Glossary of British Sea Terms Matthew Ayre & Dinah malloy Thompson © 2014 Definition Date 1821 1845 1901 1919 1930 1936 1950 1963 1969 1977 1995 William Scoresby: An Elisha Kent Kane: George Murray FRS: J.M. Wordie: South Marine Observers Marine Observers Marine Observers Marine Observers Marine Observers Marine Observers Marine Observers Account of the Arctic Arctic Exploration in The Antarctic Manual Handbook: 5th Edition Handbook: 6th Edition Handbook: 7th Edition Handbook: 8th Edition Handbook: 9th Edition Handbook: 10th Handbook: 11th Regions and a the years 1853, '54 Edition Edition Reference Description of the and '55. Northern Whale Fishery A sheet of ice so An extensive surface A sheet of ice of such A sheet of ice of such An area of pack ice of An area of pack ice of A area of pack ice Area of pack ice/drift Area of pack ice Area of pack ice Area of floating ice extensive, that its of floating ice. extent that its extent that its limits such extent that its such extent that its consisting of very ice, consisting of any consisting of any size consisting of any size consisting of any size limits cannot be termination cannot be cannot be seen from limits cannot be seen limits cannot be seen large floes several size of floes, of such of floes, which is of floes, which is of floes, which is discerned from a seen from the crows the masthead from a ships mast from a ships mast miles across, of such an extent that its greater than 10km (6 greater than 5.4 n. greater than 10 cm ship's mast head. nest. head head extent its limits cannot limits cannot be seen miles) across. May be mile across (cf. ice across (cf. patch). be seen from the from the crows nest. designated as: Large- patch). See Large, Field mast head. over 20km (12 miles) Medium, Small ice- across, Medium - 15- field. 20km (9-12miles) across, Small - 10- 15km (6-9 miles) across. Similar to a Field, but A detachted portion of The same as a field, An area of ice, level An area of ice other An area of ice other A piece of A single piece of sea Any relatively flat Any relatively flat Any relatively flat smaller; in as much a field. except its limits can or hummocked, than fast ice whose than fast ice whose other than fast ice, ice, other than fast piece of sea ice 20m piece of sea ice 20 m piece of sea ice 20 m as its extent can be be made out from the whose limits are limits are within sight. limits are within sight. large or small. Light ice, large or small, (66ft) or more across. or more across. Floes or more across. Floes seen. This term, crows nest. within sight. Includes floes are anything up described if possible Floes are subdivided are sub- divided are subdivided however, is seldom all sizes between to 2-3ft in thickness; as Light or Heavy according to according to according to applied to pieces of brash on the one floes of greater according to horizontal extent as horizontal extent as horizontal extent as ice of less diameter hand and fields on the thickness, both level thickness. Vast: over follows: Giant: over follows : GIANT: Over follows: GIANT: Over than half a mile or a other. Light floes are and hummocked, are 10km (5.5miles) 10km (6miles) across, 5.4 n. mile across. 10 km across. VAST: mile between 1 and 2 feet called Heavy Floes. across, Big : 1-10km Vast: 2-10km (1- VAST: 1.5 -5.4 n. mile 2-10 km across. B1G: in thickness (anything (0.5 - 5.5miles) 6miles) across, Big: across. BIG: 500- 500-2000 m across. Floe thinner being young across, Medium : 200- 500-2000m (1/4 to 2000 m across. MEDIUM: 100-500 m ice). Those exceeding 1000m (660ft- 1mile) across, MEDIUM: 100-500 m across. SMALL: 20- 2 feet in thickness are 0.5miles) across, Medium: 100-500m across. SMALL: 20- 100m across. generally termed Small : 10-200m (33- (330ft to 1/4mile) 100 m across. heavy floes, being 660ft) across. across, Small: 20- generally 100m (66-330ft) hummocked, and in across. the Antarctic, at any rate, coverd by fairly deep . Consists of pieces Detached Ice in Pieces smaller than a Loose open ice, Loose very open pack Loose very open pack Loose, very open Term used in a wide Term used in a wide less than Floes, of motion. floe. where the area of where where water pack, where water sense to include any sense to include any various shapes and water exceeds that of predominates over ice predominates over ice predominates over area of sea ice, other area of sea ice, other magnitudes ice. Generally ice. Vessels can than fast ice, no than fast ice, no is within reach of the usually proceed at full matter what form it matter what form it swell, and is a stage or moderate speed takes or how takes or how it is in the breaking down with little alteration of disposed. disposed. When of pack ice, the size course. The floes are concentrations are of the floes being in most cases smaller high, i.e. 7/10 or much smaller than the or lighter than those in more, drift ice may be Drift Ice latter (Scoresby's use close or open pack, replaced by the term of the term drift ice for and often associated pack ice. pieces of ice with rotten ice and intermediate in size brash. A term between floes and formerly much in use, brash has, however, but liable to confusion quite died out). The with 'drivis', the Antarctic and Arctic Norwegian equivalent Pack ice usually has a of pack ice girdle or fringe of Drift ice. Smaller still than Drift Ice broken up into Small fragments and Small fragments and Small fragments and Small fragments and Small fragments, not Accumulation of small Accumulations of Accumulations of Accumulations of ice, consisting of small pieces. nodules, the wreck of roundish nodules; the rounded nodules, the rounded nodules, the more than 6 feet fragments not more Floating ice made up floating ice made up floating ice made up roundish nodules, and other kinds of ice. wreck of other kinds wreck of other kinds wreck of other kinds across, the wreckage than 2m (6.5 feet) of fragments not more of fragments not more of fragments not more fragments of ice, of ice. of ice of ice of other forms of ice. across, the wreckage than 2m (6.5ft) than 2 m across, the than 2 m across, the broken off by the Also ice in a of other forms of ice. accross, the wreckage of other wreckage of other attrition of one piece waterlogged state and wreckage of other forms of ice. forms of ice. against another. This appearing of darker forms of ice. Brash Ice may be considered as tone. The American the wreck of other equivalent is generally kinds of ice 'Mush'. In appearance not unlike 'sludge' or '', but brash fragments are of widley varying size Is newly formed on Ice of recent The young ice which Term formerly in use Level ice of more than the sea. Bay ice may formation, so called first forms on the for newly formed one winter's growth, be said to extend because forming surface of the sea in 'level ice', of sufficient which has remained from the first pellicle most readily in bays autumn. thickness to impede unhummocked and of ice, up to a foot in and sheltered spots. or prevent navigation. also becomes Bay Ice thickness [Consists of Preferred alternative nourished by surface 2 categorys, below:] terms are: level, layers of snow. winter or fjord ice. Thickness of ice and Has been used to snow up to about 2 describe heavy land metres (6.5 feet) floes in the Antarctic above sea level. Common Smooth extensive [Bay Ice] sheets Small circular pieces Ice consists of small Small circular floes Small floes of new ice Small floes of new ice Pieces of newly Pieces of newly Predominantly circular Predominantly circular Predominantly circular with raised edges circular pieces with with raised rims; due approximately circular approximately circular formed ice, formed ice, usually pieces of ice from pieces of ice from 30 pieces of ice from 30 raised edges. In a to the break up in a and with raised rims and with raised rims approximately approximately 30cm - 3 m (1-10 cm to 3 m in cm-3 m in diameter ruffled sea the pieces gently ruffled sea of circular, about 1-6 circular, about 30cm feet) in diameter, and diameter, and up to and up to about 10 of bay ice strike each newly formed ice into feet across, and with to 3m (1-10ft) across, up to about 10 cm (4 about 10 cm in cm in thickness, with other on every side, pieces which strike raised rims, due to and with raised rims, inches) in thickness, thickness, with raised raised rims due to the and so become against each other, pieces striking against due to the pieces with raised rims due rims due to the pieces pieces striking against rounded with the and so form turned up each other. striking against each to the pieces striking striking against one one another. It may edges turned up. edges. other, as the result of against one another. another. It may be be formed on a slight wind and swell. It may be formed on a formed on a slight swell from grease ice, slight swell from swell from grease ice, shuga or slush or as a Grease Ice, Shuga or shuga or slush or as a result of the breaking Slush or as a result of result of the breaking of ice rind, nilas or the breaking of ice of ice rind, nilas or, under severe Pancake Rind, Nilas or, under under severe conditions of swell or [Bay Ice] severe conditions of conditions of swell or waves, of grey ice. It swell or waves, of waves, of grey ice. It also sometimes forms Grey Ice It also also sometimes forms at some depth at an sometimes forms at at some depth at an interface between some depth, at an interface between water bodies of interface between water bodies of different physical water bodies of different physical characteristics, from different physical characteristics, from where it floats to the characteristics, from where it floats to the surface, its where it floats to the surface; its appearance may surface; its appearance may rapidly cover wide appearance may rapidly cover wide areas of water. rapidly cover wide areas of water. areas of water.

