' 1

4: SUGAR ? WEATHER v X X Cnno: C.12c. lb., $102.40 .. Thor. mln., 73. .j ' ton. X HP Har. 8 a. in., 30.05. i! Meet: lGs. Gil. cwt. $110.SO Wind,. 12m., 1GNK. J sp Hi., ! .. ton. Itulii, 2 n. m., .05. Telephone 2365 Star Business Office. Anyone Who Has a Few Friends and Can Hustle a Bit Can VV VVVVVVVVVV WWV second edition. t Get a Prize in The Star's $3,000 Contest. 4


Governor Frcjir, seen this noon as tho time mentioned bo turned in to livery'blng Is running smoothly, as j An Insect survey 1b to be mado of bounded by McCully street, King usual, gave out tho regular statement the headquarters at tho Judiciary regards tho mosquito campaign and Thero wero" conflicting reports this morning about Yuan Shlh KnI, one avenue. night live this morning 723 men and olllcers ho had been assass- 'the city of Honolulu and Its environs. street and Knlaltaua This regarding the yellow fever situation, building Saturday after that had been offered the presldeency, nnothor that he twenty acres It by respective lieutenants, wore at work. News from Nanking Is that This was decided upon at the meeting comprises about and thus: o'clock the inated. Nollher statement was confirmed. is expected that at least a week will who will then receive tlnio-book- s for On Monday a few more men will a thousand women and children have been slaughtered In the streets and of Uio Civic Committee at "There ,are no new fever cases, and Sanitation be required for tho 120 men to clear tho new week. Tho lieutenant will bo engaged to fill up tho ranks of tho that the Imperialist troops on Purple Hill have mndo grent piles or queue-les- s today. David T. Full-tftwa- y no sick- Us noon meeting It up. It was discovered that the Ala-kl- there are suspicious cases of place Ills' own namo and time in the laborers. Those men who wero told human heads. An Imperial edict has called on tho Twentieth Array of tho Hureau of Kntomology stream brought" down vast quan- ness anywhere. Tho work is going on time-boo- k of precinct No. 1 of his re-t- o call again at headquarters should Corps, General Shane, to come to the relief of tho capital. was made a member of the committee tities of tin cans and other rubbish' well and, on Monday, Dr. Blue will spoctlvo apatia. Pay rolls will then I bo on hand on Monday morning, a probably take over from will sent out to! A few "kicks" registered and will have charge of making this and that dam' collected It within this Dr. Currle. bo prepared ami be havo been survey. plot, affording ideal breeding places ,"Dr. Pratt, who has been working each lieutenant on tho following Mon- - today, and among them Is ouo from Yuan Premiership for some past, on day, who live o'clock on Monday D. K. Notloy. well Buckle Declines Mr. Fullaway stated at tho meeting for tho wrigglers. time tho question at Tho known of tuberculosis, is keen oii the scheme will assqmblo all his over- lane man, refused permission to the that ono of tho first things to bo de- Another work that Is being attended afternoon (Associated Press Cables to The Star.) suggested by G. H. Carter that'inov- - seers and" at the hoad- - Inspectors- - to cut down his bananas. termined was tho location of all breed- to la t.hn examination nf tnrn rintnhos. laborers aiana PEKIN, NOV. 11. YUAN SHIH KAI HAS TELEGRAPHED THE apparatus be sent around quarters arrang'ng them In precinct' However, Chief Inspector Charlock got ing places of tho stegomyla. An In- Most of the taro patches are found to llct"r THRONE THAT HE IS UNABLE TO ASSUME THE PREMIERSHIP ON the countrv, to show the progress of squads in consecutive numbers from busy and cut down the trees, vestigation will also bo mado to contain fish and in these no wrigglers ACCOUNT OF THE BAD STATE OF HIS HEALTH. IS REPORTED the dlscnsc in the human body, and ono up. They will then sign the re-- j N. K. Smythe, also of Buckle lane, JT at what altitude the stego.-myl- a aro found, unless somo obstruction, THAT LI YUAN HENG WILL PROBABLY AGREE TO A PEACEABLE nlso to plcturo unhealthy rooms and specttve pay rolls,. Laborers sigiflng loft n note on his lanal: "I object calopus ceases to exist, as well such as a leaf or something else, floats COMPROMISE IN ODDER TO AVERT BLOODSHED. houses. In this way people can in-- ntnrlt will hnvoi their to havlni? mv linnnnnn put Smvtlin as a thorough examination to deter- on tho surface and prevents the, fish tho be Instructed In the subject of sunt-- 1 vouched for by thejf lieutenant. Tbo'wroto. not Charlock, mine what plants hold water for a from getting the wrigglers. All sucli That did scare tatlon health conditions, nnd a will turn .in the signed pay j down came sufficient length of tlino to afford obstructions are being cleared away and lieutenants and the bannuas. great amount of good bo done. to headquarters Monday breeding places. and in patches and ponds where no could rolls night.' President Spalding of the Chamber For Peaceable Processes "Tho apparatus will he secured us On Tuesday night at IlVo o'clock tho or Commorco called on Dr. Bluo this Dr. Currio stated that there arc a fish are found, they aro being trans- soon as possible, and then the tour nontenants will assemble their over- - morning asked tho to ad-o- f FRANCISCO, 11. HAVE BEEN FOR great many plants and trees that af- ferred from other places. and doctor SAN NOV. PLAJS PERFECTED the country districts will ho made. seers and laborers In the same man-- , dress tho Chamber next week. Dr. A CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION AT SHANGHAI AND THE ESTAB. ford breeding places other than tho it is anticipated that the next howl Mr. Carter is taking tho greatest In- - nor us before. Envelopes bearing tho Blue accepted the Invitation, and will LISHMENT OF A REPUBLIC. THE CONVENTION WILL ADOPT A banana, and that the campaign was will come on account of the accumu- tercst in the scheme. When on the name, the number and the amount of deliver his speech on Wednesday, CONSTITUTION. Jlrst directed against tho banana be- lation of rubbish In the lin- i j streets not mainland he saw a good deal of tho enclosure pertaining to each respec-- , Tho rogular meeting of tho Board i cause It was known to breed mosqui- ing removed promptly. - The cominit- proposed form of exhibitions." tivo laborer will then be handed out of Health will bo hold on Thursday toes, and because there are so many teo assisted by tho supervisors nnd The form and manner in which the to him by the lieutenant. A afternoon. Dr. Pratt will turn In his 'Of them, and because they are easily tho llapid Transit Company doinj; Foochow Gone are men who aro working on tho mosquito mane will bo placed after each labor-- report on the health conditions of tho recognlcd by anyone. It was stated nil they can to remove - these nccuniu- campaign shall be paid, has been de er's name, as paid, by some poison Inland of Hawaii. that the ornamental taro plant, the lations, but they AMOY, NOVEMBER 11. IT IS REPORTED THAT FOOCHOW HAS fear will be unable to ci(Ied OI, ilml the followinc order has directly representing, the civic sanita- The ihjunction proceedings brought traveller's palm, the papula," and other cope SURRENDERED AND THAT THE VICEROY IS DEAD. wiui it satisfactorily, though been Issued b Dr. Currle: tion committee. by II. T. Mills went over till Monday. plants have been found to breed mos- every possible will effort be mado to To Apapa Lieutenants. Dr. Blueh as not taken over charge. Tho affair Is not worrying Dr. Bluo. quitoes. To Just what extent they do remove It within n, reasonable time. To facilitate the payment of sums to from Dr. Currle yet. This morning ho remarked: "Injunc- - so will be one of the objects of the Tho llapid Is assisting,1 Transit now lieutenants, overseers, and laborers "Tho thorough of conditions tlous are not exactly friends of mine New Kwantung Governor survey survey ' to ascertain.. In removing the - - , rubbish .and next duo for services nerformed tin to Sat--' m.-ui- in- m- CnrHn tin unnrf start ilmv nm irmmi,,i.,,ina ,,,-- .lv As rapidly as results are obtained week will run its cars tern-Lrda- y out on a night, November 11, It will be ho has made on tho work," said Dr.j The annual report of tho president WASHINGTON, NOVEMBER 11. UNDER THE TITLE OF GOVERN- they will be given full publicity by 10 . poi.u. spin lie put on the wharf necessary that tho time-book- s nf each niu., im mnrnimr "mnl-- it nri.fni-n- nf ti, iinnni r,r Tioniti, tc ,i.,,nat OR GENERALW THE MILITARY DEPARTMENT OF TAE REPUBLIC the educational committee (or the In- Walkikl of the Porst street wahrf, and precinct overseer, showing the time, life that he .continue for a few days readv now. The proofs are belug rend OF CHINA, HU HAN WEN OF THE REVOLUTIONISTS HAS BEEN formation of tho public. dump ' the direct on the barges. t In by himself and his squad up to In control of the situation." present. ELECTED PRESIDENT OF THE PROVINCE OF KWANTUNG. Yesterday 100 prisoners and twenty 'at paid laborers began clearing the jun- gle included In the triangular area Flv-lnlest- ae Improvement Club All ed Fruit Nanking Imperialists Ahead NANKING, NOVEMBER 11. THE IMPERIALISTS HAVE THE & Young HAND OF THE REBELS, WHO HAVE EVACUATED THEIR lord ! Has Had Prosperous Year Should Be Promptly Burned - i Bid $148,500 There was an excellent turnout of tile health Inspectors before tho mos- W. M. GIffard, who has control of "The ground around the fruit trees More From Kwantung ; members from different parts of the quito campaign started. the light against the truit-lly- , said this Is being kept fnlrly clear of fallen district at tho meeting But one local bid for the construe-- annual of It was also voted to take action morning that while tinny peoplo were fruit." said Mr. GIffard today, "and If 'Special Cable to United Chinese Sa:lety from Members of Council.) Wala,U0' Kallm,kl n,,d Palolo Improve-'adminlstratio- n tion of the concrete storehouse ami looking toward to having roads in the with his department, tho fruit growlers would only get rid CANTON, NOVEMBER 11. ALL THE IPMERIAL ARMIES OF j ,nent Clllb- - lleId at building was received " branch ofllce district oiled. thero wero others who did not come In of the present crop as soon as possi- KWANG TUNG PROVINCE, INCLUDING THE NAVY, BANNERMEN AND oi Co., nt tlio nnvnl Htntinn. This waff oiieiipd uaimiiKi Williolniina Heports of progress were made (in on the work. Tho men who are work- ble, tho task would bo easier Inter on. M ANCHURIANS, SURRENDERED ON THE 10TH, HOISTING THE lse ,ast "If''nt- - Treasurer Simonton this mornlnir nt nine o'clock bv Chief! postal delivery and tho Fifth avenue ing under Mr. GIffard' are Inspecting Evidences of tho fruit-fl- y can be found FLAG. THE WAR DEPARTMENT IS ESTABLISHED COM- !rolortod ,lle treasury witli goodly Engineer Gayler and Bear Admiral wdrk, the latter being well under way a- - large district at present and, from In most places, and it should ho tho PLETELY AND NO BLOODSHED ENSUED. ALL THE RESIDENTS OF . ., ,. ..,..,...... balance. .j UUWlti 11 HUB BUUUUUtlU 111 JflUJ'i;! . from the $500 granted by the board of Moiliill to Knmeliamcha road, tho duty or all people getting rid or dls CANTON OFFERED CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEW GOVERN- uogan, form by the Lord '& Young Engineer- ueioro the election supervisors. fruit trees Tlave been looked to. eased fruit to see that it is not thrown MENT. WU HAN MIN MADE COMMANDER IN CHIEF. THE TREAS- or ofllcers for ensuing year, orally ing Company. F6r tho construction the Into pits to rot. Tho fruit should be URER, MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS. DISTRICT reviewed tho affairs of the club during of tho administration building the nld destroyed by' lire and in that ay be-co- JUDGE, HEAD OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, THE BOARD OF IN- his term. Its membership had In is 100,500, and for the storehouse harmless. DUSTRY, AND OFFICIALS OF THE CAPITOL HAVE FLED. SEVERAL creased from 82 to 158, a gain of 70,' ?82,000, a total of $148,530 for tho two Combustible Awnings "Vacant lots of land on which fruit HUNDRED THOUSAND PEOPLE RAISED AN ARMY TO BACK UP THE or, with seven or eight elected nt this buildings. The appropriation for this trees are growing cause us much trou- NEW GOVERNMENT OF THE REPBULIC OF CHINA. ALL OTHER DIS- meeting, had really doubled. A club- work is $150,000. ble. Wo have to waste a lot of timo TRICTS EXPECTED TO SURRENDER SOON. house site had been acquired and the . Other bids were to have been In looking up the owners. Tho hearty club incorporated, the duly executed Certain Locations opened In Washington this1 morning. or tho peoplo Is 'wdnted charter being presented at tho nieot-ing- . Is thought two or three Call-- , in tho matter ot tho fight against tho It that In tho matter of public Improve- Football Games Today firms sent bids for tho work to fruit-fly- . The matter Is of vital fornla ments tho new reservoir had been put to Ordinance Contrary -- Washington. The Washington bids to the fruit shippers of the FRANCISCO, Nov. 1 The Intercollegiate games today Into service and the government had SAN football bo' some Territory, and everybody should take 3, 0; will probably not known for way resulted as follows: Princeton Dartmouth Harvard 15, Carlisle IS; under further bettering of 'tho an In It." interest Michigan 0; Yale 15, Brown 0. N time. wator supply, $GO,000 gchoolhouso Cornoll 0, tho An opinion rendered to Mayor Fern positions being deemed a public Nothing now has been' heard from Tho amount of tho local bid was was & provided for by tho legislature fruit-fl- y Washington today. by Deputy County Attorney Mil- - menace. the mainland, with regard to tho cabled to practically assured for the near fu and A contention made that the replace- quarantine, and it is not nt pres- ture, a temporary school' was moan- - verton, places the tubu stamp of the Minnesota ment of old awnings by now does not ent known if tho State of California The Saved time about to bo opened, tho district legal department of tho municipal!? way, como within the terms or the ordlu-anc- o will help out in a financial In Wagon now enjoyed a e car service - TOKIO, Nov. 11. The liner Minnesota, which was stranded 111 Health ,U)Qn an ol.,,or tho nmyor.Kavo t0 re- Is technical and contrary, It not the--' enmuaigu against tho post hero, for which tho club had been worKing passngo, has been refloated and has proceeded to Kobe. place old awnings- In the rear of his to tho letter, at least to tho spirit or not. Mr. GIffard said this morning fiom Its start and, dually, tho county moro o or law I bellevo that all munici- that he had not heard anything had been doing something on roads in honor's sulto In tho Mclntyre build- tho Badly Stalled pal should uphold not only tho about bis going to tho mainland to 1 tho district. Bererenco was mado to ing. The opinion Is ns follows: olllcers spirit or tho law, and confer with the California authorities Off for the Durbar the large part this club had in rosus- - letter, but the Honolulu, Hawaii, Nov. 11, Eight.) on the riult-I- tanipabiu. citating Central Improvement (ConiiiiiHvl on l'age of Health auto patrol the .1 LONDON. Nov. 11. The King Queen Delhi Tho Board ' Joseph Fern, .Mayor of and havo started far to wagon was stalled for a couple of Committee, also in that body's faction at 'end the Imperial durbar. They will be absent ' the City nnd County of Honolulu. three mouths. hours Into yesterday afternoon on in formulating public backing for tho ou,uuu. I KohalaTeople Jval-aiuik- or ror am In receipt of your Pnhoa avenue near Fifth avenue, l. revolving itinii re Dear Sir: Trees Planted Morning Catile Iloport on Page Two. claiming bad lands, and to the promi communication to this department I - wagon was returning from fum- nent part tho club had taken In clean-- , , , o( N , The ...... t r ? um in up (Ui), uuiu ill llllllUUVl',t.i.. ini.. "Ulll.....i l igating a house where a death from which you state that you ordered two Want Hospital, About Homes consumption had occurred when it got headquarters and work In tho district. Mills Moves For Expert new awnings to roplnco old ones In Into a hole filled with water from a In conclusion tho retiring president re- - e urged upon tho residents of tho the rear of tho Mclntyro building! Government water-pip- bursted by tho Tho observation of Arbor Day nt spcctlvo sections of tho district that Hawaiian Electric Company while which woro worn out, and that whllo Superintendent ot Public works this year was a now Of ... they mako the fullest possiuio ncn nt walalua .school Evidence Col. Gorgas Wasting a rock which prevonted tno )(ho lnon Woro In tho act of replacing Mnrston Campboll this morning ro- - dB,iartur0 from usual custom of the opportunities and powers tho introduc ion or an electric light pole. thoso Rwn,nB yo,,r nttont,on planting In the school yard. a ' lo iooU,nK after eelved an Inquiry from Kohala. with trees Tho dwellers roundabout were n ,,y 11,0 On of tho "Inexperience, of cn,lcrt h"m" I,,s,1cctor 10 reference to the appropriation for u Upon questioning tho children 1. was account bananas standing for that leimiti of allowing to rem'aiu 1nUed .over the car "'c(ii ,t:l""?11 , : Section 87. or Ordinance No. 20 ot'ho8pltnI Five thou- - found some of thorn did not have oxtltable and hysterical temperament .tlmo nt least. ' goou m tht, in that district. that ns a In furnish :i ior nl-.- hostace order to tho City and Comity of Honolulu, d granted by leg-- any yards, tho defendants, Pratt, Dillingham', Should tho temporary Injunction In wlloe Jurisdiction. dollars was tho fruit trees in their striking object lesson ot tho state of In nnd Iluchbetv Ilariy T. Mills, plaintiff tho bo mado it blurting tho construction of cloth ir at tho last session, and tho,' though It would seem ns'lf, tho ( matter permnii"nt, neighborhood Following is tho list or omcers m.u islnturo the thoroughfares In tho awnings In tho rear of build-- , country, bo an nlmnd- - "i the imnana injunction suit filed would, undoubtedly havo cffi-c- t of wero then elected: Kohala people want to khow when thero should the of Pnhoa and Fifth avenues. ho - ings within the (lie limits, nnd fur- tho sum will be available. anco, as tho opportunities for growing yesterday, boilevos cannot safely ( putting a stop to the work of d. stroy- Some ottlclous individual, however, Hugh G. Davis, president. ther stating that tho building Inspc Tho superintendent Is roplylng to thorn aro of tho host. Ko to trial without tho testimony ot Ing banana plants tliroughpM ilw produced a Jack some planks and Harry T. Mills, vice president. and tor ordered tho work of erecting .tho tho effect that Hie money Is availablo! A number or fruit trees woro pro- - Colonel W. C. Gorgas, chief sanitary , city. Hut, In the moantlmo, only by tho use of them the wagon was got J. H. Klddes, secretary. new awnings to cease. You request year, and that tho matter will bo curod, such ns papala, banana, otc, officer of the Panama Cannl Zone. And Mills' bananas nro at proscm :"" W. K. Mcl'herson, treasurer. this ( out of the muddy ruck wliero mosqui- - allogos iilll- - dodg M. Ayres, tho opinion of tills department as to put up to the loan fund commission- and aHor tho customary oxorclsos nt for this reason, ho In an tocted by tjio injunction, thor" toes aro today busy breeding, and was Kd. Towse, I). Logan, H. or tho replacing of whoso tho bus-'th- o school, and planting of n fow trees' davit ho has today filed lu tho Circuit not seem to bo to p,i-u- t A. V. Clark and Kuthor' Vnlontln, (li whether not the ers, under Jurisdiction anything with difficulty snaked through a maze - old awnings constructed prior to tho luoss comes. thoro, somo of tho toachors and chll- Court, a motion for tho issuance of. a tho snnltnry authorities from ""Ha- - of trails running through private rectors. some onnctmont of jho ordinance, by nowi Tho palm trees In tho capltol dron'wont around to tho homes and commission to tnko the testimony of ulng their destruction ot the pU.i" oa property and onto tho Waialao road Heforo adjournment thero was garbage question ones, Is n violation or tho ordinance, grounds' aro boing sprayed, by orders distributed and planted tho fruit Colonol Gorgas. tho promises of othor peoplo. throo-quartor- s of an hour later. discussion on tho Kllbeyj Tho object of this portion of the ot Mnrston Cnmpboll. Mon nscend tho trees In tho yards. They woro accom-- J This motion, If granted, would Tho nllldnvlt filed by Mills In Messrs Towse, Clark and ' upon Slier- - TJr. Hupert Blue will address tho were' appointed as' a commlttoo to ordlnanco was to eliminate within tho trees nnd spray kerosene tho ponied by Judge Mahaulu and probably have tho effect or hanging of his motion Is, substantially, m i of palnls. Lator on, a doso of Iff Cox, who thorn In oxplaln- - up Chamber of Commorco on sanitary Jook aUor tho mattor of romoval oflflro limits of tho city nnd county all tops the assisted the caso for several weoks, or follows: bo given possl- - matters on Wednesday afternoon nt tho garbago collocted.by household- - cloth or canvas awnings in tho 'roar another wash will tho Ing their mission to tho parents, who ovon months to como, and woul'd, Harry T, Mjlls, hotng first dut I a:30 .o'clock. ers in obedlonco to notlco given by of buildings, such awnings In such bio breeding plages of mosquitoes. seemed pleaso'd with tho Idea. therefore, permit Mills to koop his (Continued on Pago Bight ..&1a glJ.J, TWO THE HAWAIIAN STAR, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER. 11, 191,1.

announced. ' Tho result will bo to Illustrate his speech on tho tariff, tailor is now completing the suit, tho and t THE HAWAIIAN STAR Interesting. Hotter try It yourself It Is announced thnt the suit of cost of which will bo $7. a lhtlo piece of good will Is DAILY AND SHMI-WEHKI- A LITTLE QUIET TALK Just as business, clothes Shermnn wear mado of thnt you can work on tho sldo or If cloth which ho followed through a To have I'au Ka liana In tho house who Dally published ovcry afternoon (except Sunday) by Uio Hawaiian Star you can't, you know some ono New woolen mill from raw ! m equivalent to having your lnmiis your Ho spent Newspaper Aggeelntlon, Ltd., McCandless Dulltllng, llelhel Btieet, Hono- can, nnd who would appreciate to tho finished fabric. a filled nnd trimmed at all times. Tan ! In tho mill early watch- lulu, T. II. help. g day this week Ka Hann Is an Insuranco against san- ABOUT OUR CONTEST If you aro Interested, try to havo tin ing the manufacture of cloth, and a itation troubles,' Entered at tho Pontofflce at Honolulu as second class mnll matter. Interview with t ho Contest Mnnnger, or write for Information about tho Ready-to-We- ar SUBSCRIPTION RATES, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE, ' - matter. Extraordinary Display of Some person say that they never reputation as a journalist, gives Tho Dally, anywhere In the Islands, per month ,. .75 read "display ads" the kind of nd Star a dignity and tone which no Dally, anywhere In the Islands, three months 2.00 PEOPLE OF GUAM S.HOWN Sachs' vertlsing big typo and occu- - other local paper can have, and nat- Garments at Dally, anywhere in tho Islands, six months 4.00 that uses HOW TO RAISE OWN FOOD .pies anywhere from a fow Inches to a urally commends Itself to the Intelli- Dally, anywhere In tho Islands, ono year 8.00 WASHINGTON, October 28. That page of spaco In n nowspapor; Tho gent class of readers. It Isn't neces Dally, to foreign countries, one year 12.01 the Inhabitants of Gunm, a fnr-awa- y REVERSIBLE LONG COATS experience of tho biggest advertisers sary to mention tho many other 'fea- Semi-Weekl- nnywhoro In the Islands, ono year 2.00 Island possession of tho United Stntes, on one old blue, gold and purple on reverse In country tho dry tures of Black Louislne side; Semi-Weekl- y one year tho successful The Star at this JJmc, such to Foreign countries, 3.00 can grow American vegetables and Kimono-Sleev- e Model, with sailor collar and large revers-SAC- goods and department sjores, for as Its dally society page, sports page, side. Goose toIbo Amerlcnn horses, cattle, hogs SPECIAL PRICE $30. out this theory; Commercial and business page, dally Advertising rates supidicd upon request. bear nnd. poultry on the Island has, been nt events If you arc ono of Interviews, with prominent people, I'b ' but all successfully demonstrated by tho De- EVENING FROCKS. you open of Individ- TIMMONS,. . . MANAGER, this class, wo aro going to give forum for expression partment of Agriculture, which has es- Made over China silk slips. Colors: White, Pink and Light Blue. Business office telephone, 23G5; postoffico box, SCO. no excuse for not knowing all about ual opinion by Its readers, to convince tablished an experiment station on the Tho Star's big $3000 subscription con- you who already know the paper, that Island. AFTERNOON DRESS test, but will give you'tne facts right It possesses all the attributes which HANDSOME SILK Instead of getting nil of their fresh plain up. now 'In this matter-of-fact- , slmplo make tho people want, and read It, Specially selected patterns and colors, $15 meat from San Francisco, BJiOO miles Morning Cable Report "reading-matter- " style. and subscribe for It. , away, Dr. livans Is satisfied that the DRESSES AND GOWNS (Continued from Page One.) In the first place the contest has Still Time to Enter. people of Gunm will be able to sup- WHITE Large and choice selections; In all sizes. Just nicely started. There aro In all Tho list of contestants isn't com- ply their own needs in the future. In the newest models. 111 persons entered In the race, hav- plete, new names are coming in " NEW YORK, Nov. 11. Andrew CarncKle 1ms determined to withdraw for WOMEN'S TAILORED SUITS ing been regularly nominated by dally. Is by no too Into from all personal responsibility In cPnnpctlon with his many benefactions, It means to SHERMAN TO WEAR A $7 White, Navy and Black , Fancy Mixtures and Hair Line friends who have thus Indicated n enter yourself urgo a to Which have reached such wlcantlc proportions 'hat It Is more than ono can or SUIT AT REPUBLICAN RALLY Stripes. willingness to get In and help their enter. And after reading the fore- an- do to properly direct them. , UTICA, N. Y Oct. 2S. It Is favorites. Yesterday Mr. Carneglo donated 25.ooo.noo to the Caniegio Corporation, going, don't you believe it Is worth nounced that when ' A Coats, Cravenette Coats, with hoadnuarters Hi this city, for tho building of libraries, conduct of edu- Generous Offer. while? Shermnn npifears at Camden, N. J., Motor cational work, hero rund and other benefactions of tho aged ironmaster. That tho ptan is tho most Hbernl There has been no count of tho next Wednesday evening ns the chief Altogether Mr. Carnegie's donations for various purposes to dato aro that has over been offered by a paper votes secured by the various contest- speaker at a rally in support of Wil- Alpaca, and Dusters $215,000,000, a startling sum. .Many of the bonofactlons aro continuous ex- In Hawaii Is . ovldenced by tho fact ants as yet, but immediately after liam J. Drowning, Republican candi- penditures and those will hereafter bo under the supervision of tho Carne- thnt tho management of The Star has the records up to and including next date for congress, to succeed the late gie Corporation. set asldo over $3000 to provide for Saturday, (November IS) are re- Henry C. I.oudenslager, ho will wear CO. WASHINOTO Nov. 11. Leo Me Clung, secretary of tho treasury, has prizes for those who, by a little earn ceived, tho first count will be made. a specially built suit of woolen clothes N. S. SACHS DRY GOODS Ltd. Issued a report o the effect that tho recent tariff discussion has caused a est work among their friends, help to ; falling off in customs receipts equal to ntnoteen millions of dollnrs. put The Star into every home in the LOS ANGELES, Nov. 11. Tho total registration tor this city is now Territory In which a newspaper Is placed at 101,911, of which numbor S3.205 names aro those of women. read. It is expected that a considerable number of duplications on tho great Hero Is a list of tho prizes which register will bo discovered, due to Ignoranco of the registration laws. have already been decided upon, anil others are to be announced later BUSINESS CLINGS TO MORGAN. of Thirty-sixt- h street, a large sign When you read this list, just think as today four-stor- y For NEW YORK, Oct. 28. The residen- displayed advertising tho you go Prepare 1 nlong what a really generous sgivmg tial oxeluslvcness which J. P. Morgan Iloinze residence "to rent for offer It Is, and how it would be pos- ldlt has spent large sums to maintain in business purposes." sible to earn money any easier. Here tho Immediate neighborhood of his they are JIadison avenue home, is at last to Free! Free! Green Stamps aro First $7fi0 cash. yield to business invasion Immed- free! When you buy, ask for them. Second Flno building lot in Kal- - iately opposite Morgan's Ihk brown-ston- e New and beautiful goods to arrive muki. house on the northeast roriir j per S. S. Lurline. Third Savings bank account of $3 DO cash. Fourth Ticket to Coast and re turn, with pocket money. There's no place Fifth Selection of books, $150. Sixth Trip and week nt volcano. Seventh Furniture order, $75. like "HOPP'S" VOL' MUST GET 'EMI Klghth Music order, $30. Ninth Hardware order, $50. for Dining Room We have all of the best disinfectants and Tenth Jewelry order $50. These prizes are open to every eon- - MOSQUITOLINE testant, but besides these there ie Furniture. one each exclusively for each of the SKEETERSKOOT outside Islands, as follow Eleventh Trip from Hllo, week in . TJ..t..1..uuiiuiiini una return. i Skeetgo Two'fth Trip from West Hawaii, week In Honolulu, and return. r And everything ever discovered to free you j Thirteenth Trip from Maui, week rrom danger through mosquito bites. In Honolulu, and return. j We have anticipated the usual demand for DINING SETS at Thanksgiving time, having assembled here the largest Let us supply you! Fourteenth Trip from Kauai, week in Honolulu, and return. collection ever exhibited in Honolulu. These last four represent more than Here you will find complete sets in MISSION, and Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd. simply tho steamer fare. They in- COLONIAL, FLANDERS, MODERN DESIGNS, IN clude also first-clas- s hotel accommo- MAHOGANY, GOLDEN OAK, EARLY ENGLISH, AND FUMED OAK. inRT WD HOTEL STREETS. dation for a week, and a lot of enter- taining and sightseeing without cost A glance at prices quoted below illustrates the range of'our assortment, making Hopp & Co.'s the most satisfactory) place to tho lucky contestant. for furniture buying. JHEREXALL Why Vote Getting Is Easy. It isn't hard to get subscriptions DINING ROOM DINING TABLES BUFFETS CHINA CLOSETS. DINING STORE for Tho Star. Tho paper Is so well CHAIRS and favorably known-tha- t most per- SETS sons are glad to take It If their atten- - $50.00 to $500.00. '$7.50 to $125.00. $25.00 to $135.00. $20.00 to $100.00. $1.50 to '$15.00. tlon Is I , simply called to the matter, HE WORKER MUST BE " WELL j or to renew their subscription often I.n.ihef? !!ayf f s.harp competition everyone who works should be keyed for several years for tho sake of help- - , L ,l 8, eSt 1)ltch, of efnciency. The rewards of business life go to the ing a friend who is working for a '0.3r people women who kI10W and d0 tMns better prize. "Vtcli.e Windows The than reason for this Is that 1 0-f- other Today we have on display an Empire Colonial Dining Room set, in solid Mahogany, comprising one t. Extension The' Star has come to bo known as ,?il,!t V? Tn ,do his, best work when the heaUh 18 impaired, when the appetite to demand the .food necessary to sustain the body, not only the largest paper printed ,n Table, one 5-f- t. Buffet, one China Closet, and six Leather Seat Chairs. This is the finest, set we have ever shown. The Is when strergth .lacking and ambition gone? Surely tho part of wisdom is to file Islands, but Its superior qualities 1 begin at once to build up the body to price for complete, set, $450.00. its normal condition and this may be as a newspaper ' done mqre certainly by the use of real a paper that gives tho new- - just as it occurs Stearns' Wine of Cod Liver Extract makes it the one paper whir-- appeals came from "Hopps" Satisfaction or to the man or woman who "reads. Its than any other medicine. It checks hacking coughs, sharpens the appetite, strong, virile and independent edi- good Furniture. money refund. aids digestion, enriches tho blood, restores flesh to the emaciated, and re- means news health and vigor. It is so agreeable to the taste that its regular use torial comment on matters affecting is a .pleasure. Get it at your druggist's and bo sure you get STEARNS' the public welfare, written by "Walter the genuine. G. Smith, a man who has a national

MATS LEIS TAPAS BARGAIN THE ISLAND CURIO CO., Elite Building, Hotel Street, intends to sell out. Many lines of the large and inter- esting stock will be sold at greatly reduced prices. You have often desired to obtain certain articles in the curio line, but could not afford the Price. Now is your rare chance for a big bargain in Hawaiian Curios, Calabashes Feather Leis, Hats, Necklaces, Tapas, Mats, Fans, War Clubs, Pillows, Souvenir Spoons, Hawaiian Jewelry, Brasses, etc. Christmas Is Coming ! CURIOS ISLHND Store for from January 1, Male Good Presents. WE CAIN SAVE YOU MONEY Rent 1912 -- - re - THE HAWAIIAN STAR, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1911. THREE

