Days of Awe II

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Days of Awe II A High Holiday Reader Days of Volume II Awe Eight Original Essays © 2003 Cincinnati Community Kollel 2241 Losantiville Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45237-4222 513 631-1118 [email protected] Days of Awe Volume I can be found online at This booklet contains words of Torah. Please treat it with respect, as you would a prayer book. Partial funding provided by our friends at This Holiday Reader is dedicated by Dr. Sidney Peerless in memory of Mrs. Miriam Peerless Rabbi & Mrs. Louis Feinberg Mr. Alter & Mrs. Sophia Peerless Honor Roll 5762-63 Dedication We are grateful to the members of our Honor Roll, whose support over the past twelve months has continued to make the Kollel a positive force in the community. Builders Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fisher Founders Genesis Rehabilitaiton Services Mrs. Esther Becker Gordon Food Service Mr. & Mrs. Paul Heiman Mr. and Mrs. Sam Boymel Mr. Jon Hoffheimer Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lukens / Neace Lukens Insurance Jewish Federation of Cincinnati Rabbi and Mrs. Jacob Lustig Jewish Foundation of Cincinnati Dr. Sidney Peerless Mr. & Mrs. Howard Mayers Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Rosedale Dr. & Mrs. Ned Mehlman Mr. & Mrs. Herman Moskowitz Mr. Abbie Spetner / Executive Trading Co. National Legal Professional Associates Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Spetner / Spetner Associates Insurance Omnicare Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Wilheim Torah Umesorah / Wolfson Fund Benefactors Rabbi & Mrs. Bernard Moskowitz Sponsors Anonymous Capt. & Mrs. Edward Abraham Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Penn Mr. & Mrs. Albert Shohet Mr. & Mrs. Stan Better Mrs. Anita Preis Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Younger Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Brant Rookwood Properties Suellen Chesley Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rosen Mr. & Mrs. William Ziv Kneseth Israel Congregation Rabbi & Mrs. David Spetner Donald Martens & Sons Standard Textile Patrons Ambulance Service Dr. & Mrs. Raphael Warren Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Flacks Mr. & Mrs. Richard Weiland Drs. Doug & Francine Behrman Mr. & Mrs. Coleman Goldsmith Dr. & Mrs. Michael Weinberg Drs. Jay & Melissa Bernstein Mr. & Mrs. Jack Klein Rabbi & Mrs. Dov Aharon Wise Dr. & Mrs. Eric Bramy Miami University / Bnai Brith ZA Consulting, L.L.C. Stanley M. Chesley Hillel Foundation Rabbi & Mrs. Raffie Zuroff & the Honorable Susan Dlott Novack Burnbaum & Crystal LLP Mr. & Mrs. William Freedman Dr. & Mrs. Herbert Halpern Rabbi & Mrs. Nechemiah Kibel Donors Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. John Acklen Ms. Susan Jacobs Dr. & Mrs. Marc Rothenberg Mr. and Mrs. David Mabo Mr. & Mrs. Abraham Alper Jewish Community Center Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sadoff Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Bane Rabbi & Mrs. Mayer Kahn Rabbi & Mrs. Shai Scherer Marbeh Chaim Mr. & Mrs. Richard Basofin Mrs. Nancy Klain Mr. & Mrs. Henry Schneider Mellott & Mellott, P. L. L. Rabbi & Mrs. Ely Behar Rabbi & Mrs. Boruch Leff Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Schreiber Mr. & Mrs. Gene I. Mesh Rabbi & Mrs. Baruch Berger Mr. & Mrs. Mark Littman Mr. & Mrs. Jason Schreiber Mr. & Dr. Yaakov Morton Dr. David Bienenfeld Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Loewy Mrs. Chaiah Schwab Rabbi & Mrs. Yehudah Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Luchins Mr. & Mrs. Allen Schwartzberg Mr. & Mrs. Paul Osborne Bienstock Mr. Edgar Machuca Mr. & Mrs. Harry Solomon Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pransky Congregation Bnai Tzedek Dr. & Mrs. Ernest Meese Mrs. Sandra Spinner Mr. Harvey Richman Mr. & Mrs. O. J. Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Moss Dr. Barry M. Stregevsky Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Deutch Rabbi & Mrs. A. D. Motzen Mr. & Mrs. Jerome S. Teller Dr. Jim Schmidt & Marla Morse Mrs. Amy Diamond Mr. & Mrs. Yechiel Nath Mr. & Mrs. Eliyahu Tolchinsky Rabbi & Mrs. Moshe Schwab Mr. & Mrs. Edward Frankel Mr. Yitzchok Neuberger Rabbi & Mrs. Binyomin Travis Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Shapiro Mr. Allan Friedman Dr. David Paul Weil Funeral Home Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ganson Mr. & Mrs. Herb Pollock Mr. Nathaniel Weiner Anonymous Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Glassman Mr. & Mrs. Yaakov Rabenstein Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Donald Taplits Mr. & Mrs. Shelby Gubin Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Randolph Dr. & Mrs. Jacob Yosafat Mr. & Mrs. Yoni Wagschal Dr. & Mrs. Simon Hakim Mr. & Mrs. Alter Raubvogel Dr. & Mrs. Ira Younger Mr. & Mrs. Egal Ziv Dr. & Mrs. Moshe Harris Mrs. Ilene Raubvogel Mr. & Mrs. Ira Zimmerman Dr. & Mrs. Leonard Horwitz Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Rosenberg Friends Rabbi and Mrs. Menachem Adler Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Greenstein Mr. and Mrs. David Mizrachi Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Steinberg Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Weisberger Cantor and Mrs. Avraham Dr. and Mrs. Hertzka A. Grinblatt Mr. & Mrs. Ira Moskowitz Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Toron Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Weisberger Albrecht Mr. and Mrs. Simon Groner Cantor and Mrs. Yaakov Motzen Rabbi and Mrs. Yaacov Toron Miss Irene Wells Drs. David & Ann Alden Ms. Renana Gross Mr. and Mrs. Jerry J. Nadel Mr. and Mrs. Philip Travis Mr. and Mrs. Howard Yasgur Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Allen Mr. and Mrs. Brian Grossbard Mr. Henry Nathan Dr. and Mrs. David Varady Rabbi and Mrs. Menachem Mr. and Mrs. Eliezer Allman Mr. and Mrs. Asher Grosz National Energy Services Corp. Mrs. Ahuva Wainhaus Zehnwirth Dr. and Mrs. Steven Arnow Mr. and Mrs. Ian Guttman Mr. and Mrs. Louis Newmark Mr. and Mrs. Wirly Weiler Mr. Steve Zimmerman Rabbi and Mrs. Hanan Balk Mr. Joshua Harkavy Dr. and Mrs. David Novick Drs. Nolan and Susan Weinberg Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Zipkin Drs. Salomon and Miriam Banarer Rabbi and Mrs. Yosi Heber Mr. and Mrs. Paul Osborne Rabbi and Mrs. Zev Weiner Mr. and Mrs. Morris Zipkin Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bard Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Heigh Mrs. Salomee Osborne Mr. and Mrs. Ari Weisberg Mr. and Mrs. Ben Zweiter Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barnett Ms. Allyson Henn Mr. Richard Overturf Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Bassin Mrs. Elaine Henn Rabbi and Mrs. Abraham Pelberg Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Behar Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Herman Rabbi and Mrs. Reuven Pelberg Contributors Mr. and Mrs. Shachar Benshalom Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Hodesh Ms. Ruth Pransky Rabbi and Mrs. Marc Abramowitz Ms. Joyce Garver Keller Rabbi and Mrs. Herbert Berger Rabbi and Mrs. Yisroel Homnick Mr. and Mrs. Robert Preis Mr. and Mrs. Harold Andelsman Mrs. Judith Korcz Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Berlove Dr. and Mrs. Steve Jubelirer Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Rabenstein Rabbi and Mrs. Avraham Avnit Mr. and Mrs. Milton Korelitz Mr. and Mrs. Max Bienstock Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kahn Dr. Doug Rank Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Berger Dr. and Mrs. Elliot Lasson Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bochner Mr. and Mrs. Barry Kaplan Drs. Mitchell & Karen Ohlbaum Mr. and Mrs. Shimshon Bienstock Mr. and Mrs. Brett Leonard Rabbi and Mrs. Sroy Levitansky Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bratslavsky Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Karas Rashkin Rabbi and Mrs. Naftoly Bier Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brand Ms. Rosanne Levitt Mr. and Mrs. Julius Briskin Rabbi and Mrs. Yuval Kernerman Mr. and Mrs. David Rich Rabbi and Mrs. Yitzchak Breitowitz Ms. Donna Maier Dr. Madeleine Briskin Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Kirschner Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ronkin Mr. and Mrs. Avner Chriqui Mrs. Yetta Mandell Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown Dr. and Mrs. Nachum Klafter Mrs. Meyer Rosenbaum Dr. and Mrs. Michael Cowen Rabbi and Mrs. Tzvi Millstone Dr. Steven J. Cahn Mr. and Mrs. Robert Klein Mr. Robert Rosenberg Mr. and Mrs. Allen Davidoff Rabbi Melvin Minster Mr. and Mrs. Barry Cobb Mr. and Mrs. Schaja Klein Mr. Ronald Rosenberg Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Deutsch Rabbi and Mrs. Henoch Morris Mr. and Mrs. James Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Uri