Oral Session/口述発表

071WFOTNT02責高.mcd Page 1 14/05/28 18:56 v6.10 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists in collaboration with the 48th Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo

Oral Session/口述発表 June 18(Wed) ue1 Wd rlSession Oral (Wed) 18 June

Special Session/スペシャルセッション(SS)

Main Hall/メインホール Special Session 1:Validation of Assessment Tools 8:30∼10:00 スペシャルセッション 1:評価手法の検討 Chair/座長 Leeanne Carey Melbourne Brain Center Hideki Miyaguchi Hiroshima University(宮口英樹 広島大学) SS 1-1 Evaluation of the content validity of the Detroit Tests of Learning Aptitudes fourth edition(DTLA-4)on the Zimbabwean primary school children Tecla Mlambo1 1Rehabilitation, University of Zimbabwe College of Health Sciences

SS 1-2 Reliability of the Swedish Translation of the Australian Therapy Outcome Measures for Occupational Therapy(AusTOMs-OT-S) Sofi Fristedt1,Elisabeth Elgmark Andersson1,Yvonne Londos3,Carolyn Unsworth1,2 1Department of Rehabilitation, Jonkoping University, Sweden,2Department of Occupational Therapy, La Trobe University, Australia,3Jonkoping county council, Sweden ue1 (Thu) 19 June SS 1-3 Measuring participation based on the subjective experiences of individuals. Psychometric properties of the Ghent Participation Scale Dominique Van de Velde1,2 1Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Occupational Therapy, Ghent University,2Department of Occupational Therapy, Artevelde University College

SS 1-4 Validating the Model of Human Occupation Screening Tool Single Observation Form(MOHOST-SOF)in mental health Donald Maciver1,Kirsty Forsyth1,Mary Morley2,Tracey Edwards3,Jane Rennison4 1Firefly Research, Queen Margaret University Edinburgh,2South West London and St Georgeʼs Mental Health NHS Trust,3North East London Foundation NHS Trust,4Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust

SS 1-5 Development and Validation of a Cognitive- Functional Assessment Tool:Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment- Functional(LOTCA-F) 1,3 1,3 2 3 ue2 (Fri) 20 June Yifat Schwartz ,Aliza Sagiv ,Noomi Katz ,Sara Averbuch 1Head Injury Rehabilitation Dept., Loewenstein hospital ,2Research Institute for Health and Medical Professions, Ono Academic College,3Occupational Therapy Dept., Loewenstein hospital ISRAEL

SS 1-6 The Development and Validation of the Paediatric Rehabilitation Observational Measure of Fidelity(PROF) Briano Di Rezze1,2,Mary Law2,4,Kevin Eva3,Nancy Pollock2,4,Jan Willem Gorter2,5 1Offord Centre for Child Studies, McMaster University,2CanChild Centre for Childhood Disability Research, McMaster University,3Medicine/Centre for Health Education Scholarship, University of British Columbia,4School of Rehabilitation Science, McMaster University,5Paediatrics, McMaster University

Main Hall/メインホール Special Session 2:Research Methods 10:30∼12:30 スペシャルセッション 2:研究法 Chair/座長 Takashi Yamada Graduate School of Rehabilitation, Mejiro University(山田 孝 目白大学大学院) SS 2-1

ue2 (Sat) 21 June A longitudinal study of the participation of young people with cerebral palsy Christine Imms1,2,Loretta Sheppard1 1School of Allied and Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, Australian Catholic University,2Department of Occupational Therapy, Royal Childrenʼs Hospital, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute

SS 2-2 Practices of Ageing in Place:A thematic synthesis of qualitative research Margaret McGrath1,Agnes Shiel1,Karin Johansson2 1Discipline of Occupational Therapy, School of Health Sciences, College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, National University of Ireland, Galway,2Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Division of Occupational Therapy, Karolinska Institutet


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SS 2-3 A randomized controlled trial of the clinical effectiveness of intensive therapy after Botulinum Toxin-A in people with spasticity Natasha Lannin1,2,Maria Crotty3,Julie Ratcliffe3,Coralie English4,Louise Ada5 1Occupational Therapy Department, La Trobe University,2Occupational Therapy Department, Alfred Health,3Flinders University,4Division of Physiotherapy, University of South Australia,5The University of Sydney

SS 2-4 Psychosocial interventions for community-dwelling people with dementia and their family caregivers:a systematic review Netta Vanʼt Leven1,Anna-Eva Prick3,Hgroenewoud Proelofs1,Jacomine de Lange1,2,Anne Margriet Pot2,3 1Centre of Expertise Innovations in Care, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, Rotterdam,2Program on Aging, Netherlands Institute on Mental Health and Addiction, Utrecht,3Department of Clinical Psychology, VU University of Amsterdam; EMGO +-Institute: Institute for Health and Care Research, Amsterdam

SS 2-5

Efficacy of individual and group occupational therapy interventions for community dwelling older people a single blind, four- June 18 (Wed) Oral Session group, randomized controlled trial Magnus Zingmark1,2,Anne G. Fisher1,3,Joacim Rocklov4,Ingeborg Nilsson1,5 1Departement of Community Medicine and Rehabilitation, Division of Occupational Therapy, Umea University, Sweden,2Graduate School in Population Dynamics and Public Policy, Umea University, Sweden,3College of Applied Human Sciences, Colorado State University, U.S.,4Epidemiology and Public Health, Umea university,5Ageing and Living Conditions, Umea University, Sweden

SS 2-6 Stroke Specific Vocational Rehabilitation:A Feasibility Randomised Controlled Trial Mary I. Grant1,Kathryn A. Radford1,Emma J. Sinclair1,Jane Terry2,Marion F. Walker1 1Division of Rehabilitation and Ageing, University of Nottingham,2Community Stroke Team, Nottingham CityCare Partnership

SS 2-7 Participatory Action Research Evidence Based Redesign of Vocational Rehabilitation Services 1 1 2 2 2 Susan Prior ,Kirsty Forsyth ,Lynn Ritchie ,Alison Meiklejohn ,Linda Irvine June 19 (Thu) 1Firefly Research, Queen Margaret University,2Mental Health, NHS Lothian

SS 2-8 Consensus on Hypotonia via Delphi Process Pragashnie Naidoo1 1Discipline of Occupational Therapy, University of KwaZulu Natal

Main Hall/メインホール Special Session 3:Capacity Development 16:30∼17:45 スペシャルセッション 3:OT の実践力の開発 Chair/座長 Teruko Iwasaki(岩崎テル子) SS 3-2 A qualitative study exploring how occupational therapists address spirituality in their practice Janice Jones1 1Department of Health Sciences, University of Huddersfield June 20 (Fri) SS 3-3 Cultivating a human rights culture for occupational therapy practice:Selected findings of an Australian action research project Danika Galvin1 1School of Community Health, Charles Sturt University

SS 3-4 Virtual and face-to-face learning communities exploring their value in building teaching and learning capacity among occupational therapy academics Merrolee Penman1,Sylvia Rodger2 1School of Occupational Therapy, Otago Polytechnic,2Division of Occupational Therapy, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Queensland

SS 3-5 Measuring Evidence-Based Practice competencies of occupational therapy students Joan A.C. Verhoef1,Karin Neijenhuis1 1 School of Health Care Studies, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences June 21 (Sat)

SS 3-6 How Ready Are First Year Occupational Science Students to be Self-Directed Efficacious Learners? Kerryellen Vroman1,Kelly Morris1,Merrolee Penman2 1Occupational Therapy, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA,2Occupational Therapy, Otago Polytechnic, Dunedin, NZ


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ue1 Wd rlSession Oral (Wed) 18 June 501 Children 1-1:Participation of Children - Physical Dysfunction O-20 8:30∼9:50 発達障害 1-1:身体障害児の参加 Chair/座長 Vicky Halliwell University of Salford Taichi Shiida Kitakyushu Rehabilitation Center For Children With Disabilities(志井田太一 北九州市立総合療育セン ター) CH 1-1-1 Recovered from the condition of Periventricular Leukomalacia child with hemiplegia:An experience for trying Modified T-J Rotation orthosis Takenori Jimbo1,Ryuichi Tanabe2,Kouji Naruse3,Masashi Takaso3,Takashi Hentona1 1Department of Rehabilitation Center, Kitasato University Hospital,2Kimura Prosthetics Manufacturing,3Department of Orthopedic Medicine, Kitasato University

麻痺の改善につながった脳室周囲白質軟化症児−Modified T-J Rotation 装具の使用経験から 神保武則1,田邊隆一2,成瀬康治3,高相晶士3,辺土名 隆1 1北里大学病院リハビリテーションセンター部,2木村義肢工作研究所,3北里大学医学部整形外科学

CH 1-1-2 Parents play a crucial role in enabling social participation of their children with a physical disability Barbara Pikur1,2,Anna J.H.M. Beurskens1,Marian J. Jongmans4,Marjolijn Ketelaar3,Rob J.E.M. Smeets2 ue1 (Thu) 19 June 1Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Health and Care, Research Center of Autonomy and Participation, Zuyd University,2Rehabilitation Medicine, CAPHRI, School for Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht University,3Rudolf Magnus Institute of Neuroscience and Center of Excellence for Rehabilitation Medicine, University Medical Center Utrecht and Rehabilitation Center De Hoogstraat,4Special Education, Faculty of Social Sciences, Utrecht University

CH 1-1-3 The use of therapeutic tricycles in a home setting Barbara Rider1,Fred Sammons1 1Occupational Therapy, Western Michigan University

CH 1-1-4 Participation in computer activities in school and outside school:a comparison between students with and without physical disabilities Helene Lidstrom1,2,Helena Hemmingsson1 1Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Faculty of Health Sciences, Linkoping University,2Department of Womenʼs and Childrenʼs Health, Faculty of Medicine, Uppsala University

413 Children 1-2:Assessment & Intervention 1 ue2 (Fri) 20 June O-20 8:30∼9:50 発達障害 1-2:評価と介入 1 Chair/座長 Junko Nakaji Chubu University(中路純子 中部大学) CH 1-2-1 Occupational therapy for patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and severe motor dysfunction Eiichi Tanaka1,Tetsuya Hayashi1,Yoshiko Kato1 1Yakumo national hospital

デュシェンヌ型筋ジストロフィーによる重度運動機能障害のある人への作業療法 田中栄一1,林 哲也1,加藤佳子1 1国立病院機構八雲病院

CH 1-2-2 Measuring preception of quality of life within individuals with Intellectual Developmental Disability and Autism Spectrum disability Asnat Bar-Haim Erez1,Noomi Katz1,Daniela Bletcher2,Michal Shalev-Emanuel1,Opher Zahavi2 ue2 (Sat) 21 June 1Research institution for Health and Medical Professions, Ono Academic College,2Beit-Ekstein

CH 1-2-3 Parent child agreement in health related assessments:Child perspective and childrenʼs perspective Helena Hemmingsson1 1Department of Social- and Welfare studies, Linkoping University

CH 1-2-4 A cross-cultural collaboration for identifying motor delay in young preschoolers Tanya Rihtman1,2,Brenda N. Wilson3,Shula Parush1 1School of Occupational Therapy, Hadassah and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Faculty of Medicine,2Social, Therapeutic and Community Studies, Coventry University,3Calgary, Alberta Childrenʼs Hospital


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414+415 Children 1-3:School OT & Health Promotion O-20 8:30∼9:50 発達障害 1-3:学校 OT とヘルスプロモーション Chair/座長 Mieko Narahara Kawasaki Medical School Hospital(楢原美恵子 川崎医科大学附属病院) CH 1-3-1 Take Action when you Suspect a Child is being Bullied Iris Leigh1 1Sargent College, Occupational Therapy Department, Boston University

CH 1-3-2 Play Matters:Schoolyard Participation Project Allison Cox1,2,Tracy Fortune2,Ellie Fossey2 1Allied Health, Alfred Health,2Occupational Therapy, LaTrobe University

CH 1-3-3 June 18 (Wed) Oral Session Occupational Therapy as a Means to Promote Health in All Children Anita Bundy1,Geraldine Naughton2,Paul Tranter3,Shirley Wyver4,Anita Niehues1 1Faculty of Health Sciences, Discipline of Occupational Therapy, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia,2Centre of Physical Activity across the Lifespan, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, Australia,3School of Physical, Environmental and Mathematical Sciences, University of New South Wales, Canberra, Australia,4Institute of Early Childhood, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia

CH 1-3-4 Exploring occupational therapy in primary schools:Enabling inclusion in school life for all children Andrea Hasselbusch1 1School of Health and Social Care, Bournemouth University(UK)

501 Children 1-4:Children & Community Participation 1 O-10 10:30∼11:30 発達障害 1-4:子どもの参加支援 1 Chair/座長 June 19 (Thu) Naoko Ito Kanaeru-Link(伊藤直子 かなえるリンク) CH 1-4-1 Communication support for children with severe mental and physical disabilities during home visits:Aims toward augmentative communication Michiru Saji1 1Higashiomiya home-visit nursing station

在宅における重度心身障害児のコミュニケーション支援−意思疎通の拡大を目指して 佐治 暢1 1東大宮訪問看護ステーション

CH 1-4-2 The Role of Occupational Therapynin the Juvenile Justice System in the Philippines:The summary of three studies done on the Children in Conflict with the Law in Metro Manila Stephanie Ann Balid1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Santo Tomas June 20 (Fri) CH 1-4-3 Environmental barriers to participation of children with cerebral palsy Zahra Nobakht1,2,Mehdi Rassafiani1,2,Robab Sahaf3,Farzaneh Yazdani4 1Occupational Therapy Drpt., University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Science,2Paediatric Neurorehabilitation Research Center, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Science,3Iranian Research Center on Aging, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Science,4Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Oxford Brookes University

CH 1-4-4 Occupational Therapy Program at Mandiri Karim Autism Boarding House Jakarta, Indonesia Tri Budi Santoso1,Fauzan Safari2 1Occupational Therapy, School of Human Health Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan,2Occupational Therapy, Mandiri Karim Autism Boarding House, Jakarta, Indonesia

CH 1-4-5 Inter-professional collaboration during implementation of Computer Access Technology for a Pre-Schooler with Athetoid Cerebral Palsy A Case Report 1 Brightlin Dhas June 21 (Sat) 1Occupational Therapy Department, Rumailah Hospital


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413 Children 1-5:Assessment & Intervention 2 O-10 10:30∼11:30 発達障害 1-5:評価と介入 2

ue1 Wd rlSession Oral (Wed) 18 June Chair/座長 Kiyoko Sasaki National Rehabilitation Center for Children with Disabilities(佐々木清子 心身障害児総合医療療育セ ンター) CH 1-5-1 Visual severity scale for patients with severe motor and intellectual disabilities and cerebral visual impairment:reliability and validity Ayumi Ikeda1,Satoshi Sakuraba2,Masanori Yoshida3,Tatsuo Hatta2,Shinya Sakai2 1Graduate School of Health Sciencs, HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY,2Faculty of Health Sciences, HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY,3HOKKAIDO RYOIKUEN

重度心身障害児・者を対象とした大脳性視覚障害重症度評価スケールの信頼性・妥当性の検討 池田 歩1,桜庭 聡2,吉田雅紀3,八田達夫2,境 信哉2 1北海道大学大学院保健科学院,2北海道大学大学院保健科学研究院,3北海道療育園

CH 1-5-2 Induction and instruction of the long cane for visually impaired children Junichi Shimizu1,Manabu Yoshioka1,Tetsuo Ohta1,Satoko Tsukatani1,Chika Higashimoto1 1School of Health Sciences, Kanazawa University

視覚障害児に対する小児用白杖導入に関する研究 清水順市1,吉岡 学1,太田哲生1,塚谷理子1,東本知華1 1 ue1 (Thu) 19 June 金沢大学医薬保健研究域

CH 1-5-3 Parenting stress in families with very low birth weight infants in the first two years Tsu-Hsin Howe1,Tien-Ni Wang2,Ching-Fan Sheu3 1Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Steinhardt of Culture, Education and Human Development, New York University, New York, USA,2School of Occupational Therapy, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan,3Institute of Education, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan

CH 1-5-4 The Impact of Self-Adaptation on Weight Stigmatization in Overweight Children Chung-Ying Lin1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Jianan Mental Hospital

CH 1-5-5 Relationship between Postural Control and Fine Motor Skills in Preterm Infants at 6-Month Adjusted Age:Infants with and without Independent Sitting Abilities Yan-Yu Chen1,Tien-Ni Wang1,Guan-Chun Liu1,Tsu-Hsin Howe2 ue2 (Fri) 20 June 1School of Occupational Therapy, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan,2Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Steinhardt of Culture, Education and Human Development, New York University, New York, USA

501 Children 1-6:Children with Intellectual Disability O-20 11:30∼12:30 発達障害 1-6:知的障害のある子ども Chair/座長 Kazuto Misawa Ehime Juzen School of Allied Medical Professions(三澤一登 愛媛十全医療学院) CH 1-6-1 Emotional Disclosure through Journal Writing for ASD, SPD and ADHD:Online intervention improves maternal health and mother-child relationship Rondalyn Whitney1 1Occupational Therapy Department, University of the Sciences

CH 1-6-2 Exploring Parental Role within Social and Cultural Contexts among Parents of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities Living in

ue2 (Sat) 21 June Residential Facilities Kareem Nasser1,Dalia Sachs1,Amalia Saʼar2 1Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Haifa,2Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Haifa

CH 1-6-3 The lifelong ADL and IADL performance of the middle-aged adults with intellectual disability in community Chia-Yu Chang1,Hsin-Pei Huang1,Yi-Fang Wu1,Yi-Tzu Li1,U Lei1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Kaohsiung Medical University

413 Children 1-7:Assessment & Intervention 3- Cerebral Palsy(1)- O-20 11:30∼12:30 発達障害 1-7:評価と介入 3−CP を中心に(1)− Chair/座長 Takahiro Hamamoto Medical Care・Welfare Center Seiyozefuen(濱本孝弘 医療・福祉センター 聖ヨゼフ)


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CH 1-7-1 Effectiveness of a short-intensive CIMT-BiT group intervention for children and adolescents with unilateral spastic cerebral palsy Yvonne Geerdink1,Pauline Aarts1,Alexander Geurts2 1Department of Pediatric Rehabilitation, Sint Maartenskliniek,2Nijmegen Centre for Evidence Based Practice, Department of Rehabilitation, Radboud University Medical Centre

CH 1-7-2 Gaze performance and usage of gaze-based AT in daily activities by children with severe physical impairments -changes over time Maria Borgestig1,2,Helena Hemmingsson1,Torbjorn Falkmer1,3 1Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Linkoping University, Sweden,2Folke Bernadotte Regional Habilitation Centre, Department of Womenʼs and Childrenʼs Health, Uppsala University, Sweden,3School of Occupational Therapy & Social Work, Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, WA, Australia

CH 1-7-3 June 18 (Wed) Oral Session Improving the Participation of Youth with Physical Disabilities in Community Occupations:An Evaluation Mary Law1,Dana Anaby2,Laura Turner1,Rachel Teplicky1,Christine Imms3 1CanChild Centre for Childhood Disability Research, McMaster University,2School of Physical and Occupational Therapy, McGill University,3Australian Catholic University

511+512 Children 1-8:Aspects of Evidence-Based Practice 1 O-20 11:30∼12:10 発達障害 1-8:EBP の諸相 1 Chair/座長 Junji Kurosawa Osaka Developmental Rehabilitation Center(黒澤淳二 大阪発達総合療育センター) CH 1-8-1 Constraint Fact or Fiction? Application of Different Methods of Constraint with No Constraint in Upper Limb Function in Moderately Spastic Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy Children 1 2 3

Kamalpreet Kaur ,Tanwir Ahmed ,Veena Kalra June 19 (Thu) 1Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences,2Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences, Hamdard University,3Department of Pediatrics, All India Institute of Medical Sciences

CH 1-8-2 Measuring Childhood Occupational Development:Test Construction Helene J. Polatajko1,Jane A. Davis1 1Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of Toronto

501 Children 1-9:ADL & Physical Function O-20 13:30∼14:50 発達障害 1-9:ADL・身体機能 Chair/座長 Toni Thompson TherapyEd Toshihiro Kato Graduate School of Medicine Kyoto Univerrsity(加藤寿宏 京都大学大学院医学研究科) CH 1-9-1 Detecting Differences in ADL Performance Between Children With and Without Mild Disabilities:Validity of the Assessment

of Motor and Process Skills in Children June 20 (Fri) Brigitte Gantschnig1,2,Julie Page1,Ingeborg Nilsson2,Anne G. Fisher2,3 1School of Health Professions, Institute of Occupational Therapy, Zurich University of Applied Sciences,2Department of Community Medicine and Rehabilitation, Division of Occupational Therapy, Umea University,3College of Applied Human Sciences, Department of Occupational Therapy, Colorado State University

CH 1-9-2 Increasing participation in physical play in children with motor impairments:a study to develop a theory- and evidence-based occupational therapy intervention Niina Kolehmainen1,Jill Francis2,Christine Owen3,Cheryl Missiuna4,Craig Ramsay5 1Newcastle University,2City University London,3NHS Lothian,4McMaster University,5University of Aberdeen

CH 1-9-3 Developing a care pathway for children with Developmental Co-ordination disorder Christine Owen1,Jacqueline Whitehead2,Kirsty Forsyth2,Donald Maciver2,Mandy Mulvanny3 1West Lothian Childrenʼs Occupational Therapy Service, St Johnʼs Hospital, NHS Lothian,2Firefly Research, Queen Margaret University Edinburgh,3Royal Hospital for Sick Children, NHS Lothian June 21 (Sat) CH 1-9-4 Teaching two-wheeled cycling to children with a mild cognitive disability Janine Halayko1,Joyce Magill-Evans1,Veronica Smith1,Helene J. Polatajko2 1Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Alberta,2Occupational Science, University of Toronto


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413 Children 1-10:Assessment & Intervention 4- Tasks, Behaviors, Cognition - O-20 13:30∼14:30 発達障害 1-10:評価と介入 4−課題・行動・認知−

ue1 Wd rlSession Oral (Wed) 18 June Chair/座長 Helena Hemmingsson Linköping University Hiromi Tanaka Iwate Rehabilitation College(田中弘美 岩手リハビリテーション学院) CH 1-10-1 Enhancing the Child Occupational Self Assessment(COSA):Creating a meaningful and culturally appropriate Self Assessment for youth Marjon ten Velden1,Jessica M. Kramer2,Liliya A. Todorova3,Jane OʼBrien4,Jennifer Harden5 1School of OT, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences,2Department of OT, Boston University,3Department of Public Health and Social Work, University of Ruse,4Department of OT, University of New England,5School of Health Sciences, Queen Margaret University

CH 1-10-2 Deficits of Executive Functions among Youths with Autism Spectrum Disorders:the Effect of Task Difficulty Szu-Fan Chen1,Susan Shur-Fen Gau2 1Department of Psychiatry, Taipei Tzu Chi General Hospital,2Department of Psychiatry, National Taiwan University Hospital & College of Medicine

CH 1-10-4 The functional outcomes and participation of children with learning disabilities, with and without Developmental Dyspraxia Ruthie Traub Bar-Ilan1,Shula Parush2,Noomi Katz3 1School of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Medicine, Hadassah and The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,2School of Occupational ue1 (Thu) 19 June Therapy, Faculty of Medicine, Hadassah and The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,3School of Occupational Therapy, ONO academic College

501 Children 1-11:Aspects of Collaboration O-20 16:30∼17:50 発達障害 1-11:連携の諸相 Chair/座長 Mary Law McMaster University Takako Yamada Bukkyo University(山田恭子 佛教大学) CH 1-11-1 What factors are associated with the Quality of Life of Iranian women who have a child with Cerebral Palsy? Zahra Ahmadizadeh1,Mehdi Rassafiany2,Seyed Ali Hosseini3,Majid Mirmohammadkhani4 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Semnan University of Medical Sciences,2Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,3Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,4Department of Community Medicine, Semnan University of Medical Sciences

CH 1-11-2 ue2 (Fri) 20 June Interprofessional collaboration in a vocational program Monique C.S.G. Floothuis1,Joan A.C. Verhoef2,Natascha R. Schaardenburgh3 1Department Erasmus Medical Centre Rotterdam, Rijndam Rehabilitation Centre,2Centre of Expertise Innovations in Care, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences,3Volzin Reintegration and Coaching Agency

CH 1-11-3 “They should stop calling it healthcare…because they donʼt care”:A qualitative study examining the healthcare experiences of people with disabilities:Implications for Occupational Therapy Magasi Susan1,VanPuymbrouck Laura2,Aimee Thompson1,Judy Panko-Reis3,Marilyn Martin3 1OT, UIC,2Disability Studies, UIC,3Access Living

CH 1-11-4 Transition from preschool to Primary 1:how do parents and teachers prepare for this? Mian Yee Choy1 1Department of Child Development, KK Womenʼs and Childrenʼs Hospital

413 Children 1-12:Assessment & Intervention 5- Psycho-Social Aspects - O-20 ue2 (Sat) 21 June 16:30∼17:50 発達障害 1-12:評価と介入 5−社会心理的側面− Chair/座長 Jed David Children Hospital Los Angeles Setsuko Yamasaki Hyogo University of Health Sciences(山﨑せつ子 兵庫医療大学) CH 1-12-1 Validity Evidence for the Bulgarian Translation of the Child Occupational Self Assessment Liliya A. Todorova1,Jessica M. Kramer2 1Dept. of Public Health and Social Work, University of Ruse,2Dept. of Occupational Therapy & ScD Program in Rehabilitation Sciences, Boston University


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CH 1-12-2 The Ultimate Guide to Making Friends:Evaluation of a parent-delivered play-based intervention for children with ADHD Sarah Wilkes-Gillan1,Anita Bundy1,Reinie Cordier1,2,Michelle Lincoln1 1Occupational Therapy, The University of Sydney,2Occupational Therapy, James Cook University

CH 1-12-3 Factors Predisposing Infants 0-6 Months to Aspiration Mitzi Wiggin2,OJayne Bowman1,Rose Toruno2,Gerardo Cabrera-Mesa2 1School of Occupational Therapy, Texas Womanʼs University, Houston, Texas,2Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Texas Childrenʼs Hospital, Houston, Texas

CH 1-12-4 The process of knowledge translation in the design and implementation of an occupational therapy intervention for caregivers of children who are HIV positive Pamela Gretschel1 1Division of Occupational Therapy, University of Cape Town June 18 (Wed) Oral Session

Physical Disabilities/身体障害

502 Physical Disabilities 1-1:Intervention - Physical Dysfunction 1 O-20 8:30∼9:30 身体障害 1-1:身体障害への介入 1 Chair/座長 Hiroyuki Jyonai Nihon Koukan Hospital(錠内広之 日本鋼管病院) PD 1-1-2 Improvements in Hand Function and Activity of Daily Living Skills Using a Hand Splinting and Therapeutic Electrical Stimulation for Two Patients with Central Neurological Disease Shinya Hayashi1 1Rehabilitation, Shin-Yokohama Rehabilitation Hospital June 19 (Thu) スプリントと治療的電気刺激の併用により手指機能が改善した中枢神経障害の 2 症例 林 慎也1 1新横浜リハビリテーション病院リハビリテーション科

PD 1-1-3 Enhancing independence for patients with upper limb loss using innovative prosthetics Melissa Leong1 1Occupational Therapy, Guyʼs and St Thomasʼ NHS Foundation Trust

PD 1-1-4 Concept to Reality:The implementation and evaluation of an occupational therapy breast cancer survivorship programme Bridgette Wright1,Terry Wareham1,Diane Cox1 1Faculty of Health and Well Being, University of Cumbria

502 Physical Disabilities 1-2:Fuctional Assessment in Stroke O-10 10:30∼11:20 身体障害 1-2:脳卒中の機能評価

Chair/座長 June 20 (Fri) Chizuko Kawakami Kyushurousai Hospital(川上千鶴子 九州労災病院) PD 1-2-1 Upper extremity functions and health-related quality of life of stroke survivors in the convalescent phase Tomoko Fujiki1,Hiroyuki Hanafusa1,Hiroko Kodama2,Hisako Shinkawa3,Nobuhiro Nara4 1Yanagawa Rehabilitation Hospital,2Takagi Hospital,3Dept. Occupational Therapy Faculty of FUKUOKA Rehabilitation, International University of Health and Welfare,4School of Health Sciences, Tokyo University of Technology

回復期脳卒中患者の上肢機能の回復が健康関連 QOL にもたらす影響 藤木智子1,花房宏行1,児玉紘子2,新川寿子3,奈良進弘4 1柳川リハビリテーション病院,2高木病院,3国際医療福祉大学福岡リハビリテーション学部 作業療法学科,4東京工科大学医療保健学部

PD 1-2-2 Assessing the degree of sitting balance ability required to achieve upper-body dressing independence using the unaffected arm in patients with post-stroke hemiparesis:Using the Index of Postural Stability in a sitting position Yasuyuki Hatanaka1,Mikayo Omori1,Yuji Morio1,Hisashi Mochizuki2,Hiroyuki Shimizu3 1Rehabilitation Dept, St. Marianna University school of Medicine,2The School of Health Care Science, Graduate School of Bunkyo 3

Gakuin University, Orthopedics, St. Marianna University School of Medicine June 21 (Sat)

脳卒中片麻痺患者における非麻痺側上肢での上衣更衣自立に必要な座位バランス能力の検討−座位での姿勢安定度評価指数を用いて 畑中康志1,大森みかよ1,森尾裕志1,望月 久2,清水弘之3 1聖マリアンナ医科大学病院リハビリテーション部,2文京学院大学大学院保健医療科学研究科,3聖マリアンナ医科大学病院整形外科


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PD 1-2-3 Comparison of bimanual arm training with or without mirror feedbacks for hemiplegic upper extremity in clients with chronic ue1 Wd rlSession Oral (Wed) 18 June stroke:A randomized pilot controlled trial Kenneth N. K. Fong1,Sharon F. M. Toh1,Pui Yee Lee1 1Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

PD 1-2-4 The relations between activities of a paretic upper extremity and sensory impairments in stroke patients Noriko Kon1,Syuhei Hujimoto1,Tomofumi Yamaguchi2,Kunitugu Kondo1,Yohei Otaka2 1Department of Rehabilitation, Tokyo Bay Rehabilitation Hospital,2Keio University School of Medicine

脳卒中患者における麻痺側上肢活動と感覚障害の関連性の検討 今 法子1,藤本修平1,山口智史2,近藤国嗣1,大高洋平2 1東京湾岸リハビリテーション病院リハビリテーション部,2慶應義塾大学医学部リハビリテーション医学教室

PD 1-2-5 The falling risk of stroke patients in convalescent rehabilitation ward:The correlation between differences of Capability and Performance ADL and falling down accidents Kenji Ohba1,Takuma Kusabe2,Yoshiharu Miyauchi2,Tomohiko Kuno2 1Suzukake Central Hospital,2Suzukake Healthcare Hospital

回復期リハビリテーション病棟における脳卒中患者の転倒リスク−できる ADL としている ADL の差と転倒事故との関連 大庭健嗣1,草部拓馬2,宮内良治2,久野智彦2 1すずかけセントラル病院,2すずかけヘルスケアホスピタル ue1 (Thu) 19 June 311+312 Physical Disabilities 1-3:ADL Following Stroke O-10 10:30∼11:20 身体障害 1-3:脳卒中の ADL Chair/座長 Shunji Sawa Fujita Health University(澤 俊二 藤田保健衛生大学) PD 1-3-1 The BI-based 3 ADL Constructs Scale for Patients with Stroke:A Reliability Study Ya-Chen Lee1,I-Ping Hsueh1,Wan-Hui Yu1,Yu-Fen Lin1,Ching-Lin Hsieh1 1School of Occupational Therapy, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University

PD 1-3-2 Improvement of FIM scores in a patient with cognitive affective disorder due to cerebellar hemorrhage Ryoko Mori1,Masaharu Yoshio1 1Occupational Therapy Department, Senri Rehabilitation Hospital

小脳出血により認知情動障害を呈するも FIM 成績が改善した一症例 森 涼子1,吉尾雅春1 1 ue2 (Fri) 20 June 医療法人社団和風会 千里リハビリテーション病院セラピー部

PD 1-3-3 Long term outcome of motor function and activities of daily living of patients after glioma resection with awake craniotomy Yuichiro Murakawa1,2,Miyoko Takebayashi3,Shinichi Takabatake2,Masahiro Nonaka4,Shin Nakajima4 1Rehabilitation Dept., National Hospital Organization Osaka National Hospital,2Graduate School of Comprehensive Rehabilitation, Osaka Prefecture University,3Rehabilitation Dept., National Hospital Organization Kinki-chuo Chest Medical Center,4Neurosurgery Dept., National Hospital Organization Osaka National Hospital

覚醒下開頭腫瘍摘出術後患者における退院後運動機能と ADL 能力に関する検討 村川雄一朗1,2,竹林みよ子3,高畑進一2,埜中正博4,中島伸4 1国立病院機構 大阪医療センターリハビリテーション科,2大阪府立大学総合リハビリテーション学研究科,3国立病院機構 近畿中央胸部疾患セン ターリハビリテーション科,4国立病院機構 大阪医療センター脳神経外科

PD 1-3-4 Relationship between apathy, frontal lobe functions, and improvement in activities of daily living after subcortical stroke Akio Takeuchi1,2,Takatosi Baba2,Ken Nakatani3,Kengo Yosii4,Shusuke Takahasi5 1Section of Rehabilitation, miura city hospital,2Section of Rehabilitation, juinsin rehabilitation hospital,3Section of Communication ue2 (Sat) 21 June Disorders, Faculty of Health Care Sciences, himezidokkyou University,4Department of judo Therapy, Takarazuka University of Medical and Health Care, Takarazuka University,5Department of Physical Therapy, Takarazuka University of Medical and Health Care, Takarazuka University

脳卒中後の皮質下限局病巣患者におけるアパシー及び前頭葉機能と,ADL の改善の関係 竹内晃雄1,2,馬場隆俊2,中谷 謙3,吉井健悟4,高橋秀典5 1三浦市立病院リハビリテーション科,2順心リハビリテーション病院リハビリテーション部,3姫路獨協大学医療保健学部言語聴覚療法学科,4宝塚医 療大学保健医療学部柔道整復法学科,5宝塚医療大学保健医療学部理学療法科


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PD 1-3-5 Relationship between mood after subcortical stroke and improvement in activities of daily living Akira Umeda1,Goh Matsuda1,Ken Nakatani2,Kengo Yoshii3,Shusuke Takahashi4 1Section of Rehabilitation, Junsin Rehabilitation hospital,2Section of Communication Disorders, Faculty of Health Care Sciences, Himeji Dokkyo University,3Department of Judo therapy, Takarazuka University of Medical and Health Care,4Department of Physical therapy, Takarazuka University of Medical and Health Care

脳卒中後の皮質下限局病巣患者における感情・気分障害と ADL の関係 梅田 顕1,松田伍央1,中谷 謙2,吉井健悟3,高橋秀典4 1順心リハビリテーション病院リハビリテーション部,2姫路獨協大学医療保健学部言語聴覚療法学科,3宝塚医療大学保健医療学部柔道整復学科,4宝 塚医療大学保健医療学部理学療法学科

315 Physical Disabilities 1-4:Physical Dysfunction & Occupation 1 O-10 10:30∼11:20 身体障害 1-4:身体障害と作業 1 Chair/座長 Chie Hosokawa Shobara Red Cross Hospital(細川千絵 庄原赤十字病院)

PD 1-4-1 June 18 (Wed) Oral Session The relationship between cervical spondylotic myelopathy and occupation Chishin Hangai1,Kumi Haga1,Masumi Iwabuchi2,Osamu Shirado2 1Depatment of Rehabilitation, Fukushima Medical University Aizu Medical Center,2Department of Orthopaedic and Spine Surgery, Fukushima Medical University Aizu Medical Center

頚椎症性脊髄症と職業歴との関係性について 半谷智辰1,芳賀久美1,岩渕真澄2,白土修2 1福島県立医科大学会津医療センターリハビリテーション科,2福島県立医科大学会津医療センター整形外科・脊椎外科学講座

PD 1-4-2 Objective differences in loss of dexterity between median and ulnar nerve palsy Yoshikazu Ido1,2,Shigeharu Uchiyama2,Toshiro Itsubo1,2,Yukihiko Hata3,Hiroyuki Kato1,2 1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Shinshu University Hospital,2Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Shinshu University School

of Medicine,3Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Azumi General Hospital June 19 (Thu)

正中神経麻痺と尺骨神経麻痺における手指巧緻運動障害の客観的な相違点 井戸芳和1,2,内山茂晴2,伊坪敏郎1,2,畑 幸彦3,加藤博之1,2 1信州大学医学部附属病院リハビリテーション部,2信州大学医学部整形外科,3安曇総合病院整形外科

PD 1-4-3 The association of hyperkyphosis with physical function and ADL among elderly women:Set cut-off value of kyphosis index Takuhiro Okabe1,Toshio Higashi2,Kenji Sakamoto1,Satoshi Mizukami1,Mitsuo Kanagae1 1Department of Rehabilitation, Nishi-isahaya Hospital,2Unit of Rehabilitation Sciences, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

高齢者の脊柱後彎変形が身体機能と ADL におよぼす影響について−円背指数のカットオフ値の設定 岡部拓大1,東 登志夫2,坂本健次1,水上諭1,金ヶ江光生1 1西諫早病院総合リハビリテーション部,2長崎大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科医療科学専攻リハビリテーション科学講座

PD 1-4-4 Therapy for Severe Degloving Injury of Bilateral Hands 1 1 1 1

Shinobu Taniguchi ,Eri Kabeya ,Minori Hikita ,Kenji Tanaka June 20 (Fri) 1Rehabilitation center, Anjo kosei Hospital

両手重度デグロービング損傷例のセラピィ 谷口しのぶ1,壁谷恵理1,引田みのり1,田中健司1 1愛知県厚生農業協同組合連合会 安城更生病院総合リハビリテーションセンター

PD 1-4-5 A pilot study of influences of the thumb abduction limitations on the control of the rice-bowl precision grip Masami Tsujimura1,Terufumi Iitsuka2,Yutaka Kataoka1,Sadaharu Miyamoto1 1Rehabilitation Dept., Kansai Electric Power Hospital,2Rehabilitation Dept., Seijoh University

母指外転制限下での茶碗把持特性に関する予備的検討 村雅美1,飯塚照史2,片岡 豊1,宮本定治1 1関西電力病院リハビリテーション科,2星城大学リハビリテーション学部 June 21 (Sat)


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502 Physical Disabilities 1-5:Assessment of Activities & Participation O-20 11:30∼12:30 身体障害 1-5:活動と参加の評価

ue1 Wd rlSession Oral (Wed) 18 June Chair/座長 Hisaki Nagatsuji Aino University(長辻永喜 藍野大学) PD 1-5-1 Measuring participation according to the ICF:A comparison of content and quality of commonly used instruments in adult rehabilitation:Measuring participation according to the ICF Birgit Prodinger1,A Tennant2,C. Ballert M. Hopfe1,G. Stucki1,3,4,A. Cieza1,4,5 1Swiss Paraplegic Research, Switzerland,2University of Leeds, UK,3University of Lucerne, Switzerland,4ICF Research Branch,5University of Southampton, UK

PD 1-5-2 Using Rasch analysis to refine the Personal Care Participation Assessment and Resource Tool(PC-PART) Susan Darzins1,2,Christine Imms1,2,Marilyn Di Stefano2,Nicholas Taylor2,3,Julie Pallant4 1School of Allied and Public Health, Australian Catholic University,2School of Allied Health, La Trobe University,3Department of Allied Health, Eastern Health,4Rural Health Academic Centre, University of Melbourne

PD 1-5-3 Keizoku wa chikara nari Continuing on after a setback is its own kind of strength:Performing Everyday Activities in the context of HIV-associated Neurological Disorder Camilla Hawkins1 1Occupational Therapy, Mildmay Mission Hospital UK ue1 (Thu) 19 June 311+312 Physical Disabilities 1-6:IT & Health Care 1 O-20 11:30∼12:30 身体障害 1-6:IT とヘルスケア 1 Chair/座長 Hiroshi Otsuka Kawasaki Hospital Kawasaki Medical School(大塚啓司 川崎医科大学附属川崎病院) PD 1-6-1 The Coming of Age:A Model for Virtual Occupational Therapy Conferences Susan Burwash1,Anita Hamilton2,Sarah Bodell3,Angela Hook3,Merrolee Penman4 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Eastern Washington University,2Occupational Therapy Program, University of the Sunshine Coast,3Directorate of Occupational Therapy, Salford University,4School of Occupational Therapy, Otago Polytechnic

PD 1-6-2 Health Workforce Capacity Development using IT Miyazaki Masako1,Lili Liu2 1Occupational Therapy, University of Alberta,2OccupationalTherapy, University of Alberta

PD 1-6-3 ue2 (Fri) 20 June Robotics in health care Ursula Meidert1,Heidrun Becker1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Zurich University of Applied Sciences

502 Physical Disabilities 1-7:IT & Health Care 2 O-20 13:30∼14:30 身体障害 1-7:IT とヘルスケア 2 Chair/座長 Shin-Ichi Sato Health Science University(佐藤真一 健康科学大学) PD 1-7-1 A cost benefit study of welfare technology in practice:Supervision with web camera as a complement to physical visits Raymond Dahlberg1 1Analyse Department, Swedish Institute of Assistive Technology(SIAT)

PD 1-7-2 Internet Sources as Qualitative Data for Study of Occupation and Quality of Life 1 2 ue2 (Sat) 21 June Barbara Kornblau ,Bill Wong 1College of Allied Heath, FloridaA&MUniversity,2Occupational Therapy, University of Southern California

PD 1-7-4 Incorporating a Wearable Upper Extremity Robotics Device into Daily Activities at Home Grace Kim1,Lisa Rivera1,Joel Stein1,2 1Rehabilitation Medicine, NewYork Presbyterian Hospital-Cornell Medical Center,2Rehabilitation Medicine, NewYork Presbyterian Hospital-Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center


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502 Physical Disabilities 1-8:Assistive Technology & OT Practice O-20 16:30∼17:30 身体障害 1-8:支援機器と OT の実践 Chair/座長 Koji Nakanishi Kitasato University East Hospital(中西浩司 北里大学東病院) PD 1-8-1 Accessing smart devices:more than just ‘Apps’ Michele C. Verdonck1,2,Fiona Maye1 1Occupational Therapy, National Rehabilitation Hospital,2School of Health and Sport Science, University of the Sunshine Coast

PD 1-8-3 Becoming a user of assistive technology for cognitive support Significant junctures along the way Eva Lindqvist1,Louise Nygard1,Lena Borell1 1NVS, the division of Occupational Therapy, Karolinska Institutet

PD 1-8-4 June 18 (Wed) Oral Session A new oxygen cannula for alleviating a feeling of dyspnea at dressing activity of patient Yuta Shiogai1 1Tatara Rihabilitation Hospital

更衣動作時の呼吸困難感軽減を目的とした酸素カニューラの紹介 塩貝勇太1 1たたらリハビリテーション病院

302 Physical Disabilities 1-9:Intervention - Physical Dysfunction 2 O-20 16:30∼17:50 身体障害 1-9:身体障害への介入 2 Chair/座長 Eva Månsson Lexell Lund University Reiko Kawamoto YIC Rehabilitation College(河本玲子 YIC リハビリテーション大学校) PD 1-9-1 June 19 (Thu) An Interdisciplinary Approach to Medication Management for Persons with Cognitive Deficits Katherine Cooper1,Caitlin Dennison2,Major Erik Johnson2 1Traumatic Brain Injury Department, Wiesbaden Health Clinic,2Occupational Therapy Department, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center

PD 1-9-2 Needs of Stroke caregivers at Acute Hospital in Southern Vietnam Yumiko Hayashi1 1Rehabilitation Dept., Becamex International General Hospital

ベトナム南部の急性期病院における脳卒中患者の家族のニーズ 林 由美子1 1Rehabilitation Dept., Becamex International General Hospital

PD 1-9-3 Improving Evidence-based Practice Using an Online Collaborative Platform Lise Poissant1,2,Annie Rochette1,3,Sara Ahmed4,5,Isabelle David2 1School of Rehabilitation, Universite de Montreal,2Institut de Readaptation Gingras-Lindsay de Montreal, Centre for Interdisciplinary June 20 (Fri) Research in Rehabilitation,3Centre de readaptation Lucie-Bruneau, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation,4School of Physical and Occupational Therapy, McGill University,5Constance Lethbridge Rehabilitation Centre, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation

PD 1-9-4 The effect of the color karuta qualia game on dementia elderly person Namiko Miura1,Kenichirou Orimo2 1NPO Japan Personal Color Association,2Nishi-Agatsuma Welfare Hospital

認知症高齢者に対する「色カルタ・クオリアゲーム」の効果を検証する 三浦南海子1,折茂賢一郎2 1特定非営利活動法人 日本パーソナルカラー協会,2西吾妻福祉病院 June 21 (Sat)


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ue1 Wd rlSession Oral (Wed) 18 June 503 Elderly 1-1:ADL and QOL for the Elderly O-20 8:30∼9:50 老年期障害 1-1:高齢者の ADL と QOL Chair/座長 Sinead Hynes North East London NHS Trust Tsuyoshi Wakamatsu Kurashiki Riverside Hospital(若松 剛 倉敷リバーサイド病院) EL 1-1-1 Creating awareness of the last part of life:A key to outreach of health-promotion for older foreign-born Swedes Emmelie Barenfeld1,2,Susanne Gustafsson1,Lars Wallin3,Synneve Dahlin-Ivanoff1 1Department of Clinical Neuroscience and Rehabilitation/Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy, The Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg,2Department of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, The Sahlgrenska University Hospital,3Department of Caring Science/Nursing, Dalarna University, School of Health and Social Studies

EL 1-1-2 Toileting Independence, Occupational Performance and Participation among the Elderly:An exploration of relationships among variables and their implications on occupational therapy practice Salvador Bondoc1 1Quinnipiac University

EL 1-1-3 ue1 (Thu) 19 June Relation to the Serious Dementia Elderly Person who Develops Visual Impairment:From a viewpoint of Environmental Adaptation Kazutaka Hirowatari1,Takayuki Iwabuchi1,Keisuke Yokota1,Mutsumi Shiga1,Megumi Kushida1 1Futatsuyasou

視覚障害を呈する重度認知症高齢者への関わり−環境適応の観点から 広渡一隆1,岩渕貴之1,横田圭祐1,志賀睦1,櫛田 恵1 1介護老人保健施設 二ツ箭荘

EL 1-1-4 The head and neck cancer treatment experience:opportunities for occupational therapy Heather Renter1,David Renter2 1Nursing, Grand Valley State University,2Occupational Therapy, Grand Valley State University

503 Elderly 1-2:Prevention of Functional Deterioration 1 O-10 10:30∼11:20 老年期障害 1-2:機能低下の予防 1 Chair/座長 Yumiko Tsubota Welfare Center for Elderly, Nittazukahaitu(坪田裕美子 介護老人保健施設 新田塚ハイツ) ue2 (Fri) 20 June EL 1-2-1 Patterns of Environmental Factor Awareness among Elderly Who Utilize In-Home Services:Affects on Subjective QOL Kenji Yabuwaki1,Hiroyuki Notoh2,Takashi Yamada3,Masahiro Shigeta4 1School of Health Science and Social Welfare, Kibi International University,2Faculty of Health Sciences, Tokoha University,3Graduate School of Rehabilitation, Mejiro University,4Faculty of Health Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University

居宅サービスを利用する高齢者の環境要因に対する認識の類型化−主観的な QOL への影響 籔脇健司1,野藤弘幸2,山田 孝3,繁田雅弘4 1吉備国際大学保健医療福祉学部,2常葉大学保健医療学部,3目白大学大学院リハビリテーション学研究科,4首都大学東京健康福祉学部

EL 1-2-2 Decline factors of the MMSE for the prevention of dementia Sota Nishi1,Kenichi Tori1,Ichiro Maeshiro1,Sinichi Nojiri1,Hiroaki Yamanaga1 1Seigaen Rehabilitation Dept., Geriatric Health Services Facility Seigaen

認知症予防介入を目的とした MMSE 低下因子の検討 西 聡太1,當利賢一1,真栄城一郎1,野尻晋一1,山永裕明1 1介護老人保健施設 清雅苑 清雅苑リハビリテーション部 ue2 (Sat) 21 June EL 1-2-3 Effect of acute dynamic exercise on cognitive function in elderly subjects Kana Endo1,Nan Liang1,Kei Ishii1,Mitsuhiro Idesako1,Kanji Matsukawa1 1Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Scienses, Department of Integrative Physiology, Hiroshima University

高齢者における運動と認知機能−Stroop test パフォーマンスに与える影響 遠藤加菜1,梁楠1,石井 圭1,井手迫光弘1,松川寛二1 1広島大学大学院医歯薬保健学研究院 生理機能情報科学

EL 1-2-4 The relationship between chronic pain and reduction in cognitive function Nadar Mohammed SH.1,Zainab Jasem2 1Occupational Therapy Department, Kuwait University,2Occupational Therapy Department, Ministry of Health


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EL 1-2-5 The Correlation of Cognitive Impairments and Dressing Ability in the Elderly Afsaneh Abrilahij1,Mona Siminghalam2,Hasan Ashayeri3 1Rehabilitation Dept., SEMNAN University of Medical Sciences,2Rehabilitation Dept., SEMNAN University of Medical Sciences,3Rehabilitation Dept., Iran University of Medical Sciences

311+312 Elderly 1-3:Elderly & Human Occupation 1 O-10 10:30∼11:20 老年期障害 1-3:高齢者と作業 1 Chair/座長 Tie Ono Kakeyumisayama Rehabilitation Center(小野千恵 鹿教湯三才山リハビリテーションセンター) EL 1-3-1 Why volunteer? Identifying common themes for why older adults choose to work for a Volunteer transport service Kate Young1,2,Camilla Radia-George2 1Health Independence Program, Eastern Health,2Occupational Therapy Department, Eastern Health

EL 1-3-2 June 18 (Wed) Oral Session Boredom in elderly living at home:an exploratory study Rebecca Clapperton1,Julie Desrosiers1 1Ecole de readaptation, Universite de Montreal

EL 1-3-3 Refactoring of the SAFER-HOME to represent the occupational context of a person Ruijie Li1,Lip Chin Ng2,Noor Hafizah3 1Health Services and Outcomes Research, National Healthcare Group,2Department of Occupational Therapy, Tan Tock Seng Hospital,3Department of Continuing and Community Care, Tan Tock Seng Hospital

EL 1-3-4 Mixing methods in developing questionnaires for older adults with dementia living at home:insight from OUTDEM study Isabel Margot-Cattin1,2,3,Nicolas Kuhne1,Anders Kottorp2,Annika Ohman2,Louise Nygard2 June 19 (Thu) 1Occupational Therapy Department, University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland(HES-SO),2Division of Occupational Therapy, Department of Neurobiology, Care Science and Society(NVS), Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden,31st alternate delegate, Swiss Delegation to WFOT

EL 1-3-5 The transactional relationship between person, environment and activities determines occupations:The experience of transition towards and adaptation to retirement:A qualitative study Eva Van de Vijver1,Ignaas Devisch1,Dominique Van de Velde1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Ghent University - Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

503 Elderly 1-4:Management for the Home Environment O-20 11:30∼12:10 老年期障害 1-4:住環境の支援 Chair/座長 Satomi Inoue Shakujii-koen Hiro Clinic(井上里美 石神井公園ひろクリニック) EL 1-4-1

Understanding and measuring the home environment for home modification practice:Developing the Dimensions of Home June 20 (Fri) Measure(DOHM) Tammy Aplin1,Louise Gustafsson1,Chi-Wen Chien1,Desleigh de Jonge1 1School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, The University of Queensland

EL 1-4-3 Putting Occupation back into housing modifications:Using the OTIPM to support the role of occupational therapists in the design and delivery of housing modifications Rachel Russell1,Marcus Ormerod1,Rita Newton1,Gill Chard2 1SURFACE/School of the Built Enviornment, University of Salford,2Country Coordinator, AMPS UK and Ireland

