december 2050 moon v gue



they the were sickest called ambition_ cowboys 02:15 so never forget yourself or what the scene stood for_a guy giving a loan to a bloke who knew he couldnt pay it_neither of them cared_

02:16 liberal or j-ism? 02:15 authenticity is such a silly quest when u dial

02:17 then


02:20 cos youre worth it_connecting the universe with tools 2 move planets_call earth per month_99 03:12 99 already? this has a good 09:20 for 03:14 number of everything


03:16 but little 2 no discussion_are u interested in starting a conversation? send me a sign_ 09:23 is possible for him who believes@Mark 9_23 12:12 for the slow people here is another analogy_the answer is simple_ okay_maybe the answer isnt simple_but its much more_simple than actually

12:12 doing it_

hit me 05:39 u cannot receive a sign or anything of life in 14:08 to the lovers of the 4inch feel and

05:39 the 14:10 4figure



world heel_

05:42 nothing_the spaced towns and maddening crowds? please do u receive me? they are all still_truly here_ 14:11 more shimmer_more luscious longer stronger fuller creamy_feel 21:42 2 few words_the moment u trip over more lines_things become complicated_ there is no longer a need 2 provide meaning_

21:42 an atmosphere of

21:43 meaning is enough_

21:44 send_ 2BZ4UQT 15:23 nope_i would get everything factchecked_but where are they from_i hope not other users_ 16:03 i wanna be a model posing as myself_its

16:04 more PFT_

16:05 real

16:06 this

16:07 way 2041 זאמ החלצהב תרחסנ ,תירטנלפ גניפרומ

Strong Cleansing Linger 0.9h 140

ביבאה לש הציפקה

Blue Crystal Fire Crystal Blue

XO 5000 明星胎儿

XO 2000 XO XO 8800 XO

صقرلا ستول 2041 זאמ החלצהב תרחסנ ,תירטנלפ גניפרומ 0.5h 370 0.5h

Strong Cleansing Linger 2041 זאמ החלצהב תרחסנ ,תירטנלפ גניפרומ 0.9h 140

Strong Cleansing Linger just when you thought darkness was unstoppable_ 20:00 20:00 חלצומ רחסמל ,דרול לעמ 0.9h 140

ביבאה לש הציפקה

顺利歌唱阳光XO 5000 610 — M 2041 זאמ החלצהב תרחסנ ,תירטנלפ גניפרומ ءودهلا مسجلا عزانلا مسجلا ءودهلا

זג יפורט קזח M — 240 heres M — 450 2041 זאמ החלצהב תרחסנ ,תירטנלפ גניפרומ 2041 זאמ החלצהב תרחסנ ,תירטנלפ גניפרומ ביבאה לש הציפקה Strong Cleansing Linger XO 5000 0.9h 140 M — 450 Strong Cleansing Linger

M — 240 عزانلا مسجلا ءودهلا 0.9h 140 קזח יפורט זג

Strong Cleansing Linger M — 610 顺利歌唱阳光

HIM! 0.9h 140 לעמ ,דרול רחסמל חלצומ ביבאה לש הציפקה XO 5000 ביבאה לש הציפקה חלצומ רחסמל ,דרול לעמ ביבאה לש הציפקה XO 5000 XO 5000 2041 זאמ החלצהב תרחסנ ,תירטנלפ גניפרומ 顺利歌唱阳光 M — 240 חלצומ רחסמל ,דרול לעמ

0.5h 370 Strong Cleansing Linger 顺利歌唱阳光 ستول صقرلا 0.9h 140 M — 450 M — 240 عزانلا مسجلا ءودهلا XO 8800 קזח יפורט זג XO 2000

Blue Crystal Fire 明星胎儿 M — 610 5000 XO

הציפקה לש ביבאה חלצומ רחסמל ,דרול לעמ

ביבאה לש הציפקה M — 450 חלצומ רחסמל ,דרול לעמ קזח יפורט זג XO 5000 عزانلا مسجلا ءودهلا חלצומ רחסמל ,דרול לעמ 顺利歌唱阳光 M — 610 M — 240 顺利歌唱阳光

