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SPARLING-THESIS-2021.Pdf (1.469Mb) Cybersecurity at a Crossroads: Government Perceptions of Sino-Canadian Relations in a Digital Context A Thesis Submitted to the College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Master of Public Policy In Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon By David Sparling Copyright David Sparling, April 2020. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise noted, copyright of the material in this thesis belongs to the author. PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Postgraduate degree from the University of Saskatchewan, I agree that the Libraries of this University may make it freely available for inspection. I further agree that permission for copying of this thesis in any manner, in whole or in part, for scholarly purposes may be granted by the professor or professors who supervised my thesis work or, in their absence, by the Head of the Department or the Dean of the College in which my thesis work was done. It is understood that any copying or publication or use of this thesis or parts thereof for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. It is also understood that due recognition shall be given to me and to the University of Saskatchewan in any scholarly use which may be made of any material in my thesis. DISCLAIMER This thesis was exclusively created to meet requirements for the degree of Master of Public Policy at the University of Saskatchewan. References in this thesis to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the University of Saskatchewan. The views and opinions of the author expressed herein do not state or reflect those of the University of Saskatchewan and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes. Requests for permission to copy or to make other uses of materials in this thesis in whole or part should be addressed to: Murray Fulton PhD, MSc, BA, BSA Directive of the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy 101 Diefenbaker Place University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan SK S7N 5B8, Canada OR Dean College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies University of Saskatchewan 116 Thorvaldson Building, 110 Science Place Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 5C9, Canada ABSTRACT Over the past decade, cybersecurity has emerged as a key locus of national security policy. The importance of cybersecurity will only increase as states navigate the transition to next-generation internet and telecommunications infrastructure. In the government debates of western democracies, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and Chinese corporations are frequently cast in the role of challengers to the liberal international order. As a member of the highly integrated Five Eyes intelligence network, Canada has experienced both internal and external pressures to take a firmer stance against foreign direct investment by telecoms giant Huawei and other Chinese corporations on national security grounds. This thesis project uses directed content analysis to examine how government actors construct and present political narratives on cybersecurity concerns related to China during the 42nd Parliament of Canada (December 3, 2015 to September 11, 2019). NVIVO 12 qualitative analysis software was used to categorize and code data from the debates of the House of Commons, the Senate, and the minutes of select parliamentary committees. Deborah Stone’s typology of political narratives is employed to interpret opposing storylines relating to cyberthreats posed to Canada by Chinese state activity. Findings reveal a significant paradigmatic division on Chinese cybersecurity threats separating not only the Justin Trudeau Liberal government and the Conservative Opposition, but also the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) and the Communications Security Establishment (CSE), two of Canada’s core intelligence agencies. Whereas both the Liberal government and the CSE broadly promote a narrative of control in relation to cyberthreats, Conservative Party representatives and current and former CSE officials consistently depict of narrative of national security decline and mounting dangers. The existence of these polarized positions within both Parliament and the federal security establishment point to the challenges of crafting coherent, state-facing cybersecurity policy related to the PRC. In addition to revealing this paradigmatic divide, this analysis illustrates the integral role of geopolitical dynamics in Canadian cybersecurity policymaking, particularly the “Five Eyes” security collaboration between Canada, the USA, Australia, New Zealand the United Kingdom. These findings demonstrate the need for inter- agency and international fora to develop enforceable norms of cyber-conduct. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In the writing of this master’s thesis, I would first like to thank Ken Coates, my thesis supervisor at the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy. Dr. Coates was an exemplary advisor during the writing of my thesis, and consistently provided me with insight, compassion, and support. I am extremely grateful for his guidance and consistent understanding, and without him this thesis would not be half the product that it is. I would also like to thank Dr. Carin Holroyd, Dr. Elizabeth Schwartz, Dr. Alana Cattapan, Dr. Murray Fulton, Dr. Jeremy Rayner, Dr. Ken Rasmussen, Rachel Tang and the University of Saskatchewan’s Social Science Research Laboratory, Dr. Leila Tang, Johnathan Miller, and Dr. Paul Evans for their invaluable contributions to the development of my thesis, the contextualization of my premises and methods, and the implications of my conclusions. It was a sincere pleasure to share my research process with all of you. Finally, I would be remiss if I failed to express my deepest gratitude to my parents, Nancy and Bruce, my siblings, Katie and Ben, and to my close friends Alex, Matt, Nora, Ashton, and Brett for providing me with unfailing support and continuous encouragement throughout my years of study and through the process of researching and writing this thesis. This accomplishment would not have been possible without you. David Sparling iii TABLE OF CONTENTS PERMISSION TO USE ............................................................................................................................. i DISCLAIMER ........................................................................................................................................... i ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................................. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..................................................................................................................... iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................................................... iv CHAPTER ONE: CYBERSECURITY POLICY IN AN ERA OF INFORMATIZED CONFLICTS ........ 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 2 CASE SELECTION .............................................................................................................................. 4 METHODS ........................................................................................................................................... 6 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW – CANADA-CHINA RELATIONS AND TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY CYBERSECURITY CHALLENGES ....................................................................................... 8 CANADA-CHINA RELATIONS LITERATURE ............................................................................... 9 CYBERSECURITY LITERATURE .................................................................................................. 14 HUAWEI LITERATURE ................................................................................................................... 18 FIVE EYES LITERATURE ............................................................................................................... 23 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................... 25 CHAPTER THREE: GOVERNMENT DEBATES AND NARRATIVES: DIGITAL SECURITY CHALLENGES AND CANADA-CHINA RELATIONS .......................................................................... 27 HOUSE OF COMMONS CYBERSECURITY DEBATES ................................................................... 28 2016: ................................................................................................................................................... 28 2017: ................................................................................................................................................... 29 2018: ................................................................................................................................................... 30 2019: .................................................................................................................................................... 33 SENATE CYBERSECURITY DEBATES ........................................................................................ 39 2016: ..................................................................................................................................................
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