NET PRESS RUN AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION OF THE EVENING HERALD for the month of October, 1927 Fair aad colder •od 5,042 Sunday. ' : .

(TWELVE; PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS MANCQESTEB, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1927. VOL. XU I., NO. 37. daaallled Adrertlsliis on Page 19. Men Honest Until DYNAMITE LEFT CLEAN UP NOW • * • ' • EXPECT HEAVY TOLL NO FAVORITE TODAY IN FLOOD’S AT NEW HAVEN GAME ON IN NORTH Women Change *Em OF HOUDAY DEATHS Standards at the university, in MENACETOUFE ❖ ENDWAIGN Madison, Wis., Nov. 12.—-Per-<8> fectly honest men when they-, come fact in most Virginia schools, are unusually high," Prof. Oshea skid, FROM POISON BOOZE in contact with women are inclined Odds Are Even For Yale- "and it is generally, felt this is due ‘WITHOUT m a u c e ; to lie, cheat and steal. to the fact that women are not ad­ -<& Commnnity Teams Striving This is the inference'drawn at mitted. Princeton Contest, Despite the University of Virginia, afid pre­ Everybody Trustworthy Treasury Department Says ARMISTICE NOTE sented by Prof. M. V. Oshea.of the "There is little cheating, lieing Covered Explo^ve In Wi- To End Canvass Today, or stealing at the University, of Loss of Caldwell, Star of University of Wisconsin, who has Virginia. The students do a great Raw Moonshine Will Be i just returned from conducting, an deal of their studying outdoors. noosid Valley May Cause Progress Thus Far In IN CAR CRUMPLING - - the Bulldog Team. Fought an idea, Not German educational survey in the eastern Whqn they go to lunch they leave state. books, clothing and purses lie die Can^ as Govemment Clnb's Drive. where they are, , and always find •I Soldiers, Says Quhnby at Foe of Co-educatibn. them when they return. The hon­ Itas Taken the Poison Ont New Haven, Conn., Nov. 12.— University of Virginia alttmni are or system is used there to great Sedas Sphters Agaisfl Foie Undismayed by the quirk of fate extent. Why is it that this system Burlington, Vt., NoV. 12.—Ten The team workers in tlie Man­ now conducting a campaign to keep, that has robbed it at the eleventh Hospital Service. girls from entering that, school on has never proven successful at a tons of dynamite that flowed down Of Denatured AkohoL hour of its most powerful attack­ chester Community Club campaign the grounds that It would lower I co-educational school like Wlscon- (the Winooski Valley from Bolton But Local H es Are Little the moral standard, Prof. Oshea sin? ing weapon, Bruce Caldwell, Yale are making strenuous efforts today during the flood have, become a se­ will pit a rugged, grimly determin- I said. I “What do women do to men?” Permanent peace among nations to make the final cTean-up of their rious menace to humanft life and Hurt. Washington, Nov. 12.— ^Another ed eleven on the gridiron this territory. The Saturday half-holiday afternoon against an alert and ag­ may be obtained by honesty in our property both during Ime recon­ heavy toll of poison liquor deaths in gressive Princeton team for what dealings with ourselves and other in many fields of work wIlV en­ struction work now getting mder the approaching Thanksgiving and Two Manchester young men had promises to be onp of tb^ best and nations together with tolerance of able several workers to put in a RECEDIN G FLOOD WINTRY WEATHER way and fbr farming in the seasons Christmas hoUday season is confi­ « • most spectacular battles that these number of hours’ duty at the week- a narrow escape from death early others’ views, both political and re­ to come. dently expected by officials of the ancient rivals have waged in the end. this morning when a Buick sedan more than half century of their ligious, under a guidance of belief When the flood strnck Bolton, it Federal Prohibition Bureau. in God and faith in democracy. Illness on one of the teams, and CAUSES TROUBLE IN THE MID WEST carried a score of highway workers In which they were riding skidded rivalry. toto a telephone pole on Center “ But the deaths can’ t he laid at Football history will be written Principal Clarence . P. Quimby of the unavoidable absence from town to their death and with them down street. * ’ the door of the Treasury Depart­ in this game upon which hinges In the South Manchester High school, for three days ofi the part of two the stream went the boxM of dyna^ ment on the ground that the gov­ captains prevented the expected ^ . all'probability the championship of told a gathering of about 350 per­ mite and percussion caps they had Although the automobile 4s al­ ernment is enforcing the prohibi­ the east and possibly even the na­ wind-up of work this noon. Streets Undermined in Many Chicago In Grip of a Cold most a total wreck, the occupants sons at the Armistice Day memorial been using in road building. tion law by use of deadly poisons,”’ tional championship itself. Prince­ exercises at Manchester Memorial The officers of the club expressed of the car, Edward Boyce of 103 Dr. J. M. Doran, dry chief, told In- today their gratification at the lib­ ’A ton goes into the game unbeaten hospital last night. Wave Which Is Moving At first it was believed the water Ce.dar street.!^nd Claude Corbin of teroatiohal News 'Service today. and untied with a record unequall­ erality of givers, not only the manu­ Places and Houses Topple might have soaked .the explosive-to 6*7 Spruce street, were not seriously “ Yes, there will be'lhose.who die Principal Quimby’s talk was bas­ facturing ffruis and business houses ed by any team of major import­ ed on the second inaugural address such a degree that it had been-ren­ injured.,Both were taken to Mem- from drinking but the casualties hut of priv.nte citizens as well. No­ oriaUhospitai, b'ut Corbin went ance with the sole exception of the of Abraham Lincoln In which occur Over^ Bridges In Danger. Toward the Atlantic. dered harmless. However, two 50- will result from raw moonshine and University of Georgia. ticeable am''ug the responses was home after receiving treatment for from over-indulgence— not from the words, "with malice toward the gifts of all of the industries pound boxes found here were used a cut on his forehead. Yale’s Record none," which have become familiar participating in the Inter-Factory in connection with bridge rebuild­ the denaturing elements that are Yale, on the other hand, has a . Boyce suffered a bad cut on his placed in Industrial alcohol to pre­ to every schoolboy. From this setback tournament of ten teams Boston, Mass., Nov. 12—T-PlOod Chicago, Nov. 12. - - Winter ing and the dynamite was found to right hand and a cut over his right record marred only by a defeat at phrase, Mr. Quimby developed the be perfectly effective, though some­ vent, its diversion.” / now holding weekly sessions at the areas of Vermont and Massa­ weather that rode in on the heels eye. the hands of Georgia, and includ­ idea that on this Armistice Day, we Community club. what sluggish. Since last Cflristmas, when an of a destructive gale and rainstorm Boyce and Corbin had been to epidemic of drinking party fatali­ ing victories over such mighty feel Qo malice toward our World Finance Committee to Act chusetts had a new problem today Engineers acknowledged that the Hartford tvhere they had attended ties swept the big cities and aroused teams as Army and Dartmouth War enemies. “ We fought an idea, As soon as the campaign has been — shifting sand and gravel under­ held Chicago in its grip today- For explosive was a real menace but a midnight show and were on the with lesser triumphs over Brown, a spirit of militarism, not fair, a strong Congressional protest brought to a close, steps will be mining streets and homes. the second time this season, freez­ could offer no . suggestions ,to how 'way home when the accident oc­ Maryland and Bowdoin. Princeton’s blue-eyed German soldiers,” he taken to call a meeting of the club’s serious accidents might be prevent­ against government-poisoned liq­ A score of houses were rendered ing temperature prevailed. curred at 2:15 o’clock near the in­ string of victories over Amherst, said. Mr. Quimby’s talk stressed the finance committee with a view to ed. tersection of Main and Newman uor, the Treasury has materially re­ Lehigh, Washington & Lee, Cor­ point that we should do all within adopting a conservative program unsafe for occupancy in North The mercury began tumbling May Be Buried’ Deep streets. The road was very slippery duced the poisonous denaturing nell. William & Mary and Ohio our power to help establish a last­ for using the funds acquired in the Walpole, N. H., and several street last night after a freajk windstorm, "Of course most of it,” J. W. and it 4s understood that Boyce lost concoctions put into alcohol. State is the most impressive record ing peace, "that these men have not drive to best advantage for all con­ which cut a swath of destruction Vqley, dean of-the engineering col­ control of his automobile when, a Pyridine, a dangerous poison, cave-ins were reported' from West used as the’ chief denaturant a year any Tiger eleven has compiled died in vain,” as he said in con­ cerned. In the main the funds will Springfield, Mass. Foundations of on the northwest fringe of the city, lege of the University of Vermont, wheel lodged in the trolley track. since the war save in 1922 when clusion. b© required for maintenance of the had blown Itself out over Lake and sanitary engineer of the State Sergeant John Crocket who In- ago, was banned on instructions of many homes_ in both communities Secretary Melloni who ordered the the famous “ team of destiny” Parade Large v general activities of the club for the were disturbed. In Massachusetts, Michigan. Board of Health said, "may have vesUguted^the* accident tor the. pp- swept all before it. The parade last night was, if 1927-28 season. Some additional Homes Wrecked been buried deep In the Jijtud tfi©. lIce. &Td^pf liie wrecked car the prohibition bureau to seek formu­ anything, larger than the one a Hampden Memorial bridge was las, Just as effective, but less dan­ New Courage games and indoor athletic attrac­ Several persons were injured In swollen river piled over the' low­ occupants were lucky to escape year ago. More, than 200 persons closed today to heavy traffic and gerous. AldehoL a petroleum pro­ Blank dismay at Caldwell’s loss tions and reading matter for the Niles and Niles Center, north­ land. If. it is burled' deep enough alive. were in the procession which form­ trucks were barred from the streets there la no donger, but if it’s just duct with a taste^ and odor like has given way to reborn courage young folks will be among the first until a complete survey was liiade. western suburbs, when their homes ed at the Army and Navy Club and under the surface and ^ laborer’s burnt crank-case oil, was the re­ and although Yale will take the outlays considered. Epidemic Averted . were wrecked by the gale, six field with a substitute filling the marched up Main street Into Later on, when the out-door pro­ pick should drive down into it. sult. Fresh water has been piped to honses were shoved from their FISH AND CRULLERS Taste Lingers place' of the mighty Caldwell, it Haynes street and to the hospital. gram and warm-weather attractions there would be a terrible explosion. After the exercises, the line formed Isolated Waterbury, V t, and an foundations, trees were uprooted “ There; is danger, too, that t^e The new foifmula went- into ef­ will be a team thoroughly aroused come up, it is possible that some and traffic halted in many streets. again and marched back to the way of fencing in the swimming epidemic averted. dynamite may - lie undiscovered un­ TOO MUCH FOR HELEN fect last April. Despite efforts of and fighting with a spirit of des­ Slowly hut surely everywhere in The storm broke when a warm high priced bootleg chemists and peration. Army and Navy Club where close pool in the Interests of better con­ der the top soil until next spring, to a hundred ex-service men were trol and direction of the sport will the flood regions of the six states south wind was overridden by cold or some future season, and then he research in many illicit laborator­ Never in the long history of Yale served with a sphagettl and ham- order is coming out of. chaos. blasts that moved in from the struck by a plow. That might easily Follies Beauty Leaves Husbant ies, the rum trust so far has failed and Princeton games have the two be decided upon. While such a move burg supper. would take - a considerable sum The flood stlmuLated the Red northwest. The mercury, which set it off. After Few Weeks— She Tells to distill the oil ‘taste from the al­ great rivals ever sent more evenly The order of march to the hos­ Gross membership drive in Boston, stood at 71, wheh the storm began, “ What I’m most afraid of, cohol, according to Doran. ’’’matched eleVens to the fray than from the budget, the results would You W hy*" pital was led by a platoon of police warrant the expenditure. $13,409 being taken In in gifts and dropped 23 degrees in less than though, is the perpusslon caps. If - The government still uses four will clash today. In the backfield, led by Lieutenant Wiilisim Barron. "W. A. Stri<*land:Actl*e-i«i. r— raemhershipe on the xfirst day. three hourov'-Jt-'-contlnued to fall those get scattered around the val­ per cent of wood alcohol,, along shorn of Caldwell, YalfiL-still has New York, Nov. 12-— ^Helen They were followed by Post-^CoidT This subject will probably be m cbiinection with'the flood, the throughout the night. ley'they might- do Incalculable Heiiderson Benesch, Follies beauty ■with the other, denaturant, but this great reliance in Hoben, Garvey, mander Harry Maidment, of Dil- referred to W. A. Strickland, presL Red Cross headquarters ahhouriced The cold wave is moving east­ harm. If a boy got hold of one and volume is not considered deadly un­ Cox, Decker, Hammersley, Good- and ,brld^ of a few weeks, hates fish, worth-Cornell Post, American Le­ dent of the hoard of trustees, who that the relief work for the. 16,000 ward, according to the local weath­ handled it roughly It would take and-crullers “ Just simply slay” her. less taken in unusual quantities. wine, Billhardt and Stone. But gion,, who was marshall of the pa- extremely active in behalf of made homeless in- New England er bureau, and should reach Atlan- his hand off In no time. And' if Chemists believe that it will be pos­ Princeton, too, has its great backs It was these, two, items, she con­ i-ade. Trumpeter George L. Roth, the swimming pool. It was under was at an end and that attention tic coast states tonight or in the something set off a whole box of fides, that were largely responsible sible to eliminate all wood alcohol with the giant E. Wittmer stand­ Commander Victor Bronkie, Presi­ his direction that the granite dam was being given to rehabilitation. morning. them ther© would be a serious ex­ for her. leaving Aaron Benesch, her without decreasing the value of the ing out as a real star, and Miles, dent Michael J. McDonnell of the was constructed and the whole job plosion. They haven’t got the pow-- formula. , er of dynamite, of course, but they sIxt7-year-old banker bridegroom Baruch, Lowry, Owen, Norman, Army and Navy Club, who was pushed forward. Mr. Strickland WOMAN SUSPECTED and returning to her apartment Prohibition administrators have Strubing and Requardt. chairman of the memorial program. feels that the funds expended under Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 12— are much easier to explode and for been warned to take unusual steps RAID SOCIETY CLUB here today from Baltimore. T- The giant Yale Bowl will be fill­ Next came the colors, massed Community club auspices for the Friends of Mrs; A. Arlene Coburn, that reason are more d&ngerous.” to suppress moonshining and diver­ Reconstruction workers along the Helen had a prettypoht today ed to overflowing at game time They were followed by the Young swimming pool will come hack to of Watertown, today were securing and a plaintive tale of matrimonial sions of alcohol during the Christ­ with a human mass of 80,000 or Peoples’ Band of the Galvatlon the community many times in the London, Nov. 12.— Names and valley, when they heard of the ex­ mas season. The. government is out $10,000 bail for her release from addresses of many of London’s istence of the scattered explosive, woe. . . thereabouts with thousands more Army, Spanish War veterans, the Imfkroved health of the children East Cambridge Jail where she was Ip the first place, thin^ went for a “ safe and sane” Christmas. fashionable and titled persons were showed some signs of trepidation, Doran issued a warning that up- standing disconsolately unable to , famous "Spirit of ’76,” trio of. and grown-ups who will us© it in held overnight on charges of lar­ wrong right at the start. “ 'We -gain admission. j which includes Michael Berry, Juli- the succeeding years. He expresses taken by police early today when but not one of them left his work, to-date moprishine, produced under ceny in connection with the short­ they raided the "Chez Victor,” one all realizing that the labor of. re­ were s\}pp(>Bed to go to Honolulu The Lineups I an Palmes and Joseph Ferguson, his views as follows: for our honeymoon. ’ But did we unsanitao’ conditions and by men age of $10,079 from the Watertown of the smartest nightclubs and one habilitation had to go on no matter unfamiliar with distilling, virtually The teams will probably line up the Boy Scouts, Silk City Flute “ Money invested in brain and Co-Operative Bank, of which she get there? No! We got as far as follows: Band and World War veterans and bone and muscle for the children often frequented by the Prince of what the cost might be. is as poisonous as the did time de­ was formerly . bookkeeper. Her Wales and Cabinet ministers. as Catalina Island where we looked Yalo Princeton their auxiliaries. and young people will yield a profit 8t fish through the, bottom of a natured alcohol. Large quantities that cannot be estimated in dollars arrest followed an audit of the ‘ Police took the names of about oftentimes produce death or bun d- Scott LE Lawler Hundreds of people lined the hank’s books. Mrs. Coburn was 100 patrons. The "Chez Victor” has glass-floored barge. And fish sim­ Eddy LT ■Whyte Main street to watch the parade. At and cents. Health is the first essen­ t r e a s u r y b a l a n c e ply slay me. ness. — tial to success. Entering the busi­ prominent in the club life of a most distinguished clientele, Hall LG French the hospital. Rev. Marvin C. St6ck- Watertown. The bank was fully Lord and Lady Mountbatten being “ Then after Aaron got through Charlesworth C Howe ing gave the invocation and after ness world with a frail body is not Washington, Nov. 12.— ^Treasury looking at the fish, he went ‘Kai- different trom going to sea in an covered by an Indemnity \bond. Mrs. among those of the nobility who'oe- HOLLANDipNEL Webster RG Blake Mr. Quimby’s speech, Rev. Watson Coburn’s husband Is town treas­ casionally make it their rendez­ balance No'vember 10th: $202,- serlsh’ (word invented by Helen) Quarrier Woodruff, pastor of the Center and started to say what we should RT Barfield urer of Watertown. vous. 288,757.33. Fishwick RE Moeser Congregational church, offered (Continaed on page 10) do. Among ether things he decid­ IS oipENED TODAY Hoben QB Baruch prayer. As the names of the 45 ed that we -were going home to Garvey LH Wittmer Manchester men who paid the su­ Baltimore— and Baltimore— Cox RH Norman preme sacrifice were read, members “ My dear, were you ever In Balti­ Biggest in the World Connects Decker FB Miles of the Army and Navy Club and the Pen and Ink Shots at What’s Happened in Manchester B y C liff K n ight more? Cnillers, crullers, crullers. New York and Jersey— ve­ Referee— 'V.' A. Schwer, Brown; American Legion hunig wreaths on Everybody and everything in Balti­ umpire— E. A- Murphy, Brown; the Memorial trees. more smells like crullers. I had hicles Only. linesman, David L. Futez, to change my sMt three times in a Brown; New York, Nov. — Mrs. Cli^ field Judge -A. G. Miller, Pennsyl- movie to get away’from the odor— 12 v'ania. hut I couldn’t! ford M. Holland today FORMER MRS. DODGE “ I Just couldn’t stand it and I’m out to conclusion the life s dream back here concentrating------,” s^ite of her husband, which was ended AGAIN IN TROUBLE concluded,, which recalls that Helen for him by death three weeks ago. explained when she “ landed” her The widow will participate in the ilLEN R. AVERY DEAD banker husband six weeks ago that ceremonies-incident today to the AT llAMC AC DDATUED ' Quarrel With Second Hus- “ concentration” the achieve­ formal opening of the huige H M nuirm Ur DAUlnCll l band and is on Way to Paris ment possible. land tunnel,” the world s la^ e^ For Divorce. vehicular tunnel connecting Ma hattan and New Jersey under the Well Known Markeiman Pass­ Manila, P. L, Nov. 12 — Their PROMISES S P A T IO N S Hudson river. , I es in Willimantic After Year honeymoon trip disrupted, Mrs. Holland, noted engineer, died three years ago of strain and over­ Of 111 Health. Benjamin F. Manning, former wil’(! IN SINCLAIR SCANDAL of Horace E. Dodge, Jr., ■ was work while his life’s dream of a vehicular tunnel under the j i v e Allen R. Avery, 69, in charge of aboard the steamer President Hayes enroute to Europe today, was undergoing materialization. the meat .department of the Pine- Federal Official Says He Must First traffic will pass through hurst Grocery for many years, died while her husband, Lieutenant Keep the Secret a Little Manning, was at Shanghai. the “ tube” at midnight. at the home of his brother, Fred W M e Longer. Avery, of Willimantic, today. He The couple, according to passen­ gers on the President McKinley, is survived only by hip brother and 'Washington, Nov. 12.— A final EXPLOSION ON TANKER his mother, both of Willimantic. qnarreled continually while travel­ ing between Kobe and Shanghai— flare of fireworks was promised to­ The latter is the only original day in the government’s Grand Jury Daughter of the Revolution in this ^ quarrel which finally resulted In B U S TWO, HURTS MANY Mrs. Manning taking another cabin Investigation of the alleged efforts state. of Harry F. Sinclair, oil magnate, The funeral will be held from and her husband staying at Shan­ ghai to tamper with the Jury that was the rooms of Avery and Van Zandt sitting to his trial for conspiracy Details Missing of Blast "^at / jS of 60 North street, Willimantic, on Mrs. Manning left the President McKinley and continued the Jour­ with former Secretary of Interior Wrecks Oil Carrier Out at Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Albert H, Fall to grab the Teapot ney on the President Hayes only on Sea. Mr. Avery was stricken with a Dome naval oil reserve. shock about a year ago but had re­ the condition that her husband was refused booking on the latter ship, Assistant United States Attorney New York, Nov. 12.— ^With toree covered somewhat and had re­ Nell Burkinshaw, in charge of the it was reported of her crew dead and a fourth- dy­ turned to his duties at the store. inveatig^ion, was guarding the na­ ing, the tanker Beta, fire la her It Is understood 4iere that Mrs. ture of the expected "big new lead He had a relapse some time ago Manning will leave the ship at Gen­ forward hold and sinking by tM and fiad been at the home of his zealously. head, was slowly, making her way oa and from there go to Paris, “ If I let anything out in ad­ brother since that time. where, it is rumored, she will seek to port early and was reported un­ vance,” he said! “ I wouldn t get der escort oft Stapleton, Staten -s- a divorce. ’ the Information I’m gptog after.” HOOVER TO VISIT VERMONT. The Mannings left Honolulu He indicated, however, there land. , - c several weeks ago, on the same day might be.further developments of The Beta, with a. crew of 3&, Washington, Nov. 12.— Presi­ that Horace E. Dodge, Jr., accom­ a truly seiisatlohal character. sailed yesterday, for Baytown, dent Coolidge today directed two panied by his two children who had . gWnclalr, H. Mason Day and Shel­ as. A message several hours later members of his catonet to proceed been in custody of Mrs. Manning, don Clark-^the latter two Sinclair from Captain Keyhoe read: to Vermont next week to particl- sailed for Canada. officials and . alleged "contact men” “ Eight miles north o f Barnegal pdte with the Vermont state officials between, the oil king and the fifteen explosion forward, bPw in conferences looking toward the PRESIDENT’S SOI. A VOTER Bnrns detectives who were hired to Coast Guard standing by. rehabilitation of the New England shadow the jury— already have flooded areas. Nothami>ton, Mass., Nov. 12— been cited to formal complaint for been killed by the b’rsst, the Secretary of Commerce Hoover John Coolidge, Amherst .student, .conspiracy to illegally influence a af •which was not revealed and Attorney General Sargent, the son of the President, today was a Petit Jury. Day is out-on $25,000 toesfages. The latter a native of Vermont, will full-fledged voter. He registered bond; Clark has been released on the rrew wasTemr^fed meet in the Vermont capital next here. John will probably vote at $10,000. No effort kas been made to Guard cutter .and tln»BFf«teo to niiitno 'hnanitfi.l, ■ Wednesday with state officials to the Republican caucus on Wednes- arrest Sinclair. . ' T-- ■ ■ " • • discuss rehahilltntion measures. dav oventnee

■■J J ^ ’-' i. - , I MANC^fiSrEJR (CONN.) BVfiNINQ HBRALD, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1927.