411+412 Elderly 1-5:OT for People with Dementia 1 O-20 11:30∼12:30 老年期障害 1-5:認知症の OT 1 Chair/座長 Yasunobu Akiyama Enshu Hospital(秋山恭延 JA 静岡厚生連遠州病院) EL 1-5-1 An exploration of the potential of Dementia Care Mapping as a practice development tool to facilitate meaningful June 21 (Sat) engagement Sanet Du Toit1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, University of The Free State


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EL 1-5-2 The Management tool for daily life performance decreases re-hospitalization for patients with Behavioral and Psychological ue1 Wd rlSession Oral (Wed) 18 June Symptoms of Dementia Shigehito Shiota1,Chiga Murai1,Tatsuru Kitamura2 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Ishikawa Prefectural Takamatsu Hospital,2Medical-examination Part, Ishikawa Prefectural Takamatsu Hospital

認知症高齢者に対する生活行為向上マネジメントは再入院を減少させる. 塩田繁人1,村井千賀1,北村 立2 1石川県立高松病院作業療法科,2石川県立高松病院診療部

EL 1-5-3 Adaptation and coping strategies used by older adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment:a qualitative exploratory study Anneleen Van de Wiele1,Anja Velghe2,Patricia De Vriendt2 1Occupational therapy program, Arteveldehogeschool Ghent,2Geriatric Department, University Hospital Ghent

503 Elderly 1-6:Prevention of Functional Deterioration 2 O-20 13:30∼14:30 老年期障害 1-6:機能低下の予防 2 Chair/座長 Alsion Mary Wicks University of Canberra Tomoko Kamimura Shinshu University(上村智子 信州大学) EL 1-6-1

ue1 (Thu) 19 June Reproducibility of interview-based ADL ability measures among occupational therapists, physical therapists and nursing staff Eva Ejlersen Wahrens1,2 1Department of Rheumatology, The Parker Institute, Copenhagen University Hospital Frederiksberg, Denmark,2Institute of Public Health, Research Initiative for Activity Studies, University of Southern Denmark

EL 1-6-3 The effectiveness of the occupational therapy program for healthy elderly people:Randomized Controlled Trial Takashi Yamada1,Hironori Kawamata2,Norikazu Kobayashi3 1Graduate School of Rehabilitation, Mejiro University,2Rehabilitation Dept., Facility of health care services for the elderly Narahatokiwa-en,3Graduate School of Human Health Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University

健康な高齢者に対する作業療法プログラムの効果−ランダム化比較試験 山田 孝1,川又寛徳2,小林法一3 1目白大学大学院リハビリテーション学研究科,2介護老人保健施設楢葉ときわ苑リハビリテーション部,3首都大学東京大学院人間健康科学研究科

EL 1-6-4 The Effects of a Life Goal Setting Technique in a Preventive Care Program for Older Adults Yoshimi Yuri1,2,Shinichi Takabatake2,Tomoko Nishikawa2,Taro Fujiwara3,Mari Oka4 1Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Kansai University of Welfare Sciences,2Graduate School of Comprehensive Rehabilitation, Osaka ue2 (Fri) 20 June Prefecture Univercity,3Rehabilitation Branch, Senri-tsukumo-dai Home Visit Nursing Care Station,4Elderly Care Office, Izumi City

介護予防における生活目標設定手法の導入効果に関する研究 由利禄巳1,2,高畑進一2,西川智子2,藤原太郎3,岡 万里4 1関西福祉科学大学リハビリテーション学科,2大阪府立大学大学院総合リハビリテーション学研究科,3千里津雲台訪問看護ステーションリハビリ和 泉支所,4和泉市役所高齢介護室

503 Elderly 1-7:Community-based Practice 1 O-20 16:30∼17:50 老年期障害 1-7:地域での実践 1 Chair/座長 Linda Renton Queen Margaret University Kyoko Moriguchi Health Science University(守口恭子 健康科学大学) EL 1-7-1 An interdisciplinary primary care program to prevent disability among community dwelling frail older people:A large scale process evaluation Ramon Daniels1,Silke Metzelthin2,Erik van Rossum1,2,3,Luc de Witte1,3,Ruud Kempen2 1 2 3 ue2 (Sat) 21 June Research Centre on Autonomy and Participation, Zuyd University, Health Services Research, Maastricht University, Research Centre on Technology in Care, Zuyd University

EL 1-7-2 Effects of Facoemulsification on activity performance and social particiation in patients with cenile cataract:Activity Performance and Social Participation in Cenile Cataract Meral Huri1,Esra Ak2,Gonca Bumin3,Fatih Karel4 1Hacettepe University/Faculty of Health Sciences/Occupational Therapy, Meral Huri,2Hacettepe University/Faculty of Health Sciences/ Occupational Therapy, Esra Aki,3Hacettepe University/Faculty of Health Sciences/Occupational Therapy, Gonca Bumin,4World Eye Hospital, Fatih Karel


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EL 1-7-3 The impact of occupational therapy for the patients with terminal cancer Chika Kato1,Satoshi Tamaki1,Aya Hasegawa1,Akiko Okajima2,Yoichi Uozumi3 1Rehabilitation Dept., Kamiiida Daiichi General Hospital,2Surgery, Kamiiida Daiichi General Hospital,3Cranial Nerve Surgery, Kamiiida Daiichi General Hospital

Palliative care team(PCT)介入患者の在宅生活を目標とした OT の取り組み 加藤千佳1,玉木 聡1,長谷川 文1,岡島明子2,魚住洋一3 1総合上飯田第一病院リハビリテーション科,2総合上飯田第一病院外科,3総合上飯田第一病院脳外科

EL 1-7-4 A national strategy led by occupational therapists to enhance older driver safety Janet M. Craik1,Julie Lapointe1,Claudia von Zweck1 1Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists

Community & Participation/地域・参加 June 18 (Wed) Oral Session 301 Community & Participation 1-1:Activity Participation Support in Community 1 O-20 8:30∼9:50 地域・参加 1-1:地域における活動参加支援 1 Chair/座長 Jo Adams University of Southampton Minoru Nagata Mie Prefectural Welfare Center for Persons with Physical Disabilities(永田 穣 三重県身体障害者総 合福祉センター) CP 1-1-1 A peer cultivation of a supporter, and activity support Ryoko Hachiya1,Hirooki Miyazaki1, Yanagibashi1 1Tatsuno city a local activity and a consultation support center, enable

ピアサポーターの養成と活動支援 1 1 1

蜂谷亮子 ,宮崎宏興 ,柳橋真希 June 19 (Thu) 1いねいぶるたつの市地域活動・相談支援センター

CP 1-1-2 Functional needs and participation in daily living activities of working women with Breast Cancer Khawla Loubani-Hawaita1,2,Naomi Schreuer1,Uzi Milman3 1School of Occupational Therapy, University of Haifa, Israel,2Physical occupational Therapy unit., Clalit Health Services Haifa and Western Galilee,3Research Unit, Haifa and Western Galilee, Clalit Health Services., Clalit Health Services Haifa and Western Galilee

CP 1-1-3 Engagement in hobbies and interests by community-dwelling older people with depression:JAGES large-scale cross- sectional analysis Tokunori Takeda1,Katsunori Kondo2,Kayo Suzuki2 1Division of Occupational Therapy Faculty of Rehabilitation, Seijoh University,2Center for Well-being and Society, Nihon Fukushi University

うつ状態にある地域在住高齢者の趣味活動−JAGES 大規模横断分析 竹田徳則1,近藤克則2,鈴木佳代2 1星城大学リハビリテーション学部,2日本福祉大学健康社会研究センター June 20 (Fri)

CP 1-1-4 Activity Participation of Community-dwelling Individuals with Schizophrenia:North Carolina, USA and Taiwan Chinyu Wu1 1Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

301 Community & Participation 1-2:Activity Participation Support in Community 2 O-10 10:30∼11:20 地域・参加 1-2:地域における活動参加支援 2 Chair/座長 Emi Ito Nagoya University(伊藤恵美 名古屋大学) CP 1-2-1 Predictors of Job Separation for Young Schizophrenic Patients:a survey focusing on cognitive dysfunction and job separation frequency Yasuhisa Nakamura1,Tatsumi Asakura2,Naohito Shingu3 1Faculty of Health Sciences, Nihon Fukushi University,2daycare, Kyowa Hospital,3Graduate Course of Rehabilitation Science, Seirei

Christopher University June 21 (Sat)

若年統合失調症者の離職予測因子に関する研究−認知機能障害と離職回数に着目して 中村泰久1,朝倉起巳2,新宮尚人3 1日本福祉大学健康科学部,2共和病院デイケア課,3聖隷クリストファー大学大学院リハビリテーション科学研究科


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CP 1-2-2 A collaborative initiative between the hospital designated as support center for projects to support people with higher ue1 Wd rlSession Oral (Wed) 18 June cortical dysfunction and employment support agencies, with a view of implementing group training for people with higher cortical dysfunction Yoshie Kaibai1,Yukiteru Murayama1,Yohei Mori1 1Stroke Neurological Rehabilitation Center, Aizawa Hospital, Jisenkai Medical Corporation

高次脳機能障害支援普及事業支援拠点病院と就労支援機関の協働による高次能機能障害者のグループ訓練実施に向けた取り組み 貝梅由恵1,村山幸照1,森 洋平1 1社会医療法人財団 慈泉会 相澤病院脳卒中・脳神経リハセンター

CP 1-2-3 Neurological conditions and return to work:an exploratory cross sectional survey of a range of Englandʼs employers Alicja Ploszaj1 1Hounslow and Richmond Community Health Trust

CP 1-2-4 Implementation of research to make changes for disabled students in higher education Sissel Horghagen1,Eva Magnus1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Sor-Troendelag University College

CP 1-2-5 Individual accomodation as a challenge in higher education 1 ue1 (Thu) 19 June Eva Magnus 1Occupational Therapy Programme, Soer-Troendelag University College

414+415 Community & Participation 1-3:Activity Participation Support in Community 3 O-10 10:30∼11:20 地域・参加 1-3:地域における活動参加支援 3 Chair/座長 Toshihiro Takahashi Akita Prefectural Center for Rehabilitation and Psychiatric Medicine(高橋敏弘 秋田県立リハビリテー ション・精神医療センター) CP 1-3-1 Area support network system for patients with cognitive dysfunction:Efforts of occupational therapist to establish the system Naoya Akiyama1,Norimasa Katagiri2,Masasi Ueda1,Madoka Iio3,Yohei Shioiri1 1Rehabilitation dept, Hamamatsu city rehabilitation hospital,2Department of rehabilitation medicine, Seirei mikatahara hospital,3Rehabilitation dept, Seirei hamamatsu hospital

高次脳機能障害地域支援ネットワークシステム−システム運用に向けた作業療法士としての取り組み 秋山尚也1,片桐伯真2,植田正史1,飯尾 円3,塩入陽平1 1浜松市リハビリテーション病院リハビリテーション部,2聖隷三方原病院リハビリテーション科,3聖隷浜松病院リハビリテーション部 ue2 (Fri) 20 June CP 1-3-2 Occupational therapy studentsʼ perceptions of use of Evidence-Based practice in home visiting for clients with CVA in the UK Ayaka Onoyama1 1School of Health and Sciences and Social Care, Brunel University

脳血管疾患患者の退院前家屋評価におけるイギリス作業療法学生の Evidence-based practice への認識 小野山絢香1 1ブルネル大学ヘルスサイエンスアンドソーシャルケア

CP 1-3-3 SOCIAL AND COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION FOLLOWING SPINAL CORD INJURY:BARRIERS AND FACILITATORS Linda Barclay1,Rachael McDonald1,Primrose Lentin1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Monash University

CP 1-3-4 Emphasizing the person in person centred practice:Client perspectives in brain injury rehabilitation Kate DʼCruz1,Primrose Lentin2,Linsey Howie1 1 2 ue2 (Sat) 21 June Department of Occupational Therapy, La Trobe University, Department of Occupational Therapy, Monash University

414+415 Community & Participation 1-6:Activity Participation Support in Community 4 O-20 11:30∼12:30 地域・参加 1-6:地域における活動参加支援 4 Chair/座長 Kazuo Higaki Osaka Prefecture University(日垣一男 大阪府立大学) CP 1-6-1 Assessing participation during transition to young adulthood:The Adolescent and Young Adult Participation Sort(AYAPS) Christine Berg1 1Program in Occupational Therapy, Washington University


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CP 1-6-2 A Good Life:The personal networks of people with a developmental disability Michelle Donelly1,Anne Hillman2,Louise Whitaker4,Roger Stancliffe2,Trevor Parmenter3,5 1School of Health and Human Sciences, Southern Cross University,2Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Sydney,3Centre for Disabilty Studies, University of Sydney,4School of Arts and Sciences, Southern Cross University,5Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney

CP 1-6-3 Occupational performance amongst asylum seekers in Denmark Anne-Le Morville1,2,Kirstine Amris2,Mona Eklund3,Bente Danneskiold-Samsoe2,Lena-Karin Erlandsson3 1Dept. of Occupational Therapy, Metropolitan University College, Copenhagen, Denmark,2Parker Institute, Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark,3Health Sciences Centre, Lund University, Sweden

301 Community & Participation 1-7:Community-Based OT 2 O-20 13:30∼14:50 地域・参加 1-7:地域に根ざした OT 2 Chair/座長 June 18 (Wed) Oral Session Michiko Ishimoto Kochi Rehabilitation Institute(石元美知子 高知リハビリテーション学院) CP 1-7-1 Determinants for utilization of home-based rehabilitation services Wan-Yin Chen1,Hui-Fen Mao1,Wen-Chou Chi2,Ming-Te Shen3,Wen-Ni Huang4 1School of Occupational Therapy, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan,2Department of Information Management, National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi County, Taiwan,3Department of Psychiatry, Cathay General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan,4Department of Physical Therapy, I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

CP 1-7-2 ‘Reablement’ a new innovation or core occupational therapy? Dee Christie1 1Independent Living Service, West Sussex County Council

CP 1-7-3 June 19 (Thu) Factors related to effectiveness of home occupational therapy for elders offered by long term cares in the rural area in Kaohsiung Taiwan Tsai-Wei Lin1,Jui-Kun Chang1,Ku-Chou Chang2,Athena Yi-Jung Tsai3,Chia-ling Lin1 1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan,2Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan,3Department of Occupational Therapy, College of Health Sciences, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

CP 1-7-4 LIVED EXPERIENCES AND OCCUPATIONAL NEEDS OF VISUALLY CHALLENGED ADULTS LIVING IN MALAYSIA Jou Yin Teoh1,Michael Kenko Iwama2,Saraswathy Venkataraman3,Siti Arbi Kamso4 1Research and Development Unit, LPC Lab Sdn. Bhd.,2Department of Occupational Therapy, Georgia Regents University,3School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Accident and Injury Prevention(MUARC), Monash University Sunway campus, Malaysia,4Department of Occupational Therapy, National University of Malaysia

414+415 Community & Participation 1-8:Cultural Diversity & Participation Support O-20 13:30∼14:50 地域・参加 1-8:文化多様性と参加支援 June 20 (Fri) Chair/座長 Takako Ito Tochigi Rehabilitation Center(伊藤貴子 とちぎリハビリテーションセンター) CP 1-8-1 A critical perspective in Occupational Therapy:discussing knowledge paradigms and practice commitments Sandra Maria Galheigo1 1Department of Physiotherapy, Communication Science and Disorders, Occupational Therapy. Faculty of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo

CP 1-8-2 Subjectivity in Groups of People With Disabilities:Exploring the Subjection/agency Duality and the Vision of the Disabilities from the own Living Experience Juan Pablo Saa1,2,Pamela Gutierrez1,Raul Moya1,Javier Campos1,Nicole Yanez1 1Occupational Therapy, University of Chile,2Washington University in St. Louis

CP 1-8-3

Cultural diversity and health care:an etnographic study of Chinese immigrants in Argentina June 21 (Sat) Maria Florencia Incaurgarat1 1National University of Mar del Plata, Argentina


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CP 1-8-4 Confidence in the future and hopelessness experiences in daily occupations of immigrants with late effects of polio:An ue1 Wd rlSession Oral (Wed) 18 June interview study with immigrants from Eastern Africa Iolanda Tavares Silva1,2,Anna-Lisa Thoren-Jonsson1 1Institute of Neuroscience an Physiology/Department of Clinical Neuroscience and Rehabilitation/Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy, University of Gothenburg The Sahlgrenska Academy,2Department of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, Sahlgrenska University Hospital

301 Community & Participation 1-9:Inclusive Intervention in the Community 1 O-20 16:30∼17:50 地域・参加 1-9:地域における包括的介入 1 Chair/座長 Kumiko Terayama Osaka Kawasaki Rehabilitation University(寺山久美子 大阪河崎リハビリテーション大学) CP 1-9-1 The social construction of disability:Learning from the past, tradition for the future Nicole Thomson1,2,Rona Macdonald1,Michael Kenko Iwama3 1Graduate Department of Rehabilitation Science, University of Toronto,2Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital,3Department of Occupational Therapy, Georgia Regents University

CP 1-9-2 Community mobility as a determinant of health:The role of occupational therapy from an international perspective Jeffrey Crabtree1,2 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Indiana University,2Research Design and Disability(R2D2)Center, University of Wisconsin ue1 (Thu) 19 June CP 1-9-3 Creating inclusive communities together:Partnership Action for Occupational Inclusion and Mental Health Jane Melton1,Jo Denney1,Rebecca Shute1,Kirsty Forsyth2 1Clinical Directorate - Social Inclusion, 2gether NHS Foundation Trust, England,2Department of Health Science, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, Scotland

CP 1-9-4 The usage of Alert Program R in a community mental health team in Singapore Sey Ing Tan1 1Department of Psychological Medicine, KK Womenʼs and Childrenʼs Hospital

414+415 Community & Participation 1-10:New Perspectives of OT 1 O-20 16:30∼17:30 地域・参加 1-10:OT の新たな視点 1 Chair/座長 Hosei Yoshikawa Asahikawa Medical University Hospital(吉川法生 株式会社リハステージ) CP 1-10-2 ue2 (Fri) 20 June The environmental imagination in the history of occupational therapy Mark Hudson1,2 1Research Institute for Sustainable Environments and Cultures, Nishikyushu University,2Department of Occupational Therapy, Nishikyushu University

CP 1-10-3 Positive mental health promotion development for children at risk for or who are obese or overweight:Creating a quality of life for children and their families impacted by the obesity epidemic Michael A. Pizzi1 1Long Island University-Brooklyn

CP 1-10-4 Learning through sharing experience:Principles and strategies for innovative practice Melissa Wilschutt1,Liesl Peters1,Roshan Galvaan1 1Division of Occupational Therapy, University of Cape Town ue2 (Sat) 21 June


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Mental Health/精神障害

302 Mental Health 1-1:OT in Mental Health 1 O-20 8:30∼9:50 精神障害 1-1:精神保健と作業療法 1 Chair/座長 Motoshi Yasugi Okayama Psychiatric Medical Center(八杉基史 岡山県精神科医療センター) MH 1-1-1 A multidisciplinary teamʼs efforts to enable a long-term patient with schizophrenia to return to community life by considering the value he attached to the “home”:ACase Report Shouichiro Minami1,Tsuruhei Sukegawa1,Takae Morii1,Toyoharu Tsutumi1 1Psychiatric Occupational Therapy Dept., NHO Tottori Medical Center

クライアントが「家」に抱く思いを大切にして−統合失調症長期入院患者に対する,多職種チームでの関わり 南 庄一郎1,助川鶴平1,森井孝江1,堤 豊治1 1国立病院機構 鳥取医療センター精神科作業療法部門 June 18 (Wed) Oral Session MH 1-1-2 Occupational Therapy Training Program:Mediated Communication Recovery-Wellbeing(MCRW)for mental health practitioners Naama Katz1,Dalia Sachs2,Noomi Katz1 1Occupational Therapy, Ono Academic College,2Occupational Therapy, University of Haifa

MH 1-1-3 Equal Partners:The Occupational Therapist and the Service User Consultant:Demonstrating true collaboration Gabrielle Richards1,Nash Momori1 1Corporate Occupational Therapy, The South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust

MH 1-1-4

Facilitating service redesign for people with complex mental health needs:Collaborating to create a rehabilitation pathway June 19 (Thu) Michelle Harrison1,Kirsty Forsyth1,Linda Irvine2,Debbie Mountain2 1Firefly Research, Queen Margaret University Edinburgh,2NHS Lothian

511+512 Mental Health 1-2:Daily Activities O-10 10:30∼11:20 精神障害 1-2:日常の活動 Chair/座長 Aya Yoshida Osaka Health Science University(吉田 文 大阪保健医療大学) MH 1-2-1 Case study of psychiatric client whose goal became clear by focusing on her meaningful activity using ADOC Taichi Matsuoka1 1Rehabilitation Dept., Fukui Kinen Hospital

ADOC を用いて意味ある作業に焦点を当てたことで目標が明確化した精神科クライエントの一例 松岡太一1 1福井記念病院リハビリテーション科

MH 1-2-2 June 20 (Fri) A study on the use of occupational balance assessment with reference:Mothers in the period of child care Akihiko Koga1,Satoshi Kondo2 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Teikyo University Faculty of Fukuoka Medical Technology,2Faculty of Health and Welfare Graduate School of Comprehensive Scientific Research Mastreʼs Degree Program in Health Siences and Welfare, Prefectural University of Hiroshima

作業バランス評価法の活用法に関する研究−育児期の母親を対象として 古賀昭彦1,近藤 敏2 1帝京大学福岡医療技術学部作業療法学科,2県立広島大学大学院総合学術研究科 作業遂行障害領域

MH 1-2-3 Occupational therapy encourages desire to perform activities in a patient experiencing auditory hallucinations:Utilize the desire that I want to buy a ball for Naomi Miyazato1 1Senogawa Medical Corporation, Visite Nurse Station

幻聴を抱えながらも自分のしたいことができるように−ボールを買いたいという欲求を活用して 宮里直美1 1医療法人 せのがわ 訪問看護ステーションビジテ June 21 (Sat)


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MH 1-2-4 Approach for psychiatric patients who wish to work in order to transfer to an appropriate place 1 2 2

ue1 Wd rlSession Oral (Wed) 18 June Katsuyo Hosoda ,Zenne Kanagawa ,Ikuko Nakano 1day-care, sefuukai ibaraki hospital,2onwark, sefuukai transition of employment service

就労を希望する精神疾患患者に対し,適切な移行先につなげるための関わり 細田勝世1,金川善衛2,中野郁子2 1医療法人清風会茨木病院デイケアセンター,2医療法人清風会就労支援センターオンワーク

302 Mental Health 1-3:OT in Forensic Settings 1 O-20 13:30∼14:50 精神障害 1-3:司法精神医療の作業療法 1 Chair/座長 Hideyuki Ohashi Saitama Prefectural University(大橋秀行 埼玉県立大学) MH 1-3-1 The trial and future overview of the peer support program by mentally disordered offenders under the Medical Care and Supervision Act Keisuke Sasagawa1,Kouzou Suzuki1,Teruyuki Nomura1,Mami Wada1,Asaki Kudou1 1National Hospital Organization Saigata National Hospital

医療観察法病棟におけるピアサポートプログラムの試みと今後の展望 笹川恵輔1,鈴木孝三1,野村照幸1,和田舞美1,工藤朝木1 1独立行政法人 国立病院機構 さいがた病院

MH 1-3-2 ue1 (Thu) 19 June Learning Through Doing:An evaluation of the development of a low secure forensic occupational therapy service Camilla Cox1 1Occupational Therapy Department, North London Forensic Services

MH 1-3-3 Mental Health Recovery and Occupational Therapy. Exploring Forensic and Mental Health Occupational Therapistsʼ Perspectives Kee Hean Lim1,Sarah Prior2,Portia Chowdhury3,Vasiliki Katsouri4 1Division of Occupational Therapy, Brunel University,2Division of Occupational Therapy, Brunel University,3Division of Occupational Therapy, Brunel University,4Division of Occupational Therapy, Brunel University

MH 1-3-4 Determining Occupational Needs to Ensure Successful Community Integration of Forensic Mental Health Clients:Success in the Community for Complex Mental Health Clients Elizabeth A. Taylor1,Sharon E. Brintnell1,Roberto Peterson2 1Department of Occupational Therapy, WFOT University of Alberta,2CEO, House Next Door Society ue2 (Fri) 20 June Education/教育

303 Education 1-1:New Perspectives on OT Education O-20 8:30∼9:50 教育 1-1:OT 教育の新たな視点 Chair/座長 Misao Ogano International University of Health and Welfare(小賀野 操 国際医療福祉大学) ED 1-1-1 Professional competencies, personal growth and influence on future practice as learning outcomes of a non-traditional fieldwork experience Lisa Knightbridge1 1Faculty Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, Department of Occupational Therapy, Monash University

ED 1-1-2 Clinical preceptorsʼ certification course in Occupational Therapy as an empowering personal process Einat Olinky1,Sarah Gat1,2,Yael Kaufman-Cohen1,3 ue2 (Sat) 21 June 1Occupational Therapy Dept., Tel Aviv University,2Occupational Therapy Dept., Tel Aviv University,3Occupational Therapy Dept., Tel Aviv University

ED 1-1-3 Occupation-Based Practice:Elusive Concept Or Achievable Goal? Nicolaas van den Heever1 1Masters of Science in Occupational Therapy, West Coast University

ED 1-1-4 Incorporating Active Learning into Interprofessional Education Mary Evenson1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, MGH Institute of Health Professions


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303 Education 1-2:Needs Survey: Students and Therapists O-10 10:30∼11:20 教育 1-2:学生・セラピストのニーズ Chair/座長 Masahiro Hashimoto Humanitec Medical and Welfare College(橋本昌弘 ユマニテク医療福祉大学校) ED 1-2-1 Using an Occupational Questionnaire to study the relationship between educational independence and the academic achievement of university freshmen studying occupational therapy Miyuki Iwata1,Ryuji Kobayashi1,Kenji Yabuwaki1 1School of Health Science and Social Welfare, Kibi International University

作業療法の初年次学生の「主体的な学び」と学業成績の関係−作業質問紙による検討 岩田美幸1,小林隆司1,籔脇健司1 1吉備国際大学 保健医療福祉学部 作業療法学科

ED 1-2-2

Relationships among health condition, attitude, and social skill in long-term clinical training June 18 (Wed) Oral Session Yoshitake Sano1 1Department of Rehabilitation, Kyushu Nutrition Welfare University

長期臨床実習における学生の健康状態及び実習態度と社会的スキルとの関連性 佐野幹剛1 1九州栄養福祉大学リハビリテーション学部

ED 1-2-3 Mental health needs of university students:Potential area of practice for occupational therapy Michael Lee1,Tal Jarus1,Mineko Wada1 1Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Science, University of British Columbia

ED 1-2-4 Life Balance:A Comparative Study of Retired and Working Occupational Therapists Lalit J. Shah1,Matthew Cash1,Moira Hauer1,Jessica Mudgett1,Katie Moul1 June 19 (Thu) 1OT, Misericordia University

ED 1-2-5 An interview method combine KAWA model with salutogenesis theory for Taiwanʼs fieldwork students:The influences of culture Hsin-Hsiu Yeh(Essential)1 1Occupational Therapy Dept., Taipei City Hospital

303 Education 1-3:Fieldwork Education 1 O-10 11:30∼12:00 教育 1-3:臨床教育 1 Chair/座長 Tetsuro Higashikawa Kanazawa Neurosurgical Hospital(東川哲朗 金沢脳神経外科病院) ED 1-3-1 Practice education in areas beyond traditional health settings:Graduatesʼ and educatorsʼ reflections Alison Wicks1,Penelope Coombes1,2,Josie Reeves1,Sophie Trevillian1,Melanie Waite1 1Faculty of Health/Discipline of Public Health/Field of Occupational Therapy, University of Canberra,2The People for Places and June 20 (Fri) Spaces

ED 1-3-2 Utilizing the Assessment of Communication and Interaction Skills(ACIS)in a fieldwork design to facilitate occupational therapy students learning Tore Bonsaksen1,Kjell Emil Grana1,Cecilia Celo2,Hiromi Nakamura-Thomas3,Ingunn Myraunet4 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Prosthetics and Orthotics, Oslo and Akershus University College,2Division of Mental Health and Addiction, Oslo University Hospital,3Department of Occupational Therapy, Saitama Prefectural University,4Department of Psychiatry, Diakonhjemmet Hospital

ED 1-3-3 Occupational Therapy supervisorsʼ interpersonal communication:Does it play a role in enhancing studentsʼ clinical reasoning skills during fieldwork education? Marianne De Beer1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Pretoria June 21 (Sat)


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416+417 Education 1-4:IT & Teaching Methods O-20 11:30∼12:30 教育 1-4:IT と教育手法

ue1 Wd rlSession Oral (Wed) 18 June Chair/座長 Kouichi Itoh Tokyo Unversity of Technology(伊藤公一 東京工科大学) ED 1-4-1 Comparison of Cadaver Lab to Online Anatomy TV for Teaching Anatomy Virgil Mathiowetz1,Chih-Huang Yu2 1Program in Occupational Therapy/Center for Allied Health Programs, University of Minnesota,2Rehabilitation Science Program, University of Minnesota

ED 1-4-2 A Pilot project of the learning experience of undergraduate occupational therapy students in a 3-D virtual environment in the United Kingdom:Learning in a virtual house Angela Hook1,Sarah Bodell1 1College of Health and Social Care/Directorate of Occupational Therapy, University of Salford

ED 1-4-3 Use of iPads to encourage student self-evaluation and competence in clinical skills Michelle Bissett1,Lee Zakrzewski1 1Occupational Therapy, University of Western Sydney

303 Education 1-5:Dilemmas in OT Education O-20 ue1 (Thu) 19 June 13:30∼14:50 教育 1-5:OT 教育のジレンマ Chair/座長 Takeshi Kobayashi Chiba Prefectural University of Health Sciences(小林毅千葉県立保健医療大学) ED 1-5-1 Neuroanatomy and body functions in occupation-based education Valerie Harris1,Guðrún Árnadóttir2,3 1Long term rehabilitation day centre, Sjalfsbjorg the Icelandic organization of people with physical disabilities,2Grensas Rehabilitation Department, Landspitali University Hospital Iceland,3University of Iceland

ED 1-5-2 Is it important for students to experience occupation-centred practice on placement? Karina Dancza1,Jodie Copley2,Sylvia Rodger2,Monica Moran3 1Canterbury Christ Church University, UK,2University of Queensland, Australia,3Central Queensland University, Australia

ED 1-5-3 Occupation-focused Skill-Laboratories in OT Education 1 1 1 ue2 (Fri) 20 June Franziska Wirz ,Brigitte Gysin ,Sabine Hendriks 1ZHAW University of Applied Sciences Winterthur Switzerland OT Department

ED 1-5-4 The Dilemma Facing Education in Occupational Therapy:Teaching Professional Values Paula Kramer1,Charlotte Royeen2 1Department of Occupational Therapy, University of the Sciences,2Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, St. Louis University

303 Education 1-6:Philosophy of OT Education O-20 16:30∼17:50 教育 1-6:教育理念 Chair/座長 Lee Zakrzewski Occupational Therapy, University of Western Sydney Katsushi Yokoi Kansai University of Welfare Sciences(横井賀津志 関西福祉科学大学) ED 1-6-1 A Cross- Contextual Study of Mental Health Occupational Therapy Curricula:Preparing Graduates for the Field 1 2 ue2 (Sat) 21 June Katherine Wimpenny ,Loren Lewis 1Occupational Therapy, Coventry University,2Division of Occupational Therapy, University of Cape Town

ED 1-6-2 Preparing Students for Transition to Clinician:a KwaZulu Natal Case study Deshini Naidoo1,Jacqueline Van Wyk2 1Discpline of occupational therapy, University of KwaZulu Natal,2School of Clinical Medicine, Univeristy of KwaZulu Natal

ED 1-6-3 Crossing Thresholds:Using Assessment to Facilitate Conceptual Mastery in Occupational Therapy Curricula Liz Springfield1,Sylvia Rodger1 1Division of Occupational Therapy, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Queensland


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ED 1-6-4 Why create common epistemological assumptions within the council of a department of health of a university college? Implications for the occupational therapy education Matthias Moeller1 1Department oh Health, University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland

Research & EBP/研究・EBP

304 Research & EBP 1-1:Application of Theory to OT Practice(KAWA Model) O-20 8:30∼9:50 研究・EBP 1-1:理論の適用(KAWA モデル他) Chair/座長 Mayumi Okuda Okayama Psychiatoric Medical Center(奥田真由美 岡山県精神科医療センター) RE 1-1-1 EXPLORATION OF THE KAWA MODEL WITHIN A SOUTH AFRICAN CONTEXT 1 Antonette Owen June 18 (Wed) Oral Session 1Occupational Therapy, Facilty of Therapeutic Health Sciences

RE 1-1-2 Exploring the use of the Filipino kapwa(shared identity)and pakikipagkapwa(humanness)world view in understanding therapeutic relationships in Philippine occupational therapy practice Maria Concepcion Cabatan1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines Manila

RE 1-1-3 Applying the KAWA Model in Work-related Rehabilitation for Individuals with Mental Illness A Case Report Wei-Te Liu1,Hong-Fei Wu1,Hui-Xian Xie1,Ya-Hui Li1 1Psychiatry Dept., Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital

RE 1-1-4 June 19 (Thu) Reflections on the Use of the Kawa Model in Phenomenological Research Tamera Humbert1 1Occupational Therapy, Elizabethtown College

302 Research & EBP 1-2:Occupational Therapy in Various Countries 1 O-10 10:30∼11:20 研究・EBP 1-2:各国の作業療法実践 1 Chair/座長 Chihiro Miwa Aichi Medical College for Physical and Occupational Therapy(美和千尋 愛知医療学院短期大学) RE 1-2-1 Professional perspective of occupational therapy for rehabilitation staff in Southern Vietnam Kayoko Watanabe1,Ai Pham Thi Ngoc2,Khoa Nguyen Dang2 1Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer,2Dep. of physical therapy and rehabilitation, Cho Ray Hospital

ベトナム南部におけるリハビリテーション従事者の作業療法に対する認識 渡邊佳與子1,ファム ティ ゴック アイ2,グエン ダン コア2 1独立行政法人 国際協力機構 青年海外協力隊,2チョーライ病院リハビリテーション科 June 20 (Fri)

RE 1-2-2 Through the Lens of the Male OT OTA:Exploring the factors that encourage males to thrive as Occupational Therapy clinicians in a female dominated profession Gawain Tang1,Patrick Whalen1 1Faculty of Health Science - School of Rehabilitation Science, McMaster University

RE 1-2-3 Challenges of Applying Occupation-Based Intervention in Clinical Practice:A Delphi Study in Malaysia Ahmad Zamir Che Daud1,2,Matthew Yau Kwai-Seng1,Fiona Barnett1 1Discipline of Occupational Therapy, James Cook University,2Occupational Therapy Dept., Mara University of Technology

RE 1-2-4 Analysis of Personal, Environmental and Occupational Factors Effecting Activity Performance of Disabled Drivers Orkun Tahir Aran1,Hulya Kahyan1 1Faculty of Health Sciences, Occupational Therapy Department, Hacettepe University

RE 1-2-5 June 21 (Sat) Research on the Effectiveness of the Group of Volunteers in Medical Field:Qualitative Study Based on the Memberʼs Interview Akira Teramura1,Miho W.Yoshida2,Kiyoshi Ishii3 1Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers,2M and M Consultant Office Japan,3Association for Aid and Relief Japan

青年海外協力隊が運営する分科会の活動と有効性の検討−隊員のインタビューを基にした質的研究 寺村 晃1,吉田美穂2,石井清志3 1青年海外協力隊,2M and M コンサルタント事務所,3難民を助ける会


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304 Research & EBP 1-3:Professional Reflections O-10 10:30∼11:10 研究・EBP 1-3:OT 専門職としての振り返り

ue1 Wd rlSession Oral (Wed) 18 June Chair/座長 Takashi Ishikawa Graduate School of Health Sciences, Akita University(石川隆志 秋田大学大学院医学系研究科保健学 専攻) RE 1-3-1 Categorize Occupational Therapy Interventions A Prerequisite for Inter-professional Global Communication:Themodel“Four mayor occupational therapy intervention factors” Ingrid Soderback1 1Karolinska Institue

RE 1-3-2 Occupational therapy values:A philosophical analysis of several professional values statements and their philosophical assumptions Marie-Josee Drolet1 1Occupational Therapy Department, University of Quebec at Trois-Rivieres

RE 1-3-3 A continued challenge:Bridging the theory and practice gap Joanne Donbavand1,Joanne Stead1 1Occupational Therapy, University of Huddersfield

ue1 (Thu) 19 June RE 1-3-5 Comparison of Patientʼs, Families and Therapists Concerns:A pilot study Cigdem Oksuz1,Burcu Semin Akel1,Orkun Tahir Aran1 1Faculty of Health Sciences, Occupational Therapy Department, Hacettepe University

302 Research & EBP 1-4:Viewing the Evidence 1 O-20 11:30∼12:30 研究・EBP 1-4:EBP の実践例 1 Chair/座長 Katsuaki Yamano Kumamoto Ekimae Nursing and Rehabilitation College(山野克明 熊本駅前看護リハビリテーション学 院) RE 1-4-1 Information and digital literacy:Central to evidence based practice in the 21st Century Anita Hamilton1,2,Jo Coldwell-Neilson2,Annemieke Craig2 1Occupational Therapy, University of the Sunshine Coast,2School of Information Technology, Deakin University

RE 1-4-2

ue2 (Fri) 20 June A Tripartite View of Evidence:Impacts on the use of evidence based practice Linda Robertson1,Fi Graham2,Jane Anderson3 1Occupational Therapy, Otago Polytechnic,2Medicine, University of Otago,3Southern District Health Board

RE 1-4-3 Intensive therapy for improved motor recovery after stroke:A systematic review Emma J. Schneider1,2,Natasha A. Lannin1,2,Louise Ada3,Julia Schmidt4 1Occupational Therapy Department, La Trobe University,2Occupational Therapy Department, Alfred Health,3The University of Sydney,4School of Allied and Public Health, Australian Catholic University

304 Research & EBP 1-5:Capacity Building & OT O-20 11:30∼12:30 研究・EBP 1-5:OT の実力をつける Chair/座長 Takayuki Okuhara Showa University(奥原孝幸 昭和大学) RE 1-5-1 Effectiveness of Handling Training on Stress and Quality of Life among mothers of children afflicted with cerebral palsy 1 2 2 2 3 ue2 (Sat) 21 June Nasrin Jalili ,Mehdi Rassafiani ,Hamid Dalvand ,Hojjat allah Haghgoo ,Marjan Farzi 1Occupational Therapy Depertment, Medical University of Isfahan,2Occupational Therapy Depertment, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences,3Department of Psychometric, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences

RE 1-5-2 Operationalizing Scholarship of Practice:Factors Leading to a Successful Collaboration Patricia Bowyer1,Lauro Munoz2,Jackson Parker1,Haydee Montemayor1 1School of Occupational Therapy, Texas Womanʼs University-Houston,2Rehabilitation Services, MD Anderson Cancer Center

RE 1-5-3 Different Paths, Same Destination:Shared Experiences of Influencing Occupational Practice Ellen Nicholson1,Susan Burwash2 1Occupational Science and Therapy, AUT University,2Eastern Washington University


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304 Research & EBP 1-6:Viewing the Evidence 2 O-20 13:30∼14:50 研究・EBP 1-6:EBP の実践例 2 Chair/座長 Lana Van Niekerk Stellenbosch University Toshio Higashi Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences(東 登志夫 長崎大学大学院医歯薬学 総合研究科) RE 1-6-1 Factors predicting successful rehabilitation after hip fracture surgery in the elderly population 6 month following injury Noomi Katz1,Yoram Maaravi2,Maayan Katz3 1Research Institute for Health and Medical Professions, Ono Academic College, Israel,2Rehabilitation, Hadassah Hospital Jerusalem, Israel,3Occupational Therapy, Ministry of Health, Israel

RE 1-6-2 Falls and falls prevention:A qualitative study exploring the views of visually impaired older people, carers and health care professionals June 18 (Wed) Oral Session Claire Ballinger1,Heather Waterman2,Penelope Stanford2,Dawn Skelton3,Chris Todd2 1Research Design Service South Central, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton, UK,2School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, University of Manchester, UK,3School of Health and Life Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK

RE 1-6-3 Lifestyle Redesign for Pressure Ulcer Prevention in Spinal Cord Injury Florence Clark1,Michael Carlson1,Erna Blanche1,Cheryl Vigen1,Elizabeth Pyatak1 1Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of Southern California

RE 1-6-4 Data Reconciliation in a Pressure Ulcer Prevention Study Jeanine Blanchard1,Florence Clark1,Trudy Mallinson1,Cheryl Vigen1,Jingwen Li1 1Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of Southern California

304 Research & EBP 1-7:Viewing the Evidence 3 June 19 (Thu) O-20 16:30∼17:50 研究・EBP 1-7:EBP の実践例 3 Chair/座長 Hiromi Fujii Yamagata Prefectural University of Health Sciences(藤井浩美 山形県立保健医療大学 作業療法学科) RE 1-7-1 Analysis of leg-crossing movement in patients with hemiplegia:Movement necessary to lift the paretic leg Rika Sakamoto1,Miyuki Isa1,Nozomi Watanabe1,Fumiko Hada1,Sumiko Yamamoto2 1Rehabilitation Section, Yokohama Stroke and Brain Center,2Graduate school International University of Health & Welfare

片麻痺者における脚組み動作の分析−脚を持ち上げる動作に何が必要か 坂本里佳1,伊佐美由紀1,渡邉 望1,羽田史子1,山本澄子2 1横浜市立脳血管医療センターリハビリテーション部,2国際医療福祉大学大学院福祉援助工学分野

RE 1-7-2 Expanding the Role of Occupational Therapy in Diabetes Assistive Technology Emily Piven1

1Health Matters First of Florida June 20 (Fri)

RE 1-7-3 Heʼs not been the same person since:Self, identity and falling in older people with dementia and their carers Anne McIntyre1 1Occupational Therapy, School of Health Sciences and Social Care, Brunel University

RE 1-7-4 Addressing workforce maldistribution to provide a rural occupational therapy workforce:Rural occupational therapy workforce Carol McKinstry1,Siann Bowman1,Cheryl Neilson1,Elizabeth Martin1,Kylie Carra1 1La Trobe Rural Health School, Health Sciences June 21 (Sat)


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Challenge & Innovation/革新と挑戦

ue1 Wd rlSession Oral (Wed) 18 June 416+417 Challenge & Innovation 1-1:Development of Assessment Tools 1 O-20 8:30∼9:50 革新と挑戦 1-1:評価法の開発 1 Chair/座長 Kiyoko Kabeya Alberta Health Services Yoshikazu Ishii Tokyo Metropolitan University(石井良和 首都大学東京) CI 1-1-1 The Utilization of Clinical Assessment of Modes Questionnaire, Therapist version Occupational Therapists perspectives Erika Andersson1,Anette Kjellberg1 1Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Linkoping University, Sweden

CI 1-1-2 Comparison of administration time and calculation time of the Shoulder36(V.1.3)and the QuickDASH Satoshi Shimo1,Shota Genma2,Toshiki Horiuchi1,Yasuhiro Yamamoto3,Koubun Watanabe1 1Department of Rehabilitation, Fuefuki Central Hospital, Yamanashi, Japan,2Department of Rehabilitation, Kofu Jonan Hospital,3Department of Physical Therapy, Health Science University

患者立脚型評価法の記入時間および計算時間の検討−Shoulder36(V.1.3)と QuickDASH の比較 志茂 聡1,弦間将太2,堀内俊樹1,山本泰宏3,渡邉浩文1 1医療法人康麗会 笛吹中央病院リハビリテーション科,2医療法人慈光会 甲府城南病院リハビリテーション部,3健康科学大学理学療法学科

ue1 (Thu) 19 June CI 1-1-3 Suitability of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment as a screening tool to identify people with dysfunction in occupational performance after mild stroke Elien Van der Wijst1 1Occupational Therapy, Jeroen Bosch Hospital

CI 1-1-4 A New Performance Measure of Executive Function:Cross- Cultural Comparison Joan Toglia1,Orit Lahav2,Rachel Kizony3,Eynat Ben Ari4 1School of Health and Natural Sciences, Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry, New York,2Occupational Therapy, Ono Academic College, Kiryat Ono, Israel,3Occupational Therapy, University of Haifa, Israel,4Occupational Therapy, Tel Aviv University, Israel

416+417 Challenge & Innovation 1-2:Aspects of Assistive Technology O-10 10:30∼11:20 革新と挑戦 1-2:アシスティブテクノロジーの諸相 Chair/座長 Tetsuo Nagao Kyushu Nutrition Welfare University(長尾哲男 九州栄養福祉大学) CI 1-2-1 ue2 (Fri) 20 June The Psycho-social Effects of Living with Mobility Service Dogs:Through the intervention as an occupational therapist Hiromi Noguchi1,Aya Yoshida2,Koto Mizukami3,Tomoko Takayanagi3 1Physicaltherapy Dept, NAGOYA ISEN,2Rehabilitation Science Dept, Osaka Health Science University,3Training Dept, Japan Service Dog Association

介助犬と生活することによって獲得された心理社会的効果−作業療法士としての介入を通じて 野口裕美1,吉田 文2,水上言3,高柳友子3 1専門学校 名古屋医専教務部,2大阪保健医療大学リハビリテーション学科,3社会福祉法人 日本介助犬協会訓練部

CI 1-2-2 The Development of PC keyboard stand for mouse stick users and the verification of its efficacy Shoji Nakagawa1,Kenta Matsuda2,Tomoyuki Murata3,Tatsuya Kanno2,Tsutomu Tamagaki4 1Community Support Center, Kanagawa Rehabilitation Center,2Rehabilitation Engineering Department, Kanagawa Rehabilitation Center,3Rehabilitation Engineering Laboratory, Kanagawa Rehabilitation Center,4School of Rehabilitation, Kanagawa University of Human Services

マウススティックユーザー対応 PC キーボードスタンドの開発と有効性の検証 中川翔次1,松田健太2,村田知之3,管野達也2,玉垣努4 ue2 (Sat) 21 June 1神奈川県総合リハビリテーションセンター地域支援センター,2神奈川県総合リハビリテーションセンターリハビリテーション工学科,3神奈川県総 合リハビリテーションセンター研究部 リハビリテーション工学研究室,4神奈川県立保健福祉大学リハビリテーション学科

CI 1-2-3 Application of a sliding sheet to transfer a severely quadriplegic encephalitis patient:A case report Kazuhiko Misaki1 1Rehabilitation Dept., Saiseikai Otaru Hospital

脳炎後四肢麻痺患者の移乗動作に対するスライディングシートの応用 三崎一彦1 1済生会小樽病院リハビリテーション室


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CI 1-2-4 Usability of assistive robotic arms for individuals with severe physical disabilities Takafumi Kinoshita1,Takenobu Inoue1,Takashi Kinose1,Tsuyoshi Nakayama1,Jun Yamaguchi2 1Research Institute, National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities,2Department of Industrial and Information Engineering and Economics, University of LʼAquila

重度肢体不自由者用ロボットアームの有効性の検証 木下崇史1,井上剛伸1,木之瀬 隆1,中山 剛1,山口 純2 1国立障害者リハビリテーションセンター研究所,2ラクイラ大学(イタリア)Department of Industrial and Information Engineering and Economics

CI 1-2-5 Internet Virtual Reality Games as a therapeutic intervention for Children with Autism Chaya Zingerevich1,Jack Engsberg2 1Occupational Therapy, Imagine Academy for Autism,2Occupational Therapy, Washington University in St Louis

416+417 Challenge & Innovation 1-3:Development of Assessment Tools 2 O-20 June 18 (Wed) Oral Session 13:30∼14:30 革新と挑戦 1-3:評価法の開発 2 Chair/座長 Tomoko Kondo Teikyo University of Science(近藤知子 帝京科学大学) CI 1-3-1 Does Sensory Modulation Disoeder(SMD)hurt? Bar-Shalita1,Zeʼev Seltzer2,Jean-Jacques Vatine3,Irit Weissman-Fogel4,Shula Parush1 1School of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Medicine, Hebrew University of Jerusalem,2Centre for study of pain, Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto,3Outpatient and Research Division, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Reuth Medical Center,4Physical Therapy Department, Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, University of Haifa

CI 1-3-3 Performance analysis of Adults with Acquired Brain Injury making errands in a virtual supermarket 1,2 3 1,4 4 1,4

Eric Sorita ,Evelyne Klinger ,Pierre-Alain Joseph ,Bernard NʼKaoua ,Jean-Michel Mazaux June 19 (Thu) 1Rehabilitation Dept., Bordeaux University Hospital,2Occupational Therapy School, Bordeaux University Hospital,3Handicaps et Innovations Technologiques, Arts et Metiers ParisTech,4Cognitive Science, University Bordeaux 2 Victor Segalen

CI 1-3-4 Brain activity in response to guidance stimuli:using fMRI Yuko Tsumagari1,Kumiko Koga1,Yuji Higashi1,Toshiro Fujimoto2,Toshiyo Tamura3 1Fujimoto Genaral Hospital,2Fujimoto Medical System,3Osaka Electro-Communication University

fMRI を用いた目的地誘導刺激に対する脳活動の比較 津曲優子1,古賀久美子1,東 祐二1,藤元登四郎2,田村俊世3 1藤元総合病院,2藤元メディカルシステム,3大阪電気通信大学

416+417 Challenge & Innovation 1-4:Development of Assessment Tools 3 O-20 16:30∼17:50 革新と挑戦 1-4:評価法の開発 3 Chair/座長 Carol McKinstry La Trobe University Osaka Prefecture University(高畑進一 大阪府立大学) Shinichi Takabatake June 20 (Fri) CI 1-4-1 Acceptance of new technologies by rehabilitation therapists:A pilot study using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology(UTAUT) Lili Liu1,Antonio Miguel Cruz2,Adriana Rios Rincon1,2,Vickie Buttar3,Ranson Quentin, Goertzen Darrell3 1Occupational Therapy, University of Alberta,2School of medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences, Universidad del Rosario,3Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital

CI 1-4-2 Schultz Lifestyle Profile Series Instrument:Psychometric Properties and Relationship with Activity Participation Lisa Connor1,Sarah Hodson2,Carolyn Baum3 1Program in Occupational Therapy, Departments of Radiology and Neurology, Washington University School of Medicine,2Program in Occupational Therapy, Washington University School of Medicine,3Program in Occupational Therapy, Department of Neurology, Washington University School of Medicine

CI 1-4-3 The new Model of Human Occupation Exploratory Level Outcome Ratings(MOHO-ExpLOR) John R. Cooper1,Sue Parkinson2,Carmen Gloria De las Heras3,Kirsty Forsyth4 June 21 (Sat) 12gether NHS Foundation Trust, Gloucestershire, UK,2Chesterfield, UK,3Universidad de Los Andes, Santiago, Chile,4Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, UK


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CI 1-4-4 Development of a Scale for Achievement Motive in Rehabilitation(SAMR):Examinationof factorial validity by the statistical ue1 Wd rlSession Oral (Wed) 18 June analysis Nobuyuki Sano1,2,Makoto Kyogoku3,Kenji Yabuwaki3 1Health Science Graduate Course Health Science Specialty Doctor Course, Kibi International University Graduate School,2Restoring Care Co. , Ltd.,3School of Health Science and Social Welfare, Kibi International University

リハビリテーションに関する達成動機尺度(SAMR)の開発−統計解析による因子的妥当性の検討 佐野伸之1,2,京極 真3,籔脇健司3 1吉備国際大学大学院保健科学研究科保健科学専攻博士課程,2株式会社 アール・ケア,3吉備国際大学保健医療福祉学部


