Jacksonville S-tate University Medieval Knights invade

March 2,2000 www,jsu.edu/chanticleer Volume 48, Issue 21 ariety show yields proceeds to charity showcase their talents, will be in through BMOC and several other women die each year of breast Leone Cole Auditorium at 8 p.m. events. Fund-raising events for cancer. In addition, 1,200 men The widespread flood disaster Last year, the talents ranged from this year have included a Fun Run, will be affected by the disease and in Mozambique is worsening, as Zeta Tau Alpha is sponsoring the playing the saxophone and singing a bake sale, and BMOC. Also in one-fourth of those affected will thousands of deaths are being second-annual Big Man On to a "Sorority Death Match skit the works is a golf tournament and not survive the disease. Breast blamed on the deluge, and more Campus (BMOC) men's variety and the "Human ABC's." a Greek softball tournament. cancer can affect anyone, man or than 100,000 stranded victims show on Tuesday, March 7 to ben- ZTA raised several thousand dol- Breast cancer affects 1 in 9 woman, but there are certain fac- are still awaiting rescue, accord- efit breast cancer awareness. The lars last year for breast cancer women in the every tors which put some at a higher ing to disaster response and contest, in which men are able to awareness, their philanthropy, year. In the US, more than 44,000 emergency aid officials. Continued on page 3, BIG MAN Radio Liberty correspondent Andrei Babitsky, whose deten- Students stick tion by Russian forces in Chechnya sparked protest inside Mason Hall with Russia and abroad, was freed from custody early Tuesday, Russian media reported. huge phone bill, Some of the jurors who acquit- ted the four white New York forced to pay City police officers in the shoot- Bv Wendy Laminack ing death of an unarmed black Staff Writer man are speaking out, blaming the outcome of the murder trial When making a long distance on prosecutors. The Bronx dis- phone call, call collect. Charge it trict attorney had called the to a credit card or home phone. shooting a murder, claiming that But don't charge it to a depart- the officers - motivated by ment at the university. racial assumptions - shot 41 Seveqty-five phone calls were times at African immigrant charged to the band room in Amadou Diallo because they Mason Hall at Jacksonville State suspected the black man was University recently. Kenneth about to pull a gun. But jurors Bodiford, director of the who acquitted the four officers Marching Southerners, reported of all charges said prosecutors the "theft of services" on Feb. 15. failed to prove that case to Two JSU students have been them. identified as using the access code A third strike for cocaine land- Top three SGA offices unopposed to make the calls. Their names ed Darryl Strawberry a one-year were not released. suspension Monday, and left the 'No contest' raises "There are only a few offices on of participation partly comes from "What caught my attention was New York Yankees and most of questions about campus that get funded for student students having to serve on the stu- it was so much more money," said activities like open Mic nights we dent senate at least one year before Music Department Head James baseball wondering: Will he student involvement ever play again? Commissioner have, the comedians we bring in ... running for SGA. "I think that has Fairleigh. It was approximately movies we're going to start show- an impact on the number of candi- Bud Selig imposed the penalty Bv Adam Smith and $750 more, according to Sgt. Christopher Lauer ing in the fall." dates we have for officer," said Ricky Gaither of the University and did not make any provision Casey. Editors JSU's SGA is primarily made up Police Department. for the troubled slugger, who of five students, three of which are Does block voting play a part in Every month, the Music turns 38 next month, to return With Student Government running unopposed .this election. who wins JSU elections, particular- Department, as well as every early for good behavior. Association elections fast approach- Elizabeth Webb, 1st vice president ly SGA? "It does happen on cam- ing, SGA representatives are and Donnell Humes, 2nd vice pres-' pus," said Casey. Humes, who also other JSU department, is given a INSIDE encouraging students to get ident are just two of the officers agrees that it does occur, does not report of long distance calls .NEWS* involved. running unopposed. They hope their agree with block voting. "Me per- charged to the department. SIFE helps Latino communiiy The SGA, the governing body of lack of opposition has more to do sonally, I believe that everyone Although recruitment has just .RED HERRING. JSU students, decides what events with their past track record than should speak their own mind. There begun for the music programs, the Music, Movies, More will take place on campus each with the apathy of JSU students. will be those fraternities and sorori- phone bill was "far more than we *TOWN CRIER* year, as well as passing resolutions However, with a JSU population ties and other organizations who usually make in long distance that will effect all JSU students. of approximately 7,400 students, it choose to block vote," said Humes. Is Sunday morning a burden to kids? calls," commented Fairleigh. It plays "a big, big, part," accord- is logical to have more competition. "You can't stop it." If the long distance access code -WEEK IN SPORTS* ing to SGA Advisor Terry Casey. Humes and Casey believe the lack Basketball winning season winds down Continued on page 3, ELECTIONS I Continued on page 3, PHONE BILL Page 2 March 2,2000 THE CHANTICLEER =Ia Crimenouncements Clubs And Organizations

Rebecca Adams, Christy Ramsden and Joy Boyd. until April 15. They will be available on: Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:30 to

80, Self Hall. Our e-mail address is:

Amy Johnson on the~r~n~tlation. Good luck to Miranda

Baker, Ntcole Harvel, Ltndsey Passler and Kelll Patterson on the the Editor: GPA for the Fall 1999 Kappa Sigma upcomng SGA Senator elections Ladles, we have faith in you. We semester: Andrew D. Laughlin are looiung forward to Mr Untverslty this week Good work to all of those who d~dnot receive midterms. Keep ~t up. Good luck to difficul- Brandon E. Maye ties last week 4.0 Achievers: Sigma Phi Epsilon everyone dunng the second half of the semester. study hard! YOU do business. The Chanticleer's con- A011 Jeremiah D. Peck The slsters of Delta Zeta would l~keto welcome our new mem- trol, a congratulatory Carrie Thompson Clinton T. Thomas bers. Lesl~eGodfrey, Amy Phillips, and Brandi Watson-we love you advertisement placed Glnny Wright Mark A. Thomas and we're proud to have you as a part of our sisterhood! We would with ~h~ chanticleer, by Sigma Phi Epsilon Zeta Tau Alpha like to wlsh MaryBeth Edwards, Tavla McMunn, and Amy Ph~ll~ps the panhellenic council, .J. R~~~~~~~h~~ Meredith L. Barnes good luck tn the upcomng Senate elect~ons.To all our sisters with was distorted leaving out Ryan L. Parr Allison N. Eason no midterms-GOOD JOB! Keep up the good work! Have a great . important information Wesley R. Seay Nancy L. Gilmer Panhellenic Council vital to the substance of William G. Weaver Amanda D. Laughlin Good luck to all the Greek SGA cand~datesEl~zabeth Webb for the advertisement. The Zeta Tau Alpha Amanda D. Pope prestdent, Brandon Lewis for 1st-vice pres~dent, Mvranda Chanticleer apologizes Michelle Bowen . Kelly E. Rhinehart IGlltngsworth for controller and all those runmng for senate Please to the people who were Lisa S. Hunter Jaime B. Rotters remember to vote March 7 and 8 There wlll be a judlcai meeting left off the list of out. .~~th~~ A. vinson C. Elizabeth Webb Jaime M. Whatley R. Jill Henderson Vrnily Williams

Cole Have a great week! R. Brandon Lewis

Phi Mu would l~keto wlsh N~coleByrd, Laura Hawkins, Lauren Thrower, and Katy Waters a very Happy Blrthday Phi Mu's awards for the week go to Sunshme Award Jen Chapman and Marianna Adams The Phi's of the week are IGmberly Barden and Alyson Watford The Pht Mu Ladles of the week are Mistt Haynes and Shelly Hodges. You ladies make Phl Mu so proud! Also we would like to remnd everyone again of our annual L~ttleMISS JSU pageant that wlll be held on April 7, at Leone Cole Audltor~umEveryone be looking for the next L~ttle Mtss JSU Also to Alpha Omicron PI and Zeta Tau Alpha we are looking forward to Mr. Unlvers~tyand Big Man On Campus! We wlsh all of JSU athletics good luck In thelr upcoming games! Pht Mu hopes that everyone has a wonderful week! Zeta Tau Alaha Kappa S~gmawe had a great time at our patnt mxer! We were covered from head to toe! Good luck to the JSU Baseball and Basketball teams th~sweek! Also good luck to A011 on a successful Mr Untvers~ty!Congratulations to SGA for theu successful Caslno N~ghtThe Zetas had a wonderful ttme' Awards th~sweek go to PC Member of the week-Amanda Warren, Crown-Amanda Beck, Strawberry-Holly Ptnson, and Bunny-Wendy Lamlnack Zeta had a wonderful ttme at Zeta Day last weekend! A spec~althanks to Stephan~eJants, Amanda Wmen, Amy Broadway & IOm Loeb for open- lng up thelr houses Do not forget to make plans to enter the Blg Man on Campus, whtch IS betng held on March 7th at 8 p m in Leon Cole We are still accepting entry forms (525 per group entry fee) All proceeds go to the Susan G Komen Bredst Cancer Foundation A specla1 Happy Btrthday to Candace Calhoun and Candy Worthy