over Hilly Papko, tho Illinois "thun- a o o O O O O O O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 00 00 0 0 00 0000000)000000000000000000 derbolt," nftor twolvo rounds of o O wrestling, hugging and rough work at Classified Advertisements o O the Armory Athletic Club of Hoston. o The fight looked "shady." One Cent Per Word. Six Words Count One Line o ol Per Line, 30 Two Weeks, 40 cents; One o C!. 1 niMrtiwA fltrlitnt fiiulinil nnvnaa One .Week, cents; Month, GO cents. o By H. M. AYRE8. n!tho United States on a special train o f OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONEWS cimt would nave cmineruu u biuuiiiui-i- OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSPORT WANTED. AUTO REPAIRING. necessary to overtake tho Zenlandia 1 Thrcp-bcdroo- C. automobile export. oiy; of Vancouver for Australia. furnlsliod house, for Don Ollvelra, ";.S; ofllco phone UNIVERSITY II LOCAL NOTES L SH PftRO 'S three months. "A. T. O.," Star olllce Hesidcnco phone US )? JO t-- K1 K 2GG0. 137 street. B01 . JO t? JO JO t? V K J" & Ofllco, Merchant Woman or girl to do general house- AUTO STAND. ON ITS ELEVEN FROM BREEDER BHD TICKET! work. Apply oil sixth avenue, auto stand Two six seal sportdri 319G. ft? Qadlllac cars. Phono Berotanla .'t i . . - i & X ' near Nuuanu. First-clas- s barbers for Juy now Washington Stnr: Tho first Chi-Hcs- o a beginner, and really think I am not) Breeder mid Sportsman: Mr. Julian NEW YOHK, November 1.-- a Oahu College and the College of shop. HlghoBt wages and commission MASONRY WORK. court-martial- s ' to participate la collcgo football, entitled to tho notices and praise that of Monlh W. Hawaii meet on the gridiron at tlio first-clas- Monsarrat. a i.romlnent horseman and series to s man. Harold Jeffs. one activities on tin-- grid-Iro- n have been given inc." Shcppard, the world's grea'es: middle-d- Alexander Field at 3:153 p. in. today. Contracts taken ror all kind of and whose stockman of Ililo, has been attending will bo witnessed by thousands Tlio college authorities think that istance runner, was dishonorably o FOR SALE. masonry work. Prompt service. John tho w Stock Show at Twenty-secon- of football enthusiasts this fnlii is young Liu will make tho varsity team. , "tTtlonal discharged from the Tho teams In the big gamo this aft- Rodrlgues, Miller street near City, Unlt-ncr- o lot at Kalmukl; good loca- Tsung-Fnh-Li- u of Rrpwn University, Ho is playing every day and doing Kansas where ho purchased a Itcgiment of the Now York Stale ernoon will bo ns follows: tion; good neighbors; close to car Providence, H. I. well. number of very eholco cattlo for ills which bo has been a member Jlunuhou Iloogs, lo.i l'oopoe, It; years. com- line; loasonable. Addross P. O. Dox is Mu Tho young Oriental is receiving Ills pur- - for nearly four Ho has Rcnton-Timborlak- o AUTOS TO RENT. As far as known is tho Ilrst island home. Mr. Monsarrat lg.i Molr, f.i No. 711. only to play on a col-- 1 football education at Drown under peted under tho regiment's colors in and Chinaman cimst,,i mnny tltoroughbreds arid trbt- - rg.;' Paty (captain), rt.; Will Itoyal Hawaiian Garage, Phone 1910. any of Sprackllng, nioro than 100 mllltr-r- athletic meets. lego eleven in this or other coun the tutelage Captain Hitchcock, ro.; Schuinan, q.; Cony, in City. ters during tho past twenty years was Chlckorlng upright piano. Apply The finest rent cars the try. last season's great quarterback.Thls The cnuse of Shoptmrd's trouble Ih.; Murray, f.; Han Hitchcock, rh. from our leading horsemen, and on Hugo Herzor, Lovo building. Day or night. Special rates. Prlcei In a signed statement, written in authority on football at' Drown says his failure to attend to hid military Hawaii Ynmushiro, le.; Pratt, It.: the 22G,000-acr- e farm ho superintends missing drills and failure to pay reasonable. porfect English and In a fine hand, Liu Is coming along fast and will cer- duty, Turner, lg.; Pooluh, e.; Holt, rg.; lias some" splendid looking horses that fines. Five hydraulic barber chairs for Mr. Liu says: tainly make q strong player. Clark, vt; Ynp-Foo- On, ro.; Mnnvil- - REPAIRED. ho Mover has any trouble to 'sell for In explanation of his falluiv to at- sale. Apply Pacheco's Harbor Shop. TIRES "I enmp to this country by way of if tho Chinaman makes tho first lino (captain), q.; Maruichi, lb.; Cons- - big figures whenover he lets tho prices tend, to his mllitnry duty Shcppard Honolulu Vulcanizing Works o the Pacific, and I first studied in a team ho will play against inan"of tho ' ons. f.; nice, rh. be known. court-martia- Cocoauut plants for sale. Samoan, Is now prepared to high school In California, where 1 saw big elevens of tho east and will play told tho o lakea Btreot strongest .1. H. C,t Honolulu, T. II. Where ' "My work In tho customs service variety. Apply A. V. Hills, Llhue, make repair to any size tiro for any my first football game, made tho team against some of the Ameri- Oahu-Hawa- can tho best Duroc pigs bo bought, W. Desha will refereo tho ii Kauai. and played two years at quarter. cans In the football world. Even if made It impossible for me to attend vehicle. Prices reasonable and quick also what is called the Cuban hair-loss- I wus compelled gamo this afternoon. F. Af. delivery. "Then I tamo cast, and entering ho does not make the university team, the drills. often to Whore can soino bo purchased. Friesoll will umpire and Haolo Sum-no- r Bargains in Ileal Estate, on sea- Phillips Exeter Academy at Exeter lie will surely play on djio of ho work Into at night" ulnl what are the prices? I would d'schargo may prevent will act ns Hold judge. shore, plains and hills. Telephone 1900, some at Brown, his work, Sheppard's MERCHANT TAILOR. N. II., in played for time lesser teams and . 1C02. 101 Stangenwald kjj tQ 8omctlllnR al)0Ut Ul0 him from being selected for th noxl u "Pratt" on tno second team, i did not. intend win no waieucu wim uuuiesi. uy uhj ,j38gox amj gUssox pigs. American team which will compete, in Hain last night stopped play on iho Tho Pioneer, corner Beretanla and at Exoter to go out for football, but ulty, students and players. i Ana. Thero are several breeders of the .Olympic championships ut Stock- Slnnoa Tennis Club's courts. Tonight Fort Sts. Phone :si2i. Clothes cleaned, quarterback got nun, ana i wenti Tsung-bati-u- u is omy nineteen EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. tlio Duroc and Sussex pigs in California, next year. tho following games will bo played: pressed and dyed. Work called for out just to help out. My year, years old. He was born at Tientsin, holm last and If any of them, or any of our 7:30 Guard vs. Humes. Jnpanese Employment Ofllce, tele-phon- and delivered. Import-wan- 1910, I did not play, for where his father does a big t much-vaunte- d I'nlvor-slt- y at Exeter roaders can enlighten our subscriber The Drown 8:30 Homonway and Cooke vs. 3GGS, Beretanla near Punch- of time. ilig business. He has brothers and football team was taken Into BUY AND SELL. through this office ho would fool Nlckolsen and Clbbs. bowl street. , Is my year in Drown sisters in China, but is tho only one camp Harvard team, 20 to (i. "This first deoply indebted. by the 9:1C Sinclair vs. Steoro. Diamonds aud jewelry bought, sold University. I harly expect I will of tho family to bo sent hero 'for edit-mak- e In that On Monday night at seven tlio final BOYS CLOTHING. and exchanged. Bargains musical university team, but I shall ' cational purposes. He is modest and the in tho men's singles will bo played, instruments. J. Carlo, Fort St try. I am at present playing on tho retiring and a general favorite among Tho best and most moderately at 7:15 tho final of tho mixed dou- NOTICE. second team. I look upon myself as big fellow student's. KILL TRY OUT YOUNGSTERS p, iced line of clothing for Boys in GITS bles, and at 8:30 tho final In tho Honolulu. Trunks, suit cases, Gents' Subscribers not receiving the Ha- men's doubles. FurnlshlngB, otc. Knm Chong Co. waiian Star regularly or promptly will SAYS SULLIVAN COTERIE FAKED NEW YORK, Oct. 31. Manager Toronto for seasoning. Robertson, ' Fort and Beretanla. confer a favor by telephoning 23G5. This afternoon tho final In the McGraw of the New York Nationals the big southpaw from the outlaw mmmmmm will devote a considerable share nf Tidewater League, will receive a trial FURNISHED HUOM. - will bo decided, Ernest j 'Honolulu Newsletter In Maui News: preliminaries, and it usually happen- his spring training season next year In Texas. Two other pitchers of un- Tennis Club's For one or two gentlemen: mosquito Ross ami Slnglehurst meeting Green-- , by papers Honolulu, has ed, in consequence, that the , early to trying out young players in mi known caliber are, Fullenwlndor and 'S 0 'proof, electric lights, prhate entrance, I sec the that semi-- . 1 well at 1:46. The j lights wero the most Interesting. .Peo- effort to strengthen one or two posi-- Cardello, who were discovered jy and Andrews ill telephone service, and all modern con tho boxing gamo started. Well, as final, played during week, re- - ple lost confidence. There wero too Hons on tho team. scouts down south. the veniences. No. "nti Quarry street, Is a "game" 1 have no ob- - long as it 1 suited in Ross and Slnglehurst defeat- many "mixed nlo" dubs going 'about Some of the baseball experts de-- First Baseman Eugene Paulot and ioooooooooooooOO O near Normal School. g'oes to lng Wnrron, 11 9, 2 G, ' jections, but when it back as champs to warrant a charge of clarc that next season will bring: Otitiloldcr Georgo Burns will get a Steoro and q Tennis. f fights for a ring spring training G 0, S G o 11 Mamm jt'lub's night tho Btandard the previous three dollars seafat tho about tho passing of Wlltse and Antes , fresh trial nt the Nm. hero, it had better be stopped. I side. Now wo are to have clean sport, as members of tho pitching slalf. camp, together with Shortbtop Henry o - , o tournament 'never heard of such raw frames in and as soon as the public is sure of Mathowson and Marquard will be the Groh of Decatur, 111., turned over by Today's big football games Include O Soccer. my life, as tho Sullivan cotorio used to its cleanliness the dollars will begin htars, no doubt, and Crandall has al- - Buffalo late in the season. Groh Harvard vs. Indlnns, and Yale vs. 0 Nov. 13. Central vs. Kame-hameh- pull off. They got so bad that tho to roll In. 1 was not sure enough of ready won his spurs. Louis DrucKo played a smart fielding game for tho Brown. O kamehameha, 3 p. in. pro- 1 told, Puna-bou- sport was killed as dead as tho tills on Saturday night, for am may' also figure in tho runnin again, Bisons and kept up lils record as a o jW Dec. 9. Henlanis vs. - would Was losing - verbial mackerel, ar. the people it a venture for the but McGraw Is said to bo counting a .300 hitter among the loading bats- Puunhou defeated Knnhumanu atiO al- though scraps wero amus- j High not patronizo the ring. It was the lot on Tesreau, tho big "Texan who men of tlio Eastern' League. Another soccer yesterday by tho score of Knras. vs. School. who ways carefully arranged to have a ing enough to suit all but those pitched effectively for tho Toronto likely youngster Is Third Baseman Ralph Glrdlur shot throe of the four lO Boxing, way another, except In cry' for more gore. Nov. 11. vs. draw one or Eastern League team this scoson. Arthur Hues of Seattle, and thero are goals scdred by tho winners. 0 Baucrsocka Tesreau was with the Giants at .Mar- three candidates for outlleld positions1 The line-up- : SO 1G rounds, Scholleld Bar- tin Springs, but was turned over to In High, Jacobson and Jack Johnson, j Punahou Forwards, Girdler, Jo racks. LO EAR - - - . PROGRAM Of NEW RACES - i ley, MIn Hin, Gibb, Abies; backs, o Baseball. 11. Fioyd Brown's shoulder, which Mclnerny, Thompson, Bertolmann, o Nov. 12. Post Series, Oahu was Injured in a practice gamo with Gay, Ellsworth; goal, Peterson. fo Senior League, Athletic Park. Half-mile- , DOLE The program of the Ililo New Year Event S Japanese pon- KENNY the second team, Is much Improved Kaaliumauu Forwards, Medeiros, o 'Pedestrlanism, races, to bo hold on Monday, January ies. Purse $50. and he will be In shape to don his togs Ah Yau, Rosehill. Masalchi, Quintal; o Nov. 30. Kaoo vs. Fitzger- 1, has just come to hand, and is as Event 9 Half-mil- free for all. on the day of the Intercollegiate game backs, Yong You, Jay, Xnknmura, o ald, Marathon race. follows: Purse $250. OPERATED unless further complications develop. Yosahachl, Mailo; goal, Katsamoto. o Doc. 17. Kalakaua avenue Cali- NO SECL'RITV. Event 1 Half mile, Hawaiian bred. All races to be run under the Al Frank Is out again for light o o wnlking race. 0 MaaaaaaMaMa-aaMaaa- Purse ?1S0. fornia Jockey Club rules. o Motoring. As a curtain-raise- r to the first gamo 2 One-mil- e heats, two in Entrance feo in each case will bo 30. Nov. 27 VanderbMt'cup race, Event STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Oct. of tho Oahu Senior Baseball league's o three. Free-for-a- pacers. Purse 10 per cent of the purse. Kenny Dole, .husky middle- - o Savannah. 1117 Street. t tho SPORTING NOTES. post sories at the Athletic Park Fort $500. Four or more to enter, three to op ranker of the varsity squad, was Stanford University defeated morrow, tlio Asaiiis and Aalas will o 3 For most graceful start. on Penin- - Event the erated this morning at tlio Olympic Club team of San Fran piny a game 1:30. o Rifle Shooting. To offset this English gain In play- to will close 0,1 crack at lady rider. First prize ?25, second Entries all races Hospital to remove an infected , o Nov. 30. Hawaiian Rifle As- sula Cisco, 39-3- in a Rugby football game ing strength, It may ho stated tbat December 28, with. F. Brughelii, Hiio. lliB knee( whlcl, wna Meet. '?10. bIooa clot 0II ln. night in Pnlamn gymna o sociation's Mnlcolmn D. Whitman, American 31, will Last tho ) Event 4 One, and miles. On Sunday, December there jin.ea m tjjc Kame witn the Olympic o Golf. champion 1S9S and' 1900, announced game, prob- - Tho National Baseball Commission slum tlio Palania Soniors defeated tho Free for all. Purse $1000. Entries to bo a football and baseball pjni, ast Saturday. Dole awakened o Nov. IS. Medal play tourna- given In Now York Berotanla Soniors In a gamo of In-- 1 at tbo. dinner to close on December 15 for this race. ably between Hawaii and Oahu eariy Sunday morning with pains in is to meet in Cincinnati in tho near o ment, Oahu County Club. door by tho scoro of 14 to 0.1 tho English international team that he G - up tho ticket scandals baseball Event Half-mil- for ponies 14 teams. jg Uneo and wns taken to the hos- future to lake o Intercollegiate Football. year cham- Tho teams wero as follows: would next play at Southampton with the world's ll.J-Coll- ego hands or under. Purse $50. ' pltal, where an operation was found ln connection o Nov. of Hawaii just beforo tho Newport tourney, and recently played be- Palamas A. Yee, o.; II. llul, If; Event G Three-quarte- r mile, Ha Henry Chillingworth and Johnny necessary. While tho injury will keep pionship series o vs. Oahu College, Alexander E. Kill, 2b.; Ah would prohabiy onco more strive for p Philadelphia Now York. Parker, lb.; Kin Uln, waiian bred. Purse $250. Williams will umpire the main ovenU him out of tho line-u- for the next ten tween and o Field, 3:30. the championship. o 3b.; A. Akana, ss1.; C. Rice, rf.; J. Event 7 Three-quarte- r mile, free at the Athletic Park tomorrow after- - days ho will probably bo In shape to o Novomber 30. Knmchaineha Hooiuana, cf.; J. Parker, p. Whitman hns played no serious ten- for all. Purse $500. noon. play in tho big game on November Bob Molia was awarded tho decision o Schools gamo. nis 1901, in good Berotanla Ah Chong, o.; Ah Fong, sinco but hns kept o Aquatics. right, Hong practice nlon'ij, and is said to be If.; Kal. lb.; King Clice, 2b.; 1G. of o Nov. Annual meeting ns good as ever. Many s King Wong. 3b.; Ah Choo, ss.; A. of the o llealanl Yacht & Boat Club. contend that ho Is tho greatest Fong, rf.; Akana, cf.; Akal, p. 7-- o Dec. ti Healanls' minstrel player America has ever produced. Umpires W. Saffory and A. Par-- i o show. IT'S A HAPPY kor; scorer, J. Nunes. o Bowling. o o Nov. IS. Y. M. C. A. alloys soo- - EXTRA COOK WHO In u Grammar School hcaguo o open. . G000 cer game played yesterday afternoon o Racing. lolanl defeated St. Louis by the scoro o Jan. 1. Ililo meeting. of 2 to 1. Hanapl scored tho goal 'or' oooooooooooooooo GAMES SLATED tho losers. Tho line-up- : Menglnr, lolanl Wai On, Henry 0 RT! M As a preliminary to the Hawail-P- . A. Ho Slong, Alex hong, W. Mitchell, C. gamo tomorrow afternoon the pub-H- e Moss, forwards; Robert Kapunl, Tom will havo tho opportunity of watch-lu- g Jack Blrt. John Kaiu, B. Ka-n- (cap a .lupancso team In tain), backs; Charles Pang, goal. PLRY AGAIN action. St. Louis Maltorre, Hughes, Hana- I Tho Asahls, or prldo of the Japan-es- pl, Poepoo, Frendo, forwards; Mar-cie- l, According to Eastern report, M. L. baseball fan. have been plckod to CENTENNIAL'S Rose, Weary, Marciel,. Cathcart, Doherty, tho most famous Eni'li do battlo with the Aalas, lit a game J., backs; Costa, goal. player who over lived, ban promised beginning at 1:30 p. m. sharp. Khl Fong aud Fostor Robinson ro- - to get back into harness !f America Both tho Aulas and Asahls have forced and Konnth Long and Thayer succeeds In regaining tho Davis cup. managed to win overy gamo they haw officiated as tlmekoopors and lines Doherty was tho main fietoi in tho played in the second sories, aud t BEST men. English win when ihov captured tho morrow thoy will moot one anothn W trophy in 1903 from Amorlca. for tho first time. On Thanksgiving Day a gamo of At tho time ho boat W. A. harnwl Tlio main enrd of the afternoon I intorcollcglnto footba'l will bd played and It. D. Wrenn ln tho tiinglos, and, promises to show both teams pIumiu on tho Kaniehamcha Field between with his brothor. U. V. Doherty, won fiotno rodliot ball. Pedro will do the picked teams from tho school, Georgo the doubles match from R. D. and G. twirling for tlio Portugueso ami in FLOUR - Manoha captaining ono cloven and L. Wrenn. will opposo him In behalf of the Na- Harry Godfrey tlio other, "Little Do," ns ho ts famU' call tlvo Sons. o ed by tho tennis fans of Groat Britain, Tho Hoalanis will havo a mooting has been out' of tho sanio since 190G. MISS EVA BOOTH ILL. POPULAR EVERYWHERE at tlioir liondquartors. tomorrow morn- In 190S ho played In Kovornl tourna- CHICAGO, Octobor 31. Mies Fv i ing for tho purposo of trying out pos-sibl- o ments, but without sorlotm prepara- Booth, commnndor of tho Sih inoii candidates for tho mlnstrol pro- tion, and was dofoatQd twice Army In Amorlcn, wns takon ill t gram to bo presented at tho Opora In 1910 ho ontorod tho Wost of Ting-lan- d night nt tho Army Hall as she was MAY CO., LTD., Houso on December 7 and 9. championship, and won It alter about to address a meeting. Misa HENRY o two weoks' hard practice duientlng a Booth has just ended a month's tour Tho Carlislo Indians football team strong set of plnyers. Hia roturn to of tho WoBtorn Btatos, and is, said to Distributors tills year is said to bo tho strongest tho game will moan a groat increase bo snfforing from n nervous has over represented tho school. at lntorost throughout Great Britain. UBua that - FOUR . THE HAWAIIAN STAR. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1911.

THE HAWAII A'N STAR! 1 T7rr . : ; VOICE OF THE PEOPLE Published every afternoon (oxcopt Sundny) by The Hawaiian Star Uncle Newspaper Ltd., McCnndless Building, Bethel Street, Honolulu.. Walt Association.

WALTER G. SMITH . EDITOR The Poet Philosopher THE PASSING FRIEND. tary roadway could not bo construct SATURDAY, ' NOVEMBER 11, 1911 ed. I remember that a rancher a Iloloved Illinium, bounteous tree, short distance down the river bought ' What have you dono that you should the redwood boards and used thorn io THOROUGH SANITARY WORK. Mctliinks that wrestling nTiht be made our finest sport, already, bo fenco In sovornl acres of alfalfa. Tlim still, if athletes working at the trade relied alone on strength ami skill. Condemned to die condemned to wero In as perfect a state of prcserva However far tho feeling may have Bprend a ovll, It an evil that minor There'. nothing finer than to sec two mighty men death tlon ns when first laid down. n all, fitts had to bear the brunt of sanitary attack, the public cannot but be THE in stern embrace, each striving for the victory, their Like sonle foul weed with poisonous As to' tho guilt or Innocence of the glad thot general health work Is going to bo thorough. That Is whot the WRESTLERS movements fraught with tiger's grace. There's breath! bnunnn ns a habitat or breeding placi? we have all longed and waited for and have expected of the nothing liner than this game when it is played by for mosquitoes, I nm only able to sanitary power. We now have th6 assurance places are Wo can't jiormlt a friend like you that tho moist to ,portsn,c lruCf wi,c neither tries bis foe to lame, or push a list his Judge from my own experience while filled swamps extirpated V' . Without a word to pass from view be drained and tho reclaimed as far as possible and! ihrnmdi. I watched two irladiators sweat, upon the mat, while cultlvdtlng that plant for the pasi llf town niado wholly Inhospitable to mosqulto-born- e diseases, if this is A fllend like you tho very crown, tho s.)ortsinc ravcd ; alas, my friends, I shudder yet, when thinking how years on my own place, which Is Joy teon true, wo can forget the eccentricities of the crusade In Us practical benefits; until it like a Tho and pride of this fair town! vol- mm One gave the other's leg a twist a sun-bake- slope of black sand, overlook individual hardships In n sense of the general good. faxm corkscrew seemed ; the latter bent the first one s wrist until lie tnrew a For rich and poor alike your screen canic ash and tufa. Dr. Ulne, who conies In place of Dr. Carter, as advisor to tho Hoard of mm fit and screamed. Eacli tried to gouge the otlicrs eyes ami joit Has kept at bay tho foo unseen 1 have, grown tho Brazilian vnrlqty Health, has a high reputation for Banltary work a fact which appeals to us rufldv in the neck : each seemed to think it good and wise to make the The genh, the dust, the noontide glare mostly (often erroneously referred to Comedians and lending man of tho 1.., ,.-- , tho more because his hesitancy about tho need of cutting the bananas, as l '11... ..t.1 ...i..4t'.1.. - wl .. irnnln (rf otlier man a wrecu. me gami: wuum iviwumy i.- num, i Wlillo hungry ones have known your as the "apple banana"), but havo also Hughes Musical Comedy Company, spray might Finding 1 he indicates, when the use of have saved them. the herpes brave and bold, if all the butcher plays were canned, and wres-- carc grown varieties known ns the pineap- who will appear at tho Bijou Monday proceeding Interfered, we may fairly believe, from his work he has not but tiers wrestled as of old. ple, tho red banana of Mauritius, Ice night. Interview In tho Bulletin, that It he had been here from the start, no such No home so' lowly but you kept Copyright, 1910. oy Oeo. MarttioW Adams. WALT MASON. cieam banana, apple, many rare Ha- wholesale destruction would have been attempted. Your watch and ward tho Inmates bannnas, and one foreign plan- firm on the esplanade determined to. gospel quotations that can be definitely recognized, waiian It Is with faith in him and in the patriotic sensibility of the Hoard of the Church; there are no slept fruit, for oil els to nn apocryphal tain, with unusually large use for fuel and exenvated a Health and the Citizens' Committee that wo look to salutary courses, along unless It should be the highly probable case of u reference Guarded by you and we surmized per- difficult cooking. As I looked after them tern to' hold the oil. At the depth of . broad lines. Honolulu Is a pretty healthy place now, but if the full program, gospel. It will easily be seen what a disturbing and factor You were a blessing undisguised! were! criticism." sonally, employing no help, they a few feet sea water percolated in anil jWhlch Dr. Blue agrees to. Is carried out It ought to bo mate Immune from lias been Introduced into tho region of Hibllcal and historical super- But no'w we hear you're leagued with necessarily under my constant a gasoline pump was installed to keep' any and all diseases of un epidemic nature. down the water until tho cistern-coul- one , , vision Whose very name we've learncd to In not ono instance have I found be lined with concrete. This, In any of . mosquitoes or their lnrvae was done, but the water still seeped 1 shun , LITTLE INTERVIEWS That fruitless plants, swanifls np a the bananas mentioned when stripping through, and it was abandoned. This; Alcohol and Civilization get few their stalks or felling them to the cistern was under a shed and Its only .IP of Are innocent compared with youvJ bunches. For tho major part the source of water was from the harbor, E. FAXON BISHOP The govern-- 1 an epidemic of yellow fever. The year, however, they were literally and although It naturally lost much Totally abstinent races and peoples do not seem to get ahead. For in- lt stance, ment needs the revenue from the su-- 1 matter of destroylus bananas was left And yet .we're told, Banana Tree, ullvo ants and I have occasion- saline mntfbr through tho process of the strip of northern Africa extending from Egypt to the Atlantic ' with ot inspectors aim In other lands, tho powers that be breeding un- the-botto- Ocean and from the Sahara to the Mediterranean was in the days of Carthago car tariff. to the discretion tlie ally found tho mealy bug nitration through the earth and be- any destroyed. Disturb you no,t, but wish you welt . d cis- the garden spot of the world. In those days, when Its Inhabitants drank ADMIRAL COWLES I don't few if were der stalks and numerous small and sides of the concrete go What does it mean ah. who can tell? vony some too much, others not as much as they would like, and others not at nil lieve the Pucltlc fleet will, over to RALPH TURNER On the Tantalus moths ensconced under the tern, It was still brackish. In Orleut. walk On several this water mosquitoes bred hy thou- the country was lively and prosperous. Now for over a thousand years its "10 slope within fifteen minutes' Not copimon minds only tho wise laminations of the stalks. ADJUTANT KLUGE I will bo re Punchbowl are bush- I found a peculiar and workmen who wero em- people have been total abstainers nnd they have proven themselves Incapable from the rear of Can understand If our dull eyes occasions have sands turning to my regular position at the upon bushels of rotting guavas ranging in length from three to ployed there were driven nearly fran- of x els open wide, the hidden springs snail, Should - flnnliy soon. , breeding countless In length .and np- by pest. basin was Persia in the days of her later greatness construed tho Koran very liber- Investigating station on tho ground Might bo revealed of many things. nearly seven Inches tic the The 1 lit- three-sixteenth- s an filled practl-tContinue- d ally, and old Omar himself is indicative of their habits. They were doubtless C. F. CHILL1NGWORTH had myriads of tho frup. 11. It Is but pioximatoly oi in and the mosquitoes very bad in regard to alcohol. some flue banana lrfs of different tle use lor a fruit grower to trim back But this we know, Banana Tree, Inch in diamoter, rolled up In n tang- on page five.) I orry to to pre- Doctors do sometimes disagree of Then came a revival, and with It a stricter construction of the holy book; varieties, and 'was have his trees when such conditions' led ball within the stalk. One wine-bibbin- cut' down. "masterly inactivity" And boards of health do sometimes experiment the sinfulness as well nB the evil of g was impressed upon tho them vail owing to tho ti,ese i once sent to tho 'opin- w people, abstinence was enforced, and concurrently with this came the decay J.''F.' C. HOCK I am of the of those In power. station, but did not learn-ho- to class HOUSES FOR RENT. daylight This quite sub rosa we aver. Pro- of Persinn art. The wonderful pottery, the embroideries, the tapestries, the ion that tho larvae of the W. H. M. AYRES The anatomical it. The little lizards, to which Furnished. rugs, of joyous life, mosquito will never bo found breed- or wriggler shows fessor Brlgham has called attention with their sense everything giving the impression that the construction the And quite sub rosa one word more. Hobron Avenue, 2 B H...J25.09 ing in 'dants. dragon-fly- , defense of artist who created it must have sung as he worke'H, are from the golden days banana that, like the larva of the If the poor In his able and fearless For science's sake from ' Tantalus, 3 B R 40.00, GEORGE It. CARTER Wo must Us living tho water. the banana, wero always numerous b0'ore tho people of Persia went to sleep. There Is no evidence that the It hunts for in We take their best and feel.no Bhame, 3 give power to our Kaimuki, 8th av., B. R.. 40.00 who things of more supixrt and It is one ot the most ravenous and I n urnnpr among my trees, and as day closed It artists made these such surpassing beauty were drinking men. nt'a toll It liv imtlinl street, 4, B. It.. . 65.00 board of health if we are to have organisms. It, was Interesting to watch them run Beretanla They surely could not have done such work had they drunk too much. We nredatory of the minor 25.00 be. pre-- J Walklkl, only know as a fact that concurrent with this development health conditions ns they should will never be found In the sheathing The old year wanes the coming year along the leaves and to note the marvelous of R 30.00 m;"H. SANDERS does the j Walklkl, What a palm for Is full of hope Banana dear, cislon with which they'' secured the , Persian art the Persians drank, and that Persian art withered and died con- of the trunk of banana ' 25.00 llve-nii.- e Is it live miles A Walklkl, 2BR currently with the Introduction with what amounted to prohibition. Ellwood limit mean? the reason that, on account of the You may return, may live again, moths and other flying Insects. few from' by the road ' 'r Hendrlck, In Harper's Weekly. the nearest wharf lntter being a repellant habitat, It In the meantime "Auf Wledcrsehen." weeks ago.. I secured ono with twin Unfurnished. or V'the air line? This is important ANNA M. PARIS. j down a splendid would starve there. tails when cutting Walpio, $12.00 to a large number of people. j Brazilian nnd sent the queer little C. .1. HUMMELL I live on tho Lane 3 B. R. 35.00 : X.' F. COOKE Up our way Hie ba- HIgglns. Karrattl I ABOUT MOSQUITOES. thing ,to Horticulturallst leaving stumps road, where have a new FACTS Wilder Avenue, 6 B. R.. . 50.00 nana stalks are cut off, 187S-7fl-S- In 0 the writer, I no In writing the Ave,-4.B- . Ails China on which I had an eaves Editor Star: have intention Wilder R . 25.00 What that will form receptacles for water house 7x12, by tho was. In California and frequently acted above to reflect upon the veracity of ,3rBR . 40.00 and' produce more wrigglers than they trough built, Lunalilo St., had perfect drainage. as amanuensis for a Sacramento of- - those citizens who have claimed that Kaimuki, 8tn ve.. 30.00 ever did when nllve. plumber. It Newspapers are the most symptomatic evidence of the change in China's In my absence Thursday the Inspec- llclal in his correspondence with they have found mosquitoes and Kaimuki 13th ave... 2 B. R. 25.00. W. T. POPE Tho plans for the new - sentiments. They have sprung up like mushrooms, toltbe number of more present concerning- sanitary con- - glors in their trees. But, If the Kaplplaril ' Lah'aina school have been sent to the tors came and told folks that Lunalilo and ' than two thousand, and practically all advocate the most advanced reform dry, with no in the Western city. If mem- - nana is such a criminal in thistpar-or-y 3 R..T 45.000 loan fund commissioners The the trough was perfectly St. R measures. Their cartoons have had a great Influence in fostering the anti-dynast- all sorves me, Colonel Waring was tlcular, why did his pernicious activity proposed building is a good type of water In It, but they tore It down Judd St., 25.00 nnd anti-foreig- n feeling. As Is well known, the Chinese are governed suppress- then the officer in control of federal s0 suddenly cease during the effective structure, and the plans will probabl the same. I am in favor of Kalll ave., 18.00' by the Ifanchus, who came Into control ifi 1G44, and who have since occupied It sanitary matters. Larnach crusade under T)r. Cooper's 40.00 bo accepted. ing the mosquito, but when 'comes Punchbowl St, the high offices, and who have maintained Mnnchu banner corps, and pen- reck- At any In rehabilitation of administration? At that time I often Kalmukf? Oth 25.00 CHARLES A. SEVILLE In 1899 I to destroying property in that rate. the ave.. sioned all members of the clan. Every Manchu has been either a soldier or Memphis, Tenn.', epidemic yel- - slept without a net, yet my home was Young 18.00. was in Port Au Prince when Uncle less manner It is time tho property where St., an official, and Inireceipt of a pension from birth. To be a Manchu In Peking low claimed 487 victljns out of 'close to a banana grove of over one Sam1 was cleaning up the place after owners took a hand. fever TRENT TRUST CO. LTD. Was more of a sinecure than to be the son or nephew of an Ohio statesman in IH37 cases when that dreadful sccurge hundred plants. Washington. The common cry Indeed, it was made a veritable battle cry swept over the extreme Southern t It has beclf stated locally that the was that the Manchus were betraying the nation to the foreigners. The states in one of the preventive mosquito makes but a short flight.! newspapers and their most avid reatfers, who are the students, took up tho measures adopted was the tearing up; yet the Star, as reference to its files slogan of "rights recovery," for they point out that the government has lost "Under The Coconut Tree" of the wooden block pavements, with will show, reprinted an article by a FOR RENT , mos- - KAIMUKI, A great stretches of territory to the foreigners and has given them valuable By H. M. Ayres. which the streets of the cltv were con-- mainland physician, engaged In AT COTTAGE, mining and railway concessions. structcd. qulto wariare on the Atlantic coast BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED, COM- . Now the storm has broken. The people, sober for centuries, and now The doctors then (Ignorant of the declaring most positively that It had MANDING A VIEW OF THE HARl' suddenly drunk with new wine, have gone upon a grand spree. But they will germ-carryin- power of stegomyin been proved that mosquitoes traveled yellow fever that the the matter and therefore regretted the BOR. ALL MODERN CONVENI- probably sober up. The proved strong men are on tho side of the govern-- It's not the that over a distance of torty miles. As Is only jaundice; having to refuse the eminent sci- calopus) were just as confident ment. If the troops can be paid promptly they will loyal, Advertiser has. It as I can ENCES. $33 PER MONTH. and well remain entist's request. the source of Infection was In that (nearly remember, tho article for the Chinese soldier's version of the proverb, "Whose bread 1 eat, his song particular kind of pavement as our appeared about a year ago. Look out for the excruciatingly fun- I sing," Is "Whose bread I eat, his foes f fight." Not only Is leader- 33 uum. iUU the real Why-fritte- r local are that me uanana aiuu umo uie ouuuuii ny 'short story entitled "The Town away time on bananas? sanitarians ship with tho government (Kwang Yu Wei and Sun(Yat Sen being men; is principal breeding plaCo for our Evening Post published an excellent That Lost Its Bananas." It will sure- 0 the agitators), but the saner program of reform has been ndopted by It. Soon dangerous pest. Sacramento followed paper on mosquito wariare. in tne ly be' Written. The apple banana appears to be OFFICES the revolutionists will learu,, what Peking already knows, that the neighbor- - tho example of Memphis and tore up course of which was related the h i doomed but the Blue-fiel- d variety Is IN THE JUDD BUILDING, JANITORV - lng Power which they most dread has been making u cat's-pa- out of the tempt of certain sanitarians to drain certainly of her streets as were pave.l The Board of Health takes conceded to have chance. mill-pon- Young China movement. It is not unlikely that at any day now the designs blocks, although they, and abolish 'a owing to coin- - ELEVATOR SERVICE AND ELEC- - the' palm. With wooden of this hostile nation upon China will openly appear; and in the face of thl.s v were in perfect condition. I stood on plaints that were made about Its be TRIC LIGHTS INCLUDED. ':' was presented yes common danger the revolutionists and the government will get together to John Stlllman Fourth street, between J and K lng a favorite breefling place for mos- Who will the joke be on a year Exchange. save China's national Integrity. William T. Ellis, in Harper's Weekly. terday with twins. streets, when the portion in front of quitoes. The owner denied this and from now? Doubtless John acknowledged the fhe postoflice was ripped dp. There resisted. By a lucky accident the real GO to the wriggler, thou sluggard. well-chose- presentation with a few was a substratum of tarred gravel, source of the pest was discovered and Hawaiian. By his Incessant wriggling he has pro-voke- d words. a course of lxlJMnch ted wood the mill owner saved from ruin. . enough trouble to patchelamile. then For Associate boards, tarred, then the Another statement made on the Justice ffl also and Where sandal-woo- d used to grow tarred wooden blocks of red fir, the authority of local mosquito experts is Trust begin No child, the yeil you hear round Honolulu scandal-woo- d now interstices botween them filled with that mosquitoes do not propagate in Compan y While deploring precipitancy in the performance of public duties, ning "Give 'em the axe, tho axe, tho flourishes. " rrushe.1 travel, tarred and rolled in. brackish water. Limited come an adjacent 'especially at a time when conciliation of dissatisfied voters Is considered a axe," doesn't from A more durable, Impervious and sanl-- l A few years ago a manufacturing 023 PORT STrtKET. the slogan of a Hes khtoro pressing necessity, we feel bound, nevertheless, to direct attention to football. It is Mountain apples: Ice-crea- on a vacancy on the Supremo Court bench. Some day or other It will havo ,o sian horde of banana-slasher- s operat - trees. tilled, and it may not be too early even now to weigh the qualifications oi ing In the neighborhood. whose, availability seem upon femlnent barristers fitness and obvious. Acting The height of aggravation; theory in a spirit of eager helpfulness, "Enough of this stalk," remarked an and somewhat we respectfully Small boy to chauffeur, whoso an Inspector when he ordered the prun-lng-knl- 'submit the following names: cient car has broken down on a hill. applied t6 a banana plant 1. Theodoro Roosevelt, LL.D., of New York. "Will you please sow a button on me 2. Jennings Bryan, LL.D., over which the owner had raised a William of Nebraska. pants, mister?" Si- .3. Robert M. La Follctte, LL.D., of Wisconsin. discussion. Of the three, wo should say that Mr. Roosevelt hns the more- - quasl- - hips once- - did plainly show ijudlcial mind. It came to him as a child and has been sedulously cultivated. The banana Is a white elepliant tho Since that No longer greet the eye, f.Our recollection Is that he was not actually admitted to the bar, but was on trunk of which is causing a w,hole lot Men if really so Ihls" way to court tor examination when Fate reached out a kindly hand and of bother. wonder It's figures do not He. yanked him up to Albany to begin a career from which ho hns derived no That Sflttlo personal satisfaction. Although he has never engaged In criminal Professor Fullatax, brother of Miss practice, his intimate association In times of need with undesirable citizens. Buttlna Fullatax, whoso contributions The story Is being revived of the I'hose proper place he subsequently discovered was In tho dock, hns proven to this column are so much appreciat- lady who arrived from the Coast and f lnestimable vnlue In forming a conception of the true functions of juris- - ed, reports that up to date he has not Btopped from the steamer with a jrundence. lt is, however, ns a profound student of International law that succeeded In finding tho larvae of bunch of everlasting 'flowers In hen iUustlco Roosevelt would rank most high. His keen analysis of tho unbinding either night or day mosquitoes In tho hand. wliich Sfprce of treaties, ns exemplified particularly In the case of Colombia vs. palm casts its grateful shelter Tho official bug, Insect and parasite over this column. sleuth who watches incoming steam-,ers- , ligee ES,A. (Outlook reports, wol. xxi, pp. is universally regarded as a (j stopped tho lady and that ECipmblnatioii ot expansive logic and circumscribed exegesis such as tho world stated is never beheld. Harper's Weekly. What haven't wo got In this neck ho would havo to examine tho flowers m o' woods, anyway? for noxious Insects. If you niv tlif least bit fastidious about your dress, you . "You aro perfectly welcome to will be delighted with the beautiful new patterns. Tho Advertiser Is tho briskest lit- tho flowers," exclaimed the $1.50 $2.00 $2.50 and $3.50. X tle sheet In Honolulu theso duys. lndy, "but I don't think that you will of Solomon" t The "Odes find anything on them for they have M It Is reported that Dr. Brlgham has been dried for over two ,years." How tlie lost "Odes of Solomon" which wore not written by Solomon applied to tho Board of Health for a Whereupon tho inspector grinned u it by some one of tho earliest christians were found by Dr. Rendel Harris bannna plant which ho lntonds to sickly grin nnd handed tho lady' back fhhe form, of a Syriac her bouquot of Toggery, manuscript, after having been lost for fifteen cen havo preserved and placed In tho immortelles. Silva's Limited turies, is told by their discoverer in tho current Issuo of Harper's Weekly. Bishop Museum for the enlightenment Who was their author? That ho was a member of ono of the first bodies of of generations to come. The Board A now pest has arrived In our KING, NKAll FORT ST. ; Christians seems ovldont, for "most of the creed seems to bo Involved, put of Health la rumored to hnvo replied midst. It Is tho versifier who essays yf with with extraordinary reticence; the name of Jesus is not mentioned, nor that It could make no oxceptlon in. to rhyme banana with manana. J THE HAWAIIAN STAR. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 11, 1911. Financia mmercial emotion 1! V. iKW IN


