Church Army plane blown up Cornerstone Director in Sydney The Australian FIRST PUBLISHED Is 1880 Laurie McIntosh will be in Sydney this 30th April: Evening Muster — Youth month at the invitation of the Anglican rally, Ryde Civic Centre — 7.30 p.m. Youth Department Theme: "Time is short". CHURCH Laurie is a graduate of Emmaus Bible What is "Cornerstone"? College; has worked with Wycliffe Translators in Mexico; and is now the The Cornerstone Community is a live-in director of Cornerstone Community. (farm style) Christian training programme situated at Bourke, N.S.W. "to encourage His programme that full rounding out of Christian character that the early apostles urged on RECORD 27th April: Evening Seminar with their followers." 1753 MAY 3, 1982 Registered by Australia Post Publication No. NAR1678 Telephone 264 8349 PRICE 30 CENTS voluntary/part-time youth leaders and potential leaders. "We intend that by the end of the term you will have a good grasp of the Bible 28th April: A.M. Seminar for full-time and be equipped with sufficient skills for Word of life/ youth leaders and potential lead a lifetime study of its contents. The workers and clergy. courses are designed to be practical, Moral Majority Theme: The Urgency of the Gospel demanding both thought and -- priorities not paranoia. application. It won't be a matter of P.M. Continuing the morning merely soaking up information. We are confusion session on a new theme. meant to be doers of the Word, said The media have recently given a great deal 29th April: Evening — Presentation of Jesus, not just hearers of it" of time to analysing Jerry Falwell. Falwell Diplomas night for Anglican Youth Major areas of study are in Christian is, of course, the key figure in the Moral Worker's Course: "Equipping young basics, literature, concepts, evidences, Majority in the United States. He will be in people for life". history, perspectives and strategies. Sydney on May 21-23. But there are some disturbing things about his visit. Falwell is being brought to Australia by Word of Life in Australia. Word of Life is a Inner City audio visual launch world-wide non-denominational ministry. It is responsible for running camps and The Inner City Committee of the Diocese clergy in deputation work. More details Bible Colleges in 23 countries. In Sydney it of Sydney recently launched a new Audio can be obtained from the Inner City has a property at St. Albans. At this site, Visual. Called "My Name is Legion", the Director, Rev. Geoff Huard (698 9497). which covers 142 acres, there are one and A.V. was produced by Michael Orpwood two year College Courses designed to with photography by Ted Harvey. It is an equip Christians in general Bible attempt to catch something of the knowledge. There are also numerous and PRAYER BOOK SOCIETY Airport officials and workers removing the windscreen pieces, prior to impounding the problems of life in the Inner City. very popular Camps for teenagers. The Annual Meeting of the Prayer Book Church Army's plane. Following the police inspection, the insurance investigators will At the launch many Inner City clergy Major problems have arisen, however, Society )Australian Branch) was held recently then commence their work. It looks as if it could be quite a while before the Church and laity discussed the A.V. and its at St Thomas' Church, North Sydney. There because the media finds it impossible to Army have this means of transport available again. content. They were impressed with it and was an enthusiastic, representative attendant, see Jerry Falwell as anything but a political Photo Ramon Williams felt that it did portray the very things from many Sydney parishes. The Patron, morals crusader. Mr. Dave Hillis, speaking which they experienced. The Inner City Bishop Renfrey of South Australia, presided. for Word of Life, clarified some of these Committee is keen that the rest of the Officers were elected and the Committee misconceptions for the Australian Church Diocese realises that there is an important Record. He told us that Word of Life was At 1.00 a.m. on the morning of Thursday, to purchase extra equipment needed, to was empowered to plan future activity which missionary work to be carried on in this will assure the preservation and use of the not attempting to promote Moral Majority April 1st, three light planes were blown upgrade its performance and usage. area. Book of Common Prayer throughout the or a Moral Majority type movement in upsat Sydney's Bank stown Airport One of It was then used for deputation work, Australian Church. Australia. He said that his organisation felt thSse planes, a Cessna 172, was the The A.V. will be available for Churches mission work, outreach evangelism and that that role in Australia was already Archbishop Donald Robinson arriving at St. Andrew's Cathedral on Saturday, April 24th. In accordance with tradition the Archbishop property of The Church Army in to borro., and will be used by Inner City to assist others. being carried out by the Festival of Light knocked three times on the door of the Cathedral (left). The door was opened and the Dean of Sydney, Very Rev. Lance Shilton, Australia. The 'plane will cost approximately and they were happy to support that welcomed the new Archbishop into his Cathedral Church (right). The Cathedr. 1 was packed for this Installation Service. Afterwards Captain Gilbert Page. the Federal $15,000 to repair. If parts are available organisation. He emphasised that Falwell there was a public welcome to the new Archbishop in Sydney Square at which community leaders, including the Governor of N.S.W., Director in Australia, commented that it locally it could be back in the air in four A.1.0. book launch was being brought to Australia to speak to were present. seemed to be a senseless act, without to six weeks. However, if parts are not Word of Life supporters about how to Photos: Ramon Williams reason, yet so well planned. available and need to be imported, it will build dynamic churches. He emphasised Each plane involved had a bomb take a much longer time. that Falwell speaks regularly as a Bible planted in an engine, which was utterly The 'plane was to have been used by it teacher at the Youth Camps which are destroyed, together with windscreens regular pilot Capt. Kevin Cullen on his held by Word of Life in New York and that and instrument panels when detonated. coming trip to Western Australia. Capt. it is in this capacity that he is coming. Falkland Island Christians New Primate Cullen and other Church Army officers One of the more disturbing features has When the police arrived at dawn, wires will be in W.A. for a full programme from been the way that one of Word of Life's The Falkland Islands are in the news. Newspapers, Radio and Television give detailed elected used for the detonation were still lying on April 17th. They will lead a Parish Camp, Camps has been used to attack the sit. accounts of the preparation for battle. But what of the Church in the Falkland Islands. the ground. They led from the three speak at many parishes and address The Camp, to be held over the Long To give our readers a better background for their prayers we reprint material on the The Most Reverend John Basil Rowland planes to an area behind a nearby hangar. diverse groups such as Ladies' Groups, Weekend in June, is advertised as a Wacky Anglican Church in the Falkland Islands from the Church of Newspaper (from Grindrod, Archbishop of Brisbane, was Weekend Camp. The emphasis in the the U.K.). elected Primate of the Anglican Church of An airport spokesman said the planes Prison Fellowships and at a Rally at South Prospectus is on what is called "Operation . Australia on Friday, 16 April, 1982. He appeared to have been picked at random. Perth on April 24th. For more details of their programme our Perth readers can Nightmare" — a horror trail with The Argentinian invasion of the islands authorities could have misread this as succeeds the Most Reverend Sir Marcus The Church Army's plane had only contact Rev. R. L. Gwilt on 332 1639. gruesome sights. Those attending are has put the Anglican Church in a some indication that Britain wanted to Loane, who retired at the end of January. finally been purchased 18 months ago. Capt. Cullen told the Record that the warned that they should have a "strong particularly difficult position. Seventy per wash their hands of the Island. Bishop The Primate is head of the Anglican Starting off as a gift from a farming couple team would now fly to Perth by fieart and stomach". The Prospectus is cent of the 1800 Falkland Islanders are Cutts is of British extraction, though born Church of Australia. He is President of who were paying the leasing payments, it commercial aircraft. They are enlivened by photographs and sketches Anglican, and they have their own in Argentina, and has spent most of his General Synod, President of General related to the horror trail. became a problem for them when a disappointed that they will be unable to Cathedral Church of Christ in Port Stanley. ministry as a missionary in Korea. He is Synod Standing Committee and, Ex drought hit the country. After discussions fulfil their original plans to stop on the The Sunday Telegraph first took up this But the church has been something of now in an invidious position as both Officio, President of many national issue, mildly suggesting that an with others in aerial work, the Church way over to Perth and meet people in an ecclesiastical ping-pong ball in recent Bishop of Argentina andkommissary for General Synod activities. Army decided to pray for the finance outback centres. They had planned organisation bringing Falwell to Australia years, with jurisdiction passing from the Falklands. should not be involved in a Camp that needed. especially to call on B.C.A. Centres such Canterbury to Argentina and back to At the centre of the turmoil is the Rev. included horror and violence. However, A gift of more than the final figure as Cook, Ceduna, Pt Augusta and places Canterbury. Harry Bagnall — a chaplain recruited and needed was received. The extra was used such as Kalgoorlie and Broken Hill. there has been another attack, this time by part-funded by the Intercontinental one of the better known pornographic Until recently all Anglican work in the southern half of South America, including Church Society on behalf of the magazines. . Mr. Bagnall, In a recent issue the magazine published Argentina and the Falkland Islands, came The Australian Church Recoru has been bringing the 52, has been in the Falklands with his wife a reproduction of the Prospectus with directly under the jurisdiction of the news on Church affairs for over 100 years, 1880-1 98 2 Iris since 1979 and is the only Anglican editorial comments. These included: "... Archbishop of Canterbury. clergyman there. With a background in this is no harmless weekend of ghost an independent provocative meat marketing and therefore able to talk stories and giggles. The brochure clearly Petition to Canterbury at length about sheep, he is makingquite depicts realistic scenes of beheading, In 1974 jurisdiction was transferred to evangelical voice a hit there, by all accounts. disdembowelling, grave robbing and the newly-formed Anglican South Bringing you the most important Church news from Australia and overseas every cannibalism . The Moral Majority — the American Council (CASA), and the Services broadcast two weeks. people who find sexual freedom, Falkland Islands was included in the Become a suoibriber now through our special introductory offer: $8 for 12 humanism, homosexual rights, transfer. The thought that they might one The Cathedral in the capital Port Stanley months' issues (Normal Subscription $1 2). Theological Students $5. has a congregation of only about 50, but Owen Shelley and Robyn Atkinson at the launching of the book, "The Idea Mine". pornography etc., so threatening to family day come under an Argentinian bishop so life and "decency" — have no qualms incensed the islanders that the then Bishop services are broadcast to other islands and Photo: Ramon Williams about the most gruesome violence and of Argentina and Eastern South America Bagnall spends much of his time visiting T 1 °Australian CHURCH foul death. It seems to say something with the Falkland Islands, the Rt. Rev. Cyril via boat or seaplane. No news of the about those who advocate sexual Tucker (English born), petitioned the Bagnalls has been received since the THE IDEA MINE, a book by Robyn said the Sunday School which had punch repression." Archbishop of Canterbury to re-establish, invasion, but he has been relieved of one Atkinson was launched in the Cowper and sparkle looked at its programme This is a criticism that is often levelled, direct jurisdiction. of his responsibilities at least. He was RECORD Room, St. Andrew's House on Thursday, critically and would put in extra effort to chaplain to the force of marines evacuated sometimes with justification, at morality 25 March, 1982. find fresh ideas. THE IDEA MINE would This was duly accomplished in 1977, but from the islands last weekend. groups: They are concerned about due to an ecclesiastical mix-up, Bishop Payment may be made from your Banked's) it you complete and return this authorisation. LO help teachers reach out and lift a Sunday Robyn, a field officer with the Board of pornography but show little concern for Tucker still found he was legally Bishop of Traditionally Grindrod, 62, ‘s,is NOT SEND YOUR BANKCARD. School from a rut and the mundane. He violence. consecrated Bishop of Riverina at A. Education, trains teachers for Sunday encouraged teachers to make their the Falkland Islands after he had retired Your Bankcard A/c No. 496-[1= School scripture classes and youth clubs. However, in this case, the criticism has Andrew's Cathedral on 24th August, 1966. programme exciting even if they had only