

Henry Newman Barwell (1877-1959) was educated at St. Peters College and the University of from where he graduated in Law in 1898. In 1915 he entered the House of Assembly as the member for Stanley. When the Vaughan Labor ministry resigned in 1917 following the split over conscription, Barwell became attorney general and minister of industry in Peake's Liberal-National coalition government (1). After the death of Peake in 1920 Barwell took over as premier and immediately set about reforming the administration of the State public service. Among his most notable achievements were the overhaul of the State's railway system and the promotion the so- called 'Barwell Boys' immigration scheme, through which youths were brought to and indentured to farmers (2). However, he became the focus of much public controversy over his attempts to abolish the State arbitration system and ill-conceived statements about introducing coloured-labour into the Northern Territory. He fell afoul of the influential temperance lobby, while his appointment of the American W.A. Webb as Railway Commissioner caused some disquiet after it was revealed that railway contracts were being awarded to American firms. Following the defeat of his government at the elections of 1924, Barwell entered Federal politics as a Liberal senator where he proved 'an uncompromising defender of the rights of small States' (3). In 1928, his relations with the Prime Minister S.M. Bruce having soured, Barwell resigned to become South Australia's Agent-general in where he stayed until 1940 (4). For the remainder of his life he lived in Adelaide, where he took an active interest in the affairs of the Anglican Church and continued to serve the public interest as deputy-chairman of the Board of the South Australian Housing Trust. The records listed here were donated to the Archives by Miss M.G. Barwell, daughter of Sir .

References 1. Who'sWhoinAdelaide 1921-22, p.37. 2. Advertiser, 1 October 1959. 3. ADB, Vol.7, p.201. 4. Biographical notes 1047/106. ______

Commissions of appointment. 1 1921-24. 4 items.

Photographs of Henry Newman Barwell with other political identities. 2 1921-40. 4 items [includes photographs of Premiers' Conferences and gatherine of former South Australian Premiers.]

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