…of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.” Psalm 19:7 Verse Of The Month “My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.” I John 3:18

Vol. X February, 2019 No. 2

LEAVE GOD TO ORDER Leave God to order all thy ways, And hope in Him whate’er betide; Thou’lt find Him, in the evil days, Thine all-sufficient Strength and Guide. Who trusts in God’s unchanging love Builds on the Rock that naught can move!

Only thy restless heart keep still, And wait in cheerful hope, content To take whate’er His gracious will, His all-discerning love hath sent, Nor doubt our inmost wants are known To Him who chose us for His own.

He knows when joyful hours are best, He sends them as He sees it meet, When thou hast borne the fiery test, And now art freed from all deceit, He comes to thee all unaware, And makes thee own His loving care.

Sing, pray and swerve not from His ways But do thine own part faithfully. Trust His rich promises of grace, So shall they be fulfilled in thee. God never yet forsook at need The soul that trusted Him indeed. George Neumark The Testimony




“Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?” John 11:40 FROM DECAY TO DELIGHT 3 Editorial

FROM DECAY TO tomb surrounded by a mourning DELIGHT and weeping family and friends, but he couldn’t hear them. Jesus “For as in Adam all die, even so in also came and Lazarus wasn’t Christ shall all be made alive.” even aware of HIM!! Lazarus was I Cor. 15:22 dead. He was lost and dead to the Genesis chapters 3, 4, and 5 sense of the presence of God. He give a very clear account of fallen was unable to respond; couldn’t humanity and the reality of the enjoy sweet fellowship! Just dead!! limited lifespan of mankind. De- Lazarus wasn’t only dead; he was composition of these bodies of ours decayed, very apparent by the pro- begins several minutes after death cess of decomposition and the with the end result likely being stink of his body. Dead is just “unto dust shalt thou return.” dead! Adam very likely didn’t under- There are three accounts of Je- stand when the Lord God said “for sus bringing the dead back to life. dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return” since he had never One account is Jairus’ daughter experienced death in any form. who had just died. Another is the We fast forward now about widow’s son at Nain; probably 4,033 years to the home of Mary, dead for several hours since they Martha, and Lazarus, whom Jesus were evidently on the way to his loved. Mary and Martha sent word burial. Now Lazarus had been to Jesus “Lord, behold, he whom dead four days and “he stinketh.” thou lovest is sick.” It should be These three accounts have one noted and understood that this thing in common. They were all account was and is “for the glory of dead!! What an illustration of lost, God, that the Son of God might be dead sinners! Some don’t appear glorified thereby.” When Jesus lost or dead. They are good people; came to their home, Lazarus had good young men and women. been dead four days and Martha They have the look of life and said, “Lord, by this time he stink- goodness but haven’t confessed eth.” The cry of both of Lazarus’ Jesus as their Lord. Others have sister’s hearts was, “Lord, if Thou the signs (or fruit) in their life of hadst been here, my brother had being lost: their language, their not died.” Isn’t our heart cry the habits, and their immoral lifestyle. same for the decaying dead? Others have been dead and they Lazarus wasn’t sick any longer, “stink.” Their decay and rot is ap- he was dead! He was in a cave or parent. The common denominator 4 The Testimony February, 2019 is…they are dead. There aren’t Light was revealed when the nap- different degrees of dead—just kin was removed from his face. degrees of decay. “The wages of “The light of the glorious gospel of sin is death.” Also, Ephesians 2:1, Christ” is offered to “whosoever “…who were dead in trespasses will”! He will remove the dead and sins.” grave clothes and give us clear Lazarus was a lost cause, as sight and light for a sanctified the saying goes. He was shut in walk. “Death is swallowed up in the darkness of a tomb or cave. victory.” This victory is given to us People were mourning. He was by God through our Lord Jesus dead. Nothing could change that. Christ. What made the difference? Jesus From Decay to Delight…John was there! We would have left 12:1–2, “Then Jesus six days be- Lazarus in the grave, dead, but fore the passover came to Betha- Jesus didn’t. We could leave those ny, where Lazarus was which had that are dead in this, our day, in been dead, whom he raised from the grave of the lost (just a lost the dead. There they made him a cause?), but the message of the supper, and Martha served: but Scripture is “the gift of God is Lazarus was one of them that sat eternal life through Jesus Christ at the table with him.” He is alive our Lord.” and fellowshipping around the The call of Jesus to Lazarus supper table with Jesus. What a was a very personal call, difference Jesus made! This life is “Lazarus, come forth!” The call of decomposing and decaying. But Jesus is still just as personal as what a blessing as we confess our He speaks by His Spirit to our Lord (we who were dead in tres- hearts and lives. He cares! Jesus passes and sin). He washes us in was very precise and clear in di- His own Blood, saves us by His rection as He called, “Come forth!” grace, and will eternally fellow- Are we able to comprehend the ship with us, His Bride. power in the call to rise from the Psalm 37:4, “Delight thyself dead to life—not only life, but a also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” more abundant life? Would you again allow Jesus to When the call of the Lord draw you closer as you sup with came and was heard there was Him? Would you allow Him to life, new life! The decay and stink move you from the death bed and very apparently were not there darkness to the Master’s table to anymore. There was freedom and sup with Him? Would you? liberty as Jesus said, “Loose him and let him go.” The old grave Blessings, clothes or dead clothes are gone. Dean Kinsley PULLING DOWN THE EDIFICE 5 General

