FRIDAY, JULY U, 192G. THE SIOUX CITY JOURNAL THIRTEEN Earn Even KREMER ALLOWS Early Club to Op paw TITLE SCRAP TO HURLERS TIP OFF McLanghlin mirf Cobb "Hurry Up" Yosl to Yards Tins Afternoon PITCH BY MANNER Turn in Great Cards INDIANS SPLIT Invade Movie Lots S, G, NET STAR The i; "" " ly. I-L. I'iui fll: "Lofty OF GRASPING BALL \v hn \i ill New. York, July ir..~(.T)—Kir-M- ONLY FOUR HITS M.-i-'k on thf. i;i.,m-.. BE HELD TONIGHT iMHt'i* tli" \\istorn atiKitru r t"iirna- WITH RED SOX ing IT. "Hurry l"p" Yost, football IS ELIMINATED the Si,)ti.v I'ity si',r-i; Yards i lii'b at 1 Ily Al Hemarcc. inrnt iit Whltn 1' Ya cht club conch at the University of Michi- Stm-k ^ Yards ],ark iliis aftf-rii'inii. next wreli. had a smn* nf C,S en gan, is point: Into motion pictures. thr* SI'Hj\ ("!!>• Coiuitry rhih course 1 Tin- Famous Playcrs-Lrtsky com- MI scnsaliiinilly t hr,,111:11.,ut i;, Rallies in Sixth and j n Rain Causes Promoter HOLD BOTh Tlmrsday ;it"li'rnnon. It was th-' Win Opener, hut Take a puny iinnmincr-d today Iliat. ho had DCS Moines Crack Beats spring ff,i- t;>r, Kariy liitli si-h.i.ii FAST AND best Si'oi'f1 ovnr inado hy Mi'LaiiKh- bas-eKii) r lull, which was runm'rtip been engaged to supervise the foot- Eighth Innings Win j to Postpone Battle CURVE- \lu ami ties thr fonwr cvnn'Ho ror- 6 to 2 Licking in Smeby in Fourth Round in Ihe state Intirnamont this >e.-ir. ball scenes in a picture soon to be nrd held jointly hy Kudy KWPJMM-. produced. for Champions. ! "Marnoy" shn,.],;,,, prnluhly' will 24 Hours. BALL \.f n Hon on. Mike Shear man mid Afterpiece. of Dakota Meet. ;lo tli" pitcitim.' f.,t- th- Stuck Yards. EITHER \Valtnr HiunMj. Kn'M^P'T made a .Pittsburgh, July 1'.—'.-T1)—The I'i-| I'oto Kmideen will l.o nm ,,r , ],„ Ily \VesthrooIi PosTt'r. n Boston. July 1.V-Successive doubles *Slotix Falfs. S. U. July IS.—Spwlal: r 1f ACCROSS new! Ja*it «ninm r when he tales earned nn even break In tlirir; IhT-iip fur a week and Hi,-I; t'lcvc- t^r^'-i:^ T M'-l'»' 'l > T\ir .Inumj.!'! slnit th'- 1^ Imlos hi *:."» .-tmUp.v, by Jacolwon. Slimier ami lUgncy In Rinux City's surviving player In thn land "'ill in,iv h.ick' t,, third h.-mn New York. July 1.V—The great [!er SEAMS four-game scries with llio t;iants liy l»r. !•;. * '. i V>h1i r. iinr within a the opcnimr inning of the second game FAVORITES WIN senior sltiRles of the slate tennis tour- Nlss'-iing taking cinvel.ind's place |en!.ia>'h-l'eli>ney ficht for the light- sinKln f-troke of tyln^ the record winnlns the final today, " to n. Kay tavo Boston a three run lead and a f'> nament hero was eliminated this nf!- at .shrirtf-tnp. Nlcgi-llng is the Mer- lira vy\\-nicht championship of the for tin.