Editor Slain in Crusade on Dopejndvice Chaos in Air
NBT PRESS RUN AVERAGE DAIIiV CIRCULATION OF THE EVENING HERALD F*lr. Warmer Batnrdajr. Cool for the month of Janet 19S26. nJgbta but quite warm during day. 4,837 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. XLIV., NO. 244. Clasaifled Advertlfllng on Page 0 MANCHESTER, CONN„;^RIDAY, JULY ll, 1926. _______________J ----- ---------------- <8^ -«s> MEXICAN PRESIDENT PUT QUEEN OP RUMANIA A FTE R ^E CATSKILL HOLOCAUST UNDER BAN BY POPE EDITOR SLAIN COMING i:i SEPTEMBER CHAOS IN AIR BIGGESI FENCE London, July 16.— Queen Mexico City, July 16. — Marie and Princess Helena of President Calles and every Roumanla will depart on Sep member of bis Cabinet have INN.Y.IIISIORY HERE, JUST AS been excommunicated from the IN CRUSADE ON tember eighth for a three month tour of the United Catholic church, the newspaper States, a Central dispatch from El Imparcial stated today. ISUNTOVENED DOPEJNDVICE Bucharest said today. During HOOVER SAID The papal decree, the news paper added, forbids Catholics the tour, they wllkvlslt New ________________ • ■ York, Seattle and Washington, to have dealings of any kind with the offlclab under the ban, D, C. Wave Length Jumpers Grab thus seriously handicapping “ Export” Concern, Witli Don R. Mellett of Canton, 0 ., Mexican church leaders who are striving to modify the regula Many Employes, Recehret News, Shot to Death by Right and Length— Labor tions of church activities recent LOCAL GIRL TELLS ly issued. and Pulpit Stations Are of Tmck Loot— Three Un Gunmen — Had Been OF CATSKILL FIRE Threatened by Crooks. Among Offenders. CHURCHMEN MAY der A n est, More Coming, New York, July 16,— Three men New York, July 16.— Herbert Canton.
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