Ariety Show Yields Proceeds to Charity Showcase Their Talents, Will Be in Through BMOC and Several Other Women Die Each Year of Breast Leone Cole Auditorium at 8 P.M

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Ariety Show Yields Proceeds to Charity Showcase Their Talents, Will Be in Through BMOC and Several Other Women Die Each Year of Breast Leone Cole Auditorium at 8 P.M Jacksonville S-tate University Medieval Knights invade March 2,2000 www, Volume 48, Issue 21 ariety show yields proceeds to charity showcase their talents, will be in through BMOC and several other women die each year of breast Leone Cole Auditorium at 8 p.m. events. Fund-raising events for cancer. In addition, 1,200 men The widespread flood disaster Last year, the talents ranged from this year have included a Fun Run, will be affected by the disease and in Mozambique is worsening, as Zeta Tau Alpha is sponsoring the playing the saxophone and singing a bake sale, and BMOC. Also in one-fourth of those affected will thousands of deaths are being second-annual Big Man On to a "Sorority Death Match skit the works is a golf tournament and not survive the disease. Breast blamed on the deluge, and more Campus (BMOC) men's variety and the "Human ABC's." a Greek softball tournament. cancer can affect anyone, man or than 100,000 stranded victims show on Tuesday, March 7 to ben- ZTA raised several thousand dol- Breast cancer affects 1 in 9 woman, but there are certain fac- are still awaiting rescue, accord- efit breast cancer awareness. The lars last year for breast cancer women in the United States every tors which put some at a higher ing to disaster response and contest, in which men are able to awareness, their philanthropy, year. In the US, more than 44,000 emergency aid officials. Continued on page 3, BIG MAN Radio Liberty correspondent Andrei Babitsky, whose deten- Students stick tion by Russian forces in Chechnya sparked protest inside Mason Hall with Russia and abroad, was freed from custody early Tuesday, Russian media reported. huge phone bill, Some of the jurors who acquit- ted the four white New York forced to pay City police officers in the shoot- Bv Wendy Laminack ing death of an unarmed black Staff Writer man are speaking out, blaming the outcome of the murder trial When making a long distance on prosecutors. The Bronx dis- phone call, call collect. Charge it trict attorney had called the to a credit card or home phone. shooting a murder, claiming that But don't charge it to a depart- the officers - motivated by ment at the university. racial assumptions - shot 41 Seveqty-five phone calls were times at African immigrant charged to the band room in Amadou Diallo because they Mason Hall at Jacksonville State suspected the black man was University recently. Kenneth about to pull a gun. But jurors Bodiford, director of the who acquitted the four officers Marching Southerners, reported of all charges said prosecutors the "theft of services" on Feb. 15. failed to prove that case to Two JSU students have been them. identified as using the access code A third strike for cocaine land- Top three SGA offices unopposed to make the calls. Their names ed Darryl Strawberry a one-year were not released. suspension Monday, and left the 'No contest' raises "There are only a few offices on of participation partly comes from "What caught my attention was New York Yankees and most of questions about campus that get funded for student students having to serve on the stu- it was so much more money," said activities like open Mic nights we dent senate at least one year before Music Department Head James baseball wondering: Will he student involvement ever play again? Commissioner have, the comedians we bring in ... running for SGA. "I think that has Fairleigh. It was approximately movies we're going to start show- an impact on the number of candi- Bud Selig imposed the penalty Bv Adam Smith and $750 more, according to Sgt. Christopher Lauer ing in the fall." dates we have for officer," said Ricky Gaither of the University and did not make any provision Casey. Editors JSU's SGA is primarily made up Police Department. for the troubled slugger, who of five students, three of which are Does block voting play a part in Every month, the Music turns 38 next month, to return With Student Government running unopposed .this election. who wins JSU elections, particular- Department, as well as every early for good behavior. Association elections fast approach- Elizabeth Webb, 1st vice president ly SGA? "It does happen on cam- ing, SGA representatives are and Donnell Humes, 2nd vice pres-' pus," said Casey. Humes, who also other JSU department, is given a INSIDE encouraging students to get ident are just two of the officers agrees that it does occur, does not report of long distance calls .NEWS* involved. running unopposed. They hope their agree with block voting. "Me per- charged to the department. SIFE helps Latino communiiy The SGA, the governing body of lack of opposition has more to do sonally, I believe that everyone Although recruitment has just .RED HERRING. JSU students, decides what events with their past