Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Recent Work

Title Table of the Isotopes


Authors Seaborg, G.T. Perlman, I.

Publication Date 1948-10-16 Powered by the California Digital Library University of California UCRL 179 qy 2




' ~.


This document was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government. While this document is believed to contain correct information, neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor the Regents of the University of California, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by its trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof, or the Regents of the University of Califomia. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof or the Regents of the University of California. UCRL 179 Car~_,_


G. T. Seaborg and I. ;E?erlman !'

Department of Chemistry- and Radiation Laboratory

University of Daiifornia

Berkeley, California

. August, 1948 The compilation of this table was

sponsored by the Atomic Energy Commission •


· G. T. Seaborg and I. Perl.Dan

~partment· of Chemistry and Badiati-<;>n Laboratory University of California, Berkeley, California

The following table represents a complete list Qf all the artifioi~l and Datura! radioaoti ve isotopes and stable isotopes, together .with. a number of their·impc)r.tant features oo:vering information available by approximately July, 1948, through publications, privat~ communications and almoiJt all of the restricted distribution repo~ts of the U~ s. Atomic Energy Commission, the foriler "Manhattan District", U. s. Army Corps· of Engineers _and the corres­ ponding offices of Great 'Britain and CaDada. W-i'hll very fp exceptions the· ori ter~on for listing a radioactive isotope ha's been the actual obsenation of its radiation. · ·

The first Qolumn lists the atomic numben and maas numbers of the iso­ topes. The. s·u~rsoript "m" foll~ing the mass number denotes a metaatabl• isomer of measured half-life. of either a stable or una table ground state but the isomeric transition Qeed not have been observed.

In the second column hea~ed "class" the degr~e of oertaint,y of ·each isotopic asa'ignment. is ind\oated wi-th a· letter according to the following oodes ·

·A • isotope certain {mass number and element certain) B • isotope probable, element certain . C • one of few isotopes, el~nt certain D • eleme~~t certain· B • element probable· .F • insufficient evidence . ' In JIOst oases the class ia. determined by evaluating the uniqueness of. the assignment through ohanica-1 aepara"tion, reaction type and yield· con­ siderations, genetic relatio~s~ips, ana type of ~adiation. In a few oasea newer techniques have been used.. The term ."m.s." in the eeoond columi i'eters to the identification of the ••s number by meana ot a ••s ~pectro­ graph, and "rea.n.aot.·" {resonance neutron activation) refers to the 1clen- · · tification of a nuclear is0111er by· obHrring 11oth iso•r• upon irradiation with til tered neutrons •.. With the mas <8pectrographic assigmaent ol' ••• huabera there are ·acme instances in whioh the maaa nUilber ta ~with greate_r certainty than. the eleaent. · .Such oases are tlsai~ecl the appNpria11e code l~tter .auoh as •1• followed by •a.a.•. · fhe percent abuDdance of the atable hotopes is liited in colUIID three.

!he fourth colWID lists 1he type of radiation, with the following •an- ing tor the symbolst ~= •negatiYe beta-particles (negatrons) ~ • positive beta-particles (positrons) Y • guma-rays 4 • alpha-particles n • neutrons e- • internal-conversion electrons K • 1:-electron capture (or in more general tei"JIIS, orbital electron capture) I.T.• isomeric transition (transition from upper to lower isomeric state)

In the oases where it is certain that no gauma-rays are emitted, this tact 1e expressed explio itly in column seven by the term •xo Y". Ann!hilation galllllll-rays and x-rays are not listed. It my 'be assumed that x-rays han been observed or aotOa,lly identified in almost all oases of orbital e~ectron capture listed.

!he halt-life, followed 'by the relevant reterenoe, is ginn in the fifth column. In moat oases the determination is direct, either by aeaaur­ ing the decay rate, by weighing a long-lived isotope of known purity,·or by comparing the aothity with that of a genetically related isotope of known halt-lite.' A nUDtber of halt-li vea are known only from the yield ot activity resulting from a nuclear reaction of known or estimated croas eeotion. Halt-Uvea estimated in this -.nner are indicated by the tena "yield". Usually tor the oases where more than one value for the half'- · life has been reported, an attempt has been ! to list the beat 'Value (an experimental value. thought to be taken under th• moat favorable condi­ tions) rather tilan a mean value; more 'than one 'ftlue is u.ated where a ohoioe does not seem obvious. Among tile natural radioactivities an average value is often used which was taken from an interaatioml OOIIDllittee slDIIlB.ry report (060).

In the columns headed "energy of radiation•, the energy value is fol­ lowed by the corresponding reference and by a description ot the method uaed tor the energy determination. The beta-particle energies correspond 'tQ the observed upper limits of the spectra, 'in those oases where onl7' the Jronopinald-Uhlenbeok (1:32) extrapolated 'ft.lue has been reported, this 1e listed, followed by the designation •x.u.•. For alpha-particles reported only by a range the "mean range in air" va. energy relationship ot Holloway and Livingston (H81) •• used. The methods used tor the detel'llination ot the energy ot the particles (alpha and beta) are deacri bed in each caae w1 th the aid of the following aymbolas

aba. a absorption . cl.oh. • aloud ohamber (with •gnetic case ot beta... partioles) •peat. •.magnetic deflection (magnetic •peotrograph or spectrometer or counter magnetic tield) calor. • calorimetric ID8asurement• ion. ch. • measurement of' pulse siaea in ionisation ohaaber J Page ~

ooinbid. _abo. a beta- and gnmao.-coi.noidenoe counters with absorboril ooincid. a bota- nnd gamma-coinoidoaoo counters (tor infor­ ~tion on decay oohGmeJ dQtn nqt ncoeoonrily used in the ta.blo) a poet. ooincid. a ooino idenco c ountero nrro.nged l7i th a. magnotic fiold

fho alphn-partiole energies listed. ohsro moro than a single group exists in high abundance. include the group ot higheot energy and those . groupe with nbundlllloo grOllter thAn ton peroont. Convorsion electron energiea ·are listed only 11hen it is not knO"t7D in l1hioh ohell internal conversion takes place or 11hen no attempt l1llB made to rolnto tho electrons l11th observed or unoboerftble gcum.:l-rnys J in nll other oneco roterence 1& given in the column tor gaJIIIJl'.l-ro.ys •

!h~ oymbolo uoed to doocribe the methodo employed for the determination ot galiiiiB.-ray energies havo tho follo~ing meaning:

nbs. a nboorption ol. oh. recoil • oecondary electrons in aloud ohaDber with magnotio field olo oh. pair a posi tiw-elootron p:1ira in cloud ohruabor with mgnotic field coinoid. abo. a ueoondAry electrons 11ith coinoidonoo counter• nnd absorbers _ opeot. oonv. a intor~l-oonvorsion electrons "t7ith ~gnotio speotrogrnph or opootrometor speot. "' secondary oleo·GJ"ono 11ith magnetic spectrograph or spectrometer oryst. spoot... direct E!3aouroment of ga.m:a-ray onorgy by diftrnction in n crys1nl nbs. or e~- .. absorption of intomal-oonversion eloctron.o abs. sec. e- "' abcorption or oeoon:dary electrons ooincid. ~ msnsuromonts l1ith gamma-gamma coincidence counter• (for inforDD.tion on deco.y ochemo; data· not necoo.sarily uoed in the table) Be-Y-n reaction a moaourGmsnt of neutron energy from. !3-Y-n roaoticn D-Y-n reaction a measurement of noutron energy from D-Y-n rGnction

Whon intorDO.l-oonwraion olectrono are omitted. tho onorgy listed in thia ool'UIDD ic nl'Otl.yo thAt of tho oorrooponding gamma-my transition. Only tho JIQin gc:u;::c.-mya nro liotocl tor ths naturnl rndipo.otive icotopao. In a. tOf:ll iDO'tnnooo in t7hich n vory ohort lived liil3tnotnble ota te hao boon iden­ tifiod o.o tho clo.ughtor ot tho iootopo in queotion. tho gnmmo.-rnyo ot the daughil"Jr oy bo liotod for both paront and &:lughte~r.

thoa n·oocioolon io ucod. it ~nne thnt ~ho volueo liotGd on ~oh aido ot it oro inclopoBdont clotomiDationo of tho DflDl) 1 tom. o. g. • indopondont doteminationo of tho hnlt.;.lito or -or tho onorgy ot the radintion ot n radionotiviV• In nnothor uoogo tho oomoolon copnrntoo tho OJDbolo in tho •t,po ot ro.dta~ion 12 ool\umo uhon thoro io mol"Q than one typo ot cloonJ Page 4.

(~-, ~+, a, K or I.T.) f'or the radioactivity.

!he observed nuclear reactions (giving the target element, projectile and outgoing particle, in order) by which the radioactive isotopes are formed, and the corresponding references are listed in the last column (p =proton. n =neutron, a= alpha-particle, d = deuteron,_t • tritium or triton (H3), y • ~amma-ray, e- • electron). In -cases in which the target material is not the naturally occurring element but one enriched or depleted in a particular isotope, that isotope is indicated! No means for identify­ ing the source or energy of the projectile is given. For example, deuterons varying from low energies to 200 Mev have been used. In many oases,. with high energr projectiles, multiple particles are ejected& A reaction such as (d-ap2n) is a formal presentation showing what the outgoing particles might be and does not mean that the order of leaving the nucleus was de­ termined nor that the a., p and n were identified.

I . In some cases where the .path for reaching the product nucleus can e-ven, less definit~ly be stated the reaction is presented -in the form _(d-3zl0a) , _ where "3z" indica-tes that the product nucleus is lower in atomic number than the compouild nucleus by- three units and "lOa" means that it is lower in mass· number l?Y ten units. Where the same isotope has been made by spallation of various target elements with high energy tarticles this is indicated by the symbol "spal." followed by the symbols for the target elements.

Stable product nuclei which have been identified by means of the mass

spectrograph are indicated by "m.s." following the reference. The neutron­ .... !"'. induced fission reactions of the heavy elements are designated by such· symbols as U-n, Th-n, Pu-n and Pa-n, while the ~amma-ray, deuteron and_. alpha-particle-induced fission reactions are designated by symbols such as U-Y • U-d, and u-a.. Usually, but not always, "U-n11 will mean the slow neu­ tron fission of U235 while "U-d" or 'U-a" desi,;nated fission products arise from U238. In this last column the method of production f'o.r each radio­ active fission product is described by these symbols (U-n, etc.) together with the designation of its radioact.ive parent and its radioactive daughter when these are known. Similarly, for the radioactivities of' the heavy natural and artificial families there are listed the immediate parent and daughter isotopes. The natural radioactivities without parents are listed as produced by a "natural solu-~e", followed by a reference to the discovery.

Some of the data entered in tliis table were taken from restricted -.., ) distribution reports which are not generally available. These have reference ~umbers from 100-199. References to the open literature have numbers below 100 or over 200. No attempt has been made to list all of the ·publications OP restricted distribution reports 'connected with a given radioactivity since it has been the aim to keep the table as compact as possible. As a rule references to the original papers are not given when better data are avail­ able in more recent publications. The references which are listed usually give a key to the complete literature.

Those references designated by "NNEB-PPR" refer to papers which will appear in the forthcoming National Nuclear Energy Series - Plutonium Pro­ ject Record. Similarly, the symbol "AECD" refers to a declassified u. S-• Atomic Energy Commission Document bearing the indicated number. Since it ftS DOt po.. ible 1lo oheok all paper1 tor numberinr; ohanr;es. -the paper title 11 bein~ iDoluded ill the bi'blior;raphy to aid 1~ idllntitioation.

It 11 a pleasure to aomowledr;e the aaailtanoe throur;h helptul. dil­ ouaaiona or Dr. 'l .. P. lohman and Dr. w. B. Sullivan, and tO thank •117 ot the authors whose work is oited tor their aid in eftluatinr; data familiar to th•· lfe are alao r;ratetul to Jf:ra. Lorraine Petoh and lin. Jane lfult for their pa1natakinr; work 1r1 the preparation ot the manuaoript.

~' Table of the Isotopes Pare 6

Produced by Cla•• Percent 'l'ype of Half ).He Energy o:f Radia. tion in Mev Iootope Y rays z A Abundance Radiation Particles

1 Hl 99. 9844 (JI70) If - O.Ol56(H'10) H3 A ~- 12.1 yr(N46); 10.1 yr · o.on (wso) abo. No Y(G133) D-n·Y(Z10l) (G60) collodion; 0.015 D-d-p(A7,.U6) 3 (03,N6) abo., o1.oh. 11a -n-p(Cl32,H13S) Li-n-t(04) .Be-d-t(06,A16) B-n-t(Cl6) B-n-t(C16) 3 4 2 He 1.3x1o· (A7, (F35,A34) A30) 4 He .....,100(T20) 6 Ha A ~ - 0.89 see (Hl20); 0.8 .3.7(81,82) el.oh.; No Y(?)(S81) Li-Y-p(B83) see(B1); o·.85 sea 3.5(881) abs. Al . Li-n-p(!n) (881) Be-n•a(B1,Pl,B3)

3 116 7.39(1104) 7 Li - 92.61(1104) 8 Li A ~- ,2a 0.89 oec(H78); 0.88 12(p-)OJ4) ol.oh.; 12 No Y(R25,B4) Li·d·p(Cl,Ll,R14,D1) sec(Ll,H107) (~·)(013) abs. Al; Li·n-Y(Kl,H107) 7 distribution, mean at Li -n-Y(G142,H78) 2.0(a)(F18) Be-Y-p (013) B-n-a(L24) , 7 4 Be A K,Y 43 days (Rl3 ,AlB) 0.485 (Zl )ooinoid.abs •I Li-d-n(Rl,Rl3,Zl) 0.476(R44)abs. Pb; Li·p·n(H30,H2) 0.453(895) spaat.; B-p-a(R1,Ml) 0.474 (Z5) spact. B-d-an(ll63) 15 7 Bas A 2a 1o· -10·l seo(W61) 0.058(H64) ion. ch. Be·Y-n(C53,H64) calc.

Beg lOO(N30) 6 BolO A p· 2.5d0 ~r(lo!85); 0.560(1165,1!85) abs.Al; No Y(loi65,L78) Be·d-p(II65,L78) (P48)m.o. 2.9xl0 yr(H73) 0.58(H73) abo.Al; 8e-n~Y(Bl24,H73) yield Q. 65 (L78) abs.Al B-n-p(KS5) ' C-n-a(Hll9) 5 810 18.83(!5)

ell _81.17(!5) 812 A ~- 0.027 sec (Jll); 12(84) ol.oh. - 8·d·p(C2,F1,B5 j 0.022 sec(C2,B22) 15 . ~ -n-a(Jll) ' 1o 6 0 8 p• 20 oeo (8202) ..,2(8202) abs. B-p-n (S202) 810-p-n(S202)

ell A 20.5 min{,T8); 0.95(026) o1.oh.; 0.99 No Y(S97) ooincid. Be·a-2n (11128) ~· 20.0· min (SB3) (S82) opeat •. B·d-n(Fl,C4, Yl) · B·p·Y(C3,B23) B-p-n(823) C-Y•n(B63) C·n•2n(P2) C-d-dn (!41) c-p-pn(C77) c-a-cm (11121), T41) N-p-u(Be3) B-n-pSn (lt68) Ii•Y•p2b(B2S) O.Y•M(t)(B68) 0-n•a!a (Ill M, K6S )

cl2 98.9(1i31) 1s 0 1.1(1131)

oa A p·(K24) 5100 yr{Ll30,N45); 0.154(8200 Jabs .A1; No Y(R21) C-d-p(Rl7,R21) 4700 yr(R50) O.l45(R21) abs.; C-n-Y (1110) 0.154 (L89) a pact.; 11-n-p (R2l,H108, LllO) 0.16 (S96) spaot. O.n-u(Hl29 ,1171)

7 1113 A p• 9.93 min(Wl4,T8); 1.24(S98) speot.; llo Y(S97) ooinoid.; B-a-n(ia,R3) 10.13 min(S98) 0.92,1.20(122) opeot. No Y(L79) speot. C-d·n(HS, Yl, C4,Fl) C..p-Y(H3,C4) 11-n-2n(P2,H44) N-d-t;(87) II·Y•n(B63) o-n-pSn(l63)

99.62(V1!0) rr' ' .ra o,ae(wo) - ' Table of' the Isotopes Pago 7


hotopo Claas Percent Typo or Halt lifo Energy of' llev Z A Abundance Radiation Particles - Y rays

.A ~- • T 7.~6 soo{874); 7,6 •3.5,·10(881) obs.Al, 8.2, 6.7(873) obs.seo. 11-n-T~I!120) soo(Hl20)J 7•3 aoo Cu1 10(Hf20)"'o1.oh.J ·e-, ol.Oh. pair' I ' N-d-p(F1) (S81)J 8 soo(C5,Nl, 4, 10.3(174) o1.oh., 4(5101) abo.Pb, eu, . o-n-p(C5,S101) Nl06) abs. ---6(581) .c1.oh. recoil F-n-u{H1,Pl,N4)

A ~-. n(K65; 4.14 aoo(K65) 2. 7 (~~ )(A36) Spa1. (O,F,N,J!g,Al,Si, (A36) A36) p--n poincid. P,S,C1,K}(C75 0 K65)

A ~~· 126 aoo(M3,820) 1.7(F1) o1.oh. C-g,.n(K3) N-d-n(M3,Fl) N-p-T(D2) o-r-n (820 ,863,1144) ' o-n-2n (P2)

99.757 (Tl01)



A f• Y. 29.4 soo(F101)J 4.5 (30%), 2 .9(7o%){876) 1. 6(Fl01) abo. C-n-T(II103)' .. 29.5 soo (H120)J abs.AlJ 4.1(Fl01) ' F-n-p (!ll,Al) 27.0 soo(875) abs.J 3.2(H90) abs.A1

A 70 soc(N2) 2.1(K4) o1.oh. 'll-a..n(R3) 'C-d-n(II2,F1) C-p-T(D2) F-T-2n(B53).

112 m1n() 0.7(Y2) o1.oh.J 0.7 1.4(1!203) o1.oh. o-u-pn(T36) (KllO) .abs .A~ l 1"80o11 C-p-n(D2) .0.95(20%). o.s(eo%) C-d-n(D22, Y2,lr2) (1!203) o1.0b. o-t-n(KllO) F-n-2n(P2) F-d-t(B7 ,K2) F-T-n(I!H,B63) Ho-d-u(S1) Na-Y-un(?)(B63)


A ~-. Y(850,C47) 12 soo(Cl) s.O(F1,860) 2.2(850) o1.oh. recoil F-d-p(Fl,Cl) F-n-Y(111) lla-n-a(lll) 19 10 No A 20.3 aeo(W7) 2.20(W7) o1.oh. F-p-n(117)

No20 '90.00(V20)

No21 0.27(V20)

No22 9.73(V20)

!102~ A 40 soo(Al,86)J 4.1(P21) abs, lle-d-p(P21,1124) 40, 7 BOO (1!61) Ha-n-p(A1,lll>P1) llg-n-a(A1,B6)

2~ ooo(C27) llo-p-n(C27) lle-d-n(P21)

Na22 - A ~·~lao%), 3.0 yr{i.3) 0,58(Ll5) c1.oh.J 1.3(02) opoot., F-n-n(Ll5,114) no K(G44),T 0.575(044) opoot.J 1.30(044) ·~·t· llo-d-n (Ll5) ooinoid. (1472) Ha-n-2n (8131,8180) llg-d-u(L3)


A ~-' T 14.8 hr(Vl) 1.390(888,899) spoot., 1>380, 2.758(888) "l"'.at.J Ra-d-p(M, Vl) oo·inoid•J 1.4(L21, 1,4, 2.8(E7,I2,B8). lla-n-T(Al) S49,S82) apoot. spoot.J 2.87{G16), llg-d-u(1!4) ·' 2.74(W64) llg-n-p(A1) Be-Y-n reaoction, llg-T-p(B53,1!74) O.Y-n reactiona A1-n-n(Al) 2.66, 2.68, 2. 76,2.89 Al-d-pn(C85,C67) (1!56) o1.oh. pair1 Al-T-n2p(863) ooinoid. abs. (C56,W65) Si-T-n3p(?) (863)

Na26 E p-, Y(875) 58.2 ooo(875)J "60 soo 3,4(875) abo.AlJ llg-Y-p(l!64,1!6l,B63) (R47)J 62 ooo(H54) 2.8(HJ;4) aba.Al llg-n-p(B61,875) . A1-T-2p(B63)

A n.e soo(117) 2.82(117) o1.oh. lla-p-n (117, D9) II~Y-n(B43,1!44,B63) 78.60(C131)

10.ll(C131) U.29(C131) A f, T 10.2 m1n(H4)J o. 79(20;C); 1.80(80;C) 1.01, 0.84(888) opoot., ll~d-p(1!4) 9. 8 m1n(B31) (886) opoot., ooinoid., 0.64, 0.84, llg-n-T(Al) 1.8(Cl8,1181) cl.ob., 1.02(12) opoct. 1 Al-n-p(Al) ooinoid. (875) 1.05(dn~l• Y)(llll) o1.oh. reooU

A 8 •••(884) i Table of the Isotopes !'ago 8_ ;

Isotope Class Percent Type of Half lifo Energy of Radiation in Mov Produced by z A Abundance Radiation Particles y ~ya

13 Al26 A ~· 6 seo(884); 7 .o sec 2.99(W7) ol.oh.; 1.8 l!a-a:-d'(II4,F2) . (W7,F2) (F2) abs. llg-p-n (W7, D9) llg26_p-n(B84) llg-p-Y(029) Al-Y-n (H48 ,B44 ,B68, 863)

Al27 100(A31)

Al28 A ~- ,r(W17) 2.30 min(E31); 2.4 2.75(875) ooincid.abs.; 1.80(876) abe. seo.e·, Mg-a:-p(E2,R3) min(Al,II5,E2) 3.3(06) cl.oh.; 3.0 1.8(12) spoot.; 2.1 Al-d-p (115) (E31) cl.oh.; 3·10 (E31) ol.oh.reooH 1 Al-n-Y(A1) (054) abs.Al, coincid 1._80(886) spoot •. · Si-n-p(A1,875) 3.01 (886) speot. Si-Y-p(863,B74) P-n-a(&l) ·,·,. A129 A ~-· 6. 7 min (825) 2.5(825) and abs Mg-a:-p (B25,B21,F3) Si-n-p(FllO) 5i·Y-p(B53,H74) . P-r.:2p(B53) · 14 5127 A r· 4.9 sec(K10,027) 3. 74 (1!21); 3.54 Al-p-n(KB,II21, 027,88) (BB) Mg-a-n(KlO) 51-Y-n (B62)

S128 92.28 (15)

5i29 4.67(15)

Si30 3,05(15)

5131 A ~- 170 min(N3,Al3) .l.B(K4) cl.oh. No Y(NS) Si-d-p(N3) Si-n-Y(A1) P-n-p (A1,P2) S-n-a(,09)

15 p29 A 4.6 seo(Wll) 3.63('«11) Si-p-n(Wll) ~· 8i·d-n(Dl2) P-r-2n(?)(B53) p30 A r· 2.55 min(R3,849) 3.0(848.,849) o1.oh.; Al-a-n(R3,C7) 3.5(1!26) speot. 8i-p-n(B23 ,849) Si-Be3-p(&7) P-n-2n(P2) P-Y-n(820,B53) S-d-a(52)

p31 100(A31) p32 A f 14.30 days (08)1 14.07 1.712~588) speoto~ 1.69 llo Y(K4) Si-a:-p(F3) days (1139) (L5 speot. P-d-p(113) P-n-Y(A1) 8-n-p(A1) S-d-a(82) Ol-n-a(A1) 01-d-pa(Tl07) Ou-d-15z38a (M87) p34 B ~-.r(Z4) 12.4 sec(Z4) 5.1(75%), 3.2(25%)(842) S-n-p(Z4) coihoid. abs.; 4.9 01-n-a( Z4,B90) (H90) abo. A1 831 16 A ~· 2.6 sec(B57); 3.2 sec 3.85(Wll,E4) o1.oh. 81-a:-n(no) (Wll,KlO) P-p-n(Wll,V4) 8-Y-n(1143 ,B44,H58) 32 8 95.1(N32)

s33 0.74(1132)

834 4.2(1132) 835 A . ~- 87.1 dayo(H53) 0.167(5200) aba.Al; S-n-Y (8102) 0.169(B82,078) spoot.; S..d-p(025,K13) 0.17(0110) abs.A1; C1-,_p(&3 ,LB ,L58, Kl3) 0.107(L6) spoct.J C1-d-a(Kl8) 0.120(1!13) abs.Al; 0.103(864) speot.

836 0.016(1132) 837 B ~- ,Y 5.04 min(Z4); 5.0 min 4.3(10%), 1.6(90%){Z4); 2.6(842) abs •I 2. 76 s-n-r(B130) {Bl30) 4, 1.4(H130) abs.Al (B180) abs. seo e· C1-n-p(Z4,H180) 17 c188 A ~· 2.4 seo (1111) 4.13{Wll) s-d-n(H81) S-p-n(W11) C134 A ~· ,y 33 min(S2,B21) 2.6(821) abe.; 6.1,2.4 3.4(H72) o1.oh.reoo11 P-a:-n(F2,N3,B21) (B72) o1.oh. S..d-n(S2) 8-a:-p,n or S..a:-d() 8-t-n (KllO) C1-n-2n (P2) 01-Y-n (820,844)

C186 75.4 (1133) ' Table of the Isotopes Fa~· 9

Isotope Class Percent 'l'ype of l!alt lifo Energy of Radiation in leT Produced by z A Abundance l!adiation Fartioleo y rays

6 17 Cl36 A . , ~+I K1 f 2x10 yr(!,!lS~) 0.64(p")(G8) abo. Cl-n-~(G8) (G8) yiebd ~ .~ 1 Cl-d-p(G8) ~10 yr(0112) yield: >10 3 yr (G8 ,05) -- yield 0137 24.6(1133) Cl38 A f,r 38. 5 min (H75 ): 1.19(36%). 2.70(11%), 1.60(43%). 2.12(57%) Cl-d-p(K4, Vl) 37 min(Vl) 5.2(53%)(H75) opoot.l (H75) speot., Cl-n-Y (Al, K18 ,A15) 1.1, 2.8, s.o 1.65, 1!.15 K-n-a(HS) (Wl6,Wl7) opeot.J (C28,I2) opeot. Cu-d-13o27a (1117) (1117) ooinoid· abo.

18 A35 A . 1.88 ••• (E4) 4.4(14,1111) ol.oh. s-a-n(KlO) ~·· Cl-p-n(llll)

A36 0.307(1134)

A37 A K(H52,W54) 34 .1 days (W54) No Y(W54) s-a-:n(lll8,W54) Cl-d-2n (Wl8,W54) Cl-p-n(Wl8,1154) K-d-a(lll8 ,W54) Ca-n-a(Wl8,1154)

,sa 0.061(1134) A39 - F ~ . 4 min(P2) K-n-p(P2) A40 99. 632 (1134)

A41 A f,y 110 min()i 1.16, 3.55(0.71()(876) 1.37{R8) o1.ah.rocoilJ A-d-p(S3) 109.4 min(B76) aba. Al, ooinoid. 1 1.3(876) abo.of o- A-n-Y(83) l.5(K4) ol.oh. (K.U.) K-n-p(HS)

19 ~6 A p•,y 7.7 min(HS,R3)1 2.53(R52) abo .All 2.15(R52) ooinoid.abs. Cl-a-n(H5,RS) 7.5 min(R52) 2.3(R5) abOo K-n-2n(P2) K-Y-n(H43,H44) Ca-d-a(HS)

~9 93. 3(1134) 9 K40 A 0.012(1134) f (T31,C6l}, l.42xl0 yr (unoorr. 1.35(037) opoot. l.{with K) Natural eouroe (TSI,C6l (H88, (~95%) for ~)(B7l) 1 ooinoid.l 0.40(H83), (H98) coinoid.l 862) 7xl0 yr (unoorr. 0.725(L6) opeot.1 l.5(with K)(M73) abo. is2w· 34% (880), for K)(B80) l.3(H87) abo. Cu 1 Cu. Pb,· coinoid.; K0-5%) l.7(weak)(F43) cl.ah. 1.55(711 ot p-) (8204), (G59) abo. ' (66%)(860~ T(K52) .

K41 ·6. 7(1134) K42 A , - ~-' T 12.4 hr(HS): -La, 1.4, 2.1(875) abo, A-o.-pn{Ol09) 12.44 hr(S65) abs.Al, oolnoid.l ·ooa •• -, 1-61(865) K-d-p(BS) 3.5(K4) ol.oh•l 2.04 speot., oolnold. K-n-T(HS,Al) (25%), 3.56(75%) Ca-n-p(HS) . (S65) a peat. So-n-a(HS,B75) K43 B p-,T 22.4 hr(Oll6) 0.24,0.61(0116) apeot. 0.4(0116) aba'.Pb A-a-p{Oll6)

K43 D ~- 27 min (8138) Ca-n-p(Bl36) K43,44 c p- 16 min(Wl,lll2) ca-n-p(Wl,Wl2)

20 Ca39 F p• 4.5 m1n(P2,Wl2) Ca-n-2n (?)(P2,Wl2) Ca39 E 1.06 oeo(H44) ) Ca-T-n(H44) Ca40 / 96.96(1132) Ca42 0.64(1132)

ea•s 0.15(1132)

ea"4 2.06(1132) ea45 A ~ - 152 days (1114) 1 0.260(866) aba.Alt llo Y(KU6,Pl06) Ca-n-Y(lll2) 160 daya tne) 0.25(Pl06) opoot.J Ca-d-Y(Wl2,ll5) o. 21 (1174) So-n-p(Wl2,Kl16) Ti-n-a(Cl01) Bi-d(G62)

ca•a 0.00153(1132)

Ca47 F f,y 5.6 daya(K'74) 1.1(11'74) 1.3(1174) Ca-d-p(1174)

Ca 48 0.19(1132)

ea•9 A f,y 2.6 hr(lll2) 2.3(lll2) abo. 0.8(lll2) abo.Pb Ca-d-p(lll2) Ca-n-Y(lll2) Ca49 " B f 30 m1n(lll2) Ca-d-p{Wl2) Ca•n-T(Wl2) '

' ' - Table of tho Isotopes Page 10

Iootope Claee Percent Type of lla1t Ute Eo.ergy of Radia_tion in llev Produced by z A Abundance lbldiation Part1o1eo Y ray•

t 21 So41 A . p• 0.87 aeo (KlO) 4.94(84) ol.ob • Ca-d-n(Kl0,114)

So43 A p• ,Y 3.92 hr(ll92); 1.12(1192) -.b,.Al,ol"'ot.; 1.65(1192) -bo.Pb, Cu; c&-g,.p(F4,1110) 4 hr(WlO) Oo4, 1.4(1110) abo. 1.0(1110) abo.Pb · 'ea.:.d-n(n) Ca·p-n (D2,D9 ;1192) 4-,

so•411 A I.T.,e-,Y 2,44 days(1192)\ 0.27(119,819) opeot. K-a-n(lnO,II1) (Wlo) 2. 2 day• (1110 - OOD.T•J Ca-d-n(n,S19,Hl) 0.26(1192) abo.of e - Ca•p-n(D2,D9) · So-n-2n (B9 ,1192) T1·d-a(W4)

A p• ,Y,K(1192) 3.92 hr(ll92)s l,a(wlQ) abo., (Sl9) 1.33(1192) abo.Pb,CU,A1 K-a-n(WlO,Hl) ao'' 4;1 hr(WlO) •p•ot. 1 Ca-d-D (113, Sl9 ,Ill) 1,33(1192) abs.Al Ca-p-n(.Ii2,D9) So-n-2n (89 ,Ill) So-Y-n (ilzo) So 44m I.T. (1110) . U-d.a(ll80) So45 100(A31)

So46 A f,y,K(m;) 86 dayo (1'!6) 0.36 (p-) (F36,1!76,P49) 0.88, 1.12(F36,1f/8,P49) ea-a-p (no) opeot.; 0.26(p )(1!76) speot. J So-d-p(Wl,W5) abe.Al, oo1no1d. J 1.26(Wl0) abo.Pb; So•n-Y(Wl) 0.4(f )(Kl16) abo .A1; 1.6(1142) abo;Pt., Ti-d-e> (WI.~ o.2s, 1.scn(l'll.o> 1.4(Kl16) abs.Pb 'U-n-p(114 abo.; 1.49 (p ){weak) . (P49) opeot.

Son F I.T. (?) 24 min (P106) Sq-n•'l' (PlOS) .

So47 B p- 3.4 dayo(Bl,H93) 0.46(1193) abs.Al llo Y(?)(ll93) ea-a-p (1193) Ca-d-n (1193) ea-p-r(H9s >

So4S A f ,Y(WlO), K 44 hr(WlO,M2,1193) 0. 64 (S19) speot. 1 0.98, 1.3S(P46) opeot.; Ca-p-n(Hl) (?)(1193) 0.67(1193) abo.Al 1.(M2;1d30) opeot.; Ca·d-2n (S19,li2,H1,11150) 1.33(1193) abo.Pb Ti-n-p (114, 1'2, WlO,JdSO) Ti-d-u(H60) V-n-a(114,P2,W10)

~ So49 A p- 57 min(WlO) 1.8(1110) abo. .llo Y(WlO) Ca•d•n (1110) 'fi·n-p (lno) 'f1-~·p(ll74) ea4 (2.5 hr) p· deeay 11110) . Ca 9 ( 30, min) f deoay (8103)

22 u'6 .l p• 3.08 hr(.l17) 1.2(.l17) o1.oh. ea-u-n(.l17) '-· So•p-n(A17) So-d-2n (A17) 'f1·n-2n (.l17) T1·Y•n(ll46,1182) Cu-d-8s20o (1197) T146 D 21 dilyo (D101) So·p-n(D101)

!148 7.96(1132)

T147 7. 76 (1132)

!i46 78.45(1132)

'fi49 6.61(1132)

T160 6,34(1132)

'fiSlal A p· ,Y(W4) 8 llin(S28) 1.6(826) abo. fi•d•p(W4) 'fi-n-Y(lf4,.\1) ') T151 A P- ,r 72 dayo (lie) abo., 1.0(W5) ooinoid.abo., 'fi-d-p{llll) Q.S(If!T) aba • .ll 1.02(11177) ooinoid. 'fi-n-Y{1IS) abe. CU-d-8sl4a (1197) n v'8 ·p·.• x. y(m;, 16 dayo(W4) e.?!{~S) opeot.; 0.98,1.8S(P46) apeot., So•u-n(116l " liSO.ll p• 1.~-) ol.oll.J 1.0&(JK) o1.oh. fi·d-n(W4 ·{$811), J[ • 0.68(1180) nooil1, ri-p-n(D9) {~){GH) 1.60(1160) aba.Pb Cr-4-u(114,P45) . CU·d·1117a (1181) 1'9A7 c p• as lli'li{llt,o7) 1.9{114,07) abo. Ti-«-n (114,01) u-rn(D9,o1) er• p• deoa,.(t)(Ja)

vu B K 600~{1111) lo p• or ··(W5) llo r(W5) 'fi•d-ti{W&)

!1 100(A31)

vfi2 p· ,r 3.74 ain(ll40); 2.06(D24) abo.; 1.46(119Sl abo.Pb,h,Cn; v-n-T(W4,P2,.\1) 3.9 e1n(114) 2.66(!5) o1.oh. 1.S(G1 abo.Pb V•cl•p{W4) " Cr-n•p (114, P2) Cr-l'r·p(HT4) ...... (114,P2,.ll)

'~""" \

Table of the Isotopes Page 11

I Isotope C~ass Percent Type of Half life Energr of Radiation in lloT Produced ey z A Abundance Badiation l'artioleo Y rar•

24 Cr49 A . p•,y 41.9 min(07)J 1.45(07) abe., o1.oh. 0.18, 1,55(1l7) abe.Pb 'ri-c.-n(07) 46 min(H62) Cr-n-2n(07) Cr-Y-n(H62) Cu-d-6ol6a or .. Cu-d-6&16a(1!87) Or 50. 4.S1(Wl21) ' Cr61 A K,Y,e-(lf1ll)J 26.6 dars(WU) o.s2(sing1e) (11120,1167) T1-c.-n(Wl3) no ~· (834 epeot.oonY. J 0.3SO, V-p-n(BS4) 0.237(83•) abs.of e- Cr-d-p(WlS,.t.l4) Cr-n-Y(Wl3,11l20) Cr-n-2n (41•) Cu-d-6&14a (1!87) As-d-10&26a (H66)

Crse 8S.76(Wl21)

Cr53 9.66(Wl21)

Cr54 2.38(Wl21)

Cr55 B 1,3 hr(S104) 1 Cr-n-Y (Dl4 ,114) 1.6-2.3 hr(A14,D14) Cr-d-p(.t.l4)

25 lin 51 A 46 min(L7) 2.0(L7) abs. Cr-d-n(L7) ~· Cr-p-Y(D2,D4) - Cu-d-5z14a (1187) lln52m A p+ ,y1 I,T.(~ 21 min(L7) 2.66(012) spect•J 1.46(012) spect., Fe-d-n(D5, L7) (0.05%) 2.2(H6,Ll2) o1.oh. ociinoid•J 1.2(H6)J cr-rn(Bs~H12) (012) 0.39(I.T, ?)(012) Fe6 p+ deoar(lll7) spe~t.oonv. lin52 A ~· (35%), K. 6.6 days(L?), o;68(P45) speot., 1.0(86)1 0.73, 0.94, Cr-p-n(H6,H12) (65%), 5.8 daye (1197) 0.77(H6,H12) o1.oh., 1,,6(P46) apeot., Cr-d-2n (P45) (G44),Y 0.75('1'108) abs.A1 · ooinoid_.abs. Fe-d-n(L7) Cu-d-6&138 or Cu-d-6&158 (1187) As-d-9z25a (H66)

llnM A K,Y(L7) 310 dare (L7) 0.835(DS6) speot., V-c.-n(L7) ooincid.; Cr-d-n(L7) o.85(L7) abs.Pb Cr-p-n(D9) Fe-d-n(L7)

lin55 100(863)

""'56 A ~- ,Y 2.59 hr(L7) 0.75, 1.05, 2.86(El2) 2.06(20%). 1.77(30%), Cr-<>-p(R3) spect., ooinoid. J o .a22 fv10o%)(S66) lln-n-Y(A1) 1.04, 2.88(T8) speot.J epeot.; lln-d-p(L7) 0.75(20%). 1.04(30%), 0.345, 1.81, 2.13 Fe-d-n(L7) 2.8l(SO%)(S66) speot. (E9,El2) speot.; Fe-n-p(Al) 2. 7 (C;1%) (W64. Wl24. Co-n-n(A1) Ll31) ll-Y-n reaction Cu-d-p2a or Cu-d-p2a2n(M87) As-d-9z21a (H66) 26 Fe 52 A ~· 7.8 hr(MB7) 0.55(1!87) abs.A1 Cu-d-4z13a or ~-~~~~itue 7 )arsnt Fe 53 A p• 8.9 min(R3) Cr-n-n(R3) Fe-n-2n(L20) Fe-Y-n (H43,H62) Cu-d·4zl2a or Cu-d-4zl4a (r.ll7)

Fe 54 6.81(Wl21)

Fe 56 A K, no :·, N4 rr(V4). No Y(P50) Mn-d-2n(H127) no ~ (B46) lln-p-n (V4) Fe-d-p(L23) eo66 ~+ deoay(LlO) \ Fe 56 91.66(Wl21)

Fs57 2.20(Wl21)

Fe 58 0.33(Wl21)

Fe 59 A p- ,y 46.3 dars(S174)J 0.26, 0.46(D16) speot., 1.10, 1.30(D16) speot. Fe-d-p(L2o;o16) 45.6 days(G45) 1 ooinoid. abs. Fe-n-Y(S105,1fl01) 47 dar• (L20)J Co-n-p(L20,Il00) 42.5 doys (Kl03) Cu-d-a2p or Cu-d-2n(ll87) As-d-8&18a (H66) Bi-d(G62)

