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11-26-1898 Eddy Current, 11-26-1898 Wm. H. Mullane

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Recommended Citation Mullane, Wm. H.. "Eddy Current, 11-26-1898." (1898).

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VOL. VII. EDDY, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1808. NO. 8. as, Miut Amnar by Nev, Aganellln Dlipltaimt. TartlliU t'fttamltr. hai'ralary I.aiig'a Itapurl. Parts, 22. The Spanish and !otidon, 22. AgonclUc-- , Nr?. Not. tns New York, Nor. II. In the gloom Washington. Nor. 19. Tho follow- peace agent UNION OF THE THREE STATES. American commissioners met In ot Agulnnldo, with his advisers ot smoke, storm and fog that darken- ing Is said to be Secretary Long's Joint Eeesloia 2 o'clock yesterday Aft- at returned hre from Paris yestorday ed the rails of the Pennsylrnnla rail- recommendations, to bo submitted by ernoon. declared the morning. Tho Americans He announced hlmseU as road early yesterday morning between hi in to congress: United Btnteu must have tho cntlro being very Indignant at tho statements Jersey City and Harrison ft belated 1. Tho building of three battleships Philippine archipelago, a and for rondo by MaJ. Oen. Wesley Merrltt In suburban train dashed Into a gang or ot greater oapaolty. ot greater speed, Ceremonies troaty cession of the Islands Amer- Attendinn the Inauguration of tho reply to the arraignment ot American workmen, killing eleven nnd Injuring more heavily armored and ot mora icans tendered to Spain 120,000,000. offlcera made by the Insurgent Junta four. Flro others had romnrkable s. powerful batteries than elthor the Is Is tho tho Republic of United It further declorod that It nt Hong Kong In an open letter to All the victims lived In Jersey Kenrsarge. Kentucky the States of purposo or Illinois, the of the United Statea to main- President MoKlnlcy and the people ot City. most modern types ot bnttleshlps the tain tho Philippine Islands as an "open tho United' States. Tho general situa- Tho oocldonl happened two nnd navy has finder construction now. Central America Simple. door" to the world's commerce. tion nlso displeased Agonclllo and, ott- n halt mile west at Jersey City, Just 2. Throe .armored cruisers of tho On tho terms named, tho United er reculllng to nn Interviewer "how the beyond tho Hsekensnrk rlvor bridge. ' first class to bo built, somewhat nfler Sam (Inn tie jr. States proposes a mutual relinquish- d unit Nlmtlie lietililiiit, Filipinos have loyally-an- effectively At that point there nre four tracks, the typo f tho llrooklyn. Thoy nre MsmiKHH, ment of nil claims for Indemnity, na- ' Ktearaguh, Nov. 28. The New Vork, Nov. 28, Tho Hharkoy-C- o nlded tho Amerjcans," ho added: two devoted to passenger and two to to bo more henvlly armored, possess tional or personal, subsequent to tho cereimmy Incident to the organization belt light, which was witnessed by "ncn. MsrftlTf reWnces to the Fil- freUht trnnie. At the north aro the mot a powerful lmtlerlos and attain last outbreak of tho Cuban Insurrec- of the United Statea of Central Amer- the largeat nnd most ropresentntlvo ipinos as 'children' Is simply an echo tracks of the Delaware, Laekawanna greater speed than tho vessel whloh ica, by Nicaragua, tion. formed tho union of gathering of sporting men that ever ot a Spanish saying, and ho may, like nnd Western rnllrond. Foreman Quirk mndo such n nnitin for herself oft Ran- - Ami Nor. 28 Is fixed ns the dato on which Salvador llonilttran. wa brief nml couqregated to see n ring contest, tho Spaniards, find his error when It Is took out n gang at nineteen men nt 5' tlngo hnrbor. quite almple. President Itcyei of llio the United States commission desires n nlKiut 9000 being present, ondod In iv too late. a. m. to ropnlr tho west bound freight 3. Four protected the reoponi-- rrulseis afler expiring Ulrt greater republic final to yesterday's proposi- nor-e- r of the most disgraceful fiasco last night at "I am afraid tho Filipinos will track at that place, quirk saw that type of tho Now York. Hoch ot these, of CVntrnl America, created on Juno tions and nil other subjects In Issue ngnln colo- the Lenox Athletic oltib. Corbett had submit to the yoke of n the tog might tmau dapgor, for ho as In tho caso of the battleships nnd 20, 18fS. the thro three president here. government. nial Itnther than llvo sent nhead two men, lawless nnd Dolt-ert- y, cruiser of tho first class, Is to have all tho womt of the encountor, when Is nlso declared tho United farmed tho treaty of Ainnpala, deliv- It that again ao alavea they will tight to tho to give warning ot approaohlng greater speed, greater oapaolty nnd one of his seconds, "Connie" MeVoy, States deslro to treat on the religious ered the three commissioners, on bitter end In defense ot tholr rights trains. Lawless wan to go west and more poworful batteries than the pres- state, Jumppd Into the ring In the ninth freedom of tho Cnrollno Islands, as from firli all authority and nnd freedom. My Instructions nro to Doherty east and cover nil the tracks. ent Now York. powem heretofore posneesed hy the round, appealing in the referee, thus ngreed upon between the United States claim the recognition ot tholr Inde- They wero to shout warnings at tho i. An increase In the nnvy of from COOO violating the rules, and tho reforee, and Spain In 1880, and also of the ac diet. Kncli of tho comniliwlonors then pendence." approach of trains. The to 8000 sailors. The present force to 'Honest" John Kelly, had no alterna- quisition of ono of the Caroline Island pasjongor niade formal pub' declarations to "What do the Filipinos think ot tlu tracks were kept busy with Incoming b Increased from 12,500 to at least support the Central tive but to disqualify Corbett and for an American naval station, and of constitution of American proposal to purchase the Is- suburban trains and tho smoko nnd 20,000. The margin Is left to tho de- America, laws In accord- award the bout to Sharkey. McVoy'H cable landing rights at other places lu nnd nil mado lands!" Agonclllo won asked. steam from these trains helped to cision ot congress. ance therewith. net wan absolutely Inexcusable, Spanish Jurisdiction, and the revival of and "Tho opinion ot the Filipino govern make tho atmosphere more dense. 5. Theso recommendations are mado There nu nrmed force of about tho honoring certain Spanish-America- n treaties as wai rofcroe. that there was ment can not bo favorable to It," lis Suddenly about 8:30 tbero was a Willi an esptolnt view to tho colonial COO on Tiger Inland, on which Ainu-psl- a, a In MoVey'a notion, upon heretofore In force. "Job" took It answered, "as they can not allow them- shout from Lawless, who was tho ad- possesslonn of the United States. temporary capital, la located, The Americans nlso rotuso to arbi- the himself to declare all bets off. nefnr selves to be bought and sold llko mer- vance guard of the gang. "Train on Secretary argues In his report the new government organ trate article S of tho peace protocol when wni Kelly did so, howevor, many of those chandise. Utit It tho object ot the mod- No. ,' he cried. It was an eastbound that with the Philippines and Porto They bearing on the future disposition nnd lied were called "suardn of who hud bet on Corbett, and they woro erate Indemnity Is that their reeognl" freight train that came slowly leaving nico ns colonies ot the United Statea honor. ' hut were kept on tho lookout control of tho Philippine Islands. legion, appealed to tho reforee to tako tlon aud peace bo established I don't bshlnd a heavy pall of smoke. Tho It will bo necessary to have powerful to prevent the lauding on tho Ulaad Tho memorandum of the American such action, whllo Bharkeylles shout- sco why, perhaps, tho mattor should men who wero scattered along tho squadrons to protect them. In the of suspicions parties. This precau- commissioners embodying the abovo ed against such Interference, and pro- not bo submitted to their track Jumped out ot the way. Almost future tho greater part of the work ot tion was taken In view of the fact propositions Is long and was not rend tested that ho hud no authority to de- all ot them Jumped to the No. 1, tho navy will bo In looking after the aihertlona were mndn In cortalii In full. Tho vital portions, howovcr, track that clare lifts off. Agulnaldo's agent was then asked tile eastbound passenger interests ot these colonics, Tho pres- quartern that tho conHtltutlon of tho were communicated verbally to tho track. The It was nu v' 'it form ot government the Filipinos heavy smoko enveloped them ent navy will be oblo to look after federation hud not boon submitted to unfortunate and abrupt Spanish commissioners In practically and tho ending to would prefer It they couldn ot get men, many ot them new theso possessions for the noxt year or the people, and that tho presidents of what promlsod to bo a mott theso terms: hands on the Interesting fight. complete Independence, but docllncd road, shivered with fright, thoy so, nnd In that tlmo great additions the threo (dates had conspired to keep Tor wooks both Cop. Tho fact waa cited that tho proposal for belt to answor on the ground that It would could not see nnd could scarcely will bo made to Its fighting capacity. themselves in autocratic power. l aud Bhnrkey had trained faith- presented by tho American commission- hoar It bo rreninturo to do so, but expressed tho approaching Uy tho 1st of July tho Kcnrsargo and suld the "powers held hy tho diet nnd fully and prepared for tho contest, nnd ers In bohalt of tho government for tho trains that followed "confidence In the honor ot the Ameri- the freight. Kentucky will be placed lit commis- transferred to tho govornment com- when they stripped last night each of cession of the Phlllpplno Islands to tho can nation and President McKlnley, Lawless, too, had Jumped sion. Tho cruUer Albany, now being mission went In Brent purt fictions nnd them ahowed cxcollent condition. Uultod Slates having been rejected hy across to who will not permit any mlsunder No. 1, keeping fitted out In an Kngllsh navy yard, myths, and that tho members of tho Bhnrkey woa very confident of success, tho Spanish commissioners, and tho trnc)j all the tlmo a standing." look-ou- t, will bo ready for service early In the counter proposal of thb for tho sharp ttuddenly thore was dlot had no means of enforcing tholr nnd the mnnnor In which he acnulttil latter spring. Tho Alabama, being built nt In withdrawal of tho American forcjs n rumhlo ot whiels nnd tho shriek ot decrees." himself tho ring whllo the unlit Cramp's navy yoidY WIM be ready for from tho Islands nnd tho payment of an Vlllttil I'rillilaiil, ft whistle. Tho Millstone local, delay- The government of tho United Btatox lasted showed very plainly that hit sorvlco about tho hildiki aummcr. Indemnity by the United Statea to Washington, Nor. 22. President Mo ed by fog, wits coming along at the of Central Amerlcn, by virtue of tho confidence was founded good como aTeSPlntor, on Klnley wan visited by a committor rate of forty nn Tho Illinois will nnd constitution, is to commnnd tho nu grounds. On Spain hnvlng been rojoctod by the miles hour. Lawloss tho other hand. Corhott from tho American Public Health asso was about the samo tlmo tho battleships vies, nrmleo. custom houses, rovenuci, hit tho American commissioners, tho lattor, struck nnd thrown thirty foct sailor in tho body low iwid roconi-mendation- s nnd crulscru recommended by Sccretnry dooming It essential that tho present elation nnd askod to ropeut his ftwny, mangled and bleeding. On wont etc . of tho threo stntos, nnd Is to have Sharkey protested. Sharkey's quick In this report will bo nlmoot . . . . l . I 1 negotiations, already greatly protract- ot last year that a bacte- the train. Knglnccr Van ii leucrai uisinei.1.11 oi ivw squaro mura Nostrand ni'ss nnd nggresslvoness woro aston riological commission bo creatod foi fyad ready for commission. of territory. cmbrnalnK tho Oult of ed, should bo brought to au early and srnccoly noticed the man's body Ishliig from tho very beginning utid tho purposo studying the cause nnd I'rom l)wj. nt of Fonsnru. nnd four largo civil strips of definite conclusion, now beg to pro-se- flying through the air when tho en- from tho first It was ovldont he now prevention ot yellow fover, tho com- Washington, Nov. 19. News ot a land. In which are sltuntod the porta that a proposition embodying thi gine struck Doherty; then It ploughed hold Corbett sufcly. In the soenn.i mission to go direct o Cuba to do Its mixed character has como to tho navy on the 1'nelftc const of Corlnto, Nlcar-Hgu- u. concessions which, for tho sako c.f Into the mnss ot cowering men who round there were oomposod department Admiral Dowoy Ainapnhi, Honduras nnd La wild yolls from tho peace, their government, under tho work. Tho committee was stood huddled together on the traak. from admirers of I). touching tho in the Philip- liilon. Salvndor, over which they will tho Irishman when ho would bo willing to tendor. ot Dr. H. Horlbock, Charleston; "It was an awful sight,' said the situation floored W. Sternberg, pines. admiral sent two of hU hnvo special ahnrge. Corbett with a right swing on The government of tho United Stolen Surgeon General a. engineer later. "Thore was a mass The tho hfnd, precedod Is to Washington : Dr. P. Wilkinson. warships, tho Charleston nnd the Con- It now appears that lh comiuUslon-er- s with n poworful tinoblo modify tho proposal here- C of legs and arms flying through the blow on on-tir- o New Orleans; Dr. S. II. Durgln. noi-- J cord, somo ago to the southwnrd aud tho governors of tho throe tho body. Sharkey's rushos tofore mndo for the cession of tho air. I was drenched with blood. I tlmo woro archipelago of tho Philippines, ton; Dr. Joulah Hartwell, Canton; Dr. from Manila to ascertain whether states i tho forrnor presidents ha vine cusrossful Invnrlnbly. and Jim's but knew that something terrible hod A. H. Doty, Now York; Dr. J. Y. Por- wns any In reports given way to governors) have ngreod quickness nnd leg work were tested to tho American commissioners aro au- happened and put on, the air hrnkeo thero truth that thorised to offer to Spain, in caso ter. Jncksouvllle. tho Insurgents hnd extended their not!-vltle- n to Ignore the constitution aud have tho their utmost lu trying to evade the the as bard as posslblo." cession should be agreed to, The prealdont one your ago recom- as governors rrtnln Jurisdiction over it aggressive sailor pugilist. tho sum of When the train came to a standstill In thnt direction. He cabled largo pail j; tho armies, as necessary $20,000,000, to be paid in accordance mended thnt a commission ot four ex- tho jmeaongera rushed out. The track follows: with the terms to be perienced bacteriologists bo nppolntod to keep themselves la position and lllean I' fixed in tho treaty was drenched In blood. The meadows Manila, Nor. 18. Secretary ot tho ?! of prace. to couduct a systematic examination. of New M.-H- and navy, Washington: Charleston and power, only a small portion tho York. Nov. nfacl Igleslas, tho track looked llko a battlefield It being the policy of the United Tho committee told the president that to-da- y ur mien to be under the actual control oi uosta Wen, covered with bodies. Tho shrieks of Concord arrived from Idollo arrived horo States to maintain In tho a commission Is more Important now of tho central government, although on board tho Atlas Philippine tho dying drowned the cries ot horrl (II ass reports that the entlro Island ot liner Altai from an open door to tho world's commerce, than ever before. The president agreed all tho armies are to be considered, Port I.lmoit nnd Klnminn fled pAMcngers. Women fainted and Pansy Is In possession ot Insurgsnts win. tho American commissioners nro pre- with them, and will ropeat his recom- nominally nt least, under command of President Igleslas wero men turned nway In horror. Ot the oxcept Hollo, which Is dofended by 60.1 nicardo Igle- pared to Insert in tho treaty now in mendation of last yssr. the central govornmout. Tho people slas, his brother. Col. Lconxo nlnetcon men ulno wero dead aud alt Spanish troops. All foreign ollUons IIoullus contemplation In effect that for a term generally nppear to look at tho now Dr. wounded. beg American protection. Tho Inland Antonio aiiestluiut of years Spanish ships aud ut Viirra. with fear and trembling mid Oen. u. merohnndlso llllUjr Bomeono telephoned quickly ot ixearos has declared Independents organliatlon John Casement of tho shall bo to Jer- to bo admitted Into tho Philippine Washington, Nor. 22. MnJ. Oen. nnd desires American protectorate as an additional heavy burden umw Kicnn railway. Tho ' sey City. Many ot the bodies wero party will ports on tho samo torms ns Anieilcau Sohoflold called on tho president nt supported by extra Import nnd export stop nt the Waldorf for a fow writhing In mortal agony when placed DKWUY. days ships and merchandise. tho executive inanition yesterdny aft duties, taxes, forced loans, eto. fore proceeding to Washington. ' on tho train and borne to the city. Two a lass Is tho commander ot ths eruoon. In speaking ot tho ne- Paris ef Ro nothing The romratSKlnonera nre: Aucl Shortly after tho Altai left quaran- (Inrarnmant ot tho wounded died on tho way. A ro-li- Charleston. far has been Air I.ln. gotiations Con. Vgardl Honduras, M. 0. Mains of tine for her doek Seholleld sold: "I do brought book done hy tho ndmluUtratluii toward of sho was boarded by Washington, Nov. 22. James Long-stree- t, train tho others. Collegia Col. not believe that Spain will submit ox- - degra- Nicaragua and Salvador of William Carter of tho war de- commissioner Srhwozowshl, whose back was brok- curbing the Insurgents lu their of railroads, In eopt hy a display of fareo hy tho Unit-- ; partment, y. waa In- dations save verbal repniNntftlluus Salvador. representing President his annual roport yestorday calls utten-tlo- n en, and who also Internally to ed States. She con not afford to. Ae-- I Santiago Cull eJos of Nicaragua has woleomo President Igleslas. to tho peroral prosperity In rail- jured, died lu the hospital, to which from tho American eommandars to eordltig to her argument sho has moit-jgK- d point- charge of tho federal district and tho President Igleslas said that he was road affairs, and recommends that the he wns taken. This Increases the Agulnnldo, In whlsh It has been traveling tho Philippine Islands tor debt ho geod Interior department. practically Incognito, nnd government eonstruot nnd operate n death list to twelve. ed out to him that It would not on land they therefore do not beloiiK to national business, flrct-olas- polley, In vlow of the probability of and he wm s doublo-trnc- k railway from opposed to display. ; her, eonsnuntly she eau not plaoo by NmilUso Uatuoltl.. He had simply City to Diego, Twtnly-Tw- u tnjaratt, the nnnoxatlwu of island) Ute Kansas San Cat., by air herself In the position of giving away Washington. Nov. 23. Compute re- uotue hero for pleasure and for United States, to pursue n eavrte ttMt the line route. This, he says, will open tho WlUon, la., Nor. 10. Twenty-tw- o been received of the benefit of his health, and expects that which she herself has not n clear would not he obnoxious to the Unit- turns have to shortest line measured by the map men were more or lees Injured In two eumpatgn-Th- tako n trip title to. She will have to be foreed el tba Santiago to Hngland and France, from Doston, New York and Philadel- ed States. Ilut the situation Is nuw md ou his way ns wan tho ease In Cubs. Thin Is my railway wrecks here yesterdny during a adjulant's general's oRlee has dl home will spend sev- phia to the Paollle coast and near the fnt. In n littait.AHfl Atlllrflnn nn reflllfed to be crltkal. So far m the eral months In rlew ot the situation." 1iw the eurapalgn Into different dates tho United States. The eoAl fields ree oneerned. pcrlMtfH Tided of the east and the west Hits This was Mid after a eantereaee with the nook Island at Moeeow. Drakeraan jb.y periods. The statement shows: rtolt r of President Igleslas at the side of the JtaeKiea aitd making Uw Mi n ,rf aud tho president at which the I'hlllpplne Join Doftfthue wm fatally hurt, Urftke--1 n uk " present time, most direct line from our great oom-rvol- nl thT La Quaslma, June Sit Killed, 1 uwi there Is so much man Marshall Miller had a leg broken. I1"" tho foreln rW t ol talk about the building oenters to the Sandwloh situation was dlsewMed. IS men;-- wounded. 6 offi- ef a eanal ,1 ,LH officer nnd aero and the Philippines. Three other trainmen were seriously J,ft Nlearagtta. Is believed to have f?""r,Jiho nituHiiuii I i tin l T1 1 1 II i,fw V-- V If, cers and 41 men. Injured. Donahue did not long sur protect been brought about by the rcoent Nlrlka nn lUiturlliin. tentlnns to Intervene to the Ban Juan. July 1 to 3t Killed, eon. Uallan Uiirni, vive Huropeans nnd other forttgHsri anil eeealon grauted to syndl-eate- . Augusta, Qn., Nor. 21. Three thou- 134 the arose clearing elty Hollo, aeaenit IT oftlrers and ment wounded, Havre, Nor. 22. A fire whUh broke sand operatives eotton Later a construction train to sure the of the whloh goes into effect In COOO lu the milts hen Philippine group, officers and 933 men. Oetober. out in bales ot cation lying at a the wreck was struck by a mall train. III Importance lu the 18B.. When this concession was wharf hore destroyed 2100 bales before struck ou aeeount ot a reduction Ic frnm looting, the United State ferten A 1 Caney. July 1: Killed, i oMtors Seventeen wore Injured, but none wer it was said that Costa IlUn'a It was got under control, the cotton waged. The King, 8lily, Hnierprlsn appear to be estopped under the rutei sua 84 men; wounded, 31 omsem and was brought here on Nov. 13 by Uio lsolta and Shamroek mills aro closed, killed. ot war, from moving their peflUMg. opposition could In no way affect the Mi wm. new grant. Urltlsh steamer Iran from New and only tho Augusta, Olobe and Suth- lush Is tho eonstruetlon pbieexl Hipri erland are running. Coobs & Wee's gin, at Moody. Tex., tho clause In tho protocol relating to ft Aguadurce. July 1 nnd Wounded, !: President Igleslas. when spoken Ui valued at 1 1000, was burned. suspension of liMllllttM. officers nnd 10 men. to-da- 3 about tho eanal said that Costn Iltiult or a ,1ka. IiiraillgallaB, Around Santiago, July 10 to IS: Itloa hns Important rights whlsh It Marnette, Wis., Nor. 22. As a result Tho commission to Investigate tin Ilrajfui luformaii, TroHCla Nut .HtlrliUa. Killed. 