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Gallup Herald, 1916-1923 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

4-7-1923 Gallup Herald, 04-07-1923 L. E. Gould

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VOL. 8. GALLUP NEW MEXICO. SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1923. NUMBER 33 New Coal Prices New House TO distance ACTIVITY El Harvey EE? ViiiII ;gto;i lo;;g .... Scheduled by the Addition tabs GALLUP TELEPHONE LIKE OIL DZVELOnViffl 20 r , END Big Companies Open April . AF?rx?:Mo;i new addition to El Announcement has been IS MOVING AS FAST AS The the CUDG2T OF EXFEKIIS DID NOT A "DEAD DUCK" AS MAY OR MAY NOT CON- made of the new of coal (Gallup Harvey house) SOME AS AU NECT GALLUP HALT IN prices MACHINERY Navajo KOT ANTICIPATE SUCH EEUEVE. for this district, with MONEY, will be open for business about IN NEWS COMES CONTRACT NOT FAULT beginning AND MEN CAN MAKE IT GREAT THENTIC 1, and 1, 20. With 38 guest rooms PROMOTERS OF COMPANY April ending August GO WEATHER GOOD April CLAS3 MAIL r FROM LOCAL as follows: sample rooms, spacious lobby, 1, 84.75; Com- sun parlor, with individual D.. In Last week's Qallup Herald The Mountain States Tele- April The Texas Production p , C May 1, $5.00; T. Duce bath and telephone in each in called editorial notice to the ru- & pany with J. and W. order to avoid an increase phone Telegraph Company June $5.25; C. guest room, will make of the de- mor that no Farmington-Gal-lu-p 1, Kneale in charge of field the deficit of the Postoffice are building a line from Albu- July 1, $5.60; and with Galup Harvey house one of the partment for the current fiscal road was the claim by cer- work, machinery for querque to Winslow. This will August 1, $5.75. . W. E. on finest on the Harvey line. vear which ends June 30th tain interests in Albuquerque. the Lockhart Interest reduction An editorial in the Albuquer give long distance service for the ground for the starting of Mr. T, E. Purdy informs us next, there may be a oil have been in a que Journal was the basis of that company to the coast. SHERIFF MYERS the first well near Gallup, that arrangements cf delivery sendee great interest and is becom- made to have interior decora now until our editorial. The Journal's This , operates a line activity nariy localities from company fine for devel- tions of and will In some cases where editorial carried two interpre over a southern route El ing mighty early Navajo designs June 30. via AND DEPUTIES x be on deliveries a tations, one that the road as opments in this section. the finest the Harvey sys- there are several Paso. Another, line is operat- News from Grants ' is tem. will mean projected by the very day this probably over a northern route. as the follow- the Emission of one or two de- capitalists was a flat failure, ing HAVE BUSY TIME OF IT encouraging, per the other interpretation was The southern line is often con- MAKING ARRESTS O F ing: liveries r for the next three N. SCHOOL TRUSTEES mean that the road by the Los Ange- because the northern AUTO THIEVES ANP FOR GRANTS, M., April 4. months and it may the gested The Midwest Oil is Abolition of considerable over les. capitalists was approaching line is often out of commission. CUTTING AFFRAY company putting on extra pressure to time. This will necessarily the "reality stage," and that if The northern line runs ELECTED TUESDAY wanted to block through last week hurry its preparations for dril- slow : down , the delivery ot Albuquerque dur- Saturday night now is to the mountain sections, and ling and the first rig on the mails, the project, the time winter months is often Sheriff Lou Myers and deputies : ing Fernandez WITH TWO DEMOCRATIC do it. , ', had about all the business they company's Felipe ; This policy is in ? harmony. snowed under. During win Tafoya grant, north of here, is One There are a number of peo- the could attend to. TICKETS IN THE FIELD with the budget system. in ter months, and when nearly complete. Thirty or of the in connec- ple Gallup who. have never northern line out of First, a clue was found that THE DEMOCRATS WON many things believed for one minute that is commis- led to the arrest of two men forty teams are at work finish- tion with the installation and sion, business is thrown via El ing up the road. All of the ALL ELECTION BETS of the this road as projected by the or southern line. Of who were charged with the operation budget system Los will Paso, the of machinery is on the ground ex- been the determina- Angeles capitalists ten the is so theft a Studebaker Special was has rigid ever be built. These same congestion great Six. The was located near cept the boiler which is being Tuesday election day tion of President Harding and peo- via El Paso that makes service car for the Democrats and ple say that the road will not the residence of Dr. J. W. Han- - moved out from Grants. It is Gallup , every executive down the line The line thru with two Democratic tickets in be built by any concern, be- unsatisfactory. nett. Two men were located in likely that drilling will begin that there shall be no incurring Gallup and Winslow, leading within a the field the was as f cause big interests are lined up a local rooming house. The very few days. - The winning of a deficit bureau or off from has 20-inc- as by any Some Albuquerque, was Law- well will start with a h easy running a foot race more against it. say that the car stolen from the with depajrtmertt speeding Santa will been under contemplation for hole. one's self. Probably the the current fiscal Fe never allow the some route from rence warehouse at Sacramen money for to built. time. The Geologists of the Texas com only reason for placing two than was road be Others say west to coast to, Cal., and was driven thru year appropriated Union or Albuquerque the Two other men pany, have been working in Democratic tickets in the field bureau or department. In that the Pacific, the is never snowed under by Needles. was to stimulate interest that interests behind D. & R. G. during in car Needles this field for some time, have and of fact there is and has the winter. This line would be rode the from scare out the votes. was point will not allow the road to be to The two men located a drilling site in Am- It been for many years a law up- open at all seasons. It would Gallup. brosia to see the Demo- built. Some say that the Santa charged with stealing the car lake, 25 miles west of really funny on the books it a be the busiest line of lines . crats making penal Fe owns too all in and Grants and it is understood chasing themselves in offense for executive to much coal lands at all times. are jail, the Department their search votes. any to allow such a road to be built of Justice will handle their that drilling there is to begin for The spend in excess of money ap Some weeks ago the an at once. great majority of Republicans the into a competitive coal field. case. The license on the car propriated by Congress. As to assurances of nouncement was made that had been taken from another oppose any political ticket for This law was a dead letter, un- the pro the election of school the Los Gallup . would be connected car of the same class. Jack Indian Commissioner trustees, observed one until the ject by Angeles capi and as the Democrats were by any we find San with Albuquerque by long dis McGraw and Louis Silva work- present administration came talists, that the line. H. J. bent on Democrats for Juan Review has the follow tance Immediately after ed out this clue, and with W. Hagerman electing into power and installed the that announcement material school trustees, ing: R. Jennings and C. C. Poe, all Visited this Section Republicans budget system. for the construction of the line under the orders of Sheriff Lou kept hands off. Estimates for "Word from Los -' was One expenditures Ange- received at Gallup. Poles Myers, landed the parties in Hon. H. J. Hagerman, Com- of the tickets, probably for all federal are les , rail- from meant agencies concerning the were distributed Gallup jail, charged with the theft of missioner for the Navajo In-- for a "Straight" Demo sent to situation is as east. 1 A3 J made up and Congress way We are informed that the car. viBiiea uus seeuon dur cratic ticket, carried the names in December. These estimates as could be de-- t the wire the line is now in uians, of Geo. A. H. W. for Another car, a Dodge tour- ing the week on a trip of in Keepers and are for the amount of money sired, according to the Albuquerque. So far as we was stolen from the Jen He came overland Yersin. The other ticket, pro the will need members of the ing, spection. departments for Exchange can find out, the construction garage at Holbrook Sat- from Shiprock. At bably meant for "Another the which the fol- who are in touch with of this will continue nings Shiprock year begins the line from urday morning. Sheriff Myers Mr. Hagerman addressed a Straight" Democratic ticket, 1st. would be situation. Rit-te- r, lowing July It Attorney Albuquerque to Winslow, received word and with C. C. number of Indians and ex- but labeled "Independent Dem- a who has been on very remarkable, indeed, if the which will give the Mountain Poe went out to meet, or lay plained the duties of his office ocratic," carried the names of of J western coast ten & Geo. A. private corporation any for days States Telephone Telegraph for the car as it entered Gallup His address was very instruc Keepers and Hva. C. ii, could tell 18 months in conference with de-tour- Chambers. : ; magnitude Harry Company the service they have The fellow ed and went tive and highly appreciated. v in advance how much its ex-- Chandler and other lead- long wanted. The completion out and off the road to wait for The that had Court house box: Geo. Ai would even ers in move- penditures be, the railway of this line, sometime during night. The search continued. been spread among the In Keepers, 167; H. W. Yershv Htiough it had fairly rigid con- ment, wired Secretary 1924, will give the company a Sheriff with Poe and dians as to Mr. 82; Mrs. C. B. Chambers, trol over its activities. of the Myers why Hagerman 87; Hall, Exchange, third line to the coast. Jennings went to Manuelito, was appointed commissioner Mrs. Louis Roat, 2. - Postoffice The department yesterday saying that The , Mountain States Tele and i back by the mines. At had created some uneasiness. E. R. French office : Geo! has not control over its splendid progress is being & Mr. rigid phone Telegraph Company night a kid recognized the car Hagerman explained all. A. Keepers, 104; H. W. Yer-sj-n, - made and is activities. The public may it expected did not present any form of as it was leaving Gallup to- While Mr. Hager 74; Mrs. C. B. definite con- inGallup Chambers, write as many letters and send that word contract to the local telephone wards Thoreau. This kid had man met a number of our lead- 33; Mrs. Luis W. G. situation Roat, 2; as much parcel post as it cerning the will company until after matenal been in Holbrook and on hear ing citizens and learned many Wilson, 1, 4leases. The Postoffice de- be had this week in fact, had been received and work about the stolen his at- which will be of use to it is ing car, things partment must handle what is expected that this had commenced in the vicinity tention was attracted by the his new duties. SMALLPOX SITUATION word will be received offered it. If, for any reason for of Gallup. The attorneys for car, which he recognized. Mr. In conversation with a rep- there a sudden in announcement The situation whatever, is " Friday the local telephone company Myers wired his deputies at resentative of The Gallup Her smallpox in Gallup crease in the amount of postal night." . ; advised the contract. Thoreau to find that all ald, Mr. stated appears to be very well under control against only Hagerman that The Gallup Herald is informed business it means an was not ixty-fift- y that increase in In order to find out what It even a f pro had gone to the dance at he would consider the claims seventeen cases is the total the amount of work to be number, done, there might be in the report as position; The local telephone Crown Point. Justice of the of building a highway over the with one death. It will take a few in the amount of mail cars to contained in the company have their rights and Peace B. I. Staples of Thoreau Navajo Reservation, running more days to show If any more new be used, in the amount of mo- - Albuquerque could not afford to two cases will break out. We are inform- Journal editorial, as up certainly tie deputized other deputies north and south, from Shiprock ed that all cases tor trucks to haul in the jogged themselves to are sufficiently quar- mails, The up into any deal and instructed them watch towards Gallup. Mr. Hager antined well . amount by Gallup Herald, H. E. and guarded. of time put in by the that would not properly safe for the car. The car and man man had just made the The report of smallpox in Gallup tens Phenecje, secretary of the trip of thousands of postal Chamber of guard their rights. were taken in at Thoreau. across and along the proposed as published in one of the Albuquer- Commerce, wired credited to a health re- clerks and letter .carriers who v Mr. que papers, Durano-- . The local com Then Myers wanted to route and was con- the secretary of the telephone highway port, from Santa Fe, appears to re- handle this increased volume know went sec ' Exchange, and received the pany are anxious to tie onto the what with the vinced Jhat the highway was flect upon the health authorities of of mail at some on its ond man been - point following reply: long distance line. But the loc who had seen badly needed. Gallup and McKlnley county. We journey. ' al company cannot afford to with the car. He made a search C. N. Cotton trust that no reflection was meant on "All matters in connec- accompanied the hospital nurses. The nurses and . The curtailment and found that the second man Win-gat- e, prospective tion with railroad in most place its interest in jeopardy Mr. Hagerman to Fort Sisters of St. deserve of service from now to had left the car this side of Mary hospital delivery satisfactory shape, Build- just for the sake of tieing a where he inspected the our sincere and deepest sympathy. until June 30th is due to the long distance line. Thoreau and made his way site for the Indian They risk their lives not to say ,of the ing seems assured beyond ' proposed fact that the Postoffice depart- down the railroad. This man to long and overworked hours, that they doubt. All negotiations There are always two sides school, the War Department serve afflicted mankind. was ment estimated needs so Mr. is want- In- may It its for affirmative. to, any question, or any con- Myers believes, turn over the Fort to the no fault of nurses nor Sisters of St busi- very Ritter ed in Holbrook for tyie current year upon the still on coast." tract.. the robbery dian Department. Mr. Hager- Mary hospital that a case of smallpox ness of last of a hall in He was taken and the nurses and Sis year. However, the The' Mountain States Tele- pool that place. man is in thorough sympahty in, wave So, it, would appear from all cold no ters are not to blame for the spread of prosperity which has & got feet, doubt, and with the to convert sources the Gallup-Farm-ingt- on phone Telegraph proposition of the disease. hit the United States has had that Company took to the railroad rather than the into Indian school. and San Juan railroad is is a big and strong corporation. Fort an its effect upon the Postoffice run any risk of being captured Mr. Hagerman left Thurs- very much alive. The best legal talent is at the with department. , Manufacturers, the car thief. This man night for the East where ROAD CONDITIONS - Na- service of this big and day . retailers, in fact all We also know that the strong is held in to await jobbers, know ex- being jail he will meet and confer with activities, are out after vajo highway project is NOT corporation. They further developments- - The car Reported by the White Garage going what about government Department heads 168 ' DEAD. '. actly they are at all Gallup to Albuquerque, their share of the increased v.,.v M has been returned to Holbrook. of- times. on matters pertaining to the miles, regular time, 5 hrs. and prosperity. As a result of this Another car, a Dodge touri- fice of the 15 now made in Our local is a home Commissioner, for minutes, being there has been an increase of the vicious and illegal practice company ng, had been standing at rear Navajos. 6 hrs. and 30 minutes road in institution. It started some " condition. The mal-pi- a 14 per cent in the volume of of exceeding the allowance of Delmar hotel for several 0 very good business years ago with a very small Mr. took section is the only rough postal oyer last year. made by Congress and running days. Myers this car Case the a few miles. ounit. it nas its ser- in Against piece, and that only This means that postarclerks, up deficits on the taxpayers improved charge, but has been unable Galup to Williams, 244 miles, vice and increased con-ditio- mail carriers, mail trucks and the only alternative is to cut its canacitv to get a line up on it. This Three Indians ; time, 9 hrs. Road in fine n. railroads must handle 14 the schedules of mail as fast as its ability and patron car, a Dodge, carried a Ford li per employ- For Murder to 185 cent more mail. It merfns an ees until June 30 . This will age justitied. Its payroll from cense for New Mexico. Mr. Gallup Farmington, a small beginriinir. has reached The case the three miles, and to Durango, 193 increase in expense which was not result in their salary being Myers is now tracing this car against miles, road in better condition not considerable, and each week Indians with the mur- 8 and anticipated in December, cut, except wnere mey : lose thru the sales department of charged in its history, time, hrs. ana month the Lewis 30 ' 1:1421, when the Postoffice nt overtime. The that goes into trade the Dodge der of "Sloppy" Jack has minutes. only thing Of factory. 