MOTHER’S CLUB MEETING t-mmended a ^ book* tdr vonthful leaJexa* fe d through No Other Gods Before Me.” POUCE COURT cduriesy of iho TJouti MantSiostet^ First Evangelical Lutheran S0U1H AFRICAN ROBERTSON TO BE A large gathering of the members lU)rory a of hook^ church. Rev. John F, Bauchmann* of the Manchester Mother’s Club Were exhibited ^fih&'the evei*is.. R (K kviU e pastor. enjoyed the talk on ChUdrw’s Mr8.--FredqtlckrC. AHaa, talented 9:00— Bible school. As a result of the automobile ac­ HEAD OF CHAMBER hooks given at the South Methpj^t pianist,' rendered Schttbe5l^ ,^ e r e i 10:00— ^English service. Subject, d U ) S U U R Y cident on Forest street yesterday nade and. Souvenir. A sodal ^bP^ir A lbino VtHpi Held A fte r His afternoon about 1:30, when Miss church last night by Mrs. Mary; E. “ Your God and Your World.” followed the busmeas during i0ich 11:00— German service. Car Gets in Way of Auto Lottie Burke of Homestead street S. Root of Hartford, formerly head the^ hostesses served gaafedfibea WORK IS FINISHED 7:00— Evening service, “ A Com­ UNDER N E W U W Truck. ' Picked For President of Com- was Injured, Michael Scirica of of the children’s division of -the- parison of Forgiveness.” / Hartford was before the town court Pro-vldence Tr.:rary. Mrs. Root rec- and coffee. St. Johns church. Rev. H. B. this morning charged with reckless Albino Volpl of Highland Park driving. He was found guilty Olmstead, Rector. was arrested by Motorcycle Police­ merce Body By Nonunat- ON ALARM SYSTEM 10:45— Morning piayer and ser­ and a fine of |25 and coats was im­ New Measure Sanctions man Rudolph Wirtalla on the posed. Although there were five mon. ' • charge of reckless driving, follow­ 6:30— ^Evening prayer. ing Committee. other occupants In the car at the ing an accident which occurred this time of the accident, they were un­ St. Bernard Catholic church. Binding Boys and Girls to morning at 10:30 at the corner of Rev. Geoi T. Slnnott, pastor. able to scrape up a dollar among Took All Sumner to Put Main and School streets. Volpl’s car them and he had to go to jail. The T h Masses will be held at 8:00, 9:16 Rialto Work In Mines. a Ford truck, was struck by a de­ W. Geonge Glenney, chairman of Scirica was unable to explain sat­ Wires In First Class Con­ and 10:30. livery truck of the Loose-Wiles the nominating committee of the isfactorily Just what happened HOME OF REAL BARGAINS Devotion at 3:30 o’clock. ' Biscuit company driven by Peter Manchester Chamber of Coiiunerce, when he ran into the iron electric St. Josephs Polish Catholic F. Gallagher of 317 Sargeant submitted today the report of the light pole, moving it about two feet dition— ^Up-to-Date Now. church. Rev. Slglsmund WoronieckI LonAon.— ^Little children will be street, Hartford. Volpi came out of committee which will be presented and breaking it off at the top. The ~~ TODAY ONLY ' =pastor. placed under conditions of virtual School street, taking a wide turn to the annual meeting at the Rain­ automobile, a Flint touring car, Masses at 8:00 and 10:30. enslavement if the Native Juvenile going north on Main street. He was bow Inn on November 22. The was badly damaged. Scirica claimed- PROGR.^ CONTINUOUS 2 il5-10:30. \ Devotions at 3 o’clock. - EmploymeUt Act, as approved by ^or. the wrong side of the road when committee consists of, in addition he was not driving more than 10 (Special to The Herald) Christian Science. the Southern Rhodesia (Africa) to Mr. Glenney, R. LaMotte Rus­ to 15 miles an hour at the time of 15 Reels o f fJomedy, Pathos, Drama, the Legislative Assembly, is sanctioned by' the truck which was pro­ Rockville, Not. 12.— ^When Lesson’ subject “ Mortals and Im­ ceeding south. The damage to sell, Lewis Sipe, C. Elmore Wat­ the accident. Judge Johnson, how­ Romance ^ < weekly teat ot the Are alarm was mortals-” j by the higher authorities. That is kins and N. B. Richards. ever, believed there must have been the Opinion of Travers Buxton, sec­ Volpi’s car Included a smashed sounded this noon Rockville’s fire ^Notes radiator and hood, a broken spring, The result of the report is as carelessness on the part of the driv­ The Stanley Dobosz. American retary of the Anti-Slavery and er when the car crashed into an LEO MALONEY in / department was found *to be In bent fender and broken front follows: President, W. W. Robert­ Legion expect a record breaking Aborigenes Protection Society hare, son; vice-president, Harlow W. iron pole and aid the damage that proper working order. It brought which is viewing the trend of re­ headlight. The damage to the de­ crowd at their fair tonight. The livery truck was very slight. Willis; treasurer, Earl G. Seaman; resulted if it was only going 10 to “The Long Loop Of The P^os'* to an 9nd a number of repairs that program is as follows: The Danc­ cent native legislation In that part 15 miles an hour. He believed it of the world with grave concern. Gallagher told the police that he directors for two years, Robert K. have been made which Superinten­ ing Marleys in their famous clog Anderson, Austin Cheney, Emil L. was because there were three pre The Act, according to reports was going down Main street at a sons in the front seat. It was dent of Fire Alarm Dickerlson has and wing dance act. Billy Mar ley reasonable rate of speed. Volpi’s G. Hohenthal, Jr., Lewis N. Heeb- will be heard on the banjo and reaching here from Africa, sanc­ preyed that the steering gear was T h e Golden bnai*e ^nd Louis Stone tions in indenture of children, Ford came out of School street and ner, John I. Olson- been working on the entire sum­ Sully and Mully comediaas will all right. mer. The first Inspection made both boys and girls, to work in the drove over to the wrong side of the Howell Cheney of the Ninth COMEDY NEWS SERIAL cause ui} end of laughter. The Mar- showed that the cross arms on the mines and elsewhere. As there is street. The right side of the de­ School district committee will poles were in many instances al­ ley children will put on a singing no minimum age limit, children can livery truck struck the right side speak to the members of the cham­ Claims grdwing out of loss and most falling from the pole. In and dancing act. Tickets are 25 be taken into the mines as soon as of the Ford and turned it almost ber. damage to eggs cost the railroads SUNDAY AND MONDAY many oases these poles were owned cents. Dancing will include old they can walk. Power is also giv­ completely over- Nobody was in­ of this country $600,000 last year. fashioned and modern numbers. by others than the city. Arran^- en for the summary whipping of jured. -ments were mads to have the The Silver Cross society of the b ^ s for refusing to obey any or b u s t e r KEATON in changes made which would carry St. Johns church will hold its an­ der by an official, without re­ PIEDMONT ITAUANS the wires of the fire alarm system nual bazaar Wednesday afternoon course to charge ojr trial. PARSON'S on a different section and there and evening, Nov. 16th. Tea will be Control of Natives MANY OF TOWNSFOLK HARTFORD k^XHE G EN ERAL'^ were many new cross arms placed served also hot dogs and coffee. Another measure, now before the HOLD BANQUET HERE on the poles. Wire, which had been Miss Rose Jelinek of the Rock­ Legislative Assembly, Is for “ the • in use for a long time was replaced ville Telephone Exchange has been control of natives.” It imposes TO SEE YALE GAME Nov. 14-15-16 POPULAR WED. MATINEE If you don’t laugh and this wire, in many cases was awarded a service button for ha.v heavy 'penalties for “ Insolence” or Frozert-faced Buster < }ne of Two Clubs in U. S. Have Next Mon., Tues., Wed. yourself weak and get strung on Sundays by experi­ ing completed 15 years as an em “ contemptuous behavior,” and plac­ !iargest Number of Local Fans Notable Affair at K. of C. Keaton makes even the enced in the work who gave their plcyee of the Southern New Eng­ ed the Native Commissioner at once CECIL thrilled into gooseflesh services at a lower cost to the city land Telephone Company in the role of prosecutor, judge, Go to New Haven For HaU. army mules laugh with while watching “THE than would have been the case if LEAN The Catholic Ladies of Columbus and jury. Princeton Classic. and ' GENERAL^” you’d not the work was done otherwise. will initiate a class of candidates Unless the British Parliament, Natives of the town, of Fubine, “The General,” the In addition to this the purchas­ through the Secretary of the Do­ in tte province of Piedmont Italy, CLEO even grin at Julius Cae­ Sunday afternoon. The Danbury Manchester will have a larger world’s biggest laughter- ing of the wire that was needed was degree team will work the degree. minions, • steps in to amend thesb representation at the Yale-Prince- meet this afternoon in the K. of C. MAYFIELD sar crossing the .Alps on bought at a lower cost than if it Following the meeting there will measures, it seems that conditions ton football game in New Haven hall for a banquet. The Manches­ motive engine! a high wheel bike. had been bought by the city and be a banquet in the Girls club as bad as those which reformers today than in any previous year, it ter branch of ,the association of La there was no waste in the wire, rooms. Many state officials are ex­ fought against a hundred years ago is estimated. Most of the Man­ Fubinese is one of two in this ALLEZ-OOP only that which was actually Reed­ may be repeated, according to Bux­ Direct With Entire Original pected- chester people who attend will country, the other being located in Also “HEART OP THE YUKON” ed being used and charged for. Im­ ton. . make the trip by automobile. New York city. Cast from 5 months at Earl Car- provements were also made on the The British Colonial Secretary The comparative abundance of The dinner, of Italian dishes, will roll Theater, New York. With John Bowers, Anne Cornwall switchboard at fire headquarters. has been approached by the so­ tickets for the game this year made feature roast chicken. It will be Happiest, Snappiest, Revue James Farr l^romoted ciety on the matter without result. it easy for local fans to obtain served by Italian epoks. Visitors / of the Year. James Farr, who is well known Now an appeal is being sent out to Matinee 10c-15c. Eveniligs 10c, 25e them. Formerly the rush of itekets are expected from the New York Prices: Eves. Orch $3.00; Bal. throughout the division of the members of the British Parliament was so great that football lovers branch of the society. Standard Oil Company which the the hope that their influence $1.50 to $2.60; Second Bal. $1, here are uujAle to get them, ex­ In charge of the dinner is a com­ 76c. Wed. Mat. Orch. $2; Bal THREE ACTS OF VAUDEVILLE Rockville tanks cover, has been will expose the Act, which is sub mittee consisting of G. Novelll, F. promoted to district to ject to the approval of the Secre­ cept in a few instances. $1, $1.60; Second BaL 75c, 50c TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Some persons who had purchased Ferrando, A. Varca, F. Ravogli, F. Plus Tax. . take the place made vacant by the tary of State for Colonial Affairs Gatti, G. Maglietti, J. Lentl, B. An- death of District Manager Hunt. In London before it can be oper­ tickets to the game sold them when His appointment dates from the first they learned that Caldwell, Yale’s saldi, J. Varca and W. Saglio. Hollywood, Calif. — It seems ated. . star backfleld man, had been of the month and gives him charge that every time anyone from the “ These new laws come through not only of the pumping station in the demand of farmers and others barred. Rockville, the delivery of gasoline cinema capital goes to Europe he, Among those who went to the or she, returns with a different for cheap labor,” Buxton told In and oil in Rockville, but also takes ternational News Service. “ I am game today were Town Clerk Sam­ version of the German film in­ uel G. Turkington; Winston, Mil in all of Manchester. dustry. Some think the Germans convinced they would not be tol­ CONTINUOUS 2:15 TO 10:39 Armistice Pageant erated in any civilized country ton and Harold Turkington, Miss The pageant "Fields of Honor are far ahead of us in the produc­ Bdythe Schultz of the Chamber of 2—FEATURES—2 tion of pictures; some are of the were the facts fully known. TODAY written and directed by Miss Leila Child Labor Commerce, George Dougherty, who M. Church, was given at the Sykes opinion that^we are very superior; “ There is ample evidence that is a student at Princeton, Matthew / Auditorium yesterday afternoon others believe that it is Just about child labor is now being used on Macdonald and Walter Dunn. Patsy Ruth Miller POLA NEGRI fifty-fifty break. Song Reel and met with such popular favor a wide scale in Southern Rhodesia. Members of the High School foot­ — in— — in— and was such a tremendous success According to John S. Robertson, We have evidence, which we are in­ ball team, playing against Hillhouse BY THE LIGHT tiS prominent director who is now in “PAINTING THE that it was necessary to stage a corporating in the appeal being High or New Haven today, will he “Barbed Wire” the SILVERY MOON Germany, the films produced over made to British Members of Par­ allowed to see the Yale-Princeton TOWN” third performance. there never will be serious rivals to The event proved to the people liament, that the mica fields in contest. what hitherto they had read of ours. Southern Rhodesia are almost en­ Miss Church’s ability and the suc­ ‘Although-Germany Is America’s tirely run by native boys. In one Wa n t h io h e b p r ic e s . cess which has been hers In writing strongest motion picture rival, Of the mines of the mica fields quite there are several reasons which fifty per cent are juveniles. and directing these pageants Norwich, Conn., Nov. 12.— Milk throughout New England Yester­ lead me to believe she will never “ The official defense of the Act cause Hollywood to Took to its is that It is giving effect to the producers in eastern Connecticut day Rockville endeavored to show have asked an increase in rates Sunday-Monday laurels,” writes Robertson. “ The her great esteem for Miss Church recommendations of welfare work­ first and principal of these is the ers. This is a serious misrepre from the Providence and Boston by the three, capacity bouses which length of time spent on the best markets effective November 15. An witnessed the showing of the sentation.” German pictures. While the Amer­ It is likely that the whole ques­ estimated reduction of 30,000 “ Fields of Honor’’. The program quarts per day, as the result of the follows which will be -of interest ican director stresses acting as the tion will be thoroughly aired when most iDD^tant thing in a film, the the Britibh Parliament meets in Vermont floods Is being met largely THE STORY OF to Miss Church’s friends in Man­ Germal^puts technical matters on early November. Many members by increased production in this dis­ chester and Rockville: an equal basis. As a result the already have questions down on the trict, the producers say. Prologue— Courage Germans spend a laj^ge amount of Order Paper regarding the matter. Scene L time on ponderous and striking set­ AGREEMENT REACHED When Men Fought for the Favor of NEW YORK tings, unique lighting, odd back­ POLAR EXPLORER DIBS Pari?, Nov. 12.— Official an­ a Lady’s Hand. grounds and other ditkils. Conse­ Oslo, Nov. 12.— Captain Kristian nouncement was made this after­ Scene n. quently an American producer re­ noon that the negotiations between The Discovery of a New Land Prest-Gaard, famous Norwegian TODAY WITH IT’S LOVES, leases about two good pictures to Polar explorer, died here today. He France and the United States for a Courage...... Mrs. B. H. Cobb Germany’s one.” temporary tariff agreement have Knight ...... Lawrence Genovesl was 47 yeaFs old. Captain Prest-Gaard was asso­ ended satisfactorily. The French PASSIONS AND HATES. Christopher Columbus .. At last it has been definitely set­ governmeuit will soon Issue a de­ ...... Raymond Ertel ciated with Roald Amundsen and tled what Cecil B. DeMille is to do Fridtjof Nansen on several of their cree containing the new tariffs upon “PTelds of Honor. next. His executives seem to have Polar expeditions. American Imports. SEE THIS PICTURE OP WRECKS Scene L the Idea that the entire worLJ The Indians at First awaits word of the next jump to AND RESCUES . “ The white men^qtane like morning be made by the man who filmed i sun •' portion of the life of Christ. ' How That tells of coming day: ever, regardless of its Importance, Like mist that melts before the sun. he is to make a picture with re­ We, too, shall drift away. form schools as the background. Today and Scene n. Oh yes, of course there will be a John Alden and Priscilla love theme in the story, *•: Tomorrow P riscilla...... Miss Lois Randall Circle John A ld e n ...... Clayton George Moviana is now beginning to Scene HI. wonder If Fo hasn’t another “ find” For Religious Freedom. in young Marjorie Beebe. No one THE OLDEN, GOLDEN WEST LIVES AGAIN IN THIS Scene IV. ever heard of Marjorie until a ROMANTIC STORY OF OLD CALIFORNIA. Independence. few months ago and now the younk The Alarm comedienne has been given the fear A Flag for America tured lead in “Nutty But Nice.” The Surrender of Cornwallis George Washington ...... :. You never can tell what is going : ...... Francis Prichard to happen to a fellow once he gets Lord Cornwallis . . . Frank Condon into Hollywood. Take Gary Coo­ The Minuet per and Lane Chandler tof' exam­ Scene V. ple. Both eame” ' from' Montana^ For Humanity’s Sake. where the favorite outdoor sport is WILLIAM The Call. horseback riding. And both are Marching Away. now cast as airplane pilots in “ The FOX On Camping Grounds. Legion of the Condemned,” a flying War Memories. (Home Sweet story of the war. ' Home) Scene VI. Publicity hounds who make i For Justice. living by getting pieces about theic ' WITH MARY ASTOR AND GILBERT ROLAND The Mother of Today. clients in newspapers -will take a SCREEN SNAPSHOTS COMEDY Mother of Today .... Mrs. Tilden chance on anything in the movie Jewett. town. One of their favorite “ gage’’ Same Circle Prices: Mat, 10c, 15c. Eve. 10c, 25c. Sailor ...... !. William Regan is to have some sort of an offer Soldier ...... Tilden Jewett made their client— on condition America .... Mrs. H. *1. Olmstead that it will not be accepted.. The Scene Vn. \ offer Itself Is, of ^course, worth a For Honor, Forever. story. War Call. War ...... Charles Leonard Dolores Del Rio is about to re­ WITH GEORGE O’BRIEN AND VIRGINIA VALLL Answering Men. turn to Mexico City to see her na­ Follow the Crowd to Revolutionary Soldiers. tive haunts again. A brief visit 900 Wethersfield Ave, ADDED ATTRACTION. SONG REEL “DAISY BELL” Civil War Soldiers. Is all she will allow herself In the H artford ' Spanish War Soldiers. Mexican capital. World War Soldiers (Group Dane from Ellington). Closing the singing of “ America’’ Palais Royal <^MING TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY by ensemble and audience. ABOUT TOWN j TONIGHT Church Notes Unien Congregational church- Special “ h ST in " * N o w W e ^ r e up in th e A ir Rev. (George S. Brookes, pastor. A Velle car registered under the Yale-Princetdn Congregational Fellowship and name of Albert Samuel of Andover ^ was found this morning on the lawn ^Missionary Day. Rev. Levi Rees of at the Rogers paper mill on Hart­ Football Dance Stafford Springs will occupy the ford road. Both front wheels were SPECIAL TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY pulpit. SUNDAY NIGHT off the car. The right front wheel OFFICIAL PICTURES OP LAST WEEK’S 7:00 o’clock hvenlng service; had evidently come off first. The Dancing 7:30 to 11 p. m. Rev. Brookes will give an address car had taken a turn on to the on “M 1 Were a Jew.” lawn and the other wheel was Music by^urley’s Palais Royal Orchestra ' Rockville Baptist church. Rev. fwiated off and rested under the Dancing Every Night. . Free Parking. KAPLAN-DUHDEE nO R Y jSlake Smith, pastor. axle. Whoever was with the car T u e s^ and Thursday Ladies’ Free. lOtSO— Morning worship. Ser- Dioked up one of the wheels and Jnon “ New Liyes for Ola.” placed it In the back seat. The car 7:00-^Sermon “ Thou Shall Have had not been claimed up to noon. ■■ ■■: ■ ■.


Inson of Hockanum, who will sp^ak of the work in the Malay Peninsula. ELECTRIC CO. PLANNING Adults are cordially invited. The ladles of the Ladies’ Aid so­ OPENING CELEBRATION The Evening Herald ciety meet next Tuesday from 2 to 5 at the home of Mrs. Frank The first Church Night of the Big Display and. Demonstra Sunday School Lessons season is to be held next Thursday tion of Appliances at New evening. Supper will be served at by Wiffiam T. Ellis. 6:30, 35c for adults and 25c for Store Next Thursday. For Every Age* Creed and Nationality. children under twelve. The speaker SOUTH MBTHODIST EPISOOPAL^ CENTER OONQREGATIONAIi of the evening will be Professor Ro­ It will pay every Customer of the land H. Balnton of Yale University, Manchester Electric company to Rev. Josei^ Cooper Rev. WatMm Woodruff who chooses as his topic, “ War and visit the new office and showroom Morning worship, 1:45— Rev. Peace.” Dr. Bainton is a historian in the Dewey-Richman block at 9:30 a. m.— Sunday Bible school. Watson Woodruff will speak on of brilliance.------His------addresses combine irnn-wi ^73 Main street during their open- PREACBER’S FAITHUSS WIFE 10:30— Ministry of the Chime. “ The Bible” . in a remarkable way ing celebration on Thursday, Nov. 10:45— Morning Worship. Prelude, “ Largo”— Handel edge, prophetic outlook, and popu- company is planning a treat Organ Prelude, “ Impromptu," Field Koven. lar appeal. for all those who are interested in Our church and our neighbor MADE HIM A GREAT PROPHET Processional Hymn Solo, “ The Unknown Soldier”-*— electrical appliances. A nthem ...... Woodward Mr. Johnson. church have planned a series of One of the features of the event Offertory Anthem “ By Babylon’s Postlude, March in C— Cadman. monthly union vesper services. The will be the distribution of a cook Mellowed by his personal sorrow, Wave" ...... Gounod Church school, 9:30. first is to be held next Sunday after­ book containing 101 jecipes, be­ Hymn, The Junior Church will Re­ noon, Nov. 20th, at the North Meth­ sides very valuable Information on The International Sunday Hosea saw clearly, through the Men’s League— Frank Anderson odist church at 5 o’clock. The Meth- School Lesson for November telescope of tears» the nearness and tire. on “ Aviation” as it effects Man- the use and care of all kinds of Highway Robhry 4 odist choir will render the musical electrical equipment for the home 13, is “ Hosea Preaches God’s compassion and patience and fath­ .it:-! Sermon, “ Flying, Running, Walk­ program, and the preacher will be erliness of JehOA ah. He rose almost A TRUE STORY—PART m . ^ ing,” Dr. J. T. Wardle-Stafford Another free booklet will contain Love”— ^Hosea, Chapters 6, 11, Cyp Club, 6:00— Speaker Clar­ Rev. F. C. Allen. 14. to Calvary’s height Jn his grasp of Prayer-Choral A m en ...... Dunham ence Anderson, on “ My Trip to fourteen unusual waffle recipes. (It’s mighty hard fer some folks t* realize that they’s a lot Through the diligent work of New recipes for raisin waffles, spice the eternal truth th,at “ Like as a Recessional Hymn France with the American Legion” . Mrs. J. M. Williams, a friend of the father pitieth his children, so the 0* pirates operatin’ under the name o’ furniture stores. Wo Epworth League Devotional Piano solo by Elizabeth Barrett. waffles, chocolate waffles, etc., will know it. an’ we know how they do it—but we don’t often ketch Center church aiding there, about appeal to all those who use waffle What do you think about God? Lord pitieth them that fear Him; Service, 6:00 p. m. Topic, “ The Un­ Notices eighty subscriptions to our home He 'xnoweth them that feat Him; one on th’ job, an’ when' jfolks get hooked they don’t like t* named Wayfarer.” Leader, Francis Monday, 7:46— Kings Daughters irons, as well as those who hope That question is interwoven with squeal. But we got oiie now, a plain case of Highway Bobb’ry. missionary magazine. The Ameri to own waffle irons some day. everybody’s experiences and prob­ He bnoweth our frame, He remem- Bun;. will meet with Mrs. Wwodruff, 814 can Missionary, have been secured, bereth that we are dust.” That is It’s a good story, an’ it ain’t flni^ed yet," an’ l|m ^ p n a tell y* 6:45 p. m.— Ministry of the With the new, low electric cook­ lems, just as it was i^rt of the trag­ all abont it as it goes along.) ’ ^ Main street. Miss Marlon Tinker giving us the 25c a year subscrip­ ing rate which the Manchester edy of Hosea, nearly eight hundred His second message Hear Hosea Chime. will give an address on her 7 tion rate. Further subscriptions speak forth the tireless love of the 7:00— Evening Worship. Electric company will announce years before Christ. Well sir, Mr. Smith hez bin back t’ see Skinski’s. months tour of Eurbpe, illustrated gladly received. next week, a great deal of interest God cannot be disentangled from' Patient One, \yhlch is the Moslems’ Organ Recital— “ Andante from the by motion pictures taken with her The date of our Every Member ninety-ninth name of God:— “ 'When Y’ remember how they bed hom-swoggled his wife into Violin Concerto" ..Mendelssohn will undoubtedly be shown in the the world’s present new notions motion picture camera. Canvass this year is Dec. 11. Let us Israel was a child, then I loved him payin’ ’em $65 ’fore they let her out o’ th’ store— an* “ Nocturne” ...... Dethier demonstration of electric ranges at about philosophy and science. Back Tuesday 7:80:—Meeting of the be ready to aid both by generous the new store. A demonstrator from of the big social unheavals of the ...... I drew them with the cords then refused t’ refund it— an’ bime-by Smith come out Offertory Baritone Solo, “ The Lord Business Girls in the Intermediate pledging, and by hearty willingness is My Light," by Robert Von- thfe Westinghouse Company will ex­ postwar period, such as Russia’s ex­ of a man, with bands of love.. ^. here an’ bought his goods an’ wuz all fer lettin* Skinsld’s room. to help in the canvass if called up­ plain the details of electric ranges How shall I give thee up?...... I Deck...... Allisen periment, stands, sheer and clear, go t’ th’ devil with his money— ^which is th* only reason Tuesday, 7:30— There will be a on. and cooking to any who inquire. this Inescapable question, “ What do will heal their backsliding, I will Sermon,, “ The Victory of the Vic­ meeting of Group 3, at the home why Skinski’s kin play game, ’cause folks don’t bear tims” ...... Dr. Wardle-Stafford The new improved model of the you honestly think about God? love them freely.” The tender truth of Mrs. Annsley Trotter, 15 Bige­ SWEDISH LUTHERAN CHURCH. that Christ embodied, Hosea spoke. Program for the Week ever populer Thor ironer will be on Does He belong in this picture? Has down on ’em. low street. All members are asked display, with a competent demon­ And it is the truth, which all of us,; Monday— Sunday, 9:30 a. m.— Sunday be a part in this matter? If so, what But Smith talked with us out here an’ fin’ly prom­ to come. strator to give electrical ironing in­ is it? Or is He, at best, a remote weak, wandering, wilful, most need 7:00 p. m.— Meeting of the Wednesday, 8:00— Party at Mrs. school and Fellowship Bible class. ised he’d go have it out with ’em. So he went along— Christmas Pageant Committee. formation. The Savage Wringerless and Impersonal Something that is to hear concernUig God. Marion Alvord’s for all the mem­ 10:45 a. m.— Swedish service. Washer with its many popular fea­ This old world is wrong, yet God but they know their game, an’ he couldn’t get no satifac- 7:15— Men’s Friendship Club. 7:00 p. m.— Luther League. npt concerned with human af­ Business meeting. 8 o’clock speak­ bers of Group V. tures; and the Automatic Washer fairs?” loves it, with a love more incredi­ tion. They’d write down an order fer a rug with $5 At the evening service Rev. Win­ which the Electric Company sells ble'than Hosea's affection for his er, D. H. Kaufman of Hartford. Thursday, 7:00— Girl Reserves One Man’s Personal Tragedy j down, an’ a dresser with $5 down— an’ this, that an* th* in the Intermediate room. field of Meriden will be the speaker. on budget terms for $94.50, will al­ 1 wandering wife. Speech cannot ex­ Tuesday— There will be special music. In burning clearness and power, other. BiU come to about $300 an’ twan’t worth half 7:00 p. m.— Boy Scouts. Ray Friday, 3:30— “ Brownies” in so be shown. press the measureless extent of the the Intermediate room. Notes M. S. Wright Company, the mak­ the place of God in one man’s life, love of God for His human children. th at. Mercer, Scoutmaster. Monday, 8 p. m.— Beethoven Glee Friday, 7:00— Boy Scouts in the ers of Sweeper-Vac cleaners, are and in a nation’s experience, is set He loves humanity so much that He No, they couldn’t cancel th’ order an’ j^ve him hl3 7:00— Camp Fire Girls. club. ,,, , participating in the opening of the forth by the ancient Hebrew, Hosea^ Wednesday— Junior room. staked His own Son on its redemp­ money— an’ they couldn’t give him $65 worth of goods Tuesday, 7:30 p. m.— Mission new store, by sending a man to ex­ a prophet of the northern kingdom tion. 'We know more than Hosea '2:30 p.m .— Ladies’ Aid Business meeting: Rev. Ohslund of.New Ha­ an’ call it square. Y’see, they didn’t have the $65. That ST. IklARY’S EPISCOPAL. hibit their products. They have also of Israel. Out of the deep darkness about the boundless love of God; and Sewing Meeting. ven and Rev. Mattson of West Ha­ of personal woe he got this shining went t’ th’ salesmen fer their commission on th* deaL Church Training Night. 7:00 arranged to give away a $10.50 for we have seen the Cross, and the ven will speak. electric fioor polisher with each light; an-d his light may be our On’y thing fer M r. Sm ith t’ do wuz take> th* order an* Study classes. 1— “ Our Bible, how Rev. J. Stuart Neill Wednesday, 7 p. m.— Boy Scouts Gaviour thereon. Sweeper Vac Cleaner sold on the beacon. For Hosea saw:—and the pay th’ bsdance. we got it." (Class in the parlor.) of Troop 5 will meet; Dr. Goff will Seeing Straight On Morals Services as follows: opening day. vision made him a prophet,— that Some ecstatic, unworldly figures, They gave him a great song and"dance, but he’d Teacher, the Pastor. 2— Mission give Instruction in first aid and per A beautiful collection of Miller although things were wrong. God study. “ New Paths for Old Pur­ 9:30 a. m.— Church school. sonal health. like Ruskin, have suffered from looked over things out t’ our place an’ he knew he’d Men’s Bible class. lamps are on sale this month at was right. He did not try to con­ strange astigmatism when personal poses.” (Class in Junior Room.) Friday, 7 p. m.— G Clef Glee very special prices. With attractive form God to his petty circumstances on’y be throwin’ good money after bad-even if he lost Teacher, Miss Haviland. 10:45 a. m.— Morning prayer and club; 8:30 choir rehearsal. problems were concerned. Muddy- sermon. Sermon topic: “ They That georgette and taffeta shades in six but instead, he shaped his own mindedniess in the matter of morals th’ $65 ’twas cheaper t’ do business with us. 7:45— Devotional meeting in different colors, the lamps add to thinking and cond^uct into conform­ chapel. The Book of Job. "Job’s Go Down to the Sea In Ships.” is not uncommon. Certain religious So he fought his way out an’ he’s* gonna look up his (3.0\0 p. m.— Highland Park CHURCH OF THE NAZARENB the beauty of the Electric Com­ ity with the character of God. And cults, even within the knowledge of Friends,” the Pastor. Rev. E. T. French, Pastor pany’s showroom, and suggest how lawyer fer some action on th’ matter— an’ we’ll hear 8:45— ^Friendship gathering. Sundajr school) omitted. that is basic faith. today’s readers, have lost their 3:00 p. m.— Special service— The pleasingly they will fit into many Hosea was in a bad case. His ethics in their ecstacy; their sense some more of it later. Thursday— Manchester homes. The pastor and the director will Provost, Very Rev. W. Erskin Hill, 9.30 a. m.— Sunday school. wife was faithless to him. More of sin has been eclipsed by their With a showing of refrigerat9rs, than that, she was a common cour­ attend the meeting of the State of Aberdeen Cathedral, Scotland, 10.45 a. m.— Morning worship, “ spirituality.” Not so with Hosea— as well as new electrical novelties tesan. He was not sure that the Council of Religious Education at will preach at this service. An in­ sermon by the pastor. and this is the third of . the timely that will be on exhibition for the children she bore were his own. New Haven, Conn. vitation has been extended to Clan 3 p. m.— iunior Mission Band. truths he speaks. Confronted by a MacLean, to Manchester Pipe Band, 6.30 p. m.— Young People’s first time in Manchester, the Elec­ That ugly, stark situation speaks moral collapse in his own family, Friday— tric Company has a wealth of inter­ 2:30 p. m.— The Woman’s Home and to Helen Davidson Lodge, meeting. for itself; there is no need to dwell he saw it as such in all its heineous- Daughters of Scotia, to be present. 7.30 p. m.— Evangelistic service esting entertainment to offer Man­ upon the horror of a fine-grained, ness. There is profound portentous­ Missionary Society will meet at the chester shoppers next Thursday. (7:00 p. m.— Evening service) conducted by the pastor. spiritually-sensitive man’s being ness in the truth that the prophets home of Mrs. William Black, 44 omitted. ■V\’ells St. Mrs. Clarence Taylor will 7.30 p. m.— Monday— Band married to such a depraved crea­ and apostles never once wavered in Monday, Nov. 14— The Bishop of ture. Tragedy could go no further. be in charge of the program. Topic, practice. their message of the moral law. Aberdeen and the Provost will visit 7.30 p. m.— ^Wednesday, mid­ Many a man has been wrecked Like his contemporaries, Amos “ Our Negro Schools.” the Glebe House at Woodbury, Con­ 5:45— Standard Bearer Supper. week prayer service. by less. But Hosea saw in hia own and Isaiah, this prophet Hosea saw necticut, where Samuel Seabury calamity a picture of his peoples’ This is dues paying month. Follow­ 7.30 p. m.— Friday eveniujg. ANDOVER straight upon the relation between iths was elected bishop. ing the supper the p/ogram is in Class meeting led by Robert Bulla plight. He was one of those great religion and righteousness. All the Monday, 7:30 p. fa.— Girls’ souls who consider every subject in .charge of Francis Burr; topic, “ Our Friendly society; 5 p. m.— Confir­ Mrs. Fred Bishop received word vials of his condemnation were Cor. Main & S«:hool Sts* r J Work in Europe.” ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN Thursday of the death of her moth­ its God-relationship. From his own pouring out upon a nation that mation class. shame and sorrow he got a vivid 7:30 p. m.— Manchester County Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.— Boy CHURCH. er Mrs. John Hopkins of Williman- thought to atone for its moral mis­ South Manchester Counci', of Religious Education tic. Mrs. Hopkins has been in poor sense of the patience and forbear­ behaviour by its ritualistic right­ Scouts meeting. ance and forgiveness of Jehovah. 9f ineeting at St. Mary’s church. Thursday, 7:30 p. m.— Choir re Rev, H. F. R. Stechholz health for several years and two ness. Outward formalism could be Notes Service in German will be held weeks ago was taken to her daugh­ Israel, the Lord’s v beloved bride, no substitute for Inner integrity. A “ The Place To Bay Ftfmiture hearsal. ter, Mrs. Hattie Hawkes in Hamp had been faitbless to Him; and had The Ladies’ Aid Christmas Sup­ Friday, 3:30 p. m.— Girls’ at 10 a. m., Sunday school at 11 hypocrite was odious to Hosea be­ per and bazaar comes the first week a. m., children’s instruction in Ger ton where she died, age 83. given herself shamelessly to the cause odious to God. Rightly has Friendly society candidates; 7:30 Mrs. Kittle Mittens has moved lusts of idolatry. By all. considera­ in December. p. m.— Meeting of the Manchester man. Catechism and Biblical His the International Lesson Commit­ from Charles White’s rent over the tions of justice, God would have tee chosen, as the Golden Text of Junior church began last Sunday Council of Religious Education, at tory on Saturday at 9.15 a. m. been warranted in casting off Israel with an attendance of njnety-seven. Advance notice Is hereby given post- office to Edward Standish’s this Lesson, “ I desire goodness, and St. Mary’s church. altogether. Yet He forgave and re­ Much of the success of this enter­ house known as the Fred Sackett not sacrifice; and the knowledge of Sunday, Nov. 27, 7:00 p. m.— that no service will be held on stored her, again and again. So a prise will depend upon the parents Thanksgiving Day in Zion Church, place. God more than burnt offerings.” m Rev. S. Harrington Littell will Mrs. Thomas Lewis and Mr. and new understanding of the long-suf­ and teachers. If they are sympathe­ preach at the evening service. but a joint service together with The man whose religion is only a tic towards it and will encourage Mrs. Erskin Hyde were callers in fering of Jehovah came to Hosea in creed for church "and Sundays, and The Rev. S. Harrington Littell is other Lutheran congregations will his bitter experience. . Out of his the children there will be no ques­ Manchester recently. without effect upon his week-day one of the best known of the Epis­ be held in the Swedish Lutheran Mrs. Ward Talbot and Mrs. Ran­ personal plight he got his public tion as to the fine sq^vice it will copal church’s missionaries in church on Church street at 10 a. practices, will find his portrait dall were callers in Willimantic prophecy. render. China. Twenty-eight years of serv­ m., and in the English language. painted in bold colors by the an­ Oakes Service Station Friday afternoon. When Ti'ouble Comes cient Hebrew prophets. ice in the Diocese of Hankow have The pastor of Zion church is to Mr. and Mrs. Elsworth Covell at­ There is an old saying that trou­ Formerly Landa’s Service Station given him an intimate knowledge preach the sermon. tended the funeral of Mr. Covell’s of Chinese life, a wonderful grasp ble is a chariot which may crush SEVEN SENTENCE SERMONS NORTH METHODIST EPISCOPAL. mother in Abington, Friday. Wil­ one to earth beneath Its wheels or FRANK OAKES, PROP. of the principles of effective mis­ THE SALVATION ARMY liam Squires took them in his auto­ South Manchester sionary administration and a wide else bear one up to triumph. Before The man that makes a character 563 Main Street, Tel. 2485, Marvin S. Stocking, Pastor outlook upon conditions in China. mobile. Hosea speaks to us upon general makes foes.— Young. Services Sunday as follows— Mrs. Florence Streeter and chil­ themes, let us get his message con- He is one of the best speakers in Company meeting at 9:30 a. m. dren of Buckland are visiting Mrs. any mission field and when in thiii cerniciig how a man should carry on Great men are they who see that Holiness meeting at 11 a. m. Chris­ Streeter’s mother Mrs. Maggie when trouble comes. Everybody has Sunday services:— country is always in great demand. tians Praise meeting at 3 p. m. the spiritual is stronger than any He has the happy faculty of illus­ Keefe. to face some sort of disaster at one material force; that thoughts rule 9.30 a. m.— Church School. Salvation'meeting at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Edward Standish who has time or another. How? That is the 10.45 a. m.— ^Worship with ser­ trating methods and principles of the world.— Emerson. It’ s Time You Planned td Have missionary work hy actual incidents Special revival services will be been in poor health for some time question which searches the soul mon by Rev. Francis L. Strickland, conducted by Adjutant J. W. West­ is gaining slowly. of deep hunian interest, occurring One common way is to go to pieces. There are loyal hearts, there are D. D., of the faculty of Boston brook (the Texas Revivalist) Mrs. Fred Bishop has not been Another is to endure disaster with University School of Theology. The in his own experience. As a preach­ spirits brave. er at Sunday services and a speak­ November 15th, to the 21st, inclu­ as well the past week and Dr. Mi­ grim stoicism. Your Car Put In Shape If special musical numbers will in­ chael Rorden of Willipiantic call­ There are souls that are pure and er at missionary meetings he has sive. Services every night at 8 p. Hosea’s way was to seek for the true; clude organ selections, anthem by m. ed on her Wednesday. spiritual significance of the ordeal; the choir and Carrie B. Adams’ few equals. ^ben give to the world the best you Mr. Littell was in Hankow dur­ to find out its Godward aspect. have, , If You Expect to Drive “ O Be Joyful in the Lord” sung by ing the exciting days when the Na­ ■\\Tiat was God trying to say to him, the junior choir. And the best will come back to tionalist army captured the city. and through him, in this experi­ you. — Anon. 6 p. m.— Epworth League Devo­ ence? Smitten in human relation­ tional Service. Ralph Persson will SECOND CONGREGATIONAL ships, he was strengtheiwed in Di Earth changes, but thy soul and | It Tins Winter x be the leader. The topic for con­ SACRinCE vine relationship. When a man is God stand sure.— Robert Browning, sideration is. "The Unnamed Way­ Frederick C. Allen, Minister BY GEORGE HENRY DOLE wrecked in estate may he not be Let us give it a thorough inspection—clean the dirt farer,” Luke 24: 13-26. thereby fortified in soul? Any price Other Announc^ents Intdaiational Sunday-School Lesson Text, Nov. 18. In that he himself hath suffered off the chassis—give the springs a cleaning bath and oil At the service tomorrow morn­ is little to pay for a new knowledge being tempted, he is able to succor The Junior Choir Club will meet ing the pastor will preach, the ser­ T desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of of God. So Hosea’s personal prob­ them that are tempted.— Hebrews | them— fill up all the greas.e cups with the alemite pres­ at 7 sharp Wednesday evening at mon touching the Armistice day Gotl more than bumt-offerings.— ^Hos. 6:6. lem made him a prophet. 2:18. the home of Miss B. L. Lydall, 22 theme, “ How Can We Crush War?” Trouble in itself is never a bless sure greasing system and if your car needs a change of Hudson Street. The music to be rendered is as fol­ ing; but blessing may come out oi John Anderson, my jo, John, transmission, grease for winter running let^iis do that Thursday the Intermediate-Ju- lows: it. It is said that some of the worst We climb the hill thegither, nior League will meet at 4.30. 7.30 Prelude: Canzona ...... King Hall Strange how words change their-ftshlnes so brightly that we clearly devastated fields of Franco are now And mony a canty day; John, too. is the hour of the service of wor­ Anthem: “ He Sendeth the Springs” meaning! Originally sacrifice meant see only one sacrifice is acceptable blooming most abundantly; the We’ve had wl’ ane anlther; ship. At 8.10 Miss Emma Colver ...... Wareing the sacrificial feast was like the to the Lord, which is, the sacrifice rending of the earth, and possibly Now we maun totter down, John, will give an interesting Informal Offertory: “ Give Peace in Our Lord’s Supper, where the bread of righteousness, the sacrifice of the chemicals left by the explosives, But hand in hand we’ll go, We Specialize on Fords. Let Us Clean the Tinier talk on her recent observations in Time” ...... Caldicott and wine are sanctified, and par­ that which prevents one being have acted as fertilizers. "Would And sleep thegither at the foot, Europe. Postlude: Te Deum Laudamus taken of as symbols of the fiesh and wholly righteous. ) anybody say, therefore, that the de­ John Anderson, my jo. ' and Adjust the Points. The first of the proposed union ...... Claussmann blood of God, which are love and Though the sacrifice of animals vastation was a good thing? Many • — Robert Burns. vesper services to be held monthly The Church school meets each truth. When all sense of holiness is largely done away with, the persons. speak of their sorrows as during the winter, in the Second Sunday at 9:30 a. m. perished, and men became cruel, spirit is still in the world. It is a Gethsemane; no grief is a Geth- The ugliness of personal jealousy Kendall, Pan Am and Valvolme OU Congregational and North Metho­ The Christian Endeavor service the sanctification was forgotten, seen in India, where penetance is semane until it has taught the sig­ at 6:15 o’clock. Topic: “ The Good may not always find expression in | dist churches will be held at 6 p. and only the slaying was thought done hy excruclatinig self-torture. nificance of surrender to the Divine actually destroying the object of its m., Sunday, Nov., 20. It will be in and Bad in Newspapers and Maga­ of. Thus to sacrifice came to mean Let us get entirely away from that Will. In that Garden, though, grow Station Open 6 a. m. to 11 p. m. zines.” Leader, Sherwood Bowers, dislike, but persisted in, it kills the | the nature of a ’Thanksgiving serv­ to slay, to afflict, to go without. thought and spirit. God does no:, the flowers of grace for whosoever finer life In the hart which cherish­ ice. The musical program will be A missionary program, it is plan­ sanction any form of self-torture will glean them. Sorrow, plus sub­ ned, will be held e^ch third week Eventually the practice of sacri­ es it.— Charles R. Brown. " announced next week. Rev. F. C. ficing, in the sense of slaying or deprivation, other than what mission, made a saint of Hosea.' A.llen will preach and the service in the church school. Tomorrow the comes through shunning evils. He “ Like as a Father" whole teaching period will be giv­ spread over the whole world. It will be in the Methodist church. wants US glad and rejoicing all the Three timely truths rear them­ GIVE HER TIME en to an address by Miss J. M. Dick came to be believed that the greater the slaying, the more the Lord was time, for He is Divine love and its selves, monument-wise, in the mes­ pleased, and on great occasions, joy. sage of Hosea. The first is the real­ Rastus: Ah wants a divorce. Dat flocks of sheep and herds of cattle The sacrifices of the Jewish ity of God. Our woozy-minded es­ woman jes’ talk, talk, talk. Ah'j vU can’t get no rest an’ that talk amj B ■ ’ " were slain. Then to make the church foreshadowed the sacrifice sayists and lecturers are befogged sacrifice greater, human beings of Jesus upon the cross. Let us here. They have built up new phil­ drivln’ me crazy. S pecial on were offered upon the altar. In get entirely away from that osophies which, as a recent Har­ Lawyer: What does she talk] I South M ethodbt Episcopal Church the erroneous conviction that God thought and spirit. God does not per’s Magazine article showed, are about? Rastus: ghe don’t say.— Life. I South Main Street and Hartford Road Is pleased by self-affliction, the sanction any form of self-torture more fatalistic and hopeless than Radio Batteries sanctification of the heart with the or deprivation, other than what Islam or ancient Calvinism. They E Minister: REV. JOSEPH COOPER fire of divine love caine to be the comes through shunning evils. He have put man into the relentless 45 Volt Heavy Duty “B” Batteries* grip of his sub-conscious dreams, burning of the heart In material wants us (glad and rejoicing all the Regular $5. Special Price;...... V a F time, for He is Divine love and its or of his environment, or of his fire’, and many of the finest of Regular 45 Volt B Batteries* youth were slain at a time. All joy. heredity, or even of his own behav­ R. W. Joyner 9:30—Sunday School. this came from not knowing God, The sacrifices of the Jewish ior; but they provide no place for Regular price $3.75. Special ...... • • $2.50 from wrong ideas of what He is church foreshadowed the sacrifice a sovereign God and Hia love and 414 Volt “C’ i^tteries ...... 4 ^ mercy. Fortunately, the intuition, RUd WflDtS. of Jesus upon the cross. Let us Headquarters for well known Stewart-Warner good sense and Christian training Contractor and I 10:45—Morning Worship. In such mistaken belief, deeply not make in this sacrifice the an­ and the famous Splitdorf Electrical Set. The Splitdorf cient error of thinking of the slay­ of the great mass of mankind make penetent, Abraham would have does away with batteries and eliminators and


