Obituaries in Today’S Paper, for Any Contacted Us to Perform a Cremation Ans That Have Passed Away
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THE AREA’S ONLY LOCALLY-OWNED & OPERATED NEWSPAPER | EST. OCTOBER 1, 1996 HE EOPLE S RIBUNE TNEWS FOR PIKEP, EASTERN AUDRAIN’& NORTHERNT LINCOLN COUNTIES FREE Published Every Tuesday • Vol. 26 - No. 16 • Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2020 • Online at Trip To Boutiful? ‘RuggedBY BRENT E NGELSouls’ hadSought traveled almost 700Almost miles to the with20 Henry, Years and sent someAgo of his CONTRIBUTING WRITER mouth of the Yellowstone River in ablest men to explore the Green The man for whom the Pike Wyoming, where he built a fort. River Valley of Wyoming. It would County town of Ashley is named Ashley left St. Louis in May 1822, be one of his best decisions. made a bold request almost two cen- but had to turn back when a keelboat Late Bloomer turies ago this month. overturned. After getting fresh sup- Unlike many of the people he It appeared in the St. Louis plies, he met Henry. would inspire, Ashley didn’t charge Gazette and Public Advertiser on An Indian attack that led to the into the wilderness. Feb. 13, 1822, and was addressed to deaths of 15 men from Ashley’s He was born in Virginia in 1778. “Enterprising Young Men.” party and financial troubles resulting Few records survive about what his- William Henry Ashley, a business from a lackluster harvest of animal torians have said was an unremark- entrepreneur and the lieutenant gov- hides forced a return to St. Louis in able family, but Ashley was smart ernor of Missouri, was looking for spring 1823. and determined. rugged souls who were willing to “Few individuals can be said to “Although possessing only a traverse the Missouri River and have exercised a greater influence rudimentary formal education, Ash- spend up to three years working the on the course of the fur trade of the ley learned to express himself well fur trade. Far West,” wrote historian Harvey in written English, which he com- The catch was that trappers would L. Carter. “His advertisements at- bined to advantage with his natural largely be on their own in what was tracted some of the ablest younger talents in math and bookkeeping, still an untamed, isolated and dan- men to the business and his own surveying, map making and geol- gerous land. success was a pattern for them to ogy, riding and shooting — all use- COII DeClue Honored At the time, the fur business emulate.” ful skills for his profession, even if On Tuesday, Feb. 2 NECC held an Award of Valor ceremony to recognize COII mostly involved large companies Author Philip F. Anschutz said they lacked the polish necessary to Corey DeClue. While driving off-duty on Oct. 8, 2019, Sgt. DeClue noticed a strug- from faraway places sending agents that in just four years, Ashley join the ranks of Virginia’s landed gle between a Pike County deputy and what appeared to be a suspect near thePike to deal with Indian tribes. Ashley “rewrote the several-centuries-old elite,” Anschutz wrote. County Fairgrounds. The sergeant stopped his car and assisted the deputy appre- and business partner Andrew Henry playbook for gathering furs from In- After failing at farming in Ken- hend the individual, holding him until a second deputy was able to respond. The proposed cutting out the middle man dians across the North American tucky, Ashley moved to Missouri at DOC Award of Valor is an award bestowed on a staff member who acted in a heroic by having trappers fan out and bring continent by transforming his indus- age 24 and settled in Ste. Genevieve. or courageous manner, on or off duty, despite personal risk. Presenting the award, to a central location as many pelts as try’s business structure.” He initially found success in lead along with a resolution from both the Missouri House and Senate, was DAI Director they could carry. “Ashley surpassed all his rivals as and saltpeter mines and improved Jeff Norman. He was accompanied by Deputy DAI Director Ryan Crews, NECC “This innovation in the fur trade a brilliant frontier entrepreneur,” his fortunes when he got into gun- Warden Dan Redington, and NECC Major James Voss. was destined to have a far-reaching added author William R. Nester. powder sales and real estate specu- effect on the development of the “Through ceaseless, fearless and lation following marriage to Mary west,” the Sheridan Post newspaper often ruthless enterprise, he rose Able, the daughter of a man who would later write. from obscure, humble origins into held Spanish land grants. Bald Eagles Phoenix, Truman Henry set out from St. Louis in enormous wealth and status.” To Be Continued April 1822 and within four months Ashley dissolved his partnership Next Week VisitBY B ClarksvilleRICE CHANDLER ForThe bald Eagle eagle population Days was