In the District Court of the Navajo Nation Judicial District of Window Rock, Navajo Nation
IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE NAVAJO NATION JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF WINDOW ROCK, NAVAJO NATION JOHNNY NAIZE, in his official capacity ) as the Speaker of the 22nd Navajo Nation ) Council and as an individual member ) and citizen of the Navajo Nation, ) Case No.: __________________ ) Plaintiffs/Petitioners, ) ) v. ) ) ALTON JOE SHEPHERD, ) 30-DAY CIVIL SUMMONS LORENZO BATES, ) NELSON BEGAYE, ) RUSSELL BEGAYE, ) JOSH LAVAR BUTLER, ) LORENZO CURLEY, ) JONATHAN HALE, ) JONATHAN NEZ, ) LEONARD PETE, ) DANNY SIMPSON, ) LEONARD TSOSIE, ) DWIGHT WITHERSPOON, ) TOM PLATERO, in his official ) capacity as Executive Director of ) Legislative Services, ) ) Defendants/Respondents. ) ) TO: ALTON JOE SHEPHERD, LORENZO BATES, NELSON BEGAYE, RUSSELL BEGAYE, JOSH LAVAR BUTLER, LORENZO CURLEY, JONATHAN HALE, JONATHAN NEZ, LEONARD PETE, DANNY SIMPSON, LEONARD TSOSIE, DWIGHT WITHERSPOON, TOM PLATERO, in his official capacity as Executive Director of Legislative Services: 1. A civil action has been filed against you in the Window Rock District Court. 2. A copy of the Verified Complaint is attached to this Summons. 3. Pursuant to NNRCP 12(a), you have thirty (30) days from the date you receive this Summons and Verified Complaint to appear and answer the Verified Complaint. 4. You should immediately contact an attorney or an advocate to assist you. 5. If you do nothing, the Court may give judgment for what the Complaint demands. DATED: ____________________________________ CLERK, WINDOW ROCK DISTRICT COURT RETURN OF SERVICE [ ] I certify that on this ______ day of ____________, 2010, I have SERVED a copy of the VERIFIED COMPLAINT to Defendants: Alton Joe Shepherd, Lorenzo Bates, Nelson Begaye, Russell Begaye, Josh Lavar Butler, Lorenzo Curley, Jonathan Hale, Jonathan Nez, Leonard Pete, Danny Simpson, Leonard Tsosie, Dwight Witherspoon, Tom Platero, at:____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________.
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