
NUMERO 7 - dicembre 2014 Milos Stipcic Architect, graduated from the University of Belgrade and a PhD candidate at Polytech- nic University of Catalonia. His research is about public spaces and infrastructure. He worked in several architectural and urban design studios in Barcelona and Belgrade. He held lectures on different universities (UPC, Belgrade University and Trinity College - Barcelona) and participated in international conferences.

Infrastrutture come Occasione di Pubblica per la Valorizzazione e l’Identità del Paesaggio Infrastructure as Public Art: Additional Value and Identity of Landscape

Questo articolo esplora la complessità nella compren- This article explores complexity of conceptualization of sione delle infrastrutture di trasporto come elementi po- transport infrastructure as an affirmative element of sitivi del paesaggio urbano mediante processi progettua- urban landscape, through design process which li che uniscono specifiche qualità ed eccellenza estetica amalgamates distinctive qualities and aesthetic excel- con le relative caratteristiche d’operatività e d’uso. Que- lence with its operational and serviceable character. sto studio è tratta dall’esempio del sistema tramviario di The study is exemplified through case of system Strasburgo e consiste di quattro parti. La prima descrive in Strasbourg and it consists out of four parts. First part la sinergia tra tram moderni come strategia di mobilità describes synergy between modern as mobi- e il rinnovo dello spazio pubblico come parte di quella lity strategy and a renewal of public space as a part of stessa strategia. La seconda parte è una struttura teo- that comprehensive strategy. Second part is a theore- rica e riflette sul rapporto tra le infrastrutture e il senso tical framework and reflects about relationship betwe- dei luoghi. La terza è l’analisi di tre nodi intermodali la en infrastructure and sense of the place. Third part is Parole chiave: paesaggio urbano, spazio pubblico, cui comune caratteristica è l’unità con il relativo paesag- analysis of three representative intermodal nodes with infrastrutture di trasporto, strategie di mobilità, arte gio urbanistico. L’ultima parte sintetizza i parametri del the quality of an assemblage within their urban landsca- pubblica. progetto e l’uso che l’autore ne fa per la concezione di pes. The last part summarizes the indicators of design Keywords: Urban landscape, public space, transport questi progetti. and author’s position applied to conceive these projects. infrastructure, mobility strategies, public art http://in_bo.unibo.it NUMERO 7 - dicembre 2014 Infrastructure as Public Art M. Stipcic

SINERGY BETWEEN LANDSCAPE DESIGN monplaces of contemporary mobility design trend of designing infrastructure as an object, AND IMPLEMENTATION OF MODERN TRAM are urban interventions alongside infrastruc- piece of architecture or even urban landmark1. SYSTEM ture with an objective to integrate transport In the last few years we see increasingly fre- into urban context, beautify the area, ease the quent attempts to re-design transport public Infrastructure and urban context access, increase operationally, give identity to space and give it civic character. Urban landscapes of contemporary are public space, generate new use. Up to which point and under which circumstan- largely shaped by transportation infrastructu- Treatment of infrastructure as multidiscipli- ces infrastructure, as a functional and inevita- re, which becomes pivotal element and inte- nary project with greater involvement of ar- ble aspect of urban environment, can become racts with by generating movement, incre- chitects, landscape architects or artist, recon- its affirmative element, giving it new signifi- asing accessibility or influencing real estate sideration of the strict ‘form follows function’ cance and additional value? Initial assertion capacity. As cities are highly dependent upon concept catalyzed by modernistic movement, is that multidisciplinary collaboration during movement of people mobility becomes inextri- relinquishment of rigorous zoning based on mobility design could generate new landscape cable part of urbanization and infrastructure, between transport areas and other and establish new connections between infra- as a public investment, presents a good op- functions, gradually leads to transition from structure and landscape by exceeding usual portunity to influence the inhabited urban lan- over-engineered infrastructure typical for the functional requirements of infrastructure tre- dscape and create better environment1. Com- second half of 20th century to contemporary ating it as an artifact of monumental, sculptu- http://in_bo.unibo.it 136 M. Stipcic NUMERO 7 - dicembre 2014 Infrastructure as Public Art M. Stipcic