511+512 Occupation 1-1:Nature of Occupation O-20 8:30∼9:50 作業 1-1:作業とは Chair/座長 Daniela Castro University of Gothenburg Noriko Fujita Division of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Community Health Care, Teikyo Heisei University (藤田のり子 帝京平成大学地域医療学部作業療法学科) OC 1-1-1 Universality and diversity of occupational therapy and occupation in East Asia Nobuhiro Nara1,Yeong-Ae Yang2,Fubiao Huang3 ue1 (Thu) 19 June 1School of Health Sciences, Tokyo University of Technology,2College of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering, Inje University,3Department of Occupational Therapy, China Rehabilitation Research Center

東アジアにおける作業療法と occupation−普遍性と多様性 奈良進弘1,ヤン ヨンエ2,ファン フビァオ3 1東京工科大学医療保健学部,2College of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering, Inje University,3Department of Occupational Therapy, China Rehabilitation Research Center

OC 1-1-2 Neurobiological Influence of Occupation on Neurological Disorders Through Experience-Dependent Plasticity Ji-Hyuk Park1,Dae-Sung Han2,Jae-Sung Kwon1 1Occupational Therapy, Yonsei University,2Occupational Therapy, Sangji Youngseo College

OC 1-1-3 Reconsideration of occupational being:from an ethnography on a man who sought for meanings in his occupational engagement Kanae Sagawa1 1Rehabilitation Dept., Kumamoto Health Science University ue2 (Fri) 20 June “作業的存在”についての再考−作業に意味を求めた男性のエスノグラフィーから 佐川佳南枝1 1熊本保健科学大学リハビリテーション学科

OC 1-1-4 Occupational Balance:a study of the socio-cultural perspective of Iranian Occupational Therapists Farzaneh Yazdani1,Dave Roberts1,Nastaran Yazdani2,Mehdi Rassafiani3 1Oxford Brookes University,2AlZahra University,3The University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences

511+512 Occupation 1-2:Occupational Justice and Community O-20 13:30∼14:30 作業 1-2:地域と作業の公正性 Chair/座長 Camilla Cox College of Occupational Therapists/British Association of Occupational Therapists Shinichi Noto Niigata University of Health and Welfare(能登真一 新潟医療福祉大学) OC 1-2-1 Facilitating Occupational Justice for Children in Communities ue2 (Sat) 21 June Evelyn Andersson1,Rebecca Brom Wolf1 1Occupational Therapy Program, Midwestern University

OC 1-2-2 Occupational justice for the Elderly from a Social Anthropology Perspective:A survey of persons receiving in-home services in Kitanakagusuku, Okinawa Hitomi Sakai1,4,Makoto Yasu2,Kousuke Tamura3,Yuko Tanaka3,Chizuru Saito1,4 1Kansai University of Welfare Sciences,2The Kitanakagusuku Wakamatsu Hospital,3Ikigai no Machi Day Service,4Faculty of Allied Health Sciences Daily Life Support Research Laboratory

社会人類学的視点から捉える老人の作業的公正−沖縄県北中城村の居宅サービス受給者調査 酒井ひとみ1,4,泰真実2,田村浩介3,田中裕子3,齋藤千鶴1,4 1関西福祉科学大学,2医療法人アガペ会北中城若松病院,3いきがいのまちデイサービス,4保健医療学部生活支援研究室


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OC 1-2-4 The Role of Occupational Therapists in Community Development:From enabling to embracing Seiko Watanabe1,2 1North Star Community Therapy,2Northern Health Authority

511+512 Occupation 1-3:Meaning of Occupation O-20 16:30∼17:30 作業 1-3:作業の意味 Chair/座長 Atsuko Tanimura Tokyo Metropolitan University(谷村厚子 首都大学東京) OC 1-3-1 Understanding the Daily Experiencs of Survivors of Stroke Through the Dimensions of Pleasure, Productivity and Restoration Karen Atler1 1Occupational Therapy Department, Colorado State University

OC 1-3-2 June 18 (Wed) Oral Session As grandparents or parents? Taiwanese older adultsʼ experience in parenting grandchildren Ya-Lin Lee1,Szu-Yin Lin1,Kuang-Ling Ko1,Yi-Ling Chen1,Bo-Ting Chen1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Kaohsiung Medical University

OC 1-3-3 Adaptation to the external environment in aphasic patients:Single task and series tasks comparison study Noritaka Shirakihara1 1Occupational Therpy Room, Fuji Onsen Hospital

失語症者における外部環境への適応−単一課題と系列課題の比較検討 白木原法隆1 1富士温泉病院作業療法室

Collaboration/連携 June 19 (Thu) 411+412 Collaboration 1-1:Collaboration and the Role of OT O-10 10:30∼11:10 連携 1-1:連携と OT の役割 Chair/座長 Terumi Hatsutori Okayama Psychiatric Medical Center(初鳥日美 地方独立行政法人 岡山県精神科医療センター) CO 1-1-1 The role of occupational therapist in transdisciplinary team approach for patient with dysphagia Yusuke Aoki1,Takashi Tanaka2,Kikuo Ota3 1Center of Rehabilitation, Matsusaka Chuo General Hospital,2Department of Rehabilitation, Matsusaka Chuo General Hospital,3Faculty of Rehabilitation, School of Health Sciences, Fujita Health University

摂食・嚥下障害に対する transdisciplinary team approach における作業療法士の役割 青木佑介1,田中貴志2,太田喜久夫3 1松阪中央総合病院リハビリテーションセンター,2松阪中央総合病院リハビリテーション科,3藤田保健衛生大学医療科学部リハビリテーション学科

CO 1-1-2

Support of Community General Support Center and dispatch-occupational therapy June 20 (Fri) Naotaka Mikami1,Reiji Yamazaki1 1Occupational Therapy Department, Hakodate Neurosurgery Hospital

地域包括支援センターと派遣型作業療法の支援 三上直剛1,山崎礼二1 1函館脳神経外科病院作業療法課

CO 1-1-4 Understanding risk factors for injuries amongst the elderly population in long-term nursing care facilities and shelter homes in the Klang Valley in Malaysia Saraswathy Venkataraman1,2,Jennifer Oxley1,2,Louise Farnworth1,2,Lesley Day1,2,Helen Bartlett1,2 1School of Medicine Sunway Campus Malaysia, Monash University,2MIRI Australia, Monash University

CO 1-1-5 A Nordic Charter for Universal Design Evastina Bjork1 1Health June 21 (Sat)


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ue1 Wd rlSession Oral (Wed) 18 June 315 Theory 1-1:OT Models O-20 11:30∼12:10 理論 1-1:OT モデルの応用 Chair/座長 Toshihiro Honke Health Sciences University of Hokkaido(本家寿洋 北海道医療大学) TH 1-1-1 Kawa Poetics:Learning from the language of the river David Nixon1,2,Michael Kenko Iwama3 1Kawa Creative,2British Association of Occupational Therapists,3Occupational Therapy, Georgia Regents University

TH 1-1-3 A comparison of two occupational therapy models in guiding occupational therapy processes for visually impaired adults Saraswathy Venkataraman1,Jou Yin Teoh2,Michael Kenko Iwama3,Siti Arbi Kamso4 1School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Accident and Injury Prevention(MUARC), Monash University Sunway Campus, Malaysia,2Research and development, LPC Lab Sdn. Bhd.,3Department of Occpational Therapy, Georgia Regent University,4Department of Occupational Therapy, National University of Malaysia ue1 (Thu) 19 June ue2 (Fri) 20 June ue2 (Sat) 21 June


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Oral Session/口述発表 June 19(Thu)

Special Session/スペシャルセッション

Main Hall/メインホール Special Session 4:New Perspectives on Intervention 13:00∼14:15 スペシャルセッション 4:介入の新たな視点 Chair/座長 Patricia Wielandt CQ University Katsuyuki Doi Sendanno-Oka Care Health Center for The Elderly(土井勝幸 介護老人保健施設せんだんの丘) SS 4-1

A new client-centred ADL intervention for persons with stroke June 18 (Wed) Susanne Guidetti1,Gunilla Eriksson1,3,Lena Von Koch1,Ulla Johansson1,2,Kerstin Tham1 1Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Division of Occupational Therapy, Karolinska Institutet,2Centre for Clinical research, Uppsala University/County Council of Gavleborg,3Department of Speech therapy, Physiotherapy and Occupational therapy., Uppsala Akademiska Hospital

SS 4-2 Training occupational therapists in how to facilitate shared decision making and communicate evidence to patients:the ignored step in evidence-based occupational therapy? Tammy Hoffmann1,2,Sally Bennett2,Chris Del Mar1,Claire Tomsett2 1Centre for Research in Evidence-Based Practice, Bond University,2Division of Occupational Therapy, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Queensland

SS 4-3 Global or Performance-based Measures:Differences in Characterization of Function in Older Adults with Depression Denise Chisholm1,Margo B. Holm1,Joan C. Rogers1 1Occupational Therapy, University of Pittsburgh

SS 4-4 The meaning of participation in chosen occupations:A metasynthesis of qualitative research findings June 19 (Thu) Oral Session Anne E. K. Roberts1 1Peninsula Allied Health Centre, Plymouth University

SS 4-5 Efficacy of Telerehabilitation intervention program using biofeedback among computer operators Merav Golombowicz1,Navah Ratzon1,Yafa Levanon1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, University School of Health Profession

Main Hall/メインホール Special Session 5:Assessment and Intervention in Community Life 16:00∼17:30 スペシャルセッション 5:地域生活と評価・介入 Chair/座長 Jodie Booth Queensland Health Hiroshi Furukawa Kobe Gakuin University(古川 宏 神戸学院大学) SS 5-1 June 20 (Fri) Development of a Structured Preschool Observation(SPO)for Pre-School Children in the Educational Setting Anat Golos1,Aviva Yochman1,Naomi Weintraub1 1School of Occupational Therapy, Hadassah and the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel

SS 5-2 Aging in Place or Relocation:-Changes in Reasoning over Time Among Very Old People in Two European Countries Marianne Granbom1,Ines Himmelsbach2,Susanne Iwarsson1,Maria Haak1,Charlotte Lofqvist1 1Departement of Health Sciences, CASE, Lund University,2Interdisciplinary Ageing Research, Goethe University Frankfurt

SS 5-3 Health-Promoting Interventions for Persons Aged 80 and Older Are Successful in the Short Term-Results from the Randomized and Three-Armed Elderly Persons in the Risk Zone Study Susanne Gustafsson1,Kajsa Eklund1,Gunilla Gosman-Hedstrom1,Greta Haggblom-Kronlof1,Synneve Dahlin-Ivanoff1,2 1Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology/Occupational Therapy, Gothenburg University, Sweden,2Vardalinstitutet, The Swedish Institute of Health Sciences, Lund and Gothenburg University

SS 5-5 June 21 (Sat) The Development of a Comprehensive Health-Related Lifestyle Measure for Community-Dwelling Older Adults Eric Jengliang Hwang1 1Occupational Therapy, California State University, Dominguez Hills


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SS 5-6 Child Development Aide Program a Model for Community based Early Intervention in Low and Middle Income Countries Anjali Joshi1,Shweta Mehta1,Payal Shah1 1Occupational Therapy, Ummeed Child Development Center

SS 5-7 ue1 (Wed) 18 June Enabling Senior Citizenship Through Interdisciplinary Collaboration:The Age-CAP App Barry Trentham1,Jennifer Jimmo1,Manas Bhatnagar2,Alex Mihailidis1,2,3 1Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of Toronto,2Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, University of Toronto,3Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, University Health Network


502 Children 2-1:Childrenʼs Participation O-20 8:30∼9:30 発達障害 2-1:子どもの参加 Chair/座長 Karen Liu University of Western Sydney Chieko Karashima Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine Department of Physical and Occupational Therapy (辛島千恵子 名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科リハビリテーション療法学専攻) ue1 Tu rlSession Oral (Thu) 19 June CH 2-1-1 Patterns of participation in school-related activities and settings in children with spina bifida Marie Peny-Dahlstrand1,2,Gunilla Gosman-Hedstrom2,Lena Krumlinde-Sundholm3 1Regional Rehabilitation Centre, Queen Silviaʼs Childrenʼs Hospital, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden,2Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden,3Neuropaediatric Research Unit, Karolinska Institutet, Astrid Lindgrenʼs Childrenʼs Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden

CH 2-1-2 Participation in Activities and Quality of Life of Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder Shani Raz-Silbiger1,2,Nirit Lifshitz3,Noomi Katz4,Shoshana Steinhart1,Naomi Weintraub2 1Childrenʼs Rehabiliation Dept., Alyn Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel,2School of Occupational Therapy, Hebrew University, Israel,3Occupational Therapy Dept., Ono Academic College, Israel,4Research Institute for Medical Professions, Ono Academic College, Israel

CH 2-1-3 How do the children play?:Using activity theory to analyse the nature of play in four normal developing 6-year old children in Antananarivo Anri-Louise Oosthuizen1 1Growing the Nations Therapy Programmes ue2 (Fri) 20 June 413 Children 2-2:Aspects of Evidence-Based Practice 2 O-20 8:30∼9:50 発達障害 2-2:EBP の諸相 2 Chair/座長 Anita Bundy University of Sydney Katsuko Hida International University of Health and Welfare(日田勝子 国際医療福祉大学) CH 2-2-1 Construct validity of the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency - second edition(BOT-2):ARasch Measurement Model analysis Ted Brown1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Primary Health Care, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash University - Peninsula Campus

CH 2-2-2 Classroom Based Sensory Diets for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders(ASD):Apilot study using single system design Caroline Mills1,christine Chapparo2 1 2

ue2 (Sat) 21 June Aspect Vern Barnett School, Autism Spectrum Australia, Faculty of Health Sciences- Occupational Therapy, The University of Sydney

CH 2-2-3 Preparing for Transition:Preliminary results of an intervention Joyce Magill-Evans1,Gwen Rempel2,Kathryn Rankin3,Andrew Mackie3 1Occupational Therapy, University of Alberta,2Nursing, Athabasca University,3Pediatrics, University of Alberta

CH 2-2-4 The Perceive, Recall, Plan and Perform PRPP at SCHOOL Teacher and Parent Questionnaire and children with learning difficulties. An exploration of construct validity Christine Chapparo1,Susan Lowe2,Rob Heard3 1Discipline of Occupational Therapy, The University of Sydney,2Occupational Therapy, Skills for Kids,3Behavioural Science, The University of Sydney


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414+415 Children 2-3:Developmental Disorder and Daily Life - Children O-20 8:30∼9:30 発達障害 2-3:発達障害と日常生活 Chair/座長 Megan Chang San Jose State University Makoto Watanabe Akita Prefectural Center on Development and Disability(渡辺 誠 秋田県立医療療育センター) CH 2-3-1 Factors affecting participation in hand-use life situations in children with disabilities:A conceptual model and further analysis Chi-Wen Chien1,Sylvia Rodger1,Jodie Copley1 1Occupational Therapy Division, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, The University of Queensland

CH 2-3-2 Single Subject Design to Assess Parent-Identified Outcomes of Therapeutic Riding for Children with Autism June 18 (Wed) Margo B. Holm1,Joan C. Rogers1,Young Joo Kim2 1Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Pittsburgh School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences,2Department of Occupational Therapy, Integrated Resources, Inc.

CH 2-3-3 Breaking the cycle of childhood trauma in Australian indigenous children Reinie Cordier1 1Faculty of Medicine Health and Molecular Sciences, James Cook University

502 Children 2-4:Children and Occupation 1 O-20 13:00∼14:20 発達障害 2-4:子どもと作業 1 Chair/座長 Sonomi Nakajima Sapporo Medical University(中島そのみ 札幌医科大学) CH 2-4-1 Occupation-based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Rob Brooks1 1Occupational Therapy, School of Rehabilitation and Health Sciences, Leeds Metropolitan University

CH 2-4-2 June 19 (Thu) Oral Session A play-based intervention for children with high-fuctioning Autism and Aspergers syndrome Belindi Henning1,Reinie Cordier1,Torbjorn Falkmer2 1Faculty of Medicine Health and Molecular Sciences, James Cook University,2Faculty of Health Sciences, Curtin University

CH 2-4-3 Occupational therapy and circus:Promoting self-efficacy and participation in children who are deaf and hard of hearing Keland Scher1 1Occupational Therapy, Washington University Medical School in St. Louis

CH 2-4-4 Childrenʼs rights and the use of childrenʼs narratives in the Occupational Therapy process to help ensure those rights - Key messages from a literature review Patrick Hynes1,Margot Barry2 1 2 Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service, Health Service Executive, Ireland, CPD Office, Association of Occupational Therapists of June 20 (Fri) Ireland

413 Children 2-5:Children and Occupation 2 O-20 13:00∼14:20 発達障害 2-5:子どもと作業 2 Chair/座長 Miwa Akahane Shinshu University(赤羽美和 信州大学) CH 2-5-1 Play Assessment for Group Settings(PAGS):Validatinga measurement tool for assessment of childrenʼs play performance in the day-care context Tiina Lautamo1 1Health and Social Studies, JAMK University of Applied Sciences

CH 2-5-2 Computer use in educational activities by students with ADHD Vedrana Bolic1,Helene Lidstrom1,Nils Thelin2,Anette Kjellberg1,Helena Hemmingsson1 1Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Faculty of Health Sciences, Linkoping University, Sweden,2Division of Psychiatry, University June 21 (Sat) Hospital, Linkoping, Sweden

CH 2-5-3 The role of the environment in leisure occupations of children with disabilities Dana Anaby1,2,Carri Hand3,Laura Bradley4,Briano DiRezze2,Mary Law2 1School of Physical and Occupational Therapy, McGill University,2CanChild Centre for Childhood Disability Research,3Centre for Health Services and Policy Research, Queenʼs University,4Ottawa Childrenʼs Treatment Center, Ottawa, ON, Canada


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CH 2-5-4 Stretch Break for Kids:An Interprofessional Collaboration to Promote School-aged Studentsʼ Healthy Computing Karen Jacobs1,Douglas Bodkin2,Robert Dugan3,Arthur Saltzman4 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Boston University,2Department of Computer Science, Stonehill College,3Department of Computer Science, Stonehill College,4Stretch Break, Para Technologies ue1 (Wed) 18 June 502 Children 2-6:Higher Education & OT O-20 15:00∼16:00 発達障害 2-6:高等教育と作業療法 Chair/座長 Tomoe Takeda Hokuto College of Health and Welfare(武田朋恵 北都保健福祉専門学校) CH 2-6-1 Weekly Calendar Planning Activity assessment for university students with Learning Disabilities and ADHD compared to typical students Orit Lahav1,Noomi Katz1 1Occupational Therapy, Ono Academic College

CH 2-6-2 Identifying handwriting problems in Higher Education Students Denise Franzsen1,Aimee Stewart2 ue1 Tu rlSession Oral (Thu) 19 June 1Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Witwatersrand,2Department of Physiotherapy, University of Witwatersrand

CH 2-6-3 Occupational Therapy Studentsʼ Attidues toward Inclusive Education for Students with Disabilities Keli Mu1 1Dept of Occupational Therapy, Creighton University

413 Children 2-7:Young People and QOL O-20 15:00∼15:40 発達障害 2-7:子どもと QOL Chair/座長 Yoshiteru Edo Karatsu Medical and Welfare Center for People with Disabilities(江渡義晃 佐賀整肢学園からつ医療 福祉センター) CH 2-7-2 The Effectiveness of Assistive Devices on Quality of Life among Mothers of Children afflicted with Cerebral Palsy Memanali Mardani Shahrbabak1,Nasrin Jalili2,Seyed Majid Mirkhani3,Pouria Reza-soltani4 1Omid-Asr Rehabilitation Foundation, Vali-Asr Rehabilitation Foundation,2Department of Occupational Therapy, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences,3Omid-Asr Rehabilitation Foundation, Vali-Asr Rehabilitation Foundation,4Department of Statistics, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences

CH 2-7-3 ue2 (Fri) 20 June Learning from the perspectives of mothers on the communication abilities of their daughter with Rett syndrome Anna Urbanowicz1,2,Sonya Girdler1,2,5,Jenny Downs2,3,Natalie Ciccone4,Helen Leonard2 1School of Exercise and Health Sciences, Edith Cowan University,2Telethon Institute for Child Health Research, The University of Western Australia,3School of Physiotherapy, Curtin University,4School of Psychology and Social Science, Edith Cowan University,5School of Occupational Therapy and Social Work, Curtin University

511+512 Children 2-8:Children & Community Participation 2 O-20 15:00∼16:00 発達障害 2-8:子どもの参加支援 2 Chair/座長 Katsumi Yoshimura Sasebo Center for Child Development(吉村克己 佐世保市子ども発達センター) CH 2-8-1 New Zealand Childrenʼs Participation after Traumatic Brain Injury:Connections and Patterns Margaret Anne Jones1,Clare Hocking1,Kathryn McPherson2 1Department of Occupational Science and Therapy, Auckland University of Technology,2Person Centred Rehabilitation Centre, Auckland University of Technology ue2 (Sat) 21 June CH 2-8-2 How playground designs influence activity and participation for children with disabilities parental perceptions Inger Maria Prellwitz1,Lisa Skar2 1Health Sciences/Health and Rehabilitation, Lulea University of Technology,2Health Sciences/Nursing, Lulea University of Technology

CH 2-8-3 Does constraint induced movement therapy adjusted for babies (baby-CIMT) result in a more favorable hand function at two-years of age in children with unilateral CP ? Linda Nordstrand1,Marie Holmefur2,Annika Kits3,Ann-Christin Eliasson 1Department of Women�s and Children�s Health, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden,2School of Health and Medical Sciences, Orebro University, Orebro, Sweden,3Department of Neuroradiology, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden


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502 Children 2-9:Assessment & Intervention 6- Cerebral Palsy(2)- O-10 16:00∼16:50 発達障害 2-9:評価と介入 6−CP を中心に(2)− Chair/座長 Yoshitake Sano Kyushu Nutrition Welfare University(佐野幹剛 九州栄養福祉大学) CH 2-9-1 Acquisition of the various and stabilized posture And A serious cerebral palsy personʼs example which the improvement of interpersonal interaction capability was able to see:Therapy using “Sensory Communication:S.C.” Yudai Hasegawa1,Goken Konoue2 1Rehabilitation Department, Hirakata General Hospital,2Visiting Nurse Station Lupinus

多様で安定した姿勢獲得及び対人相互交流能力の改善を認めた重度脳性麻痺者の一例−感覚的コミュニケーションを用いた介入 長谷川雄大1,此上剛健2 1 2

枚方総合発達医療センターリハビリテーション科, リハビリ訪問看護ステーション ルピナス June 18 (Wed)

CH 2-9-2 Collecting EEG data from children with unilateral Cerebral Palsy:From fundamental research towards clinical applications Pauline Aarts1,Bert Steenbergen2,Ingar Zielinski2,Marijtje Jongsma2 1Pediatric Rehabilitation Department, Sint Maartenskliniek Nijmegen, The Netherlands,2Behavioral Science Institute, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands

CH 2-9-3 The stability of the Manual Ability Classification System(MACS)over time Ann-Marie Ohrvall1,Lena Krumlinde-Sundholm1,Ann-Christin Eliasson1 1Dept. of Womenʼs and Childrenʼs Health, Karolinska Institutet

CH 2-9-4 Psychometric properties of the revised Assisting Hand Assessment(version 5.0) Marie Holmefur1,2,Lena Krumlinde-Sundholm3 1School of Health and Medical Sciences, Orebro University,2Rehabilitation Research Centre, Orebro County Council,3Department of Womenʼs and Childrenʼs Health, Karolinska Institutet

CH 2-9-5

Remind to move- A novel treatment on upper limb functions in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy:A pilot study June 19 (Thu) Oral Session Anqin Dong1 1Rehabilitation Sciences Dept., Hong Kong Polytechnic University

413 Children 2-10:Participation & Social Skills O-10 16:00∼16:40 発達障害 2-10:参加とソーシャルスキル Chair/座長 Rina Hoshide Tsudumigaura Child Medical Care Welfare Center(星出利奈 鼓ヶ浦医療福祉センター) CH 2-10-1 Friendly Action Project Promotes the Occupational Participation of People with Intellectual Disability Tomoya Iguchi1,Iku Tsuji1,Hajime Adachi1,Takahito Yamada1,Aya Yoshida1 1Department of Rehabilitation Science, Osaka Health Science University

Friendly Action Project は知的障害者の作業参加を促進する 井口知也1,辻 郁1,足立 一1,山田隆人1,吉田 文1 June 20 (Fri) 1大阪保健医療大学保健医療学部リハビリテーション学科作業療法学専攻

CH 2-10-2 Occupational Therapy in a small group setting for school aged children with developmental disorders to improve their social skills:An attempt to evaluate the effect of therapy Kiyomi Tateyama1,Hisayo Shimizu1,Kazuyo Oryoji1,Hajime Kimura2,Ayumi Miyajima1 1Osaka Prefecture University,2Osaka Developmental Rehabilitation Center

ソーシャルスキルに未熟さのある学齢期の発達障がい児への小集団 OT−効果測定の試み 立山清美1,清水寿代1,押領司和代1,木村 基2,宮嶋愛弓1 1大阪府立大学,2社会福祉法人愛徳福祉会大阪発達総合療育センター

CH 2-10-4 Occupational Therapy for Young Persons with Disabilities During Life Transitions Debra Stewart1 1School of Rehabilitation Science, McMaster University

CH 2-10-5 June 21 (Sat) Influence of Korean Traditional Plays on the socialization in a child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder:Case Study Jongseo Lee1,Sungyong Yun1,Jungwan Kim2,Daehyuk Kang3 1ISARANG,2GIPPEUNWORI CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER,3DEPT. OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY, HANSEO UNIVERSITY


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502 Children 2-11:Assessment & Intervention 7 O-10 17:00∼17:40 発達障害 2-11:評価と介入 7 Chair/座長 Yasuhito Sengoku Occupational Therapy Department, Sapporo Medical University(仙石泰仁 札幌医科大学保健医療学 部作業療法学科) ue1 (Wed) 18 June CH 2-11-2 Measuring kinesthetic sensitivity in school-aged children Wei-jen Su1,Kuan-yi Li1 1Dept. of Occupational Therapy, Chang Gung University

CH 2-11-3 Inter-Rater and Test-Retest Reliability of the German Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory(PEDI-G) Christina Schulze1,2,Anders Kottorp1,2,Andre Meichtry1,Margareta Lilja2,3,Julie Page1 1School of Health Preofessions, Institute of Occupational Therapy, Zurich University of Applied Sciences,2Departement of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Division of Occupational Therapy, Karolinska Institutet Sweden,3Departement of Health Sciences, Lulea University of Technology

CH 2-11-4 PREVALENCE OF DEVELOPMENTAL COORDINATION DISORDER IN CHILDREN AT A PUBLIC SCHOOL OF BRAZIL ue1 Tu rlSession Oral (Thu) 19 June Tatiana B. Pontes1,Pedro H. T. Q. Almeida1,Thamires F. M. Melo2,Aline M. A. Kubota1 1Faculdade de Ceilandia, Universidade de Brasilia,2Secretaria de Saude do Distrito Federal

CH 2-11-5 The Challange of Using Occupationally-Based Assessments in Culturally Diverse Client Groups:A Discussion of Ecological Validity Sarah Austin1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Chicago State University

413 Children 2-12:Assessment & Intervention 8 O-10 17:00∼17:50 発達障害 2-12:評価と介入 8 Chair/座長 Manami Kitano Kansaigakken Medical Welfare College(北野真奈美 関西学研医療福祉学院) CH 2-12-1 Ecosystemic needs assessment for children with DCD in elementary school:Multiple case studies Emmanuelle Jasmin1,2,Sylvie Tetreault3,Jacques Joly1 1Faculte dʼeducation, Universite de Sherbrooke,2Ecole de readaptation, Faculte de medecine et des sciences de la sante, Universite de Sherbrooke,3Departement de readaptation, Faculte de medecine, Universite Laval


CH 2-12-3 Using Meaningful Projects to Enhance Motivation and Participation in Therapy:A Case Example:More Than a 45 Minute Session:Jakeʼs Joke Book Kimberly Bailliard1,Antoine Bailliard2 1Occupational Therapy, Chapel Hill-Carrboro Schools,2Department of Allied Health/Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

CH 2-12-4 Investigation of visual perception functions in Down syndrome:A functional MRI study Yi-Ting Wan1,Sharon Chia-Ju Chen2,Ching-Sui Chiang1,Yee-Pay Wuang1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Kaohsiung Medical University,2Department of Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, ue2 (Sat) 21 June Kaohsiung Medical University

CH 2-12-5 The Impact of Preterm Birth on Childhood Occupations H. Killeen1,Agnes. Shiel1,Mary. Law2,D. OʼDonovan3 1Discipline of Occupational Therapy, School of Health Sciences, College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland,2School of Rehabilitation Sciences, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada,3Department of Paediatrics, University College Hospital Galway, Galway, Ireland


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Physical Disabilities/身体障害

501 Physical Disabilities 2-1:CBR for Stroke Survivors O-20 8:30∼10:00 身体障害 2-1:脳卒中後遺症者と地域リハビリテーション Chair/座長 Katsuyuki Shibata Kanazawa University(柴田克之 金沢大学) PD 2-1-1 Factors effecting the participation and quality-of-life of stroke survivors living in the community Tal Jarus1,Melinda Suto1,Tim Readman2,Anita Hubley3,Kim Fink-Jensen1 1Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of British Columbia,2Stroke Recovery Association of British Columbia,3Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology and Special Education, University of British Columbia June 18 (Wed) PD 2-1-2 Community Based Rehabilitation:Does it really improve the level of productivity among persons with physical disabilities? Moniruzzaman Moniruzzaman1,Md. Monjurul Habib2,Palash Chandra Saha2 1Department of Community Medicine, Bangladesh Institute of Health Sciences(BIHS),2Department of Occupational Therapy, Bangladesh Health Professions Institute(BHPI)

PD 2-1-3 Participation and community reintegration experiences of stroke survivors and caregivers Melinda Suto1,Tal Jarus1,Tim Readman2,Kim Fink-Jensen1 1Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of British Columbia,2Stroke Recovery Association of British Columbia

PD 2-1-4 Self-efficacy and quality of life among patients after cerebrovascular accident Ryota Nagano1,2,Takao Tashiro2 1Rehabilitation division, Disabled person support center sei marguerite home,2Life health science program, University of the Air graduate school

在宅脳卒中後遺症者におけるコミュニティ形成と QOL・自己効力感の関係性の調査 永野亮太1,2,田城孝雄2 1障害者支援施設聖マーガレットホームリハビリテーション科,2放送大学大学院生活健康科学プログラム June 19 (Thu) Oral Session

501 Physical Disabilities 2-2:Intervention after Stroke 1 O-20 13:00∼14:00 身体障害 2-2:脳卒中後の介入 1 Chair/座長 Miho Tamori Shizuoka Saiseikai General Hospital(田森美穂 静岡済生会総合病院) PD 2-2-1 A Randomized Controlled Trial; video-games versus traditional therapy a community group rehabilitation program for chronic stroke Debbie Rand1,Noa Givon1,Clara Rozental-Iluz1,Harold Weingarden2,Gabi Zeilig2 1Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Health Professions, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, ISRAEL,2Department of Neurological Rehabilitation, The Chaim Sheba Medical Center, ISRAEL

PD 2-2-2 June 20 (Fri) How client-centred approach was integrated in the everyday lives:experiences of significant others to people with stroke Ann-Sofie Bertilsson1,Lena Von Koch1,Kerstin Tham1,Ulla Johansson1 1Division of Occupational Therapy, Karolinska Institutet

PD 2-2-4 Sound Lateralization in Unilateral Spatial Neglect Patients Nobuyuki Sunahara1,Masako Notoya2 1Rehabilitation Dept., Toyama Prefectural Koshi Rehabilitation Hospital,2School of Health Sciences, College of Medical, Pharmaceuti- cal and Health Sciences, Kanazawa University

半側空間無視例における音の左右方向判断能力 砂原伸行1,能登谷昌子2 1富山県高志リハビリテーション病院総合リハビリテーション療法部,2金沢大学医薬保健研究域保健学系

311+312 Physical Disabilities 2-3:Cancer & OT O-20 13:00∼14:20 身体障害 2-3:がんと作業療法 Chair/座長 June 21 (Sat) Hisako Tajiri Shizuoka Cancer Center(田尻寿子 静岡県立静岡がんセンター) PD 2-3-1 Occupational therapy for cancer patients:A controlled clinical trial Line Lindahl-Jacobsen1,2,Dorte Gilsa Hansen1,Karen la Cour3,Jens Sondergaard1 1Research Unit of General Practice, University of Southern Denmark,2Department of Rehabilitation - Nastved Hospital, Region Zeeland,3FiA - Health, Man and Society, University of Southern Denmark


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PD 2-3-2 Evaluation of Occupational Therapy Services in an Oncology Musculo-Skeletal Program Deborah Hebert1,2,Jennifer Soong3,Margaret Liu3,Young - Eun Russell3,Stacey Marshall3 1Collaborative Academic Practice and Education, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute,2Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of Toronto,3Occupational Therapy, Toronto Rehab ue1 (Wed) 18 June PD 2-3-3 An occupational therapy assessment for cancer-related fatigue in an ambulatory setting:Protocol development and trialling Elizabeth Pearson1,Carol McKinstry1,Marilyn Di Stefano1 1Occupational Therapy Department/Faculty of Health Sciences, La Trobe University

PD 2-3-4 Activity problems important to people with advanced cancer living at home Aase Brandt1,2,Karen la Cour2,Eva Ejlersen Wahrens2 1Knowledge Centre - ViHS, The National Board of Social Services,2Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark

414+415 Physical Disabilities 2-4:Emergency Intervention & OT O-20 13:00∼14:20 身体障害 2-4:早期介入と作業療法 Chair/座長 Kanagawa University of Human Services( 神奈川県立保健福祉大学) ue1 Tu rlSession Oral (Thu) 19 June Tsutomu Tamagaki 玉垣 努 PD 2-4-1 Early Intervention of Occupational Therapy in Intensive Care Sarah Long1 1Acute Therapy Dept., Flagstaff Medical Center

PD 2-4-2 Total Support Team for severe trauma patients suggest good quality of early intervention Michiteru Miyazaki1,Yuichi Kataoka2,Takenori Jimbo1,Kazumasa Miida1,Takashi Hentona1 1Department of Rehabilitation center, Kitasato University Hospital,2Department of Emergency Medicine, Kitasato University

“OT,PT の Total Support Team への参加が重症外傷患者にもたらす影響” 宮崎道輝1,片岡祐一2,神保武則1,見井田和正1,辺土名 隆1 1北里大学病院リハビリテーションセンター部,2北里大学医学部 救命救急医学

PD 2-4-3 The clinical utility of the Functional Status Assessment of Seniors in the Emergency Department(FSAS-ED) Nathalie Veillette1,2,3,Marie-Claude Beaudoin4,Julia Robitaille5 1Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres,2Canadian Emergency Team Initiative,3Research Center; Institut universitaire de geriatrie de Montreal,4CSSS Pierre-de-Saurel,5Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Quebec

ue2 (Fri) 20 June PD 2-4-4 An exploration of the lived experience of occupational therapists in Accident and Emergency Departments in Scotland:All of life is here. Kirstin S. James1 1School of Health and Social Care, Glasgow Caledonian University

501 Physical Disabilities 2-5:Cognitive Dysfunction O-20 15:00∼16:00 身体障害 2-5:認知機能障害 Chair/座長 Kaoru Kawahara Hiroshima Prefectural Rehabilitation Center(川原薫広島県立障害者リハビリテーションセンター) PD 2-5-1 Video-feedback improves self-awareness in adults after traumatic brain injury:A randomised controlled trial Julia Schmidt1,2,Jennifer Fleming2,Tamara Ownsworth3,Natasha A. Lannin4,5 1School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Australian Catholic University, Sydney,2School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane,3School of Applied Psychology and Griffith Health Institute, Griffith University, Brisbane,4Occupational Therapy Department, Alfred Health, Melbourne,5Occupational Therapy Department, La Trobe University, ue2 (Sat) 21 June Melbourne

PD 2-5-2 Occupational therapist practice patterns in relation to clients with cognitive impairment following acquired brain injury Kajsa Holmqvist1,Ann-Britt Ivarsson1,Marie Holmefur1 1School of Health and Medical Sciences, Orebro University


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PD 2-5-3 The NEW Assessment Scale for the Performance of Persons with Cognitive Disease:Assessment Scale of Occupational Activities(ASOS) Noriyoshi Asai1,Kayoko Narita2 1Kitasato University,2School of Allied Health Sciences, Kitasato University

認知障害者の遂行状態を調べる新しい評価尺度 淺井憲義1,成田香代子2 1北里大学,2北里大学医療衛生学部

501 Physical Disabilities 2-6:Stroke & Upper Extremity Function O-10 16:00∼16:30 身体障害 2-6:脳卒中と上肢機能 Chair/座長

Shin-Ichi Yamamoto Yamanashi Rehabilitation Hospital(山本伸一 山梨リハビリテーション病院) June 18 (Wed) PD 2-6-2 Comparative Assessment of Robot-Assisted Therapies in Chronic Stroke:A Pilot Study Chung-shan Hung1,Yu-wei Hsieh2,3,Ching-yi Wu2,3,Keh-chung Lin1 1School of Occupational Therapy, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University,2Department of Occupational Therapy and Graduate Institute of Behavioral Sciences, Chang Gung University,3Healthy Aging Research Center, Chang Gung University

PD 2-6-4 The effects of upper limb motor training using the Saebo dynamic orthosis on manual dexterity after stroke:A phase II randomised trial Caroline Hills1,Natasha Lannin2,Anne Cusick3,Bianca Kinnear4,Gregory Bowring5 1School of Health Sciences, University of Newcastle,2Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Allied Health, La Trobe University and Alfred Health,3School of Health Sciences, University of Wollongong,4Occupational Therapy, Hamond Healthcare,5Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Prince of Wales Hospital

PD 2-6-5 Assessment of the exercise intensity of short stick exercises in elderly individuals Katsushi Yokoi1,Shigeki Kurasawa1,Masaki Nishii1,Megumi Izuta1,Nobuyuki Miyai2 1Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Kansai University of Welfare Sciences,2School of Health and Nursing Science, Wakayama Medical

University June 19 (Thu) Oral Session

棒体操の運動強度に関する基礎研究 横井賀津志1,倉澤茂樹1,西井正樹1,出田めぐみ1,宮井信行2 1関西福祉科学大学保健医療学部,2和歌山医科大学保健看護学部

501 Physical Disabilities 2-7:Intervention after Stroke 2 O-10 17:00∼17:50 身体障害 2-7:脳卒中後の介入 2 Chair/座長 Akihiro Sato Hirosaki University of Health and Welfare(佐藤彰博 弘前医療福祉大学) PD 2-7-1 A Randomized Controlled Trial of Self-Regulation in Promoting Function in Acute Post-Stroke Patients Karen P.Y. Liu1,Chetwyn C.H. Chan2 1School of Science and Health(Occupational Therapy), University of Western Sydney,2Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University June 20 (Fri)

PD 2-7-2 First-time occupational therapy evaluation factors affecting outcomes in acute stroke patients Sachiko Tsubakino1,Hiromi Fujii2,Toshiaki Sato2,Rei Kondo3 1Division of Occupational Therapy, Yamagata City Hospital Saiseikan,2Department of Occupational Therapy, Yamagata Prefectural University of Health Sciences,3Stroke Center, Department of Neurosurgery, Yamagata City Hospital Saiseikan

急性期脳卒中患者の転帰に影響する初回作業療法評価因子 椿野幸子1,藤井浩美2,佐藤寿晃2,近藤 礼3 1山形市立病院済生館リハビリテーション室,2山形県立保健医療大学作業療法学科,3山形市立病院済生館脳卒中センター,脳神経外科

PD 2-7-3 Long-term effects of injection of botulinum toxin type A combined with occupational therapy for spastic upper limb hemiparesis after stroke Yousuke Sase1,Fumie Toyama1,Hiroyuki Ozawa1,Kensuke Taguchi1,Masahiro Abo2 1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, The Jikei University School of Medicine,2Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, The Jikei University School of Medicine June 21 (Sat) 脳卒中後の重度痙性上肢麻痺に対する A 型ボツリヌス毒素投与と作業療法併用の長期的効果 佐瀬洋輔1,外山史恵1,小澤弘幸1,田口健介1,安保雅博2 1東京慈恵会医科大学附属病院リハビリテーション科,2東京慈恵会医科大学リハビリテーション医学講座


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PD 2-7-5 Effectiveness of Approach for the visual space cognitive impairment of the case with the Baʼlint syndrome Mitsuharu Sugawara1,Masaharu Maeda2,Hirotaka Nagumo3,Mariko Hara4 1Seishinkai Fujino-onsen Hospital,2Department of Rehabilitation, International University of Health and Welfare,3Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Community Health Care, Teikyo Heisei University,4Department of Occupational Therapy, School of

ue1 (Wed) 18 June Nursing and Rehabilitation at Fukuoka, International University of Health and Welfare

バリント症候群を呈した症例の視空間認知障害に対するアプローチの有用性 菅原光晴1,前田眞治2,南雲浩隆3,原 麻理子4 1清伸会ふじの温泉病院,2国際医療福祉大学大学院リハビリテーション学分野,3帝京平成大学地域医療学部作業療法学科,4国際医療福祉大学福岡保 健医療学部作業療法学科


503 Elderly 2-1:Community-based Practice 2 O-20 8:30∼9:50 老年期障害 2-1:地域での実践 2 Chair/座長 Tamio Keitoku Yamagata Prefectural University of Health Sciences(慶徳民夫 山形県立保健医療大学) EL 2-1-1 ue1 Tu rlSession Oral (Thu) 19 June CONTEMPORARY DEBATES ON PUBLIC HEALTH AND OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY:THE CONCEPTUAL AND METODOLOGI- CAL TOOLS DERIVED FROM THIS APPROACH OF POPULATION PROBLEMS Juan Arango1,2 1Investigaciones, Universidad Manuela Beltran,2Universidad Nacional de Colombia

EL 2-1-2 The Special Health Needs of Aging Farmers:Occupational Therapy Interventions Mary W. Hildebrand1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, East Carolina University

EL 2-1-3 A qualitative study of three intervention programs for people with dementia and their informal caregivers; matching a program and needs? Netta Vańt Leven1,Jacomine de Lange1,2,Anna-Eva Prick3,Anne Margriet Pot2,3 1Centre of Expertise Innovations in Care, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, Rotterdam,2Program on Aging, Netherlands Institute on Mental Health and Addiction, Utrecht,3Department of Clinical Psychology, VU University of Amsterdam; EMGO +-Institute: Institute for Health and Care Research, Amsterdam

EL 2-1-4 Conceptualising resilience in older people:The findings of an integrative literature review 1 1 2 3 2,3 ue2 (Fri) 20 June Jacqueline Whitehead ,Kirsty Forsyth ,Linda Irvine ,Caroline Clark ,Katie McWilliam 1Firefly Research, Queen Margaret University Edinburgh,2NHS Lothian,3The City of Edinburgh Council

503 Elderly 2-2:Community-based Practice 3 O-20 13:00∼14:00 老年期障害 2-2:地域での実践 3 Chair/座長 Kazue Noda Kobe University(野田和恵 神戸大学) EL 2-2-1 Activities in public space and being a pedestrian goes hand in hand Anna Brorsson1,Annika Ohman1,Stefan Lundberg2,Louise Nygard1 1NVS, Division of Occupational therapy, Karolinska Institutet,2Shool of technology and health, Royal Institute of Technology

EL 2-2-2 Examining Patterns and Profiles of Information and Communication Technology use by Older Adults Sajay Arthanat1,Kerryellen Vroman1 1Occupational Therapy, University of New Hampshire ue2 (Sat) 21 June EL 2-2-4 Effect of cooking activity in Long-Term Care Health Facility Tatsuhiko Murai1,Haruo Mizuma1 1Healthcare Corporation of Syunkokai, Long-Term Care Health Facilities, Printemps Omama

介護老人保健施設における調理活動の効果 村井達彦1,水間春夫1 1医療法人 春香会 介護老人保健施設プランタンおおまま


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503 Elderly 2-3:Fall-Elderly O-20 15:00∼15:40 老年期障害 2-3:高齢者の転倒 Chair/座長 Noriko Ogasawara Shizuoka College of Medicalcare Science(小笠原紀子 静岡医療科学専門学校) EL 2-3-2 Daily occupations and fear of falling in persons receiving housing adaptations Gunilla Carlsson1,Lisa Ekstam1,Agneta Malmgren Fange1 1Dept of Health Sciences, Lund University

EL 2-3-3 Effectiveness of a multifactorial, evidence based occupational therapy intervention program for falls prevention in the well elderly Luz Muniz1 June 18 (Wed) 1Occupational Therapy Graduate Program, University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus, School of Health Professions

411+412 Elderly 2-4:EBP for Elderly O-20 15:00∼16:00 老年期障害 2-4:高齢者に対する EBP Chair/座長 Takashi Fujita Seijoh University(藤田高史 星城大学) EL 2-4-1 A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF RECONDITIONING INTERVENTIONS IN REHABILITATION Amanda Timmer1,2,Carolyn Unsworth1,3,Nicholas Taylor1 1School of Allied Health, La Trobe University,2Occupational Therapy, Donvale Rehabilitation Hospital-Ramsay Healthcare,3Department of Rehabilitation, Jonkoping University

EL 2-4-2 Are cognitive assessments used by occupational therapists predictive of clientsʼ functional performance? Laura Jolliffe1,Ted Brown1,Leesa Fielding2 1Occupational Therapy Department, Monash University,2Occupational Therapy Department, Southern Health

EL 2-4-3 June 19 (Thu) Oral Session Effects of tailor-made cognitive rehabilitation method based on the prefrontal function on patients with dementia:A randomized controlled study Satoe Ichihara-Takeda1,Nozomu Ikeda1,Kiyoji Matsuyama1,Shintaro Funahashi2 1Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Health Sciences, Sapporo Medical University,2Kokoro Research Center, Kyoto University

個々の認知症患者の能力・興味にテーラーメイド可能な前頭連合野機能訓練の効果:無作為割り付けによる検討 竹田里江1,池田 望1,松山清治1,船橋新太郎2 1札幌医科大学保健医療学部作業療法学科,2京都大学こころの未来研究センター

503 Elderly 2-5:Understanding Life Disorders in the Elderly O-10 16:00∼16:50 老年期障害 2-5:高齢者の生活障害の理解 Chair/座長 Kaoru Shibata Oyokyo Hirosaki Hospital(柴田 薫 鷹揚郷腎研究所弘前病院) June 20 (Fri) EL 2-5-1 Understanding of information sharing among occupational therapists and care workers in special elderly nursing homes Yoshihiro Usami1,Keiko Ogawa2,Yuusuke Nishida2 1Faculty of Health and Medical Science Department of Occupational Therapy, Teikyo Heisei University,2Rehabilitation Sciences, Seirei Christopher University

特別養護老人ホームにおける作業療法士と介護職の「情報の共有化」に関する認識 宇佐美好洋1,小川恵子2,西田裕介2 1帝京平成大学健康メディカル学部 作業療法学科,2聖隷クリストファー大学大学院リハビリテーション科学研究科

EL 2-5-2 Smell Disorder in Patients with Neurodegenerative Disease:Understanding of the Actual Condition and Involvement of Occupational Therapy Kazuhiko Seki1,Kazuhito Tsuruta2,Akemi Inatsu3,Yasuho Fukumoto4,Masahiro Shigeta5 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Teikyo University Faculty of Fukuoka Medical Technology,2Department of Neurology, Junwakai Memorial Hospital,3Department of Neurology, Koga General Hospital,4Graduate School of Health Sciences, Kyushu University of Health and Welfare,5Graduate School of Human Health Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University June 21 (Sat) 神経変性疾患の嗅覚障害−その実態把握と作業療法の関わり 関一彦1,鶴田和仁2,稲津 明美明美3,福本安甫4,繁田雅弘5 1帝京大学福岡医療技術学部作業療法学科,2潤和会記念病院神経内科,3古賀総合病院神経内科,4九州保健福祉大学大学院保健科学研究科,5首都大学 東京大学院人間健康科学専攻


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EL 2-5-3 Use of parametric speaker for the elderly with BPSD in a residential care setting Yuko Nishiura1,Yoko Konagaya2,Minoru Hoshiyama3 1Department of Assistive Technology, Research Institute, National Reahabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities,2Department of Research, Obu Dementia Care Research and Training Center,3Pastgraduate School of Health Sciences, Nagoya University ue1 (Wed) 18 June BPSD を呈する施設入所認知症高齢者に対するパラメトリックスピーカーの利用 西浦裕子1,小長谷陽子2,寳珠山 稔3 1国立障害者リハビリテーションセンター研究所福祉機器開発部,2認知症介護研究・研修大府センター研究部,3名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科

EL 2-5-4 Occupational Therapy Low Vision Rehabilitation in Singapore:Programme Development and Evaluation Debbie Boey1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Tan Tock Seng Hospital

EL 2-5-5 Exercise Adherence and Virtual Reality Gaming for Older Adults at Risk for Falls Rick Davenport1 1Occupational Therapy Department/Tampa, Florida, Nova Southeastern University

503 Elderly 2-6:Elderly Care and Technology ue1 Tu rlSession Oral (Thu) 19 June O-10 17:00∼17:50 老年期障害 2-6:高齢者ケアとテクノロジー Chair/座長 Mizuho Fujiwara Kobe Gakuin University(藤原瑞穂 神戸学院大学) EL 2-6-1 Effectiveness of Rehabilitation for the Handicapped Elderly Using the Robot-Suit HAL(Hybrid Assistive Limb)at a Geriatric Health Service Facility:A Project for Better Solutions with the LIFE INNOVATION in Aomori, Japan Shinobu Sunaba1,Kouji Niwata2,Misa Ohkubo3,Michio Suwanai1,Yasuhiko Tani1 1Rehabilitation and Health care Facility-Hohoemi Sannohe,2Department of Physical Therapy, Tohoku Medical College,3National Social Welfare Service-Jinshokai Medical Group

老人保健施設におけるロボットスーツ HAL のリハビリテーション効果について−青森県ライフイノベーション新成長産業創出事業 砂庭忍1,庭田幸治2,大久保美佐3,諏訪内三千雄1,谷 靖彦1 1老人保健施設 ほほえみ三戸,2東北メディカル学院理学療法科,3社会福祉法人 仁正会

EL 2-6-2 A terminal cancer patient who could return his home by the inter-professional collaboration:Working as a coordinator Hironobu Maeda1,Mariko Kobayashi1,Sanae Mori1,Akira Endo1,Ryuji Kobayashi2 1Rehabilitation Center, Watanabe Hospital, Shisekai Medical Corpolation,2School of Halth Science and Social Welfare, Kibi International University

ue2 (Fri) 20 June 作業療法士が連携の要となり自宅退院を果たすことができた終末期がん患者−家族の不安を解消するためにできること 前田浩伸1,小林まり子1,森 佐苗1,遠藤 彰1,小林隆司2 1医療法人社団思誠会渡辺病院リハビリテーション科,2吉備国際大学保健医療福祉学部

EL 2-6-3 Study of a left hemiplegia patient able to return to work as a carpenter after receiving short-term outpatient rehabilitation through the japanese public nursing care insurance system for the elderly Kazunori Ookawa1 1Community medicine division, Noukyoukyousai Nakaizu Rehabilitation Center

日本の高齢者に対する公的介護保険制度における短時間型通所リハビリテーションを利用し,大工として職場復帰した左片麻痺者 大川和則1 1農協共済中伊豆リハビリテーションセンター伊東の丘地域医療科

EL 2-6-4 How do home dwelling elderly experience the assistive technology device provision process? Astrid Gramstad1,2 1Department of health and care sciences, University of Tromso,2Centre for care research North Norway ue2 (Sat) 21 June EL 2-6-5 Sensor monitoring to measure and support activities of daily living for independently living older people:a systematic review and roadmap for further development Margriet Pol1,Soemitro Poerbodipoero1,Saskia Robben3,Margo Van Hartingsveldt1,Bianca Buurman2 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, University of Applied Sciences,2Department of Geriatrics, Academic Medical Center University of Amsterdam,3Research Group Digital life, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, University of Applied Sciences


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Community & Participation/地域・参加

301 Community & Participation 2-1:Return to Work & Work Rehabilitation Support 1 O-20 8:30∼9:50 地域・参加 2-1:就労支援 1 Chair/座長 Mayumi Mizushima Yokohama College of Rehabilitation(水島眞由美 横浜リハビリテーション専門学校) CP 2-1-1 SPECIFIC VOCATIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM WITH A PATIENT WITH CEREBELLUM INJURY: CASE REPORT Maria Agostina Ciampa1,Fernanda Suppicich1,Ana Ines Vivanco1,2,Julieta Camino de la Llosa1 1Occupational Therapy, Institute of Cognitive Neurology(INECO), Buenos Aires, Argentina,2Occupational Therapy, Institute of

Neuroscience Favaloro Foundation, Buenos Aires, Argentina June 18 (Wed)

CP 2-1-2 ANALYSIS OF THE WORK RELATED MUSCULOSKELETAL COMPLAINTS OF THE NON TEACHING OFFICE EMPLOYEES:BASIS FOR PROPOSED ERGONOMIC INTERVENTION PROGRAM Charles Jureidini1,3,Oliver Chad Cruz1,Maria Fe Abejar1,2 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Cebu Doctorsʼ University,2Department of Psychology, Cebu Doctorsʼ University,3Occupational Therapy Association of the Philippines Inc.