Consists of a stratum Small pieces of brash The initial stages in The initial stages in The initial stages in Also termed 'Slush'. Spongy whitish ice of detached ice- ice saturated by the the freezing of sea the freezing of sea the freezing of sea The initial stages in lumps, a few cm (1- crystals, or of snow, salt water water, when its water when it is of water when it is of the freezing of sea 2") across; they are or of the smaller consistency becomes gluey or soupy gluey or soupy water, when it formed of Slush, of fragments of Brash- gluey or soupy. The consistency. The term consistency. The term assumes a greasy snow slush and Sludge ice floating on the term is also used (but is also occasionally is also occasionally appearance, and a sometimes of spongy surface of the sea. not commonly) for used for Brash Ice still used for Brash Ice still scum of is ice lumps formed on This generally forms brash ice still further further broken down. further broken down. formed on the surface. the bottom of the sea the rudiments of ice, broken down. and emerging to the when the sea is in surface. agitation A protuberance raised Rdiges of broken ice A rough hillock of ice, (ing) The results of (ing) The results of A ridge or hillock of Ice pieces piled over A hillock of broken ice A hillock of broken ice A hillock of broken ice upon any plane of ice formed by collision of whether formed by pressure upon the ice pressure upon the ice sea ice due to rafting one another on a which has been which has been which has been above the common fields. seracs, pressure and pressure rather smooth ice forced upward by forced upwards by forced upwards by level. It is frequently ridges, or otherwise. surface. pressure. May be pressure. May be pressure. May be produced by fresh or weathered. fresh of weathered. fresh or weathered. pressure, where one The submerged The submerged The submerged piece is squeezed volume of broken ice volume of broken ice volume of broken ice upon another, often under the Hummock, under the hummock, under the hummock, set upon its edge, and forced downwards by forced downwards by forced downwards by in that position pressure, is termed a pressure, is termed a pressure, is termed a cemented by . Bummock. bummock. bummock. Hummocks are likewise formed, by pieces of ice mutually crushing each other, the wreck being Hummock heaped upon one or both of them. To Hummocks, principally, the ice is indebted for its variety of fanciful shapes, and its picturesque appearance. They occur in great numbers in heavy packs, on the edges and occasionally in the middle of fields and floes, where they often attain the height of 30ft or upwards