and settled in Britain. His successor, ON OTHER PAGES She is a school teacher with seven years' been rejected by Mr. Hillis. He explained In 1971 he became Bishop of Amount $ Card expiry 10 children — they would soon discover Richard Cutts, was designated Bishop only experience in young people's work in the to the Record that this particular Camp has An analysis of tha final ARCIC Rockhampton and was elected not 10 but 12 and up to 20 children of Argentina and Eastern South America. Your signature been run behre and is very popular. He Report Archbishop of Brisbane on 8th August, church. coming to Sunday School. THE IDEA Finally in 1978 Bishop Tucker was NAME stated that the Horror Trail, which Page 4 1980. He has served in England, where he MINE was a tool which would help THE IDEA MINE is designed to help includes accident scenes, coffins etc. is all relieved of his responsibility when the then Interview with was ordained in 1952 and in Australia in ADDRESS people chasing ideas. children's workers gain knowledge and in fun. At the end of it the kids Watch a film Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Coggan, Inner City Director the Dioceses of Brisbane, Rockhampton, POSTCODE practice in alternative story-telling The Anglican Information Office and by Dr. Charles Ryrie about how to handle decided to appoint Bishop Cutts as his Mtge 3 Melbourne and Riverina. He was Enter me as a new Subscriber to the Australian Church Record. I enclose $8.00, methods. the Board of Education have combined to death as a Christian. This is just a few Commissary (representative) for the interview with Chairman of the Liturgical Commission Falkland Islands. Subscription for 12 months' issues. Owen Shelley, well-known for his publish the book. hours in the whole weekend programme Archbishop RoItinson which produced an Australian Prayer The Australian Church Record Ltd, 1st Floor, St Andrew's House, Post coupon to It is expected to be the first of many which deals with life — challenging the In the circumstances this was an ill- Pcg• 5 Book which is now approaching sales of Sydney Square, Sydney, NSW 2000. many years' work with children at Scripture Union, launched the book. He joint ventures. "unsaved" kids with the Gospel. advised move, as the Argent' half a million. 11it MAY 3, 1982 — 1 8 — AUSTRALIAN CHURCH RECORD, APRIL 19, 1982 f , , AUSTRALIAN CHURCH RECORD,


EDAINTORIAL Deal Sir, would be taken by the Holy Spirit after his I should like to reply to your criticism of me 'couture. in your item "Newspaper politics" (ACR, April God the Holy Spirit in the hearts of Understanding the Word of 51. believers, is the true leader and lord of the You allege that I carried on a subtle campaign hurch militant Our Lord spoke of him as for Bishop Reid to be elected and mention, "another comforter" — that is one who would God among other things, a picture of Bishop Reid take his own (Christ's) place. This is the jogging, which was published prominently in meaning of "Vicar on earth" which the pope uses as his (the POPE's) title. Our Lord said that the Herald, and a suggestion that Bishop the father would send the Holy Spirit in his Cameron "drinks". What is the most important issue facing Evangelicals in the next name. He was to be leader and teacher after decade? An important question, we believe! So we asked the new The jogging picture was not my idea. It was our Lord went away. put forward by the newspaper's Pictorial Editor, Archbishop of Sydney (see interview this issue) and we rejoice at his who is not even an Anglican. My only role ;n Claiming himself to be vicar of Christ on answer. We should all heed what he says; "The main issue is going to the affair was to supply the photographer with earth, the Pope has usurped the Holy Spirit's be the method of using and interpreting the Bible!' the bishop's address. Incidentally, my own position in the church of God. The Roman preference was for it to be used after the teaches that Christians obey Evangelicals have always been known as the defenders of the election. Christ by obeying the Pope. Yet nowhere in scripture has our Lord appointed one such Bible. The Scriptures are our sole authority in all matters of faith and The "drinks" quote was unfortunate, and was representative of himself, other than the Holy practice. But how can others be expected to take the Bible seriously intended to suggest a man of the people who Spirit. As many as are led by the spirit of God when they see how Evangelicals often treat it? likes an occasional port or sherry. I was written are the sons of God. How could the Holy Spirit in great haste, late at nigh,. In the circles where have made as many false pronouncements as There is a wide diversity of doctrine even among Evangelicals. I move and work it is the type of remark likely the Popes have — that is pronouncements to gain favour for a candidate rather than the contrary to scripture? those in Sydney Diocese are usually seen as a "race apart"; found reverse. I have apologised to Bishop Cameron nowhere else in the world in large numbers. They are different to for any offence caused. Many Roman catholics love our Lord — I taught by one in second class at Public School Evangelicals in the rest of Australia who, despite our British origins, Your reference to my reporting confidential -- but they follow Jesus in spite of the Pope. Wi • differ greatly from the English Evangelicals. After all, we ask in horror, debatetaises deeper issues. In general, who see the issues clearly must not compromise • how could they have allowed some of the things which found their way newspapers live by disclosures and ACR itself with this dangerous error. We must not into the new English Prayer Book? But we shake our heads in absolute has repeatedly commented on political issues relinquish the leadership of the Holy Spirit for which themselves only came to light because of the leadership of an imposter, even though than amazement at our American brethren, understanding neither their "improper" leaks in the Herald and other Imposter may not realise what he really is. denominational patterns or their keeninterest in doctrines which have newspapers. I arn still disappointed to remember that at little or not attraction to us — the infallibility debate and inillenial Rightly or wrongly, the Herald regards the Archbishop Loaves Public farewell no mention theories are good examples. Anglican synod as no different from any other was made of his brave stand on this important quasi-confidential Parliamentary form. My truth. it? personal feeling is that a newspaper should We know that the Bible is central. But do we know how to use Yours Sincerely, draw the line at official secrets and material Const,m, S. KIM, Just twelve months ago Australian Anglican Evangelicals met in harmful to national security. There are others Melbourne for N.E.A.C. It was a great success. But many left it felling who think even this is fair game. A factor which influenced the Herald in its troubled. Whilst some were saying that it was good that Evangelicals 01,1 were finally beginning to come to grips with modern issues, others reporting of the synod was the knowledge, reliably gained, that the same information had Congratulations on The Australian Church were concerned that this was occurring at the expense of an honest been passed to a rival newspaper. Record's impartial coverage of the recent election of our new Archbishop. I approach to the Word of God. It was surprising that at an Evangelical Having said all this. I admire ACR for its holeheartedly endorse your article on page 1 Congress there was much shoddy exegesis. Indicative of this was a integrity. My heart bleeds for the editor who ttt your April 5 edition regarding the obviously "was present, legitimately, for every moment of comment made by a leading Bible teacher and writer after one of the prejudiced campaign of the Sydney Morning synod" but who chose, properly, in view of the evening Bible Studies. He said, "What he said was very good; it's a pity Herald's Alan Gill. nature of his newspaper, to abide by the private that the Bible passage he got it from doesn't say that!' nature of that event. Having known our new Archbishop all my tile, your excellent Editorial in A.C.R. of March Yours sincerely. The truth of the matter is that all of the modern issues seem to lend Alan Gill 22, as to "what special gifts an archbishop needs", confirmed my conviction that Donald themselves to an emotional activism. We feel strongly about women's Sydney Morning Herald Broadway Robinson could fill this special position most ministry, the poor, Aboriginals and soon; we think we know how adequately in every respect. Christians ought to act and so we respond accordingly. We find a verse While not wishing to cast doubt upon the or two to support our position and we feel justified in our stand. But qualifications and calibre of the other Sir, there is no consistency in our approach to Scripture; no willingness to candidates, I believe that God's over-ruling in I should like to support Mrs. Creasey (A.C.R. I lonald Robinson's election, despite Alan Gill's sit down and discover the broad principles of Scripture; no real desire letters, April 51h) when she says it is subtle (?) campaign, should be great for the hard work that needs to go into the making of an informed blasphemous that the papacy should be the encouragement to all who have prayed in faith Biblical comment on an issue; no liking for obedience to the Word of focus of all churches. that God's will in this matter would prevail. God when it conflicts with what we would have liked it to say. Our It is blasphemous, because the pope has Yours sincerely, stand on the many difficult social issues facing us today would be more usurped the olar ot Attthttritv fllIr Hutt Alt! P M. Martin meaningful if we knew how to properly interpret Scripture. But do we? There has been far too much spoon feeding of Christians for too long. They are told what to believe — not how to find out what to Temperance Alliance is 100 believe. That is too often true of the theological colleges where our clergy train and it is true of the pulpits from which they teach and years old preach. Even amongst Evangelicals there is a dearth of true Expository Preaching and a lack of any integrated knowledge and understanding his year the N.S.W. [temperance Alliance road salety and a prominent member of of the Bible. There is certainly little evidence that people know how to will be 100 years old. Some special the Road Trauma Committee, which is interpret it for themselves. planning is being done to celebrate this dedicated to the elevation of public important centenary in a way worthy of its concern at the enormous loss of life and value to the community over that span of injury on the road. We need more expository preaching so that people can get a time. whole view of what the Bible is saying. We need more clergy prepared The College regards the terrible road toll The annual public meeting is timed for as a massive public health problem and to teach their congregations how to understand the Bible when they 7 pm, May 27th, at Bible House, 95 endeavours to stimulate changes in read it We need more interest in those courses currently provided by Bathurst St., Sydney and the public is legislation to make motor driving safer. places such as Moore College to lead people into a systematic study of invited to attend. The College has been largely responsible God's Word. And we need more Evangelical leaders who are prepared for seat belt provisions, protective to take a stand based on the Word of God rather than on what is The Royal College of Surgeons at their equipment like helmets for motor cyclists, headquarters in Melbourne was requested popular for today. first aid education for motorists and High to nominate the special speaker and the School children. It is still pressing hard for Alliance is now delighted to announce that random breath testing. The problem remains. How do we interpret and apply the Word Dr Robin Higgs is to do the honours. of God? As Evangelicals we of all people ought to have an answer to Dr Higgs has intimated that at the Public this question. It may mean that we will need to go back to basics and Dr Higgs is an orthopaedic surgeon who Meeting on May 27th, he will concentrate on: a) The magnitude of the road reassess what many seem to think are issues of the past. If we are to graduated in and is a fellow the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh epidemic make an honest attempt to show that the Gospel can meet the needs and Sydney. He came to Australia in 1974 b) The Alcoholocaust of a complex modern society then we must have secure foundations. and us presently ,prilm,rna .1 for the c) The Mariahuana and other drugged We must know how to interpret and apply the Scriptures. driver, MAINLY ABr3s0 UT PE4!'PLE

DIOCESE OF RIVERINA the Rev. Dr I L Steele, Curate of Penrith, has .is cepted the appointment as rector of Littleton The Rev. Lynn Browne will be inducted as rector at Wentworth during May. The Rev. D. K. Wilson (Formerly with B.C.A.I has accepted the position of Rector of Padsto, The Rev. Bruce Hoare has accepted'the parish BILL WORNER PTY. LTD. of Deniliquin and will be inducted in May. David Garnsey Scholarship of the parish of Urana The Rev. Graeme Sturt This has been awarded to Michael Wilson of Mittagong has been appointed rector of the parish of Moore Theological College whose area of study Finley-Tocumwal. for the M.Th. degree is The Biblical View of Phone (048) 711044 Idolatry. SYDNEY DIOCESE I he Rev. John Lance, rector of Brighton-Le- The Felix Arnott Prize ',ells and agents for Mazda and Volkswagens — Sales and Services Iris, was appointed acting rector for 1982 of This has been awarded to john Yates of iohn's, Rockdale. on 1st February this year. Ridley College.