Figures 1 & 2 - TSquare Lesseps, Barcelona (renewal 2009, arch. Albert Viaplana) Fusion of civic public space and transportation node [Previous page] Figure 1 - http://www.viapla- na.com/PLACA%20LESSEPS/ index-plantilla.htm Figure 2 – by author ral and artistic value. The role of tram in European city: from tradi- derstand the history of this process. Having in mind that infrastructural objects tional to new generation trams Trams were the first public transport mode are not separated units, but fractions of lar- In the last few decades we are witnessing in- that was introduced in European city in early ger system, the idea is to critically discuss teresting process of reviving the trams, which 19th century as animal-power and rail-guided, relationship between aesthetic qualities, fun- encompasses many cities in . It started first in UK and in other countries. As techno- ctionality and cost through evaluative princi- in with (1985) then logy was developing electric power replaced pals like contribution of these projects to their and Strasbourg and until today it spread over animals - first in Berlin in 1881 and in fol- urban context, assessment of their effective- 34 cities in France2, several Spanish cities and lowing years in other cities like , Bu- ness, level of enhancement of urban landsca- many others in Europe. This wide phenome- dapest or Sarajevo. Soon trams become not pe, feasibility, artistic value, challenges and non, is not just a simple improvement of public only indispensable transport mode, but also opportunities. New generation trams in the transport, but a mobility strategy which works backbone of urbanity and the essential part context of medium size European city, parti- in synergy with other transportation strategies of urban landscape. By the beginning of 20th cularly in France, are good examples that illu- and is followed by comprehensive public spa- century tram routes were generating urban strate these ideas. ce policy, with an objective to redefine way of development, vehicles were recognizable part movement in the cities and give them back lost of city image while trams were sharing the human scale3. To understand it we have to un- same space with other participants of mobility

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[Next Page] Figure 3 – Renewal of public space in synergy with imple- mentation of trams, Strasbourg Images by C.T.S. Strasbourg (pedestrians, bicycles and cars). gress in that time. Strasbourg - logic of its tram system, mobility As technology was progressing needs of so- Car-oriented policy seemed as progressive strategies and public space ciety were changing and urban theories were at the beginning, but through decades led to Strasbourg, with population of 270.0007, is conceiving different cities that will meet new devastation of public space in terms of loss of among largest French cities and capital of Al- conditions. Car become dominant mode of traditional and social activities of the street sace region. Rich cultural heritage and dyna- transport and principals of the Charter of with sidewalks reduced to function of com- mic history made Strasbourg to be a multicul- Athens were fully promoting this new mode munication, large parking area in the city cen- tural administrative center. , located proposing, among other things, separation ters, traffic jam, noise, pollution, over-sized on river island Grande-Île, is protected by between different speed mobility modes and transportation facilities and generally loss of UNESCO as important medieval urban ensem- re-configuration of the traditional street4. After human scale5. ble. the WW2 car become symbol of the new age, Decision to re-introduce trams followed by re- Just as in other cities in France, car-oriented buses were considered to be flexible transport newal of public space and creation of new ur- urban policy of post war period led to similar mode fully compatible with cars, sharing the ban landscape was seen as a possible solution problems of public space devastation particu- same space. Trams were seen as an obstacle to these complex problems. City of Strasbourg larly in the Old town where parking and car la- and were gradually removed from the streets is a successful example of these multi-disci- nes occupied large areas. It was clear that city of almost all cities, which was a sign of pro- plinary interventions6. needed a better public transport and the city http://in_bo.unibo.it 138 M. Stipcic NUMERO 7 - dicembre 2014 Infrastructure as Public Art M. Stipcic