track record than should speak their own mind. There begun for the music programs, the Music, Movies, More will take place on campus each with the apathy of JSU students. will be those fraternities and sorori- phone bill was "far more than we *TOWN CRIER* year, as well as passing resolutions However, with a JSU population ties and other organizations who usually make in long distance that will effect all JSU students. of approximately 7,400 students, it choose to block vote," said Humes. Is Sunday morning a burden to kids? calls," commented Fairleigh. It plays "a big, big, part," accord- is logical to have more competition. "You can't stop it." If the long distance access code -WEEK IN SPORTS* ing to SGA Advisor Terry Casey. Humes and Casey believe the lack Basketball winning season winds down Continued on page 3, ELECTIONS I Continued on page 3, PHONE BILL Page 2 March 2,2000 THE CHANTICLEER =Ia Crimenouncements Clubs And Organizations Rebecca Adams, Christy Ramsden and Joy Boyd. until April 15. They will be available on: Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:30 to 80, Self Hall. Our e-mail address is: Amy Johnson on the~r~n~tlation. Good luck to Miranda Baker, Ntcole Harvel, Ltndsey Passler and Kelll Patterson on the the Editor: GPA for the Fall 1999 Kappa Sigma upcomng SGA Senator elections Ladles, we have faith in you. We semester: Andrew D. Laughlin are looiung forward to Mr Untverslty this week Good work to all of those who d~dnot receive midterms. Keep ~t up. Good luck to difficul- Brandon E. Maye ties last week 4.0 Achievers: Sigma Phi Epsilon everyone dunng the second half of the semester. study hard! YOU do business. The Chanticleer's con- A011 Jeremiah D. Peck The slsters of Delta Zeta would l~keto welcome our new mem- trol, a congratulatory Carrie Thompson Clinton T. Thomas bers. Lesl~eGodfrey, Amy Phillips, and Brandi Watson-we love you advertisement placed Glnny Wright Mark A. Thomas and we're proud to have you as a part of our sisterhood! We would with ~h~ chanticleer, by Sigma Phi Epsilon Zeta Tau Alpha like to wlsh MaryBeth Edwards, Tavla McMunn, and Amy Ph~ll~ps the panhellenic council, .J. R~~~~~~~h~~ Meredith L. Barnes good luck tn the upcomng Senate elect~ons.To all our sisters with was distorted leaving out Ryan L. Parr Allison N. Eason no midterms-GOOD JOB! Keep up the good work! Have a great . important information Wesley R. Seay Nancy L. Gilmer Panhellenic Council vital to the substance of William G. Weaver Amanda D. Laughlin Good luck to all the Greek SGA cand~datesEl~zabeth Webb for the advertisement. The Zeta Tau Alpha Amanda D. Pope prestdent, Brandon Lewis for 1st-vice pres~dent, Mvranda Chanticleer apologizes Michelle Bowen . Kelly E. Rhinehart IGlltngsworth for controller and all those runmng for senate Please to the people who were Lisa S. Hunter Jaime B. Rotters remember to vote March 7 and 8 There wlll be a judlcai meeting left off the list of out. .~~th~~ A. vinson C. Elizabeth Webb Jaime M. Whatley R. Jill Henderson Vrnily Williams Cole Have a great week! R. Brandon Lewis Phi Mu would l~keto wlsh N~coleByrd, Laura Hawkins, Lauren Thrower, and Katy Waters a very Happy Blrthday Phi Mu's awards for the week go to Sunshme Award Jen Chapman and Marianna Adams The Phi's of the week are IGmberly Barden and Alyson Watford The Pht Mu Ladles of the week are Mistt Haynes and Shelly Hodges. You ladies make Phl Mu so proud! Also we would like to remnd everyone again of our annual L~ttleMISS JSU pageant that wlll be held on April 7, at Leone Cole Audltor~umEveryone be looking for the next L~ttle Mtss JSU Also to Alpha Omicron PI and Zeta Tau Alpha we are looking forward to Mr. Unlvers~tyand Big Man On Campus! We wlsh all of JSU athletics good luck In thelr upcoming games! Pht Mu hopes that everyone has a wonderful week! Zeta Tau Alaha Kappa S~gmawe had a great time at our patnt mxer! We were covered from head to toe! Good luck to the JSU Baseball and Basketball teams th~sweek! Also good luck to A011 on a successful Mr Untvers~ty!Congratulations to SGA for theu successful Caslno N~ghtThe Zetas had a wonderful ttme' Awards th~sweek go to PC Member of the week-Amanda Warren, Crown-Amanda Beck, Strawberry-Holly Ptnson, and Bunny-Wendy Lamlnack Zeta had a wonderful ttme at Zeta Day last weekend! A spec~althanks to Stephan~eJants, Amanda Wmen, Amy Broadway & IOm Loeb for open- lng up thelr houses Do not forget to make plans to enter the Blg Man on Campus, whtch IS betng held on March 7th at 8 p m in Leon Cole We are still accepting entry forms (525 per group entry fee) All proceeds go to the Susan G Komen Bredst Cancer Foundation A specla1 Happy Btrthday to Candace Calhoun and Candy Worthy +Women'? Basketball Traffic Appeals Court @ 4 30 p m + CBASL Exam elmont B 1 & 3 Radford @ 3 p m THE CHANTICLEER March 2,2000 Page 3 SGAeIectionsrapidl~a~proachanapatheticstudentbody'Big Man on Campus' From front page, ELECTIONS Fraternity and sorority members pus or possibly interested in attend- Humes said the best way to have always made their presence felt ing those events, according to Webb.
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