27 Coss A ~+ ,Y 18.2 hr(D5) 1.50(L21) epeot. o.1e, o.21, o.e. 1.2 Fe-d-n (L10) (C20) o1.oh. reooil Fe-p-Y(L9,UO). Cu-d-SzlQa or Cu-d-3112'. (1187) Ae-d-7&22a (H66) Table of the Isotopes Fa~· 12

\ Isotope Class Percent Typo of Half lifo Ehergy of Radiation in Mev Produced by z A Abundance Radiation Particles Y rays

27 Co 56 A . ~+, Y, K(E9) 72 days (LlO) 1.60(E9,El2) spoot., 0.845, 1.26, 1.74, Fe-d-2n(LIO,~,JI)' ooinoid.J 2.01, 2.55, 3.26 Fe-a-np(LIO) 1.2(LIO) abs ., (El2) a poet., Ni-d-a(LIO,Cl7) (017) cl.oh.,ooinoid. ooincid.; 1.7(C17) Cu-d-3z9a or abs.Pb, ooincid. 1 Cu·d-3zlla (TI08) . 1.05(Ll0) abo .Pb Co 57 A K, Y, e-~ 270 days(LIO) o.26(p.)(LIO) 0.117, 0.1~0, 0.202, Fe-d:n(L9,B24,P4, LID) ~+(LID 0.215(P3) apeot. Fo•p•Y(LlO)

Co 58 A ~+, Y(l5") 72 days (LlO) 0.470(EI5,D35) spoot.; 0.~35(035) spoot., J.ln·•np(LIO) Fe-p-Y (LID) lli·d·

co 5 ~ 100(1152)

Coso A ~-. y 5.3 yr(L10) 0.31(D17,D36) spoot. 1.1S, 1.32(M?8,J8) Co-d-p(L9, B24, L10, ooincid. abs.; spect. 1 1.16, 1.30 DI7,Nl0) 0.23(055) spoot.; (P106) spoot.; Co·n-Y(R9, L9 ,LID) 0. 310(M78) ape ct. 1.10, 1.30(017,036) co6Dm I.T. (LlO,Dl7) speot., ooincid. Ni-d·

Co6Dm A I.T., Y, e- 10.7 min(L10) . 1.35(~")(N1o) spoot.; 0.066 (I.T. )(D17 ,D36) Co·n·Y(H7, L8, L10,017) (>90%)(LIO, 1.251~-)(036) spoot.; speot. conv. 1 Co-d·p ~1110) Dl7,D36, 1.56 ~-)(P10S) spoct. 1.5(with ~-) Ni-n-p H8,L10) SI03); ~-,y (NI0,036) abs.Pb; C

Co 61 A p· 1.75 hr(P51) 1.1 (P51) abs.Al No Y(PSI) Co-t-p(K64) (PSI) m.s. N1·d·<1n (PSI) N164.p-

11158 67.76(WI21)

11169 B 12 yr(CI24) Jiold -o.o5(Cio2,CI24) Fo-

NiSI 1.21(W121)

11162 3.6S(Wl21)

11164 1.16(Wl21)

\ \ 11165 A ~-. y 2. 6 hr(Lll) 1.9(Lll,SIS1) abs.Al . 1.1(Lll) abs.Pb; 111·d·p(Lll,Nll) .; 0.280, 0.65, 0.95 111-~·Y(H8,Nll) (G3) speot. N1 6 -n-Y(Gl34 ,066) 111-n-2n(H8,DI8,1111) I Cu-n-p(H8) Zn·n-

Cuss 29 D ~· 7.9 min(D4); Ni-p-n(D4) 10 min(L83) , Cu59 E 81 ooo(D4) 111-p-n(D4) ~· ' 60 cu A ~·. y 24.6 min(L8~) 1.8, 3.5((5")(L83) r.s(LSs) abo .Pb Ni·g-n(LBO) (L85) m.s. abs.Al 1116 -p-n(LB~) liiso.d·2n (LS5) I llise.".pn (LB~ l Cu-d·p4n (1187) Ao·d·5zl7a (H66)

.~. -

Table of tho Isotope a Page 13 '

leo tope Clan Percent 'l'ype of Half lifo II:Elorg;y of Radiation In lin Produood b;y z A Abundance Radiation Partloloo Y n;yo

Cu61 r 29 B . p+ 1 K(A4) s.4 hr(Tl,Rl5)1 1.206(C80) opeot.; llo Y(G2,836) 111-d-a(nl hr(C80) 0.9(Rl5) abo.; 111-rn<~» 1.23(836) 1116 •p-n(L83) Ni-p-Y (!») 111-..-p(Rl5) Cu-d-pSn or cu-d-p6n(loll7) Ao-d-6zl6a (H66)

Cu62 A p+,y 10.6 mln(H6)J 2.6(Cl3) ol.oh.; 0.66(Tl08) abo.Pb Co-..-n(Bll) 10.1 mln(L83) 2.6(!108) aba.Al lll•p-n(Sl8) lil-p-Y(Sl8) Cu-n•2n (88) Cu·Y·n(B20,H44,B4fi, •H62) Cu-o· -•"n(S59) cu-i·t(K22,n4) - zn6 K dooa;y(1187) Cu63 69.09(!104)

Cu64 A f(6s%), 12.8 hr(V2) o.sncr>· 0.657(~·) 1. 20 (woalc )(B44) 111-p-n(Sl8,D4) ~·(32%). (C7S apeot.; + ooinoid. abs., Cu-d-p(V2) K,Y(3%) o.s8(f), o.66(~ l 1. SS (2.6%)(D62) Cu-n-Y(ile) (B44,A4) (T6, Tll, TS) opoot.; opeot. Cu-n-2n (88) 0.57(~-). 0.64(~·) Cu-p-gn (R46) (Pl06) speot. Cu-r-n(845 ,862) Zn-d-a(B61) Zn-n-p(HS) Ao-d-SdSa (868) Cu66 30.91 (!104) ' Cu66 A f,y 5 mln(Al) 2.9(86) ol.oh.(K.U.)J l.S2(M19) aba.Pb Cu-n-Y(A1) 2.68(G16) Cu-d-p(L31) Zn-n-p(H8) Ga-n·a~CS) 11166 ~ dooa;y(G62) Cu67 B ~ - 56 hr(G62); 0.56(8204) abs.A1 Aa-d·SdOa (!166) 61 hr(H66) Bi-d(G62) Zn62 so A K(?)(l!87) 9.5 hr(1!87) Cu-d-:5n or Cu-~5n, perent of Cu (1187) Ao-d-h15a (8204)

in6s A ~+ ,Y, It(?) 38 min(D4,B20) 2.3(818) abo., (Tl1,T8) 0.96(woak), 1.9(woak), Ni-o.-n(Rl5) (H207) apeot. J 2.6(woalc ),(B45,H207) Cu-p-n(S18,D4) 2.36(88%)(B45) Cu-d-2n (L31, 78,1187) Cu-d-4n(1187) Zn-n-2n(88,P2) Zn·Y·n(B20) -. Ao-d•h14a (8204) Zn64 48.89(L88)

Zn65 A ~+(1.3:(), K 260 da;yo (L12) 0.32(~+)(P106) opeot.J l'.ll(J8) opect.; Cu-d· 2n ( P4) (98.7%) 0.4(~ )(D9) o1.oh. 1.14(019,1134) apoot.; Cu-p-n (812) (G46),Y,o - 1.14(46% of 11:), no Y Zn·d·p (Ll2) (54% of K)(G46) Zn-n-Y(S6) x-ray-e• ooino id. J Ga66 K dooa;y(LlO) 0.46, 0.66, 1.0(Irl6, \ IS) cl.oh. raooil

Zn66 27.81 (1.88)

Zn67 4.07(1.88)

Zn68 18.61(1.88) ' I

Zn69m A I.T., Y(nl) 13.8 hr(Ll2) 0.439(89,GS) apoot. zn-d•p(L12,n1, V7) oonv. Zn•n-Y (T2 ,L12) Ga-d-a(Ll2) Go-n-p (Ll2) Ao-d-2a(H68) 'Zn69 A ~ - 57 min(L12) 1.0(Ll2) abo. llo Y(Ll2) Zn-d-p(Ll2,n1, V7) ' Zn-n-Y (!2) ' Ga-d-a(Ll2) .Ga-n-p(Ll2) Aa-S;2a(H68) zn6 I.T. (n1)

Zn70 0.620(L88) 71 Zn 8 ~-,Y(Hl30) 2.2 mln(H130) 2.1(8~30) Zn·n-Y (81SO) Ge·n-a(H130) 72 Zn72 A f ,Y(Sl49, 49 hr(S149) ~o.3(96%), ....1.6(5%) u-(G parant or Go G120) (8149) abo .Al Gl21) Bi·d(G62) .t.a-d-h6a (H68) 31 Ga64 B ~· 48 mln(813) Zn-p-n (813) Ga65 A K,o - 16 min (A4,Ll0) o.o64, o.n7(D9) Zn-ct-n(.t.4,L10) speot • OODT• Zn-p-Y(D9) Table of the I.sotopes 1\igo 14

Isotope Cla .. Percent Type of Halt Ute llnergy of Radiation in •v Produced by z A Abundance Radiation 1\irticlolo Y rays - 31 Ce 66 A p• 9.4 hr(Bl3,R3) 3.1(117) abs. Cu-a,.n(M'7,R3) . Zn-p-n (Bl3) !.•-3-3•11• f666) ae6 decay 6147)

Ce67 A K,Y,e - 78.3. hr(IISS); 0.094, 0.174, 0.187, Zn-d-n(A4,G6, V7) 83 hr(A4) o.sol(C2l) speot.; Zn-a-p(MB) 0-0926, 0.180, Zn-p-a(Bl3, V7) 0.297(69) opoct. As-4-3110.. (666) conv~' srot. J aeB p• decay(6147) 0.292(G3 apeot.

Cess A p• 58 min(R3) L9(R3,1!7) abs. eu-a-n (R3,117) Zn-p-n{D2,Bl3) Zn-p-Y(?){D2) Zn-d-n(G6, V7) Oo.-n-2n(P2) Oo.-Y-n(B20) Ge-d-a{S29) Ao-g-3•9• (H66) ae6 K dooay(666)

Go. 69 61.2(861)

Ga 70 A p- ,Y 20.3 min (8139), 1.68(825); Zn-p-n (D2, V7) 20 min(B20,Al) 1.65(6136) opect.; Zn-a-p(IIS) • 1.62(8139) abo.Al Ce-n-Y(Al) Ce-n-2n (P2l Oo.-Y-n(B20 Go-d··a(829) Ge-n-p(G29,Gl2l)

Ce7l 38.8(861)

Go. 72 A p- ,Y 14.3 hr(1130,Gl2l,Sl49); 0.64(40%), 0.96(32%). 0.63(18%), 0.84(100%), Ga-d-p(L20) 14.1 hr{S6) 2.52(18%), s.15r-10%J l-87 (8%). 2-21 (32%). Ce-n-Y(S6,Gl21) (663) opect. 1 2.51(28%)(663) opect.; Ce-n-p(S29 ,G12l) (1194) opoot. 1 (1194) opoot. 1 Ao-d-a~JC130) N0,77, 2,3'(1188) 0-64f.-8%), 0.84r-46%~ U-n,Zn p- deooy(GU1) coinoid.; 2.25 r-46%)(1167) Bi-o(P66) o.s(.,.ss%), N s.1 H5%) opeot. 1 2.50(W64) Tl-a(Tl09) (8149) abs.Al ' D-Y-n reaotior:. 1l-a(Oll5)

Go. 73 B p-(8150,0121) 6 hr(S160, Gl21) 1.4(8150) abo.Al No Y(Sl50) Ge-n-p{G121) 1l-n(8150,8149)

Ga 74 D p- 9 days(S29) 0.8{829) Ge-d-a(829)

32 Go 66 A ~140 min (Hl4 7) Ge-d-§Sn, parent of a.. 6.(6147)

Ge61 p•(Hl47) B 23 min(H147) Go~~~i 4~ront of

Cess B K(H66) 260 dayo (666) 1 Zn-a-2n{lll,ll99) -195 day a (Ill) Ao-d-a5n (H66 ~ , Parent or Ga 8 (H66) Go70 20.55(ll05)

Ge1l ... K,e- {?)(830), 11 dayo (830) 1 ....,o. 6(p+ ?){M67) 0.6(830) abo. of e - Go.-d-2n (sso) ; K, no p- or 11.3 dayo(D10l), Ga-p-n (DlOl) o-(8104)1 11.4 days (H66) Ge-d-p(83o) p•(?)(ll67) Go-n-Y(S104) .to-d-a2n (666)

Go7l A p• 39.7 hr(DlOl); 1.2(830) abo. Zn-o-n(I!B) '40 hr(S30ll Go.-d-2n (830) ' Ga-p-n (D101) \ 36 hr(H62 ; ' 38 hr(H66) Oa-n-Y(S6,S29) Ge-d-p (S6,S30, 829) Go-n-2n(,829) Oa-Y-n(H62) Ao-d-a2n(H66) s.-n-u(829} Aa 71 p+ deoey (H66}

Oa72 27.37(!105)

Ge73 7.61 (nos)

0.74 86.74(!105) Ge'16 A f ,Y{830) 89 min(S30} l.l(S26,S29} ol.oh. - Ge-n-a(S6,S29} (K.U,); 1.2(830} Ce-d-p(S6,B29,S30} abo. Al Go-n-Zn ( 829,830) Oa-Y-n(H62) ' Aa-n-p{S29,S30} Sa-n-a(829, 830)

0.76 7.67(!105}

0.71 A p-(829}, 12 br(830,Sl06) 2.0(8106) aba.All Ge-n-Y(S6,S29) Y(8162} 1.9(825,829) o1.oh. Oo-d-p(S29, S30} (K. U.}; Sa-D·Cl(SSO} 1.8 (8152} aba • .u U-n

Isotope Clase Percent Type of Halt life Energy of Radiation in Mev Produced by z A Abundance Radiation Pnrtio1eo Y rays

Ge17m B- 82 8 . 59 oeo (AS?) 2.8(!87) abo .Al 77 Parent of As (!87) 78 Ge78 D f ,Y(S152) 2.1 hr(8152) .v0.9(8152) abs.Al ]J-n, parent of 4o (8106,8152)

gg Asn A ~· (H66) 52 min(H66) As-d-p5n (H66) So 71 ~· deoay, parent of Ge 71 ( 40 hr )(H66 )

./2 8 ~· ,Y 26 hr(V4) 2.78(1180) abs.Al, 2.4 (lll!O) ooincid.abs. Ge-..-n~J.I80) ooinoid. Ge-p-n V4) As-d-p4n (H66) So 74-d-"(1199) So 72 K deoay(H66)

Ao73 8 K,e- (ElO) 90 days(826) 0.052 (E10) opect.oonv. Ge-d-n(S26,El0) Ge 70_"-P (?) (1188)

As74 A ~-.~•,Y(826) 17.6 days(II88)J 1.3(~-), 0.9(~·)(826) 0.582(D15) speot. Ge-"-n (MB8) 19.0 days(H66); cl.oh. (K.U.) Ao-n-2n (S26, Cll) 16 days (826) 4s-d-p2n (H66) Ge-d-n (826,829, I4) 8e-d-"(F8) Ge-p-n(D9) 8i-d(G62)

As75 100(1130)

As76 A f-,Y; ~·. 26.8 hr(W9,Wl9) 1. 29 (15%)' 2.49(26%). 0.55, 1.20, 1.70(867) Ge-p-n(V4) K,Y(S23) 3.04(60%)(~-) (867) speot.J 0.557, 1.22, As-d-p(Cll, T3) speot.J 1.1, 1.7, 1.78(weak)(W70) As-n-Y ( CU) 2. 7 (~-){S23,W9,Wl9) speoto) 1.94, 0.83 Se-n-p(826) ol.oh.; 0.7, 2.6 (M6) speot.; ooinoid. 8e-Y-p(H74) c~·) (823) ol.oh.; (J.135)J 2.15(weak), Se-d-"(F8) coinoid. (1135) 1.84(weak), 1.25 8r-n-"(Cll) !vso%), o.s?!v?o%) (lll20,M67) speot.; 3.2, 2.2, 1.5(S23) ol.oh. pair 77 77 As 8 ~- (8106) 40 hr(8151) 0.8(8152) abs.Al u-n(8151), Ge ~- dooay(Sl52) Th-o(llll6) 8i-d~G62) Ge77 59 sao) ~- deoay(M7) As78 A p- ,Y eo min(Cll )1 1.4(826) ol.oh. (K.U.) 0.27(826) abs.Pb 8r-n-"(89, CU,826) 65 min(,S26) So-n-p(826) 78 As78 D ~- 90 min(Sl06,8152) 1.4~0%), 4.1(-'10%) U-n, Ge p- deoay (8152) abs •.1.1 (8106,8152) 71 34 se A p• (H66) 44 min(H66) As-d:;fn, parent of' As (H66) 72 se 8 K(H66) 9.5 days (H66) As-d-5n (H66 ) 72 Parent of Ao (H66) 73 8e B ~· (H66). 6.7 hr(H66); Ge-a-n(C79) 7.1 hr(C79) Ge 70-a-n(C79) 4o-d-4n (H66)

Se74 0.87(Wl21)

Se75 A K,Y,e - 127 days(C79}J o.o97, o.122, o.1s1, As-p-n(D9) 125 days (Gl43) 1 o.266, o.4oo(Jl31) Ao-d-2n (K30,Sl07) ll5 days ~F46) 1 speot., speot. oonv. J Se-n-Y(F46,,Bl30) 120 days HBB) 0.60(D9) speot. oonv.J several (0.3(K30) speot. oonv.J 0.336, O.l8(8ll7)J 0.22, 0.43(C79) abo .Pb

Se76 9.02(Wl21)

Se77 7.5B(Wl21)

Se77m A I.T.,Y 17.6 oeo(A37) NO.l5(.A37) So-n-Y (AS?) (Dl22,A37) Be 76_n-Y(Dl22)

Se78 23.62 (Wl21)

. So eo 49.82(Wl21)

SeSlm 8 I.T., e-(L30 69 min {0126 lJ 0.099(H9) opeot. oonv. Se-d-p(S9,L30) 57 min(S9,L30) Se-n-Y(S9,Hl0) se80-n-Y(Ll31) 8e-Y-n(B20) Br-n-p(89,LSO) 81 u-n, parent of' Se (Gl26) Table of the Isotopes Page 16

leo tope Cle.os Peroent Type of Halt life Energy of Radiation in lin· Produced by z A Abundance Radiation Partiolee Y rays

34 SeBl B . f 17 min(Gl25); 1.5(LSO,G125) abs.Al llo Y(012B) Se·d-,(89, LSO) 19 min(LSO) Se·n-Y(S9,Hl0) Se•J•n(B20) s.B m I.f. (LSO) Br-n-p(friO) u-,, So " I.T. .. Gl25,Gl01)

Se82 9.19 (1rl21)

s.~ A p" ,Y(AS7) 67 aeo(A37) 8.4(.&37) abe.A1 Se-n-T (.&37) u-n(S177)

80es A p" ,T(0120, 25 m1n(Yl21,G125); 1.5(lll21,G125) abs.A1 o.l7, o.s1, 1.1 Se-d-p (LSO) G125) 30 min(LSO) (Bll2,G125) abo.Pb Se-n-T(LSO) 83 U-n. parent of Br (G101) Th-n(G101) 84 Se84 A p" ~2.6 m1n(G125)J U-n, parent of Br <10 min(Elll) (E111) 74 35 Br74 B p• (1173) 106 min{W7S) 1.5(W'I3) Ho T(W73) 8e -d-2n(1173) So 74.p-n(lr73)

a/7 B 48 hr(W73) Se~!-o-p(1173) So ·d·n (1173) f Br7a A ~+- ,e- ,Y 6.4 m1n(S9) 2.S(p+)(89) abo. 0.046, 0.10a (V7) Ao-o-n(S9) speot. oonv. Se-d-n(89) Se-p-n (813, V7l Br-Y•n(B20,CS Br-n-2n(Hl0)

a/9 so.s(W122)

Brf!!Jo A I.T.,e-. Y 4.4 hr(B13) 0.049, 0.037 or 0.025 Se-«-p (1173) (Sl'O, Vl5, (V7) opeot.oonv.J 8e-P-n (813, V7) V7 ,G22) 0.037(022) abe.Al Br-n-Y(S9,Sl0,42), "'so%)(GU7) Br-d-p(S9) Br-Y-n(B20) . Br-n-2n (P2) fh·n(?) (Pl2,P16)

Breo A f,YJ p+ 18 min(S9,) 2.o(f)(A2) apeot.J (0.5(813,89) abo. Se-p-n(B1S) (S%)(881) o.73(p+)(BB1) epeot., Br-n-T(S9), r-"lo%)(Gl37) aba. Br-d-p(S9) Br-T-n(B20) Br-&;; 2n (P2) Bra I,f,(S10,S31,D20)

Br81 49.5(Wl22)

Bra2 A ~- ,y S4 hr(89) Q.465(R6,D21) apeot.J 0.547, 0.787, 1. Se-p-11 (813, R7) (D23) ooino id. (R6,D15) epeot.J 8o-d-2n(S9) (D2S) ooineid. Br•n•T(!5,S9) Br-d-p(S9) Rb-n-u(S9,P2) lJ-n(FllS) Pb-u(Pl04) Tl-u(Tl09) Bi-u(P56) Bi-d(P56) u-u(Oll5)

Bras A p- 2.4 hr(G101) l l.OS(LSO) abs.J llo T(89,G101) Se-d-n(S9) 140 min(LSO) o.9(G125) abs.Al s.BS p- dooay(S9,LSO), parens of KrBS.. (LSO) U-n, Se S ~- decay, nrent of Kr83m LS0 !!9,835, GJ01) -n 181a4) fb-n (Bl5, LSO,S10a, Gl01) fh-u(11116) l'll-n(Pl02) Bi·d(P56) Pb-u(P104) 81-u(P56) l1-u(0116)

Bra4 A p- so min(SS5), 5.3(E111) aba.AlJ Rb-n-u(B29) 38 min(El04,Elll) 4.6(830) &bO•J l1-n(D6,H22,H57 •ft•SS5, poaoib1y weak 0.2 p- B29,E104), So Jl" or o-(E104) deoa:y(Blll) ~ fb-ll (Pl2 ,8101) Bi-4(P104) 85 Bras A p- s.oo min(S205)J 2.5 (8206) abe ••U llo T(S206) u-... parent or Kr 3.0 m1n(S35,B29) (836,829,848) 87 BrS7 B p-(B35)J 55.6 eeo (B131): Q, 3 (mean)(n)(B1S4) li-n, parent or Kr f,n(S80) 55.0 oeo(H51)J p reooil 1n o1.oh. (836,829,843,880,1151) 56 oeo(S60) l'll-n(H51)

Br88 B p- 16.0 eeo (R107) 0-D, ADOIItOr of Rb88(R107) Table of: the Isotopes ltge 1?

hotope Claoo Pel"'ent fype ot Halt lite l!llors:r ot Radiation iD •T Produoed by z A AbUDduoe Radlatlon ltrtlo1eo T rayo

86 sr'* D . p" ,n(Ll25, 4.51 oeo(Bl31)1 o.? (mou) (n) (813<&) u-n(lll26) (868) ' 888) 4.6 oeo(Ll26 p reooil ;n ol.oh. u Kr78 O.SU{L?5)

lr79,8J c p• (841), • M hr(841) "'o. 9 (act(), .... o. s(vcte) o.2(Bl09) abo.Pb Sa•A-n(046,C22) T(Bl09) (Bl09) abo .111 Br·d-2n(C84) 0.4(C41) o1.ob. Br-p-n(841,C41) lrr-d•p(C45,S9,C22) Kr·n•T (8109) [r79,8l • c I,T.(tl,e-,TI 13 oeo(C41) Ool87(041) opoot.ooDT. Br-p-n(841,C41) no p (041) [r79,81 c I.T.(?l·•-,TI 55 ooo(C41) · 0.127(041) opoot.oonT. Sa·A-n(T)(D) no p (041) Br•p-n (841, 041) ~ I Krso 2.22S{L75)

g,.82 11.50(L?5)

~rea U,48(L75) ll-n('l43) •·•· lrS&n A I.T., e- (LSO 113 mln(LSO) Oe029, O.Q46\LU1} So•A-n(C46,C22~ lpeot. OODTe lr•d-p(C46,C22 Kr-n-T{115?) ll:r-x·ro;o(1157) U·n, B 3 p· dooay (LSO) [r84 67.02 (L75) U-n(TU) •·•• [r85 A p·,T(8l09) 4.5 br(Bl09)t 1.0(8109) abo.All o.l?, 0.37(8109) abo.Pb lr-d•p(S9,C45, C22) 4.0 br{C22 1 o.s&(BSO) abo. Kr-n-T(8109) <&.6 hr{SU llb-n-p(B29) 8r·n-a2.6 yr(WUS) [r88 17.U(L?6) ll-n(!43) •·•· [r87 B f 74 aln(S9) .... 4(830) abo•Al lr-4-p(S9) Hb·n-~B29) u-n;s 7 p· dooa:r (829,843)

Ires A p· S hr(L27 ,828) 2.5(Wl9) o1.ob.(K.U,) Th•n(1129,U,L27) 88 U-n, parent of lib (1128,811,19;821,848} J[r89 89 A p- 2.8 aln(DU4), U-n, anoeator of sr 2.5 mln(H56) (G9,G2l,B41,8<&6,1K7) ll-d(Ol01) Pu-n(Al06)

[r90 A f( ... as oeo(l0.24)1 ohort(Dl08) u-:;e?!(~~tr ot Pu-n(1106) 1 91 xl a· p· 9.S oeo(Dl14)J U-n, anoeator ot ar 5. T oeo (0101) (Suo Dl14) ,anoootor ot. y91 (8110,D1011) U...d(Ol01) ~-n(Al05) [r92 ·D f z.s ooo(DUfo)J ll-n(1!28,1H6,84~ (0.5 aln(B29) anoootor ot 2 (Dl02) Th-n(B29) Pu-n(Al05) ) 93 .1rs3 D f 2.2 oeo(DlU)J U-D, anoe1tor ot t 2 .o ... (1104) (S1Tl) U-d(Ol01,Bl02) Pu-n(Al05) J[r9<& D p- 1.<& ••• D 20 II1D (Hal) Br-~n(Ba1)

as' B p•(881) ....0 dayo(881) llb-n-211(881) Sr-4-cz(881) ~~o•e -,a,e(m) Te. ble of the Isotopes Fa~e 18

Isotope Class Peroent Type of llalf lifo Energy of Radiation in l!ov Produco.d b;y z A Abundanoo Radiation Partioles Y rays

37 Rb F . 42 min(H6l) ir-dln (H6l) Rb F 200 br, (H5l) ir-d-n (H61)

Rb86 A p",Y(H62) 19.6 days (Hts >1 l.66(Hl3) abo., Rb-n-Y (89, 820) ""17 days (H62 l.60(H62) opeot., Rb-Y·n (H62 ~ l.8o(Fll7) abo.A1 Sr-d•Cl(Rl8 Bi-d(G62) - u-n (Fll4, Fll7) 10 Rb87 A 27.2(1184) f(T3l,C6l), 6.8>:10 ~(S74)J O.l32(L6) opeot., 0.034, 0.063, 0.082, llot~ral oouroo (1'31, (H89, Y, e"(OSO) 5.8xlol yr(Es3) 0.26(!63), Ool02 0 0,129(030) 061) H84) 0.13(030) opeot., speot. oonv. O.l44(S64) spoot.

Rb88 A p" 17.6 m1n(ln9) 4.6(021) abo.AlJ Rb-n-y (sa, P2, 820) 6.l(ln9) o1.oh. Po-n(G7J· IJ-n, Kr 8 f dooay (B28, L27 ,Hll, G2l, 1119 ,B46) Th-n(A6) 89 Rb89 A p", Y(G21) 15 min(G9,G21) 3.8(G21) abs.' U-n, 1r p" deoay (G9,G2l, S4l,Ht6,B47)J perent of Sr8 (G2l) 90 Rb90 A p" Short (Dl08) ·n-n, Kr p" dooay, parent of Sr90(Dl08) 91 - Rb9l p" Short(H42,Sll0) 8 A U-:~;atoe o~ ;H· (SllO,DlOS)

~90 D p- eo seo(H28) U-n(H28,H46,H47 ,H56) 9 Rb93 D p" Short(Dl05, Dl04} U-n,Kr S ~- deoa , I ancestor of y9~ / (Dl05,Dl04) 94 Rb94 D p" Short(H56) U-n, Kr ~- do3ay, ancestor of Y 4 (B66) 97 Rb97 B p- Short (Al05) U-:a., Kr p- deoa , ancestor of z.rSJ (Al05)

38 Sr84 0.66(1136)

Sr8fm A I.T., e-, Y 70 min(D25) 0.170(025) speot.ooDT. Rb-p-n(Dl3,D26) - (D25) Sr8s A K, Y(Dls) 65 days (Dl3) o.a(Dl3,D25) abs.Pb Rb-p-n(D13,D26) Rb-d-2n (1!20, 0102)

Sr86 9.86(1136)

Srf!ln A I.T., e -• y 2.7 hr(Dll) Q,37(Dll) spaot. oonv. Rb-p-n(Dll) · (Dll) 0.386(59) spootoOODYo Sr-n-n(Dl3, Rl5, D26,R20) 8r-x-rays (115 6) Sr-a·-a· (1156) 8r-d•p (Dll) Sr-n-Y(Dll, Rl6,Fl03) sr86.n-Y(869) ~p-p(?)(D26) 7 K deoa~(Dll,D25) Zr-n-a( 6 Sr87 7.02(1136) ' 8raa 82.66(1136)

Sr89 A ~- 56 days (824) 1.60(824) ol.oh., llo Y(GlOB,S24,11112) Sr-d-p(Sll,S24) (Lll2,B96) l.4a(lllo2> ·r•t., Sr-n•Y(8ll, 824) l.6(11102,R49 spoot. Y-n-p(Sl2) Zr•D•Cl(! ~ (846) u-n, Rba ~- dooay (G9,H28,02l,B46, Bn,ost) u-d~Ol03) u2S •n(G66,SlS4) Th•n(Bl01) 1'b-Cl(llll6l Pu-n(Fl02 Bi-Cl(Tl09) Bi·d(062) Pb-a(P104) pt.a(Tl09) 90 Sr90 A ~- (11112) -vSO yr (0113) o. 65 (G102lab, .u, lio Y(Gl02,0l22) u-n, Rb ~- dooay, (HllO,B96) 0.6(G6l parent ot y90(Hn, m.l. ll!l2,DlOS ,Gl22; 061) u2 3 -n(~6) Tb-a(llll6) Table of tho Isotopes !'ago 19

Isotope Claaa Percent Type of Half life , Eller~ ot liadiation in lleY ProdllOod by z A Abundance Radiation l'l.rtio1oa Y roya

38 Sr9l A . ~-,Y 9.7 hr(lll17l' 1.3(4o%), 3.2(6o%)(lll05, --..1.3(lll17) aba.Pb Zr-n-:1848) 10 hr(H47 F111,lll12) aba.Al U-n, Rb 1 ~- decay, parent of y91 f.-60%) (F1ll) and y91m ~4o%) (Fll1), (H56, H47 ,G13,848,lll05) Th-n(BlOl) !h-.. (lll16) Pu-n(81U,Fl02) Bi-.,(P56) pt-"(T109) Pb-G(P104) Bi-d(P104)

Sr92 D " p- 2. 7 hr(G13) 0-n, parent ot Y92 (G13,H47 ,H56, sno,nos) Th-n(B101) Tb-G(lill6) U-Y(L2) 93 8r93 D f 7 min(L26) U-n,Bb ~- decay, parent of y93 (H56, L26,H28,H47) Sr94 - 94 - D ~ - ~2 min(H47) . U-b, Rb ~ 3t••Y, porent of Y (H66,H47)

Sr97 B Short(A105) 97 - f U-:~!:tor~ of d;~~,, (A105) y87m 39 B I.T., e -• y 14 hr(824,Dl3) 0.6(026) abs. 8r-d-n{S24,DU,D25) (D25) Sr-p-n (D13, D25)

y87 A- K(D13) 80 hr(D25) llo Y{?){D25) Rb-G-n(Rl8) Sr-p-n(D13,D25) 8r-d-n(D13,S24,D25) y88 A 2.0 hr(S24) 1.2(811) o1.oh.(K,U.) Sr-d-n ( 811, S24) ~· Sr-p-n(D13,D25) Y-n-2n(Sll)

y88 A (Hlll )m.a. KoY$D25,H33)1 105 daya_(D25,0109) o.83(~·)(P1ll) apect. 0.91, 1.83, 2.76(P1ll) Sr-p-n (D13, D25) ~ (0.19%) opect., 0.908, 1.89 Sr-d-2n(Fl1,HS3, (P1ll) {D28) apeot.ooincid., 047 ,0102) 0.95, 1.92(Rl2) Y-n-2n (H33 ,0110) c1.oh.l 1.87(832) Be-Y-n1 2 .a (1%) (047) ll-Y-n

yB9 100(040) y90 A ~- (lll12) 62 hr(G122); 2.16(11102) apeot., lio Y(Gl03,Gl22) Y-d-p(8U) (HUO)m.s. 60 hr(Sll) 2.6(811) ol.oh. (K. u.), Y-n-Y(Sll,S12) 2.5(0103) ab~.Al Zr-n-p (846) Zr-d-a(S46) Cb-n-.,(~2,813) U-n, 8r ~- decay (H47,Gl22,G51) Bi-d(G62) Bi-a(P56) Pt-a(Tl09) Tl-a(T109) y9lm A I.T., y, e - 51.0 min(F1ll)J 0.61(Flll) aba.Pb, aba. Zr-n-p{S48) M%Hn12) 50 min (Gl3) Al of .- U-n, Sr91 ~~ deoa7 {H47,Gl3

ylll A ~- 57 days(H42,Gl3), l.53(Lll8) spoct., lio Y(B102) Zr-n-p{S48) '\., {Lll2,H96) 61 days {G51) 1.6(830) aba. tJ-n, sr91 ~- deoa7 m.s. (H47,G13 1 fs1mi.T.(G13,Flll) u2 3-n(Gss) ~d(0101) !h-n(Bl01) Pu-n(F102) Bi-d(G62) y92 D f, Y(H56) 3.5 hr(H56) s.s (nos,ml2) aba.Al, -l(lll05) abo.Pb z... n-p{S46,S48) 3.6(830) aba.Al 11-n, Sr92 ~- deoa:r (G13,H47 ,H66,1105) Th-n(Bl01) 93 -y9S D f ,Y(B121) 10.0 hr(B121), 3.1 (Bl2l) -aba.Al 0.7(8121) aba.Pb U-n, 8r ~- deoa:y (8171) , 11.5 hr(H47) {H47,H56,B104) !h-n(B101)

y94 D f,Y(H56) 20 min(H47) Zr-n-p(S48) 11-n, sr94 f deoa:y (H47 ,H56, DUO) y97 97 B ~ - Short(AlOS) u..n,sr ~- d•sv,• parent of Zr (4105)

_, Table of the Isotope• !'ago 20

- - Isotope Claeo Percent . !ype of Half life Energy of Badiation in lin Produced by z A Abundance Radiation Fartioleo Y rays

40 Zr89 A e· ,Y,I.T. or 4.6 min(D25) Y-p-nlDl3, D25) . K(Dl3,D25) Zr-n-2n( ?)(&19)

Zr89 A p• (Sl2,DlS) 80.1 hr~Ol04)1 1.07(0104) abo.AlJ llo y(D25) Y-d-2n(Ol04) 78 hr D25) l.O(p")(Sl2) ol.oh. Y-p-n(Dl8,D25) (K.11.),(D25) abo. Zr-n-2n(812,S46) llo-n-Cl(S46)

Zr90 61.51 (11121) - . Zr91 U.27{Wl21)

Zr92 17.14(1n21)

Zr98 F 2.6 miD(Iil06) Cb-n-p ( 1 )(nos) 4 z.S 17. 30(11121) Zr95 A f , Y, e - 65 dayo(B105,G61h 0.394 (96%), 1.0(2%) 0.73(93%), 0.23(93%). Zr-n-Y(S46) 65.6 da;re(P17)J (!1109) •r,ot. 1 0.92(7%)(11109) speot. Zr-d-p(S46,Jl05) 63 dayo (846) 0.42(95% • 1.0(6%) CODV•I llo-n-C1(S46) 95 (8101) abo.A1 · 0.80(8101) abs.!'b u-n, parent of Cb 95 (36 days) and Cb (90 hr )(?)(H55,Gl6, Bl 04,8112, Gl04, G61) 1J23S-n(G65,S166) Pu-n(Fl02) 11-C1(0115) Bi-d(G62) Th-C1(1il16) Zr96 2.78(11121) - Zr97 B f, y 11.0 hr(GlB,n1s) 2.2(n13) abo.Al1 ..v0.8(n13) abs.Pb Zr-n-Y(S46) 1(G18) abo. llo-n-Cl(S46) u... n, Sr97 p""' decay (&~95), parent of Cb (G18,B39,C105) 11-C1(0ll6) Th-Cl(llll6)

Zr B 6 soo(A19) Zr-n-Y(?)(A19) Zr B - f 18 min(546) Zr-n-Y(!)(S46,U9) Zr F p- 90 min(S12) -1.6(546) abo. Zr-d-? (S12,S46) Zr B f 70 hr(S46) 1.17(546) o1.oh.(K.11.) Zr-n-?(846) 41 Cb B 4 min(D9) Zr-po'n,(? )(D9)

Cb E 12 min(D9) Zr-p-n (? ){D9)

Cb E 38 min(D9) ' Zr-p-n (? ){09) Cb90 B p• 18 hr(J121)1 --'1(Jl21) abo •.U Zr-p-n(?)(D9) 21 hr(D9) Zr-d-2n(Jl21) llo-d-C1(J121)

Cb91 B K, e- ( ?~ 60 dayo(Jl21)1 "'0-15(946,1133) abo. of Zr-d-n(Jl21) (J121 • y "'55 dayo(546) .-1 0.94(1133) Cb92 .. f,y 10.1 dayo(K6B)I 1.38(842) ol.oh.(K.11,)J l.0(1133,K68) Zr-p-n(ns) 11 daya(S42,Sl3) loSS {K68}1 Cb"n-2n(542,S1S) 0.69(1133) Cb-d-t(K58,W62) llo-n-p (546)

Cb92 p p-,Y(W62) 21.6 hr(W62) 1.2(W62) aba ..U o.a(W62) abo.Pb Cb-d- ?(W62)

Cb9S 100(863)

Cb93m B I.T. (WS6) 42 daye (W56) Cb-x-rayo(W56) Cb94m A I.t!,e-f:~~ 6.6 min(S42) 1,3(Gl38) ooinoido 0.068(Gl38) abo. or o-1 Cb-n-T(S42,S13,P2) p f-.-0.01%) aba • .U l.O(Cl3S) aba.Pb Cb-d-p(K67 ,W62) (G50,Gl38) 96 Cb96m .. I.T., e - 90 hr(LllS) 1 0.24(LUS,Lll4) apeot. 11-n, zr p- deoayrw2%} (-loo,C) SO hr(BlOl)' oonY. (llOl,ClOS,SU2), (LllS ,Lll4) rsrent of Cb 8162,L114) 96 Cb96 A p- (LlOS,Fl04, 36 daya(ElOl)l O.l6(G104,Bl01) abo.U1 0.76(Wl12,R49) apaot.1 Zr f deoay(Jl21) El06),Y 37 dayo (J121) 0.154(!1109) opoot. o. 79(Jl01) opoot.1 llo-d-C1(Jl212 o.T16(11l09) apeot. 11-n, zr96 p deoa~ ' OODY• r-s6%)(G104,G61 Cb96 B 3 daya(J12l)l Zr-p-n(?)(D9) 4'da;re (D9) Zr'-4-2n(J121) lb-4-C1(Jl21)