- upper nine \\ hen Iv nhoi IN FIRST ROUND l to '1 decision over Cleveland here to- Krcmcr was responsible, for the white- rill shnristi.ip and (,ne of the IX-FI SEAMS a 32. MiU" Shoarman and T« d rrnnon In one of the. Iwst malche.x hitters in scini-prn circle*. world rr?ultr-d in a thrilling postpone- OF M. S. TOURNEY washing, (jivlns out but four sinples. SHOWING ON Hay hohl thr i ncord for this romse, day. The Indians bad \\on the opener. of the tournament to dale. The vet- This aftcrniiiufs contest will stnrt ment Ht ~> o'clock Thursday afternoon cad i of tht'in hn vini; made 11 In 4 to '.'. Ulgney, So\ shortstop, ac- All of the first round matches In eran lowan. Klmer Pmeby, put up a Greenfield had allowed but. one. St. ,".'10 o'clock. Ix>Mars will p!ay n SIDE OF BALL at which hour th Xew York sky, ;n. I ir. rni.ii missed a in. font cepted IM chances without an error. tho championship flight of the club irreat. b.nttle apalnpt 1he appresslve- until tho Fixth. when slncles by Ihe Yards club hn-,; tomorrow. putt on No. t* by n hair for a 3i. having produced all of the FlcTndard 15 of these being In the sccmid game. tournament at Morntnpslde have Smith and llawllncs and M double by Itoth cards follow: ness and ncllHy of Frnttl: Rwdy. varteti's of rain during the day, -was M'aner lirousht two runs. A twn- MrLuUKhlin— been completed and the favorites Smeby lost the first pet. S-10; won the b.TKKer by Kmitlt and VLawlinrs' sinelo [exerting itself to produce something (Hit ...... I'M n-«4 r,4-1 — 33 came through without experiencing second, fi-1. and made Brorty play lils netted tho other run In the eighth. unique and big and fine In this line. in ...... n;i 34<; 443—3:. GS" rl.KVKl.AVI> YARDS NINE DOWNS in-, i-;. r. cobh— All II I'll AII n r. any great difficulty. The play to date best to take (lie flmil. G-3. ( Beorc: F 1 rt 1 1 The fight was deferred until Friday in.lf t llrody's c-dil style of serve find his ; (.Mil ...... -*:(;l 443 JM4— r.L nn ?'l 1 e Ul»r.pv,« < " t of Howard Mitchell. Ki-year-old star, 1 fTTKiii'/ri';i i HART1NGTON CLUB " 0 ' 1 night. It is prrdiahl,' tint I.»M» Ilorron o -j had been sensational. After defcntlng lerriflo Kfrokes were tno much for Ab II I'- will he an"! her Sioux I'lty repre- n ?. 0 '•> BY 11 TO 2 COUNT It was difficult to see just what i :'. o K. W. Dunn, H and -. In the open- Smeby. althouRh ihe latter played a Z r 4 ( pion. .1 and L'. Smebv Imd set point within jjr.nsp In Ithynp.^fl ?• 1 - garian buttermilk or alphabet soup. haw entf-retl tho tournanu'iU, hut it llruli-hf n (i 0 Hie first match six times, but Old Sinltb.c .1 2 - "Cowboys" had Ihelr hitting clothos FAST AND Wcllt-r.p 0 o >i Harry Donovan, club professional, Krcmcr. p 3 " 1 This much was certain, however, that is not kno-wn whether IK* will rep- Mim Jinx xvns aR.nlnst him. Ho dis- on and pounded Imlh llartington it was raining and that v.o far ns 'CURVt BALL. 6 27 11 announced that second round