National Register of Historic Places
CHICAGO LISTINGS ON THE National Register of Historic Places AS OF FEBRUARY 7, 2019 Lagoon and Baseball Field at Sherman Park, The Chicago Park Boulevard System Historic District, listed Dec. 18, 2018. City of Chicago Rahm Emanuel, Mayor Department of Planning and Development Commission on Chicago Landmarks David L. Reifman, Commissioner Rafael M. Leon, Chairman Bureau of Planning, Historic Preservation and Sustainability Eleanor Esser Gorski, AIA, Bureau Chief A (Robert S.) Abbott House ~ 4742 Martin Luther King Dr.; (December 8, 1976). NHL, HABS. Adler Planetarium ~ 1300 S. Lake Shore Dr.; (February 27, 1987). NHL. Alta Vista Terrace Historic District ~ Roughly bounded by W. Byron, W. Grace, N. Kenmore, and N. Seminary streets; (March 16, 1972). HABS. America Fore Building ~ 844 N. Rush St.; (June 21, 2016). Anderson -Carlson Building ~ 2044-48 W. Farwell Ave.; (November 11, 2005). Andersonville Commercial Historic District ~ 4900-5800 N. Clark St.; (March 9, 2010). The Aquitania ~ 5000 N. Marine Dr.; (March 1, 2002). Armour Square (Chicago Park District MPS) ~ Bounded by W. 33rd St., W. 34th Pl., S. Wells Ave., and S. Shields Ave; (August 21, 2003). Auburn Gresham Bungalow Historic District (Chicago Bungalows MPS) ~ Roughly bounded by S. Paulina, 78th, & 75th streets, & S. Winchester Ave.; (October 9, 2012). Auditorium Building (Roosevelt University) ~ 430 S. Michigan Ave.; (April 17, 1970). NHL; HABS. Austin Historic District ~ Generally bound by Waller Ave., Ohio St., Austin Blvd., Corcoran Pl., Menard Ave., West End Ave., and Parkside Ave.; (August 8, 1985). Austin Town Hall Historic District ~ Roughly bounded by W. Lake St., N. Central Ave., N. Parkside Ave., and W.
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