PULLING DOWN “Alas for those who are rearing THE EDIFICE up on high, story above story, a towering monument, intending, “(For the weapons of our warfare are when it is done, to put the living not carnal, but mighty through God Stone somewhere at the top, and to the pulling down of strong holds;) so get the whole transported to Casting down…every high thing Heaven! No, it must all come that exalteth itself against the down, every sort of it; and it is to knowledge of God…” (II Cor 10:4–5) be feared that there will not be It is astonishing how the same time for you to get it down and a truth can become the property of new foundation laid before the Christians living over a century great earthquake flies rumbling apart. The very truth which Mad- through the earth, for the cement am Guyon, a French woman, that you are using hardens rapid- brought to our attention in the ly, and the stones cling together as previous reading (The Testimony, though they naturally belong to- January 2019, pp. 7–8), was re- gether; and you are bestowing so vealed to George Bowen, an Amer- much ornament and there are so ican, many years later. Surely the many admirers that you are every same Holy Spirit was their com- day more and more fascinated mon Teacher. We quote from with your own work. Day by day Bowen’s book, Love Revealed: you become more and more in- 6 The Testimony February, 2019 tensely your own ideal; and the done battle with the insolent voic- demolition of a structure so labori- es of a miscreant conscience, es- ously reared, so expensively, tablishing by successive victories seems to your conception like the the difficult fact that he is, take crash of an expiring world. him for all in all, one whom God “Then the schools of the world, must look down upon with benig- so far from fitting their pupils for nity, if not with admiration. the school of Christ, make it less “You come to him in the name of and less possible that those pupils Christ for the very purpose of de- should ever be brought to Christ. priving him of this idea of his own And here we discover a very im- goodness. Your aim is to do what portant cause of the misunder- that tormenting conscience of his, standing between the scholars of with all its advantages of time and Christ and other scholars.” place, failed to do. Do you think In another portion of his book, that he has fought with the Goliath the author asks why it is that of his own conscience so many Christians should be hated by the times, and so successfully, to be now world, when they are loving in dis- discomfited by you? Will he allow position and always desirous of you to be victorious over him and their fellowman’s redemption. He take from him the idea of his own then proceeds to answer his own integrity in the sight of God, after question: he has gone through a thousand “Consider this: the mission of fights to obtain that pearl of price? Christians is to take from men “You can tell him that he is a something that is unutterably mere rebel against the most high dear to them, to reduce them to a God, that he has never been any- condition that seems to them thing else, that all his righteous- worse than slavery, to carry them nesses are contemptible in the away into perpetual exile, to foil sight of Heaven, that he deserves them in every enterprise that they the wrath of God, and you ask him have at heart, in fact—we may as to take this same view of himself. well say it—to kill them. Do you You ask him to adjudge himself to start back in horror? Hear me to be worthy of everlasting punish- the end. ment. How easy were it for him in “There is not anything so dear comparison to surrender all his to the man of this world as the worldly substance! Self-esteem idea of his own unblamableness. permeates his whole nature like Every day of his life he has been the fibers of a cancer, and to bid engaged in rearing, in his inner him part with it is like bidding thought-world, a lofty edifice—a him surrender life.” tower of Babel—to answer at once (From Royal Insignia by E. & L. the purpose of a monument in his Harvey; used by permission, Har- own praise, and to enable him, vey Christian Publishers Inc. when the time shall come, to step www.harveycp.com) from its pinnacle into Heaven. Every day he has been busy carv- Selected by ing to some answerable shape the Curt Wagoner stones of his daily experience. He has diligently, all his life long, THE RIGHT KIND OF LOVE 7 THE RIGHT KIND OF lived out? Has anyone actually LOVE seen it? Has anyone actually expe- rienced it? There is no doubt that LOVE is Yes, many have seen, tasted, the best thing that has ever graced and felt this Love. And it will nev- this earth. It is better than hope. er fail them. It is the right kind of It is better than faith (I Cor. Love. 13:13). It is better than anything This Love is the Love of God, that can be invented or made. It is and especially that Love which He the best thing men and women has shown us through His Son have ever known. It softens hearts Jesus Christ. It is a Love that can and brightens lives. It adds cheer be trusted, and that will persevere and hope to those who may be to the end. It was shown when lonely or discouraged. It is the God saw the plight of man, and jewel and ornament of life. Noth- determined to provide an eternal ing in the human experience is remedy for him and bring him to better than Love. Himself. It was shown in the life of But “love” has been known to Jesus, as He came and lived and hurt, and to deceive. Love some- taught among men. Its glory and times has raised many questions, beauty was revealed as He healed and has not always shown itself to diseases, and restored lives. It was be true. Sometimes love has ap- brought to a more full and glorious peared selfish, or partial. Love has revelation when He willingly suf- drawn a husband or wife at times fered and gave even His own life up so that all could live through into a wrong relationship, with Him! many sorrows following. How shall we then know if Love Can We Possess This Kind of is altogether good? We want love. Love? We need it so badly. But how can Can we as men and women pos- we avoid the snares that love can sess a Love like God possesses? Is bring? Are there different kinds of it even possible for us to Love like love? Is there a kind of Love that this? Our imagination is stretched is the “right kind”? a bit as we observe our natural The Right Kind of Love thought patterns and selfish na- ture. Our natural inclination is to The Scriptures teach us that try to “act in a loving manner,” but there is a Love that will not fail. to possess within a real Love like There is a Love that will not de- God has, sometimes seems far ceive. It will be committed to the away. We seem to come so far welfare of others, and seek the short of that very real Love that is good of all. It will lay down its life complete and full and without re- for its friends. straint. Is there hope for us in this But where will we find that area? Is our actual daily experi- kind of Love? Where can we see it ence discouraging to us? 8 The Testimony February, 2019 It is Possible the sting of suffering long. Divine There is hope in God for us. The Love for others is the inward moti- Scriptures help us feel that hope. vation (by His Spirit), and Kind- There is promise for us, that God ness during suffering is the will work in us and produce that blessed result. It is not a human Love which He knows, and which achievement. It is rather a divine He offers to all. He has said that if gift that He will grant you. God’s we ask Him for good things, He enemies will flee as the work of (like a good parent) will give us the Spirit is seen. He has prom- good things. And one of those ised this. Take the Land of Prom- things that He will give is the Ho- ise. ly Spirit (Luke 11:13). The first This Love Does Not Envy and best gift of this Blessed Spirit is this Love. I Corinthians 13 “Charity envieth not…” (I Cor. clearly explains to us that this 13:4). Love is occupied in loving. It Love (called Charity here) is not has no energy left for wishing it only possible for us to possess; it is was someone else. There is no actually VITAL that we possess it! time left to desire what others It is a blessed and necessary por- have. It is too busy loving. It is tion of the gifts and callings of busy extending grace and mercy to God. It is that which He wishes to those in need of love. It is not self- bestow, and that which He de- centered, but centered upon the lights in giving! Do not draw back welfare of others. from believing that God can do This Love Does Not Boast this in us! There may be giants in This Love seems to recognize its the way that seem to make it ap- total dependency upon the grace pear impossible. But if the Lord and provision of God. It does not delight in us, and we believe in put itself forward, as if it had mer- His Promise, He will take us each it of its own. It does not boast or into a Land of milk (provision) and draw attention to itself. In the honey (sweetness) and give us all words of Scripture, “Charity of His gifts of Grace. And one of vaunteth not itself, is not puffed those gifts will be the luscious up” (I Cor. 13:4). fruit of LOVE. This Love Does Not Behave This Love Suffers Long Inappropriately This Love suffers long, and still So many opportunities there are is kind (I Cor. 13:4). It is willing to to act out in inappropriate ways, suffer because its