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[Next Page] Figure 4 – Strasbourg, tram network and logic of its imple- mentation (by author) planners chose modern tram over LRT, clai- most of the lines pass through historical core jor task. This was achieved by planning park ming it was not just a mobility improvement, of the city intersecting at the square Homme and ride system with more than 4000 parking but a tool for a larger urban transformation. de Fer, the main hub. The line E9 is the only lots within 8 tram terminuses located in the When the first line was implemented in 1994 orbital one, giving reticulate character to the outskirts of the city, equipped with different there was a strong opposition6, fearing that network. facilities, connected to urban trams, buses tram might impede car traffic, reduced ac- The whole area of the Old town has been tran- and bicycle network. cessibility or won’t be feasible due to its high sformed into a large pedestrian zone with li- Another important operational feature are cost. But soon it was proven as a success and mited car access while trams share space platforms on which trams are running sepa- system is constantly expanding. Now network with pedestrians. In order to make possible rated from the cars and the rest of the traffic, consists of 6 lines covering the whole city, 37 such large pedestrianization different measu- which gives trams features of rapid system km of track, 67 stops and more than 300.000 res were required. Besides that trams served and additionally, platforms are reducing area rides daily. Its high cost (approx. 25-30 m. Eu- as powerful connection between peripheries dedicated to cars, making trams the fastest ros per km8) has been justified by the cost of and the center enabling pedestrianization, mode. Thanks to light synchronization and renewal of public space that was following im- it was necessary to decrease on-street par- right-of-way, system becomes more efficient plementation of tram system and was an addi- king within the pedestrian areas and resolving which enables all of mobility strategies (pede- tional value for the city. Network is radial and the problem of parking space became a ma- strian areas, trams, P&R terminuses, etc.) to http://in_bo.unibo.it 140 M. Stipcic NUMERO 7 - dicembre 2014 Infrastructure as Public Art M. Stipcic work together. Except civic character of public space, pe- destrianization and social activities public artworks were in the main focus and eco aspect was expressed through greening space around infrastructure (alley, grass platforms, etc.)10. These intentions gradually led to a se- ries of urban interventions alongside tram ro- utes and three most interesting examples are the main hub, square Homme de Fer redesi- gned by local architect Guy Clapot as a fusion of transport hub and civic place and two su- burb P&R terminuses Hœnheim-, desig- ned by architects and Robertsau Boecklin, work of French architectural studio Paradon & Denu. Despite of their differences, all of them were designed to be valuable parts of urban landscape with aesthetical qualities that can be compared to artworks, each one with its particular sense of the place.

INFRASTRUCTURE AND SENSE OF THE PLACE Conceptual background for all these urban interventions associated with implementation of modern tram could be explained throu- gh much wider field of complex relationship between transportation infrastructure with principle of sense of the place, as one of the crucial subjects of discussion of contemporary urbanism, public space and urban landscape.

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Public transport nodes as a way to create ur- Sense of the place as the basic concept of ur- Mumford. Many human geographers were ban place ban place trying to define this space feature like Yu-Fu Kevin Lynch is classifying urban images throu- Public space is understood as collective spa- Tuan (dealing with questions of place and spa- gh five main concepts: paths, edges, districts, ce of community, generally open and accessi- ce relationships) or Tim Cresswell (with spe- nodes and landmarks. Paths are seen as rou- ble to everyone, with possibility to be shared cial interest in definition of place and its rela- tes or lines of movement and nodes are stra- by different social groups. Usually, it is being tionship with mobility). tegic focus-points of the city with multilayered paid and maintained by public authorities1. In- Furthermore, sense of place has special im- significance11. Nodes are concentration of mo- frastructure, by its very nature, fulfills these portance in the works of postmodern archi- vement, intersection or confluence of tran- general criteria, but public space, understood tects and thinkers like Aldo Rossi with his four sport paths and at the same time they present as urban civic place, should have more than main paradigms of architecture (A priori, Ar- concentration of activity, intensive focus of these generic characteristics – it should be chetype Zeitgeist) and Genius Loci) is talking urban functions, social life, meeting points or a part of urban context with its own sense of about sense of place. places of reunion. To explain this ambiguous place. Genius Loci, in the context of modern archi- character of transport nodes, central issue is Sense of place or Genius Loci was discussed tectural theory has profound implication for relationship between node as concentration of by different multidisciplinary thinkers like ur- American approach of place-making, deve- movement and node as focal point of activity. ban theorist Jane Jacobs, Jan Gehl or Lewis loped by movement of New Urbanism (Pe- http://in_bo.unibo.it 142 M. Stipcic NUMERO 7 - dicembre 2014 Infrastructure as Public Art M. Stipcic because of necessary then pleasure, whether they are standing, sitting, passing through or communicating. Nevertheless, some mobility nodes are demonstrating vice versa outcome, becoming real public space which have more complex meaning for the people.