38 toad de- avenues Gallun'fl hliainoaa one been reversed the 7 Gallup to Zuni, miles, submitted estimates will result is a little slower -- This made really busy by Supreme interests. -s ..(.; court. The case will ' muddy. .; xor the money it would heed livery of the mails fewer deliv- day for Sheriff Myers and his go back to McGaffey, 23 mSes, If Galllin Aila to to the lower court for new trixl Gallup ' the current fiscal year. As it eries a day in some of the more f f wvuV IVilg deputies. Jennings and Poe wad muddy from Fort Wlrrto,, il the firm of all de- communities. This distance telephone service it got to bed 5 o'clock Attorneys J. W. Chapman good from Gallup to Fort V, purpose populous A A . m by Sunday til 111 9. . I. ' E. partments to keep within ao-- is an inconvenience, but aot a win not me lauit oi the loc-- 1 morning, Mr. Myers was up R. French argued the ctzi ropriationj and not revert to serious one,:....;...... ,, al telephone compasty...... 'J all night before the Supreme court. sr- - --Ja lax. ..sfiV'' ...V zm frmd It wore nz't rsi rat-- to raise far "s a-- 1 v fluently spent less and 1 An Ailress Before the Chamber of Comn-- e of Kansas. i City, o, wiwa wis rvniue wtao uvi i wwij JLisJ gurrint9&Lnt Znv country is r? arairxt t J fact, t --t member. Cjr V. U. tie railroads sue not a' e to hf-- e f.rrB. L'apel as The andrc.YFe the business. The ateel miEa President, Atchison, Topska Santa Railway Company tiVt SertMi Wittv hu returned to his of T. E. ,. had to their the wheat a (Published By Bequest Pundy) ...,...:.,. pile product; school in after a brief visit has unable to his farmer, been ship - have rotted on the vines: in Gallup. '' : ;;',-,,'- Somewhat over a year and a half effect it convinced the people that crop: crapes had and the situation is altogether deplor ago I the honor and privilege of they wanted no government owners . adressing a Kansas audience on and led to the enactment of the able...-- City ship onlv is Establish the as Each-Cummi- is icia- - The cure credit transportation question it ap bill, or, as it off the 3 and it is v ir ability of the roads to nay interest peared then, probable that; called, the Transportation Act, to-- some here tonight heard me at that 1920. and the money necessary will flow 'l time. But since then have ibis law was the first con ward the roads. . The Transportation many things really Act meet situation happened, and it may be structive ' measure Con attempted to this profitable attempted. Interstate Com- to look at the situation as it exists to gress took consel with the Interstate by providing that the day, especially in view of the fact Commerce Commission: it consulted merce Commission should so fix rates as to 6 return on the that this question is probably the most the railroads; it advised with business give iSHor faces the and evolved an valuation. This was attempted by the important that country men: and eventually act in- IS OPEN YOU! Commission when it made the rate 1 TO that on the correct solution of the pro- vhich it was honed would put the blem depends the continued growth transDortation business on a solid crease in 1920, but their figures were and prosperity of the entire country. foundation, or. pursuing my simile based on a certain volume of business. It is the every fortune, I sometimes wonder if you and the would effect a permanent Unfortunately, the slump of 1921 way great further,' came the volume was not :1 of the realize what a - on, there, old people country cure. .. net i every happy, independent age is vital part of the economic structure of is tnai creait and the roads earned that year a It recognized, first, of 3.7 on their valuation. There , the nation the railroads are. at to roaaa. started. look is absolutely necessary tne in the manner in which the country has This credit had been gradually under was no cure for the real trouble aoc-tnrina-r but the roads for better It's not what you get but what been developed and built up. Origin mined during the long period ox this, hoped Our Wacoa at Year ally you had waterways, and there until the roads found it diffi things in 1922. you save that counts. were trading posts along these from cult to raise the necessary capital to Horiaontal Redaction a Reavy Blow Ycur which was done, but the set of the coun- - Aa matter of fact many adjust Doer Relieves will teaming keep up with the growth had been This bank help you. tlement of the country was limited by j. . iu mvA lone facilities ments and many reductions made, and the business the the distance that teams could haul were provided each year until, when of country Worry the produce the great central fertile enormous business and need for had actually started on the upgrade the when the Interstate Commerce Com- plains were vacant and useless. With good transportation manifested itsen, RMSinley County the advent of the railroads, all this railroads had not ecniip- - mission, acting under political 'pres- It means jrou are) tht, enough of was suddenly changed. They opened msnt. Thev wore short of cars, loco sure, made a horizontal reduction beyond the old up the back country and made it pos side tracks, terminal 10. This was a heavy blow, and motives, shops, the result has been that in 1922 the fashioned description of Eanli sible to reach all sections and to take facilities, and everything max goes w home on wash out products. The country began to make a raiiroaa. railroads, handling during certain your dy; "The Old Bank" up complete the ever mod- develop: railroads were built in all Shortage of Equipment months heaviest business that you know how . handled, have been unable to earn over directions; and the back country be As illustrative of what has happen-a- ern skill . and invention 31 came habitable. Kansas City, strong, Fnr thm five vear Deriod end-- This reduction checked rail have made this an. of loco roadi2. buying; it retarded railroad necessary energetic, and progressive, owes its ins 1M7. the number evil no a burden. attempt at 5 o'clock the after- very existence as a metropolis to this motives in service on the railways of spending; and it did not accomplish longer FIIOTOGKAPIiS 07 noon of her funeral. ' fact All country between here aad the United States lncreasea ib.iow; much xor the shipper, as in most cases the Rocky Mountains had no navig the five ending June 30, he said it was not enough to help in year period him. Our work is quality work Services were held in the able rivers or streams, and until the 1912. the increase wag m w SPIRIT FORMS railroad came the mule and ox a xl. nariod undine-- December si, So there you have the credit situ of the of the only nur We chapel temple team existed as transportation agents. the increase was 4,560; and in ation. It has not been restored. 1916, if the busi GALLUP STEAI.1 First Spiritualist church and Today the trade of Kansas City ths. five veers ending uecemoer, feel, however, that present were in charge of Mrs. C reaches from the Missouri River to 1001 ha aniniuf nf locomotives in ness keeps up and the prospects for 1923 are we stand a chance STARTLES WORLD AND Vlasek, pastor of that organi the Pacific Ocean and to the Gulf service actually decreased by 664. And fulfilled, of Mexico and the railroads have cars the history is much of earning a fair return. We hope MUCH zation, and the Rev. Dell A. with freight to the morale of our men more CREATES COM- made this possible. So it has been the same in the first penoa namea get Herrick, president of the Spiri with railroad number in service increased nearly what is was before the war; MENTWILL BE INVES everywhere: transpor above the we tualist State association. tation the country can develop ana in the second period 230,000; hope to avoid any strike troubles TIGATED FOR "FAKISM" Many 480,000; so if volume we PHONE 166 other adherents to that faith prosper, and, without it no progress, tha third nnlv 114.000: and in the that the keeps up v 13,-k- oi think we can do much better than this BY SCIENTISTS. also were no people, no development Even last the number actually declined present. there are vast stretches of coun Tha fioiireo. show that while the (Continued on Page 7) When 5 o'clock came the try in western Kansas,' in Oklahoma, tractive power of locomotives and the of Texas Mrs. de- and in the Panhandle (all capacity of cars have increased, the LOS ANGELES, March 24. hours McVicker had to Kansas and the total car clared the time best fitted for country tributary City) total tractive power Definite announcement was which are clamoring for railroads; capacity show the same decreasing GALLUP TRANSFER expected Satuday as to the suc- the test--t h e photographer and if they had them they could raise tendency as to the equipment itself. t communities, and trend Tt ) a nnrtinent fact that with the A. J. McMahon, of the-attemp- placed back of the casket con crops, support Prop. cess or failure to enrich the nation but these ending in to taining the associate pastor's end of the five year period Friday photograph the spirit stretches today are devoted to cattle 1907, the period of restrictive, comroi Mc-Vick- body a screen of velour. locomotives of Mrs. Mary Fairfield green raising. began. The numbers of "The World Move., .So Do WeV associate pastor of With that as a background he Then again, by means oi tne ran and cars are representative of the Central church. exposed three plates. road the West is able to raise the other facilities such as I have named Spiritualist necessaties of life and sell them to Wa. and we are short today every QUICK SERVICE Preliminary statements of After the services had been the less productive eastern states; and thing that goes to make up a railroad. concluded and taken the latter have been thus forced into You will understand, of course, that her were that the body as to a to be reduced the manufacturing business, and, this shortage has not come from any one --:- two of the plates used by the crematory is produc- of the 42 to ashes to be quantity production cheap concerted action on the part photograpehr showed "evi- scatered among tion, the East is able to supply itself railroads, but from the workings of dence of a spirit form" and C. the roses at the temple, the and you cheaper than you can supply H. Monroe, a commercial plates were developed by the yourself with manufactured eooas m the cross Haul Ktot a waste photographer employed for photographer presence I recently heard one agricultural of Mrs. on the test, was quoted as stating McVickers speaker deprecate the woeful waste that "three distinct impres- ists. One plate was spoiled in due to this "cross haul", as he expres- sions' had been obtained. this process. The other two, it sed it. but the real facts are that you, with fertile soil and your vast Prints from the was asserted, disclosed "evi- your plates, plan- dence of a Dlalns and your farm machinery ned to be made Saturday, spirit form." adapted thereto, can produce cheaper would prove, spiritualists said, Mrs. Vlasek stated she had than the East, with its rocxy musiaes WE HAVE THE and with MOST and small narrow valleys; it, whether Mrs. McVicker was seen Mrs. McVickers spirit its excessive population, its command able to return to earthly life, hovering over her friend sev of canita!. and its more extended mar as . she had stated she would eral times during the services. ket, can manufacture cheaper inan you can. The railroads mane possioie the interchange or the products ot the two sections, and the. aparent LlMIE GOODS. waste of the "cross haul" is really not a waste at all, but a great saving NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS for both, In France this past summer I was struck with the age of everything in If you receive a copy of The Gallup Herald, it is an invitation to the country. I took lunch one day subscribe. If you are receiving The Gallup Herald and have not in a small village about a hundred subscribed, some relative or friend is sending it to your address. miles south of Paris. The house was WE MAKE RIGHT PRICES If you are a regular subscriber and wish to renew your subscrip- built in seventeen something, and tion, or if you wish to become a new subscriber, please use the every house in the village seemer just blank below. $2 for one year, $1 for six months. The date op- old and all the villages as old as posite your name and address shows the date to which your this one. In that house I met subscription has been paid. French lady, eighty-on- e years of age, and it occurred to me that this old lady was older than our entire coun Do realize NOTICE GALLUP try west of . you THE HERALD, Gallup, New Mexico. that gold was discovered in California Enclosed find less than seventy-fiv- e years ago, and $ for which please credit that the wonderful develpoment stretching from the Great Lakes to Our Shoe THE PACKARD and subscription to The Gallup Herald, for the following the Pacific Coast has come in that Repairing Department is to name and address: time, with its cities, its wealth, and always ready do BUSTER BROWN SHOES its population? And then do you QUICK SHOE REPAIRING realize that it is due to the railroads are the only Shoes built by Hon- Name (write plainly) T that all of this has been possible SERVICE est and Master Shoe Makers And What I wish to make plain is that We are with New and the railroads are a vital of this equipped Sold at Right Prices 0. Box R. part Up-to-D- P. .or Route ate Shoe and country. They are the circulatory Machinery, system, if you please; and, as the have in stock at all times, new - NO PROFITEERING Post Office ... State circulatory system in a man's body material and supplies For your eoavenlenee you may fill eat the following check) must be kept healthy so must the rail- For Comfort and Service roads of the country be kept healthy. The proprietor and manager, Style, They are not healthy today, and the MR. JOSEPH N. K. ARTESI, is a They are Shoes for the Entire out on this ' (cut line) question that confronts the country man who was born and raised be- Family " is: what is the matter with them 7 tween leather and Shoes, and is t shall answer the too If have never tried These THE query by saying: well known in this community as you ... many doctors and too much medicine, Celebrated will a (name of your bank) They began doctoring them a good a competent and experienced Brands, It be many years ago, and since then more man in the shoe game, and claims pleasure to sell you, as we know and more have taken a hand 192 people to be the only Genuine Shoe- will return when an- (Date) . . , you needing in it. maker in Various Steps in Regulation Gallup. other pair to the order of THE GALLUP HERALD, First came the United States Gov Bring your shoe repairing to us Pay JL. ... ernment with the establishment of the and try our work. If not satis- WE WILL FIT YOUR FEET Interstate Commerce Commission but will be L . DOLLARS with limited powers. Then came the factory your money state commissions, and gradually the cheerfully refunded.. AND SAVE YOU MONEY' 1. medicine applied became stronger and HONEST PRICES (Sign here) . ... stronger. The powers of the Inter- state Commerce Commission were PARIS' SHOE STORE AND broadened and, as this progressed, SHOP Paris Shoe Store and Shop (cut out on tha line) more and more state commissions were authorized, each body trying to Shoe Repairing Department Sales Department outdo what had already been attempt- ed and administering new prescrip- WHEN SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPIRE tions. It is a strange fact that the longer this process was tried the THE POST OFFICE RULING weaker and weaker the patient be came, until finally when the war came on us the railroads were unable to Tht rlfht of pobliahcn to extend In food faith credit en subscriptions (i re- function properly. cognised end will not b abridged, and although all subscriptions are regarded aa PAIUS SHOE STORE AND'SKO? expiring with the period for which they were obtained, nevertheless, in order to Instead of changing the medicine ,v PP"ttnlty to teeure renewals, copies of their publication! will be the idea that government control was for Mcond-cUt- accepted mailing at to aaliecrlbera at the tunal H rata of postage the out ground, re JOSEPH N. K. for a period of one year from the date of expiration, bat espies tent to persons only way gained ARTESI, Prcprktcr after one year Iran the data of the of their subst in the seizure of the roads oy expiration riptons, unless soeh sulting - subscriptions be expressly renewed for definite time, together wttk aa eeteal the government You know the his- Corner Coal Ave., and Third St Gallup'a EzcIumv Footwear Store payment or subscription or boa fide premise of payment, will net be at tha pound rats bat will be aeasoted at tha tranalee hmAIiih tory of the case from that time on. or. de- one sent xor aaea tour ounces, er Irasnoa thereof, prepaid by Government control raised costs, creased ths efficiency, and ; nearly ruined tht reads. But it had ou food ......