main interest is when our desire is toward our- the welfare of others. Even as Ja- selves. But this Love that is to- cob counted his labor and waiting ward others does not do this. as nothing (Gen. 29:20) for the “Doth not behave itself unseemly” love which he had for Rachel, so are the words we read. And while our Love for others can take away the reference seems a bit vague as THE RIGHT KIND OF LOVE 9 to what it may actually mean, we human heart sounds too good to be all know what to do with the in- true. Perhaps it may mean that struction. this Love refrains from thinking This Love Does Not Seek its evil thoughts about others. What a Own Interests wonderful thing! This Love, or Charity, “…thinketh no evil.” Can Can it be that there is a way to we believe that our God is able to escape the bondage of seeking our place within the heart of man a own things always? This Love in divine restraint from evil thoughts man to others allows freedom from about others? May His Name be the ever-present seeking of our own. Charity “seeketh not her praised! His divine power can give own…” us all things that pertain to life How can it be? It takes place and godliness; even a Love that when the Love of God fills the overcomes our fallen inclinations! heart of the believing man and This Love Rejoices in the woman who gives themselves com- Truth; But Not in Iniquity pletely to God’s Spirit in full sur- There is so much laughter and render. We cease to be bound to enjoyment surrounding those our own selfish interests. Praise things which are evil in our day, God for this deliverance! This is but think of the purifying effect of freedom to Love! the Love of God in the heart of This Love is Not Easily Pro- man! Rejoicing only in those voked things which are True! Those things which have virtue, and Perhaps we have always won- which bring happiness to pure dered just what is behind the incli- hearts. Such is the power of Love. nation to be easily provoked. Are we easily provoked? This Love This Love Believes All Things from God for others will free us This God-given Love believes all from this malady! Those close to things that are given in God’s us will notice and be drawn to a Word, accepting them as Truth. desire to obtain this Love as well. This Love does not doubt God’s This Love has a desire instead for plain teachings and Scriptural the welfare of others, and what accounts. Without doubting, the they may be desiring. This Love is Word is received. Love for God and of God’s Spirit. It is not our own. If Love for man enables a complete we obtain this Love, this is not believing and receiving of Truth reason for us to be praised, but for without a desire to twist the plain God to be praised, who alone can teachings. work this change in us! This Love Endures Every Trial This Love Does Not Think Evil With one sweeping statement, This broad statement about the the Scripture declares that there Love which God can place in the is a Love that enables one to en- 10 The Testimony February, 2019 dure each of life’s trials. A Love for question as they looked over into God. A Love for men. A Hymn the land of Canaan which God had says of this Love, “No burden promised them. But there were seems so great, no task so hard Giants, and there were Adver- appears; but this he cheerfully saries. It looked impossible. It did performs, and that he meekly not seem like it was achievable. It bears.” was too much of a stretch for their This Love Never Fails logic and imagination. The gift of God’s Spirit, and the The Love which God will place Love which God can give, are very in the heart has the promise of much the same. God can grant it, never failing. Its substance is di- but He will only grant it to us if vine. It cannot die. It will always we believe His Word and move be present where God is, and forward in faith believing. He where He is allowed to work in the wants us to have this Love. He has heart of men and angels. All other said it is vital that we have it! He things will pass away, but the has said that even though we can Word of God and the Love of God, do many wonderful things in His never. service, and speak with tongues Renouncing Other Loves like angels, we will just be like Yes, there are other loves. Many sounding brass if we do not have of them are selfish loves which the Love that He wants to give us. will be fleeting and changeable. Take the Land They are temporal and carnal loves. Sometimes they appear to Like Joshua and Caleb, let us be genuine, but they fail in the believe that all that God has moment of trial, or when one is promised, He is able to perform. slighted. They may appear to be “If the LORD delight in us, then he affectionate, but can depend too will bring us into this land.” So go easily on favorable conditions or and look at what God has prom- favor. Such is the heart of man. ised. Look at the fruit of it. See All of these loves must be re- what it is. Listen to the words of nounced because they do not have promise that God has given to us a divine source. They are simply all. Then rise up and go in. God is emotions that are very like the with us. He will give it to us. Take candle flame that is snuffed out by it. There is Love there. It is the any strong wind or abuse. They do Love of God. It is what the heart not last. They appear for a little, craves and needs. It will not de- and then vanish away. But the ceive you. It is the right kind of flame of God ever and al- Love. ways. It is Eternal. Lowell Miller Can We Really Receive It? God’s people asked the same ARE YOU OFFENDED? 11 ARE YOU OFFENDED? the almost subconscious hold that PART 2 idolatry has had on him, and (Continued from the January issue) seemed to feel that it was neces- sary to make a clear and defined A weak conscience separation from anything even Paul was a Roman citizen, but remotely connected to past idols. being Jewish by birth, he was Here we see the dear brother or therefore not part of the religious sister that Paul wrote about when culture of the Roman empire. He he said, “For if any man see thee was undoubtedly familiar with it, which hast knowledge sit at meat however, and as a Christian Jew in the idol’s temple, shall not the who had been given the responsi- conscience of him which is weak be bility to help graft the Gentiles emboldened to eat those things into the Body of Christ (Rom. which are offered to idols; and 11:17), he knew that those idols through thy knowledge shall the (which he understood had no life weak brother perish, for whom or power whatsoever) might still Christ died?” (I Cor. 8:10–11). If a be a real problem for some of the strong conscience leads someone to Gentile converts who continued to a productive guilt which leads struggle with a past lifetime of away from those wrong things, belief in various pagan gods. He then it seems that a weak con- clearly illustrated this concern in science demonstrates that there both I Corinthians 8 and 10. may be a need for more growth and With the exception of Jews and reliance on the restraining power Christians, most ancient people of the Holy Spirit in their lives. and cultures worshipped more Such individuals may be easily in- than one deity, or “god.” The tran- fluenced, and they can quickly col- sition from worshipping multiple lapse back into their old habits. regional or ethnic “gods” to a sin- The term weak can also refer to gle universal Deity (Jesus Christ) being “tender,” suggesting that would not have been easy; many their moral sense may actually ancient pagan religions were not be overcompensation instead, so much of a conviction or con• leading them back into that legal- version as they were a culture and ism to which all flesh is so prone. a way of life. “Gods” were the Paul hinted about this in Romans spiritual background of everyday 14, when he wrote about the per- life, ruling everything from morals son who really shouldn’t be so to diets to holiday celebrations. zealous about food and celebra• The sort of person whom Paul de- tion days, but whose hesitance can scribes is one who has just come be accommodated by other broth- into Christianity, but who is still ers and sisters while their faith living in a world where they re- matures. Either way, there are main surrounded by temples and some things that we need to con- idols; such an individual realized sider about what it may mean to 12 The Testimony February, 2019 be a “weaker” brother or sister, Third, and perhaps most im- and we will do well to consider portant of all, the goal throughout whether any of these things apply is not simply patience and for- to our own lives also. bearance, but that the weaker First of all, this problem may brother or sister is called to actually be just personal. Paul grow in faith and spiritual implies that it is neither the maturity. Paul encouraged teachings of the church nor the growth in faith (II Thess. 