Historical overview of coexistence of urban ac- tivities within transport nodes Some of the historically most important exam- ples of transport node which is taking an urban image and encourages other urban activities Figure 5 - Rambla del carrer A, are 19th century train stations1. Infrastructu- Barcelona, 2007 ral nodes were articulated as public spaces Linear Park under the elevated due to increased popularity of the train travel metro route (by author) within burgoos society. They were flux points and used by all parts of the society. Train ter- ter Calthorpe, Andrés Duany, James Howard environment. minals were conceived with certain dualism Kunstler or Christopher Charles Benninger), in mind, consisting out of two parts - one is whose work was largely inspired by European Sense of the place and infrastructure platform zone that was more of utilitarian na- urban planner Léon Krier. Finally, Marc Auge Marc Auge defines non-places as unidenti- ture, with structured modern roofs, sign of gave contribution to the definition of the term fied space without sense of place, illustrating technological development and herald of 20th Sense of place by analyzing Non-places as them by shopping malls, departure stores, century and the other part was access hall, examples of opposite phenomenon. fast food restaurants or gas stations and other entrance zone, conceived as grandiose public Sense of place consists of two main aspects infrastructural facilities. Infrastructural tran- space, link with the city and typical eclectic ar- – characteristics that some places have and sportation nodes are considered to have non- chitecture of 19th century. perception held by people. It is about human place features due to their mainly functional Due to their position in the city, people flux and attachment and feeling of belongingness to purpose12. Transportation requires different mixture of users, train stations became public certain public space, felt by users, visitors physical elements (routes, access zones, auxi- spaces hosting waiting halls, dining rooms, fa- and inhabitants and a social phenomenon, as liary facilities etc.) which give it unambiguous mous restaurants or bars, later shopping zo- a summation of individual sensations. Under- character. Similar effect is intensified by natu- nes, etc. Stations become links between travel standing how sense of place develops means re of people movement and presence at tran- destination, between city and the transport or to understand how people interact with their sport public nodes. People are there rather between n19th and 20th century. Those areas

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overcame their pure practical purpose and be- context could be defined as micro-urban ef- of people movement within public transport come civic spaces of higher value. This featu- fect. This term refers on small-scale tran- nodes is more of practical purpose and neces- re is kept up to present-day time, when many sformation of immediate surroundings, but sity. This means that people behaves differen- large intermodal stations are accommodating still strong enough to change character of tly in transport public spaces and civic public facilities which are focal point of the cities and the place and generate new use. Micro-urban spaces. They stay shorter, walk faster and not only meant for the travelers. effects could be understood through two con- spend less time to sit, stand, enjoy or observe cepts: social change (use and identity aspect) public space and generally, are more nervous Public transport nodes causing micro-urban and material change (intermodal and physical and busy5. Waiting time spent there is indi- effect on the landscape aspect). spensable and obligatory, but not always en- Public transport nodes are different from lar- joyable and people complain about crowd and ge intermodal station due to their size, posi- Social change, people behavior and feelings hustle. Central question is up to which point tion and waiting time. They have more practi- Social change is caused by access and peo- this pragmatic and practical use of urban spa- cal purpose and functional meaning, but this ple flow. Nodes are gathering places for large ce could coexist, or even be integrated, with does not mean they have no power to articula- group of people and different social classes, other more relaxed types of use like leisure, te sense of the place. which is a fundamental feature of urban pla- recreation, commercial activities, etc. and if Impact of public transport node on urban ces as places that attract people. Still, nature this mixture of use could endow urban space http://in_bo.unibo.it 144 M. Stipcic NUMERO 7 - dicembre 2014 Infrastructure as Public Art M. Stipcic