+Women'? Basketball

Traffic Appeals Court @ 4 30 p m + CBASL Exam

elmont B 1 & 3

Radford @ 3 p m THE CHANTICLEER March 2,2000 Page 3 SGAeIectionsrapidl~a~proachanapatheticstudentbody'Big Man on Campus' From front page, ELECTIONS Fraternity and sorority members pus or possibly interested in attend- Humes said the best way to have always made their presence felt ing those events, according to Webb. decrease the apathy at JSU is to in the SGA, as well as the student When asked about the fee, appeal to incoming freshmen. senate. According to Casey, about 50 President Meehan encouraged a gen- Humes said the sooner the SGA can prides sorority's cause percent of the student senate is era1 student vote on .the issue. get them involved as freshmen, Greek, compared to three out of five However, part of President they'll be more likely to attend more members of the SGA who are Meehan's plan is to decrease all events. Cont~nuedfrom front page, BIG MAN Greeks. Humes, who is not a mem- unnecessary fees for all students, "We have a very apathetic cam- risk than others. Education is the gram, including prizes from ber of a fraternity, said he tries to decreasing the tuition rate. pus," said Webb. Our fault. key to making people aware of Cecil's, The Rocket, Jacksonville plan activities for all JSU students. ?Our budget is ok, but it could use It's hard to get the campus motivat- those risk factors. ZTA nationally Tan, and Hidden Treasures. The SGA, once known for bringing a lot more work," said Humes. "If ed." donates over one million dollars to The top three winners will each high quality entertainment to we had more money, we could put However, the SGA has been mak- Jacksonville eons ago, has fallen by on more events and larger events." ing efforts to get the students more the hsanG. KOmen Breast receive prizes. The prizes include the wayside as of late, thanks to a There are "great benefits" to involved. The latest SGA resolution Cancer Foundation each year in a membership to The Brick House small budget. While there are cur- being part of the SGA, according to calls for a new student section at order to help promote awareness. fitness center, a 18-hole round of rently no plans to bring a spring con- Webb. Some of those benefits are a Paul Snow Stadium. Currently, ~i~i~~out shower cards as golf from pine g ill golf course, cert to JSU this year, we get the scholarship for the president, as well "SGA members are not required to reminders for to do self and a cash award. opportunity to see those legends of as 1st and 2nd vice presidents, which go to football and basketball games," exams and giving out pink ribbons There is a $25 entry fee for each the basketball world, The Harlem cover full tuition for a year of said Casey. Globetrotters. "The reason why school. The same officers also get "They [SGA] could do more stuff, during October, which is breast Or group we're having The Harlem the luxury of parking in the "blue" but it's not very established," said cancer awareness month, are two The contestant(s) may be spon- Globetrotters instead of a concert is, parking spaces around campus. They Supreme Allah, a pre-business fresh- of the annual education programs sored by an organization and must it doesn't cost us anything," said also get paid. man at JSU. "They might One that ZTA nationally performs. fill out and entry form. Any full- Casey. "We have a lot of power here," said thing a semester or something, but JSU Zeta,s participate in both of time male student is eligible for One of the big problems the SGA Webb. "When we ask for something they need to be more involved." these programs. entry. The deadline for entry is encounters on a yearly basis is find- we,usually get it." "No one has the right to complain ing events that will suit the entertain- Humes, who has been 2nd vice about the student government unless Admission at the door for March 6. For more izformation or ment needs of all students. However, president this year, will get another they get out and vote and get BMOC is $1 and all the proceeds an application for entry, please Casey, Webb and Humes agree that it crack at the job next year after run- involved," said President Meehan. will go toward breast cancer call Stacy Cross at 782-6199 or is sometimes hard to do with a year- ning unopposed. ''ltis like the Peace "If you want to get the bang for your awareness. D~~~ prizes will be ~~di~coxat 435-4303, ly budget of only $45,000. Corps.," said Humes. "It's the hard- buck, get involved." given away throughout the pro- One solution to this dilemma est job you'll ever love." would be the inclusion of a yearly Part of that hard work as of late has student activities fee. However, all been getting students motivated to agree the fee would serve as a dou- come to SGA events. "It's real hard ble-edged sword. It "has been some- to figure out what students want," thing that [the school] has not been said Casey. "I don't know if they're in support of," said Casey. The big apathetic or if we just expect more problem w~thimplementing the fee out of them. Some days I think we're would be with the non-traditional apathetic, and other days I think students, who would not be on cam- we're ready to go." JSUPD catches culprits with $750 phone bill

Cont~nuedfrom front page, PHONE BILL is known, it can be accessed any- department's code. Neither of where on campus. the students had a "prior history The band room's access code of doing anything wrong," was cancelled at the switchboard Gaither said, and were given the Available Everyday With Student 1.D. almost immediately. A new code "benefit of the doubt." ~-----~---~-~--~~~IIIIIIIII~IIIIII was given the following day. Both students agreedto reim- UPD was contacted and given the burse the university. However, if Church's Chicken I I Church's Chicken1 case. the students decide they don't "It was a matter of tracking want to pay restitution, the uni- CrispyAllWhite I back to the phone where they versity still has the option of were using the code," said pressing charges. Fairleigh. A similar situation happened The calls were made "between about five or six years ago, the hours of ten and two in the recalled Fairleigh. The calls, morning," according to Gaither. made to Shrieveport, La., had "Ninety-nine percent of the calls been charged to the department were made somewhere within the and had been made by someone state of Alabama." who worked in the Jack Hopper "Once I confronted them, they Dining Hall. freely admitted up to it (the The students involved in mak- phone calls)," he said. ing the calls were not associated The students thought there was with the band, according to no "wrong doing" by using the Gaither. Page 4 March 2, 2000 THE CHANTICLEER New organization at JSU uses business sense to aid community of people in the area of free enterprise. This the students will be assisting in teaching organization, hold interviews to fill their SIFE (Students in Free year's project is focused on blue-collar basic tax laws and basic English that is nec- open job positions. Also, a copy of the stu- Enterprise) aim to help workers in the Hispanic community. The essary to use places like the bank, grocery dents' resumes will be sent to all SIFE Latin community with students that are involved are coming up store, to read road signs, etc. This diffusion offices to be reviewed and kept on file, cre- with creative techniques to help promote of knowledge will not only benefit the sec- ating a resume bank for employers to use financial security racial integration and to provide Hispanics tor of Hispanic immigrants, but the entire whenever hiring. with the information community will profit The winners of the competition bring By Amanda Voss they need to be able 6 from this project as money and a trophy back to their university. Staff Writer to achieve financial well. The money goes to the following year's security. We want to help Latinos JSU'S SIFE organi- SIFE project. A new JSU organization, SIFE (Students "We want to help zation welcomes any This year the students participating are: In Free Enterprise) is creating many oppor- realize that they can Latinos realize that ideas that students or Johanna Quintero, Matias Camazzote, Joe tunities for students and providing much they can invest their invest their money in the community are Castillo and Cesar Borges. The organiza- needed services for the community. tion is meeting with the Hispanic JSU has had this enterprising, humanitar- in prof- more profitable ways. willing to share. A~SO, itable ways. It's SIFE is happy to Community of Saint James Catholic Church ian organization for only two years and important that they extend its assistance in Gadsden on Sunday nights after mass. already the university and community is fully understand -Cesar Borges and hard work to any- "We also want to reach many other Hispanic profiting from a multitude of benefits. financial terms such one who might be in communities. We hope that the Hispanic "There aren't many programs that focus on as inflation, interest y y need of their services community is willing to participate in the helping the Hispanic community in this area rates, mutual funds for research or any services that we want to provide," said and that's why we're trying to inform fellow and the importance other project. Free Johanna Quintero. Latinos," said SIFE member Cesar Borges. of good credit," said Borges. help isn't easily found today, but that is It is not too late to join the organization. Althoua the installation of the SIFE They will also be teaching American cul- exactly what this organization is providing. They compete in regionals on April 14, office at JSU has been a recent develop- ture, including explaining U.S. holidays, The students involved also receive many which will be held in Atlanta, Ga. Any stu- ment, it is an international organization with and the importance of adjusting to this cul- employment opportunities at the job fair dents from any major are urged to join. If offices in six other countries, as well as in ture and respecting it. held after the regional and national compe- you are interested, call Dr. Doris Bennett in the U.S. In addition to helping this sector of the titions. The CEO's from over 100 compa- the Business Dept. at 782-5505, or contact The purpose of SIFE is to educate groups community understand American tradition, nies, who provide monetary support to the Dr. Cynthia McCarty at 782-5777. ACADEMICADVISEMENT JS RIGHT FOR YOU*.. JACKSONVILLE STATE I.-SIVERSITY T>