1 officer and man: wounded, has reserved, and Intimated that It of si practical Juke Wm. Menos. a ce- postal system held Its first meetlni Paris. Nor. 19. The governor of The war department tee not an- JL officer and 1Z men. was not alt pluln sailing for the new worker shot, shot his fa- at Chicago. All ot the members, In French (lulana has sent a dispatch to ticipate any trouble In Porto Itlco syndUate. dar wife nnd Further he would not dU-us- s tally wounded hlmsolf. A fellow eluding Senator Woleott ot Colorado, tho colonial ollleo here saying Alfred growing out of disorderly eonduit ol Said to Va au the matter. llfltl. workman, for a Joke, made him believe Chairman Allison, Chandler and Faulk- Dreyfus, tho former French otfleer un- troops sent there. There was aett . Monti eal. Nor. 23. Walter MoWhlr-re- l that his wife, from whom he had been ner, and Congressmen Loud, Fleming-- Imprisonment Ufa Dev- trouble with soldiers ot thj sixth es Cumberland Presbyterian ohiiroli at dergoing tor on who Is serving a life sentence for stparnted, was about to wed another Catehlngs forty-sevent- h Mow Kernes, Tex., was wrecked by a wind and Moody were present. il's lias been Informed ot the revision and York clirderlng an aged couple near Ham- He secured a revolver, broke storm. ?aan. home and fired as The principle subject to be dlseussed Is proceedings lu his ease. about the time of their arrival, hot tt Oat., Is to I,ord twlse at her ilton. said be aitualty he was seated sewing. Only one bul- the compensation paid to railroads fer was Mem quieted. Tim leek ot dls. n MaJ. W. A. mails; Mnnatrd. SeeltUh earl. Ills wife Irwlne ef Dallas. Te let took effect, Indicting a flesh wound, earrylug Cleveland, CspL Mab elpllBo in tho rolMHtoor orfHRlMitona Was sjtlokon wUh paralysts a former sermnt, fer starry Ins; at HanU Thinking he had killed her, he turned and Hanker lUsedltt lmTegoae U believed to hare bee tor the revolver on himself, flrsd and died Four men were killed at the Coring Brans rvatlb' he was disinherited. She seeks In- the dtslortmiico. but ttw (Motors arc 'm Oeii fJnrela U at New Vork. In a few hours afterword. tou, Ky., oleetrlc power heuaa. on ft two months' erulee, tint will hts release. clude ft visit to Porto Illso. getting better eoatiol ot Ibotr taeo. Injunction ('. Sttlh Arrtvat. Tit JtnUr IfvnUnn, Women may be fickle, but tbey can't Dallas. Tex.. Nov. z2. The legal bnt-li- e. Ban Antonio, Tex., Nor. 8L The Denlson, Tex., Nor. 19 General At bent man when it rntnf In n mm. (Eddit tlon making many promises. Current. TEXAS AFFAIRS Involving the several tariffs pro tallant sixth, under command ot (orney Ilnrton, representing tho Con of inulf!atd by tho Texas railroad com Col. W. way Telephone company, of Paul's Th "Amanaan Hoy" Until. tilp. TPM If. MULLAH, 1'uMUhtr. Lieut Charles Miner, number to-da- Bvery mission, began yesterday at the Pod Ing 1039 officers and men, have ar- Valley, was in the city arrang- American hopes our school Knot a. M. courthouse Judge ing for ifcc poles for ! W line boys win succeed In tboir trforls I fTl before Clreult rived and nro now at tho post Tho ttrrctln ralso $3,000,000 (o be used In bulldln po'.i-- Andrew P. Mr.Carmlek. eontost to enter tho oliy. Tho (or tbo aroat-aunW- Matters of Interest to Tbe ll arrival of tho reglmeiil was the signal a battleship. It coats t OHOI'3 AND CATTLtt. embraced in ten milts, brought by tb for tho gathering of thousands to Conway line an I' rig fitted up at tbo build a warshln. but you can build tin trustees at the bondholder against the greet and the debarkation took ynrd of Lurlon. Lingo A Co., your health with Hosteller's Storimoh The pecan crop In Young county It Hlttora nt rinall expense. This remedy li the Citizens of .orera 1 roads nnd tits commission, placo amid tho strains of martial mu- nut will be pl.t.fv '. in n fow dan Mr. exceedingly light full. is ror nil stomach, liver and bowel this styled a fellows: sic and tho choerlng of the multi- Dnrton oxpeett V company to lint disorders. IlMiit county will sow mero wheat This State, Mercantile Trust company of New tudes. Yielding to the earnest so- tholr lino Into Denlson nnd In opera- this year than far many imhbi. York, truateo. vs. the Texas and Pa- licitation of tho, Col. Minor tion In a short time. When com- Kvcry warm day the festive fly Is prowling around. SW being win cific Hallway company, Ilea-(Ja- n marched his men through the city to pleted tho lino wilt giro con Mere than her are Hurt t.y Itnllruml, John II. tcred at the Tmm KU fair ground. et nt. the pest. Tho city authorities, tho ncctlon with Colbert, Cato, Durant, Si- Corsfeam, Tax., Nov. H. Laac lo, Blonownll, Is Mercantile Trust company of Now fourth Texan Infantry, under com- timei, Tishomingo, Owl, It estimated that llrownweod will trotting n passenger train Mo. C, rooelve nearly N,M9 ImlM s( cotton York, tmslec. v. Ht Louts fouth mand ot Col. John C. Hdmonds, and Franks, Linn, Cumberland, Cliff, Moad eouth'bound, on the Centra! rend, and Oakland, In tho Chickasaw nation. Catarrh western Hallway company, John II. Capt Ilroets' light battery ot artillery, tlili season. Oeorgo Helm conductor, waa paMlm; tn the brad, with Its ringing In the Honsau ct nl. which fought with tho sixth nt San It wilt cover tho ChlrkasAW nation en- nelsM T. Otok, n farmer antt stockman ef Carl swlteh, five mites north or ears, butting, snapping sounds, severe head this Partners' Loon and oompany. tlago, headed tho maroh. The entlra tirely, and will be ot great benefit to MoatagHe county, bail a carload at Dal city, In Chambers orcek bottom, an Trust lehei and disagreeable discharges, Is per triMteo, vs. Oulf, Colorado Banta distance, come four miles, was tlnod Denlson trade. Tho lino Is to bo tnanently by Hood's Sarsaparllta. Do lai a few days sinee. time, Dan Mel'liorson, a section man, and cured Pe Hallway comjiany, John II. Heagau with people and tho cheering was equipped with tho latest appliances for not dally with local applications. Take 900 being fed from tho work waa Pram toe to cattle are stepil train that et nl. continuous. Tho flog of tho reglmont, telephoning, nnd every stntlon will nood's Sartsparllla and make a thorough within n mile or two ot Dallas, all standing on tbe side track, on to the Mercantile Trust company of New which was tho first to float from San havo n private long distance booth. and eompleto cure by eradicating from tbe o( them Intended for the local market. main track, Just In front of tho mov- blood the scrufuSous York, trustee, vs. International and Juan hill, was conspicuously dis- taints lliat cauie ing train. There was no time for catarrh, Itemsmber Ike Grenekl, n Went Texas sheen ue Orent Northern Hallway company, played nnd constantly encored, for It Itllllntr iff Itnmptnn, 81-1- engineers to cheek tho train nnd Mr man, It sold head at hie rout John II. Ileugnn, et nl. told the story of tho regiment on Cleburne, Tex., Nov. 10. Sheriff I'heraon was struck by the pilot nnd Hood's Sarsaparilla tons, ranging In the Ieeo county, to St Central Trust company July 1 too plainly. It was tattered Stownrt, Deputy sheriff Tom Coulter, Is America's arcattit Medicine. $1; slxfqr(A, carried on over 100 of New Yurt, It yards before the shot-rlddlo- U. A. Itnton ot ICansaa, at I.8S around. trustee, vs. Hon Antonio and d, while ctalns of blood County Attorney P. Johnson and train was stopped. He waa taken and Arnnsas ootl'o Plllo curs aim w Ills. MecnU. W. W. Watt of IllebBio-ii- l. Ky.. Pas Hntlroad company, Hea- wero yet vlsiblo upon It. Last night County Physlclun J. D. Hunker went to from tho pilot, placed In tho baggv John II. owner of a large cattle ranch In Croc-b- y gau ot nl. telegraphic orders woro rccolrcd irom tho seono ot tho killing ot Dallas Car of Wlcki, car and brought to this city, whoro lit) there days ot county, has been In the Mule ly. Central Trust company of Now York, Washington suspending previous or- Hampton. Hampton's body was In piano lamp and died In n few minutes nftcr being re- two ot groat light of lie waa accompanied by hie trustee, vs. Missouri, Kansas and Tex- ders assigning ono company each to found miles north I'lcnsnnt crnamental all kind moved from the train to tho depot. which stand around tho parlor, wife ami daughter. as Hflllrond Company of Texas, John Ports Ullss, Molntosh, Hlnggold and Point, by tho roadside, Into Thursday tho The body was not much mangled, the matter ot lamp wick 1 not a smsll It Is said that the nunilior ot rattle 11. Hengnn ct nl. Drown, and ordering the ontlre com- evening. His bond was resting on a Injury that caused doath Nine-- n one; many of tho wicks for tho laree In mand to take stntlon hero. Whllo cotton sack, and bis face was torn hor- on feed In North Texm fully equal In .Metropolitan Trust company ot New ghastly liolo tho back of bis head. nhot-gu- n. banquet Inmps cost IS to 20 conU each, feed year this may bo but n temporary move, ribly from n wound made by n to the number placed on last York, trustee, vs. Houston nnd Toxas and am so difficult to fit Into the opinion Is prevalent In nrmy Sheriff Stewart nnd Deputy and that there li nn aclho demand Central Hallway company, John II. still tho lamp tho professional fntllo nipping. Sheriff Coulter arrested Bliaw that hand of a for mora accommodations. Hcagan ct circle that either tho third or fourth Sam neat I Fort Worth. Tox., Nov. 28. al. required. nipplnj bo Mnnsflold, nnd lodged htm In Jail here. Mr. N. ot Georgia ha J. J. Mncomb, vs. tho (lalveston, Har Texas volunteers will mustered out A very clover homo-mak- 0. Dllworth ot tleky cnttle at tho stock ynrds nns Ho refuses to bo has this rlshurg com- or moved elsewhere, and another reg- interviewed, nnil will boHKlit about eeventeen bushel of become fjulto n business, no Is evi- and San Antonio Hallway suggestion to offer with regard to re say nothing with to tho rrur-(to- r Went-wort- pany, iment ot regulars ordered U garrison rofcrcno Hrnitlan cotton seed from Mr. h denced by tho ot John II. It (Kigali ct al. newing a wick: number cattle dipped posts along "" of Dallas Hampton, Hill-bou- e, tho tho Rio Grnndo. "When a wtck Is needed," says ot Harney and will plant It on since the promulgation ot tho order Prank Storrs nnd William P. i sho, ii.. "do not dostroy tho old one, but bit ranch In Wlloon county. of the buroou of animal Industry, nnd trustees, vs. the Galveston, liar fasten "haw's Mollir't Taillmony. Two lit iliUncxt limn. It to tho new wlck, which can then Meter. M. Kokernot and Lee the quarantine regulations adopted by rlsburg and San Antonio Hallway com- Le pany, Cloburno, Tex., Nov. 21. John n. Sherman, Tex., Nor. 10, FIro de- bo mndo (o do longer service Without brother drove up from their rnuoh the Texas aanllnry board affecting the John H. Hoagan et al. Elmw, who wilt bo hanged noxt Prldi.y stroyed two cottage residences on removing the wick, sew the old ono near Victoria 240 head of cattle to be process nnd sanctioned by the gov- Mercantile Trust company ot New for ttio murder of Tom Crane, doe not Cleveland avonuo, botwtsn Iamar and to tho new with close, firm stitches, fed at Mr. Kokernot' homo placo near ernor of the state. ast week the York, trustee, vn. Tyler Southwestern seem nt all disturbed over tho faot that Houston stroi-ts- . Ono was tho proper- and turn up a required. The two Bhlner. total number ot cattle dipped was HOI, Ilnllwny company, John II. Hoagan ct brings so ty of Knnxvlllo Duslncss and as- wicks will bo found to havo formed distributed as follows: Albert Adams, al. each hour htm muob closer Loan Mr. J. a 1)11 worth bought ISO oows to eternity. Saturday sociation, valued at $700 nnd thomsolvcs Into one." ltatolllno, 7; J. K. Hoarto, Quanah, 30; When court eonvoned at 10 n. m. night Sam Shaw, Insured and oahe In Goliad county and will who Is In an adjoining celt, charged for !',S0, It was occupied by 11. Bible, J. K. l.nwlor, quanah, 39; J. II. Wnl there was n notable array of counsel Ha Tlmt CtiariBtit, nasturo tbem In the old Carroll and with tbo murder ot Dallas Hampton, who lost $100 on his household effects, laoo, Mlnoo, I. T., 01; A. M. Mlie. present. She You used to say I was Itoeaer paattire. now ownod by Mr. Dll- became alarmed at tho oontlnuod crat- with not nsurance. Tho was the Claude, 30; H. Callahan, Clnudo, 30; .1. HeprcsontlnR the trustee complain- other Have I changed? worth, near Consoles. ing ot doors and talking outaldo. JIo properly of J. D. Turnor of Oh, no; I J. Croemor, Quanah, 10; O. W. Knim, ants was Hon. JJ. U. kruttschnltl of Onlvoston He but hnvo. IS. I). Harold, n partner stockman expressed a a wns nnd valued $800, Is Quanah, 58; It. T. Harrlek, Wnshburn, Now Orlenno. belief that mob at It not lenown It with Wlnllold Scott of Kort Worth coming to lynch htm. It li insured. It was occupied by O. O. B0; O'Connor & Hngnn, Outhrlo, Ok, Representing the defendants were 'BBsbobbbW wont to Sail Atigelo to rccolvo 9000 "You easy," remarked John Nrcly, Insurance. Y 870; M. Hanna, Sweotwater, MS. Attorney General M. M. Crnuo and Just rest Tho outhouses and TOY-DA- ftoore In Crockett county, for ship- Plrrt Assistant Attorney General Tully 1). Shaw, "If they come In hero I'll let rear fences of tho residence Imme- ment to Ilrownwood for feodlng. I'ni'iiiuur' l'ul. A. Puller. 'cm hang me, If a hanging Is what tbey diately east and facing on Harrison want" avenue damaged. HEROISM! Maflohte, Rtorcy & Lnndn ot San (lalveston, Tox., Nov. 23. While en- Hcprcsrntlug cross complaints wore wvio Is Antonio have Just located 1000 feeder deavoring to act an peacemaker In u Hon. It. P. Lovctt, general counsel Shaw seems glad tho end noar. Ho Struggling; through In the peua at Austin, tho ramo being dlfllculty between Thomas Kterllng Houston nnd Texas Central and tho says he baa been hunUd and tried nnd Slitiw Talks. life, cursed with ca- purchased & cuffed till death will bo n relief to htm. Cleburne, Tox., Nov. 10. John D. tarrh, Is n common the strera from Coleman nnd lidwarA Bcott. Willie Onrrett wan Galveston, Hnrrlsburg and San An- I r 'pcrlenco. How Fulton Pnttura sompnny nt Slntou. shot In tho stomach, from tho cflcolH tonio, Ills mother's testimony In the Insnn Shr.w, who wna declared sane by a Ity developed Jury, very ever heroic- - tho Messrs. Mitchell &. I'oultan. the well ot which ho died shortly afterward. Hon. J. W. Terry, general counsel trial some facts that used somo plain language 'r fight catarrh ten lomowhat account for his bloodthirsty i when iponklnit of tho the lenown feeders ot Kyle, havo WOO head All ot tho mon are colored. Tho trou-bi- o Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fc. result of erally wins, nature. She testified a fow months trial. Ho said had bo boon de- on feed at Little Ilock, the eamo being occurred at the rornor of Thirty-fir- st Hons. B. H. Perkins nnd 8. H. Wost, that that Under somo rtock moved from Kyle, Heerllle end street nnd Seaty avonuo yester general counsel St. limits Kouttmcot prior to his birth her husband had a clared Insane and sent to the asylum name or other Palls City. day afternoon, flcott and Sterling crn and Tylor Southeastern. difficulty with a neighbor, and was tho managors of that Institution mm it gets the best were placed stabbed In tho back and that sho saw would In a fow weeks dcclaro him all of us. Frank E. Live Oak county wna vlilted by n under arrest and taken to Hons. James Hiigcrmun and T. S. tho city all, they wore tho bloody gash and tbo cruel blow right and that Sheriff would Ingalls, Waco, Most copious rntn. Tho water pene- from whoro Miller, general counsel Missouri, Kan- Stewart transferred to tho county prison. Two that made it. Sho fait revengeful and get to hang him anyhow. Tex,, and thou trated the ground to a depth ot nev- sas and Texas. sands ot cases ot assault to murder uoon brooded over It. Later on nnd shortly His poor old mother Is other eral Inchee, soma reports nay twelve, have Hon. T. J. Preoman, general counsel Just crushed. havo been permanently cured of catarrh lodged against Sterling, and ono of Texas and Pacific. before tho birth ot this son, whom sho She lim stuck to him through all his and cran ban been groutly benefited. ' by Dr. llartmnn' successful remedy llko character Is lodged against Hon. N. A. SIM man, general counsel was trying to save, her brother had a troubles, hoping that somehow hor Hero Is Mr Ingalla' letters Mart Tankereley bought the W. A. Scott. In addition to these, both men International nnd Great Northern. dlfflaulty and was badly hurt by bis hay could bo saved, but now her last Dr. S. . Hariman, Columbia, O. nnd It. H. Mlora ranch on the wire of are charged with murder. Hun. A. W. Houston, general counsel antagonist Sho felt revengeful over hope Is gono nud she can only watt Dsxn Sin; -- " a and Man n Dry Devil's rlrer In 1M wards rounty, havo San Antonio and Aiauaas Pas. this affair. She also mentioned other till tho fatal hour comes for his cured ma of onoot tbe worst cases far ttOOO and 1000 mutton from the of catarrh any ono over had. My case I.nylnv Tlr, Prwont and Interested In the litiga- similar happenings. camo parties at private lerina. j tvas bo severe that I was compelled to Tho construction Hang on tho Texan tion were the honorable railroad com- discontinue my business, that ot con O. 11. Wllllngham li fowling S00 cows Weatern railway has commenced put mission ot Texan, John II. Iteagan, L. Uln .turns. rrotliUil With HuniM. ductor on a railroad) but I am novr put-tin- e ting entirely well." on the Holt place, noar McMillan, down tie In th city of Houston, J. Htorey nnd Allison Maylleld; II. U. Piano, Tox., Nov. 21. The Piano Ilonhnm, Tox., Nov. 19. Mr. Hobert an the micculent fat by liberal and as soon as tho steel tl.) Hmcc Ordinary treatment ot catarrh is for arrives Askew, auditor. K. M. Underbill, ox din company!, gin, owned by Olney j nnd Col. Fred King, ngents of ! local rolluf. Cures arc not expected. ration ot alfalfa. Ho has purchased work of laying the rails will begin I). Dnvln and A. Moromnn. burned the Children's Aid Socloty ot Now pert ncountnnt, and It. True, expert John method ca- hay crap ot the ranch and It Is uulto certain now that the new Dr. Nartman'a cradluatoa the entire rulo clerk. yesterday morning. Tho loss on the York, arrived hero on tho cannon ball tarrh absolutely. Get his latest book n leu rented the pasture for forty days. owners ot the Texas Weatern are the Many railroad men were present. building nnd machinery Is $7600, In train, bringing with them nineteen or- nnd learn how to combat thin Insidious A heavy inln and hall ttorm stam- Ilock Island iieeple, and that the road Judge MeCormtek notified counsel surcd tor $3000. A carload of seed and phan boy from New Yory City, rang- disease. Tho n Medicine Co., will be extended from Kealy to j peded a buach ot cattle In the Tula Pntt that ho would devote the entire week ono balo of seed cotton was a total ing In age from 7 to 16 year, tbo ob- Columbus, O., will mall Dr. Hartaan's Worth. It may e application. canyon, near Amartllo, the other day In this connection to tit oaae and no mure, leaving it loss. About twenty-fiv- bale ot cot- ject being to find good homes for each. books free on I- be stated as reasonably certain thai -t II. A. Scott, Hurt, Tcnn., writes: nnd about S90 head ran off n bluff nnd with counsel to agree upon a dlvieloa ton In tbo gin ynrd were rolled nvray j oveulng they wero brought to Hilled by fall and by being tho Itoek Island people are behind the to n placo ot safety. The gin bad; tho dlttrlct court room, whero thoy " I feel very thankful to my Maker wore the of time aa to argument. great medlolno I nra purchase ot (or woll-lo-d- and your that the laporte road, but caught Saturday evening i were met by n large asaembbly o drowned. The document Med and to be filed lire from of cured..' would not bo Pc-ru-- Mini) reason they don't wish aa yet to I without A. Petty, ot Colorado City, bought would nil hundreds ot columns. tiuttehe In tho seod cotton while pass- farmer und citizens of tho city In tho house." disclose tholr baud. It Is said und each llttlo fellow found him A n 100 ot eews, good graded tint ing through tho gin stand, and prompt has been curing catarrh for head stock year good and flvn shorthorn pedigreed bulls of before the end of another the Mllllnrjr Million. ly extinguished. Mr. Morcmaa visited home. Thcro wcro not halt chil- forty year. It plucks out tho roota Oal-reat- Hock Island will be running Into I dren enough to supply . )d up, J. D. Itertieet luat week, lie pull ftS Austin, Tex., Nov. St. The fallowing tho gin nt 10 o'clock Saturday nlnht to tho demand. of catarrh builds people All around for the eowu nnd (or the via Houston and Mie old Texas drugglnts sell l09 promotion were made In the tlrst and bo sure that there was no ilrelett It five Unite. Western. ' font CriuhaiU volunteer In- smoldering, but could not even delect Arrangements havo been concntn- - third rcfilmtmls, Texas Sherman, Tox., Nov. 19. At n late As Black fantry: First Sergeant Hen C. Love, the smell ot burning cotton. Tho gin roated for W. II. Jennlngo of ftsu An I'ritlrl I1r l.iini. hour last ulght George Hason, aged 43 as ggg DYE comiiauy I, first Texas volunteer In- was n largo ono, baring eight gin toelo te put fifteen oars of cattle oh Denlsen, Tex., Nov. M. It 1c report year, a blacksmith at Tom Dean, fantry, to be second lieutenant, vice stands and a capacity of ginning fifty YourHb YourWhiskers full feed nt Paleatlne at once, Later wl here from Colbert, I. T., Grayson county, In undertaking to that the resigned, take effect Nov. 90: bales ot seod cotton per day. Alex on In the tea ton the number will be Little, to pees through n string ot oars for the A Natural Dtaak with large timber and prairie fires which company I.yle's barn and feed stuff, Just aerois materially increased. Second Lieut Hd. J. lllalne. while lying aeroes Hast Pecan raged around Colbert on Baturday and tho street from the gin on tbe west stroet Buckingham's Dym I), third Texas volunteer Infantry, to In tO el HC Htll The coejt counties eastward from Sunday dentroyed everything In their ! the Houston nnd Toxas Central rail- ld'tilitier h be first lieutenant, vice O'llrteti, re- tide, caught fire and wus a total loss. Oalrctsn have had rain recently; m path, and that thouaands of dollars way yard, got his right foot caught neoqur, signed: First Sergeant Carroll Beetle, Lees estimated at $180. No Insur CURE YOURSELF? tiave Mtlara, Coryell. Nueces, worth ef property waa destroyed, con-alstl- between two drawheads nnd crusbod company I), third Texas volunteer In ance, jo3b1 Vtf Ul O tn UgC.lBIlt Wharton, Payette, Colorado, Mont-cemvr- y of fences, hayataeks, corn and no It wn found nceeceary to amputate I,UIUI. dlteturtd, InO.lBBiitltiB,, fantry. to be second lieutenant, viae Imtvf OwuihII J tifuiUe. r tiWilU.i and certain portions ot IIIIts, cotton. Tboae losses around It to the beel. The onglno - I suffering attached -- - .1. 