How to Enhance Walking and Cycling Instead of Shorter Car Trips and to Make These Modes Safer
Deliverable D6 How to enhance WALking and CYcliNG instead of shorter car trips and to make these modes safer Public WALCYNG Contract No: UR-96-SC.099 Project Coordinator: Department of Traffic Planning and Engineering, University of Lund, Sweden Partners: FACTUM Chaloupka, Praschl & Risser OHG Franco Gnavi and Carlo Bonanni City of Helsinki, City Planning Office Institute of Transport Economics Department of Psychology, University of Helsinki Instituto de Tráfico y Seguridad Vial (INTRAS), University of Valencia TransportTechnologie-Consult Karlsruhe GmbH Dutch Pedestrian Association "De Voetgangersvereniging" Chalmers University of Technology AB (Associated Contractor) Date: 15.1.1999 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION UNDER THE TRANSPORT RTD PROGRAMME OF THE 4th FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME Deliverable D6 WALCYNG How to enhance WALking and CYcliNG instead of shorter car trips and to make these modes safer Public Hydén, C., Nilsson, A. & Risser, R. Department of Traffic Planning and Engineering, University of Lund, Sweden & FACTUM Chaloupka, Praschl & Risser OHG, Vienna, Austria 6. Department of Psychology, University of Helsinki, Liisa Hakamies-Blomqvist, Finland 7. INTRAS, University of Valencia, Enrique J. Carbonell Vayá, Beatriz Martín, Spain 8. Transport Technologie-Consult Karlsruhe GmbH (former Verkehrs-Consult Karlsruhe), Rainer Schneider, Germany 9. De Voetgangersvereniging, Willem Vermeulen, The Netherlands 10. Road and Traffic Planning Department, Chalmers University of Technology AB, Olof Gunnarsson, Sweden TABLE OF CONTENTS
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