CP 2-1-3 Challenges and Occupational Therapistsʼ Roles in Providing Work Support for Postoperative Breast Cancer Patients Hiromasa Shimazaki1,Keiichi Yamasaki2,Miwako Eto3 1Occupational Therapy Room, Bellland General Hospital,2Breast center, Bellland General Hospital,3Nursing section, Bellland General Hospital

乳がん術後患者の就労における課題と作業療法士の役割 島崎寛将1,山﨑圭一2,江藤美和子3 1社会医療法人生長会 ベルランド総合病院作業療法室,2社会医療法人生長会 ベルランド総合病院乳腺センター,3社会医療法人生長会 ベルラン ド総合病院看護部

CP 2-1-4 June 19 (Thu) Oral Session The example of using the optimized seating system as a tool and the possibilities of the Industrial Physiotherapy Yoshitaka Yamauchi1,Hisako Nomura2,Takuro Kijima2 1Physiotherapist, Working Environment Improvement consultant,2Occupational Therapist, P.A.S. Corporation

産業理学療法の可能性−ツールとして適合されたクッションを使った事例 山内義崇1,野村寿子2,木島拓郎2 1オフィス環境改善コンサルタント理学療法士,2(株)ピーエーエス作業療法士

301 Community & Participation 2-2:Return to Work & Work Rehabilitation Support 2 O-20 13:00∼14:20 地域・参加 2-2:就労支援 2 Chair/座長 Kenetu Shimizu Sapporo Yamanoue Hospital(清水兼悦 札幌山の上病院) CP 2-2-1

Functional Capacity Evaluations:A review of the literature in the 21st century June 20 (Fri) Ev Innes1 1School of Health and Human Science, Southern Cross University

CP 2-2-2 Development of a rehabilitation program for return to work after stroke Gunilla Eriksson1,2,Ulla Johansson1,Therese Hellman3 1Division of Occupational Therapy, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm,2Neurodivision, University hospital, Uppsala, Sweden,3Institute of Environmental Medicine, Division of Intervention and Implementation Research, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm

CP 2-2-3 Occupational therapistsʼ views of a structured interview to identify and prioritise the work problems of people with rheumatoid arthritis in the United Kingdom Yeliz Prior1,Sarah Bodell1,Aparna Amanna1,Alison Hammond1 1Centre for Health Sciences Research, University of Salford

CP 2-2-4 June 21 (Sat) Safe Maximal lift:Comparison of Muscle Recruitment and Observation in Functional Capacity Evaluations Carole James1,Lynette Mackenzie2,Mike Capra3 1School of Health Sciences, University of Newcastle,2Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Sydney,3School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Queensland


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313+314 Community & Participation 2-4:Health Promotion 1 O-20 15:00∼16:00 地域・参加 2-4:ヘルスプロモーション 1 Chair/座長 Kayo Terada Ishikawa Prefectural Rehabilitation Center(寺田佳世 石川県リハビリテーションセンター) CP 2-4-1 ue1 (Wed) 18 June Cultural Adaptation and Validation of Stroke Impact Scale in Uganda:A Rasch model Application Julius Kamwesiga1,2,Kerstin Tham1,Lena Von Koch1,Susanne Guidetti1,Anders Kottorp1 1Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Division of Occupational therapy, Karolinska Institutet.,2School of Occupational Therapy, Institute of Allied Health and Management Sciences-Mulago.

CP 2-4-2 Advancing cultural connectedness:Senior Asian immigrants at work in New Zealand Valerie Wright-St. Clair1,Shoba Nayar2 1Department of Occupational Science and Therapy, Auckland University of Technology,2Centre for Migrant and Refugee Research, Auckland University of Technology

CP 2-4-3 Optimising Musculo-skeletal Health at Work:A cost effective multi-factorial approach to changing workplace culture Bronwyn R. Farquhar1 ue1 Tu rlSession Oral (Thu) 19 June 1Farquhar Associates Pty Ltd

414+415 Community & Participation 2-5:Social Participation of the Elderly O-20 15:00∼16:00 地域・参加 2-5:高齢者の社会参加 Chair/座長 Mutsumi Oota The Takeda Helth Foundation(太田睦美 竹田健康財団) CP 2-5-1 Shades of participation experiences of staff at group homes for older people with intellectual disability Ida Kahlin1,Anette Kjellberg1 1Department of social and wellfare studies, Linkoping University


CP 2-5-3 Social participation in later-life couples with and without limitations in physical functioning:Differences between husbands ue2 (Fri) 20 June and wives Fenna Van Nes1,2,Hans Jonsson4,Raymond Ostelo2,Tineke Abma3,Dorly Deeg2 1Occupational Therapy, Amsterdam School of Health Professions,2EMGO Institute for Health and Care Research, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam,3Medical Humanities, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam,4Occupational Therapy, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm

301 Community & Participation 2-6:Clinical Studies 1 O-10 16:00∼16:40 地域・参加 2-6:臨床研究 1 Chair/座長 Kiyo Kobayashi koba Ladies Clinic(小林貴代 koba レディースクリニック) CP 2-6-1 Factors associated with the confusion of the family of a discharged patient Toshikatsu Kaneda1,2,Shinichi Takabatake3,Tomoko Nishikawa3,Youko Kanao2,4,Yoshimi Yuri2,5 1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Kansai Rehabilitation Hospital,2Graduate School of Comprehensive Rehabilitation, Student at Osaka Prefecture University,3Graduate School of Comprehensive Rehabilitation, Osaka Prefecture University,4Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Higashi Osaka Hospital,5Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Kansai

ue2 (Sat) 21 June University of Welfare Sciences

退院後の家族の戸惑いに関連する要因の検討 兼田敏克1,2,高畑進一3,西川智子3,金尾洋子2,4,由利禄巳2,5 1医療法人 篤友会 関西リハビリテーション病院リハビリテーション部,2大阪府立大学大学院総合リハビリテーション学研究科(学生),3大阪府立 大学大学院総合リハビリテーション学研究科,4有隣会東大阪病院リハビリテーション科,5関西福祉科学大学保健医療学部 リハビリテーション学 科


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CP 2-6-2 Differences between users and providers in regard to awareness and understanding the content and subjective effects of home-visit rehabilitation Tomoko Ohura1,2,Tsutomu Tsuyama3,Takeo Nakayama2 1Faculty of Care and Rehabilitation, Seijoh University,2Kyoto University School of Public Health,3Kumano Clinic

訪問リハビリテーションの内容・主観的効果に対する在宅要介護高齢者の自覚と提供者の認識の相違 大浦智子1,2,津山 努3,中山健夫2 1星城大学リハビリテーション学部,2京都大学大学院医学研究科社会健康医学系専攻,3くまのクリニック

CP 2-6-4 Community of practice:collaborating in enhancing the development of the profession Eva Gosman1,Margo Van Hartingsveldt2,Soemitro Poerbodipoero2 1 2 OT Dept., Comunity Based Practise, School of OT, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands June 18 (Wed)

CP 2-6-5 Examining the contextual validity of the work-life balance scale through participatory research with mental health service users Atsuko Tanimura1,Yoshikazu Ishii1,Takashi Yamada2 1Graduate School of Human Health Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University,2Graduate School of Rehabilitation Sciences, Mejiro University

精神保健サービス利用者参加型研究によるワークライフバランス尺度の内容妥当性の検討 谷村厚子1,石井良和1,山田 孝2 1首都大学東京大学院人間健康科学研究科,2目白大学大学院リハビリテーション学研究科

414+415 Community & Participation 2-7:Inclusive Intervention in the Community 2 O-10 16:00∼16:50 地域・参加 2-7:地域における包括的介入 2 Chair/座長 Chihiro Tokunaga Nihon Institute of Medical Science(德永千尋 日本医療科学大学) CP 2-7-1 A Study of an Appropriate Selection of Participants for Home Health Programs through Collaboration with Public Officers Hiromi Nakamura-Thomas1,Makoto Kyogoku2,Chikara Fujita3 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Saitama Prefectural University,2Graduate School of Health Sciences, Kibi International June 19 (Thu) Oral Session University,3Toshima ward office

行政職員との協業を通じた適切な在宅健康プログラム参加者選出の検討 中村裕美1,京極 真2,藤田 力3 1公立大学法人 埼玉県立大学保健医療福祉学部 作業療法学科,2吉備国際大学大学院保健科学研究科,3豊島区区役所

CP 2-7-2 Comprehensive Programs on Community Health Report in Japan:Role of Occupational and Physical Therapists for Integrated Community Care System Miyuki Ohmaru1,Junichi Shimizu2,Katsuhiro Yasumoto3,Kenkichi Kawamura4,Nobuko Ohsaka5 1Rehabilitation Department Occupational Therapy Division, Kyushu Nutrition Welfare University,2Col lege of Medical Pharmaceutical and Health Science, Kanazawa Uiversity,3Health Promotion Section, Tsuyama CItyhall,4Healthy promotion section, Miyagi Prefectural Goverment,5Health and Medical Department Comunity Didision, Daito City

地域保健総合推進事業(日本公衆衛生協会・日本作業療法士協会・日本理学療法士協会)研究報告−作業療法士・理学療法士が関与する地域包括ケアの仕 June 20 (Fri) 組みづくり 大丸 幸1,清水順市2,安本勝博3,川村謙吉4,逢坂伸子5 1九州栄養福祉大学リハビリテーション学部作業療法学科,2金沢大学医薬保健学総合研究域,3津山市役所健康増進課,4宮城県保健福祉部健康推進課,5 大東市保健医療部地域保健課

CP 2-7-3 Effect of physical and leisure activity program for prevention of cognitive decline in community-dwelling elderly:A randomized controlled trial Tadahiko Kamegaya1,Yumi Araki2,Hanami Kigure2,Haruyasu Yamaguchi1 1Gunma University Graduate School of Health Science,2Long-Term-Care Prevention Team, Maebashi City Office

地域高齢者の認知機能低下抑制を目的とする運動・余暇活動プログラムの効果−ランダム化対照試験デザインによる介入研究 亀ヶ谷忠彦1,荒木祐美2,木暮華美2,山口晴保1 1群馬大学大学院保健学研究科,2前橋市介護高齢課介護予防係

CP 2-7-4 Family support in home-based occupational therapy:A qualitative pilot study Seigo Minami1,2,Ryuji Kobayashi2 June 21 (Sat) 1Kansai Gakken Medical and Welfare College, Occupational Therapy Department,2Kibi Internetional University, Graduate School of Health Science

訪問作業療法における家族支援の質的研究:質的パイロット研究 南 征吾1,2,小林隆司2 1関西学研医療福祉学院作業療法学科,2吉備国際大学大学院保健科学研究科


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CP 2-7-5 Experience of an Occupational Therapyʼs student in a community intervention with a NGO in the Amazon riverside population Gabriela M. Takayama1,Ines V. Moldes2 1Occupational Therapy Department, Federal University of Sao Carlos Brazil,2Occupational Therapy Department, Faculty of Health Sciences University of A Coruna Spain ue1 (Wed) 18 June 301 Community & Participation 2-8:Health Promotion 2 O-10 17:00∼17:50 地域・参加 2-8:ヘルスプロモーション 2 Chair/座長 Taizo Matsumoto Yowa Hospital(松本太蔵 養和病院) CP 2-8-1 The influence of internal health locus of control on the effects of intervention in the healthy elderly:Comparison of MOHO- based program and exercise program Daisuke Takagi1,Yoshikazu Ishii2,Takashi Yamada3 1Faculty of Medical Science and Welfare, Tohoku Bunka Gakuen University,2Graduate School of Human Health Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University,3Graduate School of Rehabilitation Sciences, Mejiro University

内的健康統制感が高齢者に対する介入プログラムの効果に与える影響−MOHO プログラムと運動プログラムの比較 高木大輔1,石井良和2,山田 孝3 1東北文化学園大学医療福祉学部,2首都大学東京大学院人間健康科学研究科,3目白大学大学院リハビリテーション学研究科 ue1 Tu rlSession Oral (Thu) 19 June

CP 2-8-2 Community-acquired pneumonia and dysphagia an occupational therapy intervention study Dorte Melgaard1,Pia Simonsen Lentz1 1Therapy department, Vendsyssel Hospital

CP 2-8-3 “Do something get better”:Contentsof an Occupational Science based manual inspired by Lifestyle Redesign R, Lifestyle Matters and collaboration with OT Practice developed in Denmark Christina Jessen-Winge1 1University College, Metropol, Denmark, Christina Jessen-Winge

CP 2-8-4 Closing the gap between clinical guidelines and clinical practice:What can be the role of the Occupational Therapist ? Marleen De Coninck1,Joris De Schepper1,Lien Beyls1,Kelly Biesemans1,Patricia Claessens1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, University College Arteveldehogeschool in association with University of Ghent

CP 2-8-5 Aspects on the implementation process concerning an interprofessional intervention in primary care Kerstin, Holmqvist Carlmalm1,2 ue2 (Fri) 20 June 1Reagerakliniken Liljeholmen, Reageraklinikerna Aleris AB,2Dep of Neurobiology, Care Science and Society, Karolinska Institute

414+415 Community & Participation 2-9:Inclusive Intervention in the Community 3 O-10 17:00∼17:30 地域・参加 2-9:地域における包括的介入 3 Chair/座長 Toshiko Okamoto Reinan Hospital(岡本利子 嶺南病院) CP 2-9-1 Narrative and Occupational Therapy ~Cooking Lessons of Genuine Korean Cuisine through a Collaborative Program Masato Yusa1,Tamami Aida2,Yasuaki Hayama3,Takehiko Miyanaga1,Haruo Takeuchi1 1Shinwakai Houei Hospital,2Mejiro University Faculty of Health Medical,3Day-care service Keyakidouri Koga, Care Planets Inc.

ナラティブと作業療法∼共に創り上げる「本場の韓国料理教室」 遊佐将人1,會田玉美2,葉山靖明3,宮永威彦1,竹内治夫1 1医療法人社団親和会 鳳永病院,2目白大学 保健医療学部,3ケアプラネッツデイサービス けやき通り古賀

CP 2-9-2 Occupational therapy for the severe burn patients with intellectual disability ue2 (Sat) 21 June Saori Misawa1,Ryuichi Azuma2,Risa Tamura3,Tatuo Kobayashi1,Daizoh Saitoh4 1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, National Defense Medical College Hospital,2Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, National Defense Medical College Hospital,3Department of Physiology, National Defense Medical College,4Division of Traumatology National Defense Medical College Research Institute, National Defense Medical College

知的障害を伴う重症熱傷患者の作業療法 三澤里織1,東 隆一2,田村吏沙3,小林龍生1,齋藤大蔵4 1防衛医科大学校病院リハビリテーション部,2防衛医科大学校病院形成外科学講座,3防衛医科医大学校生理学講座,4防衛医科大学校防衛医学研究セ ンター外傷研究部門

CP 2-9-5 Occupational engagement and quality of life for people living with an advanced cancer at home Hanne Peoples1,Aase Brandt1,Eva Waehrens1,Karen la Cour1 1Institut for Sundhedstjenesteforskning, Syddansk Universitet(SDU)


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Mental Health/精神障害

302 Mental Health 2-1:The Role of Occupational Therapy in Mental Health O-20 8:30∼9:30 精神障害 2-1:精神保健と作業療法の役割 Chair/座長 Akiyo Kanayama Shijonawate Gakuen University(銀山章代 四條畷学園大学) MH 2-1-1 Prioritising Professional Resilience In Mental Health Practice:Introducing the PRIOrity Model Samantha Ashby1,Susan Ryan1,Carole James1 1School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Health, University of Newcastle

MH 2-1-2 June 18 (Wed) Occupational Deprivation and Asylum Seekers in Australia Emma Campbell1,2 1Political Science and International Studies, University of Queensland,2Occupational Therapy, University of Queensland

MH 2-1-3 The need of OTʼs learning to deal with problems and strengths in occupational performance due to mental health problems Marion Ammeraal1,Dineke Sermondt van1,Ruth M. Zinkstok1 1ETP-Net

302 Mental Health 2-2:OT in Mental Health 2 O-20 13:00∼14:20 精神障害 2-2:精神保健と作業療法 2 Chair/座長 Kee Hean Lim Brunel University Akira Hayakawa Nagaoka Health Coop(早川 昭 ながおか医療生協) MH 2-2-1 Mindfulness-based occupational therapy for borderline personality disorder:A case report Yasushi Orita1,2,Makoto Kyogoku3 1Day-care Center, Mental Clinic Chikamori,2Graduate School Health Science Master Course, Kibi International University,3Graduate

School of Health Science, Kibi International University June 19 (Thu) Oral Session

境界性パーソナリティへのマインドフルネス作業療法を用いた事例報告 織田靖史1,2,京極 真3 1社会医療法人近森会 メンタルクリニックちかもりデイケア,2吉備国際大学大学院(通信制)保健科学研究科,3吉備国際大学大学院保健科学研究科

MH 2-2-2 Best practice to demonstrate the impact of Occupational Therapy services on mental healthcare users:Advantages of routine outcome measurement Daleen Casteleijn1 1Occupational Therapy Department, University of the Witwatersrand

MH 2-2-3 Patients, clinicians and researchers working together to conceive a new assessment of functioning for people with borderline

personality disorder June 20 (Fri) Julie Desrosiers1,Nadine Lariviere2,Johanne Desrosiers2 1Ecole de readaptation, Universite de Montreal,2Ecole de readaptation, Universite de Sherbrooke

MH 2-2-4 Cognitive Function Assessment and Training for Young Adults with Drug Abuse Problem Andrew Siu1,Kenneth N. K. Fong1,Manfred Fung1 1Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

302 Mental Health 2-3:OT in Forensic Settings 2 O-20 15:00∼16:00 精神障害 2-3:司法精神医療の作業療法 ઄ Chair/座長 Takao Osanai Hirosaki University Graduate School of Health Sciences(小山内隆生 弘前大学大学院保健学研究科) MH 2-3-1 Forensic mental health:a survey exploring current practice Jane Cronin-Davis1,Rosie Bennett2,Kate Cassidy2,Kate Garrick2,Rosie Manners2 1Health and Life Science, York St John University,2Previously York St John University June 21 (Sat)


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MH 2-3-2 Usefulness of the make-a-box test battery for occupational therapy evaluation in forensic psychiatry Megumi Sugimura1,Noriko Tomioka2,Rumiko Arai1,Toshihiko Hanaoka1,Yamato Matsuzaki1 1Mental Wellness Center-Komagane,2Shinshu University Professor Emeritus

司法精神医学における作業療法評価としての箱づくり法の有用性 1 2 1 1 1 ue1 (Wed) 18 June 杉村めぐみ ,冨岡詔子 ,荒井留美子 ,花岡敏彦 ,松崎大和 1長野県立こころの医療センター駒ヶ根,2信州大学 名誉教授

MH 2-3-3 The implementation of a new conceptual framework for occupational engagement in forensic settings:feasibility and application to occupational therapy practice Karen Morris1,Kath Ward1,Diane Cox1 1Faculty of Health and Wellbeing, University of Cumbria

302 Mental Health 2-4:OT in Mental Health 3 O-10 16:00∼16:40 精神障害 2-4:精神保健と作業療法 3 Chair/座長 Taigo Yamada Department of Occupational Therapy School of Rehabilitation, Hyogo University of Health Sciences (山田大豪 兵庫医療大学リハビリテーション学部作業療法学科) ue1 Tu rlSession Oral (Thu) 19 June MH 2-4-1 Does it enable the early discharge of the patients of mental hospitals that there are many occupational therapists?:Analysis about the averages of length of the hospitalization, and remaining rates and discharge rates Kayo Haruyama1 1Department of Occpational Therapy, Health Science University

作業療法士が多いことは退院促進に役立つか−精神科病院における作業療法士数と平均在院日数と平均残存率,退院率に関する検討 春山佳代1 1健康科学大学健康科学部作業療法学科

MH 2-4-2 An effective group occupational therapy program for depression:Through the program based on an addiction rehabilitation program Kazuya Sakai1,2,Takanori Egami2,Kenzaburo Nishiwaki2 1Rehabilitation Dept., Seijoh University,2Nishiwaki Hospital

うつ病に対する集団作業療法プログラムの在り方−依存症治療プログラムを基にしたプログラム 坂井一也1,2,江上貴則2,西脇健三郎2 1星城大学リハビリテーション学部,2西脇病院

MH 2-4-3

ue2 (Fri) 20 June Patientsʼ perspectives of Occupational Therapy program during their inpatient psychiatric hospital stay in Singapore Shu Hui Lee1,Bi Xia Ngooi1,Vera Yanning Chan1,Rui Ping Valerie Koh1,Mei Yi Esther Ann1 1Department of Rehabilitation, National University Hospital

MH 2-4-4 The Therapeutic use of Occupation at the Central Criminal Lunatic Asylum, Dublin, Ireland 1850-1890 Judith Pettigrew1,Brid Dunne1,Elizabeth Dunne1,Ashley Guinan1 1Clinical Therapies, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland

302 Mental Health 2-5:Challenges for OT in Mental Health O-10 17:00∼17:50 精神障害 2-5:精神保健と作業療法の挑戦 Chair/座長 Naomi Kurumisawa Kawasaki City Yurigaoka Center for the Disabled(楜澤直美 川崎市健康福祉局障害保健福祉部障害者 雇用・就労推進課) MH 2-5-1 Cognitive behavior therapy in psychiatry occupational therapy:Cognition changes by the intervention in activity 1 ue2 (Sat) 21 June Hiroki Okada 1Rehabilitation department, Nasukougen Hospital

精神科作業療法における認知行動療法的関わり−活動への介入で認知が変容した症例を通して 岡田宏基1 1那須高原病院リハビリテーション科


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MH 2-5-2 The usefulness of the Make-a-Box Battery in psychiatric occupational therapy for outpatients:A case study of a rework program for a young, male schizophrenic client Michiko Kuribayashi1,2,Yasutaka Ishida2,Makiko Nakayama2,Noriko Tomioka3 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Nagano Rehabilitation College,2Occupational therapy department, Tsuruga Hospital,3Professor Emeritus, Shinshu University

精神科外来作業療法における箱づくり法の有用性−統合失調症の青年に対する復職支援の事例から 栗林美智子1,2,石田康貴2,中山牧子2,冨岡詔子3 1長野医療技術専門学校作業療法学科,2鶴賀病院作業療法室,3信州大学名誉教授

MH 2-5-3 Role of Thai Occupational Therapists in Forensic Psychiatry 1 Inthira Atama June 18 (Wed) 1Department of Mental Health, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand, Galya Rajanagarindra Institute

MH 2-5-4 The relationship between delinquent behaviors and pubertal timing in Taiwanese adolescent Ting Kao1,Chung-Ying Lin1 1Dept. of Occupational Therapy, Jianan Mental Hospital

MH 2-5-5 Educational programme for students and war veterans:A new perspective on rehabilitation of veterans with PTSD Stinne Fraas1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, University College Metropol, Denmark


303 Education 2-1:Methodology of Education 1 O-20 8:30∼9:50 教育 2-1:教育方法1 Chair/座長 Kiyoko Kubota (久保田清子)

ED 2-1-1 June 19 (Thu) Oral Session Multi- stage model of integrating Simulation-Based Medical Education(SBME)as part of practical courses in Occupational Therapy education Liat Raz-Yehene1,Orit Lahav1,Amitai Ziv2,3,4,5,Noomi Katz2,Shira Yalon-Chamovitz1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Ono Academic College,2Research Institute for Health and Medical Professions, Ono Academic College,3Director, Israel Center for Medical Simulation(MSR),4Deputy Director, Chaim Sheba Medical Center,5Medical Education Department, Sackler Medical School, Tel-Aviv University

ED 2-1-2 Competency-Based Education:A Natural Fit for Occupational Therapy Education Programs Bonny Jung1,Lorie Shimmell1,Debra Stewart1,Susan Baptiste1 1McMaster University, School Of Rehabilitation Science, Master of Occupational Therapy Program

ED 2-1-3 June 20 (Fri) Linking Pedagogy with Teaching Exemplar for Blended Learning in Occupational Therapy Ricardo Carrasco1 1College of Health Care Sciences, Departmtent of Occupational Therapy, Nova Southeastern University Tampa

ED 2-1-4 Occupational Therapy Knowledge and Professional Identity:Studentsʼ Experiences of Problem-based Learning Steven W. Whitcombe1 1School of Healthcare Studies, Cardiff University

303 Education 2-2:OT Education in the World 1 O-20 13:00∼14:20 教育 2-2:各国の OT 教育 1 Chair/座長 Kazuko Hara Aichi Medical College for Physical and Occupational Therapy(原 和子 愛知医療学院短期大学) ED 2-2-1 Perceptions of Clinical Education in South Africa Patricia de Witt1 June 21 (Sat) 1Dept. Occupational Therapy/Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Witwatersrand

ED 2-2-2 OT Education in China, As Rehabilitation Emerges Haidee Law1 1International and China Division, The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation


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ED 2-2-3 Challenging assumptions, broadening perceptions:Developing an occupational therapy curriculum in Saudi Arabia Louise Farnworth1,Lisa Broom1,Amany Shehab2 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Monash University,2Department of Occupational Therapy, King Fahad National Guard Hospital

ED 2-2-4 ue1 (Wed) 18 June Perspectives of Clinical Learning Environment among Occupational Therapy Students in Singapore:An Exploratory Study Hwei L, Tan1,Bernice Zhe Li Chia1,Yong Zhen Chua1,Janani D/O Murali Dharan1,Li Wen Tang1 1School of Health Sciences(Allied Health), Nanyang Polytechnic Singapore

303 Education 2-3:Fieldwork Education 2 O-20 15:00∼16:00 教育 2-3:臨床教育 2 Chair/座長 Sadako Tsubota Hokkaido Bunkyo University(坪田貞子 北海道文教大学) ED 2-3-1 Exploring the utility of activity analysis teaching materials as an observational assessment tool in clinical contexts Brian Ellingham1,Lene Fogtmann Jespersen2,Ellen Gjertsen Clark3,Liv Annerlov4,Hege Bentzen3 1Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Occupational Therapy, Prosthetics and Orthotics, Oslo Norway, Oslo and Akershus University College,2Asker and Barum Hospital, Sandvika, Norway, Oslo,3Diakonhjemmet Hospital, Oslo, Norway,4Lovisenberg ue1 Tu rlSession Oral (Thu) 19 June Hospital, Oslo, Norway

ED 2-3-2 Cultural Immersion in Occupational Therapy Level I Fieldwork Practicum:Assessment of learning outcomes Darlene Perez-Brown1 1Occupational Therapy Department, Winston Salem State University

ED 2-3-3 A framework for occupational therapists involved in projects based on a community development approach Ruth M. Zinkstok1,Sandra Schiller2 1Amsterdam School for Health Professions/Occupational Therapy, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences The Netherlands,2Socal Work and Health, University of Applied Sciences and Art Hildesheim, Germany

416+417 Education 2-4:Environment of OT Education and Research O-20 15:00∼16:00 教育 2-4:教育・研究環境 Chair/座長 Mie Waku Yamaguchi Allied Health College(和久美恵 山口コ・メディカル学院) ED 2-4-1 A Framework for Promoting Faculty Scholarship in Occupational Therapy 1

ue2 (Fri) 20 June Thomas Fisher 1School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Indiana University

ED 2-4-2 Lessons from history:illuminating future directions Jeannette Head1 1Occupational Therapy/Allied Health Professions, Canterbury Christ Church University

ED 2-4-3 A pilot study on early detection of psychosis in occupational/physical therapy students Masae Shinozaki1 1Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Department of Rehabilitation, Occupational Therapy Course, Niigata University of Rehabilitation

学生の精神疾患を予防および早期発見するための予備的研究 篠崎雅江1 1新潟リハビリテーション大学医療学部リハビリテーション学科 作業療法学専攻

303 Education 2-5:Developments in OT Education 1 O-10 ue2 (Sat) 21 June 16:00∼16:50 教育 2-5:OT 教育の発展 1 Chair/座長 Futoshi Matsushita Shijonawate-Gakuen University(松下太四條畷学園大学) ED 2-5-1 Is Simulation a Way of the Future for Occupational Therapy Education? Dorothy Peterson Bethea1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Health Sciences, Winston-Salem State University


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ED 2-5-2 Importance of Authorized Occupational Therapists in Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists Katsutaka Takaki1,Yasuharu Nishide1,Daisuke Jinnai1,Hiromi Fujii1,Chuzo Imadera1 1Post-qualification Education Committee, Education Department, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists

日本作業療法士協会における認定作業療法士の重要性 高木勝隆1,西出康晴1,陣内大輔1,藤井浩美1,今寺忠造1 1日本作業療法士協会教育部生涯教育委員会

ED 2-5-3 Engaging occupational therapy students using Web-based learning activities:Opportunities and challenges for educators Anne Williams1,Christopher Bruce1,Robin Lovell1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, La Trobe University, Australia June 18 (Wed) ED 2-5-4 Corbett Clinic:Development of a virtual resource for integrating occupational therapy theory, evidence, and skills in practice Mary Roduta Roberts1,Shaniff Esmail1,Eleni Stroulia2 1Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Alberta,2Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta

ED 2-5-5 Development of a new Occupational Therapy curriculum facing new demands in society Birgitta Bernspang1 1Occupational Therapy, Umea University

303 Education 2-6:Developments in OT Education 2 O-10 17:00∼17:40 教育 2-6:OT 教育の発展 2 Chair/座長 Yoshinaga Awano Nagasaki Rehabilitation Hospital(淡野義長 長崎リハビリテーション病院) ED 2-6-1 Cross-cultural feasibility study of occupational therapy studentsʼ attitudes to disability and aging Reiko Miyamoto1,Dido Green2,Jenny Butler2,Natsuka Suyama1,Yuko Ito1 1Tokyo Metropolitan University,2Oxford Brookes University

臨床実習前後における作業療法学生の障害者・高齢者に対する態度の日英比較 June 19 (Thu) Oral Session 宮本礼子1,ダイド グリーン2,ジェニー バトラー2,須山夏加1,伊藤祐子1 1首都大学東京,2Oxford Brookes University

ED 2-6-2 A Tale of Two Cities:Experiences of occupational therapy students on an international exchange programme between Oxford, UK, and Boston, USA Tai Frater1,Sharan Schwartzberg2,Jenny Butler3,Jacqueline Bresnahan2 1Brunel University,2Tufts University,3Oxford Brookes University

ED 2-6-3 Innovative Education:Targeting the Mature Student for a Career in Occupational Therapy Gayle Smith1 1Occupational Therapy Assistant Program, Renton, WA, Pima Medical Institute June 20 (Fri) ED 2-6-5 US-UK Cultural Exchange for Occupational Therapy Students:Broadening Understanding of the Profession Maureen Mickus1,Patricia McClure2,Sarah Marzano1 1Department of Occupational Therapy/College of Health and Human Services, Western Michigan University,2Department of Occupational Therapy/School of Health Sciences, University of Ulster

Research & EBP/研究・EBP

304 Research & EBP 2-1:Participation in Work and Society O-20 8:30∼9:50 研究・EBP 2-1:社会や就労への参加 Chair/座長 Natasha Lannin Alfred Health, La Trobe University Akifumi Komura Heisei College of Health Sciences(河村章史 平成医療短期大学) RE 2-1-1

Development of an Occupational Therapy Supported Education Model for individuals recovering from a mental health June 21 (Sat) illness:The use of a grounded theory approach to developing a new model of practice in the delivery of supported education from the perspective of those with a mental health condition as part of their recovery process Norma Clark1 1Occupational Therapy Department Mental Health, Stratheden Hospital Cupar Fife


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RE 2-1-2 Participation and Mental Health:An Example of Theory Development in Occupational Therapy Joanne Inman1,2,Katrina Bannigan1,Jane Cronin-Davis1,Anna Read1 1Research Centre for Occupation and Mental Health(RCOMH), York St John University,2Occupational Therapy, Adult Mental Health, Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust ue1 (Wed) 18 June RE 2-1-3 The development of care pathways and packages in mental health based on the Model of Human Occupation Screening Tool Sun W. Lee1,Gary Kielhofner1,Mary Morley1,Mike Garnham1,David Heasman1 1Occupational Therapy, Daegu University

RE 2-1-4 The Model of Occupational Self Efficacy:A model for the reintegration of persons with brain injuries to their worker roles Mogammad S. Soeker1 1Occupational Therapy, University of the Western Cape

304 Research & EBP 2-2:EBP for Physical Function and Daily Living Performance O-20 13:00∼14:00 研究・EBP 2-2:身体機能と生活活動の遂行のための EBP Chair/座長 Texas Woman�s University, School of OT-Houston ue1 Tu rlSession Oral (Thu) 19 June Patricia Bowyer Yuji Sawada Nagoya University(澤田雄二 名古屋大学) RE 2-2-1 SARAH:STRENGTHENING AND STRETCHING FOR PEOPLE WITH RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS OF THE HANDS:A RANDOMISED CONTROLLED TRIAL Jo Adams1,Mark Williams2,Peter Heine2,Sarah Lamb2,Esther Williamson2 1Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southampton,2Clinical Trials Unit, Medical School, University of Warwick

RE 2-2-3 Effectiveness of occupational therapy in Parkinsonʼs disease:Results of a randomized controlled trial Ingrid H. M. W. Sturkenboom1,Maud J. L. Graff1,Bastiaan Bloem1,Marten Munneke1,Maria Nijhuis-van der Sanden1 1Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, The Netherlands

RE 2-2-4 Transition from hospital to home:effectiveness of occupational therapy home visit discharge planning for at risk older adults Lindy Clemson1,Natasha Lannin2,Kylie Wales1,Laura Gitlin3,Ian Cameron1 1Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Sydney,2Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Occupational Therapy, La Trobe Univeristy and Alfred Health,3Centre for Innovative Care in Aging, Department of Community - Public Health, Johns Hopkins University

304 Research & EBP 2-3:EBP for Occupational Therapy 1 O-20 ue2 (Fri) 20 June 15:00∼16:00 研究・EBP 2-3:作業療法のための EBP 1 Chair/座長 Kenji Yabuwaki Kibi International University(籔脇健司 吉備国際大学) RE 2-3-1 Evidence-Based Practice Projects:An Education and Practice Partnership Julie Bass1,Kathleen Matuska1 1Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, St. Catherine University

RE 2-3-2 Quality and effectiveness of clinical supervision of occupational therapists in a large Australian state a sequential, mixed methods study Priya Martin1,2,Zephanie Tyack1,2,Jodie Copley2,Asad Khan2 1Cunningham Centre, Queensland Health,2School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Queensland

RE 2-3-3 Experiences of implementing evidence based multimodal pain rehabilitation in clinical practice ue2 (Sat) 21 June Hellman Therese1,Irene Jensen1,Gunnar Bergstrom1,Hillevi Busch1 1Institute of Environmental Medicine, Division of intervention- and implementation research, Karolinska Institutet


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315 Research & EBP 2-5:Clinical Studies for the Development of OT 4 O-20 15:00∼16:00 研究・EBP 2-5:臨床発展のための基礎的研究 1 Chair/座長 Fusae Tozato Gunma University(外里冨佐江 群馬大学) RE 2-5-1 Pre-attentive auditory sensory information facilitated by simultaneous audio-visual sensory integration:Using the Magneto- encephalography Yoshiro Nakagawa1 1College of Life Health Sciences, CHUBU UNIVERSITY

同期視覚刺激による自動的聴覚情報処理過程の促進−脳磁計を用いた研究 中川与四郎1 1

中部大学生命健康科学部作業療法学科 June 18 (Wed)

RE 2-5-2 Impact of limited range of motion of the finger metacarpophalangeal joints on hand function Hiroyuki Hayashi1,2,Hideki Shimizu2 1Faculty of Care and Rehabilitation, Division of Occupational Therapy, Seijoh University,2Department of Physical and Occupational Therapy, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine

手機能における中手指節関節の可動域制限の影響 林 浩之1,2,清水英樹2 1星城大学リハビリテーション学部作業療法学専攻,2名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科リハビリテーション療法学専攻

RE 2-5-3 Musculoskeletal complaints among physiotherapy and occupational therapy professionals at rehabilitation center in Bangladesh Shofiqul Islam1,Md. Monjurul Habib2,M.A. Hafez3,Debra Lindstrom Hazel4,Khalilur Rahman5 1Department of Physio Therapy, Bangladesh Health Professions Institute(BHPI),2Department of Occupational Therapy, Bangladesh Health Professions Institute(BHPI),3Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Bangladesh Institute of Health Sciences (BIHS),4Department of Occupational Therapy, Western Michigan University, USA,5Department of Physio Therapy, Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed

304 Research & EBP 2-6:Clinical Studies for the Development of OT 2 June 19 (Thu) Oral Session O-10 16:00∼16:50 研究・EBP 2-6:臨床発展のための基礎的研究 2 Chair/座長 Kazunori Takashima Osaka University Hospital(高島千敬 大阪大学医学部附属病院) RE 2-6-1 Elucidation of the standard impedance index in healthy Japanese individuals to be used for early detection of lymphedema after breast cancer surgery Tomoko Nishikawa1,Shinichi Takabatake1,Hiromasa Shimazaki2,Chihiro Matsumoto2,Kenjiro Matsunaga3 1School of Comprehensive Rehabilitation, Osaka Prefecture University,2Occupational Therapy Room, Bellland General Hospital,3Business Strategy Department, OG Sports Co., Ltd.

乳がん術後リンパ浮腫早期発見を目的とした邦人のインピーダンス指数標準値試案 西川智子1,高畑進一1,島崎寛将2,松本千尋2,松永謙二郎3 1大阪府立大学総合リハビリテーション学部,2ベルランド総合病院作業療法室,3株式会社オージースポーツ事業戦略部 June 20 (Fri) RE 2-6-2 Factors related to task-specific self-efficacy in the performance of cognitive tasks in schizophrenic patients Takafumi Morimoto1,Tsukasa Murakami2,Ryuta Murakami3,Satoe Ichihara-Takeda1,Nozomu Ikeda1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Health Sciences, Sapporo Medical University,2Sapporo Nakamanomori Clinic,3Hayashishita Hospital

統合失調症患者における認知課題遂行に対する課題特異的自己効力感と関連する要因 森元隆文1,村上 元2,村上竜太3,竹田里江1,池田 望1 1札幌医科大学保健医療学部作業療法学科,2医療法人社団楽優会 札幌なかまの杜クリニック,3医療法人社団林下病院

RE 2-6-3 4 Patterns And Urging Factors to Adapt New Environment for Disabled Elderly People Mayumi Nishimura1,Yuko Hukase2 1Department of Rehabilitation, Seiju-en Geriatric Health Services Facility,2Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University

障害を持つ高齢者が新たな環境に適応するための 4 つのパターンと促進因子 西村真由美1,深瀬裕子2 1 2 医療法人社団 静寿会 介護老人保健施設 静寿苑リハビリテーション部, 広島大学大学院教育学研究科 June 21 (Sat)


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RE 2-6-4 An f-MRI study of cognitive function in schizophrenic patients during a visual searching task Nobushige Yotsumoto1,Atushi Kodabashi2,Yuji Higashi3,Masaki Sekine4,Toshiyo Tamura4 1Rehabilitation center, Fujimoto Hospital,2Radiological Center, Fujimoto Hospital,3Rehabilitation center, Fujimoto Geeneral Hospital,4Regional Innovation Stratery Support Program, Osaka Electro-comminication University ue1 (Wed) 18 June 統合失調症者の視覚的探索課題における認知機能に関する研究−f-MRI を用いて 四本伸成1,高田橋篤史2,東 祐二3,関根正樹4,田村俊世4 1藤元病院リハビリテーション室,2藤元病院診療放射線室,3藤元総合病院リハビリテーション室,4大阪電気通信大学地域イノベーション戦略支援プ ログラム

RE 2-6-5 Emotional evaluation using the facial expression detection software during group music therapy sessions(asecondary report) Yuka Takasaki1,Ikuko Yamazaki2,Toru Yamada3,Keiji Shimada4,Yoshihiro Noguchi4 1Devision of Occupational Therapy, Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences Hospital,2Department of Occupational Therapy, Tokyo University of Technology,3Human Technology Research Institute, The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology,4LSI laboratories, Asahi Chemical Industry Co, Ltd

表情検出ソフトを用いた,集団音楽療法セッション参加者の発動性評価(第二報)−活動評価表との比較検討 高崎友香1,山崎郁子2,山田 亨3,嶋田敬士4,野口祥宏4 1茨城県立医療大学付属病院リハビリテーション部作業療法科,2東京工科大学医療保健学部作業療法学科,3独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所ヒュー 4 ue1 Tu rlSession Oral (Thu) 19 June マンライフテクノロジー研究部門, 旭化成工業(株)LSI・情報技術研究所

304 Research & EBP 2-7:Qualitative Studies - Life and QOL O-10 17:00∼17:50 研究・EBP 2-7:生活と QOL のための質的研究 Chair/座長 Fumihiko Tamura Fruition. Inc(田村文彦 株式会社フルーション) RE 2-7-1 The Method that can change practice, A grounded theory study of Marte Meo therapists in dementia care Astrid Elisabeth Andersen1 1Norwegian center for aging and health

RE 2-7-2 The lived experiences of daily life after stroke a ten years following up study Anette C. Erikson1,Gunnar Karlsson2,Kerstin Tham3 1Division of Occupational Therapy, Karolinska Institutet,2Department of Education, Stockholm University,3Management of University, Karolinska Institutet

RE 2-7-3 Human Flourishing, Loss in the Context of Mental Ill-Health and the Practice of Occupational Therapy:The importance of interdependence, practical wisdom and purpose ue2 (Fri) 20 June Amy Baker1,Nicholas Procter1 1School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of South Australia

RE 2-7-4 There is no such thing as a small stroke. Meeting the needs of todayʼs stroke survivors Sandy Rutherford1,Clare Hocking1,Alice Theadom1,Kathryn McPherson1 1Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences, Auckland University of Technology

RE 2-7-5 A QUALITATIVE STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF DRUG USE IN CHRONIC DISEASES ON THE QUALITY OF LIFE AND SOCIAL PARTICIPATION Onur Altuntas1,Esra Aki2 1Occupational Therapy Department, Faculty of Health Sciences, Hacettepe University,2Occupational Therapy Department, Faculty of Health Sciences, Hacettepe University

Challenge & Innovation/革新と挑戦 ue2 (Sat) 21 June 416+417 Challenge & Innovation 2-1:Challenges for Occupational Therapists 1 O-20 8:30∼9:50 革新と挑戦 2-1:作業療法士の挑戦 1 Chair/座長 Masaharu Hayashi JA sizuokakouseiren Rihabilitation Nakaizu Spa Hospital(林 正春 JA 静岡厚生連リハビリテーショ ン中伊豆温泉病院) CI 2-1-1 Cognition:A Central Issue Requiring Occupational Therapistsʼ Attention Carolyn Baum1,Lisa Connor1 1Program in Occupational Therapy, Washington University School of Medicine


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CI 2-1-2 A study of a new technical innovation applies cognitive behavior therapy for the patients with neuropsychological disorder Nobuo Ohshima1,Reiko Miyamoto1,Mitsugu Onuki2 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Graduate School of Human Health Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University,2Department of Occupational Therapy, Dokkyo Medical University, Koshigaya Hospital

高次脳機能障害者に対する新たな治療手段としての認知行動療法の応用 大嶋伸雄1,宮本礼子1,小貫貢2 1首都大学東京大学院人間健康科学研究科作業療法科学域,2獨協医科大学越谷病院作業療法部門

CI 2-1-3 Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disordered adult offenders:Identifying strengths and areas for community supports:Occupational performance supports in vulnerable group 1 2 3 4 Sharon E. Brintnell ,Ajili Sawhney ,Monty Nelson ,Teri Palmer June 18 (Wed) 1Occupational Therapy, University of Alberta,2School of Nursing, University of Alberta,3Educational Psychology, University of Alberta,4Community Advocate, Alberta Health Services

CI 2-1-4 CCSVI:The Messages of Healthcare Professionals in Social Media Setareh Ghahari1,Susan Forwell1 1Dept of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of British Columbia

416+417 Challenge & Innovation 2-2:Perspectives for the Future O-20 13:00∼14:20 革新と挑戦 2-2:未来への展望 Chair/座長 Mei Leng Chan Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore Yasuyuki Mino Shiga School of Medical Technology/Dayservice Rehabilipark(三野泰幸 滋賀医療技術専門学校/在宅 リハビリテーション支援センター・デイサービス リハビリパーク) CI 2-2-1 What can be learned from the Muriel Driver Memorial Lectures Catherine Vallee1,Andrew Freeman1,Pierre-Alexandre Morin1,Mathieu Moisan1 1Faculte de medecine, departement de readaptation, Universite Laval June 19 (Thu) Oral Session CI 2-2-2 Learning from our past to create a sustainable future:Professional identity in occupational therapy Marianne Bonassi1,Trish Wielandt2,Wendy Hillman3 1Rehabilitation Sciences, Occupational Therapy,2Allied Health, Central Queensland University, Occupational therapy,3Central Queensland University, Sociology

CI 2-2-3 Creating a reflective future in occupational therapy practice Elizabeth Pritchard1,2 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Monash University, Australia,2Department of Physiotherapy, Monash University, Australia

CI 2-2-4 Transforming 20th century competency knowledge into an integrated educational competency experience Susan Ryan1,Catherine Studdert1,Caroline Hills1,Kim Nguyen1,Paul Sijpkes1 June 20 (Fri) 1School of Health Sciences Occupational Therapy, The University of Newcastle

416+417 Challenge & Innovation 2-3:Challenges for Occupational Therapists 2 O-10 16:00∼16:50 革新と挑戦 2-3:作業療法士の挑戦 2 Chair/座長 Shinya Hisano Kyushu Nutrition Welfare University(久野真矢 九州栄養福祉大学大学院) CI 2-3-1 An Example of Occupational Therapy in Palliative Care Units:Focusing on ADL support and home care support as part of compensation strategy Seijirou Umezu1 1Department of Rehabilitation, Fujii Masao Memorial Hospital

緩和ケア病棟における作業療法の一例−代償手段での ADL 支援と在宅療養支援を中心に 梅津清司郎1 1社会医療法人 仁厚会 藤井政雄記念病院リハビリテーション科

CI 2-3-2 June 21 (Sat) Inter-professional Collaboration and the role of occupational therapists in psycho-education of psychiatric emergency ward Nobuaki Nishizono1,Tetsuya Watanabe1,Tomoko Hanamura1,Kazunori Tsubusaki1,Shogo Hirano1,2 1Iizuka Memorial Hospital,2Department of Neuropsychiatry, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University

精神科救急病棟の心理教育における多職種連携と作業療法士の役割 西園晋明1,渡邉哲也1,花村智子1,粒崎一典1,平野昭吾1,2 1医療法人 社団豊永会 飯塚記念病院,2九州大学大学院医学研究院精神病態医学


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CI 2-3-3 Recovery of Activities of Daily living by using the sitting position maintenance tool in our intensive care unit Hiroaki Nagatani1,Yukio Tanoue2,Masanori Hiura1,Rie Moriya1,Kousei Nagasima1 1Rehabilitaion Dept., National Hospital Organization Yonago Medical Center,2Rehabilitaion Dept., National Hospital Organization Kanmon Medical Center ue1 (Wed) 18 June 集中治療室での座位保持具使用による日常生活活動の回復 長谷宏明1,田上幸生2,日浦雅則1,守谷梨絵1,長島幸生1 1国立病院機構米子医療センターリハビリテーション科,2国立病院機構関門医療センターリハビリテーション科

CI 2-3-4 Early and intensive Occupational Therapy for Delirium Prevention in Older Adults Admitted to Intensive Care Unit. Randomized clinical trial Evelyn Alvarez1,2,3,Maricel Garrido2,Eduardo Tobar2,Stephanie Prieto2,Constanza Briceno1,2 1Occupational Therapy School, Universidad Central de Chile,2Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service, Hospital Clinico Universidad de Chile,3Occupational Therapy School, Universidad de Chile

CI 2-3-5 Prioritising and managing workload demands in an acute Occupational therapy service Jacqui Morarty1 1 ue1 Tu rlSession Oral (Thu) 19 June Occupational Therapy, The Alfred

416+417 Challenge & Innovation 2-4:Challenges for Occupational Therapists 3 O-10 17:00∼17:50 革新と挑戦 2-4:作業療法士の挑戦 3 Chair/座長 Kazuhiko Tanaka Suzuka Central General Hospital(田中一彦 鈴鹿中央総合病院) CI 2-4-1 The effect of continuous pressure sensory input on fingertips during peg manipulation tasks in healthy individuals Azusa Suemune1,Megumi Okamoto1,Masamichi Furusawa1 1Rehabilitation Dept., BOBATH MEMORIAL Hospital

指先への持続的な圧覚入力による健常者でのペグ操作の検討 末宗 梓1,岡本恵1,古澤正道1 1ボバース記念病院リハビリテーション部

CI 2-4-2 Smartphone Apps as Rehabilitation Modality:A Trial for Coordination Training Chen Kai Chang1,2,Jer-Hao Chang3 1Institute of Gerontology, National Cheng Kung University,2the Department of Senior Citizen Center, YMCA of Tainan City,3Department of Occupational Therapy, National Cheng Kung University ue2 (Fri) 20 June CI 2-4-3 Treatment Effects of WiiR Balance Board in Falls Prevention for Community-Dwelling Older Adults Pei-Fen Chang1 1School of Occupational Therapy, Texas Womanʼs University

CI 2-4-4 Effectiveness of mindfulness training for healthcare professionals working in a mental health setting in Singapore:A pilot study Suyi Yang1,2 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Institute of Mental Health, Singapore,2School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, The University of Queensland

CI 2-4-5 The impact of pain on occupational performance and quality of life among chronic pain patients Bi Xia Ngooi1,Yanning Vera Chan1,Jia Yen Eng1 1Department of Rehabilitation, National University Hospital ue2 (Sat) 21 June Occupation/作業 2-1

511+512 Occupation 2-1:Participation to Occupation O-20 8:30∼9:50 作業 2-1:作業への参加 Chair/座長 Jeffrey David Boniface Boniface Consulting Occupational Therapy Services Tomoko Akamatsu Bukkyo University(赤松智子 佛教大学) OC 2-1-1 The joy of doing:Senior Asian immigrants giving to New Zealand society Shoba Nayar1,Valerie Wright-St. Clair2 1Centre for Migrant and Refugee Research, Auckland University of Technology,2Department of Occupational Science and Therapy, Auckland University of Technology


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OC 2-1-2 Environmental facilitators and barriers for participation in meaningful activities for people with disabilities Rana Ode-Jarisi1,Dalia Sachs1,Naomi Schreuer1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Haifa

OC 2-1-3 Restoring quality of life for breast cancer survivors:Return to work; a challenge for Occupational Therapists Huget Desiron1,2,Peter Donceel2,Angelique de Rijk3,Elke van hoof4 1Health Care, Occupational Therapy, PHLImburg,2Department of Occupational, Environmental and Insurance Medicine, KULeuven,3Department of Social Medicine, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences Maastricht University, Maastricht University,4Department of Experimental and Applied Psychology/Faculty of Psychological and Educational Science, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

OC 2-1-4 June 18 (Wed) Occupational adaptation:Becoming an old university student Athena Yi-Jumg Tsai1,2,Kuei-Min Chen2,Chang-Chih Kuo1,Ying-Chun Chou1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Kaohsiung Medical University,2School of Nursing, Kaohsiung Medical University

511+512 Occupation 2-2:Culture & Occupation O-20 13:00∼14:20 作業 2-2:文化と作業 Chair/座長 Kunji Shirahama Kanagawa University of Human Services(白濱勲二 神奈川県立保健福祉大学) OC 2-2-1 Threading Curative Art into Current Occupational Therapy Education:A Mechanism for Enabling Adaptation During Student Learning Wendy Fox1,Rondalyn Whitney1 1Occupational Therapy Department, University of the Sciences

OC 2-2-2 Creative activities:an important agent of change in the process of rebuilding identity Bodil Winther Hansen1,Anne-Le Morville1 1Dept. Occupational Therapy, Metropolitan University College, Copenhagen, Denmark June 19 (Thu) Oral Session

OC 2-2-3 The use of creative activities in occupational therapy practice in Sweden Ann-Britt Ivarsson1,Mullersdorf Maria2 1School of Health and Medical sciences, Orebro University,2School of Health, Care and Social welfare, Malardalen university

OC 2-2-4 BREAKING BREAD:COMPETENCE IN CULTURAL ASPECTS OF FOOD TO ENHANCE INTERVENTION OUTCOMES Toni Thompson1,2 1Rehabilitation Department, Shriners Hospitals for Children,2Occupational Therapy, TherapyED

511+512 Occupation 2-3:Human Occupation 1 O-10 16:00∼16:50 作業 2-3:作業 1

Chair/座長 June 20 (Fri) Hidenori Tojo Akitsukounoike Hospital(東條秀則 秋津鴻池病院) OC 2-3-1 Study on employee turnover rate for persons with disabilities in the Japanese labor market for recent ten years Nobuyoshi Fukui1,Hironobu Nakayama2,Takuya Hashimoto3 1Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Kansai University of Welfare Sciences,2Department of Physical Therapy, Kyushu Medical Sports Vocational School,3Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Osaka Health Science University

日本における障がい者の離職率−最近の 10 年間− 福井信佳1,中山広宣2,橋本卓也3 1関西福祉科学大学保健医療学部,2九州医療スポーツ専門学校理学療法学科,3大阪保健医療大学保健医療学部

OC 2-3-2 What is “occupation” for patients who have severe cognitive impairment? Momoko Okubo1,Shingo Yamane2,Hajime Shimizu3,Hideaki Hanaoka2 1Graduate School of Health Sciences, Hiroshima University,2Hiroshima University,3Emeritus of Hiroshima University

重度認知機能障害を呈する患者にとっての“作業”とは何か 大久保桃子1,山根伸吾2,清水 一3,花岡秀明2 June 21 (Sat) 1広島大学大学院保健学研究科,2広島大学,3広島大学名誉教授


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OC 2-3-3 What are the ways of working that enable continuation?:Exploring the employment needs for people with mental illness Miyuki Minato1,Kenji Yabuwaki2,Miyuki Iwata2,Tetsushi Nonaka3,Kumiko Hashimoto4 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Aichi Medical College,2Department of Occupational Therapy, Kibi International University,3Research Institute of Health and Welfare, Kibi International University,4Department of Agricultural Regional Vitalization,

ue1 (Wed) 18 June Kibi International University

どのような働き方が継続を可能にするのか−精神障害を有する人の就労ニーズを探る 港 美雪1,籔脇健司2,岩田美幸2,野中哲士3,橋本久美子4 1愛知医療学院短期大学作業療法学専攻,2吉備国際大学作業療法学科,3吉備国際大学保健福祉研究所,4吉備国際大学地域創成農学科

OC 2-3-4 Psychophysiological Significance of Drinking Green Tea in Japanese Culture Asuka Watanabe1,Wakaba Tamakuma2,Miyuki Narikane3,Ai Ohashi4,Ryohei Nishimura5 1Faculty of Human Sciences, Hokkaido Bunkyo University,2Hirosaki Stroke and Rehabilitation Center,3Kashiwaba Neurosurgical Hospital,4Chitose Houyukai Hospital,5the department of psychiatry, Makihospital

日本文化に根ざした緑茶飲用の生理心理的意義 渡辺明日香1,玉熊若葉2,成兼美幸3,大橋あい4,西村涼平5 1北海道文教大学人間科学部,2弘前脳卒中・リハビリテーションセンター,3柏葉脳神経外科病院,4千歳豊友会病院,5牧病院精神科

OC 2-3-5 ue1 Tu rlSession Oral (Thu) 19 June Around the dinner table:How food-centered occupations enact possibilities for the mediation of cultural values, traditions and identities after forced family migration Lisette Farias1 1Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Western Ontario

511+512 Occupation 2-4:Human Occupation 2 O-10 17:00∼17:50 作業 2-4:作業 2 Chair/座長 Koji Yamada Oita Oka Hospital(山田康二 大分岡病院) OC 2-4-1 Latino American mothersʼ habits and customs related to feeding their infants Tsu-Hsin Howe1,Jim Hinojosa1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Steinhardt of culture, education and human development, New York University, New York, USA

OC 2-4-2 Exploring modern perceptions of stay-at-home mothers and their occupational roles and identity:A pilot study Tomomi McAuliffe1,Barnett Fiona1,Thomas Yvonne1,Crowe Melissa1 1Occupational Therapy Dept, James Cook University ue2 (Fri) 20 June OC 2-4-3 Patient experience of boredom on a medium secure unit:findings from an exploratory study Hilary Williams1,2 1Corporate Occupational Therapy Services, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, UK.,2Health Services and Population Research, Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London, UK.