1 n.uccn. utiiLimi, lllalne, promoted. I In. I it (tnail - ' 1 mat Bvl tllllB Kaufman, Howie. Hill, Harrison, I ted Colbert are: ltlverslde (Colbert es- Tim. to (he cor moved off Just a bo placed ATsiCmiCMiMiwOo. .IB,,r lf3 - riww.u'. Itlver, Navarre, Rusk, Ilell and tate), Dan Colllna, Newton Love, Joe Austin, Tex., Nov. 21. Ilx-Go- v. his foot upon tho drawbtad. V BHMS.Tl.r- I I br uriiBiUU. v. m. . a. iiHimiMc. party Now linglaHdera, Mat la Ula .rr,r, Tntrls. Putts. William Maeon. A. K. IIbbb ami of IT Texarkana, Tax.. Mer. U. ar QlkMon tutiin, ii,f Parreers report all tbe Washita val- Oarge Murray, Melga Murray, Wil- Piac Including ProaMeot Charles J. fl now perfastett to erect Headquarters Telegraph IhH ley damaged greatly by prairie ami liam Hales, and many tenants and of the HoHlhwceiern and Thh dead body of Dave Steven was It la bolldiug (or Ute Youog Men's Chrtotlau comwany, yester- rncr TnritTucuT TO MEN. wood fire. 1'eraa busters. said, oibera. Tbe fire earn from different Telephone returned found In Watson's cornfield near Troy, w..ui..a4(r.s go Into the Waaltlta bottom tor nuts asaoriallo. in this city- - Tbe bNlldlug Making rn,LL inLHimLiim, a our directions, meeting en Dan OotllKB day from a nnd bunting trip Bell county, a days ago. Ad tnnma i at RaalarailT and set tire to tbe learea to burn will be built under tbe aim atcos at fer ta Bidlat, tat v ef wtair tirvffer as4aU ground. way farm. Tbe rain, extinguished all flres. te l.ake Surprise and Morgan' Point vice from Troy vaakstM t sua, tir. tbem oft the Ih this the George GooU, who has appropriated state that Stevens fire wis started and eanaot be eon Gov. Hoag report splendid lock both waa bit nn tbe head at Troy some days great flC.aoO to that end. The Texas and trailed till a deal ot dentate Is UttWtMl fishing nnd hunting, and that tbe najo In a row, and wa seen leaving nCsU&lffliJOQeyourPenilfl TrHrr. Paclfle and Iron Mountain railroad fMi City Treasurer D. Slmentan of party had a royal good time. town. He did home, QUiiU It companies nave donated tbe site, and net reach and his rbnulUllODOUDLE The eemmletsonors' court ot U strop IleauMont Is iwt about M In valu- fate wa unknown the finding ot Writs CAPT, OTARRELL, Pantlsa AsablPV county Iim dtclded to buy the wagon the association In turn will devote a until ables, the retntll ef a very and The Alabama legislature, now In bis body. A wan baa been l4JJMawYrtArnu, WASIIINQTON, D.C. bridge arroee tbe Color ado at Ilastrep sister portion of tholr efforts to tbe benefit arrested. daring robbery wbleh orwrrcd attar session, has Invited President Mo and bolltl an Iron bridge (or Imltk and adrantages of the rallrMd men of ." ucsT vllle. both ot which are te be free for he returned from tbe eaUbratlan at Klnley to visit Montgomery on The UhlebBSAW legislature has ad tbl city. Journed. PATENTS the use ot tbe public. Pert Arthur. The thief entered tilt Dec 17. i ll-- BtaS raaa. MtH, ti. The prices of alfalfa, hay and feed room, took his diamond shirt studs, HEW DISCOVERYi iI-- m 1'rlnUn on Stria Itnwtr fclmir. n I? fiPRV stuffs In the Peees valley arc rapidly tbe buttons out ot bis cuff, and bis Old Capllot IWtlot cut., Sas4 for tuk r tiUBiajU aa to d(a' Marshall, Tex., Nov. 19. Tho annuel av.H.iiaiii-aaaaB.aiuaia.- going up. The demand Is goad, but watch. Tbe robber afaw carried away dalreMam. Tox., Nov. St. 1 ne print HHiuamiira. nt. Austin, Tex., Nor. 21. Searetar ot ehrrsonthomum show and flower car tbe supply limited. Tbe Petes valley Mr. aJlMMian's panls, containing ami preMMeM ( tbi houee of Glark rts State Madden has deposited In tbe val that opened In the city Thursday having a good supply of about 119. & farmer thcee Courts, to tbe numW of It or 1M. state library 90 cents In silver and a Is a pronotineod swectso. There were article ea band Is certainly to be atrook. Thar aotoand it cent per tin box containing some old news many IwaiUome exhibits et out flow- cengratulaied. OomlHS Ih MfMtty. Arm la wHling to only ers and not plaou. as well as decora- boor. Tbi pty paporf, pamphlets and a Dlble, rec-eu-ed Mceer. Wrlgbt k Keaaody of Ian Anatln. Tex., Nor. JI. Tbe secre- JlVfj eenti, or f IT. (or nine boors par tive and destsa work. Thursday night from tbe cornerstone ot the state 1 1 tary of stale receive tho return (root a children's Rower dress uroauuade rn- - i Ln . onuuarato n fii.w..h is Anton to, are feeding Me bead at 'fay day. capital building, which was de- waa and was tko ctcotfcHNj of governor, lien tenant hM voted the ut tor, InccBMling the well-kaew- n Mil ft stroyed by fire In November, 1811. beautiful scon ever beookl in tbe il y. governor, slots oMcers, FMftreeae kteers. HuMHarer & Kennedy will teed Mar INnlnlor. toe naaor, wco told at Tbe box and content are very dl Jodgos, attorneys Sunday-scho- aaco-slatlo- a 19M bead at l4Migvtw. Including Tot district Jade and New York at auction (or $tl.M to J. The Oklahoma and tbe constitutional anuMtdweou. lapidated, and tbe pieces ot silver coin held It annual sttalon thl year of tbe aUIIe steers from Yl torta.whU b Thus far tbe return front about bait White of Cleveland, O. are greatly discolored by fire at Prry. ax already located. tbe count It have been received. pastes on. wrrflst Shell, selecting from tho long disused contents ot the drawer sing-son- g TILS SUNDAY b'CHOOL, a dreary nlr, slta down at OUR BUDGET OF tho piano and commences to wade la FUN. horlously and In a very mechanical LESSON XI.. DEC. JEREMIAH way through its twelvo variations, li 1, )S I A ROMANCE 30iB0-3- S. la a piece tbnt required praetlee and 9r JRS,rlPJJSL eP JW VTTf Tf f TTTVf T Tf TTT A Collection of Choice very quick playing to render It even Witticisms, Original bearable ns Shell had never iisd The Chief Ttati "tlia Word of Our (lod to read It quite through until and Selected, Shall aibUd Terr" Urn. 401 - this ovenlng her performance la any- " trlns- to Uiithif lU TT ord ef thing but a brilliant one. Co.t. He'd Wilden. Uotn atmok. Not ii niicollnjr Snltllar, 114 ) (the prlneceft CHAPTIHI HI. sirusk met Anglo-Amerlia- n: rrM in to fllrong waa tho blow, Soslallit to BoldUr the klnif into ihoeoMrt." The iMtw wrt Kdwnrd Champley, who has taken Aniatmi, I ateed sere dated, "I say, you aro one of tho people. of the palace). "They laht np ths mil In up his stand piano In ex- You eoun-me- n, the ehantbr of IfllMmma CHAl'TKtl II. In tho Bilk sho I lining, and till alio had beside the ' atlinn bfr the to, wouldn't fire on your own the ertbe," The portation of n mimical treat, does his Who'd struck me aecretary of Btate. the keeper et th "Now. VI." anys Ituby a few evenings fully nrrompllaiied Hint Intrlrnto fMt would you?" j that u might later, boat to look cheerful under the Inflic- Ta, sven us I psau'd. Soldier ba an fa from Ihe aenklng her cousin's room, nnd Mie Ignores the fm t f ven that he ha Ulan titaven ami the world "No. Catch me shooting kins. tion; 11. "Be king apenklng to her In n tono of confidence. been spoken to; then, turning upon but his moat determined efforts Wlh rtUiv ipecd Absut itH twirled, anybody." the sent Jehuill to retell nt politeness prevent I'd bttu tha rell." Ho that he mlcht have peaa-alo- n "I want you to do me a favor thU even- lilm with keen eyes, whlrh look almost cannot a faint I'er utrtiik; "That's the way I ;Ve to hear a sol- glenm hopo eyes Ho cowed, i stood of it. and learn the emttetita from the ing." piercingly lamp-ligh- t, of stealing Into hla intuit. dier talk. Sit down havo some dark In the she Hi struok hip I and roll ItsHr, and net Ihrvng-- aeefrfl-wn- I "All right, doar." answers Violet, MM quietly-- "I at tho end ot oach variation. Kven Yes, e'en at my bresit beer." reports. colling up long onco he venture on n rapturous t felt that euraed touih, "Now have So- klnr ln winter houae." tho pla't of her flaxen beg your panlon." a smoke," said tho flush."ll0 . lialr with precision. "How can Ted Chnmptoy "Thanks!" It la when, to his horror, And. sere orpraat. cial Democrat, after the repast was Unmmicy wy umlaraloed by artistic reel taken back: hla Did shiver at hla oluteh. an Oriental. In eommon parlanve tlm oblige ho son a minor key arrangement of over. Once com- n I you?" remanc wnien savors In hla awn ml Hit rcel'ds tho planeta thro' the air more the soldier lower aiutrlniAit .i.H.,i.. the looming up him; piled. the uppar la "Woll. as you know, the Champleys slightly of the sentimental, and Indowl nlr before but Hiram daitllnr-thr- n a culm, Jioum; the alllyeli, which ro coming In this evening for some was mndo In Sholl only glance up tor a moment, rtie triumph of dnpalri "Aro there many soldiers In your '? "'.?. ummer "e"- - Hverr reapeelable somowhnt sentlmontal dwelling haa tiath. . . . Tniulc, nnd snya quietly I'er from my oulatretshed palm regiment who Jf there are on and I want you to prevent Shell tone oannot bo repeated In faeo or Ths craven I would refuse to fire on the aamn alary, then "Oh, I haven't boon frit him pliisk, the external ami from putting herself forward In any tliRt atolld nlr or ludlfforoiice on Sholl'i half finished yell" And with my tg drawn out, no lenitr tho peaplo?" asked tho floclalUt. nlry apartment la the aummer Iwnae, and ay ha. Whereupon her victim offers an apol- inatea the pair, "Oh, yes, You mem- that for winter la the Interior and mora and talking to thorn. She part; no ho changes his several. see, we l former conver t limped away room. It la rare to meat n fam- such n atrango blunt way with stran- ration for ogy nnd amllca n sickly amlle, as he bers ot tho bnnd havo nothing to shoot ily another. 13 Tea-alrtt- skt which haa an entirely gers vainly trlM to count how many Kor I'd been atrusk. srparale dwell- that I nm always afraid of her "You seem to hnvo hecomo wonder- - more --Raw York World. with. I nm a member of tho band." ing for Tha Urn! pagos thero nrc to get through, and the Hoek. doing or enylng something outrageous." tuny industrious since I law you last." And then the baud played, "Jn the nlntli mouth." And. whilst IlSdward Is Ueeembvr, aa their year beron two wveka "I'm Ruro you needn't bo," responds ho says, glancing anything but enduring his Mart. beforo admir. aelf-lnfllet- the I'aaaovcr. our Maatar. VI, looking Ingty martyrdom nt one end of waa "Thero rather astonished. "Sho nt the pretty gnrlnnd of flowora out. a nre on tha hearth burning." Jtnth-e- r Orlril lira-pa- wan tho room, hla brother Robert Is being In the n. ohlm-JKy- well named 'Pearl,' for alio hides tnat la growing under her whllo lln Pittsburg Nows: Ornolo They have na flattered, petted lec- and Mamlo Mini "hrarlha ara unknown In liersolf In her ahell ns persistently as era. and a llttlo bit had been particularly tha tured nt tho other end by Ruby. bad the other Haat llraslrra eoiitalnlng elmreent nro Jier namesake. Ho who finds out hor "Yss I nm vory fond of work. Wlion day, and tholr muthor was desperate. PIneed In a depreeaton In tho middle of n nt true very "It vns really too bad of you to atop warmlnir."-Cam-brld- gn value will havo to bo a you aaw mo Inat I waa a child: nnd Finally she called the little girls f?m f?r I'urimiea of man." away from Champley House so long!" to lllble. ohlldron arc ao atupld they never her and said sternly: M. "When "Oh, ehc Is n good deal sharper than sho says roproachfttlly. Jehudi had rra.l three or think of anything but play." roturna "Children, I want you to Just pick feur lenvee." Itmlirr vnlumna of tho you think." aaya Ituby. with n llttlo Robert Champley looks nt hor for a writing hiicii acornruily. punning her oociipn up your clothes and go away from rwioaa tho mil. "lie," the kltur. sneer; "and nt tho name time alio Is so tlon an though few momenta beforo making any an- apparently In niiRcr anatahhig the roll her living doponded up this house. You aro to bad I can not from jKhudl, extromoly odd that I never feot nafo on It. swer. Unfortunately for Ruby's "out It with the pcnknlfo," stand It nny longer. Your papa and uacil for aharpenlng tha recde uaeil na aa to what sho mlg's any I I actually "Upon my scheme, ho la a mnn who generally pans, word." lntighn Tod, "It la I havo picked two other little girls out and which hung nt tho serlbo'a beard ber confiding to tho rector'a wlfo my a to think beforo ho speaks, even Birdie, "and raat It Into nonet timt a good many children that wo want to llvo here; they are tha nre." Tha "the day stnlr-carp- had trivial subjects. meanlnir. peculiar to the Imperfect, of tho other that our ore wlaor than tholr cldora-- ao obser- - good and do not quarrel. continuation or teen turned four timed." vnnt, you 'I shouldn't have corao back now Just tako repetition of nn net, la know, and all that kind of all your dolls and dresses nnd go clear .fully made out by aupim.lnir that tha king "Well, and It aho did. thero was no thing. I really don't think you If It hadn't been for the chlldron," he .cut down ths roll bit by bit, nnd thrjw - would away." plccca "harm In It," declares Violet, who la clnaa a'- says nt length, with a algh. tha Into tho lire one after the oth-cr.-- 'illdren together again aa be Orneo Ho Papa "When you grow up you'll bo burst Intc tenrs nnd Mamie Cheynr: Only the nrat tor-tlo- n far more attached to Sholl than to the ing id." If you only know Ruby catches the echo of that algh wna read, thoao able to read books and find out over looked distressed. Finally, between but "all tho roll whb d brilliant Ituby. i i or and la nit sympathy. In lime Ilobert'a; they aro awful so many things." her Bobs, Mamlo exclaimed: the lire." The kltiu ot the "Of course you don't care, because It llttlo enarpors." "No ono knows bolter than I how liopo. the comfort, the mrana of eaanpe. Johnny "Oh, yes! and I'll tell you "Woll, I don't caro If tho llttlo girls by reading only n part, not Is not ymir own home you aro only "I suppose tholr very painful your return home must - the whole. father take quit and mamma questions aro good thoy won't be good long af- The wnrnliiK- would Interfere with hla staying here." retorts Ituby bitterly an Interest In tliemT" hnvo been to you," aho remarks, In a about all those plana of pleaaur, romnrka Hholl she can't, anawor." ter they como here to live, any wayl" cemiwl rentane, lead "but for my owu part 1 think thero Is in a uorod tone. low and almost tattering tono, whilst to bard work. no noed our poverty should bo er white eyelids veil oyea In it. "Vet they were not afraid." Thla that nor companion stares at her for hr exproaeea the exposed to strangers. If nhe gets In- some w. .mlngly sad retrospect. Ilrraklnff About Kraii. IIU Former Occupation. writer' aatoHlahment nt momenta in nrnazement, then -- tho depth of depravity, hard-iiea- a Again ho Judge: Ros- - "I'vo tha Intanae to conversation with olther of tho ureaxs into n rather mocking laugh. looks at her; then some i understand that Mr. Just found out." salt the flag of heart, tha mental blindness mid yea-Ho- coldly gives ubautu'a dul tieia of Champley'a, I shouldn't In tho least "Woll. bert doea tnko a do what utternnco to the one Houlimant. "what that gunnor'a malo the klmr and hla atteiHlanla. waro aa If thoy Imnulned tHirnlHg wonder nt her telling them that our elded Intcreat In Hob and Meg. word, "Thanka!" an If alio hnd made ran away, broko her leg and had yonder did beforo ho enlisted." that tha roll Seeing would dcalroy the Word of tlod. ahut-tln- g Is him n speech which, though distaste-'t- o u shot," said now reporter to "Whnt?" or dlnnor always badly cooked because tuey aro own tho asked tho quartermaster. eyes UkIiI-nln- g uiai his ohlldron. per ' their would wanl off hn "wo can't afford n new kitchen range." hapa It la not to be wondered at." fill, muat bo responded to In some way Mr. Roacnbaum's business partner, "I happoned to ho standing near atroke. "Nor any of hla aervunta." "I don't alio laughed or other. "Yco," answered tho partner, dryly. him when he pulled Not the prince, but hla personal . 'tend-ant- e, think would," "No, of course that would account tho lanyard dur- chosen hopo you "And mother-in-la- wfio ing beaauie thoy wero Ilka Violet. ror It,' reaponda Hholl qulotly, and Ig- "I found tho dear children that his tho bombardment this morning and minded with hlmaclf. you In was every as. "She Is quite ropablo of It alio Is so noring the ring of aarcaam In Ted'a all that pictured them?" pursued tho carrlago at tho tlmo, time ho did It ho yelled "Nevortheleia Klnathun." cte. Thero In-sl- wero eccentric. What other girl would at voice. Ruby softly. thrown out and seriously Injured." Chnngo In a mlnuto!'" soma or the princes. "Mado Inter- upon "Yes yes; they oro merry little1 "Yea. Sho an hour aftetward." Chicago Nows, cession. Thla ahowa Unit tha princes being called 'Shell,' when aho "I don't boo how any ono could help oh. died wero not In aympathy I I with the klna'a lias such a pretty niimo? Nothing liking them poor llttlo beggara!" con- crickets, nnd seem Just about ns happy "What! Deadt Dear mo suppose courae. be na day Is long!" Rosenbaum Is all broko up about it. 'Tho king pommandetl . . could awcetcr than Pearl; nnd yet If tinues tho young man bluntly, and In tho answers Mr.Jr A 1'arllnrnl Unary. . to toko ro-- It?" '. prophet: but ono dares to call hor by hor right nnmo a voice that apeak volumes of wonder Champley, whilst n softening smllo ! "To me." said I.' LJrern1"1' "o tho lrd no. Willie Wlalilnnton r. hid them." l'erhapa by means of aome of sho nlcii into ono laxca hla somewhat atom mouth. "Veil, Mr. Rosenbaum seems to - of hor tnntrums." at hla companion's henrtteaancaa. vorlahly, "you represent fa- rvnn''1. Jolm almost rcconcllod. Of courso he nil that of daunt dl.l for "She la of a practical turn of mind." Shell breaks Into rather an affected "It In a terrible chargo for you,",bo moat sublime. I bollcvo destiny Wycllf, nnd an elector of Haxony for laughs VI; Ruby, wlshos It vaa a chcapor liorso, hut, den, that Luther; perhaps by "aho thinks I'rnrl too fanci- llttlo laugh. obacrvos her tono and looks Intended us for each othor." tha Iird'a aendltig I him out of the country. ful n namo for r workaday mortal. I "Doar mo,' aho aays wondering!) full of tho most profouud pity. no t'inka dot, ovoryflng considered, ho you To thla tlmn "Aro alluding," Inquired nro most Jore-mlah- 'a -- Mlsi naturally to bo referred wondor what Induced mint to namo you "havo I allocked you? If so, you muat mow sot" asKs ner companion, in w" Cayenne lolly, "to tho afllnlty popu- nbsencn from nnd tho girls symbol of tho glrdlo thrco after previous stones?" ploario forgive mo; for I don't llko chil evident aurprlse. larly supposed to exist botweon Ihe linen which h waa "I really can't aay." returns Ituby T Appreciation. commanded tohap. IJ) to take to tho river dren." Rllbv feels Bomowhnt tnVin nlm.,!. aubllmo and tho ridiculous?" Wash-ingto- n Kuphrntc. He la not heard -- ot for Sev- rather coldly; "perhaps the aamo ron Ted makes no remark for a few s, nil it nin-nt-f- l n.m. o ...... Teacher drawa a red horse on tho Star. ern I yearn. your procooda V. eon that Induced mother to nnmo but alts watching her with keen ImposBlbto thing for a man to know, Waokboard, and to write a "Hut tho Word or Uod wna not you Violet." 77-- Jt Tho scrutinizing oyos, expecting every in- - aboul children's wnnta or waynl" aba """" " u Slmpt outward form "Oh. I waa my 7, ". I'rop.nttron. reatorcd. ii. "Take theo aealn another cnllcd Vlolot bocause atant that aomo relenting dimple ucau-aiiak- replies, witn a nitio . ' . Managing Udltor Here, this won't roll," etc In tills waa written nil hla urnnma Is Mower!" oxplnlna VI. a rounu ner npa would Hello nor ti.,i,..i ri.n..,..i.u I Bee a norse. former words, npd many word; "..i.... H"1 do. mora Ilka words nhadow stealing over her face aa her but no Shell works on In aerono un- lnMch ' I see a horse, etc,, expecting the were added (v. It). Dramatic Kdltor What's wrong? Tho Truth In tho Word Imperishable. thoughts fly back to her lost mother. consciousness, with her woll-nolse- d "I aaatire you, both Hob and Meg Managing Udltor You any In your . "Why hnat thou Bay- "It usod to bo a Joke of papa's that head a little on ono aide, tlvos. written therein, and all hor hnvo neither ot thorn any aoruplce account of that now play Jonos ing, Tha Itlnir or llabylon ahall eertalnly even when I married I should not cease apparently fixed upon bright boy reads: that oomo nnd deatroy thla attention her about expressing tholr wnnta," ho sayn Hrst mado a hit as the Spanish land." He hnd to bo a flowor." work. "I boo a horso. I seo a minus cavallor. been there ones, collected tribute, nnd golly; "and, as you know, I nm very Chicago News. liad gone away. "You aro a flower of whleh I should "I there anything under horse." Hut Jeremiah had rare-tol- d tin aim that fortunnto In my old housekeeper, Mrs. much more than this. Nabuehnd-lieno- r be uncommonly afraid If you wero not you do llko?" askn Ted at lost, In a wna uolnir to return nnd daatroy Tolley nhe Is n porfect mother to tht Kconnmlral. engaged. Inughs Ituby. tono of desperation. A TVUa Doctor. the land. Nothing but rejventnnce on tho why?" whole lot ot us. The babies have a 8ho- -I understand purt or Jeholaklm and hla people oould "Afraid asks Violet, osonlng "Oh, yea, aoveral things,' answers Fuller "Dr. Nomad told Tlbby that that matter prevent eyes. treasure ot a nurso, too a sensible weighing one pound on tho It. It wna tho naaertlnK ot thla wide her blue Sholl brlakly. "Let mo aco" reflec- mlddlo-nns- would not help complaint moon's whleh waa olTerite. d woman: so on tim "uga her surface, Jercmlah'a The king "Ilccauso you aro so terribly out-do- It transferred to the earth, wanted to Buffer pretty," tively "I llko work, nnd rondlng, nnd I nnd "ooraraonded exorclao on neither nor to repent. daro aay wo ahall rub along very would weigh alx pounds. JO. "JIo ahall havo none to upon answer Iluuy truthfully. I urn awfully fond of gooaeberry-tart.