A portion of ice which Detached masses A mass of ice lying has been depressed from a berg or , under a floe near its by the means as a rising suddenly to the margin, and when hummock is elevated. surface. disengaged from that Calf It is kept down by portion, rising with some larger mass; violence to the from beneath which, it surface. shows itself on one side A point of ice A mass of ice A long, narrow tongue A projection of the ice A projection of the ice A projection of the ice projecting nearly projecting under water of ice, attached to the edge up to several km edge up to several edge up to several horizontally from a from a floe or an shore at one end, (miles) in length, nautical miles in kilometres in length, part that is under , and found in the Antarctic. caused by wind or length, caused by caused by wind or water gernerally An ice tongue may be current. wind or current. current. distinguishable at a many miles in length. Tongue considerable depth in smooth water. It differs from a calf in being fixed to and forming part of a larger body. A body of drift ice of A large area of A body of drift ice The Pack: Term very Pack: The term used Pack: The term used Term used in a wide Term used in a wide Term used in a wide Term used in a wide such magnitude, that floating driven consisting of different often used in a wide to denote the main to denote the main sense to include any sense to include any sense to include any sense to include any its extent is not together more or less pieces, and the extent sense to include any belt of derived ice belt of derived ice area of sea ice, other area of sea ice, other area of Sea Ice other area of sea ice, other discernible [consists closely. of which cannot be area of sea ice, no which in the Antarctic which in the Antarctic than fast ice, no than fast ice, no than Fast Ice, no than fast ice no of 2 parts, below:] seen matter what form it girdles the continent girdles the continent matter what form it matter what form it matter what form it matter what form it takes or how south of the zone of south of the zone of takes or how takes or how takes or how it is takes or how it is disposed. The french the 'westerlies' and in the 'westerlies' and in disposed. disposed. disposed. disposed. term is banquise de the Arctic fills the the Arctic fills the derive. Pack Polar sea and Polar sea and ice: A more restricted escapes southward escapes southward use than the above, to from the outlets of the from the outlets of the include hummocky sea. Pack ice: Sea sea. Pack ice: Sea Pack floes or close areas of ice which has drifted ice which has drifted young ice and light from its original from its original floes. Pack ice is position position 'close' or 'tight' if the floes constituting it are in contact; 'open' if, for the most part, they do not touch. In both cases it hinders, but does not necessarily check, navigation. A pack is said to be Open pack: When te The floes for the most The floes for the most Floes seldom in Water preponderates Floating ice in which 'open', when the pieces do not touch part do not touch part do not touch contact and with over ice, Ice cover the ice concentration pieces of ice, though many leads and 1/10 - 3/10 is 4/10 to 6/10, with very near each other, pools, so navigation is many leads and Open do not generally touch comparatively easy polynyas, and the for ordinary vessels. floes are generally not in contact with one another. A pack is said to be Close pack: When the Pack composed of Pack composed of Pack composed of Composed of floes Pack ice in which the Floating ice in which 'close', when the pieces are pressed floes mainly in contact floes mainly in contact floes, mostly in mostly in contact. Ice concentration is 7/10 the concentration is pieces are in together contact, such that cover 7/10-9/10 or 6/8 to 8/10 (6/8 to less 7/10 to 8/10, Close complete contact navigation becomes to 7/8. than 7/8), composed composed of floes difficult except for of floes mostly in mostly in contact. specially constructed contact. ships. A colection of drift or A collection of drift A collection of Pack An area of pack ice An area of pack. ice An area of floating ice bay ice of a circular or ice, the limits are ice/Drift ice, less than less than 10km (6 less than 5.4 n. mile less than 10 km polygonal form. In visible, in 10km (5.5miles) miles) across. across. across. Patch point of magnitude, a contradistinction to across, the limits of pack corresponds pack ice which are visible from with a field, and a the crows nest. patch with a floe An oblong collection A drifting line of loose An isolated strip of Long narrow area of Part of an inland ice Part of an inland ice Part of an inland ice of drift or bay ice, the ice brash or pack ice Pack ice/Drift ice, sheet in which the ice sheet in which the ice sheet in which the ice pieces of which are pressed together by about 1km (0.5miles) flows more rapidly flows more rapidly flows more rapidly continuous wind, swell or tide. or less in width, and not necessarily in and are sometimes and not necessarily in usually composed of the same direction as clearly marked by a the same direction as small fragments the surrounding ice. change in direction of the surrounding ice. Stream detached from the The margins are the surface slope but The margins are main mass of ice, and sometimes clearly may be indistinct. sometimes clearly run together under the marked by a change marked by a change influence of wind, in direction of the in direction of the swell, or current. Also surface slope but my surface slope but may termed: Strip or be indistinct. be indistinct. String. It is called a 'sea- stream', when it is exposed on one side Sea-Stream to the ocean, and affords shelter from the sea, to whatever is within it Is where the pieces Ice of which the are so separate as to pieces are separted Open admit of a ship sailing as to allow of a ship (Sailing) Ice conveniently among sailing among them. them Term attached to Light Floes: floes up Light Floes: floes up other ice form, from a to 2 feet in thickness to 2 feet in thickness Light foot to a yard in thickness Term attachted to Heavy Floes: floes Heavy Floes: floes Heavy other ice form, from over 2 feet in over 2 feet in about a yard upwards thickness thickness Consists of Drift ice Floes or Fields Ice attached to the that is attached to the adhering to the coast land, either in floes or shore; or Drift ice, or included between in heavy grounded which, by being headlands. masses lying near the covered with mud of shore. gravel, appears to Land Ice have recently been in contact with the shore; or the flat ice, resting on the land, not having the appearance or elevation of ice bergs A large insulated peak A large floating mass A mass of land ice, A large mass of A large mass of A large mass of Large mass of floating A massive piece of A massive piece of A massive piece of of floating ice; or a of ice detached from broken from a glacier glacier ice glacier ice floating ice, broken or stranded ice, more ice of greatly varying ice greatly varying in ice of greatly varying glacier, occupy a a glacier. and floating in the sea. from a glacier than 5 metres (16 shape, more than 5m shape, more than 5 m shape, protruding ravine or valley, feet) above sea level, (16ft) above sea level, above sea level, more than 5 m above generally opening which has broken which has broken which has broken sea level, which has towards the sea away either from a away from a Glacier, away from a glacier, broken away from a Ice Berg glacier or from an ice and which may be and which may be glacier, and which (mountain, shelf formation. Sub afloat or aground. afloat or aground. may be afloat or Island) divisions are may be Icebergs may be aground. Icebergs Glacier/Tabular and described as tabular, described as tabular, may be described as Barrier berg. Ice dome shaped, dome-shaped, tabular, dome- Island: Drifting sloping, pinnacled, sloping, pinnacled, shaped, sloping, portion which has weathered or Glacier weathered or glacier pinnacled, weathered separated off from an Bergs. bergs. or glacier bergs. ice shelf. A bay in the outline of An indentation. An indentation in a An inward bend of the An extensive crescent- An extensive cresent- the ice floe of ice. ice edge, formed shaped indentation in shaped indentation in Bight either by wind or the ice edge, formed the ice edge, formed current. by either wind or by either wind or current. current. A narrow channel of A navigable opening A lane or channel of When a crack opens A navigable passage A navigable passage A navigable passage A navigable passage Any fracture or Any fracture or Any fracture or water in the packs, or in the ice. open water through out to such a width as through pack ice. Also through pack ice. Also through pack ice; a through pack ice/drift passage way through passage-way through passageway through other large collections the ice. to be navigable. In the termed Lead termed Lead lead may still be so ice. sea ice which is sea ice which is sea ice which is of ice Antarctic it is named even if navigable by surface navigable by surface navigable by surface Lane/Lead customary to speak of covered in young ice. vessels. vessels. vessels. (vein) these as leads, even Also termed Lead. when frozen over to constitute areas of young ice. The initial stages in The initial stages in See Sludge. An accumulation on Snow which is Snow which is the freezing of sea the freezing of sea the surface of the saturated and mixed saturated and mixed water when it is of water when it is of water of ice needles with water on land or with water on land or gluey or soupy gluey or soupy frozen together; it ice surfaces, or as a ice surfaces, or as a consistency. The term consistency. The term forms patches or a viscous floating mass viscous floating mass Slush is also occasionally is also occasionally thin compact layer of in water after a heavy in water after a heavy used for Brash Ice still used for Brash Ice still a greyish or leaden- snowfall. snowfall. further broken down. further broken down. tinted colour. The surface of the sea covered with ice slush has a dim tint. The most suitable Floes composed Floes composed term for what has also wholly or partly of wholly or partly of been called 'old pack' recemented pressure recemented pressure and 'screwed pack' by ice ice David, and Scholleneis by German writers. In Hummocky contrast to young ice, Floes the structure is no longer fibrous, but becomes spotted or bubbly, a certain percentage of salt drains away, and the ice becomes almost translucent. Pieces, about the size Medium sized pieces Medium sized pieces Medium sized pieces A medium sized piece A large piece of A large piece of A large piece of of a cottage, of glacier of glacier ice or of of glacier ice or of of glacier ice, which of ice, generally less floating glacier ice, floating glacier ice, floating glacier ice, ice or of hummocky heavy floes or heavy floes or may originate either than 5m (16 feet) generally showing generally showing generally showing pack washed clear of hummocky-pack hummocky-pack from a glacier or from above sea level and less than 5m above less than 5 m above less than 5m above snow. washed clear of snow washed clear of snow disrupted hummocky about the size of a sea level (but more sea level (but more sea-level but more (typical bergy bits (typical bergy bits ice. (typical bergy bits small cottage, mainly than 1m/3ft) and than 1m) and than 1m and normally have been described have been described have been described originating from normally about 100- normally 100-300m² about 100-300m2 in as about the size of a as about the size of a as about the size of a glacier ice, but 300m² (120-360 in area. area. Bergy Bit cottage) cottage) cottage) occassionally a square yards) in area massive piece of sea ice or disrupted hummocked ice. When the sea ice origin is not in doubt the term Floeberg may be used. Still smaller pieces of Similar pieces of ice Similar pieces of ice A piece of ice almost Smaller piece of ice Smaller piece of ice Smaller piece of ice Smaller piece of ice sea ice than the to bergy bits, but so to bergy bits, but so awash, smaller than a than a Bergy Bit, than a Bergy Bit or than a bergy bit or than a bergy bit or above. Greenish in small as barely to small as barely to bergy bit, and frequently appearing Floeberg, often floeberg, often floeberg, often colour, and barely show above sea level show above sea level appearing greenish in greenish in colour and transparent but transparent but transparent but showing above the colour barely showing above appearing green or appearing green or appearing green or water level. the water. May almost black in almost black in almost black in Growler originate both from colour, extending less colour, extending less colour, extending less sea ice and from than 1m (3ft) above than 1 m above the than l m above the glacier ice. the sea surface and sea surface and sea surface and normally occupying normally occupying normally occupying an area of about 20m² an area of about 20 an area of about 20 (24 square yards). m2. m2. Old ice, partially Floes which have Floes which have Floes which have Ice which has Sea Ice which has Sea ice which has Sea ice which has melted, and inpart become much honey- become much honey- become much become become become become honeycombed combed in course of combed in course of honeycombed in the honeycombed in the honeycombed and honeycombed and honeycombed and Rotten Ice melting, or which melting, or which process of melting. course of melting and which is in an which is in an which is in an appear black through appear black through which is an advanced advanced state of advanced state of advanced state of saturation with water saturation with water state of disintegration. disintegration. disintegration. disintegration. All unhummocked ice, All unhummocked ice, All unhummocked ice, Ice with a flat surface, Sea ice which has not no matter what age or no matter what age or no matter what age or which has never been been affected by thickness, which has thickness, which has thickness. In the early hummocked; typical deformation. platy structure and platy structure and stages it is more with regard to bays, fibrous appearance fibrous appearance usually termed gulfs, straits, Level Ice when broken when broken 'Young ice'. archipelagoes and shallow , where ice formation occurs in undisturbed conditions. Sea ice while Sea ice while Also termed Sea ice which Sea ice which forms Sea ice which forms Sea ice which forms remaining fast in the remaining fast in the 'Landfast ice'. Sea remains fast, and remains fast and remains fast and remains fast position of growth. position of growth. ice of widely varying generally in the along the coast, along the coast, along the coast, True Fast ice is only True Fast ice is only width, which remains position where where it is attachted where it is attached to where it is attached to met along coasts met along coasts fast along the coast in originally formed, and to the shore, to an Ice the shore, to an ice the shore, to an ice where it is attachted where it is attachted the position of growth, which may attain a Wall, to an Ice Front, wall, to an ice front, wall, to an ice front, to the shore or over to the shore or over and which may attain considerable between shoals or between shoals or between shoals or shoals where it may shoals where it may a thickness thickness. It is found grounded Ice Bergs. grounded icebergs. grounded icebergs. be held in position by be held in position by considerably above along coasts where it Vertical fluctuations Vertical fluctuations Vertical fluctuations islands or stranded islands or stranded the average. When is attachted to the may be observed may be observed may be observed ice bergs ice bergs thick ice of this nature shore, or over shoals, during changes of sea during changes of sea during changes of sea breaks off and drifts where it may be held level. Fast ice may be level. Fast ice may be level. Fast ice may be away if forms 'land in positions by formed in situ from formed in situ from formed in situ from floes'. islands, grounded sea water or by sea water or by sea water or by icebergs or grounded freezing of Pack ice of freezing of pack ice of freezing of floating ice Fast Ice polar ice any age to the shore, any age to the shore, of any age to the and it may extend a and it may extend a shore, and it may few metres/yards or few metres or several extend a few metres several hundred hundred kilometers or several hundred km/miles from the from the coast. Fast kilometers from the coast. Fast ice may ice may be more than coast.Fast ice may be be more than one one year old and may more than one year year old and may then then be prefixed with old and may then be be prefixed with the the appropriate age prefixed with the appropriate age category (old, second- appropriate age category (Old, year or multi-year). If category (old, second- Second Year, Multi it is thicker than about year, or multi-year). lf Year). If it is thicker 2 m above sea level it it is thicker than about than 2m (6.5ft) above is called an ice shelf. 2 m above sea level it sea level it is called is called an ice shelf. an Ice Shelf.

