T he Courier-Gazette. ROCKI.ANG GAZETTE ESTA III.IStl EH IB-10.1 Cbe Press is the Artbiinfbuin £eber that Hlobes the ifllorlb at etno Dollars a Drar T W O n o i l IIJM \ Y E A R IN . I I I V . W K . ROCKI.AM) CDI'ItlER EBTA III.ISH El> IB74.I 'M M lI.i; < ori|> PICK I. FIVE PENIS. V o l. 4.— N ew S e m e s . ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, MAY 2G. 1885. Xl'MBF.tl 19. THE COURIER-GAZETTE “ nnd if you will get W illie ready, I will pretty q ick nr that little shell of yours heart’ , there seeme I little h ipn id' tlie morrow, nnd not by deatli! Editli eu’o’ sal w o rk is accomplished w ith out a take him witli me." There was a small will lie eipsized. Thera is a tegular severed lines becoming one a g iin . slipp m) from lier i lni- and stalled out corresponding exp nditurr. The bent E d ite d by W. O. Ki lle r , J r . lake a short distnnee from their home, sqanll coming." Mark's sunny cirls began to show in the thick November darknP” . Wliat that litis lip tie water of I lie ocean to over which was tlie nearest route to the Mmk looked nervously nt tile fast threads of silver and there cim enilna- were tliey aliout to do ? Break one of llie mountain heights is ’ pent on tlie LOVE AND DUTY. village where they obtained tlieir family spreading eload. gard look to tlie young wife's face that Go I s holiest laws? Wolk that it does. It censes to exist ns , supplies. Mark often rowed over witli "Perhaps I liad better row back,” lie years ought not to have brought there. W lia t else did lie say? "W lia t heat and llie water power of Hie world A dimpled cheek nnd low, broad brow Are part «>f beauty’ll Run re; their little son, anil in olden times witli said. It. could not last forever, and at last God hath joined together, let no m in exists in its stead. I he energy of the The low voice nnd the cheery I nigh W ill drive away dull care. Edith herself, film looked up now fiom Tlie man shook ids head. "The wind Mark's courage gave away. put asunder," and tliey were to he put I sun’s heat has been converted into tho T he lig h t, quick step and <iainty hnndn tlie basin of (lour, in which slie had just is dead against you," lie said. “ Keep on "Editli,” lie said, one morning nf.er asunder by man. Home comfort* do prepare. energy of falling water. Oh, a woman’ s greatest ln-anty, busied her hands, nnd said crossly, and I guess you w ill weather it. their usually silent meal, “ I cannot Il is not intended to dwell on this par­ For home and hunhand’a good, How long Editli knelt tliere, slip did I* to yield to love and duty, "I c in’t stop to get him ready now, M ark rowed on w itli redoubled speed, bear this much longer. There must lie not know, hat long enough for tlie whole ticu la r form of energy, w h'ch Is so And be crowned with motherhood. and W illie watched liim witli frightened Mark, and it's too warm to take him a elianco or I shall go mail." course of her married life to ff it through familiar tons all, hut it may lie noted in blue eyes, for tlie wind liad increased so o u t.” Editli glanced up at tile sound of liis her busy tirain. (Hi. how wrong it liad passing that although not a single foot­ “Until Death Do Us Part.” "Too warm! nonsense!" M irk cried rapidly, it was all tlie little fellow could desperate tones. “ Bow a change?’’ she ill! been! how diff',Tent stm m ight have pound of water power is produced except impatiently. "It will ba cool enough do to keep Ids seat. asked. nt tho cost of tlie sun's energy yet XVMTTF.X 1011 Tint CnillIF.R-OAXKTTK 11V made it! but she had not, and tom orrow 1.II.1.IE AI.IIHI., out on tlie lake, anil W illie wants to go. Can’t W illie get down there?" Mark “There is hot one way,” nnd Mark the tie that God liad hound, man would nature seems to deal it out to man w ith Don’t you laddie?" asked, nodding toward tile bottom of ••For better or for worse; for rich or leaned against tlie mantel and shaded liis break. It must not lie so, it sliould not' the lavish prodigality of a spendthrift, Two-year old Willie looked lip from