mutches resent thr Sioux I'ity (Ntuntry t'luh must* be played by Sunday evening. played his best tennis In the sppond P'.lchers rather freely. Luc/Ike started, number! Fugazy. the promoter of NOT HELP ALIKE "uilffinR 111 "I set. \vhloh lie easily took, at least or the Chicago rlnh of which he r.sli.n In nlnlli. Following are the restilta of tin- fight, was concerned, it was not BATTCR CAH TELL three of (hr pames helnc love p.ime". hut was relieved In the sixth inning is u nirnibcr. matches played to date: raining violets. 'WHICH IS PEING THROWN Clpvelaiiil' ...... 1 I 0 0 0 1! (I 0 04 The final set found both players tired after the Yards club Jiad counted four Mofllnn ...... 1 0 (I 0 0 0 0 0 1 - 2 I'HAMl'ION'SMII' Kl.lllIIT. " Johnston bnttert "tor Vlnrem.-« in' eighth. SinRlelooUi MnUes Announcement. Tw(i-l,nf^ hits -.Inlnleptin. Iturnw. 1.. S^- considerably In thn last two pn.mes. T«rry batteil for Oreenfleld In rlEhtli. runs on a fifth inning rally. ^,•11. .Inrnl'Hnn. Tlirpi'-lni'.*' lilt- Suninm . V. .1. HOM ilrrratcd K. J. Kunliol. 3 Many of the Dairies were deuced sev- Tt wa? Mr. Singletooth Abe Yeager, Many pitchers lirtray hy snine sub. 1 Errors—Kyan. Kremer. conscious little mannerism, nr way thoy Sml.n Itnnt ^ J St>«rll Snniniii. Sacrl- nil,I 2, eral times. , Art Hinldey was the bitting star of the Ivy I,<>« of the local prize fight f|,.p»-- SpPKh-r, niirin. TniH. t."ft nn Oatc.I Mnx C'ochrnn, 4 HeSw°ryo!ticy .'I?.'!"?.'.'..!) o o n o n o o o-o grasp tlio horsehlrli! for their fiifl ball, l,n«r^ cli'Vi'liii.,!, 7; HitNtnn. r>. ItiiFi-s nn In the other senior singles mntche.i : the day, collecting n homer, a triple I profession, w-ho made the announce curve or chance of pace just what they nn."bur»h 0 " 0 0 1 ° 1 —' UnllK -nft Sinllli. 3: 'iff Iturrinic. '. Slrnrk liny' Mitchell drfcnlcd Oaca r Towlpr. early this afternoon n blj; upset took are ic"lnK to deliver in the battrr. INVITATION MEET .1 nml :. Two-r>m« hit"—Waner, Smith. Ftnlen aftor .Mr. KuR:i7,y had made the nut Ily Sinltb. ;: by UnffinK. 1: by Wi-I- and R single. "Babe" .Irnny, Yards More bnttrrs are tipped off by this I'hrt Ycanian Oefpatcil C. AV. Tal'lFon. place when Francis Hummer. Univer- hn HOB—Carey. Llnflstrom. Meuiet. Kncrl- fjecltfion. Til is \V;IH the socotid im- IT. i' llllp--'P« "f ball I" "-oniliiB nlnrw nff U-p|7.«r. ^ In I InnliiR. l,,t«IHR t nn.l ?. sity of South Dakota champ, out- Kelly. I*eft on bases—New "\orlc. 6; pnrtant annouiireincnt that KinRle- than by N|RIIN that are xtoli-n from th.- nlliii"r llufrinc. finplrpii- -llplnpl. Illliln- "l.Mie" WenlB ilcfcntcil Dr. 1.. H. ' -Oft Ureenflem. by coachers and nthcr in'thmis. br«m1 nn, I Muriarll)'. Time 1:3:. •mi. ; nn,l 1. classed U. Hi-odv, of DI>K Moines. nt- tiurz'h. 3. Bases nn balls- ton and the fans demanded that he tnoth Yea^^r lias madf in his raroer. 