Any sort of fracture or Any fracture or rift in Any fracture or rift in Any fracture or rift in A Fracture which has Any fracture which has notAny parted. fracture of fast rift in the sea ice sea ice sea ice sea ice not sufficiently not parted. ice, consolidated ice covering. wide to be described or a single floe which Crack as a lead/lane. It is may have been usually possible to followed by jump across a crack. separation ranging from a few Ground Ice All submerged ice Ice found attached or Submerged ice Submerged ice Submergedcentimetres iceto 1 m. attachted to the anchored to the attached or anchored attached or anchored attached or anchored bottom irrespective of bottom. Also termed to the bottom, to the bottom, to the bottom, the nature of its 'Ground Ice' irrespective of the irrespective of the irrespective of the formation nature of its formation. nature of its formation. nature of its formation.

The edge of great A form of land ice or Antarctic land ice afloat in the which enter the sea Antarctic, produced but remain attachted by an accumulation of to the land. horizontal layers of snow which has Barrier reached the (Shelf) Ice intermediate opaque 'neve' or '' stage before passing into true glacier ice. Portions of the barrier break off to form tabular bergs Thin dark looking ice with no snow on it. A variety of young ice The heaviest form of Pack ice in which the Pack ice in which the Pack ice, other than concentration is 10/10 concentration is 10/10 Consolidated heavy Polar ice, no (8/8) and the floes are (8/8) and the floes are (Pack Ice) leads or lanes. Quite frozen together. frozen together. unnavigable. Term used by Term used by Scandinavians for Scandinavians for Fjord Ice level ice originating in level ice originating in fjords. fjords. Large masses if sea A massive piece of See Bergy Bit A massive piece of A massive piece of A massive piece of ice, broken off from sea ice or hummock sea ice composed of sea ice composed of sea ice composed of ancient floes of great (a berg in appearance a Hummock, or a a hummock, or a a hummock or a thickness, when they but a floe in origin) group of Hummocks, group of hummocks, group of hummocks, are forced upon the frozen together and frozen together and frozen together and Floeberg shore. separated from and separated from any separated from any ice surroundings. It ice surroundings. It ice surroundings. It may float up to 5m may float up to 5 m may typically protrude (16ft) above sea level. above sea level. up to 5 m above sea level. Any ice originating Any ice floating on the Ice in, or originating Ice in, or originating Ice in, or originating from land glaciers, sea as a berg, which from, a Glacier, from, a glacier, from, a glacier, whether found on land originates from a land whether on land or whether on land or whether on land or Glacier Ice or floating in the sea glacier. floating on the sea as floating on the sea as floating on the sea as as bergs. Icebergs, Bergy Bits icebergs, bergy bits or icebergs, bergy bits or or Growlers. growlers. growlers The Danish name for Along a coast its Ice step attached to Ice step attached to A narrow fringe of ice A narrow fringe of ice A narrow fringe of ice the limited ice-belt of caused by the the coast, unmoved the coast, unmoved attached to the coast, attached to the coast, attached to the coast, the more southern accumulation of the by tides, and by tides and unmoved by tides and unmoved by tides and unmoved by tides and coast. autumn snowfall as it remaining after the remaining after the remaining after Fast remaining after the remaining after the drifts to the beach, fast ice has moved fast ice has been ice has moved away. fast ice has moved fast ice has moved being met by sea away. moved away. Several away. away. water. It is at once varieties of icefoot converted to ice, can be distinguished. forming a solid wall from the bottom of the Ice Foot sea, constantly maintained. The upper surface of an ice foot is level with the top if high water. The terrace above this wall, from its edge to the base of the talus, has a width dependant on the land slope. Heavy but not See Fast Ice necessarily hummocked ice, with generally a deep snow covering, which has remained held up in the position of growth by the enclosing nature of some feature of the coast, or by grounded bergs throughout the summer season when most of the ice breaks Land Floe out. Its thickness is, therefore, above the average. Has been called at various times fast ice, coast ice, land ice, bay ice by Shackleton and David and the Charcot Expedition; and possibly what Drygalski calls Schelfeis is not very different.