Figures 6 & 7 - Square Homme de Fer and its position in the Old town Figure 6 [right] – by architect Figure7 [left] – by author with new meaning and value. sformation. This is achieved by introduction transportation infrastructure and other urban of urban elements like pavements, greenery, elements, with an objective to enhance urban Material change as base for complementary water, public sitting, pedestrian areas, pro- landscape and create civic place. Their diffe- activities menades, paths, etc. rences are expressed through comparison Main tools for material changes are infra- with other forms of art, having in mind primer structure, additional facilities and other urban TRANSPORT NODES AS ASSEMBLAGE purpose of these. elements. Public transport nodes require in- WITHIN URBAN LANDSCAPE Homme de Fer is a small (2000m2) triangular frastructure (routes, platforms, stops, cano- These theoretical concepts are integrated square located in of the Strasbourg’s pies, light, bridges, etc.), which is physical ele- into the design of three selected nodes: squa- Old town, but also a busy intermodal hub, with ment which presence could transform urban re Homme de Fer, terminus Hoenheim-Nord the main tram station, intersection of almost surrounding. Transformation is intensified by and Robertsau Boecklin. Analogically to arti- all lines, underground parking of 450 lots and necessity to integrate public transport with stic process of assemblage (based on crea- taxi station. On this square transportation coe- other mobility modes which requires comple- ting artworks by putting one next to another xist with bustling public space, shops and bars. mentary facilities (pedestrian access, bicycle objects which usually do not have artistic Homme de Fer is located just next to the main lanes, parking, walkways, etc.). Finally, it is value, but which in the new context acquire square Kleber and hectic pedestrian streets. an opportunity for additional landscape tran- new meanings), all nodes are compositions of By implementing trams square was comple-

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Figures 8 & 9 -Square Homme de Fer before and after the re- newal Images by architect tely renovated becoming one of the pioneers roof which covers 1/3 of the whole area arising It could be observed that dominant circular by exploring the idea of infrastructure as a tool 7.5m above the ground. Symbolic power of cir- shape marks the importance of the tram stop to enhance urban context. Before the renewal cle, with its simple, but strong geometry aims and tram system rather than contribute to the this square was just an imperceptible street primary to emphasize and signalize importan- significance of the public space itself, which is junction and Kleber square was used as par- ce of the site. On the other hand, circular roof seen clearly through its indifference towards king area. unifies complexity of the space and lowers its its urban context14. Similar iconic circular roof The comprehensive solution for both squares scale14, sheltering tram stop, ticket facilities, could be applied on the spaces of different was to place the entire infrastructure on the taxi station, pedestrian access to the parking, morphologies and glass rotunda is an intro- smaller square, liberating the main one to café, public seating and large part of simple vert in regard to its urban environment as a be the center of the social life13. Effect on the walking zone. Both types of human activities self-sufficient landmark with no relationship Homme de Fer square was very interesting - (waiting for a public transport which as need- with other landmarks, like the statue of an infrastructure placed within small public spa- based and walking through the public space as Iron man, previous symbol of the square which ce contributed to reconfiguration of the urban enjoyable, leisure-based activity5) are procee- gave it name or the Valentin-Sorg tower as the place, changing its morphology, usage, cha- ding simultaneously sharing the same area. most important architectural piece of post war racter and creating new sense of the place. Both groups of users are merged together, development. Dominant shape of the square is the circular creating crowded, busy place. The role of the central tram hub as the imme- http://in_bo.unibo.it 146 M. Stipcic NUMERO 7 - dicembre 2014 Infrastructure as Public Art M. Stipcic diate moving force of the square refurbishment was additionally augmented by the importance of the site, which is one of the preconditions for validity. Operational character of the hub is well balanced with its civic use, while the circular roof becomes an urban landmark or even a monument, which opens a discussion about its self-sufficiency and contextuallity. Hoenheim-Nord, located in the north district of Strasbourg, is an intermodal node which contains an interwoven program of waiting space, bicycle storage, toilets, trams, buses, train and 700 parking lots of P&R system. The P&R is planned to encourage people to leave their cars and continue their journey by pu- blic transport. Though this strategy decreases number of cars in the center it actually incre- ases parking in the suburb, which opens the questions of its impact on the surroundings relative to location and scale, perceptions of the buildings or how they look and feel both with and without cars.