=Don't waste your tuition dollars on classes you don't need. =Schedule an appointment to see your academic advisor.

academic Advisement can: Put you on the right career track Help you choose courses required for your major Provide personalized guidance Provide advice/counseling when problems arise

rn2Schedulean appointment for academic advisement and pre-registration for May/Summer/Fall terms 2000. Pre-registration is March 8-17.

geetared naw-3contact the department of your major 256-782JSU1. --li'ndccidmd ------tdb;o_rs contact: Department of Learning Services -OR- Military Science Basement, Houston Cole Library Rowe Hall 256-782-5570 256-782-5601 THE CHANTICLEER March 2,2000 Page 5

3/2/00 Heritage Cherry--Brothers 3/3/00 Thompson Brothers Band--

3/9/00 Something 5 & Flair--Brothers 311 1/00 Uncle Boogie--Brothers

i [Atlanta :3/2/00 D~rtyDozen Brass Band-- /smith's Olde Bar !3/2/00 Mornssey--Tabernacle 314100 Paula Cole Band--Roxy Theatr / 3/7/00 Queensryche--Tabernacle 318100 Yahoo! Out Loud Festival feat. Luscious Jackonand Smash Mouth-- Tabernacle !3/9/00 Lee Rocker--Star Bar 311 1100 Martina McBnde--Atlanta Motor Speedway

I Stern uses airwaves to find bride, Plavbov model front runner

you'd just form a line outside the ally had gone out for a date - and studio, I'd appreciate it." he had bored her to death by Getting a woman for the 46-year- pulling out pictures of his kids - old Stern has been a major theme they both called the story a pack of of the show ever since. But he has lies. been taking his sweet time doing It's not that getting a girl for CD releases anything about it. Howard has taken over the show, Smashing Pumpkins-MACHI- Despite a barrage of call-in vol- which is still rooted in Stern's NAIThe Machines of God unteers and suggestions from his other doings and his often-screwy Oasis-Standing on the Shoulder of helpful in-studio posse of Robin assortment of guests, listeners and Giants Quivers, Gary Dell'Abate, Jackie callers. But among the new run- ACIDC-Stiff Upper Lip Martling and Stuttering John, it ning themes is a debate about Steely Dan-Two Against Nature was seven weeks before Stern whether producer Dell'Abate Rollins Band-Get Some Go Again identified a woman he said he should set up auditions - say by -Hooray for would actually like to date - bringing in models Stern thinks Boobies Playboy model Angie Everhart. look good in catalogues or maga- But since she sat on his lap for a zines. Babe roundups are not March 7 STERN WANTS YOU: Recently single Howard Stern is looking for a bride. few deep kisses on the Jan. 10 uncommon in showbiz - it was Angie Aparo-The American By David Hincklev people in his national radio audi- show, there's been more talk than one of the duties of Elvis' Jimmie Dale Gilmore-One Endless Knight-Ridder Tribune ence where they could exIject this action. Memphis Mafia - but Stem has Night new drama to go from here. The one night she said she was so far declined to sign off on it. Violent Femmes-Freak Magnet When Howard Stern and wife "All broads please call," he said free, after his birthday show On Last week he talked with come- Black Rob-Life Story Alison separated last October, the as opened his show on Monday, Jan. 213 he said he was seeing his dian David Brenner about meeting Jungle Brothers-V.I.P. front door had barely closed behind Oct. 25, the first program after the kids that night. women, and ~renner-said calling Gerald Levert-G him when he told the 10 million separation was announced. "If On the Jan. 31 show, after the attractive women's agents used to The Mekons-Journey To the end Globe reported she and Stern actu- Cont~nuedon page 13, STERN of the Night Page 6 March 2,2000 THE CHANTICLEER

opinion about anvthin Forum is our readers' column.

Our policy for letters to the ed~torshould be kept in mind Iwhen send~ngsubmissions to The Chanticleer I .The Chanricleer w~llnot print letters whlch are unsigned, libelous and/or defamatory. TheChanrrcleer reserves the nght to edlt letters for space and grammar, as well as style .There will be at least two weeks between publ~cat~onof Letters from the same person. We will publ~shrebuttals

later than two weeks after the publicat~anof the article, edttonal or letter ~n que\tlon. I. The Chanticleer reserves the nght to refuse publ~cat~on any subm~ssion. for \ubm~sslans1s noon Monday, before des~redI publ~catlonthat Thursday. In the event of a three day I weekend, 5ubmisslondeadline I? 4 m. :he preceding I

jsu_chant~cleer@hotma~lcorn 1. ,411 "on-electron~c subm~ss~on\MUST BE TYPED ! No I

