Eddy Current, 11-26-1898 Wm
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carlsbad Current, 1896-1918 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 11-26-1898 Eddy Current, 11-26-1898 Wm. H. Mullane Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/cb_current_news Recommended Citation Mullane, Wm. H.. "Eddy Current, 11-26-1898." (1898). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/cb_current_news/1218 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Carlsbad Current, 1896-1918 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. w h 1 Jst. )l THE EDDY CURRENT. Homo First, tho World Afterward. VOL. VII. EDDY, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1808. NO. 8. as, Miut Amnar by Nev, Aganellln Dlipltaimt. TartlliU t'fttamltr. hai'ralary I.aiig'a Itapurl. Parts, 22. The Spanish and !otidon, 22. AgonclUc-- , Nr?. Not. tns New York, Nor. II. In the gloom Washington. Nor. 19. Tho follow- peace agent UNION OF THE THREE STATES. American commissioners met In ot Agulnnldo, with his advisers ot smoke, storm and fog that darken- ing Is said to be Secretary Long's Joint Eeesloia 2 o'clock yesterday Aft- at returned hre from Paris yestorday ed the rails of the Pennsylrnnla rail- recommendations, to bo submitted by ernoon. declared the morning. Tho Americans He announced hlmseU as road early yesterday morning between hi in to congress: United Btnteu must have tho cntlro being very Indignant at tho statements Jersey City and Harrison ft belated 1. Tho building of three battleships Philippine archipelago, a and for rondo by MaJ. Oen. Wesley Merrltt In suburban train dashed Into a gang or ot greater oapaolty. ot greater speed, Ceremonies troaty cession of the Islands Amer- Attendinn the Inauguration of tho reply to the arraignment ot American workmen, killing eleven nnd Injuring more heavily armored and ot mora icans tendered to Spain 120,000,000. offlcera made by the Insurgent Junta four. Flro others had romnrkable s. powerful batteries than elthor the Is Is tho tho Republic of United It further declorod that It nt Hong Kong In an open letter to All the victims lived In Jersey Kenrsarge. Kentucky the States of purposo or Illinois, the of the United Statea to main- President MoKlnlcy and the people ot City. most modern types ot bnttleshlps the tain tho Philippine Islands as an "open tho United' States. Tho general situa- Tho oocldonl happened two nnd navy has finder construction now. Central America Simple. door" to the world's commerce. tion nlso displeased Agonclllo and, ott- n halt mile west at Jersey City, Just 2. Throe .armored cruisers of tho On tho terms named, tho United er reculllng to nn Interviewer "how the beyond tho Hsekensnrk rlvor bridge. ' first class to bo built, somewhat nfler Sam (Inn tie jr. States proposes a mutual relinquish- d unit Nlmtlie lietililiiit, Filipinos have loyally-an- effectively At that point there nre four tracks, the typo f tho llrooklyn. Thoy nre MsmiKHH, ment of nil claims for Indemnity, na- ' Ktearaguh, Nov. 28. The New Vork, Nov. 28, Tho Hharkoy-C- o nlded tho Amerjcans," ho added: two devoted to passenger and two to to bo more henvlly armored, possess tional or personal, subsequent to tho cereimmy Incident to the organization belt light, which was witnessed by "ncn. MsrftlTf reWnces to the Fil- freUht trnnie. At the north aro the mot a powerful lmtlerlos and attain last outbreak of tho Cuban Insurrec- of the United Statea of Central Amer- the largeat nnd most ropresentntlvo ipinos as 'children' Is simply an echo tracks of the Delaware, Laekawanna greater speed than tho vessel whloh ica, by Nicaragua, tion. formed tho union of gathering of sporting men that ever ot a Spanish saying, and ho may, like nnd Western rnllrond. Foreman Quirk mndo such n nnitin for herself oft Ran- - Ami Nor. 28 Is fixed ns the dato on which Salvador llonilttran. wa brief nml couqregated to see n ring contest, tho Spaniards, find his error when It Is took out n gang at nineteen men nt 5' tlngo hnrbor. quite almple. President Itcyei of llio the United States commission desires n nlKiut 9000 being present, ondod In iv too late. a. m. to ropnlr tho west bound freight 3. Four protected the reoponi-- rrulseis afler expiring Ulrt greater republic final to yesterday's proposi- nor-e- r of the most disgraceful fiasco last night at "I am afraid tho Filipinos will track at that place, quirk saw that type of tho Now York. Hoch ot these, of CVntrnl America, created on Juno tions and nil other subjects In Issue ngnln colo- the Lenox Athletic oltib. Corbett had submit to the yoke of n the tog might tmau dapgor, for ho as In tho caso of the battleships nnd 