- " aa being sit wall a whool tho best thing for the threno of David." Ills eon Joholaehln, Violet knows full woll that sho Is auolt n He Can't you manage to buy your Ted bursts into hearty peal f rlnn'l bnllnrn In nnv ..,.. I. htm." It yea re old, attempted to do It ror threo pretty her mirror tells her so, morn of laughter that Ituby who la engaged butter up there, dear? Yonkers months, but tho whole ing treasures," remarks Ruby nkepti Duller "Tho doc, Is simple to throw time tho land wns ing, noon nnd night yet she likes to In singing n trio with VI and Robert away Statesman. occupied by Nebuchndnestar's army, nnd cally; "and, bosldes, your business like that." wna In a or (3 near It again, even If only from Ituby. Champloy glvo utterance to n children Jerusalem state siege Klnga falae must bo too old now to bo Fuller "Oh, I don't know; he Jit "Ilia (lend body ahall be eaat So alio waxes amlahlo. nnd glvoa her note. Shell, after a futile effort con- left entire A Doublr Clavar Fellow, (fieo to ly to tho charge of aervnutfl." charges double rates for surgical out." Jer. IJ: l.) "Tho body of tha cousin n faithful promise that any trol trembling 1 pa, hla Judgo: F.thel-O- nly think I They king waa "to bo coal out In tho day to her Joins In "Do you flhow of forwardnoss on Shell's part merriment. think bo?" asks Mr. aay Lord Mttledough actually bor- tho heat, nnd In tho lilslit to the frost." Champley In a pondering tone. Coin Wo have no direct record of lis fnlfllmont, iiliall be instantly suppressed. "No; but. seriously," ho aaya, when "That Nut in on Claj. rowed tho money of his finances to reproduction is I Chicago Thirsty tiut Ita ahowa that tho As Violet foresaw, however, they hnvo both dono laughing, "you whnt havo been rather afral of Trlbuno: Traveler buy tho engagement ring with. prophet's word hnd not fulled. The king thoro Is myaolf, - any have, I know, n fow nob la Just neven, and poor (whoso carrlago Is at tho gate) "Aw-- Penelope Yes, and then went out wna dragged lit chain with the other llttlo causo to fear nttempt at fa must nrtlatlo Meg being I you llttlo five can I have a drink at your well?" got captive, who ware carried off to mlllarlty on Sholl'a part. The girl has tastes. remember uied to play and trusted for it. 34: C), (To bo Continued.) Farmer'a wlfo "Why, of course, llabylon it Chron. and prolmbly gleaned from Iluby's constant allusions aomo very Jolly pieces, so you must bo died on tho Journey, hla corpse left be- Walt t. moment bring to tho Chnmployn alum tholr return fond of music" ma'am. and I'll Tact. hind unburled aa tho army inarched." Shell shakes her head In despon- a glass." IS. If. I'lumplrc. home tlfat her elder nlstor contemplntos a NEVER QIVE8 UP ITS DEAD. Puck: Noarpass "I hope tho minis- tt. "I will bring nil tho evil I connuenco dent manner. Thirsty Traveler "Thanks, no, I ... that with lioperut the possibility Lake Sup.rlop ter didn't refer to tho creditors tho have pronounced agatnat them." Destroy- becoming mistress "No," aho answers carelessly, have () ( victims la Oil alwaya carry a cup. Ono doesn't want ing ths book, or murdering the prophet, of of Champley "i y deceased loft." So disgusted no for anything In particular. U..lli uf Its Vfaleri. to drink out ot somothlnr that overy-bid- would not prevent tho ruinimsnt Of (Jed's Ilpuse. does Shell feel at talent Rennet "He merely said that his word, mopping tho lire bell, killing scarcely Of course I play n llttlo and I skoteh a From tho Minneapolis Trlbuno: Lafci olio does, you know." or ber sister's concealed sehemo Superior loss woul bo felt wherever he was tho one who rings It, doea not put out that aho firmly rosolves to adopt a line little; but 1 do nothing welt enough never gives up Its dead. Who- known." ths nre. of conduct so totally at variance for It to bo pleasing to anybody but ever encounters torrlblo dlsastor ban- - Ill AniUty to that plly Infrequent Washington of Ruby that oven the moat obtuse mau myacir." In tho tourist seaso- n- Star: "I'll never forget Makloga of a (Irrat goo an Investigation gave Friendly Comment, tfan. on oarth must ace at least Hint she has "How do you know that if you never and down In the angry, beautiful tho trouble onto From tho lcwlston Journal: An blue waters, remarked Senator Sorghum, rom- - He Yes, he called me a blooming no desire to steal from him tils free- give your friends the chaneo of Judg- never cornea up again, me" Rastport woman tent her rrom tnoao days miscentiy, Idlo-t- dom'. Hven when she hears that Ted ing!" aska Ted, atlll trying to atrlko earliest whon tht I son to a dry goods store for a darning daring you want to hold It?" II m As If one could not see that Champley, the boy with whom she used Bomo spark of emotion out of this French voyagera In their trim Didn't you gone needle, giving him a cent for the pur- "Hold It?" he echoed. "Tliats ex- - bad to seed. Indianapolis to go blaekberrylng nnd nutting. Is stolid maiden. blreh bark canoes skirted the pletur- - journal. chase. Tho lad passed a eandy atoro cty I wa to do- - And 1 coming down with Robert, she "Oh, they are quite at liberty to esque shores of this noble but relent- -' wbat tr'rDB on the way, saw some candy want- makes ' every and tip sensible little mind to be Judge for themselves If they like, only lees lake down to this present moment, ntr0,d minute that It was ed It. Ho spent tho cent to her civil " Certainly, and tried nobody me olnB 9 o to hire nothing more. wants to hear piny twite r those who have met their deaths in Inbreak wr figure out how to get the darning nee-dl- atone-pav- So, as the evening wears away, both answers Shell, In a tone of friendly still lie at tho - 'rom mt" for nothing. This was not so dlf-fleu- lt. toothers, after Ineffectual attempt to warning. ed bottom. It may be that, so very1 Ho borrowed a needle from a lilt on a congenial tople of conversa- "Will ran let mt bear you pity cold Is the water, some of their bodlsi t and the r.etarr, neighbor, which ho gave to his mother, tion, come to the conclusion that the once?" aska Ted eagerly. may have been prewvod through tht Mm. Learned "Had you no engage-eeaturie- s. forgetting to tell bur It was second- younger daughter of the house Is "Oh, certainly, It you with; only Snmotlmes, not far from ' went tor tonight, AtavV hand and that he had uatl the sent ' either somewhat deficient In Intel! won't It b rather erne! Inrlletlon fer shore, the bodies at people who have 1 1"0'- - (Jumping to hla feet) for sandy. WhM Otrougk with the r: or has developed bhcu cH alarming everybody eiaa r rwyir-sifst- iiulmly: wreek4Xrtiw flshlag smacks oi "By Jove I I was booked to lectures needle she plated it In the outhlen. spirit of contradletlon that she Is de- "No, I am sure It won't," answers her from Dleaaure beats overtaken bv a! at 7:30 on "The Cultivation of the and when she left tho room the naugh- cidedly a young woman to be avoid-od- . companion, In a voice of such utter cruel squall have been reeovered, bul Memory." and here It Is 10 o'clock! ty boy returned It to tho neighbor oonfldenee that puekera of amusement only after the most heroic efforts wilt Why In blaaea couldn't you havo asked without a word. Iluby's amiable manner and soelal gather around Shell's Hps after the drag net or by the diver. Onee on I lot question three hours ago?" eympallty stand out In startling eon-tra- it most wished fashion. trip down the lakes I met a clergy- ratt Outdone, to Shell's almost rough brusque-- n Q reM Is Iluby's eamter nation and man who, aa we passed a point ot land Printer's Fault. aobang "Those feasts of the an-lon- ts ww of manner. Violet too does her nnnoyaneo when she leaves the piano some miles before euterlnK the nar Indianapolis Journal: Watts How must have been great feeds. utmost to evening pleas- render the a to see Shell down on her knees beside rowing ot the lake at the Boo, pointed do you understand that expression ot People still talk about tntm." t kftr-Je- k ant one for the brothers, musle-stun- d, Al-go- whilst Mr. the turning ever the loose out tho place where the Shakespeare's "Oo to?" "FeaiU 0f tn8 anstenit b blow-i- d. Wilden baeka tbem both up. aa far aa music In tho drawer. went down on the reef some Putts It Is my Idea that It arose Think ot Dewey's breakfast!'' liar natural want of energy will allow. "(Surely you aro not going to play?" eight years ago, and as he looked from the printers not knowing the use you he "Do remember those Jolly times aho exclaims, In a tone of mingled dis said, slowly, "I waa at the funeral ot ot tho dash hen his works were first we used to have out blaekberrylng, and PATENTED. approval and annoyanse, for Ituby's one man who went down with her, published. "That Mrs. Blnker can't keen a cook what particularly dellelous blackberry-Ja- m music Is her one strong point, and aho only reason Is ana the his body not at A I'rophser. to save ber lite." Shoe salesmen will appreciate new your cook used to make?" asks the ho the by a hates to east Into shade her the bottom today with the ether IS "Well, sho ought to to sava shoo-flttln- g younger brother, taking a beside Chisago News: She it was ths poet her ahalr, whleh has the seats seat younger sister. Aa a rule, Shell la wont that were loat la beoaHse It was sauitht husband's." for tho salesman nnd Shell toward the end of the evening. light Omy who said: "The paths of glory customer and tho to bide her under a bushel, and In the timbers ot ths vessel awl could grave," footrest all mounted on sliding Hdward Champley Hngllsu-tna- n. lead but to the wasn't It? ratks. Is a true It Is provoking, to say the least, that net sink." adjusted and. although three times already He Yes. I guess he must havo had date Iter l'leaiare. whleh oan be to suit largo or abe should depart from her usual a wnlsh saw "What dn vnn llilntr small persons. lie has abandoned that seat In despair, course on the present your vision la he our hereei ill.. tl4... ..u aeeasien. He: "I beg pardsn. but weren't coming from vlstery back to my photograph?" lie Is atlll unwilling to acknowledge "Oh, yea, I am going is ploy I have we ease engaged to ba married?" fever abost A new penholder has a calendar himself beaten. She: camps. "goodness Knows," termed on (be been aikedl" responds Shell Inneeent-- "It's quite likely. I thstlsht iutt maw handle, (he days of the She dees not reply far "She said she liked In loav at tf week being printed on the bandle.whlla memieli When I SAW VOtl that vMr fsaa IfuiVnd was -- "War declared April 81, cause It reminded her of the days ot tho raenth printed" b.U .HIojgkig-gu-a knot With a shrug of her fboulders Ruby familiar! Uneere (JeeiUseuaft. ile wasg'l aootlisr aro la 181, HP nan," Chicago Tlacors. tabular form on a revocable tube, to it adjusted to the day correspeniUaK. tmulfmih i

oono re HI cuRRent. applloablo to this nnd murk Divorce Nollccj Ostray Notice. el. me" thnt fool who did not know the up on'lhe F. MATHESON VM. H. M In thedlntrlst eeurt ol the nith lildlclnl ills Taken tint day of AugOit ULLAXB value-- of Amerloan money hud no bust. not or tiHi wrniorr ot 5v Mmiro. wlib- - I8VH one horse described ill follows: In ani inn cwntrwltoily. years Official Paper o( Eddj County. iiom with It anyhow. Hunna 'Sorrol gelding hone about eight i ' old branded 0 on left thigh, 6n loft Alamogortfo NoUs. Msnlso Torn, Defendant ) snouiaer. o u, ii uiatikki:. Ooml3S,on i -- . i '.i the Clilot Imvtiy iioiiriMi tnntn milt Ihmh emu- - "P may. a. n P.WUhH SitUKlitr YAt New Io Irsin tu - trnrr tl mened ARAlimi lilin lu the tlltirlct court Ml n. i m miltr - tN is wjf .St. t4UM II. II. Tierce's new brick store bund within nnii inr th- county ol lkiily. tsni And Gonoral Forwarding 'iVs- tery nlorral(l. hy old IIuDim Tprn, plain' Mitordit Nfir. 61, I8i8. lug Is Ruing up rapidly. HI. to illxwilvn mid dMlnre null mitl void Don't Fail... U. Douglass, Hddy, C. I). the UoiiUk ot inntriiiiony oximinK iwiween A. of and nip inniniiii mm uciriicinin, nnu lor iwi avnsoimriuN it.vrn. n to SCO tl0 Hay, t-- othsrnnd (urtlicr Ilia cotirt nhnil Grain, Seed, Coal -- two black Feed, I MhHox of Toxus, first oiaw Blacksmith WEpRuT lit will pr uitu wp 111 to mlrlll you, Mmilbi II.W. Rrant, that unli tho rtii smiths are here and will put up u shop Mtddeleiidnnt. enter vmir snnenrnnet) In wcat a sld eau on or listorn nntuitliiy, tho tonlti at once. (lnv ol DMHtnitMH-- . IW. juuKtnciii win oo you i Tliuugli ounsldtrnblu umbr&KO lias The saw mill has started up end ramiernl In Mldenu ngnliut liy do bin iniiui Hint i. h. iiatmnan I? iilnlntin'n been taken iy tome a( tho uontoniPii Is now working nicely muvIiir Saare uirnoy, whoao pfMiontoo In i:IU', V1 demand rWdypmiHlT. New.MMleo who hud n meeting to tnako meuto mountain timber Into llrst-olu- 8lsneli J, li. oniriitii. COWBOY the board of dUcharnf Cfcfk ot wyld District thnt lumber at Uio rate of about one huh lly W. A. Iloer, deputy. the prlnclpnl of tliu schools, no ufTenie drcu thousand feet per day. The Notice. $25 00 Per Acre h wasover Intended thwo parties and first whistle blew at tho mill Saturday no tnciitlnn inuile of Hie in or ttitlr In llio district court ol Hie nllli iudlelnl ' evenluirund now blows at 6.30, OiO triot ol Iter tMTltory ut New Mexico Old Cultivated ww-- CARNIVAL Land. iUB6tln. The Cm iibnt last and 1 1.30 nnd 12 30 and 8 30 Thcro are The MFroAntllc Trut fomimny. irtfltlo no reCtwnee to any except rumiuninnni. Cnnnoll- - 80 nil now over 160 men employed with tin1 diti Ml ncros, fenced nnd amnll houso, fully paid anlnt - nnoporann mul said nntliliiK nbont the The reeux Vnlloy llnllwny Coin- oaiim in th lumber company and more are bcliiK cutiliy. AT iJtPLPffMt onp-four- milo from Tonus: iteBlllan taken tif tlm gentlemen who pflny. Utteiidant. employed. Under mid In mirMimiM nl nn nrder til the ouy.iw onsii, itnlanou mortgngo for hekl the Inst iiu'ClInK. Thee ptulk nun luuioini iiimnDi ooun ni mi imtiio throo yonrs (lovernorl. A. Waters. .!. Wllk oi now .Mexico. tor with inforosr. 0 imvetliD hlKhent iwped of the Cm u .. . I.,.,..eiiiniK wiuun nnd nt por cent. Hollenbaek nnd Dr. Taylor all of the tindersned heratiy Midland, Texas, rtltXT. tlimtuh we cannot In the kits nonce to nil pernon who tuny uireo Wllkslmrrre l'a , ucenmpmilcd by their any elnlni (it'clnlmaniuiliwtTlie racoi iimUtrof uiklunnoUoij on tho roIiooI ley llnllwny rnmpniiy irnifnlnm the under wives and three hidy Irieuds, oume In nn innlter until utter tho Uino the pros iKiicd receiver ol micli eoiniinoy, to ;:iro MoLcnathcn & Tracy, luemluy on C. IJ. Hddy's prlvnto oar. Mnt Minn lor Allowance or iwytn nf nt Gth wit teieher wero employed expire- - one. ,uy UcIi elnlni which ehnll lint on DcctMulu'r to 'Tuso del Norte," Meesrs Waters und DrctciiliHt or lllwl wllhlii n nerlod ol lx Opp. Hotel Windsor. ReaJ Inpurancc. Then a new member of the hoard of month. n.IUT tlir nrt iiubllrallim ol thU 10th, 1898. Estate and Iloheulmek aru heavy stockholders imtlce will not lw i nlorrlhlo nualnd Mild education may be selected who will elver or tliu tirnpofly ol Hie In all the dllferent enterprises of the ntmat 0111(1(111 prflfltlmlly make the board about the io Vnlfer lbillwny ( v which wni ONE FARE for tho Round railroad com puny here and were mil old tiimerdeoreeot loreoioiaro, or nimlnM njijiMlti of what It now Is. then inc purenaser 01 eaio prpriy, or 111 euo .Trip. looking over the Held for the ilrst lime icwr or Mwlan-- cilmnjut eau h made cjulotiy and I. A IX I V' I.- ' I They were hluh y nleused and ulter llMMM I - without illrrliiK up nny bltternou. At IteCOlVllI III till) .Mill 1 .1.11 on wile Dec, Dual a short trip through tho muiintuins noil-l- i way (.'umimuy. Tickets Ktvilh C6HTRAL SALOON. proapnt tho timtlor li Imprnctloal and limit for roturn Deeomber lUth), Dec loft for homo Thursday. Notice doe no Rond to ngltntc. of Suit. 0th.7th.8tli, Oth, uood for return fif tn the dUtrlet ooun, county ol tidily teen days frnm date of anle. CIGARS: What Itddy nwrts more thon any Knllway Notes. (Mine W. IIOKfr. lleoelTer., Fine Fine othor new liiipravutiiMit U u pasturo from lli reo Timet. lilnlntln. UoUtnan House. Dluk Day Conductor on the l V. Si v. atoukuxm to hold cattle and hores The Houih sml Inventtnniit A splondid opportunity Whiskies Cognacs, for N E. bus movud his family to oomtmny. iieieiutnnt. Spanish Twist, in while trunsaollng builnww huru and Tho Mid dolendant. Tho Houih Went In- - to enjoy yourself shipping A little enlerprlM on the VMtment Conmniiv. U hercliv rnlllMl Hint or was shipped by Mr. n null in Inw lint been coninisnowl naMlruit It for little Fine iDtcrnacioiial,'! Cordials, part uf the budnetis men' oointnltteo A oar Iiorh 111 tho untrict court lor the oounty 01 ininy. I'ecos Wuoo errttory 01 now Mexico, uy said piniimir, Go nloug at J. N. Hoard, from to last , inonoy. of the Union Club Just thU Junct ,p.ilV IIVl-i- 1,111 I..P. Wines. Royal Lancer. . . . Tuesduy nlKlit. Nntlonal imnk ol itddy,,7.w,New Mexico, dnm nnd swell tho crowd Etc nr might rwult In drawing thuuinmli Agerinliiied two thotiMiid, evil hundred of dollart wortli of trndo to the town. A car of Itoawol1 ipploa pawed and illtyiive nnd dollars; thnt unloM you enter your appcnrniico In Mid tuft OH A drill funoo might be built at tome through ikiturduy to pulnts In South or ueioro imriy unye nnor the fourth and 15. P. TTHN151I, & lnt publication ol thin iioiim, which will Or Kemp Woerner, Props. favorublu point which would serve thin Texas. oaorlieforethenratdnyolJnnunry, A. I). (Ion. Pass ftrrkfAgt, very iiceussary purpose. A committee W I. Wells, section loremau at Her- - Idm, boloro the dlitrict court (nr the county oi iKiuy, thnt uoinKUio county In which the Dallas, Tkx. of the limine men should bu selected iiiosn, win in town tost Tuesduy tuk eompiniut noreiii is uicd, in tho nitn juui 8c cini tiuirict 01 mo territory 01 npw Moxloo, LOWENBRUOK STONE, to Inveatluate this hlKhly ncowwury loir in tho election. nnd nmwer tho oomnlnlnt ot tho Mild iilnli Toxus & Pacific Ry. and report at once. The rail tin, ludument by ilelnult therein will be mutter W. II. Upchurch section forenutn rendered nwilnit you. way extontlon will be completed short at (Julio, vus TruiiHuctliiK business In JoitN t!. Oiiimni, clerk. & CAMERON, Proprietors Uy W. A. Itogorn, beputy. fREEMAN ly and every effort should be mudu to I'ecos Saturday. l'reonmn ti Cnmuron, of S. MEAT MARKET. I'eoos has nitorneyt mr pintntin, iiaay, n. ji. draw trade to tho town. Two thousand tons of steel rails are LAW, nlrruily taken stops to secure a pastuie on the road tor use In the construction Notice of Suit. HEM pro villi"!1 with iirtesmn water and will ijODV, NHn' MEXICO of The I'. V. plon. In the district court, county ol Hddy (iiideevnr to control Its share of the iMtno w. Uogcrs, Iteselvcr, Fresh Meats, Sausage, A loud of tie passed through oftltle rflile. train an piiuiHin. Mouduy night from Itoswell enrouto. FRANKLIN Game. Etc., Etc. The iA Muertn Company f JOHN .Toli-v7-ox-y y Front the tones of the llio (Irunde to tho Kansas City market ueioiiun Froo to txxx-- part o Oity. Ilepu'. 'iftin of 1,uk Crueiw one would Orders for cars on the Pecos Valley The Mid detendsnt, The U lluortn com-iKin- ATTORNEY AT LAW. li hereby nutliled thnt n null In law be led 10. believe that the editors oi to the amount of over "00 have been UU-tri- al hntuconcommoncednKtliui It In tho . thut qtttat little town were not on the honked for shipment the coming week. court lor the county ol Kddy, territori- KDDY, . NE'V Mll.v al New Mexico, by tnld ulaliitlrt. Itnnc W. A.KERR, boat of terms socially. The Mr. Slur-ra- Champion. Itoarrs. riTclvcrolljio Urst Mntlonnl linnk W t m. II li ' I U, fallUf, ,.VW IVUVU, UMIllflHCB VISIIIIl.ll 11 11 QiuiaiH wiiiumm mtnllOnuU Is the editor of the C. Starkwouther, trHlumusler for hundred twentv-ttirc- o n:iil,M-li- j Uollnrr.. 0. thnt uiiIcm you ontcr your apprnrnncr fft rflpublean paper at Las Cruces ' rllVSIUIANntL,ltUlflS. other P. V. & N. K e'.Mi heud(iiuiters ut wild utt mi or buturn thirty dnys slier the In fourth puhllcntlon and lift' Intimated his shoot thut Kddy N. M., wus ttm city ast Men-.- i nnd init ol thin notice. N M in . wiilcli will boon or heloro tho llmt ilny ot tMt, just Hid opposite result, occured as i. '.taflllnrv A II I UU IuIapa Iim .ll.lrla, llotol Windsor county or would In Inferred from the follow- - oourt lor llio t:ddy, thnt bolnc Htf I'. .t N. Ii, lly. Frank McNutly pussed through tho count in which tue oonipintnt ncrcl t it nied. lu the tilth ludlolnl diiirlct ol iho ter-- Peoos Wtidnesduy. lie will run regit rttory ol New Moxloo, and nnnwer the oom ilatlit ol Mid plalntln, ludgmenl Uy WIlKIIIT, M. n. I'ortlie infarmutlon of those deslr lurlyon this divlson, having hutm default t olis of liMiiilnul whether Adventurer ihcrelu will be renderei nun ntivou. c. I'llHlttAN Aff Sl'IMMS. transferred from the lluird division Juiin V.. aiiiHini, Clerk. Murray uot tuiiKlud up with u thresh lly W. A. Ilogerv ucpui) illK iimolilne or met n cyclone j ester-dity- , u few days ago. omeMi inxMtte, liMHMil blk ntiorneyeiorplalntltl, Kddy. N. XI lTill Fancy we would assure them to the eon MU mwrJ ily r ittjilil. Groceries on Psoom Val- imfy trwry. lie merely encountered the I'ortullos station the birt hard left huud fist ot the editor ley Is expected to be open for business of this iKiper. If he needs another uhout the the Ifilh or this mouth. A lusjaon let him come ugutti. large number of outtle are watting i. iiinmtAxi) Ba.rjQ.elcL &c aa.rLtrell, at this jmliit to bo shlpped.-Cha- m a Nut lee the new of SiitHUt, advertisement plan. Saay I ill X Co, plumliliig The linn 9 ii represented In Itddy by Phillip Trncklayiug on tho Pecos Vulley Is Hour: hiinn. 111. lottm.i irnoio Jmnt 7 to n l. 111. llorun of SI. Louis and who Is progresaliiK ut the rate or Ski mlieu A A uu artist In IiIf lino having per day. (Jn Wednosduy the stuto com-Diete- d FRATERNAL B0011ST1E8. lilted up the homes of Nullum .lulfu line was crested and suiue Is now - Col. Vac and other line ictldAnces In about ten miles into Now Mex Wines, Liquors, Cigars- I Ql.llllIU UilU I UUGI Q Itoawell ns well as the .Mllit tfy Insti- ico. -- Champion. 0 HddyLodyoNaai, tute. Mi. flarnu Is n metnbir or the Chief Ch-rl- c l'ogun of tho Toxus & 5 Mtel very Thenttar Next door to Hotel Windsor, EDDY, Nl'Y MJSX. MMI1IIII1II V rvtllHIlK 01 iwu'i iwi. National I'lumuer t'nlou and was Paelllc at Ditlles sayH that tho Puotfie I U Itil Ki t: At v mi nniiiitiwilsolue wiilCIIWl far several years an oillcer or that ooast limited got good business from Q !i iHHly. Ills work has wily to to tested Dallas uud Pt. Worth for tho Ilrst trip L Juns lioiTny, & Rob&rbpon. In lie apprerlated. All work in this west, mid also a number or pnsaehgera fr Carrlito and It. A H. Srown lliu- - la ttuarantred by n) Clll ,t Co. on the oast bound SlgnPalittln wh" nro one oi the In reest and hest The station 011 IVoos r v-- . I.hU,t . laldy IaxIko.No. S BLACKSMITHS the Valley f - In or New O I) i'VjT 31. A. r. A.- A. M..Umll All itlMd of utw Hiirk H'xvtaU tlmi' this part Mexlcv kwaled ut tlio IiihiiI r 11 I 1 r 11 A isKiilHr of MiiHtuiiK draw, a n conuuunleatiou nt t pit-m- ill Jsx.W or Im i iii of al and i . iiinmy m rirloa M miles oust, of tho Hun SI I , statu and u-ui- wan l ui. " i i!recf, on tliuil llwii i Stinehi-y- iiiuinlu-- r fmn; Line in iavl). l'nlr utiles from A merlllo in the syndicate rmvm '1 i huh , will in-- a randidate W. M (x pauttrr. will be known as llovlua and A. s. IMTT, seey. HOHSr KMOEISO M'RaX 8pakfi "l tin- - ItoiiMt uf represent 't r ii Is now atwn tntslttMS. W 1,. liny TKiai uot'K rnii KiH'd il :iMiinbly. Imn m rv-- l fr l KICKS mul Livery Corral titn ih lie h.ts been rtHiHiln'oiltiKent and operator 1. 0 0. v, ttrm-i- n - tn lunifctiun. Aeciuninndn-t- lmtr tm li'gUhiiiii- iMiiht il mi t. i in elmrf I'hamplon. Mo. si meet evcrj-ITMa- tlm- - Cnon On. CuiTPnt teim as u presMlent tin rrf, and ereutug In n unci HMtinfueion, gunrnn-ti- - Toxleo Tax. Nov. .1. The Pecoa and Ofli(M. fintl UiMe.terinn In the house, twice as 9 UanuMki lH 0M 1. Northern Texas com- (H lHtTt&MU(Mr' ki.-nk- t railway company tHtlnit r ir llHit lmd . I n a very pleted their 'oud to this point ninety-olKh- t 0. W. MiillU. N. 0. ixH-r- i nc( jMrllarntiiitarinii and wmm r. 11. wkihi. aeoy. iirllaa wast of -- - awl n very lrleht man all Aumrlllo this FE ROUTE-h- World-lim- SANTA morning. Tvxleols on Hie Una lie XMy Oanii) NVocxtineH of the r iMound The mill hf Hill make lor WoKIt (II'MIAN I lsH tween Texas and .New Mexico. They THK 8HORT bINE TO tlw NiMMkeraliip Mill he n kimmI natural AM. r un- - laying two miles or traek dally. tiik awl MfH.n the ilea that north. HoaRMTtk. elk. , Hiiiwrlntoudeut of I'. It Chicago, St. Louis Western New Xlexu-..- havini mii well eonatruetion - Nelson la workina; ITS man and ex-ft- a for tin- ItepnMtaiii in the lut election J (o keep up Ida avera of two O. K. Pecos Valley & .uu Kanfias Oity torerogintmri New Mux NnWeni 111 ilea r'jt !.'!! W..;i!i (Mil. of traek dally Blacksmith 53 1 . - ... HI ,1 V I - II- River-Railroa- d ll' AUiiHtfurdii lui, 1 tuili in v.lniuon ! i :: My properly-latksr- ry Pecos Go. ci i I If i i Pt A I'M, m - s - C a hui suur '.. Ih tlw in uf ,cr jusliei- and nsiurt-- guari biilkl- r- fr "I the! .t ttslkl, I Time II). I. .Vtft'lt, 1. 