Annual Report 2011
Annual Report 2011 Bulgaria Financial Highlights Financial Highlights Monetary values in BGN Thousand 2011 Change 2010 2009 Income Statement Net interest income after provisioning for possible 147,767 5% 141,072 141,662 loan losses Net commission income 57,318 8% 52,896 57,533 Trading profit (loss) 24,504 6% 23,130 23,020 Administrative expenses (185,183) 1% (183,095) (192,321) Profit before tax 55,659 16% 48,175 55,254 Profit after tax 50,800 16% 43,949 50,995 Balance Sheet Loans and advances to banks 454,285 (50%) 907,439 815,102 Loans and advances to customers 4,693,952 8% 4,342,671 4,529,761 Deposits from banks 160,899 (66%) 471,144 45,709 Deposits from customers 4,361,724 6% 4,125,204 4,323,653 Equity 947,435 2% 925,973 907,450 Balance-sheet total 6,448,269 (2%) 6,562,537 6,642,200 Regulatory own funds Total own funds 856,550 (3%) 884,906 919,739 Own funds requirement/According to Local Regulations 585,530 4% 563,123 631,468 Excess cover 271,020 (16%) 321,783 288,271 Core capital ratio (Tier 1) 15.98% (5%) 16.74% 15.03% Own funds ratio 17.55% (7%) 18.86% 17.48% Performance Return on equity (ROE) before tax 6.2% 13% 5.5% 6.6% Cost/income ratio 49.7% 4% 47.6% 52.9% Return on assets (ROA) before tax 0.9% 15% 0.8% 0.8% Provisions for possible loan losses/risk-weighted assets/ 363,677 23% 296,315 172,505 According to Local Regulations Resources Number of staff on balance-sheet date 3,474 0% 3,487 3,478 Banking outlets on balance-sheet date 185 (2%) 188 197 Official Exchange Rate (BNB) BGN BGN BGN 1 EUR 1.95583 1.95583 1.95583 Source: Audited Unconsolidated Financial Statements of Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD as of 31 December 2011 4 General Information General Information Establishment of the Bank Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD is the first greenfield foreign investment in the Bulgarian banking sector made in 1994.
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