tlie boat. face willi Ids hand. "We are both for poor, until death do us part." nnd Editli sprang from tier knees, witli •lust one example to impress ttiis con­ liis high chair at tlie table whore lie w is The child started to slip down when weary of tills life,” lie said slowly. “ We How those solemnly im press! le words a wild dread in lier lieart Ic9l Mmk had sideration mine distinctly on tlie mind. industriously kneading a bit of dough. made a mistake Editli, wlien we began echoed and re-echoed through the aisles tlie limit gave a sudden lurch that made gone and it would lie loo late. She The water power ol Ihe falls o f Niagara “ Doe boat,” lie lisped, “ Doc boat, him lose Ids balance. M ark dropped Ids it together, lint it is to late to help that of the little church, till it seemed that a crept down stairs to the sitting room would he in,ire than sufficient to do tlie papa P” now. But we need Slot aliido by it al­ hundred voices had taken up the refrain oars and made a dive for liim , lint with­ where llie night before M irk liad kept work of all ihe steal,l engines at present "U ntil death do us part,” and the young “ Yes," Mark said gaily, “go boat out Ids support llie boat went over like a ways; we—Editli. we can separate." his v ig il. A lig h t burned d im ly mi the in operation in the whole world, yet the bride, with nn instant's dread deepening witli papa. Tell mamma to get him a Hash and tlie n.xl instant tliey were “ A divorce?" E d ith ’s voice was low table, and her husband—oh. thank G „ I. water power of Niagara is only a small and husky. her ejes, glanced into the frank, boyish ready, while papa getsout tlie boat.” strug gling in llie water. The sole lie was lier liuslian I still— lay asleep mi fraction of the water power distributed "Yes,” lie answered, “ better limn this, faco above her. The warm, glad love He did not glance nt his wife’s frown­ thought of tlie terrified father was of Ids tlie sofa. over our great continent; and all tho itcmeinbci Editli, I do not ask it. Il therein reassured her, and it was with in g f ice ns lie went out, or lie m ig h t child, and vainly lie buffeted tlie mad Slie turned up tile light and tiien knelt water power ol America is again tint a deep gladness slie listened to tlie closing liave expected Master W illie would not waters in search of him. Tiio little fel­ you have any better w ly to offer, I am down and gazed earnestly into tlie care­ fraction of lb,* water power distributed wailbig to accept it." wolds: "I now pronounce you man and lie ready at tlie appointed lim e; lint so it low was already beyond Ids icncli. He worn face, mid warm tears, the lirst she over the eariti. Edith did nol hoar llie faint appeal in wife, and wliat. God hath joined together was, nail wlien lie came in tlie little fel­ could just see a liny while speck, it had slied since lier baby died, fell iip.m W ind power is fa m ilia r lo one in the Ids voice, anil site said quietly, "I have let no man put .issundei;" and Mark low still sat in liis high ehair, witli a seemed to Ids agonized gaze, miles and Hie upturned I’aec. M ark moved in liis old-fashioned wind mill Dn a larger no better way to offer." Donnell ami Edith Merry were man and frow n on liis baby face. miles away. He call oil desperately as uneasy slumber, then opened liis eyes, scale it tills the sails ot our merchnnt wife. Man and wife for all time, till "W illie wants doe boat,"lie said sulk­ lie tried to plough Ids way through "Very well,” M uk said, “ I will go “ Editli," lie said, tiien sat hastily up, ships and carries a great part of the deatli did them part. But tlie gay ing. wlien Mark came in. rifts that lay between liim and W illio, Monday and see aliout, it and"—here Ids “ Edith,” lie (tried, "what is tlie m itter?" commerce of the world, lint the wind voices extending tlieir congratulations “ Isn’t Willie going?” lie questioned. lull tiio blinding waves splashed in Ids voice sliook. ami lie turned and left her.
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