11. Kvutts ! very low lew. TaWc X. Jieaw, Monday otii-- Intra anil Imkeoreu at a pi I Kiiet--U- uiikMa!iMiiif, I'litiisavi aaiMt-- ' !.. I .mi-m- i in maiir a fiunpliiliii li. - r axMtnst i Caulk. llltf r MOiMl Wi ft- ( 4'l k ll.U Ill erfvet iiuMdav. Uetub-- U. HtiotlH-- r Miat h had out Ildy. N. M oV!iHk A W bii hmudM t 11' 1.1 . Iiil ef tew Hollars by his eoniaMtou lu If r:. El POUNUolASTMtS .Ik HlMrtHkftftga. Tit euotplaMMkl said SAUi. d ! hereby I thnt Ut awu-- IunI pmh-- Natlw ctH llwt will Ml at Kddy. ' uu the pasta yard la (he rear ol the Oetairue ilBttnr o4tl pee-i- n Tor STAMilt him a tttunty Most oh TfcumUy, Ivee. 1, at if a. at. tkfea und I' waiiiMl l be eouft to make lb tssitsM, one biMk kataei, uae atv--r kor fr4lew eotixh up iltaottHrr leu doUis. bsMSv aaa ooa brawn knfea Uurro. rme ) ai SUCCESSFUL SHOOTERS SHOOT U asartMNl II oa II was necMnary for U em tae Ihluli sad marks on tlieeuit ibere we lasUetlnet. lee elalmlM eatd aH . fart I laoj liitr.fUr. Il .barntMl Musk MB Mt. mm ri Umt WINCHESTER umi ilif ouMfttoluius; waa a Lawas, Manasi I roawit arrival frwn out Masiau wufl ' Rifles, Repeating; Shotguns, Ammunition and ' MitlM MH ktmHittHOMtt wifl of R NOTICU OP AUMINI6IRA fOlt. Loaded Shotgun Sheila. "Winchester guns and Halt, iiu UH1 a-- l area Uauw Laa Utf.aMMsr taa a4uiluiuaU.o ol iu.. valita u ammunition are the standard of the world, but pt SriiiM,iT. j .iiAia, i i Atuurtwu tewtay nod luil uKao j they do not cost any more than poorer nukes. tea dolhr tjelJ (tee boilvttov it to reliable dealers sell be a twtcv. gtjjity" wsi tio All wlneheUr good. deKtttaeltfecwljttgtlaa sb4 ttira. FREBt Stod name on a postal for 154 page illus- to uiiiuihKw trated Catalogue describing nil the guus mi amtsualtlon leg tue c)opiiin i. ' i.... made by the ..x.iuif SsTOVTrV: .:!'' .v--- 1 ji ... .. S WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO,, f . . . fVKW HAVBN, OONN. f ' "C hunting party cbtnt'MWtf'oi .0I1ITUARY. LOQAL fallowing raefelptri loft llagerraan on Tho following artlclaroforrlng to tho Robert tho Cth of November arid roturnctUbo death of the father ofd.F. A. "IhcNoblo Outcast." 10th! V.Morris, Dr. A. 0 Uuell.of son Is taken from the Time?-Promote-r ot Hernando, ' Sitf AUinaon 1 In town. Olovoland, O.j ,t. F. Jowett, Halstcad, ' lit: Chambersburg, m 55 PLUMBING A. II. IlOllltllTKO.T. 1?, JHUssen, of Hope, was In town ICan.s E. A. Morydlth, Po., T. M. Nelson, rittsburg, I'o. Tlioililp ellllelilsden. and m CMt ThUrtday, A soul list It's 1! Tho party took Wm. Jonos, janitor of siilior,( Fe, was In Ami rides At pbkih Aft tiio 6ryUl flea. A. J. Loomls, of Santa tho building of Kddy, as cook, m Thursday. bank AL RtAB (list rmrc noble spirit lu tnn t (( town and Jack Haktr, of HoRcrman. as or tlii 0, Livingston and wife, of Chica- 0. 0. guide, Tho eastern pcopio oro nil (mo go, Windsor. And lh liniiil Im nrrrlM nnd eotd nro at tlio good Bhots and met with fair success, Durable, on lilt brmil, Weston It. Nyrner of Coronado, Cal having brought in nlno antelope, four llut the iiiimo nnd tho mwiiory, thrift - In n guest nt thoWlndflOr. WEEK, never will dip. deer, one bear cub, one mountain lion, Salubrioup, grow Wed- but hrJuliter nnd olcflirrm tlie nges Mm. I. U.'f.Stnlih returned (Ivo turkey nnd over 800 quail, besides Ko Uy. nesday from her eastern trip. a mountain quail. Tho gentle- Why this burden of crlnf In nnr M an men nro loud In praise of this nn a midsty .!. 11. Toone, of Otis, will off Itobprtxnli hunting country, having spent n month K to Inform tho A. II. nnr vnlnmn volflnp addition to his farm residence. W DliSIIiK died on tho ton years In different 20th Inst. While wo think The lloptlst church will hold blblo each year for readers of tho Current ins lire was sueh that ha was ready to of thn west. They expect to wo nro thoroughly nt 11 n. m. Sunday. sections that meet his (lod, yet wo plead tho weak, day nxercises nose or man roturn next year with their families, I equipped to furnish tho in mourning Ids loss. Tho h. Wallace Hoit,of McMillan, spent oldest or our citizens, ho could tell tho lonviug tho ladles In Kddy nt tho f proper nrtlclo of I'liimb. history or n couplo nt dnya In Kddy this week. gentlemen In our vllloue. or him it may Windsor white tho take Ing at reasonable prices. ? bo said that an old but honorablo una W. A. Simmons, of Guadalupe, who tho hunting districts. Tho mouthers Ladies Hats lie falng Philip JIoran,an export In ohlldhoml or immortality, was brought up for medical care, Is of the party nro each loud In praise nt icse lint belmr uutnied tho this particular line, is now d ari Improving. the treatment received by .the people imaue oi timi good man nussoa awa representing us lu Kddy, to In the dim twllhihlonlv to be reuulle Mr. W. II. Owen have a of the I'ecos Valley und are particular- and Mra. LutQst found at Hotel Windsor. In tho"pletisiirer memory." Warm Very Hlok bnby, though thn little one is ly ploased witli the climate, which ,Vory Styles. Look in uiHiemperaiuenl.arileiit In his na- mi the mond at present, they consider the Ideal one for hunt. ture, llrm In IiIh convictions, rrco from subtllly ami deceit, was conllnnd t lug. at our Window Display he was u true llrm 0 II. McLonathon friend who, when he liked it man. ho homo tho past week uy u cold, did not eitemliiato his Silver Medal Contest. We Invite Inspection. Mi think it to ninko t ho grip. known his urfectl-JiiH- , uud yet. wlthnl, whllo threatened with Following Ih program for the for prices the T he did not attempt to hide IiIh dislike, d. (lamble went up to Lake Ava sliver medal contest to bo held at the Work Guaranteed. tlmiiuh he wnsiiH free from resentment lou, Thanksgiving, and returned with Florouee school house Nov ttillh, at 8 ah It is DO.slble for anv but n weak throe ducks and fnurtcoit quail. p. (1 man tn he. With a prolound contempt in. wan mean nnd ilouraillnof. fumlly left Mou OlidlllllKWIR forallthal duo. Duncuii and mitt an exalted pns-ses- ed renUliift nntl prnycr . . soiiho of honor, he day for Toynh, Inuring shipped his fwrlnture hn of u pcrfoct llMltnttMi Not nt to bo Klucd" iiiutiy slock fourteen bond from Francis. Lnw rtlniiip. GJLL character as nny man I have ever SEU, known. rrco spoken Outcast., Thursduy, ItMltntlsn "Tlio Sifter on n Strike" Prank and he do. "The Noblo Dot Ami lb. iioiiuced tho wrong and maintained DfQumbor 1st. Mlw Josio Knowlea atlft &C0 that which was right oftentimes with will fling "The Churcli Across the Ite1tntlMi...,.."Tlio l)y niter Btcctlon" One Week Only. a real which outran his discretion, but V n kiio rrowoor. no one never Imagined that ho was . Way." Itseltntlou...... InlhoKcRi" not perfectly sincere In oxnroHalmr his Iloux: To Mr. und Mrs. Louis Hol- (lertle .Nyin.j'or. convictions, Jle was a warm hearted, RniiK genial man. iisohil a lo. Tuesday. Nov 22, n tn pound boy. Itwltntlon... "MyHoir citizen, devoted Wrrfe'W'n'fu'.' husband and a most hffectlonato fath- Mrs. llolto Is at tho homo of her sister, er. tlMltntlnn. The Itumiellcr IKiiUvllcnf Our jewelry department One of natures noblemen- - honest, Mrs. Tecple. Moll Slniiip. Lumber Yard, sincere, true to every obllirf.tlon and N. Tlillle, or Otis, loft Monday for leitoii ot JutlgM. now in charge of Mr. Har- initnrui to every trust. Hut alas! Wo callestloii shall hear his eheerrul "good morning" Nebraska In tho Intorostof the valley. A. X. 1MIATT, l'rop'r. no ItwMntlntf mmlftl . Henir Ilenedletlon ry Morrison will repair mere. We shall flud him no moro Ho will probably do aomo Immigration lu his wonted spl.ero. Wo bollove tho work wlille absent. Dnu't full to see the Noblo Outcast, watches and jewelry of all Ijiimbor, oxperluiice tn bo Keucra that with in- yet. Mr. Hugh Freomun will as creasing yen re we form rrlendshlpB John ilyrno last week purchased tho tii'.bost sing tho lutost popular song, "She Was liinds at popular prices. Lath, nnd attachment alnwly, dinging roaldenco proporty Just north of tho rather tn I Ihw of nlhor days. llred in Old Kentucky." Seats now on Shingios, M. H. church from doorgu Duncan at Bring on your work. Face fade from view and fnritiH tils. Htilont Kddy Drug Co. Doors, ilkb wn tho low price of SUM). HiO0i' rcceeriitiff visinim and Win. Jnnes, the genial Janitor of the Mouldings, jiexr into the (I real ltnynud to mtek V. S. Hlodgctt and daughtes, Louise, those wo hnvu kuuwn and trusted, Hunk building, has resigned his posi- Piokots, of Cleveland, 0., uud Mr. llroinley, rather than turn to strangers. I'huu witli tho 1'. I. & 1. Co, and has ac- wo shall meet unay In Tuesday. Miss Htodgott will tion Snsli, Etc. them nn the fur oaino cepted a position with tho Itoslveil shore and know them better than wo remain for tho winter. can space Land fc Water Co. and will have nthcrs here lu the short bride, formerly BLACKMORE'S We are not teparatcd from Hornard Fioahor nud charge of tho company's buildings lu & MC BilBS Jtosoiiwoll, passed Aipll from thiueon the other Mile of tho riv- Miss Amanda Iloswell as Janitor. William Iiuh been er; wi kco their bright faeea In mir through Tuesday for Jloswcll from a ot Kddy for nine years und I dreams iim tluy be.uu upon us uud resident FAIR - City Livery lieoknii iim away tin- their wedding trip In (lie cast. niteeu days and hot been constantly to ever Khlulng caught slmre. In Immortal yoi b ami beauty Mr.Sheltiicck, who last week employed by tho 1' I. & I. Co. Mr. Stables. they rnnjee the Inlr uol of lire his linger In part of the machinory of Jones was our lead, ig colored citizen by di'c.iy n 1 unhurt by idling W ttio deifusion battery ut tho sugar fac- and was much rcsi etcd by all with lille w coi- d weep with lil-- family o lot eus- - Is able to bo ul work. IjiinIucss InimedlntK the tory, whom he lias had relations. 1 y.-- t - t.ii.i it, hi- will iw our feol i until! Dr. Whleher visited Ulack river, llargaiiis In steoli- - unnmel ware; pri I'W tn but' . n In a sad Nobby Kigfc on man, Tuesday and had Mrs. Ikoman, who is ce talk. Call and let thorn tell their tiirouullto tliitt veucrulilo but nnly nuy 'iiniid-bvo.- " Scarcely slmll III, brotiglit town by her Ints- - Short Notiuo tilto to story, ut Tracy & tliotiolduii kIdw ot sub et dlsuppcar bulld. E3ca.c3Ly. until tlio rising ltry ul n new day Mi-.m- Mrs. K. S Mntter returned s. T. JJIttlng and U.S. IJatoman left shall break nlomr the ski Tho sun nf Tuesday from their visit In Illinois. .ww being suffers only u hrb f ecllpsv In Monday morning for the plains on an imiwlngtlie Vulloy of si ulows. whilo iintelopo bunt, taking a cook and man The evident desire if some poont Is human Hympnthy I'tidiin trim VrtMid-Hhl- p of all work so as not to lot work Inter-fer- o to control tho utterur m ot a uowspa will lust, llv Hyui;.u'iy nt lust Willi tho sport. por. Sitoli pooplo sh mid buy a news- the weaknesses of m ul vi llnally bo LADIES... overcount all to Though not par and luf'ii will be raised Goimolimnn-olcc- t 0. A. Illcliardson paper und run It. u higher and hatr,ier lire itch it lire an pawed tlirougli from Iloswell, Mon- tlcularhirly noxious i seil either Kddy I awarded I ;u subject r 'hese feeblo "Wo th-' nnd day, rn-rou- to to Las Cruooe to attend naner oon bo nur "ted for nbout oirorU. look Into tuture "Telcomo or t iio morn, ra mooting of the board of regents of fifty cents on on 5 lit uollur nf what IU Do the coming a FANCY dlnntiuid effulgent, when tlio wn to the community, tho Agricultural college actual worth is you or the Nea will become tl" people who want a paper oan -(- IW Mrs. doff N. Miller, of Houston, who Tho nood ofa griind on- '- -- a orystiil cords quality nrev- -' for four year was an Kddy resident thorefore have ouo cb 'ap If n .aonwhldi tlio linger Is considered. ..tustlng love will pi at tho grand whllo her husband was general mana- now GROCKERY. luimw ox a worm reiieemed uy won. ger of tho 1'ocos Vulloy Uy , urrived Miss Lillian l'riilt if Iloswell was Clonic, II. H. M Thursday on u visit to old friends. tho guest of Miss Hitting n fow llcrtlo MOIn HAPIUlMNoSr days this week. Gape, Tho Kddy Drug Co. presents tin nd liont,, in vurtiteiiient to the pubic this week Kiiglnecr (laiidlii hero ugaln this Jacket S. X White litis purchased a nluce nf nn I will in spaco occupied have or the week, from the Wblt Ouks road. Mr.Todfnrd something to soy about lino Christmas notir llowinau'a store. Vuikeiiliiirg, of Otis, bailor ouch week J.T. Van lelt tlen. lloherlH,nf Weed, lu Improving goods and nice things for Sji i Fritiiobioo. Mouunv. I'rom Made n place on live milo mirth of on. I re ho gws to thn Siiotiwieu Islands, l!alc, latr Suit? tliosettlemout. 1). K. Mucker, Wednesday, purchased whoro ho bus a sou Vnu will rcsldo liw days. tho JJutigliiuau rwldcnco on Cauul tu.i the vi'Uiu'vvi SEE OUR SAMPLES, We have hqw on aalo our largo line of Fanoy Onu nlL'ht last week the Inho wolves 12. bioke Into n little bunch nf'sheon street fiom It. Uaoghinaii, of Hon Tho Kovcrunr lias appointed tho ug -- Ihlary White had bedded In fifty well; considcrailon $500 cash. The (hleg.itton from Kddy county Prices Orookory and wc will lm pleased to show about yards of tho house uud kilted five und Balo was effected through W. C. Itellf, to attend tin- - ineotlug of tho Farmer's tho to every Oilpplcd w'venil inure. who ongineert'd tho deal. National Conxros ut Dnllus: lowest. ouo. Bddy-UH- ora II. W. M. n, Ciiisii.wit. Tho old mnliU auction hotel at tho Woiwtw. Jr., John n. J I'. Ittiry. W. II. y Ju'c, t'raoy huvelusl reeelvt-- residence of Mr. anil Mm. J. H. leaver-t- W. iluKwan Wilton, II. NHiltli. r. 0. Taaey. It. W. & Nymoyer o i Tii'tHlny evening ni a' tenth d Tuiml.i, N. w. WMvar, a. A. Mmn. W. Mrs. Biggor a line Hue of m oakery nnd glassware by a large crowd uud whbiv most M. IHmiM-- , OIIVM- - HotMII. J. C. SlHlllMOD, Our Prices arc as Low as for tho holiday season. nffolr. Tho Mr. It. S. Hwmm, f. II Nlmytr, II. II. Uhn-le- y, Is utict!omr, R. Mcxjwwn A. c. I.. The Dressmakers. Consistent with the Kiigeti Courtney, tin milwity eon Cameron, tlispoml of tho oul maids Ornr. umui)l. at 0. I'uiir. I'. R. Hrrant. QUALITY of Our Goods. trttetnr war tu town jestordiiy. Mr. good price. Pior-ne- s twm UUfiiM, tJouttuoy It now gnulli g twontythree Tho Argus hat at last got sntUi d In mile northeast of Ilmmell. lie soys Pecos. 1U now ii In tiw Ifenk biilkllng, be thogmdoniin the other end of the lino in tlM'riaw. "Tho Noble Outcast," to given occupying the room formerly turn! as A fow things that wo would inontion are are working hIhiiu Ufty or sixty miles T. II. Itwuiehatr p Ima I sated a larg by the Kddy Dramatic Club. Thursday, bull. Tho Argut now has frtiln htm, onoxlilult Itotly of ulfalfu Is ad upoii lluok illver Duo. IsUJit t romaiitlc druum In four thus leaxliig that miieh plenty of room and light, both or nets. Thin It by fur the best play the BON UON D1SJI1SS, 8iaee in the line whlrli hot not been south of ICdd), and haa transferred all I width are prim itaaaasltlaa fur every so-wi- r, touched. Acoordlng to It will ofhlaabwp lit ibis Motion to that inuuagtHioiit has yet been able to RTNU this he i. printing oiMc. - THAI'S, nt leant Feb. Ut ere run nn (Hljlll. having mn a standard inatiH- trains the ptasw for with a lowg - OH VIS D1SMJSS, axiFHsiou, for t enni.ilote a mile or Small in getting alarmlHgly oioaa Never lu Hi" inrtnorT of the oldaat sertpl jnsri, se- tx ruii of iMpularlly. A gcjwl tmlr earh day la mhm1 work. there Miik ivi.i c hi Hoiwoll and ItiUaMian liaa i nn b0u ao tnany uful Mim JAIW, t'BLHJKY D1SIIJ2S, Oiw-dalup- e lw Imhiii tMurwt ami avery effert Olid at (limtlHhiH. Tli gate at quull in the Valley j ut the preaont Mt RUOAK AND CKI5AMBRS, Cowboy Carnival. r a who biid-iutttU- c Is iMlng iitMla to iimke the reHdllma latlMl Mei4ti oatno tiuir. Tb th Uiwu ap TIh general public and all thnwooii uji op. an Tri-ial- u . I h wont ! worthy uf Hie idee. Tin dues ot this J311ISAD PLATES, oaru fnm parw'Iy lth':i' tempkUlHg visiting Midland during .Sunday. Tilts on wm pronounced InrfB unit not i.nlrrjiM.ntly Ibej art-U- i liAlua aix ruMt beautiful Ulllbg tl t soon In tin- - yartls, iMiiwe TEA SlliTf, PIN 'rWAPS. ttiegioat eowboy niriilval nud lino uolieji tuix br w Kl JMsu heallli of. nn tlw stury or u vagabond of the nobler tyi Uipa eto. Tut uiimWr uf huntera la Itli (I SKHlnst him." A UlsWt IfiTO. I'JTC. IBTO. fltouk show Deo. n to 10, are hereby as com" b.u huu klncv Oavrldned into flip the "wnr itgi anil Im.ii nf the fowling inltreatliig euwbtiullun uf jwUhm, wit suretl they will b eired for oomfur. email pox. Is of tt utmost RUM witititl III val- - It safamiiiilr the uud huiii 'r Don't fall to so it. Dftv t'lbly, nil reporta to ne contrary tliui all tehuol clulilifii ley. Is tli- - ou tin Ut d ite. Tlekeu itnw sale. Iiuuiiuif iiiiHtilllles bo vasolnatad ut diief . M K. Clmnnin iiiiMoted theTimiw a sweet potitt wbtt-- b pulla the scales 04i ul Dr. Smith's and uot n oopv uf of bedding have iieen purehased by V. M. Atkluso'i and l'lieiw White, very oinit in ui inn iinii unien Or .1. II MehMO'e inmllB4i nlmaiwo the ourntval enmuilttee, nnd every I - in uiiu iruii of ll ell, th ough Monday This imlil t LhimI r (lorn from with storm m enur hiu! weather lot- home lu tho oily u ill be thrown open an a load Da kind ii.t ihw i a two oura. uf uaKou 'f wmi rr The litt inunae liub to vlHltoin, in addition tn nil tnornlug with Ilureford tktwd fur frea distribution. dal ....our priueBi the pub oiltja Mr Atiiiu Is the goneml If In seareh uf bargsJna In hardware llo tiulldliigs that will be ul Hired in Mi- - tuauagt-- r f r Milne. Ihith Outtlu 0. orqueeiufjraie eall ou ,'J'raoy ft Me Mr. Maui t'tfurM have u coring far the onplo. Jlrltig your - - ailU Mr. Wlme t'" ira'i m-- r of the Lir. Hwan.- unw uab lr at thtlr hum who ar- wi yon, ypur .daiightora vu aleten vnd tlefleldcft -.- U ' T" mklv nv 'Vjd HW,..teJieirtJt.-i:vr- y - lady l"h' A"rtl u - i.i . A ilaMilnwili ln- . 1 ! teen reghterod im1.. mi J iwoaohm iUl v liril.t.i Ii.ih .i. i 1. .i vll:eipijilnlly jJjtertvttained. . - ' ' 1,. u ear 9f htiirers, oije r.wiut h i li iy ! ul .1 I'arttes jaieurii. iUeiAnir Atkinson ;: A , 'gtfdw fell ... n . M ' was imported. wr' nuohaod at utaiei. t.k V Eddy Drug aopntadpUHM. .In. ibrafi8radUJi, night last 1 ' ' 1 the iato salo at Sunny S ofwutoek r nn mk. tAIUUMMUt t .ug tlIO 1 ' C.kjJoVtUr o b i M"-'- . I keQwftD-aui- ! D ok Wicker who fiuiiday In if Manager. Kir nt ulght. It hub reiwlrcd the Au ' ' ' ' tjMvkt'iira - ' i'ioy tl n' i'.'' iilghtun; ut rived here xucsdjjhoo- Esaanoavi Midland, loxai. . (Wwtt TeKft exchange.! (iJi! onpj.) After aerrn hours' battling with a AND GAJRDEN. grow boat on a rich toara wlth k " napptnlnsi. SOUTHERN NEWS. HOW HE WAS OUltED. FAEM fs atrong current that act out to sea, lha poroua clay aubioll where wat-r- not Havana, Nor. 21, Capt. den. Dlaneo over twenty feet from tho tTrfact, hut ablpwreoked crew grazed the ahlpgie, htti trom Vatit B cAbls an- - The First U. 13. church, South,, ot up- M....a Chlvar had no drAnllt occupation, Slog-ger- OP INTBfiRST TO nave u Rrunnii, un ingii Carriage conveyed tho crew to 'a MATTEna ni lounu thorlilng him to draw on Paris tat Pipe Dluff, Ark bos been organised nt land In both the enatorn nnd western but lil nerve m shattered. That ItU ale-fta- AOniQULTUniSTB. "ahanty," aa he called whore 12,000,000 gold to bo supplied lu the fifty years. waa hla oeoupntMU. ool-- 1 parts of the stele water was Highland abode. A splendid payment Cu- "What do you It the nmUm-7- tram 196 to ITS feet from the surface, ot the Spanish troops la Tho capture of n blaok snako near think latlon had boon prepared, Including a Roma Ahont Wlw-pol- e Uptot lllntl and It la probable that It can be grown ba. This amount Is nn addition to th Riiroka nays be to Mr Andrew Latch of line Soateh lag of mutton, helled with I Springs, with n whlto dnor or tin Hnll ami Yieldi on aomo apot on almost every section proeeoda by krjob street. caper enure. Chlvera forget that ie of tho draft for filM.000 In II side Is tho latest snake dot-(o- r, Ttitrrnr llntllmllur, Vlllcultura anil of land In the elate. tho Madrid government ti London, "I)o yo drink imV aaked the wna a vegetarian, j story from Arkansas. floriculture. Alfalfa need n flno seed-be- d In eyeing him 'after which was sold hore laat week. Deputy "Lord, how dry rowing mnkca onel" ( ground tree from weeds. Seeding United Slates Marshal noon taut" up Tho Spanish authorities are making he exclaimed, and they filled hltn should bo dens early In April and the Slzomone, whllo looking for n "blind "Yes," says Cklvers, anxbwoly. ritli for lha 1'onil. strenuous ovac-natio- n a foaming breaker of brown nln. Ghtv- - ground efforts lo oompleto tho tiger," near Kontan, Miss., was "With A rear dro mr boy caught. In a handled so that at seeding tlmo anus immr era fornot ho waa a teetotaler, and i by the end ot tho year. Tho that cnt-fta- It will bo to atnated by parties. Why, yes littlo a mile away, live little h moist for nt least fifteen unknown drunk It off. river twenty be Martinique ha been selected aa the "Tl at'a the mlechlef ! It la tht cream with n book, llalng too atnall tor Inches. This condition can C. C. Iltiokncr's general store, le- my Aa tboy ant by the log fire, Sloggsra, secured on many soil by fall plowing, place ot rendezvous ot tho Spanish that la wrecking your gastric, the frying-pa- n he put them in the gated at DcQucen, Ark., fifty miles Ha teem and Ilataon tit np and ottered pulverizing the soil to n depth of flvo nation by the end of the yeur. frlnd!" pond. They began at "lice to replen-la- ti from Toxarknna, was dee I rayed by Chlvera n cigar. He forgot doc- or alx Inch a harrow be- - h Oft sots poor Cklvers at owe to Sir the nnd multiply. Thl- - aeaaon tho with disc Sponi-- auxiliary orulsers Patriots and amok-e-d faro plowing, making wholo depth flro. Loss $0000; Insurance $3000. Itolua Mr nor In Harlsy street. tor's warning about tolmeeo and family ha caught aever.1 uieaaoa ot tho Metonio, purchased In flennany before II. Lator en they the ladtea plowed mellow. Soil Inclined to blow "Doctor." say he. "I'm frotlng vary Joined oatllah, aome of which wfitod fully a tho oittbrcnk of hostilities, nre expect- Whllo ntlimptlng nt Dcoatttr, Ala., was In the little eoay, wood-walle- d draw- ran bo lightly ridged or sub-surfa- to n flro piwl) ihoulj on any, now, tea pound. 80 we ee how rapidly oatflah I stnrt with koroacno oil, Mrs. ing room a packed after plowing. In western ed here on Dec. 11 and will convoy lie for In?" looking over the brink of grow. They will reach a pound In Clyde Palmer, n brldo ot n week, Ig- ld precipice, Kansas n successful alfalfa-grow- er Spanish transports from Cuban porta My dear air, that Upii4a take right out to aeo. wolght In oun year. Kor my part 1 nited her clothing nnd was fatally ty dispone-e- d runs furrowB through the prairie sur- to Martinique. p!