M — 240 140 0.9h 顺利歌唱阳光 Strong Cleansing Linger Cleansing Strong

M — 240

M — 450 קזח יפורט זג

عزانلا مسجلا ءودهلا 0.5h 370 גניפרומ ,תירטנלפ תרחסנ החלצהב זאמ M — 450 M — 610 2041 ستول صقرلا קזח יפורט זג M — 450 عزانلا مسجلا ءودهلا M — 610 عزانلا مسجلا ءودهلا קזח יפורט זג XO 2000 XO 8800 M — 610 Blue Crystal Fire 明星胎儿 0.5h 370 חלצומ רחסמל ,דרול לעמ ستول صقرلا

XO 2000 XO 8800 顺利歌唱阳光 Blue Crystal Fire 明星胎儿 M — 240

0.5h 370 ستول صقرلا 0.5h 370 M — 450 0.5h 370 ستول صقرلا عزانلا مسجلا ءودهلا קזח יפורט זג XO 2000 XO 8800 M — 610 ستول صقرلا Blue Crystal Fire 明星胎儿 XO 2000 XO 8800 明星胎儿 Blue Crystal Fire XO 2000 XO 8800 20:01 a luminous power provides instant salvation_worksBlue Crystal Fire to improve a radiant_glowing complexion 明星胎儿

0.5h 370 ستول صقرلا

XO 2000 XO 8800 Blue Crystal Fire 明星胎儿 22:14 i really believe in this moomoo look and am looking forward to trying it_ oh and by the way_ what does it mean when people say

22:16 creasers?

22:17 a gang name? 23:51 ive blown it_u dont feel the oppressive 04:11 we have no object here_there is nothing within yet we are so right in right now_with no

04:15 outside


23:54 cities

23:56 with their insistent sense of place_filled with kitchen dramas and fixed lines_relief with no beliefs 04:16 w/o constraints_get it 08:32 not cool_need powers cos it has all the never-actually-do-anything power of the internet_this made_me want

08:33 my

08:35 penis

08:42 to put in america_here please_stand in it 10:20 on

10:20 heavenly

10:20 what do u dream about? 10:20 evenings 14:23 theres def

14:24 no

14:24 atmosphere


14:25 leather jackets and beanies are dead giveagays_no amount of browwiping can convince me otherwise_w/o the heat_sunlight is a moot point 23:23 @miwtca i

23:25 grew up

23:26 in the craters_something like that would not have ended peacefully 02:43 i can orbit without_any autopilots_ive_got

02:46 the sickest

02:48 ambition_

02:52 look at me mr_mandeep in the mirror _ 08:45 this magazine floated in 08:48 2011_

08:49 surface choked the content_there was carnage_dead hyperlinks all over the information superhighway 12:34 one giant step_jack in_log on_embedded_collected again drives my beauty system _we stand with u so get yourself 2gether_lets work

12:35 gravity

12:35 lipstick 19:03 why has everything gotta be a gift for baby jesus? Im also gods son when it comes_2 brands_you know its like a drug

19:04 im 19:04 also

19:04 gods 19:05 son 04:10 they



04:11 cowboys

04:12 they used 2 herd cattle_legends turned_them into heroes_they got roped into suits and ties_breeders 14:12 i add u_we could

14:15 start


religion 14:14 moon-@ken5244 17:26 mum and barbie are the

17:27 same


17:31 but she just stays the same forever ever 19:56 woman of the moment_shes down in the south crater and has a few tricks up her skirt when it comes 2 praise for his glory_like velvet this season 20:25 _what up sage? 20:27 _im not afraid

20:28 of images_ total timeless_c_nt live w/o them 23:40 new cosmos_u2 can stay younger by sticking 2 the moon_

23:42 mousse 23:43 around

23:44 b/c moon pioneers go back 2 earth older_gorge 09:39 dont blush_try 14:01 u know what this all is_stupid u making

14:04 propaganda_

09:39 moon

09:39 lashes 09:39 give it up 2 the moon_w/o it the earth means nothing 2 me_like u 17:29 copy and paste if u support this 22:25 @coco_

22:29 my imaginary friend thinks u have mental problems_handbags wouldnt really go with this collection_but just because u dont show handbags on the runway doesnt mean u wont make any_u always make handbags 22:58 this_is so dramatic_u_love u work_male_female_and 23:02 person 23:02 3rd