Landfast Ice See Fast Ice Mush See Brash Ice Extremely heavy floes Extremely heavy sea up to 10 feet or more ice, up to 3m (10ft) or in thickness, of more in thickness of considerable age and more than one great extent, originally winters growth. Polar Ice very heavily Heavily hummocked hummocked, but and may ultimately be ultimately reduced by reduced by weathering to a more weathering to a more or less even surface. or less even surface. Flat topped ice berg A flat topped berg, A flat-topped iceberg. A flat-topped iceberg. A flat-topped iceberg. generally broken off showing horizontal Most tabular bergs Most tabular bergs Most tabular bergs from barrier or ice firn snow/neve layers, form by calving from form by calving from form by calving from Tabular Berg shelf. usually broken off an ice shelf and show an ice shelf and show an ice shelf and show from an ice shelf horizontal banding (cf. horizontal banding (cf. horizontal banding (cf. formation. ice island). ice island). ice island). Term used by the More or less Scandinavians for unbroken level ice of level ice of one not more than one seasons growth. winters growth, originating from young ice. Thickness from 15cm - 2m (6" to 6.5ft). Completely Winter Ice safe for travelling purposes. Winter ice may be subdivided into Medium winter ice: 15-30cm (6-12") thick and Thick winter ice: more than 30cm (12") thick. Ice formed before the Nearly the same as Applied to all Level ice in its earliest Newly formed level Ice in the transition Ice in the transition Ice in the transition setting in of winter; bay ice; but applied to unhummocked ice up stages, with or without ice generally in the stage between Nilas stage between nilas stage between nilas recent ice. the more recently to about a foot in snow cover, transition stage of and First-year Ice, 10- and first-year ice, 10- and first-year ice, 10- formed thickness. Owing to comparatively salt development from ice 30 cm (4-12 inches) 30 cm in thickness. 30 cm the fibrous or platey and with characteristic rind, or pancake ice to in thickness. May be May be subdivided structure, the floes crystalline structure. winter ice; thickness sub-divided into Grey into grey ice and grey- crack easily, and When without snow from 5-15cm (2-6"), Ice and Grey- white white ice. where the ice is not cover often known as as a rule impassable Ice. over thick a ship 'Black ice'. and unsafe for travel under steam cuts a either by men or passage without dogs, or in the case of much difficulty. Young aircraft for ski or ice may originate from wheel landings. the coalescence of pancakes, where the water is ruffled; or Young Ice else be a sheet of black ice, covered maybe with ice flowers, formed by the freezing of a smooth sheet of water. In the Arctic it has been the custom to call this form of ice bay ice; in the Antarctic however, the latter term is wrongly used for land floes (fast ice etc), and has been so misapplied consistently for 15 years. The term bay Almost salt free ice, having existed over 2 years. Thickness up from 2.5 metres (8 feet). The ice surface is undulating. Its hummocks having Arctic Pack melted more than once and are therefore smoothed. In case of absense or insignificant thickness of snow cover, this ice is coloured in different tints of blue. Ice without snow Ice without snow Ice without snow cover. Ice without snow cover. Bare Ice cover. cover. Barrier Berg See Tabular Berg A continued margin of Long area of pack A large feature of A large feature of A large feature of drift ice, which in the high ice/drift ice from a few Pack ice pack ice ice arrangement; northern latitudes kilometers or miles to arrangement; longer arrangement, longer longer than it is wide; Belt adheres to the coast more than 100km (50 than it is wide; from than it is wide, from 1 from 1km to more above the ordinary miles) in width. 1km to more than km to more than 100 than 100km in width. level of the sea. 100km (62 miles) in km in width. width. Ice surface, from Sea ice from the Sea ice from the Sea ice from the which the water has surface of which melt surface of which melt- surface of which melt disappeared after the water has water has water has formation of of cracks disappeared after the disappeared after the disappeared after the Dried Ice and holes. During the formation of cracks formation of cracks formation of cracks period of drying, the and thaw holes. and thaw holes. and thaw holes. surface is whitening. During the period of During the period of During the period of drying the surface drying, the surface drying, the surface area whitens. whitens. whitens. The upper portion of a Snow which has Old snow which has Old snow which has Old snow which has glacier, the top layers become coarse recrystallized into a re-crystallized into a re-crystallized into a of which are more grained and compact dense material. dense material. dense material. nearly in the condition through temperature Unlike snow, the Unlike snow, the Unlike ordinary of snow, and in the changes, forming the particles are to some particles are to some snow,the particles are Firn whole of which much transition to Glacier extent joined together extent joined together; to some extent joined Snow/Neve air is mingled with the ice. but, unlike ice, the air but, unlike ice, the air together; but unlike ice - i.e. It is rather spaces in it still spaces in it still ice the air spaces in it frozen snow, though connect with each connect with each still connect with each often hard frozen, other. other. other. than true ice. Mass of Glacier ice An irregular shaped An irregularly shaped iceberg.An irregularly shaped iceberg which has broken Ice Berg. away from its parent Glacier Berg formation on the coast and generally floats 5m above the sea level. Projecting seaward Projecting seaward Projecting seaward Projecting seaward extension of glacier, extension of glacier, extension of a glacier, extension of a glacier, usually afloat. In the usually afloat. In the usually afloat. In the usually afloat. In the Glacier Antarctic the Antarctic the Antarctic glacier Antarctic, glacier Tongue extension may be up extension may be up tongues may extend tongues may extend to many tens of to many tens of over many tens of over many tens of kilometres (50 miles kilometres. nautical miles. kilometers. or more). Hummocked Hummocked Hummocked Hummocked grounded ice grounded ice grounded ice grounded ice formation. There are formation. There are formation. There are formation. There are Grounded single grounded single grounded single grounded single grounded Hummock hummocks and lines hummocks and lines hummocks and lines hummocks and lines (or chains) of (or chains) of (or chains) of (or chains) of grounded hummocks. grounded hummocks. grounded hummocks. grounded hummocks. Ice formed on the bed See Anchor Ice of a river, lake or Ground Ice shallow sea, while the water as a whole remains unforzen. Ice edge consisting of floes compacted by Ice wind, sea and swell, and difficult to penetrate. Ice pieces of different Ice pieces of different Ice pieces of different Ice of different stages Ice Breccia / age frozen together. age frozen together. age frozen together. of development Ice Mosaic frozen together. A floe smaller than 10 Any relatively flat Any relatively flat Any relatively flat metres (33 feet) piece of sea ice less piece of sea ice less piece of sea ice less across. One less than than 20m (66 feet) than 20 m across. than 20 m across. Ice Cake 2 metres (6.5 feet) across. A Small ice See Small Ice Cake may be termed a cake is less than 2m Small Cake. (6.5 feet). Ice Crystals / Fine spicules or Fine spicules or Fine spicules or Fine spicules or Frazil plates of ice, plates of ice, plates of ice, plates of ice, suspended in water. suspended in water. suspended in water. suspended in water. Crystals A thin elastic, shining A brittle, shiny crust of A brittle shiny crust of A brittle shiny crust of crust of ice, formed by ice formed on a quiet ice formed on a quiet ice formed on a quiet the freezing of slush surface by direct surface by direct surface by direct or sludge on a quiet freezing or from freezing or from freezing or from sea surface. Grease ice, usually in grease ice, usually in grease ice, usually in Thickness less than water of low sanility. water of low salinity. water of low salinity. Ice Rind 5cm (2"). It is easily Thickness to about Thickness to about 5 Thickness to about 5 broken by the wind or 5cm (2 inches). Easily cm. Easily broken by cm. Easily broken by swell, and makes a broken by wind or wind or swell, wind or swell, tinkling noise when swell, commonly commonly breaking in commonly breaking in passed through by a breaking into rectangular pieces. rectangular pieces. ship. rectangular pieces. Ice formation over 2m A floating ice sheet of A floating ice sheet of A floating ice sheet of (6.5ft) above sea level considerable considerable considerable with level surface, thickness showing 5- thickness showing 2- thickness showing 2- which originates from 50m (6.5ft-164ft) or 50 m or more above 50 m or more above annual accumulations more above sea level sea level, attached to sea level attached to of firn snow/neve attached to the coast. the coast. Usually of the coast. Usually of layers on bay ice (or Usually of great great horizontal extent great horizontal extent on the seaward horizontal extent and and with a level or and with a level of extension of a glacier). with a level or gently gently undulating gently undulating Ice Shelf undulating surface. surface. Nourished by surface. Nourished by Nourished by annual annual snow annual snow snow accumulation accumulation and accumulation and and often by the often also by the often also by the seaward extention of seaward extension of seaward extension of land glaciers. Limited land glaciers. Limited land glaciers. Limited areas may be areas may be areas may be aground. The aground. The aground. The seaward edge is seaward edge is seaward edge is termed an ice front. termed an ice front. termed an ice front (qv) A general term which A general term for A general term for A general term for includes Ice recently formed ice recently formed ice recently formed ice Crystals/Frazil which includes Frazil, which includes frazil which includes frazil Crystals, Slush, Grease, Slush and ice, grease ice, slush ice, grease ice, slush Sludge, Pancake ice Shuga. These types and shuga. These and shuga. These and Ice-rind. of ice are composed types of ice are types of ice are New Ice of ice crystals which composed of ice composed of ice are only weakly frozen crystals which are crystals which are together (if at all) and only weakly frozen only weakly frozen have a definate from together (if at all) and together (if at all) and only while they are have a definite form have a definite form afloat. only while they are only while they are afloat. afloat. Fast ice formed by the grounding and cementing together of polar ice. By the end Polar Fast Ice of the winter it may reach some tens of km (20miles or more) from the coast. Polynia', A Russian Water area enclosed Any non-linear Any non-linear Any non-linear term for an open in ice, generally fast; shaped opening shaped opening shaped opening water space. this water area enclosed in ice. enclosed in ice. enclosed in ice. remains constant and Polynyas may contain Polynyas may contain Polynyas may contain has usually an oblong Brash Ice and/or be brash ice and/or be brash ice and/or be form. Sometimes the covered with New Ice, covered with new ice, covered with new ice, Polynya is limited to Nilas or Young Ice; nilas or young ice; nilas or young ice. one side of the coast. submariners refer to submariners refer to these as skylights. these as skylights. Sometimes the Sometimes the Polynya polynya is limited on polynya is limited on one side by the coast one side by the coast and is called a Shore and is called a shore Polynya or by fast Ice polynya or by fast ice and is called a Flaw and is called a flaw Polynya. If it recurs in polynya. If it recurs in the same position the same position every year it is called every year, it is called a Recurring Polynya. a recurring polynya.

A general term for ice which has been squeezed together Pressure and in places forced Ice/Screw Ice upwards. Subdivisions are Rafted Ice, Hummocked Ice and Ridge or wall of hummocked ice Pressure where floes have Ridge been pressed against each other. Type of Pressure Type of Deformed Ice Type of deformed ice Type of deformed ice Ice/Screw Ice formed formed by one piece formed by one piece formed by one piece Rafted Ice by one floe over riding of ice overriding of ice overriding of ice overriding another. another. (Compare another (cf. finger another (cf. finger with Finger-Rafting). rafting). rafting). An underwater ice An underwater ice An underwater ice An underwater ice projection from an projection from an Ice projection from an ice projection from an ice iceberg or a Wall, Ice Front, wall, ice front, iceberg wall, ice front, iceberg hummocked ice floe. Iceberg or Floe. Its or floe. Its formation is or floe. Its formation is Ram Its formation is usually formation is usually usually due to a more usually due to a more due to a more due to a more intensive melting and intensive melting and intensive melting of intensive melting and erosion of the erosion of the un- the unsubmerged part erosion of the unsubmerged part. submerged part. of the floe. unsubmerged part. Basic form of Fast ice, representing a compact ice cover attached to the shore and, in shallow waters, also grounded; during Shore Ice changes of sea level vertical fluctuations can be observed. Shore ice can spread in breadth up to several hundreds of km's (200 miles or more). Hummocked polar ice subjected to weathering which has given the hummocks Weathered and pressure ridges a Ice rounded form. If the weathering continues the surface may become more or less even. Polar ice which has not melted during the first summer of its existence and which has passed over to the second phase of increase. At the end of the second winter, Young Polar it attains a thickness Ice up to 2 metres (6.5ft) and more. It differs from ice one year old by a greater portion showing above the surface of the water and also by the hummocks on it being smoother. Primary stage of formation of shore ice; it is of local formation (at shore) and usually consists Young Shore of ice rind or thin Ice young ice; usually some 10 metres (30- 35ft) in width, but sometimes even more (100-200 metres (330-600ft)). Close, clear cut ice Close, clear-cut ice Close, clear-cut ice edge compacted by edge compacted by edge compacted by Compacted wind or current: wind or current; wind or current; Ice Edge usually on the usually on the usually on the windward side of an windward side of an windward side of an area of pack ice. area of pack ice. area of drift ice. Pack ice in which the Pack ice in which the concentration is 10/10 concentration is 10/10 Compact (8/8) and no water is (8/8) and no water is Pack Ice visible visible.

