The Reminiscences of Mr. H.S. Ablewhite From the Owen W. Bombard interviews series, 1951-1961 Accession 65 Interview conducted: November 1951 Transcript digitized by staff of Benson Ford Research Center: November 2011 OCR: Please note that this file has been made searchable through the use of optical character recognition. However, the quality of the original materials is such that full text searching is only moderately reliable. Copyright: Copyright has been transferred to The Henry Ford by the donor, and is made available through a “Creative Commons License BY-NC-ND,” indicating that you may make certain noncommercial uses of this material, provided that you give attribution to The Henry Ford without further adaption or modification. 20900 Oakwood Boulevard · Dearborn, MI 48124-5029 USA
[email protected] · T h © I«ilDli@e&@«s © f MB. H. S. A B h i V ft I f 2 ford Motor History Section f 1951 The Rasiniscencea of . S. ' Tbwtm f«Btai««ae«s «r* th# result of a s®ri«# of l»t«r- with Mr. 11, S. Ablewhlte by !%•» Oweu Bc^bard on 16 May, 1951 at the .Sdtson Institute, this interview HAS held under th© auspices of the Oral Scotiao of the Ford Motor Ca^^f Irsh£v««« fh® ini«rri#i«*» «p8stloo« hav© bMo <»dtt«d' froa tlui. • fit* q»®ationi^ w»« prljwrily .In the torn of toples »M®«> gested to Mr. Ablevhlte concerning which he might have some ictiiaat© knowledge. Mo editorial insertions have been made other than th@ brief synopsis of the donor's activities and the index.