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Bulgarian/English 0096600023 1 Rec;u CLT I CIH I ITH I• I \Tj Le 0 1 OCT. 2018 I -Living . ./fi.HB ~--J No ............... ......................... Human "t!OBeillKH Treasures CbKpOBHIIJ:a Bulgaria ., E'hnrapH.H ~ HageHuemo o cne .. eiiUIIO koHkypc Ha Ha~uoHBIIHWI ~eHnn.p :»a RJ kHuzama HlJlaRBCTO ce OC'bQlecn.n& a IDil'WIBeHRe aa KOM)'IlliDIUIOJDtan crrpaTenU :sa noAroTOIID Ha 'UienCTaOTO ua 1i1.Jtrapu a EllponeACJCU C1oJ03 Sofia • 2004 Co$HJI • 2004 Academic Publishing House "Marin Drinov" AKa.JteMR'lHO H3.zt8Tencno .,MaplUl ,lWHHoB" u.,..... flllUI..,. K.wnrr)'N ll....., ap• G.UI. 7'Pf'"U • ~ .,. ... wpoam, ,.liC•• ....,...... CWCfN.., - swn,... l:lciMaltumJ~M~ • lllltonwu'" • att~A~nn .KuM 'I!ON•a P~C,.....uu - ~d"1 h....t~U~~CA CT.aA l CT, A,.IQII. MA.u CtJrroN; ~ ~11011"1• ~"lfll t1 ~11- CTA.O. Ucr• • ·pbt.npxa~ & t.f CT, A'P Ju1 Nanta&: puu.ll ~·!Al...... M f)flt t1 (IUtPtilll•• ~ A·P AaifClnP._ XI;,...... CT.U. A., .!JoMMulldi..-CM. BloBE,QEHME 9 1LC.lCT.,C'9 .....t16,..,uoM:PQIU..,..~~ u....._wpu- u.t n .a-pA.Jaa ~a.m.-~ TPA,IIMIII40HHI4 06PE,III4 H 11PA3HMIIH 17 PQIC.ll)lllllko___ ,....,. -n..... a·plu/Xa~ pnACI ~UifiiOau- ......... !ki2K«MII II IIICWiiillnl•- CT.&e.lCT.Aa&.Wuac:..ro...u.tCT. Jl-P KMOuoua, TPAJIM!IMOHHO RE.E!iE 14 CBMPEHE 33 &AI CT, ,t.,~~u.J CT.a·pOU!ta~ &AI CT, ,t•pW.U.C. K...... CT.a.c. Q n • .t.,J!arcpaa~ TPAJIM!IMOHHO TAHIIYBAHE M AETCKM l1f1'll 62 ::-~~~~.. &!"=;~:.'!':.::::~ TPAJIMIIMOHHO PA3KA311AHE 80 TPAJIM!IMOHHH 3AHAI!Tl1, AOMAWHM AEJIHOCTM Edlloro la-CiaLd ,... ant.aq ,_._,.,.,..,..,..~ONuphwaU. ...... oCu.,a---­J oltlcnlltbc'latprlu ~ MOOMMHD!IM 93 u.~ Adfl'Wu"_,le lktMiat •lhiJtr IIIUiltN frwuur.1 .. • ...,...... TPAJIMIIMOHHA MEAHLCIIHA 107 """''l'lOIWOf MU. Sanl#f'a. D.SO. nodldoMI JIUI W Ft.OIU -s.lar lucM::Iw !blatM AGUWOVI. lb.O.; HALIMOHAIIHA HOMEHKAATYPA 111 ....__-Ocp"""""'R..--M...... .0. _____... ..,I'I\D.:n.dldooooiAo,"' ,_ • tiMMiak~-ProCa..a, ot.lcriM~. PILD.:Sa¥ot~ PErMOHAJIHA HOMEHKAATYPA 118 PIU>__.: n..rillooo/--"'"""'·c-u--.., ___..___..,.._"'o. o..,.._ : liiWOE.S(l>NJ.CKA 0611ACT ...._, .... $Jl-~-o-.....o.- 118 ,-~,__,T...,_,_.,H__._ __ IW....,Milo-.D.Sc.;Pinl llqno--., 6YPrACKA06fiACT 124 fvt s'"*"' l'U).; Ftrt1 Docru Auod&lt RuwtM• Krattatin JCtutam•a. Ph.D.: f\rll ~I"C ~ J.e.acwdlctS&iht t..oaocw., PtiJl: BAPHEHCKA0611ACT 130 l'lntO.pooA--Mlllaa-111.0; $cOWRacood>or --... ~-Ocpoo ........................... BfllMKOTbPHOBCKA 0611ACT 137 MtlCc'Va. Ph.D.: ~ ll.tldw-ScMot RGcatcbcr !blt:du - ... ""'-:l'inlllqno----..... BM.qliHCKA 0611ACT 143 0 Waa X9•no.. c:::a.m:.. ~ HUMOM ~.. A.l6ca BPA4AHCKA 0611ACT 149 n.a.pou 1'\opn~t~~.