A line approximating A line approximating A line approximating the transition between the transition between the transition between Concentratio two areas of pack ice two areas of pack ice two areas of drift ice n Boundry with distrinctly with distinctly different with distinctly different different concentrations. concentrations concentrations. Nilas which is under Nilas which is under 5 Nilas which is under 5cm (2 inches) in cm in thickness and is 5cm in thickness and Dark Nilas thickness and is very very dark in colour. is very dark in colour. dark in colour. A general term for ice A general term for ice A general term for ice which has been which has been which has been squeezed together squeezed together squeezed together and in places forced and in places forced and in places forced Deformed Ice upwards (and upwards (and upwards (and downwards). Sub- downwards). downwards). divisions are Rafted Subdivisions are Subdivisions are ice, Ridged ice and rafted ice, ridged ice rafted ice, ridged ice Hummocked ice. and hummocked ice. and hummocked ice. Poorly defined ice Poorly defined ice Poorly defined ice edge limiting an area edge limiting an area edge limiting an area Diffuse Ice of dispersed ice: of dispersed ice; of dispersed ice; Edge usually on the leeward usually on the leeward diverging usually on side of an area of side of an area of the leeward side of an pack ice. pack ice. area of drift ice. Type of Rafted ice in Type of rafted ice in Type of rafted ice in which Floes thrust which floes thrust which floes thrust Finger 'fingers' alternately 'fingers' alternately fingers alternately Rafted Ice over and under the over and under the over and under the other. other. other Sea ice of not more Sea ice of not more Sea ice of not more than one winters than one winters than one winter's growth, developing growth, developing growth, developing from Young Ice; from young ice: from young ice; thickness from 30cm thickness 30 cm - 2m. thickness 30 cm -2m. First Year Ice to 2m (1-6.5ft). May May be subdivided May be subdivided be subdivided into into thin first-year ice/ into thin first-year Thin First year white ice, medium ice/white ice, medium ice/white ice, Medium first-year ice and thick first-year ice and thick First year ice and first-year ice. first-year ice. Thick first year ice. Any form of ice found Any form of ice found Any form of ice found floating in water. The floating in water. The floating in water. The principal kinds of principal kinds of principal kinds of Floating ice are Lake floating ice are lake floating ice are lake ice, River ice, Sea ice, ice, river ice, and sea ice, river ice and sea which form by the ice, which form by the ice, which form by the freezing of water at freezing of water at freezing of water at Floating Ice the surface, and the surface, and the surface, and Glacier ice (ice of glacier ice (ice of land glacier ice (ice of land land origin) formed on origin) formed on land origin) formed on land land or in an Ice or in an ice shelf. The or in an ice shelf. The Shelf. The concept concept includes ice concept includes ice includes ice that is that is stranded or that is stranded or stranded or grounded. grounded. grounded. Sea ice which has Sea ice which has Sea ice which has been flooded by melt been flooded by melt- been flooded by melt water or river water water or river water water or river water Flooded Ice and is heavily loaded and is heavily loaded and is heavily loaded by water and wet by water and wet by water and wet snow. snow. snow. Any break or rupture Any break or rupture Any break or rupture through Very Close through very close through very close Pack Ice, Compact pack ice, compact ice, compact ice, Pack Ice, pack ice, consolidated consolidated ice, fast Consolidated Pack pack ice, fast ice, or a ice, or a single floe Ice, Fast Ice, or a single floe resulting resulting from single Floe resulting from deformation deformation from deformation processes. Fractures processes. Fractures processes. Fractures may contain brash ice may contain brash ice may contain Brash Ice and/or be covered and/or be covered and/or be covered with nilas and/or with nilas and/or with Nilas and/or young ice. Length young ice, Length Fracture Young Ice. Length may vary from a few may vary from a few may vary from a few metres to many metres to many metres to many nautical miles. kilometers. CRACK: 0- kilometres: Large: 1 m wide. VERY more than 500m SMALL FRACTURE: (545yds) wide, 1-50 m wide. SMALL Medium: 200-500m FRACTURE: 50-200 (220-545yds) wide, m wide. MEDIUM Small: 50-200m (55- FRACTURE: 200-500 220yds) wide, Very m wide. LARGE Small: 0-50m (up to FRACTURE more 55yds) wide. than 500 m wide. A later stage of A later stage of A later stage of freezing than Frazil freezing than freezing than frazil ice ice when the crystals when the crystals when the crystals have coagulated to have coagulated to have coagulated to Grease Ice form a soupy layer on form a soupy layer on form a soupy layer on the surface. Grease the surface. Grease the surface. Grease ice reflects little light, ice reflects little light, ice reflects little light, giving the sea a matt giving the sea a matt giving the sea a matt appearance. appearance. appearance Young ice 10-15cm (4- Young ice 10-15 cm Young ice 10-15 cm 6inches) thick. Less thick. Less elastic thick. Less elastic elastic than Nilas and than nilas and breaks than nilas and breaks Grey Ice breaks on swell. on swell.Usually rafts on swell. Usually rafts Usually Rafts under under pressure. under pressure. pressure. Young ice 15-30cm (2- Young ice 15-30 cm Young ice 15-30 cm 12inches) thick. thick. Under pressure thick. Under pressure Grey-White Under pressure more more likely to ridge more likely to ridge. Ice likely to Ridge than than to raft. Raft. Floating Ice which is Floating ice which is aground in shoal aground in shoal Grounded Ice water (Compare with water (cf. stranded Stranded Ice). ice). A major accumulation A major accumulation A major accumulation of Icebergs projecting of icebergs projecting of icebergs projecting Iceberg from the coast, held in from the coast, held in from the coast, held in Tongue place by grounding place by grounding place by grounding and joined together by and joined together by and joined together by Fast Ice. fast ice. fast ice. The demarcation at The demarcation at The demarcation at any given time any given time any given time between Fast Ice and between fast ice and between fast ice and Pack ice or between pack ice or between drift ice or between Ice Boundary areas of Pack Ice of areas of pack ice of areas of drift ice of difference different different concentrations concentrations (cf ice concentrations. (Compare with Ice edge). edge). The vertical cliff The vertical cliff The vertical cliff forming the seaward forming the seaward forming the seaward face of an Ice Shelf or face of an ice shelf or face of an ice shelf or other floating Glacier other floating glacier other floating glacier Ice Front varying in height from varying in height from varying in height from 2-50m (6.5-164ft) or 2 to 50 m or more 2-50 m or more above more above sea level. above sea level (cf. sea level (cf. ice wall). ice wall). A large piece of A large piece of A large piece of floating ice about 5m floating ice about 5 m floating ice protruding (16 feet) above sea above sea level, about 5 m above sea level, broken away which has broken level, which has from an Arctic ice away from an Arctic broken away from an shelf, having a ice shelf, having a Arctic ice shelf, thickness of 30-50m thickness of 30-50 m having a thickness of (98-164ft) and an and an area of from a 30-50 m and an area area of from a few few thousand square of from a few Ice Island thousand square metres to 150 n. mile thousand square metres/yards to or more, and usually metres to 500 km2 or 500km² (600 sq characterized by a more, and usually yards) or more, and regularly undulating characterized by a usually characterised surface which gives it regularly undulating by a regularly a ribbed appearance surface which gives it undulating surface from the air. a ribbed appearance which gives it a ribbed from the air. appearance from the air. Climatological term Climatological term Climatological term referring to the referring to the referring to the extreme minimum or extreme minimum or extreme minimum or extreme maximum extreme maximum extreme maximum extent of the ice edge extent of the ice edge extent of the ice edge in any given month or in any given month or in any given month or Ice Limit period based on period based on period based on observations over a observations over a observations over a number of years. number of years. number of years. Term should be Term should be Term should be preceded by a preceded by minimum preceded by minimum minimum or or maximum (cf. or maximum (cf. maximum. mean ice edge). mean ice edge). A concentration of A concentration of A variable sea ice covering sea ice covering accumulation of close hundreds of square hundreds of nautical or very close ice km/miles, which is mites square, which is covering hundreds of Ice Massif find in the same found in the same square kilometers region ever summer. region every summer. which is found in the same region every summer. Ice formed on land or Ice formed on land or Ice formed on land or in an ice shelf, found in an ice shelf found in an ice shelf, found Ice of Land floating in water. The floating in water.The floating in water. The Origin concept includes ice concept includes ice concept includes ice that is stranded or that is stranded or that is stranded or grounded. grounded. grounded. An embayment in an An embayment in an An embayment in an ice front, often of a ice front, often of a ice front often of a temporary nature, temporary nature, temporary nature, Ice Port where ships can moor where ships can moor where ships can moor along side and unload alongside and unload alongside and unload directly on to the ice directly on to the ice directly onto the ice shelf. shelf. shelf. An ice cliff forming the An ice cliff forming the An ice cliff forming the seaward margin of a seaward margin of a seaward margin of a glacier which is not glacier which is not glacier which is not afloat. An ice wall afloat. An ice wall is afloat. An ice wall is Ice Wall aground, the rock around, the rock aground, the rock basement being at or basement being at or basement being at or below sea level. below sea level (cf. below sea-level (cf. ice front). ice front). Nilas which is more Nilas which is more Nilas which is more than 5cm (2 inches) in than 5 cm in than 5 cm in Light Nilas thickness and rather thickness and rather thickness and rather lighter in colour than lighter in colour than lighter in colour than Dark Nilas dark nilas. dark nilas. Old ice up to 3m (10 Old ice up to 3 m or Old ice up to 3 m or feet) or more thick more thick which has more thick which has which has survived at survived at least two survived at least two least two summers' summers' melt. summers' melt. melt. Hummocks Hummocks even Hummocks even even smoother than smoother than in smoother than in in Second Year Ice, second-year ice, and second-year ice. and and the ice is almost the ice is almost salt- the ice is almost salt- Multi Year Ice salt free. Colour, free. Colour, where free. Colour, where where bare, is usually bare, is usually blue. bare is usually blue. blue. Melt pattern Melt pattern consists Melt pattern consists consists of large of large of large interconnecting interconnecting interconnecting irregular puddles and irregular puddles and irregular puddles and a well developed a well-developed a well-developed drainage system. drainage system. drainage system. Ridge newly formed Ridge newly formed Ridge newly formed with sharp peaks and with sharp peaks and with sharp peaks and slope of sides usually slope of sides usually slope of sides usually New Ridge 40̊. Fragments are 40 degrees. 40 degrees. visible from the air at Fragments are visible Fragments are visible low altitude. from the air at low from the air at low altitude. altitude. A thin elastic crust of A thin elastic crust of A thin elastic crust of ice, easily bending on ice, easily bending on ice, easily bending on waves and swell and waves and swell and waves and swell and under pressure, under pressure, under pressure, thrusting in a pattern thrusting in a pattern thrusting in a pattern of interlocking 'fingers' of interlocking 'fingers' of interlocking 'fingers' Nilas (finger rafting). Has a (finger rafting). Has a (finger rafting). Has a matt surface and is up matt surface and is up matt surface and is up to 10cm (4 inches) in to 10 cm in thickness. to 10 cm in thickness. thickness. May be May be subdivided May be subdivided subdivided into Dark into dark nilas and into dark nilas and Nilas or Light Nilas. light nilas. light nilas.