Honolulu Stock Exchange Sales HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE. 2 STILL PURSUED; G000 TAXAS DOLL TRADING STOCK MARKET lietwenn BoHrd 15 li II Oahu SURur Co., Saturday, November 11, 1911. . $31 ; 30 do, $31 ; CO do. $31 5 do, $31 ; Ewa Plan Co 29 7ft 30.00 45 By J. A. BRECKONS. By J. A. BRECKONS. "Reports to the effect su- - The dullness and Stocks Bhowed quite u little more Pioneer, $202.50; 10 do, $802.50; T5 that the extrenfo lnarttlt. Hawaii CftS Co. . 39.30 39.75 gnr-can- crop con-wee- Hutchinson, $18.25; 101 Olaa, (Speclnl Correspondence of The Star) (Spcclnl Correspondence of The Star.) of the Texas cane belt that characterized tho exchange last activity this morning, sfiles being $5.373; Hoifokaa Sug 10.75 11 2 5 Co.. An-- ! Is Hon. IJ. & M. Co., WASHINGTON, Nov. 1. The total, WASHINGTON, November 1. unusually good are pleasing to continued throughout the week siderably greater than for some days ?20.87ii; 20 do, S 18.25 19.1 - Hutch 1' Co.... oy past $,20.874-- ; 00- Oahu- Sugar Co., $31; sugar crop ot Cuba up to September oiner bur nas ueen instuuicu ino generally as well as io just ending. Trading has boon almost and several of the stocks offered Kahuku Plan Co.. 17.00 19.0m In tho cane or going $4000 o: R. H L. 5s, $103.5O; $1000 !!0, 1911, was reported as 1,40,30" government Its effort to break u;j growers," says tho Galveston it a standstill, only a few sliaies at a considerable advance over do, McBryde Bug Co.. 0.53 6.76 Uho Daily News. selling prices. A 180 $1 13.50. tons, of which 1,403,870 have been alleged lumber trust, this time "It means prosperity for stock being sold at each session of last total of Oahu Sugar 81.00 81. U' CO Co... fiO,lS4 locally, against Lumber-an- d tho latter, It j shares were sold at the and Session Salos Ewa, $30; 10 do, exported, tons consumed the Northwestern and demonstrates to the the exchange, while the call for bonds session Onomca Sug Co... 13.50 46.38 G343 tons remaining in ae--j men's organlza-"crdln- g people that duo' of tho growing equally5 light. Droit- - between boards. . $30; $2030 McBryde 6s, $100.25; 15 stock, Association and allied Texas has been almost Olaa Sugar Co 6.25 5.87K to report Gen- - upper MIs- - agricultural propositions day Two blocks of Pioneer, one of forty-fiv- e Honokaa. $11; 10 $111. the of Consul tions of Minnesota and the Is receiving ers state that they have each been Waialao. Panuhau S P Co 23.00 L. Rogers slsslppl Valley. Is ac- encouragement. Coupled looking does tho other of ten shares; sold Notice On 9, 1911, cral James ot Havana. This the fifth with the for more activity, hut it ami November the Paia Plan Co 100.00 175.00 viola- bountiful yield Is come. at 202.50, with other bids of 205 and Prospects for the output of 1012 tion Instituted against alleged that expected thin not Offerings of stock are not' directors of tho Hawaiian Sugar Co. Pcpeekco Sug Co ICS. 60 anti-trus- - 207.C0 cnne-growln- g tors of the Sherman t law, season is a further condition that as- heavy: on hand, there Is asked.' voted n were never brighter. All the other further extra dividend of H Pioneer Mill Co... 203.50 207.60 in- and is similar to those filed agaitiBt sures a high price for tho product of very little call for 'the commodities Bwn dropped to 30, an eighth of a per share, payable November 15, 1911. sections, except Camaguey, report Wnlnlnn Alrr f!n. . 113.60 114.60 the Eastern States Hetall Lumber the cane fields. Incidentally the Texas on exchange, point, sixty shnres being sold at that Sugar Quotatrbns--90 deg. - creased acreage and ideal weather. In listed the Centrifu- WalmnnnIo s C0. 2S6.00 Dealers' Association, the Michigan Re- penitentiary system which needs the llguro. Oahu was steady at the last gals. 5.12. SS deg. Camaguey there has been a shortage Thn tntnl number nf shares of the Analysis Beets, ICa. ,,om, R T g, u Co 120.00 Association, money is to be a profit-take- r as a ".notation, 31, with sales at that price Cd. 5.51. of rain, but should there be the nor- tail Lumber Dealers' the various' stocks sold during tho week Parity, Mimml TJ, Co 11. 50 Colorado and Wyoming Lumber Deal- result of the good crop and the satis- - of 200 8l,ares- - mal rainfall during the present month amounted to 1.576, representing a value Hon. B. & M 31.00 factory figure ad- - Co. of It is more probable ers' Association and the lumber secre- at which it is expected $08,576.15, against, 1S1G-share- Hutchinson showed a vigorous October than 0f as Hawn Pino Co. . . 10.00 taries' bureau of Information, to sell. The penitentiary system is twenty-fiv- e shares of that cam- - that the cane will show almost full fourteen disposed of last, week for a total 0f'Vance, ICEOETIEPEOPLEi I'nlmnir Ilnli Co 21.EO recuperation. members of the latter organization be- engaged to 'considerable extent In pro- - 20G0 sold j 1110(Ilty being disposed of between $r,l,7l9 and shares the week C B S & Ret Co Cs 100.00 ing under criminal indictments charg- ductlon of sugar cane on state farms, tor $8G,024.37',. 13ond ')0anla at a'"l one'brokcr states This condition of the cane, when before sales (Continued from page four.) Hon Gas Co Cs.. 100.00 ing violations of tho Sherman anti- While the. growing of sugar cane can aggregateii $05,000 tliat 1,0 wl" taUo 00,1 nt a 'luarter in connection with the Increased during the week aj Hilo R Cs 100.25 no possl- - al,ov It ob- trust law, tho government alleges that not rignuuiiy claimed as a $15,000 lust week and $42,000 that quotation grinding facilities which are to bo .lKnlnst cally disappeared, although Hilo R R Ext Cs 93.C0 tho lumber trade has been unreason- mjuy oi uiversiiication for all the cot- - 1)rovious. One hundred Olaa was sold at 5.375; other served in almost every mill of eff- tue wbek .Honokaa S Co Cs. 103.00 ably restrained by illegal agreement!) ion iariucrs in tue cane belt because two blocks of Honolulu Drawing and swarms appeared nt apparently stated iciency in the island, would Indicate a A record of the Bales of various II R T & L Co Cs. 100.50 and undertakings which prevent the of Its extcnslveness of Investment and Malting, totaling Mventyflve shares, intervals. sugar output for the season of 1912 stocks during the week fs as follows: Kohala D Co Gs 100.00 consumer from buying from whom and other reasons, tho fact that the cane sold nt .20.87... A block of fifteen Not long ago, while tramping up considerably more than that ot the Oahu Sugar Co., 535 shares sold lor McBrydo Sugar Cs. 100.03 100.60 wnere he will, whlcli absolutely forbid belt of Texas is prospering will prob-- ' shares of Honokaa stood at 11 and inc Tantalus. 1 found a barrel of water largest year In Cuba's history (1910) $16,073.40, as follows: 170 at $31.25. Mutual Tel Cs 103.75 competition for trade and which have ably lead to increased acreage of this of ten sliares of Wnlalua at 114, tho that was a living mass of wrigglers. when the output slightly exceeded 3C5 at 131. Oahu R & L 103.25 divided the country into crop and consequent docreaso In the price that lias prevailed all week. on the grounds of tho Japanese florist 5s.. tons. The most optimistic 1 1 1 GO acreage ot Waialua Agricultural Co.. shares, Only $5000 just on Olaa Sugar Cs.... 04. 01.76 estimates give 2,000,000 tons as the territories. where the latter of aoniis was' disposed at the base of tho hill Hie' gives way to cane. So '.sold for ?114- - talll" $,41G. of, O. & L. 5s 103.50. dpw'n in for- Pacific S M Co Cs. . 101.00 maximum for 1912, but more conserva- The government nsks Injunctions re- it will have theso being It. at makal side. Lower the Sugar Tan-talu- Gs 101.00 somewhat tho wffoP n imiivi.i,,. Hawaiian Commercial and Vdlkikt s Pioneer Mill Co tive opinion places the'total at about straining all the defendants from con- s.im "Slocks are going," remarked ono est, on tho side of tho al Co.. ICO shares sold for $43CS.75, as Watalua Agr Co 5s 101.00 1,900,000 tons. All of (his, however, tinuing the acts of which complaint diversification, in that It will tend broker confidently this morning. "I gorge, was a truncated papala one-cro- p follows: 35 at $40, 125 at $39.75. upon con- is made. The suit is in direct charge to eliminate tho Idea, how- look or renewed activity soon and I tree holding about three quarts ot is contingent there being a Ewa Plantation Co., 130 shares sold of of Clark McKercher, special assistant ever generally instead ot in specific am firmly of the opinion that quota- water full of wrigglers. I cut this ocean across the "reef." A man of tinuance of the favorablo weather foi $391(1.25, as follows: 00 at $30.25, recent past nn entire to Attorney General Wickersham. instances. There are many thousands tions will bo considerably higher than oil at tho first Joint below tho water many years experience as a navigator the and absence 10 at $30.12Vi, (10 at $30. of hurricanes. of acres in south Texas that have they have- been fqr some time. As to dispose of them. Theso Instances in our waters assures mo that the been proven to be admirably adapted Pahang lumber Co., 10 shares, atj proof of what I say, I am In the mar of breeding places aro stated for the .currents kill in very short order land to tho growing of sugar cane. In $21.50, sold for $215.' ket fqr several stocks at an advance purpose of showing their accidental lno banana stumps somewhere on view of tho shortage of the sugar sup Kakaha Sugar Co., 10 shares, at over present prices." discovery as I was merely taking a oahu and no guarantee has been' giv SHIPPNG ply and the high price of that article $220, sold for $2200. lonely ramble. I have wandered over lou tnat tUe larvae will not thrive It Would seem to lie tho part of wis- - Hawaiian Sugar Co., 7 shares, at most of our hills and valleys and have excellently after a salt water balh. dom to employ more ot this land in $15, sold for $315. ubiquitous. Schooner Samar Sighted. DR. found the mosnulto Would it not be better to destroy" Uio the production of this crop." Hilo Railroad Co., Com., 5 shares, PERREI'S maliy of your readers At eleven o'clock this morning the Doubtless i,anllmi trecs by lire? I don't think at $8, sold for $40. have noticed that after a period of mosquitoes could survive schooner Samar, twenty-thre- e dtp's that weather, if the wind changes out from Taconia, was sighted off Hutchinson Sugar. Hantation Co.. coss aIl,i incidentally tho price ot 325 $5556.25, as fol- VOLGANO and veers to tho north, in a woo,i up gratincalio'n Diafriond Head. She has a cargo of CHURCH shares sold for TO ,Biit g0 to tho SERVOS - US.25.' few days thero is a noticeable In- or coulmit-creas- e lumber for Pearl Harbor. lows: 300 at $17, 25 at ccrtain members of tho Plantation Co., SO in mosquitoeB. The reason ls'lcC8, Luka Delayed. Paauhau Sugar Installed for the extermination Central Union Church. sold for $1125. Thanks to the strenuous efforts obvious; they aro driven down by the of and wrigglers. The schooner Luka did not leave shares, at $22.'0. bananas Announcements for Sunday: Pioneer Mill Co.. 55 shares, at matlo at the eleventh hour by the strong winds, seeking shelter en route Another suggestion to tho mosquito for Fanning Island this morning. ' 9:15 a. m. Bible school. .Mr. W. A. for $11,137.50. Public Service Association, an audi- among tho dense thickets, but finally fighters is that they stop Miller get $202.50, sold tho custom Captain was unable to li2r Bowen, superintendent. "Bosworth new Y. M. C. A. town. After a heavy McBryde Sugar Co., 5 shares. . at ence which filled the reaching tho ot many householders who allow the ready for sailing. It is now exacted Bible Young People," con- " ' for the Class for $C.75, sold' for $33.To. . . auditorium to overflowing greeted pr. rain they also appear In force, water from their ice chests to run that ' she will leave next Monday. ducted by the assistant minister. Olaa Sugar Co., 100 shares, at Frank Perret last evening at his lec- larvao aro carried down the little through a hole in the floor to tho ...... "Studies in Acts," a class for the nnu .i..n All $5.37'.., sold for $537.50. , ture on volcanoes. The audlenco w.is stieams ucveiop miu uiu .mm ground, there forming a constant Sizes to Fit Cable Address "DuTsennerg" Honouli older people. Prof. J. W. Gilmore, Honolulu Browing and Malting Co,, representative of Honolulu's thinking that afterwards lay their eggs in the )00, lu wilich a very suitable, dark, teacher. 2ii shares at $20.S7, sold for $521S,75, population, and would havo been In- water left by tho rain. breeding place for tho mosquitoes is among All Tables E. G. Duisenberg 11a. m. Church service. Sermon Honokaa, 15 shares at $11, sold for spiring to any speaker. Most of our little rivulets coated. Let tho. inspectors tako a look by the minister. "Lord's Prayer No. Tho was the hills are short lived ami stop flow- - 'Ice STOCK AND 1IOXI) IIIIOKER. $165. talk of a rather popular umiur the chests when they ni.qko h Dread for All of Us." : soon cessation of tht h MEMBER HONOLULU STOCK AND jv Bonds. . - nature, and no wonderfully scientillc lug after tho tliclr rounds, and evert they wi'l bo p.m. Endeavor meet-- i $4.50 $5.00 $5.50 $0.50 BOND EXCHANGE. 6:30 Christian $5000 Oahu Railway and Land Co. lapts or deductions wcro presented by rain. They dash turbulently overl8ri)Hsed at tht,lr discovery in many ing. , Topic: "Lives That Endure." bed, tho resulting 76 Merchant St., opposite Bishop 5:i at 103.50. Dr. Perret. His chart to show the in- boulders in their otherwise clean households, Reginald- Rath. Refer-jence- Co.'s Bank, Honolulu. Loader, Mr. $20,000 McRryde.Os at 100; $2000 at moon upon eddy scooping out a basin below the EDMUND NORRIB, Leaves, $1.25 and $1.50 , , fluence of the the rise and Matt. 7:24-25- I Cor. 3:10-15- ' ' to uesmia-Hon- , 100.25. s obit of tho lava In tho crater seemed boulder, and so down ineir I Tim-- . 6:17-19- , II Tim. Telephone 3013. P. O. Box 322. Eph. $y00 Pacific Sugar Mill at 101. leaving a series of pools in their 20c. ' ,totehtahllsh tho reverse of ocean tidal" Mats, round and oval, 5c to 2: 14-1- days, become ideal London $8500 Hilo 1901 Cs at 100. phepoiueiia to be the fact, as at full wako that, in a few 7:3Q p. m. Evening service. Ser- mosquitoes. $000 Olaa Cs at 94.25. moon, when it would bo expected that nurseries for Henry Waleifpse liusi Co.. Ltd. mon by the minister, "Our Darkest So-- I as they ex- $12,000 Kauai Railway Cs at. 09.50. tho lava 'oulil rise, tho chart showed Theso aro the conditions Assurance cial Problem." This address contln-- j tho mountains and val- $4000 Pioneer Cs nt 101. that It ebbed.' ist nil through Pen- ues the series on "The Church and Cs Oahu, and I havo found the Pearl Harbor $3000 California Ref. Co. at 100. President John W. Gilmore of tho leys of tho Changing Social Order." same on Hawaii and Maul. In addi Corporation Go. $1000 Mutual Telephone fis at College of Hawaii Introduced tho j Tho double quartet will sing at both tho innumerable pock k insula lU3.ll). tion, there are 190 YEARS IN ACTIVE BUSINESS. Hi services Sunday. cliffs, of inaccessible THE GIBRALTAR OF THE PACIFIC. Dividends. lets in the walls Tho LONDON pald,$7,COO,000 (gross) A niost cordial invitations Is extend- yit is my nrst opportunity to ten in our lava So say tho Executive Departments ot Hawn. C. & S Co., 25c, $100,000. valel..Il0llHK cavities losse", arising from con- an American an , - tho San Francisco ed in city who are not $10,-00- audlenco of American r,.,, :'...,! of vceo- the Federal Government. to all tho Onomca, 50c extra, 30c, regular, !. at- volcano." said Dr. disaster. This is a much greater We have for sale a valuable estate nected with any other church to Perret. America, tatlon usually dripping with moisture. James L. Holt ho had preluded, become, a vol- amount than paid by any other com- fronting on the Loch of Pearl tend theso services. Strangers and $150,000.-Walluku- had circumstances, It Is East Hawn. Sugar Co., $1 extra, Under these , Harbor, having a frontage of 209 feet always most canic nation through acquisition of pany, operating under a single-name- Offers some fine lots near the car lint visitors in the city aro $1, $30,000. practically impossible to exterminate at Palama at a bargain, also the balmy and a depth of 250 feet. The lot is cordially wolcome. Alaska, Hawaii and iho Philippines, pest can In this or any other conflagration, and' set with large trees and with flower- Hutchinson, 10c, $10,000. tho mosquito, although the sea-beac- h stands without a parallel lu the history homo ot the lato Adnnr.ii ing shrubs. The main house, a bunga- FIRST M. E. CHURCH. all of which had activo volcanoes. bo abated to an appreciable extent, as Beckley at Aqua Marine. low, has an entrance lanal 40x40 feet, Tho pastor will preach-bot- morn- "Tho volcanoes of Hawaii aro well former efforts have shown. But If the of Insurance. sleeping-r- SUN'S METHODS a living room 28x40 feet, eight ing and evening, choosing as his sub' known In other parts of tho world lower mountain slopes aro denuded of C. Brewer & Co., ooms, dinlngroom pass-pa- n TOO THEATRICAL Ltd. and morning worship the which havo something of samo to sup- - semi-detache- ject for tho tho vegetation, It seems reasonable AGENTS. 5 Y try, a d kitchen and two LONDON, October 28. A dispatch bath-room- guest-co- t "Strongest Aim of the Church." In phenomena and Hawaii and Italy nro then with nothing to ob HONOLULU, T. H. A commodious fro'p) Hankow says Li Yuan Heng, tho! that "Males-quarter- s now callell town-prope- r will tage with bathroom and servants' tho evening he will preach on t...... (.tnfvIiV lit WTll tho cradles of tho science struct tho winds tho -,. " is in tho same enclosure. tlc sweetness." The children of tho ituui '"'""''""" 0f volcanology." receive its usual supply of mosqui Adjoining , ,,, . ,. unang uie meu ui.n ui. .j,.., this there is another ,,,, scouieu Tll snon,er tl,0 1,CG" Ills I goes without bananas large lot on which thero ure a large ousani.au v'. - , 1 with H.n revolu- - toes, even If it Sugar 5.20c - j scrlptlvo talk illustrated by many RALPH TURNER- stable, a garago and servants' house; in tlie morning and Bing a low seiec- (ion. When asked whether tho rebels there is also a water lot 209x400 feet, tions. The choir has prepared spe- - elaborately colored vlows of Mount Beets, 16f, ' Li said assures a permanent to would mako Dr. Sun president, 6d which access ..,, f,. i,ni, enrvinpo Etna, Vesuvius, Stromboll and other IN RE BANANAS. deep water, tho whole comprising a Sun's methods are too theatrical. ,i League ..,.,,,, world-fame- volcanoes, Including ovor very natural and most complete establishment. Kl worth Editor Star: Tho Henry Waterhouse Trust Co Tho East Loch nas recently been to bo led by Mr. .lonu .Martin on mo ono hundrejl splendid views showing pertinent questions of W. II. M. THERE'S THE WEEK AT HALEIWA. , selected as the fleet anchorage ground t0I,ic, "Personal Evangelism." tho activities of Kilauea. Ayres In Tho Star ot November C io-- Members Honolulu Stock aad Bond by tho Navy Department. This is to be tho finest wcok in Kio Not by any means the least of tuo Dr. Perret. described his experien- my failuro to got nnswers to Exchange. 'V'i month as far as moonlight Is con- calls Henry Walemouse Tiusl Co., Lid. Sunday services is the Bible class for ces, at Mount Etna, whoiitwenty-foii- r questions, as indicated by FORT AND MERCHANT STS. cerned. If you enjoy good, meals, similar 1N0 men. at 1Q o'clock. More are being craters woro nctlvo. Ho then showed In rooms and good bathing Tribunes herewith. DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. every Sunday, all who comfort vlows of tho Stromboll eruption of B. KBLSEY. enrolled and ,1, ' . .. T T I I nnmn M f t . II. uu iu ko iu u.u... - conie enjoy a very pleasant hour in j1007 or tll0 OT,lUon 0f vesuvi-- Kukaiau, Hawaii, Nov. 0. 1911. F. norgan. DIFFERENCE noon iiiih wi'uk aim milium .v. James SEND A discussion of some Interesting in 190G. correspondent oncloses clip- tho The ride hack on tho train in tho Our a,ul wltu us' Hb concluded tho lecttiro with a papor mentioned tnic? moonlight is ono of the pleasantest pings from tho Hilo Stock 4 in price between copper plate Suiidajftffbbol at 9(45 a. m. is ono talk on Kilauea and his ex- signed by him. ad- igi experiences ih visit of a tourist containing iottors and The tho Hn- - type Wireless e?pteasnnt hours of the day. periences tlioro, and urged that dressed to D. S. Bowman, chief sani- Bond Broker cards and the ordinary vto Hawaii, wxiciiior you iu " (it being characterized by Tgood singing wail tako a greater Interest in this attacking his policy BANISTER. ger or kamaaina go down tills week. tary inspector, Member of Honolulu Stock aid printed card but discussion of the great wonder of tho world, and that casting Bond and a pleasant lawn. of destroying bnnanas, also Exchange, l UNIVERSITY LAST. Train takes you to tho l lesson. steps bo taken to establish a perma- up to him tho treatment ot A. a. Stock anc Bond Orders recelrt The difference, in appearance ts 9 New, Conservative, Dressy. A Shoe A cordial invitation is extended to nent observatory with a competent whoso houso and store were CA.USE FOR ALARM. Serrao, informatlon tuVnIstaod relative to for Gentlemen, Black kid, patent, tan. staff at tho crater. a vast one. t'! all. That hacking cough may appear to, burned on tho occasion of his wife's' all STOCKS and BONDS MANUFACTURERS' SHOE CO.', Lt.l It is prohablo that tho result ot tho of Mr. Kolsoy says: "Maybe. LOANS NEGOTIATED. you about own- be of no consequence, but you may bo death Let us talk to 1051 jMnui: arousc-- d by will Phono1572. P. O. Box 594 Fort St. CHANGES PENDING I do--. Interest Dr. Porrot measures, for no ono will swear naHv 1 ...... n It some tho At., I rtnnr. ' that Indicates THE BRITISH glvo great Ipipotus to tho project of Mrs. Sorrao died." The 'at-- i ' ing a coppor plate. Our work 'niiDnmnnl" nt llin nlllmnimrv SVStOm. of what NOTICE 2S.-N- OWB " LONDON. October wob'-- - having an obsorvatory at Kilauea April and May. 1910. i ins in - is enu"K tors are dated in JOlTie InSUrattCe in this department is above tho C. II. Dickey will act for mo under by Lloyds that Lord Haldnne laci iiseu with a volcanologlst In chargo. CO received alarm. Do not wait until It causos 8I1UW11IK Ulitl uiu umiuiui hwbu my power ot attorney during my ab- - replace Lqjd Loreburn as Oh HAWAII, LTD average. Will shortly you annoyance, it may be too Into tried on Hilo a long whllo ago. Ed. senco from tho Territory. Chancellor and that Rutns IS A WONDER. the Lord then, but get rid ot it' now. Chaiilbor-Iain'- s IT Star. Writes All Kind of Insurance. LYLE A. DICKEY. Lord Chief Jus-- i 9C Isaacs Is to becomo Cough Itomedy is famous for Its Chamberlain's Pain Ealin Is one of King Strcot, corner of Fort Street who tlco, succeeding Lord Alverstono, cures ot coughs and colds and one the most rcmarkahlo preparations yot SOME SUGGESTION'S. O'Neill Building. Tclophone 3529 'is Law Lord. Durup Native Heads to becomo bottle costing but a trlflo may savo produced for the rollof ot rheumatic Editor Star: Whllo I have no desire H. F. .Wichman One Salo at you any amount of troublo and o pains and for lamo back, sprains and to take n hand lu the mosquito con- YE ARTS AND CRAFTS later on. For salo by all deal bruises. Tho quick relief from pain troversy which is raging In tho news Co., Ltd. v SHOP. W. & Young Hotel Bldg. Jas. Pratt ers. Bonson, Smltlu& Co., agents for which It affords is alono worth many papers and banana patches, permit mo Loans N cost. by all deal- space It folly Make Meal Estate, Insurance, . Hawaii. times its For salo to suggosl that is lo Pinectar Leading Jewelers. CHOICE CHRISTMAS GIFTS. gotiatedl ers. Benson, Smith & Co., agents for dump tho banana trees, otc., supposed Framed and Boxed for Mailing. "PRATT," 125 Merchant St. Fine Job' Printing, Star Office. Hawaii. to hold tho mosquito babies into the Sold Everywhere 9 THE HAWAIIAN STAR. SATURDAY. KOVEMBKR 11, 1911 Church is tn Mt wmsoamlwl Imhmh--ro- mm .Vhrt, Mlaa MNrM tlwU. Mrs mWHlH tty tHo Mlin, nMHNOtl1 Xtllln N'MHtfth, M. T. K. Wall. Mrs. - by ih nsw twiMitr ami Cawm ltbrn. .lainwi Imjhriy ami Mrs. 10. F. Hob- Tho cliurtili Has hmm ititiB mt. by the iwmtit addlllon anil lulanl (lulld Is to have a laulau shifting of stmts. m that 1t0 mora which will he In o!mtn of Mrs. isfats are availahle. Charlas IhMJth. It I safe to predict 4 4 that this will be one of the most beau- The fair which has beon plunnwl by tiful lwskets. as Mrs. Boolh knows Ha different Kplscoiml rhuruhos and mis-- I how to get beautiful' and artistic SOCIAL NEWS OF THE DAY. slons In Hawair Is to take place on waiian ourhm together. Mrs. Booth Next Wednesday morning the Mom tho Cathedral grounds on tho Wednes will tin nmdmed hr Mrs. Charles Chlll- - r K. Iiir Music Club will have their mtt-la- day preceding Thanksgiving from '1 lngsworth. Mrs. Clara Smith. Mrs. meeting, which will be devoted to tinftl r, o'clock. F. I'otors, Mrs. Copp, Mrs. Caroline ' ft - List. The fair is sure to be a great sue Clark, Mrs. lllchardson, Mrs. Knrrattl, '4 tf w cess with tho united efforts of tho Mrs. Mohuula, Miss Harding and Mrs. I'erley OVER THf TEACUPS. The home of Mr. and Mrs. IhiIIob who have charge of it. Ioun. 11 U Homo at the Knmehamoha Schools St. Andrew's Is to havo u" St. Clomont's will have a doll bas- I will be thrown open Friday evening. bnskot lllled with foods from some ket, filled with all kinds of dolls, both November 17. nt 8 o'clock for n joint of the best housukcopors In Honolulu tliossed and negligee. Mrs. William "the Daughters ni, .,,., n,.,i,.mnii 11. In ImMket. . meeting of Sons and Mrs. Arthur Wall Is chairman, assist I .1 liuilll'n'i, i.iiniiiuu.1 it ...... Hn It ecr occurred: to you mat tne nnman annum ne luunracmuif of tho American llevolutlon. ed by Mrs Andrew Fuller, Mrs. W. L. I will bo assisted by Mrs. (Jardner Wil creation? S reaenlWance in feature atttl expression to that of the lower order of S4 D. H. Hitchcock, Mrs. Mrs. W. G. Southgate. Mrs. Clara If you do not Ilnd Moore, Mrs. J. der, faces In any mixed assembly and see Yale-Harvar- sup- Iook rfter the There will bo a d (). Young, Mrs. T. J. King, Mrs. 11. D. Kngllsh, Mrs. Alfred D. Smith. Mrs. this to he true. per nnd smoker at tho University Wnlbrldgo. Mrs. F. C. Miss (Continued on pago seven.) rm.. inn.,. . ia mirii- niort- trpntlp HrHffifnl with- Wit- honest Smith. 1 uai uniuij.ii... i i i ! " 24, eyes which look straight into yours, reminds you of a doer. Club on Friday ovoning, November 0:3Q. A hundred-wor- d cablo about 'There Is h man with small, deep-se- t eyes, hooked nose and protruding at chin. He keeps his hands clinched as though holding on to the limbs of a tho annual ganio has been arranged tree, and you think of a hawk. for. That quiet, patient overworked woman, so woarythat she is thankful to sit still, reminds you of an abused horse, another of similar feature, but ' visit- good-nature- M. Day. who been about her looks llko a d Mrs. E. has still show Inst signs of interest in tho affairs months, collie. ing San Francisco for a fow WE ARE SHOWING m. , - ..1. ..n.nr l..lta o t At1ni7 em.1 IntlfftlTtlff HVHf tltO tloar Is oxpected hoflio next week. little nothing that come into their realm, reminds you of a lot of bright v a or en- birds piping to each other from the branches of trees, ltttlo kittens l'rofossor and Mrs. Griffiths of Oahu A SPECIAL PURCHASE OF joying a .frolic In the sunshine. Mr. and Mrs. way re- College entertained The big over-fe- d bully with a noso like a snout, who pushes his Mr. pig. I'liurs, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lewis and gardless of others reminds you of a degenerate on gray-gree-n A. V. Judd with dinner Watch that Uttlc female with smooth, sinuous bodv. Her small and Mrs. eyes nro never fixed on anything, unless trying to attract it. lou Thursday night. A hnitsi. nnt xnlHvntB linr. fnr van will find a snake. quiet woman with a pleasant face, beaming with happiness Mr. Mrs. 13. 11. niancliard are The little over and over oach word her husband Hpealts, cooing with lovo and dovotion giving a dinner to a fow friends t. t t.ai.ino r.ortuini. . . . rprniiH the dovo in her nature. Ul'L t.i.iUIVVU VI MMU.vo, ' at tho Colonial. x,.. i. i .nr. ,n miint...... tn iiia. innvnmnnts that- ho seems iNOllCe IUB UlffB'iairii jiuii., M. 1 H afraid. His upper Hp is so long that it seems trying to cover. more than balf Guild of t. Clement's 4 14 YEARS, Ms chin. He can't help it. He's henpecked. Tho Ladles' SIZES TO a brace-lo- t group of loud talking women, each trying to interrupt the other, prosontcd Mrs. Vsborno with COUNTESS OF ROSSLYN, That a a portrait painted by Miss Evelyn and monopolize the conversation, to outspeak the others, watching for watch and Canon Usborne wllh The picture In today's issue is from the represent "Spring." The subject Is Violet, Countess of Rosslyn, at ebance to spring makes von think of cats. double thormos bottlo to carry with Wlthrow to present fre- i i .Miot .i nrnv vvnnr Slio---- - was- tho first wife of tho - hail. bPllof In animal resemblance has become so general that It is The vestry of UUlll .u.v ..y Tho a fox. Bravo thorn on their travolsi of the little l.oru lougnuurroiiBu, who uui:U iu i...v Who has not hoard "sly as and the mother n quently suggested in our language. many church havo given tho who Is now in Honolulu, painted Lady Itoss-lv- like a dog," "Snake in tho grass," "Cringing cur and tho same of Furl of Hosslyn. Miss Wlthrow, as a lion," Slinks solid gold cuff links. times, once, large in oil, and twice in pastolle. Lady Ttosslyn Is expressions? ' Canon a pair of three story book huge similar i having golden hair, with veritable may right. It is possible that reincarnation Canon and Mrs. Fsboruo leave very beautiful, reddish Buddhist friends be "violet eves and roseuudd mouth. sue requcsieu mu poimut ui oi,.,ib, correct? oar-mark-s tiger, snake, bird and dog. evidence Monday for the Is If true, are these of tho Mongolia on having fancy head representing "Autumn" on exhibition at the (.raves 75c should x seen a nast olindicative of our future condition? If of tho past, the evidence Lady Kosslyn's daughter the Rosabel of of the future, the evidence, Orient. Galleries, I'all Mall, London. ho most apparent on the face of the infant, and if to one or tne uiigiisn iieauues. most apparent on the aged. 4 4 promises become i.uj of Worth $2.00. ; will be least bo apparent on the child and "Gay some years ago, and is now the wire of Charles Jarrott. Estu we no expression of any lower animal. Do MIsb Charlotte Karl" t When wo look at children see Mrs. W. W. Hall and London. they not rather suggest angels' faces? Hall nro visiting Mrs. Hall's daughter, expression in a child s face opportunity Somotlmes one notes a hunted or pugilistic Mrs. Macontyro of College Hills, prior Mrs. Knight, Mrs. Theodore Lansing, ward to this event and tho been subjected to privation and abuse. 1Mb is work. SEE THE WINDOW DISPLAY. but only In those that have to their leaving for tho mainland In Mrs. GllTard, Mrs. Waterman, Miss of seeing this artist's menu nf acts necessarv to a by environment, and Mrs. A. 13. Davidson, '4 4 this be true our animal expression is developed tho mtddlo or December. Louise Lucas, our past condition. . oc- Mrs. C. B. Wood, Mrs. McStocker and Young Women's Christian As la an evidence of our future rather than - Their cottago m Xuuanu will bu The , .t,1Kt w ist wo have been stamp- ,,,4 cupied during the winter by Mr. and Miss Blair. sociatlon are having a lawn party at faces' o the'sT ycZs of lite, bur motives thoughts, all that writ-to- n or Mrs. A. Cooke in, "put we permitted others to. inflict are all Airs. A. H. .loncs of Minneapolis. Mrs. Davidson, Miss Blair and Mrs. tho residence Frank have Into our lives, or that Wednesday Miss) upon our faces. c w McStocker scored highest and carried next afternoon. ,,,. Tr Moyor expects present re- been shielded from care our arc jujuua ... Tho Neighborhood Bridge Club met homo the prizes. to be and no? mirror. If we ha ye so- we haOe happiness, we can not deceive the yesterday with Mrs. A. K. Davidson V v port on the expectations of the knon tnithful mirror records the look of pain .1 of sickness the chiropodies may on Lunalilo street. Those present Invitations are our. for the exhibi- ciety. "inned the look of remorse. Massage, .osmetics and ae . after all it comes don to tins were Mrs. Fred Damon. Mrs. .lames tion of pictures in the Young Hotel he p on fm e - le.-t- mav cil the outside but truth, as a null imniveiu m uia ucu,. Dougherty, Mrs. Frank Hlchur.lson next week. Everyone Is looking for The new wing of St. Clements

for Cbmnnas

. t Nothing So Easy to Send Nothing Means So Much

Our Holiday Stock is now being displayed and we invite you to visit our store and see what a superb line we have. Travel Books beautifully illustrated in color. Special Gift books illustrated by Fisher, Christy, Rackham and the other favorites. We are especially proud of our Children's Books, they range from the old classics, which are done up in attractive style, to the daintiest modern fairy tale.

Visit Our Store and the Question, "What to Give," Will be Answered . BOOKSHOP, THE CROSSROHDSLIMITED SUCCESSORS TO BROWN & LYON COMPANY, Ltd. Young Building t



POWDER Absolutely Pure Hro ony baking powder ' madofrom Royal Crapo Dream of Tartar No fllum, No Urn e Phosphate Society Continued from page six.) 6 PALOLO HILL W alter A. Wall, Mrs. L. C. Abies, Mrs. Joseph Emerson and Mrs. V. C. Pea- The homesite market is similar to the stock market in cock. of wealth, 4 lienl Estate is the source nil the fact that a good homesite has for its basic Epiphany Guild of Kuimukl will do and see the place so much talked value the sea have a. baby basket with clothing, about toys, rings and toilet articles for lit level, while stocks have Below tle people. Mrs. Will C. King Is chair , Do as the Astors did, "Buy on the fringe their par value. par stocks man and is assisted by Mrs. V. T. and wait." Uickerton, Mrs. G. W. II. Kliig, Mrs. V. cannot be burned, stolen or profitable. A. Snylor, Mrs. Chas. F.' Crane, Mrs Ileal Estate arenot Above par they pay dividends, and are in Chas. Prasler, Mrs. L. B. Thayer, Mm. destroyed. A. r . Clark and Mrs. II. Johnstone. Apply business judgment' to the purchase demand by people looking for good established investments. St. Peter's Chinese Mission will of a honiesite. have n general basket of things to in- please Chinese people. Mrs. S. T. A wise man saves his money and Likewise a good homesite is regulated by level. Kong Is chairman, assisted by Mrs. C. vests it in real estate. the sea A. Bow, Mrs. Filk Yin Chung, Mrs. A man's commercial rating is based on Philip E. K. Chang, Mrs. Leong Loy owns. When located below sea level, it is below is and Miss Jennie Kong. the real estate he par; it swampy, St. Mary's Mission at Mollilli will The men who get rich in every city tire assist at this basket. the men who buy Keal Estate and hold on stagnant, full of mosquitoes, decayed vegetation, and all St. Elizabeth's at Kalihi, a mission ' to it. of Chinese womeif and girls, will work out a beautiful Chinese tea basket. Buying real estate is more profitable such undesirable conditions to be found with property on Mrs. K. H. Couzens and Miss Mills than the inoneysliurk's five per cent a are to have cnarge and will be as- - month. sisted by the Chinese women of the the street the level, or below the level of the sea. Property located mission. As your neighbor's lot across in Two branches of junior auxiliary increases in value your lot advances are going to give a genuine Punch and value also. above sea level, is above par, and the higher and better the Judy show. The dialogue and regalia I5uy either Keal Estate or Heal Estate for this show have been recently sent mortgages and consider them your best here from London. There will be a location, the greater above par is its value in climatic con- lemonade well in charge of "Miss Mary asset. Catton, Mrs. Walter Coombs and Mrs. Whether you want it,fTor a home or an Mary von Holt, which insures the lem- investment, you can do nothing wiser. ditions, desirable surroundings, magnificent views and other onade being made well. The real estate records will show to fu- j ture generations that you once lived upon Yale-Harvar- d homesite dividend proclivities. v There will be a sup- a part of earth. per and Bmoker at the University Club and owned this on Friday evening, November 24,1911, at 0:30 o'clock. Business dress. Two dollars a plate. Every Harvard and every Yale man within reach should make it a poUit to be present. Visitors to thecity as well as local residents are welcome. MOSQUITO -- The reception given at Mills Insti- Palolo Hill Stands Above tute on Friday afternoon by Mrs. C. H. Dickey and Mrs. Arthur M. Merrill was very large in spite of the threat- ening weather. The reception rooms of the institu- FACTS tion were most tastefully decorated Par with small vines, baby maidenhair ferns, and white ginger. do not live on Palolo Hill. Miss Elizabeth Jones of Mills In- Mosquitoes stitute and Miss Kemp of Kawaihao Mosquitoes always retreat from sunshine WITH AN ELEVATION RANGING FROM 300 FEET TO 1000 FEET' ABOVE Seminary each sang during the after-noo- and breezes. IS CONSIDERABLY ABOVE PAR, AND WILL" SO Mosquitoss usually live in the land of SEA LEVEL, PALOLO HILL In the receiving line were Mrs. F. lower levels. W. Damon, Mrs. Arthur Alexander, their birth, the REMAIN UNTIL THE RETURN OF THE GLACIAL PERIOD. ABOVE PAR NOT Mosquitoes cannot wear winter clothing Mrs. Henry Alexander, Miss Collhu, ELEVATION, THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTORS TO Misses Mary, Agnes and Helen Alex- and therefore never visit Palolo Hill. ONLY IN LOCATION, AND ander, Miss Cordelia Walker, Mrs. Os- ItiU would be as A mosquito on Palolo BE CONSIDERED IN THE SELECTION OF A GOOD HOMESITE, BUT ABOVE borne and Miss Bosher. lonesome as the man in the inoon. Miss Klenora Sturgeon presided at trees CLIMATE, SCENERY , IMPROVEMENTS, SOIL, ARTESIAN WATER, the punch table. You are welcome to all the lianana PAR IN guests you find on Palolo llillr The invited were Mrs. W. D. COOL BREEZES, PURE AIR, UNOBSTRUCTED .VIEWS, BUILDING RESTRIC- AIoxander.Misses Alexander Mrs. Ar- We will give a reward to any ono finding thur C. Alexander, Mrs. Henry M. stagnant or mosquito breeding water on TIONS, PAVED STREETS, ELECTRIC LIGHTS, TELEPHONES, CITY DELIVERY, Alexander, Miss Holen Alexander, Palolo Hill. Mrs. W. F. Allen, Mrs. Itobert An- .t ADVANTAGES, AND ALL THE COMFORTS AND have seon a lnv mos- GOOD NEIGHBORS, SCHOOL drews, Mrs. Arnold, B, , Ather-ton- , Some say they Mrs. J. at night in the Miss Atherton, Mrs. Charles Ath-erto- quitoes prowling around 'CONVENIENCES THAT GO WITH A MODERN RESIDENTIAL SUCCESS. FOR Mrs. Frank Mrs. lower parts of the Kaimuki district, but Atherton, AND Simpson, Mrs. Augur, Mrs. Austin, who is it that has seen a day mosquito at A HOMESITE INVESTMENT PALOLO HILL, AT OUR PRESENT PRICES Mrs. Bishop, Mrs. Babbitt, Mrs. C. W. Kaimuki? E. ' CONSIDERABLY ABOVE PAR, AWAY ABOVE THE AVERAGE Baldwin, Mrs. D. Baldwin. Mrs. Kaimuki 's pure air, cool breezes, golden TERMS, 'STANDS Curl las, Mrs. T. A. Baldwin, Mrs. climate, and wonderful sunshine EVER SUBMITTED IN THE Mrs. W. D. soil, dry AND FAR ABOVE ANY SUBURBAN DEVELOPMENT Blake,,. Baldwin, Mrs. day mosquito, avIio dis- Beardmore, Mrs. Arthur Berg, Mrs. are repulsive to the ' ABOVE AND PAR EXCELLENCE. Blcknell, Mrs. Itobert Bond, Mrs. W. tributes a yellow liquid. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. IT IS PAR A. Howell, Mrs. Spencer Bowen, Mrs. "Who ever heard of mosquitoes hunting Willard Brown, Mrs. Barnes, Miss W. food in the high, dry, and open hill country A. Burbank, Mrs. A. L. Castle, Mrs. where they find no rest or watering places. Geo. P. Castle, Mrs. J. B. Castle, Mrs. YV. It. Castle, Mrs. T. M. Church, Miss Harriet Collins, Mrs. Ernest B. Clark, Misses Gjirter, Mrs. C. J. Campbell, Mrs. I j. B. Coan, Miss K. lteynolds, Mrs. H. C. Coloman, Miss Ermine Cros9, Mrs. U A. Coney, Mrs. A. F. I'ooke, Jllsses Cooke, Mrs. C. H. Cooke, Mrs. C. M. Cooke, Miss Allco Cooke, Mrs. C. Montague Cooko Jr., Mrs. Jtichard Cooke, MYs. J. P. Cook?, C. B. LTD. Miss Graco Cooko, Mrs. Cooper, LAND H. E. KAIMUKI Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. F. W. Damon, Mrs. Fred Damon, Mrs. T. M. Damon Mrs. Gertrude Damon, Mrs, T. ('live ' HONOLULU Branch Office: Tel. 3208 Davles, Mrs. B. F. Dillingham, Mrs. Main Office: Tel. 1659 W. F. Dillingham, Mrs. H. T. Dilling- ham, Mrs. Frank Dillingham, Mrs. F. T. Dodge, Mrs. A. A. Eborsolo, Mra. f. T. Emerson, Mrs, John P. Krilman, .11 i It E , -- ifrwjtqp 9mf w'JH"! t"

NQ KMI'.I.U II. 1911 . Hfff. THE HAWAIIAN ST R. SVITKim. : .