1 ]l,,«-inl Mlti-li fll doff.ilc,! K. W. Iiunn. S "Strurlc out— Ily Kremer. :'. Hits— Off Suine pitclipr.s grasp til* !!* fii"t ball AT NORTH SIDE S,., nml C.-iniP - _ llimich (lie mntch went three sets, C-2, 11HSTUX lir. S. It. Uoccr!i itcfrateil Itn«;R Iti-o^n. 4-0, 6-1. 1 Innlnir. lilt by pltrher— By Kremtr. years a^" v, lira ^oinootm ankod him j with tlie K*-aniM. A smart coaclu-r Ilk,- I. Mouse]!. Loslnc pitcher— OreenflrW.. I in- closing innings. The biggest weekday "I'llli'f" lletlllor, of the White SHX. can Al. II P.I All II I'll A fin.I 4. Coyote Chnmp Ailvancps. i , — Hart, ntgl«r and McCormlck. Time lm\\- ]io l-'Ielrheri/^d Ills prn\ Isions i 4 i .1 rarl.rf < 2 ! D W. II. Tinvnn iti-frutcil ,1;,,-k Ilnmllton. r re crowd of the season saw tho same. tip off the butte1 r "n every ball plt(.1n-d. fM ".1411 ti|i. with only ono tooth, was as fallows: j Ilpnder at mi' ttnte usrd a wonl i-iKii Bout Club Players to SIMM !!!•,,II.'-Ml " " ' Tltimmpr's hack court panic was Score: k,T.r-f " 'I " 4 0 1C, 0 rill^T I't.tlillT. "Yon don't havo to chew Sootc'i." ' to slKnal the lialtrr. An>' sfnlcnco in- If, II, 4 0 <• rf 4 '.' 1 '0 ''. I.olst (1of(,;l lc,l M. l-','|-(,'M4,,ii, 1 [i,i.| r spectncul.'ir, his backhnnd strokes and CUBS DEFEAT BRAVES. j "crack It" ilrnotcd a fast bull Play Saturday at pl.icements were mnsterful. whlln ho .STOCK YAHDS IIAftTIN* ;i(i\ Tiiirt aflenioon liters wns a line of j \\-nn b«'lrig: delivered. I.. Mli'tlii.'ll ili-fcnlcil C. i;. Tlii>m|isun, Ab ]j l'« A All II P« . took the m.'ijiirltv of his serves Chicago. July 13.—(IP)—Chicago Onmlwln."!, .". 12?, j.sincere customers a block long {it Eb- If he Minuted "make it 1>P good. the py.Jli flrui'KU Vlolicm (Ipfnalril \V. forlicx. bunched hits and defeated Boston, 3 I»rkr.rf fi 1 1 0 hiittcr knew ball was co Country Club. 311'.' -nthnl I .up. thrnuch his terrific. ' drives. Urody J.bets field, the estate of the Brooklyn and WHS wet tor It. noon to 1, In the third R.ime of the series, ' I'.ilnl.lli 0 11 ,H. o. Plllnliury ilrfpiili-.l Kulpli niii-bli, braced In tile second and through his ., 1 l>,'kpr.::h L' 1 Dodgers, when r'ngnsy. with n gloomy And hn could tell when a saliva ,'irtlHt l:oat club golfers will lie gucstH Hat- J nml 1. steadiness won. altliotiRh Hummer car- making It two out of three. .Stephen- ''')]l!nK,p.rf 3 3 1 1 W IB Ill-llllill-ll.ll 11. f. Itrnwn ilrfcatnl Wrlilon 4 ; " ftjgltmca out. of the window of his sky I ^"'JJ y'|\™"ii " .. 4 I J " r! I high office in the Woolworth tower, j w'hen li'e'wa'p appl;. I'HK the 'sal'lva.' * (,'ountry rluli players In an Invitation 00- Iltiy SJiiinii. Jr., dcfciitpd \Varl'fii final set Hummer pot off to n four- lowed by Grimm's single, save Chi- H.Sturki»r.,f 4 1 0 . i: 1! decided that he couldn't tiike their Hmcby. 