•AJtruo-. Jbuc;u r'topMI$ fld--. £urtpenla s.n:..... ~ Buu KluaM )ofnu.a. r...a nnpo... s.-.-o­ rASPOBCKA 0611ACT 155 u:AJonJho--~--l)wo-MII w.-en.-.~.x....__c....c:oo-u A06PIIYKA 06llACT 160 0 Xy.ao-.u5ot.PII~ ~.,.._.2004 KbPAlKAil'~KA 0611ACT 166 -----Ollllo_n ____IW><oo!Awon KIOCTEHJlWlCKA 0611ACT 172 Gec11~' l.ouab.Gcapno.a, hydxin, f.l:I&UiN l'rpina Alluuwtt. Vaill1t frviDon'""""' bdta frcG'OYa lr:a&Movt. A\W. ~ton Skatblncwl. ElfJcql&"nwcl.o'n OnDcbfo¥1. ''' MlkW OOBEWKA 06/lACT 177 StMocn, Kna:lmlt~ tll1110f'1 ~ S.a.&SbMooon. ~ Wf$5tna DIIIII~RW~lvwlcM, 2004. MOHTAHCKA06MCT 183 o~oot•rw-r...-.~~... 11A3APA)KMWKA06MCT 189 ISIN-914-5 nEPHMWKA 06/lACT 196 MESEHCICA06MCT 201 CONTENTS MOB,IWlCI<A06MCT 207 PA3rPAACICA06MCT 214 INT'ROOUC1lON 285 PYCaiCICA 06MCT 220 TRAOITIONAL RITES AND FEASTS 293 Q1/I1CTPEHCKA oliAAC'r 227 TRADfTIONAI. SlHOOIG AND MUSIC PLAYING 308 11IAill1lOHAI. OAHaHG CJ1I18&ICl(A 06MCT 233 ANDQILOREH'SGAMfS 335 CMOMHCICA 06MCT 239 TRAOITIONAI. NARRATION 353 C04>I1i1CKA 06MCT 245 TRADITIOIIAL CRAFTS AND TRADmONAL • COC>AA-fl>AA 251 PRODUCTION OF HOME·IIADE OBJECTS OR PRODUCTS 365 CTAPO:!AroPCKA 06MCT 257 TRADITIONAL MEDICINE TbProBI11W(A 0611ACT 263 378 NATIONAL UST XP.CKOilOKA 0611ACT 269 383 UGIONAL USTS 391 WYMEHCKA06AACT 275 &AOOEVGRAD REGION ~06MCT 281 391 BOURGAS REGION 397 OOBRICHREGION 403 GABRO\IOREGION 409 HAS1«M) REGION 414 KAR02)WJ REGION 420 KVIJSTEHOtl REGION 425 lOVECH REGION 430 MONTANA REGION 436 PAZAROZHIKREGION 44~ PeRNJK REGION 450 PI.EVEH REGION 455 PlOVDIII REGION 461 ~ --- ~ ·... RAZGRAD REGION 468 ROUSSE REGION 474 SHOUMEN REGION 481 SIUSTRA REGION 487 SLIVEN REGION 493 SMOI.YAN REGlON 499 SOFIA CITY 505 SOFIAREGION 511 STARA ZAGOAA REGION 516 TARGOVISHTI: REGION 522 VARNAREGION 528 VEUKO TARNOVO REGION 535 VlDIN REGION 540 VAATSA REGION 546 YAMBOl REGION 551 - - · :· ·- - - IIPA3HYBAHE HA TPA,!J.KUIIOHHH XPAMOBH TPAJU1LtHOHHO nEEHE lA CBHPEHE IIPA3~(CLEOPH) (POAOnCKH H3ll"LJJHKK'l!JJCI<B CTHJI) • CB. ATAHAC (3HMEH CMOJIJIHCKH H JIETEH) • CB. :SE3CPEI>PEHJ.fqH. IIEEHE • CB. XAPAliAMilliH K03MA H ,llAMJIH • CB. T'EOPrH • E,ZtHOOIACHO BOi:hlm.ui •CB.~ f'PYTIOBO >ICEHCKO/ • ,!