wrltten letters w~libe accepted under any circumstances. Bnng aubmtrsion, or send through campus mail to oui office. Room IS0 Scif Hall--JSLI All submisiion~mu\t includc a name, phone numhcr and student nunihsr tor ISU qtudcnt5 I was having dinner with a few people the don't remember if she wanted to go with me or And remember, pleaac ihtnl. hetorr !nu arlte other night. As dinner conversations usually do, if I was saving her from enduring a similar, Thank You, Tllc Editorial Staff one of the common topics of discussion (sex, weekly ritual. I politics, entertainment, religion or sports) was We walked. We prayed. We were dunked .Forum* sure to rear its ugly head. We chose religion. that night at Sunday evening service. But oddly The other members of the dinner party were enough, I didn't feel any different (I can't speak raised Catholic, and I, Southern Baptist. As the for my sister). I didn't have an insatiable urge Dear Editor minority at the table, I kept quiet and listened to to decipher the verse in my King James Bible. their recount of dysfunctional, religious experi- Sermons were still boring and senseless. And I In February 21's edit~onof The ences (Note to Catholics: before you begin a didn't turn into 'Super Christian.' I was still the Chant~clee~Jason Bozeman had a letter-writing campaign, this isn't a crucifixion plain, young kid who wanted to sleep late on a complaint with the students for not of your faith. Please read on). non-school day. supporting some of thc bands When I was a child, I always thought I had it I don't want to paint a poor portrait of my graclng our fa~rc~ly Erik Green bad with a semi-overbearing, "newly reborn" mother. She is one of the most important peo- had a complaint with our students' parent who floated into my bedroom every suading me to walk before hundreds of people I ple in my life, and always has heedwill be. I I didn't know and publicly give myself to Jesus lack of enthus~asmfor sporting Sunday morning, humming gospel hymns and should also note that this isn't a "one-in-a-mil- Christ. It was, to say the least, a nightmare. events. In Erik's article he asked, telling me my weekly appointment with God lion case" that should be laughed off with its The Sunday finally came when I took my first alleged irregularity in society (four out of four "Do all but 500 people go home was rapidly approaching. I guess no matter I how bad you think you have it, somebody down Steps to the 'Promised Land.' I wouldn't say it diners agree). She just went about a very on the weekends?" The answer to I the street is usually severely worse off. was a divine power that raised me out of the important thing a very wrong way, as many par- that question is, YES! The sad I believe my companions could agree they Pew, but rather a wish that the nagging and ents do. I think my companions shared this truth is most of the students at had been long sicce tyrned off by Catholicism, ridicule would end. I would be submersed in feeling of disdain. . JSU aren't mature enough to han- not God or Christianity mind you, just the the baptismal, lukewarm, pool of heavenly, sin- You can't force something on an individual dle the real world, so they go run- denomination, because of the way it was pre- dissolving water and I could get on with my that should be embraced with the utmost of con- ning home to mommy and daddy sented to them by their devoutJfanatica1 parents. chiklhood. sideration. History has proven that. Religion every chance they get. To these I could also assume the three held a degree of The day, to me now, is vivid in Parts, vague in and God are very personal issues for the indi- people I say, "People, Jacksonville 1 bitterness toward a parent or two, and perhaps others. It was spring. I think it was April (1 vidual, not the individual and his or her parents. really isn't that bad of a place if rightfully SO. know it was written down in my Bible). I know yes, parents should be spiritual leaders, the Sun Was high in the sky. I can tell You you'll just give it a chance." I know I don't agree with the way my own among other things, for their children. But at mother handled her interpretation of how reli- exactly where my family was sitting in the the same time, they should understand their I knew JSU had a reputation for church. I remember what I was wearing. I being a suitcase college when I gion should play a role in my life. Sitting in children will have to accept religion for them- Sunday school, I dreaded every moment can't tell you what I had to eat. I can't tell you selves someday, not because M~~~~ and chose to come here, but this is because I knew the service was coming. I dis- if my Peers congratulated me. Daddy command it. ridiculous. Are we college stu- liked church service for two reasons. One, I It was 'that time' of the service and, almost as ~~~d parental judgment is sometimes passed dents or are we toddlers! I was too young to comprehend what the man if it were in slow motion, the finger was by when dealing with the social angst and polit- encourage everyone to stay in behind the pedestal was saying (it's ridiculous launched from my mother's lap on its routine ical hierarchy of a church and its congregation. town and cut the cord. I'm not for anyone under the age of 13 to sit through a ~earch-and-destro~mission. I think I surprised Domineering, strict instruction is a very poor asking everyone to never see their service, they're not getting it!), and two, the her when IJum~edUP, avoiding the mushroom way to introduce your child to something that parents again because even I go incessant prodding of my mother's index finger cloud of guilt, and grabbed my little sister's might one day be so important in their lives. home for Christmas. Besides, this hand, pulling her with me down the aisle. I one small request I have is for mentioned earlier). But by far, the .Forum. your own good (well, maybe both most common excuse I hear is of ours); college is more than aca- "Jacksonville is so boring. Dear Editor, demics, books, and classes. There's never anything to do College is a time to learn social here." Well hell people, that's Congratulations to Anthony Hill skills, how to survive on your because you all leave, Ever hear and Kevin Cole for their editorial own, and how to live with day-to- of safety in numbers? sameprinci- . "Two Sides With the Same Story." day real world occurrences. If you pie, Go Greek, join a club, play It was well spoken and well writ- ten. It was a pleasure to read such keep going home you'll never sports. Just don't give up and run a meaningful and thought-provok- learn these skills, and you'll end away back home. I know we have ing article. Please continue to give up living with your parents until at least two students who have you're 60. your readers more of these types of stuff to do here and felt so strong- and less of the meaning- I've heard all your excuses and IY about it that they wrote an arti- less, moronic beefs about things gripes. "I have to go home to get cle/letter inviting you to Join them. like the Hardee's yellow star. money." Get a job. "I have to go So get off your ass! Go see a bas- work back home." Get a job in ketball game. Then go over to Randal Wood, J.D. Jacksonville. "I have to go see my Brother's, drink a beer, socialize, Associate Professor of Criminal s~gnificantother." Get a signifi- and listen to a good band. Justice cant other in Jacksonville (this falls under those social skills I Chris Betzler L *THE CHANTICLE:ER March 2, 2000 Page 7

"What would you like to see the SGA do for you next year?" DAILy It's all Greek to me beef: By Rufus Manley I sat removed from the rest of the class-"I'd thing that will make students stay in rather be digging ditches." After the treetops Jacksonville. and the "tick, tick followed by that bump" that But it's too late for that this year, and next found me through the third story window year is bound to be a repeat of the present became boring, I looked past my books and SGA's lackluster performance of student gov- toward the desk. Scribbled all over my desk erning. So what I, Rufus "Roman" Manley, were the acronyms of various Greek organiza- propose is a little heel-nipping. tions. As an independent, I felt it necessary to Step 1: Vote scribble my phrase, just to let the Greeks Even though the candidates are unopposed, know that there are others who walk among write Roman on the ballot. Write Roman just them: [My "profound inanity," as Christopher to let them know that we won't put up with Lauer called it, will have to remain just graffi- anymore of their Frat-guy wanna-be hippie ti. For in'his editing duties, Mr. Lauer sug- mentality (Hello? You can't be both. The gested that I "tone it down."] college kid's faaavorite Harlem 'Glob'trotters Writ of Hippiedom strictly forbids the alle- A week or so later, I found myself in the (March 19), a resolution suggesting a desig- giance to any such organization [Article 9, same desk, following the same routine. This nated place for student5 to sit at football Section 41). Write Roman to let them know time, when I looked at my desk, it was absent games (as if they actually go. Shouldn't that that we won't put up with anymore of their of funky symbols, yet I saw the remains of my be first on the list of priorities-finding a way giggly, bow-headed sorority ditz. Write phrase restored. Some other independent's to make students attend games?), and, of Roman just to let the Greek? and the SGA apathy gave way to loathing. course, the great Greek hullabaloo we Romans know that there is an independent force to be Apathy, JSU's overriding theme, is killing refer to as Homecoming (from now on, I will reckoned with. democracy. The SGA elections will be held call independents Romans, for the Romans Step 2: Pay Attention next Thursday, but it doesn't even matter; they defeated and enslaved the Greeks). Get involved. Attend SGA meetings. Walk have already been chosen. No, it's not the I feel as though the SGA has exhausted its into the SGA office (4th floor TMB) and make great "Machine" of UA, or some conspiracy, mental resources by brainstorming and bring- your opinions known. They have to listen; it's the lack of candidates. The SGA President ing such great things to JSU. Someone, who that's their job. And heaven forbid, if the and 1st and 2nd vice presidents are running is concerned with the average, everyday stu- SGA does something good, give them credit. unopposed. You can still vote, but you have dent, whether traditional or non, Greek or And finally, Step 3: only one candidate from which to choose. Roman, should step up and relieve these tun- When some drunken frat-guy kills me for The recent SGA (3 of 5 officers ard Greek) nel-envisioned socialites of their pathetic this, burn an effigy of me at Homecoming. has brought such great things to this campus attempts, and bring something truly great to Coup day SGA!! Coup day fra-ter-gnat- in the past year: the Christian comedian this university, something that will sell-out, tay!! Chocolate, everyone's favorite Casino night, something that will make money, something Rise Romans, Rise!! the Coffee House style poetry reading, every that will bring people to Jacksonville, some- Page 8 March 2,2000 * 1'Iik EXANTICLEER