2 — AUSTRALIAN CHURCH RECORD, MAY 3, 1982 Inner-City man for overseas English preacher for Sydney One of England's for, preachers has "Each Tuesday IF mid-week meetings study tour been invited to conduct a series of in 'the City' draw leaders from the nerve' evangelistic meetings in Sydney during centre of international banking and July and August. commerce. He is the Rev. Dick Lucas, an "It is quite normal to see business international convention speaker who is magnates sitting on the stone steps vicar of Great St. Helen's, Bishopsgate, in because all seats have been taken. the city of London. "This visit to Sydney gives us a Canon John Chapman said that Mr. wonderful opportunity to hear a man Lucas' visit gave Australians the whom I regard as one of the leading opportunity to hear a man whose gifts as a preachers in the English-speaking world preacher and teacher had made him a today." household name in many parts of the U.K. Mr. Lucas's first meeting in the City or and America. Sydney will be a breakfast at 7 o'clock on Mr. Chapman is director of the Wednesday, July 7. Department of Evangelism which is The Rev. Geoffrey Fletcher of the Lay organising the visit in the Diocese of Institute for Evangelism is co-operating Sydney. with the Department of Evangelism in the "It has been my privilege to work with Diocese of Sydney in arranging the Dick Lucas and to sit under his ministry," breakfast. Mr. Chapman said. He said that the function would "When I was last in Britain he preached conclude before parking restrictions at the consecration in Westminster Abbey commenced at 8.30 a.m. of the new Bishop of St. Albans, the Right Tickets for the breakfast are limited to Rev. John Taylor, 400 and will be issued in order of "The building was packed and the application. bishops were held spell-bound by his Those wishing to attend the breakfast address. should send $4.50 to the Department of "None who knew him found this Evangelism, St. Andrew's House, Sydney surprising. Square, or the L.I.F.E. 133 Bathurst Street. Rev. Geoff Huard, Rector of South Sydney and Inner-City Director in the Diocese of Sydney. Why focus on the inner city? amongst the poor, yet the people of this Geoff Huard left Sydney recently for an overseas trip to look at inner city work in the city see the Protestant Church and UK, Holland and the US. Geoff is the rector of St Saviour's. Anglican Church. Church "The Protestant Church in Sydney', as foreign to their way of life, largely a church of the 'well off'. The Record talked to him a few days before he left. irrelevant and only for those who have poorer people who live in the inner city 'made it.' This alienation of the city poor and the outer Western Housing from the gospel is world-wide and has What are your plans for the trip? What are your hopes for the Commission areas have been relatively been unchanged for many generations," implementation here of ideas you see The trip is a mixture of holiday and untouched by the Church's ministry. Our states the promotional leaflet on there? work. On the work side, I'm planning to Lord spent a great deal of his ministry "Scaffolding", released. see inner city work in UK, Holland and the "I suppose one of the most obvious US. The Anglican Inner City Committee things is the need to see whether there is has encouraged me to see inner city anything we as Christians can do in ministry and insights in other parts of the response to the considerable problem of world. I think it would bevery valuable to homelessness amongst young people in see what people are doing, not just to get our city. There are not many agencies new ideas but to be able to think through dealing with this, and those involved are and assess where our own work is going. overwhelmed by the task. I'm particularly anxious to see different "bm also interested to see how Starve forms of Christian ministry in some of the churches have ministered to minority ghetto and poor districts in England. In groups and hOw structures of the church Amsterdam, I'm going to look at "the have adapted to take in non Anglo Saxon Ark", a rehabilitation programme for members of the community. We have a homeless teenagers and young people. long way to go in reaching out to many in or he Then in the States, I'm hoping to go to the ethnic communities who live in this Boston, Detroit, New York, Washington country now. and Atlanta to see what is being offered by What is happening in Sydney inner city the Episcopal Church and by other work now? denominations and groups through their ill die different ministries. "We had our launching meeting last The miracle of the loaves and fishes week of "Scaffoding", and were very fed five thousand hungry people. I'll be away for two months altogether, encouraged at the number who turned up, one month of which will be holiday. But I and the way people saw the group as Today, millions of people are hungry. don't know quite how the timing of each being relevant. part will work out. They need a miracle too. What is "Scaffolding"? You can help make that Who's paying? "It is a network of workers and organisations involved in urban ministry, a miracle happen. The Inner City Committee is paying for number of whom have been meeting the trip, because they want me to see Join the World Vision 40 Hour informally over a period of time. inner city work elsewhere; and the parish Famine. Don't let him die. are happy to let me have a month's leave "We represent parachurch groups and of absence. The family's holiday time is denominational churches: Baptist, Phone the Famine Hotline or obviously paid by us. Anglican and Uniting Churches, Scripture post this coupon today. Union, Urban Ministries and Area What are your expectations? Development Groups, and other agencies. The most important thing is to have a "We hope that by meeting together we look at what other Christians are doing in might encourage one another in the inn& city areas ar mind the world. There is sharing of insights. There is a vast variety of a great deal in common in terms of social torms of ministry going on now, and some background in all inner city areas, might feel that we are trying to set up es! although individual places have their own another organisation. I want to lay that to unique dimentions. rest very firmly. Our intention is not to 1 care ompete with anybody, but encourage I want to see what contributions other everything that is going on. We are just a 0 Participant: people are making to urban ministry: what support network. I want to be in the 40 Hour Famine Please send me a participant's kit insights in the gospel they find particularly valuable. By sharing and support, and identifying ~ School or Group Organizer: gaps, and informing the wider church on I'll organize the 40 Hour Famine at my church, school or group. (Fill in below). I want to look at their structures and how we see things in the inner city, we I estimate persons will be participants. approaches and see how different hope to be a service to the church, churches and types of ministry are 0 I cannot fast but I'll give $ so someone else won't starve What's planned? organised, so that they can be relevent and Please Print ''We have various ideas at the moment: effective. Mr/Mrs Firstly, to set up an 'Urban Volunteer Miss/Ms WORLD VISION I also want to look at the type of Service': a training programme for ministry people are involved: in how Christians, like an apprenticeship scheme Age id under people are trained for it, and any specific where theory and practice are mixed sorts of training; how bound it is to together. We plan a year long course, in Address n buildings; how they fit into the structures which one day a week is spent in training of churches: how much freedom people n Bible and practical skills, and another are given in forms and styles of worship day working those skills out in a church or $PP"IkV and the expressions of church life which community group. We have a pilot Postcode Phone they feel are most relevant. scheme of this going at the moment. Name of church/school/group_ Hour famine These are ideas I hope to be able to ask "On top of that, there will be regular about. I also want to share with others forums and training nights. We hope to GPO Box 9944, in your capital city overseas same things that are happening produce a regular newsletter to circulate Gifts are fax deductible here in Sydney, particularly our style of to interested people. Phone the Famine hotline now: SYDNEY 267 9011 ministry to minority groups, and of support "We want to set up a resource library CANBERRA 54 2882 NEWCASTLE 68 2363 WOLLONGONG 29.172 5 and encouragement. I think we have got a and an exchange, and also advocate the lot we can share and show to others. needs of the inner city to wider groups. L


of current Anglican beliefs against a Roman Catholic backdrop, and deserves The Archbishop of Sydney on Analysis of ARCIC Final close study. Viewed from the Catholic side, it shows the problems that some of WHAT A RLD Rome's theologians see with how aei riot evangelicals and the next decade Report of their Church's tenets are held. Justification by faith In assessing the recently released Final determinative role of "memorial" or is the Anglican and Catholic understanding His stubborn Report of the Anglican-Roman Catholic anamnesis. "The notion of memorial as of the doctrine of revelation and its But we must make two sorts of overall International Commission, (or ARCIC), one understood in the passover celebration at implications for governing the Church. On criticism. First, in scope the Report is plainly inadequate. In spite of the urging of love is forced to two conclusions. First, at the the time of Christ — i e. the making the place of the Bible, the Report's initial Lesley Hicks level of irenical debate, as an honest effective in the present of an event in the statements are encouraging. "All English evangelicals that justification by expression and exploration of Roman past — has opened the way to a clearer (dogmatic statements) must be consonant faith ought to be on the ARCIC agenda In the early seventies, Joyce Landoff's story words and stories and characters tends to Catholic and Anglican theological understanding of the relationship with the apostolic witness recorded in the and the acknowledgement by the fourth of her own marriage's collapse and cushion most church members from it, So opinions, and an often creative one at that, between Christ's sacrifice and the Scriptures: for in this witness ... the meeting of the Anglican Consultative resurrection, and of the way she and her it is mainly the present day examples it is markedly successful. Secondly though, eucharist." However, the eucharistic statements of local and universal councils Council 119791 that this should be the husband were pursued. by the unrelenting illustrating a sermon or talk that can pack as an attempt to provide a doctrinal basis statement then insists that the presence have to find their ground and consistency" case, there is no mention of it in the Final love of God, His Stubborn Love, was a such emotional punch. for closer relationships between the two of Christ's body and blood in the Holy (page 59). And on page 69 it can speak of Report. But the doctrine of justification by faith alone is not only one of the two popular paperback. It was the first of her churches, it fails. Such sweeping Communion is not just in the reception the Bible as the "primary norm for many