As intent to give adequate response to this problematic car park was design with an idea to define, rather than occupy space, by crea- ting artificial nature as a fusion of infrastruc- ture and landscape within its urban context.15 When Hoenheim-Nord was open it was a node dislocated from residential zone on the very end of the . But the recent deve- Figure 10 -Square Homme de lopment (third age residence and housing) on Fer – plan and elevation (elabo- the adjacent Hoenheim-Nord will become rated by author)

http://in_bo.unibo.it 147 NUMERO 7 - dicembre 2014 Infrastructure as Public Art M. Stipcic integrated part of urban tissue, which makes more interesting reflections about its design approach. The concept of overlapping fields through three dimensional graphics of light and ope- nings tends to create energetic and attractive place, enhancing formal frame of its circula- tion requirements. The assemblage of fused elements forms constantly changing but defi- ned unity, which echoes the movement of peo- ple, cars and trams. Dominant element is the folded concrete canopy which covers the sta- tion, marks the urban place scoping the who- le area together with the pavement pattern which crosses the rest of the node. Sinuous lines parking lots, emphasized by light posts above each space, additionally contribute to the impression of dynamics.15 Described concepts significantly raise the cost compering with other similar terminals opening the issue of its feasibility, though, operational and practical utility has not been diminished. There is a question of size and scale of urban intervention, having in mind transformation of the area from peripheral Figure 11 [Top] - Usage of vacant lot which can lodge high-tech ensem- public space and pervasion of ble as this one and the morphologic and so- activities (by author) cial relationship it will establish with its new Figures12 & 13 [Middle] – Square Homme de Fer and surroundings. Many of these problems are the Stonehenge – symbolic power consequence of planned mobility strategies of the circle and some of inevitable repercussions cannot (by architect) be overcome. Figure 14 [Bottom] – Indiffe- Interest of this case, in comparison with the rence of circular form (by author) http://in_bo.unibo.it 148 M. Stipcic NUMERO 7 - dicembre 2014 Infrastructure as Public Art M. Stipcic

Figure 15 -Terminus Hoen- heim-Nord and Its position in the city (images by architect: http:// www.zaha-hadid.com/archi- tecture/hoenheim-nord-termi- nus-and-car-park/) previous one, is that similar urban program Constant movements of people and passen- impression of cheerfulness and optimism. in a slightly different urban context, with time who are waiting for the public transport The tram station generates movement, which difference of seven years, has been resolved have been seen as an opportunity to create helped re-creating this insignificant urban using different planning postulates and me- local park or gathering place. Design uses junction into a small-scale social center and chanism. Authors of the project, Christian Pa- geometry of randomly arranged circles, as artistically shaped infrastructural facilities radon and Claude Denu, have wide experience an abstract art composition, which unifies the inosculate with its surrounding. Other featu- in infrastructural and transportation design, whole area. Geometry expands from colored res of this project are unification (in morpho- with different innovative solutions. glass, sculptural canopies which evoke flower logical and formal sense) of stop and park, the The tram terminus is located in the relatively beds or trees, into flowerpots and green areas whole artifact is design to echo its surroun- dense suburb residential area, surrounded by with benches.16 Circles are, by the words of ding, while recreation and transport are suc- large green zone, just next to European district architects, echo of nearby European complex cessfully joined together. with important administrative institutions. It which follows the same design pattern. Coale- contains tram stop linked to local buses and sce of infrastructural and landscape elements INDICATORS OF DESIGN slightly dislocated parking with capacity of 150 creates park like atmosphere, softening tran- Despite of all mutual differences between lots. Tram stop, in this case, served as a po- sport character of the urban landscape, evo- these examples, we can determine certain si- werful tool for revival of this street junction. king tranquility of the countryside with overall milar strategies of design process applied in