20, 18fS. the thro three president here. government. nial Itnther than llvo sent nhead two men, lawless nnd Dolt-ert- y, cruiser of tho first class, Is to have all tho womt of the encountor, when Is nlso declared tho United farmed tho treaty of Ainnpala, deliv- It that again ao alavea they will tight to tho to give warning ot approaohlng greater speed, greater oapaolty nnd one of his seconds, "Connie" MeVoy, States deslro to treat on the religious ered the three commissioners, on bitter end In defense ot tholr rights trains. Lawless wan to go west and more poworful batteries than the pres- state, Jumppd Into the ring In the ninth freedom of tho Cnrollno Islands, as from firli all authority and nnd freedom. My Instructions nro to Doherty east and cover nil the tracks. ent Now York. powem heretofore posneesed hy the round, appealing in the referee, thus ngreed upon between the United States claim the recognition ot tholr Inde- They wero to shout warnings at tho i. An increase In the nnvy of from COOO violating the rules, and tho reforee, and Spain In 1880, and also of the ac diet. Kncli of tho comniliwlonors then pendence." approach of trains. The to 8000 sailors. The present force to 'Honest" John Kelly, had no alterna- quisition of ono of the Caroline Island pasjongor niade formal pub' declarations to "What do the Filipinos think ot tlu tracks were kept busy with Incoming b Increased from 12,500 to at least support the Central tive but to disqualify Corbett and for an American naval station, and of constitution of American proposal to purchase the Is- suburban trains and tho smoko nnd 20,000. The margin Is left to tho de- America, laws In accord- award the bout to Sharkey. McVoy'H cable landing rights at other places lu nnd nil mado lands!" Agonclllo won asked. steam from these trains helped to cision ot congress. ance therewith. net wan absolutely Inexcusable, Spanish Jurisdiction, and the revival of and "Tho opinion ot the Filipino govern make tho atmosphere more dense. 5. Theso recommendations are mado There nu nrmed force of about tho honoring certain Spanish-America- n treaties as wai rofcroe. that there was ment can not bo favorable to It," lis Suddenly about 8:30 tbero was a Willi an esptolnt view to tho colonial COO on Tiger Inland, on which Ainu-psl- a, a In MoVey'a notion, upon heretofore In force. "Job" took It answered, "as they can not allow them- shout from Lawless, who was tho ad- possesslonn of the United States. temporary capital, la located, The Americans nlso rotuso to arbi- the himself to declare all bets off. nefnr selves to be bought and sold llko mer- vance guard of the gang. "Train on Secretary argues In his report the new government organ trate article S of tho peace protocol when wni Kelly did so, howevor, many of those chandise. Utit It tho object ot the mod- No. ,' he cried. It was an eastbound that with the Philippines and Porto They bearing on the future disposition nnd lied were called "suardn of who hud bet on Corbett, and they woro erate Indemnity Is that their reeognl" freight train that came slowly leaving nico ns colonies ot the United Statea honor. ' hut were kept on tho lookout control of tho Philippine Islands. legion, appealed to tho reforee to tako tlon aud peace bo established I don't bshlnd a heavy pall of smoke. Tho It will bo necessary to have powerful to prevent the lauding on tho Ulaad Tho memorandum of the American such action, whllo Bharkeylles shout- sco why, perhaps, tho mattor should men who wero scattered along tho squadrons to protect them. In the of suspicions parties. This precau- commissioners embodying the abovo ed against such Interference, and pro- not bo submitted to their track Jumped out ot the way. Almost future tho greater part of the work ot tion was taken In view of the fact propositions Is long and was not rend tested that ho hud no authority to de- all ot them Jumped to the No. 1, tho navy will bo In looking after the aihertlona were mndn In cortalii In full. Tho vital portions, howovcr, track that clare lifts off. Agulnaldo's agent was then asked tile eastbound passenger interests ot these colonics, Tho pres- quartern that tho conHtltutlon of tho were communicated verbally to tho track. The It was nu v' 'it form ot government the Filipinos heavy smoko enveloped them ent navy will be oblo to look after federation hud not boon submitted to unfortunate and abrupt Spanish commissioners In practically and tho ending to would prefer It they couldn ot get men, many ot them new theso possessions for the noxt year or the people, and that tho presidents of what promlsod to bo a mott theso terms: hands on the Interesting fight.