1:3) and actions of other Christians, but knowledge (Col. 1:10) toward rather the weaker brother’s or Christian maturity (Eph. 4:15). sister’s own conscience that When a little child is learning to threatens to trip them up. “To walk, you must clear a path so him that esteemeth anything to be their little feet won’t stumble, unclean, to him it is un- and you must hold out your clean” (Rom. 14:14b). What is at hands to catch them when they stake is the faith of this weaker fall, but you certainly don’t expect brother or sister, not the faith to clear every path and hold out and truth of God’s Word. your hands for them to walk into Second, if other brothers and for the rest of their life. You want sisters in the congregation the child to learn to climb stairs, are willing to oblige such a to hike over rough ground, and one for a time, it isn’t neces- sarily because this brother or even to play games without trip- sister is in the right, but it ping over their feet or someone may be because they are else’s. weak. What seems to threaten Simply put, we must clearly the weaker brother or sister spir- understand that this is not a itually isn’t necessarily real: “An blank check for church manipula- idol is nothing in the world,” Paul tion! Romans 15:1 says that wrote in I Corinthians 8:4. There- Christians who are strong are fore, it follows that the weaker called to bear the infirmities of brother or sister may actually be the weak, and not to please them- one who ignores the convictions of selves, but once again, the goal other brothers and sisters in the remains to encourage spiritual congregation and attempts to growth in every brother and sis- bind their own scruples or securi- ter (and as a result, in the whole ties upon everyone else. There is congregation). The individuals a biblical pattern for considering who simply stomp their feet and issues of doctrine and practice, threaten, or ultimately create, but to demand that everyone else conflicts unless other people see comply with one’s convictions, things their way are not neces- especially with regard to extra– sarily “weaker” brothers and sis- biblical issues or things, is not ters. They may actually be weak one of these. brothers or sisters, but this par- ARE YOU OFFENDED? 13 ticular sort of individual may regulated. How often have you have another spiritual problem, felt that you have personally stud- and it doesn’t seem to be the one ied and clearly decided upon an Paul was specifically addressing issue, even to the point that you here, which calls for patience and feel there does not need to be any charity. further question on it? A signifi- cant part of our spiritual growth is Disputable matters coming to the realization that not Whenever a teaching was cen• every matter which comes up for tral to the Christian witness and discussion within the congregation message, neither Jesus nor Paul is a “salvation” issue. Some issues gave ground. If there is a time for truly cannot or do not have to believers to accommodate the be agreed upon completely in order weak or conflicted person, it is on- for brothers and sisters to contin- ly in those matters that do not ad- ue to fellowship together in har- versely affect the work of God or mony. Paul acknowledged as much believers’ salvation. Paul’s use of when he wrote that, for now, “we the phrase “not to doubtful dispu- know in part” (I Cor. 13:9). Disput- tations” (referring to disputable able, non-doctrinal matters ought matters) in Romans 14:1 shows not to prevent a congregation from his recognition of how some ele- fellowshipping and moving for- ments of faith and practice will ward, even if they are not fully always be under discussion in a agreed upon by all. congregation. This is an inescapa- It seems likely that Paul’s sen- ble part of the Christian journey sitivity to this fact may have that we experience as we live in sprung from his experience as a community with others, and it pro- legalistic Pharisee within the reli- vides another way for a congrega- gion of Judaism, where communi- tion to grow together in the Word. ty harmony depended upon mutu- We need to remember that not al agreement and adherence to only will we never fully eliminate hundreds and hundreds of specific all differing points of view, but behaviors and practices. His posi- neither should any single individ- tion against legalism after his ual’s conviction necessarily dictate conversion seemed to play a major corporate practice. part in his instructions regarding The hard truth of the matter is Jewish issues that faced the that many Christians struggle to young church, such as celebration truly accept the reality of any di- days, food, relationships to idola- versity within the body. For some try (see Rom. 14), circumcisions, individuals, a personal desire for and more. Paul rejected the basis security and perhaps even person- of these when he said such things al convictions, may suggest that as, “I know and am persuaded by every matter of belief or behavior the Lord Jesus, that there is noth- ought to be clearly defined and ing unclean of itself” (verse14), 14 The Testimony February, 2019 but he still adamantly insisted from growing in their Christian that the church should try to not walk. Ephesians 4:32 says, “And let such questions discourage new be ye kind one to another, tender- believers. hearted, forgiving one another, Unfortunately, patience and even as God for Christ’s sake hath forbearance will not necessarily forgiven you.” Can we apply this end church conflict. Where there principle of kindness and grace in are argumentative believers, they dealing with the “weaker” links will always be adept at shifting among us and still encourage the argument to whether the issue growth? It will only happen as we under discussion is disputable or humbly keep in view the grace and indisputable. Undoubtedly, many forgiveness that our loving Heav- things that congregations have enly Father has already extended disagreements over do tend to to us, as we will see in the final float between those two defini- part of this study. tions, but to Paul, the poles seem To be continued— pretty clear. Differences having to do with rituals, ceremonies, and Christian Filbrun special foods were clearly on one end, and issues like the Deity, the resurrection, and the Lordship of Christ, along with His teachings and power, were at the other. BEWARE! While Paul did address dozens of Just 56 verses into the Bible… problems or issues in his letters to the churches, he identified a single the narrative is changed from the unifying belief: the Gospel of Jesus wonders of creation to a dramatic Christ and the need for believers and drastic event at the hands of to live within that relationship. a new character introduced in the As we consider this concept of fifty-seventh verse (Gen. 3:1). This relationships between stronger character is introduced as a ser- and weaker individuals, we need pent, a being created by God. The to recognize that there are two serpent, the devil, or the devil in concrete requirements laid out. the serpent (see Rev. 12:9) had First, a weaker brother or sister the ability to speak to the first must actually be weak in faith, created woman. This serpent is rather than simply being opinion- described as “being more subtle ated, dictatorial, or self-willed. Secondly, as their brothers and (cunning) than any beast of the sisters, we are not to accommodate field which The LORD God had their weak conscience in anything made.” In other words this was a that actually hinders the Gospel of sneaky snake! Let’s call this Jesus Christ, or which drives peo- sneaky snake Deception. The Bi- ple away from it or hinders others ble calls this sneaky snake several BEWARE! 15 names: Satan, deceiver, father of the form of a simple (not so inno- lies, accuser, prince and power of cent) question. A question de- the air, a very sneaky disgusting signed to cause doubt in the creature, a dragon, a harmful dis- mind. A design to enter the obedient being called Lucifer. thought life, the desires, the curi- Sneaky, deceiving, harmful, rebel- osity. Just a whisper injected into lious, determined, scheming, mas- thought. SNEAKY SNAKE! BE- ter of disguise, instrument of WARE! Notice the very common death, decay, curse, darkness, iso- steps to sin. Sin is best described lation, depression, despair, fear, in I John 3:4. Sin essence is not seductive, addictive, habitual, being in subjection to the revealed spirit of disobedience. This is the boundary set by authority, rebel- sneaky snake, a creature intro- lion, disobedience, etc. The steps duced just fifty-seven verses into to temptation and sin are com- the narrative—DECEPTION! mon, to every one of us. Entertain “Deception” didn’t blatantly it, see or look on it, desire it, take come right out and say, “Take a it, hide it. It happened to Adam piece of that fruit from the tree of and Eve. It happened to Achan the knowledge of good and evil. (Josh. 7:20–21). It happened to It’s very good! You need to try it. David (II Sam. 11:1–5). THESE Go ahead!” No, deception came in STEPS HAPPEN TO ANYONE 16 The Testimony February, 2019 WHO ENTERTAINS THE sneakier than ever! It’s distracting SNEAKY SNAKE—DECEPTION! good people. It’s distracting chil- Temptation (the sneaky snake’s dren of good people. It’s distract- name as well, the “tempter”) is ing parents and grandparents of common to man: every man, wom- good children. It’s distracting peo- an and child. God doesn’t tempt ple in the church assembly. It’s man. He tests our faithfulness and causing problems in marriages, obedience, but He doesn’t tempt us families, churches. This sneaky with evil. Temptation is ours, we snake is rampant! Please! Let all own it. Because we’re entertaining of us CLING TO TRUTH. Cling to the tempter. Our wrong desires the solid. Let’s not entertain the gain control. Our appetite is feed- voices and whispers of the seduc- ing on the wrong thing. We’re lis- tive, sneaky snake! Let’s