false way, the Volstead law or even ^ the eighteenth amendment itself. DENVER PLANS Because there never was a shallow­ Sttcning e r subterfuge than to pretend that WASHINGTON LETTER i^UBLlSHBO BT the individual is not prohibited ROOMWCHURCH THB HBRAL.U PfUNTINO 00. Lbudon.-^Loaduu is what Kan­ Foan£«d by Btwoofl < BU. from using alcoholic liquors when ’ NEW SPECIALS FROM THE ' Oou 1. iU l every other individual is forbidden sas City \ftfuld call a “ ten o’clock BY RODNEY BUTCHER ^Curtis. Previously we had Lowden, Bvanr BrcnlnB Bxotpt BundAir* to sell him either the alcohol or the town.” tOR C0URTW6 Holidays a middle ground sort of politician, At midnight the London subways Enteric at ttia Poat Offloa at Uaa> ingredients from which to make It Washington, Nov. 12.— ^The and Norris, a ra.dical progressive. have tucked in and gone to bed. ehvaier as Second Claaa klall Matter. or a recipe instructing him in its presidential candidacy of the Hon. Now we also have Senator Char­ Since there has been little reason SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Mall lie, the regular, and the regular manufacture. Charles Curtis, senator from Kan­ for good folk to stay out to this DRAPERY SHOP atx dollara a year, aixty oenta a sas, either * means that Uie Apis Republicans in the west who don’t Social Hails Are Urged As DtbHth for shorter perloda If there should be passed a law, ungodly hour, there is little neces­ }■ By oarrter. eighteen eenta n weak. Bombus Praesldens, commonly want Norris or Lowden and can’t sity for operating mediums of Single coplea three oenta supported by especial federal known as the presidential bumble deliver a delegation to an eastern transport. Outside a tew blinking Meeting Places For Sweet FDR TODAY AND MONDAY SPECIAL aOVEKTlSING RBPRB- amendment, forbidding the sale of bee, is an insect of hitherto unsus­ reactionary doubtless will assemble neighborhood “ pubs,” in which you SBNTATIVB, Hamllion'Da Llaaar, wood, coal, oil or any other fuel, pected virulence and potence or under his totem pole. In other will find only those who can walk Ino„ 285 Madison Avenua New Tork under severe penalty, it would be that Senator Charlie has something words, it looks as if the farmers home or who can afford taxis, you hearts. yi and 612 North Michigan Avenva and western progressives will be as find only stragglers from the Lyons Chlcaga as fair to assert that there -lyas still up his sleeve. The Manchester Evening HeralQ Is The Senate’s Republican leader impotent in the next convention as ^ a rooms. on sale In New Vork City at Sohulta't no law against the citizen’s warm­ is a man with as few Illusions as a ever. Which is to say that Faithful And right here you bang bluntly D enver.'^oclal halls and court­ News Sund. Sixth Avenue and 42nd. ing his house with a fire as there chorus girl In her late forties. Big Charlie is again carrying the hod up against the contrast between ing boothb in Denver's churches Street and 42hd. Street entrance ot may be a thing of the very-near fu­ is to pretend that there is now no Bill Borah may believe that it is for his party. night life' as practiced in and about Grand Central Station, Broadway and in and about Pica- ture. "International News Service baa the law to prevent him from drinking possible to change a colleague’s vote, by a « passionate, logical It must be admitted, however, dllly Circus. Lyons tea rooms are Dr. Ira Landrith, citlzeUthip su- X exclusive rights to use for republloa. alcoholic drinks. perinteiident of the World’s ChrJs- tlon In %ny form all news dlspatohea speech; George Norris may suspect that one can’t read Senator. Char­ the playgrounds of those many /I credited to or not otherwise credit* In all the argumentation in fa­ strollers 'caught upon Regent tiau Endeavor Union,, urged iii an ed In this paper. It Is also szoluslvely that the ordinary citizen ought to lie’s mind with any definite assur­ vor of the eighteenth amendment ance. He may have his eye on the street, the Strand and way points. address'at a local church recently entitled to use for repubiloatlon all be represented here; Tom Walsh that such booths be initalled. the local or undated news published we have never before heard any­ and Jim Reed may think the coun­ vice presidency or a cabinet Job as Perhaps these strollers haven’t herein." enough money to buy their girls a “ People get mairied in churches, thing so shallow and so utterly dis­ try will some day get excited about a reward for his services before 50 why shouldn’t they ‘ do • their And at the convention— or it may drink at the bars; perhaps they honest as this futile dodging by ofilcial corruption: Tom Heflin may don’t care to go to bars— and so courting there,” he aSkel SATURDAY, NOV, 12, 1927 be convinced that the Pope’ s guns be that the poison of Apis Bombus Pussyfoot. Almost any dry has at everybody and his brother shows up “ It is better for a young-man to are trained on the Capitol: some­ Praesldens is actually spreading court his sweetheart -there than in least the courage to say “ Certain­ at Lyons. Lyons mounts floor upon PRINCETONIAN one somewhere may hope that the through hi# system. floor over acres of space, each floor a daiice hall,: an automobl'e 'it Not so yery long ago Struthers ly; we had the law passed to keep Senate as a whole will some day What those who point to Curtis more crowded .than the last and public park,” he said. show some horse sense and stop as a possibility do say is: “Xiook Burt, in one of his ranch articles, people from drinking— for what most of the patrons Settled down Dr. Paul G. Preston, pastor ol! else?” playing politics foe an Instant— but what happened to Harding!” to spend the evening listening to the Central Christian Church' here, took occasion to pay a particularly Curtis has been here 33 years and What happened to Harding is a To attempt to justify the most the orchestra. For the price of a also gave his .issent when the mat­ high tribute to the sheer sports­ he knows better. rare thing in a Republican conven­ dish of ice cream and a couple of ter was presented to him. manship of Dr. Henry Van Dyke violent sumptuary law ever passed Thus, it seems most unlikely that tion. Given even similar conditions cookies one can move right in and Atmosphero Better who, at three score ten and more, on the western' hemisphere on the Senator Curtis suspects that he, in the next convention, there defy anyone to oust you. Long "Certainly it is better for youn,g might become president unless ^doesn’t seem to be any board of people to meet In. the atmosphere of he described as a delightful com­ pretense that it is not a sumptuary lines wait on stairways and hall­ Something New ,in law at all requires an amount of someone has whispered something strategy such as Harry Daugherty ways and about tabjes. But the the church rather than the casual panion afield and a marked con­ Iq his ear. There are altogether and his wrecking crew lined up be­ turnover turns over very slowly. contacts of the outside world,” de­ trast to some of the petulent and brass. that is not in the composi­ too many reasons why he isn’t like­ hind Senator Charlie. What hap­ The average London Job-holder has clared Dr. C. F. Stevens ot the selfish creatures the writer had met tion of the average human being. ly to be nominated and Curtis pened to Harding put new life into little money to spend and spends it South Broadway Christlau Church. Ruffled Curtains Hats off to Pussyfoot. His reputa­ knows them as well as anyone. Apis Bombus Praesldens but it slowly. He cannot toss about his Another pastor gave his approval up with in his “ dude wrangling” Dotted marquisette ruffled curtains with ruffled tion for nerve surely is valid. He’s old; he’s a westerner; he finally proved nothing quite so greenbacks,-shillings, or whatever by stating, “ la my Judgment every experiences. doesn’t make an especially good much as that the Republican party they are. He n^ust be as frugal as church should have a social hall. skirt at bottom of each drape and 50-inch double ruffled Now Dr. Van Dyke, who gave an speech * he has no popular follow­ couldn’t afford to have the same a chorus girl lunching at Childs in This place should be open every valance, complete with tie-backs. These curtains are AIR NAVIES night in the week ” interview at Princeton on the occa<- ing ^outside Kansas and so on. thing happen again. Manhattan. cream colored with small flowers In madras effect worked slon of his seventy-fifth birthday America’s representative at the Opposition immediately sprung Of course there are the night from other members of Denver’s into the valance and Skirt. Flowers come in choice ot Thursday, returns the compliment International Aviation Conference But although he insisted that he All of vmlch doesn’t mean that at Rome has brought away with wouldn’t be a "stalking horse” for amiable Sraator Charlie wouldn’t clubs. But anyone who can afford pastoral ranks, however. Some ex orchid, rose, gold or blue with green. by contrasting the work ot the “ lit­ a London night club can afford to plained that the church Is surely him some Information that just any other candidate, there is no make a fairly good president. He’s $6 value. Special, per pair ...... ^ erary smart-alecks” of the hour reason to suppose that Curtis isn’t safe enough. He wouldn’t bo as own a car. In Broadway big butter the place to get married, but possibly may have considerable ef­ with the product of Mr. Burt, who, Just as willing to be a good old good as Wilson at his best or as and egg men have been known to doubted very mubh if the holy sanc­ spend the price of a car in a single tuaries were the proper place for he says, deals with modern themes fect on the question of naval arma­ work horse for the party as he has bad as Wilson, at his worst, but he ments, both in Great Britain and always been. The outstanding fact would be at least as satisfactory to evening. But London Is no place hushed whispers and subdued coos. but h u never broken with the old for a big butter man to be looking the United States. about his candidacy is that it will his party as Harding or Coolidge. Radical Plea traditions of clean thinking and de­ make the going just a little easier And If the White House were oc­ around for gaiety unless ho "The idea Is a little radical,” Taffeta Pillows $2.50 One of the things that Major has British friends. For night said Dri William L. Barrett of the cent writing wnl(A runs through for the party regulars who expect cupied by a former Jockey with In­ High grade sofa pillows of changeable taffeta triaUB,ed all good literaturi. Also in the Lester D. Gardner, the United to nominate their man In the end. clubs in London are just what their Montview Presbyterian Church. He dian blood, right after the tenures names imply: they are clubs. Lon­ with silk rosettes. Choice of colors and shapes. same catagory he mentions two States representative, learned is It seems to me that any hopes of a trombonist in the village band advocates tho home as the right that there is building in Switzer­ for a united farm state bloc of don is very literal in such matters. place for courtships to take place. other Princeton men, Ernest Poole and a Vermont farm boy, still more It, as on Broadway, they weren’t land, for the government of'Italy, delegates at the next convention strength would be added to the Distinctly opposed. Dr. Arnold and James Boyd. clubs at all but merely drop-in Niles ot the First Unlversalist a huge seaplane with twelve en­ have gone blooey and that the farm allegation that ev ry newborn places for the jaded, London would Far be it from us to Inslnuato state delegates will be split three Church said, "That Is not the pur­ gines, capable of carrying a hun­ babe has a chance to grow up and say so. that the good Dr. Van Dyke took ways— among Lowden,. Norris and become president. pose of the church. The church is dred passengers and equally capa­ Bo London night clubs are clubs not designed to give baked bean Bed Lamps $3 occasion to pay a debt ot courtesy, in the strictest sense and only those ble of being converted into a war suppers, entertain its members or for all that -he says about Struthers who have crashed the gates of mem­ supervise the social activities of To hang on headboard of bed or cn mirror of dresser. machine at next >to no notice. Burt Is true. Just as we feel very bership may drop in. Once one has young people. ’Ihe purpose is to Made of drum stretched and pleated georgette trimmed Another thing he learned about Is crashed, the entertainment is not sure indeed all Mr. Burt said about OPEN FORUM generate spirituaT living, and such with silk rouchlng, gold braided and silk flowers, a Zeppelin under construction in dissimilar to that found in any extraneous activities should be kept Dr. Van Dyke is true. We merely night club, except that it is likely Germany which burns no gasoline, VOICE PROM HAR'TFORD out.” mention- fibe circumstance as once To the Manchester Herald, to be politer. Also rules concern­ but uses a sort of gas which, after Other clergy said that the re­ more evidencing the everlasting Rocked In the cradle of the deep Manichester, Conn. ing drinking are actually enforced. sponsibility of sponsoring social ac­ solidarity and fraternity that makes It has fulfilled Its purpose of pro­ I lay me down in peace to sleep; Dear Sir: Whereas hip flasks flash all over tivities of young people is too great viding power, is used to fill the Secure I rest upon the wave, There is a good chance for one prohibition Broadway at any hour W ATKINS BROTHERS Princeton men, SiiCe of Princeton. of the night, it is impossible to for the church to assume. levitating bags. It is planned to fly for Thou, O Lord! has power to to start a good out and out Repub­ Princeton men forever. save. lican newspaper In this city now. drink in a London night club once CRAWFORD AND CHAMBERS RANGES this machine in one jump from I know Thou wilt not slight my Do you know of any such a party? the midnight curfew sounds. The General Frederlckshafen to Los Angeles all, Cery truly yours, story was told me of some good GOOD TO WATCH clubbers who had failed to finish Auto Repairinsr and Sports writers, who are very next spring. For Thou dost mark the spar­ H. C. M. With Signor Mussolini an an­ row’s fall; 209 Laurel street, Hartford, Conn. their beverages when the hour hard-boiled skeptics when they are struck. The glasses were briskly Overhauling nounced aspirant for the military And calm and peaceful shall I FUNERAL DIRECTO’RS' not the mnshlest Variety of come- sleep SAVED BY A SAUSAGE. whisked out from under them. SHELDU.VH GARAGE control of the Mediterranean, and Rear ot tin Hollister Street. ons, are not quite all in agreement Rocked In the cradle of the Such la the gay night life of the world’s greatest city. Phone 2828-2 Residence 2828-3 that Gene Tunney lA likely to put with his country being supplied deep. New York. — James Huff, pro­ with aircraft capable of carrying prietor of a delicatessen In Brook­ into effect his recent amazing dec­ There still remain, however, the enough high explosives to sink sev­ When in the dead of night I lie lyn, was ordered to throw up his laration that he intends to fight hands by two holdup men. In­ public dances, slight substitutes to eral surface shlp^each. It Is rather And gaze upon the trackless sky. what we know as "nickel cr§iwls.” three times next Rummer and that The star-bespangled heavenly stead of obeying. Huff picked up doubtful if the question of cruisers And a few of these attempt to car­ Tex Rickard can go take a swim in scroll, what looked like a piece of iron will long continue to agitate the ry a ni^it club atmosphero by hav­ the lake lor himself if hejdoesn’t The boundless waters as they pipe and chased them. The would- ing dancing interspersed with be robbers were captured by police like it. government of Britain. And with roll,— pretty bad entertainment. the promise of Zeppelins capable of I feel Thy wondrous power to and it was learned that Huff’s wea­ 6 So it remains that the world’s Cmnpan Ihe r ^ It is perhaps not surprising that save pon was a piece of bologna. the sports writers, who are mostly remaining in the air for a practical largest city is a “ ten o’clock town.” ly indefinite period and potential From perils of the stormy wave: By 11, or thereabouts, the theaters youngish if not young men, should Rocked in the cradle of the distributors of wholesale doses of have emptied and those who find themselves' unable to imagine deep, NAVY GETS APPLESAUCE. haven’t gone directly home have a heavyweight champion actually bombing, it is probable, too, that I calmly rest and soundly sleep. stopped in a tea room. A very few Washington, — The Bureau of CHRYSLEPi there may be some sobering down — Emma Hart Willard: Rocked fighting on an average even as oft­ have gone to their clubs. The lights on the proposal to build ?400,000,- in the Cradle of the Deep. Supplies of the Navy Department of Picadilly Circus grow dim and en as once a year, let alone three has opened bids for 840,000 000 worth of targets in the shape of somehow you expect a town crier times. A fighter who wants to fight, CHOIR RESENTS SERMON pounds of applesauce that will be with a lantern to como about the instead of posing in pictures, play­ surface ships. Kansas City, Mo. — Denuncia­ fed to gobs next year. At the corner calling "Twelve o’clock and ing in vaudeville and conducting Any $400,000,000 that this coun­ tion of bobbed hair and rouge by same time bids were opened for all’s well.” try spends for new cruisers had the Rev. E. N. Blount, revivalist, 700,000 pounds of kidney beans GILBERT SWAN. battles by word ofimouth, is too best be for cruisers with wings. wrecked the twenty-flve-volce and 1,260,000 pounds of dried lima rare a bird for ipjai^of the present choir at meetings being conducted beans. No mention was made of 1. Six-Cylinder Engine, 54 R- p. generation to be'"anything but to at St. Joe, Ark. The night after, navy beans. In a copper atom are 29 elec­ And You’ll Find it Su- 2. 7>beaHng Crankshaft tally unfamiliar with. VICARIOU!? GOATS his attack on modern dress only trons, each moving in its orbit at a 3. 62 and more Miles an Hour Two thousand Jewish citizens of two elderly women, each with long Bronze is an alloy of copper, tin speed of about 39,000 miles a perior to Sixes of Other 4. Typical Chrysler Acceleration Time was when a prize fighter 5. Impulse Neutralizer Brooklyn paid $50 each to partici­ hair, took seats in the choir, and zinc. second. who fought but three times a year 6. Webbed Crankcase i Makes Costing Hun­ would have been pretty likely to go pate In a dinner and hall given for 7. Ventilated Crankcase Jewish charities and at the dinner 8. Inyar Steel Strut Pistons on the breadline between combats. dreds of Dollars More to listen to a scolding from one 9. Special En|^e Manifolding But that is long ago, when Tex Introducing George W. Haldeman 10. Inclusive .Type of Cylinder To $1295 f.o.b. Detroit of their number,’ a federal J.udge, Rickard was a little boy and Jack Head and Combustion because there were not more cus­ r Chamber Dempsey had not come upon the tomers and not greatly more than 11. Silehrome Valves ' ' scene. s,o- 12. Oil Filter Great New “ 62” Prices $100,000 raised for the charities ToMrinxCar - . • 9K-95 Nevertheless, without being com­ [HE sweeping 13. Air Cleaner funds. ^ 14. Thermostatic Heat Control BusinttB Cottpt • • 112S mitted to anything like worshipful r x , en^usiasm for 2-Joor Scilai, • . • 114$ This Is precisely In line with the 15. Maniftdd Heat Control JUtadttBT .... 1175 admiration of Mr. Tunney, we sus­ the Great New Chryaler “62” 16. Cdlular Type Radiator {uiUh TttnthU Mat) pect that maybe he means it. If he proceeding of old time barnstorm­ 17. Full Pressure Oiling System Conp€(.vjiihnimhlt t§a0l24$ ing theatrical stars who, whenever if due to thepublio’f recognition 18. Rubber Engine Mountinp 4^oorSadan • . • 1245 does it will be edifying to watch LtmdttuStian - • 1295 they struck a scanty audience, were that it haf completely nptet all 19. 18-inch-Bsse Road Wheels Mr. Rickard’s efforts to stop’him. 20. Balanced Front Wheels AM priet* /. o. h, Detroit, mb. prone to appear between the acts past ideas of what $1095 could 21. Pivotal Steering itet to current Federal cecies HAIL, PUSSYFOOT! and make speeches roasting the buy in a motor car. 22. 4-wheel Hydraulic Brakes tax. CkrytUr dealm arc in e 23. Hl|^ Carbon Steel Springs |)oiit{on to extend tbc conva. One of the most interesting town for its failure to appreciate nicncc of time ptQmwnu. ■ the opportunity to see a show of 24. Specially-designed Rear Axle things In connection with prohibi­ Here are features heretofore for Balloon Tires tion that has come to light is the surpassing excellence. found only in Chryslers of 25. Levelizers Front and Rear 26. Indirectly-Lighted Instrument "Red-Head” High-Goiapres- development of the position of Wil­ It would seem to most folks that higher price •“ features of • iloa Bagiae — epccialiy iam the actors, If they felt It Incumbent Panel ticned /or ta x with high-com- liam (Pussyfoot) Johnson In the performance* beauty, luxury, 27. P4dco Numbering System pretfian gae, i t ciendard on them to heap scorn on the folks course of a debate at Boston a cou­ 28. Electric Gasoline Gauge ecuiimieiit on the Rooditer who stayed away from their shows, comfort, economy, safety, de--'' 29. HaSdlamp Control on Steer­ and is anailoMc a t flight en> ple of days ago, his opponent being tra cott on all other models. could have scarcely done less than pendability and long life fo^ ing Wheel Dudley Field Malone and their sub­ 30. Narrow Comer Pillars to sally forth into the highways which, in any other maker you ject, "Shall the eighteenth amend­ 31. A^ustable Steering Wheel ment be repealed?” and byways, find the persons who would still have topay hundreds > 32. Oadet Visor did not patronize the performances, 33. Saddle Spring Seat Cushions “ We have no laws Irtthls coun­ of'dollars more. and say It to them. Emphatically 34. Hne Mohair Upholstery Five hoiy tt^c.'fS try telling- -a man what he shall not 35. Rigid Type Curtains on Tour- they could not blame the smallness We will gladly turn a Great S 7 2 5 ta 3 8 7 5 drink^What a man drinks or eats Ing Car of the house on those who had paid 36. Adjiiwtable Front Seat is an Individual matter, and as long N r 7 Chrysler “62” over to you their way In. 37. Low Center of Gravlw ^ ^^elUuslriousIkiir as nobody else is affected I do not to test in your own way. Then 38. Double Beaded Body Con- ! Personally we should hate like Se«wnbod7 regard it as anybody’s business. But you’ll understand fully the ■tnicdon tqrir* Bin to pay $50 for a dinnerrball 39. Chrysler Smartness and Sym- |1495to51745 when a man opens a place and goes acclaim of this sensational car ticket and then have to stand a .metry of Line Into the market to sell a destructive 40. Attractive Color Combine- razzing because a lot of other peo­ which today more than ever thing, then he is doing a social act, dons in Great Variety Eleven body ple whom we did not know, and is setting the country Chrysler* 1037 tor that affects society, and society ttylei couldn't control If we did, had pre­ G>, (9 52495 to $3r ?5 has a right to protect itself.” w ild. ferred to keep their respective fif­ This, for a leading figure in the prohibition forces, is a rather amaz­ ties in the old sock. ing statement. It is breath-taking to hear as celebrated a dry as GEORGE S. SMITH Pussyfoot-admlt that what a man eats o t drinks is nobody's business DAILY ALMANAC Bissell St. Phone 6 6 0 -2 So. M anchesitep but his own, the absolute and unes- capable inference being that the Ben Hur, by Lew Wallace, pub­ lished, 1880. state has no earthly right to prohi­ Edwin Booth, actor, bom, 1838. bit the, Jndiyidual fronx drinking Whiskey. Warsaw, Prague and Budapest, Starting trim this point it re- capitals of Poland, Czecho-Slovakla and Hungary, are among the fiuiret the utmost of ingenuity to world’s most Important air term- Herald Advertising Pays~-Use It Vistify, even in the most Obviously inala...... rn m m , ■■■—I I ■■ I I I I ^ I M