Cb97 B f,y 76 min(GlS) 1.4(1113) aba.u o.7e(na) abo.Pb lb-n-p(S46) lb-Y-p(H74) 11-ll, zr97 p- dooay (G18,S68,1139) u ..,sa 16.86(1n22) Table of tho Isotopes Page 21

hot ope Clase Peroent Typo ot Halt lifo lltlora ot Radiation in lin Produced b7 z A 4b\lDdaDCO l!lldiotion Particles Y reyo

42 llo93 8 . ~+ ,Y 6.70 hr(KS7)J 0.3, o, 7(KS7) 1. 6(KS7) Zr-...a(157) 7 hr(D9) Cb-p-n(D9,KS7) Cb-d-2D(I57 ,1162) llo-d-p(ll62) - llo93 ~ 17 min(820,Sl2) 2.66(846) (Jr,tJ,) Cb·d·2n(ll62) ~· lb-n-2n(Hl0, 912,846) lb·Y•D (820 l llo-d-p(ll62

llo94 9.12(Wl22)

llo95 15.7(W122)

llo96 16.6(Wl22) .llo 97 9.45(ln22)

llo98 23.75('11122)

llo99 A f, T 67 hr(Sl4,1rll8)J 1.3(n05) abo.Al1 0.4(814) abo.Cu, Pb1 ir-...n(Dl2,l!S2) 66.0 hr(8181) 1.5(814) abo.J 0.24 (2o:'). o. 75(8o:') lolo·d-p ( 814 ) o.z.. 1.03(1190) (11120) opec to~ 0. 77, llo-n-Y(Sl4,Sl2) ooinoid. abe. 0.815,0. 84 (S91) Jlo98.n·Y(IIl39) opeot., 0.71(1190) llo-n-2n(S46) . ooinoid. abs. u.. n, parent ot tc99m(82S,H41, f!05) u2 -n(Sl84) 'fh-n (H24, 8101) Th-n(Nll6~ Pu-n(Fl02 B1-n(P56) . Bi-d(G62) · Tl-c.(Tl09) l't-a(Tl09) 10C 110 9.63 (11122)

lololOl A ~-. y 14.6 min(ll25) 1.0, 2.2(11S8)J 0.3, 0.9(1138) lb-n-Y(S40,S22j 846,1125) 1.8(840) (il:.u.) Jb 100-n-Y (11139 U-n" parent of tolOl . {H4l,B28) .. 102 102 110 D ~- 12 min(H41) U-n, parent of To (H41) 105' Mol05 B ~- Short(831) U-n, flnoestor ot Ru _(831) 92 43 To'illJI3 c ~·. y 4,5 min(lol95) 4.3(1195) aba. 1,8(1195) abo. llo -~-n or 11:>9 -d-2D(1195) 9 To 4o D I,'f,,e- (H67) 63 min(G54) 0.0334 (H67) opeot. llo-p-n (G56) OOD"'•

:ro94 D ~+, K(66"), (53 min(H67) 2.67(~+) (G64) apect.J 0.380, 0.873, 1.48, lb-p-n(G65) y(G54) 2.5(~ )(1196) aba ..u 1.85, 2. 74(H67) apect lb~-d-2n(lol96)

,.ss B K, Y(!!34)1 52 days(E34)1 0.4 (~+ )(H20l) ol.oh, 0.25, 0.64(!34) abo.PbJ 11:>-d-n (Cl2, C24 ,11152) .-. -~·~1" 62 dl!3's(Cl2) o.2o1, o.57, o.e1, llo·tn (B54) (H201) l.Ol(H20l) apeot., 11:>9 -d-2D(1157) speot. oonT., ooinoid

Tc96 A K, Y, o. (B59 20.0 hr(E39) 0.78(!!;39) aba.Pb1 llo-r:n(B39) o.e (M96) abo.Pb 11:>9 -d-2D(II96) au95 ~· decay(!!39)

,.ss D ~·. y(Ji95) 2.? hr(D4) 1.2(1195) abo. 2,4(1195) abo. Cb-...n(KS) 11>-p-n(D4) llo-d•n (814)

,.ss B !(ES~),e-, Y 4,30 d&ya{!!34)J O.S4{e.)(EU) abao.UJ 0.05, 0.5(!!5), Cb-..,n(E32) (!!5) 4,33 daya(G66) DO e•(1157) 0.92(1!32) apect. 1 llo-p-nfl!3,832) 0.8(1157) llo-d-n E32) Ru-n-p (8132) Jb96.d-2n(1157) 1'o97• 97 A I.!., e·(B54 90 days(Cl2,1157)J 0.097(H9) I)OtoOODToJ 11o -d-2n (1157) 93 days (1189) 1 0.108(1!34 abs. of e· ll>•d•n ( Cl2 ,C24) 96 da;yo(ES4) ~~o-rnCEU,Gs5) Rug K dooa;y(lll30,1169) , se 98 0 8 f ,il:(?)ly 2. 7 do yo (Gl27)J' 1.3(1196) aba.All 0.9(1198) abs.PbJ llo -d-2n(ll96) (Gl27 2.8 days(ll96) o. 76 (Gl27) abo • .&1 1.0(0127) abo.Pb Ru•n-p(Gl27) ' / 1'o(99 D I .... 2 d&)'a(sa) llo-d-n (814) 99 ,.ss. A I.t., .-, y 8.0 hr(8127)a O.lS6(SU) apeot.conToJ II> ~- daoa;r(Si4) {SH) 6.6 hr(Sl4)a "'0.18(814) abe.Cil,Pb Ru-n-p(BlS22 6.1 hrfGl09)J 11-n, M:J99 ~ dooay 6.9 hr 11121) (HU,GllO) Th-D(8101) 99 6 9 To A f 9.4 " 10 ;rr(1116) 0,32 (1186) a.booAlJ lio Y(Sl54,1188) 'l'o 9m 1,'1',(814) (I9) m.a. 4.7z1o6 ;yr(Plo7\1 ...0.4(LU6) abo •.&lJ U-n(Sl54,Lll6) -sx1o6 ;yr(8164) NO,S(Sl64) abe • .U yield Table of the Isotopes Pagc9 22

Isotope Class Peroent Type or l!alf Ufe Ellergy of Radiation in llev Produced by z A A.bundanoe Radiation Particles Y raya

4S ~101 D f,Y(E3) 65 min(E6) 2.5(E6) abo, llo-p-a(E3, D\1,115} Ru·n-p(Bl32) .

T510 0 p· 36.5 hr(D4) llo•p-n(ll4,Bl27) Hu-n-p(B132) .

To(lO g p" 18 seo(D8) llo·p-n{D3,D9) , 101 To10 B p". y 14.0 min(ll25) 1.3(1138); o. 30{1138) 11o f decay(S40, 1.1(840) S46) U-n, Ko101 p" decoy {S22,1141,1125) 100 1\>101,10< c p", y 80 sec(1195) 2.3{1195) abe. 0.6{K95) abs. llo •d·n or 1folOO.d-2n (1195) 2 TolOl 1l f (1 min(H4l) u-n, llo io f decay (1141)

'f~l~ 0 K{?), y(Gl27) 60 days(G127) Ru-n-p (G127) 101 105 To 8 p" Short(B3l) U-n, l.b -f deoay, petent of Ru105(BS1)

44 Ru96 F 20 min(07) Ru·n-2n ( 1) (07, P2)

Ru96 A i3+, K, y 1.65 hr{E39) 1.l(p+)(E39) abs.A1 0.95(1!39) obs.Pb llo-a.-n(E39) (839) Mo92.a-n(E39) Ru-n-2n(E39) . Parent of Tc95 (1!39)

Ru96 6.68(820) 94 Ru97 A K, Y, e - 2.8 days(Sll3,S90); 0.23(Sll3,S90) obs.Pb Ko -a-n(E39) (Sll3,S90) 3.0 days(lll30) Ru·d·p (Sll3,S90) Ru•n•T (Sll3,11l.30, S90) Parent of to97m .(Kl30,K69)

liu98 2.22(820)

Ru99 12.81 (820)

RulOO I 12.70(E20)

Rul01 16.98(E20)

iul02 31.34(820)

Ru103 A f, y 42 daya(Sll3,S90); 0.25(G51); 0.3, 0.8 0.56(G106,Sll3) abs.Pbl Ru-d-!l(Ll3 ,Sll3) 41 days (887) 1 (weak)(SU3) abs.A1; 0.4(887) obs.Pb llu·n·T(Sll3) 45 days(lll5); o. 76 (887) abs .Al U-n (N12,N15,G104, 37 day a (G51) S113~, parent of Rh10 m(Sl50) u233-n (G65 ,8184) Th-n(8101) Pu-n(F102) Bi-d(G62) Pb-a(P104) / Ru104 18.27(820) Rul05 8 f, y 4.5 hr(8113 ); 1.4(8113) abs.Al; 0.76(8113) obs.Pb; Ru-n-T(D7 ,8113) 4.4 hr(887); 1.5(831) abs.; 0.7(887) abs.Pb Ru-d-p (L13 ,8113) 4 hr(D7,Ll3,N12) 1.3 (887) aba .Al u-n, Tol05 p· ~sg•y perent of Rh (B31,Nl2, D7, Ll3p S33,Sll3) 'fh•n(S33, B101) Bi·C1(P56) Pb•C1(Pl04) 'f1•a(T109) Pt-a(Tl09) . 106 Ru~06 A f 1.0 yr(G105); Very soft(S1ss) No Y(Gl06) U-n, parent of Rb (1196}m.a. 290 days (G61) ( G106, Sll3, G107, G~08,Gl04) u23 -n(G66,Sl64) U·d(0107) 'fh-n(B101) Th-a(NU6) Pu-n(Pl02) Bi·d(G62) Rul07 107 D f 4 min(83l) ,..4(831) abo.Al U-n, parent of Rh (831) llhlOO 45 8 It, y(S113), 19.4 hr(L86)J o.a(e"), s.o(p+) l.2(L86) abli.Pb; Ru-d-~Sll3) .-.p+f-6~) zi hr(sns) (LSG) apeot. l·8(SUS) oba.Pb pal K doooy(L86) (L86)

llhlOl 8 K, Y, e - 4.3 daya(L86); 0.56(!.86) abo.Pb, Ru-g·n(Sll3) (SlU) 6.9 days (sus) I peot • OODV ~ Pd1 1 K and p+ deoay (L86) Table of the Isotopel!l Page 23

Isotope 01&1!111 Percent type of Half Ute ·llrlergy of lladiation in llev Produced by·· ' z A Abundanoe Hadiation hrtioleo Y rays

Rhl02 45 A . ~- ,p• ,Y(II23), 210 days (1123) 1 1.04cp·J, l.ucp•)(H?a·J 0.46(annih. ?){8113) Ru-d~(Bll3) , . lt(Sll3) 215 dayo(H77) ol.oh.J abo.Pb Rh-n-2n(1!23,H76) .. 1.3(8113) abo.All l.l(p-)(1123) abo.

Rhl03 100(C60)

RhlO!b A x.r., e-(F31, 67 m1n(Gl08,Gl07)J 0.034(e-)(H77) opeot. 0.040(!57) abo. argon Rh-n-n(l'31) 8160,1167.) 62 miD (F37 lJ of e 1 Rh-e--e-(1!67) 48 m1n(F31) 1 0.042(F37) abo. of e- Rh-x-rayo (?/57) 45 m1D(1167 ,1168) Pdl03 X decay (B122 891) U-n, Ruf p· decay (Sl60,Gl07)

Rh!Dim A I.T., y, e - 4.2 min(P6)1 0.069(09,H77) epect. Ru-p-n~D9l (P6,A38) 4,4 m1D(F31)1 . CODT•I Q,Q87(F37)J ·Rh·n-Y P6,Al.;P2), 4.7 m1n(Cl34) 6.09(A38) abo.Al fvlO%) (Gl37) Pd·Y-p(H74)

Rhl04 A f, y(S60), 44 oeo(P6,Al) 2,3(Cl3) ol.ohol 0.041, 0.18, 0.96 Ru•p•D (Ll3) e·(C134) 2.6(H77) opect.1 (Cl34) abs., abo. Rh-n-Y(P6,,U), MD%) 2.3(360) abs.Al of e- fG137) . Rh 04m l,T, (P6)

lihl05 A f, Y, e - 36.6 br(S113); Q, 66 (8113) abs .All 0.33 (wealc)(8113) abs .Pb Ru-d•n (8113) 37 hr(B87}; 0.78(B87) aba.Alt Rul05 ~- decay(S113) 34 hr(ll12,1113) 0.5(1113) abo. Rh-t-p(K64) u-n, Ru106 ~- doca) (1112,D7 ,Ll3,Sli.3 Th-n(BlOl) 106 Rhl06 A p-, y 30 sec(G108,G107) 3.55(82%), 2.30(18%) 1.25(1%). 0.73(17%), u-n, Ru ~- decay (P57) opect.,coincid. 0.61 (17%)(P57) opect. (Gl07 ,Gl08,G51) abs.; 4.5(8133) abs.Al.J Pn-n(Fl02) 4 (Gl08) abs.AJ.

Rh I! p·. y ,9 br(B128) ,.,1,3(B128) abo • .ll 0.8(B128) abs.Pb U-n(B128) . 101 lihl07 D p- 24 mln(B31) 1.2(B31) abo.Al U-n. Ru p- decay \B31)

46 · PdlOO · B K, Y(L66) 4 .o days (L66) 0.090, 1.8(L66) Rh-d-5n (L66)

abs.Al.Ag 1 Pb Sb-d-6z23u ( Parent of Rb100(L86)

PdlOl B K~9Q%),- p• 9 hr(L86) 2. 3(p• )(L86) speot. llo Y(L86) Rh-d-4n (L86) (... 10~)(L86) Sb-d-6s22a (L86~ Parent of RhlO (J:,86)

Pdl02 0.8(863)

PdlO A K(Bl29) 17 days(B129,Mlll)· .. Rh-d-2n (1181) Rh-p-n(Mlll) . Pdi::i6tmP(~~~~) of

Pdl04 9.3(863)

Pd105 22.6(863)

PdlOE 27.2(863)

Pd108 26.8(863) Pdl09 A f 13 hr(K6) l.03(K6) cl.oh·l No y(Sl56) Pd•Y•n(P55) (R46)m.s. 1.0~8155 ,H95) aba.All Pd·d-p(K6) 1.1 8156) abs.Al Pd-n-Y(Al,K6) Ag-n-p(F5) A~d-2p~H95) A~·t-He (1!60) l09m U-n, parent of Ag ~S155) u2 3." (S184)

PdllO 13.5(863)

Pdlll A p- 26 m1n(833) 3.5(B31) abo. Pd•d•p(lt6,Al) Pd-n•Y(KB,Al) lll u-n, parent ot .lg (833,1114) . Th-n(S33) 112 l\1112 A p· (833,1114) 21 hr(8155) 0.2 (S156) aba.Al llo Y(Sl5B) u-n, parent of .lg (S3S,II14,Sl55) ' 'rh-n(S33) . Th-u(ll116) Bi-d(G62)

47 Agl02 I 73 m1n(E6) Pd•p-n(l6)

... ~104 B 16.3 min(E6) Pd·p-ll(EB) Table of the Isotopes Page 24

Isotope Cla1e Peroent Type of Half life Energy of Radiation in llev Produced by z A .l'bl.indanoe Hadietion l'artioleo Y rays

47 A~lO B K,Y 45 deyo (1!8) 0.282, 0.345, 0.430, Pd-~(B5) . o. 860, >l.O(Dl9) speot.; 0.29, Q,42, 0.50, 0.52(16) opeot.

AglO A p• 24.6 min(P6,02) 2.04(F5) abo. No. Y(F6) Rh-a..n(P6,K3) Pd-d-n(P6l Pd-p-Y(D2 Pd-p-n(02,B6) 4g-n-2n(P6) Ag-d-t(K68) Ag·Y-n(B20~ Ag-e"-e"n S59) 4g-d-p2n(Xl5,K31) Cd-n-p(P6)

Ala; A X, e", Y(H50 8.2 deyo(P6,K6) 1.Z(e")(F5) abo. 1.06, o.69(B6) opeot.; Rh-<>-n(P6) P6,1'5,A4) r.63. 1.06, o.72(?) Pd-d•n(P6,K6) (019) opeot. Pd-p-n(02,K6) A~-n-2n(P6,K6) A~-d-p2n (?)(K23) Cd-n-p(P6) Sn-d-?(Ll23)

Ai07 51.36(11121)

~ID'Im A I.T •• e - 44.3(838,877); 0.093(V7,Al2,H9) apeot. Ag-n-n (F31) 40 oeo(A12,H34) oonv. J 0.094 A~-x-rayo (FS )W32,T35) (837,877) opeot.oonv. Ag-e"-e"(W32 Cdl07 K deaay(Al2, R34,837,H95) 08 Al A p- 2.3 min(A1,820); 2.8(114) al.oh. Pd·p-n(02,B6) 2.4 min(FH) Ag-n-Y(Al,F31) Ag•Y-n(B20,P55) ·~r-·- (s59 > .t.g1 7-n-T(FSS).. Ag-d-p(IQ2 ,Kl5) ' Cd·n-p(P6) ~109 - Afe». .. I.T .. , e - 40.4 oea (W32) 1 0.087(R34) opeat.eonv.; Pd p doaay(S33) 40 seo(H34); 0.088(837) speat. Ag-n-n(F3l) 39.2 oeo(843) oonv. Ag·x-rays(F9)YI32, T35) Ag-e--e- (Y132 Cd109 K doaay(H34, 837,896)

A,1o 48.66(Yil21) Aguo .. ~- ,y(P6) 24.2 aeo(H97}; 2.6(H97) abo.; Ag·n-y(Al,F31) 22 oea (Al,P6); 2.8(G4) al.ab.(K.U,) Agl09.n-Y(F33) 28 ooa(F31) Cd-n-p(P6) , Cd·Y-p(H97 ,H74)

Agl!D A K, Y, e" (115, 226 dayo (Ll4,'!UO) 1.3(Kl6) abo.Al; 1.40(9%). 0.90(4'7%). A~n-Y(RlO, Ll4,A8,1112) (G49) reo. H59); 0.38(8115) abs.Al; 0.66(44%)(R49) apeat. 4gl09_n-Y(Gl34) n.aot. ~-(11:16,063) 0.59 (Wll2) apeat. CODV• t apect.; 0. 650, Ag-d•p(Kl2,11:15,H59) o. 925,1.51 (019 )opoot• 0.6(Kl5) abs.Al Agm .. f 7,6 dayo(K6,P6,Sll6) w0.24(?), 1.0(9116) lio y(K6,P6,S116) Pd-d-n(K6,P6) abo. 1 ...o.8 (830) abe. Pd-e>-p(P6) Cd-n-p(P6) Cd·Y-p(H74) U-n, Pdl11 f doeay (16,933,Nl4,Sll6, G51) u233-n ( G65) U-a(Oll5) Th-a(Nll6) Pu-n(Fl02) 8i-d(G62)

Ag1~2 A ~- ,Y(9114) 3.2 hr(P8) 3.6(8165) abo.A1; 0.86(9156) lrba.A1 Cd-n-p(P6) 2.2(P6) a1.ah. Cd-Y-p(H74) In-n-a(P6~ U-n, Pd11 p· deoa) (119,S33,1114 ,Sl56 u233.n(S184) t1-u(0116)

4g D f 6.3 !"'(!113) 2.2(!113) abo.A1 llo Y(t)(Tll3) U-n(Tll3) Ag I ~-. y 22 m1n(n1s) -3(!1U) abo.A1 u-n(Tll3) 68 'cJD&PI D ~· 33 min(P2) Cd-n-2n (P2) Cd106 1.U&(LB8)

C4107 A I(N100l(), + 6.7 hr(D4,R5) 0.32(p• )(838) apeat. 0.84(weat)(B38) apeot.; Ag-p-n (D4,R5, V7 ,Jill) Y(4%), p 0,53(V7) abs.Pb; A"i;d-2n(Kl2,Al2, (o.s%)(R38) 0,7(H9) abo. 34,Kl5) At-g-psn(H95) Cd 1 6-n-Y (H96, G134) Sb-d-18&4& Or' Sb-d-18&4& (Ll23) Sn-d-t(Ll2S) - Table of the Isotopes Page 25

' Isotopes Claae Percent Typo .of Half lifo &!orgy of Radiation in llev Produced by . z A Abundance Radiation - Partiole"s , Y rays

48 c~lOE 0.875(~8)

CdlOE A K 330 doys(B43) Ag-d-2n (H34, Kl5) .lg-a-pn(H95) Cdl08-:t-T(H95,Gl34) Sn-d-? (Ll23) Sb-d-14a4z or Sb-d-16o.41(L123)

~11( l2.39(L88) Cdllls /' A ~.T., e - 48.7 min (W30 ,W32) o.H8, o.247(H144) Pd-a-n (H206) speot. conv.1 l.g-a-pn (H206) 0.195(W30,W32) Cd-n-n or Cd-n-T(D8) abe. of .,-; Cd-x-rO.yo (F9,W30, o.l45, o.2so(H20B) ll32, T35) speot.conv., a peat. Cd-o--o- {lr30,W32) Cdll0-n-Y(Gl44) U-n (119 ,1114)

~ Cdll 12.75(1,.88)

ccr12 24.07(L88)

-c;1s 12.26(L88) 113 c? A I.T. 2.3 min(H206) Cd -n-n(H206) c.{-14 28.86~L88) Cdll A f ,Y 2.33 doyo(L57,1!123); 0. 6, 1.13(L67) spoot. 1 0.65(K14) spoot.; 0.66 Cd-d-p(C14) 2.5 days (G5) 0.55, 1.25(1!12~ abo. (L57) o1.ob. roooil Cd-n-Y( G5 ,1110) A1; 1.ll(Cl4) apoot. Cd-n-2n(G5) In-n-p(Sll7) Bb-d-2n2n(L123) llSm . u-n, parent of ~n ~119,1114,1!104) u23 -n(S184) Th-a(lllll6)

Cdll6 A f,

lnllO B 65 min(B17) l.S(B17) apoot. .lg-a-n(K9,T39) ~· Cd-p-n(B17) C.r-d··2n(L67)

In. D ~· (L87) 72 min(L87) 2.2(L86) aba•Be Bnl4.6 hr) K doco.y L87)

Inll1 D K, Y, e-(L67) 2.7 doyo(B17,C14) 0.17, 0.25(Bl7,Cl4) l.g-a-2n (T39 ,L57) apeot. conT. Cd-p-n(B17) Cd-d-n (L57) In-n-3n (Cl4)

Inua. B I.!., Y, e - 20 min(B17); 0.16(Bl7) speot.oonv.; .lg-a-n(Y39). (834,T39) 23 min(T37); 0.12(844) abo. of.- Cd-d-n (L57) 16.6 min(SS4) Cd-p-n (B17) In-n-2n(S34,T39) ltront of In112 (T39,S34) 112 In B ~· .~- (?) 9 min(T39); 1.6(~+)J834) abo.; Ag-~n (S~4, T39) (S34,T39) 17.6 m1n(flll4) 1.7(~ )(L67) o1.oh.J In-i-2n 34,T39) 0.47(~-f )(834) abo. Inl 2m i.'l':. (S34,T39, G64)

Inll311t A I.T., y, e - 105 m1n(B17) 0.39 (817 ,L67) apeat. Cd-p-n(B17) (B17) oonv. . Cd-d-n (L67) In-x-rayo (Dlll) Snll3 I deoar(B17 ,822)

Inns 4.23(Wl21)

In114m A l.T., e - 48 do yo (817) 0.19(Bl7.. L57) opeot. Cd-p-ll(Bl7) (L67,L48) oonv.J 0.186(Ll32) Cd-11-li(L57) opoat. oonv. In-n-Y (1:.15 ,1112) In-d-p (L67) ' In-n-2n(L67) Bn~d~u(f)(L12S)

" Table of the Isotopes Page 26

Isotope Class Peroent Typo or .Half li.fe Energy of l!adiation in lin Produced by z A Abundance lladiation Particlel!l Y rays - Inll4 49 A . ~ - 72 oec(L15,B17) 1.9B(I.'l2) c1.oh.l Cd-1.4"'(817) 1.9B(Ll32) spoct. In1 4m I.T. (JAB, L57,GS4) In-n-2n (L16, P2) ' In-Y-n(Bll,C6) Inll3..n-Y(G144)

Inllfin A _I.T .. , e- • y 4.50 hr(D56)1 .• 0.34(L57) opect.conv.l Cd-d-n (L57) (L57) 4,53 br(I.'l2)J o. 3(11122) abo.A1 In-n-n(G5),Bl8) of e- In-p-p(B1B) In-cra(L16) In-x-rays (P7\C10) 3 fr~~:·c;~if~ ~2.6 clayo) ~- decay(G6,Nl4, 11104)

Inll5 95.77 (11121) Inll6 A f 13 ooc(A1,Cl4) 2.8(C14) No Y(llll) Cd-p-n(D9) In-n-Y(A1,L15), (25%)(G137) In-d-p(L15) 116 In A ' ~-. y 64.31 min(R103) 1,C44) spect., 2.32, 1.:31, 1.12, Cd-p-n(Bl7) 54 min(A1,L16) 0.42B(D19) spoct.l In-n-Y(A1,1111 ) , 1.8, 1.4, 1.0, 0.6, (75%) (G137) 0.4, 0.2(C44) In-d-p(L15) reoo111·2.0BMO%), Sn-Y-p(H74) -1.8f-'4o%)(J120) Be-1'-n reaction Inll7 A ~ - 117 min(L32); 1.73(C14) spoot.l No Y(L57) Cd-d-n~Cl4, L57) 1.,90 hr(ll126) 1.95(11126) abs.Al Sn-Y-p H74) U-n, Cdll7 ~- decay (GS,Nl4,Ml04)

60 Sn D K(L87) ~.5 hr (L87) Sb-d-?, parent of In(70 m1n)(L87)

Snll2 0.90(Wl21)

snlls A K, .-, y 105 days (C7l,B17) 1 0.085(817) opoot.oonv.l Cd-a-n(Ll7) -10 days (L17) no Y(C71) In-p-n(Bl7) In-d-2n(C71) Sn-d-p(L17) Sn-n-Y(S103) Sb-d-10o2z or Sb-d-12~2• (Ll23) Parent of Inll~ (B17;S22)

sn1a o. 61 (11121)

Snll6 0.35(Yil21)

Snll6 14.07(Wl21)

Snll7 7 .64(11121)

Snll8 23.98(11121)

~119 E ~- 26 min (L17) Sn-n-Y(G121) Cd-a-n(L17) sJ119 E ~ - 3 hr(Ll7) Cd-a-n (L17) 11 Sn 9m D l.T., Y, e - 13 d~yo(L17), 0.13(e-)(L87) opeot. 0.17(LS7) abo.Pb Cd-a-n(Ll7) (L57) 14 days (LS7) Sb-d-a(L87)

Snll9 8. 62 (11121)

Sn120 33.03(11121) Sn121 A ~ - 28 hr(L86)1 , 0,4 (L86) abo .Al llo Y(L86) Sn-d-p(Ll7) 26 hr(L17) Bn-n-Y(L17) - an120-d-p(tss) Th•a(Nl16) Sn 121,123 c ' f 130 daye(Ll19)1 1.6-1.6(Lll9) abo.A11 No Y(Lll9) ll-n~L119,G61) 136 clayo(G61 1.:i(G61) !J23 -n(G66) Th-a(l1116)

Sn122 4. 78(Wl21) &{120 D f -so hr(Hss)J U-n(H66,1116, 8120) 60 br(1116) u-a(Oll6)

Sn128 D f, y(S120) io days(L17,S164)1 2.6(8164) abo.A11 Sn·d-p(Ll7) 11 dayo (H56, 8120) 1 2.6(C71) abo .A1 Sn-n-Y(Ll7) 9 dayo (C7l) U-njH55,Sl20) !J23 -n(S184)

Sn124 8.ll(W121) Sn126 B f, y 10 11in(S173); -2.2(8173) abo.Al ..V0.74(S173) abo.Pb Sn-d-p(Ll7) 9 min(Ll7) Sn-n-Y(Ll7 ,81.73) Table of the Isotopes Page 27

Iootopo Class Percent Typo of Halt lifo Energy of llt.diation in llov Produced by z A Abudl.noe llt.diotion Partio1oo T raya

50 ~126 D f 40 min() 9n-d-,p(L17) Sn-n-Y (L17) Sn-n-2n (P2)

~126 D p- 47 hr (G121) o. B(G121) abo.A1 •Sn-n-Y(G121) I sJ126 D f "".00 doyo(L17) Sn-d-p(U7) Sn-n-Y(?}(Sll6)

sl120 E 17.6 doyo(G61) 1.7(G51) U-n~G51) f u23 -n(Gss}

8~120 E p- 7.0 doys(G61) 1.B(G51) U-n(G51) Sn126 126 D p-' T 70 •1n(lil5,H55 ,Sl20 h 0.1 o'r 2,B(S164) abo. 1.2(81M) abo.Pb U-n, parent of Sb SO min(S164) A1 (li15,H56,Sl20) ~126 D f -20 min (H56) U-n(H56) 51 Sbll7 D X, o- (C71) 2.8 hr(C7l) 0.46(o-) (C71) abo.J.l Sn-d-n(C7l} Sn-p-n(C71)

Sbll8 D .K, y, e - 5.1 hr(C71} abo.U 1.6(C71) abs.Pb In-c.-n(C71) (C71) Sn-d-n ( C7l)

Sbll8 B p• 3. 3 min (L12Sl 1 rn-c.-n(L16,R16) s. 6 min (R16) Sn-r-n(DsJ Tol 8 X dooay(LB6)

Sbll9 B K '9 hr(C7l,LB5) No Y, no .-(C71) Sn-d-n(C7l) Sn-p-n (C7l) Sb-d-p3n (L86) Toll9 K docay(LBS)

Sb120 A p• 17 min(B10,L18) 1,6~(A10) a1.oh. Sn-d-n(L18) sn-ran(D9) sn1 0-d-2n(LB5) Sb-n-2n (P2,Bl0) 9b-T-n (B20,P65,N98) Sb-d-t (11:14) Sb-p-pn (R46) 120 Sb120 B K, Y, e - 6.0 doyo(LB5) 1.1(LB5) aba.Pb Sn -d-2n(LB5) (L85) Sb-d-p2n(LB5)

Sb121 57.26(11121) ' Sb122o B I.T. • e - 3.6 min (D59) Q.14(D59) abo. of e - Sb-n-Y (D64) (D59)

Sb122 A p-, Y, e - 2.8 doyl (L28) 1.3e, 1.94(11120,1167) 0.67(R49,1167) opoot. Sn-d-tn (L18) (11120) opoat., Q.8~," l•M oonv., 0.96(1136) Sn-p-n(D9} (A10, llll5) ~~,qh., ooinoid. abe. J Sb-d-p(L18) abo., 1.U, l~~T(1184) 0.80(1134) opeot. Sb-n-T(J.l,LlS) ooinoid. abe"', I. be .Al Bi-d(G62)

Sb123 ~2.75(11121)

Sb124 A f, y 60 dayo (L18) 2.37, 1.8211 .• 110. 0.66, 2.04(woak), 1.708, Sb-d-p(L18) 0.48 ~~67 opoot. 1 0.732, 0.664, 0.608, Sb-n-Y (L18) ~C7~ opeat; 1 0.121(C76) opeot., I-n-.,(Ll6) 1191) aainoU, abo •I apeot. conv.; 0.74, 2.46(B36,1149) (K67) opeot., epeot.J 2.26;t Od>S l. 72 (11112, R49 }a poet. (11120,116?) opeot., 1.82(1135) coincid •. 1.56(~6) &bloJ abo., 1.67(1164), o. 664 J9) spoot., 1. 71 (H138) Bo-Y-n 0.67, ~.46(11'68) reaotionr oainold. •:1>•• 1.70(656) al.oh.peir

sJ24m B I.T. ( ?}, p-, 21 min(D59) 0.02(I.T.)(D59) Sb-n-Y (D59) , Y(D59) aba. of .- Sb123-n-Y (D59}

SJJ241a B f, T 1.3 min(D59) s.a(D59) abo.u Sb-n-Y (D59) Sb12S..n-T(D59)

9b126 B p-. y 2.7 yr(L120h 0.3, 0.7(8166) abo.Al; o.66(L120i abo.Pb, Sn-n-Y, f dooey oovoro1 ;yr. (G51) o.5e(G6q o.e(9166) abo.Pb (8166) Sn-d-n (L18) U-n!S121,L120) u2S -n(G66) Th-a(llll6) ~26 D p- 3 hr(L18) . Sn-d-n() Sb

sl12s B ·p- 28 dayo(G51) 1.11i(G51) U-n(G61) 128 126 Sb D f 60 min(lll5) 2.e or 0.7(9164) abo.Al U-n, Sn f doaay (B15) 127 Sbl27 A ~-. y 98 hr(S121)J 1.2(8121) abo.Ah 0.72(9122) abo.Pb u-n, perent of fe 90 hr(G61) o.8(G51) !.l6,S121,G61) 02 3-n (Sl8~) 129 Sb129 A ~- 4.2 hr(A6) u-n, porent of To (AS) ' Table of the Isotopes Pa~:e 28

Isotope Class _Percent l'ype of -Half life Enerty of Radiation in Mev Produced by z A Abundance Radiation Partie los Y rays

Sbl32 132 51 B ' ~- 5 min(A6) U-n, p!trent of To . (A6) 133 Sbl33 B f (10 min(A6,W21) U-n, parent of Te I (A6,S2l,W21) Th-n(S21,1121) ' ... Sbl34 134 B ~ - .<10 min(AS) U-n, )rent of Te (A6

52 Tens B K(LB5) 6.0 d~ys(LB5) No Y(?)(LB5) Sb-d-5n, parent of sbllB(3.3 min)(LB5) . 119 To 8 K, Y, e - 4.5 deys(LB5) 0.2, 0.5(e- )(LB5) 1.4(LB5) abo.Pb Sb-d-4n,. parent of '(LB5) speot. Sbll9(LB5) Bi-d(G62)·

Tel20 0.09l(Wl21)

To 121m A I.T.(E40)\ e - 143 days (E40); o. 05 (84 7. 8S5) speot. · Sn-a-n(Sl5) (815,08 • 12S deys (SIS)' conv., abs .Ag; 0.23, Sb-d-2n (815) Y(Y6,E40) 0. 61 (H49) spect. Sb-p-n (815) conv., (Y6) abs.J 0.22(E40) abs.Pb 8 121 Tel2lm A I. T., Y(85S) 5x10- sec (8SS) 0.23(8SS) ooinoid. abs. To m(l43 dayoJ l.T., parent of Tel 1 (855)

Tel21 A K, Y(E40) 17 days ( E40) o. 6l(E40) abs.Pb Sb-d-2n(E40) Sb-~-n ( E40) Tel lm(l43 deys, Sxlo-8 sec) I.T. (E40,B55)

Tel22 2.49(Wl21) \ Tol22,12 E I.T., e-(?) 30 days{Kl7) 0.0820, 0.0883, 0.136, Sb-d-n(?)(Kl7) 0.1573, 0.2108, 0.615(Kl7) spect. oonv. Tel23 o.89 cw121 r 124 10 4.63(l'il21)

Tel25 7.0l(Wl21)

Tel26 18.72(Wl21)

Tel 27m A l.T., e-(615) 90 deys (SIS) 0.086(H9) speot. conv. Te-n-Y(Sl5) Te-d-p(Sl5) I-n-p(SIS) 127 U-n, parent of Te gl04,GS1) u2 -n(G65,SI84) Tel27 A f 9.3 hr(SlS,Cl06) 0.76(CI06) abs.Al No· Y(Cl06) Te-n-Y(SlS) Te-d-p(Sl5,T4) To-n-2n (T4) I-n-p(SlSf U-n, Tel2 m I.T. (SIS,NI04) U-n, 8bl27 ~- deoay (A6,Cl06)

Tel28 31.72(Wl21)

Tel 29m A I.T., o-{515) 32 days(Sl6,Nl03) O.l02(H9) speot. conv.; To-n-Y(Sl5) _no hard Y (Nl03) To-d-p{Sl5,T4) To-n-2n (T4) 129 U-n, parent of Te AH55,Nl03,G51) u2 3-n(G65) 129 ' Te A f, y 72 min(Sl5,A6) 1.8(Wll2,R49) speot. 0.3, 0.8{Gl39) abs.Pb Te-n-Y(SIS) Te-d-p(Sl5, T4) Te-Y-n {820) To-n-2nfHIO, T4) U-n, To 29m I.T. {Sl5,Nl04, GSl) U-n, Sbl29 ~- dooay{A6) Th-n(BlOl) Tel SO S4.46(1n21) . Tel 31m A I.T., e- (Sl5) 30 hr(Sl5,A6) 0.177 (H9) spect. oonv. Te-n-Y (SIS) To-d-p (SIS) lSI U-n, parent of Te (A6,H22,Sl5)

TelSl A ~- 25 min(Sl5) Te-d-p (SIS) Te-n-Y(Sl5) U-n, Tel3lm I.T., parent of Jl31 (A6,SIS) ·'

Table of' the Isotopes Page 29

Isotope Class Peroent Type of Half life· En.ergy -of ~diation in Mev Produced by ·z A Abundance Radiation Particles Y- re.ys 132 52 TelS2 B ~7. y 77 hr(AS,NUO) 0.35(Nll0) abs.Al; 0.22(11110) abs.Pb tl-n, s11 f deoay, ....0.3(830) abe. parent or 1132 . (A6~22,Nl.J.O) Tb-n(H24) .. Tb-a(llll5) 133 'l'el3S B .. ~- 50 min(A5,ll21) U-n, parent of I (A6,H22 ,S2l,W21) Tel34 134 - B ~ - 43 min(A6} U-n, Sb f gtoay, parent or 1l (A6,822) Tb-n(Pl2) 135 Tel35 A f (2 min(Sl35) tJ...n, ~rent of 1 - (S2l,W21)

Te D f ~1 min(H55) U-n(H55) 53 1124 A 4.0 days(Ll9,D9) Sb-a-n (Ll9) ~· Te-p-n(D9) Bi-d(G52)

1125 B K(R48,G55) 55 days(R48) -o.l (....,ak) (e • ?) (R48) llo Y, no e" (G55} Te-d-n (R48} • Bi-d (G52) 1125' A ~-. y 13.0 days (Ll9,T4) l.l(Ll9) abs. 0.5(Ll9) abs.Pb Sb-tt-n(Ll9) . Te-d·n (Ll9) Te-p-n(D9) 1-n-2n(T4,Ll9) Bi-d(G52) 1127 100(1130) - 1128 A f". y 24.99 min (H35) l.59(7%){by dirr. ), 0.428 (7%)(Sa!l') speot. 1 1-n-Y(Al,T4) 2.02(93%){889) speot. 1 0.4 (Ll9) abs.Pb Te-d•2n(Ll9) 1.05, 2;1o(Bl4) Te-p-n(D9) o1.oh. (K.u.) 1129 A f - long (K61) U-n(K6l) 130 - 1 A f, y 12.6 hr(Ll9) 0.61, l.03(R23) s~ot. 0.417. 0.537. -0.667. Te-d-2n(L19) co inc id~ · 0. 744(R23) speot. Te-p-n(D9) ~onv,, speot., Cs-n-a(W21) ooincid. Th-n(?) (P15) 1129-n-Y (K6l) 1131 A f, Y, e - a.o days(L19) 0. 595 (D29 0 030,031) o.367, o.oeo(D30,Q31) Te-d-n (Ll~,Rl9) speat., ooinoid.; speot., spect. oonv., U-n, ;re131 p- deoay 0.687('1'7) o1.oh. ooinoid.; 0.65(16%) (Sl5,M,H22,Gl04, (DSO) abo.; S123,K106,G51~ o.4(Ll9) abs.Pb u233-n (G65,S184 u-a(Fl0,0115) Th-a(Nll6) Pu-n(Fl02) 132 1132 B f. y 2.4 hr(A6) 0.9, 2.2(Nll0). abe •.U1· o·.-6, 1.4(NllO) abs.Pb; U-n, Te ~- decay -1.35(830) abo. 0.85(830) abs. (.1.6,822 ,P12,Ml06,G5l }, parent or Xel32 !Tto4,no2) · u2 3-n(G55) U-a(F10,0115) Th-n(BlOl) 1133 133 B ~-. y 22 hr(A6,W2l} 1 1.4(8123) abo.Al1 0.55(8123) abo.Pbl U-n, ·Te f3- decay, 20.5 hr(Bll8) 1.1(Pl3) ol.oh. 0.·528(P109), opeot. parent of xel33 (822 ,A6,S2l,W2l,Kl06) u-a(FlO,Ol15) Pu-n(Fl02) Pb-a(Tl09) 134 ·1134 B ~-. y 54 min(AS) >l(Gl23) abo.Pb U-n, Te f3 ... decay ,. (l!22,A6,Pl2,Pl5, Kl07) Th-n(DG) u-a(FlO) Pu-n(Fl02) 1135 135 A ~ -• y 5.7 hr(Gl23,Kll9)1 1.40(25%). 1.00(40%}, 1.6(1Ul9) abs.Pb1 tJ..n, Te f3- decay, 6.6 hr(S2l,D27 ,W21) 0.4 7 (35%)(Pl09) speot.1 l.3(Sl23) abo. 1 perent of Xel36(S21, l.4(1Ul9) abo.All 1.27, 2.00(P109) opeo W21!Kl05), parent %& 1. 5(8123) abo. xel 5m, xel r-90%) (WS9) Th-n(BlOl) Pu-n(Fl02) u-a(Oll5) 136 1 D f, y 1.8 min(S35); 6.5(Kl26) abo.Al 2.9(1U25) abs.Pb U-n(s35), parent or 86_ seo(IU26) xel36(Tl04, no2) 1137 137 D f J f, D. 22.0 eeo(Hl31)1 O, 7(mean)(n)(Bl34) p tT-n, parent; of Xa (860) 22.6 oeo(ll51)1 recoil in ol.oh. (S35,843,S60,1l5l) 18 sec(Rl07) Pu-n(RSl)

1138 D p- 5,9 oeo(S205) tT-n, ancestor of col38(R107) I ' - Ta blo of the Isotopes Fllr.e 30

Isotope Class Percent Type of Half life Energy of Radiation in Mev Produced by z A Abundance :R!Ldiation Particle a: Y rays

53 1 t~9 D f 2.6 seo(Rl07) U-n, al:ltlestor or ' . Ba 139 (R107)

I F 30 dsye (S124) Xe-a-p(S124)

54 Xe124 o.p94 (Nso) ·126 -· Xe 0.088(N30) - .- - x.127 B I.T,(?'), .-, .75 sec(C4l) o.175, o.125(C41) I-p-n(B41,C41) Y(C4l) a:peot. conv. x.127 B .. Y(C41) 34 daye (C4l) 0.9(041) abs. of e - Xe-n-Y(C125) I-p-n(C41) I-d-2n(0102) 128 Xe 1.90(N30)

Ie129 26.23(N30) '130 Xe 4.07(N30)

x.131 21.17(N30) U-n(T43) m.s.