Ice of more than one Sea ice which has Sea ice which has Sea ice which has seasons growth. survived at least one survived at least one survived at least one summers melt. Most summer's melt. Most summer's melt; topographic features topographic features typical thickness up to Old Ice are smoother than on are smoother than on 3m or more. Most First Year Ice. May be first-year ice. May be topographic features subdivided into subdivided into are smoother than on Second and Multi second-year ice and first-year ice. year ice. multi-year ice. An accumulation on An accumulation on An accumulation on ice of melt-water, ice of melt-water, ice of melt water, mainly due to melting mainly due to melting mainly due to melting snow, but in the more snow, but in the more snow, but in the more advanced stages also advance stages also advanced stages also Puddle to the melting of ice. to the melting of ice. to the melting of ice. Initial stage consists Initial stage consists Initial stage consists of patches of melted of patches of melted of patches of melted snow. snow. snow.

A Polynya which A polynya which A polynya which Recurring recurs in the same recurs in the same recurs in the same Polynya position every year. position every year. position every year. Ice piled haphazardly Ice piled haphazardly Ice piled haphazardly one piece over one piece over one piece over another in the form of another in the form of another in the form of Ridge/d Ice ridges or walls. ridges or wails. ridges or walls. Usually found in First- Usually found in first- Usually found in First- year Ice year ice (cf. ridging). year ice (c.f. ridging). An area in which An area in which An area in which much Ridged Ice with much ridged ice with ridged ice with similar Ridged Ice similar characteristics similar characteristics characteristics has Zone has formed. has formed. formed.

Sharp, irregular ridges Sharp, irregular ridges Sharp, irregular ridges formed on a snow formed on a snow formed on a snow surface by wind surface by wind surface by wind erosion and erosion and erosion and deposition. On mobile deposition. On mobile deposition. On drift Sustrugi Floating Ice the ridges floating ice to ridges ice the ridges are are parallel to the are parallel to the parallel to the direction of the direction of the direction of the prevailing wind at the prevailing wind at the prevailing wind at the time they were time they were time they were formed. formed. formed. Old Ice which has Old ice which has Old ice which has survived only one survived only one survived only one summer's melt. summer's melt. summer's melt; Because it is thicker Because it is thicker typical thickness up to and less dense than and less dense than 2.5 m and sometimes First-year Ice, it first-year ice, it stands more. Because it is stands higher out of higher out of the thicker than first-year the water. In contrast water. In contrast to ice, it stands higher Second Year to Multi-year Ice, multi-year ice, out of the water. In Ice summer melting summer melting contrast to multi-year produces a regular produces a regular ice, summer melting pattern of numerous pattern of numerous produces a regular small Puddles. Bare small puddles. Bare pattern of numerous patches and puddles patches and puddles small puddles. Bare are usually... are usually greenish- patches and puddles blue. are usually greenish- blue.

Ridge with peaks Ridge with peaks Ridge with peaks slightly rounded and slightly rounded and slightly rounded and slope of sides usually slope of sides usually slope of side's usually Weathered 30 to 40 degrees. 30-40 degrees. 30-40 degrees. Ridge Individual fragments Individual fragments Individual fragments are not discernible are not discernible. are not discernible.

The initial stage of The initial stage of The initial stage of Fast Ice formation fast ice formation fast ice formation consisting of Nilas or consisting of nilas or consisting of nilas or Young Ice its width young ice, its width young ice, its width Young varying from a few varying from a few varying from a few Coastal Ice metres/yards up to metes up to 100- metres up to 100-200 100-200 m (110-220 200m from the m from the shoreline. yards) from the shoreline shoreline. Ridge which has Ridge which has undergone undergone considerable considerable Aged Ridge weathering. These weathering. These ridges are best ridges are best described as described as undulations. undulations. An area of freely An area of freely navigable water with navigable water in no sea ice present but which ice of land in which ice of land origin is present in origin is present concentrations less Bergy Water than 1/10. There may be sea ice present, although the total concentration of all ice shall not exceed 1/10. Pack ice in which the concentration is 7/10 Close Pack to 8/10 (6/8 to less Ice than 7/8), composed of floes mostly in contact. A ridge in which the A ridge in which the Consolidated base has frozen base has frozen Ridge together. together. The ice boundary at The ice boundary at Fast Ice any given time any given time Boundary between fast ice and between fast ice and pack ice. drift ice. The demarcation at The demarcation at any given time any given time Fast Ice Edge between Fast ice and between fast ice and open water. open water. A narrow separation A narrow separation zone between pack zone between drift ice ice and fast ice, and fast ice, where where the pieces of the pieces of ice are ice are in chaotic in chaotic state; it state; it forms when forms when drift ice Flaw pack ice shears under shears under the the affect of a strong effect of a strong wind wind or current along or current along the the fast ice boundary fast ice boundary (cf. (cf. shearing). shearing)

Passage-way A passageway between pack ice and between drift ice and Flaw Lead fast ice which is fast ice which is navigable by surface navigable by surface vessels. vessels. A polynya between A polynya between Flaw Polynya pack ice and fast ice. drift ice and fast ice. A mass of ice derived A river of solid ice, A mass of snow and A mass of snow and from the atmosphere, descending from its ice continuously ice continuously sometimes abutting source high in the moving from higher to moving from higher to upon the sea. high neve of a snow lower ground or, if lower ground or, if field. afloat continuously afloat continuously spreading. The spreading. The principal forms of principal forms of Glacier glacier are: inland ice glacier are: inland ice sheets, ice shelves, sheets, ice shelves, ice streams, ice caps, ice streams, ice caps, ice piedmonts, cirque ice piedmonts, cirque glaciers and various glaciers and various types of mountain types of mountain (valley) glaciers. (valley) glaciers.

