . occasion required. Tile art of I,el I T ry one of tlie Rcrksliirc, or Improved Cheater, ell more of it Ilia n nil other like iron-clad alloat, built til Ceylon. She is Tho Blue Book of tliel nited Kingdom and see if you cannot Hove more tlilltl the di lit pence Office in A. K. Spear's New Block, North making attained a high degree of per­ in feed, and gel la tter polk for tlie leant money. mf Iroin remote section* ol lie* country I sav, o ffic e . merely getting up her muscle. "You shows tii,it America is nut die only fection in tlie at an early VOITU MEI>M’INK W ILL »<> MOKE G rade Cheater W-I.OO eaeli. THAN YOl CLAIM. It Is a worderful Ofll(M) H o n r s :—1 to 3 , a n d 7 t o 8 P . M . wait a few years Mr. Russia and we’ll country where there is a stagnation of day, and Io that country we t-.iay trace Grade Iterkaliire *1 OO each. r e m e d y .’’ I h e origin of the carillon. Bells of lix you. Yours with suppressed emo­ commercial interests. It shows a de- | Shall have some Grade I’lga the last o f .May’, price OUR CLAIM °n th° facc of every package is richest lone and most exquisite make $3.00 rncli. ~A. M. AUSTIN, tion,” J. Bull. ! elino in tlie total number of vessels and may lie found in all tlie towns and cities Breeding Ktoek always on hand, and w ill make RELIEF and CUKE OF ItllEPM ATIXM , ,ir men employed. The total number of | of ihe Low Countries. Bruges, , price on application. Surgeon and Mechanical Dentist, NEbRALGIA, NUIAT1GA, LAME 241 MAIN ST. ROCKLAND ME. The New < frleans Exposition has vessels Im ilt for B ritish and C olonial Mechlin, Client ami Oslend cacti have BACK «V NIUE, PI.EVKINY, M’HAINS proved a financial failure and the man­ hells that have become famous in song and IIKLINEN, ]> IPIITIIERIA AND owners in 1 SKI was 1,001, against 1,171 EGGS FOR HATCHING, NUKE TIIKOAT, NUKE and WEAK and story. ’I'here was a chime of bolls (Carefnltiy packed to go any distance.) t 7 k . t i b b i ^t t s - agers are endeavoring to secure contri­ in 1883; while die tonnage was -197,4 12, LI NON. INTERNAL PAINS, OKAMP I> K N T I M T . at Bruges as early as 1300 A. D. I t is Per and COLIC, CO CO lid and COLON, Teeth extracted without pain by Nitrous Oxide butions enough to keep it open another as against 708,7,70, a decrease of more to that Longfellow alludes in Ids “ Bel­ Setting. C ll II. KI. A INN. IBVKNN.NAI.T KIIBC.M. Rose Ctanli Brown Leghorn... . . S l i m Gas. Corner Main and W inter Street*. 2f year. It is unfortunate that the first than 270,000. This fa llin g oil' took fry of Bruges: Single Cninl* Brown Leghorn . . . i .<»<» IlLEEOINO and ITCIIIKO PILES, and sculheru enterprise of tbu sort should "In flic ancient town of Bruges, Single Comb W hite Leghorn .. 1 .0 0 CURES PAINS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. n . 1 3 - R/EXXLi X j ZESX?., place almost entirely in steamers. In the (plaint old P'leini-li city, Ktxti) toiiil) W hite Leghorn... .. 1 .0 0 prove such a fizzle. Aa the evening Hhudca (leat'ciidcd, P ly in o n t li I tu c k ...... 2 .0 0 Low and loud ami Hweetly Mended. W y a n d o tte ...... 3 0 0 Surgeon and Mechanical Dentist, Tuesday afternoun Robert E. Odium ! Low id tiiiieH and loud id timea, Gas and E th e r administered. And elianging like a poet’a rliymca, Cash with all Orders ! 254 MAIN STREET, ROCKLAND, The experiment of playing base-ball jumped from Brooklyn I,ridge, a dis­ Rang tlie beautiful wild cliiiiP M remedy, and by such a courso i by electric light is being tried. In a tance of 137, feet, into die water below From tin* belfry in the market O f the ancient town o f Rrtigea.” s, alter once tried, llohiiiKou?& R ow ell, few seasons they expect to play the CHAS. T. SPEAR, and struck on liis side. He died before Tho chimes of Antwerp Cathedral arc “ A Household Necessity.” HOCK LA Nil, MAINE. game by electricity, the only dillicully he could lie taken to the shore. A man i a .r One U ntile proves our <*laims and costs tlie wonder and delight of travellers. ! but Filly Ccnl*. Be sure you get our remedy- ATTORNEYS AT LAW. being to invent a few electric players There are forty hells in the set.lie.oitifully ,’orreapondenco fully answered. do n<»l bi* put „if w ith unyllilng else. Ask lor Io do such a tilin g ns that must iiavo "GREAT AMERICAN SPECIFIC,” pre A. K. Spear Block, foot of l’ark Street, that can swear at the um pire so ns to a queer make-up o f mingled idiocy and i wrought and ol purest tone. Thoy are I paied by .Maurice. Baker A* < ‘o.. Port land. .Me , and if Ihe pride of Ihe people of the city and ' your druggist or dealer doer make the game realistic. murage. llinv much better it would lie MISS BEECHER’S it lor you of any wIioIchuIc t. - Rockland. are guarded with jealous care. C ^ Satisfaction Guaranteed if such courage could lie used for die The first carillon known in England H air or Whisker Rye M AI'RICE, RAKER