{BYIJIACHO • C~. CB. KHPHJI R • CB. KRPIDI R IOJIHTA >KEHCKOJM1>)I(K0 MBTO~ •CB.MAPHHA M'bJKI<O/CMECEHO CZ>OJIKJIOPHO I1EBHE $0JIKJIOPHO • CB. CB. KOHCTAHTmi • CB. IIPOPOK RJIWI TIEEHE OT T'P. RBJlEHA • CB. • ~R,l{YAJIHO IIAHTAJIEi:iMOH HE,Z:(EJIIDIO H • CB. TO,!{OP CTATWIAT JJCEHCKO/M'I>)KKO • YCIIEHHE CZ>OJII<JIOPHO IIEBHE HE,ItE.IDIHCl<H • CB. EJIHCEf( SOroPO)'.(Hl{HO PAHOH • CB. AIIOCTOJIR • PO>K.nECTBO • OIIJIAKBAHE IJETbP H IlABEJI BOrOPO,!{HtiHO (,,KOP~") HA •nBRCOKO" non>EI>EHim. HA 3JIATOrPAJlCKO - • CB. JIATBHIDI (TPETH • BD3)lBIDKEHHE HA CBATJ>A,HA M'b:>KKO IlEEHE ~H HA BEJIHI<.ltEH) tfEC'I'HIDI KPLCT (l<P1.CTOB.llEH) • Bb3HECEHlm JIEEHE CbC CLIIPOBO,!{ rocno]J;HE • CB. I1APACKEBA (CIIACOB):(BH) (11ETKA) • M'bJKI<OpiCE.HCKO/ • M'b)l(l(O{)}C15.HCKO[ • CB. TPOHQA • CB. RBAH PHJICIGI CMECEHO CMECEHO (IIEUlE~) • CB. ,miMHTl.P 410JII<JlOPHO IIEEHE cl>OJIKJIOPHO TIEEHE • CB . .n;YX • CB. APXAHrEJIH CbC CLJIPOBO,!{ HA CbC CLIIPOBO~ HA • CB. :H:OAH • CB.M:HHA KAJ>A-rA.imA EA:H:JlAMA KPDC'I'lfiEI • CB. BAPBAPA (IIPF.)U'EtrA) • CB. HRKOJIA CBHPEHE • CB. BACAPHOH • CB. CTEcl>AH • CBHPEHE HA KA.I>A- • CBHPEHE HA qJ.rcJ>T rMt.zi.A KABA..Jrn: TP~OHHO TIPA3HYBAHE • CBHPEHE HA KABAJI • CBATEAPCKO HA MIOCJOJIMAHCKH IIPA3IDillH • CBHPEHE HA I'PYIIOBO CB:ffi>EHE • PAMA3AH 5AHPAM • AIIIHPA 'S~JlAMA{rAMEYPA • KYPI>AH l>A.:H:PAM • HEBPY3 • APcl>E • I<A.ltl>P l"'P,lP1CECR TPA,QHUIAOHHO TAHLfYBAHE lA AETCKI!t 1-\rPH TP~OHHO IIPA3HYBAHE HA AEIDI HA rP.A,nA H C~O (CLEOPH) OJ>PEJlHO TAHI{YBAHE HA: • .llEH HA rPA,M (CEJIHII(ETO) • CBATI>A • CE,W!HKA • II.AHAliPR eP'b~ • MACKAPA,IUiR HrPH • llP04>ECHOHAJ"nnl IIPA3FlliUJ'l • EAHPA.M • EHhOB.ltEH • rEPr:bOB.ltEH I JIEBO • BAERH.l'n!H TP~OHHH fiPA3HHIUi HA ETHH'IECKHTE, XOPO ­ • BEJIID<,IJ;EH CY5E'fHHliECKHTE H PE.IIHI'1i03HHTE rEPr:bOB.ltEHCKO •I>YEHEK OliiiUIOCTH )KEHCKO XOPO HA •BACwn.OB,llEH IIECEH • JIA3APOB,llEH 241 21 • ST. MINA'S DAY • ST. SPmiDON'S DAY TRADITIONAL CELEBRATION OF THE DAY • PRESENI'A'JlON OF TI:1E • ST. IGNA11US' DAY OF THE TOWN OR THE VILLAGE (FAIRS) BLESSED VIRGIN • CHRISTMAS • DAY OF THE TOWN • FAIRS • ST. NICHOLAS' DAY • ST. STEPHAN'S DAY (Vlll.AGE) • PROFESSIONAL FEAS TRADmONAL CELEBRATION OF PATRON SAINT'S TRADITIONAL FEASTS EMBLEMATIC FOR DAYS (FAIRS) A PARTICULAR ETHNIC OR RELIGIOUS • ST. AlliANASIUS • ST. VASSARION OF COMMUNITY • ST. A1llANAS£US OF SMOLYAN ATHOS • ST. KOZMA AND • ST. HARAl..AMPI DAMYAN lRADITlONAL SINGING AND MUSIC PLAYING •ST.OBORGE • ST. NBDELYA (lUIODOPB PERFORMANCE STYlEI • STS. CYRIL AND • ST KIRlK AND YULITA METHODIUS •ST. MARINA SINGING • STS. CONSTANTINE • ST. EUAS •ONBPARTFOLK • TWO PART WOMEN'S! ANDELENA • ST. PANTELEYMON'S JNGING (WOMEN' SI MEN'S FOLK SlNOlNG • ST. TimODORE DAY MEN'SIMJ.XED) FROM THE TOWN Of STRATILAT • DORMITION OF nm •INDlVIDUAL FOLK NEDEUNO AND FROM • ST.EI.JSEY HOLYVlRGIN SINGING (WOMEN'S! TilE NEDLINO REGION • STS. PHI'ER AND PAUL • NATIVITY OF THE MEN'S) • MEN'S "VISOKO" • ST. IATENIY!t (LOCAL HOLY VIRGIN • LAMENTA'JlONS SINGlNO FROM THB FEAST CELEBRATED •PEASTOPTI:IEHOLY (KORDENE) AT REGION OF ON THB TIIIRD DAY CROSS FUNERALS. ZLATOGRAD OF EASTER] • ST. PARASKEVA-PETKA WEDDINGS, EI'C. • ASCENSION DAY • ST. JOHN OF RlLA • ST. TIUNJTY/ • ST. DEMETRIUS' DAY SINGING WITH AN ACCOMPANIMENT PENTECOST/ • ST. ARHANGEU •MEN'SIWOMEN'S/ • MEN'SJWOMEN'SI WHITSUNDAY (MICHAELMAS) MIXED FOLK SINGING MIXED FOLK SINGING • THE HOLY GHOST/ •ST. MINA WII1i KAB!t-GAYDA wrnl BAYZAMA WHITSUNTJDB • ST. BARBARA ACCOMPANIMENT ACCOMPANIMENT • NATIVITY OF ST. JOHN • ST. NJXOLAS THBBAPTIST I PLAYING TRADmONAL CELEBRATION OF MUSLIMFEASIS • • KA.BA-GAYDA PLAYING • A PAIR OF KAVALS PLAYING • RAMADAN BAYRAM ATONEMENT) • KAVAL PLAYING • WEDDING BAND • KURBANBAYRAM • NBVRUZ(NEWYEAR) • • BAYI.AMA/IAMBOURA PLAYING • ARIFE (TiiE DAY • KADIR GEDZHESI (1liE PLAYING BEFORETI:IE TWBNTY..SEVENTH BEGlNNING OF HOLY NIGHT OF RAMADAN) RAMADAN) • ASHURA (DAY OF 500 Ll•laa Hamu Tnaaura U.iaa """'"" Troaooun 501 http:/ /bulgariaich .com/index.php?act=content&rec= 10 20.09.16 EJIEMEHTII, Bnncaan B Ha~nonaJinaTa npe~cTaBnTeJina JIRCTa aa HeMaTepnaJIHOTO KyJiyYpHO H3CJie~CTBO ,'I(RBB qosemKB C'LKpOBHma- Ji'LJirapHB" - 2008 ro.r.nua 1. C<l_Jepa ua HKH - ,Tp~OHHH o6pe.l{H 11 rrpa3~H" l1Me Ha npoeKTa- ,HecnmapcTBoTo- 61lnrapcKa MariDI c orneHa >Kapa.Ba" (3a c.I>nnrapH, o 6~a I(apeBo) l1HCTJITYilWI - PerHoHaneH HCTOpW~ecKH M)'3eii - rp.Eyprac HocHTen- fpyna oT c.EnnrapH, o6m.Irna I(apeBo (pnKOBO.l{JITeJI MmcaHn MHXailnoB) 2. C<l_Jepa Ha HKH - ,TpMHUHOHHH o6pe.l{H H npa3HHW:I" l1Me Ha npoeKTa - ,,Ka.nyllla - cTapo.u.a.BeH o6pe.u., 3ana3eH 3a noKoneHwr" l1HCTHTyiUi.si - Hapo.u.Ho 't!HTaJIHIIJ,e ,HHKona H. BannapoB", c.Xnpnen, o6m.HHa K03no.uyi:f, o6nacT Bpana HocHTen- CncTaB 3a aBTeHTHtieH <l_Jommop ,KanymapH" 3. C<pepa Ha HKH - ,Tp~HUHOHHH o6pe,l{H H npa3HIU.{H" HMe Ha npoeKTa - ,Tp~HUHOHHa BacHJil'IIDKa cBaT6a" I1HcTHTY!lH.si - HapO.l{HO tlliTa.mnne ,reo M:anes", rp.
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