The ratio of an area of The ratio of an area of ice of any ice of any concentration to the concentration to the total area of sea total area of sea surface within some surface within some large geographic large geographic locale; this locale may locale; this locale may Ice Cover be global, be global, hemispheric, or hemispheric, or prescribed by a prescribed by a specific specific oceanographic entity oceanographic entity such as Baffin Bay or such as Baffin Bay or the Barents Sea. the Barents Sea. The demarcation at The demarcation at any given time any given time between the open sea between the open sea and sea ice of any and sea ice of anv Ice Edge kind, whether fast or kind. whether fast or drifting. It may be drifting. It may be termed compacted or termed compacted or diffuse (cf. ice diffuse (cf. Ice boundary). boundary). An accumulation of An accumulation of broken river ice or broken river ice or sea ice caught in a sea ice caught in a narrow channel. narrow channel. Large More than 500 m wide. More than 500 m wide. Fracture Large Ice An ice field over 11 n. mileAn field over 20 km across. Field Average position of Average position of the ice edge in any the ice edge in any given month or period given month or period based on based on observations over a observations over a Mean Ice number of years. number of years. Edge Other terms which Other terms which may be used are may be used are mean maximum ice mean maximum ice edge and mean edge and mean minimum ice edge (cf. minimum ice edge (cf. ice limit). ice limit). First-year ice 70-120 cmFirst-year thick. ice 70-120 cm thick. Medium First Year Ice

Medium 200-500 m wide. 200-500 m wide. Fracture Medium Ice An ice field 8-11 n. mileAn across. ice field 15-20 km across. Field Pack ice in which the ice concentration is 4/10 to 6/10 (3/8 to less than 6/8), with Open Pack many leads and Ice polynyas, and the floes are generally not in contact with one another. A large area of freely A large area of freely navigable water in navigable water in which sea ice is which sea ice is present in present in concentrations less concentrations less than 1/10 (1/8). There than 1/10. No ice of Open Water may be ice of land land origin is present. origin present, although the total concentration of all ice shall not exceed 1/10 (1/8). A line or wall of A line or wall of broken ice forced up broken ice forced up by pressure. May be by pressure. May be fresh or weathered. fresh or weathered. The submerged The submerged Ridge volume of broken ice volume of broken ice under a ridge, forced under a ridge, forced downwards by downwards by pressure, is termed pressure, is termed an ice keel. an ice keel. Any form of ice found Any form of ice found at sea which has at sea which has Sea Ice originated from the originated from the freezing of sea water. freezing of sea water. An area of pack ice is An area of drift ice is subject to shear when subject to shear when the ice motion varies the ice motion varies significantly in the significantly in the direction normal to direction normal to Shearing the motion, subjecting the motion, subjecting the ice to rotational the ice to rotational forces. These forces forces. These forces may result in may result in phenomena similar to phenomena similar to a flaw. a flaw (qv). A lead between pack A lead between drift ice and the shore or ice and the shore or Shore Lead between pack ice and between drift ice and an ice front. an ice front. A polynya between A polynya between pack Ice and the drift ice and the coast Shore coast or between or between drift ice Polynya pack ice and an ice and an ice front. front. An accumulation of An accumulation of spongy white ice spongy white ice lumps, a few lumps, a few centimetres across; centimetres across; Shuga they are formed from they are formed from grease ice or slush grease ice or slush and somethimes from and sometimes from anchor-ice rising to to anchor ice rising to surface the surface. Small 50-200m wide 50-200 m wide. Fracture Small Ice An ice cake less than 2An m across ice cake less than 2 m across. Cake Small Ice An ice field 5.4-8 n. mileAn across. ice field 10-15 km across. Field Snow Ice covered with snow. Ice covered with snow. Covered Ice An accumulation of An accumulation of wind-blown snow wind-blown snow deposited in the lee of deposited in the lee of obstructions or obstructions or heaped by wind heaped by wind Snowdrift eddies. A cresent- eddies. A crescent- shaped snowdrift, with shaped snowdrift, with ends pointing ends pointing down- downwind, is known wind, is known as a as a snow barchan. snow barchan. A separate floe A separate floe standing vertically or standing vertically or Standing inclined and enclosed inclined and enclosed Floe by rather smooth ice. by rather smooth ice.

Ice which has been Ice which has been floating and has been floating and has been Stranded Ice deposited on the deposited on the shore by retreating shore by retreating high water. high water. Long narrow area of Long narrow area of pack ice, about 0.5 n. floating ice, about l mile or less in width, km or less in width, usually composed of usually composed of small fragments small fragments Strip detached from the detached from the main mass of ice, and main mass of ice, and run together under the run together under the influence of wind, influence of wind, swell or current. swell or current.

Vertical holes in sea Vertical holes in sea ice formed when ice formed when Thaw Holes surface puddles melt surface puddles melt through to the through to the underlying water. underlying water. Thick First First-year ice over 120 cmFirst-year thick. ice over 120 cm thick. Year Ice Thin First First-year ice 30-70 cm thick.First-year ice 30-70 cm thick. Year Ice Crack at the line of Crack at the line of junction between an junction between an immovable ice foot or immovable ice foot or Tide Crack ice wall and fast ice. ice wall and fast ice, The latter subject to the latter subject to rise and fall of the tide. rise and fall of the tide.

Pack ice in which the Very Close concentration is 9/10 Pack Ice to less than 10/10 (7/8 to less than 8/8 Pack ice in which the concentration is 1/10 Very Open to 3/10 (1/8 to less Pack Ice than 3/8) and water preponderates over ice. Very Small 0-50 m wide 1-50 m wide. Fracture Very Ridge with tops very Ridge with tops very rounded, slopes of rounded, slope of Weathered sides usually 20-30 sides usually 20-30 Ridge degrees. degrees. White Ice See thin first-year ice See Thin first-year ice. Floating ice in which Compacted the concentration is Ice 10/10 and no water is visible. Floating ice in which Consolidated the concentration is Ice 10/10 and the floes are frozen together. A relatively small piece of sea ice, normally not more than 10 m across composed of hummocks or parts of Floebit ridges frozen together and separated from any surroundings. It typically protrudes up to 2 m above sea level.

A narrow connection between two ice areas of very close or compact ice. It may Ice Isthmus be difficult to pass, whilst sometimes being part of a recommended route. A strip or narrow belt of new, young or brash ice (usually 100- 5000 m wide) formed at the edge of either drift or fast ice or at the shore. It is heavily compacted mostly due to wind action and may extend 2-20 m below the surface Jammed but does not normally Brash Barrier have appreciable topography. Jammed brash barrier may disperse with changing winds but can also consolidate to form a strip of unusually thick ice in comparison with the surrounding drift ice. An area of extremely deformed sea ice of unusual thickness formed during the Rubble Field winter by the motion of drift ice against, or around a protruding rock, islet or other obstruction. An ice ridge formation which develops when one ice feature is grinding past another. Shear Ridge This type of ridge is more linear than those caused by pressure alone.

Shear Ridge Many shear ridges side by side. Field A process by which Shore Ice ice is pushed ashore Ride Up as a slab. Open water between the shore and the fast ice, formed by melting Shore Melt and/or as a result of river discharge.

Thin First 30-50 cm thick. Year Ice First Stage ce foot 50-70 cm thick. Floating ice in which Very Close the concentration is Ice 9/10 to less than 10/10. Floating ice in which the concentration is Very Open 1/10 to 3/10 and Ice water preponderates over ice. An opening in the ice, artifical or natural, Dock offering protection.

The abutting face of Ice Face the ice belt. Ice, whether field, floe, or detached belt, Ice Raft transporting foreign matter. Ice Table A flat surface of ice. Bay Floe A floe newly formed. The continuous cliff in which some glaciers Chinese or ice sheets Walls terminate when their bases are washed by the sea. Described by Parry in his attempt to go north from Spitzbergen in 1827. In drained off pools on the ice a columnar structure is left, the columns being 6 inches high, increasing in July to 18 inches. When stratification of snow Penknife ice covering a floe is exposed by a newly formed formed crack, the lower portion granulates, the grains collecting together perpendicularly and leaving intermediate air spaces. This Parry called penknife ice.