-n- of cream with your tan and It Sloggcr'a pretty young wife wnulC touoh have my pond rather rounding hla alfalfa to conduct ' Mir-plu- s The remains Oenn. burnod. win do you no great harm." the aromatic "Souchong" In dnlnty Blocked with catflsh than with oarp. ot Hantoolldos ed water from each rain to the flold. -- Will mown the eole-brat- cub of bleetilt rhlnn, while her hook nnd Vorn Del Dey arrived sterday killed Moran Poster at chlvera then look la on Carp nro hard to catch with n This may be get homeopath. Dr. DtMigntn of Wei aprlghtly younger alator offered cream, eatflih, done to moisture Into on the South Coast railway .iml Holly Springs, Miss. Thoy had a and nro mueh more bouy than tho aoll during the winter before eecd- - wire stree- rising man on ami plenty of It, too. 1 aa any- tn sum- flat fight, nftcr whloh tho trouble was bck t- quite the nnd thon, do not regard them lug. Alfalfa roots deeply nnd must escorted the captain general's digestion, you Next day Hloggors aald: Chlvcr. my no dif- thought to bo settled, but Urown know. thing near ao hardy. It make havo a subsoil which It can penetrate. mer residence, where they were depos- "Doctor, pray tell me the truth about hoy, we're old frlenda, and I want to ference n cntdth whether thero la struck Fostor n fatal blow. Doth with Whero tho subsoil la Impervious, a aub-aoll- or ited pending Inlormout. Gens. Solano, do you n good turn. There' nothing They nre nt home ta!" a current or not. can be uaed, or whore thero la Marolo and Tojeda, with n woro cadets nt St. Thomas hall. - In really you, or If there In number of "Tea!" an)- Dougoro, "the moat the matter with with cither. I found a sucker the no danger from washing, ground as waa, you. All aa ovor the other high oflloora, ncltd as guard ot Lola Kdltha, but known Mr. at lloua of iMrteemal" the ahlpwreek'a cured pond nleo. It waa as healthy car be thrown up Into high, sharp I you life, honor. Diss do liar, and who claim to bo tho "What With plenty or ttmml" want la freah nlr, nn active I aaw one, I tnko It that it reached just boforo freozlng. Tho frost la rlds4 The remodeled police for- daughter ot King Ludwlg ot Havurla, "With or without. Nothing Minethlng In do, and oat nnd drink thb pond through tho waiteway, It will thoroughly pulvorlzo tho ridges, forco was yon my High- atrong-awlmmln- g wan married for fourth time, make It wholesome." what like. You ahnll bo a flah. H putting them In good condition for a mally constituted yosterdoy and arm- ths tin A tie no agent, ntownrd, ovoraenr, It n auoeoM-fu- i cod-be- ceremony being Now Chlvera took to coffee. fait land call la plain to me that to make d when levolcd In tho spring, ed with rifles nnd machete, will performed nt They it Iwtter he oon atilled Katterfdoam, M.D.. what yon will. Try It for a year!" pond, tree nro ticceaaary. and will pulverize tho aubsoll In tho begin nctlvo duty Immediately. Orleans, and tho groom James D. family doctor, who niked him Chlvera claaped Sloggors by tho can bo planted and a littlo toroat will the furrows deeper, hotter and ohcnpci Yosterday aftornoon thirty-tw- o delo-pate- n Jackson, a wealthy lumber man of cheerily: hand. aoon bo grown. I hod much rathar than n subsoil plow. Preparation from tho Cuban assembly arrived Ton du Lao, Wis. "Injy your ftid? Sleep sound?" "Sloggsrs." an Id he, "you under-atan- d Iigvo a narrow and long pond than a should bo made this tall. pay. It will from Datano, among Ca- "Neither." aaya poor Chlvon. me. You are my friend. I don't abort nnd broad pond. I havo planted thorn Mondsz, A potltlon la to bo presented to con- you cat-tall- a, whlto-hollcbor- c, pote, Nunez and other prominent C- "If you slept you'd oat. Do think tli or 'a inuoh wrong with mo. onlannu, Notei on the Htranlrry. gress by citizens ot Tennesson asking drink eoffeei" The doctor mean woll, but they don't akunk-oabbng- c, nnd Mile. Tho more Land for uban. for nn appropriation ot $2,000,000 ta margin, strawberries must bo nrotv "I do, In preference to too." understand ray complaint. You alone weeds and tho llko along tho orly prepared. Wo snw n oaso thh A matinee concert was given ycotor-da- y Improvo tho Tennesson rlvor from ' the prevent wnih At night?" have dlaeavered the phyelc that aulta bettor. They tho year whero atrnwborrlee woro set out by the Havana Yacht club nt Playn nimllnnnocn in II mniitb. Vrclnht. me."-N- they "Yes." ew Vork World. from filling up the baln. Then, on virgin do Marlanao In y soil soil that had never had aid of the Cubans. valued nt $16,000,000 In nnnunlly car- ao eoffee keeps you nro ploaaant to look at, adding dlvor-lt- "Just It'a the tho plow In It, nnd whero tho ground by Improvlnaf Bleep naturally weak- and boauty. Thon they nfford ried on this rlvor. and awake want of was ao compact that even tho natural Majrur Iledgn. en the stornaeh." SHII'PBD imn GOODS HOME. spawning place for tho flah, and tho stream It Is thought this can ba vorduro on It was thin nnd weak. ThU Tl I I eoeoa. Inaacta. f!nn tl n ,1a ttnplA tl nn ltMa at So he left off oarfee and took Ainarlmii Wiiiimii Krnili I'uriillura In a home for nil aorta of aquatic land, although manured, did not do . doubled. afford 8 .... Chlvera had never amekotl, Init now Van .III lha Way frnm tlarmany. Thoae become numeroua nnd woll nnd should not bo expected to do n,n'or of'.'."'Ban I fenr "". he felt a aort of craving that he could It In the midst of plowed land. It woll, In holplng to good atraw-- , " "ndored hi resignation "becauao Mharntcd 1'rniii Jail, Mlaa Drake, n Philadelphia woman, hoga make a allay, n offering him a nleo had for It to hnve cattle nnd of tho op-so- n not and friend j berry bod. Though the growing sen persistent and unreasonable who haa for aome yenra been refilling run pond Terro Haute, Intl.. Nov. 21. Morton rlgaretto, tried It, nnd It teemwl to do to It nt tholr pleasure. Tho has boon a good ono, moat ot th position of memhors of tho city coun- - In Welabadon. Oormany, haa Juat thoy rrn Hudson of thl city has arrived from him good; but hla nppetlte did not fence can bo bo built that plant in question aro now amall ana -- II to liomn, bringing with her n lot go drink, but not mr effort in behalf of tim oiv. Mexico, whero ho has been tn prison Imiirore; he fancied ho alept a little to tho water nnd In appearance. year j of vnluablu furniture, which ahc ahlp-p- luntcd Had tho ,t 1. thnt Smw)P .,.,, tramp Its margin. Whon n pond la 0 . ... l . . . i o nr. for ovor half n year. Last February better: but ho couldn't quite decide. In n at- fashion never prevloualy built nnd It la well atocked with flah, I.. ' " unuor and n trloml named Powoll he railed In Dr. No. S, and explained tempted. Mlaa havo withered and died. Land like tin n"n Hudson Drake' fnthor waa at It pay by what It furnishes tho tabic. ,,,D hi tad ease. one ntiovo lack both tho mechanical truc-- 1 restme. ituiuonccu tno council went on n prospecting tour noar Ta- great time American mlnlator to Ger It Is very ploaaant to alt down to a tn-b- io won, a "Do you amoko?" naked the many. During tho family' turo and the plant food to permit the majority of whom nro liberals, llica, Mox. Thoy wcro returning de- - reatdonre furnished with fresh Hah. Hero In ti'lnllat, whose acute note had strawberry plant to do Its best. to nntagoulzo tho mayor who Is an In- - from tho town of Vorcgucrla, whero abroad, the young lady, having a tnato your pond you hnvo without tufted n faint aroma of tobacco while unique In tlim ' tlepoudont In polltlca and qulto froo to purchnao supplies ng for tho furniture, had by r- - ..... thny had been f.'-ll- hla pill no. money nnd without 0. with tho degreo eomo Into poeeeaalon of a f,r,fm Irtloannholp. Ho wa In aplon camp, when thoy wore set "Ve-- lg Inva- port of nalii.1-- , .wn In. Thoso aro sending out strawberries do Mt for tholr ', It bad?" Inquired tho groat deal of valuable that roputo houaehold good. briefly my vlows. There are other como up to tho expectations of tno did ns n mayor and regrets aro upon by Moxtcnn highwaymen. Ono lid, timidly. Recently alio decided to ln return to her I oxprcsscd Had! you rcasona In favor of a homo pond. buyers. In very many cases tho pwor nt h' v gnatlon, Tho np of tho Mexicans clapped a plslol to Aro awnro that Sir native city, but waa foarful lout aomo Urodlo provod n few drop think, howovor, that overy farm of rcstttlB nro directly trnccablo to tho polnttnent of Rcnur Manuel Itoman ns Powell's head, but tho Amorlcan grap- that of hor efTecla should auffcr damage In of the liquid acdlmont of that noxious eighty acres should havo a pond llko mannor In which tho plants woro han- hi successor Is consldorcd satisfactory. pled his assailant, nnd tho two toll trnUBlt. Hlie lilt UpOll n plnil I hm-- .Ina-rll- m n Whirl! mlnn whirl! lrln.1 In by to very would Inatantty doatroy a dled tho purchasers or tho Itoman Is professional Mox-len- n, wiib decidedly novel, although some-- 1 a politician nd from tholr horses. Tho second vd bolluvo that woro they thus turner-what unprepared condition of tho ground In entt" expons vc. Alio hired ono of the belong to tho samo party na Munoz, who was armed with n nakoJ ' Uut but," urged Olivers, not 0Ui lhcr wold ,natcrlally modify our which thoy woro placed. Tho land for "l'n largest vans Do Monsignor Valoz, tho Spanish bish- machete, wns In tho net of plunging full-grow- iiiiniture to Had in not a n cat." cllrsntlc condltlona. Thoro would Mtrawborrlos must bo land that hai Uuropo. nnd In It woro paekod her ohnngoa.-IMw- nrd op ot Porto Illco, has resigned tho dlo-ccs- o, Into Powell's neck when Hudson "No, air, you hnvon't the vitality of n bo audi vlolont U. been growing somo thrifty crop and It anu manuring-an- ground with a li'tten glr up tobacco!" inmionoiii Buims uiiuor iter cioie Hoaton In rarraora' Itovlow that has received proper saylnw that It Is Imposslblo for brought him to tho cnrsiui auporviaion. hix strong horses Mexi- chlvera gnve It up. Hut he atlll felt attention. Virgin soils nro not aul' him to servo any other country than woll directed shot. Tho first drew the vim from Welsbadcn to Ham crop very low. lie thought he would aak Oar Print fruits In (tvrinany. ablo for tho development of a that Spain. Tho local clergy woro paid by can waa rapidly overpowering Powell, burg, where the body ot tho vulildo feod as grossly as ilnos straw- Tho manufacturer of dried fruits In must tho tho unltod States for last September, when tho latter called for help. Hud- waa lifted from (ho nxloa nnd deposited BtatoB hnvo good berry. well-work- and woll- - tho Unltod found a but no money Is son wont to his assistance!, when tho In tho hold of the Herman steamship products aomo of manured, nnd of proper mechanical moio forthcoming, mnrkot for their In aimed a pistol at tho AaayrlH, which waa bound for Phila- the Kuropcan countries, notably Qcr structttro will glvo good result whenn,u' ' generally belloved that tho highwayman ' too quick, delphia. Upon the arrival ot the As- many. This trado should bo fostored tho plant are properly handled nnd bishop resigned for thl ronson. man. Hudson was a, I through syria at Philadelphia Collector Thorn-n- and built up till It Is ablo to tako all taken care of. It our experience howevor, nnd shot tho roan upon the application of It. Hucticy of our surplus In heavy fruit year as that tho nursn-ymn- n Is seldom to Nw I'urtnrlii. the breast. Tho two Americans then A Co., the representative of blame, but the buyer ofton. Thl Is d moun- Mfi woll na In yenra when wo havo n lim- Baltimore, Mil., Nor. 21. Tho most ronoeal.-- thomsolvcs In tho Ma-gu- lr Drake, detailed Customs Inspector specially the oaso whun the buyers are sur-rond- or ited supply. Hut nn obstacle appears Important Industrial announcements tains until thoy flnnlly dcolded to to take charge of the vehicle. In tho custom ot many of our shippers people setting out a strawberry bed :a" ot week, na Man- to tho Mexican authorities. Ths huge box use set upon wheels uelng Improve- tho first time. last reported by tho sulphurous acid for the Hudson wns thrown Into Jail at once more and six horses drew It to ment of appearance ot ufacturers' Itecord, were ns follow: the their fruits A Hliaip's Iilaan. finally got n lottor lo the SNitith Korty-llr- at street residence, Already the German hnvo A $100,000 cotton yarn mill nt Mo- but authorities Whon sheep aro driven through n Wash- where It was unloaded under the eye taken tho matter up and aro doing bile, Ala.; n $760,000 plpo foundry at this city nnd tho nuthorltlos nt narrow goto, a very common perform rclcnao. of the ItiBpoctar. The van will ho aent what they can to stop the further Im Birmingham, Ala.: n $26,000 oloctrlc ington secured his trial and Iwck Hnmburg, nnco Is for ono sheep to give a leap as to completing u Jour- portntlon of so troatod. $E0,-00- ot tho Navy Fairbanks fruit It over an obstacle or across a ditch. power plant nt andsden, Ala.; n 0 ney uf 0,000 miles. Mis Drake Is en- Bomo of tho California papors nre nnd Congressmen Furls wcro Instru- tirely sallsllwl with tho If ono give u leap nil tho othors to chemical work tit result of her saying that the sulphuring Is a good ot It, on mental In scouring proper treatment oxperlmont, hor cherished belongings tho rear reaching tho samo Birmingham, Ala.; n $100,000 light- thing, nt leant a thing that does not pot, follow Its oxamplo. Wild for Hudson. Hudson Is thin and pals baring been deposited In Philadel- sheep ing and heating company nt Pino "LIllVHItH FOIICOT HIS WAS A tho nmko the fruit detrimental to the always appoint sentinels confinement, Is other- phia home without sustaining and leaders, Hlurr. Ark.; a $100,000 stavo mill nt from his but VaaUTAltlAN." break .health, and thoy claim that some phy and adopt their ways of progression or scratch. Toxarknna. Ark.; a compnny to do- - wise In good health. oM iCatterplaam, M. D sicians havo said bo. Wo aro In very In tho most Implicit mannor. Tho practitioner, to dinner, and coRlide In nrnvo doubt on that pol t. Wo havo origin ot the Jumping habit ot a flock rclop 800.000 acres of land In north linKAP-ANP-OUTT- Oft lilra hla perplexity. No tea no eof-f- e TUB AOL'. many kinds of preservatives In use when 0110 only gives tho oxamplo Is orn Louisiana; $00,000 water works no tolwoso otul getting nnd It Is probnblo that all of them nro very Ingeniously explained In Dr. plant, $30,000 A special from Price, Utah, snys! weaker it I. If Mlti l Apt In It nnd electric and sewor overy day I moro or loss harmful. Yet wo know Louis Itoblnsun a work, ontltlod. "Wild buoka ot tho Whlto a ngo system at Monroe, La.: a $200,000 Nearly nil the I Niilnanr. Is possible to get a medical "Oh take a glass of wine; you're tbat it Trait In Tame Aulmnls." "Whon bottle-cn- p I Uintah trlho Ono of Hymn's objections mlaa factory at Unit moro. Mil. river lHca and part ot tho feeling 'run down.' You want a tllllpl to the opinion In favor ot anything that sheep In n wild state," he remarks, Juat out of school wua "alio studi- n $100,000 liquor company at Haiti aro oft tho reservation and probably Take two Biases ohm In a wuy do that brings a good price on IhJ market. Let "dash oft together among broken ed so damnably broad and buitor. ' more, Mil.: n $1000 gold mining com- a great many ot thorn nro In Colorado. you no harm-- do yon gawd!" of us cite tho cnae of Preservallno. Med ground, or ou crowding along roma half-bree- That Is n defect easily overcome, which 5000-spind- le Harris, d who wns rblvera took two and felt better; but leal Investigation havo decided that perilous ledgo ou the mountain aide pany nt Pilot Mountain, N. C; n Henry a la more can be some oth- - agent, the next day he received n pamphlet than aald nf It Is harmful to the health, especially tholr usual habitat It would be quite cotton factory nt Clover. 8. C ; sent out by tho noting has so era. A young woman . by the 'Society for the Total Ab of uncertain to tho health of little children nnd useless for those In the middle ot the n 30,000 snuff factory nt Clarkavllle. roported to MnJ. Usley. age waa dlacuaalng this period of ex olition of Hopa and Wines." which Invalid. Nevertheless the makers and band to endeavor to see obstacle at Tenn.l n $M,000 candy factory ftt A large dotnehment ot cavalry has latenee ths other evening nnd thus defenders uf Preservallne declare that proved that Indulgence In alcohol their feet. Hence each animal keep Chattanooga, Tsnn.: 40 coke ovens been sent after them. Tho Indians say herself: "Among the things thoy havo medical opltilons to the el an eye 011 the leader, or those 1111111"-dtate- ly tempted the best men to commit crimes nt Soddy, TVnn.t $9C,0O0 wnter work If tho novornment won't pay for tho shame, for which I am truly thankful la tHe feet that It does not aet Injuriously. In front and Imitates his move of violence and and hurried age. nt MoKlnnoy. Tex.; $10,040 eleetrle land It bought from thorn they will thousands Into lunatis aayltimal fact that I have got beyond that Wo oannot help feeling that it la not ments. It the leader thinks n three no of 1 I oompany nt Waco, nn It as ofton es they tan aet "Old man! I say!" cried a loud voles There la period her existence, right to put any powerful chemical foot Jump necessary te clear samo Tex. hunt woman appears 10 unt. cttM to him. which mads hint start, think, wherein Icsi Into foods that are to be consumed dangerou apot every sheep In the pro- titers there to advantage. Is a I three-fo- ot Tho Northwest Texas conference "hang all doctora! curs yotiraolft Uook It moat Impossible by all classes ot people, the weak as cession will take a Jump; It of 17 s, higher, high- Hplseopal church. at never a thing the matter with for ths average girl of not lo be wall as the strong. We have a great he Jumps thoy will Jump tho Methodist er, so on. They carry Imi- It, II. It. Clreon' yaeht, the Mabel, me alMce " and abe has so little knowledge deal of sympathy with the torslgn na- and out this South, la In session at llrawnwood. of ths world t she la unable to hide tated action with a most extraordi- Illshop Clalloway presiding. was christened and launched at Aran when" asked Chlvera, turn-la- g ttt tions that have very strict "luce awkwardness. It la amusing, al- nary precision, oven when It has to be sas Pass, Tex. Miss Mabel Harlow, a lack-lust- eye on hla hor aws, and we ean but wish bale and through a long oat-to- n beit rather pathetic, to see the efforts that our own laws against adultera- transmitted ehsln of One hundred and forty bales ot ot Chisago, after whom It was named, rubicund friend. different Individuals." I bacaaae a vegetarian " ot ths poor things to appear natural tion were atrongor. burned at Xcullyvllls, Ark. christened "tine say their littlo it Mow, It there waa on thing t'hlvera and at their esse and to We desire the foreign Market for our asy betraying they MIMaUlls llftaaety. Itllt-i- l. could itlll fancy it was boiled leg ot without that have dried fruits, and we should therefore I'nlnl Hs plosion. prepared It beforehand, llroad-and-butt- er The way to svold 'leading farmers Mutton and caper satire The atrug-li- s soe to It that only purs article are A Morrutown, Tsnn.. speela! says way bo taaaltied Into temptation In tho matter of water- Paris, Nov. 21. A terrlfls explo In Chlvera' breset was brief but mioses tinder aont serosa ths water. The Unltod Prod aVrugsN, a prominent citizen at a few beads. There la your frank ing milk Is to us tho Ooheoek lost In sion ooaurred yesterday afternoon la decisive. States government should take up the pUce, was shot and Instantly hobbledehoy, who deo-tle-e affectation, buying milk. It Is tho only honest way, that the Onfe de Ohampeaux, underneath Bounce." hs sold, "I have seme matter, but It Is doubtful It It will do brother-in-la- w. who, In la apt te be by which wo moan that it Is the only Wilted by Charles MrCurley, a agensy. A through much- - I know how lo suffer. and coHsosuenee. so without an Initial mors being made the olllee ot the Havaa rough 111 mannered; the' way In which every huh will got his Ths dlfflaulty arsoo over a dis The biltereat aacrlic aeem to be de- and then by ths shippers of fruit sr ether par- woman was hilled outright, and eight HwoHy girl, who puU on an Indescrib- own. Wo venture ths assertion with pute of yeara' standing. In whtth some mand d of us in thla world. I tis directly Interositd. other persons were seriously Injured. " able mile of fatuity and whom you the utmost eonftdenc that If the tost natntfl waa Involved. MtCurlay boiled mutton roal Is thought that the explosion two r 1 was adopted and overy Man's tost put It tea-les- eoKee-leo- s. tlmos yon would like to status: In- Uttt Chlvera, In hla at 1'rap-ratto- n draw hla pistol at an unexpested girl, ot fur Alfalfa Hflln. Ui plain sight In the creamery whore duo to Ignited gas, but thero are tobacco-lee- s, belled mutton and ncit the aristocratic conscious stant and flretl two shots through position, who has nothing to say, A bulletin at ths Kansas HsporiMMt the farmers could see It, many of the rumors ot an anarehlst plot. caper aauce-leaatMs- s grew dally more her Station says: sows In that cresmery would at onse Ssruggs's heart. dejected end More snd therefore doss not say It; and the Alfalfn Is necessary to the eltoapost see the necessity ot furnishing IS. V. Hltohelar. the printer found up to Scotland, old a lat and funniest development ot all, milk New York had a $900,800 flro on the "Com Man production, under Kansas aoMdltlons, In The reason nn n tirnirlo In n delirious condition -- the Inexperienced littlo girl from the richer butter fit that yachting rosmd the Habrirta do -- little of host, milk and pork. ror young would begin th eform is not 19th. nnd taken to Waso, Tax., died. you all the good in the world, alea nursery, who thinks It la the thing to that slock of all kinds It supplies the male-rlal- a watering milk universal, or nlr, you know." be a llul 'rapid.' I suppose that girls eras youthful age me as needed to develop boNS, muscle co m men, but becsuso tho farmer would MeKlnuay tilrl Rtaln. So went on Im-ir- Sky- of tbat conalder lira Chlvera thi rapid growth. When alfalfa hay hi cow in way food, 21. May only an old maid anu wouia o aurpriaeo to and so handle the of Philadelphia, Pa.. Nor. lark. She was cutter and i Saturday night n fire brake out In iled 1 roughness In fattening particularly In tho way 1 by no tttoaoa envied them, and of milk 28 years, was shot anil tons. She had sot 0 u out more know that ot wagon yard, lieeokh. aged t they aaTorded me the greatest is tunas, ing, aa to put moro butter fat Into ths ths feedheuse Allison's tli an two hours when aha at 00 a snd that 'rS ' almost Inatantl killed, and several rock - conservative faodsrs sotlmatlng ths milk Freedom from excitement nnd near the Jsil at MoKlnnoy. Its close ro-- entortolament. hot It is true, nevertho- and, aa It waa evident that she I hours later Vlneent Tortorelll, on i- laving to be from M to M per cent proper ears, wa think, would at oaae proximity to Jail and south sltlo lg- ths SO. was fat stnktnt, they had Just time I good crop beer bottler, aged was ar- .. At least one of alfalfa can put More wmer mi into tuo mmc. square oausod mush exoltement Italian Ix-a- t ot the having oomJ ta lianl to the that was towed Us harvested In the dryost year In any rested o susplalon ot -- from at the flames spreading. Xt Is stetr ni' I juni'i In sll four of litem Kansas, and In moat years, No ben van bo forced to lay eggs. fear intttsd the murder. Tortorelll of by prompt ao- - has n family, and tha Witt, ti ilti of rim and a titarult So Plnrehunter expect, a sinecure. lvn4lr UvonX)n conditions, gives her a certain period ot was stopped, however, married and "V" frsm three Nsture woman Is supposed to bar 1.. A..'l.r fairly good, but does he?" "Yes; he tblaks he'll he',0 flr8 croR. oro harvsoled. Whan time during whleb the eggs are to be tion en the part of the volunteer fire dead -a- - been his mistress. ihr------u iMara t hard rowltj iMtftMavt QotiWMitWsuhorProjM- M(. MUbllabed It lives for yssrsj It developed, it U not difficult to sup- company, resulting only la ths de Mla--tt ' for Cuba. Hs Islands to prodiot - wren ibM and land, and se roati dMlpy and withstands drouth ply her with ths needed elements for struetlen ot the house and feed oen- W. Keotey. Inventor ot the motor j J. versl Month of heat and rain Alfalfa la weak when young and thla purpose, and any aurplcs bestow-- ti dlod Philadelphia, s, ul m,i talued IhexeUu at list same, at YVll i wr-M- k :r4 rfc ws go ou a vacata,--Pue- (B mnty aolla U kui to aiUbUsh. :t will only ba wasttiL oro l neremry their turn lo destroy j other verwln. And than wo find in nn- - &ruJ mro a lav em.trollln nil The Marabou tklngs.- -j.tfmk. Moomflald, In delden Days.