Ie132 26.96(N30) U-n(T43) m.s.

x."' F I.T. • e - 11 daye(C125) Xo-n-a(C125) (C125)

Xe133 A ~-. Y, e - 5.3 days(El02,E103); 0.34(E102) abs.; o.oe5(E109) abs.Cu,Pb To-a-n ( C22) 5.4 days (C22) 0.049(e-)(E102) abs.; Xe-d-p( C22) 0.260(Wl09,W59) abs. Xe-n-Y(ll22, C125) . A1; 0.42(E109) abs .A1 Cs-n-p (W21, C125 ,1Y59) - Ba-n-a(W2l,C125 ,W59) U-n, rl33 ~- decay (S2.1,D27, Y/21,830, El02 ,W59)

Xe134 10.54(N30) U-n(T43) m.s.

Xe135 A f-, Y(B30), e 9.2 hr(Hll4); 0. 93 (Pl09) spect.; 0.?.47(P109) spect.; Xe-d-p(C22) (10'/.)(Ml24) 9.4 hr(S21,1V21) 0.95(830) abs.A1; 0.25(W109,W59) abs.Pb Ba-n-a(W21, ,VI59) 0.9(\'I'I.Q9,W59) abs.A1; U-n, r135 ~- decay l.O(Hll4) abs.A1 (921 027,1121), x9 13~m r.T. (W59) xi35rt A r(Bso); I.T., 15.6 min(R22); 0.52(P109) spect.; Xe-n,YfR22) Y, e-(W59) 10 min(W59) -0.5(1'1109 ,1'159 )abs.Pb; U-n, I 35 ~- decay 0.6(S47) abs.Al of .- (Gll",W59 • parent of x.·135 .(W59)

Xe136 8.95(N30) U-n(T43) m.e. Xe137 D 68 min(C22) X.-d-p ( C22) Xe137 B ~ - 3.9 min(S205)\ 4 (B30) abs.A1 Xe-n-Y(R22, 5205) 3.4 min (R22 ; U-n, !137 ~- decay 3.8 min(S43) (S43~, parent of ca13 (G123) 138 Xe138 D f 17 min(G21) U-n, parent or Cs (H28,H22, G9, G21,S47) 139 Xe139 A f 41 sao(D102,Dll7); U-n. parent or Cs -0.5 min(H28) (H28,H22,Hll,Dl03) Th-n(H29 ,AS) Xe140 - 140 A ~ 16 sec(Dll7); U-n, ancestor or & (0.5 min(H28); (!128,$110,0101) 9.8 aoc(0101) Th-n(H29) U-d(0101) Xe141 141 A ~ - 1. 7 eeo (0101) U-n, ancestor of ee (8110,0101) U~d(0101) ' Xe143 143 A f- ~1.3 seo(D102) U-n, Ancestor of Pr (SllO) Xe144 144 'A ~ - Short (D10B) U-n, ancestor of ee (0108) Xe145 D f o.e aeo (D120); U-n, ancestor of Pr146 Short(SllO) (SUO)

55 Cs130 B 30 min(R18) I-a-n(Rl8) 131 Cs131 B K(K62); 10.2 days(K62); No Y(K62); & K deoay(K62,Y7) y, e-(Y7) 10.0 days (Y7) 0.145(Y7) abs. of e - Ce132 B K, Y, e-(C125) 7.1 days (C125) o.6(e-)(C125) abs.A1 0.62(C125) abs.Pb Cs-n-2n(C125) 133 08 100(N30) I Table or the Isotopes Page 31

Isotope Class Percent T)'l'o or Half life Energy of Radiation in Mev Produced by z A Abundance Radiation Particles r raye . 55 Ce!Mm A f(K26)J 3.15 hr(S92)J 2.4 (892) abe.A1; 0.7(892) abe.Pb; 0.15 Ce-n-Y(A1,!!16, KZ6) y(S92); 3 hr(KZ6) 1 (K26) abs. (I.T. )(P106) epeot. Ce-d-p~K26) I.T., e- OODVoJ Oo16(!,To) (P106,G63) (1!140) abe. or e-

c.134 A ~- ,Y(K26)J 2.3 yr(G136); 0.09(26%). 0.66(75%) 0.57(26%). 0.60(100%), Cs-n-Y(A8,S20·, KZ6) .-(2.6%) 1.7 yr(K26) (E36) speot.; 0.79(100%) (~6,857) Ce-d-p( K26) (W69) 0.65(593) speot.; apeot.; 0.58, 0.78, Ba-d-a(H103) 0.75(Q136) abs • .\1J 1.35(weak)(S9~) 0.64(P106) speet,; speot., oo1nci4. • 0.9(K26) abs.;, o.eo(Plos) 0.8(W68) ooinc!d. abe. speot.

Csl3 A ~-. y 13 days (Fll8), -o.28(Fll8) abs.A1J Q,9(G140) abs.Pb; Ba-n-p ( Cl25) 12 days(Gl40)J -0.35 (Gl40) abs.Al 1.2(Fll5) abs.Pb La-n-a( Cl25, Gl40) 10.2 days(Cl25) u233-n(G65) Pu-n(FllS) Th-a(llll6) . c.l31 A ~ -J Y' e - 33 yr(Gl23) yield 0.550(single )(T42) 0. 663 (T42) spect. Xe-n-Y, Xe ~ - decay (H96) llloSo (T42) speot.; 0.57(Ell5) conv., speot. (Tl06) 137m abs.A1; 0.84(5o%), Parent of Ba (EllS) o.s(so%)(8137) abs.Al u-n(Glll) u233-n(G65) Pu-n(F102) Th-a(Nll6) C 138 8 D ~-. y 33 min(H28) 2.6(G21) abs. 1.2(G123) abs.Pb Ba-n-p(S47) U-n, :xsl38 ~- decay (H28) Pa-n(G7) Th-n(A5,H29) 139 Cs139 A p- 1 m1n(H28)J U-n, Xe f decay, 10 m1n(A5) rarent of aal39 B28,H22,Hll,B29, 0103) Th-n (AS) 140 cs D ~ - 40 sec (H28) U-n(H28) c.l41 141 A ~ - Short(SllO) I U-n, Xe f deoa: , ancestor of Cel41 (SUO) Csl42 142 D ~ - Short(H48) U-n, parent of Ba (H48) C 143 143 8 A p- Short(SllO) U-n, Xe f deoa , a nee stor of Prl4~ (SllO) 144 c:.l44 A f Short{Dl08) U-n, Xe .fJ- deoa , ancesto~ of cel4{ (Dl08) C 145 146 8 D f Short(SllO) U-n, x.e ~- deoa , ancestor of Prl4~ (SllO)

56 &130 0.101(1136) Bal31 B K, Y(K62);_ 12.0 days(K62)J '0.22, 0.50, 1.7(weak) Bo.-n-Y(K62, Y7~ no ~+, e 11.7 days(Y7) (Y7)J 0.26, 0.5, 1.2 Parent or eel l(K62, Y7) (Y1 (weak)(K62) abs.Pb, abs. of,-

Bal32 0.097(N36) Be.133m A LT.,,-, y 38.8 nr(W28); 0.30(09) spect. oonv.; C•-p-n(D9) (C30) (?) 37.8 hr(Ol03) 0.276(C30) spoct. Cs-d-2n ( C30) oonv. Ba-n-2n (K26,W22) '• Ba-d-p(W22) Bi-a(P56) Bi-d (G62) Pb-a(P104)

Bal33 A K, Y, e-(K62) >20 yr(K62) 0.36(K62) abs.Pb, abs. Bo.-n-Y(K62) cr e- 1 o.o85, 0.320 &133m I.T, (Y9) (Y9) abs., abs. of e-,

&134 2.42(1136)

Bo.138 6.59 (1136)

Bal36 7.81 (1136) ~ 13 137 Ba 7m A I.T., y, e - 2.5 min(Ell5) 0.7(e-)(Ell5) abs.Al, 0.75(Ell5) abs.Pb Cs f docay(Ell5) (EllS) ooincid. Ba-n-Y(J\l,P2, K26)

Bal37 11.32(1136)

&138 11.66 (1136) Table of' the Isotopes Pae;e 32

Isotope Class Percent Type of Half life Energy of Radiation in Mev Produced by Z . A Abundance Radiation Particles Y raye

A ~-. y 85 min (Dll5) 1 2.3(330) abs. 0.6(K26) obs.Pb,Ou Ba-d-p (PS, K26) 86 min(P8,H28) Ba-n-Y(Al,P2) Lo-n-p(P8) Ce-n-n(W22) u-n, co139 f" decay (H29 ,H22,Bll, Dl03) D-Y(L2) Th-n(BlOl,AS) Pu-n(Slll, Fl02) • 140 140 A ~-, Y, e­ 308 hr (8181) 1 l.OS(R49) speot.; 0.4 0.529(Nl09) speot., U-n, :xe (and Os ) {Wll2) 12.8 days(Ell3)J (25%), 1.0(75%)(El04) o. 54 (R49) spoot., ~- deoay, parent of 12.5 days (-Gl04) abs.Al 1 speot. oonv.; 0.6 to140(H28,H48,H22, 1.2(830) abo., (25%)(E104) abs .Pb G2l,Sll0,010l,G51) l.l(Ll04) abs. u233·n(Sl84) U-d(Ol01) U-a(OllS) Th-n (BlOl) Th-a(Oll5,Nll6) Pu-n(Slll, Fl02)

A ~-, Y(Gl24) 18 min(H48) u-n, csl41 ~- tU"Y• parent of lA (H48) Th-n(H15,Hl4) U-Y(L2) 142 D 6 min(H48) U-n, Cs ~- dooay, parent of La 142 (H48) Th-n(H15,Hl4) U-Y(L2) 143 B {1 min(Hl4) U-n, parent. of I.A (Hl4,Bl5) Th-n(B15)

D Short(DlOB) u-n, descendant of xel44, ancestor of Ca 144 (Dl08)

D Short(SllO) U-n, descendant of Xel45, ancestor of Pr145 (SUO)

B K, Y(W23,M24) 19.5 hr(C74); Cs-a-2n(C74) 17.5 hr(W23) Ba-d-n (W23,M24) Ba-p-n(1123,1'122) cel35 ~+ deoay(C74)

2.1 hr(C74) 0.84(C74) abs ••U No Y(C74) Cs-a-n(C74)



A f, y 40.4 hr(SlBl); 0.90(20%), 1.40(70%). 0.335(2%). 0.49 (5%). Ba-d-Y(!) {W23) (H96) m.s. 40.0 hr(W23); 2.12(1CJ%l (011) speot. 0.87(10%). 1.65(77%), !A·d-p(P8,W23 ,1124) 39.5 hr(BB5) 1.41 (W23 obs .Al, . 2.3(6%)(R49) speot. 1 Lo·n-Y(P9, !.!13,1123, speot.; 1.45 (Wll2) ·o.335(1%), 0.49(7%), M24,Gl4) opect.J l.8(Ll04) abs 0.83 (14%). 1.63(74%). Ce-n-p(W23) 2 .3(4%)(Ml20,!.!67) 0-n, a..140 ~- dooay speot.J 2.49(woak) (H28,H48,H22,G21, (W64) ll-Y-n reaction Gl.04,G5ll o233.n(G65 Th-n(B101) Pu-n(S1ll,F102) 141 !Al41 A 3. 7 hr(Kl20) 1 2. 9 (Kl20) abs.Al No Y(?)(K120) U-n, Ba If decay, 3.5 hr(H48) parent of cel41 (548) Th-n(C16,8101) 142 D f, Y(Kl20) 74 min(H4e), U-n, Ba f deoay 77 min (Kl20) (H48) Th-n(Hl5) 143 A 20 min (Bl23); U-n, Bo ~- deoay 15 min(H55) <'!14,Hl5), parent of col43(Bl23)

A Short(DlOB) U-n, desoendllnt of :xe144, parent of eal44 (Dloe)

D Short(SllO) U-n, descendant of .xel46, ancestor of Pr145(sno) 135 58 ee B -16 hrs (C74) La-d-6n, parent of IA135(C74)


B K, Y, o"(C74) 36 hrs(C74) 0.28, 0.75(074) abo.Pb !A-d-4n(C74)


B K, Y, e- (1181) 140 days (P14) 0.18, 1.8(074) abs.Pb; Ba-n-2n(Pl4) 0.18, ~o.8(P58 )obs. Pb La-d-2n( Pl4) B!-d(G62) Table of the Isotopes 33

Isotope Class Percent Type of Half life Energy of Radiation in Mev Produced by z A Abundance Rad!a tion Particles Y rays

58 Cel40 88.48 (114)

Cel41 A ' f, y 28 days(Bl06); 0.60(8108) abs.Al; 0.21(8108) abs.Pb; Ba-a-n(Pl4) (H96) m.s. 30. 6 days (P58) 0.66(P58) abs.Al; 0.2(P14) Ce-d-p(Pl4) 0.4(885) abs.A1 Ce-n-Y(Pl4) Ce-n-2n(Pl4) Pr-n-p (Pl4) U-n, Lo 141 f decay (Gl04, 8106,0101,8107) Th-n(81Cl) Pu-n(Fl02) U-d(OlOl)

Col42 11.07(114)

Cel43 A f, y 33 hr(El05,885,0103); 1.36(8108) abs.Al; 0.5(8108) abs.Pb; Ce-d-p (Pl4, BlOB) 36 hr(Pl4) 1.3(885) abs.Al Q,6(P58) abs.Pb Ce-n-Y(P!4) U-n, ral 3 f! ... decay, parent of Prl43(El05, 8123,8108,0103) U-d(Ol03) Th-n(BlOl) Th-a(Nll6) Pu-n(F102)

Co144 A o"(Pl06) 275 dayo (Bll9) 1 0.348(11109) speet.; No Y(8158) U-n, descendant of f, xel44, parent of (H96) m. •· 300 days (BSO) 0.25(Nl05) abs.; 0.30(Pl06) epeot., Prl44 (B30,H55 ,Gl04, .075, 0.12(e" )(Pl06) Nl05,Dl03,W51l spect. u233.n(G65, 8184 U-d (0106) Pu-n(Fl02) Th-a(Nll6)

Co145 D 1.8 hr(BllO) U-n, descendant of f xel45. parent of Prl45 (BllO, SUO) 146' Cel4E U-n, parent of Pr D ~ - 14.6 min(S157); 11 min(G57) (H55,G57)

59 Pr14C A 3,5 min(P9) 2.5(H90) abe.A1; Pr-n-2n(F9,A1,W23, DS2) ~· 2.40(D32) e1.oh. Pr-Y-n(H90)

Pr141 100(A31)

Pr142 _A ~-. y 19.3 hr(DS2); 2.14(D32) •ret·• 1.9(D32) abs.Pb; . Ia-a.n(D32) 19.2 hr(B85) 2. 23(P106 speot. -1.3, -l.65(Pl06) Ce-p-n(D32) speot. Pr-d-p(D32) Pr-n-Y(P9 ,P2 ,M13,Al, W23, 002) Nd-n-p(P9,P2) 143 Pr14 A ~- 13.8 days (M127); 0.83(P58) abs .Al; No Y(Bl08,Ml27) ce r· deoay(Ml25, (H96) m.s. 13.5 days (P14, P58); 0.95(8108) abs.Al 885) 143 - 14.2 days(Ol03); U-n, Ce ~ decay 12.7 days(JS) (H55,PH,Bll1) U-d(0103) Pu-n(Fl02) 44 144 Pl A ~-. y 17.5 min(Nl05); 3.07(N107) speot.; 0.135(J!109) spoot. U-n, ce f decay 17 min(H55); 3,1 (B30,H55) abs. 1 conv.; 1.25, 0.22 (H55 ,Nl05 ,W51) 18 min (G122) 2.99(Pl06) speot. (8159) abs.Pb U-d(Ol06) - Pu-n(F102) u-n, Cel45 Pr145 D 4,5 hr(B110) 3.2(Kl21) abs.A1 No Y(Kl21) f decay f (BllO)

46 U-n, Cel46 Pi D f, y 24.5 min(Sl66); "'3(8166) abs.Al 1.4 (5166) abs .Pb f decay 25 min(G57) (G57)

60 Ni41 E 2.5 hr(K19) 0.78(K19) Pr-p-n(JIJ.9) '• ~· Nd-d·t (?) (P9, Ki9) Nd-n-2n (P9, Kl9,L25) Nd·Y-n(L25,K19)

w/42 27 .13(116)

w/43 12.20(116)

NJ-44 23.87(116)

11;45 8.30(116)

NJ-4! 17.18(Il6)

NJ-4 B ~-. y 12.1 days(M141); 0.9, ~ O.l5(G121,Ml27) o.55(Ml27) abs.Pb; Nd-n•Y(G121~Ml27) 11 days(G12l,Ml27); abs .Al; 0.45 (M141) abo. U-n(G12l,Sl60) 11.1 days(BB5) c. 76(Ml41) abs.

w/48 5. 72 (116) NJ4 D f 1.8 hr(Ml32); 1 •. 6(885) abs.Al lld-n•Y(IIl32,G121) 2.0 hr(B85) lld-d-p(P9) Nd-n-2n (P9) Table of the Isotopes Page 34.

Iootope Class Percent Type of Half lifo Energy of Radiation in Mev Produced by z A Abundance Radiation Particles Y ray&

60 lldl50 5.60(116) 10 lldl50 . ,.-5 x 10 yr(L34) 0.011(!.34) abs. air Natural oouroo(LM) E nL34) lldl51 p- E ' 21 min(P9) Nd-n-Y (P9 ,1!18) lid F f 11 min(Gl21) lld-n-Y (Gl21) 61 Pml43 B K, e-, Y N200 do yo (W25lJ 0.67(W25) abo. ~ Pr-.,_2n (W25 ,11126 ) (Wl25) (W26,lll25) Nl yr(lll25) lld-d-n(K20,K21)

1\n E f. y 2.7 hr(K20) 2(K20) lld-p-n(K20,L26) lld-d-n(K20,L25) lld-a.-p(L25)

Pm E f,y 1S dayo(K20) 1.7(120) lld-d-n(l20) Pml47 A f (Gl2l,Bl20) N4 yr(Bl20); o.22S(Ll24) opoot., llo Y(lll27) u-n~Sl59,Bl20) (Lll7,H96) ... 5 yr(Sl67)1 '"'0.2~Bl20) abooAlJ u23 -n(G65) m.s. 2-3 yr(Gl21 -o.3 11127) abo.Al 147 Pml48 A f, y 5.3 days(K20,P53) 2.5(P53) abo.; 2(K20) 0.8(P53) abo. Pm -n-Y(P5S) (P53)m.o. Nd-p-n(K20) lld-d-2n (K20, X2l,L25) lld-a-p(K2l,L25)

Pml49 A f, y 55 hr(Il1)J 1.2(Ml21) abs.Al; 0.25(weak)(ll133) abo.Pb lld-n-Y, Nd p- decay (Ill )m.s. 47 hr(W25,L25,MJ.21)l 1.1(885) abs.Al (11121,B85) 47.5 hr(B85) U-n(Ml21)

Pm F f 12.5 hr(P9) lld-d-n(P9) 62 Sm144 3.16(115)

Sml45 F ) 72 dayo (Il2) Sm-n-Y (!12) (112 )m.s. Sml47 15.07(115). Sml48 11.27(!15)

Sml49 13.84(!15)

Sml60 7.47(!15) Sml51 A f ... 20 yr(H2) 0.06(P113) abs.Al llo Y(?)(P113) Sm~n-Y(Il2) (Lll7,H96) U-n(Lll7) rn.s.

Sm152 26.63(!15) 12 Sm152 8 a(H85,L74) 1.0x10 yr(total Sm) 2.0(H86) cl.oh. Natural source (H86,L74, (D61) m.o, (H86) 1 1.2do12yr 889) (total Sm) (W40)

Sml53 A P-, Y(Wl15, 47 hr(Wll5) 1 46 hr (P!>) o. 78 (Wl16,888) abo .Al 0.0696, O.l03(H202) Nd-a-n(Kl9) (899) m.s. Wll6); spect. conv.; 0.57 Sm-n-Y(P9,1!20,Rll,I!H, • - (8140) (weak), 0.10(Wl16) W25,L25) abs.Pb, Cu; Sm-n-2n(P9,Kl9) .vo.s, O.ll(M67) speot. Sm-d-p(L25, Kl9) 0.6l(weok), 0.11(888) Sm-Y-n(L26) abs., ooincid. abs. U-n(Wll6) u233-n(5184) Pu-n(Wll5)

Sml54 22.63(!15)

Sml55 B p-. y 25 min (Wl23); 1.9(W123) abo.All .... o.s(Wl23) abs.Pb Nd-a-n(Kl9) 21 min(P9) 1.8(Kl9) Sm-n-Y(P9,Al,lfl3,Bl7, 125) Sm-d-p(L25, Kl9) U-n(Wl23) 156 Sml56 A f -10 hr(Wll6) -o.a(Wll9) abs.Al U-n, parent of Eu (WI14)

63 Eu E 40 days (E20) Sm-d-n(K20)

Eul60 E p• 27 hr(P9) Eu-n-2n(? )(P9 ,Rll)

Eul51 47.77(1!149) Eul52 A p·, Y, e- (T6 )l 9.2 hr(P9); 1.88(f )(r6) !)(ot. 1 0.123, 0.165, 0.725(T6) Eu•n•Y(P9,11l3,817, (1!99) m.o. K(R2,1ll42, 9.3 hr(885) o.3s, I.8(p (1!142) apeot. conv.J 1.0 820,Fll) 886) abs.Al (lll42) abs.Pb Eu-n-2n (pg) Eu-d-p (F7, Fll)

Eul52 A Long(I7) Eu-n-Y(I6) (I6,I7) m.o

Eul53 62.23 (8149) .. ~ .. __ , .. -··-- ... ·-- ·--- ··--· .. ------. ·T!l!!@ gr·tn@ f!gtg~§ !'!!~@ ~§

... .. ' ~- ~- - ··-- ·------.! i l!9t!ll'@ g!@@~ hr-9ftllt . ' · )!!ltttrf! . . ~rQ' gf l!!! 2.0(6011) (Wl04) !bo.l'b flu ·n·rmel ~ (ne)m.o. (Wl04 abo .Al ll·n.(Wl.06,W104 , Sm 1 6 P 4o•arllll4,wus> l'u•nfFlO~ Th·~ Nll6 Eul67 D p". 'f 15.4 hr(Wl06) ..-]..OG-76"), ,...1,8(~25") 0.2, o.e(llll7) abs,l'b u-n(Wl.Oe) (Wl06,WlH) abo.Al Tn-o.(Nl16) m,lla4 ll p" 60 min (W106,W1U) ..-2.6(WI.06,Wl14) abo ••U U-n(11106) 162 64 04 0.21 (Hl+9)

Odl5~ B p" (?), Y(Fll) 165-170 dayo (Fl1) 1 Eu·d·2n(Fll,K'IO) (U2) "'''' )12 dayo (l12)J lld•n•Y(Il2) )75 daye(R70) lld164 2.14(Hl49) -. ' Odl65 14,'86(H149) ~ Od166 20.61(H149) • .. Od167 16 .. e6 (H149)

Od158 24.75(!1149) Od159,18l E 9.5 hr(S125)J lld•n·Y(A1,H20,H17) 8 hr (A1,H17)

lld160 2r .11 (Hl49) lld161 F (, 'f(K66J 18.0 hr(K70) 1 o.85(Kss) 0.3(K66) Od·n·Y~S15S,K66) "' · 20 hr(S153) Od·d•p K66) Od F 8.s day(S153) ' Gd•n•Y(S163) Tb162 65 D K(?), e" (\n26) 4.6 hr(W125) Eu·a-3n,(lTl25) fb163 D K, e" (Wl25) 5.1 daya(lTl25) 0.15, 0.4(e")(lTl25) Eu·a-2n(lll25) abs.A1 fb154 I? p+ , K, Y, e - 17.2 hr(W125) 2,6(p•), 0.22(o")(lTl26) 1.4(11125) .abo .l'b Eu·a..3n (lTl25) (W126) speot., 'rb165 D • K(?), e • (Wl26) -1 yr(lTl26) 0.1(e")(lTl26) aba.Al Eu·a..2n(W125) Tb159 100(A33) 'rb160 A p" 3.9 hr(H16,Ml3) . Tb-n·'f(H17,P9 ,Ml3,H20) 'rbl60 A p", Y(B33) 73.5 daya (B56)J 0.546, 0,882(C81).speot.J o.o8s, o.195, 0.212, lld·d·2n(R70) (Il2) ..... 77.3 days(C81) 0.75(B56) abe.All 0.297, 1 •.15(081) Tb•n-'Y (B33) o. 71 (K70) abs.A1 apeot. oonv. • abs.Pb Tb161 t: F p", y 420 days(H139) 0.23(Hl39) ....0.1, 0.5(Hl39) 1J.n(i!l39) Tb161 F (, y 5.5 dayo(K70) 0.5(K70) abs.Al 1.28(K70) abs.l'b Gd·d•n (K70)

66 D)' F p• 2.2 min(P9) . ' Dj'•D•'f(?}(P9) Dj'158

Dj'16l 21.1(W44)

Dj'162 26.'6(W44)

Dj'163 24.:S(W44)

• Dj'l64 '27.~(W44) Dj'l66,16311 c I.T., e" (?) 1.25 min(F34) o.l3(o")(F32) aba.Al Dy•n•Y(F32) (F32,F34) Dy16Ln·Y (18) Dj'166 A p", y 145 ·min(S94)J 0.42, o.8s, 1.2s 0.091, .0.37, 0.78!894) lly-n•Y(H17 ,H20,P9, (Il3) molo 140 min(S104,B56); (S94) speot.J 1.20 speot. oonv., speat.1 1113,11.'51) 2.5 hr(H17,P9,1113) (C31) abe. ooinoid.; 1.1 (C31) abs. ooinoid. Dy164.n•Y(I8) hl8(D33) spoot.; -1, 0.37(1167) speot. 1.40(Ell) o1.oh. '!'nblc 'Jf the Isotopes

Isotope Class Percent Type of Ila1f life Energy of Radiation in Mev Produced by

Z A Abundance -·Radiation Partioles 1 .y rays

D -20 min (Wl25) Tb-a.-3~(Wl.25)

B ~+, K, Y(IVJ.25) 4.5& hr(l'll25) ·2.0 (~·), o.3(e-)(W125) 1.12('V125) abs.Pb Tb-a-2n (\'1125) Speet., abs.Al 162 Ho 0.6, o.!S(e-)(\\'125) abs. Tb-a-n (\'1125) AI

D K, Y, e-(Y/125) -4 days(V/125)· 0.4(e-)(Yil25) abs.A1 'ly-p-n(W125)

D 35 min(W125 ); 0.74(W125) abs.Al Ho-n-2n(?)(P9) · 47 min(P9) Dy-p-n (V/125)

Ho165 100(A33)

Ho166 A 27.0 hr(B135); 1.9(856) abs.Al; Ho-n-Y(Hl7 ,H20, P9 1 {I7) m.s. 27.5 hr(I7); 1.9(11.31) abs.; ~r.ll,S126) 27.3 hr(B56): !.6(1i20) abs. 30 hr(S126)

B8 Er162 0.1 (:V42)

Erl64 1. 5 (:v42)

Sr165 F 1.1 min(P9) Er-n-2n (? )( P9)

Er166 32.9 (\'142)

Erl67 24.4(i'l42)

Erl68 26.9(1'142) Srl€9,171 9.4 days (K127); 0.33(YJ.27) spect. No Y(8!35) Er.,n-Y(Bl35) ~10 days (8135) Er169,17J, 6 mln(B56); 7 min(M13) Er-n-Y(Ml3,M18)

Erl70 14.2 (7142)

Erl71 B ~-,Y,e­ 7.5 hr(K127): 1.49(6%), 1.05(7!%), 0.8!(22%). 0.31(7!%), Er-n-Y(!il7 ,PS ,R24-, (K127) 5.7-7.1 hr(B56); 0.67(22%)(K!27) spect., O.ll3(7!%)(Kl27) 8135) 171 12 hr(H17,P9) coineid. spect., speot. conv. Parent of Tm (500 da.vs)(h'l27)

F .:t. y 20 hr(885) 0.6(385) abs • .U Er-n-Y (885)

f·+' y, e -· 7, 7 hr(W125) 2.1(~+), 0.24, l.O(e-) 1.5(\':125) ~bs.Pb Ho-a-3n(Wl25) (i'i125) (Wl25) spect., abs.Al

K('), Y, .­ 9.6 days (\V125) 0. 21 (e-) (~'1125) abs .A1 0.22, 0.95(1'1125) obs.Fb Ho-n-2n{'.'ll25) ('Nl25) Tu-d-5d6a (\'1125)

K ( ')('11'125) -150 days ('n25) Ho-a-:::1{1'.'125) Ta-d- 5t !Sa (W125) '!'m16!ln 6 9 I.T., e-(Ml43) 1x10- sec(tll43) 0.2(~.~43) coincid. YbH Y. docay(~•l43) abs. of e-


A 127 days(B5o): 0.98(K133) spect.: No y(8135,851J) 'lm-d-p(K1~l3) -125 days (8135); 1.!(856) abs.A1 Tm-n-Y(H20,117) 105 days (1!20) 6 171 B I.T., e-(11143) 2.5x10- oec(ln43) O.l(Yl43) ooincid. Er (7.5 hr) , abs. of e- K decay (Ml4:1) 171 500 da,vs ( K128) O.!(Kl25) abs .A!; Er (7.5 hr) - 0.100(Y.l:l3) spect. F- decay(KUB)

0.06 (1'143)

K, Y(B56), 33 days(B56); 0.2, 0.4(856) abs.Pb, Tm-d-2n (Kl33) e-(?)(B133) 33.5 days(Il05): co inc id. Yb-n-Y (B56, 81.33) 32.5 days (K133) Yb170

~}71 14. ?.6 ('.V43)

,,l7z 21.49U143)

Yh173 17.02 (1'143)-

Ybl74 29.5P.(W43) Ybl75 A ( Y(B56) 99 hr(I6,856); 0.50, O.l3(R5G) uhs.Al; 0.35(656) o; .Pb, (113) m.s. 100 hr(A35); 0.45(.135) coineld. 102 hr(Il3)

Ybl76 13.38(\743) 17'1 Yb 2.4 hr(R56); 2. 7 hr 1.3(A5G); 1.15(A35) Yb-n-Y (F.20,H17, Ml3, F9) (Il3): o.s hr(H17, Ml3); !.8 hr(A35) Tablo of .,_he Isotopes Fage 37

Isotope Class Percent 'l'ype of Half life Energy of Radiation in Mev Produoed by z A Abundance Hadiation Particles Y rays

71 Lul70 8 K, :f• e-, 2.15 days(Wl25) 1.7( ~·), O.l(e")(Wl25) 1.5(Wl25) abs.Pb Tm-a.-3n(W125~ ~ (?)(Wl25) speot., abe.AJ. Yb- d- 3!1 (Wl2 5 . Ta-d-3zl3a (l\1.25) 171 Lu 8 K, y, e - 9 days(Wl25) 0.17, 0.7(e")(WJ.25) Tm-a.-2n(Wl25) (Wl25) abs.Al Ta-d-3zl2a (11125)

Lul72 8 )100 days (W125) Tm-a.-n(W125)

Lul75 97.5(1.!54) 10 Lul7l A 2.5(1.154) ~-(HBO,L70), 7.3xlo yr(unoorr. 0.215(L70) abs.A1, 0.260(Fl6) abo.Pb Natural oouroe (H80) (H80, (67%)(F45h for K)(L70) speot.; M54) Y(F16); 0.40(Fl6) abs.Al (33%)(F45) Lul'lflm 8 f 3. 67 hr (A35 );" l.04(VIl25) abs.Al; Bo Y(B5S,A35) Lu-d-p(WJ.25) 3.75 hr(W125); 1.15(Fl6) abs.Al; Lu-n•Y(H20,Hl7 ,Ml3, 3.7 hr(B56); 1.25(A35) ol.oh. Ml.8,Fl6) 3.4 hr(Fl6,D57) Lu-x-rays (D57)

Lu177 A ~-, Y(B56) 6.8 days(856); 0.440(FlS) abs.Al; 0.2(856) abs.Pb; Lu-n-Y(Hl7 ,H20,FS, F16) (Il3) m.o. 6.6 days(Fl6,A35); 0,62(856) abs.A1; 0.2, 1.3(weak)(Wl25) Lu-d-p(Wl25) 6.9 daye(Wl25) 0.47(A35) abs .Pb Hf·d-et(Wl25)

72 Hf174 0.18(1155)

Hf176 5.30(M55)

Hfl77 is.47(1155) Rf178 27 .10(1155) . Hf179 13.6~(1155)

Hf180 35.11(1.55)

Bfl81 A f, Y(D52) 46 days (sua), , 0.45(MB3) abo.Al; 0.52, 0.30(14!13) abs.Pb; Hf-n·Y(Hl9) lBlm 55 days (Bl9) 0.28(N47) abo.Al, l.4(N47) ooincid.abs. Farent of Ta (D52) ooincid.; 0.63(V23) 0.52, O.l3(V23) abo., • ooinoid. J coincid. aba. J 0.8(D52) abo.Al o.5(D52) abs.Al

Hi" D I.T., e "( ?) 19 sec (F32) 0.19 (•" )(F32) abs .Al Hf-n-Y(F32) (F32,F34) To.l76 73 B ~K, Y, e - a.o hr(Wl25) 0.12, 0.18, 1.2(•") -2(Wl25) abs.Pb Lu-Cl-3n(\\125) (Wl25) (l\125) abs.Al To.-d-p6n(Wl25)

To.l77 8 K, y,. e - 2.66 days(Wl25) o.u(e") (Wl25) abs.Al Lu-a.-2n(Wl25) (W125) Ta-d-p&n(Wl25)

To.l78 B K, e- or ~ - 16 dayo(Wl25) l.l(e"?)(W125) abs.Al Lu-g,.n(Wl25) (Wl25)

Tal SO B 14-21 min(Bll,Ol) To.·Y·n(Bll) Ta-n-2n (?)(01)

Tal80 A K, e", Y(Ol); 8.2 hr(Ol) (0.5(e"?)(01) abs. Ta-n-2n(Ol,P2) f(?) Ta-Y-n(1!!18) 5 181 To.1~lm A I.T., y, e- 2x10" oeo (D52, 1.!53) o.18(D52) ooinoid. abo. Br f dooay (Dll3,D52) (Dll3,D52)

To.l8l 100(D40) To.l82 ~ f, Y, e - 117 days(Z2,S52) l.O(H37) abo.; 1.22(5'7%), 1.13(37%), To.-n-Y(Ol,F6,H37) 0.98, o.32, o.oso(Z2)1 0.22(4%). 0.15(2%) Ta·d·p(Ol,Z2) o.53(R49) speot. 1 (R49) opeot., opeot. 0.499(J9) opeot.; oonv.; l.6(Z2); l.l(N47) abs.Al, 0.23(N47) ab'o,Pb ooinoid.

Tal8! B ·f, Y(?)(S52) 16.2 min(S52) 0.2(852) abs.Al To.-n-Y(852)

74 Wl80 0.122(15) r81 Ta-d•2n (1166) B K, Y1 e - 140 days (1166) -0.14, l.83(weak)(W66) abs. of e•, abs.Pb

..ra2 26.77(15)

., 14.24(15)

..rs4 1!0.58(15)

.,r-85 A ~-, Y(?)(M36) 73.2 days(8207); 0.430(8207 ,P59) opeot.; No Y(884,C69) W-n·Y(li36,Fl2) 74 days(Fl2~; 0.675(J9) speot.; W-n-2n(lG6,Fl2) 77 day• (1136 0.6(884) abo ..\1; ll·d•p(Fl2) 0.84-0.72(Fl2) Re-d-a(Fl2)

wl86 29.17(15) Tablo of the Isotopes Page 38

Isotope Clase Percent- Type of Half life Enorgy of Radiation in IIOT Produced by z A Abundance Badiation Particle• Y rays

._187 74 A f, Y(ll36);e- ·24 .1 hr (Fl2) o. 63(70%). 1.33 (30%) 0.135, o.1o1, o.OB6(V6) W-n-Y(IIl4,Al,II36,Fl:i) . W-d-p(Fl2) (P59) apeot., o.562, apeot. oonv.; 0.135. - 1.35(Ll26) spect., 0.48, 0.69(11120) 1.3, 0.6(1167) spect., apect. oonv.; 0.90 1.4, 0.6(884) abs.Al (C31) ooincid. abs., ooinoid.J 0.14, 0.21, Q.48, 0.62, 0.69 (P69) spect. oonv.