When Floods Hit Manchester, lE H E R A T Sunday, November 13. 10:16—GlB's^iorchcstrk. DETROIT-080. Leading DX Stations. Beniamino Gigli, the great tenor of 7'.00—Goldkette’s Venetian ensemble. 476—WSB, ATLANTA-63a the Metropolitan Opera, after eluding 7:30-A>Methodist seryice; nymns. 720—WEAF theater program. many and vurioua efforts to entice 8:15irrWjZ'CQlUer‘8 Radio. Hour. 9:15-Tenor with WEAF. Hilarious In him Into the. broadcasting. field this ■SilSr-Organist: hymn sing. 526—KFKX-KYW, CHICAGO—57a CrnijuKctiim’ WiUi *^eart of \ As Told By An Old Resident season, finally has been persuaded to 4 ^F*V?**> NEWARK-7ia 8:15—WJZ Radio hour. make bis appearance In the Atwater 3:00*—OoiutnUift symphony concert. 9:15—Chicago U. book talk.. the- Yukoi^ and Kent hour to be broadcast- at 9;1& 4:0qr^Vorhees’ concert ban i 10:15—Violin wizard with WJZ. Mfwday* - . / through WKAF and the Red network, jSlS-^LevRow's Sunday musical oh Sunday night. Ot all the great op­ Effervescent hour. 3W.4—WBBM, CH.tCAQO-77a the pond. .The flushboarda still that I nibde and he stopped aX eratic singers, Gigli has been perhaps nut* quarfet, orchestra. 9:00—Three dance orchestras. 1:00—Nutty Club. Scores,^ of big . buq^dreds stayed on the top of the dam and them automatically. the most difficult to win over to the 10:00—Columbia Intimats hour, with IVay Back In ’ 69 This Town Treed by Flood adoption of the radio and his final orcbestra, artists. 365.6—WEBH-WJJD, CHICAGO—82a of thrills, ’ thousaiiids of s, I guess most of us were too busy Knew th^ Customers. capitulation proved him the most exS 333.1— WBZ, n e w ENGLAND—900. 7:30—Symphony orchestra. millions, of • jaughs-r-’Tliavt r. what throwing the hook to see -that the "When I got a new customer I penslve. His four favorite selections lOMB-^ongrpgatlonal services.** 8:30—Theater pfugragi, orchestra. * 2:00—Roxy with WJZ! 10:00—Frank Bennett concert. you’ll experience -if -go to the Was Scene of Desolation ditch had filled up and was a roar­ would have to stop there three from the operas. L'Eliair D' Amore, Rialto ’Theater; tomorrow; night or ing river.” Carmen. Mefistofele ' and Rlgo- 5:80—Radio vespers: rausIcaL 305.9— WON-WLIB. CHICAGO—9Sa times before the horse would know lotto will be pi-esented in this con­ 7:00—Blue and Gold hour. 8:30—Songs: “ Auld Sandy." Monday to see Buster "Keaton in Some of those present sav/ It i that it was a regular stop. If the cert. Another man equally as famous 7:50—Statier ensemble. 9:15—Tenor with WEAK. When Unleashed Waters as Gigli will be the guest Speaker of 8:15—WJZ Radio hour. “ The GeneraL” ^ ThiE ia holy one- ; after a while and most of them ran ' customer moved away and I passed 10:15—Music; talk; Sam 'n Henry. half o f what you’ll see,' for on the I to safety across the little bridge. the Colliers Radio hour to be broad­ 9;15—Atriphion' concert ensemble.' 11:20—Music., organ; .Hqodlums. by the house three days in succes­ cast through 'WJZ and the Blue net­ 10:00—^Springtield " musical program. same bill is "The Heart of the Yu­ I But Snow, who with another man, work at 8:15. This is Knute Rockne, 447,5-WMAQ-WQJ, CHICAGO—67a ‘ Wrought Ruin and De- sion, the horse knew that there was * 491.6-^WEAF. NEW YORK-610. 8:00—Sunday evening music club, n | j'x kon,” featuring "JOhit Bowers and i was holding the hook, did not get no longer to be a stop there.” who in eight years has piloted the 2:00—Interdenominational ecrvice. Notre Dame football team to victory .3:00—Young 14sopIe’s conference. 10:16—WOR Columbia broadcast Anne Corhiifall, a medy itkd Pathe Floods and all that seem fan in seventy out of 8eventy>.elght games 4:00—Bedford Y. M. C. A..progPim. 11:00—Reverie hour, W'hltney trio. 344;6—WLS, CHICAGO—87a News reel. Today’s ; program la Deslniction-Fred Snow ^ lit away to Mr. Snow now. He sits played. Other highlights for this same 5:30-^Croeiey concert orchestra. also a, double - feature program. It i fore the bridge collapsed, and in ms little room at the home, all night will be a prograiti o f Swiss yo­ 3:30-T-Bibljcal drama. 7:00—Little Brown Church gervlcea. dels through WGBS at 8:46. the Utica 7:05—Instrumental trio. 8:56—Little Brown Church' quarteL is continuous with - the samet popu­ provided for the rest of his natural Jubilee Singers in a program of Negro 7i20—GapItOI Theater program with 499.7— WFAA, DALLAS—60a lar pri^s of • tfin and filter and Tells How He and Lone-Jr,?.;!:"' Vincent Lopez 7:00—Bible class; gospel songs. life, and he has a little naoney left spirituals -through WJZ, KOKA and ten ah"d^''qqartef. prevailing. • 1 iir IT i n i Little by little the earth of the over from his admission fee, cn WHAM at 9:45. and a recital by the 9:00*-^Autl|ora talk: Bruce Barton. 9:16—Tenor with WEAF. l.hvrkpn W p FP T rppn PA r, rampart washed away. The flush- Chicago Philharmonic 'Trio through 9:1^B6riiamlno Gigli, tenor. In At* 10:15—Weather, sports, music. Unlike many comedlhSi. ‘ "rhe LiuLAcD TTcic irees m r which the home pays him interests WHT at 8:30. Roxy and His Gang water Kent hour. 12:00—Richardson’s orchestra. General” has a real love slory, run-, will take their legular Sunday after­ 10:15—TCIk,' David. Lawrence. 374.8—woe, DAVENPORT—80a They let him come and go as he ning through it, a breath-taking, der water and the little ditch at wants, and every summer he takes noon stroll-before, the “ mikes” of WJZ 348.6-rVVQBS. NEW YORK—860. 8:00—Congregational Church scivico. the right of the dam* was roaring and the Blue network for an interest­ 8;4S—SwiM aongs, yodeler. 9:15—Tenor with WEAl*'. hair-raising tale of soldiers and Honrs By the Raging'Tor- away at a great rate, the water a trip somewhere. So his old age ing matinee feature. , 9:00—Drama; stlidio program. 10:15—Meyer comfort hour. ■ -SI.-J engines * and sweethearts and a is not as unpleasant as it could be. 466—WJZ, NEW YORK—66a 325.9—KOA, DENVER—029,.._ having worn a big hole In the side Black face type Indicates best features 1:M—The Mediterraneana. 8:45—Sermon, songs, organist. lace that never smiles. The girl rents. of the pond. 2:W—Roxy and. Hit Gang. 635.4— WHO, DES MOINES—660 q. thinks Buster is a slacker because All programs Eastern Standard Time. 4:00—8L Goofgb vespers. 7:20—WF.AF theater program. Still the water kept rising, forc­ 5:30—National. Radio vespers. 9:15 -WEAF tenor, pianist. the reerttiting officer thinks an ing Snow to the highest part of the Leading East Stations. 6:30—'Tho Graitdas orchestra. 499.7—WBAP, FORT WORTH—60a engineer more . valuable to the rampart. It was raining and it 7:00—Orgaii recital. 9:00—Orcliestra. artists (3t4 hrs.) South than a foot soldier. But He said that U wasn’t such a big was cold. Afternoon was drawing WTIC 272.6—WPd, ATLANTIC CITY—1100. 7:30—Musical exposition. 384.4—KTHS, HOT SPRINGS—78a flood. It didn’t affect such a large 5:15—Twilight concert hour. 8:1&—Confer Radio houf with Khute 9:30—Music lover's hour, Buster shows her, and how! to ,a close and, darkness was de­ 9:10-1-iOventhal’s concert orchestra. Rockne. 10:30—Organ recital. In today’s pregram, Leo Maloney area as the recent flood which cov­ scending. Still the water rose and Travelers Insurance Co. 10:00—Sunday evening musical. 9 :1 5 -Vibrant melodies. 336.9— WJAX, JACKSONVILLE—89a ered* a lot of New England, hut to 6:30—Orchestra dinner music. stars in “ The Long Loop on the with every rise, Snow was, forced Hartford 285.6—WBAL. BALTIMORE—1050. *9:30—Contralto, harpist. Pecos.” In the other, '\ValUtce Him it was the biggest flood, for he further toward the top of the 6:30—Concert orchestra. 9:45—Utloa Jubilee Singers. 8:00—Church service/* was directly concerned with it. 7:30—WJZ musical expositions. 10:15—Don Amazlo. violin wizard. 10:00—Organ recital. Beery and Lewis. Stone play the mound of earth. Fred Snow 461.3—WNAC, BOSTON-650. 508—WIP. PHILADELPHIA—590 468.8—WOS, JEFFERSON CITY—640. Sitting in his room at the Old 535.4 m. 560 k. c. 3:00—WOR symphony, band (2 hrs.) 10:OS-rIJttle symphony orchestra. 8:30—Church services. leading roles in “ T ^ . Golden People’s Home in Hartford, the Marooned on Rampart. 7:30—Church service. 316.7—KDKA, PITTSBURGH-9Sa 468.5— KFI, LOS ANGELES—640. Snare.” There will also, be a com­ thing is just* a memory now. One Not a soul on the rampart with ket of provisions and a blanket 9:00—WOR Columbia prog. (‘J hrs.) 10:45—Church .aeivlces. 11:00—Classical hour, pianist. edy and the sixth chnipter of the him, the nearest human beings on 302.8—WGR. BUFFALO—990. 2:90—Roxy and His Gang. 12:00—"Great History Moments.” of those things which just seem to were sent. , Program For Saturday 7:46—Presbyterian service. 4tQ0—Carnegie Hall organist. 1:00—Orchestra, ’'blues,’* pianist. serial, fFighting for Fame.” Three happen, have more or less serious the other side of the ditch, others "The blanket kept me warm and 1:45 p. m.— Yale-Princeton football 9:15—Tenor with WEAF. 4;45—rre.sbytcrlnn vesper services. 405.Z—KHJ, LOS ANGELES—74a acts of vaudeville will be* sboyrn consequences and are passed over on the other side of Hie river on the provisions in the basket satis­ game from Yale Bowl. 645.1—WMAK, BUFFALO—650. 6:00—Lltfie Symphony orchestra. 10:00—Methodist Tuesday and "Wednesday. . as matters of course. the other side. Nobody could get fied my hunger. They also sent over 11:00—Presbyterian service. 1:00—Episcopal Bliurch services. 11:00—Trio, siring quarifei,'■violinist. 8:00 p. m.— R. C. A. program with 2:30—Ulchclson's forum. •.8:15—WJZ. programs. (2% hrs.) 405.2—WCCO, MINN.. ST. PAUL—/4a It happened away back in 1869.. liim . off, for the , water wa too high 1 a little brandy, but they didn’t' send "Walter Damrosch and Sym- 3:00—WOR symphony: band (2 hrs.') 277.6—WHAM, ROCHESTER—1080. 8:15—WJZ Collier’s Radio hour. this flood, and it did a whole lot of | rushing to much. I was only a boy at the time . phony orchestra from N. B. C. 6:15—Armbruster’s string ensemble. 7100—Senecd dinner music. 9:15 -WEAF tenor, talk". damage to Manchester. It was the! Snow was left there to specu- and I guess they thought that a lit­ 7:50—Christian Science service. 8:00—Studio program. 10:45—Municipal organ recital. THREE to FIVE M im m S Studios. 9:00—WOR Columbia prog. (2 hrs.) 8:15—Rochester string quartet. 340.7— WSM. NASHVILLE—88a worst flood that the town had everU^^®* only hope lay in a tree, tle too much might be worse than The New York S/mphony or­ 428.3—WLW, CINCINNATI—700. 9:15—WJZ Vibrant melodies. 7:20—WEAF tneatcr program. to FORTY IHEATRES experienced. the water came too high, it none at all.” chestra, known all over the country 7:15—I'resbytorlan Church services. 9:30,—WJZ contralto, harpist. 9:15—Tenor with WEAF. might be washed away. Toward 11 o’clock at night the for its abilities as a philharmonic 8:16—WJZ Collier’s Radio hour. 9:45—WJZ Jubifee Singers. 384.4— KGO, OAKLAND—/80. Fred Snow Is now 77 years of But it was temporary safety. flood had gone down so thatvsome- 9:15—Orosley concert orchestra. 379.5—WQY, SCHENECTADY—790 10:35—I’resb.vterian Church service. age. He was only a boy of 19 at organization, will be heard In a 399.8—WTAM. CLEVELAND—750. lO:30—Baptist. Church service. 12:00—"Great Hlptory Moments,*’ ^ / / / 1 \ the tlm'e, a”nd 'oT alT tV e^ h ou ;an d s| ^ ?™ advantage body was able to wade over the top concert program through WTIC. 4:00—Willard concert ensemble. 3:30—WHAM Symphony orchestra. 422.3—KPO. SAN FRANClSCO-710. of the dam, holding on to the flush- 9:30—Symphony orche.stra. organist 3f people living in the vicinity of of It. He climbed to a crotch about This program takes the place of the 6:30—WEAF concert orchestra. 4:00—Union College organ recital. halfway up and perched there. boards to steady himself. Even then 6:30—Cleveland orchestra. 5:30—WEAF orchestra. II:.10—Sciger’s concert orcheslia. the Hockanum river, he was the “ Old Gold on Broadway” presenta­ 7:00—Neapolitans program. 7:20—WEAF theater program. 344.6—WCBD, ZION—870. Darkness had come and the stars the water had not gone down tion of musical comedies. 8:00—Twilight reflections. 9:15—Tenor with WE.AF. 9:00—Semi-chorus, • celestial bells, 3nly one who came closest to death. enough to allow Snow to get out of Mr. Snow has been an inmate of had come out. The sky had Walter Damrosch, director of the 9:15—Tenor with WEAF. 10:15—WEAF government talk. artists. cleared some time before, but the the tree. New York Symphony, is dean of Secondary Eastern Stations. Secondary DX Stations. ;he Home since 1921, but he has Saved nt Midnight come out of it several times to do rush of the waters continued. orchestra leaders in the United 272.6—WMAR, ATLANTIC CITY—1100 265.8— WHK, CLEVELAND—ifso. 275.1—WORD. BATAVIA-11C0. some work in Manchester. He gets " He sat in the crotch of the tree At midnight, however, he was States. He has'- been conducting the 7:^10—Cl.lldren’s period. 8:45—Roy ,1. Crocker, pianist. 8:00—Walchtower orchestra.' y TIMES SQUARE and thought it all over. If the able to leave the tree, and with the 7:45—",’’ Baptist sermon 405.2— WFI, PHILADELPHIA—7'fO. 8:30—Billie ieciure. his spending money that way, he New York ori;anization for some 9;t5—Tenor with WEAF. 9:00—1. B. S. A. choral singers. J4EW YORK CITY tree held he might be able to re­ chicken under his arm, the blanket time, and has been connected with * 447.5—WEEl) BOSTON—670. justoffBroaA»^*at says, and as there are no hard and around him and the basket in his 9:15—Tenor with WEAF. 10:15—WEAF government talk. 10:00—Bible lecture. fast rules in the Home, he can i main there until morning, if he did leading philharmonic groups all 10:‘10—Theater radio ' revue. 916.9— WCAE, PITTSBURGH—tTSO. 288.3—WENR, CHICAGO—1040. Ii09*l3wift45^sr other hand, he came across the 7;20—WEAF programs (3 nrs.) :ome and go. as he likes. not fall out of his place of safety. over the country for years. 333.1—WKRC, CINCINNATI—900. 10:.‘Ui—Samovar orchestra: artists. If the water rose too high he dam on the Buckland side. His 361.2—WeSH, PORTLAND—830. 416.4— WHT. CHICAGO—720. StadpBsbdfer “ Maybe they won’t want'to hear 9:00—Old vocal favorites. 7:30—Baptist Church servliTs. itboutjEescot^ might just as well give it up, for journey was not over yet, however, Program for Sunday 10:15—Russo’s Oriole orchestra. • 9:15—Tenor with WE.\F. 8:00—Organ recital. vni of that flood,” he said. ” It happen­ 8:30-r-Chicago Philharmonic Trio. up ed so long ago, and besides, this he would be tossed into the rush­ for he had to walk to Buckland, go 4:30 p. m.— Howard Radio Hour- 361.2—WSAl. CINCINNATI—830. 225.4—WSVR. SYRACUSE-1330. R0I [ Vlt lOHMSON QUINH ing current. along the railroad tracks, across A few weeks ago 'Winthrop 8:15—Congress string quartet. 6:30—Sunday dinner concert. 461.3—WHAS. LOUISVILLE—dSa flood we have just had along the the Tin Bridge and get home that 9:15—Tenor with VVE.AF. 7:30—Christian Science service. 7:2n—WEAF tl-.ciitcr program. Connecticut river seems to push our Efforts at Rescue. Ames’ Gilbert and Sullivan Opera 10:15—WEAF government talk. 8:30—'White studio hour. I 9:15—Bunkers' Bond orchestra. way. Company inaugurated a revival little flood into the background. It Friends on the right bank of the People who had gone from Buck- wasn’t a big* one, this Manchester pond tried to float a boat down to of the Gilbert-Sullivan comic op­ land to the town meeting were era, “ The Mikado,” at the Chan- flood, and it didn’t last long, but him. But the current was too stuck. The bridge at North Main ^zr. while it lasted it certainly w*as ter­ strong across the dam and always in’s Royale theater in New York, rible.” street over the Hockanum had gone The response was instantaneous, the boat was out of reach. The down the river with the Yellow DAILY RADIO PROGRAM Town Meeting Night rope became tangled up in drift­ The tuneful and picturesque Town meeting day in 1869, the Block and the only one left was the piece is making a great hit, al­ wood and debris, and the boat idea trestle known as the ’Tin Bridge, Saturday, November 12. 8:00—IVJZ N. y. Symphony orchestra first Monday in October, dawned though it has been produced on 9:00—WJZ Ph’Ico hour. Leading DX Stations. was given up. called that because it was of wood Walter Damrosch will lead the New •/f'!** bleak and raw. Lowering clouds Friends on both banks shouted Broadway several times before. 10:00—•Miller’s dance orcliestra. 47G—WSB, ATLANTA—630. sheathed with tin. Incidentally, al­ York Symphony Orche.stra in their 11:00-rStudio .cnte'rtuimnent. 9:00—I’hilco liour wllli W.IZ. promised rain, and it was not long encouragement. He needed it. It In this program which will be second radio concert of this season 399.8-rWTAM, CLEVELAND-750. though it is now of modern steel through WJZ and the Blue network 11:4ri—Coiicei t. before the rain did fall. It wasn't was cold up there and the tree was broadcast through 'WTIC, the 13::{U—Gill’s orchestra. 525—KFKX-KYW, CHICAGO—570. construction, it is still called the at 8:00 o’clock Saturday night. One 6:00—Dance orchestra. GEO. A. JOHNSON the usual autumn storm; it shaking with a sickening regular­ Howard Radio Hour will present liour inter these same stations will 7:00—Gliildrcii’a pioRrani; concert. more of a midsummer thunder­ Tin Bridge. among other selections a group 7:00—Musqueriidcrs program. 8:00—(JorigrosR Rtudlo progriim. ity, like the pendulum of a clock. On the other side of the town present "Robin Hood,” Reginald De 8:30—Pocahontas Indians. 9:00—WJZ I’hilco lioui*. storm, except that this one lasted a from “ The Mikado.” The num­ Koven's famous tliree-act comic 9:00—Willard Cavaliers. Each stroke of the pendulum the flood was ravaging evei*ything. opera, in a special radio version in 10:00—tCongres.R c.*it nival. Civil Engineeir and S i^^ybr gcod many times longer than any bers which they will play have 10:00—Wandering minstrels. 389.4— WBBM, CHICAGO—770. seemed to bring nearer the mom6ht Bridges ail over the town went out the I’liilco Hour feature. The cast 11:00—Dance orchestra. ordinary summer shower. been carefully' selected, so as to In this opera will include Colin O’ More 8:00—Orcliestra; artists. when it, too, would go rushing and when morning came not one 535.4—WTIC, HARTFORD—560. 11;00—Oi*i*licstru; popular program. Residerree ."577 East Center Street Towns up the Hockanum and tlu) present the most musical bits of as Robin Hood, Dorfs ;oo as AUin-a- 8:30—Old Gold on Broadwa.v. •>J* down the stream, carrying with the had survived the flood. People went Dale. Jess’ea Drugoneiiu ns Maid 305.9—WGN-WLIB. CHICAGO—980. Tankeroosan rivers had felt the the opera. 422.5—WOR, NEWARK—710. 2:45—Football, Northwestern vs. In. Tcienlione 200. human cargo which had sought re­ in a roundabout way and forded Marian and Norman .lollffc as Little 9:15—Jucolis’ . ensemble; talk. force of the storm long before it Gilbert and Sullivan, the two John, WBZ has arranged for high­ diana. fuge in its branche.s. streams as best they could. 7:30—Orchestra; interview. T.-J-l—I'insomlilc: Alman.nck. had hit Manchester. Dams up the composers who wrote the piece, light programs, by the Stellar male 8:15—Hill - City quartet. People get grey hair for less than Mr. Snow, who was a delivery- quartet at 7:30 and'the Boston Sym­ 9ro0—iMn.*:ical ensemble; org.mist. rivers had burst, houses had been have done many operas, but “ The 8:30—Recital, violinist'. |o:20—IJarilonc. musical program. this, nut Mr. Snow’s hair stayed its man, had to ford the Hockanum phony orchestra at 8:10. The Medina 9:00—Symphony orchestra, soprano. washed away, and mills had closed Mikado” probably contains the High School orchestra will take over 11:10—Saul ’ n’ Henry: music box. natural color. He wasn’t worried river at Oakland for the bridge 10:00—I’ ianist': dance music. 11:40—.Meiodv lime: artists: organ. tf up, some of them because they had most beautiful music of any of W Il”s microphone for one hour nogm- 10:45—Soprano, baritone. a great deal, for his uncle was on there was washed completely away. ning at 9:00. The -Vandergrift Sing­ 365.6—WEBH-WJJD, CHICAGO—C20. been moved from their foundations, one side of the stream, calling to their productions. It is a tale of 1J:00—Villa Venice orchestra. .2:45—Football, Northwcster# 'vw/ In-^^ .To get to Hilliardville, a quarter of ers will be introduced to the audience 333.1—WBZ, NEW ENGLAND—900. others because the owners Saw the him now and then to help keep his Japan, rather fantastically told, of WCAE at the same lime. Fifteen 4diana. a mile away he had to drive more 2:30—Football, Harvard vs. Brown. 8:00—Orcliestra: lesson; drama. danger to their employees. and abounding in tuneful music. minutes later WNYC will begin to 0:80—Singing orcliestra. pianist. courage from ebbing. than two and a half miles in a make public the happenings at the 42nd 9:00—I’alriier studio program. Manchester was considering it­ The uncle and a hired man took ■With the other fine numbers 7:30—Stellar male quartet. 12:00—Oi*c;he.s|ra. songs to 3:00. self fortunate. No damage had roundabout way. annual horse- show which will take 8:10—Boston Symphony orchestra. turns throwing great piles of burn­ It took Manchester a good many which the Howard Radio Hour place at Madison Square Garden. 344.6— WLS. CHICAGO—870. been done to the town although will present on this program, WNAC .will radiate the first hockey 9:00—WJZ I’hilco hour. 8:30—Barn dunce, linnjo. hnrraonicai ing straw, on the surface of the weeks to repair the damage done 10:20—l-owe’« orcliestra. orchestra, artists. the rain fell without a letup. The pleasant musical entertainment game of tho season a t '8:30. The 491.5*^WEAF. NEW YORK—610. stream to give seme li.ght to the by the flood and some of it was nev­ competing teams will be the Boston 447.5—WMAQ-V/QJ, CHICAGO—67a dams here were holding and there man on the tree. The light was will be provided WTIC listeners. ’rigers and rrovidcnce. 1:45—Football, Army vs. Notre Dame 2:00—WQJ populiir program (3 lira.) • er repaired. 6 :00t—Waldorf dinner music. 2:45—Football, Chicago vs. Illinois’. seemed to be no danger. grateful, and it relieved the mo- I Selection from “ Pagliacci” 7:80—Sduth Sea Islanders orchestra. The town meeting would be held In Talcottville Black face type indicates best features 8:00—.Studio program, pliotologiie. notonv. / The .'.houts took his minik Leoncavallo 7J30—Hlgii JInkers. 9:30—Violinist, song cycle, orchestra as usual that night and the town All along the valley the storm II Baritone Solos— 8:30—Did Gold on Broadway. 499.7— WFAA, DALLAS—600. off the roaring torrent sptead All programs Eastern Standard Time. 10:00—Uplfe's Palais D’Or orchestra. could thank its lucky stars that it below him. .did damage.- In Talcottville the The Border Ballad .. . .Cowen 12:00—n.akor dance music. had come out of the storm as well 11 ;00—Higan’s orchestra. 12:30—Theater musical features. Snow was hungry. He had had ' mill was washed from its founda­ Uncle Rome ,, Leading East Stations. 455—WJZ. NEW YORK—660. 374.8—w o e , DAVENPORT—800. as it had. tions and deposited some feet HI Excerpts from works of Grieg 12:45—Yocng’s dance orchestra. 1:30—Tenor, pianist. nothing to eat since that morning 272.6—WPG, ATLANTIC CITY—1100. 1:46—Football, Yale vs. Princeton. But this was only a false securi­ and here it was evening. He had down the river, intact. But the IV Violin Solos. . 7:05—Dinner music, soloist. 9:00—WJZ 1'hllco hour. ty. Soon the waters, long neld in 9:00—'renor, studio program. 4:30—Manhattan trio. 499.7—WBAP. FORT WORTH—600. no clothes other than those he had chimney was left in its original Romance from Second Concer­ ‘7:1/0—Rich's or/:hestra. 9:00—WEAF 'programs. check by mill dams up the streams, 9:25—Talk; concert music. 8:00—N. Y. Symphony orchestra. o;i, and these were soaked. All in position. to ...... ‘Wieniaw'ski 10:00-Bridgeton harmonica band. 10:0(1—Musical; readings. came rushing carrying everything V Tenor and Baritone Duet: 10:45—Atlantic City dance muslc. 9:00—Comic opera, "Robin Hood,” In 384.4— KTHS. HOT SPRINGS—780. all, he was in bad chape up there The Talcott firm, rather than Phileo Hour, 10:30—Great Western chefs. in their path. Dams went as though in that tree, but he soon had com­ Gomewhere a Voice is Calling 285.5—WBAL, BALTIMORE—1060. 10:00—Muted trumpets, pianist. made of paper. Mills and houses move the building to its original 6:30—Dinner music. 370.2— WDAF, KANSAS CITY—8ia pany. location near the chimney, decided Tate 7:30—W’BAL Jubilee singers. 10;30—Keystone duo', balladeers. 9:00—WJZ I’hllco hour. along the streams were washed 11:00—Slumber music. 10:00—I’opulnr program, chefs. to move the chimney down to the VI Selection from "Mikado” 8:00—WBAL trio, tenor. 608—WiP, PHILADELPHIA—590. from their foundations, crushed Enter—-A Chicken 9:00—WJZ I’hilco hour. 12:4.5—Nighthawk frolic. Down the stream with the drift­ building. The chimney was, there­ Gilbert and Sullivan 6*,1Q-Dinner music; markets. 468.5— KFI. LOS ANGELES—640. against bridges and the whole re­ VII Tenor Solos: 10;00—Baltimore Municipal band. 7:00—Beltlme story. ’ duced to kindling wood, which wood came a chicken. A broad fore, moved down to the mill and 461.3—WNAC, BOSTON-650. 5:15—Football, Colorado vs. S. Cal;. Celecte A id a ...... Verdi .1:45—Football, Harvard vs. Brown. 8.'U0—Barltqne. trumpeter. fornla. floated down the raging torrent, plank, probably a part of one of new foundations placed under the 6:33 -Dinner music orchestra. 8r3i>—Frank M. Conly program. 11:0(1—N. B. C. programs. the bridges up the line, floated building. They remain there until At Dawning...... Cadman 9:00—Medina High School orchestra. 1:00—Tenor, Packard * program. demolishing everything in their 7:30—Business talk; pianist. 10:00—Kenton’s orchestra, organ. path. down and on it was a chicken, wet this day. VIII E lean or...... Deppen 8:00—y., M. H. A. program. 2:00—Midnight frolic. 316.7—KDKA. PITTSBURGH—950. 405.2— KHJ, LOS ANGELES—740. and bedraggled, its wings pasted IX German Dance .. 8:30—Hockey, Tigers vs. Providence. 1:46—Fqot’oall. Yale va. Princeton. "The Dam Has Burst!" Many mills were never rebuilt. Von Dittersdorf 9:30—Boston singers. 11:00—.Saturday night frolic. The cry went up at Depot Square. close to its body, its feathers soak­ Some were fixed up but the blow 10:00—Two dance orchestras. 6:55—Fobtliall seoies; address. 819.6—WMC, MEMPHIS—580. . 5:30 p. m.— Crossley Moscow Art 7:15—Radio cititt; concert, 9:00—WJZ I’hilco hour.f-.v.-, . “ The Oakland dam has burst! I ed- and dirty from the muddy wa­ that struck most of them was so 302.5—WGR, EUFFALO-990. ter. Orchestra from N, B. C, Studios 1:45—Football, Army vs. Notre Dame 8:00—WJZ programs, to 10:00. 405.2—WCCO. MINN.. ST. PAUL—74a The waters are rising!” I severe that their owners never re­ 7:30—WEAK High JInkers. 277.6— WHA1VI, ROCHESTER—1080. Union pond, which was created! Down to the tree came the board. 6:30— Capitol theater organ— 1:45—Football, Yale va, Princeton. 8:45—Fireside philosophies. covered from them. Of the 69 in- 8:.30—WEAF "Old Gold." 6:45—Orchestra; piano duets. 9:00—WJZ Phileo hour. . •' by the dam at the lower end, was “ Melodies for the Folks at 545.1—WMAK. BUFFALO-r550. 11:00—Baum’s orqhcstra, baritone. dustrlal plants In Manchester at Home”---Walter Dawley 8:00—WJZ N. Y. Syniphony orchestra already several feet above its nor­ into the branches of the tree. Prob' .1:15—Football, Foadick-Maaten vs. 9:00—WJZ Phileo hour. < 340.7—W'SM, NASHVILLE—88a that time, less than half resumed South Park. 8:15-Andrew Jack'son orchestra. mal height. Volunteers were need­ ably it saw Mr. Snow and thought .3:00—Football, Lafayette vs. Bennett, 10:00—"Pop’! twins;, studio program. that it would have some company. their work after the flood. tl :00'—Barffilt’s ' ofeheatra. 9:00—WJZ Phileo hour. ed to pull the flushboards off the Mr. Snow says that this flood of 6:15—String ensemble. 10:00—Barn dance (3 hrs.) top of the dam so that the pressure Surely a tree was preferable to the 7:30—Theater program. 379.6— WQY. SCHENECTADY—790. the Connecticut River is the big­ 8:30—Musical program: artists. ll:0 ^ T lm o ; weather; markets. 384.4— KGO, OAKLAND—78a Special Sale could be released and the excess precarious footing on a board PARSONS THEATER 9:30—Players: saxophone band. T:4^F<»otball,vArmy va. Notre Dame 11:00—N. B. C. proK^pmiL water allowed to flow over the top shooting downstream on the crest gest he has ever. seen, although he li;00—Arcadia dance music. 6:30—Syracuse idinner music. 2:00—Dance orchestras. of the flood. remembers another year when the 428.3— WLW. CINCINNATI— 70a 8:Q0-WE a F High JInkers. 422.3— KPO. SAN FRANCISCO—m of the dam proper. 12:00—N, B. C. erftertainment, This Month Young Snow was one of the first It perched in the tree, came railroad tracks were awash in the *‘AUez-Oop” 1:45—Football, Yale vs. Princeto.i. 1:80—WEAF Old Gold program. East Hartford meadows and trains 7:15—Organist; studio feature. 11:00—Buffalo dance music. 1:00—Dance music (4 hrs.) to volunteer and with fourteen or closer to Snow by degrees, and fi­ When Cecil Lean and Cleo May- Secondary Eastern Stations^ Secondary T~~ Stations. fifteen others he went to the Arm. nally snuggled right up against had to be re-routed. They tried to field last summer were considering run trains across the tracks in the 272.6—WHAR, ATLANTIC CITY—1100 328.9— WPOQ, N E W YO R K — 920. 275.1-WORD, BATAVIA—1190. A long rope with a heavy iron hook him, grateful for the little warmth the many offers made them for the 7:80—Brestin. orahestra; ensemble. 8:00—Musical program; archestra. meadows but the water was so high 7:45—Sport talk; Seaside trio. TABLE LAMPS at one end was used in a futile apd shelter the boy’s body afford­ present season, they decided on the 447.6—WEEl, b o s t o n —670. 9:00—Hpur ot dance. 9:30—BIhie. • motor talks; musical. attempt to pull the flushboards off ed. that it put out the fires in the lo­ most popular form of entertain­ ,1:48—Football, Army va. Notre Dame. 10:01—L^nard’a orchestra. 288.3— WENR. CHICAGO—1040. the dam. comotive boilers. 7:05—Oithestra; talks; musical. 11:00—Hour of dance. 7;C**> Organ: artists; stocks. , ,, The so-called Yellow Block, al­ ment, in' its present day develop­ 8:30—WEAF Old Gold program. 526—WNYC. n e w YORK—670. 9* * O-cheaf.ra: artists. Time after time the hook was most in the bed of the stream, HlS Knowing Horse. ment, and choose the new. revue, 333.1— WKRC, OINCINNATl—900. 8:20—German songs; ballads. Dunce ,orch„ artists (2 hrs.) throvtn into the pond, and time aft­ floated off its foundations^ It was Now and then Mr. Snow gets to “ Allez-Oop!” The talents of both 9:00—Orchestra, pianist. 9:15—42h(t jHinual horse show. 461.4— ’-WHT; /CHICAGO—720. er time it came back, almost float­ a big building, which had former­ 10:00—Velnette Hall: dance. 4(».!!^WK(f PHILADELPHIA-740. 7:50—String t;rIo, artists. m o o v r f u e talking about the milk route he these stars are so unique and so 361.2— WSAl. CfNCINNATI-830. OiSO-^'Drdheatra: queatlons. 9;3.1—Musical program. ing on the rushing waters, not ly been a cotton mill and was then owned for 16 years. He talks a varied that no straight musical 1:45—Football, Army vs. Notre Dame 8:00wRed Cross program. Hour League. 538.4— WHO. DES MOINES—560. heavy enough to sink to the level being used to house ten families in lot about his horse,and the,almost comedy production could possibly 8:00—Studio program: review. 9:00—SaYophone. sextet. of the flushboards. tenements. 9:15—Hawaiians; atudio program. 9:30-^Chprt4/L m'die quartet. 1:45—FotWnaii. Ar*my vs. Notre Dams human intelligence it had. show them at their best. The revue, 10:00—WEAF dance orchestra. I0:30r-whispering'orchestra, 7:3(1-r.Studtp progra m. Ikm Several hours the men spent try­ Down the stream It went— a “ It had more brains' than a lot 265.9—WHK. CLEVELAND—im 8:00—WJZ programs. FLOOR pretty good sized building it was, however,. offers full scope for the 516.^WCi!tE. .PITTSBURGH-580. 10:00—Qim rK, pianist. aercnndCr'A' ing to catch the boards with the of people I knew, for it had com* 7:00—Instrumental selections. hook. But their efforts were in too, until it struck the bridge a versatility of such artists as Mr. 8:01—Studio program. 6:00—Dinner'music, orchestra. 336.qr-WJAX, JACK80NVILLE-89a monsense,” he says. 7:30—WEaF High JInkers. 8:80—Soprano; entertainer. vain, and the boards held. little way from the dam. Its- speed Lean and Miss Mayfield and they 9:.10—Master singers; potpourri. 0:00-^VkhdSrorlfi singers. BRH)GE U m This horse, it seems, had a mind found in "Allez-Oop!” 'a< collection U:00—Theater organ lecitai. 9:00—WJZ Phiico hour. “ We just couldn’t get that hook was so great when it reached this 440.9—WJR, DETROIT—680. 8:30—Aiong 'melody 'Va.v. 10:00—Hour of dance music. to sink,” Mr. Snow tells us. “ It point that the collision with the of its own, as far as what it took' of splendidly original and finely T:80—Ensemble; studio program. 226:4—WSVfl, SYRACUSE-133a 461.3— WHAS. LOUISVILLE—€50. was a heavy thing, too, but the bridge reduced both to kindling into its stomach was concerned. contrasted sketches which allows 8:00—WJZ N. Y. Symphony orchestra 6:30-:rByraGUse dinner music. 8:30-t!3t'udlo concert. $21.95 There was plenty of water at the 9:00—W.TZ Phileo hour. 7;.10—Stiidio programs. 9:00—WJZ Phileo hour. water was too strong for it. We wood. them to be serious or gay, whimsi­ 10:00—Ford and Glenn. 8:00—Crandtill music-clubs. 608.2—WOW. OMAHA—690 worked there for a long time. "When I saw that go I was a Snow farm in Parker village, but cal and satirical, ranging from 10;.‘i0—McKinney’s cotton pickers. 9:rtO-LHannbny trio. 10:00—Clnaslcnl program. ■ $H5.00 y a lu M "Then we noticed that the water little bit scared,” the narrato-r tells the horsq wanted the water in t^ie legitimate to burlesque. All these 11:00—Merry Old Chief. 9:30—Syracifjse orchestra. 11:00—Brown’* Oklahomans. had started to break through the us. tub at Depot Square. require the coopera,tion of such He conceived a liking for the M.- . / - sides of the pond. A little ditch ■Waters Recede splendid comedians as Charles But- Smith, Laymam & Kling, * Rita * ik));s L^N t^G TOWEB. RIGHT EVERY TIME I $2.00 less if you-trsde in on the right of the dam had begun "I wasn't any too secure in the water in the tub and Mr. Snow re­ terworth, Lon Hascall, and Evelyn to fill up and had become quite a members several times when the Bennett, and all are interspersed Howard & Helen Fables, not to an old oil lamp or t^it- tree, I felt, and when I saw that mention the loveliest and most Berlin. — The steeple of . St. stream in a short time. the Yellow Block, big as it was, horse would go without a drink for with many a speedy dance number Mary’s church, in the old part of three days and wait until it was dazzling dancing chorus yet seen. HE: Who is the handsome boy dle stick. ■ ♦ "F ew 'of us saw the danger, and had been washed down the stream and original chorus ensemble. The Berlin^ b^'S<.heen found to be more if we. did see It, we figured that we driven to the square again. result is a fast and lively show, The Parson’s theater anticipates with the cropped head? ^ I thought that my hours in the a series of brilliant audiences when than three* tedt out pf .'plumb. The See these beautiful*Ja|n^ at could always crosj the ditch on a tree were numbered. But I guess One day Mr. Snow waited too from first curtain* to last, and more SHE: That’s my cousin, Betty. this 'attraction opens there next buae upon which the. steeple rests little bridge which led to the main­ the crest of the flood had been long in a store at the other side of laughs than could be crowded Into . HE: And the blonde man with our NEW SHOWROOM ht Monday, November 14, for only a is badly Totted, hut iron stays pre­ land. Tbe place on which we were reached, and as it happened, the the square. Tbe horse became a dozen straight comedies. vent danger'of hollapae. The par­ the monocle? standing led from the abutment waters began to recede.” anxious, and when the-owner canve Among the other principals In three days’ stay, with a popular SHE; That’s my sister, Ln. 773 MAIN S i« E | ia ' matinee on Wednesday. ish ’is" tojo ‘poor fo pay for restora­ right into the stream and the ditch Somebody on one of the banks' out the h$rse was standing a hun­ the excellent cast, which comes to tion "of tire 'faidous old thirteenth HE: (laughins embarrass­ divided : this from the shore of the was a good shot, and a stone with dred yards away with his nose bur­ us unchanged In its personnel from pentujTT .strseture. ed): I suppose the. other *young pond. a string tied to it was soon sent led in the tub. their long add prosperous run at man in the dinner jackqt is your The Manch^e^ Ditch Grows Wider. through the ajr to the tree. Snow "I could send that horse out with the Earl Carroll theater in New There are about 152,000 refrls- elder sister. * "The ditch, however, kept get­ made this string fast; and drew a two-year-old child, to do my milk York are Valodia Vestoff, Gladys srator cars In service on the rail* Moiling? ."^"ant to store part or SHE: No, that’s my grand- ting wider and wider as the water over a heavier rope which he tied route and knew that he would never "Yates, Catherine Crandall, Cliff all of your, furniture? See Braith- moth'er.->-Fliegende Biaetter, Mun­ Electric Co, lore.k greater hole in the side of to-the tree. Along the rone a bad- miss a house. He knew every ston O’Rourke, Bdcar Gardiner. Cubv & t’oads o f the .United States. waltq« 6ji Ppa