STAFF WRITER nearly brought to extinction before Clarksville celebrated its annual the Migratory Bird Act. According Bibb-VeachWhile the name change mightFuneral be Veach FuneralHome Homes Is while Licensed in high derneath theCrematory stars and stripes. You Eagle Days with less fanfare than in to Robitsch and the other volunteers, slight and may for the most part go school. Upon completing his degree will likely notice the service vehi- previous years. Both COVID-19 and the process of increasing the na- largely unnoticed, its meaning is in Mortuary Science in 2000, Ryan cles are trimmed out with special the weather created obstacles for tional birds’ population back and large and significant. spent time working in Columbia, St. recognition of the veterans service those hoping to watch the bald ea- reintroducing them to Missouri has On Thursday, Feb. 4, Bibb-Veach Louis, and Hannibal before return- as well. "Our lead vehicle can be gles hunt and feed on the river near been a long and difficulttask. Funeral Homes, LLC in Bowling ing home to serve the families he seen with branch of service decals the Clarksville dam. Phoenix was in fact, one of the Green and Silex received licensure began with. "Home was always the on the doors and our hearse flies two Despite the blustery day and the first bald eagles saved by the Mis- by the Missouri State Board of Em- ultimate goal for me and where I felt US flags on either side of the hood, lack of ice forcing the eagles to hunt souri repopulation program over 30 balmers and Funeral Directors to op- called to serve. There's something along with a personalized window just south dam, attendees still jour- years ago. erate a licensed crematory and begin deeper about this calling when decal covering the back window of neyed to Clarksville to watch and After being equipped with a operating under the name Bibb- you're doing it with the families you the hearse." Their customized serv- learn more about the raptors. tracker, conservationists noticed Veach Funeral Homes and Crema- grew up with." Ryan worked for the ices for veterans doesn't end outside The Clarksville Chamber of Phoenix’s beacon had gone unmov- tory, LLC after having completed a Veaches from August 2004 until though. "Once a family walks into Commerce hosted the event which ing for days. They found the raptor roughly year long endeavor of con- January 2015 when he and his wife the funeral home for services they included several vendors and volun- near death but eventually nursed her structing and installing their own on- Stacey began assuming ownership will immediately notice a patriotic teers with the Dickerson Park Zoo back to full health. She is now one site cremation facility at their into the business and made the name feel in the atmosphere. American out of Springfield, Mo. of the prime ambassadors for the Bowling Green location. Tuesday change to Bibb-Veach Funeral flags line the wall behind the casket Vendors for the event were program and vocal aboutit. morning the cremation chamber was Homes, LLC. or urn as well as a United States flag housed in the Appleshed along with Phoenix spent most of her time delivered and by Thursday was in At the start of 2018, not only did at the head of the casket and branch two special guests: bald eagles during the demonstration perched operation. the Bibbs complete the purchase of flag at the foot end. In front of these Phoenix and Truman. near handler Donna Muller inter- The new cremation chamber pro- Bibb-Veach Funeral Homes from two flags stands a branch of service Todd Robitsch, a retired educator rupting Robitsch with loud vides the latest technology to ensure the Veaches, but they purchased uniform entrusted to the funeral turned volunteer with the zoo, gave screeches and chattering. the process meets or exceed EPA Collier Funeral Homes, Inc. in home by local veterans and their a presentation on the history of bald Truman, the quieter of the pair, standards that older chambers do not Louisiana from Allen Smith as well. families to be used to honor the cur- eagles in North America and the sat with Pam Price, the director of provide. Wireless monitoring of the It was after the first year of owning rent veteran being served." Several many obstacles they faced through- conservation education at the Dick- system both on-site as well as the both facilities that Ryan began to see years ago the funeral home started a out the years in the wild. erson Park Zoo. manufacturer's facility ensures that the need for an on-site crematory. program using American flags as “As Europeans arrived and ex- The male raptor demonstrated his everything runs smoothly and no "We were constantly running up and well. "The proper way of disposing panded westward, they impeded on need for the rehabilitation program negative environmental impact is down Hwy.