Subcourse Edition
IDENTIFYING AMMUNITION Subcourse MM 2598 Edition 7 United States Army Combined Arms Support Command Fort Lee, Virginia 23801-1809 4 Credit Hours CONTENTS INTRODUCTION IDENTIFICATION OF AMMUNITION (Tasks 093-400-1100 through 093-400-1109), 7 Understanding Means of Identification, 7 Size, 7 Shape and Physical Features, 7 Color Code, 7 Markings, 7 Packing, 8 Type, 8 Identifying Small Arms Ammunition, 8 Size of Small Arms, 9 Types of Small Arms Cartridges, 10 Identifying Artillery Ammunition, 13 Use, 13 Loading Method, 15 Additional Identifying Features, 17 Artillery Ammunition Packing, 19 Identifying Mortar Ammunition, 20 60mm Mortar Ammunition, 20 81mm Mortar Ammunition, 24 4.2-inch (107mm) Mortar Ammunition, 27 Mortar Ammunition Packing, 29 Identifying Rocket Ammunition, 30 Classification of Rocket Ammunition, 30 Types of Rockets, 31 Identifying Hand Grenades, 37 Fragmentation Hand Grenades, 40 Offensive Hand Grenades, 40 Chemical Hand Grenades, 40 Illuminating Hand Grenades, 41 Practice Hand Grenades, 41 Identifying Land Mines, 41 Antipersonnel (apers) Mines, 41 Antitank (at) Mines, 44 Practice Mines, 47 Chemical Land Mines, 47 Identifying Fuzes, 48 Grenades Fuzes, 48 Mine Fuzes, 48 Mortar and Artillery Fuzes, 50 Identifying Small Guided Missiles, 54 Antitank Guided Missiles (ATGM), 54 Air Defense Guided Missiles, 59 Identifying Demolition Materials, 61 Demolition Charges, 62 Priming and Initiating Materials, 66 Demolition Kits, 69 Identifying Pyrotechnics, 71 Illumination Pyrotechnics, 71 Signaling Pyrotechnics, 72 Simulator Pyrotechnics, 75 Review Exercises, 77 EXERCISE SOLUTIONS, 88 MM2598 INTRODUCTION In the preceding subcourse (MM2597), you learned how to interpret ammunition markings and color codes. Now suppose, for example, a using unit turns in ammunition that has been removed from its original containers and there are no markings or the markings have been obliterated.
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