CONSERVATION AREA AUDIT & 4 MANAGEMENT PROPOSALS DORSET SQUARE Date: 08.1.008 Status: Final Post consultation Draft for Adoption as Supplementary Planning Document Document ID No: 3040 Hard copies available from: Conservation Area Audit, Department of Planning and City Development, Westminster City Council, 64 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6QP E-mail:
[email protected] Direct Tel: 00 7641 850/8705/8019 Department of Planning and City Development Development Planning Services City Hall, 64 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6QP CONSERVATION AREA AUDIT | DORSET SQUARE P PREFACE Background, Listed Buildings and Key Features. Since the designation of the first conservation areas in 1967 the City The second stage involved the production Council has undertaken a comprehensive of conservation area directories for programme of conservation area each conservation area. A directory has designation, extensions and policy now been adopted for 51 of the City’s development. There are now 55 conservation areas and includes copies of conservation areas in Westminster, designation reports, a detailed evaluation covering 76% of the City. These of the historical development of the area conservation areas are the subject and analysis of listed buildings and key of detailed policies in the Unitary townscape features. Development Plan and in Supplementary The City is now working on a programme Planning Guidance and Documents, as to prepare conservation area audits well as the emerging Local Development for each of its conservation areas. This Framework. In addition to the basic activity will form the third and final stage of of designation and the formulation of the appraisal process.