books, which are now coming into Head and Heart judgements on what is the fruit of much principle reasons (the doctrine of by faith of the elements, but also in their Christian faith and life." considerable demand here because of the intensive work (since 19711 needs fuller consecration (pages 15f and revelation being the other) for the division If sermons merely convey biblical 21). Thus the But this encouragement is short lived. In appearance of a film series of the same explanation. emphasis on the effectiveness for the between the Church of Rome and the information, and are mainly cerebral, discussing the role of Church tradition the name, which I have recently had the Scope believer of Jesus Christ's person and work reformed churches, including the intellectual in content, "the hungry sheep Report move Irons affirming that "it is an Anglican, it is also a "cutting edge". A opportunity of viewing. look up and are not fed", I believe, this is The final Report is in fact a 122 page falls on the action man undertakes in his unfolding of riches of the original discussion on justification would have The six films which the distributors, almost as reprehensively as if there is no document gathering together the eucharistic rite (page 12). revelation", to a point where the Bible shown what the differences are between Gospel Film Ministires, will only permit to Scripture at all, but only man's thinking. Commissions successive statements on Ministry and becomes only (but not merely) a part of a Rome and Canterbury on the problem of he shown as a series, were made by Word We cannot ignore the emotional needs of the Eucharist (1971 and 1979), the continuum. "Another approach, while The 1973 statement on Ministry and the sinfulness of man and the totally Incorporated, the same group that people. In most cases one cannot Ministry and Ordination (1973 and 1979), different, does not necessarily contradict gratuitous act of God in Jesus Christ to produced the excellent films 111111 distinguish between emotional and and Authority in the Church (1976 and Ordination begins with an assessment of the former. In the conviction that the Holy rescue us from our predicament. For both featuring American paediatrician and spiritual needs. True, we must not exploit 19811. This latter topic takes up more than evidence and theology. Spirit is seeking to guide the Church into historical and doctrinal reasons the psychologist Dr. James Dobson. They have emotions, deliberately seeking to hit half of the Report and reaches less ''The life and self-offering of Christ the fullgess of truth, it draws upon absence of this item from the agenda is seen the value of extending through film below the belt and get gut reactions, but consensus than the statements perfectly expresses what it is to serve God everything in human experience and fatal to the Report's intention. the ministry of really outstanding Christian preaching should recognise and minister concerning Eucharist and Ministry. The and man. All Christian ministry, whose thought which will give to the content of communicators. As far as I know, it is only to such realities and fear, loneliness, • special sticking point over Authority has purpose in always to build up the the revelation its fullest expression and Deficient in Bible and Christology through film that either of them has been depression, pain, sexual frustration, the not been the place of the Bible, but how community (koinonia), flows and takes its widest application. It is primarily Second, not withstanding our seen and heard in Australia. guilt of besetting sins, and the weariness to deal with the idea of a universal shape from this source and model" (page concerned with the growth of the seed of 30). It is frankly admitted that "priest" is appreciation of the Report's use of the of long-drawn-out times of waiting, when primacy centred in the person of the God's work from age to age." Audience Reactions God does not appear to answer prayer. In pope, in Rome. But for all that the Report not one of the images used by the Ness Bible, it is seriously deficient in what it Archbishop Robinson greets school children lining the path as he moves towards the In the end, as a source and norm of As with Dobson films, the technique any congregation at almost any given ends on a note of qualified optimism. Testament to describe the functions of a fails to bring forward of the New doors of St. Andrew's Cathedral. authority, the role of the community is with Joyce Landorf is simple — just time these emotions will be present, and "This Final Report ... represents a minister (pages 33 and 35). In spite of this Testament's teachings, and, it is greater than that of the Bible. As the Photo: Ramon Williams showing her in action as a speaker, while worship mu st include joy and significant stage in relations between the we are told that the formal ministry is christologically truncated. For these section on the Bible and the Reception of together with the audience response. praise and thanksgiving, it may seem and the Roman qualitatively different from all other reasons it is later church tradition which Church traditions on pages 69-72 makes In this issue we continue our exclusive interview with the new Archbishop of Sydney, the Close-ups of people in the audience show shallow if the pain of life is ignored. Catholic Church ... 1 he convergence Christian ministry, because it has a unique has to provide the basis for assembling Most Reverend Donald Robinson. clear, anything the contemporary church reactions ranging from delight to hilarity, reflected in our Final Report would and absolutely indispensable sacramental doctrinal statements, and not a fully orbed authoritatively teaches must be a ACR: What is likely to happen in liturgical revision over the next ten years? and from serious thought to deep emotion, Need for Hope appear to call for the establishing of a power that exists no where else in the New Testament christology. That is legitimate development of the original even a trickle of tears. We in the film new relationship between our Churches Church, and that this ministry in best admittedly a strong, even harsh attack. I don't know because I don't have enough feel for the Church as a whole and anything When a speaker can show that he or she revelation. And this sort of assertion is audience reacted similarly. as a next stage in the journey towards described as "priestly", (pages 35 to 36). However, reference to the Final Report's that happens will be influenced by what the Church as a whole wants to happen. I suppose understands and shares of these feelings, made, even though, as in the case of Watching the first film Christian unity." The conclusion to the 1979 elucidation handling of koinonia and church will the real question is: will we expect, instead of just another revised Prayer Book with some Changepoints and can speak without shallowness or dogmas like the sinlessness and bodily sums it up: "our agreement on the illustrate the point. Similar criticisms could tinkering here and there, a break right away from a Church Order so that Parishes would (also the title of one of her books), we triteness of God's meeting them at points Eucharist assumption of Jesus' mother, and the essentials of eucharistic faith with regard to be made about the consensus reached on be free to do what they like? In some denominations that happens. There is a standard needed to adjust to the culture difference of deep need, others feel hope. It seems to The general conclusions in each area of infallibility of the pope, no clear the sacramental presence of Christ and the the Eucharist, and Ministry. which no-one has to use. We have a standard with variations which everyone has to use. of Joyce Landorf's Americanism, with her me that women speakers — perhaps it's a discussion need to be understood for a connection to the biblical evidence can be sacrificial dimension of the eucharist, and What I see at present is that many are not prepared to remain within the limits of those heart-on-sleeve openness. Not all significant sex difference — tend to do this full appreciation of the significance of the traced (pages 95-96). Although the Church and Koinonia on the nature and purpose of priesthood. variations. The issue is whether this is through a lack of serious attention to it or because Australians warm to this, but she won most more than men. Yet men need this kind of document. Regarding the Eucharist, the Anglican members of ARCIC drew the line The Report fails to grasp that "church" of us over, with her humour and her basic 1971 statement arid its 1979 elucidation ordination, and apostolic succession, is the of a lack of goodwill towards the whole concept because these limits are genuinely too ministry no less than women. new context in which the questions at these latter three doctrines, the principle and "fellowship" (i.e. koinonia) are in fact restictive. Now I have to say — and I don't want to offend any of my brothers — that I emotional honesty as she talked about her insist that, "Christ's death on the cross, The fourth Landorf film, God's Waiting (concerning ministry) should be they hold to on the authority of christian co-extensive notions in the Bible. The own life's experiences. That, I think, is ... was the one perfect and sufficient honestly do not think that enough attention has been paid to the virtues of the variations Room, had much to say to me. She discussed" (page 44). tradition remains intact. This firmly places church is fellowship. Gathering together, that are permitted. I have seen very little in the divergences that I have encountered that what gives the films such impact. The sacrifice for the sins of the world. There contemporary man in the driver's-seat. pointed out that, reading between the or churching, is for the purpose of seem to be of such great value that we should alter the principle in order to accommodate people in the audience seemed wistful can be no repetition of or addition to Authority fellowship, in Jesus Christ. Moreover, this lines in the Bible, and observing life's The report then deals with how the them. They would easily have achieved what they were looking for within the limits if they after each film longing for some ongoing what was then accomplished once for all The two statements on authority 11976 timetables, one finds that in-between, Church should be ruled in matters of faith, fellowship in Christ is the end in itself. had paid a little bit mthe attention to the variations. message, and tapes and books — Landorf's by Christ" (page 13 and 17). There is also and 19811 take up more than half of the Attention to Heb. 12:22-24, Rev. 4 & 5, 1 waiting times account for large slices of the Although it says many true things about Now I am quite willing to face a wholly different situation if it is warranted. But I'm not and others — were eagerly bought from a helpful, if not exciting section on the Report. Fundamentally, the issue at stake Cor. 1:9ff, 11:17-33, etc. would have been lives of biblical heroes, so how much more the Church as koinonia (pages 5.81, and convinced that at the moment the evidence does warrant it — even thougn I can see the the bookstall I was manning. helpful in seeing that the earthly Church our own lives — days and months and constantly refers to this koinonia as trend.: don't want to be seen as putting the brakes on the proper movement of the Spirit has no existence outside of it actually