For Those Who Worship At Gallup Churches MONEY WILL GO FOR NEW LINES, SECOND TRACKS, ADDITIONAL BAPTIST CHURCH YARDS, . 'STATIONS, CARS, ETC. REV. V. a CLARK, Paster CHICAGoTTpril 1. Re METHODIST CHURCH' turns from one-thi- rd of the John Witt Pastor Hendrht, milage in the United States in How would it sound to you to be dicate that the railways will CM addressed upon this m soothing subject, more than m&m "Rest spend $700,000,000 For the Weary." Well, it is for improvements and add just upon such a subject as this the tions pastor shal treat next Sunday at the during 1923, according , For the Golden Wedding morning hour. So transnort vnar to the Railway Age in its an ;.,,vi--.;- iaooo ' tired bones over to this of - nual condi- SWS place wr- on railroad Or the Silver if START in time report ' you nip. ine pinor is a very lympatn-eti- c tions. sort of .mortal, and you will find What to start? SAVING. Twenty-seve- n comfort and peace and rest You may railways oper Will Where to start? HERE. muse upon still waters, you may ating an aggregate of 95,000 dream of silent hills, and meditate miles, or approximately one-- When to start? NOW. upon mystic prairies. third of the total milage of the there be At the evening hour a treat has enough - will Why to start? FOR V been provided for is country spend something you. There in more than for im a our midst a man who has traveled $350,000,000 ARCOLAS to Happy and Independent old age a widely, has made long speaking jour- provements to roadway and go Golden Sunset neys, and enjoyed some very flater-rin- g structures, and for new equip recognitions amonsr his fellows. ment round this He is here giving some lectures. The says the report. year? man of whom this is to setforth is, This money will go for new Slate Bank Dr. McCullen Reed who will sneak to lines, for second tracks, new weren't enough in 1921 uo - Gallup upon inia meme, and THERE rs "ajiqw terminals,- home-owne- 'Heach Your Dollars To Have More Cents" or inyseil," yards freight were dis "Way borne tail and Some Suc and passenger stations, shops ceed in Life." For years be has been appointed. y, with the Ellison-Whit- e Chautuaaua. and shop equipment, signaling, It'wil be worth your while to look into cars and locomotives, and other This year, with our factories already this matter further. . facilities make that up railroad over-taxe- d by orders for larger Ideal Boilers, Palmer Ketner Post Number of Employed Last Sunday was Easter. Measured equipment. from every direction it was most sat we can make only the same number of '. as this amount American of And Wages Paid Show The "Large seems, Legion isfactory. Knjght Templars ii inciuaes tnose ARCOLAS as in 1921. Yet three times as many I N. M. Gains came in body and with them came a only expen ' Gallup, Big Over 1922 host of Masons of other degrees. ditures wnich have been de homes are being built. Every seat set aside for them was finitely approved. Many other So we to see Heat- Recentlv a drive was started D. C. The taken. The choir did themselves proud will be urge you earnestly your WASHINGTON, and won for themselves words projects undertaken to raise a permanent Graves United States of many the their ing Contractor this week, and find out what Am- Department of encouragement and good cheer. The during year, and total Endowment Fund by, the a of 43 will add much ,to it will cost to have ARCOLA installed, to Labor, making survey Cantata in the evening was of high the amount." you erican Legion, such fund be basic industries order. In the first place the choir Locomotives ordered with a American Radiator in each in manufacturing during genuine used decorating the graves show that during the month of directress made a splendid selection, 1922 for service in the United ' of our soldier buried Over- and then the choir was diligent in room. boys February these industries in The States totals 2,600, accordin seas. 30 is Memorial practicing. audience was greatly The cost is low; and in three average May creased the number of employ pleased. to the Railway Age's statistics. surprisingly and the chances are that winters ARCOLA back a large share of the cost Day, es 2.3 per cent over January Further attendance cannot be ex- inis is more than ten times the pays before this Memorial in the fuel it saves. coming and increased the total amount cused upon the grounds that the peo- figure reported in 19 2 1. pay the $100,000 will be in the paid in 5.1 cent over ple do not know the way to the church, Freight cars ordered wages per for all know it from the least to the durine hands of the treasurer of this o: 1922 were ' It is indicative - 180.154. the larireat January. greatest of them. )' .fund. in total in v improved conditions asrricul any year since 1912. It is to be noted with pride tural sections that the CHURCH OF THE HOLY Equipment Ordered Arcoia Outfit agricul In the week ended March Heating that Palmer Ketner Jr. Post, tural implement industry lead SPIRIT in. in.t Installed to use with radiator ' locomotives, 10,306 cars and ready American of an m o: freight Legion, Gallup, the increase in number 15 passenger train cars were ordered in each room New Mexico, sent in one of the April 8, Greek Easter employes and ranked second 8:00 A. M. Communion. by the railroads, according tn th Under Holy PIm first contributions, and that next to the automobile indus 9:45 A. M. School. Railway Age. tfonnal Church The Atlantic their' contribution in far the try, in increase in wages paid 11:00 A. M. Choral celebration of Coast Line ordered 50 Conditions 180to550 Fraight sum The Communion and Sermon. locomotives; the Chicago, Indianapolis largest yet received by the The increase in number of em- Holy & S FOR SMALL HOMES AND STORES Processional "The Strife is Louisville ordered switching loco- treasurer. Palmer Ketner Jr. ployes in the agricultural im- Hymn 121, motives: the Southern Pacific ordered sent O'er, the Battles Won." 34 Post $50. No other Eleison-Talh- heavy freight 6 Pacific and single plement industry was a little Kyrie s. engines, .contribution so received over Gloria Tibi. lv mountain type locomotives. far by 12 per cent and the in The COMPANY the treasurer was Laus Tibi. Cruickshank. New York Central ordered 100 AMERICAN ftADIATOR for over $25. crease in wagejs was t Hart convertible cars. 2.000 paid 116, Roll the Stone ballast Ideal Boilers and America Radiators for every heating need little over 15 cent. Hymn "Angeles steel box cars 70 tons and POST OFFICE per Roper. of capacity NEEDS Away." 2,000 of 60 tons the South- Comparing 13 identical bas Sermon: "He Is Risen." capacity; & lake Streets Denver, Colo. ern Railway ordered 2,865 hopper cars 24th WASHINGTON, D. C The. Post-offi- ce Offertory Anthems: . ic industries for February, 3,070 box cars and 200 stock cars; departmen is now advertising (a) "Christos Anestai." In Greek the for bids for 1923, with February, 1922, the Southern Railway also ordered 5 supplies for its fiscal year by a Greek Quartet. the" Labor finds that Messiah" dining cars, and New York Cen- beginning the first of next July. Some department (b) Soprano, from "The 10 idea of the all Miss tral ordered milk cars. magnitude of the work the industries compared (Handel,) Dorothy Myers. These of the.Postoffice Know Rtdeemer Liveth." orders bring the total equip For compensation for chap- department may be show increased payrolls in Feb "I that My ment ordered the railroads 6TH LEGISLATURE obtained from the (c) Choir: "For Since By Man by this lain, clerks, sergeant at arms, quanity of supplies a The iron to date to 1,200 it is asking bids The ruary year ago. Came death, man came also the year up locomotives, and door keep-pe- rs upon. following and steel by 32,180 cars and 648 passenger stenographers some showed freight $7,-380.- 00; are of its requirements:. industry Resurrection from the dead." train cars. COST LESS the house may spend 2,330,000 of m its of a little At Presentation of the Alms, $5,000 pounds paper, 4,000,000 gain payroll Average Wages it used all but $92.50 index cards, 3,685,000 sheets of car- over 84 Hlmn 118. "At the Lamb's High per cent, the automo A report issued the Bur- L bon -' We just by of its constitutional maximum. paper, 667,200 quarts of ink, 37,- bile industry of 79 per cent: Feast Sing." Elvey. eau of Statistics of the Interstate 700 gross of pens, 1,800,000 lead pen- "Swisum Cord4" and "Santus REPUBLICAN SENATE SAV The senate did somewhat bet- car ' Commerce Commission shows that the cils, 30,000 200,-00-0 building and repairing 47 Merbecke. typewriter ribbons, total wage bill of Class I railroads, ED MORE DEMO- ter and used $5,658.00 of it3 rubber cent ; woolen "Benediotus"-Cruickshan- k. THAN stamps, 34,000 quarts of per textilea.24 per 15 and terminal limit of thus effect- Dei"-Gouno- including switching $6,060.00, 16,000 d. mucilage, pounds of rubber cent, cotton finishing "Angus in 1922 was $2,669,180,772. CRATIC TAX- - bands, 130,000 boxes of wire industry In of the Gloria in Excelsis companies, HOUSE ing a saving of $402.00. For clips, 12 place The number of men employed JgOO pounds of si per cent, leather industry verses and 3 of 368. average extra labor the sealing wax, 700,000 Hymn during the was 1,645,237, who ASSOCIATION SHOWS imposed upon Tidies of twine. Dimitti8"-Tonu- s year percent. "Nunc Kegius. received of employes of the Capitol build- Recessional 112 Heus an average monthly wage Hymn -- 135.19, or an for the 4 an extra of n. average wage SANTA FE, ing appropriation Christ is Risen today"-Worga- April year of $1,622.28. $750.00 was made allowing Christ our Passover is sacrificed for The number in Dec- Published accounts of the ex- therefore let us the for of employes each such us, keep Feast, ember decreased by 31,873 compared penditures of the Sixth Legis- employe $1.00 per He is the very pasahal lamb that was There was an in- in addition to his with November. lature credited io the day ' regular offered to us who by His death nam Taxpay ;' - crease of 67 in the number of officials ers show Wages. ; ;'... ,' destroyed death and by His rising and assistants and a decrease of Association, approxi- Life-Co- staff Provision was made for ex- hath restored to us everlasting in the and clerical mately $5,000 less expense for to Feast of Love and feed 2,049 professional the forces. There was a decrease of 46,-47- 3 the session as compared with tra compensation for the chief on Him in your hearts by Faith with ' in the number of maintenance of the cost of the Fifth Legisla- clerk and a stenographer for Thanksgviing. way and structure employes and an ture.. 10 days at $6.00 per day for , Affectionately yours, increase of 12,644 in the maintenance done . A. J. G. DOWIE. work necessary to be 1 ii of equipment and stores employes, The cost for the ses- last four h,tffitiA There was a decrease of 1,783 in the after the adjournment of the I sions of the are re- CHURCH IN CHRIST transportation service other than Legislature legislature for each house. The (Congregational) train, engine and yards employes and spectively, Sixth session $46,-685.4- 9; chief clerk and a stenographer i LEWIS A. STARK. Minister an increase of 444 in the number of Fifth session, $51,828.-92- ; senate 10 CHURCH" tenders and for the spent days "THE COMMUNITY yeardmasters, switch Fourth Session, $49,619.-88- ; and in those in train and were paid $120.00. For hostlers, 5,277 Third Session, $48,998.55. , ""Hi 9:45 Junior Church Worship with and engine service. the house, the chief clerk and The in December was several interesting features. average wage The expenditures of the Sixth State two stenographers spent three with $131.44 in 10:00 Church School with classes $138.4f? 'compared Legislature are classified as follows: and were $54.00. November. , days paid all and needs a modern, .; for ages ,.. o house members The effected progressive efficient school training Salaries, large saving character. Salaries, senate members 7,800.00 was in printing of the bills. In for Christian City Employees house members with a ser Mileage, 2,433.40 the house a 11:00 Morning Worship Mileage, senate members 1,050.60 greater proportion Rev. Dr. Geo. W. Hinman of Protected From bills Buick mon by house 7,287.60 of introduced were never Authorized Service Cal. Salaries, employes , Grafting Gamblers Salaries, senate employes 6,658.00 sent to the printer at all. For 7:30 "Worth While" Service with fiXtra pay capitol em- the bills a rate of $1.50 A Valuable "Part" of Buick There will be printed ( Every an "Everybody Sing." , March 29 ployes, salaries chief a was as motion and Miss page paid compared snlendid picture married men clerks and stenograph- with a two Eusrema Lowe will give several mis employed by ers after adjournment $1.85 page years Equally important with the universally admired per. cellaneous readings. There will be the city government were of session 174.00 ago. The senate at the 1923 formancs ability of Buick cars is Buick Authorized fine special music at both services. thrown into consternation to Stationery and supplies 1,038.37 session did not translate any ; Service. day with the announcement by Legislative, directory (375 laws and required no ;..,,,,. . interpre- DR. GEO W. HINMAN Commissioner that copies) ... - 411.10 In house Murphy State budget (259 copies) S24.25 ters. the $648.00 was The insurance that the nation-wid- e Buick Authorized hereafter their pay checks Printing governor's ad- expended for interpreters and Dr. Geo. W. Hinman of San Fran to home 128.00 Service system provides for every Buick owner would be mailed their dress - $735.00 for translators, mak- Cisco, Cal., will be the special speaker of hand Printing senate and house a al address instead being ing total of $1,383.00 as increases the confidence that comes through testing at the Mornig service at tne umgre-gation- bills ... 3,926.20 Church next morn- ed to them in person. Long compared with $1,873.25 for Buick dependability in every kind of motoring. Sunday Printing senate and house ing at 11:00 o'clock. At the "Worth arguments and objections record books .. ... 164.75 the previous session. By the While" Service at 7:30 P. M., Miss counted for ...... 209.90 Fifth Buick Authorized Service the same will several naught. Postage legislature, $2,495.30 of uniformly high Edna Eugenia Lowe give from Rent and repair of type- -' was for miRrollaiieous there will be "Every city employe . expended printing standard, no matter where it is found, has resulted in readings: is writers 142.95 and lots of the mayor down going to get 53.78 bills in ; the Sixth leg- ' a fine motion picture film; Telephone and telegraph ., Spanish conviction on the of automobile one-thi- part owners that stood music. The general public is his check at home," Commis Drayage and express ...... 14.60 islature expended about rd ': Buick Authorized Service is in itself a valued part of ' cordially invited. sioner said. Miscellaneous ...... 118.19 of that amount. ... . O Murphy "Every the Buicks ' member of the commission 11 they purchase. v As with Total, ...... 49 compared previous American Grill council is in the same fix as the legislatures, the Sixth session Now Under New street laborer on this move. The twenty-fou- r members of may be considered to have forty-nin- e The money belongs in the home the senate and mem been economical in its expen- . Management and I am going to do my best bers of the house are allowed ditures. Possibilities for fur- to if as Reddov Duicli Co. Messrs. G. A. Radka and E. W. put it there, and then some $5.00 per day compensation, ther economy lie in the short- - the cannot and lieutenant-govern- or Gregg have purchased the American of wives keep it the is tening of the session, reducing Grill on Coal Avenue and will remodel there, that is their fault. ( allowed $10.00 per day. It will the number of employes and GALLIP, NEV MEXICO the place for service to the public, be seen, therefore, that the full the introduction dur-b-ir restricts? of for business sometime Rex 60-d- opening .," Ingram'! amount for the ay session this weak. These gentlemen are great and fadnattag drama of the bip. If tha e00 actsccrdisr-- res-tara- at of from Eaton and are, experienced screen,- - At the Rex next and the legislature was expe&U ex lea tata one-fou- rti hvm Thea oban are hzZt, Eufck wQ tie-- Tuesday tct ball keepers and bakers. . wtonegaay. Adv. ed. fcecoxselsw. "1 r