Story and Photos by: Ke in Cole, Features Editor Right: If you get hit he sounds of swords clashing, shields thing of the past. in the legs by your rattling and armor clanking resonate as These men and women are apart of a group that pre- opponent you're children frolic on merry-go-rounds. serves the Middle Age culture, arts and crafts. The forced to fight from .Some one shouts "good hit" and a few Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is an orga- your knees. feet over, soccer player's gaze in won- nization aimed at researching and recreating the Below: Chilvary still derment. What seznls like a typical Middle Ages in modem times. This non-profit orga- exists, or at least in scene in a 20th century local park, is contrasted by nization is similar to a Civil War or Revolutionary the SCA. Left: Squire men in armor strolling around catching their breath, War re-enactment group. The SCA does everything MacSteen, finds that lighting a cigar and adjusting their armor. These men from medieval dance, woodworking and armor mak- a cigar is better after are training for later battles, honing their skills as ing to brewing their own beer. battle. medieval swordsmen so they can later defend a lady's Jacksonville's SCA group is called The Shier of honor. One man catches his breath after a few rounds Peregrine. A Shier is a small SCA group, which has of swordplay. He a 45 mile radius. The shier is part of a larger group says he's a bit tired. called a Barony. Jacksonville is under the Barony of He's been working Iron Mountain, which is Birmingham. overtime at the They have a hundred mile radius. All of Anniston Army the southern Baronies and Shiers are in Depot. the Kingdom of Meridies. This The 1600's aren't includes almost all of Georgia, what they used to Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, most be. It's not enough of Arkansas, Tennessee, a bit of the to be a squire. Now panhandle of Florida and small por- you have to pay tions of both Kentucky and Virginia. bills, fix the car and The Jacksonville group is currently work on wood lead by Seneschal Lord William carvings on your Cormac Britt, a.k.a. Jerry Lewallen. own time. Next "Usually there is something going on in thing you know, our kingdom every weekend," said feudalism will be Lewallen. "Starting around about this out the window and time, the events become more plenti- chivalry will be a ful." The group meets every Thursday THE CHANTICLEER March 2,2000 Page 9

Leff: The SCA trains using medieval fighting techniques. Defensive strategy sometimes is to your advantage. Below: Lord William Cormac is willing to help where help is needed. Below Right: Lord Cormac displays a thrust. Below Leff:A head shot can be your death in this fencing match.

at 7 p.m. at JSU's Anders Roundhouse. The third defend, trying to find weaknesses. A headshot or direct sitting on a table and when you come back it won't only Thursday of every month they have a class in which hit that would be fatal is a kill. A blow to the arm or be there, but someone might be standing guard over it. they bring someone in to teach an legs renders the recipient handicapped. They have to It is said if you're interested in a subject in the Middle art form. "A couple of months fight from their knees if hit in the legs, and use only one Ages somewhere in the SCA there is an expert. If you ago we had a class on just giving arm if a direct hit catches them in the other arm. would like to go to an event, there will be a large 20th demos," said Lewallen. "We teach thing other than fighting," said Lord Edward a the Wars, where you can expect to see near- in March. If you would like to check it out, you can Slightly Confused, a.k.a. John Hancock. "We teach ly one thousand warriors o ontact the group at www.meridies.org, the dance, arts and sciences, medieval craft ...we cover each side, said basically everything but religion." If you would like to get involved with the "We do local charities. We do Oxfordfest every a.k.a. Michael oup, they meet every Thursday at the Roundhouse, or check out one of chivalry, kindness and courteousness of the Middle spot between the Western heir fighting practices on Sunday Ages." Kingdom and the Southern Sunday afternoons they transform a small section of Kingdom at our most ruit of the Loom factory. the park adjacent to the Fruit of the Loom factoiy, in Western border. The Jacksonville, into a medieval training ground. They largest battle is held in hold fighting practices to help keep their warriors on where you their steel toes. can see 10,000 men on each Fighting is only one side of the group's activities but side, according to Steen. it's one of the most attractive. Unlike Civil War reen- Another weapon used in the actments, the battles they participate in are not recre- warfare is the bow and arrow. ations. They actually fight with a certain set of guide- Archers are used in battle as lines. Therefore you never know who is going to be the well as crossbow-men. Using victor. padded arrows and bolts, they Using wooden (rattan) swords and replica armor of make a Middle Age battle scene

eekend events that brin

er. After a day of fight- g you can see groups of

rding to Steen. It's the of place where you can leave your wallet

I THE CHANTICLEER March 2, 2000 Page 11 Page 12 March 2,2000 THE CHANTICLEER

BY Dave 'Cider House' rules! Sharp Burdened with adult, sized responsibilities most of his life, he I I Editor is finally given the chance to leave In the theaters his unwanted duties behind and 3 Strikes explore his own dreams when Lark Foolproof performs an abortion on a young Reindeer Games woman (Charlize Theron). Theron March 3 'tiames' a mislire and her boyfsend take Homer with Chain of Fools them to the Coast, which Homer Drowning Mona In 'Games,' Affleck plays a world in "fhe Cider ~ouseRules." has never seen, and refers him to an What Planet Are You From? recently sprung, ex-con that takes apple orchard where he is hired on on the identity of his ceilmate to "The Cider House Rules" is one as an apple picker. On video now cuddle up with Theron during the of the most touching stories put on As an apple picker, he works Random Hearts cold, Holiday season. His self- film in a very long time. It is the alongside migrant farm workers Stigmata (outstanding performances by afflicted, mistaken identity gets him story of an orphan at the edge of The Best Man in trouble with Sinese who needs manhood (beautifully portrayed by Delroy Lindo and Erykah Badu) the imposter to pull off a risky casi- Tobey Maguire) leaving his natural who teach him important lessons in element to find himself in 1940's life and show him what real burden no robbery. Top 10 Video Rentals Ben Affleck braves a rough rabble in America. can be. By the end of the movie, "Reindeer Games." Affleck is now a prisoner to the 1. Runaway Bride Maguire is Homer Wells, an Homer realizes he has always brash gang and must use his wits to 2. Stir of Echoes orphan "twice adopted and twice known his place in the world and Some of you will love "Reindeer get himself through the robbery. 3. Tarzan . returned" to a picturesque, Maine sets out to pursue his fate. Games." You'll be the same people As action flicks go, 'Games' 4. Bowfinger countryside orphanage. As a child, 'Cider House' couples timeless, that liked "Con Air" and were real- doesn't stack up with the rest of 5. Lake Placid he grows up in the care of Dr. Lark sensitive issues with great story- ly impressed with Nick Cage's them. Its lackluster, stunt 6. The Thomas Crown Affair (Michael Caine), the orphanage's telling from novelist/screenwriter Southern accent. sequences are laughable and there 7. The 13th Warrior director and resident doctor. As an John Ining. This film is sure to be John Frankenheimer's latest is a feeble attempt at the climax to 8. The General's Daughter adolescent, he becomes the good the first real classic of the millenni- actionlthriller misfire starring Ben twist the plot as many times as pos- 9. American Pie doctor's apprentice, learning the art um. Affleck, Charlize Theron and Gary sible to create a dumfounded audi- 10. Chill Factor of baby delivery'and abortions Grade: A Sinese is an example of everything ence. courtesy of www.blockbuster.com that is wrong with out-of-touch Its effect is just plain dumb. (abortions he refuses to perform). - directors who should have hung up Unless you can't write plot twists their career with the last really like M. Night Shyamalan (The good movie they did. Sixth Sense), its best to put down Frankenheimer's was "The French your pen. Connection I1 (1975)." Grade: D 5 0/o OF A1 l Greek