Emotional Impact even years of waiting, when nothing 01 determinative designation of what the within the Church but its purely a question common sense and of trying to discern what being gathered in fellowship around Jesus If occurs to me that perhaps not enough great moment seems to happen, or when HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW Church is about, the Report never are the real reasons for some of the things that happen. systematically elucidates the New Christ. The Report's failure to push that happens in our churches, our worship urgent prayers seem unanswered. ACR: What place will Evangelicals play in this area of the Church's life? You had a very Testament's teaching on either koinonia through its good christological start — services and various meetings, carries the In my own life, I seem to be waiting on THE BIBLE? "Union with God in Christ Jesus through important role in the preparation of A.A.P.B. Are there other Evangelicals who will have or church. It is no surprise then when degree of identification with the joys and several fronts at the moment, and I a similar role in the future? find it f coming to jurisdiction or government in the Spirit is the heart of Christian agonies of daily life that causes people to a struggle to trust that God is working NOT TOO WELL! the Church that the logic of authority koinonia" (page 6) — accentuates the I would hope so. There is a greater deal of Evangelical strength in a broad sense in the be gripped and stirred and moved to when where I cannot see it, and to be resting finally in a human and sacramental problem. Because of Jesus Christ's bodily Australian Church than there has been for a long time. But its variegated. I think that repentence and action The Scriptures patient. Thanks to that film, I now too society makes the episcopate, and the ascension into heaven and his present rule that's clearly been seen at the two N.E.A.C.s we've had. There are a lot of folk who contain every possible ingredient for such appreciate the relevence of the message of at the right hand of God and intercession genuinely want to be regarded as Evangelical and there's no question that they have a impact, but the very familiarity of their THEN HERE IS AN EXCITING OPPORTUNITY universal primate e: pope, the necessary the prophet Habbakuk to such a situation. and central sauces of power and rule. The on our behalf, there is no possibility of great deal in common that can legitimately be described as Evangelical faith, But the FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY statement of this conclusion is careful, and there being a single visible focus or things which have identified Evangelicals in the past are not easy to detect in the present fenced, but nevertheless clear in its expression of the unity of the church or situation. kiononia, eitheir at the diocesan level with FRANK AKEHURST import. "Yet the primacy, rightly Of course, the same could be said for Anglo-Catholics or any other group in the Church: Braille Gospels IN JUST ONE DAY YOU CAN KNOW a bishop, or world-wide with a universal The National Building understood, implies that the bishop of it is not a defect only in Evangelicals. So, either we depend on very strong minded, able Suite 1, 6th Floor primate, or in the Eucharist. * THE ENTIRE STORY Rome exercises his oversight in order to individual Evangelicals convincing others in the Church that they are right and should be for Moscow 250 Pitt St., Sydney 2000 guard and promote the faithfulness of all Jesus Christ, who sits and rules and is followed or we ought to be looking for some means of identifying ourselves as a movement. Specialist In high quality handcrafted * EACH MAJOR LOCATION the churches to Christ and to one another. worshipped as the ascended One, in However, perhaps we don't want to do that. Maybe the day of Church Parties, which have The Gospel of Luke in Russian Braille is jewellery being sent to Moscow by the United Bible Communion with him is intended as a heaven and on earth (Heb. 12:22-24, Rev. had a perfectly honourable place in church life, is really fading. That would surprise me a FIRST IN SYDNEY * A KEY WORD FOR EVERY BOOK Societies European Production Fund (EPF). safeguard of the catholicity of each local 4 & 5), is the only Head, or focus, or +little because I certainly started my ministry at a time when the Party system was very strong COMPUTER GEMTESTING MACHINE Church, and as a sign of the communion expression of the unity of the church. And The Gospels have been ordered by the All- * AND SEE THE WHOLE BIG PICTURE and I come to my present position, one might almost say, on the back of that system. And Accurate reading of faceted gems. identifies of all the churches" (page 581. "... those with respect to our present earthly yet it's not there any more in quite the same way. I greatly value, in my own experience, Union Council of Evangelical Christians- natural from imitation, assists greatly for in the USSR, AS NEVER BEFORE, exercising episcope receive the grace situation, that single and unique focus is the sense of genuine unity with many who would not have come up that way — and who insurance valuations appropriate to their calling and those for essentially invisible. The only visibility perhaps are not happy to wear any labels at the present time. I want to foster genuine Since October 1981, 212 copies of Luke As usual new diamond and sapphire rings and all precious stones available • Jewellery whom it is exercised must recognise and assigned by the New Testament to Christian unity on the basis of common faith with all Anglicans — and beyond. in Russian Braille have been sent to the accept their God-given authority" (page fellowship is a diffuse one, in acts of love; redesigned and remade • Wedding rings Let me illustrate what I am saying, If I'm not mistaken the one instrument which tends Baptist headquarters in Moscow. The Jewellery and watch repairs 73). The whole ethos of this section can be that is, quiet acts of private godliness done • to have been, right up to the present time, singled out as the mark of Evanglical Anglicans, European Production Fund, which is based Selection of Silver charms. bracelets. chains. gained from the introduction on pages 61 to meet the need of our neighbour. Surely is adherence to the 39 Articles, But I do wonder whether a lot of my brothers who claim in Stuttgart, West Germany, will eventually IT'S A Thru the Old Testament Seminar Natural sapphire and synthetic spinel dress Walk where we read, "the Church as koinonia that is the import of the New Testament's to Evangelicals have even read them lately. There are some we would all agree on strongly, despatch 600 copies to Russia. rings and pendants and earrings requires visible expression", and "the use of koinpnla to describe things as — S.20 to $40 but I wonder whether we really grasp them as a whole. So there are questions about using The EPF has also supplied 2.000 Braille primacy (is) a visible link and focus of unimpressive and hidden as the giving of Stg. Silver and 9 ct. Christian Fish Symbols AND ITS BEING CONDUCTED ON 8Th MAY, 1982 AT adherence to the 39 Articles as a means of identification — because you certainly can't use Scriptures in the Hungarian language and koinonia." money, or blankets (Phil. 4:14-19). cthoeulPdr)ayer Book any more as a means of identification, although we used to (1 wish we still 1,500 Gospels in Romanian to these two PHONE 264 6368 Assessment Way forward countries recently. How are we to assess the Final Report? The failure of the Report to develop a We could always say the Bible — hut everyone believes the Bible in one way or another. We've always found it necessary to articulate or underline or emphasise our way of seizing St. Mark's Anglican Church At the level of frank exchange, and in its - full christology, (where is the mention of clear intent to elucidate some of the New the Eastern fathers in this respect?), and to upon the central concerns of the Bible —justification by Faith only — but you've got to demonstrate it clearly. A SPECIAL MESSAGE IC ALL Testament's teaching applicable to the have only a partial elucidation of all ,A. Cnr. Greenoakds Ave, and Darting Point Road, C.NRISAAN SONS Of AUSTRALIA Darling Point. problems tackled, it is most welcome. It strands of the New Testament's evidence, The marks of identification are the things we need to look at if we are going to try to Protestant EngSand COQ! has to be borne in mind that the Anglican inevitably has made the final agreements prognosticate what kind of contributions Evangelicals are going to make in the future. and Papal Rome Telephone David Watkins for Registration and information on 32 1892 Large selection of side of the Report represents a "British" in each area'man-centred, and an The COnSequenc.Hti or Ile Popes visit le England ACR: What do you think are going to be the main issues for Evangelicals to face over the are fat-reaching. /Theological Books, to- that while still giving assent to insufficient basis for a convergence of an next decade? write for these three booklets which every sincere gelher with General Lilera- the thirty-nine articles does not give them Anglican Church which sprang from the Christian In Australia should read. 0 ',ire and Cassette Lectures. I think the main issue is going to be the method of using and interpreting the Bible. Entitled — REGISTER NOW AND DON'T MISS OUT! the status of "authoritative standard" as and a Roman Catholic F.1—Protestant England and Papal Rome Bookstalls and House Australian Anglicans do, That the Church which officially is still definitively We call ourselves "Bible believing Christians" but when it comes to how you apply the F.2— Tiumpet Call For This Last Hour /4Z9 Party Accounts Arranged . • Bible to questions of marriage and sexuality, family life, ordination of women and the F3—Mystery. Babylon The Great agreements reached clearly contradict rooted in the edicts of the Council of Men's hearts are tole them far fear ... when ye Contact Charles Mann (Manager) many of our thirty-nine articles is not a Trent. Positively, the very fact that such a many pressing social issues of today—then Evangelicals are plainy very divided. Which see these things to come b pass, hen means that we haven't got a uniform method of using and applying the Bible. Now these look up arrollti your : tor your redemption Telephone (02) 51 2225 Walk Thru the Bible Ministries betrayal in British terms, but a serious discussion can occur In a spirit of peace, ciraweth nigh LUKE 21 26 28 P.O. Box 396, Hurstville, N.S.W. 2220 development away from them in content, yet frankness, and that it sets out to take issues are matters which are central to us all; we cannot take them lightly and we were 1,1460, Ohrlstlan Sons or ingkind, /Look/ for the NEW Shop-front near Telephone: (02) 570.2824 and certainly in status. Thus, from our both the bible and christology seriously, brought up that way. We must be sympathetic and we must consider the possibility that P.O. lox 57-lel, Queen Street we have Owofroka, Auckland, 3, perspective the Report represents a opens the way for further and fuller been wrong and we will only get ourselves out of that reflective period of we New Zealand MOORE COLLEGE, serious, honest and polemic free statement exploration of the same. know our method; our system of seeking the mind ofChrist through theScriptures. 18 King Street, Newtown 2042 The first part of this interview appeared in our last issue. 4 — AUSTRALIAN CHURCH RECORD, MAY 3, 1982 AUSTRALIAN CHURCH RECORD, MAY 3, 1982 — 5