Secretary gird. nOMANOEOF A TOOTH, tnrolvlns rillfat Unix, O.M. Lets sail' Consumption These birds nro esteemed (or thslr on one leg, with tho neck, which Is (luiipimilrr. usefulness tho one ns scavenger, de- baro of fonthem, withdrawn, and the Keplantlng human teeth with suc- vouring such things as might putrlfy bill drawn toward tho breast In n stu- cessful results has advanced so far be- and breed disease In Do not think for ilntlo n hot eounlry If pid sort of way, or olio sit upon the yond the tentative Mingo thnt Dr. moment tint consumption will loft upon tho ground; tho other for ground, with ano or both legs directed Kirk, dean of the dontul collego at the evir strike you a sudden blow, destroying noxious scrpenta. straight before them; but when ox University of Pennsylvnnln. ling or- - It does not come that way. The Marabou, also known as tho Ad- cited they elongate fared I creeps Its way their necks, and hlroioir ns n sserlfleo to science along. jutant ,ls allied to by !t'Irst, you think It Is a little tho stork, and Is n stnnd at tholr full height, menacing voluntarily hnvlng one of hkt teeth d) nothing but a little hack nntlvo of India and tho Aslatte Is- with tholr large bills, which, however, oxtraeted nnd replaced for the pur- lng couth then a little lots In lands It Is nlo round In the Irnploal are too light to Inflict nny serious In pose- of noting the practical results oil welshtt then harder couth! parts of Afrien, where It frequents the Jury, even had tho bird courage enough so painful nu Is! tho u.rntlon. What then (ever and tho night vicinity of tho negro villages and an- to nttcmpt It. claimed by swesis. the advocates of this new Tho auddenneta comes when oints tho vultures In their avocation Our Illustration gives n view of n Idea In dental stirrjery Is thnt deenped you have a hemorrhage. of clearing away garbage. It Is from Marabou nwkwardly seated on tho teeth may be pulled out, filled, filed, Better stop the disease while this African species, rather smaller ground, and a Serpent-ente- r, or Seors-tar-y nnd polished up and put bark In the it is yet creeping than tho Indian Adjutant that the bird, standing nt Ita full height. socket from which they were drawn, can do It with 1 iou beautiful plumes known ns "Marabou This latter bird was n nusele to natur- where they will grow In tight and feathers," and which grow under lt alists to classify, Its long logs being Though the return of the wings, nro obtained; those Imported llko tho wading birds, while In other tooth to the place from which It wn Into Europe coming chiefly from Bene rosprcta It was moro vultures, POWDER llko the extrnetod U nn entire novelty, yet in Ayer's I gal, In tho wostorn part of Africa, with which It is now Included. It the luttor port of tho fifteenth century rv- - , whero they woro plucked from tho feeds exclusively on reptiles, and Is a it was not unusual fur a wealthy per- JHu .1 , rxx.,..v bird at tho proper seasons. nntlvo of Africa, Asia and the Philip- son who lost n tooth to purchase one It Is a rather ungainly looking bird, pine- Islands. or the snmo build from another person Twice Crowaned Victor. Cherry J standing flvo feet high, and measur- The Secretary Vulture which Is and havo It Inserted In the mouth ns ing from tho tip of each otttstretohed snld to havo received Its nnmo from soon us his own was removed. That At the World' Fair, '03, It received the highest award, and wing not less than fourteen feet. Tho tho early Dutch sottlcrs on account of this operation was frequently siiMCM-- j ot the California Midwinter Fair, '04, a special gold medal. hend and neck mo nearly bare, tino tho pendent feathers on tho baok of well-know- n star-a- t fI Is shown by tho Official testa at each proved it the purest and every way tho beak extremely large, long and strong, the head, which reminded them of tho John Hall, tho novelist. Mr. Hall la It pens writing-clerk- s baking Pectoral and under hang n downy pouch, stuck behind the eiru of win engaged to Miss Roublns, n very best powder in the world. or bag, dow-la- p, Is cap- Is liko a which about three feet In length, tiotutlful orphan girl, v. ho 011 I You (lrst notice that you lived able of being Inflated. Tho upper part tho plumage of n bluish gray color, and Boiith Second street, below Dock creek, cough pressure on nsh-grn- I lets. The of this bird Is of an y color, fcodn principally 1 the chett Is lifted. Tint feeling on various rotlles, with her grnndmothor, who was In The Most Perfect Made. tho under pert white. It Is not an ex- which it devours In great I of suffocation Is removed, A numbers. It comfortable circumstances at the olon Because of its perfect qualities, the best cooks prefer Dr. curelshattenedb7placlngoneo! ceedingly greedy creature, but man- Is, Indeed, so highly valued on ac- I of tho American revolution. Mr. Hull Price's lo every other. They know by using it they are always ages to swallow at ono mouthful a count at tho constant wnr It wages wts obliged to visit England, and In Hob-bin- insured in having the lightest, I Dr. Aycr's Cherry rabbit, a fowl .or even n small leg of against serpents that a flno la Inflicted his nine months' nbsenco Miss s' sweetest and most wholesome food. mutton; and when domesticated IU in tho Capo Colony for shooting It. lncomo very materially decrees-od- , They find it, moreover, the most economical to use as it goes 1 Pectoral Plaster habits of purloining ronder It notes It fearlessly attacks tho most veno- owing to tho fluctuations in real much farther than any other kind. enrv to keep alt kinds of provisions out mous serpents, stunning them with estate of that period, lior health fail- I of its wings. over the Chest. roach. blows of Its The wings, which ed, llfo Itself scorning to depend 11 sou FOREMOST BAKINQ POWDER IN ALU THE WORLD. In India, whore they feed on lizards aro short and provided with long her going to tho country, but not a I A Book Froo 1 and various reptiles, as well ns nil nro most destructive debt for rent could be collected, and kinds of carrion, they have on this ac- woapons, and tho bird uses them with I It Is on tho Diseases of the tho two Indies wero lltoenlly without Ilarhrlnr't HofUfllciiK. Happy Mottmr. count secured tho good Will of the much skill to disable the serpents. On money. A residing Throat and Lungs. I dentist near hod Lovo with women Is llko poker with Tho other day a dlstractod mother people. In tho largo cities of lllndo approaching them It rarrlos forward always boen friendly to thorn, nnd to H Yfrtta urn Frotjy, a mnn ho does the most of his win- brought her daughter to seo n physt I stan they nro as tame as dogs, and tho point at one of ltn wings, in order I1I111 nd-vli- II romMttnl Hi the granddaughter applied for t.u Lit injr hlifrr nib-bls- ning while he Is learning. olan. The girl was suffering from 'Vea una i.ilt. Ih VittnHl.l! ill clean tho streets at every kind of h to parry tholr venomous ultos, and While waiting finish (to, wilt. Id. intuit AS for him to Women know more nbout lovo thnl cral lownoss." The doctor pronrlbed K Mpir,i3 that llttom them; and at monltluio waits till It finds an opportunity to with a patient having a teoth front thoy do about loving: men know moro for her n glass of claret throe times a mm.. they never fall to drnw thomsolvcu up spurn or tread on Its adversary, or extracted, the man said he would Klv 4fe,.u. about loving than they do about love. day with meals. Tho mother was j'W.c. In lino In front of tho bnrrnckt to tako him on Its pinions and toss him $160 fur ono of Miss Itobblns' front her Married men nro prido apparently h ard sat tho rcfuso thrown to them by the up Into tho nlr. When it has at lust icf.Hi. They dickered nbout the price, rare whoie is somowhat denf, but gluttony Is so de- so strong that they can't btar to think nil ho sold, nnd boro oft her daughter. J soldiers. Their grist thus wearied him nut, It kilts and until Anally ho affcrl ti'.OO, and the thoy back wr Not mtliiti. that they will swallow onomoiiH vours him nt leisure. Small sorponts tooth was extracted and Immediately mJght hnvo been refused wbon In ton days' time thoy were Up In Carton, Nov., they proposed. again, girl was rosy, thoro hn been bones. nro swallowed entire, tho larger onos pi ui ted in the man's mouth, Tho den- nnd tho lot of Undo Sam' soldlors waiting, At Calcutta and Chnndcrnagoro they torn to pieces. tist took tho precaution of ascertain Every woman you meot has elthor nulling nnd the picture ot health. Tho (or In- upun an opportunity to cot to tho front aro protected by tho lnw, which Tho Bccrclnry Is most frequently Inu thnt ho lived in the city nnd wan a missionary eoliame thnt sho is inter- doctor congratulated himself tba The companies aro rnado up of tM flicts a flno of ten guineas on any ono icon In pairs or solitary. They pair of good reputation, am! nil parties ested In or elso a kltton that sho wants keen Insight he had dtsplnyod In his miners and cattlemen, and among killing n Marabou. nbout July, the malo having flrst en- wero content with tho trnutactlun. In you to take care of. diagnosis ot the enso. "I am glud to live com- n.d-ter- ," thrm nro somo very funny characters. In their wild stato they In gaged In snngulnary conflict for the tho following October Mr. Hall re- Thcro Is no surer way tor a man lo rco that your daughter Is so mucii The officers aro a fine net of foltowi panies, and when seen at a dtatunuo eholco of his mate. Their nest, which turned front Knglnnd, and Immediate- make a girl think sho has got to havo ho said. "Yes," exclaimed too and MnJ. Morrison la n flno ebnp. It near tho mouths of tho rivers, com- Is flat nnd lined on tho Insldo with ly observed thnt Miss Robhlnn had tost another mn than for him to mako Iter prntcful mother; thanks to you, doc-ato- r. ing toward an observer which It Is In yuu la a custom In army circles for tbi down and feathers, is constructed a front tooth, whereupon her gr;nd-moth- er think ho thinks ho haa got to havo tihe has had Just whut guard to bo callod out when the ronjoi said they often do with outspread tho thickest bushes or on tho loftiest related tho story of her lilial htr. ordered. Bho has eaten carrot three approaches camp and salute him, Om devotion. Mr. Hall called upon the times n day slnco wo wero here, and day f. slang? Individual from tho purchaser of Mis tooth, proposing to Tho pumpkin pie Is the ordinary do sometimes o'toncr nnd onco or twlco e, butanto of this month. Tho mlnco plo die-stoc- buy It from him at n considerable uncooked nnd now look at her!" Truo to his military will follow aftor It In December was doing picket duty and look- but to thlH tho purchaser would n lllunl. ing up tho road saw tho commandei In no wliio consent, upon which Mr. J nit We we aro "picked at" more Flint I am a plain, blunt man, Miss clpllno ho turned and shouted (or the Hall struck him In the face and called think htm a coward. thnn wo deserve Ilrlsk, and I havo no tlmo for soft sen- guard In this manner: Thoro were witnesses you bo my wlfeT to tho nffront, so u challenge ensued, timentalities. Will "Call out do push, de main guy Is The same old grind seems, to got Miss Ilrlsk I am not half so plain aa eomln'." and thrt fought a duel with pistols In border each year. yon ore, Mr. Flint, but Just aa blunt n vnrant lot Ninth streets, "Never mind tho guard," said the at and Arch Nol where the elephant ever Cold hands and a warm heart oflun major In disgusted llrst exhibited Hlrnk. of Konnniiir. a tone In Philadelphia wno shown. Mr. Hall, go together. "Never mind do push," was acorgo Eliot who, In dcri-rlb?"- '' shouted the It was said, fired too soon, tho bullet It guard, "de main guy says nit." H.ppr rm Inn her mother, said that her capacity striking tho tooth In dispute and weontt iol tstn, CuirittrmtM, () MMI" for economy amounted to positive ge- breaking It, leaving the root still In f.r pbjrtlM.o. Hill' nius, fiho would savo whore other Appr.oUtait lijr Hull,, wSlfffi. (CO.. 1 ho of the purchaser. Mr. Hail SiU.tlsTtlili.SJ If Mil, 119.10. spent; without using up by many Jw women and It has been stated critics was it Action, some old vol- strength. writer of A sad sight is an industrious man tlmo or thnt Mr. Kipling Is essentially a m..Vs umes of his ntorles being still on the poet, out of omploymout. but an Incident connected with helves of puhlle libraries; but he did tho publication of "The Truce of the not marry Ills sweetheart, saying he Two bottlo. of Tito's Our (or Conntmp-tlo- n I7S0. Hear" would soem to dlsputo their could not nllow nny mnn to live with ourd m. of n had lung trouble. Mrs, Judgment. When tho poem was pub- tho tooth of his wlfo In his mouth. J, Nleboli, I'rlnectou, lad., Mar. 80, MX lished In Messrs. Harper Literature Philadelphia Itooard. It will not be many weeks before Baker's & nrothora advertised that tho num- Ranta Claus comet. poem ber containing the would bo son! WunL AIIUn r.lllirr Wjr. upon recolpt of 10 cents, etc., nrrup. and, Adda, tmb, bib, civic, dad, Mrs. Wln.liiit'inoollilnr stntiKo to toy, of tho many ardors Annn, bub, rrchttdrri HUM. lb. IM'.'''lf;iv Chocolate, wimlfolle. JM ruoro deed, deified, dovlvod, did, ilood, noes Siwa.tM.iUi. plo,Mri received than halt were from wings they mny bo taken for canoes trcwi, in which two or throe eggs of a women n fuel which tends to show ey, ewo, eve, gog, gig, gag, level, Hopo Is a beacon light that keeps upun tho surfaco of a smooth sea. or whitish hue. spatted with rod, ctlebrsted for moi that tho geulua of Mr. Kipling is ap- nro laid. in ml a 111. mnram, noon, non, oho, pap, spirit up. on sand-bank- s appear ono'a preciated by women na well aa by mou. when tho like The young ones nro very lato In leav- peep. pip. pop. pup, redder, refer, than a century at a men and womon picking up shells. (INK ing tholr nest, (or they are slow In ac- rovlver, rotntor, sees, solles. TO UUIIB A COM) IX OAT delicious, nutritious, M It la harder to mend ono'a ways titan They are so peaoeablo In manner and t.aiaUvo llremo quintan Ttiblct. All quiring full development, It being soxs, shahs, sis, slrls, semes, atellots, Tsk. and their clothes. so to become druKsUu rotund tho mwwr It It r.lLtoeurr. ? Inclined familiar thnt nonrly (our mouths hefaro they are tat, teuot, tit, toot, tot, tut, waw, 13c Tba gouulnc Ui I ll Q. on iscli tablet. ueversge, nu our thcro is llttlo difficulty In taming thciu. nble to stand firmly and run about with n CONSULTING A WOMAN. Doctor IxUhani, who resided In oampleto A happy disposition Is ono of Ood's freedom. greatest blessings Yellow Label Smeathman, gives an aooount of a being easily Mrs. Ftakhfim'fl up It tamed whtn taken Iliiougli m flood rsa.l. Advlon inspires young one brought tamo in that OHIO. 1 on tho y filing, (ha colonists havo do- Clork guost HfATtt OT CITT Or TOLtDO. front of my Oontldoucs and IIopo, part of Africa. Ho says: made a Hotel (to from Ohlengo) l.roA cocrrv. 1 mestic bird of It to protect their poul- Will you wont a room with a bath FntNH J. CiUNRrstaUM oath that bell the package, and our "Tho bird always took Its place at UBlar bariurr b( IMr Ono of Kj . Cllttlsr k Co.. try ugalnst tho Incursions or serpents connected? "No, I reckon not. 1 (Am my trademsik,"LaIllls Examination by a malo jdiyilolnn la dinncr-tlm- o In tho great hall behind SsTsk dmImm is th. Ctr ol Tolfilo. and rats. With the Inhabitants 0f the won't he in town more a couple BJM 'Mie.ierroiq.naa itui .u ano win ChocoltUrt."on tfco e hard trial to dulloatoly organized Its master's chair, where It remained than la : ONB nUNOUBt) llDLI.Allfl 'far "-- poultry ynrd it Is on good terms, weeks, and, beside!, I tbe.Mi back,' woman. In expectation of ita usual sharo In the and of took a balb lul 0 ni Annn mat mdiioi when It sees any of them quarreling It only a few daya before I left Chicago." beur4 ftitlt.0 UV u( IIvi 8ho puts It off aa lonjj aa alto dare, meal. Tho servants had some diff- NONO OTIICR ODNUIWH. will mn to Sittings. me and lo only driven to It by (ear of can iculty in protecting the dlolica from part the eonilutants. It Texas Hff.rn t. lfsr std lUWriM in tar must be confessed, however, un- MADS ONLV SV cor, polypui, or uorao dreadful 111. Its previously to the nrrhal of that attack less fed It Hot t frequently suoh a woman loaves tho guests. They carried switches for well does not temple to help Ilotr lie Wan lltr Parar. seAk I Nulory 1'uMl. Itself to a plump rhlekon. a physician's oflleo tho purpose, but It would frequently Hasten Udy If you will split thnt Hstt't CUr(B Our. U tskM latersallx , sitd Dorchester, Mass, V alto un- Klguler says In 18U Secre- wood 1 give you Bt firmer an tw rWlsndmiMMuiiurUr.i where has watch Its opportunity, and snatch some that tin pile of will a sand wish. at llie irMata tm teriwtlmMlalii. tte. mo, dergone a critical favorite morsel before they were nw-ir-e tary Illrtl was introduced into the Tramp-Mada- I never split things examination with of It. In this way, It has been known French Wfflt Indies, particularly dun-daloii- tot even Infinitives, lloston Lady fffli'.Umfif'VlEi .re me i VV. N. UrDALUAa- .- NO. 4B-I- H5 on Impreaaltn.nioro to awallow an entire roast fowl at one and Martinique, on purpose Oh, you lovely man I Ootne In and Cold must be the night keeps U'bca Answcrlsg Adrcrtisimrots Itlsdly or lew. of dlsoour effort. It was permitted to fly at large to make war upon the rattlesnakes, a hare tea with me. Cleveland LeaeWr. that ngement. a sat at hems. Mcstlea This I'awr. nbout the Island, and roosted y aaagenHM reptile swarming la tasss This nonill. high among the allk-eotto- n trees, frtm countries. Mmioulng, To jTUt wtri chr ven--a t the ditlaais The luittuluctlan nf t)m "The warK is mine oyster I" was destroys ro It Is the cailMt thing in the world lo have tniud of two or three miles, It would euf r Into the Antilles alio proved () be a ths ySMMg HMH'g JayOUS StaUMSBt carrying the dishes real benefit. Hftwevor, was t HPQ ami the servants aera It be awaltewesl with LUMBAGO OR tAME BACK. " ndvlcoi the yard, and dash down among tuna Hero we have two birds that seem a ?ltieh of salt. Itx. (,lS.t sho grows as they entered the hall." especially endowed by our Heavenly Ka remedy has made surer iworao rather pet, we and quicker cures than OIL. I A rather doubtful sort of Father to servo men by consuming gar- True Tcrnii. ST. JACOBS than better. In consulting Mrs. rink. bage IT nCLAXKS THE STIFFENED MUBOLE8 think. and devouring creatures rfhleh. -- Hain't she a queenly Imta no liesltatlon need bo felt, tho ourl-ou- s, earrlager S444444444444444444444444444fm44.444444444444444m444444444444m The attitudes of these birds are It left to Increase too rapidly, would "She has. and, one might say, is, story la told to a woman and la wholly ludi- X and frequently not a llttlo beoome a terror to the Inhabitants o confidential. Mrs. address of tort ot uuc-hort- vlstorla. In I'l'ddium's crous, (or at tbty either stand up tbote countries and yet UU" VA HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSE- Is Lynn, Maw., sho offirs sick women rut such reptiles 3. lior advleo without charge. FUL OF SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH Her Intimate knowledge of women's troubles makes Iter letter of advice a IS. 1. Hltchcler, tho printer (ound A mntineo concert waa glvtn yester- Tho First M li. rhurrh, South, of vvcllspring of hope, and her wide export-cn- o on a prairie In a delirious condition day by tho Itnvatm Yatlit rlub at Ilayn Pine llluff. Ark. has been orgaulMl and skill point the way to health. and tnken to Waco. Tex , died. de Marianao In aid of the Cubans. fifty years. . I Buffered with ovarian troublo (or SAPOLIO seven years, and no doetor knew what was the matter with inc. I had spells whlsh would last (or two days or more. I thought I would try Lydla U. Pink-barn'- s lLaGnIiv' Vegetable Compound. I hare taken seven bottles of It, and am en- HAIR RESTORER tirely eared." Mm. Joiih 1'obkuah, SO la a perfect hair V. WeedUrry Ave,, llaltlmore, Md. - The above letter (rota Mrs. Fcriaiiw dresuaig- and h only ono of thousands. ... Restorer. j If your merchant doesn't handle, eerri us $1 get and prepaid to any part U. 8. or Canada. VAN VLEET'MANSFIELD DRUG CO., MEMPHIS. like of Itidla-ruMe- r, lis BKLICS OF THE WAR. ttrton and no on. A VILLAGE number and the time of IU return, Wlllicn of Harvard are trying ta nd Half-a-poii- LIBRAEY. TO FIND EARTH'S AGE. ot each sort of powder the extra books taken and the fines out. When they hare dene ao they will be shown, most paid. A and the Interest complete Index ot names with will have established a basts ot cal- UNCLE BAM TO MAKE A Ing of the samples will tie a ehargo for EVERY SMALL TOWN SHOULD their folio number should be kept In BASTBI1N SCIENTISTS AflE culation from whloh some now facte SPANISH OOLLSOTION. n er gun recovered from the HAVE ONB. tho front of the register. MAKINQ EXPERIMENTS, rosy be gleaned, and upon whloh some Maine. Submarine mine., raked up In A certain sum ot money ought to bo Urtling theories may be built. Wash- bay, In a barnacle-our-ere- d Coming Jieta ror purchasing library ington Star. HpHl Aftvnt Hc.reli ricl.U Alinoit No 1'eopU to Oudsrilsait Tlistr books. No Tests condition, will be ot Interests can un- In Tnptratur of th MfniorUU of Our 1'roloiH VTr 1la Value CTar Hnoulil, llowr, It llro or have healthy growth ttth likewise n Hpanlsh rapld-flr- o projectile, less new booka aro Cooling on Ferlod to II I)trmlufcri Jleen 1'rMerts.l, anJ tna TiHlaai Mb-Mu- Taken tn Kt tint Forelan Hooks added each month. nUN DV A WOMAN. captured at unvite. A few relics havn At least ono monthly !! nt SlSsrsst SvslS !! t )Voit4 , , out with Wrong rolltlral Vlsni. volume on overy Nh. been forwarded to the museum by list ought to bo what Is termed "solid Ureal Depth,. It la always Interesting to nolo the success as Hotinsvlllo Wlldman, our eounsul nt reading." Of course, the committee of women who enter tho Husl-iio- Is edu- o Hongkong, one them bolng a piece "A library ot more tire In nn o world, particularly en-tur- Tho National museum U to of must cater to tho public tasloj the peo-pl- In the geological laboratory ot liar when th . about slx-lne- way send special at a h nhell that smashed the cational than n high school," said nro tho real employers, and thoy vsrd university an Interesting series la something out ot the beaten ngotite to Psrio lllco. an editor, ago, Spanish commandant's house nt Cavtte sevorat years And It demand notion In largo quantities. At of experiments Is on to path of school teaching or keeping t'uba. anil the Philippine, for pur-pon- e bolt?; carried tht on May 1, destroyed over $100,000 tho comparison Is rather exaggerated, booka. One who ha of making eelleetlon Illustrative and tho number of volumes to be pur- detormlne tho age ot the earth. Tho been eminently worth of property, killing five men. the foot Is evident tbnt It Is nlmoat n successful in nn extraordinary of the recent war and of th present chased Is limited, it Is wisest to choose question Is an old one, nnd many under- necessity for tho country, whore books tho guesses taking for a woman Is Mrs. h, phase of American history. It In n bctt, the least sensational, nnd ot tnoro or loss scientific exact John must often inko tho place of more ac- ncss en- Jr., of Denver, who Is only lamentablo faet that the government LOST WIPE STRANGELY POUND thoso that will bo likely to bo appre- hnvo been mado In tho past the tive pleasures. All towns ought to pos- ciated by tho next generation as well deavors to aolvo It. These have boon woman in tho world owning and man-agt- ne poMe scarcely any memorial of Its Nnept Nlilp and Uterliosrd from Une sess a llbrny in which the entire com- as by No- based for on situa- a zoological garden. pint military struggles, ami. save for this one Minnie f. Hale In tho most part tho list Again In Anottitr, munity Is interested, patronized by tion and forrantlon of and earth the (Irant relic, contributed liy V. II. vember Dollncntor. rock After a separation ot over three everyone able to rond. nnd In tho de- deposits or tho decay ot vegotable mnt- Mrs. ISIItoh la n handsome woman, Vanderbllt. the rebellion la practical- yoars, during whloh poriod each velopment of which each Individual ter. Professor 11. O. Pierce and It. W. whose only occupation up to tho time ly unrepresented In great POKER PLAVINO WAnHIORB. the National thought tho other dead, Mr. and Mrs. has a propor pride. Willson, who nre carrying on tho of her husband's death waa playing the repository of curiosities. Buck souve-nl- r L. C. New n mot unconselously, A have Whoa tho want of books Is really I'oriusr I'ollrn Captain ItfculU Rnius present tests, nro working by a now piano, pnlntlng nnd entertaining In her are too apj to flml their way Into the having uneon-seleus- ly latter In meantime appreciated In a small town, It Is sur- process, whloh Involvos the use ot hospltnblo home. ho hand of private persons. Just aa committed bigamy. Nowllu l!tirlaeo. prising how ninny things wilt eomblne Portlier Polleo mechanism for testing tho conductiv- the bell of tho battleship Maine la said Is an lingllahmaii by has Cnplalu Thomas birth nud to help tho project ot a public library. Ilellly was an ity of different grades at rook taken Mr. Ullich conceived tho Idea of the to have passed Into the of lteen nt sen ever since his hlrtb. He Inveleruto linker player, poMlon It It Is undertaken In the right way. and. according from different places, Including the xoologlcnl garden In his youth, but foreign eonaut nt Havana, and this tween three and four years ago he to his antagonists In And every man, woman and child the many games in which ho played a deepest hale that has over been sunk never realised hla boyhood's dream till ort or thing what It happening wooed and won tho daughter