walk tening to the sneaky snake! Jesus with God! GREATER IS JESUS showed us the best way to deal than any ole sneaky snake. Matter with this whisper of deception! of fact this ole sneaky snake is “Get thee behind me Satan,” is toast, defeated, destroyed, humili- what Jesus said when He heard or ated—UNLESS I give him the encountered the voice of Decep- privilege and power to speak and tion. He said “It is written.” Jesus stir up desires that are crucified who is The Way, The Truth, and The Life simply went to Truth and and must continue to be crucified. The Spirit of Truth. It defends us Real power is yielding to JESUS— from temptation. God always, the HOLY SPIRIT. It’s the choice without exception, provides “the of our will. Deceive simply means way of escape”! If we fall prey to “to make someone believe what is this sneaky snake, it’s because not true.” Avoid deception like the we’ve allowed it and we’ve become plague. One only needs to honestly enticed and seduced to the tempta- review the fruit of deception to see tion and sin. (Jas. 1:13–18) Just that the results of deception are like most women hate snakes very severe. Is the way of God too (Gen. 3:15), so we all should hate old fashion or restrictive or hard? sin and the sneaky ole snake! Foundational principles and prac- There is good news, hope and for- tices no longer relevant? BE- giveness! (I John 1:9) WARE!!! IT’S THE VOICE OF Today there is a great perilous THE SNEAKY SNAKE — danger. It’s the same one we just DECEPTION! described fifty-seven verses into Aaron Garber The Bible—DECEPTION. The voice of this serpent is louder and I’M JUST A SINNER—REALLY? 17 I’M JUST A SINNER— closer look, and weigh the merits REALLY? of this belief. An examination of this theology During a recent annual confer- can only be thorough by going all ence of an Anabaptist denomina- the way back to the very nature of tion, a speaker quoted I John 3:9 man. Just as God is a triune (three “Whosoever is born of God doth -part) being (Father, Son and Holy not commit sin; for his seed re- Spirit), so is man. “And God said, maineth in him: and he cannot Let us make man in our image, sin, because he is born of God.” after our likeness…So God created Surprisingly, he followed that man in his own image, in the im- quote with the statement, “Surely, age of God created he him…” (Gen. that can’t be true, because we 1:26a, 27a) God’s triune nature is know that we are all sinners.” further shown in II Corinthians Then he went on to insert “What 13:14, “The grace of the Lord Jesus that Scripture really means is…” Christ, and the love of God, and In all likelihood, as the speaker the communion of the Holy went on, his statement drew no Ghost, be with you all. Amen.” attention to what is generally ac- This triune nature of man is cepted in the Anabaptist commu- most clearly seen in I Thessaloni- nity, i.e. the belief that we are all ans 5:23, “And the very God of sinners. peace sanctify you wholly; and I Evidence of the belief in our pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blame- being sinners is reflected even in less unto the coming of our Lord our singing. In the song Jesus Christ.” Let’s try to visual- “Infinitude of God” we are referred ize this by presenting three cir- to as “What worthless worms are cles. The one on the left is labelled we!” In the song “Christ Our Ref- the “spirit.” The one in the middle uge” it is stated that “I am all un- is the “soul.” And, on the right is righteousness.” And, the song the “body.” “Brevity of Life” states “Our mor- The Hebrew word for “spirit” is tal days are short and wretched “nashamah,” which is translated a too.” From this and countless oth- “puff” or “breath.” Thus, we see in er songs, messages and docu- Genesis 2:7 that God “breathed ments, we can easily see this is a into his nostrils the breath of life.” fairly well-entrenched belief. Or, On the other hand, the Greek is it really just a generally- word for “soul” is “psookhay.” It is accepted belief, which has simply the origin of the words “psyche” never come to be scrutinized for and “psychology,” literally refer- its validity? ring to the mind, will, and emo- So, to answer the question, tions. It is also our person, i.e. the “Are we sinners?” let’s take a way others see us. In ancient Ro- 18 The Testimony February, 2019 man theater, actors sometimes My spirit, the real me, is no held a mask in front of their face longer a sinner, but is now one to portray the image of someone with Christ! Further proof of this else. The Latin word for that mask glorious truth is found in I Cor. is “persona” from which we get 6:16, “What? Know ye not that he “person.” which is joined to a harlot is one Finally, the “body” is “somah” in body? For two, saith he, shall be Greek, and is often interchanged one flesh.” Just as Christ cannot with “sarx” which is translated be joined to a harlot, likewise, He “meat,” “flesh” or “body.” In Eng- cannot be one in spirit with a sin- lish we refer to someone who is ner. “For he hath made him to be overly influenced by their body as sin for us, who knew no sin; that one who is fleshly or carnal. (An we might be made the righteous- animal that eats meat is referred to as carnivorous, which comes ness of God in him” (II Cor. 5:21). from the same root word as carnal.) “Know ye not that the unright- Going back to the illustration of eous shall not inherit the king- the three circles, we know that dom of God?” (I Cor. 6:9a). We are each of these has an influence on now one with Him, united in spir- our behavior. While our mind it! “…Behold all things are become (soul) can get us into trouble on its new” (II Cor. 5:17). Perhaps the own through imaginations and most beautiful statement of our wrong thoughts, we can also listen new position in Christ is found in to our flesh and become carnally Revelation 5:9–10, “Thou…hast minded, or we can listen to our redeemed us to God by thy blood… unregenerate spirit and be wrong- and hast made us unto our God ly influenced by our sin nature. kings and priests.” Romans chapters 7, 8 and 9 con- Going back to the original illus- tain an excellent dissertation on tration of the three circles, the one the classic warfare between the on the left is now enlarged, so to spirit, the soul, and the body. speak, as Christ and I are now Now, enter the saving united into one, “…that they may knowledge of Jesus Christ. Born be one, even as we are one: I in again through His sacrificial them, and thou in me…” (John death, my debt was paid. 17:22b–23a). “Therefore if any man be in Christ, Old sinner saved by grace? No he is a new creature: old things are way! Not me! The destination of passed away; behold, all things are sinners is eternal damnation and become new” (II Cor. 5:17). I am “a total separation from God. new creature” in Christ Jesus. The But, you say, “I still sin!” Yes, old man (my spiritually dead spir- you and I most certainly do. But, it) is now passed away. that sin is now only in the soul I’M JUST A SINNER — REALLY? 19 and body. It is no longer in the therefore reign in your mortal spirit, which is now united with body…Neither yield ye your mem- Christ! bers as instruments of unright- Once you have become “…alive eousness…” unto God through Jesus Christ our Romans 7:23, “But I see another Lord” (Rom. 6:11), you are not a law in my members, warring sinner, you are not a worm, and you against the law of my mind, and are not all unrighteousness. On the bringing me into captivity to the contrary, as shown earlier, we are law of sin which is in my members.” now “kings and priests”! However, You can quickly see these bat- there is a battle to be fought be- tles rage in our mind, our body tween my regenerate spirit, and my and our members, (i.e. limbs or soul and body. The doorway is the parts of the body). On the contra- mind where the battle is fought. ry, Romans 6:22 refers to us as Which one am I going to listen to? “Being made free from sin…” Like- Notice how the New Testament wise, as stated in the beginning, Scriptures below, and so many oth- according to I John 5:18, “We ers, point out that we are to en- know that whosoever is born of deavor to get control of our mind God sinneth not…” and body, but they make no men- Conclusion tion of getting control of our spirit, which is already in control through Recall to mind our first verse, our union with Christ Jesus. I John 3:9, “Whosoever is born of Here’s a few examples of where God doth not commit sin; for his the ongoing battle takes place seed remaineth in him: and he (italics added): cannot sin, because he is born of Matthew 26:41, “Watch and God.” pray, that ye enter not into temp- Have confidence in the truth of tation: the spirit indeed is willing, God’s Word, and be encouraged. but the flesh is weak.” The next time you are asked if I Corinthians 9:27, “But I keep you’re a sinner, say “absolutely under my body…” not.” But, a final word of caution II Corinthians 10:5, “Casting and exhortation: we must humbly down imaginations…bringing into proclaim our righteousness is in captivity every thought…” Christ Jesus and not of ourselves. Colossians 3:5, “Mortify there- For “…ye are not your own, for ye fore your members…” are bought with a price” (I Cor. I Peter 2:11, “As strangers and 6:19b–20a). pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts Vince Lewis which war against the soul.” Romans 6:12–13, “Let not sin 20 The Testimony February, 2019