1 ui». Jenny.rf.p i, - Z e 14 14 Tin nl« came lead lieforo Hrpdy Rot In Ills only cago two runn and they added another W««n»r,i-f 01 money until n more favorable lime. tournament. The event will be one of o u li^itlf,! ini,-kp ITI .T. I'nimrliiii ilpreulcil It. Vli-Ucrs, 4 win of the set. i' In the eighth on Hcathcote's walk, Tho customers bad been standing a series In which the three clubs of ran fur fill" In "liHith. ItONcnlhul __To»iiU u i:> -:T m an,! ':. As a result nf those two m,ntohes F. Frelgau's sacrifice, which E. Taylor there for IIOUIH. a. pritient. turtle 1 liii'tfil fiiv H-.iney In <-!rh!h. II. rrlptien Oerrnteil lir. I-'. Cluin- th' city participate annually. More l-:n-,ir^--biitilo', c:'l. llelniai:h. lirlll. i nn.I :i. Brody meets the winner of the Tlar- i-,throw wild to first, enabling Heath- Krrtim—ij. rttm-kef," ~Mln htfl,~]!ict k-r "" necked file of men \vith their (.-bins Scfiii> t,y Innings: .Srorp by inr-lnKn: than T.'i lloat club players are ex- l-'runli I'osfirove ilercittcil I're,l Taylor. ton-Kverett mntch in the upper semi- i'-iCoto to count. Thr6e singles in the Ptopk VardH 1 0 4 n 4 0 fl '.' 0—11 drawn down Into their collars, wait- ''irvi-inn,! oinnonni o—? 2 up. nnls, while llnninK"- will face tbrs lii,«ii,n s 1 o o n n o 'j • — c I'.lla.i 1U/.U ilrew a by,*. i .,ninth inning gavo Boston its lone- ItartlnRton u-o 0 (l li 0 'J 0 ti — ^ itiK to buy th-kct.-i for th<: $3 seats STANDIRGS pected to compete. Inner of the Van Glnkel-r.runsiedt •irrun. Score: , — Hlnllley. O. Stu<:kor. Home inn—lllnV- Kcoros. of the vlHitiiu; players will latch. Slu iti the bleachers. Half H dozen of Km rill,-i«— Sniireeon, Vlupnt'e'ii'l.' 1 BOSTON CHlCAclii . !'•• ''n ba«eB—Locke. rc.lllnH CM. those weatherproof individuals who 1 be cun.Midered in awarding n point on ll*lmnc!l. IIIMllili* nln vn— SjilirM^on Circuit JiirJgf? Considers Play in the junior sincrles reached Ab II ro A Hlnkley, I:, stucher cji. Sm rtflce—<: Sewoll In limn,,: llelmnrh t" Illiney tn ( ' Ab II Po A Stucker. JJihes on bulls—Off'll.f. ?.' arc always sloshing; around in the I OF THE the llvlxtijiuluhl trophy, Just the name in finals this morninp. The title will •ncroft.fs r, 1 a 1 AiiamOn 4 o *i r, : To.ll; Iliirney t" Toil I; Helta n to Ulrney In - * o Jleatlu.-ote.rf 3 1 off lleckrr. 1. Htmik out —Ily I'nlllnn, 7 as if they were playing on their own Toilt. Left on liiifies— i 'leveliiint. "; lloiiton. Race Belting Petition n to Town, as Frank Hrody anil Max iSMffiwlrt.rf b>- Jenny. ;; by I.uc.lke. 4; l,v jtccker 7 Rim outside the studUim when bis- 1 7. IIHITS nn lialla—Oft Ilill-kevr. I; off fefe3M«in,lf 30 Frei|;au,"b 3 0 Hit by pitcher—Ily l.ui'ilKe. lit. siuckrri flKhlf, football K'l.tnes and horse races I course. Country club golfers will com- Chicago, July Ki.—(/!')