KNOW YOUR BIBLE! ,, Alan Craddock GO NORTH FOR THE WINTER — VISIT CAIRNS WITH A.C.T.S./TRANS OTWAY — 28 days Marriage: Like a house of cards? Departing on June 26 we take the coast road to Sydney, then on to Surfers to Brisbane to Townsville and Cairns. Return is via Tamworth and Wagga Wagga avoiding duplication where Settle down with a good Book this winter and enjoy a study from the possible. Highlights include cruises to off-shore islands, Atherton Tablelands and other When people discuss their fears and card had been placed into position. but Concrete problems emerged to replace position to benefit from God's word on Certificate in Theology Correspondence Course, a carefully planned places. Price from Melbourne is $1649, Sydney $1329, Brisbane $949. anxieties with close friends or counsellors each time the layers rose the entire hopelessness. Helen could see that they such matters. The image of the house of VISIT CHINA WITH A.C.T.S./SM TOURS — 2 departures study programme to help you really get to know your God and your they frequently employ word-pictures or structure would collapse, and she had to needed to work together. This wasn't a cards without a firm foundation, or Departing July 1st for 21 nights (17 in China, 4 in Hong Kong) we visit Guangzhou (Canton), analogies so as to capture the depth of start over again, new idea, this was her major source of Bible! Kunming, Chengdu, Xian, Urumqi and Beijing (Peking) with all meals in China and breakfasts strength in its structure, instantly reminds in Hong Kong — Price from Melbourne or Sydney $3229.00. their feelings. We speak of feeling Two important ideas and feelings were frustration because Ken refused to me of some constrasting Biblical images. Enrol in SECOND TERM commencing 1st June. Begin with one ofthe "trapped", of being in the "depths of cooperate! But she was getting a clearer Departing 29th September for 20 nights (16 in China, 4 in Hong Kong) we visit Guangchou contained in this image. The first involves Christ is described by Paul as the key Preliminary subjects, DOCTRINE 1 — a study of the Person of God, (Canton). Guilin, Nanning, Kunming, Chengdu and Beijing (Peking) with all meals in China and despair", of being "trampled on", and of idea of what they needed to be working the notion of how fragile and precarious part His Character and Purposes: PRAYER BOOK — a first on the new breakfasts in Hong Kong. In September our Leader will be Nelson Warden and price is our "ups and downs", to mention only a on. They needed a new foundation, or to of the foundation upon which their relationship, An exploration of lion Christians are built: "You are ... built on Australian Prayer Book or CHRISTIAN WORSHIP — a Biblical and $2878.00 from Melbourne or Sydney. few of these metaphors of feeling. find and utilize the old foundation. opened up further insights. The the foundation of the apostles and the historical investigation of the nature of true worship. NORTHWEST COASTER TOUR — 25 days departing July 30th with Australian Pacific. By rail or air to Perth, then coach around the northwest to Darwin. 1st rail from Melbourne A vivid example of this form of relationship appeared to have no solid Like cards leaning upon each other they prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the Ring today tor your tree copy is $2218; 2nd rail is $2164 or by air is $2033. Pensioner discount is available for the rail expression once came my way, and an foundation, the structure did not interlock lacked relationship strength. They needed chief cornerstone. In Him the whole of the Course Prospectus travel, and prices from other States on application. Send for brochure. $11.00 PZ,,,, $2•" PEREXAM exploration of what it really stood for firmly. It could fall apart and crash to the to interlock, to complement each other so building is joined together and rises to ANNIVERSARY TOUR — "Britain in Depth" — (02) 51 2437 AUSTRALIAN CHURCH TRAVEL SERVICE 21 proved extremely helpful. Helen was c ground far to easily. Things were not as to strengthen each other in meeting one become a holy temple in the Lord, And in 37 days. always so fragile but after eight years of another's need to stand rather than to fall. \External Studies, weeks touring England, Wales and Scotland Including Isle of Skye, young woman whose marriage was Him you too are being built together to 1 Kin9 Street, Departing July 31st for 4 Isle of lone and Edinburgh Military Tattoo. Also a 4 day stop-over in Kuala Lumpur on return proving difficult and unsatsifying. Her marriage this was the case now. Why this become a dwelling in which God lives by Newtown. N.S.W. 2042 As Helen's awareness increased, so she Moore Theological College. journey. Hosted by Rev. & Mrs. W. M. Constable, we will enjoy a 21st Birthday Function, and husband, Ken, was not prepared to join was so was clarified in the second insight was better able to understand herself and His Spirit." $100.00 rebate on fare for past ACT.S. passengers. Price from Melbourne or Sydney is her in counselling and she was becoming contained in the image used by Helen. $3590 but HURRY — only 6 places left. her husband. She began to communicate In this way the Church, the Body of overwhelmed by a sense of futility: What She saw herself as building the house of her anxieties more effectively. She no Christ, is enabled to "keep the unity of the PAPUA NEW GUINEA — SOMETHING REALLY SPECIAL — 14 days. could she do without his ATTENTION ALL CHURCHES We plan to leave on August 25th for Port Moresby. Lae, Goroka for the ANNUAL HIGHLAND cooperation? cards on her own. This reflected her sense longer a-et-reacted or expressed a vague body through the bond of peace" ING,SING (Show). Then by coach to Kunkiawa and Mt. Hagen (capital of the Highlands). We This feeling of helplessness came to a of loneliness, of solitary effort and of the annoying sense of dissatisfaction. Ken (Ephesians 4:31 and so it is for husband and PENTECOST SUNDAY—MAY 30,1982 visit some of the Missions, and the Baiyer River Sanctuary where we can see the Bird of began to see that their relatiosnhip had Paradise. On to Karawari then by "SEPIK ADVENTURE" HOUSE BOAT along the fascinating heart when her mother said to her, futility of one person trying to preserve a wife. Paul changes his word-images and, DAY OF PRAYER FOR WORLD EVANGELISATION Sepik River before boarding our road transport to Wewak, returning to Australia via Port "Things seem to be a little better between relationship between two persons. Helen deteriorated and as Helen's insight later writes of Christ as the Head of the Prayer Leaflets available from Moresby. This is one of the best Papua New Guinea itineraries available and the price from you two — you must keep up the good really wanted some help from Ken but this increased, Ken's also increased. Helen was Body. But once again the strengthening Australian Evangelical Alliance Sydney is $2269.00. work!" Helen was extremely upset by this was not forthcoming. In fad, Helen no longer working alone to make the and bonding role is clear: .. we will in VISIT ALICE SPRINGS AND THE RED CENTRE — 10 days departing 17th September. statement. She knew that things in private extended her image: Ken actually seemed relationship work. all things grow up into Him who is the Sponsored by A.E.A. & L.C.W.E. Travel to the Alice by air and return by coach with adequate sightseeing and most meals. Single copies are free . .. donations acceptable for quantities From Melbourne $887, Adelaide $794, Sydney $958 and Brisbane $1041. were worse, not better, despite the to act as if he wanted the house of cards They needed to do two things. They Head, that is, Christ, From Him the whole to fall down, It was if he knocked the table needed to re-establish a proper foundation body, joined and held together by every from WEST AUSTRALIA AT WILDFLOWER TIME — 15 days departing September 22nd. improvement in the public aspect of their relationship. But what really hurt was the or blew upon cards in order to sabotage for their relationship and to look for supporting ligament, grows and builds DIRECTOR AUSTRALIAN EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE Travel by coach over the Nullarbor and around the south west to Esperance, Albany, etc. Highlights include a cruise on the Blackwood River, attendance at the El Cabello to see the implication that she was the one who had the structure. concrete ways in which to meet each itself up in love, as each part does its 3122 — Ph. 810 1900 PO, Box 464 Hawthorn Dancing Horses, and of course, the wildflowers. Return is by air. Prices are from Melbourne to "keep up the good work". Helen was other's needs. They needed to stop taking work." (Ephesians 4- 15-161 $965. Adelaide $840, Sydney $1090, Brisbane $1169 and Hobart $1085. In summary, Helen's word-picture tired of being the only one to make a captured her feelings of loneliness of their relationship for granted and to look A Christian MIDCCE EAST ADVENTURE TOUR — leaving September 26th for 26 days. marriage needs more than a We spend a night in Singapore before flying on to Jordan where we visit Amman, Petra, serious effort to improve the relationship. solitary effort, and of the fragile nature of beyond their general aggravation with merely human foundation, it needs Christ H.M.S. WOMEN'S AUXILIARY Madaba and Mt. Nebo, etc. Crossing into Israel we spend 10 nights in the Holy Land before In counselling, Helen shared this feeling her marriage. Filling out and applying the each other. as Head and He is the key to the going on to Egypt where we spend 7 nights including Cairo, Aswan, Luxor, etc. On our way and used a vivid image to communicate image proved extremely helpful to her. These kinds of attitudes are not easy to foundation. What is it to be — marriage as home we spend 2 nights in Bangkok. Price from Melbourne or Sydney is $3230.00. Wednesday, 26th May r 10.30 a.m. her feelings. She said that she felt as if she Vague emotions became clearer. The acquire and it is even harder to put them fragile as a house or cards or marriage built SEE TASMANIA WITH A.C.T.S./TRANS OTWAY — 10 days leaving on October 19th. underlyind ideas came into sharper focus. We fly to Launceston and commence our tour of the Apple Isle visiting Devonport, the North was building a house of cards. Card upon —to practice. Christians should he In 3 'upon a strengthened by Christ? HOLY COMMUNION SERVICE, St. Paul s Anglican Church, Short West Coast, Somerset, Zeehan, Queenstown, take a Gordon River Cruise, see Hobart and Port Arthur. St. Helens and back to Launceston before returning home. This Popular Tour is Street, Emu Plains. All H.M.S. friends invited. well priced at $698 from Melbourne, Sydney $794, Brisbane $873, Adelaide $786. VISIT NEW ZEALAND IN THE SPRING — leaving October 26th. Our basic 18 day itinerary covers both Islands, and we offer an optional 4 day tour to the 13c= Lawinm Young Christians in U.K. fired Bay of Islands at a supplement of $223. Two meals per day are included, and fares are from Melbourne $1183, Sydney $1145, Brisbane $1177. This is one of our most popular tours, could be read with profit by every and early reservations are advised to avoid disappointment. Christian in the front-line of defending the with new zeal Anglican Marriage & Family SPEND CHRISTMAS EVE IN BETHLEHEM — departing December 