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Continued from page 5, STERN work for him. He added, however, that he Therefore, not to sound callous, anything totally believe the breakup devastated him," When a listener called last week to offer made the calls himself. that helps maintain dramatic tension may says Chaunce Hayden, a sometime caller to more advice than Stern thought he was qual- When Robin Givens guested on the show help keep ratings high, and that's good for Stern's show and host of a talk show on the ified to give, he said, "Listen, you have no last month, she indicated she was open to a everyone - including Stern, whose con- Internet radio network eYada. "I think he idea what's going on in my life. None." date. But after subsequent discussion, Stern tract expires in November and who has was embarrassed and humiliated, after all the "If there's a problem in his life, you know said they decided if they go out, it would just already cranked up things he'd said about it will come out on the show," says Hayden. be as friends. his familiar refrain ( ( their relationship over "But what he's giving us is the humor in it. This around the same time he was telling a that he isn't sure he the years and in That's what the show is about - turning female caller who had volunteered for a date wants to do radio any- I'm going through a 'Private Parts.' tragedy into a laugh. When Alison had the that she should forget it, because after a cou- more. "So when you get to miscarriage, that was a bad time, too, but he ple of months of separation, all he wanted on the other hand, touah situation.. .1 the point he seems to found humor in it. That's what he does." was sex. Stern has also strong- have reached with Not that the Howard Stern Dating Game is The Howard Stern Dating Game, in other ly suggested his hesi- don't know what I Angie Everhart, it's a nonstop laugh. After Howard and Everhart words, is not looking like a sprint. It's look- tation about plunging want. very complex. It did their wet kiss, longtime sidekick Quivers ing like a marathon. into the dating world would be for anyone. said she wasn't sure how to react, because And purely as a radio strategy, that's look- stems from his uncer- -Howard Stern BU~in Howard's case, she'd known Stern for 20 years and only ing brilliant. tainty about the rela- he's got to go on the ever seen him behave like that with one On that same Oct. 25 show, Stern remarked tionship with Alison, radio and talk about it woman. Who was not Angie Everhart. at one point, "If anything good comes out of to whom he has been 9 9 every day. I think you "The first time he goes on a date, the whole (the separation), it'll be a highly rated married for 21 years hear that in his voice." world will be there to watch," says Hayden. show." and to whom he often said he expected to Stern has called the separation "the worst "I think that's one reason he's taking his He nailed that one. In New York, he aver- stay married for the rest of his life. thing I can imagine anyone having to go time. But eventually he's just going to have aged 7.6 percent of the radio audience last "I'm going through a tough situation," he through." But while he often used to be to say, 'Screw it,' and go out anyway, and summer. In the fall, when the separation hit said yesterday. "I don't want ... 900 women. graphic about his sex life with Alison, he has then let the story grow old." the headlines, he averaged 9 percent - an I don't know what I want." said very little about the details of the sepa- increase of 18 percent. "He and Alison are human beings, and I ration, calling it "a marital problem." (c) Knight-Ridder Tribune, 2000 Page 14 March 2,2000 THE CHANTICLEER

leaving D-Dot's disco-party loops Chemical Brothers and you can and haunted urban sounds in the hear what Carl Lackey of Slip "Whatever" bin of music. The CD does contain some sur- "Dance/" in the latest prisingly good songs such as: pper CD from Oasis. Longtime Oasis "How We Do," an engaging stab at 1 relevance with TMR and Puff ! fans know that it's not just club Daddy exchanging boasts over a culture that serves Noel's music; Tell em Why pulsing electro track; "Stir Crazy," after all, the elder Gallagher has featuring TMR and get- never met a Beatles riff he didn't - U Madd ting lyrically buck wild over a want to steal. How can you hate track that you would swear was him for that? It's kind of like dog- from the Slim Shady LP but isn't; ging a rapper for sampling music. the R&B-laced "Ghetto," featur- During the mid 1990's, Oasis a1 changes, marriages and chil- If all Noel did was copy Abbey 000 ing Raekwon and Carl Thomas reigned as the undisputed poster dren, the band began to realize Road, it would be one thing, but A brief history lesson: the ~~ddoffering a somber urban vision; 1 boys for a stereotypical, VH1 . what was important in their lives. zapper made his name appearing ''Bongo Break," with Busts 1 Behind The Music rock-star "I think it's a phase that every he adds flair in the hook and I on interludes on Bad Boy albums Rhymes busting in to shake the ' behavior: drunken and drug- band goes through, then all of a melody. The lumbering "Gas hy Ma$e, Puff Daddy and the foundations; and "How to enhanced shenanigans, arrest and sudden you realize what you are in Panic" has Ihe paranoid. narrow- Rob," starring upstart in a LOX, comically harping that he a battling-brother act that reminds the band," said Noel Gallagher. ing of a late night, drug- was a great entertainer who wasn't hilarious fantasy of stidking up me of Cain and Abel. .(Between The collection kicks off with induced nervous breakdown, getting the proper respect. Then music stars. (Which has gotten 50 centinto a great deal of trouble singer Liam and songwriterigui- percussive, feedback-filled while the soaring "Where Did It Blaze magazine wrote about him, All Go Wrong" finds Noel look- ,,vith an accompanying picture of with rapper, Ghostface Killah!) tarist Noel Gallagher). "F***in' in the Bushes," a song into the mirror and 'On- 3eric "D-Dot" Angelettie. Unfortunately, the rest of the 1 Oasis became, of all things, a that mixes tape loops and ambient Allegedly upset that his cover was album is too long and too out of 1 symbol of Britain's creative and noises into an instrumental format. fronting himself with the dark blown, Angelettie allegedly trav- date. How out of date? Ma$e7 ( economic rebirth. After a three- During the bands time off, Noel side of life.' cled with some associates to the who has retired from the rap biz 1 year hiatus highlighted by person- linked up with the UNKLE and the By Anthony Hill ;

A&M-Corpus Christi. ~f the JSU softball team could be JSU'~J~~~ wilcoxson allowed Rifle team finishes third in MARC Championship summed up in a phrase it would only four hits and one earned run Bv Erik Green rifle category. JSU's Stephanie Goeden air rifle for a total of 6185. most likely be "kick much butt, over the seven-inning game to Sports Editor finished fifth in the individual air rifle Xavier University's Thrine Kane was take few names." And that is just earn her fourth victory of the sea- category. Goeden finished with a 388 the combined individual champion. exactly what they have done over son. The JSU rifle team knows all about in the air rifle and 1128 in the small- Kane shot an 1171 in the smallbore big time wins. After all, they are bore. Dove's aggregate (total) champi- and a 388 in the air rifle for a total of the last few weeks. Simons led JSU hitters by going ranked 8th in the nation. That's the onship score ill the small bore was and 1559. Last Wednesday, the softball 2-of-4 with two hits and two runs whole nation. This past weekend, the 1171. Dove shot a 386 in the small- Tommy Caranasos was the air rifle team made mince meat of batted in. Boland was 1-of-3 with JSU shooters proved why they are bore. champion. Caranasos shot a 389 over- Tennessee State in a double head- two RBI's. ranked above most everyone else by As a team, the Gamecock shooters all. He barely defeated teammate Cory Willis who shot a 389 a5 well, but er 12-0 and 13-1. They didn't stop In game two of the weekend finishing third in the very competitive shot 4592 in the smallbore and 1529 in the air rifle for an aggregate score of Caranasos was one tenth of a point there. After a brief rest, the Lady Mid-AtlanticRifle Conference tournament Meadow McWhorter (MARC) Championship. 6121. higher in the aggregate score. Gamecocks made their way to was the big playmaker for the JSU's Kelly Dove finished second West Virginia claimed the team The JSU rifle team w~llcompete in Corpus Christi, Texas for a week- Lady Gamecocks. McWhorter was overall in the individual competition, championship. The Mountaineers shot the NCAA Rifle Championships from and first in the individual smallbore 4635 in the smallbore and 1550 in the March 9- 11 in Lexington, Va. end of games at the Texas A&M Continued on page 16, SOFTBALL Page 16 March 2,2000 THE CHANTICLEER Baseball team defeats Michigan, Xavier, Western Michigan

Bv Erik Green Lindsey and ~ikeMallonee gave up eight hits Sports Editor between them in JSU's 2-1 win over the X. Lindsey allowed only four hits and one earned run Michigan, Xavier and Western Michigan are famil- in his six innings of work. Mallonee came in the iar names to most people, but this weekend, the name game in the seventh inning and gave up only four JSU rang clear and crisp in the ears of fans on hand hits to finish the contest.

