,. _foui1-u-iffe-:J.effeuon C!.ountJg:Jublfo . :befende't C!.o'tpo'tation LOUISVILLE METRO PUBLIC DEFENDER ADVO CACY PLAZA 701-719 WEST JEFFERSON STREET LOU ISVILLE, KEN TUCKY 40202-2732 502-574-3800 Fax 502-574-1414 e-mail:
[email protected] Web site: www.louisvillemetropub licdefender .org LEO G. SMITH DANIELT . GOYETTE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DEFENDER EMERITUS CHIEF PUBLIC DEFENDER November25, 2019 The HonorableMatt Bevin Governor of Kentucky State Capitol Building,Suite 100 700 capital Avenue Frankfort, KY 40601 Re: ClemencyRequest of GregoryW ilson Inmate No. 32847 KentuckyState Penitentiaryat Eddyville Dear Governor Bevin: Pleaseaccept this letter as a request for the commutation of GregoryWilson's death sentence. Mr. Wilson has been on death row at the KentuckyState Penitentiarysince October 31, 1988, following his conviction in Kenton Circuit Court for murder and other charges. Mr. Wilson is 62 years old and has spent literally half of his life on Kentucky'sdeath row, where he will undoubtedly die, one way or another. There is no issue of public safety involved, only a fair adjudication and a just resolution. As will be delineatedbelow, there are a multitude of reasons to commute his sentenceto life without parole, and no legitimate purposewill be served by seeking his execution. Fundamentalunfairness permeatedMr. Wilson'scapital prosecutionin Kenton County. From the start, the proceedingswere rife with legal error, malpractice,conflicts of interest, unprofessionalconduct and highly inappropriateacts by judicial officers. Abandonedby his assigned counseland left with unprepared,inept, unqualifiedvolunteer attorneys, his efforts to obtain qualified, prepared counselwere met with a mistakenconclusion that he wanted to represent himself. As a result of the abandonmentand incompetenceof his assigned lawyers, Mr.