The Law Relating to Officers in the Army
F .. ----·······-_-·--·------·--~ F· r· J-, Jf J3f f. i i ] udge ftdvooaie 9u,..L-l._ U.S. flnny. I · 1 ~-~P. ......~ THE LAW RELATING TO OFFICERS IN THE ARMY, q. 9l~.. THE LA "\V RELATING TO OFFICERS IN THE AR~IY. BY HARRIS PRENDERGAST, OF LINCOLN'S INN, ESQ., BARRISTER-AT-LAW. REVISE!) EPITION. LONDON: PARKER, FURNIV ALL, AND PARKER, MILITARY LIBRARY, WHITEHALL. MDCCCLV. LONDON': PRINTED BY GEORGE PHIPPS, RA..~ELJ.GH STREET, EATON SQUARE, PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. THE preparation of the following Work was sug gested by my brother, Lieutenant William Grant Prendergast, of the 8th Bengal Cavalry*, Persian Interpreter on the Staff of Lord Gough, Commander in-chief in India ; and from the same quarter much valuable assistance was originally derived, both as to the selection of topics, and the mode of treating them. Without the help of such military guidance, a mere civilian would have laboured under great disadvantages; and the merit, if any, of the Work, is therefore attributable to my coadjutor alone. For the composition, however, I am alone responsible. Officers in the Army are subject to a variety of special laws and legal· principles, which deeply affect their professional and private rights; and it is hoped that a Work, which endeavours to develope these subjects in a connected and untechnical form, will not be deemed a superfluous contribution to military literature. With this view, the following pages are by no means so much addressed to lawyers, as to a class of readers whose opportunities of access to legal publications are necessarily very limited; and care has been taken, in all · cases of importance, to set • Now Brevet-1\lfaj~r, and Acting Brigadier on the frontier of the Punjab.
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