Mineral Resources in North Norway Ngu Focus 26.02.2015 / Written by [email protected]

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Mineral Resources in North Norway Ngu Focus 26.02.2015 / Written by Jan.Sandstad@Ngu.No FOCUS NGU FOCUS NR.5 FEB 2015 PLEASE VISIT WWW.NGU.NO/ PROSJEKTER/MINN FOR MORE DATA MINN - MINERAL RESOURCES IN NORTH NORWAY NGU FOCUS 26.02.2015 / WRITTEN BY [email protected] The Norwegian Government has allocated additional Troms was covered by fixed-wing surveys. Gravity funds of NOK 20 million in 2015 to the Geological Survey (AGG) and seismic surveys have been conducted in of Norway (NGU) for the continuation of the programme prospective areas. Processed data are released free of “Mineral resources in North Norway” (MINN). The pro- charge on the NGU website as they become available. gramme has benefitted from a dedicated funding of, in total, NOK 100 million in the period 2011-2014. MINN is The results of geochemical re-analyses of 2,200 till aimed at improving coverage of basic geological infor- samples from the whole of northern Norway initiated mation relevant to the assessment of the mineral poten- follow-up sampling programmes in the Nordkinn and tial in the three northernmost counties. The extended Tysfjord areas, which showed anomalous values of REE programme will focus on detailed studies at depth in and various other special metals. Anomalous values of prioritized areas. base metals were observed in Hattfjelldal. The programme includes improved coverage of Geological investigations are being carried out in key high-resolution geophysical data (magnetic, electro- metallogenic areas with high potentials for orogenic magnetic and radiometric) as well as ground follow-up gold, sedimentary copper and iron, VMS copper-zinc, in North Norway. A total of 18,200 km2 was covered by magmatic nickel-copper-PGE as well as iron-titani- helicopter-borne geophysics in 2011-14, including the um-vanadium. following areas; Rana, Holandsfjord, Rombak, Aust- vågøya, Langøya, Kvæfjord, Evenes, Gratangen, Mauken, Finnsnes, Senja, Vannøya, Kåfjord, Øksfjord, Stjernøya, Alta-Kvænangen and Repparfjord. An additional 73,600 km2 in the two northernmost counties, Finnmark and Photo: Morten Eriksen Photo: Malin Waage NEW MINERAL ACT CAME INTO FORCE ON 1st JANUARY ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR MINERAL INVESTIGATIONS IN NORWAY 2010. Increased coverage of regional geophysical and geochemical data and ground Easier applications, larger areas, lower fees for the first follow-up. The Geological Survey of Norway is continuing the programme in years. North Norway (MINN), initiated in 2011 and a similar programme in South Norway (MINS), initiated in 2013. THE MINISTER OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY HAS STATED THAT: NORDIC AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Several initiatives towards the establishment of a cooperative mineral research • There is a need for new mineral extraction to con- network in the Nordic region have strong political backing. Compilation of tribute to national and international demand. mineral resource data for the Circum-Arctic region has received support from • The Government wants to facilitate growth in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Several initiatives towards the establishment the mineral sector by ensuring predictable and of a cooperative mineral research network in the Nordic region have strong knowledge-based planning processes. political backing. MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: JAN SVERRE SANDSTAD [email protected] • MINN coordinator NGU - GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF NORWAY CONTACT ADDRESS VISITING ADRESS SOCIAL MEDIA PO Box 6315 Sluppen Leiv Eirikssons vei 39, Trondheim Facebook /Norges.geologiske.undersokelse NO-7491 Trondheim E-mail: [email protected] Twitter /nguweb Phone: +47 73 90 40 00 www.ngu.no Youtube /nguweb .
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