76 Re E ~+ (C42) 30-66 min ( C32, D9) W-p-n(D9,C32)

Ra E 13 m1n(C42) W-p-n(C42) Ral82 B K(?), Y, e - 64.0 hr(Wl25) 0.11, 0.27, )0.6(•") 0.22, lo62(Wl26) aba. Ta·a-3n (Wl26) (\Vl26) (Wl26) aba .Al ' Pb W-p-n (Wl26)

Ral83,184 c K, y, .e7 ...SO days (Wl25) O.l(•")(Wl26) abs.Al l.O(\Vl26) aba .Pb Ta·a-2n or (Wl26) Ta-a-n(lll26) Rel84,183 . c K, y, e - 13 hr (\Vl25) 1.6(Wl26) aba.Pb W-p-n (W126) (Wl26)

Ra184 A ~-. K, y 50 days (S86); 0.22-0.26()J Q.1(e"), 0.17, 1.06(886), W-p-n(D9, C42,C32) (885) 62 days (F12) 0.22,"?) o.85(F12) 1 0.11, W-d-n(Fl2) (C32) aba.A1 1(C32) spect. oonv., Ro-n-2n(F12) aba.Pb

Re186 37.07(Wl21) Ra186 A ~ - 92.8 hr(G52); 1.07(G52) absoAlJ No Y(C42,S85) ll'-d·2n(Fl2) (H79) m.s. 90 hr(Sl6) 1,05(Y4), W-p-n(D9,C32) Re•Y-n (P55) . Ro-n-Y(Sl6,K7, Y4, FIR) Re-n-2n(Sl6, Y4,Fl2) Ro·d·p(Fl2) 6 87 He 187m A I,T.- ., Y(D58) , 65:do" sec (D58) O.H(D58) coinoid. abs. r ~- decay(D58) 12 Rel87 62.93(Wl21) f(N44) 4xl0 yr(ll44) 0.043(1144) abs.Al Natural source(ll44)

Rel88 A ~-. y 18.9 hr(G52); 2.05(G52) absu\lJ 2,5 0.16, 0.48, 0.64, 0.94, Re-n-Y(P2,K7 ,816, Y4, (H79) m.s. 18 hr(P2,S85) (Sl6) (K, U. ), 1.43(1167) spect.J Fl2) 2,5(S85) abs. 0,8(1134) spoct•J Ro-d-p(Fl2) 0.7(885) abs,Pb

76 Qsl84 0.018 (1137) 185 08 B K, Y(G48) 97 ditys (K7l) 1 0. 76 \K71) kbs. Pb Re-d-2n(G48, K71) 94.7 days(G52) Os-n-Y (K71) 186 08 1.59(1137)

Osl87 1.64(1137)

oi88 13.3(1137)

08189 16.1(1137)

Osl90 26.4(1137) 191 08 8 ~-. y(S36) 32 hr(S36); 1.5(536) abs.AlJ 1.17(G52) abs,Pb Os·n-Y(K7 ,S36,Z3) 31.9 hr(G52), b. 95 (G52) abs .Al Os-n-2n (S36) ~0 hr(Z3,8104) Oa-d·p(G48) lr-d-a(G48) 192 08 41.0(1137)

0•193 B ~-. y, - 15.0 days(K71); 0,142 (8207) BpeCt•J o. 039. 0.127 (8207) Os-n•Y(S36,Z3) • 16.1 days(S207)J ~O.l6(K71) abs.AlJ spect. oonv.; 17 days (S36) 0.35(836) abs.Al; 0.13 (K71) abs .PbJ 0. 64 (W68) coinoid.abs. O.l29(C72) spect. oonv.

77 Ir190 B K(?), a" (?),Y 10.7 days(G52) 0.091(e"?)(G52) abs.Al 0.25(G52) aba.Pb Os·d-n(G62) lr-n-2n (G52) lr-Y-n ( G48)

Ir191 38.5(563)

Ir192m A I.T., Y, e - 1.5 min(ll15) o.ose (•-) (Gl46) abs.Al o.06(G58) abs.Al of .-, Ir-n•Y(IIl6) (Gl36) ras. (Gl35,G58) aba.Pb n. aot. Ir192 A ~- • y, e - 10 daya (Flos) 1 0.59(G52) aba.All Q, 307, 0.467, 0. 603 (DM) Ir-n•Y(IIl5,F6,J4) (Dll6,R46) f-osO%) . 60 daya (111S.F6); 0.68(11'68) coincid. aba. apeot., 0.52(G62) Ir-n-211 (G62) m.a. (W69,8206) 75 daya(G52) o.s6(1189) aba ..U aba.Pbl 0.137, 0.209, Ir-d-p(G52) 0.295, 0.307, 0.316, Ir-Y-n(G48) 0.468(L81,H65) apeot. oonv.

Irl9S 61.6(S6S)

' Table of the Isotopes Page 39

Isotope Class Percent Type or Half are Energy of' Hadiation in llev Produoed by z A Abundance Badiation Part1o1eo Y rays

77 . Irl94 A f, y 19.0 hr(G52)J 2.2 (A2) speot.; 1.86~K54,M89) epoot.; Ir•n•l"(lll6 ,Al,P2 ,J4) (Dll6,R46) 19 hr(lll5,A1) 1 2.1S(W29) opeot.l 1.66, o.3S(G52)abs.Pb; Au·d·ap( ?)(Cl8) m.s. 20.7 hr(Sl04,Sl53) 2.11(1'129) abs.Al; (Hl9) ooinoid. Ir·d-p(G62) 2.07 (G62l abs ·All 0.48 (1489 ooinoid.abs.

78 Pt191 D K, e., Y(W67) 3.00 doys(W67) 0.6(o")(W87) obs.A1 0.67, l.a(11'67) abs.Pb Pt-n-2n (W67) Ir·d·2D (W67) Au191 K or ~· deoay (W67)

Ptl92 o. 78(1104) ·' Pt193 B K, Y, o"(W67) 4.33 dayo(W67) 0.10(e")(W67) abs.Al 0.17, 1.7(1'167) obs. Ir-a-pn(ll67) • of e .. , abs. Pb Ir·d·2n(W67) Pt-d-p(W67) Pt-n-2!1 (W67) Au193 K deoay (1167)

Pt194 32.8(1104)

Pt195 33. 7(1104)

Pt196 25.4(1104)

ptl96m D I.T., e"(?) SO min(SS7) Pt-d-p(SS7) (S37) Hg·n-a(S37)

Pt197 B f 18 hr(lo!l5) 0. 65 (SS7) abs.; Pt·n·Y (1115, S37) , 0. 72(K27) abs. Pt·d·p(Cl9, S37 ,K27~ Pt·n-2n (S37) Hg·n-a(S37) ptl97 B f, Y(K27) 3, 3 days (1115) Pt-n•Y(II15,P2) Pt·d•p(K27)

Pt198 7.23(1104) . Ptl99 A f 31 min(M15) 1.S(S37,K27) abs. Pt·n-Y(II16,Al,lll4,S37) Pt·d-p(Cl9,K27 ,S37) Hg·n-a(S37)

79 Aul91 D K or ~· (11'67) ~1 doy(W67) Ir-a•4n(W67) Pt·d-3n (W67 \sl Parent of' Pt (W67)

Aul92 D K, Y, o"(W67) 4,7 hr(W67) o.:i(e")(W67) aba.Al ~3(W67) abo.Pb Ir·a-Sn (W67) Pt-d-2n (W67)

Au193 B K, e • (W67) 16.8 hr(W67) lr-a-2n(1167) Pt·d· 3~>(1167) 19 3 Parent or Pt (1167)

Aul94 D K, Y, o" (W67) 39.6 hr(W67) 0,31, 1.8(e")(W67) 0.38, 1.9(W67) abs. of Ir-u•3n (W67) abs.A1 e·, abe. Pb Pt-d-2!1 (1167)

Aul95 B K, Y, o • (W67) 195 doys (W67) 0.08(e- }(W67) abs.Al 0.17, 1.7(1'/67) abs. or Ir-a..2n(11'67) ··e·, abs.Pb Pt-d-2n(W67) Au196 B f 13 hr(ll16); 14 hr(W67) Au•n·2n (1115) Au196 B ~-, Y, e - 5.55 days (W67}, 0.36(C43) 0,41 (C43) 1 0.41, 1.7 Au·n-2!1(1115) (K27) 5.6 days(L29,K27) (W67) abs.Pb Pt-d-n(K27)

Au197 lOO(JUA,)

A}97m A I.T., e "(1166) 7.5 soo(W66) o.o7(e• ), o.26(e")(F38) 0.25(1156) abo. of e - Au•x•reye (1156) abe. Al, ooinoid. Au·n·n(W66 ,F38) Hg197(25 hr) K deoay (4%)(FS8)

Au198 A J"f. Y,_e- 2. 7 days (lll6,Al )J 0.970(86%), Q,6QS(l6%) 0.408(100%), 0.167(15%), Au·n·Y(II15, Al,P2,D33) (4.?,:)(W69) 66.6 hr(D38). · (L84) speot.1.::. 0. 208 (16%) (1.84 )ope at., Au•d•p(C18,K28) (),960(100%) (s201:},.epeot speot. oonT.; O.tll2 H~-n-p(SS7) 0.97(100%)(PS9) (D64) oryot. opoot.; o.986(F41) abo ••u. 0.066(1'41) abo., "oinoid·. ooinoid.; (C31,863, 1153) coinoid. 199 Au199 A f, Y(K27) 3.3 days (1115) 0.38(1156) abo.A1, 0.18(1156) abo.Pb, Pt ~- deoay{lll6) ooinoid. J ooinoid. ~ Pt·d-n(i27) . 1.01 (K27) abo. o.,6 (K27 abo. Hg·n·p(S37)

Au200,202 1l a· 48 min (S37 ,1132) 2.5(837) abo. Hg-n-p(S37,11l52) n-n-u(1132)

80 ·Hg196 o.15(!iso)

Hl97 A K, Y, e • (FlS) 28 JQ-(FlS)I 0.161, O.l30(H38) opeot. Pt-u-n (887) 26 hr(D101) OODT•I 0.125, 0.167 Au·d·2D(Fl3,11'26, K28) (V8) epeot. oonv.l Au•p-n (D101) 0.166, 0.186(F38) Hg-n•2D(Fl3 ,11'26) oolnatd. abe. Hg•D•Y (Fl8,1126,1116,j,9) H,;·d-p ( K29) Table of the Isotopes Pago 40

Isotope Class Percent Type of Half life ED.ergy of Radiation in Mev Produced by Z A AbunGanoe Radiation Partie lea Y ray a

A K, ·Y, e"(Fl3) 64 br(Fl3,Dl01) 0.075 (HS8) speot.oonv., Au·d·211(Fl3,11'26) 0.077(F38) aba •. ot e" Au·p-n(DlOl) Hg·n·2n (Fl3 ,11'26) Hg·n•Y (Fl3 ,11'26)



D I.T., e-, y 4~ minclno,l!ls), -o.S!(Fl!) abs. of e- J Pt-a.-n(?)(S37) (Fl3) 43.5 min(H208) 0.222, 0.362(H208) Hg-n-2n (1116, HlO, P2) Jpeot. oonv.) Hg-n-n (?) (ll'l8,11'2B) Hg·d-p(K29) H~-z-raya (Jm8) ai00 23.3(1130) Hg201 13.2(1130)

alo2 29.6(1i30)

Hg203,206 c ~~. Y(Fl3) 51.5 days (Fl3) (0. 3(11120,1167) speot.J 0.30(Fl3) abs.Pbl 0.46(Fl3) aba.Ah 0.28(1167) apeot. o.u, 0.44(Jr68) ooinoid. aba.


A 5.6 min(K29,1132) 1. 62 (1!29) abs .111 H~d·p(K29) lll!·n•Y(F13,W26) n-n-p(ll32) Pb-a-a(1132)

81 T1 D K(?), e" • y 10.5 hr(K29) l.O(K29) abs.Pb llfl·d·2n (129) (!29)

Tl D K(?), e"(K29) 44 hr(K29) Hg·d·2n (!29)

Tll98 D K, Y, e"(031) 1.8 hr(031) 0.4(e")(o31) abs.Al,Be 1.3(031) abs;Pb Au-a.-3n(031)

'fl199 D K, y, o"(031) 7 hr(031) 0.5 (e- )(031) abs .Al, Be 1.5(031) abs.Pb Au-... 2n(031)

Tl200 B It, Y, •"(031) 27 hr(031) 0.4 (e• )(031) abs.Al, Be Au-a.-o(031)

T1200 F 4 min(K3) J.u-...n(?)(K3)

Tl202 B K(?), y, e" 11.8 days (Fl4): 0.40(1132) Hg-d-2n(129) (!29,1132) 13 days(ll32) Tl·n·2n(Fl4,1132 )' 203 11 29.1(1136)

T1204 B 2.7 yr(VUO)J abe.A1, llo y(F14) Tl·n·Y (PlO ,P2 ,H10) 3.5 yr(Fl4) 0.87(Fl4) o1.oh., T1-d-p(Fl7, Kl!i) ' 0.77(Pl06) speot.


A p'(Bll6) 4.23 min(~'17) 1.65(F14) abs., llo y(F17) Tl-n•Y (PlO, P2,H10) 1.77(!29) abs.Al T1·d·p(F17,K29) Pb·Y-p(B33) Rag210 a deoay(B78)

AoC" 207 A ~-, Y(C60) 4. 76 llin (C60,S70) 1.47(871) abs.Al Pb-n-p(Bl6) Naturlli source, AoC a deoay

A ~-, y(CSO) 3.1 min(C60) 1. 72 (899) speot., 2.62(R40) Natura 1 •ou roe, 1.82(872) abs. paper Tbc212 a deoay

13 A 2.2 min(Hl46) 1.8(Hl46) abs .J.l 81~ a d oay, parent of Pb20~(El08,Hl43) 214 A 1.32 min(C60) l.80(L71) o1.oh. Natural aouroe, Rac q. deoay • parent of RaD210

D K, e", Y(Hll8) ...S hr(l!ll8) fl·d-•n(Hll8)

B I.T.(?) or 52 hr(Fl7,Fl4)J -0.45(Fl7,Fl4,K29) abs. T1·d-2n(Fl4,!29,Fl7, K(?), e·, y 5' hr(DlOl) of e", (Fl4,1132,L33) Hll8) (Fl4,!29, aba.Pb, (LS3) speot., fl·p-n (D101) LS3,1132) (1132) speot. oonv., Pb-n-2n (1132) 0.27(LS3,1132) apeot. Pb2M.n-2n(T38) conT., abs.Pb Pb-Y-n(B53)

Pbzo• 1.5(1138)

Pb2M• B I.!., Y• e· 68. min (1132) 1 1.1(FH) abs. of e", Tl·d·o(FU) (Fl,,ll32. 65'mio(Fl4) aba.Pb, 0.90(1132) Tl·d·3n(T~8) T38) Pb·n·n (010,1132) Pb-x-rays(B53) Bi204 X decay(T38)


22.8(1138) Table of the Isotopes Page 41

Isotope Class Percent Type of Half lifo Energy of Radiation in l!ov Producod by z A Abundance Radiation Partioloo Y rays

82 Pb208 52.3 (N38.) Pb209 Pb-d-p(T5, K29 ,F14,Fl5) A ~ - 3.32 hr(L108) o.7o(K29,Fl4) aba. 1 llo r. no .-(Wl02)1 Q, 88 (R49) opeot. 1 np r(L108.) Pb-n-r (1132l 0. 750 (.1132 h 81-n-p(1132 0.71(Ll08) abs.All Po213 Cl docay(H69,E38) 0.70(Ll08) opeot. 210 11!.0210 A f, r(R40) 22 yr(C60) 0.0266 (L72) speot. 1 0.04T(R40)1 0,04'1'2( T44) Natural source, ftf" 0.0292(864) opoot. speot. conv. J sevel"&l p- decay, RaC' weak lines of lower ~~~YaY• parent of enorgy(835,F42, T32, TS3) . 211 216 Ao8 A ~-. r(sn) 36.1 min (S70) 0.6, 1.40(871) abs.Al 0.8(871) abo. Natural source, AoA a. decay, parent or. Aoc211 216 ThB212 A ~-. r(R4o) 10.6 hr(C60) 0.36(872) opoct. Natural source, 'thA a decay, parent of Thc212 218 RaB214 A ~-, r(R40) 26.8 min(C60) 0.66(872) speot. Natural souroe, Ra.A. CL deoay, parent ot Rac214 . - 83 sf2os F a(T40) 2 min(T40) Pb-d-T(T40)

8f20s D u, K(?)(T40) 9 min(T40) 5.83(11117) Pb-d-? (T40) . ~s.s (n)(T40) • 8f2os D n, K(?)(T40) 27 min(T40) 5.47 (11117), Pb-d-? (T40) abs. mioaa ~s.5(n)(T40) ion.ob.

sfZOS D n, K(?)(T40) 56 min(N117) 1 5.15(Nl17) ion.oh.l Pb-d- ?(T40) ~1po min(T40) ~s.5(n)(T40) 20 81204 8 K, .-, Y(TS8) 12 hr(TS8) o.2(o-), ~o.B(o-, woak) Pb 4--d-2n (T 38) (TSB) speot., abs.Al Tl-n-Sn(T38 ) Parent of Pb 204m(-4%) (TSB)

81206 A K(?), .-. r 6.4 daya (Q9) Q, 74(K29) abs. of e- 1 T1-a...Sn(T38) (LSS) 0.93(F14) abo. of e-; Pb-d-2n(Fl4 ,F15, 329) 1.1(F14) abs.Pbl Pb207 -d-Sn (T38) -0.4, 1.1(T38) oba.Pb Po206 K docay(TSB)

8i209 100(NS6) • 210 RaE210 A ~-Hoo%l1 6.Q days(ceo) 1.17(~-) (FSO,N40,L76) No Y(G2S) Natural source, Re.D u(1o-4-1o-6 speot. J ~- ~goay, peront or %)(8116) 4.87(a)(878) oa1o. Po2 and n206(B78) 8i-d-p(L13 ,C26,H27) Bi-n-r(l!29) 211 211 Aoc A n(99.68%)(C6Q 2.18 min(CIO) 6.619(a,B4%), 6.273 Natural source, .loB r(R40)\ ~- (a,16%)(H8l) spoot. !:c ~~YF :na·~~i28f ~0.32% 215 · cao),r At a deooy(G66) (C60) 212 ThC212 60,5 min(CIO) 6.081 (a, 27%), 6.042 Nature.! eouroe~ 'lhB A a(ss.7%)(K50) 6 r(R40)J ~- (u, 7o%)(L73) speot. 1 ~- dooay, At 1 a (66.s%) 2.20(~-)(S72) speot. doo~212~~~n~~t208 (KSO), r (C60) At2iJ.~. Cl dooay(G66) 213 217 81 ·A ~- 1 a(2%) 47 min(H69)1 -1.3(~-}1ESB) abs.All At a~ aay, peront (ESB), (4%) 46 min(B38) -1.2(~ )(H69); of Po2 %(H69,E38) (H69) 6.86(a)(E38) ion.oh.l 6.0(a)(H69) ion.oh. 214 RI.C214 ... a(0.04%) (C60 ~ 19,7 min(CIO) 5.605(4,45%). 5.444 1.8(R40) IIO.'tura1 source~ li!.B ~- (99.96%) (a,66%l (L73) speot. 1 ~il. decay, At 18 Cl ~C6o), r s.l5(p )(872) abs ..u, R40) speot. :..~~214P!~:n~~'do 204 84 Po206 A K(-90%), a 9 days (T36) 5.2 ( a)(TII6) ion.oh. Pb -a...2n, perent of Ho%), Y B1206(T36) (T36) 206 Po207 A Kc;...loo%), " 5.7 hr(TS6) 5.1(f:56) 1on.oh. Pb , (O.Ol%) (T36)

Po208 B a(T36) S yr(T36) 6.14(T36) ion.ah. llo r(T36) Pb206-a.-2n(TS8j • B1-d-Snff36} Bi-p..2n Llll) 210 Po210 A a,r(R40) 140 do yo (C60) 6.298 (B81} spoot. 1 o.e(weat)(D53) abo.Pbl Natura 1 oourco, HaB 5.30S(C66) speot. 0.773(864) apect. ~- dooe)'·(L13,026, oonT. H27) Pb-o-2n('ta•> · B1-d-n(V4, cl!&(li!T) 4t2lO K dooa~ nsa} Table of the Isotopes Page 42

Produced by llotope Cl&SI Percent Type of Half lifo Energy of liadl.&tion in l!ev z A Abundance .Badiation Partie lee Y rays

211 84 Aoc•2! A a 6xl0-~ seo (CSO) 7.434 (L73) speot. ' Natural source, Aoc . r cfeoay At ll K dooay(C45,C23) 212 7 Natural source, Th.c ThC•ZlZ A a 3 .ax1o- ~·· (Hzos) \ 8.776(B70,H8l) opeot. 2.6xl0- oeo(B5l 1 ~- deoay 3xlo-7 ooo (DSO) 11111 16 a deoay(lll45) 213 PoZl A a(H69,ES8) 3.2xl0-s osc(E38) 8.336(E38); Bi ~- decay, parent 8.30(H69) ~f Pb209(H69,B38l IIIII 7 a decay (lll46 4 214 Rac•Zl A a l.Sxl0- oeo 7.680(B70,H8l) opeot. Natural sou roe, RaC (D50,R4l 1'160); ~- dooay, parent of l.65xl0-l sec(J7) RaD210 1!111218 a do cay (sas) 3 219 AcA215 A a(-lOO")~~ - l.8Sxl0- seo(l!liO) 7.385(L7S) opect. Natural sou roe, An (sxlo- (K65) 1c:nF~nr'~Usof 220 ThA2l A a!vloo%); 0.158 sec (WSO) 6. 774 (B70,H8l )(a) Natural source, Th f(o.ol4") opect. (133) a r::~!l' a~r:~~~~r 222 HaA2l A a(99.96%); 3.05 min(C60) 6.998 (a)(B70,H8l) liatural source, Rn ~-(o.04") a peat. a. decay, parent of (161) BaB214 and At218 86 At207 D "• K(?)(Tll6) 1.7 hr(Tll5) 5. 76(a)(Tll5) Bi-a-6n(Tll5) 2 At 0! D "• K(?)(Tll5) 4.5 hr(Tll5) 6.85(a)(Tll5) ion.oh. Bi-a..4D (Tll5) At210 A K, Y(Kl32) 8.3 hr(Kl32) l.O(Kl32) Bi-c-3n, parent of p0 210(Kl32)

At2ll A a(4Q%)(C46); 7.5 hr(C46,C23) 6.89(a)(Tll5) ion.oh.; Bi-a-2n (C46,C23) K(60%)(C46) 5.94(a)(C~6) abs. Th-a-25• 7z (0115) U-a-3la9& (0115)

At212 A a(W74) o. 26 ••• (1'174) Bi-a-n(W74) 218 At2l B a(lll45) Very ohort(lll45). 8.7(11l46) Fr a dooay(lll46) 4 At216 A a(K55,G66) -10- ooo (Gd6), S.OO(G66) ion.oh.; Natural eouroe, (G66) ohort(K55) 8.4(K65) ion.oh. AoA21s p- decal ~rent of AoC2 1(!56) Fr 19 a. decay, )rent of Aoc2ll (G66 3 216 At2lE A a(K33,G66) '"'10- soo(G66); 7.79(G66) ion.oh.; Natural source, ThA (066) short({54 soo )(K33) 7.64(133) ion.oh. ~- decay, )rent of Thc212 (K33 Fr220 a decay, )rent of Thc212(G66 221 At217 A a(E38,H69) 0.018 oeo(H69); 7.02(E38) ion.oh.; Fr a. de~ay, parent 0.021 sec (E38) 7.00(H69) ion.oh. of Bi213(E3S,H69) 2 J.t218 F a(K5l) Several ooo(?)(KSl) 6.63(K5l) ion.oh. . Natural source, BaA 11!!1 ~- decay, )rent of Bac214(K5l 220 86 ""'211 B a(Jil46) Very short(lll45) 8.0(11145) R& Cl decay, parent of ThC'212(11145) 221 1111121 B a(lll45) Very short(lll45) 7.8(11145) ion.oh. Ra of ~2~~C~l4ti)ront 222 ""'21! A a(Sl46) 0.019 seo(Sl69) 7.l(Sl46) Ra a decay, parent of Rac'214(Sl46) 223 An219 A 3.92 ooo(C60) 6.824(82%)(H8l,L73) Natural aotn•ce • .A.oX " apect. ~.!~Y%Y• lctrent of

24 Tn22C A 64.6 oeo (CSO) 6.282(B70,H8l) speat. Natural source, ~ " a. decay, parent of ThA216 226 Hn22: A 3.826 deys(CSO) 5.486(B70,H8l) speot. Natural source, Ra " ~~Y~Y• parent of

222 87 Fr218 B a(lil45) Vo ry short (lll45) 7.8(lil45) Ao a. decay, )rent of At2l4 (11145 4 223 Fr219 A a(G66) -10- soc(G66) 7.30(G66) Ao of A:21~(~6trent 22 Fr220 A a(G66) -30 sse (G66) 6.69(G66) Ac " a. dec!ly, paHnt of At216(G66) 225 F/21 A a(E38,H69) 4.8 min(H69); 6.30(869) ion.oh.; Ac a decay. parent 5 min(E38) 6.n(E38) ion.oh. of At217(E38,B69) Table of the Isotopes !'ago 43

Ieotope Class· Percent Typo of Half lifo EM rgy of Badia tion in llov Produood by z A Abundance Radiation Partiolos Y raya

227 8? Fl2S A ~-, Y(P4l,P4~ 21 min(P40,P43) 1.20(P42,P41) a1.ah. 0.090(1.82) abs.Al Natural source, Ao (AoK) . a doba~£1'40), pa ront of AoX S 224 • 88 ~220 A u(ll145) Short (1!145) ?.5(1!145) ion.ah. Th a. decay, )rent -of Jiln216(11145 225 Ra221 A u(Ml45) Short(l!l45) 6.? (l!l45) ion.ah. Th a. decay, rrent of Jiln21T(Jil45 226 Ra222 u(S146) 38 soo(Sl46) 6.5 (Sl46) ion. a h. Tb a decay, )rent .. of Jiln21B(Sl46 22? AoX22S A "• Y(R40) 11.2 days (C60) 5.11?(55%). 5.606(36%) llatural souroe~ RdAo (L?3) speat. a deoay, Aol!: 23 !: 2 t;•~Y, parsnt. of u-a-19a61 (0115) u-d-17a51 (0115) . 228 ThX224 A (1 3. 64 days (L7l) 5.681{870) speot•J ·Nature.l source, RdTh 5.66(C120) ion.ah. a decay, parent of' '!U220 . u-u-18a61 (Oll5) U.d-16&5& (0115) J.a224 K dooay{Gl47) 229 Rs225 A ~- (E38,1169) 14.8 days(ll69), ...0.2(1169) abs •.UJ Th a. decay, parent l4 days (E38) ( 0.05 (E:58) abo. of Aa225(E38;H69) Io230 Ha226 A a, Y(C60) 1622 yr(A106,K125)J 4.791(L?S) apeat. Q.19(R40) Ha.tural source, lS31 yr(C123) 1 a decay, parent of' 1590 yr(C60) ftn222

lla·227 A ~- Ra-n-Y • parent ot Ao227(Pl05) 232 llsTh1228 A p" 6.7 yr(C60) 0.05S(L72) epect. • Natur&l eouroe, Th abs.Al :a:a2~S parent ·or 2 226 89 Ao222 B u(ll145) Short(lll45) 6.9(l!l45) ion.oh. Pa a. decay, :rent of Fr218 (11145) 227 Ao223 n(G66) -2 min(G66) 6.64{G66) ion.oh • Pa a decay, parent .. of FJ-219 {G66) 224 228 Ao A n(-1Q%), K 2.5 hr{G66) 6.17(G66) ion.oh. Pa a. decay, parent (~so%)( G66 ) of Fr220 and ThX224 (G66) 225 Ao225 A a(E3B,I!69) 10.0 days (!Io9 ,E:!B) 5.80(B69,E38)_ion.oh. Ha f deoay{E38,1169) Pa229 " dooa2£11106) Parent of Fr 1 (E38,1169) IJ-d-15a4•(0115) 281 Ao22? 0.037(weak) {L82,P54) Natural source, Fa A u(1.2%) (1'4~~ 21.7 yr(C69)J 4.94 (u)(1oo%)(11145) P54),{1.2 13.5 yr(C60) ion.oh. 1 4.95{a){B5%), abe.Al (PU2), ~- 4.6(a){15%){G61) ion ~:~~,. .:r:::2~i Ra227 ~- deoay(P105) (99%rP40. oh. 1 4.95(a){Pl12) Pl12 1 T,o" ion.oh. J very &ott (1.82 (~·)(1.82) ,

llaTh2 228 A ~-, y(cso)J 6.13 hr(C60) 1.55(p")(L6) apeot., Natural souroe, u(G40) 4.5{u){G40) abs.air llsTh1228 p· doca~, parent of RdTh22 · . 28 90 Th224 A u(ll145) Short(lll45) 7.2(11145) ion.oh. tr " deoay, paron t of Ra220(lll45) 29 Th225 A u(ll145) 7.5 min(ll145) 6.6(11145) ion.oh. u2 a. decay, parent of Ra221(lll4.6)

!'<1226 A u(Sl46) so.s min(Sl46) 6.3(8146) ion.oh. rJlSO CL deoay 1 ~rent of Ha222(S146) ·

lidA 227 2 27 0 A a, T(C60) 18.6 days (PUO), 6.049(2Q%), 5.988(25%). Na\:ural aouroe, ~t.o . 18.9 dayo{C60) 6.764(20%l· 6.717 !:x~U'"• parent of (15%){L73 opeot. • U-d•1Sah (0115) Bd'fb228 A "• T(C60) 1o90 ;rr(C60) 5.418(83%), 5.338(17%) Natural source, (L?3) opeot.J 2 6.38(C120) ion.oh. 11s;!~! :l~my~ u2~ " deoay (G 112) Pa22B X deoay(Gl47)

if!SS'" deoay, parent Th229 .. u(ll69,1!38) 7000.yr (1169) ~ 4.85(1169) ion.ab., ...a.o yr(B38 N5{B38) ion.oh • of ~~a226(1169,BSB) 4 2M Io2SO A a, T(116S) 8.0x1o :rr(ll124)~ 4. 66 (G41) abo .airJ llatural aouroe. Un 8.3>:10~ ;yr(C60 4.81(1161) aalor., ~~~~a;y, parent ot 4.66(C119,Cl20) ion. oh. Table of the Isotopes Pa~e 44

Isotope Cla11 Peroont Typo of llalf lifo Energy of Radiation in Mev Produced by z A Abundanoe Radiation Particle a Y rays

236 90 ursl A p-, y 25.5 hr(KlSO)I 0.055, 0.2(Jl08) abo,All 0.035(Kl30) Natural souroe, Aou . u.o hrf043)a -o.2(Eso) aba. 1 a. dealy, parent of 24.6 hr C60) 0.21 (KlSO) Pa2Sl Th-n-2n (115,5128) 10 Th2S2 A 100(1>45) 1.39xl0 yr(K50) S.98(Cl20) ion.oh.l Natural souroo(C62~S76) " 4.20(573) ion.oh. parent of l!oTh12 8 Th2S3 A p- 23.5 min(5128) 1 1.6(5128) abs.Al llo Y(5128) Th-n-Y (Ml7 ,5128) 23 min(C12) Th-d-p (Gll2) 238 uxl2M A f, y 24.10 daya(Kl31)1 0.11, 0.20(F40) abs.Al; 0.092 (1160) (1%) (F40) 1 Natural source, U1 (li60,F40) 24.1 dayof570) 1 0.13(572) abo .Al, o.092(J6) spoct. a. deoay, parent of 234m 24.5 days C60) apaot., oonv., 0.093(2o,C) ux2 C.l90fJ6) opeot.; (852,879) apect.conv. 0.205 879) opoot.

91 Pa226 B u(l!l45) 1.5 min(lll45) 6.5 (11145) lon.oh. Th-d-8n, parent of Ao222 (11145) .

Pa227 A u(-8o%), K 38 min(G66) 6.46(G66) ion.oh. "'20%)(G66) Th~~2~~· .:·~~.~~7 (G66) Np231 a dooay(G147)

Pa228 A a(-2%), K 22 hr(G66) 6.09(G66) Th-d-6n, parent of {-98%)(G66) .t.c224 and RdTh228 (G66) Pa229 230 B ""'0.1%), 1.6 days (Hl45)J 6.66(8145) ion.oh.l Th -d-Sn (Hl06) K(-100%) 1.4 days (H106) 5.4(ffi06) Parent of Ao225 (H106) (H146) 230 Pa2SO A f (5146), y 17.7 days(Ol08); -1.1(0108) abs.A1 0. 94 (0108) abe .Pb Parent of u · (8146) (0108) 17 days (5146) Th-<>-p6n(8146) Th230-d-2n (B106) Th-d-4n (8146) Fa-d-p2n (0108) Pa-a-an(0108) u233-d-an (B104) Pa2Sl 4 231 A a(Cso), 3.43x10 yr(VlOll; 5.00~5%), 4.69-4.72 0.095, 0.294, 0.323(1l70) UY ~- dooay(5128), y(8152) 3.2xlo4 yr( 042 (-l5%)(T34) ion.oh.; speot. oonv.; parent of Ao227 5.049(R42) speot.; 0.308(5179) abo.Pb Th-d-3n (5146) 5.012(87%), 4.736 (13%)(Cll9) ion.oh. Pa232 A ~-. y'(Gll2) 1.32 days (Jl28) 1 0.14, 0.4, 1.0(Jl06) ab• 1.2 (J106) abo.Pbl Th-d-2n(Gll2 ,S146) 1.4 dayo(Ol08,5146)1 Al1 1.1(0108) abs.A1 1.0(0108) abs.Pb Th-a-J>Sn(5146) 1. 6 days ( Gll2 ) Pa-d-p(Ol08) 233 Pa233 A ~-.r,e- 27.4 days(G12) 0.4(538) abs.Al; 0.084, 0.298, 0.309, Th ;- dooay(S38, - (H40,5128, o. 23 (H40) opeot.; 0.337(1.81) spaot. Gl2,B39,5128) lll08,Fl06) 0.5 (5128) abs.A1t oonv.; e- lines at llp237 a dooay(Ll06), -o. 7 (F106) spoot. 0.063, 0.077, 0.192, parent of u233 0. 293 (B40) spec t. ; (8128,856) 0.33(5147) abs.Pb Th-d-n(Gll2, 8146) Th-... p2n (5146)

uz2S4 A p-. Y(F40) 6.7 hr(C60) 0.56, 1.55(F40) abs.Al; 0.70(F40) abs.Pb, W Natural source, 0.45(839) speot. ox2234m I.T. (F40), parent of uli234 234 ~234m A p-, Y(M61); 1.14 min(C60)1 1.52(5%), 2.32(95%)(M61) 0.802(5%)(11!61) spaot. Natural source, ~ I.T. (0.15%) 1.22 min(Bl42) speot.J oonv.; 0.782, 0.822 ~- decay, pe.reot of (F40,B39) 2.32(572) a~s.J.l (832) apoot. oonv.; uz234 and un234 0.396(I.T. )(B39) a:peot. oonv. u228 92 A a(8o%), K 7 m1n(1!145) 6.7(11!145) ion.oh. Th;:z~~(J"~nt of (20%)(111.6) Pu232 a dooay(Jl32)

u229 A «(z%), K 1 hr(lll45) 6.4(11145) ion.oh. Th-er-7n, parent of' (98%)(11!145) Th225(11145) 230 uZSO A a(SH6) 20.8 doya(S146) 5.86(8146) ion.oh. Pa r decay (8146, 0108 , parent of I Th226(5146) Th-C1-6n (8146) Fa-d-3n(OlOB) I Pa-a-p4n(0108) 11-d-10az (0116)

u2Sl B - K(Ol08) 4.2 daya(Ol08) Fa-d-2n (0108) Pa-a-p3n(Ol08)

u232 A Cl(Gll2) 70 yr(J109}J 5.31(J125) abs.AlJ Th-a-4n (11115) &J yr(Gll2) 5.27(Kl22) Pa 232 p- doooy (Gll2, 0108) Pu236 " docay(J109 ~· parent of RdTh22 (Gll2) Pa-d-n(Ol08) Pa-a-p2n(Ol08) Table of the Isotopes Page 45

Iootopo Claas Percent Type of Half life llner~;r of liladiation in llev Produced b;r z A Abundance liladiation Partiolea Y ra;ro

5 233 92 u233 ... u(Sl28,S55); 1, 62xl0 r (BlOS) 1 4.825(838) ion.oh.; o.31, o.o8o, o.04o Pa r deoa;y(Sl28, . Y, e"(Sl88) 1. 83xlol ;rr (Ll21) 1 4.80(0110) abo.air (weak)(Sl68) aba.Pb, 855 ~ parent of 1.2x1o6 ;rr(Sl28) Cu,!1 'J'h2 6 (H69,B38) 234 6 UII A 0.0051 2.35x10 Jr(0126,C54); 4,783(0119) ion.oh.; Natura~ IOUJ"Oe 1 (lrl.l8) " 2.89x1 yr(N41) 4. 78 (875) abo .air; ux22 4m and oz2H 4.78(877) ion.oh. ~; ~~~~~· parent 8 .toTf36 A o. 71 (1139) u, Y( 817!1 ,MJ.W 8.9lx10 Sr(Cll9); 4.398(0119) ion.oh.; 0.187(8178) aba.Pb; llatnral oouroe(D61), 7 .07x10 yr(1141) I 4.35(Bll3); O.l82(111U) abo.Pb parent of UY231 8.62x108 yr(Bll3 4, 34 (8114) ion.oh,

u237 ... ~-, Y(M37); 8.8 daya('lll.07) 0.135, 0.35, (1.6?) o.u. 0.23, 0,53(Bll5) U-n-2n (1137 ,118 ,'111.07, e" (8115) (Bll5) abo • .ll; aba.Pb A101h. parent of 0.26(1137) abo.;' Np237 (1172 ) 0.17, 0.22(.ll01) U-d-t(Bll5,Al0l,J109) .Al, cellophane u-"·an{J109) Pu241 a deoay{Kl09, 8144) u 238 9 A 99.28 (1139) . (I 4.5lxlo yr(ll4l)J 4.180(0119); llaturo.1 sou roe (872), I 4.498xl09 yr(Cll9) 4.23(875) abo.air; parent of uxl234 4.21 (S77) ion.oh. u239 A ~-, Y, e - 23.5 min(F107,F39); 1.20(F39,F44) abo.Al; 0.076, >0.3(weak) U-n·Y(Bl8,Hl4, Il,ll19, (F39) 23 min{Il,84) 1 1.2(Wl08,Ml08) abs • .ll; (Fl07 ,F39,F44) abo.Pb; 844), parent of 23.2 m1n(W108); 1.12, 2.06(weak) 0.073, 0.92(8203) !ip239 (1128, 839,844, 23.54 min(J1109) {S203) speot. apect. oonv., abs.Pb 8132) U-d-p(S131)