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' r t - '-■>».■ ^ ^ l>i* •' U lt"* .•-'.J* r « ‘ ■ ’■■* \ G A IN S T a . ‘Eighties ” when the spoken word was which little has been written, Ernest less eldqtient than the six-gun; of hell­ Lynn has pictured the romance of Tony roaring boiidier towns where men quarreled Harrison and Rita Moore. After months and killed, and went on about their business, of research and interview, Lynn has traced, or rode south a few" miles to a place called with painstaking regard for accuracy, the No Man’s Land; of the vast cattle ranches colorful careers of Pawnee Bill and other famous pioneer figures o f the same. era. He gives for the first time an authentic recital

O' )) to to of Pawnee Bill’s early activities.

settlem ent \ t “The Blazing Horizon” marks a new de­ That is “The BlazmgTiorizhn” newest serial story parture in newspaper fictiom It is the first by Ernest Lynn. It deals with one of the most inter- historical romance ever written originally for news­ paper publication. Every chapter is illustrated, either '■ J £—J J Oklahoma- •ai in the great rush of 1889 with the striking brush-work of Joe King or with ration’s Jand-hungry stormed rare, old-time photographs. It will be found only in across a race for free homes. The Herald, within a . ■ : A C . # t-/5 X r

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^1ANCHE;STEK (COINW.) EV^EJNHWG HERALD/SATUKDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1927. PAGE gSVBaf!' Children *s Books Week HEBRON $4,300,000 Level Club in New York] SCOtnSH BISHOP Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark were Invites Masons Throughout The W orld To The New M agnificent Masonic i SUNDAY SPEAKER Traffic has been closed since last To Be Observed Here Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clark of I-- Clubhouse and Hotel To Be Dedicated As Monument to Masonry. Tuesday afternoon between Wap- Hartford, Miss Maude Clark, and ping Center and Foster street on Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Jones and account of the bridge , opposite their ron Chester of East Hampton. R i^ ReT. F. L D eane and George A. Frink’s, caving In while Several members of the D. A. R. -J the state men were working there, attended the November meeting of widening the bridge. the Colonel Henry Champion Chap­ V ery R eT . H . E rddne ffill Mr. apd Mrs. Ernest Smith oi ter, held at the Nathaniel Foote this pla .• \ . . . X - 7 . .: ed on the above date by the bish­ the winter months. They were ac­ ops of Aberdeen and Moray and In our salesroom, department, office companied by Mrs. Emily Cohn, 1 Ross; and, the coadjutor bishop o? m ^ , one who is looking for oppor­ also of New York, a sister of Mrs. Aberdeen. Bishop Seabury returned tunity. Salary and commissioii. Wyman. . to Connecticut in 1785 and was Best of references required. C. R. Miss Mary Mack of Denver and 7 ^ 1 more or less formally recognized Burr& Co., Inc. Apply to Mr. Mrs. David Hall of Hartford who Harris. 1 not onjy in this state but in all New, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W.Vx* England. He died in New London in The South Manchester Public^ Perry were recent callers at the 1796. home of Mr. and Mrs. George Mit­ Library has an especially Interest■-1 I FEXCING] NOW POPULAR Aberdeen gave to Amorioi its chell. first Episcopal bishop and the ob- NOTICE Ing display of books for Children’s WITH LADIES IN PARIS The Hopevaie 'Seventh Day Ad­ Book Week which will be national­ ji'Ct of this 'tollr-of New England's vent Church was visited by Elder leading Episcopal churches by fbe Is hereby given^that any,tax due ly observed next week. Many re­ Preiberger of New Loudon at a re­ the , , . cent children’s books and old Paris.—Fencing has only re­ ^eVNNEA of^W/i^/TON/UM distinguished preachers is to raise cently become popular with the cent evening meeting. He was ac­ SOUTH MANCHESTER FIRE favorites in new bindings will be companied by Mrs. Freilberger. TVATW/IL ACCOMODATE OIAEA. 3 . S . a n i/ 7 S TE P S Bl a permndent 'memorial of that on dis play at the institution all fair sex in France. But the pres­ 2 0 0 0 GUESTS a i PU8UC FUM:TJ0 NS. ^/GNlFtCANCE IN TUEMAW LCDBBy ^ unique event 'which' will mean an DI8TOICT ence of thirty-seven -pretty, wo­ Others present in an official capa­ imperishable link between America or next week. city were Elder Moffat', president of THE 9TH SCHOOL DISTRICT Both parents and children are men contestants during “Fenc­ and. Aberdeen, ing Week’’ which was held in the Atlantic Union, Mr. Scriven, The 'present St. Andrew’s cathe­ can be paid to the, collector at any . urged to come and see this exhibit. Paris not long ago, show that missionary secretary of the confer­ reasonable, time at No. .14 . Fire En- Every variety of books for children TESTING m s SPEED RECOMMENDATION. dral is reputed to'<'be '6xie of the us-j it has taken a definite place in ence, and others. lie^t cathedrals in the British Isles' gfiie House, School Street. will be found: books to amuse the list of feminine sports which Morris Goldstein, a Jewish farm­ TEST ANSWERS and. utterly inadequate as a cathe­ If ybti -Jhad any taxable property them, to entertain them, to Instruct is getting longer everyday. er of Hebron, has been granted The doctor had received a hurry Oct. 1923-1924-1925 or 1326 (auto­ damages of $425 in a suit against call from the home of -a young ^“Is this a healthy town?” asked dral. The appeal for funds. In a them: books for the youngest child Many of them showed that j Here is one solution to the. booklet describing the history of mobile included) there is certainly .to the boy or girl ready for High Louis Ellenberg, a New Yorker who couple...... who had their first baby. Ar­ the newly-arrived Invalid. a tax for-yOftto pay if yOu have not they could compete on ah almost riving, the doctor found the young LETTER GOLF puzzle on the comic Andrews, says among, other things:. school. These books are attractive­ equal footing with mere man, runs a farm and rooming house in “I should say so,*’ answered the page: “In American soil the memorial already paid it. ly bound editions and many are Hebron through the summer. In the fathqr on the doorstep, watch in native. “When I came liere I had WILLIAM TAYLOR, in spite of their inferiority in hand. of Bishop-.-^abury’s codsecratidn: Is beautifully illustrated. strength and build. Madame summer of 1926 Ellenberg lost sev­ not the strength to utter a word; seen, in a thousand magnificent ebUectoFi; •ihe object of children’s Book eral of his cows by poisoning, and “What’s the trouble?” asked the I had scarcely a hair on my head; Duttweiler-Dufour is one of the doctor. churches in her greaf'bltieB. In Week is to bring before parents, ablest Frenchwomen handling it is said that he suspected Gold­ I couldn’t walk across the room, Scotland we: long to see one wor­ teachers, and everyone concerned stein. It was afterwards ascertained "Nothing this time. Doc. My L I N D Y the foil and has crossed swords wife just wanted to see how quick­ and had to be lifted from my bed.” thy memorial the gift of the Amer­ with the welfare of children, the with many of the best fencers that the poisoning was done by a “You give me hope. How long ican church to;, the city which help­ youth who had worked for Ellen­ ly you could get here in case the Importance of cultivating among in Europe. baby was taken suddenly sick. You have you been here?” ed her in heir need.” boys and girls the reading habit, Sue says he had a foil for a berg and poisoned the cows in spite. “I wa4 born here.” — Capper’s W I N D Y Provost Hill who will speak at Goldstein claims that the accusa­ made it in four minutes this time.” and also to offer guidance in the and still treasures the fragments — Pathfinder— Weekly. St. Mary’s tomorrow. Is a* descend­ selection of books- as a trophy. Her father was her tions made by Ellenberg made bus­ ant of a. long line of Presbyterian Reading, ^ould be not only first teacher in swordsmanship. iness losses for him. He sued for W I N D S ministers. Though brought up as a educational but of real pleasure to That was in Switzerland in her $3,000. The case was tried before Bye, Bye; Boyish Bob strict .Presbyterian he was attract­ children. Parents ma;- , influence very early days. Later he sent Judge Edward M. Yeomans at ed byHhe doctrine and»wor.ship of them to read the most interesting her to Paris to perfect her art Rockville. W I N E 5 the Episcopal Church'; and was or­ and beneflcial books by knowing under the direction of the noted The Ladies’ Aid Society of the dained, in 1887 by the Bishop of the better books which are put out professor. Adjutant Heller.- Congregational Church met at the Edinburgh. In 19lS he was made today themselves. For this reason After the war, and the death home of Mrs. Lucius W. Robinson rector of St. Andrew’^s, becoming a the display of books at the library ' of her father, she returned to Wednesday afternoon. T I N E S provost when it was consUtutedL a should prove of Interest. direct his establishment. Miss Clarissa Lord has returned cathedral church two yeaVff later/ To show the range of books ------:------1 from New York City where she He is an author of repute and represented in the exhibit, hbre are of adventure on the sea in the days spent several days attending a re­ T I N E D was responsible for the introduc­ If You Sedc short reviews of a few books in the union of part of the members of her tion into Scotland of the Brother­ just before the Revolution. David class of the Connecticut College for collection: Dennison, the eighteen-year-old hood of St. Andrew, a movement For the very young: “The Pop- Women, 1925. E which originilech In Ame^ca and hero supplies plenty of excitement Mrs. Frank Porter has been un­ T 0 N D i over Family’’, by Ethel Calvert as he sails from Massachusetts Bay which has profoundly affected the Phillips. This is a prettily illustrat­ able since the Connecticut River American church. He Is a most elo­ to the indies, to Africa, the Medi­ flood, to get any' word from her ed book written in an imaginative terranean and the Baltic, and T 0 E D quent speaker and it is expected such as period effects we too vein about Mr. Popover who was a parents, who live in the flooded Y that St. Mary’s church will be filled thence home. The author is the area in Newport, Vermont. This China doll and his children, Vel- great-great-granddaughter of Com­ to overflowing at the special serv­ can supply your wantst W^e region has been cut off from tele­ ice tomorrow afternoon, ' vetina and Looloo. The author has modore John Rodger, once com. graphic communication or mails. T 0 Y E R been a kindergarten teacher and mander of the old frigate “Consti­ Mrs. Porter and a brother living *in will be pleasejji to show you knows the kind of stories little tution.” JOHNSON’S children like best. New York have made repeated ef­ samples.' For those a little older: The forts to get in touch with the fami­ F 0 Y E R ELECTRIC CO. Magic Pawnshop, by Rachel Field. The female birth rate in Eng­ ly. It is an account of the night that land is decreasing. Last year, The Rev. John Deeter expects to H iM I Solicits Your Electrical Biisi per 10,000 population, males in­ exchange pupits on Sun4ay with the ness-—Both Wiring and- Fix- nine-year-old Prinda spent in Miss creased by 52, females by only 40. Rev. Duane Wain, pastor of the F L Y E R Minerva MacLoon’s pawnshop, “Ladies” of the British Royal Columbia Congregational church. toreis. where everything was bought and Court now include the Mistress of sold, including magic. Mr. Wain will officiate at Hebron John I. Olson the Rhodes, ^Ladies of the Bed­ and Gilead. Approximately 7,000 children First Class Work. For older children: The Trade chamber, Women of the Bed­ were killed and 140,000 boys and Estimates -Che^^Uy Famished. Painting and Decdratlng ' Mrs. Della Porter is the guest Contractor. ■Wind, by Cornelia Meigs. This chamber, and Maids of Honor. for a few days at Crescent Beach, girls were injured in American handsomely printed and illustrated Four of the Women of the Bed­ of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Little, at the streets and highways last year and 690 Main St„ Johnson Block volume contains the new Beacon chamber aet. as Queen Mary’s sec­ statistics indicate that 1927 will A Fine Line of Fixtures. t Little Cottage. Mr.^ Little IKkS held :ak¥*>Sj:5;§::: Sonth Manches|er- Hill Bookshelf Prize Story, a tale retaries. the position of engineer at the state show an eqqal number,. library at Hartford for quite a term .A ^ CUntOBEt.,. j of years. He has now given up this work and has moved from Hartford DAVID CHAMimS ARTESIAN WELf zS to occupy his Crescenit Beach place. Both Mr. and Mrs. Little were for­ CONTRACTOR DriUed Any Diameter— t^ o v e P f o w f , mer Hebron residents. Any Depth Any P)aee The Rev. S. Stuart Neill, rector and of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Hollywood, Calif., Nov. 12.—A®her have her own way she was Charles P* ^Vdkcrt South Manchester, was a caller at ' '•X \ ' BUILDER man and his wife : ever should wrong. So Colleen gladly does as the reclory recently. Mr. Neill has Blast Hole Iteilling work together. she is told now. recently bought the Silver place lo­ - I X ^ ^ s Tert Drilling for FoundatioB Such is the opinion of Laura La.; cated in the Lord district, on the ; i ...xW'S'. First and Soeoad Mortesges Plante^ filmdom's . Moviana is about to have an­ road to Gilead meeting house. Mr. ] Water Systems most famous other dog star, “Buck.” After Neill expects to occupy the place arranged on aB new Pomps for All Pitrfnses. } blonde. Laura waiting three years for his chance. with his family as a summer home. Very feminine is the latest curlette bob from the Paris Hairdressing c(a55iTied and Bill Sieter Buck recently was given the lead­ Exhibition. It features a cascade of little curls from Milady’s forehead ^ 68 Bottist^ Sfit^t^ j TeL 1376-5. j;ompose one o f ing animal role in “The Shepherd No. 52 Pearl St. is new location to10 theme nape orof nerher nneck, held in place by a circular ornament of brilliants co/umns the happiest cou­ of the Hills.” Ten trained animals of Braithwaite’s repair shop.—adv. | get in filagree gold. lluiAettpr. Conn. HIGHLAND PARK P . a ^ ples in the film appear in the screen version of I (Tillage. Harold Bell Wright’s book which SKKEOiBnilX “Of course Bill Al Rogell is putting on the screen THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE: (133) Development of Gas BfKOFSfB BX BBAPOmia and I get along and Buck heads them, all. He also »r . ■■ all right even keeps them in. order between , when we do work scenes. I together but I think we are both Directors and actors never will 1 better off when admit it, but title writers are be­ Laura La Plante we are on differ­ coming the life guards of Holly­ ent sets,” says Laura. wood. Many a poor picture has had r “I know Bill used to say things its life saved by one of these fel­ to me that another director would lows- A good recent example was never meMion and I wouldn’t have seen in “Stop That Man” at Uni­ paid any attention if someone else versal. When the picture was com­ had said them. A director must pleted, it was pretty bad. Garrett at least make his company believe Graham was called in to write a that he knows more than they do. set of sub-titles and he pulled And it’s pretty, hard for a director the film out of the grave. to tell bis wife he is the brains of I Gas lighting Was taken up in Lpndon by a German the family, even if it’s true.” For the last six months a sort of 1.1 , _ lii^ted by gae. The gentlemanly feud has raged at the named Winser, who asked Parliament to make it com­ Sir vyoifor Scott saicH people imtginod tiwro m roanw flaiirm Almost everyone who knows United Artists studio, home of pulsory for every home to have gas. He wanted the People did( not believe in gas. Sir .Humphry “there is a madman in the pipes and yvould net touch them. I^ iil| | | l gas w as Laura agrees. But there is one ex­ filmdom’s biggest stars. It s/eems company he was forming to haye the right to make the London proposing to Iniroouoed in the Coimhohe. Peopte ception out here— John McCormick that no one knew whether John W. gas, and the profits, he said, w ^ld be so great that he Davy declared that “to and Colleen Moore. Colleen John’s Considine or Mike ' Levee was the get all the gas you want light London with-— thought the pipea shpm WHi had them j Hm ik I i would be able to give the state grOat sums. Parlia­ what do you ■tfilnk?— . far from the walhL .If empi re of Failiameid^ HNB^g decision. She willingly admits, even boss and each attempted to assert ment refused consent, but in 1810 a gas company was you will need -Bie dome boasts, that John has forgottefi himself ahead of the other. It’s all of St. Paul’s cathedral to smoke!” Later he hid b u r^ « w ore glevifeiw ^ (T o : more about movies than she ever over now though, as Joe Schenck formed. store it.” gas In his home. lopes to icnow. They used to have has just appointed Considine gen­ ty TTiraoih Spwii.1 P*mriMten ot ttw PubKdiort M Th. Bt.3c ti tCiwrf.dg.. Cepyright. 1faz.i6. _ //■g i divided opinion on some subjects, eral manager of the whole works, the says, and whenever John let leaving no doubt about who’s who.

