INVENTORY OF TEWINAL POSITION CHANGES IN ALASKAN COASTAL GLACIERS SINCE THE 1750's MAYNARD M. MILLER Foundation for Glacier & Environmental Research Pacific Science Center Seattle, WA 98109 Repnnted frum PEmEEDIhGS OF THE? .LmHCAi"; PNfLOXlPNlCAL SOCIETY, Vnl 108, No 3, June, 196-4 INVENTORY OF TERMINAL POSITION CHANGES IN ALASKAN COASTAL GLACIERS SINCE THE 1750's MAYNARD M. MILLER Dep;~rttnerltof Geology, Michigan State Ilniversity, a~idthe Fountlation fnr Glacier Research, Seattle, \Vashingtori THE PROGRAM OF REGIOXAI, GLACIER graphic records at established control stations, a SURVEYS 1 long-negative Zeiss-Ikon camera, a Speed Graphic 'I'ris neetl for a syste~naticand up-to-date in- or a Keystone F10 photogran~metriccamera were \entory of glacier positions in the cordilleran employed. The aerial photographs were taken r:lrlges oi Sot~theril~\laska first became apparent either with a 90 111111. German aerial Handkammer, io lue \vliile participating in two glacial illapping a Fairchild 4 x 5-inch I<-20 camera or the afore- c5sl)ecli tlons to the .ilaskan f-':ui~liandlein 1940 and mentioned F10. More than 2,700 ohlique photo- 1941 (Miller, 1940, 1913). As a result, each graphs and recorded o1)servations on 174 major sulnmer froin 1946 through 1953, I was for- glaciers have been obtained.' tunate enough to be able to undertake a pro- gram of ground and aerial surveys of termini GLACIOLOGICAL PROVINCES IN SOUTH ;untl nCvi.-line positions on Alaskan coastal glaciers COASTAL ALASKA ihlilier. 1947. 1918, 1949. 1954). The project For convenience. southeastern coastal Alaska \\:is further extended by selective photography is divided into seven glaciological provinces de- :~nclniapping carried out in 1954, 1955, 1958, and lineated on the nlap in figure 3.
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