EVENING PRAYER If I have wounded any soul today, If I have caused one foot to go astray, If I have walked in mine own willful way, Dear Lord, Forgive. If I have uttered idle words, or vain, If I have turned aside from want or pain, Lest I myself shall suffer through the strain, Dear Lord, Forgive. If I have been perverse or hard or cold, If I have longed for shelter in Thy fold, When Thou hast given me some fort to hold, Dear Lord, Forgive. Forgive the sins I have confessed to Thee, Forgive the secret sins I do not see, O, guide me, love me, and my keeper be, Dear Lord, AMEN.

Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (1856–1932) Meditations

The soul is the seat of all good affections. That is where love comes from. It’s hard to leave loved ones for a place we’ve never been before. You don’t have to attend every argument you’re invited to. Order seeds for spring. Sow seeds for eternity now. Always use your ears with much kindness. Wish someone “Happy Birthday.” Say “Thank you.” Questions to Ponder

This section offers some questions to think about, or for Sunday afternoon discussions, or to prompt future articles from our readers, etc. Readers are encouraged to offer questions. Questions about Love: 6. Is there any relationship right 1. Do you have in your own mind a now that I am not maintaining by good definition for Love? a true and genuine Love? 2. How would you describe it? 7. Are there ways in which Love What is it? can be destroyed in a relationship? 3. Have you been able to identify 8. Will true Love help me to reach times when you “acted in a loving out and assist a straying brother manner,” but your “actions” were who may be endangering his soul more loving than your feelings? or the souls of others? 4. The Scripture says “…charity 9. How will Love do this? shall cover the multitude of sins” 10. Can “no communication” actu- (I Pet. 4:8). What does that mean? ally be “no genuine Love”? 5. Are there things that I can do 11. What steps will Love take to to cause Love to increase toward heal a damaged relationship? others? What are those things? 12. Do I understand what Love is? POEMS 21 General Items

