CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1963 HON
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September 27, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1963 TRIBUTE TO MR. HERBERT D. ing an awards ceremony at the New York has yet to respond to this letter. However, the KATZ Public Library. They have been chosen to re- British government has not disputed the au- ceive the prestigious 18th annual award for thenticity of the Downing Street Memo, and a HON. ROBERT WEXLER their work in early childhood education and former senior Bush Administration official has OF FLORIDA teacher professional development. They have confirmed the accuracy of this account to the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES brought academic innovation, as well as a tire- press. The failure of the Administration to ad- less focus in preparing students and teachers dress these concerns and to adequately inves- Tuesday, September 27, 2005 for success. tigate the leak of an undercover CIA agent’s Mr. WEXLER. Mr. Speaker, Representatives Professor Bowman is a lifelong proponent of name to the media is obstructionist. This is a ALCEE L. HASTINGS, KENDRICK B. MEEK, and higher education for those who teach and care meter of accountability and transparency, and DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, and I rise to for young children, and a pioneer in building I support all three of these resolutions. recognize Mr. Herbert D. Katz for his dedica- knowledge and understanding of the issues of While all Americans stand united in support tion as a member of the South Florida Jewish access and equity for minority children. She of our troops, President Bush has offered no Community for the past 35 years. During this co-founded Erikson Institute in 1966 to edu- plan for success in Iraq. In fact, most Ameri- time, Herb has held numerous leadership po- cate preschool teachers to work with children cans now agree that the President’s complete sitions in organizations including AIPAC and from low-income families in the Head Start mishandling of the war in Iraq has transformed the United Jewish Appeal (UJA). Herb has program. Today, largely because of Bowman’s Iraq into a terrorist haven and made our own served on AIPAC’s National Board of Directors leadership, Erikson’s educational programs nation less safe. As a member of the minority for over 20 years and played a key role in reach more than 2,500 students and, through party in Congress, I will continue to hold the strengthening U.S.-Israeli relations, especially them, hundreds of thousands of children. Bush Administration accountable for the on Capitol Hill. Herb’s knowledge, credibility Professor Bowman and her husband are flawed and dangerous policy in Iraq. and passion for politics have led him to foster residents of the Hyde Park Community in Chi- H. Res. 375, H. Res. 408, and H. Res. 419 key relationships with a wide-range of elected cago, and they are well known for their com- should be favorably reported out of the House officials, and we deeply value his activism, pa- munity, civic, and political activities. They rep- International Relations Committee, and the triotism and exemplary public service. resent the best of citizenship and what it citizens of this country should finally be told Herb Katz has dedicated his life to enhanc- means to live in a free and democratic society. the truth by this Administration. ing U.S.-Israeli ties and has an extraordinary I salute Professor Bowman and the other f history of championing Jewish causes at the honorees for their outstanding contributions to local, national and global level. He served on education. These individuals have dedicated NEXTENERGY CENTER GRAND the UJA Young Leadership Cabinet in its ear- themselves to improving education in this OPENING liest years. He also served as the president of country and their accomplishments continue to Jewish Federation of Hollywood in the early make a difference today. HON. CAROLYN C. KILPATRICK 1970s and was the first president of the newly f OF MICHIGAN established Jewish Federation of Broward IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HOUSE INTERNATIONAL RELA- County in 1996. He chaired the Board of Tuesday, September 27, 2005 Overseers of the Center for Advanced Judaic TIONS COMMITTEE MARK-UP OF Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. He H. RES. 375, H. RES. 408, AND H. Ms. KILPATRICK of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, also served as president of the National Board RES. 419 I rise today to recognize NextEnergy, a non- of American Friends of Hebrew University, profit organization in my district of Detroit. It is which awarded him an honorary degree. Herb HON. BETTY McCOLLUM a leader in the development and research of and his wife Ellie have selflessly exemplified OF MINNESOTA technologies that will make our nation more the highest form of hesed and have dem- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES energy