4 4 V Small llSijou Theater George R. Carter Probably Mr. Starrett Finds The Hawaiian Electric Co., McL 4 TONIGHT Will Go On Board of Health Farming Quite Flourishing ! Apents for 4 ef Here Is the fftattst dmonitln 4 4 'tfii power tf oiw mind ovr another. 4 s or super-- 1 IfhVughU BrIn-ell- r lie grown In large some fine crops . The pulled from the That George It Ciiiti'r will take. Tlio mm-i-no- whm .kcl nboul the That harloy run & 4 ' ' Electric i Westihghouse iiuu-Hi- tho . WHileHes Itke wtiwy. - that, although ....n..nn.u i. Ititeiidcnt It enthusiastic about 4 th tssy the nine vhchIpi! l.v James F. Mor- minor, mid ho replied i Li i nun vji im iaiu,i.,.r ...... , yet appointed grain. "Above the road I 8IIW H01U0 4 gn on thP Board of lleRlth In h Mr. Curler has nol been nnil that tho corn rained In the K'lla board, there was a probability tlnn I'oriilleldM ninl tbe Brain la as 4 Veolette strung probability. The lo the dlBtrlct of Maul Is the beet possible Mfg. Co. 4 he would be before ionic. moA m my Kruwn nnywhoro. Henna 4 hd u Interview with Governor Freer that , 4 ' ... I I .. I .n hind, Is the opinion of Market Supor-- Hg0 flourish. All the farmers soom 4 and title morning, and It li thought that l no gencrHi opinion un nc dhiviallltlii.t would he iutondeiil Starrett. who 'iclurned from to be dolus woll and to he making 4 4 pressure wb brought to hear on the Is (hat the e kommiiov 4 HPi-le- accepting an Island trip this morning. money. the returned traveler with the Idea of doing a public by 4 and 4 Olds sam- - appear on the Hoard of Health. "I brought back with mo some j "The land above the road It seen her Knot the having him Join the Board of Health. the posllinn 4 .4 Nslhlng like pies of the barley grown on the Par- - to bear bettor crops than that bolow. 4 WASHINGTON tRV. ' VWt Sf the late Hawntl," Mr. Starro't, Potatoes aro hotter this year than . ker rnnch, said 4 Greeteet Mind. NEW AtoVKRVlSs-MENTS- s 1NG HISHOP The Scout-Corn- this morning, "and you nn see for ever hoforo, the blight not troubling Wheel Co. 4 Stage. I'BRe Pelton Water RsSdlnf Act on the Health yourself what good stuff It Is. Barley so much as In former years. I was 4 Kalmukl Land Co " of that sort Is worth a lot of money surprised to see so many Binnll farm-I- n 4 Dondero , i" Islands, whore so murh n't crs and to Ilnd that thoynll aro doing . Star Contest in these Taylor Readv Imported to feed horses well. There aro all sorts of chances May Edith Brunswick Billiards 20 the uraln is tions covering the development of any hydro-electri- c project and mules. In tho Kula district, and 1 was most Everybody's Favorite Crossroads Bookshop C 4 or conn-coul- d "Hundreds of. thousantls dollars favorably impressed with . tho large or small. No let-u- p In the enthusiasm with May & Co 10 of yellow fever 4 Should another rase lie kept right here In tho Terri- - try." ' which this Young Lady is greeted lBhuid Curio Co 2 improvement 4 be reported the Central tory if large areas of land were put Mr. Starrett has received numerous nljhtly. Dlmoud & Co I8 will a few hours Committee within under barley. The Parker ranch neo- - 'letters from people on the otner "MELODIES FROM THE H. Hackfold & Co 18 Inspectors TONIGHT, have a force of volunteer goh)(? i,lcl.oago Uu)lr ncrc. .i8inmls. to whom he has sent vese- - iYee Ilon 00 14 jn.e ,0 OLD SOUTH." tn tne uom wuic.i vwn u.xaiH.uu mm, ,g tnbI(J A of tho f(inm,r8 repovt P. L. Waldron 14 k(?i nn(1 thprp n() (oubt tUat th0 seed , ovory person living in tho city, and ti coining up :n ; 14 PX1)crll-en- unloHS something ver' that the vegetables are Honolulu Gas Company make report of their nndings to the 6 unforMeen ,mI)cnS( wiif bo n stIc. f,ne style, and that more seed is Hon n & Co medical autliormes. t ne uominmee 11 " needed to onlargo the area under Empire Theater Waterhouso vompany to maintain this spe-- j FILL UP THE HOLES. . . . 4 n has been asked ,' atnr,.,t uompaay iVl, IIHU, .'nun. i... N.T3W TONIGHT! NKW TONIGHT! uonoimu AinusomHii " Clfil organization ready for duty for c. Hopp Si Cq " - have soil is to the purpose of FILLING I at least sis months, and through Vice- We a that adapted Talent arrived on the Zealandla. Arieign & uo n Presldont von Damm has promised to , . .". 13 HOLES IN YOUR LOT. It Packs well and will not Savoy Thoter do so, and to respond In full working Carriage Co 13 Harry Clair Schuman ordor In not more than three days. hollow out with time. Its a good time now to fill up. Josej!h Itoman 1 f t and city has been districted, and If B Tho Craft & Art Shop oach district placed in charge or n Toggery 4 Honolulu Construction & Draying Co., Ltd. Zara Clinton Sllva's who now has a list of volun-teors- , G director Versatlles" Jordan's secured through a post card Robinson Block, Queen Street "The 3 Present Latest American and English Furnished Itooms canvass and otherwise, sufficient to Song Successes and Clever NEWS A IN NOTSHELL visit oach residonco once a d:ty and Jjlologues. Inquire Into the health of the occu- IS! onougli Paragraphs That Give Condensed pants. Thore will bo of these inspectors to thus cover the cii Miss Clinton will give her celobratcl News of the Day. dally. In not to exceed one hour i Impersonations of jtitno. Barber Shop Is now The Silent Q comc objoct Qf thig m Tilley first- - Miss Vesta equipped with six chairs and six nrocautlonarv. to b (The London Idol.) always "next." 'tlass artists. You're ablo to 'have reported Instantly nnv iEEFSTEAKS Handsome new ltno of B. & W. nog--, case of suspicious sickness; and such Mr. Clair will present studies of Ma-- 1 llgee shirts at Sllva's Toggery. an organization at work will certain- WE HAVE PLEASURE IN STATING THAT THE BEEF JUST Albert Chevalier tcrlals are now and styles are excel-- 1 ly greatly lessen tho likelihood of nnv RECEIVED AT THIS MARKET IS THE FINEST WE HAVE HAD lont. cases of infection escaping undiscov- - IN (Tho Great London Coster Comedian) FOR SEVERAL MONTHS. THE LOINS CUT INTO STEAKS ARE uentenniais uest fiour is me most C1.e,i. nv means of mans showing ' PARTICULARLY JUICY, TENDER AND FAT. PpuInr brand S0lil ln IIawa11- - Ilcnrv0very building in the various districts, of Hughes Musical Com- - TONIGHT! TONIGHT! TfivtHTTTt - Miss Fiitzce tiuy. snubreite and chorus the May & Co., leading grocers, distrlb- wlll lt be comparatively easy for the edy Company. ulGl5. district captains to have a complete Basenaii The regular business mooting of the HtmetlGiPark pra81, ot the situatiolu young Banish artist photographer, Board of Agriculture and Forestry will , Metropolitan Market TWO GAMES. TWO GAMES. John Alfred Dump, 'who has been Meat bo held In the public lands oillce, cap- - SOCIETY spending many months on the islands. game November 12 (champion' itol, November 13, at 2 o'clock p. m. Next Mr. Bump Is most enthusiastic over W. F. HBILBRON and A. LOUIS, Propr'f. "A Few Problems Confronting tho MILLS MOVES page seven.) ship series), Hawaii ns. P. A. C. (Continued from natural beauty of tho islands and, Church" ia to bo Principal Home's the Telephone 3445. 15c, 10c (Continued from Page One.) i portraiture being his specialty, he lias Prices 3tc, 2', topic for his address at the Y. M. C. .1. Mrs. J. L. Fleming, Mrs. P. Frear, taken afforded while Kosorvcd seats for center and wings , Sunday afternoon. Tho meeting sworn, deposes and says that he is Mrs. Andrew Fuller. Mr. J. It. Gait, visiting Knudsens on Kauni to se- of grandstand can be bonked at E. 0. js at 1:30 and all men are Invited. the the plaintiff in the suit above entitled; Mrs. A. Gartley, Mrs. Gignoux, Mrs. cure several types, among them being Hall & Son's sporting department.! There will be a celebration of the B. (lifl'ard, Miss that ho has resided In tho said Terri- Krances dry, Mrs. II. the last of the men from Xuiilolo, that Entrance, King street. Holy. Communion at St. Clement's .1. tory for a period of twenty years and Gill, Mrs. "Gilbert, Mrs. A. Oilman, quaint village high on the Tickets on sale at M. A.' Ounst's church tomorrow morning at seven native is a property holder and taxpayer In Mrs. .lohn W. Oilmore. Ladles of the Q1)v bv means of a ie 1 1 cff reached roi cigar store from p. m. Saturday to o'clock, and tho new edition will o Good-- 1 tho city of Honolulu; College of Hawaii, Mrs. V. V. nl), cha,n Ja(1(le. from the sea on the 11 a., m. Sunday. consecrated by the Bishop at cloven - That tho defendants have been, by ale, Miss Goodale, Mrs. V. A. ureen- rockiest and most inaccessible side " o'clock. or this court, enjoined from committing well. Mrs A. F. Griffiths, Ladies M tho Island. Also while visiting on IN PARTNER- - New tenders for the Hanalel wharf NOTICE' OF CHANGE damage on the property of plaintiff; sOaliu College, Mrs. J. T. Gulick, Miss IlQwnli iu Ule Kau SOPtion of Naalehu ai-- being for, tho bids to be SHIP. called That Dillinehaiii.iJ"lin GuIlcK, Mrs. A. K. uurre .11 village NEW PACK defendants. Pratt. nnil :it the old native nulii of. , on 29. The first opened November J,rs- - w- - w Hall, Miss Hall, Misses and Buchbee, are as afllant is in-- Waloninlli no seculcii many pure types Notice Is hereby given that on tho lot of bids were thrown out sonio time Miss Hart, fonneil an.l lmllm'on nnil un utntou tim Hnrtwell, Mrs. Halstead, of younger generation. Cth day of November, A. D. 1011, LUM ago, as they woro considered to be tho fact to lie, laymen Inexperienced n Mrs. H. McK. Harrison, Mrs. Chester Some of the handsomest types were BLUE LABEL BRAND. Y1S13 SING, LAN SING and too high. Ll'M MrB- - sanitation and sanitary matterB, but'H""1'- - Hedemann, Mrs. Harold the picturesque village of YOUNG PACK, withdrew as partners'. Collectors of customs and others taken at Hire of an oxcltablo and hysterical castle,, Mrs. liemenway, nirs. uov,am, Walhce, nestled between tho West KWONG SING LOY COM PAN V, concerned, have been furnished with from Mini,. .Mrs. Hepuurn, Mrs. u. uowaru lllicu re- - , tnmnnrnniRiit in nresent .nil Maul mountains and the sea. on a and that said partnership 1st now com-- copies of tho president's proclamation Mrs. rind engagement, cutting and destroy- - cock, Mrs Hobdy. Mrs. Shepherd, t tH tllei.0 posed of tho follow ing persons, of neutrality with reference to the ' lng banana plants .in tills city and Warner, Mrs. Hocking, Mrs. Uolloway, Thcne lirints are valuable from the NG CHUCK, NG AH CHEW, WAI state of war hetwoen tho Kingdom of county; Irs. V. L. Hopper, Mrs. A. B. InB'iHs. !iiistUiical. scientific and artistic side. TONG and NG CHOCK. ; Italy and the empire. Mrs. Johnson, Miss Lindsay, Mrs. H. ' - That this plaintiff cannot safely go aml ho utilZC(1 many f0r All outstanding liabilities against L. B. Miller, a typewriter export, ar- to trial in said suit w'tliout tho test!- - A. Jones, Misses Jones, Mrs.. Austin I'chrlHtmas gifts to friends at a dls- - sald KWONG SING LOY COMPANY rived on the Sierra yesterday to take w. w. Mrs. u. a. 7 . ., ... . moiiy of onb Doctor W. C Gorgas. Jones, Mrs. joruan, t w, interested In island ltavo boen assumed oy u.o sum cnargo 01 ine lype.uu Jlldd, iu uiw...... - Jonlal, MrB. Agnos jlld,i, Miss llfo n'hev mnv bn seen at the Arts CnUCK, NG AH CHI: rT frnvn irnini.i.niicn nrt,v,,in,,v nn wnii ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. past has been the chief sanitary of- - Mrs. A. F. vIudd, Mrs. James Judd, a1(, Crafts Silop. tmd NG CHOCK, and all debts due j exploit tho typewriter field hero in the ficor of tho Panama Canal Zone, Cen- - Mrs. Charles Judd, Mrs. Mebalm, Mr3. said Arm are payable to tho persons Interest of tho noiseless typewriter, tral America, and who resides at An- - Laurence Judd, Mrs. J. A. Kennedy, COMBUSTIBLE AWNINGS. flemonstrating of tho ma- - last mentioned. tho advances Mrs. W. A. Kinney, Mrs. Nelson Lans-- ' con, in said Canal Zone: Right) KWONG SING LOY COMPANY, chino with the latest impriiVements. (Continued on Page That said Dr. W. C. Gorgas is the 'lng, Mrs. Lawrence, Misses Law-- j By NG AH CHEW, Manager. j M. Ii! Silvn's Hupniobilo will make an most prominent, widely known and rence, Mrs. uouert sewers, Mrs. av to remedy tb,e de- - all-da- y island trip with party of three, should learnod authority on yellow fever thur Wall, Mrs. A. iowis jr., Mrs. and- - now Stevens, and;' fects tho laws were Intended to nt ?C.OO each, the Jr., Mrs. Fanny Love, that tho circumstances and causes thereof. Alex Lindsay i tourins car' at $5,0 rertch, and I would therefore suggest rHORlTTY isevcn"iasso"Kcr a Mrs. W. A. Love, Mrs. Khon Low, Mrs. stencils BY AU your party together and call and of tho conditions of sanitary that tho orders and directions of tho Delivered in four days from the each. Get F. J. Lowrey, Mrs. L. Lowroy Jr., Mrs. Staud, back of Park nature for the prevention of the same, building inspector in relation to tho up Sllva's Auto Weaver, Miss Jennie Armstrong, 1179. and (hat said Gorgas is, also, as it is.HUen .'complied JSijSM. No. 573, theater on Chaplain St. Phone awnings in question be S laor Factory RESOLUTION said, an expert of world-wid- e reputa- - Mrs.' Macintyre, Mrs. B. L. Marx, Mrs. 847 Kaahumanu Street, Telephone 1697 Remember the llupmohile Is on hack with. Very truly yours, scientifically rolat- - J. O. Marques, 'Mrs. It. D. Mead, Mrs. tlon in all mattors FRED W. MILVKRTON, of rates, Mott-Smlt- Bo it Resolved, by the Board ed and concerning mosquitoes, more Mist, Mrs. K. A. Mrs. J. City County First Doputy City and County Supenisors of. the and or mosquito j A. McCandless. especially that species Attornoy. of Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, that known as tho "Stcgomyla or o ocor the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty roooo oooooooooo ooooooooooooooo day mosquito," which it is contended DURUP'S NATIVE HEADS, ($550.00) Dollars bo and the same Is LORN. is a means and tho only menus for No- liorehy appropriated from the General Thu Arts and Crafts are snowing BAINS At tho HUo Hospital, on transmitting and carrying from ono of J. YOU IN tho construction of a wire this coming week a most, interesting vember 10, 1011, to tho wire IF ARE INTERESTED Fund for person to anotlior the diseaso known daughter.' of the Palolo Vol-- 1 of nativo heads by tho W. Bains, a fence on both sides as yollow .fovor. collection ley Road, In tho District of Honolulu. That the testimony of the said Dr. Presented by W. C. Corgas is absolutely vital and SAMUEL C. DWIGHT, "Colonel" W. H. Knox, charged Ot S necessary for a proper determination " Supervisor. threatening language to N1SWB , with using from a scientific and proper eluclda S PERSONS IN THE nl Dated, Honolulu, T ll., October 11, ward a Hawaiian girl, was put under a - J? BASKETS tion of tho questions, niattors and ' $100 peace for 1011. a bond of to keep the thliiKs in controversy touching tho Approved this 30th day of October, months, by Judge Monsarrat this T. KLUEGEL, of r. n. uavies sx probability of all banana plants being A. M. McBRIDE arrived In the Mauna.GEO. SEE OUR LINE 1911. 1 & tne Mauna jvea. AD. morning. tho sourco of infection of a,nd for yol- Kea. Co., returned in FERN, JOSEPH J. !, Tho alternative was imprisonment low fever. Mayor. good Republican. wifo wore In- largest and complete in City on f0r two months. A That tho said Dr. "NV. C. Gorgas is D, Ei METZGER and The most assortment the , J. D. DOUGHERTY returned to town went tjle negro'8 surety. only recognized authdrlty among coming passengers from Hllo this tho in tho HUo boat. display now in our large window. American scientists who has made a morning. L FURNITURE specialty of all things . portalnlng to HI In tho HIlo boat There are: Hampers, Clothes, Office Wastepaper, Baby, sen tho disease known as yollow fever W. C, AC returned MRS. T. BLACK of Kukulhaele and thls'morning, Court Notes from Us inception to its termination. two daughtors arrived ln tho Mauna Linen, Flower, Satchel, Telescope, Dress l5uit, bp Depart- Work, Fruit Bids will called by tho deponent not. Kea. Monday Further salth ment of Public Instruction, on JAS. B. CASTLE was among tho Butcher, Knife, Refrigerator, Automobile Lunch and other next, for tho supplying of thirty teach- - After hearing the argument on the United States district Attorney Mauna Ken's arrivals. G. HENRY VICARS, manager of The and Blackboards are demurrer that raises the question of Baskets in various styles and sizes. crs' desks chairs. Breckons yosterday examined William , Emporium, Hllo, arrived ln town also required, and threo thousand federal ofllcers having Jurisdiction on C. Grhlley, George Goyer, Edward Cal- D. P, R. ISENBERG returned to town this morning. tho aro to be military reservation at Lollehua, nquare foot of articles the Georgo Litton, of Leilohua, Kea, All useful and durable and at the RIGHT,PRICE. up In with tho lahan and In tho Mauna purchased. brought connection manager Kur-tlstow- n in connection with tho Cederlot mur- t. A. G, CURTIS, of tho Over ono thousand of the "Ndnolse" euso of a Japanese named Mitsunagn, Company, der. McMnhon, accused of tho mur- MAJOR WOOTEN returned, to town Sugar Growers' tnlinlnra' nta lmv been dellVOlOd .TllcltTH Clemons yostO"tlOy IO0K 1110 passen- der, was brought to tho marshal's of- In ho Mauna Kea. Hawaii, was a Mauna Kea by contractors, and they are being matter under advisement. '1 ho ques- tho fice whero ho had a long talk with ger. to tho various schools of tho Ter- tion 1ms an Important bearing, Indi- Bent his wife. Ha www rectly, upon tho trial of Sergeant S. T. STARRETT rotumed from W. DIMOND & CO., LTD. ritory. SEARLE, Puako plantation W. of big shipment of new goods, waii and Maul this morning. JOHN C. One shipment of seats wont forward nccused of .the murdor Another 53-5- 7 King Street. stamps. manngor and Lalamllo postmastor, the Mauna Loa to Honunpo, Ha-- at Lollehua rocontly. nnd everything freo for green x 'I CARL J, GIDDINGS, an Olaa over- - was among the Mauna Kea's Ptliaro to. bdlstflhodj Call at thoshpw room? and see tho 00000X00000X)l000000XXX00x ( j ... .;.jffi,atfcj.i...... , I, u , 1 Jtxrx JRL JLAJSLJi 5S JL --xxJt SECOND SECTION


f' By the Man DR. BLUE OPPOSED WHAT THE SUFFRAGIST at the4, The Onlooker Tailor Shop TO TREE DESTRUCTION During the past sixteen war- - Honolulu lias been cursed lv a reputation for epidemic which it ilms not deserve and cannot die up to " Here, in spite of the local cat per- - and shrinkers, is one of the health-- ' f l'.ull, icst cities in all the world. According to a report of the Surgeon (ieneral W. It. FARRINGTON (signed Hulii-- of DH. IU'PEHT llLVi: tiii inter- tlie Army, it is the second most salubrious place for troops tinder the tin editorial): A controversy over Hie view!: "Must we wlic nut all th? American (lag. the first being Alaska. Yet. on the slightest occasion for destruction of a few beloved banana trees?" ' alarm, we declare ourselves and our visitors to be in tlie direst peril and plants when the destruction is recom-us- c "Not necotwarily. Vaciint lots should the word "epidemic" as carelessly as if it meant no more than the mended and ordered by trained and be cleared of weeds and rubbish, and prevalence of colds or grip. ( )n that point we are irresponsible. Never capable sanitarians appeals to one the trees that carry water in thtr , SAN FHANCISCO, Nov. 3. -S- uffragists symposium which followed the lec-- brought to think the bnllot opened a do we pause to reflect that the word "epidemic" suggests indescribable Just returning homo from tho main-thing- s leaves should bo attendpd to, of will remain Inactive In the state turcs of Prof. John Graham Brooks way more effectual and more just, to the stranger, tlie health-seekin- g tourist especially. The phrase land as absolutely ridiculous, as well course, but 1 see no reason why the) association until the return to this and Prof. Thomas Ueed at the regular though Bomewhat less exciting. "An epidemic of bubonic plague," recalls to the public mind the horrors as most should bo destroyed. They could city, of the California delegates from meetings of the Collegiate Alumnae. As the symposium progressed It was of the black deatli in mediaeval Europe, and a "cholera epidemic" raises with a solution for which . the national convention at Louisville, Tho symposium began with a refer suggested that the suffragists should a vision of a pestilence with a death's head antl a sevthe, yet what have Some men look so hard at a half have the formula and which has beet) was the news Riven out esterday at ence to tho significance of the acquisi- not expect, too much of themselves, for our vistation of these diseases really amounted to? Take the bubonic dollar that it destroys their ability to used successfully. tlie state association headquarters. tion of the ballot having occurred on women with the ballot have not plague of ten years ago! W'e had about eighty deaths in five months, soo a thousand beyond. Don t let the "What we must have first of all Ir ' In speaking of the probable work to Columbus day, one enthusiast remark brought about the millennium In other over ninety per cent, of them among thc filthv and the underfed. That little banana plant cloud tho vision of community That Is thr be taken up by tho statoj association, ing that tho day was honored more by I places, and such, achievement could was a normal death rate from tuberculosis, a disease the public thinks people who hope Hono- Jlrst requisite. It comes before the Mrs. Mary Keith stated yesterday Its second than by its first cause for; hardly be expected of the women of little about and never speaks of as being "epidemic." Our recent cholera lulu will bo in a position to make tho money question, because if the com that all possible assistance will be celebrity. California; but while speaking of mil- - visitation was a mere trille to the showing of tuberculosis in a similar most of tho opportunities that must munity Is in the right tempor and tht people' given Oregon In Its struggle for the Proceeding with the symposium lenniums, It was further suggested area of California or Florida population. And what is tlie present come its way through the develop- working together, tho mono enfranchisement of women. This is from the starting point of the acquisi that in tho effort to brilng one to this scare about thc scare which has caused so much excitement and done ment of tho Pacific, a development will be forthcoming. deemed importnnt, Mrs. Keith stated, tion of the ballot, Mrs. W. W. Dougla3, Stntc it might be well for tho suf- - somuch damage to property? What but one certified case of yel- that will bo moro rapid than history "Mosquito examination is a matter that tly western part of tho Uiiited president of tho association, called for raglsts to permit some of It to apply low fever on shipboard and one on land which seems to have bcen about has over recorded. Don't allow a mos- of drainage, watchfulness and cleanli- States may present a solid front of expressions of opinion as to what is to women, rather than concentrate all as serious as a case of dengue. Why Pasadena had a real case awhile quito or a banana plant to ruin Hono- ness. In many portions of Connecticut equal suffrago to tho Pacific Ocean now to be dono with it, and one of their attention on making the world a ago and it amounted to so little that it was forgotten in a week. No lulu, or make fools of its otherwise tho mosquito has been wiped out, not when the World's Fair exposes the tho first questions presented was as pleasant place for men harm to the public came of it ; not a dollar's wortli of property was de- sensible- - people. by cold weather, but by proper sani- W.ost to tho Oriental prejudices in the to how it is to bo adjusted to tho Berkeley Women In Line. stroyed because of it. And the case of plague at Santa Rosa was just tation. Most overyono knows of the matter of suppressing women. Hav- nntls. BERKELEY, Oct. 31. The second as light. No destruction followed ; none was needed. We burned work at Panama. Oh, no: the mos- ing liberated the women of Oregon, it It was stated by a member of the step toward the permanent organiza- $3,000,000 worth, of property, and now one very negligible fever case quito is by no moans a necessity of was stated that the California assocla-tlo- n association that in spite of tho fact tion of a civic 'club of new women has, set us crazily at work destroying each others shade. Fellow citi- life."' 22,000 purpose to will turn its attention to Nevada, that only men had voted for voters In this city, with a zens, aren't we inclined to he fools? Aren't we pop-eye- d alarmists with where, the women being few and pre-- " suffrage in San Francisco, she had al-- j study municipal, State and National asses cars and. asses' ruthless hoofs? We have noL yet learned that an sumably quite inconsequential on that ready met "83,000" who had admitted political Issues, with a view to epidemic here d, rarel touches anyone who keeps clean .and LA IT - THE FOLLETTE RMSM S5 5S PP account, the men are making but lit- believed In It. But as a' re- lightening women voters as to the wholesome, and that Honolulu, far from being a plague-spo- t, is a sana- tle resistance. suit of the discussion, It became clear issues In each campaign, was taken torium swept by thc purest of air and flooded with the most revivifying New Era League. that a gentle, sisterly and diplomatic .yesterday afternoon, when prominent sunshine. duty! - L SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 1 The handling of the nntis is to be a women of this city perfected prellm- We were worked up long in advance of this "yellow fever" ca.se EAVER workng New Era League is the ambitious title of tho suffragists, who explain their innry organization of a civic study for a tremendous scare. The Advertiser published a ghastly tale of compli-'club- , which will bo a part of tho Cen-me- MI adopted by the organization which Interest in her with tho subtle what would happen if Yellow Jack came ashore thc (lead lvinir un- - came Into existence yesterday as suc- that tho vote of every goodtral League, recently formed in San buried; half the population gone: on horror's head horrors accumulat HOCHESTER, Minn.. Oct. 31. De- KANSAS CITY. October 28. San woman claring that Ui Kollette - cessor to tho departed Club Woman's is needed. , Francisco. ing. One pedcral doctor estimated a mortality of twenty thousand. Senator is Francisco will ask that the Trans- greatest ' Franchise League. A franchise Mrs. Blanche Morse rose to say that Mrs. Blanche Morse was elected Well, we have had this fever, so it is said, and nobody is hurt but the the constructive statesman ,,,, Commercial Congress meet women now taught to purpose s. of his time, Senator Moses E. Clapp league now having no reasonable ex- must be think chairman. The sole of the innocent property-owner- We have proved once more that this is too thore ln lylr) the yenr of tho wor,d.B new organization woni-wha- t uccia-.fj.- i cuse to continue its existence, and the In terms of the ballot. And to provo is to educate healthful a place for yellow feve. or cholera, or plague, to get a start. iuiukiii iiiiiuo lue mm piiuiic Thin i tho statement made members of the Club Woman's Fran--' a now trend of thoiight it would en voters in the use of the ballot and And we have never weighed the fact that even the country whence the ration In his homo state favoring the hero by Colonel II. D. Loveland of chiso League having many reasons to be, Mrs. Morse stated that in tho to study political issues. Similar yellow fever came, suffers no real epidemic. Mcrida. in Presidential nomination ot his Wis- San Francisco. Colonel Loveland has continue tho New Era of her proselyting journey ganlzations, under the gulldlng wing Yucatan, only reports eleven cases. The cases on the west coast arc consin colleague. been appointed by the Governor of was chosen as a suitable outlet. throughout the State, before the elec- - of tho parent association in San Fran-tio- few and far between. Mexico, where there is alwavs some fever, has PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 29. A California to represent his state at she had come upon towns cisco, are to be formed all through the stnuv voto news-suffer- s The change in titlo took place where no epidemics of it. The West Indies, with fever coasts on three sides, j lnkon b' a I'ortlnnd tho congress, which meets In Kansas at a meeting 'held in tho women were holding bazars and State. no contagion. Thev haven't since thev learned civilized vavs l'amjr ou llle Popular choice for City next month. He also will repre giving to money j Suffragists who register in city ' the old headquarters of the Club concerts raise for this of living. The doctor say their people-- are immune, and 'jt I,ros,,,ont' continuing over ton sent a number of the leading organi- Woman's Franchise League, at the St. drainage systems, nnd the opinion was this winter are to be spared tho l,.rmc tr. lnrd.-- ns If. Lvitv iimn in 1 lnwnii wlu, rh.ni, n,l nll.f,.,1 days, indicates that Uobert M. !.u zations of San Francisco. an might, on page Francis Hotel, and considerable dis that oven antl bo' (Continued thlrtccii.) is also about as imifinine as he needs to be. Immunity may arise from Kolletto is the overwhelming choice Colonel Ijveland said: a of cussion preceded the selection of various causes. It ' comes to some who have had the malady and re- the Republicans of the state for "California is deeply Interested In thc Presidency Woodrow Wilson be-'- name. covered. Some forms of immunity seem to he ancestral or derivative. and several matters which will come 1 Mrs. Lillian Harris Collin, who was To others the origin is to be found in sound constitutional is strongly in tlie lead among the foro tho congress In Kansas City,' elected president of the New Era ARMY AND NAVY health, in clean lives, in ample and wholesome food, in pure air and Democrats. principally Irrigation, conservation League, when asked for an outllno of water. That was our immunity in plague times and is our immunity Tho voto came from nil parts of the and inland waterways. People always thr work contemplated, stated that now, so let us make the most of it, not the least. What does it prove to state, and 1291 were recorded. La think of California as a seacoast, but A. pamphlet ex there would be a printed (Special Correspondence of the Star.) tice General Ainsworth is about as us that squalid Hindoos or Chinese die of plague and cholera like Hies Kolletto is given 382, Hoosevelt 103 we havo very largo rivers that need fi3. .121, plaining the meaning and 'advantage) WASHINGTON Nnv. 1 Dno nf often the head of the army as It' tho in their own squalid countries. What does it not prove when the rule and Taft Wilson Rots Hryuu Improvement ns much as tho Mis- of registration to those women whothc mQst peri,tox,nK ,)robleIIls t0 chief of staff. among the same people here is to escape pestilence!' instead of dying by 199 and Clark 90. There arc scatter- souri." ob- - aro still uninformed, but the real ing votes for Harmon, Folk, Hughes Tito con-- , : which Secretary of War Stimson fell Somehow or other, past heads of the wholesale, to live and thrive. It shows that our environment and way of California delegation to tho

o.u over-feare- and gress ject oi tne existence ui her upon assum,,lt! hlB dutIes is the War Department havo not had tho life is a fortress against these d diseases even to our Asiatic others. lioro will come in a special train League will bo such education and AVASIIINGTON, Oct. 28. ;liaclflcnUon of thc War Dol,artment nerve to go up against this situation denizens, and that when e comes we may safely laugh it in Thc and will be joined at Green River. - a pos Com-mltte- preparation as will place It in Ugelf yery naturaVi ono would ex. and issue the only order that would the face while we are making a clean town cleaner. Republican Campaign Wyo., by the delegates from Oregon meet the approach - tion to successfully ppct tQ find U)o m,,tant 8I,lrlt ,n such stop lt, and should Secretary Stimson which Is pushing from Wash- and Washington. - any polltl- nomlna-statemc- of a political party when an organIzatloll( mU lt hng ,onR bcen really do it, as is now rumored ho will The attempt this morning to break the force of Mr. Goodale's '"B'c-- the campaign for tho of en- - cal creed may feel in need the ,.)lowu t,mt thonj ex,8ts a hostnlty In In the very near future, it will be about the prevalence of bananas in the mo.squitoless Panama tlon of Senator La Kolletto for tho ThanksgUing, Xmas antl New Year league. franchised services of the quartorB mnountlng to aIl worth while waiting to see what hap zone was characteristically made. Instead of asking Manager (Joodale ''residency, is arranging to meet he cards a beautiful lino can ho seen a suffrage organizations pro-soug- Wall-Nichol- s Where other amcd )oacell conimlou httvlnB poiiB. Unquestionably, tho sort of himself if he had bcen misrepresented by thc Star, thc Advertiser he- - demands from various states for Co., Ltd., King street-The- serv - have become exponents of civic notlmg to do with ngluing reai or armed truce existing between the two people unnamed who had heard .Mr. (ioodale's talk before the Passive Republican orators. aro opening up their Xmas ice, havo stated that Influence, Da- - Djr.'t and lmagInarj. enemies from without, but officers at the top Is hurtful to the Science Club and who thought they remembered expressions of 'luosts are coming from North lys. miss seeing them. x subtle- - education and other feminine ha tQ dQ wUh opposlng forct!g , service but recqgnizing tho fact that another kind. All of these nconle arc, of course, anonvmous. Am for Wisconsin. Michigan. Illinois, i vsJ ,t ts! ,l lVJ , st ,s! tsJ ttf ef- - "" ties will bo used in a de)artmont ltself both aro about equally divided In the Mr. Goodale's statement in the Star, when he was called up by the Nebraska and other states for na- and other progressives and will con- vote of both men fort to purify tho u Jg nQ gocret Uml for many ymn matter of friends In tho service, II editor of this paper and asked what he had said on the subject to the tional 8)oakcrs. The progressive trol some of tho time of Senator Cum- the Jsew and women, that from which nag been frlfeUon lletwoen will take a "bold hand sign the Social Science Club he replied that he would write it down in con- committee has fixed many dates for mins as soon as the latter Is able to sprung, frankly and Jo Era League has mjm Qmeml AlnBWorthi adjutant order placing one or the other In un- densed form and read it to us over the telephone. I te did s.o, thc matter Senators Clapp, llrlstow, Crawford take the stump. of becom- - openly avows its intention anfl of 8taff Th,B questioned supremacy. being taken down' by Daniel Logan and printed exactly as it came. Itj t i 1 .,tlr,n tVlmnrrVi O IVflVfl ' nig iiuoiiauiy ii.uuD.iu, frIctlon lllls existed ever since thore .1. A. nitECKONS. stands as Mr. Goodale's own expression about his recent observations progress, .reform and on the side of was a chiof of staff, and is not direct- Oregon Still Fit. on the zone, which is probably why a paper, notorious for "embellish- uplift. REPORTED AND OEIIED HE IS KILLED other kinds' of ed particularly against General Wood, SAN DIEGO, Oct. 2R. With 'tho ing" and misrepresenting' its own and other people's news, pre- opportunity which will pre- The first tho present chief of staff. ' 'General of the Maryland and Iluffalo, ferred lo leave Mr. Goodale out of the rejoinder and depend on anony- new feminine occu- sent itself for this Wood Is the ranking officer of tho which aro expected tp arrive Monday, mous "recollections" of a club talk. said, would the pation, Mrs. Coffin, be army, and for this reason there was all tho vessels of tho Pacific fleet Tlie essential dishonesty of the Advertiser's report of Dr. Blue's campaign of next year; Presidential some talk when ho was made chief which will tako part in tho grand re sentiments is shown by its failure to quote such language as the Doctor partisanship of-th- and by tho time the of staff that he and General Alns- - view and inspection at San Pedro noxt used to the liulletiu in an interview last night, and very likely used to required by an en- - Now Era League is worth would get along better than Wednesday are at anchor in tho har- .the morning paper; party, Mrs. Coffin tcrprlsing political Qehom Aln8W()rth ,,,d wtth B0)l)e of bor hero tonight. "Must wo wlpo out all tho trees? league will bo sufficiently , hopes the the chiefg Qf sta(f beow Wm This has been a lively day on the "Not necessarily. Vacant lots should bo cleared of weeds carry In to meet all advances with a lnstance, was bay. Tho water has fairly swarmed and rubbish, and tho trees that water thoir leaves GenorU Dni for I sqo no why of uplift that will only ally to should bo attended to, of course, but reason ranked by Qmtsml Ainsworth. and with small craft carrying visitors destroyed. Thoy could bo sprayed with a so- tho good, tho true and tho thoy should be Itself with thonj wM troUl))o betwoon tho two tho warships, especially to tho Oregon. lution for which I havo tho formula and which hns been used politics. 1 beauttfuUn fnm tfco gt!U.t Tho hitter's appearanco was tho oc- successfully." there , And in splto of the fact that Bul fron gossip ,icard army clr. casion of much favorablo comment. This is very different from the extermination program of the Ad- were those present when the matter cog u appear8 that ocneral Wood Ono high navak olllcer remarked, vertiser which, a little time ago, wanted to cut down all the fruit trees appeared to feel get-.tha- t. was discussed who ftnd Genera, Ainsworth aro not "They may say sho Is nn old battle so as to get rid of the Mediterranean fly. terras, a place for such being tho UnR aong togother nny 1)ettcr Uian ship, but she is capable of putting up A word more about Panama. Mr. Castle has remarked that recent alliance would bo somowhat difficult ot,ierS( an(J tho frlctlou continues, an awful fight." pictures of the zone show bananas about the houses; and it may be says lo locate Mrs. Coffin that tho Uoth )non aro omcer8 r al)lmy but Fleet May Go to Orient. added that, even if the great growth of the plant were confined to thc New Era League will never depart Ujq ovganlzatlon of tii0 department is LOS ANGELES, Oct. 2S. In a letter cities of the canal extremes, over which the Panama republic has juris- from its principles. sllch tllat lt tends to 1)r0moto friction today to James Slausen of tho Los diction, the absence of mosquitoes from the zone between them would Tho preparation and education of rntUor than otherwise, and lt Is on-th- e Angeles Chamber of Commerce Hear go to show that these banana tracts were not breeding many insects (it clr-th- , league will also be such as to tjre)y natural that under these e Admiral CUauncey Thomas, command-o- r and that, as mosquito-producers- they are practically immaterial. for service as delegates an- members cumstanceB It shoulil exist between of tho PacIIlc cruiser squadron, sank sovoral holes with drills in that any convention that may to national Uyo personagC8 wtn BUCn strong nounced the stay of tho fleet In San vicinity, and finally began digging require tho presence of women to WEALTH cnaracters and imiependent views, Pedro harbor would bo short. PIRATE under the ruins of tlie old fort, said desired political results. j given achieve It s now sad tiat ti,B condition No further explanation was to have been used In tho days of Jean Hut never, Mrs. Coffin stated, would havllir ueen Size,i u uy Secretary for cutting down tho stay of tho lleot Lalltte and his band of pirates. They , tho New Era League bo discovered in tho Dlogo, stimBOn( h0 plans to tako reins lioro, but advices from San FOUND TEXAS found nnd recovered a motnl chest a convention ot nnu , , stop nil now anchor, something to It for where tho fleet is at li nbout threo feet long and eighteen reactionary tendencies; after which ot tho tlmo whether or no ho will have tho that it was tho intention Inches deop. Ono of tho men said his statement It became necessary to ovor Pacific Oct. 28. Span- .'llorv0" to go ahond Is a mattor Navy Department to plnco the GALVESTON, Tex.. grandfather and othors buried the pause and explain to a member in evenly dl- - striking dis-tanc- a collection of gold nnd wI)lcll speculation Is about crulsor squadron within ish coins and treasuro whon pressed by Mexicans - - upVm , need of Immediate education tho poll- avm- Tho only thing Chlnoso coast, and for jowclry which a valuation vldod m clrclos. of tho other back In tho oarly forties. Ileal slgnlflcnnco of lc b0 dono to stop this friction is for that reason it was llkoly tho lleot of 520,000 wus placed by tho men who and reactionary. tuo Becretary of war unmistakably to would sail at tho ond of a threo-day- took possession, woro dug from un- CHOLERA IN BRITISH ARMY. Suffrage Symposium. as or Spanish fort at Annhuttc, 31. doslgnato ono or tho othor.olllcor visit lioro, cither for Honolulu der nn old HOMHAY, Octobor Thoro has ' PHQTO N It has boon romarked by obsorvors unquestionably and completely at tho Guam. a smnll settlement on Double bayou, boon a suddcii nnd virulent outbreak UNDCRWOOO UNDERWOOD. S' of clubwomen that if the ballot is ilcad 0f tho army, without gainsaying Supremacy of Forts. which empties into upper Galveston ot cholera among tho members ot tho YUAN SHIH KAI, not wisely used by the recent - 2. Ad- nddi his supromo authority. Such a condl LOS ANGELES, Nov. Hoar bay. Hoynl Scots rogimout at lie nn roe. Dur- The Viceroy who has been tho hope successively of the Mamhu govern tion to tho California electorate it Hon does not exist now. Instead of miral Chauncoy Thomas, coinmandor Threo men appeared ln the commu- ing tho twenty-fou- r hours ending this ment, tho revolutionists nnd tho I'owors, for settling China's troubles, Will not bo tho fault of tho suffragists tjio head ot fleet; W. somo dnys ago announced tho chief of staff being at of tho PacIIlc Rear Admiral nity and morning thoro woro eighteen cases, nnd a roport of whoso assassination has boon made and iontradlcttl of San Francisco, and the suffrago tho army, as a matter qf actual prac (Continued on page sixteen! themselves as oil prospectors. Thoy with live-- deaths. within a day past. THE HAWAIIAN STAR, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10 ,1911.

