LOCAL FOOTBALL Sumter Touchdown Club honors high school Players WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2020 | Serving South Carolina since October 15, 1894 $1.00 of the Week B1 District gives instructional tech update monthly work session. students as an upgrade to the many as four to five electronic 4 weeks into virtual learning model, Sumter Nobody could have forecast- traditional online learning devices in use at a single time ed where K-12 education na- that took place in the spring. at their desk area while con- administrators discuss supports to teachers tionwide would be currently, It hasn’t been without some ducting virtual instruction to given the COVID-19 pandemic. hiccups thus far, district lead- maximize student learning. BY BRUCE MILLS room teachers. In mid-March with the initial ers said, but staff and admin- Laws described it as a “bap-
[email protected] District Director of Instruc- spread of the virus in the U.S., istration are trying to provide tism by fire” to a certain ex- tional Technology David public and private schools the necessary resources to tent for classroom teachers After four weeks of virtual Laws, the district’s two in- across the state and nation teachers, who are leading the and also for district adminis- learning to start the school structional technology spe- closed their doors to in-person educational process from tration with the new technolo- year, Sumter School District cialists and other administra- instruction. their individual school class- gy. administrators provided the tors led a 55-minute presenta- With the start of the fall rooms.