Remarks in Southaven, Mississippi November 1, 2003
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Nov. 1 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2003 more than 100 former regime members. turn to normal in Iraq, and more and more In other operations, our soldiers have also Iraqis will step forward to play a direct seized hundreds of weapons, thousands of role in the rebirth of their country. And rounds of ammunition and explosives, and as the political process moves forward and hundreds of thousands of dollars suspected more and more Iraqis come to feel they of being used to finance terror operations. have a stake in their country’s future, they Second, we are training an ever-increas- will help to secure a better life for them- ing number of Iraqis to defend their nation. selves and their children. Today, more than 90,000 Iraqis are serving The terrorists and the Ba’athists hope to as police officers, border guards, and civil weaken our will. Our will cannot be shaken. defense personnel. These Iraqi forces are We’re being tested, and America and our also supplying troops in the field with bet- allies will not fail. We will honor the sac- ter intelligence, allowing for greater preci- rifice of the fallen by ensuring that the sion in targeting the enemies of freedom. cause for which they fought and died is And we are accelerating our efforts to train completed, and we will make America safer and field a new Iraqi army and more Iraqi by helping to transform Iraq from an ex- civil defense forces. porter of violence and terror into a center Third, we are implementing a specific of progress and peace. plan to transfer sovereignty and authority Thank you for listening. to the Iraqi people. The Governing Coun- cil, made up of Iraqi citizens, has appointed NOTE: The address was recorded at 9:37 a.m. ministers who are responsible for the day- on October 31 at the Bush Ranch in to-day operations of the Iraqi Government. Crawford, TX, for broadcast at 10:06 a.m. on The Council has also selected a committee November 1. The transcript was made avail- that is developing a process through which able by the Office of the Press Secretary on Iraqis will draft a new constitution for their October 31 but was embargoed for release country. When a constitution has been rati- until the broadcast. In his remarks, the Presi- fied by the Iraqi people, Iraq will enjoy dent referred to former President Saddam free and fair elections. Hussein of Iraq. The Office of the Press Sec- All these efforts are closely linked. As retary also released a Spanish language tran- security improves, life will increasingly re- script of this address. Remarks in Southaven, Mississippi November 1, 2003 Thank you all. Thanks for coming. I’m of getting up in years and—[laughter]—and honored to be here. I’m honored to be here I come to northern Mississippi, where here with the next Governor of the State thousands of our fellow citizens are here. of Mississippi, Haley Barbour. It is great You’ve energized me. I’m thrilled to be to be in northern Mississippi. I’m proud here. Thanks for coming. to be here with a lot of friends. I appreciate you coming. I appreciate You know, I woke up in Crawford this you coming. Haley and I married above morning. I said to First Lady Bush, I said, ourselves. I’m thrilled that the next first ‘‘I don’t know if I’m going to be able to lady of Mississippi is with us today, and find the energy to be able to make it that’s Marsha. And Laura sends her love. through a long day.’’ You know, I’m kind 1436 31 2005 08:31 Aug 02, 2006 Jkt 198803 PO 00000 Frm 00632 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 \\ALPHA3\E\HR\OC\198803.018 198803 Administration of George W. Bush, 2003 / Nov. 1 I’m sorry she’s not with me. She’s been they do what’s in the best interests of the a fabulous First Lady for our country. State of Mississippi and vote for Haley I’ve known Haley for quite a while. He Barbour. used to run in high circles. I guess in this I’m so thankful that we’ve got a great part of the world, you say he used to pick United States Senator with us today, a man high cotton. [Laughter] But one thing who is a leader on the floor of the United about him, no matter how high the circle States Senate, a strong ally of mine, a great he ran in, he always loved to talk about friend of the people of Mississippi, and Mississippi. He’s proud of this State, and that’s Senator Thad Cochran. As well an- that’s the kind of Governor you need, other fine Representative for the State of somebody who will relate to people from Mississippi in Washington, DC, a man all walks of life. One of the things about who’s done a great job in the United States his campaign that I like a lot is, Haley Congress, friend and ally, and that would is proud to be a Republican, but he also be Congressman Roger Wicker. wants to be the Governor of Democrats I had the honor of welcoming some Mis- and independents. He’s reaching out. He sissippi citizens to Washington a while ago, understands his job is to represent every- and one of the citizens that came was a body when he gets to be the Governor courageous politician, a leader who didn’t in three days. do the politically expedient thing but de- I like the fact that he’s an optimist. He’s cided that she would find a home in a got a positive view for the great State of different political party, somebody who Mississippi. He believes in the great poten- stood by her convictions, somebody who tial of the great State of Mississippi. That’s the kind of Governor you want, somebody said, ‘‘Principle matters a lot to me,’’ and who sees a positive future for every single that’s the next Lieutenant Governor of the citizen. That Governor is Haley Barbour. State of Mississippi, Amy Tuck. I like the fact that Haley Barbour is a I know we’ve got a lot of other statewide man of good values. He honors his family. candidates here. When you get in that He treasures his relationship with the Al- booth for Haley and Amy, make sure you mighty. He believes in hard work. He be- remember Phil Bryant, Julio Del Castillo, lieves everybody has worth. It’s these kind Scott Newton, Max Phillips, Tate Reeves, of values that are necessary to have in your all fine candidates running for statewide of- statehouse here in Mississippi. I’m proud fice. to stand with this man. Haley Barbour is Not only should people vote for Haley the right man to lead the State of Mis- because he’s so pretty to look at—[laugh- sissippi. ter]—well—[laughter]—he’s got the right And in order to have this good man lead issues. He knows what he’s talking about the State of Mississippi, he needs your when it comes to the issues. He knows help. We’re coming down to voting time when people in Mississippi are looking for here in Mississippi. It’s time to make sure work, you better have a progrowth policy that people get the message that you’ve for the State of Mississippi. got a good man in Haley Barbour. That We share the same philosophy. First of means you need to go out and find your all, we’re concerned about people looking neighbors, Republicans, Democrats, inde- for work, and secondly, we know that in pendents, people who don’t care about po- order to get an economy growing, you’ve litical parties at all, to get to the polls. got to do two things: You must have fiscal Remind them they have a duty as a citizen discipline in the statehouses around the of this free country to vote. And once you country. Haley Barbour knows how to man- get them headed to the polls, make sure age a budget. Haley Barbour will be wise 1437 g 31 2005 08:31 Aug 02, 2006 Jkt 198803 PO 00000 Frm 00633 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 \\ALPHA3\E\HR\OC\198803.018 198803 Nov. 1 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2003 with the taxpayers’ money in the State of are problems of the heart, that while Gov- Mississippi. ernment can hand out money, Government I know where Haley stands because cannot put hope in a person’s heart or a when I stood up in front of the Congress sense of purpose—[applause]. No, the great and the country and advocated a progrowth strength of America lies in the hearts and policy for our economy, he was strong by souls of our fellow citizens. And you need my side. I said this, I said, ‘‘If people have a Governor who is willing to rally the ar- more money in their pockets, they’re more mies of compassion. likely to demand a good or a service. And We should never have the state fund the when somebody demands a good or a serv- church, or the church try to be the state. ice in our economy, somebody will produce But what we should have is States and the a good or a service. And when somebody Federal Government willing to empower produces the good or a service, it means those who have heard the universal call to somebody is more likely to find a job.’’ love a neighbor just like we’d like to be The tax cuts we passed came at the right loved ourselves.