Everything you buy Wc use every endeavor for here is guaranteed Thanksgiving Table Talk to assist in making the quality and frehnM. Thanksgiving feast an The goods enumerated occasion for rejoicing. below have been im- This year's Thanksgiving stock of staples and delicacies comprises all Choicest goods from ported especially for the that the most ambitious housewife can desire coming holiday season. all parts of the world. A FEW SUGGESTION S Pinard Brand Chapon Roti a La Gelee (Roast STUFFED MUSHROOMS. PLUM PUD- Sweet Pickled Fruits, Sweet Cider Boiled Capon in Jelly); Poulet Roti a La Gelee (Roast DING. CURTICE BROS.' (PLEASANT Lenhardt's Candies, After Dinner Mints, Stuff- Quails, truffled DREAMS) MINCE MEAT. FRUIT CAKE. Chicken in Jelly); Whole French ed Dates and Figs, Salted Almonds, Peanuts, with Foie Gras CRANBERRY SAUCE. FANCY RAISINS. and stuffed BRANDIED FRUITS. Louis Brand Pati de Foie Gras in Jars Pecans, Assorted Nuts CALEY'S ENGLISH CRACKER BON-BON- S FOR THE TABLE.

Fresh California Fruits and OYSTERS Frozen Eastern, Vegetables in Season. Henry May & California Cocktail. LEADING GROCERS. TELEPHONE 127!

S3SEBfltt9BB7f , 'i mmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmHamimmamif - - i I c-Bre&C- P o-! II! THE FIELD OF OPERA GLftSS Bortjaminrffl1 EXCLUSIVE PATTERNS IN HANDSOME GREYS llerlalo English and American Weaves. Made to jrour order w'ii 1 IBro. and style unequalled. We Take REUTER. a father to tho child. Every after Fire and Marine By GABRIELLE KB Money ana i appeared Stomas'., Liver, g W. W. AHANA 62 Sputh KinB Street Tho ocean was a quiet sheet of pale noon nbout tea time he had IN Rlnridor Remedy. m I Insurance Agencies gray. A niorniii!; mist in her quiet little parlor to chat with Extraordinary silvery delicate Jj BLOOD PURIFIER ffl t-- hovered over the water, but as tho her and play with Kittie. How warm A sun triumphantly emerged and left and slncero was the tenderness with '53( Precautions Royal Insurance Co. of Liverpool. the sky clear and blue tho milky fog which ho told her that she had tauglit London Assurance Corporation. changed to a sea of opal. Long white him ouco more to long for a home. C streamers of foam melted upon the "And when I come back in a year?" To deliver pure milk to our Commercial Union Assurance Co. of The was mild and still; The woman with the dark skin and OIL CLOTH patrons. London. shore. air only the murmuring beat of the waves tho black curls had left her place Not only are our dairies main- Scottish Union and National Insur- vibrated softly along the wharf. near the fruit stand, and slowly ap- ance Co. of Edinburgh. For your floor go Tho promenade on tho beach wnrf proached tho lady with the child. She. to tained in a most sanitary condi- Caledonia Insurance Co. of Edin- still desortcd. An old fruit vendor too, had peered out upon the soa wiili burgh. tion, but tho milk Is all brought was getting ready her stand. A worn-in- n her black eyes. Now she stared upon W American and Foreign Marine Insur- whose stray black curls nodded tho opera glass in the lady's hand. to our central station on Sher- ance Co. complex- Again she looked out upon the sea, W TRADE MAR Q COYNE over a faco almost bronze of idan street and treated to our ion looked on indifferently as the ped- and then with eager greed upon the 0O OCNJAMIN RlMIDf CO UH I () YOUNG BUILDING. Em RIO U PAT OMICC H () electric purifying process. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. dler spread out her stock of oranges glass. Tho NOTARY PUBLIC. voIcp Cut? Wwiticn. Dvspcixw. Sour Stem-c- iand St. John's bread. Like many of "Madam," she said, forcing her Luck of Appctuc, Hun FUmra. Gai pure milk is fed from this ma- her she seemed to have drifted into an humble note, "will you kindl.v and Wind ca Stxoc)i. Dlcalod tcdin, sisters Ptini in Siom ch &ck Hed-c- chine into absolutely clean bot- A cent to grant marriage licenses to this northern port from the south. permit me?" A loud sob broke from Diziinen.Coaird Tonpit, Bilioujnni, Negotiated. La Grippe. Drtisue Fever. Chill ndt evtt, capped being Loans Real Estate lA coal wagon rumbled along tho her. "May I look through that glass Milim. Breitbooe. Kev. Tired Feins. tles and without Crivtl. Inn- - Court, Legal and Commercial Work follow- just onco?" Jiundic. Blight, Dub. pavement. Troops of laborers ko Bristol ?. BKt,-jIK?'- touched by hand. ed and girls tripped along, yawnini; "Oh, certainly," said tho lady, look- Emirwii. Hheumi&ni. Impute Your Summer Wardrobe O. P. SrofuW, Md4!..Netvoul Dwrdert. Soares land shivering, on their way to tho ing with embarrassment nt tho gaudy SlecplouKM. Rercjwrel Wormi, CoMl Room 7, Magoon Building. ' Aniem'C Condition. shops. Then a lady with a child ap little shawl draping tho voluptuous A Cr Tooic'foc Women. peared upon the scene. form and at the ragged bit of over 11.00 Mr btttl i S tor t2.50, 6 lor 5 JO at Saving Prices Honolulu To the left spread the harbor, whoso tho hair. The woman's lips trembled Hi Hejtilo. E5 do uhphal. Therefore the Usta masts and smokestacks rose spectre-lik- e and drank tho tears that streamed fiyrn ci nine Mtna ny mmuy. Dairymen's out of the mist. Walking about down her cheeks; then they opened ! BEFORE with her little daughter, tho young wo- with a happy, sensuous smile. p Honolulu Dr Liberal Installment Terms man watched the outlines grow more She had found him him who sat by definite, white her night after night in ,the dingy Association taking a policy of life Insur- the and red strlpea against basement tavern where sailors smok- ance In any otber company the black smokestacks and Ladies' Thn Sachs' E'lilding, tho tangle of cording on the sailboats. ed and gambled and nto their simple 11(0 ask to see the Clothiers BeretMia St. Phone 1542 A big schooner left the crowd of other moals. He was a gentleman, as ev- CONTRACT vessels and slowly and carefully pick- erybody could see. She adored him ed its way through tho narrow chan- hecauso ho never became drunk and In the nels of tho hnrbor until It reached tho never mado a row and had to be Screen open. Liko a phantom it proudly and bounced like other customers. He NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL calmly floated out toward- the dlstnco. had helped her with her accounts and "There there is Uncle Fred sail- her purchases and tho management of The Colonial LIFE INSURANCE COM- the place Up! ing away now!" The child cheerily with the prudence of a man pointed to the high mast on whicn and tho loyalty of a son. Sho SUPERIOR IN EACH DE- PANY OF BOSTON, MASS. v. against him as though sho the sails shone the blue back were his Besides being a precaution Grand Christm as TAIL OF MANAGEMENT. ground like snowy linen. mother and his sweetheart. She was compare many ad- against mosquito, and 'he "Will you be quiet!" whispered the attached to him with the fidelity of a the think of NOTHING LACKING. vantages It offers with those young mother, looking around with a servant. the comfort! of otber companies. Gently lady MISS JOHNSON, blush to see whether anybody had the at her side said: You'd better get your order heard fhe exclamation. She took an "Let us gtye the glass to tho girl Emma St., above Vineyard. opera glass out of the case suspended over there. She, too, seems to have in early. Castle & Cooke, from her shoulder by a strap. Her some one she loves .on board that SCREEN DOORS Regular Angers trembled as she held it to her boat." at Both stock on LIMITED eyes and peered through. She could Red, as a beet, a girl lugging a sizes hnnd. General Agents. recognize nothing, and turned the heavy market basket had breathless-- WIRE CLOTH Green, gal- - 'I screws. jly run down to the wharf. Desolately THE vanlzed and bronze. JAPANESE BAZAAR ESTABLISHED IN "Hush," whispered the mother. "1 nui umu ejes Buuyuu over me waier 1S30. see him. He Is standing against the toward the receding vessel, and she All widths. starboard, as he said he would. Tho hold her hand before her eyes to 1 137 Fort St., Below Convent, mate beside him is turning the wheel. shield them from the glare. Then BISHOP k CO, All travelers who Ho has a glass in his hnnd. He is she dropped tho basket and, pressing , and looking at us, Kittle." her clenched red hands against her Lewsrs & CooKe, have used them Hastily she drew forth a filmy little eyes, began to cry. BANK EES handkerchief and began to wave it. He "Do you want to see your sweet- K. ISOSHIMA the held his glass In his hand. Surely he heart once more?" said the lady. Limited pronounce Commercial and Travellers' could see her, standiing at the edge of "Wait; I'll adjust tho lens." But she Letters of Credit issued'on the American Bank- the wharf, slender and delicate, ini herself wanted to look through onco King St., Between Bethel and Nuanna Sts. Bank of California and the Lon- her little gray coat and tho little toque more, and when sho had done so and 177 S. King St. don Joint Stock Bank, Limited, ers' Association upon her head, girlish and yet wom- handed her the glass tho blonde little SALE BEGINS MONDAY, NOV. 6th Londoa. anly, beside the little girl, who also servant with the white cap on her Cheq- Correspondents for the Amer- Travelers' waved her tiny hands. smooth hair made an awkward RECEIVED BY LAST FOR ican Express Company, Again she held the glass to her eyes courtsey. Sho looked and uttered a THE STtMivicrt TWO WEEKS. and the most con- Thos. Cook & Son. ues that precious glass which permitted loud .shriek of Joy. Lingerie and Tailored Waists, Fall One-Piec- e Imterest allowed on her to see him once more. Sharply "Yes, there he was, leaning Suits and Raincoats. Also term and venient they have against Savings Bank Deposits. and clearly was his athletic figure out tho starboard. Just so ho had wnlted Gowns and Serges. used. lined, so well proportioned and ele- for her every morning at tho street MRS. F. S. ZEAVE gant, as If he were about to go with corner. Trustingly she smiled out 66-6- Young Bldg. Cashed nt hotels, banks, an embassy, instead of having en- upon tho vessel sailing away with her Bhops, etc., all over the world. gaged as first mate on a sailing vessel. hope into a remote future. IT IS A WONDER. Sold by That had been her impression when The opera glass changed hands Chamberlain's Pain Balm is one of Christmas Cards nd Stickers he took leave of her and she had look- among the three women. The man at most preparations yet tho remarkable Now on Display. BANK of HAWAII. Ltd. ed into his bronzed faco with the the starboard looked back at the shore produced for the relief of rheumatic A. B. & Capital and Surplus, twinkling eyes. If ho only for a mo- and at the threo unknowingly united pains and for lame back, sprains and ARI.EIGII CO., LTD. ThUrqf FftCtortvftin th. World A Hotel opposite Union. $1,000,000. ment would remove his glass, for by a bond of affection for one and bruises. The quick relief from pain dvotfd toHer1&nuracKroP jfl slio could not see his eyes, whose lov- tho same object. Howobedlently they which It affords Is alono worth many ing and faithful look cheered her had followed his Instructions! He times its cost. For sale by all deal- soul! smiled. faithful eyes wero dim- NEW GOODS" DISTANCEFROM HONOLULU: Ills ers. Benson, Smith & Co., agents for Ho had liked her child so well; bad med with tears. He wiped them away By the Wllhelmlna j? Pall Road, 32 miles; Railway, 7S miles Hawaii. The piano tui now have will he played charmingly with the little girl. as he remombered how well ho had taken in part pajment. WE RECEIVED A NEW LINE OF MILLINERY FOR Hntpl-Aiihrp- v That had inspired her with confidence. loved them all, all three, each In her horizon. The women exchanged a THE WINTER Ho was unlike others who were eager own way. Ho turned away and went smile and a nod. They would not SEASON. SEE OUR DISPLAY I uanu, Hauuia, to court tho young widow with embar- nbout his work. recognizo ench other .were they to C. (Telephone 342. A. Aubrey, Prop. be- Honolulu Music rassing attentions and flattery. Ho A distant white phantom, a dream meet again. The opera glass had Company K. Uyed AUTO FOR HIRE. had been a real friend to her, and like imago, tho ship disappeared upon tho trayed nothing. 88 KING ST. 1028 Nuuanu Street

, f. ' ' - - - . . flPI "s- - - i.i . r .;i 2 . .

An Unqualified Success Comes with a record of perfect performance among many of the most prominent business institutions in the United States. Here READ THESE CREDENTIALS : Nov. 15 f American Locomotive Company The H.-- Company says The Noiseless Typewriter installed in this Pleased to state that the Noiseless Type- is office some months ago has rendered eminent writer is giving entire satisfaction. It pleas- ing of the usual noise of the type- satisfaction. to get rid writer. In fact, the Machine has surpassed our ex- (Signed) W. C. Houck. pectations. It is substantially built, turns out Asst. to Vice-Preside- exceptional work and is an innovation in type- writer service. Company (Signed) M. K. Jones. Francis Manufacturing We have been using the Noiseless Type- William A. Rogers, Limited writer for the past six months. The noise of old machine was a great annoyance in our I am pleased to say that the Noiseless Type- our office. The action of the Noiseless Typewriter in is behaving admirably writer we have use is such an improvement, it is so beautifully and giving the very best satisfaction. Our made and works so well that we would not use stenographer is delighted with it. the old kind of machine even though they were (Signed) W. A. Jameson, furnished us for nothing. General Supt. (Signed) H. A. Francis, President.

THE TYPEWRITER PLUS THE WATE RHOUSE COM PANY. LTD. Show Rooms: 14 Queen Street Office Stangenwald Building

Army Common Law SUGAR FACTORS T0HM1SS1UN tfBUCUANTU By GEORGE L. EDMONDS. Point cadet becomes acquainted. The "The Common Law of tho Army" salute Is credited with three different AND origins. All of back j la the term applied to the myriad cus- them date into INSURANCE AGENTS. bygone centuries. Tho commonly-accepte- d toms of the service that, through AGENTS FOR origin of tho salute which is usage dating bade to tho organization used by tho soldier in greeting Ills Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Com- of Uncle Sam's fighting force and superior Is from the days of tho Bor-gia- pany. then back further into the distant When In the centuries of in- Haiku Sugar Company. centuries, in somo instances to tho trigue and assassination an Inferior Pala Plantation. days of tho Crusaders, have become entered the presence of his superior sol- Maul Agricultural Company. ns much a part of the life of the it was- - tho custom for him to ap Hawaiian Sugar Company. dier as though they had bee'n writ- proacli with his hand raised as hign I Kahuku Plantation Compony, ten into the statutes of the United as his head and the palm turned out- or ordained, signed, sealed and Cards States Postals McBryde Company. ward. By means peaceable Stickers Sugar this the Kahuku Plantation Company. countersigned by every official of gov- Intention of tho soldier toward his Kauai Railway Company. ernment from President Taft down to officer was not only signltied, but Kauai Electric Company. tho youngest adjutant that ev?r proved. Tho open palm showed to Honolua Ranch. donned a sword and aiguillette. the superior that no polnard was : & Packing Company "The 'Customs of tho Service' gov- by Boxes held Letters Haiku Fruit tho inferior. law and regulations are Kauai Fruit & Land Company. ern whero Another derivation cf tho salute is silent," says Captain .lames A. Moss, said to bo the survival of the custom m Twenty-fourt- h United States Infan- of uncovering in tho presenco of one's in Honolulu. army's authority on matters We have the largest and finest assortment try, the superior officer. In tho dnys of broad of etiquette and custom and author Wise people are making their selection now. Castle Cook a - Manual, now going to Hill iiuu btuuiiuh iiuiih-- niu iu- of the Olllcers' In was Come Early. LIMITED moval of the hat saluting an j press for Its third edition. "This code j easy matter. Then came tho great j 'custom" can only be modified by ' Honolulu, T. H. of bearskins and shakos and other i most drastic action or through tho and bepltimcd headgear of process of changing senti- tho slower eighteenth nnd early nine-- i it the latter Shipping and Com- ment. So powerful Is custom that of ilio ' teenth centuries. Tho removal legal recognition In tho receives headgear was matter of exceeding LI!"" 1 eighth article of war, tho oath admin D mission Merchants awkwardness, thcroforo tho soldier a istered to members of a court-mar- - 6UGAR FACTORS and RPMPRll made a motion .with tho right hand, U!U- - INSURANCE AGENT8. j . resting It to the sldo of his hat os Forty pages of CaptalnMoss's HOTEL STREET. OPPOSITE UNION ST. ( though to doff it. Instantly the officer of tho 'nails devoted to tho explanation acknowledged tho courtesy with a I Co. 5 In ho at lengtn Ewa Plantation service. them treats simple wave of tho hand. The act of Waialua Agricultural Co., Ltd, of the social and official ctIque,tto pre. obeisance was recognized as com- - Kohala Sugar Co. llli,.r in niinv plrcl(s nnd ill tho Apokaa Sugar Mill Co. officers of tho lllotcll Iron Works, of St. Louis. Intercourse between army boverngo. I12-- sig- in housings. Fulton suggestion as to the or-th- e Crusador's acknowledgent of tho they officers or soldiers, who appear favorite reversed stirrup Tho Weston's Centilfugals. army and their brothers in arms of Tho third with hav-mnri- cross of Christ and tho latter-da- sol- - beforo the court. nifies water, according to chemical position of tho boots signifies that the Babcock & Wilcox Boilers. y other services, the navy and '.ho Ifiln of the salute credits it Economizer. to flag or to his Whence caino tho famous army code HO therefore Is taken to mean officer's last march is ended. Green"s Fuel . Ins begun tho days of chivalry add tiler man's saluto tho Mnnv of the nolnts half-wate- Matson Navigation Co. ' utatlon, "How,"-whic- In tho Inter-- W stands for whisky, After tho body lias been committed There to bo tho suggestion of shading tho New England Mutual Life Insurant of etiquette seem strained. HOW expresses half-wat- to yo of the soldier man from the da, According to a rulo of tho service, chango of club courtesies prccedo tho thcroforo the earth it Is tho custom for a Company, of Boston. leaving ' aro little rules of calling, of hnlf-whlsk- vol-loy- Co. uenuty of tho queen of tho never put into tho regulations, an consumption of strong waters, is os and Ilio of Infantrymen to fire threo s Aetna Insurance cards, of acknowledging courtesies, "Hub National Fire Insurance Co. officer, summoned to appear ns tho much a mooted question In tho army Mahy of tho most beautiful of the over tho open grave. This Is the Co. (Hartterd which would put to shame for com- - Jousts. Citizen's Insurance beforo a court-martia- l must as tho origin of tho saluto. Threo customs of tho service aro those oldost custom of our army or of any Fire Insurance Co. plexity of usr.go tho ancient etiquette The salute performed by an offlcer accused In of ills or four explanations aro given. To which surround tho funerals ot dead other, it dates from the days of an- The Lendon Assurance Carseratlon. XIV. aro when on parade in which tho sword always appear tho uniform of tho days of Ixiuls Then 1b al- without his sword. IIo may j tho Indians of tho western plains to comrades. An officer's funeral cient Home, nnd typifies the dropping catalogued the many curious army is used dates from tho days of tho rank, but ' ways impressive. of a goncral oft tho threo of earth Into tho Today officer livings leavo it at homo or not as ho will, .whom "How" stood for tho salutation That clods nro of to tho Crusaders. tho thrlco-roponte- I usages that Interest - d Co. ' technically tin- of their palo faced friends tho most officer is ns filled with formalism ns gravo and tho "Vale Cation Neill & Cap--, bis right hand, holding tho weapon, Tho officer accused is world at large and which, until , by ' tho ho Is sup-- of the officers ascrlbo tho derivation, tho burial of an archbishop. Among Vnlo! Valo!" farewell uttered Limited bin blado uppermost, to tho level of his dor arrest; as accused mi Mn.D nronnrfii iirnchuro. had of as they 4)111 niitiil fa flnflnntml U'ttll posed to havo delivered his sword j Tho suggestion is mado that "How" tho Invariable consultants ot a sol tho friends tho doroased satisfactorily explained, Ulllll.ni.t.. rrlmi.1 null luu iw,iiv ,0 " nover been how-d- o dlor's funeral is tho ling draped upon awny from tno tomb. Engineers, Machinists, Blacksmiths sweep tho salute Is pcr- - to tho olllcor who placed him in that is nn abbreviation of "Hero's marched thc 1)lcturegmie CUBt0nis of tho army a broad and lights Tho Judge-advocat- tho pros- do." Others ascrlbo It to a corruption tho casket. If tho dead hero bo an "Taps," the bugle call for and Boilermakers pcaco tho army in war that formed. in (Jrusauor uays 1110 status. in and court, appears In of tho Somlnolo expression "Hough," officer of the mounted servlco his out, is always blown by tho trump- - First class work at reasonable rates, eye and swords were In tho form of crosses, ecutor of tho like have an attraction for tho greeting. horso Is always led tho caisson otor nftor tho firing ot tho volley. Tho straight blado was .crossed by plight, swordless, and so also does after havo aroused tho curiosity of the At- is a one. Is - counsel for tho accused It hq bo a Tho latest explanation volunteered which does duty as a hearse. This custom modern It Bowers' Merchant Patrol from tlmo immemorial. tho hilt at right nngles. Tho elova- tho ofllpcr. On tho othor hand by tho officers of tho Army and Navy tached to tho saddlo of the officer's also chavactorlstlc ot tho Amorlcan . of sword, hilt uppermost, fur brother - h? Confidential Agency Tho salute between officer and onl tlon tho And ' most Club In Washington. Is that "How" charger will always bo found his army. It was tho custom ot somo ' 1 tho members of tho court are . . . . ,. .,i m,. nn.i oniiinr-- -' in iiishnil the Crusader witn a practical Reliable Watehmen Furnisnea. i..- " " . , ,1111Ictiiious owes Its origin to tho chemical ex- boots. Theso aro lacod across Uio roglmontg during tho Mexican wir. ... . their sldo w .,,, . about wcarinK ii.,. iiuni nir er n vm v niiniiiiriii wiiu iiiiiliiia i iiiwi iiu " kwhmvw .h , 1051, P. O. Box 284. City Head- - arms, and so must all witnesses, pression of the components ot tho saddle and swung spurs to tho front (Continued of nage fourteen.) tho "rookie" or the now West kiss. There Is Uttlo difference In tho bo. quartets, Club Stables. which "T1TTS ITTCWA'tlXN ST Aft. TiAfO!05AY7MvlMnER 11, 1911. REVIVAL THE BUS NESS tH ,1 A A A A A A A A A St A ,t t A A A A A A A A A A A t A A A A A A A A A t t A A A A A A A A A A A ' ' It'ltt1it't1.itll't how-loc- k The Honolulu m "in(m j baritone olte, while Albert l.rouard the rovivnl of tho shou business Is she has a ven extenslvo repertoire black, whlto or gray. Did you ever state, with my mental faculties, ub a dancer, is in a by high-clas- s has n m the mni-- j class hlmseK 8,wi, ,j the" reopening ol the Snoy of selections will be very your dog In the house, go down ever, most remarkably awake, mnde bin siilnir ' There isn't a step that Is too dtfll- - which for several months hnB only good news to tho town, pass many through my with tor of theatrical end .uniiu iii and li music lovers of this through streets, Thoughts flash brain cult tor him. Ot the women, Mlw been open on Saturday evenings with city. from ono Bloro to another, sud- lightning llko rapidity; therefore, boBlllH tO lOOk US tllOURtl llonolulii and Phoenle Edwards will bo remembered moving pictures and amateur talent, Anothor very strong net Is that of denly fool a cold nose touch your whon Mr. Old asks me to concentrate rwlll of ilrst-clas- ns afrRtn be the Mecca the sweet singer of tho musical Tonight's bill at this open-ai- r theater Clair & Clinton, English comedy ar- hand, nnd there is your dog? Some my mind upon n certain object and fcrtlsts, thnnks to the energetic efforts comedy company that was at tho Old will be an exceptionally strong one, tists, who had a very successful open one let him out of tho house, lie describe it, with tho hundreds ot of John Henry Magoon. the hustling Orpheum some three years ago. Her only professional talent and tho best ing on Thursday eVonlug. Miss Clin dashed through ninny streets, took other Impressions crowding In upon j at contributing. A lino line or Is n gonornl manager, who has recently re- voice has lost none of Its cntrnncin? that ton pretty blonde, has a very j.tho scent, ns it were, your footsteps my mind, it is often very difficult for nowly overly sweetness during her nbsence. Miss pictures arrived has been sweet though not strong voice, i mingling my mind upon the turned from tho coast whither ho with thousands ot others, mo to center Guy, the will sure- - vioiX for this evening. yet her prepossessing stage personal- yet thq dog hoh.1 to yours; experiment "went In senrch or talent that Is class sotibrette, finally ho object nnd make the 1r lio n 1wiltnlnt linrn nu alia On Monday two big acts will bo ity gives a finished effect to her sink- you. A, were success- ftivti'ttn located Now whnt did the dog a success. and that his efforts put In additional to the plcturo ing followed has a very winning way. Her danc- oik that Is rarely seen here. do? You say, ho took tho scent und "Often when I conic In contact with ful Is shown by the acts that May who program. Edith Taylor has The Harry Clair appeared j him. ing Is much better than tho usttnl run minute located you. Now, what Is the scent' people their thoughts, and dlsposl-'Frlend- s been delighting DIJou audiences will on stage it was easily seen seen here. The chorus, eight pretty ,tho that 1 might say actions, leave Tho biggest feather In his cap was of mine, physiclnns, hnvo , 'Ions nnd appear In new songs and talkalogucs. he was a finished comedian nnd his tho securing of the Hughes Musical and clever girls, will provo a tower told mo they could toll nn Impression upon my mind almost This clever woman has a wonderful localisms aucnt the mosquitoes and the affliction Comedy Company which arrived on of strength to tho principals. They ot a patient "s vivid as though they had told ;ue run of popularity and Is surely the bnnaua tree Bhowed how cpilck wilted without looking at thorn, Nthe Sierra yesterday and will open an have all been selected after a very the patient, of course, r tHe Incident. These Impressions, Ideal of tho gallery gods. he Is and tho audience showed their being in their season the WJou Theater tryout presence. however, Instead ot being pleasant, unlimited at careful and their voices blend Veolntte. the unman with seeming appreciation by the applause that fol The physician would feel Monday night. The personnel of the harmoniously, It aro most depressing, and I try to bo ragtime or classic supernatural power, will help the an- - lowed his remarks. This versatile the condition, as It were, mentally, company Is such that will make a but would avoid them as much as possible. This selections. Their best advertisement dlence guessing In her rapid-fir- e tele- - couple who Blng, dance and appear in make his diagnosis Just favorable Impression anywhere. Each Is tho same, is my "only regret In regard to my the glorious remnrks that emanated pathy act. She will Introduce a now j witty dialogues all In ono night will and to his surprise would was personally selected by developed gift. When I come among member from tho large number of passengers figure test, tho audience writing out have a now act for Monday night. find his Impressions regarding tho "W. It. Hughes, who Is well known they seem to draw on my that arrived on the Sierra yesterday. their, own figures and she will guess The film service has been greatly uilment were correct. people musical director strength. They do hero ns tho former rnero was not n dull moment during them correctly. This will proVo to improved tho management going to a "Did you ever notice, when intro- strength nervous manager or the nijou. Pa- I might say and stage tho whole trip, thanks to tho efforts all doubting Thomas' tho genuineness very heavy expense to sccttro the best duced to a stranger, thnt your first this unconsciously that will remember energy whom trons of that theater of Director Hughes and his company" of her act. A very Interesting Inter- pictures obtainable. It Is safe to say Impression, your likes or dislikes, I give out nervous to all responsible pos- him as being the man for was a general remark heard ns the view with this wonderful woman Is that as long as tho Honolulu Amuse- wore usually correct, no matter how I come in contact with. Were It here, the best orchestra ever heard passengers were coming ashore. published elsewhere. ment 'Company continues the class of much you tried to chnnge It? Th.U sible for mo to retain this nerve and It was freely commented that super-sensitiv- The company has a repertoire of The program for Monday night at entertainment it now has for Mie first impression or Intuition, or what force, to not be and e'very man in the orchestra was an my accomplish- - nineteen plays and will give two tho Empire Is an exceptionally good coming week theroll ho no need for ,utf3.jfeijffgI, ever you want to call it, told you cor-- still retain present 1 happy." artist. changes a week. During their en- one. Madame Lloyd, an arrival by the opening opposition theaters and the rectly. Sometimes you will not caro ment, I would bo supremely The Sams' care and attention that gagement two shows will bo given Sierra, will be heard In operatic se- Honolulu public will show that It's for tho person to whom you are intro- he paid to details in the selection of Madame Lloyd, operatic soprano, CREDITORS. nightly,' tho first Btnrting at 7:1. "5 lections. She has a rich soprano voice, large enough to support three theaters duced, but that person will have cer- NOTICE TO his was in appearing at the Empire Mond ly orchestra exhibited the sharp and tho second at 8:45. The a voice that would be a drawing crowd when they put on the right class of tain attractive qualities that you like selection of the company bearing his night. ope.nlng'blll will bo "College Days," a, at the Opera House. The fact that entertainment. and you sec quite a little of each The undersigned, ns administrator name with the result that he has ns t"t t s t t t A a a snappy ono act comedy full of funny other. Finally that person develops nf tho Estntn of Worn Fook. de- - well balanced a company as wns ob- you sge its hereditary with me. ' situations with a light plot. The lat- cortaln traits you cannot bear, nnd ceased, hereby gives notice tc all pcr-yo-u tainable and for a company of its Es-flr- est songs and dances will be Intro- - After a sigh, she said: "To bo say to, yourself, how strange, tho (sons having claims against said size created tavorable comment on Of slrango, duced during the net. The following Veolette Tells Her singled out as different from time I saw that person I knew I. fate to present tho same, whether tho coast. It was while the company will be the cast: other people, oven to bo considered never learn to like him. cured or unsecured, to him, at the was playing at the American Theater Itzlk Oppenheimer Hort l.e Blanc as a freak, has been the price I ha-- "Now, you know something of thoiofllco of A. S. Humphreys, attorney, In San Francisco that Mr. Magoon, Rudolph Pumpornickle (on a visit paid for possessing an unusually unusual power or gift I possess. It 33 King street, Honolulu, within six seeing play, lnimedintely Art And Of Herself is' rafter them sensitive, nervous system. Did you e simply an unusually highly sensltlvo j months from this, tho Cth day of declded that that was the company to Stanford College) .Paul Stanhope over stop to think that though we system. I seem to feel colors ivember, 1911, or the same will be Jor-an- d for his biggest theater Immediate- Mr. Hoffman Barr (an and can see many beautiful colors, there forms without seeing them, over barred. ly started out making C. C. Lydston Veolette, overtures with after the first perform- life study of hers for when sho was are still many more Invisible to tho When I am In WONG KONG YOU, Director Hughes Harry Logan (a student) front of an nudlenco with the result, ance the night, t, that other was half sitting a mere child she wns Interested In eye, but which can, to n certain and concentrate my mind, I seem to Administrator Estate of Wong Fook, he Is now fin- Albert Leonard ( offering tho public tho and half 'ying In her dressing room the mystic, would most always be be made manifest through tho pass est show Mrs. Meadowbrook (a wealthy into a sort of Deceased. in the musical comedy lino at tho Bijou, with the perspiration alone, nnd would take to tho woods assistance of tho spectroscope? ever here. widow) Miss Phoenlo Edwards running down her face and breathing to bo away from companions, as thsy When a person sees red, there are The company of La Boll Zara Miss Frltzee Guy a consists fifteen heavily, which showed conclusively seemed to her to bo productive of perhaps 40,000 vibrations a second M persons, seven of which are princi- Birdie Miss Fritzeo Guy that she had been under a very heavy trouble; and tho secluslvcncss of the passing through tho optic nerve to m 1 pals, and eight are chorus girls. Students Of mental strain, when she was asked wilderness seemed to be in harmony the brain, and when a person sees the principals, Bert Le Blanc and Misses Stella Gray, Ford Mahr, ROAD-MAKIN- G Paul Phil for an interview. After she greeted with her very thoughts and beneficial violet there are perhaps ifi.OOO vibra- - gj PLOWING, GRADING, PRIVATE Stanhope are clever comedians and Phillips, Flo Sherlock, Ruth Tem her interviewers cordially she said, unto her probing into the unknown. uunk ,i tjuvuim iiusijiK uuuugu ur will appear in the opening bill as He- ple, Ollie Sherlock, Rose I DONE QUICKLY AND ECONOMICALLY BY Roberts, "yes, was under a very heavy men- My mother was a firm., believer in over the optic nerve. Now, if the brew and Dutch characters respec- Don Leonard. tal strain; Mr. Old worked mo rather thought transmission.' and at times, eye could properly transmit luO.Olfl tively. Their very appearance on the The act will bo produced under the hard this evening." when I wns away from home and ill, vibrations a second, what beautiful stage is an incentive to much laugh- I' . personal direction of Mr. Hughes, who In response to a question, she said and would write her that I was in additional colors we could see. It Is ter and the funny situations that con- i...in i i ... t . , ... . whllsb T289pa"e ui iuuu me orcaesira nnu win oe sho had only for tho last ten good health, and spirits, she would claimed thnt many animals seo colors M. fronts them all through the act P. POND 8 is ably assisted by Professor Miltner and years made it her business profes- write back and say that It wasn't the unknown to the human pye. What enough to drive away the blues. C. nis corps of well trained musicians. sionally, the subject of "Thought case, and would diagonse my case strange colors the cat and the owl C. Lydston Is the possessor of a rare The sincerity of the management in Transmission" has been practically a as though I was in her presence. So must see shades different from

MMMfciiLL 1IM U km 'J, .liUM mnirm.-vj.- ir attwi.Mr.n

Hughes Musical Comedy Co. of 15 Persons TWO BIG ACTS. Reopening for the Holiday Season. in all the latest comedy successes. A VERY STRONG ATTRACTION.' Opening Bill- Harry Clair and Zara Clinton May Edith Taylor "COLLEGE DAYS," in Refined Vaudeville. Popular A Snappy Show with a Light Plot. Instantaneous Success A Favorite in Catchy Songs. Comedy Galore; all the Latest Songs and Dances will be The Idol of the Gallery Gods. introduced. I Madame Lloyd Violette and Olds

Two Shows Nightly Marvelous beyond description; more mystifying acts. Intro- High Class Operatic Soprano Singer. ducing a new Figure Test, the audience writing First performance at 7:15. Second performance at 8:45. SURE TO BE A BIG HIT. THEIR OWN FIGURES. Special New Films The latest in Photo plays 1 Up to the minute Motion Pictures