I MANCHESTER (CONN,) EVENING HERALD, SATURDAY, NOYEMl^ER 12, 1927. PAGE EIG H T FEATURE ARTICLES l a t e s t f a s h i o n ABOUT INTERESTING h i n t s b y f o r e m o s t W O M EN ^ authorities THE HERALD’S HOME PAGE

“Ideal Fashions 99 by Jean Belle Hamilton s o m n e r This And That In Some of our bright young men ^street car conductor who told what who make their living, and a good the male juror In the Fall-Sinclair trial said. Now all the boys who © CHASLE8 8CEIBHX&3 8QH8 one, too, by going about the coun­ Feminine Lore by V A N DINE try lecturing to women’s clubs on warbled about the Ford woman s.. s. Into the alley-wayr’ this morning, despite your injured the various arts, have the cute lit­ and spread their remark of “Just diaracters of the Story “There Is. We used It that feelings. You now have five differ­ tle habit—at least they must what you can expect with women ent people, any one of whom yon PHILO TAHCE night” think It’s cute— of saying smarty- on the juries!” may keep still for JOHN F.-X. MARKHAM.Dittrict "How long was the Colonel gone can, with a little 1 ^ ingenuity, alecky things about women, espec­ a while while "us girls” say “just, Attorney of Neto York County ,fUr the first act?" convict of the crime,—^In any event, ially organized* women. 1 Louis what you can expect with men on All discussion as to where one Beat two whole eggs and you can get Indictments against ALYIN H. BENSON...... Well- f j i few minutes—I couldn’t say Bromfleld, tor Instancs, out on a juries!” Maybe some day we’ll should buy one’t Christmas pi»tH ;k until light with'.sugar, known Wall Street broker and exactly." . v 6m* well-paid lecture tour, gave many learn that both men and women will end with a visit to the Old milk and flavoring .and add manrdbout-town, who wa» mys­ “Had he returned when the cur­ He leaned his head back medi- a reporter “good copy” with his act as human beings and not as Wood Shop, Pitkin street. There . . ____ SUr until well mixed and teriously murdered in his home tain went/up on the second act?” tfttiVGly* wise-cracks about the monotonous, men or women. are just oodles of glvable gifts add raisins. Fare apples and-ris- Moriarty reflected. “First, there’s Miss St. Clair. peas-ln-a-pod questions which wo­ there for everyone In the family move core from stem end, takiqg MAJOR ANTHONY BENSON... You were quite pos’tlve she did the ...B rother of the murdered man “I don’t believe he had. I think men ask him about his novels. Nice Rnthie > and all on your lists, .and Mr care not to break the fruit nor cut he came back a few minutes after deed, and you told the Major you Ruth Elder’s put her foot in It Hughes wishes me to- broadcast the through the. blossom end. Arrange MRS. ANNA PLATE...... the act began.” were all ready to arrest her. “These Womenl” now! She did not turn down her news that you can go over there apples In a buttered baking dish ..Housekeeper for Alvin Benson Ten minutes?" “My demonstration of the mur­ Now another falr-halred . boy, wine glass at the American Club Aj)w, leisurely choose your gifts and pour rice custard around but MURIEL ST. O LAIH ...:...... T couldn’t say. Certainly no derer’s height could be thrown out Richard Halliburton, is out on the where she was guest of hoh'or the not covering the apples. Bake in ...... A young singer and he will reserve them for you more." on the grounds that it was intelli­ same kind of a money-making other day, dispatches say. My, my, until Christmas! a moderate oven until the . apples CAPTAIN PHILIP LEACOCK... gent and concluslTe, and therefore my, the letters that will be written ...... Miss St. Clair’s fiance “Therf, allowing for a ten-minute jaunt. He leaves a keture before are tender and rice is firm to the intermission, the Colonel might had no place In a court of law. I’m some woman’s club,which has jjald to her about that— “Disgracing Soon you will see them peeping touch. Remove from oven-and fill LEANDER PFYFE...... sure the judge would concur. America,” and so on. I’m inc ined ...... Intimate of Alvin Benson’s have been away 20 minutes?” him several'huudred dollars, to out from the smartest fur-collared cavities with currant jelly. Cover “ Secondly, I give you Captain make fun of the dear ladles behind to _thlnk, however, that a young coats--- ^thOSe soft, crushable, ever with W1|,U meringuemenuBUts mademauc with wnu reiuaiu-remain-' MRS. PAULA BANNING.. “Tea—It’s possible.” Leacock. I actu’lly had to use phys­ their, backs, and to brag of ^the 11 lady who observes'the conventions somi warmWailU ouewauu.Shetland wool ww* 0vo.a1.w1scarfs. In ing whitewuxvc; w.i. of egg beatenwwawwax untiluuwr owiu. stiff ...... A friend of F fjfe’s This ended the interview; and ^ . 1. A. A. ical force to keep you from jailing answers which he ,had ready for of other countries does much more flattering 4 _ tones of rose, blue, «S Aflesh, 1{and J dry .AM w* with < A\lK ikthe 1* A powdered AVS* 'L**M*AM sugar ELSIE HOFFMAN. .Secretary of when Moriarty had gone, Vance lay the chap. You had a beautiful case the only 11 questions* that they as a good will emissary than one orange, tan, green, black or white | folded in after beating. -Bake in the firm of Benson and Benson back in his chair and smoked against him—to say nothing of his had brains enough to ask. v/ho scorns their modes and man­ and combinations o f colors. a slow oven to puff and brown‘mer­ COLONEL BIGSBY OSTRANDER thoughtfully. . \ delightful confession. And If you ...... A retired army officer ners while flaunting our own in ingue. Serve warm or cold ox ' "Surprisin’ luck!” he commented. met with any dUPcultles, he'd help Goose Had Golden Hgg their faces. Never before. It Is asserted that with'whipped cream. WILLIAM H. MORI ARTY...... you out: he’d adore having you con­ ...... An alderman The Piccadilly Theatre, y’ know. Now I know just as well as there has been such a vogue for Is prcatlcally round the comer from vict him. Louie and Dick the club woman Capsule Meals velvet. The autumn debutante C. A. Thayer, an authority on GEORGE G. STITT...... Benson’s house. You grasp the ...... Of the firm of Stitt “Thirdly, I submit Leander the mind, and ordinarily like It just Capsule meals continue to be wears It to the dancing party, the spice, says that during the middle possibilities of the situation, what? and McCoy, Public Accountants Lovely. You had a better case as little. But it is one thing to. talked about. One scientist after hostess wears it to pour tea, and ages a few of the Islands com­ . . . The Colonel Invites an aider- MAURICE DINWIDDIE...... against him than against almost criticize when one is not exploiting another retires to his laboratory, the business girl changes to It on prising the Dutch East Indies had ...... Assistant District Attorney man to the Midnight Follies, and any one of the others—a pierfect them, and another thing to do It emerging not until he ^ can bring every possible occasion. It Is the an absolute monopoly of nutmeg gets box seats near an exit giving ERNEST HEATH...... Ser wealth of circumst’ntlal evidence— when, just because of their guilli- with him a capsule of* breakfast, aim of all femininity to possess a trading and rich were the profits. on an alley. At a little before half geant of the Homicide Bureau an embarras de richesse. In fact. bility, they are making it possible lunch and dinner. They say that In velvet gown of some description, To prevent the planting of nutmeg past twelve he leaves the box, B. S. VAN DINE...... The Narrator And any jury would delight In con­ for a couple of youngsters to live the future a man will carry his Discriminating Frock of and perhaps a coat, hat or bag. trees in other lands the . growers » • • sneaks out via the alley, goes to victing him,—I would, myself. If well. After- all, one never hears meals around in his pocket— so Contrasting Fabric Pumps and hags are as often made would ship none until after the nuts Benson’s, taps and Is admitted, THIS HAS HAPPENED only for the way he dresses. of men’s clubs inviting these young many capsules of carbohydrates, of velvet as any other material. had been heat sterilized In a solu­ shoots his man, and hurries back licacock eonfeaaes to the mnr- “Fourthly, I point with pride to artists to deign to accept a few vitamins and proteins. Good cooks Insistence on the molded silhou- Truly it is a velvet season. tion of lime and water which de­ to the theatre. Twenty minutes der but Vance expose* the con­ Mrs. Platz. Another perfect clr- hundred dollars and a chicken will give way to good chemists, stte is seen in this good-looking stroyed the germ. My. Thayer fur­ fession as a He to shield Uiss St. satin frock of redingote inspira­ would have been ample.” cumst’ntial case, fajrly bulging pattie luncheon in exchange for a and wives as housekeepers will not Another young man, John Lang- nishes a sachet formula, which he Clair. Vance promises to soIto Markham straightened up, but tion. Variation is introduced in the mystery on a certain date. He with clues and Inf’rences and legal don Davies, has just steamed in claims the clothes; moths heartily few choice, words. You may be kill­ be needed at all. the scalloped front-closing ter­ has Markham prodnce the alibis made no comment. whatnots. Most scientific promises for the from abroad, England to be exact, dislike, and is more ' pleasant to o* air the people suspected, and ing the goose that lays the golden minating in a pleat. Another “And now." continued Vance, “Fifthly, I present the Colonel. to lecture about bankruptcy con­ then' phones Alderman Morlarty egg, boys! future look rosy, but this is sad inverted pleat in each side seam smell than the reliable mothball. In j>rder to check ap on the alibi "let’s look at the Indlcat’ry clr- I have just rehearsed your case and tragic Indeed. For who would fronting the hearth here in Amer- j mThe e powaerpowder isIs caiiea-called-Sultan’s ouiiaa a ae-de- cumst’nces and the conflrmat’ry provides skirt width for perfect of Colonel Ostrander. against him; and I could elab’rate exchange mother’s warm apple pie ica with the prospect of England i light. It Is made of an ounce each facts. , , . Miss St. Clair told us Har, Har! comfort. The vest may be of NOW BEGIN. THE STORV it touchln’ly, given a little more with mild cheese for a vial of following suit. He says children ! already men are to arrjve In New York on Armis­ son; and, knowing she always went as to time, place, opportunity, Home Page Editorial vest; or V/% yards 54-inch woolen more interested in cars and cjra- he spoke clear and precise English home at midnight, he chose half tice day, when the people of that with almost no trace of the Bronx means, motive, and conduct. The fabric. Price of pattern 15 cents.- merce in America than they are in city,— always ready to give a royal past twelve as a propitious hour; only drawback, d’ ye see. Is that all Winter Fashion Book now out accent. L o st: Our women. He does not see marriage welcome to anybody who has ac­ although , originally he may have five are quite innocent. A most illustrating more than three hun­ becoming obsolete, however, but Markham Introduced him, and intended to wait until much later; complished a notable feat,— were briefly exi^ained why he had been discomposin’ fact — but there you T alen t fo r dred smart new styles for imme­ believes in woman’s domination In in just the mood for a celebration. say, 1:30 or 2—before sneaking out are. . . . Now, if all the people diate wear. Price of the book 15 requested to call. the not far distant future. MARY TAYLOR. of the theatre. against whom there’s the slightest P overty cents the copy. “One of the men from the homi­ “Being an army officer, he would suspicion, are innocent, what’s to Mrs. Josep’ia 'Whitney, who has cide bureau,” answered Moriarty, have had a Colt 45; and he was There are more than 1000 wool­ “ was asking me about the matter, be done? . . . Annoyin’, ain’t It?” been occupying front page spacp en mills in the United States. probably a good shot.—He was most He picked up the alibi reports. By Olive Roberts Barton only yesterday.” on the newspapers this week be­ anxious to have you arrest some­ “There’s pos’tively nothing to bo “We have the feport,” said Vance, one—he didn’t seem to care who; cause of her election to the posi­ done but to go on checking up these Manchester Herald tion of alderman in one of New ‘Tsut it’s a bit too general. Will you and he even-’phoned you to inquire alibis.” Again a reference to “The Grand­ Pattern Service. Haven’s wards, I am told is a tell us exactly what you did that about it. mothers” by Glen way Wescott. CLARENCE H. ANDERSON night after you met Colonel I . could not imagine what goal charming, dainty little woman, not “He was one or the very few he was trying to reach by these ap­ In the last chapter, Alwyn in Pattern No...... at all what one would expect from Ostrander?” his night-watch beside the bedside persons in the world whom Benson parently irrelevant digressions; Price 15 Cents. the impressions we had formed on hsnrance In Ali “The Colonel had invited me to would have admitted, attired as he and Markham, too, was mystified. of his 'dying grandmother reviews reading her wonderful accomplish- dii^pr and the Follies. I met him was. He’d known Benson Int’mate- the hardships and struggles of his “ Let’s see.” he mused. “The LESSONS ON THE FLAG Name . . mpnts, in this country and abroad Its lines ^ at’ the Marseilles at 10. We had ly for 15 years, and Mrs. Plata once Major’s is the next in order. What grandparents in the wild Middle at the "World Court. With all her saw Benson take off his toupee and dinner there, and went to the Pic­ do you say to tackling it? It Western country. Contributed by Orford Parish Chap­ Size . . . work for the public good she has show It to him.—Moreover, he Branch Otece of the Hartford cadilly a little before 12, where we shouldn’t take long; he lives near A casual but gripping phrase of ter, Daughters of the Ameri­ found time to h3 a real mother to would have known all about the remained until about 2:30. here; and the entire alibi hinges on this wonderful young author can Revolution Address her ci-x children— I believe the L- A. W. Acceptance “I walked to the Colonel’s apart­ domestic arrangements of the caught my eye. Alwyn was ponder­ the evidence of the night-boy at his younge.5t is now at college, so that, ment with him, had a drink and a house: he no doubt had slept there Corporation apartment-house.—Come! ” He got ing on “ their talent for poverty!” (November Lesson) her time is more free for the things many a time when showing his old chat, and then took the subway up. The Tower family of good old History of the development of in which she is interested. You 647 Main St., Farr Building home about 3:30.” pal the wonders of New York’s “How do you know the boy Is York State stock, deeply religious, j cross of St. George, and is the Send your order to the “ Pat­ night life. . . . How does all that tern Dept., Manchester Evening remember she was much in the Tel. 1338 “You told the detective yesterday there now?” objected Markhi|.m. hard working, loyal to their kind present Red Cross society standard. limcJight a year or two ago when appeal to you?” Herald, Manchester, Conn.” you sat in a box at the theatre.” “ I ’phoned a while ago and found and kindred, American— never bet­ Next comes the Kings’ colors or she championed the cause of the So. Manchester. “That’s correct.” Markham had risen, and was pac­ out." tered their condition; they were Kings’ Union which made its ap­ young mother, Olympia Macri, and “ Did you and the Colonel remain ing the floor, his eyes almost closed. “But this is damned nonsense!” unable to cope with a life that pearance in 1608 and was blue I believe took her to her bwn In the box throughout the perform­ “ So that was why you were so in­ Vance now had Markham by the frustrated them at every turn. with a rectangular red cross and a beautiful home. She founded the ance?” terested in the Colonel—asking peo­ arm, playfully urging him toward Fifty years of struggle— scattered, diagonal white cross extending Housewives’ League of New Ha­ FOR A THOROUGH “No. After the first act a friend ple if they knew him, and inviting the door. dead and gone! A talent for pov­ from corner to corner. Mechanical Vanity ven and has been its presiding offi­ him to lunch? . , . What gave you erty! of mine came to the box, and the “ Oh, undoubtedly,” he agreed. The third Flag was called the cer for several years. Colonel excused himself and went the idea. In the first place, that he “But I’ve often told you, old dear, There are many people today Cromwell flag and came into .being SCIENTIFIC EXAMINATION was guilty?” you take life much too seriously.” who have a talent for poverty. No to the wash-room. After the second 1660. In the quest for beauty women of your eyes and properly fitted act, the Colonel and I stepped out- “ Guilty!” exclaimed Vance. ‘‘That Markham, protesting vigorously, matter what their income is they Tb«n the Pine Tree flag, which , have been known to travel across glasses . aide into the alley-way and had a priceless old dunderhead guilty! held back, and endeavored to dis­ will always be poor. They spend came into use in 1704. In one form , continents, hut right in the business smoke.” Really, Markham, the notion’s pre- engage his arm from the other’s more than they earn, they are al­ it was a red flag with the cross of I center is situated the Lily Beauty Sec “What time, would you say,.was post’rous. I’m sure he went to the sriP- ' , . ways in debt, shiftless, improvi­ St. George in the canton with a | Shop, upstairs in the House and the first act over?” wash-room that night to comb his But Vance was determined; »nu dent, wasteful. green pine tree in the first quarter. Hale building. The prospect of a WALTER OLIVER •Twelve-thirty or thereabouts.’ eyebrows and arrange his tie. after a somewhat heated dispute, But this is not the talent for The Puritans strongly objected to refreshing, beautifying piassage, a “ And where is this alley-way “ And I played In the most aston- Markham gave in, poverty referred to in Alwyn’s the Red Cross in the flag and it was scientifically given Circullne per­ Optometrist situated?” asked Vance. “As I re­ ishln’ luck. Still, he’s just the kind “I’m about through with this musings. This “talent” lay on the the modification of this that be­ manent wave or a marcel should 915 Main S tre ^ So. Mancheater call, it runs along the side of the of ancient popinjay who’d go to the hocus-poCus,” he growled, as we got families as a benediction. There came the flag of the New England he inducement enough for you to Tel. 89-8. was no satire on the word. They theatre to the street.” wash-room and dandify himself,—I into a taxicab. colonies. The Pine Tree flag was ’phone 1671 for an appointment. Honrs 10 m. to 8 p. m. “You’re right.” rather counted on that, don’t y’ “I’m through already,” said had chosen land that was the most used in the famous battle of Bunk­ —------0 “And isn’t there an ‘exit’ door know. . . . My word! Vance. beautiful spot in all America. er Hill, June 17, 1775. Rice and Apple Pudding. very near the boxes, which leads “We’ve made a’mazin’ progress (To Be Coatlaaed> / They kept on through the years In 1660, the Massachusetts colony Five tart apples, 8 tablespoons sacrificing every opportunity for adopted as its flag the Green Pine rice, 2 cups milk, 3 eggs, 3-4 cup material success to Ideals and in­ tree upon a white field. Under this sugar, 1-2 teaspoon vanilla, 1-2 tea­ Pure at meals may have only unpleasant born convictions. Home, large historic flag the soldiers of three spoon lemon extract, 1-2 cup seel­ emotions associated with the idea famiUes, conscience, 'honesty with countries fought in King Phillip’s ed raisins, currant jelly, 4 table­ Clean of eating and therefore never have themselves and each other. Theirs war, 1675 to 1676—and it was spoons powdered sugar. appetite. The matter is all very, was a scanty reward. carried to Concord on the morning Wash rice through many waters Daily Health Service complicated and at the same time; Have we lost “our talent for of April 19, 1775. Upon the flag and slowly add 2 cups of slightly Past­ when thoroughly reasoned out me­ poverty” ? Do we place money, was written the words In Latin: salted, rapidly boiling water. Cook HINTS ON HOW TO KEEP WELL chanically and mentally simple. comfort, selfish careers,, easy con­ “ Conquer or Die.” twenty minutes. Let water cook eurized sciences, and soft living,- before The rattlesnake emblem was by World Famed Authority those finer things for which our another favorite symbol, especially A new loose powdered vanity, pioneer ancestors lived? Have we in the Garollnas and was marked in finely engraved silver and gold, Milk forgotten the Great Teacher and with “Don’t Tread On Me.” It was has a rim that by its turning, lets Deep Chest Celds er his talent for poverty?. In the the first American flag ever shown out just enough powder to dust Best YOU CAN HAVE APPETITE Appetite can be spoiled by the B rid g e M e parable of the master and the ser- on a regular man of war and was the puff. This one has a tricky a Raw Sere Throat AND NOT BE HUNGRY sight, taste or smell of things that monogram. for vahts one wonders what may have pulled to the top of the mast by END QUICKLY WHEN YOU USE are unpleasant. Illness frequently been meant by "talent.” f By DR. MORRIS FISHBBTN. ^ destroys appetite and it Is necessary A n o th e r I» John Paul Jones. CAMPHOROLE Chil­ "Why have we translated it ■ as Stobbotn C oni^ and Colds that do not deal EiUtor Journal of the American to stimulate It by resort to foods BY W. W. WENTWORTH money? DP quickly, may lead to serioua tronble o( the dren. Medical Association and of Hygeia, prepared aesthetically and by study­ (Abbreviations: A— ace; K— 1 Now or niroat, sudt as Fullness in Ears, Deal* ing carefully the desires of the in­ ness and Head Noises or extend into CSiest fol­ the Health Magazine king—Q—queen; J— ^Jack; X— lowed by Broadiitis or possibly - Pnenmonia. Hewitt valid. any card lower than 10.) LIPSTICK Yon can avoid them with CAMPHOROLE, the 49HoU Just as soon as the person feels A THOUGHT new iSeal treatment, wUch acts two (2) ways, ^ Many a person who is not hungry as it soothes and heals the inflamed membrane, appetite the stomach begins to and loosens up a Oocqdi or Ck>ld in the Throat Phone . may still have a good appetite. The make preparations for the receipt or Chest. It UUs the germs. Then you’ll 1056 appetite sensation Is a pleasant de­ of food. The mouth waters and the 1— ^Holding: spades—Q J X The sleep of s laboring man is know how soon a nerve-racking Cough with a sire for food In contrast to the XXX; hearts—A X X ; dia­ Lifers Niceties sweet.-~Eccl. 5:12. sticiy, clinging mucus can he eased. saliva that helps to digest starches * * * , It’s surprising how promptly it opens np 'painful aspects of the hunger sen­ begins to flow. The juices of the monds—X 'X ; clubs— X X; dogged nostrils, and takes hold of a stubborn sation. Genius begins great works; la­ Cough, as It soothes and heals the sore irritated stomach are secreted, inoludihg the what do you bid initially ? HINTS ON ETIQUET bor alone finishes them.— Joubert. lining of the Throat, Brondiial Tubes and I People’s appetites vary according pepsin and the hydrochloric acid Chest, loosens up phlegm, stops annoying tickle to their race and education. Savages 2— ^Holding: spades— K Q in the throat. You’U then know why thousands that digest the proteins. Obviously p refer CAMPtfOROLE, on ce you have tried it fo r eat ants and puppy dogs with relish, It is Important to hare appetite as J 10 9; hearts— X X X; dia­ Colds in Head, Throat and Chest, Asthma, Ton- Eskimos lick their chops over blub- an aid to digestion. monds— A X X X ; what do you 1. What is the first rule about ailitis. Bronchitis and Catarrhal troubles. ©er. Mexicans enjoy hot spices, Scandinavians like raw fish, and Bad Appetites b id ? ^ personal letters? \ 3— ^Holding: spades— 10 X Bewan Americans seem to prefer pie, ham Dr. Aldrich, recognizes two types 2. Should members of a fam­ of isnd eggs and pork and beans. XXX; hearts-^A X X; dia­ of children with bad appetites. First ily feel free to opefi each other’s SabstitatM Many people like their tomatoes are underweight children who have monds—^X X; clubs—X X ; m ail? i ;with sugar, and others use vinegar, not eaten enough to maintain prop­ what do you bid initially ? 3. Should a husband or wife UrH rifiNCHCSTCP CCfJ\- salt and pepper. It- makes little er nutrition. Such children show The Answers difference which the average man form the habit of reading pri­ symptoms of hunger such as Irrita 1— Pass. MRS. ADA M. loses sotfar as his digestion Is con- bllity and fatigue, before meal vate letters of each others that 2— Three spades. MERRIFIELD eemed. The proverb that there is times. They are likely to eat a few 3— Pass. are open and Ijdng around? FO R S A L E BO accounting for tastes goes many mouthfuls or gulp down a glass of The Answers Teacher of {hundreds of years back Into civlll- milk to stop the hunger paln^ and Mandolin Tenor Banjo WISE BIRDS. 1. Keep them private. Destroy ^ tion . then eat no more. The second type those telling very personal affairs Mandola Cello-Banjo MONUMENTS I Children’s Appetites of children are those with poor ap­ to you. 2 Modern Houses Ukulele ' Mando-Celln §. P. C. A. AGENT: I have a - In hla consideration of the appe- petites who have been urged or 2. Never. Louise Rice, world famous graphologist; Tenor Guitar .Plectrum Banjo Grave markers anJ onia- repqrt that you’re in the habit of pites of children. Dr. Charles A. Al- spanked Into eating enough food to 3. No. canpomtivcly read your.talente, virtues Banjo-Mandolin mental stone work of every-de- shooing your poultry into a field firleh points oat that the laboratory keep up their nutrition but who sel­ «nR faults in the drawii^, w c^s and At Hollywood Ensemble Playing for Advanced scrii^ion. ■ ^ pzperlmsnters have done little to dom feel the desire associated with and then running them down with what nots that you scribble when “ lost Pupils. heooont for the variations that oc- hunger pains. _ an automobile. What’s the idea? Inquire o f Agent for Gibson Instruments. The first thermometer was made in thought” . Gadella & Ambroteini sur. Maybe some chemical change Due to ijoor appetite digestion PARMER: The Idea is that I’ve Sc^d your “ scribUings” or s^iature G. SCHREIBER & SON Odil Fellows’ niock \a the blood, some pleasant emo­ may he slow and the stomach sel­ lost more’n a dozen this past sum­ 6y Gabriel Daniel FakrenhMt in far alalysii. Knclose the picture o f the^Mikado At the Center.—Room 8. Mon­ 1740. In his early' experiments, hcad\nitfiom a bos of Mikado pencils, and I 285 West Center Street, Shop at East end of BisseO St. tion, such as the sight, taste or dom empty completely so that the mer by sudden death on the high­ ten c^ ts. Address Louise Rice, care of day, 'Tuesday. Wednesday a n d way, so I’m training the rest to be he used spirits of wine- Instead of Nmu* East CemeteHr.^ -1;,^ smell of palatable food usually hunger pains will not come on. The PENCa. CO. NEW YORK CKTZ i Phone 1565-2 T h u r s d a y . pqi may b* nsponilbls* .child whot li oowtantlz disturbed auto-shy.— J udgo* Jiercurj ia his a Uss \ .. MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1927. PAGE NINE Last \ Grid r^ kne-a r m y a c t THESE TIGERS THREATEN TADS TRIBE TODAY FATEOFBRENNAN’ l BOTH CUBS A M ) aOVERLEAVES The Elis shall be beaten! There’s no doubt but what That is the cry of these three this game with Yale is the big­ IN NEW YORK HAS members of the Princeton gest event in the lives of the ANKLE TO DECIDE eleven who play their tradition­ /Princeton warriors. Victory CARDED TO STAGE H d £ GAMES al rivals, Yale, today. In over their ancient rivals is a CENTER OF STAGE Quarterback Earl Baruch, Full­ choice dish for them. You N0R1H B A C K IW back Mike Miles and Halfback can bet they’re going after that Eddie Wittmer, the Tigers have dish, and it is going to take a % ------QoYerieayes Kitertam New three of the slickest ball-toters fighting Yale eleven to down SAME OLD TEAM ’ll ■' ■* in the east. They have fea­ ’em. 150,000 Trying to Get Into tured all games this season by Doctor Says He’D Be Able to Britam Pawnees and Cabs their running and passing and These backs will beat watch­ TO OPEN 1928*' sensational defensive work. ing in the Yale contest. If P h y; Leg Was In a Cast Act Hosts to Hartford Stadium Which Will Hold They’re going to make it tough victory is earped, their names for Yale, if they perform will become bywords among FOR PITI8BURGH against the Elis as they have Princeton men the world over.' UntD Yesterday. Hcly Name Gub; Town But 76^000; The Lineups. before this season against other opponents. Title Game Next Sunday. By DAVIS J. WALSH The backfield that will take the Manager Bush Indicates Few I. N. S. Sports Editor. field for the Cloverleaves in the town championship game a week New York, Nov. 2— That peren­ away is still uncertain. It all de­ Changes Are Coming For Tomorrow will be the last chance nial Notre Dame-Army act, so good pends on how satisfactorily “ Hook” to see either the Cubs or the that it never has to steal a bow in Brennan’s injured ankle Improves. Cloverleaves in action before they these parts, will be back on New Brennan is the regular quarterback Next Season. lock horns In their much-awaited York time this afternoon, bringing on the Cloverleaves team and may town championship football clash with it a new trick which will be not get into the title game. . on the following Sabbath. a, very good one even if they aren’t However, the attending physician ' The Cubs are playing the Hart­ able to do it. They will try to is confident that Brennan will be Pittsburgh Nov. 12. — Practical­ ford Holy Name club at the McKee place 150,000 people in 76,000 able to play. The cast on his right street stadiupi while the Clover­ seats, the former representing the leg was removed yesterday " and ly the same, ^rray of Pirates that leaves are dqo\fo mingle with the approximate demand for tickets in Erenntfti hopes to be able to nurse went'dovrn to bitter defeat before New Britain Pawnees at Hickey’s this stand-out classic of the east- it back into shape before the fol­ the New York Yankees in the late Grove. Both contests are expected er.n football season and the latter lowing Sunday. He wilt report for will start the 1928 tto start at 2:45. Take your choice. the exact supply. signal practice at every session season for Manager . Without a particle of doubt, two As a result, certain fore-handed next week. Bush left this impression as he Manchester grid teams never work­ gentlemen with flat feet and choice If Brennan does not start the and the last of th,e Pirates of 1927 ed up -.niore enthusiasm among the tickets were blacklacking the late­ game. George Moonan will go departedJ’frpm^ the, ^City of pmoke fans thaii the Cubs and the Clover­ comers this morning for as much in at quajrter. Eddie Gill, who has an,d steel for a'rest from their ar­ leaves , and when they cross one- as $20 a seat for tickets that origi­ been playing very good ball for duous labor of the late autumn another’s path a week from tomor­ nally sold over the counter for $4. Worcester Tech, is eligible for the months. row an audience of close to two Worth the Money game and may play some at left Even poor old John Miljus, whose thousand spectators would not he a It looked the part of a $20 game, half. He is the best punter on wild heave ki the ninth frame of surprise. The large crowds that at that, for the Irish, with victo­ either the Cubs or the Cloverleaves the. crucial engagement at the but probably will not be used ex­ have been watching both clubs in ries over Navy. Indiana, Georgia Yankee Coombs with action te’nd to bearjout this state­ cept in an emergency. Bill Mct Tech and others and a tie with the run that won the World series ment. ’ Minnesota, Tver", said to be a typi­ Laughlln is likely to get the call for the American Leagpe club, will to start at left half but there is So tomorrow finds both clubs cal Notre Dame outfit and the be with the Pirates again next sea­ only a game away from the title Army, 98 per cent veteran in char­ also Jack Benny, the fieetest run­ son. ner on the Cloverleaves, to be reck­ clash and also finds interest at a acter, had only an excusable de­ Hold No Malice. still higher pitch. The Cubs made feat by. Yale agrinst its record. oned with. Captain Brunig Mqske jBush and Barney Dreyfuss, own- is almost certain to play a whole themselves-»'®51id with south end Even money,’ dinig to no less game at right half and his brother erT" male against the lanky fans when they turned back the an authority than Rockne himself, Walter Moske may play the major moundsman for his costly error. powerful Wallingford Eagles, a was the only tiuo price. M ike part of the game at fullback. It all They attested their faith by- ten­ team that