23:03 are rocking_personality and elegance u could muster_bravo 11:12 and would u call pulling the rug a lol@_global

11:12 *limited


05:12 warming/nihilist

05:13 PLEASE do comment_i try to reply to most comments_but sometimes it takes me a while like really 11:13 _now excuse me_i need 2 dip in 2 my stash of brain bleach 12:30 @bratwurst130 your moon theme is_really awesome! love it_i have 12:32 assistants

12:32 life 12:34 all around_and they convinced me_but im not here to make friends 15:52 no offense if youre offended_u clearly have issues_deal with it_its in the dior collection a couple season ago_the really long runway 18:42 it was here that it dawned on us that we should remove proper nouns from our speech so

18:43 in 20

18:44 years

18:45 time people could understand us_whisper balenciaga for the last time_cakes 22:00 adding comments has been disabled for this image but If u dont even feel sad_then yeah_get an ASBO out on me_mate 23:41 im a girl and very proud_listen_ 23:42 click me

23:44 and break out of that outdated mode_i do this whenever i am told 03:09 what is the face of the moon like? i have no idea_i live there

03:10 40 years

03:11 after cover photo duy quoc vo_styling sonny groo_model valentijn de hingh liberal or j-ism? MRRK_mark van gennip_ink storm_photo cath hermans then moonbile left_photo duy quoc vo_styling sonny groo_model valentijn de hingh right_josephmorzolla number of views antuong nguyen_moop jaw/maximum rim for everything joseph morzolla doing it_hit me anne de vries_weightless the real world maryme-jimmypaul_technomoon 4figure heel_ semuel souhuwat an atmosphere of meaning is enough_ antuong nguyen_moop jaw/maximum rim PFT_ marie bourlanges and virginie rebetez_googlemoon_photo virginie rebetez more real this way misha hollenbach heres HIM! jonas sætervik creasers? anne de vries_weightless cities warran wright_moop jaw/maximum rim outside seasons_ misha hollenbach my penis anne de vries_weightless heavenly evenings nicole rose and sophie pike_photo alex penfold theres def no atmosphere outside_ MRRK_mark van gennip_ink storm_photo cath hermans grew up nik dimopoulos and timothy moore the sickest ambition_ kinga kielczynska _ photo duy quoc vo_styling sonny groo_model valentijn de hingh 2011_ kinga kielczynska gravity lipstick design maryme-jimmypaul for alicia framis_photo semuel souhuwat Im also gods son melanie bonajo they were called cowboys tin&ed start a religion maarten nauw and martin c de waal_nude_photo martin c de waal same age warran wright_moop jaw/maximum rim but she just stays photo duy quoc vo_styling sonny groo_model valentijn de hingh woman of the moment melanie bonajo _what up sage?_im not afraid kinga kielczynska mousse around photo duy quoc vo_styling sonny groo_model valentijn de hingh moon lashes design maryme-jimmypaul_peau de chagrin_photo semuel souhuwat propaganda_ sibling with amelia borg/alan ting/jane caught/jessica brent/jonathan brener/ nicholas braun/nik dimopoulos/qianyi lim @coco_ design maryme-jimmypaul_peau de chagrin_photo semuel souhuwat 3rd person design maryme-jimmypaul_peau de chagrin_photo semuel souhuwat lol@_global warming/nihilist juliette warmenhoven_incubator (couveuse)_everyday growing *limited idea*? marie bourlanges and virginie rebetez_googlemoon_photo virginie rebetez life assistants anne de vries_weightless no offense if youre offended design maryme-jimmypaul_peau de chagrin_photo semuel souhuwat in 20 anne de vries_weightless years photo duy quoc vo_styling sonny groo_model valentijn de hingh adding comments has been disabled tonia geissbuehler and taiyo onorato click me katja novitskova 40 years after emmeline de mooij_the naughty sand phenomenon _ anne de vries_weightless

editor in chief maryme-jimmypaul associate editor timothy moore text contributors julie aveline and aynouk tan designer rAinBoWteRRoR veLA this publication was made possible with the generous support of alicia framis_the moon life foundation and the fonds voor beeldende kunsten_ vormgeving en bouwkunst printed @ prolong press limited _ i

wasnt kidding hope u got my point_if u have more questions hit me back