V-ll- . W . Ac:3CL'.2a. Cart BuiUng. No. 810 retris Ciihrry Lcry &ttrfry Korates. At. "menace filae and iadbcrixaiaxta tttxcia u?ca - --t2- spcie cf the cf r,i. On. Tw fa Advance , ' oy a w t- - Otfto 0"hW. putlic clliclils, ensisra iw .. IXIm MU lUtWf Ui tt.Pt budaess men of the curtry. in pan secretary K ... . VMS 1 .. with nroner stage I - t v. aao.iAn that, the setting...... CoTcm. m. v. and Chicago, ju. comtoar before you with statements concerning 133 uuwu r. propagandists tome the - .r,1rr some question which must be decided at some by leg- islative or administrative or juqicui umu x "v" ' and Assistant Ediw not amiliar with and not personally A. H. CASTES, Business Manager but which subject you are f ; Editor and Assistant aunagor. offered tonight m CC2GS A. BYUS. . interested in, could, if the opportunity Mechanical Department i..-- ...... :.n-- r Ana nf- thA hranches of this srovern- - CLITFOSD M. CASTES, Suirintendent UCUUUVWWt ment and of the officials of such one or more branches hurl Z -- derelic-- t: r a rnrrvXT UTAUWAV against such officials baseless and violent charges of V Aoaikiv onAimKnt to worse, and with the asswt- - NAVAJO ;JRJSSJ!iK Al " L1UII UX UUtJ I yvonwij me uu is NOT DEAD. ance of one or two memDers oi uuiencc, The Reservation highway the : j .! $ tk Athar siHa nt rn nileKLIon. wiLnout iuviuiuvu navyu m of the Intenor the branch of the government un- r During xar. r an a w .ffc to the official representing der consideration that his side might be heard, secure the adop tne oi Fall's office, showing, as best we could, gn tion, most likely the unanimous aaopuou wiui j yourselves, criticising such official or such proposed legislative those to be worri-me-nt none of his influence with the Depannent action and possibly attacking personally supposed THERE is no hat .Uhas lost Mr. Works ihia fnr nrh auDnosed dereliction of duty. Indian Departmenboth . . . . . to the SUtaon f twinterior. or the .. i. v - "Very recently I had called to my attention me u "'- 4ie is as sure of Mr. Burlce arc .... i- - . .!.. flmf wearer J Harding within tne oi new vxora ww AnrilllU.: cixy w " - he i i v. j.r.ti n hA full Hiacnsnon and consia- the style of his hat as eration of both sides of great public questions, has, through its is of its quality. can in ffovern- - T New Mexico.' He neip tn i i i. tn Honrtmpnt of this ' .; , New Mexico. He, too, Senator A. A. Jonea is of and for ment, resolutions condemning certain proposed legislafaonsup-pose- d Young men in the style ., it is the duty of CM1 to be pproved by the department, (as of the world recog-- is interested. He, too. can f to or to such pend- centres of the department either approve disapprove in and indorsing by a unanimous vote of all the nise Stetson leadership Con ing measures) is interested, so also was the late members and invited guests present iu w uumw. v v style as well as quality. SESenator Bursum bill uoon the same snnthor- nndinrA" . subject gressman Montoya. . fv,anHkUVUOHUUf w.prTnM1 are all infln "No discussion was had from tne stanopouw oi any o A couple of minutes in over which- -- was denounced. --u put i u v cu 4.1,. n.nnn iiriaiationvo - Willi MLryi u uoon in our store wich the new WS;S wan ...u uuo... nniAil. fnw fiumu- thfl matter - the other nor uuu a sen-- models will tell what there are not enough but, under the hysteria of the movement, through you main trouble, it would appear, side, ' The timent and vocuerous cnarges bssuuw we mean. of our local interested. appeal people Manlntinna . w adoiitea...... iu. xt..... Pnaorvufinn- would mean an AWVAMMWMW m and all times t j,vttai Aiamii and mailed letters, to many of AJWVWZ"::- committee oi this which uu the executive organizationa . . . "a i . . a Sa a a a 0 A Because oi us memueramp UUu.uooJ so mat an wu had my respect both LEBECEC & WYLIE inuuo not have to wait its announced men whose names are household words when the market is best, and objects. a.t a am n 1 rtiai tSprffite in the United States, prominent iiubuuo, nubliciawyer,snirit. and. without ex- - forroadstoaryup.asineyuwuuw.nnronom oucn a nnf.i oiiarifv and THE MEN'S SHOP n are interested, niio. tn thA pffprt. that neither of those was at the meeting referred to; that neither 210 Coal Avenue wum - addressed present tourist coming over tne nignwy heard ot tne matter unui reueii u i-- had anything uij ou me. DaAmffMI of the bill denounced money 5owiw. would that neither had read any portion either The thousands of San Juan Basm products ' many Indian to or that approved. , be added to the many thousands of Navajo products v... i.. frmiriv mnVina these admissions, stated that m Aorrt?T of the K. K. K.. with their and none .r.r drnvTmr'A nmr There is argument in favor of the highway he had not known that this organization ever took such action a church at Pittsburgh, Pa., on Easter every ed faces hooded, entered against it. without full discussion oi ooin smes oi auy jufumuvu ij-sent- and the women and children of the church cngregation The Navajos need until after full consideration of the subject by the Sunday demands better highways. and were so oauiy ingnteneu um. nic jv uuuuvh iv- - i.:v.nTiitf mnra than other claim. members of the white-robe- to remove their hoods. It was ntiv organization. itself cannot d mob either retire, or u.Mvmdn oVifinlH h annealed to in tms "In this state of the public mind the public a Methodist church. It has been said that the Klan never deal with the Depart-ment- s. be informed as to the acts of a public man thus denounced and Catholics. And this is but another matter. His word would mean a great such bothers any others than UIMivta oonnnt rvatalHze into iudsrment upon" no nor Mr. Hagerman will see the necesisty of this highway, MIC pUWUV v.vv instance of the K. K. K. mob tactics recognize law any and on the man unless information is conveyed to it thereafter. History more: 100 cent of the K.K.K. and with the proper solicitation part onen never religion. And, Practically per man wis v- -.. has shown that such informattion is acquireu w, are either socialists or democrats, rne Kepun-lica- n of our people with uommissioner nag ei this attack has not only gone out membership in VivV if so, after the object of public is the American party. placed before tne uepamnems service has from life." party mL!. oriii nnf liinrlpr nv railroad project of the public but departed : Sheriff Zamora of Bernallillo coun- For direct benefits to the Navajos the highway would be far ECONOMY GAMBLING Felipe 4Via rYrnofor GOVERNMENT AND ty is going after the gamblers. Gamblers are hiding behind anti-gambli- ng i. must not enter into the consideration of this very technicality in the law, e., money be Politics does but seen as between the or like that. and All governments are experiments. passing players, something interesting important project. All forms of governments have been changed from time to All of which is bunk. Anything to beat the law and give the officers a chance to hide behind technicalities, that is, if officers TOO MUCH; "SYSTEM" The government of the United States nas cnangea wren are looking for a place to hide, and a great many are looking each and every President. The basic principles of our govern- for just that thing. Sheriff Zamora intends trying the law out ANt) NOT ENOUGH "EDUCATION" ment has flever changed the administrative machinery on such technicalities. , changes with each President. , . of each President new government- "JAZZMANIA:" A vounar ladv of New York ha won -- v.a frt fit. th ntudent. not the With the inauguration mti "Non-sto- tl. uu , p of Schools Frank Bai-- al machinery sets in motion new policies. : ; the world's championship as the greatest dancer." student the school," says Superintendent Such has been known as "Washington's administration, The disease has been pronounced "Jazzmania." She danced lou, of Washington. . or "Jackson's administration," or 'Cleveland's administration' 27 hours without a stop. Her competitor held the boards fOf were more educators who made this a slo 25 Would there or "Roosevelt's administration," or "Wilson's administration, hours. It is a safe bet- that neither- - nfw m. thuaavuwfts "Tamoniia"V and less who were so concerned with administrative dut can sew on a button, boil water or bake a waffle: gan, or "Harding's administration." ; t iaa anI a "trnnti HVRtpm." We are now under "Harding s administration. is - " : For one of the crying needs of our educational system Harding's administration has attempted "back to normal- THE K. K. K. With the Ku Klux organizing at Walla a. fnn thnrnuirVi a standardization. Walla. Wash.: With Kara ..ii.4 (mm ' several hundred charter mam ) .f ii.i l. ..." ' . . -- J. L It-- - Certain things are fundamental in any education; This "back to ..... may or may not cost tne Pittsburgh, Pa with a long list on the initiation it these are normalcy" policy program, writing, mathematics, history, geography; among Republican party success in the next presidential election. woum appear mat ew mexico ana Arizona were not one min- the essentials. But wnen scnooi cnuaren nve uu Opposed to the Harding administration, or "back to nor- ute too slow in passing anti-K.K.- laws. ' . sensible8'" to 6 ,' in the fundamentals of an education, it is no more malcy," is the Democratic party. "''..:''. same - direct all of them in the same way, and to take the Tha nemnprnHi- nartv of todav is the oartv of f'Get what "BACK TO NORMALCY" : President Harding will in- courses, than it would be sensible to try to educate all men to you want let future generations pay the bill," crease in popularity as his next two years rolls by, and as the or The oi is tne party oi neuuue ex- American people come to understand him better they will also be doctors or bricklayers storekeepers. Republican party toaay come to The old idea of education was J'time enough to begin to penses of governmental administration, or put the government appreciate his "back to normalcy" more And mnra hiflfh go ; i ; . ,uan nt.;m(irv sftinnl. hiirher Grades, school, and on a pay-as-you-- policy." ' To-d- ay more and more taxation will high- college had done their best.' it is being With the Democratic party's policy go Prospective Deficit Via ia mnrVi wAnte of time in an educa-- rcuKiucuj iut-iuov u;v fni-- " er and higher. Year tional which insists upon all pupils who go through the With the Republican party's policy taxation will be based $822,000,000 Ago system courses. - high schools having a choice of but a few different on "get something for the money we spend in taxes. Reduced $92,000,000 One of the appalling results of such a program, orginally con- President Harding vetoed the "Soldier Bonus Bill" ceived with the idea of saving money and producing a stand- the bill did not Drovide for raisin the money with which WASHINGTON, D. C The ardized course," is found in the fact that too many boys and to meet the payments of the bonus. deficit for the current year was JNew estimated 000 girls leave high school without graduating, simply because they Senator A. A. Jones oi Mexico criticised tne presi- at $822, 000, are not interested, and find themselves unable to waste time dent for vetoing the bill. Senator Jones is a Democrat. He is when the year, began. Since in full nritli tVio Mofinnal Tlomnnrutio nnrtv SIotiii. time the following courses which they feel are without benefit to them. ivmnithv that estimated expen Dr. Ballou further states: tor Jones said that the President should have approved the ditures have been reduced by vr the of "Seldom does one realize that children do not leave school UUl OciiatUJT uuiics cutiU til at tiic wiiitcu iatuo gvvwuiucun ao practice rigid economy GoQiListQn iw-u- execu- economic but because they are unable to get that uig ciivu it caiiiA aunaau.a cuvugu kv iuvvv w wvn upon the part of all the for purposes, tor Jones' stand is the stand of the Democratic of tive of the teaching and instruction toward which they lean. To prevent party today agencies govern- totidsMothcrf should the children in various clases, such as "Get what you want let future generations pay the bill." ment, This reduction amount this we group is ed to over who wish to colleges and universities and President Harding's stand the policy of the Republican $300,000,00 by Jan Yea, he's the bright one of die those go through of as and it is still those who will go to work after Ifinishing either the graded or party today, "Pay you go." uary 15th, pro- home. He entertains the whole ' " x 7 nus we una tne tne two gressing. On the other hand, with radio i schools." : .' " policies oi great political parties family music, news high in clearlv defined. The neonle will vote their choice in the next the estimated receipts increas lecture different Constructive and alert school authorities many places every day. I diversified work, manual training presidential election the people will say in the next presiden ed largely because of the new We helrad him r.U him have seen this long ago; about the sets wide choice of courses, special clases, a more elastic tial election whether they want to continue "back to normalcy," tariff which went into effect bearing the most schools, or whether want to "Get what you want let future gene 22nd. The result famous: name in the radio graduation requirement, and the establishment of junior high they September , worldand we can are all answers to the same problem. rations pay the bill." is a reduction of the estimated help you schools was deficit from to tool But there are many localities in the country where the All governments that have tailed and gone to pieces $822,000,000 still holds where children are fitted into the because of taxation. High taxes have been the cause of the $92,000,000. With five months old idea sway, overthrow of all to and with the deficit hav school whether they must be stretched or compressed, and governments. ," go, of the school as an organziation is considered Too much "overhead expenses" have been the cause of ing been cut over $700,000,000 C. N. COTTON where the good an a seven before the ultimate good of the student. business xaiiures. uur government is business institution. in the months elapsed, be noted in that the newer ideas takes When any people are overburdened with taxes they will there is every reason for the COMPANY It may passing rebel. , , : ... Administration to hold first where parents are alertly interested in their schools, believe that old idea on where the taxpayer Rebellions have overthrown all governments. by June 30, there will be no RADIO DEPARTMENT and that the hangs longest and the takes the attitude, "I have paid my share, let the school board deficit, government ' SPEEDMANIACS: is for an- wil. begin the new fiscal handle it!" . , Speedmanism responsible year other death in Albuquerque, this time it was a little innocent July 1st with a surplus in the DUPES: Fellows (men or women) who habitually play 4 year old boy. Murder in the first degree should be the ver- Treasury. , - dict of such hellians. Ninety-nin- e of 100 of with just to gamble, win or lose, and sit up late every speedmanics Dr. U- cards gamblers are not where when are over 15 miles Hone, a orominant olureician of at nights, night after night, should do one or only two things: going any they going per Albuquerque, wu ia town Tfcortday or hour. Heavy fines, long terms in prison, and in many cases, on into the Either join the tin horns and become professionals, placard " (oiaf up Farmicfton "., :j the . , ou themselves as just plain brainless dupes. , murder in the first degree is only remedy. , , ;. QonMry warn n ui mum. w