BAPTISMS Update on Shiloh Meeting House Building Project Nov. 29, 2018; Fall Creek, IN Ron McNeal The members of the Shiloh District Dec. 16, 2018; Cascade Valley, WA in Ohio have secured 50% of the esti- (at Palmer, Alaska) mated cost of construction and fur- Douglas Long, Aiden Long nishing of their planned church meet- Dec. 22, 2018; Cascade Valley, WA ing house. The Lord willing we plan to Harrison Root start construction this spring. We would like to thank all who re- COMMUNION NOTICES membered us in their prayers. We Feb. 2, 2019 ...... Living Epistle Brethren, continue to covet your interest and Las Cruces, NM prayers for our district in this project. Feb. 9, 2019 ...... Pine Grove, FL We would also like to express a spe- Mar. 2, 2019 ...... Morning Star, OH cial thank you to all that have mone- Mar. 23, 2019 ...... Fall Creek, IN tarily contributed to this project. It is Mar. 30, 2019 ...... Dallas, OR greatly appreciated. Apr. 6, 2019 ...... Mt. Zion, PA Apr. 6, 2019 ...... Salem, OH Anyone that desires to contribute Apr. 13, 2019 ...... Caldwell, ID financially to this project may send Apr. 13, 2019 ...... Cascade Valley, WA funds to: Apr. 13, 2019 ...... Shiloh, OH Greg Shellabarger, Treasurer (at the Stillwater meeting house) 9592 Earnest Road Apr. 20, 2019 ...... Fair Haven, KS Bradford, Ohio 45308 Apr. 20, 2019 ...... Modesto, CA In behalf of the Shiloh Apr. 27, 2019 ...... Bear Creek, OH Building Committee, Apr. 27, 2019 ...... Cutler Ridge, IN Apr. 27, 2019 ...... Sugar Grove, OH Delvin Brumbaugh, Secretary Poems

FOR OUR CHILDREN Father, hear us, we are praying, Hear the words our hearts are saying; We are praying for our children. Keep them from the powers of evil, From the secret, hidden peril; Father, hear us for our children. From the whirlpool that would suck them, From the treacherous quicksand pluck them, Father, hear us for our children. From the worldling’s hollow gladness, From the sting of faithless sadness, Father, Father, keep our children. Through life’s troubled waters steer them; Through life’s bitter battle cheer them; Father, Father, be Thou near them. Read the language of our longing, Read the wordless pleadings thronging, Holy Father, for our children. And wherever they may bide, Lead them Home at eventide. Amy Carmichael 22 The Testimony February, 2019 JESUS LOVES ME Helen Steiner Rice “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so”— Little children ask no more, for love is all they’re looking for, And in a small child’s shining eyes, the Faith of all the ages lies, And tiny hands and tousled heads that kneel in prayer by little beds, Are closer to the dear Lord’s heart, and of His Kingdom more a part Than we who search, and never find the answers to our questioning mind, For faith in things we cannot see requires a child’s simplicity. For, lost in life’s complexities, we drift upon uncharted seas And slowly Faith disintegrates, while wealth and power accumulates, And the more man learns the less he knows, and the more involved his thinking grows, And, in his arrogance and pride, no longer is man satisfied To place his confidence and love with childlike Faith in God above, Oh, Father, grant once more to men a simple childlike Faith again, And with a small child’s trusting eyes, may all men come to realize That Faith alone can save man’s soul and lead him to a Higher Goal. Selected by Roger Rapp

POEMS 23 TURN YOUR EYES UPON Let us remember His Presence here, JESUS He said He’d never leave, Helen H. Lemmel Let’s never do that which offends, (Written in 1922) Nor cause our Father grief.

O soul, are you weary and troubled? No light in the darkness you see? But when we fall, He shelters us There’s light in a look at the Savior, And leads us by His hand, And life more abundant and free! It’s only God and His goodness, It’s by His Grace we stand! Through death into life everlasting He passed, and we follow Him there; O’er us sin no more hath dominion— In travelling, Oh, we know it! For more than conqu’rors we are! In travelling we’re aware, We are nothing, we will admit His Word shall not fail you—He promised; Believe Him, and all will be well: Without our Father’s care! Then go to a world that is dying, Vicki Witmer His perfect salvation to tell! Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face, And the things of earth will grow THE WATCHER strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace. She always leaned to watch for us, Selected by Anxious if we were late, Caleb Jenkins In winter by the window In summer by the gate. PSALM 46 We’re travelling here not knowing And though we mocked her tenderly What the future all may bring, Who had such foolish care, On this path, let’s just keep growing , The long way home would seem more safe For God knows everything! Because she waited there.

Each day may bring good things, or no, Her thoughts were all so full of us, Yet Father leads our way, She never would forget; Still teaching us to make us grow, And so I’m sure that where she is Holding our hand each day! She must be watching yet!

In the Garden Adam saw Him lots Waiting till we come to her, For He was always there! Anxious if we are late—

And even when God’s will wasn’t Watching from heaven’s window, sought, Waiting at heaven’s gate! Our Father watched with care! Margaret Widdemer 24 The Testimony February, 2019

THINGS WE CAN’T AFFORD We can’t afford to win the gain that means another’s loss; We can’t afford to miss the Crown, by stumbling at the Cross.

We can’t afford the heedless jest that robs us of a friend, We can’t afford the laugh that finds in bitter tears an end.

We can’t afford the feast today that brings tomorrow’s fast, We can’t afford the farce that comes to tragedy at last.

We can’t afford to play with fire or tempt a serpent’s bite, We can’t afford to think that sin brings any true delight.

We can’t afford with serious heed to treat the cynic’s sneer; We can’t afford to wise men’s words to turn a careless ear.

We can’t afford for hate to give like hatred in return; We can’t afford to feed such flame and make it fiercer burn.

We can’t afford to lose the soul for this world’s fleeting breath; We can’t afford to barter life in mad exchange for death.

But blind to good are we apart from Thee, all-seeing Lord; O grant us light that we may know the things we can’t afford. Author Unknown

SOMEONE’S BIBLE Thy life is someone’s Bible, where each day adds one new page; Where chapters rise from little deeds that fill thy youth and age.

The friend who meets thee now and then will read a line therein, And find some cheer to strive anew, or pretext for his sin.

Someday these speeding years their work of record done— May show how often reading thee, his soul was lost or won.