93 lll31 A uM%), K 53 min(G147) · 6.2 (u)(G147) ion.oh. U-d-9n, parent of Hs%) Pa227 (G147) (GU7) 234 llp234 B K, Y(J109) 4,40 da;yo (H104) 1 1.9(H104) abs.Pb Pu K deoa;r(P102) 4.4 days (010B) u233.d-n (H104) u235-d-3n (J109) Pa-u-n (0108) u233.a-p2n lH104, P102) u235.a-p4n J109) u235.p-2n(G131) 35 - llp235 B K(Jl09), u 435 days (J130); 5.Q6(a)(Jl30) ion.oh. No Y(?)(J109) u2 ·d·2a~J109l H>-1%) 400 days (J109) u233.u-pn H104 (J130) u235.0 -p3n (J109) 236 llp236 A ~-. y(Jl09) 22 hr(Jl09) Parent of Pu (Jl09) - u235-d-n(Jl09) U-d-4n (Jl09) u233-a-p(H104) ij235-u-p2n (Jl09) lip·d•t( JUO) llp-n-2n{Gl32) I llp-o-an(JllO) 6 37 llp237 A a(Wl07 ,1172) 2.20x10 yr(ill29,1192)J 4.72(Ll22) abo. mica,· u2 ~- deoay{Wl07 ,1172 3x106 ;rr(WJ.07 ,1172) 4, 75{Gll3) abo .air; parent of Pa233(Ll06) 4.73(Jl02) abo.Al 238 llp236 A f, Y(S79)J 2.10(Jl26) 1 0.22, 1.39(J126) abs • .U; 1.2, o.076(Jl26) abo. Pa nt of Pu (S80) 13-, Y, e- 2.0 daya {8131) 1.0{8131) abo ..\1 Pb, abs. of e-; u2~-d-2n (nos) (Jl07) 1.1 (8131) abo. Pb U·d·2a(S79 ,Sl31,Kl08) Am242 Cl dooa}(Sl44) ' U-a..p3n(J109 11-u-p ( Jl09) Hp-n-Y(Jl07) Hp-d·p(JllO) 39 llp239 A tt. y, .- 2.33 days{'IIJ.08); 0.68, 0.33, 0.090(Bl25) 0.057, 0.061, 0.067, u2 ~- deoay(ll28,839, (Fl07, '111.08 2.3 dayo{ll28,11l9), &bSoJ 0.47(1128) ftbOoJ 0.206, 0.227, 0.275 844,8132), parent of 11108) 2.35 daya(Fl07) 0.14, 0.40, 0.63 {8203) OpaOt• OOnViJ Pu239(8132) {Fl07) abo.AlJ 0.2094, 0.2280, U-d·n{S79,S131,Jl09) o. 78 {Sl3l,Wl08) abo. 0.2774, numerous u-... p2n (Jl09) All 0.288, 0,403, aoftor Y's(Fl08) 0.673, 1.179(8203) speot. oonv.a 0.22, apoot. o.27(H25) apoot. oonv., apeot. PU232 u235 94 B u(Jl32) 22 llin(J132) 6.6(Jl32) ion.oh. -~7n, )rent or u228(Jls2 Pu23<& 233 A K(Bl04)(-9~ 8 hr(Bl04)J 6,2{Plt12) ion.oh.J u -o-3n(Hl04,Pl02) IF102); " 8.5 hr(Pl02) 6.0(Hl04) ion.oh. Parent of u230 and B104')!--l%) llp23

""236 A u(Jl09) 2.1 :yr(Jl09) 5,7{Jl09) ion.oh. llp236 ~ -deoay ( J109 ) Cm 240 u dooal~Sl42) Parent or .u2 (Jl09) c ij235-a-3n (Jl09) u233-u-n (B104, Pl02) u-a..6n(Jl09) ' llp-u-p4n{Jll0) llp-d•3n(Jll0) Table of the Isotopes Page 46

Iaotope Claea Percent Type of Half lifo &!orgy of lladiatiol1 in IIOY Produced by z A Abund&llOO Badiatio11 Partioloo Y rays

Tf35 94 Pu237 B K(Jl09) 40 dayo {Jl09) No y(Jl09) -a~211(Jl09) . u-a-511 Jl09) Np-d-2n {JllO) 238 Pu238 A a(580) 92 yr(8142) 1 5.51 (CllO,C70) aba.oir; Np ~- deoay(S80, ~ 89 yr(Jl27l; 5.5(8131) abs.air,Al; Sl3l,Kl08) 40 yr(Sl3l 5.4.(Fl09) abo.Al; Cm242 a deoay(SU2) 5.493(Jl0) iol1.oh. Np-d-n(JUO) U-a-411 (Jl09) u235-a-11(Jl09) 4 239 Pu239 A a(K69), Y, .- 2.4llxl0 yr(S56) 5.15(CUO,C70) abo.air; 0.42, 0.2(weak){8170) Np ~- dooay(K69) (GlU) calor. J 5.1 {8132)abs.oir; aba.Pb; o.os, 0.3 llatural oouroe{8134) 2.44xl04 yr(WllO) 6.16(Pl01) ol.oh.; (weak){Gll4) abs. U-a-311 ( Jl09) 5.140(Jl0) io11.oh. Pb,Al

Pu240 A a(Jl09) -sooo yr(Jl09) yield 5.l(Jl09) io11.oh. u-a-211 (Jio9)

Pu2U A ~- (8144), a -10 yr (8144) o.ol-0.02 (~- )(Sl44) abo. U-a-n (8144, Jl09) {B126) m.o. (Kl09,8144) hydrocarbon Parent ~£~24l(Sl44l f.,..002%) and U (K109,8144 (8145)

95 Am238 D K(?)(J129) 1.6 hr(J129) Pu-d-3n (J129)

Am239 B K(-100%), a 12 hr(8144) 5.77(a)(Jl29) ion.oh. 0.285(8144) abo.Pb, Pu-d-2n (8144) {-O.l%), .-. abs. of e· Pu-p-n(Jl29) Y(8144) Np-a-2n(8144)

Am240 B K, Y, e- 50 hr(Sl44); 1.3{8144) abs.Pb, Pu-d-n(Jl29 ,Sl44) (8144) 53 hr(Jl29) abs. of e llp-a-n(81H) 241 Am241 A a(8144) 510 yr(C129) 5.45(814:4) ion.oh. Pu ~- deoay{SU4)

Am2fan A ~-(Al07) 16 hr(A1o7); 17 hr 1.0(Al07) abs.Al Am-n-Y (Al07 ,8144) (Sl44) Parent of cm242(8142, Al07) Am242 A a{-0.2%), ~- -400 yr(Tll4,S144) ~o.5(B-)(SH4) abs.Al Am-n·Y, parent of' (8144) em242 and 1ip238(S1H

96 Cm240 A ' a(8U2) 26.8 days (SH2) 6.3(8142) ion.oh. Pu-a-3n(Sl42) Parent of Pu236(SH2)

Cm241 E K(S142) 55 dayo(S142) Pu-a-2n(Sl42)

c/42 A a(S142) 150 days (Sl42) 6.1(8142) ion.oh. Pu-a-n (8142) Am242 and Am242m ~- deoay(8142 A107) Parent of Pu~38(8142)


' Table of the Isotopes References Pa~e 47

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Acto 19, 307"lT946), (BBO) Bleulor, E., and M. Gabriel, Helv. Phys. Acto""]£, 67 (1947), (Bl) Bjorge, T., and K. J. Broatr8m, Kgl. Danalce Videnskab Solakab, (BSl) Barber, W. C., Phys. Rev. 72, ll57 (1947). Mlt.-fys. Medd. 16, No. 8.(1938), (B82) Berggren, J. L., and R. K. Us borne, Bull. Am. Phye. Soo. 23, (B2) B.1or,e, T., and K.J. Broatr8rn, Nature 138, 400 (1936), llo, 3, 46 (1948). (B3) Bjer,e, T., Nature 138, 400 (1936). - (B63) Becker, R. A., A. O. Hanson and a: C. Diven, Phys. ReT.!!_, (84) Bayley, D, S., and ~R. Crane, .Phys. Rev. 52, 604 (1937), 466 (1947). (B5) Bethe, H. A., F. Hoyle and R. Peierla, Nature 143, 200 (1939), (B84) Bradner, H., and J. D. Gow, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc.~· No.5, (BS) Bjerge, T., Nature 139, 757 (1937), -,- (1948 ). (B7) Borst, L. B., Phys.liSv. 61, 106 (1942), (B85) Bothe, VI., z. Naturforsch. 1, 179 (1946). (BS) Barkas, W. H., E. C. CreutZ, L. A. Delsasso, R. A. Sutton and (B86) Benes, J., A. Hedgran and N7 Hole, Arkiv Mat., Astron. Fysik M. G. ~bite, Phya. Rev. 58, 383 (1940). 35A, No, 12 (1948). . (B9) Burcham, w. E., 11. Goldhaber and R. D. Hill, .Nature.!!!_, 510 (B87) Boii'r';" E., and N. Hole, Arkiv lilt., Aetr~;m. Fysik ~, No. 15 (1938 ), (1948). (BIO) Brown, 11. V., and A. C. G. Mitchell, Phys, Rev. 50, 593 (1936), (BSB) Burson, s. B., and C. 0. Muehlhauee, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 23, (B11) Bothe, W,, and W, Gentner, Naturwisaenschaften 25;' 191 (1937), · No. 4, 16 (1948 ), (B12) Barnes, s. w., and G. Valley, Phys. Rev. 53, 946(1938). (B89) Ballou, N. E., Phya. Rev. 73, 630 .(1948). (B13) Buck, J. H., Phys. nev. 54, 1025 (1938),- (BlOl) Ballou, N. E., W. H. Bur~u'S;' J. B. Dial, L. E. Glendenin, H. (814) Bacon, R. H., E. N. Grisei'ood and C. W. van der Merwe, Phya. Rev. Finkelstein, .M. Ravely, B. Schloss Bnd N. Suga~n, ~eported in 59. 531 (1941). Plutonium Project Report CC-920, P• 24 (Sept. 1943). (B15) Bretschor, E., and L. G, Cook, Nature 143, 560 (1939). (Bl02) Ballou, N. E., reported in Plutonium. Project Report CC-298D, P• 4 (Bl6) Bretsoher, E., and L, G. Cook, Nature ill, 430 (1940), (Oct. 1942). (Bl7) Barnes, S. W,, Phys. Rev. 56, 414 (1939). (Bl03) Ballou, II, E., reported in Plutonium Project Report CC-529, P• 89 (B18) Barnes, s. w., and P, W, Aradine, Phys. Rev. 55, 50 (1939). (Mar. 1943). (Bl9) Bacon, R. H., E. N. Grisewood and C. w. van d9T Msnre, Phys. Rev. (8104) Brady, E. L., reported in Plutonium Project Report CC-529, P• 4~ 54, 315 (1938). (lilr. 1943), (B20) Bothe, W., and W. Gentner, Z, Physik 112, 45 (1939), (Bl05) Brady, E, L,, reported in Plutonium Project Report CC-920, P• 49 (B21) Brandt, H., z. Physik 108, 726 (1938)~ (Sept. 1943). (B22) Becker, R. A., and E. R."'Gaorttner, Phya. Rev. ~· 854 (1939). (BlOB) Burgus, W. H., reported in Plutonium "Project Report CC-465, (B23) Barkaa, W, H., Phya. Rev, 56, 287 (1939),· P• 24 (Feb. 1943), . (B24) Barresi, G,, and B. N. CacOiapuoti, Ricerca sci. 10, 464. (1939), (8107) Ballou, II, E,, reported in Plutonium Project Report CC-529, (B25) Bothe, H. A., and w. J, Henderson, Phys. Rev, 56,!060 (1939), PP• 55, 57 (rmr. 1943). (B26) Bacon, R. H., E. N. Griaowood and C. W. van de;:Jiorwe, Phys. Rev. (BlOB) Burgus, W. H., reported in Plutonium Project Report CC-680, 56, ll68 (1939). P• l3(l&l.y 1943). , (B27) Bar:ki..s, W. H., E. C. Creutz, L, A, Delsasso, J. /;, Fox and (Bl09) Burgua, W, H., and N. Su~arman, private c011111unication (1943). II. G. White, Phya. Rev. 57, 562 (1940). (BllO) Ballou, N, E., reported -in Plutonium Project Report CC-529, (828) Bothe, W,, and A, Fla':""ersfeld, Na turwissenschaften 29, 194 (1941 ), .P· 59 (lilr. 1943). (B29) Born, H. J., and II', Seolmann-Egrebert, Naturwissenschaften 31, (Blll) Ballou, N. E., reported in Plutonium Project Report CC-465, P• 19 86 (1943). - (Feb. 1943). (B30) Born, H. J,, and w. Seelmann-Eggobort, Naturwiaoenochaften ~· (Bll2) Ballou, N, E., reported in Plutonium Project Report CC-1112, 201 (1943). P• 17 (Dec. 1943), (B31) Born, H. J., and W, See1mann-Eg~ebert, Natu!"'Riasenochaften· ~· (Bll3) Br1 tioh Atomic Energy Projects Report LRG-29. 420 (1943). (Bll4) Brown, B. W., and L. F. Curtiss, Plutonium Project Report 4-1965 (B32) Bradt, H., H, G. Heine and P, Scherrer, Helv, Phys. Acta ~· (Sept. 1944). 455 (1943). (Bll5) Brody, E. L., and W, Rubinson, reported in Plutonium Project (833) Bothe, W,, Naturwiaaenechaften ~· 551 (1943), Report CC-724 (June 1943). Table of the Isotopea - References Page 4S

(Bl'l6) Broda, E., and N. Feather, British Atomio Energy Projeoto, (C51) Coole, K. L., Phys. Rev. 64, 278 (1943), Report BR-615 (June 1945). (C53) Chadwick, J., a~;d M. Goldiiaber, Proo. Roy. Soo. (London) !ill.- (Bl17) Burguo, W., R. Edwards, H. Gest, C. stanle)l',and R. Williau, 479 (1935). reported in Plutonium Project Report CN-2839, p. 9 (Juno 1945). (C54) Chamberlain, O., D. Williemo ,and P. Yuster, Phys. Rev. (BUB) Broda, 11., British Atomid' Energy Projects, Report BR-506 ,!2. 580 (194'6). (Sept. 15U). (C55) Conn, E. l!., A· R. Brosl, J, A. Swartout, A. 11:. CamerenJ R. Lo (Bll9) Burgus, w. H., reported in Plutonium Project Report CC-2310, Corter and D. G, Hill, Phys •. ReT• 70, 768 (1946), p. 210 (Jan. 1945). (C56l Cook, C. S., E. Jurney and L. 1!. Langer, Phyo. Rev, 70, 986 (1946), (Bl20) Ballou, N. E., and C, D. Coryell, Plutonium Project Report (C60 Cur-ie, )f., A. Debierne, A. S. Eve, H. Gei~er, 0. Bahii; S. c. Lind., CC-3418 (Fob. 1946). St. lloyer, E. Rutherford and E. Sohwoldler, Revs. lfodern. Ph)l'l• (Bl21) Ballou, N. E., Plutonium Project Report lobn C..76 (Feb. 1946). !• 427 (1931). Summari&es the results of various investi~toro. (Bl22l Brod, A. a., private OOilllllUnioation (June 17, 1946). (cal) Campbell, &. R., and A. llood, Proo, Cambridge Phll. Soo. 14, 15 (8123 Burguo, W., R, Edwardo, H. Goat and c. Stanley, Beported in (1906), Campbell, 11. R., Proo. Cambrid!l Phll, Soo. U7"211 Piutonium Project Report CN-2809, P• 8 (Apr. 1945). (1907), 667 (1908). ' - (Bl24) Bretsohor, E., private communication f'rol'l E. M. lloMillan (Oot. (C62l Curie, 11., Compt. rend. 126, 1101 (1898), 1946). (C63 Chang, W. Y., Phys. Rev.6'1, 267 (1946), (Bl25) Bartlett, A, A., D. F. Swinehart and R. w. Thompson, Plutonium (C64) Clarke, E. T., and J, W. r.rtne,Jr., Hlys. Rev. 66, 231 (1944l• Project Report LA-168 (Nov. 1944). (C65l Clarke, E. T., and J, W. Irvine ,Jr., l'hys. Rev. ]!, 680 (1946 , (Bl26) Bartlett, A. A., and D, F. Swinehart, Plutonium Project Report (C66 Chong, W, Y., Phys. Rev; 69, 60 (19:46), LA-561 (llay 1946). (C67l Clarke, E. T,, Phys. Rev.71, 187 (1947), (Bl27) Boyd, G. E., A. R, Brosi, E. E. lobtta and Q. v. 14rson, private (C68 Coleman, K. D., R. !ludenbeii' and Jl. L. Pool, Phya. Rev • .!!.• 1M communication (Oot. 1946), (1947). (B128) Ballou, N, E., reported in Plutonium Projoot Report M-CN-20S4, (C69l Curie, I., and G, Bouissieres, Cahiers Hlys. llo. 26, 1 (1944). P• 13 (So pt. 19"), (C70 Chamberl4in, 0., J. W. Gotman, E. Segr~ and 1. C, Wahl, Phyo. lilT. (8129) Brod, A. R., reported in Plutonium Project Report Ibn 11-150 71, 629 (1947). (July 1946). (C71) Co!Oman, x. D., and II, L. Pool, Hlys. ReT. 72, 1070 (1947). (Bl30) Bur,us, w., R. Edwards, H. Gest and C. Stanley, re~orted in (072) Corle, J, · M., R. G. Shreffler and c. 11. Fowler, Phyo. Rev. 72, Plutonium Project Report CN-2819, P• 12(llay 1945). 1209 (1947)J 73, 78 (1948). - (Bl31) Ballantine, D. S., reported in Plutonium Project Report (073) Cook, C. S., andL, M. l.inger, Phys. R.r. 1945), (Cl9) Cork, J. II., and E. 0. Lo.wrenoe, Phys. lifT• 1lr, 788 (1936). (Cl21) Cranshaw, T. E., British o\tomio Energy Projects, Report IIP-162 (C20) Curth, B. R., Phyo. Rov. 65, 1136 (1939), - (July 1946). (C2l) Cork, J. M., L. 11. Hadley,"""Jr., and C. V. Kent, Hl:ye, lifT• 81, (Cl22) Cranshaw, !. B., and J, A. Harvey, British Atol!lio Energy Projeoto, 388 (1942). - Report IIPJ'-28{Aug. 1945). (C22l Clancy, E. P,, Phys. Rev. 60, 87 (1941), 59, 686 (1941), (Cl23) Curtiu, L. F., private oo11111unication (July 1946)J value derived (C23 Qoreoh, D. R., K. R. llaokeiilie and E. Se~re, Phys. Rev. 57, i'rom anrage of values given in following referenoeaa Ward, U9, 1087 (1940), · - Wynn-William• and Cave, Proo. Roy. Boo. (London) 126, 713 (1929)J (C24) Caooiapuotl, B. 11., and B. Segr~, Hlys. Rev. 52, 1252 (1937), Jedraejowsld, Ann. phys. 9, 128 (1928), BroddioF&nd Cave, (C25) Cooley, R. A., D. 11. Yost and E. 11. llcllillan,J, Am. Chem. Bon. Proo. Roy. Boo. (Landon) ll"l, 367 (1928), 'Gre~ire, Ann. ph)l's. 61, 2970 (1939). !• 161 (1934)J Gloditsoii'Ond F1Jyn, Am. J. Soi. 29, (1935), (C26) Coi'k, J, 11., J. Halpern and H. Tatol, Phys. RoT. 57, 371 (1940). (0124) Cuiao, II., and L. Brown, Plutonium Project Report 'M'-2•07 (C27) Creuto, E. c., J. G. Fox and B.. Sutton, Hlys. ~~n:-, 567 (1940). (llov. 19" ), ' (C28) Curran, S. C., P. I. Doe and J. B. ftrothsrs, Proo."'lfoy. Soo. (Cl25) Ca!Cilo, 11., Plutonium Project Report CC-2409 (Oot. 1944). (Londbll) Al74, 5'6 (1940). (Cl26) Chamberlain, O., D. Williams and P. Yuoter, Plutonium Project (C29) Curran; S. c:-;-and J. E. Strothers, Proo. Roy. Soo. (London) Report LA-226 (Feb. 1945). Al72, 72 (1939), (Cl27) Chamberlain, 0,, G. w. Farwell and B. Seg~, Plutonium Project (C30) CorF,'""J. 11., and G. p, Smith, Phys. Rev, 60, 480 (1941), Report L&IIS·lSl(Sept. 1944), · (C31) Clark, A. F., Phys, !!tiT· 61, 242 (1942), 6f, 203 (1942), (Cl28) Cranshaw, !. B., and J, Ao Harvey, llational Researoh Counoil of (C32) Creuto, E., W. H, Barbo &iii! 11. H. Funnan7"Phys. RoT, 58, Canada, Atomio Enerey Projeot1 Report CRC-269(July 1946), liDOS (1940), - (Cl29) Cunninghllll, B. B., "The Firat Ioolation of Allerioium in the Fora (C4l) C....t:s, E •. , L. A. llalsasso, R. B. Sutton, If, .G. llhite and of Pure Compounda. Microgram Soale Obaervations in the Cbndatry W, H. Barl:as, Phys. ROT. 58, 481 .(1940), of Amerioium", 1111!8-PPR Vol. lU, Paper Ro. 19.2(Feb. 1948) (C42) Oreuto, E. c., private .oomunioation. (to be heuod)J PlutoniUIO Project Report CC-3876. (C43) Cork, J, II,, and J. Halpern, Hlys. Rn. 58, 201 (1940). (Cl30) Cunningham, B. 8., and H. H. Hoplcino,Jr., unpubliohed work (C44) Curtio, B. R., and J. R. Riohsrdson, Phyii; Rsv. 67, ll21 ..(1940). (Fob. 19n). (C45) Clanoy, E, P., Phys. a. ... 58, 88 (1940), - (Cl31) Ca•ron, A. B., and J, R. White, Plutoniua Project Report (C46) Corson, D. R., 11:. R. llaokeiii"ie and B. Segre, Phya. ReT. ll• B-·6.261.2 (liar. 1947), 672 (1940). (Cl32) Coon, J, H., 11. Goldblatt, R, Nobles and c. F. Robinson, Plutoniua (C47) Curran, S. c., and J, B, Strothers, Proo. Cambridge Hlll. Soo. Projeot Baport LI.Dc-482 (1947), 36, 252 (1940). (Cl33) Chudom, P., 11. Goldhabor and C, lluohlhauoe, reported in Plutoniua (C50) Cohen, A, A., Hlye. a.,..,~· 219 (1943). Projoot l!eport CP-3760, P• 46 (Jan. 1947), Table of the Isotopes References Page 49

(Cl34) Chudom, P,, and c. 0. !luehlhause, reported in Plutonium PJoojeot (0108) Dillard, c., R, Adams, H. Finkelstein and A, Turkovich, Plutoniu• Report CP-3801, p. 25 (Apr. 1947), Project Report CC-1805 (Au,. 1944). 0 (Dl09) Deutsch, M., Plutonium Project Report LAMS-142 (Oot. 1944). (Dl) Delsasso, L. A., W. A. Fowler and C. C. Lauritsen, Phys. a.T• ~· (DllO) Dillard, C. R,, R. Adamo, H. Finkelstein, S. Rayno+ and A. 848 (1935). Turkevioh, reported in Plutonium Project Report CC-2379, P• 10 (D2) Dubridgo, L, A,, s. w. Barnes, J, H, Buck and ·c, V. Strain, Fhys. (Nov. 1944), Rev. 53, 447 (1938), (Dlll) Dunworth, J. V., and B. Pontecorvo, lationa.l Research Council of (D3) Dubridg'07 L. A,, S. w. Barnes, E. 0, 1111g, J. H. Buck and C. ·v. Canada, Atomic Energy Project, Report MP-195 (!loT. 1945), Strain, Fhys, Rev,. 53, 326 (1938), . (DU2) Jlampstor, A. J., reported in Plutonium Projeot Report CP-3462 (D4) Delsasso, L. A., L. N:""'"Ridenour, R. Sherr and Jl, G, White, Phys. (lohr. 1946). Rev. 55, ll3 (1939). · (Dll3) DeBenedetti, S., private communication from T. P, Kohman (D5) Darling:ll. T., B. R, Curtis and J, U. Cork, Fhys. Rev. 2.!_, 1010 (Juno 17, 1946). (1937). (0114) Dillard, c. R,, R. M, Adams, H. Finkelstein and A. Turkovich, (D6) Dodson, R. W,, and R. D, Fowler, Fhys. Rev. 55, 880 (1939), reported in Plutonium Project Report CC-2310, p. 55 (Jan. 1945). (D7) Do Vries, H., and J, Ve1dkamp, Fhysica 5, 249\1938), (Dll5) Dillard, c. R., H. Finkelstein, R. M. lt.dams and A. Turkovich, (D6) Dodo, M., and B. Pontocorvo, Compt. rand. 207, 287 (1938). reported in Plutonium Project Report CC-2310, p. 198(Jan. 1945), (D9) Dubridp:.:e, ·L.A., private communication; includes work of entire (Dll6) Demp1ter, A, J., reported in Plutonium Project Report CP-3497 Rochester group. (Apr. 1946), (1)10) )Do Vries, H,, and G, Diemer, Fhysica .!!• 699 (1939). (0117) Dillard, c. R., R. M. Adams, H, Finkelotein and A. Turkavioh, (Dll) Dubridge, L. A,, and J, M>.rshall, Fhys. Rev.~· 706 (1939), reported in Plutonium Project Report CC-2310, P• 167 (Dl2) Doran, R. L., and W, J. Henderson, private communication, K. (Jan, 1945), Lark-Horowitz. (DllB) DeBenedetti, s., private oournunioatipn from M. Gol~aber (Dl3) Dubridgo, L, A,, an~ J, 14.rshall, Fhys. Rev. 57, 348 (1940). (Sept. ll, 1946). (Dl4) Dickson, G., P, W•. Mollanie1 and E. J, Konopinsfi, Pbys. Rev.~· (D119) DoBenedetti, S., privote communication(Oct. 15, 1946), 351 (1940 ). (Dl20) Dillard, C., R. ll. Adams., H. Fins ton, and A. 'rurkevich, (D15) Deutsch, M., and A, Roberts, Phys. Rev. 60, 362 (1941). "Determination of Gas Half-Lives by the Char~ed Wire Teohni9.ue. (Dl6) Deutsch, :M., J. R, Downinr,, L. G. Elliott;" J, W. Irvine,Jr., and II", NNES-PPR Vol, 9B, Paper No. 7,5,5 (1946) (to be isouod), A, Roberts, Phys. Rev. 62, 3 (1942). . (Dl21) De Benedetti, s., and F. K. McGowan, Plutonium Project Report • (Dl7) Doatech, J,!,, and L. G. EliTott, Phys. Rev, ~· 558 (1942). lolon P-176 (Oot. 1946), 0 (Dl8) Doran, R, L., and W, J, Henderson, Fhys, Rev. ~· 411 (1941). (Dl22) derl.ilteosian, E., P. Chudom, M. Goldhaber and c. 0. llhlehlha.use, (Dl9) Deutech, M,, A, Roberts and L. G. Elliott, Phys. Rev. §.!_, 389 Plutonium Project Report ANL-4010, p. 56 (July 1947). (1942). (Dl23) derJlateoeian, E., M. Goldhaber, c. 0. Muehlhause and Pl. lbKeown, (D20) DoVauit, D,, and w. F. Libby, Phys. Rev. 58, 688 (1940). reported in Plutonium Project Report ANL-4010, P• 54(July 1947). (D21) Dautsch, M., Fhys. Rev. 61, 672 (1942). - (D22) Davidson, 1'1, L.,Jr., Phys.- Rev. 57, 1006 (1940). (El) Ellis, c. D., and W, J, Henderson, Nature 135, 429 (19~5), (D23) Downing, J, R., and A. Roberts, ~ys. Rev. ~· 940 (1941), (E2) Ellis, C. D., and W. J. Henderson, Proo. Roy. Soc.(London) (D24) 'Davidson, W. L.,Jr., private comnunioation. Al56, 358 (1936), . (D25) Dubridge, L. A., and J, lllrshall, Fhys. Rev. ~· 7 (1940), (E3) Ewliig; D., T. Perry and R. lloCreary, Fhys. Rev. 55, ll36 (1939), (D26) Deleasso, L. A., M. G. White, W. Barkas,and E, C. Creut$, Fhys. (E4) Elliott, D. R., and L. D. P, King, Fhys. Rev. 59-;-403 (1941), Rev. 58, 586 (1940). (E5) Ewing, D., private communication from S. W. Ba"Tries. (D27) Dodson,lr. W., and R. D. Fowler, Phys. Rev. 57, 966 (1940), (E6) Enns, T., Phys. Rev. 56, 872 (1939). (D28) Downing, J. R., Jl, Deutsch and A. Roberts, Hi'Ys. Rev.~· (E7) Elliott, L, G., 11. Deutsch and A, Roberts, Phys. Rev. 61, 99 (1942). 470 (1941). (ES) Elliott, L. G.,. M. Deutsch and A. Roberts, 'Phys. Rev. 63, (D29) Deutsch, M., Phys. Rev. 59, 940 (1941), 386 (1943). - -(D30) Downing, J; R,, U, DautsOii and A, Roberts, Fhys. Rov. _£, 389(1942), (E9) Elliott, L. G,, and M, Deutsch, Fhys. Rev, 63, 8Zl (1943), (031) Downing, J, R., J,!, Deutsch and A, Roberts, Phys. Rev.§.!_, 686(1942), (EIO) Elliott, L, G,, and J,!, Deutsch, Phys. Rev. 53, 457 (1943). (D32) DeWire, J. w., M. L. Pool and J. D. Kurbatov, Phys. Rev • .§.!.• 564 (Ell) Eklund, s., Arkiv !.l!.t., Astron. Fysik 28A, iiO. 3 (1941), (1942)1 61, 544 (1942). (El2) Elliott, L. G., and J!, Deutsch, Fhys. ReV. 64, 321 (1943), (D33) Dlelepow, B:" S., and A. A. Konstantinov, Compt. rend. aoad. soi. (El3) Elliott, L. G,, and M. Jlautsch, Fhys. Rov. 53, 219 (1943), U. R. S. S, 30, 701 (1941), (E20) &wald, H., private communication to S. Fl!gie' and J. lilttauch, (D34) Deutsch, M., private communicetion to C. E. Mandeville and H. if. Ber. 76A, 1 (1943), Fu1bright, Phys. Rev. 64, 265 (1943), (E2l) Elva1d, ii:-;- z. Physik 122, 487 (1944). (D35) Deutsch, 1!., and L. G, EITiott, Phys. Rev. 65, 211 (1944). (E30) Erohovs, z. v,, J, phys. radium 8, 501 (1937), (D36) Deutsch, M., L. G. Elliott,and A. Roberts, 15hys. Rev • .§!• (E31) Eklund, s., and 'Ji, Hole, J.rti'v !.ht., Astron. Fysik 29J., 4, No. 26 193 (1945). (1943). . - (037) Dielepow, B., }(. Kopjova and E. Vorobjov, Phys. Rev. ~· 538 (E32) Edwards, J, E., and J!, L, Pool, Fhys. Rev. 69, 253 (1946), (l9A6), . (E33) Eklund, s., Arkiv M>.t., Astron. F)'Sik 33A, iiO. 14 (1946), (D38) Diemer, G., and H. Groendijk, Physico !!• 396 (1946). (E34) Edwards, J, E., and J,!, L. Pool, Phys. 'ReV. 72, 384 (1947), (D39) Dee, p, I,, and C. W. Gilb•rt, Proc. Roy. Soo. (London) _lli, 279 (E35) ·Eg~;:ler. c., D. J. Hughes and C. Huddleston,Buu. Am. Hlys. Soo. (1936). 23, No. 3, 45 (1948). (D40) Dempster, A. J,, Phys. Rev, 55, 794 (1939), (E36) EliTott, L, G., and R. E. Boll, Phys, Rev. 72, 979 (1947), (D41) Jlampster, A, J,, Fhys. Rev. 49, 9"47 (1936). (E37) Eggen, D. T., and M. L. Pool, Bull. Am. Phy8:' Boo. 23, No. 3, (D42) Dempster, A, J., Phys. Rev. 53, 727 (1938), 56 (1948). - (D43) Dempster, A. J,, Fhys. Rev. 52, 1074 (1937), (E38) Enr;lish, A. c•• T. E. Cranshaw, P. Demers, J. A· Harvey,·R. P. (D44) Jlampster, A. J., Nature 136,"65 (1935), l!incko, J, V. Jelley and A. N, lily, Phys. Rov. 72, 253 (1947). (D45) Dempster, A, J., Nature 138, 120 (1936). (E39) Eg~en, D. T,, and II. L, Pool, Phys. Rev. 74, 57 (Y948), (D50) Dunworth, J, V., Natura ffi, 152 (1939), (E40) Edwards, J, E., and 1!. L. Pool, Fhys. Rev:-69, 140 (1946), (D51) Dempster, A, J,, Nature ffi, 180 (1935), (ElOl) Engelkemeier, D. w., and B. L, Brady, reported in Plutonium Project (D52) JlaBenodetti, s., and F. K.McGowan, Fhys. Rev. 70, 569 (1946), Report CC-418A, PP• 9-13 (Jan. 1943), (D53) JlaBonedetti, s., and E. H. Kerner, Fhys. Rev. zi; 122 (1947). (El02) Elliott, N,, reported in Plutonium Projeot Report CC-342E, P• 6 (D54) Dunworth, J, V,, Nature 159, 436 (1947). (Nov. 1942), (D56) Dae, s., and A. K. Saha,'lSroo. Nat. Inst. Sci. India !!• Jlo. 4, (El03) Engelbnn61er, D. w., private oom.unioation. 227 (1946). (El04) En~elkomeier, D. W,, Plutonium Project Report CC-1959(Au~. 19"), (D56) Dunworth, J, V., and B. Ponteoorvo, Proc. Cambridge H\11. Soc • .!!• (ElOS) lnge11inet,es D, 11., and N. Su~arman, reported in Plutoniua 123 (1947). Projeot Report CC-298, p. 5 lOot. 1942). (D57) Dunworth, J. v., and B. Pontecorvo, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. ~· (El06) Engelkameier, D. 1'1., reported in Plutonium Project Report Cll-1911, 429 (1947). p. 7 (July 1944), (D58) JlaBenedetti, S., and F. K. McGowan, Phys. Rev. 71, 380 (1947). (El08) English, A. C., National Reooarch Council of Canada, J.tomio llilera (059) der lil.t&oaian, E., K. Goldhaber, c. 0. Jluehlhau88 e.nd M. McKeown, Projecioo Report IIC-145 (!loy 1945), Phys. Rev. 72, 1271 (1947), (El09) Ehgelkemeier, D. w., and N. Sugarman, reported in Plutoniua Projeot (D60) Davisson, C. ir., and R. D. Evens, Bull. Am. Fhys. Soo. ~· No. 3,45 Report CC-2310, p. 170 (Jan. 1945). · (1948). (EllO) Engelkemeier, D. W,, reported in Plutonium Project Report CC-2485, (D6l) Dempster, A. J,, Fhys.· Rov. 73,. 1125 (1948), P• 3 (Dec. 1944). . (D62) Deutsch, II,, Fhys. Rev. 72, 729 (1947), (Elll) Edwards, R., H. Gest, and 'f, Davies, Plutonium Projeot Report (D63) Jlautsoh, J.!,, Pbys, Rov. '12, 527 (1947), CC-3390, Part 11 (JUno 1946), (D64) Dullond, J, 11. 11., D. A. Lind and B, B, Watson, Phys. Rov. ~· 1392 (Ell2) Edwards, R,, H. Gest, C. Stanley, R. lfilliaiU and lf, Burgno, (1948). reported in Plutonium Project Report lion 11-2, P• ?(July 1945), (DlOl) Dosoauer, G,, privote communication(llly 1942), (Ell3) Engelkemeier, D,11,, II, s. Freedman and L, B, Glendonin, "The (Dl02) Dillard, c. R., !1. Adams, H. Finkelstein, S. Raynor and A. Chnracteristioo of 12.8 d s..l40•, li!IES-PPR Vol. 9B, Paper llo. Turkevlch, reported in Plutonium Project Report CN-:!126, P• 6 7.45.1 (1946) (to be isouod), (Sept. 1944). (Ell4) Eggler, c., D. J. !rughes and C, !ruddleoton, unpubliahod data (Dl03) Dillard, C, R,, H, Finkelstein, R, Adamo and A, Turk01'ich, (Jan. 1948), priv&te oomm.unioation. (Bll5) Engolkemeior, D. lf,, Plutonium Project Report A!IL-4139 (lloy 1948), ' (Dl04) Dillard, C, R., H. Finkalstoin, R. Adame and A, Turkevioh, reported in Plutonium Project Report CC-1331, p. 35 (Fob, 1944), (Fl) Fowler, w. A., L. A· Delaaaao and c. C. X.uritaen, Pbya. ReT• (Dl05) Dillard, c. R., H, Finkelstein, R. Adams and A. Turkevioh, 49. 561 (1936). reported in Plutonium Prodoct Report CC-ll42, P• 23(Doc. 1943), {F2) Friich, o. R., Nature 133, 721 (19H). ((Dl06) Doutsoh, 11,, unpublhhed work reported in Plutonium Projoot (FS) Fahlonbrach, H., z. PhYillc 96. 503 (1935). Report LA-lOO(Juno 1944), (1'4) Frhch, 0, R,, Nature 138, ITO (1935). (Dl07) Dompotor, A. J,, reported in Plutonium Project Report CP-1954 (F5) Foathor, N,l and J, v.""!Siinworth, Proo. Roy. Soo.(London) !!.!!.• (Aur,. 1944). 566 (1938 • . Table of the Isotopes References Page 50