Kops Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon H. Rosenberg Rabbi and Mrs. Sender Dolgin Mr. and Mrs. Barry Nagler Rabbi and Mrs. Yoseph A. David Mr. and Mrs. Jamey Kurtzer Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rosenblatt Mrs. Regina Eisenberg Rabbi and Mrs. Sheftel Neuberger Mr. and Mrs. Louis Peerless Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davidow Rabbi and Mrs. Maier Kutoff Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rubenstein Mrs. Milton Evensky Mr. and Mrs. Morton Felix Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo Porter Rabbi and Mrs. Menachem Deutch Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Kuy Mr. and Mrs. Ari Rubinoff Mr. and Mrs. Myron Fish Rabbi and Mrs. Doniel Pransky Mr. and Mrs. N. Nachum Eden Rabbi and Mrs. Stuart Lavenda Mr. and Mrs. Michael Samet Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Rabenstein Mr. Ethan Eichelberg Mr. William & Dr. Sarah Lazarus Mr. and Mrs. Scott Samuelson Mr. and Mrs. Max Frankel Rabbi and Mrs. Daniel Raccah Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eisenberg Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Leff Mr. and Mrs. Allan Satin Mr. and Mrs. Martin Freed Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Sax Mr. and Mrs. Yisroel Elin Rabbi and Mrs. Zalman Leff Mr. and Mrs. David Scharf Mr. and Mrs. Tzvi Fried Mr. and Mrs. Tuvia Schachter Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Englander Dr. and Mrs. Robert Lemlich Mr. Ben and Dr. Ronna Schneider Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Goldman Mr. and Mrs. Max Schechter Dr. Ellen Feld Rabbi and Mrs. Dov Lipman Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Fred Golin Ms. Cheryl L. Gersch Schloss Mr. Jerry Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Robert Festenstein Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lipman Mr. Jeremy Schneider Dr. and Mrs. Naftali Golombeck Mr. and Mrs. Martin Grad Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Fine Ms. Lori Lipp Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Shraga Green Mr. and Mrs. Barry Smith Mr. and Mrs. B. David Fish Mr. and Mrs. Manuel London Mr. and Mrs. Mordechai Schonfeld Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gushin Mr. and Mrs. David Snitzer Mr. and Mrs. Marc Fisher Victorine Malka Mr. and Mrs. Gary Schottenstein Mr. and Mrs. Avi Hagage Mr. and Mrs. Greg Spitz Mr. K. Jeff Fladen Mr. and Mrs. Mike Maltinsky Mr. Keith Schreiber Dr. and Mrs. Martin Hanopole Mr. and Mrs. Chaim Mendel Stein Rabbi and Mrs. Menachem Frank Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mandell Dr. and Mrs. Robert Schutz Mr. and Mrs. David Haspel Mrs. Ruth Stregevsky Rabbi and Mrs. Mayer Friedman Rabbi and Mrs. Yisroel Mangel Mr. Irving Schwartz Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Hauer Mr.
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    Volume XXXIX, No. Winter 5760 IN HIS Issue: 4 Message from the EditNs YEHODiT ROBINSON 4 Letters STEPHEN Jlt\. TOLANY RABBI ALAM J. YUTER SHANI HOLZEFI i!XCUUIVE INTERVIEW 6 Hamevaser Exclusive Interview RABBI DR. NORMAN LAMM TliUCT AND TEXTUAUSM The of Dovid Tzvl Hoff'man CHANA KOEl'!!GSBERG 14 Reading Difference in Torah FJJYArlU S1ERN 18 Kri U't,tiv: Rabbinic Views on Textual Vai'iance ZEMIRA BARON 18 Kri U'Ktiv: The Spanish Exegetes DEBORAH GELLER 21 Rebecca: The Interpretive Creation of a Matriarch YEHUDIT ROBINSON 24 fire: Gift or Theft YEHUDA SEPTIMUS 26 From the Rabbinic Luminaries to Freud BENJAMIN ,JOFFE 30 An Introduction to Talmud Study RABBI SHMUEL NACHAM 34 Teaching Texts and their Pretexts Views · 36 Modesty and Modernity R,.,BBI YosEF BLAU Interviews 38 Rabbi Shalom Carmy ASHER FRIED.N\AN Dr. Lawrence Schiffman DAVID REGEV 46 Rabbi Mordekhai Sabato EZRA FRAZER . 50 Rabbi Dr. Alan Brill JASON LEIB Rabbi Meidan ARlWE!SEN IU!iVUEWS 54 BOOK· REVIEWS: and Liminality in the Bible SHARI L ROSENBERG 55 A RIVALRY OF GENIUS Uri Goldstein 56 Survey of Recent Orthodox Jewish Periodical Literature MORDY FRlEDMA!'I 58 CvaERToRAH JONATHAN PRICE TO Bl A PART Of fUTUREISSUE.S, PLEASE CONTACT: Itsther Donath~ 212.252.0149 eszado@aotcom - 212.795.0371 [email protected] . a.n e,maU to [email protected] JQBS AVA!lABLf !NCl.!IDE WRmNG, ED!TiNG, BUSINESS, tAYOI.IT, GRAPHICS & WEB. • oll 1 r t rt. ffAMil/1\SU, Whiter 5760 3 e apologize fi.,r the numerous technical diffi. I greatly enjoyed the cxcd!,;;nt imervicv,' culties that dda,_·ed our publication.
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