OC 2-4-4 Meaningful occupation for consumers experiencing mental illness and their carers:Perspectives of participants in a family psycho-education program Freya Coker1,Anne Williams1,Carol Harvey2,Laura Hayes2,Judy Hamann3 1La Trobe University,2The Psychosocial Research Centre,3Mind Australia

OC 2-4-5 What females with Rett syndrome like to do experiences from relatives and staff Asa-Sara Sernheim1,2,Helena Hemmingsson2,Gunilla Liedberg2,Ingegerd Witt Engerstrom1 1 2

ue2 (Sat) 21 June Jamtlands lans landsting Sweden, Rett Center, Dept. of Social and Welfare studies, Linkoping University LiU


411+412 Collaboration 2-1:Collaboration O-20 13:00∼14:20 連携 2-1:連携の強化 Chair/座長 Hideaki Shimao Nishiwaki City Hospital(嶋尾秀昭 西脇市立西脇病院) CO 2-1-1 FlightGate:- A practice development framework to support health service innovation Rebecca Shute1,Kirsty Forsyth2,Jane Melton1 12gether NHS Foundation Trust, UK,2Queen Maragret University, Edinburgh, UK


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CO 2-1-2 Mentoring Across the Miles Dianna Lunsford1,2,Emily Van Wieren3 1Occupational Therapy Department, Grand Valley State University,2Occupational Therapy Department, Hand and Plastic Surgery of Grand Rapids,3Occupational Therapy Department, Yampa Valley Medical Center

CO 2-1-3 Supporting Occupational Therapy Practice in a Rehabilitation Facility during a Time of Change Rhona Anderson1,Deborah Ann Hebert1 1Occupational Therapy, UHN, Toronto Rehab

CO 2-1-4

Advancing the Science of Rehabilitation:Translating Neuroscience and Rehabilitation into Everyday Life June 18 (Wed) Leeanne Carey1,2,Carolyn Baum3,Naomi Josman4 1Neurorehabilitation and Recovery, The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health,2Dept. Occupational Therapy, LaTrobe University,3Program in Occupational Therapy, Washington University School of Medicine,4Dept. Occupational Therapy, University of Haifa


315 Theory 2-1:Quality and Management O-20 13:00∼14:00 理論 2-1:質の保証と管理 Chair/座長 Christiane Mentrup ZHAW Shuji Kijima Nihon Fukushi University(来島修志 日本福祉大学) TH 2-1-1 Practical Report on Belief Conflicts in Multidisciplinary Care at General Ward and Dissolution Approach for Belief Conflict Mariko Yamamori1,2,Makoto Kyogoku3 1Health Science Graduate Course Master Course, Kibi International University Graduate School,2Rehabilitatio, Chigasaki-shin- hokuryou Hospital,3Graduate School of Health Science, Kibi International University

一般病棟においてチーム医療の信念対立と信念対立解明アプローチの実践報告 June 19 (Thu) Oral Session 山森真理子1,2,京極 真3 1吉備国際大学大学院保健科学研究科,2茅ヶ崎新北陵病院リハビリテーション科,3吉備国際大学保健科学研究科

TH 2-1-2 As things are now content analysis of Occupational therapy goals of Switzerland Kim Roos1,Emmanuelle Drecq-Rossini3,Claudia Galli2,4,Isabel Margot-Cattin2,Julie Page1 1Institute of occupational therapy, ZHAW Zurich university for applied sciences,2HES-SO Haute ecole specialisee de Suisse occidentale,3SUPSI Scuola universitaria della svizerra italiana, dipartimento sanita,4EVS/ASE Ergotherapie Verband Schweiz

TH 2-1-3 Cerebral Palsy Check-Up:Providing the best service at the best time:A project protocol paper Christine Imms1,Iona Novak2,Dinah Reddihough3,Nora Shields4 1School of Allied and Public Health, Australian Catholic University,2Cerebral Palsy Alliance,3Murdoch Childrens Research 4

Institute, Department of Physiotherapy, La Trobe University June 20 (Fri)


313+314 Disaster 2-1:Disaster 1 O-20 13:00∼14:00 災害 2-1:災害1 Chair/座長 Elizabeth Ann Townsend Dalhousie University Etsuko Takanohashi Iwate Rehabilitation Center(鷹觜悦子 いわてリハビリテーションセンター) DI 2-1-1 ʼCollaborative Occupationʼ and Transformation:A Theory Grounded in Experiences of Disaster Nancy Rushford1,Craig Veitch2,Kirsten Harley3 1Faculty of Health Sciences; Health Systems and Global Populations Research Group, University of Sydney Australia,2Faculty of Health Sciences; Community-Based Health Care, University of Sydney Australia,3Faculty of Health Sciences; Behavioural and Social Sciences in Health, University of Sydney Australia

DI 2-1-2 June 21 (Sat) Making Resilience a Reality Kit Sinclair1 1Ambassador, WFOT


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DI 2-1-3 Use of Occupational Activities for Community Re-Building:Report on support activity for refugees from nuclear plant accident in Fukushima Makoto Kono1,Kiyoshi Ishii2,Chihiro Tomita3,Riari Tabata4,Kaoru Ishimoto5 1Faculty of Health Sciences, Kyorin University,2Association for Aid and Relief,3Tokyo Medical University Hachioji Medical 4 5 ue1 (Wed) 18 June Center, KOSHI Rehabilitation Hospital, Asian Research Center for Social Well-being and Development, Nihon Fukushi University

作業活動を通じたコミュニティ再建−福島第一原発事故避難者支援活動報告 河野 眞1,石井清志2,冨田千尋3,田畑梨杏里4,石本 馨5 1杏林大学保健学部,2難民を助ける会,3東京医科大学八王子医療センター,4高志リハビリテーション病院,5日本福祉大学アジア福祉社会開発研究セ ンター ue1 Tu rlSession Oral (Thu) 19 June ue2 (Fri) 20 June ue2 (Sat) 21 June


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Oral Session/口述発表 June 20(Fri)

Special Session/スペシャルセッション

Main Hall/メインホール Special Session 6:Driving Assessment & Training 8:30∼10:00 スペシャルセッション 6:自動車運転評価法と訓練 Chair/座長 Rumi Tanemura Kobe University(種村留美 神戸大学) SS 6-1 Driving ability related neuropsychological tests for patients with brain disorders:Systematic review and meta-analysis Takashi Kato1,2,Shusaku Kishimoto1,Jun-ichi Inobe1,Atsushi Inagaki3 June 18 (Wed) 1Department of Rehabilitation, Inobe Hospital Rehabilitation Center,2Graduate School of Health Science, Oita University of Nursing and Health Science,3Physical Fitness and Sports Sciences Division, Oita University of Nursing and Health Science

脳損傷者の実車運転技能に関連する神経心理学的検査について−システマティックレビューとメタ分析 加藤貴志1,2,岸本周作1,井野辺純一1,稲垣 敦3 1井野辺病院 総合リハビリテーションセンターリハビリテーション部,2大分県立看護科学大学大学院博士課程後期,3大分県立看護科学大学健康運動 学研究室

SS 6-2 Standardisation of the Occupational Therapy-Drive Home Maze Test(OT-DHMT)as part of the Occupational Therapy-Driver Off Road Assessment Battery(OT-DORA) Charmaine Krishnasamy1,Carolyn Unsworth2,3 1Health Outcomes and Medical Education Research(HOMER), National Healthcare Group Pte Ltd, Singapore,2Department of Occupational Therapy, La Trobe University, Australia,3Department of Rehabilitation, Jönköping University, Sweden.

SS 6-3

Occupational therapy driver on-road testing:Evaluation of on-road test route features to improve validity and equity June 19 (Thu) Marilyn Di Stefano1,John Catchpole2,Tricia Williams3 1Department of Occupational Therapy/School of Allied Health, La Trobe University,2Safe Systems, Australian Road Research Board,3Road User Behaviour, VicRoads, Roads Corporation

SS 6-4 Interactive driving simulation as a tool for self awareness of driving competency Anne Dickerson1 1Occupational Therapy, East Carolina University

SS 6-5 On the road to safety:A naturalistic observation of the on-road performance of senior drivers in their community Isabelle Gelinas1,3,Barbara Mazer1,3,Brenda Vrkljan2,Yu-Ting Chen1,3,Kinga L. Eliasz2 1School of Physcial and Occupational Therapy, McGill University,2School of Rehabilitation Science, McMaster University,3Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation of Greater Montreal

SS 6-6 Improving outcomes of driving cessation for older people:Results from a RCT of the UQDRIVE groups Jacki Liddle1,Louise Gustafsson1,Nancy Pachana2,Geoffrey Mitchell2,Michele Haynes2 1Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, The University of Queensland,2The University of Queensland June 20 (Fri) Oral Session Main Hall/メインホール Special Session 7:IT/Assistive Devices 10:30∼12:00 スペシャルセッション 7:IT/生活支援機器 Chair/座長 Maggie Ellis London School of Economics Shinichi Watanabe Foundation for Yokohama Rehabilitation Services(渡邉愼一 横浜市総合リハビリテーションセンター) SS 7-1 A multiprofessional client-centred guide for implementing assistive technology for clients with cognitive impairments Inga-Lill Boman1,Aniko Bartfai1 1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Danderyd University Hospital, Karolinska Institutet

SS 7-2 Intervention for mild cognitive impairment in oncology practice:Using traditional and telerehabilitation strategies 1

Anne Cronin June 21 (Sat) 1Occupational Therapy, West Virginia University

SS 7-3 Technology Use and Barriers to Using Technology in Elders Lynn Gitlow1,Erica Hiesiger1,Amy Kuhl1,Michael Moyer1,Renee Silvanic1 1Occupational Therapy, Ithaca College


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SS 7-4 Does the use of assistive technology and home modification impact on occupational performance and functional independence? Julija Ocepek1,Anne E.K. Roberts2,Gaj Vidmar1 1Occupational Therapy Department and Rehabilitation Engineering, University Rehabilitation Institute Republic of Slovenia,2Faculty of

ue1 (Wed) 18 June Health, Education and Society, University of Plymouth, United Kingdom

SS 7-5 Patterns of functioning in older adults with mild cognitive impairment:A two-year study Annicka Hedman1,Louise Nygard1,Ove Almkvist2,3,Anders Kottorp1 1Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Division of Occupational Therapy, Karolinska Institutet,2Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Division of Alzheimer Neurobiology Center, Karolinska Institutet,3Department of Psychology, Stockholm University

SS 7-6 Accessibility and Cost-benefit of Assistive Technology for Persons with Psychiatric Disabilities Monica Ryden1,Elisabeth Lagerkrans1 1SIAT, Swedish Institut of Assistive Technology

Main Hall/メインホール Special Session 8:Worldwide OT Practice 16:30∼18:15 スペシャルセッション 8:世界の作業療法事情 Chair/座長 Karolinska Institute/Uppsala University ue1 (Thu) 19 June Ingrid Söderback Yoshihisa Sato Tohoku Fukushi University(佐藤善久 東北福祉大学) SS 8-1 Setting up Balay Dulaanan(Playhouse)for Children Affected by Typhoon Bopha Penefrancia Ching1,Pol Allan Leuterio2 1Department of Occupational Therapy, College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines Manila,2B.R.I.D.G.E.S.

SS 8-2 The role of occupational therapy in Early intervention services in Bulgaria Petya Mincheva1 1Department of public health and health care, University of Ruse

SS 8-3 EXPLORING EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE IN NAMIBIA - A CO-OPERATIVE INQUIRY ue2 Fi rlSession Oral (Fri) 20 June Helga Burger1,Helen Buchanan2,Lana Van Niekerk3 1Head of Department, Occupational Therapy, Windhoek Central Hospital,2Senior Lecturer School of Health and Rehabilitation, Division Occupational Therapy, University of Cape Town,3Head of Department, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Devision Occupational Thrapy, University of Stellenbosch

SS 8-4 SLOVENIAN OLDER PEOPLEʼS MEANINGFUL OCCUPATIONS AND TRANSITION INTO A CARE HOME Tanja Krizaj1,Anne E. K. Roberts1,Catherine Hennessy2 1School of Health Professions, Occupational Therapy, Plymouth University, Faculty of Health, Education and Society,2School of Nursing and Midwifery, Plymouth University, Faculty of Health, Education and Society

SS 8-5 Exploring Knowledge and Use of Occupational Therapy Theory among Clinicians in Singapore Hua Beng Lim1,Sheleen Aw1 1Occupational Therapy, School of Health Sciences(Allied Health), Nanyang Polytechnic

SS 8-6 Disability and Violence:a Narrative Inquiry into the Journey of Healing:Disability and violence:Exploring the role of occupations in the healing journeys of those who have acquired a physical imapirment through violence Mapheyeledi Motimele1 ue2 (Sat) 21 June 1Department of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences/Division of Occupational Therapy, University of Cape Town

SS 8-8 An assessment of Wheelchair accessibility of public buildings in Colombo metropolitan area(Sri Lanka) Nandana Welage1,Arunachalam Pathmeswaran2 1Health Department, School of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy,2University of Kelaniya, Faculty of Medicine


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503 Children 3-1:Children & Parents 1 O-20 8:30∼9:10 発達障害 3-1:子どもと親 1 Chair/座長 Elisabete Roldao Rehabilitation Service, Military Hospital Yuko Furuno Kitakyushu Rehabiritation Center for Children with Disabilities(古野優子 北九州市立総合療育セン ター) CH 3-1-1 Methamphetamine addiction and motherhood:Creating hope for the future Lisa Wegner1,Claudia Andrews1,Jill Evertse1,Lisa Jacobs1 1 Occupational Therapy, University of the Western Cape June 18 (Wed)

CH 3-1-2 Parental perspectives of play characteristics of typically developing boys and girls ages 3 to 9 years Eleanor Schneider1,2,Sara Rosenblum1 1Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, Dept. of Occupational Therapy, University of Haifa,2Hannah Khoushy Child Development Center, Bnai Zion Medical Center, Haifa, Israel

413 Children 3-2:Children & Parents 2 O-20 8:30∼9:30 発達障害 3-2:子どもと親 2 Chair/座長 Reinie Cordier Curtin University Yasuharu Nishide Kurashiki Central Hospital(西出康晴 倉敷中央病院) CH 3-2-1 Association between social interaction deficits and Sensory Modulation Disorders in Japanese children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Kanae Matsushima1,Toshihiro Kato1,Noriko Arai1 June 19 (Thu) 1Human Health Science, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicin

自閉症スペクトラム児における対人関係の障害と感覚調整障害の関連性 松島佳苗1,加藤寿宏1,新井紀子1 1京都大学大学院医学研究科人間健康科学系専攻

CH 3-2-2 Do participation and self-efficacy of mothers to children with ASD predict their children participation? Orit Bart1,Michal Avrech Bar1,Limor Shelef1 1Occupational Therapy, Tel Aviv University

CH 3-2-3 EFFECTS OF CAREGIVER-IMPLEMENTED HOME-BASED INTERVENTION ON LEARNING, DEVELOPMENT AND PLAY FOR HIV + CHILDREN Elelwani Ramugondo1,Pamela Gretschel1,Jessica Ferguson2,Robyn Meissner4,5,Cara-leigh Otto3 1Division of Occupational Therapy, University of Cape Town,2Groote Schuur Hospital,3Victoria Hospital,4Du Noon Community Health Clinic,5Albow-Gardens Community Clinic

503 Children 3-3:Children and Occupation 3 O-20 10:30∼11:50 発達障害 3-3:子どもと作業 3 June 20 (Fri) Oral Session Chair/座長 Nobuhisa Ito Seirei Christopher University(伊藤信寿 聖隷クリストファー大学) CH 3-3-1 The Effect of Thai Elephant-assisted Therapy Program on Autistic Personsʼ Behaviors from Perspectives of their Parents and Teachers Maethisa Pongsaksri1,Sasithorn Sung-U1,Nuntanee Satiansukpong1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Associated Medical Sciences, Chiang Mai University

CH 3-3-2 Addressing occupational deprivation experienced by children in detention through engagement in play and other family occupations Sylvia Rodger1,Emma Campbell1,2,Amanda Tuckerman3 1Division of Occupational THerapy School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, The University of Queensland,2Divsion of June 21 (Sat) Occupational THerapy School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, The University of Queensland,3Occupational Therapy Australia, Occupational Justice Special Interest Group

CH 3-3-3 From “swells” to “breaks.” Harnessing the therapeutic effects of surfing for children with special needs Ivan Neil Gomez1,2,Jenny Paguyo2,Aimee Rose Mamaril2,Ella May Karaan2 1University of Santo Tomas- College of Rehabilitation Sciences,2SJL Therapeutic Education and Management Learning Center


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CH 3-3-4 Innovating change within the community in the Middle East:Development of a vocational inclusion program for teenagers with autism or developmental delay. Maria Quirke Maria Quirke1 1Occupational Therapy, Stepping Stones Center ue1 (Wed) 18 June 503 Children 3-4:School & Community Based Services O-20 13:30∼14:30 発達障害 3-4:学校と地域の支援 Chair/座長 Yoshimi Funahashi Northern Part District Care Center for Disabled Children, Nagoya City(舟橋吉美 名古屋市北部地域 療育センター) CH 3-4-1 Comparison of Detailed Assessment of Speed of Handwriting(DASH)and Handwriting Speed Test(HST):Contributing to the evidence-base for assessment of students with handwriting difficulties Anna Grace Massey2,Margaret Wallen1,2,Anita Bundy2 1Occupational Therapy Department, The Childrenʼs Hospital at Westmead,2Discipline of Occupational Therapy, The University of Sydney

CH 3-4-2 Effects of a goal-directed intervention for children with disabilities - a randomized control trial Kristina Vroland-Nordstrand1,Ann-Christin Eliasson1,Ulla Johansson1,Lena Krumlinde-Sundholm1 1Karolinska Institutet ue1 (Thu) 19 June CH 3-4-4 Evidence based approaches for children with Developmental Coordination Disorder(DCD):EACDDCD recommendations, adaptation process for the Dutch context Jolien Houten van den1,2,Heleen A. Reinders-Messelink3,Marina M. Schoemaker4 1School of OT, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences,2member, Dutch DCD steering group,3Staffmember research, Rehabilitation Center Revalidatie Friesland,4Staffmember research, Centre for Human Movement Sciences Groningen

413 Children 3-5:Challenges for Developmental Disorders 1 O-20 13:30∼14:30 発達障害 3-5:発達障害への挑戦 1 Chair/座長 Pragashnie Naidoo UKZN Yuichi Koizumi Tasuc. Co. Ltd(小泉雄一 たすく株式会社)

ue2 Fi rlSession Oral (Fri) 20 June CH 3-5-1 The relationships between quality of life and parenting stress in caregivers of children with autism Ping-Chen Chan1,Hsui-Chen Yen2,Li-Chen Tung2,Ying-Dar Chen3,Kuan-Lin Chen1 1School of Occupational Therapy, National Cheng Kung University,2Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Chi Mei Medical Center,3Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Country Hospital

CH 3-5-3 A Study of Behavioral and Autonomic Responses in Autistic Children with Sensory Processing Difficulty Cynthia Y. Y. Lai1,Chetwyn C. H. Chan1,Jenny C. C. Chung1 1Dept. of Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

CH 3-5-4 The Impact of Autism Spectrum Disorders and Feeding Challenges on Family Mealtimes Karla Ausderau1,Malorie Juarez1 1Kinesiology Department, Occupational Therapy Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison

503 Children 3-6:Autism Spectrum Disorders 1 O-10 15:30∼16:10 発達障害 3-6:自閉症スペクトラム 1 Chair/座長 Yuko Ito Tokyo Metropolitan University(伊藤祐子 首都大学東京) ue2 (Sat) 21 June CH 3-6-1 Visual axis of individuals with autism spectrum disorder during joint attention task Nanami Shimura1,Meiko Hirashimizu1,Shinji Satake1,2,Hiromi Fujii1,2,Kazumi Hirayama1,2 1Graduate School of Health Sciences, Yamagata Prefectural University of Health Sciences,2Department of Occupational Therapy, Yamagata Prefectural University of Health Sciences

共同注意課題における自閉症スペクトラム障害者の視線 志村ななみ1,平清水明子1,佐竹真次1,2,藤井浩美1,2,平山和美1,2 1山形県立保健医療大学大学院保健医療学研究科,2山形県立保健医療大学作業療法学科


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CH 3-6-2 Investigate changes in reaction to sensory stimulus as children with autism spectrum disorders grew older Akiko Tokunaga1,Goro Tanaka1,Hideyuki Nakane1,Koji Tanaka1,Ryoichiro Iwanaga1 1Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Health Science, Nagasaki University

自閉症スペクトラム障害児者の感覚刺激に対する特異的な反応の加齢に伴う変化 徳永瑛子1,田中悟郎1,中根秀之1,田中浩二1,岩永竜一郎1 1長崎大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科

CH 3-6-3 Effects of Methylphenidate on Motor Coordination and Sensory Processing Disorders Of Children with Developmental Disorders Hisayo Kotooka1,Ryoichiro Iwanaga2,Seigo Yamada3 1 2 Rehabilitation Division, Nagasaki prefectural Juvenile Medical Welfare Center, Dentistry and Pharmacology, Graduate School of June 18 (Wed) Medicine, Nagasaki University,3Dentistry and Pharmacology, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagasaki University

発達障害児の協調運動障害及び,感覚処理障害に対するメチルフェニデートの効果に関する研究 琴岡日砂代1,岩永竜一郎2,山田聖剛3 1長崎県立こども医療福祉センターリハビリテーション科,2長崎大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科,3長崎大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科

CH 3-6-4 Sensory processing problems in Japanese individuals with autism spectrum disorder and with intellectual disabilities Ryoichiro Iwanaga1,Hiroyuki Ito2,Taro Hirashima3,Taku Hagiwara4,Masatugu Tsujii5 1Department of Health Sciences, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences,2Research Center for Child Mental Development, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine,3Graduate School of Education and Human Development, Nagoya University,4Asahikawa Campus, Hokkaido University of Education,5School of Contemporary Sociology, Chukyo University

日本の自閉症スペクトラム障害児と知的障害児の感覚処理の問題 岩永竜一郎1,伊藤大幸2,平島太郎3,萩原 拓4,辻井正次5 1長崎大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科保健学専攻,2浜松医科大学子どものこころの発達研究センター,3名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科,4北海 道教育大学旭川校,5中京大学現代社会学部

413 Children 3-7:Inter-Professional Collaboration 1 June 19 (Thu) O-10 15:30∼16:10 発達障害 3-7:職種間連携 1 Chair/座長 Chinami Ishizuki Hiroshima University(石附智奈美 広島大学) CH 3-7-1 Family 101 Handbook:Empowering families of children with special needs within a family-centered care model through interprofessional education and collaborative practice Michael Sy1,2 1Department of Occupational Therapy, University of the Philippines Manila,2Occupational Therapy Division, Multiple Intelligence International School

CH 3-7-3 Students with Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties:“TheAlert Program Collaboration Trial in Post Primary Schools in areas of Social Disadvantage in Ireland” Siobhan Mac Cobb1,Brian Fitzgerald2,Carolyn Lanigan-OʼKeeffe2 1The Discipline of Occupational Therapy, Trinity College Dublin,2The Discipline of Occupational Therapy, National Behaviour Support Service

CH 3-7-4 June 20 (Fri) Oral Session The efficacy of a collaborative consultation intervention model in enhancing participation among students with intellectual disabilities Efrat Selanikyo1,Naomi Weintraub1,Shira Yalon-Chamovitz1 1Faculty of Health Professions, Ono Academic College Israel

CH 3-7-5 Considerations of Collaboration:The best journey to adult life for youth with disabilities Natasha Durdan1,Nancy Rushford2 1InterPART and Associates, Niagara Canada,2InterPART and Associates, Niagara Canada

503 Children 3-8:Autism Spectrum Disorders 2 O-20 16:30∼17:30 発達障害 3-8:自閉症スペクトラム 2 Chair/座長

Thelma Burnett Western Australian Department of Health June 21 (Sat) Haruka Toeda Gunma University Graduate School(十枝はるか 群馬大学大学院 保健学研究科) CH 3-8-1 The contribution of parents and therapists to the childʼs assessment process Limor Rosenberg1,Orit Bart1,Navah Ratzon1,Tal Jarus2 1Occupational Therapy, Tel Aviv University,2Occupational Therapy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada


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CH 3-8-2 Predictive value of Writing Readiness Inventory Tool in Context(WRITIC) Margo Van Hartingsveldt1,Edith Cup2,Liesbeth de Vries3,Imelda de Groot2,Maria Nijhuis-van der Sanden2 1School of OT, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences,2Rehabilitation Dept., Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre,3Rehabilitation Dept., University Medical Centre Groningen, The Netherlands ue1 (Wed) 18 June CH 3-8-3 Development a Fine Motor and Executive Function Skills Assessment(FiM/EF)for Identifying the Characteristics of Fine Motor Skills in Children Aged 6-11 with Developmental Disorder Negar Miri-Lavasani1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Deakin University, School of Health and Social Development

413 Children 3-9:Challenges for Developmental Disorders 2 O-20 16:30∼17:50 発達障害 3-9:発達障害への挑戦 2 Chair/座長 Christina Schulze ZHAW Hitomi Kamisaku Bunkyo Gakuin University Faculty of Science Technology Department of Occupational Therapy (神作一実 文京学院大学 保健医療技術学部 作業療法学科) CH 3-9-1 Schoolparticipation and cognitive functioning of children with HIV in the Netherlands Stefanie E.M. van Opstal1,Harald S. Miedema1,Eric C.M. van Gorp3,Annemarie M.C. Rossum2,Pepijn D.D.M. Roelofs1 1Health Care Studies/Centre of Expertise Innovation in Care, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences,2Department of Pediatric ue1 (Thu) 19 June Infectious Diseases and Immunology, ErasmusMC-Sophia Childrenʼs Hospital,3Clinical Virology, ErasmusMC

CH 3-9-2 What are new occupational therapy strategies to support childrenʼs participation in mainstream education?:A Dutch community of learning Rianne Jansens1,Jolien van den Houten2,Eefje Kern3,Barbara Pikur4,Steffie Schmitz5 1Occupational Therapy Dept., Zuyd University,2Occupational Therapy Dept., Zuyd University,3Occupational Therapy Dept., Zuyd University,4Occupational Therapy Dept., Zuyd University,5Occupational Therapy Dept., Zuyd University

CH 3-9-3 A qualitative descriptive study:Access to information to adapted leisure activities for children with physical and intellectual disabilities Sylvie Tetreault1,Hubert Gascon1,Normand Boucher1,Garry Lessard1 1Rehabilitation Dept., CIRRIS ue2 Fi rlSession Oral (Fri) 20 June CH 3-9-4 participation among children with Physical disability and peer group in outside mandated school activities Madineh Hassani1,Afsoon Hassani Mehraban1 1Occupational Therapy Dept, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Rehabilitation

Physical Disabilities/身体障害

502 Physical Disabilities 3-1:Return to Work O-20 10:30∼11:30 身体障害 3-1:仕事への復帰 Chair/座長 Deshini Naidoo University of KwaZulu Natal Naoki Mugii Kanazawa University Hospital(麦井直樹 金沢大学附属病院) PD 3-1-1 A new tool for occupational therapists working in vocational rehabilitation:pilot testing Marie-Jose Durand1,2,Nicole Vezina3,Marie-Christine Richard2 1Ecole de readaptation, Universite de Sherbrooke,2Centre for action in work disability prevention and rehabilitation,3Departement de kinanthropologie, Universite du Quebec a Montreal ue2 (Sat) 21 June PD 3-1-2 Becoming Unemployed and Employed Again:An Early Intervention Program for People in Transition Sabine Plaehn1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Doepfer College Hamburg

PD 3-1-3 Occupational Therapists as Return-To-Work Coordinators in Singapore Siew Khoon, Heidi Tan1,Sai Ching, Doreen Yeo2,Yu Ting, Joanna Giam1,Yao Hong, Jonathan Ee1,Kay Fei Chan2 1Occupational Therapy Department, Tan Tock Seng Hospital,2Rehabilitation Centre, Tan Tock Seng Hospital


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311+312 Physical Disabilities 3-2:Occupational Therapy in Various Countries 2 O-20 10:30∼12:10 身体障害 3-2:各国の作業療法実践 2 Chair/座長 Masami Nakagawa Osaka Rosai Hospital(中川正己 大阪労災病院) PD 3-2-1 Musculoskeletal symptoms and their associations with ergonomic physical risk factors of the women engaging in regular rural household activities:a picture from a rural village in Bangladesh Monjurul Habib1,Saleh Ur Rahman1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Bangladesh Health Professions Institute(BHPI)

PD 3-2-2 A Locomotor Disability Scale for Bangladesh:development and validation Ilias Mahmud1,2,Lynda Clarke2,George Ploubidis2 June 18 (Wed) 1James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University,2Department of Population Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

PD 3-2-3 Experiences of Australian Hand Therapists in developing capacity in Bangladesh Lisa OʼBrien1,2,Alison Hardman2 1Occupational Therapy, Monash University,2Occupational Therapy, The Alfred

PD 3-2-4 Evaluation of the implementation of Occupational Therapy in Mozambique:The voices of employers and policy makers Silvia Martins1,2,Luis Curral3 1Departamento de Terapia Ocupacional, Escola Superior de Saude do Alcoitao,2UNIDE, ISCTE - IUL,3Faculdade de Psicologia Universidade de Lisboa

PD 3-2-5 ʼ Organizational norms and employees participation at work in individualistic and collectivistic cultures June 19 (Thu) Skender Redzovic1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Sor-Trondelag University College

502 Physical Disabilities 3-3:Life after Brain Damage O-20 13:30∼14:50 身体障害 3-3:脳損傷後の生活 Chair/座長 Akio Okano Chubu University(岡野昭夫 中部大学) PD 3-3-1 Coping Strategies of Latino Women Caring for a Spouse Recovering From a Stroke:A Grounded Theory Luis de Leon Arabit1 1Occupational Therapy Department, White Memorial Medical Center

PD 3-3-2 A dyadic perspective regarding participation in everyday life and life satisfaction after stroke Aileen Bergstrom1,Lena Von Koch1,2,Kerstin Tham1,Gunilla Eriksson1 1Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society/Division of Occupational Therapy, Karolinska Institutet,2Department of Clinical Neuroscience/Division of Neurology, Karolinska Institutet

PD 3-3-3 June 20 (Fri) Oral Session The effect of a chronic phase stroke outpatient`s occupational therapy Chiharu Odajima1 1Occupational Therapy Room, Fuji Onsen Hospital

慢性期片麻痺者の外来作業療法の効果 小田島千春1 1財団法人 山梨整肢更生会 富士温泉病院作業療法室

PD 3-3-4 Traumatic brain injury(TBI)and workforce involvement:a matter of evolving a life situation where the subjects could develop a higher degree of self-efficacy Annica EM. Johansson1,Tor Haugstad1,Marie M. Berg1,Ulla Johansson2,3 1Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital, Faculty Division Ulleval University Hospital, University of Oslo, Norway,2Centre for Research and Development, Uppsala University, County Council of Gavleborg, Sweden,3Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society,

Karolinska Institutet, Sweden June 21 (Sat)


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502 Physical Disabilities 3-4:Amputation & Arthritis O-10 15:30∼16:20 身体障害 3-4:切断と関節炎 Chair/座長 Junko Takeshita Kumamoto Takumadai Rehabilitation Hospital(竹下淳子 熊本託麻台リハビリテーション病院) PD 3-4-1 ue1 (Wed) 18 June The Lifestyle Management for Arthritis Programme(LMAP):long-term follow-up of a randomized controlled trial in inflammatory arthritis Alison Hammond1,Joanne Rayner2 1Occupational Therapy, University of Salford,2Rheumatology, Royal Derby Hospital

PD 3-4-2 Occupational therapy approaches for bi-lateral metacarpal hands:A case report of a patient who returned to work through a treatment plan developed based on the patientʼs desires Terufumi Iitsuka1,Sadaharu Miyamoto2,Shoji Takami3 1Faculty of Rehabilitation and Care, Seijoh University,2Rehabilitation Dept., Kansai Electric Power Company Incorporated Hospital,3Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Kansai Electric Power Company Incorporated Hospital

両側 metacarpal hand に対する作業療法−患者の希望に沿った治療方針の提案から復職に至った 1症例 飯塚照史1,宮本定治2,高見昌史3 1星城大学リハビリテーション学部,2関西電力病院リハビリテーション科,3関西電力病院形成再建外科

PD 3-4-3

ue1 (Thu) 19 June Effectiveness of Thumb Suspension Splint for CM joint arthritis Koji Nakanishi1,Shuichi Sasaki1,Kenji Onuma2 1Department of Rehabilitation, Kitasato University East Hospital,2Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Kitasato University School of Medicine

拇指 CM 関節症に対する Thumb Suspension Splint の効果 中西浩司1,佐々木秀一1,小沼賢治2 1北里大学東病院リハビリテーション部,2北里大学医学部整形外科学

PD 3-4-4 Occupational therapy for a patient with multiple severed fingers to enable playing the Shamisen Hiroyuki Ozawa1,Izumi Yosizawa1,Kensuke Taguchi1,Mitsuhito Yukawa2,Masahiro Abo3 1Department of Rehabilitation, Jikei University Hospital.,2Jikei University, Department of Orthopedics,3Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Jikei University

多数手指切断例に対する三味線演奏への復帰に向けた作業療法 1 1 1 2 3 ue2 Fi rlSession Oral (Fri) 20 June 小澤弘幸 ,吉澤いづみ ,田口健介 ,湯川充人 ,安保雅博 1東京慈恵会医科大学附属病院リハビリテーション科,2東京慈恵会医科大学整形外科学講座,3東京慈恵会医科大学リハビリテーション医学講座

PD 3-4-5 Efficacy of the Thumb Suspension Splint for carpometacarpal joint osteoarthritis Shuichi Sasaki1,Koji Nakanishi1,Kenji Onuma2 1Department of Rehabilitation, Kitasato University East Hospital,2Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Kitasato University School of Medicine

拇指 CM 関節症に対する Thumb Suspension Splint の紹介 佐々木秀一1,中西浩司1,小沼賢治2 1北里大学東病院リハビリテーション部,2北里大学医学部整形外科学

311+312 Physical Disabilities 3-5:Driving 2 O-10 15:30∼16:10 身体障害 3-5:運転 2 Chair/座長 Minoru Yoshino Shin-Kokura Hospital(吉野 実 新小倉病院) PD 3-5-1 The relation between driving ability and attention:Verification using a driving simulator Masako Fujii1,2,Hitoshi Nakashima1,Kazuaki Goshi3,Rumi Tanemura2 1 2 3 ue2 (Sat) 21 June Rehabilitation, Ibara City Hospital, Health Sciences, Kobe University Graduate School, Faculty of Information Science, Kyushu Sangyo University

運転能力と注意機能との関連−ドライビングシミュレータを用いた検証 藤井聖子1,2,中島 均1,合志和晃3,種村留美2 1井原市民病院リハビリテーション科,2神戸大学大学院保健学研究科,3九州産業大学情報科学部情報科学科

PD 3-5-2 Usefulness of computer-based testing for attentional function required to drive a car Kozo Watanabe1,Miwa Tsuji3,Yuji Higashi1,Toshiro Fujimoto2,Toshiyo Tamura4 1Rehabilitation, FujimotoGenaral Hospital,2Fujimoto Medical System,3Daigo Hospital,4Oska Electro Communication University

自動車運転技能判定のための Computer Based Testing(CBT)の有用性の検討 渡邊考蔵1,辻 美和3,東 祐二1,藤元登四郎2,田村俊世4 1藤元総合病院リハビリテーション室,2藤元メディカルシステム,3大悟病院,4大阪電気通信大学


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PD 3-5-3 Characteristics of body movement difficulties and errors in elderly dementia patients:A viewpoint of body image change Haruka Kinoshita1,2,Seiji Nishida3,Tomehichi Yamamoto4,Chinami Ishizuki5,Hideki Miyaguchi5 1Social welfare corporation Jirakufukushikai Geriatric health services facilities Pia Kannon, Hiroshima, Japan,2Health Sciences Major , Graduate School of Health Sciences, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan,3Faculty of Health and Welfare, Prefectural University of Hiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan,4Nase Tokushukai Hospital, Kagoshima, Japan,5Institute of Biomedical & Health Sciences, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan

認知症高齢者の生活上の身体の使い方の特徴−ボディイメージの視点から 木下遥1,2,西田征治3,山本留七4,石附智奈美5,宮口英樹5 1社会福祉法人慈楽福祉会介護老人保健施設ピア観音,2広島大学大学院保健学研究科博士課程後期,3県立広島大学保健福祉学部,4医療法人徳洲会名 瀬徳洲会病院,5広島大学大学院医歯薬保健学研究院

PD 3-5-4 June 18 (Wed) Convergent construct validity, predictive validity, and responsiveness of the Point Digit Span Test in patients with stroke Yi Lu1,I-Ping Hsueh1,Ching-Lin Hsieh1 1School of Occupational therapy, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University

315 Physical Disabilities 3-6:Clinical Studies 2 O-10 15:30∼16:20 身体障害 3-6:臨床研究 2 Chair/座長 Mariko Nakamura School of Health Sciences Sapporo Medical University(中村眞理子 札幌医科大学保健医療学部) PD 3-6-1 The Influence of Tissue Expander Insertion on the Outcome of Perioperative Occupational Therapy after Mastectomy for Breast Cancer Rumiko Kato1,Hisako Tajiri1,Kazuhide Tajiri1,Hideyuki Yashiro1,Akira Tanuma1 1Division of Rehabilitation Medicine, Shizuoka Cancer Center

ティッシュエキスパンダー挿入術を伴う乳房切除後の乳癌作業療法経過について 加藤るみ子1,田尻寿子1,田尻和英1,八代英之1,田沼 明1

1静岡県立静岡がんセンターリハビリテーション科 June 19 (Thu)

PD 3-6-2 Association between STEF and Barthel index in neurodegenerative disease accompanied by ataxia Hirotaka Nagumo1,3,Masaharu Maeda2,Mitsuharu Sugawara4,Mariko Hara5,Noriko Fujita1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Community Health Care, Teikyo Heisei University,2Department of Rehabilitation, International University of Health and Welfare, Graduate School,3Department of Rehabilitation, Tokyo Metropolitan Neurological Hospital,4Department of Occupational Therapy, Seishinkai Fujino-onsen Hospital,5Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Health Sciences at Fukuoka, International University of Health and Welfare

運動失調を伴う神経変性疾患の STEF と Barthel index の関連 南雲浩隆1,3,前田眞治2,菅原光晴4,原 麻理子5,藤田のり子1 1帝京平成大学地域医療学部 作業療法学科,2国際医療福祉大学大学院リハビリテーション学分野,3東京都立神経病院リハビリテーション科,4清伸 会 ふじの温泉病院リハビリテーション科,5国際医療福祉大学福岡保健医療学部 作業療法学科

PD 3-6-3 Relationship between Motor Imagery and Activities of Daily Living in Patients with Parkinsonʼs Disease Masataka Nakatsuru1,Hajime Nakanishi2,Hideki Miyaguchi3,Futoshi Wada4,Kenji Hachisuka4 1Department of Rehabilitation, University Hospital of Occupational and Environmental Health,2Department of Rehabilitation, Hiroshima University Hospital,3Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Hiroshima University,4Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Occupational and Environmental Health June 20 (Fri) Oral Session パーキンソン病患者における運動イメージ能力と日常生活活動との関係性について 中津留正剛1,中西 一2,宮口英樹3,和田 太4,蜂須賀研二4 1産業医科大学病院リハビリテーション部,2広島大学病院診療支援部リハビリテーション部門,3広島大学大学院医歯薬保健学研究院,4産業医科大学 リハビリテーション医学講座

PD 3-6-4 Influence of environmental factors to the freezing of gait in patients with Parkinsonʼs disease:Trial of conditional “Timed up and go test” Yasuomi Tomii1,Kenetu Shimizu1 1Rehabilitation Dept., Sapporo Yamanoue Hospital

環境因子がパーキソン病患者のすくみ足に与える影響−条件付き“Timed up and go test”の試み 冨居泰臣1,清水兼悦1 1札幌山の上病院リハビリテーション部 June 21 (Sat)


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PD 3-6-5 Work ability in patients with poly- and dermatomyositis:A descriptive study Malin Regardt1,2,Elisabet Welin Henriksson1,2,Jan Sandqvist3,Ingrid Lundberg1,Marie-Louise Schult4 1Department of Occupational Therapy and Department of Medicine, Rheumatology Unit, Karolinska University Hospital Solna, Sweden,2Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden,3Department of Social and Welfare 4

ue1 (Wed) 18 June Studies, Faculty of Health Sciences, Linkoping University, Norrkoping, Sweden, Department of Clinical Sciences, Danderyd Hospital, Karolinska Institutet, Danderyd, Sweden

502 Physical Disabilities 3-7:Physical Dysfunction & Occupation 2 O-20 16:30∼17:50 身体障害 3-7:身体障害と作業 2 Chair/座長 Kenichi Hanafusa Suita Municipal Hospital(花房謙一 市立吹田市民病院) PD 3-7-1 Living well with chronic pain:A grounded theory Bronwyn Thompson1 1Orthopaedic Surgery and Musculoskeletal Medicine, University of Otago

PD 3-7-2 Reconstructing the occupational self during recovery from acute non-specific low back pain:the meaning of physical activity Jenny C. King1,Frances A. Reynolds1,Lorraine H. De Souza1 1School of Health Sciences and Social Care, Brunel University, London, UK

ue1 (Thu) 19 June PD 3-7-3 Women with upper limb Repetitive Strain Injuries(RSI)and their decision making in hosuework Therma Cheung1,Lindy Clemson2,Kate OʼLoughlin2,Russell Shuttleworth3 1Occupational Therapy Department/Allied Health Division, Singapore General Hospital,2Faculty of Health Sciences, The University of Sydney,3School of Health and Social Development, Deakin University

PD 3-7-4 Helping Women with Obstetric Fistula Re-Discover Their Occupations:The Role of Occupational Therapy Campbell M. Mikush1 1Program in Occupational Therapy, Washington University in St. Louis


501 Elderly 3-1:OT for People with Dementia 2

ue2 Fi rlSession Oral (Fri) 20 June O-20 8:30∼9:50 老年期障害 3-1:認知症の OT 2 Chair/座長 Hisako Nagakura Kansai Rehabilitation College(長倉寿子 関西総合リハビリテーション専門学校) EL 3-1-1 Development, implementation and evaluation of a Social Fitness programme to improve social participation Hanneke Donkers1,2,Maud J. L. Graff1,2,4,Dinja van der Veen1,2,3,Maria Nijhuis-van der Sanden1,3,Myrra Vernooij- Dassen1,2,4 1Scientific Institute for Quality of Healthcare, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, The Netherlands,2Alzheimer Center Nijmegen, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre,3Department of Rehabilitation, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre,4Nursing Home Kalorama

EL 3-1-2 The developing of a mockup that supports meaningful activity in artificial environment:innovation through participation of people with dementia Jonas Holsbak1 1Faculty of Occupational Therapy, Metropolitan University College

EL 3-1-3 Profile of older adults with cognitive impairment in memory clinic of a tertiary hospital in India and application of newly ue2 (Sat) 21 June developed occupational therapy intervention for patients with mild to moderate dementia Prakash Kumar1,2,S.C. Tiwari2,Nand Kumar3,R. K. Tripathi2,A. B. Dey1 1Department of Geriatric Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences,2Department of Geriatric Mental Health, King Georgeʼs Medical University,3Department of Psychiatry, All India Institute of Medical Sciences

EL 3-1-4 Meeting the challenge of occupational therapy practice development in dementia care:Creating the future using the Mary Collaborative international innovation Christine Raber1,Kirsty Forsyth2,Jane Melton3 1Occupational Therapy, Shawnee State Univerity, Ohio, USA,2Occupational Therapy, Queen Margaret University, Edinbugh, Scotland,3Social Inclusion, 2gether NHS Foundation Trust


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501 Elderly 3-2:Dementia Care & Assistive Technology O-20 13:30∼14:50 老年期障害 3-2:認知症ケアと支援技術 Chair/座長 Daisuke Jinnai International University of Health and Welfare(陣内大輔 国際医療福祉大学 保健医療学部) EL 3-2-1 Assistive Technology(Welfare Technology)and Dementia Experiences from Almás House Sigrid Aketun1,Linda Stigen1,Torhild Holthe1 1Oslo municipality, Resource Centre for Geriatric Care

EL 3-2-2 Assistive Technology to Younger People with Dementia in Norway lessons learned Torhild Holthe1,Rita Jentoft2,Cathrine Arntzen2 June 18 (Wed) 1Dementia Research Dept., Ageing and Health, Norwegian Centre for Research, Education and Service Development,2Department of Health and Care Sciences, University of Tromso

EL 3-2-3 Changes in the technological landscape over time:how relevant and difficult is everyday technology for older adults with and without cognitive impairment? Camilla Malinowsky1,Louise Nygard1,Anders Kottorp1 1Division of Occupational Therapy, Karolinska Institutet

EL 3-2-4 Relationship between use of everyday technology and performing everyday activities in people with Alzheimerʼs disease or Mild Cognitive Impairment Ryd Charlotta1,Louise Nygard1,Ohman Annika1,Anders Kottorp1 1Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Division of Occupational Therapy, Karolinska Institutet

501 Elderly 3-3:OT for People with Dementia 3 O-10 15:30∼16:20 老年期障害 3-3:認知症の OT 3 June 19 (Thu) Chair/座長 Katsue Yamasaki Tonan Hospital(山﨑克枝 図南病院) EL 3-3-1 The effects of occupational therapy for behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia(BPSD)and quality of life(QOL) in demented elderly Mie Waku1,Hiroshi Nogaki2 1Occupational Therapy Dept., Yamaguchi Allied Health College,2Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine

認知症高齢者の周辺症状軽減と QOL 向上における作業療法の効果 和久美恵1,野垣 宏2 1山口コ・メディカル学院作業療法学科,2山口大学大学院医学系研究科

EL 3-3-2 Role of occupational therapy in assessment and guidance of screening for dementia Keiichi Iguchi1,Michiko Tuchiya1,Junko Imamura1,Koji Kitabayashi1 1KENWAKAI HOSPITAL

認知症の早期診断と対応における作業療法の役割 井口圭一1,土屋美千子1,今村淳子1,北林幸治1 1健和会病院 June 20 (Fri) Oral Session EL 3-3-3 Effects of an Occupational Therapy Intervention on Apathy in Nursing Home Residents with Dementia(RCT) Yvonne Treusch1,2,3,Julie Page1,Andreas Heinz2,3,Michael Rapp2,3 1Institute of Occupational Therapy, School of Health Professions,2Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Charite Campus Mitte, Berlin,3Geriatric Psychiatry Center, Psychiatric University Hospital St. Hedwig, Charite Berlin

EL 3-3-4 Non-pharmacological management of frontotemporal dementia:A review of the literature and a case study illustrates potential for intervention Claire OʼConnor1,Lindy Clemson1,Thaís Bento Lima da Silva2,John Hodges3,4,Eneida Mioshi3,4 1Ageing, Work and Health Research Unit, University of Sydney,2Behavioural and Cognitive Neurology Unit, University of São Paulo,3Frontier, Neuroscience Research Australia,4School of Medical Science, University of New South Wales

EL 3-3-5 June 21 (Sat) Practice based evidence of working with people with dementia:Occupation focused, standardised assessment - supporting accurate diagnosis Alice Moody1,Jane Melton1,Sarah Shutter1,Christine Raber2,Kirsty Forsyth3 12gether NHS Foundation Trust, Gloucester UK,2Shawnee State University, Ohio USA,3Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK


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313+314 Elderly 3-4:Activities & Participation O-10 15:30∼16:20 老年期障害 3-4:活動と参加 Chair/座長 Eiichi Oki Wajinkai Hospital(沖英一 和仁会病院) EL 3-4-1 ue1 (Wed) 18 June The Filipinosʼ Perceived Meaning of Occupational Transition towards Retirement Sally Jane Uy1,Jennifer B. Asuque1,Daniel R. Fevidal1,Sheila Marie Q. Mendoza1,Louisinne Nicofranne F. Purpura1 1DEPARTMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY, UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS, COLLEGE OF REHABILITATION SCIENCES

EL 3-4-3 Leisure activities performance among very old people in Latvia Signe Tomsone1,2,Vibeke Horstmann1,Maria Haak1 1Department of Health Sciences, Lund University,2Department of Rehabilitation, Riga Stradins University

EL 3-4-4 Understanding occupational/activity participation after stroke Tamara Tse1,2,Primrose Lentin3,Jacinta Douglas4,Leeanne Carey1,2 1Neurorehabilitation and Recovery, Stroke Division, The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health,2Department of Occupational Therapy, LaTrobe University,3Department of Occupational Therapy, Monash University,4Department of Human Communication Sciences, LaTrobe University

EL 3-4-5 ue1 (Thu) 19 June Assessments of activities in daily living relations to health outcomes in elderly persons Vibeke Horstmann1,Signe Tomsone1 1Department of health science, Lund University

411+412 Elderly 3-5:Health Promotion O-10 15:30∼16:20 老年期障害 3-5:健康増進 Chair/座長 Yoshie Shimamoto Kansaigakkenn Medical Welfare College(島本良重 関西学研医療福祉学院) EL 3-5-2 Evaluation of the Facilitative Factors for the Prevention of Cognitive Decline in a Preventive Intervention for Dementia Daisuke Kimura1,2,Tokunori Takeda1,Tomoko Ohura1,Aiko Imai1 1Faculty of Care and Rehabilitation, Seijoh University,2Graduate School of Medical Science, Kanazawa University

介護予防の一次予防事業参加者における認知機能低下の予測要因の検討 ue2 Fi rlSession Oral (Fri) 20 June 木村大介1,2,竹田徳則1,大浦智子1,今井あい子1 1星城大学リハビリテーション学部,2金沢大学大学院医薬保健学総合研究科

EL 3-5-3 Development and Validation of the Taiwanese Version of the Health Enhancement Lifestyle Profile(HELP-T) Pei-chi Su1,Wan-Yin Chen1,Ling-Hui Chang2,Hui-Fen Mao1,Eric Jengliang Hwang3 1School of Occupational Therapy, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan,2Department of Occupational Therapy, National Cheng- Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan,3Department of Occupational Therapy, California State University, Dominguez Hills, California

EL 3-5-4 Quality of life in the depressive elders at veteransʼ home in Taiwan San-Ping Wang1,2,Jer-Hao Chang1,Jung-Der Wang3,Kelly Chang2,Yun-Ling Liu4 1Institute of Allied Health Sciences, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University,2Department of Psychiatry, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taoyuan Branch,3Department of Public Health, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University,4Department of Clinical Psychology, Taoyuan Mental Hospital, Department of Health

EL 3-5-5 Health risks in community-dwelling older adults living alone:a constructivist perspective on clients, caregivers and professionals views Nicolas Kuhne1,Marianne Chappuis2,Maria Grazia Bedin2 ue2 (Sat) 21 June 1Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland,2Department of Nursing, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland

501 Elderly 3-6:OT for People with Dementia 4 O-20 16:30∼17:50 老年期障害 3-6:認知症の OT 4 Chair/座長 Masahiro Tanikawa Izu Hospital Nippon Telegraph And Telephone East Corporation(谷川正浩 NTT 東日本伊豆病院) EL 3-6-1 The predictive validity of the advanced Activities of Daily Living(a-ADL)tool in the diagnosis of mild forms of cognitive impairment, such as MCI or mild Alzheimerʼs Disease, in an older geriatric population Patricia De Vriendt1,2,Elise Cornelis1,2,3,Tony Mets1,3,Ellen Gorus1,3 1Gerontology/Frailty in Ageing Research Group(FRIA), Vrije Universiteit Brussel,2Health Care/Occupational Therapy, University College Artevelde,3Geriatrics, Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel


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EL 3-6-2 Service-related needs of older people with dementia as reported by service users and their unpaid carers Slywia Gorska1,Kirsty Forsyth1,Linda Irvine2,Susan Prior1,Jacqueline Whitehead1 1Firefly Research, Queen Margaret University Edinburgh,2NHS Lothian

EL 3-6-3 Interactive occupation and social engagement for older adults with dementia:Using the ATOSE to compare ‘occupational spaces’ Mark Morgan-Brown1,3,Gill Chard2 1SURFACE Inclusive Design Research Centre, University of Salford, UK,2Country Coordinator, AMPS UK and Ireland,3Mental Health Services for the Elderly, Cavan General Hospital, Ireland

EL 3-6-4 June 18 (Wed) Functional-cognitive assessment evaluation:The key for intervention in the elderly with cognitive decline living in the community Zilbershlag Yael1,2,Naomi Josman1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Haifa, Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences,2Geriatric array, Center District, Maccabi Healthcare Services

Community & Participation/地域・参加

301 Community & Participation 3-1:New Perspectives of OT 2 O-20 8:30∼9:50 地域・参加 3-1:OT の新たな視点 2 Chair/座長 Masayo Hama Ishikawa Prefectural Rehabilitation Center(濱 昌代 石川県リハビリテーションセンター) CP 3-1-1 The experiences of the older informal caregiver:a literature review Therese Mybeck1,Martensson Lena1,Gunilla Gosman-Hedstrom1,Synneve Dahlin-Ivanoff1,2,Gunilla Forsberg-Warleby1 1Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology at the Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden,2Universities of Lund and June 19 (Thu) Gothenburg, Sweden, Vardalinstitutet, The Swedish Institute for Health Sciences

CP 3-1-2 Community based occupational therapy in developing country:Findings from experience in Bangladesh Kaoru Ishimoto1,2 1Japan Overseas Christian Medical cooperative Service,2Asian Research Center for social Well-being and Development, Nihon Fukushi University

発展途上国における地域に根ざした作業療法−バングラデシュでの経験から 石本 馨1,2 1公益社団法人日本キリスト教海外医療協力会,2日本福祉大学アジア福祉社会開発研究センター

CP 3-1-3 Using Photovoice to Explore the Lived Experiences of Caregivers of Children with Autism:Giving Voice to Mothers from Underrepresented Groups Yeojin Choi1 1Department of Kinesiology-Occupational Science Track, University of Wisconsin-Madison

CP 3-1-4

General health status in parents with normal and cerebral palsy children June 20 (Fri) Oral Session Havaei Naser1,Mandana Rezae1,Ahmad Mohammadi1,Ali Rahmani1 1Occupational Therapy Department, Faculty of rehabilitation, Tabriz university of medical sciences, Tabriz, Iran

414+ 415 Community & Participation 3-2:Quality of Life O-20 8:30∼9:50 地域・参加 3-2:生活の質 Chair/座長 Masaji Kinjo Department of Occupational Therapy. Akita University Graduate School of Health Sciences (金城正治 秋田大学大学院医学系研究科保健学専攻作業療法学講座) CP 3-2-1 The Qu.E.S.T.(Quality of Experience Spending Time):IdentifyingContent for a Self-Report Assessment Steve Park1,Lindy Clemson2,Anita Bundy2 1School of Occupational Therapy, Pacific University,2Discipline of Occupational Therapy, University of Sydney

CP 3-2-2 June 21 (Sat) Living the good, short life Dikaios Sakellariou1 1School of Healthcare Studies, Cardiff University


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CP 3-2-3 Migration, Adaptation and Integration:A Sensory Perspective Antoine Bailliard1 1Department of Allied Health, Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

CP 3-2-4 ue1 (Wed) 18 June The dynamic relationship between daily activities, home environment, and identity when living with advanced cancer Jesper Maersk1,Karen la Cour2 1The Faculty of Health Sciences, The University of Southern Denmark,2The Faculty of Health Sciences, The University of Southern Denmark

301 Community & Participation 3-3:New Intervention Techniques O-20 10:30∼12:20 地域・参加 3-3:新たな介入手法 Chair/座長 Junko Miyauchi Pearento(Welfare Institute for Elderly people)(宮内順子 介護老人保健施設ぺあれんと) CP 3-3-1 Design and management features of everyday technology that challenge older adults with or without cognitive impairment Ann-Helen Patomella1,Louise Nygard1,Anders Kottorp1 1Occupational Therapy, Karolinska Institutet, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society

CP 3-3-2 The development of the Activity Card Sort - United Kingdom(ACS-UK):Contentvalidity, item generation and selection ue1 (Thu) 19 June Alison Laver-Fawcett1,Sarah Mallinson1 1Faculty of Health and Life Sciences/Occupational Therapy, Research Centre for Occupation and Mental Health(RCOMH),York St John University

CP 3-3-3 Implementation of The Dutch version of the Activity Card Sort(ACS-NL):sharingexperiences in practice, education and research Soemitro Poerbodipoero1,2,Fenna Van Nes2,Annemieke Jong3,Margo Van Hartingsveldt1,2 1School of Occupational Therapy, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands,2Research Group Occupational Therapy, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands,3Occupational Therapy, Slotervaart Ziekenhuis Amsterdam, Netherlands

CP 3-3-4 The use of The Kohlman Evaluation of Living Skills in Slovenia 1 ue2 Fi rlSession Oral (Fri) 20 June Alenka Plemelj 1Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Ljubljana , Faculty of Health Sciences

CP 3-3-5 Vocational Evaluation, Guidance, and Support for Young Adults with History of Drug Addictions Manfred Fung1,Andrew Siu1 1Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

414+415 Community & Participation 3-4:Driving 1 O-20 10:30∼12:10 地域・参加 3-4:運転 1 Chair/座長 Yukie Hasegawa Kanazawa Red Cross Hospital(長谷川幸恵 金沢赤十字病院) CP 3-4-1 Efficacy of a computer training intervention for novice drivers with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder:randomized controlled trial Christopher Bruce1,Carolyn Unsworth1,Richard Tay2 1Faculty of Health Sciences, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia,2Faculty of Business, Economics and Law, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia

CP 3-4-2 ue2 (Sat) 21 June Development of the Driver Retirement Program(DRP)for Older Taxi Drivers in Singapore Mei Leng Chan1,Louise Gustafsson2,Jacki Liddle3 1Occupational Therapy, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore,2Occupational Therapy, University of Queensland,3UQ Centre for Clinical Research, University of Queensland

CP 3-4-3 An international study to determine how expert driver assessors use information to make fitness-to-drive recommendations for older and/or disabled clients Priscilla Ann Harries1,Carolyn Unsworth2,3 1Division of Occupational Therapy, Brunel University,2Department of Occupational Therapy, La Trobe University,3Department of Rehabilitation, Jonkoping University


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CP 3-4-4 Transferring the client over to the drivers seat Maria Ranner1,Lena Von Koch1,Susanne Guidetti1,Kerstin Tham1 1Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society/Division of Occupational Therapy, Karolinska Institutet

CP 3-4-5 Fitness-to-drive following stroke:Client performance on the OT-DORA Battery(Occupational Therapy Driver Off-Road Assessment Battery)and on-road driving test Carolyn Unsworth1,2,Siew-Pang Chan1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, La Trobe University,2Department of Rehabilitation, Jonkoping University

301 Community & Participation 3-5:Inclusive Intervention in the Community 4 O-20 13:30∼14:50 地域・参加 3-5:地域における包括的介入 4 June 18 (Wed) Chair/座長 Takeshi Kawashima Takatori Clinic Daycare Center(川嶋猛高取内科医院通所リハビリテーション) CP 3-5-1 OARS:A Quality of Life Framework for Developing and Evaluating Older Adult Day Service Programs Patricia Schaber1 1Program in Occupational Therapy, University of Minnesota

CP 3-5-2 Supporting activity engagement by family carers at home:enhancing sense of self and personhood Pat Chung1 1Occupational Therapy Pathway, Allied Health Professions, Faculity of Health and Social Care

CP 3-5-3 CarFit:Lessons on international collaborations to enhance community engagement and to promote public safety and injury prevention initiatives 1 2 3

Elin Schold Davis ,Janet M. Craik ,Erica B. Stern June 19 (Thu) 1Older Driver Initiative, American Occupational Therapy Association,2Director of Professional Practice, Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists,3Program in Occupational Therapy, University of Minnesota

CP 3-5-4 The impact of UQDRIVE groups for older people on personal transport and lifestyle issues after driving cessation Louise Gustafsson1,Jacki Liddle1,Phyllis Liang1,Melanie Hoyle1,Tammy Aplin1 1School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, The University of Queensland

301 Community & Participation 3-6:Clinical Studies 3 O-10 15:30∼16:20 地域・参加 3-6:臨床研究 3 Chair/座長 Kazuo Kariyama Bukkyo University(苅山和生 佛教大学) CP 3-6-1 Evaluation of Activities during Hospitalization and a Week Later from Discharge in Patients with Cerebrovascular Disease using a Wearable Activities Monitoring System Together with Life-Space Assessment Sayaka Taniguchi1,2,Kosuke Motoi3,Yuji Higashi1,Toshiro Fujimoto4,Ken-ichi Yamakoshi5 1Fujimoto General Hospital,2Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University ,3Graduate School of Science and Technology, Hirosaki University ,4Fujimoto Medical System,5College of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University

ウェアラブル活動計測システムと LSA を併用した入院中及び退院 1 週間後の脳血管障害者の活動性評価 June 20 (Fri) Oral Session 谷口早弥香1,2,本井幸介3,東 祐二1,藤元登四郎4,山越憲一5 1藤元総合病院,2金沢大学大学院 自然科学研究科,3弘前大学大学院 理工学研究科,4藤元メディカルシステム,5金沢大学 理工研究域

CP 3-6-2 The association between the decline of cognitive function and ability of ADL in elderly cancer patients Emi Miki1,Hitoshi Okamura1 1Graduate School of Biomedical & Health Sciences, Hiroshima University

高齢がん患者の認知機能と日常生活活動能力との関連 三木恵美1,岡村 仁1 1広島大学大学院医歯薬保健学研究院

CP 3-6-3 Correlation among phonemic fluency, life independency, and intentionality Madoca Yamashita1,Akira Tahara2,Yasuhiro Takeuchi1,Rumi Tanemura3 June 21 (Sat) 1Rehabilitation Dept., Asakayama general hospital,2physician, Asakayama general hospital,3Graduate school of Health Sciences, Kobe University

Phonemic Fluency と生活自立度・志向性の関連性について 山下円香1,田原 旭2,武内康浩1,種村留美3 1公益財団法人 総合病院 浅香山病院リハビリテーション室,2公益財団法人 総合病院 浅香山病院内科,3神戸大学大学院保健学研究科リハビリ テーション科学領域


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CP 3-6-4 Drawing on their Wisdom:The Experiences of Peer Leaders in a Driving Cessation Program Xinyu Liu1,Louise Gustafsson1,Tammy Aplin1,Jacki Liddle2 1School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, The University of Queensland,2UQ Centre for Clinical Research, Asia-Pacific Centre for Neuromodulation ue1 (Wed) 18 June CP 3-6-5 Study of the factors impacting leaving hospital and returning home Keita Yamashina1,Fumio Tsutsumi2 1Rehabilitaition department, Saiseikai Karatsu Hospital,2Physical theapy departoment, Kyusyu Nutrition Welfare University

自宅への退院に影響する因子についての検討 山科啓太1,堤文生2 1済生会 唐津病院リハビリテーション科,2九州栄養福祉大学理学療法科

301 Community & Participation 3-7:Health Promotion 3 O-20 16:30∼17:30 地域・参加 3-7:ヘルスプロモーション 3 Chair/座長 Satoshi Kondo Prefectural University of Hiroshima Faculty of Health and Welfare(近藤 敏 県立広島大学保健福祉 学部) CP 3-7-1 Occupational therapy with remote First Australian communities a population health approach Jodie Booth1,Alison Nelson2 ue1 (Thu) 19 June 1Deadly Ears - Statewide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ear and Hearing Health Program, Queensland Health,2Workforce Development and Allied Health, Institute for Urban Indigenous Health

CP 3-7-3 Involving communities and populations in health:Broadening perspectives on occupation and participation Nerida Hyett1,Amanda Kenny1,Virginia Dickson-Swift1,Carol McKinstry1 1La Trobe Rural Health School, La Trobe University

CP 3-7-4 A comparison of occupational therapy and biomedical approaches to address the obesity epidemic in Malaysia Ter Fu Teoh1,Jou Yin Teoh2 1School of occupational therapy, Ministry of Health College Malaysia,2Research and development, LPC Lab Sdn. Bhd.

414+415 Community & Participation 3-8:Participation of People with Intellectual Disabilities O-20 ue2 Fi rlSession Oral (Fri) 20 June 16:30∼17:10 地域・参加 3-8:知的障害者の参加 Chair/座長 Nerida Hyett La Trobe University Miyuki Ohmaru Kyushu Nutrition Welfare University(大丸 幸 九州栄養福祉大学) CP 3-8-2 Productivity as a Route to Inclusion for People with Intellectual Disabilities:Philosophy and Practice Rosemary Lysaght1,Jami Petner-Arrey2,Angela Howell-Moneta3 1School of Rehabilitation, Queenʼs University,2Department of Community Health and Epidemiology, Queenʼs University,3Department of Psychology, Queenʼs University

CP 3-8-4 Clear and simple:Cognitive accessibility for people with intellectual disabilities Shira Yalon-Chamovitz1,2,Michal Tene-Rinde1,2,Sharona Doolman2,Sigal Uziel-Karl2 1Occupational Therapy Department, Ono Academic College,2Health and Medical Professions Research Institute, Ono Academic College

Mental Health/精神障害

302 Mental Health 3-1:Occupational Performance & Mental Disabilities ue2 (Sat) 21 June O-20 8:30∼9:50 精神障害 3-1:作業遂行と精神障害 Chair/座長 Tadayoshi Watanabe Asaka Hospital(渡邉忠義 医療法人安積保養園附属あさかホスピタル) MH 3-1-1 Association of depression and stressors in work and housework of women Aiko Hoshino1,2,Kunifumi Suzuki1,Mami Suwa2 1Graduate school of medicine, Nagoya University,2Graduate school of Medical Welfare, Aichi Syukutoku University

就労女性の賃金労働・賃金労働におけるストレス要因とうつ病との関連 星野藍子1,2,鈴木國文1,諏訪真美2 1名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科,2愛知淑徳大学大学院医療福祉研究科


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MH 3-1-2 Effect of Depression on Functional Recovery - a correlational Study Akanda Zahir1 1Occupational Therapy Department, CRP Medical Institute BHPI under University of Dhaka

MH 3-1-3 Comparison of Perceptual and Cognitive Functions among Thai Individuals with Mental Disorders and Healthy Adults using Thai-Cognitive Perceptual Test Saifon Bunyachatakul1,Sineenart Boonmee2,Anucha Kumpasung3 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Associated Medical Sciences, Chiang Mai University,2Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Associated Medical Sciences, Chiang Mai University,3Rehabilitation unit, Somdejprajaotaksinmaharaj Hospital

MH 3-1-4 June 18 (Wed) The development of the Self Assessment of Occupational Ability, a tool to measure occupation as a medium in therapy among persons with mental disability Ann-Britt Ivarsson1,Marianne Carlsson2,Helena Lindstedt3 1School of Health and Medical sciences, Orebro University,2Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences; Caring Sciences, Uppsala University,3Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences; Caring Sciences, Uppsala University

501 Mental Health 3-2:OT in Mental Health 4 O-20 10:30∼12:20 精神障害 3-2:精神保健と作業療法 4 Chair/座長 Akinobu Hiraga School of Nanao International Medical and Welfare College(平賀昭信 国際医療福祉専門学校七尾校) MH 3-2-2 Experiences of how vocational rehabilitation can be health promoting for inpatients in a psychiatric ward Cecilia Celo1 1Psychiatric Dept., Oslo University Hospital HF

MH 3-2-3 June 19 (Thu) What makes occupational engagement meaningful for people as they recover from serious mental illness? Nicola Hancock1,Anita Bundy1,Anne Honey1 1Faculty of Health Science, The University of Sydney

MH 3-2-4 Exploring occupational participation in veterans who have experienced homelessness in the UK Samantha Shann1,Hollie Richardson2,Julie Lowe1 1Northumbria University, UK,2Northumberland, Tyne and Wear Foundation Trust, UK

MH 3-2-5 Illness experience of persons with schizophrenia:a phenomenological study Ramona Mieze1,Inese Stars2,Anita Villerusa1,Janis Urtans3 1Faculty of Public Health, Riga Stradins University,2Department of Public Health and Epidemiology, Riga Stradins University,3Society Light Beam

302 Mental Health 3-3:Mental Health and Occupation 1 O-20 10:30∼12:10 精神障害 3-3:精神保健と作業の活用 1 Chair/座長 Allison Cox Alfred Health Yoshinori Inage Tohoku Fukushi University Sendan Hospital(稲毛義憲 東北福祉大学せんだんホスピタル) June 20 (Fri) Oral Session MH 3-3-1 A survey on fractures of inpatients with schizophrenia in a psychiatric hospital Takashi Nakai1,Yukie Tabata2,Sadaaki Oki2,Koichiro Fujimaki2,Toshihide Harada2 1Graduate School of Comprehensive Scientific Research, Prefectural University of Hiroshima,2Faculty of Health and Welfare, Prefectural University of Hiroshima

統合失調症入院患者の骨折に関わる要因の調査 中井隆志1,田端幸枝2,沖貞明2,藤巻康一郎2,原田俊英2 1県立広島大学大学院総合学術研究科,2県立広島大学保健福祉学部

MH 3-3-2 Problems of occupational motivation in people with severe mental illness:What do occupational therapists do? Ginette Aubin1

1Ergotherapie, Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres June 21 (Sat)


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MH 3-3-3 Everyday Memory Impairments in Schizophrenia Ting-Hui Lee1,Pei-Luen Tsai2,Keh-Chung Lin3,Yi-Hsuan Tu4 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Tainan Hospital; National Cheng Kung University,2Department of Occupational Therapy, National Cheng Kung University,3Department of Occupational Therapy, National Taiwan University,4Department of Statistics,

ue1 (Wed) 18 June National Cheng Kung University

MH 3-3-4 ‘Have Your Say’:measuring the recovery orientation of mental health inpatient services from a service user perspective Jenny Kirkwood1,Scott Mandy1,Michelle Harrison2,Kirsty Forsyth2,Joanna Bredski1 1NHS Lothian,2Firefly Research, Queen Margaret Universtiy

MH 3-3-5 Influence of playing in women diagnosed with depression attending a health center in southern Chile. Rediscovering their lives through the Kawa Model Daniela Olivares1,Viviana Torres1,Carolina Miranda1,Daniela Castro2 1Instituto de Aparato Locomotor y Rehabilitacion, Universidad Austral de Chile,2Institutionen for Neurovetenskap och Fysiologi/ Arbetsterapi(Institute for Neuroscience and Phisiology/Occupational Therapy), Goteborgs Universitet, Sahlgrenska Akademin, Sweden(University of Gothenburg/The Sahlgrenska Academy)

413 Mental Health 3-4:OT in Mental Health 5 O-20 10:30∼11:10 精神障害 3-4:精神保健と作業療法 5 Chair/座長 ue1 (Thu) 19 June Shinobu Ichida Ujioubaku Hospital(市田 忍 宇治おうばく病院) MH 3-4-1 Development and evaluation of the text used to teach PC skills as a support measure of social rehabilitation for persons with schizophrenia Kaede Morimoto1,Kayano Yotsumoto1,Takeshi Hashimoto1 1Division of Neurology and Psychiatry, Department of Rehabilitation Science, Kobe University Graduate School of Health Sciences

統合失調症者に向けた社会復帰支援策としての PC 学習テキスト開発と評価 森本かえで1,四本かやの1,橋本健志1 1神戸大学大学院保健学研究科リハビリテーション科学領域 脳機能・精神障害学分野

MH 3-4-4 Work Ability before and after Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - using the Worker Role Interview as Outcome Measure Elin Ekbladh1,Birgitta Hansson1 ue2 Fi rlSession Oral (Fri) 20 June 1Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Linkoping University, Sweden

302 Mental Health 3-5:Life & Participation O-20 13:30∼14:30 精神障害 3-5:生活と参加 Chair/座長 Makiko Tatematsu Hinaga General Center for Mental Care(立松麻記子 総合心療センターひなが) MH 3-5-1 The development and pilot testing of a recovery education program for inpatient mental health providers Shu-Ping Chen1,2,Terry Krupa2 1Department of Community Health and Epidemiology, Queenʼs University,2School of Rehabilitation Therapy, Queenʼs University

MH 3-5-2 Factors Associated with Approval and Rejection of Disability Pension Applications in Namibia:Opportunities to Raise the Occupational Therapy Profile in a Non-traditional Practice Setting Tongai F. Chichaya1 1Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Division, Ministry of Health and Social Services, Namibia

MH 3-5-4 Preventing disease by improving lifestyle habits! - An example of an occupational therapy approach to a national strategy ue2 (Sat) 21 June Carita Nygren1 1The Swedish Association of Occupational Therapists


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302 Mental Health 3-6:Community & Mental Health 1 O-10 15:30∼16:20 精神障害 3-6:地域と精神保健 1 Chair/座長 Kazuya Sakai Seijoh University(坂井一也 星城大学) MH 3-6-1 Factors to recovery in people with mental illness in community setting:On the basis of occupational performance and number of meaningful activities Eri Suganuma1,Naohito Shingu2 1Peer Clinic,2Graduate Course of Rehabilitation Science, Seirei Christopher University

地域に暮らす精神疾患を有する人におけるリカバリー−作業遂行と重要活動項目数との関連 菅沼映里1,新宮尚人2 1 2

ぴあクリニック, 聖隷クリストファー大学大学院リハビリテーション科学研究科 June 18 (Wed)

MH 3-6-2 Exploratory Study of Social Participation in Occupational Therapy Groups Mary Donohue1 1Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, Taylor and Francis Publisher

MH 3-6-3 Make-a-Box-Test Battery applicability for assessment of potential employability of psychiatric day-care clients Rumiko Arai1,Noriko Tomioka2,Michiko Kuribayashi3,Megumi Sugimura1,Yusuke Inagaki1 1Nagano Prefectural Mental Wellness Center-Komagane,2Shinshu University Professor Emeritus,3Nagano Rehabilitation College

就労支援時の参照指標としての箱づくり法の活用について 荒井留美子1,冨岡詔子2,栗林美智子3,杉村めぐみ1,稲垣佑輔1 1長野県立こころの医療センター駒ケ根,2信州大学名誉教授,3長野医療技術専門学校

MH 3-6-4 Efficacy of the NEW-R Weight Loss Curriculum for People with Serious Mental Illness Halley Read1,Morgan Stanton1,Catana Brown1,Mary Naylor1 June 19 (Thu) 1College of Health Sciences, Occupational Therapy Program, Midwestern University, Glendale, AZ

302 Mental Health 3-7:Community & Mental Health 2 O-20 16:30∼17:30 精神障害 3-7:地域と精神保健 2 Chair/座長 Nobutaka Kitayama Tamano Institute of Health and Human Services(北山順崇 玉野総合医療専門学校) MH 3-7-1 The importance of “a working purpose” in the occupational support of depression:A case that shows how “a working purpose” succeeded in the improvement of the work performance of individuals with depression Toshiko Okamoto1,2,Yuko Yamamura1,2,Hidehiko Kanayama2,3,Akihiro Okamoto2,3 1Assised Living Dept., Reinan Hospital,2Short Care, Haginomi Stress Care Clinic,3Medical Office, Reinan Hospital

うつ病の職業支援における「仕事をする目的」の重要性−仕事をする目的の転換がパフォーマンスの改善に奏功した一例 岡本利子1,2,山村祐子1,2,金山秀彦2,3,岡本章宏2,3 1嶺南病院生活支援部,2萩の実ストレスケアクリニックショートケア,3嶺南病院医局

MH 3-7-2 Recovery from a mental illness:The Springboard Program Ina Stavril1 June 20 (Fri) Oral Session 1Monash Health - Melbourne, Australia, Adult Acute Inpatient Unit - Monash Medical Centre

MH 3-7-3 Time-utility trends of Supported Employment Services for people with mental disability in South Africa:towards determining cost Madri Engelbrecht1,Lana Van Niekerk1,Zelda Coetzee1,Zerina Hajwani2,Santie Terreblanche3 1Occupational Therapy, University of Stellenbosch,2Occupational Therapy, University of Cape Town,3Occupational Therapy, Cape Mental Health Society


303 Education 3-1:Globalization O-20 8:30∼9:50 教育 3-1:国際化

Chair/座長 June 21 (Sat) Naoko Uehara Yic Rehabilitation College(上原奈緒子 YIC リハビリテーション大学校) ED 3-1-1 Using online technology to help students learn about their global profession Rebecca Aldrich1 1Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, Saint Louis University


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ED 3-1-2 Occupational performance in an international context. Mieke le Granse Zuyd University:You cannot discover a new horizon, when you donʼt take the risk to lose sight of the shore.(Einstein, 1879 1955) Mieke le Granse1 1dept. of occupational therapy, University Zuyd ue1 (Wed) 18 June ED 3-1-3 Enhancing Global and Inter-Professional Education through International Partnerships:A Virtual and Collaborative Learning Environment Between USA and China Darlene Perez-Brown1 1Occupational Therapy, Winston Salem State University

ED 3-1-4 Targeting the Globe:Internationalization in occupational therapy education Lorie Shimmell1,Susan Baptiste1 1School of Rehabilitation, Hamilton, Canada, McMaster University

416+417 Education 3-2:Entry Level OT Education - Masters and Doctorate O-20 8:30∼9:30 教育 3-2:大学院での OT 養成教育 Chair/座長 Motoko Sugihara Graduate School of International University of Health and Welfare(杉原素子 国際医療福祉大学大学院) ED 3-2-1 ue1 (Thu) 19 June The first year of practice following graduation from an Australian Graduate Entry Masterʼs program:Five years of follow-up survey findings Lynette Mackenzie1 1Discipline of Occupational Therapy, University of Sydney

ED 3-2-2 It said what it did on the tin:Exploring the graduatesʼ perspectives of the Graduate Entry Masters Occupational Therapy programme, Ireland Elizabeth Anne McKay1,Roisin Fouhy2 1Occupational Therapy, Brunel University, London, UK,2Limerick, Ireland, Primary Health Care Team

ED 3-2-3 Doctoral Entry into the Profession:Whatʼs Happening in the United States of America and What Are the International Implications? ue2 Fi rlSession Oral (Fri) 20 June Joe Wells1,Jeffrey Crabtree2 1AmeriCare Home Health Group,2Department of Occupational Therapy, Indiana University

303 Education 3-3:Education and Collaboration O-20 10:30∼11:50 教育 3-3:教育と連携 Chair/座長 Hiroko Ohkawa Hokkaido Bunkyo University(大川浩子 北海道文教大学) ED 3-3-1 Occupational Engagement of Elders in an Interprofessional Education Experience Karen Sames1 1Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, St. Catherine University

ED 3-3-2 A Model of Interprofessional education/practice:The Center for Life Skills Melinda Cozzolino1,Catherine Gooch1 1Occupational Therapy, Ithaca College

ED 3-3-3 Development of an inter-professional knowledge translation project on elder abuse ue2 (Sat) 21 June Alison Douglas1,2,Janet M. Craik1 1Inter-professional Elder Abuse Project, Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists,2Seniorʼs Mental Health, St Josephʼs Healthcare Hamilton

ED 3-3-4 An exploration of the needs and concerns of students and graduates with disabilities as they transition from higher education into employment Clodagh Nolan1,Orla Sullivan2,Declan Treanor3 1Discipline of Occupational Therapy, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland,2Unilink, Disability Service, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.,3Disability Service, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland


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ED 3-3-5 Occupational Engagement of Elders in an Interprofessional Education Experience Karen Sames1 1Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, St. Catherine University

416+417 Education 3-4:Methodology of Education 2 O-20 10:30∼11:50 教育 3-4:教育方法2 Chair/座長 Isabel Margot-Cattin University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland Ryuichi Hasegawa Chubu University(長谷川龍一 中部大学) ED 3-4-2 Volunteering:Doing freely to learn differently! June 18 (Wed) Hanske Flieringa1,Pam Gretschel1 1Dept of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Division of Occupational Therapy, University of Cape Town, South Africa

ED 3-4-3 Design for all - a challange for Occupational Therapy students Jane Holstein1,Anette Kjellberg1 1Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Linkoping University

ED 3-4-4 Interdisciplinary Seminar on Universal Design Rigmor Leknes1,Karin Hoyland2 1Health and Social Work, Sor-Trondelag University College,2Faculty of Architecture, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

ED 3-4-5 Studentsʼ negotiation of practice education in Occupational Therapy:A case study Matumo Ramafikeng1,Rochelle Kapp2,Elelwani Ramugondo3 1 2

Occupational Therapy Division, University of Cape Town, Centre of Higher Education Development(CHED), University of Cape June 19 (Thu) Town,3Occupational Therapy Division, University of Cape Town

303 Education 3-5:Developments in OT Education 3 O-20 13:30∼14:50 教育 3-5:OT 教育の発展 3 Chair/座長 Yasushi Fukuda Ehime Juzen School of Allied Medical Professions(福田 靖 愛媛十全医療学院) ED 3-5-1 Developing Strong and Confident Occupational Therapists:Experiences in offering elective subjects and summer courses as a way of enhancing professional proficiency and research competence Anette E. Larsen1 1Dept. of Occupational Therapy, Metropolitan University College

ED 3-5-2 Study Strategies Used by Occupational Therapy Students in Entry-Level Programs Sonia Lawson1 1Department of Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science, Towson University

ED 3-5-3

Occupation and Performance Analysis:A conceptual framework for teaching students and measuring outcome June 20 (Fri) Oral Session Judy Ranka1 1Discipline of Occupational Therapy, University of Sydney

ED 3-5-4 The Political Construction of Occupational Therapy:A critical analysis of curriculum as discourse Tania Van der Merwe1,Andre Keet2,Elelwani Ramugondo3 1Occupational Therapy, University of the Free State,2Institute for Reconciliation and Social Justice, University of the Free State,3Occupational Therapy, University of Cape Town

416+417 Education 3-6:Masters & Doctorate Programs O-20 13:30∼14:30 教育 3-6:大学院課程 Chair/座長 Kirk Reed Auckland University of Technology

Kazuaki Iokawa Tohoku Fukushi University(五百川和明 東北福祉大学) June 21 (Sat) ED 3-6-1 Evaluation of one-year occupational therapy degree course in Singapore Sok Mui Lim1,2,Tadhg Stapleton2,Mei Leng Chan3,Deirdre Connolly2 1Singapore Institute of Technology,2Trinity College Dublin,3Tan Tock Seng Hospital


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ED 3-6-2 Contemporary issues and social occupational therapy:research production Ana Paula Malfitano1,Roseli Lopes1 1Occupational Therapy Department, Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos

ED 3-6-3 ue1 (Wed) 18 June The Lived Experience of Disability:Research on Client Mentorship in Occupational Therapy Education Anne OʼRiordan1,Meagan Troop2,Jeanette Parsons1,Catherine Donnelly1,Margaret Jamieson1 1Occupational Therapy Program, Queenʼs University,2Faculty of Education, Queenʼs U.

303 Education 3-7:Fieldwork Education 3 O-10 15:30∼16:10 教育 3-7:臨床教育3 Chair/座長 Kazuhiko Misaki Saiseikai Otaru Hospital(三崎一彦 済生会小樽病院) ED 3-7-1 The development of occupational therapy clinical academic career pathways Charlotte Brooks1,2,Jo Adams1,Claire Ballinger1,3 1Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southampton,2Community occupational therapy team, Solent NHS Trust,3Southampton General Hospital, Rsearch Design Service South Central

ED 3-7-2 Development of a competency framework for entry-level occupational therapists working in an acute hospital setting ue1 (Thu) 19 June Leila Nasron1,Patrick Ker1,Anna Tan1 1Occupational Therapy Dept, Singapore General Hospital

ED 3-7-5 Professionalization path:an innovative curriculum approach focusing on competencies combinations and reflectivity to prepare OT students for future challenging practice Melanie Couture1,Annick Bourget1,Carmen Moliner1,Louisette Mercier1 1Faculty of Medicine and health sciences, School of rehabilitation, Universite de Sherbrooke

303 Education 3-8:Sociocultural Factors and Education O-20 16:30∼17:50 教育 3-8:社会文化要因と教育 Chair/座長 Kenji Kamijou Nishikyushu University(上城憲司 西九州大学) ED 3-8-1 ue2 Fi rlSession Oral (Fri) 20 June The impact of socio-cultural context on student learning:A comparison study Kate Barrett1,Jyothi Gupta1,Esther Kostopoulos1,Stephanie Meyer1 1Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, St. Catherine University

ED 3-8-2 Engaging the Practice-scholar Role:Educational Evolution of the Role since WFOT Sweden:Innovative Instructional Strategies and Outcomes Patricia Crist1,Anne Marie Witchger Hansen1 1Occupational Therapy, Duquesne University

ED 3-8-3 Professional adaptation and transformation issues faced by internationally-educated occupational therapists:implications for a bridging program Guylaine Dufour1,2,Paulette Guitard3,Sylvie Janelle1 1Ordre des ergotherapeutes du Quebec,2Universite de Sherbrooke,3Universite dʼOttawa

ED 3-8-4 Learning through cross cultural partnerships Susan Gilbert Hunt1,Kerry Thomas1,2,Susie Owens1 ue2 (Sat) 21 June 1School of Health Sciences, University of South Australia,2interPART-International Partners in Action, Research and Training

416+417 Education 3-9:OT Education in the World 2 O-20 16:30∼17:30 教育 3-9:各国の OT 教育2 Chair/座長 Jumpei Oba Kobe Gakuin University(大庭潤平 神戸学院大学) ED 3-9-1 Innovations, Challenges and Collaboration for Building OT Education in Malawi Alice Shipman1,Dorothy Chinguo2,Titi Mwanjabe1,Susan Coppola3,Erin Sanborn4 1Occupational Therapy Department, Sandi Rehabilitation Assessment and Therapy Centre, Malawi,2Occupational Therapy Department, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Blantyre, Malawi,3Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,4Occupational Therapy Department, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis


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ED 3-9-3 The Hobb-OT, - An Unexpected Journey:Santiago 2010 to Japan 2014,anOTʼs journey around the world of Occupationally Therapy Dan Johnson1 1Cultural Development and Practice, Independent Occupational Therapist

ED 3-9-4 A new profession for Mongolia - Occupational Therapy Christiane Mentrup1,Anja Christopher2 1Institute for Occupational Therapy, Zurich University of Applied Sciences,2Institute for Occupational Therapy, Zurich University of Applied Sciences

Research & EBP/研究・EBP June 18 (Wed)

304 Research & EBP 3-1:Daily Life and Activities O-20 8:30∼9:50 研究・EBP 3-1:日常生活と活動 Chair/座長 Masae Shinozaki Niigata University of Rehabilitation(篠崎雅江 新潟リハビリテーション大学) RE 3-1-1 Strategies Individuals Devise to Support Engagement in Daily Activities:A Scoping Review of the Rehabilitation Literature Clare Hocking1,Nadene Mesnage1 1Occupational Science and Therapy, Auckland University of Technology

RE 3-1-2 Can you open your medication containers? A pilot study exploring hand function performance as a predictor of older adultsʼ ability to complete a daily occupation” Karen Roberts1,Elizabeth Georgeson2 1Occupational Therapy Department, Caulfield Hospital, Alfred Health,2Pharmacy Department, Caulfield Hospital, Alfred Health June 19 (Thu) RE 3-1-3 What is the evidence for compensatory intervention for lacking time processing ability and executive functioning? Gunnel Janeslatt1,Margret Buchholz2,Gunilla Forsmark3,Linda Sjodin3,Birgitta Wennberg4 1Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, Disability and Habilitation, Uppsala University, Sweden,2DART, Sahlgrenska University hospital,3Habilitation, Sweden,4Center for Communication and Cognition, Stockholm, Sweden

RE 3-1-4 Active Lifestyle all your Life- A randomized clinical trial of the participation, engagement in occupations and self- rated health among the older adults Erika Johansson1,Hans Jonsson1,Raymond Dahlberg1,Ann-Helen Patomella1 1NVS Division of Occupational Therapy, Karolinska Institutet

304 Research & EBP 3-2:The Development of the Profession O-20 10:30∼11:50 研究・EBP 3-2:専門職の発展 Chair/座長 Donna Costa Touro University Nevada Emiko Kikuchi Teikyo Heisei university(菊池恵美子 帝京平成大学) RE 3-2-1 June 20 (Fri) Oral Session The Development of Occupational Therapy in Ireland:A Case Study of the Killarney Mental Hospital(1931-1961) Brid Dunne1,Judith Pettigrew1,Katie Robinson1 1Department of Clinical Therapies, University of Limerick

RE 3-2-3 The organization that formed a profession The establishment of occupational therapy in Sweden Anders Bjornsson1,Inga-Britt Lindstrom1,Carita Nygren1 1Professional Development, The Swedish Association of Occupational Therapists(FSA)

RE 3-2-4 The Legacy of Willard and Spackman Peggy Martin1,Christine Peters2,Wanda Mahoney3 1Occupational Therapy, University of Minnesota,2Chris Peters Private Consultation,3Midwestern University

RE 3-2-5 June 21 (Sat) The first 100 years of occupational therapy in the United States:Creating futures and using the AOTA Centennial Vision Virginia(Ginny)Stoffel1,2,Fred Somers2 1Department of Occupational Science and Technology, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, United States,2American Occupational Therapy Association


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304 Research & EBP 3-3:Hospital to Community O-20 13:30∼14:30 研究・EBP 3-3:地域で暮らす Chair/座長 Eiichiro Uehara University of Tokyo Health Sciences(上原栄一郎 東京医療学院大学) RE 3-3-1 ue1 (Wed) 18 June Epidemiologic Study on the Association of Occupational Participation with Health-Related Quality of Life and with “IKIGAI”: One-Year Follow-up among Middle-Aged and Elderly Healthy Japanese Individuals Tadanori Imai1 1Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Gunma University

作業参加と健康関連 QOL 及び生きがいに関する疫学的研究−日本の健康中高年者を対象とした 1 年間の追跡調査 今井忠則1 1群馬大学大学院保健学研究科リハビリテーション学講座

RE 3-3-2 Developing a competency framework for hospital-based Occupational Therapy practice:A Singapore hospital experience Anna Tan1,Leila Nasron1,Patrick Ker1 1Occupational Therapy Department, Singapore General Hospital

RE 3-3-3 Occupational therapy HOME discharge planning for older adults:Is this a cost effective practice? Kylie Wales1,Lindy Clemson1,Natasha Lannin2,Glenn Salkeld1,Ian Cameron1 1University of Sydney,2Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Occupational Therapy, La Trobe Univeristy and Alfred Health ue1 (Thu) 19 June

304 Research & EBP 3-4:Effectiveness & Influence O-10 15:30∼16:20 研究・EBP 3-4:効果と影響 Chair/座長 Hiroyuki Nara Miyoshi Medical Association Hospital(奈良浩之 三次地区医療センター) RE 3-4-1 Factors that influence changes in frequency of occupational therapy training continuing in hospitals Kimiko Asuwa1,Yasuyo Murakami1,Toshihiro Ishidai1 1Hatsudai Rehabiritation Hospital, Japan

外来作業療法における訓練頻度変更時の影響因子について 阿諏訪公子1,村上康代1,石代敏拓1 1初台リハビリテーション病院

ue2 Fi rlSession Oral (Fri) 20 June RE 3-4-2 Examination about the effect of the 365 days rehabilitation system on elderly people:Led by cerebrovascular disorder patients Miho Kawasaki1,Yuki Miyashita1,Haruna Fukuzawa1,Yasuhiro Shimizu1 1Rehabilitation Center, Kizankai Memorial Hospital

高齢者に対する 365 日リハビリテーション体制の効果についての検討−脳血管障害患者を中心に 川崎美穂1,宮下由紀1,福澤春菜1,清水康裕1 1輝山会記念病院総合リハビリテーションセンター

RE 3-4-3 The effect of the initial nutritional status on patients after rehabilitation Shigeto Moriwaki1,Michiko Itou1,Yukie Takeuchi1,Chiaki Satou1,Shiho Yamasaki1 1Rehabilitation Department, Shimane University Hospital

栄養状態がリハビリテーションの効果に及ぼす影響 森脇繁登1,伊藤路子1,竹内雪絵1,佐藤千晃1,山崎史穂1 1島根大学医学部附属病院リハビリテーション部

RE 3-4-4 Correlations between clientʼs way of time use and independent levels of Activities of Daily Living(ADL) 1 1 1 1 ue2 (Sat) 21 June Chiemi Mitoma ,Hiroki Fukuda ,Tetsuya Noda ,Toujirou Yanagi 1Rihabilitation Dept., Yame Rihabilitation Hospital

患者の病棟での時間の過ごし方と ADL 能力との関連 三苫智未1,福田裕樹1,野田哲哉1,栁 東次郎1 1八女リハビリ病院リハビリテーション部


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RE 3-4-5 A patient with rheumatoid arthritis enabled to manage foot self-care by occupational therapy intervention in inter- professional collaboration:a case report Kinue Matsuo1,2,Kanta Kuno1,Takahiro Hiraoka3,Emi Motoki4,Yasushi Miura2 1Rehabilitation Department, Konan Kakogawa Hospital,2Department of Rehabilitation Science, Kobe University Graduate School of Health Sciences,3Hiraoka Prosthetic and Orthotic Factory,4Nursing Department, Konan Kakogawa Hospital

多職種と連携した作業療法介入によりセルフフットケアが可能となった関節リウマチ患者の 1 例 松尾絹絵1,2,久野幹大1,平岡隆宏3,元木絵美4,三浦靖史2 1甲南加古川病院リハビリテーション部,2神戸大学大学院保健学研究科 リハビリテーション科学領域,3平岡義肢製作所,4甲南加古川病院看護部

511+512 Research & EBP 3-5:Brain Function & Disability O-10 15:30∼16:20 研究・EBP 3-5:脳機能と障害

Chair/座長 June 18 (Wed) Nozomu Ikeda Sapporo Medical University School of Health Sciences(池田望札幌医科大学保健医療学部) RE 3-5-1 Characteristic symptoms of children with brain injury:Report 1 Kaoru Kawahara1,Natuko Fukuda1,Jyuniti Kozaru1,Kozue Sawada2,Keita Kondou2 1Hiroshima Prefectural Rehabilitation Center,2Higher Brain Functional Center, Hiroshima Prefectural Rehabilitation Center

小児の高次脳機能障害の特徴的な症状−報告 1 川原 薫1,福田奈津子1,小猿純一1,澤田 梢2,近藤啓太2 1広島県立障害者リハビリテーションセンター,2広島県立障害者リハビリテーションセンター高次脳機能センター

RE 3-5-2 The prefrontal cortex activation during the preferred pace tapping with functional near-infrared spectroscopy(fNIRS) Kaori Shimoda1,Shiori Katsuyama1,Kenji Tsuchiya1,Eisuke Takakusagi2,Fusae Tozato1 1Graduate School of Health Sciences, Gunma University,2Colors works Co., Ltd.