^ 1 , — You*llFind That Used Car You Want Listed In These Columns. Look Through Them

Want Ad Infonnatloii liost and Found Conrses a n d Classes Apartments—Flats— Tenements for Bent 8 8 Houses for Bent Tenements for Rent 6 3 Apartments—Flats— LOST—88x5 TIRE and rim. Apply BARBERS, ALWAYS IN DEMAND. Little ,& McKinney, 5 South Main We prepare yo'u to bold Job in short B’OR RENT—SIX ROOM HOUSE at 47 Manchester s tre e t. APARTMENTS—Two. three and four 6 ROOM TENEMENT on Newman Branford street, with all Improve* time. Vaughns Barber School, 14 ropm apartnientx heat. Janitor ser> Market street, Hartford, Conn. street; also 5 room flat, all improve­ m en ts. P h o n e 478. Evening Herald LOST—BANK BOOK Thursday night. vice, gas range, refrigerator, tn-a- ments, 147 E. Center street. Phone. doo'r bed furnished. Call Manchester Finder please return to Manchester Private Instruction 2 8 1830. FOR RENT—6 ROOM single house, Classified Advertiseinents Trust or A. F. Jarvis, 416 Center St. Construction Company. .2100 or tele­ 16 Flower street, all Improvementx Count ^ averaK* worto to a Una. Prices phone 783-2. 6 ROOM RENT, fine location, 17 TeL 878. PRIVATE INSTRUCTION given In all Huntington street, excellent condl. TwiHii.1., numbars and ibbroTlationa Annonneemenu 2 FOR RENT—C027Y bungalow of aaob oount as a word and oom pound grammar school subjects by former tion. Modem. Apply 125 East Center SIX ROOM HOUSE all improvements, grammar school principal, for rates three rooms. All improvements. Call stre e t. -words as two worda Mlnlnauni cost on Used Cars probably never will be low­ 56-13. steam heat, newly renovated, 12 is price of three Unea. 3 PIECE LIVING ROOM SUIT; regu­ call 215-5. Trotter street. Apply 16 Doane St. lar 8185, sale price $75. Upholstering er than they are today. Dealers through­ TO RENT—5 ROOM TENEMENT Phone 904-4. and mattress renovating. Estimates Business Opportunities 32 FOR SALE—3 ROOMS all Improve­ with all lmprovem3nts. including Line rates per day tor transient cheerfully given. Manchester Up­ out the city have cut their stocks to bedrock. ments. Inquire Archie Morrison, 30 steam heat. Inquire at 10 Cottage ads. holstering Co., 119 Spruce St. Church street, upstairs. stre e t. Farms and Land for Sale 7t EfleetlTa Haseh IT, ItaT FOR SALE—RETAIL milk business The brisk sales of new 1928 models have Cash Charge PERSONAL CHRISTMAS CARDS. We of about 200 quarts, all equipment brought a great influx of late model “trade- FIVE ROOM FLAT, downstairs, with THREE ROOM heated apartment. In ON STATE ROAD small farm, good yWll print your name on 15 assorted and small truck. If interested see all Improvements and shades. Ap­ Johnson Slock. e 11 modern improve* buildings. Owner leaving to-wn' says 6 Consecutive Pays ..I 7 etsl • ots ins.” Rather than put them into storage ply 68 Summer street. Tel. 1767. S Consecutive Days .r>i ( • Ots 111 c^ Cards with envelopes for 81.60. Stop Stuart J. Wasley, 827 Main street. ments. Apply to Aaron Johnson, 62 sell for only 83500. Call Arthur A. 1 Pay ••»...... ■ 111 ots I IS o ts and see our assortment, Waranoke Tel. 1428-2. dealers have priced them for immediate Linden street or to the janitor. Knofla. Tel. 782-2. Press, 625 Main street FIVE ROOM TENEJJENT newly All orders for irregular insertions clearance. Select the car suited to your renovated, furnace being put in; will ho charged at the one-time rata Help Wanted—Female 85 ready Nov. 17th., Ill Holl street. i THREE ROOMS—Heated apartments ' Boases for Sale 72 STEAMSHIP TICKETS—all parts of purse and plan from the many offered under with bath. Apply shoemaker. Trot­ Special rates for long term every the world. Ask for sailing lists and Telephone 1214-4. te r Block. day ad/srtlsing given upon request. ratex Phone 750-8. Robert J. Smith, LADIES reputable manufacturer of­ Classification 4. WASHINGTON .. ST-rNew 6 room Ads ordered for three or six days 1009 Main,street. * fers you opportunity to make extra FOR RENT-NEW FIVE room flat- TO RENT—FIVE ROOM FLAT newly home, immediate occupancy. Large and stopped before the third or filth money, spare time, experience un­ all modern conveniences and steam heat. Inquire 168 Maple street. renovated, all improvements. Apply lot, one car garage, mortgages ar­ day will bo charged only lor the ac­ Antomoblles ror sale^ necessary. No selling. World Mfg. 26 M aple stre e t, ranged. Cash 81000, price right. Call tual number of times the ad appear­ Co., 346 6th Ave., N. Y. Read Arthur A. Knofla. TeL 782-2—876 ed. charging at the rate earned, but ______A------1 f FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM FLAT, TO RENT—SEVEN rooms on Cook Main street. no allowances or refunds can be made 2—1925 CHEVROLET COUPES. WANTED—YOUNG lady with experi­ lower floor, all improvements, ready Avenue, Manchester ' Green. Price on six time ads stopped after the 1—1926 CHEVROLET TOURING. ence to work in drapery depart­ for occupancy Dec. 1st. Apply to C. Herald Classified Ads B. Lewis, 44 Cambridge street. 820 month. Call 2286 or 1167-3. CGLONIAL HOME—180 Porter Street. fifth day. ... . 1—1925 DODGE SEDAN. ment. See Mr. Anderson at Watkins Suitable lor two family dwolllng; No “till forbids"; display Unos not 1-^1925 FORD COUPE. B ro th e rs, TO RENT—6 ROOM tenement, with Half of honso now rented, leaving sold. ,, 1—1924 FORD COUPE. FIVE ROOM FLAT, second floor, all The Herald will not be re^onrtblo For the CAR you want to buy. garage, all newly modeled, 169 Mid­ very desirable six rooms and bath, 1—1924 FORD SEDAN. WANTED — SALESLADY. Apply improvements with garage. Inquire dle Turnpike. TeL 1911-2. with all conveniences, for buyer or lor more than one incorrect insertion W o rk in g m a n s S tore, 893 M ain 38 W oodland s tre e t. P h o n e 1521. of any advertisement ordered for can ho rented separately. Reason­ H. A. STEPHENS street. Telephone 69-12. TO RENT—SIX ROOM tenement, all able terma Phone Manchester'22L more than one time. Chevrolet Dealer Center St. FIVE ROOM FLAT all modem Im- The inadvertent omission or inTOr- provementa Vacant after OcL 15th. improvements, 17 Oakland street, rent reasonable. Phone 2361-12. reot publlcatloi. of advertising ^111 be Dependable Used Cars *-< Inquire 24 Orchard street. Phone Lota for Sale 78 rectified only by cancellation of the WANTED—GIRL for general house­ 246-2. Manchester Motor Sales Co. work. Call 2232. TWO ROOM HEATED apartment in charge made lor the service render­ 1069 Main St. -So. Manchester FOR RENT — DOWNSTAIR three Johnson Block, facing Main street. FOR SALE—BXJIIiDING lot located ed. O pen E v e s & S undays. TeL 740 Fuel and Feed 40-A Wanted—To Bay S8 Apply to Aaron Johnson, 62 Linden on Clinton street 50x160. Inquire Help Wanted—^Male 3 0 room tenement, large size room, all street or to the Janitor. 1069 Main street, Dennis Coleman. All advertisements must conform 1—1925 Overland Truck. Improvements, including gas. In­ TeL 740— 2303. in style, copy and typography with FOR SALE—BEST HARDWOOD 88 JUNK—^I will pay highest prices for quire 30 Columbus street. Home­ 1— Du ra n t T o u rin g . SALESMEN to sell our high grade stead Park. regulations enforced oy the publtsn- 2— Nash Tourings. garden and field seed direct to load (90 cu. ft. thrown on). Slabs all kinds of junk; also buy all kinds ers.\and they reserve the right to $7. C. R. P alm e r, 44 H e n ry stre e t. of chickens. Morris H. Lessner, tele­ planters. A good position with big phone 982-4. edit,\revlse or reject any copy con­ JAMBS STEVENSON income. Experience unnecessary. Tel. 895-3. FOR RENT—THREE ROOM flat, sidered objectionable. heated. House and Hale Block. Ap­ soimsYSi^ 53 Blssell St. Tel. 2169-2 Cobb Co., Franklin, Mass. \ CLOSING HOURS—Classified ads FOR SALE—GOOD hard wood for MAGAZINES, rags, bundled paper. ply office F. H. Anderson, at the J. MAINE TO HAVE Junk bought for cash. Phone 849-8. w. Hale Company. 'i to be published same day must be re­ 1—^1925 Essex Coach. WANTED—AT ONCE first class fire place, furnace chunks; also ceived by 12 o’clock noon. Saturdays stove lengths. Call 637-5. Will calL J. Eisenberg. 1—1926 Essex Coach. plumber and tinner. None other FOR RENT—SEVERAL first class 10:3C X. m . 1— 1924 Hupmbblle Sport Touring.need apply. Call 1525-2. DENOUNCED AS 2— 1923 Maxwell Tourings. FOR SALE—HARDWOOD slabs, stove Booms Without Board 59 rents with all Improvements. Apply GOOD HUNTING Telephone Your Want Ads t Edward J. Holl, 865 Main street. TeL 1—1924 Chevrolet Touring. lengths 810 cord. Hard wood 812.50, 560. Ada are accepted over the telephone 1— 1925 Maxwell Touring. Situations Wanted—Female 38 Telephone 1205-12. O. H. Whipple. A ndover. FOR RENT—^NICELY FURNISHED at the CHARGE RATE given above 2— ^Model 91 O v erlan d T o u rin g s. sunny room, hot water heat. Very IN SELWITZ BUILDING three ro ^ MUDDLE A t BEST as a convenience to advertisers, bat 1—1925 Chrysler Model 70 Sedan. MIDDLE AGED American woman de­ reasonable. Apply 29 Cottage street. apartmw it, all modem improvements. THIS SEASON FOR SALE—HARDWOOD 89 Reo the GASH RATES will be accepted as 1—1925 Chrysler Model 70 Coach. sires position as cook and house­ Inquire Selwitz Shoe Shop. TeL 836-2. FULL I AYMENT If pala it tne busi­ keeper in Protestant family of two tru c k lo a d ; 89.75 sp lit, V. F lrp o , 116 Wells street. Phone 1307-2. FOR RENT—TWO FURNISHED ness office on or before the seventh G EO R G E S. SM ITH adults. Address Box G. in care of rooms for light housekeeping, 84.50 day following the Atst tnsertlou of Herald, Manchester. 30 Blssell St. Chrysler Agency per week. Apply 51 Apel Place, Mrs. MODERN 6 ROOM rent, 6 H udson each ad. otherwise the CHARG^ SAVE COAL—Burn wood this Fall. R o b e rts, street. Phone 1233. Wisconsin Professor In Talk r a t e will be collected. No responsi­ 1924 Essex Coach. We sell hard and soft firewood, also Check-Up of Conditions bility for errors in telephoned ads 1923 Overland Sedan. WANTED—WASHINGS to do at fireplace wood. L T. Wood, 55 Bls- selL P ho. 3 496. FOR RENT—Single and double steam ONE, FOUR ROOM FLAT on first will be assumed and their accuracy 1923 Durant Sport Touring. home. Mrs. Drew, 99 Keeney street. heated furnished rooms; also 3 large floor; also one 3 room flat at 170 Oak To 12,000 Teachers cannot be guaranteed. 1923 Maxwell Sport Touring. rooms, heated tenement, all Improve­ street, with all improvements, new 1923 Overland Touring. Situations Wanted—Male 89 FOR SALE—SEASONED hard wood, m e n ts a t 109 F o s te r stre e t. house, garage. Inquire 164 Oak Shows Wild Game Quite 1923 Buick Touring. $6.00 load,, hickory wood $7; also Phone 664 trucking and moving. TeL 24-4. street or call 616-5. ASK 'O R WANT Ai> 8BRV1CH BY YOUNG MAN position as truck Makes Complaint. Small down payments. Easy terms. driver’s helper or other outdoor Boarders Wanted 59-di TO RENT—FIVE. ROOM downstair Plentiful In State. work. Address Box 156, Buckland, Garden—Fajw—Dairy Products 50 flat on Bigelow street. Inquire 53 Index of Classifications We will insure payments If you are Conn. LARGE STEAM heated room, for B ig elo w s tr e e t o r te lep h o n e 1316. sick or injured. fwo, with board and homelike sur­ Cleveland, Ohio. — Scathilig de­ Evening Herald Want Ads are now rounding, References required, 64 FOR RENT—SEVERAL four room Oogs—Biros— Pets 41 FOR SALE—10 BUSHELS ^Ig pota­ nunciation of the present school PORTLAND, Me.—Good hunt­ grouped according to classifications C R A W FO R D AUTO SU PPLY CO toes 40c bushel. Dr, Weldon’s farm. Russell, telephone 303-3. tenements, on Ridgewood street below and for handy reference vlll Center & Trotter Sts. near Hartford trolley line, newly system existing in America today ing will prevail much later in the appear lu the numerical order Indi­ Tel. 1174 or 2021-2 FOR SALE—GERMAN police dog. FOR SALE—CABBAGE 75 dozen painted. Inquire 21 Ridgewood St. was made by Dr. Alexander Meikle- season than heretofore In this ca te d : , sp ay ed fem ale, 18 m o n th s old, with roots $1.00, carrots $1.15 john, professor of philosophy at lK5st and P o u n d ...... j SPECIALS THIS WEEK— thoroughbred, price reasonable. C. bushel, turnips 65 bushels, potatoes state, accordig to a check-up of iitin o u n ce m e n ts ...... * D ow n N. Loomis, Bolton, Conn. $1.60. Tel 1527-4 after 5. REC NOTES the University of Wisconsin, before P e rso n a ls ...... * • „ . Payment more than 12,000 public school hunting conditions by the St*te of Aatomoblles 1925 Buick Sedan M aster ...... $280 1925 Buick Touring M aster ...... 220 Live Stock—Vehicles 42 teachers in session here recently. Maine Publicity Bureau. Automobiles for Sale ...... * FOR SALE—CABBAGE 75c per CLEAN UP NOW 1925 B uick Sedan M a s t e r ...... 280 Dr. Meiklejohn declared that Automobiles for Exchange ...• » FOR SALE—Well broken riding dozen. Inquire 136 Summer street. The newly organized men’s ap­ The check was made- through Auto Accessories—Tires ...... 6 1922 Essex Coach ...... 120 what semblance of a system there 1924 Buick Touring ...... loo horse, with all equipment, bridle, paratus class held Its first session the Fish and Game Department at Auto Repairing—Painting ...... ^ saddle and blanket. 'This Is a 'won­ FOR SALE — GREEN MOUNTAIN Thursday night under the direction may be^ls torn between aristocracy A uto Schools ...... derful buy for someone who ■wants potatoes $1.75 per bushel. Thomas and democracy'; and that it is in a Augusta and camps, wardens and Autos—Ship by Truck ...... o ■«' J. M. S H E A R E R Burgess, Wapping, Tel. 29-2. of Director Lewis Lloyd at the ON IN NORTH Capitol Buick Co. Tel. a good horse. We took this horse in guides throughout the state. All A u to s— F o r L ire ...... * 1600 payment of a bill. Can be bought for School Street Rec from 7 o’clock muddle at the best. Garages—Service—Storage ..... $135 com plete. C all 2344 o r 2412, 106 FOR SALE—TURNIPS and cabbages. until. 8 o’clock. Considerable inter­ Must Spend Money. reports show that the unusually Motorcycles—Bicycles ...... Anto Accessories—Tires Benton street. F. A. Krah, 669 Tolland Turnpike. est was shown in the new class "The people of America must warm fall has held back the ducks, Wanted Autos—Motorcycles ... 1* Tel. 364-2. Daslnea, and Profesalonal Service* which precedes the men’s gym END CAMPAIGN prepare themselves to go the limit woodcock, deer and moose from B usinesF S ervices O ffered ...... IS LARGE ASSORTMENT of used tires Poultry and Supplies 4 3 class. Frank L. Hollister was one on expenditures for the advance­ penetrating into the more southern Household Services Jffer,.-d ....18-A P ric e s r a n g in g fro m $2 to $5. Come Honsebold Goods 5 1 ment of our public school system,” sections of the state. Building—i ontractlng ...... 14 in and pick yours today. Center of the old timers who reported for (Continued from page 1) Auto Supply Co. 155 Center street. FOR SALE—SEVERAL second hand the apparatus work, Mr. Hollister Dr. Meiklejohn declared. “They Wild game have been clinging to Florists—Nurseries ...... 16 coal burning brooder stoves; some F O R SA LE—K IT C H E N ra n g e $20, the extreme northern section of Funeral DiJrectors ...... Jo very slightly used; also Perfection g a s sto v e $10, o ak bed $5, drop head takes a keen interest in this kind of unworthy craft. The voyage may be must be prepared to make expen­ Heating—Plumbing—Roofing .. 17 Garages—Service—Storage 10 chick hoppers at reduced prices if Singer sewing machine $15, 5 tube work and has offered to help Direc­ accomplished without mishap, but ditures to an extent never dreamed the state and New Brunswick. Deer In su ra n c e ...... J® o rd ered before J a n 1st. 136 S um m er rad io $15. C all 2219 o r 10 B eech tor Lloyd in forming a gymnastic the peril is too great to risk. of before, if a school system fit for and bear are more plentiful this Millinery—Dressmaking ...... stre e t. street after 5 P. M. Moving—Trucking—Storage .... 20 FOR RENT—2 GARAGES, one heat­ team to represent the Recreation "We feel that the Community a democracy is to be developed. year and hunters should have little •P a in tin g —P a p e rin g ...... 21 ed. 12 Pearl street. Apply to Hen­ centers. club makes no mistake when it en­ trouble in getting their quota, ac­ derson Chambers. 1000 M ARCH H A TC H ED W hite FOR SALE—PARLOR heating stove, “•One of the main troubles today Professional Services ...... 22 cheap if taken at once. Inquire at deavors to enter into the child’s is the lack of originality on the part cording to the report. R e p a irin g ...... Leghorn Pullets. High producing 13 1-2 School stre e t. recreation with the deepest sym­ Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleinlng .. 24 Wanted Autos—Motorcycles 12 strain. Grown uder Conn. "Grow There will be a whist party at the of teachers. Instructors in Am­ Deer and Moose. Toilet Goods and Services ...... 25 Healthy Chick” Plan. Oliver Bros.. West Side Recreation Center to­ pathy and strive to direct their Deer and moose are pentrating No. W indham . Conn. erica can teach whatever they are Wanted — Business Service ..... 26 FOR SALE—PARLOR stove, first $15 night. Six prizes will be awarded. youthful sports in proper and told—and Just what they are told, more and more into the southern EdiK’.ntlonal AUTOS—Will buy cars for Junk. takes it. Apply 255 Summit street. wholesome channels. Courses and Classes ...... ^7 None will be turkeys. no vision being’permitted in teach­ sections of the state due to the Used parts for sale. General auto re­ Wanted—Pets— Poultry—Stock 44 Health First Private Instruction ...... 28 pairing. Abel’s Service Station, Oak OAK CHINA CABINET. Half moon ing. more plentiful supply of feed. This D an cin g ...... s tre e t. TeL 789, shape with glass door on front and Miss Dorothy Hardy, who is In “The health of the young folks is especially true in Waldo and M usical—D ia n ia tie ...... 29 WANTED—Recently fresh, good I “Education will not be what It Jersey or Guernsey cow for family i glass sides $20.00. Watkins Used charge of the classes, announced is of first importance always. The Hancock counties. W anted—Instruction ...... 80 Furniture Store, 17 Oak street. child with the frail body never has ought to be unless the teachers are F in a n c ia l Business Services Offered 13 use. Phone 574-2. j that, Parting next Wednesday eve­ permitted to be the ones to decide While the matured partridges Bonds—Stocks—Mortgages 81 ning, two turkeys will be presented an equal chance with the healthy are not as plentiful in the state Business Opportunities ...... 32 child. It is weighted down from what is. to be taught. We shall SAND. GRAVEL, STONE, cinder fill­ Articles for Sale 45 ' to the men and women high score never have a real education system as heretofore due to a stomach Money to Loan ...... 38 ing. Loam and grading, ashes remov­ winners at setback and the same at the very beginning of the race of Money tVanted ...... 34 ed. Moving and trucking. Now is the MOTHER GAME DANCE life, and whatever success It may so long as Boards of Education dic­ worm, larger broods than.,ever be­ Help and Sitnatlona time to have your cemetery lot FOR SALE—CASH REGISTER in i the Saturday whist party. tate in the entirlty what instruc­ fore have been seen. Local resi­ Help Wanted — Female ...... 36 graded by Alexander Jarvis, Jr., 416 first class condition. Sale price was ' win, it will have paid a penalty that Help Wanted—Male ...... '. . . 36 C en ter. P h o n e 341. $175, w ill se ll fo r $70. P h o n e 664 . would not have been exacted from tors may pass on to their pupils.’.’ dent hunters in many-sections of Help Wanted—Male or Female.. 37 AT PALAIS ROYAL Cheney Brothers’ employees will the state have agreed not to shoot for further information. < use the School Street Rec §ym for the child of health. Job for Teachers, A g en ts IV .nted ...... 87-A CHAIR CANING heatly Price “Through Indoor athletic pas­ Dr. Meiklejohn went on to state them this year and are trying to Situations Vanted—Female ... 38 right, satisfaction guaranteed. Carl SPECIAL ON HIGH grade white oak volley-ball games this winter, A prevail on non-resident hunters to Situations Wanted—Male ...... 89 Anderson, 53 Norman street. Phone kegs, of all sizes; also charred kegs. league will probably be formed times in cold weather, skating, pub­ that all teaching must be directed Employment Agencies ...... 40 Palais Royal, Hartford’s favorite do likewise. The fact .that the 1892-2. Manchester Grain and Coal Co., 10 among the various departments. lic toboggganning where permitted, toward a higher democracy: Live Stock—Pef«—PonItry—Vehicles Apel Place. Phone 1760. dance palace, is rapidly becoming and through playground sports un­ “As understood in the education­ younger broods are larger and D ogs—B ird s— P e ts ...... 41 \ the vogue all over the state and The first practice was last night. L ive S to ck — V ehicles ...... 12 PIANO TUNING—All work guaran­ der competent direction and super­ al circles today democracy Is more healthy shows that in anotlieryear P o u ltry ano S u pplies ...... 43 teed. Estimates cheerfull-y given. Bnilding Materials 47 judging from the many thousands vision in summer, we feel that the of a dream rather than a program. a plentiful supply will be oh hand. Wanted — Pets—Poultry—Stock 44 K em p ’s M usic H ouse. T el. 821. of dance patrons that have visited The Recreation Centers have fif­ Community club is performing a When a teacher does become so One brood of sixteen was found For Sale—Hlacellaneoas CONCRETE BLOCKS of all kinds for this beautiful ball room during the ty-two more members than they real service for the large number by Harry Noble, of Topsfield,^ dean Articles for Sale ...... 45 sale. Inquire Frank Damato, 24 had a year- ago. The increase has democratic that the thought arises Boats and Accessories ...... 46 Moving—Tracking—Storage 30 past' few weeks, it is very evident of children whom it serves.” that young Americans are able to of the guides, which is one of the Homestead Street, Manchester. that the policy of the management been steady and Recreation officials Building Materials ...... 47 P hone 1607. hope it will continue to rise. think for themselves, that teacher largest seen in years. Diamonds—Watches—Jewelry ., 48 L. M. HEVENOR local and long dis­ in giving the combination of wonr LEADING MERCHANT DEAD, Is declared mad. Woodcock Plenty. Electrical Appliances—Radio .. 49 tance hauling and furniture .moving. Electrical Appliances—Radio 49 I derful music in bjautiful surround- Fuel and Feed ...... 49-A Pneumatic tire trucks. Prompt ser- Today there are 583 members as Sound Beach, Conn., Nov. 12.— “Democracy cries out against Woodcock are staying nofth bat Garden—Fa^ni—Dairy Products 60 ■vlce. Reasonable rates. TeL Manches­ j ihgs at popular prices in the mag­ Davis P. Van Witel, a leading mer­ the modem world where men are reports show there jrtll be a plen­ te r 67-4. compared to 531 a year ago. Of the Household Goods ...... 51 ELECTRICAL CONTRA(JTING appli­ net that draws the patronage. ' For chant here for many years. Is dead using other men; driving them like tiful , number in lata season after M achinery and T ools ...... 62 tonight special attention has been 583 members, 309 are women. Musical Instruments ...... 63 PERRETT AND_ GLENNEY—Local ances, motors, generators, sold and There are 274 male members. at his home at the age of seventy- cattle, making them dull and stupid ice forms on northern lakes and and long distance moving and truck­ repaired; work called for. Pequot given to featurln,g a Yale-Prlnceton Office and Store Equipment .... 64 Electric Co.. 407 Center street Phone five, after a short illness. Mr. in mills, shops and mines. * drives them south. This is true Sporting Goods—Guns ...... 65 ing. Daily express to Hartford. Liv­ 1592. football dance and it is expected Witkel was born in Corona, Long “The big Job of teachers is to also of the ducks. With the first Specials at the Stores ...... 66 ery car for hire. Telephone 7-2. that numbers of the vast populace Wearing Apparel—Furs ...... 57 Island, N. Y., In 1851. The busi­ find the mental capacity of 120,- slight freeze over the lakes large W a n te d —To Buy ...... 58 MANCHESTER & N. Y. MOTOR DIS- FOR SALE—FIVE TUBE tuned radio that will attend the Yale-Prlnceton WALKER TO MEET FLOWERS ness he established forty years ago flocks; wdll come to the southern frequency set. not second hand, for game- in New Haven, will visit Pal­ 000,000 students and make them Rooms—.Hoard—Hotel*—Resorts HATCH—Part loads to and from $18. C all 832-5. is now conducted by his son, Ed­ free and make them really live and lakes and ponds. Restaurants New York, regular service. Call 7-2 ais Royal after the gaine. New York, Nov. 12.—The Na­ ward. He leaves hip wife and one One of the havens where thou­ Rooms Without Board ...... 69 o r 1282. Tomorr-ow Sunday night, the us­ get the most out of life.” Boarders Wanted ...... 69-A tional Boxing Association didn’t son. sands of ducks annually gather is Country Board—Resorts ...... Pd AUXILIARY TO CHANGE ual dancing will be held, from 7:30 need to threaten Mickey Walker, Repairing 33 MEETING NIGHT Merrymeeting Bay near Bo’Wdoin- Hotels—Restaurants ...... »! to 11 p. m. Major Gurley’s famous middleweight champ, with banish­ TO APPEAL CASE. ham. W anted—Rooms—Board ...... 62 Palais Royal Syncopators will fur­ ment from all the states under their Danielson, Conn., Nov. 12.— Real Estate For Rent SEWING MACHINES, repairing of nish the dance music for both THREE REUGIONS IN For the first time in years the Apartments. Flatx Tenements.. 63 all makes, oils, needles and supplies. The regular meeting of the lad­ jurisdiction unless he fights Tiger Plans are in the works here for an law on moose is oft for tho" "week Business Locations for Ren. ... 64 R. W. Garrard, 37 Edward street. nights and numerous specialties appeal to the Supreme Court of Er­ P h o n e 715. ies’ auxiliary to Dilworth-Cornell Flowers—for Mickey already is of November 2 to 26. Reports in­ Houses for Rent ...... 65 Post, No. 102 American Legion* will and new orchestrations will be In­ planning a return bout In Chicago. rors in the election contest by which JOINT CONVENTION TO S u b u rb a n fo r R e n t ...... 66 troduced. Dancing Is held every dicate they are not plentiful. Summer Homes for R ent ...... 67 CHIMNEYS CLEANED and repaired, be held Monday evening at 8 Jack Kearns, the champ’s mana­ John A. Gilbert, for fifteen years An unprecedented, number of Wanted to Rent ...... 61 locks and safes opened; expert key o’clock at the state armory. night in Palais Royal and on. Tues­ ger, said today that Just as soon as first selectman, was this week de­ Real Estate For Sale fitting, saw filing and grinding. day and Thursday nights, all ladles clared to have been elected second FIND COMMON AIMS raccoons are reported In the state. Apartment Buildings for Sale... 69 Work called for. Harold Clemson, Owing to the fact that a number his legal battlo with Jack,-Dempsey In many sections the cornfields are 108 No. Elm street. Phone 462. are admitted free. Wednesday was over, he would conclude details selectman. Alcott Sayles, Demo­ Business Property for Sale ..... 70 of other clubs hold meetings on the nights are given over to special fea­ crat, won the decision of a Superior overrun with them, making it nec­ Farms and Land for S ale ...... 71 third Monday of the month, It was for the bout. Preliminary plans essary to organize many coon Houses for Sale ...... 72 LOCK AND GUNSMITHING, vacuum tures as a rule “battles of music” have already been laid, he said. Court committee in an appeal after Tokio.—A gathering of the mem­ L ots for S ale ...... 78 cleaners, clocks, phonographs, etc, voted to change the meeting nighl; are held on that night. (xilbert had been declared elected hunting parties. . Resort Property for S ale ...... 74 repaired by Bralthwaite, new loca­ of the auxiliary to the second Mon­ bers of three religions, Christian, ►'.The law allows one deer and S uburban fo r S ale ...... 76 tio n , No. 52 P e a rl stre e t. by the moderator in the election on Buddhist and Shinto, is being ar­ day in every month. Manchester, England, Is the cen­ October 3. Many ballots thrown one bull moofle per person, v Real Estate for Exchange ....« 76 Following the business, whist Metal railroad ties have to be ter of the worldfs cotton trade. ranged to be held In Tokio during W a n te d —R eal E s ta te ...... 77 The Salvation Army has 1262 out by the moderator, Harry E. 1928, supported by the contribu­ Anctlon—Legal Notices field posts and outposts in this will be played and refreshmen(ts used In many parts of India. Wood Yearly rainfalls In New York Back, were included in the recount A uction S ales ...... 7J served. ties would be eaten by insects. tions of several Japanese wealthy Legal r otices 7J COUHwy' have varied from 29 to 606 Inches. as being valid. men, including Viscount Shibusawa, one of the richest men in the Ori­ 2 ACRE / GAS BUGGIES—W aving 'The Red F lag ent. By Frank Beck The assemblage is to be directed entirely by Japanese, foreign mis­ PCXJLTRY PLACE w e; fYES,SIR. X VOURE SURE * DRINKING W E U ____ALL I sionaries playing no part. Japan­ lDO M V M UST STAND Close in 7 minutes walk to trol­ HAD TO STAND OBRIEN SAID HE NOTHING H ASK IS THAT ese Christians have Joined with ley, 6 room house, steam heat, elec­ EVES ^AND w a i t ; STAND > BACK LIKE ►WAS A CAPTAIN- X HEARD IT^ HE TRIES TO DECEIVE members of the Buddhist and Shin­ tricity, garage, poultry houses, ber­ WHILE BACK, AN UNDERLING. ------THERMS D tR ry WITH M V PINCH ME FOR to faiths, which Include the major­ ries and fruit trees, ■ good tillable ME ??? HIS ROYAL I FOLKS W H ILE H E '^ORK APOOT OW A/ EARS. SOM ETHING — ity of the Japanese people, in plans land. Price |6,500: UNCLE, DID YOU, vHIGHNESS DROVE IN S O M E PLACE HE’S A N _____ WHERE IS for the convention. Dr. Sharpe homestead on Main M EM .' , SEE A ROLLS eooo . LIKE A kWB W O N V 1OR N ER Y HE . . . I’M GOING The purpose of the meeting will St., large 2 apartment residence, M E W S . D I N N E f ^ . POLICE THROUGH e V E N /N l X O R D . IT ST A N D FOR p o l i c e RIGHT OUT AND be to find common alms for all re­ OF HEMS extra size garage, spacious grounds, ) ALL SION THE CAPTAIN. GOOD BURNS THAT. NO.S/R, CAPTAIN., BREAK A LAW ligions, and to devise a program by shrubbery, etc. Very reasonable APPOINTMENT READY. ON HEMSj PALACE .EVENING M E UPW which all religious persons in Jap­ price and terms. A S AN NOT BY A UNDER HIS CAR ?. g a t e s ! (OBRIEN C LONG SHOT. NOSE an and other countries may work r Green Hill Terrace. Pitkin St., h o n o r a r y n o w ! j together for world progress. brand new seven room single, extra CAPTAIN OF Dr. Tetsujlro Inouye, professor at porches, tile bath, extra lavatory, "rHE. POUCE the Tokio Imperial University, be­ lot 90x200. A real nice home f o r c e , lieves that a new religious trend Is moderately priced. ACTED U i ^ 7 ^ / at work everywhere in the world, $500 cash, balance very easy A TONIC and. that the coming congress will terms on brand new single 6 rooms, IM study and define this trend. oak floors, large living room, mod­ AROUSlf46 “Liberal religious leaders every­ ern plumbing appliances. ^ Some­ THE v> where are studying other religions one will buy it at $5,600*- RESENTM ^n* than their own with increasing in­ OF HIS terest,” said Dr. Inouye. “The day RED-BLOODED of religious intolerance' is passing. NEIGHBORS. Those who look down on other re­ Robert J. Smith ligions are behind the times. Japan­ ese leaders of all cults are begin­ ning to. cooperate, instead of light­ 1009 Main St ing each other. 'We desire to en- Real Estate, Insurance, couraee this movemeuL’* SteainsliJs Xicketa \ ‘ i Jf MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD, SATURDAT, NOVEMBER 12,1927.