- 1 Interview With your correspondent, Rlil: Our European Budget "America linn the areateit opportu- nity before her to benefit the com- merce of tho world by making the canal practically a free waterway, onl A French Koepernick Italy's Royalties. rlmrssl ix sufficient! (o tmy expenses. "Tho Suez Canal never developed The Case of Balfour--Urge- s shipping, owing to the heavy charge Reopening of G shillings a cubic ton and S shil- Low Tolls lings per passongor. England receives H $5,000,000 profit annually for her one-thir- d sharo In tho Suoz Canal, which dost $20,000,000. ' This profit PARIS, Oct. 21. Franco now has ROYAL FAMILY AT ODDS. comes froth the pockets chlofly of "Cnptnln Kopenlck." A couple of its HOME, Oct. 21. Tho nappenlngs ship owners, for whom the months ago there nrrtvcd In the town hind tho scenes of tho affnlr of the government has done nothing. of Granville In the Department of Duchess d'Aosta going to the front as! "The charging by cubic measure head of a dccld-- ; Mnnchoi a distinguished looking man, band of nurses wero prevents liners of tho Atlantic type edly interesting. The question was from going through the Suez Canal, who described himself aB M. Dura'nd llrst mooted when war was declared. 8 the space of tho saloons, corridors de Uellefond do Gourney, tho princi- Tho duchess one day mado tho re- - nnd'smoking rooms is all charged for. pal colonial administrator and direc- marlc that, as she was going to Af-- 1 The I'anama charges should l;e on the anyway, tor of high school for East Africa. rlca no one could object tocarKO carried through tho canal. TONIGHT her going as a nurse. began The stranger immediately opened She "It must bo realized that tho Pan- 'making arrangements accordingly and ama Canal never can pay commer- negotiations for tho "iirchaso of a with tho countenance of the queen, cially. T.he United States, regarding largo property in tho vicinity for who saw no pbjectton. the work as the greatest undertaking 115,000. On it, said, was he he going When the arrangements wore pretty in the World today, can divert trade open n to professional school for well on, and tho aristocratic women tlinm from nil nnris. n woll an from prospective colonial officials. As program profes- he given A special of who were to accompany her hod th ,ast hnd west coasts of 'the two k could not takp possession until Jnnu. their adhesion, she casually told her American continents if the charges bo ' ' i v v Im .iv n a nnpnifinmiln n.1 fur . li ' ...... UUUVi.u u.u , husband that she was ready to go. M nw us tn mnkn...tun ennm nrncu- - tlme being on a farm on the prop- The duke, knowing her delicate health cany free to shipping. In this case, sional talent interspersed with erty. and the horrors of war and a moving tno Suez will follow suit in less than The "colonial administra- hospital, gave perhaps a too percmp- - en years. appeared in the of Gran- matter, charged-pc- tor" streets tory refusal to consider the in the Dark Ages wo o- ville In a splendid uniform, consisting and supposed the question closed. p0 for walking on a road. Today wo the latest films arriving by the of a black tunic with collar and He ought to have known his wife spend millions in constructing bridges, sleeves heavily embroidered, with better. Sho does not love opposition. 0pen nn,i frco to nil. gold lace strapped over pat and becamo the more determined to "That is the way for tho great gov- - Sierra. A splendid show from ent leather boots and a military cap go. He stuck to his guns, when sud-- eminent of the United States to treat liberally decorated with fjold lace. On.dcnly, to break down all opposition, it ttno canal, making it a'hlghway of the festive occasions ho was finished off was publicly announced that she was world and giving American railroads - to by f?oing. This brought tho King on tho terml- start finish. a broad tricolor sash worn around water connection between their tho walBt. scene, who, busy with other matters. naigt . . I, l. 1 ..nl.l... T 41. .11...... tr. T., Twenty-lou- r Hours after his first lum "u"lu "ull"" u l" 'i"". I am sure that America will not stroll through Granville, Bellefond was represented to him that to jstop follow In tho lino of the Dark Ages, was tho lion of tho nlnce. and tho. her now, after, the announcement. but make nn advance by developing 1,0 local magnates vie with one another wo,,1(1 bo a klnd of scalul;ll; ,nlt tho now waterway for the benefit of saying ho never to be seen walkintr with him. nolle- - flas ""a"1'"11 that au natlons and charging dues making 1,1111,1 1,0 a,ul fond appointed a number of local nlIowea llls t0 forcod' it, possible for owners to send their that h0 forl,ail absollltel- - - such and tradesmen as purveyors of tho colo-- i a5- llncst liners through tho Atlantic w nial school. Ho becamo acquainted - ... 1,11,8 MISS tho W"S ott' Royal Mail, DON'T IT "8 TONIGI is that tho T with the officers of the garrison, and SC"01"? understood no,n .i , , came as near being angry with the the Lamport & Holt and the Pacific Queen as he ever does, which means are splendent uniform the guard used to steam Navigation iCompanies ar a very long distance off, but her Inter- New-Yor- turn out and render him military ranging for a joint service from So tho Italian honors. cession was fruitless. through tho canal to tho west Popular Prices troops will have their heated brows coast, then back through tho Magellan Tho other day 31. Durand do Belle-fon- d soothed by less exalted bands. York. The ships are to de Gournay was arrested. Straits to New carry passengers, refrigerating cham- - Twenty-fou- r hours' imprisonment "BALFOUR MUST GO." bers, beef and fruit, each connecting seemed to have been enough to con- Southampton, LONDON, Oct. 21 The letters II. with a Colon liner from vince the bogus colonial administra- - de- - via tho "West Indies, to Central Amer- tor the uselessness of insistence on M. G. wero said to form a cryptic ica. his plea of not guilty. He, therefore, vlco for a new organization which was .. .tn , .....1.1 Gorman, French, Swedish, Austrian declared himself ready to make a sprung on uie pu.mca. week- tlle of u, and Italian owners are also preparing complete statement. In a letter to thls - undcr "a,ne C1,lb- for the opening of the Panama ('anal. tho attorney general he says: "I am Ilal8burr - Jlt8t ns American fraternity signs require explain-sel- f getting old, since I let my-1- "0 so the mot o be caught. Am ready to tell the ' to the ""initiated, truth " or 10 Jlalsullry u" wua " i """ iu FEMNRE rimmy mo wuuu nut. The story of his previous career - that 13. M. G. meant "Bal- j turned out to bo even more fantastic ' Informed (Continued from page nine.) 5 Passenger Touring Car Go." than his last exploit. His real namo four Must , ,Erom.-th- e is Louis . . n.-- .i ...... ago, tnese uispatcnes uescnumi nuuation oi leinng iiieir irur ub-- - turdV, who has lived by his wits for nrsi i, folt nmnnir .1 section oflmnlo nmnlnvns of the County Clerk's the eight years, under va- - last and Unlonlst ,mrty wlth their leader, 'office. If the plans of City Clerk Walter nous names nas nnu tho swinuieu ngnt Balfour has been exposed to many al- J. Seaborn, chief registration deputy In AU , ien both France and abroad. gome of whlch mado u un. for this city, are carried out. one time he was head of a bogus m-- 1 pai.llalnentai.y virulence of language Where Suffrage Cause Wanes. company, a durance later broker at what thej. ,nckcil , effcctVoness. CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 1 The Learns, where he succeeded In clear-- 1 Th(j now,v fonned nalsl)ury Club is cause of suffrage Is on the wane at ing over $300,000 in eighteen months jHrcct out'como of conservative split jnndcliffc. This was proved In a sub-b- y representing himself to bo the j ()Vcr tho Lords' Veto Bill, when a stantial manner recently . by a vote official head-.take- - broker of Minister Berfeauw rolU) ot pecra an,i commoners, by the students, In which one- Ho was arrested onco in Switzerland ed by tho former Lord Chancellor, seventh of tho body favored .suffrage and escaped, and year after year Lord Wtlloughuy do Broke, Austen and another seventh opposed it. A Kg by don- - . avoided capture at Athens uuaiuuei imu aim i uiiuui, ..ww.. nmu bu.uiuu uiumovh ...... nlng a fancy uniform and declaring cJ (yinK ia th.e last ditch rather than Cnco, whilo s of the girls himself to be Consul General of f0j0w tho tactical direction of Bal-- , did not bother to cast their votes. Liberia, threatening the polico officer four nrill Lansdowno. Popular opin-- 1 Members of tho Radcllffo Woman's who presented a warrant with Inter--' 0n as to tho object aimed at by the Equal Suffrage Club, finding that tho nntional complications. Ho was ar-- new political club is crystallized in the heresy had oven invaded their own rested onco more in Salonica and es-- 1 j jr. G. motto, and thougli Halsbury jranks, and noting tho attitude of the ' caped again by swimming ashoro himself at once wrote to tho papers college body on tho "cause," decided from the vessel that was taking him deprecating the suggestion that he or! to change their namo to that of the to France.. tho club to which he had loaned, his Uadclilie Citizens' Club and to bolster Finally tho polico secured him nt name could be disloyal to tho Unionist m, their ranks by admitting members Corinth and conveyed him to Frnnie, loader, tho general public remains con-wher- of tho Consumers' Leaguo and Muni- he received a sontenco of thrco vinced tho club is but another move cipal Club. placo Austen Girls Car Will You years' imprisonment. It was on his in a game designed to Washington Perfect. AwThis Save $500 releaso that ho started organizing Chamberlain or another In Balfour's SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 20. The - his hand. of University of Washington wdnderul-organizatio- the colonial agricultural mission, dur- shoes, or at least forco girls tho OWING to (he n of the Stude baker corporation, makers of E. M. F. Cars, the enormous ing which time, arrayed in gorgeous Thero aro no indications that tho nro tho most perfect collego women, prod uction automatic machinery and the is solcl fully below uniforms, ho toured Italy, where ho 'former consummation Is llkoly to betfrom a physical standpoint, In th.3 fnctoncsthe perfc system, E. M. F. at $500 any wnq nfllrlnllv received In Rome. ' attained. Austen Chamberlain lmsnot.i-rjnt0- States". . Statistics complied by other car of equal c.icicncyj Naples, Brlndisi, and on his return tho gifts of leadership.' l.or " ii-- l the unlver; department of phys-a- l r - displayed settled in Granville. loughby do Broke latterly training, which has Just been made , any man rvho owns an E. M. F. Coma and examine the new Fore Door type yourself. considerable talent for organization, public, placo Her in tho lead with pir-liut- Ask course, is not to bo thought of fect, grades for health and grace of ROYAL CHILDREN AND WAR. ot -- Balfour, wlilio v. n 1 1 l.i .... m lrn.. l.nc in tho placo of i. jbody. 9 i too voung and Lord Halsimry aro the measurements of the oven royal nursery, and csmith Here otrated the ge, 10.2 tho King's three elder children eachi tho named 121 height, 1 . 1' T T I L' is whispered that last years; weight, pounds; Schuman Carriage ...... 1.1.IHH It HUB UWIl UJ Ul It , , lag. ll lami.t, "" In o 1. 1,1, f 11i . UOL lll hiij ...... o IIIUIIVB, puuuiurio,hnl.t..,o iompy, lllllllv titiu ,..!.. uii:auui ui ma esty supposed the , t lo one: l.n... gQ thfu, an(, B0 l)rcaiUh ,0A incheg. ' whc of chest Merchant Street, Qor. Bishop. nothing of tho war and " ' J ? . confidence that, as a witty Uroa(Un 0f waist. 8.2 inches; breadth 1 .incess.' fuU of other day was startled when jf yo anua suuuemy saui. i captain a crickot team which wasi (from front t0 back). O.'J inches; depth "Papa, aro you or are you not going J , , , ir. lli xvnrV KUIHI, iu w u. u..w...v.. 37.0 inches; girth of waist, 23.4 inches. - - "That sounds rather peremptory, BUpport 'I In- is' tins women's jury will de- - Ho stall's llml i lie need lur surh 11 tin- needs of the 1'nifed Stutes. Men praised. - my tho King. California e speakers, she contend-- 1 lertuinr- i. thai of Hditor A. A. King committee has become a necessity ha e been located in tho West by si dear," admonished s TOLLS CHICAOO, Oct. 2S. s Then, to see what was In her mind. IURGES LOW did untold good in arousing the lot the Wans News, who is charged sinco the passage of the "hi.y hua- - onlists of tlie Department of Agricul-peoplo'- ON PANAMA CANAL. do the causo more good than war are you speaking of?" indlgnntion when they spoke; with clrruhti ing in his paper obscoiui band act'' and other legislation of i ture, according to Secretary Wilson. "What Wnugh McCul- - LONDON. Oct. 21. Shipowners ncrejiinrm said Catherine in towns ahead of the campaign aud Indecent language during tho re- - like character in which women are discovory, tho Secretary declares, through tho lough today at a meeting of the legls nn.i ,h man called Mahomet." sho declare that the traffic workers. 1c6tit campaign of tho wets and drys reetly concerned. will mean a saving of ?1',000,000 a Panama Canal will depend on whether latlvo department of tho Chicago I'o lu that village. Judge Gray furthor that tho year to this country, as the replied. First Woman Jury. states heretofore ovon,ment - King, much amused, explained ho American Go After Lazy husbands, work of such ti committeo would ma- jl'ultod States hns boon spending about The - LOS ANGELES, Oct. 2S. The first that tho war between tho Crescent ogut ions 10 ip.u " torially reduce the number of divorces j that sum annually In buying Its potash - pros!-wln- lmpanolod In Lqs OUOVILI.E, Cal., Oct. 2s. The first attemptsofmto make a per- Mrs. HUzabetl. Lowe Watson, t woman Jury to ho - ami tho C o s (which was evidently charges and by in tho county. Ho states his observu from Germany. ' Augoloa county, in ('alifornlu, announcomont was made yesterday centago' on tho capital Invested, in dent of tho California Enunl Suffrago ir not lias been the failuro of hus- Secrotnry Wilson would not she M ad notUS to do Justteo of Judge drey of n plan that ho had for- lion that state Iwhlch case, they say, tho traffic Association; Miss Frances Wills and will bo sworn for duty in wives, generally exactly with the iCe latter onforcomont of bands to support their where the deposits were situ- Tehuantepec SlUp Hall-- ; Miss Ploroneo Dwight Uvo young tho Ponco Cassidy's court In Watts mulated for tho hotter l ater Prlnco Umberto, while play will go to tho In through laziness. Is ono of the chief ated. a men who did campaign work in Call-Z- o next Tuesday. laws whorein wpmon uro interested In San Rob- - way, which is now constructing sourcos of divorce. tho at addros-toblo- - county. It tho appoint sSUng owing to increase of fornh, and Mrs. McCullough Constablo Morrison was glvon the this includes h ard in a tunAioublo tracl, womon, In SPRAINS, Z mooting. namos of thirty-si- x womon to summon ment of a commlttoo of .Vmsinoss. , j8ed tho RICH PQTASH DEPOSITS mako-u-p sections of Sprains require csretul ' trying! M. 0.. Mrs MoCuIIough compl monted tho for Jury sorvico, and Ms return to the whose the various "Ko, Mafalda, you'ro a Turli Sir Owon Phillips, K. f. DISCOVERED IN Keep quiet apply on glvou tho court showed the wqmon of San the eounty will be represented, whose WEST and Chamberlain's of tho Royal Mail Steam ; mon of California tho aid that i to B0 in and I am a bravo Italian chairman duty will be to receive complaints Pain Balm freely, t will reu)Ove the Company. BIdor, Dompster & suffrage wurkora. Antonio township fairly fell over each it soldier.. Why don't you fall down? I ,Packot eagernessxtoasoertntn from women rolatlve to the soreness rod quickly vstor Ui9 parts Lamport & Holt Lino and "It was nothing new to me to Boe other In tliolr if have killed you!" How it was done Co.. and tho law to apprlso WASHINGTON. Qotobar 81, Rich to healthy cojidiUon, Far by all Navlgn- - womon work for suffrago," sho said. tholr names wore on the vonlro. Not of the and wis M-- t Mnfnidn'a nblee- - ilirector of tho Pacific Steam i.f one objection was filed by tho wquwji tUo District Attornoy'a omoa ot Uia potash deposits, said to contain more dealers, Densoii, Smith &(Jot) iut tions were decided,y farfUl and tho'tion Company, who ' onough of this substanco to sup- - for Ilawall. ' " . facts in the ease. than on bihppiub. i. ,.w., 8" served. gamo stopped suddenly. loading auuiomy l.L6.u p H1 'F,'. "iiiii i .m inn niii mi p..i JMiw.jpj HP , rOUHTIttfiN THE flAWAIIAN STAR, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 111. - H?, r m: 4& tUmlly and its flavor to Inildlous that fUUto i a the victim U tumble to renllxo hi v yussiiisiyii num. man ab.ou.ie oblivion con- jm m jvlx final iw MR m I hA fronts htm. M " " ' 8 Tiie Ninth infantry, tho only Anur MJ KftBgUgft' " II 8 ill WW lean regiment to aeo service In China 1H it. rr:!ij na during tho Hoxor uprising, and the a B tKyv A (Continued from jmne eleven.) Seventh Cavalry. Custer's old regi- feVfllUmUb lT . ment, 'are the only regiments or the WAHHP It It wus adopted at West Point In 1S40. United States army which lay claim Us llrRt official recognition ns an to a distinction for Individual and We arc talking about Ayer's army custom is described by Captain conspicuous service ns ruglmont.il Hair Vigor. Just note that word Moss in the following paragraph: untitles. Whereas every llritlsh and 'During the peninsular campaign In most of the continental regiments "Ayer's." You are perfectly 1S02 a soldier of Tldball's flattery A' havo their own traditional nuiRlr, safe with it. No harm to you or of tiie Second Artillery was burled (it their own reglmontnl tunes, tho nrmy to your hair. Makes the hair a time whpu tho battery occupied an of tho United States has never ovon grow? It certainly does. Stops advanced position concoalud In tho developed these little ceremonial woods. It was ttnsafo to lire tho cus- excep- falling hair, too. Remember, it's tunes. This is true with tho tomary three rounds over tho grave, tion of tho Seventh and the Tenth "Ayer's " we are talking about. on account of tho proximity of (ho Cavalry. The old Custer command Ask your doctor about your hair enemy, and It occurred to Captain has used "Garryowon" for its trot and about Ayer's Hair Vigor. Tldball that "Taps" would bo tho past music from time Immemorial, most appropriate corotnofiy that could Get his approval. Your own and tho Tenth, the "'Illnck Hussars be substituted. Tho custom thus or- of San Juan Hill," play "There'll tic doctor and "Ayer's" make a iginated was taken u.n throughout tho a Hot Time In the Old Town Tonight" strong combination. It means Army of tho Potomac and was finally when they pass in review. faith, confidence, satisfaction. confirmed by orders." "The "honors to the colors" are a There is no other call so beautiful, part of the custom of the service. so significant, ns tho sweet walling Most of these honors are today em- Ayer's Hair Vigor notes of "Taps." Llko all the famil- bodied in the regulations, still a few iar bugle calls of tho army it has Its of them are unwritten and therefore DOES NOT COLOR THE HAIR lines. They aro: more rigid In their observance. "Fades the light; It Is not obligatory officers TnM'ti by Or. I, C, Ayr & Co lowill, Mm., U.S. A. that or And afar men unco er to the ordinary regimen- Goeth day, flag FRATERNAL MEETINGS. tal garrison or to tho Cometh night; Stars and Srtpcs that files over head And a star quarters. The post or regimental-color- s HONOLULU LODGE NO 616, Leadeth all are, on tho other hand, accord- - U. P. O. ELKS. To their rest." ed ovcry honor. When on parade or Meets In their nail ou King street In contradistinction to tho senti- at reviews the colors pass the review- Ask Your Grocer for oienlng. Visit- - It near Tort, ovcry Friday mental beauty of taps comes tho riot- ing patty for the first time they are tag Brothers arc cordially Invited to ous frollcsomoncss of tho morning accorded tho 'conventional sword to fttten& awakening of Reveille. This is tho regulation. Tho I'AUL U. ISENDEHG, E. It. "I can't get 'em up, I can't got 'oni socond time, however, that the col- HH5ESESESHJiES252SHSESH5HS25SS252SES5 GEO. T. KLUEGEL, Sec'y. up, I can't get 'cm up In tho ors pass the commander it is the cus- morning; tom for every member of tho review- TIIE WORK OF EXTERMINATING I can't got 'em up. I can't get 'cm up, ing party from the commander down I can't got 'em up at all; to uncover. !F YOB WISH TO ADVERTISE Corporals worse than tho private; Another army custom Is that the rih;wtf!-'Ar-'fci:a- e in Sergeants worse than tho corp-rals- : colors of the regiment, the standard AKYWIlb'Rf. AT ANYTIMfl V to Lieutenants worse than tho ser- of a cavalry squadron, or the garrison Interest I, t.cii on or Write f Mosqnitoes V, rt CI ntimin fnnnnmtnntl r n TUT ml t! geants; flag shall never touch the ground. And tho captains tho worst of them When retreat has sounded and to Sai.sonio Street J tho tut all." droning notes of "Tho Star Spangled would be done with greater ease if you are shod in J BAN FBAKC'.SCO, CALIF. Somo nrmy wag with a supremo nannor" the flag descends from its You contompt for tho army commissary staff, tiie color, guard stands ready to and a hunger for homo cooking was rescue tho banner from contact with AN INDESTRUCTIBLE COOKING RANGE tho evident author of tho words of tho earth. It Is grasped quickly and tho mess call: as quickly folded in the arms of the That will wear for a life-tim- e with no repairs; cooks to perfec- citozed'ofi npr'.uccmf cm fm m m m corporals. Tho of serv- 'custom the tion with a minimum amount of fuel. We have just the shoe for this work. It's the "E. Z. WALKER." "Soup-- y soup-- y boup, without a single lco even decrees how the flag shall beau, be folded. Four times the long way y y Every pair guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Pork-- pork-- pork, without a streak of the fly and then back and forth ON VIEW AT OUR SHOWROOMS. of loan. from fly to staff in triangles until the Coffee, coffee, coffee, without any folded flag Is just a tiny triangle of croam. blue with tho white stars "the shape Honolulu Gas Company, Ltd. 1 1 Stable calls also furnish tho soldier of a cocked hat," says custom. Regal Shoe Store poets with another chauco: "Como all who aro able and go to tho RARATONGA COCOANUTS. ALAKEA AND BERETANIA STS Cor. Kintr and Bethel. stablo San Francisco Chronicle: The co- - And water your horses and glvo 'em coanut and copra Industries of tho EASY TO GET RID OP 5HSHSE52Sanl5HS25HSHSasaHBSHSSH5aSH5HSHSBSHSHSH5HSH5HSHSHSZSHSBSa5SSH5; somo corn; United States and the shipping in- For If you don't do It tho colonol will terests of the port of San Francisco DANDRUFF know It, will bo augmented by the handling of , Dandruff moans that down near the And then you will rue It as suro as COO.000 cocoauuts yearly from Itara-tong- your Is a vast you'ro born." in tne Cook group of the South roots of hulr there TRUNKSAND array of little Invisible germs or mi- The customs of tho sorvlco fur- Sea islands, according to a statement crobes that destroy the hair. nished a fund of ready slang. Somo made by Captin C. A. Luun to the Keep your lamps trimmed of It today so old and so much a part Chronicle yesterday. PACHECO'S DANDRUFF KILLER of the army life that it Is no longer Captain Limn is tho second Amer- and your house supplied is a positive destroyer of these germs recognized as such, "but much of is ican who has ever made a stay of uny SUITCASES It and Is, besides, a delightful hair dress- now and additions aro constantly be- duration at the islands, which are in- ing. ing mado to tho army "slang diction- habited by 4000 Maori and a score of with KAM CHONG COMPANY 'A Sold by all Druggists and at ary." European planters engaged in the orange GENT'S FURNISHINGS. PACHECO'S BARBER SHOP. A cavalryman Is always a "bow- banana, cocoanut and trade. As legs" to tho members of tho othor a result of his recent trip, the fruit Harrison Block, Fort and Beretania Streets. A K imports wlil probably P P li branches of tho service. So an Infan of tho Islands Pau-ka-Ha- na All Kinds Wrapping Papers and develop Into competition with those of tryman is a "dough boy." Colloqui- Twines, Printing and Writing Papers. Manila. Shipments will be made every ally, tho cavalry arm is almost AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- PAPER & twenty-eigh- t days from Itaratonga and 'referred to as "tho Ilqrsc," SUPPLY CO., LTD. Tahiti in tho islands to Sun Francisco, "tho Thirteenth Horse," instead of Fort and Queen Sts., Honolulu. floats en route from Auckland, New Your Grocer Sells It. the Thirteenth United States Cavalry. Phone 1410, Geo. G. Guild, Gen. Mgr. Zealand, will handle tho consignments. A private soldier who works for an Christmas Cards While in the Society group last June, officer "dog robber." Is known a which are the only French possessions H Is. In army parlance, a term of of tho South Seas, Captain Limn at- opprobrium, when carelessly or Stickers and Boxes' I 1 and tended tho first trial of a white man Dainty Women Intentionally applied is responsible Fred L. Waldron, Distributor that has been recorded In that latitude. A moat beautiful assortment now o , LIKE THE forthwith. Tho company ndisplay. Don't wait until thoy I I for trouble W. J. Wiggmoro iwas lound guilty of to are all gone. barber Is never referred as such. murder and banished from the Isiands. Regal He Is tho "butcher," a term which The attornoys and trial Judge came Shoef in many instances a sad contains from Auckland, a five days' trip, to HAWAIIAN NEWS mixture of tho truth with tho poetry. hanClo tho case. Wiggiuore was a . COMFANY, Ltd. is The junior officer of tho command wealthy plantation owner. Alex. Young Building. always "the goat." To bo upon "olll-ci- terms" with a follow-offlco- r sig- ZEPPELIN BALLOON TAKES nifies that speaking terms, except up- UP A ROYAL PARTY on official business, havo been sus- ij"j S11"! i',i'i 4 ? S4?'i''Jit'i$'-- t BEUL1N, Nov. 2. Count Zeppelin's '!!'! pended. A brand-ne- socond lieuten- dtrlglblo balloon Schwaben 11 toduj ant, fresh from "tho Point" 1b known took up a royal party, including a term as "shavo tall.' Tho samo Is Prince August William and tho Prin- applied to unbroken mules In tho cess, Prince Eitol Frlederlch, Oscar quartermaster's corral. and Joachim, sons of tho Emperor; In all commands tho term "Old Prince Frederick Leopold of Prussia, Great Club Offers Pan ka Hana Man" is applied to tho commanding Prince George of Greece, tho Minisiei officer. In companies whoro tho cap- of tho interior and HAS NO RIVAL IN SOAP. tain Is a man of long servlco the samo Delbrueck and tho Prussian Minister to.rm Is applied. of State, Paul von Urcltenbach, army, Tho United States imliko the Tho airship cruised from Johannls-tha- i Hawaiian Star BUGOLEUM armies of Europe, has been strangely to Potsdam, where it hovered Garden Island any particular regimental Only free from over tho royal palace. The Leading Disinfectant, Deodor- The traditions or regimental customs or ant, Germicide, Insecticide and Antf ovon special traditions of tho various SEALED TENDERS. Tho sbptie for All Purposes. arms of tho service. Great Hrltaln Garde Island, tho bright, newsy paper of the regimental dis- SEALED TENDERS will be re- Good Table Butter Islaad of Kauai, ABR. FERNANDEZ & SON. has cultivated those has been doubled In size anil Is now tinctions to a greater oxtent than any ceived by tho Superintendent of Pub- a more publlca'ilo desirable In every respect than ANNUAL MEETING NOTICE. other European nation, Germany to a lic Works until 12 m. of Friday, ever. slightly loss1 oxtont; Franco not at December 1, 1011, for furnishing d11 The Hawaiian Star (dally) fci J8.00 The annual meeting of tho Waia-fee- , all, although there aro certain differ- labor and material (othor than struc- and Garden regl-mont- Island $2.50. Kalmukl and Palolo Improvement ences between tho French line s tural steel) for RECONSTRUCTING We offer both, ono year, for ?9.00; JUDICIARY HO- six Seml-Weekl- y CJuli will bo hold at the ofilco of tho that aro lacking In tho United THE BUILDING, Yee Co. months, $4.80. Or, Star ($2.00) Company, Ltd., a Among tho few traditions of NOLULU. Hop and Garden Kalmukl Land States. Island ($2.60) will , be seit to any nrmy Is tho regl-mont- Plans-- specifications, and proposal a lUso, at the ond of the car tho United States for $3.95, line, Friday evening, Novomber 10, at punch of tho Fourth Infantry. blanks aro on file In tho. office of tbo 7:30 o'clock. Tho nunch of tho Fourth is served cn Superintendent of Public Works, Cap- A full attondan'co of tho residents all holidays and in celebration of tho itol Bulhllng. i The Most Sanitary Meat Market of (ho dtetrlct Is earnestly requested. anniversaries of tho great battles in Tho Superintendent reserves the Business: General, also election which tho regiment has been en- right to roject any or all tenders. Address: Hawaiian Star, Honolulu. ofllcers tor 1912. gaged. recipe Is a secrot enro-full- y MARSTON CAMPBELL, of Its St JAS. II. FIDDES, protocted by tho regimental Superintendent of Public Works, Telephone 3451 Secretary. adjutant. Its effect Is said to bo November 3, 1011.


KssaBasxsmmsKSBBS 10 Minutes from You will fin J the Finest Residential District in Honolulu. It is the only district that has all conveniences:

Sewers, Water, Gas, Electricity, Cement Sidewalks, and Paved Streets.


You can go home to lunch as you don't have to spend a lifetime on the street cars.

Call and let me show you the advantages of MAKIK! BEAUTIFUL

Lots Lots Are Sold Are Sold on on Easy Easy Payments Payments

PHONE 2553 83 MERCHANT ST. SlXfHllN THE HAWAIIAN STAR, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 11, 1911. Young Hotel Laundry 113 hip Company Phone 1862. .5, Shipping: And Waterfront News Sierra Schedule WE CALL AND DELIVER DAiyS LEAVE S. ARRIVE HON. LEAVE HON. ARRIVE S. F THE MAILS. Passengers Arrived. A. O. Curtis, It. A. McKenguc, H. D. Achl. Mrs. T. Black, Misses Black (21, Per Matinn Ken from Hllo and ports, Bovcitdge, H. M. Campbell, F. O. Sylvester, D. Fras-- NOV. 4 NOV. 10 NOV. 15 NOV. 21 CJ. Olddlngs, Vicars, 1.2 Mongoliu, Nov. 11. Dr. Mouscr, Miss A. Mouser, Geo. T. Kluegel, Miss F. Harrison, V. or, F. D. Dodge, P. V. Knudsen, Jns. NOV. 2R DEO. 1 DEC. C DEC. From Snn Francisco, per C.Q.YeeHop&Co Mrs. C. T. Doonor, Mrs. R. Scott, Mrs. R. Gnlloway, M. Galloway, .Ins. B. F. Lindsay, Jno. Lindsay, Miss Fitch, DEO. 1G .'....DEC. 22 DEC. 27 JAN. November 13. J. Mongolia No J. Wolker, Mrs. 0. Lacoy, Mrs. M. Castle, .1. D. Dougherty, II. W. Fluke Miss Early, A. Garcia, Mrs. Tal Hlng JAN. 6 JAN. 12 JAN. 17 JAN. 22 To the Orient, per vember 13. Abraham nnd child, Mrs. C. J. Stone, and dnitghter, C. Kunll, Joe Sllvn, Miss nnd 3 children, W. M. Roberts, C. A. lsen-ber- Meat Market To San Francisco per Sierra, No- - Geo. Richardson, Master Richardson (1. Sllva. Father Patrick, F. O'Brien, Moon, A. M. McBryde, D. P. R. nurse, Miss M. Meyers. Mrs. 11. Row G. L. Kopn, Itohcllo, A. Apau, wife and maid, Mrs. McGauley, RATES from Honolulu to San Francisco First Class, $G5; Round Trip, vcinbcr IS. and F. and No- - . Anderson, P. L. Metzger nnd wife, Mrs. E. son, A. G. Hoi-ne- Mrs. J. W. Soarlo, Miss Llkau, C. II. $110. Family Room, extra. From tho Orient, per Korea, t Hartmnu and Forty-Eigh- - Qu'nn, Major Woolen, O. W. Rose, A. Lindsay, S. T. Starret, W. C. Lindsay and daughter. Importers Reservations will not bo hold later than t hours prior to tho voiuber 17. rl advortlicd sailing time unless tickets nro paid for In full. From Australia, nor Makura, De- - Telephone 3451. mine planter Colonel George Arml-Stea- ccmbor 0. . FOR PARTICULARS, APPLY TO To Australia per Marntna, Decem- y MD Y EXPOSE ber 0. Maryland Repairs Incomplete. PES Consolidated Soda Water (Continued from page nine.) VALLE.IO, Oct. 20. When tho Is Absolutely Pure C Brewer c cruiser Maryland leaves tho navy yard RGH GOLD VEINS GENERAL AGENTS. SUII'I'INO IS I'OllT. Saturday afternoon more than n II. II. Southerlnnd, in command of the month's repair work will have beou TELEPHONE 2171. ynrd of- (Government vessels.) second division, and 120 olllcors of the left undono on the ship. Tho V. WO SING CO. Pacific fleet now anchored In Los An- - ficers have recommended to the Navy U. S. N. tug Navajo from Mare Is TACOMA, Oct. 29. September nnd Vegetables, goles were the guests of Department ship here Groceries, Fruits, land, July 20. harbor tho that tho remain October earthmiakes In Southwestern 1. nadlan-AusUali- Co people of city today. completely ready sea, but gin-th- e lb.; Dried FrulU. sn Royal Hail Steamship U. S. Lightouso Tender Kukul from this until for Alasklx B(, shooIi tu0 (arth nnd Butta." 3Ec Fresh Tonight thousands of persons wore Washington olllcials have ruled Island ports, September 14. cIora nlonK ho .coagt lls to cxi)0se 1186-118- Nuuanu Btreet gathered on tho bluffs overlooking the otherwise. Tho Maryland nnd West (Merchant Vessels) - ,J(t mlncra clalra ar0 the world's Telephone 10J4. Box 963 harbor, viewing the electric display on Virginia will resume their coal tests velngi the CANADIAN-PACIFI- i,,chest bo1(, qnartz incitement of the above lino running In connection with Robort Lowers, schr., from Fort. warships. Ore conclus-- i Steamers tho Tho oll battleship up and down tho coast at tho mllnp t() tho Klomllko 8tamnc(e of RAILWAY COMPANY between Vancouver, B. C, and Sydney, 2D. Townsend, October gon was resplendent with dazzling Ion of the mobilization at San Diego, ,y .Val(( and Drink Victoria, B. Honolulu and Auckland, N. Z. at Cordova N- - S. W., and calling at C, Newsboy, schr. from Gray's Harbor, lights and was the chief centor of at and arrangements afc being made to OLD KONA COFFEE. VANCOUVER. Soutllern Alaska towns. Quartz HAY'S FOR FIJI AN3 AUSTRALIA. - FOR November 3. traction for the crowds. finish tho work on the Maryland when, 5 gam s (nm port Wel)s Best In the Market. S. MARAMA DKC. S S. B. MAKURA DEC Lot'tlo Bennett, Am. schr., from old soldier, who had S. One said he it returns here about Christmas. Qf nsgay oyer HENRY MAY & CO. JAN. It S. S. ZEALANDIA JAN. 2 3 (at Pearl S. S. MAKURA Columbia River, November seen three years' service in fortifica Coming. j 1271. ou Chief Surgeon $21,000 per ton In gold, one-eight- h of Phene S. S. ZEALANDIA. JAN. 31 S. H. 3IAKAMA J'ViN. Harbor). tions, remarked: "if battleships over On Monday next Colonel Rudolph tj10 t()tai weiBht of the rock being Sierra, Am. S. S. from San Fran- got as close as these cruisers now are G. Ebert will arrive In tho transport puro This vein was found arter CALLING AT SUVA, FIJI, ON BOTH UP AND DOWN VOYAGES. cisco, November 10. they could have practically daylight Thomas, and look in'o tho matter of on earthquake upheaval of September Mary 13. Foster, Am. schr., fi'om in reducing the forts, but you work ntr n rntifil'nl hnstlttfll tfm r i i i ...... vnlnr Aberdeen, November 10. a; i r the r; Tkoo, B Davies & Co., Ltd., Gei'l Agents PROJECTED ARR1VAL8. get that close, not until every z Cools n.1: The Colonel, who is the chief jr,; Wells Is V I I move gun sound, where Port T Francisco. that is able to t a behind the I From San gcon of tho Western Division, will sjtxtntotI. walls Is dead. Besides, the groat guns - Mongolia, November 12. also make a general sanitary inspec . s' would a ship .,' nf fho nlnnw From China and Japan. of a modern fort tear tion of all the military posts of the It got as close as high as $15,000 per ton In gold Pacific Mail Steamship Co. Korea, November 17. into shreds long before Island. as tho Oregon is out there. Don't have reached Vnldcz from the Tlekel DEPARTURES, Huge Drydock PROJECTED worry, your harbor Is safe." Gate. district, several miles inland. Tho of the abovo company will cnll at Honolulu and leave this port Francisco. very Steamers For San No one actually seemed to be When the big gate for the Pearl gold is of tho wire variety, on dates mentioned below: - or about the Sierra, November 15. lying, but some expressions of satis- - Harbor drydock starts across the Pa heavy and coarse, ORIENT: FOR SAN FRANCISCO: FOR THE For Vancouver. faction wore heard a the old soldier's cllic ocean from tho Union Iron Works, livery small boat on Prince William Bridge and Beach stoves for Coal of NOV. 13 S. S. PERSIA NOV. 10 S. S. MONGOLIA Makura, December 5. conference, for tho long row of hugoSan Francisco, a big undertaking will Sound has been grabbed by the pros Wood. DEC. 0 S. S. KOREA NOV. 18 S, S. PERSIA For FIJI and Australia. guns pointed shoreward certainly! be underway. Tho towing alone will pectors bound for Port Wills, where Quick Meal Blue Flamo Oil Stores, DEC. 12 S. S. SIBERIA DEC. 1 S. S. KOREA Marama, December C. per- cost about $15,000. now town of Golden has been es- Perfection Oil Stoves. DEC. S boro no message of peace, if the DEC. 25 S. S. CHINA 1 Giant Burner Gasoline Stoves. S. S. SIBERIA For China and Japan. chance they belonged to an enemy's The gate will be 125 feet Inches tablished. Will call at Manila. Mongolia, November 13. .fleet. in length, and will have a height of EMMELUTH ,0., LTD. Must Hike. 43 feet G Inches. Tho width will bo GOVERNMENT Naval Officers BERGER WANTS Phono 1511 So. 145 KiPf St Information apply to WASHINGTON. Oct. 31. Naval of 15 feet on the top deck, and 20 feet TAKE OVER TRUSTS For general INTER-ISLAN- ( TO VESSEL8. at tho .stringers. The contract price ficers will have to take the prescribed 31. Con- Maul Hawaii - MILWAUKEE, Wis., Oct. Agents For and Ports. walking test more often than in the is $147,000, for delivery at Pearl Har- . Hackfeld & Co., I.-- N Co., every gressman Victor L. Berger announced SU1 LTD Mauna Kea, 8, In pnmnlianrn bor. ffliiCK nnst with orders made would introduce .a bill CHi Tuesday. Hllo Breakwater. today that ho I public today. Under the new order, l.-- next of congress to Claudin'j, I S. N. Co.. every Fri- It Is anticipated that the contractors at the session all officers not physically incapacltat-'oi-l anti-trus- day. repeal the Sherman t act and CHINESE NEWSPAPER Navigation Schedule, 1911 will be required to walk ten miles for tho extension of the Hllo break- Matson Cqs substitute a law providing that wher- PUBLISHING AND AND HONOLULU. For Motokal and Maul. In They water will be able to complete the DIRECT SERVICE BETWEEN SAN FRANCISCO one day once a month. must ever a pool, a combine or a trust con- Mikahala, every Tuesday. arrange consume work well within tho extra time al- JOB PRINTING Arrive from San Francisco: Sail for San Francisco: their time so as to trols more than 00 per cent of the NOV. 8 Kauai Ports. lowed. S. S. LURLINE NOV. 15 S. S. WILHELMINA not less than three and a half nor total output in any industry the gov- I.--I. 21 W. G. Hall, S. N. Co., every ex-co- S. S. WILHELMINA NOV. 2S S. S. LURLINE NOV. moro,than four hours in the lest, ernment shall take the concern over, DEC. C Thursday. MANY CHOLERA CASES. IN ITALY. No. 49, Cor. of Sis. S. S. LURLINE DEC. 13 S. S. WILHELMINA n tropical climates, when tho pay actual value In bonds and Smith and Hotel I.-- the JAN. 3 Kinau, I. S. N. Co., every Tues- two-third- s S. S. WILHELMINA DEC. 20 S. S. WILHELMINA distance and time will be CHIASSO, Switzerland, October 28. mnnage the business for the benefit of for Honolulu on or about No-- day.; of above. old The report of the Italian Govern- ' . S. S. Ilonolulan sails from Seattl3 direct the. Under the order tho all the people. Kona Kau twenty-fiv- e ment 241 vember 2S. and Ports. men were required to walk shows that there were cases Modern business can not be made to Wright-Hustac- e S. S. Enterprise of this line sails from San Francisco for Honolulu dl- - Mauna Loa I.-- I. S. N. Co., alternate miles in two days once every with 101 deaths from cholera in Italy ex- conform to the Sherman act and LIMITED. on or about November 15th wit h freight and combustibles. Tuesdays and Fridays. three months. during the week ending October 23d. Berger. rect ist, according to Congressman Phone 114S. S. S. Kilauea of this line sails from San Francisco for Honolulu direct Taft Makes Statement. Cor. King and South Sts. on or about November 20th. Mauna Kea Arrives. NEW YORK, Nov. 2. After review- CASTLE & COOKE, LTD GENERAL AGENTS. The, Mauna Kea arrived about seven ing tho great fleet In tho Hudson, Successor to o'clock this morning, with a fair list President Taft issued a statement In W. W. WRIGHT 4 CO., Ltd. of passengers' and a miscellaneous which he praised the preparedness of also cargo. tho ninety-nin- e war vessels assem- American-Hawaiia- n Steamship Co. Hllo Shipping. bled. Among other things. Taft said: (LOOK Kellogg & Dempsey Purser Phillips of tho Mauna Kea "In addition to building great battle- I 0m Window 111 Auto, Motor and Carriage Repairing. reports Is FOR NEW YORK TO HONOLULU, via Tehuantepec, every sixth day. that tho bark Albert In tho ships, other nations are building enor- Painting, Trimming. harbor at Hllo waiting to be dls mous high-spee- d cruisers twenty- - Freight received at all times at tho Company's Wharf, 41st Street, South Horsesnoelng. Brooklyn. charged. The schooner Mlnnlo E. eight knots an hour and It is be - 'V along- And you will see what we can do with an old hat. FROM SEATTLE OR TACOMA TO HONOLULU DIRECT: Caine arrived on the 4th and Is lleved that our navy should be simi- S. S. ARIZONAN TO SAIL ABOUT JAN. 14 side the railroad wharf. Tho schooner larly equipped. Unless a navy Is main- on S. S. MISSOURIAN : TO SAIL ABOUT JAN. 25 Camano sailed for tho Coast tained In the highest possible tate Start Now and Have your Big Clearance in S. S. MEXICAN TO SAIL ABOUT FEB. 5 Thursday ballast. of efficiency, It Is a needless extrava- SALE NOW ON. For further information apply to Thcmas Recommissloned. gance. t H. HACKFELD & CO., LTD., Agents, Honolulu. San Francisco Examiner: Tho Unit- "I am more than convinced of the Kee army transport Chan C. P. MORSE, General Freight Agent. ed States Thomas, desirability of conferring upon tho Hats cleaned up for the 27 S. Hotel St. which has been laid up for tho last commanding officer of our fleet tho year, was recommissloned yesterday j title of admiral, or at least vice ad-nn- d given a tryout cruise about the mlral. At present tho ranking officer coming Holidays bay and outside The Heads for Uie Is a rear admiral, and this title is not Toyo Kisen Kaisha. purpose of setting her compasses and commensurate with the Importance of testing new machinery and the fleet.' Stone fof Sale her Orders taken for equipment. The Thomas will make Talked With Colon. PANAMA HATS. of Companj will call at and leave Honolulu on or Steamers the abovo the regular monthly transport sailing VALLEJO, Nov. 1. Weather condi- i about the dates mentioned below: from port on 5. tions wero more favorablo last night this November Several hundred tons of FOR THE ORIENT: FOR SAN FRANCISCO: nnd this morning than any time broken During tho time the Thomas was at rock good for building, S. S. NIPPON MARU NOV. 21 S. S. SHINYO MARU NOV. 24 this seaon" and tho wiroless operator foundations, out of commission she was given., a. crushing and ballast. Apply to S. S. TENYO MARU NOV. 2S S. S. CHIYO MARU DEC. 22 thorough overhauling hi Mare Island was ablo to easily ex- - and it was - , DANIEL LOGAN, S. . . i...... - S. S. SHINTO MARU DEC. l'J S. AMERICA MARU JAN. 12 ... a new put ...iii."1L" l"u aul- practically vessel which '"i""" oman Star Office or (after E p. m.) bouse "u - tlon at West- - 1la- or tl,e Iirst to sea yesterday. Tho ship has been Kc' at Waialao road and Tenth avenue,, l)lant ,las ,)eon estaI'-Iro- n to tho yards of the Mooro & Scott timc slnce tlle, Kalmukl. Castle & Oooke, Ltd., Agents Works in Oakland Creek. The llsnod horo c6mmunicatlon was also v Beretania Street, Next to Central Fire Station. transimrt'H hull wnn snrnnfi.i. im w .s effected with tho operator at Colon, on is THE given a new coat of paint through-- , the Atlantic sido of Panama. This $ ono of the best records yet made by WHEN THE out, tho troop quarters wero fuini-- ' tho Maro Island crow. French Laundry UN "TRANSFER CO. gated and now bunks Installed, new Pensacola for Junk. THE HIGHEST SLASS OF WORK. machinery was placed in tho engine j HANDLE YOUR BAGGAGE IT GETS ON THE RIGHT Oct. 25. According to NO BRANCHES. room and tho upper works and first VALLEJO. STEAMER. expressions heard at Mare. Island to- 777 KING ST. PHONE 1491 cabins we.re rejuvenated. ' Office King St , next Young Hotel. Telephones 1874 and 1875. day, tho old wooden receiving ship J. Abadlo, Prop. Many government officials and Ponsacola, now doing duty at' Goat army offlcors with their wives and Island, has about outlived her useful- Phone 3184. F. J McLoughlln. families and officials from tho ship- ness in tho service of tho United HONOLULU FORGE CO. yard which made tho repairs were to States and will soon be consigned Ship Black-smithin- nboard the transport yesterday on (applies General nnd Machine tho junk . her trial cruise, and everybody was Tools and Springs made A. naval board of survey consisting is and repaired. Estimates given on satisfied with the showing made. - This the season that most women hegin to think of i? of Rear Admiral u. u. i. .Mooro, l.uji- Firo Escapes. Firewood Coal Captain Stlnson, who formerly com- - ta,n jlotjnlan nnd 0. W. touchingup' and re'decorating the house. A change here h Catan 211 Queen St., near imnnded tho Thomas, will probably bo Alakea, KoeBtor ha8)COn named to. make a there does much toward making things look like Honolulu, T. II. nJ again on bridge - or new. Best Grades Always On Hand tho when tho trans- ilntntloil cxamiation of tho old Slllll. ,or i.u.l eu.is me unoiu. nm, wJU VToahy recommend to tho At this pleasant store you will find just the things you want and Mongolia a Little Late. JNavy Dopartn,ent that she bo sold. It always at prices you can afford to pay. We have paints, varnishes, xxxzxrxxzxxxxg According lo a wireless received wn announced several days ago that oils, stains, and can offer you many valuable suggestions along S STEINWAY & SONS itom tno Mongolia this morning by Concrete Brick, Crushed tll0 Ponsacola would como to Maro this line. g AND OTHER PrAN03. H. Hackfeld & Co., agonts of tho jsami for an overhauling after hnv-Pnclf- 5 THAYER PIANO CO. H Please feel perfectly free come in and look around Mall Steamship Company, tho lne i,ocn relieved by tho modern St. to H 1C0 Hotel Street. Phono 2318. & Rock and Sand S steamer will .not bo off port until of tho present whether you purchase anything or not. H TUNING GUARANTEED i,0lll8 jmt members M mnout s:jo Mommy morning. Last lmar(i nvo opposed to retaining a ship Alabastine, the beautiful wall coating for interior deco- OXXXXXXXXXXXXX night at eight o'clock tho Mongolia ul tho service fo.r purely sentimental rating is sold and recommended by us. was 010 "Honolulu. miles from Sho rensons. Come in and look over the new Alabastine wall and brings from tho coast but thirteen i Transferred, SOLAR Captain Merrlam ceiling designs. HEATER Hustace-Pec- LTD. tons of cargo for this port. Tho Mon - Captain Henry C. Merrlam, lCltli will save you money. Call and se. k Go. golia has 190 sacks of mall for tho company, Coast Artillery Corps, has ono in operation. Islands. Sho will dock nt tho Alakea ordered to the Presidio, San E. O. Hall & Son, Ltd. Phone 2295 63 Queen beon ACETYLENE LIGHT & AGENCY Street wharf and Monday Henry snil for the Orlont Francisco, to relieve Lieutenant COMPANY. nftornoon. of army T. Burgln, in command tho Hustaco avenue, off South St. 4 r""n IT"' ' HAWAIIAN THIRD SECTION