(F6) Fomin, v., and ·F. G, Houtermans, ~yoik !. Sowjetunion .!!.• 273 (Gl9) GBtto, a .• private OOI!IIlunioation to o. Hahn and F. Strs••-nn, (1936). Naturwl.SBenaobaften 31, 499 (1943). {F7) Fajano, X., and D. W, Stewart, l'hyo. R.... 66, 626 {1939). (G2ll Glaooo, G. N., and J, rt'oigman, l'hys. !leT, 58, l (1940). (F8l Friedlander, G., private communication. - {G22 Grinberg, A. P., and L. I, Roualinow, l'hyo."1!ov. 58, 181 (1940); {F9 Feldmeier, J, R., and G. B. Collins, Phyo. Rov. 69, 937 (1941), (G23) Gray, J. A., end J, F. Hinds,• Pbyo. Rev. 49, 477 \T9}16). (tlO))Fenni., E., and E. Sogr~, l'hyo. Rev. 59, .680 (l94I/. (G40) Ou6)>on, G., Ann. ooo. soi. Bruxolles, B52-;-6o (1932)1 B53, 115 (Fll) Fajans, K., and A. F. Voi~t, l'hys. Rev. 60, 633 (1941). (1933). - - (Fl2) Fajans, K., and W, H. Sullivan, l'hys. ReV. 68, 276 (l940).­ (G41 l Goige~, H., z. Physik 8x, 45 (l9Z2). (Fl3) Friedlander, G., and C. S, 11u, Phys. Rov. 63; 227 (1943), ( 942 Grosso, A. V., J, Am. 'll!iem. Soo. 52, 1742 (1930). (F14l Fajans, K., and A, 'F, Voigt, l'hyo. Rev, ao-;-619 {1941)1 (G43) Gratia a, o., and c. H. Collie, Proo. Roy. Soo. (London) Al36, (Fl6 Fajans, K., and A, F. Voigt, l'hys. Rav. ~. 626 (1941), 299 (1932). -- (Fl6) FlaJJI'I'.a"afeld, A., and J. 14lttauoh, NaturwTSaenaohaften 31, 66 (G44) Good, w. II,, D. l>eas1eo and 11. Deutsoh, l'hys. Rev. 69, 313 (1946). (1943). - · (G45) Govaerte, J., Bull. ooo. roy. o6~. Liege 12, 555 (194'3)1 Chom. (Fl7) Fajano, K,, and A, F. Voigt, Phys. Rev. 58, 177 {1940). Zentr. I, 634 (1944). - (Fl8) Fowler, w. A,, and C. C, lauritsen, !'hyo:-Rov. 51, ll03 (1937). (G46) Good, w. 'ii., and 11. C. Peaocok, !'hys. Rev. 69, 680 (1946), {F30) Flanunerofold, A., z. Physik 112, 727 (1939), - (G47) Gamertsl"older, G, R., l'hys. Rev. 66, 288 (194'4)1 63, 60 (1943). (F3ll Flammerofeld, A., NatunriooeiiB'Oharten 32, 36 (1944), (G48) Goodman, L. J., and II •. L, Pool, f'iiY's. Rov. 70, ll2(1946). {F32 Flalllll1erofeld, A., Natunriasensohaften !2, 68 (1944). (G49) Go!lhabor, 11., l'hyo. Rev. 70, 89 {1946). - (F33) Flammerofeld, A·., and 0. Bruna, Natunrissenoohaften '52, 7Q (1944) (G50~ Goldhsber, 11., and W. J. Sturm, Phyo. Rev. 70, 111 (1946). (F34) Flatmnerafeld, A., Z. Ne.turforsch. 1, 190 (1946). - {G5l Grummitt, Jl, E., and G. Wilkinson, Nature 168, 163 (1946). (F36) Fairbank, H. A., C. T. lane, L. T.-Udrioh and A, 0. Nier, l'hyo. (G52) Goodman, L. J,, and 11. L, Pool, l'hyo. Rov.n, 288 (1947). Rev. 71, 9ll (1947). (053) Goldhsbor, 11., c. 0. lluoblhauso and S, H. TUrkel, l'hys. Rev. {F36) Fohter-;-I., and L. F, Curtiso, J, Rooearoh Hat. Bur. Standards 71, 467 (1947). 38, 4ll (1947). (054) Gugi'lot, P. c., 0. Huber, H. Mediouo, P. Proi.,.erk, P. Sohorror (F37) Fliiiiiinerofeld, A.,· and 0. Bruna, z. Naturforooh. 2a, 241 (1947). and R. Steffen, Helv. Phys. Aota 20, 240 (1947), {F38) Frausnl"elder, H., P. C. Gu~olot, 0, Huber, H. Modfoue, P. (G55) Gugelot, P. c., 0. Huber, H. :tdediouS: P. Preiswerk, P. Scherrer Preiswerk, P. Soherrer and R. Steffen, Helv. Phys. Aota 20, and R. Steffen, Helv. l'hys. Aota 19, 418 (1947), 238 (1947), - (G56) Glendon!n, L. E., and R. R. Edwards-;-l'h~•· Rev. 71, 742 (1947). (F39) Feather, N,, and R. S, Kriohn~n, Proo. Cambridge Phil, Soo. _!!, {G57) GBtte, H., z. Naturforsoh. 1, 377 (1946). - 267 8947). (058) Goldhsber, !.!., C. 0, lluehlhi"uao and S. H. Turkel, Phys. Rov. · {F40) Feather, N., and E. Bretsoher, Proo. Roy. Soo. (London) ~· 71, St2 (1947). 530 (1938). ((\S9) Gleditsoh, E., and T. Grlr, l'hyo. Rev. 72, 640 (!947). (F41) Feather, N., and J, Dsinty, Proo. Cambridge Phil. Soo • .!£• 57 (G60) Goldblatt, 11., E. S. Rob1nson and R. W.openoe, Phys. Rov. 72, (1944). 973 (1947). - {F42) Frilloy, 11., Compt. rend 218, 505 (1944), {G6l) Gregoire, R. G., and 11. Peroy, Compt. rend. 225, 733 (1947). {F43) Franohetti, s., and II, Giovanozzi, Phyo. Rev. Jj_, 102 (1948), (G62) Goeokermann, R. H., and I. Perlman, l'hys. Rev:-n, ll27 (1948). {F44) Feather, N., Nature 160, 749 (i947). (G63) Goldhaber. K., &Dd C. 0. Muehlhause, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. (F45) Flammersfeld, A., z.ll;turforsoh. 2a, 86 (1947), 23, No. 3, 56 (1948). (F46) Friedlander, H. N., L. Seren and s:-u. Turkel. Phys. Rev. 72, (G64) Goldsmith, G. J., Bull. Am. Phys. Soo. 23, No. 3, 57 (1948). 23 (1947). - (G65) Grumm!tt, w. E., and G. Wilkinson, Nature 161, 520 (1948). {FlOl) Fulbright, H. W., W. Bent<, K. Booth, R. G. Gilbert, H. Huth, {G66) Ghiorso, A., W. W. llsinke and G. T. Seaborj!;-Phys. Ro!l'• {Sopt. A. Knudson. H. lleier. H. Plew. C. A. Potter, W. Rall, 15, )948). A. A. Schulke and M. Waldner, reported in Plutonium Project (GlOl) Glendenin, L. E., reported in Plutonium. Project Report CC-920, Report CP-1357 (F,b, 1944). P• 35 {Sept. 1943), (FlO?.) Finkle, B., E. Hoagland, S. Katcoff and N. Sugarnan, Plutonium (Gl02) G1enden!n, L. E., reported in Plutonium Projoot Roport CC-lll2, Projeot Roport CN-1958 {Aug. 1944). P• 15 (Dso. 1943). (Fl03) Friedlander, H. No, L. Seren, and S. H. Turkel, reported in (G103) Glendenin, L. E., reported in Plutonium Projeot Report CC-529·, Plutonium Projeot Report CP-1827 (June 1944). P• 31 (lt>.ra 1943). (Fl04) fulbright, H. W. • reported in Plutonium Project Report {G104) Goldsohmidt, B. L., and I. Perlmen, l!iptonium Projoot Report CP-l8ll (July 1944). CC-295 {Sept. 1942). (FlOG) Fulbright, H. W., reported in Plutonium Project Report (0105) Glendenin. L· E., reported in Plutonium Project Report CC-920, CP-1954 (Aug. 1944). P• 43 (Sept. 1943). (FlO~) Flti'l:h~r• Ji,Britifh Atc!mrl.6 ilnergy Pi:ojecto; Report CP!Io.i3< (Gl06) GlendeniD., L. E., reported in Plutonium Project Report CC-529, {Fl08) Fulbright, H. 11,, Plutonium Projeot. Report CP..l727_(11By 1944), pp. 45, 32 (IIBr. 1943). (Fl09) Feather, N. ,British Atomio Energy Projoots, Report .CNB-102 (G107) Glendenin, L. E., and E. P. Steinbert;, reported in Plutonium {Aug. 1942), Project Roport CC-579, P• 11 (Apr. 1943). {FllO) Feld, B. T., reported in Plutonium Project Report CP-1016 (Gl08) Glendenin, L. E., and E. P. Steinberg, reported in Plutonium {Oct. 1943). Projeot Report CC-680, P• 9 {IIBy 1943), (Flll) Finkle, B., and N. Sugarman, reported in Plutonium Project (Gl09) G1endenin, L. E. reported !n. Plutonium Projeot Report CC-579, Report CC-2310, P• 74 (Jan. 1945), PP• ll, 14, 15 (Apr. 1943). . (Fll2) Finkle, B., ,...ported in Plutonium Projeot Report CC-2379, p. 9 {GllO) Glendenin,. L. E., reported in Plutonium Project Roport CC-1050 (Nov. 1944). (Nov. 1943), (Fll3) Feldman, 14. H., L. E. GleDd.enin,and R. R. Edwards, "Identifi­ (Glll) G1onden!n, L, E., reported in Plutonium Project Roport CC-298, cation and Characterization of Shielded Isotopes in Uranium P• 2 (oot. 1942). Fission. I. 34b Br82", NNES-PPR Vol. 9B, Paper No. 7.3.7 (Gll2) Gol'llan, J, w••. and G, T. Sea borg, Plutonium Project Report {1946)(to be isoued)J Plutonium Projeot Report Von C-137 • CR-332 (Cot. 1942). (Nov. 1946). (Gll3l Ghiorso, A., private communication (Fll4) Feldman, M. H., L. E. Glendenin and R. R~ Ed;wards, "Identifi­ (Gll4 Ghioroo, A., reported in' Flutonium Project Report CK-l5ll cation and Yield of Rb86 in Fission", NNES-PPR Vol. 98, (Apr. 1944). Paper No. 7.7 (1946) (to be iooued). {Gl20) Glondonin, L • .B., J, llarinolcy, J. Sio~el, R. lbnoy and (Fll6) Finkle, B •. , N. Sugarman and D. w. Eagelkemeier, reported in G. Striokland, reported in Plutonium Projeot lleport CR-2819, Plutonium Projoot Report CN-2799, P• 4 (llsr. 1945). P• 12 {llt.y 1945). (Fll7) Feldman, II. H., end L, E. Glondenin, Plutonium Projoot Report (Gl2l) Glondenin, L. E., J, llarinolcy and J. Siegel, reported in Plntoni""' lion C-138 {Nov. 1916). Projoot Report CN-2809, p. 9 {Apr. 1915). (Fll8) Finkle, B., D. 11. Engolkomeier and N. Sugarman, "Study of tho l3d {Gl22) Goldschmidt, B. L., and F. llorgan, lo.tional lloooaroh Council of Cs found in Fission•, NNES-PPR Vol. 98, PaJ)er :So. 7.42.1 Canada, J.tomio Eoorgy Projoot,Roport IIC-ll (Aug. 1948). (1946)(to be issued). {Gl23) Glondonin, L. B., and R. p, llotoalf, FlutoniUll Projeot Report CC-22l9 (F,b. 1945). {Gll Guthrie, A., private communication from K. Iark-Horowits. (Gl24) Goldstein, A., reported in Plutc.n!.um Prujeot Report CB-2799, {G2 Gentner, 11., and E. So~r~, Alye. Rev. 55, 814 (1939). P• 4 (llsr. 1945). {GS) Guthrie, A., l'hyo. Roy, 60, 746 (1941)-;- (Gl25) Glend-anin, L. !., •Short-Lived Se-Br Chains in Fiseion•, (G4) Gaerttner, E. R:, J. J. lfii'rin end H. R. Crane, Phys. Rev. liliES-PPR Vol. 98, Paper Bo. 7.3.1 (1946) {to be ioeqod). 49, 793 (1936). (Gl26) Glond -nin, L. B., J. l!orinalcy and J, Siol!81, Plutonium Project (G5) Goidhabor, II,, R, D, Hill and L. Szilard, l'hyo. Rev. 65, 47 H"p< ·t Von 11-6, P• 9 (Au~. 1945), {1939)1 liaturo 142, 521 {1938). - (Gl27) Glo>, L. E., Plutoaium Projoot lleport CC-3389, p. 20 {G6) Grahame, D. C., a~G. T, Seaborg, Phye. RoT. 54, 240 (1938). (J no 1946). {G7) Groose, A. v., E. T. Booth and J. R, Dunning, 1!iyo ...v. 56, (Gl28) Goldh.,bot, .11., privete oo ...unioation rrom T. P, ""'-'June lT,196$ 382 (1939). - (Gl29) Goldbabor, II., prhate Ooi!IIIUllia&tion(Sept. ll, l948). (G8) Grshsme, D. C., and H, 3. 11alke, !'hye. !lov. 60, 909 (1941). (GlSO) Goldbabor, II., printo ooaunioat!on (lloT, lS, l948). {G9) Glaooo, G. N., and J. Steig~Mn, Alye. Rev. 5'f; 566 (1940), (Gl3l) Goooke-nn, II. ll., P, R. O•Gonnor and 'II'. J, llloz, prioate {GlO~ Gamorto~elder, G. R., l'hyo. Rev. 68, 60 (19i!). oommunioation (July 1946). (Gll G3ete, H., Naturwioaenoohafton 28-;-449 (1940), (Gl32) Gh.iorso. A., printe OOD'JianioatioD. (Gl2 Orono, A. V., E. T. Booth and J. R. Dunning, Pbyo. RoT. ~· (GlS3) Goldbaber, 11., and a. D. O•Jleal, oommun1oat10D(Doo. 1948). 322 (1941). (Gl31) Go1dbaber, II., L. olaooba and J), J, 'll'illiaaa, Nported in (Gl3) G!tto, H., Natuniiooonochaftn 29, 496 (1941 ), Plutonium Project Report CP..SM7, P• 24 (Oet. 1918). {Gl4) G3tto, H., llaturwiuonsohafton '!lr, 108 (1942). (Gl35) Goldhabor, a,., C. 0. l'ilohlhauae ao.d 8, 'Jio fllrb1, ~ -iD (Gl5) Godsinoki, H. B., I. A. Golo~li and A. I. Donilonko, J. Ezptl. Plutoai""' Project bport cr-sse~&u«· 1968). Theoret. l'hys. (U.s.s.R.) 10, 1 (1940). {GlS6) -Glendonin, L. B., Plutoaiw. Project lleport CC-8389, P• l• (Gl6) Goldhaber, 11., G. s. Blaiborand G. Sobarrt-Goldhsber, (June 1948). Phyo. Rev. 65, 61 (1944). (G1S7) Goldatoin, B., and 11, S~»ota, ,.ported !.D Plutoniua Projeot •port (G11) Groooo, A. v.-;-and E. T, Booth. l'hyo. Rev. !:!_, 661 (1940), CF-8574, P• 28 (Jul:r 1948) 0 Table of tho Isotopes References· Pal!" 51

(Gl3e) Goldhabor, 11,, c. o. 16Johlhauso and S. H. Turkel, reported in (H64). -ndiJI«or, A,, Phyo. Rev. 73, eo6 (1948). Plutonium Projoot Report· CF-3574 (Ju'ly 1946). (H65) Bill, R. D,, W, .B. lloyerhor, l'hyo. Rev. 73, 812 (1948). (Gl39) Glondonin, L, E., "Chnraotoristios of tho Long-Li...,d To Isotopeo (B66) Hopkins, H. H. ,Jr., and B. B. Cunningham-;""Phyo. Rev. 73, in Fission•, IIIIES-PPR Vol. 9B, Paper No. 7,30.2 (1946) (to be 1406 (194e). . t -

issued), (R67) Huber 1 o., P• .!knnier, H. lledious, P. Preiswerk and R. Steffen, (Gl40) Glondonin, L, E., prhate oo11111uniootion from w. B. Sullhan Phyo, Rov. 73, 1208 (1948). • (Fob• 1947), (H68) Howland, J. J., ·D. H. Templeton and I, Perlman, Phys. Rov. 71, (Gl41) Goldblatt, 11., E. S. Robinoon and R. W. Spenoo, Plutonium Pro·joot 552 (1947). . - Report LADC-412. (H69) Hagemann, F., L. I. Kat1in, .lf. B. Studier, .A.. Gb.iorso and (Gl42) Goldfarb, E., reported in Plutonium Projeot Report CP-3a01, G. To Seaborg, Phys. Rev. 72, 252 (1947). P• 19 (Apr. 1947), (B70) Hall, B. F,, and T. 0. Joneo-;"J. Am. Chom. Sc>e. 58, 1915 (1936). (Gl43) Goot, H., and L. E, Glondonin, Plutonium Projoot Report CC-33e9, (H72) Ho, Zah-Woi, Phys. Rov. 70, 7e2 (1946). - p. ll (1946). (H73) Hughes, D. J., C, Egglorand c. 11. Huidleston, 1'1\yo. Rev. 71, (Gl44) Goldhabor, II,, and C. 0, 16Johlhauae, reported in Plutonium Projoot 269 (1947). - Report CP..3eOl, P• 24 (Apr. 1947). (H74l Hirtel, O., and J!, Wlfflor, Holv. Phys. Aota 20, n3 (1947). (Gl45) Goldhaber, II., E. dar llateooian and C. o. 16Johlhause, reported (H75 Hole, N,, and K. Siegbahn, Arkiv. llat., Astroii:' Fysik 33A, in Plutonium Projoot Report ANL-4076, P• 30 (Oot. 1947). !Ia. 9 (1946);. - (Gl46) Goldhaber, 11., R, Christian, C, o. 16Johlhauoe and P, Chudom, (H76) Hole, 11., ArkiT. llat., Astron. Fyoik 32A, llo. 3 (1945). reported in Plutonium Project Report CP':""S760, P• 46(Jan .. 1947). (H77) Hole, N., 4rkiv Jlat,, Aetron, Fysik !iii, No. 5 (1947), (Gl47) Ghiorao, A., L. B. Magnusson and G. '1'. Seabort 1 unpublished data (H78) Hughes,. D. J., D. Hall, C, Bgglor and"T. Goldfarb, Phyo. Rev. !!• (July l94e). 1146 (1947) o I (B79) Hess, D. C.~Jr., R. J. Hayden and u:. G. Inghram, Fhya. Rav. 72, (m) Hibdon, C. T., II, L. Pool and J, D, Kurbatov, Phyo. Rov. 63, 730 (1947). - 462 (1943). - (H80) Haydon, 11., and W, Wofolmeior, Natunriosensohaften 26, 612 (193e). (B2) Hill, J, B., and G. B. Valley, Phyo. Rov. 55, 67e (1939), (Bel) Holloway, II~ G., and 11. s. Livingston, Phyo. Rev. ~ 18 (1938), (H3) Harstad, L. R., and 11. A. Tuve, Phyo. Rov.4e, 306 (1935) Summarises the resul te: of various investigators. (B4) Henderson, 11. C., Phys. Rov. 4e, e55 (1935):- (HB2) Hull, D. E., 11'. F. Libby and W. II. Latimer, J. Am. Chom. Soo. (H6) Hurst, D. G., and H. Walke, Pllys. Rov, 51, 1033 (1937). 57. 1649 (1935). (H6) Hornmendingor, A,, Phys. Rov. 55, 604 (19'39), (Be3) Howoy, G,, and F. A. Paneth, Hadioaotivity, O:l:ford Uni...,rsity (H7) Hoyn, F. A., Pbyoioa 4, 160 \i"937 ), Prose (1938), (H8) Hays, F. A., Physic& 4, 1224 (1937), (HB4) Hammondingor, A., and w. a. Smythoo' Phya. Rev. 51, 1052 (1937), (119) Belmholz, A. C,, Phyo7 Rov. 60, 415 (1941), (He5) Hevosy, G., and 11. Pahl, llaturo 130, e46 (1932)7" (Jtte) Beys, F. A., Nature 139, 842\1937). (HB6) Hosomann, R., z. Ph:f8ik 99, 405 'IT935). Half-lifo reoaloulated (Hll) Beys, F. A,, A. B, W:A"tten,Jr., and C. J, Bakker, Natu~ ~· aooording to (W40), - 516 (1939). (He7) Handoroon, W, J., Phyo. Rovo 55, 238 (1989)J 11, 323 (1947). (Hl2) Bolll!len~inger, A., Phyo. Rov. 5e, 929 (1940), (Bee) Hovesy, G., NatunriosonsohaftOii 23, 5e3 (1935'}. (Bl3) Halmholz, A, C., c. Pooher andP. R. Stout, Phyo. Rov. 59, 902 (HB9) Hahn~ 0. 1 F. Strassm&nn and E. vralling, Naturwise:ensohaften . (i941). - 25, le9 (19!17)) Jlattauoh, J,, Hatunriuonsohofton 25, 189 (1937), (Hl4) Hahn, o., and F, Strassmann, Natunrissonsohaften 27, 11 (1939), (H90) Huber, o., 0. Lienhard, P. Scherrer and H. lllffler, He'lv. Fhyth (m5) Hahn, o., and F. Strassmann, Natunrissonsoharton '2"1", e9 (1939). Aota 18, 221 (1945). (Bl6) Hovosy, G., and ·a. Levi, Nature 136, 103 (1935l• - (H92) Hibdon,c. T., 11. L. Pool and J, D. Kurbatov, Phys. Rov. !E.• (Bl7) Haveoy, G., lllld B. Levi, Nature 137, 185 (1936 o 2e9 (1946), ' . (Bl8) Hahn, o., L. iloiJtnor and F. Stra:Siiii.nn, z. Physik~· 249 (1937). (H93) Hibdon, Co T., and 11. L. Pool, Phys. Rov. 67, 3f3 (1945). (Hl9) Bovosy, G., and B. Levi, Kgl. Danoke Videnoloab. Solokab., Hat.- (H94) Helmholz, A. C., priva·~o colllllunioation(Fob:-1, 1946). fys. 16sdd. 15, No. 11 (l93e). (H95) Belmholz, A. c., Phys. Rov. 70, 982 (194~). (H20) Hovuy, G., andll. Levi, Kgl. Donoko Videnskab. Solokab., Mlt.- (H96) Hayden, R. J., and L, G. tewTB, Phyo. ROT. 70, lll (1946). fys. llodd. 14, No. 5 (1936), (H97l Hirtol, 0,, and H. 1\'lfflor. Holv. Phyo, Aot&'l9, 214 (1946), (B21) Henderson, w. J., and R. L· Doran, Phyo. Rev, 56, 123 (1939), · (H9e Hirtol, o., and H. lllffler, Halv. Phys. Aota !9, 216 Ct946), (H22) Hahn, o., and F. Strassmann, NaturwissonoohaftOii 27, 529 (1939l. (H99) Hayden, Ro J,, and II, G. Inghram, Phyo. Rev, 70, e9 (1946). (H23) Hahn, o., and F. Stras1mann, Naturwissensohat'ten !f, 461 (1939 • (Jf].02l Hamilton, J. G., and oo ..... orkerl, priwte ooi!ID.Uiiioation. (B24) Hahn, o., F. Strasamann, and s. Flftgge, NaturwiasOsohaften 27, (Hl03 Hamilton, J, G., Plutonium Projoot Report CH·B43(supplomont) 544 (1939). - (Au~. 1943). · · (H25) Helmhol&, A. C., private oommunioation. (Bl04) Hyde, E. K., II. H, Studier and A. Ghiorso, 0 Produots•of the (H26) Halmholz, A. C., Phys. Rov. 57, 248 (1940), Deuteron and Helium Ion Bombardments of u23!•, NHES•PPR (H27) Hurst, D. G., R. Lotham and 'l'r. B. Lewil, Proc. Roy. Soo. (London) Vol. 14B, Paper Ro. 22.15(Doo. l94e)(to bo ioouod) Plutonium Arr•• 126 (l94o). Projoot Report CB-3736(Doo. 1946), (H28} Hahii';""Q., and F. StrrusstnS.nn, Naturwissensohaften 28, 6-l {1940). ( (1!105) Hyde, J!, K., "Dotormina tion of tho Half~Ur. of u233•, 011-PPR (B29} Hahn, o., and F. Stras'smann, Natunrissensoharten '!8, 61 (1940). Vol. 17B, Paper llo. 1.2(Sopt. 19,6)(to bo iuuod)J Plutonium (H30) Hill, J, E., l'),ys. Rev. 57, 567 (1940), - Project Report CB-3634 (Sept. 1946). (H31) Hoag, J. B., Phys. Rev.57, 937 (1940). (mo6) Hyde, E. K., 11. H, Studier, B. H. Bopkino,J.r., and A. Ghiorso, (H32) Haggstrom, E., Phys. Rov:-62, 144 (1942). "A. Bow Iaotope of Protaotini1011 ~ Pa229•, IIIIES-PPR Vol. 1 tB, (H3S) Helmholz, A, C., Pbyo, ROT:-62, SOl (1942), Paper No. 9.6 (Sept. l946)(to bo iuuod)J Plutonium Projeo\ (H34) Halmholz, A. c., Pbyo. Rov. 5o, 160 (1941). Report CC-3648 (Sept. 1946), (H35) Hales, E. B., and E. e. Jordan, Phyo. Hav. 62, 553 (1942). (Hl07) Hall, D., r_o~orted in Plutonium Projtot Report cP-29e4 (H36) Hull, D. E., and H. S0 olig, Phys. Rov, 60, 653 (1941). (Apr. 1941l), (B37} Houtermans, F. G., Naturwissensohaften !8, 578 (1940). ~ CHloe) Hughes, D. G,, reported in Plutonium Projoot Report CP-3195 (H38) Holmholt, A. c., Phyo. Rov. 61, 204 (194'2), (Aug. 1945), (H39), Hahn, 0., and F. Straosmann,"Taturwiooonsohaften 29, 285 (1941). (Hl09) Hoagland, 1!., and II. Sugarman, Plutonium Projoot Report CC~ZB91 (H40) Haggstrom, E.,. Phyo, ROT. 59, !22 (1941). - (April 1945), (1141) Hahn, o., an.d F, St'rassmanii;"Naturwisoonsohafton 29, !69 (1941). (HllO) Haydon, R. J,, reported in PlutoniiDI Projtot Report CP-~~44 (H42l Hahn, o., and F. Btrassmann, Naturwiosonsoheften n-, 543 (19,0). (llov. 1946), (B43 Huber, 0., 0. Lienhard, P. Soherrer l!lnd B. lflffler; Be1v. Phye:. (Hlll) Haydon, B. J., reported in Plutonium Projoot Report CP-3410 Acta 15, 312 (1942). (Fobo 1946), • (H44) Huber, o-;; O. Lienhard, P. Scherrer and B. Wlffler, BelT. Phy1. (ml2) Hoagland, E., ·and s. Kataoff, reported in Plutonium Projoot Aota 16, 33 (1943). Report CC-2310, P• ee (Jan. 1945), (B45) Huber, 07"; 0. Lienhard and H. Wlfflor, Holv, Phys. Aota 16, (Hll3) Haydon, R. J •, reported in Plutonium Pro joot Report CP-3~83 226 (1943). - (Doo.l945). · (H46) Hahn, o·., and F. Strassmann, Naturwiuensoh.d'ten 28, 466 (1940). (lilt•) Boa~ laDe!, B. J., and N. Sugarman, "Discovery of ,.;....10 y .rr86 (H47) Hahn, O., and F, Strassmann, liatu,.lssonsohafton Sl', 249 (1943). in Fiosion•, NN!S-PPR Vol• 9B, Paper llo. 7.6.l(Jan. 1945)(to bo (H48) Hahn, O., and F. Strasemann, Naturwie:seneohaften !0, !24 (1942). issued)) reported in Plutonium Projoot Report CC-2310, P• 63 (H49) Haloa, !!, B., and E. B. Jordllll, Pbys. RoT. 64, 202(1943). (Jan. 1946), [B50) Hurst, L. K., and 11. L, Pool, Pbyo. Rov. 65-;""60 (1944). (ml6) Haydon; R, J,, and L. G, Lowio, private cOI!IIIlunioation(Juno 17, (H51) Ha110ook, J, 0., and J, c. Butler, Pbya. R;;, 57, 10e8 (1940). 1946). (H52} Hamilton, J. G., private communication. - (Hl17) l!uilton, J, G., private oomunioation(July 10, 1946), (H53) Hondrioka, R. H., L. C. Bryner, 11. D, Thomas and J, 0. ITie, (1!118) Bowland, J, J,, D, H, Templeton and I. Perlman, Univ. or Calif, J. Phyis. Chom. 47, 469 (1943). la~ia:tion lAbor&tory Report Bc-31 (Doo. 1946). (H54) Huber, 0., o. Lienhard, P. Scherrer and B. lllffler, HelT. Fhya. (Hll9) Hughes, D. J,, and C, l!gglor, private oommunioation (Oat. 1946), Aota 16, 431 (1943). (m2o) Hughes, D. J., and 11'. D. B. Spet&, private ..,omunioation (H55) Hahn, O.-;""and F, Strassmann, Natunriosonsohaften ~1, 49S (11143). · (Oat. 1946). (H56) Hahn, o., and F. Straosmann, !. Phyoik 121, 729 \I'943). (m21) Hu~hea, D. J., and D. Hall, private oo!IIDunioation (Oot. 1946), (H67) Hahn, o., aad F. 8traoo1110l11l, Physik z. 4o;-673 (19~9). (m22) Hugheo, D. J., and J, lfallaoe, private oommunioation(Oot. 1946), (H6e) Huber, 0,, 0. Lienhard, P. Sohorror andH. l!lffler, Jlto, (Hl23) IJa~-nn, F., L•. I, Katoin, II, H. Studior, G, T. Soabor,;,and Ron se, e1e (194J), A, ilhioroo, "rhe, Doooa:y Produots of U233•, ·NNBS-PPR Vol. 17B, (H59) Hurst, L:it., and 11. L. Pool, Phys. Rev. 66, 361 (1944), Jo. 1.4 (1946)(to be hsuod). (H60) Hibdon, C. To, 11, L, Pool and J. D. KurbatOv, Phya. RoT. ~· ·(Bl24) !yde, I. [,, •n.te.,.ination of tho Halt'~Ure or Ionium", 'IIIIBS"PPR 351 (1944). . Vol. 17B, Paper Jo, 9.7 (Sept. l946)(to be ioouod)J Plutonium (H6l) Huber, 0., O, Lienhard, .p, Soherror and H. lllfflor, Belv. Ph:ys. Projeot Report CC-3663 (Sept. 1946). Aota 17, 139 (1944). , .. - (m2&) llalperin, D., and D. B. !l:oohland, Plutonium Projeot Report (H62) Rubor, 0'7; Oo Lionh&Td,and H. ll:lfflo0, HolT. Phys. Aota 17, 19S Cll-3422 (June 1945). (1944). . . - (BU6) llaydon, R. J., and 11. o. In~hram, Plutonium Projeot Report (H63) Haynoo, S, Jt,, Phys. llov, _!!, 187 (194e), CP..~509 (lla:r 1946), Table of the Iso'b:lpee Rererenoes Page 52

(H127) Hamilton, J. G., private communication. (Jl02) Jaffoy, A, H., private communication. (Hl28) Hol!lllondinger, A,, private oollll!lunl.oation(Oot. 1946). (Jl06) Jacobson, L., and R. OVerstreet, private oonununication. (Hl29) Hughes, D. J ., and C, Fggler, reported in Plutonium Project Report · (Jl06) Jaffey, A. H., llDCI Q, Von Winlclo, reported in Plutonium Project CF·S574 (July 1946), Report CN·300l, P• 19 (May 1945), (Hl30) Hu~hes, D. J,, J, Wallace, E. Goldfarb and C, Eggler, reported in (J107) Jaffey, .a.. H. • and L. B. lh.gnueson, reported in Pl-ftonium Project Plutonium Project Report CP-3647, p. 11(0ot. 1946), Ropo~te CN-2767, P• 48 (April 1945) and CF-2914 (April 1945), (Hl3l} Hu,heo, D. J ., J. llobbs and A. Cohn, Plutonium Project Renort (Jl08) Jaffey, A. H., and E. K. Hyde, reported in Plutonium Project Cp-3094 (Aug. 1945), • Report Cll-3001, p. 21 (16ly 1945), · (lll31) Hoynes, S. K., reported in Plutonium Project Report Men P-269 (Jl09) James, R, A., A. E, Florin, H. H. Hopkins and A, Ghior•~t 6 (Feb, 1947). "~§8ducts of Helium-Ion and Deuter~n Bombfl.rdment or U and (Hl33) Hughes, D. J,, and C. Eggler, reported in Plutonium Project Report U ", NNES-PPR Vol. l4B, Paper No. 22.8 (Jer, 1948)(to be · At'L-4010, P• 28 (July 1947). issued) 1 Plutonium Project Roport CC-3860 (lkr. 1948), (Hl34) Hemmendinrer, A., Plutonium Project Report I.A!JC-466 (1947), (JllO) James, R. A., S. G, T~ompoon and H, H, Hopkins,Jr., "The 23 (Hl35) Hur,hes, D. J,, C, Eggler and II. Goldstein, reported in Plutonium Bombardment of Np with Deuterons and H8lium Ions" 1 HBES•PPR Projeol> Report cP-3801, p. 17 (Apr. 1947). Vol. 148, Paper lie. 22,16 (Oot. l947)(to bs isoued)l Plutonium (Hl36) Haynes, S. K,, reported in Plutonium Project Report Men P-314, p. 16 Project Report CC-3862 (Apr. 1948 ), - (Juno 1947 ), (Jl20) Jashemald, S., and N. Goldstein, reported in Plutonium Projeot (Hl37) Haynes, S. K., unpublished revision of Plutonium Project Report Report CP-2984 (April 1945), 1o1m P-368, P• l3(Sept. 1947), (Jl2l) Jacobson, L,l and R. Overstreet, Plutonium Project Report C0-2340 (Bl:SB) Bughee, D. J., and C. Eggler, reported in Plutonium Project Report (Doc. 1944 • ANL-,014, (July 1947). · , (Jl22) Jones, \T, M., and J, W. Stout, Plutonium Project Report LA~347 (Hl39) Harris, D. H,, E. R, Tompkins and G. E. Boyd, reported in (Aug. 1945), 236 Plutonium Project Report Men N-432, P• 98 (Dec. 1947), (Jl23) Jaffey, A, H., "Half"Life of Pu by Direct Decay lloaeurement•, (Hl40) Hess, D. c.,Jr., R. J. Hayden and M. G. Inr.;hram., reported in - NNES-PPR Vol. l4B, Paper No. 2.2 (Aug, 1947}(to be iosueci)J Plutonium Project Report ANL-4012 (July 1947 ). Plutonium Project Report ANL-4020 (Aug. 1947), (Jl24) Jaffey, A. H,, reported in Plutonium Project Report CC-3699, (Hl4l) Hogemann, F. 1 reoorted in Plutonium Project Report CC-3780, p. 8 (Mlr. 1947 I• P• 9 (Nov. 1946), (Hl42) Hyde, E, X., and R. J, Bruehlman, unpubl.ished data (J&.r. 1948). (J125) Jaffey, A. H., unpublished dote. (Hl43) Hagemann, F., unpublished date (!.ilr. 1948), (Jl26) Jaffey, A, H., and L. B, l&ignusson, Plutonium Project Report (Hl44) Holmholz, A. c., and c. L. lloGinnis, private communication ANL-4030 (Sept. 1947), (July 1948), (Jl27) Jaffey, A. H., Plutonium Project Report ANL 4022 ~Aug. 1947), (Hl45) Hyde, E. K,, M, H. Studier and R. J, Bruehlmon, reported in (Jl28) Jaffey, A, H., and E. K. Hyde, "Half-Lifo of Pa 3 •, NNE3-PPR Plutonium Project Report ANL-4ll2, P• 23 (Feb. 1948), Vol. l7B, Paper No. 9.20 (to be issued}i Plutonium Project (HlU) Hagemann, F.·, reported in Plutonium Project Report ANL-4143, p. 7 Report ANL-4102 (Mar. 1948), (May 1948), (Jl29) ~mea. R. A., K. Street and G. T. Seaberg, unpublished data (Hl47) Hopkins, H. H., Jr., unpublished data (Au~, 1948), (July 1948), (Hl48) Hollander, J, .M., A. Gbiorso and I. Perlman, unpuH'data(July,l948), (Jl30) James, R. A., unpublished data (July 1948). (!1149) Hess ,D.G.·,Jr.,. Isotopic Constitution of !h, Gd,1b",AECD-1638( Dec .1947), (Jl31) Jensen, E. N., L. J. lilzlett and W. W. Pratt, "Measurements of (B201) Huber, 0., H. Uedious, P. Preiswerk and R. Steffen, Fhys. Rev. gamma-ray energies with the beta-ray Spectrometer", AECD 1836 73, 12ll (1948). (Apr. 1948), (H202) HiiT, R, D., Phys. Rev. 74, 78 (1948), (lll32) James, R. A.j D. A. Orth and G. T. Seaberg, unpublished data (H203) Ho, Zah-Woi, Compt. rend7'"226, 1187 (1948), (July 1948 , (H204) Hopkins, H.•. H., Jr., unpubllshed data (July 1948). (H205) Hill, IT. M.,Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 44, 440 (1948). (Kl) !mol, X. s., and J, Voldkamf, Phyoioa 3, 145 (1936). (H206) Helmholz, A. c., and C. L. McGinnis, BuiT.Am,' Phys. Soc. ~· No. 5, (K2) Krishnan, R, s., Nature 148, 407 (1941). 9 (1948). . (K3) King, L. D. P., W. J. Henderson and J. R. Risser, Pb.ys. Rev. 2,2. (B207) Huber, 0., H• .Wedicus, P. Preiswerk and R. Steffen, Helv. Fhys. lll8 (1939). · Acta 20, 495 (1947). . (K4) Kurio, F. II· D. 1 J, R. Richardson and H. C. Paxton, Phye. Rev. (H208) Hole, If":;" Arkiv Jet,, Aetron. Fysik ~· No. 19 (1947), 49, 368 (1936). . . (K5) Xuitchatow, B., I. Kurtohatow, L. Myssowsky and L. Roussinow, (Il) Irvine, J, W,,Jr., Phys. Rev. 55, 1105 (1939). Compt. rend. 200,1201 (1935). (I2) Itch, z., Proo. Phys.-llatll, SeQ:' Japan 23, 405 (1941). (KG) Kraus, J, D., aiid'J. M. Cork, Phys. Rev. 52, 763 (1937), (I3) Itoh, z., and Y. \Yatase, Pr.oo. Phys.-Mlth. Soo. Japan 22, 784 (1940 (K7) Kurtohatow, I, V,, G. D. Latysohew, L. ll,lfomenow an4 I, P, (I4) Irvine, J, W., Jr., J, Phys. Cham. 46, 910 (1942), - Solinow, Physik z. Sowjetunion 8, 589 (1935), (IS) Inghram, M. G., Phjl. Rev, 70, 653 \T946). (K8) Kuorti, G., and S. N. VanVoorhis,-Fhys. Rev. 56, 614 (1939), (I6) In~hrem, M. G., and R, J. llil'Yden, Phys. Rev. 71, 144 (1947), (K9) King, L. D. P,, and W, J, Henderson, Fhys. ReV. 56, ll69 (1939), (I7) Inghram. M. G., and R, J, Hayden, Phys. Rev. TI, 130 (1947). (n'O) King, L. D, P., and D. R, Elliott, Phys. Rev. 59-;l.08 (l94l)J (IS) In~hram, M.G., A. E. Shaw, D. C. Hess,Jr., aiid R. J. Hayden, Ph.ys. 58, 846 (l940)J 60, 489 (1941). ' - Rev. 72, 515 (1947 ), (Kll) KeiUiedy, J. W., G.T. Seab'org and E. Segr8', Phys. Rev. 56, 1096 (I9) Inghram-;li. G., R. J. Hayden and D. c. HRs,Jr., Phys. Rev • ..!!.• (1939). . - 1269 (1947). (Kl2) Krishnan, R. S., and D. H. T. Gent, Nature 144, 547 (1939). (IlO) Inr.hram, M. G., R. J. Hayden and D~ C. Hess, Jr., Phys. Rev • .z!• (Kl3) Kamen, 11. D., Phye. R!llJo 60, 537 (1941), - 349 (1947). (10.4) Krishnan, R. S., and T. E7Banks, Proo. Cambridge Phil. Soc.!!_, (Ill) Inghram, M.G., D. C. Hess,Jr., R. J. Hayden e.nd G. w. Parker, 317 (1941). Phys. Rev. 71, 743 (1947), (Kl5) Krishnan, R. S., Proo. Cambridge Phil. Soo. 36, 500 (1940), (Il2) Inghram, M. G7; R. J. :Ha.Jtien and D. C. Hess,Jr., Phys. Rev. 7.!• (n6) naiber, G. S., and G. Sahafff-Goldha.ber, Phy;. Rev. 61, 733 643 (1947 ). (1942). . - (Il3) Inr.hram, M. G., R. J. Hayden and D. C. Hess,Jr ••. Phys. Rev. !!.• (Kl7) Kent, C. v., and J, 11. Cork, Phys. ii

