IL Reviews EDITED BY ROBERT M. ZINK Thefollowing critiques express the opinions of theindividual evaluators regarding the strengths, weaknesses,and value of thebooks they review. As such, the appraisals are subjective assessments anddo not necessarilyreflect the opinionsof the editorsor any officialpolicy of theAmerican Ornithologists'Union. The Auk 114(1):147-152, 1997 The Birds of South America, Volume II. The Sub- Birdsof Africa,Birds of the WesternPalearctic, and Hand- oscinePasserines.-Robert $. Ridgelyand Guy Tu- bookof Australia, New Zealand, and Antarctic Birds. How- dor. 1994. University of Texas Press.Austin, Texas. ever, BSA containsnone of the data on the general xii + 814 pp., 1,043maps, 52 colorplates. ISBN 0-292- biologyof Neotropicalbirds that the worksfrom oth- 77063-4.Cloth, $85.00.--Althoughmany visitorsto er continentsinclude. For example,species accounts the Neotropicsare captivatedby its gaudytanagers, in Birdsof Africahave sectionson food, breedingbe- hummingbirds, motmots,and toucans,it is the sub- havior, nests,eggs, laying dates,incubation, devel- oscinebirds that define the region for hardcoreNeo- opment of young, parental care, breeding success, tropicalfield people.Thus, volume 2 treatswhat some mortality,measurements, body mass,and type local- would considerthe soul of the Neotropicalavifauna, ity. This informationis not includedin BSA,yet, most namely the woodcreepers,ovenbirds, antbirds, ta- would considerinclusion of thesecategories as oblig- paculos,tyrannids, manakins, and cotingas.This vol- atory to be classified as a general reference work. ume is dedicatedto the memoriesof Eugene Eisen- Thus,many ornithologists will be disappointedin the mann and Ted Parker. narrow range of topicscovered (essentially only the The introductorysections contain the usualpref- sameshort list of topicsin a field guide), especially atory material--a guide to using the book, a list of given the volume'sponderous size.
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