By G. ELLIOT FLINT. fatal Impress upon his character. That Although turbine liners keep regular prisoners. But when the labor fleet cry. Instantly out stepped three na- What San Francisco was in '19 , leaving what tho Chino-- e puphomis-whe- Within recent weeks newspapers all the doctrine of sin nnd punishment mail schedules where buccaneers onco began crulsingand the native rulers tive men. None of them carried weap- it flourished as the glided cap- - tlcally term the "plecer stealec men" over this country have devoted col- is ns old and as true as eternity is cruised, there remains about the South learned that every captive had a com- ons, so my suspicions vanished right, Itnl of Western America, Irkutsk, the to play first, and then taking the ftV, night umns to the reports of murder trials better understood by medical scien- Sea tho glamour of romance and mys- mercial value, tho chiefs would make away. They spoku the Bache-de-Me- r largest town of Siberia, metropolis of trick. Tho Irkutsk constable, during which "first offense" defend- tists today than it ever was before. tery. Among all the rough men who deals to sell regularly all the captives English, tho Asiatic gold fields, is today with on the other hand, with the ants who had hitherto enjoyed good made life hideous In those waters the they could take, getting bright pieces First they wanted to know If I'd additional trimmings. on page twenty.) reputations, were found guilty of en-- , figure of an American skipper stands of cloth, beads, looking glasses, tobac- como to trade. I told them we want- Kesldonee In Irkutsk is not quite a glncering crimes of unusual ferocity L KING SNAKES Captain "Bully" Hayes, co, guns, knives and such like in trade ed recruits. The spokesman said they rest cure for the nerves. With a pop- or . Much astonish- who never knew fear. for 'em. had some bushmen and they might sell ulation of 120,000, crammed Into a EARN NG CAPCITI ment was expressed at the Idea of a Hayes commanded the fastest craft I wns head recruiting man for Cap- them. He told me to get tho trndo couple of square miles on a pictur- young man of apparent normal traits ever sailed In the South Sea tho brig tain "Bully" HayeB when we sighted up from the boat whllo they'd bring esque bend in tho Angara river, It suddenly revealing tho of a FO TQXN Leonora, stolen In the nor'oast coast of Pau Uma, one of the captives out. The chief was, they produces some hundred murders or instincts Chinese waters. L murderer and committing a carefully Merciless to those who opposed him, the New Hebrides Islands. We were added, "up there pointing to a high murderous assaults in tho course of OF oconn planned crime. ho had bursts of generosity unkonwn bound for Queensland to fill an order mountain, hunting bushmen. Tho cap- a year, with ten arrests or so, anil sugar four convictions with sentences of a It so happened that all such crimes to his rivals. Ho recognized that the for labor boys on a plantation. tives were, tho fellow said, being held An engineering expert with a fine To provide antidotes for snake-blt- o matter of a fow years' in by murderers of previous good char- invasion of the South Sea kingdom by The .work of tho recruiting crews was for a German labor boat, but if I gave residence appetite for mntheinatlrs has been the official surgeons of the Bombay Jail. Thoso are last year's figures, acter are never conceived by natures the missionaries meant tho coming of to get the natives, either by persuad- enough they would lot the "niggers" figuring out for tho Hallway nnd and with n throb of civic pride tho which' have suddenly grown suddenly government keep a large number of law and order, which, in turn, meant ing them or by violence, into our go, as the chief would be suro to re- - Engineering Itoview Just hgw mucn 1 natives tell you 1910 was qulto criminal. Medical scientists now know snakes which have to be "milked" of the death of his reign of violence. So boats and row them out to the brlgUurn with more. .that are worth per day an off year. railroad locomotives that before any man can y he strove to thwart the proselyting Leonora. The captain got from $25 This news got mo eager to grab owning them. He their poison at regular intervals. How "In the spring a young man's fancy to tho railroads kill a fellow being he must have band, and until his end In the late 70's, to $50 a head for them, and he never them captives. Captain Hayes abused consideration the locomo i this is done is described by Dr. (In Irkutsk) lightly turns to thoughts took Into perpetrated many lesser crimes which with the Pacific as his shroud, ho suc- seemed to care how much risk his the Dutch every time they wns men- tive's earning capacity, making all Francis Freemantle In a publish- of blood." One flno day In May last perhaps have not been discovered, but Just cessfully combated the missionaries. crews ran just so they brought him tioned and swore their crews wore finnnclui caused year there were twenty-tw- assorted due allowanco for ioss which have had none the less their ed book, "Health and Empire." The last survivor of the rough band rocrults. Everybody In our boats worse recruiting than any others, al- by In the repair shop, the murders and attempted murders with-- ' detention cumulative effect of metamorphosing "The snakes," ho writes, "are kept who did tho bidding of this master sea went armed. In addition to the re- though I couldn't see any special dif- repairs in tho city limits. Then the street increased cost of locomotive the murderer in potential into the roguo Is Charles Williamsj now living cruiting craft, which we'd beach, ference. Anyhow, 1 knew he'd bo glad in biscuit tins, covered In by fine cleaners and' Insurance agents voiced and renewals, and tho cost of fuel, active slayer. in Honolulu. He has told here a craft, called tho recovering boat, to do up the Germans, so back to the tho locomotive. rabbit netting in the place of a lid, a protest, and there was talk of re- water and men to run A boy begins by torturing helpless graphic story of the rutklcssness of always followed, close up, and stood boat we hurried, the natives disap- viving the old vlgllanco committee The average daily earnings of loco- animals, besides bullying and brow- and are under tho charge of the clev- Hayes. New. York Herald. just off shore to protect the men of pearing in tho brush. that citizens, up to a few years ago, motives on tho Pennsylvania Railroad beating companions. erest Bnake charmer In India, retain- the first craft from attack, for those Carrying our trade, we his For these came ashore used to frame up among themselves, was figured out at $131.84, which la pranks he may escape immediate, but ed for tho purpose at what to the By Charles Williams. wild natives were a savage lot. The again. I ought to have had nig tho after tho manner of 'Frisco In Us slightly above the avernge for all tho is the princely salary of 23 captain had picked up a promising lino he surely will not escape ultimate natives Of all the hard lives a man ovpr gers come down by our boat, but tho prime. railroads of the country. In the East rupees a month, or $100 a year all lived in of beach that morning, and, as wo cut hope of fooling punishment. Every right or wrong the South Sea and I've been the Dutchmen made Missing Gold. the average is $124.84, and on the told. The cobras are "milked," as It sailor, among away from the brig, he said: I me act Inevitably records its impression whaler and trader tho a bit careless. Wo spread tho The vigilance committee that onco Western roads $130.84 per day. The - upon Is called, once every seven or ten best of 'em "blackbirdllng" was "Keep a sharp lookout. Those fel- on can-low- s character, and as character is the trade out the beach, but the held sway in Irkutsk was not alto- locomotives of tho Central of Now re- days. They are out the end A man good havo cut down too many crows modified by the Impressions it turned at worst. had times ashore jtlves didn't appear. Finally one of gether a .success. The scheme pre- Jersey headB the list In the East, ceives, so must govern o of this time from their tins. The neck and the like of that, but when ho for you to get careless." the original over, theso our three walked looking lected by a handful of g with an average of $147.00 earned by is by Ab we tho nobody ap- - conduct. pinned down the charmer with worked ho carried his life in his hands. neared beach at my stuff and shook his head. citizens was enthusiastically received each locomotive per day, and the D. of by was so peared. This strange, I As the lad we are considering grows the end a stick and the tall It aboard ship as well as seemed so "Well! What's tho trouble?" r de- by and delegates of tho U & W. comes next with $140.83. re- had my crew re- older, his bullying tendencies arc, un- the bare foot. He then seizes them when he went ashore after labor back water until the manded. murders. They rolled up In their doz In the West the Santn Fe locomotives I gave covering came dis- less restrained, apt to develop Into behind their jaws between his finger cruits. don't know who that boat within hailing "You not got guns. Chcof, heem see ens and volunteered for service. Tho lead with $149.53 earned per day. murderous impulses. Give a child or and thumb, while an assistant holds n business the name of "recruitiing," for tance. I called to her captain. Jim, u we not got guns. Heem heep mad." governor granted them exceptional a youth free rein at home and he will sherry glass covered with American we know It to be almost always desperate, murdering nigger from the His change of tack put me in n fix. powers, and thoy made the best dse 'expect It abroad, and If It Is not given cloth, through which the cobra downright kidnapping that generally Solomon Islands, to ask how he liked Hnycs expected us to get as many re- of them. Whllo the police were CAPTURING SCENT he will take It sometimes with tho plunges his tangs the fangs on the ended in slavery. No wonder the na- tho look of things. cruits with as little cost as possible. bribed into passivity, wealthy mer- most disastrous consequences. upper Jaw about In the site of our tives resisted every recruiting crew "Heem look funny," he said. "Mob- - Hut ten niggers was ten niggers. What chants were shot down In broad day- We are all born with certain natural canine teeth, the cobra's one-sixt- h of that landed. be we kum too early. More better we was 1 to do? light as "suspects," and under the Among go in piece y characteristics, some good and some an inch and the viper's half an Inch the big Islands lying south littl' more." Now, tho salt water men had ol cover of "house raiding" and "pun-Itar- T HE bad. It rests with our parents, rela- long. The snake having bitten into of the line recruiting could be car- Whether the nalves wished to rush dently watched us through the brush confiscation,' burglary blos- tives, associates and teachers, who the American cloth, a brght yellow, ried on easier than on the Coral Isl- a boat or not they generally made and when they saw we had no trading somed out Into Intolerable propor- constitute our environment, and with clear liquid, about half a teaspoonful, ands. Two entirely different sets of their appearance, and tho look of rifles came with a demand for guns, tions. That Is why tho vlgllanco com- A stout, roughly dressed laborer ourselves, which tendencies Bhall pre- escapes into the glass, and In a few people Inhabited the former. Those things made me suspicious, but out I expecting, maybe, that I'd trade some mittee Idea is no longer as popular was striding by one of the office dominate at maturity, when our char hours crystilllzes out. Tho cobra is living along tho beaches were known jumped, followed by one of my crew. 'of tho weapons the crews carried for In Irkutsk as It might be. Still, buildings tho other nfternoon when acter Is said to be formed. fed through a glass thistle-shape- as "salt water men," whllo tho crowd I stood uncertain what to do when tho our own protection. I did think of though vigilance committees are ban- his attention was caught by a group But let no one delude himself with funnel thrust down his throat, with a in the Interior were "bushmen." They boy spied a cleared space about thirty offering n couple of those guns, and at ished to the limbo of tho past, tho of newsboys huddled together on the the common Idea that ho can by any quarter of a pint of egg and milk were continually fighting and used to yards to our right. We walked along 'this moment tho other men stepped police and tho Cossocks manage to sidewalk. Thoso in tho heart of the f'jW possibility escape the consequence of mixture and Is finally returned to his perform their cannibalism after faking the beach to this spot, where I gave a (Continued on page twenty.) keep life pretty lively. crowd were down on hands and knees, tho slightest wrong action on his part, tin for another week or ten days until A few years ago all tho gold mined apparently vitally Interested In some-I- n for his character, which is wholly re- he is hungry enough to bite again. i the faintest notion of what it's Ilk"?. Eastern Siberia had to pass thing on the ground. The man went look-Irkuts- corn-plexu- some ex- through tho government laboratory with some curiosity, sponsible for his conduct, Is but a s "The poison In snakes Is WE BLUFF TOO Not because you wouldn't enjoy these at nearer and of all his past actions good, traordinary virulent. One grain of things; nor because you haven't time, As n matter of fact, only ed over the heads of t:.e youngsters, bad or Indifferent. poison from Russell's viper inserted but because you never think of seek- about 40 per cent of It did. Tho other but was unable to see anything ot A noted jurist lately delivered the in the jagular vein will kill a horse ing amusement whero you won't Im- CO per cent went to tho city's Chinoso more Interest than a small hole In the opinion that our youth are degenerat- In fifteen minutes." BUSINESS? press somebody with your own im- "dealers in ten," and journeyed baclt pavement n couple of Inches across. Empire In many and ing; that many of our worst crimes MUCHJN portance and extravagance." to tho Celestial no turned to a tattered urchin, the devious ways, qulto a quantity racked smallest of tho lot, who was waiting are committed by young men. If this It is necessary to. Keep up a tront, In the corpses of coffned Chlnamon patiently blygei boys to is so our boys are not being properly you must admit," said the not alto- for the clear ADVENTURES OFA The Honest "Business Man bit tho yet she has seen, as i gathered from being returned to the East for burial sonny, 1 trained, vicious and depraved tenden- gether disinterested party, signalling out, and asked: "Say, what's end off a cigar and reached for tho conversation that folio ved, rather among their ancestors. are cies are not sufflcently curbed, and the for a check. "That's Just why you are tho excitement? What those kids more of the things that are really Shots at Random. fooling Tor?" nobler Instincts are not cultivated. In a match. going to give me that order. You around there worth seeing in this town than her Well, In spite of that Icakogc. a raBged explained. Reach- - fact, very many of our boys receive THREADED NEEDLE "What a bully old bluff Now York know that It will help your business. Tne mlto antagonist, who has lived here all his good deal of gold dust found Its way ,nR out beneath the sidewalk was a no moral training whatsoever they is," he observed to the not altogether Trade goes whero thoro Is nn nir of life." Into the laboratory, and having been basement barber shop, and one of the Just grow. was paying prosperity." disinterested person who "Wo get so used to being nmoug big cast Into Ingots was stacked up in mtlo blocks of glass through which Dut did they know, could they be "Hanged if I feel tempted - Babies of eighteen months have no for the lunch. and Important things that we don't don't tempting array nwnitlng transporta- ght wa8 aumtteu to It through the thoroughly convinced that their char- ob- sometimes to quit putting on a front Imperial Mint. business swallowing needles and The not altogether disinterested bothor ourselves about them," tion to Russia and the ,mvcment had been broken out by acter cannot remain fixed, that It Is and try delivering valuo received," the served the not altogether disinterested After several night watchmen at 8omo nccldent lhero wa8 a C0U8tant bound either to deteriorate or to Im- thread. & medical correspondent of person expressed his desire for fur- Business Man. accidents, one." mused tho Honeest institution had met with alrcam ot Avarmi henvlIy ,)erfumed air prove, that, unless they try steadily to tho Lancet writes in tho current is- ther Information by a polite elevation to to perceive "More bluff, my boy! You haven't "A sure invitation tho sheriff the authorities began to the th(J boyfJ had Balllered arollnd t0 on. grow better they will Inevitably be- of the eyebrows. "When did of sue about one that did. been through the new library, I'll bet, call," cautioned the other. coincidence and appointed a force JoJ. u ThM0 ,n (1o ccntcr gaye Wfl. come worse, that the wages of sin is "Your trying to sell me a suite of mahog- Hue do Matlgnon .Paris," he years you visit- you say to send around that Cossacks to come In each evening lQ nflop "In tho new office furniture on tho plea that and It has been since tho ncxt one a whei g0 thM truly and literally death and often a any stuff?" and stand guard over tho treasure. . 1 ed the Metropolitan Museum. You mg ,lad R caawQ Q mM ,n very early one If only they could gays, I hau a neignuor, a Hungarian, It will make my customers think one havo' lived within twenty miles of "On Thursday at 4," laughed tho All wont well for a time. Then, know theso statements who was a working glover. One morn am prosperous, for Instance. My tjrn that are dark night, tho Cossack guard browed , onyx Sandy Hook tor two decades and you Honest Business Man, "and tell your T ,n mQn a mUo truths, they might be saved. ing the glover's wlfo brought Into my landlord lavishing mnrblo and "dial, 11 its never saw tho soa in a big storm, and delivery pepplo to take the old stuff Itself a glass of hot cste(1( loltercd around until tho crowd Moving pictures deplclting bold and and mosaic on tho hall of tho apart up overcoat col- - consulting-roo- a screaming baby of as for Central Park at sunrise on a out. After all It's no time- to try fool cigarettes, turned Its dramatic hold-up- s brigands, and other ment building and putting in tho most completely disappeared with the crawling age, I. e., oigntcen months fair September morning, you haven't experiments when business is dull." lars. and he crimes have a very bad effect on the disgraceful woodwork In the small, every single Ingot of gold on tho old. Tho mother, evidently in great had spoken to darted forward, and, youthful mind. The youth's brain Is badly arranged rooms that he rents premises. Slnco tho Cossacks, as anxiety, told mo that whenever moved crouching down, took a long, lux fired by theso exciting exploits, and' mo at a price based entirely on the authority, havo shared Irkutsk's or carried the poor baby began scream civil urious sniff. Then, from under hi? by allowing his though'ts to dwell up- grandeur of tho hall, for another In Even ad Manners feelings toward vlgllanco committees. ing until again replaced In Its cradle. ho produced an emptv pickle on them the desire is created to act stance. Your paying 40 cents for a ml nl.A ntl.n- - nonnMa nt iht nrpR. On the child being stripped I found It ',otUo' he,d 11 ,low over the tho thoughts out. half cantaloupe hero when you could ervation of law and order In well nourished and undisturbed by pal- hole for a minute, and corked It While hereditism traces many get Just as good for 20 cents off Irkutsk of which the ordinary Amor- - pitation, excepting In one spot on tho Have a Value Nowadays d of paper criminal tendencies of children back Broadway, my taking a taxi from tho lean citizen would not altogether ap- - " back. Hero very slight pressuro on Tho "hmans curiosity again go he through a line of parents and grand- offlco to meet you, when I could have prove. For tho last eighteen months' one particular point Induced a fit of t of him. and ho questioned the parents, a fact that como almost as quickly and qulto as tho city has had a rudimentary street it is nevertheless screeching which a definite na- - indicated comfortably on a car. My wlfo going A very queer situation Involving a gulshed representatives of other tho residential nowsuoy. mo snabby iittio the thief Is not born a thief. Ho is On pressing lighting svstom. but localized trouble. the Adlron-dack- s great value of bad Hons with whom ho camo in contact. l shyly In response to made a thief, and In this way: to a fashionablo resort in the questlon of tho a stone's throw from 'w lokod finger very gently over the tender tho important work they And now some of tho dignified Brit tho Inquiry. "Oh. I'm Just taking ft There must bo a first theft. An ex and wearing herself out dress- manners and tho main shopping streets, nro left place 1 distinctly a point which na- ish periodicals have my moth-for- ing and motoring nnd dancing, and perform In tho preservation of a Journals and pitchy darkness. Naturally, thoy l'ottI that smell homo to tremely favorable opportunity to steal slightly and which waB in was movable keeping up with tho social pace, when tion, and especially tho British Em rushed Into tho fray with an argument burglar's hnppy hunting or. Sho nln't never smelled anything presents Itself to the boy or man who 1 tho evidently the sourco of tho pain. at in England. King in favor of bad manners. London nlco ns that!" has never yet stolen. He is sure that what sho really noeded and wanted pire, has arisen ground. Not Infrequently, ns you pass onco made a slight Incision, when to Instance, attention tD I a good rest; Bllklim selling his George recently criticised tho man Truth, for calls down one ot iheso streets Into at Tho. man's eyes twinkled, and a no suspicion will attach itself to him my surprlso a llttlo black point pro- iwas year's car becauso It hasn't fore ners of Englishmen, which, he Bald, the fact that too much courtesy has night you will bo startled by an ox-- smilo showed through tho week's It he purloins a certain article of It last truded from tho wound. This, wit getting worso and worse, and ho In all ages accompanied downfall. whls- - growth of B'ubblo on his face. "Woll," value. He takes it, he is not found doors though" wero plosion over your head and tho a pair of small forceps, I drew out very suggested It would bo a good "Noblesso oblige,' 'Is saya, "has ruined past your ho remarked, putting a big, grimy out nnd he congratulates himself up- "But my dear fellow, wo must kcop that tlo of spreading bird shot gently, and to my astonishment I Include the Inculcation of nioro people nnd nations than unwise householders, hand on tho child's shoulder, "I ain't on having secured tho article, and at up appearance, you know." thing to cars. For tho timid withdrew a small bundlo of about two courtesy In curricula of tho speculation. Franco has a namo for objection being no bloomlln' millionaire, but yon Just punish-mon- t. "And wo are all bo complacent and tho without tho slightest tho same time wholly escaped long, quite black, which I as Inches smug ourselves," continued the Bchools. And Immediately a great courtesy, so has Italy, so has Spain. by tho police, flro a shotgun como along with mo, sonny, I'll get His success emboldens him up about raised certained to bo a needle wrapped many loyal British subjects remade Germany, England nnd tho United window, boforojyou 801110111111' 't '11 carry better 'n , he steals again, this time also Honest Business Man.1 "Wo think from tho bedroom and In ... - - - " thread. discovery that Englishmen are not States each has a special brand of bad ... 11111 ..ti,. Lie ivjn m...... dlmti' thntv. without detection. "Easy graft" ho that nothing worth whllo ever oscaped tho mrninu in iur iiikiil. juoi TJiIs was at onco rocognlzcd by tho of politeness. Thoy began manners. Comparo tho status ot theso burglars thero A llttlo cold hand slipped confiding- now murmurs to himself, and he off Manhattan Island. Only yesterday patterns posslblo lurking that mother as a glover's needle which tho it, and Bay what a pity two groups of countries. ly Into tho man's great rough one, awl-th- launches upon a carocr of crime. my second stenographer, who Is a to deprecate Is a gun in the houso. child must have swallowed while u It Is, what could bo dono Bad manners of tho national kind Burglars Away. amnll legs trotted along belde What Is the end. His boldness pro young and a recent nrrlvnl from and Frightening craivllng about the floor, which had nro tho Blgn manual of power, audi city's policing Is dono partly tho manly ones to tho nearest gressively increases, until ho takes Westorn city, was sputtering to tho it? Tho worked Its way outward through tho Tho Bishop of Worcester mado n havo something fibrous In them which by municipal, partly by private patrol- store Flvo minutes iRter too great a chauco. Ho Is detected, first stenographer becauso tho latter coats of tho stomach. Tho operation boys of Wolverloy docs not for a moment excuso thorn, by property tho boy wns on his way home, radiant arrested, tried, convicted, disgraced had asked If Bho over saw n real fire speech to tho men, tho latter subsidized over, tho ahlld fell fast asleep and re School In which ho recalled a conver- but which enables tho observer to owners, privato consiumes no In tho possession of n pink bottle of and ruined. eugino before she camo to Now York iiio covered In two or three days after ho with tho King on tho understand them. On tho day gai- - punumo, wnno 1110 num. ncmm-ler- ho Tho girl resented tho Insult, rather sation had servo an honored nicno in tuo And that is his punishment, as dangerous - parting with this subject of Tho King had when King Gcorgo finds himself rul- ot twonttoth-contur- phllosoph- ly cussing hlmsolf for an XXXX fool, thinks, for his last big haul. He la neatly, I thought. Sho retorted that .manners. Bho a horse-ca- r until assured tho Bishop that Englishmen, ing over a 'pollto' nation ho will find ers. Our Anglo-Saxo- Uloal of a good walked tho entire distance to hU wrong. It Is his punishment for that had never seen girl has In point ot manners, wcro beginning himself ruling over u decadent night constable Is n kcon-oyed-, lomo, becauso ho had spent his car first trifling theft that no one knew Bho came to New York. Tho to compare very badly with dlstln- - stealthy, rubber-hoolo- d roan In L'Ulfl. 'faro. . anything about, but that made its Flno Job Printing, 3tar Office. been hero loss than six months and PIQHTBBN THE m HAWAIIAN STAR, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1911. StenWC3mrar-- .i ' " Ing yet tightening effect upon the CELERY SALAD cooked beet root. This Is always;, skin nnd prevents on small plates, one to each nbsolutcV those For salads celory Is well nigh in- served unbecoming beads of perspiration roll- Individual valuable. It ts used In combination ing down tho face, which are the woe A very pretty salad is made by cov- with fish, of so many. A pad of linen, well chicken, veal, apples, nuts, ering crisped white celery cut In Things to Interest soaked in nuistnrd water and applied oysters, peppers, tomatoes, potatoes cubes with n white mayonnaise mado-b- to any place where perspiration ex- and beets. adding the whites of two eggs to tends ,ns to tho arm-pit- s or fore- The lntter combination ls espe- tho regular mayonnaise recipe and head, makes matters more sure. A cially popular In England, tho un- half cup of whipped cream. Garnish n dusting of oatmeal also helps to com- cooked celery cut In rings being with sliced tomatoes nnd sprigs of 1 Our Woman Readers plete tho cure. added to an equal quantity of Bllced bleached celery leaves. 3