ot J. C. proo-es- s ought to feel, or bo mado to feel, that small hand, ho was a particularly Into tho earth. Incidentally tho 1889, when, after tho expenditure ot now. Parker, captain of the Hngllsh bark mining Ita aueeeea Is n personal mntter. Help good one. too. Captain Hellly tells nlso Involves Interesting thousands of dollars, ha saw It a suc- Pnrle Bnm li very desirous of se- T. J. North. After the honeymoon ho problems ot gold will often come from the most unex- many amusing stories of the poker namely, the getting cess Ho died soon after. curing, before It la too lain, a collection took ship aa mate with his father-In- - deep questions pected sources; but alas! thero are games in which he had been n partici- from levels and other of Hltipno-Amerl-a- n an a set-tl- o memorial of tho law and took his bride with him uf deop shafting. probably will mort-iptg- o nlher times when the committee or so- pant, and dwells particularly upon the It The garden woo under n heavy ronfllet that will great his- voyage to Chill. On tho return voyago tho question of why certain parts tnmtm ciety will find hampered or hin- natural bent of the rank and fllo of the and of coursa Mrs. Kl Itch's torical Inloroat In days come. around tho Horn tho North, during Itself of nre to It dered nt every turn. tfnltcd HlntOH Army to "dally with tho Interior of tho earth hotter friends saw no recourse for her but to Is realized just present this one of the tremendous galos which arc or colder parts, laying down that at , the cards" when finance will permit. than other soil tho property. This Mrs. Hlltch re- country la epoch so often encountered In tho far aritarc-tic- In "Tho Story of My House" tho rule accuracy. passing through an Captain Itetlly was n veteran of the of scientific fused to do. Hho wanted to rcaltro her of its development re- struck a reef and began to leak author nays: "A good library Is rarely car- which will he war, having been lu tho regular nrmy Tho Investigations ure being husband's dream for him, so set her- garded badly. Kor thirty-si- x hours tho crew formed;" but In the caso of tho publlo hereafter n moit notable, and for many yours. Ho served against ried on under tho auspices ot the self rosolutoly to the task. When, he period ought a stuck to the ship, but finding It Impos- library for the country town wo must to he Illustrated the Indian on the Western fiontler. Itumford fund, nnd the professors who through the raralessuess ot her head completely sible to hcup her afloat Hoy prepared hasten tho work or tho Interost Is lia- sup- aa piuwlhle by a permanent nnd whon (ho North nnd Houth bogan are conducting them nre bolng keeper, her flno lions nnd tigers sick- exhibit In the two bouts for launiuiug. Jleforo ble lo dlo out, or, pcrhnps, ho inn grum- plied research the National museum. ThU their llltlo u ii pi en sunt newt he went with material far tho ened nnd died, alio discharged him they could bo got safely over the side bler will nsk, "What has become of the Agasslx. Pro- exhibit will be ethnologic to muk ex- with his regiment to the South and by Professor Alexander and began her personal management tent, representing peoples a wavo caught Mm. Newlln nnd swept money?' fessor Agassis Is chief owner of tho the native men fought through tho WHr. Talking with uf the rotualnlug ones. Mrs, Klltch of tho Philippines, Cuba, and Porto her Into tho sea. It was all the In all movement of this kind, Calumet and Hccla mine, tho deepest eoi)ld do to get the boats. They a party of friends the nlher evening, visits each pen and pit regularly every lllco. Tho Philippine of course, are into whether undertaken by a club, a so- In the world. Tho upper lovels of tho succeeded, but Mils was all, and when the conversation drifted around to morning, knows Just how each animal especially rich In aueh material, be- ciety or by tho enterprising women nt mine hnvo beoti worked out, but as they cast luose from the vessel they poker and poker players, and Captain should bo cared for nnd sees that her ing one of the least known regions of tho village, a committee should ho ap- Hellly tho shafts hnvo been drlvon deeper had neither oars nor food. Kor throo surprised his auditors by tht - Instructions are obeyed. Many In pointed wilt have responsi- nnd deeper the ore continues as pten- the world. of the tribe the days, starving and nthlrst, thoy tossed thnt the many stories ho told about his exper- archipelago a bility organising of work. A t'ful na ever. Immense fortunes havo have never seen white to and fro upon tho wators, drifting and the iences when In the army. "Tho main Rvery animal on tho placo knows her well-plann- beon taken nut great holo, and man. system of work by a few pastlmo In army." of this nnd many nt tho will or wind and tide. At the the he said, "was It Is evince tholr affection for In Porto lllco objects will he gath- will accomplish more than tho Inde- poker playing, ot vnluo to scientists becnuso hor In end, living skeletons and so weak thoy nnd ho long na the tho shaft, being now nearly a mile a marked mannor. All nre her ered aueh n will moat suitably pre- pendent theorising ot the many. Tho money pets, eould not walk, they were picked up lasted so long was the game tluep, has permitted examination of for Mrs. Rlltoh loves everything sent tho picture nt the primitive arts committee may ho as largo or as email I plnce. by the Kngllsh steamer Olympic, hound continued. huve seen nn army paid tho as Iiab on tho Tho kangaroo puts his of the people. The disturbance of as is ronsldfred best, but It must en- interior of the earth suoh paws for Philadelphia. Mlito Newlln was off und Immedlatedly thereafter farm not been had beforo. It has been foro ou hor shoulders and actual- war has net groat deavor to raise a cortnlu sum of money play-tu- g afloat numbeni of saved, but his wife was gono nnd he groups of six and seven nnd start agreed among scientists generally that ly kisses his mistress. Kven the nnakes heirlooms, ti-- as a basis for Its plans. This may be which have been handed could not forget her. lie drifted lilt poker. The men were only draw- raging no longer in tho receive hor sympathy. "Poor things)" dune by soliciting donations or by en- tires exist down In families for hundreds of nnd thither, believing that she per ing $1S n mouth, but thoy had no ex- Interior ot the They bellnvn says flhe. "Thoy can't help bolng pois- years, tertainments. If the method Is earth. and then things are often of ished In tho fearful storm. Finally, In latter penses, and were perfectly entlsflcd. that the center of the earth Is hot, hut onous. They wero made no. I lovn tried, It must be In u popular form, at to- high value aa curiosities Shut off on hla wanderlngK, he reached Iong ufter providing themselves with that latent hont U what remains ot everything that breathes, everything mo keeping educrUlouut an Island aa I hoy have always been, IUuuh, Col., where he took eommnnd tho ho time the bacco, to dovotn the Imhuiio tc tho cooling process which hns been that lives." Kvcn the plants and object view. Instance, It would the Porto Means are exceedingly prim- of n yacht which wan used for excur In For wooing tho link In goddrs. "These mn going on for millions of years. I.Ike nhrubs in this artistic garden show tho In wnya by scarcely bo appropriate to present n would play, overy itive some and have advanced slons health seekers In southern few mlmitfH one oj a fallen cannon-bal- l, tho earth Is cool- rare of n plant lover. In thla zoo are along lined peoullnr to themselves. California. A week or so ago ho was vaudevlllo entertainment tor tho bene- two 'going broke' und stepping down ing off from tho surfnro toward the lions, bears Including a sun benr, na- They have made tliolr own machinery, startled to sco among his pnssengerH fit of tho library. 1'lowor sales, con- und out. until dually only ono or Iwe renter, but the general prcssuro on tive of Dorneo, tho only one In tho their own arms, and tliolr own house- the wlfo he had thought to bavo been certs, tens, book or card t urtle nif men lu each group would have any all sides prevonta tho conflagration United Stales mountain llonn, tlgont, hold utensils. Kxamples of these ob- lost off Capo Horn. Hlio was na much allowable, and often profitable. A book money. Then they would move ovet from raging within. According to this kangaroos, monkoya nnd others ani- jects must bo obtained before they astonished ns her husband. Newlln social hns been found to work suc- to some other game where I lie circle hypothcslri tho temperature ought to mals, which Mrs. Klltch has trained lu illapponr with tho comlug Inllux of then learned that when his wlfo was cessfully In several ruun; tho gue was Incomplete uinl would Jain lu, ami Inorcaso gradually but surely as tho various wayn, including n pacing ost- un- merlcan clvltzatlon and Yankee im- swept overboard sho was washed bringing books, In which thoy have Dually the entire pay ot tho regiment earth Is penetrated. ThU has proved rich, which Mrs. lSlltch drives to n car- provements. der tho atern to the other sldn ot the placed their cards. This mnkos cauh would bo lu the hands of five or six to be tho case In every deep holo which riage. All tho animals usually fornid Doing n Tho sumo rcmnrkn may ha made wIMi vessel. splendid swimmer and ono responsible for tho kind of book surcoestiil players, who would bo bol- has ever been dug In the earth, except In a placo ot this kind aro there, wltU good du- regard to Cuba. Am for the Philip- also having n Ufa preserver, sho and allow of exchange In caso of ting thousands on n hand, lu tho end the Calumet nnd Hccla ml no. soma very raro ones. comparatively pines, ono thing that will be done eoon had little difficulty in plication. two or three men Mould have the en- lu n well which Is over 5,000 deep, afloat, her feeble cries help Is to got to work with divers lu Ma- Soiling for Tho first one hundred books will be tire amount paid to tho regiment, und near Pittsburg, Pa Professor Hallock The benr pit Is CO by 40 feet and cost nila bay. In Ihla troy a thousand und amid tho roar of tho most dllllrtitt to collect; after that the they would bold the money until thoy of Columbia college found thnt tho aver $4,000. Among tho nnlmnla Is a storm. Aftor bolng for ono thlugri of future historical Inter- tossed about number Is likely in grow very rapidly, Homed some oily whore, with lonvo foi temperature rose one degrco for overy very flno collection ot dogs, Including n sovoml hours she was picked up by - est wilt be recovered from tho Span- Ah the bonks are gnthnied they should a few hours, thoy would venture nwoy fifty teet tho thermomotor was lowor- very raro Japanoso hatrlcsn dog and a steamer bound for Honttlo. As soon ish wrecks which lie In shallow water bo protected by Manila paper covers from camp und In nine casern out ot ten cil. At C000 feet tho temperature was other rnro specimens. Tho kangaroo as posslblo she communicated with rel- where It In easy onoiigh to get at and carefully boxed. It may be mouths leave the money In the illy against found to bo 120.9 degrees '. At 5,502 shows unmistakably that ho prcforo atives' In Hngland nnd learned In reply contents. navy department before a number Is collected will faro, roulette or koun. "I left the reg- tho tompornturo was 133 degree. In his dinner direct from his mistress' their The that hor husband had been reported that would hnvo tho rlgl In narmut the distribution. As this tlmu iment once on n furlough lo come another deep woll, near Wheeling, Pa., hands, nnd tho baby beam, "Dowcy nnd first these lost while on a voyage to tho Hast In- premises, will do approaches the place must be decided North and carried n great portion ol the temperature nt 4.500 foot Is 110 Undo Ham," aro nlwnys fed by Mrs. but It rertaluly what dies. A year ago sho married again It, purpose Na- upon. H someone a room, It tho monthly payroll lu a belt under degrcos. In tho Hperonbcrg salt well, Klltch from a bottle. Tho grounds can to assist the of the on pleasure of Califor offers and was a tour my uniform, but 1 was lucky. Out near Dorlln. Qrrmnny, tho temperature twenty tional niUAeum. Special requests will brought her should bo In h pleasant central loca- comprise aero and la ono ot nia when accident her and greatest dlnVulty was to secure play- at 1.170 feet Is 110 degrees. The popular bo nddroaecd to Dewey. Schley, and htiAband together. Alio Is now waiting tion; and the committee will begin to the most nnd lKttutlful resorts ing cards nud 1 have sat and played Hchntadabach salt woll, near I.clpslc, .Sampson for personal souvenir of whllo an amleable separation Is being plan und outline the work. In Denver. themselves; likewise to Shelves ran be built about the room for hours, half of tho dock being torn has a tempornturo of 135.5 degrees nt Hobson. arranged between her and husband No. temperatures nro Things are wanted that will Illustrate most cheaply nnd quickly, but hooks or marked, but It wus as fair for one 5,740 feet. Yet these Two Interesting features nro to be S, after which tho Newllim will bo othnr, ns they wero surpassed, ns as rapid rlso Is con- vU lories of the Yanko-Spank- o war and will hit boat protected from dust und as for tho and tht far noted tho music Is of a high order. wedded again "to mako things ship- got nobody ob- In holes In geyser re tho man who won thorn Objects of mice lu cases having locked doors. The only ones wo could cerned, bored several afternoons each week bolng de shape," us the sailor apouso express was strange, howover, to gions. In tho Butro tumibl, which this kind will Hrtm an Increasing working commltloo or a jected. It voted to symphony concerts, Mrs. Kl- It. dia- not go beneath tho surface, aa time goes on. tiow takes charge nt tho classify- sit noxt to tho dealer und want a does far ltch being a fine musician; the seconil Interest see the marked the heat Is so Intense that the men The various appliance lined by the WiiriU Hare Different Atesnlugt Now. ing and Indexing; then tho books, cov- mond to llll n flush nnd bolng the absence ot drlnkn on the spndo on tho top of the deejj. employed therein nro compelled to signal service of tho army will be Tho .hkttory of many words which ered, numbered and labelled, nre Jaok of place. Although often importuned to Thoso were grrut days for poker play- work In shifts. Included In this exhibit; also an ef- wo nrn contlnunlly using, little think- placed on tho shelves, according to rent spaco for llquoin, Mrs. Klltch has nnd I have never scon anything Now, all this Is directly In contra fort will bo mado to secure some of ing how old nnd venerable they are their classos. ing refused, and has not only liquidated to compare with It, although 1 distinction to what hns beon found Hie apparatus used by Hnbnon In bis and what they meant originally, Is cu- It Is now ncrossary to form a sys- since the debt with which she asaumcd the In pretty stiff gumes to exist In tho Calumet and Hoola to oork Santiago "daughtor." tem of work, the days and hours when have played some management, hut haa added to her attempt tho bottle. rious. Take tho word a depth a mllo tho la- objects the library will bo open to tho public, myself." mine. At of bank account, notwithstanding she had There wilt bo of Interest from This Is an old, old word. LIUo father borers work all day In n tcmperatttro fleet, tho plan for distribution of books nnd to competo with many nlmllnr free at (Vrvcrn's and tho Maine and mother, bi other and sister, It takes ot 70 degrees, which condition, It must will not bo forgotten, livery thing like us away bnck to tho tlmo long beforo tho rules for tho Interior management. Tli lliTotril llsuctitor nf .lrffrun llittli tractions In tho city park of Denver. Miss bo aaded, Is not brought about by any bo Kngllah-Rpcnkln- g As to tho latter, experlenco proves thet The recent douth of Wlnnli Mrs. Klltch's cottago, situated In the that will specially prized as. for thoro was an people system ot vcnttlntton. Her-ont- y tower nnd briefer tho regulations daughtor of Jeffornon Davis, olaborato garden, la one ot tho most artistic ones example, awords, pistols, machine or a (Icrmnn people, beforo even tho tho avl. degrees Is tho natural tempera- - better. Home system la necessary one ot tho closing chapters ol Imaginable, nnd most hospitable. guns, munitions of nil eorui, shells, Uamnns nnd the Oreeka hnd become tho marks turo at tho bottom of tho mine. Pro- oast-Iro- n of civil war. Ho at- and cannon, Injurod or burst. The dlntlnrt and separate peoples nnd when but rules cannot bo enforced the romnneo tho Agasslx has mado soma olab country sho to tho memory ot list fessor typical weapons of the present date our forefathers were still simply "Ary- lu the llbrnrlos u thoy can lu tached was orato experiments In testing tho gen Tide In Welti. womanly well-know- will be shown. Then, In the ethnologic ans." living somewhere In the heart ot the city. father that she Baerllleed hor tompcraturo He A n professor ot hydro- - itlfw-timi- H! eral of tho mine. display will be Included Asia. (leruiHiis na well as wn use To cover books or not to cover them love on the altar of her (internal depths stalled nays: "It Is a simple, sober there the The engagement caused to be placed at regular pitmltlvve arm and equipments of thla word, but they spell nnd pronounce la nn open quoottnu lu the city, hut she broke off hrr number of thermometers. Ho hnd fact, which I bavo tested myself, that give up a Plilllplno and Cubans. There will be It "tochter." The ancient Oreeka, who tho ndvantngo eon hardly be doubted to a young man rather than them walled up In nlohoa In the roek In all tho deopsr artesian boroa there In tho country. Tho soiling or- of Davis. Hhe was wmeiy i model of the harbor ol Santiago. were likewise "Aryans," used It, too, of an the name and left thorn thero mouths at a time. Is a distinct tldo, corresponding exact dinary cover la usually ronrliir-Ing- . much beloved In tho south self-reg- oeonu Rawpeon'e fleet lying In wait out- - but they gave It still another pronun- paiier known nud Those thermometer wero l- ly with tho tides, oxropt that tho wii largo printed Confederacy." M. and th doomed nblr of tb ciation- "tbtiitUer"-wh- ile the ancient Tho iiumbcra sold as the "Daughter of the te.'lni:. That Is, tho mercury would process Is reversed, and caualug the SiHiilh rquadron hiding dull- - Hindoo, who came ateo ot thla good by the sheet are excellent for library ah thla title while on a tout ascend to the point of tho highest wuter to vary very greatly In height use; on through southern th" formidable batt.-- old Aryan stock, pronounced It "dill-is- i und the labels iwsted on the with her father the temperature which aeted upon thorn In tho boro at flood nnd ebb. The y ouijIiIb of the caver can be Jcttrrswu Davis was at the ot greatest flow In It Is c:ini-.ll- desired t., ." Now, the old Hindoo language la printed taiea. during their stay In the roek, but n time an artesian a few rulea governing the use III reply lu the ovation Ills esliP'lt mode! arciirai-- i . r la many particulars more nearly like of the time too lo crook In tho mercury tube prevented well corresponds with full ebb In the hooka, also n reminder (Inert every stopping place, ana n principal type. i lnp. the original Aryan tongue than any of tho if tendered at the meroury from ever descending. !t ocean nearost. This Is how I account cntlng r acknowledged compli inployrd by the I'nlted hi other of the languages that descended kept over the time allowed. hla daunhlar lite could always rise, but it could never for the phenomenon. When the moon A catalogue of tho library is by appearing on the platform ot Ho was compelled to moon ta exerting Hie reeciii war say a hsi'lfs'tip . from It. and It baa enabled scholars to often ment run baek. It Is nt lis height the Its retrulred; In some It la necooaary. Atlanta, greatest tempera- rulsrr, sud a torpedo) I'o.i' explain many words of which the form the car. At tin.. tv. ur stay at the point ot pull not only on the sea but on the If economy I to be prertlced. three or don presented Miss to the peo ture. When Professor Agasslx un- naturally tends to tako the ui.idrla me built by the r.n i .1, ' Ion meanings coold hardly otherwise have ils land. This copies may be m Confedtr Instruments, however, , four typewritten and iti. the "Dauerkter of the earthed hla he p off the sand well whleh lies menu f 'tic nay at i j en gurssed. Daughter Is one ot retail re at kept upon the table. Kren It there nre acy." Her full name was Varlnu Anus fonnd a great uniformity In the gen- t.900 below the surface, hi the Wnahlnglon nav . v tr m them. Thla word seems to havo meant l,a0 ta feet only a few hundred books, eluaelfy Hhe gave evidence ot marked era! temperature of hi mine, evi- bottom ot whloh tho water ili original plans of the . cost- originally "milker." Onr ferefa there Devi. and at the them; thla, however, need not be was a skilled tin dently the gradual rise In temperature frotu $2 000 to ts.MO iplwc.' They in that loNg ) were berdemeti ami done litanirr talent. She Ilea. Thus the proeaure on the water is ing too carefully, or certain claaae may muelelan, nnd dUl not hold In the take Superior dis- of ono-fo- 1 1: every daughter was a milkmaid. gtilst, an necomHltehrd leetened and the flow slackens. On are on a scale of an inch only two or In which tho mine la located, as wont which taken h back contain three works. All a-- moot attractive type or the uriiueui trict. the other hand, at low tide In the ocean to the foot that the model of tht Another absolutely neeeeoary It did elsewhere. Mr of rtuUe life, though so that are are and heaHlltnl MHlkera woman. the moon's pull Is rolaxvd nnd the earth olnnibU U feet long. to scenes net Hssays, The question now arose. "Why was daughter, Is word History. Miscellane- book, and by produolng greater The Navy department bnllil such a old a word as the thla sot" "Did It not havo n strong settles ous and Plotton. Thero should be a Hu NarcBilln, tho water-bearin- g ntrata model to renfeeeut each new class of "necHUlary." We use the word la re- manner In pressure on special Hit of booka for little folks. bearing on the which the ex- watiihlwa. For example, there will to money matters. WUlle "1 otiee knttw a girl who down below squeezes the water up us lation Having a rranged the room It earth cooled during geologjoal ages?" and tUmi (row l "roam pobMtilng." actly as you might squeeze n sponge." tie one tor the three battleship Just contents nnd the time for opening uearir "Could not the condition be experi- tho meat i wuuiu never odeed. Wvery detail at the great Hot to II Illu0l. library, the next work Is to provide Nellie "Tlie mented upon and tho results bo util- hat's T ot wish a thing happen- DIITrrtnv of Uelulon, ships la reprodneed In the miniature, Uncle all thla gibberish librarians. If. aa la often case, the huve dreamed ised In some economic manner?" Tli the aeqtwlHtance."-Indlanapo- lU I Klll-o'- -f girl of your Mr. Coldwater (of Drytown) dnftn to the s ma lee t parts of the giitts. Walter are. on It's mos'ly In project la mothered by tho women of ing to a Clearly tho condition surrounding the Itov. il-W- your parents would only try spruce tt right-Inc- h gun on thla scale Is Jtut Kronen, aahl Unele ell. I nln't community, the names Journal. copper mines In Michigan was the re It the of all those my sou, I think they would atop four Inches long. The little boats and Much an I'rensh, '"it ,mi Jea' And out willing to serve may be araugod alpha- suit of the low conductivity ot tho beer, surrounding ltvldently drlnklnj that vllo stuff you have there! eteam launches carried on the decks which o' these things means n good betically. On the first day appointed Trluisli. roek. thla roek origin- plenty It, has not the power conducting heat Jimmy Ycr think so do yerT Well, I ate aa carefully made u their sirloin steak, with o' fat on Mrs. A. will attend with Mrs. 1).; on "Holla made a great lilt at lh of batches-grati- ng potatoes and eold to a degree by think It'll bo a cold day when yer see als. Uvea the battle an' some fried an' eoffee and the next day Mrs. II. and Mrs, O.; theu din" "llaaah mr nlilKftV" "KHlllmr. manifested In parts any kids around hero ruahtu' do grow- of henry steel bar-s- are reproduced. bring 'em here, an' I sum I kin trans- Mrs. Mrs, I). frequency Bit ytrnek hir rich Untie for a trip roek other of the earth. The 0. with The ot ler spruce beer! Puck. The exhibit will embrace models of late 'em all right! of this depend on the num- nam ueaier. Internal heat the earth does not rise fr service will abroattYuiBVeianu up through It aa easily, for Instance, a war transport and a hospital ablp. ber of volunteer. as It doea In the roek surrounding the A It Hasuicd v llliu. There will be samples at the varlow Try Much Bo, It Sms. A systematic rsgleter of suburlbers Mutual IllUi, well upon which Professor Hallook e Oaraway--"T-he elopement of Che- kinds of gun powders ueeU in the wan Mr. Olftohap "Are you Ijlerete8 In ind the book delivered should be MYfea. mv wife and I have iflnarat, porlmentetl, uear Pittsburg. Pa. just ney's wife waa In the naturo ot boom- peel ally the smokeless powders, r. His, Miss auaUley?" Mis Oushley kept, large beck register must fclndWf Wlat is a i in a or ed." the trouble? what Is the difference, however, It la erang, woxs't Iti" I locks which are made In a variety el ourleui Oh this Is ao sudden I" )L subserlb-tr- , "How sof er be recorded the name of each "Thexp lTt?t any, fifwlftdlauapoli. so easy to determine, and this Caraway Heme saokeJess other I Losia roetDlspaiea, withdrawing mi "She returned the next day, itiars. pjr. the date ol n book. journw. rtatty 'ls what Pre feasors Pierce and --Now Yoris World,