Subject Index Subject Index Subject Index
190 Subject Index Subject Index Subject Index activities undertaken during Zheng He’s Melaka 1492, 1752 voyages 295, 316, 317, 375, 784, 795, other Indian Ocean areas 421, 423, 802-804, 817, 1738 1502, 1511 cultural contact 283, 333, 340, 770, Sri Lanka 411, 1493, 1497, 1498, 1513, 1160, 1340 1745 (see also tooth relics; steles in Sri diplomacy 227, 294, 931, 934, 946, Lanka) 1092, 1154, 1256, 1260, 1264, 1270, 1271 Thailand 1514 military 284, 791, 806, 815, 1261, 1272 archaeological evidence in China 427, religions 1339, 1351, 1356, 1366-1368 429, 432-434, 720, 1423-1491 tributary trade 188, 342, 371, 814, 1160, Bao’en Temple 786, 1437, 1470, 1481, 1188, 1204, 1213 1482 See also Zheng He’s voyages epitaphs 427, 1423, 1445, 1454, 1461, Aden [Southern Yemen] 阿丹国 930, 1511 956 pagodas 1442, 1473 Africa (general) 313, 382, 437 steles 1431, 1444, 1449, 1452, 1455, 1456, maps 251, 1033, 1034 1587, 1745 navigation 628, 1750 shipwreck 1464 trade 987, 1145, 1146 temples 1433, 1449, 1460, 1472, 1474, Almoravide 木兰皮国 994 1475, 1484, 1485, 1489, 1491 (see also America and China 445, 490, 1658, 1723, temples of Zheng He) 1807 tombs 414, 429, 431, 1424, 1426, 1441, Andamans and Nicobars [islands], In- 1462, 1793 dia 959 Zheng He’s tomb 1434-1436 animals 1282, 1300, 1582 ASEAN [Association of Southeast Asian giraffes 768, 814, 1227, 1265, 1296, 1297, Nations] 1403 1515, 1581 (see also influence of Australia and China 443, 527, 1046, 1049 Zheng He’s voyages: animals; Kylin; Ayutthaya Kingdom 331, 523, 925, 1237. Qilin 麒麟 ) See also Siam 暹罗国; Thailand lions 1293 Mi-li-Kao 1277 Ba-la-xi kingdom 巴喇西国 1008, 1023 Arab countries (general) Bali island 209 migration 556 Baochuanchang Shipyard 420, 425, 462, navigation 254, 439, 611, 626, 641, 821 870, 888, 897, 902, 904, 1438, 1443, 1465, Arabian Sea 291 1471.
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