tK59) Kundu, D. N;, and M. L. Pool, ihys. Rev. 71, 467 (1947), (¢.20) Livingood, J. J,, and G. T. Seaborg, ihys. Rev. !?.!• 51 (1938), (K60) Kundu, D. 11., and M. L. Pool, Phys. Rev. 72, 101 (1947). (L21) Lawson, J, L., Phys, Rev. 56, 131 (1939). (K61) Kateoff, S., Phys. Rev. 71, 826 (1947). - (L22) Iqman, E. 11., ihys. Rev, 5-r, ll23 (1939), (K62) Katooff, S., Phys. Rev. 72, ll60 (1947), (L23l Livingood, J, J., and G. T: Soaborg, ihys. Rev. 651 1268 (1939), (K63) Knox, W. J,, Phys. Re·v. 72, 1254 (1947). (L24 Lawrence, A. 11., P..Oo. Cambridge Ph11. Soc. 35, 304 (1939), (K64) Kundu, D, N., and M. L. POol, ihys. Rev. 73, 22 (1948 ), (L25) Law, H. B., 11. L. Pool, J, D. liurbatov and L-:1.. Quill, Phys. (K65) Knable, N., E. 0. Lawrence, c. E. Leith, B. J. Moyer,and R. L. Rev. 59, 936 (1941). ' Thornton, Bull. Am. Phys. Soo •. 23, No. 3, 20 (1948), (L26) Liebor,C., Natu,.isoensobaften 27, 421 (1939), (K66) Krisberf:, N. L., anti. u. L• POol, Bu11. ·Am, Phys. Soc. 23, No. 3, (L27l Langsdorf, A., Jr., Pbyo. Rev. 56; 205 (1939), ,. 57 (1948). • - (L28 Livingood, J. J,, and G, T. Seabo"rg,. unpublished work. (K67) Kern, B. D., D. J. and A. C. G. llitoholl, ihys. Rev. _!!, (L29) Lawson, J, L., and J, 11. Cork, Phys. Rev. 68, 580 (1940). ll42 (1948). 185 193 (L50l Langsdorf, A,, Jr., and E, Seg~, Phys. ReV. 57, 105 (1940), (K68) r.a'tdn, L. I., and M. PQberea:kin, ."The Isotopes Os and Os ", (L51 Livingston; R. S,, and B. T. Wright, Phys. ReV.~ 656 (1940). AECD-1837 (Apr. 1948), (L52 Lawoon, J, L., and J, lo!. Cork, Phys. Rev. 57, 356 (1940). (K69) Kennedy, J, W,, G. T, Seaberg, E. Seg~ and A, C. Wahl, Phyo. (L33) Lut•, 1<. L., lo!. L. Pool and J, D. Kurbatov7"Phyo. Rov. 65, 61 Rev. 70, 555 (1946)1 "Fissionable Isotope of a New Element• (19.4). - 9423~ NNES-PPR Vol. 148, Paper No. 1.2 (Mar. l94B)~boia"'ed), (L34) Libby, w. F., ihys. Rev • .!2.• 646 (1934)1 assignment, half-life and (R'70) Rriaber~, N. L., M. Lo Pool and C. T. Hibd.on, Fhys. Rev. 74, 44 energy by T. P, ·Kohman, private oomuliioation (liar. 1947), (1948). - (L6L4e ) Lawson, J, L., Phya. Rev. 57, 1082 (1940). (R71) lre.tdn, L. I., and 11 •. Poberoskin, Phys. Rev. 74, 264 (1948), ( 7 ) Lawoon, J. L., and J. II, dOr'k, Phyo. Rev. 67, 982 (1940). (KlOl) Kamen, 11. D., Plutonium Projoot Report A-316 \Cot. 1942). (L68) Levi, H., Nature 145, 688 (1940). - (Kl02) Kamen, M. D., private oormnmic:ation. (L60) Liohtblau, H., llatiii'wissensohafton 27, 260 (1939), (Kl03) Kohms.n, T. P., private oomnunioa·tion. (L70) Libby, w. F., Phys. Rev. 56, 21 (19"39), (Kl04) Katoo!'f, S., B. Fipkle and N. Sugarman, reported in Plutonium (L71) Leooin, lo!., J, phys. radium 9, 81 (1938). Projoot Report CC~l394, p. 3 (!.hr. 1944). (L72·) Leo, D. D., and W. F. Libby,-Phyo, Rev. 56, 252 (1939). (Kl05) Katooff, S.,_.B. Finkle and E. Hoaglaptl, reported in Plutonium (L73) Lewis, W, B., and B. V, Bowden, Proo. RoY: Soo. (London) Al45, 236 Projeot Report CN-2126, p. 5 (Sept. 1944). · (1934). Summarizes the results of various investigator8':"'Va:'luee: (Kl06) Katooff, s., B. Finkle arid N. Su~rman, re:ported in Plutonium recalculated according to reference {H81). Project Report CC-1331, p. 10 (Feb. 1944). (L74) Libby, W, F., and w. lo!, Latimer, J. Am. Cham. Soc. 55, 433 (1913). (Kl07) Katooff, s., B. Finkle, E. Hoagland and N. Sugarnen, reported (L75) Lounsbury,lo!., S. Epstein,and H. G. Thode,Pbys. Rev.72, 517 (1947). in Pluton1um Project Report CC-1546, p. 5 (Apr. 1944). (L76) Langer, L. 11., and II. D. Whitaker, Phys. Rev. 51, 713(1937). (Kl08) Kennedy,.J. W., M. L. Perlman, E. Segr~ and A·. c. Wahl, (L77) Lougher, E. T., and S. Rowlando, Nature 153, 374 (1944). Plutonium Projeot Report A-207 (July 1942), (L78) Levinger, J., and E. lleiners, Pbyo. Rev.n, 586 (1947). (Kl09) Rohman, T. P., J. A. Swartout and w. H Sullivan, Plutonium (L79) Langer, L. 11., c. s. Cook and 11. B. Sampson, Phys. Rev. 71, Project Report (H)CN-3213 (July 1945). 906 (1947). - (KllO) Kni!!:ht, J. D., J. B. Novey,. c. V. Cannon and A. TurkeVich, (LaO) Leith, C. E., A, Bre.tenahl and B, J, lloyer, Phys. Rev. 72, 745 Plutonium Project !loport CC-2605 (Feb. 1945). (1947). - (Klll) Katooff, S., reported in Plutonium Project Report CC-2310, p. 52 (LSi) Levy, P, W,, Phys. Rev. 72, 362 (1947), (Jan. 1945). · (L82) Leooin, M., M. Perey andSan-Tsiang Tsien, Cahiers phys. ~~ (Kll2) Yatooff, S., B. Finkle and N. Su~?;arman, reported in Plutonium 1!6. (1944). • Projoot Report CC-2379, p. 9 (Nov. 1944). (L83) Leith, C, E., A. Bratenahl,and B. J, lloyar, Phyo. Rev. 72, 732 (Kll3) Katooff, S., and B. Finkle, reported in Plutonium Project Report .(1947). - CC-2310, P• 90 (Jan. 1945). (L84) Levy, P, W,, and E. Grouling, Phys. Rev. 73, 83 (1948). (Kll4) Ka.tooff, S., and B. Finkle, Plutonium Project Report CC-3148 (L85) Lindner, 11., and I. Perlman,- ihys. Rev. 73; ll24 (1948). (July 1945). (L86) Lindner, II., and I, Perl..,n, Phys. Rev. E, 1202 (1948). ~Kll6l Khym, J. X., Plutonium Projoot Report Ibn C-61 (Fob. 1946). (L87) Lindner, 11., and I, Perlman, unpublisheddata (llay 1948), Kll7 Katooff, s., reported in Plutonium Pro~eot Report CC-2310, p. '102 (L88) Leland, W, T., and A, 0. Nier, Pbys. Rev. 73, 1206 (1948). (Jan. 1945). (L89) Levy, p, W,, Phya. Rev. 72, 248 (1947), - (Kll8) iatcoff, S., reported in Plutonium Project Report CC-2310, p. 102 (LlOl) Langodorf, A., Plutonium""l'rojeot Report CP-902 (Aug. 1943). (Jan. 1945). (Ll03) ·Levy, P, W., reported in Plutonium Projoot Report CP-18ll, P• 15 (Kll9) Katooff, S., C. R. Dillard, H. F.inkelstein, B. Finkle, J. Seiler (June 1944). and N. Sugarman, reported in Plutonium Project Report CC-2310, (Ll04),Lovy, H. A., and L. G. Stang, reported in Plutonium Projeot P• 157 (Jan. 1945). Report CC-1204, p. 9 (Jan. 1944). (Kl20) Ka to off, S·., reported in Plutonium Project Report Cc-2310, p. 206 (Ll05) Lavinger, J, s., reported in Plutonium Project Report CP-1507 (Jan. 1945). (J&.r. 1944). (Kl21) Katooff, S., reported in Plutonium Project Report CC-2310, p. 224 (Ll07) Levinger, J. S., E. P. lleiners, 11. B. Sampson, ~ H. Snell and (Jan. 1945). R. G, Wilkinson, Plutonium Project Report CP-19"67 (July 1944), (Kl22) Kahn, M., and G. A. Linenber(:er, Plutonium Project Report (Ll08) Lovinger, ·J, s., and lo!. B, Sampoon, Plutonium Project Report LAI!S-151, P• 12 (Oot. 1944). CP-2267 (Oot. 1944). (Kl24) Ka~off, S., private communication from A. Turkevich (Oct. 1~46). (Ll09) Lovinger, J, S., and J!,_p, llein~rs, Plutonium Project Report (Kl25) Kohman, T. P., D. P. Ames and J. Sed let, Plutonium Project CP-2669 (Doo. 1944). Report ANL-WMII-189 (liar. 1947)1 "The Spocifio Aotivity of (LllO) Langsdorf, A. S., and R. L. Purbriok, Plutonium Project Report l!adium", AECD-852 (J&.r. 1947), CP-3272 (Oot. 1945). . (Kl26) Katooff, S., and C. w. Stanley, Plutonium Project Report (Llll) t.ofgren, E, J., private oommunioation (Juno 1946). LADC-402 (Mar. 1947), (Lll2) Lewis, L. G., and R. J. Hayden, Plutonium Project Report (Kl27) Ketelle, .B. B., and w. C. -Pea~ock, reported in Plutonium Project CP-2928 (Apr. 1945). Report Mon N-432, p. 58 (Dec. 1947), • (LlU) Levingor, J, S., and E, P, Btoin~r,, reported in Plutonium (Kl28) Ketelle,-B. H., and G. E. Boyd, reported in Plutonium Project Project Report CC-1993, p. 5 (Jan. 1946·), Report l!on N-432, p. 98 (Doo. 1947), (Lll4) Levinger, J, S,, Plutonium Project Report CC-2775 (J&.r. 1946), (ln29) Kattin, L. t., and. M. Pobereskin, reported in Plutonium Project (Lll5) Lincoln, D. C,, and W, H Sullivan, Jllutonium Project Report Report ANL-4021 (July 1947), (H)CII-3449 (Jan. 1946). . (Kl30) Knight, G. B., and R. L. •ctlin, "Radiations of UY 11 AECD-1880 (Lll6) Lewis,. L, G,, and R. J, Hayden, Plutonium Projoot Report CP-3295 (Apr. 1948). (Oot. 1945), (Kl31) Knight, G. B., and R. L. llacklin, Uranium Project Report K-203 (Lll7) Lewis,. L. G,, and R. J. Haydon, reported in Plutonium Project (Apr. 1948). Report CP-3221 (Sept. 1945). (Kl32) Kelly, E. L., and E. Segr~, 11 8ome Bx:tttation Functions of .Alphas (Lll8) Levy, P. w., Plutonium Projeat Report lion P-104, p. 13 and. 8eu;terons on Bismuth", AECD-1145 (June 1947). (Apr. 1946), (Kl33) Ketelle, B. H., and G. E. Boyd, re:ported in Plui::onium Project (Lll9) Leader, G. R., Plutonium Project Report (H)CN-3464 (Jan. 1946). Report ORNL-65, P• 94 (July 1948). (Ll20) Leader, G, R., and w. H Sullivan, Plutonium Project Report (II)CII¥3466 (Jan. 1946). , (Ll) Lewis, W. B., W, E. Buroham and W, Y. Chang, Nature 139, 24 (1937). (Ll21) Linenberger, G. A., Plutonium Project Report WS-256, P• 10 (L2) Langer, A,, and W. E. Stephens, Phys. Rev. 58, 759 (194o). {lloy 1946). 237 (L3l Las lett, L, J., ihys. Rev. 52, 529 (i937), - (Ll22) LaChapelle, f, J., "Range of lip Alpha Particles in Air", (L4 Lawrence, E. 0., Phys. Rev.47, 17 (1936). li!IES-PPR Vol. 148, Paper llo. 14.1 (Sept. 1947)(to be isoued), (L5 Iqman, E. 11., ihys. Rev. 51,1 (1937). Plutonium Project Report UL-4037 (ilot. 1947), (L6) Libby, W. F., and D. D. tOe, Phya. Rev. 55, 246 (1939). (Ll23) Lindner,- II,,. R, H. Goeokennann and I. Perlman, unpublished data (L7) Livingood, J, J,, and G, T, Seaborg, Phya: Rev. 54, 391 (1938). (Jan. 1947), (L5) Livingood, J, J., fl. T. Sea borg and F. Fairbrother, ihys. Rev. (Ll24) Levy, p, 11',, reported in Plutonium Project Report lion P-228, 52, 135 (1937). pj 29 (Deo. 1946). (L9) LiVIngood, J. J,, and G. T' Soaborg, ihya. Rev. 53, 947 (1938), (Ll26) Lovinger, J, s., 11. B. Sampson and A. H. Snell, Plutonium Projeat (LlO) Livingood, J. J,, and G. T. Sesborg, Phya. Rev. To, 913 (1941). Report CP-1014 (Oot. 1943). (Lll) Livingood, J. J,, and G, T. Sea borg, Phys. Rev. E• 165 (1938), (Ll26) Levy, P. w., reported in Plutonium Project Report lion P-269, (Ll2) Livingood, J. J,, and G, T. Soaborg, Phys. Rev. 56, 467 (1939). P• 20 (lil.r. 1947). (Ll3) Livingood, J, J., Pbys. Rev. 60, 425 (1936). - (L1Z9) Levy, P. w., Plutonium Project Report CP-3702 (Jan. 1947). (Ll4) Livingood, J, J., and G. T. S"Oii"borg, Phys. Rov. 54, 881 (1938), (Ll30) Langsdorf, A. s., and 11. G. Inghram, reported .in Plutonium Project (Ll5) Lawson, J. L., and J, II, Cork, ihys. Rev. 52, 53l(l937). Report Cc-3780, P• 5 (Jan. 1947), (Ll6) Lark-Horowitz, K., J. R. Risser and R. N. l!iiiith, Phya. Rev. 65, (Ll3l) Levy, H. A., and II, H. Feldman, reported in Plntonium Projeat 878 (1939). - Report lion N-432, P• 100 (Deo. 1947), (Ll7) Livingood, J, J,, and G, T. Seaborg, Pbys. Rev. 66, 667 (1939l• (Ll32) Levy, P, W., reported in Plutonium Projoot Report lion P-260, (Ll8) Livingood, J, J,, and G, T, Seaborg, Phya. Rev. '!1f, 414 (1939 , P• 26 (Feb, 1947), (Ll9) Livingood, J. J., and G, T. Seaborg, Phys. Rev. 64, 776 (1938), Table of the Isotopes References Page 64

(Ll33J Lovy, P. W., Plutonium Project Reporu !Ibn P-368, P• 60 (Sept. (M92) ~gnusson, L. B., and T. J, LaChapelle, J. Am. Chom. Soo., in 1947): !Ibn P-437, P• 38 (1947). . pub lice. tion. (Ll34) Levy, P. w., reported in Plutonium Project Report !Ibn P-314, P• 84 (1.!93) llartelly, J., Ann. phys. (Ser. 12) 2, 555 (1947). (June 1947), · (M94) llitoholl, A. C. 0., D. J. Zaffarano"actta, E. E., and G. E. Boyd, !hys. Rev. 73, 1470 (1948). (1!2) !.kndeville, c. E., !hye·. Rev. 62, 555 (1942). (!.196) IIotta, E. E., and G. E. Boyd, Phys. Rev. 74, 220 (1948). (1!3) l!olllllan, E. 11., and ll· S. Livi'iir,ston, Phys. Rev. 47, 452 (1935). (1197) lliller, D. R., unpublished deta (July 1948). (114l !.kgnan, C,, Compt. rend 206, 1147 (1937), - ,,(!.198) MlElhinney, J., A. 0. Hanson and R. B. Duffield, Bull. Am. Phya. (115 llollillan, E. 11., and E. o."i.awrenoe, Phys. Rev. 47, 343 (1936). Soo. 23, No. 4, 7 (1948). (116) !.kndeville, c. E., Phys. Rev. 63, 91.(1943). - (!.199) MlOown,li. A., L. 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J, Brown, Report CC-826, P• 2 (111.5) l!oMillan, E. M., 11. Kal'len and S. l!uben, Phys. Rev. 52;"""375 (1937). (July 1943). (M16) McLennan, J, c., L. G. Grimmett snd J. Read, Naturel35, 505 (1935). (1.!107) !litchell, A. C. G., L. 11. Lsngor and L. J, Brown, Plutonium (M17) !.Ieitner, L., F, Strasomo.nn and o. Hahn, z. Physik 109,538 (1938). Projoot Report CP-318 (Oat. 1942). (M18) 1\bLennan, J. C., and W. H. Rann, Nature 136, 831 (i936). (14108) Mitchell, A. c. G., L. 11. Longer and L. J. Brown, Plutonium (M19) McMillan, E. M., Phya. Rev. 55, 510 (1939}. · Project Report CN-409 (Deo. 1942). (1121) 1\bCrearr, R. L., G. Kuerti aiiO s. N. Van Voorhis, Phys. Rev. £!• 351 (14109) llitohell, A. C. G., L. Slotin, J. lokrohall, v. A. Nodzel, (1940). L. J. Brown and J. R. Pruett, Plutonium Project Report (1122) l\bllillan, E. 11., private oo!!!Tiunioation. CP-597 (Apr. 1943). . (1123) Minakawa, 0., !hyo. Rev. 60, 689 (1941). (VllO) Morgan, L. o., P. R. O'Connor e.nd H. P. 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(1152l !.ilurer, w., and W, Remrn, Z. !hysik 119;602 (1942). (Ml24) 1\bak, c. D., Plutonium Project Report CP-2806 (Apr. 1945). (1133 1\bquin, W. N., and M. !l. Pool, !hys:Jr..v. 65, 60 (1944). (.M126) Metcalf, R. P., reported in Plutonium Project Report CC-2310, (1!34) llandeville, C. ·E., and n. W, Fulbright, .!hys. Rev. 64, 265 (1943). P• 140 (Jan, 1945). (1135) llitohell, A. C. G., 1:. 1.!, Langer and P. W. lloDeniel-;-Phys. Rev. (M127) l4t.rinsky, J., and L. E. Glendenin, Plutonium Project Report 57, 1107 (1940). CC-2829, (June 1945). (ltl6) Minahwa, o., .!hys. Rev. 57, 1189 (1940). (Ml28) McMillan, E. M., and T. M. Putnam, private communication (1137) llollillan, E. !.!.,•Phys. ReV. 58, 178 (1940) • (July 1946). . (113Bl ~urer, W,, and W, Remm, z. 1'hysik 119, 334 (1942). (Ml29) ~gnusson, L. B•• and T. J. LaChapelle, •The First Isolation of (M39 Mulder, D., G. W. Boeksema and G. ~izeo, Ph.ysica !• S49 (1940). Element 93 in Pure Compounds and a Determination of the (1140l !.l!.rtelly, J., Oompt. rend. 216, 767 (1943). Half-Life of 93Np237!!, NNES-PPR Vol. 14B, Paper No. 1.7 (!.!41 ~rte11y, J., Oompt. rend. m, 838 (1943). (July 194B)(to be issued), Univ. of Calif. Radiation Laboratory (1142) !Ieitner, L., Arkiv loilt., Astron. Fysik B28, No. 14,1 (1942). Report UCRL-105 (!lay 1948). (1151) Mllrellar, A., Phys. Rev. 45, 761 (1934):-- ~M130) Motte., &:., G. E. Boyd and A. R. Brosi, Plutonium Project Report (1452) Mitchell, J. J., H. S. BrOWn e.nd R. D. Fowler, Phys. Rev. 2.2.• lion C-132 (July 1946).• 359 (1941). (M132) .Marinsky, J. A., e.nd L· E. Glendenin, reported in Plutonium {1.!53) ~ttauoh, J., and V. Hauk, Naturwissenschaften 25, 781 (1937). Projoct Report 1\!:m N-6, P• 9 (Aug. 1945). (1t14lloilttauch,J;,an!!JI.Lichtblau, z. Physik 1ll, 514 Tf939). (M133) ldarinsky, J. A., and L. E. Glendenin, "The Discovery, Identifica­ (1155 Yattauch, J., and H. 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Eijkman, Physica 6:-332· (1939). 778 (1946). (Sl8) Strain, c. 'v., Phys. Rev. 54, 1021 (1938). (S91) Schwarz, w. Jo!., and M. L. Pool, Phys. Rev. 71, 122 (1947). (Sl9) Smith, G. P., Phys. Rev. 61, 578 (1942). (S92) SlBtis, H., Arkiv Mat., Astron. Fysik 32A, No. 16 (1945). (S20) Scheichenberger, .H., Anz.Akad. Wiss. \'lien, Math.-Naturw. (S93l Siegbahn, K., and M. Deutsch, Phys. ReV':'"'"71, 483 (1947). Klasso 75, 108 (1938). (S94 SlRtis, H., Arkiv Mat., Astron. F)•sik 33A7'"No. 17 (1947). (S21) Sogr~, E.-;:-e:,.d C. S. Wu, Phys. ~v. 2.:.• 552 (1940). (S95) Siegbahn, K., Arkiv Mat., Astron. FysiiC34B, No. 6 (1947). - (S22) Segre, E., J. W. Kennedy and G. T. Scaborr, unpublished work. (S96) Stephens, W. E., and M. N. Lewis, Phys. Rev. 72, 526 (1~47). (S23) Sohaeffer, Vi., and P. Hartock, z. Physik 113, 287 (1939). (S97) Siegbahn, K., and S. E. Petorsson, Arkiv Mat.-;-Astron. Fysik. (S24) Stewart, D. 17., Phys. Rev. 56, 629 (1939):-- 32B, No. 5 (!946). ' (825) Sagane, R., S. Kojima and G:-Miyamoto, Proc. Phys.-Mlth. Soc. (898) Siogbahn, K., and H. Sllltis, Arkiv Mat., Astron. Fysik ~· No. ' Japan 21, 728 (1939). (1945). (S26) Sa!?"ane, R.,_ s. Kojima., G. Miyamoto and M. llrawa, ·Proc. Phys.- (S99) Siegbahn, K., Rnd A. Johansson, Arkiv l<., Astron. Fysik 34A, Math. Soo. Japan 21, 660 (1939). , No. 10 (1947). · - (527) See:re, E., and c. s7'1'lu, private oonnnunication. (SlOl) Snell, A. H., M. B. Sampson and J, S. Lovinger, reported in (528) Segr~, E., private communication. Plutonium Project Reports CP-1168 (Doo. 1943) and CP-1176 (529) Sagane, R., G. Miyamoto and M. Ikewa, Phys. Rev. 59, 904 (1941). (Doo. 1943).' (S30) Seaborr., G. T., J• J. Livin,;ood and G. Friedlander; Phya. Rev. (Sl02) Seren, L., VI. Meyer, W. Sturm and G. llillor, reported in 59, 320 (1941). . Plutonium Project Report CP-1016 (Oct. 1943). (S3l), R. E., Proc. Roy. Soc.(London) A178, 189 (1941). (Sl03) Saran, L., H. N. Friedlander and S. H. Turkel, reported in (S32) Scharff-Coldhaber, G., Phys. Rev. 59, 93'7(1941). Plutonium Project Report CP-1729 (May 1944). (S33) Sogre, E., and G. T. Soabor~, Phys7*Rov. 59, 212 (1941). (Sl04) Beron, L., H. N. Friedlander and S. H. Turkel, reported in (834) Smith, R. N., Phys. Rev. 61, 389 (1942).- Plutonium Proj oot Roporta CP-1592 (Mi.y 1944) and CP-2S76 (S35) Str8s8mann, F., end 0. HahO, Naturwissenschaften 28, 817 (1940). (Doo. 1944 ). (S36) Soaborr,, G. T., and G. Friedlander, Phys. Rev. 597'"400 (1941). (Sl05) Snell, A. B., and group, reported in Plutonium Projeot Report (S37) Sherr, R., K. T. Brainbridge and B. H. Anderson7Fhys. Rev. CP- 257 (Sept. 1942 ). 60, 473 (1941). ' (3106) Steinberg, E. P., ,and D. w. Engelkemeier, reported in PlutoniUlll (338) Seaborp:, G. T., J. W. Gofma.n and J. W. Kennedy, Phys. Rev. Projoot Report CN-2126, p. 3 (Sepii. 1944). 59, 321 (1941). (Sl07) Soren, L., H. N. ·Friedlander and 8. H. Turkolj' reported in (S39) Starke, K., Naturwissenschoften 30, 107 (1942). Plutonium Projoot Report CP-1965 (July 1944 • (S40) Saf!:ane, R., s. Kojima. G. Miyamoto and M. Ikalli8., Phys. Rev. (SlOB) Sugarman, N., M. F. Rovely, L. E. Glendenin,and H. Finkelstein, 57. 750 (1940). reported in Plutonium Projoot Report CC-79S, P• l7(July 1943). (S4l) Seelmann-Et!gebert, W., Naturwiasenschaften 28, 451 (1940). (Sl09) Snell, A. H., and co-workers, reported in Plutonium Projeot (S42) Se.p:ane, R., S. Kojima, G. Mi'yamoto and M. Ili"wa, Proc. Phys.­ Report CP-1011, P• 4 (Oct. 1943). !.lath. Soc. Japan E• 174 (1940). Table of the Isotopes Referenoea Fa~· 67

(SUO) Suga1"1111ln, 11., L. E. Glendonin, T. B. llovoy, E. L. Brady, W. H. (8165) Stanley, c. W., and L, E. Glendenin. Plutonium Project lloport Burgus and D. W. Engolkomoior, reported in Plutonium Projoot lion N-63 (ll!.r. 1946). Report CC-465B, PP• 14-18 (Fob. 1943). (Sl66) So human, R. P., reported in Plutonium Project Report CN-2799, (Slll) Sugarman, 11., B. Flnklo, E. Hoagland and S. Jratooff, reported in P• 4 (ll!.r. 1945). Plutonium Projoot Report CK-1806 (Juno 1944). (8167) Soil or, J., and L. Wineberg, roporto.d in PlutoniumiProjeot Report (8112) Steinberg, E. P., reported in Plutonium Projoot Report Cll-2126, CC-2310, P• 227 (Jon. 1945). P• 2 (Sept. 1944). (Sl68) Stu~~gr, M. H. 1 "The Radiation Spectrum of the Transition (8113) Sullivan, W•• H, II. R. Sleight and E. J.l. Glodrow, Plutonium Project U .- ThZ29•, IINES-PPR Vol. 1780 Paper llo. 1.3 (lllr. 1947) ~' Report CC-1493 (~r. 1944). (to be iooued)l Plutonium Project Report CB-3793 (liar. 1947). (8114) Seiler, J,, reported in Plutonium Projoot Report Cll-1911, P• 2, (8169). Studier, 11. H., "A Simple Electronic Device for tho )loaauromont (July 1944). of Short llalf-Liveo1 Tho Rolf-Lifo of m.218•, IINES-PPR Vol. ~I (Sll6l Seren, L. • private communication. l?B, Paper llo. 9.17 (lllr, l947)(to bo isouod)J Plutonium (8118 · Steinberg, E. P., reported in PlutOnium Ptojoot Report CC-1331, Project Report CC-3790 (liar. 1947). P• 23 (Feb. 1944). (S170) Sullivan, w. H, T. p, lrohmnn and J. J.. Swartout, Plutonium t (Sll7) Seron, L., D. w. Engolkemoior and w. Sturm, PlutOnium Projoot Projoot Report HEW-3-1636 (Fob. 1945). · , Report CP-1903 (Aug. 1944). (5171) Solikoon, B.j and J. 11. Siegel, private communicotion from Levy (Sl18) Soron, L., H. II. Friedlander and s. H. Turkel, Plutonium Project (Cot. 1946 1 NIIES-PPR Vol. 98, Paper llo. 7.13.2(1946)(to bo . Report CP-2161 (Sept. 1944). issued). (8119) Boren, L., reported in Plutonium Projoot Report CP-964 (5173) Sullivan, w. H, and H. E. Wyett, reported in Plutonium Project (Sept. 1943). Report lion N-243, P• 3 (Jan. 1947). (Sl20) Seiler, J., reported in Plutonium Projoot !leport Cll-2126, P• 3 (8174) Swartout, J, A., reported in Plutonium Project Report M:>n 11-248, (Sept. 1944). P• 4 (Jan. 1947). (Sl21) Sloi[;ht, II, R., and lr. H.Sullivan, reported in Plutonium (Sl76l Suga.-n, N., Plutonium Project Report CP-3622 (Sept. 1946). Projoot Report cC-725, P• 6 (Juno 1943 ). (Sl76 Sampaon, M. B., and A. Ho Snell, reported in Plutonium Project (8122) Sleight, 11, a., w. H Sullivan and E. 11. Gladrow, rel"'rted in Report CP-1954, p. 18 (Aug. 1944). Plutonium Project Report CC-1244, p. 7 (Jan. 1944). (Sl77) Sugarman, N., and J. a. Arnold, private ocmuniootion (April ,21, (8123) Sullivan, w. H, 0 • .Johneon and R. llottorf, reported in Plutonium 1947). 235 Project Report CC-465C, PP• 4-8 (Fob. 1943), (8178) Soott, B. F., "Gamma Roy !lniooion by U •, NNES-PPR Vol. 17B, (8124) Snell, A. H., private communication. Paper No. 9.14 (Nov. 1946l(to be iooued); Plutonium Projoot (8126) Boren, L., w. Sturm and w. !Ioyer, reported in Plutonium Project Report CC-3715 (Nov. 1946 • RepQrt CP-1265 (Feb. 1944). (8179) Studior, y, H., Plutonium Project Report CP-3642 (Sept. 1946). (Sl26) Seren, L., H. N. Friedlander and S. B. Turkel, reported in (8180) Spat•, w., II, Goldstein, C. fuddleston and E. Goldfarb, Plutonium Projoot Report CP-2081 (Sept. 1944). reported in Plutonium Project Report CP-3750, P• 27 (Jon.l947). (8127) Beron, L., W. Sl;urm and w. Moyer, reported in Plutonium Project (8181) Seiler, J. A., reported in Plutonium Project RepOrt ANL-4000, Report CP-1175 (Deo. 1943). P• 119 (1947). (Sl28) Seaborg, G. T ., J. w. Gofmon and R. W. Stoughton, Plutonium (8182) Saxon, D., i'oportod in Plutonium Project Report ANL-4097, P• 11 Project Report Cll-126 (June 1942). (Fob. 1948). · (8129) Stoughton, R. W.; reported in Plutonium Project Report (8183) Saxon, D., "Tho Beta Spectrum of Os 193"• AECD 1860 (Apr. 1948). CC-595 (Apr. 1943). . (8184) Steinberg, E. P., J, A. Seller, A. Goldstein and A. Dudley, (Sl30) Schuli:e, P. A., F. L. Steohly and R•. w. Stoughton, reported "Fiosion Yields in Uranium-233", AECD 1632 (Jon. 1948). in Plutonium Projoot lleport CC-1111 (liar. 1944). (8200) Solomon, A. K., R. G. Gould and c. B. Anfonsen, Phys. Rev. 72, (Sl31) Sooborg, G. T., A. c. Wahl and J. w. Kennedy, Plu~onium Project 1097 (1947 ). - Report A-136 (liar. 1942). (S201) Saxon, D., Phye. !lev. 73, 811 (1348). (Sl33l Sleight, 11. R., Plutonium Project Report CC-1776 (July 1944). (8202) Shorr, R., H. R. lluether and M. G. White, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. (Sl34 Seaberg, G. T., and M. L. Perlman, Plutonium Project Report 23, No. 3, 45 (1948). J.-146 (Apr. 1942). (8203) SlTt"is, H., Nature 160, 579 (1947); Arkiv llat., Astron. Fysik (Sl35) Sugarman, N. • and co-workers, Plutonium Project Report 36A, No. 3 (1948):-- MUC-NS-244. (8204) Sum, H. E., Phys. Rev. 73, 1209 (1948). (8136) Seg~. E., and C. S. Wu, private communication. (8205) Sugarinan, N., "Al!tendmentsto Paper on Short-Lived Halogen (8137) Sugarman, N., and co-workers, Plutonium Project Report Wc-N8-230. Fiooion Produoto•, AECD 1873 (Apr. 1948). (8138) Sugarman, N., and co-workers, reported in Plutonium Project (8206) Soherb, M. V., and C. E. llondeville, Phys. Rev. 73, 1401 (1948). Report CS-2229, PP• 19, 20 (Oot. 1944). (8207) Saxon, D., Bull. Jim, Phys. Soo. ~· No. 4, lS (i94s). (Sl39) SUgarman, N., and co-workers, priVflte communication. (8141) Sur;annan, N., and oo-workEtrs, reported in Plutonium Project (Tll Thornton, R. L., Phyo. Rev. 51, 893 (1.937). Report CC-2310(Jon. 1945). (T2 Thornton, R. L., Pbys. Rev. 53, 326 (1938). (Sl42) Sea borg, G. T., R. A. James and A. Ghiorso, "The New Element (T3) Thornton, R. L., Phyo. Rev. 49, 207 (1936). Curium (Atomio IIUI:lbor 96)", IINES-PPR Vol. 148, Paper llo. 22.2 (T4) Tope, G, ·F., and J. 11. Cork,~hys. Rev. 53, 676 (1938). (April l948)(to be iosued); Plutonium Project Report (TS) Thornton, R. L., and J, 11. Cork, Phys. Rev. 61, 383 (1937). CC-&167 (April 1948). (T6) Tyler, A. W., Phye. Rev. 56, 125 (1939). - (8144) Seaborg, G. T., R. A. James and L. O. Yorgan, "The New Element (T7) Tope, G, F., Phyo. Rev. 56;" 965 (1939). Americium (Atomio Number 95)", IINES-PPR Vol. 148, Paper No. (T8) Townoend, A. A., Proo. Roy. Soo.(London) Al77, 357 (1941). 22.1 (June 1948)(to be issued): Plutonium Project Report (Tll) Townsend, A. A., Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) IDS, S48 (1940). CC-3877 (June 1948). (T20) Tote, J. T., and P. r. Smith, Phye\ Rev. 43;""sn (1933). (8145) Seaberg, G. T., and T. P. Kohman, "Isotopes of Plutonium and their (130) Thompson, F. C., and s. Rowlands, Nature 152, 103 (1943), Radioactive Properties", NNES-PPR Vol. 14A, Chapter II (T31) Thomson, Phil. llag. (6) 10, 584 (1905). - (July 1947)(to be issued). (T32) Toien San-Tsiong and c. Eii'rty, Compt. rend. 221, 177 (1945). (8146) Studior, II, H., and E. K. Hyde, "A N"" Rodioootivo Serioa - (T33) Tsion San-To1ang,n111lys. Rsv. 69, 38 (1946). - Tho Protactinium Series•, NJiiSoPPR Vol. 17B, No. 9.2(0ot.l946) (T34) Tsien San-Tsiang, :M. Baohelet&nd G. Bo.uisaierea, Phya. Rev. (to be ioouod) 1 Plutonium Project Report CC-3662 (Cot. 1946). 69, 39 (1946). (Sl47) Studior, 11. H., reported in Plutonium Projoot Report CC-3066 (T35) TrUiiipy, B., and J. J, Orlin, Borgeno Museums l!rbok, llaturv. (July 194 5). Rekko Nr. 7 (1945) (Sl4S) Siegel, J. 11., and L. E. Glendenin, "in and Ga Activities in (T36) Templeton, D. H., J. J, Howland and I. Perlman, Phys. Rev. 72, Uranium Fiesion", IIIIEB-PPR Vol. 9B, Paper No. 7,l(J\me l946) 758 (1947). - (to be ioouod)l Plutonium Project Report CC-2836(June 1945). (T37l Tendom, D. J,, and H. n. Brodt, Phys. Rev. 72, 527 (1947). ,. (Sl50) Siegel, J. 1!., L. E. GlondODin,and J. A. llo.rinolcy, reported in (T38 Templeton, D. H., l•dJ. Howland and I. Petlmii'n, Phys. Rev. ·Plutonium Project Report Cll-2596, p. 10 (liar. 1945). . 72, 766 (1947). (Sl51) Steinberg, E. P., L. Winsber!,and. D. w. Engelkemeier, reported in (T39) Toiidom, D. J,, and H. L. Brodt, Phya. Rev. 72, 1118 (1947), Plutonium Project Report CC-2379, p. 6 (Nov. 1944). (T40) Templeton, D. H., and I, Perlman, Phyo. Rev773, 1211 (1948). (8152) Steinberg, E. P., ·and D. W. Engolkemeier, reported in Plutonium (T41) Thornton, R. L., and R. w. Senoomon, Phys. ReV. 72, 872 (1947). Project Report CC-2310, p. 31 (Jan. 1946). (T42) Townsend, J,, G. E. Owen, M. Clelond and A. L, HUghoo, Phyo. Rev. (8153) Boren, L., liladN. Friedlander and s. H. Turkel, Plutonium Project ?4, 99 (1948). Report CP-2376 (Nov. 1944). (T43) Th~o, H. G,, and R. L. Graham, Con. J. Research 25, 1 (1947). (Sl64) SohUIIII.Il, R. P., Plutonium Project Ro1l0rt CC-3434 (Feb. 1946). (T44) Taien Son-Tsiang, Compt. rend. 216, 766 (1943). - (Sl55) Seiler, J,, reported in Plutonium Project Report CC-2379, p. 3 (TlOl) Thode, H. G., and S. R. Smith,Tational Rosearoh Council of (Nov. 1944). Canada, Atomic Energy Project, Report ~-57(rev1sed)(ll!.y 1944). (8156) Seiler, J., reported in Plutonium Project Report cc-2310, P• llO (Tl02) rhode, H. G., and R. L. Graham, llational Research Council of (Jan, 1946). Canada, Atomio Energy Project, Report MX-129(Apr. 1945). (8157) Schuman, R. P., .reported in Plutonium Project Report Cll~2929, (Tl03) turkevioh, .A., and co-workers, Plutonium Projeot Report P• 6 (Apr. 1945). I!UC-NS-280. • (Sl58) Seiler, J., L. Winaberg and D. w. Engolkemeier, reported in (Tl04) Thode, Ho G., and R· L. Graham, ilational Research Council of Plutonium Projoot Report CC-2485, P• 2 (Dec. 1944). Canada, Atomio Energy Project, Report IIX-128(Apr. 1945). (8!59) Seiler, J., and L. Wino borg,· reported in Plutoniiml Project (Tl06) Turkovich, A., E. P. Steinberg and B, Sugarman, reported in lleport cc-2310, p. 213 (Jon. 1946). Plutonium Projeot Report CC-2486, P• 3 (Dec. 1944). (Sl60) .!oiler, J., reported in Plutonium Projoot Report Cll-2929, P• 6 (T107) Tobiaa, c. A., and c. Lovinthal, private communication(Jan, 1947). · (Apr. 1946). (Tl08) 'lb.ompaon, R. c., and D. R. Miller, private communication (8161) Swartout, J. A., private communication (June 17, 1946), (J,.n. 1947), · (8162) Steinberg, ·g, P., reported in Plutonium Project Report CC-2310, (Tl09) Templeton, D. H•, R, H. Goeckormann, J. J. Howlond and I. Perlan, P• 93 (Jan, 1945). unpubliohod elate (Jan. 1947). , (8164) Seiler,, J., reported in Plutonium Project Report CC-2310, p. 146 {TllO) Thode, B. G.,reported in lational Research Council of Canada, (Jan. 1946). Atomio Energy Project, Report C!!-PRIJ-S7(Nov. 1946).Communioation from w. H Sulli..,.n (Fob. l9n). Table of the Isotopes ~eferences Page 58

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