7e CoW C i-- Cr e3 3 ' L i 14 r a M?riss) J .ii.Jwjl.Jli-- J (Gallup Esrsld i!r. and t!n. XT. E. Canal amopne- - gptdal). in L et icsns Car- si Satou&y's cf Ct Homer Powers, county agricultural bon City News that trv i 1 three educational mo r. agent their V. LJ-je- brought newspapers to W. tion out and WAS The picture films Wednesiay BANK EXAH:i.'l Gallup Independent of April 3, showe dthem to some hundred peo- announced W. V. Bahmer had. gov. Mcdonald that ple. Two were ticks and flies and the "if under taken over the Gallup Independent other was a film by J. R. Willis taken -j- comflies with hero-aft- er and Carbon News, and that Inter-Trib- - - NEWobLAW ' City during the al Ceremonial the two papers would be issued Celebration last fall. YOUH - vu ....ere as Tne and Car- EYES Gallup Independent ' There was a big week-en- fl celebra- M ItH VS SANTA FE, April 4. Gov. bon City News, and that the political tion here March 30th and 31th. ' inde- like tosUi, Hinkle policy ol the publication will be After many months of hard and Your, eyes, your Wednesday appointed pendent-democratic. should be once tedious examined at least R. H. Carter of Raton insur- practicing, one of the best cause are so sensitive to was in Ramah wasll they ; MARTIN-WELL- plays produced z- ance man and former state S , 'various strains. Fcrm given Friday night on the pew stage bank examiner under Gov. Mc- recently built in the dance hall. Your doctor will tell you that Iljjlil . are the most delicate or- need to bother with old Donald, state comptroller' un- The following characters played they NO oO lantern, when roa caa Rev. Lewis A. D. D., gans of the body and at . the aaww Stark, officiated their roles very splendidly in "Hazel w man oruuani jurm der a law passed by the last tne or same time the moat abused. known. Safari and moat worm tent si marriage Mr. zack Martin Kirke:" a ' Ionian trax inrantad. Malm and bona legislative session, reorganiz- and Miss Blanche Wells both of Coal Hazel Kirke Davis 1 Many people complain of l' aa from eommoa sanKae and state Baain. Tha rrwwUM "Oa kit l headaches when the real source wMI Mo akioM ing the accounting sys "w v wa,y vai savav lit VtSw Dolly Dutton ....l...... Betty Vogt U saa tem. - Congregational Manse with Mr. and ffl la Lord Travers c Calkins of tho (rouble can be placed dir- wsir Alf Edgar to vision. inrs. ueo. w . Aaama as tne witnesses. Pettaeus Green . - Verne Lee ectly defective , The takes over Mr. Martin ia Av comptroller amnlAH at tha m.. Aran Rodney Clyde Kluckhohn When this is corrected in time the duties formerly performed mond Coal Co., mine and Mr. and Mrs. Dunstan Kirke ...... Mr. Calkins no ill affects mult But many the auditor and Martin will make their home at Coal am Lady Travers . - Ethel Lewis people continue to pot off, tak- by traveling' Basin. ma care of their until the state school auditor, and will Mercy ...... Erma Bloomfield ing eyes OnirMife Clara maid) .Leona Nicola optical nerve becomes strained collect motor vehicle fees, pre- (a and weakened to such an extent Obw whlta Debt of 101 candle Louis Golino aava that Barney O'Flynn Rudy Mowrer para,- ' that is dam-- - ILL 4L.. MM viously handled by the secre at 5 cents the attracted Met ... Barton Davis the eye irreparably oU o. a.1 a pint"J MS. . many stria lantern. Brichtar mi wn Joe miler boy) "J. Nowtoka tary of state, and the gasoline uiB vanoy snop last Sunday. (the ..Sammy Hatley thiaeleeydty. bIbMuI I- Have examined M ta r. Golino an aiivrHmm, - The High School orchestra from your eyes at f f trim.No ehlmnoya excise tax now collected by the . first Our V. Wk. Won't ban oat. The Gallup Herald, saying that with CDTTDIG AFFRAY Gallup which consisted of Tony your opportunity. Can't aplU fiMt state are reasonable. . of auditor. very pint of ice cream sold at the clarinet; Walter ' Cornell charges ovar and rolled wound, Carter is a democrat and was rearulap uriu. an aMHin.i drummer; Cuie Castra, saxaphone Thooaan&la ua busi- would be at the of 5 cents. Pat Lucero, violin; Constance lart a libtiaa, 1 at one time in the banking price Many AT RICHARDS player; L PARKE SELLARD called for the "extra pint at 5 cents,1' Arrington, pianist, played during the ness at Raton. ana were The torn nr. uouno that he could performance. They accompani- REGISTERED OPTC2IETRIST SHANKLIN office of comptroller keep the "pint at price." It ed by Mrs. Allison Miller. , la regular HOME BREW STIMULATED carries a of and -ramarlrahl"--- knap .am. The the orchestra salary $4,000 Hvn hwiiiu uUrgwMiv Hill JOLLIFICATION following day Post Office BoiUlng is one of the biggest political read advertisements. EASTER attended a picnic near the "Cliff Hardware CAUSE OF , New Mexico now at the of AND WAS THE Dwelling" and in the afternoon they Gallup, plums disposal A man who AT.TA were taken out to Inscription Rock. au- nunhajiaH an SERIOUS TROUBLE At Same Stand for Past Five Furniture ..; the governor. The school RADIO for a dance at the hall says that in one week he has They played Yean ditor is placed under the comp heard from nearly every state in the nisrht the Rich in the evening. Sunday at week-en- d in troller at a of $3,600 a Union and that ha nnt nnlv ha.i-r-f Mrs. Cunger spent the iru salary ards' mine one man got on 1 ' them but brought in good concerts Gallup. year and the comptroller is used his knife Miss Clsuron returned to Ram- Fourteen Room over tne magnavox. Montreal, Cana- the war path and May chief clerk a W given a at salary da and Tallahassa, Flordia are amons to bad advantage. He slash- ah after a week's visit with Wanda ! ai a a a ala Residence of $3,000 and four additional nis aisunce suttons. ed two men in their stomachs Nicols. " UIU11WUI Building auditors at salaries of not more There was a big dance at the Crock Mill and another in his head. The ett ranch For J. H. Stingley than $2,400 a The Herald iob danartmnnt m Friday night. year. uted a nice order for office two men with stomach wounds Mr. E. Calkins has purchased a new TO REPUBLICANS The the stationery and car. Mr. J. H. Stingley reports that the comptroller .under ior tne uioson ciub House this week. were sent to. the hospital Joe is work on ms 14-ro- m residence as pro- law will have supervision of Ferrari, the manager, doing a are in a bad condition. The Wilson Bros, have collection of good business, and in addition to us-in- ff not ENTIRE STATE TICKET gressing nicely. the the gasoline Herald man with a head wound is THOREAU NEWS the contract. Mr. Stingley has known and automobile taxes, but the made ntntinnorv. The tiaU Sheriff and COMES CLEAN FOR THE some needed a lup Herald is on sale at his news serious. Myers lor time that Gallup TTnrfer-sheri- GRAND PARTY-VOT-ING chief duty under the law & to stana. ff Leo Leaden went OLD large romoing house and his place (Herald Correspondence) . WAS HEAVY wil lsupply that need. put in accounting systems in all out and found John Conetti and L. R. was in Con-ne- o state, county and municipal of- Sanchez, Jr., Gallup him to the ti Mrs. J. D. Potts entertained a few Monday from his store of near Mc-- brought jail. of her friends at the school house 3. WOMANS CLUB MEET fices of uniform nature so a was found standing DETROIT, April Repub- uaiiey, ana wntie here bougnt consid- just last Friday night. lican of check can be main erable stocks with a six C. voters Michigan The Woman's Club met in complete from our wholesale mer- inside the door way Mrs. D. Byrne entertained Gallup tained on offices. Audits chants. Mr. Sanchez called on his nld his friends of her Clifford and "swung back into, line," Burt regular session Wednesday with Mrs. the shooter in hand, evidently children, of offices be friend, Geo. A. Byus, of The Gallup a Ruby, Sunday at an egg hunt at her D. Cady, chairman of the state Diane iarnngiun presiding, n. verjr may made at the waiting to gjve the officers was Herald ,tne two being close political cover- home. The afternoon was spent in republican central committee entertaining program enjoyed. discretion of the comptroller, warm reception. Myers and various vis-it- or friends., hunting eggs playing declared in Kiss Edna Lowe was an honored at the request of officials, or him with a flash and Tuesday discussing and addressed the Club. ed light games. in which der of the or Miss Marv Willson was nvr frnm him to the Mr. J. F. gave a dance at his Monday's election, governor upon ordered drop gun. Byrd the entire ticket of MRS. KAHL ENTERTAINS petition of a certain number of Albuquerque Friday and remained till Conetti is in new garage building last Saturday republican 10 ner jail. ' taxpayers. ounuay visit parents, Mr. and The were that all were night. minor state officers was victor Mrs. H. A. Kahl entertained with mrs. ut. a. u. wuison. The Misies signs We had a real school election in lOUS. The law also that Elizabeth Cul- - drunk. Mr. Easter program Monday and provides Sheppard and Mollis Monday, Myers district No. 7, on last Monday, which Last November demo special officials must make an inven Oener Visited with Mian Marv. all ha. C. C. Poe went out and resulted in the election of C. C. Breece the twenty guests were present. Bridge with Wood- Law- ing members of the Kappa Kappa Hoatrnvftri home and H. C. Jones, as school directors. crats were able to elect - was won by Mrs. F. S. tory f the property in their pos- n a at . i 7 . a nn an titv of prize uamma oi tne statej, univer Each candidate received the N. Ferris to United rence. Refreshments were served. session and account for all such ooroity brew stuff and brought three following bridge the o sity. votes: States senate. . when their offices are on tne C. Joe Cardo & Son will open a coal property men in charge of Having C. Breece, 54; H. C. Jones, 53; Mf TTorria wo a rVio firor over to We willinarlv ahnw what tha Alfa in nossessibn. The B. I. H. E. yard in Albuquerque and sell the pro- turned their successors". stuff their Staples, 38; Walker, 34; Indoor Aerial Radio Phnne will An in . democrat sent to the seifate ducts of their own mine, shipping The comptroller law was de- ' Tony Antoelli, Pete C. L. Williams, 2. your own home. No house three, Fourteen! of from since Civil from Gallup. signed to cure much of the bad wiring Dona and Emil were the Thoreau people Michigan the necessary, riace tne complete set on Dairo, took in the Masquarde dance at wa'r. While democrats found government in the state and the table in five fines hv Judore Schauer S. E. Woolard, an old resident of mniutes. Results Crownpoint, Saturday night. Every- some encouragement in the New but now located at Wich- the governor has stated that he guaranteed. Yersin'a Rarfin A lriao. Antoelfi and Dairo, $76.50 one reported a very good time and Mexico, trie Adv. election of Frank E. Doremus. ita, Kansas, was in Gallup this week would seek a man of recogni- Shop each, and Dona, $51.50. splendid music. L Mrs. E. Moore and former as looking into the oil game. zed business for the of o J. daughter, congressman, may- ability Mrs. John Livinirston ha arrivad Marjorie, were shopping in Albuquer- or of Detroit, the reoublicans All.-.- .. rUMUM Q trtuilr an1 f fice who would see that busi- from Colo., and will make Durango, Department Justice que Thursday. pointed out that the J. McGinnes of Albuquerque were in ness methods were more gen- ner nome witn ner husband at Gib Mr. and Mrs. T. H. McCullough mo- mayoralty son. The election was non-partis- an and the city this week looking after legal followed in Livingstons lived here some Campaign Against tored to Gallup Friday on business. erally state, county and we welcome back There business. and affairs. years ago, them Filchers were accompanied by Mr. H. that Doremus, always a strong municipal to the best section of the West. Oil Stock C. Jones. candidate here, had been vir Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Garcia NEW SOCIAL spent conceded the office. CLUB H. W. Yersin is very appreciative WASHINGTON, March 30. Easter Sunday with Mrs. Garcia's sis tually of the honor of elected on ter Doremus won over James W. A being the As a part of the department at Grants. meeting was held Thursday night Gallup school board. Mr. Yersin is a Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Moore scent Inches, former Dolice commis lor tne of a Coun- of justice campaign against purpose organizing hard worker for the of Easter at Baca visiting with the Wal- sioner, by about two votes to Club, where base- last i try golf, tennis, Its schools. stock swindlers begun ker's, . ball and other social usual- baliup, especially UUCi activities Attorney Mr. Geomi, one of the road j be November, Acting survey ly enjoyed by Country Clubs may Joe Beddow of the Beddow Suick sent As- ors, went into . General Seymor has Albuquerque Saturday muuigea in. Company business for Buick co NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION The officers reports sistant General Crim spena tne week end with home following wer elect cars as very encouraging, . and that Attorney folks. ed for the year 1923: to Fort Texas, to pre- ' Department of the Interior. U. S. their machine shops doing a big busi Worth, Mr. B. I. Staples went to Gallun Land Office at Santa Fe, New Mex- . President, C. N. Cotton, Vice Pre- ness. for trial a large number Sunday for the Easter ico, 6, 1923. . sident, Sam Bushman. Secy, and pare program. April of cases mail frauds Ur. J. Branson went to Albu Notice is hereby that Pre- - mas., u. K. arrets. THE INDOOR is charging t. given ALTA AERIAL oil Mr. querque Tuesday, to visit with his ciliano Chavez of Cubero, New Mex- DON'T FORGET! Greens Committee: . its worth those who in the selling of stocks. proving not only family. ico, who on January 30, 1913, and oa In addition to tho H. V. Blickensderfer, Chairman. come in for demonstration hear Crim has reported to the de- Silver-tow- n a it, o 6, 1918, made additional home famous D. W. Boise. W. R. mul-ch- er August Wylie. but those for blocks away. Yersin's partment that the amount Judge McFie received a card from stead No. 017839 we carry a Committee on By-La- and Per- entries, and 033553, Radio & Electric Shop. from the at this J. H, MeAdams this week. Mr. Mc- - W complete line of manent Organization: public for SEM and ft of Section 20, Goodrich not less Adams is making a tour of the world 6 N., 10 W., N. M. V other A. T. Hannett, Chairman. H. W. Motor point (Fort Worth) is Township Range Tires, also those Carrington Company report and the card was written in Keyote. P. Meridian, has filed notice of in Yersin. W. M. Bickel. of D. Kel- - than a the sale a Ford touring to $100,0,00 day. one of three-ye- ar wonderful long The out with a Japan, the largest manufactur tention to make proof, to Club is starting by of St. Michaels; also a Ford truck About 78 cases are des- lasting Goodrich -- Another pending ing centers of that empire. Mr. establish claim to the land above Tubes. membership of about forty. to Nuckols Packing Company ot Uai-- in Texas district a most and will be held Thursday, April the northern reported pleasant cribed, before U. S. Commissioner at meeting lup. will delightful trip and requested' the Valencia Co.. New 19th, at which time each of the pre and Mr. Seymor said they Seboyeta. Mexico, Judge to give his best regards to his on the 15th of 1923. CARRINGTON MOTOR CO. sent members is required to oring Phil Nasriller has returned from his be pressed. The trials will be day May, this time many Gallup Iriends. Claimant names as witnesses; GALLUP, NEW MEX. an additional member. At visit to Texas points. He visited in conducted by District Attorney name the Club will be de- Juan Griart, of Grants, New Mexico; also a for Austin, Texas, and in that vicinity. David V. C. Martinez of the Barber Uhaves by-la- de- Zweif el, assisted by Sanitary and Victor Romero, Leopoldo cided upon, and the and Mr. Nagiller is one of MoKinley twrmanent be assistant United States Shop was laid up a few days this and Federcio Chavez, of Cubero, New tail! nt organization county's substantial citizens. Cahill, week on account of sickness. Oo The say that the in New