Tlna H~lldlves for second dur~ngthe Lady Gamecocks w~nover Tennessee State at the Kennel Club Classic in Jacksonville, Fla. The "Lindsey was able to get ahead with a slider and Gamecocks defeated the University of Michigan 3-1 curve ball early," Abbott said after the game. "Xavier on Friday, Xavier University 2-1 on Saturday, and was a great fastball-hitting team, and Lindsey was Softball team continues the University of Western Michigan 0-0 on Sunday. able to get ahead with the breaking ball." Bill White and Joey Shiflett led the Gamecocks in The Gamecocks only points came off an error in to demolish opponents the win over Michigan. The pitchers combined for an the bottom of the fourth inning. With runners on sec- Continued from page 15, SOFTBALL NCAA Division I record 21 strike-outs in the 3-1 ond and third, Xavier's second baseman recovered a named as one of the Trans of the fifth the Red Storm made win. grounder and threw it away, causing both runners to America Athletic Conference's their only run of the day. "This was our best game of the year so far," said score. Key Players of the Week follow- Boland and Lauren Buck each JSU baseball coach Rudy Abbott. "Michigan has a "We didn't do much with the bat," Abbot said. ing her sweeping performance had a pair of hits in the win. great team. I think they have won the Big 10 two out "We're not hitting the ball. We did not have an RBI against St. Johns on Saturday Boland and Buck went 2-of-4 in of the last four seasons. It has been a long time since in this game." afternoon. McWhorter gave up the game. we had two guys pitch that strong in the same game." In the final game of the weekend series, the only six hits in the Lady In the final game' of the week- Jason Nunn, Russell Harry, and Jason Moser had Gamecocks.defeated Western Michigan 13-7. Gamecocks' 4-0 route of the Red end, McWhorter and the Lady doubles in the win. Teammates Brandon Stripling The Gamecocks will host Siena Heights this week- Storm. Gamecocks blistered the and Tony Maniscalco each had a run batted in on the end in two days of double headers. The Friday games Tanya Carter joined Simons and Islanders of TAMUCC 4-0 to day. begin at 2 p.m. an& Saturday's games start at noon. Boland for another game of big claim the tournament title. Against Xavier, the Gamecock pitching staff McWhorter allowed only one hit hits. Boland put the first points returned for another stellar performance. Michael on the board for JSU after hitting in the Sunday afte..noon contest. a two-run single in the bottom of TAMUCC's Rachel Mendez .the second j_nning.. Sizons and- - kept--- McWhorter from a hitless Carter each had run scoring sin- game in the top of the seventh gles in the fifth inning to seal the inning after a double to left field. win for the Lady Gamecocks. The Lady Gamecocks scored Carter, Boland, and Simons their first run in the third inning, were 1-of-4 on the day. Boland and their other three in the bot- tom of the fourth. Maskel led had two RBI's. #1 Spring Break Vacations! #1 Panama City Vacations! Party JSU hitters by going 2-of-3 on In the fourth game of the tour- Cancun, Jamaica, Bahamas & Florida. Beachfront 8 The Boardwalk, the day. Christine Tucker and nament, the magic continued for Summit Condo's, & Mark II. Tina Hill each contributed an Best Prices Guaranteed! the Lady Gamecocks. Free Drink Parties! Walk To Best Bars! Wilcoxson returned to pitch a RBI in the win. Free Parties & Cover Charges! Absolute best price! three hitter in the Lady The Lady Gamecocks are now Space is Limited! Book it Now! Gamecocks 6-1 win over St. 13-4 on the season. The softball All major credit cards accepted! All major credit cards accepted! Johns on Sunday morning. By the team will face UAB on Thursday 1-800-234-7007 1-800.234.7007 fifth inning, the Lady Gamecocks in Jacksonville. The game will www.endlesssumertours.com www.endlesssummertoun.com had a 6-0 lead, but in the bottom begin at 4 p.m. GO DIRECT! We're the Amazon.com of Spring Break! #Iinternet-based comp any offering WHOLESALE pricing by eliminating middlemen! Come see what has other companies begging for mercy! Servicing ALL destinations. Guaranteed Lowest Price! 1-800-367-1252 www.springbreakdirect.com

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( March 1 - 31,2000 "m*CtCffki%@rSwta -#r- -- Jacksonville, AL I 435-5721 THE CHANTICLEER March 2, 2000 Page 17 JSU Pep Band livens court at Pete Mathews Coliseum people. In fact, they frown on being and, to the benefit of Jacksonville ask them to play for their teams. pants should keep in mind that Staff Writer serious. Seriousness to them is like State basketball fans, they show off Fearing a Jacksonville State riot, positions are limited and highly Kryptonite to Superman-it zaps their skills with an impressive the coaches were politely turned competitive. For example, Go-Go While sitting in the bleachers them of their strength. "We don't ensemble of trumpets, trombones, down. Girl auditions drew 33 women but watching a Jacksonville State bas- want anybody too serious," said tubas, saxophones, a rhythm sec- Starting this fall, the Pep Band only 15 were selected. How can ketball game, it's hard not to be Fifer. "They need to have fun while tion, go-go dancers, and one sole will also be playing at Jacksonville you stand out from your peers? amused by the antics of the always they're [playing] because the drummer that kicks butt! State's vollkyball games. Fans can Practice and most importantly be rowdy Pep Band. whole purpose is to get fans excit- "Part of rest assured yourself. This is a Pep Band that Around campus they are your ed." As a result, Pep Band mem- the reason likes to take "things to the edge"-so that band friends, family and classmates, but bers emphasize character and indi- people like && members you can't be shy. Interested musi- when they don those white and red viduality almost as much as musi- US will have cians and dancers can contact the shirts, with matching red shoes, cal talents. because weiWe've been instructed new and Music Department at 782-5559. they transform themselves into a The unique personalities add to Perhaps emphasizing how musical 'sixth man on the court.' the band's collective craziness and dance, rock, ways to important the Pep Band's role has However, it's not just music that help maintain that sense of "fun" and R&B," feel as uncomfortable embarrass .been this year, the men's basketball makes this Pep Band one of the during a long season in which they said Fifer. the visiting team thanked them for a stellar per- most feared and one of the most make 25 to 30 appearances. "We try to as possible. volleyball formance that inspired a popular in the TAAC. Their taunts Spending so much time together make our- tehms. Some Jacksonville State come-from- have been known to ruffle the also gives them a camaraderie selves will proba- behind win. Even after the game feathers of more than a few coach- that's usually reserved for sports' original ""Markas Fifer bly have to was over, fans stayed behind to cel- es and players. teams and soldiers, and their love po-ssible bring a trav- ebrate with band members while "We've been instructed to make of music is that special bond that every time eling thera- enjoying the elation of a magical the opposing team feel as uncom- holds everything together. we go out." pist to keep three-point shot that won the game. fortable as possible," said Mark Some of these musicians are so Others their play- It was one of the best Pep Band Fifer, the Director of Athletic in-tuned to music that even if they have taken notice of the Pep Band's ers' heads in the game. It should be performances of the season, top- Bands. By doing comical things weren't in college playing in the entertaining talents and have asked fun to watch. ping off one of the best games of like singing the Smurf's theme Pep Band, they'd probably be for their presence in a number of Prospective Pep Band partici- the season. song when an unusually small working the underground circuit venues besides basketball. They've player touches the basketball, or waiting for that big break with a been requested to play on Parent's singing "Hit the road, Jack" when a band of their own or, at the very Day before the football game, and frustrated hoopster fouls out, one least, strumming a guitar on the for the past two years they've can tell that the Pep Band takes streets for dollar bills and quarters. played for an organization known their job very seriously. The point is, music is first and as Forward Calhoun County. They They, however, are not serious foremost in the lives of these artists have even had opposing coaches