18th for 27 days. Join in this magnificent experience. We visit Bangkok for 2 nights then fly into Jordan for 3 Faith and attacking the enemy strong. nights including a visit to Petra. Crossing into Israel, our 10 night stay includes extensive holds — and isn't that all of us? Counselling Centre sightseeing with CHRISTMAS EVE IN BETHLEHEM. We then go on to Egypt for 7 nights (Cairo, R. Myers Aswan, Luxor, etc) before returning via Singapore (2 nights). Our Group Leader will be the "Britain will soon feel the impact of Cassidy cites another important reason Rev. Dr. Stuart Barton Babbage, well-known as a former Dean of Sydney, Dean of Melbourne, committed young christians who are fired for African Enterprise's international Christian Counsellors are available to help you work through Marriage. Principal of Ridley College and Master of New College University of Sydney. Fares are with new zeal to see their nation turn to ministry: "In this moment in Church $3255.00 from Melbourne or Sydney. God," says Michael Cassidy, Evangelist history God is bringing the insight, Family and Relationship problems in the context of your Christian Faith. GO CRUISING WITH A.C.T.S./SITMAR in beautiful TSS FAIRSTAR DANCE and Team Leader of African Enterprise in perspective and orientation of Christians A.C.T.S. will have groups on the following cruises and subject to a minimum of 15 full fare INTRE South Africa. from all over the world to hear on each paying passengers each member will be given a 10% rebate on the published fare. This does Ring 267 3946 or 267 3214 for appointments. not apply to "C" or iD" deck accommodation or to Cruise 97 DARK other. Churches everywhere are Cruise 88 August 11th 17 nights 7 ports fares from $805.00. Cassidy was a key rpeaker at Spring partaking in the total experience of the Cruise 89 August 28th 15 nights 5 ports from $705.00 with Brigadier Fred Denney. Harvest, a festival of evangelism and Body of Christ. The evangelist saw Spring Cruise 90 September 12th 18 nights 7 ports from $870.00 with Rev. Don Ireson. Interviews can be arranged at the City Centre spiritual renewal held at Prestatvn North Harvest as representing a new concern Cruise -Et' October 30th 15 nights 7 ports from $690.00 with Rev. Mervyn Roberts. Wales for two weeks in April. or at one of our suburban centres. Cruise 97 January 16th 15 nights 4 ports from $810.00 with Rev. Gordon Kemlo. for social justice and his experience in We can make your reservations on ALL cruises with ALL Cruises Lines. TAN racially-divided South Africa was seen as "This is the most exciting event of its an important input. CalliiiiiMMINISlimanorhArreartorrobi kind I have seen anywhere in the past ten years and I am thrilled with what we are Australian Church Travel Offices are Agents for all Sea. Land and Air Lines and will assist ELVY'S After the festival, Cassidy left for Israel wiih your group, individual and business travel arrangements. all experiencing here. There is a new estabiimed 1863 grass roots spt- tuality, a freedom and where he joins Bishop Festo Kivengere The Ten Commandments power in worship and a commitment to and a team from African Enterprise will 205 Clarence Street, Sydney, 2000 social justice that is going to take Britain be ministering for a 12 day series of rallies by Specialism in the installation of by storm. In the next few months we will and evangelistic meetings which will Hodder and Stoughton 1981 $4.95 r.r.p. Dance in the Dark ,4cutt/tediao elizer,c4 7telvei 5m/ ice look back on Spring Harvest as an cross racial and denominational divides Paperback CONN ORGANS (Director: Rev. W. M. Constable) Sydney Carter important event in the Holy Spirit's in the country. Head Office: 1st Floor, 31 Queen St., Melbourne 3000 Phone: 62 7233 Many an Archbishop would write a book Fount Paperbacks, London, 1980 agenda for the evangelism of Britain", UNIQUE ELECTRONIC PIPE MODELS tic. Na. 1317 Phone: 233 8504 N.S.W.: 11th Floor, 130 Phillip St., Sydney 2000 like this, especially if his audience was a Sydney Carter is best known for his songs Cassidy said. Rung or Write Pat O'Malley 29 7222 Old.: 180 Edwards Street, Brisbane 4000 Phone: 221 3922 mass audience, and an American one at or "Cards" (he does not like to call them FOR INFORMATION -- CITY OR COUNTRY South Aust.: 2nd Floor, 44 Gawler Place, Adelaide 5000 Phone: 223 6300 that! The Archbishop of York wrote the "hymns"), pointed ditties in the English Nearly 14,000 people — most of them bulk of this book as twelve talks to radio folk song style which have become part of teenagers and young adults experienced Appeals audiences in America, and only a brief contemporary worship throughout the "this unique movement of the Holy HOME OF PEACE HOSPITAL STOREM A N Situation Vacant introduction and conclusion have been world. "Lord of the Dance" would be the Spirit". They represented the mainline f Deaconess Institution! added to make the thirteen chapters. denominations and hundreds of smaller most popular of these. EVERSLEIGH Required for self service general store in small Aboriginal Community Arnhem Land N T Classified advertreernonts may he left rt he office or phoned CHRISTIAN woman companion/help wanted. Phone churches. to a64 9349 op to noon 14 days bill, re dale of miblicalion It is a lightweight hook which can be 274 Addison Road. Petersham Experience in retail trade preferred. 639 3915 His unorthodox but surprisingly Charge in Ins per word with a 'minimum charge of 53 75 absorbed easily in three or four hours NERINGAH refreshing approach to God finds a more Spring Harvest was organised by Britis; Married Accommodation including furniture provided at nominal rental. Salary $12,355 p.a. Stuart Blanch is a competent Old Neringah Avenue. Wahroonga Interstate Services Accommodation Wanted complete expression in this book than in Youth for Christ (BYFC) and Buzz, a and $2,440 District Allowance. Active church affiliation necessary. Testament scholar, but this interest is only GREENWICH nonsmoker requires accommodation fur. any of his songbooks — the book took Christian Magazine for young people. CHRISTIAN girl occasionally alluded to. His stated aim is River Road. Greenwich Please write with details employment experience etc. employment references and ministers PERTH. SI. Albans, 423 Beaufort Street Service 930 am nrahed or unfurnished Edgectiff/Woollahra area preferably seven years to write! to explain how the Hebrew people The idea of Spring Harvest was born references to: Rector Rev. Ken McIntyre. All welcome close lo railway station. telephone 32 1120 The maim- theme of the thirty nine short These hospitals (320 beds) undertake understood the Commandments, and so four years ago when the leaders of these specialised medical and nursing care of CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY COORPAROCT Si.Stephen a. Brisbane, Cr, Cavenish and pieces comprising the work is the hanging Chatsworth Roads Visitors welcome / 30 am and g am Holy make them relevant to the moral and two organisations saw the need to train chronically ill patients of any age, ABORIGINES DEPARTMENT REMOVALS question mark. "Is this statement true or Communion 7 pm Sunday al Seven Rector Rev Ken Behar. social needs of our own time. He also British youth in evangelism and inspire nationality or religious faith. 93 BATHURST STREET not?" Without this question mark there Small or Large makes reference to our Lord's expansion them to renewed commitment. SYDNEY (02) 267 3711 can be "no faith or doubt, nothing but These hospitals are co-operating with STORAGE-PACKING TAXI TRUCKS or understanding of them. Many an FREE AD dead certainty ... there can be no faith The planners of Spring Harvest saw certain general hospitals in the Reasonable a ill I Reliable anecdote is included, as one would expel t retraining of eligible patients to return to this service to readers is a form of tree advertising. A person without uncertainty". Carter has learned Cassidy and a handful of other speakers STAINED GLASS WINDOWS OWENS SERVICE ill radio talks. their normal environment (home, etc) DREWS REMOVALS wishing to buy or see anything can place a free advertisement SMITH to celebrate the question mark and has from other countries as a "must" for the of up to three lines A catch-phrase Blanch uses towards the Your help is urgently needed for our K. J. Little 9 PIONEER AVE., THORNLEIGH shed, through these gems of distilled festival. "Cassidy" they said, "offered a Local, Country & Interstate If the advertisement 1a successful. The Bowsaw, is asked to Phone: 84 6467 immediate and future needs, including 19 Barden Street, pay The Church Record :0 per cent of the value ol the sale end of each chapter is, 'I give you the end wisdom, some sharp rays of light down unique insight through his evangelistic A/H: L. Owens 48 1539 the rehabilitation units at each hospital. Arncliffe 2205 price. up to a maximum or $10 per advertisement. of a golden string, only wind it into a ball'. those alleys of doubt where most of us experience in another culture." G. & C. DREW The service is known as FREE AO and runs on en honour It is a quote from Blake, and was the title Phone. 599 7348 system. The advertiser will be responsible for fotwording to fear to tread. The Church Record office whet ie owing . for the original adresses. By it he intends Cassidy said he had often been asked, PTY. LTD. THE AUSTRALIAN CHURCH RECORD, Edi- The material was originally publsihed in Pt EASE REMEMBER THE HOSPITAL that the reader may take one or more of 'What is a South Africa based evangelist IN YOUR WILL (Established 1946) torial and Business, First Floor, St hardback form in 1978 under the title " Andrew's House, Sydney Square, Sydney the ideas he gives in the chapter, and use doing at a Christian festival in North No connection in any way with firms of WOOD COFFILL For Sale The Rock of Doubt". The current All donations over $2 are allowable 2000. This is a National paper issued it as the basis for his own thinking and Wales?'"The experience of Christianrin similar name. paperback version contains the same text deductions for income tax purposes. FUNERALS fortnightly on alternate Mondays. Subscrip- acting. The book is not a reference hook; Africa has something to say to the wider TOR SALE, Organ Hammond Spinet draw bar 1212 51150 or with fewer graphics at no great loss, 68 Smiths Ave., Hurstville 2220 Phones. tion is $12,00 per year, posted. nor would it be of much help to the world," he said. "I bring from this nearest offer. A. Cox 267 3711 A.H.869 2713 indeed at a significant price saving. For further tntormattorr phone or wrtte to Telephone: 50 8366 Printed by J. Bell & Co. Pty. Ltd., 13 distinctive context the dynamic of Metropolitan (All Branches) 80 0396 preacher or teacher preparing a Bible Box 124, Post Office Petersham FOR SALE. 10 vol. set of Keil 6 Delitxsch Commentary end 1 McCauley Street, Alexandria, N.S.W. 20151 A prize for Carter fans, otherwise a Christians who have been through the After Hours. 605 3690 Katoomba 82 2411 20 vet oat Tyndale New Testament Commentary both mint Study or sermon on one of the Ten NSW. 2049 condition 53-5370. Commandments. It does show how fascinating detour. fiery furnace." Telephone. 560 3866 relevant they still are to modern and f. Macpherson 6 — AUSTRALIAN CHURCH RECORD, MAY 3, 1982 AUSTRALIAN CHURCH RECORD. MAY 3. 1982 — 7 A public forum entitled "The Casino Connection and Organised Crime" will be held in Sydney early next month.