independent. On September 29, leaders from Michigan onstrated exemplary Jewish leadership and Tuesday, September 27, 2005 pro-Israel political activism, and we hold them and around the country will celebrate the both in the utmost regard. Ms. MCCOLLUM of Minnesota. Mr. Speak- grand opening of the NextEnergy Center, a It is therefore with great pleasure that we er, I want to express my support for H. Res. state-of-the-art alternative energy innovation offer our heartfelt congratulations to Herb for 375, as well as H. Res. 408 and H. Res. 419, center. This is a wonderful day for everyone being honored by AIPAC—one of the foremost all requesting information from the Administra- interested in making sure that Michigan is at advocacy organizations in the world. tion regarding plans and communication lead- the forefront of alternative technologies which Herb’s commitment and dedication to U.S.- ing up to the war in Iraq, as well as requesting will create jobs and ensure energy security Israeli relations is immeasurable and his lead- information regarding the leak of CIA Agent with economic growth in the years ahead. As ership continues to be critical to maintaining Valerie Plame’s name to the media. These a member of the House Appropriations Com- the unbreakable bond between the two na- resolutions highlight a disturbing trend within mittee, I have been a supporter of Congres- tions. It is our honor to join AIPAC and its the Bush Administration to hide critical infor- sional funding for this effort, and I have no members in recognizing Herb. We thank him mation from Congress and the American peo- doubt that this federal investment will pay for his work, and wish him mazel tov and ple. The President owes Americans the truth, many dividends. much continued success. especially when it involves the lives of our At the beginning of the 20th century, the f sons and daughters. City of Detroit and the State of Michigan revo- Like so many of my colleagues, and so lutionized personal transportation with the de- HONORING BARBARA T. BOWMAN many of my constituents in the 4th District of velopment and production of motor vehicles. FOR LIFELONG COMMITMENT TO Minnesota, I was profoundly disturbed when I The automobile industry became a key part of EDUCATION learned of the so-called Downing Street Memo our state’s heritage and way of life. in May 2005. This document details minutes of Now at the dawn of the 21st century, we HON. DANNY K. DAVIS a July 2002 meeting between British Prime need to find new ways to power our cars and OF ILLINOIS Minister Tony Blair and his cabinet. The min- trucks. We want to develop better systems to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES utes of the meeting indicate that British offi- improve energy efficiency and reduce air pol- cials believed President Bush had already de- lution. And we know that there is no better Tuesday, September 27, 2005 cided to pursue war with Iraq. The minutes place to lead this new effort than from the Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I rise further appear to indicate that the Bush Ad- heart of the Motor City. We have the knowl- today to congratulate Barbara T. Bowman, ministration was intentionally distorting intel- edge, the talent, the expertise, the creativity, who tonight will receive the prestigious Harold ligence information to justify the case for in- and the drive to get the job done. W. McGraw, Jr. Prize in Education. Professor vading Iraq. With the opening of the NextEnergy Center, Bowman is co-founder and former president of Concern by Congress and the American another important milestone has been Erikson Institute, and currently serves as chief people regarding the Downing Street Memo reached. It will showcase a new breed of officer of the Chicago Public Schools’ Office of have escalated since first reported. Earlier this emerging technologies. From my discussions Early Childhood Education. year, over ninety Members of the House sent with the automobile companies and other in- Along with Professor Bowman, Sharon Lynn a letter to President Bush requesting a full ac- dustry leaders, I know that advanced tech- Kagan and Ellen Moir are being honored dur- counting of these allegations. The President nologies offer great promise for the future. But VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:36 Sep 28, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27SE8.048 E27SEPT1 E1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 27, 2005 much research and testing is still required be- or parent volunteers could lose their jobs After World War II, Mr. Burchett worked as fore some are commercially viable. That is based solely on their religion. a professor at Pasadena City College for 35 why the NextEnergy Center is so important The Head Start program provides essential years. While there, he continued to develop and will play a vital role in developing break- early childhood education services, and I will after-war designs for experimental aircraft.