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A PENNY GOES A LONG WAY AT McDONALDS!!! BUYAQUARTERPOUNDER I WITH CHEESE ATGETASECONDFORA REGULAR PRICE AND PENNY! Rent a 1 'Bedroom apt.,?urnishod or I Unfurnisked, from Winn Place and e~io~your privacy1 I McDonald's- - - UUU Catt 435-3613and Save Seur Sanity! 1 1- Piedmont & Jacksonville I Page 18 March 2,2000 THE CHAN"I;"TCLEER Gamecocks end season with win, The week in JSU golf From JSU Sports Information 177. next step is TAAC tournament Jacksonville State's men's golf Cont~nuedfrom page 15, BASKETBALL - Jacksonville State's women fired team fired a final round 295 to fin- of regulation. Neither team hit many shots. Rebounds and an unbelievable season. a final round of 326 to finish in ish in 14th place at the South seemed to be hard to come by for both teams, and The Gamecocks face Central Florida in the first ninth place at the JoAnn Prentice Florida-Ron Smith Invitational. both teams' marquee players were cold from the round of the TAAC Tournament on Thursday. Lady Blazer Invitational, at Florida Southern won the team opening tip. Inverness Country Club. title firing a three-round total of In the second half, Mercer's offense began to kick JSU MEN'S BASKETBALL REGULAR SEASON RECORD Sam Houston State won the team 863. Columbus State finished in in, and at one point, the Gamecocks trailed by as November competition, posting a final round second place with a score of 876. 19 at Ole MISS LOSS74-59 many as 14 points. 24 Miqs~ssippiValley State Win 71-63 308 to finish with a 615 two-day Jeff Hauk of Florida Southern 27 Florida A&M Win 66-58 total. Amanda Phillips of Austin won medallist honors, defeating In the latter part of the game, the Gamecocks went 30 Georgia Southern Loss 87-84 on a 19-6 run, and by the 3:43 mark JSU trailed by December Peay fired a one-under par, 71, to Reg Millage of Virginia 4 at Stetson Win 57-52 one point. 7 Georgia State Win 81-79 win the individual title with a total Commonwealth on the second 16 at Tennessee State Win 77-65 With 34 seconds to go, Mercer's Rodney Kirtz hit 18 at East Carolina Win 69-53 of 149.. playoff hole. Both players were PWO foul shots to put the Bears up by three. With 3.4 20 Morehead State Loss 66-59 Leading Jacksonville State was tied after three rounds at 211, two- 30 Clayton State Win 72-63 seconds remaining, JSU's Johnny Kilpatrick tipped in Januaty freshman Angie Green. Green under par. 3 at Jacksonville Win 82-73 posted an 83 to finish in a tie for a rebound to send the game into over time. 8 Florida Atlantic Win 6846 Leading the Gamecocks was With six seconds remaining in overtime, Kirtz hit a 10 Central Florida Win 90-83 13th, with a 159 total. Senior senior Ramiro Perez, who finished 13 at Mercer Win 69-65 shot to put the bears up by two. The Gamecocks 15 at Troy State Loss 74-70 Marie Mattfolk shot an 81 to finish in a tie for 19th, at 221, eight-over 19 M~ssissippiState Loss 73-61 with a 160 total and finish in a tie par. Steven Mackie fired an even- inbounded the ball to Rashard Willie who quickly 22 Samford Win 69-65 gave the ball to three-point threat Gurley. Gurley took 24 Campbell Loss 54-51 for 17th. par, 72, in the final round to finish 28 at Samford LOSS68-53 the ball to the top of the key, fought his way past February Kathy Johnson had the low round in a tie for 47th at 228. 3 at Georgia State Lass 91 -77 defenders and shot a desperation three pointer from 5 at Campbell Win 80-63 of the day for Jax State, firing an Blake Teny posted a 76 to finish about 40 feet. The ball bounced on the rim once and 10 Jacksonville Win 74-68 80 to finish in a tie for 22nd at 161. with a 23 1 total, and Alex Forsyth 12 Stetson Win 71-65 fell in the basket. In a flash, the crowd poured onto 17 at Central Florida Loss 68-64 Marie-Eve Dion shot an 82 to fin- fired a one-over par 73 to finish 19 at Florida Atlantic Win 71-61 ish with a 172 total, and Jami with a 232 total. the floor and Gurley was carried off on the shoulders 24 Troy State Loss 74-69 of his teammates. A perfect ending to a stellar career, 26 Mercer Won 80-79 Eckle fired an 87 to finish with a 9 THE CHANTICLEER March 2,2000 Page 19 Crossword ACROSS I Neon or xenon 4 Avant-garde art movement 8 Japanese Today's Birthday (March 2). wreck your friendship. If you're horseradish 14 Take one's pick This year ponder the past and considering a big purchase, little I 5 Worrier's word your future, and you may find a details become even more impor- 16 Blackboard requ~rement way to shed old fears. You've tant. 17 D~stancesacross given up on a tough assignment *Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) - 19 Shore birds 20 Paper money before. If you don't give up in Today is a 5 - You are swamped. 21 Bographer March, you might achieve mas- There's way too much for one Strachey 23 Lounge about tery. A surprise brings money in person to do. 'Your partner does- 24 Buenos - n't seem to be much help, either. 25 Bangkok native April, but it could go just as fast. 29 Historic period You'll learn well in May if you You're in a potentially stressful 30 Egg white 31 Separate follow the rules. In August, the situation. Do you have a friend 32 Dreary way you should serve should be who always helps you calm 34 Appeases 36 Pknty clear. Heed a loved one's urging down? Even if it's long distance, 38 tight tan in November, but follow your call. 39 Stirs up 43 Kiner and Ell~son own common sense. A secret *Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) - Today 47 Unmarmedy about your career is revealed in is a 6 - You're pretty lucky, but people 48 Printers'measueS December. Most of February is there could be complications. 50 umed 9 Pisa's iir Sduf~WIS best spent planning. The more Better not gamble now; it's not a 51 Needle case 10 Apostle to the 52 Disgusted Gentiles homework you do, the higher sure bet. Love should go well, 53 Asian desert I1 Hornedviper too, especially if you don't get 54 Chosen pursuit 12 Honey ending? your chances of success. 56 "Garfiekl" 13 Tax grp. To get the advantage, check the into an argument about money. cartoonist 18 Everyone day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, Emotions are running high, so 57 Indigenous 22 Short and to the 60 Hurt ol "Interiors" point 0 the most challenging. avoid touchy subjects if you can. 62 Got around 24 Parcel Wt 63 Toledo's lake 26 crone a *Aries (March 21-April 19) - *Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21) - 64 Think better 27 Exist Today is a 7 - You and your bud- Today is a 6 - A lot is going on at afterward 28 Possessive 65 Cmesto a point pronoun dies accomplish quite a lot when home. You want to be there, so 66 Images in rev. 30 cm- change things around so you can. 67 Garden plot 31 Glomng you're all on the same track. Set emanations your goals so everybody knows Others want your attention, too, DOWN 33 Murder of one's of course. You've a popular per- 1 Ate greedily mother what needs to be done next. 2 Deductive 35 Discard You're teaching and learning son! Save time and attention for 3 Adler and Benson 37 Conical shelter 45 Regular 53 Flap lips 4 Fathers 39 Writer Burrows customer 55 Declare from each other, and that's good. the folks you love the most. 5 Mtn. stat 40 Obtained 46 Moved with a 56 Recolors Minimize travel, though, and *Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) - 6 "The Blue -" 41 Debt letters hangsound 57 Profit 7 Ancient empire 42 Session 49 Arrow poison 58 Ms. Gardner keep costs down. Today is a 5 - A few things need on the Tigns musicians 52 Savage and 59 LIQMknock *Taurus (April 20-May 20) - to be discussed at your house. A 8 Adam and Mae 44 Plthy saying Friendly 61 Oil-well device Today is a 6 - The thing you'll be couple of things need to be fixed, most successful at can be quite too. You know it's a good idea, difficult sometimes. This could but you might not know how. be one of those days. If you're You might not want to change, running into new barriers, that's either. Learning new skills will because you've already gone make everything easier. past all the old ones. *Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) - Congratulations! Accept coach- Today is a 7 - Quite a bit of ing from a friend. money could be coming in. This *Gemini (May 21-June 21) - is because you're imaginative Today is a 7 - If anything of and creative and you work hard. yours involves higher education, It could also be due to a coupon travel or the law, expect set- you sent off or taxes you don't backs. Getting your meaning have to pay. Don't spend this across could be difficult. Be as windfall, however. All might not clear as possible, especially with be as it appears. tho3e who speak different lan- *Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) - guages. It'll be worth the effort. Today is a 6 - You're looking *Cancer (June 22-July 22) - pretty good. You still need to Today is a 6 - There might be watch your money, however. If a complications with travel agaln, friend is having financial diffi- so take care. If you're in school, culties, recommend a good bank. you may feel kind of thick-head- Don't make a loan yourself; that ed. Just go over the material could lead to trouble. Don't be a 01986 ~ribuneMedia~ewices. ~nc again and again. It'll get through, borrower, either, by the way. An wghts Reserved eventually. Don't spend impetu- *Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) - ously, either. Take your time and Today is a 6 - You're pushed to do it right. take care of something impor- "CRAZY HORSE I' *Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) - Today tant. You've been avoiding it, but is a 5 - How are you and a part- that's not a good idea. Don't ner going to spend the money worry, either. This could be easi- you share? Take a few notes so er than you thought. Just take it that there isn't a misunderstand- one step at a time. ing. Don't let nickels and dimes Are you planning on taking classes during the summer? Are you looking for a cost effective and convenient spot with some LIFE? The answer is right here OAI=~MPUS!


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