gamesa 2014-01-1 INGLES (resumen)_Maquetación 1 27/04/15 09:52 Página 1 gamesa 2014-01-1 INGLES_Maquetación 1 24/04/15 14:40 Página 2 Gamesa in 2014 MW installed 18,831 MW MW installed 3,572 MW MW under O M 961 MW MW under O &M 14,498 MW & Proprietary capacity 3,971 MW Proprietary capacity 602 MW Europe & RoW 16% United States China 15% MW installed 4,151 MW 9% MW under O &M 1,348 MW Proprietary capacity 838 MW % India 26% Latin America MW installed 1,713 MW 34% MW under O &M 1,444 MW Proprietary capacity 1,041 MW MW installed 2,970 MW MW under O &M 2,519 MW Proprietary capacity 314 MW % MW sold in 2014. 31,237 MW 6,766 MW 20,770 MW installed proprietary capacity under O &M 2 gamesa 2014-01-1 INGLES_Maquetación 1 24/04/15 14:40 Página 3 Economic indicators Recurring E bit Net profit and E bit margin Sales MW sold MM € MM € MM € 2,623 92 191 2,846 129 2,336 1,953 45 5.5% 6.7% 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 Social and environmental indicators Employees Health & Safety CO 2 prevented MM t Workforce Frequency index 6,431 47 6,079 1.74 1.72 43 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 Gender Severity index 0.055 0.054 22% 78% 2013 2014 Gamesa in 2014 3 gamesa 2014-01-1 INGLES_Maquetación 1 28/04/15 11:36 Página 4 Index Message from the Chairman Message from the Business CEO Corporate Governance 4 gamesa 2014-01-1 INGLES (resumen)_Maquetación 1 27/04/15 10:39 Página 5 1 2 Business model 2014 Results 18 Geographic 52 Market environment diversification and outlook 21 Vertical integration 55 Financial performance 24 Innovation 28 Financial strength 32 Commitments: employees, customers, shareholders, suppliers, environment and communities Index 5 gamesa 2014-01-1 INGLES_Maquetación 1 24/04/15 14:41 Página 6 Message from the Chairman Dear shareholders, For the past couple of years Gamesa has been focused on executing its 2013-2015 business Plan, designed with the aim of making the company profitable again and adapting it to the new sector paradigm without sacrificing the flexibility needed to tap potential market opportunities.
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