タッピング課題時の Preferred Pace による前頭前野の活動−機能的近赤外分光法(fNIRS)を用いて 下田佳央莉1,勝山しおり1,土屋謙仕1,高草木英輔2,外里冨佐江1 June 19 (Thu) 1群馬大学大学院保健学研究科,2株式会社 Colors works

RE 3-5-3 Return to paid work following a brain injury; the lived experience Karen Beaulieu1 1Occupational Therapy, The University of Northampton

RE 3-5-4 HOW COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENTS INFLUENCES TRAVELLING WITH BUS:A CASE STUDY Eva Mansson Lexell1,2,Agneta Stahl3 1Department of Health Sciences, Lund University,2Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Skane University Hospital,3Department of Technology and Society, Lund University

RE 3-5-5 tDCS over the cerebellum affects millisecond time perception in healthy subjects Jun Hirano1,2,Daisuke Matsuzawa2,Yoshitaka Yamanaka1,Atsushi Murata1,Eiji Shimizu2 1Department of Rehabilitation, Chiba University Hospital,2Department of Cognitive Behavioral Physiology, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University

小脳に対する経頭蓋直流電気刺激が時間知覚に与える影響 1,2 2 1 1 2 平野 潤 ,松澤大輔 ,山中義崇 ,村田 淳 ,清水栄司 June 20 (Fri) Oral Session 1千葉大学医学部附属病院リハビリテーション部,2千葉大学大学院医学研究院認知行動生理学

304 Research & EBP 3-6:Innovative Research O-20 16:30∼17:50 研究・EBP 3-6:革新的研究 Chair/座長 Naohito Shingu Seirei Christopher University(新宮尚人 聖隷クリストファー大学) RE 3-6-1 The influence of changing posture on tests for unilateral spatial neglect in patients with stroke Hitoshi Onaka1,2,Ken Kouda2,Hidenori Tojo3,Fumihiro Tajima2 1Department of Rehabilitation, Nishinomiya Keiaikai Hospital,2Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Wakayama Medical University,3Department of Rehabilitation, Akitsukounoike Hospital

姿勢の違いが脳血管障害患者の半側空間無視検査へ及ぼす影響 1,2 2 3 2

尾中準志 ,幸田 剣 ,東條秀則 ,田島文博 June 21 (Sat) 1西宮敬愛会病院リハビリテーション科,2和歌山県立医科大学リハビリテーション科,3秋津鴻池病院リハビリテーション部


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RE 3-6-2 Development of methods for motion analysis and visualization based on spherical coordinate analysis for multi-degree-of- freedom joint:Applications for shoulder, trunk and wrist motion Naoki Yoshida1,2,Mayumi Kihara2,Satoru Nishishita1,2,Takeshi Hayashi1,2,Kenji Matsumoto2 1Institute of Rehabilitation Science, Tokuyukai medical corporation,2Kansai Rehabilitation Hospital ue1 (Wed) 18 June 球面座標解析による多自由度関節運動の解析・可視化方法の開発−肩関節・体幹・手関節への運動解析への応用の試み 吉田直樹1,2,木原真由美2,西下智1,2,林 健志1,2,松本憲二2 1リハビリテーション科学総合研究所,2関西リハビリテーション病院

RE 3-6-3 Differences between Body-weight-supported Treadmill Training and Free Walking with Pelvic Support in Rats with Spinal Cord Injury Miki Hayashibe1,2,Tamami Homma3,Chizuka Ide3,Shu Morioka2 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Aino University,2Department of Neurorehabilitation, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Kio University,3Institute of Regeneration and Rehabilitation, Aino University

脊髄損傷ラットに対する免荷したトレッドミルトレーニングと骨盤を支持したフリー歩行トレーニングの相違 林部美紀1,2,本間玲実3,井出千束3,森岡周2 1藍野大学作業療法学科,2畿央大学大学院健康科学研究科,3藍野大学再生医療研究所

RE 3-6-4 Changes the brain activity in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex using the handicraft treatment:a functional near-infrared spectroscopic study ue1 (Thu) 19 June Takashi Fujioka1,2,Daisuke Hirano1,3,Yuki Seki1,4,Motoki Kurumai1,5,Takamichi Taniguchi1,4 1Graduate School of Health and Welfare Sciences, International University of Health and Welfare,2Kanuma Hospital,3Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Nursing and Rehabilitation Sciences at Odawara, International University of Health and Welfare,4Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Health Sciences, International University of Health and Welfare,5Tochigi Medical Association Shiobara Hot Spring Hospital

手工芸介入前後の背外側前頭前野における脳血流変化−機能的近赤外分光法を用いた検討 藤岡 崇1,2,平野大輔1,3,関 優樹1,4,車井元樹1,5,谷口敬道1,4 1国際医療福祉大学大学院医療福祉学研究科,2鹿沼病院,3国際医療福祉大学小田原保健医療学部作業療法学科,4国際医療福祉大学保健医療学部作業 療法学科,5栃木県医師会塩原温泉病院

Challenge & Innovation/革新と挑戦

416+417 Challenge & Innovation 3-1:Challenges for Occupational Therapists 4 O-10 15:30∼16:00 革新と挑戦 3-1:作業療法士の挑戦 4 ue2 Fi rlSession Oral (Fri) 20 June Chair/座長 Takayuki Kougo Hikarigaoka Welfare lnstitution for Elderly People(向後貴行 医療法人松浦会光が丘老人保健施設) CI 3-1-2 An Innovative Application of the Canadian Model of Occupational Performance and Engagement to Decision-Making Capacity Assessments in Occupational Therapy Practice Kiyoko Kabeya1,Yi-Nei Kao1,Leslie Erskine1,Ashley Marsh1 1Regional Capacity Assessment Team/Calgary Zone, Alberta Health Services

CI 3-1-3 Sport-career termination:a new role for occupational therapists? Claudie Bastien Forrest1,Julie Desrosiers1 1Ecole de Readaptation, Universite de Montreal

CI 3-1-4 Introducing and Implementing Occupational Therapy in a Centre for Children with Disabilities in Nepal the Challenges and Outcomes Maranna McKenna1,Aisling OʼNeill1 1Community Based Rehabilitation, Bhaktapur, Nepal ue2 (Sat) 21 June Occupation/作業

511+512 Occupation 3-1:Culture & Context1 O-20 8:30∼9:50 作業 3-1:文化と文脈 1 Chair/座長 Mari Sakaue Sapporo Medical University(坂上真理 札幌医科大学) OC 3-1-1 Exploring occupation using ethnographic methodology Sarah Kantartzis1,3,Matthew Molineux2,Sally Foster3 1Occupational Therapy, Queen Margaret University,2Office of Pro Vice Chancellor, Griffith University,3School of Health and Wellbeing, Leeds Metropolitan University


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OC 3-1-2 Perceptions of disability from a Muslim perspective and its influence on participation in cultural and religious occupations and engagement with support services Deborah Kramer-Roy1,Kee Hean Lim1,Esha Morjaria1,Susan Forsythe1 1Occupational Therapy, Brunel University London

OC 3-1-3 Finding meaning through occupation:Seeking asylum in the United Kingdom Helen Claire Smith1 1Occupational Therapy, Teesside University

OC 3-1-4 ʼ ʼ Occupational Disruption and Recovery from Cyclone Yasi. Returning to a New Normal June 18 (Wed) Yvonne Thomas1,Lenka Sima1 1Occupational Therapy, James Cook University

511+512 Occupation 3-2:Occupational Well-being O-20 10:30∼12:10 作業 3-2:作業と健康 Chair/座長 Sally Jane Uy University of Santo Tomas Chikako Koyama Prefectural University of Hiroshima(古山千佳子 県立広島大学) OC 3-2-1 Role Balance Amongst Working ‘Sandwich Generation’ Women Kiah Evans1,Marita Falkmer2,Sonya Girdler2 1Occupational Therapy, School of Exercise and Health Sciences, Edith Cowan University,2School of Occupational Therapy and Social Work, Curtin University

OC 3-2-2

DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS COMPARISON ON THE PERCEIVED STRUCTURAL MEANING OF OCCUPATION AMONG June 19 (Thu) SELECTED PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS IN MANDAUE CITY Kristine Jane Lariosa1,Charles Jureidini1,3,Maria Fe Abejar2,Anthony Grecia3 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Cebu Doctorsʼ University,2Department of Psychology, Cebu Doctorsʼ University,3Occupational Therapy Association of the Philippines Inc.(OTAP)

OC 3-2-3 Occupational Deprivation or Occupational Change When Living on Dialysis Shirley Wells1 1Occupational Therapy Department, University of Texas-Pan American

OC 3-2-4 Understanding occupation from a client-centred perspective Carolynne White1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Monash University

OC 3-2-5 The occupation of research and the occupation of art:using occupation to describe occupation Annabel Youngson1,Diane Cox1,Helen Wilby1,Fiona Cole1 1Faculty of Health and Wellbeing, University of Cumbria June 20 (Fri) Oral Session 511+512 Occupation 3-3:Perspectives and Review O-20 13:30∼14:50 作業 3-3:展望と再考 Chair/座長 Signe Tomsone Lund University Mayumi Takata Kanazawa Neurosurgical Hospital(高多真裕美 金沢脳神経外科病院) OC 3-3-1 Occupational therapy and culture:a literature review Daniela Castro1,Synneve Dahlin-Ivanoff1,2,Lena Martensson1 1Institute for Neuroscience and Physiology/Occupational Therapy, University of Gothenburg/The Sahlgrenska Academy,2Vardalinstitutet - The Swedish Institute for Health Sciences

OC 3-3-2

The many ideologies of balance:A comparative review June 21 (Sat) Jane A. Davis1,Helene J. Polatajko1 1Dept. of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of Toronto


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OC 3-3-3 Can autonomy influence occupational engagement? Findings from qualitative research in occupational therapy Bethan Collins1 1School of Health and Social Care, Bournemouth University

OC 3-3-4 ue1 (Wed) 18 June What is considered important for life balance? Similarities and differences among working adults in Sweden Petra Wagman1,Carita Hakansson2,Christian Jacobsson3,Torbjorn Falkmer4,5,Anita Bjorklund1 1School of Health Sciences, Jonkoping University, Sweden,2Lund University, Sweden,3University of Gothenburg, Sweden,4Curtin University, Australia,5Linkoping University, Sweden

511+512 Occupation 3-4:Culture & Context2 O-20 16:30∼17:10 作業 3-4:文化と文脈 2 Chair/座長 Yuko Asano Ryofuen(浅野有子 介護老人保健施設 涼風苑) OC 3-4-2 Establishing cross-cultural validity of the Role Checklist Version 2:Quality of Performance Patricia Scott1,Tore Bonsaksen2,Kirsty Forsyth3,Lena Haglund4,Takashi Yamada5 1Indiana University,2Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences,3Queen Margaret University Edinburgh,4Linkoping University,5Graduate School of Rehabilitation Science, Saitama-City

OC 3-4-3 ue1 (Thu) 19 June Key factors that contribute to the success of work creation projects:A Lesotho perspective Lana Van Niekerk1,Matumo Ramafikeng2 1Occupational Therapy, Stellenbosch University,2Occupational Therapy, University of Cape Town


411+412 Collaboration 3-1:Collaboration & Development O-20 10:30∼11:50 連携 3-1:連携と発展 Chair/座長 Atsuko Matsuura Arao Kokoronosato Hospital(松浦篤子 荒尾こころの郷病院) CO 3-1-1 Studies on the professional role of the occupational therapist to work in the recovery phase rehabilitation ward: questionnaire survey of occupational therapists ue2 Fi rlSession Oral (Fri) 20 June Yuki Choji1,2,Junichi Shimizu2 1Rehabilitation Dept., Saiseikai Kanazawa Hospital,2Graduate School of Medical Science, Kanazawa University

回復期病棟における作業療法士の専門的役割に関する研究−作業療法士へのアンケート調査から 丁子雄希1,2,清水順市2 1石川県済生会金沢病院リハビリテーション部,2金沢大学大学院医学系研究科

CO 3-1-2 A proposal for occupational therapy technology transfer activity of to developing countries:From the experience of international cooperation activities Jiro Yonezaki1,Maki Ikeda1,Shinji Yoshida1 1Osaka-city Rehabilitation Center Assistive Technology Department

開発途上国への作業療法技術移転活動に関する提案−国際協力活動の経験より 米崎二朗1,池田真紀1,吉田真史1 1大阪市援助技術研究室

CO 3-1-4 OKOTOPIA - an inter-professional research project in Austria and the role of OT Gabriele Schwarze1 1Health Department, Institute of Occupational Therapy, FH JOANNEUM(University of Apllied Sciences) ue2 (Sat) 21 June CO 3-1-5 Transforming health systems through collaborative leadership:Curriculum development Margo Paterson1,Emmanuelle Careau2,Rosemary Brander1,Janice Van Dijk1,Sarita Verma3 1Queenʼs University,2Universite Laval,3University of Toronto


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315 Theory 3-1:Theoretical OT Practice O-20 10:30∼11:50 理論 3-1:理論に基づいた実践 Chair/座長 Mieke le Granse Ergotherapie Nederland Shun Takehara Shonan Fureai Gakuen(竹原 敦 湘南ふれあい学園大学設立準備室) TH 3-1-2 Self-rated occupational balance a generic instrument Carita Hakansson1,Petra Wagman2 1Div of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Lund University, Sweden, Faculty of Medicine,2School of Health Sciences,

Jonkoping University, Sweden, Faculty of Health Sciences June 18 (Wed)

TH 3-1-3 Spirituality in Occupational Therapy Practice:A Systematic Literature Review Thuli G. Mthembu1 1Occupational Therapy, University of the Western Cape

TH 3-1-4 Contribution to integrated occupational therapy profession:Model based examination of the A-ONE Guðrūm Ārmadōttir1,2 1Grensas Rehabilitation Department, Landspitali University Hospital Iceland,2University of Iceland

TH 3-1-5 Impact of using the Model of Human Occupation:a survey of occupational therapy mental health practitionersʼ perceptions Jenica Lee1,Sun Wook Lee2,Gary Kielhofner1,Kirsty Forsyth3,Renee R. Taylor1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Illinois at Chicago,2Daegu University,3Queens Margaret University June 19 (Thu) Disaster/災害

502 Disaster 3-1:Disaster 2 O-20 8:30∼9:30 災害 3-1:災害 2 Chair/座長 Janet Njelesani The University of Toronto Nobuo Kodama Niigata Prefectural Koide Hospital(児玉信夫 新潟県立小出病院) DI 3-1-1 The meaning of everyday life and occupation for an elderly woman who suffered the Great East Japan Earthquake Yukiko Nishino1,Tomoko Kondo2 1School of Health Sciences, Department of Occupational Therapy, Tokyo University of Technology,2Faculty of Medical Sciences, Department of Occupational Therapy, Teikyo University of Science

東日本大震災津波被害にあった高齢女性の日常生活と作業の意味 西野由希子1,近藤知子2 1東京工科大学医療保健学部作業療法学科,2帝京科学大学医療科学部作業療法学科

DI 3-1-2 Support activities of the Minamiaizu-Aizu branch of Fukushima Association of Occupational Therapists to the refugees from June 20 (Fri) Oral Session the Great East Japan Earthquake Yoshitaka Shiino1,Chikako Ozaki2 1Rehabilitation fee, Takeda General Hospital,2Elderly Care Nursing Facility, Eminensu Ashinomaki

東日本大震災における(一社)福島県作業療法士会会津・南会津支部による災害支援活動 椎野良隆1,尾崎千香子2 1竹田綜合病院リハビリテーション科,2介護老人保健施設 エミネンス芦ノ牧

DI 3-1-3 Fukushima Prefecture Occupational Therapists Association Iwaki Branch Disaster Relief Report Yuki Waragai1 1Iwaki Kyoritsu General Hospital

福島県作業療法士会いわき支部の災害支援活動報告 藁谷裕葵1 1

いわき市立総合磐城共立病院 June 21 (Sat)


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313+314 Disaster 3-2:Disaster 3 O-20 10:30∼12:10 災害 3-2:災害 3 Chair/座長 Takeharu Higuma Beppu Rehabilitation Center(日隈武治 社会福祉法人 農協共済 別府リハビリテーションセンター) DI 3-2-1 ue1 (Wed) 18 June The Importance of the Advocacy Works for the Evacuees of the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake Satoru Ohkubo1,2,Akira Sugawara1,Kazuko Gamano1,Satoru Hatayama1,Hiroyuki Tasso1 1Disaster Counter-Measures Office, Iwate Association of Occupational Therapists,2Occupational Therapy Department, Iwate Rehabilitation Center

東日本大震災被災地支援活動において重要であったこと 大久保 訓1,2,菅原 章1,蒲野和子1,畑山悟1,達増浩幸1 1岩手県作業療法士会災害対策本部,2いわてリハビリテーションセンター作業療法科

DI 3-2-2 Title:The role of the occupational therapist in International cooperation:a look at occupational therapist in a certain Non- Governmental Organization Akane Katsuda1 1Peace Village International

国際協力における作業療法士の役割−ある国際人道援助団体における作業療法士の役割を通して 勝田 茜1 1ドイツ国際平和村 ue1 (Thu) 19 June DI 3-2-3 Disability and the History of the Minamata Disease Incident:Toward “Sustainable Practice Within Occupational Therapy” Mami Aoyama1,Hiroshi Aoyama1,Mark Hudson1 1Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences, Nishikyushu University

水俣病事件史から考察する多様な障害−環境持続性のための作業療法実践に向けて 青山真美1,青山宏1,マーク ハドソン1 1西九州大学リハビリテーション学部リハビリテーション学科作業療法学専攻

DI 3-2-4 Disaster Preparedness Group:Increasing Awareness of Patients/Families Aimee Bender1,Coby Cowan1,Pamela Roberts1 1Rehabilitation, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

DI 3-2-5 ue2 Fi rlSession Oral (Fri) 20 June Enabling participation - case report Zdenka Pihlar1 1Occupational Therapy, University Rehabilitation Institute

414+415 Disaster 3-3:Disaster 4 O-20 13:30∼14:30 災害 3-3:災害 4 Chair/座長 Hiroyuki Tasso Iwate Prefectural Nanko Hospital(達増浩幸 岩手県立南光病院) DI 3-3-2 Establishing an Occupational Therapy Disaster Prevention, Response and Management Framework in a Developing Country Anthony Grecia1,2,Rolland Lyle Duque3,4,Penefrancia Ching1,5 1Occupational Therapy Association of the Philippines,2Occupational Therapy, Center for GOALS(Caloocan,Alabang, BGC),3Philippine Journal of Occupational Therapy,4Occupational Therapy, Life Skills Therapy Center,5Occupational Therapy, University of the Philippines Manila, CAMP

DI 3-3-3 Occupational Therapy and Casualty insurance Ester Haver Droeze1 1

ue2 (Sat) 21 June Adviespraktijk Ergotherapie Ester Haver Droeze

DI 3-3-4 After the rubble settles:Occupational Therapy in post-earthquake Haiti Heather Thomas1,Karen Pendleton2,Anna Krpalek2 1Occupational Therapy, West Coast University,2Occupational Therapy, Loma Linda University


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414+415 Disaster 3-4:Disaster 5 O-10 15:30∼16:20 災害 3-4:災害 5 Chair/座長 Yukihiko Nakashima Kumamoto Kinoh Hospital(中島雪彦 熊本機能病院) DI 3-4-1 Content analysis of newspaper articles regarding the Great East Japan Earthquake from the perspective of Occupational Therapy Waka Murata1,Shun Takehara2,Gen Higashino3,Tsubasa Shoji4 1Faculty of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University,2Yamagata Prefectural University of Health Sciences,3National Hospital Organization Minami Wakayama Medical Center,4Graduate School of Health Scieces, Hokkaido University

作業療法の視点に立った「東日本大震災」に関する新聞記事の内容分析 1 2 3 4

村田和香 ,竹原 敦 ,東野 玄 ,庄子 翼 June 18 (Wed) 1北海道大学大学院保健科学研究院,2山形県立保健医療大学,3独立行政法人国立病院機構南和歌山医療センター,4北海道大学大学院保健科学院

DI 3-4-2 Report of assistance activities for the northarn Nagano prefecture earthquake Hajime Ootuki1,Akira Aoki2 1Rehabilitation Dept., Iiyama Red Cross Hospital,2Rehabilitation Dept., Institution of Nursing Care for Seniors Harmony

長野県北部地震における災害支援活動報告 大月肇1,青木 朗2 1飯山赤十字病院リハビリテーション部,2介護老人保健施設 ハーモニーリハビリテーション部

DI 3-4-3 2011 Great Eastern Japan Earthquake Support Report Iwate Prefectural Rehabilitation Support Center Fumihiro Asano1,Tomo Kikuchi1,Yusuke Wtabe2,Erika Terui2,Kouta Ataka2 1Local support part, Iwate Rehabiritation Center,2Functional recovery treatment part, Iwate Rehabiritation Center

東日本大震災後における岩手県での当センターの取り組み 浅野文博1,菊池とも1,渡部祐介2,照井恵利香2,安宅航太2 June 19 (Thu) 1いわてリハビリテーションセンター地域支援部,2いわてリハビリテーションセンター機能回復療法部

DI 3-4-4 Support for the life reconstruction caused by Great East Japan Earthquake Makoto Kiyoyama1,Yukiko Iga2,Akiyo Kanayama3 1Fukushima Center for Disaster Mental Health,2Department of Health and Welfare at Minamisoma City,3Shijonawate Gakuen University

生活再建に向けた災害支援とは 清山真琴1,伊賀裕貴子2,銀山章代3 1ふくしま心のケアセンター,2南相馬市健康福祉部健康づくり課,3四條畷学園大学

DI 3-4-5 Occupational Therapy Involvement in Disaster-Stricken Areas - Experience from Haiti Earthquake 2010 Ayala Nota1,Tzaki(Itzhak)Siev-Ner2 1Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Israel, Occupational Therapy services,2Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer Israel, Orthopedic Rehabilitation Department June 20 (Fri) Oral Session June 21 (Sat)


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Oral Session/口述発表 June 21(Sat)

Special Session/スペシャルセッション ue1 (Wed) 18 June Main Hall/メインホール Special Session 9:Management Tools for Daily Life Performance 8:30∼10:00 スペシャルセッション 9:生活行為向上マネジメント Chair/座長 Ryuji Kobayashi Kibi International University(小林隆司 吉備国際大学) Chiga Murai Ishikawa Prefectural Takamatsu Hospital(村井千賀 石川県立高松病院) SS 9-1 The effect of management tool for daily life performance:Relation of occupational therapists with care giving at ambulatory healthcare facilities Saori Takeuchi1,Koji Kobayashi2,Eisuke Inomata3,Hidenaga Ikoma4 1Department of Nursing and Rehabilitation, Konan Womenʼs University,2Department of Health Sciences, Mejiro University,3Tamatanpopo Care Service Center,4Ikiiki inadomi Day-Service Center

生活行為向上マネジメントの効果−通所介護施設における作業療法士と介護職との連携について 竹内さをり1,小林幸治2,猪股英輔3,生駒英長4 1甲南女子大学看護リハビリテーション学部,2目白大学保健医療学部,3多摩たんぽぽ介護サービスセンター,4いきいき稲富デイサービスセンター

SS 9-2 ue1 (Thu) 19 June Utility of the occupational therapy perspective in adult day service center in Japan:Inter-professional collaboration by using Management Tool for Daily Life Performance(MTDLP) Koji Kobayashi1,Saori Takeuchi2,Eisuke Inomata3,Akimi Nagai4 1Occupational Therapy Dept., Mejiro University,2Konan Womenʼs University,3Tamatampopo Care Service Centre,4Tokyo Association of Occupational Therapists

通所介護で個別性を重視した関わりを行う上での作業療法の視点の有用性−生活行為向上マネジメントを活用した通所介護での連携 小林幸治1,竹内さをり2,猪股英輔3,長井陽海4 1目白大学保健医療学部,2甲南女子大学,3多摩たんぽぽ介護サービスセンター,4一般社団法人 東京都作業療法士会

SS 9-3 Long-term effect of occupational therapy using the management tool for daily life performance” for community-dwelling elderly” Shinichi Noto1,Chiga Murai2,Saori Takeuchi3,Yoshiaki Iwase4,Haruki Nakamura5 1School of Health Sciences, Niigata University of Health and Welfare,2Ishikawa Prefectural Takamatsu Hospital,3Faculty of Nursing and Rehabilitation, Konan Womenʼs University,4School of Health Sciences, Kagoshima University,5Hyogo Prefectural Central Rehabilita- tion Hospital

ue2 (Fri) 20 June 地域在住高齢者に対する「生活行為向上マネジメント」の長期的効果について 能登真一1,村井千賀2,竹内さをり3,岩瀬義昭4,中村春基5 1新潟医療福祉大学医療技術学部,2石川県立高松病院,3甲南女子大学看護リハビリテーション学部,4鹿児島大学医学部,5兵庫県立総合リハビリテー ション中央病院

SS 9-4 Daily life performance after discharge in stroke patients:the effect of collaboration between occupational therapists and care managers using management tools for daily life performance Kazuaki Iokawa1,Keiichi Hasegawa2,Takashi Ishikawa3 1Division of Occupational Therapy, Department of Rehabilitation, Faculty of Health Science, Tohoku Fukushi University,2Department of Rehabilitation, Takeda General Hospital,3Department of Occupational Therapy, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Akita University

脳卒中者における退院後の生活行為−生活行為向上マネジメントによる作業療法士と介護支援専門員との連携効果 � 1,長谷川敬一2,石川隆志3 1東北福祉大学健康科学部リハビリテーション学科作業療法学専攻,2竹田綜合病院リハビリテーション科,3秋田大学大学院医学系研究科保健学専攻 ue2 St rlSession Oral (Sat) 21 June SS 9-5 Collaboration between occupational therapists and care managers using management tool for daily life performance in stroke patients Keiichi Hasegawa1,Takashi Ishikawa2,Kazuaki Iokawa3 1Department of Rehabilitation, Takeda general hospital,2Department of Occupational Therapy, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Akita University,3Divison of Occupational Therapy, Department of Rehabilitation, Faculty of Health Science, Tohoku Fukushi University

脳卒中患者における生活行為向上マネジメントを用いた介護支援専門員との連携方法 長谷川敬一1,石川隆志2,五百川和明3 1竹田綜合病院リハビリテーション科,2秋田大学大学院医学系研究科保健学専攻,3東北福祉大学健康科学部リハビリテーション学科作業療法学専攻


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SS 9-6 This is a case study that we introduced the management for improving daily performance into treatment of a stroke patient in the early stage and helped her to regain a proactive life Satomi Munakata1,Yoshie Okamoto1 1Occupational therapy Dept., General foundation Ota comprehensive Hospital affiliated Ota Nishinouchi Hospital

脳卒中患者に対して生活行為向上マネジメントを早期から導入することで主体的な生活を再獲得できた一事例 宗像暁美1,岡本佳江1 1一般財団法人太田綜合病院附属太田西ノ内病院作業療法科

SS 9-7 The effect of collaboration between occupational therapists and care managers utilizing the management tool for daily life performance:In the case of In-Home Person Requiring Long-Term Care 1 2 3 Norikazu Kobayashi ,Mikiko Tanabe ,Hironori Kawamata June 18 (Wed) 1Graduate School of Human Health Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University,2Freelance,3Rehabilitation Dept., Facility of health care services for the elderly Narahatokiwa-en

生活行為向上マネジメントツールを活用した介護支援専門員との連携効果−居宅要介護高齢者の場合 小林法一1,田邉美樹子2,川又寛徳3 1首都大学東京人間健康科学研究科,2フリーランス,3介護老人保健施設楢葉ときわ苑リハビリテーション部

SS 9-8 Inconvenience of daily life performance in healthy elderly people Junpei Oba1,2,Masayoshi Kobayashi1,3,Ryuji Kobayashi1,4,Chiga Murai1,5 1Japanese association of occupational therapists,2Faculty of rehabilitation, Kobegakuin university,3school of medicine, Shinshu university,4Faculty of health and welfare, Kibi international university,5Ishikawa prefectural Takamatsu hospital

健康な高齢者の生活行為の不自由さ 大庭潤平1,2,小林正義1,3,小林隆司1,4,村井千賀1,5 1日本作業療法士協会,2神戸学院大学総合リハビリテーション学部,3信州大学医学部,4吉備国際大学保健医療福祉学部,5石川県立高松病院

Children/発達障害 June 19 (Thu)

302 Children 4-1:Challenges for Developmental Disorders 3 O-20 8:30∼9:30 発達障害 4-1:発達障害への挑戦 3 Chair/座長 Eiju Kurobuchi Jichi Medical University Hospital(黒渕永寿 自治医科大学附属病院) CH 4-1-1 Participation in Physical Activity, Fitness, and Risk for Obesity in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder:A Cross Cultural Study- Israel, Australia and US Sharon Cermak1,Noomi Katz2,Anita Bundy3 1Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of Southern California,2Research Institute for Health and Medical Professions, Ono Academic College,3Occupational Therapy, University of Sydney

CH 4-1-2 An Occupational Therapistʼs Role in the Provision of Sexual-Health Education to Children with Physical Disabilities Shaniff Esmail1,Heidi Knupp1,Chelsea Krupa1 1Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine, Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Alberta June 20 (Fri)

CH 4-1-3 Infant Mobility Using Robots:A Comparison of Two Control Interfaces Carole Dennis1,Kimberly Wilkinson1,Sharon Stansfield2,Helene Larin3 1Occupational Therapy Department, Ithaca College,2Department of Computer Sciece, Ithaca College,3Department of Physical Therapy, Ithaca College

413 Children 4-2:Inter-Professional Collaboration 2 O-20 8:30∼10:00 発達障害 4-2:職種間連携 2 Chair/座長 Anne Jenkins AOTA Izumi Sugiyama Tiisakihananosono(杉山いずみ 小さき花の園) CH 4-2-1 Occupational Therapy for High School Students with Anxiety Disorder:Support for gradual approach behavior toward fear subject with OT scenes Hiroki Tanimoto1,Toshiko Okamoto1,2,Kousuke Minamide1 1Assisted Living Dept., Reinan Hospital,2Haginomi Stress Care Clinic

不安障害の高校生男子に対する作業療法−作業療法場面を用いた段階的な恐怖対象への接近行動の支援 June 21 (Sat) Oral Session 谷元広樹1,岡本利子1,2,南出耕佑1 1医療法人嶺南病院生活支援部,2萩の実ストレスケアクリニック


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CH 4-2-2 Inter-professional collaboration for paediatric practitioners:Developing a specialist post-graduate qualification Cathleen Hunter1,Donald Maciver1,Iona McLeod2,Martin Vallely2,Kirsty Forsyth1 1Firefly Research, Queen Margaret University Edinburgh,2The City of Edinburgh Council

CH 4-2-3 ue1 (Wed) 18 June ELECTRONIC RECORD KEEPING SYSTEM FOR REFLECTICE PRACTICE Imperatore Blanche Erna1,Reinoso Gustavo2,Singsaas Alan3 1Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of Southern California(USC),2Occupational Therapy, Therapy West, Inc.,3Research and Instrument Development, Sensory Metrics

CH 4-2-4 Predicting the Effects of Cerebral Palsy Severity on Self-Care, Mobility, and Social Function Shawn Phipps1,2,Pamela Roberts2,3 1Rancho Administration, Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center,2Occupational Therapy, University of Southern California,3Rehabilitation and Neuropsychology, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

302 Children 4-3:Autism Spectrum Disorders 3 O-10 10:30∼11:30 発達障害 4-3:自閉症スペクトラム 3 Chair/座長 Tomoko Tayana Chiba Prefectural Sanbu Health and Walfare Center(田山智子 千葉県山武健康福祉センター) CH 4-3-1 ue1 (Thu) 19 June Stability in seating posture during tasks in children with autistic spectrum disorder Yoshimi Funahashi1,2,Chieko Karashima1,Minoru Hoshiyama1 1Department of Occupational Therapy Postgraduate School of Health Sciences, Nagoya University,2Northern part District Care Center for Disabled Children, Nagoya City

自閉症スペクトラム児の課題遂行時における座位姿勢の特性 舟橋吉美1,2,辛島千恵子1,寳珠山 稔1 1名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科リハビリテーション療法学専攻,2名古屋市北部地域療育センター

CH 4-3-2 Effects of exergaming on executive function and motor skills in children with autism spectrum disorders:A pilot study Claudia List Hilton1 1Program in Occupational Therapy, Washington University School of Medicine

CH 4-3-3 The Effectiveness of iPad Handwriting Applications on Fine Motor and Visual Motor Skills in Children on the Autism Spectrum Jennifer Dessoye1,Chelsey Converse1,Lindsey McLauglin1,Shannon McSweeney1,Catherine Steinhoff1 1Occupational Therapy Department, Misericordia University ue2 (Fri) 20 June CH 4-3-4 Impact of a contextual Intervention on child participation and parental competence among children with autism spectrum disorders Winnie Dunn1,Jane Cox1,Lauren Foster1 1Department of Occupational Therapy Education, University of Kansas Medical Center

CH 4-3-5 Executive Function In Iranian Children with High Functioning Autistic Disorder:planning, set-shifting and inhibition Fatemeh Parvizi1,Laleh Lajevardi1,Mahdi Alizadeh1,Hasan Ashayeri2 1Occupational therapy, Iran university of medical science,2Basic Science, Iran university of medical science

303 Children 4-4:Challenges for Developmental Disorders 4 O-20 13:30∼14:30 発達障害 4-4:発達障害への挑戦 4 ue2 St rlSession Oral (Sat) 21 June Chair/座長 Kenichi Kamoshita Shizuoka Children�s Hospital(鴨下賢一 静岡県立こども病院) CH 4-4-1 Sensory Processing Responses to Comforting Touch in Children with Autism Guy McCormack1 1Occupational Therapy, Samuel Merritt University

CH 4-4-2 Evaluating targeted literacy support for at risk children Duncan Pentland1,Kirsty Forsyth1,Donald Maciver1,Marian Rutherford1,Rhona McAlpine1 1Firefly Research, Queen Margaret University Edinburgh


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CH 4-4-3 COMPUTER BASED SENSORY MOTOR TESTING TOOL Reinoso Gustavo1,Imperatore Blanche Erna2,Singsaas Alan3 1Occupational Therapy Department, Therapy West, Inc./Advance Therapy Systems(ATS),2Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of Southern California(USC),3Research and Instrument Development, Sensory Metrics

Physical Disabilities/身体障害

502 Physical Disabilities 4-1:OT Intervention & Various Functions 1 O-20 8:30∼9:50 身体障害 4-1:OT 介入と諸機能 1 Chair/座長 Yoshio Matsushige Sankuro Hospital(松重好男 医療法人 三九会 三九朗病院) June 18 (Wed) PD 4-1-1 Enhancing knowing and well-being through person-centred assessment in acute, physical hospital settings Helen Wilby1,Diane Cox1 1Faculty of Health and Well Being, University of Cumbria

PD 4-1-2 Functional Outcome Following Limb Salvage Surgery for Upper-Limb Soft Tissue Malignant Tumor:Long Term OT Intervention for the Three Cases Masanari Inada1,Yasunori Sakamoto1,Hozumi Ikawa1,Kuninori Sano1,Kazuya Mizuochi1 1Department of Rehabilitation, Yokohama city university hospital

上肢悪性軟部腫瘍患者に対する患肢温存術後の上肢機能の変化と ADL,QOL の関係−自験例について 稲田雅也1,坂本安令1,井川穂澄1,佐野邦典1,水落和也1 1横浜市立大学附属病院リハビリテーション科

PD 4-1-3 The effect of dominant hand motor sequence learning on improving non-dominant hand exercises June 19 (Thu) Motoki Kurumai1,2,Daisuke Hirano1,3,Takashi Fujioka1,4,Yuki Seki1,5,Takamichi Taniguchi1,5 1Graduate School of Health and Welfare Sciences, International University of Health and Welfare,2Tochigi Medical Association Shiobara Hot Spring Hospital,3Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Nursing and Rehabilitation Sciences at Odawara, International University of Health and Welfare,4Kanuma Hospital,5Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Health Sciences, International University of Health and Welfare

利き手の連続的運動学習が非利き手の運動の上達に及ぼす影響 車井元樹1,2,平野大輔1,3,藤岡 崇1,4,関優樹1,5,谷口敬道1,5 1国際医療福祉大学大学院医療福祉学研究科,2栃木県医師会塩原温泉病院,3国際医療福祉大学小田原保健医療学部作業療法学科,4鹿沼病院,5国際医 療福祉大学保健医療学部作業療法学科

PD 4-1-4 Is it possible to improve ADL ability among women with fibromyalgia? Cecilie von Bulow1,2,Kirstine Amris1,Karen la Cour2,Eva Ejlersen Wahrens1,2 1The Parker Institute, Department of Rheumatology, Frederiksberg University Hospital,2The research initiative of Activity Studies and Occupational therapy, University of Southern Denmark

502 Physical Disabilities 4-2:Intervention for Upper Extermity Function 1 O-10 June 20 (Fri) 10:30∼11:20 身体障害 4-2:上肢機能への介入 1 Chair/座長 Nobuyoshi Fukui Kansai University of Welfare Sciences(福井信佳 関西福祉科学大学) PD 4-2-1 The Views and Experiences of UK Occupational Therapists working in Pediatric Upper Limb Prosthetics in the NHS:Priorities for the Development of Services and Devices Tara S. Sims1,2,Maggie Donovan-Hall1,Cheryl Metcalf1 1Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southampton,2Child Development and Disability Services, Brighton and Hove City Council

PD 4-2-2 Time course changes in upper extremity function and the HAND 20 score in patients with cervical myelopathy from pre- surgery to 3 months after surgery Hiroyuki Miura1,Takahiro Satou2,Satoko Nemoto3 1Department of Rehabilitation, Hakodate Municipal Hospital,2Orthopedics, Hakodate Municipal Hospital,3Faculty of Medical Science for Health, Department of Occupational Therapy, Teikyo Heisei University

頚髄症患者における上肢運動機能と HAND 20 の術前∼術後 3ヶ月までの経時的変化 三浦裕幸1,佐藤隆弘2,根本悟子3 1市立函館病院リハビリ技術科,2市立函館病院整形外科,3帝京平成大学健康メディカル学部作業療法学科 June 21 (Sat) Oral Session


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PD 4-2-3 Simple tests for evaluating hand function in scene of rehabilitation and life Ryosuke Miyadera1,Tsuneto Furuta1 1Dept. Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Health Science Technology, Bunkyo Gakuin University

リハビリテーションや生活の場面で評価できる簡便な上肢機能検査開発の試み 1 1 ue1 (Wed) 18 June 宮寺亮輔 ,古田常人 1文京学院大学保健医療技術学部作業療法学科

PD 4-2-4 A retrospective investigation of Occupational Therapy for patients with burn in an acute phase:comparison of home discharge group and the hospital transfer group Takeshi Moriyama1,Katsutoshi Senoo2,Hiromichi Fujiwara1,Manabu Yoshimura1,Shinsuke Matsumoto3 1Rehabilitation Center, Kawasaki Medical School Hospital,2Department of Rehabilitation, Faculty of Health Science and Technology, Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare,3Division of Physical Therapy, Kawasaki Junior College of Rehabilitation

当院における熱傷急性期作業療法の実施状況ついて−自宅退院群と転院群の比較 守山 峻1,妹尾勝利2,藤原弘達1,吉村 学1,松本晋輔3 1川崎医科大学附属病院リハビリテーションセンター,2川崎医療福祉大学医療技術学部リハビリテーション学科,3専門学校川崎リハビリテーション 学院理学療法学科

PD 4-2-5 Effects of OT treatment in managing pain and upper limb function for people with tennis elbow:An observational study Zixian Yang1,Joyce Suang Bee Koh2,Tet Sen Howe2,Bernard F. Morrey3,Michelle Hui Xian Lim1 1 2 3 ue1 (Thu) 19 June OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY, SʼPORE GENERAL HOSPITAL, ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY, SʼPORE GENERAL HOSPITAL, ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY, MAYO CLINIC AND MAYO SCH OF MEDICINE

304 Physical Disabilities 4-3:OT Intervention & Various Functions 2 O-10 10:30∼11:00 身体障害 4-3:OT 介入と諸機能 2 Chair/座長 Toshikazu Kato Japan Community Health Care Organization, Hoshigaoka Medical Center(加藤敏一 独立行政法人 地域医療機能推進機構 星ヶ丘医療センター) PD 4-3-1 Possibilities for occupational therapists within terminal cancer rehabilitation:Investigation of FIM and dietary intake of terminal cancer patients Sakiko Okamoto1,Azumi Watanabe1,Atsuko Hayakawa1,Shigenori Harada1,Kazuyo Oguchi2 1Rehabilitation Dept., Kariya Toyota General Hospital branch east hospital,2Rehabilitation Dept., Kariya Toyota General Hospital

終末期がんリハビリテーションにおける作業療法士の可能性−終末期がん患者の FIM と食事摂取量の調査 岡本咲子1,渡邊安澄1,早川淳子1,原田重徳1,小口和代2 1刈谷豊田総合病院東分院リハビリテーション科,2刈谷豊田総合病院リハビリテーション科 ue2 (Fri) 20 June PD 4-3-2 Analysis of assessments and intervention policies by gathering case studies on occupational therapy for cancer Hiroki Shiramasa1,Takamichi Taniguchi1,Wataru Fujita1,Akari Shioda1,Motoko Sugihara2 1School of Health Sciences Department of Occupational Therapy, INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH AND WELFARE,2Sinjyuku Keyakien

がんの作業療法の症例報告集積による評価と介入方針の分析 白砂寛基1,谷口敬道1,藤田 亘1,塩田あかり1,杉原素子2 1国際医療福祉大学保健医療学部作業療法学科,2新宿けやき園

PD 4-3-3 Acute phase occupational therapy for patients with burn injury in upper extremities:Do ADLs improve impairment ? Mitsuyo Mori1,Kohei Ishita1,Shin Yamada2,Yasutomo Okajima2 1Division of Rehabilitation Services, Kyorin University Hospital,2Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, kyorin University ue2 St rlSession Oral (Sat) 21 June 上肢熱傷急性期の OT の視点−ADL が機能障害を改善する 森 光代1,石田幸平1,山田 深2,岡島康友2 1杏林大学医学部付属病院リハビリテーション室,2杏林大学医学部リハビリテーション医学教室

311+312 Physical Disabilities 4-4:Intervention in CNS Diseases O-10 10:30∼11:20 身体障害 4-4:中枢神経疾患への介入 Chair/座長 Yoshiaki Nishide Mori Orthopedics and Rheumatology Clinic(西出義明 もり整形外科・リウマチ科クリニック) PD 4-4-1 The role of the occupational therapist on the acute stroke team Keishiro Goto1,Koji Yamada1,Hiroyuki Kawano2,Toshiro Yonehara1,2 1Department of Rehabilitation, Saiseikai Kumamoto Hospital,2Department of Neurology, Saiseikai Kumamoto Hospital

急性期病院の脳卒中診療における作業療法士の役割 後藤啓士郎1,山田浩二1,河野浩之2,米原敏郎1,2 1済生会熊本病院リハビリテーション部,2済生会熊本病院神経内科


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PD 4-4-2 The effect of Occupational Therapy in acute stroke hospital Akira Michimata1,2,Takeo Kondo2,Shin-Ichi Izumi2 1Department of Rehabilitation, Kohnan Hospital,2Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine

脳卒中急性期病院での作業療法部門開設の効果 道又 顕1,2,近藤健男2,出江紳一2 1一般財団法人広南会 広南病院リハビリテーション科,2東北大学大学院医学系研究科肢体不自由学分野

PD 4-4-3 Using virtual moving targets to improve arm movement and standing postural control in patients with Parkinsonʼs disease Hui-Ing Ma1 1

Dept of Occupational Therapy, National Cheng Kung University June 18 (Wed)

PD 4-4-5 The relationships between motor imagery ability and upper limb function in patients with Parkinsonʼs disease Hajime Nakanishi1,2,Tomehichi Yamamoto3,Chinami Ishizuki2,Hiroaki Kimura1,Hideki Miyaguti2 1Hiroshima University Hospital,2Hiroshima University,3Nase Tokushuukai Hospital

パーキンソン病患者の運動イメージ能力と上肢機能の関係について 中西 一1,2,山本留七3,石附智奈美2,木村浩彰1,宮口英樹2 1広島大学病院,2広島大学大学院,3名瀬徳洲会病院

315 Physical Disabilities 4-5:Intervention for Upper Extremity Function 2 O-10 10:30∼11:20 身体障害 4-5:上肢機能への介入 2 Chair/座長 Mineo Oyama Niigata University of Health and Welfare(大山峰生 新潟医療福祉大学) PD 4-5-1 Factors affecting results and hospitalization after flexor tendon repair in zone 1 and 2 Toshiyasu Sakurai1,Yuya Kobayashi1,Hiroshi Yamazaki2 June 19 (Thu) 1Muculoskeletal Rehabilitation Center, Aizawa Hospital, Jisenkai Medical Corporation,2Orthopedic Center, Aizawa Hospital, Jisenkai Medical Corporation

Zone Ⅰ・Ⅱ屈筋腱断裂一次縫合後の入院期間・治療成績に及ぼす因子 櫻井利康1,小林勇矢1,山﨑 宏2 1社会医療法人財団 慈泉会 相澤病院運動器リハセンター,2社会医療法人財団 慈泉会 相澤病院整形外科センター

PD 4-5-2 Post operative range of motion of fracture dislocation of proximal interphalangeal joint of finger with dynamic external fixator Kazuma Miwa1,Kunji Shirahama2,Emi Yamazaki1,Maya Hatanaka1 1Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Ota general hospital,2Faculty of Rehabilitation, Kanagawa University of Human Services

可動型創外固定器を用いた手指 PIP 関節脱臼骨折の術後可動域に関する検討 三輪一馬1,白濱勲二2,山崎絵美1,畑中麻耶1 1太田総合病院リハビリテーション室,2神奈川県立保健福祉大学リハビリテーション学科

PD 4-5-3 June 20 (Fri) Flexor tendon tension during blocking exercise:Influence of palmar side compressive force Yukihiro Osanami1,2,Mitsuhiro Aoki3,Rikiya Shirato4,Eiichi Uchiyama1 1Graduate School of Health Sciences, Sapporo Medical University,2Rehabilitation Dept., Sapporo Tokushukai Hospital,3Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, Sapporo Daiichi Hospital,4Rehabilitation Dept., Sapporo Medical University Hospital

指屈筋腱 blocking exercise における掌側圧迫力と屈筋腱張力の関係 長南行浩1,2,青木光広3,白戸力弥4,内山英一1 1札幌医科大学大学院保健医療学研究科,2札幌徳洲会病院リハビリテーション科,3札幌第一病院整形外科,4札幌医科大学付属病院リハビリテーショ ン部

PD 4-5-4 Ultrasonographic measurement of flexor tendon excursion during Kleinert protocol:Comparison between all digits traction and single digit traction Ayumu Echigo1,Sadako Tsubota2,Mitsuhiro Aoki3 1Orthopaedics Trauma Center, Sapporo Tokushukai Hospital,2Hokkaido Bunkyo University,3Orthopaedics Department, Sapporo Daiichi Hospital

Kleinert 変法における浅指・深指屈筋腱の滑走距離について−全指牽引法と単指牽引法の比較 越後 歩1,坪田貞子2,青木光広3 1札幌徳洲会病院整形外科外傷センター,2北海道文教大学,3札幌第一病院整形外科 June 21 (Sat) Oral Session


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PD 4-5-5 Comparison of occupational therapy training in two different environments in upper extremity injuries Burcu Semin Akel1,Tulin Duger2 1Faculty of Health Sciences, Occupational Therapy Department, Hacettepe University,2Faculty of Health Sciences, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Department, Hacettepe University ue1 (Wed) 18 June 413 Physical Disabilities 4-6:Intervention for Upper Extermity Function 3 O-10 10:30∼11:20 身体障害 4-6:上肢機能への介入 3 Chair/座長 Kimiteru Murakami Kyushu Rosai Hospital(村上公照 九州労災病院) PD 4-6-1 Immediate Effects of Repetitive Wrist Extension on Grip Strength in Patients with Distal Radial Fracture Masahiro Mitsukane1,Noboru Sekiya2 1Department of Occupational Therapy, school of health science, Tokyo University of Technology,2Department of Physical Therapy, school of Nursing and Rehabilitation Sciences, Showa University

手関節背屈動作の反復が橈骨遠位端骨折症例の握力値に及ぼす即自的効果 光金正官1,関屋 昇2 1東京工科大学医療保健学部作業療法学科,2昭和大学保健医療学部理学療法学科

PD 4-6-2 The life condition for Thalidomide embryopathy in Japan:the actual condition of Thalidomide-Impaired people over 50 years

ue1 (Thu) 19 June from some questionnaire results Takeshi Kobayashi1,Atsuto Yoshizawa2,Yuko Takamori3,Tetsutaro Yanase3 1Faculty of Health Sciences, Chiba Prefectural University of Health Sciences,2General Intemal Medicine, National Center for Global Health and Medicine,3Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.