Mexico. adopted. organizers attorney York, appoint A. M. BEKUttKU, (OX!J3)iittc Club mis a long-ier- c want " " H. I.' Marshall, manager of the Gal ed a special assistant for pro Jnhn Srhwartc at San Tltasn Pal and evnnhiallv it Will be- - C. is Register. ...niinitv lup J. Penney Company store, secutions. was hera durlna tha wuV InnVlna. Pub. 23. come the social center of MoKinley due to leave for wholesale market and First April ?, northern Illinois district after business matters. He owns pro-- Last Pub. 5, 23. County. will first go to Salt Lake City. Utah. The May attorney also has been directed peny ia uanup. Pnnaiilf na ahnnf Radirt Phones. WS to bring to trial another alleg- will advtaa vnii aa to the best eauio- - ed stock case in ment for your locality. Yersin's Rad swindling io Electric snop. - Florida Everglad Lands and TRADE WITH THE this has been assigned for trial P. J. Morin. field manager for the in May. Overland car asenenr. of Albuquerque, The was here this week on a visit with the department's plans MARKET Chas. Iehl agency. when announced said that hun FLOWERS CITY dreds of swindlers had "filched Pima Tahl affenpv resort the . sale a total of OLD RELIABLE Jack- - nearly $150,000,000 THE of an Overland four to Nick from the frau ovah. public through ALL KINDS WHERE YQU CAN GET THE dulent use of the mails," with OF Mm. W. Snwver has irons to Texas about 5 0 0 cases pending and Indiana for an extended visit. throughout the country and BEST CORN FED PACKING Frank Kauzlaric renews his Her 900 persons arrested or indic- ted. VEAL ald subscription to 1924. Suitable and Appropriate HOUSE BEEF, PORK, " COMING FOR NEXT WEEK Giles Master, manager of the Strand, calls special attention to the MUTTON AND CHICKENS Kiwlal nntica will be riven in our attraction for next Tuesday and Wed in- Occasions next week's issue as to golf club nesday, "The Strangers' Banquet. For All terest for Gallup and neighboring golf This is a Goldwyn super-specia-l,' pro links. duction of Marshall Neilan, and has 10 -- Phone 64 We Sell CoHpoa Books at Per Cent Discount Wath Tha Gallun Herald for lat been prononuced "The supreme est and authentic, oil development Screen Achievement of 123." It is a news as to what is actually going on new production 1923. Gallup people with tha development of oil and oil wil have an oDDortunity to see "first interests. run" pictures by attending the Strand correct SAWYER V, SERVICE Get Ths Herald for news, next Tuesday and Wednesday. QUALITY W. E. Prop. the correct names of who may . partiis FL0WE2S" oe mentioneavatin news I K. Heller was over from Albu "say it wrra We want our mors to know that querque yesterday to look after his what print is ccnt . - Gallup prcyrty interests. : . vT. V i . 1 I , ' .. v . : V .ji i4 ; tf "r, i ; ti i t'l k.. is both, tca- - ; with Eahta Fe Attorney, K. txi a driuu, plenty of 3 Crr u.s and as thrills and heart ' Jr.. from I Arizona, many Crosby !cstif, ? I GOOD THINGS Td , tufs. .. r (..; IIIII REMSSR was a visitor here Ee gave I if Sunday. It is what r.'-- ht be.:'.called a an interesting talk to an appreciative "wn )iSI Gooo health is the greatest Messing you see the tents and theWeahin audience both in the afternoon and vaiancctj prciurq ior mere is plenty half-hidd- of one wi&la in the world. It ia one of the first among the trees, the lake evening His sublets being rDw about everything could in a film and not too much essentials in malting one's life happy, out oeyona, a vivid sunset above T Jesus Have A Fair trial" and "Stories for of useful, successful, and long. Poor Don't you remember how you never on the lives of Song Writers." anything. one re- could The , deals health forces to lead a life of sleep-th- first night, and how Miss Lillith duff of Gilbert, Ari play with an avra stricted activity, both in mind and in the second night you were dead tired has arrived to some time American family a hard worklnv oil :' ,:- - zona, spend j- and three two body.- V.:,v.?'.; 'r slept like a log? Cant you re- visiting with her slBter, Mrs. Lorena dad, daughters, sons and a Health ia not won great call how hated kindly mother.- - through you the, morning dip ; ;; ;; .V sacrifices or ardous toil, but a ser- in the didn't Tietjen. ;;,' :.,: by lake, but dare hang back Mrs. Jones who has been here Through it is woven the maehinav. ies raid-cat- Aids of little efforts, day by day. Just for fear of being called 'f -" tions of the leading character a as the is made of little And and visiting for the last three months with girl body up cells, the bacon egg and cocoa, the s who loves herself Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Chap so much that aha so health is made up of little acts, blue and white enameled dishes 1 You filial man, has gone back to Salt Lake forgets duties and makes bar chosen with care to build it up. The wondered why the folks at home didnt father appear a that she total decisions City. Utah, to her home.- The even forger may grand of little aeainst cook like that. . ; have money to meet her ideas of foods before she left a crowd of friends "a eating noted for their indigest- And then there was the circle a-- ing she-want- and relatives met the church for a good time" and win the . man ible properties, going without rub- round the caznpfire in the at The others all revolve evening, social. The program was about bers, sitting in draught, staying uo when everybody sang whether they following her.. .' ... too and various other similar in-- rendered:.-,"- ' late, coma sing or noi, ana me camp in- There is the elder son. who roes oak discreations, is indicative of the structor melodies on Piano ... Kka Chapman played throbbing Solo,,... from home to make his own way and health we deserve to enjoy: his mandolin or harmonica. . What Vocal Solo, ...... Deborah A. Nielson But while we must unon our Piano makes the mistakes that any boy is depend did it matter if out beyond the fire Solo, ...... Whitney Chapman liable to make and the and will-pow- er to gets help from judgment keep light were dancing shadows and queer Reading, ...... Owen Chapman old. dad un- ' I. 1 1 a . . Vocal .Vemioe that any boy under similar healthy, yet this is of little avail qoisfB, woivea mayoef or Dears r uia-n- 't Solo,.... Chapman conditions would less we have health to start with. Piano get and finally good that just make it all the cozier Solo,...., ...... Wilford Yotag comes home nick of The healthy child has the first attri- there close to the Piano Solo, ...... Adeline George jusUn time, when campfire? he is badly needed, as sons do in pic- bute of success. . The easiest time to Vocal Solo, - Chapman . Yes, there's health and there's hap- ....Glen tures and stories.'',: :v '7. build a healthy body is when the body piness at a summer camp for your Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Neilson from is, young and growing. Many a great The will do them Gallup spent the week end here. Then there is the second daughter. youngsters. change who does the man attributes his success to the fact a world of good and make them love Mr. W. O. Chapman who has been drudgery of the house that his body became strong when it home all the more when the summer's serving on the Federal Jury for the that her elder sister may do society and the and the-marrie- was young. . "over. . 4 .. last there weeks is home again. "play lady,", and SE3ti Sim Hudson Maxim never had a pair of The Lure of the Game The school has purchased a basket daughter her former mm husband now "sanitary-engineer,- shoes until he was thirteen years old. There is an odd fascination in "tak ball for themselves. plumber a he The held an Easter social but still eating with hii He tells how used to run along in ing a chance." j There seems to be primary 2. v 7 knife and ah adorable the snow as fast as he could, and oc- nothing kids like to quite so much Monday, April grandson, just give his toes C. M. Knudsen and family have everything that goes to make up the casionally frosty respite in winter when there is ice as to "run American from the cold by climbing up on rail benders." And as moved from the Crusher to their home average family. they run, slipping town. live and act fence. His hard work, on his father's and the ice in , They just lis average shouting, rolling after Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Knudsen have people live and act and that is, farm gave him muscles of iron, and them in a ex- per- crackling wave, they haps, the makes such. great endurance. The enforced sim perience an exhilaration, a feeling of announced the engagement of their why picture iVi0JJ0lQ) of his life and his Mr. Lee bid for one's'appreciation, lor you plicity younger own daughter, Luella, to. Richy just beating chance at her game, that have to "it's land if battle with hardships made him tough. the fun of on safe ice can of St. Johns,' Arizona.. 'The wedding say good" you skating don't watch out, you'll have to slip out Today at seventy, he still plays ten never equal. is to take place April 18. on . o a handkerchief at some place in the nis and carries his chemical re Who can't remember his , search work with undiminished en apple story for all of us have been through ? What adventure could thusiasm and vigor. stealing days Very Entertaining some of the things it tells about and equal the thrill of an after-dar- k' ex some of us have lot COFFEE Abraham Lincoln had a felt a of them. powerful pedition to some famous orchard, , And Instructive It is a Btory true to life, acted by a constitution, built up in much the guarded perhaps by watchdogs sur same and it Attractions splendid company not mushy nor satisfies flits way, undoubtedly played rounded by barbed wire, with perhaps trashy, but well staged and acted. an It important part in carrying bis even a 6hotgun lurking somewhere in is wholesome American cause to a successful One of the real, picture great through the Ehadows? It made no difference greatest attractions ever that American people ought to like. conclusion. to have been that the apples may have been knotty brought Gallup those The foregoing was written by G. A widely ineoaore Kooseveit was actually a of sponsored the 1?1 vapyimg and sour, or that pangs indiges- by Congregational Martin, manacrar if fna Puua ITma physical weakling when he entered tion would be the inevitable result Church last Sunday, Monday, Tues- aid. - ...... college. But through his of and Sun- as .' a: l strength We boys were not stealing apples day Wednesday evenings. testes i l mass j.u Lie overcame jxi. nanoi- - aeierinuiuuuri mis we were taking a chance; that was day night Miss Edna Eugenia Lowe of cap and built up a remarkable physi- the real fun. Los Angeles, Cal, gave three readings February Record que that later made him an outstand- at the "Worth While" Service to a vto cfsmastil man men And when rewards of cash value are ing among Heavy toil consideration for which we take racked house: Van Dyke's "The Lost Equipment the Youth is the time to found health. "Aunt Jane of and a chance, the zest becomes even Word," Kentucky" To be sure, children lack judgment "The Passing of the White Swan." Average Wages and the deference to the of greater. Look about you at any fair, teachings Miss Lowe held her audience in CHICAGO, ILL. experience which are important in amusement parx, or bazar. You will breathless Loading or rev see attention and everyone felt enue Feb- safeguarding health. Youngsters hate lines of booths whose owners sne was freight during the month of chance-takin- tnat by all odds the finest this to wear rubbers; they want to much prey upon this love of g ruary year was the heaviest for so reader that had ever been in Gallup. that month in the candy; they irresistibly beg to stay wmcii is deeply imbedded in hu Miss Lowe history of the rail man nature. or a came can Monday night gave the roads and exseeded one up "just a little longer." . The respoa you popular reading: "Martha The February year of them the win a gold watch, a cane, an automo- - By ago by more than 11 per cent, ac TREE TEA (flso satisfies. sibility guiding along Uay, making even more secure the 1 matic a doll. to tabulations based on re- paths .of health rests upon their par-- pencil, flapper wonderful impression she had made cording ents. ; Scores of ports just filed by the carriers with golden for before. . IiJ opportunities tne night Tuesday evening Car Service Division One of the biggest helps to parents are Darked into ears.von- - Mr. M. the of the Am ft CO gain your C. Reed gave a prelude of erican Association. in their task is offered by summer portiwities so remarkable that to re renames, tne a Railway reaamg character of During the month 8,366,965 cars. camps for boys and girls. They are frain from seizing them would be a young lad and a women in & N. Cotton Co. a veritable where prominent were loaded with revenue This-exceede- paradise youngsters serious reflection upon your human the city very accurately and to the freight Wholle Dlitrlbuton can swim, run, hike, and play to their instincts. And that people do dearlv amazement the corresponding period ' of the audience. Then last cars. hearts' content. In practically every like to take a chance with their monev Miss Lowe her extraordinnrv year by 33,907 Gallup to gave Coal for the four weeks camp there are expert instructors is proved by the surprising frequency lecture entitled: On loadings "Danger Signals periods totaled 740,078 cars, an in teach swimming, boxing, wrestling, with which the wheel is spun or the Road To Health.' bom- - ' For an crease of 12,432, or 1.65 over and gymnastic exercises. There is drawn from a hat and a half Miss Lowe held her au per cent, HTDUSTRY BROKE ALL RECORDS strictly agricultural communities of to insure con- Februay last year. United States just enough discipline All through life at the ball earne. dience in rapt attention. Never he-- the purchased appro- enough regulation to had Loading of all other commodities 30 cent of of geniality, just the race track, the bridge table, the fore the subject been presented coal in totaled1 WASHINGTON, D. Bur. ximately per the output make certain that plenty of healthy so other than February C, The in 1922. The siock excnange we see tnis in. interesting ano: vital a way. cor- mm of Public Bauds were the automobile industry exercise is taken and only nourishing gaming 2,626,887 cars. This exceeded the showg there of automobiles in instinct in man come to the surface. Many remained after her address to one Mfbtered ut the close of the purchase agricultur foods eaten. Few of with Miss Lowe responding period year ago by jeer al sections in 1922 were from 7 to 15 us there are who haven't taken talk personally, so or 15 & 1922, 12,238,375 motor vehicles in the away to the woods is a won- a interested were thintrs she 35,268 cars, approximately cent than the Going litlte flyer once in a while ourselves they in the ' re- per greater for year a per cent. . .. fen) stute. Lust year the new - derful experience for youngster, enoueh to convince of naa to Miss 1921. , perhaps just us say. Wednesday evening A substantial increase was also gistrations amounted to ram-ninc- around with lots of other Lowe 1,775,000, the lolly of trying to beat the game, gave the prelude and was then in the of merchandise which ia 400,000 more than the aver- ohiirirnn nnt in tne ODen is in lurcu But still the old followed ..Mr. Reed's in- loading J. A. Watson returned Tuesday and gambling instinct by splendid and l.c.1 which totaled 1,970- ,- age yearly rate of new registrations training that will build manhood is there, and we must watch out for spirational address on: "The Value of freight, night from Greenville, Texas, where 7BY cars, or cars aoove tne lor the preceding five years. The year womanhood of stronger cnaracier. There is a certain working rule a vision." All in all the course has zoi.o.s 1922 PsMrVlnfla it' for the corresponding four was the greatest in the history he went to attend the funeral of his vol can remember the sum' which, in the of been