A godless act may fix his doom; thy thoughtlessness he heeds; Be careful friend, for where thou art, someone his Bible reads. E. C. Kurtz OBITUARIES 25 Obituaries

GIPE — Betty H., daughter of ren. Burial was at the Gipes Grove Margaret Helman Caufman, was Cemetery to await the coming of born February 24, 1926. She de- the Lord. parted this life December 9, 2018, The Family at her home, at the age of 92 years, 9 months, and 15 days. Her BRUBAKER — Lois Lorraine last hours were spent with her was born September 5, 1933 at family, singing hymns by the bed- Quinter, Kansas, to Ralph Carter side. Eller and Verna (Wolf) Eller. She was united in marriage to At Southwind Home, on Decem- Raymond Gipe on February 24, ber 6, 2018, she peacefully took 1945. They shared the joys and her last breath, while surrounded sorrows of life for over 67 years by her family. until his death on June 9, 2012. In She accepted Christ as her Sav- November of 1945, they were re- ior, and on November 7, 1948, she ceived into the Old German Bap- was baptized along with her spe- tist Brethren Church by baptism cial friends, Dorothy and Rose- in the Falling Spring district. We mary. Since that time, she has believe her faith in the Lord sus- been a member of the Old German tained her to the end. She received Baptist Brethren Church. On August 15, 1953 she was the blessing of the anointing ser- united in marriage with Joel An- vice during her declining years. drew Brubaker at her parents’ She leaves here on earth her home near Rossville, Indiana. seven children: Eva Hess They made their home near Saw- (Nelson), Marilyn Garber (Lowell), yer, Kansas where they were en- Anita Hess (Calvin), Emily Boone gaged in farming together for over (Billy), Ruth Ann Benedict 60 years. She enjoyed the out- (Clinton), Sheryl Hess (Kenneth), doors, growing flowers, spending and Larry Gipe (Emma); 38 time reading to or playing with grandchildren; 188 great- her grandchildren. grandchildren; 34 great-great- She is survived by many who grandchildren. In addition to her loved her, including: her husband, husband and her mother, she was Joel; two sons, Kent and Ann Bru- preceded in death by one grand- baker of Sawyer, Kansas, and Mi- daughter and one great- chael and Renee Brubaker of Ft. granddaughter. Worth, Texas; four grandchildren, Funeral services were held De- Kara Brubaker, Trevor and Kami cember 13 at the Falling Spring Brubaker Metzger, Kai Brubaker Meeting House by the home breth- and Lexi Brubaker; three great- 26 The Testimony February, 2019 grandchildren, Clay, Alli and Kit would become her husband. She Metzger; her brother, Sylvan Eller faithfully served the Lord until of Union, Ohio; two sisters-in-law, her death. Gladys Eller of Rossville, Indiana, On April 17, 1955, she was mar- and Jane Burkhalter of Camden, ried to Harley Miller at her par- Indiana; one brother-in-law, Don- ents’ home, near Rossville. They ald Brubaker of Sawyer, Kansas; enjoyed 63 years together. To this and many nieces and nephews. union were born three sons and She was preceded in death by one daughter, Dennis and wife her parents; her parents-in-law, Bonnie, Bruce and wife Debbra, Everett and Hazel Brubaker; her brothers, Maurice Eller, Lowell Roger and wife Renita, and San- Eller; her sister, Lucille Burkhal- dra and husband Mark Long. ter; three sisters-in-law, Cora Gladys attended Rossville June Eller, Mary Jo Eller, and Schools. She was a supportive Arthena Brubaker; brother-in-law, companion, assisting Harley with Dale Burkhalter; her niece, Jo- his many farming ventures. She anne Wray; and her nephew, Shel- was a charter member of the Ros- don Brubaker. sville Ambulance Service, and ac- Funeral services were conducted companied Harley on many extra- by local brethren on December 9 curricular school bus trips. She at the Sand Creek Meetinghouse, was an avid quilter, donating with burial at the Church ceme- many quilts to charitable causes. tery. She was a devoted homemaker, She will be greatly missed, but mother and grandmother. She our loss in her eternal gain. dearly loved, supported, and The Family showed interest in each one, evi- denced by the treasured photos displayed in their home. Together MILLER — Gladys Irene (Yoder), they had an open home to many daughter of Clarence and Martha who were blessed by their warm (Flora) Yoder was born March 3, hospitality. Mother had a heart of 1936, near Rossville, Indiana. She love that is reflected in those who peacefully departed from this life knew her. In addition to her chil- December 11, 2018, at the age of dren she is survived by 14 grand- 82 years, 9 months, and 8 days. children; 42 great-grandchildren; She was baptized May 1952 into two brothers, Charles (Faye) the Old German Baptist Brethren Yoder of Casey, Illinois, and Keith Church, one half mile east of the (Linda) Yoder of Rossville, Indi- Middle Fork meeting house, along ana; and a brother-in-law, Gene with five others, one of whom Miller of Logansport, Indiana. OBITUARIES 27 Mother was preceded in death about Mother’s heavenly home, by her parents; granddaughter, and from I Timothy 6:12 with a Stephanie Miller; and great- reminder to fight the good fight of grandson, Ted Brubaker. faith, for without faith it is impos- In October she was diagnosed sible to go Home. Other favorite with a form of cancer, which she Scriptures shared were Psalm 121:1 and Isaiah 40:31. Hymns patiently and bravely bore. She used at the service were 86, 260, called for and received the anoint- 257, 483 and while viewing: 494, ing service September 23, 2018, 457, 453, 459 and 451. Burial was which brought her much comfort. in the adjoining church cemetery, She was lovingly cared for by her with hymn 437; and hymns 498, devoted husband and family in 491, and 131 while filling the their home until her passing. She grave. Most of these hymns were enjoyed the grandchildren coming previously used at other family to sing during her illness, and funerals. many special memories were made In 1999, Mother and Daddy as the family cared for her. Her were privileged to enjoy a trip to family lovingly surrounded her on the Holy Land, and Mother kept a the evening of her passing. journal of her thoughts and expe- riences. One day she wrote, “God Funeral services were held De- has given us many good days. But cember 15, 2018, at North Fork the best one will be when I can meeting house, by the home breth- walk straight into His arms…” ren. The message was taken from John 14:1–3 with thoughts shared The Family

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The Testimony Committee Roger Rapp Lowell Miller, Editor Dean Kinsley Gary Peters Larry Bower Associate Editors Marcus Miller Darryl Filbrun