日本国内のサリドマイド胎芽病者の生活実態−アンケート調査結果に見る 50 歳を迎えた被害者の現状 小林 毅1,吉澤篤人2,高森裕子3,梁瀬鐵太郎3 1千葉県立保健医療大学健康科学部,2独立行政法人国立国際医療研究センター病院総合診療科,3株式会社三菱総合研究所

PD 4-6-3 Multiple injuries to both hands causing right ulnar nerve damage:a case report Keiko Takeuchi1 1Eastern Washington University

右手尺骨神経損傷を伴う両手複合損傷の一症例 竹内佳子1 1イースタンワシントン大学

PD 4-6-4

ue2 (Fri) 20 June Physical Disabilities in Severe Burn Injuries Kohei Ishita1,Mitsuyo Mori1,Shin Yamada2,Yasutomo Okajima2 1Division of rehabilitation service, Kyorin University Hospital,2Department of rehabilitation medicine, Kyorin University School of Medicine

急性期入院の重症熱傷患者の ADL 石田幸平1,森 光代1,山田 深2,岡島康友2 1杏林大学医学部付属病院リハビリテーション室,2杏林大学医学部リハビリテーション医学教室

PD 4-6-5 THE REHABILITATION PLAN CAN FACILITATE ADAPTATION IN PEOPLE WITH LATE EFFECTS OF POLIO Eva Mansson Lexell1,2,Jan Lexell1,2,Maria Larsson-Lund3 1Department of Health Sciences, Lund University,2Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Skane University Hospital,3Department of Health Sciences, Lulea University of Technology

ue2 St rlSession Oral (Sat) 21 June 301 Physical Disabilities 4-7:Intervention after Stroke 3 O-20 13:30∼14:50 身体障害 4-7:脳卒中後の介入 3 Chair/座長 Mikayo Omori St.Marianna Unversity School of Medicine Hospital(大森みかよ 聖マリアンナ医科大学病院) PD 4-7-1 Development of the Assisting Hand Assessment-Stroke:A Rasch-built Performance Measure for Adults with acquired hemiparesis Lena Krumlinde-Sundholm1,Barbro Lindquist2,Brian Hoare3 1Department of Womenʼs and Childrenʼs Health, Karolinska Institutet,2Rehabilitation Clinic, Danderyds Hospital,3Victorian Paediatric Rehabilitation Service

PD 4-7-2 Engaging occupations contributing to change in the recovery process after stroke:Qualitative Research Synthesis(QRS) Kerstin Tham1 1NVS Department, Division of OT, Karolinska Institutet


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PD 4-7-3 Evaluation of a Tele-Rehabilitation System for improving use of the impaired upper extremity in daily activities of people with Stroke Rachel Kizony1,2,3,P.L.(Tamar)Weiss1,2,Sharon Harel1,3,Yoram Feldman1,Mordechai Shani1 1Gertner Institute for Epidemiology and Health Policy Research, Tel Hashomer, Israel,2Occupational Therapy, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel,3Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, Israel

PD 4-7-4 Which patients with a stroke are believed to need a predischarge home visit by occupational therapists? A qualitative and quantitative investigation Phillip Whitehead1,Avril Drummond2,Marion F. Walker1 1Division of Rehabilitation and Ageing, University of Nottingham,2Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Nottingham

502 Physical Disabilities 4-8:Physical Dysfunction and Participation June 18 (Wed) O-10 15:30∼15:50 身体障害 4-8:身体障害と参加 Chair/座長 Keiko Inoue Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare(井上桂子 川崎医療福祉大学) PD 4-8-2 ENVIRONMENTAL PERCEPTION AND SOCIAL PARTICIPATION OF AMATEUR AND PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES WITH DISABILITIES Gonca Bumin1,Gokcen Akyurek2 1Occupational Therapy Department, Hacettepe University Faculty of Health Sciences,2Kastamonu Rehabilitation Center

PD 4-8-4 A Model of Wheelchair Usersʼ Participation in Community-based, Discretionary Activities Anita Perr1,2 1Department of Occupational Therapy, New York University,2Psychology Department- Program in Environmental Pscyhology, Graduate Center, City University of New York June 19 (Thu) 301 Physical Disabilities 4-9:Higher Brain Function & Work O-10 15:30∼16:20 身体障害 4-9:高次脳機能障害と仕事 Chair/座長 Manabu Watanabe Affiliated Hospital to Ehime Juzen School of Allied Medical Professionals(渡辺 学 愛媛十全医療学 院附属病院) PD 4-9-1 Development of an Assessment System for Cognitive Function Using Virtual Reality:The Effect of Age in Healthy Volunteers Hiromi Sakai1,Sayaka Okahashi2,4,Maki Kojima3,Akinori Nagano4,Zhiwei Luo4 1Department of Health Sciences, Tokyo University of Technology,2Department of Human Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University,3Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Nishiyamato Rehabilitation Hospital,4Department of Computa- tional Science, Graduate School of System Informatics, Kobe University

バーチャルリアリティ技術を用いた高次脳機能評価システムの開発−健常者における年齢の影響 酒井弘美1,岡橋さやか2,4,小嶌麻木3,長野明紀4,羅 志偉4 1東京工科大学医療保健学部,2京都大学大学院 医学研究科人間健康科学系専攻,3西大和リハビリテーション病院リハビリテーション部,4神戸大学 大学院 システム情報学研究科計算科学専攻 June 20 (Fri) PD 4-9-2 An occupational therapy program that uses the Makuhari Work Sample at a medical institution for patients with higher brain dysfunction Yuko Shimizu1,Junko Hayasaka1,Kazuyuki Sugai1,Hiroshi Watanabe1 1Rehabilitation Dept., Tohoku Pharmaceutical University Hospital

医療機関における高次脳機能障害者への訓練プログラムについて−ワークサンプル幕張版を用いての検討 清水祐子1,早坂順子1,須貝和幸1,渡邉裕志1 1東北薬科大学病院中央リハビリテーション部

PD 4-9-3 A Service Evaluation of the Effectiveness and Efficiency of an Education Group in an Outpatient Brain Injury Rehabilitation Setting Orla P. McEvoy1,2,Mark Delargy1,Michele C. Verdonck1,4,Ian Callanan3 1National Rehabilitation Hospital,2Whitaker School of Government and Management, Institute of Public Administration,3Clinical Audit Department, St. Vincentʼs Healthcare Group,4School of Health and Sports Sciences, University of the Sunshine Coast June 21 (Sat) Oral Session


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PD 4-9-4 An intervention that includes for self-prediction before the occupational performance and emphasizing processing strategies for developing self-awareness of clients with higher-level cognitive function damage Tomoko Miyahara1,Hajime Shimizu2,Hideaki Hanaoka1,Shingo Yamane1,Kaoru Kawahara3 1Graduate School of Hiroshima University,2Professor Emeritus of Hiroshima University,3Hiroshima Prefectural Rehabilitation Center ue1 (Wed) 18 June 高次脳機能障害者の self-awareness(自己の気づき)に対する作業前に結果予測及び戦略を意識付けた介入の有効性に関する検討 宮原智子1,清水 一2,花岡秀明1,山根伸吾1,川原薫3 1広島大学大学院,2広島大学(名誉教授), 3広島県立障害者リハビリテーションセンター

PD 4-9-5 Factors contributing to continuous employment of people assisted by Higher Brain Function Center Yuka Murota1,Kaoru Kawahara1,Tomoko Kamimura2 1Hiroshima Prefectural Rehabilitation Center,2Shinshu University

高次脳機能センターで支援した人の就労継続要因 室田由佳1,川原薫1,上村智子2 1広島県立障害者リハビリテーションセンター,2信州大学


301 Elderly 4-1:Elderly & Human Occupation 2 O-20 8:30∼9:10 老年期障害 4-1:高齢者と作業 2 Chair/座長 ue1 (Thu) 19 June Akemi Fukui Keijyu General Hospital(福井朱美 恵寿総合病院) EL 4-1-1 What is it like to be a grandmother?:Six female tenantsʼ grandparenting experiences in one independent retirement community Mei-Ling Lin1 1interdisciplinary studies, Appalachian State University

EL 4-1-3 Occupational Shifts in Elder South Asian Immigrants Sheama Krishnagiri1 1San Jose State University

301 Elderly 4-2:Community-based Practice 4 O-10 10:30∼11:20 老年期障害 4-2:地域での実践 4 Chair/座長 Sachiko Sakata Tokyo Bay Rehabilitation Hospital(坂田祥子 東京湾岸リハビリテーション病院) ue2 (Fri) 20 June EL 4-2-1 The Role of Alzheimerʼs Cafes in Japan:Present Situation and Future Prospects:The whole concept of Alzheimerʼs Cafe that dementia people family requires Kazuo Kariyama1,Kunio Takami2,Kazuyo Suzuki3,Kyoko Eguchi4,Hitomi Matsumoto5 1Undergraduate of Health and Medical technology, Bukkyo University,2Alzheimerʼs Association Japan,3Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University,4School of Nursing, Osaka Prefecture University,5Home

日本における認知症カフェの現状とこれから−家族が求める認知症カフェのあり方 苅山和生1,高見国生2,鈴木和代3,江口恭子4,松本 瞳5 1佛教大学保健医療技術学部,2認知症の人と家族の会,3京都大学大学院医学研究科,4大阪府立大学看護学部,5自宅

EL 4-2-2 Long-term prognosis of stroke patients discharged from a rehabilitation ward Hitoshi Mutai1,Tomomi Furukawa2,Kasumi Araki2,Kousuke Misawa2,Tokiji Hanihara1 ue2 St rlSession Oral (Sat) 21 June 1Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Health Sciences, School of Medicine, Shinshu University,2Department of Rehabilitation, Azumino Red Cross Hospital

リハビリテーション病棟から退院した脳卒中患者の長期予後 務台 均1,古川智巳2,荒木香寿未2,三澤孝介2,埴原秋児1 1信州大学医学部保健学科作業療法学専攻,2安曇野赤十字病院リハビリテーション科

EL 4-2-3 The role of an occupational therapist in the Alzheimerʼs cafe and the community:What is the PEACE of user and family? Hitomi Matsumoto1,Kazuo Kariyama2 1Home,2Bukkyo University

認知症カフェと居宅においての初期認知症者に対する作業療法士のスタンス−当事者と家族の安心とは? 松本 瞳1,苅山和生2 1自宅,2佛教大学


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EL 4-2-4 Comparison of physical performance in older adults with good cognitive function and declined cognitive function Naoki Tomiyama1,Mohammod Monirul Islam2,Ryuichi Hasegawa3 1The Faculty of Rehabilitation and Care, Seijoh University,2Department of Rehabilitation, Yonaha General Hospital,3College of Health and Life Sciences Studies, Chubu University

認知機能の違いによる運動パフォーマンスの比較 冨山直輝1,モハマド・モニルル イスラム2,長谷川龍一3 1星城大学リハビリテーション学部,2ヨナハ総合病院リハビリテーション科,3中部大学生命健康科学部

EL 4-2-5 An Approach for Long-term Care Prevention in the Community Based at a Technical College in Kyoto Megumi Nakamura1,Satoshi Tsujii1,Hiroko Tanimura1,Shunsuke Nakamura1,Yukihiro Oshima1 1

Occupational Therapist Department, Kyoto College of Mediacal Health June 18 (Wed)

地域における専門学校を拠点とした介護予防の取り組み 中村めぐみ1,辻井 智1,谷村浩子1,中村俊介1,大島行博1 1京都医健専門学校作業療法科

411+412 Elderly 4-3:Community-based Practice 5 O-10 10:30∼11:20 老年期障害 4-3:地域での実践 5 Chair/座長 Atsushi Niwa International University of Health and Welfare(丹羽 敦 広島都市学園大学) EL 4-3-1 Qualities expected of home-based occupational therapists:A qualitative pilot study Ryuji Kobayashi1,Seigo Minami1,2,Yoshihiro Tanikawa3,Toshiyuki Ishii4,Chiga Murai5 1Graduate School of Health Science, Kibi International University,2Occupational Therapy department, Kansai Gakken Medical and Welfare College,3Faculty of Health Sciences, Hiroshima Cosmopolitan University,4Geriatric Health Services Facility Himoroginosono,5Ishikawa Prefectural Takamatsu Hospital

訪問作業療法士に必要な素養とは−質的パイロット研究 小林隆司1,南 征吾1,2,谷川良博3,石井利幸4,村井千賀5 June 19 (Thu) 1吉備国際大学大学院保健科学研究科,2関西学研医療福祉学院作業療法学科,3広島都市学園大学健康科学部,4老人保健施設ひもろぎの園,5石川県立 高松病院

EL 4-3-2 Support for independent living of a person with serious rheumatoid arthritis by visiting services Hiroko Kurose1,Noriko Tomioka3,Yohko Inagaki2 1Rehabilitation Room, Saiseikai Hiroshima Hospital,2Department of Occupational Therapy, Tohoku Medical Care College,3Home

重度の関節リウマチ者に対する訪問サービスによる自立生活支援 黒瀬博子1,冨岡詔子3,稲垣陽子2 1済生会広島病院リハビリテーション室,2東北保健医療専門学校作業療法科,3自宅

EL 4-3-3 Effects of home-based occupational therapy focusing on activities for patients with dementia Takehiro Ishii1 1Home Visit Nursing Station Institute, Machida City Medical Association

作業に焦点を当てた認知症患者への訪問作業療法の効果について June 20 (Fri) 石井岳宏1 1一般社団法人 町田市医師会訪問看護ステーション

EL 4-3-4 Use of a living conditions survey in a preventative care class in A city Takashi Fujita1,Naoki Tomiyama1,Mai Furusawa1 1Faculty of Care and Rehabilitation, Seijoh University

A 市介護予防教室参加者の生活状況実態調査 藤田高史1,冨山直輝1,古澤麻衣1 1星城大学リハビリテーション学部

EL 4-3-5 An investigation of the bathing conditions at the homes of hip fracture patients one year after discharge Minako Shirai1,Kazuhiko Misaki1,Yasuaki Takahashi1,Yuka Yamanaka1 1Rehabilitation Dept., Saiseikai Otaru hospital

退院 1 年後における大腿骨近位部骨折患者の自宅入浴状況調査 白井美奈子1,三崎一彦1,高橋靖明1,山中佑香1 1済生会小樽病院リハビリテーション室 June 21 (Sat) Oral Session


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503 Elderly 4-4:Elderly & Human Occupation 3 O-20 13:30∼14:50 老年期障害 4-4:高齢者と作業 3 Chair/座長 Ippei Suganuma Imazu Red Cross Hospital(菅沼一平 今津赤十字病院) EL 4-4-1 ue1 (Wed) 18 June Neuro-occupation:A nonlinear dynamical system perspective Seyed Alireza Derakhshan Rad1,Mehdi Rassafiani1,Hojatolah Haghgoo1,Emily Piven2,Homayoun Nazeran3 1Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran,2Health Matters First of Florida, Oakland, Florida, USA,3Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, Texas USA

EL 4-4-2 The role of leisure engagement in an aging population:how can occupational therapists contribute? Ingeborg Nilsson1 1Community medicine and rehabilitation, Occupational therapy, Umea University

EL 4-4-3 Learning and using technology in intertwined processes:A study of people with MCI or Alzheimerʼs disease Lena Rosenberg1,Louise Nygard1 1Department of NVS/Division of Occupational Therapy, Karolinska Institutet

EL 4-4-4 Canadian Media Portrayals of Sexual and Relationship-Oriented Occupations in Later Life ue1 (Thu) 19 June Mineko Wada1,Julia Rozanova1,Laura Hurd Clarke2 1Dept. of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of British Columbia,2School of Kinesiology, University of British Columbia

Community & Participation/地域・参加

304 Community & Participation 4-1:Inclusive Intervention in the Community 5 O-20 8:30∼9:30 地域・参加 4-1:地域における包括的介入 5 Chair/座長 Eiko Kamiya International Institute of Medical Therapy(神谷詠子 国際医学技術専門学校) CP 4-1-1 Lessons learned about manualizing interventions for randomized controlled trials Erna Blanche1,Florence Clark1,Trudy Mallinson1,Jesus Diaz1,Jeanine Blanchard1 1Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of Southern California

CP 4-1-2 ue2 (Fri) 20 June Taking The Time To Identify The Communityʼs Occupational Needs Before Starting a Program Cristina Bolanos1,Analleli Quevedo1,Daniela Lopez Santin1 1Master Program of Occupational Therapy, Instituto de Terapia Ocupacional

CP 4-1-4 Community occupational therapy in dementia:development of COTiD-UK Jennifer Wenborn1,2,Ritchard Ledgerd2,Thomas Swinson2,Martin Orrell1,2,Sinead Hynes2 1UCL Mental Health Sciences Unit, University College London, UK,2Dementia Research Centre, North East London NHS Foundation Trust, UK

414+415 Community & Participation 4-2:Activity Participation Support in Community 5 O-20 8:30∼9:50 地域・参加 4-2:地域における活動参加支援 5 Chair/座長 Itsuki and Sumotoitsuki Hospital(岩佐英志 伊月病院・洲本伊月病院) ue2 St rlSession Oral (Sat) 21 June Hideshi Iwasa CP 4-2-1 Adapting to mealtimes:The lived experiences of elderly people with dysphagia Julie Boeberg Jensen1,Gaynor Sadlo2,Annika Ohman3 1Department of Physical and Occupational Therapy Bispebjerg University Hospital, Copenhagen Denmark,2Department of Occupational Therapy Brighton University, United Kingdom,3Department of Occupational Therapy Karolinska Institutet Stockholm, Sweden

CP 4-2-2 Managing uncertainty and disorder in everyday occupations of Japanese elderly with physical disabilities Peter Bontje1,2,Eric Asaba1,Staffan Josephsson1 1Division of Occupational Therapy, Karolinska Institutet,2Department of Occupational Therapy, Tokyo Metropolitan University

CP 4-2-3 Enabling positive caregiving occupation:the meaning of family harmony and filial piety in Chinese families Teresa Chiu1 1Hong Kong Polytechnic University


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CP 4-2-4 Reducing the material room in old age:The Casser maison-process of elderly people living at home Asa Larsson1 1Dept of Social and Welfare Studies, Division of Health, Activity and Care, Linkoping university

302 Community & Participation 4-3:Community-based OT 3 O-20 13:30∼14:10 地域・参加 4-3:地域に根ざした OT 3 Chair/座長 Naoko Kawakami Keiju Medical Center(川上直子 社会医療法人財団 董仙会 恵寿総合病院) CP 4-3-1 A comparison of physical rehabilitation, from India to Australia and the UK:Different? Or in fact, similar? Michelle Farquhar1,Annabelle Bond2,Samantha Shann3 June 18 (Wed) 1Occupational Therapy Department, Alfred Health,2Occupational Therapy Department, Eastern Health,3Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Northumbria University

CP 4-3-3 POOR YOUNGSTERS IN THE CITY:CONTRIBUTIONS OF SOCIAL OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Roseli Esquerdo Lopes1,Ana Paula Serrata Malfitano1,Carla Regina Silva1,Patricia Leme de Oliveira Borba2 1Departamento de Terapia Ocupacional, Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos,2Departamento de Saude, Educacao e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo

CP 4-3-4 Activity Report:The Project of Rehabilitation Capacity Improvement in National Rehabilitation Center for Children with Disabilities in Tajikistan:Possibility of the Introduction of Occupational Therapy in Tajikistan Kiyoshi Ishii1,Makoto Kono2 1JOCV Rehabilitation Network,2Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Occupational Therapy, KYORIN University

活動報告:タジキスタン小児リハビリテーション病院能力強化事業−タジキスタンにおける作業療法導入の可能性に関する考察 石井清志1,河野 眞2 1 2 JOCV リハビリテーションネットワーク, 杏林大学保健学部作業療法学科 June 19 (Thu)

503 Community & Participation 4-4:Driving 3 O-20 15:30∼16:10 地域・参加 4-4:運転 3 Chair/座長 Kaoru Uda Clinic Asato(宇田 薫 クリニック安里) CP 4-4-1 Occupational Therapy Driving Assessment for Elderly Taxi Drivers in Singapore Florence Cheong1,Mei Leng Chan1 1Occupational Therapy Dept, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore

CP 4-4-3 Car driving evaluation for patients with higher cortical dysfunction:Usefulness of neuropsychological evaluation and on road test Naoki Kawamura1,Mweonghwa Hong1,Yoshio Matushige1,Yuri Iijima1,Tomoharu Koike1 1Rehabilitation Dept., Sankuro Hospital June 20 (Fri) 高次脳機能障害患者に対する自動車運転評価−机上評価と実車運転評価の有用性について 川村直希1,洪 明華1,松重好男1,飯島有里1,小池知治1 1医療法人三九会 三九朗病院リハビリテーション部

Mental Health/精神障害

501 Mental Health 4-1:Community & Mental Health 3 O-20 8:30∼9:30 精神障害 4-1:地域と精神保健3 Chair/座長 Kazuyuki Hirao Osaka Health Science University(平尾一幸 大阪保健医療大学) MH 4-1-1 Simple can be effective:The Slovenian Integrative Model of Occupationl therapy - Mental Health Jozica Petek1,Andreja Grom2,Leonida Krajnc3 1Center for Clinical Psychiatry, University Psychiatric Hospital Ljubljana,2Centre for Mental Health, University Psychiatric Hospital,3Psychiatric Ward, UKC Maribor

MH 4-1-2 The Utility of Program Evaluation:Ten Year Outcomes at A Mental Health Housing Program Kristine Haertl1 June 21 (Sat) Oral Session 1Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, St. Catherine University


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MH 4-1-3 How do people living with mental health and substance misuse problems experience belonging and social connectedness in their community? Alison Anne Blank1,Marit Borg2 1School of Health Sciences and Social Care, Brunel University, London, UK,2Faculty of Health Science, Buskerud University College,

ue1 (Wed) 18 June Drammen, Norway

501 Mental Health 4-2:Community & Mental Health 4 O-10 10:30∼11:20 精神障害 4-2:地域と精神保健4 Chair/座長 Makoto Yanase Kagoshima University(簗瀬 誠 鹿児島大学) MH 4-2-1 Examination of a Method for Sharing, with Other Job Categories, the Approach to Support for Schizophrenic Patients Living in the Community:Using the Make-a-Box Test Battery(MABOT) Yoko Tsuji1,Eri Tatsumi1,Yoshimi Yuri1,Yuri Fujii1,Hitomi Sakai1 1Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Kansai University of Welfare Sciences

地域生活を送る統合失調症患者に対する支援の方向性を他職種と共有化する方法の検討−箱づくり法を用いて 辻 陽子1,巽 絵理1,由利禄巳1,藤井有里1,酒井ひとみ1 1関西福祉科学大学リハビリテーション学科

MH 4-2-2

ue1 (Thu) 19 June Needs for Social Participation of Psychiatric Patients Living in Kashiwara City, Osaka Prefecture Eri Tatsumi1,Yoko Tsuji1,Yasuyo Nomura2,Yoshiaki Taniai1,Hitomi Sakai1 1Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Daily Life Support Research Laboratory, Kansai University of Welfare Sciences,2Graduate School of Human Life Science, Osaka City University

大阪府柏原市に在住する精神障害者の社会参加のニーズ調査 巽 絵理1,辻 陽子1,野村恭代2,谷合義旦1,酒井ひとみ1 1関西福祉科学大学保健医療学部,生活支援研究室,2大阪市立大学大学院生活科学研究科

MH 4-2-3 Factors of Health-Related Quality of Life in Clients with Severe and Persistent Mental Illness in Community Psychiatric Rehabilitation Centers Shu-Chun Lee1,3,En-Chi Chiu2,Yu-Yuan Huang1,For-Wey Lung4,Jin-Ding Lin3 1Occupational Therapy, Taipei City Hospital,2School of Occupational Therapy, National Taiwan University,3School of Public Health, National Defense Medical Center,4Psychiatry, Taipei City Hospital

MH 4-2-4 Perceptions of the worker role among people with psychiatric disabilities Description and investigation of associated factors Elisabeth Argentzell1,Mona Eklund1 ue2 (Fri) 20 June 1Department of Health Sciences, Lund University

MH 4-2-5 Psychometric testing of a self-report measure of engagement in productive occupations and factors influencing occupational engagement in day centers for people with psychiatric disabilities Carina Tjornstrand1,Ulrika Bejerholm1,Mona Eklund1 1Dep. of Health Sciences/Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science, Lund University

502 Mental Health 4-3:Mental Health in Various Countries O-20 13:30∼14:50 精神障害 4-3:世界の精神保健 Chair/座長 Masaru Satake Osaka Kawasaki Rihabiritation University(佐竹 勝 大阪河﨑リハビリテーション大学) MH 4-3-1 ue2 St rlSession Oral (Sat) 21 June Examining the partnership process:insights from an international experience Henrica J.M. Fransen-Jaibi1,Saskia Hofstede-Wessels2,Margaret Mc Grath3,Ines Viana-Moldes4,Karin Lilienberg5 1Ecole Superieure des Sciences et Techniques de la Sante de Tunis, University of Tunis-El Manar, Tunisia,2Hogeschool van Amsterdam, The Netherlands,3School of Health Sciences, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland,4Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidade da Coruna, Spain,5Tallinna Tervishoiu Korgkool, Tallinn. Estonia

MH 4-3-2 Comparative study of psychiatric Occupational Therapy between Japan and France Noriko Funakoshi1 1service dʼergotherapie, Clinique du Bourget soins de suite et de readaptation

日本とフランスにおける成人精神科作業療法の比較分析 舩越紀子1 1Clinique du Bourget soins de suite et de readaptation 作業療法科


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MH 4-3-3 Occupational Therapy and Transcultural Mental Health:Challenges, opportunities and strategies for effective practice and engagement Susan McDonough1,Amy Baker2,Nicholas Procter2 1Victorian Transcultural Psychiatry Unit, St Vincentʼs Hospital Melbourne,2School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of South Australia

MH 4-3-4 The WFOT global survey of mental health practice in occupational therapy Katrina Bannigan1,Jane Cronin-Davis1,Sharon E. Brintnell2,Alison Laver-Fawcett1 1Research Centre for Occupation and Mental Health, York St John University,2Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Alberta

313+314 Mental Health 4-4:Mental Health and Occupation 2 June 18 (Wed) O-20 15:30∼16:10 精神障害 4-4:精神保健と作業の活用 2 Chair/座長 Ichiyo Igarashi Fukui Prefectural Hospital Psychiatry and Psychosomatic Medicine Center(五十嵐市世 福井県立病 院 こころの医療センター) MH 4-4-1 Re-valuing self through occupation:Enhancing Korean immigrantsʼ settlement in New Zealand Hagyun Kim1,Shoba Nayar2,Clare Hocking1 1Department of Occupational Science and Therapy, Auckland University of Technology,2Centre for Migrant and Refugee Research, Auckland University of Technology

MH 4-4-2 EMPOWERMENT THROUGH PUPPETS IN OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Lucia Aranda-Kilian1,2 1Social Work School/Continuous Education Center, National Autonomous University of Meixco(UNAM),2Capacitation and Information Center of the Social Sector(CECAPISS), Private Assistance Agency of the Federal District June 19 (Thu)


303 Education 4-1:Methodology of Education 3 O-20 8:30∼9:30 教育 4-1:教育方法3 Chair/座長 Louise Gustafsson The University of Queensland Ryuji Matsuda Kumamoto College of Medical Care & Rehabilitation(松田隆治 九州栄養福祉大学リハビリテーション 学部作業療法学科) ED 4-1-1 Widening Participation at University:Occupational therapy studentsʼ perspectives of the‘Headstart’Transition Programme Elizabeth Anne McKay1,Alice Mackenzie1,Linda Gnanasekaran1,Deborah Kramer-Roy1,Wendy Bryant1 1Occupational Therapy, Brunel University

ED 4-1-2 Pedagogical practices that support consumer participation in mental health education:A structured review of the literature June 20 (Fri) Karen Arblaster1 1School of Science and Health, University of Western Sydney

ED 4-1-3 Mapping Professionalism:An Exploration of Student Perceptions of Employability and Professional Identity Victoria Halliwell1 1Directorate of Occupational Therapy, University of Salford, School of Health Sciences

303 Education 4-2:Teaching and Learning 1 O-10 10:30∼11:10 教育 4-2:OT の養成教育 1 Chair/座長 Kimiko Shibata Bunkyo University(柴田貴美子 文京学院大学) ED 4-2-1 Using virtual-patients in mental health training for future occupational therapists Joseph Anthony1,Michael Lee2 1Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia,2Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of British Columbia

ED 4-2-3 June 21 (Sat) Oral Session Tools for guiding OT-Students professional development through fieldwork education Wiebke Hoppstaedter1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, HSG University of Applied Sciences


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ED 4-2-4 The efficacy of an undergraduate Occupational Therapy Work Practice curriculum to address the demands of clinical practice Eileen Du Plooy1 1Department of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Division of Occupational Therapy, University of Cape Town

ED 4-2-5 ue1 (Wed) 18 June Research on the correlation between the University student who experience social network and the quality of life Hansaem Lee1,Jiyeoung Lee1,Dabin Cheon1,Yora Choi1,Jieun Han1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Kangwon National University

304 Education 4-3:Teaching and Learning 2 O-20 13:30∼14:30 教育 4-3:OT の養成教育 2 Chair/座長 Linda Martin Florida Gulf Coast University Katsutaka Takaki Kumamoto College of Medical Care and Rehabilitation(高木勝隆 熊本総合医療リハビリテーション 学院) ED 4-3-1 Applying the Standards of Education of the WFOT to Selected OT Programs in the USA:Applying the WFOT Standards of Educationto Husny Amerih1,Reda Shihadeh2 1School of Occupational Therapy, Texas Womanʼs University,2Aegis Therapies

ue1 (Thu) 19 June ED 4-3-2 Strategies for learning to promote human rights in the Occupational Therapy curriculum:Overcoming the learning gap between theory and practice Lizahn G. Cloete1,Roshan Galvaan2,Liesl Peters3 1Occupational Therapy Division; Department of Health and Rehabilitation, University of Cape Town,2Occupational Therapy Division; Department of Health and Rehabilitation, University of Cape Town,3Occupational Therapy Division; Department of Health and Rehabilitation, University of Cape Town

ED 4-3-3 Integrating research into teaching and learning:Needs assessment for academic development Jo-Celene De Jongh1,Jose Frantz2,Anthea Rhoda2 1Department of Occupational Therapy, University of the Western Cape,2Department of Physiotherapy, University of the Western Cape

302 Education 4-4:Teaching and Learning 3 O-20 15:30∼16:30 教育 4-4:OT の養成教育 3 Chair/座長 Seiji Nishida Prefectural University of Hiroshima(西田征治 県立広島大学) ue2 (Fri) 20 June ED 4-4-1 Delivering a Collaborative Occupational Therapy Educational Programmes in Greece and the UK; a process for implementation Linda Renton1,Panagiotis Siaperas2 1Occupational Therapy, Queen Margaret University. Edinburgh. EH22 6UU. Scotland UK.,2Occupational Therapy, AMC Metropolitan College Greece, 74 Sorou St 15125, Maroussi, Athens, Greece,

ED 4-4-2 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY STUDENTSʼ LEARNING STYLES:IMPLICATION TO PROFESSIONAL ACADEMIC TRAINING Maria Fe Abejar1,Charles Jureidini2,Karla Mae Sagun2 1Department of Psychology, Cebu Doctorsʼ University,2Department of Occupational Therapy, Cebu Doctorsʼ University

ED 4-4-3 ue2 St rlSession Oral (Sat) 21 June Occupational therapy in physical health:third year student experiences of their first practice learning placement Helen Buchanan1,Hanske Flieringa1,Amshuda Sonday1,Kirsty Van Stormbroek1 1Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Cape Town

303 Education 4-5:Developments in OT Education 4 O-10 15:30∼16:20 教育 4-5:OT 教育の発展 4 Chair/座長 Tomomi Nakajima Seirei Christopher University(中島ともみ 聖隷クリストファー大学) ED 4-5-1 Therapeutic Use of Occupational activity in Traditional Chinese Medicine Li Cong1,Tamako Miyamae2 1Hiroshima International University,2Seirei Christopher University

伝統的中医学の中に見られる作業の治療的利用 叢麗1,宮前珠子2 1広島国際大学,2聖隷クリストファー大学


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ED 4-5-2 Sexuality:What is OTʼs role working with individuals with developmental disabilities and their families? Mariana D′Amico1 1Occupational Therapy, Georgia Regents University

ED 4-5-3 Occupational therapy students as agent of change:from internship to job creation Camille Gauthier-Boudreault1,3,Gentiane Cornellier1,Veronique Rainville-Lajoie1,2,Carmen Moliner1,Melanie Couture1,3 1School of Rehabiliation, Universite de Sherbrooke,2Centre de readaptation en deficience intellectuelle et trouble envahissant du developpement de lʼEstrie,3Centre de recherche clinique Etienne-LeBel

ED 4-5-4

Problem Based Learning in Occupational Therapy Curriculum Implications and challenges June 18 (Wed) Michal Avrech Bar1,Margalit Pade1,Yael Kaufman-Cohen1,Sara Gat1,Lena Lipskaya-Velikovsky1,2 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel,2Occupational Therapy, Yaʼakov-Ness- Ziona-Maban Mental Health Center affiliated to Tel Aviv University

ED 4-5-5 Health education and prevention by using educational games Leen Bouckaert1 1bachelor of occupational therapy, Arteveldehogeschool Gent

Research & EBP/研究・EBP

511+512 Research & EBP 4-1:Clinical Studies 4 O-20 8:30∼9:50 研究・EBP 4-1:臨床研究 4 Chair/座長 Carita Hakansson Dep of occupatioanla and Environmental Medicine, Lund University Kobe University Graduate School of Health Sciences(長尾徹神戸大学大学院保健学研究科) Toru Nagao June 19 (Thu) RE 4-1-1 Factors affecting Clinical reasoning:A Qualitative Study Narges Shafaroodi1,Mohmad Kamali1,Soroor Parvizy1,Afsoon Hassani Mehraban1,Jamshid Habibzadeh1 1occupational therapy department, Iran University of medical Sciences, School of Rehabilitation

RE 4-1-2 Concepts Important to Persons with SLE and Their Coverage by Disease-Specific Patient Reported Outcomes Assessing Quality of Life Julia Unger1,Mona Dur2,Tanja Alexandra Stamm2,3 1Department of Health Studies, Divison of Occupational Therapy, FH JOANNEUM, University of Applied Sciences,2Department of Internal Medicine III, Division of Rheumatology, Medical University of Vienna,3Department of Health, FH Campus Wien, University of Applied Sciences

RE 4-1-3 The occupational balance questionnaire:Developed on empirical qualitative data and together with people with and without

chronically autoimmune diseases June 20 (Fri) Mona Dur1,Birgit Prodinger2,Julia Unger3,Josef Smolen1,Tanja Alexandra Stamm1 1Internal Medicine III, Rheumatology, Medical University of Vienna, Austria,2Swiss Paraplegic Research, Nottwil, Switzerland,3Occupational Therapy, FH JOANNEUM Bad Gleichenberg, Austria

RE 4-1-4 The experiences of regaining the mealtime process after a high spinal cord injury Malin Johansson1,Gunilla Eriksson1,2 1Department of Speech Pathology, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, Akademiska sjukhuset, University hospital, Uppsala, Sweden,2Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Division of Occupational Therapy, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden June 21 (Sat) Oral Session


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414+415 Research & EBP 4-2:Occupational Therapy in Various Countries 3 O-10 10:30∼11:10 研究・EBP 4-2:各国の作業療法実践 3 Chair/座長 Takayuki Tabira Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences, Nishikyushu University(田平隆行 西九州大学リハビリテーション 学部) ue1 (Wed) 18 June RE 4-2-1 A study of the Quality of Life of partially physically disabled people in the Dominican Republic Noriko Morishita1,Yoselyn Castillo2 1Rehabilitation Dept., NIPPON MEDICAL SCHOOL HOSPITAL,2Occupational Therapy Dept., DOMINICAN REHABILITATION ASOCIATION

ドミニカ共和国における中途身体障害者の QOL 調査 森下賀子1,ジョセリン カスティジョ2 1日本医科大付属病院リハビリテーション室,2ドミニカリハビリテーション協会作業療法部

RE 4-2-2 Progressions in the Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists post-qualification education system from 2003 to 2012:a certification and specialization framework Yasuharu Nishide1,Katsutaka Takaki1,Aya Yoshida1,Hiromi Fujii1,Daisuke Jinnai1 1Post-qualification Education Committee, Education Department, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists

日本作業療法士協会生涯教育制度の変遷と現状そして今後の課題 西出康晴1,高木勝隆1,吉田 文1,藤井浩美1,陣内大輔1 1 ue1 (Thu) 19 June 日本作業療法士協会教育部生涯教育委員会

RE 4-2-3 Factors to Consider when Planning an Electronic Health Record(EHR)System Implementation:Global Lessons for South Africa Fatima Hendricks1,2 1OT, Orthohealth,2MSc Applied Information Management Student, University of Oregon

RE 4-2-5 Promoting Professional Occupational Therapy Education with WFOT Minimal Standards in China Mainland Guohui Lin1,Mengan Cao2,Kit Sinclair3,Sheila Purves2,Hongxing Wang4 1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Guangzhou Rehabilitation Centre for People with Disability,2International and China Division, The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation,3Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Hong Kong Polytechnic University,4Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Jiangsu Provincial Hospital

511+512 Research & EBP 4-3:EBP for Occupational Therapy 3 O-10 10:30∼11:20 研究・EBP 4-3:作業療法のための EBP 3 Chair/座長 ue2 (Fri) 20 June Toshiaki Sato Yamagata Prefectural University of Health Sciences(佐藤寿晃 山形県立保健医療大学) RE 4-3-1 Development of Categories of Occupational Change for the Elderly with Dementia Yoji Kamada1,2,Makoto Kyogoku3 1Health Science Graduate Course Master Course, Kibi International University Graduate School,2Long-Term Care Health Facility, Care Center Himawarien,3Kibi International University Graduate School

認知症高齢者における作業的変化のカテゴリーの作成 鎌田陽之1,2,京極 真3 1吉備国際大学大学院保健科学研究科修士課程,2介護老人保健施設ケアセンターひまわり苑,3吉備国際大学大学院

RE 4-3-2 The examination factors for the affected dominant hand of chronic stroke patient to reacquire using chopsticks:On

ue2 St rlSession Oral (Sat) 21 June intervention of low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation and intensive occupational therapy(NEURO-15) Kumi Yoshizawa1,Michihiko Ando1,Kouji Namiki1,Yohei Mori1,Hiroyoshi Hara2 1Aizawa Hospital, Jisenkai Medical Corporation, Stroke Neurological Rehabilitation Center,2Department of Rehabilitation Aizawa Hospital, Stroke Neurological Rehabilitation Center

慢性期の脳卒中利き手片麻痺患者の患側箸動作再獲得における因子の検討−低頻度反復性経頭蓋磁気刺激と集中的作業療法(NEURO-15)の治療を通して 吉澤久実1,安藤道彦1,並木幸司1,森 洋平1,原 寛美2 1社会医療法人財団 慈泉会 相澤病院脳卒中・脳神経リハセンター,2社会医療法人財団 慈泉会 相澤病院脳卒中脳神経センター リハビリテー ション科


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RE 4-3-3 Cerebral blood flow changes in the region surrounding the somatosensory cortex motor area associated with sequence motor learning:A study using functional near infrared spectroscopy Yuki Seki1,2,Daisuke Hirano1,3,Takashi Fujioka1,4,Motoki Kurumai1,5,Takamichi Taniguchi1,2 1Graduate School of Health and Welfare Sciences, International University of Health and Welfare,2Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Health Sciences, International University of Health and Welfare,3Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Nursing and Rehabilitation Sciences at Odawara, International University of Health and Welfare,4Kanuma Hospital,5Tochigi Medical Association Shiobara Hot Spring Hospital

連続的運動学習に伴う大脳皮質感覚運動野周辺領域の脳血流変化について−機能的近赤外分光法(fNIRS)を用いた検討 関優樹1,2,平野大輔1,3,藤岡 崇1,4,車井元樹1,5,谷口敬道1,2 1国際医療福祉大学大学院医療福祉学研究科,2国際医療福祉大学保健医療学部作業療法学科,3国際医療福祉大学小田原保健医療学部作業療法学科, 4鹿沼病院,5栃木県医師会塩原温泉病院 June 18 (Wed) RE 4-3-4 Frame of References for Evidence-based Practice Jim Hinojosa1,Tsu-Hsin Howe1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Steinhardt of culture, education and human development, New York University, New York, USA

RE 4-3-5 A Study of the Influence of Hat Shape on Visual Perception and Balance Hyo-Lyun Roh1,Da-mi Kim1,Lee-seol Kim1,Chae-Min Song1,Jae-Wan Choi1 1Occupational Therapy Dept., Kangwon National University

304 Research & EBP 4-4:Lifestyle O-10 15:30∼16:20 研究・EBP 4-4:ライフスタイル Chair/座長 Yasuo Naito Osaka Prefecture University Graduate School of Comprehensive Rehabilitation(内藤泰男 大阪府立 大学大学院総合リハビリテーション学研究科) June 19 (Thu) RE 4-4-1 Effects of sleep position and position shifts on sleep quality Akiko Nojiri1,Chikako Okumura1,Yushi Ito1 1Faculty of Rehabilitation, Kumamoto Health Science University

姿勢と活動が睡眠におよぼす影響についての検討 野尻明子1,奥村チカ子1,伊東祐之1 1熊本保健科学大学リハビリテーション学科

RE 4-4-2 Relationship of between knee flexion and physical activities in japanese lifestyle Hiroyuki Suzuki1,Kenzo Teramura1,Kasumi Miyamura1,Tokio Kinoshita1,Yukihide Nisimura1 1Rehabilitation Dept., Wakayama Medical University Hospital

生活様式の違いにおける活動割合と膝関節屈曲角度との関連性 鈴木浩之1,寺村健三1,宮村佳澄1,木下利喜生1,西村行秀1 1和歌山県立医科大学附属病院リハビリテーション科

RE 4-4-3 June 20 (Fri) The learning effect by using the Edison chopsticks:From a viewpoint of change of the surface electromyogram Atsushi Ueda1,Junko Morikawa2,Noriko Arai3,Kanae Matsushima3,Toshihiro Kato3 1The department of rehabilitation, The second Okamoto general hospital,2The department of child rehabilitation, Yamori Clinic,3The department of medical studies, Kyoto University

エジソン箸使用による学習効果−筋電図を使った筋活動計測の観点から 上田篤史1,森川純子2,新井紀子3,松島佳苗3,加藤寿宏3 1第二岡本総合病院リハビリテーション科,2家森クリニック小児リハビリテーション科,3京都大学医学研究科

RE 4-4-4 Ball Rolling Exercise Improves Finger Dexterity and Chopstick Operability of the Non-Dominant Hand in Healthy Young Adults Shugo Nakamura1,Daiki Nakashima1,Mamiko Kawaura2,Hiroyuki Hayashi3 1Rehabilitation Dept., Tokai Memorial Hospital,2Rehabilitation Dept., Ukai Rehabilitation Hospital,3Faculty of Care and Rehabilitation, Division of Occupational Therapy, Seijoh University

ボールローリングエクササイズは健常若年者における非利き手の手指巧緻性と箸操作を改善する 中村守吾1,中島大貴1,川浦真未子2,林 浩之3 1東海記念病院リハビリテーション部,2鵜飼リハビリテーション病院リハビリテーション部,3星城大学リハビリテーション学部作業療法学専攻 June 21 (Sat) Oral Session


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RE 4-4-5 A Study on Hot Water Bathtub and the Characteristics of Stepping Movement Sonomi Umezaki1,Yutaka Tochihara2 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Teikyo University Faculty of Fukuoka Medical Technology,2Human Science, Faculty of Design, Kyushu University ue1 (Wed) 18 June 湯張り浴槽へのまたぎ動作の運動特性に関する研究 梅崎園美1,栃原 裕2 1帝京大学福岡医療技術学部作業療法学科,2九州大学大学院芸術工学研究院デザイン人間科学部門

311+312 Research & EBP 4-5:New Challenges O-20 15:30∼16:30 研究・EBP 4-5:新たな挑戦 Chair/座長 Fumiyasu Ishii Nihon Fukushi University Faculty of Health Sciences(石井文康 日本福祉大学 健康科学部) RE 4-5-1 The increase of interleukin-6 after heat stress abolish in persons with spinal cord injury Kenzo Teramura1,Takamasa Hashizaki1,Tokio Kinoshita1,Ken Kouda1,Takeshi Nakamura1 1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Wakayama Medical University Hospital

温熱負荷による Interleukin-6 の上昇反応は頚髄損傷者において抑制される 寺村健三1,橋﨑孝賢1,木下利喜生1,幸田 剣1,中村 健1 1和歌山県立医科大学附属病院リハビリテーション科

RE 4-5-2 ue1 (Thu) 19 June A Planned and Proactive Approach to Caring for the Aged at Home:Should they have to leave home? Bronwyn R Farquhar1 1Farquhar Associates Pty Limited

RE 4-5-3 Characterising Patients with Tennis Elbow with Different Recovery Trajectories Using Growth Mixture Modelling Hui Xian Michelle Lim1,Ruijie Li3,Zixian Yang1,Suang Bee Joyce Koh2 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Singapore General Hospital,2Departyment of Orthopaedic Surgery, Singapore General Hospital,3Health Services and Outcomes Research, National Healthcare Group

Challenge & Innovation/革新と挑戦

416+417 Challenge & Innovation 4-1:Development and Leadership of the Occupational Therapy Profession O-20 8:30∼9:30 革新と挑戦 4-1:作業療法の発展とリーダーシップ Chair/座長 Hiromi Yoshikawa Prefectural University of Hiroshima(吉川ひろみ 県立広島大学) ue2 (Fri) 20 June CI 4-1-2 ‘Risky business’:Risk and the occupational therapy profession Mandy Stanley1,Mary Russell1 1School of Health Sciences, University of South Australia

CI 4-1-3 The Evolution of Occupational Therapy Representation in British Columbia:Challenges and Innovations Giovanna Boniface1,Claudia von Zweck2 1British Columbia Chapter, Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists,2Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists

CI 4-1-4 WFOT Human Resources Project 2008 -2014 Ritchard Ledgerd1 1 ue2 St rlSession Oral (Sat) 21 June World Federation of Occupational Therapists

416+417 Challenge & Innovation 4-2:Challenges for Occupational Therapists 5 O-10 10:30∼11:20 革新と挑戦 4-2:作業療法士の挑戦 5 Chair/座長 Tomonori Yasuda Kumamoto Health Science University(安田大典 熊本保健科学大学) CI 4-2-1 Examination on the Usefulness of Peripheral Nerve Sensory Stimulation(PSS)for Hemiplegic Unilateral Spatial Neglect Patients Junya Shimizu1,Daisuke Matsumoto2,Hiroyuki Kajita3,Masafumi Hosomi1,Shigeatsu Natsume1 1Rehabilitation Department, Yoshida Hospital Affiliated Cerebrovascular Research Institute,2Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Health Science, Kio University,3Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation, Kobe Gakuin University

脳卒中片麻痺の半側空間無視患者に対する末梢感覚神経電気刺激療法(Peripheral Nerve Sensory Stimulation:PSS)の有用性の検討 清水淳也1,松本大輔2,梶田博之3,細見雅史1,夏目重厚1 1吉田病院附属脳血管研究所リハビリテーション部,2畿央大学健康科学部理学療法学科,3神戸学院大学総合リハビリテーション学部


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CI 4-2-2 The prefrontal lobe activation during Go/No-Go Task:with functional near-infrared spectroscopy(fNIRS) Masafumi Kunishige1,Hajime Nakanishi1,Go Kurauchi1,Chinami Ishizuki1,Hideki Miyaguchi1 1Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan

Go/No-Go 課題時における左右前頭前野の血流量の差異−近赤外線分光装置(fNIRS)を用いて 國重雅史1,中西 一1,倉内 剛1,石附智奈美1,宮口英樹1 1広島大学大学院

CI 4-2-3 Impact on the prefrontal cortex in presentation differences in the coat behavior Yoshiki Nagai1,Atushi Kanauti1,Yuuki Torigoe1,Yuusuke Ruike1 1The Medical technology Dept. Occupational therapy Dept., The Social Medical Corporation Hokuto Hokuto Hospital

上着動作での提示方法の相違が前頭前野に与える影響 June 18 (Wed) 永井義樹1,金内 惇1,鳥越夕妃1,類家裕介1 1社会医療法人北斗 北斗病院医療技術部 作業療法科

CI 4-2-4 Research on the Activation of the Cerebral Cortex During Common Occupational Activities:A Near-infrared Spectroscopy Study Fubiao Huang1,2,3,Daisuke Hirano2,Takamichi Taniguchi2,Yoshishige Ogihara2 1Department of Occupational Therapy, China Rehabilitation Research Center, Beijing, China,2Graduate School of Health and Welfare Sciences, International University of Health and Welfare, Japan,3Faculty of Rehabilitation, Capital Medical University , Beijing, China

CI 4-2-5 Electromyography in Handwriting Analysis:A study of Two Grasp Patterns Pedro H.T.Q. Almeida1,Iracema S. Ferrigno2,Daniel M.C. Cruz2,Luis Alberto Magna3,Tatiana B. Pontes1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Universidade de Brasilia - Faculdade de Ceilandia,2Department of Occupational Therapy, Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos,3Departament of Medical Genetics, Universidade de Campinas

414+415 Challenge & Innovation 4-3:House Environment & Seating June 19 (Thu) O-20 13:30∼14:50 革新と挑戦 4-3:住環境とシーティング Chair/座長 Bethan Collins Bournemouth University Hideki Shiraishi Ibaraki Prefectural University Of Health Sciences(白石英樹 茨城県立医療大学 作業療法学科) CI 4-3-1 The Actuality of Rehabilitation after Charnley THA:The Attempt to Accommodate Japanese-style Living after Operation Toru Kawamoto1,Hisaya Higashi1,Rieko Ogawa1,Yoshiyuki Karasawa2,Kunio Nakane2 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Daiyukai General Hospital,2Department of Orthopedics Surgery, Daiyukai General Hospital

Charnley 型 THA 後における ADL 訓練の実際−和式生活への取り組み 川本 徹1,東 久也1,小川倫永子1,唐澤善幸2,中根邦雄2 1総合大雄会病院リハビリテーション科 作業療法部門,2総合大雄会病院整形外科

CI 4-3-2 Influence of operational efficiency on the optimized seating system 1 1 2

Hisako Nomura ,Takuro Kijima ,Yutaka Yamamura June 20 (Fri) 1PAS Corporation,2Teikyo University

適合されたシートが作業効率に与える影響について 野村寿子1,木島拓郎1,山村 豊2 1株式会社ピーエーエス,2帝京大学

CI 4-3-3 Use and usefulness of accommodations provided to students with disabilities in higher education Naomi Schreuer1,Dalia Sachs1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Haifa

CI 4-3-4 Investigation and Advancement of Housing Standards Addressing Accessibility:the Use of an Activity-based Approach Tina Helle1 1Occupational Therapy, University College Northern Denmark June 21 (Sat) Oral Session


+164-185WFOT1419訂高.mcd Page 21 14/06/05 20:28 v6.10 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists in collaboration with the 48th Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo

511+512 Challenge & Innovation 4-4:Occupational Therapy in Various Countries 4 O-20 13:30∼14:10 革新と挑戦 4-4:各国の作業療法実践 4 Chair/座長 Fusae Ishibashi Dept. of Occupational Therapy, School of Health Sciences At Fukuoka, International University of Health and Welfare(石橋英恵 国際医療福祉大学 福岡保健医療学部) ue1 (Wed) 18 June CI 4-4-1 Service Learning in a Developing Country Kimberley Persons1,Donna Costa2 1Rehabilitation Science, University at Buffalo,2Occupational Therapy, Touro University Nevada

CI 4-4-2 Driving behaviors and anxieties of military service members with and without traumatic brain injury/post traumatic stress disorder after service in Iraq or Afghanistan Erica B. Stern1,Todd Rockwood2 1Occupational Therapy, University of Minnesota,2School of Public Health, University of Minnesota


416+417 Theory 4-1:The Wisdom ofOccupational Therapy O-20 13:30∼14:50 理論 4-1:作業療法の英知 Chair/座長 ue1 (Thu) 19 June Noriko Tomioka (冨岡詔子) TH 4-1-1 How Can Occupational Science Contribute to the Development of Occupational Therapy in Japan?:Reflecting on the Past Tomoko Kondo1,Etsuko Odawara2,Mari Sakaue3,Hirokazu Nishikata4 1Department of Occupational Therapy, Teikyo University of Science,2School of Rehabilitation Sciences, Seirei Christopher University,3School of Health Sciences, Sapporo Medical University,4Faculty of Health Science Technology, Bunkyo Gakuin University

作業療法における作業科学の役割−日本の作業科学の発展からの洞察 近藤知子1,小田原悦子2,坂上真理3,西方浩一4 1帝京科学大学医療科学部 作業療法学科,2聖隷クリストファー大学リハビリテーション学部,3札幌医科大学保健医療学部,4文京学院大学保健医療 技術学部 作業療法学科

TH 4-1-2 Respecting global wisdom:Enhancing the cultural relevance of occupational therapyʼs theoretical base Karen Whalley Hammell1 1Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

TH 4-1-3 ue2 (Fri) 20 June Knowledge of our forefathers:The lost wisdom of lifestyle balance Teena J. Clouston1 1School of healthcare studies, Cardiff University

TH 4-1-4 SOCIAL ACTORS:CONSTRUCTION OF PROFESSIONAL IDENTITY FROM OCCUPATIONAL THERAPISTʼS NARRATIVES Diego Cifuentes1 1School of Occupational Therapy, Universidad de Chile - Faculty of Medicine


313+314 Disaster 4-1:Disaster 6 O-10 10:30∼11:10 災害 4-1:災害 6 ue2 St rlSession Oral (Sat) 21 June Chair/座長 Chuzo Imadera Aoyama Saiko-En(今寺忠造 青山彩光苑) DI 4-1-1 Efforts of Ishikawa Occupational Therapists Association at Noto Peninsula Earthquake:To encourage the community Hiromi Shindo1,2 1Chair, Ishikawa Occupational Therapists Association,2Headquarters, keiju Medical Center

能登半島地震の作業療法県士会として取り組み−人と地域を元気にする 進藤浩美1,2 1石川県作業療法士会会長,2恵寿総合病院本部


+164-185WFOT1419訂高.mcd Page 22 14/06/05 20:28 v6.10 第16回 世界作業療法士連盟大会・第48回 日本作業療法学会

DI 4-1-2 Effects upon Occupational Therapists since the Great Eastern Earthquake Etsuko Takanohashi1,2,Satoru Ohkubo1,2,Kenji Okazaki1,3,Setsuo Fujiwara1,4,Kouki Hosokawa1,3 1Iwate Association of Occupational Therapists,2Occupathional Therapy Dept., Iwate Rehabilitation center,3Iwate Rehabilitation College,4Rehabilitation Dept., Higashihachimantai Hospital

震災から 2 年被災した作業療法士が何を感じ,いかに過ごしてきたか? 鷹觜悦子1,2,大久保 訓1,2,岡崎謙治1,3,藤原瀬津雄1,4,細川康紀1,3 1一般社団法人 岩手県作業療法士会,2いわてリハビリテーションセンター作業療法科,3岩手リハビリテーション学院,4東八幡平病院リハビリテー ション部

DI 4-1-3 Occupational therapy support for victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake 1 1 1 2

Takashi Terakado ,Koichi Ohnaka ,Kunihiko Suzuki ,Takaji Suzuki June 18 (Wed) 1Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Shimura Omiya Hospital, Ibaraki Northwest General Rehabilitation Center,2School of Health Sciences Department of Occupational therapy, International University of Health and Welfare Odawara campus

福島県いわき市・南相馬市への災害支援活動報告 寺門 貴1,大仲功一1,鈴木邦彦1,鈴木孝治2 1志村大宮病院・茨城北西総合リハビリテーションセンターリハビリテーション科,2国際医療福祉大学 小田原キャンパス保健医療学部 作業療法 学科

DI 4-1-4 State of art of Occupational Therapy applicable to earthquake victims in Italy Francesco Romagnoli1,Alessandro Lanzoni2 1Parma, Italy, OT Freelancer,2Modena, Italy, OT Freelancer

413 Disaster 4-2:Disaster Related Issues O-20 13:30∼14:30 災害 4-2:災害関連 Chair/座長 Anne Cronin Health Science Center West Virginia University June 19 (Thu) Shigemi Nakamura Department of Occupational Therapy, Ahru Medical Care and Welfare Professional Training College(中村茂美 アール医療福祉専門学校) DI 4-2-1 The Bodily Experience of Apraxia in Everyday Activities:A Phenomenological Study Arntzen Cathrine1,2,Elstad Ingunn1 1Faculty of health sciences, University of Tromso,2Division of Rehabilitation Services, University Hospital of North Norway

DI 4-2-2 Using a Human Rights-Based Approach to Disability in Disaster Response Janet Njelesani1 1Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of Toronto

DI 4-2-3 Resilience in the Aftermath of Disaster:A Trajectory Model for Intervention Marjorie E. Scaffa1,Courtney S. Sasse1 1Department of Occupational Therapy, University of South Alabama June 20 (Fri) June 21 (Sat) Oral Session


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