one to be long remembered. The total, fa mt to. Can't inelegant parlance weeks in 1922. This wss an increase the automoblie industry. The mother. ma eimo vou used to go its users ,is thus: "Once people in the city will be verv rLH expressed of 15.32 per cent a sucker always a sucker." The pur 10 xnow tnat miss Lowe will give sev port of this is that if a person is nat eral miscellaneous readme at the urally, a chanoe-take- r, although ex Congregational "Worth While" Ser perience may make him more cauti- vice next Sunday nitrht In addition ous, it will never chance his orginal to her readings, there will be a splen- name tendency to trust to chance. did film and good special music. On this trait of human nature, fake stock salesmen feed. They know that CARD OF THANKS they have but to paint a colorful pic- ture of possible gain, and sooner or I appreciate and wish to thank Gal. later me prospect will fall lor it. lup friends for their support at the If you should feel this urge to take polls Tuesday. The members of the a chance on a wild speculation, it is School Board appointed me clerk three the part of wisdom to analyze your years ago and I have tried to act in motive. , You will be pretty sure of that capacity faithfully and impart- sassse find that it issues out of that part ially. When it recently became neces of your being which is considerably sary that the clerk be elected by the IF YOUR CHILD removed from your reasoning power. people, it was good indeed to know Just remember that when a big that those with whom I had been as Is Slow in School or Shows clean-u-p is suddenly made in a spec sociated in the School work were Any Signs of Eye Strain, ulation, the funds do not represent a the ones who worked hardest Them in for an legitimate increase m wealth created, for my election. I have the interest Bring but rather a loss on the part of the of the Gallup Schools at heart-an- d other men who have gues3ed wrong. shall continue my work with nn en- EXAMINATION If you have doubts as to whether deavor to keep up and improve their the proposition is a bona-fid- e invest- already good standard. Accurate and Honest work ment or a mere speculation, better ask Sincerely, By a Competent Register- your banker, tie either knows or H. W. YERSIN. can find out about the matter, and this ed Optometrist information may save a lot of fucuro Another example of the motion pic regret. ture supreme, by the man who dir- ected "The Four Horsemen," and the Prisoner of Zenda." This picture has F.W.Wurm BLUEWATER NOTES become famous Women," "Trifling JEWELER land OPTICIAN V at the Rex next Tuesday and Wed- ' (Herald Correspondence) nesday. Adv. ', The Bluewater Commercial Co., m o r O 'H , .. C A Ks 8 I STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION, ETC., REQUTUV f store was robbed a few nights ago. BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST 14. IfH The robbers entered the building by Of THE GALLUP HERALD, poblfahM weekly at Gallup, New Mexico, for April 1. IMS. breaking a glass in the front door and 8tate of New Mexico; Conntr of MeKinley. a. m ',)' , The purchase of a fine car invites the most lock. Before me. a Notary Public, ia and far the State and eountr aforataid, penonallr ap exacting ffj then undoing the night Besides peared A. H. Carter, who, bavins been duly iworn according to law, depoeea and tare that some cash, they took watches, pocket na w tne Buunea Manager of the Gallup Herald, and that the following la, to tn Dan ox m examination of the details which must enter afore-a- many n) knives, shirts, Navajo blankets, eta, hie knowledge and belief, a true ttatement of the ownenhip, management, etc., of the id publication for the date ahown in the above required by the Act of August nfl satisfaction. . , in caption, ti, into complete fn about $300 worth all. A posse con IBIS, embodied in taction 441, Foetal Lawi and Regulation!, sisting of A. W. Thigpen, Carl Car- 1. That the namea and addrcati of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and bni-- . and with new managem- are: If Imf ver, Arp Jolley Frank Greeg Mexico Included in these are the essential features of convene blood in Publiaher, The Gallop Herald Printing Company, Gallop, New some hounds started pursuit. Editor, Geo. A. Bsm, Gallop, New Mexico. ' rnl ence, finish and The robbers were overtaken several Btidnesa Manager, A. H. Carter, Gallop, New Mexico. appearance. ' miles out Moun 2. That the owner lit The Gallop Herald Printing Company, Gallup, New Mexico f uj north, near Haystack Geo. and all the stolen was A. Bytu, Gallup, New Mexico; A. H. Carter, Gallup,! New Mexico, tain, property S. That the known boadhoMen, ueortgaEaai, and other aeeurity holden owning or holding ' m i ; t .ut uicac u m uic mocor ano n recovered. The two men have been 1 per eent or more of total amount of bontti. mortaaaea. or other securities are! ttcccpicu supenonaes oi i turned over to the officers. The Gallup State Bank, Gallup, New Mexieo. chassis the Lincoln was 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the owners, stockholders, I'tjj construction, possesses rare cony A miscellaneous shower given and holders, if contain not the list of stockholder and holders j honor Mesdames Liddie security any, only security m binations which it as and exclusive. in of George, aa they appear upon the books of the company but also. In esses where the stockholder or stamp dignified Lorena Tietjen, and Alda Jones. It security holder appears upon the books of the Company as trustee of in Say other fiduciary was .held at the church house. A short relation, the name of the person oroorporattoB for whom sack trustee h acting, is given t nHejs.-lecUTi- tr . . . program was rendered and games u uw k. J j.. ' ttUk .t.Lk.l 4 A v CARRINGTON f,IOTOn COMPANY q were played after which refreshments Boldere who do not appear upon the books of the company as Bus tees, bold stock 4 ' of cake and cocoa were served. Those securities la a capacity other than that of beaa file owner; and thie affiant has no JTJ ' reeaoa to believe Skat any ether person,, ess istlou. .or aorporatloa has intereat t dlratt AND LINCOLN AGENCY , Mesdames Tens Cbap-ma- a, any FOD present, were, oe teeUrert la the laid stock, Mae, et eths esarit taaa as soataM Pr htxa, Alda Jones, Lifcfte Georfe, Zi Jm. a. VAitTsbai, MJMMp. Lorena Titties and Debor JJJJMMMtaMMlAtMi.M. Chapman, Swmra and sukiirOej Met. mt tale 4th amr tt AariL IMS c - - - - - ah A. Ke'Jaon. damul w. k . A pleasant isCUy tarty a D-- prri

' . , . , . ' t ' j , '' '' of wages a function of the Interstate PROFESSIONAL M., the following described real estate, 1U .LUQJ L4.Ui.ii Commerce Commission. Gentlemen, Lot 18 in block 55 Original BY w. B. STOREY "' the Interstate Commerce Commission townsite. , IIEUD HUTS . has more can attend to now. HERMAN W. ATKINS : Lots 13 to 24 block 36 Origi- PnbUahed by Request than it uimiiiiiMiimtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiminniiHiiiiiiMHiir ' Don't give it any more. nal Townsite. ' the Act aims to place on ATTORNEY AND Lots 1 to 12 block 38 Original HR , (Continued from Pafe 2) Further, I S (HCII the Interstate Commerce Commission J. R. GAINES townsite. the for making COUNSELLOR AT LAW ' i A certified check of 10 per cent of wi past year. But we are certain that responsibility private DENTIST , 1 bid if management of the railroads a suc- the must be deposited at the time the many nostrums that' are now Over Wurra's Store the bid is made. are administered we hall cess. Under former laws its function I Jewelry i Ereposed Gallup, N. M.1I The board reserves the right to ad- b in a worse condition at the end of was to protect the people from the Office: Page Building now it has also to protect J journ the sale from hour to hour and the year. ,. railroads; to to the railroads from the people. ,, The day day and reject any and all To show you what these "cure all" . of state commissions has bids. ABvnnuNa consist I cite the bill Mr. power the . New Mexico ratmi of, might by Inter- Gallup H. W. YERSIN, Clerk MB 9MB1 type lias. It Mid sack IsKS Gooding of Idaho to reduce all been made subordinate to the EDMUND R. FRENCH WOI0 HT IH OS MM freight Commissions. There C. M. SARIN, President. . and la rates on agricultural products state Commerce Lawyer mM kwhril 33; are demands all over the west, that (1624) the bill of Senator Johnson to prevent Member Bar: Supreme Court United First Pub. March 24 23 dividends until cars this feature be eliminated and that the the necessary are to States, Court of New Last Pub. April 7 23 provided; the opinion of Senator states be given back the power NOTICE Supreme FOR RENT Three room Modern make rates. Rates so made Mexico. Go-lin- Brookhart that seven or bililon intrastate Apartment Apply, Mrs. L. M. o. eight interfered NOTICE dollars should from in the past have seriously G2ftee: SOS Coal Avenue. FOR PUBLICATION . n-- s be sqeezed the cut valuation of the railroads; the de- with the interstate rates and have Department of the Interior, U. S. into the revenues of the roads. There Your Road Tax 3.00 Land Office at Santa Fe N. M. FOR SALE One lb. mand of the American Farm Bureau ' 1,100 horse, are numerous other provisions in the MARTIN March 8, 1928 camp wagon and harness, all first that all guarantees be taken out of for the of 1923 ft CHAPMAN, the Act. are no Transportation Act of 1920. but tne year Notice is hereby given that William class condition. Will sell or trade (There in reality w for ones I have mentioned are the impor Attorneys-At-La- Denmon, of Allison. N. M.. who. oa Ford. Call at camp, mile west of guarantees.) The farmer is demand- IS PAST DUE AND PAYABLE lower rates and Senator tant things. Of first importance, OFFICES: Mar. 22, 1921, made Enlarged Home- town, on highway. ing freight credit. stead No. for Sec is him up in this de- however,, is the necessity for Entry, 036515, EH, Capper backing Outside Precincts Mail Checks To tion 13 SALE mand, and Reed of the Kansas If w can sret money, we can supply Gallup, New Mexico. za.iownsnrp North, Banff FOR 1920 Ford Roadster Judge P. Box 1072, N. M. 18W, N. M. P. Utilities Commission is you with the right kind of transporta 0. Gallup, Meridian, has filed with Btarter and demountable rims, doing every- .. notice of to do tion, and without it we cannot. intention make three year In good condition. "N. E. F." Herald. thing he can to bring this about J. R. T. HERRERA, to establish to Labor Board Need Better Transportation Proof, claim the land "... tf Regarding the will" Road Tax Collector for M. above before United The Act of 1920 In view of this condition, the DR. M. ELLISON described, States Transportation in law the McKinley County, N. M. Commissioner, at Gallup, McKinley FOR SALE Mitchel provided for other things for in chances proposed the help Roadster in the needs is Second Floor at Court House. DENTIST Co., N. M., on the 17 day of April, stance, the labor question. It recog- situation? What country ' Will any of the 1923, . quire HH Carrington Motor Co. nized that labor troubles should be better transportation. Gallup Clinic Building Claimant names as witnesses: An avoided on the railroads the coun- things that have been proposed give the railroads will not of should be the ing helo him. drew Vanderwaen, of Zuni, N. M.; G. FOR RENT: Nice and established a board to hear thia ? This nuestion and reduced rates means New Mexico large room, try, it which just now Gallop w. tiartiett, oi uailup, N. M.; E. W. well and Suit- cases and but without pow- test applied to all the proposals for the roads. we want lighted ventillated. adjudicate, What then is bankruptcy It Lawrence, of Gallup, N. M.; Mary able for gentleman. Phone 299. er to enforce its decisions. There are are brought forward. to go to the root of the we ' tf Rates cannot be raised matter, Denmon, of Allison. all sorts of about this fea- to be done? must find what is the matter with - opinions checked. I know (1601) A. M. BERGERE, Mrs. M. M. Ellison left Wednes- ture. Wie know it has not worked or business will be the farmer. is for are anxious to find 'It high prices Register. Buffalo vaii wnthmien 17-2- . day for and New York in the shopmen's strike of this last everything he buys and low prices for First Pub. March 3 t, City, ( oinnn vour continued pros where she will the THE 14-2- visit for two months. year, which has costs roads many onntr everything he sells. But exactly the Last Pub. April 3 oeritv depends on the prooiem oeiiig millions of dollars and has been one .. . . : H nr same causes are back of the railroads' -- r i. inn Mrs. Qrace Heathman will have of the causes of poor service to you. correctly soivea. iieruumy troubles, and back of the high prices tha will not helD. IN THE DISTRICT COURT WITHIN AMI charge of the Gallup Clinic bookkeep- Some want to change this part of the miv rafaa- . . . will find high labor costs. If SIIEWEE HOTEL Tko farmer havintr a nara time you you FOR THE COUNTY OF McKINLBT ing department during the absence of law. The President of the United can get lower labor costs, you can re- AND STATE OF NEW MEXICO Mrst M. M. hfl should have out oanKrupt (ZUNI) . Ellison. States advocates making the question help: duce the price of steel, of lumber, of Sharp Haiuon nd Grace Hanson, husband and wife. Plaintiffs, cement, of cars, of locomotives, of vs. in- AND RESTAURANT coal, and of everything that enters The Santa Fe Pacific Railroad Com- - ! of panjr, a Amer- r to the operation either the farm or DAVID corporation; Gallup the railroad. And, as SULLIVAN, Mgr. ican Coal Company, a corporation j gentlemen, long Town of Gallup, a municipal cor- - as we have the restrictive immigra poration: B. Zacyiinski if livina tion law in effect and as long as we and the unknown heirs of B. Zaejr- - . t' wall about ZUNI, NEW MEXICO xinski if he be dead; B. Zacismskl have a high tariff us, just if living, and his unknown heirs if so long must labor costs stay up. If he be dead; John Bolok if livina ' ' and his heirs if the country wants these things, it unknown he be dead; , do Mrs. John Bolok, wife of John Bolok must be content to business on the if she be living; and her unknown high price plane on which we are now RUIZ ft OVERSON heirs. - if sh h-- dwitri RamiiAl Til. M should mon. and Theresa C. Dimon, hia doing it. But the farmer be w SALE and he decide what Attorneys-At-La- wife; T. M. Quebedeanx and Msry . UP taught this should Lou Quebedenux. his wife: F. B. CLEM ' he wants. The main fact, however, Practice in all Courts of Gallagher; Bogumil ZaBxynaki if that I wish to bring out is that it is lmnsfj and his unknown heirs if New Mexico and Arizona he be dead ; Bog-uni-l Zacsynskl if liv high labor costs that are responsible ina: and hia unknown heirs if he be . for the present condition of the farm- dead; Peter Kitchen; Stephen Cans-- - and not the railroads. van ; Bertha Canavan, Rocky Cliff f er, JOHN WITT HENDRIX Coal Mining Company, a eonwra- - What is to be done ! rou are anx poration; Rocky Cliff Coal Com- Ma. THOUSANDS OF MILES OF CHEAPER ious to help and you want to know Pastor of The Methodist Church pany, a corporation ; and Steven cana- 2MT how you can assist in this matter. I van ; B. Zaeiyncki, if living; and hia Residence 800 3rd Street unknown heirs if he be dead ; Mrs. think that most business men through Phone No. 288, Thci F, McGinn if living and her un- out the recognize the real known hairs If afi o dead; Sister Ka-- IN ASSURED SAFETY OF country At Home in the 8 to M COMFORT THE cause of our ' but most of Study 11:3(1 A. volo Zaetyniiki if living, and her un troubles, And 7:00 to known heirs if she be them do not see how can 8:30 P. M. dead) Slater they help. At Karolo Zacxynski, If livina and her They think it is a problem for the rail Your Service At All Hours. unknown heirs if she be dead; Mm. GOOD CORD TIRES roads and the railroads must work Gabrielle McGinn if living and her unknown heirs if she be dead: Sister their way out. Gentlemen, it is your Karolo (Mary Zacsynskl) if living problem also. What the country needs DR. H. and her unknown heirs if she be dead ; is PAUL BENNETT Gabriel McGinn if living and her now better transportation, and known if be just ' heirs she dead: Thos. F. it needs it more than it needs cheap . DENTIST McGinn, husband of Gabriel McGinn , if he be and his unknown heirs ' er transportation, and we cannot get Office: Worm living unless Building If he be dead; The Directors of The it you help Loretto Academy of Santa Fe and Give the 1929 Law a Chance Gallup New Mexico the unknown claimants of interest in to - What we want seems simple enough the premises, adverse the plain- , will smile when I tell what tiffs. , Low Prices you you ', Defendants. Special it is. We want to be let alone. We NOTICE OF SUIT want to have the Transportation Act To The Above Named Defendants. of 1920 given a chance; we think it You and each of you are hereby notified H. W. E. that sait has been filed by the above will work out, but we must have time BROSE,M. named plaintiffs and is now pending against to get it to functioning properly. As the above named defendants, in the District 30x3-- - - ..