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order to integrate infrastructure into urban wider area then just an infrastructure treating All three designs try to achieve one of the most landscape and enhance the surroundings. in the same way other elements like greene- important objectives of many landscape desi- These strategies are set of indicators of de- ry, pavement, mobiliary, etc. This approach gns of contemporary infrastructure unification sign or position of authors which can be used always significantly increases the total cost, of public space regardless of diversities in use to understand and thoroughly explain these but if applied in adequate manner could be and purpose. Based on idea to treat infrastruc- cases or as universal guidelines for any urban base for improvement of community. Ensuing ture as an element of integration, rather than intervention with an objective to redefine tran- effect for all three examples is endowment of a barrier, all landscape projects tend to unify sportation character of urban landscape. identity and recognisability of urban landsca- the space. The results varies from total con- Common approach for all three examples is pe, while the outcome varies and the technic solidation, like in the case of Hoenheim-Nord sculpturalization of infrastructure as place- of sculpturalization was applied through diffe- or Homme de Fer, to certain fragmentation (as making tool. In other words, by overcoming rent figures of speech. The circle in Homme the result of planning policy) between separa- functional requirements (like size, form or ma- de Fer square has strong symbolism of the ted parking area and tram stop integrated with terialization) during the design process infra- form; energetic composition of Hoenheim- urban park. structural artifacts acquires aesthetic values Nord is adynaton exaggerating sense of speed All these public spaces could be observed as of an artwork and becomes pivotal element and motion; associative form of R. Boecklin one integral unity which consists out of two of urban landscape. This technic often scopes could be compared with onomatopoeia. constituents: Civic constituent (social or natu- http://in_bo.unibo.it 150 M. Stipcic NUMERO 7 - dicembre 2014 Infrastructure as Public Art M. Stipcic ral elements) and Infrastructural constituent (transportation facilities). Dialog between them is a pervasion among civic and infra- structural aspect. Graduation in intensity of pervasion and homogeneity of space intensi- fies in the following way: Hoenheim-Nord, R. Boecklin and Homme de Fer, which is deter- mined not only by design, but by the context itself. In terms of relationship between infrastruc- tural artifact and its urban context infrastruc- ture could be extrovert or introvert. Results vary from self-sufficiency like Homme de Fer, auto-reference like Hoenheim-Nord or to total echoing of environment in physical or aesthe- tical terms as R. Boecklin. Finally, ability of infrastructure to articulate or generate urban landscape and its qualitative relationship with surrounding defined as symbiosis or parasiti- sm. Following the logic of living organism in- frastructure and landscape could complement each other or could be an encumbrance for full achievement of the potentials. These in- dicators of design and reflections about rela- tionship between infrastructure and landsca- pe are not closed list, but a group of thoughts open for the further discussion and analysis.

[Previous Page] Figures 16, 17, 18 Terminus Hoenheim-Nord (images by architect: http:// Figures 19, 20, 21 - www.zaha-hadid.com/architec- R. Boecklin; (images by ture/hoenheim-nord-terminus- architect: http://www.denu- and-car-park/) paradon.com/)

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