EF ILLINGS Wo see fringes on skirts, tunics, teashes, collars, cuffs and hats. Many of ser1;o, cheviot and As many of the sisters ask mo for show the belted effect. Most of the skirts for evening have various fillings layer I will for cakes, small trains. send a few that I have found very sat- Mack ribbons are much used isfactory. Many good cako recipes for trimming. Famous One p That have already beon published, any one Girl's Way of Managing a Lover. other, bettor no marriage. Many largo velvet hats with turned-h- If; ot which, If baked in layers, will do for A news item tells of a girl who on tile olltel' lituitr, to give the brims are seen. girl the benefit of a doubt, she did Lace Is much used on ruffles on these fllllngSi . jumped Into a river because her fiance not do it from the purely selfish de- skirts of evening frocks. Mineral Lemon" whom she was trying to persuade to to Water dream Filling Grated rind sire gain her poliu, but becnuse he Dark blouses are trimmed with .and juice of one lemon, one cup of grant a certain wish refused to do so was so obstinate, there was no other white moussellne do solo. way to make him yield, then it would Many evening coats gar, half cup water, one heaping ta- Of course, he promptly jumped In of the newest to the after her, and pulled her out. The have been better for her break arc made with a single scam. blespoon flour,, small piece of butter to any recon-cilllatio- engagement than resort to Tho new horn buttons rimmed In and a vey small pinch of salt. Beat news Item ended by saying a such methods. If she has any spirit contrasting color come in a variety of Health-Givin- g, two eggs light mix flour into ensued betweeil the two, and Sparkling, and the whatever, marriage with a man as combinations. Delightful a pour beaten eggs. ho consented to do as she wanted. batter; Into the obstinate as this would indicate noth Machine stitching is very popular As soon as of the ingredients It is another version of the. Lady the rest ing but misery for her. She can't be on skirts and coat suits of cheviot have come to a boil, on the back and the Glove. And this man would set jumping into rivers forever. It would and English suitings. part of the stove and stir into it very have been wise, if after ha had obeyed his lady's behest, he had get monotonous. Besides it would Fur is used more extensively than quickly; stir vigorously the eggs and ho might definitely, like the knight of old, bro- lose its force. Tlym, too ever to trim dresses intended to wear continue to stir until the mixture always jump in her, and it ken off tlie engagement. For ho was not after without a wrap. comes to a boil nnd thickens to the humiliating to fash- hen-p- c would be exceedingly Charmeuse continues to be tho on on the road to becoming a J.ed consistency of jelly. Spread the - look- be- have to rescue one's self.- But ionable fabric for afternoon wear. The cakes when partially cool. husband, or else the home will ing at It seriously, any woman with favorite trimming is silk fringe. One cup sugar, come the scene of continual domestic ' Minnehaha Filling self-respe- must despise quarrels. Married life that starts out a spak of Paris has elected the huge, flat, Case half cup water, of one 10.00 boiling white per herself for having to resort to this, simply trimmed hat of black velvet as egg beaten dry and stiff, one cup rai- with this scheme of coercion between very or similar methods to obtain that the reigning favorite of the season. sins seeded chopped. Roll sugar the two is not going to be a and which' is rightfully hers. A marriage Tunics are longer at the hack than and water until it threads, stir It into happy existence. of 100 Bottles r in which such methods are necessary the front, nnd elaborate embroidery the white of the egg and, lastly, add Tnis Sirl Is of the l'"0 woman get what can" never be happy. and fringe are used to decorate mem. the chnnnpd raisins. Season with .1 who cries when she can't she wants. But men are becoming If such serious disagreements arise Muffs are Iiuko affairs, and arc- - few drops of lemon extract and spread high- e femi- courtship days tlinlt such often lined with and chiffon to on cake. somewhat weather-wis- to the in simply handed measures are necessary to harmonize with tho color of the fur. Cocoanut Filling One and a half nine rainy season, and they of resignation and win one or the other over, the two Girdles and sashes are often In cups granulated sugar, two-third- s cup hoist an umbrella seems had' better tako reason by the hand, blight colors on black and white water, beat the white of one egg to a go serenely on their way. So It neces and walk a little way with her before gowns. stiff froth; boil sugar until Git just something more strenuous is they proceed to the marrying altar. Persian silk veiled with begins to thread, stir it into the beaten sary, and realizing it, this girl jumped course, she knew Saying a few words at tho church Is used for collars, rovers and cuffs on C0e$ Lt(L I - the river. Of H. cup '"to Hackfeld froth and add a rounded of shred- i , . i. nf rniirep chancel, and marching down the aisle a number of cloth and satin models. ded cocoanut; add a tiny pinch of.ne wouiu leauuu hi, ...... u. - to tune of the wedding march are Many of tho new skirts are fitted and a few drops of lemon she knew likewise, that as a result the salt or, to change human nature. a seam over right hip and a orange extract. 'of her action, he would give in. not going with the unworthy of If love, which means the utmost con- long straight dar over the left hip. Nut Fllllnolone oim suenr. half But such a method is DISTRIBUTORS love, sideration for each other, is not the Tho new models show high-waiste- d cup water, white of one egg beaten to an' true woman H shows not is man basis of marriage, then trouble Is effects on skirts and very slightly .1 stiff frnth; hnil biimv niwl wnlpr but selfishness. And wise the in. short-walstc- meaning of it, and ahead for both. For no condition in d effects on coats and til it threads and stir it into the beat- - who reads the true any such life opens , the door quite so wide to cloaks. en egg; add half cup of chopped wal- - refuses to put his head Into con-pe- d bitterest misery as an unhappy A few capo collars are being shown chop-."se- . A marriage under such tho nuts or almonds and half cup of honorable wol,,d 110 tn,e marriage. And it is more on auto coats, but these will not bo In raisins. If more filling is requir'-- be marriaS; llts for either party to break tho engage- the height of their fashion until later ed, a cup more of sugar, tor love, pure, deep, disinterested use half a to go to a mar a11 of which nml more ls,' ment than forward In the season. little more water nnd part of another lve. l0V0A rea- riage in which tho one and only Royal purple is decjdedly modish. -- A white of an ece. is tlie only reason ior mamas. or tIie son for it is absent love. Many of tho new skirt models are Chocolate Filling One cup sugar, lf u is lackiK 011 one slde in overskirt effect, some being edged cup water, white of one egg bear-e- n half with fringe. The drop skirt is usually to a stiff froth, two-third- s cup, or of satin or volvct. more if desired, of grated unsweetened ENGLISH DISHES EXCELLENT Many of the now street and auto sugar un- nsrerator chocolate; boil and water coats have their collars and cuffs til It threads, and stir it Into the beat trimmed with velvet, corduroy, ratine, en froth, then add the grated choco--! overhang-- - h oned safely and turn up the bengallne, braid or satin. late, a tiny pinch of salt and flavor While the solid, savory platters ONE OF ing paste. In spite of the fact that lace frills vanilla. Instead of using all loved of our cousins over the sea ' Wring out a cloth in hot water, were so widely distributed last sea- I sometimes vary by using dyspepsia-ridde- umei badly with the flour it and tie up the pudding. Have son, they are again featured to a sur- half chocolate and half grated cocoa- - stomachs Umt accompany American water boiling into which it goes, prising extent for and winter. Permanent Satisfaction nut. tho fall nen'0,,S 8'StemS' ther are therS and boil steadily for four hours. If All kinds of laces appear in differ- Strawberry Cream-H- alf cup thick fr water must be added from time to ent parts of new dresses, and there is sweet cream beaten until stiff, two ta- - which our national cuisine would be time, this must be added from a boil- a tendency toward the biggest lace blespoons sugar and one large cup of much the better, ing kettle also, as it Is of the utmost vogue known for some time. THE ONLY CLEANABLE. berries well sweetened. Even tne heavier combinations, a3 Importance not to reduce the tempera- Fringe will bo seen on nearly all Vienna Cream-O- ne cup thick sour KING OF ICE SAVERS. Qf ment an(1 try wouW be llsef, ture of the pudding. t)f new costumes for afternoon cream, one cup sugar, one cup hickory tho as they are in the When the cloth is finally removed and evening wear, on house gowns, nut or meats put through food at times If Plared walnut cut a round piece In the top of the negligee, parasols and even on hats. chopper. Stir all together and boil heat English kitchens. The golfer, the this fact in mind crust to prevent the pudding bursting The early fall tendency In tailored It is now Refrigerator Weather, and with five minutes, then spread on the lay-- baseball player and the growing and send it to table either with a - suits is strongly toward suits having and with the knowledge that you want the Best and Most ers- - - . school boy, for instance, would wel- kin pinned around or In a second, trimming on the collars, cuffs and ro- Golden Cream-Yo- lks of two eggs, Satisfactory Refrigerator on the market, we offer for your co,nc EnRlBh beefsteaU j,uddIng and more ornamental dish. vers and occasionally on the skirts. one cup sugar aim two teaspoons ot would no cause to regret the Readers and admirers of Mrs. Brown inspection the - thick sweet cream; beat the yolks have will remeber that if there was one PRESERVE YOUR DIGNITY. (Poreclaln.) very light and add the sugar and solidity of it afterward. Pric dish more than another that "Brown" The way to ward off old age ls not I cream; flavor with vanilla and spread This pudding requires a rich boiling was "partial to" It was a "weal and to fear it, not to allow one's self to on cake. pastry made of Ave or six ounces of 'am pie." Nor is Brown alone in thin. bo oppressed by the dread of advanc- Cooked Cream One large cup suet and half a pint of water or milk; sweet His predilection for the said pastry ing yen's. Use only legltlmato pre- milk, one cup sugar, ono well beaten or use one and a half pounds of flour, dainty is shared by many Englishmen ventives and avoid trying experiments Line water. Roll out a Gurney egg and one heaping tablespoon hutter and it about Celebrated flour of hearty appetites. with preparations not indorsed by or cornstarch; boil milk and suga: Quarter of an inch thick and have the Here Is the rule for making it. A physicians. Do not wear toilettes In- wet the cornstarch with a llttlo milk, luddlng dish well greased before Un- is pound and a half of filet of veal cut tended for young girls, they only add You cannot fail at once to see that the circulation feature, which, after all the only factor mix into tho egg and quickly '"S It with the paste. The beefsteak stir into into squares, a quarter pound of lean years to tho appearance'. Keep up 1 boiling milk; flavor to taste. must he good and tender. Cut it Into that give a refrigerator standing, is absolutely complete-i- n the Gurney. All compartments the ham also In small pieces, with a your interest in the young, but do Banana Filling Two-third- s cup su- - slices about our inches long. Season or thereabouts of butter. not envy them. Retire with dignity can be kept scrupulously pure and wholesome. gar, four cups water and juice of tllese- - flour them and roll tightly. Fill one Cover with water in a deep pie dish from the struggle, do not pose as egg, tho "adding dish with them, leaving, lemon, one beaten one tablespoon stew well. it is Above all, sur- however, enough space for the water and When tender add your daughter's rival. Prices range from to $150.00, according to size. flour mixed to a smooth batter with a hard-boile- $7.0 two d eggs cut in slices, a rounded your life with sweet, true af- little water and a tiny pinch of which is to form the gravy, salt; ' small quantity of minced parsley nnd fections which prevent the heart from sugar, water Cover tne t0 wlth l'astry, of course, boll and lemon juice, add n suspicion of thyme. Cover the dish growing bitter. D tiot lose Interest egg to and 1)0 careful to have the edges care-- ' 1 the beaten batter, stlrrln,; with thin pastry and bake. in the growing events of the day; do briskly prevent curdling. secured. to Should be.fuI1' not fall behind tho times, and do not EASY TERMS u lB steamed for four or five hours, British Potato Soup. ON a thick jolly when done. Crush three harp on other and bettor days. To and is served in the bowl, folded about English potato soup Is both economi bananas and mix into it, or more tf who como to you for advice be a napkin. savory. those You can become a proud possessor of a Gurney at once. desired, and when cold spread on thoiw'"1 cal and For It they boll mar- always kind and sympathetic. As you One-thir- d is -3 in days and the final -3 layers. A Meat Pudding. row bones and strain off tho stock. To advance in years preserve carefully cash down; 30 Filling One cup cut-u- p Chocolate sweet A variation of this dish Is beefsteak this is added a plate of vegeta- your personal appearance, for onco in sixty days. milk, ono cup sugar, yolks of two eggs bles, consisting of tho following mix- by and kidney pudding, a fine specimen lost it may not bo regained save and half cake of sweet chocolate grat- - ture: Three onions cut flne, some po- strenuous effort. Your costumes whic" requires two pounds of ten-th- e 45 STYLES IN STOCK.. ed (It may require more chocolato if,of tatoes sliced ihln and one large car- should bo simple nnd unpretentious, cakes are very small) ta- - der steak and two kidneys. Season the I and one rot grated. Add seasoning as for any yet graceful. These rules, carefully M Price $42.50 (Preclaln.) hlespoon vanilla; heat the milk and meats to your taste using salt and soup and simmer an hour or more. and sensibly followed, will keep yo'u II add, the chocolato, sugar, vanilla and black pepper. Strain and serve. Some add a .stalk young and attractive. eggs; set In a double boiler and stir Cut the steak into pieces about an of celery and a bit of cooked lean ham until a thick jelly. inch square and cut the kidney Into to the original stock pot to give addi- EXCESSIVE PERSPIRATION. Caramel Filling Two scant cups su- eights. Line the dish as above and tional flavor. Few of tho sufferers from this gar, two-third- s cup milk and butter All with the meats. For a breakfast dish a l'Anglalso try and uncomfortahlo trouble know the size of nn egg; boil about 10 min- - Now pour on the water. Some cooks breaded sausage?. Wipe tho sausa- that It can be checked very consider- HI I utes and beat until nearly cold. Spread sprinkle in a little ffour to thicken the ges very dry, di, In ben'on egg and ably by washing or bathing In mustar- W. W. Dimond & Co., on tho hot cakes. This Is rather dlf. gravy, hut unlj U is lined quite bread crumbs, put them in tho frying d-water every morning. The mus li flcult tp handle, as it hardens so thick this is not necessary. Let the basket and plunge into smoking hot tard should bo In tho proportion of LIMITED quickly. water como to within two inches of fat. They require about ten minutes' an egg-eupf- to a full-size- d bath, or - Any kind of Jelly makes a good fill- tho rim of the bowl. cooking, tho being dessertspoonful to washing 53-5- heat reduced after a a basin. HOUSEFURNISHINGS. 7 KING STREET. HONOLULU. n'ilftK and all. kinds of nuts may bo used Moisten the' edges of tho crust, cov- the Initial plunge. Servo with a gar- It should color tho water yellow, but I . .iiaweliys datoa, figs and ralsjnfyln er the top, press the two crusts nish ot little squares of toast and fresh not bo strong enough to Inflame or 11 thatitlie gravy may be imprltj- - Bprays of witerQrej.s, ' stjng the skin. It has a most refresh- - the HAWAIIAN STAR. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 191 NINBT8EK ? ? 9 ? if ? srjt ? IN THi3 UNITED STATUS DIS. 4; A Sure Cure TIHC T COURT FOR TUB TERRI. TORY OF HAWAII. BRO. BENJAMIN 4 fj THE I'NITED STATES, PlalmlfT. J, How Many ' People BOARD HAWAIIAN THR YELLOWBy ROE FULKERSON. JACK CatarrhRemedy,.? THE OF 4, " Por Catarrh, Hay Pecr, Cold In the tlead EVANGELICAL ASSOCIATION, ct v1 , t . Jt k J vt ,t it it .t it it it it ,t ,t tt it it it vt it it it it ut ,t it it it kt ,t ,t .l.'t.'t . fiiiiiuii iirruiiunE. CIC. Contains nothing harmful. al Defendant. Do You Know A block high up the main mnst sedatu drum fish Into hasty flight. Cameron! Jack had supposed him I Conica only In one le. Price JOc. Action brought In laid District piped like a blnl. He laughed wildly nnd flourished well on his way to the Solomon Bro. Benjamin Compound Herbalo Court, and the Petition filed Is the tho knlfo above his head, oud Islands. Stoma! h, L rr, Kiinrv tin W.iJJer Remedy. ifflce of Clork of Bald District Gently, deeply, easily, tho Mary a IJtinj I'urffrpr A treat MeJi the "Whoo-peo!- ine. " went out over the ocean. "You damned yollow cur!" roared It Mikis the C me. ourt, In Honolulu, Cameron, a full-rigge- windjammer, I I'n. e, fi.orj per Nnte, for J so, f for f.oo Who "C01110 on!" ho yolled; "you devils! the captain, advancing with upraised I HE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED rolled on the off shoro tack. you nro missing the best piece of flat. Before tho words were well out 1 Honolulu Drug Co. STATKS, GREETING: The helmsman nodded at the wheel. shark that ever hit the South of his mouth, Yellow .Tack sprang to THE BOARD OF TUB HAWAIIAN Th0 moon was low, and where tho'St!"8!" lt meet him. Tho blow ho planted on EVANGELICAL- - ASSOCIATION, a Not Laughing defiantly, ho tho tho doing bust-ics- s Are replaced angl0 of the captain's jaw was oi potation existing and lee rail throw Its shadow on tho deck, WE HAVE knlfo In Its sheath; and, with n long backed up with tho weight his nndnr by .virtue of the laws an unkempt, cringing figure crawled jif and stroke, he resumed his way Ing body. Tho captain went down if the Territory of Hawaii; 3. K. slowly GettingThe STAR? toward tho Jacob's ladder that down the path of the moon toward with a . There was suqh a look Loan IMIMANf. L. U JOSEPH, JONAH trailed In the water at tho stern. tho shoro ho could not sec. of mingled surprise and Indignation Mm :AIWIAEA. S. IC. PUPtnir nnd H. Tho holmsman still nodded, lie felt that he could swim for ton his face as lie slowly sat up that K. KAAT AKEA, as Trustees of SHOW THEM THE PAPER. THEY WILL WANT IT AND YOU Slowly, and apparently with pain. week. Turning on his back for an Jack burst Into a howl of laughter. on listed stocks or on Improved Ileal tho KIPAHUMJ PROTESTANT the figure seemed almost to oozo over Instant, ho looked lo tho rear. Ho A crowd of tint Ivor, Japs, HHT'IICII; THE KIPAHULU St'QAR CAN THUS GET VOTES IN THE STAR'S GREAT $3,000 PRIZE Chinese. Estate. the rail down tho ladder could soo ship. He disap and beach-comber- s COMPANY, n corporation v ami Into the, not his felt of all nations, Wo buy and sell Stocks and Bonds existing CONTEST. , nIK- - upn ' u pointed. He would have liked to swim gathered In a twinkling, swarming and make investments for others In ind doing business under and by vir ENTER THE GREAT $3,000 SUBSCRIPTION CONTES.T. HERE'3 A slight land breeze mado a llttlo back to It and wipe out every Insult out of the huts like the Inmates of a approved Trust Securities. tue of the laws of tho Territory of In ropes spars ho OPIO; SAM THE LIST OF PRIZES NOTHING LIKE IT EVER OFFERED HERE rattle tho and of the had received. scraped ant hill. Theso strange white Wo Bhall bo pleased to talk Hawaii: XAHELE KA rigging, and the man at the wheel As be rolled over, he hit the watO"-- men who laughed when they fought MAI-CAT'- MA LIA PALAPALA, widow BEFORE: iJ-iUtL- wakened with a contemptuous Binnck opon wcro won- of KANAKAAUKAT, deceased; SAM j lAJ start, but his cye3 with his a never ending source of INVESTMENTS were forward, and tho bobbing yellow-hea- hand, and swam steadily onward with der to them. PALAPALA; KANAKA AUKAI. with you. FIRST, $750f00 Cash. was left behind unnoticed In the a deep stroke that stretched his body As tho captain roso to his feet ho KEALOHA NUI, moonlight. full length. He filled his mouth with tossed asldo his coat and rushed bull- NNIE, whose full name Is unknown, SECOND, Fine Building Lot in Kaimuki. After a few moments, tho main In tho salt water and spurted it out in like at his assailant. Jack side-steppe- md MARY KTIPIHEA. heirs at law THIRD, Savings Bank Account of $300.00 Cash. the water struck out slowly, but with front of him like a boy. Ills shoes liko a practiced pugilist, and of JCANAKAAUKAI. deceased; DA. the powerful stroke of the practiced annoyed him a little, and ho paused to Innded Ezra another on tho jaw V1D BROWN, HENRY SMITH, Money. Jolt FOURTH, Ticket to Coast and Return, with Pocket swlmmor, toward the low shore line kick them off. Once more ho settled that sent him spinning like a whirl- JANE BLACK and MARTHA GREEN, FIFTH, Selection of Books. $150.00. five miles away. It was Just under down to his work. He hummed a col- ing dervish against the frail side of unknown heirs at law of KANAKAA-UKA- I. tho moon, for he had marked It down lege song through his nose. tho restaurant with a jar that made Bishop Trust Co., deceased; DAVID KUPIHEA; SIXTH, Trip and Week at Volcano. from tho deck before ho went over- At last, as he slipped through the tho dishes rattle. II. IIACKFELD and COMPANY, LIM- SEVENTH, Furniture Order, $75.00. board. water, he plainly heard the surf on The skipper camo back at him with Limited ITED, a corporation existing and Ho had ruVaway. tho reef ns It rolled In to the shore. a glittering knlf0 in his hand; and iolng business under and by virtue of . EIGHTH, Music Order, $50.00. It seemed to him that his whole llfo If he could only strike a passage ngnin Jack jumped to meet him. 924 BETHEL STREET the laws of the Territory of Hawaii; ISAAC P HARBOTTLE; MARY K. NINTH, Hardware Order, $50.00.' had been a series of flights from the through the jagged coral, ho could Catching the uplifted knife hnnd in Honolulu dangers that he had not had the make tho beach. He would strike tho Ids left. Jack jammed his right hand HARBOTTLE; WILLIAM HARBOT-TLE- ; TENTH, Jewelry Order, $50.00. nerve to face. passage! Ho would land! down insido the captain's collar. DAVID H. HARBOTTLE; TAMES HARBOTTLE; FREDERICK And exclusively for the people of the other islands: God knows they were rights Ho Louder and louder roared tho surf Slowly tightening his grip, ho turned was yellow A college mate had first on tho roof. Now ho could see tho tho hand, with knuckles pressing KLAMP; AGNES G KLAMP, wlfr. of ELEVENTH, Trip from Hilo, Week, in Honolulu, and put tho profix "yellow" to his name white line of the breakers. against tho windpipe, till tho captain's FREDERICK KLAMP; JOSEPH e Bank of WHITE, WILLIAM DAVIS, HELEN Return. when he quit cold in the Ho took the outside one with the face grow purple from suffocation. JOHNSON and JULIA ROBERTS, un- in swimming race at its closo pressed "Hi! Hi! Hi!" of tho cowboy on a Tho blows that fell on Jack's head TWELFTH, Trip from West Hawaii, Week Honolulu, known of HALTJALANI, finish. It. was a nickname that stuck bucking broncho. Ho swirled Into tho and body as tho struggling sklppc-struc- heirs at law and Return. HA-WA- to him ever since. It fitted. He had noxt one, and it broke over his head. out blindly with his free left Honolulu leceascd; THE TERRITORY OF THIRTEENTH, Trip from Maui, Week in Honolulu, and been Yellow Jack in collego: Yellow Kising to the surface out of the hand, might havo been love pats for and JAMES THOMPSON, Return. Jack when business went, wrong and smother, ho shook his head Hko a all tho deserter appeared to heed 3 JOHN GRAY, HENRY STONE, EL1Z. left him penniless; Yellow huge dog, and regained his lost them. ABETII STONE, MARY STILES and Trip from Kauai, Week in Honolulu, Jack when Issue K. N. & FOURTEENTH, his fiance, undaunted, breath. Tho blows grew weaker. Captain MARTHA STILES, unknown owners and Return. offored to Letters o f Credit marry him and to move into a cot- Kverywhero nowUhero was a blur Ezra's hand dropped to his side. His nnd claimants; and appear tage; Yellow Jack, when ho hit tho of wblto spume; tho air was thick knees began to wobblo drunkcnly. Traveler's You aro hereby directed to alcohol splashed toboggan that ended with foam; and th0 roar of tho boil Jack slung him asldo Hko a rag. Pick- Checks available and answer the Petition In an action against in his being shanghaied, in a ing, seething water filled his ears. ing up tho skipper's coat and cap, ho throughout entitled as above, broucht The Contest Is Open to Either Sex drunken' the you In the United States District stupor, from a water-fron- t boarding Ho was tired, hut with a laugh, ho put them on, and walked across tho world. & jf-- Cable S Court, for the Territory of Hawaii, house and carried aboard the Man-Camero- disappeared beneath the upshooting road to whero McKenzic, tho trader, transfers t lowest ALL THE ISLANDS MAY COMPETE FOR within twenty days from and after THE swirl that marked tho Inside 'barrier smoked a pipe In calm contemplation - rates jr- jc jk service upon you of a certified copy On tho long leg of tho reef toward which was bo- - of fight. Mac bought copra FIRST TEN PRIZES. OAHU CANDIDATES CAN from 'Frisco out to he tho had of Plaintiff's Petition herein, together the Hawaiian Islands, and from ing rushed headlong. and sholl In tho Islands since the days NOT COMPLETE FOR LAST FOUR. there with a certified copy of this Sum- THE on across the line. Captain Kzra when "long pig" was a steady diet Smith BLAKE-KNOWLE- mons, S SUGAR HOUSE. had considerably , A pig was busy husking a cocoa-nu- t with tho natives, and ho bad learned amused himself from And you are hereby notified that time to by under the shadow of futility of gejtlng Into peo- PUMPING MACHINERY. time knocking him down. the palms. the other unless' you appear and answer as The mate, too, yellow When ho had finished, ho ple's quarrels. had found the snouted ft above required, the said Plaintiff will streak in his make-up- , out of tho shade to where sun "Nice fight," ho commented, remov- and had used the hot HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. take judgment of condemnation of him for a punching bag; until at last JwotiTit burst It open for him." ing his pipe. "What's it all aliout?" Agents tho lands described in tho Potltlon the whole ship's company Tho nut rolled quite a way "Shanghaied mo in 'Frisco. Heat for the Hawaiian Islands. from cook down herein and for any other relief de- to of mo up way forecastle hands, were hammering the Incline tho beach. As the pig with belaying pins all the manded in tho Petition. It, him at will, and he had degenerated followed ho sow a man stretched down. Gimme a job!" replied Yellow WITNESS TUB HONORABLE Into a out just in tho edge laconically. Wyandotte cowering, slinking cur, ducking of tho water. Jack SANFORD B. DOLE and THE HON- VOTE and throwing up With a "woof" fright pig your name, what can The great Washing Soda, his arm to protect of tho scam- "What's and used ORABLE CHARLES F. CLEMONS, pered you his head at the least motion by any back into the purao thioket, do?" Hospitals and tho Homo. Judges of said District Court, this IN man aboard. shaking the branches, and making the "Yollow Jack Is my name, and I can Cheaper than Pearllne. 30lh day of Juno, in the year of our Yellow Jack! poppydlko flowers nod to and fro as kill sharks, lick you or any other man SANITARY STEAM LAUNDRY. Lord one thousand nine hundred and He admitted, as swam ho disappeared from view. who walks tho face of God's green he there in Phono 1973 eleven and of the Independence of up The Big Contest tho moonlight, that tho nanjo was ap- The surf bubbled warmly up the earth, and I'll contract to pull tho United States the one hundred Star's Prize high propriate. Ho knew tho yellow beach as as the knees of the ninn every palm on tho Island by tho roots and thirty-fifth- . For streak was there; for though he could whostill lay there and the tiny wavesN for a nickel apiece. : (Sgdl A. E. MURPHY, your dead- swim like a fish, ho was feeling at rolled the cocoanut husks back and "Your name comes from Clerk. that rnoment the sickening, sinking forth on tho sand. ly disposition?'" HaveYou Read (Seal) Name sensation in tho pit of his stomach As tho water sagged back, the wot "Nope. From a yollow streak I used (Endorsed) I In Our Ad in the that is the invariable accompaniment pobbles made marvels of color and to havo In mo that washed otit No. 77. UNITED STATES DIS- design yonder beyond the in of physical cowardice. between his feet then, as the shark's blood out Morning TRICT COURT, for tho Territory or Fill the name of your favorite candidate and send glmmo He begun to fear that ho could sun quickly dried them, they ngaln breakers last night. Can you Hawaii, THE UNITED STATES OF ballot to The Star Contest Department. never swim those five long miles to became colorless, like thoso higher uj a job?" Paper ? AMERICA vs. THE BOARD OF THE anybody I want shore that ho could not got through tho beach. "I don't know of HAWAIIAN EVANGELICAL ASSO-CIATIO- (Good until 5 p. m. November 16.) the reef that always surrounds these A cricket sang in tho shado of the killed today, hut come In and have a Phone 1884 et al. SUMMONS. ROB- South Sea islands that a' shark thicket and some shrill thing whist- drinjf." ERT W BRECKONS, United Stales Across tho streak of moonlight led In a tuft of weeds. The mosqui- "No, thanks. I'm drunk now for Island Investment Co., Attorney. you down which he was swimming cut toes sung and stung. life; but I'll como in and talk to Limited. THE UNITED STATES OF AMER- suddenly a triangular dorsal fin. Yellow Jack rolled to a sitting pos- about thnt job." ICA, Territory of Hawa.I,. City of Fascinated with horror, his eyes ture. Glancing around him, he care- Honolulu, ss. followed It as,-- with a hawk-lik- e swoop fully tucked his bluo shirt o I, A. E. MURPHY, Clerk of tho NOMINATION It circled toward him, leaving a phos- tho belt thnt held upl his dun- Tin Manama specie Bai United States District Court for tho phorescent trail In its wako in tho garee trousers. Ho stood tip and C. Brewer & Co., Territory and Disrict of Hawaii, do black oily waters outside the streak looked In every direction. Then ho LIMITED. hereby certify tho foregoing to bo a of moonlight! took tho samo path through tho jun-gl- o HEAD OFFICE, YOKOHAMA. LIMITED. full, truo nnd correct copy of the or- saw It him ns pig. iginal ' He fend for with a tho vanished Summons In tho caso of THE VOTES, -- A GOOD FOR 5000 f i rush. Another moment and ho kn)w hundred yards from tho beach ho Sugar Factors UNITED STATES OF AMERICA vs. that an arm ou leg would he torn heard tho tumbling of a waterfall. Capital (Paid Up) Yen 24,000,000 AND THE BOARD OF THE HAWAIIAN body. legs to- Pushing through tho bushes, ho found EVANGELICAL Contest Manager, Hawaiian Star: from his His shut Reserve Fund Yen 10.000,000 ASSOCIATION, et gether in a spasm of terror; he a deep pool at tho baso of a llttlo al., as iho same remains of record and shrieked; and, with his arms clamped cliff. Lying down on his belly, ho General banking business transact- on fllo in tho ofllco of tho Clerk of I asl( to place in nomination as a candidate in the close to his sides, sank as if he had drank his fill of the cool water. Ho ed. Savings account for ?1 and up- said Court. an anchor tied to his feet. took oft his two garmonts and soused wards. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I havo Contest of The Hawaiian Star: As hands met thighs, ho felt tho, them up and down in the pool to rinse Firo and burglar proof vaults, with OFFlCEItS AND DIRECTORS hereunto set my hand tho Safo Deposit Boxes for rent at 1 per and nfltxed knlfo In his belt; and when lack of out the salt with which thoy were Im- - rear and upwards. E. F. Bishop President seal of said District Court this 29tb breath mado him kick out to rlso to prognated from his long swim, Ho Trunks and cases to bo kept on Geo. II. Robertson day of June, A. D. 1011. Mapie surface, fingers drow sprea.l on a to dry. Ho custody at moderate rates. Manage? A. 13. tho his tho them bush Treasure) . MURPHY, Particulars to bo applied for. Tf. W. North Clork of knife from Its sheath. It was gripped took a bath himself. YU AKAI, Managor. Richard I vers Pccrotarj United States District Court, tight in his hand, as his head roso Nearby was n short stretch of whito J. H. Gait AuOltoi Territory of Hawaii. Sex ... from tho water, and tho cold, slimy sand.. Ho lay. down on It to rest, heap- Honolulu Office, Bethel and Mer Oeo. R. Carter Diroctoi By GEO. R. CLARK. bolly tho shark swung by, rubbing ing It over him to keop off tho flies chant Sts. Tel. 2121 and 1604. P. O 0. H. Cooko Dlrectoi Deputy Clork. of ft. A. Cooke Diroctoi Box 168. Address (complete) his cheek. and mosquitoes. Ho soon slept tho Again ho shrieked In terror. sleep of exhaustion. THE Frantically he clutched at tho en- Tho sun was low when ho awak- emy with his left hand and stabbod ened. Washing off tho sand from his Ladies' Tailored CheeYouShinBo viciously, despairingly, with tho knlfo body, ho put on his dry clothes and WONG WONG CO. In his right. Tho blado went homo followed tho path through tho jungle. ALSO KNOWN AS THE Builders Occupation ...... ,....;..... to tho hilt, and tho blood spurted out It skirted the e"dgc of a hill, and soon LINEN WAISTS and Contractors over his hand and into his face, blind- brought him to a shoro vlllago of ing him. thatched huts scattered among tho $1.50 each Offlce, Mnunnkea St. Nominated by .,..,..,.,.,... to- Tho blow mado tho fish swerve palms. Near the center, tho French LHy ward the bottom; and, ns It glided colors floated over an extenslvo com- Jets Address .....'...., down and by him, one huge fin - pound. A bungalow mission school These aro In sizes 40, 42 and 44, FIRE INSURANCE ped into tho clutching fingers of his nestled near a cross-toppe- d church. and wero first sold at $3.00 each; THE LEADING CHINESE NEWSPA left hand. Ho gripped ft firmly, and A Chinaman, a waif from tho plan- thoy aro mado of superior grado of PER IN HAWAII. ATLAS ASSURANSE Only the First Nomination rvill count. stabbed again nnd again with tho tations, had a restaurant on the road linen nnd nro nicely finished through- Ten Pages. COMPANY OF knlfo, whllo ho sunl down, down, leading up from tho beach. Yollow out; thero aro only a fow loft, so get Tho papor for tho Chinese Trado, LONDON. down with tho shark. 'Jack bonded for It. A native In tat- - your ordet In at once. NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS Ho roso gasping to tho surfaco to too murks nnd duck trousers bado hltn AGENCY. STEEL NETS AND DOOS steel wlro with a lino , about nine find tho water stained with blood, j "knoha!" botweon tho bites of a mum-Fro- ( Jacobson Bros. PROVIDENCE WASHINGTON TO CATCH SMUGGLERS feet high and with gateways at suit- his Hps went out across tho , o Jack replied with cheery and INSURANCE COMPANY. As a protection against smugglers able points. Tho border near Menag-gl- o waves a wild, triumphant yell. An-- j 'Samo to you, Bill, and many of 'cm!" government pro- Shoes for Men The F, tho Italian is erecting a will have no net, but Is to bo other whirl of phosphorescence As ho swung across tho road toward I Dllllngliafn Co., Ltd, metallic net throughout tho length of tected by dogs specially trained to streaked the water on his right. Ho tho restaurant, out of door stepped Fort St., oppoBlto tho Convont '.aneral Agents for Hawaii. its Swiss frontier. This net Is of catch smugglers, mado a wild lunge at It, scaring a Captain Ezra Smith of the Mary Fino Job Printing, Star Ofllco. TELEPHONE 3C01 FourU Floor, Stangonwald Building. ' TWIONTY THE HAWAIIAN STAR. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1911.

big bifur- ! him out of tho way they closed all tho brush, Hut they went with fewer num-- I ror among all other natives of that with a restless eye and a BUCCANEERS fiercer. All my ammunition was gone. hers than when they began their Island. THE WONDERS cated Slavonic beard, who may Lo BLACKB1RDING WITH THE Twenty-fiv- e dead, or near- - Wo found their village of grass and recollected by the travoler, slow his ft to breast wo stood; hand to tack. were hand wo fought. Only a few minutes, ly bo; a dozen more were limping pnlm huts a short distance Inland. The (Continued frpm Pago Soventcen.) wlfo and her lover, nnd has served more ana tne niggers must prevnu. away, while others had been put out Instnrt we broke tho placo wo poured a long term of Imprisonment In a bar- I light nnd slunk into the brush. volleys ot snot into tue nouses, mil racks of tho frozen north. Thrco (Continued 17. while some of them would glance back And then heard a noise that mnde of tho .mrnoan of Wnrntnir nrosnnct rroia ;bo I body came out. man, woman staff ot I got very my blood run cold, as a danger, worse "Kill 'om, Jim!" yelled. "Drive 'cm Every lvo burglars of his approach and murderers are on the waiting I wanted recruits toward tho hush. Hut didn't out ami mUl if their nlld chlId hntl ned lnt ho lonso i - In 1 they than any yet encountered, enmo upon off!" causing them to abstain from sin- a hotel Irkutsk. 1 hurry; chlor might como suspicious because thought were must the thlckel- - Kvon tho wounded had been - gay nights expecting tho captives. us. So, howling like tho devil, we dashed nng, mnkes th nIght hideous by per- Irkutsk Is pretty at hack and call the deal off. nu envi- finally thing mo "Zip, zip! Chug, chug!" after the fleeing niggers. But wo did B'""luu "u vBleu uhiu petunlly clattorlng a powerful wooden now, but tho citizens look back lay ton far off to send out Hut another started - The brig i"cm. uayes was lor leacu- rnttlc. Ho grasps It firmly ously to tho zenith of its career to 1 go The women didn't push A cloud Of arrows all deadly with liot venture far from tho beach. There nnuE in hli far tho trading gun, yet hnted to hls 1,3880,1 n,1(1 Parting quickly. they usually acted. Tho tho fearful poison those New Hebrides Btlll remained tho danger of poisoned lnB and( and from dll8k to dawn pa. tho days of the recent Jnpaneso war. hank emutv handed. I'd almost de forward like Sending of guard I some the crew to rados the streets, whirling It round chnmpagne and costly wines heal-tate- dis- so ordered my ojowd back Inon trade, hut d bright pieces of and looking natives could brew had been arrows, cided to make the aBninst a "Aura attack ho ,, round every few paces. Tho free of might get glasses seldom failed to attract native charged nt the boats. Even a tiny to "tho boats. Three of ourmen were l8fu' at were cautiously transported, for fear Hie captain neuueu mo a searcu 01 me n o like death, and It dead, four others were scarred with rest in it watchmen d d the same til ntr duty nnd freight charge from St. a rage at me for giving up part women, yet this crowd stood still scratch meant certain - into houses. We looted tho place of every- t,, tlm streets of old wooden London Moscow In steel cars arms, which were tho a ship before her sails begin to drnw. was tho awtul death of lockjaw wounds nnd nil the trade had been Petersburg and !3r ol the brig's thing of value and piled the stuff away Up to tho time of the Great Firo 250 my man called "If they get me I hope It'll be with a ruined. The trip had been very costly. labeled "Powder," cars militant with latest model rifle Instead of the old An instant later was ' from the huts. Then the lesson years ago. Today Irkutsk is probably two-heade-d eagles loading gun. Final- more niggers were coming, and then club," 1 thought. "Captain coming, boss!" exclnlmed painted Imperial style muizlo trade laugiu. only city In world to mutter. A second one ot my men. Wo Baw the brig tlio the in which so nn.i mi.o,,ni mmnta At Irkutsk ly one of the blacks got saucy and tho crowd began And so, with the fear of death grip As soon as the flames began to lick ' fear- extraordinary a practice prevails tho ,)owdor cars were shunted off : - we a chorus of 1 BLIUUIIUK VilVOt I said - more and heard ping my heart, kept on shouting and iouuiv "itu iuuuib tin flin linitana nm! f n rvc? n fltmoir litito . . i i. - """ " nignny anu is regaraeu as quite a a "You like labor boy, you hurry. You ful yells from the brush on our left, clubbing and hitting and killing. Only from her were three bontloads of arm- , along the barrack sidings and round of many Steering tho leading boat " f " " "V" '" commonplace, it is mo oniy city in flnal hoUBe of refUB0 at the end of no like, we no care. German mans followed by the trampling two of us were standing now, and as I : the sides of up tho settlement to keep which Is cursed with the cus1-to- my lookout, and stood a massive figure we to bo , , , , Siberia tho rails, entering tho officers' mess lake, alllte." , feet, a cry from heard those arrows rattling about tho ,,', ,. the captain hlmBelf. . store shed In the barracks west of Coaxing Them to the Boat. then: boats or falling Into the water, I got ' nlmfira ftlfn thn ItKllall Tint 9 Min tin. Of the tens ot thousands of con- tho big red girder bridge over the-- t "Hang! Bang!" sick. If the recovering crew failed to Every man of us guessed what his llvcSi drlven t0 desIieratlon, hl,d evor The Idea of a nigger talking like! victs in Slborln, a largo proportion Irkut. A colonel of a locally stai The hand of niggers in front of us drive off tho niggers wo couldn't coming meant. Before the boat ianned ,0 ,.a thlB ..,, that got mo bouio and 1 was for up attack actlon make their way Into Irkutsk at the tho attacking force escape. But we had one satisfaction grounded tho captain leaped out. IPs glve Honed lino regiment openly boasted knocking over, 1 got ob-- 1 to aid ,hom to up any such ,dea and him but to fire. expiration of their sentences, anxious jn the Metropolo restaurant the other us. about facing those arrows a man blue eyes seemed shoot Never d nnd to coax bearingtd down on ine uuij uuiu WIthln an hour's time from tho mo-di- stlnate instead started e way to the generally keep on fighting oven I see such a look ot devil's rago on to get a few weeks enjoyment or. night that more champagne was con-th- them down by the boat. lay In heating our back could ment Ca)tan Haye3 leaped asnore If he did get wounded, because tho the face of man. Only once did ho sights and sounds of this crude, sumed in Irkutsk In ono month dur- - "Once we got them there," 1 thought boat. nothilng but ashes mnrked tho spot poison him show beautiful white teeth of overgrown town peiore maiuiiH inuiis lng tho Japanese war than is sold in "woll take the salt water men along, Crash! One of my men fell to the wouldn't end for several those where ollco had ved a settlement ot days the point had broken his his, and then they looked like tho for tho future. Every Itussian sub- Broadway, New York that back- too, just to keep the hushtuen com- beach, his skull smashed with a war after three hundred to four hundred blood lapping tjger. It was ject, of course,, equally with tho for- bone of tho champagne Industry in pany." club. Tho crowd rushed forward, skin. of a tves "Bang! Bang! Bang!" when ho took a look at the forms on eigner, must hold a passport. At the half a year. Of course I expected some more stamping on my trade, to close In and' And there were the bodies out on tho beach, and he gave a yelp of a end of their term the dangerous Midnight Gaiety. nlggera'd come as a guard to the re- throw us. They surrounded us and Covered With Wounds. the beach to further mark Hayes' trail come my laugh. of criminals get "black passports," Tho fun at Irkutsk starts at mid- cruits and 1 didn't know what kind of tho three men who had to The boat crews were pouring vol red in those seas. which generally prevent their being night. An hour before tho city is bs a fight tho recruiting might lead to, help. The natives grabbed bold or leys into tho advancing warriors. They "By my soul!" he roared. "You did I able to find employment. So they dead as a Dunferllne Sunday. Then but back to the boat wo started. This our rilles so the fellows couldn't use downed ten before the niggers got good. I couldn't train the deck guns, mlxup ' aro beggars by day, thieves and cut- the theater nnd the moving picture surprised and confused the niggers, them. Another crowd rushed from the twenty-fiv- e feet out of tho brush, nnd there was such a on tho beach. YOUR LIFE throats by night. shows, of which thoro arc a dozen on who stood hesltalng. Just then Jim brush to swell tho numbers that hem while this battle went on at our right But I'll teacli those biacK uogs wnat u I I They keep on good terms with the Boloshloskala, spin off their yelled out for me to watch sharp. med us In on the beach. Unless wo tho struggle on tho beach continued. means to cut down a boat crew from the last police and any detachment of troops films and tho officers nnd mine own-th- Ho'd followed us with Ills boat and could cut our way out we must fall Those of us standing were covered Captain 'Bully' Hayes!" Can bo rcad FnoM CRADLE TO - may happen to be detailed at J era crowd Into tho restaurants. lay afloat where lie could look Into beneath the shower of blows from with club and knife and spear wounds. Followed by all but the boat head- GUAVE by one who uderstands how. the moment for patrol work in the You enter a pair ot swing doors, that cleared space. Other natives had war clubs aimed at us from all sides. But I kept battering down the devils ers he rushed from the beach. Even jiadamo M. Whito is considered It, every l. streets, and do not find it difficult to kick off your felt snow boots, hand beeen gathering there, but we couldn't There's one good thing about with the butts of my revolvers. A na our wounded followed, too, for ne pf the ver best life readers In bribe them to abstain from interfer your to attendant, and' pass see them. Then, as I first supposed, though, 1 had two revolvers and could tive crept along the ground and drove man of them felt he had a few more America. She makes no mistakes, furs an police aro paid only tho niggers, prompted by curiosity, fight at close range. And I did. A big one of my own trade knives Into my kills coming. Tho captain headed she ls entirely different from all ence. The Into a long room thronged with diners 1 twenty month- - -- a princely garri- - suddenly trailed out onto tho beach. warrior struck at me with a spear. side. I gave a yell of pain, but tho straight for the village. Through the others. By her helnful advice you roubles a gay with tho unlfroms of tho e stipend, however, when compared smart Parisian Soon twenty-fiv- nion and women were jumped aside, knocking another nigger butt of my gun stove his skull. Crash! urusn, past tne ciearea space wnere gaIn your deslres. Just send your full son and women in seventy-fiv-e kopecks re-- following us. over, but I killed the first man. The Crash! Down went two of the crowd tho niggers first gathered, and bearing name written In your own hand, date with the costumes. At the far end is a small sol- - When we got nearer my boat the women were Just as savage and des In front of me. More blows, and down down on tho settlement, we raced in nnd m0nth of birth a small piece of celved monthly by the common stage on which a score of girls In a boy spread, the trade out again. 1 perate as men trying to drag us down I mowed them In my rear, but it was three columns. There was no knowing ciotn( cut frorn your own garment diers. The soldiers are presented minimum df skirt and a maximum of figured it would be Just as jvell for For an instant I fought the crowd my last effort. My knees got weak, how the savages might resist us, nor and handled by no one but yourself, with their wages In four weekly in--j smile go through fatuous doublo the recovering boat to back a piece off. it gave mo time to down two men I staggered. That rally had made the was there any telling the size of their S10 wm read your life like an open stalrments of four pence-halfpenn- shuffles and dances executed with a further off shore, so, without turning, attacking the boat boy to my left. A natives pause in their attacks, though, village. Judging from tho crowd that iok, send ten cents to help cover to prevent their squandering the degree of incompetency that would 1 motioned to Jim to haul her off. But second later I saw tho other boatman and I glanced to the right and saw had attacked us, a big settlement lay cost 0f postage and material. Your whole eighteenpence on vodka. lcavo a Philadelphia trial night audi-Fro- he still kept his boat nearer that clear- surrounded, but I dropped all four of something that put new life into me. close by. Hayes showed not tho slight- - money back if every word is not true the lawless side of poverty- - enco dumb with scorn. A "turn" ed space, and it proved well for us those niggers. Yet down them as Jim and tho recovering boat crar cst fear- - nor took tne slightest cau- - aDd satisfactory. Address Madame L. Irkutsk to the gaiety of tho Ished, the chansonettes skip down to that he held her there. we could and the other boys were had repulsed the warriors and were lion. Ho raged and stormed like a m. White, box D3, Los Angeles, Cal. gilded hotels and danco halls fre- - mingle with tho audience,, scatter-quente- d We noticed now that some of the na- slaughtering them like demons we now ashore. The niggers had feared mad bull. But he was careful of his . by the wealthy ls not so far lng around the tables and ordering tives carried war clubs and spears. were hemmed In. If somebody didn't to use their arrows in the beach fight men. I NEW RICE MILL. a crv as you micht suppose. For, un- - tho costliest fruits and the rarest This seemed odd, since the men had come to our aid wo were doomed. A lest they injure some of their own "Take cover as you find it," suspected by tho casual visitor to wines that tho management surpasses he The K. Yamamoto nice Mill is the ' told me crash another crowd came rush big - the chief had his warriors in and crowd, so we escaped that danger. yelled, "and follow me!" largest as well as the finest In the is- - the town of Siberia, the obse itself in providing. t the mountains. Usually when people lng through the brush. But ono of, Jim's men got a death So poisoned arrow or no poisoned lands. All machinery ls of the very quious waiters who bustle to and fro There are songs, curious yelping went ashore on tho Islands in those "In tho name of heaven, why don't wound from an arrow just as ho arrow, in we rushed. latest pattern. The famous Tonga so swiftly to fulfill one's every wish vocal performances by untrained latitudes tho niggers would gather Jim recover us?" I shrieked. sprang out of tho boat. With wild Hayes proposed to teach not only Rice ls cleaned at this mill. With the are often enough murderers who feminine voices', and sleek swarthy rounu tnem and give wild yells, but Then from the left enmo a wild yell shouts Jim and his crowd boro down. the remaining natives of that village large cleaning capacity they are able have served their time and decided Poles sing their national comic songs - this crowd stood still, simply Jabber of triumph. The savages had crushed Almost as suddenly as they had sur- a lesson, but ho Intended that the very to handle considerable outside partlc- - to settle down in the- East. For In-- with snatches of patter and pathetic mg p lowlike to each other. Once in n in tho skull of another boatman. With rounded us tho natives fled into tho mcntlon of his name should strike ter- - ular work which they guarantee, stance, one tall, portly head waiter attempts at cellar-fla- clog lances.

I' I 1 III' 'Hi HI ill I I, I 1 iiMI H Uli 11


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Have opened a branch where a full line of

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Address: Brunswick-Balke-Collend- er Company i HONOLULU, HAWAII