$13.00 have stated there are all sorts of Court of McKinley County. New Mexico, said GENERAL ENGINEERING suit being numbered 2057 on the docket tf schemes for patching it, and I am ' said court 32x4.- $20.00 afraid that if we begin to patch it we PRACTICE The general objects of said suit are to cmlet - have a such as our and set at rest, plaintiffs' title, and to re shall "crazy quilt" move cloud upon plaintiffs' title in ana W grandmothers used to make. But let Architectural Service In the following describe premises to-- t 33x4.- - - $21.00 it alone until we can really see what Beginning at a point on the South Mm with Connection of Section Fifteen (15). Township Flf. is wrong it teen (16) North. Range Eighteen (18) Watt 34x4 ---- ..$22.00 We need your help in this, you, N, M. P. M., which is N. S. degrees if &. gentlemen, --have business connections 8.56 feet from the Southwest corner of taM over West. influence 210 tt WEST R. R. AVENUE Section Fifteen ( 15) ; said corner alas) be- all the Use your ing the Southeast oorner of Section Sixteea 32x4 - -$- 30.00 show, there what is GALLUP, (1S1. and the Northeast corner af "- to people really NEW MEXICO yetum the matter. I recently had some cor Twenty-On- e (21), and the Northwest oor- ner of Section Twenty-Tw- o the 33x4-- -- a he said: (Jl), and : $31.00 respondence with banker, Southeast corner of the original townsite af "In my judgment the railroad is more the Town of Gallup, as surveyed sad plat for the country's condition NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ted bv Alex Bowie. M. E. -- - $32.00 responsible Thence; 34x4 - than any other one factor;" and then Department of the Interior, U. S. Land It. it Degress 11' E.. 48 J feet alone tie he said many more hard things about Office at Santa Fe, N. M., south Una f Section Fifteen (15), to the us. Gentlemen, we want your neip ana March 22, 1923 Southeast corner of the tract. such Notice is Thence: ' influence in controverting opin hereby given that Beatriz 2 to C. N. degrees 15' W.. 128.8 feet the Sowtfe ions. We want you to show your Dubois, widow of Joaquin Dubois, line of Green Avenue, being; the Northeast GREATER MILEAGE AT LESS COST customers that Senator Arthur Cap of Ramah, N. M., who, on March ,9, corner of the tract. not the kind 1920, made Homestead No. Thence : per's propaganda is right entry S. 69 degress 85' W.. 45.8 feet alone! th of medicine, and that Judge Clyde 039042 for Lots 1, 2, Eft NW, Sec- south line of Green Avenue to the Northwest Reed is headed in the wrong direction. tion 18, Township 9 N., Range 14 corner of the tract, being also the Northwest of business life of N. M. P. filed corner of Fractional Block number 8ixty-el- g We are all part the West, Meridian, has (66). O. T. S. this country, and your continued pros- notice of intention to make three year Thence: "- - on our and Proof, to establish claim to the land S. 0 degrees 25' E.. 112.6 feet, alone the PHONE 182 PHONE 182 perity depends prosperity, line of Third Southwest ou So above before U. S. Commis- east Street to the our nrosoeritv depends yours. described, corner of the tract, the placet of beginning. help us to show the country the right sioner, at Ramah, McKinley Co., New That the Dlaintiif Drays for the estaoiisn Mexico, on the 8 day of May, 1923. ment of their estate in said property, and to way. bar and forever you and each of o-- atop you, Claimant names as witnesses: the said defendants, from having or elalas-m- g In which a women uses three men Francisco E. Ramariez, Estaban any right or title to the said premises, as pawns, but loses the game Baca, Modesto Candelario, Eugenio adverse to the plaintiffs, and that plaintiffs' "inn titla thereto be forever quieted and set at ing Women," by Kex Ingram, at the Chavez, all of Ramah, New Mexico. rest, and that all clouds upon ' the title of Rex next Tuesday and Wednesday. A. M. BERGERE, plaintiffs' to said premises, be removed. Adv. You are lurtner nouiiea tna unless ttsb Register. and each of you enter an appearance in said WHITE GARAGE (1626) cause, on or before the 10th day of May, An Error Last week The Herald lvzs. ludsment win oe renaerea in aaia causa First Pub. March 31, 1923. . tated that the McKinley County Ab against you by default. Last Pub. April 28, 1923.' The names and sddresses OI piaintUIS' at stract & Investment Company had torneys are: H. C. Denny, whose Post Offiss sold certain town lots to Joe Artesi. end business address is Gallup, New Msries, GALLUP NEW MEXICO This was an error. The lots were sold NOTICE snd John f. Himms, whose rest urns s address is Albuquerque, New Meat. by the W. R. Cregar agency and re- too; ' .'::- - ported by Louis Boat. The Board of Education of Districts WITNESS My Hand sad seal said asms. of- Lthis 15th day of March, 128. OPEN DAY NIGHT 3 and 4, Gallup, New Mexico, will r 77. ... . '. me aianfi ' AfJD If you are interested in owning a fer for sale at public auction at the (1414) County Clerk, lead; . Gal- ana ts sk smst home) mad the advertisements of the ftent door of the court house in vwi"- -'- , esksl - ""j eY Invest- on Met Quart el McKinley County Abstract lup, New Mexico, Thursday, April First Pub. ksr. 17, H. J ment Company in thia issue. 12, 1923, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Last Pub. April 1, U. ( i ' V T . t ) ' I i : i . - f i v 1 i 7" . . ; i :lit.- Jt. t V t t i ty of iur' f 2 b v J - l mounts r;.,a. .,.- y rwry' KcDeririot and wife 91 Ko I?ro:d:iiz)! ICcDermot spent Caster in Altr;J-- , 1 ni'vi People who have been ucinp 1vipf Lytona for years aren't wasting r3i: rr.0GnAr.i their money- - oil prcmiumc, or Fen risiix WEEK costly advcrthins.ctunts it all K7L F. O. ITSZ?, Organist goes into turning out a full SUNDAY of fine Gloria Swsesoa in pound package baking niY AKLiSCAN WIPE" - honest CWrstle Two Reel Cowedy, ' 777 pwder'ratTan price. rescoND cniLcnocD" i Use It never fails! .wEdxY ipars , Lytona; r '. ' f ::;:;t:sN3Ay-.- pT 64-pa- ge Code Book of tested recipes CO C V I Big L I . KepeaUng U". f , J7 I 11 & for all purposes. Write today to , SUNDAY'S PROGRAM h Ruhford Chemical Works 'lJTUESDAT' :.. East St. Louis, III Prodactioa, fea- turing Barbara La Marr, Lewis 11 w u 8tone and Ramoa Novarra in "TRIFLING WOMEN" , ' MOVIE CHATS . "FUN FROM THE PRESS

Here Is the first photograph of Prof WEDNESDAY . W. W, Campbell, director of Lick ob- " ' servatory, Mount Hamilton, Cal., slnci Repeating ' "TRIFLING WOMEN There are other items of small- he began work on the photographic , Administration Still Mckinley County anti- er amounts, In the aggregate plates brought back from the THURSDAY Educational podes expedition and which are ex- Bills Made all amount to over $400,000,-00- 0. Paying Uncommon pected to prove Or disprove the . cor Booth Tarkington's If it were not for these Association rectnesg of the Einstein theory. Masterpiece By Democrats er hang-ov- obligations growing SAYS PRAYER CURES THE FLIRT", out of the war and the Demo- The McKinley County Edu- Sense JOHN BLAKE Pollard Comedy -- WASHINGTON, D. C The BUG" cratic the gov- cational Association will meet "THE GOLF -- Administration is still Administration, present ernment books would show a in Gallup at Central FRIDAY paying the bills of the Demo- today handsome balance for the fis- school building and enjoy a YOUR CAPITAL ... " cratic : Party. An analysis of Repeating cal year closing. As it is, program, as follows: the expenditures of the current just YOU are drawing a thousand do- "THE FLIRT" it is going to show a balance, At 9:30 A. M., Community IF a fiscal year shows the govern- llars year yon are getting Interest SATURDAY but one that will be small. music Roll Twenty-fiv- e dol- ment has paid $133,000,000 on very singing Special on $25,000. thousand account of the railroad admin- call. lars therefore Is ypur capital. . Anita Stewart in Shoe baa dollar that you add to your "ROSE OF THE SEA" on ac- The Paris Store and Shop Secretary's report. Every istration; $125,000,000 received another ma- Income means that just Paper, . "Teaching of Eng yearly your capital Boll Montana Comedy count of the discount accruals a new stitcher for fine shoe re- la increased $25. GOOD" chine, by Mrs. Lillian Wilson. by "ROB 'EM of war securities of work. The Paris Shoe Store and lish," Double and double savings pair led Mr. H. W your salary you WEEKLY NEWS 1918; $127,000,00 on account Shop now has a very complete lay- Discussion, by your capital. Quadruple your $1,000 out of Neuman. of refunding internal revenue latest machinery. a year and you can consider yourself Address by President Kent worth 10O,OOO, which II tidy for- Comings-Met- re taxes illegally collected during Undersheriff Leo Leaden has been I 1919. of State College. tune. Big Special the years 1917, 1918, and on the sick list during the week. that under Noon 1:15 P. M., Commu- The capital you carry "QUDJCY ADAMS SAWYER" nity singing. your bat, you do hot need to risk in - ' It Is immune from bank Wallace Reid in Current events Miss peculation. "CLARANCE by burglars and stock jugglers. It is Becker. yours as long as you keep your health Richard Bsrthelmess in " "FURY" Talk on Geography by Mr. and retain your earning capacity. F. Low. Always consider your brains as fresh in our sani- Discussion, led by Mrs. your capital. Take the same care of Always kept them that banker takes of bis Grace Ames. , . the tary icebox. That's why most All teachers are to be funds and those entrusted to him. urged Bad habits, sloth, shlftleisness, Im- people who enjoy good, tasty present. pair your capital. So does ill health. A Avoid all of them If you can. food prefer ours. W. F. Bowen of the Sanitary Bar- Keep your body In good physical ber is in Shop the hospital where he condition, for If It is not, your brain Samuel C. Benson, Ph. D former re- underwent an operation for the will not be able to earn the interest of the American moval of a in his neck. He is general secretary growth that It ought to. Bible Is said to have told a recovering very nicely. society, Get rid of bad habits. All of them gathering of newspaper men in Mew SERVICE IS WHY cut down.. cures Miss Georgia Taylor, stenographer your capital York about many wrought by for the Chas. W. Davis Insurance Add to your capital as regularly as prayer. The photograph was made Company, is on the sick list and is you can, Add not only to your earn- during his pilgrimage across New York THE WHITE CAFE staying with relatives at Mentmore. ing power, but to the reserve of state distributing Bibles. money that all men ought to estab- H. E. Blaekwell has added a lish as soon as On can dtpand SATISFIES just possible. Olympus. YOUthanaw Good- new Super-Si- x .Hudson Sedan to his When the capital that it under your It'd be rlsrht Interesting to be stand Lunch or 50 Cents - Taxi ' which is one of Cord Tir with Merchants Supper, Service, the hat and the capital that you have in- ing around when all these earthworms year cars the service. bavaledAH-Weath- ar neatest in vested in good securities are both get to celestial regions and start brag- tht for will Can the discoverer Tread to Walter Beddow ot Beddow working you, you be beyond ging. you Imagine fie the reach of want and on to of electricity telling Vulcan, about it. Bnick Company is in El Paso this your' way give) you fraster , or of boast aarv-ic- a, week looking after another shipment prosperity and independence. the inventor gunpowder milaagw, battar of for the But remember that both kinds of ing of his achievement to uarsT ana wmt. ; Buick cars Gallup agency. longw STYLISH HATS capital must be cared for and safe- Think of the world's greatest aviator That advantag Mrs. Ida Meredith Byrd, mother of guarded, or they will shrink Instead of nii fn intercut Mercurv in air arc du to th srni Phoe-ne- x, who Models R. to or the fellow warned the ' Im-prov- That Include The Latest And Newest Designs Mrs. J. Willis, has gone expand. .,; . planes, naw ad nooa ex- fiat traad, a That are featured in Fashions Whims for the Spring Arizona, for visit Make them grow, while the growing people of the jonnstown rubber com- an-- , what an awful It Was is good. Capital of one kind or plaining thing aida-wal- returned haavier b) Time Seasons are to be found in our display of very Mrs. H, Freeman has from Is to Noah! .. v. ?',V: pound, other the only Insurance against rin-forc- And also. too. In addition and th d Attractive and Desirable . v Kansas..; the miseries of poverty and old age. ut very like to be there when a Twen block of th H. Collins (Copyright by John Bltkt.) Wd Mr. and Mrs. W. have ,;,V O flaDDer gives Venus her beveled MILLINERY Santa tieth century new tread. SPRING returned from their visit to Fe. I Times-Di- s idea of love Richmond It is the best tir ' ." . . , PRICES REASONABLE patch. Goodyear ever built. ' ' V ; ; ' AND PICOTING At Strriem Stmtimn HEMSTITCHING ' Gtiymr For Sharp Tuning. Owbr Wm mil mud iwevm-mtn-d MAIL ORDERS GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION antenna Coodyr Th M An exceptionally large Sack ihmm up wtth ttmndmrd more difficult to tune radio SenUm SUMMERS MILLINERY strap (hidden above thevisor) makes it a Gomdymr , and for this reason it Is works the same way as a belt set Bharply, A and dvlsed that a very short, single-wir-e Southwestern Motor Co. slight pull, your 90 feet "SUREFn" is or antenna (approximately long, Wstson Motor Co. tighter from the apparatus" to the as measuring looser, you prefer. single-wir- e Chas. Iehl .. far end) be used. Thi All the new Fifth Avenue antenna should be stretched away from metallic and run DAILY AND SUNDAY I styles, in the latest all objects, straight patterns and clear of all obstructions. and W-- from American overseas SGOOBAnII W..tra Md tor tm Trd", mills. Prices the same as who'd knt thought little you'd pay for any stylish cap and you get "SURE-FITS- " unrivalled comfort tp that yew rn m im fm t hmt en. Tkrtlwtyijti. IIEID Important'. Our better grade "SURE-FITS- " are specially You Can Not Apppreciate that's one reason ' AND only treated so that they shed "SURE-FIT- " is i why the showers, Thus they world's keep And Know The Cut In FIRST WITH THE IIEYS mostcomfortablecap. their shape, last longer, look ninep No elastic to bind the fore- better, and you ioo give head. The simple adjusting comfort on a rainy day. Grocery Prices In the Big Sunday Herald you will find the "SURE-HT- " UNTIL YOU VISIT THE world's best comic pages in colors, the finest I The World's Most magazine section, the foremost news features; - Comfortable the only up-to-d- Sunday newspaper publish- CASH and SSIVECS - ed in New Mexico. i , . ' ' ft v - r r ', ..'. x . ' J CAP . axons -' When in Albuquerquevisit The New Albuquer- AT YOUR DEALER'S .7 "".l"''! .' ' ,(. i"."' .!''' .""!''" ' 1 . --or write to the makers, cm Herald builiiaj. See the soutiwesfs fiaest K2ST DCC.1 TO CAT.MAr?3 CZZCZXf ' - . - itawi?apcr phsl. ,,A', t ' oi- im nrt V '