The Forum will be held in the law School Hall of Assembly, 173.175 Phillip Street Sydney, on Monday, May 3 at 7.45 pm., and is being organised by the Council of PRICE 30 C E N Churches in New South Wales. Registered by Australia Post Publication NO NAR1678 Telephone 2648349 Four oustanding personalities have been Council's Views Churches seminar on organised invited to speak Mr. Bob Bottom, Dr. The Council of Churches made an Argentine/British clash impedes Alfred McCoy, Mr John Hatton, M.P., and extensive submission to the Lusher Royal Rev. Gordon Moyes. The President of the Commission on Legalised Casinos several inauguration, S.A.M.S. crime "frightening" Council of Churches, Ron. Bruce years ago and has been active ever since in . Ballantineiones, will chair the function. its opposition to their introduction. The A seminar held on "Casinos and Organised Crime" recently, sponsored by the N.S.W • Mr. Bob Bottom, who has exposed Council has expressed the view that this missionaries withdrawn Council of Churches, was described as "frightening" by the Church Record many facets of organised crime in featuring will lead to two systems of gambling with correspondent in attendance. articles in The Bulletin magazine and greater involvement than at present, the the public forum was convened by the Mr. Wran's initial response has not other papers, will speak on "Organised N.S.W. illegal ones feeding of the community N.S.W. Council of Churches. Some 220 pleased the President of the Crime in N.S.W. with special reference to acceptance caused by legislation. people attended in the Law School Council of Churches, Rev. Bruce casinos." Ballantine. Mr. Ballantine is part it ulark Whilst the Premier, Mr. Wran, indicated Assembly Hall. They heard four speakers, concerned that the whole Allen Affair is • Dr. McCoy, Lecturer in History at the some years ago that legal casinos would be Dr. Alfred McCoy, a Senior Lecturer in not a political matter, He said "This is a University of N.S.W., who has written two introduced before the Christmas of that History at the University of N.S.W.; Mr. political question because we are seeking oustanding books on the drug traffic and year, he has gone on record as saying that Bob Bottom, a journalist and author and knows the crime scene well, will speak on a noted authority on the whole area of to discover what the Premier has clone of the Government 5 failure to do so is, in "Orbnised Crime and Syndicate organised crime in N.S.W.; the Rev. proposes to do about the allegations of part, due to the opposition of the Council graft and corruption in the Parliament Penetration of 'Licensed Casinos." of Churches. Gordon Moyes, the Director of Wesley and the Police." • Mr. Hatton, the Independent Member Central Mission; and Mr. John Hatton, the A Committee is presently studying how independent M.P. for the South Coast. for the South Coast in the N.S.W. they might he introduced with a view It Mr. Ballantine claimed that as Prenc Mr . Parliament, who has been quite outspoken presenting a report to the Premier mid- All four speakers, although speaking and, for some time Minister for Police He in his attack on organised crime, will speak year. from different perspectives, gave a Wran has many questions to answer. on "Behaviour which prevents the consistent message; consistent and likened the position to the resignation Exposure of the Truth in Parliament and In the light of this action, the Council of alarming. two Federal Ministers over a television Churches decided to organise the Forum. Other Places," Alfred McCoy, speaking first, gave an and to the resignation of the British Minister over an error of Mr. Moyes, Superintendent of Wesley Invitations has been issued to historical introduction to organised Foreign Central Mission, will deal with "The Social representatives of political, social and (rime. He pointed out that organised judgement on the Falklands issue, Effects of Organised Crime." welfare groups in the community. crime sets up an illicit economy that and suggested that the N.SVN. parallels the legitimate economy. He Government receives more taxes from traced the development of organised gambling than the U.S. Government does crime from the early years of the 20th from the State of Nevada. He stated that century showing how group rivalry and whatever we need in N.S.W. we do not warfare were carefully controlled. need another gambling outlet. Particular enterprises took place and the it 0 1,11/i John Hatton confirmed the previous The campaign, by the supporters of the was changed to 7.00 a.m. No, small groups became syndicates which allegations of involvement of members of Robert Schuller Ministries' TV Programme 7.30 a.m. then became big business in their own parliainent and police with criminal "HOUR OF POWER", requesting a more This followed a campaign, by phone rights. For any big business to survive it Robert Forsyth, assistant minister at Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Adelaide, now has figures. He reported on the problems of suitable viewing time on Channel Ten in and letter, to the Program Department of needs to be protected by political and a radio talk-back Christian current affairs programme 9 to 12 on Sunday nights, and structures which made asking questions Sydney, has resulted in a concession of the television station. The number of law enforcement contacts. He felt that having an audience of nearly 30,000. I IN difficult. For example, the Crime half an hour. Previously the viewing time young people protesting, surprised that was certainly true in N.S.W. He "Some of the guests we have interviewed over the last few weeks are Mother Theresa, Rev. So ph, n Barrett, wife Judith, children Andrew, Anthony, Alison. Investigation Unit was split up and was 9.30 a.m. Sunday mornings. Then it everyone! pointed out that there had been no major Barry McGuire, Alan Nicholls, John Smith, and just the other week, Cliff Richard. We dispersed around the country. He said criminal leader imprisoned — even have covered topics such as, whether the best way to fight marijuana is to legalise it, S.A.M.S. in the UK have requested that full information about the situation in the that a former Police Commissioner had charged — within N.S.W. in the last 20 Aborigine Christianity, the Mormons, in vitro fertilization, and Creation vs. Evolution. Argentines not be published. This is due to the very delicate and difficult situation faced been told not to close casinos before years. He considered that now was an It's really good to be able to spend some time in a Commercial Radio Station as a kind by the Society in the present conflict However, to keep Australian Christians in the Christmas because it would put people important time — syndicates are moving of low-key Chaplain. It gives me an opportunity to understand a little more of what picture and to encourage more meaningful prayers, we reprint a recent press release by out of work. further, claims that it was to join the legitimate economy by Christians must face in their work place", says Robert. the Federal Secretary of S.A.M.S. in Australia, Rev. G. Blaxland. difficult to close down casinos were expanding their business through legal disproved by the success of Beck's casinos. Money from drugs and Omar Ortiz as Assistant Bishop of the Raiders. The official Inauguration of the newest • prostitution could be laundered through Week of prayer for Christian Province in the Anglican Communion, Anglican Diocese of Paraguay. these and other legitimate businesses. Hatton claimed that Royal Commissions are not effective. They are that of the Southern Cone of South All English missionaries have been Bob Bottom has an intimate knowledge often only government excuses for America, scheduled for 20th May in advised to leave Argentina. This has of both political parties. He alleged maintaining the status quo. There needs Unity Buenos Aires has been indefinitely resulted in S.A.M.S. English missionaries connections between members of postponed. International visitors have to be a National Crimes Commission to Supplies of material may be ordered in the two Dioceses in Argentina parliament and organised crime figures. The Annual Week of Prayer for.Christian been advised to cancel their visit. Such investigate all of these charges. from the NSW State Council, ACC, Box withdrawing to neighbouring countries. He alleged corruption both in Telecom Unity celebrated in Australia from visitors include representatives from the C199 Clarence Street P.O., Sydney 2000. Those of the Diocese of Northern and the Customs Department. The daily The meeting caused real concern Ascension to Pentecost — will this year various societies of the South American Phone 29 2215. Argentina and Eastern South America to press has taken up this issue. amongst those present. The N.S.W. include an increasing number of Missionary Society International. Those Montevideo, Uruguay. Council of Churches is to follow it up. A interchurch groups and local from S.A.M.S. Australasia, the Federal Gordon Moves spoke of the tragedies The Ecumenical Affairs Committee of number of questions are to be asked of congregations. Many will meet in homes, Chairman, Mr. Brian Quinsey, and Federal Anglican of individuals and families involved in Sydney Diocese informed the Standing The only expatriate the Premier of N.S.W., Mr. Wran. We will gathering people from their immediate Secretary, Rev. Greg Blaxland, have Argentina are gambling. He stated that there was more Committee that it should encourage missionaries remaining in await his response to these. vicinity using prayer and study leaflets changed their itinerary but are continuing Rev. Stephen Barrett of S.A.M.S. gambling in N.S.W. than in any other State, 113 Churches to participate in this week. The prepared by the Australian committee tt visit S.A.M.S. missionaries in various Australasia serving in the Diocese of cents each). Others will have ecumenical E.A.C. was concerned that, because of the negative view that many in the Diocese countries in that continent. They are due Northern Argentina and Mr. and Mrs. services using the prepared Order of to return to Australia at the end of May. John Harrower of C.M.S. Australia serving Service (10 cents each) or an adaption of had towards Church Union, the more positive aspects of this Week are lost. The Executive Committee of the new in Buenos Aires with the International it. Province will meet in Asuncion, Paraguay, Fellowship of Evangelical Students. Mrs. at the end of May to disciiss how, when Judith Barrett and the three children have The Australian Church Record has been bringing the and where such Inauguration may be returned to Sydney, Australia. Prayers are news on Church affairs for over 100 years, 1 880-1 9 8 2 held. Also such meeting will provide the requested for all these brethren and for an independent provocative occasion for the consecration of the Rev. the Church in Argentina. evangelical voice Bringing you the most important Church news from Australia and overseas every two weeks. Pope's visit may have to be introductory offer $8 for 12 Become a subscriber now through our special Charles Mann (left), Manager of the !mad Bookshop Newtown, with Ray Barnett $5. months' issues (Normal Subscription $12). Theological Students (centre), Marketing Manager, Bookhouse Australia, and Bill Eerdmans during the tatter's cancelled Australian visit. Archdeacon c,00dhew The .tuaralian There is a danger of the Pope's visit to this country being cancelled if, at the time, there Bishop Short is a major war going on between Britain and the Argentine over the Falkland Islands, the The Archbishop of Sydney, The Most Michael's, Wollongong from 1976-7') CHURCH into the United States, the It material considers a new approach, has emphasis, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Basil Hume, told a recent news Reverend Donald Robinson announced before becoming Archdeacon in 1979. company has now grown into a unique good original comment and is well recently that The Right Reverend K. H. An accountant by profession, Harry firm. The Eerdmans Co. is now able to take researched, then that material should be Short, Bishop in Wollongong is to Goodhew was ordained in 1958 and a hook right through the preparation, Asked about reports that the time the made available to students around the There had so far been no discussion become Bishop in Parramatta at the end became curate at St Matthew's, Bondi. printing and blinding stages. Consequently Pope was to spend with Church leaders world, according to Mr. Bill Eerdmeans between the Vatican and the Roman of lune. He succeeds Archbishop He was five years in charge of Beverly it now handles the printing books for other at Canterbury was to be cut, Cardinal Payment may be made from your Bankcard if you complete and return thie authorisation. DO Inc Catholic authorities in this country, said Robinson who was elected Archbishop of Hills from 1959-63; served three years publishers, such as Zondervan and the Hume said that exaggerated anxieties had NOT SEND YOUR BANKCARD. Mr. Bill Eerdmans Jnr. is the son of the the Cardinal; but personally he felt that it Sydney on April 1. Bishop Short will also with the Bush Church Aid Society at Moody Press. would be very difficult for a Pope to go to arisen from premature disclosure of continue to serve as Bishop to the Forces. Your Bankcard A/c No. 498{711.9Thilll founder of Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Ceduna, S.A. He was Rector of a country which was actually at war with discussions between Archbishop Paul Co., Grand Rapids, Michigan, U.S.A. I ike The Standing Committee approved the Carlingford, New South Wales from Amount 5 Card expiry "PAUL'S IDEA OF COMMUNITY" by Marcinkus, the Vatican security adviser, his father, he has a concern for presenting another country. 1966-71 and of St Stephen's Coorparoo in Dr. Robert Banks and the newly launched and the police. Archbishop's nomination of Archdeacon all facets of theological thought, from "LEARN TO READ THE GREEK NEW R. H. Goodhew, ThL, Archdeacon of the Diocese of Brisbane from 1971-76. "I must make it clear that Archbishop every conceivable angle. TESTAMENT" By Ward Powers, are only This would put him in an impossible Wollongong to be the next Bishop in In making his nomination, Archbishop Marcinkus does not decide the priorities Mr. Eerdmans was speaking at a two of the Australian publications handled position, because he had to be spiritual Wollongong. Archdeacon Goodhew will Robinson said Archdeacon Goodhew function in Sydney, organised by ANZEA father to those in both countries. The of the Papal visit," the Cardinal added. be consecrated Bishop at St. Andrew's had served in three dioceses "very POSTCODE by Eerdmans. The Archbishop had clearly made BOOKHOUSE. A select audience of Bible Cardinal said he did not feel competent Cathedral on St. Peter's day, June 29, acceptably indeed". to comment on whether a blockade of changes in the Canterbury programme to Enter me as a new Subscriber to the Australian Church Record. I enclose $8 00, College lecturers and bookshop Other Australian authors, to be found in Archdeacon Goodhew has been five Archdeacon Goodhew is married and Subscription for 12 months issues. the Falkland Islands would be considered shorten it, and so not to put too much of proprietors, came to hear this visitor, the Eerdmans' range, include Sir Marcus years in Wollongong. He was Rector of St. has two sons and two daughters. Post coupon to The Australian Church Record Ltd, 1st Floor, St. Andrew's House, a burden, on the Pope. Commenced as a scheme to import Loane, Dr. Stuart Barton Babbage, and Dr. a state of war. Sydney Square. Sydney, NSW 2000. theological books, with a Dutch Reform Paul White. AUSTRALIAN CHURCH RECORD, MAY 17, 1982 — 1