—Circuit Iverett. botli of Tics Moines, advanced !,.\VH«' 4 n CLUBS I.rlir. 1; off ll-hnnrll. I. Ktrilck Mil—Hv Hleph' - 1 I'V Cullinil. (tjeuri'liel. WlnnlnB pltclier-i are, on wore creeping up und down j pete also for a point on the Moore Hiictieyp. rt. ItllH-Ofr Shmlte. D in 'J-:! ludgn ItyiiPr today look undcr.advlse- o Ihe finals of Ihe event, with vie- ( .1 1 folllnn. I.ONlnn plt'-lirr--Lucdke UliililrrB tniilim": off ltu,-keye. •; In 6 1-^ innlnnn; nent the petition for a permanent In orles over Allen Noll. Sioux Falls, and —Miller anil Uuvlen. Time—t'-lo the line trying to sell hot dogs and ! American I,cuguc. I Clothing trophy. r-ff l.olir. ^ lii 1 Innlnx. WIH iiln-ll — OJonzales.c 3 •_• r.O-cent opera glasses without which H^liniifli. l.oislnu pttcher—Hhnute. 1'in- unction to protect wagering nt the TSob TSIcKllflop, Sheldon, la., rcspqc- Jones.11 : li W. 1.. Pit. \V. I,. ]•<•!. nlren—1|llilel>ranil. Morlurlty nn,l Cleiiel. new Washington park racetrack. In Ivcly. TRACK OWNERS IN latter they said it would be Impossible N'etv York C3 31 -tiill 4.1 41 .r.!'. AL STRONG AND Time—1:53. to see the fighters from tho bleachers. I'hllad'phla 41 ~fi .!>»l 43 4:1 .ran the meantime, his temporary restrain TlouWes to Svinl-Flual*. "* l-hlcaco *6 41 .:» St. l.oi Tiofcus IHSI'KAT'YANKS. ng order preventing the authorities ILLINOIS FACE A Deluney Drawn Prelly Kin*. Washincton 4J :8 .ti-j S notion MRS. M'KEE WIN In the dnublcH malches played early New York, July _!!.—(ff>)—TJotrolt from Interfering with the manage today Van Olnki?! und K. Wecenei-. of Eerlenbach and Deloney had National Totals 33 » 24 Z! 6 87 20 BIG TURF BATTLE MIXED FOURSOME I took an edse on tho Merles with the mcnt of the tru«|t remains In force. PCS MolneH, reached the. Boml-flnnVi weighed In earlier In the afternoon, •W. I-. I'rt. W. I.. V Jack Bmlth ran for nurru* In •Ichtli. j" (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) The court withheld an Immcdlat through a default liy Tteynoldn -OpiJ -. ion«y b»n»d lor Jlearn In ntntto. B«nton and although Belano..y looked Cincinnati DO a: .&7i HronUlyn 48 44 .:>!& Al tUrong a\jid Mrs. IXoy Mi-Kce, \ Yankees, two games to one, by com ran for Z. Taylor In ninth. Chicago, July 15.—Prospects for a I'ltl«bur(h 44 3i .Vtt N»w York 41 41 . ueclalon utter ' hearing nrgnn OapeBHrs, I3ell Tlnplflu, ntirt 8-S, 0^ vic- ISrrora—£3. Taylor. Jamea cooney. and strong, the scales Intimated that ft. Loula 16 3« ,f.<8 with u, Bcoro ot 40. won first, place Ing out on top in today's contest, 7 t turf war appeared today with the an- Chicago 45 40 .6?9 Hoston : t merely announcing the ruling- woul tories over pr. Alitruu antl B. Score by lnnlnB«: ..... nouncement that Matt Wlnn, owner lio had drawn himself finer than he In tho mixed. fo.ur«omO on Ihe' Sioux -'. Oeftrlnger • "cJou"fe'