TRIGGERED BOULEVARD (Music by Euge Valovirta, Jules Näveri & Lauri Hämäläinen, Lyrics by Jules Näveri)

ISRC: QZDA51840060 DK UPC: 840091942441

I came here to do this thing to exploit and rule within 'cause that's the only way to win It's like us human beings full of greed and agonies and we can't stop until we kill something

The bullshit rules around here hey isn't that fun I'm gonna climb to reach the top to be the lord of scum

Do or die live out loud and love your lie Fuck the rest and do your best on this triggered boulevard

I can't believe I'm still alive I fucked up things so many times it's a joke I even got to try I'm wired, triggered, anything, I'm outta sight and I'll soon begin to win, win, win

The bullshit rules around here hey isn't that fun I'm gonna climb to reach the top to be the lord of scum

Do or die live out loud and love your lie Fuck the rest and do your best on this triggered boulevard All life gives is a growing hole inside your heart Use it as a fuel to gain your start and do your part

It's all about fame, being something and making enemies Stomping ground, covering up and making shit loads of bling bling bling

I have no exit on this rerun of my life Another groundhog's day well spent pushing my luck

Do or die live out loud and love your lie Fuck the rest and do your best on this triggered boulevard All life gives is a growing hole inside your heart Use it as a fuel to gain your start and do your part

SWAMP STOMP (Music by Euge Valovirta, Tommy Tuovinen & Lauri Hämäläinen, Lyrics by Ben Varon)

I had a dream last night The air I breathed just wasn't right The moon reflected no light, no light

The more I stared at the sky The less I felt I could trust in my eyes My senses they were fucking with my mind

You saw this coming all along and we have lost the faith I can do nothing to right the wrong ‘cause I’m six feet too late We’re all to blame

Swamp Stomp Dancing to the dead man’s

I woke up from my dream Looked around and started to scream The earth coming undone at the seams

A nightmare all too real Now here for us to touch and feel The truth is finally revealed

You saw this coming all along and we have lost the faith I can do nothing to right the wrong ‘cause I’m six feet too late

You saw this coming all along and now it’s all too late To do something to right a wrong My eyes were losing their sight six feet under without light I realize we have lost the fight We’re all to blame

Swamp Stomp Dancing to the dead man’s song

FEED THE FIRE (Music by Euge Valovirta & Nico Hartonen, Lyrics by Nico Hartonen)

ISRC: QZAPG1747013 DK UPC: 192378095914

I feel the tension rising I must be fool but I keep holding on To rock ’n’ roll is my shit The amps are screaming ready to explode

Times like these I don’t wanna stop The flaming wolf just howls for more

Feed the fire!

Light it up and let it grow, Its time to let it burn

Feed the fire!

Under the skin, let it flow, Let it blow and let it burn

The strings are tight but low tuned I break no sweat ‘cos this is what I do The crowd is getting crazy I must give them everything and even more

Times like these I don’t wanna stop The flaming wolf just howls for more

LIQUID LUNCH (Music by Euge Valovirta, Ben Varon & Hannes Kett, Lyrics by Ben Varon & Hannes Kett)

ISRC: QZCE61850432 DK UPC: 193036977689

Wake up around five thirty Don’t know where I am Wallet’s gone, liver’s done It’s the same old story

My lady's trying to call me I doubt she'll understand She should know me by now

Blurry melodies, blackout symphonies Hazy flashbacks, how the hell did I get here? Doing what you please leads to enemies I know I’m helpless but the bottle is empty

HEY Baby please be a doll HEY And take me to the nearest bar HEY I think it’s time for us to fall in love with my liquid lunch

For some it’s to eat and for some it’s to fuck Some gamble their mortgage keep trying their luck We all got a vice and mine's drinking too much I kick off my days with a good old liquid lunch

Blurry melodies, blackout symphonies Crazy bruises, how the hell did I get these? Ain't got time to bleed just one thing I need The local brewery, their liquor are calling me

Give it to me, give it to me, give it to me Liquid lunch I gotta have it, I gotta have it Liquid lunch

SOUTHERN MAN (Music by Euge Valovirta & Micko Hell, Lyrics by Micko Hell)

I've outlived my heroes girl I've been all around the globe Thrown in and out of bars mister Even one horse town.

I met a man that got to me he said all you do is complain You need to find out today what you are made of

Now what I’ll try to do is walk a mile in these shoes I will never forget

‘cos I’m a southern man I’m riding through the ages I got blood in my hands I’m a southern man

Yes I’m a southern man I’m riding through the ages I got blood in my hands I’m a southern man

Live my own simple life, yeah every day I'll get by Scars from the different times remind of my crimes

I've outstayed my welcome here I've been all around the world Thrown in and out of bars mister Even one horse town

Why don't you try to walk another mile in my shoes. You can't never forget

That I’m a southern man I’m riding through the ages I got blood in my hands I’m a southern man

Yes I’m a southern man I’m riding through the ages I got blood in my hands I’m a southern man

DU ÄR CANCER (Music by Euge Valovirta & Niklas Kvarforth, Lyrics by Niklas Kvarforth)

Hora Du livs levande, pulserande, cancersvulst till människa opportunism förköttsligad Du son av Zion i arbetsklass och etikett, är du förklädd Rör dig obemärkt

Men emissarien han ser dig och jag vet vem och vad och varför du är Så jag knyter mina nävar och längtar tills den dag vi ses igen Den dag då dina sanna färger kommer att blottas och världen får se dig Som den opolerbare smutsfläck du är

Du är cancer Cancer Du är cancer Cancer

Dictius te necare!

Emotionella vampyrer på tjack Ni har blåst mig igen Men nu kommer notan läggas fram Så spring för ditt liv lilla fitta

Hora Du livs levande, pulserande, cancersvulst till människa

Du är cancer Cancer