FLAPPER FANNY SAYS: SENSE »Hi NONSENSE By Percy L. Crosby ABMISTIOB DAT—NOV. IITH. To the honored m ^oty of the patriots of the Great War, who, forsaking every selfish purpose, gave their best to their country.

When you’ve grown up with a business you’ve done your share; you don’t have to go to seed with it. And when women buy now, the less they buy the higher it goes! An easy way to make a friend is tell someone he works too hard. It isn’t your position, but your dis-position that makes you happy ''' ' ■ ' V , or unhappy. In the trials of life most of ns are found guilty of being complain- 'S* - ■ / . Mtt.Ua.MT.OPf, ers. e t« 2 7 M M * SPWICK. liie. Gold-Digger’s Version: ‘No- --Pit Cepyri^t, P. U Crosby, 1927^tnti4» Press AssociaUon, Ine. ^ “ x . k Last summer we were crazy body loves a flat man.” with the heat; now it’s the heater. The longer the engagement the less/time you will have to be mar­ The Toonerville Trolley That Meets All the Trains ried, if that is any consolation. By Fontaine Fox WASHINGTON TUBBS U By C r i ^ Big dope plot frustrated. Cop J. arrests cold with a bottle of KOi quinine. La s t We e k Twe SKIPPER g o t mold o f a »4 a r t i c l e $109 viiNE'W seex A PAR TEN FOR YOU The nice thing about being a BELoKClMG To THE WX t c K C o . AMD REALIZED A LOMG wc/vlss « HMG: UV€. e t l ’l From LINDY to FLYER is ten man is, you don’t have to stay •Tv\ees TouciW "CowH "Bo t strokes, according to the par solu­ home after you wash your head. Tim e d r e a m b e in g A B L ^ t o c o n t r o l t h e CAR p r o m \ ueftRN vJHO \s tion which is printed on another TME ROOF DORINS THE MINTING SEASON. tue 'BmDi'T cmef:^ page. If you can do it in less, Young Mr. Stayer— Er-er-excuse that’s flne. me, Mr. Goofy, I-I’ve courted your daughter for the past ten years and —I want to marry her. Mr. Goofy— You surprise me! I L 1 N D V thought you wanted a pension. - Ward— Your wife dresses well, why don’t you? Shoup-^“That’s w h y!’

The biggest part' of a flsh is the tale. 1 Husband: “Your check to the grocery man has just come back from the bank marked ‘No funds’.” Wife: “That’s queer. I saw % an ad in the paper only yesterday that the bank has a surplus of over $3,000,000.

Our idea of a tightwad is the fel­ I DOM’-f set HOW low that always buys 1 cent stamps ^6 POSSIBLE 'TD LWe UO.N6 because he gets more paper for his CstT MO-r OU^ money than if he bought twos. ' p INHUMAN NATURES As soon as a man acquires a roll The world declares he has no soul.

As soon as a man acquires re­ nown The world begins to run him , down.

F L V E R As soon as a man-ties up for life THE RULES. The world exclaims, “His poor, 1— The idea of letter golf is to poor wife!” change one word to another and do it in par, a given number of strokes. As soon as man ties politics Thus to change COW to HEN, in His friends exclaim, “He’s up to BEaUS.PAT.OFF.' three strokes, COW, HOW, HEW, tricks!” X ^ O IM T BY BEA SERVICE. IfSC, HEN. You can change only one letter When any man achieves success FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blossei at a time. The world remarks, "’Twas luck, 3— You must have a complete I guess.’’ I word, of common usage, for each DOf^'YMBAf^TO jump. Slang words and abbrevia­ V E 5 ,B u r It sure does give a man a shock 7?^IS litt le SU)B TUATS'MOAAT ^ESDAY,N0V/.I5 lltl? tions don’t count. To see how quick some people 6 E E ! sdME 4— The order of letters cannot IPAT I PoOJ^D COULD knock.' YOU'D 6ET IF 1a/E will GIVE AWAY wxMMt a a ^ a u t t l e . AlUMBER’S be changed. BE 6 0 0 0 FOR YOUR AiCWBER ( a b s o l u t e l y 60T7D \M )» AA>y7AIJ<^6,DO isTABUxky, \ FQ EE AAi'POWDO ^VOO? VOO I4/0O\W bu tv m a a t iT/yMeKT,

srotnr ^ u a l c o c h r a n — p i c i v r c s JSsT k n i c k nta. u. MT. o n .

SALESMAN SAM He Probably Did By Small




■m -^sl

(READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) by Gilbert Patten “Hello," there, bunch,” the clown the bunch, and shortly said, *‘I ^ ie d out. Then he began to prance have a hunch that one of you can about. “I’m feeling pretty happy, also do the tricks that I have and it’s just because I’m free. Nail­ done.” At Clowny Tinymite he ed in that barrel was a fix. Now gazed, and then his squeaky voice that I ’m free. I’ll do some tricks, was raised, “Come on there, little and if you want to get some laughs, fellow, and you’ll find it’s heaps just keep your eyes on me.’’ of fun.” The Tinies' laughed to see him Poor Clowny felt in quite a fix. jump and hit the ground with “Oh, I can’t do the clever tricks,” quite a bump. It didn’t seem to said he in very bashful tone. And hurt him ’cause he wore a con­ then the old clown sighed, “Why stant grin. He leaped across the sure you can. Just try your luck. barrel top and then inside he took I’ll help you, lad, if you get stuck. a fiop. He’d jump right out, then You know that nothing’s ever turn around and promptly jump learned if nothing’s ever tried.” back in. So Clowny proved that he was This clown had on a funny suit, bold and promptly did as he was with big round spots. It Ic^oked told. He soon was doing flip-flops real cute. His funny face was in a very funny way. And then he Baffled, Jack w^ kso tiowiy back toward Hampton House. He Joe Piper, nicknamed “Cus­ Late that night, seven boys,; The first lad to enter the foundry admitted the others ss theY, painted just as white as white stood upon his hands. It’s easy of ^ e ^laughing group when he met a cross* tard Pie,” was one of the Har- disgpiised by black hoods which came, singly, and gave a pre-arrat^ied signal knock on the door. could be. Upon his feet he seemed gon bunch. “Thank you, Cross­ wholly covered their heads, After '^ e appearance of m e seventh boy, the door was barred. when one understands. The Tinies ^ wh*«Pe'' a word or two re^l light. His hand springs pleas­ watched him for a while, and then In thy attentive ear,;fi9.eV\said Croeefire. Then he whispered sey* fire," said Jack, as the friendly stole one by one into an old, ,“We’re ell herc^*’ said tiMf leader, . addressing his ebc hooded coip* ed each Tinymite. They stood and they yelled, "Hurray!” Jack.. *i heard jur.'cr turned away. “Maybe abandoned Iron foundry, fan panions. “This is the Antl-LockWill L e t^ e , which will be bound by watched^im closely so’a to see all . Custard’ tell hie buddy/' wac the answer*^ r T there mytelf.'* from the Academy*^, t Ian oath to defeat fttaein eyenfAlne*’* ' (To Be'Cpntinued) they could see. (Clowny does some more tricks And then the clown looked at in thtt next sdnxv.X

4 v: -- ' -^1 . ^ v '~T~.^.»-1 <■■' ■rvJ_ s '• ■. - 'i.rf^ , '>■ ■'••■■■ ■•'■■ ■' ■-■■’■-■■ ' . t R - , ^ -V-: .-^'. 7^1^- F -I ' r '.' _ ■--■■- ■■■_'■ ■>■■': ' . f - - ■ ! f ^ ' :--

SATUEDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1927. ^ PAGE TWELVE lianrlifatpr itn im h tg ji^ tt 'i--;

ning on a motor trip, after which wherewithal to provider 3000 FAY HONOR TO SAILORS Christmas dinners, hooks, radios, DARUNG-DOirmWAITE they -will be a t home in their new­ -phonographs and. pianos; knitted FUNERM. SETBACK P A R H !nEED NEW FIREHOSE ly furnished apartments at 234 articles of all kln4s, and funds for Keeney street. IN SERVICES TOMORROW ;'bui^jilng and to provide chaplains FUNERAL OF MRS MARY OBR Orange HaU AT T ffi NORTH END The marriage of Miss Louise B. "^to Irork. ih the ports. ' The funeral of Mrs. Mary Orr, Douthwalte, daughter of Mr. and " iftev. S. S. Neill will present the held yesterday afternoon at her Mrs. George Samuel Douthwalte of Collection at St. Mary’s to Go cause of the sallormen tomorrow home on 25 Giiswold street, was Tonight, 8 p. m. MUSICAL COMEDY TO BE very largely attended. Friends and 6 Prizes, Not Iiess Than 25c. District Directors Expected to Hartford, and John^ Harold Darl­ Toward Seamen’s Institute ■'and a collection for their welfare relatives came from oat of town. Take Action at Meeting Mon ing, of this town, will tak. place it Of America. / iwill be taken at St. Mary’s Episco- the home of the bride’s uncle, Chas. ST. JAMES’ FAIR FEATURE ■'pal church. More than forty floral tributes were day N ight. Stenberg of El. .*idge ctreet, this banked high about the casket. PUBUC WHIST Tomorrow, tho Second Sunday in Rev. "Watson Woodruff, pastor The directors of the Eighth ernoon at three o’clock. It will November, has been set apart by be a double : mg service and Rev. JUDGE BOWERS NOT SO of- the Center Congregational MONDAY EVENING, NOV. 14 School and Utilities district will A musical comedy production en­ the Seamen’s Church Institute of church, officiated both at the home Louis I. Belden, assistant rector America as Sailors’ Day, when all meet Monday evening to consider titled "King Dodo’s Isle’’ will fea­ and at the East cemetsry where Bnckland Parent-Teacher Assn plans to be outlined by a Hartford of Christ church cathedral, Hart­ ture the three night’s indoor fair Christians, all citizens, all travelers WELL,* SAYS PHYSICIAN 4 PRIZES! ford, will officiate. The bride will should be glad to help a work that burial took place -in the family architect, for an addition to the which will be held at St. James’s plot. The bearers were Robinson Refreshments! 35c. Hollister street school house. Sev­ be given in marriage by her lather, hall on Park street next "Wednes­ protects the sailorman, that wel­ and will be attended by Miss Helen day, Thursday and Friday. The comes him in port, cares for him Crockett, Joseph Loney, Robert eral other matters will come before Reports Recurrence of Old Schieldge, Henry Schaller, William the meeting, among them the B. Lane of West Hartford, as maid piece will be presented each even­ and provides comfortable quarters Trouble, Cause of Illness of posal to buy new hosepipe for the of honor. Edwin S. Darling, brother ing, with changes in the music and or a new job when he needs it. "Vennard and William Platt. Manchester Fire Department. _ of the bridegroom will be bestman. comedy for each night. The question arises, are we so Many Months. ABOUT TOWN John B. Kehoe, Jr., nephew of the The "book” of the play deals greatly in their debt that a special MRS. AUGUSTA THOMPSON ' The recent test of water pressure It was reported today by the at­ at the north end proved the present bridegroom, will be the ring bear­ with “King Dodo,” who, as he des­ day should be set apart each year The funeral of Mrs. Augusta We make a specialty of floral de­ tending physician that Judge H. 0. Thompson, widow of.-William 0, hose to be in poor condition. Chief er. Mrs. Robert R. Keeney, cousin cribes his own title, is no relation to remind us of their value and af­ sign pieces for funerals, anniver­ The Society Segar will hold a set­ Bowers, who has been seriously ill Thompson, who died on Thursday Edward Coleman has complained to of the bride, will play the wedding to “‘Vo Do Deo Do,” but is the ori­ ford the chance to show our grati­ saries, or any particular occasion back party in Orange hall tonight. ginal "Dodo.” It is his three hun­ tude? In war time the sailor is at his home on North Elm street, at .the home of her daughter, Mrs. you have in mind; we can supply Six prizes are being offered. Dr. F. A. Sweet about the condition m arch. of the hose, but the district head dred and fifth birthday, and he is “down below” in every hour of ex­ for many months, has not been so W. B. Smith of Hebron avenue, you on shortest notice with the The bride will wear a Period Glastonbury, was held this after- did n«ot favor the purchase of new gown of white satin, trimmed with celebrating it with a grand festival. treme peril, and when the hidden well the last few days- most appropriate design for the oc­ ■William Taylor, collector of taxes The doctor said there had been j noon from the home. Rev. Francis pipe. The matter will reach the di­ point lace and pearls. She will wear The general idea,.of King Dodo’s submarine launches the deadly tor­ casion, at just the price you wish for the South Manchester Fire dis­ festival will be the theme for each pedo they are at their posts tending a flare-up of his original brain A. Fate officiated and burial was in to pay. trict and the Ninth School district rectors through a letter the chief a Princess lace veil, capped with has written to the district officials evening’s varying performance. furnaces, dynamos and engines to trouble but that he was hopeful it the East cemetery. has a notice in today’s issue of The tulle and orange blossoms. Her Mrs. Thompson was 75 years old. and it is expected that an order will bridal bouquet will consist of a A radio set and other items will save the ship if possible and above would soon subside. The change in Anderson Greenhouses Herald calling attention to the fact be given away. There will be danc­ Judge Bowel ' condition has given Besides her daughter, she is sur­ that back taxes are due on lists of be given to buy new hosh- shower of Madam Butterfly roses all those on board. Again and again ^ 158 Eldrldge St. At a small garage fire this past ing before and after the entertain­ these firemen and engineers below his family and attendants a good vived by a granddaughter. Miss 1923, 1924, 1925 and 1926. and lilies of the valley. The maid deal of concern, the physician said. Bernice M, Smith. T el. 2124 week the hose that was used was of honor will wear a Period gown ment, and music will be furnished decks have given their lives that The funeral of Mrs. F. M. Green leaking badly in two places and the of blue changeable taffeta with by the Leviathans. those on deck might live. - r who died in Hartford yesterday will big Mack pumper was not being pink trimmings and will carry Even in times of peace the sail­ he held at one o’clock tomorrow af­ used at the time .One reason for sweetheart roses and delphenium. or’s post is one cf peril. Accidents happen. Hundreds of these sallor­ ternoon at the Church of the Unit>, the need of new hose that has been The ceremony will be performed KEITH COMPANY FORMS men on the Titanic, the Mafalda 215 Pearl street, Hartford. advanced by the chief is the fact in the parlor which will be decorat­ that new hydrants have been in­ ed . with chrysanthemums, palms and countless others saved their stalled at* the Sduare giving much lives by giving them for others. The In an advertisement for tne J. "W. and cut flowers. The other rooms of BOWLING LEAGUE TEAM Hale Company printed in yester­ higher pressure aBtd the present sailor is often safer, at sea than hose will not stand the strain. the home will also be decorated, ashore. In many a port evil in every day’s issue of The Herald, two er­ the color scheme being pink and rors in the charges on circulation The following bowlers will repre­ form lies in wait for him. Last green. Following the ceremony year the branches of the Seaman’s library books were made. The fol­ there will be a reception and up­ sent the G. E. Keitn Furniture lowing charges are correct: The MISS BURKE’S HURTS Company in the in the Commercial Church Institute found room for wards of one hundred guests are 442.304 who applied at their doors President’s Daughter, four cents a expected, some of whom will come Bowling League: G. E. Keith, day; Death Comes to the .\rchbish- W. I. Keith, E. T. Keith, Ed. Kratt, but were compelled to turn away FOUND NOT GRAVE from Ridgewood, N. J., Boston, nearly as many for lack of suffi­ op,. two cents a day Mass., Meriden, New London, Hart­ L. Hennequin, J. Shalen, Wallace Prelle, Ed. Modean, C. LaCoss, R. cient funds. A sou was born at Memorial ford and this town. They are in need of bedding, the Miss Lottie Burke of 88 Home­ The couple will leave this eve- Sanderson. hospital last night to Mr. and Mrs. stead street was not gravely injur­ James Callahan of 'Wapping. ed in the automobile accident re­ ported in yesterday's Herald. She The Board of Selectmen will was taken to Memoiial hospital meet Monday evening in the Muni­ where it was found she was suffer­ cipal building for the regular ing from a deep gash on her fore­ monthly session. Several hearings head which required several have been called and the board stitches to close. will set a date and draw up the call It was stated at the hospital that for the special tcwn meeting on the there was no evidence of a fracture purchase of the High school from of the skull, internal or any other Cheney‘Brothers. critical injuries and that it was ex­ American citizens are interested in this pected Miss Burke would be dis­ Patrick H. Dougherty, Miss Nel­ charged from the hospital in a few lie and Miss Mary Dougherty and days. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Ferguson Miss Burke is the young woman question of the Armistice Day Sermon drove to New Haven this morning who was riding in an automobile to see today’s Yale-Princeton foot­ operated by Mitchell Faircia of 91 ball game. Chestnut street, Hartford early Tomorrow at the yesterday afternoon when the ma­ At her home at 256 "West chine skidded against a telephone Center street last evening. Miss pole on Forest street. The automo­ Helen Stavnitsky entertained her bile was only slightly damaged. associates in the office of the Miss Burke was taken to the hos- Second Congregational Church Carlyle Johnson Company. Music, pitaLin,§n ambulance. refreshments and a social evening were enjoyed. Dr. '111001^.3 Hn 'Weldon of Main NINE-YEAR-OLD BOY street will resume his medical prac­ Crush War? tice on Tuesday. HURT BY CORN CUTTER How Can Social events come thick and fast in the Seventh District, Buck- As nine-year-old Philip Jankow­ land, where they have an unusual­ ski of East Windsor Hill was cut­ 1. Because war might crush us. ly' alive Parent-Teacher associa­ ting corn in a corn cutter, the tion. In last night’s Herald they knife came in contact with his left 2. Because we do not want our boys and girls to be­ announced committees for their hand. come fodder for cannon and poison gas. annual Christmas sale and enter­ It was found at Memorial hospi­ tainment, December 2, and today tal that the first finger on his left 3. Because civilization is in grave danger. the "Ways and Means committee hand was badly cut and that the advertise a public whist for Mon­ bone was broken and dislocated. 4. Because our Father is the Father of all peoples. day evening in the assembly hall, Several stitches were necessary to and also are making plans for one close the cut and three more had I of their popular old-fashioned and to be taken in an adjoining finger. modern "dances for Wednesday The^boy was discharged from the evening, November 16, at the same hospital after treatment. place. 10:45—^The Service BREAKING AXLE WRECKS Last night more than SO people AUTO, DRR^ER UNHURT attended a whist and dance given^ by the Good Will club of the Fifth Two wheels were broken on a 12:00 to 12:30—Opportunity for Questions District at the City "View Dance Veile touring car at 6:55 last night hall. The winners of first prizes as the driver lost control of the car were Mrs. J. Smith and H. Jordan; when an axle broke, the machine second, Mrs. "Viola Montie and E. striking the curb in front of t ’ne S. Newcomb and consolation Mrs. Rogers Paper Manufacturing Com­ Shorts and George Lathrop. pany plant on Hartford Road. The driver of the car, Albert E. Mrs. Watson Woodruff will be Samuel, of Andover, was returning hostess to Loyal Circle of King’s home from work in Hartford when Daughters for the regular monthly the accident happened. He was un­ meeting which will be held at Cen­ injured. The wrecked auto was tow­ ter church parsonage. Monday eve­ ed to Peter Cashion’s garage. Good Me£dne tor Batteries ning at 7.30. Evey member of the circle is urged to be present as tho WARRANTEE DEEDS Anybody can figure out that when a battery dies it is dead. But more and more feature of the evenings program car owners are finding it better to have them r^ularly recharged than to let ’em slide will be a travel talk by Miss Mar­ The following warrantee deeds ion Tinker on her trip abroad last have been filed, at the office of the tiU they kick the bucket. summer. Miss Tinker will illus­ town clerk: trate her lecture by a number of Anthony McChesney to Frank Recharging every little while adds heaps to a battery’s life. Keeps it peppy and slides made from photographs McChesney, half interest in Middle makes it fit for excellent service even when Winter’s at its worst. Recharging is good which she herself took of places Turnpike property, 139 by 183 feet. that appealed to her. E. J. ^Hdll to Lotuis'J. Cook and medicine, a battery’s best tonic, and we do it for you, efficiently and cheaply. wife. Lot No. 96 in Greenacres, The Manchester League of Wom­ Benton street, 110 by 45 feet. Louis CALL 1284—“AL” THE TIRE MAN en "Voters will hold its regular Cook to Julia Cook, Lot 96. monthly meeting Tuesday after­ Louis J. and Julia Qook to E. J. noon at Chestnut Lodge. Members Holl property on "Vernon street, 250 U. S. L. Batteries, 1 year guarantee-...... $9.50 are urged to reserve the date. by 100 feet with water rights. Fits Ford, Chevrolet, Nash, Overland, Buick, etc. The Buckland Parent-Teacher Rev. E. T. French is expected FREE! association will run another public home today from Providence, whist in the assembly hall of the where he has been for the past school Monday night. The usual week attending the preachers’ meet­ social time with refrshments and ings of the New England district Week-End Tire Specials Winter Fronts Heaters worthwhile prizes will take place. of the Church of the Nazarene. David Armstrong of the Ways and 30x3V2 Cords, $3.90. 29x4.40 B alloons...... $5.45 Means committee will be in charge 31x4, 32x4, 33x4 Oversize Cords...... $9.45 With Every Dollar*s Purchase Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Keeney and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thresher and SUNDAY DINNER children of Buckland will leave on 32x41/2,33x41/2,34x4V2...... • ^12.50 One ticket on 10 articles. Your choice between a winter front or a hrater for Monday for their winter home in Bradenton, Florida. They will at the the first five articles or if you win the last five, a set of chains. Who s Lucky. make the trip by automobile. 33x5, 35x5, Oversize Cords — ...... $15.00 - 1 Miss Eleanor Moore of Buckland, AU tires except 30x3 J/2 and 29x4.40 fully guaranteed. We carry a complete line of Tire Chains, Alcohol,. Tires, Winter who was operated on Tuesday for HOTEL SHERIDAN appendicitis at St. Francis hospital, Fronts, Heaters, High Test Gasoline, etc. is making favorable progress. ' i Turkey, Duck or Chicken USL USL DISTRIBUTORS FOR Battery Service, Starter and Ground Cables. Complete Stock Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Smith with all the fixings, $1 A Battery and children are planning to move B Battery early next week from Oakland F E D E IL 4 I. street to their new cottage homz on 12 M. to 2:30 P. M. Eliminator Eliminator BRAKE LINING Doane street. EXTRA Attached to the bands. Let us put it on for you. * SERVICE . TIRES $ 2 7 .5 0 $ 1 9 .8 0 Remember it’s getting cold. Come in and have yonr winter oil put in the crank- M1NT7S FILMS , case of year car tomorrow. Also Winter Grease. Developed and CALL 1551 Department Store Printed 24 Hour Service Oaklyn Filling Station DEPOT SQUARE, Overland, Whip­ ALEXANDER COLE, General Film Deposit Box at Repairing Campbell’s Filling Statiqm MANCHESTER Store Entrance. pet, Willys OAKLAND ST. Knight Expert Tow Car Service Cor. Main S t and Middle'Tpk., South Manchester Open Every Night KEMP'S Service AT BISSELL!S SWITCH 9 0/clpck I % 1 i i • * 'll'V ''' -J- -