EXTENSIONS of REMARKS February 1 O, 1976 Mr
3004 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 1 O, 1976 Mr. DELANEY' Mr. DER WINSKI, Mr. RINALDO, Mr. RoNCALIO, Mr. RoDINO, 95) relating to the Department of Agricul DODD, Mr. DOWNEY of New York, Mr. Mr. RoE, and Mr. RoSENTHAL): ture, Soil Conservation Service, which is pro DRINAN, Mr. EDWARDS of California, H. Con. Res. 552. Concurrent resolution posed by the President in his message of and Mr. EILBERG) : supporting the Brussels Conference on January 23, 1976, transmitted under sec H. Con. Res. 550. Concurrent resolution Soviet Jewry; to the Committee on Interna tion 1013 of the Impoundment Control Act supporting the Brussels Conference on So tional Relations. of 1974; to the Committee on Appropriations. viet Jewry; to the Committee on Interna By Mr. SCHEUER (for himself, Mr. tional Relations. SARBANES, Mr. SoLARZ, Mr. STOKES, By Mr. SCHEUER (for himself, Mr. FASCELL, Mr. JAMES V. STANTON, Mr. VANIK, PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Ms. FENWICK, Mr. FISH, Mr. FORD of Mr. VIGORITO, Mr. WAGGONNER, Mr. Tennessee, Mr. FITHIAN, Mr. FRASER, WAXMAN, Mr. WHITEHURST, Mr. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private Mr. GILMAN, Mr. GRADISON, Mr. WOLFF, Mr. SANTINI, and Mr. TRAX bills and resolutions were introduced and GREEN, Mr. HARRIS, Mr. HAWKINS, LER) : severally referred as follows: M·r. HEINZ, Ms. HOLTZMAN, Mr. H. Con. Res. 553. Concurrent resolution By Mr. GRADISON: supporting the Brussels Conference on HOWARD, Mr. HuGHES, Mr. !CHORD, Ms. H.R. 11858. A bill for the relief of Mrs. JORDAN, Mr. KEMP, Mr. KOCH, Mr. Soviet Jewry; to the Committee on Interna Chong Sun Yi Rauch; to the Committee on LAGOMARSINO, Mr.
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