The Italian-Palestinian Expedition to Tell Es-Sultan, Ancient Jericho (1997–2015): Archaeology and Valorisation of Material and Immaterial Heritage
The Italian-Palestinian Expedition to Tell es-Sultan, Ancient Jericho (1997–2015): Archaeology and Valorisation of Material and Immaterial Heritage Lorenzo Nigro Sapienza University of Rome Abstract: Sapienza University of Rome and the Palestinian MoTA-DACH have been committed since 1997 to the protection, scientific re-evaluation and tourist rehabilitation of Tell es-Sultan, ancient Jericho. Excavations, surveys, and restorations over 15 field seasons allow an update of our knowledge on the history of this long-lived site of the ancient Near East, as well as making it possible to match data collected by three previous expeditions within a single comprehensive picture. Keywords: Epipalaeolithic, Neolithic, Chalcolithic, Early Bronze Age, Middle Bronze Age, Late Bronze Age, Iron Age, Tell es-Sultan, architecture, biblical archaeology, burial customs, chronology, fortifications, heritage, urbanisation, valorisation. Introduction exploration, and its worldwide fame are firmly connected to its biblical mention in the conquest This paper offers a provisional summary of the major narrative of the Book of Joshua (Joshua 2:6), making it an results of the Italian-Palestinian Archaeological icon of biblical archaeology (Finkelstein and Silberman Expedition to Tell es-Sultan, a joint pilot project carried 2002, 96). Separate from the biblical narrative, on by Sapienza University of Rome and the Department discoveries by the two previous British expeditions to of Archaeology and Cultural Heritage of the Palestinian the site gained it the epithet of ‘the oldest city of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities (MoTA-DACH) world’, making the urban character of the site the between 1997 and 2015. The project is supported by the key measure for scientific evaluation of its cultural above mentioned institutions and by the Italian Ministry significance (see below).
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